"Nos enfants crieront au scandale": il y a 20 ans était signé l'arrêt de mort de la tour Rogier

Le Centre international Rogier : une ville dans la ville qui a vécut de 1961 à 2001.

© Belga / RTBF

" On programme la disparition de la tour Martini, le célèbre bâtiment de la place Rogier à Bruxelles, et personne ne s’émeut. Mais nos enfants crieront au scandale. " Christophe Mercier, architecte citoyen, signe une carte blanche en forme de  cri d’alarme dans Le Soir du 29 mars 2001 . Un patrimoine, la tour Martini, va s’effondrer. Comme avant elle, les œuvres de Victor Horta, le maître de l’Art nouveau. Un adieu dans la poussière des gravats et de l’indifférence.

Il y a 20 ans, la messe était dite pour le gratte-ciel tennoodois, racheté par le promoteur BBC dans le but de le reconstruire selon les standards du nouveau siècle. Malgré la mobilisation des associations de défense du patrimoine. Malgré une pétition demandant le classement de cette réalisation unique . Les enfants d’aujourd’hui crient-il pour autant au scandale ? Pas vraiment. La tour Martini avait bien écrasé l’ancienne gare du Nord. Peu la pleurent encore.

Appartements, bureaux, commerces, théâtre…

La tour Martini ou plutôt le Centre international Rogier est l’œuvre de deux architectes : Jacques Cuisinier et Serge Lebrun. Nous sommes en 1957, un an avant l’Exposition universelle de Bruxelles. C’est l’après-guerre et la Belgique est en pleine renaissance. Elle souhaite présenter au monde plusieurs cartes de visite dont l’Atomium et la tour Rogier, conçue comme une ville dans la ville où se mêlent 150 logements, des centaines de bureaux, deux salles de théâtre, des espaces d’expositions , une galerie commerçante avec plus de 80 boutiques, un parking pour 1000 voitures… 60.000 mètres carrés au total plantés en bordure de la petite ceinture. La structure, faite de béton armé, est divisée en deux parties : le socle puis les étages suivants soit 30 niveaux en tout. Hauteur : 110 mètres.

C’est le premier véritable gratte-ciel bruxellois et la fierté du bourgmestre local Guy Cudell. Autre particularité de l’édifice : la banane à l’arrière, témoin du style dit "atome", où ont été aménagés les appartements de luxe offrant une vue imprenable sur l’est ou l’ouest de Bruxelles.

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Les premiers étages de la tour Rogier et le Théâtre National (26/08/1959)

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Sophia Loren, Pelé, Johnny…

L’inauguration a lieu en 1961. Les premières années sont fastes, en raison notamment de la présence du Théâtre National de Belgique (devenu par la suite Théâtre de la Communauté française). Celui-ci a quitté la rue de la Loi pour s’installer spécialement dans ses nouveaux murs de la place Rogier.

La tour Rogier va aussi se faire connaître pour son lien avec la célèbre marque italienne d’alcool, Martini & Rossi. Celle-ci, sous l’impulsion de la famille Vastapane, importateur exclusif en Belgique, va ouvrir une terrasse Martini. Au menu : cocktails, concerts, soirées arrosées et présence de vedettes internationales. La jet-set se retrouve dans ce club select perché au 29e étage, accessible via un ascenseur privatif. Les plus grands noms de la chanson, du cinéma, du sport foulent l’endroit qui accueille également une volière et des perroquets. Johnny Hallyday, Luis Mariano, Henri Salvador, Jane Fonda, Sophia Loren, Joséphine Baker, Eddy Merckx, Bourvil, Pelé, Marlene Dietrich, Peter O’Toole, Claude François, Sammy Davis Jr, Nat King Coole… Que du beau monde !

Le livre "Terrasse des légendes" (de Philippe Jadin et Charles Langhendries), sorti en 2018, retrace, au travers d’innombrables photographies , cette glorieuse période immortalisée par le panneau publicitaire rouge, noir et blanc, planté au sommet du gratte-ciel. Jusqu’en 1978 et la fermeture de la terrasse, la tour Rogier deviendra alors la tour Martini pour les Bruxellois.

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Un reportage historique sur la tour Rogier (28/05/1996)

Le Centre Rogier va également accueillir la Foire du livre, le siège du Parti libéral, les bureaux de la British Airways, Olivetti, une série de radios libres et communautaires en recherche de hauteur pour leurs émissions, le pied-à-terre bruxellois du baron Lippens, le siège d’une marque automobile (Mercedes dont l’étoile supplantera le panneau Martini)… Fin des années 70, début des années 80, le bâtiment vieillit mal et peine à se relever du départ de Martini. L’immeuble est même squatté par des sans-abri.

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Des squatteurs dans la tour Rogier (23/02/1993)

Un promoteur, Ely Baron, commence à acquérir la tour, unité par unité. Les occupants s’en vont les uns après les autres, au début des années 90. La spéculation immobilière bat son plein. Baron promet une rénovation mais semble attendre que le fruit soit mûr pour le vendre au plus offrant. C’était sans compter sur les derniers résistants dont le locataire Roger Faniel, la septantaine entamée dont 35 ans au 19e étage. Il refuse de quitter les lieux  et se lance dans une longue bataille juridique.

Entretemps, Ely Baron a revendu sa société immobilière à des promoteurs finlandais (BBC pour Brussels Business Center) qui envisagent une démolition-reconstruction. Il faut donc vider l’immeuble au plus vite pour pouvoir lancer le projet estimé à trois milliards de francs. Pour Rogier Faniel, le combat sera plus compliqué. Les parties se retrouvent plusieurs fois devant les tribunaux. Roger Faniel n’obtient pas gain de cause mais pousse à bout les promoteurs  qui l’expulsent en octobre 1995 . Le David bruxellois attaque à nouveau le Goliath finlandais et demande sa réintégration : en vain.

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Roger Faniel, le dernier occupant de la tour Rogier (07/10/1995)

La tour devient un chancre. En 1998, un premier projet est déposé. Le Théâtre national de Belgique est maintenu sur place et la nouvelle tour doit grimper à 135 mètres. Un permis est délivré. Mais des questions de bail, de financements et de déménagement temporaire (le temps du chantier) empêchent le maintien et la rénovation du TNB. De plus, BBC a élargi son actionnariat et l’objectif est maintenant de consacrer 100% de la nouvelle tour aux bureaux. Une solution est trouvée : déplacer le théâtre dans un nouvel espace au boulevard Jacqmain.

Un autre débat surgit : celui de la hauteur de la future tour proche des 160 mètres, imaginée par les architectes Jaspers et Samyn. Plus grande ou pas que le pic d’origine ? Les autorités, qui doivent décider, sont atteintes du syndrome du balcon qui prétend que la bourgmestre de la Ville de Bruxelles, François-Xavier de Donnea (devenu ensuite ministre-président régional) ne veut plus que la vue depuis le balcon de l’hôtel de ville sur les façades 17e siècle soit gâchée par des buildings aux dimensions démesurées.

Dans dix ans, vous direz que nous avions raison. Mais il sera trop tard

Le 8 mars 2001, soit il y a 20 ans presque jour pour jour, le projet remanié et plus cher (six milliards de francs) passe en comité de concertation. La séance est bouillante en raison de la présence de défenseurs du patrimoine. La tour est le témoin unique d’une époque, de l’histoire de Bruxelles. La démolir est une hérésie disent-ils.

Plusieurs associations comme  Pétition Patrimoine, Sint-Lukas archief ou Docomomo font entendre leur voix. Elles déposent une pétition réclamant le classement du bâtiment. Iwan Strauwen, de Sint-Lukas, prévient  : " Dans dix ans, vous direz que nous avions raison. Mais il sera trop tard. " Il ajoute : " Le parallélisme est grand avec la destruction de la maison du peuple de Victor Horta pour laquelle un mouvement de sauvegarde s’était également organisé au sein de milieux proches de l’architecture et de l’urbanisme et dont on ne prit conscience du drame que bien des années plus tard. "

La solution d’Iwan Strauwen : " L’idéal aurait été de la réhabiliter en y maintenant la plupart des fonctions (NDLR : comme des logements) , quitte notamment à remplacer le TNB par un théâtre de moindre importance ou par un cinéma."

bruxelles tour martini

Tour Rogier: les opposants à nouveau projet (16/08/2001)

Willem Draps, secrétaire d'Etat PRL à l’Urbanisme répond : " Je veux bien admettre que sa structure présente un intérêt pour des étudiants en architecture mais on ne peut pas tout garder dans cette ville. Il faut faire des choix. Si on me propose de sauver, juste à côté, l’hôtel Albert, je le ferai volontiers. Mais pour cette tour, je suis sans état d’âme face à sa démolition… "

La messe est dite : un avis favorable est remis moyennant charges d’urbanisme (construction de logements compensatoires dans le quartier) et une réduction du nombre de places de parking. Les adieux à la tour seront nombreux.

La démolition débute en août 2001. Une caméra est installée pour filmer image par image la destruction ( le site Internet présentant les différents clichés est toujours en ligne) . Celle-ci s’achèvera en juin 2002. Suit le chantier de construction de la Tour Dexia, du nom de la banque, futur occupant. L’inauguration a lieu le 21 novembre 2006 .

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La démolition de la tour Rogier (22/11/2001)

La tour Dexia devenue tour Belfius.

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Sat 10 May 25

Pink martini, 'a rollicking around-the-world musical adventure'.

Pink Martini celebrates 30th anniversary on May 10, 2025 at Ancienne Belgique, Brussels

After numerous sold-out concerts in Belgium, Pink Martini is coming back to our country with singer China Forbes on May 10, 2025 at Ancienne Belgique in Brussels! Tickets are on sale now at greenhousetalent.com.

"Pink Martini is a rollicking around-the-world musical adventure... if the United Nations had a house band in 1962, hopefully we'd be that band." - Thomas Lauderdale

Thomas Lauderdale's motive for forming a band is one to frame. When the American inserted himself into politics in 1994 in Portland, Oregon with ambitions to become mayor, he noticed the disruptive music at political meetings. Lauderdale therefore creates a genre-crossing "small orchestra" that he christens Pink Martini. A year later, the orchestra really took off when Lauderdale invited his Harvard classmate China Forbes to join Pink Martini as singer/composer. The first song they wrote together became an instant success in France. 'Sympathique' was nominated for 'song of the year' and 'newcomer of the year' at the French Victoires de la Musique Awards. The credo from this song ("Je ne veux pas travailler") is still used as a mantra during strikes in France.

Anno 2024, Pink Martini continues to explore musical boundaries with musicians mastering a wide variety of languages and musical styles. Their records are released by Heinz Records a proprietary label that gets its name from ... Lauderdale's dog. "Sympathique," "Hang on Little Tomato," "Hey Eugene!" "Splendor in the Grass" and "Joy to the World" became one-for-one gold records in France, Canada, Greece and Turkey and went over 3 million copies worldwide.

With China Forbes smoothly singing in five languages, Pink Martini effortlessly navigates Brazilian samba, French chanson, American jazz or Cuban rumba. Tickets for their show in Brussels are on sale now at greenhousetalent.com. 

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Pink Martini

Pink Martini Concert Tickets - 2024 Tour Dates

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La Terrasse Martini, souvenir moderniste

Le 29e étage de la tour rogier fut, jusqu'en 1978, le rendez-vous du gotha..

  • Publié le 12-11-2018 à 11h08

La Terrasse Martini, souvenir moderniste

Le 29e étage de la Tour Rogier fut, jusqu'en 1978, le rendez-vous du gotha. Avec La Terrasse des Légendes, Bruxelles 1958-1978 , on effectue une plongée à l'époque où le modernisme transformait radicalement Bruxelles. Ce passage de ville de province à grande capitale européenne sera concrétisé avec l'Expo 58 et les constructions du ring, de la Petite ceinture et ses tunnels, du viaduc du boulevard Léopold II (désormais remonté à… Bangkok).

L'autre symbole sera la Tour Martini du Centre international Rogier construit à l'emplacement de l'ancienne gare du Nord. La métamorphose anarchique de la ville fit naître un terme peu flatteur : la "bruxellisation". La première pierre de la tour due aux architectes Jacques Cuisinier et Serge Lebrun fut posée en 1957, la construction s'achevant en 1961. 117 m de haut, 56 000 m², 5 000 habitants ou travailleurs (151 appartements, 85 magasins, restaurants ou snacks et le Théâtre national…).

Et, au 29e étage de cette ruche, la plus célèbre des terrasses, la Terrasse Martini. La marque italienne en a déjà ouvert d'autres en Europe mais celle de Bruxelles sera la plus dynamique ; y accueillir les vedettes constituera la meilleure des publicités.

Les fondateurs, en 1863, ont compris le potentiel de la publicité et du sponsoring. En 1879, une succursale belge ouvre ; en 1920, le directeur en est Barthélémy Vastapane qui deviendra administrateur délégué. Ses fils, Dino, André et Aldo, entreront dans la société Martini et Rossi. En 1954 s'ouvre déjà le Martini Club, situé dans les locaux de Molenbeek. Le succès est là !

Dans la Tour Rogier , un ascenseur ultrarapide menait les visiteurs aux 28e (bureaux et réserve d'alcool) et 29e étages où était située cette terrasse offrant une vue exceptionnelle, deux salles et un bar avec sept perroquets dans une volière ; et des objets d'art dont un Brueghel. Tous les cocktails, conférences de presse ou remises de prix y avaient lieu.

Le livre, richement illustré, propose un condensé de la vie culturelle ou sportive des années 60 et 70, de David Niven à Pelé, en passant par Marlene Dietrich ou Jane Fonda. Adamo et Eddy Merckx s'y échangèrent guitare et vélo. Charles Dumont, auteur de Non je ne regrette rien , sera le dernier à y donner une conférence de presse, le 31 mars 1978 ; le début de la fin pour cette utopie progressiste que fut cette tour dont le dernier habitant sera mis dehors en 1995.

--> Philippe Jadin et Charles Langhendries, La terrasse des légendes, Bruxelles 1958-1978 , éd. Luc Pire, 160 p., 29 €.

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Pink Martini Announces 30th Anniversary Tour: How to Get Tickets

The post Pink Martini Announces 30th Anniversary Tour: How to Get Tickets appeared first on Consequence .

The jazz pop ensemble Pink Martini have announced 2024 tour dates in celebration of their 30th anniversary.

Hitting the road for the sprawling North American concert tour beginning in August, the band will feature lead vocalist China Forbes, as well as a few special guests and orchestral collaborations for select dates.

Get your tickets here , and read on for more info about the upcoming tour here.

Get Pink Martini Tickets Here

What Is Pink Martini’s “30th Anniversary Tour”?

Pink Martini’s “30th Anniversary Tour” will celebrate three decades of jazz-classical-pop fusion by the Portland, Oregon, ensemble.

The tour will kick off on August 17th in Portland, followed by dates in cities like Los Angeles (where they’ll play two nights with the Andrew Bird Trio), Washington DC (where they’ll be joined by NPR host and cabaret singer Ari Shapiro), and New York (where Shapiro will team up with them again, alongside Rita Moreno). Additional shows will take them to Nashville, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, and more cities. Check out the full list of dates below.

“Our mission is to represent a more beautiful, inclusive America, made up of a fabric of diverse people and cultures, and to unite our audiences, full of people of different ages, politics, and backgrounds, through the shared love of melody and music,” bandleader Thomas Lauderdale said in a statement. “I like to say ‘If the United Nations had a house band in 1962, I’d like to think Pink Martini would be that band.’ I think the music’s really beautiful, but actually what is more moving to me is looking at the incredible cross-section of people who are in our audience.”

Additionally, in May 2025, the band will skip across the pond for a run of European dates.

How Can I Get Tickets for Pink Martini’s “30th Anniversary Tour”?

Tickets for Pink Martini’s North American “30th Anniversary Tour” dates are already on sale. Fans can look for deals or get tickets to sold-out shows via StubHub , where orders are 100% guaranteed through StubHub’s FanProtect program. StubHub is a secondary market ticketing platform, and prices may be higher or lower than face value, depending on demand.

For Pink Martini’s 2025 European tour dates, secure your seats on viagogo .

What Are Pink Martini’s “30th Anniversary Tour” Dates?

Check out the full list of Pink Martini’s upcoming tour dates below, and grab tickets here.

Pink Martini 2024 – 2025 Tour Dates: 08/17 – Portland, OR @ Edgefield 08/21 – Napa, CA @ Blue Note Summer Sessions at Meritage Resort 08/23 – Los Angeles, CA @ Hollywood Bowl * 08/24 – Los Angeles, CA @ Hollywood Bowl * 08/25 – San Diego, CA @ Rady Shell at Jacobs Park (with the San Diego Symphony) 08/27 – Salt Lake City, UT @ Red Butte Garden 08/31 – Astoria, OR @ Liberty Theatre 09/01 – Astoria, OR @ Liberty Theatre 10/10 – Mississauga, ON @ Living Arts Centre 10/11 – Ottawa, ON @ NAC Southam Hall 10/12 – Great Barrington, MA @ Mahaiwe Theatre 10/13 – Boston, MA @ Symphony Hall 10/14 – Washington, D.C. @ Kennedy Center % 10/16 – Erie, PA @ Mercyhurst Theatre 10/18 – Ithaca, NY @ State Theatre 10/19 – Buffalo, NY @ Kleinhans Music Hall (with the Buffalo Philharmonic) 10/20 – Lebanon, NH @ Lebanon Opera House 10/21 – Burlington, VT @ The Flynn Center 10/22 – Red Bank, NJ @ Count Basie Center 10/24 – Nashville, TN @ Schermerhorn Symphony Center (with the Nashville Symphony) 10/25 – Nashville, TN @ Schermerhorn Symphony Center (with the Nashville Symphony) 10/26 – Nashville, TN @ Schermerhorn Symphony Center (with the Nashville Symphony) 10/27 – Cincinnati, OH @ Memorial Hall 10/29 – Pittsburgh, PA @ Carnegie of Homestead Music Hall 10/31 – Ridgefield, CT @ Ridgefield Playhouse 11/01 – New York, NY @ Carnegie Hall % ^ 11/02 – Philadelphia, PA @ Verizon Hall at Kimmel Center 12/02 – Santa Cruz, CA @ Rio Theater 12/03 – Modesto, CA @ Gallo Center for the Arts 12/04 – Davis, CA @ Mondavi Center 12/06 – Santa Rosa, CA @ Luther Burbank Center 12/07 – Arcata, CA @ Van Duzer Theater 12/09 – Chico, CA @ Laxson Auditorium 12/10 – San Francisco, CA @ SFJAZZ Center 12/11 – San Francisco, CA @ SFJAZZ Center 12/12 – San Francisco, CA @ SFJAZZ Center 12/13 – San Francisco, CA @ SFJAZZ Center 12/14 – San Francisco, CA @ SFJAZZ Center 12/15 – San Francisco, CA @ SFJAZZ Center 12/17 – Santa Barbara, CA @ Arlington Theatre 12/18 – San Luis Obispo, CA @ Cal Poly Arts 12/31 – Seattle, WA @ Paramount Theatre 02/27 – East Lansing, MI @ Wharton Center for Performing Arts 03/22 – Kingston, CA @ Kingston Grand Theatre 05/09 – Leipzig, DE @ Haus Auensee 05/10 – Bruxelles, BE @ Ancienne Belgique 05/11 – Utrecht, NL @ TivoliVredenburg 05/14 – Paris, FR @ Accor Arena 05/15 – Lille, FR @ Théâtre Sebastopol 05/16 – Mondorf-les-Bains, LU @ CASINO 2000 05/21 – Lyon, FR @ Bourse du Travail

* = w/ the Andrew Bird Trio % = w/ Ari Shapiro ^ = w/ Rita Moreno

Pink Martini Announces 30th Anniversary Tour: How to Get Tickets Jo Vito

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5 Bucket List Travel Experiences for the Most Dedicated Martini Drinkers

How far would you travel for a really special Martini?

Jean Meyntjens / Getty Images

If we are talking about the cocktail zeitgeist, the Martini is Marilyn Monroe, James Bond, and the Marvel cinematic universe. It’s a classic that lives on, gets copied, and is always in vogue. Just this past year, bartenders and mixologists transformed the very identity of the classic cocktail, with miniature versions and creative riffs (think: the MSG Martini , or the Dirty Pasta Water Martini ) cropping up nationwide. 

But what about a Martini is so everlasting? It could be the fact that the simple mix of gin (or vodka) and vermouth has become canonized in American culture, long before the turn-of-the-century, when the drink was said to be invented. Or, is it the performative way in which the drink is ordered and served? There’s shaken versus stirred; Up with a twist, or extra dirty with blue-cheese olives. Martinis are often even served from their own carts, and arrive with sidecars for good measure and an extra chill. 

Now, major players in the tourism industry are betting people will travel just to sip a perfect iteration of America’s most iconic cocktail, and perhaps return home with new skills on how to nail its preparation. 

How to Make a Martini, James Bond-Style

This year, luxury tour operator Black Tomato partnered with EON Productions (the production company that owns the rights to 007 and makes the films) to bring the world of James Bond to guests in an itinerary titled “The Assignment.” By working with the film’s producers and 007 insiders such as mixologist Erik Lorincz, who consulted on recipes and bartending etiquette for Skyfall , Black Tomato shapes customizable experiences, which include trips around Europe, stopping at filming locations and offering first-hand Bond moments. 

As a vintage spirits connoisseur, Lorincz has collected an armoire full of rare spirits that are made available for a martini masterclass as one such moment. He poured over the original James Bond texts in order to precisely recreate the true-to-the-original martini recipes within, and tracked down bottles of Kina Lillet , a now-extinct liqueur that was listed in the original 007 vesper Martini recipe. Guests will be educated on the history of the cocktail and specific techniques by Lorincz in London, resulting in the truest expression of the drink.

“What is quite cool about this experience is the vintage spirits itself from the 1950s and 60s,” says a representative of Black Tomato. “You can literally drink the same original vesper martini as, say, the one Sean Connery enjoyed.” 

While there are plenty of other James Bond experiences offered during these trips, like driving an Aston Martin V8 Vantage through Como, or learning gambling strategy at Casino de Monte-Carlo, the team at Black Tomato is seeing guests react positively to the Martini masterclass. 

Head to a retreat at one of NYC’s most iconic Martini spots 

This year, New York City’s beloved hotel, The Carlyle, launched a package surrounding their famous Bemelmans Bar martini , of which they sell over 1,000 on a busy night. “There is great nostalgia that comes with the classic martini and an ice-cold sidecar and the bartenders in their vibrant red jackets,” says Luis Serrano, longtime head bartender at Bemelmans. “These touches do not change, so guests easily settle into the intimate room aglow with the familiar murals by Ludwig Bemelmans, live music, and fantastic cocktails.”

As part of the Martini retreat which launched in June, guests spend two nights in an Art Deco room overlooking Madison Avenue, and sip martinis all weekend. There’s a masterclass led by a red-jacketed Bemelmans Bar bartender, a martini lunch at the on-site Dowling’s, and a branded stemware gift set to take home and remember the experience by. The limited-run offering has been so successful that the Carlyle team is now extending it through the rest of the year.

Travel to Casa Martini, a real place in Italy

Plus, in Turin, Italy travelers can tour Casa Martini to see how their vermouths are made and sample the backbone of the martini. Guests are guided through the factory to see the production of the brand’s bottlings and then have an educational tasting with an expert, exploring the botanical notes of the vermouths and other aperitifs. Understanding one of the two ingredients in depth adds new value to which spirits should be used in a Martini. 

As a note, the two hour tour is conducted in Italian, so English-speaking visitors will need to book in advance in order to arrange a tour that is easily understandable.

Get together for 5 o'clock Martini tea

In Thailand, the Kimpton Kitalay Samui now has a Martini afternoon tea as of this year. The resort offers martinis made to preference served with bites specifically picked to pair with the cocktail, like pickled vegetables, soft-shell crab, and Ibérico ham toasts. To make this “tea” service with more of a sense of place, guests can order it on the beach overlooking the Gulf of Thailand. 

Make a Martini at sea

Celebrity Cruises has created an ice bar dedicated to the Martini on many of their ships, including the Ascent, which sets sail in December 2023. In addition to the rare vodkas and a menu of caviars, the bartenders put on a show by mixing the cocktails in an over-the-top manner that matches the energy of the high-tempo music and modern club-y design of the bar.  Leave your ego on shore, embrace the atmosphere, and order the Martini flight.

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Practical info


Find out everything you need to know about D-Day in detail to avoid surprises at the start of the race.

Find information on the different categories and how to register here .

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Place des Palais, access via the Brussels Park.

The departures are scheduled between 9am and 9.50am.

  • 9am : start MASTER
  • 9.10am : start CYCLO +35km/h
  • 9.20am : start CYCLO 30-35 km/h
  • 9.30am : start CYCLO 25-30 km/h
  • 9.40am : start CYCLO 20-25 km/h and PARACYCLING
  • 9.50am : start RIDE

In order to facilitate departures, it is important that you do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your start time.   

Thanks to Vivaqua, free drinking water will be available to fill your water bottle!

bruxelles tour martini

At the Atomium.

  • Presentation of the trophies for the Master category
  • Presentation of the trophies for the Cyclo, Baloise Sprint, Lucien Group Challenge, Paracycling, and BCF.
  • The end of the race is   expected around 1:00 pm.

A festive village full of activities will welcome you.

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General info

Each participant must take notice of and comply with the  regulations .

Helmets must be worn . Participation will be refused if the participant isn’t wearing a helmet

Numbered plate with timing chip  attached to the front of the bike.

The course is entirely marked  and supervised by the organization with the help of the police, flagmen (fixed and mobile), race vehicles (green flag, red flag, broom truck, …). support vehicles, a race director, supervising staff and marshals…

Toilets, water fountains and technical stands  (minor repairs) will be available at the start and finish.

A free mobile locker service  will be available. You will be able to drop off your belongings in the departure area and pick them up in the arrival area (starting around 10:30 am)

bruxelles tour martini

  • Glass containers
  • Bikes with fixed sprocket
  • Electric bicycles (except for the  RIDE and PARACYCLING category )
  • Tricycles and recumbent bikes (only for PARACYCLING)
  • Child seats (allowed only for this category).
  • Cargo bikes
  • Time trial bikes
  • Extenders and using the forearms as support point on the handlebars.

bruxelles tour martini

Hôtel de Ville, Grand-Place 1000 Brussels | Belgium

+32 (0)2 318 64 70

Brussels Major Events asbl Hôtel de Ville, Grand-Place 1000 Brussels | Belgium

bruxelles tour martini

Cycling unites!

In addition to being an important lever for good physical and mental health, sport unifies, levels out disparities and brings people together.

It is therefore essential that it serve integration and citizen participation.

This initiative also shows the positive evolution of women’s sport in Brussels.

Distance : 40km Average min. speed : 20km/h Min. age : 12 years old (or turn 12 in the year of the event) Award ceremony : based on timing The organisers advise participants to have a medical examination before the race. The Cyclo category is subdivided into 4 subcategories. Register according to your average speed:

  • 09.10am : start CYCLO +35km/h
  • 09.20am : start CYCLO 30-35 km/h
  • 09.30am : start CYCLO 25-30 km/h
  • 09.40am : start CYCLO 20-25 km/h

The organisers advise participants to have a medical examination before the race. Read the rules of the category .

Distance : 32km Average min. speed : 16km/h Min. age : 12 years old (or turn 12 in the year of the event) Award ceremony : no award ceremony

E-bikes are allowed.

Child seats (without children) are accepted for this category.

Read the rules of the category .

  • Presentation of the trophies for the Cyclo, Baloise Sprint, Lucien Group Challenge, Paracycle, and BCF.

In order to facilitate departures, it is important that you do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your start time.  


Plate number with timing chip  attached to the front of the bike.


  • Electric bicycles (except for the  RIDE and PARACYCLE category )
  • Tricycles and recumbent bikes (only for PARACYCLE)
  • Child seats


Distance : 40km Average min. speed : 20km/h Ranking : based on UCI coefficient Start from Place des Palais at around 9.40am. To help us stage a mass start, please select the Handisport category only at the start of your registration.

Hand bikes, tricycles, reclining bikes and tandems are only allowed in this category for licensed persons with reduced mobility. Hand bikes must be equipped with a flag or pennant indicating their presence, attached to the end of a strong, flexible rod at least 1.5m above the ground. E-bikes are allowed but the bike’s assistance cannot exceed 25km/h.

Read all the regulations .

  • Normal : 18€
  • Licence & PMR : 15€
  • Group : 15€ per person


Want to participate with your friends or family? Register as a group and attempt to win the Lucien Group Challenge !

TThis group challenge (min. 5 persons per group) considers the time of the 5 fastest of each team. Team spirit will be very important! Attention, only the times of the Masters and Cyclos are counted.

By giving it your very best shot, you end up with 3 times that represent your effort: the individual, sprint and group time. Careful, this is only for Masters and Cyclos.

Moreover, groups (min. 5 persons) benefit from a reduced price. Group registrations finish on June 2nd at midnight.


All participants need a number plate to be fixed clearly to the front of the bike handlebars without bending it.

Masters must collect this essential item on the race day in the Parc de Bruxelles (at the start).

Groups , group leaders, can only collect their numbered plates between 10/06/24 and 14/06/24 at Brussels Major Events : Hôtel de Ville, Grand-Place, 1000 Brussels , from Monday till Friday from 9am till 5pm.

Participants who ordered a jersey when purchasing their ticket must go to the Brussels Info Place to collect their numbered plate and jersey between 16/05/24 and 15/06/24 with their e-ticket received via email a couple of weeks before the race: rue Royale 2 – 4, 1000 Brussels, Monday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm.

Individual Cyclos and Rides , must collect their plates between 16/05/24 and 15/06/24 at the Lucien Pick-Up Points , on presentation of the e-ticket received by email a few weeks before the race.

The different Lucien Pick-Up Points are:

  • Lucien in Brussels City : bd. Anspach 157, 1000 Brussels, from Tuesday till Saturday from 10am till 7pm, closed on Mondays and Sundays.
  • Lucien at Ixelles : rue américaine 143, 1050 Ixelles, from Tuesday till Saturday from 10am till 6pm, closed on Mondays and Sundays.
  • Lucien at W-S-P: Parvis Sainte-Alix 39, 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre, from Tuesday till Friday from 10am till 1pm and from 2pm till 6.30pm, on Saturdays from 10am till 1pm and from 2pm till 6pm, closed on Mondays and Sundays.

Master (m&w) based on the photo finish

Cyclo (m&w) based on timings

Paracycle (Handbike/tricycle & tandem/traditional) : based on time and UCI coefficient.

Baloise Sprint: A 1.5km sprint is installed in front of the castle of Laeken. The timings of the Masters and Cyclos are regrouped in one list.

Group classification: From 5 persons onwards you can register as a group for the BXL TOUR. The 5 best timings of your group will be accumulated and will define your group time. One list is made with all the groups.

Brussels women cyclists

For the fifth year in a row and with the aim of supporting women’s sports, this project brings together women from Brussels to learn how to cycle. The aim is to get them involved in the preparation of the  BXL TOUR  and to participate and finish the race.

This enriching and fun experience also allows them to familiarise themselves with this growing means of active mobility.

Various Brussels associations active in the field of cycling provide the training programme, which gives the participants the theoretical and practical means to cross the finishing line!


  • Learning how to use and maintain a bike
  • Supervised sports trainings to learn to ride a bike in the city.
  • Cycle 20 km of the BXL TOUR course


You like cycling and you like Brussels? Did you participate in the BXL TOUR before or are you participating for the first time this year? Then our BXL TOUR merchandising is definitely something that might interest you!

Read carefully where and when the different items are available.

Don’t forget to tag us on Facebook or Instagram if you have your jersey or cap on or are enjoying a BXL TOUR.


BXL TOUR jersey

While the black jersey is still exclusive to winners, the white version is available as a collector’s item for everyone. Don’t hesitate any longer and make yourself recognizable on the road as a BXL TOUR fan!

Price : €35

Brand : Vermarc

View jersey .

Available :

From 18 March via the webshop while registrating Pick-up needs to be done at the Brussels Information Point. from 18 May on presentation of a confirmation email sent a few weeks in advance.

  • Also, on sale on 18 June at the merchandising stand at the arrival of the BXL TOUR, while stocks last.

– See the different sizes here.


Helmet off and BXL TOUR cap on, that’s how you can enjoy the BXL TOUR! Or after another fun bike ride in preparation of the best Brussels race of the year! Our Unisex and unisize cap looks great on everyone’s head!

– Free for the first participants who pick up their numbered plate in one of the pickup points.

– Available at the merch booth at the arrival for 5 euros. (Until stock runs out)

– Not available online

The BXL TOUR - a sporty beer

The best way to reminisce together at the finish, under the Atomium, is with a drink in hand! First ride the BXL TOUR, then drink a BXL TOUR together!

Since many participants like to drink a beer to celebrate their performance, we made a beer with the brewery Drink-Drink!

  • Starting 10 April, you can find the BXL TOUR on My Beer Box .
  • At the following places: outlets .
  • On 18 June at the finish of BXL TOUR!

The beer : The BXL TOUR designed just for you is a light IPA de 4,2%. Ingredients :

  • Barley malt, yeast, water
  • Simcoe*, Calypso*

*From organic farming IBU : 23 EBC : 8

The brewery :

Drink-Drink! is a project of 3 people from Brussels who met in school. They now decided to merge two of their passions: beer and cycling. Discover more info about the brewery here .

Sizes guidelines

The BXL TOUR - A sporty pint

This year, the BXL TOUR has its own beer, brewed with love especially for you, in collaboration with the Brussels brewery Drink Drink!

This IPA (Indian Pale Ale) is a light beer (4.2%) of high fermentation, organically grown and composed of malt, barley, hops, yeast, and G water.

Drink-Drink is a project of three Brussels residents who met at school and decided to merge two of their common passions: beer and cycling.

You will soon be able to discover the beautiful label of the BXL TOUR on our social media.

The BXL TOUR will be the ideal way to cool off after the race!

Starting 10 April, you can find the BXL TOUR on “My beer box” and at the following places: Malt Attack, La Perruche, Amère à boire, Pédalo, Belgopop, Épicerie Horta, Bloum, Chez Marie, Smala, Comptoir Belge, Made in Anderlecht, Wandercoop, Walvis, Le Gist, Fernand Obb and Dekkera.


This year the BXL TOUR collaborates with the BALOISE BELGIUM TOUR!

For the first time the five-day UCI ProSeries cycling race through Belgium will end with a stage in and around Brussels. The finish will be under the Atomium, same as the BXL TOUR .

The collaboration between these 2 great events will be the occasion for amateurs, semi-professionals, and the greatest champions of the world to meet at the finish village for the award ceremony.

18 June will be dedicated to bicycle lovers, a festive day in our capital, for the participants as well as spectators!


To make the race even more attractive, starting this year there is the INTERSPORT GROUP CHALLENGE ! Register as a team and compete together for the team prize! The ranking is calculated based on the time of the 5 fastest riders of your team.

To make the race even more exciting, there’sl also the “BALOISE SPRINT”, a 1500m sprint segment on the Avenue du Parc Royal, between the Parvis Notre Dame and the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken.

In addition to these two prizes, all cyclists in the Master or Cyclo category will be automatically timed individually for the general classification . You will thus have the opportunity to qualify 3 times. As a team or solo, it’s up to you to take on your own challenge!

For the third consecutive year, the trophies of the BXL TOUR are made from the wood of the splendid Christmas tree of the Grand Place.

In a permanent concern for sustainability, this wood is reused to produce and give life to different objects such as boards of swings, furniture for the City’s events or the Bxl Tour trophies!

The base of the trophy is an A4 board made of fir wood on which a visual created by the Brussels collective Louves ( www.louves.be ) is laser printed in color.

Each trophy includes the category for which the participant wins the prize and is signed by the godfather of the race, our dear Eddy Merckx!


For World Bicycle Day on Saturday 3rd of June, the BXL TOUR and Westland Shopping are putting out a challenge to cyclists from all over Brussels!

Are you ready for the BXL TOUR? Come and prove it and try to win  a free ticket for the race and lots of other prizes. Show us that you’re the best in your category or simply come and test your legs on Intersport’s home-trainers!

For the home-trainer competition, three categories will be able to take part: young people aged 12-18 / men / women. 200 BXL TOUR caps will be given to the first participants and five winners per category will receive a surprise gift pack (BXL TOUR ticket, Westland Shopping gift card, etc.).    For the curious ones out there, there will also be a BMX demonstration, a bike repair stand, a BMX and bike initiation course, DJ entertainment and a BXL TOUR info point.

Challenge accepted?

PRACTICAL INFORMATION:   From 1pm to 5pm   At Westland Shopping, Bd Sylvain Dupuis 433, 1070 Anderlecht   Free access! 


A secure bike park will be available free of charge from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm (code system to be received by SMS to access the car park), so that you can enjoy the finish village entertainment (concert, circus arts, etc.) throughout the afternoon.

Follow the steps below to access it:

  • A photo (of the bike and your shoes) is taken by one of the bike park attendants at the entrance to the bike park.
  • You give the attendant your mobile phone number
  • Your mobile phone number is linked to your photo.
  • You place your bike in the bike park.
  • You will receive a confirmation SMS from the bike park with a code and the closing time of the bike park.
  • Collect your bike before the bike park closes.
  • Tell the attendant your code.
  • The attendant checks the code and asks a question about your bike (colour/brand, etc.).
  • If you answer correctly, you get your bike back.

Inscrivez vous à la newsletter

  • Restez informé(e) des actualités de BXL TOUR.
  • Informez-moi des prochains événements Brussels Major Events.

Distance : 40km Average min. speed : 40km/h Min. age : 19 years old (or turn 19 in the year of the event) Award ceremony : based on photo finish Membership of a recognised cycling federation is mandatory. Read the rules of the category .

Pink Martini

Pink Martini tour dates

  • On tour: Yes
  • Concertful ranking: #258
  • Category: Pop Music / Soft Rock

Pink Martini upcoming concerts (35)

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The Marolles: Brussels’ authentic and popular neighbourhood

15 March 2022

If you are looking to experience authentic Brussels, you need to head to the Marolles. The neighbourhood's story began back in medieval times, and you can still hear some locals speaking the Brusseleir dialect.

Here in the Marolles you will find the city's oldest bars, numerous antique shops and historic brasseries. The area is also known for its flea market and the urban art that plays an important role in the neighbourhood. It's a district that reflects the people of Brussels: diverse and friendly.

Urban art on every street corner

Countless murals and graffiti give the neighbourhood colour. Here you’ll find the largest number of  the capital's 61 comic book murals , with Billy and Buddy,  Spirou  and  Benoit Brisefer  among the districts residents. Young Brussels street artists have also taken over the neighbourhood with pieces inspired by the world of the famous medieval master, Bruegel. To round off your urban experience, pop in to  Crevette Records  and uncover some incredible LPs and test yourself at the  Ursulines skatepark .

Vintage shopping and antiques

You'll find the best second-hand shops in Brussels on rue Haute and rue Blaes, which are a veritable haven of antiques dealers and  vintage shops . Upcycling is also very present in the district. At  Cyclup,  for example, the pieces are made using repurposed textile, and their creation is part of a socio-professional reinsertion. Still on Rue Haute, at Melting pot Kilo , you pay for your second-hand clothes by the kilo. In a similar vein, pop into  Bernard Gavilan’s store . His isn’t nicknamed the king of vintage for nothing!

Foodie stops

The district gives pride of place to traditional cuisine. The  Clef d’Or brasserie , which sits on place du Jeu de Balle, is a must for local, popular cuisine. Wine Bar des Marolles also offers you delicious dishes showcasing Belgian terroir.

If you prefer vegetarian cuisine,  L’Eau Chaude  is the place for you. It's located in the old grocery store where Marolles residents used to come to get hot water. Another authentic spot is the Friture de la place de la Chapelle chip van. In the same area, discover  Pois Chiche , a Middle Eastern food bar.  For Italian food, head to the  Nonno Piadineria  sandwich shop, where you can try one of their piadinas ⁠— a popular filled wheat flatbread.

The famous flea market

The Marolles’ famous  flea market  covers place du Jeu de Balle from dawn until 14:00 during the week and until 15:00 at weekends. Here you can hunt for all kinds of objects and let yourself get swept up in the atmosphere. What's more, the bistros and estaminets that line the square are open and from time to time, musicians play on the terraces. Take a seat at  La Brocante , it’s one of the area’s most typical cafés.

A festive atmosphere

The Marolles is a festive neighbourhood, both by day and by night. Start with an aperitif at  Café Pastel , near the Sablon, which has a young and relaxed atmosphere. Then head to  Kombi Bar , an original lounge bar that offers non-stop food until midnight. The Sablon Jalousy Club offers cocktails in an American atmosphere. Secret parties are sometimes organised in its basement. But the neighbourhood's mythical club remains the  Fuse . This legendary temple of techno attracts hordes of clubbers from everywhere. 

Neighbourhood activities

Although thousands of people pass every day close to this remaining part of the second surrounding wall of Brussels, along the "petite ceinture" between the Place Louise and the Midi Station, very few of them are conscious of its eventful history. This fairytale monument, more than 600 years old is in fact the most remarkable witness of the City's medieval past.

Open on Mondays! The Halle Gate houses now a permanent presentation dedicated to the medieval City of Brussels. Climb the Halle Gate’s 169 steps and enjoy Brussels’ most stunning panoramic view. Virtual binoculars let you see the city as master painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder would have seen it. It’s a breathtaking plunge back into the 16th century! For families : After the museum, children can have a great time in the most beautiful outdoor playground of Brussels, located only 100 meters from the museum. Adventure assured in this castle and medieval village with accompanying sandbox.

Halle Gate – RMAH


Halle Gate

Explosium ... An explosion on the wall !

The Blaes70 (a multidisciplinary creative and exhibition place ), in partnership with La Galerie du Sablon, are delighted to invite you to the opening of the Exposium, and to present the work of its 16 artists. Painting, Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Graffiti, Video have taken over the space of Blaes70 and are just waiting for your looks!

The Blaes 70


Re:Creation Hall, Brussels Upcycling Market.

For a Ethical and Practical Shopping! Re -Creation Hall , its the Upcycling market , Every 2nd Sunday of the month in Brussels! WITH IN ADDITION TO ENTER IF delicious DINING ON THE GO , COFFEE & BEVERAGES ... FREE ENTRY!

In the limelight , craftsmen - designers Who Love transforming , recycling , giving a new life to abandoned objects pay -who Recreate ... CLOTHING , JEWELRY, ACCESSORIES , BABY ITEMS , LAMPS AND DECORATIVE ITEMS , CUSHION , SMALL FURNITURE . . Recycled , the recycled , organic textiles, Or just hand made productions IN respect of Materials and consumers. POTTERY , TERRARIUMS , BAGS , KITS & SUPPLIES

Les Ateliers des Tanneurs

Markets and bric-a-brac stores

Re:Creation Hall, Brussels Upcycling Market.

Fuse presents: Phara b2b Setaoc Mass (all night long)

→ Tickets - fuse.be/aug-24 __________ → At Fuse, we want an inclusive and respectful environment. Wanna be heard? Talk to a member of our Awareness Team inside the club or message us at [email protected]. → A ticket does not guarantee your entrance, as security has the right not to let you in. __________ www.fuse.be → No camera flash - Respect the vibe → We prohibit all forms of violence, racism or sexism. If you feel or observe any such situation, please address it directly to our staff or security member. → Lockers cost €2. Bring a coin and skip the line. → Sell your ticket safely? Only via ticketswap.com

→ ROOM 01 Phara b2b Setaoc Mass (all night long)

Fuse presents: Phara b2b Setaoc Mass (all night long)

Cameristica Festival 2024

It will be open to all student, advanced amateur and professional string and piano musicians who form a chamber ensemble. From 18 years of age and upwards, with no age limit.

You will have access to: - Chamber music classes - Motivational speeches - Individual Public masterclass by instrument - Chamber music concert - Chamber Orchestra (strings only) - Concert with CAMERISTICA ORCHESTRA

Teachers: Marc Sabbah: conductor/viola Alexandra Soumm: violin Hrachya Avanesyan: violin Han Bin Yoon: cello Eliane Reyes: piano

Hoofdstedelijke Kunstacademie

Cameristica Festival 2024

Exposition collective de peintures, illustration et photographies

Group exhibition of paintings, illustrations and photographs Opening: Friday 23rd of August from 6pm till 9pm

Alun Foster (photographs); Adrian Cornwell (photographs); Ludec (oil painting); Lia Makarezou (oil painting); Okitadiowo Tayeta (illustration)

Octopus Heart Center

Exposition collective de peintures, illustration et photographies

How do outsider artists talk about cash? Is money present in their work, and in what forms?

How do outsider artists talk about cash? Is money present in their work, and in what forms? Based on this seemingly "simple and basic" thematic approach, the aim is to talk "cash" about the material situation of artists who are considered marginal by the society in which they live. The exhibition brings together works from various Belgian and French collections, and highlights the work of artists represented by the Galerie du moineau écarlate in Paris. Curated by Céline Delavaux and Eric Gauthier of the Galerie du moineau écarlate (Paris), in collaboration with the het Art et marges museum.

Art & marges museum


Les Ketjes de Bruxelles

Ascenseur des Marolles

Guided tours

Les Ketjes de Bruxelles

œ - Pierre Pontvianne & Compagnie Parc / Brigittines International Festival

Seven people meet, crossing each other without words, whilst simultaneously appearing to say everything to each other, given the straightforward, direct yet double-edged nature of the exchange. They establish a bond in a constantly dissolving society, only to be reconstituted differently. Synchronicities, shifts, fluid separations, impulses, accords, and false coincidences draw them together in a multiphonic mix of movements and counterpo- ints, suspensions that ignore the passage of time and spur new encounters and connections. With this wonderfully open and well-constructed show, Pierre Pontvianne, accompanied by astonishingly precise dancers, reaches the epitome of his complex and subtle art of composition and evocation.

Les Brigittines

œ - Pierre Pontvianne & Compagnie Parc / Brigittines International Festival

REvolutions 2349 - Arco Renz & Danielle Allouma / Brigittines International Festival

Referring to the frequency 2349.32 Hz – associated with the note D, Ré in French – and the root of the word ‘revolution’ (return, turning in on oneself), Danielle Allouma pulls off the feat of spinning on herself for what seems like an infinite amount of time. This is less a performance than an attempt to alter our sensory per- ceptions and allow our imaginations to radiate from a fixed, whirling point. Three spirals – dance, music, and light – interweave on the stage in a hypnotic interplay where space and time func- tion as tangible forces and constraining structural frameworks. Arco Renz and Danielle Allouma create a radical, life-size mandala that reveals the sky of our thoughts.

REvolutions 2349 - Arco Renz & Danielle Allouma / Brigittines International Festival

Brigittines International Festival 24

Year in, year out, the Brigittines International Festival brings you a programme of contemporary performances: innovative languages, bizarre universes, strange and original forms that speak to the imagination. The Festival is a collection of shows that hinge on a certain idea, presented as an object of thought, inventiveness or a sharing of fantasy. As years went on, dance has begun to feature more strongly in the Festival, undoubtedly because it is a freer and more creative form of expression. Every year, the Festival centres on a new theme, raising a new question and encouraging spectators to consider the issue on hand in a new light via the connections, the emotional paths and any suggested reading they are offered. On the basis of their own impressions and insights, spectators can find a connection between performances that vary greatly in style but touch on quite similar topics. "DRIFTING ZONES AND WHIRLWINDS" In a recent book by one of Iceland’s greatest writers, Jón Kalman Stefánsson*, powerful emotion arises from drifting zones, where the line between the narrative and the imaginative becomes indistinguishable. These points of uncertainty create the sensation of entering into an unknown, albeit wholly our own, world. Similar shocks are upsetting today’s performance world. We are faced with the troubling impression that we don’t really understand the meaning of what we see. These moments of total indecision are invaluable. Not knowing what to think leads us to something different to what we are used to seeing and experiencing. This elsewhere is liberating vis-à-vis all that confines us in the mundaneness of live, as we walk the tight line that follows current event, where everything is accelerating and transforming, without ever really c hanging. Neither virtual worlds or artificial intelligence are likely to alter the nature of sad passions, obsessions for power, and violent urges (although these will inevitably take on new shapes and forms). Above all, this forced familiarity with ‘elsewhere’ and ‘differently’ project us into a whirlwind of perceptions, far away from the sterility of identity poles and the pleas for reassurance that would have us believe that creativity is clean-cut, imbued with morality and self-righteousness – the zeitgeist. But the weather is often stormy, dripping with conformism and normativity. We want the stage to be as uninhibited as a body that invents its own forms and dynamics, its conditions of existence, its potential for humour, and its imaginary spheres. A stage that searches for itself in the sensible and the unusual, and in the wonder of living. Patrick Bonté General and Artistic Director * "Your absence is darkness", MacLehose Press

Brigittines International Festival 24

Danza Ricercata / Danza Variada - Tânia Carvalho & Joana Gama / Brigittines International Festival

This is a concert. The concert of a pianist who tackles great composers: Beethoven and Ligeti. The execution is flawless, albeit mischievous. At times staring at the audience, sometimes striking bewildering poses, she challenges the gravity of the situation and the narcissistic importance of the soloist. Whether she is understated, writhing in the emotion of doubt, or carried away by sheer energy. Joana Gama is a leading interpreter of the contemporary repertoire (Mompou, Cage, Feldman). She is involved in numerous solo projects and collaborations in film, dance, and theatre. The two pieces featured on the programme were devised in collaboration with Tânia Carvalho, choreographer and sister of the absurd and extravagance.

Danza Ricercata / Danza Variada - Tânia Carvalho & Joana Gama / Brigittines International Festival

Toi, moi, Tituba... - Dorothée Munyaneza & Cie Kadidi / Brigittines International Festival

In Maryse Condé’s novel, Tituba is a black woman accused of witchcraft who becomes the mouthpiece for those silenced by force and erased by history. Performing live with Khyam Allami, Dorothée Munyaneza draws her inspiration from this story and uses her body to breathe new life into the victims of oppression in a sort of ‘collective solo’. Her precise, mesmerising, magnetic presence and her clear, husky singing vibrate through the space. With complete self-control, the dancer-choreographer builds up unstoppable tension, crossing a hybrid space – African, American, European, Caribbean – a place of traces, dreams, and violence. The air surrounding her becomes singularly consistent.

Toi, moi, Tituba... - Dorothée Munyaneza & Cie Kadidi / Brigittines International Festival

Les guinguettes de la Place du Jeu de Balle

Place du Jeu de Balle

Les guinguettes de la Place du Jeu de Balle

Txalaparta - Kukai Dantza & Jesús Rubio Gamo / Brigittines International Festival

Not unlike the xylophone, a txalaparta is a Basque musi- cal instrument that resonates when struck, but over which no-one has complete control : its nature defies all anchorage. The txalaparta, which is present on stage, becomes a metaphor for the transformation of perceptions caused by the unbridled and paradoxically highly composed movements of the performers. Rhythm fills the air, with exchanges of power and matter, swirls, voices, soaring... The compagny Kukai Dantza draws on traditional Basque dance and invites guest choreographers (in this case Jesús Rubio Gamo) to produce singular universes exploring the popular roots of dance and its most contemporary expression.

Txalaparta - Kukai Dantza & Jesús Rubio Gamo / Brigittines International Festival

Fuse presents: Azyr

__________ TICKETS ↘︎ Tickets via fuse.be/aug-30 __________ ↘︎ At Fuse, we want an inclusive and respectful environment. Wanna be heard? Talk to a member of our Awareness Team inside the venue or send us a message at [email protected]. ↘︎ A ticket does not guarantee your entrance as security has the right not to let you in. __________ www.fuse.be ↘︎ No camera flash - respect the vibe. ↘︎ We prohibit all forms of violence, racism or sexism. If you feel or observe any such situation, please address it directly to our staff or security member. ↘︎ Sell your ticket safely? Only via ticketswap.com

→ ROOM 01 Azyr SIKOTI SWART Insolence → MOTION ROOM Helena Lauwaert Trillosta Vera Moro

Fuse presents: Azyr

Roller Bike Parade

Want to roll down the boulevards and side streets of Brussels on your rollerblades, skateboard or bike, without a single car in sight? Join the Roller Bike Parade in Brussels every Friday evening. Supervised by our experienced staff, come and discover Brussels while riding to the rhythm of our Dj's!

The Roller Bike Parade is back for a new edition in 2024! Accompanied by our experienced staff, come and discover Brussels to the rhythm of our Djs! Want to rollerblade, skateboard or bike through the grand boulevards or small streets of Brussels without cars driving around you? Then join the Roller Bike Parade in Brussels every Friday night. The Roller Bike Parade is a fun and original concept that invites participants to come on rollerblades, bikes, skateboards, monowheels or longboards to invade the city streets for an evening. Two routes are planned for each parade: one for beginners (about 5 km) and one for the sporty among you (about 15 km). Family or alone, the parade is for everyone. In all cases, it is advisable to equip yourself with safety equipment (helmet, knee pads, etc.) and something to keep you hydrated. We expect you every Friday from 7 pm on the Place Poelaert in Brussels. - Gathering time: 7 pm - Departure time: 8 pm - Departure point: Place Poelaert - When: Every Friday (except June 28 and September 06). - Price: Free We are ready for a top season! Do you have any questions? Want to join us? Find us at https://rollerbikeparade.be/ - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RollerBikeParade - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rollerbikeparade/ #rollerparade PLEASE NOTE The parade will not take place on June 28 and September 6.

Place Poelaert

Roller Bike Parade

Festival Closure Party - Trop­i­cal Djipsies / Brigittines International Festival

Festival Closure Party - Trop­i­cal Djipsies / Brigittines International Festival

Fuse presents: Ancient Methods b2b UVB

→ Tickets - fuse.be/aug-31 __________ → At Fuse, we want an inclusive and respectful environment. Wanna be heard? Talk to a member of our Awareness Team inside the club or message us at [email protected]. → A ticket does not guarantee your entrance, as security has the right not to let you in. __________ www.fuse.be → No camera flash - Respect the vibe → We prohibit all forms of violence, racism or sexism. If you feel or observe any such situation, please address it directly to our staff or security member. → Lockers cost €2. Bring a coin and skip the line. → Sell your ticket safely? Only via ticketswap.com

→ ROOM 01 Ancient Methods b2b UVB Öspiel Dario Desaer

Fuse presents: Ancient Methods b2b UVB

Visite guidée Street Art & BD : Les murs qui parlent

Place de la Chapelle

Visite guidée Street Art & BD : Les murs qui parlent

Fuse presents: Tommy Four Seven & Henning Baer

→ Tickets - fuse.be/sep-06 __________ → At Fuse, we want an inclusive and respectful environment. Wanna be heard? Talk to a member of our Awareness Team inside the club or message us at [email protected]. → A ticket does not guarantee your entrance, as security has the right not to let you in. __________ www.fuse.be → No camera flash - Respect the vibe → We prohibit all forms of violence, racism or sexism. If you feel or observe any such situation, please address it directly to our staff or security member. → Lockers cost €2. Bring a coin and skip the line. → Sell your ticket safely? Only via ticketswap.com

→ ROOM 01 Tommy Four Seven Henning Baer ABSL Reqh

Fuse presents: Tommy Four Seven & Henning Baer

Fuse presents: CARV & B2

→ At Fuse, we want an inclusive and respectful environment. Wanna be heard? Talk to a member of our Awareness Team inside the club or message us at [email protected]. → A ticket does not guarantee your entrance, as security has the right not to let you in. __________ www.fuse.be → No camera flash - Respect the vibe → We prohibit all forms of violence, racism or sexism. If you feel or observe any such situation, please address it directly to our staff or security member. → Lockers cost €2. Bring a coin and skip the line.

→ ROOM 01 CARV B2 Lando Riské Makoveev

Fuse presents: CARV & B2

Tattoo vegan et inclusif

L'Abeille Blanche ASBL

Tattoo vegan et inclusif

Au temps béni des colonies, par Zoubida Mouhssin et Farah Kassabeh

Les Dimanches du conte

Au temps béni des colonies, par Zoubida Mouhssin et Farah Kassabeh

La fête de Zohra, par Yamina Takkatz

La fête de Zohra, par Yamina Takkatz

Getting there

  • Metro lines 2 and 6 Porte de Hal/Hallepoort
  • Bus 48, 27, 95
  • Train Bruxelles-Chapelle/Brussel-Kapellekerk

Don't miss

Discover other areas of Brussels

Sunday in the Marolles

The most authentic neighbourhood in Brussels.


More neighbourhoods

From industrial district to sustainable neighbourhood

Le Phare du Kanaal

Brussels’ cosmopolitan, festive and cultural quarter.


A neighbourhood of attractions at the heart of green open spaces


Matongé and Saint-Boniface

Cosmopolitan neighbourhoods with trendy bars.

Place Saint-Boniface - Sint-Bonifaasplein

The European Quarter

Brussels's cosmopolitan (and cultural!) district

Maison de l'histoire européenne - Huis van de Europese geschiedenis - House of European history

Dansaert and Sainte-Catherine

Trendy, lively neighbourhoods

Place Sainte-Catherine - Sint-Katelijneplein

The centre of Saint-Gilles

A neighbourhood that feels like a village.

Brasserie Le Louvre

Saint-Josse: a bubbly micro cosmos

Saint-Josse can be described with a lot of superlatives: the smallest of Brussels’ communes, the most densely populated, the youngest and the most multicultural too.

La Folle Chanson - Jef Lambeaux

Schaerbeek: What a hotspot!

Schaerbeek is a Mecca for architects and a Garden of Eden for hikers. From beautiful residences to elegant boulevards, art is all around here, in all its forms.

Schaerbeek - Maison communale / Gemeentehuis Van Ysendyck

Uccle: green elegance

Uccle is a commune of contrasts. It’s home to luxurious mansions and former workers' houses, meticulously designed parks and vegetable gardens and elegant restaurants and small, popular cafés...

Parc de Wolvendael - Wolvendaelpark

The Royal Quarter

Where art and history share centre stage

Palais Royal - Koninklijk Paleis - Royal Palace

Forest: industrial revolution

Forest has a lot of stories to tell, about its past and about our future. Can't see the forest for the trees? Take your time to discover this fascinating piece of Brussels.

Abbaye de Forest - Abdij van Vorst

Laeken: royally popular

Laeken is known as the royal commune. But Laeken is also a bustling district home to another palace - albeit less royal in nature - Brussels Expo and a football temple, the King Baudouin Stadium…

Mémorial Reine Astrid - Memoriaal voor Koningin Astrid

Jette society

Jette may have a rustic vibe, but it is also strongly rooted in the capital’s urban fabric. This commune has rekindled the population’s passion for Magritte, the surrealist painter who called this place home.

Jette - Voormalig gemeenschapshuis / Ancienne maison communale

Brussels’ chic and high-end neighbourhood.

Louise - Louiza


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Michel Martin

Born in 1966

All Artworks by Michel Martin

Donald duck ii.

Digital on Metal 100x90cm

RUB 471,000


Digital on Metal 100x100cm

Not available

About the artist


  • Nationally Known
  • Established Artist
  • Prizewinner
  • Solo shows participant
  • Works on commission
« There are aesthetics in art, but art is not particularly aesthetic. »

Michel Martin is a painter based in Belgium where his works have been featured in numerous solo exhibitions. His compositions are primarily created in an abstract style that is either expressionist or more subdued through the use of faded tones. In addition, Martin's pieces are also made through digital means and essentially portray iconic musical personalities. He paints using acrylics, ink, pigments, and spray paint on canvas.

You like Michel Martin?

Follow him to receive exclusive news about his latest artworks!

  • 2020 Art Show Paris VII- Argent, Prix de la rédaction ART DESIGN Magasin- Paris, France

Solo Exhibitions

  • 2019 Portraits musique et cinéma / Centre culturel de Perwez - PERWEZ, Belgium
  • 2017 Jean BAVE / Attitude Brussels Gallery - Bruxelles, Belgium
  • 1997 Parcours d'artiste / Le Perruchet - Grez-Doiceau, Belgium
  • 1996 Sans titre / Eric Islée - Bruxelles, Belgium
  • 1990 La chute d' Icare / L' art sans flamme - Bruxelles, Belgium
  • 1989 Fleurs / Pl. du Jardin Fleuri - Bruxelles, Belgium
  • 1989 Solstice d'hiver / Les 5 portes de Bruxelles - BRUXELLES, Belgium
  • 1989 Echange culturel Moscou-Bruxelles / Tour MARTINI - Bruxelles, Belgium
  • 2020 Galerie ATTITUDE BRUSSELS - Bruxelles, Belgium

Permanent collections

  • 2020 Mickey Mouse, Belgium
  • 2004 Ghila Weizman, Belgium
  • 1996 Maître Philippe Simonar, Belgium

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  1. Tour Rogier

    À l'origine se dresse à cet endroit le Centre international Rogier (connu également sous le nom de « Centre Martini » ou de « Tour Martini »), construit en 1958 par les architectes Jacques Cuisinier et Serge Lebrun [1] en remplacement de la première gare de Bruxelles-Nord.. Le Centre international Rogier est rasé en 2001 pour être remplacé par une tour construite entre 2003 et 2006 ...

  2. Tour Martini

    NEW 09/21 La vidéo Martini Ground Zero est en ligne ici, liens mis à jour (merci à Internet Archive et sa Wayback Machine) ! Du 17 septembre 20O1 au 13 juin 2002, une caméra a filmé images par images la lente mort de la Tour Martini (Centre International Rogier), symbole de l'audacieuse modernité urbanistique et architecturale des années 50-60 en plein coeur de Bruxelles.

  3. Martini Ground Zero

    Comment on détruit les tours à Bruxelles, le 20e anniversaire (10 mois en 5 minutes) Le 17 septembre 2021, 20 ans après le début de ce projet en 2001 (quelques jours après le 11 septembre), voici la vidéo de la destruction de la Tour Martini (Centre International Rogier, 1957-2002) à Bruxelles un film time-lapse et projet web réalisé de septembre 2001 à juin 2002 by Yves Bernard pour ...

  4. Tower Martini

    The installation "Tour Martini" by Michel Lorand www.michellorand.net: Architecture et urbanisme à Bruxelles www.eurobru.com: Bruxelles en Mouvements - tours et logement - La Guerre des Tours ... (La Deux), émission du 25 /04/2003 (les Tours à Bruxelles) www.rtbf.be. Cybercafe 21 (Radio21), émission du 16/11/2001 (Internet et contre-pouvoir ...

  5. 'Nos enfants crieront au scandale': il y a 20 ans était signé l'arrêt

    Jusqu'en 1978 et la fermeture de la terrasse, la tour Rogier deviendra alors la tour Martini pour les Bruxellois. Un reportage historique sur la tour Rogier (28/05/1996) Pour voir ce contenu ...


    TOUR MARTINI - 117m - Bruxelles Vestiges du panneau MARTINI avant destruction de la tour: Le Centre international Rogier (connu également sous le nom de « Centre Martini » ou de « Tour Martini ») fut construit en 1958 par les architectes Jacques Cuisinier et Serge Lebrun. il regroupait des appartements luxueux privés, des bureaux (dont le ...

  7. Pink Martini

    Pink Martini celebrates 30th anniversary on May 10, 2025 at Ancienne Belgique, BrusselsAfter numerous sold-out concerts in Belgium, Pink Martini is coming back to our country with singer China Forbes on May 10, 2025 at Ancienne Belgique in Brussels! Tickets are on sale now at greenhousetalent.com."Pink Martini is a rollicking around-the-world musical adventure... if the United Nations had a ...

  8. Pink Martini Brussels Tickets, Royal Circus (Cirque Royal ...

    Buy tickets, find event, venue and support act information and reviews for Pink Martini's upcoming concert at Royal Circus (Cirque Royal/Koninklijk Circus) in Brussels on 30 Sep 2023.

  9. Martini Bar

    Martini, par contre, oui. Le fait que le centre international Rogier ait été surnommé à l'époque « Tour Martini » par les Bruxellois était lié au prestigieux bar panoramique Martini qui avait été installé en 1961 au dernier étage, également couronné par le fameux logo. De ces temps-ci, Martini est à nouveau en expansion.


    Perché au sommet de la tour et accessible à 5,5 m/s par l'ascenseur le plus rapide d'Europe, le Club Martini, couronné plus tard d'un énorme logo Mercedes, dominait la dolce vita bruxelloise, et accueillait autour d'un drink bianco ou on the rocks les stars du show business international. La Tour Martini a été rasée en 2001, remplacée par la Tour Dexia, banque qui, 10 ans après, est ...

  11. Rogier Tower

    The Rogier Tower (French: Tour Rogier; Dutch: Rogiertoren) is a skyscraper located in the Northern Quarter central business district of Brussels, Belgium.It owes its name to the Place Charles Rogier/Karel Rogierplein on which it is situated. It is the fifth tallest building in Belgium.. The tower was formerly known as the Dexia Tower (French: Tour Dexia; Dutch: Dexiatoren) after Dexia bank ...

  12. La Terrasse Martini, souvenir moderniste

    Le 29e étage de la Tour Rogier fut, jusqu'en 1978, le rendez-vous du gotha. Avec La Terrasse des Légendes, Bruxelles 1958-1978 , on effectue une plongée à l'époque où le modernisme transformait radicalement Bruxelles. Ce passage de ville de province à grande capitale européenne sera concrétisé avec l'Expo 58 et les constructions du ...

  13. Pink Martini Announces 30th Anniversary Tour: How to Get Tickets

    Pink Martini's 30th anniversary tour will include guest appearances at select dates, with Ari Shapiro, Rita Moreno, and more set to join the band. ... 05/10 - Bruxelles, BE @ Ancienne Belgique ...

  14. ARCHI URBAIN (01/12) : Centre International Rogier / Tour Martini

    Histoire de la tour Martini à Bruxelles (Centre International Rogier)

  15. 5 Bucket List Travel Experiences for the Most Dedicated Martini Drinkers

    Head to a retreat at one of NYC's most iconic Martini spots. This year, New York City's beloved hotel, The Carlyle, launched a package surrounding their famous Bemelmans Bar martini, of which ...

  16. Must-see attractions in Brussels

    The Place Royale, which was built on the ashes of the Coudenberg Palace, has retained its historical function as the "executive power district".You'll find the Royal Palace, the "office" of the Belgian King, at the Place des Palais, bordering the Place Royale.Opposite is the Parc de Bruxelles or Royal Park. The streets bordering the park are also part of the same neoclassical ensemble.

  17. Unmissable guided tours in Brussels

    Another Belgian national treasure is chocolate. Gourmets and chocolate lovers alike cannot afford to miss the chocolate-themed guided tour devised by Brussels Walking Tour.Accompanied by a guide who has more than 15 years of experience, set off on a four-hour chocolate immersion tour, including a three-hour walk through the historic heart of Brussels, where the history of the city and that of ...

  18. Practical info for the BXL TOUR 2024

    Participants who ordered a jersey when purchasing their ticket must go to the Brussels Info Place to collect their numbered plate and jersey between 16/05/24 and 15/06/24 with their e-ticket received via email a couple of weeks before the race: rue Royale 2 - 4, 1000 Brussels, Monday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm.

  19. Pink Martini Tour Dates, Tickets & Concerts 2024 & 2025

    Pink Martini Ruth Finley Person Theater- Luther Burbank Center · Santa Rosa, CA, US. >. Tue Dec 17 2024. Pink Martini Arlington Theatre · Santa Barbara, CA, US. >. Tue Dec 31 2024. Pink Martini Paramount Theatre · Seattle, WA, US. >. Sat Jan 04 2025.

  20. The Marolles: Brussels' authentic and popular neighbourhood

    The district gives pride of place to traditional cuisine. The Clef d'Or brasserie, which sits on place du Jeu de Balle, is a must for local, popular cuisine. Wine Bar des Marolles also offers you delicious dishes showcasing Belgian terroir.. If you prefer vegetarian cuisine, L'Eau Chaude is the place for you. It's located in the old grocery store where Marolles residents used to come to ...

  21. La Belgique d'autrefois

    Bruxelles tour Martini

  22. Michel Martin Artist: Paintings for sale

    Echange culturel Moscou-Bruxelles / Tour MARTINI - Bruxelles, Belgium; Residency. 2020 Galerie ATTITUDE BRUSSELS - Bruxelles, Belgium; Permanent collections. 2020 Mickey Mouse, Belgium; 2004 Ghila Weizman, Belgium; 1996 Maître Philippe Simonar, Belgium; Show more Artworks trending now

  23. Best Martian Tours by Local Guides in Bruxelles

    Meet your local guides in Bruxelles. Lindsey M. 4.7 (74) St Johns Newfoundland, Canada. French, English. Message. Sherry H. 5 (31) St Johns Newfoundland, Canada.