star trek movie enterprise

Why a Star Trek: Enterprise movie is a better idea than another Star Trek reboot movie

S tar Trek fans are less than impressed over the recent revelation that the upcoming Star Trek prequel movie will focus on first contact and the creation of Starfleet. Chad Porto just shared some of the social media comments, and none of them welcomed a film that is essentially Star Trek: First Contact and StarTrek: Enterprise combined into one set in the Kelvin Timeline.

We've seen the origins of Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock in the Kelvin Timeline, which we had not seen in The Original Series. That doesn't make it canon in the Prime Timeline, of course, but at least it was different. But creating a movie now that is focused on something that was covered in a successful movie and four seasons of a television series that many still adore opens the door to many questions. One of them being: if you want to explore more about the beginning of the Federation, why not just expand on Star Trek; Enterprise?

No movie is going to be able to do first contact better than First Contact did, but there are plenty of unanswered questions about the beginning of the Federation that could be covered in a movie. The cast from Enterprise need a wrap-up movie, the actors clearly have the talent to bring in the fans, and this would be a great way to show fans that the powers-that-be really are listening like Alex Kurtzman has been saying .

Star Trek has exceptional talent in its actors from Enterprise, and there were some fairly large threads left dangling when the series ended. The film doesn't have to start right where Enterprise left off, but it would be doing a great service to the fans to show the beginnings of the Federation and possibly even Captain Archer's turn as President of the Federation (even though this never took place in a series or movie).

Fans want a Star Trek movie that is about new ideas and new adventures. Just look at how successful the third season of Star Trek: Picard was. It had most of the same talent from Star Trek: The Next Generation on a new adventure. And it was a phenomenal hit. So instead of going backwards, the studio/producers need to consider moving forward with the cast we know can get the job done.

This article was originally published on as Why a Star Trek: Enterprise movie is a better idea than another Star Trek reboot movie .

Why a Star Trek: Enterprise movie is a better idea than another Star Trek reboot movie

Memory Alpha

USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)

The USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) was a 24th century Federation Sovereign -class starship operated by Starfleet . This ship was the sixth Federation starship to bear the name Enterprise .

  • 2.1 Construction and launch
  • 2.2.1 Return to Earth
  • 2.2.2 Journey to 2063
  • 2.3.1 The Battle of the Briar Patch
  • 2.4 Continuing voyages
  • 2.5.1 Battle of the Bassen Rift
  • 2.6 The 2380s
  • 4 Technical information
  • 5 Command crew
  • 6.1 Appearances
  • 6.3 Apocrypha
  • 6.4 External links

Lineage [ ]

Service history [ ], construction and launch [ ].

On stardate 49827.5, the Sovereign -class Enterprise -E, seen as the pinnacle of Starfleet ship design, was launched from San Francisco Fleet Yards , with Captain Jean-Luc Picard in command once more. Much of the crew of the Enterprise -D had been reassigned there, including almost the entire senior staff . The sole exception was Lieutenant Commander Worf , who had already transferred to the space station Deep Space 9 . ( Star Trek: First Contact ; DS9 : " The Way of the Warrior ", " Trials and Tribble-ations ")

Asked about its construction, Ronald D. Moore replied that his " working assumption was that the E-E had her keel laid sometime during TNG's last season and was probably going to be given another name . When the E-D was destroyed, that Sovereign -class ship was nearing completion and was then christened Enterprise . This same sort of thing happened during WWII . After the carrier Yorktown was sunk at Midway , the US Navy decided to rename a carrier then under construction in honor of the fallen ship. " ( AOL chat , 1998 )

In the novel Headlong Flight , it is stated that the Enterprise -E was originally going to be named the USS Honorius before the Battle of Veridian III .

The novel The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard stated that the vessel was originally going to be named the USS Sentinel .

The Borg threat [ ]

After almost a year in space , the Enterprise was ordered to patrol the Romulan Neutral Zone during the second Borg incursion . Starfleet was officially concerned about possible Romulan military action since many of the available ships had been diverted to fight the Borg , but in reality, Starfleet was concerned about Picard's presence at the battle.

Return to Earth [ ]

USS Enterprise-E engages Borg at 001

The Enterprise at the Battle of Sector 001

However, shortly after the Federation fleet engaged the Borg cube , Picard disobeyed orders and returned to Earth to assist the fleet. Once there, Picard became aware of a battle-induced weakness in the Borg ship due to his residual link to the Collective and ordered all the ships in the fleet to concentrate their fire on that section of the ship. As a result, the Borg vessel was destroyed and the Battle of Sector 001 was a victory for Starfleet.

Journey to 2063 [ ]

Defiant and Enterprise-E

The Enterprise passing the USS Defiant

Before the Borg cube was destroyed, it launched a second vessel towards Earth. This ship created a temporal vortex and traveled back to the year 2063 in order to stop Zefram Cochrane from launching his historic warp ship , the Phoenix . Their hope was to prevent first contact with the Vulcans and assimilate Earth before the Federation could be formed to resist them.

The Enterprise , protected from the alterations in the timeline by a temporal wake within the vortex, chased the Borg into the past and destroyed their ship and sent an away team to help Cochrane repair the Phoenix .

Borg assimilating Enterprise-E corridor

Borg assimilating the decks of the Enterprise

However, the ship's sensors and shields were damaged during the trip through the vortex and, unbeknownst to the crew , several Borg drones transported aboard the Enterprise before their ship exploded. They began to assimilate the ship, beginning with main engineering and sickbay on Deck 16 and converting the corridors into a Borg configuration, complete with regeneration alcoves and assimilation chambers . On Picard's order, Lieutenant Commander Data locked out the main computer with a fractal encryption code to prevent the Borg from fully seizing control of the Enterprise . The Borg established their collective in engineering and cut primary power to all other decks, cutting the Enterprise off from the away team still down on the surface . The Borg were able to swiftly overrun the defense checkpoints set up by the Starfleet crew on Decks 26 through 11, assimilating the crew as they progressed and seizing control of such sections as hydroponics , Stellar cartography , deflector control and the shuttlebays . They also attempted to build an interplexing beacon on the particle emitter of the deflector dish to contact the Borg Collective of that time period.

Sovereign class deflector dish, damaged

The main deflector dish, with particle emitter disconnected

A three-man team led by Captain Picard stopped the beacon from being completed by separating the dish from the ship by disengaging the magnetic locks and destroying it. The Borg changed tactics and continued to overrun the defense checkpoints, assimilating the ship up to Deck 5 with the intent to fully assimilate the vessel . The Borg's ability to adapt to the handheld weapons of the Enterprise crew made stopping them impossible and Picard realized that the fight was a lost cause. After great consideration, he reluctantly ordered the evacuation of the ship via the escape pods and activated the ship's auto-destruct sequence to prevent the Borg from interfering with the Phoenix flight.

Picard eventually confronted the Borg Queen in main engineering, only to find, to his horror, that the Borg had apparently coerced Data into collaborating with them. He aborted the auto-destruct sequence and entered the encryption codes into the main computer, effectively giving the Borg Queen command of the Enterprise . On the Queen's instructions, Data fired three quantum torpedoes at the Phoenix , ostensibly intending to destroy it. However, the torpedoes narrowly missed their target and Data revealed that he had in fact simply been deceiving the Borg. He ruptured one of the plasma coolant tanks , flooding engineering with plasma coolant and liquefying the Borg Queen and all the drones in engineering. With the death of the Borg Queen, the remaining Borg onboard were disabled, which allowed Data and Picard to recapture the vessel.

The Enterprise crew was successful in helping Cochrane make his flight and instigate First Contact with Vulcans . Using the gravitational field of Luna allowed the Enterprise to remain undetected by the Vulcan ship and the Enterprise was able to recreate the vortex used by the Borg to return to 2373 where the Borg components were removed, the ship repaired and subsequently returned to service. ( Star Trek: First Contact )

The Briar Patch [ ]

USS Enterprise-E in Briar Patch

The Enterprise in the Briar Patch

With the Federation Diplomatic Corps attempting to negotiate an end to the Dominion War , the Enterprise was relegated to a diplomatic role, much to the dissatisfaction of Captain Picard. In 2375 , the Enterprise was conducting a diplomatic mission with the Evora , a new Federation protectorate species and was scheduled to resolve a territorial dispute in the Goren system when her crew became embroiled in a plot by the Son'a , assisted by Starfleet Admiral Dougherty , to forcibly remove the Ba'ku from their isolated homeworld in the Briar Patch .

The Son'a turned out to be vengeful former Ba'ku who had been exiled from the planet after a failed coup a century prior . They planned to harvest metaphasic radiation from the planet 's ring system and needed Starfleet's cooperation to carry out the plan. Captain Picard felt the relocation of the Ba'ku was a severe violation of the Prime Directive and resigned his commission, leading a team of Enterprise crewmembers to the Ba'ku planet to prevent their capture and removal.

USS Enterprise-E avoids an Isolytic burst

The Enterprise being pursued by a subspace tear in the Briar Patch

Commander William T. Riker was instructed to take the Enterprise and contact the Federation Council to alert them of Admiral Dougherty's treachery. However, the Enterprise was required to navigate an area of space known as the Briar Patch in order to contact Starfleet Command . This area disrupted communications as well as the ship's warp drive .

The Battle of the Briar Patch [ ]

Two Son'a battle cruisers were sent by Ahdar Ru'afo to intercept the Enterprise before she left the Briar Patch and severely damaged the ship in the process. The warp core was ejected in order to seal a dangerous tear in subspace created by the isolytic weaponry of the Son'a.

Riker was able to outwit the Son'a by collecting metreon gas native to the Briar Patch then venting it behind the ship. When the Son'a used their weapons, the gas exploded, destroying one ship and severely damaging the other. Geordi La Forge half-jokingly commented that the tactic could become known as the Riker Maneuver . The Enterprise later returned to the Ba'ku planet to aid Captain Picard disarming the Son'a collector . They ran into Ru'afo's flagship on their way there and Commander Riker pretended to ram into the flagship but instead flew over it and used its phaser banks to fire at it. When the collector started to blow up, the Enterprise beamed up Picard and left Ru'afo to be destroyed in the collector while it blew up. The Enterprise later left the Briar Patch to leave for Earth. ( Star Trek: Insurrection )

Continuing voyages [ ]

The Enterprise visited Earth for several days in 2376 , around the time the Pathfinder Project made contact with the USS Voyager and conducted a mission about seven light years from Earth the following year . According to Deanna Troi , it was an important mission, but the objective was never discussed. ( VOY : " Pathfinder ", " Life Line ")

Sometime between 2375 and 2379 the Enterprise underwent a major refit . Four additional aft -facing photon torpedo tubes were added, along with one more forward-facing tube: a twin launcher aft of the bridge , a single launcher above the aft hangar deck and a single launcher at the forward base of the bridge terracing.

The bridge was refitted with handrails and the consoles were improved across the port and starboard walls with more detailed displays. Additionally, new nacelle pylons were fitted at that time, slightly longer, broader, and more sharply swept than the originals and fitted with four additional phaser arrays . ( Star Trek Nemesis )

Mission to Romulus [ ]

USS Enterprise-E, aft

The Enterprise in 2379

In 2379 , the Enterprise returned to Earth for the wedding of William T. Riker and Deanna Troi. She departed for Betazed , where another ceremony, a traditional Betazoid wedding, was scheduled.

While en route, the ship detected unusual positronic signals from the Kolarin system , discovering another Soong-type android , the prototype B-4 . Shortly following, the Enterprise was ordered to Romulus for a meeting with the new Praetor , Shinzon , who apparently wanted to initiate peace talks. Both the discovery of B-4 and the peace overtures turned out to be a ruse to capture Captain Picard and discover tactical positions of Starfleet vessels.

USS Enterprise-E and Scimitar following collision extraction

Enterprise faces and collides with the Scimitar

Once it became clear Shinzon was going to use his starship, the Scimitar , to destroy all life on Earth and wage war on the Federation, the Enterprise was to join Star Fleet Battle Group Omega and make a stand against Shinzon.

Battle of the Bassen Rift [ ]

Shinzon caught up to the Enterprise in the Bassen Rift and, in the ensuing confrontation , the vessel was severely damaged, including a major hull breach on the bridge, destroying the viewscreen and controls and disabling the warp core .

As a last resort, Picard ordered Counselor Deanna Troi to take control of the Enterprise and have it ram the Scimitar , resulting in the loss of much of the saucer section 's forward area. The collision disabled the Scimitar , but Shinzon, driven by vengeance , activated his deadly thalaron weapon and trained it on the Enterprise .

The weapon was overloaded, and the Scimitar was destroyed due to interference from Commander Data, who sacrificed himself to save the Enterprise , Picard and, indirectly, Earth.

USS Enterprise-E in drydock 2

Enterprise in drydock over Earth

Following the Scimitar incident, the Enterprise returned to Earth where it underwent an extensive repair in one of the orbiting spacedocks . ( Star Trek Nemesis )

A cut scene from the script for Star Trek Nemesis revealed that it was the starship USS Hemingway that towed the critically damaged Enterprise to Earth.

According to the Star Trek Nemesis script and a deleted scene , the Enterprise was to explore the Denab system following her refit. In this scene, Commander Martin Madden , the new executive officer , has an awkward first encounter with Picard (having, as a joke , been given laughably inaccurate advice by Riker), and Picard is delighted to find a new captain's chair with something most Star Trek bridges have lacked: a seat belt .

The 2380s [ ]

USS Enterprise-E, 2384

The Protostar evades the Enterprise -E in 2384

In 2381 , two Reman assassins intercepted the Enterprise in the Donatra sector and put a gun to Picard's head. ( PIC : " Seventeen Seconds ")

That same year, Captain Picard was promoted to admiral and left the Enterprise to spearhead the construction and deployment of a massive transport fleet intended to aid the evacuation of the Romulus system before its sun went supernova in 2387 . ( PIC : " Remembrance "; LD : " The Stars At Night ")

According to the press kit for PIC Season 1 , Picard left the Enterprise and was promoted to admiral in 2381 , to assist the Romulan people. [1]

In 2384 , the Enterprise was part of a Federation armada sent to intercept the USS Protostar , when it was intentionally attacked by the living construct released by Asencia . ( PRO : " Mindwalk ", " Supernova, Part 1 ")

Later, after the Protostar was destroyed, the ship was seen wrecked, with numerous gashes in the hull and completely dark, but somewhat intact. ( PRO : " Supernova, Part 2 ")

There were multiple Sovereign class ships present in this scene. While the ship's registry NCC-1701-E was clearly visible, it was also used on a ship that was clearly meant to depict the USS Sovereign . The name USS Enterprise has also been used on an LCARS display on the USS Dauntless bridge during the situation. [2]

According to the Star Trek: Picard Logs , the Enterprise was involved in an incident at Kriilar Prime during this decade, which resulted in Captain Worf leaving the starship. Some time after, the Enterprise was involved in a classified mission and was out of service by 2386 . [3] [4]

In 2401 , while taking the rebuilt Enterprise -D from the Fleet Museum , La Forge mentioned they "obviously" couldn't take the Enterprise -E, something that Worf said "was not [his] fault", alluding to an incident rendering the ship unusable. ( PIC : " Võx ")

Regarding the fate of the Enterprise-E , Matalas remarked, " We had ideas, but in the moment where they're asking, 'What about the Enterprise-E?' it would not have been good for someone to be like, 'Well, the Battle of duh, duh, duh.' You are looking at the Enterprise-D! You couldn't do it and you wouldn't do it justice, whatever it is. You could say it is in storage or we are repainting it. You could, but I thought, but I thought it was way funnier if they all turned to Worf and he's like, 'It wasn't my fault.' So everyone is going, 'What the hell happened?' That's way more fun. Somebody can tell that story some day about what happened with Worf and the Enterprise-E but it's more fun to imagine yourself all the possibilities. Is it lost in an interdimensional rift and it's still out there somewhere? Was it an accidental self destruct? Who knows? The question is almost better than the answer. " [5]

The next USS Enterprise , an Odyssey -class starship USS Enterprise -F was launched and would be in service during the late 24th century. ( PIC : " The Next Generation ")

Technical information [ ]

USS Enterprise-E at warp, 2375

The Enterprise -E at warp

In her original configuration, the Enterprise -E was under 700 meters long and had 24 decks according to Picard, although Deck 26 was reported as being controlled by the Borg. She was equipped with twelve phaser arrays and five torpedo tubes .

Picard and crew depart

The main bridge of the Enterprise

By 2379 , the Enterprise -E had undergone at least one refit, including four additional phaser arrays and five additional torpedo tubes. The number of decks was also increased by five to a minimum of 29. ( Star Trek Nemesis )

Sections included deflector control, Stellar cartography , hydroponics (on deck 11), and one sickbay ward. Main engineering and sickbay were on Deck 16. ( Star Trek: First Contact )

In the script of Star Trek Nemesis , Picard mentions the main dorsal output of the ventral type XII phasers on average was 125,000 terajoules , but this didn't make it into the film. John Eaves stated this to be true when asked about the script. (John Eaves official website PM) " The total output of phasers was indeed added to the script at one point but was removed due to it being unneeded, (125,000 TeraJoules). " ( citation needed • edit )

The ship could be controlled by a manual steering column located on the bridge. ( Star Trek: Insurrection ) She was also the first Enterprise to be equipped with an Emergency Medical Hologram . ( Star Trek: First Contact )

Ronald D. Moore commented that, as of First Contact , the Enterprise -E "definitely" had no children aboard. ( AOL chat , 1998 )

USS Enterprise-E shuttlebay

The Enterprise 's forward shuttlebay

The Enterprise carried a newer design of shuttlecraft as well as numerous other forms of transportation, including a warp-capable captain's yacht , the Cousteau , ( Star Trek: Insurrection ) and a special multipurpose shuttlecraft, the Argo . ( Star Trek Nemesis ) The yacht was installed as a part of the saucer section and detached upon deployment. Other auxiliary craft were launched from two shuttlebays , one at the aft end of the secondary hull and another near the aft end of the primary hull.

Crewmembers included those of the Human , Vulcan , Bajoran , Betazoid , Bolian , and Trill species , as well as a Klingon and an android . ( Star Trek: Insurrection )

In The Q Continuum trilogy by Greg Cox , it is stated that the Enterprise used the bio-neural gel packs used by USS Voyager .

Command crew [ ]

  • Jean-Luc Picard ( 2372 – 2381 )
  • William T. Riker ( 2375 ) (acting)
  • William T. Riker (2372– 2379 )
  • Data (2372–2379), also Second Officer
  • Perim (2375)
  • Geordi La Forge (2372–)
  • Daniels (2372–2375)
  • Worf ( 2373 , 2375, 2379) (acting)
  • Beverly Crusher (2372–2381)
  • Deanna Troi (2372–2379)
  • Hawk (2373)
  • Geordi La Forge (2375) (acting)
  • Branson (2379)

See also: USS Enterprise personnel

Scenes cut from the theatrical release of Star Trek Nemesis (but included in the 2003 and 2005 DVD releases) state that Commander Martin Madden took over for Riker as first officer and that Beverly Crusher left the ship to head up Starfleet Medical . Early versions of the script made reference to an Andorian ops officer. The new counselor was female, according to dialogue. Novels set after Nemesis have ignored these deleted scenes and several new characters were created by the authors. Beverly Crusher returned to the Enterprise , beginning a romantic relationship with Captain Picard, eventually marrying him and as of the third book of the Star Trek: Destiny trilogy Lost Souls , she was pregnant with their first child. Worf was also promoted to commander and became the Enterprise 's new first officer.

In the Countdown comic mini-series leading up to Star Trek , which was set in 2387 , Picard had left the Enterprise and Starfleet, becoming Federation ambassador to Vulcan . Worf had again left Starfleet and become a general in the Klingon Defense Force and a restored Data (in the body of B-4) was now captain of the Enterprise . Geordi La Forge had also retired from Starfleet to design ships, including the Jellyfish , although it is listed as having been commissioned by the Vulcan Science Academy . Also, the storyline for Star Trek Online has Data as being brought back by the Soong Foundation ( β ) (with assistance from Geordi La Forge) and being given command of the Enterprise after Picard retired.

In The Last Best Hope , Picard leaves the Enterprise in 2381 after being promoted to admiral and tasked with leading the Romulan rescue fleet. Command of the Enterprise -E was turned over to Worf. A year later , Geordi LaForge leaves the Enterprise to help with the Federation fleet tasked with relocating the Romulans.

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • Star Trek: First Contact
  • Star Trek: Insurrection
  • Star Trek Nemesis
  • VOY : " Life Line " (interior only)
  • PIC : " The Impossible Box " (archive footage)
  • " Mindwalk "
  • " Supernova, Part 1 "

Background information [ ]

Enterprise-E, galaxy class

A Galaxy -class Enterprise -E

Following Star Trek Generations , the six-foot filming model for the Galaxy -class USS Enterprise -D had been modified to have the registry number read "NCC-1701-E". Penny Juday , the archivist at Paramount Pictures , had no explanation for this change as of 19 October 2001. ( TNG Season 2, Disc 6 : "Inside Starfleet Archives"). It turned out that the change was done at ILM by John Goodson prior to crating up the model after completion of Star Trek Generations , presumably on the assumption that the new Enterprise might be a Galaxy -class ship as well and having the number changed over already would save whoever did the special effects the trouble of having to change it over themselves. ( Industrial Light & Magic: Into the Digital Realm , p. 60)

The Enterprise -E was, in fact, the only replacement for a previously-destroyed "hero" ship that was not of the same class as its predecessor, as opposed to USS Enterprise -A (and its alternate reality counterpart ) , the USS Defiant and the Delta Flyer . It was principally designed by John Eaves under the supervision of Herman Zimmerman . Using Eaves's sketches, Rick Sternbach drafted the blueprints for a ten-foot physical model. Eaves and Zimmerman also supervised the interior design of the bridge, engineering and corridors , although many sets from Star Trek: Voyager were also reused during Star Trek: First Contact and Star Trek: Insurrection . Though the Enterprise -E was mentioned in several episodes of Voyager , the ship was never seen outside of the films. However, the interior of the ship is visible in a communication with Deanna Troi in VOY : " Life Line " as well as a turbolift interior built for the films which was re-purposed for the Enterprise -D in ENT : " These Are the Voyages... ".

The ten-foot physical model, constructed under the supervision of John Goodson at Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), was used for visual effects shots during Star Trek: First Contact , alongside a CGI version. In Star Trek: Insurrection and Star Trek Nemesis , CGI versions of the ship completely replaced the physical model.

The Nemesis CGI model included several modifications designed by John Eaves. In addition to the new weapons mentioned above, the warp pylons were slightly modified and the connection between the primary and secondary hulls near the main shuttlebay was made more sleek.

The model of the Enterprise -E from Star Trek: First Contact (Lot #107) was sold at the 40 Years of Star Trek: The Collection auction on October 5, 2006 for US$132,000 including the buyer's premium (the winning bid was US$110,000). [6]

There has been some confusion about the number of decks on the Enterprise -E. The construction blueprints of the filming miniature created for Star Trek: First Contact explicitly label 23 decks. In the film, Picard told Lily Sloane that the ship had 24 decks, while the master systems display on the bridge allows either interpretation. Earlier on, however, Daniels had reported that the Borg are in control of Decks 26 through 11. Michael and Denise Okuda say in their text commentary on the film, during the scene in which Picard tells Lilly about the 24 decks: " Unfortunately, earlier in this film, we are told that the ship has at least 26 decks. We can't imagine that Picard doesn't know his own ship, so we theorize that the other two decks are top secret for some reason. Either that, or his memory was affected by his earlier Borg assimilation. It certainly couldn't be a goof, because the design of the ship changed slightly during filming. "

In Star Trek Nemesis , the Remans beam onto Deck 29. This could mean that Picard did not tell Lily the truth and there are actually more than 24 decks, or that more decks were added to the ship prior to Star Trek Nemesis . It may also be the case that Picard was counting only finished decks, as there could have been decks left unfinished for future expansion. Also, there was the possibility that Picard may have intentionally withheld or lied about certain aspects of the Enterprise -E design in the event that Lily was assimilated by the Borg.

Also in Nemesis , the Reman Viceroy fell several decks down a maintenance shaft. Because the Viceroy and the other Remans boarded the ship on Deck 29, it had been assumed that the ensuing battle took place on Deck 29 and that the Viceroy fell from that deck, implying that there could be 35 or more decks, or that the normal deck scheme was altered in some way that the ship could have more named decks than it measured in height.

This was not the case as signage on the corridors where the phaser fight between the Remans and the Enterprise officers took place indicate they were actually on Deck 9. This suggested that the two parties encountered each other about halfway to their destinations ( Enterprise officers to Deck 29, the Remans to the bridge on Deck 1).

It is apparent from lineup charts that every new starship Enterprise is slightly longer than the previous one. In Star Trek: First Contact , Picard informs Lily Sloane that the Enterprise -E is "almost seven hundred meters long", in accordance with its intended size of 2,248 feet (685 meters). John Eaves describes the rationale as follows:

When the "E" had a final approved design, we drew up a chart of all the Enterprises in profile. Herman [Zimmerman] and I set down a whole bunch of cutouts of the "E" in various sizes to see where this new ship should scale with the others. We found one size that looked appropriate and we put a scale to its length and that would be 2,248 feet. Rick [Sternbach] was waiting to do the blueprints and add his creativity to the design, so we gave him a drawing with this one measurement. From there he sized the whole ship ... [7]

By January 7, 1997, the following dimensions from Rick Sternbach had been added to FAQ: A History of Ships Named Enterprise: [8]

Length: 2,248' Beam: 820' Height: 290' L of saucer: 1,150' Nacelle span: 700' L of nacelles: 1,056'

The same length, beam and height (in meters) appear on the SciPubTech poster from around the same time. In addition, the length of 2,248 feet is listed in at least three comparison charts prepared for Star Trek: First Contact . [9] It can also be seen in the charts prepared for Star Trek: Insurrection . [10] The Star Trek Nemesis size chart puts it at 2,250 feet, consistent with a size revision during either the filmed or the unfilmed stage of redesign. [11] [12]

Apocrypha [ ]

In the novel Ship of the Line , the Enterprise was given to Captain Morgan Bateson for its shakedown cruise , which included war games near the Klingon border. Along for the ride, as temporary chief engineer, was Montgomery Scott .

Some missions of the Enterprise during the Dominion War were featured in Behind Enemy Lines , Tunnel Through the Stars and Tales of the Dominion War . In the DS9 Millennium book series, the Enterprise was destroyed at the Battle of Rigel VII ( β ) in an alternate future that the intrepid heroes of Deep Space 9 later prevented.

Star Trek: A Time to... , set during the year leading up to Star Trek Nemesis , featured the Enterprise being involved in a major political scandal that disgraces the ship and her crew for much of the coming year; the final duology in that series features the Enterprise being ordered to lead an invasion and occupation of a sovereign planet, with resemblance to the current real life world political situation at the time the novels were written. A "TNG relaunch" of sorts followed the Enterprise 's activities after Nemesis ; the first book in the series, Death in Winter , was released in September 2005 .

The novel Resistance established that before he left the Enterprise for the Titan , Commander Riker christened this Enterprise 's version of the crew lounge , or Ten Forward , as the "Happy Bottom Riding Club," a name Worf absolutely hated and refused to use under any circumstances. The name for the lounge was derived from a similar watering hole that old Earth astronauts used to frequent. It also established that every ship's computer that was built during the last decade had encrypted information about Romulan cloaking technology, which could be decrypted in case of emergency using an admiral's code and thus enabled the crew to build a cloaking device. In Resistance the crew separated the saucer section from the engine section (a feat this Enterprise had previously not done) and then cloaked the engine section to engage a Borg cube. During Resistance , Worf was promoted to the official first officer after acting in the position in an unofficial capacity during the ship's reconstruction after its confrontation with the Scimitar . In Q&A , an encounter with Q revealed that his past contact with the crew had been to prepare them for an encounter with "Them ( β )", a race far above even the Q, with Picard's response convincing Them that the universe deserved to exist. The novel Before Dishonor allied the crew of the Enterprise with Spock and Seven of Nine as they are forced to reactivate the original planet killer after Admiral Janeway was assimilated and became the new Queen of a Borg super-cube, the confrontation ending with the loss of Pluto , the destruction of the cube and Janeway's apparent death . The Destiny miniseries culminated in the final destruction of the Borg after the Titan learns their true origin, but the Federation was left devastated by the subsequent invasion , with much of the later novels focusing on the role the Enterprise will play in the reconstruction amid the creation of the Typhon Pact ( β ), an "anti-Federation" consisting of some of the Federation's most notorious adversaries, including the Romulans, the Tholians and the Breen . After the events of The Fall miniseries, the Enterprise was sent on a new mission of exploration.

In the Star Trek: Picard tie-in prequel, The Last Best Hope , Worf was given command of the Enterprise following Picard's promotion to admiral and on his personal recommendation, as Starfleet has reservations in light of Worf's actions in DS9 : " Change of Heart ".

In the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (which was printed before Star Trek: First Contact ), it was speculated that the Enterprise -E might be a Nova -class ship.

USS Enterprise-E, Countdown

The Enterprise -E in Countdown , Issue 2

In Star Trek: Countdown , a tie-in to the 2009 Star Trek film, the Enterprise -E was still active as of 2387 with Data , having been revived after successfully imprinting his neural network into B-4 's existing CPU succeeding Picard as captain .

The timeline for Star Trek Online followed the storyline in the Countdown comic series, with Data as captain into the 25th century . The timeline only mentioned that the Enterprise -E left service around 2408, but its ultimate fate was unclear; however, by 2409, a new Odyssey -class ( β ) vessel was christened Enterprise ( β ) (NCC-1701-F), implying that her predecessor was decommissioned or destroyed. The short story "Unexpected Honor", written for issue 40 of Star Trek Magazine in May 2012, revealed that the Enterprise -E was destroyed in an ambush by the Undine at Starbase 236 ( β ) in 2408; among the survivors was Captain Data, who retired from Starfleet to take up teaching on Earth.

The Enterprise had also featured in many apocryphal productions, including the strategy games Star Trek: Armada , Star Trek: Armada II , Star Trek: Bridge Commander , Star Trek: Starfleet Command III , Star Trek: Elite Force II , Star Trek: Legacy , and, most recently, Star Trek Online .

External links [ ]

  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E) at Wikipedia
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
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Star Trek gave sci-fans the world over the greatest starship in genre history: the starship Enterprise . The classic vessel debuted in 1966 with a deceptively simple but considered design — a very sci-fi saucer attached to a rocket-like fuselage and paired with twin warp nacelles. This design does what every practical, real-world design does: it follows its function.

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Because of that, the original starship Enterprise has endured over fifty years through numerous updates and interpretations. The Star Trek franchise has expanded through myriad live-action and animated television series, as well as feature films. A new Enterprise is generally at the heart of most updates, and each carries on the proud tradition of the first.

Updated on April 28th, 2023 by David Harth: The Enterprise has always been the core of Star Trek . When the show first debuted back in 1966, starships were all either rockets or saucers. The Enterprise changed that, taking familiar design elements and mixing them together to create an iconic vessel that nearly everyone could recognize. Over the last six decades, there have been multiple Enterprises. Two versions of the ship appeared on Star Trek: Picard — one for the first time in live action and another that is totally new.

13 NCC-1701-J (Star Trek: Enterprise)

Star Trek has taken viewers to alternate universes and strange futures. It's also taken viewers into the past, which is why it's so ironic that the series that took viewers furthest into the past also showed them the most advanced Enterprise. Star Trek: Enterprise took place in the 22nd century, but Captain Archer received a glimpse of the distant future in the episode, "Azati Prime."

The Enterprise-J is a Universe- class vessel and serves in Starfleet during the 26th century. Unbelievably massive, it had time travel capacity, like other Starfleet ships that have been portrayed from that time. Fan reaction to the ship was resoundingly negative. Even ship fans didn't enjoy the design, and it's the least loved Enterprise of them all.

12 Future NCC-1701-D From "All Good Things" (Star Trek: Next Generation)

An amped-up version of the Enterprise appeared in the series finale for Star Trek: The Next Generation , "All Good Things," one of its very best Star Trek episodes ever. In an alternate future, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D packs in a lot more power.

The previously graceful Enterprise adds the third nacelle on the back and a gigantic phaser canon on the underbelly of the saucer. This canon blows Klingon ships to bits in one shot, which is kind of nuts. The future version of the ship also featured a cloaking device, something Starfleet ships generally avoided.

11 The Kelvin Timeline NCC-1701 (Star Trek 2009)

When J.J. Abrams rebooted the franchise in the 2009 Star Trek film, the Enterprise got a major makeover. Kind of. The saucer section of the ship is essentially that of the refit Enterprise , but the rest looks different. The body, neck, and nacelles all feature a much more sweeping, fluid design than the original version of the ship.

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The nacelles are also much larger in comparison to the rest of the ship, and much closer. It's unclear whether fans have seen the last of the Kelvin-era Enterprise and her crew, though it remains a possibility that they will.

10 The NX-01 (Star Trek: Enterprise)

By the time the 21st century rolled on, Star Trek had oddly gotten a bit tired. To change it up, the producers of the franchise went back to the future. They set a new series, Star Trek: Enterprise , a hundred years before Kirk and introduced a never-before-seen version of the starship. The NX-01 actually had some links to ships previous.

The NX-01 Enterprise 's design is essentially that of the Akira-class vessel from the feature film Star Trek: First Contact , featuring one of the coolest alien races ever, the Borg. The designers flipped the ship upside down and called it good. Fans kind of didn't like the series, but the ship remained cool.

9 NCC-1701-B (Star Trek: Generations)

For a long time, the Enterprise -B remained the question mark in the lineage between Kirk's ship and Picard's. Fans knew it was an Excelsior -class vessel thanks to a mural on the Enterprise -D, but not much else was known about it. The ship appeared in Star Trek Generations , and despite the fact it was based on a design people knew, it had some cool new details.

Star Trek Generations modified the secondary hull of the original Excelsior, sweeping out the hull around the deflector dish. This change was actually made to preserve the existing Excelsior- class model, since the move still used physical models and the scene called for the part of the ship Kirk was in to be destroyed. It also added two huge impulse engines and changed the caps of the nacelles.

8 NCC-1701-C (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

The Enterprise -C had been introduced during the run of The Next Generation , in the episode "Yesterday's Enterprise." The Ambassador -class vessel was another link in the chain between the 23rd and 24th centuries and showed how Starfleet got from Kirk to Picard. The Enterprise -C essentially combined elements of the Constitution -class that preceded it and the Galaxy -class that superseded it.

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The dynamic curving lines of Picard's Enterprise weren't present yet, but the size and uniquely colored red and blue nacelles were. This Enterprise fell to the Romulans, among the greatest villains of the Federation, at the Battle of Narendra III.

7 NCC-1701-F (Star Trek: Picard)

The Enterprise-F made its first appearance in Star Trek Online, an MMO that took place thirty years from the end of Voyager . The Odyssey- class vessel was the flagship of Starfleet at the time Its unique design included a connecting boom between the saucer and stardrive section. The NCC-1701-F Enterprise made an impact on fans, so they were excited to see it in the trailer for Star Trek: Picard.

Star Trek is no stranger to retcons , and games aren't usually canon anyway, so bringing the F back to 2401, instead of further in the future was a cakewalk. The NCC-1701-F Enterprise had a great reputation with Star Trek Online fans, although it rarely in the show. The NCC-1701-F Enterprise was scheduled for decommissioning, and the new Borg threat in Picard made that a reality.

6 NCC-1701 (Star Trek: Discovery And Star Trek: Strange New Worlds)

Setting Star Trek Discovery only ten years before the Original Series meant that the U.S.S. Enterprise was destined to show up. It eventually did at the end of the first season. The show updated the classic 60s elements for a modern audience, and the NCC-1701 was no exception.

The original Matt Jefferies design largely remains the same but incorporates elements of the refit from Star Trek: The Motion Picture . The nacelle pylons are swept back, giving it a greater sense of fluidity. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds has taken its place among Star Trek 's most beloved shows, a mix of old and new, much like this great new design.

5 NCC-1701-E (The Next Generation Movies)

The Enterprise - E provided the single greatest design change in the storied ship's history. Producers wanted something faster and sleeker, and they got it. The Sovereign -class starship resembles a hot rod, with a flat, elongated profile that is in stark contrast to the big, swan-like grace of its predecessor.

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Designers accomplished this by removing the neck out of the design entirely. Starships during this period, like the Voyager , basically abandoned the neck element and stacked the saucer directly on the secondary hull. This Enterprise was one of the fastest and strongest of them all.

4 NCC-1701-G (Star Trek: Picard)

Star Trek: Picard 's third season helped the series become one of the most beloved Star Trek spin-offs , bringing together the crew of TNG for one last ride. It also introduced fans to a new Enterprise. The Enterprise-G took things back to the old school look in some ways. Originally appearing in the show as the U.S.S. Titan-A , Picard and his crew used the vessel to figure out who was attacking the Federation.

The G is a Constitution III- class ship, sometimes called a Neo-Constitution. Star Trek: Picard fans came to love the Enterprise-G . Its design took elements from Constitution- class and the refit from the later motion pictures and added design flourishes from newer ship designs as well. A mid-sized vessel, it wasn't the most powerful warship, but it had the feeling of a great jack of all trades vessel. Captained by Captain Seven Of Nine, fans are hoping to see more of the Enterprise-G in the future.

3 NCC-1701 (Star Trek: The Original Series)

The first is usually the best, and in many ways, the original Enterprise from the 1966 series remains the most iconic design in science-fiction. It's hard to argue with its basic simplicity and instantly recognizable silhouette. Due to budgetary constraints, the original model of the ship lacked the detail that later versions did, but it's still an incredible work of art.

The original Enterprise appeared in all the most memorable episodes of the classic Star Trek series. The first starship Enterprise established a design lineage that informs every single ship in the Star Trek universe to this day. That goes for Starfleet and alien vessels alike.

2 NCC-1701-D (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Later versions updated and improved on the already awesome original design. Lots of brutal things happened in Star Trek: The Next Generation , but on the positive side, the Enterprise-D received an upgrade. Designer Andrew Probert took the largely static lines of the original and transformed them into flowing, graceful lines that made the Enterprise look more like a glass sculpture than a machine.

Some Star Trek fans didn't take to the new design because of how different it was, especially in 1987, upon its debut. However, the Enterprise-D has aged very well and defines an era of the franchise hailed for its creative endeavors.

1 NCC-1701 And The NCC-1701-A (The Original Series Movies)

The best update the original Enterprise ever received came in The Motion Picture . Legendary concept designer Ralph McQuarrie, responsible for some of the most iconic Star Wars concept art, helped reimagine the Enterprise . The ship got a top-to-bottom makeover, receiving the biggest changes in the secondary hull.

An embedded blue disc replaced the original gold deflector dish, and a weapons port provided the base for the neck. The nacelle pylons were swept back, and the nacelles completely redesigned, becoming more wedge-like and less tubular. It's the perfect redesign of the quintessential starship and remains a huge inspiration for Enterprise designs all these years later.

NEXT: 10 Times The Star Trek Captains Went Way Too Far

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Star Trek: Enterprise: The Complete Series [DVD]

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All four thrill-packed seasons of Star Trek ®: Enterprise are yours to explore as Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) pilots the Earth’s fi rst Warp-5 capable ship, Enterprise NX-01, on a long-range mission of research and discovery beginning in the year 2150. During his command, Captain Archer and his crew will face life-threatening challenges from the Xindi, an enemy bent on annihilating humanity via a planet-destroying super weapon, and from Terra Prime, a human terrorist group – as well as a host of problems stirred up by the ever-present Romulans. From suspiciously watchful Vulcans to the mysterious Sphere-Builders, a transdimensional species, these are the adventures found in four thrilling seasons of Star Trek ®: Enterprise - The Complete Series!

Product details

  • MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ NR (Not Rated)
  • Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.6 x 5.79 x 2.6 inches; 1.43 Pounds
  • Media Format ‏ : ‎ NTSC, Subtitled, DVD
  • Run time ‏ : ‎ 70 hours and 27 minutes
  • Release date ‏ : ‎ September 21, 2021
  • Actors ‏ : ‎ Connor Trinneer, Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Anthony Montgomery, Dominic Keating
  • Dubbed: ‏ : ‎ English
  • Studio ‏ : ‎ Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B099C5NC5G
  • Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ USA
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 27
  • #864 in DVD

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Review: ‘Star Trek: Lost to Eternity’ Pulls At Leftover TOS Movies Threads To Spin A Fun Adventure

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| August 14, 2024 | By: Dénes House 14 comments so far

Star Trek: The Original Series: Lost to Eternity Written by Greg Cox Published by Pocket Books

KIRK: No, no, no. All I need is the radio frequency to track them. GILLIAN: What are you talking about? I’m coming with you. KIRK: You can’t. Our next stop is the twenty-third century. GILLIAN: I don’t care? I’ve got nobody here. I have got to help those whales! ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home )

And so, cetacean specialist Dr. Gillian Taylor disappeared from San Francisco that morning in 1986, never to be seen again. Or not for a long time, at any rate. What did her friends and co-workers think about her disappearance? Was there a police investigation? When combined with the other strange occurrences in those three days, like the capture and loss of an odd Russian spy aboard a US Navy aircraft carrier, that same spy’s disappearance from a local hospital the next day, and odd happenings around Golden Gate Park, did Dr. Taylor’s missing person’s case raise any red flags in the United States government? Well Greg Cox’s new Star Trek book has that covered, and more so.

Star Trek: The Original Series: Lost to Eternity takes place in three time periods: in 2024, following podcaster Melinda Silver and her producer, Dennis Berry, as they try to track down leads on that 1986 cold case for their true-crime podcast; in 2268, following the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain James T. Kirk during the third year of the Enterprise’s mission as they investigate a missing persons case of their own; and in 2292 (a year before Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country ), following the Enterprise-A under the command of Captain James T Kirk, escorting delegates from a first contact species to a conclave with representatives of the Federation and the Klingon and Romulan Empires. Cox loves balancing stories in multiple timelines, which has become a sort of calling card of his writing. Here, he expertly balances each storyline, bringing all of them to an action-packed and stirring conclusion.

For my money, the most interesting story by far takes place in 2024 as Melinda interviews supporting characters from the story told in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home— people who interacted with Gillian at the Cetacean Institute, the pizzeria, and the hospital, and with Kirk, Spock, Chekov, and others throughout the film. As her investigation heats up, she and her conspiracy theorist producer find themselves in increasing danger and their journalistic drive and ethics are severely challenged. Melinda Silver is a spunky and resourceful journalist, and the tale told here feels very much of our time, bringing a freshness to the Star Trek stories I grew up loving.

The 2268 story is harrowing and filled with action, teasing out some of the boundaries of adherence to the Prime Directive in a situation where our crew must retrieve a kidnapped scientist whose research could be deadly in the wrong hands. In this, we see Kirk and his crew at their prime, working undercover and clashing with Klingons and many others. Of special note is Kirk’s Klingon counterpart on the planet, a smoky Klingon spy reminiscent of a buff Emma Peel. I greatly enjoyed this part of the adventure.

I was delighted to see Saavik on the cover of this novel. She plays a major role in the 2292 storyline, and it’s fantastic to see this part of the story through her eyes. While this is the era in which everything finally comes together, it is the weakest of the three storylines. Though Cox takes great pains to craft distinct personalities for each of the Klingons and Romulans, the Klingon captain with whom Kirk interacts the most is just an annoying, shouty impediment to progress. I prefer Kirk’s main adversaries to be clever and worthy of respect.

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That said, the delights of this book far outweigh the slight annoyances. Cox has taken the question of “What happened after Gillian Taylor disappeared in 1986?” and run with it in fascinating and fun directions. Every page is layered with references to previous Trek adventures as characters believably connect what they are currently doing with their past experiences, enriching both the characters’ inner lives and the fun for the diehard fan reader. And in the Osori, Cox has crafted a new alien species with a unique and interesting take on immortality and space exploration, an approach that challenges the worldviews of the Federation and its sometime foes. The package is all wrapped up in the hopeful idealism that marks the best of Star Trek.

This book is a lot of fun and rewards both the casual fan and the committed Trekkie alike.

Available Now

Greg Cox’s Star Trek: The Original Series: Lost to Eternity was released by Pocket Books on July 23. You can order it on Amazon in paperback and  Kindle e-book .

Lost to Eternity is also available as an audiobook on CD now and also Audible .

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Okay fine I am buying this one! Been a long time since there was a Trek novel I wanted to buy!

Weird timing. I just finished watching Voyage Home on Pluto and wondered at the end whatever became of Dr. Taylor. Gonna pick up this book pronto! Thanks!

shame savvik was written out of the OS movies but glad they did not bring her back in TUC so she would become a villain.

means she can reappear either in books or maybe on screen one day.

I wonder if the book will touch on Chekov leaving 23rd century tech (a Klingon communicator and phaser) with the FBI, when he ran from the room where he was being questioned aboard the naval vessel USS Enterprise (CVN-65).

It should be the basis for the tech Cochrane uses for the Phoenix! I guess McCoy didn’t blunder nearly as much as Pavel hahaha

Having finished it- no, it does not. :-)

This so sounds like it will be my next audio book binge! I just hope it is offered in that format given the story’s narravitve story telling. In Generations I always thought if “Antonia” was not going to be Carol she totally should have been Gillian. Like WTF about Antonia? Talk about no heart tugs driving the story at all!

Taylor was in (or at least referenced IIRC) in the first Department of Temporal Investigations book. Her time in the 23rd century has been poked at before, but I love the idea of the podcast in 2024. Why aren’t they doing anything this interesting on Paramount+?

Just another example (Star Wars included) of how these companies are wasting their best writers on print only and not licensing their work or plots for film / tv. (Una McCormack not withstanding)

Excellent. Just finished reading it. It answers some questions about the Voyage Home, while some questions it doesn’t. I won’t say anything because of spoilers, but in some parts it feels like you are watching a Original Series episode because Kirk and company and their mannerisms are spot on from the show. I highly recommend it. Read it only in 15 days which is good for me.

I haven’t read a Star Trek novel in years. Back in High School I read a lot of them, but then I kind of got disillusioned for three reasons. One was that they had no bearing whatsoever on continuity. I understand that there was a recent reset in the novelverse thanks to post-Voyager/Nemesis etc. stories not adhering to what has been shown in the new ST series like Picard and Prodigy.

The second reason was that, as sci-fi books, they weren’t particularly imaginative or groundbreaking. I mean, they’re not Dune, or Ringworld, or a Peter Hamilton, Stephen Baxter, Benford, Brin, Bear, or Poul Anderson novel or short story collection. They’re pretty light weight in that regard, not really that substantial. Part of that is the fact that they are written by some first time writers and the like. There are exceptions. I gave away a lot of my ST books but I kept the ones I thought were the best. Greg Bear actually wrote one, Corona, I think it was. I really liked the two Diane Duane books I read too. And I actually have a couple of the major ones that I have yet to read.

I can tell you that the worst books I read were those by Sondra Marshak. They’re awful.

This book by Greg Cox, though, sounds interesting. Maybe I’ll pick it up.

I must be the only person on Earth who likes the Marshak/Culbreath books. Except TRIANGLE, now that is a steaming pile — but I love the first three, I think they got the character voices amazingly right. Though it is kind of weird, I never saw the antagonist in their PHOENIX novels as he was described, I just always see Darth Vader! Must have been proximity to when STAR WARS came out.

I want to pick this up. t’s awesome to see the spin-off characters from the movies featured.

I hope from Paramount Plus that they do TV-movies with Sulu, Chekov, Saavik, Harriman, and Dr. Gillian Taylor.

Interesting that the cover illustration depicts the Robin Curtis Saavik, as opposed to Kirstie Alley…

The novels featuring Saavik that I’ve read all seem to follow Vonda McIntyre’s lead, retaining the character’s dual heritage instead of the awful retcon Nimoy sprung on us (and poor Curtis) by making her straight Vulcan in TSFS. But I always see Curtis when I think of the character, because Alley just came off like a jittery cheerleader to me in most of TWOK. Her ‘prepare for warp speed’ line is just as bad as Curtis’ ‘david is dead’ but the difference is that nobody could play the latter without getting a bad laugh, whereas anybody should have been able to do the former without causing flinches across the viewing audience.

I still think most of Alley’s acceptance from fans came from the fact she took her jacket off long enough to show she had a signiicant bustline.

Screen Rant

Christina chong hints “anything could happen” between la’an & kirk in star trek: strange new worlds season 3.


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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3 - Cast, Story, & Everything We Know

I want strange new worlds to break star trek canon & save captain pike, jess bush says vulcan nurse chapel "wants to know everything" in star trek: strange new worlds season 3.

  • La'an Noonien-Singh's relationship with Kirk evolves in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 as she opens up more.
  • Christina Chong hints that anything could happen between Kirk and La'an, setting up potential drama in the upcoming season.
  • La'an's growth as a character is highlighted as she embraces a more open mindset, leaving the door open for unexpected twists.

Christina Chong hints that "anything could happen" between Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh and Lt. James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley) in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3. In Strange New Worlds season 2's musical episode, Kirk told La'an he can't pursue a relationship, despite their mutual attraction, because he has a pregnant girlfriend named Carol. Meanwhile, La'an was inspired by her brief and tragic romance with an alternate reality Captain Kirk to "change her paradigm" and open herself up more, as she sang about in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds ' musical .

Screen Rant exclusively interviewed Christina Chong at STLV: Trek to Vegas , where we discussed how La'an Noonien-Singh feels about James T. Kirk going into Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3. Christina explained that La'an is taking steps to become a more open person , and she hints at what that could mean for Kirk and Carol . Read Christina's quote below:

Christina Chong: Well, obviously she has accepted at the end of episode 10, season two, that they can't be together. And that doesn't mean that his love and their relationship hasn't evolved her in some way. So you know it's gonna be interesting. It feels like maybe she's gonna open up even more, because we certainly saw that towards the end of the season. And what would that mean? So if you're on a ship and you are open and ready, what does that mean? I can't tell you. You have to watch season three. And who knows? Like, who knows? Anything could happen? Just because he's with Carol doesn't mean to say that can't go wrong, right? Screen Rant: In fact, we know it does. Christina Chong: We know it does, do we? What do we know? Screen Rant: Wrath of Khan. Those two do not stay together. Christina Chong: Oh, of course. Well, there we go. So yeah, let’s see season 3. What happens. But yeah, La’an’s definitely opening up.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2 ended with an epic cliffhanger and here's everything known about when it will be resolved in season 3.

What Could Happen Between La'an & Kirk In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 3

What if la'an changes kirk's paradigm.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' executive producers have described the show as "love stories in space," and La'an Noonien-Singh's relationship with James T. Kirk is one of Strange New Worlds ' most interesting - and complicated - love stories . After all, La'an fell for a different Kirk from an alternate reality in Strange New World s season 2, episode 3 , "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow." That Kirk tragically died, and the Lt. James Kirk La'an meets throughout the rest of Strange New Worlds season 2 is a different person - but also still the same Kirk.

Kirk is First Officer of the USS Farragut, but Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 has no trouble finding reasons to bring James aboard the Enterprise.

Lt. James T. Kirk does keep visiting the Starship Enterprise in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3, but how Kirk seeing La'an again will turn out, especially if the Enterprise's Security Chief is opening herself up more to people, remains to be seen. Also, it's a guarded secret whether Kirk's girlfriend Carol Marcus appears in Strange New Worlds season 3 . Still, the attraction between Kirk and La'an, and the chemistry between Christina Chong and Paul Wesley, is undeniable . What happens next between La'an and Kirk in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3 could be unexpected and surprising.

Source: Screen Rant Plus

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (2022)

One Legendary Star Trek Writer Loves Strange New Worlds As Much As You

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Charades

Since the launch of CBS All Access — which is now called Paramount+ — in 2017, Paramount has debuted a massive spate of new "Star Trek" shows. This began with "Star Trek: Discovery," followed quickly by "Star Trek: Short Treks," the "Next Generation" throwback "Star Trek: Picard," the two animated shows "Star Trek: Lower Decks" and "Star Trek: Prodigy," and the Enterprise-set "Discovery" spinoff "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds." There was also a collection of animated shorts called "Very Short Treks."

As of this writing, only "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" and "Star Trek: Lower Decks" have new episodes forthcoming. This is in addition to a TV movie called "Star Trek: Section 31," set for release in 2025, and a series called "Starfleet Academy," which is currently in development .

The new wave of "Trek" shows has caused no small amount of controversy among fans, with Trekkies arguing that some of them are the "good" ones and some are the "bad" ones. I, myself, have been sharply critical of "Discovery" and "Picard," but very open in my praise of "Lower Decks" and "Strange New Worlds." Indeed, one might find a general consensus that "Strange New Worlds" is one of "the good ones"; it is certainly one of the better reviewed. Many responded dramatically to the show's episodic format, affable tone, and inclusion of fan-favorite "Star Trek" characters like Captain Pike (Anson Mount) and Spock (Ethan Peck).

A notable celebrity in the "Star Trek" world who also likes "Strange New Worlds" is Ronald D. Moore, a regular writer on "Star Trek: The Next Generation," a writer/producer on "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," and a brief participant on "Star Trek: Voyager." Moore recently talked with CinemaBlend about the current state of "Star Trek," revealing that he has become enamored with "Strange New Worlds."

Moore wants to return to the Star Trek universe

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 3

Firstly, Moore dropped the bomb that he would be interested in returning to "Star Trek" at some point, which would be a coup for Trekkies. Moore was one of the few showrunners and writers who directly oversaw the 1990s "Star Trek" renaissance, which has come to define the franchise in the decades since. He  was invited onto "Star Trek: Voyager" late into its run (he was finishing the concurrent "Deep Space Nine"), and he ended up butting heads with prolific writer Brannon Braga. Moore also wanted to make "Voyager" into a longer-form, serialized series, but his ideas were all shot down; it was more important to the show's producers that the series be readable in syndication.

As such, Moore left the "Star Trek" franchise to work on his beloved reboot of "Battlestar Galactica." He would later develop the series "Outlander" and co-create the acclaimed sci-fi show "For All Mankind." That he wants to come back to "Star Trek" in any capacity should be exciting for Trekkies everywhere. As Moore put it:

"It's always one of those things that is in the back of my mind. It'd be fun to go back and do something again before my career is over. It's in such good hands, you know, they've been doing a great job with it. So they don't need me, but it would be fun to go do something eventually."

And, yes, the "great job" is a reference to "Strange New Worlds" specifically. Ironically, the element of "Worlds" that had attracted Moore the most is its episodic format. "Discovery" and "Picard" were serialized, which was originally Moore's vision for "Voyager." However, he appreciated that great stories could still be told in the one-and-done structure. Trekkies will happily debate which approach is more effective for the franchise.

Serialized vs. episodic Star Trek

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Lost in Translation

Moore recognized that he wanted to make his shows more serial in nature, but that a good episodic show is still a good show. "Strange New Worlds" has been very graceful in allowing its characters to grow and change and be repeatedly established, all while telling new kinds of stories every week. Indeed, "Strange New Worlds" is practically a comedy series, given its frequently light tone, animated crossover episode, and musical episode.

Moore recognized this balance, saying:

"I think that to the serialization point, yeah, I was a big advocate of serializing it. But now you know, surprisingly, in that sense, 'Strange New Worlds' is more or less episodic. I've become very enamored of that show, and that formula and it does feel more in keeping with what the original started. They're able to strike that balance that we were talking about back in the day where you could do episodic structure but still continue character storylines."

The CinemaBlend interviewer asked Moore what kind of show he would pitch if given the opportunity to construct a "Deep Space Nine" sequel series. Moore hadn't thought that far ahead, other than to say that such an enterprise would "be fun." Several characters from "Deep Space Nine" returned for an episode of "Lower Decks," presenting the first appearance of the notable space station since the closure of its own series in 1999.

The current state of "Star Trek" seems to be one of contraction, however, with more shows ending than starting. If Moore is to rejoin the fray, as it were, one might safely predict he would step on board "Strange New Worlds" and not launch a brand-new nostalgia series.

"Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" season 3 is slated to premiere on Paramount+ in 2025.

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Patti yasutake, actress on ‘star trek: the next generation’ and ‘beef,’ dies at 70.

A veteran of the East West Players theater company, she also starred in the film and TV versions of ‘Gung Ho.’

By Mike Barnes

Mike Barnes

Senior Editor

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Patti Yasutake

Patti Yasutake, who portrayed Nurse Alyssa Ogawa on Star Trek: The Next Generation and a pair of franchise movies and Fumi Nakai, the widowed mother of Joseph Lee’s sculptor, on Beef , has died. She was 70.

Yasutake died Monday at UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center after a long battle with a rare form of T-cell lymphoma, her longtime manager, Kyle Fritz, told The Hollywood Reporter .

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The Los Angeles native also played a relocated Japanese wife earnestly trying to Americanize in the Ron Howard-directed Gung Ho (1986) and on its ABC series adaptation that lasted just nine episodes in 1986-87.

She received an Independent Spirit Award nomination for her turn in The Wash (1988), and her big-screen résumé included Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992) and Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) as well.

Yasutake played Starfleet officer Nurse Ogawa on 16 episodes of the syndicated Star Trek: The Next Generation from 1990-94 and reprised the role for Star Trek Generations (1994) and Star Trek: First Contact (1996).

Last year, she appeared on seven episodes of the Netflix sensation Beef as the fierce mother of George Nakai and mother-in-law of Ali Wong’s Amy Lau.

Born on Sept. 6, 1953, Yasutake was raised in Gardena and Inglewood. She graduated from UCLA with a degree in theater and then began her career with the theater company East West Players, where she worked with the Oscar-nominated actor Mako — later her co-star in The Wash — for six years.

As a theater director, Yasutake developed and staged world premieres for East West Players ( Doughball ), for the Richmond Shepherd Theater ( The Single Man ) and for the Ensemble Studio Theater ( Father, I Must Have Rice ), and she remounted Tea for the Odyssey Theatre.

She also directed workshop presentations at the Mark Taper Forum, Arizona Theater Company, Los Angeles Theater Center and Geffen Playhouse.

Survivors include her siblings, Linda and Steven.

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