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50+ Star Trek Dog Names for the Trekkie Pet Owner

Are you a Star Trek fan? Do you have a furry friend who also shares your love for the iconic sci-fi series? If so, then you’re in luck! In this article, we will explore over 50 Star Trek dog names that are perfect for any Trekkie pet owner. Whether you have a male or female dog, a small breed or a powerful canine, there’s a Star Trek-inspired name out there that will suit your beloved furry companion.

How to Choose the Perfect Star Trek Dog Name for Your Trekkie Pet

Choosing the perfect name for your Star Trek-loving pet can be an exciting and fun endeavor. To help you in this process, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Consider your favorite Star Trek characters: Think about the iconic characters from the Star Trek series that you admire the most. Captains like James T. Kirk and Jean-Luc Picard, or other beloved characters like Spock or Data, can all serve as great sources of inspiration for your pet’s name.

2. Reflect on your dog’s personality: Every dog has their own unique personality traits. Consider your dog’s temperament, behavior, and quirks. Are they playful and energetic like a puppy named Wesley, or calm and wise like a dog named T’Pol?

3. Think about breed-specific traits: If you have a particular dog breed known for certain characteristics, like a loyal and protective German Shepherd, you might want to choose a name that aligns with those traits. A name like Worf, after the Klingon warrior, would be a strong and fitting choice.

4. Consider the length and ease of pronunciation: Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and matches your dog’s personality. It’s important to keep in mind that you will be calling this name multiple times a day, so a shorter and catchy name like Bones or Nyota might be more practical than a longer and complex name like Montgomery Scott.

5. Pay homage to your favorite Star Trek episodes or movies: If you have a particular Star Trek episode or movie that holds a special place in your heart, consider choosing a name that references it. For example, a dog named Tribble after the famous episode “The Trouble with Tribbles” would be a playful and delightful choice.

Now that we’ve covered some general tips for selecting the perfect Star Trek dog name, let’s dive into specific categories to help you find the ideal name for your furry friend.

6. Consider the meaning behind the name: Some Star Trek names have deeper meanings that can add an extra layer of significance to your pet’s name. For instance, the name “Uhura” means “freedom” in Swahili, which can symbolize your dog’s spirited and independent nature.

The Best Star Trek Dog Names Inspired by Iconic Characters

The characters in Star Trek have captured the hearts of fans worldwide. Here are some of the best dog names inspired by these iconic characters:

1. Kirk: A strong and fitting name for a confident and courageous dog.

2. Picard: Perfect for a wise and intelligent dog who commands respect.

3. Spock: An ideal choice for a logical and calm dog.

4. Data: A great name for a curious and analytical dog.

5. McCoy: Suitable for a loyal and caring dog who brings comfort.

6. Uhura: A beautiful name for a dog with a melodious and loving nature.

7. Sulu: A name that suits an adventurous and energetic dog.

8. Scotty: Ideal for a clever and resourceful dog.

9. Geordi: A name that represents a dog with a keen sense of observation and problem-solving abilities.

10. Janeway: Perfect for a strong and determined female dog.

These names are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Star Trek-inspired dog names. In the next section, we will explore unique names for the ultimate Trekkie pet owner.

Unique Star Trek Dog Names for the Ultimate Trekkie Pet Owner

As a Trekkie pet owner, you likely desire a unique and distinctive name for your furry companion. Here are some unique Star Trek dog names to consider:

1. Q: A mischievous and playful dog who always keeps you on your toes.

2. Borg: A name that reflects strength and unity in the face of adversity.

3. Vulcan: Ideal for a dog with a calm and composed demeanor.

4. Klingon: Perfect for a powerful and determined dog.

5. Romulan: A mysterious and enigmatic name for a dog who keeps you guessing.

6. Ferengi: The name of a dog who loves to acquire treats and treasures.

7. Andorian: A cool and composed dog with a unique, blue-gray coat.

8. Trill: Suitable for a dog who embodies loyalty and has a strong bond with their human companion.

9. Cardassian: A name for a dog who might initially appear tough, but has a soft and caring heart.

10. Bajoran: Ideal for a dog who is deeply spiritual and has a keen sense of intuition.

These unique names will make your pet stand out among other dogs, showcasing your love for Star Trek in a truly distinctive way. For Trekkie pet owners with male dogs, we have compiled a list of the top 10 Star Trek dog names in the next section.

Top 10 Star Trek Dog Names for Male Dogs

Male dogs can exude strength and charisma, just like the male characters in Star Trek. Here are the top 10 Star Trek dog names for male dogs:

1. Kirk: A name that represents leadership and bravery.

2. Spock: Ideal for a logical and composed male dog.

3. Data: Perfect for a curious and intelligent male dog.

4. Picard: A strong and authoritative name for a male dog who commands respect.

5. Worf: The name of a male dog with a warrior spirit and loyalty to his pack.

6. Riker: A name that befits a charming and confident male dog.

7. Sisko: Suitable for a determined and protective male dog.

8. Scotty: Perfect for a clever and resourceful male dog.

9. La Forge: Ideal for a male dog with keen senses and a technical knack.

10. Bashir: A name that represents a kind-hearted and empathetic male dog.

These names will turn your male dog into a true alpha, ready to explore the stars and protect his human companions. Female dog owners, don’t worry – we have a special section just for you. Check out the next section for 10 female Star Trek dog names that are truly out of this world.

10 Female Star Trek Dog Names That Are Out of This World

From powerful captains to intelligent science officers, female characters in Star Trek have always played a central role. Here are 10 female Star Trek dog names that are truly out of this world:

1. Uhura: A name that reflects a nurturing and loving female dog.

2. Janeway: Suitable for a strong and determined female dog.

3. Troi: Perfect for a female dog who is intuitive and empathetic.

4. Seven: A unique and futuristic name for a female dog with a strong sense of self.

5. Kira: A name that represents a brave and passionate female dog.

6. T’Pol: Ideal for a female dog who is logical and calm.

7. Jadzia: A name that exudes elegance and intelligence.

8. B’Elanna: Suitable for a female dog who possesses strength and a fiery spirit.

9. Ezri: A name for a female dog who is compassionate and has a strong sense of self-identity.

10. Beverly: Perfect for a nurturing and caring female dog.

These names will bring out the inner strength and grace of your female dog, reflecting the inspirational female characters from the Star Trek series. Now, let’s explore famous Star Trek dog names that pay homage to our furry first officers.

Famous Star Trek Dog Names for Your Furry First Officer

In the Star Trek universe, our beloved first officers often serve as a voice of reason and guidance to the captains. Here are some famous Star Trek dog names that pay tribute to these notable roles:

1. Number One: A name that represents a loyal and trusted dog.

2. Spock: Perfect for a dog who embodies logic and intelligence.

3. Riker: Ideal for a dog with a strong and confident personality.

4. Kira: A name that reflects a dog who is brave and unwavering in their loyalty.

5. Chakotay: Suitable for a dog who has a deep connection with their human companions and nature.

6. T’Pol: A name for a dog who remains calm and composed in any situation.

7. Data: Perfect for a dog who is curious and always seeking knowledge.

8. Odo: Ideal for a dog who possesses shape-shifting abilities and adaptability to any situation.

9. Tuvok: A name that reflects a dog who is disciplined and reliable.

10. Tom: Suitable for a dog who is adventurous and always ready for a challenge.

These famous Star Trek dog names pay homage to the first officers who play essential roles in the Star Trek series. For Trekkie pet owners with a vivid imagination, the next section will provide creative Star Trek dog names that will ignite your inner Trekkie.

Creative Star Trek Dog Names for the Imaginative Trekkie Pet Owner

If you’re an imaginative Trekkie pet owner, you might want a creative and one-of-a-kind name for your furry friend. Here are some creative Star Trek dog names that will ignite your imagination:

1. Warp: A dog who’s always full of energy and ready for warp speed.

2. Phaser: A name that represents a dog who is quick and agile.

3. Nebula: Suitable for a dog whose coat shimmers like the stars in a nebula.

4. Quasar: Perfect for a dog who brightens up your life like a distant quasar.

5. Four of Nine: A name for a dog with a unique personality, like one of the Borg.

6. Galaxy: Ideal for a dog who brings the wonders of the galaxy into your home.

7. Aurora: A name that reflects the beauty and majesty of the Northern Lights.

8. Stargazer: Suitable for a dog who loves to gaze at the stars with you.

9. Nova: Perfect for a dog who is always bursting with energy and excitement.

10. Comet: A name that represents a dog who streaks across the sky with grace and speed.

These creative Star Trek dog names are perfect for Trekkie pet owners who want to showcase their imagination and love for the series. For individuals with small breeds or playful puppies, the next section will provide adorable Star Trek dog names that capture their cuteness.

Adorable Star Trek Dog Names for Small Breeds and Puppies

Small breeds and puppies have an innate ability to melt our hearts with their adorableness. Here are some adorable Star Trek dog names that are perfect for small breeds and puppies:

1. Tribble: A name that represents a small and fluffy dog who brings joy and laughter.

2. Porthos: Ideal for a small dog with a big personality, just like Captain Archer’s beagle.

3. Spot: A playful and endearing name for a mischievous and adorable dog.

4. Quark: Suitable for a small dog with a quirky and lovable nature.

5. Wesley: Perfect for a young and adventurous puppy.

6. Neelix: A name that befits a small dog with a boundless curiosity and friendly disposition.

7. Morn: Ideal for a small dog who always brings a smile to your face, just like the lovable Ferengi.

8. PADD: A name that reflects the intelligence and curiosity of a puppy.

9. T’Rel: Suitable for a small dog with a graceful and elegant presence.

10. Lwaxana: Perfect for a small dog who loves attention and has a larger-than-life personality.

These adorable Star Trek dog names capture the cuteness and charm of small breeds and puppies, ensuring that your furry friend will be the center of attention wherever they go. For Trekkie pet owners with strong and powerful canines, the next section will provide bold and powerful Star Trek dog names that suit their fierce nature.

Bold and Powerful Star Trek Dog Names for Strong Canines

Do you have a strong and powerful canine companion? These bold and powerful Star Trek dog names will perfectly suit their fearless and commanding nature:

1. Khan: A name for a dog who is a true leader and inspirer of loyalty.

2. Admiral: Ideal for a dog who leads with authority and commands respect.

3. Tiberius: Perfect for a regal and noble dog who demands attention.

4. Klingon: A name that represents a strong and fierce dog who loves a good battle.

5. T’Kuvma: Suitable for a dog who is a natural leader and unites others.

6. Jem’Hadar: Ideal for a dog who is disciplined and always ready for combat.

7. Borg: A name that reflects a dog who is powerful and unyielding.

markos koemtzopoulos

I’m a dog enthusiast and creator of Doggie Connect, a blog sharing my experience caring for dogs. I love dogs and I’m committed to helping others with dog care. Contact me at [email protected] for assistance.

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Great Dog Names From Star Trek: May Your Puppy Live Long and Prosper

Dog Names From Star Trek  by Janice Jones   

Updated 04-13-2023

You don't need to be a Trekkie to love the names that have come from the long standing Star Trek Series that included both movies and iconic television series. 

Both movies and TV series have created a legacy that spans generations encouraging viewers to visualize a life  where no man has gone before.

Wiki image of the USS Enterprise from Star Trek

Long Standing and Still Hugely Popular

When I named two of my first dogs, Geordi and Tasha, I had no idea people would still fall in love with dog names based on Star Trek.

What I found amazing was the number of television series, movies and animated shows that follow the Star Trek theme.  An entire industry has grown up around the Star Trek franchise.

Just in case you have forgotten some of the movies or TV series, I've added them here.

The Original Series 1966–1969 TV series Star Trek: The Animated Series 1973–1974 (TV series) Star Trek: The Motion Picture 1979 (Movie) Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan 1982 (Movie) Star Trek III: The Search for Spock 1984 (Movie) Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986 (Movie) Star Trek V: The Final Frontier 1989 (Movie) Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country 1991 (Movie) Star Trek: The Next Generation 1987–1994 TV (Movie) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 1993–1999 TV (Movie) Star Trek Generations 1994 (Movie) Star Trek: Voyager 1995–2001 (TV series) Star Trek: First Contact 1996 (Movie) Star Trek: Insurrection 1998 (Movie) Star Trek: Nemesis 2002 (Movie) Star Trek: Enterprise 2001–2005 (TV Series) Star Trek (2009) 2009 (Movie) Star Trek Into Darkness 2013 (Movie) Star Trek Beyond 2016 (Movie) Star Trek: Discovery 2017–present (TV series) Star Trek: Short Treks 2018–2020 (TV series) Star Trek: Picard 2020–present (TV series) Star Trek: Lower Decks 2020–present ((TV series) Star Trek: Prodigy 2021–present (TV series) Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2022–present (TV series)

Finding the Best Dog Names From Star Trek

It's not hard to find names, but what makes the best name for your dog?

  • Is it your favorite character?
  • Is it one that rolls well over your tongue?
  • Is it short and sweet?
  • Does your dog remind you of a particular character?
  • All of the above?

Female Dog Names From Star Trek Characters

Airiam - Lt. Commander and Science Officer of USS Discovery

Ayala - Helmsman, security and former Maquis on the USS Voyager

Alynna - Alynna Nechayev, the admiral of Starfleet

Ash - Ash Tyler the Chief Security in Star Trek (Discovery)

B'Elanna  - B'Elanna Torres a human and Klingon hybrid lieutenant and former Maquis

Beverly - Beverly Crusher, the Doctor onboard the Enterprise;  Either Bev, Beverly or Crusher might work

Chell - the Engineering Officer in Voyager

Deanna - Deanna Troi, the ship's counselor 

Degra - Xindi scientist in Enterprise

Evek - a Cardassian in Deep Space Nine

Gabrielle - Gabby for short,  Intelligence Operative and Astrophysicist

Guinan  -Whoopi Goldberg's character on The Next Generation

Hoshi (Japanese origin) - The Com Officer on the  

Janeway - Captain of the Voyager (Voyager)

Jadzia - Jadzia Dax, A Joined Trill and officer (Deep Space Nine) Either Jadzia or Dax would be a good name

Kasidy - Kasidy Yates is a freighter captain and friend to Captain Sisko  (Deep Space 9)

Keiko (Japanese origin)  wife of Miles O'Brien, botanist and school teacher (Deep Space Nine) 

Kes - Medic in the USS Star Trek Voyager

Keyla - Keyla Detmer, the Helmsman in Discovery

Kira - Kira Nerys, a Bajoran in DS9. Either Kira or Nerys would make a great dog name

Kimara - a Romulan Representative and  Senator in (Deep Space Nine)

Leeta - a Bajoran on Deep Space 9

Li - Li Nalas, the Bajoran Liaison Officer in DS9

Lwaxana - Betazoid and mother of Dianna Troi

Molly - Molly O'Brien, the daughter of  Miles and Keiko O'Brien on the Enterprise (already a popular dog name)

Mora - Mora Pol, a Bajoran scientist in Star Trek: Deep Space 9

Ro - Bajorian and helmsman on The Next Generation

Sela - Romulan officer in Star Trek: The Next Generation. 

Seska - a Cardassian in Voyager

Soji - Soji Asha, a Romulan Anthropologist in the Reclamation Site

Tal - Tal Celes, a Bajoran crewman on the USS Voyager.

Tasha - Natasha Yar, the chief of security before Worf

T'Pol - the first Vulcan Starfleet officer (Enterprise)

Uhura - Nyota Uhura is the Communications Officer in the original Star Trek Series

Male Dog Names From Star Trek characters

Alexander - the son of the Klingon, Worf and a member of the House of Mogh

Azan - a civilian passenger in the USS Voyager

Bashir - Doctor Julian Bashir, the chief medical officer on Deep Space Nine

Bareil - a Bajoran Religious Leader (Deep Space Nine)

Bones - nickname for Dr Leonard McCoy (Original Star Trek

Boothby - the civilian groundskeeper at Starfleet Academy (Star Trek, The Next Generation)

Boimler - Ensign on the USS Cerritos

Brunt - a Civilian resident on Ferengi

Bryce  - a Lieutenant in USS Discovery

Chakotay - First officer and former Maquis on the USS Voyager

Christopher - (Chris for short) Christopher Pike, the first captain of Enterprise

Data - the sentient A.I. and Chief Operations Office Star Trek, The Next Generation

Doctor - the sarcastic medical hologram

Dolim - the Xindi-Reptilian Commander of the Xindi Council

Dukat - Religious Cardassia Leader

Elim - Elim Garak, a Cardassian in Star Trek: Deep Space 9

Elnor - Romulin Starfleet Cadet on the

Ezri - Ezri Dax, a Trill Counselor in DS9

Evek - Cardassian Commanding Officer of CMS Vetar

Geordi LaForge - chief engineer in the Star Trek: Next Generation

Harry - Harry Kim, the ensign and friend of Paris (Enterprise)

Hikaru or Sulu (Japanese origin) - captain of the Excelsior and starred in the original Star Trek Series

Jake - son of Captain Sisko in Deep Space Nine

Jet - Jet Reno is the chief engineer of the USS Hiawatha (Discovery)

Jean-Luc - Jean Luc Picard (any of those names would make a great dog name - the commanding officer, a diplomat, and a scholar. (Next Generation)

Jonathan - Jonathan Archer (Jon or Archer both make great dog names)

Julian - Julian Bashir; Chief Medical Officer of Deep Space Nine. Bashir would also make a great dog name.

Khan - a human that controlled the earth during the "Eugenics Wars" shows up in a number of TV series and movies including the Wrath of Khan 

Kirk - James Kirk, the original Captain of the Enterprise

McCoy  - the doctor, in the original series

Miles - Miles O'Brien the chief engineer in the Next Generation and then Deep Space Nine

Mudd - human smuggler that shows up in various settings (TOS, TAS, DSC, ST)

Neelix - Talaxian and Chef on USS Voyager

Nog - Feringi cadet and ensign and nephew to Quark (Deep Space Nine)

Odo - Shape-shifter and chief of security on Deep Space 9

Pavel - Pavel Chekov one of the members of the original Enterprise crew. (Chekov also works as a dog name)

Phlox - a medical officer.

Q - a character from the Continuium that shows up in several Star Trek series (DS9, TNG, Voyager and Picard)

Quark - Ferengi and Bar Owner on Deep Space Nine

Reginald - Reginald Barclay, Reggie for Short, an Engineering Officer in the Enterprise

Riker - Number One officer of the Enterprise (Next Generation)

Rom  - the Ferengi, is Quark’s younger brother in Star Trek: Deep Space 9

Sarek - Spock's Father in various movies and TV series.

Scotty - engineer of the Enterprise. A great dog name but don't try to use it to register your Scottish Terrier with AKC .

Sisko - Benjamin Sisko, the commander of Deep Space Nine

Spock - The Vulcan and science officer of Enterprise. (The original Star Trek series and in many subsequent movies.

Soval - the Vulcan ambassador to Earth in Star Trek: Enterprise.

Spot - Data's pet cat in the Next Generation and some films

Travis - Travis Mayweather, navigator and helmsman on the Enterprise

Trip - nickname of Charles Tucker III, the right-hand man of Archer.

Tuvok  - Vulcan friend of Captain Janeway l

Wesley - Wes for short, Wesley Crusher

Worf - Klingon lieutenant on TNG and DS9

Zek - a Ferengi in Deep Space 9

Dog Names From Star Trek Vocabulary

Warp (warp speed - a great name for a fast dog)

Beam (beam me up); a dog that likes to be on your lap

Cloak (cloaking device) a dog that likes to hide

Phaser - a guard dog?

Tribble - a super cute furry dog

Logic - a highly intelligent dog

Commander, Ensign, Lieutenant, Major: top dogs

Dabo - Frengi game played at Quark's bar;  Dabo Girl for a female dog

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta (Quadrants)

Dog Names From Star Trek Alien Species and Worlds

Romulan (Romulus)

Bajor (Bagoran)

Remus (Reman)

Benzite (Benzar)

Xindi (Xindus)

Risa (vacation destination) - a very playful puppy

Tellar (Tellarites)

Pollux IV (Pollux for short)

What Dog Names From Star Trek Did I Forget?

There is so much vocabulary, so many main characters and guest stars, and alien worlds associated with Star Trek that I am absolutely sure I have forgotten some.  Can you help?

If you are a Trekkie, please take a moment to contact me with your ideas and I will gladly add your suggestions as soon as possible.  Thanks for your help.

Pin for Future Reference

Dog Names from Star Trek Pin Image

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About Janice (author and voice behind this site)

Having lived with dogs and cats most of her life, Janice served as a veterinary technician for ten years in Maryland and twelve years as a Shih Tzu dog breeder in Ohio.

Her education includes undergraduate degrees in Psychology with a minor in biology, Early Childhood Education, and Nursing, and a master's in Mental Health Counseling.

She is a lifelong learner, a dog lover, and passionate about the welfare of animals. Her favorite breed for over 50 years has been the Shih Tzu, but she has also lived with Poodles, Maltese, Yorkshire Terriers, Beagles, English Bulldogs, Carin Terriers, and a Cocker Spaniel.

When not writing, reading, and researching dog-related topics, she likes to spend time with her eight Shih Tzu dogs, husband, and family, as well as knitting and crocheting. She is also the voice behind Miracle Shih Tzu and Smart-Knit-Crocheting

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130 Star Trek Dog Names

Published: Feb 13, 2019 by Mary Clark · This post may contain affiliate links

Find the best pet name by browsing our list of Star Trek dog names.

star trek female dog names

  • Quark (Armin Shimerman's character)
  • Mezoti (Marley S. McClean's character)
  • Kalara (Lydia Wilson's character)
  • Q (John de Lancie's character)
  • Zefram (James Cromwell's character)
  • Sulu (George Takei's character)
  • Galla (Rachel Nichols' character)
  • Jadzia or Dax (Terry Farrell's character)
  • Keenser (Deep Roy's character)
  • Demora (Jacqueline Kim's character)
  • Jaylah (Sofia Boutella's character)
  • Tilly (Mary Wiseman's character)
  • Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green's character)
  • Chang (Christopher Plummer's character)
  • Lursa (Barbara March's character)
  • Kurn (Tony Todd's character)
  • Decker (Stephen Collins' character)
  • Nero (Eric Bana's character)
  • Dougherty (Anthony Zerbe's character)

star trek female dog names

  • Krall (Idris Elba's character)
  • Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg's character)
  • Rom (Max Grodénchik's character)
  • Saavik (Robin Curtis' character)
  • Voq (Shazad Latif's character)
  • Silik (John Fleck's character)
  • Talas (Molly Brink's character)
  • Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan's character)
  • Saru (Doug Jones' character)
  • Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh's character)
  • Valeris (Kim Cattrall 's character)
  • Odo (René Auberjonois' character)
  • Sato (Linda Park's character)
  • Azetbur (Rosanna DeSoto's character)
  • Janeway (Kate Mulgrew's character)
  • Phlox (John Billingsley's character)
  • Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill's character)
  • B-4 (Brent Spiner's character)

star trek female dog names

  • B'Elanna or Torres (Roxann Dawson's character)
  • Sarek (Mark Lenard's character)
  • Mayweather (Anthony Montgomery's character)
  • Stamets (Anthony Rapp's character)
  • Riker (Jonathan Frakes' character)
  • L'Rell (Mary Chieffo's character)
  • Archer (Scott Bakula's character)
  • Vorik (Alexander Enberg's character)
  • Data (Brent Spiner's character)
  • "Trip" (Connor Trinneer's character)
  • Chell (Derek McGrath's character)
  • McCoy or "Bones" (DeForest Kelley's character)
  • Chekov (Walter Koenig's character)
  • Jal or Culluh (Anthony De Longis' character)
  • Jean-Luc or Picard (Patrick Stewart's character)
  • Kruge (Christopher Lloyd's character)
  • Miles (Colm Meaney's character)
  • Nog (Aron Eisenberg's character)
  • Ru'afo (F. Murray Abraham's character)
  • Worf (Michael Dorn's character)
  • Tomalak (Andreas Katsulas' character)
  • Soran (Malcolm McDowell's character)
  • Jedda (John Vargas' character)
  • Crusher (Wil Wheaton's character)
  • Scotty (James Doohan's character)
  • Nerys (Nana Visitor's character)

star trek female dog names

  • Sisko (Avery Brooks' character)
  • Dukat (Marc Alaimo's character)
  • Weyoun (Jeffrey Combs' character)
  • Kes ( Jennifer Lien's character)
  • Spock (Leonard Nimoy's character)
  • Harcourt Fenton "Harry" Mudd (Rainn Wilson's character)
  • Shinzon (Tom Hardy's character)
  • Ezri (Nicole de Boer's character)
  • Jet or Reno (Tig Notaro's character)
  • Khan (Ricardo Montalban's character)
  • Neelix (Ethan Phillips's character)
  • Pike (Bruce Greenwood's character)

star trek female dog names

  • Tuvok (Tim Russ' character)
  • Soval (Gary Graham's character)
  • Chakotay (Robert Beltran's character)
  • Gowron (Robert O'Reilly's character)
  • Sybok (Laurence Luckinbill's character)
  • Zek (Wallace Shawn's character)
  • Culber (Wilson Cruz's character)
  • Uhura (Nichelle Nichols' character)
  • Hogan (Simon Billig's character)
  • T'Kuvma (Chris Obi's character)
  • Dolim (Scott MacDonald's character)
  • Troi (Marina Sirtis's character)

star trek female dog names

  • T'Pol (Jolene Blalock's character)
  • Icheb (Manu Intiraymi's character)
  • Bashir (Alexander Siddig's character)
  • Cartwright (Brock Peters' character)
  • Ro (Michelle Forbes' character)
  • James T. Kirk (William Shatner's character)
  • Forge (LeVar Burton's character)
  • Chapel (Majel Barrett's character)
  • Lorca (Jason Isaacs' character)
  • Tasha or Yar (Denise Crosby's character)
  • Reed (Dominic Keating's character)
  • Kemper (Nathan Anderson's character)
  • Beverly (Gates McFadden's character)

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star trek female dog names

Blog Of Tom

149+ Star Trek Dog Names: BEST 2023 Picks (Unique & Bold)

Tom derbyshire.

Posted on: July 17, 2023

Updated on: September 18, 2023

Portrait of cute Shiba Inu small dog, puppy, Close up. Dogecoin. Red-haired Japanese dog smile portrait. Illuminating color, cryptocurrency, electronic money. High quality photo

Table Of Contents

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Star Trek dog names offer a unique and exciting way to celebrate your love for the iconic sci-fi series while naming your furry companion. With its extensive universe of characters and species, the Star Trek franchise provides a plethora of naming possibilities for all types of dog breeds.

From Captain Jonathan Archer’s lovable beagle, Porthos in Star Trek: Enterprise , to other memorable characters and alien creatures, the show truly has something for every fan. By choosing one of these names, you will not only give your dog a distinctive moniker, but also express your enthusiasm for the beloved series that has entertained and inspired millions of fans worldwide.

No matter which Star Trek series or movie is your favorite, you’re bound to find the perfect dog name that captures the essence of the show and reflects your pet’s unique personality. Get ready to boldly go where no pet owner has gone before, and explore the fascinating world of Star Trek-inspired dog names!

star trek female dog names

Section 1: Best Star Trek Dog Name Ideas

Star Trek dog names can provide inspiration for unique and memorable monikers for your furry friend. Here are two numbered lists featuring 15 popular names inspired by this beloved sci-fi franchise.

  • Spock : Named after the iconic and logical character, known for his Vulcan salute and razor-sharp wit.
  • Kirk : Drawing inspiration from Captain James T. Kirk, a heroic leader whose charisma and intelligence captivated fans.
  • Uhura : A strong and talented communications officer whose courage made her a fan favorite.
  • Bones : An affectionate nickname for Dr. Leonard McCoy, a caring and dedicated medical officer.
  • Sulu : A gifted and versatile officer, embracing navigation and martial arts, reflecting the bold and adventurous spirit.

Incorporating more names from Star Trek races and species can broaden the selection and add a touch of intrigue.

  • Klingon : A name for a strong, warrior-like animal drawn from the fierce humanoid aliens in the Star Trek universe.
  • Romulan : An intelligent and calculating breed of aliens, making it a great name for a cunning and crafty pup.
  • Vulcan : A logical and rational group, suiting a calm and collected canine companion.
  • Ferengi : Inspired by the profit-seeking beings, this name could indicate a dog who’s clever and resourceful.
  • Cardassian : These reptilian aliens bring a powerful and imposing character, perfect for an imposing guardian pup.

Rounding out the list with memorable names from Star Trek locations and starships can add a distinctive touch.

  • Enterprise : A nod to the legendary starship, whose adventures have captured fans’ imagination across different series.
  • Defiant : Named after a Starfleet vessel, this bold name suggests courage and tenacity.
  • Romulus : The home planet of the Romulans, offering a strong and fierce name for a proud dog.
  • Riker : Inspired by William T. Riker, a loyal and talented officer on the USS Enterprise.
  • Starfleet : Representing the exploratory and defense service, this name exudes unity, teamwork, and ambition.

star trek female dog names

Section 2: Good Star Trek Dog Names

Star Trek dog names can be inspired by various characters and species within the universe. Here are some options:

  • Spock : Logical and intelligent, like the iconic Vulcan.
  • Kirk : For a brave and adventurous pooch, named after the famous captain.
  • Uhura : A strong and communicative female character.
  • Picard : A wise and diplomatic leader, perfect for a thoughtful pet.
  • Tasha : In memory of the courageous security chief from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Data : An android with human-like qualities, just like a pet with impressive smarts.
  • Worf : Inspired by the fierce but honorable Klingon.

Do you have a dog that’s small and furry? You might want to consider these names based on the Tribbles :

  • Tribble : Named after the adorable, purring creatures themselves.
  • Cyrano : Adapted from Cyrano Jones, the trader who introduced Tribbles.

For fans of the Ferengi species, names like these could be appealing:

  • Quark : A cunning, profit-seeking character from Deep Space Nine.
  • Nog : A hardworking Ferengi who sets his sights on Starfleet Academy.
  • Brunt : Another Ferengi from the series, serving as an antagonist.

Curious about names from other Star Trek species? Try these options:

  • Klingon names : Worf, Gowron, Lursa, and B’Etor.
  • Vulcan names : Tuvok, T’Pol, and Sarek.
  • Romulan names : Tomalak, Sela, and Toreth.
  • Cardassian names : Gul Dukat, Garak, and Tora Ziyal.
  • Bajoran names : Kira Nerys, Ro Laren, and Vedek Bareil.

Lastly, here’s a few more names from characters of various backgrounds:

  • Riker : A reliable and loyal first officer.
  • Beverly : A brilliant doctor and wise counselor.
  • Geordi : A skilled engineer and adaptable thinker.
  • Odo : A changeling with a sense of law and order.
  • Seven : A former Borg drone seeking individuality.
  • Chakotay : A dedicated captain with a rich cultural background.
  • Hoshi : A linguist and communications officer.
  • Phlox : An inventive and compassionate alien doctor.

Choosing a name from this list can showcase your love for Star Trek and give your furry companion a memorable moniker from this beloved universe.

star trek female dog names

Section 3: Female Star Trek Dog Names

Star Trek female names are popular choices for dog owners who are fans of the series. The iconic character Uhura is a top pick for strong, intelligent female dogs. Here are some female Star Trek dog names inspired by the series:

  • Uhura : communications officer of the USS Enterprise, portrayed by Nichelle Nichols .
  • Beverly : Dr. Beverly Crusher, chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise-D.
  • Deanna : Deanna Troi, empathic counselor of the USS Enterprise-D.
  • Kira : Kira Nerys, first officer of the space station Deep Space Nine.
  • Jadzia : Jadzia Dax, science officer of Deep Space Nine.
  • Ezri : Ezri Dax, counselor of Deep Space Nine after Jadzia’s departure.
  • T’Pol : Vulcan science officer of the starship Enterprise NX-01.
  • Hoshi : Hoshi Sato, communications officer of the starship Enterprise NX-01.
  • Seven : Seven of Nine, former Borg drone and crew member of USS Voyager.
  • Kes : Kes, Ocampan crew member of USS Voyager.
  • B’Elanna : B’Elanna Torres, chief engineer of USS Voyager.
  • Janeway : Captain Kathryn Janeway, commanding officer of USS Voyager.
  • Tasha : Tasha Yar, security officer of the USS Enterprise-D.
  • Guinan : mysterious bartender of the USS Enterprise-D.
  • Pulaski : Dr. Katherine Pulaski, chief medical officer of the USS Enterprise-D for a short period.
  • Ro : Ro Laren, Bajoran officer of the USS Enterprise-D.
  • Sela : Sela, Romulan commander and daughter of Tasha Yar.
  • Leeta : Leeta, Bajoran dabo girl of Deep Space Nine.

Which name suits your dog best? These Star Trek female names offer a variety of options for your canine companion.

star trek female dog names

Section 4: Male Star Trek Dog Names

Star Trek dog names can be a fun and creative way to pay tribute to your favorite sci-fi series while naming your new canine companion. Consider naming your furry friend after some of the most iconic male characters from the Star Trek universe.

  • Kirk : Inspired by the legendary captain, James T. Kirk, who was known for his bold leadership and daring spirit.
  • Spock : The logical and stoic Vulcan who served as first officer and science officer aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
  • Picard : Named after Jean-Luc Picard, the commanding officer of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E and a favorite among Star Trek fans.
  • Riker : Drawing inspiration from William T. Riker, the charismatic and resourceful first officer who served under Captain Picard.
  • Archer : Named after Jonathan Archer, captain of the USS Enterprise (NX-01) and a pioneer in human space exploration.

Looking for something different? Why not try some alternative names related to these iconic characters? Here are some suggestions:

  • McCoy : Named after Leonard “Bones” McCoy, the chief medical officer aboard the USS Enterprise.
  • La Forge : Inspired by Geordi La Forge, the chief engineer of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E.
  • Data : Borrowed from the android character who served as second officer and operations officer on the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E.
  • Sulu : In honor of Hikaru Sulu, the skilled helmsman of the USS Enterprise under Captain Kirk.
  • Scotty : Named for Montgomery “Scotty” Scott, the chief engineer of the original USS Enterprise known for his catchphrase, “I’m givin’ her all she’s got, Captain!”

Incorporating one of these iconic Star Trek male names into your dog ‘s name can be an excellent way to showcase your love for the series and its characters.

Section 5: Unisex Star Trek Names For Dogs

Star Trek unisex names are perfect for any pet, regardless of their gender.

Let’s explore some options:

  • Data : Inspired by the android Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, this name suits a loyal and intelligent dog.
  • Odo : A shape-shifter from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Odo is an excellent choice for a dog with a mysterious or adaptable personality.
  • Q : Named after the omnipotent being Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation, this unisex name reflects a playful, clever, and sometimes mischievous pet.

Remember to choose a name that best fits your dog’s character and personality.

Section 6: Cool Names

Vulcan and Klingon inspired dog names can be a fun and unique choice for any Star Trek fan. Here are a few ideas that can make your dog stand out among the crowd.

  • Spock – Inspired by the famous Vulcan, Spock is an iconic Star Trek character and a perfect name for a smart and logical dog.
  • T’Pol – A strong, intelligent, and captivating female Vulcan from the series Star Trek: Enterprise.
  • Sarek – The father of Spock, a skilled Vulcan diplomat.

Switching gears to Klingon names, these options represent the warrior spirit of the Klingon race.

  • Worf – A fan-favorite Klingon character from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Worf has a strong and noble presence.
  • Marta – A cunning and powerful female Klingon, Marta made her appearance in the Star Trek universe on Deep Space Nine.
  • Gowron – The revered Klingon Chancellor in Star Trek: The Next Generation, Gowron is known for his intensity and battle skills.

Naming your dog after a Star Trek race or character is a great way to show your love for the series while giving your pet a memorable and one-of-a-kind moniker. Good luck choosing the perfect name from these Vulcan and Klingon-themed options!

Section 7: Badass Names

Star Trek offers plenty of inspiration for badass dog names. Some characters stand out for their strength, courage, or resilience, perfect for a canine companion with a strong presence. Here are some excellent choices:

  • Khan : from the iconic villain Khan Noonien Singh , a genetically engineered superhuman whose fierce determination and intelligence make him a formidable opponent.
  • Worf : inspired by the Klingon warrior and Starfleet officer , a character that exudes strength and honor.

Are any names here suitable for a swift and smaller breed? Consider these options:

  • Nog : inspired by the ambitious and resourceful Ferengi Starfleet officer .
  • Troi : after Deanna Troi , a compassionate and empathic Starfleet officer.

For a dog with a mysterious or otherworldly vibe, these names could be fitting:

  • Spock : the iconic Vulcan character known for his logic, intelligence, and cool demeanor.
  • Q : from the powerful and enigmatic omnipotent being who makes recurring appearances throughout the series.

No dog name list would be complete without including some prominent captains and leaders:

  • Kirk : inspired by Captain James T. Kirk , the charismatic and resourceful leader of the U.S.S. Enterprise.
  • Janeway : after Captain Kathryn Janeway , a strong and determined leader known for her unwavering dedication to her crew.

These badass Star Trek dog names represent various aspects of the beloved franchise – from iconic characters to memorable species. Selecting one of these names for your canine companion will undoubtedly demonstrate your appreciation for Star Trek while showcasing your dog’s unique traits.

Section 8: Unique Names

Star Trek dog names offer a treasure trove of inspiration for fans. In this section, we’ll explore some unique names derived mainly from the Star Trek universe, with a special mention of the fuzzy creatures called tribbles .

The above list features names mainly from Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation.

  • Seven of Nine
  • B’Elanna
  • T’Pol

In this part of the list, we have names from Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise.## Section 8: Unique Names

How would a tribble inspired dog name sound? The tribble is known for its rapid reproduction and overwhelming cuteness. You could consider a name like Tribble or Fuzzy to capture the endearing nature of these creatures.

These names provide variety for those looking to name their dogs after Star Trek characters and phenomena. By choosing a unique Star Trek dog name, you’ll showcase your love for the franchise while also selecting a conversation-starter.

Section 9: Catchy Names

Star Trek is a beloved science-fiction universe, and there are many catchy dog names inspired by the series. Remember to choose a name that reflects your pet’s personality and fits their unique character. Here are some popular options:

  • Kirk : James Tiberius Kirk is the iconic captain of the USS Enterprise; an adventurous name for a brave and bold dog.
  • Spock : A logical, cool name for a dog with a calm demeanor, after the famous Vulcan science officer.
  • Uhura : Named after the USS Enterprise’s skilled communications officer, a fitting name for a vocal and intelligent dog.
  • Tribble : A lovable, fluffy creature from the original series, an adorable name for a small, cuddly dog.
  • Data : Inspired by the android character from Star Trek: The Next Generation, a suitable name for a clever and curious canine.

For fans of other Star Trek series, consider these names:

  • Janeway : Captain Kathryn Janeway, from Star Trek: Voyager; a strong, determined name for a fearless dog.
  • Worf : The honorable Klingon officer from Star Trek: The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, an imposing name for a protective dog.
  • Odo : The shape-shifting constable from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; a versatile name for a dog with a mysterious personality.
  • Seven : Seven of Nine, a former Borg drone who regains her humanity on Star Trek: Voyager, an inspiring name for a resilient dog.
  • T’Pol : The Vulcan science officer from Star Trek: Enterprise, a cool and collected name for a patient and composed dog .

Or, explore additional name options from various alien species featured in the Star Trek universe:

  • Quark : A savvy Ferengi bartender from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; a playful name for a resourceful and mischievous dog.
  • Garak : A witty Cardassian tailor from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; a sophisticated and enigmatic name choice.
  • Dax : A Trill symbiont that has inhabited multiple hosts in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, a unique and timeless name for a dog with a deep connection to others.
  • B’Elanna : Half-Klingon, half-human Star Trek: Voyager’s chief engineer, a powerful and passionate name for a determined dog.
  • Nog : A spirited Ferengi ensign from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, an energetic and ambitious name for a lively dog.

Which name would suit your dog best?

Section 10: Cute Names

Star Trek dog names can be a fun way to showcase your love for the iconic sci-fi series while giving your canine companion a unique moniker. In this section, we’ll explore some adorable options inspired by characters and elements from the Star Trek universe.

  • Tribble : Named after the furry alien species known for their cuteness and rapid reproduction.
  • Kirk : For the fearless leader, Captain James T. Kirk.
  • Spock : Honor the logical and intelligent character with this name.
  • Uhura : Perfect for a dog with great communication skills.
  • Sulu : Celebrating the skilled helmsman of the USS Enterprise.
  • Scotty : A nod to the talented chief engineer.
  • Bones : Inspired by Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy, the chief medical officer aboard the USS Enterprise.
  • Keiko : Named after Keiko O’Brien , a botanist and wife of Chief O’Brien.
  • Worf : For a strong and fearless canine, like the Klingon warrior.
  • Jadzia : Inspired by the bright and multi-faceted Jadzia Dax.
  • Quark : A fun name for a small yet resourceful dog.
  • Nog : For a loyal and adventurous pup.
  • Tasha : Named after Security Chief Tasha Yar in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Deanna : A great name for an empathetic and understanding dog , like Counselor Deanna Troi.
  • Riker : Celebrating the bold and charming Commander Riker.
  • Geordi : Inspired by the gifted engineer Geordi La Forge.
  • Guinan : For a wise and mysterious canine companion.
  • Kes : A lovely name for a short-lived but impactful character.
  • Neelix : Perfect for a lovable and ever-helpful dog.
  • Tuvok : A strong name for a logical and disciplined canine.

Choosing a Star Trek dog name can be a delightful way for fans to express their appreciation for the series while selecting a name that is truly special. Whether you prefer the classic charm of Captain Kirk or the adorable appeal of Tribbles, there are plenty of options to choose from. Which name will boldly go where no dog name has gone before?

Section 11: Funny Names

Star Trek dog names can be a humorous way to express your love for the series. Here are some amusing options for fans looking to give their dogs a Star Trek-inspired moniker:

  • Tribble – a nod to the rapidly reproducing, small furry creatures from The Trouble with Tribbles episode.
  • Klingon – an homage to the fearsome, warlike race from the series.
  • Spock – the logical, pointy-eared Vulcan character.
  • Bones – Dr. McCoy’s nickname, a fitting title for a dog who loves to chew on bones.

What about dogs who love to explore? Consider these adventurous names:

  • Captain Paws – a play on Captain Picard.
  • Ruffer – a take on Riker, the first officer of the Enterprise.
  • Barkley – a twist on Barclay, the endearing, bumbling character from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Looking for more humorous options? Try these pun-filled names:

  • Chewbarka – mixing Chewbacca from Star Wars with a barking dog sound.
  • Jean-Bark Picard – combining the stoic captain with a dog’s love for barking.
  • Scotty Pooch – the famous engineer, now in dog form.

Choose one of these Star Trek dog names to give your furry friend a unique and entertaining title that fellow fans will appreciate.

Section 12: Tips for Brainstorming the Perfect Name

Star Trek dog names can be inspired by a variety of sources. To begin, think about the characters and places in the Star Trek universe. Are there any standout favorites or memorable moments you’d like to incorporate into your dog’s name? Think about the qualities you’d like your dog’s name to convey. Is your dog bold and adventurous like Captain Kirk or logical and focused like Spock ?

Consider famous Star Trek catchphrases and quotes . These quotes might serve as inspiration for your dog’s name. Examples include “Live long and prosper,” “Beam me up, Scotty,” and “To boldly go where no one has gone before.”

Look to Star Trek aliens and races for unique and interesting dog names . Some examples include Klingons , Vulcans , Romulans , and Bajorans .

Think about Star Trek technology and ships . Names like Enterprise , Defiant , or Voyager could pay homage to the iconic starships from the series.

Remember to consider your dog’s personality and appearance . For example, if your dog is friendly and outgoing, a name like Tribble (cute and friendly creatures in the Star Trek universe) might be perfect. On the other hand, if your dog is more reserved or cautious, a name like Data (after the intelligent and logical android character) might be a better fit.

Finally, ensure that the name is easy to say, easy for your dog to understand, and that it feels right for you and your furry friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular dog names inspired by Star Trek characters?

  • Kirk : Named after Captain James T. Kirk.
  • Spock : From the iconic Vulcan character.
  • Uhura : Communications Officer on the U.S.S. Enterprise.
  • Picard : Captain Jean-Luc Picard of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Data : The android from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Worf : A Klingon character in The Next Generation.

Which Star Trek species have unique names suitable for pets?

  • Klingon : Warrior race from the Klingon Empire .
  • Vulcan : Logical species that produced the character Spock.
  • Romulan : Cousin species to the Vulcans.
  • Ferengi : A capitalist and profit-driven species .
  • Cardassian : A militaristic species in Star Trek.
  • Bajoran : Spiritual species with a rich cultural history.

What are some iconic Star Trek phrases that could be used as dog names?

  • Engage : Used by Captain Picard to give orders.
  • Warp : Referring to warp speed in the Star Trek universe.
  • Beam : Inspired by the transporter “beam me up” phrase.
  • Trek : Short for Star Trek itself.

What are some Star Trek dog names inspired by ships or technology?

  • Enterprise : The famous starship.
  • Voyager : From Star Trek: Voyager.
  • Defiant : Starship from Deep Space Nine.
  • Phaser : Iconic weapon in the Star Trek universe.
  • Tricorder : Multipurpose scanning device.

Which Star Trek episodes featured pets or animals with interesting names?

  • “The Enemy Within” : Featured an Alfa-177 Canine.
  • “The Trouble with Tribbles” : Introduced the furry creatures called Tribbles.
  • “Aquiel” : Features a dog named Maura.
  • “The Dauphin” : Showed Salia’s shape-shifting pet.

What are some gender-neutral Star Trek dog names ?

  • Quark : A character from Deep Space Nine.
  • Dax : Trill symbiont in multiple Star Trek series.
  • Seven : After the character Seven of Nine from Voyager.
  • Borg : The powerful cybernetic species.
  • Trekker : A term for Star Trek fans.

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Engage Your Canine Companion with These Stellar Star Trek Dog Names!

Star Trek Dog Names

Did you ever want to name your dog after your favorite Star Trek show? If you’re a fan of Star Trek, you might know this feeling well. Star Trek is a special story that many people love. It’s about exploring new places and facing challenges. And now, we can bring some of that excitement into our homes by giving Star Trek dog names for your pets.

Now you can call your dogs by picking a name from our lists of Star Trek Dog Names that reminds you of the brave Captain Kirk, the smart Spock, or the loyal Worf. You can gain more respect from other dog owners when they hear your dog’s Star Trek-inspired name. It’s not just a name; it’s a way to show your love for Star Trek and your dog.

But picking the perfect Star Trek dog name isn’t just about being a fan. It’s also about finding a name that suits your dog’s personality. Whether your dog is adventurous like Kirk, logical like Spock, or lively like Uhura, there’s a Star Trek name that’s just right. we’ll help you find it.

Get ready to discover our lists of Star Trek dog names. Each name has its own character and charm, just like the characters from the show. And we’ll also give you tips on how to choose the best name for your dog. Your dog’s name should be special and mean something to both of you.

So, if you love Star Trek and your dog, join us on this journey through the universe of dog names. Together, let’s boldly go where no dog has gone before!

470+ Best Star Trek Dog Names: Pick Cool Ideas for Your Dog’s Name

Welcome to our Star Trek dog names collection! We’ve got lots of lists with names for your dog, whether you want something new or old, special or strong.

No matter your dog’s type or personality, if you’re a big fan of Star Trek or just love dressing up your pup, we’ve got names that will make your dog feel like a superstar!

  • Kirk – Named after Captain James T. Kirk, the legendary captain of the USS Enterprise.
  • Spock – Inspired by the iconic Vulcan science officer known for his logic and intellect.
  • Bones – Nickname for Dr. Leonard McCoy, the ship’s doctor with a gruff yet caring demeanor.
  • Uhura – Named after Nyota Uhura, the skilled communications officer known for her linguistic abilities.
  • Scotty – Inspired by Montgomery “Scotty” Scott, the chief engineer famous for his engineering prowess.
  • Sulu – Named after Hikaru Sulu, the helmsman and later captain known for his piloting skills.
  • Chekov – Inspired by Pavel Chekov, the young Russian navigator known for his enthusiasm and accent.
  • Data – Named after Lieutenant Commander Data, the android science officer known for his pursuit of humanity.
  • Troi – Inspired by Deanna Troi, the empathic counselor known for her empathic abilities and diplomacy.
  • Worf – Named after Lieutenant Commander Worf, the Klingon security officer known for his loyalty and strength.
  • Geordi – Inspired by Geordi La Forge, the chief engineer known for his VISOR and engineering ingenuity.
  • Jadzia – Named after Jadzia Dax, the Trill science officer known for her wisdom and multiple lifetimes of experience.
  • Quark – Inspired by Quark, the Ferengi bartender known for his cunning and business acumen.
  • Odo – Named after Constable Odo, the shapeshifting security officer known for his sense of justice and integrity.
  • Kira – Inspired by Major Kira Nerys, the Bajoran first officer known for her strength and resilience.
  • Janeway – Named after Captain Kathryn Janeway, the determined captain of the USS Voyager.
  • Seven – Inspired by Seven of Nine, the former Borg drone known for her journey to reclaim her humanity.
  • Tuvok – Named after Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, the Vulcan security chief known for his logic and martial prowess.
  • Chakotay – Inspired by Commander Chakotay, the former Maquis leader turned Starfleet officer.
  • Neelix – Named after Neelix, the Talaxian morale officer known for his culinary skills and cheerful personality.
  • B’Elanna – Inspired by B’Elanna Torres, the half-Human, half-Klingon chief engineer known for her fiery temper and engineering brilliance.
  • Kes – Named after Kes, the Ocampa medical assistant known for her telepathic abilities and curiosity.
  • Hoshi – Inspired by Hoshi Sato, the skilled linguist and communications officer known for her role on the Enterprise NX-01.
  • Mayweather – Named after Travis Mayweather, the helmsman known for his experience as a space boomer.
  • Archer – Inspired by Captain Jonathan Archer, the pioneering captain of the first Starfleet vessel, the Enterprise NX-01.
  • Porthos – Named after Captain Archer’s pet Beagle, Porthos, known for his loyalty and adventures aboard the Enterprise.
  • Picard – Inspired by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the distinguished captain of the USS Enterprise-D and USS Enterprise-E.
  • Riker – Named after Commander William Riker, the charismatic first officer known for his leadership and charm.
  • Beverly – Inspired by Dr. Beverly Crusher, the compassionate ship’s doctor known for her medical expertise and leadership.
  • Guinan – Named after Guinan, the enigmatic bartender known for her wisdom and mysterious past aboard the USS Enterprise-D.

Top Star Trek Dog Names:

Find the greatest Star Trek dog names here! These names are really awesome and perfect for your dog. They come from the coolest characters and moments in Star Trek. Your dog will feel like a star with one of these names!

Unique Star Trek Dog Names:

Looking for something special? Check out our list of unique Star Trek dog names! These names are totally different and special. Your dog will have a name that nobody else has. It’s like having a piece of Star Trek magic all to yourself!

  • Tiberius (Inspired by James T. Kirk’s middle name)
  • K’Ehleyr (Half-human, half-Klingon character from Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • Porthos (Captain Archer’s pet beagle from Star Trek: Enterprise)
  • Morn (Frequent patron of Quark’s Bar on Deep Space Nine)
  • T’Pol (Vulcan science officer from Star Trek: Enterprise)
  • Ro (Bajoran officer from Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • Dax (Joined Trill character from various Star Trek series)
  • Nog (Ferengi character from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
  • Kazon (Alien species from Star Trek: Voyager)
  • Q (Omnipotent being from various Star Trek series)
  • Guinan (El-Aurian bartender from Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • Lore (Android brother of Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • Vina (Humanoid survivor of Talos IV from the original Star Trek pilot)
  • Krenim (Temporal manipulators from Star Trek: Voyager)
  • Horta (Silicon-based lifeform encountered in the original Star Trek series)
  • Zefram (Inventor of the warp drive in Star Trek lore)
  • Tribble (Furry, purring creatures from various Star Trek series)
  • Bynar (Binary species from Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • Trelane (Mischievous entity encountered in the original Star Trek series)
  • Balok (Alien commander encountered by the USS Enterprise in the original Star Trek series)

Powerful Star Trek Dog Names:

Give your dog some serious power with these strong Star Trek dog names! These names make your dog sound really brave and strong. Everyone will look up to your dog when they hear one of these names!

  • Enterprise-D
  • Thunderchild

Badass Star Trek Dog Names:

Make your dog the coolest one on the block with these badass Star Trek dog names! These names are super cool and tough, just like the characters who inspired them. Your dog will be the toughest pup in town with one of these names!

Heroes Star Trek Dog Names:

Celebrate the heroes of Star Trek with these awesome dog names! These names come from the bravest and most amazing characters in Star Trek. Your dog will feel like a hero every time you call their name!

Villains Star Trek Dog Names:

Embrace the dark side with these villainous Star Trek dog names! These names come from the bad guys of Star Trek, but they’re still really cool. Your dog will have a name that’s full of mystery and excitement!

Female Star Trek Dog Names:

Empower your girl dog with these awesome Star Trek names! These names come from the strongest and smartest women in Star Trek. Your dog will feel like a queen with one of these names!

  • Seven (of Nine)
  • Beverly (Crusher)
  • Carol (Marcus)

Male Star Trek Dog Names:

Give your boy dog a powerful name with these awesome Star Trek names! These names come from the bravest and coolest guys in Star Trek. Your dog will feel like a true hero with one of these names!

  • Trip (Tucker)
  • Jake (Sisko)

Unisex Star Trek Dog Names:

Find the perfect name for your dog, no matter their gender, with these unisex Star Trek names! These names are great for any dog, boy or girl. Your dog will have a name that’s totally unique and special!

Funny Star Trek Dog Names:

Make everyone laugh with these funny Star Trek dog names! These names are silly and clever, perfect for a dog with a sense of humor. Your dog will bring joy to everyone they meet with one of these names!

  • Barkley (a play on the character Reginald Barclay)
  • Captain Paws
  • Spot (Data’s cat, but could be ironic for a dog)
  • Chew-bark-a (a play on Chewbacca from Star Wars)
  • Hairy Kim (a play on Harry Kim)
  • DeBark (a play on Deanna Troi)
  • Canine Crusher (a play on Beverly Crusher)
  • Scotty Paws
  • Pupkirk (a play on Captain Kirk)
  • Bonesy (a play on Dr. McCoy)
  • Neelix the Mutt (a play on Neelix)
  • Spork (a combination of Spock and fork)
  • Fur-ehngi (a play on Ferengi)
  • Ruffus (a play on Riker)
  • Pawsper (a play on Prosper, a Vulcan greeting)
  • Quirk (a play on Captain Kirk)
  • Furry of Borg (a play on the Borg)

Modern Star Trek Dog Names:

Get with the times with these modern Star Trek dog names! These names are fresh and new, inspired by the latest trends in Star Trek. Your dog will have a name that’s totally up-to-date and ready to explore the galaxy!

  • Burnham (from “Star Trek: Discovery”)
  • Saru (from “Star Trek: Discovery”)
  • Pike (from “Star Trek: Discovery” and “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds”)
  • Tilly (from “Star Trek: Discovery”)
  • Stamets (from “Star Trek: Discovery”)
  • Georgiou (from “Star Trek: Discovery”)
  • Reno (from “Star Trek: Discovery”)
  • Rutherford (from “Star Trek: Lower Decks”)
  • Mariner (from “Star Trek: Lower Decks”)
  • Boimler (from “Star Trek: Lower Decks”)
  • Shaxs (from “Star Trek: Lower Decks”)
  • Nhan (from “Star Trek: Discovery” and “Star Trek: Picard”)
  • Soji (from “Star Trek: Picard”)
  • Raffi (from “Star Trek: Picard”)
  • Elnor (from “Star Trek: Picard”)
  • Gray (from “Star Trek: Discovery”)
  • Adira (from “Star Trek: Discovery”)
  • La Sirena (the ship from “Star Trek: Picard”)
  • Discovery (the ship from “Star Trek: Discovery”)
  • Lower Decks (the ship from “Star Trek: Lower Decks”)

Classic Star Trek Dog Names:

Take a trip down memory lane with these classic Star Trek dog names! These names come from the original series and movies, perfect for fans of the classic Star Trek adventures. Your dog will have a name that’s timeless and full of nostalgia!

Star Trek Dog Names for Trekkie Fans:

Calling all Star Trek fans! Discover a galaxy of Star Trek dog names inspired by your favorite characters, ships, and planets from the Star Trek universe. From iconic captains to memorable catchphrases, we’ve got names that will make your fellow Trekkies beam with pride.

  • Nimoy (after Leonard Nimoy, who played Spock)
  • Roddenberry (after Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek)
  • Shatner (after William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk)
  • Majel (after Majel Barrett, known for voicing the ship’s computer)
  • Tiberius (Captain Kirk’s middle name)
  • Jean-Luc (after Captain Jean-Luc Picard)
  • Q (after the omnipotent character)
  • Deanna (after Deanna Troi)
  • Geordi (after Geordi La Forge)

Star Trek Dog Names for Multidog Families:

If you have multiple dogs, why not give them all Star Trek-themed names for a unified and fun family dynamic? With names inspired by different aspects of the Star Trek universe, each of your furry friends can have a unique identity while still belonging to the same Trek-loving pack.

  • Kirk & Spock
  • McCoy & Scotty
  • Uhura & Sulu
  • Chekov & Tiberius
  • Picard & Riker
  • Data & Geordi
  • Worf & Troi
  • Crusher & Wesley
  • Odo & Kira
  • Quark & Dax
  • Janeway & Chakotay
  • Seven & Neelix
  • Tuvok & Torres
  • Paris & Kes
  • Archer & T’Pol
  • Tucker & Mayweather
  • Reed & Hoshi
  • Tilly & Stamets
  • Burnham & Saru
  • Pike & Number One

Star Trek Dog Names for Instagram Stars:

Make your dog an Instagram sensation with a catchy Star Trek name that’s sure to attract attention! These Star Trek dog names are perfect for creating a memorable and engaging online persona for your furry friend, whether they’re posing in cosplay or just being their adorable selves.

  • Pawsper Picard
  • Captain Woof
  • Trekker Tilly
  • Barkley Borg
  • Geordi the Good Boy
  • Tribble Trouble
  • Riker Rover
  • Captain Canine
  • Uhura’s Universe
  • Vulcan Voyager
  • Ferengi Fido
  • Sulu’s Sidekick
  • Nebula Nibbler
  • Quarky Quark
  • Trekking Tails
  • Warp Woofers

Why Choose Star Trek Dog Names?

Do you ever wonder why people choose Star Trek names for their dogs? Let’s explore the reasons behind this fun and unique trend.

  • Uniqueness and Creativity Picking a Star Trek name for your dog lets you be super creative! Instead of boring names, you get to choose from a whole galaxy of characters and ideas. It’s like creating a name that’s just for your dog, making them extra special and different from other pups.
  • Fandom Connection If you’re a big Star Trek fan, giving your dog a Star Trek name is a cool way to show your love for the series. Naming your dog after a favorite character or episode lets you feel like you’re part of the Star Trek world every day. Plus, it’s a fun way to share your passion with other fans!
  • Personalization and Storytelling: Each Star Trek name has its own story behind it. Whether it’s based on your dog’s personality or a funny memory, it adds a special touch to your bond. It’s like giving your dog their very own adventure to go on!
  • Conversation Starter: Having a Star Trek name for your dog is a great conversation starter. People will be curious about the story behind the name, leading to fun chats and connections with other fans. It’s a cool way to meet new people and share your love for Star Trek.
  • Enduring Legacy: By giving your dog a Star Trek name, you’re making them a part of something big. Just like the characters in the series, your dog’s name will be remembered for years to come. It’s a way to honor the impact of Star Trek on our culture and celebrate the special bond between you and your furry friend.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Star Trek Dog Names

Choosing the perfect Star Trek dog name is an exciting task, but it’s important to consider several factors to ensure the name fits your furry friend just right. Here are some tips to help you make the best choice:

  • Consider Your Dog’s Personality: Take a look at how your dog acts. Is your dog adventurous, like Captain Kirk? Or maybe calm and logical, like Spock? Pick a name that matches how your dog behaves.
  • Think About Pronunciation and Calling Ease: Choose a name that’s easy to say and hear, especially in busy places. Your dog needs to recognize their name, so keep it simple.
  • Reflect on Size, Breed, and Appearance: Think about what your dog looks like. A small dog might fit a name like “Tribble,” while a big dog could rock a name like “Klingon.”
  • Consider Personal Preferences and Sentimental Value: Do you have a favorite Star Trek character or moment? Choose a name that’s special to you. It’ll make the name even more meaningful.
  • Ensure Compatibility with Training Commands: Make sure the name you pick doesn’t sound like common training words, like “sit” or “stay.” This way, your dog won’t get confused during training.
  • Test Out the Name: Try calling the name you’re thinking of. See how your dog reacts. If they seem interested, it might be the right name for them.
  • Think About Long-Term Use: Remember, your dog’s name is for life. Pick a name that you’ll be happy with in different situations, as your dog grows older.

Inspirational Ideas For  Star Trek Dog Names

Follow these steps, and you’ll find the perfect Star Trek name for your furry friend. Take your time, enjoy the process, and may the force be with you!

  • Character Mash-Up Names: Combine the names of two Star Trek characters to create a unique name for your dog. For example, “Barkus Kirkspock” combines the names of Captain Kirk and Spock, reflecting a blend of leadership and logic.
  • Species-Inspired Names: Choose a name inspired by one of the alien species featured in Star Trek. For instance, “Vulcan” could be a fitting name for a dog known for its calm and logical demeanor, while “Klingon” might suit a more assertive and fiercely loyal companion.
  • Ship or Location Names: Name your dog after a famous Star Trek spaceship or location. “Enterprise” could be a powerful name for a dog known for its exploration and adventure, while “Quadrant” might be fitting for a dog with a strong sense of direction and curiosity.
  • Catchphrase Names: Select a memorable catchphrase from Star Trek and adapt it into a fun and playful name for your dog. For example, “Engage” could be a lively name for a dog known for its energy and enthusiasm, while “Make it so” might suit a dog that’s quick to obey commands and take charge of any situation.

In conclusion, our Star Trek dog names collection offers a galaxy of options for naming your beloved furry friend. Whether you’re a die-hard Trekkie or just looking for a fun and unique name, we’ve provided something for everyone.

By offering tips for choosing the ideal name and crafting creative ideas for Star Trek-inspired names, we’ve equipped you with the tools needed to embark on this exciting naming journey.

hank you for joining us on this adventure through the cosmos of dog names, and may your furry friend’s new name boldly go where no name has gone before!

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LAS VEGAS, NV - AUGUST 07: Star Trek dog sits in the Captain Chair on day 5 of Creation Entertainment's Official Star Trek 50th Anniversary Convention at the Rio Hotel & Casino on August 7, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Best ’Star Trek’ Dog Names For Your New Friend On The Furry Frontier

By Brian Sweeney

Looking for a Star Trek -inspired name for your dog? You’re not alone, Trek fan!

With the full-length trailer for the upcoming Star Trek: Picard recently revealed and the continued teasing that Quentin Tarantino may make the next Star Trek movie, Trekkers–or Trekkies, whichever you identify as–are at a fever pitch. And dog lovers are pretty excited, too!


The official poster for Star Trek: Picard shows the former Enterprise captain standing in his vineyard next to a Pit Bull type dog. Yes, Picard seemingly has a very good boy. The pup even has a Starfleet insignia-shaped tag on his collar that reads “No. 1.” Fans will remember that this is what Picard called his first officer, William T. Riker.

Seeing as Patrick Stewart, who plays Picard, is a known dog lover, it’s no surprise that he’ll share the screen with a special pooch! While we wait to learn what Picard named this good boy, it’s a great time to think of some names that you can give to your new best friend.

So let’s boldly go into the best Star Trek dog names in the universe! And I’ve even tossed in some Trek Trivia for the fans out there!

The Best Dog Names Inspired By Star Trek

LAS VEGAS - AUGUST 17: Pat Krob (L) and her husband Ken Krob of California hold their poodles named "Lt. Tasha Yar" (L) and "Mr. Data" as they are interviewed by G4TV correspondent William O'Neal of California at the fifth annual official Star Trek convention at the Las Vegas Hilton August 17, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Your dog should sport a name that supports their continuing mission–to explore strange new smells and to seek out new fire hydrants and new dog parks!

Note: In my personal opinion, a very important way to judge a dog’s name is to think about what it would sound like being yelled across a field: “Come here, [DOG NAME]!” Try it out before you commit to it and set course. Here are some Star Trek dog names that might fit your pooch.

Give your commanding canine the name that will make all other dogs give respect and fall in line with the name of the legendary captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D.

  • Trek Trivia: Jean-Luc Picard was raised in LaBarre, France.  

Name your pup after the Son of Mogh and famed Chief Security Officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D.

  • Trek Trivia: Worf was a regular in seven seasons of Star Trek: The Next Generation and four seasons of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as well as appearing in four movies, holding the record of most appearances in Star Trek.

The name of the android Lieutenant Commander Data is short and snappy, perfect for a pet name.

  • Trek Trivia: Another actor considered for the part of Data was Freddy Krueger himself, Robert Englund.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Lizzy H (@lizzyandmeeko) on Aug 27, 2018 at 5:49pm PDT
  • Trek Trivia: The writers also considered the name “Aloysius” for O’Brien, which is not as good a name for a dog.

If you name your dog after Lieutenant Reginald Barclay, the systems diagnostic engineer of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, you could spell it “Barklay,” which is very appropriate.

  • Trek Trivia: Barclay was portrayed by Dwight Schultz who is most famous for his role as Captain H.M. “Howling Mad” Murdock on The A-Team.

This is the name of Captain Picard’s lionfish kept in a spherical saltwater aquarium in his ready room aboard the USS Enterprise-D for the duration of the ship’s existence.

  • Trek Trivia: Livingston is said by the producers to have probably perished in the crash of the Enterprise in the movie Star Trek Generations.

Consider naming your dog after the mysterious Enterprise bartender played by Whoopi Goldberg.

  • Trek Trivia: The character of Guinan was created especially for Goldberg, who is a life-long Star Trek fan. She recalls that when she was nine years-old, after seeing Nichelle Nichols’ character, Lt. Uhura, on the Original Series, she went running through her house shouting “Come here, mom, everybody, come quick, there’s a black lady on television and she ain’t no maid!”

Spot is the name of Commander Data’s cat, who lived with him while he served aboard the USS Enterprise-D and -E. She had a litter of kittens with one of the other cats on the Enterprise-D.  

  • Trek Trivia: Data once wrote a poem about Spot, entitled “Ode to Spot.”

Maybe you can name your pooch after the legendary Enterprise captain James T. Kirk–a name for a dog who is both thoughtful and action-oriented.  

  • Trek Trivia: James Kirk was born in Riverside, Iowa in the year 2223.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Duke & Duchess (@duchduke) on May 9, 2019 at 2:25pm PDT
  • Trek Trivia: in 1967, TV Guide featured an article titled “Mr. Spock Is Dreamy!” all about the sex appeal of Mr. Spock.

The Enterprise’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Leonard H. McCoy could provide your dog with a great name. Kirk’s nickname for McCoy is “Bones,” making it very appropriate for your puppy.  

  • Trek Trivia: DeForest Kelley was originally offered the role of Spock, but turned it down.

This is the middle name of Captain James T. Kirk, but you knew that, of course!

  • Trek Trivia: While The initial “T.” was given as Captain Kirk’s middle name, it wasn’t until the novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture that the name Tiberius was used.  

The Enterprise’s Russian ensign Pavel Chekov might inspire a “wery” good name for your pooch!

  • Trek Trivia: Ensign Chekov’s character was added in the second season in response to the popularity of The Monkees. Actor Walter Koenig had to wear a shaggy wig in his first few episodes to look more like The Monkees’ Davy Jones.

The Enterprise’s Chief Engineer, Montgomery “Scotty” Scott might inspire a name for a brainy pup or a Scottish Terrier !

  • Trek Trivia:  The exact line “Beam me up, Scotty” was never said in any episode of the Original Series nor any of the movies.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Tara Fields (@themistresst) on Oct 11, 2018 at 6:51am PDT
  • Trek Trivia: In the book Star Trek Cats by illustrator Jenny Parks, Sulu is depicted as a Japanese Bobtail cat.

This is the last name of the Captain Kirk actor, himself, the great William Shatner, obviously. It’s a name that commands respect and awe, perfect for your canine companion.

  • Trek Trivia: William Shatner sold a kidney stone he passed for $75,000 in 2006.


This is the name that started it all– Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry. Maybe you can shorten it to Roddy for your pup.

  • Trek Trivia: In 1985, Gene Roddenberry became the first TV writer with a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.

If you want to go a little more unique and insider with your dog’s name, consider the name of Spock’s father, Sarek.

  • Trek Trivia: The actor Mark Lenard, who played Sarek, is the only actor to have played a Vulcan, Romulan, and Klingon in the Original Series.

If you want a hip dog name that doesn’t necessarily announce your Star Trek fandom, consider the name of Lieutenant Kevin Riley.

  • Trek Trivia: Kevin Riley lived on the Taurus IV Colony in 2246.

This was the name of Mr. Spock’s childhood pet sehlat on Vulcan.

  • Trek Trivia: Sehlats are popular pets among the children of Vulcan, despite them being very aggressive and having six-inch fangs.

This is the name of the commander of the starship Fesarius from the episode “The Corbomite Maneuver.”

  • Trek Trivia: Seven year-old Clint Howard portrayed the character Balok.

If your dog is an “alpha,” maybe you should name them after the mysterious creature Canis Alfa from the episode “The Enemy Within.”

  • Trek Trivia: The Canis Alfa is exactly what it looks like: a little dog with a horn and antennae stuck to it.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Jenny The Weirdo (@punkrawkward) on Sep 15, 2018 at 11:40am PDT
  • Trek Trivia: Trelane’s costume was later reused on an episode of Gilligan’s Island and an episode of The Monkees.

Maybe your dog would appreciate the shortest name on the list and the name of the very first Klingon to appear on Star Trek in the episode “Errand Of Mercy.”

  • Trek Trivia: The character of Kor returned in both an episode of The Animated Series and an episode of Deep Space Nine.

The name of the Klingon character from the episode “Day Of The Dove” might be perfect if you have a sibling dog named Kor.

  • Trek Trivia: Matt Groening named The Simpsons’ alien Kang after this character.

If the other “K” names on the list don’t suit your pup, consider the moniker of the character Kodos The Executioner from the episode “The Conscience Of The King.”

  • Trek Trivia: Matt Groening named The Simpsons’ alien Kodos after this character.

If you’d like another name that keeps your Star Trek fandom on the down low, you might want to choose the name of Captain Kathryn Janeway’s Irish Setter back on Earth.

  • Trek Trivia: Mollie was left on Earth with Janeway’s fiancé, Mark Johnson, when Janeway and the rest of the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager were swept 70,000 light years away into the Delta Quadrant.

Which Star Trek dog name is your favorite? Do you have a pup at home named after a Star Trek character? Let us know in the comments below!

Brian Sweeney

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125 Trendy Star Trek Dog Names

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Are you a fan of Star Trek series? Do you want to name your puppy with one of Star Trek-themed dog names? We can help you!

star trek female dog names

  •     Grissom
  •     Gowron (Robert O’Reilly’s character)
  •     Tasha or Yar (Denise Crosby’s character)
  •     Stamets (Anthony Rapp’s character)
  •     Lorca (Jason Isaacs’ character)
  •     Spock (Leonard Nimoy’s character)
  •     Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill’s character)
  •     Potemkin
  •     Harcourt Fenton “Harry” Mudd (Rainn Wilson’s character)
  •     Dougherty (Anthony Zerbe’s character)
  •     Cartwright (Brock Peters’ character)
  •     Jet or Reno (Tig Notaro’s character)
  •     Tombaugh
  •     Beverly (Gates McFadden’s character)
  •     Chang (Christopher Plummer’s character)
  •     Jean-Luc or Picard (Patrick Stewart’s character)
  •     Jaylah (Sofia Boutella’s character)
  •     Achilles
  •     Soval (Gary Graham’s character)
  •     Lursa (Barbara March’s character)
  •     T’Pol (Jolene Blalock’s character)
  •     Mezoti (Marley S. McClean’s character)
  •     Voq (Shazad Latif’s character)
  •     Troi (Marina Sirtis’s character)
  •     Odo (René Auberjonois’ character)
  •     Galla (Rachel Nichols’ character)
  •     Pike (Bruce Greenwood’s character)
  •     Kurn (Tony Todd’s character)
  •     Kalara (Lydia Wilson’s character)
  •     Chakotay (Robert Beltran’s character)

star trek female dog names

  •     Talas (Molly Brink’s character)
  •     Seven of Nine (Jeri Ryan’s character)
  •     Icheb (Manu Intiraymi’s character)
  •     Kruge (Christopher Lloyd’s character)
  •     Vorik (Alexander Enberg’s character)
  •     Ezri (Nicole de Boer’s character)
  •     Krall (Idris Elba’s character)
  •     Kes ( Jennifer Lien’s character)
  •     Crusher (Wil Wheaton’s character)
  •     Archer (Scott Bakula’s character)
  •     L’Rell (Mary Chieffo’s character)
  •     Data (Brent Spiner’s character)
  •     Nero (Eric Bana’s character)
  •     Jadzia or Dax (Terry Farrell’s character)
  •     Dukat (Marc Alaimo’s character)
  •     Georgiou (Mice Yeoh’s character)
  •     Soran (Malcolm McDowell’s character)
  •     McCoy or “Bones” (DeForest Kelley’s character)
  •     Adelphi
  •     Crockett
  •     T’Kuvma (Chris Obi’s character)
  •     Cousteau
  •     Valeris (Kim Cattrall ‘s character)
  •     Saru (Doug Jones’ character)
  •     Tomalak (Andreas Katsulas’ character)
  •     Worf (Michael Dorn’s character)
  •     James T. Kirk (William Shatner’s character)
  •     Silik (John Fleck’s character)

star trek female dog names

  •     Sulu (George Takei’s character)
  •     Keenser (Deep Roy’s character)
  •     Phlox (John Billingsley’s character)
  •     Pilgrim
  •     Weyoun (Jeffrey Combs’ character)
  •     Hogan (Simon Billig’s character)
  •     Chekov (Walter Koenig’s character)
  •     Chapel (Majel Barrett’s character)
  •     Magellan
  •     Sato (Linda Park’s character)
  •     Nog (Aron Eisenberg’s character)
  •     Gryphon
  •     Guinan (Whoopi Goldberg’s character)
  •     Zefram (James Cromwell’s character)
  •     Khan (Ricardo Montalban’s character)
  •     Reed (Dominic Keating’s character)
  •     Zek (Wallace Shawn’s character)
  •     Scotty (James Doohan’s character)
  •     Ro (Mice Forbes’ character)
  •     Forge (LeVar Burton’s character)
  •     Dolim (Scott MacDonald’s character)

star trek female dog names

  •     Decker (Stephen Collins’ character)
  •     Janeway (Kate Mulgrew’s character)
  •     Shinzon (Tom Hardy’s character)
  •     Rom (Max Grodénchik’s character)
  •     Sybok (Laurence Luckinbill’s character)
  •     Mayweather (Anthony Montgomery’s character)
  •     Q (John de Lancie’s character)
  •     Miles (Colm Meaney’s character)
  •     Excalibur
  •     Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green’s character)
  •     Quark (Armin Shimerman’s character)
  •     Uhura (Nice Nichols’ character)
  •     B-4 (Brent Spiner’s character)
  •     Sarek (Mark Lenard’s character)
  •     Sisko (Avery Brooks’ character)
  •     Neelix (Ethan Phillips’s character)
  •     Saavik (Robin Curtis’ character)
  •     Ru’afo (F. Murray Abraham’s character)
  •     Demora (Jacqueline Kim’s character)
  •     Kemper (Nathan Anderson’s character)
  •     Azetbur (Rosanna DeSoto’s character)
  •     Culber (Wilson Cruz’s character)
  •     B’Elanna or Torres (Roxann Dawson’s character)
  •     Riker (Jonathan Frakes’ character)
  •     Nerys (Nana Visitor’s character)
  •     Centaur
  •     Tilly (Mary Wiseman’s character)
  •     “Trip” (Connor Trinneer’s character)
  •     Bashir (Alexander Siddig’s character)
  •     Jedda (John Vargas’ character)
  •     C (Derek McGrath’s character)

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Star Trek Dog Names

Do you love the Star Trek movies and dogs and need a special dog name? Here is our list of Star Trek dog names to get you thinking. We hope this helps you find the perfect name for your pet, so enjoy!

  • Akritirians
  • Algorian Mammoth
  • Alpha Quadrant
  • Alvanian Cave Sloth
  • Beneriam Hawk
  • Crystalline (Entity)
  • Doosodarian
  • Draxxan Cloud Viper
  • Fuurinkazan
  • Garanian Bolite
  • Gunji Jackdaw
  • James T. Kirk
  • Klaestronian
  • Majel Barrett
  • Prytt Alliance
  • Pterodactyl
  • Shapeshifter
  • Space Boomer
  • Tarahongian
  • V’tosh Ka’tur
  • Wanoni Tracehound
  • William (Shatner)

We hope this helps you pick the best name for your dog.

Pet Guide Reviews

Star Trek Dog Names

Star Trek Dog Names – What are Your Favorite?

Star Trek is a name that has fame beyond imagination. When you hear of this franchise, no further introduction is needed. This theme is not just a name of a series or a novel, but a media franchise that has been one of the highest-grossing of all times. One of the reasons for its fame is how they kept expanding the whole idea into games , comics, novels, movies , and TV series to reach masses all over the globe.

When it comes to welcoming a new fur baby in your family, the first and foremost thing to worry about is the name. Now, many people have their preferences to go with the classics but some do want to go a bit creative on their new pup.

So if you are a fan of Star Trek dog names and are looking for some of the most amazing star trek themes for your pup, then this is the right place for you to decide one.

Most Popular Star Trek Dog Names

Most Popular Star Trek Dog Names

Naming your dog does not always have to be serious and meaningful. You can go a little creative to associate something amusing with a pun intended to make them laugh whenever they hear of it.

While there isn’t an official list of “Star Trek” dog names, many fans have creatively named their pets after characters, species, or terms from the “Star Trek” universe. Here are some popular “Star Trek”-inspired dog names:

  • Bones : Named after Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy.
  • Spock : After the iconic Vulcan science officer.
  • Kirk : In honor of Captain James T. Kirk.
  • Scotty : Inspired by Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott.
  • Uhura : Named after Communications Officer Nyota Uhura.
  • Chekov : In tribute to Pavel Chekov, the navigator.
  • Data : After the android Lieutenant Commander Data.
  • Worf : Named after the Klingon officer Lieutenant Worf.
  • Troi : Inspired by Counselor Deanna Troi.
  • Jadzia : After Jadzia Dax, the Trill science officer.
  • Geordi : In honor of Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge.
  • Q : Inspired by the mischievous omnipotent being Q.
  • Seven : After Seven of Nine, the former Borg drone.
  • T’Pol : Named after the Vulcan Sub-Commander T’Pol.
  • Khaaaan! : A playful take on the famous Khan from “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.”

Get more: Boy dog names

Classic Star Trek Dog Names

Choosing a classic Star Trek-themed name for your dog can be a fun way to express your love for the franchise. Here are some suggestions inspired by characters, species, and elements from the original Star Trek series:

  • Kirk (Captain James T. Kirk)
  • Spock (Science Officer Spock)
  • Bones (Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy)
  • Scotty (Chief Engineer Montgomery “Scotty” Scott)
  • Uhura (Communications Officer Nyota Uhura)
  • Sulu (Helmsman Hikaru Sulu)
  • Chekov (Navigator Pavel Chekov)
  • Khan (from “The Wrath of Khan”)
  • Tribble (cute, furry creatures from the series)
  • Phaser (the handheld energy weapon)
  • Warp (as in warp drive)
  • Sarek (Spock’s father)
  • T’Pau (prominent Vulcan character)
  • Chapel (Nurse Christine Chapel)
  • Rand (Yeoman Janice Rand)
  • Ferengi (a Star Trek species)
  • Q (powerful being)
  • Redshirt (nickname for expendable crew members)

Get more: Sports dog names

Male Star Trek Dog Names

Male Star Trek Dog Names

Star Trek cast has a whole variety of characters who vary in every aspect and that’s exactly what makes them unique dogs and true to their names. If your dog is a male and you are looking for some titles that fit his gender, then this is the right place to have a look on a whole list of male dog names .

  • Bones (Dr. McCoy)
  • Scotty (Scott)
  • Geordi (La Forge)
  • Miles (O’Brien)

Female Star Trek Dog Names

Female Star Trek Dog Names

While names for female dogs are often limited, finding the right one can be a bit tricky. But being limited also means you get the chance to be creative. So for the best collection of naming ideas that fit the female personality of your dog, do give a read to our collections that we have collected for you.

  • Chapel (Nurse Chapel)
  • Tasha (Yar)
  • Deanna (Troi)
  • Beverly (Crusher)
  • Jadzia (Dax)
  • Kira (Nerys)
  • Seven (of Nine)
  • Torres (B’Elanna)
  • Hoshi (Sato)
  • T’Pol
  • Amanda (Spock’s mother)
  • Lwaxana (Troi)
  • Miral (Paris)

Get more: Female dog names

Cute Star Trek Dog Names

Cute Star Trek Dog Names

Congratulations! After months of looking for the perfect feline to become a part of your family. So to refresh your memory and allow you to go through all the ideas star trek cute dog names, keep reading!

  • Pawsper (a play on “prosper” for Spock)
  • Barkley (a play on the character Reginald Barclay)
  • Squeak (after the sound Tribbles make)
  • Furrball (a play on “furballed” from The Trouble with Tribbles)
  • Captain Fuzzy
  • Waggie (a play on “Worf” and “wag”)
  • Woofley (a play on “Worf” and “woof”)
  • Snuggle (after the character Snuggle the Tribble)
  • Cosmo (a play on “cosmic”)
  • Luna (after the moon)

Get more: Cute dog names

Elegant Star Trek Dog Names

We just got the perfect ideas for your dog that reflect a lot of pop through the elegant Star Trek in our dog names collection.

  • Seraphina (after the starship Seraph)

Voyager Star Trek Dog Names

Voyager being yet another sci-fi universe of Star Trek had its fair share of fame through the years until now when people actually search for names associated with it for their pups. To do the work for you, we did our research and compiled the best Voyager Star Trek Names for you to choose from.

Get more: Star wars dog names

Star Trek Dog Names from Movie

If you’re looking for Star Trek dog names inspired by the movies, here are some options based on characters and elements from the various Star Trek films:

  • Khan (from “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”)
  • Savik (from “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan”)
  • Valeris (from “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country”)
  • Chang (from “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country”)
  • Sulu (from “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country”)
  • Soran (from “Star Trek Generations”)
  • Geordi (from “Star Trek Generations”)
  • Nexus (from “Star Trek Generations”)
  • Zefram (from “Star Trek: First Contact”)
  • Lily (from “Star Trek: First Contact”)
  • Cochrane (from “Star Trek: First Contact”)
  • Worf (from various movies)
  • Shinzon (from “Star Trek: Nemesis”)
  • B-4 (from “Star Trek: Nemesis”)
  • Nero (from “Star Trek” (2009))
  • Kirk Prime (from the Kelvin timeline movies)
  • Spock Prime (from the Kelvin timeline movies)
  • Jaylah (from “Star Trek Beyond”)
  • Krall (from “Star Trek Beyond”)
  • Yorktown (from “Star Trek Beyond”)

Get more: Celebrity dog names

Star Trek Dog Names Based on Movie Villain

There can never be a movie without a villain. While the world admires a hero, there are fans who love the villainy of the villain more and that’s totally okay. so to associate your dog with a cool villain name from Star Trek, check out our collections.

  • General Chang (from “Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country”)

Star Trek Dog Names Through Star Trek Species

Of course, there is no science fiction galaxy series without aliens and other world species. The fun fact is that these aliens and other species used to have the coolest names we could ever hear of. So if you are looking for something new and innovative for your dog then check out the list of names.

  • Q (for the omnipotent Q Continuum)

Get more: Nerdy dog names

Naming your fur baby can never be taken lightly because of all the love and emotions attached to this feeling. And it is even more of a big deal when it has to be associated with one of your favorite shows or media franchises such as Star Trek.

In Star Trek even people tend to get lost in the mixed variety of names available to look at, we recommend you select a category first and then look accordingly to have a clearer picture of what you want.

So, with the correct knowledge and adequate research, you can definitely find the best one for your fur baby and keep your fandom alive.

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Star Trek Dog Names – Male & Female Names For Your Pet

In the vast expanse of the canine cosmos, where loyalty and adventure collide, Star Trek enthusiasts find inspiration for naming their four-legged friends. Dive into the Star Trek Dog Names universe and embark on a celestial journey to discover the perfect appellation for your furry companion.

Choose a name from the Star Trek universe that resonates with your dog’s personality and embark on a lifelong voyage of companionship and discovery. Set your pup on a course for intergalactic greatness with a name that pays homage to the timeless legacy of Star Trek.

  • 1 Star Trek Dog Names
  • 2 Female Star Trek Names For Dogs
  • 3 Male Star Trek Dog Names
  • 4 Star Trek Names For Dogs
  • 5 Star Trek Original Series Dog Alien Name
  • 6 Star Trek Archer’s Dog’s Name
  • 7 Star Trek Enterprise Dog Name
  • 8 Faqs About Star Trek Dog Names
  • 9 Conclusion

Star Trek Dog Names

Finding the perfect name for your furry companion can be an exciting journey in the vast universe of Star Trek, where exploration knows no bounds.

Tiberius: Named after the iconic Captain James Tiberius Kirk, this name exudes leadership and charisma, perfect for a bold and adventurous pup.

Nyota: A Swahili name meaning “star,” paying homage to Lieutenant Nyota Uhura. Ideal for a dog that lights up your life.

Sulu: Inspired by Hikaru Sulu, this name represents strength and loyalty, fitting for a canine companion who stands by your side.

Pavel: Taken from Pavel Chekov, this name radiates youthful energy and enthusiasm, making it an excellent choice for an active and playful dog.

Astra: Meaning “star” in Latin, this name is a subtle nod to the vastness of space, perfect for a dog with a shining personality.

Quasar: Reflecting the brilliance of celestial objects, Quasar is a mighty name for a dog that commands attention and admiration.

Nebula: A cosmic name inspired by the colorful clouds of space, suitable for a pup with a vibrant and dynamic presence.

Seraph: A name derived from the Seraph-class starships, suggesting grace and elegance for a sophisticated canine companion.

Nova: Symbolizing new beginnings and explosive energy, Nova is a fitting name for a lively and spirited dog.

Aegis: Meaning “protection” or “shield,” this name is inspired by the USS Aegis, making it suitable for a loyal and watchful guardian.

Luna: A nod to Earth’s moon, Luna is a simple yet elegant name for a dog with a calm and serene demeanor.

Stellar: Capturing the essence of all things celestial, Stellar is a name that signifies brightness and radiance.

Quintessence: Reflecting the fifth element and the epitome of perfection, this name is ideal for a dog that embodies excellence.

Female Star Trek Names For Dogs

Embarking on the quest to name your new female furry friend is an exciting journey, especially when inspired by the vast wonders of space.

Orionis: Derived from the Orion constellation, this name embodies strength and beauty, making it a perfect fit for a regal and majestic pup.

Nebulae: Inspired by interstellar clouds, Nebulae is an ideal name for a dog with a mysterious and captivating presence.

Cassia: A subtle variation of Cassiopeia, this name exudes regality and grace, perfect for a dog with a dignified demeanor.

Helia: Rooted in “helios,” meaning sun, Helia is a name that radiates warmth, making it suitable for a cheerful and sunny-natured pup.

Galaxia: This name, inspired by galaxies, is perfect for a dog with a vast and expansive personality, mirroring the beauty of the cosmos.

Solara: A fusion of “solar” and “aura,” Solara is a name that signifies the radiant energy and presence of your stellar canine companion.

Celestra: Combining “celestial” and “extra,” Celestra is a unique name for a dog that brings an extraordinary and celestial presence into your life.

Astros: Derived from “astronomy,” Astros is a cosmic name that suits a pup with a curious and inquisitive nature.

Quasara: Derived from “quasar,” this name is ideal for a dog with a vibrant and energetic personality, much like the powerful cosmic phenomena.

Selenia: Derived from “Selene,” the Greek goddess of the moon, Selenia is a name for a dog with a gentle and luminous spirit.

Asteria: Inspired by the stars, Asteria is a celestial name for a dog that twinkles with charm and grace.

Cosmara: A fusion of “cosmos” and “mara,” this name symbolizes a dog with a captivating presence.

Stellaris: Derived from “stellar,” Stellaris is a name that signifies your beloved canine companion’s brilliance and star-like qualities.

Male Star Trek Dog Names

Suppose you love the iconic US science fiction television series Star Trek. Why not draw inspiration from this intergalactic saga to give your new canine friend a name that resonates with the spirit of exploration and adventure?

Kirk: A strong and confident name inspired by Captain James T. Kirk, the charismatic leader of the starship Enterprise.

Spock: Logical and composed, just like the half-human, half-Vulcan science officer, Mr. Spock.

Bones: Nickname for Dr. Leonard McCoy, the ship’s compassionate and witty chief medical officer.

Sulu: A sleek and elegant name paying homage to Hikaru Sulu, the skilled helmsman and later captain.

Chekov: A charming name inspired by Pavel Chekov, the Russian navigator known for his youthful enthusiasm.

Scotty: Perfect for a pup with boundless energy, after Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, who consistently delivered in a crisis.

Data: For the intellectually inclined pup, named after the android officer with a penchant for learning.

Geordi: A unique and modern-sounding name inspired by Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge and his iconic VISOR.

Worf: A strong and imposing name, fitting for a pup with a bold and protective demeanor inspired by the Klingon warrior.

Quark: Ideal for a naughty and playful dog, named after the Ferengi bartender known for his shrewd business sense.

Odo: An enigmatic and mysterious name inspired by the shape-shifting security chief on Deep Space Nine.

Chakotay: A powerful and spiritual name after the first officer of the starship Voyager in the Delta Quadrant.

Neelix: Perfect for a pup with a cheerful and optimistic personality, named after the Talaxian morale officer and chef.

Tomalak: A strong and regal name inspired by the formidable Romulan commander known for his cunning strategies.

Lore: For a pup with a mischievous streak, named after Data’s less ethical brother and fellow android.

Star Trek Names For Dogs

Finding the perfect name for your canine companion can be an exciting mission in the vast universe of Star Trek, where exploration knows no bounds.

Galadriel: A majestic name inspired by the powerful character in Star Trek, this is perfect for a dog with a regal and noble presence.

Triton: Named after the moon of Neptune, Triton represents mystery and exploration, making it an intriguing choice for a curious canine companion.

Cynosure: Inspired by the guiding star, Cynosure is a name that signifies leadership and guidance for an assertive and confident pup.

Zephyr: A unique name inspired by the Starfleet ship “USS Zephyr,” symbolizing agility and a spirited nature.

Nebulosa: A poetic variation of Nebula, Nebulosa captures the beauty of the cosmos in a name suitable for a dog with a mesmerizing presence.

Zenitha: Symbolizing the highest point in the sky, Zenitha is a name for a dog with a position of excellence and prominence in your heart.

Khan: A name denoting strength and charisma, inspired by the infamous Khan Noonien Singh.

Q: Short and quirky, perfect for a pup with a playful and unpredictable nature, just like the mischievous omnipotent being.

Chakotay: After the Maquis-turned-Starfleet officer, this name symbolizes loyalty, spirituality, and a deep connection with nature.

Janeway: In honor of Captain Kathryn Janeway, this name denotes strong leadership, resilience, and determination.

Neelix: Named after the Talaxian chef, Neelix represents warmth, friendliness, and a love for culinary delights.

Tuvok: Inspired by the Vulcan security officer, Tuvok embodies discipline, calmness, and a strong sense of duty.

Lorca: After Captain Gabriel Lorca, this name signifies strategic thinking, adaptability, and a touch of mystery.

Geordi: Named after Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge, this moniker represents ingenuity, technical expertise, and a positive outlook.

Star Trek Original Series Dog Alien Name

Numerous alien species have captivated audiences in the vast universe of Star Trek’s Original Series.

Zyxar: Derived from the ancient Dogon language, Zyxar symbolizes loyalty and strength.

Fenix: A nod to the mythical phoenix, this name represents rebirth and resilience in the face of challenges.

Korrax: Inspired by the Klingon language, Korrax embodies ferocity and fearlessness.

Nyxar: Rooted in the ancient Greek word ‘nyx,’ meaning night, Nyxar signifies the aliens’ affinity for darkness and mystery.

Lunara: Combining “lunar” and “ara,” this name reflects the Dog Aliens’ connection to celestial bodies and cosmic forces.

Talon: A straightforward yet powerful choice, Talon emphasizes these extraterrestrial canines’ sharp, predatory nature.

Astraal: Infused with cosmic energy, Astraal suggests the aliens’ otherworldly origins and celestial powers.

Sablex: Drawing from the word “sable,” meaning black, Sablex highlights the aliens’ sleek, dark fur and stealthy nature.

Vortexa: Reflecting their enigmatic nature, Vortexa symbolizes the swirling mysteries surrounding the Dog Aliens.

Emberix: Evoking the image of glowing embers, Emberix represents the aliens’ fiery spirit and passion.

Houndra: A fusion of “hound” and “ra,” this name underscores the aliens’ canine traits and regal demeanor.

Nebulon: Rooted in the word “nebula,” Nebulon hints at the vast, cosmic territories these Dog Aliens call home.

Obsidia: Inspired by “obsidian,” this name signifies the aliens’ sharp, cutting-edge technology and tools.

Quasar: A celestial reference, Quasar embodies the radiant energy and brilliance of the Dog Aliens.

Solara: Blending “solar” and “ara,” Solara represents the aliens’ connection to solar energies and light.

Vespera: Derived from “vesper,” meaning evening, Vespera suggests the aliens’ heightened activity during twilight.

Zenithar: A combination of “zenith” and “ar,” Zenithar signifies the peak of the Dog Aliens’ power and influence.

Star Trek Archer’s Dog’s Name

In the vast universe of Star Trek, Captain Jonathan Archer’s loyal canine companion has been a beloved character known for its unwavering loyalty and endearing presence.

Celest: Inspired by the celestial wonders of the universe, Celest embodies a sense of cosmic loyalty.

Nimbus: A name reminiscent of the mysterious clouds of distant galaxies, symbolizing Archer’s companion as a constant presence.

Orion: An homage to the Orion constellation, representing strength and companionship on interstellar journeys.

Nova: Derived from exploding stars, Nova signifies the dog’s vibrant and explosive personality.

Nebula: Named after the celestial clouds, Nebula represents the dog’s ever-changing yet constant nature.

Aegis: A term synonymous with protection, Aegis emphasizes the dog’s role as Archer’s loyal guardian.

Titan: Titan, inspired by Saturn’s largest moon, symbolizes the dog’s massive yet gentle presence.

Luna: Taking inspiration from Earth’s moon, Luna conveys a sense of tranquility and companionship.

Zephyr: Like a gentle breeze, Zephyr represents the calming influence Archer’s dog brings to the starship.

Pulsar: Drawing from the powerful pulsars in space, this name conveys the dog’s energetic and dynamic nature.

Solace: A name reflecting the comfort and ease Archer finds in the companionship of his canine friend.

Draco: Named after the constellation, Draco signifies the dog’s protective instincts and fierce loyalty.

Phoenix: Symbolizing rebirth and renewal, the phoenix represents the dog’s ability to bring new life to Archer’s adventures.

Galadriel: A name of elvish origin, Galadriel embodies grace and elegance, reflecting the refined presence of Archer’s canine companion.

Pike: In honor of Captain Christopher Pike, this name symbolizes courage, resilience, and a commitment to exploration.\

Odo: After Constable Odo, this name represents adaptability, intuition, and a strong sense of justice.

Chekov: In honor of Pavel Chekov, this name embodies youthful enthusiasm, optimism, and a love for exploration.

Star Trek Enterprise Dog Name

These futuristic and science fiction-inspired names glimpse the imaginative and technologically advanced world of Captain Archer and his canine companion.

Synth: Short for synthetic, Synth captures the essence of advanced technology and artificial intelligence.

Neural: Drawing inspiration from neural networks, this name signifies the interconnectedness of Captain Archer and his canine companion.

Chrono: Rooted in the concept of time, Chrono encapsulates the temporal dimension of Archer’s spacefaring odyssey.

Xeno: Derived from xenon, a noble gas often associated with futuristic propulsion systems, Xeno embodies cutting-edge technology and propulsion mechanisms.

Astral: Evoking the celestial plane, Astral signifies the transcendence of physical boundaries, portraying Captain Archer’s dog as a divine being navigating the cosmic expanse alongside his human counterpart.

Technot: A fusion of “technology” and “knot,” Technot signifies the intricacies and entanglements encountered in the technologically advanced future.

Pulse: Inspired by futuristic pulse technology, this name symbolizes the rhythmic heartbeat of Archer’s explorations and the pulse of energy that courses through their shared experiences.

Cyber: An abbreviation of “cybernetic,” Cyber reflects technology integration into the fabric of Captain Archer’s journey, highlighting the seamless fusion of man and machine.

Infinity: Embodying the limitless possibilities of space exploration, Infinity reflects the expansive horizons that Captain Archer and his dog boldly venture into.

Galacto: Drawing inspiration from “galactic,” Galacto signifies the vastness of space and the many galaxies that Archer and his loyal companion traverse.

Orbita: Rooted in “orbit,” this name conveys the cyclical nature of Archer’s interstellar journey, suggesting a continuous and harmonious trajectory through the cosmos.

Cortex: Reflecting the advanced cognitive capabilities of Captain Archer’s canine companion, Cortex signifies a heightened level of intelligence and awareness in science fiction.

Eclipse: A fusion of “eclipse” and “star,” Eclipsar symbolizes the cosmic phenomena punctuating Archer’s adventures.

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Faqs About Star Trek Dog Names

How were the names for captain archer’s dog chosen.

The names for Captain Archer’s dog were carefully curated to reflect the cosmic essence of Star Trek and its futuristic narrative. Each name draws inspiration from science fiction, technology, and celestial phenomena to create a unique and fitting moniker for the loyal canine companion.

Are these names based on actual astronomical concepts?

Many of the names have roots in astronomical and scientific concepts. They were selected to add depth and authenticity to the narrative, aligning with the futuristic and exploratory themes of the Star Trek universe.

What is the significance of incorporating science fiction elements into the dog names?

By infusing science fiction elements, the names contribute to the immersive world-building within Star Trek. They symbolize the unknown, advanced technology, and the cosmic wonders that Captain Archer and his dog encounter on their interstellar journey.

How do these names enhance the storytelling in Star Trek?

The names contribute to the overall narrative by adding layers of meaning and depth to the relationship between Captain Archer and his dog. Each name symbolizes the challenges, triumphs, and cosmic mysteries that unfold throughout their adventures.

Can these names be connected to specific episodes or story arcs in Star Trek?

While the names are not explicitly tied to specific episodes, they resonate with the overarching themes of space exploration, technology, and the unknown prevalent throughout the Star Trek series. They serve as versatile additions that can enhance various aspects of the storytelling.

In conclusion, the names bestowed upon Captain Archer’s loyal canine companion in Star Trek serve as more than mere labels. They are intricate threads woven into a narrative that spans galaxies and explores the uncharted territories of outer space and the human-animal bond. Drawing inspiration from science fiction, astronomy, and advanced technology, these names become beacons of imagination.

Like constellations in the night sky, these names guide us through the untold stories and adventures that unfold in the infinite expanse of Star Trek.

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Space Dog Names

These space dog names are excellent for anyone who loves science and exploration. We’ve gathered a great list of ideas from outer space, famous astronomers, astronauts, and sci-fi. Read on to see our list of 145 great options for your pup.

dog with an astronaut in space

Table of Contents

Star Names for Dogs

Starting off, we have a list of stars and their constellations that would make some excellent name options for your puppy.

  • Alpha – Alpha Centauri, Centaurus (as well as other stars)
  • Altair – Aquila
  • Antares – Scorpius
  • Barnard – Barnard’s Star, Ophiuchus
  • Beta – Beta Centauri, Centaurus (as well as other stars)
  • Betelgeuse – Orion
  • Binary – A pair of stars in orbit
  • Capella – Auriga
  • Castor – Gemini
  • Mira – Mira Ceti, Cetus
  • Omega – Omega Centauri, Centaurus
  • Polaris – Ursa Minor
  • Pollux – Gemini
  • Pulsar – pulsating radio star
  • Rigel – Orion
  • Sirius – Canis Major, the brightest star in the sky (aka the Dog Star)
  • Spica – Virgo
  • Vega – Lyra

Constellation Names and Descriptions

These constellations, including some of the stars we listed above, have unique names that’d be great for a dog. Many of these also include names well-known in Astrology, such as Aries and Virgo.

  • Aquila – Eagle
  • Aries – Ram
  • Capricorn – Capricornus, Sea goat
  • Carina – Keel of Argonauts’ ship
  • Cassi – Cassiopeia, Queen of Ethiopia
  • Cetus – Sea monster
  • Columba – Dove
  • Corvus – Crow
  • Crux – Cross
  • Cygnus – Swan
  • Dipper – Big dipper, part of Ursa Major
  • Dorado – Swordfish
  • Draco – Dragon
  • Gemini – Twins
  • Hercules – Son of Zeus
  • Hydra – Sea serpent
  • Hydrus – Watersnake
  • Indus – Indian
  • Leo – Lion
  • Libra – Balance
  • Lupus – Wolf
  • Lynx – Lynx
  • Lyra – Harp
  • Norma – Carpenter’s level
  • Octans – Octant
  • Orion – The hunter
  • Pavo – Peacock
  • Pegasus – Winged horse
  • Perseus – Hero who saved Andromeda
  • Phoenix – Resurrecting bird
  • Pictor – Easel
  • Pisces – Fish
  • Scorpio – Scorpius, Scorpion
  • Taurus – Bull
  • Ursa – Bear
  • Virgo – Virgin

list of planets

Planet Names

Here are some familiar planet names for dogs that you might consider. Even though Pluto may not be a planet, we’ve considered it because it makes a great name (plus, you may love the Disney dog Pluto ).

Moon Names for Dogs

These moons orbit some of our solar system’s planets and have cool-sounding names.

  • Callisto – Jupiter
  • Deimos – Mars
  • Dione – Saturn
  • Europa – Jupiter
  • Moon – Earth
  • Phobos – Mars
  • Phoebe – Saturn

Astronomy Dog Names

These astronomy dog names come from famous astronomers who studied the science that allowed us to explore the universe. It also includes the astronaut explorers who bravely risked their lives to travel into the depths of space.

  • Apollo – The Apollo program was the United States human spaceflight program
  • Armstrong – Neil Armstrong was an American astronaut and the first man to walk on the moon.
  • Buzz – One of the first two people to land on the moon.
  • Copernicus – Nicolaus Copernicus – placed the sun at the center of the universe.
  • Galileo – Italian astronomer and engineer.
  • Glenn – John Glenn, the third American in space.
  • Gus – Virgil Ivan “Gus” Grissom, one of the first Americans in outer space.
  • Halley – Edmond Halley, an astronomer who computed the return of a comet later named after him, Halley’s Comet.
  • Hubble – NASA telescope named after astronomer Edwin Hubble.
  • Kepler – A German astronomer, mathematician, and astrologer known for the laws of planetary motion.
  • Laika – A Soviet dog that was one of the first animals in space.
  • Mae – Mae Jemison, American astronaut and first black woman in space.
  • Newton – Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, and astronomer who formulated laws of motion and gravity.
  • Sagan – Carl Sagan is an American astronomer known for popularizing science using modern media.
  • Sally – Sally Ride was the first American woman in space.
  • Sputnik – The first artificial Earth satellite.
  • Tycho – Tycho Brahe, Danish astronomer.
  • Tyson – Neil deGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist known as a science communicator.
  • Yuri – The first human to go into outer space.

Astrology Dog Names

If you want a name that reflects your pup’s astrological sign (or your own), here’s a reference list of names and dates.

  • Aries — March 21 – April 19
  • Taurus — April 20 – May 20
  • Gemini — May 21 – June 20
  • Cancer — June 21 – July 22
  • Leo — July 23 – August 22
  • Virgo — August 23 – September 22
  • Libra — September 23 – October 22
  • Scorpio — October 23 – November 21
  • Sagittarius — November 22 – December 21
  • Capricorn — December 22 – January 19
  • Aquarius — Jan 20 – Feb 18
  • Pisces — Feb 19 – March 20

dog walking at night under the stars

More Space Names for Dogs

Here are many other excellent options for your dog that come from a variety of space-related terms.

Space-Themed Movies and Shows

Finally, after covering the scientific side of space dog names, we’re going to have a little fun with some science fiction movies and TV show names.

  • Alf – Alien from the TV show Alf
  • Anakin – Star Wars
  • Astro – The Jetsons
  • Babylon – Babylon 5 TV show
  • Bender – Futurama
  • Boba – Star Wars
  • Chewie – Wookie from Star Wars
  • Cylon – Battlestar Galactica
  • Drax – Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Duncan – Duncan Idaho, Dune
  • Eve – Wall-E
  • Frank – Men in Black
  • Groot – Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Hal – HAL 9000, 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Jedi – Star Wars
  • Jetson – The Jetsons
  • Kirk – Star Trek
  • Leia – Princess from Star Wars
  • Marvin – Marvin the Martian, Looney Tunes
  • Miller – The Expanse
  • Mork – Mork and Mindy
  • Ripley – Alien
  • Scotty – Star Trek
  • Spock – Star Trek
  • Stitch – Lilo & Stitch
  • Vulcan – Star Trek
  • Yoda – Star Wars

More Name Ideas

Hopefully, you found some excellent options for space dog names and are ready to start teaching your dog its name . If you want even more ideas, we think you’ll love these lists:

  • Nerdy dog names
  • Movie dog names
  • Star Wars dog names

Britannica list of stars NASA recognized constellations

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115 Star Trek Baby Names | Unique Creative Ideas

May you live long and prosper with this massive list of Star Trek baby names! From ordinary names like William or Ashley, to intergalactic ones like Dolim and Icheb, you’ll find something you like!

And these make interesting names for pets, fictional characters and more!

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Star Trek Baby Names for Girls

I love that these Stark Trek baby names for girls run the gamut from normal to totally sci-fi! Use caution when choosing something too out there for a child!

Alynna Nechayev is the admiral of Starfleet in Star Trek. Her name means noble.

Alyssa Ogawa is the nurse on the USS Enterprise. Her name might mean noble type. Or it could relate to the alyssum flower.

Amanda Grayson is a Vulcan in the Star Trek series. This name means loveable .

Ash Tyler is the Chief Security in Star Trek: Discovery. This unisex name refers to the ash tree. Or, for girls, it can be short for Ashley.

Ayala is the Security Officer in Voyager. In Hebrew, Ayala means doe or female deer .

Bareil Antos is a resident of Bajor in Star Deep Space 9. This unique name was invented for the series!

B’Elanna Torres is a half-human, half- Klingon in Voyager. This exotic-sounding name is actually a combination of Belle and Anna.

Beverly Crusher is a medical officer in the Star Trek series. Her name isn’t common in the US, and it means beaver stream .

Carol Marcus is a biologist in the Star Trek movies. Her name may mean song , or can be a short form of Caroline, which is a feminine form of Charles

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Chell is the Engineering Officer in Voyager. It can be a name on its own or be short for Michelle.

Christine Chapel is a Star Fleet Commander in Star Trek IV. This gorgeous name is actually uncommon in the US!

Deanna Troi is a half-human, half-betazoid in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Her name means heavenly. 

Degra is a Xindi scientist in Enterprise. This name is pretty wild, I’d be hesitant giving it to a baby!

Erika Hernandez is a commanding officer aboard the NX-02 in Enterprise. In Latin, Erica means heather .

Evek is a Cardassian in the Star Trek Series.

Ishka is a Ferengi in DS9. Her name means princess in Armenian. 

Jadzia is a Trill Science Officer in Deep Space 9. It’s actually a Polish name meaning battle.

Now here’s a name you don’t hear often! Janice Rand is a Starfleet officer in Star Trek. Her name is a form of Jane.

Jannar is a Xindi in Enterprise. It could mean beautiful world.

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A Starry Trek Night ! Love it! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Jennifer Sisko is a Starfleet Officer aboard the USS Saratoga in DS9. Meaning: white phantom.

Joann Owosekun is the Operations officer on the USS Discovery in Star Trek. Her name means YAHWEH is gracious. 


Kasidy Yates is a freighter captain in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Cassidy means curly haired .

Kathryn Janeway is a human aboard the USS Voyager. This name dates all the way back to the 4th century and might mean pure.


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I love this s tarfleet new recruit blanket ! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Katrina Cornwell is the Admiral of Starfleet in Discovery.  Meaning: pure

Keiko O’Brein is a botanist in Star Trek. Her name means wholesome child.

Kes is an Ocampa civilian aboard the USS Voyager. Her name could be short for Kestrel, or just a fun, short name on its own.

Keyla Detmer is the Helmsman in Discovery. Her name might mean crown of laurels .

Kimara Cretak is a Romulan representative in Deep Space 9. What an interesting name! It could be a combination of Kimberly and Tamara, which means date palm.

Kira Nerys is a Bajoran in Deep Space 9. Her name could be a form of Cyrus, which means young,  or lord .

Li Nalas is the Bajoran Liaison Officer in DS9. This unisex name can come from Hebrew or Japanese. 

Leeta is a Bajoran in Deep Space 9. She’s actually named after a pre-production coordinator from the Star Trek crew!

Popfunk Star Trek Recruit Stamped Baby Onesie Bodysuit, 6 Months

This onesie would make a great nerdy pregnancy announcement! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Lore is an android in TNG. Although the character looks male, his name could work as a nickname for female names like Laura, Lauren, or Eleanor.

Mallora is the chairman of the Xindi Council in Star Trek: Enterprise. Although the character is male, it reminds me of the name Mallory and could work for a female!

Mila is a Cardassian in Deep Space 9. Her name means dear.

Mora Pol is a Majoran scientist in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Did you know Mora or Moira are variations of Mary, which means beloved ?

Naomi Wildman is the captain’s assistant in Voyager. In Hebrew, Naomi means pleasantness .


Kira Nerys is a Bajoran in DS9. Her last name is actually a Welsh name that means lady .

Opaka Sulan is a Bajoran leader in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Her name could come from the Hungarian name Opika.

Phillipa Georgiou  is a commanding officer aboard the USS Shenzhou in Discovery. Meaning: friend of horses

CBS Fox Star Trek OS Tricorder Cushion Pillow, Blue/Black

I never knew there was such a thing as a tricorder pillow but that’s hilarious! Click the image to see more details on Amazon.

Rebi is a passenger aboard the USS Voyager. In Japanese, her name means beautiful. 

Robin Lefler is the Engineering Officer on the USS Enterprise. Did you know Robin was a nickname for Robert in medieval times? Now it’s regarded as its own name! 

=Related Post: Medieval Baby Names =

Sarah Sisko is a holophotographer in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Meaning: lady, princess, noblewoman

Saru is first officer of the USS Discovery. In Japanese, her name means monkey .

Sela is a Romulan officer in Star Trek: The Next Generation. In Hebrew, her name means rock .

Seska is a Cardassian in Voyager. Her name could be a variation of Franchesca, or a completely unique name!

Sylvia Tilly is an engineering officer in Star Trek: Discovery. Meaning: forest.

Susan Nicoletti is the engineering officer in  Voyager. The name Susan means lily or rose .

Tal Celes is a Bajoran crewman on the USS Voyager. In Hebrew, Tal is a unisex name that means dew.

Tasha Yar is the chief of security in The Next Generation. Did you know Tasha is a nickname for Natasha, meaning Christmas day?

Sylvia Tilly is an engineering officer in Star Trek: Discovery. Tilly is a nickname for Matilda, meaning strength in battle . 

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How about a tea replicator ? Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Tora is a Bajoran in DS9 Her name is a feminine version of Thor! 

Nyota Uhura is the Communications Officer in Star Trek. Gene Roddenberry adapted her name from the Swahili word for freedom . 

Winn Adami is a Bajoran in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. In Welsh, her name means blessed or fair.

You might also enjoy: Great Ideas for Futuristic Names

Star Trek Baby Names for Boys

I was surprised at just how many Star Trek names are normal, real-world names you might hear every day! Of course, there are a lot of alien and invented names too, so you have a huge variety to browse through!

Airam is the Science officer in Star Trek: Discovery. Meaning: unknown 


Alexander Rozhenko is Warf’s son in The Next Generation. His name means defender of men 

Bareil Antos is a resident of Bajor in Deep Space 9. His surname is actually a Hungarian version of Anthony! 

Azan is a civilian passenger aboard The Voyager. In Arabic, it means to listen . 

Fun with Kirk and Spock: Watch Kirk and Spock Go Boldly Where No Parody has Gone Before! (Star Trek Gifts, Book for Trekkies, Movie Books, Humor Gifts, Funny Books) (Star Trek: A Parody)

Even adults will enjoy this Star Trek picture book ! “See the Enterprise. See the Enterprise go boldly. Go Go Go, Enterprise! Go Boldly!” Click the image to see more details on Amazon.

Beckett Mariner is the ensign aboard the USS Cerritos in Star Trek: Lower Decks. His name might mean brook or stream. 


Benjamin Layfeyette Sisko is a Commanding Officer in DS9. Meaning: son of the south 

R.A. Bryce is the Communications Officer in Discovery. His name means speckled.


Christopher Pike is a Starfleet admiral in Star Trek. His name means bearing Christ. 

Damar is a Cardassian in Deep Space 9. In Indonesian, this name means light or lamp . 

Dolim is a Xindi Council member in Enterprise. Meaning: unknown 

Elim Garak is a Cardassian in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Despite his extraterrestrial origins, his name actually comes from ancient Irish! 

Enabrin Tain is the leader of the Cardassian Obsidian Order in Deep Space 9. Meaning: unknown 

Ezri Dax is a Trill Counselor in DS9. In Hebrew, it means my helper.

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Who wouldn’t want an Enterprise night light ? Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Maxwell Forrest is a Vice Admiral in Starfleet Command in Enterprise. As you probably guessed, this name means forest .

Gabriel Lorca is a commanding officer aboard the USS Discovery. Meaning: God is my strong man

Geordie La Forge is Chief Engineer in the Star Trek series. His name means farmer.

Icheb is a Brunali aboard the Voyager in Star Trek. Meaning: unknown 

Jake Sisko is a Deep Space 9 resident. His name means healer.

Captain on the Bridge Vinyl Decal Sticker

Forget the baby on board sticker, I want one of these! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

James Tiberius Kirk is the Captain of the USS Enterprise in Star Trek: The Original Series. Did you know the name James actually is a variation of Jason?

Captain Jean-Luc Picard is the Captain of the USS Enterprise. His name is the French form of John and means YAHWEH is gracious. 

Jet Reno is the chief engineer of the USS Hiawatha in Discovery. His name may refer to the black stone, or could be short for another name.


Jonathan Archer is the Commanding Officer in Enterprise. Meaning: YAHWEH has given. 

Joseph Sisko is a restaurant owner on Earth in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. The name Joseph means he will add .

Julian Bashir is the Chief Medical Officer aboard Deep Space 9 in Star Trek. This name could refer to the Roman god Jupiter.

Would you rather use the famous Captain’s last name? Kirk means church. 

K’Ehleyer is an ambassador in TNG. I don’t recommend spelling anyone’s name with so many extra letters! Kyle or Kyler are much easier to write and pronounce. These names mean channel or strait. 


Benjamin Layfeyette Sisko is a Commanding Officer in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Lafayette means plantation of beech trees .

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Leonard McCoy (Bones) is the Chief Medical Officer in Enterprise. And of course, Leonard Nimoy played Spock. Meaning: brave lion

Lon Studer is the Engineering Officer in Voyager. His name is short for Alonzo.

Luther Sloan is an intelligence operative in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. His name means army of people .

Malcolm Reed is a tactical officer in Enterprise. This name means disciple of Saint Columba. And Columba means dove .

Carol Marcus is a biologist in the Star Trek movies. The name Marcus refers to Mars, the Roman god of war.

Maxwell Forrest is a Vice Admiral in Starfleet Command in Star Trek: Enterprise. Meaning: Max’s stream  

There are several Michaels in Star Trek. First, Michael Burnham is the Science Officer aboard the USS Discovery. And Michael Eddington is a civilian in Deep Space 9. Michael means who is like God?

Miles O’Brein is a crewmember in the Star Trek series. The name Miles means gracious .

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I wish my blanket was actually a teleporter! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Montgomery “Scotty” Scott is the Chief Engineer in the Star Trek series. Meaning: the ruler’s mountain 


Neelix is a Talaxian ambassador in Voyager. Meaning: unknown 

Odo is the Chief of Security in DS9. Sometimes this name is spelled Otto. Either way, it means wealth or fortune. 

Owen Paris is a Starfleet commander in Star Trek: Voyager. Meaning: youth

Paul Stamets is the Chief Engineer in Discovery. His name means humble

Pavel Chekov is a character in the Star Trek series. His name is a form of Paul, often used in Russia.

Phillip Boyce is the Chief Medical Officer aboard the USS Enterprise. Meaning: friend of horses

Phlox is a Denobulan medical officer in Enterprise. His name is an obvious reference to the phlox flower, and it means flame in Greek.

Quark is a Ferengi bar owner in Star Trek. This super nerdy name refers to theoretical subatomic particles. 


Reginald Barclay is Starfleet Commander in Star Trek. His name is a combination of Old German words meaning advice and ruler. 

Star Trek Wireless Charger with Built-in Backup Battery Pack for Wired and Wireless Charging. Portable Wireless Phone Charger with Starfleet Illuminated Logo. StarTrek Gifts, Collectibles, Gadgets

Can’t go wrong with a Federation of Planets induction charger ! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Rhys is a tactical officer on the USS Discovery. In Welsh, his name means enthusiasm. 

William Riker is the first officer of the USS Enterprise. Riker is actually a form of Richard, and means brave ruler .

Ro Lauren is the Bajoran comms officer in The Next Generation. This name could be a short version of many other names!

Rom, the Ferengi, is Quark’s younger brother in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. His name means height in Hebrew.

Sarek is Spock’s father in Star Trek. Meaning: unknown 

Montgomery “Scotty” Scott is the Chief Engineer in the Star Trek series. The name Scott initially referred to someone from Scotland. 

Silik is a Suliban in Enterprise. Meaning: unknown 

Soval is the Vulcan ambassador to Earth in Star Trek: Enterprise. Meaning: unknown 

Spock is the Chief Science Officer of the USS Enterprise. Gene Roddenberry invented his name!

Hikaru Sulu is a commanding officer and helmsmen in the Star Trek series. Meaning: unknown 

Star Trek Starfleet Academy Alumni T-Shirt

Any one would look awesome in a Starfleet Academy Alumni Shirt ! Click the image to see more details on Amazon .

Tom Paris is the helmsman of the USS Voyager. His name means twin .

Tomalak is a Romulan in TNG. This name was invented for the show!

Travis Mayweather is the helmsman of the Enterprise. Historically, this name was given to someone who lived near a bridge or river crossing. 

Vash is an archaeologist in Star Trek.

Wesley Crusher, played by Wil Wheaton, is a character in the Star Trek Series. His name means west meadow.

Weyoun is a Vorta in Star Trek

William Riker is the first officer of the USS Enterprise. Meaning: will helmet

Related post: need more names that are out of this world? Check out this post with Star Wars inspired names!

Zek is a Ferengi in Deep Space 9.

Wrap up- Star Trek Baby Names

top star trek baby names for girls and boys

I hope this massive list of Star Trek baby names inspired you! While Spock might not be great for a child, there are plenty of normal and unique names to choose from!

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70 Star Trek Baby Names That Trekkies Will Love


'Star Trek' is one of the most popular and highly-rated media franchises of America from the 1960s , which was created by Gene Roddenberry.

This celebrated franchise is widely loved throughout the world by all generations. It not only consists of a television series that was aired on NBC called 'The Original Series' but also has its very own film franchise.

The plot is about the various adventures of a powerful interstellar vessel named Starship USS Enterprise and its crew members. It gained popularity because it sends the message that it is cool to be smart.

The show's futuristic view emanates optimism and focuses more on intelligence rather than looks.

The first series may have been a long time ago, but since then, 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' came in and ruled the hearts of people in the '80s. 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' is still referred to as one of the best 'Star Trek' series.

Fans of the franchise are known as Trekkies.

So, if you're a Trekkie and are looking for a cosmic 'Star Trek' inspired name for your little angel, here's a list of some of the best names curated specially for you from 'Star Trek: The Original Series' as well as 'Star Trek: The Next Generation', 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', and all the movies.

For more space-related baby names for your new arrival, take a look at Names That Mean Star and Celestial Space Names .

Male Baby Names From 'Star Trek'

Here's a list of names for a baby boy from 'Star Trek' .

1 . Alexander (Greek origin) meaning "defending men" is the son of the Klingon Worf and a member of the House of Mogh.

2 . Azan (Hebrew origin) meaning "peace " is a civilian passenger in the USS Voyager.

3 . Bareil (French origin) meaning "barrel" is the name of Bareil Antos who is a Bajoran Religious Leader.

4 . Bones (Norman origin) meaning "cartilage of the sternum" Leonard McCoy.

5 . Boothby (Old Danish origin) meaning "hut" is a civilian groundskeeper in Starfleet Academy.

6. Boimler (Fictional origin) meaning unknown is the name of Brad Boimler is an Ensign in USS Cerritos.

7 . Brunt (English origin) meaning "burnt" is a Civilian resident in Ferengi.

8. Bryce (English origin) meaning "force" is the name of R.A. Bryce who is a Lieutenant in USS Discovery. It is one of the most common baby names used.

9 . Chakotay (American origin) meaning "the man who walks the earth but who only sees the sky" was Captain Janeway's, right-hand man.

10. Christopher (English origin) meaning "Anointed" is the name of Christopher Pike who was the first captain of the Enterprise who was eventually promoted to fleet captain.

11. Colt (Middle English origin) meaning "young horse" is J. M. Colt USS who was a Yeoman in Enterprise.

12 . Data (English origin) meaning  "transmissible and storable computer information" is a sentient A.I. who is the funniest supporting crew member ever in Franchise.

13 . Doctor (Latin origin) meaning  "to teach" is the most popular character in the "Voyager" who was a sarcastic and overworking medical hologram.

14 . Dolim (Middle English origin) meaning "grief" is a Xindi-Reptilian Commander of the Xindi Council.

15 . Dukat (Old Italian origin) meaning "leader" is a Religious Cardassia Leader in Freighter.

16 . Evek (Fictional origin) meaning unknown is a Cardassian Commanding Officer of CMS Vetar.

17 . Geordi (Greek origin) meaning "farmer" is an engineer in The Enterprise-D who had helped Data learn how to be more human.

18 . Harry (Germanic origin) meaning  "home-ruler" is the name of Harry Kim who was an ensign and a friend of Paris on the Enterprise.

19 . Hikaru (Japanese origin) meaning "to shine" is the name of Hikaru Sulu who was the captain of the Excelsior.

20 . Jean-Luc (Hebrew origin) meaning "God is gracious" is the name of legendary 'Star Trek' character Jean-Luc Picard who was a commanding officer, a diplomat, and a scholar. It is one of the most common nerdy boy names .

21 . Jonathan (Hebrew origin) meaning  "to give" is the name of Jonathan Archer who was a captain in Starfleet.

22 . Joseph (Latin origin) meaning "He will add" is a Lieutenant and an Engineering Officer of the USS Voyager .

23 . Julian (Latin origin) meaning "Youthful" is the name of Julian Bashir; Chief Medical Officer of Deep Space Nine.

24 . Kirk (Scottish origin) meaning "church" is James Kirk who was the original captain and first officer.

25 . Leonard (Germanic origin) meaning "brave lion" is the name of Leonard McCoy who was the chief medical officer for the Enterprise.

26 . Malcolm (Gaelic origin) meaning  "disciple of Saint Columba"; the name of Malcolm a valuable engineer of the Enterprise.

27 . Michael (Hebrew origin) meaning "who is like God?" is a Commander and Science Officer in USS Discovery and  USS Shenzhou.

28 . Miles (Norman origin) meaning "Who is like God?" an invaluable member of Starfleet. A great choice in geeky names.

29 . Neelix (American origin) meaning "Voyager" is a chef in Starfleet. It is one of the best baby names.

30 . Odo (French origin) meaning "possessor of wealth" a very important character in 'Star Trek'.

31 . Pavel (Russian origin) meaning "small" is the name of Pavel Chekov one of the members of the original Enterprise crew.

32 . Phillip (Greek origin) meaning "horse-loving" is the name of Phillip Boyce, a Chief Medical Officer in the USS Enterprise.

33 . Phlox (American origin) meaning "kind of plant with showy flowers" a medical officer.

34 . Quark (Slavonic origin) meaning "cottage cheese" was an amoral mafia who later becomes a valuable ally to Sisko.

35 . Reginald (Latin origin) meaning "advice" is the name of Reginald Barclay an Engineering Officer in the Enterprise .

36. Riker (Danish origin) meaning "strong power" is the first officer of the Enterprise.

37 . Scotty (Scottish origin) meaning "Scotsman" is the name of Montgomery, who was an engineer of the Enterprise.

38 . Seven (English origin) meaning "a number that is one more than six" is the name of Seven of Nine.

39 . Sisko (Greek origin) meaning "overweight" is the name of Benjamin Sisko who was the commander of Deep Space Nine.

40 . Spock (Scandinavian origin) meaning "maker Of wheels" a Vulcan commanding officer of the Enterprise.

41 . Tom (Greek origin) meaning "innocence" is the name of Tom Paris a crew member of the Enterprise.

42 . Travis (French origin) meaning "traverser" is the name of Travis Mayweather another important crew member.

43. Trip (French origin) meaning "to tread" is the nickname of Charles Tucker III a right-hand man of Archer.

44 . Tuvok (Fictional origin) meaning unknown; a loyal friend of Janeway and who was a Vulcan.

45 . Vic (Latin origin) meaning "victory" is a Holographic Entertainer in Deep Space Nine.

46 . Wesley (Anglo-Norman origin) meaning "a field to the West" is the name of Wesley Crusher a super-genius kid who had saved the Enterprise on countless occasions.

47 . Worf (Fictional origin) meaning unknown, is a Klingon lieutenant who was a vital part of the Starfleet crew.

Female Baby Names From Star Trek

Here's a list of sci-fi names for a baby girl from ' Star Trek' .

48 . Agnes (Greek origin) meaning "pure" is a cyberneticist of the Daystrom Institute.

49 . Airiam (Urdu origin) meaning "wished for child" is a Commander at the USS Discovery. One of the best space names for girls .

50 . Amanda (Latin origin) meaning "deserving to be loved" is the name of Amanda Grayson a civilian Vulcan resident.

51 . Ayala (Hebrew origin) meaning "female deer" is the name of Ayala Tarik Ergin, a Security Officer of the USS Voyager.

52 . B'Elanna (Roman origin) meaning "goddess of war" is the name of B'Elanna Torres a human and Klingon hybrid lieutenant.

53 . Beverly (English origin) meaning "beaver" is the name of Beverly Crusher who was a compassionate medic, a capable fighter, and a leader.

54 . Christine (Greek origin) meaning "anointed" is the name of Christine Chapel a Medical Officer of Starfleet Command in the Enterprise.

55. Deanna (Latin origin) meaning "Fertile" is the name of Deanna Troi who served as a counselor on a ship.

56. Gabrielle (French origin) meaning "God is my strong man" is the name of Gabrielle an Intelligence Operative and Astrophysicist.

57. Hoshi (Japanese origin) meaning "star" is the name of Hoshi Sato who was a Com Officer in the ship. One of the most popular 'Star Trek' characters.

58. Jadzia (Polish origin) meaning "battle" is the name of Jadzia Dax, a crew member who is also a is a joined Trill.

59. Kathryn (Greek origin) meaning "pure" is the name of Kathryn Janeway who is the captain of the Star Trek Voyager.

60. Katrina (German origin) meaning "pure" who was an  Admiral of Starfleet Command.

61. Keiko (Japanese origin) meaning "happy child" is the wife of Miles O'Brien who was a civilian botanist on the Enterprise and a primary school teacher in the Deep Space Nine.

62. Kes (European origin) meaning "to cut" is a Medic in the USS Star Trek Voyager .

63. Kira (Irish origin) meaning "black" is one of the 'Star Trek' woman Federation members on DS9.

64. Kimara (Fictional origin) meaning  "twin of myself" is a Romulan Representative and  Senator in 'Deep Space Nine'.

65. Megan (Anglo-Saxon origin) meaning  "strong" is the name of Chief Medical Officer Megan Cole in the Enterprise.

66. Molly (English origin) meaning "of the sea" is the name of Molly O'Brien who was born to Miles and Keiko O'Brien on the Enterprise, and was delivered by Worf.

67. Nyota (Swahili origin) meaning "Stars" is the name of Nyota Uhura who was put briefly in charge of the Enterprise on a rescue mission in the animated series.

68. Soji (Yoruba origin) meaning "renaissance" is the name of Soji Asha who is a Romulan Anthropologist in the Reclamation Site.

69. Tasha (Greek origin) meaning "resurrection" is the name of Natasha Yar Oh, who was the chief of security on the Starfleet starship on the Enterprise. She carries the rank of lieutenant.

70. T'Pol (Fictional origin) meaning "commander" is the first Vulcan Starfleet officer.

Kidadl has lots of great baby names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for Star Trek Names then why not take a look at Moon Related Names , or for something different take a look at Basque Names .

Second image credit: Willrow Hood /

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More for you, 49 uniquely amazing names for boys, girls and pets, 70 fresh flower names for boys, 91 super funky names that you haven't heard before.

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Rajnandini Roychoudhury Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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star trek female dog names

Star Treks New Female Vulcan Hero Explained By Prodigy Executive Producer

  • Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 introduces a new Vulcan character, Maj'el, played by Michaela Dietz, named after Majel Barrett-Roddenberry.
  • Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 premieres on July 1st on Netflix, with all 20 episodes releasing on the same day.
  • Maj'el serves as a foil to the crew's more outrageous impulses and develops an interesting relationship with one crew member.

Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 introduces a new female Vulcan hero, and co-executive producer Aaron J. Waltke drops some intel on Maj'el (Michaela Dietz). The highly-anticipated Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 premieres Monday, July 1, on Netflix, with all 20 brand-new episodes releasing on the same day. As Prodigy season 2 raises the intergalactic stakes for the ragtag young Starfleet hopefuls mentored by Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew), it's natural that Dal R'El (Brett Gray) and his group meet new friends and/or potential rivals from Starfleet Academy - like Maj'el.

Discussing Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 as a guest on All Access Star Trek: A Podcast , co-executive producer Aaron J. Watlke addressed the 'Vulcan in the room'. Waltke revealed tidbits about Maj'el's role in Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 to hosts Anthony Pascale and Laurie Ulster, and he confirms that the Vulcan is named after the First Lady of Star Trek, Majel Barrett-Roddenberry. Check out Waltke's quote and audio clip in TrekMovie 's X post below, and you can find the complete podcast episode in the link above.

I think some people have rightly identified there is in fact a Vulcan that has joined, kind of like our cast here, as is also mentioned in the press release. Brilliantly played by Michaela Dietz, named Majel. Named as a sort of homage to the great Majel Barrett-Roddenberry. Shes wonderful Just as TLyn was a great sort of countermeasure to the wackadoo adventures of the Cerritos, I think Majel is an excellent sort of foil, in a way, to some of the more outrangeous impulses of some of our crew. But at the same time, even she has a story to tell and a growth to undergo about her assumptions about these sort of illogical crewmates. And theres a very interesting relationship that she develops with the crew, especially with one of the crew members [that] Im excited for people to see.

The Vulcan Lieutenant T'Lyn (Gabrielle Ruiz) joined the main cast of Star Trek: Lower Decks in season 4 and has been a popular addition to the crew of the USS Cerritos.

Star Treks Multiverse Will Have A Grand Unifying Theory In Netflixs Prodigy Season 2, Says Co-EP

Star Trek: Prodigy co-executive producer Aaron J. Waltke says that season 2 on Netflix will explain how Star Trek's multiverse works.

Star Trek: Prodigy Is Going Bigger In Season 2

"old friends, new worlds, and time travel".

Maj'el joins Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 as the beloved CGI animated series widens its scope to truly epic levels. Time travel was already a core part of Star Trek: Prodigy 's backstory, but season 2 makes Admiral Janeway and the USS Voyager-A's mission to an alternate future to rescue Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) its focus. Star Trek: Prodigy season 2's trailer promises "old friends, new worlds, and time travel" , but that seems to be the tip of the iceberg of what's to come for the heroic former crew of the USS Protostar.

The addition of a Vulcan makes Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 automatically feel even more like Star Trek.

How Dal R'El, Gwyndala (Ella Purnell), Zero (Angus Imrie), Rok-Tahk (Rylee Alazraqui), Jankom Pog (Jason Mantzoukas), Murf (Dee Bradley Baker), and Maj'el fit into Star Trek: Prodigy season 2's mischief remains to be seen. But given the "outrageous impulses" of Dal and the Protostar kids that Aaron J. Waltke alludes to, no doubt they will drive the action and cosmic chaos to come. One thing is for sure already: the addition of a Vulcan makes Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 automatically feel even more like Star Trek.

Source: All Access Star Trek - A Podcast

Star Trek: Prodigy

Cast Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, John Noble, Jason Mantzoukas, Brett Gray, Angus Imrie, Jameela Jamil, Robert Picardo, Jimmi Simpson, Ella Purnell, Dee Bradley Baker

Streaming Service(s) Netflix

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman

Showrunner Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman

Franchise Star Trek

Creator(s) Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman

Number of Episodes 40

Where To Watch Netflix

Star Treks New Female Vulcan Hero Explained By Prodigy Executive Producer


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    Roche. Trojan. Names with Meanings. Bast : Means a Devourer and is a word from the Ancient Greek. Corona : Means Crown and is of Latin origin. Cosmo : A word of Greek origin which means Order. Daniel : It means the phrase God is my judge. It's a Hebrew word. Estella: The word means a Star and is a Latin word.

  17. 145+ Cosmic Names for Dogs From the Heavens, Science and Sci-Fi

    Troi: Deana Trio Star Trek officer and empath. A good name for an intuitive dog. Uhura: Lieutenant Nyota Uhura of Star Trek was a groundbreaking role, a first in the USA where a Black female was seen on TV, as an equal in intelligence and responsibility to the men of the series. Vader: Lord Vader of the Empire, Star Wars.

  18. What are your favorite Trek names for dogs? : r/startrek

    Boba Fetch. Or go Borg. 3 of 6. Would be the third pup born in a litter of 6. For a cat obvious answer is Gul duCat. Upvote for Gul duCat. Almost spit my coffee out! If I had a dog, he'd be named Riker, but I would only refer to him as Number One. I could be like, "With me Number One!" or "You stay here Number One."

  19. 145 Space Dog Names

    These space dog names are excellent for anyone who loves science and exploration. Ideas from outer space, astronomers, astronauts, and sci-fi. 0 My Names. ... Vulcan - Star Trek; Yoda - Star Wars; More Name Ideas. Hopefully, you found some excellent options for space dog names and are ready to start teaching your dog its name. If you want ...

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  22. 70 Star Trek Baby Names That Trekkies Will Love

    Female Baby Names From Star Trek Here's a list of sci-fi names for a baby girl from 'Star Trek'.. 48.Agnes (Greek origin) meaning "pure" is a cyberneticist of the Daystrom Institute.. 49.Airiam (Urdu origin) meaning "wished for child" is a Commander at the USS Discovery. One of the best space names for girls.. 50.Amanda (Latin origin) meaning "deserving to be loved" is the name of Amanda ...

  23. Children named for Star Trek characters? : r/startrek

    When the cop asked where I was coming from, I told him I was embarrassed to say it but was watching TNG. He laughed and pointed to his name tag — Officer William Riker! We had a laugh and talked about Star Trek for a while. He said he passed his name onto his son, and I asked if he called him Number One. He said he did! It was pretty hilarious.

  24. Star Treks New Female Vulcan Hero Explained By Prodigy Executive Producer

    Star Trek: Prodigy season 2 introduces a new female Vulcan hero, and co-executive producer Aaron J. Waltke drops some intel on Maj'el (Michaela Dietz). The highly-anticipated Star Trek: Prodigy ...