Dive Into Malaysia

Dive Into Malaysia

Desaru Fruit Farm: Everything You Need To Know [2024]

Looking for fun attractions in the Desaru area? They don’t come bigger and with more things to do than the Desaru Fruit Farm.

Located a short drive from Desaru Coast, Desaru Fruit Farm is the place to learn about everything tropical fruit while having fun. In addition to a tour around the farm, you can take an ATV ride and eat a glorious 7-course lunch of fruit-infused dishes and soup. Of course, there is also a shop where you can stock up on fresh fruit.

Sound good? It did to us, so I visited here with my kids aged 6 and 11.

Desaru Fruit Farm entry

Below, you can read our full Desaru Fruit Farm review based on our experiences here. We describe everything there is to do as well as what it is actually like to visit here in this Desaru Fruit Farm blog.

We did have both EXCELLENT experiences here and a BAD one so make sure you read it all so you can make the most out of your Desaru Fruit Farm day trip!

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Desaru Fruit Farm Review [2024]

The Desaru Fruit Farm Agro Tourism has won prizes for being the “best agro-tourism site” in Malaysia.

The farm itself is 180 acres and has a tropical fruit farm, agricultural gallery, fish pond and vegetable and herb gardens. There’s also a petting zoo and educational talks on bees.

Since there are a few different things to do here (with different Desaru Fruit Farm entrance fee costs), I talk about these things separately below.

Desaru Fruit Farm Tour

Desaru Fruit Farm Fruit farm tour

The main thing to do here is a fruit farm tour. They say this tour goes for 45 minutes to an hour and is a walking tour exploring the agricultural gallery, fish pond and fruit farm. There is a honey presentation as part of this too.

You also visit a petting zoo. As part of this, you are also given some fruit to try… supposedly! We did not get a “fruit packet”.

Desaru Fruit Farm fish pond

I also read that you visit herb and vegetable gardens, but we did not.

This tour went for about an hour and a half for us which was far too long and was quite disappointing. We joined this Desaru Farm tour as we love the fruit in Malaysia and we were excited to learn more and see it growing.

However, most of this Agro Farm Desaru tour is not actually fruit or the farm at all 🙁

Desaru Fruit Farm Tour waiting area

The tour started with us being called up to get on a bus to the start of the walking tour. However, then everyone else was told to get on, and we were told to wait five minutes for the next bus.

Five minutes later, we hopped on the back of the truck to the tour starting point. When we got there, the people who had been on the bus were already on the tour. We took some photos while we waited for ours to start…

Then we realised we were meant to join the other people on their tour.

So we missed the first part of the tour. The guide could have at least told us to join them. We only did when we realised we were the only people left standing there and there was no more guide. Either if he had though, we still would have missed part of it.

Desaru Fruit Farm Part of our tour group

We then walked through the fruit farm a little, and the guide explained about a few different fruits. Exactly how we thought it would be.

Except there was about 50 people on this tour, many were talking and the guide’s english was heavily accented so hard to understand with so much noise going on. He then took a call, and we walked along without any information. So we only had a few minutes of actual touring the fruit farm.

We arrived at the Agricultural Gallery where we were told we could buy food to feed the fis,h and we had 20 minutes.

Desaru Fruit Farm Agricultural Gallery

Standing by a shed and a pretty pond with fish for 20 minutes was not what I imagined on a fruit farm tour, but we tried to make the best of it. There was a little bit of information and some old bicycles and equipment in the Agricultural Gallery.

Desaru Fruit Farm Inside the Agricultural Gallery

We took a look, fed some fish and then looked at some chicken coops.

We then realised the guide was talking about a hive, bees and honey… Again, we missed out and what was going on was not clear. He said at the next stop, we could taste honey including some bitter honey. I was excited for that as I hadn’t eaten bitter honey before.

Desaru Fruit Farm Petting zoo

So we walked on but ended up a petting zoo. This was one of those animal attractions that made me feel awful. The animals did not seem to be in a great environment and the stop seemed to be about making more money from people buying pet food than anything educational.

My 6 year old fell in love with a rabbit so that was a plus. There were also turtles, goats and more. Unfortunately, there was no water or soap and no way to wash your hands after interacting with the animals.

The 5-10 minute stop turned into 20 minutes and then it took another 20 minutes for the buses to show up to take us back.

Desaru Fruit Farm honey presentation

On arrival, we were led into a room to learn about honey. We went along as I still wanted to taste the bitter honey but ten minutes later when this still hadn’t happened, we walked out early. We couldn’t understand the guide and it had all got too much. Plus, we were hungry.

As you can probably guess, I really don’t recommend this tour. Pretty much all we did was stand around waiting.

HOWEVER, keep reading as we did have other experiences here which were great.

Desaru Fruit Farm ATVs

You can take an ATV ride around the farm. We did this as we haven’t been on an ATV before and we wanted to try it.

We are glad we did!

It was lots of fun. The price includes a short training session, helmets and then you drive your ATV following a guide around the farm.

I did this with both my kids on the same ATV. We all had a lot of fun.

Desaru Fruit Farm Our food for lunch

I can’t recommend enough that you buy the lunch here. It’s detailed as a 7-course lunch of fruit-infused dishes and soup.

The lunch is well organised. You simply go the restaurant when you are ready, and you’ll be seated at a table.

You can then access a fruit buffet immediately. This has many types of fresh fruit chopped up and ready to be devoured. It was delicious 🙂 There was also roseapple juice and water.

Desaru Fruit Farm fruit buffet

They started bringing out our dishes quickly. It started with a Tom Yum soup which was the best I have had. Then many more dishes came out as well as rice. A few were spicy, the rest were not, so there were food options my kids would eat.

There were 7 dishes plus rice plus soup plus the fruit buffet.

They all had fruit in them. For example, the chicken had a passionfruit sauce.

Desaru Fruit Farm My lunch

It was a lot of food for one adult and two kids as you can see pictured here. It was so good and it felt like we hardly made a dent in what we were given.

It wasn’t just great food, but I liked that it was a bit different with the fruit fusions. Honestly, I think it is worth coming here just for the lunch.

While you couldn’t pay me to do the tour again, I’d happy return and pay for this lunch.

Desaru Fruit Farm Inside shop

There is a shop on-site that you can visit even if you don’t want to do any of the activities. It’s a great place to pick up some delicious fruit.

We were also able to try some roseapple in here and actually, the worker who gave us that gave us more information on it than we got on the farm tour!

Desaru Fruit Farm Fruit shop

There are some other foods in here as well. It felt a little like a mini Chinese supermarket.

How It All Works

I had read about the tour options before visiting Desaru Fruit Farm, but it wasn’t clear to me how the place works. For example, could we just show up and do the tours, ATV ride etc or would there be long waits? Do you need tickets in advance?

It was very busy when we came here, but it was quite well organised. The tours all ran frequently, and we were able to do everything straight away without a problem.

So you can just show up and be on a tour, ATV ride or have lunch easily.

Note, there used to be paintball available here as well as a ropes course, but this is not available anymore.

Desaru Fruit Farm Video Walk-Through

In the following video, you can experience what it’s like to visit Desaru Fruit Farm as well as the whole Desaru Coast for a weekend. This is a video walk-through of all the top attractions in Desaru (including this farm) and a stay at the Hard Rock Hotel Desaru. It’s the best way to get an idea of what you’ll see here.

Make sure you subscribe to our channel for more Malaysian travel videos.

Where Is Desaru Fruit Farm?

Desaru Fruit Farm Johor Malaysia is about an hour’s drive from Johor Bahru. It takes about 15 minutes drive from Adventure Waterpark in Desaru.

It’s possible to get here by bus with some walking and a lot of time. However, realistically, you need to drive here or take a taxi.

We visited here as part of our journey from Singapore to Desaru. You can hire a taxi for eight hours that can take you to the main Desaru attractions, like the Fruit Farm, on your way between the two places.

We can book this for you with a safe and reliable local operator.

Click here for more details.

Desaru Fruit Farm Kota Tinggi address : 92, 82200 Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia

Desaru Fruit Farm map

Desaru Fruit Farm Opening Hours

The Desaru Fruit Farm Malaysia opening hours is daily from 8am to 6pm.

Desaru Fruit Farm Ticket Price

Desaru Fruit Farm Some of the prices

The exact Fruit Farm Desaru entrance fee depends on what you want to do when you are here. The base Desaru Fruit Farm tour package is RM30 for adults and RM25 for kids aged 3-11.

For this, you get the fruit farm tour and some cut up fruit to try.

Other activities are an additional charge, such as an ATV tour can be added on starting at RM55. As there were three of us, we could only do ATV2.0 which was RM220 for three people.

There are various other Desaru Fruit Farm package combos to help you save money by bundling some activities.

Final Words

Desaru Fruit Farm is an interesting place to visit with some solid options of things to do.

However, sadly the fruit farm tour is only a little bit about a fruit farm and mostly about feeding fish and animals. I really hope they change this at some point. We have been to some great fruit farm tours in other places, and I am sure this could be great too.

I do HIGHLY recommend the lunch though. It is fabulous!

The ATV ride was fun too.

So I recommend you go to Desaru Fruit Farm for the lunch and ATV, but skip the tour.

Looking for other things to do in Desaru? Find our full guide here . You can also find our full guide to where to stay in Desaru here and our full travel guide to Desaru here . You can also read about the nearby crocodile farm here and ostrich farm here.

Planning a trip to Malaysia? Have any questions?  Join our Malaysia Travel Planning Facebook group here now!  It’s the perfect place to ask any questions and to be inspired!

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desaru farm tour

By Sharon Gourlay

Sharon is a certified Malaysia travel expert and can't get enough of travelling and talking about Malaysia since she first visited 21 years ago. She travels around Malaysia multiple times a year both alone and with her kids. She used to call Penang home and especially loves this food paradise. Sharon also has a Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies, a Certificate III in International Travel Sales and has been certified by Tourism Malaysia as a Malaysia Travel Expert. Through this site, she'll help you have the perfect trip to this amazing destination.

Desaru Coast Tours

desaru farm tour

Discover the Bounty of Nature at Desaru Fruit Farm

A Rich History and Mission Desaru Fruit Farm was established with the mission of promoting sustainable agriculture and educating the public about the importance of farming. Over the years, it has grown into a hub of agricultural excellence, attracting tourists and farming enthusiasts from around the world. The farm produce high-quality fruits and vegetables. At Desaru Fruit Farm, visitors can explore a vast variety of tropical fruits.

The farm boasts over 100 varieties of fruits, including: Durian: Known as the king of fruits, durian is famous for its distinctive aroma and rich, creamy texture. Rambutan: With its hairy shell and juicy, sweet flesh, rambutan is a favorite among many. Mangosteen: Often referred to as the queen of fruits, mangosteen has a sweet and tangy flavor that is simply irresistible. Dragon Fruit: This exotic fruit is not only visually stunning but also packed with nutrients. Pineapple: The farm’s pineapples are renowned for their sweetness and juiciness. Educational Tours and Activities Desaru Fruit Farm offers a range of tours and activities designed to educate and entertain visitors of all ages. Guided Farm Tours Expert guides take visitors on an informative tour of the farm, explaining the various stages of fruit cultivation and the sustainable practices used. Guests can learn about the different fruit trees, how to identify ripe fruits, and the nutritional benefits of each variety.

Fruit Tasting Sessions One of the highlights of any visit to Desaru Fruit Farm is the fruit tasting session. Visitors can sample freshly picked fruits and discover the unique flavors and textures of each type. It’s a delightful way to appreciate the bounty of nature.

Adventure and Fun Beyond the educational aspects, Desaru Fruit Farm is also a place for adventure and fun. The farm features a range of recreational activities, including:

ATV Rides Thrill-seekers can explore the farm’s scenic trails on an ATV. It’s an exciting way to experience the farm’s diverse landscapes and enjoy the fresh air.

Petting Zoo The farm has a charming petting zoo where children can interact with friendly animals such as rabbits, goats, and chickens. It’s a delightful experience for families with young kids.

Herbal Garden and Fish Pond Visitors can also stroll through the herbal garden and learn about the medicinal properties of various plants. The fish pond is another tranquil spot where guests can relax and feed the fish.

Farm-to-Table Dining Desaru Fruit Farm takes pride in its farm-to-table dining experience. The on-site restaurant serves a variety of dishes made from the farm’s fresh produce. Visitors can savor authentic Malaysian cuisine, including fruit-based dishes and refreshing fruit juices.

Plan Your Visit Desaru Fruit Farm is open daily from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. It is conveniently located about 5 minutes drive from Desaru Coast and is accessible by car or bus. The farm also offers packages for school groups, corporate events, and private tours.

desaru farm tour

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Desaru Fruit Farm

desaru farm tour

The adventure begins with a 180-acre, naturally tropical fruit-growing farm tour led by a guide, followed by visits to an agricultural exhibit, a fishpond, and a vegetable and herb garden. Children also have the chance to tour the petting zoo, listen to a presentation on bees, and sample some raw local honey. All meals—breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided.

Address: No 1, Sungai Cemaran, Desaru 81900 Kota Tinggi, Johor

Hotline: +60 7-822 5886

Email: [email protected]

Browse through Desaru’s fruit farm official website activities catalog to purchase tickets: Visit Website

Open: Everyday

Operating Hours: 09:00AM – 06:00PM

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Start living your dreams today.

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Desaru Farms & Firefly River Cruise Day Tour

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Escape the hustle and bustle of the city life to enjoy a whiff of fresh air in the rustic countryside at Desaru and Kota Tinggi. Your first stop will be Desaru fruit farm where you will go on a guided tour and get to sample tropical fruits. Next, you will proceed to Sungai Rengit for lunch which of course, will include the town’s famed baby lobsters. After the break, you will visit an Ostrich Farm and a Crocodile Farm. To top off your day, you will enjoy a sumptuous seafood dinner followed by a relaxing cruise ride where you can appreciate first-hand how the amazing fireflies among the mangrove vegetation light up the dark starry night. There will also be a chance for you to write down your wishes and set off the Kong Ming Deng (sky lantern), and hopefully, make your wishes come true!


700am – Pick up from Marsiling MRT Station by our friendly driver. Quick breakfast in Johor en-route to Desaru Fruit Farm.

(Your Malaysian tour guide will meet you at Johor customs)

1000am – Arrive at Desaru Fruit Farm. You will be given a guided tour around the farm. At the end of the tour, you will be able sample some tropical fruits in a small fruit platter.  There is also opportunity to purchase local produce at the farm.

(During the durian season from June to August, we can organise a durian fiesta at Desaru Fruit Farm)

1130am – Leave Desaru Fruit Farm for Sungai Rengit.

1200pm – Arrive at Sungai Rengit, a seaside town famed for its baby lobsters, for your seafood lunch.  For excellent Chinese pastries, be sure to visit Kedai Kek Lim Choo Seng for their popular Lao Po Bing (Wife’s Biscuit).

130pm – Transfer to Ostrich Farm which is a short distance away from Sungai Rengit.  Be amazed by these large flightless birds and the sheer size of their eggs. You will have a chance to try Ostrich satays and omelettes. Kids also have the opportunity to sit on an ostrich for photo taking!

300pm – Depart Ostrich Farm for Crocodile Farm

400pm – Arrive at Crocodile Farm and take a self tour. You will get to see hundreds of crocodiles and if you are lucky, get to see the feeding session and a hundred year old crocodile.

500pm – Depart Crocodile Farm for Kota Tinggi

600pm – Arrive at Kota Tinggi for a sumptuous dinner follow by an enchanting firefly cruise down the Johor River

845pm – Transfer back to Singapore.

1130pm – Estimated time of arrival at Marsiling MRT Station in Singapore.

Package includes:

  • Transport from Singapore to Johor and back
  • Lunch and Dinner
  • Guided tour at Desaru Fruit Farm
  • Entrance fees to Desaru Fruit Farm, Ostrich Farm and Crocodile Farm
  • Firefly Cruise
  • English/Mandarin speaking tour guide

  Package excludes:

  • Travel insurance
  • Tips to driver and tour guide
  • All expenses of a personal nature


An overnight stay at Desaru or Kota Tinggi can be arranged. If you are into trekking, we can arrange both Mt Panti and Pelepah Falls hike.


See latest reviews on our Google page ! There was flexibility in customising itinerary for our private group. HS was very patient, responsive and knowledgeable in helping my group plan our day trip to desaru. We were thankful to mr Rugu as well who did a gd job of driving us around safely. – Jaddine (Group of 8 on a Desaru Day trip in May 2019) Organization of transport and guide. It was well arranged and went on smoothly. – Rodney (Group of 28 on a Mt Belumut trip in Mar 2019) We had a fabulous time at Mt. Panti, thanks to 'I Wanna Travel'. The organisation was smooth from the beginning. My support, HS, was attentive to details and always available at my beck and call. The guide was friendly and encouraging. The last stretch of the climb before reaching the summit was thrilling. We absolutely loved it! We were treated to a large spread of delicious vegetarian Chinese food at the end of the trip. The highlight of the trip was the Firefly Cruise. What a mesmerising experience! Thank you for a great trip. We'll be coming back for more. – Arathi (Group of 5 on a Mt Panti trip in Nov 2018) Organisation of the trip was good as communication with iwannatravel was smooth and fast, and the itinerary planning was well suited for my group needs and wants. The driver, Mr Thina, was very accommodating towards our schedule and took care of our needs, example needing to buy rubber shoes, where he drove us to the shop. Our guides were well experienced and could pace and entertain us well with their knowledge and fun-loving nature. Mount Panti had more leeches than what we imagined though and the difficulty level of the treks was as what iwannatravel said, not to be estimated as it had moderate difficulty. Overall we had a good experience with our activities and accommodations! And would definitely recommend this trip for the more adventurous people. – John (Group of 9 on a 2D1N Mt Panti & Pelepah Falls trip in Dec 2018) The guide, Mr Azhar was very experienced. He was able to pace us accordingly and guide us throughout our entire trek to the peak and the Big Tree. The trek was not easy, considering it started to rain halfway thru the journey, making the route slippery but Mr Azhar was willing to guide us and pace us accordingly throughout so that we wont overexert ourselves. – Salmiah (Group of 4 on a Mt Lambak day trip in Nov 2018) The climb itself. Eventhough, the mountain itself is not that high, it still needs some form of resilience in order to reach the summit then to the big tree. The guide that was with us was a very experience one. He leads us all the way with lots of patience and give us some tips on how to overcome some parts of the trek.that was not so easy. Witj his level of expertise, we manage to.complete the trek. The four of us really enjoy the trek. – Sunita (Group of 4 on a Mt Lambak day trip in Nov 2018) The transport van was spacious and driver was really friendly and accommodating. Double thumb ups! – Huizhen (Group of 4 on a 2D1N Mt Ophir & Resort trip in Oct 2018) The whole trip was great! Everything went very smooth and it was a great experience. The guide allowed us to choose which route we wanted to go, and was accommodating to all our pictures and video. The driver was very friendly and provided recommendations for dinner. The pre-trip experience was great as well and all our questions were answered so we were well prepared for the trip! – Khang Siang (Group of 7 on a 2D1N Mt Ophir Camping Trip (Summit & Twin Falls) in Jun 2018) Everything was on time and according to plan. hs and his colleagues were all very nice, friendly and approachable. The climb was abit harder than we thought it should be. But nevertheless we did have fun as a group of friends who barely get to meet each other when we are back in SG. – Kian Kok (Group of 10 on an Mt Ophir Summit Day Trip in Jun 2018) Trip was well planned, transport was on time, recommended eating place was good and affordable - very good experience! – Jerome (Group of 10 on an Mt Ophir Summit Day Trip in Jun 2018) Organisation was very easy; all relevant information was provided and all questions were answered quickly. The trip itself was excellent and went exactly to plan. Our guides were friendly and encouraging to everyone in the group. We all had a fantastic time – Oonagh (Group of 9 on an Mt Ophir Summit Day Trip in Apr 2018) Overall excellent planning, coordination and communication ahead of the trip. The arranged driver was jovial and accommodating as well. Could not ask for more for a trip like this. A very positive experience indeed by all in my team! – Habib (Group of 5 on an Mt Ophir Summit Day Trip in Apr 2018) We had a lovely trip! Well organized. Everything was ok. Friendly and flexible driver. Knowledledable guide. Resort was basic, but ok. Slight feedback is the breakfast wasnt ready in time. Overall perfect trip. – Maarten (Group of 3 on an 2D1N Mt Ophir Summit & Resort Trip in Feb 2018) Very well organised. Clear instructions. Quick response to emails. All worked exactly as planned. Good guide. Driver was always on time. No complaints. Impressed with service. – Joe Windle (Group of 2 on an 2D1N Mt Ophir Summit & Resort Trip in Dec 2017) HS was very prompt, clear and honest in his responses. Great organisation and hassle free with the whole process. Kumar the driver is friendly and accommodating. The guide Hazali is just great! Patient with our slower pace (mainly due to old age me) and even pro-actively to offer to help us carry some stuff. The whole camping experience was great for my wife and 2 kids who did it for the first time. Overall very happy that we made it to the summit, and grateful to the kind and great weather where there was no rain at all. – Melvin (Group of 4 on an 2D1N Mt Ophir Summit & Camping Trip in Nov 2017) thanks for everything, the rest were too tired when they reached the wall, only 3 of us summit, was great fun n experience n sense of achievement for everyone though they were complaining along the way which is normal. Everything were great from driver to guide to dinner n cruise, we didn't shower at waterfall, rented a chalet for that instead with credit to your indian colleague, the chalet was value for money n did a big part in washing n recuperating after the climb, our older folks had a restful afternoon there too, overall had been a great experience n hs thanks again for ensuring that everything went on smoothly for us, kenny - Kenny (Group of 13 on a Mt Panti & Kota Tinggi Trip in Nov 2017) The trip was successful thank you and we all made it up and down in 9 hours. Fitri our guide was very good and looked after us well. Gunung Ledang Resort is indeed basic but sufficient for the night before the hike. Many thanks. – Nick (Group of 4 on an 2D1N Mt Ophir Summit & Resort Trip in Oct 2017) Guide Syami was amazing! Very patient and extremely helpful towards my parents (55 and 50 year old folks) . His guidance really helped my parents with their hike. Shared his knowledge on the mountain and the wildlife there. Perfect. – Farhana (Group of 6 on an 2D1N Mt Ophir Camping Trip in Apr 2017) Very nice group, glad I made some good friends. Thanks to the organisers who took us for dinner near a vegetarian friendly place. – Rajan (Group of 12 on an Open Mt Ophir Trip in Mar 2017) Coordination with IWT was a breeze. Ying was quick in responding to queries and very helpful, giving tips according to her own experience climbing Pelapah Falls. Prasanth, the driver, was on-time, friendly and skillful. Despite the hours of driving and waiting for us, he always wore a smile on his face. Nan, our guide, was very experienced. He was like a fatherly figure who knew exactly what he was doing and that brought a lot of assurance to us. Pelapah Falls has its challenges but it was such a good experience for my friends and I. We had to tread through cooling rivers, climb using ropes, avoid giant ants and manage a few leeches but the amazing and therapeutic waterfalls made it all worth it. All of us were counted as beginner hikers and we all made it. So don't worry. Just do it! – Xiuqing (Group of 5 on a Pelepah Falls & Kota Tinggi Trip in Feb 2017) We have went for hiking in Mount Lambak. Though its our first hiking have enjoyed it to the full. Guide received us with his warm wishes and provided his support through-out the trip and gave tips on what are all things to do and not to do during the trekking/hiking. – Mahendran (Group of 5 on a Mount Lambak Trip in Feb 2017) Transport - Driver was friendly and punctual Guide - Experienced and knowledgeable; was able to resolve any issues that cropped up in a calm, steady manner – Paul (Group of 4 on a Mt Panti & Kota Tinggi Trip in Jan 2017) Organisation is very efficient, we can get all the help we needed. in terms of transport , bus guide and mountain guides. food was great , ready and prepared sufficiently. – Qinmei (Group of 6 on a 4D3N trip to Mt Kinabalu with Via Ferrata in Dec 2016) The whole planning process went very smoothly, and Ying was very accommodating to our requests. We were even able to secure a chalet instead of camping like our initial plan, because we were worried about the monsoon season. We were kept well-informed of what we needed to take note of as well, and all our queries were answered promptly. – Pearlyn (Group of 4 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Ophir in Nov 2016) Transport was great, the driver knew his way around well and was always ready to pick us up. The fact that one of the organizers came down at 5am in the morning to ensure that everything was in order and to send us off, gave a great personal touch to the trip. The guides for the trek were both friendly and experienced. – Alexander (Group of 21 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Ophir in Nov 2016) Transport was good. Always around and never late. The hiking guide Azizi was really good also. Could tell he enjoyed his job and enjoyed the people as well. Friendly, fun and very supportive. Accommodation's facilities were quite old but the functionality is there. – Joy (Group of 17 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Ophir in Sep 2016) The trip was well planned and the guides provided were experienced and friendly. Azizi, Chamin and Boy were our guides. Azizi was motivating us with the hot coffee that he will make for us at the peak, best coffee ever! He was really friendly and continuously motivating us. – Serene (Group of 17 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Ophir in Sep 2016) I really enjoy the whole travel experience. The driver is always contactable and prompt, and transport it’s quite comfortable. The mountain guide is friendly, and is knowledgeable and ensures that the last person is not left behind, and there are 2 guides provided to us for a group of 10 which I think is quite good. The accommodation at Melaka is quite clean and it’s within the tourist attraction; Jonker Street and there’s also some free and easy time to explore with driver provided. – Xian Ying (Group of 10 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Ophir in May 2016) The coordinators (Bob and HS) were very accomodating and patient in answering all my queries. They were also quick to provide our group with options for budget-friendly trips. HS also made sure that our group’s transport is comfortable by providing us with a friendly driver – Mr. Kumar. HS also provided us with a guide – Mr. Nan , who has ensured our group’s safety throughout the whole trek. Last but definitely not the least, our group loved the dinner at the Firefly Leisure Park. My friends and I had so much fun over the weekend. Overall, the organisation is excellent! *^_^* -Michelle (Group of 5 on a Mt Panti Day Trip in Nov 2015) Our driver was very accommodating. He never made us feel like we were imposing and always asked us what we preferred. As with our previous trip, I really did enjoy IWT’s responsiveness. The speed with which Ying managed to book everything was great. – Rachel (Group of 4 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Panti & JB in Nov 2015) A well-organised and overall pleasant trip. Everyone enjoyed themselves and we returned home in high spirits. On behalf of Yale-NUS GOYAC. thank you! – Yale-NUS Good Ol’ Yale-NUS Adventure Club (Group of 22 on a day trip to Mt Panti & Kota Tinggi in Oct 2015) Thanks Bob for organizing and leading this memorable getaway for me and my cousin. Bob’s attention to details was exemplary. He kept us constantly updated on the daily activities, meal times, coach timing and helped us get a good pair of kampung adidas for the caving which spared our shoes from getting drenched. Yeah, thanks for “saving” my “dao sa piah” from being ended up in the dustbin:)  – Willie Peck (Group of 2 on a Gopeng 3D2N Trip in Oct 2015) Despite the heavy rain, slippery and gruelling hike, it was a fantastic trip made possible by the guide Aiyee. Bob was very accommodating too. We managed Stong only but surely will come back for Ayam. – Piruz (Group of 2 on 4D3N Mount Stong Trip in Aug 2015) Loved everything about the trip! It was very well organized by IWT! Especially to HS! He was very informative in providing us with instructions and tips before the trip. Transport was on time and the driver was flexible in his timing. He was nice to recommend a couple of food places for us to have our breakfast and lunch. He even agreed to take us to our favorite massage place after the hike.  The overall hike was great! Definitely an experience not to be missed. The guide was very experienced too although he was only 21. He would constantly check on us when we slept in tents through the night. He watched out for our safety too. – Claire (Group of 6 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Ophir in Aug 2015) My friends and I felt that the entire trip was well put together from the arrangement to climb Mt Ophir to the extension of our stay in Melaka. The iwannatravel service was prompt and always on the ball. This was one of my best trips to Malaysia.  – Ian (Group of 3 on a 5D4N trip to Mount Ophir & Melaka in Apr 2015) We had a brilliant day climbing Mount Belumut after what we thought may be a show stopper – heavy rain in the morning which luckily cleared for perfect climbing conditions. The climb was a great challenge, and we have taken back memories of our wonderful guide, the twists and bends, the summit view, beautiful forests and wildlife. Thank you to Bob and his Team at Iwannatravel for arranging our trip and providing an unforgettable experience. – Rekha and Christian (Group of 2 on a Belumut Day Trip in Feb 2015) We thoroughly enjoyed the trip. The most memorable part would be that all the service providers had a very personal touch. – Charmaine (Group of 7 on a Belumut & Kluang 3D2N Trip in Aug 2014) The transport was appropriate for our group & it was comfortable. The driver also helped us get to places safely & efficiently. Azam & Fairus were very jolly (mountain guides) who made our hike an enjoyable one. Azam was very encouraging and helpful too. It was also good that guidelines, packing list & other necessary information were clearly put across. – Rachel (Group of 13 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Ophir in Aug 2014) Overall arrangement is good. The hiking guide take good care of us. Is nice to know that HS call the guide make sure everything is ok. Well done! Thank you! – Eng Hwee (Group of 12 on a day trip to Mt Panti & Kota Tinggi in Aug 2014) We had an awesome time on Mt Ophir thanks to HS! He checked in on us a few times to make sure we were safe and even managed to get us some sparklers to play with. The independence of traveling without a (tour) guide was also a plus point! – Sharlene (Group of 16 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Ophir in July 2014) A very unforgettable trip! Everyone pushed themselves to the limit and even though it was tough. With many encouragement from the organizers, everyone managed to reach the summit and finish the hike. – Wai Keong (Group of 15 on a Belumut Day Trip in June 2014) Climbing the mountain (Mt Panti) is great for us. Thanks very much HS in patiently arranging the trip for us, making it possible for us to enjoy climbing. Appreciate your good work! And hope to enjoy climbing more with your agency. – Soh Beng (Group of 2 on a 2D1N trip to Mt Panti in Apr 2014) Read more testimonials !


desaru farm tour

IWT LLP, acts only as an agent for The Client in acquiring transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, trekking and other services for The Client’s benefit, and on the express condition that IWT LLP shall not be liable nor responsible for any loss (including without limitation, direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential loss, economic loss), damage, mishap, bodily injury, death, delay, defect, omission or any irregularity that may be caused to The Client, third parties or properties. IWT LLP is to be released from all liabilities deriving from acts of terrorism, hijacking, civil unrest, natural calamities, labour strikes, thefts or any other factors beyond IWT LLP’s control. Any losses and expenses are to be borne by The Client. In the event that IWT LLP is found liable by a court of competent jurisdiction on any basis in relation to The Client’s booking done via IWT LLP, IWT LLP’s maximum liability to the client is limited to the cost of the booking in question.  See our full  Terms and Conditions .

Day 01 Singapore / Pengerang( Lobster Lunch, Seafood Dinner )

0700hrs Assemble at designated point and depart by PZ coach via 2nd link check point (Check passport and luggage).

0800hrs After the immigration and custom clearance, change to Malaysia 40-seater Air Cond Coach and proceed for breakfast at own expenses.

0900hrs Continue journey to Desaru.

1100hrs Upon arrival, visit to the Desaru Fruit Farm Plantation ( Include Admission Fee ). The Desaru Fruit Farm is planted with many different types of tropical fruits. Our experienced guides will give talks on the different plants and show you around the farm in a leisurely bullock-cart ride or in your own vehicle. The Mini Zoo houses indigenous animals such as goats, different types of birds, including ostriches, peacocks,turkeys and wild fowl. The farm also boasts of an apiary, where local bees tap the flowering fruit trees for nectar. Fishponds dot the farm where anglers can try their luck. At the souvenir shop, visitors can find many Malaysian goods such as batik clothing, local handicraft and food products, including the farm's pr oducts such as honey and the different types of fruits. The farm has about 50 acres of Limau Madu-sweet greenoranges and the rest is planted with Limau Kesturi-musk lime, Belimbing Asam, Durian, Jambu Air or water apple, Chiku, Jambu Madu/Mawar-Guava, Rambutan, Pulasan, Cempedak, Kedondong-Great Hog Plum, Papaya and other local fruit trees. Enjoy the Fruit tasting.

1230hrs After tour, proceed to Pengerang for seafood lobster lunch.

1400hrs After lunch depart to Mango Farm to purchase the Fresh mangos.

1500hrs We will return to JB for shopping at local Shopping Mall

1830hrs Enjoy the seafood dinner at JB. After dinner, depart back to Singapore.

2030hrs Estimated time arrival Singapore . Arrive home sweet home!!

Note: The above itinerary is subject to change with our without prior notice.

Group Size: Min 40paxs / Departure Date : Own preferred date

Includes: Coach transfer as specified in the itinerary, 01 Lobster Lunch & 01 Seafood Dinner, Sightseeing as specified in the itinerary, Service of a Local Tour Guide, Service of a Singapore Tour Leader.


Enquire now:.

Thank you for contacting us. We will get back to your soonest. Cheers!

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  • MYR (Malaysian Ringgit)

1 Day Desaru Fruit Farm Tour with ATV Adventure

  • Choose from two tour options: Option A (Tour + ATV Ride + Fruit Box) or Option B (Tour + ATV Ride + Lunch)
  • Guided tour of the 180-acre Desaru Fruit Farm, exploring tropical fruit orchards, vegetable and herb gardens, the Petting Animal Farm and Agricultural Gallery 
  • Take a fun 20-minute ATV ride to explore more of Desaru Fruit Farm 
  • Enjoy tasting an array of assorted freshly cut tropical fruits grown on Desaru Fruit Farm 
  • Buy fresh fruit and a wide selection of other local products at the Mini Mart 

Choose Your Activity

Select Package Option and Local Operator

≻ ≻ ≻ 1 Package Options

What's included, what's excluded.

Just an hour’s drive outside Johor Bahru will find you in a fruity wonderland! Covering 180 acres of natural tropical fruit farmland, Desaru Fruit Farm has been awarded the Best Agro-Tourism Site in Malaysia and is one of the most popular attractions frequented by locals and tourists alike. Explore the vast farmland on a guided tour learning about all the varieties of locally grown tropical fruits and vegetables such as cermai, rambutan and durian. Taste the raw honey of the resident Desaru Fruit Farm bees and learn about the process of beekeeping management. Children will love visiting the mini petting zoo where you'll get a chance to hand-feed vegetables to some adorable farm animals. A real highlight is an adrenaline-filled 20-minute ATV ride to further explore this amazing fruit haven. Top off your day at Desaru Fruit Farm with either a hearty set lunch or a box of assorted freshly cut fruits to have a taste of this delicious locally grown produce.

Product Inclusion Details:

  • Option A: Comprehensive fruit farm tour + ATV Ride (20 minutes) + 1 box of assorted cut fruits
  • Option B: Comprehensive fruit farm tour + ATV Ride (20 minutes) + An array of tropical fruit and set lunch (7 hot dishes + 1 soup)  

What To Wear

  • T-Shirt 
  • Short Pants 
  • Hat / Cap 
  • Comfortable Walking Shoes / Sports Trainers 
  • Sunglasses  

What To Bring

  • Sunscreen 

Important Notes

  • Smoking is not permitted in Desaru Fruit Farm. 
  • Pets and outside food or drinks are not allowed inside Desaru Fruit Farm.

Child Policy

  • Child rate is applicable for children between 3-11 years old.
  • Free entry is applicable for infants between 0-2 years old.

Need Assistance ?

Make use of Malaysia Travel's complimentary service to plan your travel with us.

Booking Overview


You can now travel with any local operator of your choice.

desaru farm tour

  • How to Book
  • Private Car To JB
  • Private Car To Desaru
  • Private Car To Legoland
  • Private Car To Mersing
  • Private Car To Malacca
  • Private Car To KLIA/KLIA2
  • Private Car To Port Dickson
  • Private Car To Tioman Island
  • Private Car To Cameron Highlands
  • Private Car To Genting Highlands
  • Private Car To Johor Premium Outlets
  • Outside Johor
  • Airport Transfer
  • Full Day Service
  • Innova ( 7 Seater )
  • Alphard ( 8 Seater )
  • Starex ( 11 Seater )
  • Changi International
  • Johor Senai Airport
  • Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA/KLIA2)
  • Travel Guide
  • Desaru Trip Travel Guide: Resort,…

Desaru Trip Travel Guide

Desaru Trip Travel Guide: Resort, Transport, Food, Activities & Budget

Desaru Trip Travel Guide

After the pandemic, Desaru Coast has become very popular.

With its newly developed luxury resorts and idyllic coastal surroundings, it’s easy to see why Singaporeans flock to Desaru Coast for a weekend getaway.

In this Desaru Trip Travel Guide, not only will I be sharing my own experience in Desaru but also how you can plan for the best trip possible.

All tips and information in this post are 100% from my own experience having visited Desaru Coast several times, and not from some other blog.

Read on to learn more about the best ways to travel around Desaru!

SGMYTAXI Official Singapore to JB Taxi

1. How To Get To Desaru Coast & Transport Options

Before we begin, let’s figure out the transport to Desaru .

A reason why Desaru Coast is so popular amongst Singaporeans is because of how accessible it is.

Desaru Coast is also very well-developed, and you won’t have any problems spending 3D2N there without your own car.

So what are the transport options from Singapore to Desaru Coast ?

1.1 Private Car Hire

SGMYTAXI: Private Taxi/Car Service Singapore to Malaysia

  • Recommended way to travel
  • It is affordable (about SGD 160) and hassle-free
  • Comfortable MPV vehicle
  • Door-to-door pickup and drop-off
  • Direct transfer from SG to Desaru Coast
  • Flexible travel schedule
  • No need to alight with luggage at SG-MY checkpoints and customs
  • Perfect for families, kids, elderly people , and group travel

1.2 Ferry (From Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal)

BatamFast Ferry to Desaru Coast from Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal

  • The next best option
  • Suitable for solo travellers or pair
  • No need to endure traffic jam on causeway
  • Doesn’t operate daily and limited departure time
  • Might re-route during monsoon season
  • Shuttle bus from ferry terminal in Desaru to your resort

If you’re taking a ferry to or from Desaru, below info may useful for you.

  • Ferry From Singapore To Desaru Coast (Step By Step Guide)
  • Ferry From Desaru Coash To Singapore (Step By Step Guide)
  • How To Buy Desaaru Ferry Ticket

1.3 Public Transport

  • There are options such as public bus and coach
  • But public bus service has since been suspended due to higher demand for private car hire or ferry
  • More economical choice
  • Not recommended at all because of how impractical and inconvenient it is
  • Not suitable for families, groups, or if you have a lot of luggage
  • Have to alight twice at SG-MY checkpoints and customs

Also read:  Coach From Singapore To Desaru Coast


Sure, it might be pricier than the other options, but for your money, you’re getting comfort, luxury, ease of travel, and less stress.

2. Get To Know The Overall Area Of Desaru

I will only be covering the Desaru Coast area in this post.

If you’re looking for information about other areas in Desaru such as Bandar Penawar and Sungai Rengit, you won’t find it here.

The Desaru Coast area covers 4 resorts, a water park, Desaru Coast Ferry Terminal , and a golf course (Els Club).

While other locations such as Lotus Desaru, Sand and Sandal Resort, and Tunamaya Resort might SEEM near to Desaru Coast on the map, it isn’t.

For reference, I’ve circled popular areas such as Bandar Penawar, Desaru Coast, and Sungai Rengit in Desaru in the map below.

Desaru Coast Map

3. Where To Stay In Desaru

Please note the difference between Desaru and Desaru Coast. It’s important you know this so that you don’t mistakenly plan a holiday in Desaru!

Desaru Coast is a newly developed resort town in Desaru. Due to its seaside location as well as clean and well-maintained environment, Desaru Coast has recently gained popularity.

There are 4 new resorts in Desaru Coast (more in the next section).

4. Which Resort In Desaru To Consider 

These are the 4 newly developed resorts in Desaru Coast:

4.1 Hard Rock Hotel Desaru

Hardrock Resort Desaru entrance

  • Connected to Desaru waterpark (complimentary entry tickets with each room you book)
  • Family-friendly place for kids in and out of the resort
  • Very fun and vibrant environment, not at all a quiet resort (in the best way possible!)

4.2 Westin Desaru Resort

Westin Desaru Seaview Deluxe Room

  • Seaview resort
  • Most rooms are fronting the beach
  • 5-minute walking distance from Hard Rock Desaru
  • Very popular because of its seaview rooms and lower prices compared to Anantara Desaru Resort and One&Only Desaru Coast

For more information about Westin Desaru Resort, you can read my post below:

  • 2D1N Westin Desaru Review
  • 5 Dining Option In Westin Desaru Coast
  • REVIEW: Public Beach At Westin Desaru Coast

4.3 Anantara Desaru Resort

Anantara Desaru lagoon swimming pool

  • 500m away from Hard Rock Hotel Desaru and Westin Desaru Resort
  • Highly recommended if you’re looking for a high-end resort
  • Highlight: You can enjoy a movie in the field under the stars

For more information about Anantara Desaru Resort, you can read my post below:

  • 3D2N Anantara Desaru Resort Review
  • 4 Restaurant of Anantara Desaru Resort

4.4 One&Only Desaru

One And Only Desaru

  • The most expensive and luxurious among the 4 resorts in Desaru Coast
  • Very private

5. Where Is The Best Desaru Beach To Go 

The beach is a no-brainer in Desaru Coast!

But which is the best beach to go to?

desaru farm tour

For starters, there is the Desaru Coast Public Beach , which is open to the public.

From there, you can walk to Westin Desaru Resort and access their beach. Walk further along and you’ll come upon the beach at Anantara Resort.

Desaru Coast Westin Public Beach

These aren’t exactly “private” beaches. If exclusivity is what you want, you’ll have to go to One&Only Desaru, which is located quite a distance from Anantara.

6. What Are The Top Activities In Desaru Coast

  • Make a splash at Desaru Water Park

Desaru Waterpark Penawar River

  • Go on an educational tour at Desaru Fruit Farm 

Desaru Fruit Farm Farm Tour

Desaru Fruit Farm Farm Tour

Desaru Fruit Farm Trip

  • Spend time relaxing at the beautiful Desaru Beach

Desaru Coast Westin Public Beach

  • Have a thrilling adventure at Dash Outdoors – includes water sports & outdoor activities such as ATV ride, paddleboarding, and more .

Dash Outdoors Adventure Activity

  • Jam out to live music at Hard Rock Desaru

Dearu Hard Rock Live Band

  • Unwind with a drink at the Beach Bar at Westin and Observatory Bar or Infinity Bar at Anantara. The bars are clean, comfortable, and aesthetically-pleasing.

Anantara Resort Infinity Pool Bar

  • Partake in activities (e.g. bird walking, strolling on the beach) available at the resort. Feel free to join activities hosted by any of the 4 resorts.

For more information, check out the ad posted on your room’s TV or enquire at the front desk or read this:  What To Do In Desaru

7. What Are The Best Food In Desaru To Consider

If you have your own car, this is an awesome chance for you to travel around Desaru in search of local Desaru food .

Some recommended spots to hit are Sungai Rengit and Bandar Penawar, which are away from Desaru Coast.

But if you don’t have your own transportation, there are other ways to fill your tummy.


  • Complimentary at your resort.

Westin Desaru beach bar Western food

  • Order room service.
  • Drop by any restaurant at Hard Rock Desaru, Westin Desaru, or Anantara Desaru.

Yard & Co. Food

  • Highly recommended to visit Anantara Desaru’s Infinity Bar (located on the beach) and Observatory Bar.
  • Hail a taxi and go to Yard & Co . It is a seaview cafe with really great food located in Sungai Rengit.

Nelayan Seafood By The Coast

  • Book a table at Sea.Fire.Salt at Anantara .
  • Grab a car service to Nelayan Seafood By The Coast .

8. How To Get Around In Desaru Coast 

The only way to get around Desaru Coast (without a car) is by shuttle bus .

Each resort displays the bus schedule in their lobby. If you can’t find it, please ask the front desk.

Desaru Coast Shuttle Bus from Ferry Terminal to resort

The Desaru Coast shuttle bus is FREE and makes a stop at each resort (except One&Only). It has two routes, one of which will take you to the ferry terminal.

On Thursday to Monday & Public Holidays , it runs almost hourly from The Westin Desaru Resort <> Hard Rock Hotel Desaru <> Anantara Desaru Coast <> The Els Club Ocean Course <>Desaru Coast Ferry Terminal.

On Tuesday & Wednesday , it runs almost hourly from Hard Rock Hotel Desaru <> The Westin Desaru Resort <> The Els Club Valley Course <> Desaru Public Beach <> Desaru Waterpark <> Anantara Desaru Coast.

9. Conclusion: My Final Thought 

I hope this Desaru Trip Travel Guide has been helpful!

Don’t worry if you don’t have your own transport from Singapore to Desaru. It’s still relatively easy to get around if you need to.

At Desaru Coast, a 3D2N trip is more than enough to cover the beach and water park, including time for you to unwind.

I wouldn’t encourage you to cram your trip with activities, especially if they are located far away from Desaru Coast.

For a more relaxing holiday, try to stay within the Desaru Coast area.

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Private Car Taxi From Singapore To Desaru | JohorTrip

SG Car To Desaru

desaru farm tour

  • Singapore To Desaru Waterpark
  • Singapore To The Westin Desaru
  • Singapore To Hard Rock Hotel Desaru
  • Singapore To Els Club Desaru
  • Singapore To Anantara Desaru
  • Singapore To One & Only Desaru
  • Singapore To Lotus Desaru
  • Singapore To Sand & Sandals Desaru
  • Singapore To Desaru Fruit Farm
  • Singapore To Mersing
  • Singapore To Mersing Jetty
  • Singapore To Malaysia
  • Singapore To Tioman
  • Singapore To JB
  • Singapore To Legoland Malaysia
  • Singapore To JPO
  • Singapore To Kuala Lumpur
  • Singapore To Malacca
  • Singapore To Senai
  • 7 Seater Innova
  • 8 Seater Alphard
  • 11 Seater Starex
  • Desaru Coast Ferry Terminal
  • Desaru Ferry Ticket
  • Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal
  • Tanjung Pengelih Ferry Terminal
  • Tanjung Belungkor Ferry Terminal
  • How To Go To Desaru
  • Hard Rock Hotel Desaru
  • The Westin Desaru Coast Resort
  • Anantara Desaru Coast Resort
  • Lotus Desaru Beach Resort
  • One & Only Desaru
  • Sand & Sandals Desaru Beach Resort
  • Tunamaya Desaru Beach Resort
  • Amansari Hotel Desaru
  • Four Points By Sheraton Desaru
  • Tiara Desaru Resort
  • Desaru Blog

21 Recommended Desaru Activities: Kids Will Love It So Much!

21 Recommended Desaru Activities

Planning your escape to the idyllic coast of Desaru?

Whether you’re seeking to improve your golf swing, relax on the beach, get your adrenaline pumping or just looking to keep the kids entertained, Desaru offers a diverse range of activities for your next weekend getaway!

Dive into this guide to discover the most recommended activities in Desaru!

Table of Contents 1. Desaru Beach Activities 2. Desaru Fruit Farm Activities 3. Desaru Kids Activities 4. Desaru Night Activities 5. Desaru Outdoor Activities 6. Desaru Water Activities 7. Westin Desaru Activities 8. Lotus Desaru Beach Resort Activities 9. Tunamaya Desaru Activities

1. Desaru Beach Activities

1.1 go on a walking tour along desaru beach.

Experience family fun with a guided walking tour along Desaru Beach during low tide.

Desaru Public Beach View

Explore tidepools, encounter fascinating creatures, and admire beautiful tidal patterns along the stunning coastline.

1.2 Have A Picnic On Desaru Public Beach

If you prefer whiling your time away, then a picnic on the beach is the Desaru activity for you!

Desaru Public Beach Surrounding View

Spread out a mat and let the balmy sea breeze lull away your troubles as you munch on your favourite snacks.

2. Desaru Fruit Farm Activities

2.1 pick juicy fruit at desaru fruit farm.

Join a guided tour at Desaru Fruit Farm to discover and taste locally grown fruits.

Desaru Fruit Farm Fruit Picking

Get ready for a day filled with fruit picking, tasting and learning about fruits such as rambutans and the king of fruits – the durian!

2.2 Visit the Mini Petting Zoo At Desaru Fruit Farm

Don’t miss the Desaru mini petting zoo – a must for little animal lovers!

Mini Petting Zoo In Desaru Fruit Farm

Meet cute goats, rabbits, chickens, and more at Desaru Fruit Farm.

2.3 Go ATV Ride At Desaru Fruit Farm

Discover one of the most exciting outdoor Desaru activities – an exhilarating ATV ride around the Desaru Fruit Farm.

Desaru Fruit Farm ATV Ride

The terrain is easy, making it suitable and enjoyable for the entire family!

2.4 Feed The Koi Fish At Desaru Fruit Farm

During the Desaru Fruit Farm tour, enjoy a koi fish feeding session .

Desaru Fruit Farm Fish Pond

Watch as the hungry fish eagerly gather to devour the food you scatter.

2.5 Play Paintball At Desaru Fruit Farm

Engage in a thrilling paintball battle at Desaru Fruit Farm!

Playing Paintball In Desaru Fruit Farm

With its lush green backdrop, Desaru Fruit Farm is the perfect place to enjoy this exciting Desaru activity with friends and family!

3. Desaru Kids Activities

3.1 explore animal world at desaru mini zoo.

Kids will adore getting close to various animals at Desaru, from birds and reptiles to alpacas and ostriches.

Desaru Mini Zoo Pengerang Deers

They can safely observe and interact with some under supervision , making it a fantastic Desaru activity for young animal enthusiasts.

3.2 Feed The Rare & Exotic Animal At Desaru Alpaca Farm

Despite its name, Desaru Alpaca Farm is not just about alpacas – it’s home to a wide range of furry and feathered creatures!

Desaru Alpaca Farm Racoon

Get ready to cuddle with adorable raccoons, meet friendly capybaras, and enjoy an educational and fun experience!

3.3 Visit Desaru Ostrich Farm

At the Desaru Ostrich Farm, a knowledgeable ostrich caretaker will guide you through the farm, offering you and your kids an up-close and interactive experience with these large birds.

Desaru Ostrich Farm Ostriches

4. Desaru Night Activities

4.1 firefly tour at kota tinggi firefly park.

Hop on a boat and experience the enchantment of twinkling fireflies on a scenic boat ride after nightfall.

Kota Tinggi Firefly Park Firefly Tour

This unique experience is perfect for both children and adults, offering a wonderful opportunity for family bonding.

4.2 Enjoy Seafood At Nelayan Restaurant

Foodies rejoice! There’s a Desaru activity for you, too!

Nelayan Seafood By the Coast Desaru Restaurant Lobster

At Nelayan, enjoy fresh seafood brought in by local fishermen in a casual dining setting while soaking in the stunning Desaru Coast views.

5. Desaru Outdoor Activities

5.1 play golf at els club desaru coast.

Golf enthusiasts will love teeing off at Els Club Desaru Coast.

Stay Learn The Els Club Desaru Ocean Course

With stunning views and challenging fairways, this is a Desaru activity that’ll suit golfers of all levels.

5.2 Get Your Adrenaline Going At Dash Outdoor Adventure

Adrenaline junkies will love spending the day at Dash Outdoor Adventure!

Dash Outdoors Desaru Zorb Balls

From riding along the stunning coastline to paddleboarding, inflatable banana rides, thrilling jet ski tours and even romantic sunset sails , there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

5.3 Snap Photos At Jomis Old Jetty

If you’re looking for insta-worthy snaps , then you’ll definitely need to visit the Jomis Old Jetty!

Jomis Old Jetty

The rustic charm of this abandoned jetty makes the perfect backdrop for unforgettable snapshots.

5.4 Riding The Horse At JDT Horse Carriage

For a fun-filled Desaru activity that’s memorable for the whole family, visit JDT Horse Carriage.

JDT Horse Carriage Horse Riding Activity

Try your hand at horseback riding or enjoy a charming horse-drawn carriage ride around the scenic ranch.

6. Desaru Water Activities

6.1 Make. Splash At Desaru Waterpark

For splashing fun with the whole family, a visit to Desaru Waterpark is a definite must-do Desaru activity.

Adventure Water Park Roller Coaster Kraken's Revenge Desaru

Enjoy thrilling water slides, fun rides and a host of other fun activities at this waterpark!

6.2 Lebam River Kayaking Adventure By JungleWalla Desaru

For the more adventurous spirits, try the Lebam River Kayaking Adventure by JungleWalla Desaru!

JungleWalla Desaru Lebam River Kayaking Adventure

This Desaru activity includes a kayak paddling adventure amongst the mangrove, birdwatching and a seafood lunch at the famous Bujang floating restaurant.

7. Westin Desaru Activities

7.1 outdoor yoga in the garden or on the beach.

If you’re a guest at Westin Desaru, realign your senses with Weekend Outdoor Yoga every Saturday and Sunday.

The Westin Desaru Outdoor Yoga

Led by experienced instructors, these o ne-hour sessions are held in the garden or on the beach.

8. Lotus Desaru Beach Resort Activities

8.1 making a splash all day at lotus desaru splash park.

For a family vacation that your kids will thank you for, you should definitely consider Lotus Desaru Beach Resort.

Lotus Desaru Beach Resort & Spa Splash Park

With its dedicated Splash Park featuring a lazy river, splash pad, water playground, and more, both adults and kids will have a fantastic time.

9. Tunamaya Desaru Activities

9.1 experience an adrenaline rush at high ropes adventure park.

Get your adrenaline pumping at Tunamaya Desaru Resort’s High Ropes Adventure Park that’s conveniently located right in front of the resort.

Tunamaya Desaru High Ropes Adventure Park

Conquer tree-top obstacles and finish with an exhilarating zip-line descent —it’s a thrilling Desaru activity you won’t want to miss!

There are so many Desaru activities to experience, from water parks and wildlife encounters to golfing and kayaking, making Desaru a must-visit destination.

Consider travelling to Desaru via JohorTrip’s private car service for a convenient and hassle-free experience.

Get in touch with the team at JohorTrip today and get your Desaru getaway on the road!

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Ferry To Desaru Guide


Travel and connecting the world with good people and good food

Day 2 Desaru Trip to Crocodile Farm and Fruit Farm

Continuing from our Day 1 Ostrich Farm and Kota Tinggi Waterfall .

Day 2 begins with a sumptuous breakfast buffet at the resort. Then we took a 10 min drive to Desaru Fruit Farm Agro Tourism. There are different packages available. e.g guided tour plus a small fruit packet or joining activities like paintball, ATV rides. We took the guided tour package with 7 course lunch and fruits buffet. We went on a truck alongside with many other tourists to a 45 minutes guided tour in the 180 acres fruit farm. There we saw plenty of fruit variety like passion fruits, jackfruits,papayas, jumbu and of course King of fruits -Durian!! The fruit trail was well maintain with certain portions sheltered with passion fruits plants right above us. I have no problem pushing my stroller along the trail. There is also a mini garden with a fish pond where kiddos can feed the koi fishes with the feed bought at farm. As we walk along, there is also a animal farm where there are goats, rabbits, roosters. After touring, we proceeded for fruits buffet and lunch. Before departing the farm, we shop for some fresh fruits at their fruit shop before heading to our next destination. Time at the fruit farm was well spent !

desaru farm tour

Desaru Fruit Farm

  • Address: No.1, Sungai Cemaran, Desaru, 81900 Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia.
  • Contact: +607-830 8017 / +607-822 3886 / +607-822 5886
  • Opening Hours: 8:00am – 6:00pm (Daily)

desaru farm tour

Teluk Sengat Crocodile Farm

  • Address: Lot 1289 & 1290, Jalan Sembilan, Kampung Belading, Teluk Sengat, 81940 Kota Tinggi, Johor, Malaysia.
  • Opening Hours:Daily: 9:00am – 6:00pm
  • Entrance Fee:Adult: RM8, Children: RM4
  • 1st stop – Desaru Ostrich Farm
  • 2nd stop -Kota Tinggi Waterfall
  • 3rd stop -Desaru Fruit Farm
  • Final stop -Teluk Sengat Crocodile

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ATV riding tour

Showing all 10 results

desaru farm tour

(Double) ATV 2.0 Riding Tour (450cc)

desaru farm tour

(Double) ATV Riding Tour

(single) atv 2.0 riding tour (450cc), (single) atv riding tour.

desaru farm tour

ATV 3.0 – UTV Riding Tour (20 minutes)

desaru farm tour

Combo B 1.0 – Tour + Lunch + ATV (20mins)

desaru farm tour

With Transfer*Combo A 1.0 – Farm Tour + Fruit Box + ATV

desaru farm tour

With Transfer*Combo A 2.0 – Farm Tour + Fruit Box + ATV

With transfer*combo b 1.0 – farm tour + lunch with fruit fiesta + atv, with transfer*combo b 2.0 -farm tour + lunch with fruit fiesta + atv.


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  1. Desaru Fruit Farm

    The journey started with a guided farm tour to 180 acres, natural tropical fruit land, visit to agricultural gallery, fish pond and vegetable and herb garden. Children also visited the petting Zoo and had an educational talk on bees and the opportunity to taste local raw honey. ... Desaru Fruit Farm Tour & Travel (Singapore) Address 30 Changi ...

  2. Desaru Full Day Tour

    RM 368 or S$108 nett per adult, RM 338 or S$98 nett per child. A. Desaru Fruit Farm Tour with lunch and fruit fiesta & ATV Ride. B. Indoor Petting in Desaru Fruit Farm. C. Fireflies Cruise. D. Seafood Dinner. E. Transfer (pick up from Desaru Hotel) Agendas (Proposed) 10.30 am - Pick up from Hotel in Desaru Coast and proceed to Desaru Fruit Farm.

  3. Desaru Fruit Farm: Everything You Need To Know [2024]

    The base Desaru Fruit Farm tour package is RM30 for adults and RM25 for kids aged 3-11. For this, you get the fruit farm tour and some cut up fruit to try. Other activities are an additional charge, such as an ATV tour can be added on starting at RM55. As there were three of us, we could only do ATV2.0 which was RM220 for three people.

  4. Desaru Fruit Farm: ATV, Fruit Tour, Herbs Garden & Mini Zoo

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  5. Book Your Next Adventure!

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  7. Desaru Fruit Farm Trip Review: Activities, Tickets, Lunch, ATV, Herbs

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  11. Desaru Fruit Farm

    Children also have the chance to tour the petting zoo, listen to a presentation on bees, and sample some raw local honey. All meals—breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided. Address: No 1, Sungai Cemaran, Desaru 81900 Kota Tinggi, Johor. Hotline: +60 7-822 5886. Email: [email protected]. Activities Ticket Prices. Operating Hours.

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    Family photo outside Hard Rock Desaru Hotel. The service at the lobby generally is ok, just that you got to be patient if you are checking in and out at peak timing. We check in around 9-10am so it's still not so bad and manage to check in early with 1 of the room ready. The official check-in time is 3pm and the check-out is 12pm.

  19. Desaru Fruit Farm Tour & Travel

    Desaru Fruit Farm Tour & Travel - SG, Singapore. 3,020 likes · 70 were here. We are a Singapore licensed travel agency .. We handles all sorts of travel arrangement for Malaysia and specialise in...

  20. Day Tour Packages with Transfer

    With Transfer*Combo A 1.0 - Farm Tour + Fruit Box + ATV RM 100.00 BUY NOW; With Transfer*Combo A 2.0 - Farm Tour + Fruit Box + ATV RM 170.00 BUY NOW; With Transfer*Combo B 1.0 - Farm Tour + Lunch with Fruit Fiesta + ATV RM 133.00 BUY NOW; With Transfer*Combo B 2.0 -Farm Tour + Lunch with Fruit Fiesta + ATV RM 203.00 BUY NOW; With Transfer ...

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    2.4 Feed The Koi Fish At Desaru Fruit Farm. During the Desaru Fruit Farm tour, enjoy a koi fish feeding session. Watch as the hungry fish eagerly gather to devour the food you scatter. Tip: Depending on your group, this activity could take up to 20 minutes! If you need a break, find a shady area to rest before moving on to the next activity.

  22. Day 2 Desaru Trip to Crocodile Farm and Fruit Farm

    Day 2 begins with a sumptuous breakfast buffet at the resort. Then we took a 10 min drive to Desaru Fruit Farm Agro Tourism. There are different packages available. e.g guided tour plus a small fruit packet or joining activities like paintball, ATV rides. We took the guided tour package with 7 course lunch and fruits buffet.

  23. ATV riding tour

    With Transfer*Combo A 1.0 - Farm Tour + Fruit Box + ATV RM 100.00 BUY NOW; With Transfer*Combo A 2.0 - Farm Tour + Fruit Box + ATV RM 170.00 BUY NOW; With Transfer*Combo B 1.0 - Farm Tour + Lunch with Fruit Fiesta + ATV RM 133.00 BUY NOW; With Transfer*Combo B 2.0 -Farm Tour + Lunch with Fruit Fiesta + ATV RM 203.00 BUY NOW