The best time to go to Norway in 2024

Mar 18, 2024 • 5 min read

A woman sitting on a rocky outcrop looking down at the sea in Vesteralen, Norway

The best time to visit Norway will depend on what you want to do when you get there © Everste / Getty Images

Norway is known for its spectacular landscapes and, as one of the most beautiful countries on the planet, there's no such thing as a bad time to visit.

However, certain seasons will impact the many big attractions and experiences on offer – prioritizing what you want to do and understanding these seasonal differences will be key to planning your trip.

Summer is the most popular time to visit: it has the best weather, long hours of daylight, prices are generally cheaper and everything’s open. Winter is a magical and popular time to visit if you’re on a quest to see the northern lights. And for those looking to follow their own path along quiet roads to find a Norway stripped of all tourist hype, spring and autumn may be for you.

Here's everything you need to know about picking the best time to visit for your trip to  Norway .

Group of three friends riding mountain-bikes on a mountain top

June to August is the best time for good weather and cheaper prices

There is no better time to visit Norway than in summer. Let’s start with the weather. This being a Scandinavian country with much of its territory within the Arctic Circle, we can’t guarantee sunshine every single day, but from June to August, clear, mild days with a piercing blue sky are the norm. This is the best time to see the fjords, the Lofoten Islands or Svalbard at their most pristine and glorious.

Summer days here seem to last forever: north of the Arctic Circle, there is at least one day every year when the sun never sets. The further north you go, the more of these days you get. Even in Norway’s south, there’s no such thing as complete darkness throughout summer as the sun’s light from just below the horizon bathes the night hours in a sepulchral glow.

Summer is, of course, high season in Norway. This can mean that everything – from all roads and campgrounds to tourist attractions like boat cruises on the fjords – gets busy. This is also when most of the festivals happen, and when the majority of locals take to the roads. But traveling at this time comes with an unexpected bonus: unlike high seasons just about everywhere else, high season in Norway means cheaper accommodation prices. While this may sound counterintuitive, the reason is simple: Norway is one of the most expensive countries on earth, and the only people traveling at other times are business travelers on expense accounts. In other words, prices drop so that tourists can afford to travel.

There is one further advantage to traveling in Norway in the summer. For much of the year, Norway’s wild landscapes are susceptible to the kind of unpredictable weather you just don’t want to get caught up in. With that in mind, the hiking season  only runs for the three summer months every year. It’s also the best (and, in some cases, the only) time for cycling, white-water rafting and whale-watching off the coast of Vesterålen .

A streak of blue-green lights dance across the sky above an isolated red house in Norway

December to February is the best time for the northern lights

Summer may open up a whole world of possibilities but the Norwegian winter has a special (and increasingly popular) call all its own. This is the time of year when the northern lights dance across the sky in great curtains and cascades of shape-shifting colored light. Truly one of the natural world’s greatest spectacles, the aurora borealis happens year-round, but Norway’s long winter nights provide the perfect conditions in which to see them.

Yes, you need clear skies, which is never something that can be guaranteed in the depths of a Norwegian winter. And you never quite know when or where they’re going to appear. But when they do, it’s the kind of experience that lingers in your memory with all of the magic of a fairy tale coming to life.

Winter is also when the polar night descends upon the country, casting it into darkness for months at a time; the sun doesn’t even appear above the horizon from late October to mid-February in Svalbard’s Longyearbyen . But seeing the country at this perspective-altering time can be almost as memorable as seeing the northern lights. If you’re lucky, you’ll experience both.

When the sun is shining in winter, as it does surprisingly often wherever daylight occurs, the snows that cover much of the country transform Norway into a land of singular and spectacular beauty. Even in the iciest conditions, most of Norway’s roads remain open throughout winter, and elsewhere Norwegians take to the paths – whether to the local shops or out into the wilderness – on cross-country skis. If you’re not inclined to join them, there’s always dog-sledding, ice hotels and snowmobiling for those looking to immerse themselves in Norway’s frozen winter world.

A mother and two children wander near a campervan parked by a lake in a mountainous area

March to May and September to November are the best times for quiet roads

With so much going on in summer and winter, Norway falls relatively quiet during the spring and fall months. And therein lies the appeal of visiting at this time. Beyond city limits, Norway’s roads are quieter by a near-exponential magnitude. It’s also easier to come by your favorite hotel booking, while weekend accommodation prices can be the same as those seen otherwise only in summer.

If you time your visit right and visit in late spring (May, for example) or early autumn (September), you might also enjoy some of the benefits of summer – cheaper hotels, hiking trails still open – but without the crowds to share them with.

And yet, perhaps the greatest benefit of traveling at this time is something less tangible. In many ways, this is an ideal time to observe Norway, to look through a window into the world of local life as it goes quietly about its business. It can be a far (and deeply satisfying) cry from the world of busy tourist attractions and carefree summer months.

This article was first published Apr 7, 2021 and updated Mar 18, 2024.

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The Norway Guide

The Best Time to Visit Norway Explained (Pros and Cons of Each Season)

The climate in Norway changes a lot between each season, and a visit in the middle of summer will be a very different experience compared to a visit during the winter. So when exactly is the best time to visit Norway?

The best time to visit Norway depends on what you want to do. If you want to experience the hiking trails, natural wonders, tourist attractions and warm weather, summer or early autumn is best. If you instead want to experience the amazing skiing opportunities, the northern lights or the cold snow, winter is the best time.

Some people also prefer the shoulder season in spring or autumn due to cheaper prices on accommodations and less crowds at the tourist attractions.

So before you plan when to visit Norway, you should ask yourself what exactly you want to experience when you are visiting. Let’s take a closer look at what each season in Norway is like to make your choice a bit more well-informed.

The trail up to Briksdalsbreen glacier. Photo by Sundgot / CC BY-SA 4.0.

Spring in Norway: Sunny, but chilly days with snow in the mountains

We regard March, April and May as the official spring months in Norway , and this is actually a very nice time to visit.

Some of the benefits of visiting during the spring is that you will be able to experience all the good thing about the winter by going up to the mountains, while the lowlands will be more temperate, and you can safely be outside without freezing too much.

The weather in spring can be very changing , from sunny and 15 C one day to close to freezing degrees and lots of rain the next. The early spring can also have some snowfall, but this will usually lead to lots of melted snow, and not a real layer of snow that covers the ground.

The farther north you are, the more like winter the spring will feel like. Places like Tromsø or Lofoten is still very wintery in March and April, and will have plenty of snow cover.

Ryten in Lofoten in spring

If you want to go skiing or take a hike in the snow, go to the mountains to designated skiing villages like Geilo or Valdres. There are plenty of places with snow during early spring, and there are many different skiing villages where you can go skiing until pretty much the start of summer.

You will need to bring warm clothing if you visit Norway during the spring , but if you’re lucky you might not need to use your jacket at the middle of the day. Be aware that it tends to rain a lot during spring, so always bring waterproof shoes and a waterproof jacket with you.

The end of spring will also include May 17th, the national day in Norway . This is a very cool and unique experience where you get to see a completely unique part of Norwegian culture. This 1-day event is a huge celebration that you are guaranteed to remember for the rest of your life !

May 17 celebration

Some of the downsides to visiting Norway during the spring is that there is still a lot of snow in the mountains, and most hikes are pretty wet to say the least. You might not be able to use all the hiking trials just yet, but many of them will be ready, especially later in the spring.

You will generally not be able to complete hikes like Pulpit Rock, Trolltunga or Kjeragbolten without special hiking equipment in the early spring, since there will be many areas with partial snow or ice cover.

Snow covered Pulpit Rock.

Summer in Norway: Norway’s High Season

I love the Norwegian summer, and I would advise everyone to come to Norway during the summer. The temperature is usually pretty warm in the early 20s (70 F), so it’s not too warm, but also not too cold.

The summer in Norway allows you to do most of the common tourist stuff, and it is the most popular season for both Norwegian and foreign tourists . All the hiking trials are open, and many things like museums and zoos are only open during the summer. This allows you to do most of the things Norway has to offer.

It is also possible to swim at the beaches during summer , and the water can reach pretty nice temperatures. There are many good beaches in Norway, and it’s definitely not too cold for a day at the beach when the sun is out.

Cabin by the sea

The summer allows for camping in the wilderness, long days with a sun that never sets, swimming in the fjords, or going on hikes to natural wonders.

All the incredible Norwegian waterfalls like Vøringsfossen or Kjosfossen are at their best behavior with the most water flowing, so they are all worth stopping by.


If you want to experience the snow, skiing or things like that, then the summer is obviously not your best choice. There might be a few areas with snow if you go hiking up high in the mountains, but most of Norway is completely free of snow during the summer.

Summer hike in Jotunheimen

Autumn i Norway: A bit chilly, but absolutely beautiful

The autumn start at the beginning of September, and this marks a pretty big change in the Norwegian weather. The warm summer evenings will quickly be changed into cold gusts of wind that makes the air very refreshing and nice .

You will have to bring a jacket with you for most of the autumn, but there are occasionally hot days as well where you can enjoy the autumn sun. If you don’t mind the chilly air, a visit to Norway in the autumn can make for some incredible experiences!

Lofoten in autumn

I would say that early autumn is a good time to visit Norway . Most Norwegians are back at work, school has started for the children, but the weather is still pretty nice, and you can still experience most of what Norway has to offer, but with many fewer tourists, so it won’t feel as crowded.

Some of the downsides to visiting at autumn is that there is a lot of rain , and you might get very unlucky and get 4 -5 days in a row with heavy rainfall.

Norwegians typically know how to dress for these autumn days, so take a look at what they wear, and try to copy it. You will want to always bring some extra clothes , because the weather can get from nice and sunny to cold and rainy very fast!

Rain in Norway

It is usually not very snowy in most parts of Norway during the autumn, and there might not be much real snowfall until late November . Last year’s snow has long since melted, and it’s bare in most of the country. So autumn is terrible choice if you want to go skiing.

Sandvika in autumn

Winter in Norway: The Incredible Winter Wonderland

The winter in Norway is unique, and a very different experience for people that are used to living further south . Many people think of Norway as a frozen wasteland, and this might be somewhat true during the winter, especially in northern Norway.

If you visit Norway between December and February, expect a lot of snow, cold weather and icy roads . The days will be very short, and there are only a few hours of daylight at the middle of winter.

It’s generally pretty difficult to drive in the winter with the icy roads, so make sure to bring your winter tires , and be prepared for convoy driving and even closed roads.

Snowy road close to Gol

In the far north, there it no sun at all during the winter months. This phenomenon is known as polar nights , and the middle of the days are still covered by darkness. It’s not exactly pitch black in the middle of the day, but it’s more akin to dark twilight.

Tromsø is beautiful in winter. This photo of Norway in December also shows typical public Christmas decorations found in all major cities.

Visiting Norway during the winter can be a great experience, but tourists tend to bring less clothes than they need. You will need to wear wool under your clothes on cold days if you want to spend time outside .

The temperature can vary very much. Some days the temperatue might linger around 0 degrees, but certain days might be super cold even in places like Oslo . Be prepared for temperatures as low as -20, even though they are pretty rare in the lowlands in the southern part of Norway.

Røros in winter with Christmas decorations. Photo by Henrik Dvergsdal / CC BY-SA 3.0.

Towns in the mountains, such as skiing villages, will usually see many days with -15 to -25 degrees, so make sure to bring enough clothes if you are going to visit these places during winter.

If you enjoy skiing, then the winter is obviously a good time. Most parts of Norway will be covered in snow during the winter , but there might be certain times when a hot weather streak melts the ice.


January is generally the best month to visit if you want to experience a lot of snow. And the further north you go, the colder and more snowier does the winter get.

The downside to visiting during the winter is that the lack of sun can make it a bit boring, since you only have a few hours to actually see stuff . This makes it difficult to see some of the natural wonders of Norway, and it can feel pretty boring to travel from place to place since it will usually be dark outside.


Norwegian people also tend to be a little less open to tourists during the winter . People often spend most of their time inside, and don’t really care to stop for a chat outside when it’s cold. So you might feel that people are less open than they are otherwise.

Winter events in Norway

The Christmas Celebration is a big thing in Norway, and takes up pretty much all of December . The first 3 weeks are often super busy for Norwegians, and you will see huge crowds of people shopping, so all the city centers and shopping malls are bustling with life.

There will be lots of Christmas events in all of December, which can be a unique experience that is worth checking out. Christmas decorations will fill up most public places.

The actual celebration begins around December 21 – 23, with the main celebration being on Christmas Eve on December 24.

Children walking around the Christmas tree in Røros.

Not only will the Christmas Celebration affect your daily activities as a tourist, but you should also be aware that most shops are closed during the public holidays during Christmas . The same goes for museums and many tourist attractions, so the last two weeks in December will severely impact your visit.

At the same time, it’s something magical about visiting Norway during Christmas , so it’s both a pro and a con.

So when’s the best time to visit Norway?

It is worth keeping in mind that this is only a general summary of each season, and there will obviously be big variations from place to place and from year to year .

I would argue that there is no «best season» for visiting Norway , and each season has both pros and cons. Choose whichever suits you the best, depending on how well you are at dealing with the weather.

Frequently asked questions about the best time to visit Norway

When is the best time to visit norway.

Unstand Lofoten

When the best time to visit Norway is truly depends on what you want to do. That said, most tourists visit during the summer. This is when all tourist attractions are open, the weather is at its best, and places like Lofoten, the big cities, the fjord regions and the hikes are most beautiful and accessible.

When is the best time to visit Norway for seeing the northern lights?

Northern lights in winter

The best time to see the northern lights in Norway is during the winter. Anytime from late October to early April has a chance of having the aurora borealis, but the main northern lights season is in December to February .

You will want to travel pretty far north to a city like Bodø, Alta, Tromsø or the North Cape to have a decent chance of seeing the aurora, even though it’s possible to catch the northern lights in Oslo a few times each winter .

When is the best time to visit Norway for snow?

Snowy road close to Gol

The best time to visit Norway to be guaranteed snow is December to March for northern Norway or in mountain regions , or January to February for anywhere in the lowlands south of Trondheim .

There will usually be snow outside of these time periods as well, but it’s not guaranteed since the days in March can have really warm weather that melts the snow (temporarily) in southern Norway.

When is the best time to visit Norway for seeing the fjords?


If you’re coming to Norway to see the incredible fjords on the western coast, then you want to visit in summer . This is when the fjords are at their best, and there are no less chance of roads being closed due to weather. Many hotels, campsites and attractions near the fjords are only open during the summer season.

The spring and autumn season are also pretty amazing, but they have a high chance of raining. And when it rains it pours in western Norway, so bring waterproof clothing and your umbrella if you’re visiting the fjords in spring or autumn.

When is the best time to visit Norway for a road trip?

Foggy winter driving conditions. Photo by Nicklas Iversen / The Norway Guide.

The best time to visit Norway for a road trip is probably in the late spring, summer or early autumn. This is when the roads are best to drive, and you can freely drive in the country without having to fear roads that are closed due to storms, winter closed roads, convoy driving or icy roads.

Many roads, including famous tourist roads like Trollstigen, are not open at all during winter or early spring before the snow melts .

When are most tourists visiting Norway?

Hovden beach in Vesterålen

Norway’s main tourist season is in the middle of summer in June and July . This is true for both international tourists as well as Norwegian tourists. August is fairly popular as well, but not as popular as June or July is.

When is it cheapest to visit Norway?

The cheapest time to visit Norway is generally in the shoulder seasons in early spring or late autumn .

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The Best Time To Visit Norway (A Local’s Month-by-Month Breakdown)

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I’m often asked by my readers about the best time to visit Norway , which is always a hard question to answer; because I consider Norway to be a year-round destination (and so do most locals you ask). However, it is possible to figure out the best time to go to Norway, depending on what you are after!

Norway is like a dream destination for everyone. Call me biased, but I’m pretty sure anyone who visits Norway is going to fall in love with it, no matter what time of year. To visitors, Norway means majestic fjords, historic towns, beautiful country-sides, steep glaciers and jagged peaks. To me, it’s all of that, and home.

Each season in Norway has its unique attributes, and so what the best month to visit Norway is changes accordingly. However, I have tried my best to break it down for you in this post, to help you decide when to travel to Norway.

There’s a different ‘best time of the year to visit Norway’ for indulging in different activities like skiing, hiking, fishing, cruising the fjords, chasing Northern lights; for witnessing the beauty of nature like spring blossom, autumn fall, glittering snow etc. So, firstly you have to be clear what exactly you want to do and see in Norway.

To help with this, check out my guide to what Norway is famous for , to give you an idea of where you want to go (and what you need to know before you go).

Best time to visit Norway, blue skies in Hardanger

Table of Contents

What is the best time to visit Norway?

The best time to go to Norway varies with the activities you are hoping to do during your trip, and what you want to get out of your Norway vacation. In short, three things will affect your decision : the light, weather and tourist influx. All of these differ throughout the year in Norway.

Norway is located quite far north on the map, and so you can expect pretty big seasonal changes in daylight. This will 100% affect the time of year you should visit Norway.

This means that if you visit in the winter months, the majority of the day is spent in darkness with little to no natural light. Some places don’t even see the sun for months on end. Even further south, this is true, and at my parent’s house in Aurland , we spend about 3 months with no sunshine hitting our house.

On the other side, however, visiting Norway in May, June or July, will result in long days and hardly any dark at all. If you go up north, to destinations such as Alta or Tromsø , you can enjoy the midnight sun shining 24 hours a day!

The next thing that changes depending on the time of year you head to Norway is the weather. In the winter and autumn months, you can expect rainy, snowy and even windy days to be a part of your trip. Whilst in the summer the weather is more stable, and usually sunny (all though it is never guaranteed).

My favourite website for Norway’s weather forecast is , because it compares the weather forecast from two other sites. Usually, the weather ends up being something in between the two forecasts.

Finally, the number of tourists and visitors to Norway can affect your trip. If you are bothered by masses of people, longer wait times and hoards of tourists everywhere you go – you might want to avoid visiting in the summer months.

All these things (tourist influx, weather, and daylight) I have included in my month-by-month breakdown below! Hopefully this will give you a definitive answer as to the best time to travel to Norway for you and your family.

If you have 10 days to spend in Norway, don’t miss this 10-day Norway itinerary I’ve created!

The Best Month to Visit Norway: Month-by-month Breakdown

Below I have split the best time to visit Norway into different months with details on the activities to do in those times and the kind of weather to expect.

That way, you can read the whole post and decide for yourself what is the best month to visit Norway, based on which of these sections most align with what you hope to do on your trip!

Visiting Norway in January and February

Best months for: Skiing, spotting Northern lights, snowmobiling, snowboarding, sleigh riding, dog and reindeer sledding, ice fishing, experiencing Sami culture

Tourist influx: Lowest

Weather information:

  • Rainfall: 35 to 50 mm
  • Average temperature: -6 to 0 degree Celsius
  • Season: White winter (Coldest)
  • Daylight: 6 to 8 hours in Oslo; Sun does not rise in Tromsø in January but you could enjoy 5 to 6 hours of daylight in February

January and February are the coldest months of the year in Norway. The tourist influx in the country during these months is pretty low owing to the harsh and chilly winters.

However, this is probably the best time of year to visit Norway for travellers who are interested in snow dependent activities, a relaxed ski retreat, or in seeing the Northern lights .

Especially Northern Norway is primarily a winter destination, with unique activities such as reindeer sledding, staying in an Igloo Hotel and going whale watching .

Read this next : How to shoot the northern lights with an iPhone

If you wish to make the most of the magical winters of Norway, head north towards the Arctic Circle, specifically the Northern lights belt, where the entire landscape is covered with thick snow, the fjords are frosted and the northern lights dance in colourful formations across the sky.

Best places to visit: This is the best time to visit Norway to explore Oslo , Bergen , Ålesund, Trondheim, Tromsø, Svalbard, Alta and the Lofoten Islands .

Events or Festivals: Northern lights festival, Tromsø International film festival, Ice music festival), Polar jazz festival, Sami week

Pricing: Air fare and hotel tariffs are at their lowest in January and February, so travelling during these months will definitely make for a cheaper trip.

Best time to go to norway, winter in Lofoten blue skies snow

Visiting Norway in March and April

Best months to visit Norway for: Hiking, cruising the western fjords (the Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord), kayaking, skiing (northern Norway)

Tourist influx: Low

  • Rainfall: 40 to 45 mm
  • Average temperature: -1 to 10 degree Celsius
  • Season: Mixed (Late-winter and early-spring)
  • Daylight: 8 to 13 hours in Oslo, 10 to 14 hours in Tromso

March and April are some of the best months to visit Norway for travellers who want to make the most of both the winter and spring seasons.

The winter snow slowly starts to melt by mid to late March and most bodies of water are filled with fresh water. Numerous waterfalls are boosted in April by melting waters and summer activities slowly open up allowing tourists to cruise the fjords. The waterfalls during these months (and moving into the next) are quite spectacular.

March is the end of Northern lights season as Norwegians welcome an Easter holiday break and head to the mountains to ski. The Jotunheimen National Park hiking season begins in April and you should not miss out on hitting the beautiful trails before the peak season crowd comes in.

Head this way for the best hikes in Norway .

Best places to visit: Bergen , Trondheim, Røros, Ålesund and the Lofoten Islands (to spot the Northern lights).

Events or Festivals: Holmenkollen ski festival, Winter chamber music festival (Røros), Narvik winter festival, Birkebeiner race, Holy week.

Pricing: Airfare and hotel tariffs are still cheap as the tourist influx has just started picking up.

best time to travel to Norway, sunset in Lofoten

Visiting Norway in May and June (the best time to visit Norway)

Best for: Road-trips, hiking, cruising fjords, trekking, island hopping, kayaking, mountain biking, fishing

Tourist influx: High

  • Rainfall: 50 to 65 mm
  • Average temperature: 6 to 18 degree Celsius
  • Season: Spring
  • Daylight: 16-17 hours in Oslo, sun hardly sets in Tromso

As the daylight time increases and spring season sets in, carpets of wildflowers add colour to the Norwegian landscape. Hence, these months are considered to be the best time to visit Norway to go hiking .

If you head above the Arctic circle, you’ll be able to enjoy the Midnight sun during these months, one of the things Norway is most famous for . 

May and June are also the best months to visit Norway to cruise the fjords, with fjord cruises on the Hardangerfjord, Nærøyfjord, Geirangerfjord and even from Bergen opening for bookings.

As the weather starts getting pleasant (or as pleasant as it can get in Norway), you can indulge in several outdoor activities like hiking and trekking where you can see flowers, greenery and stunning views as far as the eye can see.

You could also plan a road trip on the very popular Trollstigen Road near Ålesund, as most of these popular tourist routes open around May (several of them are closed in the winter due to heavy snowfall).

Top tip : Always check the Norwegian road directory website before heading out on a road trip in Norway , to stay up to date on any closures and road works.

Best places to visit: Some of the best places to visit in Norway are Oslo, Ålesund, Bergen, Tromsø, the Lofoten Islands, Svalbard (to spot polar bears and the midnight sun) and Flåm .

Events or Festivals: Constitution day (the 17th of May), Bergen international festival, Tromsø’s midnight sun marathon, North cape march, Færder sailing race, Norwegian wood festival

Pricing: Airfare and hotel tariffs are high as the prime shoulder season sets in. Advance booking is advisable and travel within the country (such as trains) can sell out.

best time of year to visit norway, hardanger rib boat blue sky

Visiting Norway in July and August (the most popular months)

Best for: Road trips , hiking, fjord cruises, trekking, island hopping, kayaking, mountain biking, fishing, surfing, snorkelling, photography

Tourist influx: Highest

  • Rainfall: 80 to 90 mm
  • Average temperature: 10 to 20 degree Celsius
  • Season: Summer
  • Daylight: 16-19 hours in Oslo, sun hardly sets in Tromso

If you are someone who is not a fan of cold weather and snow, then July and August months would be the best time of the year to visit Norway for you. It is as warm as it gets, and the days are long and bright.

There is a range of outdoor activities that you can indulge in considering the endless daylight hours and the warmer temperatures. You can explore the fjords, spot the prominent Midnight sun, hike to Pulpit rock , pick berries, bike, trail, and trek. Try to squeeze in the Sami culture celebration in Norway during these months if you are visiting the north.

This time of the year is perfect for road-trip planning across Norway, and especially a drive through Trollstigen Road (all though it is busy, so make sure to plan for plenty of time and drive within your limits).

A trip to the Lofoten islands is ideal to experience water activities like kayaking, boating, fishing, surfing and snorkelling, in addition to some incredible hikes. July and August are also the best time to visit Norway to spot the migratory birds flocking the coastline.

Top tip : hit the road and get off-the-beaten path to avoid crowds. The western fjords in particular are incredibly busy these months.

Best places to visit: This is the best time of the year to visit Norway in its entirety, however, the Lofoten islands, Stavanger, Vesterålen, Finnmark, Svalbard, Trondheim are major picks. The fjords are, as mentioned, the #1 destination during the summer months.

Events or Festivals: Gladmat (Scandinavia’s largest food festival), Riddu Riddu festival, Arctic sea kayak race, Bergen beer festival, Oslo jazz festival

Pricing: Airfare and hotel tariffs are expensive throughout Norway. Advance booking is recommended.

best season to visit norway, leaves by nordfjord sunny day

Visiting Norway in September and October (the best time to go, in my opinion)

Best for: Island hopping, cruising fjords, hiking, trekking, fishing, mountain biking, photography

Tourist influx: Fairly low

  • Average temperature: 5 to 15 degree Celsius
  • Season: Autumn/ Fall
  • Daylight: 11 to 14 hours in Oslo as well as Tromso

In the autumn season (September and October), the locals often go one weekend trips before winter sets in, whereas the tourist crowd slowly recedes.

September is my favourite month of the year, and also my top tip for the best time to visit Norway.

The coastal areas remain warmer than the inner parts of the country. September and October are the best months to visit Norway for those looking to stay away from the tourist crowd, save some money and yet enjoy the perks of the beauty that the country has to offer.

The colours of the summer are still there, opening hours and activities are still running the same schedules as in June-August, and there are (slightly) less tourists than the high season.

As autumn approaches in the end of September, the beautiful colours start to show up and the landscape gets covered with hues of orange, red and yellow, ideal for photography .

The mountain hikes are the prettiest during these months with trees shedding colourful leaves and vistas are covered in sparkling frost towards the end of October.

The outdoor activities slowly start closing up by October, though the fjords can still be explored. By October end, you could again plan to voyage towards the northern parts of Norway to chase the Aurora borealis.

Read next : how to take photos of the Northern Lights with just a GoPro

Best places to visit: This is the best time to visit Norway to explore Oslo, Bergen, Kirkenes, Lillehammer, Bergen, Flåm, Ålesund, Geiranger, Trondheim, Tromsø, Lofoten islands and more

Events or Festivals: Bergen food festival, Nordic light photo festival, Insomnia festival, Lillehammer jazz festival, BIFF (Bergen International Film Festival)

Pricing: Airfare and hotel tariffs are affordable owing to the scaling down of tourist season.

best time of year to go to norway, view from ulriken, bergen

Visiting Norway in November and December

Best months for: Chasing Northern lights, skiing, snowboarding, experiencing Sami culture, spotting whales and orcas, kick-sledding, dog sledding, reindeer safaris, rock art, Christmas/holidays

Tourist influx: Low; slightly higher during Christmas and New year

  • Rainfall: 55 to 70 mm
  • Average temperature: -5 to 5 degree Celsius
  • Season: Dark Winter (Cold)
  • Daylight: 6-8 hours in Oslo, sun barely rises in Tromso

While the tourist season has pretty much declined, festivities sets in for the Christmas and New year. Despite the chilling cold, the celebrations bring in warmth and cheer.

Note that opening hours are very limited in some areas. This is one of the reasons it’s important to be prepared and book things early when visiting Norway for Christmas .

Decorations sparkle against the dark winter, and visiting Norway in December is the perfect time of year if you want to see how Norwegians celebrate Christmas .

The Northern lights season starts again and it is the best time to visit Norway for tourists seeking to find snow and chase the Aurora borealis without the crowds of January and February. Most people catch them on a Tromsø northern lights tour .

The lakes and some fjords slowly start to freeze. The days are dark and snowy, and daylight hours tend to become few (with some areas only experiencing 1-2 hours of daylight).

You could spend time doing indoor activities like visiting museums in Oslo or testing out all the restaurants in Bergen for mouth-watering local Norwegian delicacies. Read and bookmark my packing list for winter in Norway before you go to ensure you have everything you need!  

Best places to visit in Winter: Svalbard, Kirkenes, Tromsø, Lofoten islands, Oslo, Trondheim, Rorøs, the fjords

Events or Festivals: Rakfisk festival, Rorøs Christmas market, Nobel peace prize ceremony, Christmas holidays, the Bergen gingerbread town (the largest in Europe, I believe)

Pricing: Airfare and hotel tariffs are low but tend to spike during the Christmas and New year time.

the best time to visit norway, stegastein viewing platform snow mountain tops

The Best Time of Year To Visit Norway: Activity-Focused

Below I try to break down what the best time to visit Norway is according to the activity you are planning. From hiking to exploring the fjords, you’ll find that there are different times of year that are ideal.

Best time to visit Norway fjords

In my opinion, the best time to visit Norway if you want to see the fjords is in May and June . During these months, the colors of the scenery are at their brightest, creating a breathtaking visual experience.

Additionally, this is when the waterfalls are most dramatic, cascading down from the mountains in all their glory. It is truly a sight to behold. If you’re planning a fjord cruise in Norway, these months offer the perfect conditions to fully appreciate the natural beauty of the fjords. So, mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable adventure.

Below are some of the best fjord cruises in Norway – I always recommend booking early, as they can sell out.

Best time to visit Norway for hiking

I believe that the best time to visit Norway for hiking is during the months of August and September. During this time, you can witness the breathtaking autumn colors as they start to emerge. The snow has completely melted, making it easier to explore the beautiful landscapes.

Moreover, the temperatures during these months are quite pleasant, allowing for a comfortable hiking experience. If you are looking for some remarkable hiking trails, I highly recommend checking out Aurlandsdalen valley and Pulpit Rock .

These trails are particularly enchanting during August and September, offering stunning views and unforgettable experiences. So, grab your hiking boots and get ready to immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Norway!

pulpit rock hike, sign

The Cheapest Time to visit Norway

Norway is known for its breathtaking landscapes and unique experiences, but it’s no secret that it can be an expensive destination. However, if you’re looking to plan a budget trip to Norway, there’s a silver lining.

During the winter months, specifically in January and February, you’ll find that flights and hotels are more affordable compared to the rest of the year. This presents a great opportunity to explore Norway without breaking the bank. While it’s true that Norway’s natural beauty remains unchanged throughout the year, keep in mind that tours and restaurants don’t generally lower their prices during the winter season.

So, if you’re looking to experience Norway on a budget, visiting during the winter months is definitely a safer bet.

Read next: Oslo on a budget

Final Thoughts

Like I’ve said before, Norway is magnificent all year round. But if you ask me, my (personal) favourite months to visit Norway are February/March (for snow, ski and Northern lights) and September (for all the benefits of visiting in the high season, but with slightly less crowds and the addition of autumn colours).

Hopefully, this guide will make it easier for you to plan your trip to Norway .

Are you planning a trip to Norway? Then you’ll want to read my Norway travel guide , which covers everything from where to go and stay to how much to tip when visiting.

Head this way next:

  • Norway itineraries for your trip
  • My complete Norway travel guide
  • How to plan a trip to Norway
  • The Best Places to Visit in Norway
  • My travel guide to Flåm and the fjords
  • How to get from Oslo to Flåm
  • How to get from Bergen to Flåm
  • Norwegian sweater you’ll love

Regardless of what time of year you end up visiting Norway, there are so many amazing things to do here. From whale watching and chasing the Northern Lights in the winter, to going on a beautiful fjord cruise in the summer – you won’t be bored.

Below, you can browse some of the best tours and activities across Norway. Make sure to make your bookings in advance, as they tend to sell out fast!

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The Best Time of the Year to Visit Norway

When to go to Norway is a common question among first-time Norway travelers. The best time to go to Norway suitable for most travelers is early summer, especially the months of June and July. The weather is pleasant and the days are long however it is also peak season. The other seasons offer plenty to do, though it can be cold and days are very short.

Compared to some of its Northern neighbors, Norway's weather is quite mild. That's because of the Gulf Stream which gives it a temperate climate, however temperatures can vary wildly depending on where in Norway you are. More northern areas can have temperatures reaching into the 80s Fahrenheit (27 degrees C) during the summer and some of the snowiest winters. Generally speaking, Norway experiences four seasons with cold winters and mild summers. For more detailed informations, read our guide to the weather and climate to Norway .

Tourist Attraction Availability in Winter

Many major outdoor attractions, including some mountain hiking paths, are closed in the winter. The large amounts of snow coupled with cold conditions make it dangerous for people to visit. If there are trails or outdoor sights you especially want to see, look up the closure schedule before booking your flight. Whatever you do, do not ignore closures and posted warnings. They're there for your safety.

Peak Season in Norway

The summer is Norway's peak season. The weather is nice and the longs months of darkness are broken with almost constant daylight. Because of that expect lines at popular attractions to be longer. Accomodation and flights will also likely cost more. To get the best of both worlds, plan your trip for late Spring or early fall. May and September are wonderful alternatives for when to go to Norway and get lower rates, and the weather in Norway will still be mild enough for outdoor activities and sightseeing.

Even though it's spring the weather will still feel like winter. Don't expect temperatures much higher than 40 degrees F (4 degrees C) though days are starting to get longer. Ski season also stretches well into spring with resorts open as late as April. In May it's warm enough to enjoy the outdoors and summer tourists haven't started arriving yet.

Events to check out:

  • The biggest literary festival in the Nordic region happens every May in Lillehammer. Celebrating its 25th year in 2020 the festival has readings, concerts, exhibitions, and more.

That's the time of the Midnight Sun , so you'll get very long days in southern Norway or even sunshine around the clock in northern Norway. And with the warm weather, there are many things to do and places to go in Norway. You can hike the mountains, explore the fjords, or get to know the country's cities. The months of June and July are also the time for Norway's highest tourism levels, so while all sights and attractions will be open, you will see some tourist crowds.

  • See short films from Norwegian and international filmmakers at the Grimstad Norwegian Short Film Festival in June.
  • Adventurous travelers flock to Voss in late June for a week of extreme sports at Ekstrem Sport Veko .

Fall is the ideal time to visit for travelers looking to save money. The weather is starting to cool off but hasn't reached the winter lows yet. Fall is also a shoulder season as summer is over, but the ski season hasn't started yet. As such lodging and flights are cheaper in fall than in other seasons however popular outdoor attractions have begun to close. If you're traveling to Norway to see some natural beauty, time your visit for September when the weather is still mild enough for sightseeing. Northern lights season begins in October.

  • Jazz lovers should head to Lillehammer for the DølaJazz Festival in October for performances from local and foreign musicians.

Days are very short in the winter, lasting only 5 or 6 hours. However the upside to the short days are the ample opportunities to see the Northern Lights. Winter can also be bitterly cold. Much of the country will be covered in snow so if you don't like the cold stuff, visit during a different time. Avid skiers and snowboarders can start hitting the slopes as early as November. Besides hunting for the Northern Lights, expect to spend time doing indoor activities like exploring a museum or two or catching a live show.

  • The Tromsø International Film Festival is the country's largest and it takes place each January. In 2019 more than 60,000 films were submitted. Also because of the short days, films can be screen outdoors.
  • Stay in Tromsø to enjoy music of all genres, stage performances, lecutures, exhibitions and more at the Northern Lights Festival from the end of January to February.
  • Bundle up and head to the Ice Music Festival in Finse on Feb. 7 and 8. Celebrating 20 years in 2020 this festival features music played entirely on instruments made from ice.

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The Best Times to Visit Norway for Northern Lights Viewing, Fjord Cruising, and More

Here are the best times to visit Norway, according to travel experts.

best time to visit norway from india

Best Times to Visit for Smaller Crowds

Best times to visit for good weather, best times to visit for lower prices, best times to visit for the northern lights.

  • Worst Times to Visit

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

Norway is a year-round destination known for its breathtaking fjords, dazzling northern lights, and robust Viking history. "Norway is so long and diverse, and each part of the country has its own seasonality," Torunn Tronsvang, founder of travel company Up Norway , tells Travel + Leisure. "The best time to savor Norway's diverse climates depends on travelers' preferences."

Generally speaking, summers are mild with long daylight hours, providing ample opportunity for outdoor adventures like hiking and biking. And winters might be cold and dark, but they’re ideal for northern lights viewing — plus, there's no better time to spend indoors at museums and cultural institutions. Here's a breakdown of the main tourist seasons in Norway:

  • High Season: June to August and December
  • Shoulder Seasons: September to October and April to May 
  • Low Season: November and January to March

Choosing the best time of year to visit Norway depends on what you want to do during your visit — read on to find out more.

Meet the Expert

Torunn Tronsvang is the founder of Up Norway, a travel company that plans trips to the Scandinavian country. 

Matthew Valentine is the head of sales for the U.S. and several other countries at Havila Voyages, a Norwegian cruise line. 

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

Nobody wants to travel with crowds, but they do typically coincide with the best time of year to visit a destination, often in terms of weather, but also in terms of school holidays. In Norway, the peak seasons are summer and the holiday break in December, so you'll likely want to avoid these periods if you're looking to visit when there are smaller crowds. "The spring and autumn periods are slightly quieter than summer and holiday peaks, but Norway is just as mesmerizing and filled with nature and features to explore," says Matthew Valentine, head of U.S. sales at Havila Voyages , a Norwegian cruise line.

If you are visiting in peak season, consider heading off the beaten track to avoid crowds. With some 150,000 square miles of land in Norway, it shouldn't be too hard to find some personal space. "For an untouched gem, explore the untamed Varanger Peninsula, where solitude meets stunning landscapes throughout the year," says Tronsvang.

Taylor McIntyre/Travel + Leisure

“Good” is quite a subjective term when it comes to weather. "Many people would argue that it depends on what you consider the best weather and what kind of adventure or experience you are looking to enjoy," says Valentine.

Since it can rain or snow throughout the year, good weather in Norway typically refers to temperature — and most commonly, people consider good weather to be warm weather. "The warmest weather is in the height of summer, which is a perfect time for hiking, exploring, and rigid inflatable boat (RIB) adventures along the stunning Norwegian coastline," says Valentine. Tronsvang is particularly partial to June weather. "June, with its perpetual daylight and blooming landscapes, offers a mild and radiant summer experience," she says.

All that said, if you want to enjoy wintry activities that require snow, such as skiing and snowmobiling, the best weather will be found in the winter months — but you'll definitely need to bundle up. 

Lara D'Agostino/Travel + Leisure

"For optimum value, steer clear of Christmas holidays and the bustling June to August period," says Tronsvang. If you visit Norway in early autumn, which is the more affordable shoulder season, you'll still benefit from warmer temperatures — and have a chance to see the northern lights, which can be seen as early as September and as late as March. But the low season of November and the post-holiday period are the cheapest times to visit. "Notably, November, though considered off-peak, boasts a unique charm with its magical play of light and is a haven for food enthusiasts seeking an authentic local experience," says Tronsvang.

Keep an eye on the exchange rate between U.S. dollars (USD) and Norwegian kroner (NOK) to help maximize your savings. "Travelers can capitalize on favorable conditions regarding the current USD to NOK exchange rate, which is at a great spot now," says Tronsvang (as of December 2023).

Norway is one of the best places in the world to see the northern lights , given its northern location on the globe. Though the northern lights technically occur year-round, you need darkness to see them. And in Norway, darkness isn't always guaranteed. Much of the country experiences extremely long daylight hours in the summer, limiting aurora viewing opportunities.

"Without a doubt, October through to March is the best time to visit if you want to see the northern lights," says Valentine. "In fact, we are so confident that the lights will make an appearance during our 11-night round-trip voyage during this period, that we offer a ‘Northern Lights Promise’’ If the lights don’t show, we will offer you a free six- or seven-night cruise the following winter."

There are also ample ways to go northern lights hunting inland, from dog sledding excursions out into the wilderness to overnight stays in glass igloos.

Related: Northern Lights, Explained: What They Are and How to See Them

Worst Times to Visit 

It sounds cliché, but there truly is no bad time to visit Norway, as each month of the year provides its own perks. For instance, visiting in the "low" season might mean you're dealing with colder weather, but you get the benefit of fewer crowds and cheaper rates (and northern lights). "The Norwegians have a saying that ‘there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing!’ says Valentine. Conversely, for some travelers, peak season might actually be the worst time to visit Norway. This is when you'll experience the largest crowds and the highest rates — not ideal for solitude-seekers who are looking for a good deal. 

To ensure you're visiting Norway at the best time, really think about what kinds of activities you're looking to do. If you want to see the northern lights, for example, summer would be the worst time to visit, since they're usually not visible then.

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The Ultimate Timing Guide To The Best Time to Visit Norway

Best Time To Visit Norway

One of the world’s liveliest, most distinctive and joyous destinations is Norway. Numerous tourists are drawn to the region every year by the Northern Lights, breathtaking scenery, distinctive culture, and expansive hills. So when would be the best time to visit Norway?

Norway is at its most pleasant between June and August when the weather is mild and the greenery is in full bloom. If you’re not a skier, December through February is the worst time to travel to Norway.

If you visit Norway between March and May or September and November, when tourism is low, you can avoid crowds.

There is never a poor time to visit Norway because there are always lovely sights to be had. That being said, if you have a family or want to avoid crowds, some months are preferable to others. Explore the best time to visit Norway as we go along.

Table of Contents

Best time to visit Norway with family

Best time to visit Norway with family

Due to the weather, the summer is the ideal time to travel to Norway with family. Although Norway is known for its cold climate, this is not an issue from June to August. In Norway, summer is the only season when warm temperatures are guaranteed.

Depending on where you reside, Norway’s spring might be quite cold. Most of Norway’s regions never exceed 80 degrees Fahrenheit in temperature. If you visit Norway with your family in the summer, you won’t have to worry about it being too hot.

Best time to avoid crowds in Norway

In Norway, the spring and autumn are the seasons with the fewest crowds. Norway typically experiences a spike in tourism during the summer or winter. Due to the pleasant weather, tourists choose the summer, and skiers prefer the winter.

Fewer events in the spring and summer would draw sizable crowds. Having said that, Norway is at its most beautiful between March and May, so a trip there is worthwhile. Norway is quiet from September through November, but if you can endure the cold, it’s fun.

The worst time to visit Norway

Due to the bitter weather and snow, December through February are the worst months to travel to Norway. It’s often not a good time to be outside during this time since temperatures consistently hover below 30 degrees.

Depending on the snow and ice, this may restrict your outside activities and make travelling on the roads challenging.

However, some people believe that this is the ideal time to visit Norway if you want to go skiing. Norway’s ski season, which draws thousands of visitors each year, is in the winter.

If you are a skier, the winter in Norway is the best season to visit; otherwise, you will have to manage sizable groups of visitors who are there for winter sports.

Cheapest time to visit Norway

Norway is most affordable to visit in April because it’s not a busy travel season. A flight can be purchased for 4% to 6% less than it would cost in the summer or winter.

Since international flights are rarely inexpensive, it is ideal to get the most value for your money. Therefore, the savings are worthwhile.

Norway is most expensive to visit in the summer, and depending on where you live, flights might cost hundreds more.

In April, round-trip airfare to Norway starts at about $1,200. Depending on when you book, a round-trip journey to Norway in June might cost up to $1,900 or more per person

Best Season To Visit Norway

Peak season.


The best time to visit Norway is during the country’s most popular tourist season, which lasts from July through August.

Learn about each Norway vacation season before deciding whether to go fjord cruising or watch the Northern Lights.

The greatest and busiest months to travel to Norway are July and August when the country experiences its summer. To see Norway’s crystal-clear lakes, mesmerizing night sky, and thermal lagoons, summer is the best time to travel there from India.

Visit in June if you want to see never-ending daylight! Traveling in the summer is advised to catch the Northern Lights at their most spectacular because of the bright skies and nice evenings.

Shoulder Season

The shoulder seasons in Norway are spring and autumn. The months of May to June and again from September to October are considered the shoulder seasons.

Unlike the peak and off-seasons, shoulder season travel allows you to take your time and enjoy Norway.

Winter in Norway is also the off-season, from November to March, when there aren’t many tourists because these are the coldest months of the year. The mercury drops below zero! Norway is a winter wonderland if you can stand the cold and short days.

Travel on the breathtaking Flm Railway or the Bergen Railway. Take a bus to Western Norway’s winter wonderland scenery and explore the famed, dramatic Naeryfjord.

Best time to visit Norway (Month by Month)

The activities you have planned and the expectations you have will have a major impact on when is the best time of year for your vacation.

There are extremely particular seasons for activities like skiing, hiking, fishing, and even searching for the northern lights, but if your preferences are less definite, you have more freedom.

Here is a breakdown of the best time to visit Norway, month by month. As we examine the ideal season to visit Norway, grab a notebook.

Norway in january

With an average temperature of 27 degrees Fahrenheit, January is Norway’s coldest month of the year. Despite the chilly weather, Norway’s average monthly rainfall in January is only 8.8 inches. The celebrations continue despite the chilly weather, and the entire month is filled with enjoyable outdoor activities.

Beautiful music is performed for tourists and residents to enjoy at the Northern Lights Festival in January. The Bergen Whisky & Beer Festival, a special 2-day event, is a lot of fun for adults. Karnivool is one of Norway’s most distinctive January celebrations, and it takes place in the legendary city of Oslo.

The average high daily temperature in February is 35 degrees Fahrenheit. Although there has been a noticeable improvement since January, the temperature is still very low. Norway normally receives at least 8 inches of snow in February, if not more.

The Kristiansund Opera Festival is a laid-back occasion that combines opera, art, and ballet. The Ice Music Festival, a livelier and happier event, is held in Oslo. Massive crowds also attend conventions like HackCon and the Nordic Fuzz Convention in February.

The Holmenkollen Ski Festival and other entertaining activities make Oslo the ideal Norwegian vacation destination in March. When you visit Oslo in March, make sure to check out Blueberry Smoke, another interesting event that is happening there. Although you might get cold, tourists who are into fitness will enjoy the Birkebeiner Race that ends in Lillehammer.

In March, Norway’s average daily maximum temperature is 44 degrees Fahrenheit, which greatly facilitates outdoor activities. You should still bring a thick coat or jacket and be ready for snow.

Snowfall in March typically measures 6 inches, but greater accumulations are possible. Fortunately, before it gets too hot, March is an excellent month to ski in Norway.

As the country enters spring, April sees the return of warmer weather throughout Norway. In Norway, April temperatures can reach up to 55 degrees, making it a perfect time to get outside and explore. Don’t give up your jackets just yet; cold weather is still frequently experienced at night and in the morning.

To kick off your trip correctly, take in some soothing music at the Voss Jazz Festival at the beginning of April. In Norway, April doesn’t have many noteworthy events, but it’s a lovely month to spend outside. Segla, Munka, and Stetind are excellent places to go hiking.


Temperatures in Norway continue to rise throughout May. Depending on the area you visit, temperatures could reach 75 degrees or more. Norway’s windiest month, May, might help you stay cool on a hot day.

The Bergen International Festival will include a wide variety of music from throughout the world in May. Constitution Day, which falls on May 17, is a day to honour Norway’s past. This is Norway’s version of the Fourth of July, and it’s a big thing over there.

If you go to Norway in June, you may expect temperatures between 55 and 75 degrees. Norway receives between 2 12 and 4 12 inches of rain on average in June. Exciting outdoor athletic events and music festivals can still go place despite the weather.

In June, Norway plays host to the renowned Download Festival, which draws tourists from around the world. A fun and active way to explore a lot of Norway is to participate in the North Cape March. In June, Norway hosts the Faerder Sailing Race, which you can watch or participate in.

In Norway, Stiklestad Summer is a fun summer festival that lasts until August. Another fantastic riverside event that is ideal for adults is Glomma Festival. There are lots of exhibitions happening all around the country in July at venues like the Vestfold Kunstsmuseum, making it a fantastic time to appreciate art.

In July, the daytime high rarely exceeds 76 degrees Fahrenheit. Areas like Oslo have an average monthly rainfall of 3 inches in July. It’s simple to spend time outside without getting too hot because of the pleasant highs.

Norway in August

In Norway, August is a hot month, but it heralds the return of milder weather towards the end of the month. The temperature ranges from 52 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit. August rainfall in places like Bergen, Norway, can reach 7 inches or more.

If you find yourself in Oslo during August, you should check out the Findings Festival. Unhurried occasions like the Telemark International Folk Music Festival are wonderful opportunities to learn about Norwegian culture.

In Norway, September is a month with few events and a significantly lower activity level. However, due to the weather, it’s a fantastic time to visit Oslo. Every September, crowds are drawn to special events like the Oslo Design Fair and the Oslo Marathon. In Norway, the temperature ranges from 50 to 65 degrees all month long.

In Norway, October is when it begins to get cold again, so dress warmly. In Norway, the temperature varies during October between 43 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Every October, it rains up to 3.5 inches on average, but it has been known to rain much more.

Some tourists may be discouraged by the cold weather from attending entertaining outdoor events, yet they are worthwhile. As long as you are well dressed for the weather, events like the Lillehammer Jazz Festival are a blast every October. Each October, Norway hosts the Insomnia Festival as well as Halloween celebrations all over the country.

Norway in November

Although the northern lights season starts in September, the best time to see them in Norway is in November . The greatest spots to observe the Northern Lights in November are North Cape, Troms, and Svalbard.

At the Oslo World Music Festival in Norway in November, you can also take in some fantastic live music.

Norway experiences frequent snowfall in November, with average accumulations of 5 to 12 inches or more. In November, the temperature rarely rises beyond 42 degrees and might drop as low as 23 degrees. In Norway, November offers stunning views of snow-covered hills and mountains.

The Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony is the most important occasion in Norway in December . Visitors from all over the world come to Oslo for this occasion to congratulate the new prizewinner. As the nation gets ready for Christmas, there aren’t many festive activities in Norway during December.

Despite this, you may still enjoy yourself during the holidays in Christmas Town in Troms. Enjoy the various Christmas light displays and decorations as you drive through Oslo. Your odds of having a white Christmas are very good because Norway receives up to 3 inches of snow per week in December.

The best time to visit Norway is a tricky topic. There is never a good time. We hope that this aids in your travel preparation. Additionally, it’s crucial to keep in mind that everything in this tale should only be regarded as advice.

It is entirely feasible to have cool, rainy days in the middle of summer and extremely sunny (but chilly!) days in February. Always be ready for anything.

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When is the Best Time to Go and Visit Norway?

When planning a Scandinavian getaway you might find it important to know when is the best time to visit Norway. The truth is that this beautiful Nordic nation is a worthy travel destination year-round, so it’s hard to go wrong!

Having said that, each season has its own unique benefits. The summer is perfect for fjord cruises and road trips. The winter is the ideal time to spot the northern lights and take part in snow-based activities.

To learn more about the best time to go to Norway, read this guide to the 4 seasons followed by our travel experts’ answers to frequently asked questions. 

You’ll know what to expect at each time of year, what activities are best as well as when and where to go in Norway for your ideal trip.

  • Explore these summer tours of Norway to find the itinerary that’s perfect for you
  • Or browse winter trips for an adventurous Nordic getaway
  • Visit Norway in summer
  • Visit Norway in autumn
  • Visit Norway in winter
  • Visit Norway in spring
  • Going on an adventure to Svalbard
  • Travelling along the Norwegian fjords
  • Taking advantage of the best weather
  • Visiting the capital Oslo
  • Journeying north to Tromsø
  • Discovering Ålesund
  • Combining Norway with Sweden and Denmark
  • Admiring the northern lights
  • Visiting both Norway and Iceland
  • Wandering around Bergen
  • Touring onboard a cruise
  • Hiking in the beautiful landscape
  • Enjoying the midnight sun
  • Going whale watching
  • What to pack for your trip to Norway

view of geirangerfjord

Norway in summer

Best for enjoying the midnight sun & warm waters

June to August is a fantastic time to visit Norway if you want to take advantage of the country’s legendary midnight sun. At this time of year, the days are long and pleasant, and greenery stretches as far as the eye can see.

How’s the weather?

While temperatures in the north (for example in Tromsø) stay low at around 11°C (52°F), temperatures in the south climb into the 20s°C (68°F +). Perfect summer temperatures to enjoy sightseeing.

Best places to visit

The warm weather, endless daylight hours, and good road conditions mean it’s a perfect time for  taking on a road trip ! You could leave from the capital, Oslo, and head toward the western fjords region.

Make sure to stop by the famous and UNESCO World Heritage-listed  Geirangerfjord . 

If you’re keen to venture into the real north of Norway, summer is a good time to go if you want to avoid the coldest, snowiest weather.

We especially recommend  touring the Lofoten islands , just north of the Arctic Circle. This charming archipelago is an idyllic place to enjoy nature, hike, kayak, cycle, boat and fish to your heart’s content. Just drink in the astonishing scenery under the midnight sun.

  • Look up summer self-drive tours of Norway
  • Or take up the epic  Norway in a Nutshell ® train and cruise itinerary

Fun activities to do

The warmer weather of the summer means the lakes warm up nicely, making them ideal for wild swimming. Even if you don’t take to the water yourself, you can still make the most of the weather. How abouta boating or kayaking trip?

If you’re in Bergen, you could try the Mt Ulriken zipline. This would allow you to experience the city from a different perspective.

And if you’re a lover of birds, it’s a great time to come to Norway for birdwatching. There are interesting safaris available at this time of year. We can suggest the one in Honningsvåg, in the north of Norway.

Mark your calendar for these fun summer events:

  • Riddu Riđđu, an international indigenous festival hosted in July each year. It takes place in Kåfjord, 2 hours outside Tromsø in Northern Norway.
  • The Norwegian International Film Festival happens every August in Haugesund, 2 hours outside Stavanger.
  • Midnight Sun Marathon is held in Tromsø each June.
  • Norwegian Wood, one of Oslo’s best music festivals, also happens to be scheduled for June.

naeroyfjord and snowy mountains

Norway in autumn

Best for enjoying crisp nights & scenic hikes

Between September and November , Norway is transformed. The lush greens of the summer have been replaced with the fiery autumnal shades of yellow, orange and red. At this time of the year, the landscape is on the cusp between colourful foliage and the frost of first snow.

This is the perfect time of year if you enjoy hiking, and especially if you are seeking a quieter ambience. October and November in particular see a drop in visiting travellers, meaning you’ll have more of the sights to yourself.

This is the time of year when the weather in Norway starts to change as the winter approaches. In Oslo, average temperatures come down to around 6°C (48°F) in October, while in the north they are only around 2°C (35°F).

The cities are must-sees during this season as you have plenty of places to visit, such as museums and attractions. You could make your way between Oslo and Bergen, taking on the iconic Norway in a Nutshell® journey.

Going through the country toward the west coast is an ideal way to spot all the gorgeous landscapes, marked by the colours of autumn.

If you’re looking for a fantastic wildlife experience, make sure to head north, maybe on a Havila  or Hurtigruten  cruise all the way to  Kirkenes . This is a good time of year to spot sea life, such as humpbacks and orcas, in the chilly northern waters.

The crisp weather of autumn means it is a great time if you love hiking and are always seeking an interesting viewpoint. 

In September and October, you could take on famous hikes to   Pulpit Rock , or even Trolltunga. That said, we recommend following local safety advice and weather warnings when out hiking.

You can’t think of the Norwegian autumn without of the aurora borealis. This time of year is the start of the season for going on  northern lights tours in Norway . 

Mark your calendar for these autumnal events:

  • Bergen International Film Festival  held at the end of September.
  • Dark Season Blues, a music festival held in  Longyearbyen  in Svalbard each October.

northern lights above lofoten

Norway in winter

Best for enjoying the northern lights & winter sports

Norway’s winter is magical! While these months may be cold and dark, the beauty of the landscapes more than makes up for it. The country is draped in thick snow, and the fjords are transformed into mystical ice realms.

If you’re looking for the best time to travel to Norway to witness a snowy wonderland, this is it.

Some roads are closed over the winter months, but you can enjoy cruises and train journeys all year long. 

It’s a great time of year to travel through the snow-capped mountains and keep an eye on the dark skies. You may be lucky enough to spot some colourful dancing lights in the sky as well!

Temperatures fall to an average of -3 or -4°C (25°F) in both the capital and the north. By the coast, however, which enjoys a more temperature climate, it stays around 2°C (35°F).

Make sure to head north! Within the Arctic Circle, you’ll be able to enjoy the true meaning of winter.

One of the key draws of a winter trip to Norway is of course the northern lights. And the best location to have a chance to spot them is in Northern Norway.

In fact, there is a zone called the “Northern Lights Belt”, situated from 65 to 72 degrees north. It’s known for having the highestt auroral frequency and intensity. The closer you are to it, the better your odds are!

Both the city of Tromsø and the Lofoten islands fall directly within this area, so we highly recommend these destinations. You could also take on an Arcticcruise to the  North Cape  and Kirkenes. In fact, these are some of the  best cruise journeys in Norway . 

  • Book a tour to Norway to spot the northern lights with these  winter itineraries
  • Related: 10 things to do when you visit Norway in winter

Winter may be the ‘off-season’ in some places, but in Norway you’ll find plenty to do! And we don’t mean just looking out the train window at the gorgeous mountains above, or searching for the northern lights.

In the winter months, you’ll be able to enjoy a host of unique activities, including reindeer- and dog-sledding. You could learn more about Sami culture, stay at the  SnowHotel , or even chase the northern lights by snowmobile.

Stay the night inside a snow hotel with these ice hotel packages to Northern Norway

Near Oslo, you could visit the  Holmenkollen Ski Museum and Tower . The museum is the oldest of its kind in the world and showcases more than 4,000 years of skiing history. Head up to the observation deck at the top of the jump tower for views of Oslo.

Another great place to experience the true north is in Svalbard – a Norwegian archipelago located closer to the North Pole. It is one of the world’s northernmost inhabited areas and is famous for its number of polar bears.

Mark your calendar for these winter events:

  • Ice Music Festival, a glacial event happening every February in the alpine resort town of  Geilo .
  • Northern Lights Festival, a 10-day music festival held in Tromsø every January.
  • Rørosmartnan held in February and considered the largest winter festival in the country.

windy road of trollstigen

Norway in spring

Best for enjoying flora and bird watching

March , April and May are also beautiful months to visit Norway. As the winter snows melt, the rivers, lakes and waterfalls swell with fresh water and life. Snow-draped landscapes fade away and are replaced with swathes of lush green.

From April to May the weather rises between 0 and 11°C (32-52°F) in  Oslo , and up to, on average, 4°C (39°F). As this is a changeable season, you never know as it may inch a bit higher or lower.

You’ll definitely enjoy the fjords in the spring! The western fjords are gorgeous all year long, but in the spring, the landscape transforms from wintry to luxuriant.

We recommend taking a coastal cruise from  Trondheim  down to Bergen, admiring the coast along the way. At this time of year, many summery activities reopen their doors so you can take advantage of these before the summer boom.

Boosted by the meltwaters, the waterfalls of Norway are at their most formidable during spring. You could go on a kayak or rib boat tour at Geirangerfjord to get close to the stunning  Seven Sisters and Bridal Veil  waterfalls.

One of Norway’s biggest attractions at this time of year is also the spring blossom. By May, the flowers are in full bloom across the country and, on a sunny day, the scenery can be out of this world.

In May, when the nicer weather has usually settled in, some roads reopen. One you won’t want to miss is the  Trollstigen  road near Ålesund. You could make sure to drive it on a road trip, or to book an optional excursion to go experience it.

Mark your calendar for these spring events:

  • Stavanger Vinfest, a food and wine festival held in April.
  • Constitution Day on 17 May, celebrated all over the country.
  • Bergen International Festival beginning in late May.

Best time to visit for…

If you’re wondering when the best time of year to visit Norway is for a specific activity or to visit a certain location, read below. Nordic Visitor’s travel experts share their insider tips to help you plan your ideal trip. 

Best time to visit Svalbard, Norway

A great place to experience the true north is in  Svalbard  – a Norwegian archipelago located halfway to the North Pole. It is famous for having more polar bears than human inhabitants. 

If you’re keen to fly north, we recommend going between February and September. That is because of the number of daylight hours available during those months. 

In the depth of winter, the region experiences a polar night and therefore the sun doesn’t rise at all. From February, you get a better balance of darkness, to spot the northern lights, and daylight, to go on excursions.

You’ll want to be able to admire the glittering icebergs, frozen tundra and maybe even spot the elusive white bear. 

  • Check out these fun tours of Svalbard
  • Related: Read a first-hand account of a special visit to Svalbard

people standing on pulpit rock

Best time to travel to the Norway fjords

The Norwegian fjords are amongst the most beautiful in the world. It is no wonder that the West Norwegian Fjords, Geirangerfjord and  Nærøyfjord , are listed as one of   Norway’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites . Picture tranquil waters, thundering waterfalls, and sheer mountain faces.

To see the fjords in all their glory, the summer is a great period for a visit. At this time, you could go kayaking along a fjord to take it all in from a different perspective. You could even try dipping your toes in or going wild swimming.

But there are benefits to the other seasons too. Come in spring to see the waterfalls running with even more power thanks to the snow and ice melting. In winter, you may get a view of snow-capped mountains and frosted waterfalls as you sail through the Norway fjords.

  • Discover the majestic western fjords with one of these Norway tours
  • Related: The best fjords in Norway

Best time to visit Norway for the weather

First, what is the best weather for you?

As mentioned previously, the warmest weather of the year is definitely during the summer. At this time, you’ll enjoy sunny days in the south, either for a city break in Oslo or to take on a fun excursion to the fjords.

But maybe you prefer  colder days with crisp air and plenty of snow to enjoy fun activities. Then come in winter.

If you like mild weather, you’ll probably prefer the shoulder seasons. In April, May and September, you’ll enjoy weather that is perfect for hiking or exploring, with plenty of daylight to do so!

man hiking by fjord

When is the best time to visit Oslo, Norway

Oslo, the formidable capital of Norway, is the ideal Nordic destination for a city break. It’s also a great gateway to discovering more of the country.

To see  Oslo  at your own pace we recommend visiting in the months just before or after the summer. This way you’ll enjoy all the top attractions with, hopefully, fewer crowds. This time of year is the best of both worlds.

Spend your days visiting the top landmarks, such as  Akershus Fortress  and the  Royal Palace , which may have more availability at that time of year. Later, walk along  Aker Brygge , the old waterfront, and enjoy al fresco dining in the bright and cool evening.

Visit Oslo in early winter for another fantastic experience. At this time, you could enjoy the charming Christmas markets and go sightseeing under fairy lights. A trip to Norway’s capital city is a great way to get into the festive spirit.

  • Explore Oslo on a city break to Norway

Best time to visit Tromsø, Norway

Tromsø  is a great year-round destination if you’re looking for stunning scenery and don’t mind a cooler day out.

Visit Tromsø between October and April to enjoy a winter wonderland and experience a polar night. This phenomenon, where the sun doesn’t rise at all, happens from late November until mid-January.

Another bonus of visiting in winter is the city’s location, straight into the “Northern Lights Belt”. This means you may be able to admire the lights from the city itself.

From Tromsø you could also journey across the northern coast of Norway, to the North Cape and all the way to Kirkenes. This is an amazing winter journey along the Arctic Circle.

In summer, visit Tromsø and the nearby Lofoten islands, to experience the polar opposite (pun intended!). From mid-May until late July, the sun doesn’t set at all. This is called the midnight sun. You could go hiking and enjoy the natural landscape at midnight if you wish.

view of tromso in the snow

Best time to visit Ålesund, Norway

The charming port town of  Ålesund  is one of Norway’s most visited cities. This is in part thanks to its beautiful setting along a cluster of islands in the western fjords.

It has also become a popular stop as part of the Norwegian Coastal Voyage. If you’re cruising your way up or down the country, you could add a stopover in Ålesund. And it is definitely worth the visit!

We recommend travelling here in summer to experience it at its best and to enjoy all the activities available. These include angling, sailing, hiking, and kayaking, among others.

From Ålesund, you can cruiseto the nearby Geirangerfjord. You could also spend your days hiking to local viewpoints. Summer is the ideal time to walk up Mount Aksla and enjoy the panoramic views of the archipelago and the peaks of the Sunnmøre Alps.

  • Take a look at these Norwegian culture trips

Best time to visit Norway, Sweden and Denmark

Are you looking for a grand tour of Scandinavia? This Northern European region, composed of Sweden and Denmark as well as Norway, is a fantastic destination come winter or summer.

The capital cities, Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen, are well connected. That means it’s easy to travel between each of them on one single trip. 

In summer, you could drive or take a train and then a cruise to see what makes each city so special. In winter, you’ll be able to sightsee the highlights of all 3 countries with their mild weather and charming winter lights. 

Travel just before or after the summer, to enjoy nice weather and plenty of daylight. At popular locations, such as the capitals, Norwegian fjords and top hiking spots, you’ll enjoy having more time and space to yourself.

  • Combine a trip to Norway with Sweden and Denmark with these  Scandinavian tours

northern lights above tromso

Best time to visit Norway for the northern lights

The northern lights, or aurora borealis, are at their best during the winter season. This means you should visit Norway between October and March.

From late September, the days become shorter making it easier to witness the auroras in the night sky. Indeed, you need darkness, good solar activity, and low light pollution to be able to admire them.

You’ll also want to journey into Northern Norway, all the way into the Arctic Circle, to spot the northern lights. The few prime locations for northern lights spotting in Norway are:

  • Tromsø
  • North Cape (Nordkapp)
  • Book one of these  aurora tours to see Norway under a sky lit with northern lights
  • Related: Best places and times to see the northern lights in Norway

Best time to visit Norway and Iceland

To combine both these stunning countries into one epic Nordic trip, we recommend visiting in summer.

At this time of year you will benefit from longer days to make the most of your exploration. Take in the highlights of southern Norway like Oslo and the Norwegian fjords before flying to Iceland where you could tour the whole island. 

You could even discover more of Scandinavia if you so wish and have the time for a longer trip. Start your tour in Stockholm, passing by Copenhagen before taking on Norway and Iceland.

Sights can be popular at the height of summer, so you could try planning your tour for early or late summer if you want a quieter holiday.

And if you would rather visit during the winter, fear not, it is also possible! In fact, this season has some bonus points of its own too. You’ll be able to admire the glittering frost over amazing Norwegian and  Icelandic waterfalls .

This is also the time of year to travel to the Nordics if you want to catch sight of the northern lights. As the darkness sets in, from late September, it becomes easier to see them dancing in the night sky.

  • Go on a combined tour of Norway and Iceland
  • Or look up  Iceland tours  to explore the Land of Fire and Ice

Best time of year to visit Bergen, Norway

Bergen  is another Norwegian city that can be visited all year long. As it is one of the rainiest cities in Europe, you’ll probably want to travel here in summer for the best weather.

In case of bad weather, fear not, there is plenty to do indoors.   You could visit the 900-year-old Bergen Cathedral and one of Norway’s oldest fortresses, Bergenhus Fortress. There are also many museums like the Bryggens Museum, the  KODE Art Museum , and the Hanseatic Museum.

But really Bergen is known as the  gateway to the fjords  and is an excellent outdoor destination. In summer, you could hike up one (or more!) of the seven mountains surrounding the city. You could also participate in fun activities like ziplining across Mount Ulriken.

You also won’t want to miss hiking or taking the  Fløibanen funicular  to the top of  Mount Fløyen . You’ll get some amazing views of the city below and access to some top walking trails.

boat sailing along geirangerfjord

Best time to visit Norway on a cruise

You can cruise Norway’s magnificent and diverse coast any time of the year. That said, we do recommend the summertime for the best experience.

Between May and September, you’ll enjoy long days, ideal for sightseeing. That’s true from the boat or on excursion stops on the mainland. Take photos in the midnight sun and pack more in your day.

In winter, you may enjoy the smaller crowds, but days are much shorter. You may also find the sea is a bit rougher. The one bonus of a winter cruise is the chance to admire the northern lights in the sky above.

A cruise is, in fact, excellent for spotting the auroras as you’ll be away from city light pollution.

  • Browse  fjords cruise & train tours
  • Discover Norway on a  Hurtigruten voyage

Best time to go to Norway for hiking

Do you have dreams of standing proudly atop Trolltunga or  Pulpit Rock ?

You may have seen the scenic photos of people standing by the cliff edge, with calm fjords below and rocky mountains in the distance. 

April until October is the best time to hike to those famous heights. To skip the potential queues for the best Instagram snaps, you should visit during the shoulder season. Late spring and early autumn are quieter times of year that are fantastic to experience the mountains in a bit more peace.

In fact, autumn may be the best time as you’ll find more paths accessible at this time compared to spring. And you’ll be treated to the orange and yellow foliage of the forest.

  • Check out these active tours of Norway

Best time to visit Norway for the midnight sun

The  midnight sun  is an incredible phenomenon whereas the sun does not set below the horizon. It occurs inside the Arctic Circle during summer.

For example, Tromsø and  Svolvær , located inside the Arctic Circle, experience the midnight sun between mid-May and late July. You’ll want to visit the northern parts of Norway (or neighbouring Sweden and Finland) at this time to witness it.

Imagine hiking or sitting by the Norwegian Sea admiring the scenery while basking in the light of the sun in the middle of the night.

Just make sure to bring an eye mask to help you sleep!

light of sun on svolvaer in lofoten

Best time to visit Norway for whale watching

Every year, whales pop up along the Norwegian coast. For this reason, it’s a good location to go on a wildlife cruise to spot them up close.

These gentle giants of the sea are most commonly seen along the Vesterålen coast, just north of Lofoten. Make sure to go there in summertime for your best chances and for more varied sightings.

You could spot sperm whales, but also pilot whales, minke whales, humpback whales, dolphins, and killer whales.

For the best whale-watching experience in Northern Europe, we recommend heading to North Iceland instead. Indeed,  Húsavík  is considered the capital of whale watching. Trips are available all year long, but summer is the best time to visit.

You might see dolphins, minke whales, humpback whales as well as some sperm whales and maybe the elusive blue whale.

Learn more about  whale watching in Iceland .

What to pack for a trip to Norway

The weather in this part of the world can be fickle, but don’t let that stop you from enjoying the best of Norway. Pack well to come ready for rain or sunshine and take advantage of your trip to the fullest. 

For all seasons, you should pack layers so you can be flexible depending on the day's temperature. We especially suggest bringing a waterproof jacket and comfortable walking or hiking shoes.

Even in the summer it’s best to have a pair of light gloves, a hat and a scarf handy. Don’t forget your sleeping mask to help with the light nights of summer.

In winter, make sure to pack some warm layers (preferably woollen) along with an insulated jacket.

Finally, don’t forget your camera to snap away at all the spectacular landscapes!

  • For more travel inspiration, check out these classic holidays in Norway

Norway is an exceptional destination that can be enjoyed all year long. We hope this post convinced you of that!

When you’re ready to book your dream Norway holiday, take a look at these top Norway packages . And if you’re still not sure or would like local advice,   get in touch . Our travel experts can be reached s via live chat, toll-free numbers or email.

camila blog profile

  Camila grew up between the French Canadian and Chilean cultures, before moving to Scotland in 2012. When she’s not travelling or writing about travels, Camila loves to read, run, and puzzle. Her favourite destinations have been Reykjavík, Copenhagen, Estonia and Cape Town.  

Find Camila on LinkedIn .

Getting there

We'd love to give you the same amazing travel experiences as you read about in our blog! To visit the destinations and attractions mentioned in this post - and to discover a few new highlights along the way - check out these recommended Nordic Visitor tours.


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When Is The Best Time To Visit Norway?

best time to visit norway from india

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Norway is a Nordic country in Scandinavia, bordering Sweden to the east, the North Sea to the west, and the Norwegian Sea to the north. Norway can be visited year round, but some times of year will be better suited depending on the activities you have in mind.

Norway has a lot to offer the outdoor enthusiast as well as those interested in culture, the arts and cuisine. Some stand-out activities include hiking to the famous “Pulpit Rock”, visiting some of the country’s many fjords, and spending some time in its compact and modern capital, Oslo . In this guide, we’ll go through each of the seasons, highlighting some of the best activities for each one.

Table of Contents

Climate & terrain, low season & high season, shoulder seasons, norway: a country of extremes.

As a Nordic country in Northern Europe, Norway has a coastal climate that is influenced by the Gulf Stream. There’s a significant variation in climate from the north to the south and the weather will depend largely on which part of the country you plan to visit. The south, around the capital Oslo and the coastal city of Bergen will be milder with the temperature dropping significantly and more chance of snow the further north you go.

The climate will also depend on whether you’re visiting the coast or heading inland. Coastal areas tend to be warmer and have milder and wetter winters, while the inland will be more mountainous and colder, but will have drier and warmer summers. Since the country is located 57° to 78° north, there will be a lot of variation also depending on your latitude. Much of Norway is forested and there are also glaciers, mountains, lakes, fjords and valleys. It’s the perfect location for nature lovers.

The majority of visitors to Norway will be in the high season, which lasts from mid June to mid August, and is considered the high summer. It’s the perfect time to visit Norway if you’re interested in outdoor activities such as hiking, rafting, mountaineering, camping and water sports. It can be hot in the summer months, so remember to pack your swimwear and sun lotion.

Thanks to the warm waters of the Gulf Stream, Norway has a warmer climate compared with other countries at a similar latitude, such as Greenland and Alaska. During the high season there’ll be more visitors and more activities and hiking trails will open.

Accommodation will also be cheaper in most areas, but make sure you book in advance and be prepared for crowds at landmarks and tourists hotspots. Remember that even during the summer months there may be rain and colder weather, so pack some warm clothing just in case.

The low season is from October to April. It is the best time to see the Aurora Borealis, which will be more likely and more spectacular the further north you go and the further away you are from light pollution, though it is still possible to see further south in the cities.

It’s bound to be considerably cooler than in the high season, so make sure you pack some warm clothing and sturdy footwear. The days will also be shorter, so indoor activities like visiting art galleries, enjoying cuisine or attending cultural events will be preferable. Also, many outdoor activities will be unavailable, and accommodation will be more expensive.

The shoulder seasons are from May to mid-June and mid-August to September. The weather will be milder during the shoulder seasons, and there’ll be less crowds, making it a popular time to visit. Prices are likely to be higher, however, than in the high season. Whenever you decide to visit, be sure to pack the appropriate clothing and equipment according to the season and the region(s) you intend to visit.

Spring in Norway is a great time to head outdoors again after the long winter. The spring months are considered to be March to May, though signs of the new season may appear in late February. There will still be some skiing opportunities with lots of snow still in the mountains, but the weather will be getting warmer and there’ll be more greenery around with blossoms appearing in April and May. It’s a great time to go hiking, visit the fjords and the cities. It’ll be quieter than high season, though prices may be higher. Norway’s national day is also on the 17th of May, so expect lots of celebrations and festivities.

The summer months are generally considered to be the best time to visit Norway. The weather is pleasant and often warm, the landscape is green and lush and there are plenty of opportunities for exploring the wonders of the outdoors. It’s a great time to visit the fjords as well, with popular activities including boat rental, swimming and fishing. If you head further north, you can still visit a glacier and do some mountaineering, if that’s your preferred activity. Also, prices for accommodation will be lower, days will last longer, and your suitcase will be lighter.

Autumn is a great time to visit if you’re looking for a more laid-back trip. There’ll be considerably fewer tourists, though accommodation prices will be higher. It’s a great time to enjoy the changing colours of the landscape and forests, to go hiking, to enjoy the sauna or to see the Northern Lights. It’ll be considerably colder than the summer, but less chance of snow compared with the winter.

The autumn months in Norway are September, October and November, and they also make for a great time to visit the cities, which will be quieter. Autumn is a popular time for cultural events, such as literature, film and culinary festivals., as well as a good time to rent a cabin in the forest and enjoy time spent inside by a roaring fire.

Bear in mind that the days will be very short during the winter months. There’ll be little light, and the weather conditions could be extreme, including lots of snow and blizzards. Typically, there’ll be around six hours of light per day. Still, the winter can be an exhilarating time to visit the cities and towns, including Oslo and Bergen, with lots of offer, including Christmas markets, film festivals, live music and cultural events.

There are also lots of opportunities for outdoor pursuits, including skiing, mountaineering and glacier walking, as long as you’re well prepared with warm, waterproof clothing. It’s also a good time to dip into a sauna, go whale watching or to see the Northern Lights.

Ultimately, the best time to visit Norway will depend on which activities you have in mind, and which kind of climate you prefer. Maybe you’d like to enjoy the outdoors, go swimming in a fjord and enjoy the green landscape. Then the summer months will be preferable. If you prefer indoor activities, such as cultural events, cuisine and art, then the autumn or winter could be better. Spring is also a great time to visit for outdoor activities and enjoying nature, but will be cooler than summer. Whenever you decide to visit, you’re sure to have an unforgettable experience.

best time to visit norway from india

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9. Best Time to Visit Norway1

Find out about the weather in Norway and the ideal times to travel there.

Although Norway is a unique travel destination, it does not have the same tourist appeal as other European nations. For the majority of the world, it still remains a big mystery. Norway has a lot to offer visitors, from the stunning northern lights that transform the entire nation into an otherworldly wonderland, to the famous fjords and architectural marvels in Oslo. However, the majority of Norway’s charms are found in the sleepy little towns and on its smaller roads.

The best months to visit the fjords are probably April, May, or June because those are the months when the fruit orchards along the shoreline burst into pastel bloom. However, because of the region’s milder climate and year-round popularity, it is a great place to visit.

Table of Contents

What’s the Climate in Norway Like?

Even within regions, the weather and climate in Norway can differ significantly. The country’s climate is very variable. Due to the Gulf Stream’s warm water, Norway generally experiences much milder weather than other places around the world with similar latitudes, such as Siberia and Alaska. Travelers may still feel quite chilly in Norway, and the Arctic climate in the north of the country makes it typically much colder than the rest of the country.

One of the factors fjord Norway’s year-round popularity as a travel destination is the relatively mild climate along Norway’s coast. No matter what season you choose to visit Norway, we advise checking the weather forecast beforehand and packing plenty of warm clothing!

Norway Weather

The best chances for nice weather are in June, July, and August, when average temperatures in the Bergen region are 14°C. Because of the Gulf Stream’s warming effects, mean wintertime temperatures in Norway’s coastal regions as far north as the Lofoten Islands typically remain above freezing; on some days, it may even feel more like autumn than winter. The coldest region is the Finnmark Plateau, where wintertime temperatures typically hover around -15°C (with a chilly -51.4°C serving as the record low in 1886). In general, winter conditions become more severe the further inland you go.

Norway in Spring

If you want to see snow and have plenty of daylight, March is the best month to travel to Norway. Mountaintops will still be covered in snow by the end of April, but meadows and fjord-side pastures will begin to bloom in late spring. May’s long days also bring about orchard blossoming, especially in the Hardangerfjord region, where apple, plum, and cherry trees are covered in pink and white flowers. May through the end of July is a good time for bird sightings if you’re interested in bird watching. Foodies will delight in delectable lamb, cod, and herring dishes served with the first potatoes of the year, asparagus, and wild garlic.

9. Best Time to Visit Norway2

Norway in Summer

The summer months are ideal for touring Norway’s mind-boggling fjords, as well as its dramatic coastline, in addition to the spring and fall. A self-drive vacation offers a free-spirited, more sedate substitute to the widely publicized Norwegian cruise thanks to its good roads and light traffic. Driving on your own will give you a different viewpoint of the scenery, and you can stop whenever you like at a café, a lookout point, or a hiking trailhead. And if you want to see the fjords from the water, our Norwegian self-drive vacations offer plenty of chances for a boat trip, ferry crossing, or mini voyage using the nearby Hurtigruten ships.

Throughout the summer, wildflowers continue to enchant, and if you travel far enough north, the midnight sun will bathe the landscape in a beautiful golden glow. Between mid-May and late-July, the sun is nearly always visible at Nordkapp. There is plenty of time to take in the scenery and enjoy activities like hiking and kayaking in much of Norway during the midsummer months when the daylight hours are nearly endless.

Norway in Autumn

In September, Norway’s mountain sides start to gild with the lovely autumn hues. Additionally, crab is in season. Fruits and berries are ripe. Another benefit of traveling now is that summer crowds will have thinned at popular locations like Bergen. You might be fortunate enough to see some early northern lights sightings. Be ready for shortened schedules on ferries, trains, and tours as it can get cold starting in late September, especially in the far north. The autumn, however, can be a very rewarding time to visit Norway if you plan it carefully.

Norway in Winter

The majority of northern Norway is covered in snow during the winter, but it is less common in the south and along the west coast where the Gulf Stream helps to maintain milder temperatures. However, Norway in the winter is typically a snowy wonderland with ice-fluted mountains, protracted dark nights, winter activities, and the promise of the aurora borealis. From the middle of November to the end of January, the sun doesn’t rise in Norway’s far north. Winter in Norway is the best time to eat lobster, prawns, scallops, blue mussels, halibut, and salmon, which will please seafood lovers. Try your hand at winter sports like dog sledding, snowmobiling, and cross-country skiing when you’re not gorging on fish or looking for the northern lights. Set sail from northern Norway for a Hurtigruten coastal excursion to Finnmark and the North Cape.

When is the Best Time to Go to the Fjords?

Throughout the year, many tourists choose to visit Fjord Norway. You’ll be able to see the beautiful fjords in the spring, when fruit trees are in bloom on the hillside landscape and waterfalls are in full flow. The busiest time of year for visitors to Norway is during the summer due to the country’s milder climate and abundance of outdoor activities, with Norway’s fjords being a top destination. Exploring Norway’s natural landscape is best done in the autumn, when the fjord landscape will be covered in lovely fall colors. If you want to visit the fjords when they are least crowded and at their most serene, the winter is a great time to do so. As an added bonus, the stunning snow-capped mountains that surround the fjords will also look spectacular.

No matter what time of year you decide to travel to Norway, we advise taking the Norway in a Nutshell tour. This trip gives you an overview of Norway, which is exactly what it says on the tin!

When is the Best Time to See the Northern Lights in Norway?

Anytime between September and March—and occasionally outside of this time frame—the aurora borealis can be seen on a clear winter night. A lot of the best northern lights activity occurs during the equinox months of September and March. As soon as it starts to get dark, you should look to see if you can see the aurora, provided the sky is clear. The aurora is always unpredictable.

When is the Best Time to Visit Norway and Denmark

Summer is a great time to go . During the busiest travel months of July and August, when all the tourist attractions are open and operating at full capacity, Scandinavia bustles and shimmers. Often, the real action doesn’t start until the summer, or around June 20 when the Scandinavian schools let out.

When is the Best Time to Visit Norway for Snow

Even though it won’t be cold, it promises long, light days and warmer temperatures but makes no promises about heat. The ideal time to visit Norway, though, also depends on your travel objectives. May and September offer gorgeous colours in nature, while November-March is for snow and Northern Lights enthusiasts.

When is the Best Time to Travel to Norway and Sweden

No surprise here: June, July and August are the most popular months for travellers coming to Scandinavia. There are many reasons why people choose this time of year, not the least of which are the pleasant, sunny weather and the wonderful “summer house” coastal culture present in the entire region.

Is October a Good Time to Visit Norway

October is an ideal time of year to enjoy Norway’s colorful fall scenery in peace and quiet , as travelers are few and far between. The Northern Lights start to reappear above the Arctic Circle at this time as well as the days grow shorter, the temperature drops, and the sun sets later.

When is the Cheapest Time to Visit Norway

If you’re on a tight budget, the cheapest time to visit Norway is between November and April .

If you want to find more interesting and beautiful places to vise, welcome to check our best-time-visit guide below!

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Odda, Norway

When is the best time to visit Norway?

  • Month-by-month

The best time to visit Norway in the northern region is in the autumn, which brings thinner crowds, cooler weather between 5°C to 10°C, and glorious foliage.

The best time to visit Norway in the southern region is between May and August, when the days are long, the landscapes are green, and the weather is warm, between 16°C and 22°C. This is a popular time to explore the region, so expect to see a few more visitors around. In northern Norway, you can hike under the midnight sun at this time of year.

The two regions have very different climates, so when you visit Norway will likely depend both on what you want to do when you’re there and where you want to go.

Starting in late November and running until February or March, the whole country turns into a wintry playground, especially the northern region. If you’re comfortable with frigid temperatures, this is an excellent time to visit the Arctic Circle, where you can watch the northern lights and enjoy the deep snow that blankets the landscape.

The best time to visit the fjords is in April, May or June, which are perhaps the most photogenic months, when the fruit orchards on the shoreline explode into pastel bloom. However, this area of the country offers a milder climate and so makes an excellent destination year-round.

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Month-by-month guide for travelling in Norway

Reindeer in Norway

Visiting Norway in December - February

The whole of the country becomes a snowy winter playground during these months, though the deepest snow and coldest weather is found inside the Arctic Circle, where you can often see the northern lights. Temperatures can drop as low as -20°C (-4°F) up in the north, but it’s milder (around -2°C or 28°F) in the fjordlands.

Events & Festivals

  • The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony draws luminaries from around the world to Oslo in early December.
  • Norwegians celebrate Saint Lucia Day with festivals of lights and parades on 13th December.


Visiting Norway in March - May

Winter begins to lift and the weather turns milder. The fjordlands burst into bloom as the shoreline orchards of fruit trees blossom. Melting snow fills the rivers and the waterfalls swell as wildflowers unfurl. There are fewer crowds in the cities this time of year, making it a good time to visit museums and other cultural attractions.

  • The Bergen International Festival brings together performers, singers, dancers and other artists for a week-long festival in late May.
  • Discover Norway’s medieval heritage at Oslo Middelalderfestival, also held in late May.


Visiting Norway in June - August

Days get longer, the weather warms and nights get shorter. In the Arctic Circle, there’s 24 hours of daylight, and you can hike under the midnight sun. This is when the weather is at its most stable across the country, with generally pleasant temperatures. It’s an excellent time to explore the rugged countryside and try to spot wildlife. It’s also the most popular season to visit, so be sure to plan well ahead.

  • Bergenfest is a music festival in early June spanning a number of genres, including rock and hip-hop.
  • The Oslo Jazz Festival and the Oslo Chamber Music Festival both take place in mid-August.


Visiting Norway in September - November

Days shorten, temperatures drop and the air is crisp and cool as the foliage shifts to gold. These are the wettest months, so cities tend to be busier than the countryside — it’s wise to plan ahead if you want your choice of hotels. Some of the attractions will take the opportunity to shut down while it’s quieter.

  • The Ultima Contemporary Music Festival in Oslo is a long-running event sponsored by the crown prince each September.

Norway Climate Guide

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Practical tips for travelling to Norway, from social protocols to guidance on money matters, with a link to the latest FCDO travel advice.

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Trip ideas and travel guides for exploring Norway


Introduction to Norway

6 days from £2,240pp

Oslo City Hall

Highlights of Norway

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Beauty of the fjords

8 days from £6,895pp


Scenic Norway

12 days from £7,895pp


Best time to Visit Norway

  • TATA AIG Team
  • Last Updated On :

The land of the ‘Midnight Sun’ and home to the Vikings, Norway, is a remarkable country with an old-world charm. Marked as a country at the arrival of Vikings in the year 872, Norway has witnessed more than a millennium. Located in the Scandinavian Peninsula, the country is enticingly beautiful!

Norway is a country with an old soul and modern conveniences. It does a wonderful job of striking the balance between life and leisure. Thanks to that, you can witness many natural phenomena in Norway, the Northern Lights being one of the most well-known.

Crystal clear waters, fjords, outdoor swims, urban life, and natural phenomena — everything is yours if you visit Norway at the right time of the year!

If you want to know what is the best time to visit Norway, continue reading this blog.

What to See When in Norway?

A planned visit to Norway with a clear itinerary would definitely make your trip memorable. Here are a few things you should not miss when in Norway!

Midnight Sun

Since the Earth revolves around the Sun with a tilted axis, the north pole faces the Sun, causing summer. Norway is situated in both the northern and eastern hemispheres of the earth, which causes a phenomenon called the Midnight Sun.

The reason behind this phenomenon is that the days extend and nights shrink, causing the Sun to be visible in the sky at night as well. You will be able to witness the Sun in the sky and daylight at midnight!

Northern Lights

The northern lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, are bewitching and enchanting patterns of light visible in the skies of Norway. If you are visiting Norway, do not miss the Aurora Borealis at any cost!

Norway is in close proximity to the North Pole, which places it in the Auroral oval. This is caused by the interaction of the Sun’s electrons and Earth’s magnetic field. The collision of atoms and molecules causes these lights, which are a spectacle for the human eye, causing intrigue and mystery.

The best time to see the Northern Lights in Scandinavia, specifically Norway, is from September / October to March / April.

Norwegian Fjords

When the last ice age ended, it created beautiful landscapes due to the destruction. The glaciers carved these U-shaped valleys and created beautiful mountains on the land of Norway.

As the glaciers melted, the valleys filled with water, and the Norwegian Fjords became a visual treat for modern man to witness. You can visit these Fjords when they are in their full bloom and beauty!

Some of the fjords make it to the list of “Best Norway Places To Visit In Winter”.

Art and Architecture

As mentioned earlier, Norway is balanced in many ways. After you enjoy the natural beauty, you can return to the man-made beauty — art and architecture!

You will find everything in Norway, including the Edvard Munch museum in Oslo, the intricate architecture in the town of Alesund, the buildings and art galleries of Bergen, the breathtaking sculptures of Vigelandsparken, the beautiful rock carvings of Alta, and the overall urban architecture mixed with the wood-carved rooftop houses.

Wild and Marine Life

Norway offers major opportunities to enjoy marine and wildlife exploration. You can go whale watching in Andenes or explore wildlife at Svalbard. Wildlife here consists of Polar Bears, Svalbard Reindeer, the magnificent Arctic Fox, Elk, Muskox, and more. You can also watch rare birds like Rock ptarmigans, Atlantic puffins, and Starlings.

Witnessing Norway Through the Lens of Months

First, let's explore what Norway looks like each month. This exploration will help you understand when it's best for you to visit Norway.

Norway experiences winter in the month of January, and without a doubt, it looks serene. Apart from the coastal region of Norway, you will see snow everywhere. The beautiful Norwegian mountains and the urban landscape are snow-laden, white, and beautiful.

The weather in January ranges from Sunny, snowy, and rainy, depending on the region and time of your visit. The temperature will range from -1ºC to -6ºC.

February again, is a month of winter and snowfall in Norway. Along with being a time when the land looks spectacular, you will find lesser rush in terms of tourists. Most people do not choose February due to the temperature. However, if you prefer coolness and other perks that come with February, you can definitely think of it as a great opportunity!

The temperature in February might feel extreme as it falls to -1ºC to -7ºC. You can carry good quality sweaters and other winter clothes for your journey! The perks of travelling during this time is that since February is off-season, the flights and hotels are at their cheapest rates.

Things to Do in January and February

Spot the Northern Lights since it is winter and dark.

Indulge in winter sports and other winter activities like steaming Norwegian sauna.

Experience the magic of snowy Fjords, waterside towns

The whale-watching safari ends in mid-January, so you might be able to catch some majestic Whales.

If you wish to catch glimpses of nature birthing Spring, you must visit Norway in the month of March. The days will start to get back to normalcy and the country will be brighter. The best thing about March is that you get to experience Sunny days in some regions and snowfall storms in others.

Since March is still off-season, you will get to enjoy cheap flights and hotels. There will be fewer tourists overall. However, the tourists start showing up by the end of March.

April seldom holds on to the harsh winters and snowfalls. The month is brighter, better, and more beautiful. You will find the snow melting in some parts of the country, making it a great option to travel on foot.

The temperature in the month of April ranges from 1ºC at night to 9ºC in the day. In regions like Tromso, winter still exists, and the temperature there in the day ranges from 0-3ºC. You will experience whispers of spring, enhanced daylight, and increased daytime.

Things to Do in March and April

Explore beautiful Fjords and other water bodies

Hiking up to Pulpit Rock.

Spring blooms in cities, roadsides, and villages.

Skiing and other winter sports are available in the mountains, specifically in Oslo, Bergen, and Lillehammer.

Spotting the Northern Lights before they go into hibernation until the month of October.

May is considered to be one of the best times to visit Norway. It is also the time when the tourist season begins. You will see less white mountains and snow-laden landscapes and more green and yellow in the palette.

You witness the flowers in full bloom, longer days, and more lively water bodies around you. Since this month has walkable streets and mountains, you can carry comfortable walking shoes. That being said, the weather can be volatile and may surprise you, so keep some waterproof jackets and winter clothes along with you.

June is also one of the most convenient months to visit the country of Norway! Since it is peak tourist season, you can plan beforehand to reduce the flight and hotel expenses. Since it is a busy time of the year, you would want to be swift with the bookings because the hotels fill up faster than you think they would.

The weather is soothing, with 10ºC - 20ºC temperature, and the days are longer with bright daylight.

Things to Do in May and June

Explore different fjords and their scenic beauty.

Try fishing, boating, coastal rides, etc.

Roads are cycling and hiking-friendly.

Visiting Norway in July might end up being your best decision. July is part of the peak tourist season months. You will get to experience the best scenery and environment in the country. The nation also hosts the biggest food festival in the month of July, so do not miss that!

Norway’s temperature in July is suitable for Indian citizens since it ranges from 18ºC - 20ºC. The weather in Norway treats you well in the month of July, so you can plan your trip at that time. Pre-book everything since it is peak season and hotels fill up rapidly.

August is the host of Bergen’s Beer Festival, Shellfish Festival in Mandal, Telemark International Folk Music Festival in Bo and Oslo’s Jazz Festival. Additionally, Norway exhibits some of its most beautiful sceneries in the month of August.

The weather is very friendly and trustworthy. Norway experiences a rise in tourism in August, resulting in rapidly filling hotels and rising rates. Along with the abovementioned festivals, you get to experience the warmth of the day and slightly chilled nights, the balance you would want.

Things to Do in July and August

The best time to cruise in Norway starts in July. The Fjords cruise in Tromso, the UNESCO World Heritage Site at Geirangerfjord, or Trondheim to Kristiansund.

Go cycling, hiking, or car riding through the scenic beauty of Norway’s villages, mountainside towns, and cities.

Best time to visit Norway’s beaches, waterfalls, and fjords.

Visiting the Norwegian islands becomes easier by car, bicycle or bus.

The Flam Railways will tour you through some of the most beautiful places in the country.

Visit Svalbard Island to spot Polar Bears.

West coastal trip with coastal ferries.

In the month of September, Norway flourishes with autumnal beauty. You can witness the greens turning red and orange, blue skies, and slightly snow-covered mountains. The colour palette makes it one of the most beautiful sites to witness.

Norway starts getting colder by the day in the month of September. You can visit all the tourist attractions without experiencing crowds. Since September is an off-season, you can enjoy your trip on a lower budget than usual.

October marks the beginning of wintery cold weather, unlike the chilled cold of September. You would want to bring your winter clothes with you if you are planning a visit in October. Unlike the other parts of Norway, Oslo lacks snowfall. This results in thousands of people visiting Oslo, even in October.

Since it is winter, the days start getting shorter again! An average day will last around 5 to 6 hours every 24 hours. It gets dark very early, resulting in longer nights. This might be an obstacle in your journey of exploration!

October also marks the end of Aurora Borealis’ appearances. It is the best time to see the Northern Lights in Norway.

Things to Do in September and October

Go Island hopping and explore the sceneries.

Explore the fjords by cruising and boating.

You can go trekking, hiking, cycling, car riding, and mountain biking. The roads are very friendly up until late October.

Visit places that experience the phenomenon of Aurora Borealis in October.

November will take away the autumn colours from the beautiful country and fill the canvas with whites, blues, and blacks. That being said, these neutral colours manage to impress you even more, especially if you are a fan of winter and its aesthetics.

You would want to carry your heavy winter coats and sweaters and be ready for a chilling cold. In some parts of the northern parts of Norway, the Sun does not rise at all, the entire day. This is not a favourable condition for generic travel. However, if you want to experiment and explore, Norway is all yours.

This is the season of celebrations and songs! Norway celebrates Christmas like none other. If you are into Christmas and New year’s eve travels, Norway is definitely the place you would want to visit. From reindeer safaris to northern lights, everything is special about December in Norway!

The weather is extremely cold; that goes without saying! Tromso experiences complete darkness throughout the month, with no Sunrise or Sunset.

Things to Do in November and December

Chase the Northern Lights; this is your best bet.

Indulge in winter sports like skiing and snowshoeing.

Enjoy Reindeer safaris.

Enjoy the Christmas season in Norway.

Please Note: You can visit art galleries, historically relevant cities and villages, New Nordic cuisine, art and architecture at any time of the year.

The Best Time to Visit Norway

If your priority is to spot the Northern Lights and enjoy the winters in the countryside of Norway, you should prefer visiting in the winter months, i.e., October to January.

However, if you want to experience the beautiful phenomenon of the Midnight Sun and experience the warmth of this beautiful country, enjoy the scenic views, and click dreamy pictures with a vast colour palette, you must visit Norway from March to July.

Since this window of time may allow you to enjoy both Aurora Borealis (in March and April) and the Midnight Sun, you may visit Norway in March, April, May, June, or July.

We hope that this blog offered some worthy insights into your plans to visit Norway. There are other things you must take care of as well, along with understanding this monthly breakdown of the weather in Norway. The most important of these is getting a Norway visa for Indians and ensuring your trip safety, which is conveniently possible with a travel insurance policy.

With Tata AIG, you can buy affordable and customisable overseas travel insurance for your Norway visit.

With our travel insurance cover, you get extensive coverage for unforeseen trip incidents, like delayed or cancelled flights, lost baggage, medical expenses during the trip, and more.

Buy the policy with the help of our experts at Tata AIG, customise it according to your preferences, and safeguard your journey to Norway.

What is the biggest drawback of visiting Norway in the summer season?

The biggest drawback of summer in Norway is the crowd, the number of tourists, rising hotel and flight rates, longer queues, and unavailability of accommodation.

What is the biggest drawback of visiting Norway in the winter season?

Drawbacks regarding winter visits in Norways include shorter days, no daylights in some regions, limitations in outdoor activities, becoming an experimental visit, and the weather, which is extremely cold.

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Best Time to Visit Norway

  • Post author By Best Time To Visit

best time to visit norway from india

Norway is located in northern Europe, known for its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and fascinating history.

Whether you’re interested in exploring fjords, admiring stunning landscapes, or experiencing local culture, there is something for everyone in Norway.

Here are some of the best times to visit the country:

This is also the best time to see the famous Midnight Sun, where the sun doesn’t set in the country’s northern parts.

  • Autumn (September to November): This is a great time to visit Norway for those who want to enjoy the country’s stunning fall foliage and mild temperatures.
  • Winter (December to February): This is the best time to visit Norway for those who enjoy winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding and want to experience the Northern Lights.
  • Spring (March to May): This is the best time to visit Norway for those who want to enjoy mild temperatures, stunning wildflowers, and greenery.

No matter what time you visit Norway, the country promises to offer a memorable experience.

However, before planning your trip, check for travel restrictions due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


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  8. The Ultimate Timing Guide To The Best Time to Visit Norway

    To see Norway's crystal-clear lakes, mesmerizing night sky, and thermal lagoons, summer is the best time to travel there from India. Visit in June if you want to see never-ending daylight! Traveling in the summer is advised to catch the Northern Lights at their most spectacular because of the bright skies and nice evenings.

  9. When is the Best Time to Go and Visit Norway? : Nordic Visitor

    Best time to travel to the Norway fjords. The Norwegian fjords are amongst the most beautiful in the world. It is no wonder that the West Norwegian Fjords, Geirangerfjord and Nærøyfjord, are listed as one of Norway's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.Picture tranquil waters, thundering waterfalls, and sheer mountain faces.

  10. Best Time to Visit Norway (+ The COOLEST Places To See)

    The best time to visit Norway completely depends on what you want to see. While the country is beautiful year round, your experience will differ greatly depending on the region, the activities, and the month. Norway is a long, large country and is diverse in weather and tourism hotspots. Summer in Norway brings with it long days, great weather ...

  11. The Best Times To Visit Norway

    Here's a breakdown of the main tourist seasons in Norway: High Season: June to August and December. Shoulder Seasons: September to October and April to May. Low Season: November and January to March. Choosing the best time of year to visit Norway depends on what you want to do during your visit — read on to find out more.

  12. Best time to go to Norway

    The ideal period to visit Norway from a climatic point of view is July-August, but the period that extends more broadly from May to September can also be considered for a discovery trip.. Very brief, spring is marked by the melting of snow and the awakening of nature after long months of dormancy. It is at this time that many hiking trails reopen to the public and that cruises between the ...

  13. Best Time and Season to Visit Norway: Complete Guide

    The best time to visit Norway is during its summer, which falls in June, July, and August. These are the best months to enjoy its pleasant weather and relatively longer days. Norway is known for having pretty chill, cold, and dark weather. It can get as cold as -1°C, which is pretty cold, and if you are going to Norway for a vacation to see ...

  14. When Is The Best Time To Visit Norway?

    It's a great time to go hiking, visit the fjords and the cities. It'll be quieter than high season, though prices may be higher. Norway's national day is also on the 17th of May, so expect lots of celebrations and festivities. Summer. The summer months are generally considered to be the best time to visit Norway.

  15. Best Time To Visit Norway For Viking History, Midnight Sun And More

    The best time to visit Norway to try its local food is during the summer when the country's culinary scene comes alive with fresh and seasonal ingredients. Indulge in traditional dishes like the savoury kjøttkaker (Norwegian meatballs) served with creamy mashed potatoes and lingonberry sauce, best enjoyed at cosy cafes in Bergen or Oslo.

  16. When is the Best Time to Visit Norway?

    When is the best time of the year to visit Norway? Spring is a lovely time to go to Norway since the snow and ice will have melted away in most parts of the country, and flowers are in bloom. Springtime is a wonderful season for Norwegians, marking the end of the winter which can often seem long and dark. A city break or an active holiday such ...

  17. Best Time to Visit Norway

    When is the Best Time to Visit Norway for Snow. Even though it won't be cold, it promises long, light days and warmer temperatures but makes no promises about heat. The ideal time to visit Norway, though, also depends on your travel objectives. May and September offer gorgeous colours in nature, while November-March is for snow and Northern ...

  18. When is the best time to visit Norway?

    The best time to visit Norway in the northern region is in the autumn, which brings thinner crowds, cooler weather between 5°C to 10°C, and glorious foliage. The best time to visit Norway in the southern region is between May and August, when the days are long, the landscapes are green, and the weather is warm, between 16°C and 22°C.

  19. Best Time to Visit Norway from India

    10. Ti. This blog article provides crucial details like the best time to visit Norway and tourist destinations. While summer is an ideal time to visit, winters are perfect for catching the visual wonder of the Aurora Borealis. However, if you are a budget traveller, you can travel to Norway during spring and autumn.

  20. 33 Norway Tour Package Starts @ 𝐑𝐬.203456 𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙉𝙤𝙬

    Norway Tourism: Best Time to Visit. Norway tour packages are often arranged to accommodate the country's extreme seasons. The summer season, from June to August, is a fantastic time to enjoy Norway tours when you can experience the legendary phenomenon of the midnight sun and sweeping swaths of verdant fields.

  21. Best Time to Visit Norway from India

    Discover the best time to visit Norway for stunning natural phenomena, from the Midnight Sun to the Northern Lights. Plan your trip wisely! ... Tower A, 15th Floor, G.K.Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013, Maharashtra, India. CIN: U85110MH2000PLC128425. IRDA of India Regn. No. 108. Toll Free Number : 1800 266 7780 / 1800 22 9966 (only for ...

  22. Best time to visit Norway

    Norway In Spring (May - June) Temperature - The average spring temperature in Norway ranges between 14 - 18°C. However, it may be lower in the mountains where the snow has just begun to thaw. Weather - As Norway throws off the last vestiges of a cold winter, the weather starts warming up gradually.

  23. Best Time to Visit Norway

    Norway is located in northern Europe, known for its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and fascinating history. Whether you're interested in exploring fjords, admiring stunning landscapes, or experiencing local culture, there is something for everyone in Norway. Here are some of the best times to visit the country: Summer (June to August): This is