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Review: Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed

Image of Zoey Handley

Show me how you strip

The Akiba’s Trip series is one that I think many people know based on premise alone. It has never reviewed very well in the West, but it’s hard to ignore a game whose central mechanic is undressing people in Akihabara. Undressing people. Stripping them to the nude. Putting them in their flesh tuxedo. They’ve even contrived a reason to do so, but we’ll get to that.

We never got the original Akiba’s Trip over here in North America. It was originally released in 2011 on the PSP, which was close enough to the launch of the Vita to be ignored. Instead, we jumped straight into the sequel, Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed .

Now, however, we’re getting a chance to travel back to 2011’s Akihabara with Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (oh, I get it, “HD”) and see how the stripping began.

Akiba's Trip Awkward Moment

Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed ( Nintendo Switch [reviewed], PC , PS4 ) Developer: ACQUIRE Corp. Publisher: XSEED Games, Marvelous USA, Inc. Released: July 20, 2021 MSRP: $39.99

Let’s address the whole “HD” part of this package. Akiba’s Trip was a mighty fine-looking PSP game for its time. It is not, however, a good-looking Switch, PS4, or PC game. Models are angular, textures are blurry, and if you look too far off, you can see the cars disappear into the 2D backdrops. It’s an improvement over the original, don’t get me wrong. Textures and lighting have been touched up, but they didn’t go as far as even matching Undead & Undressed’s graphical fidelity.

Even still, the framerate tends to chug on the Switch version when you position the camera just right or there’s lots of stripping going on. I never found it too intrusive, but it was hard to ignore.

That’s not the end of the world, but it doesn’t bode well for any other upgrades. Indeed, the combat, which has been a sticking point for the series in general, is just as clunky as ever. The idea is that you have to damage the enemy’s clothing before you can rip it off, exposing their supple flesh to the world. There’s headwear, upper body, and lower body, and they are all worn down with their individual attacks. As such, you have high, mid, and low attacks, but they can’t be chained together in any advantageous way, so you’re stuck with just kicking them in the shins until their pants break.

The biggest issue is the targeting, which is essentially non-existent. You can’t lock on, so you’re at the mercy of your character’s attention span, and they’re easily distracted. Even when fighting only one enemy, you’ll often find yourself attacking off to the side for no reason, or striking behind your target. In groups, things can get hopeless, and kamisama help anyone who joins you as an ally. Just flail in the direction of the enemies you want to strip and start tearing every once and a while. See what you can catch.

The whole reason for the stripping? Akiba’s Trip tells you it’s because there are vampires preying on the citizens of Akihabara, but it gets a little murky. You’re turned vampire at the outset, so you’re just as susceptible to sunlight as everyone else. Lose your clothes, and you dissolve. Take off a vampire’s outfit, and they dissolve. Strip a bystander, and they just run off in embarrassment.

The weird thing is, the story isn’t all that committed to this concept. It plays along with the whole hidden threat angle, but often when you strip a character with a name, they’re just like, “Hah, I’m too tough to be killed by the sun!” Then they run off because no one has heard of restraints. You can also just strip down to a pair of headphones and be perfectly fine. As long as you’re wearing an article of clothing, the sun can’t hurt you. Your underwear doesn’t count. Thankfully?

Why are all these vampires out in the daylight, anyway? Have they never heard of coffins? I’m pretty sure Akihabara has a nightlife to prey on.

Akiba's Trip Holy Veil

The story of Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed involves you investigating the disappearance of a friend and getting beaten up in an alley. A woman takes pity on you and shares her blood with you by way of a kiss, and you become a vampire — sorry, Shadow Soul — like her. An organization dedicated to the eradication of Shadow Souls, NIRO, recruits you by force to stop their diabolical scheme.

The plan? Vampire bites apparently turn people into shut-ins. It’s not very well explained, but from what I gather, I may have been a victim of these Shadow Souls. I’m also not really certain of the grand plan. Drive down human birth rates in Japan so vampires can thrive? I’m not sure they need help with that, especially not in Akihabara.

I poke fun at some of the more nebulous elements, but the foundation does a decent job of moving things along. While it seems from the outset that NIRO has you by the crotch of the pants, as the plot moves along, you’re given some agency in who you help. Your primary concern is protecting the people of the Tokyo neighborhood, but who has its best interests in mind? Is it really NIRO? Are all vampires bad?

Akiba's Trip Stripping

Likewise, the characters are enjoyable, if not a fair bit archetypal. It does tend to get a bit overly wordy, especially towards the end. There’s a possible romance in the game that I enjoyed, but every so often she’d start to drop analogies that I just didn’t understand. I’m sorry, but an analogy is supposed to clarify a subject, not mystify it further. Poor use of poetic license is a turn-off for me.

At its core, Akiba’s Trip is about being an otaku, which I guess also means being a pervert. Throughout the game, you’ll be subjected to fetishes laid bare. I consider myself to be pretty open-minded, but I found myself feeling somewhat uncomfortable when I had to utilize the protagonist’s little sister to awaken a schoolgirl fantasy in him. Likewise, when I had to find a “cherry” on the street, deceive her, and deliver her to the local BDSM queen, I kind of felt a bit disconnected. But the game rewarded me for being a predator! Not sure what message that sends.

It’s nothing worse than you’d find in some of the lewder anime out there, just be ready to dip your toes into other people’s kinks. Some that you might not be into, but others that you might be! What’s your game, friend? Crossplay, maids, moe, catgirls, bunny girls, fox girls? You’re covered. Just don’t be surprised when it skirts a little near sexual assault territory, as if the core theme wasn’t close enough.

Akiba's Trip Hate Boner

Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed is a horny game if nothing else. It’s not explicit ecchi, but it knows exactly what it’s doing, and it succeeds in a lot of ways. It’s an interesting satire of the otaku lifestyle, both poking fun at and embracing it.

Most of the time, though, it’s like playing a stripped-down version of Yakuza . You wander a Japanese neighborhood, shop, do side-quests, build up your character, much like in that venerated series. But then the combat sucks and the story is poorly paced. On the other hand, I can’t deny it grew on me. It feels like one of those janky, Japanese, early PS2 titles like Mr. Mosquito or Robot Alchemic Drive . It might not be the most fun to play, but it’s unique enough to captivate.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (Switch) Review

by Alex Orona - July 20, 2021, 10:03 am EDT Discuss in talkback!

Akiba's Trip: Underwhelmed & Disappointed

Originally a PSP game, Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed is the first of the HD remakes in the franchise to be brought to updated consoles. The series acts as a love letter to Otaku trends, fan service, and Akihabara as a whole with the focal points emphasizing the culture surrounding what’s known as the electric town. The city is alive here with lots to find and explore but one thing I didn’t find a lot of was fun.

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Akiba’s Trip follows a young “professional dork” named Nanashi, who is attacked in a dark alley trying to find a missing friend. After the assault, close to death, a vampire named Rui comes to the rescue but can only save him by turning him into a vampire as well. After turning, he’s recruited into NIRO, the anti-vampire task force. Straddling the line between human and vampire (or Kageyashi as they are called in the game,) Nanashi teams up with NIRO to rid Akihabara of the growing vampire threat. Armed with a team of Otaku (young pop culture enthusiasts) and a snappy fashion sense, Nanashi travels around Akihabara exploring the alleys of cosplayers while fighting vampire hordes that have infiltrated.

To combat the vampires, you have three attacks: A head attack, a body attack and a legs attack. Each one targets a specific article of clothing, and once you’ve done enough damage, you can grab and rip off that article of clothing leaving the enemies in their underwear. After you’ve removed all the top level clothes the enemy is exposed to the sun and disappears. This is a silly, fan service-y mechanic that feels a mile wide but an inch deep. Sure there are stats for specific pieces of clothing, or stat boosts to do more damage say to schoolgirl outfits, but it rarely feels profound.

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

The fashion aspect plays into Akihabara fashion culture, as it’s not uncommon to see cosplay displayed throughout the city. In Akiba’s Trip, it’s used as armor but some missions require specific real world outfits like school girl skirts or business suits so you better dress accordingly. Clothing can be found in tons of shops around the city or taken from enemies. Also there are skill books that will boost your stats against certain outfits so you can plan ahead. Outside of the gear, your stats improve from leveling up from combat encounters, and there are ALOT of those.

The flaw of the combat design is that being a vampire fighting for humans, you end up being attacked by both sides. This includes combat with any and all random NPC’s. At any given time you can randomly be attacked. This is super frustrating because it takes 2-3 seconds for your character to perform their intro combat animation and also combat will continue to occur in NPC conversations. You can get out of combat stance but that also takes 2-3 seconds and even after, you are still vulnerable to attack. The fact that these happen randomly may not be a big deal but I found myself in a combat arena 1 vs 1 story beat that was interrupted by roughly 15 random enemies joining into the frey. On the positive side, it was dynamic so they would accidentally attack and turn on eachother making it comedic but overall felt like a mess.

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Adding to the frustration of the dynamic combat is that when facing multiple opponents in story encounters, it’s easy to find yourself stunlocked or encircled and unable to move being pummeled to your death. I found the best solution to strafe around constantly but that led to issues with the camera unable to keep up within the environment. Add in a lack of a targeting system and you are left wildly swinging your weapon and attempting to strip one enemy but accidentally grabbing another.There is a neat mechanic of using your flip phone camera to find hidden enemies but this was rarely used.

The graphics, while HD, do little to improve what clearly looks like a PSP game. The characters art is crystal clear but doesn’t help the muddy textures or lack of detail in character avatars. Each map represents a block of Akihabara, so they are smaller in scale and confusing to say the least. Stores are highlighted with yellow arrows which is sadly a necessity, as some stores were just building walls with no storefront. Other issues are NPC’s. They are numerous in number but sometimes it’s required for you to speak with a specific one and it isn’t until you are right on top of them that a name appears above their head. Details like this make missions obtuse and confusing.

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

There are tons of other issues that go along with the port such as music being louder than the voice acting, drowning it out, occasional frame drops or a dressing your underage sister for photos mini-game that feels uncomfortable and in poor taste. I know that there’s an implied sexiness to the game (yes I got the title pun) but still. Akiba’s Trip was a series I’ve always been curious about. I understand the fan service of finding quirky excuses to strip your enemies but everything around this just feels outdated. The mechanics have not aged well, the story rarely gets passed ‘eye rolling,’ and combat is frustratingly repetitive. From my understanding, there are many quality of life improvements that have occurred in later entries into the series but this remastered version keeps it faithful to the original, warts and all. Strip away the Akihabara charm, and there’s not much left to enjoy.

  • Long awaited PSP port now on Switch for fans of the series
  • Combat is frustratingly unresponsive
  • Eye rolling story
  • Muddy textures
  • Plays like an antiquated PSP game

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Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed Review (Switch)

Akiba’s trip: hellbound & debriefed review: an enjoyable trip back to where it all began.

Akiba's Trip Review Banner

Not too long ago, I wrote up a little preview of Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed . At the time, I was having fun with it, but was a little worried that it was going to essentially turn out to be a watered-down, albeit definitely still very much enjoyable, version of its sequel, Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed . I don’t disagree with how I was feeling those few short weeks ago—because it really did look like this game was going to end up that way—and, in a way, I still kind of feel that way right now, but I don’t think that I was being quite fair when it came to a few specific things. Fortunately, I have a second chance to go through things in this Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed  review!

To be fair,  Hellbound & Debriefed  is never going to beat out  Undead & Undressed , but I didn’t expect it to; and I don’t think that anyone who expects it to is being fair on it. You should know what you’re getting into isn’t going to be quite as good, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that it’s going to be exactly the same—because it isn’t. I mean, sure, you still run around Akiba and rip the clothing off of people, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t its own game!

A Very Polite Vampire

Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed Review Sejima

I kind of figured, but thanks for confirming.

Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed follows the story of Nanashi, an otaku who gained miraculous superpowers after nearly being beaten to death in a dark alley by a man in punk-rock attire and then subsequently forced to kiss and drink the blood of a girl afterward. Pretty weird, huh? Well, it gets weirder. Following this beatdown/makeout session, Nanashi is then abducted by a government agency known as NIRO.  Upon waking up in one of NIRO’s facilities (naked and tied to a chair, might I add), he is informed that the blood that he drank has turned him into something known as a “Shadow Soul”—a superhuman creature whose only true weakness is sunlight—and that if he doesn’t start helping NIRO get rid of  other Shadow Souls lurking around Akiba, then they’ll kill him. And, yes, all of this literally happens before you can even play the game.

If I can be completely candid, here, I’ve got to admit that  Hellbound & Debrifed ‘s story is the one part about this game that it has over its sequel. I had expected it to take the same “pick your waifu” route as  Undead & Undressed. And, while there are  some romantic elements, they’re weaved much more naturally into this game’s story. The whole “sketchy government organization vs. human-like monster people” plot is really cool, too. While I’m aware that Undead & Undressed has something similar with its Synthisters, the way the Shadow Souls are implemented in Hell Bound & Debriefed is much more engaging.

The Sights! The Sounds! The Otaku!

Akiba's Trip Review Akihabara

I’d say “never change,” but that’s what Akiba’s all about!

One of the biggest pulls of the Akiba’s Trip series is the fact that you get to explore what essentially amounts to a realistic Akihabara (aside from the rampant demonic activity and the whole “strip everyone naked” thing). Naturally, Hellbound & Debriefed , as the game that started this trend, has a faithfully recreated Akihabara to explore. Players are able to peruse the main street, Junk Street UD+, and more. Were this the first instance of a game doing this, this would have been absolutely amazing. Unfortunately, we Westerners got the Akiba’s Trip  games in reverse order. And, while  Hellbound & Debriefed ‘s recreation of Akiba is still cool, it’s completely outdone by  Undead & Undressed .

When comparing the two games against one another, there are fewer places to explore, the streets fairly sparse, and the complete lack of realistic advertisements in Hellbound & Debriefed makes it entirely unable to stand up to the realism presented within  Undead & Undressed . And, yes, I’m saying that a game about stripping vampires’ clothing off had realism. Again, this isn’t exactly  Hellbound & Debriefed ‘s fault. This is the first game, so it’s obviously not going to be as fleshed out as its sequel, and it would be kind of weird to expect that. However, after having spent so much time with  Undead & Undressed  previously, it’s hard not to notice when all of the little things that made it so wonderful are missing entirely from its predecessor. On the bright side, it certainly makes you appreciate all of the hard work that Acquiredid when creating the second  Akiba’s Trip  game!

Akihabara's Four Kings

Something seems off about that statement, but okay…

Fortunately, while Akihabara itself isn’t as lively as I would have liked, its citizens certainly are. As with its sequel, a lot of the fun in  Hellbound & Debriefed comes from meandering around and completing quests for people. And, with this being Akihabara and all, you can bet that a lot of the people you’ll be helping out are kind of weird. Sure, it might just be helping otaku and maids ait first, but it won’t be long before you’re squaring off with Super Sentai Rangers and men in soccer ball uniforms, and finding that oh-so-perfect cat girl outfit so some bloody nosed random girl can try to force it on one of your friends. Money’s money, after all, right?

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Embarrass ‘Em (And Then Beat ‘Em)

Endurance Gauge

No, it is NOT a weird sex thing! This is how I fight! I’m serious!

As far as I’m aware, there’s very little—if any at all—difference between the combat mechanics in  Hellbound & Debriefed  and  Undead & Undressed . If you’ve played the second game, then that should be more than enough information. I’m aware that not everyone has, however, so let’s dig into things a little more.  Hellbound & Debriefed is essentially an action/RPG with fighting mechanics. Characters are able to equip up to three pieces of clothing (headgear, shirt, and pants), and while characters, including the player themselves, don’t have HP, their clothing does. By attacking various parts of an enemy, you damage their clothes, and, once the clothing is damaged enough, you can rip it right off—and, once a character’s left in nothing but their skivvies, they’re down and out.

Hellbound & Debriefed ‘s combat is very simple, surprisingly addictive, and it isn’t hard to get the hang of at all. Unfortunately, it also isn’t the most polished combat around. A total lack of manual targeting means that you can accidentally end up targeting the wrong person or, in some cases, even hit someone who you aren’t actively engaged in combat in. The game also doesn’t let you start beating up people who aren’t actively hostile toward you. While this makes sense from the point of public decency, it’s really annoying when you’re trying to go after people with rare clothing.

Shaky, but Sound

Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed is a lot of fun, but it also leaves something to be desired given the fact that we’ve had its sequel for almost a decade at this point. If you’ve never gotten into the series and want to start, or are like me and love  Undead & Undressed so much that you just want to know what came before it, then  Hellbound & Debriefed  is absolutely worth your time. It’s a charming title with a good amount of replayability, and gameplay that, in all likelihood, you probably won’t find anywhere else. Do be warned, however, that its age  is showing at this point.

Final Verdict: 3.5/5

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Available on: Nintendo Switch (Reviewed), PlayStation 4, PC; Publisher: XSEED Games; Developer: Acquire; Players: 1; Released: July 20, 2021; ESRB: M for Mature; MSRP: $39.99 

Full disclosure: This review is based on a copy of Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed given to Hey Poor Player by the publisher.


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Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (Nintendo Switch)

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • Playful reimagining of Japan's Electronics Mecca, the famous Akihabara district has been painstakingly recreated to become a virtual Tour of Tokyo's "electric town" Circa 2011, complete with accurate street layouts and shops based on real businesses present at the time
  • fight like a Nerd, in the battle for Akihabara, anything counts as a weapon. Pick up an arsenal of replicas, collectibles, and other random junk to humiliate vampires into Submission with, all while doing it in style with a wide array of customizable clothes and costumes
  • your choices matter, every faction in the fight wants your power. What you choose to do with that power will decide the course of the story, leading to any one of several different endgames
  • full Dual audio, enjoy hours of voiced-over banter in your choice of English or the original Japanese

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you came to Akihabara for the same reason anyone does: to celebrate your love of anime, manga, cosplay, Tech, and all the communities around them. Your friend did, too. And then he disappeared.

you found him in a back Alley, unconscious and Bleeding. His attacker, a sinister figure straight out of a horror manga, came for you next, Slamming you to the ground with inhuman strength. And as you lay dying, a mysterious young Lady knelt beside you, bit her lip, and offered you her Blood...

now you're one of them, a Shadow soul. You have Super strength, stamina for days - and a Deathly weakness to sunlight. On one side of you, there's niro, a covert Agency dedicated to hunting down paranormal threats throughout Japan. On the other, there's a family of Shadow Souls, including the killer who assault you, his rebellious sister, and enough arguing relatives to ruin a holiday.

in the middle of it all is the town you love. Your friends, The self-styled "akiba freedom fighters," like to role-play as town peacekeepers, but they're in no way ready for what's coming next. It's up to you to master your power, learn all you can, navigate the hidden world of supernatural politics, and ultimately choose a side - before all-out war blows the town apart.

AKIBA'S trip: hellbound & debriefed akiba's trip: undead & Undressed , The Smash hit that introduced a Western audience to the seedy underworld lurking in the shadows of the haven of "otaku" Culture in the Akihabara district of Tokyo.Released as akiba's trip plus in Japan, players explore a rich setting based on the famous "akiba" District circa 2011, hunting vampiric foes, and tearing off their clothes to expose them to sunlight. The game has been remade to bring it to modern HD graphical standards, all while retaining the charm of the original classic that started a cult hit series.

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akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Take a trip back to the origin of a series that will knock more than just your socks off! In  AKIBA’S TRIP , players expose vampiric creatures called Shadow Souls to deadly sunlight by liberating them of their clothes. Now, a fully remastered version of the original “Strip Action RPG” is coming to the West for the first time. Following the success of  AKIBA’S TRIP: Undead & Undressed , which was released as  AKIBA’S TRIP 2  in Japan and has sold over 500,000 copies worldwide,  AKIBA’S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed  completely rebuilds the first title in a modern engine, bringing back the beat-’em-up, strip-’em-down gameplay fans know and love in a rich HD setting based on Japan’s famous geek paradise, Akihabara, circa 2011.

Release Date

July 20, 2021

Nintendo Switch PlayStation®4 Windows PC

Key Features

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Playful Reimagining of Japan’s Electronics Mecca

Take a virtual tour of 2011’s Akihabara district recreated in painstaking detail, complete with accurate street layouts and shops based on real businesses operating at the time.

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Fight Like a Nerd

Wield an arsenal of replicas, collectibles, and other amusing objects as you humiliate vampires into submission, all while wearing a stylish array of customizable clothes and costumes.

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Your Choices Matter

Choose which faction to support in the fight for Akihabara and watch as your decisions affect the course of the story, culminating in one of several different endings.

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Full Dual Audio

Enjoy hours of voiced-over banter in your choice of English or the original Japanese.

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Launch Trailer

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Launch Date Announcement Trailer

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Announcement Trailer

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akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Akiba’s Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed

Supernatural creatures are stalking the pop culture mecca of Akihabara—and they've turned you into one of them. Arm yourself with an otaku-themed weapon and expose their skin to sunlight in this HD update of the first game in the AKIBA'S TRIP series.


Akiba's trip: hellbound and debriefed - digital deluxe, related games.

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Akiba's Trip

Undead & undressed director's cut.

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Akiba's Beat

akiba's trip hellbound & debriefed switch

Undead & Undressed

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AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed

AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed

Supernatural creatures are stalking the pop culture mecca of Akihabara—and you know that because they've turned you into one of them. Their only weakness, and yours, is sunlight, which means there's only one way to stop them: call them out on the streets, knock their clothes off, and expose their skin before they can do it to you.

Arm yourself with a rolled-up poster, a guitar, a laptop, a magical girl wand, or (if you insist) an actual weapon, then hit Akihabara's colourful streets. Browse recreations of real-life shops circa 2011, mingle with Akiba's residents and tourists, and discover the town's many secrets.

Will you work with the secret paranormal-hunting agency, give the creatures a fair shake (hey, some of them seem all right), or just look out for your otaku friends? Choose your side, choose your missions, and enjoy a freewheeling adventure with AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed.

This description was provided by the publisher.

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© 2011-2021 ACQUIRE Corp. Licensed to and published by Marvelous Europe Limited.

Arcade, Fighting, Adventure, Action

Single System (1)

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Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed

Nintendo switch pc playstation 4 psp, description.

  • Akiba's Trip Plus is an Action game, developed and published by Acquire, which was released in Japan in 2012.

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Buy akiba's trip: hellbound & debriefed, digital deluxe edition.

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About This Game

Key features, mature content description.

The developers describe the content like this:

This game uses a stripping mechanic that leaves enemies in their underwear after combat. One game mode allows players to dress a female character in a revealing outfit (e.g., lingerie/underwear) and follow the camera as it moves around her figure. The game text and dialogue also contain sexual references. The words “f**k” and “sh*t” appear in dialogue. In one fighting mini-game, players use knives and cleavers to slash at each other, resulting in brief splashes of blood.

System Requirements

  • OS *: Windows 8.1 or later
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-750
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 560
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Processor: Intel Core i7-4770
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950

© 2011-2021 ACQUIRE Corp. Licensed to and published by XSEED Games / Marvelous USA, Inc.

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  6. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed

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  1. AKIBA'S TRIP: What are Your Measurements?


  1. AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed for Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo of America Inc. Headquarters are in Redmond, Washington, USA. Buy AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.

  2. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed

    Akiba's Trip: Hellbent & Debriefed Walkthrough Akiba's Trip: Hellbent & Debriefed is a game developed by Acquire and produced by XSEED Games. While it was originally released only in Japan, a remastered version has been recently released worldwide for their 10th anniversary. Table of Contents 1. Introduction [HD01] 2.

  3. AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed

    AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed. System: Nintendo Switch Release date: 23/07/2021. Overview. Gallery. Details. Supernatural creatures are stalking the pop culture mecca of Akihabara—and you ...

  4. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed

    AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed is the precursor to AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed, the smash hit that introduced a Western audience to the seedy underworld lurking in the shadows of the haven of "otaku" culture in the Akihabara district of Tokyo. Released as AKIBA'S TRIP Plus in Japan, players explore a rich setting based on the famous "Akiba" district circa 2011, hunting ...

  5. Review: Akiba's Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed

    Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed ( Nintendo Switch [reviewed], PC, PS4) Developer: ACQUIRE Corp. Publisher: XSEED Games, Marvelous USA, Inc. Released: July 20, 2021. MSRP: $39.99. Let's ...

  6. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (Switch) Review

    Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (Switch) Review. by Alex Orona - July 20, ... Originally a PSP game, Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed is the first of the HD remakes in the franchise to be ...

  7. AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed for PS4/Nintendo Switch Official Site

    AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed for PS4/Nintendo Switch Official Site. Akihabara x vampires x unbelievable battles return! This unique, strip action-adventure RPG has finally been remastered in HD! Don't miss the limited edition version that comes wth 3 deluxe bonus items! AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed for PS4/Nintendo Switch Official ...

  8. AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed/Nintendo Switch/eShop Download

    Choose your side, choose your missions, and enjoy a freewheeling adventure with AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed. A. This description was provided by the publisher. Required Space. 2.1 GB. Supported Play Modes. Number of Players. 1. Supported Controllers.

  9. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed Review (Switch)

    One of the biggest pulls of the Akiba's Trip series is the fact that you get to explore what essentially amounts to a realistic Akihabara (aside from the rampant demonic activity and the whole "strip everyone naked" thing). Naturally, Hellbound & Debriefed, as the game that started this trend, has a faithfully recreated Akihabara to explore.. Players are able to peruse the main street ...

  10. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed

    Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed. Welcome to Akihabara, agent. If this is your first time here, you may find the culture a bit unusual, to say the least. But to those who lead their lives here, it's a paradise. They see it as a safe haven from the outside world, where they can celebrate the music, the games, the shows, and the characters ...

  11. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed

    AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed is the precursor to AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed, the smash hit that introduced a Western audience to the seedy underworld lurking in the shadows of the haven of "otaku" culture in the Akihabara district of Tokyo. Released as AKIBA'S TRIP Plus in Japan, players explore a rich setting based on ...

  12. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed (Nintendo Switch)

    AKIBA'S trip: hellbound & debriefed akiba's trip: undead & Undressed, The Smash hit that introduced a Western audience to the seedy underworld lurking in the shadows of the haven of "otaku" Culture in the Akihabara district of Tokyo.Released as akiba's trip plus in Japan, players explore a rich setting based on the famous "akiba" District circa ...

  13. AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed

    Playing through 120 minutes of AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed on Nintendo Switch. Beginning a New Game and completing the early objectives of the story....

  14. Akiba's Trip

    The original Akiba's Trip game was released on PlayStation Portable in Japan by Acquire on May 19, 2011. [1] [2] An updated version, titled Akiba's Trip Plus, was released for PSP on June 14, 2012.[2] [3] A PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows remake was released on July 20, 2021 in the U.S. and Europe, titled Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed.

  15. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound and Debriefed

    Following the success of AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed, which was released as AKIBA'S TRIP 2 in Japan and has sold over 500,000 copies worldwide, AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed completely rebuilds the first title in a modern engine, bringing back the beat-'em-up, strip-'em-down gameplay fans know and love in a rich HD setting ...

  16. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed

    If this is your first time here, you may find the culture a bit unusual, to say the least. But to those who lead their lives here, it's a paradise. They see ...

  17. AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed

    AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed System: Nintendo Switch Release date: 23/07/2021 Supernatural creatures are stalking the pop culture mecca of Akihabara—and you know that because they've ...

  18. Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed for Nintendo Switch

    For Akiba's Trip: Hellbound & Debriefed on the Nintendo Switch, GameFAQs has 1 guide/walkthrough.

  19. Buy AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed

    Choose your side, choose your missions, and enjoy a freewheeling adventure with AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed. Key Features Playful Reimagining of Japan's Electronics Mecca Take a virtual tour of 2011's Akihabara district recreated in painstaking detail, complete with accurate street layouts and shops based on real businesses ...