The Travel Log

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Travel Log: Everything You Need to Know (FAQs)

Travel Log

9 Tips For Keeping a Perfect Travel Log

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How to Create a Travel Log (Tips and Examples)

45 travel log templates and examples (100% free).

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A good friend of mine once said she learned more about the world, its history, its cultures, and its beauty from traveling than she ever did in school or from books or videos. Experiencing something out of your comfort zone is an exhilarating experience. Exposure to new cultures and their food and customs teaches us to accept those cultures and appreciate the world around us.

Once you are home and friends ask you about your trip, at first, it is all current, and you have lots to talk about, but within a few weeks or months, some places you visited may be forgotten, or the names of cities, museums, different foods are hard to recall. This is where a travel log is very useful to help everyone appreciate the trip even years later. A Vlog or video log on a social media platform can provide instant gratification to you and your friends. They can keep tabs on you and experience your experiences almost as if they were with you.

Preparing a great travel log in booklet form or video form takes some effort and organization; however, it is worth having this record that can be referred to over and over again. In this post, we will explore some of the concepts about travel logs, how they are used, and tips for maintaining a travel log.

Tips for keeping a Travel Log

What Is a Travel Log?

Both companies and individuals use travel logs to track their travel. Many companies ask their employees to complete spreadsheets or online tracking systems to track the dates, locations, and expenses for their travel. These travel logs are data-driven and used by the company to track their employee’s travel, to repay employees for their expenses, and to claim these expenses on their annual tax filing.

Travel logs for individuals may contain all of the same information and a lot more. They are also known as travel journals. In a personal travel log or travel journal, travelers write about their experiences on their trips, the places they visited, meals they enjoyed, events, and historic locations they visited. Many will also include pictures of these locations and people they met along the way. These memories, stories, and adventures are captured in their travel log/journal and referred to for years after they return from their trip.

What is a Travel Log Template?

A travel log template is a blank, editable sheet that helps users create a friendly business travel log or personal travel journal according to their needs. Travel log templates save time and provide consistency for both employees and individuals who want to keep track of their travel and expenses. Companies use templates and make them available to their employees to use whenever they are traveling and need to report their expenses. Company travel log templates include basic information such as the date, time, expense, location, the reason for travel, and miscellaneous such as project or tracking codes needed for tax purposes.

Individuals traveling around the world on various trips use a travel log template to save them time and help them keep track of their budget, memorialize their experiences, and include both narrative and photos. The template can be used to begin a new record on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Why Keep a Travel Log When Traveling?

There are many reasons to keep a travel log while traveling. They include the following:

  • Staying Organized
  • Managing Stress
  • Remembering Your Trip
  • Achieving Goals
  • Improving Memory
  • Improving Writing Skills

Staying Organized – writing in a travel log helps everyone organize their thoughts and focus on things they still want to see or do. You may plan to see a variety of events in a given location. Writing about them helps compare and keep track of what you have seen and what you need to prioritize in the remaining time you have before moving on to the next location.

Managing Stress – many people find that writing about their day, both good and bad is a great way to vent and obtain relief from stressful situations. Writing about your experiences is a great way to reduce tensions that many people would internalize otherwise.

Remembering Your Trip – over time, we all lose memories of important details about our trips and experiences. Writing about your experiences, especially those that made an impression at the time, helps you to remember them by referring back to your journal regularly.

Achieving Goals – many travelers write down their goals for their trip, the places they want to see, and the activities they want to do. As you complete them, tick off these items, write about them and review those goals you still have to complete.

Improving Memory – seeing something, talking about it, and then writing about it is considered one of the best ways to strengthen memories of your experiences.

Improving Writing Skills – when we write something, we also know that other people may also read this material. Our pride ensures that we take the time to write well, clearly with good punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

Business Travel Log Vs. Personal Travel Log

Business travel log.

A business travel log is a record of business expenses, purposes, and outcomes of a business trip. You can use a business travel log for official reasons, such as tax deductions by the IRS.

Personal Travel Log

A personal travel journal is a time capsule of your experiences, emotions, scenes, and reflections of your vacation. You write any exciting details of your trip in a personal travel log.

Essential Elements of a Travel Log

Essential elements of a travel log for companies often include basic information compared to a tourist travel log. Corporate travel logs include:

  • Reason for travel and
  • Miscellaneous items – Project or tracking codes – Tax information

Individuals include much of the same information; however, there is more focus on their experiences on the trip as well as planning details for their trip. In addition to the above topics, including items such as:

  • Destination plans
  • Room for documenting experiences
  • Room for adding photos and other items of interest

How to Keep a Travel Log (Video)

How to keep a business travel log.

Before writing a travel log, you need the proper documentation essential for any tax benefits or compensation.

Step 1) Mileage Records

Record all mileage expenses during your trip. Use a well-calibrated odometer to document the distance traveled using a car. Alternatively, when using air, water, or train transport, record travel duration and indicate the start and endpoints of your journey.

Warning: Don’t use estimates to record your mileage. The IRS has the mandate to review your log during tax inquisitions ; therefore, only write what you can prove.

The case of the Moores (Moore vs. Comm’r, TC Summ. OP. 2012_16) shows the grave nature of mileage records. The tax court and the IRS declined their deduction in the ruling due to questionable and erroneous entries. Mr. and Mrs. Moore recorded all their mileage on a logbook for their real estate brokerage firm on 12 separate pages, one for each month of the year.

Tip: Use reputable mileage apps that record accurate mileage.

Step 2) Other Expense Respites

In addition to mileage records, gather hotel, food, stationery, and other minor expense receipts. Separate the receipts from personal expenses and the business’s expenses.

Step 3) Chronological Order

A well-designed business travel log employs good chronological order. No rule restricts you to using the exact sequence of events; however, when referencing your journal in the future and you are pressed for time, it saves the hassle.

Step 4) Review and Verification

Review the cost at the end of each trip and send the log to the accounts department for verification.

It is good practice to have multiple copies of the travel journal. Always keep the original business trip log in a secured file cabinet .

How to Start a Personal Travel Journal

There is no right way to keep a travel journal. Whether you are artistic or prefer to keep things simple, all you need is your thoughts, a good pen, and a notebook. Let’s guide you through how to set up an evocative travel journal.

Step 1) Collect Data

Collect all your photos, brochures, maps, plane tickets on the table.

Step 2) Collect Essentials

Choose a good pen that doesn’t blot the paper. Also, buy a travel journal, scissors, highlighters, and glue.

Step 3) Start Writing

Write your thoughts about the journey and attach descriptive photos and illustrations. Write about the smells of street food, the texture of the sand, and any sensory aspect you feel will best document your experiences.

Step 4) Attach Mementos

Pressed leaves, flowers, and rock fragments are some mementos you can include. Downsize the larger pictures and fix them on the matching page of the trip.

Step 5) Review

Review your log after every trip and constantly update it. The early evening before dinner is an opportune time to update a personal travel journal.

Tip: You can write the expectations of your trip beforehand and then compare the notes with the actual experience after on for a more exciting journal.

Travel Log Templates and Examples

  • Travel Logs (MS Excel)
  • Travel Logs (MS Word)
  • Travel Logs (PDF Format)

Travel Log Templates (MS Excel)

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Travel Log Templates (MS Word)

word register of travel

Travel Log Templates (PDF)

word register of travel

Materials You May Want to Purchase for Your Travels

Buy a hardcover lightweight journal that has a strong binding and can also hold photos and postcards. Include pens , markers , and highlighters to write about your trip and highlight some of those you want to draw attention to. If you are so inclined, include tools for sketching as well. You will need adhesives to attach photos, postcards, and other mementos to your journal. Other tools include scissors for trimming items, a ruler , a clear folder to collect and hold mementos, a map of the area you are visiting, and writing as you go in your journal.

How to Prepare a Travel Log

Follow these general steps the first time you use a travel log on one of your trips. After you gain some experience with travel logs, feel free to make adjustments to fit your likes and dislikes, travel style, and time to make entries in your travel log.

Remember that you are traveling and may not have room for extensive materials . Take the essentials and be prepared to replenish them along the way, particularly if it is a long trip . The following will help you prepare for beginning your trip with your travel log.

Start by planning your trip and use your journal to record your travel plans. Places to visit, restaurants you want to try, and various sights that are on your itinerary.

Leave room to add those you discover along the way. You can also record contact information for hotels and places you will be staying as well as transportation.

Write as you travel. It is easier to recall your experiences if you write about them immediately. Even after a few days, you may not recall details that were important to you at the time. You will not miss them if you write about them in your journal.

Jotting things down in point form will help the memory and make it easier to expand on each point later on. Add pictures to each point or section if possible.

Friends and family who read your journal will appreciate it if you write about what it was like to visit a location, what you learned, the things that surprised you, and what you found disappointing. Everyone gets so much more out of a journal when they can immerse themselves in your trip vicariously.

Tips for keeping a Travel Log

The following are a collection of tips that many readers may find useful:

  • Begin writing in your journal before you leave home about the planning and the places you intend to visit
  • Instead of making lists of things you did, tell a story about your experiences
  • Include information about what you thought or felt about the places you visited
  • Include the not so great experiences
  • Write your thoughts while they are still fresh in your mind
  • Take lots of pictures to help you recall your many experiences
  • Summarize the best parts of your trip
  • Include your experiences – the food, the people, excursions, impressions, and things of beauty around you
  • Include funny moments
  • Set aside time every day to write in your journal and summarize your day
  • Jot down points if you are tight for time. These will be great memory joggers for later when you have time to fill out your journal

Other Types of Travel Logs

Technology and social media have progressed significantly. Today’s smartphones can take excellent photos, narrate videos, and convert spoken words into text. Various platforms support Vlogs and videos that can be uploaded in real-time. Your followers can see and hear your experiences instantly. Using a smartphone is convenient, and many provide excellent quality images which can be labeled with titles and notes. You may still want to carry a journal to make manual notes to help you, later on, add audio and text to your videos and pictures.

There are also purpose-built apps that can be downloaded to your smartphone to help document your travels. Add notes, videos, and photos along with captions to your images. Links to images can be added for your readers to explore online websites if they want more information. These apps also automatically capture the current weather conditions and the GPS location, which helps create a detailed online log for your readers and yourself.

Once you are home, you will have all of the details to update your manual journal with notes and images.

Travel Log Ideas to Inspire You

It helps to think about why you are keeping a travel journal. Of course, you are writing for yourself so that you can refer to your trip notes many times after you return home. Add sufficient details and information that will trigger great memories of your trips years later when you are doing a trip down memory lane.

  • Many people find inspiration from comments they receive from others. Family members and friends enjoy reading about your travels. Writing interesting content in your travel log, which inspires your readers to keep coming back for more, drives many travelers to create excellent content.
  • Add content as you go every day, even if it is just a quick note to jog your memory later. Add a date to each entry, the location, and any details that are important to you. Aim to set aside a time each day to complete your travel log to avoid getting behind and missing details that would be interesting to you and your readers.
  • Inspiring others to travel and visit some of the locations you talk about in your journal can be very motivating. Add addresses, describe what you saw and experienced. Readers with like-minded travel objectives will appreciate this information and build their trip around your information.
  • Creativity is the spice of life. Get your creative juices in gear and inspire others through your writing, images, and videos. Edit the images and videos to portray the most attractive and interesting content. In a way, you become the director and producer of creative content that will be appreciated by many.

Best Apps for Creating a Digital Travel Log

There are many digital travel apps available. They are handy and easy to use, and always available since most travelers always carry their smartphones with them to stay in touch and make travel plans. Family and friends appreciate that they can stay updated with your travels and even add comments on social media platforms. The following is a list of some of the best travel apps for smartphones currently available.

  • Day One Journal
  • Travel Diaries

Day One Journal – is available in a free version format and a premium format. The premium version provides unlimited storage for photos and journal entries, cloud-based storage, recording by audio, and the ability to print your journal in book format. The free version allows entry by hand and observes entries by calendar, timeline, or photos.

Travel Diaries – comes with lots of features such as enhancing text with photos, keeping entries private or public, the ability to convert the diary to a blog, and sharing automatically on social media platforms. It also has a book creation and printing capability from 40 pages up to 320 pages.

Drifter – the app was created by travelers who wanted a social network that supports photos, videos and encourages travel advice and reviews. It is great for solo travelers and folks that like to share experiences. There is still room for improvement, and the developers appreciate feedback and support.

Bonjournal – is available for iPhone users and provides a simple interface to record activities while on your trip. There are privacy settings to control what content is seen by whom. A great app for keeping track of your journey and sharing photos and ideas.

Momento – organizes your social networks connecting to eleven different platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, Swarm, and YouTube. Your information can be kept private, or you can add your travel information publicly for your friends and family to see. Momento can also be used as a work/project journal to keep track of meetings, milestones, and project notes.

Mistakes to Avoid When Keeping a Business Travel Log

1. not including the business purpose.

Error: It is a business travel journal for a reason. Telling us the sequence of events for the entire trip does not make us better understand your travel log without the purpose for the trip. Writing a business travel journal without the business purpose is a common novice mistake that makes you seem inept as the go-to person for a business trip.

Solution: Succinctly outline your business purpose at the beginning of the travel log. Usually, the managerial cadre will review your travel log after a business trip. Keep that in mind and provide them with a guiding light to what your trip entails via a reason. No one wants to read up to page seven of any document unless it promises them an undervalued asset in crypto that will 100x in the next month. After you have established your aim for business travel, you can document.

2. Documenting every Tom, Dick, and Harry you meet

Error: “I met Ryan Reynolds today, and we bonded over our mutual friend Ryan Gosling.” We understand that it isn’t every day you meet the Ryans on a business trip; however, telling us your interaction with them while disregarding their relevance to the business is outright trivial.

Solution: Write down if you meet an exciting person who introduces you to a new business model. However, if you meet Ryan Reynolds and he doesn’t tell you how to maximize your business’s productivity, save that for a personal journal. Only write insightful interactions about people who affect your business trip purpose.

3. Using estimations

Error: Using business trip estimations instead of the actual cost.

Solution: Save all the slips. In the journal, stick all the tickets for all your purchases relevant to the business. Please do not ignore the minor expenses as they accrue over time and cause a significant dent in the company’s travel budget. Include any other proper documentation, such as online transaction records, in the business travel log.

4. Being ‘Fanciful.’

Error: Including too much business jargon that your business travel log readers have a difficult time comprehending.

Solution: Write your travel log in straightforward language and brief sentences. Try to write only business trip details such as a conference by the sea. Don’t write, “The Sea was cerulean while the orator propagated his voice.” However, do not sacrifice your unique writing style in a bid to use modest vocabulary.

5. A business travel journal without a travel itinerary is a scrapbook

Error: Failing to include the travel itinerary makes tracking through your business trip challenging.

Solution: Attach your travel itinerary that is relevant to the business purpose. Try to make the itinerary brief.

The following are some of the frequently asked questions that many travelers have when they are making decisions about using a travel log and sharing the information with friends and family.

A travel log is either a hardcopy travel book/binder or an online system to keep track of interesting experiences about your trip. Include all of your adventures, stories, and memories to help remember everything you experienced and also share with your friends and family.

There are many names used in the industry in addition to the travel log. These include: ᐅ Travel Journal ᐅ Journey Log ᐅ Journey Plan ᐅ Log Book ᐅ Travelers notebook

Purchase a diary, writing tools, and any other materials you may need for your travel adventure. Use your diary or journal to plan your trip. Make notes of the places you want to see, places you want to stay, and how you will travel – by car, bus, train, air. Add other notes as appropriate for your trip. You may decide on using a combination of both written tools and online social media systems. Download the app and become familiar with the app before your trip. Enter all of the same information into the app. During your familiarization of the app, confirm that your smartphone has all of the required features needed to meet your travel log entries.

A travel log is either an online app or a document containing all of the details regarding your trip. A travel log can be used by companies for corporate travel as well as for folks embarking on a vacation. The travel journal can contain whatever you want it to. Most people add some or all of the following depending on their needs: ᐅ Date ᐅ Place ᐅ Memories or stories and adventures ᐅ Places they stayed ᐅ People they met ᐅ Budget and/or cost ᐅ Photos ᐅ And more

What you need for a travel journal depends to some extent on what your objectives are, what you think you would like to remember and whether you are using a social media system/smartphone or a physical journal, or a combination of both. Items that you may need for your travel journal include: ᐅ Durable, lightweight journal. Hardcovers are considered better than soft covers ᐅ Art materials if you plan to add sketches of your travel ᐅ Adhesives to secure photos, postcards, and other mementos to your journal ᐅ Include a straight edge such as a ruler and a small pair of scissors ᐅ Include a map that can be added to your journal ᐅ Choose an app for your smartphone and verify compatibility with the phone and the social media system you use

Many people tend to add photos, maps, postcards, and mementos picked up along the way. Add notes about your experiences and plan to write every day to avoid missing essential memories about your trip.

Some folks will paste a map on the front of their journal for easy reference as they travel. Others add decals commemorating the locations and events they attended. Sketch artists add their portrayal of their trip, especially places they visited that made an impact on them.

One of the activities associated with planning your trip is to choose a travel journal for your trip. Give some thought about what you want to record and who you are writing for. How much time do you have, will you share some or all of the information online, and is it to be kept private or with limited sharing? Once you have determined the audience for your journal, write accordingly and provide information that will be interesting to those readers.

Some consumers use diaries and travel journals interchangeably. However, they are different and are aimed at different purposes. A diary is a structured book used to enter records as they occur or to plan for events in the future. Many people use a diary as a daily planner to stay organized, while others use them to jot down notes and thoughts every day. A journal is unstructured used most often for recording ideas, creative ideas, and jotting down notes on thoughts, travel, and goals. Many people add their structure based on how they intend to use the travel journal and their travel plans.

A traveler’s notebook can be softcover or hardcover, with pockets to keep mementos in and add pages if you need to add more writing space. Some include elastic bands to hold additional smaller notebooks and documents.

Documenting a road trip should be handled like any other trip unless, of course, you are the driver. Take breaks along the way to make notes in your travel log, take a few pictures, and add decals or mementos that you pick up along the way. Spend some time each night after you stop for the day to add notes to your travel log about your experiences and thoughts for the day.

  • Deciding why you are keeping a travel log will help you to make choices about materials to purchase and the type of travel journal you wish to purchase.
  • Decide who you are writing for, yourself, family, friends, and/or the public. Writing about personal items may dictate that you do not want to share all of your information publicly.
  • Will you use a written journal, or online social media system, or both? Your decision will help you decide what materials to purchase and how you will make recordings daily.
  • Use your log/journal for planning your trip in advance, and then add notes as you complete your travels.
  • Many people find the best approach is to write in their logs each day. Your memories and thoughts are fresh from the day’s events, and you avoid missing key details that you found interesting.
  • If you are using a physical travel log, ensure that you have room to add photos and mementos as well as decals from your trip.
  • Evaluate a travel log app before you travel and add the app to your phone. Test drive the app and ensure you are comfortable with it before you leave.
  • Many people use their smartphones to take photos and videos and then upload them to a social media platform or a dedicated online travel log. Before traveling, test your phone with the app you plan to use and become familiar with the app. You don’t want to waste time while traveling to figure out how to use your phone with the travel log app.

Travel logs are a great way to recall memories about your trip for many years. You and your family members will refer to your travel log/journal many times, especially if you want to compare notes with a friend who traveled with you.

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Calypso Tree

34 free travel itinerary templates (word, excel & pdf).

Free travel itinerary templates:  Your itinerary refers to your journey’s more detailed plan. Usually, highlights some places to be visited and the travel plan. By having itinerary templates, you will benefit from having the travel arrangement in one location for easier referencing and retrieval. 

Your travel plan is usually placed in the front of the folder full of your tickets, brochures, and confirmation receipts – this is also a good source to get information on the road. 

Although the information includes the travel plan for yourself or other people might contain different items, the basic structure was usually still retained. You can use your best itinerary templates.

Table of Contents

Benefits of Using an Itinerary Template

Traveling is an adventure! But planning for it can sometimes be stressful. That’s where a  travel itinerary template  can be your best friend.

  • All-In-One Location:  Say Goodbye to Chaos!

Do you have flight details in your email, hotel bookings on an app, and excursion times on a sticky note? Stop the madness! An itinerary template puts all these details in one simple place. Just open it up, and you’ll know what’s happening next.

  • Easy to Use:  No Tech Skills Needed!

You don’t have to be a computer genius to use an itinerary template. Most of it comes with clear fields for you to fill in. Just type your flight time here your hotel name there, and you’re done! It’s like filling out a fun quiz.

  • Be Organized:  Know What Comes After What

The best part about being organized is knowing what’s next. You see your trip like a story when you put your plans in an itinerary template. First, this happens, then that. You can enjoy the trip more when you know what’s coming up.

  • Shareable:  Keep Everyone in the Loop

Traveling with family or friends? Send them the itinerary template! That way, everyone knows the plan. If someone asks, “What time is dinner?” tell them to check the itinerary!

  • Free:  More Money for Fun Stuff!

The best things in life are free. Well, most travel itinerary templates are free, too! That means you can save cash for fun stuff like snacks, souvenirs, or an extra special adventure!

  • Time-Saving:  Quick Changes Made Easy

Plans change. Maybe it rains, and you can’t go to the beach. With an itinerary template, it’s super easy to swap things around. Just a few clicks, and you have a new plan!

  • Keeps You On Track:  No More Missing Out

Need to catch a flight or need to remember a dinner reservation? With an itinerary, you’ll get reminders. It’s like having a helpful friend who says, “Hey, time to go!”

  • Peace of Mind:  Worry Less, Enjoy More!

When you’re organized, you feel calmer. That means you can enjoy your trip more and less worrying about it.

Are you ready to try an  itinerary template ? Trust us, it will make your next trip so much easier! ????

Essential Elements in a Travel Itinerary

So you’re convinced that a travel itinerary template is a good idea. Great! But what should you include in it? Don’t fret; here’s a list of the  key things to put in your travel plan .

  • Title and Dates: What’s the Trip For?

Start with a striking title that sums up your trip. Are you going on a “Summer Adventure in Hawaii” or a “Weekend Getaway in Paris”? Include the dates so you always know the timeframe.

  • Names: Who’s Going?

If you’re traveling with other people, write down everyone’s name. It’s an easy way for everyone to know they’re looking at the right plan.

  • Departure and Arrival: Take-Off and Landing

Include details about when and where you’re starting and ending your journey. Include times, places, and how you’re getting there. Plane? Train? Automobile?

  • Transport Info: All Aboard!

Note any flight numbers, train cars, or other key details. It’s also smart to list any reservations and helpful phone numbers in case of delays.

  • Lodging: Home Away From Home

Where are you staying? Include the name, address, and check-in/check-out times for each place you sleep.

  • Activities: The Fun Stuff!

What’s a trip without cool stuff to do? List all the tours, visits, or shows you plan to attend. Add times and places so you remember.

  • Meetings: Can’t-Miss Appointments

Are you mixing a little business with pleasure? Include any meetings or important appointments you have. Who, what, where, and when—it all goes here.

  • Meals: Yummy in My Tummy

Planning to eat at that must-try café? Put it in the itinerary.

  • Free Time: Do What You Want

It’s your trip, after all! Include some blocks of free time for spontaneous fun.

  • Emergency Contacts: Just in Case

Include some emergency contacts, like local hospitals or a trusted friend back home.

  • Checklist: Remember!

Add a small list at the end for any last-minute things you need to do or bring. Passport? Snacks? It goes here.

That’s your  travel itinerary essentials  covered! With everything in your template, you’re ready for an awesome, stress-free trip! ????

Tips for Crafting a Useful Travel Itinerary

It isn’t just about jotting down names and places. Here are some tips.

Be Realistic: Time Matters!

Always consider how much time each activity will take. Keep your day manageable. You want time to enjoy the places you visit!

Group Activities by Location: Smart Mapping

Put things that are close to each other on the same day. This way, you spend less time moving and more time doing.

Always Have a Plan B: Be Flexible

Sometimes, things go differently than planned. Maybe it rains, or a place is closed. Have a backup plan, so you’re never stuck with nothing to do.

Check Opening Hours: No Unwanted Surprises

Imagine showing up at a museum you’re excited to visit, only to find it’s closed on Tuesdays. Check opening times in advance to avoid this.

Share It: Keep Everyone in the Loop

If you’re traveling with others, ensure everyone has a copy of the itinerary. You could even make a shared online version.

Local Customs and Laws: When in Rome.

Check for any local customs, rules, or laws you should know about, like dress codes at religious sites.

Remember Time Zones: Sync Up!

If you’re crossing time zones, adjust all your times so you’re always on local time.

Add Some Breathing Room: Take It Easy

Don’t schedule something every minute of every day. You’ll need some downtime to relax and soak it all in.

Include All Confirmation Numbers: Quick Access

For flights, hotels, and activities that require booking, include all confirmation numbers for quick and easy access.

Double-Check All Details: Be Sure, Be Safe

Before you finalize your itinerary, double-check all times, dates, and reservations.

Print and Digital: Best of Both Worlds

Have both a printed copy and a digital copy available. Technology can fail, and you might only sometimes have Wi-Fi.

Keep it Handy: Easy Access.

Put your itinerary somewhere easy to get to. Save it on your phone or put it in a pocket in your bag.

Free Travel Itinerary Templates

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 01

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 02

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 03

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 04

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 05

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 13

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 14

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 15

Travel Itinerary Template Word

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 06

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 07

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 08

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 09

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 10

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 11

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 12

Easy to Use

One of the best things about using a Word template is its simplicity. You don’t have to be a computer wizard to figure it out!


Word lets you change fonts and colors and even add pictures. Make your template  truly your own .

You can open a Word document on almost any device. It’s super  easy to share  with family or travel buddies, too.

Pre-made Templates

Word offers a variety of  ready-to-use templates . Just plug in your details, and you’re good to go!

Checklist Features

You can add  checkboxes  next to each activity or place. It feels so good to check them off as you go!

Safe and Secure

You can easily  lock the document  to keep your travel plans private.

Great for Printing

Word documents  print beautifully . It is a great option if you like having a paper copy of your plans.

How to Use It

  • Open Word and choose a blank document or a pre-made template.
  • Fill in your travel details like flights, hotels, and fun stuff to do.
  • Add any  extra notes  or  checklists .
  • Save it, print it, or share it via email.

Tips for Using Word Templates

  • Spell-check : Always run a spell-check to avoid any errors.
  • Save Often : Keep up your hard work. Save your doc often!
  • Backup : Email a copy to yourself or save it in the cloud.

Using a Word template for your travel itinerary is a smart way to keep all your plans in one place. Give it a try for your next trip!

Free Travel Itinerary Templates Excel

Do you like spreadsheets?  Excel templates  offer even more ways to stay organized. You can sort your plans, filter them, and find what you need fast!

If you’ve been using regular Word documents or even pen and paper for your travel plans, it’s time to  upgrade to Excel ! Here’s why and how:

Easy to Edit: Change On-the-Go

Excel allows you to add or remove items quickly. If your plans change, delete a row or add a new one!

Sort and Filter: Find What You Need

Say you want to see all your flight details at once. Excel lets you sort and filter to find what you’re looking for in a snap.

Color Codes: Make It Pretty and Practical

Blue for sightseeing and red for meals. It makes it easier to understand your day at a glance.

Formulas: Count the Hours

You can use simple Excel formulas to add how much time each day’s activities will take.

Shareable: Easy to Send

Excel files are easily shared by email or cloud services like Google Drive. You can also password-protect it if it has sensitive data.

Collaborative: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Everyone can add their activities or notes in the same Excel sheet if you’re traveling with others. It’s a team itinerary!

Tabs for Days: One File, Many Uses

You can use different tabs for different parts of your trip. One tab for flights, another for hotels, and so on.

Links and Notes: Extra Info

You can add links to websites or notes with additional information in Excel.

Offline Access: Always Available

Once downloaded, Excel files are available even without internet access, making them reliable and handy.

Templates Galore: Start with a Bang

It is lots of pre-made Excel itinerary templates available online. It can give you a head start and create planning even quicker.

Itinerary Templates Excel

Itinerary templates free, travel itinerary template, vacation itinerary template, disney itinerary templates, free business travel itinerary template excel.

Weekly Itinerary Template

Birthday Itinerary Template

Daily itinerary planner

Program itinerary template, meeting itinerary template, travel itinerary template pdf.

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 16

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 17

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 18

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 19

Free Travel Itinerary Templates 20

Itinerary Template – Free Travel Itinerary Templates

Business Tour – Free Travel Itinerary Templates

Business Travel Diary- Free Travel Itinerary Templates

Stable and Consistent

One of the biggest perks of using a PDF is that it looks the  same  on every device. No surprises!

Easy to Share

PDF files are  super easy to send  in an email or message. They can be opened on almost any gadget.

No Accidental Changes

Once you save it, it stays that way. You can’t accidentally mess up your plans!

Universal Acceptance

Almost all businesses can open and read PDFs. Most people can easily check your plans if you need to show them.

Password Protection

PDFs can be  locked  with a password. Your plans stay  safe and private .

Fantastic for Printing

If you like paper copies, PDFs print out  just how they look on screen .

  • Make your plans in any software that can be saved as a PDF.
  • Double-check all your details and  spelling .
  • Save or ‘print’ your plans as a PDF file.
  • Share or print your  snazzy  new PDF itinerary!

Tips for Using PDF Templates

  • Read-Only : Remember, most PDFs can’t be easily changed. Make sure all your info is correct before you save it.
  • Compatibility : Always ensure the people you share the PDF with can open it.
  • Document Size : PDFs with lots of pictures can get big. Keep an eye on the file size if you need to email it.

A PDF travel itinerary template is  rock-solid  for keeping your travel plans organized and easily accessible. It’s a popular option, especially if you want a file that stays how you made it.

Common Mistakes in Using Travel Itinerary Templates

Skipping the Details : One of the most common errors is  filling in all the blanks . It can lead to confusion during your trip.

Ignoring Time Zones : Many must remember to account for time zone changes. It can mess up your plans.

Overstuffing the Itinerary : It’s tempting to pack your day full of activities. But this leaves  no room for rest or unexpected events .

Forgetting to Share : If you’re traveling with others,  forgetting to share  the itinerary can make things hard for everyone.

Not Checking Operation Hours : Imagine going to a museum only to find it’s closed. Always  check the working hours  of places you want to visit.

Skipping Backup Plans : Weather changes. Plans fall through. Having  no Plan B  can ruin your day.

Bad Formatting : If your itinerary is hard to read, it’s almost useless. Make sure you use  clear and easy-to-read formats .

Not Updating : Sometimes plans change.  Only updating your template  can make sure you get all the things.

Ignoring Local Customs and Laws : Failing to account for local customs or laws can be embarrassing and sometimes problematic. Always do your  basic homework .

Not Double-Checking : A small mistake in flight numbers or hotel booking IDs can be a big hassle. Always  double-check your details .

Avoiding these common mistakes can make your itinerary a powerful tool for a smooth and enjoyable trip!

Traveling is more fun when you’re organized. Using a  travel itinerary template  can help a lot! So why wait? Download a free template today!

Additional Resources

Want to know more? Click the links below for free templates and helpful travel apps.

  • Free Itinerary Templates
  • Best Travel Apps

Happy traveling! ????

What Is a Travel Itinerary Template?

A travel itinerary template is like a  map for your trip . It shows where you need to go, what you’ll do, and when you’ll do it.

Where Can I Find Free Travel Itinerary Templates?

You can find free templates online, in apps, Excel, or Word. Some travel websites also offer them for  free .

Should My Template Be Detailed or Broad?

That depends on you! Some folks like a  minute-by-minute plan , while others want just the  big events  listed. Choose what works for you.

Can I Use the Same Template for Different Trips?

Yes, you can! Just  change the details  to fit your new trip.

What Should I Include in My Template?

Include key info like  flights, hotels, and activities . Remember  small but important details  like transport from the airport to the hotel.

Do I Need to Print My Itinerary?

Only sometimes. You could keep it on your phone. But a printed copy is good, just in case your phone  runs out of juice .

How Many Copies Should I Make?

It’s a good idea to have  more than one copy . Leave one with a friend or family member back home, keep one with you, and maybe have a  digital copy .

Can I Add Last-Minute Changes?

Yes, you can. Just  update all your copies  so you’re not working off old info.

What Do I Do If My Plans Change Mid-Trip?

No problem! Just  update your template . You can do it with a printed copy or update the digital one on your device.

Is It OK to Leave Free Time in My Plan?

Absolutely! It’s your trip, after all. Free time lets you  explore  or  rest  as you feel like it.

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The content creator team at is dedicated to making topics accessible to everyone, with over 9 years of experience in writing and breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand articles that answer readers’ financial questions.

About The Author

The content creator team at is dedicated to making topics accessible to everyone, with over 9 years of experience in writing and breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand articles that answer readers' financial questions.

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Free Printable Travel Log Templates [PDF, Excel, Word]

A travel log can quickly become an un-tracked mess if you don’t organize it. But you’ll soon realize that keeping a travel log is almost like a lifestyle for anyone who goes on many trips. There’s so much to write down, from flights to hotels and miscellaneous expenses.

Table of Contents

What is a travel log?

Travel Log

A travel log is a way of documenting your travels, whether personal or professional. A travel log can be beneficial in helping you recall memories of your trips and also act as an excellent guide to help you plan your next. It enables you to keep track of all the information you need on each trip so that when it comes to following up with it, you can do so.

The travel log only travels within the framework of a route. Rather than ordinary diaries, it is an object that tries to convey the ambiance of the places visited. People can keep a travel diary for themselves or share their journey with a community. The language to be preferred in travel diaries is entirely up to the individual, but if shared with a community, fluency in the language to be created and the chronological order of events are of great importance.

Travel Log Templates

ato travel log template

Document your adventures and keep track of your travel experiences with our comprehensive collection of Travel Log Templates . A travel log is a journal or diary where you can record details about your trips, including destinations, activities, accommodations, and memorable moments . Our customizable and printable templates provide a structured framework for organizing and preserving your travel memories. Whether you’re a globetrotter, an avid explorer, or a digital nomad, our templates offer various layouts and designs to suit your style.

By utilizing our Travel Log Templates , you can capture important details, reflect on your experiences, and create a personal keepsake of your journeys. With visually appealing designs and user-friendly layouts, our templates make it easy to document and share your travel stories. Enhance your travel documentation, relive your adventures, and create a lasting record of your wanderlust with our user-friendly templates. Download now and embark on a journey of preserving your travel memories with our Travel Log Templates .

How to write the perfect travel log?

“How to write a travel log?” It is the most logical option for travelers searching for an answer to the question to start by obtaining a notebook set first. One of the notebook sets should be divided into days directly with its pages or sections, and the travel notes for each day should be transferred to the relevant sections. Other essential features of the travel book are that it is easily portable, has a stylish structure, and is of high quality. The successful storage of the notes obtained during the trip will be possible with the travel book.

  • Flow is a significant detail in a travel diary to be created from scratch. To prepare the flow according to the route and to make the events consist of a pattern, the “chronological” order is of great importance. Just before the creation of the travel book or diary, there are various notes, photographs, sound recordings, etc., that individuals must do. It is to obtain records that will facilitate the recall of the moments put into the memory with the elements. Thanks to these records, creating the final version of a travel diary will become much more perfect.
  • Of course, every traveler takes a lot of photos during travels, and from time to time, he may not even be able to find a space to fit his photos. While preparing a travel diary, the inability to fit the images on the pages is a bigger problem than the pictures cannot be stored in the digital space. It is of great importance that the images of the days are chosen very well in the travel diaries. The most crucial photo of the day should be on the page related to that day, not to exceed a few.
  • What’s a good travel log be like? Individuals looking for an answer to the question should pay attention that photographs tell much more than words. On the other hand, it is a much better reminder of the details of that moment. Therefore, doing a little photography training before preparing a travel diary or even before traveling will improve your travel diary. Afterward, it will be straightforward to decide on the photos to be chosen while organizing a travel diary and the photos taken at critical moments and times during the trip. Then, the travel diary can obtain photographs that contain the most important and most profound meanings of the days or contain the most details and describe much more than words.
  • A street, a monument, a museum, a garden, a historical place, etc. You may have visited many places. Unfortunately, boring your diary with details while talking about these visited areas will make it difficult to read. It will disrupt the flow of the log and make it boring. Only the necessary details should be included in the travel diary to avoid such a situation.
  • Avoiding telling personal details will be one of the best moves when writing a travel journal. For example, I did my hair like this today, chose that color bag, etc. Instead of unnecessary details, more details should be given about the cultures of the places visited during the trip or the ambiance of the events at that moment. With accurate descriptions, one of the primary purposes should be to make the reader live that moment in his mind with the diary and feel himself in that journey.

To better convey the feelings or experiences you have experienced while traveling a place, you need to include the sense organs in writing. Details such as talking about the smell of the environment during the trip, indicating the condition of the air temperature, giving information about the taste of what you eat and drink, conveying the details that catch your eye, and being descriptive about the general sound of the environment are the elements that should be included in the diary when writing a travel log.

Have you learned how to write but haven’t gone anywhere yet? Then hit the road, travel, roam, and share your experience with us!

How do you write a trip log?

A trip log records details during travel, including dates, locations, transportation, accommodation, activities, food, costs, weather, and personal experiences. Write down notes each day in a journal or log template. Supplement with photos, ticket stubs, etc.

What is the travel log?

A travel log is a diary where travelers document details about their trips, often including where they went, what they did, who they met, how they felt, and more. It helps preserve memories from vacations and adventures.

How do I create a key log spreadsheet?

To create a key log spreadsheet, make columns for the date, employee name, key number, time checked out, time returned, purpose/area accessed, and notes. Use rows to log each instance a key is used. This tracks key usage.

What is a log template?

A log template is a pre-made document with fields to enter repetitive data over time, allowing the user to track details, patterns, and progress. Logs help organize information like project tasks, exercise routines, work hours, expenses, etc.

What are the benefits of keeping a detailed travel log?

Benefits include preserving memories, recording expenses, writing down tips for future travelers, reflecting on experiences, maintaining a catalog of places visited, and appreciating how much you accomplished.

Should you write in your travel log during or after your trip?

It’s best to write frequent, brief log entries during your trip so details are fresh, then expand on them afterwards. In-the-moment notes capture true thoughts.

What makes a good travel log?

A good log is consistent, personalized with stories and anecdotes, has fun mementos attached or inserted, highlights new discoveries about people/places/yourself, and evokes the feeling of the experiences.

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Plan your ideal trip with travel itinerary templates

You've got places to go and things to see, and these travel itinerary templates will make sure you get to see them all. keep all your details in one place, list your possible destinations, and arrange your trip artfully with these templates designed to help business trips go smoothly or give you the vacation of a lifetime..

Microsoft Excel template of a family travel planner

Keep your travels on schedule with these templates for itineraries

Know exactly where you’re going from point A, point Z and everywhere in between with these simple and customizable itinerary templates. Reduce the stress of travel and let everywhere know where to arrive and when with an itinerary that’s easy to read and has all the details they’re expecting. Try out an itinerary for fun family vacations, week-long road trips, conferences or business meetings. For day-to-day events, consult a planner template to lay out the ideal activity flow and make sure you haven’t accidentally double-booked yourself. Maybe planning ahead of time will inspire you to take on a new travel adventure, or perhaps you’ll discover that you have more time available for sight-seeing, hobnobbing, or simply straight-up relaxing. An itinerary is the perfect tool to help you get the most out of your next travel adventure and ensure you’re always in the right place at the right time.

Travel Itinerary Template

Easily create a concise summary of your travel plans using our free Travel Itinerary Template for Excel or Word. List your flight, transportation, lodging, meeting times and other activities so that you can get the information quickly while you're on the go. It includes a place to add hyperlinks, so you can link to maps or your flight's check-in page. Save the spreadsheet onto your mobile device (using OneDrive or whatever you prefer) so that you can access it easily. You may also want to print a paper copy just in case.

Travel Itinerary Template

Other Versions

License : Private Use (not for distribution or resale)

Authors: Jon Wittwer , Jim Wittwer, and Laura Cutler


This travel itinerary template allows you to keep the many different and important trip details in one place. Details like confirmation numbers, flight times, meeting times and locations, car rental and hotel locations, and more. It is organized in a way that flows nicely with the actual trip: leaving on a flight, renting a car once you arrive, checking in at your hotel, attending meetings and events and then flying back home. It's an effective solution when planning a trip for yourself, your boss or fellow employee.

Create a Vacation Itinerary

We tried to design this to make it easy to customize. For example, if you are going on a vacation instead of a business trip, you could change the "MEETINGS" section to "ACTIVITIES" and then list some of the possible activities you could do while on your trip.

Instead of "Topic" and "Room" as labels you could add "Cost" and "Hours" to note how much an activity would cost and what hours the museum, store, or attraction is open.

Example Vacation Itinerary

Travel Tips and Resources

  • Check the Weather!! at - This is a pretty cool travel planner by Weather Underground that will show you the weather during your trip. Use whatever weather app you prefer, but remember to check the weather.
  • Tips for Traveling Abroad at - This is an important checklist to use if you are traveling out of the country.
  • Check with Big Brother at - Flying? Check TSA's rules and remember to leave the key-ring pocket knife that you got for Christmas at home.

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Itinerary Template for a Trip: Free Downloadable Examples & More Resources

  • Updated: 07/14/2024

If you are looking for a free, easy, and detailed itinerary template for a trip that you can download and conveniently add your own travel details—then you are in the right place. 

Find the sample trip itinerary template I created and tweaked over years of travel to include the most relevant information in one easy-to-scan document and in four different file formats. 

Additionally, I share alternative template ideas  that include my top picks for itinerary-building apps  and other online places where you can find more free or affordable trip itinerary designs  and layouts. So, go to the file format that works best for you, scan my quick tips for editing, and get your trip details organized in a downloadable, easy-to-edit, and very sharable document. 

Table Of Contents

Itinerary template for a trip in 4 file formats.

Find my travel itinerary template in the four different file formats below. Choose the one you like to work in best. Then find more recommendations here .

  • Microsoft Word trip itinerary template
  • Microsoft Excel trip itinerary template
  • Google Sheets trip itinerary template
  • Canva trip itinerary template

About This Template: 7 Main Components

There are seven main components to this template. I have included each because it contains the information I reference most while traveling, organized in a way that helps me figure out when my trip schedule is overloaded or lacks the right amount of buffer time between activities or transit.

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The 7 trip itinerary template components include:

  • Header. For a destination image and title. Replace this image with your own.
  • High-level trip summary: An at-a-glance summary of essential trip information—the number of travelers, dates of travel, flights (or other transit), and location(s) of the trip.
  • Travel day column. Know which day of your trip an activity is happening. 
  • Day of the week column. Know the day of the week and date to ensure lodging, tour, and transfers are booked correctly.
  • Activities column. A place to capture details for all activities and lodging. Hyperlink text to websites for additional information.
  • Location(s) column. In this space, recap the destinations for each day, link to lodging websites, and include important notes such as included meals or overnight flights.
  • Lodging contact info sheet. A second tab or sheet for additional lodging information is included in all template files except for Microsoft Word 

Since the detail on this template prints small, consider saving it to a PDF file , allowing you to zoom in as needed and easily share it with others.

Additionally, reference your itinerary offline when you save a PDF version of this itinerary to your phone to an app like iBooks (Apple users) or Google Play Books (Android users). Having an offline itinerary comes in handy in travel situations when you have limited or zero cellular or wi-fi connection. 

Microsoft Word Template

Click on the image below to download a free version of this trip itinerary template containing actual details from a visit to Iceland in Microsoft Word. 

6 Editing Tips (Word Template)

As Microsoft Word is the most universally used software program, it is the trip itinerary template file I share first. Here are six essential editing tips when using the Microsoft Word version of this template.

Header area editing (Word template)

  • To change out the image at the top of the itinerary, right-click on the image and select Change Picture. Select from a stock photo or upload your own image. I am a Canva user and found this image there, added a text overlay, and saved it using the dimensions 2000x458px.
  • However, you can upload any size image file you would like. If your uploaded image is not the correct size, click on it and drag its diagonal corner to resize and fit the page. If you find it too tricky to insert a new image, delete the existing one and type your preferred itinerary title. It might not look as pretty without a picture, but the template will still convey all essential information.

Main itinerary body editing (Word template)

I created this itinerary using a table in Microsoft Word, hiding vertical gridlines to achieve a cleaner look. 

  • To edit text , select and delete existing text. Then, type text as you normally would in Word documents.
  • To add a table row , select a row by dragging your mouse to highlight it, then right-click and choose Insert to add a row above or below. Repeat the process to delete a row . Find one additional blank row at the bottom of the template.
  • To add or change hyperlinks , select the word(s) you would like to link (or unlink) to a website, right-click, select Hyperlink, and from the sub-menu, select Edit or Remove Hyperlink.
  • To add back vertical gridlines , select the entire table, right-click, and select Borders and Shading to adjust the design with the gridline configuration you like best.

Microsoft Excel Template

Click on the image below to download a free version of this trip itinerary template containing actual details from a visit to Iceland in Microsoft Excel. 

9 Editing Tips (Excel Template)

As Microsoft Excel is more specialized software, I share nine file-specific tips, knowing that the traveler who prefers to download this file type is likely already familiar and comfortable editing in Excel.

Header area editing (Excel template)

To change out the header image at the top of the itinerary, right-click on the image and select Change Picture. Select from a stock photo or upload your own image. I am a Canva user and found this image there, saving it using the dimensions 2000x458px. Once uploaded, I added the semi-transparency in Excel.

However, you can upload any size image file you would like. If your uploaded image is not the correct size, click on it and drag its diagonal corner to resize and fit the page . If you find it too tricky to insert a new image, delete the existing one. It might not look as pretty without a picture, but the template will still convey all essential information.

  • Though—if you upload a new image and want to keep the semi-transparency , double-click on your picture to get to the Picture Format menu. Find the Transparency icon in the header menu and adjust it to your preference. 
  • To change the header text , click on the text in the Text Box and edit all elements.

Main itinerary body editing (Excel template)

  • To insert bullet points , copy these from an existing cell in the document. I created and copied the bullet points from a Word document and pasted them into Excel. 
  • All cells are set to wrap text and are oriented to align left and at the top of the cell. If this changes or the format structure is lost, right-click on any cell and select Format Cells to reset the cell structure to your preference. 
  • To start a new line of text in a cell when using a Mac, press the Option+Return buttons on your keyboard. Using a PC, press the Alt+Enter buttons or get more tips from Microsoft Help .
  • To insert hyperlinks , select the cell you would like to hyperlink, and from the main menu, select Insert. From that submenu, choose Link. Microsoft Excel—from what I can tell (please correct me in the comments if you know how to bypass this)—does not allow users to link individual text within a cell. Google Sheets does, and it is one of the reasons I prefer using that format type. 

Lodging contact tab editing (Excel template)

Note a second tab in this Excel template for lodging details—set to print landscape (horizontally). Edit all elements in the same way as the main itinerary.

Google Sheets Template

Click on the image below to download a free version of this trip itinerary template containing actual details from a visit to Iceland in Google Sheets. This image links to a read-only document. 

To copy it, click File from the main menu and select Copy . Doing this will create a copy of the document on your Google Drive. You will want to be logged into Google when you do this.

7 Editing Tips (Google Sheets Template)

Google Sheets is my preferred file type to create, edit, and share new trip itineraries. I find its slimmed-down menu is easier to use than Excel. Plus, I appreciate the ability to highlight and hyperlink specific text using Sheets vs. having to link an entire cell (in Excel).

Additionally, I find this file type easier to share as not everyone uses Microsoft documents. And I find it convenient since I already use Google Drive to manage my business documents and keep my travel information organized . Here are seven things to know when editing this template.

Header area editing (Google Sheets template)

To change out the header image at the top of the itinerary, right-click on the image and select Change Picture. Select from a stock photo or upload your own image. I am a Canva user and found this image there, added a text overlay, and saved it using the dime nsions 2000x458px.

However, you can upload any size image file you would like. If your uploaded image is not the correct size, click on it and drag its diagonal corner to resize and fit the page . If you find it too tricky to insert a new image, delete the existing one and type your preferred itinerary title. It might not look as pretty without a picture, but the template will still convey all essential information.

Main itinerary body editing (Google Sheets template)

  • All cells are set to wrap text and are oriented to align left and at the top of the cell. If this changes or the format structure is lost, select a cell and choose Format from the main menu.  From the drop-down menu, select Wrapping or Alignment to adjust to your preference. 
  • To start a new line of text within Google Sheets when using a Mac, press the Command (or Control or Option)+Return buttons on your keyboard. Using a PC, press the Alt (or Control) +Enter buttons. 
  • To insert hyperlinks , select the specific text you would like to hyperlink, and from the iconographic menu, just below the main menu, select the three vertical dots at the far right for more editing items. Select the Link icon to insert and link to your preferred URL. Or choose Insert from the main menu, then select Link. 

Lodging contact tab editing (Google Sheets template)

Note a second tab in this Google Sheets template for lodging details—set to print landscape (horizontally). Edit all elements in the same way as the main itinerary.

Canva Template

Click on the image below to access and edit a free version of this trip itinerary template in Canva. 

Although Canva is an excellent and intuitive design software usable by non-professionals, it requires prior knowledge and experience to use it comfortably. I do not recommend downloading and editing this file type unless you are already comfortable creating and editing in Canva.

If you are, have fun! You have full editing capability to change any element of this two-page trip itinerary template, which includes a second page for lodging contact information. 

Tips for duplicating the template: Click the above image, then click the “Create with Canva” button in the upper right-hand corner. When you do this, it should take you to your Canva account and let you copy, and then edit a duplicate version of the template.

2 Recommended Online Itinerary Builders

If you prefer using an app or an online itinerary builder to create your itineraries, TripIt and Wanderlog are the top two options. I have used TripIt before and found it handy—though short on the functionality I prefer. Despite easy integration with travel booking uploads, the program was less flexible than I would have liked, still requiring some manual uploading and editing. 

I have not used Wanderlog, though I have repeatedly seen it recommended highly by frequent travelers and travel professionals. To see which is right for you, scan through this Reddit thread of users comparing notes on each.

4 More Places to Find Travel Itinerary Templates

In addition to the free templates I share, are four more places to find free or affordable trip itinerary templates.

  • Microsoft Excel, Word, and Google Sheets free templates

Find multiple travel itinerary templates on Jotform .  Edit them using its web-based a PDF editor. Then, download your edited form after you create an account. You get five complimentary form downloads with a free membership . 

Find multiple trip itinerary templates on Canva .  There are several free options. To edit and download them, create a free account on Canva if you do not already have one. Some templates are restricted to paid Pro Canva users only.

Microsoft Excel, Word, and Google Sheets

Microsoft Excel, Word, and Google Sheets offer free templates. These software programs offer several free travel itinerary templates. To access these complimentary templates, choose File, then select Create New from Template or New from template gallery from the main menus. Search for templates related to trips or travel to find one that fits your needs.

Several shops on Etsy sell downloadable trip itinerary templates for a low price, often $5 or under. Some designs are beautiful. Several come packaged with multiple detailed pages that could be perfect for your needs or be superfluous. Search digital download options here to see what fits your preferences best.

Related Reading

If you are searching for more travel planning assistance to help you save time and money, stay organized, and achieve better results, check out the related articles below.

  • How to Plan a Trip Quickly: 9 Best Places to Find Inspiring Trip Itineraries
  • 49 Things You Need to Do to Plan Your Best Trip (Free Travel Research & Planning Checklist)
  • Google for Travel: Plan Better with These 8 Tools
  • Why You Will Love Google Maps for Trip Planning
  • How to Save Time & Money with Google Flights Price Tracker
  • 5 Proven Ways to Simplify and Organize Your Travel Research
  • Pack Faster & Better with This Universal Printable Packing List
  • 25 Expert Packing Tips to Help You Travel Better
  • Pre-Trip: A Practical Checklist to Close the House & Pack

Additional Trip Planning Resources

To further help you with travel planning, I share my go-to resources for every trip below. 

Google Flights. My first research stop for affordable flights for every trip. Learn why here . 

Google Hotels . Use its “ Where to stay ” button to discover the best neighborhoods to base your visit. For hotel and rental bookings, I appreciate its flexible cancellation, candid user reviews, discounts, loyalty program, and easy-to-use interface.

Viator , Get Your Guide , & Airbnb Experiences . Quickly find and book highly-rated tours and activities on these sites.

Google Travel Things to Do & Google Maps . Find more things to do in your destination on Google Travel, then record where you want to visit on a custom Google Maps list. 

AllTrails . Love to hike? Me too. I religiously use AllTrails to discover hiking and biking trails and download its offline maps to manage my hikes.

Guide Along . 5-star self-guided audio tours that are GPS-compatible for US road trips and national parks. We loved the Glacier National Park tour .

Insure My Trip. I never travel internationally without trip insurance. Learn why here . My preferred place to shop and compare policies is . 

Plus, check out the 15 travel apps I use on trips, my preferred guidebooks , and my free customizable travel itinerary template , downloadable in four file formats.

Janice Moskoff in front of doorway in Valletta, Malta. (Credit: Danielle Cassar)

About the author:  Janice Moskoff is a travel writer and blogger who loves hiking, exploring the world, and reading. She writes to inspire travel-loving families, adult friends, and couples on her blog,  Gather and Go Travel . Check out  her bio , learn how she became  a blogger , and discover how to  work with her . Sign up for her monthly  Discovery Newsletter  to get her latest travel recommendations and  how-to’s .

Love to travel? Sign up for m y monthly Gather & Go Travel Discovery Newsletter and get a free trip budget calculator.

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I only recommend products and companies I use. And the income goes to keeping the site community-supported and ads minimal.

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4 responses.

Hi Kathleen, thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it. I just re-updated the Canva link. Hopefully this will work. I’ll email you the link too, that way if you have any issues (or if it is working) you can let me know directly. Thank you! Janice

Hi, I am also getting the Canva template preview that, once you click the link, just takes me to a generic Canva page. I was wondering if you have the direct link at all, or perhaps the file name?

Hi Nicole, thanks for messaging about this. Happy to troubleshoot. I am sorry you having issues. Since you would like to use this template I’ll take an educated guess that you are familiar with Canva and already have an account? When you click the “Create with Canva” link in the upper right hand corner it should take you to your account and let you edit a version of this template. I’ll check in with you via email as well to see if this is happening. If not, I’ll email you a direct link and dig in to adjust settings. Or feel free to email me directly at (janice at gatherandgotravel dot com.). Thank you!

Hi! I was hoping to use your Canva template but it linked to a preview that wouldn’t open the template. I also couldn’t find it by searching.. Is it available anywhere?

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Janice Moskoff in Positano, bio image for Gather and Go Travel website

Welcome to  Gather and Go Travel , a blog inspiring families, adult friends, and couples to explore US and international destinations and to get outdoors. I am Janice, a world traveler to 50+ countries, a travel writer/blogger, and a book lover. Learn more  about me , read  our story , and how to  work with me . Get my latest updates, how-tos, and trip ideas in my monthly  Discovery Newsletter .

Crossing a snowy trail on in Glacier National Park, Montana, on a sunny summer day. Credit:

The Best of Glacier NP: An Action-Packed 4-Day Itinerary

Screenshot of sample trip itinerary template

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View of Acadia National Park coast from the Ocean Path trail on Mount Desert Island, Maine

How to Make the Most of a Week in Acadia National Park

Woman packing a suitcase. Credit: DuxX Getty Images.

Pack Faster & Better With This Universal Printable Packing List

A woman in a light brown sweater taking a photo of the Temple of Castor and Pollux in the Roman Forum on a sunny clear day

How to Spend 10 Days In Rome, the Amalfi Coast & Sorrento


Janice | Inspiring others to explore🗺️


📍US & 🌎 travel for families, friends + couples 📝 Itineraries, destination guides and ideas + tips ❤️ hiking🥾, mountains + 📚books 🏡 Chicago

Have you ever run into someone you know unexpectedly on a trip? A chance meeting when your paths improbably crossed at the right time and place? This⬆️ just happened to me. Minding my business on a summer trip to Saugatuck, MI, I was about to pull my car into the one open parking spot fronting our favorite in-town restaurant—@thesouthernermi. Focused on the fried chicken, shrimp and grits, and biscuits we were about to eat, I patiently paused my vehicle to let a group of women walk past. In that group, I instantly recognized a face. My friend Mia @miaonthemap. Mia lives in Indianapolis. I live in Chicago. And I met Mia in Nashville at my first TravelCon conference several years ago, where I knew no one and warily attended with a healthy dose of imposter syndrome. Mia was my first conference friend. We met when we both arrived a day early to take a travel writing workshop. We sat next to each other, chatted, and laughed over our attempts to be guided by a Frommer’s editor to become better writers. I was so grateful for getting to know her. Because that first connection helped boost my confidence. Something I hadn’t even known I needed. Fast forward several years to our unlikely 30-second overlap, where Mia and her friends walked just next to my open car window. What were the chances? Her group and mine sat in different areas of the restaurant. We very easily could not have seen each other at all. Instead, luck, timing, and a beautiful Saugatuck summer evening conspired to bring us together again. 📸: Mia’s friend, thank you! #michigan #saugatuck #puremichigan #friends #michigantravel #michigansummer

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July 1, 2020

How I use Microsoft Word to plan my travel itinerary (my template & planning process)

I may not be able to travel right now due to Coronavirus, but when the borders re-open, I’ll be ready. I’ve been spending the past couple of months planning future trips I want to take. I previously shared how I organize my travel plans using Microsoft Excel ( see this post ). But there is another step in my process I haven’t shared because it was still a work in process.

After more than 5 years of testing and tweaking a document I made in Microsoft Word while planning 8 trips (ranging from long weekends, to 10 day road trips, 1 month or longer overseas trips to multiple countries), I’ve finally perfected this template to keep everything neat and organized 🙂

I’ve filmed a video walkthrough as I can say a lot more (and faster) in a video than a blog post but I do have details in this post as well.

  • How I set up the document
  • Why I used Microsoft Word
  • Travel planning I don’t  do in Microsoft Word
  • How I print and assemble the pages after I’ve finished the itinerary
  • Why I plan in so much detail!

Travel Itinerary Planner for Microsoft Word

To enlarge the screen of the video, click the square icon in the bottom right hand corner of the video (it will say ‘full screen’ when you hover your mouse over the icon).

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more planner videos!

I hope this gave you some ideas you can adept into your own travel planning system. lf you’d like a copy of my travel planning document, click here


I also have   travel planning spreadsheets that can be used in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for planning an overview, budgeting the trip and comparing things like flights, but I needed a way to plan all the details for each day in an organized manner. I was dumping links to blog posts, YouTube videos and other helpful resources that I found in my spreadsheets making them cluttered. I also wanted a way to be able to print my itinerary onto paper in a convenient format that I could take with me.

Why paper? I don’t want to use my phone as I already rely on it for navigating with Google maps etc. and a phone battery doesn’t last forever. When I plan in detail I mean REALLY detailed.

I use this document for recording things like: – Separate the itinerary for each day by morning, afternoon and evening – Bus / train numbers, times and frequency – Directions – I go super detailed just in case my phone battery dies e.g. turn right at hotel, walk 3 blocks, turn left, the stationery shop is on the left – Opening hours for quick reference or if I need to change plans due to weather – Entry cost so I have the right currency on hand – Reminders e.g. confirm the tour 2 days from now (as some tour companies require you to reconfirm) – Paste screenshots of walking routes and maps that I’ve plotted shops, restaurants etc. that I want to go to – Tips & notes

I don’t want to turn my computer on of a morning before leaving the hotel, I want all the info I need for that day all on the 1 or 2 pages that I can take with me and then throw in the bin at the end of day instead of lugging around the entire itinerary everyday.

I’m not a spontaneous traveller, I like to thoroughly research everything before I get there so once I’m there I don’t waste ANY time and see ALL of the things I want to see. I never come back from a trip and think, ‘I wish I’d gone there’ or ‘I wish I’d known about that’ or ‘shame that museum was closed that day’. Having an itinerary thoroughly planned out takes all the stress away so I can focus on enjoying the trip and taking tons of photos.

It does take time to record plans in detail but it means I never miss out on something I want to see, I’m always at the most popular attractions at opening time to get good photos without crowds. If I need to swap days or change things on the fly I can, because I have all of my trip details neatly organized in this document.

So to me the hours of research and organizing it all into this document is worth it, especially if it’s an expensive international trip where I’m not sure I’ll ever get the chance to go back there if I miss anything.

I use this document concurrently along with:

  • Visit a City – it creates a visual map of where things are located so I can cluster everything together before allocating to days and adding to this Word document
  • My travel planning spreadsheets in Microsoft Excel – where I plan an overview of the trip e.g. what destination I’m at on what days  e.g. Neuschwanstein Castle (I then do the detailed planning for each of those days in this document)
  • Google Maps – where I sometimes plot walking routes and then paste the map into this word document

Here’s a breakdown of the various sections of the document:

For the purposes of showing you how I use this trip planner I’ve taken an extract of some itinerary pages from one of my past trips:


Add a photo of the destination you’re going to and your trip dates.

itinerary planner for microsoft word template fully editable ready for printing binding multi-destination helpful resources morning afternoon evening


Easily find what you’re looking for with this contents which will automatically update the more destinations / days of the trip that you add.

travel itinerary template - table of contents


Make a list of things to research for the entire trip and then ‘dump’ it all here.

4. SECTIONS (for each city or country)

This document is organized into sections. There are 5 sections with 5 days in each section but you can easily add more days (and sections) if you need them (instructions are in the guide that comes with the download). I use 1 section per destination – usually a city (or an entire country if it’s a small one).

travel planning template research food good to know currency organizer guide before visiting multi-destination travel planning tool resource trip planning vacation

You can copy the first page of the document (main cover page) if you want to add a photo for each destination like this:

travel planner microsoft word template

I keep the country / section dividers plain because all of the other pages in the document have text on them, when I’m flicking through the itinerary, a blank page is easier to find.


Each section starts with an information overview followed by the itinerary for each day I’m at that destination.

Information section includes space to add – research dump, currency, good to know, food and common phrases

research by section vacation planning

Another thing to add to the good to know section is data / wifi. I use Vodafone’s $5 a day data roaming in most countries but you might want to use a Sim card and enter those details into the document.

travel planning spreadsheets - food


For each day I break my plans into morning, afternoon and evening. I prefer to use dot points to list everything out – it’s just much easier to follow

itinerary planner vacation trip planning template microsoft word organizer

Here’s an example of a day where I was taking various transport so needed everything scheduled out in detail. I take screenshots of train timetables, how much it should cost (and the exact ticket e.g. the Bayern ticket). That way when I go to purchase the ticket at the train station if I can’t figure out the ticket machine or it’s in another language, I can show this to the person at the counter and they can arrange the ticket for me, or take it out the back to their manager or other person who might speak English.

If a train, bus, boat etc. is running late I can see if I should switch plans and eat first and get a later bus, or go take photos and come back etc.

travel planning in microsoft word template itinerary detailed schedule train plane booking details diy day trips

– Microsoft Word documents can also be used in Google Docs which is a free online tool you can access from anywhere, on any device (perfect to access your plans while on the trip, and if you’re planning a trip with others) – You can easily find what day you’re looking for and move around the document using the navigation menu (press CTRL and F on your keyboard) –  Tips & instructions guide included – Can be used for any type of travel – solo travel, family, road trip, domestic trip, international trip etc. – You can change the font style, size etc. and color code by destination if you like – Purchase once and re-use again and again for all your trips!

This is what it looks like loaded into Google Docs – all of the formatting, navigation menu etc. is the same – you don’t need to do anything extra.

word itinerary planner travel plans vacation international large multi-destination country trip organizer microsoft word google docs apple pages

Info I don’t record in this template

I record these things in my travel planning spreadsheets, so don’t repeat it in this template I made for Microsoft Word:

1. Handy info reference page 2. To do list 3. Budget 4. Attractions (and their cost) 5. Itinerary by Month 6. Itinerary by Week 7. Flight Comparison 8. Accommodation Comparison 9. Car Rental Comparison 10. Transfer comparison 11. Tour comparisons 12. Travel insurance 13. Spending Tracker 14. Before We Leave Checklist 15. Packing List 16. Outfit Planner

You can read more about that in this post: How I use Excel to organize all my travel plans (research, itinerary, hotel, tours, bookings, packing list etc.)

travel planning spreadsheets itinerary excel organizer color coded template

Finished your itinerary, now what?

I print the itinerary single sided so I can tear the page out as I need it and then throw it away at the end of the day (aren’t carrying around the whole itinerary with me everyday).

I like to place everything in a plastic folder (they only cost a few dollars and are surprisingly sturdy) or bind the pages into a notebook with my comb binding machine. If you take the pages to Officeworks or your local office supply store they can bind it into a notebook for you. You could just print and staple everything but if you have a lot of pages the staple might not go through or hold up well (I’ll usually only staple for a long weekend i.e. short trip).

Assembling my travel itinerary

I logically order the printed pages in the order I will use them. So flights first, then once you arrive you need the transport info to the hotel, then the hotel booking confirmation etc.

  • Important info
  • Flight booking confirmation / voucher
  • Transport pre-booked transfer from airport to accommodation
  • Accommodation voucher
  • Daily itinerary pages with day tour bookings interspersed between (i.e. if a tour is on day 2, I put this with day 2 itinerary, before the itinerary for day 3)
  • Repeat in the same order as destination 1

By destination I usually mean country (e.g. Germany) but if you’re in a big country it might be each city (e.g. Munich, Frankfurt, Berlin etc.)

Here’s an example from a road trip around Victoria I did a few years back (sticky notes are just to cover up personal info), so you can see what I mean when I say plastic folder (they’re sometimes called ‘display books’). This one is A4 page size but I later found A5 sized ones from Officeworks, so now I use 2 x A5 plastic sleeves instead (much more convenient at a smaller page size).

Tutorial for resizing printables is in this post , or you can just print at full page size and fold the pages in half.

printable trip planner vacation planning booking receipt organizer travel documents

Why I plan in so much detail

It may seems excessive to some, but I since I spend so much time planning, by the time I go on the trip I basically have everything memorised of what we’re doing on each day, at what time and usually only check the piece of paper a few times (mainly for train numbers / route etc.)

I live in Australia. It takes literally 24 hours OR MORE to get to the other side of the world (sometimes a day just to get to the other side of my own country) so I need to make the most of my annual leave. I like to plan things in detail, doing extensive research is fun to me, it gets me excited for a trip and all the things I’m going to see. Some people might prefer spontaneous travel but that’s just not my personality.

Trip planning in details means:

  • I always have great photos to include in my travel photobooks
  • I’ve thoroughly researched each destination so I never come home thinking ‘oh I wish I’d done that’ or ‘I wish I could’ve fit that in but I didn’t allow enough days in that city’
  • I know exactly what I want to see so I never miss out on anything
  • I’m always at attractions during opening time when it’s less busy
  • With the exception of things like exact train numbers, I usually have the entire itinerary memorised before the trip since I’ve reviewed and edited the itinerary so many times – it makes it much more efficient as I’m not Googling various options of how to get from A to B on the go
  • If I need to change something on the fly due to weather I can shuffle things around

If you’d like a copy of this template, it’s available in my   online store and my Etsy shop .

travel itinerary template microsoft word travel planner organizer detailed template multi-country destination planner all about planning favorite tools resource to plan your next trip

More travel planning

  • My all time favorite trip planning tool: Visit a City
  • Travel Planning: 50 Things to consider when planning an itinerary 
  • Travel Planning: How to choose a hotel (my step by step process)
  • Visit a City versus Google My Maps: which is better for visually planning your travel itinerary

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travel planner itinerary template detailed trip planning tool international travel domestic road trip family holiday solo trip all about planners how to plan a vacation resources

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Business Travel Itinerary Checklist Template

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My English Language

English language resources for efl students and teachers.

My English Language

Travel and Transport

Travel vocabulary: using english for travel.

Travel vocabulary is one of the most useful areas of language learning today, as more people than ever are travelling far and wide for business and pleasure. There are many useful words and phrases we use when travelling and dealing with transport.

Although our travel plans have been put on hold for a while due to the Coronavirus pandemic , the world is slowly starting to open up again. This means we need to be ready with our travel language and vocabulary for when we can get a flight, a bus or a train!

For non-native speakers , travel vocabulary is a particularly useful topic of study and always a popular subject, allowing you to enjoy organising your travels without worrying about language issues.

Explore travel  vocabulary  here and learn useful  vocabulary related to travelling and using public transport. We have included useful words related to using trains, buses, cars, taxis, planes and boats, so you can have your travel phrases covered, whatever your mode of transport.  

General English Travel Vocabulary:

to arrive , to depart, to leave, to stay,

to cancel, cancellation, cancelled, delay, delayed

to book, to reserve, reservation, to cancel a reservation

holiday, business trip

suitcase, bag, luggage

trip, journey, to travel, map

travel agent, brochure

ticket office, fare, price, single/return ticket

by foot, on foot

travelling by plane, by train, by taxi, by car, by boat

roundabout, road, traffic lights, speed limit, junction, cross roads, road signs

Image source

Transport Vocabulary and Useful Phrases:

Wheels, steering wheel, dash board, indicators, headlights, roof, bonnet, boot, engine, battery, windscreen wipers, garage, car mechanic, petrol station, service (a ‘check up’ for a car)

Double decker, single decker, passengers, bus driver, bus stop, bus station, bus conductor, coach, luggage hold, bus lane

Bus travelling phrases:

the next stop, the last stop, to get on/off the bus, to buy a ticket

Train station, platform, track, level crossing, locomotive, underground, cross-country, local, return, single, ticket, carriage, first/second class, train driver, ticket inspector, waiting room, seat, timetable, guard, season ticket, fare, travel card, buffet car

Train travel phrases:

to catch a train, to check the timetable, on the platform, to travel cross-country

to get on the train, to embark, to set off (on a journey)

to get off the train, to disembark, to alight

ticket machine – a machine where you can buy your train tickets

ticket gate – a mechanical gate blocking access, where you need to insert your ticket to pass through

the buffet car – a carriage on a train where you can buy drinks and snacks

Grand Central Station , New York City – image source

Cab, black cab (official English taxi), fare, taxi rank, taxi driver, tip ( noun and verb )

Taxi travel phrases:

to hail a taxi / to flag down a taxi (when you raise your arm to get a taxi driver’s attention to encourage it to stop in the street)

to pay the fare (the fare is the fee for the journey)

to tip the driver (verb) / to give the driver a tip (noun)

Aeroplane, airport, airline, wing, runway, pilot, gate, passport, excess baggage charge, cabin crew, flight attendant, air steward/stewardess, security, turbulence, seatbelt

take off, landing

turbulence (uncomfortable, sudden movements of a plane due to air pressure/temperature changes)

hand luggage (luggage you take into the cabin with you)

hold luggage/checked luggage (luggage you check in for stowage under the aircraft)

over-head locker (where you can put your hand luggage)

boarding card, customs, departures, arrivals, lounge, aisle seat, window seat, check-in, in-flight movie, in-flight entertainment

terminal 1, terminal 2 / T1, T2 (a terminal is where passengers go to buy tickets, check in luggage, go to their boarding gate etc.)

boarding gate – where passenger go to board the plane (i.e. to get on the plane), located inside the terminal building

A plane takes off – image source

Plane travel phrases:

to put luggage/bags in the hold

to board the plane

prepare for take off, the plane will be taking off in 30 minutes

prepare for landing, the plane will be landing in 20 minutes

to fasten your seatbelt, to buckle up (‘buckle up’ is slang for ‘fasten your seatbelt’)

the flight was quite turbulent, to experience some  turbulence,  there was some light/heavy turbulence

“How was your flight?”

“It was good, thanks, except there was some turbulence during the descent that made me spill my drink!”

“Great – it was a smooth flight and I slept most of the time.”

Ferry, cruise ship, harbour, deck, port, sea, ocean, cabin, captain, sail, sea sickness , crossing, on board, life belt/jacket, foot passenger, buffet, port side, starboard

  • The difference between a boat and a ship: boats are small to mid-sized vessels, often used for pleasure trips. Boat is also a generic term for water vessels. Ships are normally larger and are used to carry cargo, passengers or smaller boats.

Boat travelling phrases:

to embark  (to get on the boat) / to disembark (to get off the boat)

‘choppy’ seas / rough seas / strong waves

Calm waters will provide a peaceful cruise for this ship  –  image source

calm waters / still waters

to sail, to have a good crossing (a ‘crossing’ is when you go from one place to another on a boat/ship) – e.g.  “Did you have a good crossing?”

to go out on deck (to go outside on the ship)

welcome aboard/on board (you might hear this when you embark for the first time)

the captain’s table (where the captain sits at dinner – sometimes passengers might get an invitation to site at the captain’s table at some point during their cruise)

  • ‘Plain sailing’ is an idiom that means an event that goes smoothly: ‘It’s all plain sailing from here’

It’s a great day to be ‘out on deck’ – image source

English at the Train Station

Useful travelling vocabulary for using the train, including phrases you may want to say, phrases you may hear and comments you might want to make about travelling by train:

  • Train times on timetables are always given in the twenty-four hour clock format. So, 5.15 pm would be 17.15 and 9.05 am would be 09.05.

A busy airport – image source

“How was the journey?”

“It was fine, the train arrived on time and I managed to buy a coffee from the buffet car.”

“Terrible, the first two trains were cancelled and then I had to stand up for the entire journey.”

“My train was delayed, so I passed the time by browsing in the station bookshop”

English vocabulary at the airport

Travelling vocabulary for using planes and visiting the airport, including phrases you might hear at the airport and sentences you might need to say when travelling by plane:

Click here to explore more essential English vocabulary and phrases for everyday situations.

When travelling and using transport, you might also need to ask for directions. Check out how to ask for directions in English when travelling around a city with our directions page. Our article includes possible questions you might want to ask and answers you could receive when navigating your way around a new town.

Let us know your thoughts on travel vocabulary

What do you find most difficult about using English when travelling?

Do you find any of these phrases related to travel and transport confusing?

Can you think of other useful English travel vocabulary for using different modes of transport?

TEFL teachers, how do you incorporate travelling vocabulary into your English lessons?

2 thoughts on “ Travel and Transport ”

Thank you for the provided phrases and words. I would also like to see a short dialogue or common phrases when someone got lost in a city or trying to get somewhere, so that there should be various options for speaking about traveling ina city

Hi Tatyana, thanks for your comment. A dialogue like this is a great suggestion. We will looks to add something like this to the travel and transport page soon. In the meantime, you might find our directions page useful, as this contains phrases for asking for directions when travelling in a city.

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Word Lists

50 Words Associated With Travel

50 Words Associated With Travel

Travel is a wonderful way to explore new places, experience different cultures, and create lasting memories. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or just starting to plan your first trip, there are many words associated with travel that help us describe and experience this activity.

From terms for different types of travel destinations and modes of transportation to words that describe the excitement and adventure of going somewhere new, this list of 50 words will help you fully embrace the joys of travel.

50 Words Associated With Travel

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50 Words Associated With Travel Meanings

Journey : A process or act of traveling from one place to another, which may include various means of transportation and can be either short or long.

Trip : A journey or excursion, especially for pleasure. It usually implies a shorter time frame than a journey.

Vacation : A period of time spent away from home or work for leisure, relaxation, or tourism.

Tour : A journey for pleasure in which several different places are visited. Tours are often planned and organized, potentially guided, and may focus on specific themes or interests.

Excursion : A short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity. An excursion is often a day trip that returns to the place of origin.

Adventure : A trip or journey with an element of risk, excitement, or unpredictability, often involving outdoor activities or exploring unfamiliar areas.

Exploration : The action of traveling in or through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about it. This can involve discovery, learning, and adventure.

Getaway : A vacation or trip, typically brief, taken to escape from one’s daily routine or from a stressful situation.

Destination : The place to which someone or something is going or being sent. In the context of travel, it is often a place renowned for its scenic beauty or cultural value.

Resort : A place designed for vacations or tourism, which provides lodging, entertainment, and often meal services.

Hotel : An establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists.

Motel : A roadside hotel designed primarily for motorists, typically having the rooms arranged in a low building with parking directly outside.

Inn : An establishment for the lodging of travelers that is typically smaller than a hotel and may serve food and drinks.

Hostel : A budget accommodation where travelers can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share common facilities such as a kitchen and bathrooms.

Bed and breakfast : A small lodging establishment that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast, often in a private family home.

Airplane : A powered flying vehicle with fixed wings and a weight greater than that of the air it displaces. It’s a common mode of long-distance travel.

Train : A series of rail cars coupled together and pulled by a locomotive, used for long and short distance travel over land.

Bus : A large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road, typically serving the public on a fixed route and for a fare.

Car : A wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor.

Boat : A vessel for travel on water, which comes in different sizes, shapes, and types, from small rowboats to large cruise ships.

Cruise : A vacation spent on a ship or boat while traveling to various places for pleasure.

Ferry : A boat or ship for conveying passengers and goods, especially over a relatively short distance and as a regular service.

Hike : A long walk, especially in the countryside or wilderness, often undertaken for enjoyment or exercise.

Backpack : A bag that is carried on one’s back, often used by hikers and travelers to carry their belongings.

Suitcase : A case with a handle and a hinged lid, used for carrying clothes and other personal belongings during travel.

Luggage : The bags, suitcases, and personal belongings of a traveler.

Passport : A government-issued document certifying a person’s identity and citizenship, allowing them to travel under its protection to and from foreign countries.

Visa : A conditional authorization granted by a territory to a foreigner, allowing them to enter, remain within, or to leave that territory.

Customs : A government agency responsible for regulating shipments entering a country or region. Travelers may need to declare goods carried with them in this process.

Immigration : The international movement of people to a destination country where they are not natives or do not possess its citizenship, often for permanent residence or work.

Currency : A system of money in general use in a particular country. Travelers often need to exchange their home country’s currency for that of the country they are visiting.

Exchange rate : The value of one country’s currency in relation to another’s. It determines how much one currency can be exchanged for another.

Budget : An estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. In travel, it outlines the expected costs for transportation, accommodation, meals, and other expenses.

Itinerary : A planned route or journey. It includes a detailed plan or route of a trip, often including points of interest, destinations, and a timeline.

Travel agent : A professional who provides travel and tourism related services to the public on behalf of suppliers such as airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, and package tours.

Guide : A person who advises or shows the way to others, particularly tourists in a foreign country or a place of interest.

Map : A detailed visual representation of an area, showing physical features, cities, roads, etc. It’s a key tool for navigation and planning in travel.

Compass : A navigational instrument for finding directions, with a needle or dial that points to the north.

GPS : Stands for Global Positioning System. A satellite-based navigation system providing extremely accurate position, velocity, and time information anywhere on or near the surface of Earth.

Navigation : The process or activity of accurately determining one’s position and planning and following a route.

Language : A method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Knowing the language of a travel destination can enhance the travel experience.

Translation : The process of translating words or text from one language into another. It’s often necessary in international travel.

Culture : The customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or social group. Experiencing different cultures is a major aspect of travel.

Food : Any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for the body. Trying local foods is a popular activity when traveling.

Drink : A liquid that can be swallowed as refreshment or nourishment. Like food, local drinks are often part of the travel experience.

Shopping : The activity of buying goods from shops, often as part of the travel experience, especially in local markets.

Souvenir : A thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event, often bought during trips or vacations.

Landmark : An object or feature of a landscape or place that is easily seen and recognized from a distance, especially one that enables someone to establish their location. Famous landmarks are often a focus for tourists.

Monument : A statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event. Monuments often have historical or cultural significance and are visited by tourists.

Attraction : A place which draws visitors by providing something of interest or pleasure, like a historic site, amusement park, museum, or natural feature like a waterfall or canyon.

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Travel Vocabulary for English-Language Learners

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The travel-related words below are the most important terms to know when talking about travel or taking vacations . Words are categorized into different sections depending on the type of travel. You'll find example sentences for each word to help provide context for learning, as well as a short quiz at the end to test your knowledge.

Air Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Airport : I went to the airport to catch a flight to San Francisco. Check in : Make sure to get to the airport two hours early to check in. Fly : I like to fly on the same airline to get mileage points. Land : The airplane will land in two hours. Landing : The landing took place during a storm. It was very scary! Plane : The plane is packed with 300 passengers. Take off : The airplane is scheduled to take off at 3:30 p.m.

Vacation Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Camp : Do you like to camp in the woods? Destination : What is your final destination? Excursion : I'd like to take an excursion to the wine country while we're in Tuscany. Go camping : Let's go to the beach and go camping next weekend. Go sightseeing : Did you go sightseeing while you were in France? Hostel : Staying in a youth hostel is a great way to save money on vacation. Hotel : I'll book a hotel for two nights. Journey : The journey will take four weeks and we'll visit four countries. Luggage : Can you carry the luggage upstairs? Motel : We stayed in a convenient motel on our way to Chicago. Package holiday : I prefer to buy package holidays , so I don't have to worry about anything. Passenger : The passenger felt ill during the voyage. Route : Our route will take us through Germany and on to Poland. Sightseeing : The sightseeing in this town is rather boring. Let's go shopping . Suitcase : Let me unpack my suitcase and then we can go swimming. Tour : Peter went on a tour of the vineyard. Tourism : Tourism is becoming an important industry in almost every country. Tourist : Every May, many tourists from around the world come to see the flower festival. Travel : Travel is one of his favorite free time activities. Travel agent : The travel agent found us a great deal. Trip : The trip to New York was lovely and interesting. Vacation : I'd love to take a nice long vacation on the beach.

Overland Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Bicycle : One of the best ways to see the countryside is to ride a bicycle. Bike : We rode a bike from shop to shop. Bus : You can catch a bus for Seattle at the bus station. Bus station : The bus station is three blocks from here. Car : You might want to rent a car when you go on vacation. Lane : Make sure to get into the left lane when you want to pass. Motorcycle : Riding a motorcycle can be fun and exciting, but it's also dangerous. Freeway : We'll have to take the freeway to Los Angeles. Highway : The highway between the two cities is quite lovely. Rail : Have you ever traveled by rail? Go by rail : Going by rail offers the opportunity to get up and walk around as you travel. Railway : The railway station is down this street. Road: There are three roads to Denver. Main road : Take the main road into town and turn left at 5th Street. Taxi : I got in a taxi and went to the train station. Traffic : There's a lot of traffic today on the road! Train : I like riding on trains. It's a very relaxing way to travel. Tube : You can take the tube in London. Underground : You can take the underground in many cities throughout Europe. Subway : You can take the subway in New York.

Sea / Ocean Travel Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

Boat: Have you ever piloted a boat? Cruise: We will stop at three destinations during our cruise through the Mediterranean. Cruise ship: It's the most elegant cruise ship in the world! Ferry: Ferries allow passengers to take their cars with them to their destination. Ocean: The Atlantic Ocean takes four days to cross. Port: There are all kinds of commercial ships in the port. Sailboat: The sailboat requires nothing but the wind. Sea: The sea is very calm today. Set sail: We set sail for the exotic island. Ship: Have you ever been a passenger on a ship? Voyage: The voyage to the Bahamas took three days.

Travel Vocabulary Quiz

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Travel Glossary – The ULTIMATE List of Travel Terms

Unravel the mysteries of travel terms, acronyms, and all the essential backpacking jargon.

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time adventurer, The Broke Backpacker travel glossary is your passport to understanding the language of the road.

Will leaning on a colourful rickshaw/ tuk tuk in India with a field of sunflowers behind him and a pile of backpacks on the roof

Travel Glossary

Accommodation: The place where you’ll stay during your trip — your home away from home. This can range from a snazzy hotel suite to a bunk bed in a buzzing hostel.

Adventure Travel: Exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations and experiencing adrenaline-pumping activities. The type of travel for those who prefer hiking boots over flip-flops.

Airline Alliance: A partnership among airlines to provide passengers with extended networks, smoother connections, and often, better perks. Like a friendship bracelet, but for airlines.

Airport Code: The three-letter identity tag for airports around the globe, making booking flights and navigating airports simpler. Think of it as the airport’s nickname.

Airport Terminal: The specific area in an airport where you check-in, pass security, and board or disembark your flight. It’s the traveller’s hub within the travel hub.

Backpacker: A traveller known for carrying their life in a backpack, seeking immersive experiences, and often on a budget. Backpackers are known to be part wizard, part ninja, with their ability to pack light yet still have everything they need.

Broke Backpacker: A backpacker traveling the world on a tight budget, often hitchhiking, Couchsurfing and cooking their own food whilst camping out under starry nights. Broke Backpackers are resilient, kind-hearted and always find a way to hustle and make ends meet.

Begpacker: Someone who funds their journey by begging for money in the countries they visit. Not exactly the hero of our travel tales.

Bikepacking : Backpacking by way of bicycle. Travellers pack their things onto a luggage rack and cycle around — sometimes for weeks, and sometimes indefinitely.

Boarding Pass: Your golden ticket to board a plane. For some, a travel collectible of sorts; for others, a paper quickly forgotten in the seat pocket.

Budget Travel: Stretching every little bit of your hard-earned cash as far as it can take you — and seeing the world without breaking the bank. That is what a Broke Backpacker does, baby!

Business Class: A step up from Economy Class, usually with wider seats and better meals. A taste of the high life, often experienced courtesy of points or special offers.

Busking : The art of funding one’s travels (or saving for them) by performing in a public place in exchange for tips. Usually connected to street musicians.

Carry-On Baggage: The essentials you can take with you on the plane. Packing it is something many consider an art, fitting everything a close second to magic.

Checked Baggage: The luggage you trust the airline to transport in the belly of the plane. Also commonly referred to as a “test of faith” amongst the community.

Codeshare: An agreement between airlines where a flight is operated by one but marketed by another. Say you call your mate to take you on a ride, but he shows up in his neighbour’s car… sort of like that.

Couchsurfing: Staying with a host for free, usually sleeping on their couch or spare bed. A powerful tool in a Broke Backpacker’s arsenal, and a term made popular by the Couchsurfing travel app .

Customs and Immigration : The checkpoint at international borders where officials check your documents and luggage. It’s the final boss battle before entering a new country.

Digital Nomad: An individual who works remotely from different parts of the world, often in cafes, co-working spaces, or beach bars. They’ve mastered the art of making anywhere an office.

Domestic Travel: Travelling within your own country, aka something we should all do more often. Our backyard is right there, and it is probably hiding a shit ton of gold.

Eco Tourism: A type of travel focused on conservation, supporting local communities, and minimizing impact on the environment. Often associated with volunteering projects , but not exclusively.

Economy Class: The most common and budget-friendly travel class. Broke Backpackers rarely know any other, really.

Fare Alert: A notification service that alerts you to the best flight deals. Like having a personal scout for travel bargains.

First Class: The epitome of luxury in the sky, with gourmet meals and lie-flat seats. A rare gem for budget travellers, usually only spotted in daydreams.

making money and busking

Gap Year: A year of travel, often taken by students as a break between high school and college, but increasingly popular with adults seeking a career break or life reset.

Ghost Fares: Listed flight deals that vanish when you try to book them. Like chasing a mirage in the desert of internet deals.

Glitch Fare: An error in listing the price of a flight, often ridiculously low. This is what we live for, amigos!

Guest House: A cozy, home-like accommodation option, often run by locals. It’s where you get the warmth of home, without all the boring chores.

Haggling : A type of bargaining for the lowest possible price that tends to be the default way of shopping in many parts of the world, particularly when goods are not sold for fixed amounts.

High Season: The peak travel period with the highest demand and prices. It’s when everyone else has the same travel idea as you.

Hitchhiking: The art of catching free rides with passing vehicles, usually by sticking your thumb out on the side of the road. It’s a gamble of patience and luck, with stories for a lifetime.

Homestay: Staying with a local family, experiencing their way of life. Be a guest, not a tourist.

Hostel: Budget-friendly accommodations, often with shared rooms and communal spaces. A good hostel is a home, and one where stories and friendships are as plentiful as bunk beds.

Hub Airport : A major airport that serves as a central point for connecting flights. Think London, Dubai, Singapore… the grand central stations of the skies.

Layover: The waiting period between connecting flights. An unscheduled mini-adventure, some would say.

Legroom: The space available for your legs on a flight. Often feels like a luxury in economy class.

Long-Haul Flight: A flight covering a long distance, usually over six hours. On long-haul flights, time truly becomes an illusion, and time zones mere suggestions. Reality is not the same anymore.

Low Season: The travel period outside of peak times, offering fewer crowds and often better deals. It’s the introvert’s prime time to travel.

Low-Cost Carrier: Airlines that offer no-frills flights at lower prices. They’re the unsung heroes for budget travellers. If you’re based in Europe, I’m sure you’re familiar with Ryanair and their crazy deals .

Money Belt : A sleek, secret weapon that expertly hides your cash inside of an inconspicuous-looking belt. Money belts are top-tier backpacker safety tools.

Off Season: Similar to Low Season, a time when travel is less in demand. It’s when destinations breathe a sigh of relief and welcome you with open arms and cheaper prices.

Off-The-Beaten-Path Travel: Exploring places that are not on the typical tourist radar. It’s for those who view the road less travelled as a personal invitation or a challenge.

One-Way Flight: A flight not returning to the origin point. One could say that’s exactly the kind of ticket you should be booking… but that’s just me. 😉

Overbooking: When airlines sell more tickets than there are seats. The airline industry’s version of musical chairs.

Overland Travel: Travelling across land, often through multiple countries, by bus, train, or car. Overland travel is the scenic route to adventure and there’s little that can beat it.

man riding a motorcycle in the karakoram mountains

Package Tour: A pre-arranged travel package including flights, accommodation, and sometimes meals and tours. Travel on easy mode!

Packing List: The checklist of essentials for your trip. You can look at it as the line between “I have everything” and “I forgot my toothbrush.”

Peak Season: The busiest travel season, with the highest demand. When your favourite spots become everyone’s favourite spots.

Responsible Tourism: Travel that minimizes negative impacts on the environment and local communities. The idea is that you ALWAYS leave places better than you found them.

Revenge Travel: The surge in travel after periods of restrictions or lockdowns, like what we experienced after the decade-year of 2020. The world’s comeback tour is on!

Rural Tourism: Exploring the countryside, away from the city hustle, and finding beauty in the serene and the simplest of things.

Shoulder Season: The sweet spot between peak and off-peak seasons, offering a balance of good weather and lower prices. It’s the savvy traveller’s dream season.

Sleep System : Core essentials of any broke backpacker’s tool kit that allow one to sleep anywhere . We’re talking sleeping mat, sleeping bag, and pillow type of setup, but not all systems are built equal!

Solo Travel: The art of travelling alone, discovering the world, and perhaps a bit of yourself along the way. It’s where independence meets adventure.

Souvenir: A memento from your travels, ranging from the classic fridge magnet to the more eclectic and exotic goods. Some more entrepreneurial travellers even manage to turn it into a business .

Sticky Place: A destination that feels so right you have no choice but to stay. You’ve booked a couple of nights, but you’ve been there for at least a couple of weeks.

Stopover: A break in your journey, allowing you to explore a city before continuing on. It’s like a travel bonus level.

Sustainable Travel: Travelling in a way that ensures destinations are preserved for future generations. It’s about treading lightly and caring deeply.

danielle and harvey extending visa in krabi, Thailand

Transit Visa: A visa required for passing through a country to a final destination. It’s the paperwork pit stop of your journey.

Travel Hacks: Tips and tricks to make travel easier, cheaper, or more enjoyable. A cheat code for the travel game.

Urban Exploration: Discovering the hidden gems and secrets of urban environments, often accompanied by some form of outlaw defunct urban space invasion. Epic.

Visa : A travel document that is required to enter certain countries. Visa policies will differ wildly depending on the destination and your nationality.

Visa Waiver: An agreement allowing travellers to visit a country without a visa for a short period. It’s the travel equivalent of a hall pass.

Wild Camping: Setting up camp in unmarked spots in the wilderness. It’s about as close to nature as you can get without becoming a bear.

Work Exchange: Volunteering your time in exchange for food, accommodation, or experience. The barter system meets backpacking.

World Heritage Area/Site: Locations recognized for their cultural, historical, or scientific significance. It’s the world’s way of saying, “This place is awesome.”

Xenophilia: A love for foreign cultures. The heart of every true traveller.

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How forgetting his underwear taught this Iowan racial profiling doesn't end at the border

Editor's note: Kory May first told this story on stage at the Des Moines Storytellers Project's "Travel."  The Des Moines Storytellers Project  is a series of storytelling events in which community members work with Register journalists to tell true, first-person stories live on stage. An edited version appears below.

Zoe’s text reads,” I’ll meet on you on the Sky Train landing.”

That is how I find myself flying to Vancouver, B.C. ... for a woman .

I met Zoe — I mean, we didn’t actually meet — we swiped right on each other in Vancouver in 2017. We never met while I was there. We would IM each other until 2019 when she said, “Why don’t we actually try this?”

About this romance: It was if BET, Hallmark and The Travel Channel all combined to have a child. Interracial, international and interesting.

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After all this time, I have to make a great first impression. You never want the myth of you to be greater than the reality of you.

Customs and baggage go off without a hitch. It’s October and being from Iowa, I’ve packed for every occasion. I find the entrance to the Sky Train and there she is!

Zoe is more beautiful than her pictures: 5’11, brunette with lovely features and a captivating smile. We hug. The ride back to her place is a blurry, floaty, giggly time like the soft focus on Martha Stewart’s TV show.  Once there, she shows me her apartment.

“Unpack and I’ll make you something to eat.”

I unzip my bag and begin. I frantically look through my duffel. Nope. I check again. Once more, I rifle through the contents. Jeans. Tees. Socks. Toiletries. Sweats. Tops. Shoes.  I have no underwear. I forgot underwear. So much for making a good impression. Mom always told me to travel with clean underwear. I did that but what about tomorrow?

“Babe, we gotta go into town.”

“What for? I have soap and deodorant, all of that stuff.”

“Um, I forgot my underwear.”

Afterwards, Zoe says, ”We can walk into town in the morning. Right now, let’s get some sleep.”

In the morning, I have a pivotal decision: Reuse, recycle or commando.

Reuse? After a long day of travel, two time zones and crossing an international border? Nope.

Recycle? Inside out … flip it!

Commando? Uh … sometimes that chafes.

Recycle it is.

“Let’s go!” I’m ready. Zoe takes off like an Olympic power walker. I have to make a good impression, so I match her pace. After three blocks, my left glute is tight, my right eye is watering and I’m decongesting. At the intersection, I need oxygen. Zoe looks right. I inhale to my left. She looks to her left and our eyes lock.

At the base of a hill, I ask, “Babe, how far are we going?”

“It’s just over the hill.”

We storm three hills. After the third hill, I recognize this as the same tactic my dad used on me as an antidote to “are we there yet?” Finally, we are there. It must have been 3 hours. I check my watch. It’s a little more than one.

There it is — the department store with the promise of future clean underwear. We enter. The signs hanging from the ceiling read “Men’s Apparel — Fifth Floor." Within the next 10 seconds, a man in a blue blazer, blue shirt, red tie, khaki slacks and black loafers bolts into motion. We board the escalator. What great customer service. He keeps a discreet three step distance from us.

We’re on the second floor, pivot and step onto the next escalator to another small landing where the escalator takes us to the third floor. He’s still there. I know what this is now. It’s supposed to be different in Canada. He thinks I’m a shoplifter. I whisper this to Zoe.

“Are you sure, Kory?”

Security switches out and another loss prevention expert takes over. Zoe notices.

My internal monologue sounds like this: What do they do to suspected shoplifters in Canada anyway? Is this going to be all over CNN? I’m not stealing anything AND I don’t even have clean underwear on. What do you wear to an international incident?

The higher I go, the angrier I get. I don’t know what to do with this anger. I expect this in the states.

Fourth floor: "Women’s apparel." My jaws are tight. I’m wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, a sweater and Nikes. My HANDS are EMPTY.

Fifth floor: Full on rage! I’m pissed! We step onto the fifth floor. I pivot and bark in loss prevention’s face: “Can you help me find men’s underwear?” 

He blanches, and all of the blood drains from his face. He is white and then red with embarrassment. He stutters, stammers and fidgets all the way to a counter where a clerk stands. “Can you help this gentleman find some underwear?”

Zoe steps in and says, “I can take it from here.” 

Guys, if your lady says she’s going to pick out your underwear, let her. She’ll pick out what she likes and you’ll both be happy.

I pay and make sure the receipt is stapled to the bag. Business as usual.

“Babe, I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault, hon. All of this could have been avoided if I just packed my dadgum underwear.”

Travel means there are essentials we can’t forget, and sometimes it chafes.

ABOUT THE STORYTELLER: Kory May is a podcaster, professional storyteller and coach, improv comic and native Iowan. He lives by the motto: Live an adventurous life and you won’t be bored. Tell adventurous stories and those around you won’t be bored. At 57, life is good and the stories are only getting better.

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Editorials | Grants Pass ruling gives Orange County new set…

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Editorials | Grants Pass ruling gives Orange County new set of options on homelessness

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Even though Grants Pass was issued by the court’s conservative majority, many California Democrats have applauded it. “This decision removes the legal ambiguities that have tied the hands of local officials for years,” said Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Some of the state’s bigger, more liberal cities such as Los Angeles have declared that their policies won’t change. But in more conservative Orange County, officials have indicated that they will be more aggressive in removing homeless people from public spaces.

The Register reported on the overwhelmingly positive reactions from local and county officials from both parties. There was some disagreement. Supervisor Vicente Sarmiento of Santa Ana – and a variety of social-service organizations – worried the ruling will criminalize homelessness.

But San Clemente Mayor Victor Cabral captured the general sentiment , as he said the ruling “means we can use our people (dedicated homeless liaisons) to direct people more forcefully into housing and services that are out there.” Cities cannot – and should not – think that more citations and arrests will fix the problem, but there are other options.

The state’s “housing first” model that emphasizes the construction of absurdly expensive permanent housing has largely failed. The ruling empowers local governments to experiment with better approaches. But removing such legal barriers isn’t the end of the story. Orange County officials now need to follow their sensible words with action.

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How have Melania Trump, Joe Biden, other leaders reacted to Donald Trump being shot?

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After former President Donald Trump was shot on stage at a campaign rally , political officials across the country have come out to not only voice their support for his recovery but to condemn the violent act.

The shots grazed Trump's right ear, causing blood to drip down the side of his face. He has since posted on social media that he is doing OK. One spectator at the rally was shot and killed, while another two people were seriously injured. The reported gunman, Thomas Crooks of Bethel Park, Pennsylvania , was shot and killed by Secret Service agents.

What was President Joe Biden's response to Donald Trump being shot?

President Joe Biden said there is no place for this kind of violence in America while addressing the media Saturday night after the shooting. He referred to the incident as "sick." Biden called for unifying the country while thanking the Secret Service.

"The idea, the idea, that there's political violence or violence like this in America is just unheard of," Biden said. "It is just not appropriate. Everybody, everybody, must condemn it."

Biden is scheduled to deliver additional remarks around 1:30 p.m. Eastern on Sunday .

What was former President Donald Trump's response to shooting?

Trump took to social media early Sunday morning, thanking everyone for their thoughts and prayers following the shooting. He said it was "God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening."

The bullet pierced the upper part of his right ear, he said in a post on Truth Social .

"I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin," Trump said via Truth Social on Saturday. "Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

Trump also said he still plans to speak at the Republican National Convention in Wisconsin this week.

"We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families," Trump said on Truth. "We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win."

What was Melania Trump's reaction to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump?

Former First Lady Melania Trump released a statement Sunday to express her thoughts and concerns regarding the attempted assassination of her husband.

“When I watched that violent bullet strike my husband, Donald, I realized my life, and Barron's life, were on the brink of devastating change,” she wrote in a statement.

More: Melania Trump issues powerful statement after assassination attempt

Melania Trump thanked the Secret Service agents for protecting the former president, while offering sympathy to the victims who were shot at the rally. The former first lady described the reported assassin as a monster.

“A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald's passion — his laughter, ingenuity, love of music, and inspiration,” Melania Trump wrote. “The core facets of my husband's life — his human side — were buried below the political machine. Donald, the generous and caring man who I have been with through the best of times and the worst of times.”

What did Speaker of the House Mike Johnson say about the shooting?

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said he sends his thought and prayers to Trump's family after the shooting occurred Saturday.

"This horrific act of political violence at a peaceful campaign rally has no place in this country and should be unanimously and forcefully condemned," Johnson said via X, formerly known as Twitter .

Johnson also announced that the Republican-controlled House will conduct a full investigation of the assassination attempt. A hearing for Secret Service members is expected to begin July 22.

More: Who is the director of the Secret Service? Kimberly Cheatle has led agency since 2022

What did Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer say about the shooting?

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he was horrified by what happened to Trump.

"I am horrified by what happened at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania and relieved that former President Trump is safe," Schumer said on social media . "Political violence has no place in our country."

Kate Kealey is a general assignment reporter for the Des Moines Register. Reach her at  [email protected]  or follow her on Twitter at @ Kkealey17 .

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Air travel is getting worse. That’s what passengers are telling the US government


Holiday travelers wait for their luggage after arriving at Salt Lake City International Airport Wednesday, July 3, 2024, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

Travelers walk through Miami International Airport, Wednesday, July 3, 2024, in Miami. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Vehicles drive along the departures area at Miami International Airport, Wednesday, July 3, 2024, in Miami. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

A traveler walks through Miami International Airport, Wednesday, July 3, 2024, in Miami. A long Fourth of July holiday weekend is expected to create new travel records. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Passengers wait in line to go through TSA security screening at Orlando International Airport Wednesday, July 3, 2024, in Orlando, Fla. (AP Photo/John Raoux)

Holiday travelers pass through Salt Lake City International Airport Wednesday, July 3, 2024, in Salt Lake City. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer)

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Air travel got more miserable last year, if the number of consumer complaints filed with the U.S. government is any measure.

The Transportation Department said Friday that it received nearly 97,000 complaints in 2023, up from about 86,000 the year before. The department said there were so many complaints that it took until July to sort through the filings and compile the figures.

That’s the highest number of consumer complaints about airlines since 2020, when airlines were slow to give customers refunds after the coronavirus pandemic shut down air travel.

The increase in complaints came even as airlines canceled far fewer U.S. flights — 116,700, or 1.2% of the total, last year, compared with about 210,500, or 2.3%, in 2022 , according to FlightAware data. However, delays remained stubbornly high last year, at around 21% of all flights.

So far this year, cancellations remain relatively low — about 1.3% of all flights — but delays are still running around 21%.

More than two-thirds of all complaints last year dealt with U.S. airlines , but a quarter covered foreign airlines. Most of the rest were about travel agents and tour operators.


Complaints about treating passengers with disabilities rose by more than one-fourth compared with 2022. Complaints of discrimination, while small in number, also rose sharply. Most were about race or national origin.

The Transportation Department said the increase in complaints was partly the result of more consumers knowing about their rights and the ability to file a complaint. The department said it helped Southwest Airlines customers get more than $600 million in refunds and reimbursements after the carrier canceled nearly 17,000 flights during December 2022. Southwest also paid a $35 million fine .

Airlines receive many more complaints from travelers who don’t know how or don’t bother to complain to the government, but the carriers don’t release those numbers.

The Transportation Department is modernizing its complaint-taking system, which the agency says will help it do a better job overseeing the airline industry. However, the department now releases complaint numbers many months late. It did not issue figures for the second half of 2023 until Friday.

The Transportation Department’s online complaint form is at

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