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Discover Iran on Intrepid Travel’s first-ever female-only, female-led 12-day expedition

This unique trip has been designed to allow female travellers a rare opportunity to discover the lives of local women of iran through a range of experiences otherwise off-limits to normal mixed gender groups..

Although gender segregation is not typically Iranian, strict dress codes imposed by Islamic Law have meant many places & ways of life have become segregated by default.

This is your chance to experience the hidden world of an Iranian beauty salon, wander through a female only park, and travel by public transport in the female-only carriage of the metro, local buses and an overnight train.

intrepid travel iran

What will you experience on this trip?

This journey will expose you to a range of fascinating local women; young, old, religious, conservative, rural, modern and liberal.

Experience rural nomadic life with Qashqai people, meet young female entrepreneurs, and learn secret recipes from those in the know.

Shop for, prepare and enjoy a five-course meal at a local cooking school in Tehran. It’s a chance to not only experience a lively Iranian bazaar but to learn age-old secret recipes from local women.

Enjoy a picnic in one of Iran’s increasingly prevalent women only parks, one of the few places women can enjoy the sunshine without a hijab.

intrepid travel iran

Immerse yourself in rural nomadic life on a beautifully remote homestay with the Qashqai people. Enjoy a meal, sing songs, try on the local dress, and give bread-baking a go.

Step inside the fascinating hidden world of an Iranian beauty salon and you’ll soon see that these are oases for many local women.

Travel by public transport in the female-only carriage of the metro, local buses and an overnight train.

Join a female scarf shop owner in Tehran to learn the many different ways of tying and wearing the iconic Middle Eastern garment.

intrepid travel iran

Experience the wondrous remains of the ancient capital of Persepolis – the scale and grandeur will leave you in no doubt that this was once the centre of the known world.

While summer is a tempting option (June through to September) , there’s the equally attractive option of beating the crowds and going in winter.

Intrepid says it’s their favourite time of year to experience magical Iran so consider booking a departure that runs during the cooler months of December through to February.

intrepid travel iran

What will the positive impact be?

Undoubtedly, this trip will be a life-changing trip for everyone on it.

And that goes for the local Iranian women you’ll meet who will equally get the chance to connect and interact with women from another culture in a safe space.

Intrepid says they would love to open up these real-life experiences to all of their travellers; however, in order to operate in a socially responsible and culturally sensitive manner, this is simply not possible.

At least not yet anyway! If you’re interested in travelling to Iran on a similar itinerary, check out some of their other group departures or speak to your travel agent about a tailor-made itinerary.

intrepid travel iran

Trip details

The trip experience includes;

  • Hotel (8 nights), Guesthouse (1 night), Home Stay (1 night)
  • 10 breakfasts, 6 dinners
  • Overnight train, Private Mini Bus, Local VIP Bus, Subway

With included activities;

  • Shiraz – Cafe visit
  • Shiraz – Women’s only park
  • Persepolis – Entrance and Guided tour
  • Shiraz – Shahcheragh guided tour
  • Shiraz – Bakery visit
  • Shiraz – Women’s only Yoga Class
  • Esfahan – Khaju & Si-o-seh Pol Bridges
  • Esfahan – Jameh Mosque
  • Esfahan – Safavid Chehelsetoon Palace visit
  • Tehran – Market shopping & Persian cooking class
  • Tehran – Orientation walk
  • Yazd – Fire Temple and Towers of Silence visit
  • Yazd – Jameh Mosque of Yazd
  • Yazd – Gheimeh Yazdi, Cooking Class (Dinner)
  • Eghlid – Orientation walk
  • Shiraz – Nasir al Molk Mosque
  • Shiraz – Women’s only Beauty Salon
  • Shiraz – Home-cooked meal

12 days/11 nights from $3495*

Find out more: www.intrepid.com.au/Iran

Ask your local Travel Agent to help design your itinerary for you.

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Now you can easily create your impact by sharing your new-found knowledge with other friends who you think would also be interested.

Ultimately, responsible travel comes down to common sense – stay curious, keep yourself up-to-date with the challenges at hand and make yourself accountable for your actions on your travels.

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Intrepid Travelling Experiences, Reviews and Advice

Final Thoughts on Iran, Tips and Experiences

After intrepidly exploring Iran for 3 weeks, I was down to my final 3 days which I would spend in Tabriz enroute to the land border with Turkey. I would get fascinated by bread while in Tabriz and I’m not sure why, but it’s things like this that I love about travelling strange and foreign lands; every little mundane daily routine like getting bread is new and fascinating. Each morning and evening, I would see people call in on their local baker for freshly made naan direct from the oven; often consisting of a hot bed of stones, heated by a gas fire, preparing any of four varieties… sangak or maybe barbari.

Naan (like petrol) is subsidised in Iran, hence why a piece of naan like the one in the pictures is only twenty US cents.  Subsidies cost the Iranian government about 25% of their GDP, but it’s the price they pay to keep the masses happy which keeps them in power. So I am a little confused what to say about Iran, as the Government says one thing, the people I talked with say another and then there are the masses that must support the status quo (unless of course the government interferes with the election results; as many believe).

Personally I believe religion and state should be separate, religion should be a matter of choice, however in Iran there is no choice about it, it’s mandated and enforced by the states powerful apparatus.  I met plenty of non-religious people who pretend to be Muslim through fear of persecution, is that right?  Everyone inherently wants the freedom to choose, and regimes that oppress invariably don’t last the test of time, something Gandhi noted.

  • Tehran, Ramsar and Climbing Iran’s Mt Samamous
  • Iran’s Must See City – The Eternal Esfahan
  • Crossing the Iranian Border to the Middle Eastern Town of Yazd

Shiraz and the Timeless Persepolis

Pre-revolution Iran was a modern and liberal nation, however nowadays their economy suffers from sanctions and the society is very segregated (e.g. women must sit at the back of the bus and the men at the front).  The young, are the ones who are suffering from the restrictions the most, As a result the educated ones are leaving (along with the millions of other intellects and well to do’s) in search of more freedom and opportunities; creating one of the worst brain drains on the planet.  I feel for those friendly, curious and hospitable people I have met who stay, or feel they must leave, because they aren’t happy with the forced Hejab, low salaries, suppression and lack of real freedom.  All of this in the name of a religion, Islam, it just doesn’t sound right to me.

As for money and budgets while I was in Iran, I spent a total of 2.87 million Rials during my three and a half weeks in Iran; about NZD $450, so Iran is not an expensive place by any means.  Below are some examples of everyday expenses in USD:

  • Dorm bed in clean hostel - $5 to $6
  • Eight hour luxury A/C bus trip with drink and snacks - $5
  • City bus - $0.05
  • Large burger - $1
  • 1.5L Coke - $0.80
  • Ice cream cone - $0.30
  • Kg of dates - $1.20
  • Petrol per L (first 3L) - $0.10, (more than 3L) - $0.40 (basically free)
  • Naan bread – between $0.025 and $0.25 (even more so free)
  • Alcohol – not available as it’s illegal (however plenty still drink in the privacy of their home)

At the time of writing in 2009 inflation was between 13-25% (depending who you believe) so over the previous few years the Iranian Rial has devalued greatly, meaning they needed to print higher and higher denominations.  The highest is a 1,000,000 Rial note (USD $100) which I saw at a bank in Tehran.  However, confusingly everybody talks in terms of Tomans; the Rial value divided by ten.  So if they ask for 5,000, you don’t hand them a 5,000 Rial note but a 50,000 Rial note; don’t ask me why...

Tehran, Ramsar and Mt Samamous

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Empowering, Female-Only Trips Connect Global Women From Different Walks of Life

Intrepid’s women’s expeditions reveal sides of daily life that travelers don’t usually see in countries where forms of gender separation are still culturally prevalent..

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Empowering, Female-Only Trips Connect Global Women From Different Walks of Life

A group of travelers captures the moment on a Women’s Expedition in Iran.

Photo by Damien Raggatt for Intrepid Travel

Women travelers to various parts of the Middle East quickly become familiar with gender separation in certain elements of the culture—from hammam baths to mosques to transportation. The experience for female tourists can feel restrictive and make them wonder if they’re missing out on something the men get to do. But while Westerners often prefer to travel in mixed-gender groups, there’s a benefit for women traveling through this part of the world with only other women: the opportunity to see a part of the culture rarely visible to most.

In 2018, Intrepid Travel developed a new line of women-only expeditions in Morocco, Iran, and Jordan that broke the barriers of traditional tourism in these destinations. Guided by female tour leaders—of which there are few in the region—these Women’s Expeditions not only encourage female empowerment, but also showcase the customs and lives of local women, offering a deeper understanding of women’s culture in each Middle Eastern nation. Now, the adventure company is expanding these hugely successful expeditions to other parts of the world.

The Women’s Expedition in Morocco reveals the ins and outs of life for Berber women.

The Women’s Expedition in Morocco reveals the ins and outs of life for Berber women.

Photo by Ryan Bolton for Intrepid Travel

“These trips help women travelers understand local traditions and the routine of local women in countries where it can be challenging to be a woman,” says Zina Bencheikh, general manager of Marrakech Peak DMC, the Intrepid Group’s operator in Europe and Morocco.

“Women in certain areas have very restricted rights due to cultural pressure and access to education impacting their ability to work and be financially independent,” Bencheikh says. (In 2017, fewer than 4 percent of tour guides in Morocco were women.) “Female guides from [these] communities are either seen as heroes by some locals, or doing what others consider a ‘man’s job.’”

Bencheikh realized that in Morocco’s rural (and largely conservative) areas, organizing women-only groups led by female guides could facilitate unique and powerful connections between travelers and the local communities.

On the Morocco Women’s Expedition , travelers visit the city of Marrakech, break bread with Berber families in their private homes, experience a traditional hammam with local women, see how an artist co-op is empowering female rug weavers in small villages, and witness the beauty of the remote Mgoun Valley. Many of these experiences occur in private spaces that would be impossible for travelers to Morocco to access in mixed-gender groups.

Travelers learn the secrets of Persian cooking on the Iran Women’s Expedition.

Travelers learn the secrets of Persian cooking on the Iran Women’s Expedition.

Photo by Damien Raggett for Intrepid Travel

Similarly, in Iran, because women and men are still separated in some aspects of daily life, female-only tours are a necessity for those who want to interact with Iranian women in particular settings. “[On these trips] women in Iran are able to share their everyday life and culture with visitors, which is not something that has regularly been available to tourists who travel in mixed-gender groups visiting the country,” says Nadia Badiee, Intrepid Travel’s local leader in Iran. “These tours allow local women to spend time with strong females from around the world, connecting with and learning more about each other on a real level.”

On the Iran Women’s Expedition , travelers step inside the hidden world of an Iranian beauty salon, wander through a female-only park, take a yoga class with local women, and travel by public transport in the women’s carriage of the metro. They also immerse themselves in the rural nomadic life of the Qashqai people with a female-hosted homestay, meet young women entrepreneurs who have started their own Persian cooking class and food tours, and cook and learn recipes that generations of Iranian women have kept well-guarded.

And in Jordan, a Middle Eastern destination that’s growing increasingly popular with travelers, there are a wealth of cultural experiences to be had beyond popular Petra. The Jordan Women’s Expedition itinerary includes overnighting in Wadi Rum with a lesson in the ancient art of henna from traditional Bedouin ladies; discovering how kohl has been used, not just as a beauty product, but also to protect eyes from the harsh desert sands; enjoying an afternoon at a women’s-only beach at the Dead Sea; learning the art of Arabic cooking in a local home; and spending time with a female shepherd.

On the Kenya Women’s Expedition, travelers will be led across the northern part of the country by East Africa’s first female overland truck driver.

On the Kenya Women’s Expedition, travelers will be led across the northern part of the country by East Africa’s first female overland truck driver.

Courtesy of Intrepid Travel

More female-only trips on the horizon

Intrepid Travel continues to be committed to gender equality and female empowerment: The company is on track to double its number of female tour leaders globally by 2020 , and this March, in honor of International Women’s Day, the company expanded its range of Women’s Expeditions to include new tours in Kenya, Nepal, India, and Turkey.

On Kenya Women’s Expedition , travelers will be led across the northern part of the country by East Africa’s first female overland truck driver. Itinerary highlights include talks with some of Kenya’s female wildlife rangers to learn about the challenges they face in a male-dominated industry, plus a visit to a women-only village founded as a sanctuary for survivors of sexual violence and forced marriage. (October 12-21, 2019)

An all-female mountaineering crew leads a five-day trek in the Himalayas as part of the Nepal Women’s Expedition , which also includes a visit to an NGO working to abolish chhaupadi (a common social practice that discriminates against women in menstruation), a homestay at a female-run village near Chitwan National Park, and the chance to take part in the Hartalika Teej Festival, a three-day women-only Hindu celebration. (August 10-22, 2020)

The India Women’s Expedition takes groups to a female-only arts and crafts festival in Rajasthan, on a tour of Jaipur with a nonprofit that trains local women to be financially independent rickshaw drivers, and to a café run solely by female acid attack survivors who’ll share their stories of perseverance and strength. (March 20-31, 2020)

And on the Turkey Women’s Expedition , travelers will spend an afternoon with female refugees from Syria at an earring-making workshop, enjoy a traditional meal in a Cappadocian cave prepared by a woman at the forefront of the area’s local tourism, and spend the day at sea with a female skipper before visiting a sunken city off of Turkey’s coast. (September 8-19 and October 6-17, 2019)

According to Intrepid Travel’s global product manager Jenny Gray, the new tours follow an “incredible response” to the launch of the adventure company’s first three Women’s Expeditions in 2018. (The trips are among the most popular in Intrepid’s 30-year history.)

The importance of this cross-cultural exchange is not to be underestimated: “Local women that take part in these trips also learn from their Western visitors,” Bencheikh says. “It opens their world to see well-educated, self-independent women, married or not, with or without kids, like them but totally different. I believe it will give them another perspective of what a woman can achieve if she is empowered and has access to education.”

She adds, “Hopefully, it will also open their children to possibilities they never had before,” referencing the fact that income from these trips remains with the guides and local female hosts.

“This year, we’ve discovered even more extraordinary stories of female empowerment,” Gray says. “The #MeToo era is making its mark on travel—our female travelers want to hear the stories and struggles of women around the globe. These remarkable expeditions give travelers [that] chance.”

For more information about these expeditions and to learn how transgender and nonbinary travelers can be accommodated, contact Intrepid Travel’s bookings team.

This article originally appeared online in September 2018; it was updated on March 7, 2019, to include current information.

>>Next: The Power of Women in Travel

An aerial view of the Palm Beach Par 3 golf course and hotel along the beach in Florida

Inspired By Maps

The 6 Best Iran Tours For Unforgettable Adventures That Are Achievable & Affordable!

Posted on Last updated: October 13, 2023

Categories Tours , Iran , Middle East

The 6 Best Iran Tours For Unforgettable Adventures That Are Achievable & Affordable!

Expert travel storyteller Jordan Adkins, founder of InspiredByMaps.com, brings a decade of adventures across 101 countries and 450+ UNESCO sites into rich, off-the-beaten-path narratives, melding ecological expertise with genuine, seasoned travel insights. His full bio can be found here.

Iran, historically known as Persia, is considered the gateway to Central Asia, South Asia, and the Arab states of the Middle East. Because of its strategic location and southern access to the Persian Gulf, Iran has always been a significant nation.

Iran has stunning natural beauty, a thriving culture, and a long, interesting history. Iran offers a distinctive, unmatched travel experience and nothing like anything else you’d experience out there. With its diverse landscapes, which range from snow-capped mountains to sun-kissed beaches and enormous deserts and not to mention, the friendly locals, you’re bound to have a very enjoyable visit. 

A fantastic approach to experiencing Iran’s charms in their entirety is by visiting on a multiday tour. Here are a few reasons why you should take a multiday tour of Iran.

Iran has a rich cultural history that is thousands of years old. A multi-day journey will allow you to see the exquisite architecture and art that represent the nation’s rich history and cultural inheritance, as well as ancient archaeological sites and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 

best tour operators in Iran - best Iran tour package - best tours in Iran - best tour companies in Iran - best Iran tours

When you travel with an experienced tour guide, you will access real experiences that may be hard to find on your own. A multi-day journey allows visitors to gain a greater understanding of Iran’s colorful culture through interactions with locals, participation in customary activities, and sampling of local cuisine.

Iran is a friendly and safe country, but going with a trusted tour operator on a multi-day tour offers extra safety and peace of mind. They know regional norms, guarantee your safety while traveling, and offer support in case of any unforeseen problems.

And finally, It may also be difficult to plan a holiday to Iran, especially given the language barrier and visa restrictions. A multi-day tour takes care of everything from lodgings to transportation, relieving you of the worry of planning and enabling you to relax and enjoy your visit.

An opportunity to delve deeply into Iran’s enthralling mix of history, culture, and natural beauty is often a once-in-a-lifetime experience that must be experienced with a multi-day, organized tour. By booking your adventure with a tour operator, you can forge lifelong memories while learning about the untold secrets and riches that make Iran such an extraordinary travel destination.

Without further adieu, We will outline the top six multi-day excursions in Iran. Each of these tours offers a special fusion of adventure, culture, and history. So buckle up and prepare for an incredible tour through the heart of Persia. These are the best tours in Iran. 

best tour operators in Iran - best Iran tour package - best tours in Iran - best tour companies in Iran - best Iran tours

Page Contents

Iran Adventure

Iran tour, the best of persia, 6-day iran desert tour: hidden gems of dasht-e lut, alam mountains tour, iran culture tour, small group, iran: women’s expedition, intrepid travel.

Iran doesn’t fall into any simple categories. It is both traditional and unusual, intensely religious and profoundly shocking. Discover sophisticated Islamic capitals, vibrant bazaars, historic ruins, unique nomadic cultures, and glittering deserts by traveling along the historical Silk Road across this unexplored nation for two weeks.

The kindness and hospitality of the Iranian people are endearing, and the stunning beauty of their country is mesmerizing, whether you’re unwinding in a teahouse in Tehran, taking guided tours of historic cultural sites, or sharing a meal with villagers on the arid Iranian plateau.

This multi-day tour starts and ends in Tehran . You’ll visit eight different cities over 14 days. Amenities like transportation, meals, accommodation, excursions, and more are included in the cost of the tour. Here is a look at your full itinerary for this tour. 

Day One: Arrive in Iran

Day Two: Discover Tehran on a walking tour. Check out the Labyrinthian Tehran Grand Bazaar before heading to the train station in the afternoon. 

Day Three: Stop in at the local Fire Temple and Towers of Silence.

Day Four: This morning, travel outside of Yazd, including stops at the abandoned Kharanak mud-brick village and a hike to the mountaintop Chak Chak fire temple. In the afternoon, continue to Zein-o-din Caravanserai. Set in the Dasht-e Lut salt desert, too.

Day Five: begin the 6-hour journey to Shiraz, with a stop en route at Abarkooh. Continue to Shiraz, arriving in the late afternoon. 

Day Six: First thing this morning, visit the Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque with a walking tour, and discover the Karim Khan citadel before strolling the alleys and lanes of Bazaars Vakil. The highlight of the tour today may be your guided visit to Shahcheragh.

Day Seven: Just 1 hour from Shiraz lies the ancient city of Persepolis. Enjoy a guided tour of this splendid and somewhat mysterious old city.

Day Eight: Spend the morning baking bread with your host family before driving to Izadkhast. 

Day Nine: Explore a bridge from the Safavid era and enter the city’s eponymous castle. Continue to Esfahan. On arrival, head out for an orientation walk with your leader, making your way to Khaju Bridge. 

Day Ten: Soak up the atmosphere of Esfahan during a half-day tour of the city. 

Day Eleven: Enjoy a walking tour of the Christian-Armenian quarter of Esfahan with your leader. Enjoy free time in the afternoon. 

Day Twelve: This morning, drive 2 hours to Kashan, In the evening, travel to a local family’s home to share dinner and enjoy some classic Iranian hospitality.

Day Thirteen: After breakfast, check out the lush Fin Garden and then return to Tehran.

Day Fourteen: Depart from Tehran. 

This very detailed look into the mysterious country of Iran can easily be considered once in a lifetime. With two whole weeks to mingle with the locals, experience true Iranian hospitality and truly get to know the country, you will truly have the time of your life. 

This tour is offered by intrepid travel. A world-famous tour operator with hundreds of tours operating around the world. They are well known for their well put together itineraries and excellent reviews from travelers around the world. This tour is not only very highly rated but one of the best tours to truly see the country of Iran. 

Responsible Travel

You will travel through stunning scenery, some of the oldest archaeological sites in the world, dry mountains, and small towns. You will discover the histories, customs, and cultures of a region with a long history and a significant cultural impact.

However, the real highlight of any trip to Iran is meeting the locals, who are arguably the friendliest and most hospitable people on earth and always ready to welcome visitors with a smile. On this trip, we will explore the lovely cities of Tehran, Isfahan , and Shiraz and uncover Persian history at the impressive Persepolis.

You will also have seven full days to experience Iran to the fullest. Accommodation, transportation, meals, an expert guide, and excursions are all included in the cost of the tour. Here is a look at your full itinerary for this tour. 

Day One: After arriving at Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA) in Tehran, your tour representative will meet and greet you at the airport. The local representative will transfer you to your hotel to rest.

Day Two: you will be taken to a World Heritage Site, the lavish Golestan Palace. Then, we will walk around Tehran Bazaar. In the afternoon, you will visit the National Museum of Iran too.

Day Three: you will visit Nasir-al-Mulk Mosque. After that, you’ll visit the lovely garden Tomb of Hafez Shirazi.

Day Four: We have a full day of driving today to reach our destination of Isfahan. You will visit the legendary city of Persepolis, the former capital of Darius the Great and founded in 512 BC. 

Day Five: Your exploration starts in Imam Square. You will also visit Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, and You’ll end your exploration of the square by visiting the Qeisarieh Bazaar.

Day Six: Leaving Isfahan behind and traveling north to Kashan.

Day Seven: You will be transferred back to the airport in Tehran, where your tour ends. 

Experience a full week in Iran with visits to some of the top attractions and a chance to meet the locals. This unique tour is short, so perfect for those who don’t have a lot of time, but it also covers quite a lot, and it includes a very busy itinerary with an equal balance of guided tours and free time. 

This tour is offered by Responsible Travel, a tour operator with hundreds of tours worldwide and very high reviews from fellow travelers. They offer a wide variety of tours, including more active adventures and relaxing retreats. Overall this is not only one of the best tour operators but one of the best tours in Iran. 

Friendly Iran Tours

On this exciting tour, you’ll go to the lovely Bam and the Mahan Oasis. We will go to the breathtaking Lut and Shahdad Deserts and their Kalouts. Go for a hike in the Kalouts, located between the northwest and southeast. These magnificent natural formations add to the landscape’s allure.

Then a tour of the historical past, architectural highlights, desert, Persian garden, and Caravanserai. The journey on this tour begins in Kerman and ends in Yazd . You’ll have six days to discover Iran and everything there is to offer. This tour includes travel insurance, accommodation, meals, transportation, an expert guide, and excursions. Here is a look at your full itinerary for this tour. 

Day One: Kerman – Lut Desert-Shafiabad village

Day Two: Lut Desert-Shafiabad village

Day Three: Shafiabad village–Bam

Day Four: Bam – Kerman

Day Five: Kerman – Meymand- Zein-o-din Caravanserai

Day Six: experience Yazd for a full day.

Spend just less than a week exploring Iran’s top sites and attractions. This is the perfect option for those who want a taste of Iran in a very short period. You will mingle with some of the friendliest locals, try the delicious food and immerse yourself in the timeless landscapes of the country. This tour is not unique but is one of the best. 

This tour is offered by FriendlyIran Tours. This tour operator is 100% Iranian and local. So you can be sure that the guides will be local and knowledgeable about the country. Each itinerary is also crafted with local experts that know the area quite well. Overall this is a very good tour operator to book your Iranian adventure through. This particular six-day tour through Iran is one of the best tours in Iran. 

Iran Paradise Tours

After Mount Damavand, Alam Kouh Mountain is Iran’s second-highest mountain at 4850 meters. The majority of climbers, especially those who are interested in ice climbing, find Alam Kouh Mountain to be a refuge. Alam Kouh Mountain resembles the Alps and the Himalayas since it has lush woods at its base and craggy rocks at its highest elevations.

Two different routes can climb Alam Kouh Mountain: the first leads from Taleghan to Parachan and Hesar Chal. This tour is aimed to give active travelers a look into the mountains of Iran and their true beauty. This tour starts and ends in Tehran. You have eight days to discover Iran with accommodation, transportation, an expert guide, and more. Here is your full itinerary for this tour. 

Day One: Arrive in Tehran and transfer to the hotel.

Day Two: At 5 am, we leave the hotel, move towards Taleghan, eat breakfast on the way near Taleghan Dam, and then continue driving towards Mehran Village. Finally, we will reach Parachan, where we will stay at a local house.

Day Three: After having breakfast, we will have our luggage carried by mules and continue towards the stone mine at 2400 m height and after 4 hours of climbing, we will reach Gusfand Saraye Damche. We will put up our camp here and stay overnight.

Day Four: After having breakfast, we will continue our way to Hesar Chal Plain at a height of 4000m using Hezar Chamo Mountain Pass and put up our camp.

Day Five: After breakfast, we move towards Marjikesh Hillside and proceed to climb from the south side of the mountain. After a few hours, we will reach the peak, and on top of the hill, we can see Takhte Soleyman and Siyah Kaman peaks, Alam Chah Ice Wall and Sarchah Shelter. Then we climb down to Hesar Chal Camp to stay the night. It is a 10-hour climbing activity.

Day Six: After breakfast, we travel down to Asal village from Se Hezar Valley and stay the night at Sialan Hotel.

Day Seven: In the Morning, after having breakfast, we travel to Tonekabon, and after crossing Nashtarud and Salman Shahr and Namak Abrud cities, we get to the Chalus Road. After having lunch, we continued our trip to Tehran and stayed the night at Ibis Hotel.

Day Eight: Depart at any time.

This tour covers all of the top sites within the country with a local guide. You will sample delicious local cuisine, engage with the friendly locals and enjoy the stunning beauty of Iran. With eight full days to truly discover the country, you will have a good understanding of the culture and way of life here in Iran. 

Operated by Iran Paradise Tours, this tour operator is also local and dedicated to sharing their home country with the world. With exceptional reviews, very knowledgeable guides, and well-balanced itineraries, this tour operator is one of the best within Iran, especially if you’re looking for a local take on the country. 

Overall this tour is considered one of the best in Iran. 

You will travel through picturesque landscapes, some of the world’s oldest archaeological sites, dry mountains, and small towns beginning in Tehran. You will gain knowledge of the customs and cultures of a region with a long history of influence.

The real highlight of any trip to Iran is meeting the locals, who are arguably the friendliest and most hospitable people on earth. On this trip, you will experience seven different Iranian cities over nine days. Accommodation, meals, an expert guide, and more are included in the cost of the tour. Here is your full itinerary for this tour. 

Day One: After arriving at Imam Khomeini International Airport (IKA) in Tehran, our representative will meet and greet you at the airport. The local representative will transfer you to your hotel to rest.

Day Two: in the morning, you will be taken to a World Heritage Site, the lavish Golestan Palace. Then, we will walk around Tehran Bazaar. 

Day Three: After breakfast, you will visit Nasir-al-Mulk Mosque.

Day Four: We have a full day of driving today to reach our destination of Yazd. You will stop and visit the legendary city of Persepolis.

Day Five: visit the Zoroastrian Fire Temple,  Friday Mosque, and then you will watch a Zurkhaneh performance in the evening

Day Six: Our next stop will be in Meybod, where you will learn about Iran’s ancient craft.  At the local icehouse, you’ll learn all about the thick clay construction and underground chamber that allowed residents to store ice and food before refrigeration. We visit the Jameh Mosque of Naein.

Day Seven: Your exploration continues on Imam Square. You will also visit the Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque. You will end your discovery of the square by visiting the Qeysarieh Bazaar.

Day Eight: we’ll travel north to Kashan for the day. 

Day Nine: Departure from the airport

Experience Iran from a unique point of view on this tour. This tour is considered unique for its take on the culture of Iran. It will show you almost every aspect of Iranian culture so you can truly get to know and understand the country in great detail.

This tour is offered by responsible travel, a tour operator with countless tours worldwide. With specialized options in even restricted countries, this tour operator is perfect for those looking to take on the ultimate adventure and get the local experience. This tour is overall rated very highly among travelers and is considered one of the best in Iran. 

On a female-only expedition, learn about Iranian culture by observing the lives of the local ladies. Spend 12 days traveling with a local female guide and a group of female travelers, engaging in various activities generally off-limits to mixed-gender groups. Travel by public transportation in the women-only carriage of the metro, local buses, and an overnight train, or peek inside the secret world of an Iranian beauty shop.

You may also stroll through a park that is exclusively for women. Meet female entrepreneurs, participate in rural nomadic life with Qashqai people, and learn about well-kept secrets from knowledgeable sources. Young and elderly, religious and secular, conservative and liberal Iranian women may teach us in the process. This tour starts in the capital of Iran and ends there too.

You’ll have 12 days to discover the country with the help of a local guide. Accommodation, meals, transportation, excursions, and a professional guide are all capillary on the tour, so there is no need to preplan anything either than your flights and perhaps spending money. With all that being said, here is a look at your full itinerary for this tour. 

Day One: Welcome to Iran! You will be escorted to your hotel and can join the welcome meeting in the evening.

Day Two: Head out on a leader-led orientation walk this morning, checking out the Imam Khomeini Mosque and the labyrinthine maze of the Grand Bazaar. 

Day Three: board a late morning train bound for Yazd. Upon arrival, get exploring with your leader. Continue to the Jameh Mosque with a Visit to the Amir Chakmaq complex. The evening is free.

Day Four: Start your day visiting the Fire Temple and the Tower of Silence. Then, pay a visit to Yazd’s celebrated sweet shop, where candy is made with traditional techniques passed down through generations, and make the short journey to the village of Taft, where you’ll be welcomed into the home of a Zoroastrian family for a homecooked lunch.

Day Five: After breakfast, get on the road and head towards Shiraz. Stop by the town of Abarkooh in the Zagros Mountains. Continue to the historic village of Aqda. After checking in to your hotel, head out with your leader to get your bearings, then make a very special visit to the Aramgah-e Shah-e Cheragh, one of the holiest sites in Shiraz. 

Day Six: take to the streets on a walking tour and discover the alleys and lanes of the popular Vakil Bazaar; after lunch, head out to the vast complex of Bagh-e Eram, known as the Garden of Paradise. Then, pay a visit to the ornately decorated tomb dedicated to the poet Saadi.

Day Seven: Today, make the short journey to Persepolis. Afterward, head back to Shiraz with a visit to the hair salon. In the evening, take part in a hands-on cooking class where a local female cook will teach you how to create some of the most delectable Persian dishes. 

Day Eight: visit the colorfully decorated Nasir al-Mulk Mosque. Then depart for Bishapur. Spend the evening in Tang-e-Chogan.

Day Nine: You’ll enjoy the natural surroundings and perhaps stop off for a picnic before cruising into Esfahan in the late afternoon. This evening, take a stroll down the Zayandeh River.

Day Ten: Embark on a half-day tour of Esfahan, visiting the World Heritage-listed Imam (or Naqsh-e Jahan) Square.

Day Eleven: This morning, drive around 2 hours to Kashan.

Day Twelve: Your Tour Ends Here. 

Spend a full 12 days discovering everything there is to see and do in Iran. Go shopping in Kashan or enjoy the beauty of Esfahan and so on. This tour is considered unique as it is a woman-only tour. This tour is exclusive to women travelers and offers a woman’s point of view on the country of Iran.

Not only will your guide be female, but you will also visit many female-run attractions and meet local women that positively contribute to the country. This tour is also considered the best because Intrepid Travel offers it.

Intrepid Travel is a world-famous tour operator focused on giving tourists the best experience possible in any country they travel to. With very satisfied travelers and award-winning itineraries, this is considered not only one of the best tour operators but this tour itself can be considered one of the best tours of Iran. 

Discover Iran’s attractions on these exceptional multiday tours, which combine history, culture, nature, and adventure. Iran invites you with open arms. It is ready to divulge its secrets and enthrall your senses, whether you are a history buff, a nature lover, or an architecture enthusiast.

Choose one of these outstanding tours to start your transformative journey and leave an everlasting impression on your soul. Iran is truly home to some of the best tours out there. 

If none of these tours work for you in Iran, please do not worry. There is a wide variety of tour options in the country, and we are confident that there will be something that fits your needs and interests.

Take a look at all the group tours in Iran now, which you can sort by private or group, maximum sizing, budget, dates and much (much more). The team at TourRadar is also always more than happy to answer any questions, provide further information or assist in any way in finding the perfect tour for you.

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Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel

Headquarters in Melbourne, Australia

Intrepid Travel Reviews (8,781)

Chi yue flora, mainland greece discovery.

Hiking in Yosemite National Park reviewer 2

Hiking in Yosemite National Park

Georgia History Trail to Nashville  reviewer 3

Georgia History Trail to Nashville

Real borneo (6 destinations), madagascar adventure (8 destinations).

Intrepid Travel

Central American Journey (19 destinations)

Sardinia & corsica sailing adventure.

Kruger & Coast reviewer 8

Kruger & Coast

Best of central europe, turkey explored, about intrepid travel.

Intrepid was founded by two friends, Darrell and Geoff, who had a bold idea to build a travel company that benefited both travellers and the communities they visit. Their big idea sprung to mind in 1988, not long after they crammed themselves and some friends into a modified ex-council truck and headed off on a road trip across Africa. More than three decades later, Intrepid is proud to call themselves the world's largest purpose-led adventure travel company.      Today, they have hundreds of immersive trips in over 100 countries on all seven continents to choose from. With locally-based leaders out front of every adventure, they’ll take you beyond the everyday sights and introduce you to the culture without holding your hand at every step of the journey.    Intrepid is determined to change the way we all see the world. They connect people to the heartbeat of adventure and the soul of the planet. 

Why Intrepid

It's simple. Think immersive experiences, a perfectly sized group and a legendary locally-based leader. Plus, their style of travel shows you the world in a way that respects local people and places.      Immersive experiences   Hard-to-forget experiences in hard-to-find places. Everyone loves the highlights, but Intrepid believe the real magic happens well away from the beaten path. It’s the little noodle bars, hidden galleries and backstreet bodegas; the real-life experiences you won’t find in a search engine.      Small groups, big adventures   You can expect to travel with a tight bunch of like-minded adventurers (usually 12 to 16 people). Besides being able to go where larger tours often can’t, their group sizes create the perfect recipe for connection - offering up new perspectives and new friends to share the journey with.    Locally-based leaders   Expect locally-based leaders out front of every trip. Sure, they’ll lead the way, but they’ll also introduce you to the locals, show you the hidden spots that sidestep the crowds, and give you insider tips for the best places to explore in your free time – all with a smile.      Balanced Itineraries   Intrepid adventures strike the right balance between group activities and time to soak up what’s happening around you. There’s a good mix of time spent with your small group, as well as seeing and experiencing the places you travel to.    Responsible travel   Since the very beginning, Intrepid has been about running trips in a way that respects local people and places. They’re B Corp certified which recognises their commitment to using business as a force for good and their non-profit, The Intrepid Foundation, supports organisations around the world that are making a positive difference. 

Who travels with Intrepid

Intrepid travellers come from different walks of life and age brackets. Some come in groups, others solo. With Intrepid, it doesn’t matter where you’ve come from or how you got there – it’s about where you’re going. They’ve got small group adventures in a range of styles and themes, each suited to different levels of fitness and thirst for adventure. Introducing  Intrepid Premium : a brand-new style of travel. From 2022, you can travel on this new range of trips that include all the best ingredients of an Intrepid adventure, elevated to a level never before available.

Intrepid Travel Adventures

Essential Morocco

Essential Morocco

  • Stay with a local family in beautiful Moulay Idriss Experience the tastes, sights, and sounds of Fes Ride a camel through the Sahara desert dunes Visit Ait Benhaddou, a traditional mud brick city Taste delicious Moroccan dishes in Marrakesh

Indian Getaway

Indian Getaway

  • Enjoy a sunset on the Ganges Admire the mighty Taj Mahal Get lost in the pink city of Jaipur Barter for rare items at Tordi Garh

Explore Jordan

Explore Jordan

  • Spend the night at Wadi Rum's mystic desert Visit the legendary ancient lost city of Petra Grab that photo of a float in the Dead Sea Delve into culture and camp with the Bedouin people

Costa Rica Experience

Costa Rica Experience

  • Visit the most famous volcano - Arenal Wander the markets of San Jose Join a Mangrove tour by kayak Walking tour through the Monteverde National Park

Vietnam Express Northbound

Vietnam Express Northbound

  • Beatiful and historic Ho Chi Minh City A motor bike ride to the Forbidden Purple City Picturesque fishing village of Lang Co Marvelous lakes and architecture in Hanoi

Cycle Vietnam

Cycle Vietnam

  • Visit the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Admire the lush panorama of the Mai Chau valley Take a stroll through fields of rice Discover the wacky architecture of Hang Nga Crazy House

Land of Belize

Land of Belize

  • Explore Belize City's historic sites Boat to Lamanai and see Mayan ruins Cook with Mayan women at San Antonio Discover Tikal's ancient Mayan temples Relax or adventure on Caye Caulker

India's Golden Triangle

India's Golden Triangle

  • Visit the iconic city of Agra Stay in a beautiful royal palace Explore bustling New Delhi Marvel at the shimmering Taj Mahal

Intrepid Travel Videos

intrepid travel iran

Classic Galapagos: Central Southern Islands (Grand Queen Beatriz)

  • Explore historic Quito and its ornate churches Cruise to the Galapagos and meet giant tortoises Snorkel with sea lions around stunning islets Observe blue-footed boobies on North Seymour Walk through lava fields and spot marine iguanas

Classic Costa Rica

Classic Costa Rica

  • Descend to the Caribbean lowlands to Tortuguero National Park Visit small town La Fortuna and the majestic Arenal Volcano Explore Monteverde National Park on a walking tour Discover exotic wildlife of Manuel Antonio National Park

Highlights of Italy

Highlights of Italy

  • Ride a vaporetto around Venice Hike the villages of Cinque Terre See the famous statue of David Taste incredible Italian cuisine

Athens to Santorini

Athens to Santorini

  • Stroll through history in Athens Take in an iconic sunset in Santorini Discover the beauty of Syros Experience Mykonos' famous nightlife

Africa Encompassed Northbound (46 destinations)

Africa Encompassed Northbound (46 destinations)

  • Explore Cape Town's vibrant waterfront Canoe down the serene Orange River Hike the dunes for a Namib Desert sunrise Witness wildlife in Etosha National Park Visit the ancient Great Zimbabwe Ruins

Northern Lights Escape

Northern Lights Escape

  • Spend the night on a traditional Icelandic farm Spot the beautiful rainbow spray of Skógafoss Waterfall Admire the spectacular dancing green Northern Lights Visit the enchanting black sands of Jokulsarlon Lagoon Be spellbound by the beauty of the Strokkur geyser

Best of Central Europe

  • Learn about Prague's history Experience Polish traditions Get active in Slovakia’s Tatra Mountains Admire Budapest's architecture

Intrepid Travel Destinations

  • Morocco (34)
  • Tanzania (17)
  • South Africa (9)
  • Botswana (5)
  • Vietnam (25)
  • Thailand (21)
  • Indonesia (16)
  • Malaysia (12)
  • Cambodia (10)
  • Jordan (10)
  • Sri Lanka (9)


  • Australia (60)
  • New Zealand (20)
  • Turkey (17)
  • Greece (12)
  • Croatia (9)
  • Portugal (5)
  • Iceland (5)

Latin America

  • Ecuador (27)
  • Costa Rica (5)
  • Argentina (5)

North America

Intrepid travel ships.

Grand Queen Beatriz

Grand Queen Beatriz


Intrepid Travel Guides

khaled Ahansal

khaled Ahansal


Ksana Petrov

Aaron Cooper

Aaron Cooper

Anna Teneggi

Anna Teneggi

Gerhard Swanepoel

Gerhard Swanepoel

Questions & answers, is tipping commonplace in other parts of the world.

Yes, in most places tipping is expected. At your welcome meeting, ask your leader about the local custom and advice on how much is recommended at restaurants or with local guides. At the end of your adventure, you may also choose to tip your Intrepid leader.

What adventures include a kitty and what is it?

The Kitty system is operated on some adventures like the Overland and Basix. The kitty is a cash contribution to a central fund and overseen by the travellers and crew. It helps fund accommodation, camp meals or activities for the entire group. Contribution to the kitty is compulsory on some adventures while voluntary on others. Please check for the up-to-date amount 48 hours prior to your trip commencement.

Will the coach be modern and comfortable?

It depends on where you are travelling and on what style of adventure. On a Basix adventure in Asia, expect a local bus with no air-conditioning. On a Comfort or Original adventure in South America, there will be reclining seats and sometimes even refreshments offered.

What type of ground transportation is used?

Intrepid uses as much local transport as possible, which means travelling on everything from a camel to a train, minivan or bus.

Will I be able to charge my electrical appliances?

In most places you’ll be able to recharge your appliances at the hotel. On their Overland adventures, most of the vehicles we use come with their own power supply and you should be able to recharge onboard.

Will I get internet coverage?

It depends on the destination. Some places have Wi-Fi hot spots everywhere and other places will have limited or no coverage at all.

Will my mobile work?

Many of the destinations are out of the way and there maybe limited coverage so Intrepid cannot guarantee your phone will work as desired. Contact your phone provider before you leave about global roaming and the costs involved, and get their advice on the coverage you’ll receive in the places you’re travelling in.

How can friends and family get in contact while on tour?

Family and friends can contact Intrepid directly if they are unable to contact you in an emergency through email or phone. There is also a list of emergency contact details in the Trip Notes (for your destination).

What are the available communication facilities?

Many hotels and public places have Wi-Fi so it’s usually possible to keep in touch with home every couple of days. In remote places (think Mali, Serengeti or the Sahara) or on treks or homestays, you will not be able to communicate as readily.

What standards of hotels should I expect?

The hotel standards depends on the Adventure Style you have chosen. Basic accommodation is generally budget (1-2 star), while Original is budget or tourist class (2-3 star). On a Comfort adventure, you can expect tourist class (3-4 star).

Are hotels air-conditioned/ heated?

When you are headed to a hot climate, it is likely that you will either have a fan or air-conditioner and if you are staying in remote areas or at homestays, you will need to expect the facilities to be a little more basic.

Is it possible to ask for the list of hotels we will be staying at?

Intrepid only provides information on your joining and finish point hotels. They can’t give you a full hotel list before you travel since they have a few hotels in each city that they can alternate the groups between, and due to operational requirements may change last minute. At the welcome meeting on Day 1, your leader can provide you with this so you can email friends and family back home with the details.

Will I need a sleeping bag/mat/tent?

On some adventures sleeping mats are provided, like their Africa and USA trips but you will need to bring your own sleeping bag. In Australia tents, blankets, linen and towels are provided so there is no need for a sleeping bag.

What are the facilities at the campsites?

Intrepid have a wide range of camping sites which vary depending on the region in which your are travelling. Most camps will have the basic facilities as a minimum and others will have more modern facilities.

Will I be able to do any laundry?

There are usually chances to do laundry, either through your hotel or using local services. Your leader will be able to let you know your options once you are on the adventure.

Are western toilets available on the adventures?

It depends on the areas you’re travelling in. Some adventures have regular access to western toilets while others don't.

What happens if I arrive late and miss part of the adventure?

Please let us know in advance that you will be arriving late so that the tour leader can leave information with the hotel reception for where to meet your group. However, if you plan to arrive a day or two into the itinerary (and our group has moved to a different destination), it will be your responsibility to ‘catch up’ with the group and Intrepid will provide you with the most up-to-date information as to where your group will be and at approximately what time. Intrepid cannot reimburse you for any portion of the trip unused, but this can often be claimed on your travel insurance.

Do I get any free time?

Yes, Intrepid lets you explore at your own pace. When you get to a destination, your leader will offer options on what you can do. You may choose to spend time with others in the group if you like or simply relax in your new surroundings.

How difficult is the trek on Intrepid's adventures?

Intrepid has treks ranging from relatively easy to extremely difficult. The easiest way to determine if a trek is right for you is to check the ‘physical rating’ of the adventure. If the rating is 1-3, it is manageable for those with a moderate level of fitness; those trips rated 4-5 will require a fit participant who has been training in the lead up to their adventure.

What is the name of the hotel where my adventure starts?

While this information is not always available due to operational reasons, please get in touch and we will try to assist you as much as possible.

Are airport transfers included in the adventure price?

Airport transfers are not usually included in the adventure price. The cost of the transfer will generally be more expensive than a taxi. This is because you are paying for a private service and a trusted driver will offer the security to travellers when they arrive into a foreign country.

Is it possible to request an early check-in?

We can’t help confirm an early hotel check-in. If you do not wish to pay for the extra night, you can try direct at the hotel (they may let you in early if the room is free) or you can usually store your luggage after enquiring with reception.

What is the check in time?

Check-in times varies depending on hotels and region. Generally, they are between midday and 2pm.

How does Intrepid support sustainable travel and protect the environment?

Intrepid works to make their business as responsible and sustainable as possible, from their head office through to their adventures run in mutliple countries around the world.

Can I opt out of certain activities if I want to?

Yes, if you don't want to participate in certain activites but please note that if you choose to opt out of an included activity, no reimbursement can be made by Intrepid.

Is it possible to book and pay optional activities now or during the adventure?

Optional activities are booked and paid for on the ground on some cases. There are a couple of exceptions to this: Rio Carnival extras, balloon safaris in Africa and Urban Adventures. These will all need to be booked prior to departure to secure the activity.

What are optional activities? Where can I find details on optional activities?

You will be given details of optional activities by your group leader once you arrive at your destination. You’ll also find more options available throughout the adventure, which your leader will advise you of at the time. Please contact us to request a copy of the Trip Notes for more details on available optional activities.

Is drinking the water in the countries I visit advisable?

In some destinations drinking the local water is not advisable, so drinking bottled water is recommended.

What will the food be like on my adventure?

Included meals are usually a great mix of familiar staples, local specialities and regional dishes. You also have the option to head out and discover local restaurants, food stalls and markets for meals not included as part of the adventure- your guide can always give you some good suggestions.

I have special dietary requirements – will they be catered for?

Intrepid will try to accommodate all dietary requirements but in some places it can be very difficult to guarantee. It is also advisable to bring a card with your dietary requirements written in the local language for those times you are eating away from the group.

Is it possible to book a single room?

Yes, you can: however, throughout your Intrepid adventure, rooming is generally organised on a twin-share basis. Some adventures do have a single supplement available for an extra cost.

Is it possible to book a triple room?

Intrepid adventures are organised on a twin, triple or multishare basis. Since the bookings are made well in advance, individual room requests can’t be guaranteed. Get in touch with us and we can find out for you.

Is there a single supplement for a solo traveller?

As a single traveller, you will usually have the choice of either paying a single supplement or sharing with someone of the same gender. The single supplement is not compulsory if you are happy to share.

Is a solo traveller allowed on the adventure?

Yes! Many of Intrepid's travellers join because they are travelling solo and want to meet and share experiences with other people.

Can I add an extra night on the beginning or end of my group adventure, either before or during the adventure?

You sure can. Feel free to contact us and we can asisst you with that.

Can I make any changes to the itinerary to the adventure?

Due to the nature of a group adventure, Intrepid is unable to change the itinerary for individual travellers.

Can I deviate from the adventure?

Yes, you can opt to sign off the adventure if you need to leave a day or so earlier. Please inform us before travel that you’ll be arriving late or need to leave before the adventure ends so that we can notify Intrepid's team on the ground to best accommodate your requirements.

Who is the group leader for the adventure?

Intrepid can’t provide the names of a group leader prior to departure, as this often changes due to operational requirements. Rest assured your group leader will be highly experienced, knowledgeable and passioante for the region you are travelling in.

How many people accommodated on each adventure?

Most of their adventures have a group of 12-16 people, though their group sizes are on average 10 people. Intrepid's Overland adventures are in purpose-built vehicles that can carry up to 24 travellers.

What are the types of people that travel with Intrepid?

Intrepid offers solo and group adventures and the age requirement ranges from 18 or 70 years old. Intrepid travellers are couples, friends, backpackers and solo adventurers keen to explore the world and have some incredible experiences along the way!

Are adventures physically demanding?

To determine what type of adventure suits you best, each of their trips comes with a Physical Rating to let you know how physically demanding it is… or isn’t. Please see the trip summary next to the tour map for details of the physical rating.

Are there age restrictions on your adventures?

For the majority of our trips the minimum age is 15. An adult must accompany all children under the age of 18. Our Overland Adventures have a minimum age of 18. Younger children are allowed on our Family adventures and Short Break Adventures, but check each trip for its minimum age, which is located on the trip’s overview page on the website. Most of our adventures don’t have a maximum age limit, but a Self-Assessment Form is required for all passengers 70 years and over.

Does the hotels/ hostels have internet or WIFI?

Communication facilities are always improving globally. Many hotels and public places have Wi-Fi so it’s usually possible to keep in touch with home every couple of days, if you so desire. In remote places (think Mali, Serengeti or the Sahara) or on treks or homestays, you will not be able to communicate as readily. Your leader will usually give you the heads up before you leave a place so you can send a quick email or two.

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intrepid travel iran

Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel

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Trip prices

$200 — 31,504

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Costa rica experience, member savings.

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Age Range: 18 - 80

Average Tour Price: $2,377

Accommodation Style:  Unique stays in boutique 3  and 4 star hotels

Group Size: Small groups - max 16 on most trips. To increase travelers safety during Covid-19, Intrepid has decreased their group size to an average of 10 people

Travel Style: Cultural immersion, active adventure, overland

  • Group Tours
  • Small Ship & Expedition Cruises
  • North America
  • Central America & Caribbean
  • South America
  • Rivers & Seas
  • Australia & Pacific
  • Middle East & North Africa
  • Antarctica & the Arctic

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Intrepid travel reviews & ratings.

Michele Twigden

Completed 3 trips with Intrepid this…

Completed 3 trips with Intrepid this year. A prior last year. The Leaders are well organized, informative and fun. Travelling inland in Greece and the Greek Island...


The intrepid group were excellent to…

The intrepid group were excellent to work with and were very helpful at all times and made organising the trip a breeze. This was an excellent trip, and was enjoyed ...

Denise Hall

Exceeded expectations! Best of Morocco May 2025

Best of Morocco May 2025 was the best! Our guide was awesome, very knowledgeable, caring and organized. The itinerary gave us the whole experience. Everything was as...

Eric Schmidt

Greece Real Food Adventure

I took the Greece Real Food Adventure in May 2024. Sylvia was an ex...

Sandra Myers

A great trip …

What a fabulously varied trip to such interesting places. Accommodation was good,transport worked well, the guide was well informed about Indian culture and well org...

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Editoral Review of Intrepid Travel

Intrepid Travel - Quick Facts

Founded in 1989

No Single Supplement (rare exceptions)

Small Groups: max 16 on most trips (10 max during Covid-19)

Average Age:  48

Travel Style: Cultural immersion, adventure, overland,  sustainable, and active

Accommodation Style: Camping, Hostels, 3 /4 star hotels, locally owned

Top Regions: Asia, Africa, Europe, South America

Other Brands: Peregrine

Commonly compared with G Adventures »

Intrepid Travel is all about ‘real life experiences.’ With a name meaning fearless and adventurous, Intrepid offers nothing less than big travel adventures -- such as an 11-day hike through Papua New Guinea.  However, Intrepid is broad-based enough to offer varied experiences such as food tours in Greece, complete with a visit to a Kalamata olive grove.

Morocco homestay with Intrepid Travel

What Makes Intrepid Travel Stand Out?

  • Responsible travel
  • Industry experts
  • Authentic experiences
  • Small groups


Intrepid believes that with great travel experiences comes great responsibility. They are focused on responsible tourism which includes not only treading lightly but also making a positive impact on the destinations they send travelers to.  As a Certified B Corp since 2018, Intrepid donates to grass root projects around the world, are a carbon-neutral business and are committed to animal welfare.

Travelers can rest assured when they travel with Intrepid because they will be in the hands of industry experts . Intrepid partners with local leaders to be guides for travelers. This gives travelers first hand experiences from someone who knows the area well.

Above all else, Intrepid strives to get its travelers off the beaten path and under the surface of the local culture. To accomplish this, group sizes are small, maximum of 16 on most trips. This allows for more use of local transportation and lodging, along with fostering cultural immersion . Intrepid also employs local English-speaking leaders who act more as a resource for local exploration than do typical ‘guides,’ shepherding groups from one place to another. 

Who Will Enjoy Traveling With Intrepid Travel?

  • All types of travelers
  • Cultural enthusiasts

Intrepid is one of the early pioneers of the “adventure”-style guided trip . Despite its informal beginnings and emphasis on younger, highly adventurous travelers, Intrepid has expanded to a global company with a broad range of trips to fit all ages.

Intrepid divides its small-group trips into three separate styles of travel, all priced accordingly. “Basix,” for budget travelers , keep inclusions to a minimum and offer plenty of free time. “Original” journeys offer more included activities and hotels, while “Comfort” trips offer luxury experiences that include the highest level of included activities and standards of accommodation, as well as roomier vehicles. No matter what kind of traveler you are, there is a style right for your specific desires.

The age range on Intrepid tours varies widely from tour to tour, and they are welcoming to all ages.  The only exception to this are their 18-29 themed tours which are specifically for that age group. 

Intrepid travelers have  a real sense of adventure - whether this means hard adventure, or simply going deeper off the beaten path. Interacting with locals is an important factor when you travel, as is gaining a unique cultural perspective.  A sense of fun is also essential, whether it means going out at night with your tour mates, trying new foods, or exploring the local markets.

Which is better? Intrepid Travel or G Adventures?

Commonly compared, both G Adventures and Intrepid Travel specialize in culturally immersive and off-the-beaten-path experiences. They are top companies to consider if you enjoy local & authetic travel and value having lots of free time during the itinerary. See our ultimate guide to decide which is right for you: Intrepid vs G Adventures, full comparison »

Top Destinations

Monk mediating in Myanmar on tour with Intrepid Travel

Originally focused on small group adventure tours to Asia , Intrepid has expanded rapidly over the years, while maintaining its classic, adventurous, and immersive style. Today Intrepid Travel offers more than 1,000 different experiences in over 100 countries, on all seven continents. Regions with the most trips include Asia , South America , Africa , and Europe .

Does Intrepid Travel include flights?

While all your internal transportation is taken care of, often utilizing traditiona local methods such as tuk-tuks in Thailand, international flights to and from your home and the tour destination are not included.  Their travel specialists can recommend where to look for flights however.

Intrepid Travel Style

Intrepid enjoys using local, unique forms of transportation. You might find yourself traveling by felucca in Egypt   or in a tuk-tuk on the best Thailand tour of your life.

Accommodations, which could range from guesthouses to home stays, are also locally owned, allowing a more authentic taste of the region while contributing to the local economy.

There are a few broad travel styles to choose from when deciding on an Intrepid tour:

1. Basix - Budget travelers who don’t mind, and in fact prefer, simple accommodations - camping and homestays with basic amenities, and crave a lot of free time for exploring independently will love these tours. Public transportation is used exclusively so pack light! These trips often attract a younger crowd who love the idea of throwing a backpack on, keep plenty of room for the unexpected in their schedule, and allocate their travel funds towards spontaneous bus tickets and street food instead of museum tours and 5 star restaurants.

2. Original - These trips take the backpacker spirit of local immersion, incorporating all the benefits that come with going with a planned itinerary. This style is called “Original” because it’s the type of travel that put Intrepid on the map...pun intended. Accommodations are still simple and budget minded - often homestays are used to give you a true sense of place, personality, and culture . Mostly public transportation is used.

3. Comfort - Intrepid is known for the active adventure style of travel and these trips keep that mentality, with a few more creature comforts thrown into the mix. You can expect higher luxury accommodations that include a wider variety of included amenities, transportation is mostly private, though you can still expect to use some public transport, as is the Intrepid way. More meals are included in the trip price, and more group activities - which means a bit less free time to explore on your own.

Why Choose a Tour With Intrepid Travel?

Sample of many spices in Middle Eastern market

Intrepid is a good tour company if you don’t mind foregoing some creature comforts for a truly authentic, local experience . If you enjoy meeting locals when traveling, sampling new and exciting foods , and traveling in mixed-aged groups of 10-16 people, Intrepid could be a good fit for you.

It’s important to note, sometimes “ample free time” can be a blessing and a curse. It sounds great on paper, but if you’re looking to maximize your dollar and your vacation time, be sure you understand the implications of having a lot of free time during your itinerary.

For some travelers this is an absolute requirement, but for others it can be tough to branch off and explore independently - you also need to make sure you allocate enough travel money for independent meals .

The tour leaders are great resources of information for how to spend your free time, but if you like having a full day scheduled from breakfast to dinner, Intrepid may not be the best company for you.

Lastly, if sustainable and responsible travel is important to you, Intrepid has poured millions of dollars into local economies, and has a very strong emphasis on responsible travel. So you can feel good knowing that your money helps support some of the innkeepers, vendors, and communities that you’ll meet along the way.

Is Intrepid Travel Safe?

Yes, Intrepid is a very safe company to travel with and they take the safety of their tour goers very seriously.

In response to Covid-19, Intrepid has reduced their group size to an average of 10 people. Their guides have been fully trained on new sanitation requirements and Covid-19 health and safety guidelines.

They have also implemented flexible booking options. 

General Covid-19 Travel News

Some countries are beginning to reopen to international visitors, with entry restrictions, while others have remained closed. 

Keep checking back regularly to keep up to date with the frequently changing situation of the coronavirus.

Want more information about travel safety and the coronavirus? Read about where it's safe to travel to in 2020 >>

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If you’re looking for adventure, you’ve come to the right place. For the past 25 years, we’ve been taking small groups of travelers on unforgettable trips around the world. What makes them unforgettable? Take a look for yourself and discover the Intrepid experience.

Our travelers have three styles of tour to choose from: Basix, Original and Comfort. Each has a different level of inclusions and accommodation, but all have unforgettable real life experiences as part of the package. Travellers can also choose themed trips, such as Family, Sailing or Food, to suit their interests.

Our group size has an average of just ten travellers, which allows us to get off the beaten track, use local accommodation and transport, and really get to know the culture. It also ensures we are contributing to the local economy; by choosing local suppliers we were able to keep AUD 60 million in local economies in 2012. We’re also working hard to reduce our carbon footprint and were the first in our sector to introduce carbon offset trips. This, along with our many corporate sustainability activities, has meant we’re one of the travel industry’s leaders in responsible travel.

Why Intrepid?

  •   Small groups - average of 10 people per trip
  •   Sustainability - pioneers for the industry
  •   Local leaders - authentic perspectives
  •   Local transport - get close and personal
  •   Local accommodation - experience real living
  •   Intrepid travelers - like-minded companions 

Intrepid Travel has come a long way since its beginnings in 1989. From two university friends, a typewriter and a kitchen desk, it is now a proud member of The Intrepid Group, taking over 100,000 travelers every year.

Intrepid Travel is part of The Intrepid Group of companies, alongside leading small group adventure companies Peregrine, Urban Adventures and PEAK DMC.

Despite growing into a global business with over 1,000 staff based all over the world and over 800 different trips across every continent, we’ve remained devoted to the same grassroots values and responsible travel philosophies that we had at the very beginning.

On every trip we operate and in every interaction we have with a client, supplier or local, we live our core values everyday:

  • Integrity – Doing the right thing
  • Responsible – Think global, act local
  • Growth – Stakeholders in our own success
  • Innovation – Thriving on new ideas and embracing change
  • Fun – It’s engrained into who we are and what we do
  • Passion – We are inspired by the work we do and the trips we offer

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Everything you need to know about travel in Iran

intrepid travel iran

NEWS: American visiting Iran? Click here for the latest developments.

Iran is probably the Middle East’s friendliest, safest and most hospitable theocracy. Unfortunately it’s also got a rep for being the most confusing, frustrating and bureaucratic. Travellers touch down in Tehran with images of shimmering mosques and palm trees, only to be confronted with an on-arrival visa process that makes grown men weep. Currencies get so complex that buying a packet of chips is like playing high stakes on the FTSE 100. And there are a few dress code rules you’ll need to know before you travel.

intrepid travel iran

None of this should stop you experiencing what is honestly one of our favourite places on earth. There’s a reason Iran tours have boomed in recent years. It’s stable and welcoming (don’t be surprised if old ladies invite you home for a hot chelow kebab). It’s got an incredible historical legacy (Esfahan’s Naqsh-e Jahan Square and Persepolis are personal favourites). And, more importantly, it’s not what you’ve come to expect from nightly news bulletins. Iran is a surprise, pure and simple, and there’s no bigger thrill for a traveller than that.

Here’s all the nitty gritty stuff you need to know before you go.

Most foreign visitors will need a visa to enter Iran. It’s best to go into this process with your eyes open. It will be long, and it can be frustrating. There’s no way of sugar coating it. The good news is, we’ve got a team of experts who can help walk you through the process.

Generally organising an Iran visa can take anywhere from 6-8 weeks, so plan accordingly. As if that wasn’t enough fun, the cost of a visa changes regularly, and can vary depending on where you’re from. This makes concrete advice a bit tricky, bit your booking agent will definitely be able to give you the most up-to-date info.

intrepid travel iran

Getting an Iran visa is usually a 2-step process:

1. An authorisation code for your visa must be issued by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2. A visa must then be obtained from an Iranian Embassy once the authorisation code has been issued.

The process can vary in length of time, and documents required are dependent on your nationality. If you’re from the UK, US or Canada you can expect the process to take longer and be a little bit more complicated.

Fortunately for Australians, New Zealanders and most other nationalities, you can obtain a visa on arrival once you have your authorisation code, which is becoming a much simpler process.

Please see our online visa information for more details . Simply select the relevant nationality in the drop down list to access detailed visa information. 

Not the most glamorous side of travel, sure, but it’s important to set your expectations at the appropriate level. The plumbing in Iran (much like the rest of the Middle East ) is different to what we know back home. Most public restrooms will be traditional squat toilets, which can seem like a royal pain in the backside – tricky and inconvenient. Particularly for women who are already juggling to keep their headscarf from unravelling and falling onto the ground.

But you’ll be surprised at how quickly you master the art of the squat. Honestly, it’s a system used by nearly half the planet, and it serves them just fine. It’s a good idea to carry some pocket tissues/toiler paper and hand sanitiser, as many facilities won’t provide these. And even if you do have a ‘western’ style throne (hotel rooms ) DON’T flush your paper. Yes, that small wastepaper basket is there to dispose of your TP.

This takes some getting used to, but it’s better than the embarrassing problems that will eventuate if you attempt to flush it down. More than that, here at Intrepid Travel we’re all about travelling responsibly and it’s important to respect the local culture and environment.

intrepid travel iran

A wet room or ‘open shower’ is exactly what it sounds like: a shower without the usual stall (walls) around it. They’re pretty common in Iran and you’ll probably encounter at least one during your stay. It’s not a sign of cheap accommodation (even some of the best hotels in the country use wet rooms). It’s just how things work here.

Often the shower head is located above or pretty close to the toilet. Be prepared for things to get wet. Use the slip-on shoes provided in your room. They’re there for a reason and could save you a nasty fall.(If you’re too grossed out by the thought of recycled Crocs, grab a cheap pair from the local market.) Above all, embrace the experience! It’s all about trying new things right? And I bet you’ve never been able to sit on the toilet and wash your hair at the same time…

A lot of travellers leave disappointed in Iran’s food scene, but the truth is, they’re not doing it right. Iran is a ‘home cooking culture’. Unlike western countries, where people usually go out for a good meal, in Iran it’s the opposite. You go out for a quick meal, convenience, or fast food.

But in the home, that’s where the real magic happens. Here you’ll uncover secret foods. Meals not found in restaurants, recipes passed down through generations and perfected over time. Traditional Iranian food is carefully prepared in the home and can take hours, even days to prepare. We always include home-cooked meals on our itineraries for this reason, and it’s hands down one of the highlights of my travels there. The hospitality was like nothing I’ve ever experienced anywhere else.

If you’re ever lucky enough to be invited into an Iranian home for a meal – don’t say no! Skip breakfast and lunch…and wear loose pants.

Keep an eye out though: there are still opportunities to get great local produce at street food stalls and markets. The selection of local nuts, fresh fruits (pomegranates, sour oranges), dates, fluffy Persian rice with Saffron, Felafel, Kashkeh bademjoon (an eggplant dish), Gaz (Iranian Nougat), and freshly baked flat bread that locals line up for are our top recommendations.

In Iran, money matters! It’s a cash economy, so forget about your credit cards and traveller cheques (if you still use them). You’ll need to carry enough cash for your entire trip. If in doubt, take a little extra for souvenirs or perhaps a Persian Carpet. If you have to bring some home, it’s not the end of the world.

If you’re getting your visa on arrival, you will need Euros. However USD is also pretty widely accepted in taxis, markets and restaurants etc. However be aware: smaller retailers and some services (the metro system in particular) will only accept local currency.

When I went, I took a mixture of USD, AUD and EUR. Once clearing customs in Tehran I headed upstairs to the 24hr exchange booth and exchanged about 100USD to get me through the first few days and get a feel for how much I’d be spending. It’s important to remember that everything shuts down by midday Thursday, and Friday is the Iranian weekend. You won’t be able to change money during this time, so plan ahead.

Iran’s official local currency is Rials, but as with most things in Iran, this is where it gets a little confusing… Locals will often quote services and products in Tomans not Rials (the Toman used to be an official unit of currency in Iran, and is now a superunit of the Rial). Basically 1 Toman = 10 Rials.

This takes some getting used to, but if a taxi driver quotes you “50”, they generally mean 50,000 Tomans (which equals 500,000 Rials – you follow?)

Confused yet? Here’s some tips: -Always query the price. A simple “Tomans?” “Rials?” will do the trick. -If they say Toman’s just add a zero and give them Rials!

Iran’s a bit of a weird on in that city maps are really hard to find. It’s not the sort of place where you’re handed a folding map at reception. You’re usually just left to figure this out for yourself. On an expert-led group tour this isn’t usually a problem (your leader knows where they’re going), but if you’re out by yourself, consider downloading an app like Maps.Me. Apps like this allow you to download city maps ahead of time and then access them offline. No wifi required!

intrepid travel iran

Iran is a strict theocracy, and ever since the 1979 revolution it’s been law for women (including foreigners) to wear loose-fitting clothes to disguise their figures.

Dress code is by far the biggest concern for women travelling to Iran. We get asked about it all the time. The important thing is not to panic: Iran’s dress code is by no means as restrictive as you might have heard. I think for most women there’s a general fear of wearing the wrong thing, unintentionally disrespecting local custom, or worse, getting into ‘trouble’.

The dress code is certainly far less enforced for travellers, and the more you travel around the country, the more you’ll see very different interpretations of the dress code. You’ll see the super conservative, religious women dressed top to toe in the ‘Chador’ (meaning ‘tent’ in Farsi). On the other end of the spectrum, you have young crowds in big cities with head scarfs pushed back low on the head, bright coloured clothing (some of it figure-hugging), high heels, and more skin exposed on the forearms and neck.

intrepid travel iran

Here are some tips to get you started:

Hijab – The headscarf.  All women must wear a hijab everywhere: in public places, in hotels, cafés, in the metro, in buses and on airplanes. Don’t forget to pop one in your handbag or backpack because you will need to put it on once your plane lands in Iran. Have a practice at home in front of a mirror with what feels comfortable, but don’t worry – you’ll quickly learn what works for you and pick up some tips from the locals. You’ll find head scarfs in all shapes, colours and sizes at local markets, and they’re all relatively cheap.

Legs  – Your legs should be covered at all times, and despite the original interpretation of Hejab being ‘loose fitted’ clothing, jeans are perfectly fine as well as pants, or trousers. Skirts and dresses are a no-no.

Manteau – The manteau (a long, loose fitted jacket, like a trenchcoat) is a staple piece for most Iranians. As a traveller though it’s not necessary to wear one, and you won’t want one in the dead of summer anyway. Instead go for long, loose shirts, blouses and cardigans. Just be sure your bottom is covered and most of the arm. A little bit of forearm is not an issue. If you’re travelling in the winter, a long coat is perfect.

Got any questions about your Iran group tour ? Get in touch with our Adventure experts – they should be able to answer any questions you have.

intrepid travel iran

Feeling inspired?

intrepid travel iran

I was lucky enough to spend my childhood years in Fiji. I grew up attending an International school with classmates from all corners of the globe. On the weekends we’d load up the boat, head out to remote islands to drop anchor, snorkel, and fish. My spoilt upbringing sparked my love affair with all things exotic, different, and new. I’ve been chasing adventures ever since. The crème de la crème of travel experiences for me, was trekking with Mountain Gorillas in Uganda.

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