• Fin Brake System
  • "Q"-Line Gate System
  • Crazy Daisy
  • Projects/ Portfolio
  • Retrofit & Conditioning
  • Winter Maintenance

Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters, Inc.

  • Our History
  • Thomas D. Rebbie (1991 - Present)
  • Sam High III (1971 - 1991)
  • John C. Allen (1954 - 1971)
  • Herbert P. Schmeck (1922 - 1954)
  • Henry B. Auchy (1904 - 1922)
  • Latest News

Status: completed

Holiday world, project type: overhaul.

The 2 trains for The Voyage arrived this fall at PTCI for winter overhaul during the 2017/2018 winter season.

You can find The Voyage at Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana. The Voyage is one of three wooden roller coasters at Holiday World and is the tallest wooden coaster they have measuring at 173 feet at it’s heights point. The coaster was designed by The Gravity Group and is considered an out and back coaster, with some extreme elements. It is 1.2 miles long (that’s 6,442 feet of track) and gives riders a thrill for 2 minutes and 45 seconds at a top speed of 67 MPH! This impressive coaster has 5 underground tunnels, a triple down, and 3 90-degree banked turns. The Voyage proudly runs 2 PTCI two seat articulating trains with 6 cars in each train.

the voyage height

The Gravity Group, LLC

Holiday World & Splashin’ Safari , Santa Claus, IN – USA

The Voyage Feature

Ride Statistics

  • #1 Wooden Roller Coaster 2007-2011 (Golden Ticket Awards – Amusement Today)
  • Best New Ride 2006 (Golden Ticket Awards – Amusement Today)
  • 24.2 seconds of airtime (wooden coaster record)
  • 8 underground tunnel experiences

Take a Ride

Select photos by Justin Garvanovic.

  • Español NEW

The Voyage (roller coaster) facts for kids

The Voyage is a wooden roller coaster located at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana . Designed and built by The Gravity Group with the help of designers Mike Graham, Korey Kiepert, Larry Bill, Chad Miller, and former park President Will Koch, the roller coaster is themed to the famous voyage of the Mayflower by Pilgrims to North America in 1620. It opened to the public on May 6, 2006.

Among wooden coasters, The Voyage ranks second in length and sixth in height, featuring a track length of 6,442 feet (1,964 m) and a maximum height of 173 feet (53 m). Also, its 24.3 seconds of air-time is the most produced on a wooden coaster to date. Another unique statistic is the ride's five underground tunnels. In 2006, it won a Golden Ticket Award for "Best New Ride" from Amusement Today magazine, which also ranked The Voyage as the "Best Wooden Roller Coaster" from 2007 through 2011.


Modifications, station to mid-course brake run, mid-course brake run to end.

TheVoyage Autumn

To celebrate Holiday World's sixtieth anniversary, the park announced plans to add a new holiday-themed section to the park, Thanksgiving. A new wooden roller coaster called The Voyage was revealed as the main attraction for the new area. The Gravity Group (a company formed from the remnants of Custom Coasters International which went bankrupt in 2002) was contracted to build the new ride. Larry Bill, a co-founder, was heavily involved in the coaster's design. Park President Will Koch also participated and is listed as one of the ride's designers. As with the development of another coaster at the park, The Legend, Koch sought input from roller coaster enthusiasts around the world. During construction, The Voyage was featured in nationally-televised episodes of "SuperCoasters" on the National Geographic Channel and "Building the Biggest: Coasters" on the Discovery Channel .

The Voyage opened to the public on May 6, 2006. It originally operated with three, 28-passenger trains manufactured by the Philadelphia Toboggan Company (PTC). The first twenty-eight seat reservations for the ceremonial first ride were auctioned off on eBay , with proceeds donated to Riley Children's Foundation in Indiana .

In November 2009, Holiday World announced that they would be replacing their PTC trains with a new train model called a Timberliner. The new model was under development at the time by Gravitykraft, an affiliate company of The Gravity Group. The park's goal was to improve the ride experience, which had become somewhat rougher over the years as the track aged. Anticipating the arrival of two Timberliners, Holiday World sold two of its three PTC trains from Voyage to Darien Lake , another amusement park seeking replacement trains for one of its own – The Predator. However, The Voyage's new Timberliner trains arrived too late for the 2010 season, so the park decided to move one of the trains from The Raven over to Voyage. The transition required modifications to the train, and the move left The Raven with only one train for the remainder of the season.

For the 2011 season, Holiday World continued with the same train configuration on The Voyage. The original Timberliner model that was tested at Holiday World ended up on other coasters at other parks – Wooden Warrior at Quassy Amusement Park in Connecticut and Twister at Gröna Lund in Sweden . Gravitykraft was instead planning to debut a newer Timberliner model on The Voyage in 2012. The Raven needed to return to normal rider capacity in the meantime, so Holiday World purchased an additional five PTC cars. With their two spares, they were able to construct a full seven-car train to be used on The Voyage and allow the return of the borrowed train back to The Raven.

In 2012, a delivery delay of the new Timberliner model trains prevented the park from adequately testing them in the spring. Holiday World decided to postpone their implementation to the 2013 season. In addition to routine track maintenance, Holiday World worked with The Gravity Group in the 2011-12 off-season to rebuild and reprofile portions of the "spaghetti bowl" turnaround near mid-course. As a result of the reprofiled turn, an additional 0.1 second of air-time was created, raising the ride's new air-time total to 24.3 seconds.

In August 2013, Holiday World officially resigned from the Timberliner project, thanking Gravitykraft for their efforts but announcing that they were no longer pursuing the new trains for use on The Voyage. Instead, they planned to continue using the PTC trains. In 2014, Holiday World shortened the two trains from seven cars to six, and in 2015, the construction of Thunderbird resulted in the installation of netting under Thunderbird's vertical loop to protect Voyage riders passing below.


TheVoyage From LiftHill

The Voyage's station is themed as a 17th-century ship, with the basement being the cargo hold, the second level being the deck , and the ride operator's controls being the "Captain's Quarters". The station has three levels: a ground floor, a second floor, and a basement . Before entering the station, guests may be redirected to several outdoor queue switchbacks. Once the switchbacks have been navigated, guests enter the ground floor of the station. The ground floor includes two staircases to the basement; however, most of it is composed of maintenance areas. Depending on the size of the line, the park may or may not open the basement. If the basement is open, guests will walk down the stairs immediately after entering the ground floor of the station. The basement is filled with nothing but queue switchbacks. Once these switchbacks have been navigated, guests will walk up the stairs to the ground floor before continuing up the stairs to the second floor.

The second floor of the station holds the roller coaster's loading and unloading areas, as well as the two transfer tracks and maintenance bays. On the loading side of the station there are fourteen air-powered queue gates, one for each row of the train. On the unloading side of the station there are free shelves and lockers that riders may use to hold their belongings for the duration of the ride. The unloading side is also home to the ride operator's controls and two exit gates: a sliding gate near the front of the train and a swinging gate near the rear of the train. Beyond the unloading side of the station is an area that holds two maintenance bays. These allow unused trains to be stored during normal operation and also provides an additional area for maintenance crews to inspect the roller coaster trains.

The Voyage uses two blue, 24-passenger trains made by the Philadelphia Toboggan Company. Each train is made up of six cars that hold four riders each. Each car has two rows holding two riders each. Each row has a seat divider that separates the two riders in that row and ensures each rider remains in a position allowing their restraints to work effectively. Since The Voyage uses the same trains that The Raven and The Legend use, the restraints are the same - an individual ratcheting lap bar and an individual, two-point lap belt .

The wooden track on The Voyage is made out of numerous layers of Southern Yellow Pine , topped with a single layer of steel along the top, sides, and underside of the track where the train's wheels make contact. The supports for the track itself are made out of an estimated 750 short tons (680 t) of steel. The total length of the track is 6,442 feet (1,964 m) and includes 154 feet (47 m), 107 feet (33 m), and 100 feet (30 m) drops in addition to five underground tunnels. The track features a chain lift hill and five block sections , which theoretically allows a maximum of four trains at a time to run; however, this is impractical when considering the time it takes to dispatch 24-passenger trains. The most trains The Voyage has operated at one time is three. The Voyage uses fin brakes throughout the ride to allow the train to be stopped in the final (primary) brake run, the secondary brake run, the mid-course brake run, the station, and the transfer track.

Unlike Holiday World's other two wooden roller coasters, The Voyage has a gift shop which is located near its exit. This gift shop offers various merchandise featuring The Voyage and Holiday World & Splashin' Safari. Guests can also visit this gift shop to view and purchase their photo that was taken by the on-ride camera, located right before the drop through the station building.

Ride experience


The total ride experience on The Voyage lasts approximately two minutes and forty-five seconds.

The ride begins with riders in the station facing Plymouth Rock Café. After dispatch, the train immediately passes the transfer track, which is to the left of the main track, and dips down while crossing under the drop into the station fly-under before latching onto the lift hill chain. The train then travels up the 163 feet (50 m) tall lift hill. At the top of the lift hill the train immediately plunges down the ride's initial 154 feet (47 m) drop at over 65 miles per hour (105 km/h). At the bottom of the drop the train immediately goes over a 107 feet (33 m) airtime hill. At the bottom of the drop the train crosses under the exit from Thunderbird 's vertical loop, and then over a 100 feet (30 m) airtime hill.

Immediately at the bottom of the third drop the train enters the first of the five underground tunnels and the first of eight underground moments, during which the track crosses under Thunderbird's heartline roll. After exiting the first tunnel, the train goes over a small hill before entering the second underground tunnel. After exiting the second tunnel, the train goes over yet another hill before diving down into the ride's third underground tunnel. Upon exiting the third tunnel the train enters the "spaghetti bowl" portion of the ride, where the train turns around and begins its return journey. The train first navigates a banked "S" curve to the left and then the right before making a full 180° turn to the left. The train then takes a 90° banked turn to the left, followed immediately by a 90° banked turn to the right. At the completion of the turn, the train makes a small turn to the left and into another underground tunnel. After exiting the tunnel, the train hits the mid-course brake run, where the ride can stop the train in case of an emergency or to prevent block violation .

TheVoyage 90Degrees

The train's return trip begins with a triple-down drop into an underground tunnel, picking up considerable speed in the process. After exiting the tunnel, the train races toward the station while staying to the left of the track on the outbound hills. This portion goes under the supporting steel for the first three hills, creating multiple headchopper effects, once again crossing under Thunderbird in the same places as on the outbound journey. After crossing back under Thunderbird's loop, the track goes through a series of S-bends under the second airtime hill and the lift hill that culminate in the final 90° banked to the right. Once the train exits the banked turn it passes under the lift hill and takes a turn to the left.

The ride's on-ride camera is located on the left side of the track near this turn. After the train passes the on-ride camera, it flies over the base of the lift hill before making a diving right turn into a tunnel under the station. This underground tunnel goes under the entrance and exit walkways to the ride; it is also located right next to the basement queues, where there is a viewing window where waiting guests can watch the train fly by. After exiting the tunnel the train makes a climbing right turn before quickly shifting to a diving left turn that takes riders into another tunnel under the Thanksgiving midway. Then, after exiting the tunnel, the train makes a climbing, sweeping turn to the right. Once the train exits the turn, it immediately enters the primary brake run, before making a right hand turn into the secondary brake run, before passing through another piece of transfer track to reenter the station.

In addition to other awards, The Voyage was voted the world's "Best New Ride" at the 2006 Golden Ticket Awards.

  • This page was last modified on 30 August 2024, at 10:15. Suggest an edit .

The Voyage (roller coaster)

The Voyage is a wooden roller coaster located at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana . Designed and built by The Gravity Group with the help of designers Mike Graham, Korey Kiepert, Larry Bill, Chad Miller, and former park President Will Koch, the roller coaster is themed to the famous voyage of the Mayflower by Pilgrims to North America in 1620. It opened to the public on May 6, 2006. It is widely considered one of the best wooden roller coasters ever built, and was awarded by TIME Magazine as the Best Roller Coaster in the world in 2013.


Modifications, characteristics, ride experience, station to mid-course brake run, mid-course brake run to end, pop culture, external links.

Among wooden coasters, The Voyage ranks second in length and sixth in height, featuring a track length of 6,442 feet (1,964   m) and a maximum height of 173 feet (53   m) . Also, its 24.3 seconds of air-time is the most produced on a wooden coaster to date. Another unique statistic is the ride's five underground tunnels. In 2006, it won a Golden Ticket Award for " Best New Ride " from Amusement Today magazine, which also ranked The Voyage as the "Best Wooden Roller Coaster" from 2007 through 2011.

The Voyage roller coaster TheVoyage Autumn.jpg

On July 13, 2005, Holiday World announced plans to add a new Thanksgiving section for the park's 60th anniversary. A new wooden roller coaster called The Voyage was revealed as the main attraction for the new area. [2] The Gravity Group (a company formed from the remnants of Custom Coasters International which went bankrupt in 2002) was contracted to build the new ride. Larry Bill, a co-founder, was heavily involved in the coaster's design. Park President Will Koch also participated and is listed as one of the ride's designers. As with the development of another coaster at the park, The Legend, Koch sought input from roller coaster enthusiasts around the world. During construction, The Voyage was featured in nationally televised episodes of "SuperCoasters" on the National Geographic Channel and "Building the Biggest: Coasters" on the Discovery Channel . [3]

The Voyage opened to the public on May 6, 2006. It originally operated with three, 28-passenger trains manufactured by the Philadelphia Toboggan Company (PTC). The first twenty-eight seat reservations for the ceremonial first ride were auctioned off on eBay , with proceeds donated to Riley Children's Foundation in Indiana . [4]

In November 2009, Holiday World announced that they would be replacing their PTC trains with a new train model called a Timberliner. The new model was under development at the time by Gravitykraft, an affiliate company of The Gravity Group. The park's goal was to improve the ride experience, which had become somewhat rougher over the years as the track aged. Anticipating the arrival of two Timberliners, Holiday World sold two of its three PTC trains from Voyage to Darien Lake , another amusement park seeking replacement trains for one of its own – The Predator . However, The Voyage's new Timberliner trains arrived too late for the 2010 season, so the park decided to move one of the trains from The Raven over to Voyage. The transition required modifications to the train, and the move left The Raven with only one train for the remainder of the season. [5] [6]

For the 2011 season, Holiday World continued with the same train configuration on The Voyage. The original Timberliner model that was tested at Holiday World ended up on other coasters at other parks – Wooden Warrior at Quassy Amusement Park in Connecticut and Twister at Gröna Lund in Sweden. Gravitykraft was instead planning to debut a newer Timberliner model on The Voyage in 2012. The Raven needed to return to normal rider capacity in the meantime, so Holiday World purchased an additional five PTC cars. With their two spares, they were able to construct a full seven-car train to be used on The Voyage and allow the return of the borrowed train back to The Raven. [7]

In 2012, a delivery delay of the new Timberliner model trains prevented the park from adequately testing them in the spring. Holiday World decided to postpone their implementation to the 2013 season. [8] In addition to routine track maintenance, Holiday World worked with The Gravity Group in the 2011-12 off-season to rebuild and reprofile portions of the "spaghetti bowl" turnaround near mid-course. As a result of the reprofiled turn, an additional 0.1 second of air-time was created, raising the ride's new air-time total to 24.3 seconds. [9]

In August 2013, Holiday World officially resigned from the Timberliner project, thanking Gravitykraft for their efforts but announcing that they were no longer pursuing the new trains for use on The Voyage. Instead, they planned to continue using the PTC trains. In 2014, Holiday World shortened the two trains from seven cars to six, [10] and in 2015, the construction of Thunderbird resulted in the installation of netting under Thunderbird's vertical loop to protect Voyage riders passing below. [ citation needed ]

The Voyage's station, maintenance area, and transfer track (rightmost building), gift shop (building to the left of the station), and brake runs (behind the station), as seen from the roller coaster's lift hill. TheVoyage From LiftHill.jpg

The Voyage's station is themed as a 17th-century ship, with the basement being the cargo hold , the second level being the deck , and the ride operator's controls being the "Captain's Quarters". The station has three levels: a ground floor, a second floor, and a basement . Before entering the station, guests may be redirected to several outdoor queue switchbacks. Once the switchbacks have been navigated, guests enter the ground floor of the station. The ground floor includes two staircases to the basement; however, most of it is composed of maintenance areas. Depending on the size of the line, the park may or may not open the basement. If the basement is open, guests will walk down the stairs immediately after entering the ground floor of the station. The basement is filled with nothing but queue switchbacks. Once these switchbacks have been navigated, guests will walk up the stairs to the ground floor before continuing up the stairs to the second floor. [11]

The second floor of the station holds the roller coaster's loading and unloading areas, as well as the two transfer tracks and maintenance bays. On the loading side of the station there are fourteen air-powered queue gates, one for each row of the train. On the unloading side of the station there are free shelves and lockers that riders may use to hold their belongings for the duration of the ride. The unloading side is also home to the ride operator's controls and two exit gates: a sliding gate near the front of the train and a swinging gate near the rear of the train. Beyond the unloading side of the station is an area that holds two maintenance bays. These allow unused trains to be stored during normal operation and also provides an additional area for maintenance crews to inspect the roller coaster trains. [11]

The Voyage uses two blue, 24-passenger trains made by the Philadelphia Toboggan Company . Each train is made up of six cars that hold four riders each. Each car has two rows holding two riders each. Each row has a seat divider that separates the two riders in that row and ensures each rider remains in a position allowing their restraints to work effectively. Since The Voyage uses the same trains that The Raven and The Legend use, the restraints are the same - an individual ratcheting lap bar and an individual, two-point lap belt . [1]

The wooden track on The Voyage is made out of numerous layers of Southern Yellow Pine , topped with a single layer of steel along the top, sides, and underside of the track where the train's wheels make contact. The supports for the track itself are made out of an estimated 750 short tons (680   t) of steel. The total length of the track is 6,442 feet (1,964   m) and includes 154 feet (47   m) , 107 feet (33   m) , and 100 feet (30   m) drops in addition to five underground tunnels . The track features a chain lift hill and five block sections , which theoretically allows a maximum of four trains at a time to run; however, this is impractical when considering the time it takes to dispatch 24-passenger trains. The most trains The Voyage has operated at one time is three. The Voyage uses fin brakes throughout the ride to allow the train to be stopped in the final (primary) brake run , the secondary brake run, the mid-course brake run, the station, and the transfer track . [12]

Unlike Holiday World's other two wooden roller coasters, The Voyage has a gift shop which is located near its exit. This gift shop offers various merchandise featuring The Voyage and Holiday World & Splashin' Safari. Guests can also visit this gift shop to view and purchase their photo that was taken by the on-ride camera , located right before the drop through the station building.

An overview of the first three drops of The Voyage in 2006, as it looked prior to the construction of Thunderbird HolidayWorldTheVoyage.jpg

The total ride experience on The Voyage lasts approximately two minutes and forty-five seconds. [10]

The ride begins with riders in the station facing Plymouth Rock Café. After dispatch, the train immediately passes the transfer track , which is to the left of the main track, and dips down while crossing under the drop into the station fly-under before latching onto the lift hill chain. The train then travels up the 163 feet (50   m) tall lift hill. At the top of the lift hill the train immediately plunges down the ride's initial 154 feet (47   m) drop at over 65 miles per hour (105   km/h) . At the bottom of the drop the train immediately goes over a 107 feet (33   m) airtime hill. At the bottom of the drop the train crosses under the exit from Thunderbird 's vertical loop, and then over a 100 feet (30   m) airtime hill. [13]

Immediately at the bottom of the third drop the train enters the first of the five underground tunnels and the first of eight underground moments, during which the track crosses under Thunderbird's heartline roll. After exiting the first tunnel, the train goes over a small hill before entering the second underground tunnel. After exiting the second tunnel, the train goes over yet another hill before diving down into the ride's third underground tunnel. Upon exiting the third tunnel the train enters the "spaghetti bowl" portion of the ride, where the train turns around and begins its return journey. The train first navigates a banked "S" curve to the left and then the right before making a full 180° turn to the left. The train then takes a 90° banked turn to the left, followed immediately by a 90° banked turn to the right. At the completion of the turn, the train makes a small turn to the left and into another underground tunnel. After exiting the tunnel, the train hits the mid-course brake run , where the ride can stop the train in case of an emergency or to prevent block violation . [13]

One of The Voyage's three 90deg banked turns. TheVoyage 90Degrees.jpg

The train's return trip begins with a triple-down drop into an underground tunnel, picking up considerable speed in the process. After exiting the tunnel, the train races toward the station while staying to the left of the track on the outbound hills. This portion goes under the supporting steel for the first three hills, creating multiple headchopper effects, once again crossing under Thunderbird in the same places as on the outbound journey. After crossing back under Thunderbird's loop, the track goes through a series of S-bends under the second airtime hill and the lift hill that culminate in the final 90° banked to the right. Once the train exits the banked turn it passes under the lift hill and takes a turn to the left. [13]

The ride's on-ride camera is located on the left side of the track near this turn. After the train passes the on-ride camera, it flies over the base of the lift hill before making a diving right turn into a tunnel under the station. This underground tunnel goes under the entrance and exit walkways to the ride; it is also located right next to the basement queues, where there is a viewing window where waiting guests can watch the train fly by. After exiting the tunnel the train makes a climbing right turn before quickly shifting to a diving left turn that takes riders into another tunnel under the Thanksgiving midway . Then, after exiting the tunnel, the train makes a climbing, sweeping turn to the right. Once the train exits the turn, it immediately enters the primary brake run , before making a right hand turn into the secondary brake run, before passing through another piece of transfer track to reenter the station. [13]

In addition to other awards, The Voyage was voted the world's " Best New Ride " at the 2006 Golden Ticket Awards . [15]

On June 4, 2021, a 47-year-old woman was found unresponsive when the train she was riding in returned to the station. [33] She was taken to a nearby hospital where she later died. [33] An autopsy later determined that the woman tore her right internal thoracic artery , likely caused by the force of the roller coaster, causing a rapid loss of blood. [34]

The heavy metal band Fozzy rode the roller coaster in their song Sane released on May 28, 2021. [35]

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The Legend is a wooden roller coaster at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana, United States. It was designed and built beginning in 1999 by the now defunct Custom Coasters International, with the help of designers Dennis McNulty and Larry Bill; it opened on May 6, 2000. The Legend is themed after Washington Irving's short story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and mimics the frightful ride Ichabod Crane took as he was chased through the woods by the Headless Horseman. The Legend has been consistently ranked among the world's top twenty-five wooden roller coasters at the Golden Ticket Awards, which are presented annually by Amusement Today magazine.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Shivering Timbers</span> Roller coaster at Michigans Adventure

Shivering Timbers is a wooden roller coaster located at Michigan's Adventure in Muskegon County, Michigan. It was developed and built by Custom Coasters International. Opened in May 1998, Shivering Timbers debuted for the park's 32nd year in operation and was a success. Construction for the ride began in 1997. The trains were made by Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters. The ride's out and back layout is 5,383 feet (1,641 m) long, making it the fourth-longest wooden roller coaster in the world. The ride has been re-tracked by Martin & Vleminckx and Great Coasters International. Shivering Timbers is the tallest and fastest roller coaster in Michigan.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Apocalypse: The Ride</span> Wooden roller coaster

Apocalypse: The Ride , formerly known as Terminator Salvation: The Ride , is a wooden roller coaster located at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California. Manufactured by Great Coasters International, the roller coaster opened to the public on May 23, 2009. It is located in The Underground section of the amusement park on a plot of land formerly occupied by the Psyclone (1991–2007), Shockwave (1986–1988) and Sarajevo Bobsleds (1984–1986). It was the first wooden coaster to feature onboard audio, and its Terminator theme was short-lived following a corporate restructuring by Six Flags in 2011.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Wildebeest (ride)</span> Amusement ride in Indiana

Wildebeest is a water coaster at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana, United States. It was designed and built beginning in 2009 by ProSlide Technology; it opened on May 7, 2010. Wildebeest is named after the African mammal, keeping with the water park's safari theme. When it was completed in 2010, Wildebeest held the record for the world's longest water coaster at 1,710 feet (520 m) long. It held that record until May 11, 2012, when Mammoth, Holiday World's second water coaster, took over the title at 1,763 feet (537 m) long. In 2010, Wildebeest was voted the world's "Best New Waterpark Ride" at the Golden Ticket Awards, which are presented annually by Amusement Today magazine. Wildebeest was also awarded the Golden Ticket Award for "Best Waterpark Ride" in 2010, 2011, and 2022.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Wooden Warrior</span> Wooden roller coaster at Quassy Amusement Park

Wooden Warrior is a wooden roller coaster located at Quassy Amusement Park in Middlebury, Connecticut, United States. The coaster was designed and built by American wooden coaster designer The Gravity Group. Wooden Warrior features a 45-foot (14 m) drop, with a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour (56 km/h) and a total track length of 1,239 feet (378 m). The coaster features Gravitykraft's Timberliner trains, and was the first wooden coaster in the United States to use such trains. Despite the coaster's small size, it has been well received by enthusiasts for its air time and thrilling experience.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Thunderbird (Holiday World)</span> Steel wing roller coaster

Thunderbird is a steel roller coaster located in the Thanksgiving section of Holiday World & Splashin' Safari amusement park in Santa Claus, Indiana. Designed by Bolliger & Mabillard, the ride opened to the public on April 25, 2015, as the eighth Wing Coaster in the world and the fourth in the United States. Thunderbird reaches a maximum speed of 60 mph (97 km/h) in 3.5 seconds and features a 125-foot-tall (38 m) vertical loop.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Troy (roller coaster)</span> Wooden roller coaster at Toverland

Troy is a wooden roller coaster located at Toverland in Sevenum, the Netherlands. It was manufactured by American manufacturer Great Coasters International (GCI) and opened on June 29, 2007. Troy was GCI's second roller coaster in Europe, following Thunderbird at PowerPark in Finland. With a height of 31.9 metres (105 ft), a maximum speed of 86.9 kilometres per hour (54.0 mph), and a track length of 1,077.2 metres (3,534 ft), Troy is the tallest, fastest, and longest wooden roller coaster in the Netherlands as of 2018.

  • ↑ Campbell, Joy (July 14, 2005). "Holiday World announces new coaster" . Messager-Inquirer . Retrieved July 14, 2021 .
  • ↑ "National Spotlight" . Holiday World . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • ↑ "First Riders" . Evansville Courier & Press . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • ↑ "New Trains" . Holiday World . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • ↑ "Plan B" . Holiday World . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • ↑ "2011 Trains" . Holiday World . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • ↑ "2012 Trains" . Holiday World . Retrieved April 5, 2012 .
  • ↑ "2012 Track Work" . Holiday World . Retrieved April 5, 2012 .
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 "RCDB: Voyage" . Roller Coaster Database . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • 1 2 "Voyage Station" . Roller Coaster Database . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • ↑ "The Voyage Fact Sheet 2010" . Holiday World . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • 1 2 3 4 "YouTube: The Voyage" . Holiday World . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • ↑ "Coaster Records" . Ultimate Rollercoaster . Retrieved November 24, 2011 .
  • 1 2 "Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today : 30–31B. September 2006. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 19, 2013.
  • ↑ "Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today . 11 (6.2): 42–43. September 2007. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 19, 2013.
  • ↑ "Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today . 12 (6.2): 42–43. September 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 19, 2013.
  • ↑ "Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today . 13 (6.2): 38–39. September 2009. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 19, 2013.
  • ↑ "Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today . 14 (6.2): 38–39. September 2010. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 19, 2013.
  • ↑ "Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today . 15 (6.2): 46–47. September 2011. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 19, 2013.
  • ↑ "Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today . 16 (6.2): 46–47. September 2012.
  • ↑ "2013 Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today . 17 (6.2): 40–41. September 2013. Archived from the original (PDF) on October 19, 2013.
  • ↑ "2014 Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today . 18 (6.2): 38–39. September 2014.
  • ↑ "2015 Top 50 wood Roller Coasters" (PDF) . Amusement Today . 19 (6.2): 45–46. September 2015.
  • ↑ "2016 Top 50 Wooden Coasters" . Golden Ticket Awards . Amusement Today . September 2016.
  • ↑ "2017 Top 50 Wooden Coasters" . Golden Ticket Awards . Amusement Today . September 2017.
  • ↑ "2018 Top 50 Wooden Coasters" . Golden Ticket Awards . Amusement Today . September 2018.
  • ↑ "2019 Top 50 Wood Coasters" . Golden Ticket Awards . Amusement Today . September 2019.
  • ↑ "2021 Golden Ticket Award Winners" . Golden Ticket Awards . Amusement Today . September 2021. Archived from the original on November 15, 2021.
  • ↑ "2022 Golden Ticket Award Winners" . Golden Ticket Awards . Amusement Today . September 2022. Archived from the original on September 12, 2022.
  • ↑ "2023 Golden Ticket Award Winners" . Amusement Today . 27 (6.2): 71–72. September 2023. Archived from the original on September 10, 2023.
  • ↑ "NAPHA Survey Results 2005-2011" . National Amusement Park Historical Association . Retrieved January 13, 2013 .
  • 1 2 "Woman dies after being found unresponsive on ride at Holiday World" . WLKY . June 6, 2021 . Retrieved June 6, 2021 .
  • ↑ Willets, Mitchell (July 7, 2021). "Woman dies after tearing artery in freak event on roller coaster, Indiana coroner says" . The News & Observer . Archived from the original on July 8, 2021 . Retrieved July 8, 2021 .
  • ↑ Sams, Travis (May 28, 2021). "Chris Jericho Visits Holiday World For Music Video" . 99.5 WKDQ . Retrieved June 6, 2021 .
  • Official website for The Voyage at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
  • Official YouTube video of The Voyage (point-of-view) posted by Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
  • Official YouTube video of The Voyage (off-ride) posted by Holiday World & Splashin' Safari


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Board the Mayflower for a voyage to the New World with the Pilgrim Fathers...

The Voyage flies over the lift hill

The Voyage flies over the lift hill

The Voyage is the largest and most of recent of Holiday World's trio of wooden rollercoasters, and is themed around the voyage of the Mayflower which brought the Pilgrim Fathers to North America in 1620.

A rollercoaster built to celebrate such an important moment in American history and culture must be special, and The Voyage satisfies the brief extremely well. At 6442 feet long with a maximum height of 159 feet and a claimed 24.3 seconds of airtime during its two minutes and forty five seconds duration, it is both giant and epic.

The ride was built by The Gravity Group, with Philadephia Toboggan Company trains. From the ship themed station in Holiday World's Thanskgiving section, the track ventures out into surrounding the woods and at one stage interacts closely with Thunderbird , the park's B&M Wing Coaster.

Highlights along the way include the first three huge drops (154ft, 107ft, and 100ft respectively), five underground tunnels which the trains enter a total of eight times, and a "spaghetti bowl" track section which acts as the turnaround for the train's return trip.

The Voyage is a triumph of ride design, combining excitement and pacing in a way that propels it high into the ranks of the world's best wooden rollercoasters. It won the Golden Ticket Awards' Best New Ride in 2006 and then Best Wooden Rollercoaster every year from 2007 to 2011 and still ranks highly in the Top 50 list.

If there's a slight negative, it is that The Voyage is not a particularly gentle ride. As with many wooden rollercoasters, it throws riders around a lot: considering the massive amounts of airtime this isn't surprising. However, that combined with the roughness towards the back of the train limits re-ridability a little bit. Still though, it's an amazing rollercoaster deserving of all the accolades that have been bestowed upon it.


Photo Gallery

The Voyage

The first two drops

Lift hill

A train leaves the station

Top of the lift

Top of the lift

First drop

One of The Voyage's airtime hills

Interacting with Thunderbird

Interacting with Thunderbird

Banked turn

Banked turn


Award winner

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The Voyage is a wooden coaster designed by the Gravity Group. When it opened, it set the record for most seconds of airtime on a single roller coaster. The ride is the signature attraction of Holiday World.


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Aerial view of Cheetah Chase Water Coaster & The Voyage at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana.

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Good Gravy! Family Roller Coaster coming through giant cranberry sauce can tunnel

Teaching STEM from the Top of The Voyage

What is your favorite part of riding a rollercoaster?

Is it the feeling of the wind against your face as you whoosh around a curve? Is it the sensation in your stomach as you go over the drop?

It turns out the height of the drops is really important in wooden roller coasters like The Voyage .

This is because it provides the kinetic energy (moving energy) for the ride.

the voyage height

As the cars are pulled up the hill, they gain potential energy. The higher they get off the ground, the greater their potential energy. At the very top of the first hill of The Voyage is the moment when you have the greatest potential energy on the ride. When the cars begin to go down the drop, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

The video shows the relationship between the two!

Some roller coasters at other theme parks rely on other energy sources to speed things up, but The Voyage gets all of its kinetic energy from that first gain in height.

But how high is it?

I had the opportunity to take the EarlyBird Tour to experience it for myself – but from a different perspective. Not from the rollercoaster seat but from the track!

A group of us were escorted up to the top of the lift hill. And good gravy were we high up! You can see the whole park, especially Splashin’ Safari from up there!

the voyage height

And you can really see the potential for the energy if something were to be dropped from that high, such as a roller coaster train going down that drop. The difference between the highest point and the lowest point on The Voyage is 173 feet. Convert that to kinetic energy and that is a lot of movement!

Head to Holiday World for your next STEM lesson in action!

Want to try Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy out yourself at home? K’nex makes roller coaster sets where you can make your own rollercoasters powered by potential energy!

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Entries accepted through Wednesday, May 1 at 8pm Central.

Reminder: Holiday World will never comment on a social media post telling you that you’ve won our giveaway. When the giveaway is over, the winner’s first name and last initial will be displayed in the giveaway above. Winners will be contacted at the email address they provided while signing up to earn entries.

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the voyage height

The Voyage is a wooden hybrid roller coaster located at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana, USA. The ride has the most airtime of any wooden roller coaster in the world, with 24.2 seconds, in addition to three 90° banked turns and a 66° first drop. It opened in 2006 as part of the new Thanksgiving area.

In July 2005, Holiday World announced that The Voyage would be coming to the park. It would be a part of the new Thanksgiving area.

During construction, National Geographic spent a day filming the roller coaster and several interviews for a documentary titled Coasters: Riding Into the Extreme . [1]

The Voyage officially opened on May 6, 2006.

Holiday World announced that for the 2010 season, The Voyage would receive new Timberliner trains from Gravitykraft Corporation . [2] The trains were not installed, and in August 2013, the park stated that the Timberliners would not be installed. [3]

The ride has five underground tunnels and three 90° banked curves. [4]

2 trains with 6 cars per train. Riders are arranged 2 across in 2 rows for a total of 24 riders per train.

On Friday June 4, 2021, Coaster enthusiasts Dawn Jankovic and her son Gunnar Merker boarded The Voyage. During the ride, Dawn lost unconscious. Upon returning to the station, medics were called immediately and Dawn was taken to a nearby hospital where she passed away. The coaster remained closed and was inspected by the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and found to be operating as intended. An autopsy had been completed but has not been released pending notification of the family. [5] [6] [7]

Holiday World released the following statement via social media:

"Earlier this evening, a female Guest returned to the station of The Voyage roller coaster unresponsive. Holiday World EMTs arrived three minutes later and immediately began to render first aid. The Guest was transported via ambulance to Memorial Hospital in Jasper, Indiana. At this point, the Guest’s name has not been released.

A full inspection of the roller coaster has been performed, and it was determined that the ride operated as it was intended to.

The ride remained closed for the evening out of respect for the family.

Holiday World & Splashin' Safari officials ask for your thoughts and prayers for the Guest and her family, as well as for Team Members who were onsite." [8]

The queue line

  • ↑ National Geographic To Film Construction Of New Wooden Coaster - Ultimate Rollercoaster
  • ↑ 'Voyage' Engineers Design New Coaster Trains - Holiday World (Wayback archive)
  • ↑ Voyage trains update - Holiday World
  • ↑ New for 06: The Voyage! - Holiday World
  • ↑ Boswell, Jake (06/08/2021). " "She was a hard working mom": Son remembers mother who died after roller coaster ride at Holiday World" . Tristate Homepage . WEHT . Retrieved 06/12/2021 . {{ cite web }} : Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= ( help )
  • ↑ Loreno, Darcie (06/08/2021). "Woman dies on roller coaster" . Fox 8 . WJW . Retrieved 06/12/2021 . {{ cite web }} : Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= ( help )
  • ↑ "Social Media Statement" . Facebook . Holiday World & Splashin' Safari. 06/05/2021 . Retrieved 06/12/2021 . {{ cite web }} : Check date values in: |accessdate= and |date= ( help )

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Voyage • Holiday World

Score of 97,1%.

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Word of Mouth

Submitting a book for review, write the editor, you are here:, the voyage home.

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  • About the Book

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From the Booker Prize-winning author of The Regeneration Trilogy comes the powerful third installment to the Women of Troy series.

I never saw Cassandra as a victim. I saw a woman as focused on a single aim as any raptor stooping to its prey; but then, I had more opportunities to observe her ruthlessness than most. I was in her power, you see. I was her slave.

Pat Barker has crafted the latest in a brilliant reimagining of Greek mythology, and THE VOYAGE HOME is the work of a writer at the height of her powers. In this third outing, she follows the young Ritsa and the unpredictable Cassandra on their perilous return journey to Mycenae. Cassandra has acquired the powers of prophecy from the kiss of Apollo, but the very same god has taken away the people’s belief in her abilities. Though she warns of the carnage that awaits the Greek warrior king Agamemnon --- who numbs himself with alcohol on the storm-plagued trip home --- her shipmates disregard her.

While Cassandra’s prophecies fall on deaf ears, Ritsa instead remains focused on surviving once they make land. When a mysterious young girl begins to shadow them, and Agamemnon’s cruelty takes a new turn, Ritsa must find a safe place for Cassandra, whose mood alternates between cruelty and frenzy. But it’s the ongoing ire between Queen Clytemnestra and Agamemnon that could prove fatal for everyone.

In THE VOYAGE HOME, Barker elevates myth and legend and asks us to examine the stories we hold dear through a feminist lens, and in doing so she has crafted a tale that upholds her legacy as one of our finest contemporary novelists.

the voyage height

The Voyage Home by Pat Barker

  • Publication Date: December 3, 2024
  • Genres: Fiction , Historical Fiction , Mythology
  • Hardcover: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Doubleday
  • ISBN-10: 0385549113
  • ISBN-13: 9780385549110

the voyage height


All aboard the maiden voyage of Royal Caribbean’s new 'Utopia of the Seas' cruise ship

the voyage height

Utopia  presents the ultimate weekend gamechanger with over 40 ways to dine, wine and party across 18 decks (All photos: Royal Caribbean International)

It is the sweltering height of summer in Orlando, Florida, where the mercury inches up day after day with no sign of receding. Surely, a trip to the coast and a dip in the cool water is warranted.

Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, the southeasternmost US state is endowed with world-famous shorelines, from historic Daytona Beach, synonymous with high-octane motorsports, to Miami’s upscale South Beach (popularly abbreviated to SoBe), a favourite haunt among the minted glitterati. Instead, we find ourselves enroute to Port Canaveral for a different sort of escape.

Thousands of guests from the world over were invited to board the maiden voyage of Royal Caribbean International’s brand new cruise ship, Utopia of the Seas . The latest addition to its Oasis Class — the cruise line’s biggest, most popular and expensive fleet — Utopia  is the first in the stable built for the short-break market, with packages that last just three or four days.

If you did not know, a naming ceremony is customary for a new ship to usher in good fortune and safety. Typically, friends and family gather at the shipyard to celebrate before it sets sail for the first time. A ‘godmother’, or lady sponsor, will bless the vessel and provide it a name. Thereafter, a customary bottle of champagne is smashed against the bow and the revelry ensues.


the voyage height

Options is the award-winning lifestyle pullout of The Edge Malaysia, the country’s premier business and investment weekly publication.

The Edge Media Group


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  1. The Voyage (roller coaster)

    It opened to the public on May 6, 2006. It is widely considered one of the best wooden roller coasters ever built, and was awarded by TIME Magazine as the Best Roller Coaster in the world in 2013. Among wooden coasters, The Voyage ranks second in length and sixth in height, featuring a track length of 6,442 feet (1,964 m) and a maximum height ...

  2. The Voyage in the HoliBlog

    It takes the traditional out-and-back layout to the edge of insanity, with one of the steepest drops on any wooden roller coaster in the world. The Voyage is 1.2 miles long, placing it among the planet's top two longest wooden coasters. The Voyage also has three sections of extreme, 90-degree banking. We carved out five underground tunnels ...

  3. The Voyage Roller Coaster 360° POV

    Grab a front seat ride on The Voyage, the world's #1 wooden coaster for extreme air-time! Be sure to look around - this is a 360 video! http://HolidayWorld.com

  4. Riding the Worlds Most Insane Wooden Roller Coaster: The Voyage at

    This ride is WILD! With a track length of over 6,000 feet, tons of airtime hills and 90 degree banked turns, the Voyage takes you through what might be the c...

  5. The Voyage

    The Voyage is one of three wooden roller coasters at Holiday World and is the tallest wooden coaster they have measuring at 173 feet at it's heights point. The coaster was designed by The Gravity Group and is considered an out and back coaster, with some extreme elements. It is 1.2 miles long (that's 6,442 feet of track) and gives riders a ...

  6. Voyage

    Voyage. The Voyage is a wooden hybrid roller coaster located at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana, USA. The ride has the most airtime of any wooden roller coaster in the world, with 24.2 seconds, in addition to three 90° banked turns and a 66° first drop. It opened in 2006 as part of the new Thanksgiving area.

  7. The Voyage HD Front Seat On Ride POV & Review, Massive ...

    Hey coaster fanatics. This is my HD front Seat on ride POV and review of The Voyage. The massive Gravity Group wood coaster at Holiday World. It has a max he...

  8. The Voyage • The Gravity Group, LLC

    The Voyage. Holiday World & Splashin' Safari, Santa Claus, IN - USA [Show as slideshow] Ride Statistics. Opened: 2006: Lift Height: 159 ft [49 m] First Drop: 154 ft [47 m] Total Elevation Difference: 173 ft [53 m] Track Length: 6442 ft [1964 m]

  9. The Voyage Roller Coaster

    The Voyage. Type of Ride: Out and Back Wooden Coaster. Height: 173 feet First Drop: 154 feet Top Speed: 67.4 mph Length: 6,442 feet. Angle of Descent: 66-degrees the steepest on a U.S. wooden coaster. Airtime: A record 24.2 seconds. Elements: Five Tunnels for 8 underground moments, Two 90-degree extreme banked turns.

  10. The Voyage (roller coaster) facts for kids

    It opened to the public on May 6, 2006. Among wooden coasters, The Voyage ranks second in length and sixth in height, featuring a track length of 6,442 feet (1,964 m) and a maximum height of 173 feet (53 m). Also, its 24.3 seconds of air-time is the most produced on a wooden coaster to date.

  11. The Voyage (roller coaster)

    The Voyage is a wooden roller coaster located at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana. Designed and built by The Gravity Group with the help of designers Mike Graham, Korey Kiepert, Larry Bill, Chad Miller, and former park President Will Koch, the roller coaster is themed to the

  12. The Voyage, Holiday World

    A rollercoaster built to celebrate such an important moment in American history and culture must be special, and The Voyage satisfies the brief extremely well. At 6442 feet long with a maximum height of 159 feet and a claimed 24.3 seconds of airtime during its two minutes and forty five seconds duration, it is both giant and epic.

  13. The Voyage

    5. Rated: 3.0 out of 5 (5 votes) From 2007 to 2011, The Voyage was ranked the #1 wooden coaster on the Planet by the readers of Amusement Today. The third wooden roller coaster at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari is located in the theme park's new Thanksgiving section. The Voyage is 1.2 miles long and provides a record 24.2 seconds of "air time."

  14. The Voyage

    Maximum Height: 173 feet Maximum Speed: 67.4 mph Ride Features: The Voyage includes a record five underground tunnels (some are double, creating eight "underground moments"), a series of dramatic drops (including a 66-degree angle of descent on the first drop), two 90-degree banked turns, and multiple track crossovers. The Voyage includes ...

  15. The Voyage at Holiday World

    Date Taken: 05/31/2013. Date Posted: 07/23/2013. The Voyage is a wooden coaster designed by the Gravity Group. When it opened, it set the record for most seconds of airtime on a single roller coaster. The ride is the signature attraction of Holiday World. This page contains photos of The Voyage at Holiday World.

  16. Teaching STEM from the Top of The Voyage

    It turns out the height of the drops is really important in wooden roller coasters like The Voyage. This is because it provides the kinetic energy (moving energy) for the ride. ... At the very top of the first hill of The Voyage is the moment when you have the greatest potential energy on the ride. When the cars begin to go down the drop, the ...

  17. 2022 The Voyage Roller Coaster On Ride Back Seat 4K POV ...

    The Voyage is a wooden roller coaster located at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari in Santa Claus, Indiana. Designed and built by The Gravity Group with the h...

  18. Voyage, The at Holiday World

    Voyage, The roller coaster, located at Holiday World. Current Top 100 rank #10: Height: 173 feet / 52.7 meters: Largest drop: 154 feet / 46.9 meters

  19. Voyage

    Height 159 feet: Elevation change 173 feet: Drop 154 feet: Top speed 67 mph: Length 6442 feet: Inversions 0 Drop angle 66° Bank angle 90° Duration 2:45 HELP. The Voyage is a wooden hybrid roller coaster located at Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana, USA. The ride has the most airtime of any wooden roller coaster in the world, ...

  20. The Voyage • Holiday World

    The Voyage • Holiday World. Score of 97,1% Ranked #41 in the world Duration Airtimes Intensity. Rate this coaster ! You must be logged in to rate. Log in. 161 ft 67 mph ...

  21. The Voyage front seat on-ride 4K POV @60fps Holiday World

    This Gravity Group hybrid wooden coaster has been consistently ranked as one of the top woodies in the world every since it opened in 2006, including Best Ne...

  22. The Voyage Home

    Pat Barker has crafted the latest in a brilliant reimagining of Greek mythology, and THE VOYAGE HOME is the work of a writer at the height of her powers. In this third outing, she follows the young Ritsa and the unpredictable Cassandra on their perilous return journey to Mycenae. Cassandra has acquired the powers of prophecy from the kiss of Apollo, but the very same god has taken away the ...

  23. Voyage Review, Holiday World

    Voyage at Holiday World is a perennial contender for the world's best wooden roller coaster. Built by Gravity Group, this is one of the tallest, fastest, an...

  24. All aboard the maiden voyage of Royal Caribbean's new 'Utopia of the

    It is the sweltering height of summer in Orlando, Florida, where the mercury inches up day after day with no sign of receding. Surely, a trip to the coast and a dip in the cool water is warranted. ... Thousands of guests from the world over were invited to board the maiden voyage of Royal Caribbean International's brand new cruise ship, ...