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13 Safest Countries in Latin America: Data Ranked (Travel Guide)

When deciding which countries in Latin America to visit, safety ranking is an important factor. In this article, we’ll take a look at the safest countries in Latin America, where they’re ranked, and a little bit about what to do in each country.

The safest countries in Latin America are Costa Rica and Uruguay.  This is according to the Global Peace Index. It compares three factors, which are explained in this post.  Other safe countries include Chile, Argentina, and Panama.

Latin America is the group of countries in North and South America where Romance languages (Latin-derived languages), are considered the main languages. The languages we’re talking about are Spanish , Portuguese, and French.

DISCLAIMER:  The following information is not my personal opinion, nor are they from personal experience. This comes from the 2022 Global Peace Index Report from  Vision of Humanity . ( Download PDF report ). Travel warnings and advisory levels (Levels 1 to 4) are from . Travel warnings for crime and safety can also be found on .

Ranking System for the Safest Latin American Countries

How are these countries ranked? The lower the number, the safer the country.

If you’re interested in how the safest Central American countries are scored, be sure to check out Section 6 in the Global Peace Index.

Here’s a quick breakdown. The Global Peace Index score is based on 23 different points, divided into 3 main factors:

  • Ongoing Domestic and International Conflict:   Such things as the number and duration of conflicts, how many deaths, the intensity of the conflict, and how the country fares with its neighbors impact the score.
  • Societal Safety and Security:   In this section, things like political instability, refugees, terrorism, violent crimes, murders, jailed populations, and internal security officers and police officers play a role in affecting the score.
  • Militarisation:   Military expenses, armed services personnel, importing and exporting of conventional weapons, nuclear and heavy weapons capabilities, how much is contributed to UN peacekeeping missions, and how easily accessible small arms and light weapons are all points that impact the peace score.

You can check out this handy map to visualize this info.

The guide is part of an ongoing series covering the  safest countries in the world . Learn more about the safest countries in Africa , South America , and Central America (including countries not on this list), and Asia .

13 Safest Countries in Latin America: The List

Here is the list of the safest countries in Latin America. This includes Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

1. Costa Rica

Costa Rica beaches

  • Safety Score: 1.732
  • Worldwide Rank: 38
  • Population: 5.19 million (2022)
  • Capital City: San José
  • Tourists Per Year: 3.37 million (2019)
  • Location: Central America

Costa Rica is the safest country in Latin America, coming at number 38 worldwide. It’s known as a wonderful vacation spot, and my wife and I have visited there several times.

While in Costa Riva, you can enjoy such things as ziplining at the Monteverde Cloud Reserve, discovering interesting wildlife (my wife loves the sloths in particular), or relaxing on pristine beaches like Tamarindo or Jaco.

Costa Rica is on a Level 2 travel advisory , mainly due to crime.

Learn more: 79 Facts about Costa Rica .

uruguay safe latin american country

  • Safety Score: 1.795
  • Worldwide Rank: 46
  • Population: 3.42 million (2022)
  • Capital City: Montevideo
  • Tourists Per Year: 3,000,000 (2019)
  • Location: South America

Uruguay is the second country on this list and is the safest country in South America.

Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo, is considered one of the safest capital cities in Latin America. You can enjoy the nearly 14-mile (22.2 kilometers) promenade known as the Rambla of Montevideo.

You can also visit the Plaza Independencia, Salvo Palace, and Solis Theater in the city, just to name a few tourist spots to enjoy.

According to, Uruguay is at a level 2 advisory , or to exercise increased caution due to crime.

chile safe south american country

  • Safety Score: 1.84
  • Worldwide Rank: 55
  • Population: 19.45 million (2022)
  • Capital City : Santiago
  • Tourists Per Year: 5,000,000 (2019)

Chile comes in as the third safest country in Latin America. One of the most popular tourist destinations here is the Torres Del Paine National Park where you can enjoy hiking or go horseback riding.

You can also go enjoy the Marble Caves or head to Cape Horn, the most southern point in South America.

Some caution is needed when traveling in Chile ( Level 2 caution ; because of civil unrest.

panama safe country central america

  • Safety Score: 1.876
  • Worldwide Rank: 61
  • Population: 4.46 million (2022)
  • Capital City: Panama City
  • Tourists Per Year: 2.49 million (2019)

Panama comes in at number 4 for the safest countries in Latin America, and another country I’ve been to personally (though very briefly). This Central American country borders South America and is famous for the Panama Canal.

You can also visit such destinations as Monkey Island or walk the Amador Causeway (Calzada de Amador).

Panama is currently under a Level 2 advisory . There are some warnings due to crime, with the Mosquito Gulf and the Darién Region under a “Do not travel to” advisory.

5. Argentina

Wine bodega in Mendoza Argentina

  • Safety Score: 1.911
  • Worldwide Rank: 69
  • Population: 47.43 million (2022)
  • Capital City : Buenos Aires
  • Tourists Per Year: 7,400,000 (2019)

Argentina comes in at number 5 of safest countries and has the biggest population on the list. This South American city boasts a variety of tourist activities.

You can visit the highest mountain in South America, Aconcagua; the largest waterfall system in the world, Iguazú Falls; and even take a cruise to Antarctica from Ushuaia. currently has Argentina at Level 1 advisory , or to exercise normal precautions when traveling there.

6. Paraguay

paraguay safe latin american country

  • Safety Score: 1.976
  • Worldwide Rank: 77
  • Population: 7.31 million (2022)
  • Capital City: Asunción
  • Tourists Per Year: 4,370,000 (2019)

Number 6 on the list of safest countries in Latin America is Paraguay. You can enjoy the sights of Manzana de la Rivera and Plaza Uruguaya in the capital city of Asunción; visit Encarnación, sometimes known as “The Pearl of the South”; or relax in the popular vacation spot of San Bernardino.

Like Argentina, has Paraguay at a Level 1 travel advisory , meaning you should exercise normal precautions.

living in cuenca ecuador

  • Safety Score: 1.988
  • Worldwide Rank: 79
  • Population: 18.12 million (2022)
  • Capital City: Quito
  • Tourists Per Year: 2,000,000 (2019)

Coming in at nubmer 7 is Ecuador. Enjoy such attractions as the Middle of the World City, the Amazon Rainforest to the east, and the Andes.

You can also check out the best things to do in Ecuador for a more comprehensive look at what to do. And you might also want to visit some of Ecuador’s famous landmarks , national parks , or volcanoes .

Due to civil unrest and crime, Ecuador is at a Level 2 advisory .

bolivia safe south america

  • Safety Score: 1.989
  • Worldwide Rank: 80
  • Population: 12.22 million (2022)
  • Capital City: Sucre (official, judicial capital); La Paz (de facto, administrative capital)
  • Tourists Per Year: 1,240,000 (2019)

Bolivia is the 8th safest country in Latin America. Full of great nature tourism, you can visit the Valley of the Moon in La Paz, visit the Laguna Colorada, or head over to Isla del Sol on Lake Titicaca.

Bolivia is at a Level 2 advisory due to civil unrest, so keep an eye out for demonstrations, strikes, and roadblocks.

Check out these 25 tasty Bolivian foods .

9. Dominican Republic

dominican republic safe country caribbean

  • Safety Score: 1.99
  • Worldwide Rank: 81
  • Population: 11.08 million (2022)
  • Capital City: Santo Domingo
  • Tourists Per Year: 7.55 million (2019)

The Dominican Republic is number 9 of safest Latin American countries. Very popular for travelers looking to get away from winter, especially those looking for a resort vacation.

You can also visit such areas as 3 Eyes National Park, go swimming at Soana Island, or check out Lago Enriquillo.

The Dominican Republic is under a Level 2 advisory due to crime. Resort areas tend to be better policed than other regions.

arroz con pollo cuban dish

  • Safety Score: 2.083
  • Worldwide Rank: 98
  • Population: 11.31 million (2022)
  • Capital City: Havana
  • Tourists Per Year: 4.28 million (2019)

Cuba is the 10th safest Latin American country. This Caribbean country has many things to offer tourists.

You can visit such areas as the archipelago known as the Jardines de la Reina, the UNESCO Heritage Site the Valle de Viñales, or the Alejandro de Humboldt National Park.

Cuba is under a Level 2 travel warning to Exercise Increased Caution.

peru safety

  • Safety Score: 2.091
  • Worldwide Rank: 101
  • Population: 33.70 million (2022)
  • Capital City: Lima
  • Tourists Per Year: 5,280,000 (2019)

The 11th safest country in Latin America is Peru and the third country on this list I’ve visited personally.

hiking Huayna Picchu peru

Besides the famous and popular Machu Picchu, you can also visit another set of ruins of a walled settlement called Kuélap, or go hiking on the Salkantay Trek or the Colca Canyon.

Due to increased crime in certain areas, Peru is currently at a Level 3 advisory (reconsider travel) . There are warnings to avoid traveling to certain areas altogether.

12. Guatemala

guatemala facts

  • Safety Score: 2.139
  • Worldwide Rank: 106
  • Population: 18.61 million
  • Capital City: Guatemala City
  • Tourists Per Year: 2.56 million (2019)

Number 12 of the safest Latin American countries is Guatemala. Travelers can visit different sites such as the former capital Antigua, a UNESCO Heritage site; check out the Chichicastenango Market or other Mayan markets; or head over to Rio Dulce if sailing is your thing.

Guatemala is under a Level 3 advisory, Reconsider Travel, because of crime. Several areas are under a “Do not travel to” warning.

Learn more with these 24 Facts about Guatemala .

13. El Salvador

san salvador el salvador market

  • Safety Score: 2.231
  • Worldwide Rank: 114
  • Population: 6.56 million
  • Capital City: San Salvador
  • Tourists Per Year: 2.64 million (2019)

Rounding out our list of safest Latin American countries is El Salvador. Known as the Land of Volcanoes, there are many volcanoes that you can explore. But you can also enjoy other activities like surfing at El Tunco, taking a Seven Waterfalls Tour, or checking out the capital of San Salvador.

El Salvador is under a Level 3 travel advisory due to crime.

Here are some of the best Salvadoran foods to try on your visit.

safest country in latin america

FAQ About Safety in Latin America

What is the safest country in latin america.

The safest country in Latin America is Costa Rica. It’s among the safest countries in the world at number 38. Other safe countries in the region are Uruguay, Chile, and Panama.

What is the most stable country in Latin America?

The most stable countries in Latin America are Costa Rica and Uruguay. Both have had consistent scores over the last several GPI reports, scoring consistently at the top or close to the top of their respective regions (Central and South America)

What are the most dangerous countries in Latin America?

The most dangerous country in Latin America for 2022 is Venezuela (South America). Due to crime, civil unrest, and kidnapping (among other things), it’s at a Level 4 travel advisory, which is “Do Not Travel”. In fact, at number 148 in the GPI, Venezuela is one of the most dangerous countries in the world at the moment.

most dangerous country in latin america venezuela

For Central America, Mexico is the most dangerous country , coming in at 137th in the world. However, this doesn’t tell the whole story. It’s more that certain regions of the country should be avoided, while other areas are quite popular with travelers.

What country in Latin America gets the most tourists?

Mexico has the most tourists in Latin America, with 97.41 million tourists in pre-pandemic numbers.

As mentioned above, despite its GPI score, there are many regions and spots that people can still visit in relative safety, like Merida, Puerto Vallarta, and Riviera Maya.

What Latin American country have you visited? Where would you like to go? What did we miss? Let us know in the comments below!

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Hello, I'm Joshua Diegor . My love for travel began I was 18 when I went with some friends to New York City. All in all, I've traveled to 6 continents and 14 countries.

I'm a regular contributor to Storyteller Travel .

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Orange Cuppa to Copa Travels logo: Latin America travel guides and tips

The Safest Countries in Latin America 2024 – and Least Safe!

safest countries in latin america to travel costa rica

Sometimes, I use affiliate/sponsored links with my recommendations, which if bought through might earn me a few pennies at absolutely no extra cost to you . This helps with the cost of keeping this site alive so I can continue to guide you on your travels. Please remember that I would never ever ever recommend anything I don’t or wouldn’t use myself. Big thanks to each and every one of you who have trusted my recommendations so far! Lozzy x

When planning travels to unfamiliar destinations, it’s really important that you take into consideration the political, economic and social risks of visiting that certain area of the world. Central and South America have a reputation for violence and unrest, so my advice is that you get a-learnin’ about the countries you’re considering long before you book those flights.

To simplify this, here’s a list of the top 10 safest countries in Latin America for 2024 (and also the least safe countries, at the bottom of this page!). You’ll see that there are proportionately more of the top safest countries in South America than Central, but the Central nations that do well do very, very well!

Please note that I’m sticking to mainland LatAm for this list, so Caribbean islands haven’t been included as they’re not often on the travel route that readers come to my blog for :) Some of them also have different ease of travel implications depending on where in the world the tourist is from.

After this post on the safest countries in Latin America in 2024, you’ll also want to read:

  • Backpacking in South America: must-know tips and tricks
  • Border-crossing tips for South America
  • Best places for your first time in Latin America if you don’t speak Spanish

safest countries in latin america to travel uruguay

What’s my data source for the safest Latin American countries?

This is really important to know, and comes with lots of challenges to get to an accurate list of the safest countries in Latin America. For this list, I’m going to be using the results of the Global Peace Index (June, 2023), which weights 23 data points including political instability, militarisation, terrorism, incarceration effects, homicides, sexual assaults and ecological threats.

Is this the best way to statistically say whether a country is safe or not? Honestly, no . It’s actually pretty flawed, and my Economics professors would probably flog me for it. However, with the limited global data that’s out there, this is one of the most accurate indices for estimating which are the safest countries in Latin America at this time.

In an ideal world, I would love to include data from the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report that looks into safety specifically from a tourist’s point of view, but this hasn’t been refreshed since 2019, and I’m even less comfortable using country data in such a fast-changing part of the world that has since gone through a pandemic.

safest countries in latin america to travel nicaragua

What’s important to consider about safety in Latin America?

So why not just judge which are the safest countries in Latin America using homicide rates, I hear you ask? Well, from a traveller’s point of view, this is not a particularly relevant metric. That’s because the vast majority of homicides in Latin America are gang/cartel-related or domestic.

The chances of a randomer walking up and shooting you are fairly low – though will hugely increase if you decide to go against all advice and visit extremely poor or known dangerous areas and proceed to act obnoxiously and/or flash your cash ( I’m not victim-blaming, I’m stupid-tourist-blaming ).

More likely to affect tourists and therefore one of the key indicators in considering the safest countries in Latin America for travellers is the level of civil unrest.

Though in 2020 some contenders saw their protestors agreeing to reduce or put a halt to protests, 2021’s perceived political mishandling and economic strain put on the many communities living hand-to-mouth during to the pandemic has meant some of this unrest has come back with new fire in its belly.

A number of countries have switched hands – whether by fully democratic means or not – in the last few years, and some have even switched political ideologies. This will all ultimately influence how people live day-to-day, how content they feel and how issues are dealt with, and therefore whether the environment is safe and secure.

I’m not gonna say the time everyone got kicked off of our bus a few kilometres away from the nearest city in Bolivia due to road blockades & political protests was the worst thing to ever have happened in the world, but it wasn’t particularly fun:

safest countries in latin america - bolivia road blockade protests, civil unrest

Of course, COVID-19 will have had an impact while this country safety data was put together. The problem with trying to gauge medical safety in developing countries during a global pandemic is that testing is not universally affordable – by the government nor the general population – and these countries’ lack of power and money on the world stage means they are often low in the pecking order to receive solutions once they are discovered.

The pandemic data collection & reporting in Latin America is not always well-funded/far-reaching and often needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.

Anyway, let’s get into the list of the safest countries in Latin America to travel to in terms of the latest Global Peace Index in 2024…

And for reference, Canada scored a ranking of 11th out of 163 in the latest GPI report, the UK came 37th, and the USA dropped rankings yet again to 131st . Yep.

safest countries in latin america list - where is safe to travel to

Safest countries in Latin America in 2024:

Joint 8th. guatemala.

GPI Ranking: 103

A relatively new entrant into the top 10 safest countries in Latin America since I started these guides a few years ago! Great to see Guatemala making an appearance here.

It’s seen an improvement in the homicide rate since 2021, but the country is sadly still known for femicide (usually within domestic relationships).

From a visitors’ point of view, caution and a keen eye are needed in assessing situations, but outside of the larger cities you won’t feel too on-edge.

Check out my ultimate bucketlist for destinations to visit in Guatemala here.

safest countries in latin america central america antigua guatemala yellow instagram arch

Joint 8th. Peru

I’m glad Peru didn’t rank too poorly on the list of safest countries in Latin America because it’s definitely a must-visit for tourists interested in the rich history of this region, but its place has slipped significantly from 7th in Latin America and 86th globally in 2021.

Luckily, you can explore all the wonders of Machu Picchu , Cusco and Paracas without looking over your shoulder the whole time.

Some parts of the cities of course get dodgy, so wise up on the safer areas before you travel to Peru (or anywhere else, for that matter).

Check out my 2-week itinerary for travelling around Peru here.

latin america safest countries in south america to travel peru

GPI Ranking: 97

Slipping a fair bit from it’s global safety ranking of 73 last year, Ecuador’s place of 7th in the safest countries in Latin America is heavily influenced by the protests suffered over the last couple of years, standing a stand against everything from oil prices to wages and the handling of the pandemic by the government.

Gang conflict is known to happen north in the Esmeraldas region, so tourists are generally told to avoid it, and I was specifically warned about muggings in Quito , especially in the highly touristic areas such as the Old Town where you’re a sitting duck.

However, in much of the country popular with visitors, such as Otavalo , Baños and Cuenca , things do feel pretty safe.

Check out my bucketlist for destinations to visit in Ecuador here.

JAN 2024 UPDATE: Since the release date of the latest GPI report, Ecuador saw the return of a cartel leader, Fito, onto the streets after he escaped from prison. This has triggered an extreme downwards slide into effective terrorism by the gangs, so please avoid major cities right now.

latin america safest countries in south america to travel ecuador

GPI Ranking: 78

To tell the truth, this one sort of surprised me at first, as while petty crime is quite common due to the relative poverty in Bolivia, violent crime isn’t necessarily an everyday threat as long as you don’t get involved in the wrong crowd/cartel.

Where Bolivia does not score well is in the militarisation indicator, especially in the wake of the ousting of their hero-turned-cray-cray-fraudster, Evo Morales, back in 2019 and the political turmoil that has thrown them into.

But aside from having to plan travel around road blockages and the like, this shouldn’t affect visitors too significantly.

Check out my 2-week itinerary for travelling around Bolivia here.

safest countries in latin america to travel bolivia

Joint 5th. Paraguay

GPI Ranking: 68

I feel like Paraguay is one of those countries that just keeps its head down and gets on with things. One thing I noticed when I visited Paraguay was that the wealth gap is HUGE, so people are either São Paulo elite wealthy or La Paz hilltops poor.

Paraguay doesn’t score too well on the economic cost of violence, which explores indicators such as armed conflict and internal displacement.

I definitely felt a little on-edge in some parts of Asunción as there are several shanty towns right in the centre, but it didn’t help that we arrived during a protest against political corruption. However, in the richer parts of the city, people party like it’s an NYC rooftop, pulling up in their Range Rovers with not a care in the world. Pick your areas wisely!

latin america safest countries in south america to travel paraguay

Joint 5th. Panama

Panama is just… I don’t know how to describe Panama without it sounding like a negative thing, but… neutral? Chill? Mild?

Anyway, a key reason that Panama continues to sit near the middle of the top 10 safest countries in Latin America is that it suffered unrest in the last few years over reforms that the government tried to push through that were to have a significant effect on marginalised groups.

These protests largely occur in Panama City, so are unlikely to affect travel across the rest of the country.

Needless to say, the San Blas Islands are a very safe bet, and a great detour when travelling from South America to Central!

Check out my 2-week itinerary for travelling around Panama here.

safest countries in latin america to travel panama

GPI Ranking: 58

In the 2019 GPI , Chile scored the highest ranking of all the safest countries in Latin America, ranking 27 th worldwide. However, ongoing civil unrest in reaction to a very unpopular government means that it has slipped from its pedestal in recent years.

Away from the big cities, Chile’s most beautiful areas are still very much peaceful, so just keep up-to-date with protests and plan your trip to the ex-safest country in South America accordingly.

Check out my bucketlist of places not to miss in Chile here.

south america safest countries in latin america to travel chile

3. Argentina

GPI Ranking: 54

Sneaking above 2 places up in this list of the safest countries in Latin America for 2024, Argentina is more known for its political and economic instability, so as a tourist you don’t need to be too preoccupied with the risk of violent crime.

Most crime towards foreigners is petty – whilst there, I was victim to credit card copying in a restaurant in Buenos Aires , and then accused of being the thief in Rosario when someone had cash stolen off their bed in a hostel ( spoiler alert: I wasn’t ).

Again, protests can happen, and declaring bankruptcy every 5 years or so is a trick the Argentinian government is fond of which can make money hard to value and get hold of. COVID-19 may have sped up this pattern, so keep an eye on the economic situation before you travel.

Check out my 2-week itinerary for travelling around Argentina here.

safest countries in latin america to travel argentina

GPI Ranking: 50

Top of the safest countries in South America, Uruguay is famed for its political stability and relative lack of violent crime.

The GDP per capita is much higher than some of its neighbours, so there’s less of a need for people to survive via desperate means. Education levels are high, and the climate is mild.

Funnily enough, since arriving in Uruguay was the first time I ever stepped foot on South American soil, I remember being caught up in the continent’s bad reputation and feeling entirely on-edge for the first 2 weeks or so, even though it’s technically safer than my home country. Lols.

Check out my 2-week itinerary for travelling around Uruguay here.

south america safest countries in latin america to travel uruguay

1. Costa Rica

GPI Ranking: 39

Long a safe haven for tourists wanting to dip their toes into Latin American travel without being too exposed to many of the dangers associated with this region, Costa Rica remains on top of the safest countries in Latin America to travel, and has actually climbed one place in the rankings since last year.

It has managed to gain this title despite an increase in violent demonstrations year-on-year and an influx of refugees from its neighbour, Nicaragua .

The biggest crime against tourists in Costa Rica is the price of tours + expectation for fat tips at the end. Don’t @ me, bruh.

Check out my 2-week itinerary for travelling around Costa Rica here.

safest countries in latin america to travel costa rica

And what about the unsafest countries in Latin America?

For the nations that didn’t make this top 10 safest countries in Latin America in 2024, let’s have a look at how they ranked on the latest GPI:

El Salvador 122

Honduras 120

Nicaragua 123

[Remember, the USA sits here at 131]

Colombia 140

Venezuela 140

The one I’m most disappointed to see so low on the ranking of safest countries in Latin America is Colombia , as it obviously has a special place in my heart. However, it reveals some of the flaws in using this data, as it can’t account for the fact that the guerrilla violence and cartel activity are heavily concentrated to certain regions that tourists would/should never go.

Much of the petty crime in Colombia (and to be honest, many of the other countries in Latin America) can be avoided by being aware of your surroundings and not drawing attention to yourself as a tourist. Check out safety tips for Colombia here .

Venezuela, however, is down at the bottom of the list of safest countries in Latin America in 2024 for a very solid reason; unfortunately it’ll be a few years at the very least before it’ll be advisable to travel there due to immense political unrest and the displacement of millions of people.

south america safest countries in latin america to travel colombia south america

Now you’ve reached the end of this post on the safest countries in Latin America in 2024, don’t miss:

best of latam travel destination guides blog

Found this post on the 10 safest countries in Latin America in 2024 helpful?

Save the below image as a pin on Pinterest to be able to refer to this list of safest countries in Latin America again later!

south america safest countries in latin america to travel costa rica 2023

Last Updated on 11 February 2024 by Cuppa to Copa Travels

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15 thoughts on “the safest countries in latin america 2024 – and least safe”.

USA should be one of the least safe to travel do to corruption , political harassment by people supporting the government .also protest on the street also by government supporters .

It doesn’t matter where you are, Frank. Corruption is all around you right now. What are these “government supporters” protesting?

Did you not read the article? It IS listed as one of the least safe.

Very informative. I lived in Mexico back in the 90’s . It depends where you live. Queretaro was super safe. Never felt threatened. D.F. is a little different but only felt really on edge once. Also lived in Costa Rica. I didn’t get about much due to work but again, i felt super safe, Thanks for the write up.

Thanks so much for reading, and for your additional input! :)

Informative blog. I was victim of petty thieves in Buenos Aires and Vina del Mar, but not violent

Sorry to hear that! All I had was my credit card getting copied in a BA restaurant!

Panama colon area dislikes Americans rocks threw at me places wouldn’t service me feed me same as in Panama city

Thank you very much. I think you made an error talking about Venezuela.


I am guessing the author is American and it’s not as easy to travel to Cuba because of the travel restrictions to the country.

British, actually! :) As I said in the article I stuck to mainland LatAm simply because that’s what my blog readers tend to come to me for advice on (I tend to get lots of backpackers on the ‘gringo trail’!). But I’m probably going to rewrite this to include the islands for accuracy when I next get the time. Thanks for reading!

why isnt El Salvador listed, is it a political black ball? if you visit beautiful El Salvador, you will see for yourself the lies that are been spread, published, by opponents of the current government administration. El Faro, De soros,and the human right watch commission need to stop spreading lies about my country.

Thank you for sticking up for the truth. And the truth is that El Salvador will soon become the safest country in both the entire continents of North and South America. El Salvador’s homicide rates have been dropping to literally 1 death, and if you’ve read the news lately you can tell the President has just sent 10,000 soldiers to arrest gang members, soon enough El Salvador will become the SAFEST country in ALL of Latin America. Y yo estoy diciendo esto como un Salvadoreño.

I agree with the comment regarding El Salvador, I was there in September and found to be a beautiful and safe country.

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The Safest Latin American Countries to Visit

Here are some of the most memorable (and safest) Latin American countries and regions to explore

safest countries to visit latin america

Adventurous travelers flock to Latin America to enjoy its vibrant culture, fascinating history, natural wonders and fantastic cuisine, to name a few highlights. Encompassing Mexico, Central America, South America, and parts of the Caribbean, Latin America offers a rich tapestry of unique experiences that can’t be found anywhere else in the world. 

Still, some travelers choose to miss out on Latin America’s many attractions, citing concerns about safety. Some are based on myths, stereotypes, and hearsay; others are, in fact, valid: There are dangerous areas in every country, but if you do your homework, keep calm should unexpected situations arise, behave respectfully, and travel with a trustworthy tour company, you can fully embrace everything that Latin America has to offer—without any uneasiness. Ready to take the plunge? Here are the top 10 safest Latin American countries to visit.

Note: All of these destinations rank above the USA , Turkey, and Venezuela in terms of their Global Peace Index (GPI), an annual report that measures the world’s most peaceful nations and regions.  

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

For the most part, this archipelago of 19 islands in the Pacific Ocean is extremely isolated and unpopulated. Located 620 miles off the coast of continental Ecuador , the Galapagos sits at the confluence of three ocean currents, resulting in one of the world’s most incredible marine ecosystems. Its untouched beauty and wildlife (including marine iguanas, sea lions, and Galapagos tortoises) make it a magnet for nature lovers (and anyone with a pulse). Its unique plant and animal life inspired 19th-century naturalist Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. 

Flying is the only way to get here from the mainland. Crime is nearly nonexistent. While Ecuador is also among the safest countries to visit in South America, it’s experienced civil unrest in recent years, so monitor its travel advisory status before departure.

© Maridav/Shutterstock

See Also: Best Tours in the Galapagos Islands

Costa Rica holds first place as the safest country in Central America and the Caribbean on the Global Peace Index (GPI). Blessed with tropical temperatures and pristine beaches, including Guanacaste, along the Pacific (aka the “Gold Coast”) Costa Rica is a paradise for surfers and sun worshippers. But kayakers, zipliners, rafters, and other outdoor adventurers also find lots to love thanks to its magnificent mountain ranges, hiking trails, hot springs, and numerous rivers, streams, and waterfalls. And if volcanoes are high on your list, don’t miss Arenal Volcano National Park, the site of the namesake active stratovolcano.

Theft is the most typical crime against tourists. Keep your belongings tucked away, then relax in this tropical wonderland.

©Brad Schinkel/Shutterstock

See Also: Best Tours in Costa Rica

Considered one of the safest Central American countries to travel to, Panama offers the perfect combination of relaxation, sophistication, and adventure. What’s on tap? A treasure trove of rainforests, including the biologically diverse Chagres National Park, tropical beaches along the Pacific Ocean (check out Santa Clara and Farallón), and on the Caribbean side (San Blas Islands), plus that world-famous engineering marvel, The Panama Canal. It’s also home to cosmopolitan Panama City, boasting a rainforest within its city limits. 

Whether you want to surf, hike or indulge in Afro-Caribbean cuisine, you can enjoy it all with no limitations.

© Angel Silva/Unsplash

See Also: Best Tours in Panama

The Amazon isn’t a country, per se—it’s a vast region known as a biome, spread across eight countries (Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuela, Suriname, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia and Guyana) and one of France’s overseas territories (French Guiana). They all share the Amazon rainforest, the world’s most biologically diverse ecosystem, with about 60% contained within Brazil’s borders. Whatever is on your wishlist—eyeballing parrots and howler monkeys, night hikes among nocturnal tree frogs, or swimming with the pink river dolphins—go with an experienced guide or certified tour operator. Though one of the safest regions in Latin America, the Amazon is also isolated and sparsely inhabited.

A secure way to explore the jungles and the waterways? Take a river cruise.


See Also: Best Amazon River Cruises

One of the safest countries in South America, Chile offers travelers a wealth of experiences. Long and narrow, with proximity to the Pacific Ocean, as well as neighboring Peru, Bolivia and Argentina, it’s home to Patagonia’s expansive Torres del Paine National Park, a hiker and trekker’s paradise; the Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on earth; and over 2,000 volcanoes. And when you need a break from snowboarding, skiing, surfing or taking selfies in front of glaciers, there’s no shortage of wineries and pisco distilleries to explore.

Pickpocketing can be a concern, especially in Santiago, but if you use common sense, and stay with your tour group, you’ll be in the clear.

© Ben Turnbull/Unsplash

Here are some of the best tours in Chile .

See Also: Best Chile Tour

Uruguay is the second safest country in South America and the Caribbean on the Global Peace Index, It’s also South America’s second-smallest country, making it the ideal size for full immersion. But you won’t be alone. Head to the stunning beaches along the Río de la Plata and the Atlantic coastline (like the resort town of Punta del Este) where throngs of tourists, including Argentinian and Brazilian visitors, enjoy surfing, kitesurfing, swimming, fishing and boating. Experience Gaucho culture in rural parts and the historic sites of Montevideo, plus the mountains and native woodlands—and don’t overlook Uruguay’s hot springs area. 

Oh, and the wine and food are spectacular, plus the locals are friendly, so chill and ponder which activity to do next.

Punta Del Este, Uruguay | © Pedro Slinger/Pexels

See Also: Best Tours in Uruguay

Paraguay is another South American country that might not be on your travel radar—but it should be. Landlocked between Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia, this country of subtropical forests and sprawling savannas delivers a bona fide South American experience. From Chaco Lodge, a forest reserve with a salt lake famed for its flamingos, and the splendiferous Monday Waterfall, to the Koi and Chorori Hills made of sandstone, natural wonders abound. History buffs can also get their fill of churches, monuments, museums and colonial architecture. 

Paraguay is full of surprises, plus it’s among the safest South American countries for tourists.  

Aregua, Asunción, Paraguay | © David Ress/Unsplash

See Also: Best Tours in Paraguay

Argentina ranks as the third safest country in Latin America and the Caribbean on the Global Peace Index. It’s also the eighth-largest country in the world and the second-largest country in South America. This diverse behemoth hits all the high notes for adventurers, from rafting, waterskiing, windsurfing and kayaking in the reservoirs of Mendoza at the foot of the Andes to chasing waterfalls, specifically the semi-circular Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil. Explore the wine-making provinces of Mendoza and San Juan, the breathtaking Patagonian coast beaches and the tango clubs in Buenos Aires—there’s truly something for everyone here.

So pack your swimsuits and hiking gear—and don’t forget your dancing shoes. 

View of Iguazu Falls, border between Brazil and Argentina | © Paulo Nabas/Shutterstock

See Also: Best Tours in Argentina

In the realm of ancient culture and ruins, Peru, South America’s third-largest country, is an absolute goldmine, home to the world-renowned Machu Picchu, a citadel of palaces and monuments constructed by the Inca Empire, at the top of the Andes; Kuelap, a pre-Hispanic stone structure atop a mountain; and Caral, the birthplace of Andean culture, to name a few awe-inspiring sights. And when you’ve maxed out on Peru’s greatest archeological discoveries, take thee to seaside Lima, where you can catch a wave, go paragliding, or indulge in top-flight gastronomy.

Peru is one of the safest South American countries to visit. Though theft occasionally happens, crimes against foreigners are extremely rare.

Machu Picchu, Peru | © MarinaTP/Shutterstock

See Also: Best Tours in Peru

Outdoor sports and natural beauty lure adventurers to this Central American country, where the list of activities is neverending: you can hike to the top of the Mombacho volcano, sail to Solentiname, a nature-filled archipelago, snorkel in the turquoise waters of Pearl Cays, and surf the waves at Colorado Beach. The perfect bookend: A bike tour of the Spanish colonial city of Grenada.

Nicaragua has experienced political turmoil for several years, but it’s held onto its Global Peace Index footing. To stay safe, check its travel advisory status before departure, exercise caution, and visit with a reputable tour company.

Hikers on W trek, Chile | © Toomas Tartes/Unsplash

See Also: Best Tours in Nicaragua

TOURING TIP: While these might be some of the safest Latin American countries , like every other country in the world, travel should always be done with safety in mind. Do your research before you travel, behave responsibly, and always remain aware of your surroundings. Considering traveling with a professional tour company if you are concerned about safety–and that goes for travel in any country, not just in Latin America.

safest countries to visit latin america

Randi Gollin

Randi Gollin is a freelance writer and editor based in Brooklyn, NY. She’s covered everything from travel, food, and cocktails, to shopping and business topics for digital publications and tech and media brands.

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The Safest Destinations in Latin America and Why You Should Visit Them Now

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See recent posts by Kyle Valenta

Machu Picchu

If you've been paying attention, you know that Latin America is rapidly ascending lists of the world's must-see destinations. According to the World Trade Organization , inbound tourism to Latin America grew by three percent in 2018, and the figure is predicted to grow. And with landscapes as varied at the Atacama Desert, the Andes, and the Amazon — plus stunning ancient ruins, charming colonial towns, and dazzling modern cities — why wouldn't it?

However, you might be wondering, "Is it safe to visit Latin America?" The truth is that centuries of global inequity, colonialism, and market forces have created instability in many countries in the region. In fact, in 2019, the Global Peace Index downgraded Central and South America's scores in 2019 — as they did with most countries in the Americas, including the United States. And when you focus on hard facts, things are alarming — as a whole, Latin America has a murder rate of 21.5 homicides per 100,000 people in 2018, according to the Washington Post , which is far above the global average.

But when you look more closely at the data, there are some bright spots. In fact, many countries in Latin America get high marks for safety, and also happen to be beautiful, culturally-rich destinations (including one of the 30 most safe countries on earth: Chile). We've ranked the safest destinations in Latin America and are giving you some tips on what to see there, so you can plan your next adventure with peace of mind. Read on for our picks.

Editor's Note: As of late 2019, protests have sprung up throughout several countries on this list, including Chile, Ecuador, and Bolivia. You should always check the security situation in the country before you plan your trip and leave, as the police, government, and military have resorted to violence in many instances.

Torres del Paine, Chile at sunrise

Torres del Paine, Chile at sunrise; Baileyelisehall/Unsplash

Why You Should Go: Full of opportunities for outdoor adventure, lined with stunning beaches, and blazing up lists of must-visit destinations — Chile is rapidly becoming South America’s next “it” destination. Part of that is because there’s so much to see and do here. And that makes sense, when you consider its size; it’s nearly 2,800 miles long, with the Pacific Ocean as its western border, the Andes Mountains to the east, Peru to the north, and Antarctica to the south. Where else can you visit the driest place on earth (the Atacama Desert), while being able to photograph glaciers, climb volcanoes, go snowboarding, soak up some sun in a beach town, dive deep into literary history, and walk some of the world’s most interesting hiking trails?

As if all that wasn’t mind-blowing enough, Easter Island, with its mysterious Moai statues, is part of Chile too. Of course, you can’t see everything in one visit, or even two. For first-timers, a good starting point might be Santiago , the capitol and largest city in Chile. Skiing is an hour away; the Pacific Ocean is two hours away; and right in Santiago you have museums, concert venues, high-end shopping, and colonial architecture. If it’s nature that you’re after, head south — very far south — to famous national parks like Torres del Paine National Park (one of the world’s most famous) and the amazing landscapes of Chilean Patagonia and the Tierra del Fuego.

Keep in mind when planning your trip that summer in Chile lasts from December to March. You should also note that compared to its neighbors, Chile can be more expensive for travelers and you’ll score far fewer bargains than in neighboring Argentina.

Why It’s Safe: Chile is ranked the safest country in South America by the Global Peace Index and there are currently no travel warnings or alerts for Chile from the U.S. State Department. In fact, Chile consistently ranks as one of the top 30 safest countries in the world. According to the World Bank , the country has a far lower homicide rate than Latin America as a whole — around four per 100,000 people. The major concern in Chile comes in the form of natural disasters, as this is one of the most earthquake prone nations on earth.

Chile Hotel Pick: The Aubrey Boutique Hotel in Santiago

Lobby at The Aubrey

Lobby at The Aubrey/Oyster

Pricing for The Aubrey Boutique Hotel

2. Costa Rica

Arenal Volcano/Oyster

Why You Should Go: Costa Rica — like so many countries in Latin America — is tailor-made for nature lovers. It’s a destination that’s become especially popular with U.S. travelers in the last decade, as low-cost carriers like Spirit Airlines and JetBlue have launched routes to the country’s major destinations. Costa Rica also happens to be riding the wave of sustainable tourism that’s one of the most popular trends in the world right now. You’ll find eco-consciousness around almost every corner here, particularly around national parks like Manuel Antonio National Park along the Pacific Coast and Arenal Volcano National Park in the country’s interior.

Just what makes Costa Rica so amazing? It’s an incredibly diverse place when it comes to natural scenery. You’ll find everything from unspoiled beaches to cloud forests, pristine jungles, and towering volcanos here. Touring the rainforests in Costa Rica is a vacation highlight for many, as monkeys, jaguars, toucans, and other wildlife can be spotted. The urban character also varies here, with towns that range from lively resort areas to sandy-foot backpacker spots and traditional villages, not to mention some of the best surfing in Central America.

Costa Rica’s location is also a major reason that it’s so popular. Getting there requires a relatively minor time investment. A flight from New York City takes just under five hours, a little less than a flight from the same airport to California . Reaching Costa Rica from Miami , L.A. , and Dallas-Fort Worth is even faster.

Why It’s Safe: Costa Rica is currently ranked the safest country in Central America by the Global Peace Index . There are currently no active warnings for Costa Rica from the U.S. State Department , and such warnings are rarely issued for the nation — which notably exercises the same neutrality rights as Switzerland and has one of the highest GDPs in the region. Violent crime is rarely an issue for visitors; according to the 2019 crime and safety report by OSAC , most of the crime against tourists is theft, particularly in the capital of San Jose.

Costa Rica Hotel Pick: Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papgayo

Beach at the Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo

Beach at the Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo

Pricing for Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo

Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay; Marcela Laskoski/Unsplash

Why You Should Go: The smallest Spanish-speaking country in South America is also one of the safest and one of its least well known. While many tourists will pair a day trip or overnight escape to Colonia with a longer trip to Buenos Aires — a ferry ride across the Rio de la Plata — there’s a lot to explore in Uruguay . For starters, you’ll find far less tourist crowds here, which means an immediately more authentic trip. It also has a very progressive approach to life — gay marriage is legal (as is marijuana possession), and reproductive rights are protected by law. Those quality of life issues aside, it’s also one of the wealthiest countries in the region, which has translated to relative stability in the past decades.

So what’s it like on the ground? Expect much of the same flavor you’ll find in Argentina, with a slightly more laid-back attitude. The landscape in Urugua y ranges from sprawling pampas in the interior, to tropical jungles in the northwest and beautiful beaches along the coast. Montevideo , the country’s capital, is rapidly ascending the bohemian wish-lists of many travelers, with a booming arts scene and plenty of shabby-chic appeal. The colonial core is particularly beautiful (though can feel a bit dodgy at night). Oh, and nightlife rages well past dawn in Montevideo — just like its neighbor across the Rio de la Plata, Buenos Aires.

Outside of Montevideo, Uruguay’s beaches are some of the prettiest in South America. If you’re after a buzzy see-and-be-seen resort town, head to Punta del Este , where the elite from across Latin American post up to sunbathe as January descends on the region. If you’re after something more secluded and altogether unplugged, head to the hard-to-reach (but totally worth it) beaches of Cabo Polonio. And if you like a light buzz while you soak up the sun, Uruguay is one of the finest wine producers in South America — so drink up!

Why It’s Safe: There are currently no travel warnings or alerts for Uruguay, and it’s ranked by the Global Peace Index as the second safest country in South America. However, this doesn’t mean that the country is crime free. In fact, OSAC reports that crime is on the rise here. You should exercise particular caution in certain neighborhoods in Montevideo, as well as Punta del Este and Colonia when tourist season is at its peak. According to OSAC , crimes against foreigners are mostly non-violent theft. While the homicide rate has increased, as of 2018, it was at 11 per 100,000 people, which is far below the regional average, according to the Associated Press .

Uruguay Hotel Pick: Awa Boutique and Design Hotel in Punta del Este

The Pool at the Awa Boutique and Design Hotel

The Pool at the Awa Boutique and Design Hotel/Oyster

Pricing for Awa Boutique and Design Hotel

Sunset on San Blas Islands

Sunset on San Blas Islands/Laura Hinely

Why You Should Go to Panama: Home to one of the most famous canals in the world, Panama is rapidly becoming a must-visit destination in Central America. But unlike some of its neighbors, where you’ll find dazzling colonial cities and ruins, Panama is most well known for its more leisurely pursuits. Beaches and golf are two of the biggest draws here, making this a great destination for travelers who don’t need to see a dizzying array of sights on their trip.

That’s not to say there’s isn’t a ton of cool stuff to explore here — quite the contrary, actually. Panama is shrouded in thousands of square miles of rainforest, much like its neighbor Costa Rica . It’s also home to the San Blas Islands, which are some of the most pristine tropical islands and beaches that you’ll find in the hemisphere. Need even more beachy options? Hit up Bocas del Toro , which sits on the Caribbean Sea and is home to Boca del Drago Beach and Starfish Beach. You’ll find a lively party scene in Bocas del Toro’s main hub, particularly on Isla Colon .

On the Pacific side, Panama City is making a name for itself as a leisure tourism capital of the region, with glittering resort hotels, sport-fishing, and easy access to some of the region’s finest golf courses. Oh, and did we mention that this is one of the world’s most prolific coffee-producing countries? Don’t forget to tour a coffee farm on your visit here.

Of course, the Panama Canal alone is a major tourist draw, and many cruise passengers and visitors will add a boat tour of the canal to their itinerary. If you’re after landscapes of a less watery kind, head to Boquete, nestled high in the mountains and near amazing jungle hiking.

Why Panama is Safe: As the fifth-safest destination on this list, it would be a mistake to call Panama a crime-free paradise. In fact, you should avoid Darien — the lawless jungle province next to the Colombian border — at all costs. The Mosquito Coast in the northwest is also of concern. Overall, though, the murder rate has seen sharp declines in the last half-decade, as have rates of burglary, and the U.S. government has no current active warnings for the country.

Panama Hotel Pick: American Trade Hotel

Library at the American Trade Hotel

Library at the American Trade Hotel/Oyster

Pricing for American Trade Hotel

5. Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands

Sea lions on the beach in the Galapagos Islands

Galapagos Islands/Oyster

Why You Should Go to Ecuador: What Ecuador lacks in size it makes up in scenery and history. This tiny country, straddling both sides of the equator, packs a ton into a landscape that’s about half the size of Texas. Here, you’ll find historic cities like Cuenca and Quito, towering active volcanoes like Cotopaxi, beautiful beaches, and lush jungles that form part of the Amazon Basin. The country is also home to the famed Galapagos Islands, which may very well be its main tourist draw.

Located 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador in the Pacific Ocean, the Galapagos Islands are some of the safest spots to visit in Central and South America, even attracting many families with young kids. The Ecuadorian government works hard to preserve the environment of this archipelago of volcanic islands. Here you’ll find species that exist nowhere else on the planet, and pristine environments kept as they were in the times when Charles Darwin visited. Keep in mind that overtourism is a growing issue in the Galapagos Islands, and the government is considering sharply raising visiting fees to help offset the influx of travelers and preserving the islands for future generations.

The vast majority of the Galapagos are designated as a national park. In the sections open to visitors, only one small group is let in at a time, escorted by a guide, to help mitigate the effects of tourism. Nature lovers and photography buffs come here to see the vast number of endemic species, including (but definitely not limited to) sea lions, iguanas, giant tortoises, the blue-footed booby, and the only surviving species of tropical penguins.

Back on the mainland, you’ll find a diverse array of things to see. Quito has tons of colonial charm, and is a great home base for visiting sights like volcanic Cotopaxi National Park for amazing hikes. Cuenca might be one of the best preserved colonial relics in Ecuador, and the city draws travelers with its beautiful architecture and atmospheric streets that feel calmer than other Latin American cities. If you’re after beaches, check out surfer-ready Montanita or Playa Los Frailes, which is within Machalilla National Park.

Why It’s Safe: Like much of the world, you’ll find areas where you’re completely safe and areas where you should exercise caution in Ecuador. However, generally speaking the safety situation in the country is bucking the trend across much of Latin America. For much of the last decade, the murder rate has fallen precipitously, hitting 5 per 100,000 in 2017 according to The World Bank . Ecuador does have a Level 2 advisory from the U.S. State Department , and you should completely avoid northern areas like Carchi and Sucumbios. Exercise caution with valuables on the streets of Quito and Guayaquil as well.

Ecuador Hotel Pick: Iguana Crossing Hotel in the Galapagos Islands

Rooftop Terrace at the Iguana Crossing

Rooftop Terrace at the Iguana Crossing/Oyster

Pricing for Iguana Crossing

6. Argentina

safest countries to visit latin america

Talampaya National Park; NH53/Flickr

Why You Should Go to Argentina: Argentina is the second-largest country in South America, and eighth largest in the world. That size translates to an incredible array of landscapes: from the ice and snow of the Tierra del Fuego to red rock deserts at Talampaya National Park and the steamy tropics of Iguazu Falls in the country’s extreme north. You may have also heard of the nation’s capital, Buenos Aires , once or twice in your lifetime.

Nearly every visitor to Argentina will spend some time in Buenos Aires , — and with good reason. This sprawling city packs so much of Argentina into one dynamic place. Whether you’re after tango, incredible colonial architecture, bustling cafes, roaring nightlife, amazing food, or hipster shopping, the city has limitless options for you.

But Argentina is more than Buenos Aires, and cities like Mendoza and Cordoba deserve your attention as well. Mendoza is the capital of Argentina’s major wine-producing regions, and is surrounded by beautiful vineyards (all within striking distance of the Andes). The university town of Cordoba is packed with historic sights and architecture.

If urban travel isn’t your thing, have no fear: Argentina offers more nature than you can pack into one trip. Patagonia is perhaps its most legendary region, and essentially encompasses the entire south of the country. You can spot whales at Peninsula Valdes and Puerto Madryn, tour the epic grasslands that still play host to gauchos, view the Andes in Bariloche , see massive glaciers at Perito Moreno , and nearly touch Antarctica in the Tierra del Fuego and Ushuaia . Up north, Iguazu Falls rumbles along the Parana River — its immensity must be seen to be believed.

Why It’s Safe: Unfortunately, Argentina isn’t faring as well as some of its neighbors, and is enduring a prolonged economic crisis that is creating even deeper income inequality in the country. Even so, it’s managed to avoid the hyper-violent fates of places like Brazil and Mexico. There are no U.S. State Department warnings for the country, and the homicide rate is steadily falling (and one of the lowest in Latin America — about five per 100,000 people as of 2017, according to World Bank ). You should guard yourself against theft, though, as this is proving more and more common in major cities like Buenos Aires, where some parts of the city should be completely avoided.

Argentina Hotel Pick: Mine Hotel Boutique in Buenos Aires

The Pool at the Mine Hotel Boutique

The Pool at the Mine Hotel Boutique/Oyster

Pricing for

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu/Oyster

Why You Should Go to Peru: If you’re thinking of going to Peru for the first time, you probably have one thing in mind. The country is home to the mother of all archaeological ruins: Machu Picchu . To say that the scenery is stunning in this former Inca city is an understatement, and it truly has to be seen to be believed. However, if you thought one set of ancient ruins was all that Peru had to offer, you’re wrong.

This is a country that’s booming onto the tourism scene for the breadth of what it has to offer. You’ll find beautiful beaches, incredible surfing, untouched jungles, and dazzling cities. With that in mind, Lima should be high on your list of must-visit destinations in Peru. It’s cliff-flanked coastline will have you feeling beachy in no time, though it’s the city itself that’s proving exciting to travelers these days. The arts scene is booming, along with Lima’s already epic foodie scene (which is always best complimented by a pisco sour, and goes far beyond the internationally famous ceviche). There are also markets and shopping galore.

Back outside of Lima, you’ll likely want to tack on a visit to Cusco when you’re heading to Machu Picchu. Here, the ruins of the Inca Empire and Spanish Empire collide in a surreal and achingly beautiful town that sits near the famed Inca Trail and is the embarkation point for the train to Aguas Calientes and Machu Picchu. Other top destinations in Peru include the beaches of Mancora, the mysterious Nazca Lines that are carved into the country’s desert landscape, and the beautiful mountains near Huaraz. If it’s Amazon jungles that you’re after, hop a flight to Iquitos, a city that can only be accessed by boat or plane.

Why It’s Safe: According to the World Bank data bank , Peru has low homicide rate (around seven per 100,000 people in 2017) — and that’s held steady for several years, signaling stability. OSAC also notes that crime targeting foreigners isn’t common, and that robberies and theft are on the decline in the country. Certain areas are under threat from organized crime, including Cusco as a whole, though the U.S. government notes that all major tourist areas in the Cusco Department are safe for travel. The U.S. State Department issued a Level 2 advisory for Peru in 2019 due to its hosting the PanAmerican Games, though countries like Spain, France, and the U.K. are also Level 2 countries.

Peru Hotel Pick: The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center

Insitu Bar at The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center

Insitu Bar at The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center/Oyster

Pricing for The Westin Lima Hotel & Convention Center

Uyuni Salt Flat, Bolivia

Uyuni Salt Flat, Bolivia; Samuel Scrimshaw/Unsplash

Why You Should Go to Bolivia: When you first think of Bolivia, you might not exactly think of beautiful landscapes and cool cities. But you’d be seriously underestimating this landlocked South American nation if you did that. Yes, it remains one of the poorest nations on the continent, but Bolivia is getting better year after year. And travelers are starting to take notice. While there’s a lot of land to explore in Bolivia, travelers generally focus on three main destinations: La Paz, Salar de Uyuni, and Lake Titicaca.

La Paz, the nation’s capital, has been undergoing a major renaissance in recent years. And a major driver of those changes is the Mi Teleferico — installed as a means of generating equality by providing transportation between the wealthy and poor parts of town. That system of cable cars now connects many of the city’s districts, whisking users high above its clogged streets and making the whole place far more accessible. You’ll find modern boutique hotels amid chaotic neighborhoods, while major Bolivian and international chefs have made this a food-lover’s paradise. You can also scope out only-in-La-Paz sights like Plaza Murillo and the bizarre Witches’ Market (which sells the spiritually-infused and often wild wares that give the market its name).

While La Paz is awesome, nature is also high on the agenda of visitors to Bolivia. Atop that list is Salar de Uyuni, the famous salt flats that are a dream to behold (and make for a mighty fine picture as well). If you visit during dry season, expect a flat sprawl of crackling white salt stretching in all directions. If you visit during the rainy season, Salar de Uyuni becomes an epic mirror, reflecting blue skies, mountain peaks, and the flamingos that stop here during migrations. You can also add a visit to Lake Titicaca to your itinerary, where you’ll find ruins of the oldest Inca communities and amazing natural scenery.

Why It’s Safe: Along with an increase in the quality of life for its citizens, Bolivia is seeing a fairly drastic decrease in the rates of violent crime. That’s particularly true when it comes to its homicide rate, which has been one of the lowest on the continent in recent years, according to World Bank . OSAC report s that violent crime against tourists is low, though being targeted for pickpocketing is common and you should exercise caution with your valuables when outdoors. There are no U.S. State Department warnings for Bolivia as of 2019, though you should check vaccine requirements, as some insect-borne illnesses are endemic.

Travelers’ Safety Tips in Latin America:

View from the Hilton Panama

View from the Hilton Panama/Oyster

Keep in mind that no matter where you decide to travel in Latin America, you’ll still need to exercise the same common-sense precautions as you would anywhere. Here are a few of our best safety tips:

  • Get information from hotel staff about where to go and how to get there, as well as where not to go.
  • Don’t wear showy, expensive jewelry or designer accessories.
  • Avoid keeping all of your cash and credit cards in one wallet. Consider using a money belt, or split your money and cards between various pockets.
  • Be street smart and stay aware of your surroundings. Drinking too much alcohol and wandering around an unfamiliar area is not advised.
  • Check the U.S. State Department Travel Warnings and Alerts before you book, and again shortly before you depart.
  • Be aware that areas hosting dense groups of tourists are prime targets for pickpocketing.
  • Lock your valuables in your hotel’s safe, instead of carrying them with you.
  • Check advisories on insect-borne diseases and consider whether you should vaccinate or take precautions well before you travel to Latin America.

NOW WATCH: The Safest Countries in the World

Related Links:

  • Is It Safe to Travel to Mexico City?
  • Is It Safe to Travel to Brazil?
  • Which Destinations in Mexico Are the Safest?

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13 Safest Countries in South America (Ranked by Safety Level)


Unfortunately, South America has a bunch of stories about violence and political crimes.

Nevertheless, the situation improves slowly.

Being a popular destination among tourists, this continent still makes people think about the safety of their journey.

Of course, there are places that are really safe and places tourists should avoid so it’s important to learn some safety rules before visiting South America.

After learning the statistics of global safety indexes, peace ratings, and governmental travel advisories, we’ve prepared the rank of the safest countries for traveling in South America.

The remains of the old city

13. Venezuela

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Venezuela is known as one of the most beautiful countries on the continent.

Also, it has a really warm climate.

Nevertheless, it’s one of the least safe countries for traveling in South America.

The main reason for such a low position is the growth of crippling and corruption.

As a result, there is starvation, extreme and even violent unrest as well as mass exodus among the locals.

As the situation in the country led to desperation among the citizens the number of crimes grows significantly.

According to the  United States Department of State, it’s better to avoid visiting Venezuela under any circumstances.

Sea at the sunset

READ THE FULL REPORT: Venezuela Safety Review

safest countries to visit latin america


The history of Colombia knows the periods when safety issues were really important throughout the country.

There are still lots of alive witnesses that remember those rebellious periods full of violence and drug trafficking.

Fortunately, during the past years, the situation improved significantly.

Just 25 years ago Medellin was known as the most dangerous place in the world but now it’s a popular tourist spot and a destination for numerous tech companies.

Nevertheless, there is still a bunch of problems such as corruption, distrust in the government, targeted killings, and terrorism.

Taking your trip to Colombia, you should be cautious of petty crimes and learn the areas that should be avoided in any case.

Despite all the listed above, Colombia is among the 40 happiest countries in the world.

Colorful houses

READ THE FULL REPORT: Colombia Safety Review

safest countries to visit latin america


Guyana is a northeastern country in South America that is unfortunately not well known among tourists.

There is no certain info about safety issues in Guyana which causes lots of discussions about its place in our list.

Nevertheless, traveling there, you can have a great time exploring its capital city  Georgetown .

As the latest reports show there are not so many cases of pickpocketing, armed robbery, and assault in Guyana.

A girl in front of a deserted house

READ THE FULL REPORT: Guyana Safety Review



The Global Peace Index 2018 named Brazil as the 3rd lowest rated country on the continent placing it above Venezuela and Colombia.

Being a popular tourist destination for a long time, Brazil is a rather safe place with good tourist infrastructure.

Nevertheless, such crimes as “snatch and grabs” and robberies are really widespread especially when it comes to grand events like the famous Carnival.

Most tourists coming to Brazil want to visit low-income districts and are popular among local favelas which just increases the risk of becoming a crime victim.

If you decided to visit Brazil, it’s better to stay at the Rio de Janeiro harbor.

A city by the sea

READ THE FULL REPORT: Brazil Safety Review

safest countries to visit latin america


Suriname is another not-so-popular destination that is pretty safe but still a better choice for experienced travelers.

The capital city Paramaribo is not so big and has a poor tourist infrastructure that requires some extra caution at night.

Visiting this country, it’s more likely that the maximum you can experience is confused stares.

The main thing you should be aware of during your stay in Suriname is mosquito-borne diseases such as Zika, malaria, and yellow fever.

Musicians on the street

READ THE FULL REPORT: Suriname Safety Review



Considering Peru ‘s popularity among tourists, it can be surprising that it’s only in the middle of the list.

Nevertheless, there are such issues as citizen security and areas that should be for sure avoided in Peru.

As there is a lack of police in the eastern Andes, there are cases of such illegal activities as unregulated mining and narco-trafficking.

Of course, it’s easy to avoid these areas but still, you should be aware of mugging that is widely spread in big cities.

Visiting Peru, you need to pay attention to the safety of your belongings especially gadgets and documents.

Being cautious enough, you can have an excellent time in Peru.

A man with sheep

READ THE FULL REPORT: Peru Safety Review

safest countries to visit latin america


French Guiana cannot be considered as a country as it’s more like a French colony.

Nevertheless, safety issues still have a place there.

Despite it having the backing of the European economy, French Guiana can be called a wealthy country.

The capital city Cayenne has only 60K citizens.

Petty crimes such as nighttime robberies are the most widely spread there.

Also, demonstrations are a common thing in French Guiana.

Most of them are rather peaceful but still, they can become confrontational easily.

Empty beach

It’s a common fact that poverty and crimes come together.

Nevertheless, being a really poor country, Bolivia is known as a tourist-friendly destination in South America.

In fact, the only widespread type of crime there is the one related to ATMs.

It means that tourists should be really cautious while taking their money out.

One another point you should remember is the altitude.

The capital  La Paz is situated 11,942 feet above sea level so tourists can feel woozy there.

To make your stay there better, you just need to use some caution during the first days while you get used.

In fact, there are lots of improvements in the country including the famous Yungas Road which is not the scariest road in the world anymore.

A perfect landscape

READ THE FULL REPORT: Bolivia Safety Review

safest countries to visit latin america

Speaking of safety in Ecuador , most crimes there aren’t violent.

Visiting such big cities as  Quito , you just need to watch your wallet but not more than while visiting any other city in the world.

Tourists in Ecuador can feel safe as the government established some police forces to help foreigners.

The only safety issue you need to worry about while you stay in Ecuador is your health.

Don’t drink any tap water and be careful with food as poisoning is very common there.

Also, avoid visiting bordering regions especially those which border Colombia.

A huge city landscape

READ THE FULL REPORT: Ecuador Safety Review

safest countries to visit latin america

According to the  Global Peace Index, Paraguay is very close to Ecuador.

In fact, there are just a few precautions for travelers.

Considering the fact it’s not so popular among tourists, there aren’t many places where they can be targeted.

There are petty crimes and kidnapping issues but usually, it’s local farmers who can face it.

The only real caution that should be mentioned is about large gatherings especially when it comes to soccer matches as locals are really passionate about it.


READ THE FULL REPORT: Paraguay Safety Review

safest countries to visit latin america

Being one of the three safest countries in South America, Argentina can offer a high level of safety for tourists.

Buenos Aires , as well as other big cities, have some districts that should be avoided of course.

Visiting northern regions such as Salta make sure you take a bug spray to protect yourself from mosquitos.

Also, you should know that medical services there are of high quality and absolutely free.

Recently there was a rise in political unease due to economic regression but still, it hasn’t caused any problems.

Waves hitting the shore

READ THE FULL REPORT: Argentina Safety Review


Uruguay is not only one of the safest countries in South America but also the most “chill” one.

This country is known for its laidback atmosphere, the café culture of Western Europe, and the ability to enjoy the finer things in life.

Also, it’s one of the countries with the highest trust in government as 96% of all Uruguayans vote in voluntary democratic elections.

One other point is that not unlike most countries in South America, Uruguay has a low possibility of natural disasters.

In fact, it’s an excellent destination for those who want to “seek out” as well as for those who look for attractions, beautiful places, and new friends.

White palace by the sea

READ THE FULL REPORT: Uruguay Safety Review

Palacio Salvo, Montevideo, Uruguay


Being one of the safest countries in the region, Chile usually takes 25-30 in the global ranking of the safest countries.

There is an absolutely low crime rate and tourists have a bunch of destinations to choose from.

Prepare a good hiking guide and enjoy your time exploring amazing National Parks, routes in Patagonia, and other wild regions.

Just make sure you won’t get lost!

The only threat you should be aware of is earthquakes but still, there is no need to worry too much about it as it’s not a common thing there.

A city street

READ THE FULL REPORT: Chile Safety Review

safest countries to visit latin america

South America can be great, but it depends on where you go, and in any case, don’t forget to use caution while traveling anywhere.

We’ve made this list into an image if you wish to save or share:

Safest Countries in South America

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s a close call here between Chile and Uruguay. Chile scored 79 and Uruguay 77, that is very close and you can say they pretty much tie for the safest country in South America.

There are several good options – Uruguay, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, and Paraguay.

These five countries are the friendliest to foreigners, from my experience I can say Argentina is where I felt people were the friendliest.

Uruguay has the lowest crime rate.

Crime in South America, per 100,000 on average, is higher than the crime per 100,000 in the United States, meaning, the United States is considered safer than South America.

Take this information as you will, consider that the US and South America are big and it’s a bit of a vague answer, it will be better to narrow it down and compare a state to a country, for example, comparing Florida to Chile, or Costa Rica to California will give you a better answer depending on which country in South America you want to compare with.

The number one place goes to Cuenca, Ecuador.

The second richest city is Sao Paulo, Brazil.

There isn’t a definitive answer to this, but I think Santiago de Chile will take first place.

Other modern cities include Panama City and Montevideo.

Additional Resources

Peru mountains

2 Comments on 13 Safest Countries in South America (Ranked by Safety Level)

How is the terrorism risk in Venezuela and Colombia low, but in Japan it is medium? That is delusional, considering that there a constant clashes between FARC dissidents and ELN as well as right-wing paramilitary groups. Especially at the border of Colombia and Venezuela ( Arauca department). Killings and bombings in that area have left hundreds of civilians dead in recent years and it got worse in 2022. There have even been bombings in Bogota carried out by guerilla groups during the last five years.

Great list. Thank you!

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9 of the Safest Countries in Latin America

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It’s critically important for any world traveller or investment-savvy individual to know how safe they are when exploring new countries in Latin America or pursuing fresh opportunities there.

World politics, crime, society – life – are constantly changing, so it can be difficult to keep up with which country has just had a coup, or is experiencing an upsurge in drug cartel violence or armed kidnappings.

Even more importantly – which countries aren’t experiencing any of these things?

Despite its sometimes shady reputation, Latin America is full of peaceful, safe countries and regions where you’ll experience less crime and violence than watching the average kids’ movie in the West.

In an increasingly interconnected world, understanding the relative safety of countries is paramount for travel planning, making investments and general awareness. One of the best indicators for this purpose is the Global Peace Index (GPI).

Published annually by the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) , the report ranks 163 independent states and territories according to their level of peacefulness and offers a comprehensive data-driven analysis of trends in peaceful societies.

Latin America is included in the report, which charts the levels of individual countries’ political stability and violent crime rates and ranks them accordingly.

The Nomad Capitalist team has parsed the report and created an in-depth guide that will equip you with a well-rounded understanding of why certain countries are the best bets for living, travelling or investing.

Nomad Capitalist has helped over 1,500 clients move to multiple tax-friendly jurisdictions from Latin America to Western Europe and further afield.  Apply to become a client today, and our team will assess your personal and corporate vision and portfolio to determine the best solutions to help you retain and grow wealth, pay fewer taxes legally and acquire greater individual freedom. 

Understanding the Global Peace Index A Benchmark for National and Global Safety scaled

A Benchmark for National and Global Safety

The Global Peace Index is an insightful report that measures Key Performance Indicators and ranks countries worldwide based on their level of peace. The ranking is derived from a wide range of indicators, such as political stability, rates of violent crime, international conflict and societal safety.

This comprehensive index, utilised in this article, allows us to identify the safest countries not just in Latin America but across the globe.

Latin America is home to a number of countries that consistently fare well on the GPI. These countries display a combination of robust political stability, low levels of violent crimes and comparatively mild societal unrest.

However, while the GPI is a critical tool, it is also essential to stay up to date with current affairs, consider travel insurance options and practise common sense to minimise risks such as petty crime.

In the following sections, we will analyse the top safest countries in Latin America as per the GPI, providing a nuanced perspective on safety in this region.

Discovering the Nine Safest Countries in Latin America

Ecuador scaled

9. Ecuador (GPI score of 2.572)

Offering a mild climate, vibrant cities and an array of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Ecuador is a safe country for tourists and investors alike. The government’s emphasis on reducing political corruption and improving infrastructure makes it one of the safest countries in South America. The country’s diverse culture is also a draw for travellers.

8. Dominican Republic (GPI score of 2.157)

Renowned for its pristine beaches and baseball-loving public, the Dominican Republic is a safe destination for travellers and investors. Continuous efforts to foster political stability and reduce petty crimes have earned it a place among the safest countries in the region.

7. Panama (GPI score of 2.14)

Panama is known as one of the most cosmopolitan countries in Central and South America, promising unparalleled safety. The government is dedicated to reducing political instability and fostering a secure environment.

6. Bolivia (GPI score of 2.009)

Bolivia is renowned for its rich culture and natural wonders. The government has worked tirelessly over the years to curb violence and increase societal safety, which has contributed to Bolivia’s favourable GPI ranking.

Safest Countries in Latin America

5. Paraguay (GPI score of 2.044)

Known for its subtropical forests and vibrant indigenous culture, Paraguay is another of the safest countries on our list. The nation’s low violent crime rate can be attributed to effective law enforcement and a focus on maintaining societal order.

4. Chile (GPI score of 1.978)

Chile’s consistent efforts in reducing violent crime and political corruption have borne fruit, with the country ranked the fourth safest in Latin America. Its capital, Santiago, offers a dynamic mix of tourist hotspots and unforgettable cultural experiences.

Costa Rica, Safest Countries in Latin America

3. Costa Rica (GPI score of 1.95)

At number three on the list of Latin America’s safest countries is Costa Rica .

The country is known for its stunning natural beauty that offers unspoiled coastlines and sprawling rainforests. A peaceful political climate, combined with efforts to curb petty crimes, has established this nation as a top choice for safe travel and investment.

2. Uruguay (GPI score of 1.893)

Uruguay’s political stability, welcoming people and minimal occurrence of violent crime have elevated it to the position of the second safest nation in Latin America. Famous for the charming city of Montevideo, Uruguay has a peaceful ambience that appeals to many travellers.

Argentina, Safest Countries in Latin America

1. Argentina (GPI score of 1.855)

Argentina, the second-largest country in South America, is culturally rich and boasts exciting city lifestyles. With a strong emphasis on curbing petty theft and ensuring political stability, Argentina has become one of the safest countries in South America.

With its stunning biodiversity, Argentina is a paradise for nature lovers. The commitment of its citizens and government to maintaining this safe and peaceful environment has been pivotal in achieving its status.

Whether you’re exploring its national parks, relaxing in natural hot springs or discovering the exciting life in its cities, Argentina guarantees a memorable and worry-free experience.

Avoiding Dangerous Countries

These nine countries reflect the diverse tapestry of cultures and environments that make Latin America unique.

Their governments and citizens’ dedication to safety and stability sets them apart and makes them top choices for travellers and investors seeking new opportunities in safe countries.

Their rich cultures, breathtaking natural wonders, and warm, welcoming locals provide an enriching experience that goes beyond safety.

By being street smart, staying up to date with current information, avoiding dangerous countries and respecting local customs and laws, your travels in this region should be memorable and trouble-free.

Costa Rica scaled

Safest Countries in Latin America:  FAQs

As per the 2024 Global Peace Index, Argentina is currently the safest country in Latin America.

The Global Peace Index uses a range of indicators to determine a country’s safety, including political stability, violent crime rates, societal safety and instances of international conflict.

Several factors contribute to the safety of a country. These include a stable political environment, low rates of violent crime, effective law enforcement, the presence of civil rights and freedoms and a low level of internal and international conflicts.

Yes, many countries in South America are considered safe for travel, especially those ranking high on the Global Peace Index. It’s important, however, for travellers to stay informed about current affairs, exercise caution in larger cities and take precautions against petty crime.

Travellers should stay up to date on local news, avoid displaying expensive items in public, be wary of scams, use only official transportation and ensure they have comprehensive travel insurance.

Yes, the safety of a country generally indicates a stable political and economic environment, which is beneficial for investment. However, it’s recommended to consult with a professional before making any investment decisions.

Venturing Safely: Your Next Steps in Latin America

From Costa Rica’s breathtaking natural wonders to Argentina’s lively cities, each country in Latin America has something unique to offer.

Despite occasional street crime and civil unrest, these nations, with their robust political stability and low rates of violent crimes, have proven to be safe havens in both Central and South America.

Whether you’re a city dweller who prefers busy metropolises or a nature lover drawn to vast expanses of pristine wilderness, these safe South American countries promise enriching experiences and secure environments for both travellers and investors.

Looking to move there rather than simply visit? Contact us at Nomad Capitalist today to discover how we can assist you in planning your second citizenship, travel or investment opportunities in Latin America and throughout the world.


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11 Aug. 2024

The safest countries in Latin America in 2024: a detailed overview

Table of contents

What countries are included in latin america, how was the analysis of the safest countries in latin america conducted, 1st place - argentina.

  • 2nd place – Uruguay
  • 3rd place – Costa Rica
  •   4th place - Chile
  • 5th place – Bolivia

6th place - Paraguay

  • 7th place – Panama
  • 8th place – Dominican Republic
  • 9th place – Cuba

10th place - Salvador

What dangers in latin american countries scare foreigners, how to stay safe while traveling in latin america.

The safest countries in Latin America in 2024: a detailed overview

If you are always looking for new travel experiences, Latin America should definitely be on your bucket list. Thanks to its rich cultural heritage, stunning natural beauty, and colourful cuisine, this continent attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. However, safety is the most important criterion when choosing a travel destination. Find out more about the safest countries in South America

Order an insurance policy for safe travel to any part of the world

Intrepid travelers head to Latin America to enjoy diverse culture, unique history, and incredible cuisine. From Mexico to Peru, this continent offers a fantastic array of experiences.

While some tourists avoid visiting attractions citing safety concerns, many of these are just silly stereotypes.

We have created for you a selection of the safest countries in South America in 2024. Ready to go on a trip?

Latin America consists of Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries in Central America, South America and the Caribbean, and Mexico. Thus, the following states belong to the region:

- North America: Mexico.

- Central America: Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama.

- South America: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil.

- Caribbean: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico.

The easiest way to measure the degree of security is on the basis of the Global Peace Index (GPI). 23 indicators are used to calculate it, ranging from the impact of terrorism, violent crime and political instability to the financing of UN peacekeeping and military spending. The lower the score, the safer the country.

Top 10 safest countries in Latin America

- Place in the world ranking: 47.

- Global Peace Index: 1.855.

The leader in 2024 was Argentina, which rose from third place in that year's ranking. The country ranked 47th in the world, according to the Global Peace Index. In addition, Argentina is the most popular tourist destination in Latin America than its neighbor due to its natural landscapes, which include the Andes Mountains, Pampas grasslands and Iguazu Falls.

Among the negatives, there is political instability in the country, and political demonstrations, although not very frequent, can still occur.

Fortunately, Argentina can still guarantee a sufficient level of security for travelers, with the biggest risks for tourists being petty crime and theft. Furthermore, these crimes are concentrated around the city's popular tourist areas, such as Buenos Aires and Rosario.

2nd place – Uruguay

- Place in the world ranking: 52.

- Global Peace Index: 1.893.

Uruguay often takes leading places in the rankings of the safest countries in Latin America. The country's reputation for political stability attracts tourists who can enjoy visiting cities and cultural centers without having to worry about political demonstrations or violent events.

Uruguay is also famous for having the highest GDP per capita among South American countries, which indicates a high level of well-being. This creates less motivation for petty crime and theft.

However, caution is always important. Although Uruguay is in the top 10 safest countries in Latin America according to the Global Peace Index, tourists should take personal precautions to protect their valuables. With an abundance of cultural attractions in Montevideo and natural beauty, Uruguay provides a safe and tranquil environment for guests to enjoy the uniqueness of Latin America.

3rd place – Costa Rica

- Place in the world ranking: 58.

- Global Peace Index: 1.950.

The third safest country in Latin America is Costa Rica. This Central American country has always attracted the attention of tourists for its safety, peaceful political climate and low crime rate.

Costa Rica not only guarantees a high level of security, but is also famous for incredible natural beauty: tropical forests, clean beaches, volcanic hot springs and rich cultural communities. Despite the high level of security, as in any country, there is a threat of theft. So, despite being safe, tourists are advised to be careful and take care of their valuables, especially in crowded tourist areas. Costa Rica remains an ideal destination for those seeking not only adventure, but also a high level of safety in Latin America.

  4th place - Chile

- Place in the world ranking: 64.

- Global Peace Index: 1.978.

Chile, once ranked as the safest country in Latin America, saw some deterioration in its Global Peacefulness Index due to some inconsistent police reforms in 2019. However, compared to other South American countries, Chile remains a relatively safe destination for tourists, especially outside the urban centers.

The most serious threats concern civil unrest in densely populated urban areas. Political protests and demonstrations are a major source of security risk. However, the vast majority of tourist sites in Chile, which includes regions of non-urban settlements, remain relatively peaceful and maintain the country's security.

Petty theft is concentrated mainly in large cities such as Santiago. It should be noted that the most attractive places for tourists, such as the Torres del Paine National Park, the Atacama Desert and Easter Island, remain in rural areas, providing peace and security for tourists who want to enjoy the natural beauty of Chile.

5th place – Bolivia

- Place in the world ranking: 68.

- Global Peace Index: 2.009.

Perhaps the cheapest country in South America to visit, Bolivia in 2024 rose from seventh to fifth place in the ranking of the safest countries in Latin America. Although the country is experiencing civil unrest, most of Bolivia's attractions are centered around natural areas free of the political demonstrations that can occur in more urbanized regions.

However, as in any other country, there are regions in Bolivia that are best avoided, primarily the large cities of El Alto and La Paz. Like most big cities, these areas are notorious for petty crime and pickpocketing, so extra care should be taken when visiting. However, when visiting less urbanized areas such as the salt flats of Uyuni or the regions around the Amazon rainforest, you shouldn't worry too much about these crimes.

Another thing to watch out for when visiting Bolivia is the country's state of militarization. Although this does not affect tourists, it creates a sense of danger and requires you to plan your routes more carefully to avoid roadblocks.

- Place in the world ranking: 74.

- Global Peace Index: 2.044.

Although Paraguay is not as popular as neighboring countries in Latin America, the country attracts with the absence of tourist crowds, unique sights and a fairly high level of security. Thanks to the affordable cost of travel, everyone will be able to enjoy authentic adventures.

However, it is important to be careful about possible petty theft, especially in big cities. By keeping your valuables safe, you can avoid trouble. It is noted that traffic standards can be a challenge for those who are not used to the dangerous tactics of drivers. In this case, it is better to refrain from renting a car or motorcycle, stopping at efficient and safe public transport.

7th place – Panama

- Place in the world ranking: 96.

- Global peace index: 2.140.

Panama, despite a decrease in security due to civil unrest, remains a wonderful and safe travel destination. Most of the political protests usually take place in Panama City, while the country's other tourist centers remain calm. We recommend traveling to regions that are less prone to political turbulence, especially the San Blas Islands. A sense of political isolation reigns here, creating ideal conditions for a safe and enjoyable vacation.

8th place – Dominican Republic

- Place in the world ranking: 97.

- Global peace index: 2.157.

Ranked as the eighth safest country in Latin America, the Dominican Republic is a unique Caribbean destination. With beautiful beaches, white sand, palm trees and luxury hotels, this country attracts tourists as a famous resort.

However, it is important that travelers exercise caution when venturing outside the main resort areas in towns such as Punta Cana, Santo Domingo and Playa Dorada. Conditions of civil unrest and high levels of poverty can lead to petty theft and even armed robbery.

However, if you avoid leaving the main tourist areas and only use hotel-provided transport, most of these crimes can be avoided. In general, the Dominican Republic remains an attractive resort located on the shores of the Caribbean Sea and provides a vacation with a high level of security.

9th place – Cuba

- Place in the world ranking: 98.

- Global Peace Index: 2.160.

Known for its beautiful white sand beaches that meander into the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea, Cuba has long been one of the world's top resort destinations.

And although many tourists advise not to leave the territory of the resort while visiting the island, Cuba has become one of the safest countries in Latin America in recent years.

A tour of Havana's colonial buildings and a hike through the Vinales Valley are some of the most popular activities on the island. However, as in all major tourist cities, petty theft may occur while visiting the capital. It is important to be careful and secure your valuables when traveling outside of the main resort areas.

- Place in the world ranking: 107.

- Global Peace Index: 2.250.

In fact, in just two years, El Salvador turned from one of the most dangerous countries in the world into one of the safest countries in Latin America. This country has long suffered from numerous gangs, but one day the president said enough is enough.

At the end of March 2022, 87 people were killed in a 3-day period, with 62 murders occurring on Saturday alone. This prompted President Nayib Bukele to declare a state of emergency, suspending some laws and giving law enforcement new powers that allowed them to carry out mass arrests of gang members without the red tape that delays the process.

This state of emergency, which is still in effect as of July 2024, has fundamentally changed the country.

It's safe to say there's never been a better time to visit this beautiful state, home to the stunning Santa Ana Volcano and nearby Lake Coatepeque, the world-famous El Tunco surf spot and nearby Bitcoin Beach.

El Salvador is truly an underrated country with plenty of stunning natural beauty and many colonial buildings. It can rightfully be considered one of the best countries to visit in Central America.

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Latin America is much safer than most tourists think. Traveling here does not mean that a few minutes after arriving at a Mexican airport you will fall into the hands of the dreaded cartels. However, certain threats still exist:

  - Violence is a problem in some regions. However, such situations usually occur in certain areas and often between local residents involved in criminal activities. Tourists rarely become victims of violence.

  - Robbery is the biggest threat to tourists in Latin American countries. However, if general safety precautions are followed, the risk is minimal.

  - Political instability is another important danger to be aware of. This is a region where things can change quickly without warning. Therefore, it is better to avoid traveling here during the election period.

  - Wild nature poses a threat not only to tourists, but also to local residents. Mosquitoes pose perhaps the greatest danger, given the diseases they carry and how widespread they are. There are many dangerous creatures such as jaguars, crocodiles, snakes, poisonous frogs and deadly spiders. Among the positives, they are extremely rare.

Latin America is a region that requires a bit more precautions than, for example, traveling in Europe. Here are some tips to protect yourself from some of the main threats in this wonderful part of the world:

- Do not go out alone at night.

- Use Uber or similar apps instead of street taxis.

- Do not take your phone out of your pocket on the street at any time of the day.

- If you need to use the phone in a big city, go to the nearest store, cafe or restaurant.

- It is strictly forbidden to use drugs, you should also be careful with alcohol.

- Wear long clothes, use special sprays and sleep under a mosquito net to avoid mosquito bites.

- Avoid contact with fresh water sources, it is better to swim in the sea or a chlorinated pool.

- Inform loved ones about your whereabouts and plans.

Latin America is a truly fantastic region that will give you many pleasant experiences, so be sure to visit these countries, but follow all safety rules.

We will remind you! Ongoing protests in Latin America have led to large-scale problems in the work of consular institutions in Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and other countries. Also, more than 300 flights have already been canceled. Read in this article what is the reason for this situation and what threatens foreigners.

Are you planning to travel or move abroad? An important component of a successful trip is a travel insurance policy , because it guarantees the provision of high-quality medical care in any corner of the world and is able to protect you from unnecessary expenses during the trip. You can buy insurance from verified agents on the Visit World portal.

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15 Best Latin American Countries to Visit in 2024

Home | Travel | 15 Best Latin American Countries to Visit in 2024

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If you’re looking for the best Latin American countries to visit , you’re in for a real treat. Latin America is a treasure trove of history, culture, natural beauty, and those postcard-perfect beaches we all daydream about.

In this guide, I’m here to help you sift through the options and uncover the best Latin American countries you should seriously consider for your next adventure. My personal favorite is Costa Rica, a beautiful country known for its lush natural landscapes, tropical wonders, and incredible variety of wildlife. I also love Cuba for its historical significance and stunning scenery. Plus, there’s Chile, a land of striking contrasts that’ll leave you in awe.

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Now, without further ado, let’s dive into the best places to travel in Latin America .

1. Costa Rica, one of the best Latin American countries to visit

Costa Rica is undeniably the best Latin American country to visit , celebrated for its remarkable natural landscapes, abundant wildlife, and captivating cities full of attractions.

When you touch down in the country, you’ll find tons of wonderful things to do in Costa Rica . Begin your journey in the capital city, San José . I recommend kicking things off with this free guided tour to get a feel for the city’s history and traditions. Afterward, I suggest exploring the town at your own pace and enjoying the iconic sites, such as Plaza de la Cultura , the National Theater , and the Post and Telegraph Building , among others.

Costa Rica, best latin american countries to visit

Costa Rica offers an impressive array of national parks, and the Manuel Antonio National Park is a shining star among them. This park boasts some of the most awe-inspiring and beautiful beaches in the country, along with an unparalleled biodiversity that’s hard to find elsewhere in my opinion. To make the most of your visit, I recommend booking this guided tour to increase your chances of encountering unique wildlife and discovering hidden treasures. Another great place you must visit is the Marino Ballena National Park , which offers an excellent opportunity for whale watching in Costa Rica . We took this tour and we absolutely loved it.

The country’s volcanic landscapes are equally captivating, and one of the most impressive ones is the Poás Volcano , located near San José. You can take this excursion that departs from the capital to explore the volcano and enjoy the breathtaking La Paz Waterfall , considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Costa Rica .

If you’re still on the fence about which Latin American country to visit , let me make it simple for you – Costa Rica is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and cheapest places to travel in Latin America . For more information about this incredible destination, check our comprehensive guide on traveling to Costa Rica .

And don’t forget to secure the best travel insurance to Costa Rica before starting your journey. It’s your safety net against any unexpected events during your trip.

  • Urban Green Hotel & Suites (San José)
  • Cando Living Apartments in Central Avenue (San José)
  • Yubarta Lodge (Marino Ballena National Park)
  • Shana by the Beach Manuel Antonio (Manuel Antonio National Park)

2. Mexico, one of the best Latin American places to visit

Mexico is among the best places to visit in Latin America . This country has everything a tourist wishes for: dreamy beaches, delectable cuisine, rich culture and history, and warm and welcoming people.

Kickstart your journey in the bustling Mexico City , the country’s capital city. Consider taking this free guided tour to get acquainted with the city’s vibrant atmosphere. Beyond the city limits, there are so many attractions to explore. One of them is Teotihuacán , an archaeological marvel you can visit by booking this excursion . You can also combine your visit to this archaeological wonder with a trip to the Basilica of Guadalupe , built in honor of the patron saint of Latin America, and Tlatelolco , the former capital of the Aztec empire. While it may take a whole day, the experience is truly rewarding. If that sounds good to you, I highly recommend this guided excursion from Mexico City.

Mérida , also known as the White City, is another captivating destination. Its unique heritage is a blend of colonial, Mayan, and African cultures. I recommend joining this guided tour (in Spanish) to explore Tulum’s Mayan pyramid, temples, and relaxing beaches, and also uncover some fascinating historical insights about these landmarks.

Mexico, cheap latin american countries to visit

But the reason Mexico stands out as one of the best countries to visit in Latin America is the presence of one of the world’s seven wonders, Chichén Itzá . While you can visit these awe-inspiring Mayan ruins with just a ticket in hand, I strongly advise opting for this guided tour , because you’ll delve much deeper into the wonders of this ancient site when you are accompanied by a knowledgeable guide. You can also reach Chichén Itzá from Mérida by booking this excursion .

To have a relaxing moment surrounded by nature, you can head to one of the cenotes (natural swimming holes) scattered across the country. The Gran Cenote and Ik Kil are two of the most renowned and beautiful options. Both are situated in the Riviera Maya , a region famous for the Tulum ruins and its pristine beaches, often considered the most beautiful beaches in Mexico. If you prefer a guided experience, consider this half-day tour to discover the fascinating history of the area’s Mayan culture.

If you prefer spending some time on paradisiacal beaches, then you must visit Isla Mujeres from Cancun , also in the Riviera Maya, by booking this excursion . Alternatively, if you want to spend several days on the island, I recommend taking the ferry directly from Cancun .

Mexico is an all-encompassing destination with a multitude of attractions, making it one of the best Latin American countries for solo travel . While you’re planning your adventure, don’t forget to secure travel insurance for Mexico to protect yourself against unforeseen events. Additionally, you should choose one of the best SIM cards for Mexico to ensure you’re always connected to the internet in Mexico .

  • Kali Centro Mexico City (Mexico City)
  • Hotel Santa María Mérida (Mérida)
  • Casa Kaoba Hotel & Suites (Playa del Carmen)
  • Studios Downtown Cancun (Cancun)
  • Nomads Hotel, Hostel & Beachclub (Islas Mujeres)

3. Peru, one of the most incredible places to visit in Latin America

Peru ranks among the best Latin American travel destinations that has truly won our hearts.

You can start your adventure by taking this free guided tour of Lima , the nation’s capital, a city steeped in history, culture, and delectable gastronomy. Its old town is even recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

From Lima, consider booking this bus excursion to Huacachina , a beautiful town nestled within a natural oasis, surrounded by vast sand dunes and a lagoon that shares its name. Along the way, you’ll make a stop in the coastal city of Paracas , where you will take a boat to the Ballestas Islands to observe sea lions, penguins, and a multitude of bird species.

No Peruvian journey is complete without a visit to Cusco , the former capital of the Inca Empire. You can join this free tour to explore the Plaza de Armas and the San Blas neighborhood. But what truly makes Peru one of the best Latin American countries to visit is the magnificent Machu Picchu , an ancient citadel renowned for its Temple of the Sun and the Inti Mach’ay cave. You can opt for this guided excursion directly from Cusco, but if you prefer to explore this attraction on your own, make sure to book your ticket in advance.

Peru, best destinations in latin america

I also recommend joining this excursion from Cusco, which will take you to the Maras Salt Mines , an ancient salt extraction center dating back to 500 to 1100 AD. The tour includes a stop at the Inca ruins of Moray .

From Cusco, you can also take this full-day excursion to venture to Humantay Lake , a natural wonder with incredible turquoise waters. Or, you can join this guided walk to witness the Rainbow Mountain in Vinicunca . Another popular excursion from Cusco is this multi-day tour through Manú National Park , located in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon.

However, if you’re a hiking enthusiast, Huaraz should definitely be on your itinerary. In fact, we run photography tours in Huayhuash every year to delve deep into this region, capturing the azure lakes, the Huayhuash Mountain Range , and the White Mountain Range , which create an authentic mountain paradise.

As you can see, if you’re looking for the top countries to visit in Latin America , Peru is an all-inclusive destination with a wide array of attractions and places to explore. Nazca , renowned for the mysterious Nazca Lines, is another must-visit destination that you can visit by booking this sightseeing flight . Or you can take this excursion to Lake Titicaca , the highest navigable lake in the world.

Undoubtedly, Peru ranks among the best South American countries to visit , offering tons of captivating natural landscapes and historical landmarks to visit.

  • Costa del Sol Wyndham Lima City (Lima)
  • Country Club Lima Hotel (Lima)
  • Costa del Sol Wyndham Cusco (Cusco)
  • Krusty Hostel B&B (Huaraz)

4. Argentina, one of the safest and cheapest Latin American countries to visit

Argentina vies for the title of the best Latin American country to visit , offering a warm welcome to travelers from all over the world.

You can start your adventure by taking this free tour through the historic center of Buenos Aires , the capital city. It’s a place full of history, culture, and intriguing contrasts. Here, you’ll find museums, vibrant markets, trendy districts, delectable cuisine, and so much more. To truly grasp the Argentinian culture and heritage, don’t miss the opportunity to catch this live tango show ; it’s a mesmerizing experience.

Mendoza is also among the best Latin American places to visit , especially if you’re a wine enthusiast. For me, this vineyards tour with wine tastings was the perfect way to delve into the wine tradition of the region. Even if wine is not to your liking, you can still get to know the city through this free guided tour . And if you’d like to witness the pinnacle of Aconcagua , the highest mountain in the Americas, you can book this excursion from Mendoza through the Andes. The surrounding natural beauty is simply breathtaking.

Argentina, which latin american country should i visit

Another one of my favorites is Calafate , a beautiful town located on the southern border of Lake Argentino which serves as a gateway to the Los Glaciares National Park and Perito Moreno Glacier . Taking this day trip from Calafate is an excellent way to explore these natural wonders. However, if you’re here to enjoy some hiking, El Chaltén is your ideal destination. In fact, we were so captivated by this area that we had to include it in our Patagonia photo tours .

Argentina is one of the best Latin American places to visit , offering a wealth of intriguing destinations besides those I mentioned. San Carlos de Bariloche , for instance, is a captivating spot, famous for its pristine lakes. Start with this guided tour , and then take this excursion through the seven lakes , including Correntoso , Espejo , Escondido , Villarino , Falkner , Hermoso , and Machónico , all brimming with beauty. Don’t forget to visit the Arrayanes forest and enjoy the views of Cerro Tronador . And of course, no itinerary is complete without indulging in the local specialty—chocolate, a popular treat in this town.

I also recommend visiting the majestic Iguazú Falls with this multi-day tour and exploring the mountainous landscapes surrounding Salta . Plus, you can join this full-day trip to discover the rich cultural heritage, stunning scenery, and historical attractions of the region.

Without a doubt, Argentina ranks among the best countries to visit in Latin America . Its cities and natural landscapes are simply astounding, ensuring that you’ll always find something interesting to do.

  • Hotel Madero Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires)
  • Quorum Córdoba Hotel, Resort Urbano (Córdoba)
  • Hotel Kosten Aike (El Calafate)
  • Hotel Crans Montaña (San Carlos de Bariloche)
  • Chalten Suites Hotel (El Chalten)

5. Ecuador, another cheap Latin American country to visit

Ecuador is one of the cheapest Latin American countries to visit . Your Ecuadorian journey can start with this free guided tour of Quito , the vibrant capital city that’s steeped in history and adorned with monuments, historical sites, and captivating buildings. If you are looking for a more comprehensive exploration, consider this full-day tour that not only covers the city’s highlights but also offers interesting information about Ecuador’s history. From there, you can also take this adventure tour to the Mindo Cloud Forest , one of the country’s most visited destinations.

To the south of Quito, you can go on a thrilling expedition to Cotopaxi National Park with a volcano tour . Here, you’ll have the opportunity to witness the Cotopaxi volcano , one of the world’s highest active volcanoes. Additionally, you’ll visit the Quilotoa volcano and the Limpiopungo Lagoon . Further south, you can also see the Chimborazo volcano , which is the highest mountain in Ecuador.

Ecuador, best countries to visit in latin america

Cuenca , known as the City of Four Rivers, is among the cheapest places to travel in Latin America . I suggest you take this tour of Cuenca to discover the must-visit sites in the city. But don’t miss the attractions in the surrounding areas, such as Cajas National Park , where you can join this hiking trip .

For adventure sports enthusiasts, Baños is a haven for trekking, cycling, kayaking, rafting, and various outdoor activities. However, if you’re in the mood for relaxation, you can enjoy the Agua Santa thermal baths, located at the base of the Tungurahua volcano . Trust me, you’re in for a truly delightful and rejuvenating experience.

Ecuador is certainly one of the top Latin American countries to visit , offering lots of stunning beaches. The most beautiful ones include Playa Esmeralda , Montañita , and Salinas . If time permits, I highly recommend an excursion to the Galapagos Islands , where you can observe numerous endangered animal species. In fact, you can book this 10-day excursion , if you feel like spending part of your trip around these beautiful islands.

  • Hotel David (Quito)
  • Selina Baños (Baños)
  • Casa Santa Lucía – Forum (Cuenca)

6. Chile, an amazing place to travel in Latin America

Chile is a paradise for nature lovers and avid hikers, making it one of the top Latin American travel destinations . To begin your journey, I recommend starting with this free tour of the capital city, Santiago de Chile . For a more comprehensive experience, you can opt for this private guided tour that offers a deeper insight into the city. Additionally, you won’t want to miss this full-day excursion to visit the breathtaking Cajón de Maipo , one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring gorges in the country.

I also recommend visiting the vibrant city of Valparaíso , renowned for its historical and cultural significance. You can take this free tour to discover the city’s main attractions. However, if you’re a wine aficionado, you can’t miss this excursion that includes wine tasting. During this tour, you’ll visit Viña del Mar , a key region in Chile’s wine industry, and enjoy a tasting session at Viña Indómita in the Casablanca Valley .

San Pedro de Atacama is another popular destination that must be on your itinerary. I wholeheartedly recommend joining this tour to visit the El Tatio geysers , as well as this excursion to explore Piedras Rojas and the Salar de Atacama , which have some of the most stunning landscapes in all of Latin America. Moreover, this region of Chile offers the darkest skies in the world, so, make sure to take this night tour to enjoy the starry sky. And if you’re interested in mastering the art of photographing the Milky Way , consider joining one of the Atacama photo tours we run each year.

Chile, best latin american countries for solo travel

Heading south, Puerto Natales in the Chilean Patagonia is another incredible and highly touristy destination. Here, you can explore the Milodón Natural Cave , where remnants of prehistoric mammals were discovered. From Puerto Natales, consider this full-day excursion to Torres del Paine National Park . I can assure you that it’s well worth the visit, as it’s one of the most beautiful natural parks in the world, characterized by its remarkable landscapes and diverse wildlife. We organize photo tours in Patagonia every year, and touring this unique park is always a highlight.

Depending on your available time and preferred itinerary, you can venture further south and explore Cape Horn , known as the Tierra del Fuego archipelago, and the Chiloé National Park . Aside from navigating through an evergreen forest, you might even catch a glimpse of pygmy blue whales.

The best thing about visiting Chile is that if you’re traveling from Europe or North America, there will be a good chance that you can explore this captivating country without the need for a visa, as long as you possess a valid passport. Chile is also one of the cheapest countries to visit in Latin America , making it a fantastic choice, especially if you are on a tight budget.

  • Mandarin Oriental (Santiago)
  • 180 Hotel Boutique (Valparaíso)
  • Hotel Vendaval (Puerto Natales)
  • Hotel Jardín Atacama (San Pedro de Atacama)

7. Guatemala, another one of the best places to travel in Latin America

Guatemala is one of the best places to visit in Central America and ranks among the best Latin American travel destinations . It’s a country rich in history, culture, and stunning natural landscapes, but many travelers come here to explore the archaeological remnants of the pre-Columbian Mayans.

Guatemala City , the country’s capital city, is one of the most modern cities in all of Central America. You can start the trip by taking this city tour that not only provides you with fascinating historical tidbits about the capital but also introduces you to its key points of interest. If you plan to spend a few days exploring other Guatemalan cities, I highly recommend Quetzaltenango , the second-largest city in Guatemala, and Antigua , which was the capital of the colonial-era Kingdom of Guatemala.

Tikal National Park is one of the largest pre-Columbian Mayan ruins in the world and serves as the country’s primary attraction. It’s also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. While you can find excursions to this national park from virtually any city in Guatemala, the most convenient option is this day trip from Flores which includes meals.

Guatemala, latin american countries to visit

From here, you can venture to other captivating places like the Mayan archaeological complex of Yaxhá or the Blue Crater , where you’ll be fascinated by a deep, sapphire-hued sinkhole surrounded by lush jungle.

Other interesting destinations in Guatemala include Lake Petén Itzá and Lake Atitlán , with the latter being the most famous lake in the country and the deepest lake in all of Central America. To make the most of your visit, I recommend booking this full-day excursion in advance, which allows you to explore charming towns like Panajachel and Chichicastenango .

If you have some spare time, I recommend climbing the Pacaya volcano , where you can witness the intense activity of the Fuego Volcano, alongside the impressive Agua and Acatenango volcanoes. if you are looking for a more peaceful experience, your best choice is to visit the Semuc Champey Natural Monument , a renowned site celebrated for its turquoise pools and quiet setting, where you can bathe and relax surrounded by magnificent natural wonders.

  • Wyndham Garden Guatemala City (Guatemala City)
  • Hotel Aurora (Antigua)
  • Hotel Casaazul (Flores)

8. Cuba, one of the cheapest Latin American countries to visit

Cuba is not only one of the cheapest Latin American countries to visit but also a land full of history, culture, and breathtaking landscapes.

I suggest you start your exploration in the heart of Havana . For instance, you can take this free guided tour of colonial Havana to explore the city’s colonial architecture and get a firsthand impression of the capital city. If you want something more comprehensive, consider booking this guided tour .

Also, in case you like urban exploration, there are other charming cities steeped in colonial history, such as Trinidad and Cienfuegos . In fact, if you’re in Havana, consider taking this two-day excursion to visit both of these cities and learn about their fascinating historical heritage.

Cuba, easiest latin american country to visit

The Viñales Valley is another essential stop on your itinerary. Visiting this UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the best things to do in Cuba as it offers a unique glimpse into rural life, with picturesque tobacco fields and a rich local culture. The valley is also famous for its mogotes —rounded mountains that paint an enchanting landscape that’s almost otherworldly.

If you’re yearning for some quality time on the seafront, then Cuba is the best place to visit in Latin America . This country has some of the best beaches in Latin America, including Varadero , one of the most popular beach resort towns. But if you’re after a more untouched and wild beach experience, head to Cayo Jutías , where you’ll discover unspoiled beaches. Another dreamy destination is Cayo Largo del Sur , home to idyllic shores, where you can enjoy snorkeling and diving among mesmerizing underwater landscapes.

To make the most of your Cuban adventure, you can check our guide on traveling in Cuba .

I also recommend securing the best travel insurance for Cuba to ensure you’ll be covered in case of any unforeseen event.

  • Hotel Nacional de Cuba – an iconic 1930s hotel with fantastic views of Havana and its surroundings.
  • Casas particulars : These are rooms or accommodations for rent in the homes of Cuban families. I’d recommend finding one in each city you plan to visit, like Trinidad and Viñales, to experience the true Cuban culture firsthand.

9. Brazil, one of the best places to visit in Latin America for adventure

Brazil is a globally renowned destination, not just for its dazzling Carnival celebrations in Rio de Janeiro, but also for its stunning beaches and lush rainforests. It’s no surprise that many travelers believe that Brazil is the best Latin American country to visit .

Rio de Janeiro , the capital of Brazil, is a must-visit city that captivates travelers not only with its famous Carnival celebration but also with one of the Seven Wonders of the World—the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue. I recommend starting your exploration with this free tour of the historic center . However, if you’re short on time and want a more comprehensive experience, this guided tour is an excellent choice.

From Rio, you can easily venture to São Paulo , a city bursting with art, nightlife, and entertainment. If you’re looking for other fun things to do in this town, I recommend this half-day tour to visit the most popular attractions. You can even plan to stay a night or two for some memorable partying.

Brazil, best latin american country to visit

Salvador is another one of my favorite destinations in Brazil. This city is not only one of the oldest cities in the Americas, but also offers stunning beaches, historic buildings, and delicious cuisine. To truly uncover the charm of Salvador, I recommend this half-day tour , which delves into numerous captivating attractions in the city.

Nature lovers, get ready for a treat! The awe-inspiring Iguazú Falls , one of the world’s largest and most impressive waterfalls, will leave you in awe. To get a closer look at the falls, I recommend booking this boat trip —an experience you won’t soon forget.

Brazil’s Amazon rainforest adds to its allure as one of the best Latin American places to visit . So, if you want a taste of the Amazon rainforest, head to Manaus and take this multi-day jungle excursion that promises encounters with a wide array of wildlife, including endangered species and numerous unique plant species.

If the jungle isn’t your favorite setting and you prefer a more peaceful experience, you can go to Parque das Dunas in Natal and enjoy its incredible beaches, especially Copacabana . You can also explore Ilha Grande , Florianópolis Island , Conceição Lagoon , and Joaquina Surf Beach . And if your Brazilian adventure takes place during the rainy season, you surely won’t want to miss a visit to Lençóis Maranhenses National Park . This park is famous for its rolling hills, sand dunes, and valleys. What makes it even more special during this time of year is the formation of freshwater lagoons between the dunes, perfect for a refreshing swim or water sports.

Brazil offers a rich tapestry of experiences, from its vibrant cities and natural wonders to pristine beaches, making it one of the best Latin American countries to retire in .

  • Hilton Copacabana Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
  • TRYP by Wyndham Sao Paulo Paulista Paraiso (São Paulo)
  • Vila Galé Salvador (Salvador)

10. Colombia, another cheap country to visit in Latin America

Colombia is another cheap Latin American country to visit . It not only won’t break the bank, but it’s also a truly beautiful destination with charming cities and magnificent natural beauty.

You can start your trip through Colombia with this free walking tour of Bogotá , one of the largest cities in the Americas. You’ll explore iconic sites like Plaza de Bolívar , the National Capitol , and the Primate Cathedral of Colombia . If you’re short on time but want the full Bogotá experience, consider booking this complete tour , which includes visits to the La Candelaria neighborhood, the fascinating Gold Museum, and many other attractions around the city.

But that’s just the beginning. From the capital, you can venture on this excursion to the Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral , nestled inside a salt mine, or opt for this hike through the Andean jungle to witness the awe-inspiring La Chorrera Waterfall , the tallest in Colombia.

I also recommend visiting Medellín , Colombia’s second-largest city. You can kick it off with this free walking tour , or explore other captivating options like this graffiti art tour or the Pablo Escobar tour .

Colombia, best latin american country to visit

From Medellín, you can also take this full-day excursion to El Peñol de Guatapé , a geological wonder that’s millions of years old. While you’re there, don’t miss the chance to climb the famous El Peñol Rock and enjoy the stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

If you prefer the sea and pristine beaches, I recommend the Rosario Islands , accessible via this boat trip from Cartagena . Before you leave Cartagena, make sure to join one of the available free tours to get a feel for the city. You can choose between this free walking tour of Cartagena de Indias , the Getsemaní neighborhood tour , and the free tour of the historic center .

The island of San Andrés is another beautiful destination, where you can enjoy a thrilling scuba diving experience . Keep in mind that reaching this island involves a short plane ride. So, make sure to book your tickets in advance through platforms such as Skyscanner or Kiwi .

If you’re a nature enthusiast, consider heading north to Tayrona National Park . This remarkable destination is celebrated not only for its breathtaking beauty but also for being home to the world’s most diverse bird species. It’s estimated that more than 1,950 species live in this incredible place. The landscape, with its coves, lagoons, and lush forests, makes you feel like you’re in a whole other world.

Colombia, with its mix of urban beauty, natural wonders, and magnificent beaches, is undeniably one of the best destinations for a joyful vacation in Latin America .

  • Bendito Hostels (Bogotá)
  • LA Perla Sabanera CTG (Cartagena)
  • Leblón Suites Hotel (Medellín)

11. Bolivia, a beautiful and cheap Latin American country to visit

Bolivia is another one of the cheapest Latin American countries to visit , which is also renowned for its rich cultural heritage and natural wonders.

Sucre , which is the constitutional and official capital of Bolivia, is a city you shouldn’t miss. Here you’ll find whitewashed Spanish colonial buildings, 16 th -century churches, ancient architecture, and many other artistic creations. To truly appreciate its history and interesting details, I recommend taking this guided tour to explore this city, as it’s filled with fascinating history and stories that only a knowledgeable guide can bring to life.

Another must-visit city is La Paz , which also serves as a sort of capital due to its role as the headquarters for the Executive, Legislative, and Electoral Bodies. La Paz offers a plethora of interesting sights, including the Plaza Metropolitana Murillo , the Basilica Menor de San Francisco , and the Killi Killi viewpoint , which provides breathtaking views of Mount Illimani and Huayna Potosí . Consider booking this guided tour to make the most of your visit.

Bolivia, places to visit in latin America

Lake Titicaca is another captivating destination and one of the reasons why Bolivia is among the best places to travel to in Latin America . You can easily take this full-day excursion from La Paz, which includes transportation and a boat ride on the lake, as well as visits to the charming towns of Copacabana and Yumani .

While all of Bolivia’s cities are beautiful, nothing quite compares to the Daniel Campos Province . This place is home to Salar de Uyuni , the largest salt flat in the world, spanning approximately 3,900 square miles. It’s a photographer’s dream come true, and I highly recommend booking this excursion to truly appreciate this otherworldly landscape. With a guided tour, you’ll also have the opportunity to explore the unique flora and fauna of the Bolivian Altiplano, including its beautiful flamingos.

Another fantastic option is booking this private 4×4 Jeep tour , which allows you to witness the mesmerizing Laguna Colorada, a salt lake with distinctive reddish and white hues. For a truly remarkable experience, consider joining our Atacama and Bolivia photography tour , complete with several nights to capture the Milky Way in the Salar de Uyuni.

  • Las Brisas (La Paz)
  • Hotel Palacio de Sal (Uyuni)
  • Cosmopolitano Hotel Boutique (Santa Cruz de la Sierra)

12. Dominican Republic, one of the best places to visit in Latin America for beaches

The Dominican Republic ranks among the best countries to visit in Latin America and is also one of the best islands in the Caribbean . Here, you’ll discover pristine beaches perfect for soaking up the sun, swimming, or practicing water sports, all while enjoying lots of entertainment and vibrant nightlife.

If you find yourself in Santo Domingo , the capital, don’t miss the chance to take this free tour of the Colonial City . This way, you can delve into the city’s history through its fascinating landmarks like the ruins of San Francisco , San Nicolás de Bari , and the Dominican Convent , among others.

Another hotspot in the Dominican Republic, and a key reason it’s one of the top Latin American countries to visit , is Punta Cana . Here you will find some of the best beaches in the country, such as Playa Bávaro and Playa Macao , known for their fine white sand. For an even more exciting experience, I recommend taking this buggy tour , a thrilling adventure that we absolutely loved. While in Punta Cana, you should also go on this whale-watching tour , which I wholeheartedly recommend. This tour also gives you the opportunity to explore Bacardi Island and the magnificent Limón waterfalls .

Dominican Republic, best latin american countries to retire

And if you’re into nightlife, make sure to visit Punta Cana and its famous nightclubs, such as Coco Bongo . Your best option here is to book this Coco Bongo nightclub experience with transfers included, ensuring an unforgettable and unique night at this legendary nightclub in Punta Cana.

If you are looking for a more peaceful setting, head over to Saona Island , an authentic Caribbean paradise full of mangroves and coral reefs. If you’re in the mood, you can even take this catamaran cruise to enjoy pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and untamed vegetation surrounding the island. You can also try this full-day snorkeling tour to Catalina Island and experience one of the most vibrant underwater ecosystems around the Dominican Republic.

And remember that it’s always a good idea to get your travel insurance for the Dominican Republic before starting your journey. It’s your safety net against any unexpected events, whether related to health, luggage, civil liability, or other situations.

  • Occidental Punta Cana (Bávaro, Punta Cana)
  • Catalonia Punta Cana (Cabeza de Toro, Punta Cana)
  • Impressive Punta Cana (Bávaro, Punta Cana)

13. Panama, one of the best Latin American places to visit for history buffs

Panama is one of the top Latin American countries to visit and one of the safest countries in Central America .

The real star of the show here is the Panama Canal , a 50-mile waterway full of history and surrounded by fascinating legends. To get a good introduction, I recommend booking this excursion . But if you want to experience sailing through the canal, you can join this ship cruise and visit the Miraflores Locks , Pedro Miguel Locks , and the Bridge of the Americas . The Panama Canal also flows into Gatun Lake , home to charming islets like Monkey Island , where—you guessed it—monkeys live, along with other animal species.

Panama City , the country’s capital, has plenty to offer as well. You can start by taking this guided walking tour to explore the essentials, including the Old Town , the National Theater , and El Tornillo , a peculiar corkscrew-shaped building. If you’re up for a stark contrast, then make sure to join this excursion to the San Blas Islands that departs from here. You’ll journey from a bustling city to a village where there is no electricity or running water. I assure you that living like an authentic Kuna is an unforgettable experience and well worth the journey.

Panama, latin america best places to visit

Bocas del Toro , especially its main island, Colón , where you’ll find Bocas Town, is another place you cannot afford to miss. The town is so unique and well-preserved that it reminds you of the Wild West. Aside from the charming town, you can also enjoy beautiful beaches and exciting excursions, like the one leading to Playa Estrella and Isla Pájaros . Another delightful option is to join an excursion to Cayo Zapatilla and Cayo Coral . I promise you that these destinations are authentic tropical paradises that will leave you speechless.

As one of the top travel destinations in Latin America , Panama has a lot to offer. The Barú volcano , the tallest volcano in Central America, is just one example. Plus, if you enjoy outdoor activities, you can hike the Quetzal Trail through Barú Volcano National Park and enjoy lush jungles and tropical rainforests. This trail also connects Cerro Punta with Boquete , two charming towns located in the western highlands of Panama.

If you have some spare time, consider heading over to Coíba Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that has become a paradise for diving enthusiasts. And if you enjoy surfing, make sure to visit Santa Catalina . With so much to see and experience, Panama rightfully claims its spot as one of the best destinations for a lovely vacation in Latin America .

  • Crowne Plaza Airport (Panama City)
  • Tryp by Wyndham Panama Centro (Panama City)
  • Bambuda Lodge (Bocas Town)

14. Nicaragua, one of the best Latin American countries to visit with a rich biodiversity

Nicaragua is another one of the best places to travel in Latin America , and it’s a country teeming with volcanoes and geothermal wonders.

The capital, Managua , can be an excellent base for exploring the country. You can start your adventure by booking this excursion to the Masaya volcano , a hub for the country’s geothermal activity. This trip also includes a stop at the Laguna de Apoyo Natural Reserve , a tropical dry forest filled with a variety of plant and tree species, along with birds and other animals. If you want to witness the Masaya volcano from a different perspective, consider this night excursion , a perfect opportunity to see the lava’s fiery glow from up close.

Heading east from Masaya, you’ll find another must-visit location in Nicaragua: The Mombacho volcano , which last erupted in 1570. For this adventure, I recommend booking this guided walk to ensure a memorable experience in the middle of breathtaking scenery and native fauna. Plus, with a guide by your side, you increase your chances of spotting red-eyed frogs, sloths, and other rare local wildlife.

Nicaragua, cheapest latin american countries to visit

It’s fascinating to note that the eruption of this volcano gave rise to the Islets of Granada , located within Lake Nicaragua . You can even book this day trip from Granada , which also includes a visit to Ometepe Island , declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

If you’re up for exploring an active volcano, Cerro Negro is a fantastic option. I recommend this guided tour from León , which takes you right to the crater on foot to enjoy the thrill of sliding down this active volcano.

If you’re looking for famous places in Latin America to enjoy volcanic landscapes, pristine nature, and diverse wildlife, I assure you that Nicaragua is one of the best choices.

  • Selina Granada (Granada)
  • Hotel La Omaja (Mérida)
  • Hotel Globales Camino Real Managua (Managua)

15. Uruguay, another must-visit destination for travel in Latin America

Uruguay , aside from being one of the safest countries in South America , also ranks as one of the best countries to visit in Latin America .

I suggest kicking off your exploration in the capital, Montevideo , a city full of history and culture. You can start with this free walking tour of its historic center. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive experience, opt for this half-day tour that will take you to iconic spots like the Legislative Palace , the Centenario Stadium , and the Agricultural Market , among other points of interest. While you’re in Montevideo, consider taking an excursion to Punta del Este , which is widely known for its idyllic beaches, particularly Playa Mansa , famous for the iconic sculpture of “La Mano” (The Hand) emerging from the sands of Punta del Este.

If you plan to continue eastward, explore the charming town of José Ignacio as well as the beautiful Laguna Garzón , a perfect spot for those interested in outdoor activities and tranquil environments.

Uruguay, best latin american places to visit

Montevideo is just the beginning of what Uruguay has to offer, making it one of the best places to travel in Latin America . You can’t miss a visit to the city of Colonia de Sacramento , a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with a historic neighborhood brimming with culture and tradition. If you want to explore the most emblematic monuments of Colonia de Sacramento, consider this guided tour . But if time is short and you don’t plan to stay overnight, you can opt for this day trip from Montevideo .

Other captivating destinations include Cabo Polonio , a small village drawing water sports enthusiasts and anyone in search of a serene escape in the heart of unspoiled nature and wildlife. Equally fascinating is Punta del Diablo , a place that, although relatively well-connected, remains a tranquil haven far removed from the urban hustle and bustle. Plus, it’s an ideal spot for water activities and surfing.

And finally, if you’re looking for a relaxing vacation, I recommend a visit to the Daymán Hot Springs or the Arapey Hot Springs , both known as the best natural pools in the country.

  • Caña B&B (Montevideo)
  • Bellagio Tower New Apartments (Punta del Este)
  • Taurinas Apartments (Colonia del Sacramento)

Safest countries to visit in Latin America

All the countries mentioned in this guide are safe for travelers, particularly in the most touristy areas. However, if you ever have any doubts, you can refer to our guide on the safest countries in Latin America . We’ve selected these countries based on the statistics from the Vision of Humanity website as well as our firsthand experiences from traveling in these regions.

I also recommend choosing one of the best travel insurance companies when exploring any Latin American country. This way, you’ll be covered in case of illness, accidents, or any issues related to your luggage. We’ve been using Heymondo travel insurance for a while, and their quick and efficient response when we needed assistance has left us quite satisfied. Plus, as a Capture the Atlas reader, you can even take advantage of an exclusive Heymondo discount , so there’s really no reason to travel without insurance.

For a safe and convenient way to manage your finances while abroad, it’s best to avoid carrying large amounts of cash . I personally prefer choosing one of the best cards for traveling abroad ; it’ll help you save on commissions when making payments and withdrawing cash from foreign ATMs. Plus, you won’t need to carry too much money with you.

Staying connected is also vital when visiting Latin America . It not only helps you keep in touch with family and friends but also allows you to contact your travel insurance provider in case of any incidents. You can ensure you have Internet access during your trip by using Holafly eSIM cards , which offer unlimited data in any country. We’ve used these SIM cards ourselves, and they work great. Plus, they come at a reasonable price, and you can even grab a discount for Holafly with our link.

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To fully enjoy all the incredible places to visit in Latin America , you should remember to use common sense and trust your intuition , as you would in any other country. Avoid potentially risky areas, especially at night, and steer clear of situations or places that make you feel uneasy. And keep in mind that we have a guide with the safest countries in Latin America in case you find it more reassuring to explore one of those destinations.

What is the difference between South America and Latin America?

The distinction between South America and Latin America can sometimes lead to confusion because these terms refer to different aspects of the continent, and some countries can fall into both categories.

Latin America encompasses all the countries in the Americas where Spanish, Portuguese, or French are spoken, as these languages have their roots in Latin. This includes a total of 20 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

On the other hand, South America is not categorized by the language spoken but rather by its geographical location within the continent, specifically in the southern region. The boundary between Colombia and Panama is the defining line, resulting in a total of 13 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

This means that a South American country can also be considered a Latin American country if it’s situated in the southern region of the continent and if Spanish, Portuguese, or French is spoken.

Map of the best Latin American countries to visit

For those considering a visit to any of the famous places in Latin America that I mentioned, I’ve included a map below to help you identify them quickly and easily:

And that’s all for now. I hope this guide to visiting Latin America assists you in planning your next adventure. If you have any questions or wish to share your experiences traveling to these places in Latin America , feel free to leave a comment below. I will be happy to hear from you!

Wishing you a fantastic journey through Latin America!

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safest countries to visit latin america

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2 replies on “ 15 Best Latin American Countries to Visit in 2024 ”

' src=

Would not agree that all the countries in Latin America are safe to visit. Colombia for example is level 3 reconsider travel – many trouists are being found dead with their bank accounts having been emptied beforehand. Express kidnappings are also becoming more common unfortunately in latin america.

' src=

Hi Mike, Yes, the increasing violence in Latin America is devastating. While our trips have gone off without a hitch, I know the situation in several countries has worsened.

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safest countries to visit latin america

Worldly Adventurer

The 11 Safest Cities for Travel in South America

By Author Graham Minser

Posted on Last updated: 8th November 2023

South America has long been one of the most alluring travel destinations, for a good reason. With its unrivaled natural beauty, range of ecosystems, and lively urban scenes, it’s no wonder more people have found their way to this remarkable continent.

This article will focus on the safest cities that tourists frequent. For a ranking of countries’ security, check out our article on the 10 safest South American countries in 2023. 

In the past, much of the continent has held a reputation as a bit rough around the edges, but security in recent years has improved notably. While no place can ever be completely safe, we can confidently say there has never been a better, safer time to visit the best cities in South America. Here are, in no particular order, the safest eleven cities for travel in 2023.

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1. Montevideo, Uruguay

  • Government Travel Advisory: Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution ( US State Department )
  • Country ranking in the 2023 Global Peace Index: 50

According to the Global Peace Index for 2023 , Uruguay ranks top in South America for safety, so where better to start than its capital, Montevideo.

A view of the beach and city of Montevideo, Uruguay

Montevideo is a medium-sized city of 1.3 million growing in popularity with many travelers due to its laid-back vibe, access to beaches, and agreeable climate.

It has seen the benefit of two decades of progressive governance, transforming Uruguay into the country with the best social institutions and the smallest wealth gap on the continent.

How to stay safe traveling in Montevideo

Although violent crime is rare, pickpocketing, car break-ins, and muggings sometimes occur, so be sure to avoid flashing valuable belongings, such as jewelry or large sums of money. The streets are generally safe, but it’s best to avoid walking alone after dark when the streets have emptied and only withdraw money from ATMs in daylight.

What to do in Montevideo

Montevideo is a city whose charm steadily grows on visitors. Parts of the city may appear unsightly, but the capital rewards those who scratch beneath the surface. The centre of the city reveals many art-deco architectural gems, such as the Palacio Salvo in the ciudad vieja (old city).

While Punta del Este, east of the capital, is the premier beach destination, Montevideo also has over 13 kilometers of sandy beaches suitable for sunbathing or swimming. For lovers of tango, locals often dance all night in the many local bars, including El Callejón Tango Bar .

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2. Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Government Travel Advisory: Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions ( US State Department )
  • Country ranking in the 2023 Global Peace Index: 54

Just next door to Uruguay, Argentina is another South American country with tons to do and a good security record. It’s currently the second safest country to visit according to the 2023 Global Peace Index .

The biggest city on our list, this megalopolis of over 15 million people, sits on the coast facing Uruguay to the north. Buenos Aires is many cities in one, famous for its broad boulevards, old-world grandeur, and inimitable character.

How to stay safe in Buenos Aires

Much like Santiago, Buenos Aires is a city characterized by its history, with grand mansions standing just a couple of kilometers from workaday port enclaves. Visitors should avoid walking alone after dark, be discreet with phones and valuables, and be wary of scams.

Barrio La Boca in Buenos Aires, with its colourful housing.

Although violent crime is a rarity, travelers should never resist mugging for obvious reasons. If planning to attend a football match, make sure you are purchasing tickets away from the ultra sections, where proceedings can get more than a little rowdy.

Read our guide to safety in Buenos Aires for more information.

What to do in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is the tango capital of the world, so whether you want to join in or just spectate, don’t miss out on visiting ageless standards such as El Beso and Salon Canning , where you can either watch, take a class or join in.

For carnivores, it’s hard to do better than an Argentine parrilla or asado (steakhouse), where the quality of the meat is only matched by the quantity. Locals swear by Don Julio , and the upscale La Brigada draws in international celebrities with its exquisite delicacies such as wild boar chorizo and * ahem * beef bollocks.

Read our itineraries for Buenos Aires for even more inspiration and discover our top activities to do in Buenos Aires !

3. Mendoza, Argentina

Straight west from Buenos Aires, under the shadow of the Andes, lies Mendoza, one of Argentina’s outstanding cities and destinations.

Beautiful vineyard in Mendoza.

The medium-sized city of around a million people is world-famous for its premier export, Malbec wine. It is also the perfect base for exploration in the nearby mountains. The city has a small-town feel matching its bucolic surroundings.

How to stay safe in Mendoza

Like in the rest of the country, violent crime is uncommon, but theft and fraud can occur for the unwary. Car break-ins and burglary are the most common forms of crime, so visitors should take care the obvious precaution of locking their doors and being discreet with valuables.

What to do in Mendoza

The area surrounding the city is blessed with some of the best vineyards in the world, so oenophiles should not miss touring a couple of viñas to sample the local wine while visiting.

The other primary draw is the plethora of outdoor activities in the adjacent Andes Mountains. Depending on the season, tourists can take advantage of the prime hiking, climbing, skiing, and horseback riding opportunities.

4. Punta Arenas, Chile

  • Country ranking in the 2023 Global Peace Index: 58

Staying in Chile but venturing as far south as the continent goes, Punta Arenas is a safe, exciting destination for travelers. For those who love choosing the path less taken, Chile’s southernmost city may be just the ticket.

Cormorants on a dock in Punta Arenas.

While quite remote and smaller than the other cities on this list, this city of 130,000 people has direct connections with Santiago and Buenos Aires, tons of outdoor adventures and all the amenities a modern city should provide.

How to stay safe in Punta Arenas

Security from crime is virtually a non-issue, although you should take care to secure your belongings, as petty theft is not unheard of. The chief safety concern is the high winds that blow through town, prompting civil authorities to mount ropes between buildings to aid pedestrians.

If outside for an extended time, it is necessary to wear sunblock, as UV radiation is deceptively high here, despite the remote southern latitude.

What to do in Punta Arenas

A primary reason visitors come all this way is to enjoy the natural splendor of nearby Torres del Paine National Park, accessible from Puerto Natales further north, and Tierra del Fuego, the southern peninsula at the end of the continent. Punta Arenas is a great jumping-off point for trekking in the surrounding area, where you can find penguins, sea lions, condors, and the world’s most southerly parrot species. Hire a car a plan an epic Patagonian road trip with our guide . 

Another reason to visit is to enjoy the seventeen hours of daily sunlight Punta Arenas enjoys in December and early January (which is why these months rank among the best times to visit the region ). Punta Arenas also serves as a stopover for cruise ships bound for Antarctica (check out this Antarctica cruise departing from Punta Arenas from the highly-recommended company Swoop Antarctica).

For more on southern Chile, read up on our best Patagonia itineraries .

5. Santiago, Chile

Just behind Uruguay on the Global Peace Index in South America is Chile, and the capital Santiago is among the safest cities on the continent.

Street view of Santiago metropolitan area.

Santiago is a major city, with around eight million people living in the metropolitan area. It is a diverse city with many contrasting neighborhoods, knitted together by South America’s best public transportation network. The city emits a European vibe with its architecture and temperate climate.

How to stay safe in Santiago

The city was in the news the past few years for civil unrest, but the protests were aimed at the government and police rather than travelers. The city has increasing safety issues; therefore, it’s essential to practice common-sense safety precautions.

An increase in muggings, assaults, and carjackings has been seen in the city. Unlicensed taxi drivers are an increasing issue, too, particularly at the airport, so it’s recommended to always book through a registered provider (we recommend the reliable, English-speaking My Ride Chile ).

Previously safe tourist neighborhoods such as Bellavista and around the Plaza de Armas and the Central Market are becoming increasingly unsafe, and you’re best to visit them during the morning as things can take a turn later in the afternoon.

The northern and western neighborhoods tend to have higher rates of crime, and it’s best to steer clear of them after dark as there’s little to do anyway. It’s always best to take a taxi after dark, especially when taking part in Santiago’s famed nightlife; use Uber where possible or ask your accommodation to call a taxi; never hail a cab off the street.

Neighborhoods such as Providencia Vitacura are now the best and safest locations to book a hotel in Santiago , while areas such as Lastarria are still good places to stay – just don’t stray on foot from the neighborhood at nighttime. Never walk with your phone out or leave it visible on a table at a restaurant, or leave your bag where you can’t see it – opportunistic thieves can swipe either without you noticing.

Read more safety recommendations for Santiago and Chile .

What to do in Santiago

The best way to get acquainted with the Chilean capital is to explore it on foot, and the large metro network makes it easy. You’ll see groundbreaking street art, lively neighborhoods with tree-lined boulevards, and many numerous parks and green spaces.

Santiago is also renowned for its collection of museums, including the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos (Museum of Memory and Human Rights) and the Museo Natural de Historia Natural (Natural History Museum).

For more details on this superb city, read up on the best things to do in Santiago .

6. Florianopolis, Brazil

  • Country ranking in the 2023 Global Peace Index: 132

In the southern region of Brazil, on an idyllic island just off the coast sits Florianopolis, arguably Brazil’s best place to be.

Sunset view of the bridge in Florianopolis, Brazil

Brazil conjures images of endless beaches, samba, and football and has a contagious energy. Florianopolis has around half a million people in the city, surrounded by verdant mountains and golden beaches.

How to stay safe in Florianopolis

Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro have reputations as crime-ridden and at times dangerous, partly due to their size and wealth disparity. However, as the locals affectionately call it, Floripa is a more secure city, where crime can occur, but not on anywhere near the same scale as the country’s larger metropolises.

As mostly anywhere in Brazil, it is advised to avoid walking alone at night and to leave valuable belongings locked in your hotel. Taxi fares should be arranged in advance, and Uber is a safe bet here. If you do become the victim of a mugging attempt, do not physically resist.

What to do in Florianopolis

The beaches just outside of town are famous for their surf breaks, and world tours routinely have competitions at Praia Mole (Mole Beach). Other beaches are more secluded and are ideal for an afternoon away from it all. After the sun goes down, nightlife thrives both in the city and on the beach.

Many travelers rave about the food as well, from the classic feijoada (black bean stew), to the seafood feasts best-enjoyed shore-side ( Ostradamus is a local favorite), all washed down with a cachaça -fueled caipirinha .

7. Sucre, Bolivia

  • Country ranking in the 2023 Global Peace Index: 78

Nestled in a valley in the Andes is Bolivia’s true capital and loveliest city, Sucre. For a good reason, visitors often end up extending their stay here.

A beautiful view of the roofs of Sucre, Bolivia's capital city.

A manageable city of 300,000 people, Sucre sits at an ideal altitude, affording it one of the best climates on the planet. Its relaxed vibe and gorgeous colonial architecture make it an excellent destination for tourists and ex-pats alike.

How to stay safe in Sucre

Bolivia’s larger cities, such as La Paz and Santa Cruz, have a higher incidence of petty crime, but Sucre’s manageable size helps make it one of the most secure places in the country. As a rule, avoid flashing cash and valuables to avoid being a target.

Bolivia has a high rate of people contracting Chagas Disease, spread by tropical insects, but Sucre’s high elevation of 2,810 meters (9,214 feet) is far above the insect’s ecosystem. Some travelers suffer from mild altitude sickness upon arrival, but after a day or two visitors are generally able to acclimatize.

What to do in Sucre

With its ideal climate and lovely city centre, Sucre is the perfect place for walking around to take pictures. Highlights include the Casa de la Libertad (Freedom House) and the Teatro Gran Mariscal Sucre (Marshall Sucre Theatre).

The area around the city isn’t short on activities either. Don’t miss El Castillo de La Glorieta (Glorieta Castle) with its unique melding of Byzantine, Moorish and Gothic architecture, and El Parque Cretácico (The Cretaceous Park), with its well-preserved dinosaur footprints.

For more on this captivating city, check out the best things to do in Sucre .

8. Cusco, Peru

  • Country ranking in the 2023 Global Peace Index: 104

Perched high up in the Peruvian Andes is a city that predates the arrival of the Spanish and continues to captivate visitors with its stunning architecture and timeless charm.

Morning in the city of Cusco at the Plaza Principal at the heart of the city.

This city of 400,000 people has a distinct feel among South American cities, with its cool climate and traditional way of life alongside the many travelers who come to soak up its ambiance.

How to stay safe in Cusco

Peru was the site of demonstrations and social unrest early in 2023, however, the situation has since calmed, and Cusco continues to be a safe place to visit.

The former Inca capital is split between the historical center and its more local neighborhoods. Within the old center, tourists should be wary of petty theft and scams, but violent crime is rare, and it is generally safe to walk around in groups after dark.

The primary concern for most visitors is Cusco’s breathtaking altitude (3,400m/11,150ft), and the altitude sickness that can afflict new arrivals. To counteract the effects, drink plenty of water, eat in small quantities, avoid alcohol, or do as the locals do: place a wad of coca leaves on your cheek.

Stay in one of the many hotels, guesthouses, or hostels close to Cusco’s Plaza de Armas to avoid having to climb into the city’s hills, too. 

What to do in Cusco

The ancient city and its immediate surroundings are chock-full of activities. Many use it as a base for visiting the nearby Inca Trail and Machu Picchu or the Sacred Valley, while the city has more than enough to keep visitors occupied for a few days or more.

Travelers always find their way to the Plaza de Armas in the old center, and its two cathedrals, La Catedral del Cusco (Cusco Cathedral) and La Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús (Jesuit Church) are not to be missed.

Uphill from the plaza are the San Blas neighborhood with its atmospheric, narrow stone streets and Saqsaywamán , the great Inca fortress overlooking the city. You can plan your visit with this Cusco itinerary or extend your time by staying at one of our recommended hotels and guesthouses in the Sacred Valley .  

9. Arequipa, Peru

In the remote high desert of Peru sits the country’s second most populous city, which could not be different from the frenetic capital, Lima.

Night view of Arequipa's main square, the Plaza de Armas.

Routinely ranking among the safest urban areas on the continent, Arequipa feels like an overgrown town in the pace of life and the friendliness of its locals. Its one million citizens take pride in the architecture, cuisine, and natural setting of their city.

How to stay safe in Arequipa

Security in the city is mostly a non-issue. It is safe to walk around the city centre at all hours, and locals are happy to help visitors with directions and recommendations. The only annoyance you’re likely to encounter is the restaurant touts on the Plaza de Armas.

Because Arequipa is in an extremely dry corner of the continent, it is important to stay hydrated and to apply sunblock if outside for an extended time.

What to do in Arequipa

Arequipa is known in Peru as the ‘White City’, because of the volcanic sillar (see-YAR) stone used to construct many of its buildings. Among the most stunning sillar structures are the massive Basilica Catedral de Arequipa next to the stunning Plaza de Armas, and the Monasterio de Santa Catalina .

One cannot visit Arequipa without tucking into its excellent local delicacies. The city is dotted with picanterías which specialize in chupe de camarones (curry-like soup with prawns), rocoto relleno (spicy pepper stuffed with mince and veggies), and soul-warming quinua dishes not unlike risotto. For the real deal, head to Picantería Victoria or La Nueva Palomino .

Travelers who are up for it shouldn’t miss trekking the stunning Colca Canyon , three hours north of the city. Thrill-seekers should consider climbing El Misti, the towering volcano that towers over the city.

For more, look at our best things to do in Arequipa .

10. Cuenca, Ecuador

  • Country ranking in the 2023 Global Peace Index: 97

Following the Andes north to Ecuador, the pleasant city of Cuenca has earned a reputation as an excellent destination for both tourists and long-term residents and some consider it one of the best places to live in South America.

Night view of the Plaza Principal in Arequipa

The city and the surrounding metro area have 660,000 residents who enjoy the mild year-round climate, while travelers are drawn to its colonial architecture and access to the nearby Cajas National Park .

How to stay safe in Cuenca

In the past couple of decades, more and more North American ex-pats have made the permanent or seasonal move to Cuenca, drawn by its security and ideal climate. In 2019, the Cuenca Tramway was completed, spanning 10.5 kilometers (7 miles) with 27 stations, making transportation safe and easy.

While the capital Quito has a mixed record when it comes to safety, Cuenca has the highest standard of living in Ecuador which keeps crime rates low. Theft and pick-pocketing are quite rare, so visitors exercising common sense will be perfectly safe.

What to do in Cuenca

Cuenca is one of the best cities in South America for exploring on foot, with its photogenic city centre and riverside parks. On the eastern edge of the city on the mountainside is the not-for-profit Amaru Biopark, which showcases an astonishing collection of animals including jaguars, tapirs, Galápagos tortoises, boa constrictors, and blue-footed boobies on its sprawling grounds.

If you’re visiting on a weekend, every Sunday morning the city provides free mountain bikes for both residents and tourists to explore the trails along the Tomebamba River. To borrow a bike, go to the rental station at Puente Juana de Oro, next to Inca Bar. Exchange an ID or passport and return the bike by noon.

11. Bucaramanga, Colombia

  • Government Travel Advisory: Level 3: Reconsider Travel ( US State Department )
  • Country ranking in the 2023 Global Peace Index: 141

Last on our list is a city in a country not usually famed for its security. But while in the past Colombia has been in the news for the wrong reasons, safety has improved dramatically in recent years.

Aerial view of Bucaramanga, one of the safest cities in South America.

Bucaramanga, with a metro population of 1.1 million people, has been gaining a favorable reputation as a safe and friendly city with a lovely climate and lots of activities for travelers.

How to stay safe in Bucaramanga

While Colombia has done much to clean up its security image in the past couple of decades, the largest cities in the country still have some of the higher crime rates in South America. Bucaramanga, however, has very low rates of violent crime and far less theft and robbery than Bogota.

This being Colombia, it is important to take proper precautions. After dark, always taxi or Uber to your destination, and be discreet with phones and valuables at all times. It is also advisable to wear pants and shoes, rather than shorts and flip-flops, to avoid appearing an easy target.

What to do in Bucaramanga

Known as the ‘city of parks’, Buca has some lovely green space, such as Parque García Rovira and the Jardín Botánico Eloy Valenzuela . Home to ten universities, the city comes to life at night. Salsa enthusiasts will want to check out Calison , while reggaeton and techno fans should try Vintrash .

Just south of the city is Chicamocha Canyon , a popular trekking destination. Further south is the lovely colonial town Barichara , and San Gil , Colombia’s premier adventure sports destination, where you can go zip-lining, white-water rafting, caving, paragliding or horseback riding.

Notes on staying safe traveling in South America

To keep yourself safe and sound, awareness and confidence are key factors. People who walk with a purpose are far less likely to be victimized than a tourist shuffling down the street, hunched over their phone. If confronted, for obvious reasons never argue or resist. Losing your phone or wallet is preferable to being a victim of violence.

A common way travelers find themselves in danger is while driving in an unfamiliar place. If road safety is a concern, you can choose to use public transportation or hire a car with a driver. Locals are of course more experienced and accustomed to their cities and driving habits.

Above all, keep in mind that the better prepared you are for your trip, the more likely you are to remain safe. Map out your trip, take the necessary precautions, and you’re bound to have an amazing vacation.

Looking for more inspiration? Look at our South America itineraries guide , discover which are our favorite places to visit in South America , and plan ahead with this detailed packing list for South America .

Thursday 16th of March 2023

You wrote this "People who walk with a purpose are far more likely to be victimized than a tourist shuffling down the street, hunched over their phone. "

Did you accidentally say the opposite of what you intended?

Steph Dyson

Yes... I will change that now! Thanks for point it out! Steph

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Published: 02-08-2023.

Travel in Latin America has so much appeal and is renowned for its dramatic natural beauty, rich, millennia-old cultural heritage, and warm communities. However, a concern often nagging in the back of people’s minds when choosing to travel to is whether it’s safe to travel in Latin America. The continent has attracted quite a worrying reputation over the years, but this is a sweeping and unfair generalization that doesn’t reflect the realities of life and travel in the diverse countries within South America. The safest countries in Latin America are Costa Rica and Uruguay. This is according to the Global Peace Index. Other safe countries include Chile, Argentina, and Panama. Here are the top 10 safest countries in Latin America, based on various crime rate statistics and safety rankings. Please note that the safety situation in countries can change over time, and it's essential to refer to the latest travel advisories and government reports for the most up-to-date information before planning a trip or making any decisions relating to safety.

safest countries to visit latin america

Cartagena Old Town

Costa Rica is the safest country in Latin America, coming at number 38 worldwide. It’s known as a wonderful vacation spot, renowned for its eco-tourism, biodiversity, and natural beauty. The country's commitment to environmental protection and sustainable tourism contributes to its reputation as a safe destination. Travelers to Costa Rica can enjoy lush rainforests, exotic wildlife, and picturesque beaches without major safety concerns. 

safest countries to visit latin america

Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Uruguay is a peaceful and democratic country known for its social progress and low crime rates. Uruguay is the second country on this list and is the safest country in South America. Uruguay’s capital, Montevideo, is considered one of the safest capital cities in Latin America. You can enjoy the nearly 14-mile (22.2 kilometers) promenade known as the Rambla of Montevideo. You can visit the Plaza Independencia, Salvo Palace, and Solis Theater in the city, just to name a few tourist spots to enjoy. Montevideo, the capital, and Punta del Este, a popular beach destination, are among the most secure places for travelers. Uruguay offers tranquil beaches, colonial towns, and a welcoming atmosphere for visitors.

safest countries to visit latin america

Sacramento, Uruguay

Chile comes in as the third safest country in Latin America. One of the most popular tourist destinations here is the Torres Del Paine National Park where you can enjoy hiking or go horseback riding. Chile is renowned for its political stability and a strong economy. It boasts stunning landscapes, including the Atacama Desert, the Andes Mountains, and beautiful coastlines. Santiago, the capital city, is considered one of the safest cities in Latin America. Tourists can explore its vibrant culture, historical sites, and thriving food and wine scene with a sense of security.

safest countries to visit latin america

Atacama Region of Chile

Panama comes in at number 4 for the safest countries in Latin America and is a thriving hub of business and tourism in Central America. The Panama Canal, a marvel of engineering, attracts visitors from around the world. The country has made significant strides in reducing crime rates, and Panama City, the capital, is known for its modern skyline, historical sites, and vibrant nightlife. This Central American country borders South America and is famous for the Panama Canal. You can visit such destinations as Monkey Island or walk the Amador Causeway (Calzada de Amador).

safest countries to visit latin america

Pearl Islands, Panama

Argentina is at number 5 of the safest countries and has the biggest population on the list. This South American city boasts a variety of tourist activities from the cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aires to the breathtaking landscapes of Patagonia and Iguazu Falls. While some areas in Buenos Aires may have petty crimes, overall, Argentina is considered safe for tourists. Exercise general caution in crowded places and keep an eye on your belongings. You can visit the highest mountain in South America, Aconcagua; the largest waterfall system in the world, Iguazú Falls; and even take a cruise to Antarctica from Ushuaia.

safest countries to visit latin america

Perito Moreno, Patagonia, Argentina

Ecuador is a country of diverse landscapes, from the Amazon rainforest to the Galapagos Islands. The country has made progress in improving safety for tourists, particularly in Quito and the Galapagos. While incidents of petty theft can occur in tourist areas, using common-sense precautions will help ensure a safe trip. Enjoy such attractions as the Middle of the World City, the Amazon Rainforest to the east, and the Andes.

safest countries to visit latin america

Baños, Ecuador

Bolivia is a land of unique landscapes and indigenous culture. While Bolivia is generally safe, some areas might have higher crime rates, particularly in major cities like La Paz and Santa Cruz. However, with reasonable precautions and awareness, travelers can explore Bolivia's stunning landscapes, including the Uyuni Salt Flats and Lake Titicaca. Bolivia is the 8th safest country in Latin America. Excellent for nature tourism, you can visit the Valley of the Moon in La Paz, visit the Laguna Colorada, or head over to Isla del Sol on Lake Titicaca.

safest countries to visit latin america

Brazil (some regions and cities are safer than others)

When making travel plans, it's important to look for current, local advice because safety conditions in Brazil can vary greatly from region to region and city to city. This is particularly true while traveling through Brazil's bigger cities, such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, where it can be riskier for tourists in some places. Don't allow Brazil's lowly placement on our list to deter you from traveling there. The vast continent of Latin America is home to numerous exquisite and distinctive towns, breathtaking beaches, vast and varied areas of the Amazon, and plenty more. It is worth a trip!

safest countries to visit latin america

Rio de Janeiro

Peru saw approximately 5.5 million foreign tourists in 2019, many of whom came to see Machu Picchu, the country's most well-known attraction. Visit intriguing pre-Incan sites like Chan Chan, historic cities like Arequipa, and the snow-capped mountains of Huaraz by going off the beaten path. You'll be astounded by Peru's wealth of resources. Peru is famous for its ancient Inca ruins, including Machu Picchu, and its rich cultural heritage. While some parts of Lima, the capital city, may have higher crime rates, popular tourist destinations like Cusco and the Sacred Valley are generally safe and well-patrolled by authorities.

safest countries to visit latin america

Rainbow Mountain, Peru

Colombia comes in at number 10 on this list. At one point, Colombia was off-limits to tourists due to the high crime, drug cartels, and how dangerous the country used to be. It has improved to the point that tourists are coming from all over to see this beautiful country. Colombia is full of many wonderful things to see, such as the beautiful Caribbean coast and the coastal town of Cartagena. There is also Los Nevados National Park, which has jaw-dropping landscapes, an active volcano, and fantastic coffee.

safest countries to visit latin america

Caño Cristales, Colombia

Please note that the safety situation in Latin American countries can change over time, and it's essential to refer to the latest travel advisories and government reports for the most up-to-date information before planning a trip or making any decisions relating to safety. You can also contact us here to find out more about safety in general in the country you plan to visit.


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Safest Countries in South America 2024

The various countries of South America feature a wealth of tourist attractions ranging from ancient ruins and jungle safaris to sun-soaked beaches, haute cuisine, and the largest carnival in the world . However, some South American countries are notably less safe than others, especially for travelers who may be less aware of which locations and situations merit extra caution in a particular country. Uruguay , for example, nearly ranks in the top 25% of the world's safest countries —however, at least two South American nations ( Colombia and Venezuela ) rank among the world's most dangerous countries . The Peace Corps has a presence all across South America , which includes many poor and developing countries.

The safest countries in South America as measured by the Global Peace Index

One of the most comprehensive and well-respected comparisons of country-to-country safety is the Global Peace Index, which is released annually by the nonprofit Institute for Economics and Peace. This index monitors more than 20 metrics including the perceived criminality in society, the number of police officers, rate of homicides and robberies, and terrorist activity to determine which countries are the safest. While none of South America's countries rank in the top 25% of all countries, six rank in the top 50%.

Top 6 Safest Countries in South America (2022 Global Peace Index):

The safest countries in south america by various crime statistics (united nations).

It could be argued that some of the high-level metrics the GPI tracks, such as military spending and political stability, are less important to the average tourist than ground-level stats such as the rates of homicides and robberies. However, focusing on a single statistic can be misleading. A quick comparison of data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime illustrates this point. Note how Venezuela, the only country in South America to earn a "Level 4: Do Not Travel" advisory from the U.S. Department of State, has the lowest incidence of serious assault on the continent:

Note: All data per 100k residents

Country profiles: The safest countries in South America

Uruguay (gdi 1.795).

Uruguay ranked as the most peaceful nation in South America for 2022 despite earning a Level 2: Exercise Caution travel ranking from the U.S. State Department (robberies are a particular concern). Visitors and residents alike can enjoy a mild climate, low-cost healthcare, and friendly locals. Attractions include natural hot springs in Salto, stunning beaches in the resort town of Paloma, shopping in Rivera, and enjoying the mountains, lakes, and waterfalls of Lavalleja.

Chile (GDI 1.840)

The wealthiest country in South America , Chile has a high standard of living, friendly locals, and a low cost of living. Chile is also very geographically diverse, with more than 6000 km (3728 mi) of coastline and points of interest ranging from the jagged glaciers and mountains of Torres Del Paine to the beaches of Valparaíso—and also man-made attractions such as the stone Moai sculptures of Easter Island and the culture of Santiago . Like Uruguay, it earned a Level 2 travel ranking from the U.S. State Department, largely due to occasional protests and demonstrations.

Argentina (GDI 1.911)

Although less than 1/3 the size of the massive (but less safe) Brazil , Argentina is nonetheless the second-largest country in South America. It also enjoys a Level 1: Exercise Normal Precautions travel rating from the U.S. State Department as of late 2022, which is better than that of both Chile and Uruguay, illustrating the fact that GDI ranking does not always parallel other moment-to-moment metrics. Tourist attractions in Argentina include the massive Iguazú Falls, Patagonia's Los Glaciares National Park, the Art Deco architecture of Mendoza, and the beaches of Mar del Plata.

Paraguay (GDI 1.976)

Paraguay is one of the least-visited countries in South America, but also one of the safest, with a Level 1 travel advisory as of late 2022. Saltos Del Monday is known for its landscapes and waterfalls, the city of Encarnación offers attractions from beaches to timeless Jesuit ruins, and the vast plains of Gran Chaco features scenic landscapes and wildlife viewing.

Ecuador (GDI 1.988)

Arguably the leading attraction in this South American country is the Galápagos National Park, home to marine iguanas, sea lions, and Galápagos tortoises. However, attractions such as the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Cuenca, the Nambillo Waterfall Sanctuary in the Mindo cloud forest, and Cotopaxi (one of the world's tallest active volcanoes) are close behind. Ecuador had a Level 2 travel advisory as of late 2022, due to civil unrest and crime in certain areas

Bolivia (GDI 1.989)

Bumping Peru off the 2022 list of safest countries in South America is Bolivia, a country with a wealth of worthy sights. Attractions in Bolivia range from the Uyuni salt flats, which turn into "the world's largest mirror" when the rains come, to tours of the Amazon jungle and pampas complete with jaguars, anacondas, and pink dolphins; the colorful Oruro carnival; the surreal Valle de la Luna (Moon Valley) near the capital city of La Paz , and mountain bike trips down the aptly named "Death Road", a narrow mountainside road said to be the most dangerous in the world. As of late 2022, Bolivia enjoyed a Level 2 travel advisory , due to civil unrest and the possibility of demonstrations.

Countries formerly in the Top 6 Safest:

Peru (gdi 2.03).

As of late 2022, Peru's ongoing struggles with COVID-19 had largely abated, but the country retained its Level 3: Reconsider Travel advisory from the U.S. State Department thanks to above-average levels of crime and terrorism in some areas.

Once these issues are handled, Peru will likely leap to the top of many tourists' wish lists thanks to attractions including the Incan city of Machu Picchu, the sparkling blue Lake Titicaca (shared with Bolivia), the mysterious Nazca lines, and landscapes ranging from the penguin-inhabited Ballestas Islands to the sand dunes of Huacachina and on to the Amazon jungle.

Lower Global Peace Index scores are preferable.

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What is the safest country in South America?

Frequently asked questions.

  • Global Peace Index 2022 map - Vision of Humanity
  • Global Peace Index 2022 full report - Institute for Economics and Peace
  • Victims of intentional homicide, 1990-2018 - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
  • Robbery 2018 - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Jones Around The World


If there was ever a place in the world that perfectly encapsulated vibrant culture, diverse landscapes, and love of life – it’s South America! But what is the safest country in South America?

There is passionate Latin blood running thick through every country on the continent. So, it’s no wonder that this continent and its’ South American music festivals  are high on the bucket list of countless travelers.

But the wild nature of the landscapes, combined with a history of civil unrest and underdeveloped countries, has instilled a sense of caution in many adventurers. And as a result, Central and South America have earned a reputation for being unsafe.

This causes many new travelers to be more hesitant to travel to the continent.

Safest Countries in South America

The good news is that a lot of these hesitations can easily be countered with a little bit of preparation and knowledge. There is far too much beauty and culture on the continent to ignore, and there are loads of safe places to visit in South America. So here are my top picks!

The Safest South American Countries

Is Chile safe? Yes. In fact, Chile ranks in the top 55-60 of the safest countries in the world according to the global peace index.

Crime rates are incredibly low, and the only real safety risk is getting lost while hiking in one of the many beautiful national parks ! If you’re looking to begin your South American travels but are worried about safety concerns, then just book a flight down to Chile for a mind-blowing and safe outdoor adventure!

Safest Countries in South America

Chile’s one of the best countries to visit in South America due to its many different wild regions and hiking trails — particularly through Patagonia. From the Atacama Desert in the north to the lush forests in the south and pristine beaches on the coast – Chile certainly is a paradise filled with hidden gems.

Perhaps the biggest threat in Chile is the chance of an earthquake. Even so, this is an incredibly rare occurrence, and travelers shouldn’t concern themselves too much with this risk as it is a fairly predictable natural disaster.

Chile National Parks - Safe Country in South America

Highlight Activities in Chile

  • Hike through Torres del Paine National Park in Patagonia for the ultimate wild adventure.
  • Visit Easter Island’s famed monolithic sculpted stone statues, which symbolize aboriginal history.
  • Book a trip to Santiago around the country’s biggest music festival, Lollapalooza, Chile .
  • Spend a day (or more) in the breathtaking city of Valparaíso, dubbed Chile’s cultural capital.
  • Discover the ‘Hand of the Desert’, a huge sculpted hand in the middle of the Atacama desert that deserves to be marveled at

“Chile is nature on a colossal scale, but travel here is surprisingly easy if you don’t rush it. ” – Take a read through the Chile Lonely Planet Travel Guide  online to help start planning your trip!

Torres Del Paine - Safest Countries in South America

Interested in a Group Tour to Chile & Patagonia?

Click through to these amazing tours for more photos, reviews, dates, and availability!

  • Torres Del Paine: The W Trek (6-Day Trip) : “Here’s a quick six-day trip that’s simply perfect as an add-on to other Patagonian adventures. Torres del Paine’s W Trek is celebrated by active travelers globally as one of the most scenic treks anywhere. Spend four days walking through stunning landscapes surrounding Grey Glacier, French Valley, and the imposing three towers. While the trek alone is challenging enough, the real contest comes in needing to take your camera out so frequently.”
  • Hike Patagonia in Depth (14 Days | 2 Countries) : “For those looking to explore a corner of the world that is well off the tourist track (in addition to some incredible highlights), this two weeks of hiking through some very remote areas of Patagonia is your opportunity to roam wild and free, my friend. With snow-capped mountains and blue skies as your backdrop, you’ll hike through otherworldly Torres del Paine National Park, staggering El Chaltén, sobering Glacier National Park, and the highly celebrated W Trek. Get ready for the walk of your life.”

Uruguay also falls among the top safest Central American countries and the world. A visit down here promises an insanely laidback atmosphere and chilled-out experience.

The voluntary democratic elections have resulted in a strong base of political stability, and the country is a low-risk area for natural disasters. Uruguay is considered one of the safest countries in Latin America, making it a fantastic choice for your travels.

Even though Uruguay is one of the smallest South American countries, it sure does offer a wealth of activities and experiences for travelers to enjoy during their visit! From long stretches of pristine beaches to a healthy diversity of marine life and relaxing hot springs – Uruguay is an excellent (and safe) place to visit for your next holiday!

Uruguay Beach - Safe Country in latin America

Highlight Activities in Uruguay

  • Indulge in the relaxing hot springs in Salto and Paysandú.
  • Visit one of the many exquisite vineyards and wine-tasting experiences in Uruguay – be sure to taste their local red wine, Tannat.
  • Explore the area around Punta del Diablo, which boasts a fortress, campsites, and unspoiled beaches.
  • Visit one of the local markets and try out the local cuisine. I would definitely recommend Mercardo del Puerto for its wide variety of options and its epic vibe.
  • Attend a traditional South American carnival with an Uruguayan twist in La Pedrera.

Uruguay Vineyard - Safest Countries in South America

Interested in a Group Tour to Uruguay

It’s common for most group tours in South America to visit multiple countries, especially Uruguay (as most travelers come specifically for the waterfalls). Check out these two below for an idea of itineraries! They both look awesome!

  • Explore Bolivia to Brazil (31 Days | 5 Countries) : “Travel to South America and explore the cultures of Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Take the road less travelled from sky-high La Paz to party-ready Rio de Janeiro, stopping in at vibrant cities, small towns, incredible natural wonders and tropical beaches along the way. Discover the modern and traditional cultures of five amazing countries, meet wonderfully friendly locals and see the best of South America on this huge Overland adventure.”
  • Buenos Aires to Rio de Janeiro: Falls & Footy : “Get your South American rush with other young travellers unafraid to embrace the new. You’ll kick off the adventure in sophisticated Buenos Aires before getting back to nature on day hikes at a working Uruguayan ranch. Marvel at Iguassu Falls, then hop on a flight to São Paulo on your way to the Brazilian coast — no gruelling bus ride means more time on the beach. We’ll wrap up in the party in Rio, where you’re free to embrace the carnival atmosphere from our centrally-located Copacabana hostel.”

3)  Argentina

The steep mountains, astounding glaciers, and magnificent waterfalls all make Argentina a hot spot to travel to. In addition to unparalleled natural beauty, the country also boasts an impressive culture that manifests in architecture, art, music, and literature.

Much like the rest of South American countries, Argentina is well-known for its football. With the likes of one of the best players in the world, Argentinian Lionel Messi, you can only imagine the level of national pride.

Argentina is the third safest country in South America. As is the case with most large cities, though, areas such as Buenos Aires are prone to petty crime, so vigilance is key.

But, arguably, the biggest risk in Argentina is the small chance of dengue fever, which can easily be deterred with the regular use of bug spray when outside the major cities. In the worst-case scenario that a tourist does happen to experience illness, healthcare in Argentina is more than impressive – and free!

Highlight Activities in Argentina

  • The Andes Mountains are Argentina’s spectacular mountain range that offers the ultimate hiking experience.
  • Igazú waterfalls that separate Argentina from Brazil promise a jaw-dropping, sensational experience that is unlike any other.
  • The Perito Moreno glacier is an iconic attraction in Argentina – and for a good reason.
  • Dance the night away in one of the many tango dance bars in the vibrant city.

Check out this article by World Nomads for “ 8 Things to Know Before Visiting Argentina “, as it’s a pretty fun piece that any thinking about visiting the country should read beforehand!!

Is Argentina Safe to Visit?


Hiking in Patagonia can be quite intense, so I’d highly recommend booking a tour to visit this destination! It’ll give you the peace of mind and safety to travel with a group and marvel at the majestic landscape!

Check out these epic Argentina tours and visit their sites for photos, itineraries, prices, and availability!

  • Highlights of Patagonia (8-Days) : “From the jagged, snow-capped glory of peaks like Fitz Roy and Cerro Torre to the gigantic and still-advancing icescape that is the Perito Moreno Glacier, this action-packed Patagonia adventure covers some of the most stunning glacial scenery in the world. Start with a tour of cosmopolitan Buenos Aires, then head to El Chalten to hike the likes of Laguna de los Tres and Laguna Torre. Continue to El Calafate, where the marvels of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field are just a hop, skip and a jump away. Finish in style in back in Buenos Aires, trying your hand at a few tango moves.”
  • The End of the Earth Argentina (14 Days) : “Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts who want to experience one of the world’s most pristine wilderness settings, this challenging two-week adventure packages the region’s essential highlights into one incredible journey. Explore Torres del Paine, encounter the Perito Moreno Glacier, and hike Los Glaciares National Park. With years of local experience, we employ the region’s best guides to reveal the extraordinary, bringing you to campsites that provide stunning views of Patagonia. Prepare to be awed.”

Safest Countries in South America To Visit in 2020

4)  Paraguay

Paraguay isn’t a very popular tourist destination in South America, which means that there are no obvious tourist-target spots. Apart from petty crimes and the boisterous revelry that erupts at large gatherings, Paraguay is a fairly safe country to visit.

When you consider the astounding natural beauty of Paraguay, you may find it odd that it isn’t more of a popular spot to visit. The country is filled with beautiful waterfalls, natural lakes, and rich landscapes.

One of South America’s greatest hidden gems, there are loads of epic activities to do and places to explore.

Paraguay - Safest Countries in latin America

Highlight Activities in Paraguay

  • Visit the Jesus and Trinidad Jesuit Ruins, which are a testament to the historical richness of the country.
  • If you love the outdoors, then you simply have to visit Ybycuí National Park , which is great for a day trip.
  • Take a trip to Saltos del Monday, a thunderous series of waterfalls. If you’re feeling extra adventurous, then you can climb up the rocky walls and abseil down.
  • The Pantanal wetlands are the largest wetlands on the planet and well worth the visit if you find yourself in Paraguay.

“But Paraguay is nowhere near boring or worth skipping: it offers great historic and cultural value to everyone walking through the Asuncion city center, whose old, decaying buildings still show their old splendor and are a proof of how beautiful Asuncion used to be. At nights, you can take a cab ride and enjoy its gorgeous lights, since it’s fully illuminated after dark. You can enjoy its nightlife, its many bars, restaurants and its vibrant, though dangerous, city spirit. If you’re yearning for some nature, fear not – Paraguay offers safari rides through each eco-region of the country, and you can get acquainted with its fauna and flora with the help of trained safari guides.”

Is it safe to visit paraguay?

Interested in a Group Tour to Paraguay?

Go off the beaten path on this epic Intrepid tour! Read through some of the reviews, as they’re quite inspiring!

  • Paraguay Expedition: Asuncion to Iguazu : Surrounded by superstar neighbors, Paraguay has often been overlooked thanks to its location off the well-worn gringo trail between Brazil and Argentina tours . But skip Paraguay, and you’ll be missing out on an authentic slice of Latin America. After all, this is a country that lays claim to parts of stunning Iguazu Falls and throws a mean Carnaval come February. Paraguay is a land of extremes: you’ll find handmade artisanal stalls standing alongside mega shopping centers, the poor sharing fences with the wealthy, and horse-drawn carts clip-clopping through Asuncion’s modern streets. With a rich history and a wealth of national parks to be discovered, all you have to do is decide where to begin.

Due to its impressive police force, Ecuador is home to some of the safest cities in South America. The main thing to look out for when traveling to Ecuador is the tap water and food. The water is definitely not safe to drink, and food poisoning is, unfortunately, a fairly common occurrence.

With those preparations out of the way, you can safely enjoy all the beauty and fun that Ecuador offers. Ecuador has some of the most beautiful places within its borders, including Galapagos Island, which famously contributed to Darwin’s theory of evolution.

Galapas Islands Ecuador - Safest Places to visit in South America 2019

Highlight Activities in Ecuador

  • The history of the volcanic Galapagos Island has turned the location into a “living museum of evolution” and is a must-visit spot when in Ecuador.
  • Ecuador’s railway system is known to be efficient and well-serviced, making for a unique way of traveling around South America. If this tickles your fancy, then you need to try the Devil’s Nose route, which offers a hair-raising ride through the Andes.
  • Indulge in the intricate culture of the Andean locals by visiting the notorious markets in Otavalo.
  • Explore the quaint old town of Quito for a truly authentic Ecuador experience.

“Adventure seekers will love the active volcanoes, Romeos will make the most of the cheap red roses and fine chocolate, and anyone with a sense of the fun won’t want to miss the chance to stand astride the hemispheres with one foot planted on either side of the equator.”

Have a read through this fun article by CNN Travel titled, “Going to Ecuador? 11 things travelers should know  first” for some helpful travel tips, things to do, and more!

Is Ecuador Safe

Check out this awesome Youtube Video discussing safety advice for Ecuador!  It is really well done and filled with excellent travel tips and information!

Visit Ecuador - Safety Advice for Visiting Ecuador

Interested in a Group Tour to Ecuador & The Galapagos?

  • GALÁPAGOS CENTRAL ISLANDS & INCA DISCOVERY : “From the unique wildlife of the Galápagos to the towering peaks of Peru, discover two of South America’s iconic highlights in one comprehensive adventure — explore the Galápagos aboard the Xavier III before flying into the Andean highlands. As one of the larger tour operators in the Galápagos, our exclusively operated fleet of yachts offers great value and in Peru we run our own treks, ensuring the fair treatment of our porters and the quality of food and equipment as you follow the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. Experience the intense variety and striking beauty of two of South America’s most dramatic regions.”
  • Essential Galapagos (9 Days) : “The Galapagos Islands have a bit of a reputation – think the wildest wildlife, colourful underwater worlds and some of the most remote beaches and rock forms on earth. Spend nine days discovering this explorer’s dream, staying at the bustling centres of Isla San Cristobal, Isabela and Santa Cruz, and top and tailing your island escapade in Ecuador’s capital, Quito. Volcanoes, marine iguanas, playful sea lions and the giant tortoise all await on this animal-focused island getaway – what’s not to love about the Galapagos?”

What countries are safe to visit in South America

6)  Bolivia

f you are looking for a rugged adventure in a gorgeous setting, you need to plan a trip to Bolivia. It ranks 80th in the global peace index so it is not a destination for the faint-hearted. But, there are significant rewards for travelers willing to push their comfort zones.

It’s a known truth that poverty breeds crime. However, despite Bolivia being one of the poorer South American countries, it is still incredibly tourist-friendly.

With the capital city, La Paz, soaring a remarkable 11,942 feet above sea level, Bolivia’s altitude is something to note. This means that first-time travelers to the country should take their time settling in.

Bolivia Salt Flats- Safest Countries in latin America

Highlight Activities in Bolivia

  • For a sight unlike anything you’ve witnessed before, you need to make your way to the salt flats of Uyuni.
  • Once you’ve adjusted to the altitude, trekking in the Cordillera Real is an experience that promises unforgettable memories.
  • Take a trip to the world’s highest navigable body of water – Lake Titicaca – which reaches an altitude of 3821 meters.
  • Push your limits and opt for one of the many extreme sports available in La Paz, such as abseiling down one of the city’s biggest office buildings.
  • Cholita wrestling is an activity unique to Bolivia and a highlight experience. Essentially, it involves traditionally-clad Bolivian women wrestling each other WWE-style.

“For a first-timer to South America, traveling in Bolivia can feel a bit intimidating. Given that Bolivia has so many unique tourist attractions, there isn’t much information easily available for tourists. But Bolivian travel doesn’t have to be scary or frustrating, and this country has far too many amazing things to see and experience to miss it out.”

Salt Flats - Bolivia Safety Travel Tips

Interested in a Group Tour to Bolivia?

Check out these widely popular and extremely well-reviewed tours for a South American adventure you’ll never forget! Click through to check out the wondrous itineraries, stunning photography, and views dates/ prices.

  • Best of Bolivia & Argentina (15 Days) : “Travel from Bolivia down to Buenos Aires and experience South America’s wild interior. Get off the tourist trail on this extraordinary adventure through Bolivia and Argentina. Uncover the rural history of Potosi, explore the cities of La Paz and Sucre, and travel across the sprawling landscapes of the Salar de Uyuni before chasing thrills in Salta and finally arriving in Buenos Aires. This overland tour really does have it all.”
  • Buenos Aires to La Paz: Salt Flats & Sand Dunes : “Breathe in the mountain air of La Paz and dance in the tango milongas of Buenos Aires on a two-week adventure. Connecting the Atlantic to the Andes, you’ll journey across the surreal landscapes of the Atacama Desert and the Salar de Uyuni. Feel like a sophisticate as you sip wine in Buenos Aires and pull back the curtain on the centre of the continent. Best of all, you’ll do it in the company of other fun, young travellers. Don’t choose between inspiring wilderness and urban sophistication – do it all.”

Bolivia - Safest Countries in South America

7)  Guyana

Commonly associated with French Guinea and Suriname, Guyana is a lesser-known country in South America. While it is the seventh safest country on the continent, it still has a lot to offer international tourists.

The capital city, Georgetown, has earned a bad reputation for pickpockets, armed robbery, and even assault. However, the country is a great eco-tourist location to explore.

To put it into perspective, Guyana ranks better on the Global Peace Index Map  than the United States of America. The country offers rich rewards for those who choose to brave the reputation and visit the unspoiled rainforests and idyllic beaches.

Considered a melting pot of cultures, their cuisine and culture reflect the dynamic influences of various places around the world. As a trailblazer visiting Guyana, you can be sure of a truly surreal experience that is unlike any other.

Guyana - Safe Countries in South America

Highlight Activities in Guyana

  • Enjoy a stroll on the canopy walkway in the Iwokrama Rainforest.
  • Visit Kaieteur Falls, the world’s tallest single-drop waterfall, without the stress of crowds.
  • Taste the self-proclaimed best rum in the world and visit a local rum distillery in Guyana.
  • Explore the country’s rich history and heritage in its capital city, Georgetown. Important stops include St George’s Cathedral and the Bourda market.

Give a quick read through this article, “10 REASONS GUYANA IS SOUTH AMERICA’S SUPERSTAR ,” for some more Guyana travel inspiration and information!

Is Guyana Safe tp visit in 2019

8)  Brazil

Avoid the known dangerous areas in this South American country, and you will have nothing to fear. The warm Brazilian locals, vibrant cities, and magnificent Amazonian forests will have you hooked and not wanting to leave.

Funnily enough, the country has been built with a tourist infrastructure in mind, and as a result, much of the country is relatively safe for travelers. While not the safest South American country, it is far from the dangerous place that it is often told to be.

Is Rio Safe To VIsit

Highlight Activities in Brazil

  • Visit the top of Christ the Redeemer in the bustling city of Rio de Janeiro.
  • Organize a tour in the Brazilian Amazon – make sure that you go through a proper company that will have your safety in front of mind.
  • Enjoy a city tour in Salvador and discover the detailed Portuguese influence that has contributed to Brazilian culture.
  • Spend a day in Tijuca National Park, the world’s largest urban forest.
  • If you are looking for the party of all parties, then you need to book your trip to Brazil around the time of the notorious Rio Carnival.

Brazil is the 5 th largest country in the world and the largest in South America. It is known for hosting the world’s most famous Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, for having the largest portion of the Amazon forest, for the Iguazu Waterfalls, and for many other wonderful landmarks. Each year, over 6 million tourists visit Brazil, and events like the Olympic Games held in Rio and Sao Paulo break new records often.

Brazil is one of the countries with the highest crime rates in the world: with a violent death rate of 111 per 100,000. It is also ranked 130 on the global peace index. Although violent crimes mostly happen in the Favelas (poor suburbs), tourists can also be targeted.

SafeAround has compiled information from numerous sources. This is to make sure you have a safe trip in Brazil and be aware of all potential dangers.

Is Brazil Safe to visit in 2019

Interested in a Group Tour to Brazil?

If you’re looking for a quick and easy group tour to just Brazil, check out one of these (which could be a great introduction to the country before taking off a solo adventure around the continent).

  • EXPLORE BRAZIL (9 Days) : “Connect with the lively rhythms of urban culture and venture deep into extraordinary ecosystems on a nine-day adventure in Brazil. On the colorful streets and sun-drenched beaches of Rio de Janeiro, learn to dance the samba and meet the costumers of Brazil’s famed Carnival. Venture into the tropical wetland wilderness of the Pantanal in search of caimans, capybaras, and other incredible creatures; and stand in the mists of spectacular Iguaçu Falls, a UNESCO World Heritage site”
  • HIGHLIGHTS OF BRAZIL: PARADISE & PARTY (8 Days) : “Satiate your desire to stray off the beaten path while meeting new friends and snapping moments along the way on this eight-day tour through Brazil. The cobblestone streets and colourful doorways of Paraty are full of colonial charm while remote beaches and tropical fjords aren’t far away. The fun continues on the beaches of Ilha Grande, where you can go snorkelling or hike remote trails on this island paradise. Once you return to Rio de Janeiro, head on a guided tour of a favela followed by free time to explore this vibrant city as you wish. You’ll be amazed by how much you’ll see, do, and discover in just over a week’s time.”

Is Brazil Safe to Visit - Safest Countries in South America

9)  Peru

Peru is one of the most popular tourist destinations in South America. The country has shot to tourism fame due to the breathtaking images of its landscape, mountain ranges, and ancient ruins.

Sharing a large portion of the Amazon with its neighbors, Peru is a great travel destination for those interested in exploring the thick jungle. On the other hand, the Andes mountains make for the perfect hiking trip.

The country’s versatility continues as it is a favorite for history lovers who travel to Peru for the quaint culture. The fascinating influence of the Spanish conquest and Inca Empire can still be seen in the local culture and ancient ruins of Machu Picchu.  

There are no specific safety travel warnings for those visiting Peru. With that being said, tourists should be aware of tourism hotspots that encourage petty crimes, with the threat of violent crime being on par with most big cities.

Machu Pichu - Safe Countries in Latin America

Highlight Activities in Peru

  • Follow the Inca Trail and visit the mysterious and well-known ancient city of Machu Picchu in the Andes.
  • Stay in one of the many lodges in the Peruvian Amazon and explore the magnificent jungle safely.
  • Located just outside of Cusco, the Rainbow Mountains are a must-see spot in Peru.
  • Ride a dune buggy and go sandboarding in the desert village of Huacachina.

The threat of violent crime in most of Peru is no greater than many of the world’s major cities. Travel around the country is relatively safe and reliable, and the rebel element has been largely disbanded. The Peru of today is a far cry from the militaristic repression, rebellion, corruption and terror of its history.

Keep reading about Crime in Peru .  It lists our top travel safety tips for more tips and information.”   

Peru - Safe Places to visit in South America

Interested in a Group Tour to Peru?

Out of all the countries on my bucket list, Peru is pretty damn close to the top! I’m looking into booking one of these tours myself some time, and can’t wait to finally see Machu Picchu for myself!

  • Inca Discovery *TOP-SELLER* (8-Days) : “Perfect for those looking to experience the region’s archaeological and cultural treasures in a short amount of time, this adventure includes a four-day trek along the Inca Trail. This is one of the world’s best-known hikes and will reward those willing to break a sweat with a stunning combination of mountainscapes, cloud forests, and jungles. We run our own treks, which ensures the fair treatment of our porters and quality equipment.”
  • Sacred Land of the Incas (15 Days) : The lofty, dramatic landscapes of the Sacred Land of the Inca will leave you breathless in more ways than one. Walk beneath the Amazon Jungle’s lush canopy, trek the llama-filled plains of the Sacred Valley and stroll the cobblestone streets of Cusco on this 15-day journey from Peru to Bolivia. Search for monkeys and medicinal plants in the Amazon, tackle the ancient road to Machu Picchu on the Inca Trail, experience a homestay in a traditional community on the shore of serene and immense Lake Titicaca and finish in La Paz, where indigenous cultures has survived despite hundreds of years of opression. The Sacred Land of the Inca will leave you breathless in more ways than one.”

Peru - Safest Countries To Visit in South America

Safest Countries in Central America To Visit 

10) costa rica.

Costa Rica’s impressive track record of political stability and astounding natural landscapes make Costa Rica one of the safest Latin American countries to visit. The friendly locals that go by the term ‘ticos’ are known to welcome travelers with open arms to their predominantly tropical country.

Approximately 25% of Costa Rica’s land area is a protected zone, which means that the country’s biodiversity is rich and protected. The tropical haven boasts a variety of breathtaking natural wonders. From beach towns and volcanoes to rainforests that are primed for adventure.

From a healthcare point of view, the water in Costa Rica is safe to drink, and the healthcare system is efficient and accessible. This, in conjunction with a low crime rate, makes Costa Rica a paradise ready for exploring.

Costa Rica Runset - Safe Countires in Central America

Highlight Activities in Costa Rica

  • Costa Rica is every adventurer’s dream, and at the peak of this thrill is a river rafting experience through Turrialba Valley, which features grade 3 and 4 rapids.
  • Birdwatching in Costa Rica is an entirely different experience from anywhere else. Look out for the colorful quetzal, which is best spotted in the cloud forests of San Gerardo de Dota.
  • Spend a few nights in San Jose, and revel in the vibrant nightlife that the city has to offer.
  • Explore Arenal Volcano National Park, where Costa Rica’s active volcano lies resting.
  • Ziplining over miles of sky-high treetops is an incredibly popular activity in Costa Rica and one that should be taken full advantage of.

COsta Rica Waterfalls - Safe Countries in Central AMerica

Interested in a Group Tour to Costa Rica?

I’ve personally been to Costa Rica, and it was such a fantastic trip! I mainly went to attend the popular Envision Festival in Uvita, but the parts of the country I visited before & after were spectacular. I’d definitely recommend it (especially because of the coastline & jungles)! If you’re not keen on going it alone, here are a few tours I’d recommend!

  • Classic Costa Rica (15 Days) : “Experience Costa Rica from towering jungle to palm-lined coast. Discover the incredible biodiversity of Costa Rica – and the culture shaped by the tropical wilderness – on this 15-day tour. Stay with a local family in Santa Rosa de Pocosol and get your hands dirty on a sustainable farm. Soak in springs that get their heat from an active volcano in La Fortuna. Spot three-toed sloths in the thickets of the Manuel Antonio National Park, then relax beneath swaying palms on the nearby beaches. This adventure takes you into the wild heart of a country many visit but few truly know.”
  • COSTA RICA VOLCANOES & SURFING (9 Days) : “White water raft the rapids on the Sarapiquí River. Kayak and stand up paddleboard along Lake Arenal with breathtaking volcanic views and catch a wave on this action-packed nine-day tour of Costa Rica. Get your adrenaline pumping with optional extreme sports like waterfall rappelling, and ziplining through the lush jungle canopy. Learn to surf the famous Pacific breaks at Playa Santa Teresa and enjoy plenty of time to relax on tropical beaches. Throw in the opportunity to see incredible rainforest wildlife and you’ve got a unique adventure you’ll be talking about for years.”

Costa Rica Sunset - Safest Countries to Visit in Central America

There are countless reasons to visit Panama. The modern infrastructure, incredible culture, and breathtaking coastlines are just a few of the attractions to visit the country. Many travelers plan a trip to Panama to indulge in the clear sea, sniff the beans on coffee farms, and adventure in the cloud forests.

Panama’s shared border with Colombia means that there are some areas that are considerably less safe than others. These unsafe areas are listed on the governmental website  and are not recommended for tourist travel. With that being said, the coast and borders have a strong sense of security, and the police department is vigilant.

Panama is rich in adventure tourism, with many opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors. Depending on how much of a thrill factor you crave, there is an activity and destination for you. And you can enjoy it with peace of mind knowing that it might be the safest country in Central America after Costa Rica.

Is Panama Safe...?

Highlight Activities in Panama

  • Visit the Panama Canal, the marvelous waterway which links the Atlantic and the Pacific.
  • Take a guided tour on a coffee plantation – look out for the Geisha beans, which offer a gentle taste for non-coffee drinkers.
  • Explore Panama City, which is filled with a balance of casinos, parks, and skyscrapers.
  • Take a trip to the sandy beaches and lush forests of the Pearl Islands.
  • For thrill-seekers willing to venture into one of the more dangerous areas in Panama, hire a guide and visit the Darien, one of the most isolated places in the world.

Panama - Safety Countries in Latin America

Interested in a Group Tour to Panama?

Panama tends to be one of the final destinations Central Americans visit or can be the beginning of a South American backpacking trip (after sailing through the San Blas Islands to Colombia). I think you can do the majority of Panama on your own, but here’s a pretty epic Central American tour you could look into!

  • Ultimate Central America (59 Days Total) : “Enjoy a Central American odyssey on this adventure from Mexico’s capital to the home of the Panama Canal. Travel through Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama on a tour through remote villages and ruins. Get acquainted with the local cultures, spectacular landscapes and fascinating histories of Central America as you explore the wealth of ancient ruins, spot the range of unusual wildlife, dive into unique underwater worlds and relax on idyllic Caribbean beaches. Get to know the friendly locals and discover why Central America is an adventurer’s delight on this epic overland adventure from Mexico to Panama City.”

Panama - Safest Countries to Visit in Central America

12) Nicaragua

Nicaragua is safely visited by thousands of tourists on a regular basis. However, it’s important to note that it is one of the South American countries that demand an increased level of vigilance due to higher crime rates.

While not the most dangerous country (it has a Global Peace Index of 2.33), the destination is not one for the faint-hearted. It’s rather the ultimate spot for travelers looking for an edgier experience. The predominantly volcanic landscape is buffered by exquisite beaches and idyllic islands.

If you’re a sucker for culture and history, Nicaragua also boasts elegant colonial architecture to marvel at. With a lower crime rate than some of its neighbors, Nicaragua can be a surprisingly safe country to visit.

Nicaragua - Safe Places to Visit in Latin America

Highlight Activities in Nicaragua

  • Hit up the surf and party capital of the country, San Juan Del Sur, and enjoy a relaxed pace of life!
  • Nicaragua is home to several colonial towns, such as Leon and Granada, that are built with fascinating colonial architecture in mind.
  • Ometepe Island is a must-visit as the only island in the world to be made up of two volcanoes in the middle of a lake.
  • The Nicaraguan locals know how to party and celebrate culture. There are countless festivals constantly happening – just listen out for the sound of a trumpet.

“Nicaragua is the largest of the Central American nations, yet it is also the most sparsely populated. Although Costa Rica, its neighbor to the south, has long been a bustling tourist destination, Nicaragua has only recently come into its own. Travel to Nicaragua if you’re looking for a rainforest adventure on the road less traveled—and less pricey. Nicaragua has the largest area of primary-growth rainforest north of the Amazon, six active volcanoes, and 550 miles of coastline dotted with sandy beaches and sleepy surf towns. There are few ancient ruins left in Nicaragua, but picturesque colonial towns–like Granada and Leon–make up for it with their pastel-painted churches and vibrant local festivals.” Keep reading through Travel & Leisure’s Nicaragua Travel Guide  for more information on this unique destination!

Nicaragua Cathedral - Safest Countries in Central America

Interested in a Group Tour to Nicaragua?

  • Best of Nicaragua (9 Days) : Get amongst incredible natural beauty and colorful colonial towns in Nicaragua! With a nickname like the ‘land of lakes and volcanos’, a trip to Nicaragua wouldn’t be complete without plenty of time spent at both. Tick both boxes by visiting Ometepe Island, a lush, rainforest-filled island formed by two volcanos that rose from Lake Nicaragua. Learn about Nicaragua’s revolutionary past in bohemian Leon, stroll the colorful colonial streets of Granada, then head to Nicaragua’s Pacific coast for the sun, surf, and laid-back vibes of San Juan del Sur. In Nicaragua, nature is uninterrupted, the food is delicious, and volcano boarding is a real slightly-scary-but-thrilling sport. Experience it all on this nine-day adventure.


As you can see, South America is a land of many enriching experiences. Almost every corner of the continent is teeming with wildlife, beautiful landscapes, pristine beaches, and intricate history. With that being said, there are areas that are considered unsafe.

The following safety tips should help you enjoy a safe and stress-free experience in South America.

  • Petty crime does exist in major cities, so always remain vigilant and carry a minimum amount of cash.
  • Don’t walk around wearing flashy jewelry and flaunting expensive equipment – this is asking for trouble.
  • Avoid walking around at night, especially if you are alone or unfamiliar with the area.
  • Don’t go to areas that are known to be unsafe or risky.
  • Although drugs are big business and readily available in South America, be informed that they are not legal, and repercussions can be harsh for buyers.
  • Many South American countries have volcanoes, but luckily these natural disasters tend to give warnings before erupting and pose no immediate threat.
  • There are no serious health threats to consider. However, some areas require a yellow fever vaccination, and it is always a nifty idea to pack bug repellent.

Rainbow Mountains - Peru, Safe Countries in Latin America


So, is South America safe? Every country in the world  poses risks of some sort, and these South American countries are no different. However, a little bit of vigilance and preparation can go a long way in affording an insanely beautiful and unforgettable experience.

South America has such a rich history and diverse landscapes that the greatest risk you could take in life is choosing not to explore the magnificent continent. The continent is filled with friendly locals, incredible food (of which you seriously need to try out the street food ), and rich history.

Whether you’re traveling to the safest country in South America or any other Latin American place, you’re sure to have a great time. These countries welcome countless tourists on a daily basis and are known to be some of the safest places to travel in South America (added from the beginning).

Best Safe Places to Visit in South America


I’d love to hear from YOU if you think I need to add any countries to this list, or maybe you think I need to remove a country from my list of safest places to visit in Latin America.

I do understand that South America has a reputation for being dangerous, but the truth is that things can happen almost anywhere in the world. So, I simply wanted to highlight some of the awesome destinations and activities down there!


Planning a trip to South America?

Whenever I’m looking at where I want to travel next, I typically pick up a copy of the Lonely Planet or another travel guide to bring along with me on the road.  You’d be surprised how often they can come in handy, especially for fun little hidden gems, budget tips, and restaurant/ bar recommendations!

  • Lonely Planet South America on a shoestring (Travel Guide)
  • Insight Guides South America (Travel Guide with Free eBook)

South America Travel Guides - Safest Countries to Visit in 2019

Further reading:

  • 7 Music Festivals In Central America To Experience Before You Die
  • 20 Best Airbnbs In Costa Rica For The Ultimate Vacation
  • 66+ Fascinating & Fun Facts About Costa Rica That’ll Amaze You
  • 9 Reasons Why Envision Festival In Costa Rica Will Blow Your Mind

Don’t Visit South America Without Travel Insurance!

While I definitely always recommend travel insurance if you’re traveling abroad, I’d say that it’s an absolute must when making your way down to South America! I refuse to travel anywhere anymore now without having a policy through HeyMondo Travel Insurance .  Their plans are fairly priced, and they have easy-to-access customer service through their app, which makes it very easy to manage any claims.

So, whether you need a single trip cover to South America or an affordable annual cover for multiple trips worldwide, be sure to buy your travel insurance  before you travel, and relax during your trip, knowing that HeyMondo has your back. Nowadays, I would never travel without insurance again, especially after hearing so many (expensive and dangerous) horror stories from other travelers I’ve met!

South America Travel Insurance


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This was insanely helpful to me. I’m planning a trip to South America with my lover and I’m doing the detail work. This list and details were exactly what I needed and really helped me open my mind to some new places!

La Chascona was one of three homes to Chile’s Nobel Prize winning poet, Pablo Neruda. The quirky architecture and vivid colors mirror Neruda’s individual style, making it a fascinating attraction for all of those who are interested in learning about the great artist’s life as well as the history of the house. (source:

Guyana safer than Suriname? Don’t think so. In fact Suriname is safer than most countries mentioned.

You write that earthquakes are a predictable natural disaster. You may want to amend that — as an emergency responder in Los Angeles I can tell you with the most modern detection systems in place you can get maybe 10 seconds of warning.

Very nice guide to everyone who wish to visit South America. I have liked the art of writing exhibited by the author and the choice of photos is just on point. Big Up :)

Um…Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua…they’re not in South America. They’re in North America.

I really enjoyed this article as we’ve traveled to Argentina and Chile multiple times and loved them, especially Argentina. Your assessment of Argentina was spot on from my perspective and the people there are very genuine and warm. We’re looking forward to going back soon!

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[…] Central American countries are a safe bet for warm destinations in February! It’s the driest season, but it’s also the perfect time to try some water-based activities in Costa Rica. Head to the rivers for rafting, or even on a day trip out to the coast for swimming and snorkeling. While there are no dinosaurs, despite what the movies may suggest, there are plenty of stunning volcanoes you can visit!  […]

[…] The 12 Safest Countries in South America […]

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6 Safe South American Countries and Tips for Your Trip

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Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina

For travelers eager to explore the diversity of nature and culture, South America is safe to visit, and we highlight the countries to travel to on vacation and tips to consider for your trip.

From Argentina to the Galapagos Islands, travelers can confidently discover the continent’s diverse regions and cultural hubs with an understanding of what makes it alluring.

In this guide, we discuss some of the safest South American countries for your trip. We also share safety tips and information on how a travel expert can help you discover the continent according to your preferences.

2. Argentina

4. ecuador & the galapagos islands, 6. colombia, safety tips for traveling in south america, discover safely with the help of a south america travel expert.

Metropolitan park cable car in Santiago, Chile

Santiago, Chile

Ranking as one of the safest countries in South America and the world, Chile remains a favorite travel destination for its epic scenery and cultural diversity.

It is a colorful country full of captivating outdoor activities, cultural cities, and coastal sanctuaries. Breathtaking beaches and glamorous cities line Chile’s Pacific coast, glacial national parks paint Chilean Patagonia’s landscape, and Mars-like mountains rise and fall amongst the sweeping sands of the Atacama Desert.

Natural disasters do occur in Chile from time to time. However, your travel specialist can arrange an itinerary to the safest places in the country during the best time to visit for specific experiences.

Safest Places to Visit in Chile: Santiago • Torres del Paine National Park • Chiloe Island • Pucon • Atacama Desert • Easter Island

Learn more: Best Places to Visit in Chile • Chile Travel Guide

Expert Tips for Discerning Travelers

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil

Argentina is a popular travel destination and a safe country to visit. Violent crime rates are low, locals are friendly, and remote areas are easily accessible.

Many flock to Argentina to explore the vibrant capital of Buenos Aires. The city is alive with culture and you can visit historic landmarks, tuck into authentic asado , and twirl with tango performers. As Buenos Aires is busy, pickpocketing and petty crime are possible. For this reason, a short stay in the capital is often followed by trips to Mendoza, Cordoba, and other gateways to Argentina’s picturesque countryside and Argentine Patagonia.

Traveling to Argentina’s remote regions and national parks with guides is safe, as these places are tranquil, welcoming, and fit with exquisite accommodations.

Safest Places to Visit in Argentina: Buenos Aires • Glaciers National Park • Iguazu Falls • Mendoza • Córdoba • Ushuaia

Learn more: Best Places to Visit in Argentina • Argentina Travel Guide

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu, Peru

Spend time immersing yourself in mysterious Peruvian culture on tours to this remarkable and safe destination.

Peru is a magical place to visit, with postcard-perfect landscapes, ancient cultural customs and traditions to uncover, and an adventurous culinary scene to experience. With rare incidents of crime in Peru’s major cities affecting travelers, you can move freely, but with vigilance, during your travels with knowledgeable guides.

You can spend your time exploring Peru’s most magnificent places, such as the Incan marvel of Machu Picchu and the diverse Amazon Rainforest. Traveling with Peruvian experts to warm and welcoming villages, you should experience great hospitality and safety.

Safest Places to Visit in Peru: Machu Picchu • Iquitos • Arequipa • Colca Canyon • Lima • Chachapoyas

Learn more: Best Places to Visit in Peru • Peru Travel Guide

Bartolomé Island in the Galapagos, Ecuador

Bartolomé Island in the Galapagos, Ecuador

Many parts of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands are completely safe. The small but scenic country and its surrounding islands are a dream to discover, with guides who take you on tours to its safest areas.

You should proceed with caution through busy cities as petty crime is possible. However, you will likely spend your vacation in quiet villages full of cultural charm and friendly locals. You will also cross the sparkling seas to lavish multiple-star accommodations overlooking the brilliant blue water. These coastal retreats are exceptionally safe and expert guides lead experiences on breathtaking beaches, in scuba-diving destinations, and magnificent forests.

There are far fewer risks in the southern cities, quiet Ecuador communities, and on the islands, making your experience safe.

Safest Places to Visit in Ecuador & Galapagos Islands: Galapagos Islands • Montañita • Cuenca • Quito • Chocó Cloud Forest • Archidona • Puerto Ayora

Learn more: Best Places to Visit in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands • Galapagos Islands and Ecuador Travel Guide

Pelourinho, the historic center of Salvador de Bahia in Brazil

Salvador, Brazil

Tourism booms in Brazil and visitors enjoy the best places to visit across the country on tours that are safe.

Brazil’s most popular cities attract visitors from all over, eager to explore landmarks and landscapes, among them the Christ the Redeemer statue and bustling beaches. From contemporary museums in Rio to the Amazon Rainforest, you can experience the best of the country on tours with expert guides. Though petty crime and theft occur in the busier parts of Brazil, you can remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings to keep safe during your travels.

Despite its reputation among some travelers, you can travel to Brazil with confidence when following the guidance of your travel guides and taking basic safety precautions into consideration. This is the best way to experience Brazil’s unending beauty and friendly culture.

Safest Places to Visit in Brazil: Salvador • Aracaju • Vitória da Conquista • Maceió • Feira de Santana • Belem

Learn more: Best Places to Visit in Brazil • Brazil Travel Guide

Salento, Colombia

Salento, Colombia

Colombia is a safe country to travel to as tours can take you to modern cities, remote islands, and beautiful countryside, where crime rates are relatively low.

As you explore this exciting country and its many culturally dazzling cityscapes or breathtaking beaches, you can feel comfortable and confident with knowledgeable local guides. With an understanding of the safest places to visit and specific areas to avoid, you can enjoy the pleasures of travel without worrying.

It is advisable to take precautions in busy cities as petty crime, although rare, is possible. However, keeping your personal belongings concealed and your wits about you should help you avoid any risks. Contrary to an outdated reputation, Colombia is far more secure than most travelers perceive.

Safest Places to Visit in Colombia: Salento • Guatape • Cartagena • Palomino • Tayrona National Park • Villa de Leyva • Minca • Medellin

Learn more: Best Places to Visit in Colombia • Colombia Travel Guide

Woman admiring stunning landscape of Moon Valley in Atacama Desert, Chile

Moon Valley in the Atacama Desert, Chile

South America is vast and each country possesses remarkably different terrain and culture for unique experiences that cross regions and borders.

Travelers can stay safe on tours by remaining vigilant, following the guidance of tour guides, and protecting their trip with travel insurance. Below, we discuss some of the most common strategies with which to travel the continent safely.

1. Research Your Chosen Country

Once you have decided on your destination, conduct additional research. You can gain valuable insight into your chosen country by cross-referencing safety information.

This resource highlights the safest countries to visit and the safest places to visit in those countries. Additional research will shed light on the country’s current affairs, economic situation, and political unrest.

Learn more: South America Travel Guide

2. Select Appropriate Transportation

You can enjoy safe trips in South America by selecting appropriate modes of transportation for your adventure. Some options are more reliable than others in terms of safety and logistics. For example, we recommend booking private transfers to remote regions and tours through the cities.

We do not recommend renting a vehicle in South America. It is safer and less stressful to travel with private transfers and guides. Your experienced driver and guide are familiar with the best routes, road conditions, and potential hazards or risks.

3. Be Mindful of Your Personal Belongings

Although rarely affecting visitors, petty crime is possible in busy cities and crowded areas. As with any international vacation, you should remain vigilant and be mindful of your surroundings and belongings while in South America.

You should stow your valuable items safely in a backpack or hidden travel bag attached to your person. You should also follow the guidance of your travel expert in handling your baggage in and out of transfers when applicable. Often, guides will advise that you only bring essentials on tours and do not carry excess money with you.

All of these tips are to keep travelers safe, regardless of crime rates and potential risks. You should adhere to these general recommendations wherever you are in the world.

4. Note Emergency Information Beforehand

You should have a comprehensive list of emergency information before you depart for South America. Ambulance contact information in the areas you visit, contact details for your travel guides, and the nearest public place to your location are important things to know when you travel.

You can research this information before your journey or chat with our Travel Care team for all the relevant emergency information for South America. As you plan your trip, they will provide updated emergency information to give you peace of mind.

5. Carry Travel Documentation with You

You should always carry hard copies and have digital records of your travel documentation when visiting South America. When traveling internationally, situations may arise where government officials, hotel administrators, tour operators, and others require proof of travel documentation.

Having a digital version of necessary documents makes these kinds of checks easy. Having hard copies is beneficial in rural areas without modern technological infrastructure. Possessing a combination of both can greatly reduce the impact of stressful situations when visiting South America.

The types of travel documentation or information you should have copies of include:

  • Personal medical information
  • Pertinent information regarding any condition(s) from your doctor, especially any medication you are taking
  • Emergency contact information
  • Visa, if necessary
  • Proof of airline tickets and reservations
  • Customs forms and documents
  • Hotel or accommodation reservations
  • Travel and medical insurance

You can stow printed documents in your luggage or a backpack when traveling in and across South America, while keeping digital versions readily available on your mobile device.

6. Cover Your Trip with Travel Insurance

It is paramount that you book travel insurance for the duration of your trip. The best is tailored to your vacation and will protect you in the event of an emergency.

These policies will cover the costs of cancellations, provide financial protection against emergency medical situations, enable booking flexibility during your trip, and mitigate travel risks as a result of global disasters.

Learn more: Zicasso Travel Insurance with Arch RoamRight

Moai statues on Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island, Chile

Zicasso travelers visiting South America can have their questions answered by a travel expert. With unmatched knowledge of safety in the region and its safest countries, they can elaborate further on the information in this resource.

Our South America Travel Care team will help you plan a safe journey. Your designated expert is available from the moment you contact our team or submit a trip request, and even after you have arrived home. You can contact them at any time for further information, safety insight, and on-the-fly changes to your itinerary. Find inspiration for where to travel with our South America tours and vacations featured itineraries or explore our best countries to visit in South America .

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The 7 Safest Places to visit in Latin America

Blog Post - Seven Safest Places to visit in Latin America

When traveling the world, some countries are safer than others. Sometimes it’s just a gut feeling that tells you to stay in your hotel or explore every little corner of your destination. This may be especially true for countries in Latin America because the news coverage may not make you feel 100% comfortable. To give you some insight, here are 7 of the safest places to visit in Latin America ! By the way: All the countries and regions are safer than the U.S. according to the Global Peace Index 2023 .

If you are going to one of these places in Latin America or anywhere else, always use your common sense. Be conscious about your surroundings and check your belongings. Nobody can be sure to find his backpack again, after leaving it unattended.

Peru 🇵🇪 – Picture-perfect & Peaceful

Peru is truly a sight to behold: the mysterious Machu Picchu, colorful cultural treasures in the Sacred Valley, awe-inspiring Amazon rainforest , and much, much more. No wonder adventure seekers claim Peru to be one of the best destinations in South America. And there is much to explore: Treat yourself to the best Peruvian cuisine, wander the historic streets of Cusco , or go beach hopping along Peru’s coast.

Traveling to Peru is relatively safe, ranking 7th in the safest places in South America. But beware of petty crime in this country. However, you can be assured that violent crime is no greater than in many other big cities in the world. Just use your street smarts and you’ll be fine.

safest countries to visit latin america

Ecuador 🇪🇨 – Full of Colors

Full of natural gems, Ecuador is a great and safe choice when visiting South America. With an estimated population of just 16.5m, Ecuador overall ranks 5th, but especially the Galapagos Islands archipelago , which is about 620 miles (or 1000 kilometers) off the coast in the Pacific Ocean, has nearly zero crime.

Therefore, these islands are kids- and family-friendly spots, bursting with unique flora and fauna. And who doesn’t want to see one of the Giant Galapagos Tortoises in real life?

Despite the northern border region with Colombia, you are pretty much free to roam the country and discover this megadiverse country. That’s not only a cool attribute but also an official name for 17 countries worldwide , boosting the world’s biodiversity. With the Amazon rainforest (more on this later), the beautiful coastal regions, the Galapagos Islands and the Andes, it truly is a unique place!

In 2008, Ecuador declared that nature has constitutional rights , making it the first to do so. This means that they do not treat it as property but recognize its “right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles.” By doing so, not only humans, but nature is safe and protected in Ecuador.

colorful houses in ecuador

Bolivia 🇧🇴 – Beautiful & Boisterous

According to the Global Peace Index, Bolivia scored 5th place on the list of safest places to visit in South America (up from 6th in 2022). Filled with stunning landscapes, its colorful history, and amazing trekking trails, it’s no wonder Bolivia attracts many tourists every year! Did you know that pink dolphins exist? They do! The Amazon pink river dolphins are native to Bolivia and are declared a Nature Heritage of the country. Bolivia is full of surprises that you should not miss out!

Like any popular travel destination, pick pocking and theft is common in big cities and/or at crowded tourist attractions. If you exercise common sense, you will have a trouble-free time in beautiful Bolivia!

safest countries to visit latin america

Paraguay 🇵🇾 – the Heart of South America

Often overshadowed by its neighbors, Brazil and Argentina , Paraguay is one of the least visited countries in South America. Wrongly so! Home to majestic waterfalls, fabulous festivals, and indigenous tribes, Paraguay will leave you in awe.

No matter if you want to visit gorgeous nature reserves, experience the infamous motorsports event  Trans-Chaco Rally , or drink  tereré  with locals, this country is one of those places that has something for everyone!

Regarding the country’s safety, you might be wondering if it’s safe to travel to Paraguay where its tourism is less established. According to the Global Peace Index, it is! Remember, there is always a little risk when traveling alone anywhere. Just be aware of your surroundings and avoid any sketchy areas and you’ll be able to enjoy the heart of South America to the fullest.

safest countries to visit latin america

Chile 🇨🇱 – Explore the longest country

In regards to safety, Chile is number two. There were only 4 intentional homicides per 100,000 people in recent years, while the latest data on the whole Latin American region counts 22 homicides.

If that isn’t enough for you, just look at all the amazing things to do in Chile ! Wandering through Patagonia in the South, looking over more than 500 active volcanoes or driving through the driest place on earth: The Atacama Desert. If reading all this this makes you thirsty already, Chile is also famous for its wine!

In case you ever get in trouble, as in most Latin American countries, a bit of Spanish will be a big help. However, Chilean Spanish is a little different and you may need to get used to at it first. Locals always appreciate it when travelers and foreigners try to learn a few words. In the end, don’t underestimate the power of some well-rehearsed phrases.

safest countries to visit latin america

Argentina 🇦🇷 – Nature’s variety

Untouched nature in the Patagonian South, incredible waterfalls on the Brazilian border and a feeling of Italy in the middle – Argentina – Truly a place that has it all.

Well, maybe it’s because roughly 37% of the population is of Italian descent. That’s the first thing you notice in Buenos Aires. Cafés in big, crowded plazas, European architecture, and temperatures that are not too hot for a walk through the city. Though the nights can get quite “hot”. 

Not only that, but Argentina is relatively safe, especially compared to its largest neighbor Brazil. The U.S. Department of State has no travel warnings for Argentina, and if anything happens in or around Buenos Aires, they even have a tourist police station in place.

If you want to dance, Argentina is the birthplace of the famous Tango. Move your hips to the beats! What are you waiting for?

safest countries to visit latin america

Uruguay 🇺🇾 – the Little-known Gem

If you are looking for the safest places to visit in Latin America, as far as statistics go, Uruguay is number one. Uruguay is a small and often underrated country, laying on the Atlantic side just between Argentina and Brazil . Relaxing on the fabulous beaches watching the sunset or visiting picturesque old cities, there are opportunities for everyone. If that’s not enough for you, you could even hop over to Buenos Aires in just about 4 hours by ferry. 

With regards to safety, Uruguay is the unbeaten number one! Since being runner-up of South American countries on the Global Peace Index in 2019, it is classified as the safest for the last 3 years straight! Yet, there might be petty theft and other crimes, mainly in poorer areas, but you can explore the country without any issues. This comes at a cost – Uruguay may be the most expensive country in South America.

While going to the coast, watching whales, or wandering through Colonia del Sacramento is common, this is also your chance to explore the hills around Minas.

safest countries to visit latin america

You see, traveling in Latin America doesn’t have to be dangerous. Numerous destinations are as lovely as it can get plus you don’t want to miss out on everything they have to offer. Even in places not listed here, like Nicaragua or Colombia, your travel can be safe. It all just depends on where you go and how you present yourself.

Have you been to one of these countries? What are your experiences and have you ever felt unsafe? Tell us below! Or share this post with friends and family to show them that you are traveling to a pretty safe place!

Linda Anderson

Volunteer In Brazil | The Ultimate Guide

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' src=

Chile is a beautiful country. I plan to go there in the future.

  • Pingback: Volunteer in Latin America: Our Top 6 Destinations

' src=

Chile definitely the most beautiful country in South America

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It is not uncommon for pickpocketing and theft to occur in large cities and/or in busy tourist attractions, just as it does in any other popular travel destination.

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India is a most beautiful county visit with us

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Really it’s fantastic article post, thank you!! GTU

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As a solo female traveler myself, I’ve visited all those countries you listed and found them very safe, too. Uruguay was just lovely if I’m honest, the people are so friendly and the culture fascinating. I really liked how open-minded everyone seemed to be but also quite spiritual in their beliefs. Lots of local people put stock in Hispanic superstitions and really respect the power of nature; I remember one lady telling me we should all be more grateful to Mother Nature! 🙂

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10 Safest Countries In Latin America For Travelers

With continued unrest in the Middle East and a rising threat of terrorism in the rest of the world, travelers are always uneasy when it comes to deciding where they want to take their next trip to. Latin America is one of the most beautiful places you can visit, especially since the Central and South American countries have been consistently receiving a lot of praise according to the Global peace index lately.

The Institute for Economics and Peace put forward the peace index, which calculates all indicators for domestic and international conflicts after which many countries are rendered safe for travel.

Contrary to popular opinion, Latin American countries are not wrapped up in gang wars and are stunningly beautiful. The image of the continent set up in our minds (thanks to action-packed Hollywood movies) is not based on any factual basis. There are countries in South America with almost no crime rate and are safer than some places in the United States itself.

To present a list for your next visit, here are the top destinations and safest countries in Latin America that are not only beautiful but also safe and peaceful for a fun visit:

1. The Amazon

safest countries to visit latin america

Though the Amazon may not be a country in itself the thick rainforest covers about nine countries in total which earns it its very own place on the list.

Many hikers, thrill seekers, and adventure enthusiasts travel across the world to visit The Amazon and to experience raw nature in its pure beauty but while you make your way here, you should know that the Amazon is a very safe place to travel when it comes to the crime rate. Spreading throughout Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, etc., the states take safety precautions very seriously.

Guided tours are also arranged for those who want to experience the mystifying wonders the thick forest has to offer. The isolation of the forest itself greatly contributes to the general safety of the forest, which means that it is safe from many crimes still present in numerous cities. Most inhabitants of the forest are generally villagers.

If you’re still not too sure about packing your bags and experiencing nature in its raw form, many river cruises take you across the Amazon . These tours are completely safe and secure from any local crimes you are worried about.

safest countries to visit latin america

You may have seen characters in movies with their customary handcrafted garments and fabrics; they are traditionally the pride of Peru. Owing its fame to the landscape and its beaches, the country is also a jackpot for all history lovers out there.

The ruins of the Spanish conquest and the Inca Empire still stand tall to this day. Machu Picchu, the fortified town that the invading Spaniards were never able to find rests at the top of the Andes to this date.

safest countries to visit latin america

If you want a more upscale environment, Lima offers good surfing, exotic beaches, and a light sound show amongst the gush of fountains. There are also several campsites for camping overnight .

When it comes to safety, the crime rate in Peru is almost close to nothing, and same as that of Argentina, the crimes that foreigners are subjected to in other countries are even lower in Peru.

There are no special travel warnings offered by the state department which means that Peru is definitely one of the safest places around.

3. Galapagos Islands , Ecuador

safest countries to visit latin america

Ecuador is filled with one of the most beautiful places you can visit, and one of them is the Galapagos Islands. Mentioned countless times for being the birthplace of numerous exotic birds in Darwin’s book, Galapagos Island has done justice to every praise it has ever received.

When it comes down to the security of the place, Ecuador has never had serious threats nor are there specific risks that could harm you. The serious crime rate in Ecuador, as stated by the State Department, merely asks for general safety precautions you should take no matter where you go. No immediate risks to safety are related to Ecuador, especially the Galapagos Island.

To sum it up, Ecuador is a safe place and requires no strict security measures. The biggest problems travelers might face are the ones involving credit card fraud and pickpockets which are not unheard of no matter where you go. Express kidnappings that involve the withdrawal of money while being forced is something you need to be wary of in almost all countries.

Visiting Ecuador does not require you to get vaccinated but in order to ensure safety in all forms, it is best if you have been vaccinated for measles, mumps, and rubella.

4. Costa Rica

safest countries to visit latin america

For many years Costa Rica has been one of the safest countries in Central America . It is termed the Switzerland of Latin America because of its unwavering beauty and very strong political stability that has ensured peace for almost 70 years.

safest countries to visit latin america

When we talk about safety, the definition of the word itself differs from person to person. When it comes to safety in terms of a person’s physical well-being, then it’s safe to say that the water in Costa Rica is quite nontoxic to drink and has not been known to cause any serious illnesses in years before.

The healthcare system is very efficient and accessible throughout. Local clinics are present throughout the country with the addition of world-class hospitals and doctors.

safest countries to visit latin america

The general environment of Costa Rica is very warm and welcoming. Crime rates are low and the most common crime that is found in every country and city of the world is theft.

No place is safe from thieves so if you follow the general precautions that you would in your hometown, you’d be fine and have a wonderful time enjoying this little paradise.

Discover the best tours in Costa Rica here .

safest countries to visit latin america

Panama has now started to receive a lot of tourist attention and all for the right reasons. With this increasing influx of income, the country makes with more tourists, the police department is always on its toes and very vigilant.

The crime rate has decreased massively in the past few years however there are still a few places one should avoid when visiting Panama which include the areas surrounding the Colombian border, but other than that the general crime rate is not bad at all. The safety departments in Panama advise tourists to always keep a guide with them and register with SENAFRONT which is the border control before entering the country.

The unsafe places in Panama have already been listed on their state website and are highly discouraged. Even though the coast and borders have full security, visiting it still may not be the best idea. Take general precautions one needs to take while traveling and you’ll have a great time.

By the way, did you know Panama was also one of the best countries in Central America for traveling with your dog ? Well, now you do!

safest countries to visit latin america

Chile is a beautiful place to plan for if you’re going to come to South America. Chile has always had a certain touch of diversity and is known to have a little bit of everything which makes a lot of sense when you flex those brain cells and see its geography.

safest countries to visit latin america

It has the Pacific Ocean on one side, the mountains in the east, the historical land of Peru in the North, and Antarctica at its southern hand. There’s no place that offers such diversity and a handful of options. You can visit the driest desert (Atacama Desert) and climb mountains to photograph volcanoes in the same area but if you’re in the mood for snowboarding, that could be arranged too.

safest countries to visit latin america

You obviously cannot see everything on your very first visit unless you’re planning on staying for a couple of months or planning on making a long-distance move there. The mysterious Moai, the marble caves, snowboarding, and the many volcanic mountains are some of the places too good to miss but is all the beauty worth it when it comes to safety?

Lucky for you, Chile is considered generally safe, and many visitors have left with happy memories and faced no dangerous incidents. Street crimes, however, are common just like in any other city but they are not out of control. Bag snatching and pickpocketing may still be a factor but Chile. The same general safety rules should be followed in Chile just like any other place.

Read more: 43 Chile Travel Tips From An Experienced Traveler

7. Argentina

safest countries to visit latin america

Being the second largest country in Latin America and probably the eighth largest in the world, Argentina gets tons of tourists every year. The country shows off its remarkable landscape including the snowcapped mountains and heavy glaciers. There is a whole national park dedicated to the beauty of glaciers and people from around the world gather to witness the wonder Mother Nature has to offer.

Argentina is home to Buenos Aires , one of the party central cities in the country, responsible for arranging festivals every year as people attend and lose themselves in the wonderful shopping and party experience. Open for several sports all around the year, Argentina is filled with vineyards and a guided tour is all you need for a perfect evening out.

safest countries to visit latin america

According to the Global Peace Index, Argentina is pretty safe from vile crimes one might expect from a Latin American country due to stereotypical views. The state department does order the general safety and security precautions that people should consider but other than that it’s a safe place for you to relax. Statistics show that per 100,000 people only 7 cases of homicide are observed per year which is extremely low, even lower than the rates in the United States.

Head here for some of our favorite tours.

safest countries to visit latin america

One of the least well-known and smallest countries in South America, Uruguay offers its resorts, beaches, and adventurous theme parks to tourists. From hot air ballooning to fishing, this place has it all. People looking for a more relaxed vacation would love to hear that Uruguay’s wine is exquisite and the use of marijuana for recreational purposes is completely legal.

safest countries to visit latin america

On a crime level, the country is very safe to visit and explore as the homicidal rate is the same as that of Argentina. It is also considered one of the safest places one can visit in South America.

safest countries to visit latin america

There are many people still unaware of the beauty this small country holds in itself. Cloaked by the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, this country has exponentially improved its market in terms of tourist influx in a matter of years.

Maintaining its high-end luxury resorts for a perfect getaway and a quiet, peaceful time, this place has proven itself worthy to be on your traveling bucket list. Those passionate about scuba diving can indulge themselves in the world of the Belize Barrier Reef which is the second biggest barrier reef in the world.

For people who like to explore the country by land, Belize offers a pretty thick rainforest filled with exotic birds as well as ruins from the Mayans.

No serious warnings have been given to the tourists visiting Belize but the government does advise visitors to steer clear of some parts of the country. The homicidal rate in Belize is fairly higher than the cities mentioned before but there have been no reported cases of any foreigners getting attacked. Apart from this, the threat of terrorism is drastically low so with proper precautions, you can have a wonderful time in Belize .

10. Paraguay

safest countries to visit latin america

If you’re all in for scenic beauty, Paraguay is definitely a must. Blessed with waterfalls, gorgeous landscapes, and natural lakes, Paraguay also offers a historical trip down the lane for those interested in its rich past and history, especially when it comes to railway travel.

No specific safety warnings have been regulated by the state itself as the country is ranked the fifth safest place in South America by the global peace index. Since 2002, the crime rate has come down tremendously and it should definitely deserve some tourist attention.

Now that you are aware of the safest destinations in Latin America, how about checking the safest countries in Africa ?

Contributing members are responsible for the accuracy of content contributed to A World to Travel.

safest countries to visit latin america

There are 2 comments

correction costa rica is not in south america.. it is located in central america.

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OT Stories: Tracing Our Roots In Guyana

Guyana South America

On a muggy August day, my husband and I peer through our airplane window to see Guyana below. The country, which sits on the northern lip of South America, is flat as the eye can see, stretching like a green woolly carpet to the brownish coastal plain. I am reminded of how staring at its map is like gazing at the handprint of European colonial history. First came the Dutch, who carved from the flat, muddy coastline of South America an ingenious grid of canals and locks. Then came the British, who imposed a different sort of order law and Christianity sugar and rice plantations. The villages are really neat rectangular packages of land strung along the coast, with names like Rose Hall or Bush Lot.

I am here for many reasons as a journalist, to write a political story, since the new government has changed as a novelist, finishing up a book that draws on Guyana. And finally, as a daughter, in search of her father, the young man who left Guyana in the late forties. 

My great-grandparents came to Guyana - then British Guiana - as indentured workers in the 19 th century, when thousands and thousands of men and women were recruited across India to work on the rice and sugar plantations of the West Indies. They were given five-year contracts and a passage back, though few returned - either they were no richer than they were when they began, or they began to till a few acres themselves, or they'd heard stories of those who'd returned to India and were shunned by their neighbours and families.

My tall, fair-skinned grandmother, with a long aquiline nose, came from a socially prominent family, but she married someone "from the bush," as they used to say - a heavy-set, dark-skinned man, whose ancestors were said to be fishermen in Bihar. Nothing is ever quite known for sure in Guyana there are stories, and bits of information, stirred together in an imaginative stew. The family settled in Lettur Kenny, a small village in the far eastern corner of Guyana, not far from the border with Suriname, where my grandfather was for a time an overseer on a plantation. They had some land, and my father used to talk about the donkey that was his pet, the shrimp they would bring up with nets from the water trenches, the beautiful nights of black, black sky. My grandfather had decided to convert to Christianity - each of the eight children was given a Christian and Hindu name - and it was this choice that separated them out in the village. They were a family that was moving up, it was believed, especially three of the four boys, who were bright and promising students.

My father, the youngest boy, landed a scholarship overseas, in the US, where he met my American mother. My parents went back down in the mid-fifties, to see if they could live there, but it didn't work out. My six aunts and uncles, all unmarried, remained in Guyana, most of them living and dying in our family house. All around them, as their own circumstances deteriorated, so too, did the country. By the sixties, the country was in the grip of a dictator, Forbes Burnham, and mired in racial politics, a struggle for power between its Indian and black inhabitants. We heard from my relatives - thin blue aerogramme letters - telling how they couldn't even buy margarine or marmalade, begging for money and help. My father flew down there a few times, and he would tell of the local men who would line up outside their door, hoping for help in getting a visa out of the country. 

Memories Of Georgetown

City Hall in Georgetown

Despite these distressing missives, throughout my childhood, I grew up with wonderful stories of Guyana it was a magical, mystical land of verandahs and white wooden houses sitting up on stilts of the boys playing cricket under the skinny, loping palms the obeah woman the racetrack where my uncles gambled away all their money the bottom-house where my aunts slapped the wash in iron tubs and raised their chickens the mysterious children my maiden aunts were always taking in. In my mind it was grainy and black and white it was a colonial past that flickered in the back of my mind, so different from the Technicolor world of sixties America, where I grew up. If I was travelling back, I was travelling into grey into the nebulous area of memory and myth.

My husband and I are staying in the centre of Georgetown, the capital, right on Main Street, the broad, beautiful avenue flanked by half-dilapidated, once elegant buildings. The Tower Hotel is inelegant concrete, but utterly functional, with humming fax machines and a swimming pool, and a bar where people gather to drink and eat.

Georgetown is not a big city, and like many colonial centres it is laid out with a sense of order and regularity the wide avenues that stretch past the red and white spires of the Parliament building the Cathedral, which is a stunning bit of engineering, made completely of wood, its girded beams like the hull of a huge 19 th century sloop. Staebrook Market is a fanciful creation of wrought iron and wood, and sits partly out on the water, so the boats, bringing wares from the rivers, can load in the back. But you can't walk the length of Georgetown you never know when you'll stumble upon a scary pocket. So we learn to circumvent, and take certain routes. We can definitely walk along the road to Staebrook, for instance, in the middle of the day, past the women hawking wares on the street, the guys offering black money. But we can't go the eighth of a mile down Main Street in the evening to the President's House, when it is time to attend a party. Throughout Georgetown we keep seeing this same strange syncopation of contrasts buildings dissolved to splintered shacks, next to some of the most gorgeous edifices and examples of British imperial architecture.

It is not easy excavating the past. Because so many Indians migrated from Guyana in the past few decades, there's not a lot of family connections left. And the political story is also opaque - people don't want to return calls, or they simply rant about the other side. At a party I meet an old family friend - my mother used to talk of staying at their pleasant house - and he raises my hopes, telling me that he believes our family house is still standing.

Most nights, we find ourselves walking across the green meridian of Main Street, to Palm Court, the raucous bar and restaurant where everyone who is anyone congregates, while the waiters zip back and forth with plates of steaming curry loud Australians with cell phones beeping at their hips Guyanese business men and farmers getting soused. Palm Court has a pretty racy reputation people wink when they talk about the "rooms to let" upstairs. 

One day I learn that one of its owners had been a child my aunts reared. The first time my mother heard the little girl's name - Marina - she decided her own daughter would have the same name. But like many Guyanese, that Marina doesn't live in Guyana anymore. I keep finding traces of my family here - a conversation with an old family friend another who vaguely remembers my father. But it is like the city of Georgetown itself the dwellings remain, while the old, urgent life has ebbed away, gone elsewhere, immigrated north, where new lives have begun.

Threads of the Political

Everything is politics. There's politics at the Rice Growers Association celebration we attend, where people sit like quiet, attentive children on the hard wooden benches, and delegates get up and speechify. There's politics blaring on the TV and in the local newspaper, in the large house that's been converted into an art gallery, where the old dictator used to fill it up with strange fetishised objects and conduct voodoo ceremonies there's politics at the little presentation of Indian tabla playing and African drumming there's politics in every conversation I have, over drinks, dinner, flying with one of the major rice growers over his different properties in different parts of the country.

Once airborne, the shimmering green rice paddies down below, the river's brown worms that inch toward the coast, the political squabbles, seem no more real than the structures the Dutch and British tried to impose. Guyana is a strangely resistant country resistant to finally coalescing into a mixed nation of blacks and Indians resistant to development, its thick jungle and savannah unspoiled.

Kaieteur Falls from the air

One day we go into the interior we join a group that takes a small plane to Kaieteur Falls. I would have liked to have done the real trek, jeeps that lumber into the interior, but it could be weeks before that might be organised.  So we go for the quickie version, zipping over in a propeller plane. Kaieteur Falls are the longest natural drop of water in the world, a skinny tongue of water that licks a narrow crevice of slashing rock. As our plane hums low over the rolling country, the pilot does a little trick, showing off to the pretty young woman in the seat next to him. He flies us straight toward the falls. Then, at the last minute, the nose of the plane tips upwards, over the roaring water.

The land here is spectacular, extraordinarily untouched, untranslated for the outside world. Our guide knows nothing of the vegetation he can't tell us the names of the trees. Guyanese are essentially coastal people very few native Guyanese have even gone to the interior. And when we come to the falls themselves, there's no sign or fence, no barrier to protect us from the sheer drop. One moment you're standing next to the slick brown water that slips over a ragged stone edge the next, you're dragging yourself on your belly to peek over the side, since the vertigo is so strong here.

Later, we fly to a Savannah area, where there are some native settlements, and walk up the stepped rocks. Sitting on the mossy ledges, cold water sluicing over my shoulders, I can't help but feel it's nice to get away from all the talk and the squabbling headlines, back into the simple natural beauty of this country.

Days In Berbice

Berbice river

A few days later we take another trip - the important trip, the one I've been putting off. We drive along the new road that runs like a concrete ribbon along the coast, toward my father's village in the Berbice. In his day, this was an arduous journey - at least a full day over rutted road, crossing the river. And when we reach the ferry that will bring us over the Berbice River (TK) to New Amsterdam, I suddenly feel as if time slows to a standstill. The wait is long, the roofs of the cars gleam under the sun, the ferry lumbering. Whereas Georgetown has the feel of a city half in the present, half in the wreckage of the past, New Amsterdam is simply old and quiet, with a slightly abandoned quality. We walk the empty streets, marvelling again at the beautiful architecture fallen into disrepair we eat a rustic curry that night on the screened-in porch of our hotel, along with the only other customer. If New Amsterdam was once a bustling port, as it was when my father was growing up, it now feels like an eerie frontier town, waiting for life to begin on the other side.

When my father was a young man, he came to live in New Amsterdam, where he boarded with cousins and worked in a hospital and saved his money. It was not a happy time his cousins, who were politically connected and rich, treated him as the poor country relative, giving him little more than a closet to sleep in. And my father, who was a studious, clumsy-footed boy, was already feeling the stirrings of leave-taking. He wanted something more, though he did not know what it was. My grandmother had married beneath her - that grand old house was her dowry, so the story goes - and my grandfather, who started out well, as an overseer on a rice plantation, could not seem to hold down a job for very long. 

Our house became the symbol of my family's dwindling fortunes. It was long, like a rectangular box, with a series of windows, each shaded by a lattice window shutters, pulled shut by a crank. Inside was furniture imported from Poland, and gleaming wooden floors stowed in the drawers were my aunts beautiful gold and ruby and diamond jewellery, their hand-sewn dresses, more intricate than the ordinary fare that the other women wore. But it was this mixture of pride and stagnation that drove my father away he thought he might be a doctor, and so worked in the hospital, though the sight of blood made him dizzy and weak. He thought he might be something, anything - a barrister, a diplomat. It is this young man I try to imagine on these rutted, old streets, a tall, wavy-haired man peering through spectacles, getting used to the feel of real leather shoes, and the possibility of change, of a new self, somewhere else.

We take off with a driver the next day, passing village after village, each one lined up along the coastal road. By the time we nearly whiz right past my father's village, rain is driving hard upon us. And it takes some navigation to figure out where the family house once was we plunge across a huge field, the mud thick and slopping against our ankles, to talk to a woman whose Creole is so thick I can't quite make out what she's saying. We tread around an abandoned, one-room schoolhouse - the very one my father attended - where goats feed off the ragged weeds. We pick our way around the cow dung, searching the headstones in the cemetery across the way. We loop around to a gas station, talk to the owner, who, as it turns out is distantly related to me, and finally gives us the right instructions. We find the house. Or rather no house, but the plot of land where my family's house once stood. It's now an auto repair shop, and the guys working there watch curiously as we traipse past the remains of a water pump, to the back where a palm tree stands.

I've heard that the indentured workers who came from India used to carry mango seeds in their pockets upon reaching land, they would plant their mango tree that bit of India they needed to keep with them in this strange new home. I did something slightly different. In the Jewish tradition, one places stones on the tombstone of a departed relative. I had carried stones from my father's grave in Queens, New York, and now placed them at the foot of a palm tree that once shaded his old house. A burial, a memory. That's what Guyana had become for me, this strange lush and muddy country, most vivid in my mind and as the heavy rain slashes down and covers my stones, sliding ever more firmly into the past.

Over the past decades, Outlook Traveller has gathered together a wealth of outstanding writing from the world's most celebrated writers, historians, and adventurers. Here, award-winning US-based writer Marina Budhos rediscovers her roots as she explores Guyana.

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