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  • Description

The four major town houses - Hôtel Tassel, Hôtel Solvay, Hôtel van Eetvelde, and Maison & Atelier Horta - located in Brussels and designed by the architect Victor Horta, one of the earliest initiators of Art Nouveau, are some of the most remarkable pioneering works of architecture of the end of the 19th century. The stylistic revolution represented by these works is characterised by their open plan, the diffusion of light, and the brilliant joining of the curved lines of decoration with the structure of the building.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Habitations majeures de l'architecte Victor Horta (Bruxelles)

Les quatre habitations majeures – l'Hôtel Tassel, l'Hôtel Solvay, l'Hôtel van Eetvelde et la maison et l'atelier de Horta – situées à Bruxelles et conçues par l'architecte Victor Horta, l'un des initiateurs de l'Art nouveau, font partie des œuvres d'architecture novatrices les plus remarquables de la fin du XIXe siècle. La révolution stylistique qu'illustrent ces œuvres se caractérise par le plan ouvert, la diffusion de la lumière et la brillante intégration des lignes courbes de la décoration à la structure du bâtiment.

أهم المساكن الخاصة من تصميم المهندس فكتور أورتا (بروكسل)

تُعتبر المساكن الخاصة الرئيسة الأربعة أي فندق تاسل، وفندق سولفيه، وفندق فان إيتفيلده ومنزل المهندس أورتا ومشغله، القائمة في بروكسل والتي صمّمها المهندس فكتور أورتا بنفسه، وهو أحد مطلقي الفن الجديد، من أبرز الأعمال الهندسية المبتكرة في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر. وتظهر الثورة الفنية المجسّدة في هذه الأعمال من خلال الرسم الفني المفتوح وانتشار الضوء والإندماج المذهل للخطوط المنحنية في الزخرفة بهيكلية البناء.

source: UNESCO/CPE Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


在布鲁塞尔,有四座出自设计名师、“新艺术运动”(Art Nouveau)最早发起人之一维克多·奥尔塔(Victor Horta)之手的建筑,它们分别是塔塞尔公馆(Hôtel Tassel)、索勒维公馆(Hôtel Solvay)、埃特维尔德公馆(Hôtel van Eetvelde)和奥尔塔公馆(Maison & Atelier Horta)。这四座建筑是19世纪末欧洲建筑中的先锋之作。这些建筑所代表的风格革命的特点在于开放式布局、漫射的光线和装饰曲线与建筑结构的完美结合。

Casas principales del arquitecto Ví­ctor Horta (Bruselas)

Situadas en Bruselas y diseñadas por el arquitecto Víctor Horta, uno de los iniciadores del “Art Nouveau”, la Casa Tassel, la Casa Solvay, la Casa Van Eetvelde y la vivienda-estudio del propio arquitecto forman parte de las obras arquitectónicas más innovadoras de fines del siglo XIX. La revolución estilística de la que son representativas se observa en su plano abierto, así como en la difusión de la luz y la genial fusión de las líneas curvas de su decoración con las estructuras de fábrica.


source: NFUAJ

Grote stadswoningen van architect Victor Horta (Brussel)

De vier grote stadswoningen in Brussel - Hôtel Tassel, Hotel Solvay, Hotel van Eetvelde en Maison Atelier Horta - zijn enkele van de meest opmerkelijke en baanbrekende architectuurwerken van het einde van de 19e eeuw. Ze zijn ontworpen door de architect Victor Horta, een van de eerste initiatiefnemers van de Art Nouveau. De stilistische revolutie van de woningen kenmerkt zich door hun open ontwerp, de verspreiding van het licht en de briljante verbinding van gebogen decoratielijnen met de gebouwstructuur. De stadwoningen van Horta getuigen van een radicale nieuwe aanpak waarmee ze gelden als grootste uitdrukking van de Art Nouveau stijl.

Source: unesco.nl

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Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

The Major Town Houses of the Architect Victor Horta – Hotel Tassel (1893), Hotel Solvay (1894), Hotel van Eetvelde (1895) and the House and Workshop of Victor Horta – located in Brussels, are outstanding examples of Art Nouveau. These four houses, that bear testimony to the immense talent of this Belgian architect, achieve a remarkable sense of unity with meticulous attention to the smallest detail of the building, from the door handle or bell to the least piece of furniture.

Horta, one of the earliest instigators, heralded the modern movement of Art Nouveau architecture. The stylistic revolution represented by these works is characterised by their open plan, diffusion and transformation of light throughout the construction, the creation of a decor that brilliantly illustrates the curved lines of decoration embracing the structure of the building, the use of new materials (steel and glass) and the introduction of modern technical utilities. Through the rational use of the metallic structures, often visible or subtly dissimulated, Victor Horta conceived flexible, light and airy living areas, directly adapted to the personality of their inhabitants.

The principle of a double house connected by a glass-covered circulation area is adopted for the Hotel Tassel and the Hotel van Eetvelde. This area, that generally contains a winter garden, is enchantingly represented at the Hotel Solvay, the most ambitious and spectacular work of Horta in the Art Nouveau period. The staircase of its house-workshop is decorated and enjoys this type of particularly elegant arrangement. The interior decors benefitted from surprising inventiveness, with the motifs flowing smoothly from the mosaic floor to the painted walls, including the wrought iron work and the custom furniture.

These four houses revived the tradition of the Bourgeois houses and private mansions of the 19th century, combining residential and representational functions which require a subtle organization of spaces and differentiated circulation. Revisited by the creative genius of Victor Horta, each one of them represents the personality of their owners and forms a coherent ensemble that illustrates the willingness to treat the architecture and decoration as a whole. 

Criterion (i): The Major Town Houses of Architect Victor Horta in Brussels are works of human creative genius, representing the highest expression of the influential Art Nouveau style in art and architecture.

Criterion (ii): The appearance of Art Nouveau in the closing years of the 19th century marked a decisive stage in the evolution of architecture in the West, prefiguring subsequent developments, and the Town Houses of Victor Horta in Brussels bear exceptional witness to its radical new approach.

Criterion (iv): The Major Town Houses of Architect Victor Horta in Brussels are outstanding examples of Art Nouveau architecture brilliantly illustrating the transition from the 19th to the 20th century in art, thought and society. 

Among the Art Nouveau buildings executed by Victor Horta that have been preserved, this group of four houses stands out due to its quality and its good state of conservation. Through their circulation plan and layout, their luminosity and their decor, they each possess stylistic and technical attributes that highlight the different facets of the creative genius of their architect, a pioneer of Art Nouveau who revolutionised the art of living at the turn of the 20th century.

These buildings are protected as monuments, which guarantee the maintenance of their characteristics. They present all the necessary characteristics to express their Outstanding Universal Value and their role in the history of Western architecture. Indeed, they have undergone very little modification over time, and well-documented careful restoration programmes have enabled the restoration of the integrity of the building when it had been altered by earlier developments, as was the case for the house-workshop of Horta at the Hotel Tassel. 


In addition to their outstanding architectural quality, the four town houses in question are well preserved and retain a high degree of authenticity due to the prodigious care of their owners, long convinced of the exceptional interest of their homes. Despite the changes made to the Hotel Tassel, the authenticity of the design, materials and their implementation remains high, while the authenticity of their environment remains entire. Each of the buildings has undergone a change of use, becoming offices (Hotels Tassel and van Edtvelde) or museum (Hotel Solvay and house-workshop of Horta). At the Hotel Solvay, the authenticity of design, materials and their implementation is outstandingly high. Only the authenticity of the environment has undergone change, as the Avenue Louise, elegant residential boulevard of the era, has become a major artery of the city where, under pressure of property development, big office blocks have been built. The authenticity of the Hotel van Eetvelde and the house-workshop of Horta remains high. The authenticity of the district of the Hotel van Eetvelde is extremely high due to excellent environmental protection.

Restoration campaigns undertaken over the last 40 years have been executed according to recognized conservation practices (1964 Venice Charter and ICOMOS Charter of 1987). Since inscription on the World Heritage List, several exemplary campaigns for restoration and recovery of space have been carried out at the house-workshop of Horta, to restore the ensemble of original attributes of the building. 

Protection and management requirements

The group of buildings is listed as monuments. Written information on any interventions on these properties must be addressed to the Direction of Monuments and Sites prior to their execution and, with exception, be the subject of a specific procedure following the procedures set by the Brussels Code for Territorial Development (COBAT). In the framework of this procedure, the Royal Commission of Monuments and Sites issues a binding opinion on the project. The preparation of the urbanism permit and the work site are followed by the Direction of Monuments and Sites that manages the concession of regional grants destined to cover a part of the restoration and maintenance costs of the properties, up to 80% of the total cost of the work.

The Government of the Region of Brussels-Capitale provided an important financial contribution and scientific and administrative support to the restoration and maintenance campaigns of the House and Workshop of Victor Horta as well as towards the arrangement of the Visitor Welcome Centre.

Several studies and research concerning the buildings constructed by Horta and included in the framework of restoration campaigns or independent of these, enable the overall understanding of the work of Horta and the techniques implemented.

The integrated furniture and facilities of the Hotel Solvay are listed, with the exception of the non-fixed furniture and works of art, which are original. In order to fully preserve in situ the exceptionally complete furniture heritage, an inventory has been established together with the owner.

The resurfacing of the Avenue Louise, activity requiring major work on one of the most important axes of circulation of the capital, has already been envisaged in theory during incidence studies, but proves to be particularly difficult to carry out under present conditions.

As the buildings inscribed are private properties, the management plans have not yet been established. For the Horta Museum, which is the only building widely open to the public, a master plan is employed to guide the projected restorations and interventions. A development project for the visitor centre in the neighbouring house is underway.

  • Directie Monumenten en Landschappen van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest
  • Voormalige woning en atelier van Victor Horta
  • Hôtel Tassel
  • Huis Van Eetvelde en opbrengsthuis Beschermd erfgoed
  • Huis Solvay
  • The Solvay House (official website)
  • Horta Museum (official website)

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Protections by other conservation instruments

1 protection / 1 element

  • House and workshop of Victor Horta

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Victor Horta

Victor Horta Art Nouveau Belgian Architect and Designer

Hotel Tassel

Hotel Tassel, built between 1892 and 1893, was radical in both detailing and basic structure. The property consists of two relatively conventional building in brick and stone linked by a largely steel and glass structure forming an atrium containing stairs and access to other parts of the house and a reception/winter garden illuminated by the glass roof. The use of lightweight steel frames gives a very open an airy feel.

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Hôtel tassel.

Brussels, Belgium

The Hotel Tassel is a town house built by Victor Horta in Brussels for the Belgian scientist and professor Emile Tassel in 1893–1894. It is generally considered as the first true Art Nouveau building, because of its highly innovative plan and its groundbreaking use of materials and decoration. Together with three other town houses of Victor Horta, including Horta's own house and atelier, it was put on the 'UNESCO World Heritage List' in 2000.

The first town house built by Victor Horta was the Maison Autrique. This dwelling was already innovative for its application of a novel 'Art Nouveau' decorative scheme that didn't include references to other historical styles. However the floor plan and spatial composition of the Maison Autrique remained rather traditional. On the deep and narrow building plot the rooms were organised according to a traditional scheme used in most Belgian town houses at that time. It consisted of a suite of rooms on the left side of the building plot flanked by a rather narrow entrance hall with stairs and a corridor that led to a small garden at the back. From the three room suite only the first and the last had windows so that the middle room (mostly used as a dining room) was rather gloomy.

At the Hôtel Tassel Horta definitively broke with this traditional scheme. In fact he built a house consisting of three different parts. Two rather conventional buildings in brick and natural stone — one on the side of the street and one on the side of the garden — were linked by a steel structure covered with glass. It functions as the connective part in the spatial composition of the house and contains staircases and landings that connect the different rooms and floors. Through the glass roof it functions as a light shaft that brings natural light into the centre of the building. In this part of the house, that could also be used for receiving guests, Horta made the maximum of his skills as an interior designer. He designed every single detail; doorhandles, woodwork, panels and windows in stained glass, mosaic flooring and the furnishing. Horta succeeded in integrating the lavish decoration without masking the general architectural structures.

The innovations made in the Hôtel Tassel would mark the style and approach for most of Horta's later town houses, including the Hôtel van Eetvelde, the Hôtel Solvay and the architects own house and atelier . It might be superfluous to mention that these houses were very expensive and only affordable for the rich bourgeoisie with an Avant-Garde taste. For this reason the pure architectural innovations were not largely followed by other architects. Most other Art Nouveau dwellings in Belgium and other European countries were inspired by Horta's 'whiplash' decorative style which is mostly applied to a more traditional building.

The Hôtel Tassel had a decisive influence on the French Art Nouveau architect Hector Guimard who later developed a personal interpretation of Horta's example.

  • UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Belgium
  • Top historic sites in Brussels
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The Tassel house by Victor Horta: an Art Nouveau masterpiece

I would like to book a guided tour.

ARAU invites you to explore the interior so that you can understand the modernity, originality and genius of the Horta’s first masterpiece.


Designed by Victor Horta in 1893, the Tassel house is an undisputed manifesto for the Art Nouveau style. This house like no other would herald a complete architectural renaissance. ARAU invites you to explore the interior so that you can understand the modernity, originality and genius of the Horta’s first masterpiece.

Duration : 1 hour

Place of departure : At the corner of Avenue Louise and rue Paul-Émile Janson, 1000 Brussels

Place of departure

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Hotel Tassel - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go - Visiting Tips (2024)

  • (0.06 km) The Livorno
  • (0.06 km) Apt 5 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.06 km) Apt 3 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.06 km) Apt 2 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.06 km) Apt 4 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.05 km) Lulu & Co
  • (0.05 km) 65 degrés
  • (0.09 km) Manhattn's Burgers Avenue Louise
  • (0.11 km) Makisu - Bailli
  • (0.13 km) Knees to Chin

Hôtel Tassel  

From the art and popular culture encyclopedia.

The Hôtel Tassel is a town house in Brussels , Belgium, designed by Victor Horta for the scientist and professor Emile Tassel, and built from 1892 to 1893. It is generally considered the first true Art Nouveau building, because of its highly innovative plan and its ground-breaking use of materials and decoration.

Together with three other town houses of Victor Horta , including Horta's own house and workshop , it was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2000.

The first town house built by Victor Horta was the Autrique House . This dwelling was already innovative for its application of a novel Art Nouveau decorative scheme that did not include references to other historical styles . However, the floor plan and spatial composition of the Autrique House remained rather traditional. On the deep and narrow building plot, the rooms were organised according to a traditional scheme used in most Belgian town houses at the time. It had a suite of rooms on the left side of the building plot, flanked by a rather narrow entrance hall with stairs and a corridor that led to a small garden at the back. Of the three-room suite, only the first and the last had windows, so the middle room, used mostly as a dining room, was rather gloomy.

At the Hôtel Tassel, Horta definitively broke with this traditional scheme; in fact, he built a house consisting of three different parts. Two rather conventional buildings in brick and natural stone—one on the side of the street and one on the side of the garden—were linked by a steel structure covered with glass. It functions as the connective part in the spatial composition of the house and contains staircases and landings that connect the different rooms and floors. Through the glass roof, it functions as a light shaft that brings natural light into the centre of the building. In this part of the house, that could also be used for receiving guests, Horta made the maximum of his skills as an interior designer. He designed every single detail; door handles, woodwork, panels and windows in stained glass , mosaic flooring and furnishings. He succeeded in integrating the lavish decoration without masking the general architectural structures.

The innovations made in the Hôtel Tassel would mark the style and approach for most of Horta's later town houses, including the Hôtel van Eetvelde , the Hôtel Solvay and the architect's own house and workshop. These houses were expensive to construct and only affordable by the haute-bourgeoisie . For this reason the pure architectural innovations were not largely followed by other architects. Most other Art Nouveau dwellings in Belgium and other European countries were inspired by Horta's whiplash decorative style which is mostly applied to a more traditional building.

The Hôtel Tassel had a decisive influence on the French Art Nouveau architect Hector Guimard , who later developed a personal interpretation of Horta's example.

As of 2017, the Hôtel Tassel was a private office.

Exterior design and facade

The building's exterior, namely the facade, is in itself an example of Art Nouveau . Horta implemented a number of different stylistic changes that distinguished the building from others at the time. These changes, however, all existed within the realm of Art Nouveau, and came from his selection of materials and the way that they all came together to form a building that exemplified the style as a whole. For example, the exterior is designed to be smooth and have a sense of fluidity.

Horta also diverged from typical architectural conventions by making the columns that dominate the front portion out of iron, as opposed to stone. These slender iron columns house a large bay window that furthers Horta's stylistic goals by creating a sense of openness and lightness to the building. Exposed rivets and framing methods, such as large brackets around the doors and windows create a sense of unity within the architecture The organic acanthus set against the riveted iron beams that house the windows display Horta's desire to fuse nature and industry.

Interior design

The interior is similarly notable as it features Horta's innovative open floor plan and use of natural light. Rooms in the town house were built around a central hall, which was, at the time, fairly groundbreaking. Materials used on the inside are purposefully visible and conform to the Art Nouveau style by being modeled after organic forms. The whole interior retains a cohesive sense of fluidity thanks to Horta's insistence on designing all of the interior elements.

The UNESCO commission recognised the Hôtel Tassel as UNESCO World Heritage in 2000, as part of the listing ' Major Town Houses of the Architect Victor Horta ':

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Rue Paul Emile Janson 6 facade

©Analia Glogowski/Lonely Planet

Hôtel Tassel

Victor Horta’s first truly art nouveau house, built in 1893.

Rue Paul-Émile Janson 6

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Hotel Tassel

 Tassel House Stairway

Author Photography: Henry Townsend

Licence Photography: Public domain

Hotel Tassel, Designs For Every Single Detail

Hotel Tassel, located on Rue Paul- Emile Janson 6, Brussels, Belgium, is one of the most famous Art Nouveau architectural buildings in Europe.

Victor Horta designed it, the Belgian architect who achieved great success as a precursor of Art Nouveau. After a short time, the style expanded internationally in architecture, fine art, and decorative art.

Victor Horta’s design had no reference in style, like other European architecture. In those days, the architects imitated the historical concepts and incorporated them with Gothic and Renaissance elements. Horta’s work was against the dominated eclectic Historicism that referred to the past.

The first architect that understood Victor Horta’s work was Hector Guimard, the architect of Paris Metro entrances. He declared Horta as the inventor of Art Nouveau and followed his style.

Hotel Tassel has an open floor plan. The central hall surrounded by the townhouse’s rooms includes the most amazing staircase in European architecture.

The stained glass windows beside the circular staircase on the top floor escalate the daylight. While the vegetal-designed stairway fences invigorate the interior and create openness, the elaborate mosaic flooring alongside the textured-floral wallpaper reflects pinkish-orange light colour on the stair surfaces.

The Dynamic Design Of Tassel House

The building creates a visual effect of a second front facade in Spanish green. Flowing iron made balcony fences supported by slender columns ended up to roof cornices and constructs the front appearance.

The new front view distinguishes itself from the dominated stone behind it and generates fluidity and visual dynamism in the exterior.

The designers of Art Nouveau were fascinated by its characteristics, as the curved forming inspired by nature, the transparency and daylighting in the interior, the innovative use of materials of iron, glass, and stone. Victor Horta had original ideas for every single detail of the exterior and each piece of decoration and furniture, including handles and woodwork.

Tassel building was known as a residential project for the wealthy upper class. The style was subjected to criticism for its extravagance. Horta tended later to geometrical forms and moved away from the elaborate design. But the elegance of his designs profoundly affected the evolution of later architectural styles and restored his artistic position in the following years.

Victor Horta’s Hotel Tassel and three other townhouse projects, Hotel Solvay, Hotel van Eetvelde and Maison & Atelier Horta, are listed in the UNESCO World Heritage.

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Hotel Tassel - All You MUST Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

  • (0.06 km) The Livorno
  • (0.06 km) Apt 5 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.06 km) Apt 3 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
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  • (0.06 km) Apt 4 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.05 km) Lulu & Co
  • (0.05 km) 65 degrés
  • (0.09 km) Manhattn's Burgers Avenue Louise
  • (0.11 km) Makisu - Bailli
  • (0.13 km) Knees to Chin

Hotel Tassel


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HOTEL TASSEL: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • (0.04 mi) The Livorno
  • (0.04 mi) Apt 5 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.04 mi) Apt 3 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.04 mi) Apt 2 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.04 mi) Apt 4 - Nouvel appartement élégant à Bruxelles
  • (0.03 mi) Lulu & Co
  • (0.03 mi) 65 degrés
  • (0.06 mi) Manhattn's Burgers Avenue Louise
  • (0.07 mi) Makisu - Bailli
  • (0.08 mi) Knees to Chin
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Hotel Tassel Ticket Price, Hours, Address and Reviews

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Hotel Tassel

  • Address: Rue Paul Emile Janson 6, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, Brussels Map
  • Timings: 24-hrs Details
  • Phone: +32-25138940
  • Time Required: 00:15 Mins
  • Tags: Hotel, Family And Kids , Architecture

After flexing his Art Nouveau muscles building Maison Autrique, Victor Horta showed the world what he was capable of by building this town house. It’s thought to be the first true Art Nouveau building, the first one to seriously capture the public imagination. It’s most unusual feature is that the house is in two parts connected by steel and glass structure. He didn’t just design the exterior though. Being a master interior decorator he designed every element of the house, right down to the doorknobs. These days it is a private office and not open to the public. But who knows, if you knock, you might get lucky.

How to Reach Hotel Tassel

  • Tram 81; Bus 54 stop Trinite
  • Tram 92 stop Ma Campagne
  • Buses 54, 123, 136, 137, 365a, N11, W stop Ma Campagne
  • Trams 81, 93, 94; Bus 54 stop Bailli

Love this? Explore the entire list of places to visit in Brussels before you plan your trip.

Fancy a good night's sleep after a tiring day? Check out where to stay in Brussels and book an accommodation of your choice.

  • Hotel Tassel Address: Rue Paul Emile Janson 6, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, Brussels
  • Hotel Tassel Contact Number: +32-25138940
  • Hotel Tassel Timing: 24-hrs
  • Best time to visit Hotel Tassel(preferred time): 11:00 am - 03:00 pm
  • Time required to visit Hotel Tassel: 00:15 Mins
  • Try the best online travel planner to plan your travel itinerary!

0.06% of people who visit Brussels include Hotel Tassel in their plan

95% of people start their Hotel Tassel visit around 1 PM

People usually take around 30 Minutes to see Hotel Tassel

95% of people prefer to travel by car while visiting Hotel Tassel

People normally club together Maison Particuliere and La Patinoire Royale while planning their visit to Hotel Tassel.

Hotel Tassel Reviews & Ratings

hotel tassel tour

Attractions Nearby

  • Grand Place
  • Cathedral Of St. Michael And St. Gudula
  • Musical Instrument Museum
  • Royal Greenhouses Of Laeken
  • Sonian Forest
  • Train World
  • Antwerp Central Station
  • Gravensteen Castle
  • Tomorrowland
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  • La Vielle Bourse And La Furet Du Nord
  • Mas - Museum Aan De Stroom
  • Brussels Itinerary for 2 days
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Hotel Tassel


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Stairwell, L’Hôtel Tassel (1901) *

Artist/Designer: Victor Horta

Project Location: Brussels, Belgium

hotel tassel tour

Style/Period(s): Art Nouveau

Primary Material(s): Stone, Metal

Function(s): Residential Structure

Related Website(s): Major Town Houses of the Architect Victor Horta (Brussels) | Accessed : January 20, 2017 Victor Horta, architect of the Art Nouveau | Accessed : January 20, 2017 Hôtel Tassel | Accessed : January 20, 2017 Victor Horta's Art Nouveau Belgian Master of Organic Sinuous Designs | Accessed : January 20, 2017

Significant Date(s): 19th Century

Additional Information: Publications/Texts in Print: Alisa Kelley. "Three Hours In... Brussels: The Horta Museum." Wall Street Journal (Brussels), 2001. Aubry, Françoise. Horta Museum. Brussels: Saint-Gilles, 1997. Dernie, David, and Carew-Cox, Alastair. Victor Horta : The Architect of Art Nouveau. New, Fully Revised and Updated ed. London: Thames & Hudson, 2018. Loyer, François and Jean Delhaye. Victor Horta: Hotel Tassel, 1893-1895. Bruxelles: Aux Archives d'architecture moderne, 1986. Stone, John. "BRUSSELS' Bounty." Travel Agent 343, no. 8 (2014): 20-21. Vandenbreeden, Jos., Aubry, Françoise, Bastin, Christine, and Evrard, Jacques. The 19th Century in Belgium : Architecture and Interior Design. Architecture in Belgium. Tielt, Belgium]: Lannoo, 1994. Building Address: Rue Américaine 25, 1060 Bruxelles, Belgium Significant Dates: Construction Dates 1898-1901 House and Studio of Victor Horta 1901 - Uknown Open to Public 1969, Renovation 2013 European Prize for Cultural Heritage 2014 Supporting Staff/ Designers: N/A Tags: Art Nouveau, Architecture, Science, Industrial Design, Art Deco, House and Studio of Victor Horta,

Viewers should treat all images as copyrighted and refer to each image's links for copyright information.

hotel tassel tour

Tassel House

This building is considered the founding work of Art Nouveau in Brussels. It was designed in 1893 by master architect Victor Horta, commissioned by its owner Emile Tassel, a professor at the ULB and a Freemason, like Horta. A house designed to accommodate a bachelor living with his grandmother, Tassel wanted to be able to receive his friends and continue his scientific work. The principal elements of Art Nouveau are used here: apparent metal structure, integration of the decoration into the structure, large amounts of natural light, etc.

Location: Rue Paul-Emile Janson, 6, 1000 Brussels

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This Luxury Hotel in Rome Was Named One of the Best Hotels in the World by T+L Readers — and Has the Most Beautiful Courtyard I've Ever Seen

Here's what makes Hotel de Russie Travel + Leisure readers' favorite hotel in Rome.

hotel tassel tour

Food and Drink

Amenities and experiences, family-friendly offerings, accessibility and sustainability, how to get the most value out of your stay.

Courtesy of Hotel de Russie, a Rocco Forte Hotel

Walking through Rome’s Villa Borghese gardens, my husband and I came to a lookout point with a view of Piazza del Popolo. I, however, paid little attention to the neoclassical elliptical square, even with a 79-foot obelisk in the center. I was too busy photographing the most enticing courtyard I’d ever seen. It had three rows of bright-white umbrellas abutting a pale-pink building with turquoise shutters — the kind of scene that made me crave a Spritz and castelvetrano olives because I couldn't help but picture the chic, linen-clad folk enjoying aperitivo on that patio.

About three hours later, I checked into Hotel de Russie , which I picked because it was named T+L readers’ favorite hotel in Rome in 2023 and among the best city hotels in Europe . These 2023 World’s Best Awards landed the Rocco Forte hotel — one of two in Rome — a coveted spot on this year’s T+L 500. 

Hotel de Russie, Rome

  • The location: it's a minute's walk to Piazza del Popolo and the Spanish Steps and five to 10 minutes on foot to the Villa Borghese gardens and the Trevi Fountain.
  • The idyllic courtyard is one of the most iconic in Europe and the perfect place for aperitivo .
  • The luxurious rooms — with turquoise-trimmed shutters on the windows — made me feel like I was staying at my own chic apartment in Rome, with all the amenities of a Rocco Forte hotel.
  • The spa has a hammam, a sauna, Irene Forte facials, and a gym.

And yet somehow, even knowing the details of Hotel de Russie’s accolades, I was shocked when, after check-in, I walked across the lobby, through the open doors, to the exact venue I’d painstakingly photographed a few hours before. I didn’t even make it up to my room. I asked the concierge if he could hold our bags while we had a drink on the patio, and a few minutes later, I was seated beneath a bright-white umbrella as a server put down a Negroni for me, a gin martini with a twist for my husband, and a trio of snacks — potato chips, almonds, and olives. I couldn’t believe my luck. I was a pair of really short bangs, a striped silk scarf, and a vintage Vespa away from living out Audrey Hepburn’s "Roman Holiday" life.

Maya Kachroo-Levine/Travel + Leisure

We lingered for a few hours, leisurely succumbing to the snack menu — tissue paper–thin prosciutto on crusty bread, the perfect complement to a second Negroni. I checked my Google Map of Rome recommendations and found we were stumbling distance from my cousin's go-to Roman wine bar, Buccone Vini e Olii , and a cozy restaurant favored by one of my colleagues, Hostaria Da Pietro . Evening plans? Check. The problem? I had no interest in ever leaving this courtyard.

Here, my review of the iconic Hotel de Russie — a Rocco Forte hotel and longtime T+L reader favorite.

Once we wrapped up our prolonged patio stint, we ascended to our spacious Deluxe Room. It was nearly 450 square feet, which is impressive for a standard hotel room in a major European city (the entry-level rooms are just a touch smaller, at about 375 square feet; the junior suites start at 540 square feet; and the Superior Suites start at 650 square feet). For a true taste of Roman luxury, the special suites and Forte suites have terraces or French balconies, with heavenly views of the hotel's courtyard or the surrounding historic buildings.

When I got to our room, I twisted the gold knob on one of three dual-paned windows. I poked my head out the window — no screens, this is Europe — taking in the light yellow, beige, and bright coral facades of the apartment buildings across the street, all with bright blue and green shutters. Across the street, I could see friends gathering on a balcony for sunset and laundry swinging in the breeze on an adjacent rooftop. It felt like I had my own little Roman apartment — with a marble bathroom and Rocco Forte hotel amenities.

Hotel de Russie has two restaurants; the Stravinskij Bar is a magical, umbrella-shaded terrace with a small indoor operation as well. The main restaurant is Le Jardin de Russie, which inhabits the upper terrace (up a set of alfresco stone stairs from Stravinskij Bar) and an adjacent dining room. Le Jardin serves a fantastic breakfast buffet and elevated classics — like grilled whole branzino. For something a little less formal, Stravinskij Bar serves dinner, too, and makes a lovely pasta all'Amatriciana, which is admittedly plentiful in Rome, but can you ever really have too much crispy guanciale?

The concierge team at Hotel de Russie can help you set up tours or book tickets to museums or attractions. We visited in the summer when advance ticketing was crucial, but the concierge could easily book us same-day entry to the Colosseum. The hotel also offers tours that are exclusively available to de Russie guests; one of the newest experiences, called a Journey Through Time at the Roman Forum, visits sites such as the Basilica Ulpia with an art historian, with the option to add on an extravagant tasting menu at Rimessa Roscioli afterward.

My husband and I spent a fantastic morning in the spa, starting with a seven-mile run in the gym, an ill-conceived attempt to work off all the amatriciana. From there, we went to the hammam, slipping into the massive blue-tiled warm pool. After a long soak, he hit the sauna while I read my book on a poolside lounge chair, enjoying the calming effect of the silver- and blue-tiled walls that seemed to glow as if the room were encrusted with precious gems. The spa also offers facials using Irene Forte skin care products and massages, and the hotel is expanding the space.

Hotel de Russie can make a family room by connecting two Deluxe Rooms. While I didn't encounter a lot of children during my stay, I love to see families bring children of any age to a European city — There's so much to experience! The food and culture more than make up for the transatlantic flight! — and would definitely return to the hotel with a kid in tow. The concierge can assist parents in coordinating family-friendly activities, and there is a Rocco Forte kids program for children aged 0 to 16, where each young visitor gets a Rocco Forte passport.

Six of the hotel's 120 rooms are accessible, and wheelchairs are available upon request. The hotel's ground-floor common areas are accessible, though there are "some limitations in the upper side of the historical garden," according to a hotel spokesperson. As a brand, Rocco Forte is keen to reduce its carbon footprint, and at de Russie, there is an electric e-tuk for guest rides and charging available for electric cars. To reduce energy use, all Rocco Forte hotels (including de Russie) hosted candlelit evenings once a week during the winter months, where the restaurants and bars were illuminated only by flickering candles. The hotel also prioritizes digital check-in to eliminate paper waste and frequently donates furniture and amenities to local charities (recently, while refreshing the de Russie gym, all the old equipment was donated to the Blind Association on nearby Via Margutta).

Check the hotel website for deals because Rocco Forte offers generous ones. The occasionally offered Forte Escapes discount, for example, gets guests up to 25 percent off a stay of two nights or more. I'm a traveler who swears by her American Express Platinum card, and card members will be glad to know that Hotel de Russie is indeed part of Amex Fine Hotels and Resorts. Those booking their stay with an American Express will get a 12 p.m. check-in, 4 p.m. check-out, room upgrade if available, daily breakfast for two, and $100 credit for food and drink.

Moscow Metro Tour

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Moscow metro private tours.

  • 2-hour tour $87:  10 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with hotel pick-up and drop-off
  • 3-hour tour $137:  20 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with Russian lunch in beautifully-decorated Metro Diner + hotel pick-up and drop off. 
  • Metro pass is included in the price of both tours.

Highlight of Metro Tour

  • Visit 10 must-see stations of Moscow metro on 2-hr tour and 20 Metro stations on 3-hr tour, including grand Komsomolskaya station with its distinctive Baroque décor, aristocratic Mayakovskaya station with Soviet mosaics, legendary Revolution Square station with 72 bronze sculptures and more!
  • Explore Museum of Moscow Metro and learn a ton of technical and historical facts;
  • Listen to the secrets about the Metro-2, a secret line supposedly used by the government and KGB;
  • Experience a selection of most striking features of Moscow Metro hidden from most tourists and even locals;
  • Discover the underground treasure of Russian Soviet past – from mosaics to bronzes, paintings, marble arches, stained glass and even paleontological elements;
  • Learn fun stories and myths about Coffee Ring, Zodiac signs of Moscow Metro and more;
  • Admire Soviet-era architecture of pre- and post- World War II perious;
  • Enjoy panoramic views of Sparrow Hills from Luzhniki Metro Bridge – MetroMost, the only station of Moscow Metro located over water and the highest station above ground level;
  • If lucky, catch a unique «Aquarelle Train» – a wheeled picture gallery, brightly painted with images of peony, chrysanthemums, daisies, sunflowers and each car unit is unique;
  • Become an expert at navigating the legendary Moscow Metro system;
  • Have fun time with a very friendly local;
  • + Atmospheric Metro lunch in Moscow’s the only Metro Diner (included in a 3-hr tour)

Hotel Pick-up

Metro stations:.



Prospekt Mira




Revolution Square

Sparrow Hills

+ for 3-hour tour

Victory Park

Slavic Boulevard





Museum of Moscow Metro

  • Drop-off  at your hotel, Novodevichy Convent, Sparrow Hills or any place you wish
  • + Russian lunch  in Metro Diner with artistic metro-style interior for 3-hour tour

Fun facts from our Moscow Metro Tours:

From the very first days of its existence, the Moscow Metro was the object of civil defense, used as a bomb shelter, and designed as a defense for a possible attack on the Soviet Union.

At a depth of 50 to 120 meters lies the second, the coded system of Metro-2 of Moscow subway, which is equipped with everything you need, from food storage to the nuclear button.

According to some sources, the total length of Metro-2 reaches over 150 kilometers.

The Museum was opened on Sportivnaya metro station on November 6, 1967. It features the most interesting models of trains and stations.

Coffee Ring

The first scheme of Moscow Metro looked like a bunch of separate lines. Listen to a myth about Joseph Stalin and the main brown line of Moscow Metro.

Zodiac Metro

According to some astrologers, each of the 12 stops of the Moscow Ring Line corresponds to a particular sign of the zodiac and divides the city into astrological sector.

Astrologers believe that being in a particular zadiac sector of Moscow for a long time, you attract certain energy and events into your life.

Paleontological finds 

Red marble walls of some of the Metro stations hide in themselves petrified inhabitants of ancient seas. Try and find some!

  • Every day each car in  Moscow metro passes  more than 600 km, which is the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg.
  • Moscow subway system is the  5th in the intensity  of use (after the subways of Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul and Shanghai).
  • The interval in the movement of trains in rush hour is  90 seconds .

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow tour.
  • + An exciting pastime, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility during the walking tour: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow.

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    hotel tassel tour

  2. Hotel Tassel, Brussels

    hotel tassel tour

  3. 2019年 Hotel Tasselへ行く前に!見どころをチェック

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  4. Hotel Tassel

    hotel tassel tour

  5. Hôtel Tassel 1892

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  6. Victor Horta my favorite architect: Hotel Tassel Brussels [building

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  6. Hôtel Tassel


  1. Hotel Tassel

    The walk in the Bailli and Châtelain area brought us to the famous Hotel Tassel on rue Paul Emile Janson. Architect Victor Horta designed this Art Nouveau house in the early 1890s for a friend, the university professor Emile Tassel. We adored this elegant house with its beautiful bow window. What a shame the house is not open to visitors.

  2. Hotel Tassel

    Things to know before you go. You cannot enter Hotel Tassel, as it is a private residence. There are information boards and plaques about the building outside, accessible from the street. Remember to take an umbrella or raincoat—this is Brussels, and Hotel Tassel is an outdoor landmark. The Horta Museum is well worth a visit to see and learn ...

  3. Major Town Houses of the Architect Victor Horta (Brussels)

    The Major Town Houses of the Architect Victor Horta - Hotel Tassel (1893), Hotel Solvay (1894), Hotel van Eetvelde (1895) and the House and Workshop of Victor Horta - located in Brussels, are outstanding examples of Art Nouveau. These four houses, that bear testimony to the immense talent of this Belgian architect, achieve a remarkable ...

  4. Hotel Tassel

    Hotel Tassel, built between 1892 and 1893, was radical in both detailing and basic structure. The property consists of two relatively conventional building in brick and stone linked by a largely steel and glass structure forming an atrium containing stairs and access to other parts of the house and a reception/winter garden illuminated by the glass roof.

  5. Hôtel Tassel, Brussels, Belgium

    The Hotel Tassel is a town house built by Victor Horta in Brussels for the Belgian scientist and professor Emile Tassel in 1893-1894. It is generally considered as the first true Art Nouveau building, because of its highly innovative plan and its groundbreaking use of materials and decoration. Together with three other town houses of Victor Horta, including Horta's own house and atelier, it ...

  6. Hôtel Tassel

    The Hôtel Tassel (French: Hôtel Tassel; Dutch: Hotel Tassel) is a historic town house in Brussels, Belgium.It was designed by Victor Horta for the scientist and professor Emile Tassel, and built between 1892 and 1893, in Art Nouveau style. It is considered one of the first buildings in that style (along with the Hankar House by Paul Hankar, built at the same time) because of its highly ...

  7. Tassel House

    The Tassel House by architect Victor Horta was built in Brussels, Belgium in 1892-1893. en.wikiarquitectura.com. Search. Buildings Architects Places Rand. es ... Solvay (for whom Horta would later construct the Hotel Solvay between 1895 and 1900). Once completed, the architect worked for a number of years on its furniture. He also made a number ...

  8. The Tassel house by Victor Horta: an Art Nouveau masterpiece

    Set up a guided tour for a group. Designed by Victor Horta in 1893, the Tassel house is an undisputed manifesto for the Art Nouveau style. This house like no other would herald a complete architectural renaissance. ARAU invites you to explore the interior so that you can understand the modernity, originality and genius of the Horta's first ...


    Book your tickets online for Hotel Tassel, Brussels: See 19 reviews, articles, and 27 photos of Hotel Tassel, ranked No.221 on Tripadvisor among 642 attractions in Brussels. ... Maybe once a year there might be some event that they will provide a limited number of tours inside, so you would have to keep your eyes peeled and investigate the web ...

  10. Hôtel Tassel

    The Hôtel Tassel is a town house in Brussels, Belgium, designed by Victor Horta for the scientist and professor Emile Tassel, and built from 1892 to 1893. It is generally considered the first true Art Nouveau building, because of its highly innovative plan and its ground-breaking use of materials and decoration.. Together with three other town houses of Victor Horta, including Horta's own ...

  11. Hôtel Tassel

    0.39 MILES. The typically austere exterior doesn't give much away, but Victor Horta's former home (designed and built 1898-1901) is an art nouveau jewel. The…. View more attractions. Victor Horta's first truly art nouveau house, built in 1893.

  12. Hotel Tassel, Designs For Every Single Detail

    Hotel Tassel, located on Rue Paul- Emile Janson 6, Brussels, Belgium, is one of the most famous Art Nouveau architectural buildings in Europe. Victor Horta designed it, the Belgian architect who achieved great success as a precursor of Art Nouveau. After a short time, the style expanded internationally in architecture, fine art, and decorative art.

  13. Hotel Tassel (Brussels): All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go

    Hotel Tassel, Brussels: See 18 reviews, articles, and 27 photos of Hotel Tassel, ranked No.218 on Tripadvisor among 588 attractions in Brussels. ... Can you tour the inside of Hotel Tassel? Jacob Wardamse. Dublin, Ireland 67 contributions. As with the previous question- unfortunately you can't. Read all replies.

  14. Hotel Tassel, Moorcroft, Victor Horta

    BUY HOTEL TASSEL. The Hôtel Tassel is a townhouse in Brussels, Belgium, designed by Victor Horta for the Belgian scientist and professor Emile Tassel and built from 1892-93. For those who have even a slight interest in Art Nouveau style architecture, this house is a hallowed place. It is generally acknowledged to be the first faultless ...

  15. HOTEL TASSEL: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    The walk in the Bailli and Châtelain area brought us to the famous Hotel Tassel on rue Paul Emile Janson. Architect Victor Horta designed this Art Nouveau house in the early 1890s for a friend, the university professor Emile Tassel. We adored this elegant house with its beautiful bow window.

  16. Hotel Tassel, Brussels

    Hotel Tassel Address: Rue Paul Emile Janson 6, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium, Brussels. Hotel Tassel Contact Number: +32-25138940. Hotel Tassel Timing: 24-hrs. Best time to visit Hotel Tassel (preferred time): 11:00 am - 03:00 pm. Time required to visit Hotel Tassel: 00:15 Mins. Try the best online travel planner to plan your travel itinerary!

  17. Hotel Tassel

    Book your tickets online for Hotel Tassel, Brussels: See 19 reviews, articles, and 27 photos of Hotel Tassel, ranked No.219 on Tripadvisor among 643 attractions in Brussels. ... Can you tour the inside of Hotel Tassel? Jack Wilmith. Dublin, Ireland 111 contributions. As with the previous question- unfortunately you can't. Read all replies.

  18. Stairwell, L'Hôtel Tassel (1901)

    Stairwell, L'Hôtel Tassel (1901) * Artist/Designer: Victor Horta Project Location: Brussels, Belgium

  19. Tassel House

    A house designed to accommodate a bachelor living with his grandmother, Tassel wanted to be able to receive his friends and continue his scientific work. The principal elements of Art Nouveau are used here: apparent metal structure, integration of the decoration into the structure, large amounts of natural light, etc. Tassel House

  20. This Luxury Hotel in Rome Was Named One of the Best Hotels in ...

    The concierge team at Hotel de Russie can help you set up tours or book tickets to museums or attractions. We visited in the summer when advance ticketing was crucial, but the concierge could ...

  21. Private Moscow Metro Tour

    Private Sightseeing Tours in Moscow: Check out 6 reviews and photos of Viator's Private Moscow Metro Tour

  22. Private Moscow Metro Tour: explore the underground palaces

    Moscow is home to some extravagant metro stations and this 1.5-hour private tour explores the best of them. Sometimes considered to be underground "palaces" these grandiose stations feature marble columns, beautiful designs, and fancy chandeliers. Visit a handful of stations including the UNESCO-listed Mayakovskaya designed in the Stalinist architecture. Learn about the history of the ...

  23. Moscow Metro Tour with Friendly Local Guides

    Moscow Metro private tours. 2-hour tour $87: 10 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with hotel pick-up and drop-off. 3-hour tour $137: 20 Must-See Moscow Metro stations with Russian lunch in beautifully-decorated Metro Diner + hotel pick-up and drop off. Metro pass is included in the price of both tours.

  24. Moscow Metro Daily Tour: Small Group

    Moscow has some of the most well-decorated metro stations in the world but visitors don't always know which are the best to see. This guided tour takes you to the city's most opulent stations, decorated in styles ranging from neoclassicism to art deco and featuring chandeliers and frescoes, and also provides a history of (and guidance on how to use) the Moscow metro system.