Tour and Safari Association of Namibia (TASA) Logo

Damarana Safaris cc

  • Full Members
  • Philippe Laporte
  • +264 (0)83 3315409

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Holding an MBA in Tourism, boasts significant experience in the Namibian tourism sector, including tour guiding.

With over 15 years in the industry, Delphin has served in various capacities, from professional guide, trainer, operations specialist and now owner and managing director of a tourism entity. His deep-rooted passion for travel drives him to excel, evident in his meticulous attention to detail, commitment to upholding service quality without compromise and ensuring strict adherence to all contracted agreements.

Delphin’s passion for the Namibian tourism industry has motivated him to join the TASA board in 2020.

Tom loves to work with people from multicultural backgrounds. Tom has over 10 years of experience in tourism, both as a freelance and contract tour guide with well-established companies including African Eagle, Karibu Safaris and Kodiak Island. He has worked as a tour guide specifically for key French speaking markets and currently serves as General Manager Kodiak Island since 2017. Tom has joined the TASA Board in 2022, he is open-minded and very enthusiastic about learning new skills.

Ingrid & I have set up Damarana Safaris cc in 1998, specialised on the French speaking market. From expeditions & trekking tour guide to managing Director, I developed a wide and diverse knowledge on the Namibian tourism industry… Top to Bottom! During that time, I also grew a total respect for Namibia and its people, wishing the best for both. This is why I have decided to get involved with Tasa, to give back some positive energy and a serious will to develop a profitable and equitable tourism for this country, I am considering like a home today!

Mr. Ndoroma was born on 08/03/1951, a Namibian citizen and is married with four children. He is currently the Executive Chairman of Twine Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd, an investment and property development entity. Intermix Tours & Safaris Pty Ltd – Involved in various Tourism Activities – Travel and Accommodation

Came to Namibia in 1993, and he established a specialist safari company called SandyAcre Safaris in 1995. This was later merged with another owner-managed safari company called Tou Safaris to become Ultimate Safaris in 2008. He first joined the TASA Board in 1995 and went on from there to become the Fenata Executive officer, before becoming Fenata chairman and TASA vice-chairman of TASA in 2009. He re-joined the TASA Board in 2022, and was then re-elected as Fenata Chairman for a term from then until August 2024 when he will finally retire from active participation in Namibian tourism associations.

Originally coming from an entirely different profession, the tourism industry availed challenging possibilities in 1996 when starting at Trans Namibia Tours, where we discovered the endless possibilities which tourism offers. With an ever growing love for Namibia, the neighboring countries and the captivating beauty of Africa, it became more than a job, it became a lifelong passion. Since 2001, Exclusive Africa Tours & Safaris and our valued partners, gave us 22 years of product knowledge within the African Tourism & Travel industry. Till date this “passion” keeps the fire burning to put Namibia on the map, and to discover & offer exiting adventures to our valued guests. Namibia however always remains “the smile on the Face of Africa”

Born and bred Swakopmunder, returned to Namibia in 2015 to join her family-business, Namibia Tracks & Trails.  After working for various touring companies in South Africa since 1999, Wiebke now heads up the NTT team in Swakopmund.  Wiebke joined the TASA board as a co-opted member in 2020 and has been appointed the TASA secretary in 2022.

I have worked in the tourism industry for over 26 years in various sectors, including charters, hospitality, car rental, Air Namibia and Wilderness for the past 7 years now as regional travel manager, overseeing the entire reservations and office team at the “Namib Travel Shop”. I am very passionate about our country and love sharing our amazing landscapes and experiences with our guests.

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Damarana Safaris cc.

Contact information, related listings.

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  • +264 81 428 9935
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Damarana Safaris – Voyage Namibie

France: (+33) 09 70 44 48 32

Namibie: (+264) 83 331 54 09, envoyez un email, nos voyages, lodges collection, information, reservations.

  • Comment réserver votre voyage ?

Comment réserver votre voyage ?

Pour effectuer la réservation de votre circuit, merci de confirmer à votre conseiller personnel, votre accord par e-mail., 2. etat des réservations.

Après avoir effectué les réservations provisoires, votre conseiller vous envoie un état des réservations. En fonction des disponibilités, le tarif peut légèrement évoluer, mais nous nous efforçons de garder le même niveau de qualité.

3. Bulletin d'inscription

Si les réservations obtenues vous conviennent, signalez le à votre conseiller et retournez lui le “bulletin d’inscription” remplit par e-mail (disponible sur notre site) en précisant le mode de paiement souhaité.

Le paiement de l’acompte est nécessaire pour sécuriser vos réservations (30% en Namibie, 50% au Botswana).

5. Service Réservations

Après réception de l’acompte, votre dossier est transmis par votre conseiller à notre service des réservations qui prend le relais dans la gestion de votre dossier.

6. Confirmation de Voyage

Vous recevez votre CONFIRMATION DE VOYAGE (généralement 30 jours avant l’arrivée) et votre lettre de bienvenue (1 semaine avant l’arrivée) avec tous les détails concernant votre arrivée et le détail des transferts ainsi que votre carnet de voyage électronique (pour les auto tours et circuit par les airs) . Les bons de réservation sont remis sur place par notre représentant.

Le règlement complet doit être effectué 30 jours avant l’arrivée du/des voyageurs en Namibie et 60 jours avant pour les circuits au Botswana. Merci de prendre contact avec notre service des réservations quelques jours avant cette échéance pour organiser le paiement du solde.

8. Dernière minute...

Pour les réservations à moins de 30 jours de votre date d’arrivée, 100% du paiement est dû dés l’inscription.

9. Il est obligatoire que chaque voyageur...

* s’informe des formalités d’entrée / séjour dans chaque pays visité. Damarana Safaris ne peut pas être tenu responsable des problèmes éventuels de visa. Nous vous conseillons de consulter et de vérifier régulièrement les informations auprès des Ambassades de ces pays dans votre pays de résidence.

* Pour les familles avec des enfants mineurs passant par l’Afrique du Sud, il est obligatoire de présenter au poste frontière, une copie certifiée conforme de l’acte de naissance (birth certificate) de chaque enfant mineur.

Sans ces documents il vous sera impossible de rentrer sur le territoire sud africain

  • Comment régler votre voyage ?

Comment régler votre voyage

1. paiement en ligne visa & master.

Pour les paiements par carte bancaire VISA & MASTER, Damarana (Namibie) et Africa Under Canvas offre désormais la possibilité de régler par carte bancaire directement en ligne, sur le site sécurisé PAYGATE, lié à la STANDARD BANK. La transaction est effectuée dans la devis utilisée dans votre devis. Si vous souhaitez payer par carte, merci de le spécifier à votre conseiller. Il ou elle vous fera suivre par e-mail le lien internet pour le paiement en ligne.

2. Paiement en ligne American Express

Pour les cartes AMERICAN EXPRESS, la transaction est possible, dans la devise locale Dollar Namibien, soit l’équivalent du RAND SUD AFRICAIN (ZAR). Vous devrez donner vos coordonnées de carte à notre manager des réservations directement dans notre bureau namibien ( appelez au +264 83 331 54 09). Le paiement par carte AMERICAN EXPRESS engendre un supplément de 2,5%.

Taux de Change

Si votre devis a été arrêté en Euros ou USD , nous utiliserons le taux de change TT selling (taux de vente) du jour de la STANDARD BANK (nous vous envoyons une copie) pour convertir chaque solde en ZAR au moment du paiement. Il se peut que ces conversions aient pour conséquence une légère augmentation de la somme débitée réellement en Euros sur votre compte. Nous ne pouvons être tenus responsables de cette différence.

Si votre devis a été effectué en Rand sud africain (ZAR) , nous utiliserons le taux de change TT buying (taux à l’achat) du jour de la STANDARD BANK (nous vous envoyons une copie) pour convertir chaque solde en EUROS au moment du paiement. Il se peut que ces conversions aient pour conséquence une légère augmentation de la somme débitée réellement en Euros sur votre compte. Nous ne pouvons être tenus responsables de cette différence.

3. Paiement virement bancaire

Vous devez demander à votre banque de transférer la somme exacte demandée en spécifiant que tous les frais de transfert sont à votre charge. Votre conseiller en vente ou notre manager des réservations sera capable de vous envoyer le RIB correspondant.


Circuit Namibie & Afrique du sud

Circuit Botswana/Zimbabwe/Mozambique

Conditions d’annulation

Conditions d'annulation exceptionnelles Covid

Réservation sans frais d’annulation, conditions de vente et d’annulation exceptionnelles jusqu’au 31/3/2021.

Pour toute nouvelle réservation de voyage , confirmée par le paiement d’un acompte entre le 15 décembre et le 31 mars 2021 , vous pouvez annuler la totalité des prestations de l’itinéraire réservé avec Damarana Safaris, sans frais d’annulation (à l’exception des frais bancaires de 2,5% de la somme payée).  

Cette annulation devra s’effectuer au maximum 30 jours avant l’arrivée dans le pays.  

Les motivations de cette annulation devront être:

. Une interdiction générale de voyager de la part des autorités du pays de départ, transit ou arrivée (fermeture des frontières, quarantaine).

1. Circuit Namibie & Afrique du sud

2. circuit botswana/zimbabwe/mozambique (intégralité ou partie du voyage dans ces pays).

  • Les vols internationaux

Les vols internationaux ne sont généralement pas compris dans le prix de votre circuit

2. les vols directs sur la namibie, 3. les vols via l'afrique du sud, 4. les pros de la promo .

Option way :

5. Le petit + Damarana

Si vous préférez néanmoins bénéficier de l’assistance d’une agence, nous vous conseillons de demander un devis à l’agence française GARROUSTE VOYAGES, qui s’occupe souvent de trouver les billets d’avion de nos voyageurs vers la Namibie, le Botswana, l’Afrique Du Sud ou le Mozambique: vous pouvez contacter Marie-Claude, de notre part aux coordonnés ci après: Tél : – fax : – [email protected]


Conditions de paiement

– Paiement d’un acompte de 30% à l’inscription , transférable jusqu’à 15 jours avant la date d’arrivée en cas de nécessité de reporter le circuit, si la raison du report est liée à des restrictions légales d’accès au pays (fermeture des frontières, annulation des vols internationaux) en raison de l’épidémie de CoVid19. La nouvelle date d’arrivée devra être au maximum 18 mois après la date originale prévue.

– Règlement complet , au plus tard 30 jours avant la date d’arrivée dans le pays visité

– Paiement d’un acompte de 30% à l’inscription , transférable jusqu’à 30 jours avant la date d’arrivée en cas de nécessité de reporter le circuit, si la raison du report est liée à des restrictions légales d’accès au pays (fermeture des frontières ou des vols internationaux) en raison de l’épidémie de CoVid19. La nouvelle date d’arrivée devra être au maximum 12 mois après la date originale prévue.

– Règlement complet , au plus tard 60 jours avant la date d’arrivée dans le pays visité

Circuit Namibie & Afrique du sud – Annulation après l’inscription : 30% du montant total – Annulation moins de 30 jours avant la date d’arrivée : 50% du prix global  

– Annulation moins de 15 jours avant la date d’arrivée : 100% du prix global  

  Circuit Botswana/Zimbabwe/Mozambique (intégralité ou partie du voyage dans ces pays) – Annulation après l’inscription : 30% du montant total – Annulation moins de 60 Jours avant la date d’arrivée : 50% du prix global.  

– Annulation moins de 30 jours avant l’arrivée: 100% du prix global.  

Pour toute nouvelle réservation de voyage, confirmée par le paiement d’un acompte entre le 15 décembre et le 31 mars 2021 , vous pouvez annuler la totalité des prestations de l’itinéraire réservé avec Damarana Safaris, sans frais d’annulation (à l’exception des frais bancaires de 2,5% de la somme payée).  

. une situation générale de confinement instaurées par les gouvernements empêchant ainsi le bon déroulement du voyage.

Assurance de voyage

DAMARANA SAFARIS a su dénicher pour ses voyageurs une assurance de voyage qui vous protégera contre tout type d’annulation, quelqu’en soit le motif.

CHAPKA ASSURANCE : leur formule “CAP EXPLORER” s’applique à tout type de séjour et comprend une assurance annulation ”toutes causes justifiées”.  


Lettre de prise en charge

J’ai pris connaissance des renseignements figurant dans l’offre de voyage de Damarana Safaris cc (registration number: CC/98/1426), J’en accepte totalement les conditions de participation. Je déclare être en bonne santé et être parfaitement conscient (e) que durant ce voyage, je peux courir des risques inhérents à la nature même de ce dernier (faune sauvage, isolement, climat …), je les accepte en toute connaissance de cause. Par conséquent, je m’engage pour moi-même, mes ayants droits et tout membre de ma famille, à ne pas reporter la responsabilité de ces risques sur Damarana Safaris cc (registration number: CC/98/1426), ses guides, ses prestataires locaux.  

  • Référence du Dossier :
  • Hidden Condi
  • Nombre du Dossier :
  • Nom Dossier
  • Combien de personnes majeures ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
  • Nom & prénom : *
  • Signature : *

Coordonnées de l'ensemble des voyageurs

  • Allergies, régime, handicap ?
  • Souhaitez vous réserver un équipement supplémentaire pour votre véhicule ?

Coordonnées du chef de groupe / famille

Coordonnées de la personne à prévenir en cas de nécessité, billets d'avion.

  • 1. Arrivée à : JJ . MM . AAAA
  • Ville d'arrivée :
  • Heure d'arrivée :
  • No. de vol :
  • 1. Départ le : JJ . MM . AAAA
  • Ville de départ :
  • Heure de départ :
  • 2. Arrivée à : JJ . MM . AAAA
  • 2. Départ le : JJ . MM . AAAA
  • 3. Arrivée à : JJ . MM . AAAA
  • 3. Départ le : JJ . MM . AAAA
  • Il est essentiel de souscrire à une assistance médicale efficace lorsque vous voyagez à l’étranger. L’Afrique Australe est une destination où les soins médicaux sont élevés. Nous vous invitons à consulter le site du Ministère des Affaires étrangères : .
  • Nom de la compagnie d'assurance :
  • Numéro du contrat d'assurance :
  • Tel. et Fax compagnie d'assurance :
  • Phone Ce champ n’est utilisé qu’à des fins de validation et devrait rester inchangé.

Eco Awards Namibia

Damarana safaris.

The Damarana Safaris team set down in Namibia more than 20 years ago! During all these years our guides and advisers have organized and accompanied trips throughout Southern Africa. Thanks to our field experience, you will be able to benefit from relevant advice and all the little local tips that will make your trip a unique experience. Are you ready to discover our little Southern paradise?

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Damarana Safari CC

Subscription form.

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Dear user, thank you for your feedback your message has been sent to our team. at any moment, feel free to reach out to us again, team.

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Namibia Experience

47,990 sq. km (18,530 sq. mi)

1970 (Damaraland) | 2013 (Kunene Region)

Discover the ancient secrets of the Damaraland

The Damaraland is an area of geological wonder, ancient rock art and beautiful, wild landscapes. It’s also home to one of Africa’s largest populations of free-roaming black rhinos and Namibia’s famous desert elephants.

Dramatic Damaraland landscape

Things to do

  • Where to stay
  • Where To Go

The Damaraland: Untamed and full of surprises

The Damaraland offers travellers beautiful rock formations, geological and cultural sites that have stood the test of time as well as good accommodation and camping options in many picturesque locations. The region is also home to fascinating wildlife, truly wild and adapted to the harsh environment making it a region always worth a visit.

The Damaraland (Kunene Region) allows you to travel back in time and view authentic San/Bushman rock art at various sites. Of these, the White Lady painting at the Brandberg Mountain is perhaps the most famous. On a guided hike, you can visit the White Lady painting and spend a moment pondering its mysteries for yourself. You could also spend some time exploring the other cave paintings too, as the Brandberg site is home to over 43 000 art pieces, most of them estimated to be between 2,000 and 4,000 years old.

As opposed to the rock paintings at Brandberg, the rock art at Twyfelfontein is made up of petroglyphs made on flat rocks which can be found in the open air. Twyfelfontein, an official world heritage site, holds over 2,000 rock engravings with scenes of animals and hunters, many representing a spiritual world that shamans encounter in trance. It is commonly regarded as one of the most important rock art sites in the world. While Twyfelfontein and Brandberg are the most popular destinations for rock art, you can find further rock paintings and engravings throughout Damaraland in places such as Spitzkoppe or the Erongo Mountains. Some of these sites you can even explore with only your guide with you to show you the way and no one else around you.

The Damaraland is a dream for anyone with even the slightest interest in geology and the processes which shaped the landscapes found today. Here you will witness beautiful landscapes in the most unadulterated manner. The rounded granite mountains of Spitzkoppe lure visitors in with playful shapes and a peak that resembles the Matterhorn. Another site which can be visited is the Petrified Forest near Khorixas. At this site you will find petrified tree trunks, strewn across the landscape which are estimated to be more than 250 million years old. The Organ Pipes and Burnt Mountain near Twyfelfontein and the rather strange looking Vingerklip (Finger Rock), standing on its own like a finger pointing to the sky, are further geological highlights found in the Damaraland.

The wildlife and plant life in the Damaraland is also a fascinating feature. Most spoken about are the desert adapted elephants and the free roaming desert-dwelling black rhinos which can found here with the help of a tracking guide. But the region is also home to the rarer Hartmann’s mountain zebra and a variety of antelopes including kudu, springbok, eland and oryx. If you are very lucky, you could even encounter a lion, hyena, or leopard in this region too. As is so often the case, the smaller creatures sometimes tend to get overlooked, but they too have an interesting story to tell. The Damaraland mole rat is certainly an example of this. These mole rats are furry, in contrast to their naked cousins, but most fascinating about the Damaraland mole rat is perhaps the fact that they are one of only two known eusocial mammals. This means that they are highly social, form colonies and live in a “society” based on the division of labour, a caste system, which is very rare amongst mammals and more commonly found in insects such as bees and ants.

Damaraland is also an excellent place to see the Welwitschia mirabilis. The plant is found only in Namibia and the southern parts of Angola and some specimens reach an age of up to 2,000 years. Other plants which make up the landscape here are the toxic Euphorbia Damarana, mopane and acacia trees and a variety of shrubs and grasses. The Damaraland is an arid region, however, so do not expect lush green vegetation, unless you travel after periods of heavy rainfall.

Fortunately, there is a large variety of accommodations available in the Damaraland. The region is home to some spectacular and comfortable tented camps located in pristine wilderness areas, lodges which boast terrific panoramic views, guest farms where you will be greeted like an old-time friend and camping sites so beautiful you won’t want to leave. The Damaraland is a popular destination so, even if there are plenty of options available, you will want to book early to ensure you find the perfect spot for you.

The Damaraland holds something special for any visitor and is one of the most exciting places to explore in all of Namibia. It takes you on a journey to the past, by teaching you about the lives of the people who inhabited this region thousands of years ago. It will also introduce you to the people who still live here today and how both humans and nature have found ingenious ways to survive in this harsh and yet beautiful region.


You can explore some of the more than 2,000 rock engravings at Twyfelfontein. The rock art at Twyfelfontein is estimated to be up to 6,000 years old and is the site of one of the largest concentrations of rock art in all of Africa.

You can visit the Damara people who are among the oldest inhabitants of Namibia. There appears to be no cultural link between them and other African ethnic groups and their exact origin is still speculated.

Brandberg White Lady painting

You can study the famous ‘The White Lady’ rock painting, found under an overhang on the Brandberg Mountain. There has been much controversy about the correct interpretation of this painting for many years.

Man looking at horizon

Damaraland (Kunene Region) is best known for its spectacular landscapes.

Rental vehicle on road from Spitzkoppe

You can explore the region on a self-drive trip in your own rental car or on a guided tour.

Twyfelfontein rock paintings viewing platform

Ancient rock art paintings at Twyfelfontein are one of the most visited sights in the Damaraland.

Desert elephant standing in shade in Damarland

On tracking and game drives, you can see the rare desert elephants – sometimes taking a rest from the heat under a shady tree.

Brandberg hike to White Lady painting

A 45-minute picturesque hike will lead you to the famous rock art painting of the White Lady.

Spitzkoppe highlight Damaraland

The granite peaks of Spitzkoppe are said to be more than 120 million years old – a dramatic sight on the dusty Damaraland horizon.

Best time to go to the Damaraland

The Damaraland can be visited throughout the year and both the dry season and the green season have something unique to offer. The dry season stretches from May until October and your chances of viewing wildlife at the waterholes and the dry riverbeds is at its best during this time of year. Temperatures are also mild to warm during this time, making it a popular season to visit. The green season may bring isolated rain showers and more water means that the animals congregate less at certain places. But the beautiful green landscapes make up for this, as do possible low season rates. The only substantial downside during the green summer months is that the temperatures can get very hot.

Dry conditions and pleasant temperatures

Green Season

Odd rain shower and very warm to hot temperatures

Track the Desert Elephants of the Damaraland

The desert adapted elephants of the Damaraland are free roaming – that is to say, they are not restricted by park boundaries and wander about as they please. The best way to see these special creatures in this unique and arid environment is on a tracking tour, where you journey through wild and off-road 4×4 terrain with an experienced guide by your side.

Desert elephant tracking game drive vehicle

Experience the Damaraland

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The Namibia Family Tour

Places Windhoek, Namib Escarpment, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Damaraland, Etosha National Park, Otjiwarongo Area

from 61,500 NAD (adults) | 54,000 NAD (children)

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Fascinating Namibia

Places Windhoek, Kalahari, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Erongo Mountains, Damaraland, Etosha National Park, Waterberg Plateau

from 63,000 NAD person sharing a double room

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Marvels of Southern Africa

Places Windhoek, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Damaraland, Etosha National Park, Zambezi Region, Chobe National Park, Victoria Falls

from 86,000 NAD person sharing a double room

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The North of Namibia

Places Windhoek, Erongo Mountains, Twyfelfontein, Grootberg, Epupa Falls, Kunene River, Etosha National Park, Okonjima Nature Reserve

from 44,000 NAD person sharing a double room

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Magnificent Namibia

Places Windhoek, Kalahari, Keetmanshoop, Fish River Canyon, Luderitz, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Erongo Mountains, Damaraland, Etosha National Park, Waterberg Plateau

from 88,000 NAD person sharing a double room

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Namibia’s Untouched North

Places Windhoek, Grootfontein, Etosha, Epupa Falls, Sesfontein, Hoanib Valley, Damaraland, Okahandja

from 60,900 NAD (based on 6 persons)

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A Namibian Journey

Places Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Skeleton Coast, Damaraland, Etosha National Park, Waterberg Area

from 45,600 NAD (based on 6 persons)

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Namibia Highlights

Places Windhoek, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Spitzkoppe, Erongo Mountains, Damaraland, Etosha National Park, Waterberg Plateau

from 29,500 NAD person sharing a double room

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The Best of Namibia

Places Windhoek, Kalahari, Fish River Canyon, Luderitz, Tiras Mountains, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Ugab Valley, Etosha National Park, Waterberg Plateau

from 49,500 NAD person sharing a double room

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Highlights Windhoek to Victoria Falls

Places Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Etosha National Park, Kavango & Zambezi Region, Chobe National Park, Victoria Falls

from 50,500 NAD person sharing a double room

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Namibia Highlights in Style

Places Windhoek, Okonjima, Onguma Reserve, Twyfelfontein, Erongo Mountains, Swakopmund, Namib Desert

from 80,500 NAD person sharing a double room

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Namibia’s Wild Side

Places Gamsberg, Namib Desert, Swakopmund, Brandberg mountain, Damaraland, Palmwag, Grootberg, Etosha National Park

from 37,000 NAD (based on 6 persons)

View Klip River Valley

There are quite a few accommodations to choose from in the Damaraland region. But one of my favourites definitely is the Grootberg Lodge. The views across the Klip River Valley are simply breathtaking.

Twyfelfontein rock art Damaraland

Ancient rock paintings and engravings

Sites such as Spitzkoppe, Brandberg and Twyfelfontein allow to you admire original rock art by the San/Bushmen.

Damara Living Museum

The Damara Living Museum

Learn about the ancient traditions of the Damara people and see their cultural dances.

Swimming pool at Sophienhof Lodge guest farm Damaraland

Namibian guest farms

Namibians are known for their hospitality and when you stay at a real Namibian guest farm, you can experience this hospitality for yourself.

Ancient rock art, the Damara people and Namibian hospitality

Explore authentic ancient rock art, learn about the culture of the Damara people and experience genuine Namibian hospitality on a guest farm.

  • Admire ancient rock paintings and engravings
  • Visit the Damara Living Museum
  • Stay at a Namibian guest farm

Desert dwelling black rhino Namibia Damaraland

Desert Rhino

Elusive desert-dwelling black rhinos are free roaming in this region, the only place in the world where this is still true.

Desert dwelling elephant Namibia Damaraland

Desert Elephant

Tracking desert adapted elephants is one of the highlights of any journey through Namibia.

Warthogs grazing on their knees

Commonly seen in the Erongo Region, often kneeling on the ground to better feed and drink water.

Hartmanns Mountain Zebra

Mountain Zebra

They can be differentiated from the more common plains zebra by not having any brown shadow stripes on them and a white belly without stripes.

Welwitschia mirabilis plant Namibia

Welwitschia Mirabilis

This plant can only be found in Namibia and can be up to 2000 years old.


Take a closer look for surprising wildlife sightings.

The Damaraland’s dry and rocky landscape supports many wildlife and plant life species. Wildlife is often sparse due to the harsh climate but if you know where to look, you can enjoy great sightings all to yourself in beautiful surroundings. The birdlife has lots to offer too, with many species being considered ‘near endemic’.

Where to stay in the Damaraland

Guest tent at Malansrus Tented Camp

Malansrus Tented Camp

Gondwana Damara Mopane Lodge

Damara Mopane Lodge

Tents at Twyfelfontein Adventure Camp

Twyfelfontein Adventure Camp

Grootberg Lodge Cottage

Grootberg Lodge

Mowani Mountain Camp Namibia

Mowani Mountain Camp

Ai Aiba Rock Paintings Lodge Namibia

Ai Aiba Rock Paintings Lodge

Arial view of the Vingerklip Lodge amidst a green landscape

Vingerklip Lodge

Otjohotozu Guest Farm

Otjohotozu Guest Farm

The former Damaraland has been renamed and together with the Kaokoland to the north, it forms part of what is today known as the Kunene Region. The Erongo Region lies to the south. It forms its own region but the Erongo Mountains are often explored in conjunction with the Damaraland. The Etosha National Park is located to the northeast and the entrance gates most accessible to travellers to the Etosha from the Damaraland are the western Galton Gate and the southern Anderson Gate.

  • Damaraland (Twyfelfontein)   
  • Kaokoland (Opuwo) 360 km | 5-6 hours’ drive
  • Caprivi / Zambezi Region 920 km | 12 hours’ drive
  • Swakopmund 370 km | 5-6 hours’ drive
  • Etosha National Park (Okaukuejo) 350 km | 5 hours’ drive
  • Windhoek 410 km | 5-6 hours’ drive
  • Sossusvlei 710 km | 9-10 hours’ drive

Zebra closeup Namibia

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Damaraland's hilly savannah supports a large number of species including lion, leopard, cheetah, hyena, eland, kudu, giraffe, klipspringer, steenbok, gemsbok and springbok. Birdlife is prolific with over 33 raptors recorded including cuckoo hawks, Egyptian vultures and peregrine falcons - the world's fastest animal.

Damaraland is divided into several enormous private game reserves, known as concessions, that support most species of Namibia's large game and provide some of the best birding and wildlife experiences in the country - and southern Africa for that matter.

Southern Damaraland

Southern Damaraland, from Swakopmund up to the Huab River, has many geological and historical attractions and is a popular region for rugged off-road camping expeditions. The land rises slowly up towards the great escarpment and volcano-induced peaks break up the endless plains.

Giant inselbergs, formed millions of years ago when lava was all the rage, rise sheer and jagged from the barren plains of the inner Namib Desert. Most impressive of these are Spitzkoppe and the Brandberg Massif - which, in addition to being the highest peak in the country, has the allure of ancient rock paintings and the intriguing White Lady of Brandberg.

Two very large volcanic craters , also millions of years old, hold evidence of Namibia's earliest inhabitants and, at 22km across, Messum Crater is an astonishing sight. It has lost most of its outer ring but has the most fascinating rock formations and ancient plants such as the welwitschia, a variety of lichens, lithops and other desert-adapted flora.

Near Khorixas there is a nucleus of fascinating geological formations: Vingerklip is a striking finger of rock that rises vertically out of the plains while around it the lava-formed flat-tops wouldn't look out of place in Arizona.

The Organ Pipes are a series of dolerite pipes that, oddly enough, resemble organs pipes - though these ones were created 100 million years ago and are probably a bit out of tune by now.

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Over 200 million years ago, a great flood swept enormous trees into the desert. These trees were fossilised by the sand and formed what is now a Petrified Forest .

If for no other reason than its great name, you should visit Wondergat : Gat means hole in Afrikaans.

As a result of some lava-induced chemical reaction over 100 million years ago, Burnt Mountain undergoes a spectacular transformation from dull grey to a hundred fiery reds every sunrise and sunset.

Among the red sandstone boulders and hills at Twyfelfontein is the most impressive collection of petroglyphs in Africa. Around 2,500 ancient rock paintings and engravings feature animals, tracks and abstract symbols. The exact age is unknown but archaeological evidence indicates that hunter/gatherers lived here more than 7,000 years ago.

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Northern Damaraland

Northern Damaraland up to the Hoanib River has the greatest concentration of game. The terrain rumples into grassy hills dotted with mopane and acacia trees as you travel north-east over the plateau towards Etosha National Park.

Northern Damaraland rises to the Etendeka Plateau and the ground becomes more vegetated as you move north-east towards Etosha National Park . The main attractions are the private concessions that adjoin the great park and here is where you will find that classic African safari - with a Namibian edge.

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The famous desert-adapted elephants traverse this vast dry land in search of water and the world's only naturally occurring population of black rhino co-exists with the Damara communities. The endemic black-faced impala, Damara dik-dik and Hartmann's mountain zebra thrive in the region as do several endemic species of bird including Rüppell's korhaan, Herero chat, Monteiro's hornbill, bare-cheeked babbler, Carp's tit and Hartlaub's francolin.

The list of wildlife, birds, plants and smaller fascinations is almost endless and the best way to experience this bountiful region is at the hands of an experienced professional guide : Namibia Tours and Safaris has been providing guided trips into Damaraland since 1990.

Favourite Tours & Safaris

Lion, springbok, and oryx gather at a bustling waterhole in Etosha National Park.

Private Guided

A safari vehicle parked observing some elephants.

Fly-drive Combo (Guided)

From above, a light aircraft soars over the iconic Sossusvlei dunes, revealing the expanse of Namibia's desert.

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Our happy team visiting Sossusvlei

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Damaraland Camp

Explore An Untamed Desert Wonderland

Discover rugged Damaraland. A true frontier with mountainous landscapes, cultural riches and rare desert-adapted wildlife.


Wilderness Damaraland Camp

Step into an otherworldly landscape, where desert adventures begin.

Come for the desert adapted elephants, but stay for the rich community interactions at Damaraland Camp. The harshly beautiful land will surprise with all the life it supports, revealing dramatic scenery, fascinating wildlife, unusual flora, ancient rock art, and awe-inspiring geology. Authentic and enriching cultural experiences, some dating back 6 000 years, will impress the intrepid traveller.

Wilderness Damaraland Camp Namibia Desert Elephant

Damaraland moments

The Huab River Valley, one of Namibia’s most dramatic wilderness areas, forms the backdrop to Damaraland Camp. As the sun sets, stark plains and ancient mountains turn from rust to purple. This is a time-etched land full of geological wonders and fascinating desert-adapted wildlife. Simply beautiful and open to the desert, the camp has much to excite and delight.

Wilderness Damaraland Camp Namibia Landscape Oryx



At Wilderness Damaraland keep a keen eye out for desert-adapted wildlife. Black rhino, gemsbok, kudu, springbok, Hartman's mountain zebras, and southern giraffes make their home alongside the area’s infamous elephants. You might also be lucky and spot a lion, cheetah, or elusive brown hyena. Fascinating flora also makes an appearance, as do over 250 species of birds.

Wilderness Damaraland Camp Namibia Purpose

A pioneering spirit

Damaraland, and the local Torra Conservancy, share a story of resilience. Returning to their homeland after displacement in the early twentieth century, the Torra community thrive, largely due to Damaraland Camp. Together, we've moved from human-wildlife conflict to co-existence and conservation. Meet these farmers and become a part of our quest to increase the world's wilderness, together.

Family unit

A family unit ensures complete privacy for memorable moments.

Enjoy a sundowner with new friends around the pool.

Stay in touch with friends and family and share your sightings.

Wilderness Damaraland Camp Namibia Wildlife Elephant

The desert-adapted star of Namibia’s Damaraland.

Wilderness Damaraland Camp Namibia Wildlife Oryx

An iconic sight on a Namib Desert safari.

Wilderness Damaraland Camp Namibia Wildlife Ruppels Korhaan

Ruppels korhaan

A beautiful near-endemic bird species.

Wilderness Damaraland Camp Namibia Wildlife Zebra

The Hartmann’s mountain zebra is an agile climber.

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An experience unlike any other

Wilderness Damaraland Camp’s setting in the Namib Desert is dramatic, awe-inspiring, and soul-filling. Meet the Damara people. Marvel at hundreds of ancient Bushman petroglyphs and fascinating rock paintings.  Explore Namibia’s highest mountain. Track a family of desert-adapted elephant in a dry river bed - a thrill like no other.

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Nature drives

Look out for unique wildlife, birds, and reptiles.

Wilderness Damaraland Camp Namibia Wildlife Activities Stargazing

Contemplate your place in the universe.

Wilderness Damaraland Camp Wildlife Namibia Activities Twyfelfontein

Spend a day marvelling at the art of ages past in Twyfelfontein.

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Scenic sundowner

Feel at one with the Earth in a candle-lit grotto.

Damaraland Camp experiences

Explore camps in damaraland.

Integrated into Namibia in 1989, during the country’s transition to independence, Damaraland offers a unique experience. Travel back in time to the Petrified Forest, where you’ll find fossilised trees 280 million years old. Look for the octopus-like welwitschia, a plant endemic to the Namib and a true living fossil.  Explore UNESCO World Heritage Sites and marvel at ancient rock painting sites. 

Damaraland camp awards

Camp awards

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Tripadvisor COE 2019

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African Responsible Tourism 2017

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Tourism for Tomorrow Award 2005

Similar Camps

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What is there to do in damaraland.

The Namib Desert delights with a plethora of experiences to enjoy. Venture out on nature drives to explore the dramatic scenery and wildlife. Search for unique fauna and smaller flora on guided walks. Grab a UV spotlight and see scorpions glow at night. View San rock art. Or simply relax around the camp fire, enjoying traditional song and dance, and incomparable stargazing.

Is Namibia safe?

Yes, Namibia is one of the world’s safest travel destinations. With low crime rates, a low to no malaria risk, and a peaceful political climate, Namibia beckons for a relaxed family holiday away from the stresses of everyday life.

What language is spoken in Namibia?

The official language of Namibia is English. Most locals speak and write fluent English, and many speak German and Afrikaans, as well as a traditional language, such as Oshivambo.

Where is Namibia?

Namibia is located in the south-western reaches of Africa, with South Africa to the south and east, Botswana to the east, Angola and Zambia to the north, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west.

Damaraland Camp featured stories

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Let’s plan your next journey

When we say we’re there every step of the way, we mean it, literally. From planning the perfect circuit, to private inter-camp transfers on Wilderness Air, and easing you through Customs. We’re with you on the ground, at your side, 24-7, from start to finish. Ready to take the road less travelled? Contact our Travel Designers to plan an unforgettable journey.

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Abelana Safari Camp


The reserve itself is adjacent to the Greater Kruger National Park and the Selati Game Reserve, close to the town of Phalaborwa in South Africa’s beautiful Lowveld – the country’s prime big game region.

Owned by the Mashishimale community, the word “abelana” means “to share amongst each other” in the local Northern Sotho language. This spirit of sharing underpins the relationship between the Mashishimale and its lodge operations partner which leases the land for eco-tourism purposes.

Characterised by breathtakingly beautiful landscapes, varied topography and a mixture of vegetation types, Abelana Game Reserve has a 10km stretch of the semi-perennial Selati River in its northern section, as well as numerous other seasonal watercourses.

The safari camp is located in an elevated position in the remote southern part of the Abelana Game Reserve amid spectacular granite outcrops known locally as “koppies” and overlooks a large watering hole below the camp’s expansive viewing deck.

The Meru-style tents are simple yet comfortable and well-appointed, offering an authentic safari experience. The tents are all equipped with beds offering a twin or king-size configuration with lighting provided by solar power. The menu is a set affair, but the site try and cater to individual preferences provided they have prior notice of dietary requirements at the time of booking.

Address:  Abelana Game Reserve, R71, Phalaborwa, Limpopo

Tel:  061 952 4302 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook:  @abelanagamereserve Instagram:  @ abelanagamereserve

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  1. Damarana Safaris cc

    Ingrid & I have set up Damarana Safaris cc in 1998, specialised on the French speaking market. From expeditions & trekking tour guide to managing Director, I developed a wide and diverse knowledge on the Namibian tourism industry… Top to Bottom! During that time, I also grew a total respect for Namibia and its people, wishing the best for both.

  2. Damarana Safaris cc.

    contact us. c/o haddy & sam nujoma drive; private bag 13244 windhoek, namibia; tel: +264 61 290 6000; fax: +264 61 254 848; [email protected]

  3. Damarana safaris, Einstein, Swakopmund, phone +264 83 331 5412

    Damarana then advised me (judiciously and relevantly in relation to certain choices I had made) and they took care of booking and organizing everything. On arrival at the airport, we were given a very complete Road Book (map, voucher, telephone numbers, tips and tricks).

  4. Damarana safaris

    Damarana safaris, Swakopmund, Namibia. 965 likes · 5 talking about this · 4 were here. L'Afrique Australe Sur Mesure...


    DAMARANA SAFARIS CC Swakopmund Namibia. - Business Directory and online map for information on business, community, government, entertainment & recreation for Africa ... Contact Details Phone: +264 64 4.. Fax: +264 64 4.. Directions: FROM HERE | TO HERE Business categories: Safaris: All: Namibia; Share. Bookmark; Email; SMS ...

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  7. Voyage Namibie sur mesure

    DAMARANA, spécialiste du voyage sur Mesure en Namibie & Botswana. L'équipe de Damarana safaris a posé son sac en Namibie, il y a maintenant plus de 20 ans ! Pendant toutes ces années nos guides et conseillers ont organisé et accompagné des voyages dans toute l'Afrique Australe. Grâce à notre expérience terrain, vous pourrez profiter de ...

  8. Reservations

    Merci de prendre contact avec notre service des réservations quelques jours avant cette échéance pour organiser le paiement du solde. ... Damarana Safaris cc attache une grande importance à la protection de vos données personnelles et s'engage à ce que la collecte et le traitement de données à caractère personnel soient effectués ...

  9. Damarana safaris

    Damarana safaris Erongo Region,Namibia. See Facebook profile, Hours, Phone, Email, Website and more for this business. 2.5 Cybo Score. Damarana safaris is working in Travel agencies activities. Review on Cybo. ... You can contact the company at 083 331 5409. You can find more information about Damarana safaris at

  10. Damarana Safaris

    The Damarana Safaris team set down in Namibia more than 20 years ago! During all these years our guides and advisers have organized and accompanied trips throughout Southern Africa. Thanks to our field experience, you will be able to benefit from relevant advice and all the little local tips that will make your trip a unique experience.

  11. Damarana Safari CC

    Damarana Safari CC 07/SA/608 P.B Laporte 064 463277 /0811246006 [email protected]

  12. DAMARANA SAFARIS CC, Swakopmund, Namibia, 20 WOKER ST, 9180

    Find company information, contact details, financial data & company linkages for DAMARANA SAFARIS CC of Swakopmund, Namibia. Home; APP GUIDE ... DAMARANA SAFARIS CC 20 WOKER ST, 9180 Swakopmund - Namibia Categories Main category Business services, nec (7389) Secondary categories ...

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    Damaraland is also an excellent place to see the Welwitschia mirabilis. The plant is found only in Namibia and the southern parts of Angola and some specimens reach an age of up to 2,000 years. Other plants which make up the landscape here are the toxic Euphorbia Damarana, mopane and acacia trees and a variety of shrubs and grasses.

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  21. Abelana Safari Camp

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  22. Damarana Safaris (@damarana.safaris) • Instagram photos and videos

    There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Reload page. Tour Guide - 3,593 Followers, 7,548 Following, 97 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Damarana Safaris (@damarana.safaris)