Cancer Daily Horoscope

(June 21 - July 22)


August 19, 2024

You’re positively irresistible today as the full moon in Aquarius powers up your seduction sector. In the next two weeks, you could make a new union official or reach a new level of commitment with your current S.O. Romantic relationships can be so complicated, but you’re capable of simplifying your bond with someone. As the full moon forms a tricky T-square with disruptive Uranus and Mercury retrograde, a wandering eye or whisper campaign could trigger an appearance by the green-eyed monster. Don’t react to rumors or your own unsubstantiated suspicions.

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Explore options and let your creative imagination run wild, but don't prematurely share your thoughts or intentions. Make sure you have the budget to fulfill your plans before you begin. Hidden expenses and unexpected interference are apparent if your privacy is not protected. Discipline and commitment are necessary. 3 stars

Happy Birthday: Consistency matters. Formulate a plan and stick to it. How you structure your life and strive for equality will determine how others perceive and support your efforts. Think big, but only take on what's possible. Delegate your time and energy to overall success instead of falling short in all areas of life but one. Spread your wealth of knowledge and conquer your dreams. Your numbers are 7, 15, 24, 27, 32, 38, 46.


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Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer daily, aug 19, 2024.

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6 Reports in 1 Package: Designed for one person, revealing all you need to know about your future destiny as written in the Stars! The way you instinctively behave and react to critical situations. The skills you use when realizing your ambition. You can either choose to live your life, taking the most comfortable options. Or, decide to achieve something of value.

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Weekly Horoscope for August 19 - 24, 2024

Cancer is the nurturing and empathetic caretaker of the zodiac. They are highly intuitive, compassionate, and deeply connected to their emotions. Caring for family and loved ones is paramount to Cancer's happiness.

Your Week In Love

Your next 30 days.

Finances will require your attention this month -- however, if you play your cards right, you can potentially dramatically improve your cash flow by the end of August. It all starts with the gorgeous New Moon in your budget zone on August 4 bringing in the prospects for a fresh money-making endeavor. You should spend some time revising your approach to making and spending money between August 14 and August 28 as Mercury retrogrades through that sector. Thankfully, by the Full Moon in your 8th House of Shared Resources on August 19, you'll have a chance to experience some type of fulfillment regarding things like investments, a line of credit, or tax matters.

Your love situation could be a bit rocky as well. Whether coupled or not, you might be seriously rethinking how much of your mental and physical energy you're willing to give to any love interests. Venus moves through your message sector from August 4 till August 29, and during that transit, will oppose both Saturn and Neptune. You could endure a disappointing reality check. On the plus side, any issues should help you figure out if this person truly nourishes your growth.


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Cancer Daily Horoscope

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Horoscope for Monday, August 19

With the presence of Mercury, Neptune and Pluto in the Cancer astral sky, you will experience profound and beneficial changes on this August 19. In your love life, you put more trust in your intuition to guide you in your relationships.

If you are in a relationship, you know that the time for reconciliation has come and that you must do your part to create a warmer atmosphere with your partner. For singles, you've never been so clear sighted about the people around you, and you can easily distinguish sincere people from those who just want to take advantage of you.

Professionally, this Monday you have no shortage of ideas for progressing your projects. If you are an employee this could be the day you've been waiting for when your boss is thinking of entrusting you with a really important task. On the financial side, everything looks rosy, and you are in a period of fabulous growth. Luck seems to be on your side whatever you do, so you can rest easy. 

In luck today, the Cancer astral climate is supported by Pluto. The changes initiated on this Monday will be beneficial for your personal and professional development. Neptune and Mercury help you achieve dreams that seemed unattainable.

Luck protects you from betrayals and disappointments of all kinds, while your projects are highly favored. The time for blockages is over and this is a blessing on your path.

Cancer in love

In love, the Cancer astral climate prompts you to use your intuition and listen to your feelings this August 19. If you are in a relationship, this is a good time to ease tensions with your partner and set off again on a healthier basis. Pluto and Mercury are on your side to help you make the right choices and change your bad habits.

If you are single, your senses are finely attuned and it will be impossible to fool you with honeyed words today. Helped by Neptune, your intuition is sharper than ever before, and you see liars coming from miles away.

In a relationship: you put every chance on your side

If you've been having difficulties with your partner lately, today you are entering a calmer and more harmonious phase. Now is the time for forgiveness and new projects. Pluto helps you be clear about the impact you are having on your relationship and helps you stop being passive about it.

You can have a good life if you accept that good things will come your way. You can change your attitude and stop treating everything as a tragedy. On this Monday, you might even go out and just have fun with your loved one.

Single: you are not fooled

This August 19, some Cancer singles are likely to get an invitation from an acquaintance or an ex. However, influenced by Neptune, your acute intuition is telling you what this person really has in mind. If this person has already hurt you in the past, you are not ready to walk blithely into another trap.

You have everything you need to remove yourself from this unhealthy situation and you intend to put a definitive end to your relationship with this person which is getting you nowhere. You will be only too pleased to make it clear to everyone that this person only wants to use you.

Cancer at work

At work, the Cancer astral climate is quite dynamic. Under the influence of Pluto, Neptune and Mercury your dreams of professional growth are becoming more concrete. Today, you are likely to be in a meeting where you'll hear about the development of a branch of your company in another city, another region or even another country.

And you have reason to be interested because it looks like your management is thinking of offering you an important role in this new branch of the company. Well done, your skills have been recognized!

Opportunities: to harness your creativity

This August 19, the stars support your creative side. Your projects take shape in record time because Neptune's influence boosts your vision about how to proceed.

Mercury structures your thinking and Pluto guides you so you don't make the same mistakes that may have cost you success in the past. This Monday, you are protected by luck and if you want to monetize your work to the highest bidder, you are sure to do well.

Cancer and money

For Cancers the financial astral climate is very favorable on this August 19. The changes made in your work by Pluto and Mercury are fruitful in more ways than one and your income is on the rise.

You have an exceptional chance to get your projects off the ground and your finances follow the same path. Nothing seems to be able to stop your progress and you can dream big.

Gains and losses: fate is on your side

With today's astral configuration, Cancer finances are protected from the risk of loss. You are in a very positive phase with your finances, and it seems that nothing bad can happen to them.

Whether it's late payments or jealousy about your success, it appears nothing can get in the way of your progress. Contract signatures are also on the program for this Monday, money is attracted to you!

An overview of your day of August 19

This August 19, Cancers should have a pretty good day. Pluto urges you to implement beneficial changes, Mercury helps you keep your feet on the ground and structure your thinking, and Neptune invites you to use your intuition to help you stay on course.

In love, you are determined to do your best to improve your relationship with your partner. You decide to stop seeing the glass as half empty and try to take a more positive view of things. In short, you finally allow yourself to be happy. If you are single, today is not the day when ill-intentioned people will be able to take advantage of you. Neptune and Mercury help you to see clearly, and you unmask liars with ease.

On the career side, the time has come to prove yourself in an important position and that will make you happy because your skills will finally be recognized at their fair value. Financially, more money is flowing in your direction than ever before, and luck is definitely on your side.

My advice for making the most of today

The planets in your skies today bring their share of changes and may turn your entire life upside down. You are leaving some old habits behind, and this will probably make you feel uncomfortable. However, it will give you more stability later on, once these changes are firmly established in your daily life.

You just have to give them time to take root. In addition, this day is beneficial for taking back power over your own life and giving it a new direction. And don't forget to take some time to rest and recharge your batteries as change takes a lot of energy and can be tiring.

The Moon of August 19

At the moment the moon is opposite the sun, which is why you can see both the strengths and weaknesses of your situation so clearly. Feeling awakened to life you strive to transmit the good news to those you love. 

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cancer daily travel horoscope

Travel Horoscopes by Zodiac Sign

travel horoscopes by zodiac sign

What’s your zodiac sign’s travel style? Where you pack your next suitcase might be written in the stars.

Read your travel horoscope, by zodiac sign

Aries travel horoscope.

A perfect vacation for Aries should include thrills (parasailing, jet-skiing, or even an inspiring convention) and chills (lounging by the pool with a great book while a cute server brings you exotic cocktails). Ideally, your sojourns should expand your sense of independence and inspire you.

Read about Aries travel

Taurus Travel Horoscope

You prefer relaxing accommodations, where you can sleep until noon, order room service and have nothing expected of you. An all-inclusive resort or a five–star hotel is right up your cobblestone alley. You’ll travel to any country to sample the local classics and taste all the haute offerings. 

Read about Taurus travel

Gemini Travel Horoscope

A true intrepid explorer, you don’t care where you go, though you love cities, resorts, even organized tours and road trips. You’ll keep a full itinerary parasailing, jet skiing or flirting with the hotel staff—the idea is to take in as much local color as you can.

Read about Gemini travel

Cancer Travel Horoscope

Doing the research in advance helps you find those rare, out-of-the-way spots that are full of authenticity and character. Skip the resort hot spots and drive twenty extra miles to a tiny surf village. Camp under the stars by the ocean’s edge, or splurge on a one-of-a-kind luxury hotel in a boho-chic town.

Read about Cancer travel

Leo Travel Horoscope

Playtime is a must for Leos and you’re always up for a new experience. For you, travel is about indulgence and feeling alive. You’ll fearlessly traipse across the globe with the same determination you put into everything. As the Alpha of the jungle, you may zipline through the rainforests or go on an African safari. Spiritual sojourns to visit vortexes or wander ancient temples thrill you, too.

Read about Leo travel

Virgo Travel Horoscope

Busy Virgos don’t get away much, but when you do, head for peace and quiet! As an  earth sign , you love the outdoors. Try a serene, natural setting with a high spiritual frequency—like Sedona, Arizona, or a Kauai, Hawaii. Yoga retreats, quiet lodges and breathtaking natural wonders rejuvenate your soul. 

Read about Virgo travel

Libra Travel Horoscope

You’re an adventurous traveler and will try anything once. From the Turkey to Bolivia to Kenya you are fearless about exploring diverse locales—and want to experience the culture and people fully. As long as there’s a comfortable bed and sexy cuisine to indulge in, your glamorous sign will feel right at home. 

Read about Libra travel

Scorpio Travel Horoscope

Vacation—what’s that? You rarely give yourself a break from your 10,001 projects, Scorpio. Plus, you’ve got everything set up so perfectly at home that it’s hard to leave your sacred oasis. But when you do decide to spread your wings, you’re quite an explorer, traveling to all the hidden jewels of the planet. 

Read about Scorpio travel

Sagittarius Travel Horoscope

You feel most free and inspired while voyaging, and the farther away you trek, the better. Take a flight to Bali, Asia and Eastern Europe, or a multi-culti metropolis like NYC or Buenos Aires. People-watching is not enough for your intrepid sign. You want to immerse yourself in the local culture, chatting up the shop owners and trinket sellers—and meeting them for an insider’s night on the town after they punch out for the day.

Read about Sagittarius travel

Capricorn Travel Horoscope

While you’ll be tempted to bring your work with you on vacation, don’t do it! You may have a few irrational fears about taking off for a trip—maybe because you’re unsure you’ve earned the right—but leave those at home with your laptop. The only distraction you need is a stunning landscape or a good book to read poolside at a luxury resort. 

Read about Capricorn travel

Aquarius Travel Horoscope

As the zodiac’s nomad, you love to travel. You can’t stand being confined! Variety-loving Aquarius needs regular escapes from your everyday surroundings. When it’s time to back your bags, you prefer to travel as far from home as possible, especially overseas

Read about Aquarius travel

Pisces Travel Horoscope

For Pisces, life is but a dream. Make that a long and ongoing daydream. No matter your GPS coordinates, you’re probably “vacationing” in the rich landscape of your imagination. Nonetheless, it takes zero coaxing to get you to pack a suitcase for a real-time getaway. 

Read about Pisces travel

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The AstroTwins

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Zodiac sign illustrations by  Bodil Jane ,  The Grande Dame  and  Yoko Furusho

Read the Latest on Page Six

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Astrologer sally brompton forecasts what today has in store for you.

The New York Post’s Sally Brompton brings decades of experience in astrology to her daily horoscopes and predictions for all 12 zodiac signs.

Today's Horoscope

If you are thinking about investing some of your hard-earned cash in an investment opportunity of some kind you are strongly advised to think again. The full moon cuts across the financial axis of your chart, so play safe, at least for now.

Yesterday's Horoscope

Like it or not you are going to have to do what others tell you during the early part of the week but when the Sun changes signs on the 22nd you will again be free to plot your own course. In the meantime, keep a low profile.

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More Cancer Insight

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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: Proving yourself might seem urgent at present. You're potentially willing to take a significant risk in order…

Taurus: You're potentially tired of being pushed around and are ready to take your power back ASAP. Standing up for yourself…

Gemini: Hitting a nerve in conversation is possible today, especially if a routine chat veers into sensitive personal…

Cancer: The presence of spectators could make a current financial drama uglier than it already is. Perhaps a seemingly…

Leo: A power struggle in a relationship could have you totally frustrated throughout today. You may feel like there's…

Virgo: Your progress toward a major goal might hit a roadblock at any moment. As exuberant Jupiter in your ambitious…

Libra: Managing expectations about your present social life could be crucial. While idealistic Jupiter in your philosophy…

Scorpio: Someone you're involved with could currently be calling the shots by refusing to commit to a specific course of…

Sagittarius: A companion could presently be working hard to drag you along on an adventure. As enthusiastic Jupiter in your…

Capricorn: Your motivations could be pretty simple right now. When the eye-opening Full Moon lands in your 2nd House of Resources,…

Aquarius: Figuring out who's to blame for your frustration could command your attention now. With the emotional Full Moon…

Pisces: Getting away from the grind could be crucial today. If you've been arguing with someone else over the details…

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Planet Tracker

  • Sun in Leo 7.22.24 - 8.22.24
  • Moon in Aquarius 8.17.24 - 8.19.24
  • Mercury in Leo 8.14.24 - 9.8.24
  • Venus in Virgo 8.4.24 - 8.29.24
  • Mars in Gemini 7.20.24 - 9.4.24
  • Jupiter in Gemini 5.25.24 - 6.9.25
  • Saturn in Pisces 3.7.23 - 5.24.25
  • Uranus in Taurus 3.6.19 - 7.7.25
  • Neptune in Pisces 2.3.12 - 3.30.25
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JUN 21 - JUL 22

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Cancer Horoscope Today, 19-August-2024: Travel may be on your mind

Cancer horoscope today, 19-august-2024: today's cancer horoscope tells about your career growth and financial success..

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Cancer Horoscope Prediction Today, 19-August-2024: Feasts, gourmet meals, carnivals, tasteful dressing, and multi-cultural interactions keep you on your toes through the day, foretells a smiling Ganesha. But, you don’t seem to mind all the hustle-bustle. You enjoy it to the core, and may even contemplate new business alliances. Wait and watch first. Plus, to make the best use of this fortuitous time, you need to keep your anger in check, strive to foster relations with partners, and conserve your funds. Although finances and professional sphere look set to improve, care is needed.. Travel may be on your mind.

Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for August 21, 2024

Astrology Predictions: Cancer Love Horoscope Today

You will have some sweet dreams and you want to share them with your beloved. You may want to bring emotional element whereas your partner wants to see the practical side. However, you should not worry since an important thing will get accomplished by your beloved.

cancer daily travel horoscope

Astrology Predictions: Cancer Finance Horoscope Today

Your monetary situation will remain stagnant during the first half of the day, and there won’t be much happening. On the whole, the day will turn out to be rather uneventful.

Weekly Horoscope 18th August to 24th August, 2024

Astrology predictions: cancer career horoscope today.

Teamwork divides the task and doubles the success. You will be working successfully with colleagues. You have to listen to others carefully in interactive sessions. You will learn a lot from what they say. You need to focus on execution, says Ganesha.


This is published from a syndicated feed provided by It has not been edited in any way.

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The year's first Supermoon in free-spirited Aquarius set to light up the night sky: but beware of bottled-up emotions

By Rose Smith | 16 hours ago

A special lunar event is on its way… with the year's first Supermoon set to light up the night sky on August 20th. And to add to the spectacle – the full moon is also a Seasonal Blue Moo n and a Sturgeon Moon!

But amid the visual treat, beware, because the moon will be appearing in the 'water bearer' star sign Aquarius. 

We can expect bottled-up emotions to surface in overreactions… Supermoons really are full moons on steroids, and  these suppressed Aquarian feelings could amplify in a similar way if we're not careful.

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Supermoon blue moon

While free-spirited Aquarians are known for being somewhat detached from their emotional state, during this full moon they could be seeking liberation from any constraints or restrictions. This may manifest in people blowing things out of proportion or being inappropriate.

Supermoons are also associated with flooding and earth changes, and we may feel similar turbulent effects internally; our emotions will be in overdrive!

Watch out for yourself and do something nurturing by managing your stress levels and trying not to take on too much – go for a quiet walk in nature.

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Supermoons happen a couple of times per year when the full moon is at the closest point to earth during its orbit (its perigee) making it appear larger and brighter. 

They generally occur when the centre of the moon is less than 360,000 kilometres from the centre of earth. Because it's so close to earth, a full Supermoon looks up to 16% brighter and is 7% bigger than an average full moon.

While the spiritual effects of the Supermoon as a whole will be felt by everyone, because this one appears in Aquarius – Aquarians and other fixed mode star signs Taureans, Leos and Scorpios can expect to experience its force most. 

A view of the supermoon in the sky over the Les Jumelles Mountains in Plambuit, Switzerland.

Generally fixed mode signs are not very flexible, so they could be more heavily impacted by this moon.

More turbulence can be expected, as Aquarius is ruled by Uranus where volatility, rebelliousness and shocking happenings occur, especially if there are corresponding influences in a person's chart.

Aquarians spend a lot of time in the mental realms, carrying and thinking about deep-seated emotions.

It's important to finalise emotional or subconscious business by nurturing your intuition and emotions.

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A full moon always brings some form of transformation for everyone and as Aquarius is co-ruled by Saturn (ancient ruler) and Uranus (modern ruler), Aquarians and Capricorns could feel this most.

Stubbornness can be expected, and people may really dig their toes into the ground over an issue, and we could have unreasonable arguments with others – particularly Taureans, who are well known for their stubborn opinions.

Adding further lunar complexity, the moon will also be a Blue Moon, but it won't be blue in colour! 

In astrological terms, a Blue Moon refers to the second full moon within a single calendar month – but this full moon is a "Seasonal" Blue Moon, because there are four full moons in the three-month season between June Solstice and the September Equinox. 

cancer daily travel horoscope

According to this lesser-known definition of a Blue Moon this month, the full moon is the third in the series of four full moons.  

We usually only get a Blue Moon every two or three years… hence the term, once in a blue moon.

Every full moon also has its own name based on the month or the season in which it appears –allowing people to reflect on each season and contemplate how it affects them and the natural world.

In namesake, this full moon is also a Sturgeon Moon and is related to prehistoric fish once abundant this time of year in the Great Lakes region in America. 

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And if there wasn't enough happening in the skies, the Perseid Meteor Shower reached its peak between August 13th and 14th, just a few days before the first Supermoon.

The Perseid Meteor Shower and the building supermoon are vying for our energetic attention.

The feminine energy of the Supermoon is battling with the masculine energy of the Perseids – so we can expect unpredictable changes, volatility and unrest. 

Watch out for arguments between the 'sexes' because the Perseids is associated with Perseus who killed the rape victim Medusa and then the feminine Supermoon is also thrown into this mix.

cancer daily travel horoscope

The Perseids Meteor Shower is our yearly reminder that women need to keep their heads, speak up and think independently, especially this month.

When can you see this month's Supermoon? 

The Supermoon will reach its peak at 4.25am AEST on Tuesday, August 20th, but you'll be best to see it in the night sky. 

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Supermoon horoscopes:

Aries (March 21 to April 19): The Full Moon and Pluto encourage you to make radical changes in your hopes and dreams. You may be forced to look at the practicality of your desires and ambitions. Alternatively, there could be some sort of shake up with friends, groups and associates. Differences in opinion could now rise to the surface and you will likely reflect on the people you meet and re-evaluate certain relationships. It's an innovative time too... so do allow yourself to consider some out-of-the-box relationship ideas. Perhaps detachment is your idea of relief, and this is ok too! You're bound to be doing a lot of thinking this month which is a good thing as you can more easily avoid impulsiveness. Be open now to change.


Taurus (April 20 to May 20): Taurus it's an innovative time now in terms of your career and reputation. You may be spending a lot of time on social media... is it worth it? Perhaps you can now find new ways to interact online that are shorter, easier or more effective? Consider changing platforms or apps. Your career ambitions may surge ahead with the introduction of new technology also. Aquarius Full Moon is encouraging you to go for it and think in a more scientific or logical manner whilst still feeling your emotions. It's not really the best time for too much detachment now. Relationships with authority figures such as employers or parents could also go through some unexpected events, so think carefully about the issue at hand before responding. 

Gemini (May 21 to June 20): This Aquarian Full Moon may give you a nudge towards exciting adventure and growing your horizons. The world is a big place, and you need to find your place in it now. Perhaps higher education, travel or spirituality is on your mind as you try to find the sweet spot in life. It's quite possible that exotic places or communications with those in far off distant lands may have more appeal to you now. There's bound to be a lot to think about now as you decide how to change your life. You may see another side to life you want to investigate more fully now. Learning and growing is on your agenda and even if you're not sure of your direction, make a start and things will become clearer. Watch for miscommunications now.

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Cancer (June 21 to July 22): You may desire closeness with another very much now, but perhaps you are not sure that feeling vulnerable is worth the risk? The chance for emotional intimacy could come knocking at your door but will you let your guard down? This Aquarian Full Moon could try and influence you to remain somewhat detached, however is this wise? So many questions with so few answers when thinking about these issues! Basically, there's only one way to find out... little by little have a try at revealing what you really want with another. There's no need to go overboard but putting yourself out there just a little bit could be worth a try. Alternatively, there's a possible shake up with shared resources – taxes, inheritances, wills, superannuation, real estate, investments for example.  

Leo (July 23 to August 22): You may depend heavily on your closest relationships and partnerships right now. Women can be especially important in your life too. This Aquarian Full Moon however may also encourage you to be a little more independent and not rely so heavily on these relationships. Consequently, you could feel slightly conflicted about what to do... don't rush into any decisions now. You have plenty of time to find the balance of independent autonomy versus relationship compromise. It's probably not a matter of either/or. It's rather balance that needs to be sought. Consider the feelings of those close to you in whatever decisions you end up making. Any legal matters at foot, also need similar consideration.

cancer daily travel horoscope

Virgo (August 23 to September 22): This Aquarian Full Moon may shake up your feelings of rebelliousness or independence in your normal everyday life. If you're working, you might feel like throwing in the towel and finding something more interesting. Or perhaps you just need more freedom from something... anything. Change up your daily routine, do something different now as your subconscious is releasing suppressed emotions that have been down inside you for too long. Consider changing your routines, your work, and anything to do with your health or wellbeing. Maybe it's time for a new diet or exercise regime. If you don't like exercise, then consider 'movement'. Try and get some time in nature or perhaps a new pet could be on your mind too! Watch for miscommunications and misunderstandings this month.

Libra (September 23 to October 22): Your creativity is likely to be on fire and you could have many ideas and communications about expressing this. You have Neptune and Pluto also aiding a rebirth of new ideas, some of which might have spiritual inclinations. Do be cautious with Mercury retrograde however that your ideas are not misunderstood or perhaps even challenged. Entertainment, leisure and pleasure could be on your agenda now too and with this comes the possibility of romance if you're interested. Allow yourself to play a little this month, you deserve some fun in your life! It's an exciting time for you generally, despite possible miscommunications and delays. Children may feature more strongly, or at the very least – your own inner child wants more attention and fun!

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Scorpio (October 23 to November 21): Home and family matters could be a bit turbulent now. You may have to balance these responsibilities with your career or perhaps an authority figure like a parent. With Mercury Retrograde, miscommunications or misunderstandings are likely especially regarding career matters. Put everything important in writing. Do be especially careful on social media that you don't overshare or miscommunicate as some people are bound to take it the wrong way. At home or with family some sort of metamorphosis could be highlighted by this Aquarian Full Moon. You could find innovative ways to deal with renovations or other transformational changes. Ultimately, larvae turn into butterflies, so it could be very beneficial in the long run even if there are difficulties in the short term.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21): Mercury Retrograde is having some fun in your communications zone, but it mightn't be much fun for you! Ensure you put everything important in writing now. It's not the best time for signing contracts or travelling either. However, it is a great time to complete anything you started prior to July 28th. Ok, take a deep breath and go slowly and thoughtfully towards your goal. There's no need to rush into decisions. Your ruler Jupiter conjunct Mars is putting the pressure on important relationships, so just slow down a tad and think. This Aquarian Full Moon can give you innovative ideas about solving problems. You could come up with out-of-the-box ideas now that give you the answers you need. All will be well.


Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19): Your finances could be subject to unpredictable changes; they may be positive or negative but why take a chance now? It's not a great time for spending, it's a better time to save some money for a rainy day. Be cautious in all matters financial. This is also the case for your possessions and your values about money. You might find your belief systems about money are changing and perhaps, there are some things in life that are even more important? The Full Aquarian Moon could encourage some innovative investments but again there's potential risk. Mercury Retrograde is likely to challenge you if intend to invest time and energy into shared resources or even intimate matters. Watch for miscommunications and put everything in writing.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18): The Full Moon in your sign shines on your innovative and unpredictable nature! You're now being encouraged to present your ideas more fully to the world. Is it ready for you? Maybe not, but you need to grow and express yourself now. You're likely to be perceived in a new light as you approach the world with progressive new ideas. Your important partners, both business and personal may notice these changes in you and it could take a little adjustment on their part. That's ok, because you're being more authentic and aligned to your inner nature. In significant relationships, compromise on small things that don't bother you much but do stick to your guns on matters that are integral to your independence. You may make some appearance or identity changes now.

Pisces (February 19 to March 20): This Aquarian Full Moon is probably shaking up your subconscious with interesting dreams and little subconscious 'flashes' through your day. Pay attention to these little insights as your subconscious is giving you messages that could help you. It's quite a spiritual time now and you may have rather unconventional and perhaps even groundbreaking ideas. Your creativity could be burning on all cylinders now, so take advantage of any opportunities that present. Have some time out to yourself and write down your feelings and inclinations. If you can isolate away for a short time in nature, you might find this a great investment in terms of motivation and creativity. Try to do so even if your daily routine, work or wellbeing suggests otherwise. 

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cancer daily travel horoscope

Cancer Horoscope

(June 21st to July 22nd)



Cancer Zodiac sign starts from June 21st to July 22nd each calendar year. It is also followed that the effects of Cancer Zodiac sign takes around 6-7 days to come into its full effects.

The Vedic name of Cancer is Karka, the Crabs. The Type is Water, Cardinal and Negative. Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is one of the greatest astrological mysteries of the zodiac. It is a feminine sign, an archetype of mother. The sign is strongly connected with feelings and emotions.

How to recognize Cancer natives?

Cancer natives are caring, matriarchal, sensitive and dependent a bit. They, the nurturer of the zodiac circle are tenaciously loyal and loving. They seem hard and insensitive from the very outside but very soft and sensitive within. They usually cry because of their soft heart. Typically, they move one step forward, and two steps back. They live in the past, in their memories and amid imaginations. Cancer natives operate their passing moods to waning and waxing of the Moon.

Cancer Nature

The ruling planet, Moon controls self emotion and makes the natives mysterious. The planet plays with human emotions and is responsible for changing emotions and mood swings every now and then. They possess in-depth sense of the emotions and feelings. As the Ruling House is fourth that denotes Security,

The Cancer natives always want to settle in and seek comfort zones. The house brings back memories of childhood, family, and the ancestors. They have an urge for security and comfort throughout their life. They love to live their comfortable home which acts as a protective shell.

Zodiac sign takes around 6-7 days to come into its full effects.

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The Cancer natives love to be in the cozy corners all the while. Hence they may be addicted to television shows and web series. As an obvious result they may miss other adventures. They hold frustration and resentment for a much longer time resulting in negative thinking.

The Cancer Element is Water.

They reflect the deep internal human emotions and feelings. They have the ability to pass feelings to people. They intuitively know how to make others secured. They feel the needs of the people around them. Imbalance and conflict are major causes of concern for them.

Cancer natives are loving people. They love security hence take friendship and relationship quite seriously. They are passionate lovers and unconditionally sacrifice their lives for the one they are deeply attached to. They are very loyal to closed ones and do everything for their welfare. They tend to find happiness to share their possessions with closed ones. They have good sense of humor and find humor even in serious situations.

The Cancer natives crave for affection and security so they become overbearing at times. They always are scared of detachment from their closed ones. They don't bother to go to extreme situations just to get their dear ones' affection and care. They find difficulties to be oblivious of their past events. They are highly sensitive and emotional. Hence, they may forget everything but if hurt never forgive those who have inflicted pains on them.


Astrology Predictions for All Sun Signs

cancer daily travel horoscope

Aries 21 Mar - 19 Apr

cancer daily travel horoscope

Taurus 20 Apr - 20 May

cancer daily travel horoscope

Gemini 21 May - 20 Jun

cancer daily travel horoscope

Cancer 21 Jun - 22 Jul

cancer daily travel horoscope

Leo 23 Jul - 22 Aug

cancer daily travel horoscope

Virgo 23 Aug - 22 Sep

cancer daily travel horoscope

Libra 23 Sep - 22 Oct

cancer daily travel horoscope

Scorpio 23 Oct - 21 Nov

cancer daily travel horoscope

Sagittarius 22 Nov - 21 Dec

cancer daily travel horoscope

Capricorn 22 Dec - 19 Jan

cancer daily travel horoscope

Aquarius 20 Jan - 18 Feb

cancer daily travel horoscope

Pisces 19 Feb - 20 Mar

Cancer Native's Traits

Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac is all about home and hearth. These people are closely attached to their home and family more than anything else in this world. These people are blessed with strong intuitive power and psychic abilities that help them judge people around them well. These people seem to be hard on the outside but they really are very soft inside. Sometimes they come out with a completely different hue. In this moment they seem tough and exceedingly smart.

Cancer Natives' Positive Traits

Cancer individuals are blessed with the power of imagination that can turn a word into a story within a short period. As an obvious result they, therefore, are called the creative geniuses. They feel extremely happy to share their feelings of love for someone or something quite artistically through creative writings.

Loving and charming

They are very loving and caring. Being the most sensitive sign of the zodiac circle, Cancer does everything out of love. Hence they are the sweetest lovers. They are warm and magical partners when they enjoy good mood. They are funny, passionate, adventurous and indulgent and know very well how to use a good time in a heroic manner.

They possess a wonderful sense of intuition. They know quite well what is stored in the minds of others. It is very difficult to manipulate the natives. Their instinctive ability to sniff the secrets efficiently makes them over-sensitive.

Tender Hearted

Cancer natives shut down their emotional responses when they are hurt. They seem to be emotionally immature at times but possess unique receptive nature. They are overly involved and attached to those who respond to their emotions.

Cancer Natives' Negative Traits

Cancer individuals are exceedingly moody sometimes, especially whenever they feel jealous. They are normally protective and courageous. They are very brooding and moody if they feel their emotional needs are not met. As a result, they switch moods rapidly.

Ruled by the ever-changing Moon they can suffer from extreme mood swings. They are at times jovial but at the very next time they seem morose. It's very common for them to struggle with low self-esteem and if once hurt, hold a lifelong grudge against someone they deeply loathe.

Cancer individuals sometimes being over-imaginative, fall in deep trouble. They fall victim to obsessive compulsive disorders. Until they can have the answer of a question, they find solace in obsessions. This obsessive nature inflicts various problems on them and they go on suffering from them. Unpredictable

Intense mood swings, as well as extreme sensitivity lead to mental sufferings of the Cancerians. It doesn't take much for them to shift from friendly and outgoing, to totally introvert just to protect them. It proves quite confusing and they seem unpredictable to the people around them.

The crab is inclined to protect themselves by some means. Hence they always try to hide them in their shell. The Cancer natives are very trustful. One may feel safe within relationships. The natives may plunge into the minds of others and try to explore the inner world of others. One may feel trusted or safe if they come into close acquaintances of these Cancer natives.

cancer daily travel horoscope

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Cancer Horoscope Today: August 19, 2024

Monday morning reminder: your subconscious mind is a powerful tool, constantly working behind the scenes to shape your reality. Vague desires will lead to vague results, though. It’s important to clarify your intentions and get specific about your needs and wants. So, tap into the power of creative visualisation. Imagine every detail as if it’s already happening and create a vision board that supports the given dream. Here’s a gem from "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy: “Your subconscious mind is a powerful instrument that will shape your reality according to the beliefs and impressions you give it.” 

Cosmic tip: It’s time to get in alignment, wild one!

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Cancer Horoscope Today (August 19): New Opportunities And Positive Connections

A day of eased responsibilities, financial reminders, and blossoming relationships awaits cancer natives, alongside efforts to maintain family harmony..

Astro zodiac sign Cancer daily horoscope today August 19 2024 prediction New Opportunities ahead Cancer Horoscope Today (August 19): New Opportunities And Positive Connections

Cancer Horoscope : Welcome, nurturing Cancer! You are celebrated for your deep empathy, intuitive nature, and fierce protectiveness of your loved ones. Cancer signs may seem prickly at first meeting, but once they decide to become friends with someone, that person has a friend for life. Your horoscope offers insights into understanding and managing your emotions, helping you ride the waves of life's challenges while creating a haven for yourself and your loved ones. 

Here is what is in store for you today (August 19):

Today will be a favorable day for Cancer individuals. For those employed, you might witness the arrival of new members in your office, which will help reduce the pressure of work on you.

If you are in business and have lent money to someone, today is a good day to remind them to return the loan. Your reminder calls are likely to be effective in recovering the owed amount.

Regarding your health, you will generally feel fine, but mentally, you might experience some stress. You may find yourself worrying excessively about something without a clear reason.

For the youth, if you are involved in a romantic relationship, today promises to be a good day for your relationship. Your love will flourish, and if you have been in a long-term relationship, you might even start considering marriage.

You may focus on bringing joy to the younger members of your family. You might take them out to a park or a mall to keep them entertained and happy.

[Disclaimer: The content of this article is based solely on astrological predictions, and should be taken as general guidance. Individual experiences may vary. does not assert the accuracy or validity of any claims or information presented. It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified expert before considering or implementing any information or belief discussed herein.]

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Cancer Daily Horoscope - Cancer Horoscope Today

Today's rating.

These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer daily horoscope will enable you to search the strong and weak portion of your day. The predictions also indicates to the auspicious or inauspicious time of a day when you can carry out any activity or task. As we all know that everything have pros and cons. Likewise, a full day also consists of many favourable and unfavourable moments. We take the help of Panchang to check Muhurat in Vedic Astrology .

Also read: Today Lucky Colour

Cancer horoscope today will help you to know the right time period to commence any activity or work. You would be able to know about the outcomes of any particular activity performed by you in a certain period of time. Cancer daily horoscope works as a guideline to be followed before commencing any new venture. It's good if you know the outcomes before that event takes place. Here on Astrosage, we provide you the daily horoscope for Cancerians along with their personality traits.

Also read: Today Lucky Number

But before proceeding towards Cancer daily horoscope, let's understand about the Cancer zodiac sign first:

Also read: Today Horoscope

What is Cancer Zodiac Sign?

Cancer is the fourth sign of Zodiac belt. Cancer horoscope today is based on fourth sign of Kaal Purush Kundali. This sign is of 30 degrees longitude. It starts from 90 degrees from vernal equinox and extends upto 120 degrees. It consists of last pada of Punarvasu , full pada of Pushya and full Ashlesha. It is a first sign of watery signs. It is cardinal, movable and chara. It is fruitful, a feminine in nature, mute and nocturnal as well as a tropical sign. If Sun is in Cancer, it will be in Northern Hemisphere, which is why Cancer is termed as a Northern sign.

Cancer Tomorrow's Horoscope

Cancer is governed by planet Moon. Jupiter gets exalted in this sign whereas Mars gets debilitated here. Jupiter gets exalted at 5 degree whereas Mars is said to be completely debilitated at 28 degree. Sun, Jupiter, Mars are friendly planets for this sign whereas Mercury , Venus and Saturn are inimical to this sign. Cancer horoscope will help you to know more about Cancer zodiac sign. You would be able to come across your basic traits which you exhibit to the outer world. If you wish to know more about the Cancer ascendant and its characteristics, you must read our Cancer daily horoscope.

Cancer and their Physical Appearance

Each zodiac sign possesses different traits according to Vedic Astrology. Cancer horoscope today will help you to know more about your daily activities, profession, love, finance, family and health. We have described below some physical appearance of Cancer people.

  • They have clumsy body, slender limbs and powerful claws.
  • They have large upper body.
  • They have a wide face between ears.
  • They have large mouth with nice teeth of chalky colour.
  • They have brown hair and pale complexion.

Characteristics for Cancer Born People

If you know about astrology, you would also know about zodiac signs and their different traits. All zodiac signs have different characteristics. Cancer horoscope today will tell you about your daily traits and characteristics. We have also described about few traits of Cancer ascendant people:

  • They are famous for a changeful life. They face many ups and downs in their life.
  • Moon provides them with fertile imagination and adventures.
  • They can quickly understand other's nature and absorb their ideas.
  • They are often over sensitive, emotional and sympathetic. They are talkative and sentimental.
  • They have high degree of nervous irritability due to extreme sensitiveness.
  • These people have been found timid and sometimes very courageous under certain circumstances, just like Moon, which can change from being full to new.
  • They are timid to face any physical danger but brave to handle mental or moral attitude.
  • They have changeable temper and also anger is a frequent emotion for them.
  • These natives are very fond of home, family, acquaintances and its comforts due to fourth sign of zodiac.
  • Thay are intellectually determined, specially for family or historic events.
  • They are fortunate and appear open and frank but unfortunately they are not so, as they hide emotions from others. They are impressive and magnetic people.
  • They may conquer the trials in their lives but they don't forget it easily.
  • They realize fullest significance of money and /are little too private or personal.
  • They have deep feelings of loyalty and responsibility. If they decide any plan, they will stick to it, and ultimately enjoy the success of that attempt. They are interested in getting small amount of money from many sources.
  • They are strong and true if they receive affections from their partner. They won't give up their partner until and unless any drastic scenarios have occured.
  • They are very medium and sensitive in nature as Cancer sign is said to be the sign of sensitivity. Hence they have psychic and mediumistic faculty. Many mimics, magicians and actors are born in Cancer sign.
  • They keep their partner cheerful and enthusiastic as they are romantic and imaginative.
  • They can be influenced easily with the circumstances as the sign is watery and due to the nature of water taking the shape in which it is kept/poured.
  • They are sensitive, retiring and unassuming. If they are neglected, then they become moody.
  • They will have a monotonous life without romance. They will sacrifice their comforts etc. and be very loyal and affectionate.
  • They will have variable handwriting as Moon rules over it, hence due to the varying nature of Moon, the formation of letters in handwriting also varies.

What does Cancer sign signify in various aspects of life?

We have described the characteristics of Cancer born people. Now let's understand the various aspects dealt by Cancer sign in their daily life. Cancer daily horoscope will help you to know the various aspects of life on daily basis. Let's understand below what can be the areas dealt by Cancer sign:

Environment: They are devoted towards their family. They love to be the part of family and wherever they live, they will love to be there. They always stay engaged in their homes and gardens. They love to collect old things and store them in shelves. They travel constantly, however they will be at home if and only if they are actually in the home. They do not mind taking trouble to make their life comfortable. They invite friends and enjoy their company to the fullest. They prefer their business establishment near by their residence as usually they want to stay at home surrounded by family.

Health & Diseases: They are fragile in youth but as they grow up, they enjoy good health. In general, Cancer sign rules over chest and stomach. Since Moon rules over this sign, hence it indicates stress or mental problems. They have to take care of pulmonary and digestive systems. If they control their mind, they would be able to control their body through proper diet and physical care. They should take care as they might suffer from asthma, gastric problem and weak digestion. They should take care of their throat as well.

They may suffer from diseases related to lungs such as flu, cough, asthma, bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis, affections of oesophagus, stomach, dyspepsia, flatulence, dropsy, beri-beri, fear complex, hysteria, Jaundice, obstruction of bile, gallstone, worm and boils on chest just below collar bones.

Profession: These people are very suitable for commercial career, especially as a caterer. They can manage restaurants, coffee, tea stalls, run their general stores, grocery shops, fruit stalls etc. Those who are employed in hospitals can be nurses, matrons, managers and secretaries, higher purchase regulators, undertakers, furnishers etc. They can deal with the antiquities. They are dealer in the fields which represents water. They can be employed in the history section or archaeological department. They can deal with products related to milk.

Marriage: They enjoy their family life to the fullest. Marriage, a union of two opposite sexes, will offer them a well settled life. Girls born under this sign are occasionally moody and will be satisfied by anything offered by their husbands. They prove to be good mothers. They are affectionate, adaptable, dutiful and devoted, patient and pleasing, sincere and sympathetic.

Lucky Day: Tuesday is considered as the day of success for these people. Fridays will come out as the day of profit. Wednesday is good for journeys, investment and expenses. Thursdays are good enough for contacting and arranging overdraft accounts. Saturdays are not considered auspicious as it provides disharmony, differences in opinion, depression, dispute, delay and denial etc. Mondays will provide changeable temperament and success in endeavours. Sunday is good for gaining money.

Lucky Colour: White cream, red and yellow are lucky colours for these people. Blue and green should be avoided.

Lucky Number: 2, 7 and 9 are fortunate. 1, 3, 4 and 6 are good. 5 and 8 need to be avoided.

Lucky Gems: Diamond , pearls , ruby , yellow sapphire , avoid wearing blue sapphire and emerald .

Products: Milk and milky products, silver, tea, shipping, petrol, business, commerce, all liquids, fruits, coffee, greens, rubber, cabbage and mushroom etc.

Places: Canals, lakes, seas, wells, rivers, springs, streams etc.

Cancer daily horoscope will help you to know about your day to day life's aspects which are represented by Cancer sign.

What do all 12 houses signify for Cancer Born?

Houses are very important in Vedic Astrology. The significance of each house is unique and different for each horoscope. We will let you know about the house significations and its ruling lord for Cancer born. Let's find below the house significations:

  • First House: First house indicates about yourself. Cancer itself rules over the first house for Cancer born people. It is ruled by the planet Moon.
  • Second House: This house indicates Family, Wealth, and Finances. Leo is governed by the planet Sun and it governs the second house for Cancer born people.
  • Third house: Third house denotes Communication & Siblings in any horoscope. Virgo rules over this house of astrology and its ruling planet is Mercury.
  • Fourth House: It denotes "Sukhsthana" or the house of mother. Libra rules over fourth house for Cancer born people and its ruling planet is Venus.
  • Fifth House: It indicates the Children and education. Scorpio rules over fifth house and the ruling planet for this house is Mars.
  • Sixth House: It represents debt, disease and enemy. Sagittarius rules over Sixth house and the ruling planet of this house is Jupiter.
  • Seventh House: It denotes the partnership, spouse and marriage. Capricorn rules over seventh house for Cancer born and the ruling planet is Saturn.
  • Eighth House: It represents "Longevity" and "Mystery". Aquarius rules over eighth house and the ruling planet of this sign is Saturn.
  • Ninth House: Ninth house indicates "Guru/Teacher" & "Religion". Pisces rules over Ninth house and the ruling planet is Jupiter for this sign.
  • Tenth House: Tenth house indicates career or profession or Karma sthana. Aries rules over tenth house for Cancer born people and the ruling planet is Mars.
  • Eleventh House: It represents gains and incomes. Taurus occupies eleventh house for Cancer Born people and the ruling planet is Venus.
  • Twelfth House: It denotes the expenditure and losses. Gemini occupies this house for Cancer born people and it is ruled by the planet Mercury.

Hence we have described about the personality traits for Cancer sign people. We hope that you have enjoyed it and you can have more idea about your personality traits through Cancer horoscope today.

» Weekly Cancer Horoscope

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» monthly cancer horoscope, » yearly cancer horoscope, » cancer characteristics.

The people born under Cancer have a strong determination and purpose. They are very lovable, caring and reliable to their par...

» Cancer Facts

Lucky Numbers: 2, 7 and 9 Lucky Days: Sunday, Monday Lucky Color: White, cream, red and ye...

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  • Cancer Daily Horoscope

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Cancerians are individuals with a deep emotional capacity and heightened sensitivity. They possess a sentimental disposition and possess a strong desire to care for and safeguard those who are important to them. Cancerians value their family and friends immensely, going to great lengths to keep them close, and are renowned for their imaginative and persuasive abilities.

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Cancer Characteristic

Their sensitive and creative nature can sometimes make Cancerians moody and preoccupied with the details of their personal lives, making it challenging for others to understand them and connect with them on a deeper level. However, their tough exterior initially belies their emotional depth, and their keen intuition and empathy make them one of the most compassionate signs of the zodiac, represented by the crab symbol.

Cancerians, much like the crab, are known for their strong protective instincts and unwavering devotion to their homes and loved ones. They are trustworthy and persistent in defending their friends and family, making them exceptional parents and loyal friends.

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Cancer Horoscope

Cancer - the crab, june 22–july 22, today's prediction, 20 aug, 2024, read cancer daily horoscope for august 20, 2024 to know your astrological predictions. sit with the lover to share emotions today., yesterday's prediction, 19 aug, 2024, read cancer daily horoscope for august 19, 2024 to know your astrological predictions. look for a creative love life where you both spend more time together., your characteristics.

I can't explain myself, I'm afraid. because I'm not myself, you see, Linda Goodman

You are WATER. Like a free-flowing river, you are emotional and nurturing and run deep. Basing all your actions on emotions rather than logic. You are most compassionate and understanding as your receptive talent is remarkably high. You desire artistic beauty, are highly intuitive, want everyone to be happy and most fulfilled when you see others happy. It too makes you moody and suspicious.

Cardinal. Its modality helps you start new initiatives but you are not very good at finishing them. Being full of vim and vigour you possess a drive and ambition that is unmistakable. You are enthusiastic, energetic and full of life. When you are busy in your endeavours you don’t really care about those around you.

Moon. With the maternal qualities of the moon, you have a special potency and divinity while at home. It gives you the ability to be nurturing, emotive, protective and as intuitive of a force on the psyche and in the cosmos. Like the moon, you secretly enjoy attention but won't shrink from it.

Their sign is of a crab, making them sensitive, intuitive, empathetic and homeloving in the core of your personality.

You are compassionate and sympathetic with strong empathic powers for healing. You sense what others need before they would even ask. History intrigues you and you are always looking for interesting facts.

Your occasional cranky mood is termed crabby. In that phase, you aren’t angry with anyone but generally disappointed with the world. Cancer tends to brood over mistakes instead of shrugging off bad luck and trying again. Cancer never feels really secure, and no matter how much love he gets, he always needs more

Your compassion makes you a perfect choice for a career associated with healing instincts - like healthcare. Cancer takes leadership in the roles of being a nurturer, host, protector, and caretaker. You can’t stay in a job with stress and risk. However, no one is a more capable manager of funds than the crab. Cancerians are sure to be at the top of their career and is loaded with artistic talent.

Your tears flow from the deep rivers of your fragile and vulnerable heart. Quite secretive about your vulnerable side you prefer disappearing into reproachful silence. They fill the room with a crazy lunar laugh but seek retreat and solitude in times of despair. People automatically confide their secrets

Her mood swings move from being a willow during the winter to sunflower in the summer. She is a little mad, slightly sad and superbly imaginative. Retail therapy usually calms her mind. she is deeply wounded by ridicule, and she just can't stand being rejected. shell love, honour, obey and nag you a little with sincere devotion. There's nothing shallow or superficial about the sentiments of a Cancer woman

He's a romantic dreamer, yet he's so sensible and practical. But mostly suffers from major mood swings. It will take a long time and a fair amount of patience to really know him, but will always behave like a gentleman. He is a devotee of finer things in life, his taste in cars and clothes is high-end because quality and thrift are synonymous for him. He has a shrewd sense of value for cash. Loves to be petted and babied by females and also cook fancy dinner for them.

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Dr J N Pandey

Dr J N Pandey

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Neeraj Dhanker

Cancer daily horoscope today, august 20, 2024 advices to control the expenditure.

Cancer Daily Horoscope Today, August 20, 2024. Handle wealth smartly today and your health will also be positive.

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Weekly Horoscope Cancer, August 18-24, 2024 predicts positive results

Read aries weekly horoscope for august 18-24, 2024 to know your astrological predictions. spread happiness in your love life..

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Cancer Daily Horoscope Today, August 17, 2024 predicts positive changes

Read cancer daily horoscope for august 17, 2024 to know your astrological predictions. resolve the love-related conflict today with confidence..

Cancer Daily Horoscope Today, August 17, 2024. Be productive at the office and this will reflect in appraisal discussions.

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Cancer Daily Horoscope Today (June 21 – July 22), August 20, 2024: Increase humility and wisdom!

Read cancer horoscope today for august 20: increase humility and wisdom. check the full predictions here..

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  1. Cancer Daily Horoscope Today, June 8, 2023 predicts travel on cards

    cancer daily travel horoscope

  2. Cancer Horoscope: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Horoscopes

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  3. Cancer Daily Horoscope by The AstroTwins

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  6. Cancer Horoscope Today

    cancer daily travel horoscope


  1. Cancer Travel Horoscope

    Cancer travel astrology tips Doing the research in advance helps you find those rare, out-of-the-way spots that are full of authenticity and character. Skip the resort hot spots and drive twenty extra miles to a tiny surf village.

  2. Cancer Daily Horoscope

    Aug 19, 2024 - Cancer, during this transit, prioritize financial security and stability. Take a conservative approach to your finances, focusing on long-term investments and savings. Trust in your intuition to guide you towards…. Get Your Horoscope.

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  4. Cancer Daily Horoscope

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    Welcome to your daily Cancer horoscope! Discover what the stars have in store for you in love, career, health, and more with our personalized astrology predictions. ... An open mind will gather wisdom, knowledge, and the path to success. Travel, education, and observation will help you gauge trends and how to take advantage of an opportunity ...

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    cancer. Jun 21 - Jul 22The CrabWaterThe Moon. Cancer is the nurturing and empathetic caretaker of the zodiac. They are highly intuitive, compassionate, and deeply connected to their emotions. Caring for family and loved ones is paramount to Cancer's happiness. Yesterday.

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  13. Travel Horoscopes by Zodiac Sign

    Cancer Travel Horoscope Doing the research in advance helps you find those rare, out-of-the-way spots that are full of authenticity and character. Skip the resort hot spots and drive twenty extra miles to a tiny surf village.

  14. Cancer travel horoscope for today

    Cancer travel horoscope for today, read here for Cancer travel tips, planning your journey to abroad. Know what your stars have to say about your travel ahead. ... Cancer Daily Horoscope For August 01, 2024. About Yesterday Today Tommorrow Weekly Monthly Yearly. Personal; Health; Profession; Emotions; Travel; Luck;

  15. Cancer Horoscope Today: Free Daily Horoscope

    The New York Post's Sally Brompton brings decades of experience in astrology to her daily horoscopes and predictions for all 12 zodiac signs. Today's Horoscope. June 21 - July 22. As one of ...

  16. Your Free Cancer Daily Horoscope: Aug 17, 2024

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  17. Cancer Daily Horoscope Yahoo Life Astrology: August 19, 2024

    Read today's free daily Cancer horoscope to see what's in store for you including predictions on love, romance, health, happiness, career, success and more

  18. Cancer Daily Horoscope

    Your health conditions can be seen improving. Also, your spouse might amaze you with some good news so, prepare yourself in advance to get surprised. Your Lucky color is Magenta. Your Lucky number is 4. This is an overview of the Daily horoscope for all Cancer Sun Sign born. It's always best to get your personalized horoscope reading by ...

  19. Cancer Travel Horoscope for Today

    According to the Cancer horoscope today travel, today is a great day to begin a new journey of travel. There are chances of some planning of trips ☰ ... DAILY HOROSCOPE DAILY HOROSCOPE; WEEKLY HOROSCOPE; MONTHLY HOROSCOPE; YEARLY HOROSCOPE; Change Sign Pisces; Aquarius; Aries ...

  20. Cancer Horoscope Today: Cancer Daily Horoscope 19 August, 2024

    Yearly. Overview (Positivity: 70%) Today, Cancer, with the Moon in Aquarius, you may find yourself feeling very spiritual and connected to your inner self. However, you may also experience some health issues that require your attention. Remember that hard work is necessary for success, and you may face obstacles along the way.

  21. Cancer Horoscope Today, 19-August-2024: Travel may be on your mind

    Cancer Horoscope Prediction Today, 19-August-2024: Feasts, gourmet meals, carnivals, tasteful dressing, and multi-cultural interactions keep you on your toes through the day, foretells a smiling Ganesha.But, you don't seem to mind all the hustle-bustle. You enjoy it to the core, and may even contemplate new business alliances.

  22. The year's first Supermoon in free-spirited Aquarius set to ...

    For a daily dose of 9honey, subscribe to our newsletter here. Supermoon horoscopes: Aries (March 21 to April 19): The Full Moon and Pluto encourage you to make radical changes in your hopes and ...

  23. Cancer Horoscope

    The natives may plunge into the minds of others and try to explore the inner world of others. One may feel trusted or safe if they come into close acquaintances of these Cancer natives. 4. Get Blessings of Lord Shiva for Health, Wealth and Relationship. Get your Daily Cancer Horoscope for 2022 & your Cancer astrology reports from AskGanesha ...

  24. Cancer Horoscope Today: August 19, 2024

    Read VOGUE India's free daily Cancer horoscope for 19th August 2024 to learn more about what the stars have in store for you! Click here for our cosmic tips. Edition India. Arabia. Australia. Brasil. Britain. China. Czechoslovakia. España. Germany. ... Cancer Horoscope Today: August 14, 2024.

  25. Horoscopes Today, August 19, 2024

    Read your free daily horoscope for August 19, 2024, from the astrology experts at USA TODAY.

  26. Astro zodiac sign Cancer daily horoscope today August 19 2024

    Cancer Horoscope Today (August 19): New Opportunities And Positive Connections A day of eased responsibilities, financial reminders, and blossoming relationships awaits Cancer natives, alongside efforts to maintain family harmony.

  27. Cancer Daily Horoscope

    Cancer is the fourth sign of Zodiac belt. Cancer horoscope today is based on fourth sign of Kaal Purush Kundali. This sign is of 30 degrees longitude. It starts from 90 degrees from vernal equinox and extends upto 120 degrees. It consists of last pada of Punarvasu, full pada of Pushya and full Ashlesha.

  28. Cancer Daily Horoscope

    Cancer Health Horoscope. This is an ideal day to focus on self-care and wellness. With today's planetary alignment suggesting some tension in interpersonal communications, it might be wise to steer clear of conflicts and instead invest time in activities that promote your health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient hydration are key.

  29. Cancer Horoscope Today: Get Cancer Daily Horoscope and Astrological

    Read Cancer daily horoscope for August 19, 2024 to know your astrological predictions. Look for a creative love life where you both spend more time together. By Dr J.N Pandey

  30. Cancer Daily Horoscope Today (June 21

    News Horoscopes Cancer Cancer Daily Horoscope Today (June 21 - July 22), August 20, 2024: Increase humility and wisdom! Read Cancer Horoscope Today for August 20: Increase humility and wisdom. Check the full predictions here.