Venice local guide, Private tours in Venice and the Veneto

We are a group of professional venetian guides and tour leaders

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We want you to feel as a real Venetian during your stay

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Venice Local Guide tries always to make you love what you see and do with us in Venice

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First time in Venice Tour

St. Mark to Rialto, first walk in Venice Duration: 3 hours (optional 2 hours) Venues to visit: external walk in St. Mark’s Square, with Basilica and Doge’s Palace, Rialto Bridge and marketplace

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Off the beaten walk

A tour through the authentic Venice an off the beaten path walk far from the tourist crowd Duration: 3 hours (optional 2 hours) Venues: hidden places, genuine Venice views, real venetian life experiences

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Historical Interiors Tour

Internal visit of the St. Mark’s Basilica and Doge’s Palace

Duration: 3 hours

Meeting point: St. Mark

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Land and sea Tour

A walking + boat combined tour

First time in Venice or Off the beaten walk tours plus 1 hour boat cruise

Places to visit: Grand Canal and little canals

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Murano and Burano Tour

The top excursion to the most famous islands of the lagoon of Venice, glass, lace, cookies and landscapes.

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Taverns Wine and Finger Food Tour

We go where venetians go, on a pre dinner walk to get fun and satisfy the will of tasting genuine food and drink in a local way.

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Summer Sunrise Tour

Early morning tour of Venice, possibility to see the Sunrise on the lagoon, the people are still sleeping so nobody is walking around, the coolest temperature in summer Duration 2 or 3 hours

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Venetian Villas Tour

An excursion by car or van into the Veneto Region to visit the leisure villas of the venetian aristocracy.

Venice Local Guide

We are a group of professional venetian guides and tour leaders with a long and established experience in touring people in venice and the veneto..

Our passion is the key of our work. We’ll take you by the hand to discover together the secrets and beauty of Venice. We want you to feel as a real Venetian during your stay, and Venice Local Guide tries always to make you love what you see and do with us in Venice.

The highlights, of course, but the off the beaten tracks as well. Always with nice and entertaining stories about the people that made this city famous around the world, as Marco Polo, Casanova or Vivaldi. Curiosities, tips and routes that only locals can reveal to you… especially in such a unique city .

Having fun while you get to know the history, art, culture, architecture, cooking and style of life Venice. Our goal is to make you experience different aspects of venetian life.

Private tours to enjoy completely your time; we are always happy to customize your desires to bring back home a wonderful record of your visit to Venice. Flexibility is a major issue for Venice Local Guide to better encounter your needs.

Venice is a complicated city for the traveller who comes for the first time without knowing how to move around or what to see, opening times of venues, where to eat. All of this can be costly and disappointing if you are not lead to the right places.

Explore, live, experience Venice… locally


Chi siamo

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Venice Tours

A tiny collection of islands-turned-onetime maritime empire, Venice is one of the most enigmatic and...

Our tours in Venice

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Exclusive Alone in St. Mark’s Basilica After Hours

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Welcome to Venice: Walking Tour, St Mark's Basilica & Gondola Ride

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Tastes & Traditions of Venice: Food Tour with Rialto Farmers Market & Lunch

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Legendary Venice: St. Mark’s Basilica with Terraces & Doge’s Palace

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Venice at Sunset: Cicchetti, Food & Wine Tour

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Venice in a Day with St Mark’s Basilica, Doge’s Palace & Gondola Ride

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Exclusive Alone in St. Mark’s & Doge’s Palace Tour

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VIP Doge's Palace Secret Passages Tour

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Venice Boat Tour with Grand Canal & Tower Climb

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Premium Lagoon Excursion: Murano Glass Making, Burano & Wine Tasting

What to know about venice from our local guides.

What are the best things to do in Venice?

Venice offers countless enchanting experiences that will take your breath away. While you’ll never run out of things to see and do in the Floating City, here are a few can’t-miss options to get you started:

  • Take a boat ride along the Grand Canal to admire the architectural beauty and lively waterways
  • Step into iconic landmarks like St. Mark's Basilica and the Doge's Palace
  • Explore further afield in the Venetian lagoon on an island excursion
  • Discover the artistry behind Venetian masks at a workshop
  • Immerse yourself in art at the Accademia Gallery and the Guggenheim Museum
  • Delve into Venice’s cultural heritage at lesser-known gems like the Friari Church and the Grand School of St. Roch

What are some things to do with kids in Venice? Are there any good tours for kids?

Venice is a truly magical destination that’s sure to enchant visitors of all ages. And as a compact, car-free city, it’s a safe and enjoyable option for families. Kids and adults alike will be wowed by the breathtaking gold mosaics inside St. Mark’s Basilica. A gondola ride or boat tour is another only-in-Venice experience that’s sure to delight even the littlest travelers.

If you’re after a more organized activity, consider a family-friendly tour. Our Welcome to Venice Tour combines a visit to St. Mark’s with a light introductory stroll and a gondola ride. For food-loving families, our daytime Tastes & Traditions of Venice Food Tour features typical tastes kids will love, like sandwiches made with simple, delicious ingredients and authentic Italian gelato.

How can I skip the line at St. Mark’s Basilica and the Doge’s Palace?

Spending hours waiting in line at St. Mark’s Basilica and the Doge’s Palace can quickly put a damper on what should be a wonderful experience in Venice. To beat the crowds and ensure you make the most of your time, consider booking a guided tour that will let you bypass the lines at these two top sights.

Want to take your Venice experience to the next level and have both St. Mark’s and the Doge’s Palace entirely to yourself? On our Exclusive Alone in St. Mark’s Basilica & Doge’s Palace Tour , you’ll step into both sites after they’ve officially closed to the public for the day for a VIP experience available to a select few.

What are the best places to eat in Venice?

Some of the best eateries in Venice are bacari , or wine bars popular among locals for drinks and light bites known as cicchetti. A few favorites from our guide team are All'Arco, Sepa, Vino Vero, Al Timon, and Vecia Carbonera—several of which feature on our Tastes & Traditions of Venice Food Tour !

Looking for the perfect restaurant for an authentic dinner? Check out Ristorante Al Covo, Casa Bonita, or Da Ignazio.

For a quick bite near St. Mark’s Square, you can’t go wrong with Birreria Forst, RossoPomodoro for delicious pizza to-go, and ll Calice. These are all fantastic options for the lunch break on our Venice in a Day Tour , too!

How can I get to Murano and Burano from Venice?

You can access Venice’s best-known outlying islands, Murano and Burano, by water taxi or vaporetto (line 12). For a more hassle-free experience, consider booking a guided tour with private boat transport. Our Premium Lagoon Excursion includes an exclusive Murano glassmaking demonstration and a VIP wine tasting at the only vineyard still operating in the lagoon.

How does public transportation work in Venice?

As a city without roads or vehicles, getting around Venice via public transport works a little differently than it does in other cities. Here are a few options for getting around the Floating City.

  • Traghetti: A local alternative to gondolas, used to cross the Grand Canal
  • Vaporetti: Venice's water buses are a bit pricier than the traghetti, but cover more ground (or water!) with their extensive network.
  • Water taxis: While this is easily the most expensive form of public transportation in Venice, it can be convenient if you’re traveling with a larger group (the taxis hold up to 10 people).
  • Buses: If you’re traveling to Venice from the Italian mainland, the local public bus system has connections to Santa Croce in the westernmost part of the city—the only place where you’ll find any vehicles.

Check out our popular Venice articles

Venice’s Acqua Alta: A High Tide Survival Guide

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Hej GG- Tours

Hej GG- Tours Vi sidder nu i flyet, på vej hjem Rom. Det har været en fantastisk tur, hvor vi har oplevet vildt meget. Du har virkelig hjulpet med at sætter en super tur sammen. Vi vil derfor meget gerne bruge dig igen. Kan du sende et link til dtorbysferier, mener du har nævnt det tidligere. Endnu en gang for en skøn tur og tak for dine hurtige svar.

Dato for oplevelse : 24. august 2024

Kæmpe stjerne til vores guide Helle,hun…

Kæmpe stjerne til vores guide Helle,hun kunne fortælle ALT om Island. Kæmpe stjerne til Island… spændende land. GG tours… nej tak.. sløjfede vores sidste dag i Island, vi havde 3 overnatninger og så sidste dag på egen hånd hvorefter vi skulle køres mod lufthavnen først på eftermiddagen(det stod i ordrebekræftelsen ) Da vi modtog billetterne var det blevet ændret til at vi blev hentet med bus kl.07.50. Altså sluge morgenmaden og så afsted. Det er sgu ikke iorden

Dato for oplevelse : 19. juli 2024

fantastisk rundreje i Baltikum

Netop hjemkommet og mættet fra en HELT fantastisk rundrejse i Baltikum. De 6 hovedstæder på 6 dage. Fine hoteller lige i centrum og på de smukke busture imellem dem, blev vi propfodret med nyttig viden om de tre landes kultur og historie. Vi blev MEGET klogere på landenes ligheder og forskelligheder. -Og vores dejlige, hyggelige guider, Gunita og Giovanni, som ledsagede os rundt i byerne vidste bar ALT hvad der var værd at vide om Baltikum. Vi kan kun VARMT anbefale denne rejse.

Dato for oplevelse : 27. maj 2024

Vor varmeste anbefaling

Lige hjemkommet efter en helt fantastisk vellykket ferie i De tre Baltiske lande! Vi kan KUN rose vore to guider på allerbedste vis: de var entusiastiske hele vejen og berigede os med en masse nyttig information og var behagelige og imødekommende over for gruppen! Velvalgte gode hoteller i alle 3 lande- Hyggelige rejsefæller med god stemning og helt fantastisk vejr! Hjemrejsen forløb fint, men det havde selvfølgelig været rart med direkte fly uden mellemlanding. En rejse der på det allervarmeste kan anbefales! Tak for en super oplevelse fra Otto og Kirsten Meyer

Tur til Baltikum

Den 4. juni satte vi kursen mod Nato’s øst flanke, de tre Baltiske lande. Forventningerne var ikke sat højt, da vores eneste kendskab til tidligere Sovjet lande stammer fra DDR, men vi havde besluttet at vi ville se landene, før Putin evt. får ”gode ideer” og flytter grænsen mod vest. Turen startede i Vilnius hvor Gunita tog imod os i lufthavnen og fik os transporteret til hotellet, et nydeligt hotel med en god beliggenhed i gå-afstand fra seværdighederne, hvilket også gjaldt de hoteller vi benyttede de næste dage i Riga og Tallinn. Transporten mellem de tre byer foregik i komfortabel bus med stop ved relevante seværdigheder. Alt i alt en veltilrettelagt tur med mange gode oplevelser. Hvis man skal fremhæve en ting må det være guiderne, her er der tale om folk der ikke bare snakker, men virkelig ved hvad de snakker om. Stor ros til Gunita og Giovanni for at føre os grundigt ind i de politiske, historiske og sociale forhold. Og så et lille hjertesuk her til sidst: Lad ikke en gal mands storhedsvanvid ødelægge tre så velfungerende samfund. Jørgen Nielsen

Dato for oplevelse : 04. juni 2024

Baltiske lande

Vi havde en super dejlig tur med GG Tours til de Baltiske lande i maj måned. Fantastiske guider, gode hoteller samt masser af oplevelser. Det er bestemt ikke sidste gang vi rejser med GG Tours

Dato for oplevelse : 21. maj 2024

Vi er lige kommet hjem fra en rundrejse i de Baltiske lande. Der var en fantastisk tur, gode hoteller og mega gode guide. De havde styr på deres historie og de var gode ril at fortælle hvad vi ellers kunne se på vores fridage.

Island fantastisk - kommunikation inden elendig

Først det gode : Island er fantastisk, skiftede navn på min billet u/b, gode udflugter, fantastisk guide (Helle), perfekt flyrejse, hotel Cabin ganske fint. Alt fungerede på Island med afhentning. Det dårlige : Kommunikationen med GG Tours inden afgang helt elendig, alt for lang svartid og en ubehøvlet tone. Vi kunne først tjekke ind på hotellet kl.15 det havde været rart at vide når man tror det er ved ankomst kl.9.

Dato for oplevelse : 25. august 2023

Kan ikke anbefale at rejse til Korsika via Bologna med GGTours

Kan ikke anbefale at rejse til Korsika via Bologna med GGTours. Vi rejste i september måned med GGTours til Korsika via Bologna. Vi ankom til Bologna om aftenen og fik udleveret vores, i øvrigt glimrende, bil kl.21,00 om aftenen, dvs. det var særdeles mørkt, da vi skulle køre 3 timer til vores hotel i Livorno, hvor vi skulle med færgen kl.8,00 næste morgen. P.g.a. lukkede motorveje ankom vi til et lukket hotel kl.3,00 om natten og måtte derfor overnatte i bilen. Virkelig dårlig start og dårlig planlægning. Vi havde nogle dejlige dage, på et rigtig godt hotel i Maccianaggio på Korsika, men den gode oplevelse drukner desværre i transport besvær frem og tilbage. I øvrigt havde GGTours også lige glemt at gøre opmærksom på, at bilfirmaet lå 4-5 km. væk fra lufthavnen. Korsika kan anbefales, men bestemt ikke via Bologna

Dato for oplevelse : 12. september 2023

Lige hjemkommet fra en dejlig rundrejse …

Lige hjemkommet fra en dejlig rundrejse i Baltikum vil vi gerne sige tak til de to kompetente turledere/guider : Gunilla og Giovanni , som med deres store viden gav os en grundig indsigt i de tre landes forskellige historier, kulturer og problemer gennem tiderne. En godt tilrettelagt tur. Bus til tiden, gode hoteller i centrum, fine spisesteder med dejlig mad og drikke. Tak for en dejlig tur, som vi varmt kan anbefale til andre. Venligst Inger og Bent Adstofte

Dato for oplevelse : 14. september 2017

Kultur op oplevelser i verdensklasse.

Det var en virkelig dejlig og fantastisk tur igennem de tre Baltiske lande. Et fantastisk guide-ægtepar, der vidste alt om Baltikum, de politiske forhold, kulturen og økonomien i regionen. Turen var vel tilrettelagt og meget afslappende. Jeg følte mig ikke bare som turist, men som en del af et hyggeligt selskab.

Dato for oplevelse : 27. august 2023

“ Se Venedig og dø” synger Lone Kelderman ( og så er det ikke engang lyv)

Venedig var en oplevelse på alle måder. Der var en god overordnet styring, så vi kom godt omkring. Der var tid til selv at gå på opdagelse i de uendelige seværdigheder, så vores nysgerrighed bragte os langt omkring så vi kalde os “søens folk”. Vi 4 glade damer har stadig noget til gode og kommer gerne tilbage.

Dato for oplevelse : 15. september 2023

fantastisk rejse til Korsika-Italien

Vi havde en helt forrygende oplevelse på vores rejse til Italien-Korsika. To overnatninger på det 4* rex i Italien, Livorno og 5 nætter i Korsika på det 4* hotel Best Western, Bastia. Begge hoteller var super og alt service fungerede perfekt. GG Tours havde sørget for en lækker helt ny Opel Astra der ventede på os i Pisa lufthavn så vi kunne opleve hele Korsika, færge frem og tilbage Italien - Korsika m.m.. Servicen og vejledningen hos GG Tours var helt i top og prisen i forhold til alt hvad vi fik var yders rimelig. De meget tilfredse kunder Hans Henrik og Inger

Dato for oplevelse : 13. november 2016

Startede med at vores tur til Island…

Startede med at vores tur til Island blev lavet om fra lørdag til fredag. Turen var ok planlagt. Der stod i vores Informationer fra GG omkring hotellet. Dette moderne nybyggede hotel , hotellet har 252 MODERNE rum med flere som har udsigt over Reykjavik .Det er velindrettede værelser og komfortable, alle værelser har skrivebord og privat badeværelse. Intet af dette er sandt, Meget LILLE som LILLE værelse kunne overhovet ikke komme forbi hinanden så småt var det, ingen skrivebord kunne overhovet ikke være på dette slidte lille rum. Meget lille badværelse. Det er første gang jeg har prøvet at bo i en kuffert da intet kunne pakkes ud pga. lille værelse og badværelse.

Dato for oplevelse : 29. september 2023

Besvarelse fra GG Tours ApS

Det er første gang vi får en tilbagmedling på vores islandsrejse som kun går på hotellværelset. Må sige det er trist at man tager helt til Island med en fantastisk guide og flotte udflugter og kun kan fokusere på om der er et skrivbort på hotelværelset., sørgeligt......


Kan kun på det kraftigste advare om dette "rejsebureau" - de kan ikke svare på hvad rejserne indeholder, hvor meget man betaler for - når man spørger ind til det får man udelukkende nedladende kommentarer fra nogle personer der ikke kan skrive eller forstå korrekt dansk!! Man køber en lottokupon hos dem - måske er der gevinst … måske ikke... hold Jer for guds skyld langt væk! Når man så forsøger at spørge yderligere ind til det - får man svar som citat: "Tak i lige måde, vi er bestemt heller ikke interesserede i kunder som jer."

Dato for oplevelse : 14. august 2018

Denne anmeldelse er ulovlig og Trustpilot er allerede sat i gang med at fjerne den. Dette er ikke en anmeldelse af et af vore produkter, da personen ikke er kunde og har aldrig deltaget i en af vore rejser. Der er tale om ren chikane med juridisk efterspil.

Skøn tur til Lissabon

Efter en lille svipser med forkert navn på rejsedokumenter gik alt glat. Transfer fra lufthavn ventede tålmodigt, trods forsinkelse med flyet. Hotellet, Corinthia, er intet mindre end fantastisk og byen er rigtig dejlig, så fire nætter var næsten for lidt....Vi er meget tilfredse!

Dato for oplevelse : 06. november 2016

Fantastisk tur til Baltikum med fantastiske guider

Vi var på en guidet tur til Baltikum. Det var første gang, vi prøvede en guidet tur, så vi glædede os. Og turen overgik bestemt vores i fovejen positive forventninger. Spændende steder og oplevelser. De baltiske lande har 3 meget levende og spændende hovedstæder. Vi havde: god chauffør, god bus, gode centralt beliggende hoteller, veltilberedt mad inkluderet. Alt klappede perfekt. Men især må vi fremhæve de to suveræne guider Gunita og Giovanni. Man kan kun holde af dem. Levende, sjove, meget vidende. Måske fordi de også er nysgerrige. Vi kan kun anbefale GG tours på det allervarmeste. Hilsen Gitte og Allan Don

Dato for oplevelse : 15. september 2016

Kære Gitte og Allan mange tak for den fine anmeldelse det er vi rigtig glade for. Det var en sand fornøjelse at møde jer og og vi nød jeres positive og vidende selskab. Vi ses i Minsk kram Gunita og Giovanni

Fantastisk tur til Reykjavik

Mig og min kone, havde en fantastisk tur til Reykjavik, igennem Ggtours. Den pakke løsning de havde, passede perfekt til os, og til den tid vi havde til rådighed på Island. Vores guided turer, blev til en ekstra stor oplevelse. Takket værd vores dygtige guide, Harpa. Hendes fortælle evne, og viden om Island var imponerende. Tak for en fantastisk tur :) Mvh Allan Trolle

Dato for oplevelse : 09. november 2016

Manglende refundering.

Vi var i Rom ultimo november 21 og fløj til en anden lufthavn end den annoncerede, hvor vi havde en betalt transport (voucher) til hotellet. Kontaktede i Rom lufthavn GG Tours i KBH. og fik mundtligt tilsagn om refundering af en taxi. Sendte bilaget og ringede, men har vi set noget til pengene ! Michael Strøm.

Dato for oplevelse : 25. april 2022

Vi havde en utroligt veltilrettelagt…

Vi havde en utroligt veltilrettelagt tur til Færøerne. GG Tours var hurtige og venlige til at svare på vores spørgsmål inden afrejsen. Selve turen var meget godt planlagt og vi var meget tilfredse med det valgte busselskab HK BUSSAR , det var lagt over forventning og guiden Samson var virkelig god. Hotel Færøerne er dog vist mest for unge mennesker, som ikke har noget imod at gå meget !! Hotellet er 487 meter lang - så det er noget af en gåtur for at spise morgenmad !

Dato for oplevelse : 13. april 2022

Experience the best of Venice with Withlocals

gg tours venedig

Find the perfect private tour

Select one of our local experts

Enjoy Venice like a local

Let our local experts guide you through a handpicked selection of things to do on a private tour. Think hidden gems, insider stories, and all the local vibes. Ready to find your private tour of Venice? Your adventure-packed day is just one click away!

Top 10 tours in Venice

Make your stay in Venice complete with these things to do

gg tours venedig

1 The 10 Tastings of Venice

gg tours venedig

2 Off the Beaten Track in Venice: Dorsoduro Tour

gg tours venedig

3 Prosecco Hills Vespa Tour

gg tours venedig

4 Highlights & Hidden Gems of Venice

gg tours venedig

5 Drinks & Bites in Cannaregio Tour

gg tours venedig

6 City Escape: Murano Day Trip

gg tours venedig

7 Family Friendly Venice City Tour

gg tours venedig

8 Withlocals Your Way! - Venice City Tour

gg tours venedig

9 The History of Venice: San Marco Highlights Tour

gg tours venedig

10 Treasures of Venice: Renaissance Era Tour

Why you should book a withlocals tour, 100% customizable.

Let your local host tailor the tour completely to your wishes.

Private guided tours

No strangers on your tour. It’s just you and your local host.


Our tours are designed with people, places & the planet in mind

Private tours with locals in Venice

Our locals will give you the best experiences that Venice has to offer

The 10 Tastings of Venice

Off the beaten track in venice: dorsoduro tour, prosecco hills vespa tour, highlights & hidden gems of venice, drinks & bites in cannaregio tour, city escape: murano day trip, family friendly venice city tour, withlocals your way - venice city tour, explore venice with our incredible locals.

Learn about their personal stories and find out how you can explore Venice with locals

gg tours venedig

The History of Venice: San Marco Highlights Tour

Treasures of venice: renaissance era tour, drinks & bites in venice tour, historical venice jewish ghetto tour & vibrant cannaregio and additional synagogues with lucia, venice off the beaten path: gardens & hidden gems with an art historian, majestic doge's palace & st. mark's basilica tour, the secret venice: history, characters & gossips, venice with art historian: 2 hours 100% personalized tour, find experiences by category.

Discover experiences based on your interest

  • City highlights tours 22
  • Off the beaten track tours 14
  • Food tours 7
  • Art & Culture tours 6
  • Day trips 4
  • Photo tours 3
  • Wine & Beer tours 1

Travelers love our locals

What other guests say about our tours and locals

Marzia - Our wonderful guide.

"Marzia was unbelievably brilliant. Although we arrived in Venice during peak season, my wife and I decided we would like to have a tour of one of the quieter areas before we attacked the extremely busy main attractions. As our hotel was on her route to the meeting point, Marzia very kindly picked us up from our hotel, which was so amazing. Our first sojourn into Venice was with an experience Venetian. She shared with us both her knowledge and friendly personality, her guided tour through Dorsoduro District was leisurely, informative and thoroughly enjoyable. Marzia was our wonderful guide and made our first experience of Venice truly magical. Thank you, Marzia."

local Marzia

Wonderful introduction to Venice

"We were a group of four from the UK. Giada was on the ball and thoroughly engaging from the very start. Giada speaks perfect English, so well that she was able to keep up with the British sense of humour!! We went to some fantastic places to eat and drink sampling the best of traditional Venetian food that you are likely to want to eat again during your stay in Venice. In fact we did go back to a couple of the places we tried and the food and drink were as good as the first time. If we hadn’t have done the tour we might not have had the courage to try these places. This is a wonderful way to introduce yourself to Venice and don’t worry if there are certain foods that you are not liking as Giada will adapt the tour as you go. To say the least we had a tremendous time with Giada"

local Giada

This tour was wirth every penny

"Federico was very friendly and very informative. I learned a lot about the history of Venice. I saw a different side with not the shopping and tourists. She was so friendly and took great care of me in the heat. I couldn’t have asked for more!"

local Federica

Very Enjoyable

"Loris was a lovely tour guide. Venice is a very busy place, overrun in many places with tourists. Loris took us on a very interesting walk, visiting places we never would have seen otherwise - in areas where there were no tourists! Highly recommend. Especially at the beginning of your visit to Venice so you can find places to revisit later in your stay."

local Loris

Fantastic Tasting tour venice

"Fantastic cultural and food tour that would highly recommend for everyone. Adair very approachable about life in Venice and her choice in food and drink exemplary. We learnt so much about Venetian attitude to food as well as have a great tasting morning."

local Adair

Great storyteller and historian

"Marzia’s depth of knowledge is impressive. She knows the story of Venice from multiple perspectives - going back to ancient times, recent history of Dorsoduro and its place in cultural events, the role of women in sculpting Venice’s progressive values, LGBTQ and Carnevale and more. Anyone who wants a more enlightened and elevated experience of Venice should book a tour with Marzia."

guest Khloe

A great night out with Rocco

"We needed a break from the crowds and this city has so much to offer and Rocco helped us find that and more. A great historian and he took us to fun wine bars. We explored parts of the city we would have never done on our own. He helped us with planning our final day in Venice and we enjoyed sharing movies ideas. I would recommend starting your. Venice trip out with Rocco!"

local Roko

"We had a very nice time on our tour. Claudia showed us around Venice at a good pace and was very patient and informative at answering any questions we had. It was also lovely to sit and have a cup of cappuccino and a snack with her."


Wonderful evening with Giada

"We thoroughly enjoyed our walking tour with Giada. The restaurants she chose were off the beaten path and the food and wine tastings were excellent! She also gave us a bit of history about the local neighborhoods that we visited. Since our final stop was a fair distance away from our hotel, she took the time to walk us back to our hotel which was much appreciated. We would highly recommend Giada as a tour guide!"

guest Pam

"Genny was an absolutely wonderful guide that despite the intense heat that day, gave us a wonderful experience seeing parts of Venice I had no idea about and really, mostly only local people know about. I often travel to that area and mostly only ventured to where all the tourist go. But she showed us the real Venice that only a real venetian could do.. I highly recommend her to anyone wanting to experience Venice off the beaten path.."

local Genny

Enjoy the Best of the Venice Like a Local

Private & personalized tours in venice with a local.

When you hit the road and land in a new city like Venice, there's an exciting way to dive into its soul: personalized local tours. Forget the typical touristy routes – these tours are like having a local friend show you around all the cool spots.

Imagine having someone who lives and breathes Venice spill its secrets. That's what local guides bring to the table. They know the hidden alleys, the best bites, and stories that never made it to the guidebooks. Whether you're into munching through food tours, wandering the city's streets, or going off the beaten path, a local guide hooks you up with a private tour that's authentically Venice.

The best part? These tours are all about you. No herding in big groups or rushing through places you're not interested in. With private tours, you're the boss. Whether it's snapping pics at iconic landmarks, diving into history, or checking out the art scene, the tour is tuned to your vibes at your tempo.

But it doesn't stop at city limits. Day trips let you escape the urban jungle and explore nearby wonders. And if you're just setting foot in Venice, kickstart tours give you a taste of everything. Think of it as a crash course in Venice awesomeness, guided by a local who knows the city like the back of their hand.

So, next time you're in Venice, ditch the ordinary. Grab a local tour and unlock the city's real magic – the stories, flavors, and places that make it uniquely Venice. Get ready to explore like a local!

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Power Traveller

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide

Set out on a captivating journey through the heart of Venice with a guided gondola ride along the iconic Grand Canal . This enchanting experience offers visitors a unique perspective to admire the city’s enchanting architecture and historic landmarks. For just $217.64 per person, you’ll glide effortlessly through the picturesque waterways as a knowledgeable guide unveils the rich tapestry of Venetian history . With a maximum of four participants, this intimate tour promises a romantic atmosphere and the opportunity to discover Venice’s hidden gems . But the true allure lies in what awaits beyond the serene waters, as you’ll soon discover.

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Key Points

  • The 1-hour gondola ride along the Grand Canal and smaller waterways of Venice costs $217.64 per person, with a maximum group size of 4 participants plus a guide.
  • The guided tour includes iconic Venetian landmarks like the Peggy Guggenheim Museum, Accademia Bridge, and Rialto Bridge, with a knowledgeable guide providing historical and cultural insights.
  • The tour starts at the Santa Maria del Giglio gondola station and concludes at Bar Longhi, offering the opportunity for further exploration of Venice.
  • The tour is available in multiple languages, including English, Italian, Spanish, German, and French, providing a culturally immersive experience.
  • Cancellation is free up to 24 hours in advance, and the tour is not suitable for wheelchair users or individuals over 331 lbs (150 kg).

More tours and experiences nearby.

  • Murano & Burano Islands Guided Small-Group Tour by Private Boat
  • Legendary Venice St. Marks Basilica With Terrace Access & Doges Palace
  • Venice in a Day: Basilica San Marco, Doges Palace & Gondola Ride
  • Eat Like a Local: 3-hour Venice Small-Group Food Tasting Walking Tour

Tour Overview and Pricing

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Tour Overview and Pricing

The 1-hour gondola ride along the Grand Canal and smaller waterways of Venice sets travelers back $217.64 per person. This intimate experience is limited to just 4 participants, plus the knowledgeable guide.

The tour is offered in multiple languages, including English, Italian, Spanish, German, and French. Guests can enjoy the flexibility of free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund.

The 60-minute ride promises a romantic and informative journey, passing by iconic Venetian landmarks . While those arriving late will see a slightly shortened experience, the gondola ride offers an unforgettable way to explore the enchanting canals of the floating city.

Experience Highlights

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Experience Highlights

Travelers can glide along the Grand Canal and smaller waterways of Venice, taking in iconic sites such as the Ca’ Dario, Peggy Guggenheim Museum, Accademia Bridge, and the renowned Rialto Bridge.

Along the way, a knowledgeable guide will share the history and significance of these landmarks, providing an informative and engaging experience. The romantic gondola ride is complemented by the guide’s expertise, offering travelers a unique perspective on the city’s rich cultural heritage .

With the option to explore additional sights like the Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo, Teatro La Fenice, and San Moisè Church, this tour provides a well-rounded introduction to the enchanting city of Venice .

Guided Tour Itinerary

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Guided Tour Itinerary

Beginning at the Santa Maria del Giglio gondola station, the guided tour takes participants on a journey through the enchanting waterways of Venice .

The tour includes:

  • Punta della Dogana, offering panoramic views of the Grand Canal.
  • Peggy Guggenheim Collection, a renowned art museum housed in a former palazzo.
  • Gallerie dell’Accademia, showcasing an impressive collection of Venetian art .
  • Palazzo Grassi, a 18th-century palace now serving as an art exhibition space.

Throughout the ride, the knowledgeable guide shares insights into the history and significance of the landmarks, providing a captivating and informative experience.

The tour concludes at the starting point, Bar Longhi, allowing participants to continue exploring the city’s beauty.

Meeting Point and Accessibility

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Meeting Point and Accessibility

Participants meet at the Santa Maria del Giglio gondola station, located at Campiello Traghetto 2467, next to the renowned Hotel Gritti Palace.

This meeting point is easily accessible by foot or public transportation.

However, the gondola ride isn’t suitable for wheelchair users or individuals over 331 lbs (150 kg).

Guests are advised to avoid bringing oversize luggage , baby strollers, or large bags, as these items aren’t permitted.

Should participants arrive late, the duration of the ride will be less than the full 60 minutes.

Cancellation and Booking Details

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Cancellation and Booking Details

Customers can freely cancel their gondola ride reservation up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund .

The booking process is simple and flexible :

  • Reserve your spot and pay later.
  • Easily manage your booking and make any necessary changes online.
  • Receive instant confirmation and a QR code to present at the meeting point.
  • Arrive at the designated location 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time to ensure a smooth start to your enchanting gondola experience .

This tour offers a convenient and worry-free way to explore the iconic waterways of Venice from the comfort of a traditional gondola.

Group Size and Languages

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Group Size and Languages

The gondola ride is limited to a maximum group size of 4 participants, plus the knowledgeable guide , ensuring an intimate and personalized experience.

Depending on your preferences, the tour is offered in a variety of languages, including English, Italian, Spanish, German, and French.

This allows visitors from diverse backgrounds to fully enjoy the rich history and culture of Venice while gliding along the iconic Grand Canal.

Whether you’re seeking a romantic getaway or an informative sightseeing adventure, the multilingual guide is there to provide insight and enhance your gondola journey.

Customer Reviews and Ratings

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Customer Reviews and Ratings

Based on the 36 reviews gathered, the gondola ride along the Grand Canal has received an overall rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars.

The highlights of the customer feedback include:

Overwhelmingly positive remarks on the knowledgeable and informative guide , providing a unique perspective on the history and landmarks of Venice.

Recommendations for travelers to opt for the full 1-hour ride instead of shorter options, to maximize the experience.

High satisfaction with the overall organization and quality of service provided by the tour operator.

A few comments noted the ride was a bit crowded with 5 people total, including the guide.

Important Information to Note

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Important Information to Note

It’s important to be aware of several key details before embarking on the gondola ride along the Grand Canal.

The meeting point is the Santa Maria del Giglio gondola station, located in Campiello Traghetto 2467, next to the Hotel Gritti Palace.

The experience isn’t suitable for wheelchair users or individuals over 150 kg (331 lbs).

Guests should bring an umbrella and avoid oversize luggage, baby strollers, or large bags, as these aren’t allowed.

It’s crucial to arrive on time , as the duration of the ride will be less than 60 minutes if late.

Here's a few more nearby tours and experiences we think you'll like.

  • Experience Venice Like a Local: Small Group Cicchetti & Wine Tour
  • Dolomite Mountains and Cortina Semi Private Day Trip From Venice
  • Tour of The Real Hidden Venice
  • Venice: St Marks Basilica After-Hours Tour With Optional Doges Palace
  • Murano Glass Experience With a Visit to a Burano Lace Island
  • Venice Sightseeing Walking Tour With a Local Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Venice: 1-Hour Gondola Ride on the Grand Canal With Guide - Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Typical Weather Conditions During the Gondola Ride?

The gondola ride typically takes place in mild, slightly cool temperatures. Mild breezes are common, and light rainfall may occur occasionally. Guests are advised to bring an umbrella to stay dry in case of light showers during the tour.

Is Photography Allowed During the Gondola Ride?

Photography is allowed during the gondola ride. Passengers can take photos to capture the scenic views and historic sights along the Grand Canal. However, flash photography is typically discouraged to avoid disturbing the tranquil atmosphere of the ride.

Can the Gondola Tour Be Combined With Other Activities in Venice?

The gondola tour can be combined with other activities in Venice, such as visiting museums, churches, and other landmarks. Travelers may opt to extend their gondola experience by adding on a walking tour or visiting nearby sites.

What Snacks or Drinks Are Available on the Gondola Ride?

While the gondola ride doesn’t include complimentary snacks or drinks, guests are welcome to bring their own. Some may choose to enjoy a glass of wine or small bites as they glide along the canals.

Are There Any Discounts or Promotions Available for This Tour?

There doesn’t appear to be any specific discounts or promotions mentioned for this tour. However, guests can take advantage of the free cancellation policy up to 24 hours in advance to get a full refund if needed.

Not for you? Here's more of our most recent tour reviews happening neaby

  • Venice: Private Tour With St. Marks and Gondola Ride
  • Venice: Private After Dark Tour and Gondola Ride
  • Venice: Off the Beaten Path Private Gondola Ride
  • Venice Private Walking Tour
  • Venice: Casanova, Vivaldi, and Marco Polo Private Tour
  • Venice Deluxe Tour: the Highlights, a Walking Tour
  • From Venice: Dolomites, Lake Misurina, and Cortina Day Trip
  • Float Privately: Gondola Tour of Peggy Guggenheim
  • Private Gondola Experience: Discover Venice’s Waterways
  • Venice: City Portrait Session With Professional Photographer
  • Ljubljana: Bus Transfer From/To Venice Marco Polo Airport
  • Private Walking and Food Tour in the Market of Venice
  • Venice Lido: Bike Tour With a Local on the Island of Cinema
  • Saint Marks Basilica: After Hours Private Tour
  • Venice: Private Tour of Casanova Sites

The 1-hour guided gondola ride on the Grand Canal offers a captivating and romantic way to experience the enchanting city of Venice. Gliding through picturesque waterways , guests can admire iconic landmarks while a knowledgeable guide shares the rich history. With easy cancellation, multilingual support, and a maximum of four participants, this intimate tour provides a memorable adventure for those seeking to enjoy the charm of Venice.

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Venedig med dansk rejseleder

Sidste chance.

gg tours venedig

Oplev Venedig i selskab med en lokalkendt dansk rejseleder, fly t/r, guidede ture, gastronomi og vin, gratis bådtransport og 4 overnatninger på et smukt palæ-hotel med morgenmad. Mulighed for tilkøb af lagoon ø-cruise eller klassisk koncert.

  • Sådan køber du
  • Aftalepartner

Oplev en ægte GG Tours klassiker på denne 5-dages forårsrejse til Venedig med dansk-venetiansk rejseleder.

Rejsens guidede ture går til 4 forskelige, unikke distrikter i det gamle Venedig med storslåede kirker, pladser og paladser. Her kommer I helt tæt på Venedigs storslåede kunst og kultur, arkitektur og historie.  På en af turene smages der også på Venetiansk gastronomi og vine.

Der er sørget for gratis bådtransport på dag 2, 3 og 4, så I kommer vidt omkring i Venedig. Som noget helt særligt er der mulighed for deltage i Lagoon Sea-Cruise eller opleve en klassisk koncert med værker af bysbarnet Vivaldi.

Rejsen inkluderer:

  • Fly Billund eller København – Venedig t/r
  • 8-10 kg håndbagage
  • Transport fra lufthavnen til hotellet t/r (bådtransfer)
  • 4 overnatninger på Hotel Atlanta Augustus
  • Morgenmad alle dage
  • Billet til gratis bådtransport i hele Venedig på dag 2, 3 og 4
  • En venetiansk 3-retters frokost m. vin og kaffe
  • Dansk-venetiansk rejseleder på alle guidede ture (ifølge programmet)

Prisen er pr. person ved 2 personer i delt dobbeltværelse. Det betyder, at du skal købe 2 værdibeviser eller betale enkeltværelsestillæg for at indløse tilbuddet.

Vælg mellem følgende rejseperioder:

Den 22.-26. maj 2022 -  SPOTpris 5.390 kr. Normalpris 6.953 kr. Spar 22 %


Den 16.-20. maj 2022 -  SPOTpris 5.390 kr.  Normalpris 6.953 kr. Spar 22 %

Den 22.-26. maj 2022 -  SPOTpris 5.390 kr.  Normalpris 6.953 kr. Spar 22 %

Tilkøb og tillæg: Aftales og afregnes direkte med GG Tours:

  • Ekstra bagage: 23 kg fra Billund t/r - 790 kr.
  • Ekstra bagage: 20 kg fra København t/r - 690 kr.
  • Enkeltværelsestillæg - 1450 kr. for hele opholdet
  • Afbestillingsforsikring - 350 kr.
  • Opgradering til værelse med stor balkon - 750 kr. pr. værelse for hele opholdet (få antal tilgængelige - ikke muligt i enkeltværelse)
  • Børn under 12 år halv pris (hvis ledsaget af 2 fuldbetalende), baby 0-2 år kr. 590

Udflugter og koncertbilletter:

Kan bestilles sammen med din rejse.

  • Venezian Lagoon Sea-Cruise - 1.050 kr. pr. person inkl. privat motorbåd, dansk/veneziansk guide, luksusmiddag m.m. vin (læs mere under dag 4)
  • Koncertbilletter til Vivaldi-koncerten "De 4 årstider" - 350 kr. 

Bygget på 100 millioner egetræspæle

Venedig kan dateres tilbage til det 5. århundrede, hvor de første indbyggere slog sig ned i Lagunen i kølvandet på Romerrigets opløsning og startede verdens nok mest krævende byggeri – en hel by på pæle. Byen står på over 100 millioner egetræspæle, som blev transporteret fra de store skove i Norditalien, Slovenien og Kroatien. Venedig består af over 118 øer, 150 kanaler og 446 broer og strækker sig over 46 km. Gamle Venedig har kun ca. 60.000 indbyggere, men har flere end 20 millioner turister om året og er uden sammenligning verdens mest besøgte by pr. indbygger.

Verdens største flåde og Europas rigeste by

Venedig var Europas rigeste nation i flere århundreder og en supermagt inden for såvel statskundskab som arkitektur, kunst og handel og kunne prale af Europas stærkeste flåde. Man fornemmer storhedstiden med de karakteristiske byzantinske og gotiske paladser og kirker, handelsfolk som Marco Polo, førende kunstnere som Giorgione, Tizian og Canaletto samt Europas største barokkompostnister som Vivaldi og Albinoni. Romantikken omfavner de poetiske kanaler, hvor Casanova fortryllede sine kvindelige ofre.

På rejsen indgår der guidede ture til bl.a. båd-arsenalet ”l’arsenale” fra det 8. århundrede, hvor Venedig producerede deres krigsflåde, ikke kun til eget brug, men til alle korstogene til ”det hellige land”. 

Endvidere besøger I de klassiske highlights i Venedig, herunder Markuspladsen og Dogepaladset, kunstakademiet, Guggenheim m.m. samt 3 distrikter i gamle Venedig. Turene gennemføres af dansktalende guide med venezianske rødder.  

Lagoon Sea-Cruise

Som noget helt særligt er der mulighed for at deltage i Lagoon Sea-Cruise med privatbåd til øerne Murano, Burano og Torcello med luksusfrokost på high-end restaurant og guidede oplevelser.

I skal bo på en perle af et hotel. Det elegante Hotel Atlanta Augustus - en smuk jugendstilvilla fra 1920'erne, som blev fuldstændig renoveret i 2008 og har udsigt over kanalerne på Lidoen. Bygningen er pyntet af originale friser og dekorationer, hvilket gør hotellet helt unikt.

Det 4 etager høje hotel er omgivet af en lille velplejet have, og hvert værelse er individuelt designet og udstyret med eget bad, møbler, aircondition, gratis wi-fi og tv. Nogle af værelserne har udsigt over kanalen. Fra hotellets panoramaterrasse er der en smuk udsigt over lagunen. Hotellet byder på morgenmad, som kan nydes i restauranten hver dag fra kl. 07.30.

Hotel Atlanta har en af de bedste placeringer på Lidoen, tæt på restauranter, hovedgaden og Vaparettoen (bådbussen) til gamle Venedig, der tager blot 10 min. Ikke så underligt, at kunderne vurderer hotellets unikke placering til 9,4 på


Dag 1 - Ankomst fra Billund/København, transfer til Lidoen og indlogering

I bliver modtaget i Venedigs lufthavn, og der er sørget for transport til Lidoen og Hotel Atlanta Augustus, herefter tjek ind.

Dag 2 - Lidoen, Giardini - kunstbiennalen, Arsenalet og lækker stor frokost m. vin, mulighed for klassisk koncert om aftenen

I starter kl. 10.00 med en kort guidet tur på Lidoen, hvorefter I tager båden til Giardini og "l’arsenale", der ligger blot to bådstop fra Lidoen.

Her stater I med en guidet tur i området og bevæger jer til fods mod båd-arsenalet ”l’arsenale” fra det 8. århundrede, hvor Venedig producerede deres krigsflåde - ikke kun til egen brug, men til alle korstogene til ”det hellige land”. I Venedigs storhedstid i det 13-15. århundrede var der mere end 16.000 ansatte i Arsenalet, og de producerede en galej om dagen. 

I slutter af med en stor, lækker frokost m. vin og kaffe kl. 12.30-13.00. Efter frokost er der tid på egen hånd.

Om aftenen er der mulighed for at opleve en klassisk koncert med fortolkninger af Vivaldi. Billetter skal tilkøbes, læs mere under tilkøb.

Dag 3 – Guidet tur: historie og arkitektur i gamle Venedig kl. 09.30–13.30

I starter kl. 09.30 med en guidet tur i gamle Venedig med fokus på historie og arkitektur.

Turen starter ved Markuspladsen, hvor I kigger på Dogepaladset, Markuskirken, det gamle bibliotek, det berømte ur ”Orogio di Venezia” og de mange smukke Palladio-kirker ude i Lagunen.

Turen går videre mod kunstakademiet ”l’Accademia”, Venedigs kunstmuseum for klassisk kunst. Her finder I den største samling af malerkunst fra Venedig. Samlingen går fra den byzantinske periode over til gotik, renæssance og barok repræsenteret gennem kunstnere som Bellini, Carpaccio, Giorgione, Veronese, Tintoretto, Tiziano, Tiepolo og Tintoretto m.fl., som alle har haft afgørende indflydelse på hele den europæiske kunstskole.

På vejen stopper I ved Theatro La Fenice, også kaldet verdens flotteste opera.

I bevæger jer videre til fods mod Dorsoduro-distriktet, det gamle tolddistrikt, med rolige, smukke gader, den største koncentration af kunstgallerier og en forrygende udsigt over den sydlige del af lagunen. I kommer forbi Guggenheim-museet og slutter af ved barokkirken Santa Maria Della Salute; en af Venedigs absolut flotteste kirker med malerier af Tizian. Turen slutter kl. cirka 13.30.

Dag 4 - Oplev byen på egen hånd eller tilkøb Lagoon Sea-Cruise - en af de helt store klassikere! kl. 09.00-17.00

Tilkøb: Mulighed for at deltage i en af GG Tours' helt store klassikere ”Venezian Lagoon Sea-Cruise, som er en heldagstur i den smukke og sagnomspundne lagune, helt eksklusivt i privatbåd kun for jeres gruppe.

I besøger de smukke øer; Torcello, den ældste af de venezianske øer grundlagt af bosættere tilbage i det 5. århundrede med en af Europas ældste Byzantinske kirker, Hemingways favoritsted, Murano, kendt for sin fantastiske glaskunst, og Burano med sit autentiske fiskerleje, kunsthåndværk og smukke huse i regnbuens farver.

Der er arrangeret luksusfrokost på Restaurant Ponte del Diavlo - en ægte high-end restaurant med udsøgt gastronomi, vine og en fortryllende have. Der bydes på de bedste venetianske specialiteter og vine. Turen starter kl. 09.30, og I er tilbage på Lidoen kl. ca. 17.30. 

Dag 5 – Morgenmad, tjek ud og hjemrejse til København og Billund

Der er tid på egen hånd til ud på formiddagen/eftermiddagen. Herefter transfer fra Lidoen til lufthavnen og fly mod København/Billund.


Afrejse fra Billund den 22. maj (kort mellemlanding i Amsterdam – med KLM):

  • Afrejse fra Billund kl. 11.05
  • Ankomst Venedig kl. 16.10
  • Afrejse fra Venedig kl. 16.55
  • Ankomst Billund kl. 22.45

Afrejse fra København den 16. maj (direkte flyvning med SAS):

  • Afrejse fra København kl. 11.30 
  • Ankomst Venedig kl. 13.35
  • Afrejse fra Venedig kl. 14.45
  • Ankomst København kl. 16.50

Afrejse fra København den 22. maj (direkte flyvning med SAS):

  • Afrejse fra København kl. 08.15 
  • Ankomst Venedig kl. 10.20
  • Afrejse fra Venedig kl. 14.25 
  • Ankomst København kl. 16.30

Der tages forbehold for ændringer af flytiderne.

Når du har modtaget værdibeviset booker du din rejse inden for 48 timer via .

I forbindelse med din reservation skal du oplyse følgende:

  • Fulde navne på alle rejsende, som det står i passet
  • Fødselsdato på alle rejsende
  • Et mobiltelefonnummer, du kan kontaktes på under rejsen
  • Eventuelle tilkøb - alle tilkøb skal foretages, når du reserverer din rejse hos GG Tours

Når GG Tours har modtaget ovennævnte informationer, vil du modtage en bekræftelse på mail.

Vi gør opmærksom på, at bestillingen er bindende, og at der ikke er mulighed for at annullere rejsen. Ved eventuelle spørgsmål til denne rejse kontakt GG Tours på tlf.: 26 24 49 35.

Én unik kode gælder for 1 person.

Tilkøb og tillæg:

Aftales og afregnes direkte med GG Tours:

  • Enkeltværelsestillæg - 1.450 kr. for hele opholdet
  • Venezian Lagoon Sea-Cruise - 1050 kr. pr. person inkl. privat motorbåd, dansk/veneziansk guide, luksusmiddag m.m. vin (læs mere under dag 4)

Vi gør opmærksom på, at SPOTdeal udelukkende er formidler af dette tilbud. Alle spørgsmål vedrørende tilbuddet rettes til GG Tours ApS.

Købet kan ikke fortrydes

Vi henviser i øvrigt til vores generelle vilkår og betingelser, som du finder på .

Sidste chance: 20. november 2021 kl. 23:59

5 dage i Venedig med dansk rejseleder

Om spotdeal.


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Gucci Stores 

Chicago Flagship

900 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois, 60611, United States

In This Location

New york fifth avenue flagship.

725 Fifth Avenue New York, New York, 10022, United States

63 Wooster Street New York, New York, 10012, United States

San Francisco Flagship

240 Stockton Street San Francisco, California, 94108, United States

The Forum Shops at Caesars

3500 Las Vegas Boulevard South The Forum Shops at Caesars, Suite B17A Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109, United States

The Shops at Crystals

3720 South Las Vegas Boulevard The Shops at Crystals, Suite 125B Las Vegas, Nevada, 89158, United States

Beverly Hills Flagship

347 North Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, California, 90210, United States

South Coast Plaza

3333 Bristol Street South Coast Plaza, Suite 2218 Costa Mesa, California, 92626, United States

Houston Galleria I

5015 Westheimer Road The Galleria, Suite A3311 Houston, Texas, 77056, United States

Bal Harbour Shops

9700 Collins Avenue Bal Harbour Shops, Suite 172 Bal Harbour, Florida, 33154, United States

1450 Ala Moana Boulevard Ala Moana Center, Suite 2085 Honolulu, Hawaii, 96814, United States

Gucci Waikiki

2118 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii, 96815, United States

The Shops at The Bravern

700 110th Avenue Northeast Suite 170 Bellevue, Washington, 98004, United States

Nordstrom Downtown Seattle

500 Pine Street Nordstrom Seattle, Washington, 98101, United States

Nordstrom Portland - Handbags

701 SW Broadway Nordstrom Portland, Oregon, 97205, United States

Gucci Portland Pioneer Place

700 Southwest Fifth Avenue Pioneer Place, Space 1032 Portland, Oregon, 97204, United States

Gucci Nordstrom Mall of America

1000 Northwest Court Nordstrom Mall of America Bloomington, Minnesota, 55425, United States

Troy Somerset Collection

2801 W Big Beaver Road Somerset Collection, Space E-144 Troy, Michigan, 48084, United States

Saks Troy - Handbags

2901 W Big Beaver Road Saks Fifth Avenue Troy, Michigan, 48084, United States

Troy Somerset Men's

2801 W Big Beaver Road Somerset Collection, Space C105 Troy, Michigan, 48084, United States

Detroit Library Street

1274 Library Street Detroit, Michigan, 48226, United States

Saks Boston Prudential Center - Handbags

800 Boylston Street Saks Fifth Avenue Prudential Center Boston, Massachusetts, 02199, United States

Boston Copley Place

100 Huntington Avenue Copley Place Boston, Space A019 Boston, Massachusetts, 02116, United States

Fashion Outlets of Chicago

5220 Fashion Outlets Way Suite 2095 Rosemont, Illinois, 60018, United States

Gucci Outlet Wrentham

1 Premium Outlets Boulevard Premium Outlets, Space 545 Wrentham, Massachusetts, 02093, United States

Nordstrom Chicago

55 East Grand Avenue Nordstrom The Shops at North Bridge Chicago, Illinois, 60611, United States

Gucci Oakbrook

295 Oakbrook Center Oak Brook, Illinois, 60523, United States

Saks Beachwood - Handbags

26100 Cedar Road Beachwood Mall Beachwood, Ohio, 44122, United States

Woodbury Common Premium Outlets

302 Red Apple Court, Route 32 Woodbury Commons Premium Outlets Central Valley, New York, 10917, United States

Woodbury Common Premium Outlets Kids

708 Race Track Lane Woodbury Commons Premium Outlet Central Valley, New York, 10917, United States

The Westchester

125 Westchester Avenue The Westchester, Space 1220A-2 White Plains, New York, 10601, United States

Gucci Hamptons

17 Newtown Lane East Hampton, New York, 11937, United States

Paramus Garden State Plaza

1 Garden State Plaza Space 1120 Paramus, New Jersey, 07652, United States

Saks Huntington Station - Handbags

230 Walt Whitman Road Saks Fifth Avenue Walt Whitman Mall Huntington Station, New York, 11746, United States

American Dream

1 American Dream Way American Dream, E154 East Rutherford, New Jersey, 07073, United States

Gucci Saks American Dream

1 American Dream Way, East Rutherford Saks Fifth Avenue - American Dream, Space 5 East Rutherford, New Jersey, 07073, United States

Americana Manhasset

2124 Northern Boulevard Americana Manhasset, New York, 11030, United States

Bloomingdale's New York 59th Street

1000 Third Avenue Bloomingdale's New York, New York, 10022, United States

Saks New York 5th - Mens Ready to Wear

611 Fifth Avenue Saks Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor New York, New York, 10022, United States

Saks New York 5th - Womens Ready to Wear

611 Fifth Avenue Saks Fifth Avenue New York, New York, 10022, United States

Macy's Herald Square

151 West 34th Street New York, New York, 10001, United States

Gucci at Dover Street Market, NY

160 Lexington Avenue Suite 100 New York, New York, 10016, United States

The Mall at Short Hills

1200 Morris Turnpike The Mall at Short Hills, Suite D235 Short Hills, New Jersey, 07078, United States

New York Meatpacking

400 W 14th Street New York, New York, 10014, United States

Bloomingdale's Roosevelt Field

630 Old Country Road Bloomingdales Garden City, New York, 11530, United States

Gucci Brookfield

200 Vesey Street Brookfield Place, Suite 119 New York, New York, 10281, United States

Pittsburgh Ross Park

1000 Ross Park Mall Drive Space C02F Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15237, United States

Columbus Easton

4120 The Strand East Space 328 Columbus, Ohio, 43219, United States

King of Prussia Mall

350 Mall Boulevard King of Prussia Mall, Space 3002 King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, 19406, United States

Indianapolis Keystone

8702 Keystone Crossing Space 07A Indianapolis, Indiana, 46240, United States

Denver Cherry Creek

3000 East 1st Avenue Unit 249 Denver, Colorado, 80206, United States

Gucci Aspen

204 South Galena Street Aspen, Colorado, 81611, United States

Cincinnati Kenwood

7875 Montgomery Road Unit 64 Cincinnati, Ohio, 45236, United States

Westfield Galleria at Roseville

1151 Galleria Boulevard Suite 1067 Roseville, California, 95678, United States

Tysons Galleria

1785M International Drive Tysons Galleria, Space 2224 McLean, Virginia, 22102, United States

Bloomingdale’s Tyson’s Corner

8100 Tysons Corner Center Bloomingdales McLean, Virginia, 22102, United States

City Center DC Washington

1000 I Street NW City Center DC Washington, District of Columbia, 20001, United States

St Louis - Plaza Frontenac

1701 S Lindbergh Boulevard Space 035 St. Louis, Missouri, 63131, United States

Gucci Livermore Outlet

3890 Livermore Outlets Drive Premium Outlets Livermore, California, 94551, United States

SFO Airport Terminal G

San Francisco International Airport, Concourse G, Gate 91, Courtyard 4 San Francisco, California, 94128 , United States

SFO Airport Terminal A

San Francisco International Airport, Boarding Area A San Francisco, California, 94128 , United States

Gucci Valley Fair

2855 Stevens Creek Boulevard Westfield Valley Fair, Suite 1663 Santa Clara, California, 95050, United States

Las Vegas Wynn

3131 Las Vegas Boulevard South Wynn Esplanade, Space D2 Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109, United States

The Shops at Via Bellagio

3600 Las Vegas Boulevard South Space 1113 Las Vegas, Nevada, 89109, United States

Gucci Nashville

2126 Abbott Martin Road The Mall at Green Hills, Suite 265 Nashville, Tennessee, 37215, United States

Charlotte SouthPark

4400 Sharon Road Southpark Mall, Space M19 Charlotte, North Carolina, 28211, United States

Gucci Camarillo

910 Camarillo Center Drive Camarillo Premium Outlet, Suite 812A Camarillo, California, 93010, United States

Westfield Topanga Gucci

6600 Topanga Canyon Boulevard Suite 15 Los Angeles, California, 91303, United States

Gucci Outlet N. Georgia

800 Highway 400 South Space 1075 Atlanta, Georgia, 30534, United States

Bloomingdale's Glendale

103 South Brand Boulevard Bloomingdales Glendale, California, 91210, United States

Glendale - Americana

702 Americana Way Space E-01 Glendale, California, 91210, United States

Gucci Salon Melrose

8409 Melrose Avenue Los Angeles, California, 90069, United States

Beverly Center

8500 Beverly Boulevard Beverly Center, Suite 743 Los Angeles, California, 90048, United States

Los Angeles - The Grove

189 The Grove Drive G-10 Los Angeles, California, 90036, United States

Gucci Osteria da Massimo Bottura Beverly Hills

347 N Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills, California, 90210, United States

Saks Beverly Hills - Handbags

9570 Wilshire Boulevard Saks Fifth Avenue Beverly Hills, California, 90212, United States

Saks Beverly Hills - Womens Ready to Wear

9600 Wilshire Boulevard Saks Fifth Avenue Beverly Hills, California, 90212, United States

Bloomingdale's Century City

10250 Santa Monica Boulevard Bloomingdales Westfield Century City Los Angeles, California, 90067, United States

Los Angeles International Airport, Tom Bradley International Terminal, 380 World Way Los Angeles, California, 90045, United States


48650 Seminole Drive Desert Hills Premium Outlet, Suite 228 Cabazon, California, 92230, United States

Gucci Cabazon Kids Outlet

48650 Seminole Drive Desert Hills Premium Outlet, Suite 1206 Cabazon, California, 92230, United States

Garden at El Paseo

73-585 El Paseo The Shops on El Paseo, Suite 1112 Palm Desert, California, 92260, United States

Bloomingdale's Costa Mesa

3333 South Bristol Street Bloomingdales South Coast Plaza Costa Mesa, California, 92626, United States

Phipps Plaza

3500 Peachtree Road, Northeast Suite D-3, 1F Atlanta, Georgia, 30326, United States

Gucci Atlanta Lenox

3393 Peachtree Road NE Lenox Square Mall, Suite 3033B, 3F Atlanta, Georgia, 30326, United States

Scottsdale Fashion Square

7014 East Camelback Road Fashion Square, Space 1049 Scottsdale, Arizona, 85251, United States

Scottsdale Mens

7014 East Camelback Road Suite 1068 Scottsdale, Arizona, 85251, United States

Legacy West

7801 Windrose Avenue Legacy West, Suite H120 Plano, Texas, 75024, United States

Dallas Galleria

13350 Dallas Parkway Galleria, Suite 1355 Dallas, Texas, 75240, United States

Northpark Center

8687 North Central Expressway NorthPark Center, Suite 526 Dallas, Texas, 75225, United States

Fashion Valley San Diego

7007 Friars Road Fashion Valley, Space 324A San Diego, California, 92108, United States

Fort Worth Clearfork

5174 Monahans Avenue Space E120B Fort Worth, Texas, 76109, United States

Charleston Place

242 King Street Charleston, South Carolina, 29401, United States

Austin - The Domain

11601 Century Oaks Terrace The Domain Mall, Suite 105 Austin, Texas, 78758, United States


4813 River City Drive Suite 143 Jacksonville, Florida, 32246, United States

The Woodlands

9595 Six Pines Drive Suite 607 The Woodlands, Texas, 77380, United States

Saks New Orleans - Handbags

301 Canal Street Saks Fifth avenue - The Shops at Canal Place New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130, United States

Gucci San Marcos Premium Outlets

3939 IH-35 S San Marcos Premium Outlets, Space 955B San Marcos, Texas, 78666, United States

Saks Houston - Handbags

5175 Westheimer Road Saks Fifth Avenue Houston, Texas, 77056, United States

Saks Houston - Womens Ready to Wear

San antonio la cantera.

15900 La Cantera Parkway Space 4467 San Antonio, Texas, 78256, United States

Saks San Antonio North Star Mall - Handbags

7400 San Pedro Avenue Saks Fifth Avenue - North Star Mall, Suite 650 San Antonio, Texas, 78216, United States

The Mall at Millenia

4200 Conroy Road The Mall at Millenia, Suite P281 Orlando, Florida, 32839, United States

Orlando Outlet

8200 Vineland Avenue Premium Outlets, Suite 101 Orlando, Florida, 32821, United States

International Plaza and Bay Street

2223 North West Shore Boulevard International Plaza, Space 268 Tampa, Florida, 33607, United States

The Gardens Mall

3101 PGA Boulevard The Gardens Mall, Space J217 Palm Beach, Florida, 33410, United States

225 Worth Avenue

225 Worth Avenue Suite C Palm Beach, Florida, 33480, United States

Gucci Store Town Center at Boca Raton

6000 Glades Road The Town Center at Boca Raton, Suite 1146 Boca Raton, Florida, 33431, United States

Saks Boca Raton

5800 Glades Road Saks Fifth Avenue Boca Raton, Florida, 33431, United States

Saks Boca Raton - Handbags

Waterside shops.

5435 Tamiami Trail North Waterside Shops, Suite 17 Naples, Florida, 34108, United States

Gucci Sawgrass Outlet

1700 Sawgrass Mills Circle Suite 3601 Sunrise, Florida, 33323, United States

19575 Biscayne Boulevard Aventura Mall, Space 3 Aventura, Florida, 33180, United States

Saks Fifth Avenue Bal Harbour

9700 Collins Avenue Bal Harbour, Florida, 33154, United States

Miami - Design District Men's

89 NE 41st Street Miami, Florida, 33137, United States

Design District

139 NE 41st Street Miami, Florida, 33137, United States

Village of Merrick Park

342 San Lorenzo Avenue Village of Merrick Park Coral Gables, Florida, 33146, United States

Miami- Dadeland

7535 North Kendall Drive Suite 2390A Miami, Florida, 33156, United States

The Shops at Wailea

3750 Wailea Alanui Drive Suite EW9 Wailea, Hawaii, 96753, United States

Gucci Tumon Bay Galleria Guam

1296 Pale San Vitores Road Tumon, 96913, Guam

Gucci Porto Alegre

Iguatemi Porto Alegre, Av. João Wallig, 1800 PORTO ALEGRE, Rio Grande do Sul, 91349-900, BRAZIL

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Chukchansi Gold Resort

Near the majestic splendor of yosemite national park, chukchansi gold resort & casino brings the beauty of the sierra foothills into a world-class destination for gaming, dining and entertainment., san jose/gilroy/los banos line run – thursday.

San Jose – 8:00am,   Park&Ride Camden Ave. at Hwy85

Gilroy – 8:30am,    HomeTown Buffet, 7950 Arroyo Circle

Los Banos – 9:30am,   Walmart, 1575 W. Pacheco Blvd

Salinas Line Run – Sundays

Marina– 8:00am,  Best Buy, at Emjin and 2nd.

Salinas – 8:45am,  Kmart, Laurel and Davis

Made in the USA Matters

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California factory tours | see it made in the usa.

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Take a Made in America California Factory Tour

California is a great place to see guitars being made, visit a winery , or tour a candy factory . You can see a working mill as well as woodworking tools being manufactured, visit a working nut farm, or see where popular tableware is produced.

California Factories That Offer Tours

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Alembic | Rohnert Park, CA

Alembic invites you to visit the factory and see how they make their fine hand-crafted, ready-to-play, and custom basses and guitars. Alembic also produces pre-amps and accessories. Tours are available with advance notice on the first Wednesday of the month

When Alembic started back in 1969, our goal was to create the finest quality American made instruments ever known.  Alembic

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Bates Nut Farm | Valley Center, CA

Educational tours, weekdays from January through September. Spend time on the farm and learn how nuts are grown and harvested, the history of nut agriculture in California, tour the roasting, packaging, and storage area, enjoy a hayride, and more.

#Bates Nut Farm

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Blue Ox Millworks | Eureka, CA

Tour a working mill that has made pieces for made pieces for state parks, historic cathedrals, Russian East Orthodox churches, two governor’s mansions, and even the White House twice. You’ll see all the woodworking trades that have made Blue Ox Millwork famous.

#Blue Ox Millworks

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Heath Ceramics | Sausalito, CA

Visit the sweeping semi-circle factory where Heath Ceramics has been making dinnerware , drinkware , and serveware in the USA since 1959. Factory tour sizes are limited so reservations are required.

#Heath Ceramics

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Intel | Santa Clara, CA

Intel offers self-guided visits, group tours, student tours, and field trips at the Intel Museum where you’ll learn about Intel’s history, the science behind the semiconductor industry, and much more.

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Jet Propulsion Laboratory | Pasadena, CA

Visitor day tours for groups of 10 or less, public group tours, educational tours, and virtual tours. Guests may also visit the von Karman Visitor Center, the Space Flight Operations Facility, and the Spacecraft Assembly Facility.

#Jet Propulsion Laboratory

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Lance Camper Mfg. Corp. | Lancaster, CA.

A behind-the-scenes look at Lance Campers for shoppers, owners, RV enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to learn how Lance campers are made. By appointment, tours are scheduled on the first and third Wednesday of each month.

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Sherline | Vista, CA

Sherline manufactures lathes and woodworking tools at a 66,000-square-foot facility that hosts production, assembly, and administrative offices. They invite visitors to take a factory tour, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays.

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Taylor | El Cajon, CA

Enjoy a showcase of Taylor guitars when you visit the USA headquarters in El Cajon, CA.

#Taylor Guitars

Shop Taylor Guitars on Amazon

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U.S. Borax Visitor Center | Boron, CA

One of the biggest and richest deposits of borax on the planet is buried deep in the Mohave Desert. Take a trip to the visitors center where you’ll get free admission to historical and geological exhibits on the rim of the active borax mine.

More Tours in California

USA Candy Factory & Chocolate Factory Tours

California Chocolate & Candy Factory Tours

Made in the USA Matters has a complete directory of United States chocolate and candy factories that offer tours . Check out the chocolate and candy factory tours in California .

USA Cheese Factory Tours

California Cheese Factory Tours

Made in the USA Matters has a complete directory of United States cheese factories that offer tours . Check out the cheese factory tours in California .

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California Dairy Farm Tours

Made in the USA Matters has a complete directory of United States dairy farm tours . Check out the dairy farm tours in California .

USA Brewery & Distillery Tours

California Distillery and Brewery Tours

Made in the USA Matters has a complete directory of United States distilleries and breweries that offer tours . Check out the distillery and brewery tours in California .

USA Winery Tours

California Vineyard & Winery Tours

Made in the USA Matters has a complete directory of United States vineyards and wineries that offer tours . Check out the vineyard and winery tours in California .

USA Factory Tours

Did we miss a California factory tour? Please share it with our community in the comments below.

USA Dairy Farm Tours

American Dairy Farm Tours | See Dairy Products Made in the USA

USA Cheese Factory Tours

American Cheese Factory Tours | See Cheese Made in the USA

USA Candy Factory Tours

American Chocolate & Candy Factory Tours | See Chocolate & Candy Made in the USA

Potato Chip Factory Tours

American Potato Chip Factory Tours | See Snack Foods Made in the USA

USA Distillery & Brewery Tours

American Distillery & Brewery Tours | See Spirits Made in the USA

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Pin it! California Factory Tours

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Ejerne af GG Tours har arbejdet med rejser siden 2002 og besluttede i 2012 at oprette selskabet GG Tours ApS for at Imødekomme større efterspørgsel på kvalitets rejseprodukter i Danmark, Skandinavien og Europa.

Gennem særaftaler med nogen af de bedste incoming bureauer og hotelkæder I Europa kan vi I dag tilbyde helt unikke rejser til nogen af markedets bedste priser.

GG Tours tilbyder rejser til såvel single rejsende som til hele familien samt designer skræddersyede rejser til grupper og virksomheder alt efter behov. Vore primære rejsedestinationer er Norden, Europa og USA.

Vi arbejder primært med 4 og 5* hoteller, men tilbyder også de bedste 3-stjernede hoteller. Flere af vore rejser udbydes ikke af andre bureauer I Danmark og Skandinavien.

Vi tilbyder følgende rejsetemaer:

Sun Travel: Lækre sol- og strandrejser til Sydeuropa eksempelvis Spanien, Malta, Portugal, Balkan, Italien og Grækenland.

City Breaks – Byrejser til eksempelvis Rom, Firenze, Venedig, Barcelona, Lissabon, Riga, New York m.fl. krydret med forskellige kultur- og gastronomioplevelser.

Villas – Lækre villaer I Tuscana, Sydspanien m.m. inklusive fly og bil – den perfekt løsning for den større familie.

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Vi kalder det Guidet Travel med guide og fuld planlagt program og Flex Travel, hvor du kan sammensætte din egen pakke alt efter behov.

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Apple Arcade

Apple arcade guide: everything available and what’s new.

Avatar for Michael Potuck

Apple Arcade  launched with close to 100 titles and the service is seeing new games added regularly with over 200 games now in the library. Follow along with our guide on all the available Apple Arcade games plus the latest releases.

You can learn more about and download all the latest games by heading to the Arcade tab in the App Store, then swipe down to the very bottom and tap “See All Games.” Also, the newest games are usually listed at the top.

If you haven’t signed up yet, Apple Arcade is available free for the first month, then $7/month for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, and Apple TV (and included in Apple One bundles).

PS5 and Xbox wireless controllers are also compatible with Apple devices and select titles.

Available Apple Arcade games by release date

9/5/24: New for September on Apple Arcade:

  • NFL Retro Bowl ’25
  • Monster Train+
  • Puzzle Sculpt for Vision Pro

Apple also announced these titles will launch on October 3:

  • NBA 2K25 Arcade Edition
  • Food Truck Pup+
  • Furistas Cat Cafe+

8/1/24: Here are the three new games for August:

  • Temple Run: Legends
  • Vampire Survivors+
  • Castle Crumble for Vision Pro

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7/3/24: Four new titles today:

  • Outlanders 2
  • Zen Koi Pro+
  • Punch Kick Duck+
  • Cityscapes: Sim Builder for Vision Pro

6/21/24: Warped Kart Racers has arrived in Apple Arcade for Vision Pro.

6/14/24: No new titles this week but these games have received updates:

Sonic Dream Team

  • Hello Kitty Island Adventure
  • Fruit Ninja Classic+
  • Gear.Club Stradale
  • Jetpack Joyride 2

Check out the App Store > Apple Arcade to see all the recently updated games.

6/6/24: New this week:

  • Rabbids: Legends of the Multiverse
  • Return to Monkey Island+
  • Tomb of the Mask+
  • Fabulous – Wedding Disaster+

Apple Arcade May June release

5/30/24: New this week is Snowman’s popular Where Cards Fall  for Vision Pro.

5/24/24: No new games this week, but these existing Apple Arcade titles have seen updates:

  • Ridiculous Fishing EX
  • Solitaire Stories

BEAST: Bio Exo Arena Suit Team

5/17/24: No new games for this week, but a number of existing Apple Arcade titles have seen updates including:

  • Disney Dreamlight Valley
  • Disney Coloring World+
  • Zookeeper World
  • Castle Crumble

Crayola Create and Play+

  • Crayola Adventures

Apple Arcade will also see updates for the following Hello Kitty Island Adventure ,  WHAT THE CAR? ,  Ridiculous Fishing EX , and more in May.

And June will bring new content in NBA 2K24 , Sonic Dream Team ,  Bloons TD 6+ ,  Crossy Road Castle ,  Disney SpellStruck , and Crayola Create and Play+ .

5/2/24 new releases :

  • A Slight Chance of Sawblades+
  • Summer Pop!
  • Dicey Dungeons+

Apple Arcade A Slight Chance of Sawblades

4/26/24 new releases:

  • 🌈 3D Game World: Play the game in a completely new dynamic 3D environment! 
  • 👩‍👧‍👦 Inclusive Multiplayer: Designed for cooperative platforming chaos across all your favourite Apple devices! 
  • ⭐️ Intuitive Play: Simple and intuitive controls for a relaxing couch-gaming experience! 
  • Easter Eggs: Delightful details only available on the Vision Pro!
  • Solitaire Stories (new for Vision Pro)

4/4/24 new releases:

  • Puyo Puyo Puzzle Pop
  • Sago Mini Trips+
  • Super Monsters Ate My Condo+

3/7/24 new releases:

  • Bloons TD Battles 2+
  • The Battle of Polytopia+

2/4/24: BEAST: Bio Exo Arena Suit Team is a new 3v3 “cosmic shooter” while Words in Progress is a new “word crafting puzzle” game.

Immerse yourself in the cosmic adventure of BEAST! A unique 3V3 online shooter designed for all ages. BEAST combines charm and excitement with intuitive controls. – Unleash your inner champion with our accessible and rewarding shooting mechanics, guaranteeing endless fun and excitement. – Navigate a captivating sci-fi universe as an iconic animal hero. Pilot powerful mechanized armors known as BEASTs, and fight for the honor of your home planet. – Experience dynamic gameplay with the unique ability to switch between your agile PET and mighty BEAST forms, each loaded with their own unique abilities and weapons. – Meet our charismatic roster of heroes: Clyde the crafty cat, Nyx the sharpshooting owl, Rusty the fierce warthog, and GG Nova the eccentric unicorn. Even more diverse characters are waiting for you to discover. – Engage in a variety of exciting game modes such as Payload, Crystal Rush, and Free For All. Each mode promises to add a unique twist, depth, and exhilaration to your battles. – Team up with friends and family in a gaming environment that’s as fun as it is friendly. Victory is all the sweeter when it’s shared. – Compete for ultimate glory, climbing the ranks and dominating the leaderboards against players worldwide. Unleash your inner BEAST, embrace the thrill of victory, and become a true legend in the exhilarating arena of BEAST! Install the game now and prepare for the ultimate battle!

Words in Progress

Word crafting puzzle joy that never wears off! Combine letters to create words. Survive as long as you can in Endless mode, or play against others in Multiplayer! Words in Progress offers: – A unique new word game – Single player endless mode – Multiplayer asynchronous mode – Long and steady learning curve – Clean, cozy and crisp design – Fun for all ages – Multi language support

1/4/24: Tamagotchi Adventure Kingdom

From the most beloved virtual friends franchise of all time comes a new and wonderful journey for all the adventurers out there. Welcome to Tamagotchi Adventure Kingdom! Join our adorable hero Mametchi as he travels far and wide across the world to solve problems, make friends, and use the power of happiness to restore the kingdom. Build and decorate your wilderness camp and invite your most loyal Tamagotchi companions to have fun together.


Cornsweeper is a chill & whimsical, reimagining of a beloved classic. A meditative mind-sweep-em-up; pop delicious popcorn, avoid explosions. Lofi&popcorn.

Blackjack by MobilityWare+

Blackjack by MobilityWare+ is now on Apple Arcade! Experience the thrill of 21 – a popular card game for all players!

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12/5/23: Disney Dreamlight Valley Arcade Edition

Play Disney Dreamlight Valley Arcade Edition on Apple Arcade, which includes full access to the base game and the Expansion Pass Disney Dreamlight Valley: A Rift In Time. Experience this life-sim and adventure game rich with quests, exploration, and engaging activities featuring Disney and Pixar friends, both old and new.
Join Sonic and friends as they dive deep into a bizarre world of dreams! Unravel an original and captivating storyline while taking command of six dynamic playable characters. With their unique abilities, dash, climb and fly your way to victory against infamous Eggman! Get ready to race through mind-bending dream worlds that include wall-running, gravity changes, and more! Your mission: fight to rescue your friends and battle Eggman for control of an ancient artifact that can make dreams come true.

Puzzle & Dragons Story

The definitive Puzzle RPG! Embark on an epic fantasy adventure driven by match-3 puzzle play! Recruit allies, improve your teams, and conquer dungeons! Downloaded over 90 million times worldwide, PUZZLE & DRAGONS is the definitive Puzzle RPG.
Turmoil+ offers players a visually charming, tongue-in-cheek take on the simulation genre inspired by the 19th century oil rush in North America. Get a taste of the rush and rivalry of the time as you earn your way to become a successful oil entrepreneur. As you make money digging up and selling oil, the town will grow along with you.

11/24/23: Delicious – Miracle of Life+ is the latest release.

Experience a time management story game with Delicious – Miracle of Life+! This fan-favorite game from the Delicious series is now available on Arcade, bringing you exciting time management levels, a heartwarming story and interesting characters in one game. Join Emily on her journey as she starts her cooking video blog with delicious family recipes and receives the heartwarming news that she’s expecting a baby with her husband, Patrick. As they prepare for the new addition to their family and manage their busy lives, they could use a helping hand, and that’s where you come in!

11/17/23: Downwell+ has arrived on Apple Arcade. It’s a retro-style action game “about a person venturing down a well in search of untold treasures with only his Gunboots for protection.”

The Amazing Gunboots – The fashionable and lethal Gunboots allow players to unleash a torrent of firepower on the nasty creatures dwelling in the well and slow your decent with each shot. Unique Weapons & Items – Get different weapons, shop for peculiar items and obtain powerful upgrades that all stack and affect the way you play! A New Adventure Every Time – Each level in Downwell is procedurally generated, so no two trips down the well are ever the same providing a fresh new adventure each time!

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11/6/23: Football Manager 2024 Touch has arrived with “new features and gameplay upgrades.”

The world’s greatest soccer management simulation returns to Apple Arcade for a new season with Football Manager 2024 Touch. Chase instant glory as the boss of one of the world’s best clubs or import your existing career from Football Manager 2023 Touch to continue your progress – the choice is yours. New features and gameplay upgrades empower you to elevate your team’s performances this season, shape a title-winning culture and inspire your players on the biggest stages.

gg tours venedig

11/3/23: Knotwords+ by Zach Gage “is a minimal and elegant logic puzzle – with words.”

The rules are simple: arrange the letters in each section so every word is valid, across and down. Each puzzle may seem difficult at first — but like all my favorite newspaper puzzles, it gets easier as you progress. Each step guides you naturally towards the solution. This is the kind of game I’ve been trying to make my whole career — I’m amazed Jack and I discovered this design. We hope you like it.

Apple Arcade Knotwords+

10/24/23: NBA2K24 Arcade Edition has landed on Apple Arcade as a major new release:

Enjoy new ways to play at home and on the go with the latest installment of the world-renowned NBA 2K franchise, exclusively available on Apple Arcade! Step into the shoes of your very own NBA Superstar with MyCAREER, play games to earn fans and unlock endorsements with iconic brands such as Nike, Jordan, or Adidas. Unlock NBA Legends to join your streetball squad and take on the AI and earn VCs that you can use to unlock new shoes, accessories, outfits, and tattoos for the first time on Apple Arcade. Challenge new GOATs in the Greatest mode and unlock a whole new lineup of NBA Superstars and Legends. Build the team of your wildest dreams and take on other GOAT squads in the ultimate showdown with the greatest fantasy team challenge. Think you’ve got what it takes to call the shots? Put your head coach skills to the test in Association mode with SimCast Live. Oversee your team’s strategy and lead your NBA franchise to victory! Sit courtside with Spectator mode, or play games matching the NBA season with NBA Today. And here’s the kicker – it’s not just about the game; it’s also about your style! You can now customize your indoor MyCOURT, hone your skills, and then invite your friends via Game Center to witness your greatness!

Apple Arcade NBA 2K24 Arcade Edition

10/20/23: Crossword Jam+ “is a word search game like no other. With fresh daily word challenges that make you think hard, you won’t be able to stop! Simply swipe and connect the letters to find the words and boost your vocabulary!”

10/13/23: The popular physics-based puzzle franchise Cut the Rope is back with its third release exclusively on Apple Arcade. Here’s what to expect with Cut the Rope 3 :

This newest chapter in the global Cut the Rope franchise whisks you away into a vibrant and immersive world. The key to travelling is in the stars, but how to collect them? The restless Nibble Nom is ready to help – if you think of a way to guide him through the stars. Work it out! Start on this exhilarating journey today!

Apple Arcade Cut the Rope 3

10/6/23: Jeopardy! World Tour+ has landed Apple Arcade this week.

Bring America’s Favorite Quiz Show® straight to your fingertips, delivering an authentic Jeopardy! game show trivia experience like never before. Play the official Jeopardy! World Tour+ mobile game, now available on Apple Arcade! Prepare to train your brain, enhance your IQ, and rise to stardom as the ultimate game show quiz champion!

9/29/23: Cypher 007 arrives as a top-down action-adventure set in the world of James Bond as he tries to break free from a mental prison:

Cypher 007 – Experience the world of Agent 007 like never before. A top-down action adventure game inspired by 60 years of Spycraft, Cypher 007 will put players in the shoes of James Bond as you revisit some of his most iconic moments. The criminal mastermind Blofeld and head of Spectre has once again hatched a plan to sabotage his archenemy James Bond. This time he has utilized brainwashing techniques known as ‘The Mind Trap,’ holding Bond captive in a mental prison in an attempt to turn him into the ultimate double agent. Play as Agent 007 on his most challenging mission yet – escape the Mind Trap, defeat Blofeld, and put an end to the CYPHER program.

Apple Arcade Cypher 007

9/22/23: Junkworld TD (tower defense) has arrived on Apple Arcade and brings “daring adventures, perilous terrain, and dubious companions.”

Command the resourceful Scavenger clan as they survive the mayhem of epic post-apocalyptic battles. Deploy your strategy by using towers, special units and gadgets, as you train amazing crazy-looking heroes. Place your towers wherever you want, the whole map is your tactical playground!

Apple Arcade Junkworld TD

9/15/23: Japanese Rural Life Adventure gives you the experience of “slow living in the Japanese countryside.”

Fix up an old house, make the yard nice, grow your own crops, and become self-sufficient. View the cherry blossoms in the spring; attend the festival in the summer; eat roasted sweet potatoes in the fall; hear the temple bell ring in winter, and then it’s time for the first shrine visit of the New Year.

Apple Arcade Japanese Rural

9/8/23: My Talking Angela 2+ is a popular virtual pet game from the makers of the popular My Talking Tom franchise.

My Talking Angela 2+ is the virtual pet game that makes every day more stylish and fun. Players help this fashionable cat stay busy in her big-city home. Awesome hair, makeup and fashion choices Epic activities, like dancing, baking, and martial arts Delicious food and snacks Jet-setting travel options Mini-games and puzzles test skills and reflexes All-new sticker collections

8/29/23: Samba de Amigo is a rhythm game that first launched in arcades back in 1999 before arriving on Dreamcast in 2000. Now Sega has brought back the popular franchise with the new Samba de Amigo: Party-To-Go on Apple Arcade.

It’s time to shake it on center stage in this vibrant rhythm action game. Join Amigo and his friends in an all-new Samba de Amigo that takes the party wherever you go! Shake it with your maracas and groove to 40 hit songs from the world’s most popular genres, with even more on the way! Shake and groove to exclusive songs: “The Edge of Glory” by Lady Gaga “DADDY” by PSY “The Walker” by Fitz and the Tantrums Embark on a quest with Amigo to return lost music to the world! Explore Amigo’s hometown and complete challenges Meet new characters

Samba de Amigo Apple Arcade

8/25/23: finity. is a handcrafted matching game with limited moves.

A few rules lead to endless strategy, flow, and exciting close calls. Tiles wrap around. Slide rows or columns to match 3. Moves are limited, so think carefully! Climb the leaderboards as you level up your skills to unlock challenging special tiles, power ups, and new themes to suit your mood in Classic Mode. Or swipe over to Tempo Mode and get lost in music while you make swift matches and find your flow.

Apple Arcade finity

8/18/23: Kingdoms: Merge & Build is a soothing merge-2 experience blended with kingdom-building gameplay in this story-rich adventure exclusive to Apple Arcade!

The kingdom needs your help! During the king’s absence, a mysterious magical power destroyed the kingdom. Now it’s up to Prince Edward, Desmond, Megan, and other friends to rebuild the land and restore it to its former glory. Embark on this magical adventure and unfold its mystery.

Apple Arcade Kingdoms: Merge & Build

8/10/23: Neograms+ is an “adorable cat puzzle game.”

7/28/23: Hello Kitty Island Adventure is an all-new game from the popular franchise that lets players “restore an abandoned island to its former glory.”

Welcome to Big Adventures Park, where friendships are key and adventure is just around the corner! Join your supercute new friends in a gorgeous world teeming with adorable creatures, delicious food, and many mysteries to explore.

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7/21/23: Stardew Valley+ the award-winning farming role-playing/simulator has arrived on Apple Arcade.

Move to the countryside, and cultivate a new life in this award-winning open-ended farming RPG! With over 50+ hours of gameplay content and new Mobile-specific features, such as auto-save and multiple controls options.

Apple Arcade Stardew Valley

7/14/23: Ridiculous Fishing EX   is an updated version of the popular original that’s launched on Apple Arcade.

Follow Billy as he tries to find redemption from his uncertain past. Chase your destiny on the high seas and embark on a heroic quest for gills and glory. An all-new 3D Ridiculous Fishing built from the ground up by the original award-winning team, with new features…


7/7/23: LEGO DUPLO WORLD+ and Slay the Spire+   have launched on Apple Arcade.

First up, the popular kids’ app LEGO DUPLO WORLD+ brings lots of value by unlocking what’s normally up to $40 of in-app purchases.

Now on Arcade, LEGO® DUPLO® WORLD+ is packed with open-ended play experiences featuring animals, buildings, exciting vehicles, and trains to inspire your child’s imagination and creativity through learning.

Meanwhile, Slay the Spire+ is a “Deckbuilding Dungeon Crawl” that earned the accolade of “Best Strategy Game” in 2019 from IGN.

6/30/23: Millionaire Trivia: TV Game+   brings the hit “Who Wants to Be A Millionaire” to Apple Arcade with no ads or in-app purchases.

Apple Arcade Millionaire

6/23/23: Retro Bowl+   has landed as the newest title on Apple Arcade title.

Get your hands on everything that made RETRO BOWL a #1 App Store hit – the glorious retro style and the simple roster management, including press duties and the handling of fragile egos, while on the field you get to call the shots. Can you pass the grade and take your team all the way to the ultimate prize? Can you win the Retro Bowl?

Apple Arcade Retro Bowl

6/16/23: Jet Dragon   lets players “Step through space and time into the world of Venerusa, where dragon racers soar the skies.”

Developer GREZZO says Jet Dragon features “intuitive races, formidable rivals, challenging courses,” and more.

Apple Arcade Jet Dragon

6/9/23: Bold Moves+   is a word puzzle game that integrates “serene scenes, challenging levels, daily/weekly events, and inspirational quote puzzles.”

Apple Arcade Bold Moves+

Also, Kimono Cats has received an update with a new level, minigame, achievements, items, and more.

5/4/23:  Apple debuted the second-biggest expansion in a single day with 20 new games landing on the platform. Here’s everything new:

  • TMNT Splintered Fate
  • Cityscapes: Sim Builder
  • Disney SpellStruck
  • Temple Run+
  • Chess Universe+
  • Disney Getaway Blast+
  • Farming Simulator 20+
  • Getting Over It+
  • Hill Climb Racing+
  • Iron Marines+
  • Kingdom Two Crowns+
  • My Town Home – Family Games+
  • Octodad: Dadliest Catch+
  • Very Little Nightmares+

Apple Arcade major expansion

4/28/23: Grand Mountain Adventure+   is this week’s release on Apple Arcade.

Get ready to explore vast open-world mountains and ski resorts in this skiing and snowboarding adventure. With complete freedom to go wherever you want, you can land the biggest cliff drop, freeride down a steep chute, clip the gates in a narrow slalom track, stomp the perfect park run, or simply enjoy the feeling of fresh pow.

4/21/23: Summon Quest   is a new “Shoot and loot” strategy game with 60 levels.

A rift has broken in our world, now crawling with monsters. It’s up to you to heal this rift and save the planet. Shoot, stack up skills, and fight your way through different regions each with unique enemies, challenges, bosses, and themes.

Apple Arcade Summon Quest

4/7/23: Doctor Who: An Unlikely Heist  – an official Doctor Who game – brings a “thrilling new story and challenging puzzle gameplay into an epic adventure across time and space.”

3/31/23: Human: Fall Flat+   is a funny and “light-hearted” physics puzzle platformer with both solo and multiplayer play.

3/24/23: Clue: The Classic Mystery Game+ is now available to download on Apple Arcade. This is the original Hasbro Board game that’s adapted for iPhone and iPad.

3/17/23: Osmos+ is a mesmerizing and immersive physics-based “cosmic game of survival.” The game has won a long list of accolades including Apple’s Design Award and iPad Game of the Year plus similar top awards from IGN, Pocket Gamer, and more.

If you’ve played before this is a fun time to revisit it, if you haven’t tried it, you’ve gotta give it a shot 😁.

Enter the Darwinian world of a galactic mote. Grow by absorbing smaller motes—but beware of being absorbed yourself. “Osmos+ features unique physics-based play, stellar graphics, and a hypnotic ambient soundtrack. Navigate through floating playgrounds, competitive petri dishes, deep solar systems, and more. The key is to balance mass and movement: to propel yourself you must eject matter behind you, causing you to shrink. Use it wisely. Whether you’re a child at heart who likes mucking about with single-cell organisms, or a strategist with a physics degree, this game is for you.

Apple Arcade Osmos

3/3/23: Kimono Cats   features “charming fun” set at a Japanese “matsuri” festival.

2/24/23: Lifeline+   is a unique and immersive narrative experience about survival and perseverance:

“Lifeline pioneered a new narrative experience enabled by modern devices. This story plays out in real time as Taylor works to stay alive, notifications deliver new messages throughout your day. Keep up as they come in, or catch up later when you’re free.

Or, dive in and jump back to earlier points in the story, and see what happens when you make a different choice. Simple actions can have a profound effect. Complete any single path to restart the story and unlock this mode.

Lifeline is a deep, immersive story of survival and perseverance, with many possible outcomes. Taylor is relying on YOU.”

Apple Arcade Lifeline+

2/17/23: Farmside has arrived on Apple Arcade to let you “build your dream farm!”

2/10/23: Riptide GP: Renegade+   hydrojet racing is now available on Apple Arcade:

“Experience the future of illicit hydrojet racing, where armored riders kick out death-defying stunts over massive waterfalls, dodge cops through public waterways, and boost at breakneck speeds across surging waves.”

2/3/23:  Blast your way through 3D physics puzzler   Castle Crumble   with “powerful explosives and mystical spells.”

1/27/23: Squiggle Drop   makes players use “creativity and imagination to solve charming physics puzzles by drawing a single shape and watching what unfolds!”

1/20/23: Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On! has landed on Apple Arcade this week with its unique take on Solitaire.

1/13/23:  Illustrated arrives as the new game on Apple Arcade this week with an immersive puzzle experience to play on your own or with up to three others.

1/6/23:  Role-playing title Episode XOXO aims to let “you live your stories with love, romance, adventure, and drama.”

12/16/22:  GameLoft has launched a new adventure title featuring mini-games with My Little Pony: Mane Merge .

“RESTORE EQUESTRIA Now that magic has returned to Equestria, darkness has fallen across the world. Explore, unlock, and uncover magical locations. Clear the darkness, defend magic, and rescue ponies and critters alike.

MERGE MAGIC Fulfill everyponies’ wishes by merging and making items. Complete Wishes to restore the lands of Equestria to glory. Let your sparkle burn bright and do your part, hoof to heart!

CRYSTAL BRIGHTHOUSE This is the new home of the Mane 5 and their mare-velous mini-games. The former lighthouse of Maretime Bay has been rebuilt, renovated, and re-energized.

COLLECT-A-THON Complete challenges and achievements to collect stickers and fill out your Sticker Book. There are over 120+ stickers to collect, so trot to it!

WEEKLY CHALLENGES Try your hoof at the weekly challenges; feed the hungry critter in Feeding Frenzy or look for Sparky Sparkeroni in Find Sparky.”

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12/9/22:  After the first JellyCar launched in 2008, the original developer worked with Disney to create JellyCar 2 and 3. However, those were discontinued in 2014.

Now eight years later, creator Walaber has returned with JellyCar Worlds .

“Jelly Car? The JELLY-EST Car! The classic driving/platforming game is back! After over 10 years, finally a new modern JellyCar game is here!

Tactile Soft-Body Physics Gameplay Your car is made of Jelly. So is the world! Utilize this and your various abilities (Grow, Balloon, Sticky Tires, Rocket, and more) to navigate the levels and find the exit!

Imaginative and Playful Design Journey through multiple worlds, each with its own theme and gameplay mechanics.

A Living Flipbook The sounds and visuals combine to give the experience of a flipbook animation come to life.

Customization Aplenty Cap it off by designing your own car designs, and even recording your own sound effects! Unlock more designs, brushes and stencils as you play.

I Remember This Game From My Childhood! Yay! The original creator (Walaber) is back and developing this all-new, modern rendition of the classic JellyCar gameplay.”

Apple Arcade JellyCar Worlds

12/2/22:  Side-scroller action title Dead Cells+ has arrived on Apple Arcade.

“Play as a failed alchemic experiment and explore the sprawling, ever-changing castle to find out what happened on this gloomy island…! That is, assuming you’re able to fight your way past its keepers.

Dead Cells+ is a roguevania action platformer that will require you to master frantic 2D combat with a wide variety of weapons and skills against merciless minions and boss.”

Dead Cells Apple Arcade

11/25/22:  SpongeBob SolitairePants is the latest exclusive release for Apple Arcade that brings a twist to the classic card game.

“SpongeBob has discovered solitaire and he can’t wait to share it with you and every citizen of Bikini Bottom! SolitairePants is played across a square play area. It is easy to learn but you will need to play strategically to clear every card.”

The game includes Quest, Multiplayer, and Classic modes with the ability to collect a variety of decks and have fun with daily competitions.

gg tours venedig

11/18/22: The Skate City   update brings a new level with 21 fresh challenges and 30 new goals.

“Welcome to the streets of Venice beach! Soak up the sun as you skate along the shores of this legendary spot. Drop into world famous skate parks, bomb hills through the suburbs or flex your way through muscle beach.

Venice brings over 21 fresh challenges to complete along with our smooth new tutorial in Skate Academy for Newcomers. Head over to Free Skate for unlimited sessions and complete all 30 new goals for even more Skate Cred!”

Old Man’s Journey+   is the newest release on Apple Arcade.

“A soul-searching adventure about life’s precious moments, broken dreams, and changed plans.

Entrenched in a beautifully sunkissed and handcrafted world, embark on a heartfelt journey interwoven with lighthearted and pressure-free puzzle solving.”

Apple Arcade Skate City and Old Man's Journey

11/11/22:  Sega’s  Football Manager 2023 Touch is the newest title on Apple Arcade:

“The world’s favourite sports management game debuts on Apple Arcade. Feel the thrill of being a soccer manager, developing elite talent and winning soccer’s top prizes.

Bringing our 3D Match Engine to iPhone for the first time, Football Manager 2023 Touch delivers the most authentic football management experience in handheld gaming.

It’s time for you to join the managerial elite. With more than 120 leagues from the world’s biggest footballing nations at your fingertips, where will you find your perfect club?”

Football Manager 2023 Touch

11/4/22: App Store Editors’ Choice-winner  Battleheart Legacy+ RPG has arrived on Apple Arcade.

10/28/22:  “Simple rules, challenging solutions” is the tagline for the embroidered puzzle game  Stitch.

10/14/22: “Control time in surreal worlds” in the adventure title The Gardens Between+ .

10/7/22:  Spider Solitaire: Card Game+ and Gin Rummy Classic+  from developer MobilityWare are the newest releases on Apple Arcade.

9/30/22: GRIS+ – Serene and evocative adventure

“Gris is a hopeful young girl lost in her own world, dealing with a painful experience in her life. Her journey through sorrow is manifested in her dress, which grants new abilities to better navigate her faded reality. As the story unfolds, Gris will grow emotionally and see her world in a different way, revealing new paths to explore using her new abilities.

GRIS+ is a serene and evocative experience, free of danger, frustration or death. Players will explore a meticulously designed world brought to life with delicate art, detailed animation, and an elegant original score. Through the game light puzzles, platforming sequences, and optional skill-based challenges will reveal themselves as more of Gris’s world becomes accessible.”

Apple Arcade GRIS+

9/23/22: Shovel Knight Dig – Action-packed adventure

“When Drill Knight and his dastardly digging crew blast apart Shovel Knight’s peaceful campsite and steal his loot, he grabs his trusty Shovel Blade and starts tunneling after them! Meet new friends and foes, visit strange lands, and outfit yourself in your quest to keep the entire land from collapsing underfoot! Jump, slash, and dig your way down an ever-changing chasm of mystery in Shovel Knight Dig, an all-new Shovel Knight adventure!”

Apple Arcade Shovel Knight Dig

9/16/22:  Garden Tails: Match and Grow  – A relaxing puzzle game

9/9/22: Horizon Chase 2

“FEEL THE ARCADE RACING SPIRIT Horizon Chase 2 is the evolution of the award-winning racing franchise. Born under the arcade sign, this game will fulfill your senses through immersive and high-speed gameplay. This is the golden era of arcade racing brought back over a modern and completely evolved experience.

TRULY CLASSIC GAMEPLAY The classic 90’s signature gameplay stands out to keep your fingers in tight control of the cars. Forget complex setups: you are a few steps from overtakes, forks, and nitrous. Dodge your rivals without a wink. Easy to pick up and play, but hard to master, this game demands sharp racing skills and quick reflexes to beat your opponents and cross the finish line.

ALL-IN MULTIPLAYER Bring your crew to the race! You can play every game mode in online chases with your friends. Assemble a crew with other players to progress together or compete head-to-head with players around the world. Wherever you are, it’s always time to have endless fun in a new era of arcade racing.

THE ART OF TOURING Race around an entirely 3D world, touring a unique art style. From the vibrant colors of each landscape to the immersive conditions of different weathers, all enhanced by a thrilling soundtrack made by Barry Leitch, this game evolves the arcade experience to a state of art. New horizons will steer you to the beauty of a stunning and inviting visual trip with no return.

PLAY THE GARAGE GAME Red or blue? Stars or flames? When visiting the Garage Shop you can customize your car to make it as yours as possible. Collect new cosmetic items, and upgrade your stats throughout the World Tour. Race in different Game Modes and keep on the cycle of getting new visual rewards. Winning was never so worth it.

PLAY IT. REPLAY IT. Horizon Chase 2 was born to be live. Dynamic evergreen events will let you hone your skills and show off your rides. Major Updates will bring up new rewards. Different Game Modes will take you to the next level of challenge. Every day is an excellent reason to come back and race.”

9/2/22: Hanx101 Trivia

“Become a trivia master with Hanx101 Trivia! Test your knowledge across multiple categories from history to math, geography to food – the questions keep coming! Beat your own high score or challenge others in head-to-head trivia stand-offs or team play. Available exclusively on Apple Arcade.

  • Journey through the Hanx101 mode and face 101 trivia questions to prove you are a trivia master. Right answers in a row multiply your score!
  • Play head-to-head, or team up for competitive trivia showdowns
  • Earn wildcards to power up your trivia game and overcome your opponents while battling through tens of thousands of trivia questions
  • Learn a new fun fact every time you play

Tom Hanks is challenging you to Hanx101 Trivia! Play, learn, compete, and become a trivia master!”

Apple Arcade Hanx101 Trivia

8/26/22: Love You to Bits+

“Love You to Bits+ is a charmingly cute, purely visual, puzzle-filled, point-and-click, sci-fi adventure spanning all around the universe. Players follow the journey of Kosmo, a clumsy, rookie space explorer in search of Nova, his robot girlfriend. After a fatal accident, Nova’s pieces are scattered across outer space, so now it’s up to Kosmo to retrieve all of Nova’s bits, rebuild her, and get back together. Explore the strangest worlds and planets, full of fantastic aliens, space-time puzzles, and hidden objects to collect. As they complete levels, players will discover Kosmo and Nova’s heartbreaking love story.”

Apple Arcade Love You to Bits+

8/19/22:  Popular endless side-scroller Jetpack Joyride is back in an all-new “frantic adventure.” Jetpack Joyride 2 is available now on Apple Arcade!

“Barry returns in a frantic adventure!

In this case, he will have new equipment and weapons to fight new enemies and make his way through the laboratory to stop the scientists’ experiments before it is too late.

The evolved adventure of Jetpack Joyride with new HD graphics, new animations, new mechanics and a new way of playing.”

Apple Arcade Jetpack Joyride 2

8/12/22:  Talking Tom+ has arrived on Apple Arcade which means all the fun and no ads or in-app purchases for the hit simulator.

“It’s Talking Tom, the virtual pet cat who loves to chat.

Talking Tom is the cat making every day a fun adventure.

Players adopt this virtual pet, keep him happy and help him explore his world.”

  • Talking Tom can really talk
  • Fashion and furniture items to collect
  • Mini games add action, adventure and fun
  • Travel destinations are waiting to be explored
  • Photo albums to be filled with memories

Apple Arcade Talking Tom

8/5/22:  Amazing Bomberman is an all-new title in the popular action franchise. The new Apple Arcade release features 1-4 multiplayer fun with “excellent music and visual effects.”

“‘Bomberman’ the icon of competitive action games is now available on Apple Arcade! Amazing Bomberman is a new Bomberman game with excellent music and visual effects. Enjoy thrilling battles on the stages that change to the rhythm of the music.”

  • Easy to play, enjoy online battles anytime, anywhere!
  • Fusion of Bomberman with music!? Play through the stages that change to the rhythm of the music.
  • Many of the songs were written especially for Amazing Bomberman!!
  • Practice mode for solo player.
  • Exciting battles between friends in “FRIEND BATTLE” mode!
  • Join battles and collect items for customization

'Amazing Bomberman' coming this Friday to Apple Arcade

7/29/22: Kingdom Rush Vengeance TD+ is the latest title on Apple Arcade available for iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

“Get ready to jump into action and show the Kingdom who’s the real boss in the best tower defense game!

Face empires of mighty enemies. Clash against supreme bosses, unlocking and switching to new towers. Train legendary heroes and get all the achievements using your strategy in this amazing TD game.

Kingdom Rush Vengeance will give you hours and hours of gameplay in the best tower defense game available!”

Apple Arcade Kingdom Rush

7/22/22:  HEROish is the newest game to land on Apple Arcade and it’s another exclusive to the service. Here’s how developer Sunblink describes it:

“Play as one of six epic heroes, summon troops, sling spells, and destroy enemy towers to achieve victory in this exciting head-to-head castle defense game. Players can enjoy single-player adventures with three campaigns filled with campy storytelling, sweeping musical scores, and hand-crafted environments. Or they can dive into fast-paced battles with friends and family in competitive 1v1 or 2v2 matches. Players can build custom decks and upgrade cards to create monstrous combinations of troops and spells as they aim to defeat their opponents, destroy the Soul Gem that gives them power, and move to the top of the leaderboards.”

Apple Arcade HEROish

7/15/22:  Coming as an Apple Arcade exclusive, the new Subway Surfers Tag is now available . Here’s how developer Sybo Games describes the new installment in the popular franchise:

“Challenge Guard in off-limit areas including the Railyard, Park, Docks, and Underground


Join the Crew across multiple off-limit, interactive city locations. Skate over the retired trains in the railyard, play in the park after dark, pick up some power-ups at the cargo docks or investigate the mysterious underground. But watch out! Guard is not about to put up with these shenanigans and is hot on your heels – and this time, he’s brought reinforcements!


Chase your high score! Free skate across the arena, grinding rails, landing jumps, tagging objectives and blasting the clean up crew bots to gain sweet combo point action. Avoid Guard and his clean-up-crew as they chase you down to put an end to this foolishness.”

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7/8/22: Samorost 3+ – Peculiar cosmic journey

7/1/22: My Bowling 3D+  – Realistic bowling

6/24/22:   Air Twister – Swipe Shooting

6/17/22 : Cooking Mama: Cuisine!  – Master the Kitchen

6/10/22:  Disney Jigsaw Puzzle by MobilityWare+ is the latest arrival on Apple’s gaming service. It features more than 25,000 puzzles with your favorite Disney and Hasbro characters, and much more.

Jigsaw Puzzle by MobilityWare+ features the largest, most beautiful collection of jigsaw puzzles ranging from iconic brands like Disney, Hasbro, and many more. With numerous categories and genres to choose from, “Jigsaw Puzzle” features over 25,000 puzzles with players sorting and moving the pieces around on the board, and filling in the edges, just like the real thing. Only now, players can take the puzzle with them anywhere they go.

Apple Arcade games 6/10

6/3/22:  Frogger is on a new adventure with a 3D puzzle-solving challenge, Frogger and the Rumbling Ruins .

Make your way through puzzle-ridden ruins and unravel the mysteries of the Ancient Salientians. Guide Frogger through the ruins by manipulating the terrain! Simple and intuitive three-dimensional puzzles. More than 100 stages with all sorts of traps and enemies! And in the deepest parts of the ruins, will a ferocious boss battle await? A fun and friendly story with a group of unique friends. Add all treasures found in the ruins to your collection!


5/27/22:  After bringing Pro Snooker & Pool 2022+ to Apple Arcade, iWare Designs has launched its popular Pro Darts 2022+ on the platform today.

Meanwhile, the fun and educational Crayola Create and Play+ for kids has received its biggest update (this happens to be one of my five-year-old’s favorite games along with Pok Pok ).

Pro Darts 2022+

With fully textured 3D game environments, specialist custom boards for standard and more obscure game types, and millions of possible dart component combinations, Pro Darts 2022 is the complete package for both casual and serious gamers. The simple ‘swipe to throw’ interface combined with an innovative adjustable ‘player assist’ system allows everyone from novices to pros to pick up and play the game instantly at their own skill level.
It’s a brand new day in Crayola Create & Play! Explore an all-new creative world, where everything is interactive! Let your imagination run wild as you decorate, build, and play in your own unique world. All of your favorite creative activities are here — plus some exciting new ones! Stroll down Main Street, hike through the woods, roam into a colorful jungle, down into sparkling caves, or fly up into the clouds. And just for fun, bring your pets along for a ride aboard the Imagination Express, it’ll take you anywhere you want to go! For the first time, players can also craft one-of-a-kind rocketships and kites in the new Craftables activity! Looking for even more inspiration? Go on a special QUEST to find all of the limited-time Spring items!

Apple Arcade new games 5-27

5/20/22:  Warped Kart Racers is an exclusive new Apple Arcade game in the style of Mario Kart.

Race and battle – solo or multiplayer – with the stars from American Dad!, Family Guy, King of the Hill and Solar Opposites! Get warped into the ultimate kart racing game – by yourself, or multiplayer – featuring the stars of 20th Television’s hit animated shows: American Dad!, Family Guy, King of the Hill and Solar Opposites! Experience iconic locations and even some surprise ones in your quest for karting glory! TAKE CONTROL of one of 20 playable characters and beat your friends in riotous races and brutal battles Master RACING AND BATTLING across 16 maps drawn from fan-favorite episodes Play an extensive SINGLE PLAYER campaign, or compete in 8-player MULTIPLAYER matches Complete DAILY CHALLENGES to unlock new CHARACTERS, SKINS, KARTS and CUSTOMIZATIONS


 5/13/22:  Whether it’s been a while since you’ve picked it up or have never played, the wildly popular, random, and hilarious  Goat Simulator+  is now available on Apple Arcade.

Goat Simulator is the latest in goat simulation technology, bringing next-gen goat simulation to YOU. You no longer have to fantasize about being a goat, your mobile dreams have finally come true! Gameplay-wise, Goat Simulator is all about causing as much destruction as you possibly can as a goat. It has been compared to an old-school skating game, except instead of being a skater, you’re a goat, and instead of doing tricks, you wreck stuff. more! When it comes to goats, not even the sky is the limit, as you can probably just bug through it and crash the game. DISCLAIMER Goat Simulator is a completely stupid game and, to be honest, you should probably spend your money on something else, such as a hula hoop, a pile of bricks, or maybe pool your money together with your friends and buy a real goat. KEY FEATURES * You can be a goat * Get points for wrecking stuff – brag to your friends that you’re the alpha goat * MILLIONS OF BUGS! We’re only eliminating the crash-bugs, everything else is hilarious and we’re keeping it * In-game physics that bug out all the time * Seriously look at that goat’s neck * You can be a goat

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5/6/22:  Badland Party  has launched on Apple Arcade with both single and multiplayer action.

Discover the next game in the multi-award-winning hit series that follows Apple’s Game of the Year and Design Award winning BADLAND and BADLAND 2, enjoyed by over 150 million players around the world. Badland Party continues its creators quest to perfect atmospheric side-scrolling adventures with stunning graphics and innovative physics-based gameplay. Witness the award-winning series take the visual allure another step forward, introduce dozens of new characters to play with and allow friends to play together in both local and online multiplayer modes. Or enjoy a single player adventure together with an AI companion. Survive through multiple new worlds, take down giant machines in epic boss-fights, co-operate to solve multiplayer puzzles, roll, fly, swim and dive through the beautiful lush world of Badland and help save the Clones from the heinous contraptions of the machine kind. Whether you play solo or with friends & family, Badland Party’s elegant controls and frequent checkpoints make it easy to pick up and enjoy. Yet, the wealth of missions, achievements and weekly challenges will impress even the most hardcore players.

gg tours venedig

4/29/22:  Prune has received high praise over the years for delivering a creative and unique experience that’s both addictive and soothing. Now it’s available on Apple Arcade.

Prune is a love letter to trees. A game about the beauty and joy of cultivation. With a swipe of a finger, grow and shape your tree into the sunlight while avoiding the dangers of a hostile world. Bring life to a forgotten landscape and uncover a story hidden deep beneath the soil. A unique digital plant for your pocket Beautiful, minimalist art and a super clean interface—it’s just you and the trees Meditative music and sound design for you to zen out to No IAP, no monetization strategy, no currencies Share screenshots of your unique tree creations with friends Synchronize progress across all your devices

Apple Arcade new game 4-29

4/22/22:  Moonshot – A Journey Home is a new physics-based slingshot space adventure on Apple Arcade. It features 126 different levels across 7 worlds with weekly challenges and over 35 different skins and 50 achievements to unlock.

Moonshot is a physics-based puzzle game where you play as Moon Pi, a young moon separated from Mother Earth. Using slingshot mechanics and navigational puzzles, help Moon Pi trek across the mysterious universe to finally get back home.

Apple Arcade new game 4-22

4/15/22:  Two more popular iOS games have been added to Apple Arcade. Pro Snooker & Pool 2022 and Construction Simulator 2 are now available.

Following the worldwide success of its sports games iWare Designs brings you Pro Snooker & Pool 2022, probably one of the most realistic and playable snooker and pool games available on mobile devices. Boasting fully textured game environments and full 3D rigid body physics this game is the complete package for both casual and serious gamers.
In Construction Simulator 2, you build your own construction company and take the wheel of 40+ original, licensed construction vehicles from Caterpillar, Liebherr, Palfinger, Bell, STILL, ATLAS, Mack Trucks, Meiller Kipper, and Kenworth.

new Apple Arcade game 4-15

4/8/22:  First shown off at Apple’s March event, Gear.Club Stradale is now available on Apple Arcade. The new racing game lets you experience the world’s best supercars along with cooperative play and worldwide competitions. It also features daily, weekly, and monthly exclusive content.

Meanwhile, along with the launch of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 film landing in theaters, Sonic Dash+  – the fun endless runner – has arrived on Apple Arcade.

Welcome to Italy, birthplace of supercars! Gear.Club Stradale is a dream come true: taking a long vacation in a gorgeous villa with all the time in the world to drive the most beautiful supercars. Gather your friends and start your own club in the breathtaking region of Tuscany, Italy. Cooperate with your friends in daily, weekly, and monthly exclusive content to build your dream car collection! Build and improve your Club’s workshops to enhance your car’s performance and customize your vehicles. Defend your Club in worldwide competitions and reach the highest rankings Unlock new content through your progression and achievements. Experience the best car-handling on mobile devices thanks to intelligent, real-like driving assistances that guarantee high accessibility. This is a trip you’ll never want to end…

new Apple Arcade games 4-8

4/1/22:  Pocket Build  offers the ability to build instantly with hundreds of items in a massive open world.

Have you ever wanted to make your own little fantasy world? A farm, some kind of castle, or just an epic fantasy city? Pocket Build is an open world game where you can build with no limitations or restrictions. Build whatever you like, whenever you like, however you like. The possibilities are endless!

new Apple Arcade game 4/1

3/25/22: Alto’s Adventure: The Spirit of the Mountain  is an exciting Apple Arcade-exclusive from award-winning developer Snowman.

Read more in our full launch coverage here .

Alto's Adventure: The Spirit of the Mountain

3/11/22:  From award-winning developer ustwo games, Monument Valley 2 is now available on Apple Arcade.

Guide a mother and her child as they embark on a journey through magical architecture, discovering illusionary pathways and delightful puzzles as you learn the secrets of the Sacred Geometry. Sequel to the Apple Game of the Year 2014, Monument Valley 2 presents a brand new adventure set in a beautiful and impossible world. Help Ro as she teaches her child about the mysteries of the valley, exploring stunning environments and manipulating architecture to guide them on their way.

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3/4/22:  Veteran iOS action platformer Shadow Blade has arrived on Apple Arcade.

Kuro is a young man on his quest to become the Shadow Blade. He must seek the teachings of the last remaining ninja master. You will guide him through challenging levels, around countless traps, sneaking past enemies or right over their dead bodies. You have to be fast, be stealthy, be aware of your environment. You have to be a ninja. It features intuitive touch controls and an array of weapons and challenging levels. Becoming a ninja is at your fingertips!

Apple Arcade game 3/4

2/25/22:  Coming from the two-time Apple Design Award-winning developer Broken Rules , the free-flowing Gibbon: Beyond the Trees has landed on Apple Arcade.

Experience free-flowing dynamic movement based on brachiation, the way real gibbons swing through the trees Master acrobatic moves, including launching from another gibbon’s hands in mid air A touching adventure of a family of gibbons trying to survive amid an encroaching human threat. Play through an hourlong adventure in story mode, or race to freedom through a procedurally generated jungle in liberation mode. Stunning 2D hand painted visuals that breathe life into a rapidly vanishing world. Explore varied environments, from the wild jungles of Southeast Asia to the hectic human world beyond. Gibbon: Beyond the Trees deals with challenging but acute environmental topics, including deforestation, poaching and climate change.

New Apple Arcade game 2/25

2/18/22:  Long-running iOS magical sim Wylde Flowers has made its debut on Apple Arcade.

Wylde Flowers is a cozy life and farming sim with a witchy twist! Escape to a cute world of diverse folks, and magical spells, as you and the coven unravel a mystery! Play as Tara, as she arrives at a cozy rural island to help out her grandma and the family farm. Explore a wholesome world of magical realms, beautiful beaches, secretive forests and the friendly town of Fairhaven.

Apple Arcade new game 2/18/22

2/11/22:  Veteran tower defense favorite Bloons TD 6 is now available on Apple Arcade with fun co-op action with up to four players.

Craft your perfect defense from a combination of awesome Monkey Towers, upgrades, Heroes, and activated abilities, then pop every last invading Bloon! Start enjoying the massive and ever-expanding features that deliver endless hours of the best strategy gaming available.

Apple Arcade new game 2/11 Bloons TD 6

2/4/22:  The number one bridge building game on the App Store, Bridge Constructor has now arrived on Apple Arcade.

In Bridge Constructor+ you have to prove yourself as an accomplished master bridge builder. Play 40 different levels, and build bridges over deep valleys, canals, and rivers. Stress tests reveal whether the bridge you build can withstand the daily stress of continual use from cars, trucks and, more recently, super-heavy tank trucks.

Apple Arcade new game 2/4 Bridge Constructor

1/28/22:  The popular Where’s Waldo-style Hidden Folks has arrived on Apple Arcade (2017 App Store Game of the Year). Hidden Folks is all hand-drawn with over 300+ obejects to find in the interactive landscapes.

Search for hidden folks in hand-drawn, interactive, miniature landscapes. Unfurl tent flaps, cut through bushes, slam doors, and poke some crocodiles! Rooooaaaarrrr!!!!! A strip of targets shows you what to look for. Tap a target for a hint, and find enough to unlock the next area.

gg tours venedig

1/21/22:  A quirky take on tennis is now on Apple Arcade with Nickelodeon Extreme Tennis .

Join your favorite iconic characters from Nickelodeon shows past and present as they compete in the most Extreme Tennis Matches EVER! All your favorite retro Nicktoons come together for the ultimate tennis showdown: SpongeBob, Angelica, Rocko, Garfield, and more!

gg tours venedig

1/14/22:  Described as a “story-driven crafting ARPG,” Crashlands has become an iOS favorite over the last decade, even winning TouchArcade’s Game of the Year award in 2016.

Craft, battle, and quest your way through Crashlands, an outlandish, story-driven Crafting RPG overflowing with sass! Become Flux Dabes, a galactic trucker whose latest shipment gets derailed by a chin-strapped alien menace named Hewgodooko, leaving you stranded on an alien planet. As you hustle to retrieve your packages you’ll become enmeshed in a nefarious plot of world domination, which will require all of your wits and both of your glutes to overcome. Learn recipes from the local sentient life, make new friends, uncover ancient secrets and deadly bosses, tame everything and build yourself a home-away-from-home as you learn to thrive on planet Woanope.

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1/7/22:  Popular card game developer MobilityWare has brought its Hearts as well as Spades classics to Apple Arcade.

Spades: Card Game+ Spades has a fresh new look on the Apple Arcade, featuring brand new goals for you to reach! We’ve also included clear tutorials to help you learn the game of spades at your own pace! Relax and train your brain as you compete in the game of Spades! Spades adds a new element of strategy & puzzles to the classic card game space. Plan and strategize each move as you compete with a partner to try and out-bid and out-play your opponents. Win the most books and be the first to 250 points to win! Be careful though, spades can’t be played until they are broken! Precision, strategy and quick thinking are needed to master the game! Hearts: Card Game+ Hearts on Apple Arcade is a classic competitive card game, and MobilityWare’s artificial intelligence ensures YOUR play has the competitive edge, Hearts card master! This free Hearts game will teach you how to play with our intuitive AI. Our artificial intelligence adapts to your Hearts card game play style. Play feels fair, even though your opponents are some smart bots. But while playing them can feel like a challenge, MobilityWare’s Hearts hints AI feature is at your disposal and the smartest of them all! AI bot opponents offer another major benefit – you can play them offline, so no wifi is required to play Hearts!

Apple Arcade games 1/7/22

12/17/21:  Get ready to battle in 5-minute, 3v3 matches as your favorite characters with Disney Melee Mania :

Cue the lights! Hear the fans roar! Disney Melee Mania calls all worthy competitors to step into the spotlight! In this dazzling Arcade battle arena, your holo-team of rumble-ready Disney and Pixar champions competes in fast-paced 3v3 multiplayer battles. From Wreck-It Ralph, Elsa and Mickey to Frozone, Moana, Buzz Lightyear (and beyond!), choose from multiple holographic Disney and Pixar champs and rack up points with their unique skills. Embrace the chaos of dodging obstacles while brawling in fun and frenzied close-combat competition. – 5-Minute Melees – Quick-fire games for fighting on the fly. Battle smart to make each moment count! – 12 Champions – Pick and progress your party of 3 from a holo-roster of Disney & Pixar champs! – Multiple Game Modes – New challenges to test your skills and upgrades! – Customize Your Clashes – Gear up in character costumes and equip eye-catching trails! – Regular Events – Ace matches daily for one-off prizes! Score the win, but don’t get cocky – there’s always a new challenger waiting to knock you from the spotlight. Play to unlock new champions and upgrade their powers to achieve a victory that is anything but virtual!

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12/10/21:  In 2017, Splitter Critters won both iPhone Game of Year and an Apple Design Award. The hit puzzle adventure is now available on Apple Arcade.

Split the world with a swipe of your finger and then rearrange it to guide critters back to their spaceship. Explore colorful planets full of danger, challenging puzzles, and innovative mechanics that will make you think in new ways. The immersive soundscapes of each world, best experienced with headphones, set the tone for your journey.

12/3/21:  The 2018 Apple Design Award Winner action title Oddmar plus the adventure metroidvania side-scroller Dandara: Trials of Fear are now available on Apple Arcade.

Oddmar struggles with life in his village and is not worthy of a place in Valhalla. He is shunned by his fellow Vikings and must redeem himself of his squandered potential. One day he is offered an opportunity to prove himself, but at a price… IMMERSE yourself in an epic Viking story animated as a motion comic. JOURNEY through 24 beautifully hand-crafted levels of physics-based puzzles and platforming challenges. DISCOVER your true power with magically imbued weapons and shields. ENCOUNTER new friends and foes on your journey through magical forests, snowy mountains, and treacherous mines.

11/19/21:  The exciting LEGO Star Wars: Castaways release for Apple Arcade is officially here.

Explore a mysterious new planet and meet new friends along the way in LEGO® Star Wars™: Castaways. By customizing their character, fans can live out their Star Wars fantasies in the first social, action-adventure LEGO Star Wars game, available only on Apple Arcade. Build your own in-game LEGO minifigure from hundreds of LEGO pieces in a new Star Wars game on Apple Arcade. Discover a secret world, now home to fellow Castaways, and build a life in this new home! Explore a new island, meet new characters, race Microfighters and even throw a dance party on the island! Team up or play solo and immerse yourself in simulations, recorded by the technology of an ancient civilization, spanning moments across the Star Wars universe. Battle foes, solve puzzles, build your skills in battle arenas and learn to pilot your way through flight simulations! Unearth mysteries and discover a growing threat to life on the planet. Join the ranks of Castaways and write your Star Wars destiny in a new, never-before-seen LEGO Star Wars adventure!

11/12/21:  One of the most popular shooters of all time, Galaga Wars , is available on Apple Arcade.

Your All-time favorite shoot’em up arcade game is now available on iPhone and iPad. Take control of the most iconic spaceships and free the galaxy from the invaders! The galaxy is at stake. Fire up the engines and destroy endless waves of aliens in a shower of laser blasts and smoking missiles! Galaga Wars+ is Bandai Namco’s classic arcade shooter game brought to Apple Arcade. With stunning graphics and simple touchscreen controls, Galaga Wars+ is an exhilarating trip down memory lane for all Nostalgic gamers and an instant blast for everyone to enjoy.

11/5/21:  A new PvP game has landed on Apple Arcade with Transformers Tactical Arena .

Assemble a team of all your favorite Transformers! Battle your way through the ranks of competitive Arenas in this real-time PvP strategy game! Unlock new cards, master their unique abilities, and evolve your strategy to gain a competitive advantage. With dozens of familiar characters, powerful structures, and an arsenal of tactical support units at your disposal, no two battles are alike.

10/29/21:  Crayola Create and Play aimed at kiddos 4+ is available now on Apple Arcade.

Spark creativity with Crayola Create and Play+! Crayola Create and Play+ is the official Crayola creativity app, with frequent new activities to help you imagine, experiment, and grow with every month! Explore dozens of creative, confidence-building games and enjoy endless hours of productive play. Crayola Create & Play+ encourages curiosity, artistic independence, and a safe place to develop self-expression. It’s so much more than drawing and coloring pages! Each of the activities helps develop imagination and a creative point of view…we’re all kids at heart, and everyone can be creative! Our regular content updates add new features, activities, and learning games. There’s always something new to explore and master!

10/19/21:  NBA 2K22 Arcade Edition  has launched on Apple Arcade and features MyCAREER, MyCOURT, Quick Match Modes, The Association Mode, Online Multiplayer Mode, and more.

NBA 2K22 Arcade Edition is the latest title in the world-renowned, best-selling NBA 2K series exclusively on Apple Arcade. Live your NBA dreams on the hardwood and run with today’s top stars like Luka Doncic, Damian Lillard, Kevin Durant, Jayson Tatum, Zion Williamson, Anthony Davis, Rui Hachimura, Karl-Anthony Towns and more – in an authentic NBA 2K experience.

10/15/21:  Apple Arcade subscribers will be excited to hear that iPhone game of the year winner, Tiny Wings is the latest hit to make the jump to the gaming service.

You have always dreamed of flying – but your wings are tiny. Luckily the world is full of beautiful hills. Use the hills as jumps – slide down, flap your wings and fly! At least for a moment – until this annoying gravity brings you back down to earth. But the next hill is waiting for you already. Watch out for the night and fly as fast as you can. Otherwise flying will only be a dream once again. Tiny Wings was chosen as the iPhone Game of the Year in App Store Rewind 2011 in Europe and many other countries.
Thank you Apple and a big thank you to all Tiny Wings fans!

10/8/21:  The hit Frogger-style reimagined for the iOS-era, Crossy Road is now available on Apple Arcade.

Hop back into the adventure with Crossy Road® re-imagined for Apple Arcade. Join Crossy Chicken to collect all the characters & discover CROSSY ROAD park.

10/1/21:  The high-intensity, award-winning rhythm game Thumper: Pocket Edition has landed on Apple Arcade.

Thumper is rhythm violence: classic action, blistering speed, and brutal physicality. You are a space beetle. Brave the void and confront a maniacal giant head. With this special pocket edition, you can play all nine epic levels with one hand. Hurtle forward, master new moves, and survive terrifying boss battles. Propelled by a pounding original soundtrack, you’ll feel every crushing impact. To reach synesthetic bliss, you must conquer rhythm hell.

9/24/21:  LEGO Star Wars Battles has arrived on Apple Arcade this week.

Lead your favorite LEGO® Star Wars™ characters into real-time, multiplayer PvP battles in arenas inspired by iconic locations from throughout the galaxy! What happens when an Ewok takes on a Tusken Raider? Can a flock of porgs tackle a stormtrooper in a standoff? Could Chewbacca go toe-to-toe with Boba Fett? Who would win in a showdown between Yoda and Darth Vader? Collect and upgrade LEGO Star Wars characters, troops, and vehicles and craft formidable light and dark side armies. Build LEGO towers on the battlefield and develop a strategy to attack, defend, and capture territory as you push towards the enemy base to claim victory! Download this exciting LEGO game that brings together every era of Star Wars™ storytelling in a tower defense style.

9/17/21:  New this week are the side-scrolling action game  Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls  and Temple Run: Puzzle Adventure .

An All-New Castlevania Game! The beloved gothic fantasy series returns with an original game exclusive to Apple Arcade with “Castlevania: Grimoire of Souls”!
Play TEMPLE RUN as never before! Beat match 3 puzzles to uncover the mysteries of the ancient temple realm. Create powerful combos and use special pieces to become a Temple Champion! Assist the great adventurer, archeologist and Temple Runner Scarlett Fox as you solve puzzles to overcome the mysterious obstacles along your path.

9/10/21:  The latest to make the jump from iOS to Apple Arcade is the puzzle/sim mashup Zookeeper World .

Zookeeper, the definitive action-puzzle game played by more than 30 million people, is now available as a Apple Arcade exclusive! Solve simple match-3 puzzles to create your own zoo. Make it the only one of its kind in the world! Get through a variety of puzzles and collect Coins to fill your zoo with cute animals, plants and more! They’ll increase your zoo’s Charm and attract all sorts of visitors!

9/3/21:  Three new games have landed today on Apple Arcade with the popular iOS classic Layton’s Mystery Journey , MasterChef: Let’s Cook! , and Zen Pinball Party .

8/27/21:  Two more iOS classics have arrived on Apple Arcade. The popular Asphalt 8: Airborne and Zelda-inspired Baldo are now available.

8/20/21:  Tetris Beat  has arrived on Apple Arcade.

Tetris® Beat – The world famous Tetris® puzzle game is blocking to a new beat, fusing its hit gameplay with exclusive music and innovative rhythm mechanics. The game features a diverse and eclectic lineup of incredible musicians including Alison Wonderland, GARZA, Hannah Diamond, Octo Octa, Dauwd, CINTHIE and many more, with new exclusive songs added every month from today’s hottest and up-and-coming talent.

8/13/21:  The Pokémon-style RPG Monster Hunter Stories  from Capcom has arrived on Apple Arcade.

The Apple Arcade version of this game contains the same content as the Monster Hunter Stories app available elsewhere. Please read the “Important Notes” section before playing. • Game Features – Recruit countless Monsties! Monsties, and the bonds you form with them, are the backbone of your adventure. Explore vast environments and dungeons to find monster dens, and bring back the eggs you find to hatch new Monsties! – Fight with your Monsties in Network Battles! Take your hero and the Monsties you’ve raised into battles with other Riders! Build a team of your favorites to challenge other players. – New features for the smartphone version! New improvements include beautiful high-resolution graphics, improved user interface, and a new auto-save feature! • Story The story begins in a forest near the village of Riders. Three young friends—the hero, Lilia, and Cheval—stumble upon a shining egg.

8/6/21:  Another highly popular iOS title has arrived on Apple Arcade, Super Stickman Golf 3 . All premium content is unlocked with this version and of course no ads or in-app purchases.

Super Stickman Golf 3 is a 2D golf game packed full of amazing courses, crazy power ups, fun collectable cards, wild game modes and of course, tons of multiplayer madness. Master dozens of courses and square off against friends in turn-based head to head matches or up to 8 players in real-time races to the cup!

7/23/21:  Jetpack Joyride is the latest iOS hit to land on Apple Arcade. Whether you’re picking it up for the first time or excited to rediscover it, the classic endless runner flyer is available now .

Skate City has also launched a big Tokyo expansion to celebrate skateboarding being included in the Olympics for the first time.

7/16/21:  After Apple teased the releases last month, the new  Alto’s Odyssey: The Lost City along with the remastered Angry Birds Reloaded and Doodle God Universe are all available on Apple Arcade.

Alto’s Odyssey: The Lost City  comes with an all-new biome along with fresh challenges and content.  Angry Birds Reloaded comes with new characters, and Doodle God Universe has been totally redrawn.

7/2/21:  Solitaire Stories is the latest popular iOS title to make the jump to Apple Arcade.

Behold! The world’s greatest card game, Solitaire… now with progressive difficulty storylines, gorgeous deck designs, daily challenges, global leaderboards, and a weird sense of humor. If you like classic Klondike Solitaire and have a wild imagination, you’re going to love Solitaire Stories.

6/25/21:  The new Apple Arcade games today are both iOS classics and also happen to both be Apple Design Award Winners. Leo’s Fortune and INKS are available now on the platform.

Leo’s Fortune is a platform adventure game where you hunt down the cunning and mysterious thief that stole your gold. Beautifully hand-crafted levels bring the story of Leo to life in this epic adventure.

and here’s the description for INKS that takes a different approach to pinball:

INKS updates pinball for a new generation. It combines the joy of pinball with skilful tactical challenges, and allows you to create wondrous works of art as the ball smashes around the canvas. Blocks of color burst like beautiful fireworks across the surface, building up in vivid layers and recording a visual history of your game as you perfect your score.

6/17/21:  Two new titles have landed on Apple Arcade. Frenzic: Overtime is a remake of the original popular puzzler from the Iconfactory that first launched on Mac OS X in 2007. Meanwhile, the simulation title Game Dev Story has arrived on Apple Arcade too.

Frenzic: Overtime combines fast-paced engaging game play, stunning visuals and sound in an arcade style puzzle game that players can easily pick up and play. Life on the factory floor at Frenzic Industries can be a bit chaotic as players assemble Power Cores for the new ZAPBOTs. As players meet their shift goals in a timely manner, they’ll be promoted to more rewarding positions on the assembly line. Players will face over 45 levels, multiple gameplay modes and hundreds of mini-goals as they uncover the secrets of Frenzic Industries, and ultimately, save the world. Easy to learn, challenging to master — it’s fun for the entire family! This blast from the past steps into the future!

And here’s the description for Game Dev Story:

Manage your own game company and try to create a million-selling game in this unique simulation. Features the ability to develop your company’s own game console, plus a system for changing your staff members’ professions. Hire talented people and train them to develop their skills. As your staff gets more experience, you will unlock a wider array of game genres and content to develop. Try to find the most popular combinations and develop for the latest platform! Your staff members can have a variety of game-related professions, from programmer to sound engineer. Work hard and you may reach the top of the video game industry!

6/11/21:  A new medieval fantasy RPG has landed on Apple Arcade with Legends of Kingdom Rush :

Embark on an epic journey through the medieval fantasy world of Kingdom Rush in this amazing RPG game with roguelike elements! LEAD THE MOST POWERFUL KINGDOM RUSH CHARACTERS An extraplanar menace of unprecedented proportions is attacking the realm! Lead a party of heroes to stop this foe in a highly engaging combat system that is easy to learn but hard to master. 5 Legendary Heroes, like the mighty paladin Gerald Lightseeker or the cunning shadow assassin Asra Daggerfall, will be awaiting your command. 11 Companion Heroes, with different skills and powers, like the resourceful forest ranger, the volatile dwarven bombardier, or the menacing dark knight will follow your Legends to victory! Unlock all of these fantastic heroes as you push through more and more dangerous lands. STRATEGIC GRID-BASED COMBAT Strategically move your heroes on a hex-based grid to best fit their skills to your combat tactics. Switch and match your heroes and companions until you find your ideal team for each battle! EXPERIENCE THE KINGDOM RUSH NARRATIVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE Learn more about the Kingdom Rush universe with over 100 narrative events while you fight your way through lush forests, rugged mountains, and devastated wastelands.

5/27/21:  After almost two months since we’ve seen fresh Apple Arcade games, a new “crazy puzzle adventure” has launched –  All of You .

From the creators of Love You to Bits and Bring You Home, Alike Studio presents All of You. All of You is a cute, purely visual, accessible, family-friendly puzzle adventure with unique gameplay. Play and pause time in every part of the level to unveil the right path for the main character. You will follow the journey of a clumsy chicken traversing all kinds of places in search of her lost chicks. Explore strange places filled with fun characters, exciting surprises, and many treacherous dangers – all to find every one of your chicks.

4/23/21:  Skate City from Snowman has received a nice update today on Apple Arcade with a new endless mode:

Get ready to make your mark in Pro Skate. Set your highest score in an endless run through Los Angeles with all new generated skate features that make no two runs the same! See how far you can travel through the city while linking combos and perfect tricks together to set new records. Watch out for security guards and new obstacles because as soon as you crash your run is over! Compete for the top spot in our leaderboards, and complete all 60 new objectives included in this mode. Only available in L.A. for now.

4/2/21:  Apple Arcade has gotten a huge update today with 30+ new games ranging from big titles to iOS and traditional hits.

  • Apple Arcade gets massive expansion with 30 new games, including hit iOS classics and more

To check out all the new games, you can head to the App Store > Arcade tab > swipe down to the bottom > tap “See All Games.”

3/26/21:  Two new games have arrived on Apple Arcade today, Farm It! and Hitchhiker .

Welcome to Farm It! Take your time to play amazing mini games in order to get resources to build your farm world. Embark on an adventurous journey: by playing fun mini games, obtain resources and decorate different areas of your farm and enjoy the company of fun and amazing in-game characters and cute animals. What are you waiting for? Indulge yourself in some farming and build the most amazing farm world. Build your dream farm!

And Hitchhiker is a road-trip mystery:

Hitchhiker is a mystery game set along lost highways, where your goal is to solve the puzzle of your own backstory. As a hitchhiker with no memory or destination, you catch a series of rides across a strange and beautiful landscape, tracking the mysterious disappearance of a person close to you. Your drivers range from stoic farmers to off-duty waitresses, and each one has a story to tell. Clues appear, alliances emerge, and nothing is quite what it seems. As your journey continues, you must decode the events of your past while confronting the dangers that lie ahead. Hitchhiker is a road-trip odyssey about exploring the unknown in order to find yourself.

3/19/21:  Apple Arcade has gained the new sim game  Cozy Grove . It’s a spookified look at the genre that takes place on a “haunted, ever-changing island.”

Welcome to Cozy Grove, a life-sim game about camping on a haunted, ever-changing island. As a Spirit Scout, you’ll wander the island’s forest each day, finding new hidden secrets and helping soothe the local ghosts. With a little time and a lot of crafting, you’ll bring color and joy back to Cozy Grove!

3/5/21:   SP!NG is the newest Apple Arcade title. It’s a physics action-puzzler and feels like a mashup between Cut the Rope and Sonic the Hedgehog.

SP!NG is like a stress ball for your brain Experience the zen and skillful world that is SP!NG. With only one touch, flow through hundreds of hand-crafted levels. Unlock new themes that change the look and feel of your experience. Earn new characters and perfect levels to unlock new challenging modes.

2/19/21 : The latest to land on Apple Arcade is the zombie action title  Survival Z.

After the event, humanity lies on the brink while zombies dominate the landscape! You are a survivor. Armed with your wits and bravado, you are determined to save all who remain. Your goal is clear: find survivors and seek out a way to exterminate the undead menace. Choose your way along randomly generated routes to build and battle your way through environments crawling with zombies. Features: Blast your way through a wide range of zombie types. Place traps and obstacles to increase your chances of survival. Collect and upgrade equipment to power up your character. Ever-changing routes create endless replayability. No two runs are the same! Bring other survivors into the fold and fight alongside them. Unique story events that with extra rewards…for those who can survive them. Over 15 playable characters, 50 unique levels, and infinite possibilities for fun!

2/5/21:  New toady for Apple Arcade is lumen. –  a puzzler with light, mirrors, and lenses.

lumen. is a puzzle game with unique mechanics, where you have to solve levels using lights, lenses and mirrors. You will find yourself in the old attic and discover the mysterious antique box of Ms. Olivia McLumen, who lived in Scotland over a hundred years ago and was a great inventor of her time, she saved her inventions in cinematic frames for you to restore.

1/29/21:   Populous Run for Apple Arcade is a fun and quirky “unconventional running game where you control a crown of people.

  • Dodge giant fast food
  • Slide down pipes like at a waterpark
  • Battle rapper bosses, including Macaron, Donut, and Burger
  • Test yourself in Hardcore mode
  • Collect all the secret characters who are hidden in the levels
  • Show your respect for the upbeat original soundtrack with its choral singing

1/22/21:  Apple Arcade gets two new titles for today:  Spire Blast –  a physics-based match puzzler and  NUTS – a surveillance mystery involving squirrels.

Spire Blast

Take a step into the colorful world of Spire Blast. With your ever hungry dragon companion collapse numerous mysterious towers of all shapes and sizes that have risen all over the kingdom. Test your wits and skills, use all the tools at your disposal and you will emerge victorious!
Gear up your caravan, boot up your GPS, spread out your map and head for the depths of Melmoth Forest. As a rookie field researcher, you’ll place cameras during the day, and watch the footage at night, tracking the movements of a scurry of squirrels. Where do they hide their nuts? What puzzling routes do they take? And why do they behave so strangely?

1/8/21:  The first launch on Apple Arcade for 2021 is  Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon .  Check out the launch trailer here and read more below:

A long time has passed since the White City was washed from the face of Gaia – and the once magnificent Kingdom of Arcadia was shattered into hundreds of islands of the Uncharted Sea. Four adventurers have set on a journey to restore the world to its former glory. Following rumors and prophecies, they have found a way into a mythical underground complex, Chronos Dungeon. Deep down, hidden somewhere, lies the Paradigm Hourglass, an object powerful enough to alter history. Will you find the route to the bottom floor, and what challenges await you inside Chronos Dungeon? A DUNGEON CRAWLER FOR ALL AGES Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is a dungeon crawler featuring four players couch co-op, inspired by 16-bit arcade classics. Fight side by side with your friends, or control all four heroes by yourself – will you make it to the bottom of Chronos Dungeon? If this is your first game in the genre, don’t worry – Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is easy to pick up even for newcomers and will keep you and your companions entertained for hours! A NEW DUNGEON EVERY TIME Randomized modifiers make each level unique, and each run unexpected. Heroes start every game with different stats, depending on the zodiac sign they’re bound to, and each of the four adventurers, Knight, Huntress, Grandmaster, and Mage, feels and plays differently. If less than four local players are available, the idle adventurers can be selected on the fly by any player. A NEW CHAPTER IN THE OCEANHORN UNIVERSE Oceanhorn: Chronos Dungeon is a new chapter in the Oceanhorn universe, set 200 years after Oceanhorn 2. Find out if our heroes can defeat Chronos, and change the course of history!

12/11/20:  An exciting release today on Apple Arcade comes from ustwo games, the award-winning developer behind the hit game Monument Valley . The new release is  Alba: A Wildlife Adventure .

Join Alba as she visits her grandparents on a Mediterranean island. She is ready for a peaceful summer of wildlife exploration with her friend Ines, but when she sees an animal in danger, she realises she needs to do something about it! This is truly a Mediterranean paradise if you ignore all the litter! From the idyllic beaches to the ancient castle overlooking the town a whole island is ready to be explored. With Ines and your grandfather – who is a total bird nerd – by your side, you can start the movement to save the island. Maybe even the world after that. Handcrafted visuals. Every little corner of the island has been looked after with great detail. Trust me, it took us a while to make it Join Alba and Ines to found the AIWRL (really rolls off the tongue doesn’t it?), an organisation that can save the island You will need to gather a bunch of volunteers and the town is full of good people. Help them out and convince them to join you There are animals everywhere, can you find all the species?

12/4/20: Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes   is now on Apple Arcade bringing an interesting mashup of pinball and tower defense.

Zombie Rollerz: Pinball Heroes fuses Classic Pinball and Tower Defense in an exciting sequel to the award winning Zombie Rollerz franchise crafted especially for Apple Arcade! KEY FEATURES -Roguelike gameplay ensures hours upon hours of exciting, replayable content -Fight adorkable zombies in a cartoon world -A next-gen pinball experience combined with tower defense -Discover and unlock hundreds of combinations of heroes and powers -Unique Zombie Bosses change up the challenge

11/27/20 : Apple Arcade’s new game for Black Friday is  Warp Drive – Teleport Racing!  and as the name suggests, it comes with a fun twist.

WARP DRIVE is a fast-paced, arcade style racing game with a brand new way to drive: instantly TELEPORT around the track to find shortcuts and hidden routes! Take control of your QUAD ROTOR RACER, equip a Warp Module, and enter a series of high-speed tournaments to test your skills and creative driving abilities. Drive on the ceiling, jump huge canyons and race up waterfalls in an epic inverted racing battle! Compete in a series of dynamically generated tournaments, with random options providing a different experience every time you play! UPGRADE your car between races, gradually adding more capabilities to DRIFT, BOOST, or WARP your way to victory. Follow the advice of your outspoken manager, Lenny, or just ignore whatever he says… what do aliens know about racing, anyway?!

11/12/20 :  The Pathless comes to Apple Arcade as the latest adventure title:

From the creators of ABZÛ, The Pathless is the mythic adventure of an archer and an eagle in a vast forest.

11/6/20:  Apple Arcade has gained both the new “crazy puzzle adventure”  All of You as well as the intergalactic rock band-based  Reigns: Beyond .

10/30/20:  The latest to arrive on Apple Arcade is  South of the Circle a narrative adventure game about love, memory, and survival.

Antarctica, 1964. A crashed aircraft, tail to the sky. Cambridge academic Peter stumbles from the wreckage in search of help, fighting the cold. As his attempts to escape the ice grow more desperate, the lines between his past and present begin to blur. A love story between colleagues Peter and Clara, set against the backdrop of the Cold War, South of the Circle is a narrative adventure game about memory, survival, and the consequences of not dealing with the past.

10/9/20:  New to Apple Arcade today is  The Survivalists , a multiplayer island adventure from the developers behind Worms and The Escapists .

A World of Adventure and Possibilities Awaits! The island is alive! Your newfound home will change with day/night cycles as you explore and uncover its secrets.

Hunt (or be hunted by!) animals for food and an array of mythical enemies, who aren’t necessarily pleased to see you. Get quests from a Mysterious Stranger or find them washed up on the shore. Prepare to trek into a procedurally generated wilderness, with a variety of biomes, for an adventure that’s unique to every player.

10/2/20:  Slash Quest!  has arrived on Apple Arcade. It’s a unique adventure game based on wielding a growing sword.

The Queen’s evergrowing talking sword is lost in a faraway land. Luckily you showed up to wield it back to the castle. You do know how to swing a sword, right? Right?! Forget your power fantasy. Slash Quest’s simple yet unfamiliar controls will put you in the shoes of an unlikely knight with a big heart, an even bigger weapon, and absolutely zero skills. But worry not! Just like Shep and Swordie’s friendship, before you know it everything will feel right and everyone will be counting on you to save the Queendom.

9/18/20: New on Apple Arcade today includes: Samurai Jack and Marble Knights. The first is an action RPG title, while the latter takes you into battle with a marble-mania adventure. It looks like both were previously released and these are the latest updates.

  • Samurai Jack
  • Marble Knights

9/10/20: The latest title added to Apple Arcade is a puzzle game called  A Monster’s Expedition .

From some of the best puzzle designers in the world comes A Monster’s Expedition, an adorable and relaxing open world puzzle adventure for monsters who love to learn about humans. By pushing trees over to create pathways, you’ll explore hundreds of islands near and far to learn about the history of “humanity”. Immerse yourself in human culture with all-new exhibits from the “Human Englandland” dig site, each accompanied with expert insights*! *Insights is not a legally binding term and may or may not include idle speculation, rumour and hearsay. – Adorable open world puzzle game from the creators of A Good Snowman is Hard to Build and Cosmic Express – Simple but deep mechanics packed with possibilities to discover – Hundreds of islands to visit – some right in front of you, others well off the beaten track for true puzzle lovers – Learn about the mythical humans from the perspective of curious monsters

9/4/20:  World’s End Club   has landed on Apple Arcade. Here’s what to expect with the new action-adventure game:

Twelve 12-year old kids go on a 1,200 km journey. A new type of action-adventure game that fuses a thrilling story with 2D side-scrolling action. A “dream team” adventure game with scenario written by Zero Escape series creator, Kotaro Uchikoshi, and Danganronpa’s Kazutaka Kodaka as creative director. ・Game features – Simple controls – A fusion of 2D scrolling puzzle-action game and story-adventure game – Key player choices alter the course of the adventure throughout the branching story – 12 unique and interesting characters! – Famous locations all over Japan – The story unfolds in… unexpected ways

8/27/20:  The Last Campfire joins Apple Arcade as the newest adventure game on the service.

DISCOVER A PURPOSE The Last Campfire is an adventure, a story of a lost ember trapped in a puzzling place, searching for meaning and a way home. ON A JOURNEY Travel deeper into the lands beyond the dark forest and overcome the adversities before you. UNCOVER A WORLD Discover beautiful wilderness filled with lost folk, strange creatures and mysterious ruins. LIGHT THE LAST CAMPFIRE Find hope and carry it with you on your Journey to light The Last Campfire. FROM A SMALL STUDIO A unique tale from Hello Games and the creative minds behind LostWinds.

8/21/20:  Adult Swim’s Samurai Jack is the newest game to hit Apple Arcade:

He’s back! Become Samurai Jack, the greatest warrior to ever brandish a katana! Journey through time and finally stop Aku’s evil reign in this new adventure from the creators of Samurai Jack. Voiced by the original voice-actors, Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time is an action RPG game that spans across time and space, where your actions will determine a new legend! Encounter your favorite characters from the show including The Scotsman, Scaramouche, Sir Rothchild and more! BECOME THE SAMURAI AND DEFEAT AKU FOREVER! Immerse yourself in an untold adventure that ties into the epic series finale. Team up with trusted allies from the show to face off against familiar enemies. Defeat ninja foes! EXPLORE WORLDS FROM THE AWARD-WINNING SERIES Visit classic worlds and moments from your favorite episodes. Travel to a dark future to free mankind. Dive into the past to face off against diabolical monsters. Seek your fate as you travel across space and time. CREATE YOUR OWN LEGEND! Equip and master over a dozen different weapons in combat. Increase your power even more by training and unlocking new skills to support your playstyle. Your time has come. Become Samurai Jack, the greatest warrior of the past, present and future. Enjoy one of the most unique and iconic gaming experiences available on Apple Arcade today!

8/14/20: Next Stop Nowhere  lets players take an outer space road trip with some neat game elements.

  • An intelligent conversation system with branching dialogue that changes your relationships and the story based on every decision
  • A spaceship that comes fully equipped with his own personality
  • A completely unique version of space (the outer reaches of a dilapidated galaxy) filled with colorful skies, treacherous asteroids and a several orbits to explore
  • A thrilling and thoughtful narrative brought to life by a vibrant cast of voice actors
  • Cross-device play through Apple Arcade

8/7/20: Apple Arcade gains  Game of Thrones: Tale of Crows   as the newest title taking players back 8,000 before Jon Snow.

In the shadow of the Wall, your watch begins. Eight thousand years before Jon Snow took the Black, the Night’s Watch was formed to secure the Wall and defend the border of Westeros against the perils of the North, and all that lies beyond. Into these untamed wilds, sworn brothers and their allies set out on rangings to face the dangers that would threaten the realm. But the Wall is a blade that cuts both ways. Guide the decisions of Lord Commanders through the seasons and mount expeditions beyond the Wall. As ravens travel to and from your expeditions in real time, their messages are delivered to you throughout your day. Respond with your command right away, or whenever you see fit. Long is the history of the Night’s Watch, and many are its stories forgotten. It’s time the realm remembers them.

7/24/20:  Landing on Apple Arcade today is  The Lullaby of Life , an adventure game with a focus on music, relaxation, and agility.

In The Lullaby of Life you are the catalyst for change in a universe currently inert but filled with potential. Explore this amazing world that combines relaxation, dexterity and agility, and help it reach its maximum splendor using the power of music to make life bloom. This adventure has no textual elements, and wearing headphones is highly recommended. Let’s write together a new story about the origin of life!

7/17/20:   Necrobarista   is the newest addition to Apple Arcade. Here’s the description of the new dark adventure title:

In a back-alley Melbourne cafe, the dead are granted one last night to mingle with the living. For Maddy Xiao—barista, amateur necromancer, and new owner of the Terminal—things couldn’t be better, as long as you’re not reminding her of the fact that she’s got an enforcer from the notoriously uncompromising Council of Death breathing down her neck.

7/10/20:  New to Apple Arcade today is a dark and eerie adventure puzzler called Creaks .

The ground starts shaking, light bulbs are breaking – and something rather unusual is happening right behind the walls of your very room. Equipped with nothing but wit and courage, you slowly descend into a world inhabited by avian folk and seemingly deadly furniture monsters. From the creators of indie classics Machinarium and Samorost comes Creaks, a new puzzle adventure game that delights the senses with its hand-painted visuals, precise animation, eerie sounds, and an eclectic original score from Hidden Orchestra. Proceed at your own pace at figuring out the solutions to dozens of carefully designed puzzles, explore the mansion for hidden paintings, and uncover the great secret.

6/25/20: A big release today on Apple Arcade is the futuristic adventure thriller and sequel to the popular  Beneath a Steel Sky,   Beyond a Steel Sky .

From Charles Cecil, creator of the Broken Sword series, with art direction by Dave Gibbons, legendary comic book artist behind ‘Watchmen’, comes ‘Beyond a Steel Sky’, the long awaited sequel to the cult classic ‘Beneath a Steel Sky’. You are Robert Foster. A child has been abducted in a brutal attack. You have vowed to bring him home. But the trail has led you from your community of desert wasteland dwellers, to Union City, one of the last remaining mega-cities in a world ravaged by shattering wars, and political meltdown. Fortified and impenetrable, it is a utopia in which people live happily under the surveillance and control of a benign AI. But all is far from what it seems… ‘Beyond a Steel Sky’ is a dramatic, humorous, cyberpunk thriller in which engaging puzzles drive a fast-paced narrative set in a dynamic gameworld that responds to – and is subverted by – the player’s actions. • An adventure set within a dynamic world, populated by willful characters driven by motivations that the player can subvert. In combination with a unique hacking tool, multiple solutions to puzzles emerge from player choices. • Unravel dark conspiracies, defeat a terrifying antagonist in this dramatic, humorous, cyberpunk thriller, which explores contemporary themes: social control, AI, and total surveillance. • Intelligent puzzles are interwoven with an intriguing dramatic narrative to deliver a compelling gameplay experience. • A beautifully detailed, comic-book styled world, from the mind of legendary comic artist Dave Gibbons.

Thanks, Sigmund!

6/12/20:  A new side-scrolling adventure game has arrived today on Apple Arcade called  Little Orpheus .

The year is 1962 and NASA are trying to put a man on the moon. In a remote corner of Siberia, a Soviet cosmonaut is heading in the other direction. Comrade Ivan Ivanovich is dropped into an extinct volcano in his exploration capsule, Little Orpheus, to explore the center of the earth. He promptly vanishes. Three years later he emerges claiming to have saved the world. He has also lost the atomic bomb powering the Little Orpheus. He is taken to a top secret bunker deep below the Ural mountains to be debriefed by the fearsome General Yurkovoi, a man so frightening even Stalin won’t buy him a drink. The General rolls up his sleeves, fixes Ivan with a steely glare and say “So… where have you been comrade? And where is my bomb?” And Ivan looks him right back in the eye and says “Well General, you might not believe what happened to me, but I’ll do my best. Because it happened like this…” Join our bold yet hapless hero as he explores lost civilizations, undersea kingdoms, prehistoric jungles and lands beyond imagination. Gasp as he battles the subhuman tribe of the Menkv and escapes the clutches of dreadful monsters! Cheer as he triumphs over impossible odds and brings socialism to the subterranean worlds! Little Orpheus is a technicolor side-scrolling adventure game inspired by classic movies like Flash Gordon, Sinbad and The Land that Time Forgot. Delivered in eight bite-size, commute-friendly episodes, Little Orpheus is simple enough for casual players but rich enough for seasoned adventure fans. If you’re a fan of old school family blockbusters, want a rollercoaster story that’ll take you to the Earth’s core and beyond, or are just in some need of ideologically correct entertainment, join the most unlikely hero to hit Apple Arcade on an adventure beyond belief. With stunning visuals, brilliant acting and a world-class score, Little Orpheus is a pocket-epic you’ll never forget. Comrades, to the center!

6/4/20:  It doesn’t look like we’re getting a new Apple Arcade title this week but there is a major update for the popular RPG  Oceanhorn 2 with the Golden Edition today (via CNET ). The expansion marks a great time to replay the game or jump in for the first time.

Introducing the Golden Edition! The Shield of Chronos expansion, which adds a new main item and a brand new dungeon to explore The Criminal Hunt expansion, a unique series of side quests that will take you all around Gaia chasing down bandits such as Sir Stingalot and Baron Slimethorn An expanded ending, with never-before-seen scenes that will shed light on our heroes’ destiny A new, optional, 60fps mode supported by all high-end devices Most powerful Power Shards can now be discovered Added realism with a stunning new Physically Based Water Simulation Polished user experience, including overhauled menus and improved gameplay communication A lot of new spoken dialogue and new songs New dangers to overcome for the courageous among you! There’s never been a better time to start your RPG adventure – or to jump back in! The Golden Edition update is packed with new, exciting content, and it’s the best version of the game to date!

5/28/20: Apple Arcade has added a new game from Nickelodeon called SpongeBob: Patty Pursuit . Here’s how it’s described:

Trouble has come to Bikini Bottom! The evil “mastermind” Sheldon J. Plankton has once again hatched a plan to steal the secret Krabby Patty formula. This time he has enlisted his army of cousins to capture all of SpongeBob’s friends! Play as SpongeBob on his epic, most side-scrolly quest through Bikini Bottom ever! Explore, collect coins and spatulas, and crush obstacles as SpongeBob races to rescue his friends, defeat Plankton’s minions and take back the formula. Keep an eye out for your favorite Bikini Bottom residents…you never know who you might run into!

5/22/20:  Apple Arcade sees the arrival of a new dungeon crawler RPG,  Towers of Everland .

Let’s go on a dungeon crawl as Towers of Everland seamlessly brings together exploration, combat and RPG elements to take the player on an amazing adventure within the world of Everland. On your epic journey, test your skills in battle against the hordes of fiendish monsters you encounter, conquer all the towers you can and amass weapons and armor from hundreds of unique pieces.

5/14/20:  Launched today on Apple Arcade is a fun new puzzle journey called  Winding Worlds .

You’re far from home. You’re not sure how you got here. But you do know one thing: it’s your calling to help your new friends, however you can. But not all of them are being cooperative… From the award-winning studio that brought you GNOG comes Winding Worlds, a finger-wiggling puzzle-adventure about a girl, a Wurm, and how to say goodbye. Willow just wants to mind her own business. But after she finds a broken magical necklace, she is transported on a spellbinding journey to a network of strange planets, each with a different inhabitant. Hired and guided by a mysterious cosmic Wurm, Willow’s task is to find out how to help her new friends heal and move on. In Winding Worlds, join a cast of characters, big and small, in a heartwarming tale of grief, love, truth, and acceptance.

5/8/20:  Apple Arcade has gained  The_Otherside , a new turn-based RPG.

Otherside is a turn based RPG and strategy board game where you will control four survivors who hope to push back the shadowy threat. Make your way through each level solving puzzles, fighting monsters, and destroying the spirit anchors that threaten our dimension. Do you have what it takes to restore the town back to normal and save the day?

5/1/20:  The latest addition to Apple Arcade is the adventure title  Neversong .

Upon waking from a coma, Peet’s girlfriend is nowhere to be found. Investigate the screams coming from the heart of Neverwood, the increasingly bizarre behavior of the zombie grownups, and the strange truth about Peet’s past in this hauntingly dreamlike fable.
—From Red Wind Field to the haunting halls of Blackfork Asylum, explore six moody, illustrative levels.
—Take on bosses, monsters, and zombie grownups with your trusty baseball bat.
—Immerse yourself in a breathtaking piano-centric soundtrack.
—Join your quirky childhood pals and trusty pet bird on an adventure to discover the truth about your recent coma.

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4/17/20:  Apple Arcade has gained two new titles today with Beyond Blue and A Fold Apart . The former is a deep-sea diving adventure game and the latter is a “love story in a paper world” puzzler.

Beyond Blue takes you into the near future, where you’ll have the opportunity to explore the mysteries of our ocean through the eyes of Mirai, a deep sea explorer and scientist. You and your newly-formed research team will use groundbreaking technologies to see, hear, and interact with the ocean in a more meaningful way than has ever been attempted. The game features an evocative narrative, exploration of an untouched world, and adventure that challenges the player to make high-stakes decisions during the crew’s expedition.

And here’s the description of  A Fold Apart .

After career choices force them along separate paths, a Teacher and Architect vow to make their long-distance relationship work at any cost. Experience both sides of their story as the couple navigates the complexities of (mis)communication and the emotional ups and downs that separation brings. By flipping, folding, and unfolding the paper puzzles in their handcrafted worlds, you can help the couple overcome the emotional barriers of their relationship — but will love endure…?

4/10/20:  The new side-scroller  Scrappers is now available on Apple Arcade.

In Scrappers, up to 4 players can team up to clean up the streets of a futuristic city teeming with garbage — and trash anyone who gets in their way! You take on the role of the Scrappers, a squad of robot garbage collectors working to clean up a grimy city of the not-so-distant future. Time is money in Junktown, and team tactics like stacking trash and passing it to teammates — much like in basketball — can boost your efficiency for bigger rewards! But garbage collection is only part of the job. Rival teams will attack and interfere, and it’s up to you to dispose of them while staying on schedule! Teamwork is key to maximizing efficiency and achieving high scores, which in turn unlocks new characters and customization options!

4/3/20:   Legend of the Sky Fish 2 , a new RPG has landed on Apple Arcade.

A hundred years have passed since the hero known as Little Red Hook ended the reign of terror of Skyfish, the Lord of the Deep Seas… and now the peace that civilization struggled so much to build is in danger again. As the last Red Hook guardians, you and your master must use the atypical tool of your clan – the Combat Fishing Pole – as both a weapon and a grappling hook to face the rising threat. Unveil an exciting story as you journey in a world full of intriguing characters and devious traps. Explore gorgeous landscapes and mysterious dungeons while defeating mutant abyssal creatures.

3/20/20 : Spyder is out as the latest Apple Arcade title:

Save the world with Agent 8 in this Spy-on-The-Wall adventure. Set in a retro universe, British Spy Agency ‘EP-8’ has created Agent 8, the most sophisticated miniature robot spider on earth! Built using experimental technology, this itsy-bitsy superspy is equipped with all the gadgets and gizmos you’ll need; cut through panels, overload terminals, flip switches, and open valves as you scurry about sabotaging the heinous plans of evil doers.

3/13/20 : New today is the “bouncy dungeon crawler”  Roundguard .

Roundguard is a bouncy dungeon crawler with pinball physics, lots of loot, and a randomized castle full of oddballs. Press your luck against hordes of dangerously cute monsters and challenging roguelike elements in this all-round bouncy adventure! If you love roguelikes & Peggle, then Roundguard is for you.

2/27/20:  The makers of the highly popular Crossy Road are back with Crossy Road Castle  as an Apple Arcade exclusive.

Bring your friends and see how far you can get in this endless spinning tower of arcade fun! Keep climbing as high as you can. Every run is different. Play Together: Designed for cooperative arcade platforming chaos. You can also play solo, but everything’s more fun with friends, right? Connect Easily: Connect all players on a single device with game controllers, or connect together across multiple devices (or any mix that suits you). Collect Everything: Unlock Crossy Chicken and friends. Dress up in silly hats. Find New Stuff: With procedurally generated levels and variations, your tower run will be different every time! Defeat an Oversized Angry Eagle: Why is it so angry?! Play Offline: No internet? No worries. Fully enjoyable offline.

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2/14/20:  Apple Arcade gets a new strategy game this week, Loud House: Outta Control from Nickelodeon.

2/7/20 : This week’s new title is  Charrua Soccer . It features retro 3D gameplay and features three modes: Friendly Match, Competitions, and Penalty Match.

You can choose player vs computer or player vs player.  Charrua Soccer  features simple controls with fun and challenging gameplay.

1/31/20: Secret Oops!   has arrived, a multiplayer AR party game.

Secret Oops! is an innovative cooperative local multiplayer Augmented Reality game where players try to make sure that the world’s dumbest spy isn’t detected.

1/24/20: The newest title for Apple Arcade is Butter Royale , a “Buttery food fight, battle royale style!”

Have the food fight of your life in Butter Royale, a multiplayer battle royale game, and be the last one standing on Butter Island. Play against 31 other players in fast–paced food battles (under 5 minutes) with the help of sauce-shooting, baguette-blasting kichen tools!

1/17:  Kings of the Castle   has launched today on Apple Arcade.

Speed to the rescue in this fun, multiplayer fairy tale. Save the prince before anyone else using your iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Apple TV. But watch out for their spells. … Playing as the princess, you must use your speed, courage, and savvy sense of direction to save the prince. Avoid traps, battle enemies, jump over obstacles, and collect gems along your journey to pay a ransom for the prince’s safe return. But do it fast. The dragon is hungry!

Kings of the Castle can be played solo or with others in multiplayer mode.

1/10/20: Apple Arcade’s latest title is  No Way Home .

Stranded in a strange galaxy, you must fight for survival using only your wits, your ship, and your party planning robot companion. Explore the universe, befriend bizarre aliens, and blast through hordes of monsters as you endaevor to find a way home.

No Way Home  features hand-drawn artwork, 50+ weapons, 60 unique enemies, an immersive mission system, daily challenges, and more.

1/3/20: New today is Doomsday Vault :

Earth’s climate has collapsed and your mission is to collect the precious remaining plant life and return it to the safety of the Doomsday Vault.

12/20 /19 : LEGO Builder’s Journey has arrived on Apple Arcade. Here’s a description of the new LEGO title:

LEGO Builder’s Journey is an artistic, nonverbal puzzle adventure with meditative music where players build to solve challenges, while moving through stunning brick built universes, which showcase the endless possibilities of the creative play material and deliver a poetic narrative highlighting the importance of play in our lives.

12/12 /19 :  Apple Arcade has gained the crossover action hockey game  Ultimate Rivals: The Rink .

“We are ripping up the sports video game rule book and re-writing it for a new generation. We’re starting with the gamer first and empowering their imagination to create the ultimate team of athletes across sports, in a way only they can envision,” said Ben Freidlin, CEO and founder of Bit Fry Game Studios, Inc. and the creator of “Ultimate Rivals.”

12/3 /19 :  Apple has featured Towaga: Among Shadows on its YouTube channel. The title previously launched on in October.

Here’s the game’s description:

In Towaga: Among Shadows you will learn to master the light in order to exorcise hordes of enraged creatures firmly set upon tearing you to shreds. Your skill and perseverence will be sorely tested while fighting on foot in the jungle or soaring through the skies above the peaks of the highest temples.

11/27/19:  The newest title is an RPG from Cartoon Network based on the series Steven Universe.

  • Unleash the Light  — “Join the Crystal Gems for the ultimate mobile RPG. It’s time to Unleash the Light!”

11/26/19:  Apple shared a new video on its YouTube channel highlighting recent releases…

11/15/19:  Fresh titles include:

  • Rosie’s Reality  — “A unique and atmospheric puzzle adventure for families & friends. Play onscreen or discover Augmented Reality and experience how virtual objects come alive.”
  • More coming today?

11/8/19 : New games this week bring Apple Arcade to the 100 title milestone :

  • Socialable Soccer  (reboot of the ’90s hit)
  • UFO on Tape: First Contact
  • Takeshi & Hiroshi
  • Marble It Up: Mayhem

11/1/19:  This week’s releases are:

  • Star Fetched
  • Super Mega Mini Party

10/25/19:  Five new titles today include:

  • Fallen Knight
  • Lifelike: Chapter One
  • Tales of Memo
  • Yaga The Roleplaying Folktale

10/18/19:  Four new games have launched on Apple Arcade:

  • Ballistic Baseball
  • Manifold Garden
  • PAC-MAN Party Royale
  • Things That Go Bump

10/11/19: Apple announced new games for its subscription service today:

  • Decoherence
  • Mind Symphony

Here’s a short summary of each title:

Decoherence : Build robots from a wide variety of components. Plan a strategy to carry you to victory. Fight as a pilot alonsdie your bots in exciting PvP matches or test your mettle in the single player Entropy Tribunals experience! INMOST : An atmospheric, story-driven puzzle platformer, following three playable characters within one dark, interconnecting story. In an old abandoned castle, you’ll need to explore every nook and cranny, avoid detection, slice your way through enemies and spring deadly traps in order to escape the evil that lurks within… Mind Symphony : Experience Music and Gameplay that emotionally and mentally impacts you. Mind Symphony sets unique gameplay to mes with musical tracks to creat an experience that makes you feel better. ShockRods : ShockRods is about shooting and avoiding being shot by jumping and dodging. ShockRods features solo and team games that take place in natural surroundings and future sports arenas. Your goal is ShockRods is to score points – by shooting your opponents and achieving objectives; scoring golas, stealing the other team’s flag, or dealing the most descruction… As you drive your ShockRod to VICTORY! Stela : Stela is a cinematic, atmospheric platformer about a young woman witnessing the final days of a mysterious ancient world

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  23. Om os

    Om os. GG Tours ApS er rejsebureau med københavnske og europæiske rødder. Ejerne af GG Tours har arbejdet med rejser siden 2002 og besluttede i 2012 at oprette selskabet GG Tours ApS for at Imødekomme større efterspørgsel på kvalitets rejseprodukter i Danmark, Skandinavien og Europa.

  24. Apple Arcade Guide: Everything available and what's new?

    Apple Arcade launched with close to 100 titles and the service is seeing new games added regularly with over 200 games now in the library. Follow along with our guide on all the available Apple ...