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6 Stages of the Journey of Faith and Why You Need to Know Yours

faith of journey

I love following trails. The less traversed the better. The woods of North Idaho, the lake trails of Minnesota, the four-wheeler paths of Alaska, and the jungle routes of Northern Thailand are my happy places. If you tell me there’s a path to follow my feet are almost compulsively drawn there.

This hasn’t always been the same source of joy for those who love me as it has been for me. Take that one time in Israel, for example. I was seventeen (and perfectly capable of taking care of myself, thank-you-very-much) when our tour bus stopped in a quiet parking lot. We were at The Gates of Hell. I’m not kidding. This was the physical location where Jesus stood with His disciples when Peter proclaimed that He was the Son of God and Jesus replied, “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” ( Matthew 16:18 )

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It was a wild declaration in a wild place: a place where a pagan temple once stood and children were sacrificed at the gates of hell. Jesus stomped all over that playground of idolatry with the feet of the Living God. The gates of hell will not prevail… 

Just sit with that thought for a moment.

After being introduced to the significance of the place, I heard our tour guide say, “We’ll gather back on the bus in thirty minutes. There’s a trail over there that leads to a stream and the bathrooms are by the shop in the parking lot.” Now, this is apparently not what everyone else, including my parents, heard. I heard “go explore” while they heard “head for the bus.”

However, there was that trail, and without a second thought, I was off.

A blonde teenager.


Well, we all have those moments when we’re not so smart, right?

I remember it so clearly: the meandering dirt path, the sunlight through the trees, the dancing brooke, the sweet conversation I had with Jesus. I was in my happy place.

I didn’t stay long, trying to be mindful of the time, and as I emerged from the woods onto the open trail, a man approached me. He was walking briskly and looked amused when he saw me. He said something into his radio, turned around, and motioned for me to follow him quickly. 

We jogged back up the path and when the bus came into view he simply pointed.

Everyone was on it. Waiting for me. Praying I hadn’t been kidnapped for ransom. My parents were thrilled that I was fine, and I was mortified.

Who knew a trail could cause so much trouble? I try to be a bit wiser now, but I still maintain that a trail is an invitation that should not be passed up. It’s leading somewhere. Maybe to a waterfall, a mountain top, a camping spot, or a placid lake, but if there’s a trail there it’s usually because people have trod that path before in search of the something that lies beyond the asphalt and concrete.


So it is with the Christian life. We are all on a journey to the heart of God. We know it all starts with the exchange of Christ’s life for our own and it ends in the glorious eternity of dwelling with God in heaven, but what of the in-between? This messy, mucky, mixed-up middle ground? Is there sense or order to our development as Christ-followers?

The Bible speaks often of growth and development. As believers we move from milk to meat ( Hebrews 5:13-14 ), maturing from receivers of simple truths to teachers of the Word, and Paul regularly prays for the church to grow in wisdom and understanding so they (we) can bear fruit ( Colossians 1:3-11 ). Even the meta-story across Scripture of God’s plan and process through Creation, Fall, and Redemption paints the idea of movement through stages.

Our great Creator loves order. I think He even loves a good story with a beginning, middle, and end, and all the plot twists in between.

And it just makes so much sense to me as I see countless parallels between our lives lived in the body and our lives lived in the spirit. Parenting would be chaotic at best if we couldn’t foresee the predictable stages our children would progress through: infants to toddlers to children to adolescents to young adults. Can you imagine working on potty training if you had no hope that it was only for a season?

The Christian life would be uncertain at best if we had no hope of future glory and the sanctification process along the way. We need markers of development to assure us that we are making progress and that we are indeed on the same path of faith our spiritual role-models walked. Especially when we hit that really gnarly bump in the middle (more on that in a bit).


While what I’m about to present to you isn’t specific biblical truth, I do believe it is spiritual wisdom. Saints throughout the ages have looked for ways to understand the journey of faith, including John of the Cross and Bernard of Clairvaux. More recently The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith by Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich has provided helpful commentary on the predictable path we find ourselves on as we walk toward Christ-likeness.

Here is Janet’s comprehensive description and recent podcast if you want to dig deeper.

For our purposes, I’ve simplified their model a bit. And I really felt that it needed a map, of sorts. So here it is, in the best stick-figure glory I could muster:

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As with any model, it’s not perfect, and we don’t always fit neatly into the categories, but much like how personality profiles can help us understand ourselves and operate with greater understanding toward others, this spiritual-life profile can help us navigate the work of God in our lives and move forward with greater trust and hope.


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We recognize our need for a savior and accept His invitation to new life. This is the point of belief, of being born-again.


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We are hungry to learn everything we can about God and what His truth means for our lives. We want to belong and will search for a community of faith where we are fed from the Word.


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We want to give back to the God who gave everything for us. We start looking for ways to share our faith and do good deeds. We ask if we have a personal calling from the Lord and take a step of faith to pursue it (i.e. taking a role in the church, starting a home Bible study, helping a neighbor in need, focusing your craft more on spiritual matters, becoming a pastor or missionary, viewing parenting as discipleship).


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Often triggered by some form of suffering, we are suddenly made aware that what we are doing for God isn’t working anymore. We might feel burnt out from all our activity in the previous stage or we might be frustrated that we’re not seeing transformation in our own lives or the lives of those we are trying to reach. We often revert to more learning to become better equipped or redouble our efforts of service to hopefully see results. But eventually, we still end up at the wall with the choice to keep on looping backwards in the journey or to surrender to a major work of the Spirit in our lives.


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We accept that deep change is necessary and we struggle through a season of deconstruction as God works with us to expose idols and egos and His heart in pursuit of our own. We begin to reconstruct our relationship with God based on intimacy, and a new sense of self-realization leads to more profound God-realization.


faith of journey

We learn to live out the greatest commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and from that life of God-love the second commandment flows: Love your neighbor as yourself. ( Matthew 22:37-39 ) We may still revisit times of testing and refining in the wilderness, but hope is secure and our hearts are fully surrendered.


Can you see your spiritual life at one of the points on this map? The first time it was introduced to me at a Spiritual Director’s training, I felt incredibly relieved, perhaps like a puberty-stricken girl who was finally told that armpit hair was normal. I talked about it for days to anyone that would listen. Did you know that we have stages of spiritual development just like physical development? Have you ever heard that hitting the wall is a normal and even necessary part of Christian growth? My own story suddenly makes so much sense now! Oh yeah, I totally geek out over stuff like that. 

But even if you don’t get as excited about it as I was, I hope that you find it encouraging to know that we are all on this journey together . It’s a beautiful path, and not as dark or mysterious as you once thought. No, it’s not going to be easy, but the best things rarely are. 

So keep pressing on, dear one. Further up. Further in.

Try writing down the bullet points of your own faith journey. Where do they fall on this faith map? What is God saying to you about the stage you are in right now?

My own journey through the wilderness and how I made it over the wall is recorded in my book, Colliding with the Call: When Following God Takes You to the Wilderness .

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The “map” of the journey of faith is simply profound and I so appreciate the sharing of your own experience to illustrate the concepts. As usual, your creativity and masterful articulation impress the reader, yet you are careful to direct our attention to Jesus as the Center and Focus of our lives and journeys.

Thank you, Debi. I’m humbled by such gracious words. As long as I keep pointing people to Jesus I’m doing okay!

This comment probably won’t add anything of spiritual virtue to your well written article, but it might help your readers to understand the depth of worry for those of us that were on the bus worried sick about that beautiful, young blond girl that had gone missing when we were visiting “The Gates of Hell”. Our visit to Israel was in the fall of 2000 and the Oslo Accord had just been broken. The President of the U.S. put out a travel advisory not to travel to Israel. My parents (Corella’s grandparents) pleaded with us to cancel our plans to go to Israel. Obviously we did not heed their advise and went anyway. So when Corella, who had always been very punctual and methodical about following instructions did not return to the bus on time, it was not much of a leap to jump to the worst conclusion. Praise God that the “lost” was found and “The Gates of Hell” did not prevail!!!

I love you, Mom. Thanks for taking me to Israel and for praying over me then as you still do now!

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What is the Christian Journey?

What is the Christian Journey?

The christian journey to a meaningful christian life.

It is often said that the Christian life is a journey, not a destination.

The journey to a meaningful Christian life involves a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, learning and growing in faith, and actively living out one’s beliefs.

The Christian journey is often a term used to describe the spiritual growth and development as we follow Jesus Christ and seek to live according to his teachings.

The Christian Journey is . . .

  • a journey of faith in God.
  • a process of coming to know ourselves honestly and our Creator intimately.
  • a journey of cultivating awareness, sensitivity, and response to God’s loving initiatives in our lives.
  • a pilgrimage of deepening our relationship with God and His love for us that brings us into maturity.
  • a process of receiving healing for emotional pain and harmful ways of thinking.
  • a dynamic process of growing toward wholeness emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
  • a process of being conformed to the image of Christ.
  • a spiritual journey where we continually confront twists, turns, and stages.
  • The process is a quest for intimate relationship with God Himself.

This process has been known through the ages by a variety of names including spiritual growth, discipleship, spiritual formation/transformation, and sanctification.

Here are some steps of the Christian journey process:

  • Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior . This is the foundation of a meaningful Christian life, as it involves making a commitment to follow Jesus and allowing Him to guide your life.
  • Study the Bible . Reading and studying the Bible will deepen your understanding of God’s character, teachings, and plans for your life.
  • Pray regularly . Talking to God in prayer helps to build a strong relationship with Him and allows Him to guide and direct your life.
  • Serve others. Living a meaningful Christian life involves serving others and showing love and compassion to those around you.
  • Christian community . Being part of a Christian community can provide support, encouragement, and opportunities to serve others.
  • Seek accountability and mentorship . Building relationships with mature Christians can offer guidance and support and can be incredibly helpful in growing.
  • Continuously grow and develop . A meaningful Christian life involves a lifetime of learning and growing in faith. So be open to new experiences, growth opportunities, and challenges that will help you to deepen your relationship with God.

The Christian journey also includes challenges and obstacles, but through prayer and reliance on God, individuals can overcome them and continue to grow in their faith.

It often involves changes in one’s lifestyle, values, and behavior, as well as a growing love for others and a desire to serve and make a positive impact in the world.

The ultimate goal of the Christian journey is to deepen one’s relationship with God. It involves becoming more like Jesus, so that we can live a life that brings glory to God and helps others.

The Christian journey is a lifelong process of growing in relationship with God and others. Each person’s journey is unique, yet similar.

What If I Get Stuck On The Christian Journey

However, getting “stuck” on the Christian journey is a common experience for many people.

There are various reasons why this might happen, such as feeling overwhelmed by life’s challenges, facing temptations or sin, experiencing a crisis of faith, or simply feeling uninspired or disconnected from God.

If you find yourself in this situation, there are several steps you can take to get back on track:

  • Confess and repent . If you’ve sinned or strayed from God, confessing your mistakes and repenting can help to restore your relationship with Him.
  • Pray. Talking to God through prayer can help you to feel connected to Him and receive His guidance and comfort.
  • Seek support from other Christians. Join a small group or talk to a trusted friend or mentor. This can provide encouragement and help you to stay accountable.
  • Study the Bible. Spending time in God’s word can help to deepen your understanding of Him and renew your mind and spirit.
  • Serve others . Volunteering and serving others can help you to shift your focus from yourself to God and His kingdom.

Remember, the Christian journey is a lifelong process, and it’s okay to have ups and downs.

With God’s help and the support of other believers, you can overcome obstacles and continue growing in your faith.

The Christian Journey is a Quest For a Deeper Relationship With God

The Christian journey is ultimately a quest to find a deeper relationship with God.

As we grow in our faith, we seek to deepen our understanding how God speaks . We grow in our love for God and learn to experience His presence in our lives more deeply.

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This deeper relationship with God also leads to transformation of our character, and we become more like Jesus and adopt His attitudes and behaviors.

This transformation is a lifelong process!

As we grow in relationship with God, we become more attuned to His will and more equipped to fulfill our divine purpose in life.

Throughout he Christian journey we learn to experience the fullness of God’s love. We become more like Him, so that we can bring glory to God and make a positive impact in the world.

The Christian journey is a journey of faith, growth, and spiritual transformation that leads to a deeper, more meaningful, relevant, and intimate relationship with God.

Characteristics of Spiritual Growth on the Christian Journey

  • The Christian Journey is a process of learning and growing. It is a process of coming to know ourselves honestly and our Creator intimately.
  • It is a process of receiving healing for emotional pain and harmful ways of thinking.
  • We learn to hear God’s voice more clearly.
  • We learn to recognize and practice the presence of God.
  • It is a dynamic process of growing toward wholeness emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
  • Through this growth process, we grow into who God created us to be in His original design.
  • The process helps us to get to know ourselves honestly and Creator intimately.

[1] Exod 3:1; Isa 2:3; Ezek 28:13-14,16 ;  Ezek 28:13-14.

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10 Stages In A Faith Journey: Plus Examples

Inside: Faith Journey Plus Examples

Have you ever thought about how our faith is like a journey?

It’s a road with ups and downs, questions, and amazing moments where everything just clicks.

Whether you’re just starting out or have been on this road for a while, there’s always something new to see and learn.

In this article, we’ll dive into the different parts of this faith adventure using the Bible and some easy-to-follow tips.

So, come on in, and let’s chat about this faith journey we’re all on!

10 Stages In A Faith Journey

Here’s a detailed breakdown of 10 stages in a faith journey, complete with Scripture and practical advice for each stage:

  • Scripture : “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” – Matthew 7:7
  • Advice : Stay open-minded. Attend faith-based events, join discussion groups, and ask questions to understand more deeply.
  • Scripture : “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” – Luke 19:10
  • Advice : Embrace this new awareness. Surround yourself with individuals who can guide and nurture your budding faith.
  • Scripture : “Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation.” – 1 Peter 2:2
  • Advice : Dive into Scripture. Attend Bible studies, engage in prayer, and seek mentorship from seasoned believers.
  • Scripture : “I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” – Romans 12:1
  • Advice : Make a conscious decision to commit to your faith . This might mean being baptized or taking another step of public commitment.
  • Scripture : “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
  • Advice : Seek support through community and prayer. Remember, every believer faces challenges. They can strengthen and refine your faith.
  • Scripture : “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” – 2 Peter 3:18
  • Advice : Regularly partake in spiritual disciplines like fasting , deep prayer, and meditative reading of the Scriptures.
  • Scripture : “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” – 1 Peter 4:10
  • Advice : Find ways to serve in your community or church. Share your testimony and faith journey with others.
  • Scripture : “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:8
  • Advice : Journal or reflect on the ways you’ve seen God’s hand in your life, celebrating His faithfulness in big and small ways.
  • Scripture : “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.” – 1 John 5:11
  • Advice : Foster a heavenly perspective, knowing that this earthly life is temporary and a glorious eternity awaits.
  • Continuous Renewal and Transformation :
  • Scripture : “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” – 2 Corinthians 4:16
  • Advice : Continually seek personal revival. Attend retreats, engage in spiritual self-assessments, study God’s word daily and always aim to draw closer to God.

I hope this list provides a helpful framework for understanding the stages in a faith journey from a Biblical perspective!

May it inspire and guide many on their personal journeys with the Lord.

faith journey quote

Examples Of A Faith Journey

Here are some examples of faith journeys:

  • The parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32 is a poignant example of a faith journey. A young man leaves home, squanders his inheritance, and hits rock bottom. However, he comes to a realization of his mistakes and decides to return to his father. His father, representing God’s unending mercy, welcomes him with open arms. This journey from rebellion to redemption underscores the grace and forgiveness that await those who turn back to God.
  • Moses’ life is filled with twists and turns. Born a Hebrew but raised as an Egyptian prince, he flees Egypt after killing a man. In exile, God appears to him in a burning bush and tasks him with leading the Israelites to freedom. Through challenges like confronting Pharaoh and parting the Red Sea, Moses grows in his faith and dependence on God.
  • Mary Magdalene, mentioned in the Gospels, is a shining example of a transformative faith journey. Once plagued by seven demons, Jesus heals her. From that moment, she becomes one of His most devoted followers, even being the first to witness and proclaim His resurrection.
  • Saul, later known as Paul, starts as a fierce persecutor of early Christians . However, on the road to Damascus, he has a life-changing encounter with the risen Christ. This results in a complete turnaround, and he becomes one of Christianity’s most influential apostles, spreading the Gospel far and wide.
  • Imagine someone today who grew up in a Christian household but drifted away during their teenage years, influenced by peers or personal doubts. Later in life, a significant event or realization brings them to a Christian counselor. Through counseling sessions, reading Scripture, and joining a supportive community, they rekindle their relationship with God and commit their life to serving Him.
  • Consider a person with no prior knowledge of Christianity. Perhaps a friend invites them to church, or they stumble upon a Bible in a hotel room. Curious, they begin exploring, attending Bible studies, and asking questions. Over time, the teachings resonate with them, leading to a deep, personal relationship with Jesus .

Each of these journeys highlights the diverse paths people can take in their relationship with God.

From Biblical figures to everyday individuals, the common thread is God’s unwavering love and grace, guiding each person closer to Him.

I hope these Faith Journey examples inspire and provide insight into the varied landscapes of faith journeys!

faith journey examples

How To Write A Faith Journey

Writing about your faith journey is a deeply personal endeavor, but it can be incredibly rewarding.

Sharing your experiences can inspire others and offer insights into the unique ways God works in individual lives.

Let’s break down how to approach this:

  • Before you even pick up a pen, spend some time in prayer. Ask God for clarity, wisdom, and discernment as you recount your journey.
  • Think about key moments in your life that have shaped your faith. This could be childhood memories, a challenging period, or an unexpected blessing.
  • Start by describing your upbringing. Were you raised in a faith-based home? Or did you encounter God later in life?
  • Highlight moments that deeply impacted your relationship with God. This could be positive experiences, like a retreat or a mission trip, or more challenging times when your faith was tested.
  • It’s okay to share periods of doubt or times when you had questions about your faith. This makes your journey relatable and authentic.
  • Talk about instances where you felt God’s presence or intervention in your life . These personal stories can be powerful testimonies of faith.
  • Who has played a pivotal role in your faith journey? Maybe it’s a parent, a pastor, a friend, or even a Christian counselor. Share how they’ve guided or influenced you.
  • Weave in relevant Bible verses that have been significant to you. This gives readers a biblical context and shows the foundation of your beliefs.
  • Where are you now in your faith journey? Discuss your current practices, beliefs, and hopes for the future.
  • End with Reflection and Anticipation :
  • Reflect on your growth and the lessons you’ve learned. Share your hopes and aspirations for your continuing journey with God.
  • Edit and Review :
  • Once you’ve penned down your journey, take some time to review and refine it. Consider sharing it with a trusted friend or Christian counselor for feedback.

Remember, your faith journey is uniquely yours. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

It’s the genuine reflection of your relationship with God that will resonate with readers.

how to write a faith journey

Bible Verses About Faith Being A Journey

The Bible is rich with verses that describe faith as a journey or process, emphasizing growth, perseverance, and God’s guidance.

Here are some verses that beautifully convey this theme:

  • “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
  • “Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
  • “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
  • “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”
  • “For we live by faith, not by sight.”
  • “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
  • “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
  • “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
  • “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”

These verses emphasize the continuous journey of faith, marked by trust, perseverance, and guidance from the Lord.

As you reflect on these verses, may you be encouraged and strengthened in your own faith journey!

No two faith journeys are alike, and that’s the beauty of it – each is a unique dance of trust between the soul and its Creator.

Faith Goals Examples

Let’s explore some faith goals and how you can achieve them.

  • Goal : Dedicate 10 minutes each morning to Bible reading.
  • Advice : Start with Psalms or Proverbs for daily wisdom and encouragement.
  • Scripture : “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Psalm 119:105
  • Goal : Create a nightly prayer routine.
  • Advice : Have a dedicated space at home for prayer to build a habit.
  • Scripture : “The LORD is near to all who call on him.” – Psalm 145:18
  • Goal : Participate in a women’s Bible study or fellowship group.
  • Advice : It’s a great way to build deep, faith-centered relationships.
  • Scripture : “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” – Matthew 18:20
  • Goal : Memorize a Bible verse each month .
  • Advice : Pick verses that speak to challenges you’re currently facing.
  • Scripture : “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” – Psalm 119:11
  • Goal : Volunteer at least once a month.
  • Advice : Local churches often have outreach programs in need of helping hands.
  • Scripture : “Do not forget to do good and to share with others.” – Hebrews 13:16
  • Goal : Share your faith story with someone new.
  • Advice : Your journey can inspire and uplift others in their walk.
  • Scripture : “Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story.” – Psalm 107:2
  • Goal : Choose one day a week to disconnect from electronics and reconnect with God.
  • Advice : Use this time for reflection, reading, or nature walks.
  • Scripture : “Be still, and know that I am God.” – Psalm 46:10
  • Goal : Fast from something specific (like social media) for clarity or focus in prayer.
  • Advice : Remember to consult with a doctor before any major dietary changes.
  • Scripture : “But when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face.” – Matthew 6:17
  • Goal : Each evening, jot down things you’re grateful for.
  • Advice : Over time, you’ll see how much God is working in your life.
  • Scripture : “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” – James 1:17
  • Build Faithful Friendships :
  • Goal : Seek out godly women for friendship and mutual encouragement.
  • Advice : Participate in church events or join Christian women’s groups.
  • Scripture : “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” – Proverbs 27:17

I’ve included scriptures for each to give a biblical foundation.

I hope these faith goals inspire and guide you in your walk with God. Remember, it’s about progress, not perfection!

Lord, guide and protect me on my faith journey. Strengthen my trust, renew my hope, and let Your love light my path. In every challenge and joy, may I always feel Your presence. Amen.

Prayer For Your Faith Journey

Heavenly Father, the Author and Perfecter of our faith,

We come before You, acknowledging You as the guiding light on our faith journey.

Every step we take, every challenge we face, we know You are beside us, leading us with Your unfailing love.

Lord, as we navigate the winding paths of our spiritual journey, grant us the grace to trust in You wholeheartedly.

When doubts arise or the road seems uncertain, remind us of Your promises and Your steadfast presence.

Empower us, O God, with the strength to persevere, especially during times of trials and testing.

Let us remember the testimonies of the saints and prophets who have gone before us, drawing inspiration from their unwavering faith.

Provide us with wisdom, Lord, to discern Your will in every circumstance.

May we seek guidance from Your Word, from trusted counselors, and from the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit within.

We pray that our faith journey be marked by growth, transformation, and a deepening relationship with You.

Let our lives be a testament to Your grace, reflecting Your love and compassion to those we encounter.

Above all, Father, we ask for an ever-burning desire to draw closer to You, to know You more intimately, and to serve You faithfully.

Keep our hearts anchored in the truth of the Gospel, and let our steps be firmly rooted in Your ways.

Thank you, Lord, for being our constant companion, our refuge, and our hope.

Guide us, sustain us, and nurture our faith as we journey onward, always seeking Your face.

In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Join my online women’s Bible study and cultivate meaningful Christian friendships while growing in your faith. Our study resources are designed to guide you in your spiritual renewal and help you deepen your relationship with God. Participate from the comfort of your own home at a time that works for you. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to connect with other women and experience spiritual growth!

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Walking with God: Unveiling Verses about Spiritual Journey

The divine path: exploring the journey of faith.

The journey of faith is a profound and transformative experience that takes us on a path of self-discovery and spiritual growth. It is a journey where we embark on a quest to understand our purpose, seek enlightenment, and connect with the divine.

As we navigate the twists and turns of this divine path, we encounter moments of doubt and uncertainty, but also moments of profound peace and joy. This journey calls us to step outside of our comfort zones, to challenge our preconceived notions and beliefs, and to fully surrender ourselves to a higher power. It is a journey of exploration, where we delve into the depths of our souls and open our hearts to receive divine guidance and wisdom. Along this path, we may stumble and fall, but the beauty lies in the fact that we have the opportunity to get back up, learn from our mistakes, and continue on this journey of faith, stronger and wiser than before.

Finding Strength in Scripture: Nurturing Your Spiritual Walk

Scripture holds immense power in nurturing and strengthening our spiritual walk. As we immerse ourselves in the pages of the Bible, we encounter timeless wisdom that guides, comforts, and encourages us. Each verse, each story, and each word has the potential to transform our hearts and minds, providing us with the strength we need to navigate the challenges of life.

When we make a habit of reading and studying Scripture, we open ourselves up to the divine revelation that unfolds within its pages. The words of the Bible are not mere ink on paper; they are living and active, breathing life into our souls. As we meditate on these sacred writings, we tap into a source of divine guidance and wisdom that surpasses our limited human understanding. Through the power of Scripture, we find strength and solace, uncovering truths that ignite our faith and lead us closer to God. • Scripture provides timeless wisdom that guides, comforts, and encourages us • Each verse, story, and word has the potential to transform our hearts and minds • Reading and studying Scripture opens us up to divine revelation • The words of the Bible are living and active, breathing life into our souls • Meditating on sacred writings taps into a source of divine guidance and wisdom • Scripture helps us find strength and solace in times of need • Uncovering truths in Scripture ignites our faith and brings us closer to God.

Embracing God’s Guidance: Seeking His Will in Your Journey

Human life is often filled with choices and decisions that shape our paths and determine our destinies. In the midst of this journey, embracing God’s guidance becomes paramount as we seek His will in every step we take. The process of seeking God’s will involves a deep surrender of our own desires and a humble submission to His perfect plan for our lives. It is a journey of faith, one that requires patience and trust, knowing that God’s wisdom far exceeds our own.

When we embrace God’s guidance, we acknowledge that He holds the ultimate blueprint for our lives. It requires us to align our hearts and minds with His purpose, allowing His voice to direct our steps. Seeking His will means being attentive to His leading through prayer, Scripture, and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. It is a continual process of seeking divine wisdom and discernment in the choices we make, from the big decisions that shape the course of our lives to the small ones that shape our character. Embracing God’s guidance is an act of faith that transforms our perspective and redirects our path, leading us to experience the beauty and fulfillment of walking in His will.

Overcoming Obstacles: Trusting God in Difficult Times

When faced with difficult times, it is common to feel overwhelmed and uncertain. However, by placing our trust in God, we can find the strength and resilience to overcome any obstacle that comes our way. Trusting in His wisdom and guidance allows us to navigate through the challenges of life with a sense of peace and assurance.

One important aspect of trusting God in difficult times is maintaining a steadfast faith. Rather than giving in to doubt and fear, we can choose to hold on to the belief that God is with us every step of the way. This faith enables us to see beyond our current circumstances and find hope in His promises. By leaning on His strength, we can persevere through the toughest of times, knowing that He is working all things together for our good.

Cultivating a Heart of Worship: Drawing Closer to God

Cultivating a heart of worship is a transformative journey that deepens our connection with God. It is not limited to singing hymns or attending church services, but rather encompasses a lifestyle of reverence and surrender. In the process of drawing closer to God, our focus shifts from ourselves towards Him, and we become fully aware of His awesomeness and sovereignty. By intentionally setting apart time for personal devotion and reflection, we create a sacred space where we can commune with the Divine. It is in these intentional moments that we encounter God’s presence, experiencing His love, peace, and guidance in profound ways.

Worship is not solely about singing and praising. It is an attitude of the heart that permeates every aspect of our lives. As we cultivate a heart of worship, we learn to align our thoughts, desires, and actions with God’s will. Our daily routines, relationships, and even mundane tasks become opportunities to honor and glorify Him. We find joy and fulfillment in serving others and seeking ways to bring God’s kingdom values to the world around us. Through worship, we discover a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in our lives, as we surrender ourselves to God’s plans and invite His transformative power to work in and through us.

The Power of Prayer: Deepening Your Connection with the Divine

Prayer is a powerful practice that allows us to deepen our connection with the divine. It is a sacred conversation between ourselves and God, where we can pour out our hearts, seek guidance, and find solace in times of need. Through prayer, we are able to express our gratitude, ask for forgiveness, and surrender our worries and fears to a higher power. It is a way for us to communicate with God and invite His presence into our lives.

When we engage in prayer, it is important to approach it with sincerity and humility. It is not just a mundane task, but a spiritual discipline that can transform our lives. By setting aside time to connect with God through prayer, we are opening ourselves up to His guidance, love, and grace. It is in this sacred space that we can find comfort, peace, and clarity amidst the chaos of life. Through the power of prayer, we are able to align ourselves with God’s will and experience a deep sense of connection with the divine.

Living a Life of Purpose: Discovering Your Calling in Christ

Living a life of purpose is a deeply fulfilling and meaningful endeavor for many individuals. It involves discovering one’s calling in Christ and aligning one’s actions and decisions with God’s will. When we find our calling, we experience a sense of direction, fulfillment, and joy that can only come from a divine source.

Discovering our calling in Christ requires us to listen attentively to God’s voice and seek His guidance. It often involves a process of self-reflection, prayer, and surrendering to God’s plan. As we delve deeper into our relationship with Christ, we begin to understand our unique gifts, talents, and passions that can be used to serve others and bring glory to God. When we live in alignment with our calling, we live with a sense of urgency to fulfill the purpose for which we were created, making a positive impact on the world around us.

Building Spiritual Resilience: Facing Challenges with Faith

Facing challenges is an inevitable part of life, and building spiritual resilience is a crucial aspect of navigating through these difficult times. When we encounter obstacles, it can be tempting to lose faith and become consumed by fear and doubt. However, by anchoring ourselves in our faith, we can cultivate the strength and perseverance needed to overcome these challenges.

Building spiritual resilience requires cultivating a deep trust in God’s plan and his unwavering presence in our lives. It is about recognizing that although trials may shake us, they do not define us. Instead, they serve as opportunities for growth and for deepening our connection with God. By leaning on our faith during times of adversity, we can tap into a wellspring of hope and find solace knowing that we are not alone in our struggles. This resilience empowers us to face challenges head-on, confident in knowing that God is guiding us every step of the way.

Growing in Spiritual Maturity: Nurturing Your Relationship with God

As we journey through life, it is natural for our relationship with God to evolve and deepen over time. Growing in spiritual maturity requires intentional effort and a desire to nurture our connection with the divine. One way to do this is by spending time in prayer and meditation, allowing ourselves to become more attuned to God’s presence and guidance in our lives. Through regular and sincere communication with the divine, we can develop a deeper understanding of His will and align our actions with His purpose.

Another vital aspect of nurturing our relationship with God is through the study and contemplation of scripture. The Bible serves as a roadmap for our spiritual growth, offering timeless wisdom and guidance for navigating life’s challenges. By regularly immersing ourselves in the words of scripture, we gain insights and encouragement that can shape and transform our lives. As we allow the truths contained within the pages of the Bible to permeate our hearts and minds, we begin to see the world through a spiritual lens, and our actions align more closely with God’s desires for us.

The Blessings of Walking with God: Experiencing His Presence in Everyday Life

Walking with God and experiencing His presence in everyday life brings an abundance of blessings. It is in these intimate moments of connection with the Divine that we find solace, strength, and guidance. Through this spiritual journey, we discover that God’s presence is not confined to the walls of a church or limited to certain moments in our lives. Instead, it becomes a constant companion that fills every aspect of our being.

One of the blessings of walking with God is the deep sense of peace that surpasses all understanding. In the midst of life’s chaos and uncertainty, we find comfort in knowing that we are not alone. God’s presence brings a calm reassurance, reminding us that He is in control and that His plans for us are good. Through the practice of faith, we develop a trust in His timing and His ways, allowing us to let go of worry and anxiety. As we cultivate this attitude of surrender, we experience the freeing power of God’s peace, which guides and guards our hearts in every situation.

What does it mean to walk with God?

Walking with God means having a close, personal relationship with Him and striving to live according to His will.

How can I experience God’s presence in everyday life?

By seeking His presence through prayer, studying His word, and being aware of His guidance in your daily activities, you can experience His presence in your everyday life.

How can I nurture my spiritual walk through Scripture?

Nurturing your spiritual walk through Scripture involves regularly reading and studying the Bible, meditating on its teachings, and applying them to your life.

How can I seek God’s guidance in my journey?

You can seek God’s guidance by praying for His wisdom and direction, listening for His voice through His word and the promptings of the Holy Spirit, and being open to His leading.

How can I trust God in difficult times?

Trusting God in difficult times requires having faith in His goodness, sovereignty, and love. It involves surrendering your fears and worries to Him and relying on His strength and provision.

How can I draw closer to God through worship?

You can draw closer to God through worship by praising and honoring Him with a grateful heart, seeking His presence through music, prayer, and reflection, and by living a life that reflects His character.

How can prayer deepen my connection with the Divine?

Prayer deepens your connection with God by allowing you to communicate with Him, express your thoughts and emotions, seek His guidance and comfort, and experience His peace and presence.

How can I discover my calling in Christ?

Discovering your calling in Christ involves seeking God’s will through prayer and reflection, using your unique gifts and talents to serve others, and being open to His leading in your life.

How can I face challenges with faith?

Facing challenges with faith requires trusting in God’s strength and guidance, seeking His wisdom and help, and relying on His promises to see you through difficult times.

How can I nurture my relationship with God and grow in spiritual maturity?

Nurturing your relationship with God and growing in spiritual maturity involves regularly spending time with Him through prayer and reading His word, seeking to know Him more deeply, and allowing His truth to transform your heart and actions.

What are the blessings of walking with God?

The blessings of walking with God include experiencing His presence, guidance, peace, and comfort in everyday life, finding strength and hope in His promises, and growing in love, joy, and spiritual maturity.

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Telling YOUR Faith Story by the Stages (with an example by Mike Johnson)

Before you start, keep in mind:

  • Each person’s story is unique to their relationship with God. There is no one “right” story.
  • People come to love God and grow in Him at different rates and in different ways.
  • There is no need for embarrassment. There’s no stage that’s better or worse than any other stage – what matters is that your faith isn’t stagnant, and you are moving closer to a deep relationship with Christ.
  • While your complete story might be quite long, for most purposes, your testimony should be quite short – 3-5 minutes.

Developing your faith story:

Now you can begin to create a testimony of your past and current journey through stages of faith. Use the thoughts and questions below to help you.

Brainstorm  what experiences have shaped your story and specific events or revelations that moved you into a new stage. Use  stories  as much as possible.

  • Determine  where you are today in terms of your stage of faith.
  • Write  or type your story. This will help you stay focused.
  • Use your own creative gifts  to develop a word picture, an image, a drawing, or write out the words of a song that symbolizes your unique experience up to this point on your journey of faith.

Helpful Questions for Each Stage

 The list below is meant to assist you in writing your testimony. They are suggested ideas or questions that are meant to prompt you.   Only select one to three prompts from each stage.  One option to prevent overwhelm is to use a highlighter to quickly mark the questions that jump out at you.

Stage 1:  Exploring Christ

  • Describe your life prior to your relationship with Jesus Christ as your Savior.
  • What word or adjective would best describe your relationship with God during this stage of your life?
  • If you have not yet made a commitment to Christ, what are the questions you are wrestling with?
  • How did God move in your life to warm you up to the Gospel?
  • What events in your life caused you to come to faith in Jesus Christ?
  • What were the circumstances around your coming to faith in Jesus?
  • When and why did you make a commitment to follow Jesus?

Stage 2:  Growing and Serving in Christ

  • Describe the most influential practices and people who have influenced growth in knowledge about Christ and your relationship with him.
  • Who and what have you confidently relied on for answers to faith questions?
  • Who makes up your significant circle for friendship, encouragement and what impact have they had on your faith journey?
  • What are your spiritual gifts and how are they in play in your life and faith community?
  • Who are the spiritual heroes and heroines that you follow?
  • Where do you experience a sense of accomplishment in your spiritual life?
  • When have you accepted a spiritual responsibility in a community?
  • Are you working on any particular spiritual goals?

Stage 3:  Journeying deeper in Christ

  • Have you experienced a significant faith or life crisis that has shaken your sense of spiritual well-being?
  • Describe how your image of God changed from earlier times?
  • If you felt like your faith was falling apart, describe how or what was causing it.
  • Have you experienced a nagging search of personal meaning? How? When?
  • Have you lived with a deep sense that there has to be something “more than this” in your spiritual life, or experience of God?
  • Can you describe a “dark night of the soul” experience?

Stage 4:  Abiding in Christ

  • Describe how you are experiencing God’s presence and guidance in all aspects of life.
  • Have you sensed a new, more focused sense of calling or ministry?
  • When have you been given more energy or stamina than you’d had previously to survive a crisis, illness, growth time (and not experienced burnout)?
  • Do you have a glimpse of  God’s  purpose (vocation, call, ministry) for your life?
  • How are you detached from self and the world and attached to God?

Congratulations! You’ve completed a very important step towards sharing your faith story to honor God and encourage others.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider sharing your story in a safe, intimate group of friends. Doing so will help you understand your own journey more richly and your shared vulnerability will open you to deeper, spiritual friendships.

If you are feeling bold, we’d love to see your faith stories online! Share a video or written story with the hashtag  #MyFaithStory and tag us @ascendingleader (Twitter) or @ascendingleaders (Facebook) so we can celebrate your story with you!

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Know Yourself: Stages of Faith

Session • Introduction • Activation

In The Critical Journey , Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich describe six stages on our journey of faith. These stages are fluid in that we can move back and forth between them in various seasons. We can experience more than one at the same time. We can also get ‘stuck’ or lost in a particular stage. We do, however, all begin at stage 1 and we cannot mysteriously skip a stage and arrive at the following one. One of the problems with this kind of model is that we can presume that a numerical order means that one stage is better than the other. On the journey of faith, this is not the case. The authors encourage us to look at our own lives. “We experience childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, middle age, older adulthood and senior citizen status. Each stage builds developmentally on the previous experience, but we are not inherently better people as adults than we were as children.”

We need all the stages of faith for full spiritual formation.

Stages on the Journey of Faith

Below is a brief overview of the six stages on the journey of faith. As you read through them, try to identify, without judgement, where you currently are in your journey with God.

Stage 1: Recognition of God

This is where we all begin on the journey of faith. We may experience it as children or as adults. This is a time of discovery and accepting the reality of God’s presence in our lives. This stage is characterized by a sense of awe and also a sense of innocence. There is a natural awareness of God, a sense of our need of him and also an experience of greater meaning and purpose for our lives. This stage reminds us of the awesome power of God and the finiteness of our lives.

Stage 2: Life of Discipleship

This stage is a time of learning and belonging. We are like apprentices, absorbing as much as we can from people we respect and trust. It is a very social time of interacting with others on a similar journey; there is often a sense of excitement as a result of belonging to something bigger than ourselves. This stage represents the best of community. It is also often characterized by a sense of rightness; there is a feeling of certainty and security in our faith.

Stage 3: Productive Life

This is best described as the ‘doing’ stage. It is a very active phase when we are consciously engaged in working for God. We have become aware of our unique gifts and we want to put those to use in our community of faith and in the world. Often we take on a specific leadership role or responsibility. There is a sense of productivity and fruitfulness, along with a feeling of having reached a spiritual goal.

Stage 4: Journey Inward

This stage is marked by a deep and very personal journey inward. It can often feel unsettling at first and yet can lead to great freedom for those who journey through it. Many of the certainties and securities of previous stages begin to unravel and we are confronted by doubts and questions that can lead to a crisis of faith. We move from a posture of knowing to one of seeking deep inner direction for our lives; we are compelled to know ourselves and know God more fully. We can experience pain in discovering that God is not who we previously thought he was.

The Wall belongs to Stage 4 but it is so critical that it is considered separately. The Wall represents our will meeting God’s will face to face. We are confronted with the reality of whether we are willing to surrender to God. The Wall is a place of wrestling, of dying to self and waiting to be reborn. Going through the wall unmasks us and involves a painful but transformative rediscovery of who God is and who we are. Many never have the courage to journey through it.

Stage 5: Journey Outward

This is the next stage after rediscovering God and accepting love. We are fully surrendered, with eyes wide open to the great and painful mysteries of life. We now begin to reemerge from our inward journey with a fresh focus on others and a renewed sense of calling, but from a new, grounded center and from a sense of fullness. We become aware that God’s purpose for our inner lives is lived out in the world. We don’t burn out, we live from a place of deep calm and stillness. Our inner stillness is the source of our outward journey.

Stage 6: Life of Love

In this stage, we reflect God to others more clearly and consistently than we ever thought possible. We have entirely lost ourselves and yet have truly found ourselves in God. We are humble, wise, selfless and deeply compassionate. Christ’s life represents a model for our lives. Obedience comes naturally. We are spirit-filled in a quiet, unassuming way. We live with a Christ-like detachment from material things. We do not fear pain, trauma, disappointment or even death.

  • Where do you most identify right now?
  • Do you feel a sense of interior freedom in this stage or is there a sense of being stuck or having regressed?
  • What is the greatest joy/struggle in your current stage of faith?
  • How can you embrace the uniqueness of this stage in your journey of faith?
  • What is God’s current invitation to you in journeying forward in your life with him?

Additional Resources

Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich have also created a Spiritual Life Inventory that can help you discover which stage is your ‘home’ stage, or the place on the journey that you find yourself spending most of your time in. You will need to print this separately and tally up your results by hand.

  • The Critical Journey by Janet Hagberg and Robert Guelich
  • Stages of the Soul by Nancy Kane
  • You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit by James K. A. Smith

View other resources for this session

Experiencing God on Our Journey of Faith

Experiencing God on Our Journey of Faith

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  • Be available to God — don't believe our schedule is too full to find faith.
  • Be open to experience God in fresh ways — to encounter him in places and times we don't see as necessarily religious or comfortable.
  • Be hospitable to God and his people — welcoming others in the name of God become ways we welcome the presence of "The Holy" into our lives.
  • Be committed to right living instead of settling for being religious — right living means we are concerned about pleasing God and how we treat others.
  • Be willing to making agenda changes in life — our experiences of God and with God often call us to explore new ideas, new lands, and new people.
  • The Psalms : The collection of the Psalms in our Bible offers us the language of life we can use to address God. There are psalms of joy and sorrow, rejoicing and lament, peace and tumult, praise and anger, confidence and desperation. Spend time in the Psalms to help broaden your vocabulary to address God, and you will also find that God is much bigger and much more gracious than you have previously known. In doing so, you will also discover that the Almighty longs to draw near in every situation of life, not just those rosy, all is great, days of spiritual strength.
  • Matthew : For 19 centuries, Matthew was the gospel of God's people. When we lost Matthew from our regular reading, we lost a precious gift. Matthew was written to help us know and experience Immanuel — God with us on our journey. Matthew reminds us that we can experience God on our journey through the long story of Scripture that ends in Jesus ( Matthew 1:23 ), radical and loving community ( Matthew 18:20 ), compassionate care of those in need ( Matthew 25:40 ), and in walking beside people until Jesus' will transforms them into authentic disciples ( Matthew 28:19-20 ). {Be sure and read the context of these passages for their full impact!} God wants us to experience him as Immanuel, the God whom we can experience in our journey of faith.

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Related Links

  • Finding Jesus: Experiencing Jesus as Immanuel
  • Leave, God, and Bless!
  • C.S. Lewis and the Struggle of Faith

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Great Themes of Scripture: Hebrew Bible

Exodus: The Journey of Faith

Great themes of scripture: hebrew bible.

Exodus: The Journey of Faith Tuesday, June 29, 2021

The journey of Exodus, the journey that Israel walked, is an image of the journey made by every person who sets out to seek the Divine Presence. Israel is, as it were, humanity personified, and so what happened to Israel is what happens to everyone who sets out on the journey of faith. Christianity must recognize itself as an inclusive religion from the very beginning, and honor its roots in Judaism.

In the book of Exodus, Egypt is the place of slavery and the Promised Land is the place of freedom. The journey from Egypt to the Promised Land—through the Red Sea to Sinai and across the desert—is a saga which symbolizes our own struggle towards ever greater inner freedom, empowered by “grace.” The story of Israel symbolically describes the experience of our own liberation by God—and toward a universal love.

For enslaved African Americans who knew the book of Exodus, this journey of faith became more than a symbol. It became a journey of liberation from the exploitative system of slavery. As the Black theologian James Cone described, “The record shows clearly that black slaves believed that just as God had delivered Moses and the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, he also will deliver black people from American slavery. And they expressed that theological truth in song:

Oh Mary, don’t you weep, don’t you moan, Oh Mary, don’t you weep, don’t you moan, Pharaoh’s army got drownded, Oh Mary, don’t you weep.” [1]

The stories of Exodus make religious sense to people only to the degree that they are themselves walking a journey of faith. If we are walking in the Spirit and listening to the Spirit, we can rather easily relate these stories to our own life and identify with the experience of Israel.

We all have to turn to God and let ourselves be led on this faith journey. We have to be willing to experience the Exodus in our own lives, to let God take us from captivity to freedom, from Egypt to Canaan, not fully knowing how to cross the huge desert between the two.

Moses takes the risk of faith. All that God has given him is a promise, and yet he acts on that promise. People of faith are the ones who expect the promises of their deepest soul to be fulfilled; life for them becomes a time between promise and fulfillment. It is never a straight line, but always three steps forward and two backward—and the backward creates much of the knowledge and impetus for the forward. (Little did I know this would become my much later book, Falling Upward .)

Like the Israelites, we will find that the desert is not all desert. The way to the Promised Land leads to life even in the midst of the desert. When we least expect it, there is an oasis. As the Scriptures promise, God will make the desert bloom (Isaiah 35:1).

References: [1] James Cone, God of the Oppressed (Seabury Press: 1975), 11.

Adapted from Richard Rohr and Joseph Martos, The Great Themes of Scripture: Old Testament (St. Anthony Messenger Press: 1987), 19; and

“Exodus: The Journey of Faith,” The Great Themes of Scripture, tape 3 (St. Anthony Messenger Tapes: 1973).

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At The Crossroads

Carla Gasser

You Can Begin Your Faith Journey Today!

Here AT THE CROSSROADS , I seek to connect FAITH + LIFE in authentic and meaningful ways. I recognize that no matter where anyone is on the path, we are all on a spiritual journey.

  • Some of us are just beginning the journey to know and follow God.
  • Many may have wandered off the road and are trying to find their way back.
  • And still, others are committed followers who are seeking to grow deeper in their faith.

Asking for directions, setting spiritual goals, and following God’s path are steps God tells us to take to discover the right route for our souls:

Go stand at the crossroads and look around. Ask for directions to the old road, The tried-and-true road. Then take it. Discover the right route for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16 (The Message)


So, if you are ready to determine where you are, let me help you take the next right step to grow spiritually no matter where you are in your faith journey.

6 Steps to Improve Your Faith Journey

  • Step 1: Connect with God
  • Step 2: Conquer Fear with Faith
  • Step 3 : Commit to Daily Practice
  • Step 4: Cultivate Accountability
  • Step 5 : Continue Despite Setbacks
  • Step 6: Celebrate Growth


Stuck and struggling with where to begin? The first and most important step in any spiritual growth plan is to connect to the source. Jesus tells us that he is the vine and we are the branches and that the only way we can produce healthy fruit is to abide in Him (John 15:4-5). We cannot achieve spiritual growth on our own; we must allow God to work in and through us to transform and renew our souls. Stuck at a Crossroads? Learn How to Connect with God


Uncertain of the next step and afraid of failing? Any time we begin a new journey, it is the obstacles, roadblocks, and detours that can bring doubt and discouragement. One of the obstacles we must overcome when we set out to achieve any goal is the fear of failure. Choosing to place our faith in God and not ourselves provides the freedom to pursue our spiritual goals without fear (Philippians 4:13).

  • How to Choose Faith Over Fear: Do it Afraid!


Looking for tools to help you develop healthy habits? As with any goal-setting plan, daily and repeated practice is necessary to make progress. The outcome of spiritual growth is to become more and more like Christ, which develops as we move from thought to action to habit. Learn How to Have a Daily Quiet Time with God .


Feeling disconnected and looking for support? God created us for connection and community. Find fellow believers who can not only support and encourage you but who can keep you accountable and offer wisdom, guidance, and prayer. As you grow and mature, you can offer this to others as well (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Learn the 3 Ways to Find Women of Connection .

You can also connect with me and find other kindred spirits by following me on social media.


Going through a dry season of doubt and discouragement? Perseverance and progress are the goals…not perfection! There will be setbacks: times you feel disconnected from God, dry seasons where you feel apathetic, or persistent battles with sin that leave you broken and bruised. We need to press on, knowing that God is faithful and will continue to carry us as we pursue Him (Philippians 3:13-14). See how the Wilderness Wisdom Cards can encourage you!


Wanting to share your story of God’s faithfulness? It is so important to take the time to look back and see what God has done in your life. Go back to those initial reasons for why you desired to go deeper with God and grow spiritually. Celebrate what you have learned about God through His Word, how you have experienced more love, joy, and peace, and ways you have seen God move in your relationships.

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Jeremy Stalnecker

The Journey of Faith

by Jeremy Stalnecker | Feb 4, 2021 | Christian Living | 0 comments

faith of journey

There is a phrase that, although often used, I’m afraid is greatly misunderstood. It is one of those phrases that sounds good, spiritual even, but when not properly defined becomes nothing more than empty words. What is the phrase?

“The Journey of Faith.” Or, “Faith is a Journey.” Even more personal, “I am on a Journey of Faith.”

While this may sound good, what exactly does it mean?

First, what it is not. “The Journey of Faith” is not:

1. The ongoing search for truth. Many who use this phrase mean that they are in the middle of a lifelong process of discovery that will hopefully lead to an understanding of what faith is. (I actually wrote about that here .) As I said in the post referenced, faith is something that can be understood and defined. Therefore, the journey of faith is not a spiritual exercise of self-discovery leading to the deeper meaning of the universe.

2. A process of defining what faith means for you. Many think that we each must walk our own path in order to determine what faith and spirituality mean PERSONALLY. This is different than searching for truth (as in our previous point), this is about defining faith in a way that aligns with our own experience and subjective conclusions. Similar to the belief that many roads lead to enlightenment, just pick the one that is best for you, this process is based only on personal experience and emotion.

3. A blind journey full of hope in everything but the Eternal God. This belief equates a “Journey of Faith” with positive thinking and believing that everything will somehow work out ok for those who are doing their best.

The problem with all of these is that they turn the “Journey of Faith” into an unknowable goal whose attainment is up to me and good luck.

So, what is “The Journey of Faith?”

1. Living a life that understands the goal is to be like Jesus and to live this life in His Power and for His glory.

Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

2. Running the race set before us by God, the individual race or path that He has for each one us, by following Christ. Each of us has a different call (from an “in this world” standpoint) on our lives but the fulfillment of that call can only happen because of Christ. He gave us the call and He is the one that will bring it to pass.

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

3. Daily seeking God through His word. It is a journey because it happens daily throughout our lives.

Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

4. The way were were designed to live.

2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight:

“The Journey of Faith” is not a blind walk of self-discovery. It is a confident journey taken over a lifetime accomplishing all that God sets before us until we are conformed to the image of His Son. (Romans 8:29) He will guide us. He will lead us. He will equip us. He will provide for us. One step at a time.

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

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faith of journey

Exploring Faith Through Journaling: How to Start a Faith Journal

How to Use Erin Condren's Faith Journal

Finding moments to connect with God, your faith, or your spirituality and deepen your connection can be a challenge. However, one powerful tool that can help you embark on this spiritual journey is a faith or prayer journal . A faith journal is a personal space where you can reflect on your beliefs, prayers, spiritual questions, and experiences. In this article, we will explore the concept of faith journaling, and its benefits, and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to start your own faith journaling practice. Whether you are new to journaling or have been doing it for years, this guide will help you dive deeper into your faith and build a stronger connection with God.

Being mindful that God has different names and meanings for different people, when we reference God in this article, we’re referring to what that means to you in your personal spiritual journey.

What Is a Faith Journal?

A faith or prayer journal is a personal diary or notebook in which you can record your thoughts, prayers, reflections, and experiences related to your faith. Unlike a typical journal, a faith journal is dedicated specifically to matters of faith, allowing you to explore and strengthen your spiritual connection. It can take various forms, from traditional written text to digital ones, depending on your preferences and lifestyle.

Why Keep a Faith Journal?

Deepen your connection.

A faith journal can be a potent tool for deepening your connection with God. It provides a safe and personal space for you to explore your beliefs and engage in meaningful conversations with God or prayer.

Reflection and Self-Discovery

Writing in your faith journal gives you quiet time to reflect on your spiritual journey. It helps you gain insight into your beliefs, values, and the impact of faith on your life.

Stress Reduction

Journaling is known to reduce stress and anxiety . When you incorporate faith-based elements into your journaling practice, you can find solace and peace in times of difficulty.

Prayer and Gratitude

Faith journaling can serve as a platform for writing down your prayers, expressing gratitude , and seeking guidance. It's a tangible way to communicate the love you have for your faith.


Keeping a faith journal can help you stay accountable to your spiritual goals and practices. It allows you to track your progress and see where you need to grow.

How to Start Faith Journaling

What is a faith journal

Starting a faith journal is a simple and personal process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Choosing a Faith Journal

The first step in starting a faith journal is to choose the journal itself. You can opt for a traditional physical journal or explore digital options if that suits your lifestyle better. When selecting a prompted journal , consider factors such as size, paper quality, and aesthetics. Your journal should feel inviting and inspire you to write regularly.

If you prefer a digital faith journal, you can use a variety of note-taking apps or specialized journaling apps that offer features like password protection, cloud syncing, and customizable templates.

Optional Materials and Supplies

While all you need to start a faith journal is the journal itself, you may want to gather some optional materials and supplies to enhance your experience:

  • Pens and Markers: Choose writing tools , including Bible highlighters , that you enjoy using. Different colors and styles can help you express your thoughts and emotions, highlight passages in your book of faith, and color-code your faith journal.
  • Stickers and Decorative Elements: Some people enjoy embellishing their journals with stickers , washi tape, or other decorative elements that have spiritual significance.
  • Art Supplies: If you're artistically inclined, consider including watercolors, colored pencils, or markers for sketching, drawing, or adding artistic elements to your journal.
  • Tabs or Dividers: Organize your journal with tabs or dividers to easily find and revisit specific entries or sections.
  • Printed Materials: Include printed copies of scriptures, prayers, or inspirational quotes that resonate with you.

Setting Intentions for Your Faith Journaling Practice

Before you start writing in your faith journal, take a moment to set your intentions. Consider why you want to embark on this journey and what you hope to achieve through faith journaling. Some common intentions include:

  • Strengthening your relationship with God.
  • Seeking guidance and answers to spiritual questions.
  • Expressing gratitude and counting your blessings.
  • Finding comfort and solace in times of difficulty.
  • Documenting your spiritual life for personal growth.

Having clear intentions will help guide your journaling practice and make it more meaningful.

How to Use a Faith Journal

Faith Prayer Journal Faith Journal for Religious Studies

Now that you have your journal and intentions in place, let's explore how to use a faith journal effectively.

Writing Prayers in Your Journal

One of the most common ways to use a faith journal is by writing down your prayers. This is a deeply personal and intimate way to communicate with your faith. Whether it's a formal prayer or simply a heartfelt conversation, putting your words on paper can be a powerful act of devotion.

Reflecting on Bible Verses or Inspirational Quotes

Many people find inspiration and guidance in spiritual scriptures. You can incorporate Bible verses, passages from your book of faith, or mindfulness and inspirational quotes into your journal. Write down verses that speak to you and reflect on their meanings. Consider how these verses apply to your life and what insights they offer. Joining a study group based on your faith – whether it’s a Bible study group, prayer circle, meditation group, or attending meetups at your local house of worship – can help you on your spiritual journey.

Journaling Your Spiritual Questions and Insights

Your faith journey may involve questions, doubts, and moments of enlightenment. Use your faith journal to document these experiences. When you encounter a spiritual question, write it down, and then explore your thoughts and feelings about it. Record any insights or revelations you receive during your contemplation.

Taking Sermon Notes

If you attend religious services or sermons, use your faith journal to take notes. Record key points from the sermon, your personal takeaways, and how the message resonated with you. This can help reinforce the lessons and guidance you receive during these gatherings.

Faith Journal Ideas and Prompts

If you're looking for ideas and prompts to kickstart your faith journaling practice, here are some suggestions to consider:

Daily Gratitude Entries

Start each journaling session by listing things you're grateful for. Expressing gratitude can help you shift your focus to the positive aspects of your life and cultivate a sense of contentment.

Prayer Requests and Answers

Alongside your personal prayers, dedicate a section of your faith journal to prayer requests. Write down the concerns, wishes, or needs of yourself and others. As you receive answers or witness positive changes, make note of them in your journal. This can serve as a testament to the power of faith.

Scriptures That Speak to You

Regularly select a scripture or verse that resonates with you, and write it in your journal. Reflect on its meaning, and discuss how it relates to your life and spiritual journey.

Personal Moments and Miracles

Document moments in your life that feel miraculous or spiritually significant. These may be personal achievements, moments of clarity, or experiences that reaffirm your faith.

Sketching or Doodling in Your Faith Journal

If you're artistically inclined, consider adding sketches, doodles, or artistic representations of your faith journey. These visual elements can help you express your emotions and experiences in a unique way.

Starting a faith journal can be a transformative and rewarding experience. It offers you the opportunity to deepen your connection with God, gain insight into your spirituality, and provide a sense of solace in challenging times. Remember, there are no strict rules when it comes to faith journaling; it's a personal journey tailored to your beliefs and aspirations. So, grab your journal, set your intentions, and begin your faith journaling practice today. Your faith journey awaits, find a faith journal to help you navigate it every step of the way.

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Beginning With God - Blog

The role of faith in spiritual growth.

  • God is Faithful , Faith , Identity in Christ , God is Good , Starting with God

faith of journey

Everyone knows that faith plays a significant role in our spiritual growth , but practically speaking it either occupies too much or too little of our understanding. If our conception of spiritual growth is nothing more than self-effort, we will not experience life transformation.

But if every spiritual pothole is paved with “just trust God,” we will also miss out on true spiritual growth. This is not to detract from the centrality of faith in becoming more like Christ, only to understand its role, so we can better coach those whom we disciple.

In the Christian life there are certain truths that are either so formative, or so fragile, that your disciple may require special assistance in learning to hold them in the shopping cart of faith. As mature Christian we are used to toting these truths around like a handbag (such as the security of our salvation), but young Christians need to develop the spiritual muscles that we take for granted.

What follows is a partial list of these foundational truths that require the exertion of faith, and may require your assistance. It is in these areas that the need for faith is most acute and where the lack of it will have the greatest ramifications.

Faith and Forgiveness

Few of the great battles in life are ever won overnight, so it is safe to assume that your disciples will see many spiritual failures before they finally see the flag raised, hear the national anthem, take their place on the winner’s platform and the world is joined together under the Nike swoosh. It might be a small failure or a stunningly gross one, but in either case they will desperately need to experience God’s forgiveness.

The problem with many sins is that even after we’ve confessed them, it is difficult to feel cleansed, to not berate ourselves, and not suspect that God’s still fuming over the incident. When we sin we instinctively feel someone must pay a price. No one gets off easy. What we need to decide is who is going to pay. Your disciple will therefore move in one of the following directions:

  • ALTERNATIVE #1 “I am pig swill.” This is one of the terms I use when beating myself up for having fallen into the same trap of sin, yet again. I’ve not copyrighted the phrase so feel free to use it. In essence, I’m crucifying myself for the sin. Yes, what Jesus did was nice, but I’m going to cover the tab—check, please. Someone must pay and rightfully it should be me, so I pound myself for my stupidity.
  • ALTERATIVE #2 “You, you made me sin.” That “you” could be a person, Satan, or even God, but either way someone needs to take the fall for the sin I’ve just committed, and I’ll be darned if it’s going to be me.
  • ALTERNATIVE #3 “Now that you mention it, I’m not sure that really was a sin.” Recognize that phrase? It’s called justification. As the word implies, we decide to make a judgment over and against our conscience, declaring that what we did was actually right, or at least not that wrong. Why go to the effort? Because someone must pay for sin, unless of course there is no sin and that’s what we’re shooting for in this approach: to eliminate the offense.
  • ALTERNATIVE #4 “I couldn’t help myself, it’s just my personality.” Let’s call this rationalizing, which is equivalent to the courtroom plea of insanity. What I’m saying is, “Yes, it was sin, but I didn’t have the moral capacity to say ‘no.’” My personality was such, and circumstances were such, that I could do no other than what I did. The effectiveness of this strategy lies in how good you are at convincing yourself that it’s really not your fault. I’m pretty gullible, so I usually believe me.

Of course what makes this all unnecessary is that someone has already paid the price, Christ. What is needed is confession. The problem is that we can confess our sins while failing to employ faith. Faith involves a choice of the will to believe that God has forgiven us through Christ’s death, while turning a deaf ear to doubts. We reckon that God is more merciful than we can imagine and believe that through Christ’s death we are completely forgiven, and “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12).

We often ask our disciples to scribble out their sins on a piece of paper, and have them write the verse 1 John 1:9 across the list, and tear up the list. I see no expiration date on this exercise. It is effective because it develops the faith component of confession: a visual aid to under gird a young and underdeveloped faith muscle. It might be useful to walk your disciples through the different responses listed above to help them see where in the process of confession, they are failing to exercise faith. You must teach them confession but you must also teach them that confession involves faith.

Faith That God Can Make You Holy

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Philippians 1:6)

Most of the great heroes of the Bible share two things in common: they all wore sandals, and they were all required to persevere in their faith, though final victory was often years in the future. We, too—no matter how many setbacks we encounter—must never waiver in our belief that God can make us holy, and, if we persevere, will ultimately lead us in triumph.

Every disciple is willing to trust God for victory over sin at least once. The problem is when the war turns into Vietnam, with infrequent victories, heavy losses, and no foreseeable exit strategy. It is at this juncture that they need to know that faith is a long-term struggle and holiness a lifelong battle. Point to the many battles of faith in scripture fought and won over years, and not days. Show them how the Promised Land was taken one battle at a time.

When victory is elusive they will need someone to help make sense of it and prepare them for the long war. Without a proper perspective, they may resolve the conflict with a ceasefire, and an acceptance of behavior far from godliness. Help them persevere in the battle believing God will, in time, bring victory.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Here is another truth into which faith must sink its teeth: we must choose to believe that our temptations and struggles are not unique and therefore never insurmountable, unfixable, or unforgivable. It is a lie to believe that any temptation is irresistible, or that we are unique in any of our struggles.

God always provides what we need to remain holy, even if it’s simply an escape hatch. Every disciple is tempted to believe that in some area of their lives, they deviate from the norm. Satan desires for us to feel alone. You might ask your disciples if they have ever felt this way or in what area they tend to think of themselves as having unique trials or temptations. Forfeit faith in this area and you’ve dangerously increased the power of sin.

Faith That All Things Work For the Good

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

The next battle of faith is for all those who have experienced damage in their lives, or within themselves, due to sin. God can take any manure and from it grow a garden, as you participate in this promise by faith. While it may be impossible to imagine how God can bring good out of our train wreck of past and present failures, this is hardly a limiting factor. For God can do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).

There is no limit to God’s capacity to redeem evil. Everything in our past can be taken and used for good. Every failure (like Peter’s failures) can be transformed by God’s mercy. Every weakness (like Paul’s weaknesses) can be a vehicle for God to demonstrate His strength. Though we must persevere in faith, and sometimes for years, the equation will always add up: crap + God = life. And faith is the means by which God enters the equation.

Through the examples of biblical characters such as Peter and Paul, and through examples from your own life, you must help your disciples strap on the shield of faith against the lie that anything in their lives is unredeemable, gratuitous, or random.

Faith in Our Reward

Now, there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day — and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing (2 Timothy 4:8).

Some years ago I was in China and like any tourist I visited the Great Wall. Along the bottom of the wall, a worker of this communist country was picking up trash. I clocked him at one piece of trash a minute, which at that rate would have taken him longer to clear the grounds than it took to build the Great Wall.

Where we visited included a maze of concession stands, tons of them—Great Concession stands. Someone told me that those who operated the stands employed principles of the free market, meaning that the more they sold and the more they charged for what they sold, the more they profited. One of the women at the booths actually grabbed my coat and dragged me to her counter. It would be an understatement to say that it was a motivated workforce.

The difference between these two workers was a chasm. Let’s call it the Great Chasm. One worked like a sluggard because he knew that he would always make the same amount no matter what he did (communism). The other worker knew that her effort would be rewarded (the free market).

The doctrine of eternal security (that we can never lose our salvation) was never meant to negate the teaching of rewards. In many places in the Bible, God makes it clear that our obedience and faithfulness will be rewarded. We are called to exercise faith in future rewards, choosing to believe that our actions or inaction will be compensated. When our minds move down the trail of “what difference will this really make?” the response of faith is—a lot. We are not told what these rewards will be, but simply given the assurance that it will be worth our while.

Teaching our disciples to maintain an eternal perspective, or to live for eternity, can cultivate their faith toward this truth, provided that our definition of what is eternal encompasses far more than evangelism, for Jesus states that even a cup of water given in his name will not fail to be rewarded.

Faith in God's Goodness

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

If you go back to the Garden of Eden (which is probably now a parking lot in downtown Baghdad), you will notice that the first sin was a distrust of God’s goodness. Adam and Eve became convinced that God was holding out on them. Eating from the tree was in their best interests. The foundation of most sin is a lack of faith in God’s goodness, and disbelief that His plans for us are really best.

When things are going wrong, we justify our sin with self-pity. We find ourselves thinking, “Well, I’m going to do this because God isn’t taking care of me anyway, and rather than helping, He’s allowing my life to disintegrate.” Such reasoning is designed by our scheming mind to bring us to a sense of entitlement to sin.

More innocuously, many of us fall prey to pessimism and distrust that what lies in wait over the time horizon is anything but good, often brought on by a nagging suspicion that God never did forget our sin, and payday is right around the bend.

We must fight the battle to deny or disbelieve God’s goodness, with faith, never giving an inch. Everything God does in our lives is motivated by love, and any minor deconstruction of that truth is a lie that can have serious ramifications.

In helping your disciples with this struggle, you might ask some questions to discover if their mind has a proclivity to move down this path. You might also share in what ways you tend to doubt the goodness of God. Intimacy with Christ is the best answer to any and all doubts of His goodness. When we feel close to Christ, we sense that He is on our side, and when we feel distant, we come to suspect that He is not.

Memorizing scripture is great, but passages of scripture are animated by our intimacy with Christ.

Identity: Identity Theft

“I got me some of them mud flaps with the naked ladies on them. Ohhh mamacita.”

In a series of ads for Citibank’s identity theft program, the viewer sits and listens to the thief who, having stolen the person’s credit card number, recounts their various bizarre purchases and exploits. What makes the ads humorous as well as memorable is the thief’s story is told (lip-synced) through the identity theft victim, sitting forlornly mouthing the words.

In some way we are all victims of identity theft. Having trusted Christ, we are heirs with Christ of all that is in Him. Most of us never fully grasp what God’s Word says is true of us in Christ, or worse, we simply don’t think about it. We are children of God, chosen before time to be in the family of God, yet these concepts don’t make it to the starting line-up of thoughts that propel us into the day.

In the movie "Cheaper by the Dozen," the youngest child is treated as the family outcast. The other kids call him “FedEx” because they suspect he was adopted and simply delivered to the family, not born into it. Over the course of time he begins to believe it, rumors become a lie, and the lie grows in power until he runs away from the family believing he has no place within it. There’s a message from an otherwise boring movie: our identity matters.

Our faith in our identity in Christ is absolutely foundational to our lives. Faith is fed by reading the Bible. “The Daily Affirmation of Faith” was written to provide a concise, clear statement of the truth of God’s Word as it applies to our victory in Christ (what is true of us in Him). Commend it to your disciples for daily reading particularly during times of deep trials and temptation when they are most prone to forget who they truly are, and believe things about themselves and God which are not true.

The Daily Affirmation of Faith

Today I deliberately choose to submit myself fully to God as He has made Himself known to me through the Holy Scripture, which I honestly accept as the only inspired, infallible, authoritative standard for all life and practice. In this day I will not judge God, His work, myself, or others on the basis of feelings or circumstances.

I recognize by faith that the triune God is worthy of all honor, praise, and worship as the Creator, Sustainer, and End of all things. I confess that God, as my Creator, made me for Himself. In this day, I therefore choose to live for Him. (Revelation 5:9-10; Isaiah 43:1,7,21; Revelation 4:11)

I recognize by faith that God loved me and chose me in Jesus Christ before time began (Ephesians 1:1-7).

I recognize by faith that God has proven His love to me in sending His Son to die in my place, in whom every provision has already been made for my past, present, and future needs through His representative work, and that I have been quickened, raised, seated with Jesus Christ in the heavenlies, and anointed with the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:6-11; 8:28; Philippians 1:6; 4:6,7,13,19; Ephesians 1:3; 2:5,6; Acts 2:1-4,33).

I recognize by faith that God has accepted me, since I have received Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord (John 1:12; Ephesians 1:6); that He has forgiven me (Ephesians 1:7); adopted me into His family, assuming every responsibility for me (John 17:11,17; Ephesians 1:5; Philippians 1:6); given me eternal life (John 3:36; 1 John 5:9-13); applied the perfect righteousness of Christ to me so that I am now justified (Romans 5:1; 8:3-4; 10:4); made me complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10); and offers Himself to me as my daily sufficiency through prayer and the decisions of faith (1 Corinthians 1:30; Colossians 1:27; Galatians 2:20; John 14:13-14; Matthew 21:22; Romans 6:1-19; Hebrews 4:1-3,11).

I recognize by faith that the Holy Spirit has baptized me into the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13); sealed me (Ephesians 1:13-14); anointed me for life and service (Acts 1:8; John 7:37-39); seeks to lead me into a deeper walk with Jesus Christ (John 14:16-18; 15:26-27; 16:13-15; Romans 8:11-16); and to fill my life with Himself (Ephesians 5:18).

I recognize by faith that only God can deal with sin and only God can produce holiness of life. I confess that in my salvation my part was only to receive Him and that He dealt with my sin and saved me. Now I confess that in order to live a holy life, I can only surrender to His will and receive Him as my sanctification; trusting Him to do whatever may be necessary in my life, without and within, so I may be enabled to live today in purity, freedom, rest and power for His glory. (John 1:12; 1 Corinthians 1:30; 2 Corinthians 9:8; Galatians 2:20; Hebrew 4:9; 1 John 5:4; Jude 24).

Our Salvation

We’ll conclude with the most fundamental of truths, and ground zero for faith. All things build upon this.

Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God (John 1:12).

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life (1 John 5:13).

In describing our spiritual armor, Paul uses a helmet to illustrate the truth of our salvation: that which protects the mind, and protects us from a fatal blow. We make it a critical part of basic follow-up, because scripture affirms that it is. Let your disciples doubt that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Let them doubt that the Cubs will ever win a World Series. But, rehearse this with them until that helmet cannot be pried off their head.

How Faith Grows

Faith is like a muscle; it grows by lifting weights. Weights are the resistance—the doubts, mental whispers, and circumstances that tell us the opposite of what faith must believe.

When God seems absent and horrible circumstances swirl around us, everything seems to shout, “God isn’t here! And if He is, He certainly doesn’t care.” In those circumstances, faith curls the barbell toward the heart and says, “No, God is good. He is for me. He has a plan.” Thus, it is the circumstances adverse to our faith that become the vehicle for our growth—they are the weight on the barbell.

And so all disciples are periodically tossed into a boat and sent out into a raging storm, where God is conspicuous by his absence. We are not trying to rescue our disciples from the situations and circumstances that will cause faith to grow. Our role is to come alongside them, strengthen their feeble arms and help them to curl the heavy weights that will cause their faith to bulk-up. (I think I just described a steroid.)

God provides the weight (adverse circumstances and trials), but they must continue to lift the weight. We must spot them helping them push out more repetitions than they thought possible while making sure the barbell doesn’t pin them to the bench-press.

Alternatively, faith grows through new challenges and we serve our disciples well by calling them into circumstances where they will need to trust and rely on God. They take courageous steps, God shows Himself faithful, and their faith grows.

Through the stress and strain of faith development, the truths discussed in this article are the most common fracture points, and the places your disciples may most need your encouragement to wind their way up the hill of faith.

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Inviting you to follow Jesus to make a difference in your world.

Journey of Faith began in 1911 with a small group of families wanting to share the love of Jesus in the beach cities of the South Bay of Los Angeles. Over 100 years later, there are now thousands of people at two campus locations and an online community who call Journey of Faith their home.

At Journey we are a collection of people from all walks of life trusting and following Jesus. Through our stories we see lives changed as we follow a God who is calling us into His story, a story of love and compassion. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.


Journey of Faith is one church in multiple locations.

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We believe in one God who eternally exists in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  They are equal in every divine perfection and execute distinct but harmonious work in creation, sustaining and caring for the world, and redemption. Ephesians 4:4-6, 1 Peter 1:2a

We believe in God the Father, creator of heaven and earth, who is perfect in holiness, power, wisdom, knowledge, and love.  He concerns himself mercifully in the affairs of every person, hears and answers prayer, and saves everyone from sin and death who comes to him through Jesus. Genesis 1:1, Ephesians 1:3-6

We believe in Jesus, the Father’s one and only Son.  He was fully God and fully man, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and willingly died on the cross to atone for the sins of the world.  He was resurrected and ascended into heaven, where he intercedes for his people until his personal return to earth. John 1:1-5,14, Philippians 2:6-8, Acts 1:9-11, Hebrews 1:3, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is wholly God and sent by the Father to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgement.  The Holy Spirit comforts, empowers, guides, and gives life to every believer.  It is through the Holy Spirit’s power and presence that we are able to live for God and be his witnesses. John 14:16-17, John 16:7-11, Acts 1:8, Romans 8:9-11

We believe that the Bible is fully inspired by God, without error in the original manuscripts, and the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

We believe that all people are sinful and need God’s forgiveness.  We believe that Jesus, who himself will preside over the final judgement of all people, also provided a means for their salvation through his death and resurrection. Those who choose not to follow Jesus will be separated from God forever, while those who make a decision to accept Jesus’ forgiveness and leadership will be saved by grace and receive eternal life with God. Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, John 3:16

We believe that Jesus is the head of the universal Church and all believing people are members.  The local church exists for the purposes of worshiping God, observing the ordinances of the Lord’s Supper (communion) and baptism of believers by immersion, encouraging spiritual growth, accountability, evangelism, and service. Matthew 28:19, 1 Corinthians 11:23-29

We believe everyone who follows Jesus should devote their lives to actively loving God and loving others.  They should strive to be faithful to God’s ways as revealed in Scripture, be wise stewards of their possessions, gifts, and abilities, sacrificially love people as Jesus does, and work together to experience the rich and meaningful life God intends for all of humanity. Mark 12:29-31, John 10:10


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If someone asked you to tell one story to illustrate how your faith affects your life, or to show what your faith means to you, what would it be? That's the question we invite you to answer for our Faith Journeys series.  We're interested in personal stories. You can choose one of the following questions to help shape your story: Was there a moment when your faith was tested, but ultimately deepened? What does your spiritual practice (prayer, fasting, meditation) mean to you? Tell us about a spiritual pilgrimage you made. Tell us about a moment of great spiritual insight.

For some, this may be a challenging task, so we'd like to offer a few guidelines.

  • True first-person stories about your faith life, aim for 500 to 800 words.
  • In story form — there is a beginning, middle and end.
  • Focused. They should not attempt to cover your entire life or every time your faith was deepened or changed, just one defining story.
  • They can cover any faith topic, but to reiterate possible topics might include a story of pilgrimage, a moment when your faith was tested but ultimately deepened, a description of your personal religious or spiritual practice and how that helps your faith life, or a moment of spiritual insight.

Faith Journeys are not :

  • Sermons, or a list of creeds or beliefs.
  • A statement about your faith. ( It's a story, not a statement.)
  • Critical of others' beliefs.
  • About other faiths. (It's just about you and your faith.)
  • The history of your faith community.
  • An argument against atheism.

Please e-mail submissions (or questions) to [email protected] . Remember to include your name, e-mail and a phone number.

We look forward to reading your story!

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1 Peter 1:18-21 The Message

18-21  Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. He paid with Christ’s sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb. And this was no afterthought. Even though it has only lately—at the end of the ages—become public knowledge, God always knew he was going to do this for you. It’s because of this sacrificed Messiah, whom God then raised from the dead and glorified, that you trust God, that you know you have a future in God.

Copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson

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Faith Journey

When I applied to grad school, one of the essays asked me to describe my journey of faith. This is what I wrote.

I have a mentor that I call Scott the Wizard, because his name is Scott and he is wise like a wizard.

One day he told me that the core of the Christian life was summed up in the story of the prodigal son. The prodigal son is living in a pigsty, having lost all of his father’s money. And his response is not to earn the money back, nor to enroll in a 12-step program or buy a self-help book. Instead, the son gets up, and goes home, and when his father sees him, he runs to embrace his son.

Scott the Wizard explained that the core of the Christian life is simply to come home and be in the presence of the Father. Once you’re home, there is time for cleaning off the smell of the pigsty or resuming the responsibilities of sonship. But the first step is just to come home and receive the love of the father.

Or, as Henri Nouwen puts it, “The question is not ‘How am I to find God?’ but ‘How am I to let myself be found by Him?’… God is looking into the distance for me, trying to find me, and longing to bring me home.”

As my faith has grown and matured, I have been profoundly influenced by this truth. I believe that the core of my Christian faith is not about right behavior or right doctrine (although both are valuable), but instead right identity and right relationship — to know myself as a child of God and to let myself be loved by God.

My understanding of how to relate to others has focused on that single point as well. My role is not to convince or fix or save — it’s just to love and let my love point to the love of God. Others tell me that I have a gift of encouragement, and I feel I have a calling to people who struggle with identity and acceptance.

But I think it’s simpler than that. Mr. Rogers said, “When we look for what’s best in a person, we’re doing what God does all the time.” That’s what I try to do.

I want people to know they are lovable, so I try to offer unconditional acceptance and invite people into community. And I want people to see themselves the way God sees them, so I try to offer affirmation and point to the beauty God placed in them. Sometimes this takes the form of formal ministry roles (like the care team at my church) but mostly I just try to love the people God puts in my path.

Of course, it took me some time to reach this point. When I was in elementary school, my faith was strictly a matter of hope — it was something I clung to when nothing else was okay. When I was in middle school, my faith was like a workout regime — reading my Bible and praying made me “spiritually stronger”, and being strong was an end in itself.

It was not until high school that I started to realize that faith was about loving other people, not until college that I began to realize how much God truly loved me — and not until the past few years that God has crystallized my calling towards people who feel they don’t belong.

Today my faith plays out in a variety of ways. I faithfully attend a wonderful church called Vox Veniae, which I love because I feel part of the liturgy, not an audience member. Henri Nouwen and Brennan Manning live on my bookshelf and tell me that God loves me and that I can join Him in loving other people. I am good friends with lawyers and artists, teachers and strippers, and I see Jesus in all of them.

In everything, I do my best to set my sights on home — where my Father is waiting to embrace me and remind me that I am His child. There are many distractions and detours on the path homeward, but I believe that I will one day fully realize the truth expressed by the Apostle John: “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. And that is what we are!”

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6 Bible Verses about Faith Journey

2 corinthians 5:7 esv / 22 helpful votes helpful not helpful.

For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Romans 10:17 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Matthew 5:1-48 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. ...

Hebrews 11:6 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

1 Corinthians 13:11 ESV / 4 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.

Matthew 13:58 ESV / 1 helpful vote Helpful Not Helpful

And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.

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Visit the Bible online to search for words if you don’t know the specific passage your’re looking for.

Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License . All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. Copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles , a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Contact me: openbibleinfo (at)

The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith (Unabridged‪)‬

Publisher description.

The Critical Journey, at its core, is a description of the spiritual journey: our response to our faith in God with the resulting changes that follow. In this book, authors Janet O. Hagberg and Robert A. Guelich address the following issues: the struggle to find meaning and wholeness, the crisis of values and identity at mid-life, the quest for self-actualization, the healing of early religious experiences, and questions about the spiritual journey. Their goal is to help us understand where we are on our individual faith journeys and also appreciate where others are in theirs. The Critical Journey does not reveal exactly how or when we need to move along in our personal pilgrimages, nor does it offer formulas for spiritual growth. Rather, it describes six phases of the spiritual journey and illustrates how people act and think while in these stages. This is an excellent guide for those who are wrestling with their faith and wondering how others have resolved their “dark nights of the soul.” Here is an answer for those who have wondered why everyone doesn’t respond in the same manner to the message of the Gospel.

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From Chaos to Calm: Kendra Nicole's Financial Wisdom for Entrepreneurs

Are you an entrepreneur who's ever felt the burden of financial chaos on your shoulders? In this captivating episode of Seek Go Create, we sit down with financial guru Kendra Nicole, CEO of Finance Femme, who unpacks the essentials of balancing "peace and profits" in the business world. From the pitfalls of poor financial data to the transformative power of professional financial management, we dive deep into the strategies that empower women entrepreneurs to thrive without compromising personal wellness. Get ready for an insightful conversation that challenges traditional notions of success and uncovers the keys to sustainable business growth. Tune in to learn how to turn financial confusion into clarity and confidence! "Peace and profits are not mutually exclusive; they are the dual pillars of sustainable entrepreneurship" - Kimberly Nicole Access all show and episode resources HERE About Our Guest:Kendra Nicole is the CEO of Finance Femme, a virtual CFO and accounting firm dedicated to empowering women entrepreneurs to build sustainable and thriving businesses. With a profound understanding of the impact of financial data, Kendra is committed to enhancing informed decision-making for her clients. Her calmness amidst chaos is her superpower, helping her navigate the complex challenges faced by female entrepreneurs in the corporate landscape. Kendra’s focus on fostering a balanced approach to profitability and personal welfare makes her not only a financial strategist but also a valued partner to the women she serves, helping them to achieve peace alongside their business profits. With her background in corporate finance, Kendra carries significant experience in understanding the dynamics between financial officers and CEOs, translating it into a business model that supports strong financial management for growing enterprises. Reasons to Listen: 1. Discover How Quality Financial Data Transforms Business: Uncover why Kendra Nicole believes accurate financial reporting is vital for informed decision-making and how it can empower sustainable entrepreneurship without sacrificing personal well-being. 2. Insights into Female Entrepreneurship: Explore the unique challenges women business owners face, as Kendra Nicole shares her journey to supporting female leaders and the importance of fostering support and candid conversations in the workplace. 3. Mastering Financial Strategy with Expertise: Gain clarity on the specific roles of financial professionals in your business, learn when to hire them, and understand the intricate balance of "peace and profits" with advice from a seasoned virtual CFO. Episode Resources & Action Steps:### Resources Mentioned: 1. **Website**: Finance Femme ( - The website where listeners can learn more about the services Kendra Nicole offers, such as executive accounting solutions, fractional CFO services, and tax handling. 2. **Email**: [email protected] - Listeners can directly contact Kendra Nicole or her team for consultations or inquiries about their financial planning and business strategy needs. ### Action Steps: 1. **Evaluate Financial Data**: Listeners should review their business’s financial data to assess accuracy and quality. Understanding the significance of reliable data can guide better decision making for the future of the business. 2. **Consider Professional Financial Help**: Business owners, especially those at particular revenue milestones, should consider hiring a bookkeeper, accountant, or even a fractional CFO, to manage their financial matters, which can ultimately...

  • APR 15, 2024

Path to Prosperity: Stephen De Silva on Overcoming a Poverty Mindset

Are you trapped in a cycle of financial stress, feeling like an orphan in a world of wealth? In this thought-provoking episode of Seek Go Create, we sit down with Stephen De Silva, former CFO of the renowned Bethel Church and founder of Prosperous Soul Ministries. Dive deep with us as we explore overcoming the orphan spirit, the biblical approach to wealth, and how to shift from a mindset of lack to financial health. Join host Tim Winders and our insightful guest on a journey of transformation that will challenge how you see money and your purpose. Tune in to discover the spiritual keys to unlock a prosperous soul! "When we understand that our identity comes before our purpose and vision, we begin to operate from a place of wholeness rather than lack." - Stephen De Silva Access all show and episode resources HERE About Our Guest:Stephen De Silva is a seasoned financial expert and visionary leader known for his transformative work as the Chief Financial Officer at Bethel Church. With over two decades of experience managing the church's substantial growth, Stephen has honed his ability to blend spiritual wisdom with practical financial oversight. He is the founder of Prosperous Soul Ministries, a program dedicated to instructing individuals on biblical financial principles with the aim of eradicating poverty, greed, and fear around money. Renowned for his contribution to faith-based financial health, Stephen is also the author of "Money and the Prosperous Soul," a critically acclaimed book that sheds light on the complex relationship between spirituality and financial well-being. As a "recovering accountant," Stephen's journey from a traditional corporate environment to a spiritually-enriching role has positioned him as a unique and respected voice in the intersection of faith and finance. Reasons to Listen: 1. Uncover the Spiritual Aspect of Finance: Dive into Stephen De Silva’s transformative journey from a traditional accountant to a champion of financial health and spiritual freedom, uncovering the powerful connections between money, identity, and faith. 2. Challenge Conventional Wisdom: Explore thought-provoking discussions on challenging the Babylonian system of wealth, the deep-seated orphan mindset, and the adoption of a new perspective on prosperity that could revolutionize your personal and financial growth. 3. Gain Actionable Insights: Learn from a former CFO's top-down approach to vision and decision-making that extends beyond the business realm into personal life, offering a unique opportunity to reshape your understanding of purpose, identity, and financial strategies. Episode Resources & Action Steps:### Resources Mentioned: 1. **Book**: "Money and the Prosperous Soul" by Stephen De Silva – This book was highlighted by Tim Winders during the episode. It covers the concept of financial health and spirituality, diving into the four levels of purpose, identity, and meaning in life. 2. **Prosperous Soul Ministries**: Founded by Stephen De Silva, this is a financial program based on biblical principles designed to address issues related to money, such as poverty, greed, confusion, and fear. Details and resources provided by this ministry could likely be found on a corresponding website or through associated workshops and courses. ### Action Steps: 1. **Reflect on Your Financial Health** – Consider your relationship with money and how it may be connected to deeper spiritual beliefs or an orphan mindset. Spend time contemplating how this relationship might be influencing your sense of identity and...

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Unlocking Franchisepreneur Success with Expert Kim Daly

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  • APR 1, 2024

Stepping Out of the Boat with Ron Cool

Have you ever felt trapped between the identity you've built and the spiritual call you're struggling to follow? In this poignant episode of Seek Go Create, host Tim Winders sits down with Ron Cool, host of "New Path, New You," to explore the transformative journey from successful entrepreneur to a life of true surrender to faith. Dive deep into real, raw stories of struggle, revelation, and the power of seeking God first in every aspect of life. Tune in for an inspiring dialogue that could challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and into a renewed sense of purpose. Don't miss this episode, where vulnerability meets victory on the path of spiritual leadership. "The journey of surrendering is not about giving up, but about growing up into the person God designed you to be." - Ron Cool Access all show and episode resources HERE About Our Guest:Ron Cool is a spiritual mentor and podcast host who leads by example, inspiring men to embrace faith and purpose in all facets of life. With a poignant personal history as a driven entrepreneur, Ron faced a pivotal identity shift that led him to prioritize his relationship with God and his family. His podcast, "New Path, New You," is a testament to his commitment, offering raw and meaningful conversations aimed at guiding men—and resonating deeply with women—on their spiritual journeys. Ron's story is characterized by surrender, obedience, and transformation, showcasing his dedication to helping men evolve into spiritual leaders for their families and communities while walking a path of faith and self-forgiveness. Reasons to Listen: 1. Discover the transformative power of faith: Learn how Ron Cool's journey of surrender and obedience to God reshaped his personal and professional life, offering valuable insights for anyone seeking purpose and guidance. 2. Engage with raw, relatable stories: Ron's candid sharing of his struggles and victories provides a real-life testament to the struggles men face in balancing ambition with spiritual growth, resonating with listeners from all walks of life. 3. Gain practical advice on spiritual leadership: Uncover Ron's mission to help men become impactful spiritual leaders in their families and communities, and draw inspiration from the practical steps and experiences shared to strengthen your own faith and relationships. Episode Resources & Action Steps:**Resources Mentioned:** 1. "New Path, New You" podcast by Ron Cool – A podcast where Ron Cool assists men on their spiritual journey, available on various platforms. 2. "The Chosen" TV show – Mentioned by Ron Cool as influential in his spiritual understanding and growth. **Action Steps:** 1. Spend scheduled time in prayer and reflection to prioritize your relationship with God, akin to how one would prioritize a committed marriage relationship. 2. Practice surrender by identifying areas of your life where you are resisting giving up control and consciously decide to trust in God's provision and plan in those aspects. 3. Listen and be open to God’s messages, whether through scripture, prayer, or community; evaluate the decisions and directions they suggest in your life to ensure they align with your spiritual values. Resources for Leaders from Tim Winders & SGC:🔹 Unlock Your Potential Today! 🎙 Coaching with Tim: Elevate your leadership and align your work with your faith. Learn More📚 "Coach: A Story of Success Redefined": A transformative read that will challenge your views on success.

  • MAR 25, 2024

Crafting Impactful Narratives for Leadership and Growth: Insights from Guillaume Wiatr

Have you ever considered the power of narrative in shaping your life and work? In this riveting episode of "Seek Go Create," Tim Winders engages with narrative strategist, Guillaume Wiatr, who reveals how strategic narratives can transform our personal and business journeys. Guillaume shares invaluable insights on the essential stories that mold our reality and influence our values, decisions, and cultural perceptions. Dive into a discussion that promises to shift your perspective on success, resilience, and the art of storytelling. If you're ready to uncover the narrative that drives your journey, this episode is for you. "Framing your narrative is not just about what you've done, but who you've become through the highs and lows of your journey." - Guillaume Wiatr Access all show and episode resources HERE About Our Guest:Guillaume Wiatr is the founder of Metahelm, where he utilizes his expertise in strategic narrative methodology to empower professional services firms. With a passion for blending business with the exploration of life's meaning, Guillaume has carved a niche in guiding organizations to align their professional endeavors with their personal values. His innovative approach involves specializing in storytelling, enabling leaders to craft narratives that resonate with their audience, fostering resilience, creativity, and impactful communication. Through his work, Guillaume has become a driving force for companies seeking to define and express their unique stories in a compelling way. Reasons to Listen: 1. Uncover the Power of Strategic Narratives: Tune in to hear Guillaume Wiatr articulate the transformative influence of narratives on leadership and decision-making, unveiling four immediately actionable stories that could redefine your personal or professional journey. 2. Embrace Growth and Change: Get inspired by Guillaume's own riveting origin tale and learn how re-framing your life story can lead to resilience, creativity, and unexpected success amidst life's inevitable ebbs and flows. 3. Expand Your Influence: Delve into the principles of strategic narrative methodology with the founder of Metahelm, and discover how you can wield narrative power to create a compelling and cohesive identity that gathers people and shapes your impact on the world. Episode Resources & Action Steps:### Resources Mentioned: 1. **Guillaume Wiatr's Website**: Visit for a free assessment and to access tools related to strategic narratives. 2. **YouTube Video**: Watch Guillaume Wiatr's video "Systems of Stories" on YouTube for a deeper understanding of narrative frameworks. 3. **Guillaume Wiatr's LinkedIn**: Connect with Guillaume Wiatr on LinkedIn to follow his professional insights and engage with his content. 4. **Strategic Narrative eBook**: Guillaume Wiatr has authored a book on strategic narratives. Get a free PDF online for a comprehensive guide on the subject. ### Action Steps: 1. **Assess Your Narrative**: Take the free strategic narrative assessment on to evaluate the current state of your personal or business narrative. 2. **Define Your Core Stories**: Reflect on and write down your own origin story, opportunity story, perspective story, and the vision for creating the opportunity of a lifetime. 3. **Engage with Strategic Narrative Practices**: Utilize the 12...

  • MAR 18, 2024

Beating Chaos with Purpose: Strategies for Integrating Faith and Business with Gary Harpst

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of leadership and seeking a path that intertwines purpose with business acumen? In this impactful episode of Seek Go Create, host Tim Winders sits down with seasoned CEO Gary Harpst to explore the intricate dance between order and chaos in the world of business. They delve deep into how biblical principles can provide a foundation for creating meaningful success and the vital role of personal purpose in navigating life's turbulence. Join us as we uncover the wisdom Gary lays out in his book "Built to Beat Chaos" and discuss the transformational journey of integrating faith into leadership. This is a conversation that challenges conventional views on success and paves the way for a fulfilling approach to business and life — perfect for leaders and entrepreneurs craving a profound alignment between their work and spiritual values. ""We are designed to have dominion and bring order out of chaos, but it's pivotal to align that desire with our God-given purpose." - Gary Harpst Access all show and episode resources HERE About Our Guest:Gary Harpst is a seasoned CEO, author, and thought leader who excels at integrating biblical principles into business practices. With extensive experience advising CEOs of growing companies, Gary brings a unique perspective to leadership and organizational development. His transformative "Lead First" philosophy guides leaders to build kingdom-minded values within their organizations, emphasizing the importance of purpose in both personal and professional realms. As an author, his book "Built to Beat Chaos" offers a blend of scripture, practical business skills, and scientific insight, aimed at senior leaders seeking to navigate their faith in the business landscape. Gary's commitment to fostering human relationships as assets in business sets a standard for excellence and stewardship that extends beyond mere financial success. Reasons to Listen: 1. Discover how to thrive amidst chaos: Tune in to learn from Gary Harpst's insights on finding purpose and creating order, blending practical business strategies and deep spiritual wisdom to navigate life's turmoil effectively. 2. Explore the transformative power of purpose: Gary Harpst reveals how aligning business practices with biblical principles can redefine success and leadership—essential listening for senior leaders seeking to integrate faith and work. 3. Gain life-changing perspectives on work and retirement: Join the candid conversation between Tim Winders and Gary Harpst as they challenge conventional views on retirement, redefine lifelong purpose, and share crucial lessons for both young and seasoned professionals. Episode Resources & Action Steps:### Resources Mentioned: 1. **Book:** "Built to Beat Chaos" by Gary Harpst – A valuable resource for senior leaders interested in integrating their faith with business and understanding the role of purpose in overcoming chaos. 2. **Website:** – Gary Harpst's website that offers various resources and writings about the intersection of faith and business, including tools for managing a growing business. 3. **Sermon:** Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) – A biblical passage that host Tim Winders listens to every morning, which could serve as a spiritual resource for listeners. ### Action Steps: 1. **Reflect on Purpose and Order:** Take time to consider your own approach to chaos and order in your life and business. Reflect on your personal...

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Through the Storms: A Journey of Faith - Single

April 8, 2024 1 Song, 2 minutes ℗ 2024 6905759 Records DK

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Quavo's Concert Attended By Small Crowd, Fans Blame Chris Brown

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Bikini Babes In Cowboy Hats ... Well Hay There Hollywood Hotties!

Wild Fight Breaks Out After Fan Slaps Rapper Stunna Girl's Butt

Wild Fight Breaks Out After Fan Slaps Rapper Stunna Girl's Butt

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Russell Brand Says He's Getting Baptized, Opportunity to Leave Past Behind

Russell Brand Says He's Getting Baptized, Opportunity to Leave Past Behind

Russell brand announces baptism ... says he's leaving past behind.

Russell Brand 's taking a big step in his faith journey ... announcing he's getting baptized -- and saying it's an opportunity to move on from the past.

The controversial actor/podcast host posted a video to his Instagram recently ... telling his nearly four million followers he's scheduled to be baptized today and asking those who'd been through the process to share their experiences.

After waxing poetic on religion for a bit, RB makes a pretty eye-opening statement ... saying he's heard it's an opportunity to be reborn -- and leave the past behind.

Brand's got plenty of reason to want to move on from the past, especially the recent past ... because sexual assault allegations from years ago have hounded the star for the last six months or so.

ICYMI ... back in September, Brand jumped out ahead of sexual abuse allegations -- including claims of rape -- on his YouTube account where he categorically denied any wrongdoing .

The allegations seemingly sparked an investigation in the UK -- though London's Metropolitan Police didn't specifically name Brand when they announced the investigation it seemed clear they were referring to Brand.

And, just two months ago, an anonymous woman claimed he sexually assaulted her in a bathroom on the set of his 2011 movie "Arthur" ... another allegation Brand denies.

Sounds like he wants to leave these issues in the past ... with a brand new Russell Brand coming to the world soon.

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    Matthew 5:1-48 ESV / 7 helpful votesHelpfulNot Helpful. Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. "Blessed ...

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  29. Russell Brand Says He's Getting Baptized, Opportunity to Leave ...

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