Tour a Roma en tren desde Milán

  • Excursiones y tours en Milán

Tour a Roma en tren desde Milán

  • Viaja cómodamente a Roma en tren de alta velocidad desde Milán.
  • Descubre Roma a bordo del Bus turístico , donde podrás subir y bajar cuantas veces quieras.
  • Deslúmbrate con el imponente Coliseo Romano , la bella Plaza de España y la cinematográfica Fontana di Trevi.

Admira el imponente Coliseo o la bella Fontana de Trevi con nuestro tour a Roma desde Milán en tren de alta velocidad.¡Pasa de un día único recorriendo la ciudad eterna!

Para disfrutar de nuestro tour a Roma , saldremos desde Milán (estación de Termini)a las 07:00, en el tren de alta velocidad para pasar un día entero en Roma .

Después de nuestro cómodo viaje en tren de 3 horas y 30 minutos, tendrás el resto del día para explorar la histórica ciudad de Roma libremente. Una forma perfecta de recorrer la ciudad será tomando el bus turístico City Sightseeing , escuchando los comentarios de la audioguía a bordo de un bus descapotable de dos pisos , con la posibilidad de subir y bajar en cualquiera de las paradas de la ruta durante todo el día. Paradas en la Estación de tren de Termini , el Coliseo , la Fontana de Trevi y la Plaza de España son algunos ejemplos. Con las paradas del autobús turístico en los puntos de interés, disfrutarás de las mejores vistas y panorámicas de Roma.

Tendrás 8 horas para pasear por las numerosas ruinas romanas, mercaditos y saborear un famoso helado en cualquier precioso rincón de esta ciudad.

Sobre las 18:30 tomarás el tren de regreso a Milán en la estación de Termini , donde llegaremos sobre las 22:00h.

  • Billete de tren de alta velocidad Milán-Roma (ida y vuelta)
  • Bus turístico de Roma City Sightseeing (24 horas)
  • Audioguía con comentarios en español y Wifi gratuito a bordo del bus
  • Mapa y guía de la ciudad

No incluido

  • Comidas y bebidas
  • Recogida en hoteles

Precio y pago

Información adicional.

  • Recibirás el billete de tren por correo electrónico con antelación suficiente a la fecha de tu viaje.
  • Ten en cuenta que los horarios del tren pueden sufrir pequeñas variaciones.

Bus turístico de Roma

Paradas del bus turístico de Roma:

  • Via Marsala (Estación de Tren de Termini)
  • Santa Maria Maggiore
  • Circo Maximo
  • Piazza Venezia
  • Basílica de San Pedro y Vaticano
  • Fontana de Trevi
  • Piazza di Spagna
  • Piazza Barberini
  • Los buses pasan por las paradas cada 15 minutos aproximadamente, dependiendo de la temporada. Una vuelta completa, sin bajar del bus, dura 1 hora 40 min.


Punto de inicio.

  • Mejor precio garantizado
  • Pago seguro
  • No reembolsable

Preguntas frecuentes

¿cómo hago una reserva, ¿cuáles son las formas de pago, ¿cómo ver el precio y la disponibilidad.

tour de milan a roma


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tour de milan a roma

The Geographical Cure

An Epic 10 Day Road Trip Itinerary in Italy, From Milan To Rome

It’s only a 6 hour drive from Milan to Rome. But this well-traveled route is dense with amazing must see medieval villages, ornate palazzos, Roman ruins, and sublime treasures of the Renaissance.

There’s plenty of great destinations in Italy to explore along the way. This super detailed 10 day itinerary takes you to them.

It’s perfectly adjustable. You can make it shorter or longer, depending on your available vacation time or personal fast/slow pace.

I’ve tried to give you a balance of cities and leisurely villages, with day trip options as well.

Milan's breathtaking Gothic Duomo

You start with Italy’s exciting northern capital of Milan and end in Italy’s ancient southern capital of Rome.

Along the way, you’ll visit some of Italy’s most beautiful towns in northern Italy, Cinque Terre, and Tuscany .

You may have a near overdose art high on this trip — with ancient Roman ruins, iconic masterpieces, and world class museums at every turn.

This itinerary takes you to all of the must visit sites, historic landmarks, and must visit museums. It tells you everything you need to see, do, and eat on this 10 day road trip from Milan to Rome.

Castle Sforza in Milan

Overview of 10 Days in Italy Itinerary

Here’s what I recommend for a ten day road trip from Milan to Rome:

  • Day 1 : Explore Milan
  • Day 2 : Pick up car, stop in Parma, overnight in Bologna
  • Day 3 : Explore Bologna
  • Day 4 : Drive To Lucca and explore, overnight in Lucca
  • Day 5 : Day Trip To Cinque Terre or Pisa from Lucca
  • Day 6 : Drive To Florence and explore
  • Day 7 : Explore Florence
  • Day 8 : Drive To Siena and explore, overnight in Rome
  • Day 9 : Explore Rome
  • Day 10 : Explore Rome

In this 10 day Milan to Rome travel itinerary, you’ll have three bases: Milan (1 night), Bologna (2 nights), Lucca (2 nights), Florence (2 nights), and Rome (3 nights).

I give you tips on where to stay for each base.

Piazza del Duomo in Milan

10 Day Italy Itinerary: Milan To Rome

Here’s the best 10 day itinerary for road tripping from Milan to Rome.

Day 1: Explore Milan

Milan is an amazing destination in northern Italy.

It’s a sleek and chic modern city, the thriving finance and fashion capital of Italy. Milan has a serious arts scene, breathtaking sites, and gastronomical delights.

Milan is not “an industrial city,” as the uninitiated claim. Milan has personality, combining old world charm and “bright lights, big city” flair in compelling fashion. You can’t help but be dazzled by Milan’s architecture, historic sites, iconic art, and fantastic foodie scene.

You might be surprised to know that Milan has some of the greatest artistic treasures of the Renaissance. Milan’s defining artistic moment was the arrival of Leonardo da Vinci in 1481.

Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper,1498

Hired by the Duke of Milan as a court artist, Leonardo produced some of his most important works in Milan, including his iconic The Last Supper . The fresco is Milan’s top attraction and one of Europe’s most sought after sites.

Here’s my a complete guide to Leonardo’s The Last Supper and how to see this Renaissance masterpiece. Click  here  for a ticket and guided tour of  The Last Supper .

Aside from Leonardo, Milan is most well known for its massive Gothic Duomo, Sforza Castle, and its world class museums, including the Pinacoteca de Brera.

Milan Cathedral is a world renowned edifice. Built over 600 years beginning in 1368, the Duomo is a flamboyant Gothic masterpiece with 135 marble spires.

the Duomo rooftop

It’s one of Italy’s most beautiful churches , second in size in Italy only to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome .

The Duomo is the most popular attraction in Milan. You need to book tickets in advance to avoid sell outs or long lines.

Click  here  to pre-book a skip the line ticket for both the Duomo and the rooftop terrace. When you arrive at the Duomo, make sure to get in the fast track line. 

Click  here  to book a ticket + guided tour of the duomo. Click  here  to book a ticket for access to just the rooftop terrace.

the Pinacoteca di Brera

The Pinacoteca di Brera is one of Europe’s best (and most underrated) museums. Its exquisite collection is housed inside the beautiful late 17th century Palazzo Brera near the Duomo.

The museum boasts works from the 14th to 20th centuries, including important pieces by artists such as Raphael , Caravaggio , Guercino, Bellini, Hayez, and Titian.

>>> Click here to pre-book a ticket to the museum.

You can tour Milan’s must see sites in one day. But you’ll need to be efficient and tightly planned.

I won’t repeat myself. Here’s my 24 hour step by step itinerary to make the most of your one day in Milan with tips on what to see/eat/do.

the Brera district in Milan

Where To Stay in Milan

Milan has some of the finest hotels in Italy. You’re spoiled for choice. 

For an opulent stay, try the  Bulgari Hotel Milano . It’s in the high end shopping district. 

Or book at the  Four Seasons , which has a lovely setting in a former convent. It’s a cut above the Bulgari.

The  Park Hyatt  has a great location near many of Milan’s top attractions and a Michelin star restaurant. The  Hotel Principe di Savoia  is a beautiful place that’s slightly off center if you want to escape crowds.

If you like boutique hotels, my picks are the  Room Mate Giulia  (trendy place near the Fashion district), the chic  Hotel Magna Pars   (in the Navigli), the  Palazzo Segreti  (elegant hotel near the Duomo), and the  Antica Locanda dei Mercanti  (in a beautifully restored townhouse).

pretty pastel homes in Parma

Day 2: Drive to Bologna, Visit Parma En Route

If you want to spend another day in Milan, just skip Parma and overnight in Milan. If you want to head to one of Italy’s prettiest towns, stop in the lovely and underrated town of Parma .

It’s just 2 hours from Milan. It’s one hour+ further from Parma to Bologna, your next destination.

Parma is a UNESCO City of Gastronomy. Plan on lunch at Carne-Copia or F.I.S.H. Restaurant.

Though known for its fine cuisine, Parma also satisfies appetites for art, music, and history. It was home to the artist Correggio, the opera composer Giuseppe Verdi, and the conductor Toscanini.

Parma Cathedral and Baptistery

Parma is a sweet and colorful city. It has a pink Baptistery, precious Correggio frescos, and art-filled palaces. The entire town is dotted with red and yellow walls. Purple flowers cover the Ponte Verdi.

Parma is the place to take a Correggio course.

You can find beautiful Correggio frescos in the cupola of Parma’s Duomo, in the interior dome of San Giovani Evangelista Church, and in the  Camera di San Paolo  in the Benedictine monastery of St. Paul.

The Palazzo della Pilotta complex is also a must do in Parma. It’s a former palace that houses museums dedicated to art and archaeology.

Leonardo's La Scapigliata

You enter via the Teatro Farnese, a beautiful wooden theater that will leave you gawking.

The High Renaissance art works in the Galleria Nazionale will have the same effect. You’ll find a rare Leonardo da Vinci, Canaletto cityscapes of Venice , and more Correggios.

Before leaving, have an aperitif at T Time, which overlooks the octagonal medieval baptistery.

Then grab an early dinner at Borgo20, before hitting the road to Bologna to overnight there. It’s a 1:15 drive to Bologna.

Piazza Maggiore in Bologna

Day 3: Explore Bologna

On day 3 on your 10 days in Italy itinerary, you’ll explore the underrated city of Bologna. Bologna is nicknamed La Grassa , or the Big Fat, for its delicious food.

Bologna just oozes medieval charm. Bologna is a bit of a hidden gem in Italy. But it shouldn’t be.

Bologna is a historic city filled with striking architecture, stony piazzas, a swathe of palaces and towers, and gourmet restaurants. Bologna specializes in tortellini, tagliatelle, ragù, cured hams, and mortadella. Don’t start a diet here!

Giambologna Neptune statue

Bologna’s must see sites are mostly situated in the city’s main square, the massive Piazza Maggiore. You may want to book a guided 2 hour walking tour of the city center or this 3 hour classic guided tour .

In the square, you’ll be greeted by a huge statue of a virile Neptune atop a fountain. It was created by one of the great late Renaissance sculptors, Giambologna, who was second only to Michelangelo in skill.

On one end of the piazza is the massive Basilica of San Petronio, honoring Bologna’s patron saint. The basilica terrace offers a stunning view of Bologna’s major monuments.

Piazza San Stefano

On the other end of the piazza is the swishy Palazzo dei Rei Enzo. Just south of the square is the elegant Piazza Galvani and some of Bologna’s finest porticos around Via Farini.

Have lunch at Ristorante da Nello al Montegrappa, just off the Piazza Maggiore. Or try out Bologna’s new hotspot for pizza, Ranzani 13.

Then, head to Bologna’s most famous site and most beautiful church, the grand Gothic Santo Stefano Church.

view from the San Petronio terrace

It’s a complex of seven churches, founded by Petronio atop a Roman temple. Legend holds that, when Dante was expelled from Florence for his politics, he wiled away time in the Romanesque cloisters.

Then head to Bologna’s old medieval neighborhood, the  Quadrilatero . Meander through the medieval lanes filled with deli shops and food markets.

Move on to the Piazza di Porta Ravegnana where Bologna’s  Le Due Torri , or two leaning towers, presides.

You can climb 500 steps of the Asinelli Tower for panoramic views. Have a gelato or meal in the pretty piazza.

Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca

Be sure to walk under Bologna’s famous 666 Portico at some point while you’re in the city. It’s the world’s longest terra cotta arcade.

The portico stretches over 2.5 (sometimes arduous) miles from the Bonaccorsi Arch to the 17th century Sanctuary of the Madonna of San Luca. You’ll have spectacular views from the sanctuary.

For dinner, click here for a fantastic guide to eating like a local in Bologna.

Bologna is also a fantastic place to book a guided food tour. You can book a 3 hour “10 tastings” tour . Or this classic 4 hour walking tour that takes you to markets, coffee shops, and osterias.

Piazza Maggiore

Where To Stay In Bologna

Probably the best hotel is the Grand Hotel Majestic Gia Baglioni . It’s the only five star hotel in the city with Carracci frescos. The Hotel Corona d’Oro is a luxury boutique hotel in a 15th century palazzo.

Il Portici Hotel is a lovely hotel that’s centrally located and has a Michelin restaurant. The Art Hotel Orlogio is a stylish hotline a quiet and picturesque side street.

If you want the feel of a country estate, check out the Savoia Hotel Regency . It has classically decorated rooms and an outdoor pool.

the medieval town of Lucca in Tuscany

Day 4: Explore Lucca

The next morning, drive to Lucca. You’ll need to park your car at a paid car park outside the city walls.

Beautifully preserved Lucca is still entirely contained within its stout Renaissance walls, designed by Leonardo da Vinci. Happily, Lucca never tore them down, like many Italian towns did to make way for modernity.

Now, the walls are like a circular park for pedestrians and bikers. Walking the entire wall takes about 1 hour.

Lucca doesn’t really have any must see sites, which means it’s under the radar for most tourists. Lucca’s appeal lies in its relaxed old world charm.

It’s best to stroll along the pretty cobbled streets and piazzas. Romanesque churches are around every corner.

Piazza Anfiteatro in Lucca

The main pedestrian drag is Via Fillungo. Lucca’s central square, Piazza Anfiteatro, was build around an ancient Roman arena.

There’s no remnants of the arena. But the handsome oval curve — ringed with yellow medieval buildings — still sits pretty. Take a break for lunch at Lucca’s best pizza joint, Da Felice, in the historic center.

In Piazza San Michele, you’ll find the lovely Church of San Michele, with a steep white marble Romanesque facade. In Piazza San Martino, you’ll find the ancient Cathedral of San Martino, with a fetching brick and marble facade.

The cathedral was built to house one of Christendome’s most famous relics, the Volto Santo .

It was reputedly carved by Nicodemus, the man who helped depose Christ from the cross. The relic is kept in the freestanding Tempietto. Climb up the belfry for views of Lucca.

Torre delle Ore in Lucca

In its heyday, Lucca had over 100 towers, reminding me of Regensburg Germany . They were the homes of wealthy merchants families. The tallest surviving tower, the 14th century Torre delle Ore, is fetchingly capped with a bushy forest. You can climb this tower too.

End your day with dinner at Ristorante Gatta Ci Cova or Ristorante Giglio.

READ : 10 Day Itinerary for Tuscany

Where To Stay In Lucca

The top pick in Lucca is the  Palazzo Dipinto , right in the historic center.  Hotel Palazzo Alexander  is another pretty place in the town center.  Hotel Villa Casanova  is set within an 18th century farm house amid the hills.

village of Monterosso in Cinque Terre

Day 5: Day Trip to Cinque Terre or Pisa From Lucca

On day 5 of your Milan to Rome road trip itinerary, choose between a day trip to the Cinque Terre or to Pisa , depending on what interests you most.

The Cinque Terre is an iconic destination on the Italian Riviera of spectacular natural beauty and endless views. But it takes some effort and logistics to visit and can be extremely over-touristed in high season.

Pisa is a less hassle good alternative for culture vultures. Pisa will also be crowded in high season with visitors coming to “hold up” the Leaning Tower.

But Pisa’s UNESCO-listed Field of Miracles is a magnificent assemblage of art and architecture. Pisa itself is also a charming town.


1. Cinque Terre Day Trip

The Cinque Terre is a series of 5 Italian villages set in craggy cliffs. They are Riomaggiore, Vernazza, Manarola, Monterosso, and Corniglia.

You’ll have dramatic views of sugar cube cottages, olive groves, terraced vineyards, and the Mediterranean Sea.

Cinque Terre is very doable as a day trip from Lucca. You can book a guided full day tour from Lucca .

If you take your car, drive to La Spezia. Park at one of the many lots, and take the train (7 minutes) to Riomaggiore from there. Alternatively, drive to the first town, Riomaggiore, and park in the small lot there (likely full in the summer).

To get around the villages, either hike along goat paths (best option), hop on the milk train, or take a ferry ride. Check to make sure the hiking trails are open.


Start at Riomaggiore. Wander the charming lanes and climb the Catello di Riomaggiore. Grab a quick bite to eat at Bakery Rosi Roberta di Baudinelli. Then head to Vernazza.

Vernazza is widely considered the most postcard-perfect town in Cinque Terre. For the most spectacular views of your day, climb Castello Doria.

Hang out in Piazza Marconi, with a sea of cafes. Before hitting the next village, grab a gelato at Gelateria Vernazza.

Then head to Monterosso, the largest of the Cinque Terre towns. Explore the quaint medieval old town behind the harbor. Pop into the Church of San Giovanni Battista.

That’s probably all you’ll have time for in one day. I’d head back to Lucca for dinner, since the food will be superior to the Cinque Terre.

the UNESCO-listed Field of Miracles in Pisa, a must see site in Tuscany

2. Pisa Day Trip

Historic Pisa is only 30 minutes from Lucca. Most travelers in Tuscany descend in droves on tiny Pisa.

They come for Pisa’s famously Leaning Tower on the spectacular UNESCO-listed Field of Miracles. You may want to take a  guided tour   to get the full lowdown.

I think the tower is at tad overrated. It leans because it’s a product of poor engineering and soft soil, nothing else. If you want, climb the spiral staircase for magnificent views.

But you have to  book a ticket in advance  to ensure a spot. You may want to do this weeks ahead of time, to ensure a timed entry slot.

Museum of the Sinopia in Pisa Italy

The real gem of the Field of Miracles is Pisa’s exuberant Duomo. It’s the most ancient cathedral in Italy, older than the cathedral complexes in Siena and Florence .

This Romanesque edifice was founded in 1118. The exterior is decorated with alternating black and white stripes.

Inside, there’s a central nave and two flanking aisles on each side, with intricate Corinthian columns and arches.

In the apse, you’ll find mosaics attributed (perhaps erroneously) to the greatest 13th century Italian artist, Cimabue.

the Monumental Cemetery in Pisa

There’s also an elaborate 14th century pulpit carved by Giovani Pisano and works by Ghirlandaio and Giambologna.

The other great monument in Pisa is the circular monument in front of the Duomo, the Baptistery. Begun in 1153, there’s still a full immersion baptismal font inside.

From the Women’s Gallery above, you have views of the font. There’s also a beautifully carved pulpit, created by Giovani’s father Nicolo Pisano. It’s considered one of the first works of Renaissance art.

Cavaleiri Palace in Pisa's Knight's Square

The dome covering the Baptistery is actually two domes, which produces an odd acoustical effect.

For a tip, the guards will sing and you can hear the melodic reverberations. Like the Leaning Tower, the Baptistery is on unstable soil and leans slightly toward the Duomo.

When you’re done on the stunning Field of Miracles, visit the historic town itself, strolling along the Arno River. There are museums, palazzos, and piazzas to check out. If you want to stay in Pisa for dinner, try Spaghetteria Alle Bandierine or Osteria di Culegna.

You can either overnight in Lucca again, which my itinerary contemplates. Or, you can push on to Florence and spend 3 nights in Florence instead of 2 nights. It’s a 1:10 drive from Pisa to Florence.

READ : Must Know Tips for Visiting Pisa

cityscape of Florence, with the iconic Duomo

Day 6: Explore Florence

On Day 6 and 7 of your Italy itinerary, you’ll explore my favorite city in Italy, Florence .

Florence is an overwhelmingly beautiful city, the “Cradle of the Renaissance.” With the best Medieval and Renaissance art in Europe, Florence is a veritable art lovers paradise.

Florence’s entire historic center is a designated UNESCO World Heritage site. You’ll need to buy your tickets for major attractions and must see sites well in advance .

Florence Cathedral

1. Florence Cathedral Complex

To kick off day 6 of your 10 days in Italy, head to the historic complex of Florence Cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore, nicknamed the Duomo.

The Duomo complex consists of the Duomo, the Baptistry, the Giotto Bell Tower, and the Duomo Museum. They’re all eminently worth seeing.

You may want to book a  guided tour of the Duomo  itself. You can also book a  guided tour of the Duomo that includes access to the dome and secret terraces   that you wouldn’t see on a regular visit.

It’s absolutely essential to pre-book a  ticket to climb Brunelleschi’s dome .

You should start with the stunning Duomo Museum to get the historical backdrop for all these structures.

The museum is housed in the Piazza del Duomo at the back of Giotto’s Bell Tower, behind the Duomo apse.

The museum space is a fabulous treasure box of sculpture. Its rooftop terrace also offers a mesmerizing view of Brunelleschi’s dome .

view from Brunelleschi's dome

Then, head to Florence Cathedral — the most prominent, and popular, landmark in Florence. It was built over 172 years, beginning in 1296. Florence Cathedral is made of brown sandstone and beautifully faced or “frosted” with pink, green, and white marble.

Filippo Brunelleschi’s magnificent terra cotta colored dome, built from 1420-36, is the highlight.

The burnt orange cupola is the very symbol of Florence. It’s decorated with frescos by Giorgio Vasari, a Florentine artist and the world’s first art historian. For panoramic views, climb up the cupola.

Next, stroll to the Baptistery , in front of the main facade of the Duomo. Dating from 1059, it’s over a thousand years old.

The Baptistery sports three magnificent sets of bronze doors. designed by Lorenzo Ghiberti and Nicola Pisano. Inside, is a stunning golden Byzantine style ceiling mosaic telling the story of the Last Judgement.

The Last Judgment frescos in Florence's Baptistery

Break for lunch and a wander, enjoying the joys of a traffic free Florence.

Try Casa del Vino , where you can get sandwiches, crostini, or charcuterie plates with a delicious glass of wine. All’Antico Vinaio is also a must try, just minutes away from Piazza della Signoria .

2. Ponte Vecchio

Then, take the classic stroll across Florence’s storybook bridge, the Ponte Vecchio. It looks like cobbled together houses suspended over the Arno River.

The bridge has three arches topped with a jumble of charming shops. Nowadays, you can buy expensive jewelry on the Ponte Vecchio.

the Ponte Vecchio on the Arno River

3. Uffizi Gallery

In the afternoon, head to the Uffizi Gallery, Florence’s #1 sight. It houses the world’s best and most abundant collection of Italian Medieval and Renaissance art. The museum is a crowd pleaser, the third most visited site in Italy. The Uffizi deserves its accolades.

The Uffizi boasts seminal works from the 13th to 18th centuries. Here’s where you’ll find one of the world’s most iconic paintings, Sandro Botticelli’s Birth of Venus . If your time is limited, you should focus your efforts.

The must see halls include the Hall 2 (Giotto), Hall 8 (Lippi), Halls 10-14 ( Botticelli ), Hall 15 ( Leonardo ), Hall 41 ( Raphael and Michelangelo ), Hall 83 (Titian), and Hall 90 ( Caravaggio ).

READ : Complete Guide to the Uffizi Gallery & Tips For Visiting the Uffizi

Botticelli's Primavera

The Uffizi is famous for its long lines. You don’t want to waste precious sightseeing time standing in them.

Click  here  to pre-book a skip the line ticket.

The Uffizi is also a popular place to take a guided tour, because of its history and the sheer number of masterpieces. And this is another way to procure your all important skip the line ticket.

You have several options:

  • 1.5 hour small group guided tour
  • 2 hour small group guided tour
  • 2 hour private tour
  • 2 hour early entry guided tour  (8:30 am)

the marble facade of the beautiful Romanesque church San Miniato al Monte, a hidden gem in Florence

4. San Miniato al Monte

Finally, head to one of Florence’s iconic viewpoints. Piazzale Michelangelo is the classic lookout point.

But if you hike 10 minutes further uphill, you’ll come to the Basilica of San Miniato al M onte , Florence’s crowning glory.

The ancient church is a unique and harmonious blend of medieval architectural styles, pre-dating Florence’s Renaissance treasures. Behind the church is a monumental cemetery with beautiful funerary art and sculptures.

At night, get an apertivo at the atmospheric Osteria dell’Enoteca. For dinner, indulge at Trattorio de Tito, not far from the Accademia, or Bobo’s Trattoria.

Michelangelo, David, 1501-04

Day 7: Explore Florence

1. michelangelo’s david.

Start you morning bright and early at the Accademia Gallery. After the Uffizi, the Accademia is Florence’s most visited museum.

People flock in to see what is probably the world’s most famous sculpture, Michelangelo’s commanding statue of David .

The 17 foot sculpture is considered the embodiment of male beauty, a Calvin Klein-like model of physical perfection. David was commissioned for a niche of the Duomo. But it was considered too beautiful for that location. It’s essential to have a reservation for the Accademia.

Heres my guide to Michelangelo’s David . You should definitely pre-book a  skip the line ticket   for this popular Florence attractions. You can also opt for a  1.5 hour guided tour with fast track ticket .

Fra Angelico, Don't Touch Me, 1440-41 in Cell 1

2. San Marco Monastery

When you’re done at the Accademia, head just a few blocks to another amazing Florence art spot, the Museum of San Marco Monastery.

San Marco is an extraordinary decorative complex, one of the most unusual things to do in Florence. You can admire art in its original in situ location and understand how contemporary audiences experienced it.

At this Renaissance convent-museum, you travel back in time to a nearly perfectly preserved 600 year old Dominican monastery.

It was paid for by Medici family money, designed by the stellar architect Michelozzo, and decorated with delicate frescos by one of the best painters of the Renaissance — Fra Angelico.

Fra Bartolommeo, Portrait of Savonarola, 1498

The fiery preacher Girolamo Savonarola even lived there, in the monks dormitory cells.

Here’s my complete guide to San Marco Monastery . Click  here  for a skip the line ticket. Click  here  for a fascinating tour that gives you insight into Fra Angelico, Savonarola, and the Medici.

You’re likely ready for lunch. This is a good time to explore the San Lorenzo markets.

There are two of them, an outside street market and an indoor food court known as the Central Market. I can recommend a rustic gem, Trattoria la Burrasca, on the market’s north corner.

the beautiful facade of Santa Maria Novella in Florence

3. Santa Maria Novella

After lunch, tour the beautiful Basilica of Santa Maria Novella and the Piazza della Repubblica. Santa Maria Novella was founded in 1279 by a Dominican order.

The basilica has a similar design to the Duomo. Polychrome and white marble create a striking front facade.

The interior is a true marvel. It holds one of the most famous paintings in Italy, the Holy Trinity by Early Renaissance artist Masaccio. You’ll want to inspect three important highlights — the Strozzi Chapel, the Filippo Chapel, and the Spanish Chapter House.

Click  here  for a tour of Santa Maria Novella and its ancient pharmacy.

Michelangelo, Night, 1520 -- in the Medici Chapel

4. Basilica of San Lorenzo Complex

Next, head to the monumental complex of the Basilica of San Lorenzo. The complex is a veritable haven of Renaissance art and architecture, a must see for art and history buffs.

The complex is vast, including: the basilica itself, Brunelleschi’s Old Sacristy, Michelangelo’s New Sacristy, the Medici Chapels, the Medici Crypt, and the Laurentian Library.

Most importantly? It has the largest number of Michelangelo sculptures in Florence, quite a selling point. And a Michelangelo-designed library.

If you’re on the Michelangelo trail , the Medici Chapels and the Laurentian Library are must sees

The Medici Chapel absolutely requires pre-booking. Click  here  to purchase a skip the line ticket. Click  here  to book a guided tour.

Benvenuto Cellini, Perseus with the Head of Medusa, 1545 -- in the Piazza della Signoria

5. Palazzo Vecchio & Piazza della Signoria

In the evening, head to the magnificent Palazzo Vecchio . It’s one of the few Florence attractions that’s open at night.

The Palazzo Vecchio was the seat of government and one of the three palace-residences of the Medici dynasty . It sits in the Piazza della Signoria , which is essentially a free open air sculpture gallery.

It’s definitely worth going inside the Palazzo Vecchio, though so many tourists don’t.

The Palazzo Vecchio is a doughty medieval fortress on the outside and a resplendant Renaissance palace on the inside.

Hall of the Five Hundred in Palazzo Vecchio

You can admire the stunning Michelozzo-designed courtyard, explore the grand Hall of the Five Hundred, admire Michelangelo and Donatello sculptures, and gaze admiringly at the beautiful frescos by Giorgio Vasari at every turn.

Legend holds that a Leonardo fresco may be hiding behind a Vasari fresco.

The Tower of Arnolfo can be climbed, and provides fantastic views over Florence and the Duomo. And the lines aren’t nearly as long as for Brunelleschi’s dome.

Click  here  to pre-book a ticket to Palazzo Vecchio. Click  here  to book a 1.5 hour guided tour with fast track ticket.

the pretty Oltrarno neighborhood in Florence

Where To Stay In Florence

There are plenty of amazing hotels in Florence. You’re really spoiled or choice. 

If you want something central, book at the  Hotel Brunelleschi  or  Portrait Firenze .

Portrait Firenze is one of the most sought after hotels in Italy and is just steps away from the Ponte Vecchio. Of course the  Four Seasons  is always beautiful and in a quiet location. 

The  Palazzo Vecchietti  is housed in a beautiful 16th century townhouse. The  St. Regis  is a beauty too, right near Santa Maria Novella.  Il Salviatino  has a patrician feel and offers Duomo views. 

In the Oltrarno, I really like  Villa Cora  with its stunning views and Renaissance style suites.

view of Palazzo Publicco in Siena

Day 8: Explore Siena En Route To Rome

On day 8 of 10 days in Italy, head to the stunning Tuscan town of Siena.

Beautiful Siena is only an hour from Florence. It’s one of the best cities to visit in Tuscany for its rustic medieval beauty, tasty food, and luscious chianti.

If you want to bask in medieval times, there’s no better place. I guarantee you’ll fall in love.

You’ll want to spend ample time strolling through the pedestrianized historic center. It’s a well-preserved burnt orange dream littered with cute cafes and shops.

tour de milan a roma

With literally every cultural activity imaginable, stroll-able medieval Siena really deserves more than a day to soak up its rose-hued charms.

But Siena is compact and can be managed in 24 hours, if you’re efficient. I’ve written a one day itinerary for Siena .

It takes you to Siena’s must see architectural sites, museums, and piazzas. You’ll stroll through the pedestrianized historic center, which is a well-preserved burnt orange dream littered with cute cafes and shops.

Siena’s most famous site is its Duomo, Siena Cathedral . It’s one of Europe’s most beautiful churches, especially for lovers of all things Gothic.

restaurants lining the Piazza del Campo, the heart of Siena Italy

It’s the symbol of Siena, clad all over in Siena’s trademark white and dark green marble. Consistent with the Gothic ethos that “more is always better,” every inch is decorated with marble, mosaics, sculptures, and frescos.

>>> Click  here  to pre-book a ticket. Click  here  for an amazing private guided tour of the cathedral.

Don’t stay too late in Siena. It’s over 2.5 hours to Rome. When you arrive in Rome, drop your car off. You won’t need or want it in Rome.

If you have an extra day in this area, considering stopping and overnighting in beautiful Orvieto en route from Siena to Rome. Orvieto is an elegant cathedral hill town only 1.5 hours from Rome.

the Spanish Steps in Rome, with a Bernini Fountain at the bottom

Day 9: Explore Rome

Day 9 of your 10 days in Italy itinerary finds you in Rome, the Eternal City. Founded by the twins Romulus and Remus in 753 B.C., Rome once ruled the entire known world.

Rome is a breathtaking concentration of history, art, and charm — every corner could fill your eyes, your camera, and your typical American romantic comedy.

Rome has so much to offer and discover — historic landmarks, mind blowing art, charming neighborhoods, and perfect wine bars. You’ll have to be efficient to see all Rome’s major sites in 2 days.

Begin with the Imperial tour of Rome, which includes the iconic Coloss eum , Palatine Hill , and the Roman Forum . These sites are among the most famous landmarks in Italy . They can be visited with one ticket and are Rome’s biggest draw.

Click  here  to book skip the line tickets for these three sites.

the Colosseum

Day 9 AM: Imperial Ruins

1. tickets & tours.

It’s good idea to book a guided tour of the imperial ruins, so you know what you’re looking at. Here are some tour options you can choose from. They all vary slightly in duration and what you see. 

Pick one that best suits your sightseeing agenda and time allocation. Recently, I’ve done the fourth and fifth one on this list and loved the tours. 

  • skip the line entry tickets to all 3 sites
  • 3 hour guided tour and entry to all 3 sites
  • tickets & tour of all 3 sites + underground Colosseum access
  • Colosseum tour with entry tickets for Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum
  • skip the line private guided tour with an art historian

the Colosseum

2. Colosseum

The 600 foot high Flavian Amphitheatre, nicknamed the Colosseum , was inaugurated in 80 A.D. with a grand 10 day festival.

Since then, it’s been synonymous with gladiators, chariots, and the emperor’s famous “thumbs up or thumbs down” edict.

In the arena, gladiators and wild animals fought to the death. The top level of the Colosseum was reopened in 2017. It provides sweeping views and may be the highlight of your visit.

If you’re DIY-ing the Colosseum, you need to reserve your entry time online well in advance. This is true even if you have a skip-the-line Roma Pass.

If you buy your ticket directly from the official website , you will specify the exact time and date. You can’t visit the Colosseum without a reserved entry time!

Farnese Gardens on Palatine Hill

3. Palatine Hill

On Palatine Hill , you’ll see where the rich and famous of Imperial Rome lived. Built circa 81 A.D., the sprawling Domitian’s Palace is the most impressive ruin.

Emperor Domitian was a member of the Falvian dynasty. Unlike his father Vespasian and his brother Titus, who were civic minded, a megalomaniacal Domitian was only interested in palatial architecture.

While you’re on Palatine Hill, be sure to pop in at least briefly to the Palatine Museum. The museum contains statues and frescos from imperial Palatine. The Augustus and Nero rooms are particularly delightful.

Audiovisual displays reconstruct the palaces’ luxury. Some of the most interesting archaeological sites on Palatine Hill are restricted can only be accessed with the S.U.P.E.R. Pass.

Here’s my guide to buy and use that specialty Rome S.U.P.E.R. pass .

ruins of the Roman Forum

4. Roman Forum

After Palatine Hill, you move on to the Roman Forum . I advise having a guided tour here.

There’s not much signage. It will be difficult to divine what you’re looking at without a guide to decipher the lovely rubble.

The forum is a rectangular valley running from Arch of Titus to the Capitoline Hill. The main road is the Via Sacre.

The forum was the beating heart of Rome, the seat of power, and its central showpiece. It was a grandiose district consisting of white temples, grand basilicas, and vibrant public spaces.

the picturesque Rione Monti in Rome, with the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in the background

Day 9 PM: Monti, Capitoline Hill, Jewish Ghetto

1. monti neighborhood.

When you’re done exploring the ruins, head to Rome’s adjacent Monti neighborhood, just 5 minutes away. Monti is Rome’s trendiest off the beaten path district.

Formerly a slum in ancient Rome, now it’s gentrified and packed with unique shops and hip eateries.

Be sure to get off the main drag and explore Monti’s cute side streets. If you want to grab a quick lunch, get avocado toast or a panini at Fehu.

Or pick a cute ivy covered cafe, like Aromaticus Monti or La Carbonara, to settle down and relax after your Imperial tour.

Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome

Monti has one absolute must see site — the Santa Maria Maggiore Church . Personally, I liked it better than St. Peter’s Basilica.

It’s much older, dating to the 5th century A.D. And it has absolutely breathtaking mosaics in the triumphal arch and nave. And it’s free to visit.

2. Capitoline Hill

When you’re done in Monti, head over to the the Vittorio Emanuel II monument on Capitoline Hill, also known as the “typewriter” or “wedding cake” building.

For views, hike up to the second floor. For even better views, take the glass elevator around the back up to the viewing terrace. It’s expensive at 10 euros, but totally worthwhile.

Vittorio Emanuel II monument

3. Capitoline Museums

Around the corner is Michelangelo’s stairway, rising to the Piazza del Campidoglio at the top of Capitoline Hill.

At the tip top is the Capitoline Museums , housed in two buildings connected by an underground passage.

Inside, are some of Rome’s greatest treasures — the statue of Marcus Aurelius on horseback, the original She-Wolf of Rome that suckled Romulus and Remus, and ancient statues.

Michelangelo's stairway, rising to the Piazza del Campidoglio

Click  here  to pre-book a skip the line ticket to the Capitoline Museums. If you’re a true fan of ancient sculpture, you can also book a  guided tour  of the museum.

After visiting the museum, head down the alleyway on the right side of the square under an arched building. That will take you to a viewpoint over the Roman Forum.

This is the best view you’ll have of the forum. When hunger calls after this hectic day, head to the Jewish Ghetto neighborhood. It’s just a stone’s throw away, on the banks of the Tiber River. Try Ba Ghetto restaurant for dinner.

Piazza Navona with Bernini fountains

Day 10: Explore Rome

Day 10 am: centro storico.

Begin day 2 with a classic walk through Rome’s historic center. Start at Campo de’ Fiori and end at the Spanish Steps, visiting the Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona, and the Pantheon along the way.

Here’s my guide to taking a walking tour in the historic center . You can book a  3 hour guided walking tour . You can also book a  private guided walking tour  of this beautiful part of Rome.

In the afternoon, choose between a visit to Vatican City or the Borghese Gallery with pre-booked skip the line tickets.

flower shops in Campo de'Fiori

1. Campo de’Fiori

Start your morning in the Campo de’ Fiori, Rome’s colorful market square.

In the center is a statue of Giordano Bruno, a 16th century friar and philosopher who was imprisoned in Castle Sant’Angelo and burned at the stake for his scientific theories.

Here, you’ll find fresh produce and can pick up some souvenirs like olive oil, pasta, or limoncello.

Your next stop is the Piazza Navona. This famous square is a long rectangle, dotted with fountains by the foremost Baroque sculptor, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. It dates back to the time of Domitian, who used it as a racetrack.

Fountain of the Pantheon and the Pantheon

2. Pantheon

Then you’re off to Rome’s most famous temple, the 2,000 year old Pantheon , set in a lively piazza. Built by Emperor Hadrian , this is my favorite building in Rome.

The entrance boasts massive 40 foot single piece granite columns. Inside is a magnificent dome with a giant oculus (or eye in the sky) that inspired the domes of St. Peter’s Basilica and the Duomo in Florence . If it’s raining, water falls through the oculus and out the drains in the floor.

One block from the Pantheon is the must see Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo . In the square is an elephant statue designed by Bernini.

Inside, beyond the unassuming facade are artistic treasures by the greatest artists of the Renaissance and Baroque period. Then stroll to the Piazza Colonna. This square features the massive Column of Marcus Aurelius carved from Carrara marble.

Reliefs wrap around the column telling stories of Marcus Aurelius’ war exploits. It was a piece of propaganda. Rome had already begun losing skirmishes with the barbarians.

the Trevi Fountain

3. Trevi Fountain & Spanish Steps

Further on is the famous Trevi Fountain, an imposing Baroque monument designed by architect Nicola Salvi. The fountain is 85 feet high and 65 feet wide, making it Rome’s largest fountain. In the center is the figure “Ocean.”

Water pours from 24 spouts. If you’re superstitious, toss a coin over your shoulder to ensure your return to Rome.

For lunch options, there’s a cute little hole in the wall restaurant nearby, Ristorante Sora Lucia, which serves up delicious gnocchi for locals.

Piccolo Buco is also a tiny and delicious pizzeria only one minute from the Trevi Fountain. And La Prosciutteria serves up killer porchetta sandwiches.

After lunch, head down Via Sistina to the Spanish Steps. I think they’re a bit overrated, but the staircase is one of Rome’s iconic sites. At the foot of the steps is another famous Bernini fountain, the Sinking Boat Fountain .

Temple of Diana in the Borghese Gardens

Day 10 PM: Visit Either the Borghese Gallery or Vatican City

You’ve got to make a hard choice on your last afternoon, visiting either the Borghese Gallery or the Vatican Museums.

Because of its strictly limited admission, the Borghese is less crowded. It has a gorgeous collection and a beautiful garden. If you’re a fan of Bernini and Caravaggio, go here.

In the more famous Vatican Museums, you’ll be shuttled along an uber crowded tourist path, unless you visit off season. But there are miles of treasures and seminal works of art. If you like religious art and are a Michelangelo and Raphael fan, pick this option.

If you opt for the Borghese Gallery, you could have a quick early dinner and still visit the Vatican on a special nighttime tour .

Antonio Canova, Paulina Bonaparte as Venus Victrix, 1805-08

1. Borghese Gallery

The Borghese Gallery is one of my favorite art museums in the world. At the Borghese, incredible masterpieces are set in a stunning villa covered in frescos and marble.

The museum houses an impressive collection of Roman, Renaissance, and Baroque art, with stunning pieces by Bernini, Raphael, Caravaggio, and Canova.

The Borghese has three of Bernini’s most stunning works — the Rape of Persephone, David, and Apollo and Daphne .

Caravaggio, David with the Head of Goliath, 1610 -- in the Borghese Gallery in Rome

The museum has six rare Caravaggio paintings. And you could spend hours admiring the magnificent Venetian Room.

You’ve got to make a reservation online well in advance to visit the Borghese Gallery. Only a set number of people are allowed in every two hours. Unless it’s low season, you must leave after your time slot expires.

Here’s my complete guide to the Borghese Gallery with tips for visiting. Click here to pre-book a ticket . You can also book a skip the line 2.5 hour guided tour of the museum and its gardens .

Bernini's Apollo and Daphne

When you’re done admiring the magnificent art, I recommend heading over to the west side of the Borghese Gardens, towards the Piazza del Popolo.

Pop into the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo to see two beautiful Caravaggio paintings for free.

The view from the terrace overlooking the Piazza del Popolo is quite beautiful, particularly at sunset.

There are some good restaurants near the Borghese Gallery, if you want to stay in the area for dinner. For gourmet food, try Oliver Glowig (Michelin-starred) or Sapori del Lord Byron. For a cozy informal setting, try Girarrosto Toscano.

the Bridge of Angels and St. Peter's Basilica

2. Vatican City

If you opt for the Vatican City , you’ll be treated to one of the the world’s greatest art collections. Some of the most famous art works on the planet are there.

The highlight of the Vatican Museums is the Sistine Chapel, adorned with Michelangelo frescos . But you also have to visit the Vatican Pinacoteca (painting gallery), the Raphael Rooms , the Pio-Clementine Museum (sculptures), and the Borgia Apartments.

Unless you want to wait in prodigiously long lines, you need to book a skip the line ticket in advance.

If you want to book a skip the line guided tour, you should to be picky about which one you select. Pick a tour tailored to your own interests that includes what you want to see. 

frescos in the Sistine Chapel

Here are your options:

  • 2.5 hour overview on a skip the line small group guided tour
  • 3 hour no  wa it tour that also includes the Raphael Rooms
  • 3.5 hour tour Vatican visit with a guided tour of St. Peter’s Basilica
  • 3 hour Friday night tour of the Vatican
  • Vatican tour that includes a climb of the dome of St . Peter’s Basilica
  • 2-3 hour private tour of the Vatican

When you’re done admiring the Vatican treasures, head to St. Peter’s Basilica . This is the most famous church in Christendom. Designed by Bramante, Raphael, and Michelangelo, it’s a true Renaissance masterpiece.

The dome of St. Peters, a Michelangelo tour de force , is the tallest in the world. The basilica is the burial place of St. Peter and past popes.

It houses the famous Bernini Baldachine altar, scads of Bernini sculptures, and Michelangelo’s tragically beautiful Pieta .

view from St. Peter's dome

St. Peter’s is free to enter. You can pick up a 1 hour audio guide inside.

But you’ll have to wait in line to go through security. Unfortunately, there is no way to skip the line.

You can climb the dome. A narrow flight of stairs lets you inspect the dome itself at close range.

Continue even higher to stand on the outside of the dome. This is where you have the iconic view of the Bernini-designed St. Peter’s Square and a panoramic view of Rome.

When you’re done Vatican-ing, stop and admire the nearby Castle Sant’Angelo. The castle is a cylindrical beauty at the end of the Sant’Angelo Bridge. It was once Hadrian’s Masoleum. It then served as a fortress, castle, papal residence, and (now) museum.

Then hop in a taxi to Rome’s atmospheric Trastevere neighborhood for the evening.


Trastevere is a village within a city, with the laidback vibes of small town Italy. Its lovely cobbled and cafe-lined streets are vastly quieter than the cacophony of central Rome.

Stroll to the lively Piazza di Santa Maria, which is the heart of Trastevere. Head into Santa Maria Basilica, an ancient church decorated with ancient mosaics.

Then, it’s time for happy hour. Settle in for some wine at Enoteca Ferrara in Trastevere, which has a huge wine list. You can eat here too. I had a divine puttanesca.

Otherwise, try Ombre Rosse or La Sora Lella on Isola Tiberna. The latter is one of Rome’s oldest restaurants, serving up classic rustic food in a casual setting. You’ve got to make reservations for both places.

bridge linking Trastevere and Isola Tibernia

Where To Stay In Rome

One of my personal favorites hotels in Rome is the  Rome Cavalieri . The hotel has its own art collection and an art historian will give you a free tour. You will also love the  J.K. Place Roma , a simply gorgeous boutique hotel.

If you’re a first timer in Rome, you may want to stay in the historic center around the Pantheon or Piazza Navona. Some good options are the  Liberty Boutique Hotel , the  Hotel Maalat ,  Deco Roma , or  Hotel Hassler Roma .

If you want to stay near the Imperial ruins,  Palazzo Manfredi  and the  Inn at The Roman Forum  are excellent choices. The terrace at the Manfredi is to die for, with breathtaking views. The Inn also has a rooftop terrace and there are even ruins inside the hotel.

If you want to stay in the quieter Monti area, which makes a great base, the  Palazzo Manfredi  (Colosseum views),  Villa Spalletti Trivelli  (Roman townhouse), and  Roma Luxus  (former 18th century palace) are fantastic choices.

the Roman Forum

Tips for Driving in Italy

Italy requires you to have an International Driving Permit to drive in Italy. The rental agencies likely won’t ask for it. But if you’re pulled over by the police, you’ll need one.

To get an IDP, head to your local Triple AA office and fill out the required form. For $20, they’ll take your photo and process your permit in less than 30 minutes.

I usually rent from AutoEurope. It will be much cheaper if you know how to drive a manual transmission. But you don’t want to embark on this education in Italy.

You’ll need car insurance, full coverage. The streets in Italy are very narrow and the traffic can be beastly. A tiny ding or dent can really set you back.

Val d'Orcia region of Tuscany

When driving, be sure to keep cash on you for the numerous tolls. You’ll have to pay every time you use a motorway based on the distance driven.

You’ll collect a ticket each time you enter a motorway and then pay each time you exit based on the information on your ticket. No credit cards are accepted, so be prepared. Speed cameras are everywhere.

Note that when you rent a car one way in Italy, there’s an added fee because you aren’t dropping the car off at the same location. It’s not a huge deal. The added fee will usually be around $50-$100, depending on how long you stay in Italy.

READ : Complete Guide To Renting a Car and Driving in Europe

Largo di Torre Argentina, the spot where Caesar was murdered in Rome

I hope you’ve enjoyed my 10 day Italy itinerary for road tripping from Milan to Rome. You may enjoy these other Italy travel guides and resources:

  • Historic Landmarks in Italy
  • Most Beautiful Towns in Italy
  • 101+ Epic Experiences To Have in Italy
  • 10 Day Itinerary for Italy’s Major Cities
  • 10 Day Itinerary for Tuscany
  • 7 Day Road Trip From Venice To Milan
  • 2 Day Itinerary for Venice
  • Best Museums in Rome
  • Hidden Gems in Rome

If you’d like to road trip from Milan to Rome in 10 days, pin it for later.

Pinterest pin for 10 days in Italy itinerary

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Last Updated on April 24, 2024 by Leslie Livingston

  • Route planner

A Grand Tour of Italy – Rome to Milan by bike

A Grand Tour of Italy – Rome to Milan by bike

Road Cycling Collection by Andrea Alessandrini 'Travelsbeer'

In June 2020, after three months of lockdown, I craved freedom. I knew that I wanted to travel by bike and soon decided on my adventure. My plan was to ride my racing bike from Rome, where I lived, to Angera, where I was born, passing through Siena, Florence, Parma and Milan. In this Collection, I describe one of the many routes that connect Rome to Milan. The first stages largely trace the itinerary I did, but I created the Emilian and Lombardy stages from scratch. My goal is that you enjoy the adventure whilst avoiding the mistakes I made, such as travelling along busy roads. I was in a rush to get home as soon as possible, which also dictated my route. I hope you get to enjoy this route slowly, admiring the many wonderful places of my country. You’ll cross four beautiful regions of Italy in total: in Lazio, you’ll have the opportunity to admire the lakes of Bracciano and Bolsena; in Tuscany, you’ll visit the most characteristic villages of the Via Francigena; in Emilia you’ll discover the partisan fights of the Second World War; and in Lombardy you’ll cross the countryside, characterised by rivers and canals. The itinerary passes through both rural and urban landscapes. You’ll pedal along magnificent cycle paths immersed in the greenery of Italy’s countryside and then stop in large cities such as Viterbo, Siena, Florence, Parma and Cremona. The route recalls the Grand Tours of 19th-century travellers, visiting various historical places. Most of the roads I propose are asphalted. Some stretches of dirt roads can also be tackled by racing bike, which make this journey epic. You can undertake this route throughout the year, as the maximum altitude is ‘only’ 950 metres (3,100 ft), at the Futa Pass. It’s tough, though. The Lazio and Tuscan stages have plenty of climbs, some on dirt roads. Take care on the descents while travelling on dirt roads and to traffic, especially near large cities. Most of the stages end in the city where you can easily find somewhere to sleep and eat. I therefore advise you to set off in bikepacking mode, bringing the bare necessities. In the fifth and sixth stages, book accommodation in advance as there aren’t many options. Now the time has come to set off. I bet you’ll enjoy travelling these magnificent roads that unite the two largest cities of our splendid country!

Do it yourself

Ready to get going? Create and customize your own version of this adventure using the full Tour below as a template.

tour de milan a roma

Rome to Milan by bike

Last updated: June 11, 2024

Plan your own version of this adventure in the multi-day planner based on the stages suggested in this Collection.

Stage 1: Rome to Viterbo – Rome to Milan by bike

Start this Grand Tour from Rome Termini train station. Walk along Via Cavour to arrive at Via dei Fori Imperiali, where you can admire the Colosseum. Turn right to reach Piazza Venezia. Cycle along the Tiber and admire the beauty of Castel Sant'Angelo.

tour de milan a roma

Stage 2: Viterbo to Radicofani – Rome to Milan by bike

Leave Viterbo following Via Cassia. A cycleable climb takes you to Montefiascone. Take the time to visit this municipality in the Viterbo area, famous for its Est wine! East! East! Montefiascone boasts a splendid panoramic balcony overlooking Lake Bolsena.

Cycle on generally low-traffic regional roads … read more

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Stage 3: Radicofani to Siena – Rome to Milan by bike

Prepare to be amazed, in every sense! Today makes you suffer but, at the same time, it takes you through some of the most beautiful places in Italy.

In the morning admire the panorama of the Sienese hills from Radicofani before tackling the descent that takes you to Via Cassia.

Drive along this famous … read more

Stage 4: Siena to Florence – Rome to Milan by bike

Leave Siena and take Via Cassia again. The first objective of the day is Monteriggioni. Spend some time visiting the historic center, famous for its city walls dating back to the 13th century.

Various ups and downs take you into the province of Florence. Barberino val d'Elsa is one of the most famous … read more

Stage 5: Florence to Santa Lucia – Rome to Milan by bike

The day begins with crossing Florence. In the historic center I advise you to push your bike as tourism makes cycling difficult.

Go towards Fiesole. A climb takes you into the Florentine countryside. The beautiful and little-traffic road that connects Fiesole with Torre di Buiano makes the tourist overcrowding … read more

Stage 6: Santa Lucia to Vignola – Rome to Milan by bike

This day of Rome-Milan by bike catapults you into history. The Tuscan-Emilian Apennines, in fact, were the scene of bloody battles during the Second World War.

In 1944 German troops created an almost impassable defensive line. This defense work took the name of the Gothic Line and withstood the attack … read more

Stage 7: Vignola to Parma – Rome to Milan by bike

The seventh stage gives you a pleasant surprise: the altitude reveals a moderate difference in altitude. You have now crossed the Apennines and you only have a few climbs left to face until you arrive in Milan.

Today's stage passes through the typical Emilian countryside. The traffic of the Via Emilia … read more

Stage 8: Parma to Cremona – Rome to Milan by bike

Leave Parma without following the Via Emilia. Go towards the Taro river park and from there continue cycling to Noceto. Cross the Via Emilia and reach the splendid Fontanellato, where you can admire the famous Rocca.

From Fontanellato continue following the magnificent provincial roads of Parma and reach … read more

Stage 9: Cremona to Milan – Rome to Milan by bike

You're almost there now, you don't have much left to complete this epic journey! Today is reminiscent of the classic final stage dedicated to fast wheels. The altitude, in fact, says that it is an almost totally flat stage!

It stays in the eastern part of the Po River and crosses the large river twice … read more

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Collection Stats

  • Distance 467 mi
  • Duration 36:08 h
  • Elevation 27,375 ft 27,225 ft

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tour de milan a roma

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Lo esencial de italia acaba en milán, roma, florencia, venecia, milán: viaje en tren bajo carbono con firma - hoteles de 4*, ciudades de arte de italia, visita privada, viaje a los esplendores de italia: encantos de roma, florencia, venecia y el lago como, roma, florencia, venecia, milán: circuito esencial - hoteles de 3* con bajas emisiones de carbono en tren, roma, florencia, venecia y el encantador lago como, lo mejor del norte de italia - 6 días, vista italiana, lo mejor del norte y del sur de italia - 13 días.

Descubre Italia: termina el circuito en Milán

  • Navidad y Año Nuevo
  • Captura Florencia desde el mirador de Miguel Ángel
  • Pasea por el exclusivo Portofino y Milán
  • Visita la Torre Inclinada y Cinque Terre

Lo esencial de Italia acaba en Milán

  • Sube en teleférico al centro medieval de Orvieto
  • Pasea por Siena y Monteriggioni
  • Viaje en barco a la exclusiva Portofino

Roma, Florencia, Venecia, Milán: viaje en tren bajo carbono con firma - hoteles de 4*

  • Tren y ferrocarril

Ciudades de arte de Italia, visita privada

  • Recorre las calles y plazas medievales de Siena
  • Visita las islas de Murano y Burano desde Venecia
  • Explora los sitios históricos de Roma a tu aire

Viaje a los Esplendores de Italia: encantos de Roma, Florencia, Venecia y el Lago Como

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  • Viaja en tren a la encantadora Florencia

Roma, Florencia, Venecia, Milán: circuito esencial - hoteles de 3* con bajas emisiones de carbono en tren

  • Descubre los canales encantadores de Venecia
  • Disfruta de un paseo en barco por el Lago Como
  • Elige una excursión a Pisa o Cinque Terre

Lo mejor del norte de Italia - 6 días

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  • Descubre los mosaicos maestros de Ravenna

Vista italiana

  • Visita turística
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  • Descubre la catedral de Florencia y la Plaza de la Signoria
  • Explora los Museos Vaticanos y la Capilla Sixtina

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Descubre TourRadar

agencia de viajes en México

Duración: 8 Dias

Días de Salida Regular: Lun

Ver tambien: Viajes a Italia , Viajes a Europa , Viajes a Cuba , Viajes a Cancún , Viajes a Orlando

Visitas: Milan, Venecia, Florencia, Roma

Seleccionar Salida: 09-09-2024, Lun 16-09-2024, Lun 23-09-2024, Lun 30-09-2024, Lun 07-10-2024, Lun 14-10-2024, Lun 21-10-2024, Lun 28-10-2024, Lun 04-11-2024, Lun 11-11-2024, Lun 18-11-2024, Lun 25-11-2024, Lun 02-12-2024, Lun 09-12-2024, Lun 16-12-2024, Lun 23-12-2024, Lun 30-12-2024, Lun 06-01-2025, Lun 13-01-2025, Lun 20-01-2025, Lun 27-01-2025, Lun 03-02-2025, Lun 10-02-2025, Lun 17-02-2025, Lun 24-02-2025, Lun 03-03-2025, Lun 10-03-2025, Lun 17-03-2025, Lun 24-03-2025, Lun 31-03-2025, Lun 07-04-2025, Lun 14-04-2025, Lun 21-04-2025, Lun 28-04-2025, Lun 05-05-2025, Lun 12-05-2025, Lun 19-05-2025, Lun 26-05-2025, Lun 02-06-2025, Lun 09-06-2025, Lun 16-06-2025, Lun 23-06-2025, Lun 07-07-2025, Lun 14-07-2025, Lun 21-07-2025, Lun 28-07-2025, Lun 04-08-2025, Lun 11-08-2025, Lun 18-08-2025, Lun

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tour de milan a roma

Ponte Vecchio


Precios por persona en base habitacion doble, triple y sencilla, válidos entre fechas de salida indicadas. Menor aplica de 2 a 11 años de edad. Los precios indicados en este sitio web, son de caracter informativo y deben ser confirmados para realizar su reservación ya que están sujetos a modificaciónes sin previo aviso.

Hoteles previstos sujetos a disponibilidad y cambio sin previo aviso.

Total: 6 noches de hospedaje en hoteles de categoria selecciona.

Vuelos previstos sujetos a disponibilidad y cambio sin previo aviso, porfavor selecciona una fecha para cotizar vuelos.

Cotizar Vuelos (MEX-LIN // ROM-MEX)

tour de milan a roma

EGIPTO, ANDALUCIA Y MARRUECOS Duración: 22 DÍAS Precio por persona: USD 2,650.00

tour de milan a roma

ANDALUCÍA Y MARRUECOS VPT Duración: 12 DÍAS Precio por persona: EUR 1,255.00

tour de milan a roma

DULCE EUROPA VPT Duración: 20 DÍAS Precio por persona: USD 1,980.00

Rome Museum

  • Visitas Guiadas Roma

Milán en un día + Última Cena desde Roma

comprobante electrónico aceptado

Milán en un día + Última Cena desde Roma - Tours independientes desde Roma

Comience tu tour independiente de un día por Milán saliendo desde Roma con el tren de alta velocidad. Una vez en Milán, toma el autobús Hop On Hop Off y visita la ciudad. Admira el edificio gótico más grande del mundo, la Catedral de Milán. Un edificio imponente, espléndido y rico en historia ubicado en la Plaza del Duomo y si miras su fachada, a la derecha, podrás ver la maravillosa Galería Vittorio Emanuele II. Al incluir el Duomo Pass, podrás ingresar a la Catedral y subir a sus tejados desde donde podrás disfrutar de la vista panorámica de la ciudad. Luego, en una caminata de cinco minutos, llegarás al Castillo Sforza donde podrás admirar sus grandes patios, muros, fosos, torres y luego, pasea por su enorme parque: Parco Sempione. Encuentra tu guía y descubre la famosa Última Cena de Leonardo da Vinci, una visita imprescindible durante tu estadía en Milán! Milán, el corazón de la moda y las finanzas te espera con sus espléndidas boutiques, clubes de moda, elegantes bares y restaurantes de lujo. Después de algunas compras, inicia tu regreso a la estación central de tren para volver a Roma.

Salida de Roma: 6:30 - salida desde la estación de tren Roma Termini 9:45 - llegada a la estación Central de Milán Salida de Milán: 18:45 - salida desde la estación Central de Milán 22:00 - llegada a la estación de tren Roma Termini Ten en cuenta: Recuerda llegar al menos 15 minutos antes de la hora programada. No se proporciona asistencia a la salida, los documentos de viaje y los billetes de tren serán enviados por correo electrónico. Duración: 15:30 Idioma: inglés Servicios incluidos: Billetes de tren de alta velocidad de ida y vuelta en SMART (PRIMERA clase opcional) Billete diario Hop on Hop off Visita guiada a la Última Cena Parada del autobús Hop on Hop off en la estación central: Gall. Of the Carriages, buil, Piazza Duca D'aosta, 20100 Milán Punto de encuentro Tour Última Cena: frente a la entrada de la Última Cena de Leonardo, Piazza di Santa Maria delle Grazie, 2. Hora de inicio: la hora será comunicada tras la confirmación

SERVICIOS OPCIONALES: Elevador de paso del Duomo Audioguía de Milán

CONDICIONES GENERALES: 100% no reembolsable Si llegas tarde perderás la reservación no hay posibilidad de reembolso. En caso de no participar al tour, no hay posibilidad de reembolso.

back to rome museum

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Florencia en un día desde Roma - Visita Guiada Grupo Roma

Toma el tren en Roma por su cuenta y visita Florencia, la cuna del Renacimiento italiano. Una vez que llegues a Florencia, toma el autobús Hop On Hop Off y baja en la parada que prefieras para descubrir...

Haz clic aquí para descargar tu mapa hop on hop off

milano mappa hop on hop off


  • Estás aquí:
  • Excursiones de un día

Visita Milán en un día con salida desde Roma en tren de alta velocidad

Visita Milán en un día con salida desde Roma en tren de alta velocidad

Tour de un día hacia Milán desde Roma en tren de alta velocidad con recogida

Disfruta de esta  excursión de un día a Milán   saliendo desde Roma   en tren de alta velocidad. ¡Aprovecha la oportunidad para visitar el centro de la moda y los negocios de Italia! ¡Utiliza el comodo servicio de recogida desde tu hotel y los tickets del bús hop-on y hop-off incluidos!

Excursión de un Día a Milán desde Roma en tren con servicio de recogida Lo más destacado: 

  • Sal desde Roma para visitar Milán en un día
  • Descubre el Duomo y el Castillo Sforcesco de Milán
  • Viaja en un tren de alta velocidad con todas las comodidades y disfruta de tu tickets hop-on y hop-off incluidos
  • Descubre el singular Distrito de la Moda de Milán
  • Con salida desde tu hotel directamente gracias al servicio de recogida

tour de milan a roma

Excursión de un Día a Milán desde Roma en tren con servicio de recogida

Con este tour de un día saliendo desde  Roma , podrás visitar la ciudad de Milán , localidad metropolitana al norte de Italia y motor de la industria de la península. Recientemente ha sido la sede de la Expo y se considera la capital de la moda, en su centro histórico hay joyas del arte y la arquitectura que merece la pena mencionar. Este tour os permitirá visitar la ciudad de Milán en un solo día , saliendo desde Roma en tren de alta velocidad . Tras el servicio de recogida en vuestro hotel en el centro de Roma, podrás llegar a la estación de trenes, donde os encontrarás con el grupo de personas que participarán a este tour y a los asistentes. Los asistentes en la estación os entregarán los billetes del tren ida y vuelta y los billetes para el autobús hop-on y hop-off , que podrás utilizar desde la parada que encontrarás delante de la salida de la estación en Milán .  Vuestra excursión será libre y tendrás que regresar a la estación de los trenes en Milán alrededor de las 18:30 horas. Llegarás a Roma a las 22:00 horas y vuestro tour podrá considerarse terminado.

Una excursión de un día desde Roma

Este tour saldrá desde Roma  por la mañana temprano desde vuestro hotel localizado en el centro de la ciudad. Tras el servicio de recogida, podrás llegar a la estación de trenes . Encontrarás los asistentes, que os ayudarán a tomar vuestro tren hacia Milán . Por la mañana, alrededor de las 10:30 AM, llegarás a Milán Porta Garibaldi.  En frente de la estaciòn verás la parada del autobús hop on y hop off, que podrás utilizar libremente para todo el día. Desde este momento tendrás todo el día por delante para visitar una de las más grandes ciudades de Europa, recientemente sede de una Expo, y completamente renovada para esta ocasión. Una ciudad que busca el equilibrio entre los palacios de los alrededores que representan el motor industrial y empresarial de la península y la ciudad antigua con su herencia artística y arquitectónica de gran calado.

Descubre las bellezas de Milán

Muchas bellezas de arquitectónicas engalanan la ciudad de  Milán. El símbolo de la ciudad, el Duomo , dominado por la escultura de la Virgen María, el  Teatro alla Scala , una de las más famosas óperas del mundo; la  Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II , un pasaje cubierto con una estructura de vidrio y hierro visible en estilo ecléctico, el  Castillo Sforcesco , una elegante residencia de la familia ducal regente de los Sforza; desde la Basílica de Sant'Ambrogio , la segunda iglesia más importante de la ciudad, hasta el santuario de Santa Maria delle Grazie , que alberga la famosa "Última Cenar" de Leonardo da Vinci .

Ve de compras en el Distrito de la Moda

Milán  también es conocida en el mundo por ser una de las cuatro capitales de la moda junto a Londres, París y Nueva York. Aprovecha esta oportunidad de hacer un tour por su famoso Distrito de la Moda , un barrio del centro histórico con las calles más prestigiosas de la ciudad donde se concentran todas las grandes tiendas de la moda italiana y mucho más. No desaproveches esta oportunidad de visitar Milán,  una mezcla de historia, cultura, arte, moda y ... mucho más! Tras vuestra visita en Milán , podrás volver a la estación, donde cogerás el tren de vuelta a Roma alrededor de las 18:30 horas. Una vez que lleguéis a Roma, a las 22:00 horas , vuestra excursión se considerará acabada.

Otras eXPeriencias en Milàn

Si quieres visitar Milán en compañía de un guía profesional, echad un vistazo al  Tour del centro de Milán y del Cenacolo Vinciano !   

  • Recogida desde el hotel en Roma
  • Tiempo libre en Milán
  • Regreso a Roma
  • Transfer en tren de alta velocidad de/a Roma
  • Billetes de hop-on y hop-off en Milán
  • Servicio de recogida en vuesyro hotel céntrico en Roma
  • Ayuda en la estación de trenes de Roma
  • Propinas (opcional)
  • Servicio de drop-off
  • Guía en Milán 

La información sobre el punto de encuentro y los números de teléfono locales en tu destino están incluidos en tu hoja de Confirmación.

  Este tour prevé un servicio de recogida desde los hoteles localizados en el centro de Roma.   No podemos ser considerados responsables para retrasos de los pasajeros al horario de salida de los trenes, en estos casos la excursión no prevé reembolsos.   Por favor tener en cuenta que este tour NO prevé un guía en Milán. Prevé los billetes del tren ida y vuelta, los billetes para el hop on y hop off en Milán y asistencia en la estación de Roma.   A partir de abril de 2020 para este tour NO aceptaremos ninguna cancelación desde el momento de la reserva. NO se emitirá ningún reembolso.  

Visitas guiadas, excursiones, tours, entradas y traslados.

Excursión a Milán desde Roma

Excursión a Milán desde Roma

Irás acompañado de un guía en español , es número 1 en reservas y tiene un precio fantástico.

🚩 Excursión a Milán desde Roma

Al reservar la excursión a Milán , tendrás incluidos los siguientes servicios.

  • ✅   Transporte en autobús desde el centro de Roma. 
  • ✅   Guía turístico en español.
  • ✅   Alojamiento para 5 noches en hoteles de 4 estrellas (desayunos y 5 comidas). 
  • ✅ Entrada de acceso a la catedral de San Marcos. 

Reserva ahora la excursión más completa a un precio excepcional:



⭐ ¿Quieres conocer todos los detalles de la excursión? Además te mostramos datos adicionales que te ayudarán a decidirte. ¡Quédate hasta el final! ⬇️

📝 Reservas

Para realizar la reserva tendrás que completar los siguientes campos del formulario:

  • Fecha de la actividad.
  • Número de personas.
  • Datos personales.
  • Forma de pago (tarjeta bancaria Google Pay o PayPal).

Una vez completado el pago recibirás un correo electrónico con los datos de la reserva que tendrás que mostrar al guía el día de la excursión a modo de comprobante.

👍 ¿Merece la pena realizar esta excursión a Milán?

Con esta excursión tendrás una excelente relación entre el precio y lo completa que resulta por los servicios que ofrece, lugares que visita y número de días del circuito. No encontrarás otra excursión a Milán de tipo circuito tan completa y a este precio.

Respecto a los hoteles incluidos en el servicio, todos son de 4 estrellas y tienen valoraciones excelentes por los clientes que ya los han visitado.

🗓️ ¿Cuándo reservar?

Puedes realizar la reserva con 7 días de antelación . ¡Asegura tu plaza!

Otra excursión muy habitual desde Roma es por supuesto Pompeya. Es uno de los yacimientos romanos más espectaculares y el mejor conservados de Italia. Más información en 👉 «EXCURSIÓN A POMPEYA DESDE ROMA» .

⏰ Duración

La excursión tiene una duración de 6 días .

🇪🇸 Idioma

Se realiza con un guía en Español .

💳 Cancelaciones

Las cancelaciones son gratuitas sin ningún gasto o cargo añadido si se realizan 15 días antes de la actividad.


📍 Itinerario

La excursión a Milán desde Roma da comienzo en la calle Via Cavour, 18 , situada a pocos metros de la Estación Termini . Una vez confirmada la reserva con el guía turístico, dará comienzo el itinerario hasta nuestro destino, la bella Milán .

La ruta se inicia en el centro de Roma  pasando por las localidades de Asís , Siena , Florencia , Bolonia , Padua , Venecia , Verona , el lago y localidad de Garda , Sirmione y el lago Como. Terminará el circuito en Milán .

– Día 1. De Roma hacia Asís y Siena

La primera parada será en la localidad de Asís , lugar de nacimiento del santo San Francisco de Asís . Una vez allí tendrás tiempo libre para recorrer la ciudad a tu aire. En el casco histórico destaca la muralla de origen medieval, así como la basílica de San Francisco .

El segundo lugar a visitar será Siena , famosa por Piazza del Campo , una de las plazas más bonitas del mundo. Sus calles son un verdadero espectáculo para los visitantes.

Después de conocer todos los secretos de Siena gracias a las explicaciones del guía, se pondrá rumbo al siguiente destino, la deseada y espectacular Florencia .

Llegaremos justo para disfrutar de una estupenda cena en el hotel donde haremos la noche.

Milán desde Roma. Localidad de Asís.

– Día 2. Florencia

Debido a su extenso patrimonio, repleto de monumentos renacentistas y nobles edificios, a Florencia le dedicaremos una visita de un día completo .

Entre las plazas y monumentos de Florencia más destacados, se encuentran la Piazza del Duomo , la catedral de Santa María del Fiore, el Campanile de Giotto, el baptisterio di San Giovanni, el puente Vecchio , el Palacio Vecchio, la Piazza della Signoria o la Piazza Santa Croce y su iglesia . En esta iglesia, se encuentran los restos de dos figuras universales; Galileo Galilei y Miguel Ángel .

Ya por la tarde tendrás tiempo libre para descubrir Florencia a tu aire. Opcionalmente tienes la oportunidad de hacer una excursión a Pisa .

Circuito desde Roma a Milán.

– Día 3. Visita a Bolonia y Padua

A la mañana siguiente, después de un estupendo desayuno en el hotel, se pondrá la mirada en Bolonia , una de las ciudades mejor conservadas de Italia. Tiene el segundo casco histórico medieval más grande de Europa después de Venecia.

Visitarás lugares tan emblemáticos como Piazza Maggiore , Piazza Malpighi, Piazza Nettuno o las basílicas de San Petronio y Santo Stefano .

Seguidamente nos pondremos rumbo hacia Venecia . Pero antes, haremos una parada en Padua , otra de las localidades imprescindibles de Italia.

Excursión a Milán en español

– Día 4. Venecia

Continuamos la excursión a Milán con esta parada recorriendo las calles de Venecia . Realizarás una visita guiada con todo lujo de detalles en la que se visita el Palacio Ducal  o el Puente de los Suspiros entre otros. Por cierto, desde este famoso puente es posible conseguir una de las fotografías más bonitas de los canales en la ciudad.

También habrá tiempo para realizar una visita al interior de la Basílica de San Marcos , principal templo católico de Venecia y una verdadera joya de la arquitectura bizantina .

Por la tarde tendrás tiempo libre para visitar Venecia a tu aire. Si quieres puedes alquilar una góndola y pasear por los famosos canales de Venecia. ¡No lo dejes escapar!

Excursión a Milán desde Roma. Vistas de Venecia.

– Día 5. Visita a Verona, el lago de Garda y Como

A la mañana siguiente nos situaremos en Verona , una de las ciudades más atractivas de Italia por su pasado histórico y legado arquitectónico, principalmente en estilo renacentista. Además posee una importante huella romana . ¿Sabías que fue aquí donde se desarrolla la historia entre Romeo y Julieta ?

A poca distancia se encuentra el lago de Garda , el más grande de Italia. Se realizará una visita así como a la importante localidad de Sirmione , famosa por su castillo medieval situado prácticamente dentro del lago.

Ya por la tarde nos acercaremos al lago Como y a la ciudad del mismo nombre, situadas en la Lombardía italiana. Una vez allí tendrás tiempo libre para disfrutar a tu aire el resto del día.

Tour a Milán desde Roma en español

– Día 6. Milán

A la mañana siguiente se realiza el último tramo de la excursión a Milán desde Roma, poniendo punto y final en la capital lombarda.

Sirmione. Ruta turística.

📌 Localización

La excursión a Milán desde Roma parte de la calle Via Cavour, 18 , situada a pocos metros de la Estación Termini. WF2X+2Q Roma, Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Italia .

🤔 Preguntas frecuentes

Estas son las dudas más habituales que surgen antes de realizar la reserva:

¿Cuándo sabré que tengo plaza en la excursión?

Tendrás la confirmación en el mismo momento de realizar el pago.

¿Cuándo puedo reservar?

Es posible hacer la reserva con 7 días de antelación.

¿Está adaptada para personas en silla de ruedas?

La visita no está adaptada para personas con movilidad reducida.

¿Están incluidas las comidas y bebidas?

En el precio no se encuentran incluidas las bebidas ni las tasas turísticas, que oscilan los 15 euros por noche y persona.

¿Cuándo es recomendable realizar la reserva?

La excursión a Milán desde Roma suele estar muy solicitada en temporada alta, por lo que se recomienda reservar con antelación para asegurar plaza.

¿Son grupos grandes?

El tour se realiza en grupos reducidos.

¿Puedo ir acompañado por una mascota?

No está permitido ir acompañado por mascotas.

¿Qué pasa si finalmente no puedo ir a la excursión?

No te preocupes. Dispone de cancelación gratuita (sin gastos) si se realiza con 15 días de antelación.

🔶 Excursiones relacionadas

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tour de milan a roma

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¿Decidido a realizar la excursión a Milán desde Roma ? Será una experiencia para el recuerdo.

Descubre las excursiones desde Roma más interesantes.

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MILAN, ITALY - JANUARY 14: Olivier Giroud of AC Milan celebrates after scoring their team's second goal during the Serie A TIM match between AC Milan and AS Roma - Serie A TIM  at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza on January 14, 2024 in Milan, Italy. (Photo by Marco Luzzani/Getty Images)

FINALE Milan-Roma 3-1: Pioli cala il tris con Adli, Giroud ed Hernandez

Salvato nella pagina "I miei bookmark"

I rossoneri e i giallorossi in campo per lo scontro diretto in chiave Champions e per riscattare le due sconfitte in Coppa Italia

Roma-Milan, in campo a San Siro alle 20,45, chiude la domenica della ventesima giornata.


vince il milan

Il Milan vince 3-1 a San Siro. In rete Giroud, Adli e Theo. Ai giallorossi non basta il rigore di Paredes sul 2-1. Tre punti a Pioli. 


palo di musah

Grande azione di Musah. Lo statunitense si invola palla al piede, salta un paio di giocatori e colpisce il palo con il destro.


Standing ovation per Adli e Theo al momento del cambio, sostituiti da Zeroli e Jimenez. San Siro applaude i suoi beniamini. 


Maignan salva ancora

Maignan di nuovo protagonista! Stavolta devia in angolo un sinistro insidioso di Pellegrini destinato all'angolino.


che gol di theo!

Super gol di Theo, con una bordata di sinistro sotto il sette. Ma l'azione nasce da una sponda di tacco di Giroud, oggi protagonista con gol e assist.


Ammonito Huijsen per un fallo a centrocampo su Giroud.

doppio cambio

Dentro Zalewski e Huijsen nei giallorossi, Okafor e Musah nel Milan. Fuori Leao, Pulisic, Llorente e Celik.

tour de milan a roma

ancora roma

Pellegrini di nuovo pericoloso con un destro da fuori area, Maignan blocca.

pellegrini su punizione

Ancora Roma, galvanizzata dal rigore di Paredes: Pellegrini sfiora il pareggio su calcio di punizione.

giallo per kjaer

Ammonito Kjaer per un fallo al limite dell'area su Belotti.

paredes gol su rigore

I giallorossi accorciano le distanze con Paredes, bravo a trasformare il calcio di rigore (fallo ingenuo di Calabria su Pellegrini). 

Il Milan vicino al tris. Ci prova Pulisic con il sinistro a giro, fuori di pochissimo.

dentro belotti

Secondo cambio per la Roma: dentro Belotti, fuori El Shaarawy.

gol di giroud!

I rossoneri raddoppiano con il guizzo di Giroud, pescato in area da Kjaer con un'ottima sponda. Il colpo di testa del francese vale l'11esima rete stagionale.

gabbia si divora il 2-0

Grande occasione per il Milan. Gabbia, pescato da Adli e completamente solo, si divora il 2-0 di testa a pochi metri dalla porta. 

Un altro tentativo dalla distanza: stavolta ci prova Loftus-Cheek. Palla a lato.

reijnders da fuori

Il primo guizzo della ripresa è di Reijnders: destro da fuori alto sopra la traversa.

Comincia il secondo tempo a San Siro. Nella Roma dentro Pellegrini al posto di Mancini. Cristante si posiziona al centro della difesa.

fine primo tempo

Dopo i primi 45' le squadre sono sull'1-0 per i rossoneri. Decide il guizzo di Adli con il sinistro. Diverse occasioni da entrambe le parti, con due interventi decisivi di Maignan. 

giallo per mancini

Prima ammonizione del match per Mancini. Era diffidato.

maignan salva il milan

Maignan riesce di nuovo a rendersi protagonista parando in due tempi un destro da fuori di Paredes. 

loftus cade in area

I rossoneri invocano un calcio di rigore per un fallo ai danni di Loftus-Cheek dopo un'ottima ripartenza di Pulisic. Per l'arbitro non c'è nulla e lascia correre. 

pulisic ci prova

Ancora Milan! Pulisic sfrutta un bel cross di Leao e stacca di testa, ma la sfera termina a lato di pochissimo. 

spinazzola salva la roma

Non c'è un attimo di tregua. Spinazzola devia il pallone quel tanto che basta per spedire in angolo un destro di Piulisic. Senza di lui il Milan avrebbe raddoppiato.

maignan salva su celik!

Prima grande occasione per la Roma: servito da Cristante sul centro destra, Celik calcia forte alla destra di Maignan, ma il portiere francese devia in calcio d'angolo.


traversa di theo

Altro brivido per la Roma: imbeccato da Leao sulla sinistra, Theo colpisce la traversa con un tiro-cross. 

pulisic col sinistro

Ancora Milan. Stavolta Pulisic ci prova con il sinistro dopo una bella azione in solitaria, imbeccato da Loftus. Sinistro dal limite bloccato senza problemi da Svilar. 

rossoneri in controllo

Dopo aver incassato il gol la Roma non ha reagito. I rossoneri sono in controllo della partita, fraseggiano stretto e cercano la giocata in verticale su Giroud. 

gol di adli!

Rossoneri in vantaggio con la prima gemma di Adli in maglia Milan: il francese salta l'uomo con un bel dribbling e punge Svilar con il sinistro dal limite.

roma insidiosa

I giallorossi meglio del Milan in questi primi minuti, soprattutto sulla sinistra, dove Spinazzola piazza un paio di cross insidiosi. 

giroud col sinistro

Primo squillo del Milan. Pronti, via e Giroud confeziona subito un'occasione, calciando col sinistro da posizione defilata. Svilar blocca la sfera senza problemi. 

si comincia!

E' iniziata Milan-Roma. 

roma, la formazione ufficiale

(3-5-2) Svilar; Kristensen, Mancini, Llorente; Celik, Cristante, Paredes, Bove, Spinazzola; El Shaarawy, Lukaku. All. Mourinho (squalificato).

milan, la formazione ufficiale

(4-2-3-1) Maignan; Calabria, Gabbia, Kjaer, Theo; Adli, Reijnders; Pulisic, Loftus-Cheek, Leao; Giroud. All. Pioli

dubbi e cambi

Nel Milan Pioli dovrebbe puntare sul ritorno alle origini e quindi Theo sulla fascia sinistra e l'inserimento di Gabbia al centro della difesa. Davanti Loftus-Cheek avanza di qualche metro per il 4-2-3-1. Tra i giallorossi parecchie incertezze. Mou (squalificato) deve sciogliere dubbi in difesa (Kristensen-Huijsen), a centrocampo (Zalewski-Spinazzola) e in attacco (Belotti-El Shaarawy).

milan, la probabile formazione

Roma, la probabile formazione.

(3-5-2) Rui Patricio; Kristensen, Mancini, Llorente; Celik, Cristante, Paredes, Bove, Zalewski; Belotti, Lukaku. All. Mourinho (squalificato). 

Arbitrerà Guida, gli assistenti saranno Bercigli e Cecconi, il quarto uomo Jan Luca Sacchi (al posto di Abisso, sostituito). Al Var, infine, Mazzoleni e La Penna.

dove vederla

Roma-Milan è in esclusiva su Dazn. Per gli abbonati a Sky che hanno sottoscritto l'abbonamento 'Zona DAZN', la garà sarà visibile anche in tv sul canale 214 di Sky. Diretta testuale come sempre su

Roma e Milan si giocano il riscatto. I rossoneri hanno perso ai quarti di Coppa Italia contro l'Atalanta, mentre i giallorossi sono usciti sconfitti dal derby per 1-0. Il calendario di Serie A, però, sorride a Pioli, che non ha mai perso contro Mourinho: una sola vittoria nelle ultime cinque sfide per i giallorossi, mentre i rossoneri arrivano da un k.o. nelle ultime 5 (3 vittorie e un pari). 


Gazzetta dello Sport



Annunci ppn.

tour de milan a roma



Rome Rome to Milan Train from Rome to Milan Milan

Train from rome to milan.

A child is between the ages of 4 and 11 years.

Many trains in Italy and beyond offer a discounted fare between 30% & 50% off the Adult fare for Children.

The child offer is now extended to children ages 4 to 14 years when traveling on high-speed Frecciarossa, Frecciabianca, Frecciargento, InterCity, InterCityNotte, EuroCity, and Thello trains. Your child will be assigned his/her own seat and children must be accompanied by an Adult when traveling on this offer.

Regional trains will still offer discounted fares for children ages 4 to 11 years.

Infants & Children 3 & under travel for free and will share a seat with the adult companion.

This option is for customers that have already purchased a Eurail Pass or InterRail Pass and wish to reserve seats or sleeping berths. Learn more about rail passes.

Most high-speed and long-distance trains require seat reservations. The fare rules for each train indicate whether seat reservations are necessary.

Note: An ItaliaPass does not entitle customers to use of passholder fares.  Roundtrip tickets are not available using a Eurail Pass or InterRail Pass.

By clicking the "I ACCEPT" button below you acknowledge that passholder fares may only be used in combination with a valid Eurail Pass or Interrail Pass.

Save as much as 10-30% OFF rail Enjoy flexible ticket changes Amazing deals on tours, transfers, and more Dedicated travel coordinator (for the best service, book at least 2 weeks in advance)

Get Started Now >>

Traveling by train from Rome to Milan is an easy and comfortable way to explore Italy’s varied and scenic landscapes. The distance from Rome to Milan is 297 miles and many high-speed trains make the trip in just 2 hours and 55 minutes. 

Enjoy a journey that tracks north through Italy’s breathtaking Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy regions , with a stop in Bologna. Most high-speed trains travel directly from Rome to Milan and you won’t be required to change trains. However, if you’re traveling on a slower and less expensive regional train , you may be required to transfer from one train to another.

Rome to Milan train times

Trains leave Rome Termini station several times per hour for Milan Centrale Station — averaging 65 trains per day. The earliest train leaves Rome Termini station at 6:00 a.m. The last train to Milan leaves Rome at 11:50 p.m. 

Note that weekends and holidays typically mean less frequent service and sometimes longer travel times.

Amenities on the train between Rome and Milan

Many of the high-speed trains make the journey between Rome and Milan in just 2 hours and 55 minutes, traveling up to 155 miles per hour.

Italy’s high-speed trains are equipped with air conditioning and electrical outlets at your seat to charge devices. There is wi-fi on trains , but the signal will drop in tunnels and at stations. Expect a cafe car on every train, as well as food cart that brings snacks, sandwiches and beverages to your seat. At the end of each car you’ll find a restroom and plenty of racks to store large luggage .

Termini is Rome’s large, international train station and the main transportation hub for public transportation in Rome. Located in the center of the city, Roma Termini provides daily service to all major Italian cities as well as many major European cities. From Termini you can also catch the Leonardo Express train to Rome’s Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino airport.  

Rome Termini Station platform.

Located at the northern end of the city center, Milan Centrale is a hub for Milan’s Metro, tram and bus networks. Here you can catch high-speed trains to Italian and international destinations, as well as inter-city and regional trains to smaller cities and towns. Milan Central is also the destination for the Malpensa Express, which goes to Milan’s main airport.  

Milan Central Station platform and passengers

Una increíble ruta por Italia: de Roma a Milán

Una increíble ruta por Italia: de Roma a Milán

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I Fontaines D.C. tornano in Italia per il tour estivo 2025

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ROMA , 02 settembre 2024, 17:17

Redazione ANSA


ROMA, 02 SET - A poco più di due mesi dal sold out a Rock in Roma e in attesa del concerto all'Alcatraz di Milano del prossimo 4 novembre (anche questo senza più biglietti disponibili), i Fontaines D.C. annunciano un nuovo tour in Italia per l'estate 2025.     Tre le date previste. Il 17 giugno saranno al Sequoie Music Park di Bologna, mentre il 18 torneranno al Rock in Roma. Il 19, invece, saranno la prima band headliner della nuova edizione di Unaltrofestival, l'evento milanese che allargherà i propri confini per estendersi anche al Carroponte. Le prevendite sono già disponibili sui portali online.     Nel frattempo, il 23 agosto i Fontaines D.C. hanno pubblicato il loro quarto album, "Romance". "In questo disco diciamo cose che volevamo dire da molto tempo - afferma Grian Chatten, cantante del gruppo irlandese - Non mi sento mai come se fosse finita, ma è bello sentirsi più leggeri".

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Putin, 'cominciato a spingere ucraini fuori dal kursk', grillo, nome m5s, simbolo e regola dei mandati non si toccano, sangiuliano, 3,2 milioni di spettatori per l'intervista a tg1, reddito da lavoro nel mondo cala a 52,3%, più disuguaglianze, morta la maratoneta ugandese bruciata da fidanzato, scontro fra auto vicino roma,morti bimbo di 5 anni e sua zia, 'zelensky domani alla riunione ramstein chiederà più armi'.

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  4. Excursión de un día a Roma desde Milán en tren

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  7. Milan to Rome

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  8. Train from Milan to Rome

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  9. A Grand Tour of Italy

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  16. Tour de un día hacia Milán desde Roma en tren de alta velocidad con

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  17. Excursión a Milán desde Roma ️ (Tour Español 2024) ️

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  19. Train from Rome to Milan

    The last train to Milan leaves Rome at 11:50 p.m. Note that weekends and holidays typically mean less frequent service and sometimes longer travel times. Amenities on the train between Rome and Milan. Many of the high-speed trains make the journey between Rome and Milan in just 2 hours and 55 minutes, traveling up to 155 miles per hour.

  20. Trenes desde Milán a Roma

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  25. I Fontaines D.C. tornano in Italia per il tour estivo 2025

    A poco più di due mesi dal sold out a Rock in Roma e in attesa del concerto all'Alcatraz di Milano del prossimo 4 novembre (anche questo senza più biglietti disponibili), i Fontaines D.C ...