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The History Of Iron Maiden - Part 1: The Early Days

Where to watch

The history of iron maiden - part 1: the early days.

Directed by Matthew Amos

First part of the documentary series, The History Of Iron Maiden, featuring an exhaustive, thoroughly complete history of the early years of Iron Maiden, from their humble beginnings in London's East End in 1975 through their triumphant Piece Of Mind album and tour in 1983. The set features a large collection of rare videos and concert footage, as well as interviews with former members such as Paul Di'Anno, Clive Burr, Dennis Stratton, Dave Sullivan, Terry Rance, Kent Ewing, Doug Sampson, Ron Matthews, Terry Wapram and Bob Sawyer.

Bruce Dickinson Dave Murray Adrian Smith Clive Burr Paul Di'Anno Dennis Stratton Doug Sampson Nicko McBrain Steve Harris

Director Director

Matthew Amos

Alternative Titles

The History Of Iron Maiden - Pt. 1: The Early Days (Disc 1), Iron Maiden The History of Iron Maiden Part 1: The Early Days, Iron Maiden: La Historia de Iron Maiden Parte I - Los primeros dĂ­as

Documentary Music

Releases by Date

08 nov 2004, releases by country.

  • Digital DVD Release

90 mins   More at TMDb Report this page

Popular reviews

StevenđŸ“œ CaseyđŸ“Œ

Review by StevenđŸ“œ CaseyđŸ“Œ ★★★œ 2

Concert prep. Message learned from manager Rod Smallwood: you gotta be in shape and committed to tour for 15 months a year if you wanna stay in Iron Maiden. Up the Irons!

Robin Solsjö Höglund

Review by Robin Solsjö Höglund ★★★œ

For whatever reason I have been returning to music lately. There just hasn't been a wide array of attractive movies this year ( yet! ), so I am digging back into my heavy metal memories with a band that had a huge influence on my musical style as a kid and young teenager: Iron Maiden. They were my first real introduction to any sort of heavy metal or metal music, and I stayed faithful to them for many years before I traded myself up for something heavier and faster.

This documentary captures and discusses their early years, from the very formation of the band (which took a long time, because they had about 74 lineup changes!), up to and including their first


Review by Aaron

Pretty in depth documentary about the early days of the greatest heavy metal band of all time. Definitely recommend if you’re into the band, heavy metal, or music docs in general.

Jerry Downing

Review by Jerry Downing ★★★★œ

I knew Maiden went through some lineup changes during the early years, but had no idea it was this much. Really great doc that covers the beginning through 1983's Piece of Mind.


Review by Kewin ★★★★

Dass eine Band trotz, oder vielleicht auch gerade wegen, dieser ganzen Wechsel im Lineup so erfolgreich sein kann, und das auch mitten in einer ihrer erfolgreichsten und elementarsten Zeiten, ist schon spannend.

Auch interessant, dass KISS Mal wieder das "Zugpferd" bzw. der PrÀsentierteller auf der ersten Tour war, wie bei so vielen anderen coolen Bands.


Review by Sean_Smithson ★★★★

A deep dive into the career of one of metal's greatest acts. Authorative as well as entertaining. If you love IRON MAIDEN and haven't seen this, you are missing out.

Alex đŸ‡ș🇩

Review by Alex đŸ‡ș🇩 ★★★★★

Iron Maiden are one of the most legendary acts ever to hit the music scene. Although heavy metal, their music has influenced numerous artists in various genres. For fans of the band, this is a must see. As a diehard fan of Iron Maiden, The Early Days is an exciting and entertaining look at this legendary band. The film chronicles the earliest days of the band's career as they would become one of the greatest acts in metal history. The interviews are extensive, thorough and really go in depth and provide the fans with something special. The live footage is very good, and cover the first Maiden gigs. This is a must for Maiden fans. Everything you'd want to learn

Joe Grabinski

Review by Joe Grabinski ★★★★★



Review by Ray ★★★★

A bit like going through old photo albums with your granddad, but charming enough. Impressive that they got all the familiar (and unfamiliar) faces to show up, but things are decidedly sanitized to stay on brand. Comprehensive if not entirely candid.

Dr Satan

Review by Dr Satan ★★★★

It’s Iron Maiden. That’s all I really need.

Steen Christiansen

Review by Steen Christiansen ★★★★

Great, detailed look at the birth of a classic band.

Cameren Lee

Review by Cameren Lee

Just the 90-minute documentary, which Maiden uploaded on their official YouTube channel on Friday. (That 270-minute running time counts the three concert videos on the DVD release. I did watch Live at the Rainbow on Thursday, though.)

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What Iron Maiden’s The Early Years DVD basically is, is an in depth overview of the bands inception up until the World Slavery Tour. For those that have read the bio book that came out several years ago (updated in 2001) Run to the Hills nothing is really new in terms of the story however it is a treat to have the visual companion to all the old members stories. Starting from the beginning, and I do mean the very beginning the documentary regales us with tales of a youthful Maiden before anyone knew just who the hell they were. This is perhaps the most striking thing about this whole package, when the viewer sits back and the realization that even the mighty Iron Maiden used to be a bunch of nobodies gigging around in dive bars, just like everyone else. It is also very easy to see why this band became so popular when you listen and watch Steve Harris being interviewed. Even now, at the peak of their popularity and knowing the fact that the band could stop right now at this very moment and never have to work again for the rest of their lives, he still has that grim determination that he has had since day one to be the best band out there. Another personality that is the most vivid is that of their manager Rod Smallwood. He comes across as a savvy and extremely professional businessman and I wholly agree with Steve that if it wasn’t for him then Iron Maiden may not be around today. Charisma seeps out of him in buckets and you can’t help but enjoy his charming banter. Even though they are basically rendered a footnote in history, known to only the diehard fans (and even then just scantly) the interview clips with members prior to the debut are extremely nice to have. Seeing just how much shit this band had dropped on their nose just goes to prove that they earned everything they have today. From near breakups due to an egotistical singer (Wilcock) to dreary walks through the streets depressed and broke before having a run in with an old friend and his bassist that would change your life forever (Adrian) this documentary is packed with stories that make you mutter, “Wow,” and “holy shit that’s unbelievable.”

After watching the ninety minute story of the Beast there’s over two hours of rare live footage to feast your eyes and ears upon. The earliest gig known to be recorded of the band is here, a forty five minute set at the Ruskin Arms that was shot the day the self titled debut album was released is here and the sound quality is surprisingly good for a video of this nature. While being very raw, this is the band at their most innocent so to speak, at their hungriest. Seeing them play in such a small place to a packed house that is going insane for the songs that we will come to call classics really takes the viewer back and places them in the middle of that musty sweatbox. Basically the debut in its entirety (other than the bands eponymous flag song strangely) and Wrathchild I find this the best performance on here. Another Di’Anno era performance is archived with the reissue of Live at the Rainbow on disc one. A short but energetic seven song show this is more like icing on the cake rather than something you will come back to again and again. A portion of the legendary Hammersmith gig that was recorded on the Beast on the Road tour is also included and here we see Bruce Dickinson in all his youthful glory. After hearing the show on Eddie’s Archives last year I like how I can finally see the band in the flesh performing this show. It really is mindblowing hearing songs off the as then unreleased Number of the Beast and seeing how well they go down to a crowd completely unfamiliar with them. Finally, we come to some songs from a performance in Dortmund, 1983 and hear a few Piece of Mind era tracks. Other than that little extra the songs are found on the Hammersmith gig too and in my opinion that is the better of the two. Promotional videos from the years the documentary covers are here as well, Women in Uniform through The Trooper they are interspersed with various TV spots and appearances. Granted, I haven’t watched these that much as I have played them over and over when I got Visions of the Beast about a year ago.

It is blatantly obvious that The Early Years is for the hardcore Maiden fan, who else would want to sit through an hour and a half of archival footage? It is also apparent that there was a lot of time spent on the production and presentation, it isn’t something that got crapped out to make a buck. Now I’m looking forward to part two.

There are 3 replies to this review. Last one on Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:49 am View and Post comments

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The History of Iron Maiden: A Documentary Streaming Free Online

in Music | April 21st, 2022 Leave a Comment

From the offi­cial Iron Maid­en YouTube chan­nel comes the two-part doc­u­men­tary The His­to­ry of Iron Maide n. Released in 2004, Part 1: The Ear­ly Days (above) moves from the band’s begin­nings in Lon­don’s East End in 1975, to the Piece of Mind album and tour in 1983. Part 2 (below) was lat­er includ­ed on the Live After Death DVD release in 2008.

The His­to­ry of Iron Maid­en  will be added to our col­lec­tion of Free Doc­u­men­taries , a sub­set of our col­lec­tion 4,000+ Free Movies Online: Great Clas­sics, Indies, Noir, West­erns, Doc­u­men­taries & More .

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IRON MAIDEN's 'The Early Years' DVD: Complete Details Revealed

IRON MAIDEN have issued the following press release regarding their upcoming "The Early Days" DVD and their tour plans for 2005:

"The History Of IRON MAIDEN - Part 1; The Early Days" double DVD is to be released this autumn on EMI appropriately almost exactly 25 years to the day since the band first signed to the British label.

"The Early Days" is a unique collection of archive material packed onto two DVDs that covers the beginnings of the band's career from the struggle to get gigs in East End pubs through to becoming within just five years a band capable of headlining arenas anywhere around the world and achieving this without any radio support to speak of at any time.

This isn't simply a band history but more the intense and personal voyage of a remarkable group of individuals who shared one vision and worked hard to achieve that goal without any compromises along the way. It also demonstrates the band's unique relationship with their fans, the foundation for which was laid right back then 
at the beginning.

The first DVD contains nearly two hours of archive MAIDEN live concert rarities that demonstrate the energy and power that propelled them to the forefront of world metal.

The first program of DVD1 is MAIDEN 's first ever concert video "Live at The Rainbow" which was produced by EMI back in 1980 shortly after they were signed and was one of the first ever concert VHS releases. This title has not been widely available for some time so fans can now see the band fronted by Paul Di'Anno singing such classics as "Killers" and "Phantom Of the Opera" .

The rest of the footage on DVD1 consists of two shows neither of which has ever been fully available. "Beast Over Hammersmith" was filmed at the beginning of the "Beast On the Road" tour that to many fans at the time was the first introduction to Bruce Dickinson . Songs like "Hallowed be Thy Name" and "Number of The Beast" have proved to become regular features in the MAIDEN live set since this was first recorded in 1982 and now thanks to some modern reconstructive work fans can enjoy the highlights from this rare footage.

To complete the first disk is "Live At Dortmund" , a massive concert in Dortmund in December 1983 originally filmed for German TV with MAIDEN headlining a stellar metal bill as part of their "World Piece Tour" . Originally the show was broadcast live across Europe but has not been seen since until now. Research into the footage shows that all the original film has since been destroyed so this is truly now a rare piece of MAIDEN history.

DVD 2 includes the feature-length (90 minutes) documentary titled "The Early Days" with extensive interviews and photographs and historical detail.

The documentary which forms the basis for the title contains over 90 minutes of extraordinary interviews with the colourful cast of characters involved with MAIDEN over this early period — current band members, a whole host of ex band members, managers, agents, journalists, photographers, EMI execs past and present, crew, promoters, fans — all of whom have their own perspective of the events and process that led up MAIDEN 's worldwide success, and the fun and hard work involved.

It chronicles their early struggles in the mid to late '70s in London's East End where the hardest thing was just keeping a line-up together for more than a couple of pub gigs, through the early successes of their eponymous debut album and "Killers" , their first world tours, the colossal impact on the rock world that was "The Number of the Beast" and through to the end of their first full headlining world tour – "Piece of Mind" — in 1983.

A very honest and revealing (but also entertaining) insight into just what it was like early on in the world of Eddie and MAIDEN , it's also a guide book to the problems faced and attitude and talent needed to get a band off the ground and to the pinnacle of worldwide success — and then to keep it there!!! It is a fascinating and compelling story for any music fan.

Also on Disk 2 is a 30 min TV Documentary by LWT shown in 1980 on the rise of heavy metal featuring the band and footage of them performing at The Marquee in 1979 and an insight into the new breed of music fan that arose out of the ashes of the punk era. Possibly one of the rarest items on "The Early Days" is a 45-minute home video recorded by the band of them performing at The Ruskin Arms in East London. This footage was originally feared lost forever however by complete chance a surviving copy was found in Steve Harris ' home and the delicate tape was processed and now included in its entirety. With the exception of a very short clip used in "12 Wasted Years" this has never been seen by anyone except the band themselves making it such a rare gem for the collector.

Extras include rare TV appearances like their first "live" performance on "Top of the Pops" and "Rock and Pop" on German TV, special photo gallery revealing never before seen personal pictures taken by the band and crew and a thorough overview and detail of all the bands artwork, tour programmes and imagery both on tour and their studio releases, plus of course some hidden goodies.

"The Early Days" is the first of what will eventually become a series of DVDs to be released over the coming years. Each release will extensively cover a period of the band's career to become a collection of not only re-mastered footage but also previously unavailable and unseen material taken directly from the band's own personal collections, along with extensive interviews.

Says Steve Harris , "We haven't had any of our original live videos available for some time so when we started looking at this project we thought lets make each DVD a real document of not only the shows but everything around that time. Everybody has been digging through the archives to make this the most complete it can possibly be and I'm really proud of the end result. A lot of the footage we'd thought had been lost for good like the home video of the Ruskin Arms. Both disks contain some real collectors stuff. For example we filmed the first Hammersmith Odeon shows with Bruce but because of various lighting issues we never felt that it was really good enough to use. It just never really captured the excitement of show or the spectacle that it was — but by the time it was on film we could do nothing about it. However with technology being what it is now we've revisited and repaired some of the problems with the original masters to get it to a point where we can finally keep our fans happy by making it available."

"I have to say that I've really had a lot of fun recalling the early beginnings and we've managed to interview just about everybody who was ever part of MAIDEN from the very first line up in 1975 through to the band that everyone knows now. I found things I thought I had lost over the years and sometimes the smallest thing can remind you of exactly why you started doing this in the first place and the struggle everyone went through. I think the fans are going to love this."

Plans are currently being put together for IRON MAIDEN to play some festival and stadium dates next summer and bring the "Early Days" back to life. The band will be linking in the look and feel of their beginnings in the stage set as well as performing some classic tracks from that time which haven't been heard live for a while!! Dates will start to be announced in the near future

Says manager Rod Smallwood , "On reviewing all these great shows it just reminded us all of the great songs that the band have in their repertoire. It's always difficult when touring a new album to include too many of the older songs which the fans always ask for as the band would end up playing for four or five hours! The plan for next year is to recreate the power and energy and look of their early shows and eventually continue this idea with each subsequent DVD release."

The next in series will be the spectacular "Live After Death" , which will cover the bands legendary four sold out shows at Long Beach Arena in 1984 through to the Somewhere in Time tour in 1987.

For more details and preview video clips check out www.ironmaiden.com

The full contents of "The Early Days" are:

* Documentaries (115 min) * The Early Years – 90-minute Feature Documentary * 20th Century Box – Heavy Metal (1980) – 25-minute feature

Live At The Rainbow – 1981 (35 mins):

01. Ides Of March 02. Wrathchild 03. Killers 04. Remember Tomorrow 05. Transylvania 06. Phantom Of The Opera 07. Iron Maiden

Live At Hammersmith 1982 - Beast On The Road (45 mins):

01. Murders in The Rue Morgue 02. Run to The Hills 03. Children Of The Damned 04. Number Of The Beast 05. 22 Acacia Avenue 06. Total Eclipse 07. The Prisoner 08. Hallowed Be Thy Name 09. Iron Maiden

Live at Rock & Pop Festival 1983 Dortmund - World Piece Tour (35 mins):

01. Sanctuary 02. The Trooper 03. Revelations 04. Flight Of Icarus 05. 22 Acacia Avenue 06. Number Of The Beast 07. Run To The Hills

Live at The Ruskin Arms – 1980 (40 mins):

01. Sanctuary 02. Wrathchild 03. Prowler 04. Remember Tomorrow 05. Running Free 06. Transylvania 07. Another Life 08. Phantom Of The Opera 09. Charlotte the Harlot

* Extras (40 mins) * Live on "Top of the Pops" – "Running Free" and "Women In Uniform"

* Live on "Rock and Pop" – Germany TV – "Running Free"

Promo videos:

01. Women In Uniform 02. Run To The Hills 03. Number Of The Beast 04. Flight Of Icarus 05. The Trooper

* Rare and unseen Photo gallery featuring over 150 pictures and images

* Full tour listings/ Discography/ Tour programmes and artwork galleries.

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Iron Maiden: Visions of the Beast [DVD]

Product Description

This 2-DVD set chronicles the first part of the Iron Maiden story - from their beginnings as a group of teenagers in London's East End through their huge breakthrough third album, the Number of the Beast.

Product details

  • Aspect Ratio ‏ : ‎ 1.33:1
  • Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • MPAA rating ‏ : ‎ Unrated (Not Rated)
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 0.7 x 7.5 x 5.4 inches; 2.88 ounces
  • Item model number ‏ : ‎ 2230969
  • Media Format ‏ : ‎ Multiple Formats, Color, NTSC, Dolby
  • Run time ‏ : ‎ 5 hours and 15 minutes
  • Release date ‏ : ‎ November 23, 2004
  • Actors ‏ : ‎ Iron Maiden
  • Studio ‏ : ‎ Sanctuary Records
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0006B29Z2
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 2
  • #196 in British Metal (CDs & Vinyl)
  • #314 in Progressive Metal
  • #653 in British Music

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Wall Of Sound

Iron Maiden – Gig Review & Photo Gallery 1st September @ RAC Arena Perth, WA

Posted on September 2, 2024 by Gareth Williams

Iron Maiden Perth Josh Ludlow

Iron Maiden RAC Arena, Perth WA September 1, 2024 Support Killswitch Engage

Happy Father’s Day to all those who celebrate! What better way to mark the occasion than to spend a cool Sunday night listening to ear-bleedingly loud heavy metal. Checking back over my old gig reviews, I was reminded that Australia hadn’t seen the godfathers of NWOBHM since 2016 – an impossibly long time between drinks. But with pandemics, closed borders and cancelled tours behind us, the world is healing … to the sound of heavy metal.

An Iron Maiden tour is more than just a gig. The band craft an entire experience around each performance. Sure, there’re lights and effects, a whole theatrical extravaganza with the ever-enduring mascot, Eddie. But things kick off well before the Brits hit the stage with the chance to sink a few pints of Trooper Beer at the Dive Bar and Fan Meet . From 2pm, the usually soulless bar (inexplicably named ‘The Shoe’) was transformed into a hive of energy with more Maiden shirts than you could poke a stick at. This is a great PR exercise, but it also answered the age-old question: “Where are we having drinks before the gig?” My advice? Pace yourself, people. It’s still a while before showtime. But maybe one more Hazy Pale Ale

Speaking of showtime, before we get to the main game there’s a little band called Killswitch Engage to warm us up. The self-described ‘drunk assholes from America’ only took about three songs to open up a circle pit which had security scrambling to catch crowd surfers.  Iron Maiden crowds are notoriously hard on opening acts, with responses ranging anywhere from disinterest and distant to outward hostility, a point acknowledged by frontman, Jesse Leach . Full credit to the American quintet for going all out to gain the respect of the Perth punters. In contrast to the headline act KSE’s set was stripped back. No backdrop, save for the back coverings over Maiden’s stage set. No monsters, just balls-to-the-wall, high-energy metal.

Closing out their set with a cover of ‘Holy Diver’ was a master stroke. Personally I don’t think the song needed a metalcore vocal treatment, but given the reaction of the crowd I may be in the minority.

With the UFO classic ‘Doctor, Doctor’ blasting over the PA followed by the accompanying roar, there was no doubt who everyone was here for. When the Vangelis composed end credits theme from Blade Runner hit and the lights dimmed, you could have heard a pin drop. That was until the intro to the classic ‘Caught Somewhere In Time’ blasted out before the band burst on stage and all hell broke loose. As mentioned it’s been a long time between drinks for Perth and this city needed its thirst quenched. If you’re the curious type and snuck a look at the setlist ahead of time, there were no real surprises. With an extensive back catalogue it’s a near impossible job to play everyone’s favourite, but with a fistful of tracks off 2021s Senjutsu intertwined with as many from the 1986 classic Somewhere In Time and peppered with a few deeper cuts, there really was something for every fan.

Bruce Dickinson commented to the room that the last time the band played here the room was only half full (actually it wasn’t – it was closer to three quarters full), but tonight the RAC Arena was wall to wall of humanity with Iron Maiden t-shirts as far as the eye could see. Bruce also has an odd fascination our local unique marsupial, the quokka, spending more than one mic break between songs praising Rottnest Island’s furry inhabitants. But we didn’t come for the chit-chat, we came for the music.

Iron Maiden live is a whole body experience, but Iron Maiden playing the classic ‘Can I Play With Madness’ is almost a religious one. There are few bands in the world who command the sort of loyalty Maiden do. It’s tribal, bordering on fanaticism. Maiden fans aren’t casual: they’re all in, and it’s music that spans generations. If you know it, your Mum knows it, your Dad knows it, and your sons and daughters know it. This was evident by the number of families in attendance.

Dad’s first Maiden album was Seventh Son of a Seventh Son , the kids cut their teeth on Senjutsu . Music endures, as does Iron Maiden . The Future Past Tour is as good as any I’ve seen.  Even if you’ve witnessed the band more times than you can count, don’t think of sitting this one out.

Absolutely unbeatable live!

Review by Gareth Williams

Caught Somewhere in Time Stranger in a Strange Land The Writing on the Wall Days of Future Past The Time Machine The Prisoner Death of the Celts Can I Play With Madness Heaven Can Wait Alexander the Great Fear of the Dark Iron Maiden

Hell on Earth The Trooper Wasted Years

Photo Gallery by  Josh Ludlow . Instagram:  @joshludlow_photoboy Please credit  Wall of Sound  and  Josh Ludlow  if you use a published photo.

  • Iron Maiden

Iron Maiden Perth Josh Ludlow (2)

Iron Maiden –  Australian & New Zealand Tour 2024 with  Killswitch Engage

September 4 – Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide – Aus

September 6 – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne – Aus

September 7 – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne – Aus

September 10 – Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Brisbane – Aus

September 12 – Qudos Bank Arena, Sydney – Aus

September 13 – Qudos Bank Arena, Sydney – Aus

September 16 – Spark Arena, Auckland – NZ

Tickets Here

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“I sing in pictures – as I sing I see myself standing on the deck of a bloody great boat in Rime Of The Ancient Mariner”: How Powerslave pointed the way to Iron Maiden’s epic future

Iron Maiden’s monumental Powerslave album was released 40 years ago today

Iron Maiden posing for a photograph in 1985

Iron Maiden ’s rapidly growing success across their first four albums was matched only by the churn of members. Between 1980’s self-titled debut and 1981’s Killers , guitarist Dennis Stratton was replaced by Adrian Smith. The following year, vocalist Paul Di’Anno was out, as Bruce Dickinson came in for The Number Of The Beast . Then it was the turn of drummer Clive Burr to be given his marching orders, with Nicko McBrain arriving for 1983’s Piece Of Mind . While the ever-shifting line-up didn’t hurt Maiden’s momentum – or their album sales – McBrain’s arrival brought some much-needed stability.

“We had done a world tour to bed Nicko into the band,” says  bassist and found Steve Harris . “Obviously the bass player has to work very well with the drummer. So yeah, maybe it did create some more confidence.”

That confidence would bleed into 1984’s Powerslave , Maiden’s fifth album in as many years and the first to feature the same line-up as its predecessor. They were on a creative roll too: where their first two albums had consisted of songs the band had written during the years on the London club circuit, from The Number Of The Beast onwards they’d set aside time to focus on coming up with new material.

“We have no clue what we’re gonna write for any album – there are no leftovers or parts of songs lying around,” reveals Steve. “It’ll all be totally fresh and come out of that next designated writing period, because we never write on the road. We never come up with a direction for an album. We just write a bunch of stuff and see what comes out.”

“It was all random,” adds Bruce Dickinson . “It always is, although no one ever believes me when I say it. I make my lyrics as visual as I can because I think that way. I visualise every lyric when I’m writing it and, truth be told, I sing in pictures too – as I sing I see the picture in my mind of me standing on the deck of a bloody great boat in Rime Of The Ancient Mariner or the dogs of war in 2 Minutes To Midnight . I write in my own little world, then bring it forth on the page in the form of a lyric.”

Iron Maiden posing for a photograph backstage in 1985

In many respects, those two tracks represent the two diametrically opposed poles on planet Maiden. Whereas 2 Minutes To Midnight was a sharp, snappy single (the 10th of the band’s career) and reached number 11 in the UK charts, Rime Of The Ancient Mariner is an epic, based on Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s darkly foreboding late 18th-Century poem. It’s also, at just a touch under 14 minutes, the longest song the band had ever recorded to that point. 

“This was Steve’s mad idea,” explains Adrian Smith. “In those days we used to head off to Jersey, to record things in this studio we rented as a bunch of tax exiles, basically. It was usually fucking horrible winter weather, I might add. Anyway, we had this system whereby we’d each come up with our ideas, then work with whomever to fill them out. Like I would often work with Bruce on lyrics to my songs or Davey on harmonies and guitar parts and that. Steve usually works on his ideas alone, and when they’re kind of 90 per cent done he’ll present them to the band. That presentation, if you like, was always at the end of the day in the main communal area, like a ‘show and tell’ at school! 

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“But when he put …Mariner forward I just knew we had to do it, because I’d never heard anyone do anything like it before. I think when we recorded it in the Bahamas he had to hang the lyrics from the top of the wall all the way to the floor, there were so many. And Steve was so fired up about it he convinced everyone else. It’s so dramatic how can you not like it?”

Typically, Steve is a lot more down-to-earth when discussing the genesis of this remarkable piece of work.

“I don’t know where it came from, actually,” he confesses. “I wrote most of it in the Bahamas where we recorded the album. I had an idea back in Jersey, but really it was at Compass Point Studios where it all came together. The funny thing is, no one actually thought it was 13 minutes long at all. We were all so into making it work, and we all enjoyed it so much that we thought it was only eight or nine minutes long, maximum. When our producer Martin Birch timed it at 13 minutes we were all like, ‘Fuckin’ ’ell, 13 minutes?!’ And when we play it live, it never seems like 13 minutes at all.”

Aside from Steve Harris and Dave Murray, there was another key constant within the Maiden team. Martin Birch had been the band’s producer ever since he came onboard for Killers , and was an integral part of capturing their instantly recognisable sound.

“ Deep Purple are my favourite band,” admits Adrian, “so when Martin [who’d worked a lot with that band in the 1970s] came in to do Killers , I was really very nervous about him because I thought he’d think I was just plain shit. I mean, this guy had got the best out of Ritchie Blackmore and recorded the In Rock album and all that. So what was little ol’ Adrian Smith gonna do to impress him? But Martin understood where Maiden wanted to be; he did get the best out of people and he was a lynchpin in bringing out all those ideas, enabling us to make records that sounded so strong.”

Iron Maiden - 2 Minutes To Midnight (Official Video) - YouTube

“Martin was comfortable to work with,” adds Steve. “We knew each other very well by that point. But he never arranged anything; we’ve always done all the writing and arrangements. Martin was there to capture it.”

The band had first used Compass Point Studios for the Piece Of Mind album, having previously recorded in the rather less exotic surrounds of London for their previous three releases.

“We had so much fun doing Piece Of Mind out in Compass Point we had to go back,” says Steve with a laugh. “That, and tax reasons!”

One of the great strengths of Powerslave is that it’s a very visual record. While it can never be called truly conceptual, nonetheless the band’s ability to tell stories reached a new level, as they explored the supernatural ( Rime Of The Ancient Mariner ), the Battle Of Britain ( Aces High ), the end of the world ( 2 Minutes To Midnight ) and even an Egyptian theme on the title track, one that was reflected in the album cover as well, featuring another remarkable painting by Eddie creator Derek Riggs.

“Bruce came up with the Powerslave concept,” says Adrian. “He’d done the Piece Of Mind tour with this horrible little Japanese four-track demo machine full of ideas, riffs arrangements and whatever, and the Egyptian thing was on there. Everyone he spoke to about it was really taken by the theme so that’s where we went.”

But Steve denies that there was any great Maiden gameplan involved.

“Total coincidence – nothing preordained or pre-agreed. When it comes to doing a Maiden tour, though, we always want to have a purpose or a theme to it, so that’s where album art comes out in order to make a show. I’ve never had a problem putting on a big show; I don’t understand it when bands don’t put an effort into the stagecraft or put on a show. Four blokes who look like they got changed in the khazi before they got out onstage don’t interest me. If you’re going to put on a show, make it a bloody good one, that’s my view, so that people will remember it.”

The album also features one other curio – Losfer Words (Big ’Orra) . It was the first Maiden instrumental since Transylvania on their debut album, and is also their last one to date.

“We just didn’t have any words for it,” claims Steve. “But when we listened to the track it seemed a shame to put words on it, the melody was so good. You never know, we might record one for the next album. Like I said, we don’t have any set rules – we just go with the flow.”

Iron Maiden - Aces High (Official Video) - YouTube

“Losfer Words? Yeah, literally,” laughs Bruce. “We’d run out of lyrics and were really struggling to come up with an idea to fit the music. Someone just said, ‘Do we need it?’ And I thought, ‘No, we don’t. It’s great as it is.’”

Powerslave was released in September 1984, reaching number two in the UK charts and number 21 in the States. The subsequent tour was easily the most lavish and adventurous of the band’s career so far, propelling Maiden to the next level and producing the landmark Live After Death album and concert movie.

But the tour did take its toll on some members. Bruce Dickinson subsequently admitted that he considered quitting the band after suffering from exhaustion. “I did think about that, yeah,” he told Loudwire in 2017. “I was just very, very mentally exhausted by the whole grind, if you like – of grinding out 13 months on the road with no stable social life of any description.”

Bruce stayed, of course, but In many ways, Powerslave marked the end of a chapter for Maiden. Their next album, 1986’s Somewhere In Time , scaled back the grandiosity slightly, bringing sequencers and guitar synths into the mix. Yet it also pointed the way forward too – 1988‘s conceptual Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son brought the prog-metal undercurrent that swam beneath Rime Of The Ancient Mariner to the surface, an approach they’ve doubled down on their most recent albums.

Today, Powerslave remains the album of choice for many Maiden connoisseurs. In subsequent years, they’ve matched its grandiosity - but they’ve rarely bettered it.

  Originally published in Metal Hammer 182

Malcolm Dome had an illustrious and celebrated career which stretched back to working for  Record Mirror  magazine in the late 70s and  Metal Fury  in the early 80s before joining  Kerrang!  at its launch in 1981. His first book,  Encyclopedia Metallica , published in 1981, may have been the inspiration for the name of a certain band formed that same year. Dome is also credited with inventing the term "thrash metal" while writing about the  Anthrax  song  Metal Thrashing Mad  in 1984. With the launch of Classic Rock magazine in 1998 he became involved with that title, sister magazine Metal Hammer, and was a contributor to Prog magazine since its inception in 2009. He died in 2021 . 

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the early days tour iron maiden


the early days tour iron maiden

© 2024 - Iron Maiden - Website by 44 Bytes

Rock And Roll Garage

Rock And Roll Garage

See the videos and setlist of iron maiden’s first 2024 concert.

the early days tour iron maiden

Classic Rock

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Until last September 1st, the most recent Iron Maiden concert was at the Power Trip festival back in October, 2023. The band finally performed their first show in 2024 and it happened at RAC Arena in Perth, Australia. The first show this year of “The Future Past” had 15 songs and featured a few songs from their most recent album “Senjutsu”.

The band’s line-up continues the same with Bruce Dickinson (Vocals), Steve Harris (Bass), Janick Gers (Guitar), Adrian Smith (Guitar), Dave Murray (Guitar) and Nicko McBrain (Drums).

Although it took almost a year for Iron Maiden to play live again, Steve Harris was on the road with British Lion and Bruce Dickinson was also touring with his band to promote his new album “Mandrake Project”.

  • Caught Somewhere In Time
  • Stranger In A Strange Land
  • The Writing On The Wall
  • Days Of Future Past
  • The Time Machine
  • The Prisoner
  • Death Of The Celts
  • Can I Play With Madness
  • Heaven Can Wait
  • Alexander The Great
  • Fear Of The Dark
  • Iron Maiden
  • Hell On Earth
  • The Trooper
  • Wasted Years

Next Iron Maiden shows

  • 1 – Perth, Australia – RAC Arena (Killswitch Engage as opening act)
  • 4 – Adelaide, Australia – Adelaide Entertainment Centre (Killswitch Engage as opening act)
  • 6 – Melbourne, Australia – Rod Laver Arena (Killswitch Engage as opening act)
  • 7 – Melbourne, Australia – Rod Laver Arena (Killswitch Engage as opening act)
  • 10 – Brisbane, Australia – Brisbane Entertainment Centre (Killswitch Engage as opening act)
  • 12 – Sydney, Australia – Qudos Bank Arena (Killswitch Engage as opening act)
  • 13 – Sydney, Australia – Qudos Bank Arena (Killswitch Engage as opening act)
  • 16 – Auckland, New Zealand – Spark Arena (Killswitch Engage as opening act)
  • 22 – Aichi, Japan – Sky Hall Toyota
  • 24 – Osaka, Japan – Osaka-Jo Hall
  • 26 – Tokyo, Japan – Tokyo Garden Theater
  • 28 – Kanagawa, Japan – Pia Arena MM
  • 29 – Kanagawa, Japan – Pia Arena MM

The Mongolian band The Hu will be their opening act on all their North American tour dates.

  • 4 – San Diego, CA, USA – North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre
  • 5 – Las Vegas, NV, USA – Michelob ULTRA Arena
  • 8 – Los Angeles, CA, USA – Kia Forum
  • 9  – Phoenix, AZ, USA – Footprint Center
  • 12 – Sacramento, CA, USA – Aftershock Festival
  • 14 – Portland, OR, USA – MODA Center
  • 16 – Tacoma, WA, USA – Tacoma Dome
  • 18 – Salt Lake City, UT, USA – Delta Center
  • 19 – Denver, CO, USA – Ball Arena
  • 22 – St Paul, MN, USA – Xcel Energy Center
  • 24 – Rosemont, IL, USA – Allstate Arena
  • 26 – Toronto, ON, Canada – Scotiabank Arena
  • 27 – Quebec, QC, Canada – Videotron Centre
  • 30 – Montreal, QC, Canada – Centre Bell
  • 1 – Philadelphia, PA, USA – Wells Fargo Center
  • 2 – Brooklyn, NY, USA – Barclays Center
  • 6 – Worcester, MA, USA – DCU Center
  • 8 – Pittsburgh, PA, USA – PPG Paints Arena
  • 9 – Newark, NJ, USA – Prudential Center
  • 12 – Baltimore, MD, USA – CFG Bank Arena
  • 13 – Charlotte, NC, USA – Spectrum Center
  • 16 – Fort Worth, TX, USA – Dickies Arena
  • 17 – San Antonio, TX, USA – Frost Bank Center
  • 20 – Mexico City, Mexico – Foro Sol
  • 24 – Bogota, Colombia – El Campin Stadium
  • 27 – Santiago, Chile – Estadio Nacional
  • 28 – Santiago, Chile – Estadio Nacional
  • 1 – Buenos Aires, Argentina – Estadio HuracĂĄn (Malon as opening act)
  • 2 – Buenos Aires, Argentina – Estadio HuracĂĄn (Malon as opening act)
  • 6 – Sao Paulo, Brazil – Allianz Parque (Volbeat as opening act)
  • 7 – 6 – Sao Paulo, Brazil – Allianz Parque (Volbeat as opening act)

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I'm a Brazilian journalist who always loved Classic Rock and Heavy Metal music. That passion inspired me to create Rock and Roll Garage over 6 years ago. Music has always been a part of my life, helping me through tough times and being a support to celebrate the good ones. When I became a journalist, I knew I wanted to write about my passions. After graduating in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, I pursued a postgraduate degree in digital communication at the same institution. The studies and experience in the field helped me improve the website and always bring the best of classic rock to the world! MTB: 0021377/MG

the early days tour iron maiden

the early days tour iron maiden

Ed Force One: A Look At IRON MAIDEN's Private Jets

August 29, 2024, a week ago

news heavy metal iron maiden ed force one

Ed Force One: A Look At IRON MAIDEN's Private Jets

Iron Maiden is one of the most famous rock bands of all time, reports Justin Foster for Simple Flying . The English heavy metal band first formed in 1975, nearly fifty years ago. The band was started by the famous bassist, Steve Harris.

The makeup of the band changed early on, although some, like Nicko McBrain, Dave Murray, Adrian Smith, and Janick Gers, were some of the most consistent band members.

Additionally, the band added Bruce Dickinson as its singer in 1981, which many consider the move that brought Iron Maiden into one of the most popular heavy metal bands of all time.

The band found great success in the late 1990s and the 2000s, especially after Dickinson returned to the band after a hiatus. His hiatus was spent learning to fly, as he was an avid aviation enthusiast, and he eventually earned an airline transport pilot's license. Overall, the band sold over 130 million copies of their albums.

The band became so popular that it performed on some of the biggest world tours of all time, including the Somewhere Back in Time World Tour and later The Book of Souls World Tour. These tours were so big that Iron Maiden required a large private jet to transport them and their equipment.

Both of the aircraft for these two tours were nicknamed Ed Force One, which was the winner of an online competition. Let's take a closer look at the aircraft that Iron Maiden flew on for some of their most popular tours.

The first Boeing aircraft on tour:

The first Ed Force One was utilized on the Somewhere Back In Time World Tour, which lasted from 2008 through 2009. This aircraft is a Boeing 757-200, and is currently registered as N938FD.

This Boeing 757 was first delivered in March 1989, and it went to Air 2000, initially. Since then, the aircraft has also passed to Canada 3000 Airlines several times.

However, in March 2006, Astraeus Airlines, a charter company that was based in Crawley, United Kingdom, took control of the aircraft. Under the control of Astraeus Airlines, the aircraft was registered as G-OJIB.

During the time the aircraft was owned by Astraeus is when Iron Maiden chartered the aircraft for its international tour. This aircraft flew for the band over 90 different tour dates, which spanned 52 countries. It also featured a specific livery for the band, that Astraeus Airlines left after the tour was over.

However, after Astraeus Airlines went bankrupt in 2011, FedEx took ownership of the aircraft. It has been flying with the company since July 2012, after it was converted to a freighter aircraft. It remains in service to this day, per ch-aviation.

Read more, and see photos, at Simple Flying .

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  1. Iron Maiden The Early Days Tour

    the early days tour iron maiden

  2. The History of Iron Maiden: Part 1, The Early Days (2004)

    the early days tour iron maiden

  3. The Early Days Tour

    the early days tour iron maiden

  4. Iron Maiden

    the early days tour iron maiden

  5. Iron Maiden The Early Days Part 1 1974 a 1975

    the early days tour iron maiden

  6. The Early Days: Iron Maiden

    the early days tour iron maiden


  1. Iron Maiden

  2. Iron Maiden

  3. Iron Maiden Concert Review Praha 2023

  4. Iron Maiden

  5. Alexander the Great Iron Maiden Dublin 2023


  1. List of Iron Maiden concert tours

    Following the release of the DVD, The History of Iron Maiden - Part 1: The Early Days, the setlist of Iron Maiden's 2005 summer tour consisted entirely of songs from their first four albums. [92] In Sweden, the band headlined Ullevi Stadium in Gothenburg for the first time, which was broadcast across Scandinavia by SVT. [93]

  2. Eddie Rips Up the World Tour

    Throughout the tour, the stage was decorated with artwork lifted from The History of Iron Maiden - Part 1: The Early Days DVD release, with the runways appearing as alleyway walls and featuring ripped-up posters from that period, such as Live at the Rainbow, and a street sign reading "Acacia Avenue".. At a small number of shows, an inflatable Eddie (identical to that of the first album cover ...

  3. The History of Iron Maiden

    The History of Iron Maiden - Part 1: The Early Days is a DVD video by Iron Maiden, released in 2004.It features the first part of The History of Iron Maiden series, a 90-minute documentary which describes their beginnings in London's East End in 1975 through to the Piece of Mind album and tour in 1983. The set also features a large collection of rare videos and concert footage, as well as ...

  4. Iron Maiden live 2005, Prague, CZE (1st show of the year ...

    đŸ’ČEverything about Iron Maiden: https://linktr.ee/uptheironsFirst concert of the Eddie Rips Up the World tour (aka Early Days tour 2005).It's an iconic show ...

  5. The History Of Iron Maiden

    From 'The Early Days' DVD.Subscribe to Iron Maiden on YouTube: http://po.st/gfSFz3Follow Iron Maiden online:Official Site: http://ironmaiden.com/Facebook: ht...

  6. IRON MAIDEN THE EARLY DAYS with Paul Dianno Full concert

    Watch the full concert of Iron Maiden with Paul Dianno, the original vocalist of the legendary metal band.

  7. The Future Past Tour

    22 Sep 2024: Aichi, JAPAN: Sky Hall Toyota: On Sale : 24 Sep 2024: Osaka, JAPAN: Osaka-Jo Hall: On Sale : 26 Sep 2024: Tokyo, JAPAN: Tokyo Garden Theater: On Sale ...

  8. The History Of Iron Maiden

    First part of the documentary series, The History Of Iron Maiden, featuring an exhaustive, thoroughly complete history of the early years of Iron Maiden, from their humble beginnings in London's East End in 1975 through their triumphant Piece Of Mind album and tour in 1983. The set features a large collection of rare videos and concert footage, as well as interviews with former members such as ...

  9. Iron Maiden

    The Early Days DVD set features an exhaustive, thoroughly complete history of the early years of Iron Maiden, from their humble beginnings in London's East End in 1975 through their triumphant Piece of Mind album and tour in 1983.

  10. Iron Maiden

    View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2020 CD release of "The Early Days Tour - Eddie Rips Up Iceland" on Discogs.

  11. The History Of Iron Maiden

    First part of the documentary series, The History Of Iron Maiden, featuring an exhaustive, thoroughly complete history of the early years of Iron Maiden, from their humble beginnings in London's East End in 1975 through their triumphant Piece Of Mind album and tour in 1983. The set features a large collection of rare videos and concert footage, as well as interviews with former members such as ...

  12. Iron Maiden

    What Iron Maiden's The Early Years DVD basically is, is an in depth overview of the bands inception up until the World Slavery Tour. For those that have read the bio book that came out several years ago (updated in 2001) Run to the Hills nothing is really new in terms of the story however it is a treat to have the visual companion to all the old members stories.


    The History of Iron Maiden Part 1: The Early Days is a music dvd/video recording by IRON MAIDEN (Prog Related/Progressive Rock) released in 2004 on dvd, blu-ray disc and/or vhs. This page includes The History of Iron Maiden Part 1: The Early Days's : cover picture, songs / tracks list, members/musicians and line-up, different releases details, free MP3 download (stream), buy online links ...

  14. The History of Iron Maiden Part 1: The Early Days

    And all those loyal maiden fans are finally rewarded with the DVD release of History of Iron Maiden Part I: The Early Days. This 90 minute documentary covers the entire band's history, starting from the first people of Iron Maiden and running up to the release and tour of 1983's Piece of Mind.

  15. The History of Iron Maiden: A Documentary Streaming Free Online

    From the official Iron Maiden YouTube channel comes the two-part documentary The History of Iron Maiden. Released in 2004, Part 1: The Early Days (above) moves from the band's beginnings in London's East End in 1975, to the Piece of Mind album and tour in 1983. Open Culture, openculture.com

  16. Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden are an English heavy metal band formed in Leyton, East London, in 1975 by bassist and primary songwriter Steve Harris.Although fluid in the early years of the band, the line-up for most of the band's history has consisted of Harris, lead vocalist Bruce Dickinson, drummer Nicko McBrain, and guitarists Dave Murray, Adrian Smith and Janick Gers.

  17. IRON MAIDEN's 'The Early Years' DVD: Complete Details Revealed

    IRON MAIDEN have issued the following press release regarding their upcoming "The Early Days" DVD and their tour plans for 2005: "The History Of IRON MAIDEN - Part 1; The Early Days" double DVD is ...

  18. Iron Maiden * The Early Days Tour 2005 *

    ~ 2005.05.28 - Mobile Arena, Prague, Czech Republic ~ 2005.05.29 - Mystic Festival, Chorzow, Poland ~ 2005.06.12 - Fussballstadion Buchholz, Uster-Zurich, Sw...

  19. Amazon.com: Pt. 1: The Early Days : Iron Maiden: CDs & Vinyl

    The Somewhere in Time tour had a cool stage, good props, and a great song list. If you don't know, the inflatable Eddie comes out during "Iron Maiden" and not "Stranger in a Strange Land" like in the music video. Read more. ... 5.0 out of 5 stars Iron Maiden The Early Days. Reviewed in Italy on December 15, 2019. Verified Purchase.

  20. Iron Maiden

    Happy Father's Day to all those who celebrate! What better way to mark the occasion than to spend a cool Sunday night listening to ear-bleedingly loud heavy metal. ... An Iron Maiden tour is more than just a gig. The band craft an entire experience around each performance. Sure, there're lights and effects, a whole theatrical extravaganza ...

  21. Iron Maiden: the story behind the Powerslave album

    Iron Maiden's rapidly growing success across their first four albums was matched only by the churn of members.Between 1980's self-titled debut and 1981's Killers, guitarist Dennis Stratton was replaced by Adrian Smith.The following year, vocalist Paul Di'Anno was out, as Bruce Dickinson came in for The Number Of The Beast.Then it was the turn of drummer Clive Burr to be given his ...

  22. Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden - Official Website

  23. What is the last gig of The Early Days Tour? : r/ironmaiden

    Anything about or related to the metal band Iron Maiden. Discussion, pics, videos, art, you name it. Members Online ‱ Silent-Resolution-68. ADMIN MOD What is the last gig of The Early Days Tour? Discussion Share Sort by: Best. Open comment sort options. Best. Top. New. Controversial. Old. Q&A. Add a Comment ...

  24. The Future Past World Tour

    The Future Past World Tour is an ongoing concert tour by English heavy metal band Iron Maiden, in support of their seventeenth studio album Senjutsu, which is part of their tour's theme, along with their 1986 album Somewhere in Time. [1] Following 2005's Eddie Rips Up the World Tour, 2008-2009's Somewhere Back in Time World Tour and the Maiden England World Tour in 2012-2014, this is the ...

  25. Best available live performance each tour incl bootlegs pt. 17

    Best available live performance each tour incl bootlegs pt. 17 - Eddie Rips Up The World / The Early Days Tour (2005) ... Live at Reading Festival 1980 (BBC Archives), you pretty much get the entire shorter version of the setlist from the Iron Maiden tour with Dennis Stratton on guitar. The Metal for Muthas bootleg is pretty good as well.

  26. See the videos and setlist of Iron Maiden's first 2024 concert

    Until last September 1st, the most recent Iron Maiden concert was at the Power Trip festival back in October, 2023. The band finally performed their first show in 2024 and it happened at RAC Arena in Perth, Australia. The first show this year of "The Future Past" had 15 songs and featured a few songs [

  27. Ed Force One: A Look At IRON MAIDEN's Private Jets

    During the time the aircraft was owned by Astraeus is when Iron Maiden chartered the aircraft for its international tour. This aircraft flew for the band over 90 different tour dates, which spanned 52 countries. It also featured a specific livery for the band, that Astraeus Airlines left after the tour was over.