50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Published on march 3, 2017 at 7:22 am by amber hewitt in lists.

Beauty pageants aren’t just about putting on a pretty dress and smiling, as evidenced by these 50 common beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers .

I’ve never been in any kind of pageant situation, so I can’t really speak from personal experience on this topic, but I imagine it requires a lot of grace that I really don’t have. I can hardly walk in a straight line most of the time. I’m proud of anyone who does pageants and is really good at them because they’re beautiful people with a lot more patience and they can tolerate having a group of people judge them, which would likely make me cry.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Face of Denmark/Shutterstock.com

Pageants vary according to the theme and there are a lot of different types of pageants. The major beauty pageants most of us are familiar with are Miss Universe, Miss World, Miss International, Miss Earth, and, of course, Miss America. Candidates come from different places, but they’re brought together aiming for one vision or common goal. The general vision is to make the world a better place somehow. We’ve also created a list of the 11 Best Countries in Beauty Pageants if you’re interested in learning more about these events.

Before moving on into those big-name pageants, though, one generally gains experience from smaller pageants during younger and teen years. Teenage beauty pageants are inspired by the bigger ones from theme to sequence of events. They’re like practice rounds. Aside from looking beautiful and being graceful, it’s important to be witty and intelligent during the question and answer section. The topics for questions range anywhere from sports, politics, education, environment, tourism, culture, balance of academic and extracurricular activities, and personal.

Our list of the   common beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers will obviously be full of those mentioned topics. We gathered them from sources like The Pageant Planet , Miss Greater Dothan Forestry , Own that Crown , Miss Teen Pageants , and Storify . There may be some that are extremely easy to answer and others that are a bit more challenging and require more thought. They’ll be great practice if you’re looking to enter the pageant world. Just don’t go all Toddlers & Tiaras mom on us. If you have suggestions for better answers, let us know in the comments.

Without further ado, here are the questions and answers.

50. Tell me about a recent goal you accomplished.

Answer:  As I stand here in front of you, with this huge audience watching over me, I am proud to say that this is my recently achieved goal, and there are many more in store for me.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


49. What made you decide to enter this pageant?

Answer:  I always knew this was my calling.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Andrey Bayda / Shutterstock.com

48. What brings you the most happiness in life?

Answer: What brings me the most happiness in life is achieving my goals.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

lev radin / Shutterstock.com

47. Who, aside from your family, has the biggest influence on you?

Answer: That would be my teachers, for we spend most of our younger years in a classroom with them educating us.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: wavebreakmediamicro / 123RF Stock Photo

46. If you could get one message out to the world, what would it be?

Answer: Live your dreams!

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: antonioguillem / 123RF Stock Photo

45. If you were to win this title, how would you balance school, social life, and extracurricular activities?

Answer: Planning and time management are the perfect tools to balance school, social life, and extracurricular activities.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


44. Why should you be the next titleholder?

Answer:  You should select me to be the titleholder because I promise to fulfill my responsibility to perfection. While doing so, I will strive to be a mirror to all the aspirants and those around me.

43. What would your response be to a person who believes that pageants aren’t a good influence for young women?

Answer:  Beauty pageants have given women a platform to acknowledge their beauty, knowledge, and skills in front of the world. It is an opportunity to seek the better in you. Beauty contests have also given nations the ability to be prideful with a new accolade.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Jerry’n LV/Shutterstock.com

42. What makes you unique compared to all of the other contestants in this competition?

Answer: I believe that each and every one of us is unique, but what makes me unique is my personality and positive attitude toward everything that I do.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Halay Alex/Shutterstock.com

41. What is your opinion on social media? Do you think it helps or hurts our society?

Answer: Social media has become a tool to let people know what’s not shown on other popular forms of media and people from around the world may have a healthy exchange of opinions.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Quka / Shutterstock.com

40. Who is your role model?

Answer : My role model is me because for me every day is an endeavor to do better than yesterday.

39. Should you win this pageant, how will you promote it?

Answer: In fulfilling my responsibility as titleholder I will be able to perform my platform and in the course of my reign we will be able to let the people see our achievements through social media. Almost everyone in the world is connected online. I would also promote it through word of mouth, the most effective promotion throughout time.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Bart Sadowski/Shutterstock.com

38. Do you have any unique family traditions, and if so, what are they?

Answer: We kiss the hands of elders to show respect.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

wong sze yuen/Shutterstock.com

37. How would you make your school more environmentally friendly?

Answer: We have always promoted being green in schools, but to make it more environmentally friendly we must strictly implement proper garbage segregation and, through this, we will be able to apply recycling where the output can be used among the students or even donated to the communities who need it more.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


36. How did you prepare for this pageant?

Answer: I prepared myself physically, emotionally, and mentally.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


35. If you were judging this pageant, which characteristics would you look for in the young women when choosing a winner?

Answer: I will choose a winner who has focus, is responsible, and has confidence that she can fulfill her duties.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

34. Why did you choose your platform for this pageant?

Your answer may vary on your platform.

33. Tell me something about yourself.

Answer:  I am an embodiment of a new meaning of life. My purpose here is to find the true calling of life and fulfill it. This platform is one of my steps towards reaching my goal for this destiny, which I will decide.

32. What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today? Why?

Answer:  The biggest problem faced by our educational system is that it believes it’s a system. A system is a set arrangement of things. However, education means to impart knowledge by giving and taking in order to empower the uneducated. This has been forgotten in the process of being a system, which needs to be reevaluated and learned once again.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: dolgachov / 123RF Stock Photo

31. Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker? Why?

Answer:  By the virtue of being a woman, I consider myself to be a giver as well as a taker. As a woman, I am bestowed with the power to create a part of nature by taking a part of it. This is the beauty of femininity.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

30. What is your definition of success?

Answer:  My definition of success is when my conscience agrees with the time, effort, money, and emotions spent on achieving the goal till the end of it and allows to me sleep peacefully at night.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: nesharm / 123RF Stock Photo

29. What is your biggest fear?

Answer: My biggest fear is not reaching my goals when I know I can.

28. Do you think it’s necessary to hire a pageant coach if you’re serious about winning a pageant?

Answer: I think it is necessary to hire a pageant coach. We may know how to walk and have ideas on answering the questions but having a coach would mean improvement for a candidate.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

27. If you don’t end up winning this pageant who would you like to see win?

Answer: All these girls who are on this stage have worked hard to reach this far and so I believe whoever among them wins deserves it.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Jade ThaiCatwalk/Shutterstock.com

26. Do beauty pageants help or hurt how society views women?

Answer: I believe pageants helps our society for the causes that benefits education, environment, and other issues that need to be addressed.

25. What are your views on girls that get plastic surgery to do a pageant?

Answer: I will always be a person’s choice to get a surgery to improve her looks.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: mykeyruna / 123RF Stock Photo

24. Do you think a titleholder should be single or in a relationship?

Answer: As long as the titleholder can fulfill her responsibility and does not break any rules during her reign, then it will not matter if she is single or in a relationship.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

George Rudy/Shutterstock.com

23. If you were to win this pageant, how would you handle all the attention that you will receive?

Answer: I will still be me, no pretensions. I will fulfill my responsibility to the best of my ability.

22. How important is it to look good at all times?

Answer:  It is very important for me to look my best all the time. I sincerely believe that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and I am the beholder of my beauty in my eyes. So, if I am not looking my best on the outside, I feel no one will make an effort to see what lies within me.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: robertprzybysz / 123RF Stock Photo

21. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Answer:  Home because that is the place where I’ve been the happiest.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


20. What is the importance of beauty pageants in today’s world?

Answer:  Beauty pageants have given women a platform to acknowledge their beauty, knowledge, and skills in front of the world. It is an opportunity to seek the better in you.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Debby Wong / Shutterstock.com

19. What is your greatest obstacle? Why?

Answer:  My greatest obstacle would be my own myopic view. I would overcome it with a change of perspective.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Vladimir Gjorgiev/Shutterstock.com

18. Do you think that the youth of today faces more pressure of performance than the previous generation?

Answer: The present generation is something we can be proud of for the use of technology they can easily bring output to their ideas.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: lenetstan / 123RF Stock Photo

17. If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which would you choose and why?

Answer:  I would choose Vogue, as it has been for me, a celebration of womanhood, a trendsetter, a style guru, an example of top-notch reporting, a personification of high standards of living, and above all, perfection.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


16. What do you expect to gain by participating in pageants? Why?

Answer:  By being a part of these beauty pageants, I expect to gain an opportunity to discover my strengths and perfect them, realize my weaknesses and transform them into strengths, and take home the crown tonight.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


15. What message would you give to the world about beauty pageants and the girls who compete in them?

Answer: You are awesome to be on that stage and continue to inspire others.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

14. Do you think the swimsuit round is derogatory?

Answer: I believe celebrating the beauty of our bodies is not derogatory.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

13. Can students make a difference in politics even before they can vote?

Answer: The most unexpected piece of advice comes from young minds and I believe that students can participate by sharing their opinions about politics.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


12. Do you think sports are an important part of school?

Answer: Sports promote camaraderie, which I believe is essential in every aspect of our lives

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Leonard Zhukovsky / Shutterstock.com

11. What can be your greatest contribution to the community?

Answer: My greatest contribution is being a law-abiding citizen.

10. If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?

Your answer may vary on the thing or event that you want to change in your life.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: racorn / 123RF Stock Photo

9. Would you like to be famous? Why or why not?

Answer: I’d like to be famous because there’s the opportunity to become a role model and spread a good influence among the youth.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


8. How can schools better leverage social media to teach their students?

Answer: Social media can be a tool to teach students creativity and show output through social media as well.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: rvlsoft / 123RF Stock Photo

7. If money were no object describe to me your dream vacation.

Answer: As long as I am with my loved ones, especially my family, spending time with them is the best vacation I will ever have.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers


6. How are you a role model for your underclassmen?

Answer: I promote kindness and try to stop bullying and discrimination, which are quite common nowadays.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

5. What is the most important extracurricular activity that you are involved in and why?

Answer: The most important extracurricular activity that I am in is sports because it does not only mold me physically, but it also promotes mental and emotional health.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Copyright: 123mn / 123RF Stock Photo

4.  Why should you win this pageant?

Answer:  The reason I should win is because I will make a great titleholder. To me, a great titleholder understands that that being a queen is a job and part of my job description is to actively and creatively promote this pageant. So if I were to be chosen, I would bring more awareness to this pageant by actively recruiting girls to try to win my crown next year.

3. What is/are your favorite thing(s) to do in [your hometown]?

Your answer may vary on the things you do in your hometown.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com

2. If you could meet any person in history who would it be?

Answer: I would want to meet the late Pope John Paul II for up to this day his wisdom lives in the hearts of many.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

1. What is your most embarrassing moment?

Your answer may vary on your embarrassing moment experience.

50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers

Here are our 50 common beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers . Of course, your answers will definitely vary, and we’ve chosen a few placeholder answers as recommendations for starting points. Go get that crown!

WHO Slideshow List XFinance Who is your role model? What is your biggest fear? miss of the world questions Why should you win this pageant? Interesting beauty pageant answers What is your definition of success? 11 Best Countries in Beauty Pageants What is your greatest obstacle? Why? If you could go anywhere in the world What is your most embarrassing moment? Why should you be the next titleholder? Do you have any unique family traditions Pageant questions and answers about sports What made you decide to enter this pageant? What brings you the most happiness in life? Pageant questions and answers about culture Pageant questions and answers about tourism Would you like to be famous? Why or why not? Pageant questions and answers about politics If you could be on the cover of any magazine If you could get one message out to the world Pageant questions and answers about education How important is it to look good at all times? Pageant questions and answers about environment Why did you choose your platform for this pageant? Do you think sports are an important part of school? Do you consider yourself to be a giver or taker? Why? What are your favorite things to do in your hometown? What can be your greatest contribution to the community? If you could meet any person in history who would it be? Do beauty pageants help or hurt how society views women? What is the importance of beauty pageants in today's world? If money were no object describe to me your dream vacation. 50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers How would you make your school more environmentally friendly? If you could change one thing about your life what would it be? How can schools better leverage social media to teach their students? Can students make a difference in politics even before they can vote? What are your views on girls that get plastic surgery to do a pageant? What is your opinion on social media? Do you think it helps or hurts our society? What makes you unique compared to all of the other contestants in this competition? which characteristics would you look for in the young women when choosing a winner? What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today? Why? What is the most important extracurricular activity that you are involved in and why? What message would you give to the world about beauty pageants and the girls who compete in them? Do you think it’s necessary to hire a pageant coach if you’re serious about winning a pageant? Do you think that the youth of today faces more pressure of performance than the previous generation? What would your response be to a person who believes that pageants aren’t a good influence for young women? Show more... Show less

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The 11 most common beauty pageant questions & how to answer.

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Your makeup is on, your hair is touched just right, your pageant sash is a perfect fit and your smile is on point. Even your tan is the very definition of sunkissed… you’re ready to hit that stage so hard it's left in a daze. Now comes the question-and-answer segment of the pageant.

This is your moment. Visualize and own it.

Are you ready to nail it with so much confidence that a Hollywood producer would consider you for a role as the next Bond girl? Good. If not, we can help.

So what comes next? What are the most common beauty pageant questions and how should you answer them?

For more than 20 years, The Sash Company has been creating high-quality beauty pageant sashes for pageants across the U.S. We are the official partners for Miss America and Miss Universe. We craft high-quality sashes that leave an impression.

We have seen our fair share of pageants in that time, and with that in mind, we want to offer our insight. What are the most common questions asked at beauty pageants and how should you answer them? Continue to the end to learn some tips and techniques to make you sound more confident when answering pageant questions.

The Most Common Questions & Answers

1 - “tell us about yourself”.

Ah, the most common question contestants are asked at beauty pageants. It’s so simple, so common, and so widely used. It’s a chance to break the ice in a fun and interesting way.

Keep the answer light and concise. Try thinking of it like an elevator pitch of yourself. It shouldn’t be any longer than 20 seconds and it should show a little personality. This is a quick Instagram bio of who you are.

Judges are looking for these highlights:

  • Community service
  • Public speaking
  • Personal values
  • Accomplishments

The trick to answering this question is to pick 5 or 6 accomplishments that you’re proud of, and that speaks to the kind of person you are. Make it feel personal.

“Your mind is like a gold mine, if you dig deep you will find something golden.” — Gift Gugu Mona

2 - “Why should you win?” / “Why should the judges pick you?”

Well, thanks for the trick question judges. It’s difficult to sound confident and humble when you’re telling people why you’re the best choice. That’s why this is also one of the most common beauty pageant questions asked every year.

And you can pull this one off too.

The trick to answering this question is to be honest and genuine. Do not just use some typical beauty pageant line about being a role model or changing the world, unless that’s truly what you believe… and if it is, then you have to phrase it better than that.

Consider some of these talking points when you sit down to think of your answer:

  • Talk about your plans for the future and how this pageant title will help you accomplish those goals.
  • Talk about what you bring to the pageant, and what makes you stand out from other winners.
  • Talk about leadership and what characteristics you think pageant winners have, then relate that back to your qualities.

The most important thing you can do is break the pattern. Don’t follow along with other contestants. Instead, call out their answers and change course. “I know everyone else probably answers this question differently but….”

“Winning doesn't always mean being first. Winning means you're doing better than you've ever done before.” - Bonnie Blair

3 - “Define feminism” / “Modern woman’s role in society” / “Advice for young women today”

There are many variations of this question in beauty pageants across the United States every year. Judges want to ascertain the contestant's thoughts and feelings about femininity and womanhood in modern society.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer for this question, but we can provide some tips.

  • Focus on your journey as a woman, and what you’ve learned.
  • Ask yourself what qualities you admire in other women that you wish you had more of.
  • Talk about women taking their place in the world.
  • Break the pattern, do not answer like the other contestants.

The judges will likely want to hear more about strength, confidence, being heard, and leadership.

“There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women." - Madeleine Albright

4 - “What’s a current event you’re focused on?” / “What are your thoughts on [insert current event here]?”

Are you following the news and are you keeping up to date with the happenings around the world, or even in your local community?

If you’re going to represent a community, you have to know what’s happening and most importantly, you have to have an answer.

Here are some things to keep in when answering this very common pageant question:

  • Break the pattern and answer about an event that is important to you. Don’t answer with the same event every other contestant has talked about.
  • Is there a way to tie your answer back to a personal experience? Be careful not to minimize the event, but try to add your perspective.
  • Ultimately, human connection and peace are the most valued outcomes of any event. Bring people together. Consider this when answering.
  • Try your best to stay informed on current events through the news, podcasts, and articles on websites like substack!
“Good news is rare these days, and every glittering ounce of it should be cherished and hoarded and worshipped and fondled like a priceless diamond.” - Hunter S. Thompson

5 - “What makes you, you?” / “Tell us something interesting about yourself”

This is by far the most common beauty pageant question because it’s open-ended, flat, and filled with opportunity. This question can make or break a contestant. It’s your chance to fly or flop, to shine or slump, to really give everyone a chance to get to know the person behind the sash.

The real question underneath it all is this: what unique quality would you bring as a pageant winner and titleholder?

Sure you can talk about hobbies, experiences you had in childhood, and your outlook on life, but ultimately your answer should be passionate. Focus on the future in this answer and not just the past. Don’t rewind, look ahead!

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” - Oscar Wilde

6 - “What’s your biggest weakness?”

Oh great, another trick question right? Maybe not. The point of this question is not to trick you, nor is it to find out what you’re really bad at, the point of this question is to determine if you are self-aware and if you believe in yourself and your ability to improve.

It actually doesn’t matter what your biggest weakness is, it matters if you are honest and if you truly understand yourself.

Whatever your answer, be sure to follow up with how you are working on overcoming this weakness, or what you do every day to ensure that this weakness doesn’t ever affect you more than it needs to.

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” - Thomas A. Edison

7 - “What’s the biggest problem facing [insert geographic location here] & how do we solve it?”

What’s the biggest problem facing your town, your city, your state, or the entire country?

Of course, this answer will change based on the location. The issues that people in California face are likely different from people in Georgia. Of course, there are similarities between each state, but ultimately, each state has its own challenges.

To answer this question effectively, bring it back to something you are passionate about. You want your interview to have a theme or a thesis. There are bonus points if the current issue you discuss is something that you believe in fixing… perhaps a cause you are also passionate about.

"The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything." - Albert Einstein

8 - “Where do you see yourself in [insert years here] years?”

Is this a job interview or a beauty pageant? Well, it’s a little bit of both. This question seeks to uncover your conscientiousness. No, not how kind you are, but how much thought you put into planning your future, and how much time you've invested into your own life.

The trick for this beauty pageant question is that it doesn't necessarily matter what your plan is for the next 5 or 10 years, but it does matter that you’ve got a plan for the next few years.

Are you wishing for your life to unfold in specific ways, or are you planning and taking action to ensure that you have as much control and responsibility for the life you are creating for yourself? Show them just how thoughtful you are!

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

9 - “What do you like most about yourself?”

This answer should be fairly straightforward. Our only advice is to answer this pageant question honestly and with a sense of confidence.

It’s okay to brag about yourself when you're answering this question because the question is looking for that kind of answer. This one is all about you.

“Love yourself first, and everything else falls in line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” - Lucille Ball

10 - “What advice would you give your younger self?”

This is a common beauty pageant question because it shows the judges how much you’ve grown, how much you understand yourself, and how much you’ve learned from your mistakes and the challenges that you’ve faced.

It may be an opportunity to focus on something that was difficult to go through, but that you made it through regardless. You could even highlight that you wouldn’t change the challenges you’ve faced because those challenges have made you who you are.

Use this question to define just how far you’ve come.

“Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.” - Harper Lee

11 - “If you could meet any famous person in history, who and why?” / “Who is your role model?”

And finally, the most common beauty pageant question asked over the years is all about your idols and role models.

This question sheds light on who you admire, aspire to, and consider a learning resource. If you could have lunch with any famous person, (living or dead) who would it be and why?

This question is a great time to inject a little humor and personality into your answer. If your choice is someone from history, think about including something about the modern world confusing them. Also, chat about who picks up the check for dinner. Get a little cheeky with it!

“I'm not a role model. I'm a role villain.” - Marilyn Monroe

No matter what questions face you, answer with honesty! Making sure that answers sound thoughtful and natural is key! Remember that you are not perfect, so don’t pretend to be. Show them that you are always learning and growing! No matter what questions are thrown at you, we wish you luck and confidence.

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378 Beauty Pageant Questions

378 practice beauty pageant questions for 2023 written by former Miss Universe coaches to ensure you do your best in the interview and on-stage questions. Hard pageant questions range from current events, political, and environmental questions, to Miss and Teen interview questions.

For the price of a coffee, you will be getting a huge list of questions that have been written by top pageant coaches, judges, and Miss Universe directors. Don’t go into your next pageant without preparing with these expert-written questions that will get you crowned. Below is a sample from the list of 378 questions.

Get The Full List Of Pageant Questions Instantly

Current Events & Political Questions

  • What are some of the things you did or learned during the pandemic?
  • If you were the President of the U.S. would you have given the public more or less stimulus money? Why or why not?
  • Do you think reducing gun violence in the U.S. can be achieved with limiting the sale of guns? Why or why not?
  • As gas prices continue to rise, do you think the solution is to drive more electric vehicles or look for ways to produce more gas here in the U.S.?
  • Do you think we should have election audits? Why or why not?

Miss & Teen Interview Questions

  • Why do you want to compete in a beauty pageant?
  • Do beauty pageants help or hurt how society views women?
  • How many pageants have you competed in?
  • Does anyone else in your family compete or have competed in pageants?
  • Why should you be selected as our titleholder?

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Personal & Behavioral Questions

  • Tell me more about yourself.
  • Tell me about the one thing in your life you’re proudest of.
  • Tell me what “success” means to you.
  • Tell me about your family.
  • Tell me about a difficult situation when it was desirable for you to keep a positive attitude. What did you do?

Bonus: Questions About Technology

  • What are your thoughts on TikTok being owned by a Chinese company? Do you think it should be banned in the U.S. to protect our privacy?
  • Do you think Twitter, Facebook, & Instagram have the right to ban a U.S. president from their platforms? Why or why not?
  • How do you feel about Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter collecting your private data?
  • Do social media networks have the right to collect your private data since you’re using their platforms for free?
  • Is it right for Google & other search engines to manipulate the search results?
  • What do you think the impact is on society when only one side of the news is shown on the top of Google search results?
  • Has social media made the world a better place? Why or why not?
  • Do you think the rise of technology has contributed to the rising divorce rate? Why or why not?

Download All Questions Below

Prepare to Win Your Pageant

Over the years of being involved in the pageant industry, I’ve noticed that when people talk about past beauty pageants the most memorable thing they recall, ironically, has nothing to do with beauty at all.  Everyone seems to always remember the final questions in beauty pageants and how they were answered.  The importance of the final question and the equally important pageant interview questions cannot be denied.  This is why so many pageant girls spend fortunes on pageant coaches who help them nail their interview and final questions.  

At Own That Crown, we understand the importance of preparing for your upcoming beauty pageant without spending an arm and a leg!  This is why we have compiled 378 questions for you to study; including current events from 2022!  These expert-written questions will no doubt help you be more prepared for when you’re up on stage under the spotlight expecting the unexpected.  Be sure to check out all of the pageant coaching services on Own That Crown and designer gowns in our pageant resale section!

Sample Pageant Questions

  • Do you think professional athletes are overpaid?
  • What is the one feature you’d change about yourself and why?
  • What would you say is the biggest problem facing our educational system today? Why?
  • If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
  • What is your definition of success?
  • What are the best qualities a parent could share with their children? Why?
  • What would you like to see done to improve the public’s understanding of the importance of organ donation? Why?
  • What do you think about the growing number of foreign investments in the United States?
  • What bothers you most about what is happening in your country today?
  • What is the biggest challenge to young people today?
  • What quality do you like most about yourself and why?

6 Reasons Why You Need To Practice Questions Before Your Pageant

Did You Know:

The oldest pageant still in operation today is the Miss America pageant, which was organized in 1921 by a local businessman as a means to entice tourists to Atlantic City, New Jersey.[24] The pageant hosted the winners of local newspaper beauty contests in the “Inter-City Beauty” Contest, which was attended by over one hundred thousand people. Sixteen-year-old Margaret Gorman of Washington, D.C., was crowned Miss America 1921, having won both the popularity and beauty contests, and was awarded $100. Pageant history

Types of Beauty Pageants

This is a list of beauty pageants from around the globe. A beauty pageant or beauty contest is a competition that has traditionally focused on judging and ranking the physical attributes of the contestants. Pageants have now evolved to include inner beauty, with criteria covering judging of personality, intelligence, talent, character, and charitable involvement, through private interviews with judges and answers to public on-stage questions. The term beauty pageant refers originally to the Big Four international beauty pageants. Pageant titles are subdivided into Miss, Mrs. or Ms., and Teen – to clearly identify the difference between pageant divisions.

International pageants Major international pageants List of the world’s four major beauty pageants (the Big Four):

Miss Earth (2001–present) Miss International (1960–present) Miss Universe (1952–present) Miss World (1951–present) Marital international pageants List of international marital beauty pageants:

Mrs. International (1988–present) Mrs. Globe (1996–present) Mrs. Universe (2007–present) Mrs. World (1984–present) Teen international pageants List of teen beauty pageants:

Miss Teen Earth (2012–present) Miss Teen International (1993–present) Miss Teen World (2001–present) Miss Teenager World (1990–present)

Minor international pageants List of minor beauty pageants:

Miss Asia Pacific International (1968–2005, 2016–present) Miss Global (2013–present) Miss Globe International (1988–present) Miss Grand International (2013–present) Miss Heritage (2013–present) Miss Model of the World (1988–present) Miss Supertalent (2011–present) Miss Supranational (2009–present) Miss Tourism International (1994–present) Top Model of the World (1993–present) World Miss University (1986–present) Discontinued international pageants International Pageant of Pulchritude (1926–1935) International Teen Princess (1966–1974) Ms. International (2010–2018)

Continental and regional pageants The following are continental and regional pageants in alphabetical order:

Miss América Latina (1981–present) Miss Asia Pageant (1985–present) Miss Asian America (1985–present) Miss Arab USA (2010–present) Miss Arab World (2006–present) Miss Chinese International Pageant (1988–present) Miss Europe (1927; 1929–1939; 1948–2006; 2016–present) Miss India Worldwide (1990–present) Miss Pacific Islands (1987–present) Reina Hispanoamericana (1991–present) Reina Mundial del Banano (1985–present) Reinado Internacional del Café (1957–present) World Muslimah (2011–present)

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About the author: Pageant Coach

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BEAUTY PAGEANT: Situational Questions and Answers

NOTE:  The series of answers in this post included samples from pageant book reviewers and online pageant articles. Erika Bianca Lasay also wrote some of them in preparation for her previous pageants.

pageant questions about tourism

If there is anything you could change the world, what would it be? If I would be given that rare opportunity, it would have to be a world without poverty. There are too many people, especially in our country, suffering and not having enough to eat. No child should ever have to worry about when they are going to get their next meal. Moreover, it is an awful fact to accept that the world has been very busy in its luxurious living while hundreds and thousands of beggars tonight are still out there on the cold grounds waiting for alms.

pageant questions about tourism

What will you tell a girl, suffering from low self-esteem? I have been there. I’ve had low self-esteem. I’ve been in all sorts of unwanted and bad situations. What I’d say to them is to never give up, have faith, and everything will be okay in the end. Bad things happen, but there is always a time in your life to rectify and change things for the better.

What would you say to someone who thought they were not pretty enough to enter a pageant? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Each one of us has a distinct quality and characteristic that makes us truly one of a kind.  Beauty pageant is a celebration of cultural diversities and beauty translated in all forms. Although the physical attributes matter, the one that stands out is not the one that has the most beautiful face but the one that has the bravest heart to withstand all the obstacles in the competition. Thank you and a blessed evening to everyone.

What would you tell to our President? I would talk to him about the importance of education and how it plays a major role in shaping the future of our nation. I would encourage him to make it cost effective so it will be readily available to everyone – from preschool, to the university and colleges. I would also ask about his plans for the youth – being the lucky one to be the representative. And equally important, I would ask about his plans and projects for our place, especially to my hometown, Daet, Camarines Norte.

If you are given the chance to talk to our President, what would you say? If I were given the chance to talk to the president, I would ask him about his plans for the youth – being the lucky one to talk to him as a representative. Equally important, I would ask him about his plans and projects for the Bicolandia, especially in my hometown, Daet, Camarines Norte.

If you had 30 minutes a day to do anything you wanted, what would you do and why? I will spend 30 minutes a day, helping people. Because in our modern time, we are much occupied with work, school and technology, that we tend to forget our responsibility as children of God – and that is to extend a helping hand to the people in need.

Choose between a fit body and a fit mind. I will definitely choose a fit mind over a fit body, because having a fit mind is a gift, you can have it without working for it. In fact, you can be born with it. While a fit body wears off through the course of time, a fit mind stays with you even without a fit body.

If you could help one famous person to better themselves, who would you pick and how will you help them? I would like to help the President of the Republic, the Honorable Rodrigo Roa Duterte, to better himself since he is the leader of a country whom people looked up to lead them and to inspire them. I will help him boost more confidence and to enhance and emphasize his charisma to capture the hearts of many to cooperate and be with him. I will teach him the power of empathy and to show more kindness when times really need it. Lastly, I will teach him the virtue of humility and simplicity to be more warm, friendly and more humane and to be a good example of a good public servant.

There are parents today who raise their children without letting them watch any television or look at the internet, what is your opinion on this? I understand and believe that those parents who do not want their children to keep in touch with the times and get connected to the world, only want to raise their children with good family values and virtues, and a life that centers only about themselves. However, to avoid living the world of ignorance, they must have some exposure to these kind of technologies. These children also need to be informed and to get connected to the world to be aware of what is happening around them and also to keep at pace with the times.

What can you say about the people who do not believe in you? I believe in the saying, “You cannot impress everybody.” Especially when it comes to your talents, skills and intelligence. But you can always try to make them like you as a person, and in reciprocal, like them to.

What would be your advice to a 7-year old child who wants to be a beauty queen someday? I would advise her to pursue her dreams and discover that there is more to beauty pageants. I would tell her that joining beauty pageants develop one’s discipline and personality; and that beauty queens are not just there to wear the crown, but also to help the community, and to become good role models and inspirations of hope to the people.

Who do you think is more powerful, a man or a woman? For me, there is no point of comparison because man and woman are not here to compete from each other, but to complement each other’s weaknesses – and those weaknesses are to be completed and loved by each other.

Which do you prefer, a male president or a female president? It does not matter to me if it would be a male or a female president as long as he or she is honest, true, and sincere to his or her endeavors to eradicate poverty; as long as he or she is responsible in meeting the needs of the country and becomes an inspiration and a model employee for the whole country.

At what point, does a girl becomes a woman? The point where a girl becomes a woman is the time when she starts to be capable of bearing a child. From there onwards, she starts her social responsibility as a citizen and as a woman, because she already has the social accountability for her actions and needs.

Who is that one influential person you want to meet and what do you want to learn from him/her? I would like to meet Pope Francis. Since he has a profound wisdom, I would like to know what matters most in life. And since he is a Man of God, I would also like to ask for his prayers for our place and for the people of the Philippines, especially in the Bicolandia.

Do you want to be different or do you want to be belong? Today, it would be better if you want to belong than different. There is so much now about differences of culture in the world which causes misunderstanding and hatred. It is about time for the world for us, to belong, unite, be one, help one another, and to all together finish our dreams and aspirations in life.

If God will grant you one wish, what would it be? If God would grant me one wish, I would gladly become an instrument of God to bring a change in this world. We see nothing but evil, suffering, grief and sadness. This is not what God wants. Thus, I would wish for myself to become His tool – a catalyst of change in order to help the people change, and I believe that with His will and guidance, change is within our grasp.

If you are given the power to make one thing happen today, what would that be and why? As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish and he will live for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will live for a lifetime,” I would be providing education to the less privileged and more jobs as to give opportunities for the unemployed. By giving them the chance to study, they would be able to apply their learnings and be employed, as they go their ways outside the school, and by providing more jobs to the unwaged, they would be able to sustain their family needs.

If you had to live your life all over again, what part of your life would you change? None, I would not change even a single scene in my life. I am me, because of what I have been through. Changing any part of my life will automatically change my definition as a person, and I do not want that to happen.

On the night of your honeymoon, your husband confessed to you that he is gay, what will you do? I have loved him long enough before we were married, and now that we are married, blessed, and sanctified by the church, I will love him even more – for what he has, for what he is, and for what he is yet to be.

If you were given the chance to live again, what would it be? If I were given the chance to live again, I would still choose to be me. I know that there is a work in this world that I, alone, could do. There is a space in this world that I, alone, could fill. There is a sound that I, alone, could make. There are people who would miss me if I am not around. That is why if given the chance to live again, I would still be me.

If someday you get married, how do you see yourself: a full-time homemaker or a career woman? If I get married someday, I would see myself as a career woman who finds time to find her place and become much more productive to contribute for the betterment of her society as to her chosen field, while meeting the demands, needs, and time for her family.

If you were the last person on earth, how can you make your life worth living? If I were the last person on earth, then that would be the best time to spend my life with all my heart, soul and mind to serve, and be with my Creator’s tender love and attention.

If you would be a gem, what would you be? I would want to be a diamond. It is a gem with the hardest character that it can cut any other gems. It is like a person who has a strong conviction and personality. Diamonds are shaped by nature over a long period of time and it experiences difference painful changes. Thus, like a diamond, a person who faces a lot of trials which made him strong and confident, is beautiful like a diamond.

If you were to travel back in time where or when would you go, and why? I would like to go to the place and time where Jesus lived. I think there is no other greater glory and honor than to witness and live with Jesus, whom we give all the praises and glory.

If you were given the chance to change something from the past, what would it be? I would not change anything from the past. The society we live in and the person we are today are products of our past. The past is something to be cherished – be it happy or sad. It is a memory full of lessons and insights that we use today as a platform to see what lies ahead. It is a part of history that must be respected and treated as a clue to success and progress.

If there is one thing you can do to change the world, what will it be? I will not change anything. The world is not yet an awful abode. It is still a beautiful place where beautiful people can live into. The world might have some problems and challenges, but God has the best plan for us. I still believe that people are good in the heart where Jesus lives. Because of that, I would not change anything but rather be thankful to God.

If you would be isolated in an island, and given the chance to bring three things, what would it be? If I would be isolated in an island alone, I would bring a lighter, a bible and eyeglasses. The lighter will be used in making fire for survival. The bible will be for my spiritual light. Moreover, the eyeglasses will save me when my eyesight starts to fail.

Complete the sentence: I know I have made it when… I know I have made it when I see myself and my family happy, when my heart is jumping out for joy, and when I am able to sleep peacefully at night.

Who do you think is the sexiest man alive today? I think, Manny Pacquiao is the sexiest man alive today for he has given our country and the Filipino people much honor, pride and glory, not just for a year but a decade of fights that would never be forgotten into the hearts of every Filipino, and into the eyes of the world that, “We, the Filipinos, can!”

If you will rank wealth, health and family, according to importance, how will you rank them? I would definitely rank my family as the most important. Because I could sacrifice wealth and health in a circumstance, but not my family. Second is wealth, because I am ready to lose my health and my personal happiness, just to see my family in good condition.

Given a choice, which among the following will you choose – wealth, beauty or talent? I would choose beauty. Being beautiful is more than what our body says. For me, beauty is anything that is towards the likeliness of God. It constitutes cleanliness in body and spirit, pureness in heart and soul, and goodness in actions and deeds, by working, serving, and helping fellows. With these notions, I believe that being beautiful is much more desirable than just being wealthy or talented.

What is more important to you, a successful career or a happy family? A happy family is much more important than a successful career. Most of the times, we live and work hard for our loved ones. And the meaning of life can never be completed without a happy family, whether biologically or adopted as long as we call it family.

How would you describe the color yellow to a blind man since birth? Physically, we could not describe the color yellow to a blind man since birth, but since we trust and believe them to have an extraordinary ability in sensing and feeling things, let us say that color yellow represents the natural color of light; it represents joy, cheerfulness, warmth and hospitality. With that, we are able to give him, a very nice and complete definition of the color yellow.

What is the best quality of a person to become successful in life? The best quality of a person to become successful is to have faith in God. It is because nothing in this world is perfect or absolute. Our perseverance, our ability and our intelligence may fail us in times of the great challenges that we may encounter – but our faith in God will leave us standing amidst of everything.

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pageant questions about tourism

Become a Queen or Princess with us!

Photo Contest: 4 title winners in the last one NOW YOU could  Possibly win your Miss Tourism State Title 


What are the area's of COMPETITION?

This is the Main Event that chooses our Worlds Miss Tourism Age Group Winners.

1)  Interview (Private)

2)  Photogenic

3)  Evening Gown

4)  Costume

Each are worth 25% of the total score.

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​ ​ ​

What are the Age Categories

Jr. Miss | Princess Age 5-8

Pre-Teen Miss Age 9-12

Jr. Teen Age 13-15

Teen Age 16-18

Mrs. 21-49**

Classic Ms. 50 and Up

* Will have been married and no longer married or have or had children, 

** Must be legally Married

Contestants may move up an age category but not back.

Why Enter Miss Tourism Pageants?

Believing there is beauty in everyone, Miss Tourism is inclusive. No matter height, weight, shape, economic status, ethnicity, YOU are welcome here.

Miss Tourism is considered a Natural event for girls ages 5 to 12 

Glam for 13 and Up(anything goes)

Earn The Presidents Volunteer Service Award through Miss Tourism Pageants

NEW to Miss Tourism 

The Impact Awards see more info below

pageant questions about tourism

Who can enter Miss Tourism Pageants?

Any female between the ages of 5 and up we have 8 separate categories including Married, formerly married and over 50.

pageant questions about tourism

Once I enter then what?

Once you enter, get ready to receive your crown and sash in the mail! As soon as we have them, we carefully package and ship them directly to you. Within a few weeks of entering, you'll also receive PDF guides filled with tips and advice to help you shine during appearances, conquer challenges, and prepare for the LIVE World/National Pageant. Your exciting journey is about to begin!

I hope that each of my Queens and Kings truly understands this powerful message from Michael Josephson:

This is the start of your new journey, make it one of significance!

What will matter is not what you bought but what you built,

not what you got but what you gave. What will matter is not your success but your significance.

What will matter is not what you learned but what you taught. What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage, or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.

With your new State, National, Worlds Miss Tourism, Worlds Miss Tourism Grand Supreme, All-American Miss Tourism and International Miss Tourism you can inspire the Nation and the World. The Journey you choose is yours and yours alone. We are here to help all we can. We will hold you up when you can no longer stand, we will cheer you on and cheer for you every step of the way. We will will strive to be your support in all of your Dreams. So Dream Big and Join us!


90 Days After

90 After receiving your crown and sash... you will need a great crown and sash head shot. Must be turned in 90 days after receiving.


Get Involved

Visit the website BLOG pages at least once a week for the Tourism Challenges and get social. Share your journey on the group page. Keep a scrapbook in case you decide to enter the Role Model optionals at finals in July 2025


The Miss Tourism Crown

The Miss Tourism Crown is and always will be a crown for the community. You are an Inspiration and NOT a decoration. Under the Miss Tourism Crown of stars stands a smart, capable and resilient queen. She inspires others to help, be kind and above all else Stand Up to Stomp out Bullying! 


Let The Journey Lead You

In doing all you can in your communities, actual work, cleaning parks, beaches, hosting a charity function, helping register runners for a 5K race you could win a Presidents Volunteer Service Award.  Forms must be submitted once a month by the 5th of the following month    Get Form >>>>>

Become a Director 

Or don't want the financial responsibility but would love to mentor a group to finals. Then contact us.

Or You already have a pageant then partner with us and send your winners to our All-American Miss Tourism Pageant in the crown and sash you already award. 

We would love for you to consider becoming state Worlds Miss Tourism Pageant director. You would be responsible for every aspect of your own home based business. You would also guide and mentor your delegation to World Finals.

pageant questions about tourism

Global Platform

T.h.i.n.k. before you speak  anti bully initiative   discover your personal platform or choose ours. rock your reign by giving it purpose and a voice  t.h.i.n.k. challenge coming october 2024 worlds miss tourism queens contract signing.

Contract Signing! Register too so you can have all the fun I am having.

Main Competition

The main event chooses our new worlds miss tourism world title holders.


Private Interview:

This Round Robin Style Interview gives our judges a chance to see a contestant up close and personal.

25% of the total score. 



All Contestants competing for Worlds Miss Tourism in her age group will turn a  at Registration in your Crown and sash. 25% of total score


Evening Gown

This elegant event is meant to show your style, poise and elegance. 

25% of your total score


The most anticipated event of the Pageant. A costume that is WOW about something unknown and a Speech that has everyone on the edge of their seats.

​25% of your total score

It's Time To Open Up About Fulfilling Your Role

It's Time To Open Up About Fulfilling Your Role

Your Approach Needs Work!

Your Approach Needs Work!

The World Is Listening!

The World Is Listening!

pageant questions about tourism

Boost your online clout with these pro tips on enhancing your social presence! 🌟

Challenge DUE September 7-8th, 2024!

Challenge DUE September 7-8th, 2024!

pageant questions about tourism

What is the Role of The Miss Tourism Queen?

Karen and husband

My family LOVES Miss Tourism Pageants and Miss Teri. Well, organized and drama free, two things we love! This is why we keep coming back Since 2016!

Karen Capasso-Fortney, Texas

Get in Touch

616 TN-76, #712

White House, TN 37188

[email protected]

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  • News & Views >
  • Five questions for destinations to ask about tourism >

Five questions for destinations to ask about tourism

With tourism showing unremitting growth for the eighth consecutive year, and forecast to continue apace in the coming decades, popular destinations are suffering.

During a recent roundtable event in Buenos Aires , we brought together leading figures from the industry to discuss the issue of overtourism.

If destinations want to get the most out of the tourism industry, and avoid becoming tourist traps, now is the time to ask the following questions…

1. What do you want from tourism?

pageant questions about tourism

Economic benefits, of course, but what kind?

Obviously it’s important that revenue stays in the destination, but how can you ensure it is spread evenly around different businesses?

The potential for jobs and employment stretches beyond hotels to the whole tourism supply chain – to excursion providers, craft-makers, conservationists, farmers and many more, all part of the tourism product.

In Croatia, we found that local business owners appreciated being consulted and involved in hotel development, and it led to tourism that was more beneficial to the destination – see our Case Study .

And then there are the costs. If the money flowing in is set against resource depletion, shoring up historical sites, fixing environmental damage and repairing infrastructure, then you are not balancing the books. This is something we set out to assess in our 2016 report Measuring Tourism’s Impact in Cyprus.

2. What kind of tourism do you want?

tourists croatia

Once you understand what you want from tourism, you can look at shaping the sector to meet your needs.

Over the last year, we’ve been undertaking research in Tenerife on Finding the Optimum Tourist Mix , which is about understanding the ‘true’ value of different tourist markets – the distinctive types of tourists who are looking for different holiday experiences.

Most destinations, when asked, would be able to describe the kind of holidaymaker they are aiming for, but all too often this is based who visits at present, or a general idea of attracting ‘high value’ tourists.

Many countries set out to attract large international markets, whereas they might obtain better value through looking at other types of tourism.

Take domestic tourism, for instance, a market that is typically four times larger than international visitors. Domestic tourists may be visiting friends and family, going out for meals together, travelling by car and thus able to make more purchases, yet some destinations are tailoring their product only to internationals.

Make sure you know:

  • Who your current tourists are
  • What their impacts are, positive and negative
  • Who you would like to see in greater numbers, and who in fewer
  • Who is missing (consider whether there are types of tourist who are not currently visiting but who would bring benefits)

One destination that has done an excellent job of answering these questions is Flanders in Belgium (see this WTTC seminar ). They’ve identified their market segments, looked at what makes them beneficial or detrimental, and identified who they would like to target, namely the ‘cultural tourist’ and the Meetings, Conferences and Events market. This has helped them make decisions about investment and infrastructure.

3. What are the risks?

Cape Verde turtle

Now you know more about the form your ideal tourist industry would take, and the benefits it should bring, you can consider any risks.

What negative impacts might be caused, should you try to adapt to certain kinds of tourism markets? If you decide to target luxury travellers, and find that they want to play golf, will there be enough water to keep a course green? What might be the effects on your roads, your heritage sites, your delicate natural environments?

To help destinations consider these issues, we developed a framework to identify potential environmental and socio-economic risks in a destination and partnered with TUI to trial it in Sardinia and Saint Lucia.

4. What is this information good for?

pointing at board

The data will be exceptionally useful. For some countries, tourism can be the first, second or third most important industry, and yet it is not always taken seriously because it doesn’t always quantify the value it brings in.

When you have clear figures showing where tourism is adding and subtracting value, you can make a watertight case for your sector and its contribution. This in turn can help with allocating budget to infrastructure and tourism projects.

You can also prove to tour operators, hotels, developers and investors that you’re a sustainable destination, and work more collaboratively to keep it that way.

5. What about the people skills?

Julie Cape Verde guides

One issue for tourism organisations is having personnel with the skills and abilities to undertake the impact assessments that are needed.

If it is not possible to get people with the right skills in house, then destinations need to go to NGOs, external organisations or universities, and find people who can help with this research.

This is why, at the Travel Foundation, we have a dedicated Sustainable Practice team , who work with tourism organisations to build capacity, helping them measure and embed better practice.

To find out more about how we can support you to develop the best kind of tourism for your destination, get in touch.


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    Pageant Questions for 2023: 378 hard beauty pageant questions to practice for interviews & on-stage. Current events, political, tricky, funny, & environmental questions for Miss & Teen pageants. ... Miss Tourism International (1994-present) Top Model of the World (1993-present) World Miss University (1986-present)

  8. 121: Pageant Interview Practice Questions and Sample Answers

    1 - Tell me about yourself. This is the most common request. The goal is to get a snapshot understanding of the highlights of your life and values. To answer this question, think about the highlights that relate to the situation. If you're in a job interview, you'll want to share your education and experience.

  9. 50 Common Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers For Teenagers ...

    The topics for questions range anywhere from sports, politics, education, environment, tourism, culture, balance of academic and extracurricular activities, and personal. Our list of the common beauty pageant questions and answers for teenagers will obviously be full of those mentioned topics.

  10. Pageant Contestants Talk About Real Pacific Issues

    Contestants delivering their Interview Presentations. (Source: Su'a Hesed Ieremia Media Secretary Miss Pacific Islands Pageant Media Release 08 December 2017) For further information contact. Su'a Hesed Ieremia, Media Secretary, Miss Pacific Islands Pageant. T: +685 63500|M: +685 7247865|E:[email protected].

  11. Pageant questions

    Do you prefer adventurous travel or relaxing vacations, and how do you think tourism can cater to both preferences? Share a memorable adventure or relaxation experience from your travels. 58. Promoting Local Businesses: How can tourism benefit local communities and small businesses, and how would you encourage travelers to support them?

  12. Miss Tourism World

    All contestants for Miss Tourism World must participate in four areas of competition: private panel interview with the judges, swimsuit, evening gown, and onstage question. Women who are older than 19 years of age and younger than 31 years of age and taller than 5'6", and in good physical health are eligible to compete in Miss Tourism World.

  13. BEAUTY PAGEANT: Situational Questions and Answers

    If I were given the chance to live again, I would still choose to be me. I know that there is a work in this world that I, alone, could do. There is a space in this world that I, alone, could fill. There is a sound that I, alone, could make. There are people who would miss me if I am not around.

  14. HOME

    Experience a Pageant that still believes in promoting positive values, embracing differences and advocating for meaningful causes, Miss Tourism pageants is integral in shaping a future where beauty is not just skin deep but a force for positive transformation on a global scale.

  15. Questions on Tourism

    QUESTIONS ON TOURISM 1. How would you promote tourism in your province? As a beauty pageant contestant with a convincing aura of beauty, I could promote my province by describing it to tourists and entrepreneurs as a place where peace and security harmoniously go side-by-side. A place where the historical site and its natural resources are ...


    Photo Courtesy of Tourism Vancouver/Rishad Daroowala. QUESTIONS TO GUIDE TOURISM RECOVERY DISCUSSION. With respect to cross-border leisure travel, what will government, industry, and provincial/state marketing. agencies have to do in order to: 1) Build traveler confidence? 2) Stimulate leisure travel between the U.S. and Canada?

  17. History of Beauty Pageants: Evolution, Controversies, and Cultural Impact

    Early Beginnings. Marrying beauty and competition, beauty pageants took form in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The concept piqued public interest and swept across continents rapidly. It all started in the 1920s, as reported in French Politics Culture & Society back in Spring 2013.

  18. 70 questions with answers in SUSTAINABLE TOURISM

    Relevant answer. Félix Oscar Socorro Márquez. 26 Aug 2024. Answer. Dear Kaoutar Karim. Today, several theories in sustainable tourism are considered highly influential. The Triple Bottom Line ...

  19. Five questions for destinations to ask about tourism

    5. What about the people skills? One issue for tourism organisations is having personnel with the skills and abilities to undertake the impact assessments that are needed. If it is not possible to get people with the right skills in house, then destinations need to go to NGOs, external organisations or universities, and find people who can help ...

  20. Beauty Pageant Questions and Answers

    A beauty pageant isn't about walking the ramp in the skimpiest of clothes, and sporting. Beauty queens have a lot more to do, than just look beautiful. A beauty pageant isn't about walking the ramp in the skimpiest of clothes, and sporting a million-dollar smile. It's about cracking the tough round of questions and answers with conviction.

  21. 510 questions with answers in TOURISM

    3. Lack of empathy. Lack of empathy limits AI's ability to interact and understand people's emotional needs. In situations that require greater understanding, such as mental health care or ...

  22. Beauty pageant question and answer about tourism

    question. 8 people found it helpful. pandemonium. report flag outlined. In what way will you contribute to tourism as a beauty queen? I will contribute to tourism by using my influence as a beauty queen, to promote the tourism of my country. I will show them by actions and by words that beauty is not just in the face but as well as for the ...