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NBC Chicago

Who is the ‘Golden Voyager' at the Olympics Closing Ceremony?

By nbc chicago staff • published august 11, 2024 • updated on august 11, 2024 at 3:29 pm.

As the 2024 Summer Olympics conclude, viewers are turning their attention to the Closing Ceremony in Paris, with one performer capturing widespread attention and sparking questions.

The "Golden Voyager," performing in the middle stages of Sunday's Closing Ceremony, was introduced in the Stade de France, in an imagining of a time without the Olympics.

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While it's unknown who is playing the role of the Golden Voyager in the ceremony, the character has quite the history.

The character was inspired by a number of references from France's historical heritage, starting with the Spirit of the Bastille, according to the creators. It also references "The Génie de la Liberté," also called the Génie de la Bastille, is a bronze gilded statue cast in 1836 by Auguste Dumont. This allegorical statue represents Liberty and surmounts the July Column, located in the center of the Place de la Bastille in Paris.

It was meant to evoke creatures from science fiction and video games.

According to the artistic directors, another inspiration was The Voyager Golden Record, launched into space in 1977 by the Voyager spacecraft, inspired both the title of the Ceremony and the name of the character. This golden record, which serves as a time capsule in interstellar space and is embedded with greetings from human civilization, was made in France.

The mysterious performance runs parallel to a similar showing in the Games' Opening Ceremony, when a masked torch-bearer that contained references to the popular video game series "Assassin's Creed."

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voyage d'or msaken

  • Sousse - Monastir - Mahdia Publié le 24-03-2011

M'saken fait partie du Sahel, elle est située au centre est de la République Tunisienne qui est située au nord-est de l'Afrique, au centre du Bassin méditerranéen.


Constituée de collines et de vallées, M'saken est située à 10 Km de la mer méditerranéenne.

Le climat de M'saken subit les influences méditerranéennes : c'est un climat généralement doux et clément.


Nord : Sousse Riadh et Kalâa Séghira

Sud : Délégation de Djemmel

Est : Délégation d'El Ouerdanine

Ouest : Délégation de Sidi El Hèni

La ville en chiffres

Nombre d'habitants :  75.721 (dont 20.000 à l'étranger)

Nombre d'habitations :  16.449

Superficie verte :  12m2 /personne

Électricité en fonction :  95 %

Éclairage public :  81 %

Routes goudronnées :  40 %

Lien avec l'ONAS :  63 %

Lien avec SONEDE :  85 %

Histoire de la ville

La ville de M'saken a été fondée au début du 8ème  siècle de l’Héjire par des (Chorfas) descendants  du prophète.

Leurs ancêtres émigrèrent du Hijaz au Magreb dans la période de la dynastie Idrissienne.

Ainsi un groupe de leurs neveux s’installèrent sur une terre connue sous le nom de la vallée du lion ( Ghabat  Essid ) d’un moment donné et à un  autre par la vallée du Sultan qui portait le nom du Sultan Hafside qui leur a léguée.

Une fois installés à ces lieux, ils se divisèrent  en cinq tribus et construisirent cinq palais entourant la mosquée "El Aousat" . Ces palais  se sont métamorphosés au fil des années en quartiers dont;

Le quartier de Njejra : sis au  sud de la mosquée El Aousat

Le quartier de Kebline : sis également au sud  de la même mosquée

Le quartier de Menâama : sis à l’est de ladite mosquée

Le quartier de Jebline : sis au nord de cette mosquée

Le quartier de Jdidine : sis à l’ouest de la mosquée El Aousat

Chaque palais consiste en une petite forteresse d’une seule issue fermée la nuit.

M'saken est un mot arabe indiquant le pluriel du mot singulier (mesken) qui signifie habitation.

Ainsi les habitants des villages arvisionnants l’appelaient (M’saken des Chorfas) c’est à dire (les habitations des descendants du prophète) .

Ustensiles, habits et outils traditionnels de Msaken :

- Khilla : Pièce d'ornement en argent ou en or qui rattache au niveau de la poitrine les bouts du costume classique qui couvre généralement tout le corps.

- Costumes pour hommes :

Blouse arabe : c'est un costume en tissu généralement gris. Il couvre tout le corps et peut être porté même au cours du travail. Cette blouse peut être blanche. Cadroune :c'est un vêtement en laine pareil à la blouse. Il est porté surtout en hiver. Jebba (Gandoura) :costume traditionnel plus large que la blouse et le cadroune. Il est porté généralement au printemps et en été au cours des heures de repos.

- Wazra : C'est une couverture classique spéciale pour la femme. Elle la porte quand elle sort de son foyer.C'est un tissu en laine de couleur noire généralement.

- Lampe à pétrole :C'est une lampe à pétrole ; elle est très utilisée généralement là où l'électricité fait défaut.

- Fourche et faucille :

Fourche : C'est un outil agricole manuel qui sert à déplacer les herbes sèches ou la paille ...

Faucille :C'est un instrument pour couper les herbes et les plantes de blé ou d'orge.

- Fer à repasser:C'est un instrument manuel pour repasser les vêtements. Pour s'en servir, on le remplissait de charbon enflammé.

- Carde et fuseau :

Carde :C'est un instrument manuel pour peigner la laine avant de la transformer sous forme de fil. Il est formé de deux petites plaques carrées garnies de chardons ou de pointes métalliques.

Fuseau :Petit instrument manuel pour transformer la laine cardée en fil.

Pilon / Moulin en pierre :

Pilon: C'est un instrument manuel en bois ou en cuivre pour broyer les  grains et toutes sortes d'embellifères .

Moulin en pierre: pour broyer les grains.

- Marmite et couscoussière : Deux récipients en argile cuite essentiellement. On s'en sert pour cuire du couscous, plat tunisien très réputé.

- Bassinet :C'est un récipient en cuivre essentiellement. On s'en sert pour se laver le visage et les membres.

- Marmite en cuivre (Nhasa): C'est un genre de marmite en cuivre. On s'en sert pour chauffer de l'eau et se baigner.

- Mdar :Genre de moulin qui broie les grains d'olive en tournant.

- Tabouna :Genre de four fait en argile cuite ; On sen sert pour préparer du pain sous forme de galettes.

- Jarre : C'est un récipient qui permet de garder du couscous ou de l'huile durant une période assez longue.

- Charrette : C'est un moyen de transport ou d'activité agricole. La charrette est tirée par un âne ou un mulet ou un cheval.

Sites archéologiques et historiques

Le palais de Chekir Saheb Ettabâa appelé également le palais d’El Magroun

Ce palais a été construit en 1828 par le ministre Saheb Ettabâa et a été légué sous le régime du Ahmed Bacha premier au Général M'sakenien  Hassen Magroun

Il a été abrité en 1864 sous le régime de Sadok Bacha les pour-parlers entre les insurgés et les émissaires de ce dernier .

La mosquée El Aousat

Cette mosquée sise au centre ville; elle a été érigée au début du 8ème siècle par les (Chorfas) fondateurs de M'saken.

A noter que la ville de M'saken comporte plus de 15 Zaouias dont notamment :

les Zaouias de Sidi Chatti , sidi Abar , sidi Kaîbi , Sidi Mlayah et Sidi Abdessalem .

La "Medressa" (école) du Cheikh Ezrelli

Cette "Medressa"  avoisinante du palais d’El Magroun et qui porte le nom de son prédicateur Elbech Ezrelli  serait édifiée au 12ème siècle de l’Hégire (18ème siècle a.j.c ) . Elle comporte une mini-mosquée et plusieurs chambres aménagées en vue d’héberger les étudiants venant des régions lointaines.

La "Medressa" du cheikh Ali Ibn Koulaïfa

Cette "Medressa" a été fondée en 1104 de l'Héjire 1692 après J.C par le Cheikh  Ali Ibn Khoulaifa qui y a professé la théologie au profit de plusieurs Imams savants Kadis et Meftis tunisiens.

Source :



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voyage d'or msaken

The voyage of the Altar Stone: A Stonehenge mystery solved (maybe)

LONDON — The world’s most famous prehistoric monument continues to surprise and amaze. Researchers on Wednesday revealed that the long-mysterious “Altar Stone” at the heart of Stonehenge came from faraway Scotland, raising tantalizing new questions about how — and why — a six-ton slab of sandstone made its way from north to south 5,000 years ago.

Aliens? Not likely, unless the government knows something we don’t. Could it have been deposited nearby by ice - age glaciers that covered Britain during the woolly mammoth Pleistocene? Probably not. The ice sheets in Scotland were moving north, not south, and so deposited their moraines in the opposite direction.

So we are left with two theories: that the Altar Stone was dragged 500 miles or more overland by our Neolithic forebears, before the invention of the wheel, across the high hills and through the dense forests of prehistoric Britain; or, as these scientists speculate, that the stone was ferried via sea by Stone Age mariners, a routing that “demonstrates a high level of societal organization with intra-Britain transport during the Neolithic period.”

Meaning? That Neolithic peoples were capable of delivering a Stone Age prehistoric FedEx package weighing 13,227 pounds from as far north as the Orkney Islands off the coast of Scotland to the Salisbury Plain southwest of present-day London, with the understanding that six tons is approximately the weight of a full-grown male African elephant.

Such a delivery might have taken a decade or more — but “just in time” is relative.

At this point, the scientists say your guess is about as good as theirs, which is why Stonehenge remains “a wonder of the world.”

The new research, led by scientists at Curtin University in Australia, is jaw-dropping — upending a century of geological inquiry to conclude that the Altar Stone, long believed to originate from Wales, actually hails from Scotland, and would have had to make a trip of 450 to 600 miles.

The stone must have meant a lot to the people back then. There is other evidence of other stones being moved from stone circle to stone circle.

“But this is a very, very long way,” said Heather Sebire, senior curator at Stonehenge for the group English Heritage. She called the new findings “amazing.”

What was Stonehenge — a burial site, a meeting place, an astronomical clock or a “computer”?

The Altar Stone has always been a spooky outlier, unique in its composition and its placement, and one of the most analyzed pieces of stone ever, a kind of moon rock for the archaeologist set.

You can visit it today. It lies at the center, the heart, of the stone circle but was found recumbent, lying flat, on the horizontal. When did it arrive? Maybe 2500 B.C. Could it have come to Stonehenge later? Sure, but the builders might have had to squeeze it into place.

Nobody knows whether the Altar Stone served as an altar, just as the nearby “ Slaughter Stone ” probably had nothing to do with sacrifice — human or otherwise. These were just the romantic (lurid) names that the early pearl-clutching antiquarians gave the rocks, imagining druids doing their nasty business to appease some unholy deities.

A 25-year-old PhD student named Anthony Clarke, who is originally from Wales and visited Stonehenge as a child, led the search for the provenance of the Altar Stone.

Clarke and colleagues examined two polished samples of the stone, each thinner than a strand of hair — and wow.

Robert Ixer, an archaeologist at University College London, an authority on the geology of Stonehenge and a co-author of the paper that appears in the journal Nature, said the team in Australia had just two samples of the Altar Stone to work with.

“But that was enough,” he told The Washington Post.

He called the new provenance of the Altar Stone “astonishing.” Ixer spent much of his career assuming the Altar Stone was from Wales, still a far distance, but not nearly as far away as Scotland.

So precious is the Neolithic monument, a World Heritage site, that it is no longer possible to take a hammer and chisel, as the Victorians and their predecessors did, and knock off a chunk to examine.

Ixer explained that the two samples in the research paper included one collected in the 1840s with a hammer, and a second from the 1920s, which was excavated at the site as a bit of detritus. And it is those two slivers that led researchers to a conclusion about the geographic provenance of the Altar Stone.

“They are both fragments of the Altar Stone with the exact same characteristics,” Ixer said.

The analysis of the Altar Stone was also overseen by Chris Kirkland at the Timescales of Mineral Systems Group within Curtin’s School of Earth and Planetary Sciences. The cutting-edge laboratory usually spends its time helping to look for iron ore and gold deposits.

In this case, the group used lasers to light and mass spectrometers to explore the individual grains in the Altar Stone sliver, paying most attention to the minerals apatite, rutile and zircon, which decays at a known rate and so becomes a kind of “geologic clock” for dating material.

They found the specific grains in the Altar Stone contained minerals that were as old as 2 billion years and others 450 million years old, which produced a kind of chemical fingerprint.

The geologists from Curtin say with 95 percent certainty that the Altar Stone is Old Red Sandstone from the Orcadian Basin in northeast Scotland, an area that stretches from the Orkney Islands to Inverness.

Two other stones make up most of the Stonehenge assemblage. The big sarsen stones, which form the upright posts and lintels in the postcards, the dramatic images of the monument, came from nearby quarries, not many miles away.

The others are called “bluestones,” which form the outer circle, and those stones came from quarries in Wales.

How all the sarsen and bluestones were moved remains a hotly debated topic — were they wrapped in willow baskets and rolled? Or pushed along on sleds, or rolled on logs, or just dragged by humans with rope and leather, maybe helped by oxen?

As for the Altar Stone, these researchers like a maritime route. They point out that Neolithic people introduced the common vole from continental Europe to Orkney. There is also evidence of the long-distance marine transport of cattle and quarried stone tools and pottery. Goods and animals crossed the English Channel way back then.

Researchers have found evidence of Neolithic dugout canoes — but mostly in rivers, not seaside. Seagoing rafts, perhaps boats with hulls lined with animal skins? That is a good guess, but there is little physical evidence on the shorelines because these kinds of materials decay quickly.

The geologists here say that more geologists will now work hard to pinpoint the exact place in Scotland where the Altar Stone came from — and they confess that another generation of archaeologists will puzzle to figure out how and why the stone was moved, perhaps never to know.

“As these things may be lost to history,” as Clarke said. Or maybe not.

The voyage of the Altar Stone: A Stonehenge mystery solved (maybe)

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Voyager vs Voyage – Verb or Noun? Clearing the Confusion in French

Serene environment helping students in language learning.

Learning a new language often involves deciphering between words that look similar but function differently. French, with its rich vocabulary and grammatical structure, presents such challenges. Two commonly confused terms are voyager and voyage . In this article, we’ll explore these words, focusing on their grammatical roles, usage, and nuances in meaning.

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Understanding the Basics: Voyager vs. Voyage

The French verb voyager means “to travel”. It is an action word, indicating the act of traveling. On the other hand, voyage is a noun that translates to “trip” or “journey” in English. It refers to the event of traveling or the experience of a journey.

Conjugating Voyager

Voyager is a regular -er verb, and it follows the typical conjugation pattern of this group. Here’s how you would conjugate it in the present indicative:

– Je voyage (I travel) – Tu voyages (You travel) – Il/Elle voyage (He/She travels) – Nous voyageons (We travel) – Vous voyagez (You travel) – Ils/Elles voyagent (They travel)

Il voyage souvent en Europe pendant l’été. (He often travels to Europe during the summer.)

Using Voyage in Sentences

As a noun, voyage can be used in various contexts to talk about different aspects of traveling. It can be used alone or with other words to specify the type of journey.

– Un voyage (a trip) – Le grand voyage (the great journey)

Le voyage à Paris était incroyable! (The trip to Paris was incredible!)

Distinguishing Between Voyager and Voyage

It is essential to understand when to use the verb voyager and the noun voyage . This distinction is not just about grammar but also about the context of the sentence.

– Voyager : Use this verb when you want to describe the action of traveling. J’aime voyager pendant les vacances. (I like to travel during vacations.)

– Voyage : Use this noun when referring to the trip itself or the concept of a journey. Mon prochain voyage sera en Italie. (My next trip will be to Italy.)

Common Expressions and Phrases

Both voyager and voyage are used in various expressions and phrases in French, which can enrich your language use.

– Prêt pour le voyage? (Ready for the trip?) – Voyager léger (to travel light)

Practical Examples in Context

To further clarify, let’s see how both terms can be used in more extended sentences or real-life contexts.

Chaque été, nous aimons voyager en Grèce pour explorer les îles. (Each summer, we like to travel to Greece to explore the islands.) Le voyage en bateau peut être très relaxant. (Traveling by boat can be very relaxing.)

Recognizing the difference between voyager and voyage and using them correctly can significantly enhance your French language skills. Remember, voyager is the verb that focuses on the action of traveling, while voyage is the noun that refers to the journey or trip itself. By practicing these terms in various contexts, you’ll become more proficient and comfortable in your French language journey. So, whether you’re planning your next voyage or just dreaming about the places you’ll one day voyager , keep these distinctions in mind to enhance your understanding and usage of French.

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  1. Voyages d'or

    About. Voyages d'or is located in M'saken. Voyages d'or is working in Travel agencies, Travel and transportation activities. You can contact the company at 73 313 122. You can find more information about Voyages d'or at Categories: Travel agency and tour operator activities, Travel agency activities.

  2. الأسفار الذهبية Voyages d'Or

    ‎الأسفار الذهبية Voyages d'Or‎, Tunis, Tunisia. 44,654 likes · 6 talking about this · 118 were here. Votre agence de voyages en Tunisie pour les meilleurs forfaits de voyage et billetterie


    Voyages d' est synonyme de confiance et se définie comme un expert dans le domaine des voyages. Notre engagement est de vous offrir le meilleur produit et ce au meilleur prix. Tous nos partenaires sont dignes de confiance ayant acquis une solide réputation dans l'industrie du voyage. Une équipe spécialisée est disponible, aux heures d'affaire, afin de vous assister.

  4. Voyages d'or

    Voyages d'or is a Travel Agency, located at: Boulevard Docteur Taieb Hachicha، Msaken 4070, Tunisia ... Home - Tunisia - Sousse - Voyages d'or. Voyages d'or Sousse, Tunisia Place Types: Travel Agency: Address: Boulevard Docteur Taieb Hachicha، Msaken 4070, Tunisia: Coordinate: 35.744242, 10.586261. Phone: +216 73 313 122: Email: Rating: 4.30 ...

  5. IMEN Voyages

    IMEN Voyages, M'saken. 526 likes · 1 talking about this. imen voyages une agence de voyages sise à boulevard de l environnement Msaken au dessus de...

  6. Kounouz Travel

    Agence de Voyage Catégorie A. Kounouz Travel, Msaken. 4,604 likes · 3 talking about this · 2 were here. Agence de Voyage Catégorie A

  7. Voyages d'or, hotel reservations, Sousse, M'saken

    Hotel reservations Voyages d'or at Sousse, M'saken, ☎️ show phone numbers. Get directions in Yandex Maps. Search. Directions. Maps • Hotel reservations. Voyages d'or. No reviews yet. Write review. Business hours unknown +216 942 500 00. Show phone. Sousse, M'saken. Directions.

  8. Agence Voyages d'or

    Agence Voyages d'or est situé dans Msaken. Agence Voyages d'or - Msaken sur la carte. Villes proches: Coordonnées : 35°44'39"N 10°35'10"E. Ajouter votre commentaire en french.

  9. Who is the 'Golden Voyager' at the Closing Ceremony?

    The "Golden Voyager," performing in the middle stages of Sunday's Closing Ceremony, was introduced in the Stade de France, in an imagining of a time without the Olympics. 📺 24/7 Chicago news ...

  10. M'Saken

    Source : S'envoler au-dessus de Mahdia en ULM : Une aventure aérienne inoubliable. 5 raisons de découvrir la médina de Sousse. ... En photos: 16 agents de voyage britanniques à la découverte de la Tunisie. Des représentantes des agences de voyage tchèques en visite à Sousse.

  11. The voyage of the Altar Stone: A Stonehenge mystery solved (maybe)

    So we are left with two theories: that the Altar Stone was dragged 500 miles or more overland by our Neolithic forebears, before the invention of the wheel, across the high hills and through the ...

  12. Msaken Voyages

    per adult (price varies by group size) Half Day Private Excursion Sousse medina Kantaoui and Hergla. 4. Historical Tours. from. $75.15. per adult (price varies by group size) Private Half Day Tour Roman Coliseum EL JEM. 21.

  13. Voyage

    Voyage. Today's crossword puzzle clue is a quick one: Voyage. We will try to find the right answer to this particular crossword clue. Here are the possible solutions for "Voyage" clue. It was last seen in British quick crossword. We have 8 possible answers in our database. Sponsored Links.

  14. Lassime Travel

    Lassime Travel, Msaken. 2,615 likes · 4 were here. Lassime Travel est une agence de voyage, basée à Msaken, spécialiste de la Tunisie et de certaine

  15. M'saken

    According to local tradition, M'saken was founded by a group of descendants of Husayn Ibn Ali, grandson of Muhammad.They had come to North Africa escaping from the Abbasid rulers of Baghdad, who had been engaged in a cruel fight against Sharifians (descendants of Husayn and his brother Hassan) the sons of Ali.. They founded a Sharifian Emirate in near present-day Tiaret in west-central Algeria.

  16. M'Saken : les meilleurs hôtels

    Recherchez, précisez et sélectionnez des éléments pour l'ensemble de votre voyage. Trouvez des hôtels en M'Saken, tn. Réservez en ligne, payez à l'hôtel. Tarifs attractifs et pas de frais de réservation. Lisez les commentaires de clients réels.

  17. The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor

    Sindbad's seven voyages should then be understood as tales of derring-do to achieve fame and fortune. On his first voyage, Sindbad sails to what he thinks is an island but instead is a huge whale, that dives deep into the sea when he and his sailors light a fire to cook. He is eventually rescued by a passing boat and ends on an island ruled ...

  18. Msaken Voyages Tunisie

    Msaken Voyages Tunisie, Nice. 24,399 likes · 7 talking about this. Agence de voyage de Licence A

  19. Msaken Voyages

    Msaken Voyages - Excursion Bateau Pirate. See all things to do. See all things to do. Msaken Voyages - Excursion Bateau Pirate. 3. 46 reviews #2 of 6 Boat Tours & Water Sports in Sousse. Boat Tours. Write a review. See all photos. Full view. 43. About. Read more. Sousse, Tunisia. Call. Visit website. Contact.

  20. Msaken Voyages

    Msaken Voyages - Excursion Bateau Pirate, Sousse: See 43 reviews, articles, and 43 photos of Msaken Voyages - Excursion Bateau Pirate, ranked No.24 on Tripadvisor among 24 attractions in Sousse.

  21. Dhokkar Voyage

    Dhokkar Voyage, M'saken, Tunisie. 63 likes · 1 talking about this. Travel Company

  22. Voyager vs Voyage

    Understanding the Basics: Voyager vs. Voyage. The French verb voyager means "to travel". It is an action word, indicating the act of traveling. On the other hand, voyage is a noun that translates to "trip" or "journey" in English. It refers to the event of traveling or the experience of a journey.

  23. BSA

    BSA, Msaken. 732 likes · 3 were here. location de voitures