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Madmans Esprit’s melancholy “Kaidan” music video anticipates EP “5 old scars”

Madmans Esprit released a music video for Kaidan on August 21 , ahead of their upcoming first Japanese EP, 5 old scars , set to drop on August 30.

Kaidan is a remake of Stairway , a track originally featured on their 2011 debut single I Just Want to Have Sex with You . This new version is accompanied by a fresh music video that enhances the song’s eerie atmosphere. In a faint blue light, the band plays through the revitalized new track inducing feelings of anxiety, with the haunting atmosphere. A solitary girl takes the spotlight in a pure white dress, slowly becoming bloodied as Kyuho’s voice echoes feelings of pain.

Kaidan adapts the former version to new heights, elevating every aspect of Madmans Esprit in a single beautiful yet heavy track, showing the limitless evolution of the band. 5 old scars will also feature a remake of the fan-favorite single Suicidol and three tracks popular amongst Japanese listeners, reimagined with Japanese lyrics.

Madmans Esprit - éšŽæź” [Official Video] from æ—„æœŹç›€ 「5 old scars」

Alongside the memorizing music video for Kaidan , another tantalizing announcement was made. Latin American fans can now eagerly await 2025, as Madmans Esprit has officially teased a Latin America tour for 2025 . Get ready for breathtaking performances of all your favorite songs, with more information and presales coming soon.

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Flyer teasing Madmans Esprit’s upcoming Latin America tour.

The band also embarks on a European tour this October, and tickets are on sale now . Check out the tour table below for more information on the upcoming European tour.

Madmans Esprit European Tour 2024 -The world as collective reflections-

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5 old scars

  • Tsuiraku (Japanese Version) ćąœèœ (Japanese Version)
  • Hakkou no Teien 癜éȘšăźćș­ćœ’
  • Suicidol (Re) Suicidol (Re)
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Caroline Garcia, éliminée au premier tour de l'US Open : « Un burn out ? Possible, ouais »

Caroline Garcia a évoqué un possible burn-out aprÚs sa défaite au premier tour de l'US Open 2024. (L. Hales/Getty images via AFP)

La Française Caroline Garcia, éliminée au premier tour par la 92e mondiale Renata Zarazua, traßne son spleen malgré une coupure post-olympique qu'elle espérait bénéfique pour son corps et son esprit. Elle participera au tournoi en double avec Danielle Collins.

«  La pĂ©riode est trĂšs compliquĂ©e et vous avez choisi de faire une pause aprĂšs les Jeux Olympiques. Il y a toujours l'Ă©paule qui pose problĂšme. Pour l'instant, on n'arrive pas trop Ă  s'en sortir. J'avais besoin de couper (aprĂšs les Jeux), me rafraĂźchir l'esprit, faire un bloc d'entraĂźnement un peu loin de la compĂ©tition pour arriver ici prĂȘte et en forme. AprĂšs les Jeux, physiquement c'Ă©tait compliquĂ© et mentalement aussi. Je ne me voyais pas partir sur Toronto et faire toute la saison amĂ©ricaine. C'Ă©tait la meilleure des options possibles. Aujourd'hui, c'est un moment compliquĂ© qui est dans la suite de la saison.

« Pour l'instant, jouer au tennis c'est douloureux. Je ne sais pas si on peut dire que je cours avec le plaisir... »

Caroline Garcia

Quels sentiments vous traversaient en quittant le court ? Y en a tellement, c'est difficile de faire le tri. (elle souffle) C'est douloureux en ce moment de jouer au tennis. C'est pas quelque chose qui est censé se passer comme ça. Je ne passe pas un trÚs bon moment. Dans ces conditions, c'est dur de mettre tes coups ensemble et, ça, peu importe le niveau de l'adversaire. Pour l'instant, jouer au tennis c'est douloureux. Je ne sais pas si on peut dire que je cours avec le plaisir... On fait les choses différemment, alléger le programme de tournoi pour passer du temps à s'entraßner dans un endroit plus tranquille que dans la machine à laver des tournois. Tu cours à droite et à gauche, un peu comme un hamster dans sa roue. On essaye de changer un peu ça. Et il y a toujours l'épaule qui met son petit piquant dans la sauce, alors on peut pas dire que la confiance est là.

« Il y a le classement, ce truc des points en permanence. Est-ce que c'est la façon la plus saine de jouer au tennis ? Plus vraiment. »

À vous entendre, ça ressemble Ă  un burn-out, non ? Possible, ouais. Des fois, t'as l'impression de courir dans la roue, de chercher un moment pour en sortir et tu n'y arrives pas. Il n'y a pas de sortie au tunnel. Il y a le classement, ce truc des points en permanence. Est-ce que c'est la façon la plus saine de jouer au tennis ? Plus vraiment. Le circuit est de plus en plus intense, demandant physiquement et Ă©motionnellement. Plusieurs joueurs se sont dĂ©jĂ  plaints. Pour l'instant, ça tient, on verra. »

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7 ans de garantie.

Notre garantie 7 ans nous permet de partager la confiance que nous avons dans nos véhicules avec les propriétaires Kia. Elle vous apporte la sérénité en prenant en charge tous les problÚmes que vous pouvez rencontrer. Si vous décidez de vous séparer de votre véhicule, la garantie Kia est transférable au prochain propriétaire, vous permettant d'avoir une valeur de revente plus élevée. Vous trouverez tout ce qu'il y a à savoir sur la garantie 7 ans Kia sur cette page.

Une nouvelle définition de la qualité.

Notre engagement envers la qualité n'est pas seulement un discours, mais une réalité concrÚte et mesurable. Chez Kia, nous adoptons les normes et procédures de contrÎle les plus avancées qui évoluent constamment pour garantir l'excellence. Ces standards rigoureux sont appliqués dÚs le développement, la production, et tout au long de la vie de nos véhicules. C'est cette démarche qui nous permet de proposer une garantie exceptionnelle de 7 ans ou 150 000 km en Europe.

Une nouvelle définition de la qualité.

Preuve de qualité Kia.

La garantie 7 ans Kia fait partie intégrante de notre "preuve de qualité". Nous nous engageons à vous proposer, à vous et à votre véhicule, des services exceptionnels. En cas de problÚme rencontré, la réparation de votre véhicule fait, elle aussi, partie intégrante de notre "preuve de qualité". Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour en savoir plus sur la preuve de qualité Kia.

27 tours du monde.

Nos vĂ©hicules ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©s Ă  la limite de leurs possibilitĂ©s. Avant son lancement, le nouveau Kia Sorento a parcouru plus de 1,1 million de kilomĂštres dans les conditions les plus extrĂȘmes, soit l'Ă©quivalent de 27 tours du monde. Cette dĂ©marche illustre parfaitement notre engagement en matiĂšre de qualitĂ©. Tous les vĂ©hicules Kia neufs sont contrĂŽlĂ©s sur quatre critĂšres par notre centre de qualitĂ© mondial.

Confort de conduite.

Nous nous efforçons constamment d'optimiser le confort de conduite, l'insonorisation de l'habitacle et la stabilité directionnelle.

Qualité zéro défaut.

Nous veillons Ă  ce que les performances et la fiabilitĂ© des systĂšmes Ă©lectroniques restent homogĂšnes, mĂȘme en cas de conditions mĂ©tĂ©orologiques extrĂȘmes.

Qualité des sensations.

Nous nous efforçons à améliorer les performances des siÚges, l'ergonomie des commandes et la satisfaction sensorielle en termes de santé et de conduite.

Le test de nos véhicules sur plus de 1,1 million de kilomÚtres illustre notre engagement à garantir leur longévité sous diverses conditions de conduite à travers le monde.

L'excellence du savoir-faire est notre atout.

Pour nous, le savoir-faire se dĂ©finit par la capacitĂ© Ă  transformer des idĂ©es innovantes en produits de qualitĂ©, constituant ainsi un pilier fondamental des 7 ans de garantie KIA. Notre processus de fabrication et notre engagement envers un service aprĂšs-vente de qualitĂ© sont essentiels pour assurer la satisfaction durable de nos clients. L'excellence de notre savoir-faire est au cƓur de la qualitĂ© des vĂ©hicules que vous conduisez, vous offrant sept avantages majeurs.

Normes de qualité supérieures.

Les vĂ©hicules Kia rĂ©pondent aux normes de fabrication les plus Ă©levĂ©es de l’industrie automobile. C’est grĂące Ă  la qualitĂ© supĂ©rieure de ses modĂšles que Kia peut offrir en toute confiance une garantie exceptionnelle de 7 ans.

Tranquillité d'esprit.

La garantie Kia a une durée de 7 ans ou 150 000 km. Cette garantie constructeur d'origine, vous apporte une totale sérénité et une tranquillité d'esprit lors de votre conduite.

ValiditĂ© dans toute l’Europe.

La garantie Kia s'applique dans plus de 20 pays européens et vous accompagne ainsi partout.

Garantie transférable en cas de revente.

La garantie Kia est transférable aux futurs propriétaires si le véhicule a été entretenu réguliÚrement.

Valeur de revente supérieure.

Grùce à cette offre généreuse, les coûts d'entretien de votre véhicule seront réduits et sa valeur de revente sera donc plus élevée.

Couverture des défaillances.

La garantie 7 ans Kia couvre toute défaillance imputable à un défaut de production ou d'assemblage dans le cadre d'une utilisation normale.

Piùces et main-d'Ɠuvre incluses.

La garantie Kia couvre le coĂ»t des piĂšces et de la main-d'Ɠuvre, afin que vous puissiez reprendre la route sans vous soucier du montant Ă  rĂ©gler.

Questions fréquentes

La garantie couvre l’intĂ©gralitĂ© du vĂ©hicule Ă  l’exception des piĂšces d’usure, des limitations et des exclusions (1) Ă  condition de respecter le plan d’entretien du constructeur. Vous bĂ©nĂ©ficiez du mĂȘme niveau de garantie du premier au 2557Ăšme jour couvert.

Oui, vos entretiens peuvent ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©s, en cas de besoin, hors du rĂ©seau Kia, sans impact sur la garantie. En revanche, Kia vous conseille de rĂ©aliser vos entretiens au sein de son rĂ©seau de rĂ©parateurs agrĂ©Ă©s, vous permettant de bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’une expertise et d’un suivi de votre vĂ©hicule optimisĂ©s. Cependant, il est important de noter que si l’entretien est rĂ©alisĂ© en dehors du rĂ©seau Kia, il est nĂ©cessaire de respecter les prĂ©conisations du constructeur.

La garantie qui accompagne le vĂ©hicule est transfĂ©rable aux futurs propriĂ©taires. Ainsi, si vous revendez un vĂ©hicule Kia de 3 ans, il bĂ©nĂ©ficiera toujours d’une garantie de 4 ans, dans le respect des modalitĂ©s de la garantie d’origine.

La garantie est appliquĂ©e sous rĂ©serve de suivre le plan d’entretien constructeur dĂ©crit dans le manuel utilisateur. Donc, en cas d'historique incomplet des entretiens, la garantie ne sera plus valide.

Kia propose sa garantie de 7 ans 1 piùces et main-d’Ɠuvre sur l'ensemble de sa gamme. Vous roulez l’esprit tranquille pendant 7 ans.

Pour les véhicules à usage commercial (véhicules de transport payant de personnes : taxi, VSL, ambulances, auto-école), la garantie constructeur est de 7 ans et 150 000 km est étendue à 200 000 km les trois premiÚres années en cas de souscription au programme Taxi/VSL de Kia France.

En cas de panne mécanique ou électronique immobilisante, vous bénéficiez de Kia Assistance pendant 2 ans, 7j/7 et 24h/24 partout en France et en Europe (2) .

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ms Esprit

Ship Specifications


Welcome aboard ms Esprit

Newly redesigned for a more intimate cruising experience, ms  Esprit  offers a seamless combination of luxury and comfort as you glide along the Danube and Rhine Rivers... enjoy views of fairy-tale castles that line the riverbanks from the Sun Deck... gaze at picture-book villages while you dine at Compass Rose, or simply enjoy the camaraderie of fellow passengers in the lounge before heading out, ready for the adventures that lie ahead...

One of the 361-foot (110-meter) riverboats in Tauck's Destination Fleet, this newly redesigned riverboat debuts in 2017 with a new deck plan optimized for the utmost in spaciousness – with 70% of her cabins measuring 225 square feet or larger – and accommodating no more than 98 guests, while similar-sized riverboats average about 160. Guest amenities inside her 14 lush 300-square-foot Tauck Suites include brocade upholstery, roomy walk-in closets with built-in drawers, spacious bathrooms with separate showers, and two French balconies with floor-to-ceiling windows that open to idyllic riverscapes. She also sports twenty roomy 225-square-foot cabins, four 183-square-foot cabins and one 182 square-foot cabin, similarly furnished. Eight 150-square-foot cabins are cozy and comfortable, and are similar in décor and style to our larger suites. 85% have floor-to-ceiling windows with real French balconies that open on to a balcony in the fresh air; all have in-room movies, minibar, adjustable heating and cooling, private bathroom and shower with pampering toiletries. In addition to our main dining room, The Compass Rose, the ship also features Arthur's, a second dining venue offering casual fare.


Enjoy casual dining offerings at arthur's.

If you're looking for casual dining options, Arthur's is your place. Named after our Chairman, Arthur Tauck Jr., Arthur's serves guests lighter breakfast options in the morning and offers classic favorites for lunch and dinner.

Panorama Lounge & Bar

The best place to unwind after a day of adventures....

The Panorama lounge and bar is the sole lounge found onboard ms Emerald. Sporting an extensive cocktail menu, grab a drink and join fellow passengers and relax on one of the many plush chairs and couches, taking in the breathtaking views of the river as it passes by. During cocktail hour, enjoy the soft and relaxing sounds of the piano as a pianist plays live music, radiating throughout the lounge as a perfect compliment to the days events that preceded.

Lounge on the Sun Deck of ms Esprit

Whether you practice your putt at the on board putting green, relax in the Jacuzzi, or take in the views of the passing European landscapes on a lounge chair, ms Esprit has an option for everyone to enjoy.

The Compass Rose

Wine and dine at the compass rose.

Enjoy a variety of international and regional dishes when you dine at Compass Rose, the main dining venue aboard ms Sapphire. Offering flexible dining times and open seating, Compass Rose boasts a formal, yet comforting atmosphere that is complimented by the knowledgeable and friendly wait staff.

All the amenities of modern luxury offered along the river

Accommodating no more than 98 guests, the newly redesigned ms Esprit sports a new deck plan optimized for the utmost in spaciousness and comfort.

The central hub on board ms Espirit

Aboard ms Esprit, explore all that the ship has to offer including a large variety of onboard entertainment options such as enrichment lectures, nightly piano music, in-room movies, culinary demos, local entertainment and "themed" fun.

ms Esprit has been redesigned with a new deck plan optimized for the utmost in spaciousness with over 70% of the cabins measuring 225 square feet or larger. The ship boasts 14 spacious 300-square-foot Suites, 20 225-sqaure-foot cabins, four 183-square-foot cabins, one 182-square-foot cabin and eight-150-square foot cabins.

85% of the cabins have floor-to-ceiling windows with real French balconies. All cabins are equipped with in-room movies, minibar, adjustable climate control, private bathroom with shower and pampering toiletries.

Cabin beds are fitted with 400-thread satin bed linen, mako cotton pillows, 100% cotton blankets and thick pillow top mattresses. A variety of Tauck-exclusive Molton Brown bath products are provided along with terry cloth robes, towels and hair dryers.

Open seating in main dining room, The Compass Rose; flexible dining times; vegetarian meals always available.

  • Alternate dining venue, Arthur's, offering classic favorites at lunch and dinner and lighter breakfasts in the morning
  • Al fresco dining on Sun Deck, weather permitting
  • In Category 7 Tauck Suites, American breakfast room service available and a shipboard credit (one per stateroom) is provided to be used onboard for spa services, gift shop purchases, etc
  • Complimentary snacks served 10:00 AM – midnight
  • Onboard putting green
  • Unlimited complimentary beverages aboard ship include regional wine, beer and premium spirits in addition to specialty coffee, water and soft drinks
  • Onboard entertainment includes enrichment lectures, piano music nightly, in-room movies, culinary demos, local entertainment and "themed" fun
  • 110-volt and 220-volt outlets included in every cabin for small electronics; minibar stocked with complimentary water and soft drinks
  • Complimentary Internet & Email available
  • Fitness center; massages available; putting green on Sun Deck; Jacuzzi on Sun Deck – available 24 hours
  • Bicycles available aboard for use ashore
  • Laundry service available

Welcome Aboard

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Diamond Deck

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Emerald Deck

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Onboard Experience

Your day starts with breakfast onboard
 sharing your favorite table by the window with the couple you became friends with at your welcome dinner
 enjoying your favorite buffet selections just the way you like them
 The riverboat docks right around the time you're finished with breakfast; you couldn't have asked for better timing
 As you step off the ship, our local experts eagerly await to show you around the ancient village they call home, a place whose wine-making traditions stretch back over a thousand years; soon it may feel like home to you as well. You'll spend the morning exploring with your local guide before returning to the riverboat to continue your cruise. Back aboard, you'll have some time to explore your "floating hotel." Or decide to relax and chat with friends as you bask in the sun, sipping a cool drink. Refreshed, you head into the lobby just in time to watch the riverboat dock. This afternoon, taste your way through a picturesque riverside town, sampling the wares of artisan chocolatiers and a baker who shares a few secrets. Dinner tonight may be in yet another country, something you have never experienced before – an elegant affair in a baroque castle
 Walking to the venue, your Tauck Director and local guide fill you in on the history that surrounds you. Your jaw drops as you enter the magnificent castle; the couple you had breakfast with joins you, bringing along some new friends. You don't want the evening to end, but alas, it must
 another Tauck experience to check off on the "wow" list
 Returning to the riverboat, you meet your companions for a little more camaraderie around the piano in the lounge before calling it a night. Drifting off to sleep, you smile
 realizing that you'll soon be waking up in another magical town
 to embark on another perfect day of your Tauck river cruise
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Cruising with ms Esprit

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Partner Since 2004


Tauck has had the privilege of working with the riverboat company Scylla since 2004 – and today, Scylla is one of Tauck's most significant partners. Their fleet includes the ships that Tauck charters – ms Emerald, ms Sapphire, ms Treasures, ms Inspire, ms Savor, ms Esprit, ms Grace ,  ms Joy and  ms Andorinha. Scylla's fleet boasts some of the most luxurious and modern ships cruising the rivers of Europe. For 40+ years Scylla has been a family-owned and operated company, with Robert and Arno Reitsma, André's sons, now steering the helm. Scylla's motto, "Quality, Our Passion," drives every decision they make and impels them toward continued innovation.

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Club Esprit Vacation Club provides access to the world’s top hotel properties, major airlines, cruise-lines & car rental agencies. Club Esprit access to discover the endless opportunities members enjoy to save on vacationing worldwide.

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Access to all major airlines including low cost carriers

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Ability to book spacious 1, 2 and 3 bedroom condo

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Our members receive the best prices on cruises from 3 days to 120 days

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Discover our substantially discounted, curated tours and activities

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Lowest rates on car rentals, trucks and SUVs

With more than 30 years experience, Club Esprit is bringing families together on vacations that provide flexibility, array of choices, and at a price you won’t believe! We do it better than ever before!

Club Esprit Vacation Club provides access to the world’s top hotel properties, major airlines, cruise-lines & car rental agencies. Club Esprit gives access to discover the endless opportunities that our members enjoy worldwide. These include affordable vacation experiences in the most desirable vacation destinations throughout the World.

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Japan Now & Then

Coming in november 3-14/16, 2023, 11 days, 10 nights; 2 night extension, note: this tour will not likely be offered in 2024., tokyo, matsumoto, narai-juku, kyoto, benesse art site, escorted group tour, esprit's premier arts tour to japan.

Enjoy spectacular fall foliage while learning about the arts and culture of Japan on our, premier, cultural journey to the heart of Japan. Travel back in time, from the contemporary capital of Tokyo, down the Nakasendo Road, to the traditional and spiritual heart of Japan, Kyoto. This Japan Arts and Crafts tour will take you deep into the spirit that underlies the arts of Japan.

Tokyo is vibrant, dynamic, exciting and cosmopolitan. We will visit museums and galleries, explore career-defining architecture, sample fine cuisine and learn how the historical has been integrated into the modern life of Japan. We then travel back through Japan’s history, heading to the Nakasendo Road; the well-traveled route taken by daimyo between their provinces and the capital of Edo (Tokyo).  We’ll visit the original castle in Matsumoto and explore the kura district before heading to our luxury ryokan for onsen baths and a multi-course Kaiseki meal. The next day takes us to Narai, one of the post towns along the original Nakasendo Road to explore this historic reconstruction of one of the critical links in the economic and political life of pre-Edo Japan. We end this travel day in Kyoto, alive with the blazing colors of autumn foliage, at our five-star hotel. Kyoto, with its wide-range of arts, crafts, traditions, gardens and history will fill the remainder of our trip with its delights. We’ll learn firsthand the importance the Japanese put on the concept of mastery and meet some of the masters, or sensei, who carry forward Japan’s rich artistic heritage. We will visit artists ranging from Nihonga to gold-leaf, textile, kumihimo and more.

You may also decide to join us for a tour extension to see Benesse Art Site, located on the Inland Sea, while spending two nights at one of Benesse House’s Tadao Andoh designed hotels. In addition to visits to the museums on Naoshima Island, we will have a chance to also explore Teshima, another of the islands that now comprise this extensive site dedicated to contemporary and installation art. This special two-night extension is contingent on a minimum number.

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Tour Leaders

esprit atlantes tours

Andy Bender

Tour Manager

esprit atlantes tours

Keiko Kamei

Assistant Tour Leader

The moon and sun are travelers through eternity. Even the years wander on. Whether drifting through life on a boat or climbing toward old age leading a horse, each day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

Matsuo basho (1644-1694), japan now & then highlights.

esprit atlantes tours

φ Learn about the aesthetic of Japanese arts and fine crafts, from traditional to contemporary

φ Share thought-provoking introductions to Buddhism and Shintoism, through private meetings with priests and monks in their temples or shrines

φ Enter the studios of revered artists and craftsmen, the sensei who carry forward Japan’s rich artistic heritage. Meet masters of cha no ya (tea ceremony), calligraphy, textiles and more.

φ Visit selected galleries and museums in exciting Tokyo

φ Tour one of Japan’s authentic castles

φ Spend time in exquisitely maintained gardens

φ Visit a restored post-town on the Nakasendo Road

φ Ride on Japan’s famous Shinkansen bullet train

φ Sample a variety of local, seasonal cuisine

Japan Now & Then Tour Daily Itinerary

Friday november 3, depart home.

Depart for Japan on your individually arranged flight.

Saturday November 4

Arrive tokyo japan.

Travel by private car transfer to our downtown hotel, the four-star Hyatt Centric, in the centrally-located Ginza district.

Accommodations: Hyatt Centric Ginza Tokyo or Marunouchi Hotel Meals included: None

Sunday November 5

We’ll start our time in Tokyo at Meiji Shrine to learn about Shinto and experience kagura, a blessing ceremony of ancient, sacred music and dance. A short walk through Harajuku , a center of Japan’s renowned youth fashion and culture, is followed by a walking tour on nearby Omotesando to see contemporary architecture and trendy street life. We will lunch today at a restaurant specializing in tofu and unique Japanese creations. After lunch, visits to some of the interesting museums in Tokyo Midtown will be followed by a private presentation at Nuno Gallery, known for innovative textiles and clothing by renowned designer Reiko Sudo. This evening you are free to enjoy dinner on your own.

Accommodations: Hyatt Centric Ginza Tokyo or Marunouchi Hotel Meals included: Breakfast, lunch

Monday November 6

Today, we will set out to enjoy a leisurely walking tour of the Ginza neighborhood, including a visit to one of Tokyo’s famed department stores for the opening ceremony. After lunch we will visit a small, architecturally significant museum (pending exhibit announcement), before heading to Aoyama, home to some of Tokyo’s most fashionable and elegantly civilized stores and shops. Our visits there will include the Noguchi Sculptures on display at Sogetsu Hall. End the evening with a welcome dinner in one of Tokyo’s fine restaurants, which are continually re-interpreting traditional cuisine.

Accommodations: Hyatt Centric Ginza Tokyo or Marunouchi Hotel Meals included: Breakfast

Tuesday November 7

This morning we’ll take a stroll through one of the quiet sections of Tokyo where we’ll get introduced to a Nihonga artist, who creates delicate Japanese masterpieces on paper and silk. We’ll end our touring day with a guided tour of the Tokyo National Museum . Afterwards you will be on your own for lunch and to explore other areas of Tokyo–Asakusa and the famous Senso-ji Temple; perhaps the Edo-Tokyo Museum and the nearby Sumo Museum or even to enjoy shopping in the newly revived Nihonbashi district.

Accommodations: Hyatt Centric Ginza Tokyo or Marunouchi Hotel Meals included: Breakfast, lunch, dinner

Wednesday November 8

ï»ż matsumoto.

Today we will start our journey back in time. We head by train to Matsumoto where we will enjoy lunch in a restaurant set in a beautifully restored traditional storehouse. We’ll then start our touring at Matsumoto Castle , circa 1595, one of four remaining from Japan’s feudal period in its original condition. We will have some free time for you to explore Nakamachi, a pretty neighborhood of historic homes, many of which have been converted to cafes and galleries for crafts and antiques. Afterwards, we continue by coach to our ryokan for the evening, the deluxe, Relais & Chateaux property, Miyojinkan, where you can enjoy the onsen (hot spring) baths and a full-course kaiseki (multi-course) banquet dinner served Japanese style.

Accommodations: Myojinkan Ryokan Meals included: Breakfast, lunch, dinner

Thursday November 9

After our luxurious Japanese ryokan breakfast, we will travel by coach to one of the original eleven post-towns along the Nakasendo Road . The winding and arduous road through the mountains and the Kiso valley connected Kyoto to the capital in Edo. Several post towns have been carefully restored and a visit to one of these truly is like walking the path of the samurai and ronin of old. Narai juku was a prosperous inn town (called Narai Senken – a thousand inns) and its unique architectural style of overhanging second-floors survives to this day. We will have several hours to stroll through the town, explore the small local temples and lunch on your own. Afterwards, we will transfer by express train to Nagoya before heading to Kyoto via Shinkansen (bullet) train. Our hotel for the remainder of our tour is the five-star Hyatt Regency Kyoto, located in the quiet Higashiyama area. Dinner will be at your leisure this evening.

Accommodations: Hyatt Regency Kyoto Meals included: Breakfast

Friday November 10

Start our touring day with a tea ceremony where you will be given a basic introduction to the Way of Tea , including the proper etiquette, in a private, authentic setting. Spend the rest of the morning at nearby Daitoku-ji Zen monastery, including visits to Koto-in and Zuiho-in .   After a Zen-style vegetarian lunch travel to eastern Kyoto to visit a young Rinzai zen priest at Zenge-in in the eastern hills, for a chat about his years cloistered in a classic Zen monastery and his new life as the abbot of a small Zen temple. To end the day, we visit a friend’s gallery for an introduction to Japanese ceramics . Afterwards you can have an optional walk along the Philosopher’s path or a visit to Ginkaku-ji (Silver Pavillion). Tonight we will enjoy a shabu-shabu dinner of luxurious Wagyu beef and crisp vegetables dipped into bubbling broth tableside and served with traditional condiments and dipping sauces.

Accommodations: Hyatt Regency Kyoto Meals included: Breakfast, lunch, dinner

Saturday November 11

This morning we travel to eastern Kyoto to visit an artisan whose intricately woven silk cords and tassels are commissioned by shrines, temples and Tiffany and Co. Our next stop is Renge-ji , a classic Taoist-inspired garden with special symbolism, including references to the crane and the turtle as well as the land of the Immortals. A Kyoto-style lunch will be served in a private room at Kyoto’s oldest inn and garden, located along the Takano River. The current proprietor is the 20th generation in his family to run the inn. Afterwards we will have an ikebana demonstration featuring a wide array of ceramics and baskets used to enhance the display of seasonal blooms. End the day with a visit to the studio of a calligraphy master and performance artist to see her wield her gigantic brush to create a masterpiece-in-the-moment. Dinner will be on your own this evening.

Accommodations: Hyatt Regency Kyoto Meals included: Breakfast, lunch

Sunday November 12

We begin today in Western Kyoto in Arashiyama, where the hills will be ablaze with the bright scarlet and burnished gold of fall foliage. We will start at Tenryu-ji, one of the oldest gardens in Kyoto, dating from the early 14 th century. The garden was designed by Muso Kokushi, a renowned priest, diplomat, meditation teacher and garden designer. After a short walk through the Bamboo Forest, we will have a private tour of the Hogo-in villa, which is not open to the public. The villa is an outstanding example of highly refined and inventive sukiya -style carpentry. After our group lunch, we have a visit to one of Kyoto’s many stroll gardens, made special by the autumn foliage. the Nishijin textile district to meet a 5 th generation master of gold leaf. In his beautifully preserved, traditional Kyoto-style merchant house, he will introduce you to his intricate process used to create custom obi.

Monday November 13

This morning, the early risers may decide to join our tour guide for an optional temple visit to attend a full Buddhist service, including a fire ceremony, performed by 40 chanting monks. After breakfast, start touring next to our hotel, with a visit to Sanjusangendo Hall, a 900-year old structure that holds an extraordinary collection of statuary in one of Japan’s longest wooden buildings. The 1001 wooden statues of the Kannon, well-known from Sugimoto’s “Hall of Thirty-Three Bays”, sit row upon row for the length of the building with their phalanx of 28 National Treasure guardian entities in front. End the morning with a walking tour of the Kiyomizu and Gion area, which a short introduction into the life of the geisha and maiko for which Kyoto is so well known. The rest of the day is free for lunch and to explore Kyoto on your own. Some suggestions include touring with Esprit’s custom shopping map in hand, visiting such iconic sights as Kinkaku-ji (Golden Temple), the 10,000 bright vermilion torii gates of Fushimi Inari or traveling by train to nearby Nara . Tonight would be a good night for an excursion to one of the many temples and gardens in Kyoto that are lit up to highlight the start of the fall foliage season. Your tour leader will have a list of available temples and directions. Tonight we will have a farewell dinner in one of Kyoto’s many fine restaurants.

Tuesday November 14

Depart for home.

You’ll have the morning free to take in the sights, shop or simply stroll Kyoto’s varied neighborhoods one last time. Transfer by reserved van shuttle, per individual flight times, for your pre-arranged return flight from Osaka Kansai International Airport or Osaka Itami Airport.

Meals included: Breakfast

Benesse Extension Daily Itinerary

Naoshima island.

This morning travel via train, van and ferry to Japan’s premier art site, Benesse Art Site , three islands located on the Inland Sea of Japan. Today we will take time to explore some of the installations and museums on Naoshima Island, including the Chichu Museum , the Lee Ufan Museum and the Art House Projects. Afterwards, we check into the Benesse Park hotel. This Tadao Ando designed hotel houses numerous art pieces and is located right along the island’s edge. Each room has its own installed art for you to enjoy while you are in residence.

Dinner tonight will be at the Terrace restaurant, serving continental cuisine. We will then explore the Benesse Museum after hours. 

Accommodations: Benesse Park Hotel Meals included: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Wednesday November 15

Teshima & inujima.

Today we will visit Teshima Island to experience the Archive and the Teshima Museum before having a quiet lunch at a local restaurant. We then travel on to Inujima to see the Seirensho Art Museum and the local art House projects. Afterwards, transfer by ferry to Uno port before ending the day in Okayama at a conveniently located hotel.

Accommodations: Benesse Park Hotel Meals included: Breakfast, lunch, Dinner

Thursday November 16

Depart Japan on your individually pre-arranged flights Transfer by ferry and train to Osaka this morning for your return flights from Osaka Kansai International Airport or Osaka Itami Airport. Flights should be arranged for after 4:00pm to allow for ample time for travel and customs.

Price: $9,150 USD

Tour Price Includes:

  • Accommodations for ten nights in 4 and 5* hotels: Marunouchi Hotel, Myojinkan Ryokan* and Hyatt Regency Kyoto, based on sharing a room .
  • Daily breakfast and additional meals as indicated (five lunches and four dinners)
  • Round-trip airport transfers by private car (Tokyo) and reserved, shared van shuttle (Kyoto)
  • All internal trains and buses for the tour, including riding on Japan’s famous Shinkansen “Bullet train” in Green Car (first class).
  • Baggage shipping for one bag per person from Tokyo to Kyoto
  • Informative commentary by an Esprit tour leader who is fluent in Japanese, using our unique radio headset system.
  • Admissions and local transportation

Single supplement information is available upon request. Singles are limited. Twin beds are the norm in Japan for a double room; a limited number of king rooms are allocated on a first come basis.

Group size is limited to 16.

Airfare is not included in the tour price.

Price may be adjusted up until the time of final payment for currency fluctuation.

*A stay at a Japanese Ryokan involves sleeping on the tatami matted floors on futon beds. We have chosen this ryokan as there are a limited number of rooms available for upgrade that have western-style twin beds. If you would like to have one of these rooms please inquire about availability and the surcharge. Rooms are also available with private onsen baths for an additional fee.


Price: $1895 USD

The extension will run with a minimum of eight participants and a maximum of 16. In the event the extension is not available due to insufficient enrollment we can discuss options for traveling on your own to Benesse Art Site.

Extension Price Includes:

  • Accommodations for one night in the Benesse Park Hotel and one night in the Okayama ANA hotel, based on sharing a room.
  • Daily breakfast and additional meals as indicated (two lunches and one dinner)
  • All internal trains, ferries and transport for the tour, including riding on Japan’s famous Shinkansen “Bullet train”
  • Baggage shipping for one bag to Osaka Kansai Airport (we will travel with overnight bags only)

For registration information and Terms and Conditions, call 800-377-7481, or email [email protected].


Note: The itinerary will be finalized approximately 30 days prior to departure. Artist visits are subject to availability and the schedules of our Japanese colleagues. A final itinerary will be sent to you about two weeks prior to departure. The itinerary and visits are subject to change at any time.

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  2. Esprit Travel

    Esprit Travel and Tours is one of the oldest US companies specializing in tours to Japan and has been offering custom tours to foreign countries since it was established in 1979. We provide individual custom tour planning for couples and families (FIT) and a limited selection of escorted group tours to Japan, the only destination we offer. ...

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    Esprit Travel, Las Vegas, Nevada. 585 likes · 1 talking about this. Esprit specializes in creating individually crafted journeys focusing on the arts, crafts, history, culture and cuisine of Japan. Esprit Travel | Las Vegas NV

  10. Esprit Travel

    Esprit Travel and Tours is one of the oldest US companies specializing in tours to Japan and has been offering custom tours to foreign countries since it was established in 1979. We provide individual custom tour planning for couples and families (FIT) and a limited selection of escorted group tours to Japan, the only destination we offer.

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  12. Esprit Travel

    Get in touch with us to learn more about cultural travel to Japan. Contact Us. 800-377-7481

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    Contact Us. 800-377-7481. Esprit Travel and Tours is one of the oldest US companies specializing in tours to Japan and has been offering custom tours to foreign countries since 1979.

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  22. Esprit Travel

    Esprit's Premier Arts Tour to Japan. Enjoy spectacular fall foliage while learning about the arts and culture of Japan on our, premier, cultural journey to the heart of Japan. Travel back in time, from the contemporary capital of Tokyo, down the Nakasendo Road, to the traditional and spiritual heart of Japan, Kyoto.

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