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Welcome to sacramento's #1 rated ghost tour.

A city of glittery glory became the byline for fools gold, disaster, and death. Find out on a terrifying Sacramento Ghosts tour how the city’s bright future collapsed into darkness and despair.

Uncover the deeply buried truth about American pioneers who raced to Sacramento in search of fortune. Hear their shocking stories and discover how they quickly realized this Gold Rush destination was a dead end where they would meet their bitter end. 

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Preview The Most Haunted Locations In Sacramento

Delta king hotel.

A ship may be safe in harbor, but not necessarily safe from ghosts. The Delta King is a riverboat converted to hotel-theater-restaurant where the paranormal activity is far from limited. The Delta King has sailed many courses with tourists, businessmen, and even played a role in WWII. Today, it remains permanently moored in Sacramento with three main spirits that do not shy away from tipping over glasses, bouncing a ball, and camera batteries draining extensively overnight from paranormal activities.

Old Railroad Tunnel Entrance

Rediscovered through modern excavations, the underground city that had almost been forgotten remains a graveyard of bodies from Sacramento’s unnerving past. Aside from being a major site of crime and murder, gambling, prostitution, and homelessness also gazed beneath the streets. Given the tunnels’ traumatic past, it’s no surprise this destination is among the most haunted. Witnesses have heard laughing, crying, and seen mysterious figures roaming the tunnels.

Eagle Theater

California’s first theater provided a form of entertainment other than gambling. Suited for both railroad miner and well-to-do visitors, this theater has a long past of hardships. Scarcity of labor and materials on the onset of construction set the Eagle Theater up for multiple owners and bankruptcies in a short period of time. To this day, it is said to be haunted by the former director. Chairs and other items have been moved and found in different places without explanation. Even the TV show, Ghost Adventures have had their fair share of hauntings here.

Welcome to Sacramento Ghosts

A foundation built on disaster, death, and destruction .

Below its charming streets and pleasant river walks, California’s capital city has a morbid and dismal history so dark that it’s routinely kept hidden from visitors and new arrivals. After multiple natural disasters and countless deaths, the citizens of Sacramento tried to forget the past and endeavored to build a new city above the wreckage. They succeeded…but what they left behind was worse–a graveyard of bodies buried beneath the surface, and a plethora of dark and haunted souls waiting to be discovered.

The deceased bodies that still lay built into the foundation of the city is what makes Sacramento a sinister destination worth experiencing. See for yourself how Sactown, a place of adventurers, frontiersmen, spectators, and sultry saloons came to be among the top haunted cities in the country.

Stories of Heartbreak, Tragedy, and Perseverance

The spark of the Gold Rush in 1848 was the breeding ground for Sacramento’s countless tragedies and relentless tenacity. Soon after the initial discovery at Sutter’s Mill, many Americans set out to mine their own fate. However, because of this city’s location on the river, the wooden buildings were susceptible to both fires and floods. Though thousands of people died, the survivors kept pushing forward. Their innovation led to a new city built on top of the debris, and a cemetery of forgotten people just below their feet. 

Haunted History, Dark Truths, and Impatient Spirits

From the ghost of the captain of the riverboat named the The Delta King to bodies buried in collapsed mines whose souls are still “hungry” for a proper burial, this old mining town waits for someone to uncover its secrets and reveal the haunted history waiting below.

Walk the chilling  paths of Old Town on a journey to some of California’s most haunted destinations that we have hand-picked and thoroughly-researched for your enjoyment and terror. Each historically accurate account of these tragedies will unearth rumors of hauntings and unexplained encounters. 

In a town named for religious sacraments used to try to scare away the native tribes inhabiting the land before having them forcibly and violently removed, Sacramento has its share of disturbing and hidden truths. Whether you’re a Sactown local or just an adventurous sightseer, it’s always a perfect night to encounter the ghastly facts of Sacramento’s deadly past on this shocking Old Town ghost tour.

* This is a walking tour and we do not enter privately-owned buildings or private property *

6 Reasons to Book the Sacramento Ghost Tour Right Now!

1: you want to experience more than just history and what meets the eye. .

Upon visiting Sacramento, many people stroll around Old Sac to see the same historical sites and read plaques on buildings. However, they only see and scratch the surface of what the city has to offer. This historic city holds bone-chilling truths that can only be truly experienced through a chilling and authentic ghost tour. As you walk the dusty Old Town roads, you’ll hear unbelievable stories of crimes, secrets, and unexplained deaths that you won’t find written on a door sign.

2: You don’t want your night to end at sunset. 

Sacramento has plenty of great restaurants and touristy shops for locals and visitors, but when the daylight disappears, that doesn’t mean your adventures should. Our hour-long tours are the perfect addition of fear and excitement to add to your night of fun. You’ll feel the adrenaline of spine-tingling tales and ghostly encounters as you lead the way by underground tunnels and centuries-old historic buildings. As the sun sets, the dead begin to rise to join the nightlife of Old Sac.

3: You want to dig deep into Sacramento’s unique culture. 

Culture is best experienced when you understand the past. Each moment in Sacramento’s history culminates to create a complex culture of the modern city we know and love. Learning about specific moments from the Gold Rush and the individuals who lived and sacrificed through floods, fires, and other natural disasters will give you a greater appreciation for California’s one and only haunted capital city. 

4: You don’t believe in ghosts.

Multiple haunted locations on this tour have been visited by ghost hunters, broadcast on travel shows, and are featured stories on blogs.. and for good reason. If you’re skeptical about unexplained sightings and encounters, come see for yourself.  These buildings, boats, tunnels, and historical sites consistently make the most haunted lists of California and the United States. It’s your turn to find out why and decide for yourself if you really don’t believe in ghosts.

5: You and your friends want a spooky night to remember

Why wait for Halloween once a year to be scared, when you can join us for an evening of terror on any night of the week? Sacramento Ghosts haunted tours give not only historic and authentic accounts of nail-biting horror, they are a great way to spend a night out on the town with friends. Bring your best friends and give them an adventure and adrenaline-rush they’ll never forget!

6: You want a break from Netflix.

Whether you’ve lived in Sacramento your whole life, or just visiting, the nights spent indoors can become monotonous. There’s only so much Netflix you can binge before wanting a real life outdoor adventure. These intense ghost tours give you just that. Experience authentic, movie-worthy stories in living color and in person.

Further Reading

Haunted Rooms America

  • Ghost Hunt Gift Cards
  • California’s Haunted Hotels
  • Los Angeles’s Haunted Hotels
  • San Diego’s Haunted Hotels
  • Haunted Bay Area, CA
  • Haunted Bakersfield, CA
  • Haunted Fresno, CA
  • Haunted Orange County, CA
  • Haunted Riverside, CA
  • Haunted Sacramento, CA
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Haunted Sacramento CA

The 13 Most Haunted Places in Sacramento, CA

Last updated: May 23, 2022 @ 6:32 am

With a history dating back to 1850, Sacramento is one of the oldest cities in the Golden State. It has endured countless hard times and devastation, particularly in its formative years.

This difficult history has led to the city earning quite a haunted reputation. You won’t just find ghosts in the usual spots like cemeteries and old buildings either.

Ghost stories seem to crop up in unexpected places, including a skating rink, an old record store, and even the local Burger King!

With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at the 13 most haunted places in Sacramento, CA!

1. Delta King Riverboat Hotel

Delta King Riverboat Hotel

Employees have reported seeing the Captain’s ghost sitting on the balcony watching the productions. They have also reported hearing phantom footsteps on deck when nobody is there – or at least nobody living!

On one occasion, the Captain seemed to make his presence known by knocking over a glass of water near the soundboard in the sound booth. [ BOOK A ROOM ]

2. Iceland Skating Rink

Iceland Ice Skating Rink

The Iceland Skating Rink in Sacramento gives a new meaning to the phrase ‘bone-chilling’! The ice rink is haunted by the original owner ‘Pops’ Kerth, who also built the ice rink. He still makes his rounds of the building at night, checking that everything is in order and ready for the next day.

3. Paradise Beach

Paradise Beach

If you ask locals, they will tell you that Sacramento’s Paradise Beach does not live up to its pretty name! It is more like a nightmare than a coastal paradise!

Many visitors have reported seeing the spirit of a ghastly drowned man walking up and down the shoreline. He is believed to be the restless spirit of a man who drowned there in a particularly violent fashion, and he is said to be very unsettling to witness!

4. Old Record Store, K Street Mall

Old Record Store, K Street Mall

One of the more unexpected haunted places in Sacramento is the old record store in the K Street Mall. It is said that the former store is haunted by the spirit of an older woman who is dressed in Victorian-style clothing.

She mainly seems to hang out down in the basement area. However, she has been known to make her way upstairs to reprimand customers who are too noisy!

On several occasions, customers visiting the store reported being told in no uncertain terms to keep the noise down by the old lady from Victorian times! It is unclear who she is or why she is so keen to keep things quiet on the property!

5. Highway 50 Exit off W Street

In the 1970s, a woman was hitchhiking at this exit when she was murdered. Police were never able to solve the crime; perhaps that is why her spirit cannot rest.

With some degree of regularity, drivers report seeing the silhouette of a woman lurking by the exit in search of a ride. Those who stopped to offer assistance soon realize she isn’t there!

6. Florin Road Burger King

The Burger King restaurant on Florin Road is a popular spot for those who feel like they need a late-night snack, but some end up with a little more than they bargained for.

This stems from the fact that a gunman entered the restaurant one day during the lunch rush and shot the store manager before turning the gun on himself.

This crime has been repeated because staff often report hearing the sound of gunshots and disembodied screaming.

7. The Vampire of Sacramento Victims’ Homes

In the 1970s, Sacramento was rocked by the murders of six people in their own homes by Richard Trenton Chase, aka The Vampire of Sacramento. Chase earned his gruesome nickname because he drank his victims’ blood and consumed some of their remains.

The murders took place over one month and left the neighborhood terrified. They also seem to have lost a permanent mark on the victims’ homes.

The new residents of the homes where the Vampire claimed his victims say they are haunted by ghastly re-enactments of the murders occurring repeatedly.

8. Old Sacramento Tunnels

Old Sacramento Tunnels

Many people do not realize that Sacramento was rebuilt over the original town. This means there is a network of tunnels and a hidden town underneath Sacramento, which was buried because of rising water from the Sacramento River.

Many locals regard it as the most haunted place in Sacramento, so it’s easy to see why. The tunnels were even subject to an investigation from the TV paranormal show Ghost Adventures. Such is the vast amount of activity that has been reported here.

Countless sightings of full-body apparitions, shadow figures, and sounds of disembodied voices are just some of the occurrences. The city’s homeless community stays well away from the tunnels due to these very tales!

If that’s enough to pique your paranormal interest, there’s plenty more where that came from. The city offers regular tours of all the haunted hotspots around town, including these very tunnels.

Contact the Sacramento History Museum to book an underground tour! Fees are $22.00 for adults, $15.00 for ages 6-12, and children 5 or younger are free.

9. California State Library

California State Library

Why is it that there is something creepy about libraries? Is it just the eerie silence? Perhaps, but in the case of California State Library, the fact that it is one of the most haunted places in Sacramento is also a significant factor!

Visitors to the library have reported seeing the apparition of an older man wearing glasses who peruses old books in the stacks’ California section and who will peer over them at anyone who disturbs him!

Staff at the library have also reported hearing the sound of rustling mylar, like the sound of a book being pulled from or returned to the shelves even though nobody is there.

There are also rumors that one of the Sacramento Tunnels, which we took a look at above, runs under the California State Library, linking it to the Capitol, which could be one reason why the building is now alleged to be haunted.

10. Sacramento Historic Old City Cemetery

Old City Cemetery

Few places on Earth are spookier than an old cemetery, so it is no surprise that Old City Cemetery is one of the most haunted places in Sacramento. There are said to be several terrifying spirits lurking here in between the headstones.

Some of these ghostly apparitions include a couple that dresses entirely in black, a little girl who plays close to her gravestone, and even a ghostly pitbull who follows visitors beyond the gates.

11. The Leland Stanford Mansion

The Leland Stanford Mansion State Historical Park, Sacramento, CA

Located at the Leland Stanford Mansion State Park, the Leland Stanford House is a state and National Historic Landmark.

Built in 1857 and home to the state Governor, a U.S. Senator, railroad tycoon, member of the Big Four, and founder of Stanford University, the mansion is now used by the Government of California to host foreign dignitaries.

It’s said that the house is haunted by the ghost of Governor Stanford’s son, Leland Jr. The Stanfords tried desperately to have a child for 18 years when at the age of 39, Mrs. Jane Sanford fell pregnant and later gave birth to Leland Jr.

The Stanfords doted on their son, centering their entire lives around him. For his 15th birthday, they traveled to Europe with the idea of giving him a huge send-off before heading to college upon his return. While there, Leland Jr. contracted Typhoid Fever and tragically passed away.

The loss of their only child completely broke the Stanfords. It’s said they mourned day and night until their bodies would fall asleep from exhaustion. During this time, Leland Sr. says his son appeared to him, telling his father to give all that he wanted to give to him, instead devote his love and attention to all the California children.

Inspired, Leland Sr. set out to visit all the great colleges on the East Coast, Yale, and Harvard and then founded a university on land he purchased in Palo Alto, which his son used to enjoy visiting as a boy. Naming the university as a dedication to his son, Stanford University was born.

12. Sacramento Theater Company

Haunted Sacramento Theater

There are said to be several ghosts that haunt the Sacramento Theater Company. Living by the motto the show must go on, the spirits that haunt here continue to do so.

The famous ghost that haunts the theater is affectionately known as “Pinky”, named after the pinky-colored aura that accompanies him. Pinky’s the spirit of a former stagehand, who likes to keep a check on things backstage.

Two apparitions have also been witnessed around the stage-left dressing room. One appears to be a tall thin man with a mustache, who’s been identified as a former volunteer.

The other apparition is of a Polish actress named Madame Modjeska. Her glum demeanor has been seen in one of the large mirrors in the dressing room.

13. The Citizen Hotel

Haunted Citizen Hotel

Built in 1925, The Citizen Hotel is one of the most historic and haunted hotels in Sacramento. Staff and guests alike at this downtown Sacramento hotel are always reporting sightings of spirits. Dark shadows are often seen and disembodied footsteps are heard walking down the empty dark hallways.

Not much is known about who the ghosts could be or what they could want, but one hotel employee stated, “They’re, like, searching for a purpose”. [ BOOK A ROOM ]

The Most Haunted Places in California | Haunted Hotels in CA

That’s all for our thirteen most haunted places in Sacramento. If you’re feeling fearless, we’ve included a hotel search feature below to find the closest haunted hotels to you… Go ahead; we dare you!

Find Haunted Hotels Near Sacramento

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Join us for an unforgettable evening at our Victorian Murder Mystery Dinner , held on select dates Also check out our brand new Oak Grove Cemetery Tour , held on select dates!

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Sacramento Ghost Tour

Looking to make the most of your time in Sacramento? Lizzie Borden Ghost Tours invites you to uncover the city’s darkest secrets on a spooky stroll through its most haunted locations on our spine-chilling Sacramento ghost tour.

Join Lizzie Borden Ghost Tours on a scary and exciting Sacramento ghost tour through the city’s disturbing past, where the allure of wealth clashed with the harsh realities of life in the Wild West.

Why You Need to Take a Sacramento Ghost Tour

Sacramento’s history is best experienced through an unbridled look at the sinister truths that established the city’s otherworldly side. In the haunted heart of America’s Farm-to-Fork capital, the marks left behind are often ghostly, with some more terrifying than others. Forget the city’s scenic riverfront and thriving agriculture and farm-to-table scene. Our Sacramento ghost tour offers a captivating blend of history, horror, and intrigue, making it an unforgettable experience for thrill seekers looking and history buffs alike. Walk with us through the haunted streets of the City of Trees and explore its dark past, where the glimmer of gold led to greed, disaster, and death, leaving behind a legacy of ghostly encounters and eerie tales. 

Five Stars

Susie was a great guide. She even included her own personal experiences in her talk. Good story teller. Beautiful walk around Atlanta in the evening. A fun night.

Tour Gallery

Why is Sacramento So Haunted?

From the tales of greed and tragedy during the Gold Rush era to the restless spirits of notorious criminals haunting the city’s historic sidewalks and dark alleys, every corner of Sacramento has a story to tell. The spark of the Gold Rush in 1848 was the catalyst that ignited Sacramento’s haunting legacy, setting the stage for a series of catastrophic events and ghostly encounters that still echo through the streets of Sactown today. 

From the devastating Great Fire of 1852, which claimed countless lives and reduced much of the city to ashes, to the Great Flood of 1861, which permanently altered the city’s landscape, Sacramento’s charming streets and pleasant river walks are shrouded in morbid mysteries. Long-forgotten souls from the city’s dark pasts roam the places where they took their last breath. 

However, the massive destruction that swept through Northern California in the mid-19th century wasn’t the only reason the ghosts from Sactown’s past refused to leave. After a series of natural disasters and tragedies that left the city in ruins multiple times, resilient Sacramentans came together to build a new city from the wreckage of the old one, leaving behind a graveyard of bodies buried beneath the surface and a legion of restless spirits roaming the eerie depths of the underground tunnels. 

Want to learn more about Sacramento’s storied past and discover why a city that looks so innocent on the surface could harbor so many sinister secrets beneath its abundant urban forest? Book a ghost tour of the most terrifying places in Sacramento with Lizzie Borden Ghost Tours to find out.  

Why should you tour with us ?


Upon visiting Sacramento, many people stroll around Old Sac to see the same historical sites and read plaques on buildings. However, they only see and scratch the surface of what the city has to offer. This historic city holds bone-chilling truths that can only be truly experienced through a chilling and authentic ghost tour. As you walk the dusty Old Town roads, you’ll hear unbelievable stories of crimes, secrets, and unexplained deaths that you won’t find written on a door sign.

Sacramento has plenty of great restaurants and touristy shops for locals and visitors, but when the daylight disappears, that doesn’t mean your adventures should. Our hour-long tours are the perfect addition of fear and excitement to add to your night of fun. You’ll feel the adrenaline of spine-tingling tales and ghostly encounters as you lead the way by underground tunnels and centuries-old historic buildings. As the sun sets, the dead begin to rise to join the nightlife of Old Sac.

Culture is best experienced when you understand the past. Each moment in Sacramento’s history culminates to create a complex culture of the modern city we know and love. Learning about specific moments from the Gold Rush and the individuals who lived and sacrificed through floods, fires, and other natural disasters will give you a greater appreciation for California’s one and only haunted capital city.

Multiple haunted locations on this tour have been visited by ghost hunters, broadcast on travel shows, and are featured stories on blogs.. and for good reason. If you’re skeptical about unexplained sightings and encounters, come see for yourself. These buildings, boats, tunnels, and historical sites consistently make the most haunted lists of California and the United States. It’s your turn to find out why and decide for yourself if you really don’t believe in ghosts.

Why wait for Halloween once a year to be scared, when you can join us for an evening of terror on any night of the week? Sacramento Ghosts haunted tours give not only historic and authentic accounts of nail-biting horror, they are a great way to spend a night out on the town with friends. Bring your best friends and give them an adventure and adrenaline-rush they’ll never forget!

Whether you’ve lived in Sacramento your whole life, or just visiting, the nights spent indoors can become monotonous. There’s only so much Netflix you can binge before wanting a real life outdoor adventure. These intense ghost tours give you just that. Experience authentic, movie-worthy stories in living color and in person.

Did you know scientists at Princeton University may have proven the existence of ghosts?

Researchers at Princeton University have been studying paranormal phenomena in a scientific context for almost 30 years, through a department called “PEAR”. It stands for “Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research”. PEAR is a scientific study of consciousness-related physical phenomena.


Have you ever had a terrible tour guide? Someone who wasn't very likable, wasn't very knowledgeable, didn't have a good command of the group, was boring and unengaging?

Not our tour Guides! They are the best. They will make a believer out of you. Not just in ghosts, but in how awesome a properly guided tour can be. Our guides take their role seriously - they are guiding you through 300 years of history, in places that have been evidently haunted, almost weekly, since they were discovered.


Have you ever heard of a “memory palace”? It's a technique used by memory athletes to remember fantastic amounts of information with perfect recall, in a short period of time. What you do is, you associate different imagery and stories with different features of locations you're familiar with (like different rooms in your house).


If you've only got a couple days in town, maybe you're with your significant other, or maybe you're with your friends, or even your whole family, and you're spending your precious paid time off here in Williamsburg, so that every move you make counts… then you simply must come visit us.


Did you know the hormones our bodies release when we're thrilled have an influence on attraction? It's why roller-coasters make such a great first date. This has been studied over and over, but it's worth repeating here. If you're taking someone on a date, and you're looking to have a lot of fun together, or to increase attraction for each other, it's a good idea to find something that gets the blood pumping. The best activities are even a little scary, like a roller coaster. Or a haunted old church.


What is it worth to take a trip with your family that actually brings everyone together, even if it's just for an hour or two? Family vacations can be stressful, and sometimes it can be a real pain to get everyone to get into the spirit doing the same thing, without whining or eyes rolling. And how many memories do we really get to have fun reminiscing over as the years pass?


US Ghost Adventure tours are the real deal. One of the first things you'll notice, that makes us different than the other ghost tours in town, is we don't walk the traditional paths. And we don't use silly costumes or lanterns. Why? Because we only walk the paths of the stories we have fact-checked and verified. We explore real haunted sites across the U.S.


US Ghost Adventure tours are easy to fit into most schedules, because we run late in the evening. We have different start times in the evening to choose from, including with ghost tours starting at 8pm and 9pm, and the Ultimate tour at 10pm. Finally, at 90-125 minutes long, you can almost always find a tour that fits your schedule.


This is our favorite. Not long ago, a pop-science article was published that claimed the Large Hadron Collider at CERN had debunked ghosts. In reality, a scientist named Brian Cox mused that if there were a medium that could preserve a person (something like a 'soul'), he believes he would have seen evidence of it in his particle physics work.

Most Haunted Places in Sacramento, CA

Delta King Sacramento Haunted

Delta King Hotel

The Delta King riverboat went from luxury liner to war medic ship before finding its way to the Old Sacramento waterfront. Now a hotel-theater-restaurant, don’t expect a peaceful stay all through. Delta King is haunted by three mischievous spirits who like to play with your drinks and drain your camera battery—seems the King’s afterlife is as dramatic as its past.

Old Railroad Entrance Sacramento Haunted

Old Railroad Tunnel Entrance

The once lost but found Old Railroad Tunnel Entrance in Sacramento remains a graveyard of bodies from Sacramento’s ugly past. Today, it seems those who gambled, brawled, and met their tragic end down there haven’t forgotten the good times….. or the bad, with restless spirits and mysterious figures haunting the passageways, forever reliving their final moments.

Eagle Theatre Haunted Sacramento

Eagle Theater

Rebuilt in 1974, long after the original Eagle Theater was washed away by the great flood of 1861, this historic building has had its fair share of tragic events and spiritual brainwashing. Still, through it all, the ghostly drama never stops. Once a popular spot for Old Sac’s rough and rowdy minors, the Eagle Theater is now a thrill-seeker’s delight, with reports of several inexplicable events and ghost sightings within its halls.

View our Refund Policy on this page if you have any questions!

Please see your booking details for meeting location. There are neighboring parking garages and street parking that are available in the area.

Group size varies based on time of year and demand. We can keep everyone in your party in the same group. We’ve been doing this for years, and manage group size to ensure guests have a great experience. In the event you can’t hear your tour guide, let them know, or move closer to them.

Pets are welcome as long as they do not disrupt ot distract from the tour

The arrival time will be listed on your confirmation email and in the available tour times when you click the book button

Please do not call us, the best way to reach us is by email using the contact form on this website

An extended tour takes you to a few additional locations when the regular tour ends. This adds about four new places and 30 minutes to your tour- highly recommended

Book a tour and check the +1 box for each person in your group where it says “Extended Tour” at checkout to add an extended Ghost tour.

Please contact us directly for pricing and availability. We do not do private tours under 30 persons. If you have a group under 30, please order directly from the website’s book now option.

Tours are held rain or shine. We will contact you if the tour is cancelled.

Please only attend the tour for the day and time you are booked, as another day or time may not be available. If you need to reschedule, please contact us by email first. There is a $10 per order (not person) rebooking fee for each schedule change.

As it is unfair to other guests, we do not wait for late or no show parties. Please remember to arrive to the correct location on time! We do not grant refunds to guests who fail to arrive to the appointed place on time and miss their tour.

No, but some of the locations you can visit during the day for free. We simply wouldn’t have the time to focus on as many stories as we do if we were to enter each one, and we wish to focus on the stories, and leave the exploring up to you!

15 minutes before the start of your tour

No, this is a walking tour.

Most of the tour is not stroller or wheelchair accessible.

Yes, you are welcome to take photos of the locations we visit!

No, videos are not allowed

No, there is no smoking allowed on the tour

We do not allow intoxicated guests or drinking on the tour- we will promptly ask those in violation to leave

Lizzie Borden Ghost Tours

America’s most infamously haunted house delivers the most terrifying scares from all across the nation. We’ve compiled an extensive list of notoriously haunted locations and packaged them into spooky, entertaining tours available throughout the nation. Discover the true, unfiltered stories that created these hair-raising scares in only the unique and engaging way our expert guides can bring them to you. From the ghosts of unsolved murders and tragic accidents to disturbed spirits unable to find peace, there’s no limit to what we expose on our authentic ghost tours. Join us as we take you on an unforgettable, chilling journey through your city’s dark past and uncover the sinister secrets that put these places on the otherworldly map.

The Lizzie Borden House is home to the infamous murders that captivated the nation and made Lizzie Borden a macabre household name. Guests can explore the house via a variety of tours and, for those brave enough, stay in this notoriously haunted home. We aim to provide you with a memorable experience as well as deliver the best ghost tours, haunted pub crawls, and a variety of other experiences in over 100 cities.

Cash for evidence (a pile of coins shown)

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The main stretch of Fall River. Source: Wikimedia Commons Fall River and Lizzie Borden go together hand-in-hand. Even if you’re not a Fall River native, just hearing the town’s name is enough to send chills down your spine. But the Lizzi ... Read More

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Oak Grove Cemetery

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The maplecroft mansion is pictured, it’s a large white home with sharp peaks and lots of windows

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old town sacramento haunted tours

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Underground tours for the haunted history buffs

If you like your history with a side of spooky, this one’s for you..

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A black and white, crosshatch-style drawing of an old western building. Trees line the front, and men in cowboy hats stand to the side near a saloon-style wooden building in the corner.

Sacramento History Museum offers tours inside the museum and all over Old Sacramento.

Photo courtesy of Sacramento History Museum

Sacramento History Museum is notorious for immersive tours all over Old Sacramento, and Halloween is the perfect excuse to learn all about what haunted history lies six feet under .

No — we aren’t talking graves, rather underground corridors that extend all over downtown. Discover the ins-and-outs of what’s underfoot in Old Sac with tours from the museum’s program coordinator, Aly Kowalski, and her historical cohorts.

The underground tour includes noteworthy historical landmarks (below and above ground). Here are some highlights:

  • The National Historical Pony Express Trail , a mail route of over 1,800 miles to get from California to Missouri in just 10 days on horseback ( poor horses )
  • Eagle Theater , a reconstruction of California’s first permanent theater originally constructed in 1849
  • The B.F. Hastings Building , the western terminus for the Pony Express, from which express mail for San Francisco would then continue via ferry
  • A late-1900s archaeological excavation site , which unearthed some artifacts that are on display in the museum

A western wear-clad tour guide gestures at the old stone wall of an underground hallway in Old Sacramento.

Tour guides for the Sacramento History Museum get in full character of Old Sacramento’s own famous figures.

Photo by Dayna Wergedal, courtesy of Sacramento History Museum

Guided tours are led by local experts fully in character of significant figures in Sacramento’s history, including B.F. Hastings himself, or (City Editor Madeline’s personal favorite) Madame Johanna Hiegle, a woman of “ill repute.” This makes for a unique experience for each tour, said Kalowski.

With over 10 years of experience in the Sacramento History Museum, Kalowski has borne witness to some visitor accounts of the paranormal herself. If you consider yourself more sensitive to the other side , who knows? You just might pick up on something.

A sign in front of a two-story brick building reads Sacramento History Museum, marking the entrance.

The Sacramento History Museum is open 7 days a week, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Photo by SACtoday staff

Underground tours run seven days a week, and can be booked online . If you want to throw some old school gaming into the mix, check out the Gold Fever! Game tour.

Thrill-seekers — mark your calendars for January 2024, when the Old Sac Paranormal Investigation tours will pick back up. Participants will be equipped with handheld monitors to pick up any EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) for the full experience.

We braved the underground last year and met B.F. Hastings ourselves — pretty spirited for a 174-year-old .


Watch CBS News

The Best Haunted Tours In The Sacramento Area

October 20, 2012 / 11:00 AM PDT / CBS Sacramento

Travel is the theme for the adults looking for a howling good time or for the parents with older children looking for a family outing. Below are some Halloween options to walk you through the gruesome holiday. Take a spooky trip down memory lane at the movies or a ghost tour through Old Sacramento. Visit the Scarecrow Corral or take a lantern tour through the cemetery. Each trip is sure to entertain you in the spirit of the holiday.

1 st  Annual Scarecrow Corral 2012 Pioneer Village, Folsom Historic District Wool St. and Sutter St. Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 985-2707

Dates: October 20-21, October 27-28

Take a ride and check out the scarecrows at Pioneer Village in the Folsom Historic District. This town has begun a new tradition with its first annual Scarecrow Corral. The Scarecrow Corral contest will cover the themes of railroad, farmer/agriculture, pioneer, gold panner, blacksmith or miner. Organizations, businesses and individuals have been invited to enter a scarecrow. Prizes will be awarded to the three scarecrows with the most votes and they will be listed on the Scarecrow Corral plaque at Pioneer Village.

Related:  Fun For The Road – Car Games For Your Next Road Trip

Old Sacramento Ghost Tours Eagle Theatre 925 Front St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 808-7059

Dates: October 19-20, 26-27

Another tour to add to your agenda is presented by Old Sacramento Living History and the Historic Old Sacramento Foundation. They are bringing back the season's popular ghost tours. Travel back in time on the streets of Old Sacramento while listening to ghost stories from the Gold Rush era. Hear tales of how folks lived or died in the area. Sacramento's spookier side will take you to visit murder victim Mary Shaw, a pair of star-crossed lovers, railroad robbers and other characters from the past. These tours are not recommended for children under the age of five.

Haunted Fort

The Haunted Fort Sutter's Fort State Historic Park 2701 L St. Sacramento, CA 95816 (916) 445-4422

Dates: October 26-27

Another great place to visit this month is Sutter's Fort, a historic icon in the Sacramento area, which will again bring forth a family friendly event called The Haunted Fort. Previously a safe haven for weary pioneers, the fort now serves as a place to share the tales of the lives of  pioneers that came through its gates. Take a step back into the days of the Gold Rush with all of its trials on this special tour of the fort. Walk through the rooms that John Sutter walked when he ran the fort, welcoming travelers from the east.

Pumpkin Smash Bash

The Scarecrow Expo and The Pumpkin Smash Bash Heidrick Ag Historic Center 1962 Hays Lane Woodland, CA 95776 (530) 666-9700

Date: October 27

The Heidrick Ag History Center is a great place to add to your howling fun tour for this season. The Scarecrow Expo kicked off on October 13th and will continue to be on display through The Pumpkin Smash Bash fundraiser at the Heidrick Ag History Center on the 27th. This will be the first year for the Bash and it is sure to be a smashing success. Along with the pumpkin smashing there will be adult trick-or-treats (beer tastings), brats, chili and sweet treats. Tickets may be purchased online.

Sacramento Historic City Cemetery Lantern Tours Broadway at 10th St., between Muir Way and Riverside Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95818 (916) 448-0811

Dates: October 19-20 and 26-27

You will want to take a flashlight along for the last tour of the night at the Sacramento Historic City Cemetery for one of its seasonal Lantern Tours. Visitors are encouraged to wear Victorian-era costumes but are requested not to wear Halloween costumes. Walking through the past, you will hear of murder, suicide and espionage while encountering visitors from beyond. The cemetery offers four tours on each of the four evenings where light refreshments and entertainment will also be offered.

Related:   Getaway Guide: Weekend Trip to Lake Tahoe

Deb Ling is a freelance writer covering all things Sacramento. Her work can be found on .

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Welcome to the Sacramento History Museum. We are open 7 days-a-week from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. with last tickets sold at 4:30 P.M.

America’s monsters, superheroes, & villains.

Our newest exhibition focuses on how pop culture has reflected the country’s changing values and cultural tensions over the past 80 years. America’s Monsters, Superheroes, and Villains features hundreds of toys, comic books, games, posters, and media. These vintage items are accompanied by interpretative signage that describes their cultural significance.

old town sacramento haunted tours

Underground Tours

Celebrate August by taking a TOUR !

Come see and learn how Sacramento lifted itself up out of the flood waters during the 1860s and 1870s!

Go Underground seven days a week. (Times are listed on the right) Your tour ticket includes museum admission!

If the weather is very hot, we suggest you check with the museum to make sure your tour is operating.

old town sacramento haunted tours

Underground After Hours

We now offer Old Sac After Hours Tours on Saturday evenings at 6pm!   Our Guides will immerse you in the wilder side of Sacramento City’s early days. The 90-minute, adults only tour peels the layers off Old Sacramento to reveal the raucous city, full of mischief, mayhem, madness, madams … and murder.   Needless to say, you must be 18 or older to participate.

old town sacramento haunted tours

Old Sac Paranormal Investigations

Join us for an evening of potential paranormal activity! Our experienced guides will take you through historic buildings and spooky spots, not regularly open to the public, where you will hear the unsettling true history of what happened there. Using our paranormal equipment, you decide whether spirits of the past still linger in the present.

old town sacramento haunted tours

Living History Open House!

Come see what Sacramento Living History has to offer! Our dedicated volunteers will demonstrate historic skills and showcase period crafts and games. Come learn and try your hand at what life was like in the 1800s. Included with Sacramento History Museum admission.

old town sacramento haunted tours

Living History Rummage Sale

Books, Boots, and Bric-a-Brac! The annual Sacramento Living History Rummage Sale is back! This year features a large selection of books, vintage and historic clothing from the 1850s – 1980s, historic props, and select furniture. Items are priced to sell and proceeds go to support our Sacramento Living History volunteer program. Come find your treasure!

old town sacramento haunted tours

The Burnett Awards

Each year the Sacramento History Alliance honors Sacramento businesses that have met the test of time and become iconic treasures in our community. They may not be the oldest, or the biggest, but they are revered and beloved by Sacramentans from all walks of life – we call these businesses “Venerable”.

old town sacramento haunted tours

Blue Star Museum

As a Blue Star Museum, we are proud to offer free admission to the nation’s active-duty military personnel and their families, including National Guard and Reserve. The 2024 Blue Star Museums program begins on Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 18, 2024  and ends on  Labor Day, Monday, September 2, 2024 .

old town sacramento haunted tours

Museums for All

The Sacramento History Museum is proud to be part of Museums For All, an initiative to make museums accessible to all. When you present your SNAP EBT card and photo ID, you will receive FREE Museum admission for up to four people.

old town sacramento haunted tours


Haunted Sacramento

7 of the Most Haunted Places in Sacramento

by LeeAnn Huntoon | October 20, 2023

The capital city of California helped build America with its involvement in building the transcontinental railroad during the Gold Rush era. Given its long history, Sacramento carries along with it countless stories of paranormal activity and ghost sightings. Here are some of the most haunted places in Sacramento. 

Haunted Places in Sacramento that will Send Shivers Down Your Spine

Old sacramento underground tunnels.

The dark, eerie tunnels of Old Sacramento have become the topic of many a local ghost story. Multiple disturbances have been experienced by business owners and patrons of the Old Sac Paranormal Investigation tour . On more than one occasion, a dark menacing energy and unexplained noises have been reported. 

RELATED CONTENT: Maddy & Dixie Take Sactown: Haunted and Historic

Citizen Hotel

The Citizen Hotel is one of the most well-known haunted hotels in Sacramento. The spirits of the Sacramento Hotel have been seen walking around the hotel grounds. Dark shadows and disembodied footsteps can be heard walking down the dark empty hallways.

The theater of the Delta King hotel in Sacramento is believed to be haunted by the original captain. Employees have reported seeing him sitting in the balcony during performances. The sound of footsteps, a young girl giggling, and water glasses clinking and spilling are the most common experiences. 

RELATED CONTENT: 13 of the Most Haunted Hotels in America

Sacramento Theater Company

Two phantoms have also been witnessed around the upstairs, stage-left dressing room of the Sacramento Theater Company . A tall, thin man with a mustache and a very sad Polish actress by the name of Madame Modjeska has been seen numerous times. Keep your eyes on the large mirrors. You may get a glimpse of Madame Modjeska getting ready for her next performance. 

The Vernon-Brannon House 

Originally Sacramento’s first post office, the building became the founding site of the Sacramento Pioneer Association after the post office burned down in 1852. It’s been said that if you stand on the stairs for too long, a female apparition will whisper, “Excuse me” in your ear. Lights on the upper balcony have also been known to turn on without warning. 

Haunted Places Near Sacramento

Freeport factory.

Freeport Factory is one of the most haunted places in the city. Reports include the sound of disembodied children’s laughter. Others have experienced the door to the factory swinging shut and locking them inside.  

Preston Castle

Preston Castle opened in 1894. The former reform school housed many boys deemed as bad influences. Many of the boys housed here died from mistreatment and disease. It’s suggested that the spirits of the boys that died still roam the property. This haunted place near Sacramento has been featured on the paranormal television show “Ghost Hunters” and is also a popular location used for scary movies.

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Very Local  is your best source for shows about local communities, bringing you 24/7 access to news from your trusted local news source, weather updates, and more. The Very Local app also brings you fresh, untold stories from your city and communities like yours, with exclusive original shows and local stories specific to where you live. Get the channel to stream Very Local free on  Roku  or  Amazon Fire TV .

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LeeAnn Huntoon

LeeAnn Huntoon

LeeAnn M. Huntoon is the Web Editor for For over 15 years she's been writing hyper-local SEO content stories for print and digital publications in Orlando and across the country.

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old town sacramento haunted tours


  1. Old Sacramento Ghost Tours

    old town sacramento haunted tours

  2. Do You Dare Venture Into the Old Sacramento Tunnels?

    old town sacramento haunted tours

  3. Step inside Old Sacramento's 'haunted' tunnels

    old town sacramento haunted tours

  4. The Best Haunted Tours In The Sacramento Area

    old town sacramento haunted tours

  5. The Best Haunted Tours In The Sacramento Area

    old town sacramento haunted tours

  6. Stories behind 4 haunted buildings in Old Sacramento

    old town sacramento haunted tours


  1. Sacramento's Scariest Ghost Tours

    Welcome To Sacramento's #1 Rated Ghost Tour. A city of glittery glory became the byline for fools gold, disaster, and death. Find out on a terrifying Sacramento Ghosts tour how the city's bright future collapsed into darkness and despair. Uncover the deeply buried truth about American pioneers who raced to Sacramento in search of fortune.

  2. Ghost Tours

    Ghost Tours. Event Show all dates. October 11, 2019 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm October 12, 2019 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm October 18, 2019 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm October 19, 2019 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm October 25, 2019 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm October 26, 2019 - 6:30pm - 9:00pm. With a theme of Murders, Mayhem and Tragedies this year, the eerie and ever-popular one-hour Ghost ...

  3. Old Sacramento Ghost Tours

    Old Sacramento Ghost Tours. Event October 14, 2023 - 6:00pm - 8:30pm October 21, 2023 - 6:00pm - 8:30pm Sacramento History Museum. Come join the "ghosts" of early Sacramento as you search for clues and solve true tales of Sacramento's phantom past! Beware of wronged soiled doves, misidentified remains, and colorful Gold Rush characters.

  4. Sacramento Ghosts: Gunslingers and Ghouls Tour 2024

    Very interesting tour. Our guide - Emma - was great. Very well versed on Sacramento and California history. Able to relate history and relevance of ghosts to various structures around Old Town Sacramento. Major downside of our tour was the directions provided to the meeting place. An address of 1240 Sacramento River Bike Path was specified.

  5. The 13 Most Haunted Places in Sacramento, CA

    The city offers regular tours of all the haunted hotspots around town, including these very tunnels. Contact the Sacramento History Museum to book an underground tour! Fees are $22.00 for adults, $15.00 for ages 6-12, and children 5 or younger are free. ... Sacramento Historic Old City Cemetery. 1000 Broadway, Sacramento, CA 95818 ...

  6. Sacramento: Gunslingers Ghosts and Ghouls Walking Tour

    Sacramento: Gunslingers Ghosts and Ghouls Walking Tour. Activity provider: US Ghost Adventures. 4.2 / 536 reviews. Take a trip through Sacramento's darker side of history on this walking tour of the Old Town. The scary stories make for a unique night out in California's capital.

  7. US Ghost Adventures

    Welcome to Sacramento's #1 Rated Ghost Tour! A city of glittery glory became the byline for fools gold, disaster, and death. Find out on a terrifying Sacramento Ghosts tour how the city's bright future collapsed into darkness and despair. Uncover the deeply buried truth about American pioneers who raced to Sacramento in search of fortune. Hear their shocking stories and discover how they ...

  8. Sacramento

    Book a ghost tour of the most terrifying places in Sacramento with Lizzie Borden Ghost Tours to find out. ... This historic city holds bone-chilling truths that can only be truly experienced through a chilling and authentic ghost tour. As you walk the dusty Old Town roads, you'll hear unbelievable stories of crimes, secrets, and unexplained ...

  9. Sacramento Ghosts: Gunslingers and Ghouls Tour

    1240 Sacramento River Bike Trail. 1240 Sacramento River Bike Trail, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA. Waterfront Park (across from the ferris wheel and across from the public restrooms. Your guide will be wearing a US Ghost Adventures and carrying a lantern. See address & details.

  10. Sacramento Ghost Tour

    9:00 AM - 11:00 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. The Sacramento Ghost Tour walking route is a great way to catch all of the main haunted attractions in Sacramento! We curate our tour of Sacramento carefully, spending time and energy on gathering the best research, eyewitness accounts, and historical facts within our retellings.

  11. Underground tours in Sacramento for the haunted history buffs

    The Sacramento History Museum is open 7 days a week, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Photo by SACtoday staff. Underground tours run seven days a week, and can be booked online. If you want to throw some old school gaming into the mix, check out the Gold Fever! Game tour.

  12. Old Sacramento Ghost Tours

    Old Sacramento Ghost Tours . Presented by Sacramento History Museum at Sacramento History Museum, Sacramento CA . Oct 15 - 29 2022. BUY TICKETS. Come join the "ghosts" of early Sacramento as you search for clues and solve true tales of Sacramento's phantom past! Beware of wronged soiled doves, misidentified remains, and colorful Gold Rush ...

  13. Underground Tours

    Tickets are on sale for our popular Old Sacramento Underground Tours which run seven days-a-week. Ticket prices for adults are $25.00, and ages 6 - 12 are $18.00. Children 5 and younger are free. Tours are limited to 20 per group. Underground Tours run approximately 1 hour. To book your tour click below or call the Front Desk at 916-808-7059.

  14. Gold Rush and Ghosts of Sacramento

    Go at your own pace, on your own schedule and on your own terms. It's like a real life tour guide, only it's on your phone and available 24/7/365. U.S. Patent No.10,959,051 & 11,496,863. Welcome to Old Sacramento. Or as the locals would call it "Old Sac". If you can't tell by looking around, this city is riddled with history.

  15. Tours

    Game. Our Gold Fever! Game tours are on a temporary hiatus as they undergo new developments. They will be returning later this year. Private tours can be booked for up to 15 people for a flat rate of $180, based upon availability. Please email Aly Kowalski at [email protected] or call (916) 808-1946.

  16. Ghost Tours

    Ghost ToursSacramento History Museum. Ghost Tours. Event October 15, 2022 - 6:00pm - 7:00pm Specialty Entertainment. Come join the "ghosts" of early Sacramento as you search for clues and solve true tales of Sacramento's phantom past! Beware of wronged soiled doves, misidentified remains, and colorful Gold Rush characters.

  17. The Best Haunted Tours In The Sacramento Area

    Sacramento, CA 95814. (916) 808-7059. Dates: October 19-20, 26-27. Another tour to add to your agenda is presented by Old Sacramento Living History and the Historic Old ...

  18. Underground After Hours Tour

    Underground After Hours Tour. Presented by the Historic Old Sacramento Foundation. Tours run from May 1, 2020 through October 31, 2020. Relive the night life of Gold Rush Sacramento - if you dare! Your guides for Underground After Hours divulge matters they just can't discuss on the daytime tours: Murder, mischief, madness, mayhem - and ...

  19. Ghost Tours

    Tours will "depart" at 6:00 pm, 6:30 pm, 7:00 pm, 7:30 pm, 8:00 pm, and 8:30 pm on Saturdays, October 14, 21, and 28. Tickets for our annual Ghost Tours are $35 per person and are on sale now! Purchase them at or by calling the Sacramento History Museum at (916) 808-7059.


    Specialties: Explore the rich and diverse history of our region only at the Sacramento History Museum! Don't miss our Underground and Gold Fever! Game Tours. Established in 1985. The museum originally opened in 1985 as the Sacramento History Center, to exhibit artifacts and records from the Sacramento Archives and Museum Collection Center. In 1993, in a collaborative effort with the City of ...

  21. Sacramento History Museum

    Welcome to the Sacramento History Museum. We are open 7 days-a-week from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. with last tickets sold at 4:30 P.M. NEW EXHIBIT!

  22. 7 of the Most Haunted Places in Sacramento

    Haunted Places in Sacramento that will Send Shivers Down Your Spine Old Sacramento Underground Tunnels. The dark, eerie tunnels of Old Sacramento have become the topic of many a local ghost story. Multiple disturbances have been experienced by business owners and patrons of the Old Sac Paranormal Investigation tour. On more than one occasion, a ...

  23. Old Sacramento Underground Tours

    Old Sacramento Underground tours depart from the Sacramento History Museum at 101 I Street in Old Sacramento. This half-mile guided historical walking tour lasts approximately one hour and visit areas with uneven surfaces and low ceilings. The tour is ADA compliant and can accommodate up to 20 people. Come dressed for the weather outside!