How to Arrange Your Bromo Tour (The Complete Guide)

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The Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park offers some of the most amazing landscapes in the whole of Indonesia. It is especially beautiful at sunrise as the mist rolls over the valley and the sun rises behind Bromo Volcano. However, arranging a Bromo Tour can be surprisingly difficult. It’s easy to get over charged, stay in the wrong place or make a silly mistake (like not bring a warm coat).

To help you arrange your Bromo trip I created this short guide. The guide covers everything you need to know to arrange a Bromo tour. The guide has been broken down into easy to navigate sections. You can click the link to jump directly to a certain part of the Bromo Tour Guide.

  • Where to Stay: Find Out More
  • Entrance Fee: Find Out More
  • Jeep Rental: Find Out More
  • Bromo Tour: Find Out More
  • Booking a Tour: Find Out More

Let’s get started.

Where to Stay

When you visit Bromo you can stay in one of the following three cities; Malang, Surabaya or Probolinggo. Surabaya is the furthest away from Bromo. It is a 90 minute car drive from Surabaya to Mt Bromo. Malang is a little closer. It is a 60 minute car drive from Malang to Mount Bromo. Probolinggo actually overlooks Mount Bromo.

The 3 Mount Bromo Tours

From surabaya: bromo midnight tour.

If you decide to book a hotel in Surabaya you will join the Bromo Midnight tour. The reason it’s called the Surabaya to Bromo midnight tour package is because you get picked up from your hotel at midnight. From Surabaya you will be driven directly to Bromo for sunrise.

From Malang: Bromo Sunrise Tour

The Bromo Sunrise Tour is for people who are staying in Malang (which is closer to Bromo). The driver of your car will pick you up from your hotel in Malang at 3:30am. It’s a one hour and forty minute to 2,5 hours from Malang to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park at night. During the day it is around 3-3,5 hours journey. To actually visit Bromo you need to swap cars, because only members of the local community can drive the jeeps you need to take to visit the volcano.

From Probolinggo: Bromo Probolinggo Tour

The Bromo Probolinggo tour is the most convenient of the three options. The hotels in Problinggo actually overlook Mt Bromo volcano. If you are staying in Probolinggo then you have the option of either walking to the Penanjakan viewpoint or renting a jeep to take you there. It’s a 3 hour walk from Probolinggo to Penanjakan, which means that you will need to set off at approximately 1:00 am – 2:00 am to reach the viewpoint for sunrise (the walk is almost all uphill).

Visiting Savana Hill. It’s a beautiful green landscape in the wet season.

Mount Bromo Entrance Fee

There is an entrance fee to enter Bromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park. For Indonesians the price for entrance to the national park is at around Rp30,000 per person. For foreigners there are two price prices. On weekdays the price for the entrance ticket is at around Rp 240,000. On weekends and Indonesian public holidays the cost is at around Rp 340,000.

Jeep Rental

To take the Bromo tour you will need to arrange a jeep rental. There are two different tours you can choose from, the short tour and the long tour. On the short tour you will visit Penanjakan Viewpoint to watch sunrise and climb Mount Bromo Volcano, before returning to your hotel/ driver.

If you go on the long tour you will go to Savana Hill and Whispering Sands (Sea Sands). You can arrange a jeep rental on arrival in Bromo, but it is more convenient and cheaper to pre-book the jeep. All of the jeep rentals at Bromo are pretty much the same model. A Bromo jeep rental can fit up to five passengers. The price for a Bromo jeep rental changes according to the tourist season. See the table below for more information on jeep rental prices.

Mt Bromo Tour

If you take either the Bromo Mindnight or Bromo Sunrise tours you will need to change cars to a jeep to get to Penanjakan. If you are staying in the Bromo National Park area the jeep will pick you up at your hotel. Penanjakan does get really crowded for sunrise. There will be a big crowd. For the best experience visit on a weekday, because it’s not as packed and it’s also cheaper (it’s still quite busy though).

Whichever tour you take, the first place you will stop is Penanjakan viewpoint (or other viewpoints such as King Kong Hill, Cinta Hill, etc). This is where you will watch sunrise from (it’s where everybody takes those beautiful photos that Bromo is so famous for). There’s a perfect 15 minutes or so to take some amazing photos and then it’s over for another day. Those 15 minutes are worth waking up really early in the morning for.

Climbing Bromo

After sunrise the jeep will take you to Bromo crater. It is a 25-minute car drive from Penanjakan to the crater. The jeep will drop you off on the dusty valley floor. From there it’s a relaxing 30-minute walk to the crater. If you have children, or you just want to do something different, you can ride a horse to the crater.

It is an easy climb to the top of Bromo crater. On the final part of the climb there are concrete stairs dug into the side of the crater. From the top of Mount Bromo you can look inside the crater, which is normally smoking. Many locals throw offerings into the crater. The view from the top are really beautiful. If you are on the short tour the driver will take you back to your hotel after climbing Mt Bromo.

The rugged landscape of Whispering Sands.

The Long Bromo Jeep Tour

After you’ve climbed the volcano you will visit the Tengger Sea Sands and the Savanna Hill.  This part of the tour takes around an hour. During the tour you can ask the driver to stop so you can take some photos. The landscape is really impressive. At the Tengger Sand Sea you see the volcanic sand. This area is popular for people who do off road motocross.

In the Savannah area you are surrounded by an island of green (or brown-ish if it is dry season). The visit to these two places is a real chance to see the contrasts in the landscape of Mount Bromo. On the tour of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park you’re guaranteed to take beautiful photos that you’ll want to share with your family and friends.

Arranging a Bromo Tour

The Bromo tour is really special. The view of the sunrise is an unforgettable experience. You can probably understand why I tell all my friends they have to join this tour if they visit Surabaya or Malang or Probolinggo. To help you arrange a tour without the usual hassle I’ve partnered with some local independent drivers and we can take care everything.

Here’s What’s Included in the Package:

  • Pick up from your hotel or the train station/ airport
  • Transport in a comfortable car
  • Experienced local driver
  • Entrance costs for Bromo
  • Drop off at your hotel

FYI Bromo is an active volcano. We do monitor the volcanic activity at the crater. Sometimes people are not allowed to visit the crater when the authorities request the visitors to be 1-3 km away from the crater. You can still enjoy the amazing landscape of Bromo.

Interested in joining the Bromo tour and visiting the most famous tourism sites in East Java? Press the button below to find out more.

Have you ever visited Bromo? Do you have any tips, advice or places you’d recommend?

Next post Review: Tugu Hotel Blitar

Previous post 9 fun and interesting things to do in blitar.


About the Author Firsta

Related posts, bromo marathon: racing towards the future.

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Take me there kak Fisrta…. 🙂

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Ah Kak Indra, namaku aja salah tulis. 🙁 Yuk berkunjung ke pulau Jawa, nanti kita main ke Bromo!

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keren kali kak Fistra!

Thanks Kak Wira 🙂

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Very nice article, Firsta. Masih terus terkagum-kagum kalau baca blog yg pake Bahasa Inggris. Kapan aku bisa nulis casciscus gitu ya 😀 *e koq malah curcol

Yes, you give so much reason to come back to Bromo. Longing for it 😉

Thank you Uniek! Namanya seru sekali 🙂 Ini jg masih banyak latihan, dan kadang masih suka aku revisi karena kalau dibaca lagi suka ada yg aneh / salah tulis. Hahahaa.. Yes, I really want to go to Bromo again! Hopefully in the near future. Thanks for dropping by here, Cheers!

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bagus…….. aku punya kenalan anjing disana, namanya ROCKY…

What? Mas Arik, anjingnya domisili sebelah mananya Bromo? :p

Di warungny mas Adi, sebelah timur pangkalan bensin buat jeep.

[…] – Bromo, Baduy, Bale Kambang and so much […]

[…] over 7,000 feet to challenge the skyline with impudent spumes, the still-active Mount Bromo is a cantankerous old volcano that shows no sign of retiring. Particularly impressive at sunrise, […]

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I just discovered Mt Bromo while researching for inspiring weekend getaway from Brunei. There is a direct flight to Surabaya from here and I am so tempted to see Mt Bromo. Your article convinced me to visit, but the flock of tourists may change my feeling about visiting. Just want to compliment on your article 🙂

Hi Emily, Thank you for your kind words and the visit to my blog. You should go to Bromo. 🙂 Promise that you will not regret. :p It is pretty amazing!

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Firs..ini kyknya gw mau ke bromo december nanti.. hehe.. waktu itu elo berangkat dr mana dan sewa mobil ga yah? hehe

Jenitaaa.. Aku udah kirim infonya by email yaa. 🙂

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Great articles! Very inspiring. What is the best way to get from Yogyakarta to Surabaya or Probolinggo? We are leaving in one week to Indonesia 🙂 I’m very excited.

Kind regards, Ayla

Hi Ayla. Thanks for the kind feedback. I’d recommend taking the train from Yogyakarta to Surabaya or alternatively the plane. It really depends on your timetable and budget. If you haven’t done the train before I think it’s worth it though 🙂 Hope that helps.

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Thanks for your information. Can you please email me a package for a midnight tour from Surabaya airport?

Hi Anton, We sent you an email on Sept 22. Please let me know if you receive the email ok. Look forward to hearing back from you, Anton.

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Can you help me with the tour, i fly from Jog to Surabaya and from Suryabaya i intend to stay at Malang so i can avoid the midnight ride to Bromo, can you help me with best way to get to Malang frm Suryabaya airport. i would like you to help me stay and a tour for Bromo as well, from here i intend to flyout to Bali. appreciate your help

Though on the google maps you can go to Bromo through Wonokitri / Poncokusumo, but it is not the usual route. I personally never tried it. I always go through Probolinggo, this means it takes 3-4 hours drive from Malang to Bromo. From Surabaya to Bromo is 4-5 hours. The best way to travel from Surabaya to Malang is by rent a private car. If you don’t want to do anything in Malang, it is better to go straight from Surabaya to Bromo. When is your travel date? Please get in touch with us through email: [email protected] . Thank you.

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Hye Firsta..ur article is very helpful for me to plan my trip to Bromo next April 2018. Im looking forward to experience milky way in Bromo..heard the view was awesome!! Can u give any tips on combining the milky way session with sunrise?will be reaching at Juanda Airport airport around 5:55p.m. Is the camping site at Bromo being recommended anyway?and if it yes, any suggestion on how to rent it for a night?

Hi Sue, I don’t have the experience of camping in Bromo so I don’t know if they have a campsite around the area. My suggestion is to stay overnight at Lava View Lodge, it is one of the best lodges in Bromo in regards to location. From in front of the lodge, you can see the Bromo volcano, Mount Batok, etc. The view is something like this (I took this shot). You can come out from the hotel around 10-11 pm or 1 AM to see the milky way. You can get some rest afterwards and start the sunrise tour with the jeep at 3:30 AM. Hope this helps. If you are interested in arranging the tour with us, complete the form closer to your travel date (1,5 months before is sufficient). Have a good day!

Thanks Firsta for your prompt reply.. the shot is so beautiful!!!

Thanks Sue!

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Hi Firsta. Very Useful information. I am planning to visit mount bromo in march 2019 and may I know what time i should arrive the Surabaya airport if i wish to join the 3 days 2 night Bromo and Ijen tour which mean pick me up in the airport directly.

Arrival max at 10 am on day 1 is the best. 🙂

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Could you please send me detail and price of Bromo tour. We plan to come at Surabaya airport at 9:00 am in 22.11. Thank you.

We sent you an email. Hope you receive it ok. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Plan March 2019. Deciding go on weekday or weekend. From surabaya Town.

Hi Jerry, We have sent you an email. Look forward to hearing back from you. 🙂 Bromo is a very popular tourist destination in Indonesia so it is mostly busy. However usually weekday is better than weekend.

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Halo Kak Firsta salam kenal, kalau berkunjung ke Bromo di bulan Desember apakah recommended Kak? rencana ingin hunting sunrise dan milkyway, thank you Kak Firsta!

Dear Hutama, Sekarang ini sudah masuk musim hujan, biasanya sampai Maret. Kalau musim hujan seperti ini biasanya kesempatan lihat sunrise dan milkyway-nya lebih kecil.

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Hi Firsta, Thanks for your useful information. I’m going to Bali in March 2019 and planning to go to Ubud, visit Mt Batur, Lombok, Bromo and Ljen in 2 weeks. Can you give me some advice to fit all all those places in 2 weeks. Thank you x

Dear Phuong Le, Sure. I’ll get in touch through email. Speak soon.

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Hi! Im going to do a bromo + ijen 3d2n in late feb. Any guide/tours for this? Theres 3 of us.

Dear Steph, Yes, we can help to arrange that. We will contact you through email. Speak soon.

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We are going to bromo + Ijen 4 days 3 nights. Any guide or tour for 4 pax on 7/2/19 to 10/2/19.Thanks

Hi Chea Sow Eng, I have sent an email to you. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Firstly thank you so much for this very informative article.

I am traveling from Singapore, and wish to visit Bromo, Ijen, as well as head onward to Borobudur.

We are two young adults traveling with a 1 year old baby. Heard that Ijen is very sulfuric. Is it suitable for a young baby?

Is the best way to do this trip to book a tour before arriving in Indonesia? Or can I book a tour when I am there?

Dear J Choo,

We have sent a reply through email on Jan 28. Hope you receive it ok. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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I am planning for midnight tour to bromo from Surabaya. Single traveller. Please let me know the available packages.

Dear Azsrina,

We have sent a reply through email. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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hey there, we are planning to visit mt bromo from jakarta around mid of june..also wish to see milky way..we are a group of 4 adults n 1 kid please lemme knw the best pacakage

Hi Manisha,

I’ll get in touch through email. Speak soon.

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Hi planning for 5d4n to bromo/ijen in aug 2019

Hi YC, We have sent you an email. Please let us know if you receive it ok. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello, I am a KITAS holder and i really want to go to brom from surabaya. I have asked to a travel agent and they said I have to pay for bule price for this year (2019). I always have local price in Indonesia (borobudur, bali, komodo island). Is this thing true?

Hi Elizabeth, Sorry for the late reply. Yes, I think started from 2016 or 2017, you can’t get a local price with Kitas anymore.

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Hey Firsta, my girlfriend and I have just arrived to an airbnb in Malang and we are looking for a genuine driver willing to take us to either one of these Bromo tours or to a bromo tour followed by Tumpak Sewu. Do you have anyone honest to recommend as most drivers start throwing the randomest numbers out there thinking that we “bule” produce money out of our ass ? And it’s definitely not the case. Please help ???

Hi Benjamin, Riri sent you an email a few days ago, but I think its probably too late. Hope you had a great time in Indonesia.

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Dear Fiesta,

We are planning to do a 3d2n Bromo Ijen tour on 2nd of June. Any tips?

4-5 June is Idul Fitri, it is one of the biggest Muslim celebrations in Indonesia. Usually some destinations especially those in Java will be quite packed and the traffic will be generally bad. If you can, I recommend to change your travel date.

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Dear Firsta, Looking to do the Bromo & Ijen tour 7th and 8th of May. I’m a single traveller on a tight budget. Could you please help me out? Thanks!

Dear Danique, Unfortunately we don’t have recommendation for a shared tour for Bromo and Ijen. We only run a private tour arrangement. Hope you can find something and have a great time in Indonesia.

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Hai, saya Faridha dari Bandung rencana long tour Bromo di awal Juli sekitar tgl 5. Kalo saya menginap di Plataran Bromo jam brp Jeep jemput ? Dan berapa biaya nya ? Terimakasih

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Hi Firsta, thanks for your informative guide. Me and my girlfriend will be in Probolinggo in the first two weeks of August and want to do a Bromo tour. How much is the long tour for this period? And are there any options to do a two day tour with a night near Bromo?

Kind regards,

Dear Jon, My colleague Riri has sent you an email. Please let me know if you receive it ok. PS: Please check your spam folder too. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello, I will travel to Bali on 12th of June and will stay in Ubud. Would you please give me an advice how can i arrange to book a Bromo tour 3D2N? I’d love to join it, from 13th is okay to me. This is the first time i visit Bali…?, your recomendation is really valuable to me. Can you send me tge detail of the tour and price as well? Thanks. Have a great day! Best regards, Emma

Sorry for the late reply. I have sent you an email. Look forward to hearing back from you soon.

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Hi Firsta I would like to do a Bromo-Ijen tour 16-19 Jun. Can you please send me an itinerary with prices, inclusions/exclusions. I am available from evening of 16th from Surabaya and would like to be back there at the end of tour. I am single and would appreciate help. I am also okay to extend the tour by a day if necessary but would prefer to be back on Wednesday night at Surabaya. Thanks.

Hi Varun, Sorry for the late reply. We have sent an email to you. Hope you receive it ok.

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Hi can i know a packages to the bromo and ijen

I have sent you an email yesterday. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Firsts Read ur article on Mount Bromo .Interesting.should I carry warm clothing.Is the temperature on minus degree now

Dear Vasantha, yes, bring a warm jacket. It can be as cold as 3C. You can also rent a warm jacket on the spot, if you don’t bring any.

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What a complete guide you have here, kak! I’m sure everyone will need this guide. Nice post 😀

Hi Walter! Thanks for dropping by 🙂 Hope to see you again sometimes in the future! Safe travels and keeps on blogging.

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Hi Firsta, I will be travelling to Surabaya in Oct 2019 with my husband and two kids age 4 & 2 years old respectively. We are planning to do the 1 day sunrise tour. Would need some advice from you.

I have sent you an email a few days ago. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi, I am thinking to go bromo. I have 4 days 3 night on August 2019. Can u recommend different type of tour. Can I bring my 11 n 13 years old kids along?

Hi Yolanda, Yes, you can definitely bring your 11 and 13 yo kids. We have sent you an email a few days ago. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi Frista, I will be there with my 2 friends in August 2019. We will need a guide from Surabaya airport. We reach Surabaya in the morning around 9.30 am. Need your favor to give us complete guide to enjoy our trip in Bromo.

My colleague will email you the details. Thank you.

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Me and 2 two are planning to go to Bromo from Malang. We are planning to arrive by train at 3:30am and go directly to Bromo. I have no idea if it is possible but we were thinking to go to Probolinggo after Bromo instead of coming back to Malang.

We would like to know if it is an executable idea, and how should we do in terms of renting the car, the tour, etc etc.. ? Can you please help us with that?

Thank you a lot in advance, Diogo Aguiar

I have sent an email to you. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi, there is 2 of us arriving on Saturday night in Surabaya airport at 11pm and would like to go to Mount Bromo straight from there. Would it possible to let me know prices. Thank you Mauricio

Hi Mauricio, we’ll get in touch through email. Speak soon.

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Hey Firsta!

We like to have the long tour with starting in Malang on Wednesday the 25th. We are 2 people. Do you have prices and can you arrange the tour, starting at our hotel? Please leave me a mail.

Best regards Marcus

Hi Marcus, I have sent you an email. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

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Hello Fiesta,

I would like to go this Monday, I am alone, is it possible to arrange a tour fro. Malang?

Hi Jorge, I have sent you an email. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi Firsta, my husband and I are interested in a Bromo Tour next week. Best, Christina

Hi Christina, We sent you an email 5 days ago. We haven’t heard anything back from you. I hope you receive it ok.

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Hi! Can I check the price for the Bromo tour?

We have sent two emails to you. Hope you receive it ok.

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Hi, 1. Is Ijen safe for a 6 year old child? 2. Surabaya–> Bromo/Ijen –> Batu, Malang (price for the transfers/package please)

Dear Shazwani,

My colleague Riri sent you an email. We need more information from you to be able to send a quotation. Look forward to hearing back from you.

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Hi there, What will the price be if picking up from Plataran Bromo? And is it possible to visit Madakaripura Waterfall as well?

Hi Ru, We will get in touch through email. Thank you.

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i wish to do a 3-4days trip to Surabaya that include : Mt.Bromo, Tumpak Sewu and Madakaripura waterfalls.

May i know any suggested itinerary and price.

Traveling date : 23 JAn – 28 Jan 20201

Thanks for the message. We have sent you an email a few days ago. I wonder if you receive it ok.

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Me & my family plan to visit Bromo in June. We’ll arrive from Surabaya. Could you send me the itinerary for private tour please. We plan stay stay 3-5 for this trip. Sincerely- Ana

Dear Ana, I have sent an email to you (please check the Junk folder if you can’t see it in your inbox). Look forward to hearing from you.

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Dear Firsta,,

Apa khabar, saya physically disabled (using elbow crutches). Is it possible for me to enjoy Mount Bromo trip ?

Hi Rosli, I think it should be fine. The journey to the crater will be challenging. You can take a horse, but you need to hike some stairs. Bromo is also nice to see from afar (from the viewpoint or several points around the sea sands and the savannah, which you don’t need to hike to reach). Take care!

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Hey there FIRSTA,

I’m planning to visit Bromo somewhere end of this year. Would be able to share some itinerary for a private tour? Planning to stay 3 to 5 days for this trip. Thank you 🙂

Hi Rani, I will get in touch via email. Speak to you soon!

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Mount Bromo Tour Only from Malang

$ 185.00

A Mount Bromo Tour from Malang offers an unforgettable adventure through one of Indonesia’s most iconic landscapes. Starting from the charming city of Malang, this tour takes you on a scenic journey to the majestic Mount Bromo, where you’ll witness breathtaking sunrise views over the volcanic crater. Along the way, you’ll experience the region’s diverse natural beauty, from lush green valleys to the vast Sea of Sand. Whether you’re hiking up to the crater rim, exploring nearby attractions, or simply soaking in the stunning views, this tour provides a perfect blend of adventure and serenity. Ideal for travelers seeking an immersive experience in East Java’s natural wonders.

  • 1 pax : USD 185 / person
  • 2 pax : USD 120 / person
  • 3 pax : USD 100 / person
  • 4 pax : USD   85 / person
  • 5 pax : USD   75/ person
  • For more people please contact us
  • Description
  • Reviews (0)

Mount Bromo Tour from Malang

Mount Bromo is one of the most iconic volcanoes in Indonesia, famous for its breathtaking sunrises, vast sea of sand, and the stunning natural scenery that surrounds it. This destination offer an unforgettable exploration of nature’s power and beauty. Embark on a mesmerizing Mount Bromo tour from malang , where surreal landscapes meet cultural wonders. Witness the sunrise painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, casting a breathtaking glow on Bromo’s iconic crater.

  • Bromo Volcano at Sunrise
  • Wispering Sand
  • Hiking to Bromo’s Peak

Itinerary :

  • 00.30 am Start From Malang drive to Bromo
  • 03.00 am Stop at Jeep Station then transfer by jeep to Seruni hills
  • 04.00 am Waiting sunrise at Pananjakan View Point
  • 05.30 am See the sunrise view from hills
  • 06.00 am Drive to sand dune and start to climb up
  • 07.00 am Catching moment at Bromo Caldera
  • 08.00 am Check our from Bromo area
  • 09.00 am Drop back to Malang or Surabaya
  • Private A/C Transportation
  • English Speaking Driver
  • All Entrance Fee ( Foreigner )
  • Jeep for Sunrise Trip in Bromo
  • All Parking Fees
  • Mineral Water
  • Pesonal Expenses

Terms of Payment :

We are so flexible with the payment. We receive both cash and credit card payment. If you choose cash, you may pay after finish the tour, we only require your copy of passport, flight details or hotel booking receipt as confirmation.

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Amazing Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater Tours

About the bromo tour.

Bromo Tour is a tour operator and travel service’s company, established in 1998, with a home base in Surabaya. It has good experiences and capabilities to provide all tour packages on request and transport services to visit Mount Bromo to watch the sunrise panorama view and Ijen Crater to watch blue fire phenomena and a huge acid water lake, also Tumpak Sewu , the largest waterfall in East Java that well-known as mini Niagara, as well as tours to Yogyakarta to visit Borobudur Temple , the world heritage site of UNESCO and the largest Buddhist Temple . Prambanan Temples , the largest complex of Hindu temples, for overseas customers from Europe, Asia, America, and all over the world, by individual or corporate groups.

All Tour Packages

We offer various tour packages to visit Mount Bromo (in day tour, sunrise tour, and midnight tour), Ijen Crater, and Tumpak Sewu waterfall from Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Probolinggo, and Bali, also Borobudur Prambanan Temple Tour and others.

Bromo One Day Tours

Bromo sunrise tour

Surabaya Bromo Ijen Tours

malang to bromo tour

Shore Excursions

malang to bromo tour

Borobudur Tour

Borobudur tour from Yogyakarta with

Featured Tours 2024

Recommended private tour packages designed for exploring Mount Bromo, Ijen Crater, and various other attractions originating from Surabaya, Malang, and Yogyakarta

  • Bromo Sunrise Tour from Surabaya
  • Bromo Day Tour from Surabaya
  • Bromo Sunrise Tour from Malang
  • Bromo Sunrise Tour from Probolinggo
  • Surabaya Bromo Surabaya 2 Days 1 Nights Tour

Surabaya Bromo Ijen Surabaya 3 Days 2 Nights Tour

  • Surabaya Bromo Ijen Bali 3 Days 2 Nights Tour
  • Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali 4 Day 3 Nights Tour

Tours Details

this consist the details of the tours as above such as: tour description, tour itinerary, inclusions and exclusions, click to open the pages

Surabaya Bromo 2 Days 1 Night Tour

A excursion to Mt. Bromo from Surabaya offers an overnight stay in Bromo, allowing visitors to experience the breathtaking sunrise and panoramic vistas from an elevated viewpoint. The itinerary includes a stroll through the volcanic sand landscape, followed by a climb of 250 steps to reach the Bromo Crater, after which participants will return to Surabaya

Similar tours

  • Surabaya Bromo Bali 2 Days 1 Night Tour
  • Yogyakarta Bromo Surabaya 2 Days 1 Night Tour

Why should travelers book Surabaya Bromo 2 days 1 night tour?

  • A private tour, private transport.
  • Flexible tour itineraries and duration.
  • More relax with stay overnight in Bromo.

Tour itineraries

Day 01. Arrival at Surabaya Airport

  • Pick you up on your arrival at Surabaya airport or train station either in Surabaya, pick you up and transfer you to your hotel in the Bromo area, and stay overnight. If time and weather permit, you could stop over at Madakaripura waterfall on the way back to Surabaya; otherwise, on the next day, on the way back from Bromo to Surabaya, and then transfer to your hotel located in the Bromo area

Day 02. Bromo Sunrise Tour and transfer back To Surabaya

  • 03.00 Early wake up, take Jeep and going to higher point by jeep to see sunrise and panoramic view. of Mount Bromo and Semeru that well known as the higher peak of Java Island
  • 05.00 to 06.00 enjoy the beauty of sunrise and the Bromo panoramic view
  • 06.00 Going down mountain to caldera.
  • 08.00 walking on the sand sea then climb 250 steps up to mount Bromo to watch the crater, and then going back to hotel.
  • 10.00 After breakfast in and take bath Check out from hotel, going back to Surabaya transfer to Airport or to hotel in Surabaya. End of Service
  • Transport with mpv type van AC driver fuel tolls and parking fees
  • Local English speaking tour guide
  • Hotel 1 Night room with breakfast
  • Entrances Ticket to Bromo and Madakaripura waterfall
  • Meals (dinner and Lunch)
  • Horse Ridding (you could just walk)
  • Personal expenses
  • Additional tour and service that not mentioned as above.

Further information, book this tour please contact us

Bromo Day Tour From Surabaya

This tour to Mount Bromo is strongly advised, commencing from Surabaya in the morning hours between 06:00 and 07:00. Attendees will have the chance to experience stunning panoramic vistas from a designated viewpoint, followed by a stroll through the sandy volcanic terrain. The schedule features a climb of 250 steps to access the Bromo Crater, after which participants will make their way back to Surabaya in the afternoon around 17:00, eliminating the necessity for an overnight stay..

Similar tour

  • Bromo Shore Excursion from Surabaya Cruise Port

Start Points

  • All hotels or Apartment located in Surabaya area
  • Surabaya Airport or Train Station
  • Location on request

Why should traveler book Bromo One Day tour?

  • Flexible tour itineraries and duration will flexible.
  • No need stays overnight in Bromo.

Tour Itinerary

  • 07.0 0 – pick up from any place in Surabaya train station or airport and leaving from Surabaya, drive directly to Probolinggo where Mt. Bromo, which is well known as the widest caldera in Indonesia (with 8 x 5 KM diameters of the rim caldera on the height of 2000 meters above sea level).
  • 10.0 0 – arrival at Cemoro Lawang village to take a jeep 4×4 passing through the sea of sand to climb up to the Pananjakan Peaks to watch the most fantastic panoramic view of Mt. Bromo and Mt Semeru on the 2600 meters above sea levels
  • 12.00 – Going downhill and passing through the volcanic sand area and climb up 250 steps into the peak of Mt. Bromo to watch the crater. There we’ll see (if the weather permit) the fantastic view of Tengger Plateau.15.00 Going back to Cemorolawang village and leave Bromo going back to Surabaya that need approximately 3,5 hours driving.
  • 18.00 – Transfer to hotel, airport or train station in Surabaya. End of the journey.

Tour Inclusions:

  • Transport with mpv type air conditioned (including driver fuel toll and parking fee)
  • Jeep 4×4 private rental to climb up to higher point to see better panoramic view

Tour Exclusions

  • Entrances Tickets to Bromo (we will help you to get legal entrance tickets)
  • Riding horse in Bromo

Further information and book this tour please contact us

Bromo Sunrise Tour From Surabaya

The Bromo Sunrise Tour departing from Surabaya is highly recommended, with departures scheduled at midnight 23.30 to 00.30. This excursion takes participants to Mount Bromo to witness the breathtaking sunrise and panorama view of the caldera and Mount Semeru from a designated viewpoint. Following this, visitors will explore the caldera area, traversing the volcanic sand, and ascend the 250 steps leading to the rim of the crater. The tour concludes with a breakfast stop before returning to Surabaya. This experience is particularly ideal for photography enthusiasts or travelers with limited time in Surabaya.

Similar Tours:

  • Surabaya Bromo Midnight Tour Depart from Surabaya
  • Bromo Sunrise Tour and Tumpak Sewu Waterfall Tour

Why should traveler book Bromo Midnight Tour?

  • No need stay overnight in Bromo.
  • Breakfast in the restaurant of local hotel with Bromo caldera view.
  • Free of charge to stop over at Madakaripura Waterfall if the weather and time permits.

Day 1 Surabaya to Mount Bromo

  • 23.00 At midnight pick up from the hotel in Surabaya, train station or airport and leaving from Surabaya to our home base in Bromo 

Day 2 Bromo Sunrise Tour and going back to Surabaya.

  • 02.30 – Upon arrival at our home base in Bromo, stay a while with tea/coffee break.
  • 03.00 – Afterwards take a jeep 4×4 passing through the sea sand to climb up to the Penanjakan Peaks to enjoy the sunrise on the 2600 meters above sea levels and watch panorama view and then going back to sea sand to the foot of Mt. Bromo about 1.5 km/25 minute
  • 07.00 – We’ll passing through the Sand Sea to slope where we climb up 250 steps into the rim of Bromo Crater. There we’ll see (if the weather permit) the fantastic view of Tengger Plateau.
  • 09.00 – am going back to Cemoro Lawang village to have breakfast at local restaurant, and take a rest for a while transfer to Surabaya, if time and weather permit you could stop at Madakaripura waterfall on the way back to Surabaya
  • 13.00 – arrive at Surabaya Transfer back to hotel, to Surabaya Airport, Train Station end of service 
  • Jeep 4×4 private rental to climb up to viewpoint
  • Café Break and breakfast at restaurant of local hotel 
  • All Entrances Tickets (pay on spot)
  • Horse Riding in Bromo, jacket rental

Tour from Surabaya to Bromo to watch the sunrise, panorama view from a viewpoint, and walk on the volcanic sand, to a location where visitors climb up 250 steps to the rim of Bromo crater, and to Ijen Crater to watch the Ijen Blue Fire, panoramic view of the huge green turquoise water lake, sulfur crystals, and then go back to Surabaya .

Why should travelers book the Surabaya Bromo Ijen Surabaya Tour?

  • Visiting two major’s tourist destinations Bromo Mountain and Ijen Crater
  • stop at Madakaripura Waterfall

Tour Itineraries

Day 1 Arrival at Surabaya Airport Transfer to Bromo

  • Pick you up on your arrival at Surabaya airport, or from your hotel in Surabaya and transfer to hotel in Bromo area stop over at Madakaripura waterfall (if time and weather permit) stay overnight at Bromo.

Day 2 Bromo Sunrise Tour Transfer to Bondowoso

  • 03.30. Going by jeep passing through sand to viewpoint of Penanjakan to watch the beauty of sunrise and Bromo and Semeru panoramic view.
  • 07.00 Going down the hill and proceed the sand sea then climb up to mount Bromo.
  • 10.00 Drive to Bondowoso stay overnight there

Day 3 Ijen Blue Fire Tour* and Transfer Back to Surabaya

  • 24.00 leave from hotel to  Ijen Crater
  • 02.00 meet local tour guide and start to climb up to the rim of ijen crater and watch panoramic view Ijen crater shows a special type of volcanic feature common to Indonesia, about 1 km in diameter and 175 meters deep. The floor is covered completely by a warm lake, milky blue green in color, 
  • 03.30 arrive at location where you can enjoy Bleu fire and sunrise.
  • 08.00 Trekking down the mountain and rejoin the coach and directly drive transfer back to Surabaya

* depends on the level of crater activity and the decisions made by the authorities.

  • 1 Night in Bromo area
  • 1 Night in Bondowoso area
  • Private transport (mpv, driver, gasoline, toll and parking fee)
  • Local English speaking tour guide in Bromo and in Ijen
  • Jeep 4×4 for Bromo Tour 
  • Meals (dinners and lunches)
  • Personal expenses Horse riding in Bromo, gas mask rental and health certificate in Ijen

Surabaya Bromo Ijen Bali 3 Days Tour

This three-day tour commences in Surabaya to the breathtaking Bromo Mountain, where they can witness the stunning sunrise and panoramic views of the Mt. Bromo Caldera and Mt. Semeru from a designated viewpoint. The journey includes a caldera walk across volcanic sand leading to the slopes of Mt. Bromo, where visitors will ascend 250 steps to reach the vantage point overlooking the Bromo Crater. Following this, the itinerary proceeds to Ijen Crater in Banyuwangi, featuring a light trek to observe the mesmerizing blue fire phenomenon emanating from the sulfur mines, alongside the expansive acid lake and the sulfur porters. The tour concludes with a transfer to a hotel in Bali.

Why should traveler book Bromo Ijen Bali Tour?

  • Free of charge to stop at Madakaripura Waterfall, if weather and time permits
  • Transfers directly to your hotel in Bali
  • Pick you up on your arrival at Surabaya airport, or from your hotel in Surabaya and transfer to hotel in Bromo area, stop over at Madakaripura waterfall (if time and weather permit, otherwise on second day on the way to Banyuwangi)
  • stay overnight at Bromo.

Day 02. Bromo Sunrise tour and transfer to Banyuwangi

  • 03.00 AM morning call at for Bromo Tour, , week up early. 
  • 03.30 AM by Jeep 4×4 to enjoy the beautiful sunrise and panoramic view at Mt. Penanjakan (2700 m)
  • 06.00 Then proceed to Mt. Bromo crater through the sea of sand the climb up 250 steps to the rim of Bromo Crater
  • 08.00 back to hotel for breakfast & taking a bath in hotel.
  • 09.00 or later you will be transferred to Banyuwangi.

Day 03 Ijen Blue Fire* tour and transfer to Bali 

  • 24.00 – am depart from the hotel to Mt. Ijen. to Ijen Crater 
  • 02.00 – arrive at Paltuding Start Point meeting with tour guide and climb up to the rim of Ijen crater
  • 03.00 – enjoy blue fire until sunrise and the watch the huge acid water lake 
  • 06.00 – Trekking down from Kawah Ijen peak to rejoin the coach in Paltuding and going back to hotel  
  • 10.00 – drive to Ketapang, Banyuwangi, the ferry port, to cross the Bali strait to Gilimanuk port of Bali Island. 
  • 12.00 – Transfer to your hotel in Bali by our local Bali transport
  • 1 night Hotel room at Bromo
  • 1 Night hotel room at Banyuwangi
  • Private transport (with driver tol and parking fee)]
  • Local Tour guide for Bromo Tour and Ijen Tour 
  • Ferry tickets from Java to Bali
  • Transfer from Ferry port in Bali to your hotel in Bali 
  • Meals (Dinner and Lunch)
  • Horse Riding and camera fee 
  • Tour and Service that not mentioned as above.

Further information and book the tour please contact us .

Bromo Sunrise Tour From Malang

The tour to Mount Bromo from Malang commences in the midnight, specifically between 11:30 PM and 00:30 AM, allowing participants to witness the breathtaking sunrise and the panoramic vistas of Mount Bromo from a designated viewpoint. Following this, guests will traverse the volcanic sand to reach the area where they can ascend 250 steps to the rim of the Bromo Crater. After enjoying breakfast at a clean and hygienic local restaurant, the group will either return to Malang or be transferred to Surabaya.

  • All hotels or apartment located in Malang area
  • Surabaya airport or train station

Why should travelers book Bromo Sunrise Tour from Malang?

Pick up from hotel in Malang

  • 00.05 – Pick up from location in Malang, airport, train station in Malang and leaving from Malang drive directly to Mt. Bromo, which is well known as the widest caldera in Indonesia (with 8 x 5 KM diameters of the main caldera on the height of 2000 meters above sea level).

Bromo Sunrise Tour, Transfer back to Malang

  • 02.30 – Upon arrival in Cemoro Lawang village, stay a while to have tea/coffee break.
  • 03.00 – Afterward take a Jeep passing through the sea of the sand to climb up to the Pananjakan Peaks (2.770 m) to enjoy the sunrise on the 2600 meters (above sea levels) and watch panoramic view of Mt. Bromo and Mt. Semeru (higher the peak of Java Island). You can see here (if the weather permit) a very fantastic panoramic view of Tengger Plateau where Mt. Bromo (2.329 m) and Mt. Semeru (3.676 m) are
  • 06.00 – going back to sea sand of Mt. Bromo by riding a horse or foot about 1.5 km/25 minute to visit Bromo Crater by passing through the Sand Sea and 250 steps into the peak of Mt. Bromo. after that back to Jeep parking and going back to Cemoro Lawang village.
  • 10.00 – to have breakfast at restaurant or a local hotel in Bromo area, and take a rest for a while before going back to Malang  
  • 13.00 – Arrive at Malang Transfer to Hotel train station or airport. End of the journey.

Tour Inclusions

  • Transport with private van from Malang to Bromo and back to Malang (included minivan, driver, fuel toll and parking fee)
  • Coffee break at local coffee-shop
  • Breakfast at hygienic local restau rant
  • Jeep 4×4 to climb up to Penanjakan Peak.

Tour Exclusio ns

  • Entrances tickets to Bromo National Park.
  • Horse riding in Bromo

Other further information and book this tour please contact us

Bromo Sunrise Tour From Probolinggo

Bromo Sunrise Tour, commencing from Probolinggo, sets off at 01:30 AM (from hotel or from train station) to witness the breathtaking sunrise and panoramic vistas of Mount Bromo and Mount Semeru from a designated viewpoint. Following this, participants will traverse the volcanic sands to reach a point where they can ascend 250 steps to the rim of the Bromo Crater, allowing them to appreciate the stunning Bromo Caldera. Afterward, guests will enjoy breakfast at a hygienic restaurant before returning to Probolinggo City.

Start points.

  • All Hotel di Probolinggo City Area
  • Train Station in Probolinggo City
  • or other location on request

Why should travelers book Bromo Sunrise tour from Probolinggo?

Tour itinerary.

  • 01.00 Pick up from your hotel or train station in Probolinggo (01.45AM) and drive directly to Mt. Bromo, Upon arrival in Cemoro Lawang village, stay a while to take coffee break.
  • 03.00 – Afterward take a Jeep passing through the sea of the sand to climb up to the Pananjakan Peaks (2.770 m) to enjoy the sunrise on the 2600 meters (above sea levels) and watch panoramic view of Mt. Bromo and Mt. Semeru (higher the peak of Java Island). You can watch here (if the weather permit) a very fantastic panoramic view of Tengger Plateau where Mt. Bromo (2.329 m) and Mt. Semeru (3.676 m).
  • 06.00 – Going back to sea sand of Mt. Bromo to walking and climbing up 250 steps to visit Bromo Crater after that back to Jeep parking and going back to Cemoro Lawang village.
  • 10.00 – Having breakfast at restaurant or a local hotel in Bromo area and take a rest for a while before going back to Probolingggo Transfer to hotel or to train station or bus station. End of service

Tour inclusions

  • Private Transport from Probolinggo to Bromo and back to Probolinggo
  • Local Tour guide English speaking
  • Coffer break and breakfast at hygienic restaurant
  • Entrances tickets (visitors pay on spot)
  • All personal expenses (riding horse, gratuity for tour guide and driver)
  • Additional tour or service that not mentioned as above.

Other Further information and book this tour please contact us

Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali 4 days 3 Nights Tour

Borobudur temple, located 45 km to the north of Yogyakarta and well-known as the largest Buddhist temple in the world, was built in the 8th century and is one of the top tourist destinations in Indonesia. Prambanan temple, located 17 km to the east of Yogyakarta city, is well-known as the large complex of Hindu temples built in the 8th century, dedicated to the main gods in Hinduism, Brahma, Siva, and Vishnu, and surrounded by small temples.

Mount Bromo, located 120 km from Surabaya, is well-known as the top tourist destination in Indonesia, where visitors can watch the sunrise, panorama view, and climb 250 steps to watch the crater. Ijen Crater, also the top tourist destination in East Java, offers light adventure, trekking from the start point to the crater, where people watch the blue fire and the huge acid water lake.

How does this tour work?

We offer a tour package that starts in Yogyakarta to visit Borobudur and Prambanan temples, combined with a tour to Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater, and finishes in Bali.

Detail Tour Yogyakarta Bromo Ijen Bali 4 days 3 Nights Tour

Bromo tour from Surabaya with

organized by THE BROMO TOUR – Tour Operator and Travel Company Surabaya – Yogyakarta – Indonesia

Linked to , ,

malang to bromo tour


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  2. Bromo Tour Package: Midnight Bromo Open Trip

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  3. Malang Mount Bromo Tour Package 1 Day

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  4. Bromo Tour Package: Midnight Bromo Open Trip

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  5. Mount Bromo Tour From Malang, Mt Bromo Tour From Malang

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  6. Bromo Malang Batu City Tour 4Days 3Nights

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  3. Long Trip Bromo-Malang with Akka Skin Surakarta 🥰

  4. 3 DAYS EXPLORE MALANG-BROMO TOUR #grainutamaprinting jkt


  6. Trip ke Gunung Bromo Malang Jawa Timur 2023


  1. How to Arrange Your Bromo Tour (The Complete Guide)

    To take the Bromo tour you will need to arrange a jeep rental. There are two different tours you can choose from, the short tour and the long tour. On the short tour you will visit Penanjakan Viewpoint to watch sunrise and climb Mount Bromo Volcano, before returning to your hotel/ driver.

  2. Mount Bromo Tour Only from Malang - Bromo Ijen Tour

    Embark on a mesmerizing Mount Bromo tour from malang, where surreal landscapes meet cultural wonders. Witness the sunrise painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, casting a breathtaking glow on Bromo’s iconic crater.

  3. Mt. Bromo Sunrise Tour from Malang 2024 - Viator

    On this tour, experience the magic of a Mount Bromo sunrise without having to hike to the summit. Make an early start, arrive at the Penankan viewpoint in time to watch the sunrise over the Mount Bromo National Park, then continue exploring the crater, the ‘Sea of Sand’, and the Savannah Hills.

  4. Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater Tours with The BROMO TOUR

    We offer various tour packages to visit Mount Bromo (in day tour, sunrise tour, and midnight tour), Ijen Crater, and Tumpak Sewu waterfall from Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Probolinggo, and Bali, also Borobudur Prambanan Temple Tour and others.

  5. 2D1N Bromo Sunrise Tour from Malang - Klook Travel

    Maximize your visit to Mt. Bromo National Park and join this overnight tour from Malang. Enjoy an exhilarating 4WD ride across the national park and get to explore Mt. Bromo’s caldera and crater area.

  6. Semeru National Park Mount Bromo Day Trip From Malang City 2024

    A day trip to Tengger Semeru National Park from Malang. Seven stops include Luhur Poten Temple, Mount Bromo, and Whispering Sands. Optional visit to Rainbow Waterfall for an additional charge. Hassle-free, round-trip transportation from Malang City.