Disneyland Packing List – Everything You Need to Bring on Your Trip
One of the most common Disneyland and Disney World trip questions we get revolves around the question of what things to pack. Our Disney packing list will help you decide what to bring to Disneyland including Disneyland essentials, what to wear to Disneyland, and will make sure you are prepared for your Disney vacation!
Below are all of our essential tips for what to bring to Disneyland along with links for the places to find those items for the least amount of money. Some of the below items have changed throughout the years and we have kept this list updated.
What Should I Pack for Disneyland?
First things first, you need to decide what to pack for Disneyland in your suitcase so you're prepared for your trip. This is the first step for your Disneyland checklist!
Here are the top 30 items for our Disney pack list that are essential things to bring to Disneyland.
1. Battery Pack
You will use your phone often at Disneyland between snapping pictures, using the Disneyland app for mobile ordering or to check ride times, and to store your park tickets. All this phone use can quickly drain your phone battery so it's crucial to add a phone device battery pack to your Disneyland packing list. One of our favorites is the KMASHI battery pack . You'll be surprised at how often you will need your phone at Disneyland and you don't want to be caught with a dead phone battery when you need to book yourself a Maxpass!
2. Water Bottle
You should plan on bringing a water bottle into the parks each day of your visit for everyone in your group. The California sun can really heat up in the afternoons and you want to ensure that everyone in your group stays hydrated throughout the day. Some guests like Hydroflasks or other similar insulated water bottles that keep your water cold and don't sweat in your backpack.
3. Sunscreen
Sunscreen is one of the most important items for your packing list for Disney! Your on-site hotel convenience store will always have sunscreen on hand in case you forget this important Disney packing list item but you can expect to pay inflated prices. Come prepared and pack enough sunscreen for your entire group.
I like the Neutrogena sport sunscreen because you'll get hot and sweaty walking about Disneyland!
Most people have great cameras on their cell phone these days so it's not always necessary to bring your own camera with you to the parks if you have a cell phone. But if you have a high end camera you want to bring with, test it out before your take it to the parks so you're familiar with how to use indoors and outdoors. And keep in mind, regardless of what camera you use, there is no flash photography inside attractions or at nighttime spectaculars.
5. Cash and/or credit card
You can find many ATMs at Disneyland and your hotel but you will often be charged credit card/transaction fees. If you want to travel with cash, take care of that before you leave for your trip at your bank. It can be helpful to have cash on hand but most of areas of the Disneyland Resort take debit/credit cards. The main exception is the balloon stands which take cash only. You might want to also consider including your name email on the inside of your wallet in case it's lost someone can return it to you.
6. Travel Documents
Ensure that you have all your necessary travel documents with you like your driver's license/state identification in a safe place so you can easily access them on your travels. We also recommend packing your proof of car insurance (if you plan on renting a car) along with your health insurance cards, Disneyland ticket and hotel confirmations, plane tickets, etc. These days most of these documents can be accessed via your cellphone through apps for your insurance companies so you could also ensure you have access to these documents digitally.
When you stop at the bank for cash if you need it, also consider getting some shiny new pennies and quarters for your Disneyland trip for the penny machines. Disneyland sells penny collector books on site so you can start your collection! Each penny machine costs 50 centers to press a penny. This is often one of the most overlooked items on our Disney packing list!
8. Anti-bacterial Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizer is a must for traveling to Disneyland as you will often be touching many high contact surfaces and these germs then transfer to your hands. You will want to make sure you have sanitizer in your bag so you can quickly sanitize your hands on the go and before you eat. Buy travel sanitizer here .
9. Aquaphor Ointment
Aquaphor ointment is great to have to keep your hands moisturzed from using hand sanitizer and washing your hands frequently while in the parks. You can order this on Amazon .
10. Gold Bond Powder
This is another overlooked item on our pack list for Disney! You will walk an average of 5-8 miles a day at Disneyland depending on the pace of your group and how many hours you spend at the park. If you know that you're prone to experiencing chafing between your legs, Gold Bond Powder can be a lifesaver to use! Put it on in the morning before you leave the park and it will keep you comfortable. Order on Amazon here >
11. Chapstick and/or Lip Balm
Your lips can get chapped if you're not drinking enough water which is often a sign you need to start filling up those water bottles! Bring some lip balm along that has sunscreen in it to help protect your lips from being chapped and from sunburn. Buy chapstick here .
12. Travel Kleenex Packs
This is a must especially if you're prone to allergies! It's always helpful to have travel size packs of Kleenex on hand, especially if you have small kids as the toilet paper in the Disney restrooms can be rough on the nose. Buy Kleenex travel packs here .
13. Moleskin
Moleskin is a great way to cover up blisters and provide coverage for all the walking you will do.
14. First Aid Kit
While it's not necessary to travel with a first aid kit in the parks, Disney has their own safety station you can use, it's good to have anytime you're traveling. Consider adding a thermometer to this too!
15. Pain Reliever
This is another thing you might want to have in your bag so you have some on hand in case you get a headache or aches from all the walking. You will pay a higher price for things as simple as Advil in your hotel gift shop so plan ahead and put this item on your packing list.
16. Tums/Pepto Bismol
Whenever you're on vacation you're likely eating out much more often than you do at home which can cause upset stomach. This is another must for your packing list so you don't get caught off guard paying overpriced gift store prices.
17. Comfortable Bag/Purse or Backpack
It's really important to have a comfortable bag for the parks so this always makes our number one priority for our Disney packing list. I recommend testing out your bag somewhere before your visit (think a zoo or festival) to ensure it will be comfortable to wear for hours on end. Some guests also prefer fanny packs so you don't have weight on your back while walking around Disneyland. For purses, I recommend finding a purse that lets you alternate between a crossbody and shoulder strap- this helps switch the pressure on your back when you're walking. And for backpacks, we never recommend over packing your backpack full of all your Disney packing list needs- you won't be comfortable if you're weighed down by a giant backpack. You might want to also consider including your name email on the inside of your bag in case it's lost someone can return it to you.
18. Autograph Book
Plan on buying a book for autographs for your kids (or for you!) to get Walt Disney character autographs. Trust me, once your kids see the characters they will want an autograph. You can also pick up a cheap Disney themed small notebook at the Dollar Store before your trip too or purchase one when you get to Disney. I recommend using a clickable Sharpie which makes it easier for the characters to sign with and your autographs will look nicer. You might want to also consider including your name email on the inside of your book in case it's lost someone can return it to you.
19. Ziploc Bags in Various Sizes
This is a great Disneyland packing list item to have in your bag at the parks. If you bring a variety of different sizes with you on your vacation you can easily use them for leftover food, things you don't want to get wet on water rides, your trading pins, and help organize your park bag. And don't forget to put the autograph book in that Ziploc bag! Your kiddo will be devastated if all those sought after signatures end up bleeding into the pages if they get wet.
There a couple of inexpensive Ziploc bag options here .
20. Ponchos
We never recommend using an umbrella in the parks if it rains because it's just too difficult to walk around the parks and if the rain stops you're stuck carrying an umbrella. A poncho is a much better alternative and you can also use them on the water rides so you don't get soaked! You can order these on Amazon .
21. Lanyards
Lanyards are a great item for the parks so you can easily store your park tickets, FastPass reminders, gift cards, etc. and have them easily accessible. Never let your kids carry their own park tickets though, keep those in your lanyard. You can also stick your Walt Disney trading pins on you lanyards.
22. Ear Plugs
Ear plugs are helpful to have on hand if you're traveling in a big group and having a hard time sleeping if someone is watching tv or if the hotel has some issues with noise.
23. Power Strip
Not all hotels have many outlets on hand so it's helpful to have a power strip with you so everyone can have access to charging their devices at once. We recommend using a power strip that includes both plugs and USB ports for your room which makes it easier for all sorts of different devices.
24. Glow Sticks
Before the nighttime spectaculars at Disneyland, such as the fireworks and nighttime events, cast members will begin rolling out all the overpriced glowing toys. Having some glow sticks on hand to hand to your kids when these carts come out can help you save a fortune on Walt Disney plastic toys that might not last your entire trip. You can order these here .
25. Disney Pins for Pin Trading
You can purchase Disney pins before your trip so you arrive to the parks ready to trade with other guests and cast members. Be sure to read through our Disney Pin Trading Guide to learn how this fun process works!
26. Stroller
This is a crucial Disneyland packing list item for people with small children. It's much more feasible to bring your own or rent one from a third party to avoid paying Disney's higher prices for strollers. Go online and look through the stroller selection and find one that is easy to travel with. And make sure it is comfortable for your kiddo.
27. Kid Necessities
You know your kids best and they likely have small comforts they will need with them when traveling. Will they use an iPad on the airplane? Do they sleep with a stuffed animal or nightlight? Keeping them in their routine the best you can on your vacation can help keep everyone happy even if it's as simple as plugging in a nightlight and reading them a bedtime story like you do at home.
28. Pocket Size Travel Blanket
This is a great item to have on hand for parades and nighttime shows so you don't have to sit on the concrete. You can find a large variety of pocket sized travel/picnic blankets which are usually just a thin fabric that folds up into a pocket sized square. This can help block off your space at parades too and give your family more space. This is one of my top Disneyland packing list items- I could never visit the parks without this on my list.
29. Travel Size Shampoo/Bodywash
I don't recommend relying on using the hotel shampoo/body wash unless you're staying on property and can expect higher quality. We always include your own travel sized necessities like this on our packing list Disney in case the ones the hotels provide aren't the best quality.
30. Extra Room in Your Suitcase
But the biggest thing to remember is to not over pack things when planning out your list of what to take to Disneyland! You will also buy plenty of souvenirs and you want to ensure you have room in your suitcase to bring home all your things from your Disney trip. There are plenty of stores nearby the resort where you can get any last minute things to bring to Disneyland.
What to Wear at Disneyland
This question can be highly subjective depending on your own Disney packing priorities and your sense of fashion. And it can also be pretty gender specific depending on the type of things you usually wear! But there are some key tips for this part of your Disney packing list to keep in mind.
1.Extra Layers
Some people associate California with always being warm but this might not be the case! If you're visiting in the winter, the weather can vary dramatically from sunny to rainy but you don't want to be caught off guard. Check the weather leading up to your trip and above all pack layers. Even during the summer months the humidity in California (if you're from dryer climates, it will feel humid- if you're from more humid climates, not so much) can make the nights feel chilly. Having an extra layer with you on your vacation will make sure you're prepared.
2. Comfortable Walking Shoes
I recommend bringing more than one pair of walking shoes so you can alternate throughout your trip which helps relieve some of the stress from your feet. This is one of the most important packing list things- you will do a lot of walking at Disney and it's crucial to have comfortable shoes. This goes for the whole family- make sure your kids have comfortable shoes too. If you end up not wearing comfortable shoes, you will be kicking yourself (literally!) and next time you'll be more prepared.
3. Comfortable Clothes
You will do plenty of walking at Disneyland so having comfortable walking clothes on hand is a must. Be aware of what clothes might cause chaffing (jeans, I'm looking at you!) and which shorts might be the most comfortable. But you also want to look nice for your family photos so consider finding fun Disney shirts/tanks to brighten up your outfit with.
4. Dress Up Clothes
The upscale restaurants at Disneyland don't have a dress code but you can make meals feel like a special occasion if you dress up for the experience. Some of the top restaurants guests might dress up for include Steakhouse 55, Carthay Circle , or Napa Rose.
For women, you can also wear a cute romper with a jean jacket which is easy to go from ‘dressy' to jumping on rides with more ease than a dress.
5. Hat/Sunglasses
You don't want to be caught without sunglasses at Disneyland! And pack some for your kids too. There are sunglasses to purchase at the park but they won't be as good of quality as the UV blocker ones you can get from popular websites like Blenders.
Having a hat is crucial too to keep the sun off your face and is another packing list necessity for kids.
6. Bathing Suits
Many guests take midday breaks to take advantage of their hotel pool so don't forget to include bathing suits on your Walt Disney packing list. Bring along flip flops and any water toys your kids might enjoy. You don't have to worry about beach towels as your hotel will provide towels for the pool.
7. Disney Gear
You can find plenty of fun Disney shirts in advance of your trip on the Shop Disney website or more affordable options like Target. I'm also a big fan of looking for custom designs on Etsy for our family. You can find the infamous family trip matching shirts on Etsy too! You'll be excited you have the fun Disney gear for your trip once you arrive and see everyone else decked out in it. This is especially fun for social media fans that want to take advantage of all the Instagram walls throughout the day on their Disney vacation.
8. Makeup Necessities
For the ladies, trying to figure out how to make our makeup last all day in the sun at the theme park can be a challenge. I recommend using a face moisturizer with a high SPF in it (I love Lancome for this) so you can avoid putting too much sunscreen on your face. Use your favorite waterproof mascara and eyeliner so you don't have to worry about any running while on the water rides. And top it all off with a setting spray. My favorite setting spray is Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray. I spray this to set my makeup in the morning and it keeps it looking fresh all day. Fun story: I rode Splash Mountain in the first row and got absolutely drenched. My makeup was not smudged at all because I was wearing this spray!
9. Hair Necessities
Another one for the ladies, what in the world should you do with your hair when planning for a full day at Disneyland? One thing to keep in mind, if you're from a dryer climate, is that the humidity might cause some havoc on your hair if it's not used to it making it go frizzy or flat. For those of us that have an issue with hair going flat in more humid climates, try using a curling wand which will give you better and longer results than a curling iron.
My favorite hairspray for vacation is Bumble's Be Strong Finish hairspray. I have thick hair that already fights me with holding a curl or wave but I spray this in my hair and it keeps any curls set in my hair for most of the day. I know California isn't known for humidity but coming from dryer states (like my home state of Colorado!) it can be a change for the hair.
And don't forget plenty of hair ties and a hair clip to put in your park bag!
10. Disneyland Dress Code Rules
Most of the rules on the Disneyland official dress page are common sense but still helpful to include here when planning out your packing list. And it's also crucial to be aware that costumes aren't allowed for anyone 14 years of age and older. You don't want to spend the time finding a cool costume and find out at the last minute you can't wear it!
What Food Can I Bring into Disneyland?
Many people are often surprised to find out you can bring food into Disneyland including your own soft side cooler packed with a lunch for your family! Disneyland offers lockers a picnic area for families to enjoy their own packed meals which is great for groups that don't want to buy food in the parks. Even if you don't plan on packing your own meals, we still recommend adding snacks to your Disneyland packing list!
Here are some food tips you will want to consider for your Disney vacation!
Consider making a run to a nearby grocery store to get an assortment of snacks for in the hotel room and to bring with you each day to the parks. Trader Joe's has a great variety of assortments of trail mixes you can order on Amazon and have them sent directly to your hotel.
2. Breakfast
Some hotels provide free breakfast and if you're staying at one that does, take advantage and eat a big breakfast before you arrive so you can spend the morning focusing on attractions and save the eating for later in the day. If not, consider purchasing quick and easy breakfast items to keep in your hotel room to eat before you head out the door.
3. Case of Water
Another good grocery stop item to pick up is a case of water so you don't have to drink the tap water in your hotel room. For those soda drinks among us, I recommend picking up a case of bottled soda too so you don't have to pay the overpriced bottles of soda in the parks.
4. Chewing gum
Disneyland doesn't sell chewing gum anywhere inside the resort to discourage gum being left on the pavement and the park benches. If you need gum, you will have to get some at a grocery store or before you arrive.
For those of us that aren't always a fan of the provided coffee in the hotel room, consider bringing your own. I always research what type of coffee maker my hotel room will have so I can plan ahead. Sometimes the best bet is bringing some of the Powdered Starbucks Coffee packets to use in hot water. You can order this on Amazon .
Can you bring a reusable water bottle to Disneyland?
Yes, you can absolutely bring a reusable water bottle to Disneyland! I highly recommend doing this for everyone in your group so you can encourage everyone to drink water and save money on sugary drinks that don't hydrate you.
What Should I Bring Inside Disneyland?
One of the best lessons I learned on my first Disneyland trip with my son is that I packed way too much in my park bag and ended up feeling like a pack mule the entire day. I learned quickly that next time I didn't need to bring every little item inside the park with me and this helped me narrow down to the essentials next time.
These are the necessities you should plan to bring inside the park each day:
- Your Disneyland park tickets
- Your comfortable park bag/purse
- Sunscreen,sunglasses, and hat
- Light sweatshirt for the evening/disposable poncho for water rides
- Pocket size picnic blanket if you plan on seeing parades/nighttime entertainment
- Trading pins
- Easy to carry snacks (don't carry anything that requires an icepack)
- Phone charger, battery pack, and cell phone
- Ziplocs to store things in for water rides/store leftover snacks
- Autograph books/Sharpie
- Pennies/quarters for the penny machines
- Any required medicine you may need
- A (small) case of pain reliever/Tums
You may be tempted to pack the entire family first aid kit but Disney has a devoted first aid station in both parks so other than throwing a band aid in the park bag- you really don't need to carry this around the park with you! If you want to carry extra sweatshirts/snacks/other heavy items and you plan on buying in the park the entire day, you can rent a small storage locker so you don't have to carry these items around all day.
Plan Your Disneyland Vacation!
Keep reading our blog to keep you updated on everything you need to know to prepare for Disneyland vacation! Be sure to subscribe to our free newsletter to receive helpful planning information, exclusive Disney deals, and access to the lowest priced Disney tickets anywhere. You can find more information on planning your vacation here:
- Discount Disneyland Tickets
- When Should I Visit Disneyland?
- Disneyland Packing List
- Which Airport is Closest to Disneyland?
- Best Hotels Near Disneyland for Large Families
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4 comments add your comment.
lidderly so cool
I would update your 7. Pennies to bring dollar bills. I was just there last week (11/1/23) and the penny and medallion machines only took cash and card. You didn’t need to provide pennies.
Cost information: Disney100 Medallions $6. each or 4 for $20.00 (one purchase) via credit card or bills. Vending-Style Penny Press Machines cost $1. each and / or 8 play machines 8 for $5. accept credit cards or dollar bills (takes $1, $5, $10, $20 but gives no change) & they supply the penny to be pressed.
I did appreciate the rest of your advice. You saved us a lot of headaches in planning/forgetting things. So thank you!
Also, Sharpies are on the banned list and they will take them from you.
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Best Disneyland Packing List Printable! 60 Things to Bring (PDF)
By: Author Kim Tate
Posted on Published: March 6, 2024
I’ve been to Disneyland too many times to count! And part of making your day in the parks as wonderful as possible is being prepared with the right things to pack for your Disneyland vacation. You’ll find my Disneyland packing list at the bottom of this post along with tons of my best tips for my favorite things to bring to Disneyland.
In addition to the obvious items like clothes and toiletries, there are a few other things that can make your trip more enjoyable. For example, an autograph book is a great way to get the signatures of all your favorite Disney characters, and a phone charger is essential for a long day in the parks.
Below you’ll find a list of necessary things to bring to Disneyland, including both the obvious and the not-so-obvious to help make your stay or visit to the Happiest Place on Earth even more magical. This post contains affiliate links; I may earn a commission if you purchase from my links.
Quick Disneyland Packing List of What to Pack
Now that you’ve planned your trip, it’s time to start packing! Of course, every family is different and will have different needs when it comes to packing for Disneyland. But some items are essential for everyone, no matter what else you might be bringing along.
Clothes to Pack for Disneyland
- Shirts: my favorite places to buy Disney shirts for a trip are Target , Disney Store , and Amazon .
- Undergarments & Socks
- Pajamas: get some cute PJs for the trip at Disney Store
- Swimsuit(s)
- Swim Cover Up
- Packable Jacket: a lightweight packable jacket can be useful for cool days and nights or light rain if you don’t want to carry a sweatshirt
- Exercise Gear
- Accessories (belts, jewelry…)
- Walking / Tennis Shoes
- Flip Flops / Sandals
- Sun Hat / Ball Cap (cute Disney ear hats are great)
- Laundry Bag
- Poncho: you can buy these in the parks but if the weather is calling for rain you might want to bring your own. I normally recommend one with a drawstring hood so it doesn’t blow off. But there are some very cute Disney ponchos you can buy.
Toiletries to Bring to Disneyland
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Shampoo / Conditioner
- Body Lotion
- Brush / Comb
- Hairstyling Equipment
- Facial Care
- Shaving Supplies
- Contacts / Eyeglasses
- Nail Clippers / File
- Medications (pain relievers, allergy meds, Pepto)
- Female Hygiene
- Contraceptives
- Moleskin (useful for blisters or shoes that rub wrong; precut before packing)
- Aloe Vera (for sunburns, we love this travel-size Sun Bum )
- Stain and/or Wrinkle Remover
- Foot Lotion (feels great after long days of walking)
- Anti-Chafing Stick / Powder
Disneyland Park Bag Essentials
- Day Bag (if you need to carry ponchos and water bottles I like sling bags , otherwise belt bags are great for just the essentials and come in tons of colors to match your outfit, and water bottle bags are great for minimalists who want to stay hydrated)
- Disneyland Park Tickets / MagicBand+
- Wallet: Cash / Credit Card / Gift Cards / ID
- Water Bottle
- Hand Wipes / Sanitizer
- Tissue Pack (i.e. Kleenex)
- Gum / Mints
- Battery Charging Pack ( FuelRods are the best since they can be swapped for free in the parks)
- Band-Aids & Pain Reliever
- Mini Brush / Hair Ties
- Mini Fan ( neck , stroller , or handheld ) / Cooling Towel
- Ziploc Bags (to store food, snacks, or supplies)
- Lanyard & Pins (useful to buy in advance if you might want to trade in the parks)
- Autograph Book & Pen (you can also do something different like have them sign a Disney book or pillowcase )
- Pennies & Quarters
- Extra Socks / Sandals
- Motion Sickness Meds (I use Dramamine Less Drowsy , Ginger Candies , and my Reliefband )
Essentials to Pack for Disneyland
First and foremost, you’ll need tickets to get into the parks! I highly recommend buying your tickets in advance. You can buy them at a discount through my partners at Get Away Today or directly online from Disneyland. Don’t wait to buy them on the day of as you’ll spend more and waste time waiting in line.
Next, you’ll want to make sure you have a form of payment that will be accepted in the parks. A credit or debit card is always a good idea, but you can also purchase a Disney Gift Card to use for expenses throughout your trip. If you have a Target RedCard, you can buy Disney Gift Cards and get 5% off.
Speaking of expenses, another essential item to pack is a small backpack or fanny pack to carry your essentials. This will come in handy for carrying your wallet, phone, sunscreen, and any other items you might need throughout the day (check my list above). Loungefly bags are popular for Disney fans, and crossbody bags work well for easily storing on rides.
You’ll also want to make sure you have a good pair of walking shoes, preferably two so you can alternate days, because you’ll be doing a lot of walking while you’re at the parks! And if you’re visiting during the summer months, be sure to pack light clothing that will help you stay cool.
Switching shoes at the end of the long day or alternating which ones you wear to the parks can make a big difference for your tired feet. You can also bring some peppermint foot lotion to use at night. If you have young children in your party, you might want to consider bringing along some essentials for them as well. Diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes are always good to have on hand, just in case. And if your children are potty-trained, you might want to pack a small bag with extra clothes and shoes in case they get wet or dirty. Of course, no matter what time of year you visit, it’s always a good idea to bring along a reusable water bottle. Disneyland has many water fountains located throughout the parks, so you can easily fill up your bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day. You can also always request a free cup of ice water at the quick service restaurants.
Pack for the Weather
What clothes you pack for Disneyland will vary based on the time of year you visit Disneyland. The temperatures will vary depending on the season. If you’re visiting during the summer months, be sure to pack light, cool clothing and plenty of sunscreen. Hats and sunglasses are also a good idea to keep the sun out of your eyes. Sunscreen is a must no matter what time of year you visit, but it’s especially important during the summer. Many people like to bring cooling towels or neck fans to help beat the heat. And lightweight hats really do help keep the sun out of your eyes and off your face.
You might want to plan on taking mid-day breaks and having a few extra changes of clothes for the summer months as you may feel sweaty and gross and want to change before heading back into the parks for the night. If you’re visiting during the winter months, you’ll want to pack layers and clothing that will keep you warm. Jackets, hats, and gloves are all good options, but a heavy coat might be a good option too if you plan on staying in the parks late at night. Trust me, it can get surprisingly cold at Disneyland during the winter months.
Also be prepared for rain during the winter months, especially January and February. Check the forecast and bring a rain jacket or poncho, umbrella, and waterproof shoes (!! most important), plus warm socks if rain is forecasted.
Spring and Fall visitors will want to pack layers to accommodate the cooler temperatures in the morning and evening, but warm clothing for during the day when it tends to be sunnier and warmer. The high temperature might be in the 60s F, so you’ll want a short-sleeve top, but then you’ll need a jacket or coat for the early mornings and late nights.
No matter what time of year you visit, it’s always a good idea to check the weather forecast in advance so you know what to expect and can pack accordingly. Also, you can rent a locker in the parks for $7 for the day, in case you want to dress in layers but not carry your jackets or sweatshirts with you all day.
Things to Bring in Your Disneyland Park Bag
Beyond the essentials I listed above, here are the things to bring to Disneyland that will make your trip more enjoyable. Some of these are essentials, while others are extra ideas.
Your phone is an important part of a Disneyland vacation these days. Most of your tickets and reservations will be managed via the Disneyland app. You’ll also use your phone for mobile ordering food and for checking wait times and reserving Genie+ Lightning Lane times.
A phone also serves as a camera for most of us. It’s the easiest way to quickly snap photos of your trip and especially if you’re meeting characters.
Most of the character greeting areas will have a PhotoPass photographer on hand who can take your picture, but you will need to pay for the PhotoPass service to access these images or buy them individually. If you buy Genie+, you get PhotoPass with your Genie+ cost at Disneyland.
Park Tickets / MagicBand+
It’s obvious that you’ll need to bring your park tickets to enter the parks. Tickets can be purchased on-site, but you’ll save time and money by buying in advance. You can buy discounted multi-day tickets from my partners at Get Away Today . You can also buy tickets directly from Disneyland’s website although they cost a tad more.
The best way to “store” your advance purchase tickets is to load the ticket numbers into your Disneyland app. You’ll be able to assign the ticket to a person in your party. And you’ll need to make park reservations for your dates with your tickets in order to enter the parks. That’s another reason to avoid waiting to buy tickets at the gate.
Cash / Credit Cards / Gift Cards / ID
Don’t forget to bring along your wallet with your cash and cards, including any Disney Gift Cards you may have. If you plan to drink in the parks, be sure to have your ID handy for proof of age.
I will note that almost all Disneyland stores & restaurants have tap-to-pay, so if you use Apple or Google Pay on your phone, you’ll likely be able to use those in the parks. However, it’s a good idea to have a backup just in case!
Sunscreen / Sunglasses / Hat
Be sure to pack some sunscreen, getting a sunburn is no way to enjoy a vacation! You also might want to bring a pair of sunglasses and maybe even a hat. Just keep in mind that you’ll likely need to take the items off for some rides.
Autograph Book & Pen
One of the best things about visiting Disneyland is getting the chance to meet some of your favorite Disney characters! If you’re planning on getting autographs, be sure to pack an autograph book and a pen. Many love to bring retractable Sharpies , but have a ballpoint pen as well as some characters won’t use Sharpies.
You can usually find autograph books at the parks, but it’s a good idea to bring one in advance in case you see a character right away. You can buy autograph books on Amazon or handmade ones on Etsy . Another fun idea is a Disney character book for characters to sign on their page.
Phone Battery Charging Pack
As I mentioned above, your phone gets used a lot at Disneyland. That means you might risk running low on battery, so bringing a charging pack can be a great idea.
FuelRod chargers are available around the Disney parks and make it easy to swap out for a fresh one whenever you need. The FuelRods cost $30 in the parks, but you can buy them in advance on Amazon for much less.
Lanyard & Trading Pins
When Disneyland used to use paper tickets to get FastPass returns, having a lanyard with a pouch became a priority for keeping your paper ticket nice and handy. Now phones are used most of the time, however, some still like to use a lanyard.
Disneyland has started phasing paper tickets out, so soon lanyards may be just a way for people to show off their Disney trading pins.
If you or your kids like Disney collectibles, trading pins can be a great gift and addition to your vacation. You can start with a small set from Disney Store or Amazon , or buy one of the starter sets at a park store, then trade cast members for other pins you like better. If you have pins you really like, you might want some locking backs as the rubber backs often pull off while moving around.
Some buy Disney pin lots off eBay and Amazon , but there have been a lot of warnings and discussions about those pins not being authentic, so use your discretion.
Hand Sanitizer
With all of the people you’ll be around while you’re at the parks, it’s a good idea to keep your hands clean. Pack a small bottle of hand sanitizer so you can use it before you eat and after you’ve been shaking hands with characters. Baby/hand wipes come in handy for wiping hands and faces before and after eating.
If you’re on a budget and trying to save money, packing your own snacks can be a great way to do that. There are many places throughout the parks where you can find snacks, but they can be expensive. If you’re looking for something quick and easy, granola bars or fruit bars are always good options. Or if you want something a little more substantial, you can pack things like sandwiches or wraps. Just be sure to avoid anything that needs to be refrigerated. And if you’re looking for a sweet treat, you can always bring along some of your favorite candy. Just be sure not to bring anything that melts easily in the heat. You might also want to bring some mints and/or gum to help refresh your breath throughout the day.
Glow Sticks
If you’re visiting Disneyland at night, glow sticks are always a good idea. You can find themed glow necklaces in the park, but they’re so much cheaper if you buy them in advance. Glow sticks are a great way to keep track of your kids in the dark and they also make for some fun photos. Disneyland especially gets quite dark at night, so having a few glow sticks on hand to keep your party together can be a lifesaver. Light-up wands are also very popular and you can buy them in advance at the Disney Store.
Fanny Pack / Day Bag
A bag is always a good idea when you’re visiting Disneyland. And a fanny pack is a great way to keep your essentials close to you without having to carry a purse or backpack around. Plus, it frees up your hands so you can better enjoy the rides and attractions. A crossbody bag is also a great option.
I personally love using my Disney Loungefly backpack, but I will admit that taking it on and off for rides is a little annoying. Fanny packs and crossbody bags let you avoid that, but they also have less room for extra stuff.
Reusable Water Bottle
With all of the walking you’ll be doing, it’s important to stay hydrated. A reusable water bottle is a great way to do that and it will also save you money since you won’t have to buy bottled water in the park. Although it’s good to know that cups of ice water are free at all restaurants, but you’ll have to wait in line to get one!
Try to fill up your water bottle before you enter the park, many hotels have filling stations. There are also water bottle-fill stations around the parks, just search for bottle-filling stations in the Disneyland app. They’re linked with drinking fountains so make sure to choose a location that lists a bottle-filling station in addition to the drinking fountain.
Also, keep in mind how you’ll carry your bottle around. If you’re using a small bag, that might be a problem and perhaps you’d rather stay hydrated another way. Or you can consider using a water bottle carrier strap . Just make sure you are making it a priority to stay hydrated, especially on hot days!
Band-Aids / Moleskin / Medicine
It’s possible that your shoes might rub wrong or your feet might get a sore spot from all the walking you’ll do in the parks. Packing some band-aids or moleskin can help you deal with any sores that might happen.
Keep in mind that there are first-aid centers in the Disney parks and you can go there to get some basic medical supplies, like band-aids, if needed.
You should also be sure to pack some pain relievers in case you develop a headache or body aches. Pepto-Bismol can also be good to have on hand. You’ve paid a lot of money for your trip, don’t let physical discomfort keep you from enjoying your day.
Don’t forget to bring motion sickness medicine if you’re someone who struggles with that. It can really help you enjoy the rides! I use Dramamine Less Drowsy , Ginger Candies , and my Reliefband bracelet.
This is fairly self-explanatory, but especially on hot days, re-applying your deodorant could make you feel better and keep your line-waiting neighbors happy, too!
Hairbrush / Ties
If you have long hair, a hairbrush is a great thing to bring to the parks. Your hair will become tangled during the day, especially if you’re riding roller coasters.
Pretty self-explanatory, your lips might get dry and chapped being outside and on rides. Pack a simple lip balm, preferably one with some SPF protection.
Poncho / Socks / Sandals / Ziploc Bag
If you plan on going on water rides, there are a few extra things to bring to Disneyland. If you don’t like the idea of being soaked and waiting for your clothes to dry in the air, packing a poncho can be useful. It’s also useful in case you have rain forecasted on your trip.
You might also want to bring along an extra pair of socks to switch if your shoes get soaked. Or even better, pack along a pair of sandals. You can rent a locker all day at the parks so you could drop off some of these items if you don’t want to carry them around.
Lastly, you might want to bring a couple of ziploc bags for storing your wallet or phone in to protect them on water rides or rain showers.
Cooling Fan / Towel
If you’re traveling during the hot summer, bringing a cooling towel and/or neck fan can help you survive the hot summer park days!
FAQ About Things to Pack for Disneyland
Can you bring food into disneyland.
Yes, you can bring food into Disneyland.
There are some restrictions: you can’t bring alcohol into the parks, no glass containers, no large coolers (must be smaller than 24″L x 15″W x 18″H), and no loose ice or dry ice. Re-useable ice packs are allowed.
Can you bring water into Disneyland?
Yes, you can bring water bottles into Disneyland.
Can you bring a backpack into Disneyland?
Yes, you can bring backpacks. They will be inspected at security and you’ll walk through a metal detector. They cannot be larger than 24″L x 15″W x 18″H).
Can you bring vapes into Disneyland?
Smoking is prohibited at the Disneyland Resort except in a few specific areas around the resort. Vapes can be used in these specified areas, however, smoking marijuana or other illegal substances is NOT permitted at any time.
Things You CAN’T Bring into Disneyland
There are prohibited items , so don’t try to bring any of these into the parks.
- Firearms, ammunition, knives, and weapons of any kind.
- Self-defense or restraining devices (e.g., pepper spray, mace).
- Marijuana (including marijuana-enriched products) or any illegal substance.
- Objects or toys that appear to be firearms or weapons.
- Fireworks or other similarly explosive and/or flammable objects, smoke machines, or fog machines.
- Alcoholic beverages, except in the Hotels of the Disneyland Resort. Wine may be brought into the Downtown Disney District to be consumed at select table service restaurants only, corkage fees apply.
- Glass containers (excluding small containers such as baby food jars), except in the Disney Resort hotels.
- Horns, whistles, large megaphones, or artificial noise makers.
- Recreational devices such as drones, remote-control toys, skateboards, scooters, inline skates, bicycles, or shoes with built-in wheels.
- Strollers that are greater than 31″ in width and 52″ in length.
- Wagons, including stroller wagons.
- Any trailer-like object that is pushed, pulled or towed by an Electric Conveyance Vehicle, wheelchair, stroller, or person.
- Wheeled mobility devices with less than 3 wheels or devices that cannot maintain stability and balance when stopped, unpowered, and/or unoccupied. Training wheels and/or modifications are not permitted. Devices must be manually or electrically powered and operated at a walking pace. Devices should be single rider and not exceed 36″ in width and 52″ in length.
- Suitcases, bags, coolers, or backpacks, with or without wheels, larger than 24″ long x 15″ wide x 18″ high are not allowed in any theme park. Loose or dry ice is not permitted in these containers. Re-usable ice packs are recommended.
- Folding chairs are not allowed in any theme park or the Downtown Disney District.
- Selfie sticks, hand-held extension poles for cameras or mobile devices, flags, and banners are not allowed in any theme park.
- Tripods or monopod stands that cannot fit inside a standard backpack or that extend over 6’ (182 cm) are not allowed in any theme park.
Disneyland Packing List Printable
Want to print off my Disneyland packing list? Just enter your email in the box below and it’ll be sent your way!
You’ve done the prep work to make sure you’ve got the information and know what things to pack for Disneyland and you’re ready to go! Be sure to pack everything you need and follow our tips to have the best possible experience at the happiest place on earth!
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Theme Parks – Frequently Asked Questions
What should I pack for my visit to the Disneyland Resort?
Here are some tips on what you should consider packing for your Disneyland Resort visit, in lovely Southern California:
- Autograph book (for Disney Characters)
- Bathing suit
- Comfortable walking shoes
- External battery for mobile phones
- First aid kit
- Hand sanitizer
- Lanyard for pins
- Lip balm (consider one with sunscreen)
- Park tickets (if you don’t already have tickets, save time and buy them digitally with the Disneyland app )
- Phone or tablet charger
- Plastic bags (great for packing things that can leak or might get wet, like bathing suits)
- Rain poncho
- Reusable water bottle
- Travel-sized liquids and lotions
- Your imagination!
Missing anything on this packing list? Gear up for your visit with authentic Disneyland merchandise at Disney Store.
During the summer months, be sure to pack light clothing. Bring shorts, T-shirts and a thin jacket. During the winter months, be ready to dress in layers. Pack jeans, T-shirts or long-sleeved shirts for daytime and a sweatshirt and heavy jacket for mornings and evenings.
Remember to check the weather forecast before you leave home, but also come prepared for the unexpected. Pack appropriate clothing in case the weather suddenly turns wet or unseasonably warm or cool.
For more helpful information on preparing for your visit, browse our Pre-Arrival Tips .
Packed already? Forget to pack anything… on purpose? Visit the variety of convenient specialty shops located at the Disneyland Resort.
Please Check Our Disneyland Resort Rules
We regularly update our Disneyland Resort Rules to ensure you have a safe and enjoyable experience. We ask that you review our Disneyland Resort Rules before your visit to avoid any delays or disruptions.
Did you find this answer helpful?
Related Questions
What are the rules for using strollers at the Disneyland Resort?
What items are not permitted within Disneyland Park or Disney California Adventure Park?
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The Ultimate Disneyland Packing List (Word, PDF, and Google Docs formats)
So you’re headed to Disneyland and aren’t sure what you need.
We’ve got a huge list of ideas to help you as you pack.
You won’t need everything on this list, but it will help ensure you don’t forget anything you wanted to bring.
Let’s take a look….
In this article
Differences between Disney World and Disneyland packing
Since much of our content offers comparisons to Disney World, here are some differences you’ll note when going to Disneyland.
Things you won’t need to pack for Disneyland
- Ponchos and umbrellas – it does sometimes rain in southern California, but not often. Check the forecast before you leave to verify.
Things you will need to pack for Disneyland
- Park ticket vouchers
- Lanyards (still have physical tickets and FastPasses at Disneyand!)
- Light jacket for cool mornings and evenings most of the year
- Blanket or towel – much of the seating for shows is on the ground
- Reusable shopping bags – if you plan to grab items from nearby stores, you’ll need reusable shopping bags (or you can buy new bags there)
(Downloadable Word, PDF and Google Docs versions of the packing list are near the bottom of this page OR you can get the WDW Prep Packing List app for iOS to bring a convenient version to your phone.)
Clothing items
You need to make sure you have clothes and shoes that are comfortable for walking miles per day.
Think about wearing layers to make sure you’re cool enough mid-day but warm enough in the mornings and evenings. California can be chilly in the mornings and evenings most of the year.
Consider packing:
- Pants/capris
- Light sweater/jacket
- Walking shoes
- Hair bands & accessories
- Hats/visors
- Sunglasses w/strap
- Swimsuit cover-ups
Toiletries involve so many things that it can be easy to forget something important.
If you do accidentally forget something, nearly every resort will have shops where you can buy some emergency supplies or you can snag things from pharmacies located nearby.
The closest pharmacies to Disneyland are CVS and Walgreens, both located at the corner of Harbor and Katella .
- Liquid hand soap (only bar soap in DLR hotel rooms)
- Hair conditioner
- Contacts/glasses
- Contact lens solution & case
- Lip balm w/sunscreen
- Face lotion
- Body lotion
- Make-up remover
- Nail polish
- Nail polish remover
- Tampons/pads
- Foot powder
- Shaving cream
- Nail clippers
- Hair brush/comb
- Hair gel/mousse
- Kids shampoo
- Kids toothbrushes
- Kids bath soap
- Kids hairbrush/comb
Medicine (especially your prescription medication) is one thing you don’t want to forget on vacation.
Here are some common items you may find in your medicine chest that are useful to travel with.
- Prescription medications
- M oleskin (for blisters)
- Antibiotic ointment
- Anti-itch gel/spray
- Prophylactics
- Pain medicine (like Tylenol, Advil, etc.)
- Kids pain medicine
- Motion sickness remedies
- Sinus/allergy medicine
- Cough drops
Laundry Supplies
Laundry isn’t typically on anybody’s list of “favorite things to do while on vacation,” but if you find yourself planning to do some on your trip, here’s some things you’ll probably want to have with you.
- Laundry soap
- Dryer sheets
- Stain remover
- Laundry bags
- Quarters for machines (if you forget, most machines take debit/credit cards now, too)
Paperwork and important documentsIt may be the digital age but lots of people still like to have their most important travel information in paper form.
If you opt to do everything digitally we recommend saving any important confirmations to a spot where you can access it from multiple locations (like by emailing it to yourself or using cloud-based storage).
- Hotel confirmation
- Rental car confirmation
- Boarding passes
- Cash/credit cards
- Dollar bills for tips & tolls
- Drivers license/IDs
- Notepad/notebook
- Envelopes for Mousekeeping Tips
- Insurance cards
- Membership cards (AAA, DVC)
- Theme park tickets
- Addresses for postcards
Food and Kitchen
Even if you aren’t staying in a room with a full kitchen there are still lots of reasons you may want to have some grocery items with you.
Here are some good options for that.
- Bottled water
- Sugar/sweetener
- Nondairy creamer
- Instant soup mix
- Cocoa packets
- Juice boxes
- Powdered drink mix
- Microwave popcorn
- Granola bars
- Chips/pretzels
- Fruit snacks
- Small cereal boxes
- Peanut butter
- Pre-measured seasonings
- Travel salt & pepper
- Dish scrubber/sponge
- Paper plates
- Plastic utensils
- Disposable cups
- Ziploc bags
- Paper towels/napkins
- Water filtering pitcher
- Coffee maker
- Coffee filters
- Wine stopper
- Gum (not sold at Disneyland)
If you’re getting to Disneyland by car there are some things that can make that journey a little easier.
- Maps/directions/GPS
- Proof of auto insurance
- Paper towels
- Umbrella
- Portable DVD player
- Travel games
Park Touring Bag
Crossbody purses and backpacks are 2 popular options for park touring bags, and since you can take your bag onto nearly every attraction at Disneyland , it makes sense to carry at least a few items with you when you go into the parks.
Here are some things you might find useful when touring Disneyland parks.
- Park tickets
- Drivers license/ID for each adult
- Cash/credit card
- Meal confirmation #s
- Cell phones
- External battery charger and cords
- Lanyard for room key/tickets
- Sunglasses w/straps
- Water bottle w/strap
- Collapsible cooler
- Autograph book
- 1 towel (block the sun, save spot at parade, clean off a seat)
- Mini-first aid kit
- Bottles of water
- Walkie talkies (for non-American visitors and poor cell signal)
- Fat pen for character autographs
- Handheld fan to keep cool while waiting
- Pain medicine
- Insect repellent
- Antibacterial hand gel/sanitizer
- Large Ziploc for wet clothes
- Dry change of clothes for kids
- Glow sticks and necklaces
- Pennies for pressing
- Pins for trading
- Playing cards or handheld games
- Kids ID tags
- Small bottles of bubbles (to do while waiting)
Swimming Bag
- Waterproof/underwater camera
- Lanyard for room key
- Bathing suits
- Beach towels
- Plastic pool cups w/top & straw
- Floatation toys
- Books/magazines
- Handheld fan
- Pain medicine (like Tylenol or Advil)
- Antibacterial hand gel
- Swim diapers
- Waterproof watch
- Waterproof case
- Water shoes/flip flops
- Large Ziplocs for wet clothes
Traveling with a baby often means that you’ll find that your trip goes a bit easier when you have some items from home with you.
Take a look at this list for help remembering everything you might need to pack when traveling to Disneyland with a little one.
- Portable high chair
- Pack N Play
- Stroller
- Baby monitor
- Blanket/toy
- Board games
- Handheld games
- Car window shades
- Outlet covers
Everything Else
- Cameras (w/memory cards)
- Disposable cameras for kids
- Cell phone w/charger
- Power strip
- Ear buds/headphones
- Laptop & charger
- External battery charger
- Waist bag/day pack
- Large Ziploc bags
- Sound machine for hotel
- First aid kit
- Safety pins
- Clothespins (to hang wet items and to help clothes gaps in curtains)
- Over-the-door shoe organizer (to keep hotel room organized)
- Stain wipes/stick
- Wrinkle release spray
- Workout stuff
- Water sports bottle
- Night light
- Pen flash lights
- Pennies & quarters for pressing
- Playing cards
- Kindle/iPad
- Eyeglass repair kit
- Small scissors and small screw driver (useful when opening toys purchased during your trip)
- Reusable straws
- Reusable shopping bags
- Pop-up hamper
Disneyland Packing List downloads
- Download Word version of the Ultimate Disneyland Packing List
- Download PDF version of the Ultimate Disneyland Packing List
- Get the Google Docs version of the Ultimate Disneyland Packing List
WDW Prep Packing List App (available for iOS devices)
Prefer your packing list in digital form?
You can find all the items from the print form on the WDW Prep Packing List app.
Packing tips
Consider using packing cubes..
These handy little items can make staying organized so much easier (we recommend purchasing a different color for each family member).
They help keep your suitcase organized, plus they can help protect your clothes if you like to use the drawers in hotel rooms.
Pack younger kids clothes by outfit in Ziplock bags
This is one of our favorite packing tips that not only helps you stay organized but also helps speed up your mornings.
Pack each outfit (down to underwear and hair bows, etc.) in a Ziploc bag so that when it comes time to get dressed in the morning, you have everything for that day ready to go!
Make your bag easy to recognize
If you spend 5 minutes in an airport you’ll realize that most bags look alike.
Make yours stand out by adding something to it that is unique, like ribbons or special tags on the handles.
Start packing early
Don’t wait until the day before to begin packing. Pick a spot in your house where you can start collecting the items you’ll be taking with you.
Leave some space
Unless you are planning on shipping stuff home (or buying a bag while you are there) make sure you leave some space to bring new treasures back with you.
Make sure you weigh-in
If you are flying, you’ll want to make sure you know your airlines weight limit for bags and then weigh yours before you get to the airport. Luggage scales are an easy way to do that.
Spread your items out
Although the goal is to get both you and your luggage to the same destination at the same time, sometimes things happen. Because of that, it is better to not pack only 1 person’s items per/bag.
Instead, spread it out so that if something does go missing you’re not trying to replace everything for 1 person.
It’s also a good idea to take some photos of what you are packing into each bag, that way if something does go missing you’ll have an easier time remembering.
Tag everything inside and out
In the unlikely event that your tag on the outside of your suitcase rips off, make sure you have some sort of identification on the inside of your suitcase, too.
Even just simply taping your contact information or a business card to the inside of your suitcase will work.
And don’t forget your carry on bags – give those tags, too. (For younger kids make sure their names aren’t visible on their bags, though).
Toss in a pop-up hamper
Most of these fold down into basically nothing but they can make a tiny hotel room feel a lot more organized. Plus, if you are planning to do laundry they are super helpful for that!
Roll with it
Consider folding your clothes when packing. Not only can rolling help with wrinkles, rolling can make it easier to fit more in your suitcase (just be careful not to go overweight!).
Recommended products
Before you leave, check the WDW Prep Amazon Shop for recommended products to make sure you have everything you need.
Disneyland Packing List graphic (pin it, save it, bookmark it)
Your Ultimate Amusement Park Guide
The Ultimate Printable Disneyland Packing List: What to Bring and Wear
Welcome to the magical world of Disneyland! Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned Disney enthusiast, preparing for your trip is essential for making the most of your adventure. This comprehensive packing list will ensure you have everything you need to make your Disneyland experience unforgettable.
Before you start throwing items into your suitcase, let’s break down what you need, from clothing essentials to practical gadgets, and even the fun extras.
You might also like: The Ultimate Printable Walt Disney World Packing List
Pre-Trip Planning
Researching disneyland and its attractions.
Before you begin packing, take some time to familiarize yourself with Disneyland and the attractions it offers. Disneyland Resort is divided into two main parks: Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park. Each park has its own unique attractions, dining options, and entertainment. Make a list of your must-see attractions and dining experiences to plan your days effectively.
Checking the Weather Forecast
Disneyland is in sunny California, but the weather can be quite unpredictable. Check the weather forecast for your travel dates to ensure you pack appropriate clothing. Layers are your best friend, as temperatures can vary throughout the day. Don’t forget to pack sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect yourself from the California sun.
Determining the Duration of Your Stay
The length of your stay will influence your packing decisions. If you’re planning a day trip, your packing list will differ from that of someone staying for a week. Consider how many outfits you’ll need and how often you’ll need to do laundry.
Identifying Any Specific Rules or Regulations
Disneyland has some rules and regulations to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment. Be aware of restrictions on items like selfie sticks, large strollers, and certain types of bags. These rules can change, so it’s a good idea to check Disneyland’s official website for the most up-to-date information.
Disneyland Printable (PDF) Packing List
You can download a printable PDF packing list below. More details on each item can be found further in the text.
Weather-Appropriate Attire
California weather can be unpredictable. Pack lightweight, breathable clothing for warm days and layers for cooler evenings. Remember that you’ll be doing a lot of walking, so comfortable shoes are a must.
Comfortable Walking Shoes
You’ll be on your feet for most of the day, so invest in a good pair of comfortable walking shoes. Make sure they’re well broken-in before your trip to avoid blisters.
Extra Socks and Underwear
Pack extra socks and underwear, especially if you plan on enjoying water rides like Splash Mountain. It’s always a good idea to have a dry change of clothes.
Jackets or Sweaters
Evenings at Disneyland can get chilly, especially during the off-season. Pack a light jacket or sweater to stay cozy while watching the fireworks or parades.
Travel Documents
Passport, id, or driver’s license.
If you’re an international traveler, don’t forget your passport. U.S. residents should have a valid ID or driver’s license.
Disneyland Tickets or Passes
Ensure you have your Disneyland tickets or annual passes ready. If you’ve purchased tickets online, print them or have digital copies on your phone.
Hotel Reservations
If you’re staying at a nearby hotel, have your reservations handy. This will make check-in a breeze after a long day at the park.
Money and Payment
Cash for incidentals and emergencies.
Carry some cash for small purchases, tips, and emergencies. Disneyland is a cashless environment for most transactions, but it’s good to have some on hand.
Credit Cards and Debit Cards
Bring your credit and debit cards for larger purchases, dining, and any unexpected expenses.
Mobile Payment Options
Many places within Disneyland accept mobile payment options like Apple Pay or Google Wallet. Set these up on your smartphone for convenience.
Smartphone and Charger
Your smartphone is a valuable tool for checking ride wait times, mobile food ordering, and capturing memories. Don’t forget your charger to keep your phone powered up throughout the day.
Since you’ll be using your phone for various purposes, a power bank can be a lifesaver. Disneyland has charging stations, but they can be crowded, so having a power bank with you is a smart move.
These 2 pack power bank option should suffice to keep your devices alive throughout the day:
Camera for Capturing Memories
While smartphones take great photos, consider bringing a digital camera for higher quality shots. Pack extra memory cards and batteries to ensure you never miss a moment.
Personal Items
Toiletries and travel-sized hygiene products.
Disneyland provides well-maintained restrooms, but it’s a good idea to have travel-sized toiletries with you for touch-ups throughout the day.
If you have any prescription medications, be sure to pack enough for your trip’s duration. Keep them in their original containers, and carry a copy of your prescription just in case.
Sunglasses and Sunscreen
Protect yourself from the California sun with sunglasses and sunscreen. You’ll be grateful for the shade they provide on those sunny days.
Insect Repellent
While not often necessary, a small bottle of insect repellent can come in handy if you visit during a season with more bugs.
Personal Identification and Medical Information
In case of an emergency, carry a photocopy of your ID, insurance information, and any pertinent medical information. It’s always best to be prepared.
Park Essentials
Backpack or day bag, choosing the right bag for your needs.
Select a comfortable and practical bag to carry your essentials. Backpacks are a popular choice, but ensure it’s comfortable for all-day wear.
For super light feeling (and smaller item list) opt for a foldable shoulder bag like this one:
For more items (for families) a bigger backpack migth be a good idea or the one like this .
Securing Your Belongings
Invest in a bag with good zippers and secure compartments. Disneyland is generally safe, but it’s always a good idea to keep your belongings secure.
Snacks and Hydration
Reusable water bottles.
Stay hydrated by carrying reusable water bottles. There are water fountains throughout the park where you can refill.
Great choice is a collapsible water bottle as it does not take space in your backpack once empty.
Another good option is Brita insulated filtered water bottle with a straw.
Non-Perishable Snacks
Pack some non-perishable snacks like granola bars, trail mix, or dried fruit. This will keep hunger at bay between meals and save you time waiting in lines.
Entertainment for Queues
Books, e-readers, or magazines.
Lines for popular rides can be quite long. Bring a book, e-reader, or magazines to keep yourself entertained while you wait.
Playing Cards or Travel Games
For group entertainment, consider bringing a deck of playing cards or a compact travel game to pass the time in queues.
Autograph Book and Pen
Disneyland is famous for its character meet-and-greets. Bring an autograph book for characters to sign, and a pen to avoid the hassle of searching for one.
Park Map and Schedule
Grab a park map as you enter and check the daily schedule for parades, shows, and character meet-and-greets. This will help you plan your day effectively.
Character Costumes and Accessories (for Kids)
If you have little ones who love dressing up as their favorite characters, let them wear their costumes to the park. Just make sure they’re comfortable for a full day of play.
These are the small accessories a kid might like:
FANYITY Mouse Ears
2pk Mouse Ear Scrunchies for Kids
Minnie Mouse Kids Sunglasses
and don’t forget one for yourself:
Disney Baseball Cap
Disney Minnie Mouse Polka Dot Pom Pom Baseball Cap with Bow Black
Cute Cotton Bucket Hat with Mouse Ears Print
First-Aid Kit
A small first-aid kit can be a lifesaver for minor scrapes and injuries. Include adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.
Disney-Themed Attire or Accessories
Get into the Disney spirit by wearing Disney-themed clothing or accessories. It’s a fun way to show your love for the park.
Technology and Gadgets
Disneyland app.
The official Disneyland app is your go-to tool for checking wait times, mobile food ordering, and accessing virtual maps of the parks.
Portable Chargers
With all the smartphone use, you’ll want a portable charger to keep your devices powered up. Look for one with multiple charging ports for convenience.
Headphones and Entertainment
Bring headphones for your smartphone if you plan to listen to music or audio while waiting in lines or taking a break.
Camera Equipment
Digital camera.
While smartphones take great photos, consider bringing a digital camera for higher quality shots. It’s a fantastic way to capture memories.
Extra Memory Cards and Batteries
Don’t run out of storage or power for your camera. Pack extra memory cards and batteries to ensure you capture all your memories.
Tripod or Selfie Stick
If you love taking group photos or selfies, consider a small tripod or selfie stick to get the perfect shots.
Food and Dining
Disney dining reservations.
If you plan to dine at Disney’s sit-down restaurants, make reservations in advance to secure your preferred dining times.
Snack and Meal Options
Reusable utensils and straws.
Disneyland is eco-friendly, so consider bringing your reusable utensils and straws to reduce waste.
Special Dietary Needs
If you have dietary restrictions or allergies, inform the restaurant staff. Disneyland is known for accommodating special dietary needs.
Snack and Treat Budget
It’s easy to get carried away with all the delicious Disney treats. Set a budget for snacks and stick to it to avoid overspending.
Comfort and Safety
Stroller (for families with young children).
If you have young children, a stroller can be a lifesaver. It keeps them rested and makes it easier to navigate the park.
Rain Gear (If Needed)
Check the weather forecast, and if rain is in the forecast, bring rain gear like ponchos or umbrellas to stay dry.
Ponchos or Umbrellas
In case of unexpected rain, pack ponchos or compact umbrellas. They’ll keep you dry without taking up too much space.
A hooded rain poncho like this one would be a good option.
Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes
Stay germ-free by carrying hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes. You’ll be using them more often than you think.
Travel Locks
If you’re worried about security, consider packing travel locks to secure your bag when you go on rides or leave it unattended.
Identification Tags for Kids
For parents with young children, attach identification tags to your child’s clothing in case they get separated from you.
Comfort Items for Kids
If you’re traveling with kids, pack their comfort items like blankets or stuffed animals to make them feel at home.
Travel Insurance
Consider travel insurance for peace of mind. It can help you in case of trip interruptions, medical emergencies, or lost luggage.
Packing Tips and Tricks
Rolling vs. folding clothes.
Rolling your clothes instead of folding can save space and reduce wrinkles. It’s also easier to see what’s in your bag.
Packing Cubes
Invest in packing cubes to keep your items organized and separate clean clothes from dirty ones.
Use of Ziplock Bags
Use ziplock bags to keep small items like toiletries, snacks, and electronic accessories organized and easily accessible.
Packing List Printable
A checklist is a valuable tool to ensure you don’t forget anything. You can find printable Disneyland packing list in the beginning of this article.
Things to Leave at Home
Valuables and irreplaceable items.
Leave valuable or irreplaceable items at home to avoid the risk of loss or theft.
Unnecessary Gadgets
While technology is helpful, leave unnecessary gadgets at home to avoid carrying extra weight.
Oversized Bags
Disneyland has specific rules on bag sizes. Avoid bringing oversized bags, as they may not be allowed in the parks.
As you prepare for your Disneyland adventure, keep in mind that proper planning and packing can make your trip much more enjoyable. With this comprehensive packing list, you’ll be ready for all the magic Disneyland has to offer. Remember to stay flexible, stay hydrated, and most importantly, have a fantastic time creating wonderful memories in the Happiest Place on Earth!
For gerenal information about Disneyland Resort and further navigation please refer to: Magical Marvels: Disneyland Resort Unveiled .
Is it necessary to make dining reservations in advance?
While it’s not absolutely necessary, making dining reservations in advance is highly recommended, especially if you plan to dine at Disney’s sit-down restaurants. Popular dining spots can get fully booked quickly, and having a reservation ensures you won’t miss out on your preferred dining times.
What’s the best way to avoid long lines at Disneyland?
To avoid long lines, use the Disneyland app to check wait times for rides and plan your day accordingly. Also, consider visiting during non-peak times or utilizing the Genie+ system, which can help you reserve access to select attractions in advance.
Can I bring my own food and drinks into Disneyland?
Yes, you’re allowed to bring your own food and non-alcoholic beverages into Disneyland. This is a great way to save money and cater to your dietary preferences. However, glass containers and alcohol are not allowed.
What should I do if I lose my child in the park?
If you lose your child, remain calm and contact the nearest Cast Member or Disneyland staff member. They are trained to assist in such situations. It’s also a good idea to have an identification tag on your child’s clothing with your contact information.
Are there locker facilities available in Disneyland?
Yes, Disneyland provides locker facilities for guests. You can rent lockers to store your belongings while you enjoy the park. Lockers come in various sizes and are located near the entrances of both Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park.
Can I bring a professional camera or recording equipment?
While Disneyland allows personal cameras and smartphones for photography and recording, professional camera equipment like tripods, large lenses, and recording gear are typically not permitted on rides. It’s essential to be respectful of other guests and follow Disneyland’s rules and guidelines.
Is there Wi-Fi available in the park?
Yes, Disneyland offers free Wi-Fi throughout both Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park. You can connect to the Wi-Fi network to access the Disneyland app, check wait times, and stay in touch with friends and family.
Are there height restrictions for some rides?
Yes, some rides at Disneyland have height restrictions to ensure rider safety. These restrictions are in place for certain attractions, like roller coasters, to prevent young children from riding. Be sure to check the height requirements for specific rides if you’re traveling with children to avoid disappointment.
Can I leave the park and re-enter on the same day?
Yes, you can leave and re-enter the park on the same day, provided you have a valid admission ticket or annual pass. Simply get your hand stamped as you exit, and you can return later in the day.
Is it possible to rent strollers at Disneyland?
Yes, you can rent strollers at Disneyland if you have young children. Rental strollers are available at the Disneyland Resort and Disney California Adventure Park. Keep in mind that there is a daily fee for stroller rentals.
Hey there! Hope you love the rides as much as I do 😉
Born and raised in FL, I love traveling, enjoying life and new places, visiting amusement and theme parks while on the go. Hope my tips can be helpful to others too!
Drop me a line [hello {@} tayloredtripsblog.com] should you have more questions/suggestions/topics, etc.
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(Viktoria Cichoń / For The Times)
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You know you’ll return home from Disneyland with memories to last a lifetime, but what the heck should you bring there?
Craft an epic visit to Disneyland and California Adventure with our comprehensive guide. It’s full of expert tips and fresh perspectives.
Packing a bag for a day at the parks can be daunting. Even if you’re all set with the essentials — sunscreen, hand sanitizer, your phone with the Disneyland app within thumb’s reach — you can’t help but wonder if there are some less-obvious items that would make your experience easier, comfier and even more magical.
There are. I surveyed my Disneyland-obsessed friends, chatted with Disneyland content creator Katie Goto ( @2.adventure.and.beyond ) and visited the parks many times myself to compile this pro-level packing list, a collection of items that would make Mary Poppins herself wonder, “Now why didn’t I think of that?”
Some of these things help you endure the weather. Others make navigating the parks with kids less chaotic. Choose what makes sense for your own itinerary to the best Disney day ever.
Just don’t forget the sunscreen.
41 Disneyland tips, tricks and food secrets from park fanatics
Disneyland and California Adventure visitors who’ve been multiple times share their favorite tips, tricks and hacks for having the best day at the parks.
April 20, 2023
A clear backpack: Let’s start with the bag itself. If you don’t mind your items exposed, toting a clear plastic backpack makes passing through security a breeze.
Disney character onesie: When it starts to get chilly as you watch the fireworks or parades, slip an adult-sized onesie over your day clothes and it’s like having a wearable blanket. It doesn’t have to be Disney character-themed, but it’s just more fun to wave to a dancing Daisy Duck while dressed as Donald .
Glow necklaces: Pass them out to your kids at night so you can better spot them in the dark.
Collapsible water bottle: To lighten up your bag, it’s best to leave your beloved Stanley tumbler at home and instead bring a highly packable Platypus water bottle that you can refill around the park throughout the day and roll up when it’s not in use.
Stamped letters or postcards: Did you know that there are real, functioning mailboxes around Disneyland and Disney California Adventure? It could be fun to have kids write, “Wish you were here!” letters to Grandma and send them straight from the parks. (FYI, Disneyland doesn’t postmark the mail — instead, it’s taken to an Anaheim post office.)
Mickey ears and a metallic permanent marker: Instead of asking characters to sign an autograph book, hand them a metallic permanent marker and have them sign your Mickey ears. It’ll be a fun thing to display later on.
A pair of flip - flops: These come in especially handy on water rides.
A lightweight stroller, even if you don’t have kids with you: Some Disneyland regulars like to bring a stroller that serves as a “movable locker” for the group. Keep a portable power strip in it so that everyone can plug in their devices whenever they need to. (Just make sure someone has an eye on it at all times.)
You can get to Disneyland from L.A. without a car. Here’s how my family did it
You don’t need to rent a car to get to Disneyland from LAX. Here’s how to take public transportation, including Amtrak, to the park from Los Angeles.
A temporary tattoo with your phone number on it: Disneyland is a crowded place — know that you can buy custom child-safety tattoos on Etsy that say, “If lost, please call [your phone number].” Alternatively, you can write out your digits on your kids’ skin with Sharpie (which I’ve read that some parents do), but you risk it washing off on Grizzly River Run.
Empty containers or reusable snack bags: When you’re full but you can’t bring yourself to throw away half of that $19 burger, it’s nice to have something to store it in. Bring your own to-go containers so you can munch on your leftovers later. One good option is a PackIt freezable snack box .
Your own reusable straws: Disneyland offers only paper ones.
Souvenirs for your kids that you purchased ahead of time: Avoid long lines and hefty price tags at the gift shops by doing some pre-Disney-day shopping. You can find Disney merch at tons of online and bricks-and-mortar stores, including the sale section at the Disney Store .
A pack of cooling bandannas and a neck fan: On sweltering days, tie a cooling bandanna around your forehead and place a neck fan around your neck for some sweet, sweet relief.
Extra socks: Even if your feet don’t get wet from the rides, by the end of the night, they’ll probably feel … not the freshest. Have a pair of clean socks to change into — and put the old ones in one of the extra bags you’ve brought.
Liquid Bandage: If your shoes fail you, the waterproof sealant will protect your blistered heels.
Chafing powder or body glide: Because no one should have sticky, irritated thighs at the happiest place on Earth.
Get your copy of The Great Big Highly Specific Guide to Disneyland back issue today.
More Disneyland Ideas
What ex-cast members wish you knew about Disneyland
Everywhere you absolutely have to eat at Disneyland and California Adventure
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Michelle Woo is the West Coast experiences editor for the Los Angeles Times. Previously, she worked as a senior editor at Medium, the parenting editor at Lifehacker and a staff writer at OC Weekly. She is the author of “Horizontal Parenting: How to Entertain Your Kid While Lying Down.”
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Disneyland Packing List: What You Need (& What You Don’t!)
If you’re planning a trip to Disneyland & California Adventure, you’re likely excited to experience all the magic at the “Happiest Place on Earth!”
As your trip approaches, you may be asking yourself what you need to put on your Disneyland packing list—and that’s a great question! Aside from the vacation essentials, like clothes, toiletries, and travel documents, there are some specific items you need to put on your Disneyland packing list that you’ll want during long days in the parks that you might not think to bring otherwise.
Keep reading to discover everything you need to bring with you to Disneyland & California Adventure, so you can create the perfect Disneyland packing list for your upcoming vacation!
Disclosure: Some of the links in this blog post are affiliate links, meaning that I earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. This helps me keep the content on my website free for you to enjoy!
What Should I Pack for Disneyland?
It’s not cheap to plan a trip to Disneyland & California Adventure, so once you do, you likely want to be as prepared as possible to make the most of your time at Disneyland Resort. Bring (& wear) the items on this Disneyland packing list to enjoy a stress-free and fun-filled experience in the parks!
1. Comfortable Walking Shoes
First and foremost, it’s essential to wear comfortable walking shoes in Disneyland. It’s not unusual to walk 20,000+ steps per day, and if you’re spending multiple days in the parks, your feet will be exhausted by the end of your vacation!
I love to wear my Women’s Air Zoom Pegasus 36 Running Shoes by Nike in the parks. They are comfortable and supportive, and my feet never hurt after wearing them all day. You can also get insoles for your current tennis shoes to make them more comfortable for a day in the parks.
2. Backpack
Next, it’s crucial to have a backpack to store your snacks, water bottles, extra layers, souvenirs, and other items you will need handy throughout the day.
We always bring my husband’s Patagonia Backpack to Disneyland & California Adventure because it’s the perfect size to store our items without being too bulky.
Tip: To keep your backpack light, you can also buy lockers outside of Disneyland for as little as $7 per day. I highly recommend doing this—all your items are easily accessible throughout the day, but you don’t have to tote around a heavy backpack all day. It’s a win-win situation!
3. Fanny Pack
I always bring a backpack to Disneyland, but I also bring a fanny pack. My fanny pack is reserved for items I need quickly accessible, like my park tickets, phone, lip balm, medications, and other necessities.
This Herschel Fifteen Waist Pack is stylish and compact, and it comes in dozens of colors, including Ash Rose, Ballad Blue Pastel, and Papaya, so you can find the perfect look to match your outfits! I have a black fanny pack similar to this one I have worn everywhere —including Disneyland!
4. Portable Charger
You will be surprised how much you use your phone at Disneyland. Between snapping pictures, checking wait times, ordering food, and scrolling through social media while in line, your phone battery will drain quickly. That’s why a high-quality portable charger is essential for any Disneyland packing list. We love using this Anker Portable Charger because it holds a charge all day long—even if multiple people use it.
5. Refillable Water Bottle
Many people don’t realize you can bring refillable water bottles to Disneyland, but this is one of the best tips for saving money at the parks. Disneyland and California Adventure have refillable water stations, so it’s super easy to refill your HydroFlask or Yeti to stay hydrated.
If you’d rather have the convenience of recycling plastic water bottles instead of toting around a refillable bottle all day, I highly recommend purchasing a case of water before driving to Disneyland (or at a grocery store when you arrive if you’re flying). You’ll spend $3-5 for an entire case of water versus $5 per bottle in the parks—more than $100 in savings! Then, you can just keep the bottles in your locker and stock up when you need more throughout the day.
6. Tickets & Reservations
It may be a “no-brainer,” but make sure you bring your tickets or reservations to the parks with you each day. You can manage the tickets for everyone in your entire group on the Disneyland App , so it’s super easy to reserve dining, attractions, and more for everyone from one person’s device.
When you arrive, you’ll also be given a paper ticket. Be sure to hold onto this for the duration of your stay if anything goes wrong with your digital ticket.
7. Sunscreen
Since you’ll be spending all day in the sun, bringing sunscreen to protect your skin is important. It’s also helpful to bring sunscreen you can easily reapply.
I’m a big fan of this 365 by Whole Foods Market Sunscreen . Since it’s spray-on, it’s easy to apply while you’re on the go and has an incredible coconut vanilla scent. It’s also water-resistant (aka sweat-resistant) and is formulated without harmful chemicals, such as oxybenzone.
8. Phone & Camera
I’m sure you’re already planning to bring your phone to the parks (if not, you should!), and for most people, their phone doubles as a camera, which is great!
However, if you don’t have a camera on your phone, I highly recommend bringing some sort of camera with you into the parks to capture your memories! Though camera equipment that’s too bulky may get in the way on rides (and can be a pain to carry), putting a Digital Camera , Disposable Camera , or Polaroid Camera on your Disneyland packing list is a great idea!
9. Card & Cash
Don’t forget to bring your credit or debit card to the parks with you! Most places in Disneyland (aside from the balloon stands and penny machines) take cards, so you shouldn’t need to bring cash unless you need it for those two reasons.
We love traveling with our Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card . You can earn up to five times total points for travel-related expenses, like airline tickets, hotel accommodations, and car rentals, and three times total points for dining, making it a great card to bring on a vacation to Disneyland! Plus, the points you accumulate from your card can be applied to more travel experiences (like another trip to Disneyland, hint hint), so it’s a win-win situation.
10. Lip Balm
It’s easy for your lips to get chapped while spending time in the sun, so putting chapstick or lip balm on your Disneyland packing list is a great idea. It’s also handy to buy one of these Lip Balm Keychain Holders so you can easily hook your lip balm onto your backpack or fanny pack.
11. Hand Sanitizer
It’s easy to encounter germs at Disneyland since you’ll be touching so many high-contact surfaces during your time in the parks—and there isn’t a worse way to spend a trip to the “Happiest Place on Earth” than feeling sick!
When you don’t have access to soap and hot water, antibacterial hand sanitizer is a great thing to have on hand (literally). You can purchase this Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer Variety Pack with travel-sized clip-on carriers to ensure everyone in your group has their own sanitizer to keep their hands clean.
Tip: You may also consider bringing a travel-sized lotion or Aquaphor ointment to keep your hands moisturized since sanitizer can dry out your hands quickly.
12. Medicine
It’s smart to bring medicine you might need throughout the day with you, so you don’t have to go back to the hotel if someone feels sick. I recommend bringing Tums, Advil, and Claritin, or some variation of pain medication, allergy medication, and medication for an upset stomach to ensure you have everything covered. Plus, though it doesn’t count as medicine, if you have a tendency to chafe, I would recommend bringing Gold Bond Powder to put between your legs. Works like a charm!
Typically, we keep medication in our locker and return to the locker if we need something. This way, we don’t have to carry the bottles around with us all day.
13. Sunglasses
California is known for its sunshine, so sunglasses are a must-have item on your Disneyland packing list.
Since there’s a good possibility you’ll be wearing a hat, ears, or some type of Disney-themed headwear during your trip, it’s smart to find glasses that can be worn easily with hats, like these Polarized Aviator Sunglasses that come in tons of fun colors!
14. Photo ID
You should probably have your photo ID with you regardless, but just in case, don’t forget to bring it to the Disneyland Resort with you.
Although Disneyland only serves alcohol in select locations (Club 33, Blue Bayou, and Oga’s Cantina), California Adventure serves lots of fun adult beverages throughout the parks—and you’ll need to show ID if you want to try one.
15. Band-Aids
Even if you wear the most comfortable shoes, you may still develop blisters from all the walking you’ll do during a day in Disneyland. You also never know when you’ll scape, cut, or hurt yourself—which is why it’s always good to have a few bandages easily accessible in your backpack.
16. Jacket
You may think you won’t need a jacket while in sunny California, but it can get chilly—especially in the mornings and at night when the sun goes down.
I love my Long-Sleeve Full-Zip Water-Resistant Packable Hooded Puffer Jacket for Disneyland (and all travel, really) because it is lightweight, warm, waterproof, and can be stored in a small pouch, so it can be easily stowed away in your backpack when you’re not wearing it.
This jacket is an essential item for your Disneyland packing list, and once you buy one, you’ll wear it everywhere—trust me!
17. Poncho
In addition to a jacket, it’s also nice to have a lightweight poncho, like these Disposable Rain Ponchos , that you can wear on water rides, like Splash Mountain and Grizzly River Run. It’s great to not have to worry about your clothes getting soaking wet!
That said, even if you do bring a poncho, I also recommend bringing flip-flops to wear on water rides, so your tennis shoes and socks don’t get wet. It’s also smart to bring a change of clothes, just in case you get soaked and want to be in dry clothes for the rest of the day!
18. Comfortable Clothes
Speaking of clothes, it’s important to wear clothes you feel comfortable in while visiting Disneyland & California Adventure. Many people (me included!) like to wear themed shirts, like this Disneyland Shirt , for a cute, easy, and comfortable look.
19. Hair Ties
If you have long hair, don’t forget to add hair ties to your Disneyland packing list. Even if you plan to style your hair in the morning, after 14+ long hours in the park, you’ll probably want to be pulling it back into a messy bun—and there’s nothing more frustrating than realizing you don’t have any hair ties on hand.
20. Snacks
Yes, I saved the best for last. Snacks! Even though you can’t miss the chance to snack on a Churro or Dole Whip during your time in Disneyland, you’ll also want to have some filling snacks on hand, like protein bars or trail mix, to help you stay full in-between meals.
If you’re trying to save some cash, you can even pack a lunch to bring into the parks too. We’ve brought in PB&J sandwiches before, and it was a great alternative to eating park food for lunch.
Summary: What to Bring to Disneyland
If you need a quick overview, here’s what you should bring with you (or wear) to Disneyland each day:
- Comfortable walking shoes
- Portable charger
- Refillable water bottle
- Tickets & reservations
- Phone & camera
- Card & cash
- Hand sanitizer
- Change of clothes
- Comfortable clothes
You can always modify this list to fit your unique needs. For example, families traveling with small children may wish to bring a stroller, autograph books, or tissues for stuffy noses (or tears after a long day). Disney fanatics may want to bring pins for pin trading and a lanyard to display the pins on. Or, you may want to bring a small picnic blanket you can sit on to watch the parade. It’s all up to you!
However, I’ve found that the list above works great for most adults. It’s the list I always follow when I go to Disneyland & California Adventure, so it’s tried and true!
Disneyland Packing List FAQs
Can i take snacks into disneyland.
Disneyland allows guests to bring in outside food and nonalcoholic beverages, as long as they are not stored in glass containers and do not require heating or refrigeration.
Can I bring a HydroFlask to Disneyland?
Yes, you can bring a HydroFlask or any other type of metal water bottle with you into Disneyland and California Adventure.
Does Disneyland have lockers?
Yes, Disneyland has lockers outside the parks that are available for $7, $10, $12, or $15 per day with unlimited access. They also have a more limited selection of lockers inside the parks for $7 or $10 per day, and these lockers are only accessible during park operating hours.
Enjoy a Hassle-Free Disneyland Vacation with This Disneyland Packing List
I hope this Disneyland packing list helps you pack everything you need for a fun day at the parks—and leave everything you don’t need back at the hotel.
Is there anything you’d add to this Disneyland packing list? Do you have a question about any of these items? Let me know in the comments below!
Save This Disneyland Packing List for Your Upcoming Vacation
Did you love this Disneyland packing list? Check out my other post about Tips for Visiting Disneyland Post-COVID , or how to plan a Fun Day Trip to Huntington Beach if you need a break from the parks!
About the Author
Brittany Sawyer
Hi, I'm Brit! I'm a writer from Phoenix, AZ who loves coffee, golden retriever puppies, and obviously, travel! I help ordinary women (like me!) dream, plan, and do extraordinary travel experiences.
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Ultimate Disneyland Packing List- What To Pack For The Park
Posts on Mix In Some Magic may contain affiliate links, which I earn a small commission from. These are provided for your convenience at no price increase to you and help me provide you with great content.
Are you looking for the best Disneyland Packing list? I’ve got you covered! I’ve thought of everything to help take the stress out of your vacation. Plus, I’ve got a free printable packing list for you! Going to Disneyland is a dream come true for many people. It’s a place where childhood fantasies come to life and where adults can relive their fondest memories.
However, with all the excitement and fun comes the need to be prepared. Packing for a trip to Disneyland can be overwhelming, and forgetting an essential item can quickly turn your magical experience into a stressful one.
That’s why I’ve put together the ultimate Disneyland packing list. I aim to help you have a stress-free and enjoyable time at the happiest place on earth. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned pro, this guide will provide all the essential items you need to pack for your Disneyland adventure. Remember to print out your Disneyland packing list with all these items! There’s a link at the end of this article with the printable Disneyland packing list. Don’t miss it! I’ve also included my top 10 Disneyland tips. Let’s get started!
In This Post:
Discount disney park tickets and hotels.
Please be aware that all Disney parks require park tickets and a theme park reservation. Make sure you have both! Please don’t pay the full price for your Disneyland tickets or hotel. My partners at Get Away Today have the very best deals on tickets and hotels. Their customer service is top-notch, and they even have layaway plans. You can find them by clicking on the image below or by calling 1-855-GET-AWAY. Make sure you tell them Melissa from Mix In Some Magic, sent you the best deal!
They have great deals on hotels! Many of their properties offer a free night with a stay, free parking, extra discounts, or a complimentary breakfast! You save the most money when you purchase a vacation package and bundle your hotel rooms with one of their discount resort ticket offer.
If you book a package with park tickets and a hotel room, you can use my code MIX10 to save an extra $10. That’s more churro money, friends!
I have a bunch of hotel reviews that might be helpful for you if you’re still trying to decide where you’d like to stay.
What And What Not To Bring To Disneyland
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Disneyland is flexible on what you’re allowed to bring into the parks. They allow most food(we’ll discuss that later in the post), which is excellent! Especially for families trying to save money. There are a few things you’re not allowed to bring into Disneyland. Strollers larger than 31″ (79 cm) x 52″ (132 cm), Stroller wagons, Loose or dry ice is not permitted, and reusable ice packs are recommended. Glass containers, with the exception of baby food containers, medicine or small perfume bottles (under 4 oz) are not allowed. For a complete list of items that are not allowed at Disneyland Park, check out my guide to what you can and cannot bring to Disneyland.
Can You Bring Water Bottles And Snacks Into Disneyland?
Yes! You are allowed to bring water bottles and snacks into Disneyland. I like to carry a small cooler backpack and fill it with drinks and snacks to help fuel us on our long days at disneyland. There are a few exceptions to Disneyland’s open food policy. You can find more into here .
Is It A Good Idea To Bring A Backpack To Disneyland?
Yes! Having a backpack to carry all your stuff around Disneyland is incredibly helpful. Disneyland allows you to keep your backpack with you on every ride. Backpacks do not have to be clear at Disneyland. You could also bring a fanny pack or a day pack if you prefer something smaller.
Ultimate Disneyland Packing List
All of these items and more can be found on my printable Disneyland packing list. Make sure you check it out at the end of this post!
What Outfits To Pack For Disney?
Choosing the right clothing and accessories for your Disneyland trip is crucial for having a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Here are some things to keep in mind when packing your wardrobe for the park. I will include a list of needed clothing on my printable Disneyland packing list.
- Comfortable and breathable clothing: You’ll be doing a lot of walking and standing, so wear comfortable and breathable clothing that allows you to move around freely.
- Hats and sunglasses: Protect your face and eyes from the sun’s rays by wearing a hat and sunglasses. A hat will also keep your head cool and shaded.
- Layers: The weather at Disneyland can vary depending on the season and time of day. Bring layers that you can easily remove or add as needed.
- Comfortable footwear: Again, comfortable shoes are a must. Wear shoes that are broken in and can withstand a full day of walking and standing.
- Dress codes: Disneyland has a few dress codes that visitors should be aware of. For example, visitors are not allowed to wear costumes (unless it’s a special event), and clothing with offensive language or graphics is prohibited.
- Rain gear: If you’re visiting Disneyland during the rainy season, bring rain gear, such as a poncho and waterproof shoes. They are also helpful on water rides.
By following these tips, you’ll be able to stay comfortable and stylish throughout your Disneyland adventure, no matter what the weather conditions are. Packing for Disneyland is going to be a breeze!
Essential Items to Pack for Disneyland
Don’t worry; all of these items will be on my free printable Disneyland packing list. But here’s an idea of some of the things you’ll want to bring with you on your visit to the Disneyland Resort.
When packing for Disneyland, there are a few essential items that everyone should bring. These items will not only make your trip more comfortable, but they will also enhance your overall experience at the park. Here are some of the essential things you should pack:
- Comfortable walking shoes: Disneyland is a large park, and you’ll be doing a lot of walking. Wear comfortable shoes that can withstand a full day of walking and standing.
- Sunscreen: Southern California is known for its sunny weather, and you’ll spend a lot of time outdoors. Pack sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
- Refillable water bottle: Staying hydrated is crucial when spending a full day at Disneyland. Bring a refillable water bottle and fill it up at one of the many water fountains located throughout the park.
- ID and park tickets: Remember to bring your ID and park tickets. You will need them to enter the park.
- Credit Card: You won’t get far without this! You can link your credit or debit card to your Disneyland app and use it to pay when mobile ordering quickly.
- Phone charger: With all the photo opportunities and mobile apps, your phone’s battery will drain quickly. Bring a portable charger or a charging cable to keep your phone powered up throughout the day.
Electronics and Gadgets
In today’s digital age, electronic gadgets are an important part of any Disneyland trip. Here are some electronics and gadgets that you should consider adding to your Disneyland packing list:
- Smartphone: Your cell phone will be your lifeline at Disneyland. Use it to access the Disneyland app, which provides real-time ride wait times and attraction information. It’s also a great way to take photos and stay in touch with your group.
- Camera: While smartphones have excellent cameras, consider bringing a dedicated camera to capture high-quality photos and videos of your Disneyland adventure.
- Portable charger: As mentioned earlier, your smartphone’s battery will drain quickly at Disneyland. Bringing a portable charger or a charging cable to keep your phone powered up throughout your theme park day is a good idea.
- Headphones: If you’re waiting in line or taking a break, headphones can help you escape the noise and crowds and listen to your favorite music or podcasts.
- Other gadgets: Other gadgets that may enhance your Disneyland experience include a portable fan to keep you cool, a handheld misting fan for hot days, and a waterproof case for your smartphone.
Snacks and Beverages
Food and beverages are necessary for any Disneyland adventure but can also be expensive. Here are some tips on how to save money on food and beverages at Disneyland and what types of snacks and drinks you can bring into the park:
- Snacks: You can bring snacks into Disneyland, such as granola bars, trail mix, and fresh fruit. These snacks can provide a quick and healthy energy boost throughout the day.
- Water: Staying hydrated is essential at Disneyland. Bring a refillable water bottle to fill up at water fountains throughout the park. Bottled water is also available for purchase at various locations.
- Outside food and beverages: Disneyland allows you to bring most foods/drinks into their parks. No alcohol or glass bottles are permitted except for baby food and items required for specific dietary needs.
- Saving money on food and beverages: Disneyland offers a variety of dining options, from quick-service restaurants to fine dining experiences. I have a great guide to quick-service dining that will be helpful for you. To save money, consider eating a large breakfast before entering the park and bringing your own snacks and beverages. Additionally, consider sharing meals with friends or family, as the portions can be large.
By bringing your own snacks and beverages and being mindful of your dining choices, you can save money and stay fueled for your Disneyland adventure.
Miscellaneous Items
In addition to the essential and electronic items, a few miscellaneous items can be helpful during your Disneyland trip. I’ve included these things on your Disneyland Packing list! Here are some items you should consider packing:
- First aid kit: Accidents happen, and it’s always better to be prepared. Bringing a small first-aid kit with basic supplies like band-aids, pain relievers, and antiseptic wipes is a great idea.
- Hand sanitizer: Disneyland can be germ-filled, especially during peak season. Bring hand sanitizer to keep your hands clean and germ-free.
- Poncho: Southern California weather can be unpredictable, and sudden rain showers can occur. Bring a lightweight poncho to keep you dry during these unexpected downpours.
- Backpack: A backpack can be a lifesaver at Disneyland. Use it to store snacks, drinks, and essential items, like sunscreen and a camera.
- Glow sticks: If you plan on staying at Disneyland after dark, consider bringing glow sticks. They not only provide fun and colorful lighting, but they also make it easier to keep track of your group.
- Autograph Book: Consider packing an autograph book if your kids want to collect signatures from their favorite characters.
Disney Park Bag Essentials
What you pack in your park bag is incredibly important! You want to be prepared for any situation on your Disneyland vacation. Here’s a list of items you might want to include in your Disney park bag. I’ve added all these items(plus more) to my free Disneyland packing list, so make sure you grab that! Check out my post on Disney Parks Bag Essentials.
1. Lip balm: Chapstick or lip balm is so important! You’ll be happy to have that in your Disney parks bag.
2. Hair ties: If you have long hair, like me, a hair tie is an excellent option to keep your hair out of your face on hot days or wild rides.
3. Tissues: Have you ever had your kid sneeze in line and come away with a handful of boogers? It’s the worst! Tissue(and lots of hand sanitizer) to the rescue.
4. Wet Wipes: Wet wipes are so helpful! You need something to clean up those sticky hands and faces after the cotton candy and churros! Wet wipes are a good idea even if you don’t have young children.
5. Body Glide: One word. Chafing. Don’t let it happen to you! Body glide is a great way to avoid the dreaded Disney chafing. The chances of this happening to you or someone in your group on a hot, sweaty day are high.
6. Sunglasses: I hate squinting, so sunglasses are essential for me. I don’t go anywhere without sunglasses. You can bet I’ll have them at Disney!
7. Lotion: I can’t survive the day without lotion! Throw in a small bottle of lotion to your Disney park bag to help with dry hands. Washing hands and hand sanitizer can dry out your hands quickly.
8. Small Toys: I like bringing small toys to keep little kids happy in long lines. I find them at the Dollar Store or in McDonald’s happy meal. Of course, I like to keep them Disney themed, but you don’t have to.
9. Cooling Towels: You will need these if you visit Disney during the hot months! They are a game changer. I get mine wet before we get to the park and keep them in ziplock bags. Then, they are ready to go when you need them. You can re-wet them in the bathrooms during your visit. When you come home, you can throw them in the washing machine and reuse them on your next trip. I was skeptical, but they were lifesavers! You can sometimes find them in the parks, but they’re pricey. It’s a good idea to buy them beforehand. You can find them here .
10. Umbrella: An umbrella is useful for rain, but it’s also useful for the sun! Chances are, you will encounter one(or both) of them on your vacation. I love pulling out my umbrella to keep the sun off us in long, hot lines. I love these umbrellas because they’re tiny and don’t occupy much space.
Printable Disneyland Packing List
Now that I’ve given you some ideas for your Disneyland packing list, it’s time to print it out! This packing list will help make sure you have everything you need on your Disney vacation. Click on the image below, and I’ll email you my ultimate Disneyland Packing List . You can print it out, and you’ll be good to go!
Disneyland Planning Help
I’ve got bunches of information on planning a Disneyland trip that will be so helpful for you! Start with my complete guide to visiting Disneyland . It’s a step-by-step guide for planning your vacation that will be helpful. Check out my top 10 Disneyland tips and my guide to when to visit Disneyland to help you pick the best time for your vacation! I’ve also got a post on rope dropping at Disneyland that’s very helpful.
Check out my downloadable touring plans for a step-by-step guide to the parks!
I have a planning phone call that’s super popular! In this phone call, I can answer your Disneyland vacation questions and give you lots of tips and info tailored just to you and your group!
Disneyland Tips and Tricks
Now that you’ve got your Disneyland packing list, you a few Disneyland tips might be helpful too. A trip to Disneyland is a magical experience, but it can also be overwhelming with the crowds and long lines. Here are some insider tips and tricks for making the most out of your visit to the happiest place on earth:
- Get there early: Arriving at the park before it opens can save you a lot of time waiting in line for popular rides. Plus, you can take advantage of the shorter lines for some of the more popular attractions before the crowds arrive. Check out this post for info on rope-dropping Disneyland.
- Use Lightning Lane Multi Pass: The Lightning Lane Multi Pass system allows you to reserve a spot in line for popular rides, so you don’t have to wait in the regular line. Read this post for more information on Lightning Lane Multi Pass at Disneyland.
- Take advantage of single-rider lines: If you are okay with riding alone or being separated from your group, single-rider lines can be a great way to save time waiting in line. Check out this attractions guide for more info.
- Pack snacks and water: Bringing your own snacks and water can save money and keep you hydrated and energized throughout the day. Here’s info on what food you can bring into the park .
- Take advantage of the parades and shows: The parades and shows at Disneyland and California Adventure are not to be missed! Check the schedule for times and plan your day accordingly.
- Visit during off-peak times: If possible, visit the park during off-peak times, such as weekdays or off-season. This can help you avoid crowds and save money on tickets and accommodations. Find my guide on when to visit Disneyland to help you pick a time to visit.
- Download the Disneyland app: The Disneyland app is an excellent tool for checking wait times, finding your way around the park, and even making dining reservations.
- Make sure you have a well-packed park bag! You want to avoid paying extra for something at the Disney theme parks that you could easily bring from home! Here’s my guide to what to pack in your park bag .
- Don’t miss my top 10 Disneyland tips!
- Bring a good attitude and go with the flow. Your attitude is part of having a great vacation at the Happiest place on earth! Make sure you’re family has a positive outlook, and you’ll have a great time.
Going to Disneyland can be a fun and exciting experience, but it’s essential to be prepared with the right items to make the most of your trip. The best way to remove the stress from your Disneyland vacation is to be prepared! Hopefully, my ultimate Disneyland packing list helps you feel more prepared. You’re going to have the best time on your vacation.
From essential items like comfortable shoes and sunscreen to electronic gadgets and snacks, this ultimate Disneyland packing list covers everything you need to know to have a stress-free and enjoyable time at Disneyland.
By following this Disneyland packing list and being prepared, you can avoid unnecessary stress and have a magical time at the happiest place on earth. Remember to pack wisely, plan ahead, and be flexible.
I hope my Disneyland packing list has been helpful in preparing you for your Disneyland trip. If you have any additional packing tips or tricks, please share them in the comments section below. I would love to hear from you!
Thank you for reading all about they ultimate Disneyland packing list, and have a magical and unforgettable time at Disneyland!
Make sure to check out my podcast for lots of Disney planning information! You can find it on Apple Podcasts , Spotify , or wherever you listen to podcasts. Just search for “Mix In Some Magic” Follow me on Instagram for lots of Disney tips and fun!
I'm Melissa, your Disney vacation aficionado and full-time mom to four. Whether it's sipping Diet Dr. Pepper or sharing unbeatable Disney planning tips, I'm all about adding a touch of magic to everyday life. Let me help turn your Disney dreams into reality with insider advice and customized planning strategies. Join me on this magical journey and make every Disney adventure unforgettable! Read more...
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The Ultimate Disneyland Packing List (Separate List If Have Kids)
Posted on Published: September 4, 2022 - Last updated: September 8, 2022
Categories Travel
So, you’re going to Disneyland? YAY! Lucky you! Now it’s time to start thinking about what you need to bring with you to have the best trip ever.
First things first, you’ll want to check the weather forecast and pack accordingly. The last thing you want is to be stuck in the park in a T-shirt and shorts when it’s freezing cold, or vice versa.
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Next, you’ll want to make sure you have all the essentials:
- A valid photo ID
- Your tickets
- Cash or credit cards
- A map of the park
- Comfortable walking shoes
- Hat or visor
- Water bottle
- Pack a light jacket or sweater for cooler evenings
And don’t forget to bring your Disneyland Autograph Book and Pen!
In addition to that basic list above, there are some details that you’ll want to consider based on your personal preferences. In this article, we’ll go over EVERYTHING you need for a successful trip to Disneyland based on how long your trip is to the park, what kind of traveler you are, and what your budget is.
If you have a one-day pass, chances are, all you’ll need is a day bag or two. In addition to the essentials like your ID, phone, and wallet, we recommend packing snacks and drinks, sunscreen, a hat or visor, comfortable shoes, a light jacket or poncho (just in case!), a portable charger, and of course, your camera!
Let’s take a look at everything you should bring if you are going to Disneyland alone or with your partner.
Adults usually have a pretty good idea of what they need to bring with them on vacation. Here are a few things you might not think to pack:
- A backpack or day bag
- Comfortable shoes
- A light jacket or poncho
- A portable charger
- Your camera!
- Snacks and drinks
- Your ID, phone, and wallet
If you’re bringing your little ones to Disneyland, be sure to pack everything they’ll need to have a fun (and safe) day.
Let’s take a look at some age-specific suggestions.
Babies and Toddlers
- A stroller or carrier (if your child is small)
- A change of clothes (just in case!)
- Diapers and wipes (if needed)
- A blanket or towel (for naps!)
- A toy or two (to keep them entertained)
- An umbrella or sunshade (for sunny days)
Kids 5 and Up
- A hat or visor
- A light jacket or poncho (just in case!)
If you are planning to go to the waterpark, or go on any water-related rides while you’re there, you’ll want to consider bringing:
- Water shoes or sandals
- Sunscreen (waterproof, if possible)
- A change of clothes (for after the rides!)
- A bag to put your wet clothes in
Packing for a 3-day trip to Disney is a little different than packing for a day trip. Instead of just bringing a day bag, you’ll want to pack a larger suitcase or duffle bag that can hold everything you need for the entire trip.
If it’s just you or you and your partner going to Disneyland, you can probably get away with packing just a few changes of clothes and some essentials.
Here are all the things you’ll find you might want or need for your 3-day Disney Trip:
- 3 changes of clothes
- 1 pair of comfortable shoes
- 1 pair of walking shoes or sneakers
- 1 jacket or sweater
Toiletries and Medications:
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Tylenol or other over-the-counter pain medication
- Prescription medications
Other Essentials:
- Backpack or day bag
- Sunhat or visor
- Disneyland tickets
- Cash or credit card for souvenirs
- Empty bag for souvenirs
- A waterproof bag
- Portable Charger
If you’re traveling with young kids, there are a few extra things you’ll want to pack.
Here’s a list of things you might need for your 3-day Disney Trip:
- Multiple changes of clothes, including some clothes that can get dirty
- Diapers and wipes
- Baby powder
- Prescription medications, if any
Other essentials:
- Bottles and formula, if needed
If you have kids that are a little older, they’ll probably need fewer things. You can probably pack according to the adult list, as long as you remember to bring along:
- A gaming console
- A change of clothes or two
- Any necessary medications
Also, remember to pack any water-related ride essentials such as:
Week-Long Pass
If you are planning to spend a week at the most magical place on earth, you will need to purchase a week-long pass. This will give you access to all of the rides and attractions at Disneyland, as well as any special events that may be happening during your stay.
You will also need to bring:
- Your ticket confirmation
- Credit card or cash for incidentals
The packing list will really stay the same except for the amount of clothes you’ll need to bring. We recommend packing at least 7 changes of clothes, so you have one for each day, plus a few extras in case you want to change into something clean after a long day at the park.
When traveling with kids, it’s always better to bring along more clothes than you think you’ll need (especially if you don’t have access to laundry facilities).
If you are traveling with a baby or a toddler, be prepared for messes. You will want to pack at least 7 changes of clothes, plus a few extras in case of accidents.
How to Choose Your Luggage For Your Trip
Now that you know WHAT to pack let’s talk about HOW to pack.
The type of luggage you bring on your trip can make a big difference in how easy it is to get around the parks.
For day trips, we recommend bringing a small backpack or day bag that can easily be carried around with you.
For longer trips, we recommend bringing a larger suitcase or duffle bag. If you are traveling with kids, you may want to consider bringing a backpack for each child as well. This will make it easier for them to carry their own things and will free up your hands.
When choosing luggage, keep in mind that you will be doing a lot of walking. We recommend choosing something lightweight and easy to carry. Rolling luggage is also a good option, as it will make it easier to get around the parks.
No matter what type of luggage you choose, be sure to pack light! You don’t want to be lugging around a heavy backpack all day.
What to Wear at Disneyland
So, you know that you need to pack clothes, but what exactly should you wear to Disneyland?
This is where things get fun.
For Adults:
- T-Shirts: You’ll want to bring along a few different T-shirts to Disneyland. A classic Disneyland shirt is always a good choice, but feel free to also pack some other fun Disney-themed shirts as well.
- Tank Tops: It can get pretty warm at Disneyland, especially during the summer, so it’s a good idea to pack some tank tops or other sleeveless shirts.
- Shorts: Again, because of the heat, you’ll want to make sure to pack some shorts. Denim shorts are always a good choice.
- Skirts: If you want to dress things up a bit, you can also pack a skirt. Just make sure it’s not too short so you can be comfortable all day long.
- Dresses: Disneyland is the perfect place to break out that pretty dress you’ve been dying to wear. Just make sure it’s comfortable enough to walk around in all day.
- Jeans: A good pair of jeans is always a good choice for Disneyland. You can dress them up or down, and they’ll keep you comfortable all day long.
- Sweatshirt: Depending on the time of year you’re visiting, you may want to pack a light sweatshirt or jacket. It can get chilly in the evenings, especially if you’re riding some of the outdoor rides.
- Onesies: A few cute and comfortable onesies are a must for any baby or toddler headed to Disneyland.
- Shirts: You’ll also want to pack a few shirts for your little one. Again, Disney shirts are always a good choice, but anything cute and comfy will do.
- Pants: A few pairs of pants, or even some leggings, are a good idea for your toddler. You want them to be comfortable all day, and pants will help with that.
- Sweater: If you’re visiting during the cooler months, or if your little one is prone to getting cold, make sure to pack a sweater or light jacket.
- T-Shirts: Just like adults, kids will want to pack a few different T-shirts for their trip to Disneyland. A classic Disneyland shirt is always a good choice, but feel free to also pack some other fun Disney-themed shirts as well.
- Shorts: Again, because of the heat, you’ll want to make sure to pack some shorts for your kids. denim shorts are always a good choice.
- Skirts: If you have a daughter, she might want to pack a skirt. Just make sure it’s not too short, so she can be comfortable all day long.
- Dresses: If you have a daughter, a pretty dress is always a good choice for Disneyland. Even better would be a princess dress. Just make sure it’s comfortable enough to walk around in all day.
- Jeans: A good pair of jeans is always a good choice for Disneyland, for both boys and girls. They can dress them up or down, and they’ll keep your child comfortable all day long.
- Sweatshirt: Depending on the time of year you’re visiting, you may want to pack a light sweatshirt or jacket for your kids. It can get chilly in the evenings, especially if they’re riding some of the outdoor rides.
For Everyone
- Socks: Don’t forget to pack socks! You’ll want a few pairs to keep your feet comfortable all day.
- Shoes: Comfortable shoes are a must for Disneyland. You’ll be doing a lot of walking, so you want to make sure your feet are comfortable.
- Sandals: If you’re visiting during the warmer months, sandals are always a good choice. Just make sure they’re comfortable enough to walk around in all day.
- Sneakers: A good pair of sneakers is always a good choice for Disneyland. They’ll keep your feet comfortable all day, and they’re perfect for walking around in.
- Hat: A hat is always a good idea for any time you’re outdoors, and that includes Disneyland. A cute little Disney-themed hat will help keep the sun out of your eyes and off your head.
- Sunglasses: Sunglasses are a must for any trip to Disneyland. They’ll help keep the sun out of your eyes, and they’ll make sure you can see all the sights.
- Sunscreen: Don’t forget the sunscreen! You’re going to be outdoors all day, so you want to make sure you’re protected from the sun.
- Water Bottle: A water bottle is a must for any trip to Disneyland. It’s important to stay hydrated,
- Disney Ears: No trip to Disneyland is complete without a pair of Mickey Mouse ears. You can find them anywhere in the parks, but it’s always better to get them before you go so you don’t have to carry them around all day.
- Autograph Book: If you’re going to Disneyland with kids, an autograph book is a must. They can get autographs from all their favorite characters, and it’s a great way to keep track of who they meet.
- Camera: A camera is always a good idea for Disneyland. You’ll want to take pictures of all your favorite memories, so make sure you bring a good one.
- Backpack: A backpack is essential for any trip to Disneyland. You can use it to carry all your belongings, and it’s perfect for holding snacks and water bottles.
If you or your family are going in costumes, make sure you pack everything you need to complete the look. That includes accessories, makeup, and anything else you might need. You don’t want to be caught without something important.
Staying at the Resort vs. Staying Off-Site
There are some items on this list that you can possibly exclude depending on where you choose to stay.
For example, if you’re staying at one of the Disneyland Resort hotels, you won’t need to pack a lunch or snacks. Also, most of the resort hotels have laundry facilities, so you can pack fewer clothes.
If you’re staying off-site, there are a few things you’ll want to make sure to bring with you.
- Lunch/Snacks: If you’re not staying at the Disneyland Resort hotels, you’ll want to make sure you pack lunch and snacks for your day at the parks. There are a few places to eat inside the parks, but they can be expensive and the lines can be long. It’s always better to have your own food.
- Stroller: A stroller is always a good idea for Disneyland, but it’s especially important if you’re not staying at the resort. You can rent strollers inside the parks, but they’re expensive, and they can be hard to find.
- Laundry detergent: If you’re not staying at a Disneyland Resort hotel, you’ll want to make sure you bring laundry detergent with you. This way, you can wash your clothes while you’re on vacation and not have to worry about packing a lot of clothes.
- Extra batteries: If you’re bringing any electronics with you, it’s always a good idea to pack extra batteries. You never know when you might need them, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.
How to Sneak Snacks into Disneyland
Now, for the most important question. How the heck do you sneak snacks into Disneyland?
Well, there are a few ways.
The first is to wear them. Wearing a large scarf or shawl is a great way to smuggle in some snacks. Simply put the food items into the scarf and then wear it around your neck like a regular scarf. This is especially effective if you’re wearing loose clothing that can help hide the food items.
Another way to sneak snacks into Disneyland is by hiding them in your purse or bag. This is a bit more tricky, as you’ll need to make sure the food items are well hidden and not easily detectable. One way to do this is to put them in containers or zip-lock bags. You can also try wrapping them in tin foil or wax paper and shoving them to the bottom of your diaper bag.
If your bag has any hidden pockets or compartments, this is also a great place to stash snacks. Just make sure you keep an eye on your bag at all times, as Disney security is known for being pretty strict about food items.
Speaking of pockets, if you don’t mind your snacks getting a little smooshed, you can hide them in the pockets of your pants or your jacket. This is a great option if you’re wearing loose clothing, as it will be less obvious that you’re carrying food items. Just make sure you don’t put them in your back pockets, as this will likely get you caught by security.
If you’re really determined to sneak snacks into Disneyland, you can always try the old-fashioned way: smuggling them in your pants. This is definitely a risky move, as you can get caught if security does a pat-down search. But if you’re feeling daring, simply put the snacks in your pockets or in a small baggie and tuck them into your waistband. Just make sure you don’t try to smuggle in anything too big or obvious, as this will definitely get you caught.
Here are a few tips to help you be discrete:
- Choose smaller snacks that won’t be too obvious
- Avoid anything that could make a lot of noise or crinkly wrappers
- Don’t try to smuggle in too much food
- And most importantly, be calm and act lik you belong. If you look nervous or out of place, security is more likely to stop and search you.
So there you have it! These are just a few ideas to help you sneak snacks into Disneyland. Just remember to be careful and use your best judgment. And if all else fails, you can always buy some snacks once you’re inside the park. Happy snacking!
Additional Travel Tips
Finally, here are a few additional travel tips to help you plan your trip:
- Make sure you have a valid passport if you’re planning on traveling to Disneyland from another country.
- If you’re driving to Disneyland, make sure you know where you’re going to park. Parking can be expensive, so it’s always good to have a plan.
- If you’re flying to Disneyland, make sure you give yourself enough time to get to the airport and go through security. It’s always better to be early than late.
- If you’re going to Disneyland with kids, make sure you have a game plan for when they get tired or hungry. It’s always good to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong.
- Have things to do in line. Whether it’s a book, a portable game system, or something else, it’s always good to have something to do while you’re waiting in line. This will help keep everyone happy and avoid any meltdowns.
- Make sure you have travel insurance. This is especially important if you’re traveling from another country. You never know what might happen, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
- Finally, don’t forget to have fun! Disneyland is a magical place, so make sure you take the time to enjoy it.
The Bottom Line
This is everything you need to know about packing for Disneyland. Just remember to pack light, wear comfortable shoes, and bring a backpack or bag to carry all your things. And most importantly, have fun!
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Last updated on Jan 24, 2024 by Adam Bryan . This post may contain affiliate links.
Welcome to my comprehensive, in-depth Disneyland planning guide that will provide with all the necessary information and tools needed to plan the best, most magical Disneyland visit possible.
Although this guide won’t give you every single detail you’ll need to plan your amazing trip to Disneyland Resort, it will at least give you a great overview of various topics and then point you in the right direction by liking to related articles and guides on this blog.
That way you can dive into the nitty-gritty details and plan the perfect trip that fits your needs and preferences. So, with that said, let’s jump right in!
Notable Dates to Look Forward To
Disneyland trip planning essentials, how to budget for a disneyland vacation, cheapest time to visit disneyland, buying disneyland tickets, what is genie+ and do you need it, booking your hotel, where and what to eat and drink, best rides at disneyland, character meet and greets, other helpful planning essentials, final thoughts.
Before we go any further, here are some major things to expect and look forward to at Disneyland Resort in 2024:
- Late 2024 – Splash Mountain reopening as Tiana’s Bayou Adventure
More future plans and updates are likely to be announced throughout the year so I’ll be sure to update this accordingly.
If you are currently planning a Disneyland vacation or day visit, then these resources and guides will help you make the most of your visit by providing you with everything from Genie+ priorities and snack recommendations to money-saving tips and hotel recommendations.
- Disneyland Trip Planning Timeline and Checklist
Before embarking on your Disneyland adventure, I recommend checking out this straightforward Disneyland planning checklist and timeline, which will simplify the planning process by giving you a targeted schedule for completing essential aspects of your trip planning.
For instance, 8 months prior to your trip, it’s an ideal time to set your budget, select your travel dates, and keep a lookout for any upcoming attraction openings, festivals, or events. Additionally, when you’re 60 days away from your visit, make sure to secure any desired restaurant reservations and book special experience activities like Savi’s Workshop.
This timeline will guide you through all the necessary details and steps you should take 8 months, 6 months, 4 months, and 60 days before your magical visit to Disneyland.
Disneyland Bucket List
There are so many fun and incredible things to do at Disneyland that planning your visit might feel overwhelming because the last thing you’d want to do is miss out on anything great.
That’s why I recommend that you check out this Disneyland Bucket List that will tell you everything you must see, do, eat, and drink during your visit.
My personal favorites include eating a specialty churro, breaking your back on the Matterhorn Bobsleds, build a lightsaber at Savi’s Workshop, pairing a Mickey beignet with a mint julep, ride some opening day rides, ride Guardians of the Galaxy Mission Breakout during Halloween, and visit California Adventure during their food and wine festival.
- Disneyland Bucket List (75+ Things to Do)
Disneyland in general is pretty expensive. There’s no way to sugarcoat. But there’s a reason why they make $21 million a day .
That said, if you are able to budget for a Disneyland visit without going above your means, you can easily have one of the best times of your life.
Here’s how:
Choosing When to Visit
Before you even set a budget, the first thing you need to do is choose when exactly you’d want to visit the parks.
Like most vacation destinations or even Disney World, Disneyland experiences a large influx of crowds, tourists, and even locals during certain times of the year, while other times are surprisingly very relaxed, empty, and “affordable.”
If your schedule is pretty flexible, I recommend the you plan your visit around the holidays for the best decorations and parades, or around the beginning quarter of the year.
Regardless of when you want to visit, at the end of the day, the best time to come to Disneyland is when it works for you the best . Then from that point on, you can start to budget accordingly.
How much does it cost to go to Disneyland?
Disneyland is very expensive and unfortunately, prices are only going up.
Here is how much you should expect to pay on average each day when visiting Disneyland Resort:
- Park Tickets : Start at $104 per day plus an extra $65 for Park Hopper
- Food and Drinks : $70 per day per person on average
- Hotels and Resorts : Disney’s hotel rates range from $415 to $675 per night on average and around $200 per night off-property
- Transportation : $160 to $249 roundtrip from LAX on Uber/Lyft, plus around $10+ each way around Anaheim resort
These costs are only estimates and depend entirely on specific dates of the year.
For a more in-depth breakdown of a Disneyland trip cost, be sure to check out this guide:
- Disneyland vacation Costs – A Simple, In-Depth Breakdown
Food Costs at Disneyland
Food and drinks (especially alcohol), are pretty expensive at Disneyland.
Here’s how much you should expect to pay for food and drinks at Disneyland broken down by Quick Serve, Table Service, snacks, drinks, and alcohol:
- Snacks = $8 on average
- Drinks = $4.59 – $5.29 each, bottled water costs $4.39
- Alcohol – $9 – $15 including beer, wine, and cocktails
- Quick Service = $15 – $18 per meal, excluding beverages
- Table Service = $36 – $60+ per meal
How to save money at Disneyland
Although saving money and Disneyland doesn’t appear to go together, there are surprisingly a number of ways that you can visit Disneyland on a budget .
Here are some of my favorite ways:
- Buy discounted park tickets from authorized sellers like Undercover Tourist
- Skip the Park Hopper if you have two or more days at the parks
- Stay off-property because Disney hotels are insanely expensive, even during the offseason
- Visit during the off season such as mid-January through February
- Bring your kids when they are under the age of 3 since their tickets will be free
- Skip out on souvenirs, especially balloons
The cheapest time to visit Disneyland is from early January through February. The second cheapest time is late-August.
During late August and January, you’ll find the cheapest park ticket prices.
These are also a few of the times during the year where you can expect the parks to be least busy .
Of course you’ll want to avoid all of the major holidays like Thanksgiving week and Christmas, not to mention Orange County Spring Break and Easter week. This is generally the busiest (and most expensive) time of of the year which means that the crowds and wait times are miserable. Plus, this is usual when Genie+ sells out.
For a full breakdown of when it’s the cheapest time to go to Disneyland in terms of hotel room rates, park tickets, and travel/transportation, I got you covered in this complete guide:
- Cheapest Time to Go to Disneyland (Ultimate Guide)
Due to the park reservation system, buying Disneyland tickets is by far one of the most important steps to planning a Disneyland visit. Although rare, both parks can sell out during certain times of the year so it’s always important to lock down your tickets as soon as you can.
Disneyland Ticket Prices
A standard Disneyland park ticket starts at $109 per adult and $104 per child (ages 3-9). Children under the age of 3 are free .
Ticket prices vary depending on the time of the year, the number of days, and any ticket add ons like Park Hopper.
Where to Find Disneyland Ticket Discounts
The best way to save money on your Disneyland tickets (besides taking advantage of military or Souther California resident discounts) is by practicing them from an authorized seller like Undercover Tourist .
The discounts are steep but if it saves you even a couple of dollars, the savings can add up to a free Dole Whip or churro.
Genie+ is a paid ticket add-on that will give you g unlimited access to the Lightning Lane during a specific time window at a majority of attractions in Disneyland Park and California Adventure.
Honestly, it’s just a worse FastPass+ system that can get pretty pricey. Plus, even as a Magic Key holder, you still have to buy it (at a discount, but still).
The one annoying thing is that some rides don’t participate in Genie+ but instead you’ll need to purchase access to them a la carte via Individual Lighting Lane Selections.
Here are some helpful resources on Genie Plus:
- Genie+ Attractions List
- Disney Genie+ Ultimate Guide
Individual Lighting Lane Attractions and Prices
Here’s how much Individual Lightning Lanes costs as well as which rides are eligible:
- Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway = $15 – $20
- Radiator Springs Racers = $7 – $20
- Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance = $20 – $25
Please note that you can only purchase Individual Lightning Lane Selections for up to 2 different attractions per day.
How much does Genie+ cost at Disneyland Resort?
Genie+ at Disneyland Resort costs between $25 and $30 per day .
Generally, the busier the parks are, the more expensive Genie+ will be, especially during peak season, holidays, and weekends.
Cheapest Day to Buy Genie+ at Disneyland
The cheapest day of the week to buy Genie+ at Disneyland is Friday with an average price of $25.60, according to Thrill Data .
The most expensive day is Saturday.
Sample Itineraries without Genie+
I believe that you can still have a ton of fun at Disneyland without buying Genie+. Here is a sample one-day itinerary that’s perfect for anyone that doesn’t want to cough up any additional money on Genie plus for the day.
- Disneyland without Genie+ (Both Parks)
Deciding on where to stay during your Disneyland vacation may seem frustrating due to the fact that the three Disney hotels are very pricey , but thankfully, there are a number of other hotel and resort options nearby that will fit any budget.
Disneyland Resort Hotels
There are three Disney hotels in Disneyland Resort:
- Grand Californian
- Disneyland Hotel
- Pixar Place Hotel
The Grand Californian is the flagship property but unfortunately, that also comes with a high price-tag. But if there’s one thing that separates this hotel with the rest, it’s the fact that there is a dedicated entrance into California Adventure.
The Disneyland Hotel is the most modern of the bunch but it’s also the furthest. But they do have very nice villas.
The Pixar Place Hotel is the cheapest of the three but it also comes with its own dedicated entrance into California Adventure. It’s not directly connect to the hotel like the Grand Californian’s is, but it’s still a fantastic perk.
The best part about staying at a Disney resort are the perks such as:
- Early Entry (enter the theme parks 30 minute before opening)
- Close proximity to the parks
- Preferred access to hotel dining reservations
- Next-day package delivery
Disneyland Resort Hotel Room Rates
Here are the average nightly rates for all three hotels:
- Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel and Spa = $584 – $767 per night (with rates as high as $1,000 a night during peak season)
- Disney’s Pixar Place Hotel = $355 – $466 per night
- Disneyland Hotel = $464 – $631 per night
For a more accurate range of room prices, see this chart .
Disneyland Good Neighbor Hotels
The Anaheim Resort area outside of Disneyland property is home to hundreds of hotels, motels, and resorts that can accommodate every budget.
But for the best options, be sure to book a Good Neighbor Hotel .
Hotels within Walking Distance to Disneyland
The hotels outside of Disneyland are very walkable, which is great if you plan on staying off-property.
Here are some of my favorite hotels within walking distance of Disneyland:
- Westin Anaheim (9 minute walk to Downtown Disney)
- Courtyard Anaheim Theme Park Entrance (9 minute walk)
- Howard Johnson Anaheim Hotel and Water Playground (11 minute walk)
- Hyatt House Anaheim (13 minute walk)
- Best Western Plus Park Place Mini Suites (4 minute walk)
Here is the complete list of every major hotel within 5 to 20+ minute walking distance to Disneyland:
- All Hotels Within Walking Distance to Disney
Hotels Near Disneyland with Bunk Beds
If a standard room with 2 queens and a pull-out sofa doesn’t cut it, then getting a room with bunk beds is a great alternative, especially if you have kids.
Here are some Good Neighbor Hotels that have rooms with bunk beds:
- Anaheim Portofino Inn and Suites
- Best Western Plus Raffles Inn and Suites
- Courtyard Marriott Anaheim Theme Park Entrance
- Hampton Inn and Suites Anaheim Convention Center
- Homewood Suites Anaheim Convention Center
- Hyatt Orange County
Here are 12 more hotels that have bunk beds .
My Two Cents
As much as I love staying at one of the three Disney hotels (especially the Grand Californian), it’s just getting more and more difficult to spend all that extra money for something that I will only be in from midnight to 8 am.
That’s why no matter how “inconvenient” staying off-property may feel like, at the end of the day, I’m 100% with saving that Disney hotel money and instead putting it towards something fun inside the parks like special event tickets or even a VIP Tour .
So if you don’t mind taking a shuttle or walking, stay off property and save hundreds of dollars.
I’m obsessed with the food at Disneyland. In my opinion, it’s a step above anything you’d find at Disney World .
One of the best things I love about Disneyland is that they offer some of the best, most unique food and drink options that you won’t find at any theme park.
Here’s a brief overview of my favorite things to eat and drink at Disneyland.
Best Snacks at Disneyland Park
These are my favorite snacks (and things to eat in general) at Disneyland Park that you can’t miss:
- Mickey Beignet
- Seasonal Funnel Cake
- Tigger Tail
- Beef Birria Toasted Cheese
Best Snacks at California Adventure
And these are my favorite food and drinks at California Adventure that I think are worth the money:
- Choco-Smash Candy Bar
- QuesaBirria
- Beef Bulgogi Burrito
- Lobster Nachos
- New York Tastiest
- Funnel Cake Fries
Food and Drink Lists
Here are some food and drink recommendations that will help with your planning:
- Best Foods at Disneyland, California Adventure, and Downtown Disney
- 10 Best Disneyland Snacks (California Adventure too!)
There are so many incredible and iconic attractions at Disneyland that it might feel overwhelming when planning out which ones you’d want to hit between the two parks.
Best Rides at Disneyland Park
Here are the best rides in my opinion at Disneyland Park:
- Space Mountain
- Indiana Jones
- Haunted Mansion
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Best Rides at California Adventure
Here are the best rides in my opinion at California Adventure:
- Incredicoaster
- Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout
- Radiator Springs Racers
- Soarin’ (Over California)
- Silly Symphony Swings
Which Day of the Week Has the Lowest Wait Times?
The best day of the week to visit Disneyland Resort in general is Friday which will generally have the lowest wait times of the week.
The best day of the week to visit Disneyland Park is Thursday with an average wait time of 26 minutes.
The best day of the week to visit California Adventure is Friday with an average wait time of 30 minutes.
Single Rider Lines at Disneyland
If you don’t mind splitting up your party in order to cut down your wait time at select attractions, hopping in the Single Rider Line is a great way to ride some popular rides without waiting for hours.
There are currently 9 attractions between both the parks that offer a Single Rider Line:
- Matterhorn Bobsleds
- Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run
- Splash Mountain (Tiana’s Bayou Adventure)
- Grizzly River Run
- Soarin’
- Goofy’s Sky School
- Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure
Disneyland Roller Coasters Ranked
Disneyland doesn’t have the crazy rollercoasters that Disney World has , but they still have some great hits including the second best Space Mountain of any Disney park.
The number one spot goes to Incredicoaster followed by Space Mountain (or Hyperspace Mountain).
For the full list of Disneyland roller coasters ranked, check out my top 6 .
Fastest Rides at Disneyland
Although no ride at Disneyland cracks 60 mph ( like at WDW ), that doesn’t mean that adrenaline junkies won’t have a blast.
Here are the fastest rides at Disneyland :
- Incredicoaster – 55 mph
- Radiator Springs Racers – 40 mph
- Splash Mountain – 40 mph
- Big Thunder Mountain Railroad – 35 mph
- Space Mountain – 35 mph
- Goofy’s Sky School – 27 mph
- Matterhorn Bobsleds – 27 mph
- Chip ‘n’ Dale’s GADGETcoaster – 22 mph
- Disneyland Ride Lengths and Duration
Here’s the complete listing of every attraction length and duration at both parks:
- Disneyland Height Requirements for Every Ride
Here’s the full listing of height requirements for every ride at both park:
Every Ride That Doesn’t Have a Height Requirement
Disneyland Resort is without a doubt one of the best theme parks to visit thanks in part to the sheer amount of rides and attractions that don’t have a minimum height requirement.
Some of the popular rides (some of which are minor “thrill” rides) that don’t have height requirements are:
- Astro Orbiter
- Jungle Cruise
- Inside Out Emotional Whirlwind
- Monsters, Inc. Mike and Sully to the Rescue
- Pixar Pal-a-Round (Swinging and Non-Swinging)
- Toy Story Midway Mania!
For the full list of 40+ attractions without height restrictions, check this out .
I’m not a huge fan of meeting characters so I really don’t have much to share on that topic. That said, here’s a resource on all of the character meet and greets you’ll find at Disneyland, California Adventure, and some Disneyland hotels.
Here are some extra resources that don’t really fit any of the categories above but are still pretty helpful:
Disneyland Abbreviations You Should Know
This is very random, but you might find yourself stumbled upon a secret language at Disney Parks, that may not make much sense at first.
Some popular ones include:
- DAS : Disability Access Service
- DCA : Disney California Adventure
- DL : Disneyland
- DLR : Disneyland Resort
- GR : Guest Relations
- LL : Lightning Lane
- ROTR : Rise of the Resistance
- FP : FastPass
For an entire list of Disney abbreviations and acronyms, check out this complete list .
Planning an Accessible and Sensory-Friendly Visit
The sights, colors, and loud sounds of a Disney theme park may be exciting for some guests, but they can also be pretty overwhelming to people with ASD.
Here’s my complete guide to planning an accessible and sensory-friendly Disney World vacation:
- Planning a Sensory-Friendly Theme Park Visit
Planning for a visit to Disneyland might feel overwhelming at times, especially with all the updates, but with the help of some of these guides and resources, I’m confident that you’ll be able to plan the most magical time at Disneyland Resort possible.
More Travel Planning
About Adam Bryan
Hey what's up, I'm Adam, founder of Urban Tastebud Disney and I spend most of my days eating (and researching, but mostly eating) around Disney Parks to create useful travel planning content that will help you maximize your time and money at Disney.
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Small World This Is
California , Orange County
21 Essential Items For Your Disneyland Packing List
For me packing for Disneyland is always equal parts excitement and feeling overwhelmed. Planning for an entire day (or days) in the park(s) is not something you can wing. I’ve learned that preparation is key to maximizing your time at the Happiest Place on Earth, and not wanting to pull your hair out. It’s also important to not overpack as well, or bring unnecessary things and not have a lot of room for souvenirs, because there will be souvenirs. Here’s what to bring and what to leave behind on your Disneyland packing list.
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The Complete Disneyland Packing List
The biggest thing to remember is bring layers, since it can cool off even during the warmer summer months. You will also want to bring a warmer layer if you get wet on Splash Mountain and a breeze picks up.
Here’s what should be on your Disneyland packing list:
- Pair of comfortable shoes like sneakers – because you will get your 10,000 daily steps in. If you’re going to have multiple days in the park/s it’s recommended you bring two pairs of comfortable shoes that you can switch off wearing each day
- Extra socks – stuff some in your day bag, since you never know when you’ll need them.
- T-shirts – always good to have a lighter layer in case the sun comes out
- Sweatshirt – important to have on hand when it cools down at night
- Light portable jacket – important to have on hand during the cooler winter months
- Shorts/pants – depending on the weather, you may need pants if it’s an overcast day. Make sure to check the forecast the day of since the weather can be change day to day. In early summer the sky can be overcast due to June gloom, where thick fog rolls in from the coast
- Bathing suit – whether you’re staying in a Disneyland hotel or in a nearby hotel, taking a break by the pool is always a good idea
- Hat + sunglasses – don’t under estimate that California sun, especially when you’re stuck waiting in a long line
- Disney ears – if you have ears from a previous trip, don’t forget to bring them. I have a pair of sparkly blue and white star ears that have been my go to since I bought them a few years back
- Poncho – if the forecast says it’s going to rain, you don’t want to end up buying one of the overpriced ponchos in the park, and you can also use it on Splash Mountain to stay dry
- Snacks – from personal experience it’s always beneficial to bring extra snacks in your bag to ward off hunger while waiting in line. Disneyland allows guests to bring in snacks, as long as they’re not in a glass container. Food wise, if you want to save money and bring your own lunch, finger food like sandwiches and cut fruit and veggies are allowed. Large family-sized Tupperwares of food and food that needs to be heated and/or prepped is restricted to the picnic area outside the park.
- External phone charger – there are limited outlets around the park as well as FuelRods for rental as a back-up. I’ve always found it easier to bring my own phone charger, since it saves money and I don’t have to worry about the extra step of having to rent one out or hover over an outlet (if I can find a free one).
- Reusable storage bags – of all sizes, because you never know when they come in handy. From keeping things like your camera dry on water rides with gallon-sized bags to storing Disney pins in snack-sized bags.
- First aid kit – including Advil, motion sickness meds, and band-aids for blisters. There is a First Aid Center in the park, but when you’re all the way across the park it can be a hassle to try to make your way back to Main Street for a band-aid (especially with said blister).
- Backpack/bag -bring a bag that is big enough to stash all your belongings and then some. It’s always important to have a bag that will zip-up, since you don’t want all your things to fall out when you’re on Big Thunder Mountain.
- Extra packable duffel bag – to carry more souvenirs at the end of the day when you buy all those gifts for family and friends at the Emporium.
- Reusable water bottle – there are plenty of water fountains around the park to fill up. Bottled water around the park is pricey at $3, but it you want some ice cold water you can always ask quick-service restaurants for free water. Nothing ruins a Disneyland trip faster than dehydration.
- Electrolytes – speaking of staying hydrated, I am a big fan of packing a few electrolyte powder packets for an extra boost and some added flavor (my personal favorite are Nuun tablets, lemon-lime for the win!).
- Sunscreen – even on the cloudy days, the weather can be deceiving. Make sure to reapply it throughout the day, especially if you go on rides like Splash Mountain.
- Lotion – Orange County is dessert dry and having extra hand/face lotion is always good, especially when those pesky Santa Ana winds come to town.
- Hand sanitizer + wet wipes – there’s no way to sugar quote it – Disneyland is filled with germs and it’s important to bring an arsenal of both hand sanitizer and wet wipes in your bag. Wet wipes come in handy especially when you need to clean off your sticky churro fingers in line for Pirates of the Caribbean.
A note about storage options:
If you don’t want to carry your jacket around all day or don’t want to lug your souvenirs around until the fireworks, you can always store your things in a rented locker located at the front of the park on Main Street U.S.A. (alternatively Buena Vista Street in DCA or The Esplanade accessible from Downtown Disney and located right outside the main entrances of both parks). Locker prices within Disneyland are $7 or $10 depending on the size of the locker.
If you have medication that needs to be refrigerated, drop it off at the First Aid Center at the end of Main Street, next to the Baby Care Center.
Make sure to add a small bag for all your souvenirs on your Disneyland packing list.
What Not To Bring To Disneyland
There are some things that guests are not allowed to bring into the park, including the following:
- backpacks/bags on wheels
- coolers that are larger than a 6-pack (though an exception is made if you want to bring coolers up to 19″ wide x 24″ high x 31″to store in rented jumbo lockers)
- glass containers (except for baby food and medicine)
- selfie sticks
- costumes if you’re over 14 years old (unless there’s a special event)
- pets-unless they’re service animals (there’s a kennel right before the entrance gates where you can leave your pet for the day)
Read more: Prolonging The Magic: Disneyland For Adults
Extra Disneyland Trip Prep Tips
Here are a few additional things to take care ahead of time to make sure your trip goes as smoothly as possible:
Disneyland App – download this essential guide before your visit, which gives you ride wait times, the ability to purchase park tickets (important for skipping the ticket line), MaxPass (mobile FP), mobile food ordering, dining info, character appearances and more.
Dinning reservations – for popular dinning spots like character meals or sit-down dinning you can make reservations ahead of time (up to 60 days in advance). Restaurants that take reservations include Blue Bayou, Plaza Inn, Ola’s Cantina, Carnation Cafe, River Belle Terrace, and Cafe Orleans. For more dinning info, check out this Disneyland guide here .
Book nearby lodging – planning where to stay is very important to the ease of how your trip will go. Staying at a Disneyland hotel is ideal, but not always the best choice financially. I have always found staying at nearby hotels the best option, especially those that are a quick Uber or complementary shuttle ride away. Here are a few solid choices:
Best Western Plus Stovall’s Inn
A 15-minute walk to Disneyland (you can see Disney California Adventure across the street), this hotel is a clean, spacious home base. The area is well lit, so you can feel safe coming home from the park late at night. The pool area is a nice retreat with two large pools, two hot tubs, and shaded cabana areas. A hot breakfast is included.
Check out the reviews on TripAdvisor | Book your stay on Booking.com
Staybridge Suites Anaheim At The Park
A bit further from the park, this 3-star hotel is modern, clean, and offers spacious suites complete with modern kitchenettes. A reasonably-priced option for families or travelers looking to have the convenience of a fridge, microwave, and stove top in their rooms. Walking to the park is a bit far (25 minutes or more), but a blink of an Uber ride takes you straight to the front gates.
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Anaheim Resort Area
A mid-range hotel that is a solid choice with amenities that include an outdoor pool, snack bar, and a complementary hot breakfast buffet. Suite rooms include a separate living room area with a sofa pull-out bed, that is perfect for larger groups. Ask for a back-facing room to avoid highway noise. Disney is a quick 11-minute walk door to door.
The Best Time To Go To Disneyland
Disneyland is blessed with a sunny Southern California climate, where the weather is pretty ideal year round. In the summer it will be hot (but without humidity and daily thunderstorms like Disney World), and in the winter there is always the possibility of rain. Going in off-seasons like winter, spring, and fall are preferable, since summer can be crowded with families on summer vacation. That being said, exceptions during off-season times to avoid are school holidays like spring break in March and the weeks surrounding Halloween and Christmas.
Check out this helpful calendar of the best times to go to the park from Magic Guides.
What are must-haves on your packing list for Disneyland?
Updated 3/22/21
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Disneyland Packing List: What To Pack for Disney
Posted on Published: 07/19/2024
Disneyland is one of my favorite destinations in the United States – maybe even higher on the list than Walt Disney World. With two adjacent parks, it can be easier to manage than the much larger Disney World. If you are planning a trip to Disneyland , you may be looking to put together a packing list for Disneyland.
When visiting Walt Disney World and staying on property, you’ll feel like you are in a “bubble”. It’s more important to make sure you pack everything you need because it can be an inconvenience to leave the property. However, with Disneyland, you’ll be able to walk to several pharmacies to get anything you may need.
While it’s still very important that you pack personal items and other things you need for your trip, at least it’s good to know that you’ll be able to get most things you need nearby if you forget something. It takes the pressure off of packing.
Disclosure: I’ve received complimentary/discounted admission to Disneyland and Walt Disney World, as well as complimentary products (some listed below) over the years. This post contains affiliate links. A click-through/purchase through one of these links may result in a commission paid to us at no additional cost to you.
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When booking your Walt Disney World vacation, consider purchasing through our affiliate Get Away Today . They offer great prices on tickets and can book many hotels.
Need Disneyland park tickets? Save money on your Disneyland California tickets and your Southern California vacation by booking through Get Away Today . You can also save $10 on your Southern California vacation of 2 days or more with the code FTM10.
Packing List for Disneyland: What to Bring to Disneyland
Before packing for Disneyland, looking at the list of prohibited items is a good idea . In addition to the items you’d expect, other things are forbidden. These include selfie sticks, wagons, rolling coolers, folding chairs, toys resembling weapons, and more.
I offer two downloadable theme park packing lists . The master Disneyland packing list is for whoever is packing for the family because it contains things that will need to be packed for the whole family as well as personal items.
There’s also a separate child list. Depending on the ages of your kids, you can download this packing list and let your kids pack for themselves. For younger kids, you’ll want to look over their stuff because it goes into the luggage.
Types of Clothes
One of the things that I love about Disneyland Resort is the weather. Southern California has fairly consistent weather, and it doesn’t get as oppressively hot as Florida does. You’ll still want to check both the average temperatures for the time of year you are visiting and the weather forecast right before you leave.
Throughout the year, you’ll find highs from the 60s to the 80s and lows from the 40s to the 60s. As you’d expect, the summer is the hottest.
You’ll want to pack casual comfortable clothes. It’s best to focus on comfort first, although several restaurants are a little more formal. It may be a good idea to pack one or two nice outfits in case you decide that you want to eat in a nicer restaurant.
Bring along a sweatshirt or a sweater, for the cooler evenings. I own several Disneyland sweatshirts that I had to purchase when the sun went down and the weather suddenly got colder.
Comfortable walking shoes are also important. You’ll be doing lots of walking during your theme park days – between the two Disneyland parks and maybe even from your hotel. I’d recommend wearing whatever comfortable shoes you prefer, but flip-flops aren’t usually a great idea.
Some people prefer sneakers, while others (like me) find them to be more uncomfortable. Don’t wear new shoes. Make sure whatever you bring is broken in so you are completely comfortable walking around in them.
Rain is a lesser factor in California than it is in Florida. Therefore, you won’t necessarily have to worry too much about sudden downpours or soakings at Disneyland. However, if rain is in the forecast before your trip, you may want to pack some rain gear or perhaps your rain jacket.
If sudden rain does happen on your trip, the Disneyland shops will sell disposable ponchos that you can buy for the day.
Theme Park Bag
I love handbags, so I’m always thinking about the best theme park bag for my trips. I generally carry a lot with me (including my daughter’s EpiPens, my credit card, and other essential items), but I don’t want to have a heavy bag.
Think about functionality as well as style when choosing your theme park bag. I generally like to carry a cross-body bag because then I can be hands-free. You’ll probably also want something that closes along the top so you don’t lose your important items – especially on the roller coasters .
Another good option is a backpack. If it’s especially hot, a backpack can be a little uncomfortable on your back, however. Don’t bring along a bag that is too expensive or delicate though, especially since it may get wet.
Keep in mind that security goes through bags at the bag check entrance of the parks. Because of that, I try to make sure my bag doesn’t have too many pockets. That will help you save time.
Don’t worry too much about basic first aid supplies for your day in the park. If you happen to need a bandaid, you can go to the first aid stations. Other items can be purchased at most of the gift shops.
I like using a crossbody bag for travel , and it’s great for theme parks as well. They are available in several colors/patterns.
Autograph Book
Traveling with young kids? My kids always loved visiting the Disney characters and gleefully clutched their autograph books as they waited in line.
I always recommend bringing your own autograph book before visiting the parks. Once you have one, you can use the same one for returning trips.
Refillable Water Bottles
I am constantly drinking water, even when I’m sitting at my desk working. When I’m at theme parks, I’m less likely to stay hydrated unless I always have a bottle of water with me. Reusable water bottles are a good, affordable way to make sure you drink plenty of water on your Disney trip.
Whether you are driving or flying to Disneyland, make sure you have your reusable water bottle with you in your carry-on bag or by you in the car. You won’t be able to go through TSA with a full bottle, but you can always fill it up once you are past security. Bring one for each family member.
Any refillable water bottle is good, but be sure to look for something that won’t leak in your bag. My favorites are these CamelBak bottles . Wash them each night so they are ready to use again in the morning.
Phone Chargers
I typically need a portable charger anytime I use my phone all day. At Disneyland and Walt Disney World, I use my cell phone even more – to take photos, keep track of reservations, and use the Disney apps. The last thing you want is to walk around with a dead phone.
At Disneyland, I recommend FuelRod chargers. These small portable phone chargers are available at airports, on Amazon, or at theme parks. Although they don’t hold quite as much of a charge as other phone chargers, they can be exchanged throughout the property for a device with a full charge.
When purchasing a FuelRod, it comes with the actual charger as well as three power cords that can be used with various devices (including the iPhone). It can be charged with any USB adaptor, and you can also trade it out at a kiosk for a fully charged device.
FuelRod also has an app where you can find kiosks and get credit for free trades. They aren’t the cheapest or most powerful chargers, but they are very convenient for Disneyland or Disney World .
You can purchase a FuelRod Portable Charger Kit on Amazon .
Water rides
Planning to go on the Grizzly River Run at Disneyland? Water rides as so much fun and can be a great way to cool off in the sun. But, you’ll want to make sure that your phone is protected from the water.
You’ll have several options. Lockers are located in the parks, but aren’t always the most convenient, especially for just one or two rides. If a member of your family isn’t planning to ride, they can always hold the bags.
To protect phones that you bring with you on the ride, you may consider bringing along waterproof cases for your phone . These relatively inexpensive cases are a great way to protect your phone. You can also use them for other trips – to water parks or to the beach.
Another option is to pack sealable plastic bags. These aren’t as reliable as a case made specifically for this purpose, but at least a plastic bag can provide some protection from the rain.
Lip balm is a travel essential for me, no matter where I am going. The dehydration associated with traveling can lead to chapped lips, which can be uncomfortable. Bring along a lip balm that has SPF, so your lips will be protected from the sun as well.
I always recommend packing sunscreen, regardless of your travel destination. Even cool, cloudy weather can lead to too much sun exposure. When traveling to theme parks, I usually pack several types of sunscreen.
Depending on how many days I’m visiting, I usually bring at least a bottle or two of regular, body sunscreen, which I apply before I leave for the day and leave in my hotel room.
Then, I pack several small travel-sized bottles that I can slip into my park bag for the day. My favorites are these TSA-friendly sunscreen bottles that are available on Amazon. Finally, I pack face sunscreen, which I also carry in my purse.
If you are planning on visiting your hotel pool or a water park, you may want to bring along additional bottles to make sure you don’t run out. Of course, sunscreen is readily available in case you need more.
Safety Tattoos
Traveling with younger kids? When my kids were really little, I always made sure I had safety tattoos for them. You can have these temporary tattoos customized with your cell phone number (as well as allergies and any other essential information).
They are easy to apply, and you can teach your kids to show these to an adult if they get lost. Luckily we never had to do that, but I was always happy knowing my kids were wearing them.
We recommend SafetyTats . You’ll want to order them in advance of your trip to make sure they arrive in time.
Bringing along a stroller can be a big decision. If you’ve got really little kids, you’ll probably want to have your stroller from home. That way, you’ll have it at the airport, at the hotel, and throughout your trip.
As kids get older, however, you may consider traveling without one. But remember that even kids who can walk well may get tired after a day of walking through a theme park. Luckily, the parks offer stroller rentals that can be a great option if you only need the stroller at the theme parks. They can be worth the extra cost.
You can now use your MagicBand+ at Disneyland. It doesn’t have the same functionality as Walt Disney World, but it’s convenient for park entrance and Genie+. If you are bringing bands you already own, keep in mind that it will need to be the + version, not the older versions.
Hand Sanitizer
I have always traveled with hand sanitizer. It’s a good idea to use it both at the airport and at the parks, so you’ll want to have enough. I like to bring hand sanitizer bottles with a little clip to attach to my handbag. That way, it’s always readily accessible.
Bathing Suits
Most of the hotels near Disneyland (including the Howard Johnson’s Anaheim Hotel and the Courtyard Anaheim ) offer water parks, pools, or splash areas. Don’t forget to pack your bathing suits so you can spend some downtime at your hotel.
Mickey Ears
If you have your own Mickey ears, or other Disney souvenirs from your last trip, be sure to pack them. That way, you won’t have to purchase new ones.
Visiting Disneyland CA? Click to see all of our Disneyland posts with reviews, tips, overviews of the best rides, and more.
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Tuesday 28th of December 2021
Thank you for the tips
Jodi Grundig
You're welcome! Hope they help!
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What To Pack For A Disneyland Trip: 41 Essentials To Bring
Planning a trip to Disneyland can be an exciting and memorable experience, but being properly prepared is essential to ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay. One of the key aspects of a successful Disneyland trip is knowing what to pack. This comprehensive packing guide will help you pack all the essentials for a magical adventure at the happiest place on earth.
When it comes to packing for a Disneyland trip, it’s important to strike a balance between being prepared for all the fun activities and not overpacking. You don’t want to be weighed down by excessive luggage, but at the same time, you don’t want to find yourself without essential items. By following this packing guide, you’ll be equipped with everything you need to have a stress-free and unforgettable trip.
Whether you’re visiting Disneyland for the first time or you’re a seasoned Disney enthusiast, here are some tips to keep in mind before you start packing:
- Check the weather forecast for your travel dates. This will help you determine the appropriate clothing to pack.
- Consider the duration of your trip. If you’re staying for multiple days, you may need to pack more items than a one-day visit.
- Think about the activities you plan to engage in at Disneyland. Are you going to enjoy water rides? Will you be attending any special events or character meet and greets?
- Take note of any specific guidelines or restrictions set by Disneyland, such as prohibited items and dress code.
By taking these factors into account, you’ll be able to create a packing list tailored to your specific needs and ensure a hassle-free trip. In the following sections, we’ll dive into the essential items you should pack for your Disneyland adventure.
Essential Clothing and Accessories
When it comes to packing clothing and accessories for your Disneyland trip, comfort and versatility are key. Here are some essential items to include in your suitcase:
- Comfortable shoes: Disneyland involves a lot of walking, so be sure to pack a pair of comfortable shoes or sneakers.
- Weather-appropriate clothing: Check the weather forecast and pack clothing suitable for the conditions. T-shirts, shorts, and lightweight layers are ideal for warm weather, while jeans, sweaters, and jackets are necessary for cooler temperatures.
- Rain gear: Since weather can be unpredictable, it’s wise to pack a lightweight raincoat or poncho. This will keep you dry during any unexpected showers or water rides.
- Hats and sunglasses: Protect yourself from the sun by bringing a hat and sunglasses. These accessories will shield you from harmful UV rays and keep you comfortable throughout the day.
- Backpack or day bag: A small backpack or day bag is essential for carrying your belongings. Make sure it’s comfortable to wear and has enough space to hold essentials like water bottles, snacks, and sunscreen.
- Extra clothes: If you’re planning to go on water rides or get wet in any way, pack a change of clothes so you can quickly change and avoid discomfort.
- Costume or Disney-themed attire: Many visitors enjoy dressing up in Disney-inspired outfits. Consider packing a costume or Disney-themed attire to add to the fun and immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere.
Remember to pack clothes and accessories that you feel comfortable in and reflect your personal style. This will ensure that you not only have a delightful experience at Disneyland, but also feel confident and relaxed throughout your trip.
Comfort and Convenience
When embarking on a Disneyland trip, it’s important to prioritize your comfort and convenience. Here are some essential items to pack that will help ensure a more enjoyable experience:
- Sunscreen: Protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays by packing a high SPF sunscreen. Apply it generously and reapply throughout the day to prevent sunburn.
- Portable phone charger: With all the photo opportunities and using your phone for navigation, your battery might drain quickly. Bring a portable charger to keep your devices powered up throughout the day.
- Reusable water bottle: Staying hydrated is crucial, especially when you’re spending hours walking around. Bring a reusable water bottle and refill it at water fountains throughout the park.
- Snacks: Pack some lightweight, non-perishable snacks to keep you fueled throughout the day. Granola bars, trail mix, and fruit snacks are great options.
- Ziplock bags: These versatile bags come in handy for storing wet clothes, keeping snacks fresh, and protecting your electronics from water on water rides.
- Ponchos or umbrellas: Be prepared for unexpected rain showers by packing disposable ponchos or a compact travel umbrella.
- Hand sanitizer and wet wipes: Keep your hands clean and fresh by carrying hand sanitizer and wet wipes. They’re especially useful before enjoying any snacks or meals.
- Travel-size toiletries: Bring travel-size toiletries like toothbrush, toothpaste, and travel-sized shampoo and conditioner if you’re staying at a hotel or planning to freshen up during the day.
- Travel-sized first aid kit: It’s always a good idea to have a small first aid kit with band-aids, pain relievers, and any necessary medication in case of minor injuries or illnesses.
By packing these comfort and convenience items, you’ll have peace of mind and be prepared for any unexpected situations that may arise during your Disneyland adventure. Remember, it’s always better to be over-prepared than under-prepared.
Electronics and Entertainment
While Disneyland is an immersive experience in itself, having some electronics and entertainment options can add to the enjoyment of your trip. Here are some essential items to consider packing:
- Camera or smartphone: Capture all the magical moments at Disneyland with a camera or smartphone. Make sure to bring extra memory cards or ensure your phone has ample storage space.
- Portable speakers: If you enjoy listening to music, bring a portable speaker to play your favorite tunes while waiting in line or relaxing in the park.
- Noise-canceling headphones: Block out any excess noise and distractions by packing noise-canceling headphones. They’re perfect for immersing yourself in the park’s atmosphere or enjoying your favorite music.
- E-readers or books: If you prefer a quiet moment to relax, bring along an e-reader or a good book to enjoy during breaks or while waiting for shows.
- Portable gaming device: Keep yourself entertained during downtime by bringing a portable gaming device. It’s a great option for kids and adults alike.
- Charging cables: Don’t forget to pack charging cables for all your electronic devices. This will ensure they stay powered up throughout the day.
While it’s important to have some electronics and entertainment options, be sure not to spend your entire trip glued to your devices. Disneyland is a place to create magical memories and immerse yourself in the experience, so strike a balance between enjoying the attractions and making use of your entertainment options.
Important Documents and Money
When preparing for your Disneyland trip, it’s crucial to have all the necessary documents and sufficient funds to ensure a smooth and worry-free experience. Here’s a checklist of important items to pack:
- IDs and travel documents: Carry your identification card, driver’s license, passport, or any other form of identification that may be required for entry or verification.
- Tickets and reservations: Make sure to pack all tickets, passes, or reservations for Disneyland and any other attractions you plan to visit during your trip.
- Payment methods: Bring multiple forms of payment, such as cash, credit cards, and debit cards. Some vendors in the park may only accept cash, so it’s important to have some on hand.
- Health insurance card: It’s always a good idea to have your health insurance card with you, especially in case of any unexpected medical situations.
- Emergency contact information: Write down the contact information of a trusted friend or family member, as well as any relevant medical information or allergies, in case of emergencies.
It’s also advisable to make photocopies or take pictures of your important documents and store them securely in case of loss or theft.
While at Disneyland, be mindful of your belongings and avoid carrying large amounts of cash. Consider using lockers or the hotel safe to store valuable and important items. Additionally, notify your bank and credit card companies of your travel plans to avoid any issues with your accounts.
By having all your necessary documents and funds in order, you’ll be prepared for any situation that may arise during your Disneyland adventure.
Safety and First Aid
Ensuring your safety and well-being during your Disneyland trip is of utmost importance. Here are some essential items to pack for safety and first aid:
- First aid kit: Pack a compact first aid kit with adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any necessary medication you or your family members may need.
- Sunscreen: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen regularly. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF.
- Insect repellent: Depending on the season, insects may be present in certain areas of the park. Pack insect repellent to keep bugs at bay.
- Pain relievers: Headaches and muscle soreness can occur after a long day of walking and standing. Bring pain relievers to alleviate any discomfort.
- Hand sanitizer: Keep your hands clean and germ-free by carrying a small bottle of hand sanitizer.
- Emergency contact information: Have the contact information of your emergency contacts readily available in case of any unexpected situations.
- Emergency poncho: Pack a compact emergency poncho or raincoat in case of sudden rain showers or water attractions.
- Motion sickness remedies: If you or your family members are prone to motion sickness, pack remedies such as motion sickness bands or medication.
- Comfort items: If you have any specific comfort items that help you feel secure and relaxed, such as a blanket or pillow, consider bringing them along.
Disneyland has trained medical staff and first aid stations throughout the park to assist with any medical emergencies or injuries. You can refer to the park map or ask a cast member for assistance if needed.
Remember to listen to your body, take breaks when necessary, and stay hydrated. By being prepared and taking precautions, you’ll have a safe and enjoyable time at Disneyland.
Snacks and Drinks
While Disneyland offers a wide variety of dining options, having some snacks and drinks on hand can save you time and money, and keep you energized throughout the day. Here are some essential items to pack:
- Lightweight and non-perishable snacks: Choose snacks that are easy to carry, non-perishable, and won’t get crushed in your bag. Granola bars, trail mix, dried fruit, and crackers are great options.
- Fruits and vegetables: Pack some fresh fruits and cut-up vegetables for a healthy and refreshing snack option.
- Reusable water bottle: Staying hydrated is crucial, so bring a reusable water bottle to refill at water fountains throughout the park.
- Drinks: If you prefer something other than water, bring along individual packets of powdered drink mixes or small bottles of your favorite beverages.
- Treats and indulgences: Disneyland is known for its delicious treats. If you have a favorite snack or treat, consider bringing it along to enjoy while exploring the park.
It’s important to note that outside food and beverages are permitted in Disneyland, with the exception of glass containers, large coolers, and alcoholic beverages. Be mindful of any dietary restrictions or food allergies when selecting your snacks.
While having snacks and drinks on hand is convenient, make sure to also indulge in the delicious dining options available at Disneyland. The park offers a wide variety of cuisines and dining experiences, giving you the opportunity to try new and exciting flavors.
By packing snacks and drinks, you’ll have the flexibility to enjoy quick bites on the go and avoid hunger or dehydration during your Disneyland adventure.
Miscellaneous Items
Aside from the essentials mentioned previously, there are a few miscellaneous items that can enhance your Disneyland trip and make your experience even more magical. Consider packing the following:
- Autograph book and pen: If you’re planning to meet Disney characters, bringing an autograph book and pen will allow you to collect their signatures and create lasting memories.
- Glow sticks or light-up toys: In the evening, Disneyland comes alive with dazzling lights and fireworks. Bring glow sticks or light-up toys to add to the enchanting atmosphere.
- Reusable shopping bags: Disneyland has plenty of shops, and having reusable shopping bags on hand will come in handy for carrying any souvenirs you purchase.
- Ziploc bags or wet bags: Whether you’re storing wet clothes or want to protect your belongings from spills, having ziplock bags or wet bags is always useful.
- Park maps and guidebooks: Although park maps are readily available at Disneyland, bringing a guidebook or downloading the official Disneyland app can provide additional information and help you navigate the park efficiently.
- Park tickets and FastPasses: Keep your park tickets and FastPasses easily accessible in a secure location to avoid any hassle during entry or ride reservations.
- Disney-themed accessories: Get into the spirit of Disneyland by wearing Disney-themed accessories, such as hats, ears, or shirts. This will add to the fun and immerse you in the magical atmosphere.
- Baby supplies: If you’re traveling with an infant or young child, be sure to pack items such as diapers, wipes, bottles, and a stroller to make your little one comfortable during the trip.
Remember to pack any personal items that will enhance your enjoyment of the park. Whether it’s a camera for capturing memories, a portable fan to stay cool, or a travel pillow for a quick nap, think about what will make your Disneyland experience more enjoyable and convenient.
By considering these miscellaneous items, you’ll have everything you need to fully immerse yourself in the Disney magic and create unforgettable memories during your trip to Disneyland.
Preparing for a trip to Disneyland can be both exciting and overwhelming, but with the right packing tips, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience. By following this comprehensive packing guide, you’ll be equipped with all the essentials to make your Disneyland adventure unforgettable.
Take the time to consider the specific needs of your trip, such as the weather, the duration of your stay, and the activities you plan to engage in. This will help you tailor your packing list to meet your individual requirements.
Remember to pack comfortable clothing and shoes, as well as essential accessories like hats, sunglasses, and backpacks. Don’t forget crucial items like sunscreen, reusable water bottles, and snacks to keep you energized throughout the day.
Ensure the safety of you and your fellow travelers by packing a first aid kit, emergency contact information, and any necessary medications. And, of course, don’t forget your important documents and payment methods.
While this packing guide covers the essentials, it’s important to personalize your packing list based on your preferences and needs. Consider adding some entertainment options, such as cameras or portable speakers, to enhance your experience.
Lastly, remember that packing for Disneyland is not only about being prepared, but also about enjoying the magic of the park. Immerse yourself in the atmosphere by adding some Disney-themed accessories or indulging in treats unique to Disneyland.
With this comprehensive packing guide, you’ll be ready to embark on a magical adventure at the happiest place on earth. So pack your bags, double-check your packing list, and get ready to create lasting memories at Disneyland!
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The ultimate disneyland packing list + [free printable], january 8, 2022.
A mom of six through birth and adoption, family travel specialist, self-proclaimed chocolate chip cookie connoisseur, Disney lover, and, I hope to be, your new best friend.
There are very few times a year that aren’t good for a family trip to Disneyland. The weather in southern California is pretty ideal year-round but it can get somewhat cold and quite hot . Whether you have an Annual Pass and go often or are trying to get the most out of your yearly family, we’ve got a guide to help you streamline your travel preparations and give you a pain-free packing list so you can focus on making memories. After years of experience and hundreds of trips to the Happiest Place on Earth (check out our favorite tips here ), we’ve created the Ultimate Disneyland Packing List to save you time and money while visiting the Disneyland Resort.
Disneyland Packing List Necessities
When planning for a trip of this size, it can be intimidating to find a place to start. (By the way, if you need help planning your trip, contact our friends at Best Day Ever Vacations . They are truly Disney Experts, (we thought we were until we met them) and not only are their services FREE, but they will save you both time and money.)
Here is a list of all the necessities you will need for a trip to Disneyland. Some of these, you may not have even thought of! Keep in mind, the list below is for a week-long stay at Disneyland. Be sure to plan accordingly for longer or shorter stays.
First off, we will start with clothing. This category is probably the easiest to plan for! If you are more of the efficient type, we recommend bringing clothing items that are versatile and easy to mix and match to get more life out of your outfits while bringing less. California is known for being comfortably warm during the day, but the nights can still be chilly, especially when waiting for parades and fireworks! A light jacket or sweater is a good idea no matter what part of the year you are visiting.
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Women’s Apparel
Men’s Apparel
*Both of these apparel lists are for one week of Disneyland
More Necessities to Add to Your Disneyland Packing List
Disneyland Packing Necessities for the Weather
If you’re planning a trip to Disneyland during the Spring or Summer time, bringing along some sun and rain protection will be your best friend! During the Spring, you can almost guarantee some April showers to be hitting the parks throughout the day, so those umbrellas and ponchos will definitely come in handy. Alternatively, you can repurpose that poncho to keep you dry during a few rounds of Splash Mountain or Grizzly River Rapids. Be sure to pack your umbrella during the summer months as well to beat the heat. Especially midday, an umbrella will help block that California sun from tiring you out and giving you a rough sunburn.
Uncommon Must-Haves for Your Disneyland Packing List
Portable parade blanket.
As mentioned above, California is lovely, but the cold can be pretty biting come nightfall. Having a small, portable blanket is a huge lifesaver! You can find ones like this one on Amazon and clip them to your stroller or toss them in your bag. You won’t even realize it’s there until you need it. This especially comes in handy for parades and keeping warm after being drenched on Splash Mountain!
Portable Charger
With technology being a huge life-line for us and a huge tool within the parks for photo opportunities, fast passes and more, it’s so important to keep your phone charged and ready to go. Invest in a portable charger that you can rely on. This one is my favorite charger.
It charges your phone quickly and has at least 6 charges in it for multiple phones. Additionally, purchase an expandable USB Wall Charger for your hotel room! Outlets are known for being few and far between in hotel rooms, so bring this extension to ensure everyone gets the power they need to their phones and devices. Check it out here!
Snacks to Add to Your Disneyland Packing List
Bringing snacks can save you literally hundreds of dollars on your trip to the Happiest Place on Earth. If you’re traveling from out of town or out of state, we recommend taking a quick trip to Target or CVS in Anaheim before heading into the park to stock up on some easy to store snacks that you can pull out throughout the day.
Easy Snack Items to Pack
- Granola Bars for Energy
- Dried Fruit
- Uncrustables
- Goldfish Crackers
- Fruit Snacks
- Fresh Fruit
Disneyland Packing List For the Baby
Even for the most experienced Disney-goers, doing Disneyland with a baby is a whole new adventure. Check out these helpful items below to make bringing your little one effortless and fun.
Backpack Diaper Bag
Traveling with little ones can be quite the task, so we recommend trading out your traditional diaper bag for one that doubles as a backpack. Not only will it be easier to carry around the park, but it’ll save your back and be all the more convenient. Check out a full list of the top ones here.
A stroller is a must if your park group includes children under 5 because of how much walking goes into a day (or week!) around the parks. One thing to keep in mind is that Disneyland has a new stroller limitation policy to help reduce issues with foot traffic, so be sure to check that your stroller fits within their new requirements. You have the option to rent a stroller that will fit within these regulations from Disneyland as well. This is a great option for those traveling from out of state and doesn’t want the logistics of flying with a stroller.
Another thing you are going to want to add to your Disneyland packing list is a stroller fan. If you are heading in the springtime or summer we highly recommend bringing a stroller fan. It’s a nice simple way to help keep your little one cool. You can snag one here .
Other Things to Remember
Baby Snacks
Diapers & Wipes
Burp Cloths & Bibs
Changes of Clothes
Extra Layers
JUST FOR FUN – Disneyland Packing List Items
If you go to Disneyland and don’t leave with any accessories and mementos to remember the trip by, did you even really go? We love picking up souvenirs, but have noticed that there
One of my kids’ favorite things about Disney World was the little accessories they got along the journey. And I definitely would say to pick up some souvenirs for your kids. However, there are several things in the park that you can easily pick up beforehand to save your pocket, but keep the memories flowing!
Automatic Bubble Wand
Bubble wands are guaranteed to bring joy to anyone coming in contact with them, no matter what age, but especially with kids under 7. These wants are perfect for keeping your little ones entertained while walking between attractions or waiting in a long line. As an added bonus, bringing your own into the park means that your kids won’t beg you for once they see another child with one! Here are some great ones available on Amazon.
*Avoid getting ones with a trigger as Disney does not allow these.
Princess Dresses & Character Costumes
Costumes are not cheap by any means at Disneyland, so if possible, get your costumes ahead of time for them to wear into the park! You can buy them directly from Shop Disney (usually at a discount!), from Amazon, or even your local party store. Pair this with some DIY Bippity Boppity Boutique makeovers before heading to the park and you’ll have yourself some very happy kids!
Tip: things like hair pieces, glitter, props and some Youtube tutorials can really help take their costumes to the next level and make them feel like a real princess, pirate or character from their favorite Disney movie. Check out all our favorite items here.
Disney Family Shirts
Matching shirts serve a variety of uses when planning your Disney vacation! Not only do they make for fun family photos to look back on, but they make it really easy to identify your tribe in the crowds at the parks. You can check out our full list of Disney Family Shirts here!
More Fun Items for Your Disneyland Packing List
Mickey Mouse Ears (Adorable Ones Available on Etsy )
Glow Sticks
Autograph Book & Pen
Disney Trading Pins
Light up Toys
Every trip to Disneyland is different, but we’ve found that the items on this list remain must-haves on each trip we take! Especially on our longer trips, these items have proven time and again to be huge lifesavers! When you’re planning your next Disneyland vacation, be sure to reference our Ultimate Disneyland Packing List to make your vacation stress-free and memorable!
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What You Can & Can’t Bring into Disneyland & Items Will Surprise You!
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Disneyland Trip Planning Timeline and Free Printable (2024)
Planning an amazing Disneyland vacation is stressful when the to-do list seems endless: book the perfect hotel, buy tickets, make dining and theme park reservations, and decide if Genie+ is worth it. If this is your first Disneyland trip, or even if you’ve planned one before, our free, printable 2024 Disneyland Planning Timeline keeps things simple and avoids mistakes on your next Disneyland vacation.
Use this planning guide for Disneyland in Southern California. If you are planning a Walt Disney World trip here’s our full guide for Florida.
6 to 8 Months Before Disneyland
Research and Book Disneyland Hotels
Disneyland has three on-site resorts and dozens of off-site hotels nearby. Unlike Disney World , many on- and off-site Disneyland hotels are within easy walking distance to the theme parks.
We personally prefer staying on-site at Disneyland. Resort guests get early entry at Disneyland or Disney California Adventure, have shorter security screening lines, and the comfort of being in the Disney bubble.
On-Site Disneyland Resort Hotels
Disney’s pixar place hotel.
The least expensive Disneyland Resort Hotel, Pixar Place, got a major upgrade with refurbished rooms, pool deck, lobby, and dining. Pairing this remodel with a newly opened walkway connecting Pixar Place Hotel to Disney California Adventure makes this often overlooked Disneyland resort even more appealing.
Disneyland Hotel
The playful styling, adorable pool, and easy walk to Downtown Disney plus newly opened DVC villas make Disneyland Hotel my go-to on-site hotel . Although not as luxurious as Grand Californian, Disneyland Hotel rooms are larger than those at Grand Californian.
The new Villas at Disneyland Hotel have sleek styling and clever design making them a comfortable option and my new preferred Disneyland room option.
Regular Disneyland Hotel rooms have traditional styling, but could use a refresh. While Disneyland Hotel bathrooms could surely use a remodel the split design remains functional for our family.
Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel
Disney’s Grand Californian has both standard rooms and Disney Vacation Club villa options. The Craftsman styling and rich furnishings make the Grand Californian lobby a stunning sight and it’s even better during the holidays when decorated with a huge gingerbread house and Christmas tree.
Walk directly from Grand Californian into Disney California Adventure park with a dedicated entrance. For your Disneyland days, take a short walk via Downtown Disney.
The location of Grand Californian is the most convenient of the on-site Disneyland resorts, but the small rooms plus large price tag make Grand Californian less of a value than other options.
Disneyland Off-Site Hotels
Disney World has over 25 resorts and is roughly the size of San Francisco making off-site stays more cumbersome. Disneyland, on the other hand, is compact with many well-reviewed off-site hotel options within walking distance of Disneyland.
I’m sharing our favorite off-site Disneyland resort, but our travel partners at Get Away Today ( affiliate link ) continually tour off-site options to help you pick the right one for your vacation.
Courtyard by Marriott Anaheim Theme Park Entrance
Courtyard by Marriott Theme Park Entrance rooms are spacious with a large split bathroom, bunk beds, and dining area.
We like the layout of the King resort view with balcony rooms which have a small alcove for bunk beds separate from the main bedroom area. This is a perfect spot for kids to fall asleep while parents relax after a day at Disneyland.
The hotel is an easy half mile walk from Disneyland’s Harbor Boulevard entrance and steps away from both a Panera and McDonald’s for quick and inexpensive meals.
The main downside of this resort is the same as all the off-site options. Disneyland’s Harbor Boulevard entrance is busy which means security screening lines can get long compared to the ones for on-site guests.
120 Days Before Disneyland
Buy Disneyland Tickets and Make Disneyland Park Reservations
Disneyland requires all guests to purchase valid theme park tickets PLUS make a theme park reservation to enter the parks. This requirement began after Disneyland reopened and looks like it is here to stay.
When purchasing your Disneyland tickets through the Disneyland website you’ll be prompted to make theme park reservations as part of the purchase process.
If you bought discounted Disneyland tickets ( affiliate link ) through Get Away Today, like we do, you’ll simply link the tickets to your account and then make Disneyland park reservations.
In general two days at Disneyland with a park hopper ticket lets you experience most of Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure. We usually spend two or three days at Disneyland when combining it with San Diego .
If our trip to Southern California is only to visit Disneyland we buy three or four day tickets. Adding on a day or two makes for a relaxed Disneyland vacation.
For shorter trips we recommend purchasing a Disneyland park hopper ticket with Disneyland Genie+ included. Buying Genie+ with your ticket locks in the price at $30 per person per day. While sometimes the same day price is still $30, the daily price varies and is routinely $35 during our visits.
For trips of three and four days we buy Genie+ daily. Most of the time we only need the service for two days and regret buying for the duration of longer tickets.
Book Disneyland Flights
Deciding when to book Disneyland flights is always a gamble. Book too early or too late and end up paying higher prices. We find booking Disneyland flights about 4 months ahead of time has the best balance of prices and availability.
However, if you are inflexible on dates or times and have the budget feel free to book flights earlier. This locks in your preferred route, but at a potentially higher price.
There are several airports near Disneyland which provides lots of flight options when planning.
Although LAX is the largest airport near Disneyland, it is my least favorite. Traffic from LAX to Disneyland varies widely and the airport can be overwhelming.
Whenever possible we fly into Long Beach or Orange County/Santa Ana Airport. Both of these are smaller airports within a 30 minute drive of Disneyland. Other local Disneyland airports are Burbank and Ontario, but we’ve yet to use them because they are further away.
Download The Disneyland App
The Disneyland App is handy before and during your vacation. Use the app as your park ticket, to make and manage dining reservations, book lightning lanes, mobile order food, and find out show and attraction wait times.
Download the app for iPhone ( App Store ) or for Android ( Google Play) and get a feel for how to use it before dining reservations open, 60 days before your trip. Disneyland’s app is a convenient way to book dining reservations and also manage any that need to be changed.
60 Days Before Disneyland Vacation
Reserve disneyland dining.
Disneyland dining reservations open 60 days before your visit. Unlike Disney World, booking Disneyland dining reservations occurs one day at a time 60 days in advance for both on- and off-site guests.
When booking Disneyland dining reservations prioritize character dining like Plaza Inn breakfast , or popular restaurants like Carthay Circle and Blue Bayou, or any dining packages for nighttime spectaculars first. These reservations are the most difficult to find.
Schedule Droid Depot, Savi’s, and Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique Experiences
People often forget that reservations for these popular experiences open 60 days before your Disneyland visit, too. Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique transforms kids into princesses or princes with fun makeovers done by Fairy Godmothers-in-training.
Star Wars fans won’t want to miss the chance to build a personalized astromech at Droid Depot or a salvaged lightsaber at Savi’s . Book early since these reservations fill up quickly.
Research and Reserve Disneyland Transportation
There are several ways to get to Disneyland from public transportation to Lyft to black car service. We prefer renting a car to drive ourselves from the airport to Disneyland. It provides the greatest flexibility and comfort, but can be a pricey option.
If rental cars are too expensive, our second choice is a Lyft to Disneyland from Orange County/Santa Anna or Long Beach Airport. Unfortunately, this option doesn’t work well for those with small kids needing car seats. If you have a child large enough for a booster seat grabbing a Lyft is easy if you use this tiny Mifold booster seat .
Find more information on transportation use this Disneyland airport transporation guide .
7 Days Before Disneyland Vacation
Pack For Disneyland
Packing a few days ahead of time helps discover anything you’ve forgotten with enough time to buy any missing items. Here’s our Disneyland Park Bag packing list to help with what to bring to the parks each day.
Although I don’t have a Disneyland specific packing list, my comprehensive Disney World packing list works well for California, too.
One Day Before Disneyland
Order disneyland groceries.
Ordering groceries for Disneyland isn’t necessary, but can be a nice time, and money, saver on vacation. We like to order some bottled waters and grab and go breakfast items via Instacart when visiting Disneyland.
Just make sure you are there to meet your driver or confirm that the hotel will accept items for you prior to ordering. Some hotels will turn away grocery deliveries if you are not there to meet the shoppers.
Arrival Day
There’s nothing quite like walking down Disneyland’s Main Street and taking in all the magical sights and sounds. You’ve arrived and now it’s time to enjoy the parks.
If you’ve pre-purchased Genie+ book your first Lightning Lane after tapping into Disneyland or Disney’s California Adventure. If purchasing day-by-day and arriving late, skip Genie+ on arrival and scan the app for low wait time attractions to make the most of your arrival day.
Once you are inside Disneyland or Disney’s California Adventure purchase Individual Lightning Lanes for rides like Rise of the Resistance or Radiator Springs Racers, if you’d like to pay to skip these long lines.
Final Thoughts on Our Complete Disneyland Planning Timeline
Using our Smart Mouse Travel Disneyland Planning Timeline keeps you organized and prevents big mistakes like forgetting park reservations.
Follow these simple steps in our free, printable Disneyland Planning Timeline to plan your own vacation or reach out to our travel partner, Get Away Today , and let them help plan your Disneyland vacation.
Get your free, printable Disneyland Planning Timeline here!
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Disneyland Planning Guide 2024: Start Here to Plan Your Disneyland Trip
We cover everything from finding the best hotel near Disneyland to the most recent Disneyland updates to advice on saving money on Disneyland tickets. Our guide to planning a trip to Disneyland is laid out in the order of steps you would go in as begin planning to make it as simple as possible for first time guests and well-seasoned park goers!
You can read all about what Disneyland is like right now and the Disneyland reservations system in our guides.
Common Questions:
- Where to find best discount Disneyland tickets?
- Where to find cheap Disney World tickets?
- How to find discount Universal Studios Hollywood tickets?
- What should I bring to Disneyland?
- Which are the best hotels near Disneyland?
- Which airport is closest to Disneyland?
- When is Disneyland least crowded?
- Should I go to Disneyland or Walt Disney World?
- How much does Disney FastPass cost in 2024?
- How do I navigate Disneyland with a wheelchair?
Planning a Disneyland Vacation?
Get exclusive access to prices on hotel & tickets just for Mickey Visit subscribers. Don't miss our travel hacks newsletter!
When to Visit Disneyland 2024
Your first step to planning a Disneyland vacation is to first decide on when you would like to visit the park! There are special events to consider throughout the year along with your own schedule to consider. In order to help you decide when is the best time to visit Disneyland consult our Disneyland crowd calendar which includes crowd predictions along with monthly events for the entire year. Plus, see our tips for the best times to visit Disneyland here .
Visiting Disneyland during the summer is often the most obvious choice for guests due to summer vacation for school aged kids. This is a great time to visit Disneyland as you will enjoy longer operating hours and newly introduced events or entertainment. Our guide to summer at Disneyland covers the pros and cons of a summer vacation at the resort. Spring at Disneyland can be another great time to visit, especially if you're looking for discounts for on-site Disney hotels and cheaper airfare.
Also consider the Disneyland Park hours and Disney California Adventure park hours when planning.
The holiday season is also another popular time to enjoy the parks as Disneyland goes all out for both Halloween and Christmas . You can enjoy seasonal ride overlays, an abundance of decorations, seasonal treats and themed entertainment. Picking what time of year to visit Disneyland will alter your resort experience in regards to the type of entertainment you may experience at the park, decorations, crowds, weather and even prices.
Prices will always be higher during holiday weeks like spring break, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Labor Day, etc. Crowd levels also usually coordinate with these higher prices. Our guide to experiencing crowds at Disneyland help you prepare for surviving anything. Be sure to read our top Disneyland tips here .
You may also want to take into account the usual yearly refurbishments that may take place at Disneyland when picking your trip dates- these are just the yearly ride closures for usual maintenance or closures for seasonal overlays that happen each year.
You may also consider visiting for a birthday or anniversary which are great milestones to celebrate on Disney! In fact, Disney will help you celebrate those special birthdays and anniversaries .
Regardless of what time of year you pick, there is always a pro/con to each and every day of the year is just as magical as the rest!
Disneyland's New Reservation System 2024
Once you've picked your dates for your Disneyland vacation your next step is to purchase your tickets! You can save nearly $20 per ticket for travel when you book with our recommended travel partner Get Away Today . They offer the best discounts while providing top notch customer service. They have worked with Disney for over 30 years selling millions of 2-5 day discount Disney tickets and give our Mickey Visit readers (who book through links on our website) an exclusive discount rate on tickets. I highly recommend going that route for your Disneyland theme park tickets. You can read more about the different ticket options, how many days you need and more in our discount Disneyland guide.
If you're looking to do Disneyland on a budget, I've got you covered in our budget tips for Disneyland guide. Our list of budget tips will help you save money on park tickets, hotel, dining, and includes information on how to save 5% on Disney gift cards!
It's not enough to just have your theme park tickets to Disneyland, you also need to make a reservation for each day of your visit once you've purchased your tickets! This is extremely important because reservations can run out as your trip dates get closer and since this new reservation system has been implemented it hasn't been uncommon to see guests without a reservation be turned away at the gates… even if they have tickets.
Theme park reservations are available on a 90 day rolling basis for one day tickets and Magic Key Holders and a 120 day basis for multi-day ticket holders (available via our travel partner) in order for Disney to access guest availability and you should reserve your park days the instant you purchase your park tickets. You can easily change these later if you need to but better to book them once you've picked your dates. Our guide to the Disneyland theme park reservation system can walk you through how to make a reservation.
What Disneyland Hotel To Stay In
There are two types of hotels to choose from when visiting the Disneyland Resort. You can either stay at an on-property hotel that is owned by Disney or stay at a Disneyland Good Neighbor hotel, a third party hotel approved by Disney. There is a large price different between these two but the on-property Disney hotels all place you within the “Disney bubble” of being able to access Disneyland by walking through the popular Downtown Disney District which connects the entrance to the theme park and the hotels.
Downtown Disney contains plenty of shopping, restaurants and live entertainment. It's a great place to spend your arrival day to get your family in the Disney mood before their full day at the parks.
The are three Disney owned hotels with three different price tiers: Paradise Pier Hotel , the Disneyland Hotel and the Grand Californian Hotel & Spa. Each of our reviews for these hotels detail the perks each offer along with the theme, dining and Disney details the hotels offer. You can also set aside a day of relaxation at the newly imagined Tenaya Stone Spa inside the Grand Californian with a full body massage, foot treatment, facial, and more! Plus they even offer fitness classes , some inside the parks before they open.
You can also bundle your Disneyland tickets and hotel into one Disneyland all inclusive vacation package. You can find more information on exclusive discounts, the best places to find powerful discounts, and when to book your package in our Disneyland vacation packages guide.
For guests that are looking to save money or prefer the variety the off-site hotels offer at Disneyland, there is a plethora of options near Disneyland! This is actually one of the best perks Disneyland has over Walt Disney World. Due to its close proximity of being centrally located in the city of Anaheim it's a breeze to use a hotel nearby and walk to the theme park each day. In fact, some of the off-site hotels are actually fewer steps to the entrance gates than some of the Disney owned hotels.
Our comprehensive guide to hotels at Disneyland covers our favorite hotels near Disneyland plus includes a detailed list of our personal reviews of these hotels with tips on how to save money by booking through our trusted travel partner. If you're the type of family that plans to spend numerous hours in the park and little time at your hotel, you can save hundreds by staying off-site at a no frills (but clean!) hotel and spend that money saved inside Disneyland instead.
Traveling to Disneyland
The Disneyland Resort sits in the middle of numerous nearby airports giving you plenty of options to fly in to the resort. My personal two favorites are Long Beach Airport and John Wayne Airport due to their close proximity (less than 20-30 minutes away!) and their small size. It makes traveling a breeze and I always chose to pay a bit more to fly into Long Beach over Los Angelas Airport which is a much larger airport. LA is also much further away and you will have a longer car ride to Disneyland with plenty of traffic to hold you up.
You can read more about the airports and transportation options to and from the airports in our Disneyland transportation guide.
Where to Eat on Your Disneyland Vacation
The Disneyland Resort provides a wide variety of different types of food. You will find classic amusement park food mixed in with upscale restaurants. The food quality is outstanding and whether you are eating a corn dog or pork shank, it will be the best you have ever had.
Disneyland classifies their dining options in two categories: table service and quick service. Table service is defined as restaurants where you are seated with a typical waiter/waitress and offer advance dining reservations you can reserve 60 days in advance. You can book a reservation on the official Disneyland website or call the reservation hotline at (714) 781-3463. Most of the restaurants are Disneyland that are considered table service book up in advance so its highly recommended you book reservations for the ones you're interested in.
Quick service refers to walk up locations which typically also offer mobile ordering you can use with the Disneyland app or just a regular walk up line. This is a quick grab and go option and also tends to be more cost effective. Most of the quick service locations at Disneyland offers really great food!
One popular experience that you shouldn't overlook, especially if you have kids, is the character dining at Disneyland! You can find character dining inside the park and at the Disney owned hotels offering a variety of experiences from Princess dining to dinner with Goofy! You can read more about each experience offered in our full guide to character dining at Disneyland .
Another popular dining experience at Disneyland is the option of reserving dining experiences that come with reserved seating for popular nighttime entertainment! These experiences are called dining packages and are offered for the popular nighttime spectaculars at Disneyland. This is a great way to combine a great dining experience while also taking the hassle out of saving a spot for a popular show in advance.
Read through our full guide to dining at Disneyland to see a review of all the different restaurants at Disneyland, tips on saving money on food and how to get the best dining reservations.
Disneyland 2024 Packing List
Once you've made all your theme park reservations, dining reservations and have all those finer details made the next big question becomes…. what should I pack? You want to be prepared for your Disneyland vacation but you also don't want to be so overburdened in the parks you're tipping over backwards with a giant backpack! Our Disneyland packing list helps cover everything you should bring so you come prepared.
Disneyland will have you covered with essentials if you do find you forgot something crucial but you will pay a higher price. It's good in a pinch especially if you forgot something you need immediately in the moment like headache or stomach medicine. Yes, you can even find medicine at Disneyland!
If you want to avoid that giant backpack from tipping you over, you could always rent a locker ! Disneyland offers daily locker rentals which is a great solution if you find yourself wanting to store the extra snacks or lunch you brought, the jackets you no longer need or the extra souvenirs you bought.
Disneyland has a great selection of souvenirs which can easily run your wallet down before you have a chance to blink. But there's some souvenirs that are more timeless than others and help preserve the memory of your trip. Read through my top recommendations to the best Disneyland souvenirs to see what are the most unique souvenirs you can find at the parks that are longer lasting memories than the typical t-shirt.
A great idea for Disneyland souvenirs that doesn't break the budget and that kids love are to collect the pressed pennies around the Disneyland.
Another popular item to collect and trade at Disneyland are Disney pins which you can trade with other guests and inside the Disney shops. Our guide to Disney Pin Trading gives an overview of this time honored tradition.
And if you find yourself wanting to purchase something that's too large to pack into your suitcase, Disneyland also gives you the option to ship your souvenirs back home. This is especially helpful since purchasing lightsabers has become a popular option! You can also find shipping options from many of the local stores in Downtown Disney which is a good option if you find yourself splurging on the big Lego set!
Disneyland 2024 Park Ride Touring Plans
Disneyland Resort includes two theme parks: Disneyland Park and California Adventure Park . Disneyland is the original theme park which is home to all the classic rides such as Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean, Mad Tea Party plus the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle. It is also the theme park where you can find the popular Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge! California Adventure Park opened in 2001 and is now home to favorites such as Cars Land, Pixar Pier plus the new addition of Avengers Campus.
You can orient yourself with our map of Disney California Adventure and map of Disneyland Park .
The great thing about Disneyland and one of the biggest differences from Walt Disney World is how easy it is to park hop! Disneyland and California Adventure are located mere steps away from each other making it incredibly easy to walk between each other throughout the day if you wanted. So in the case of visiting Disneyland, I highly recommend you purchase a park hopper ticket .
One of the biggest questions we get from guests about to visit Disneyland is: how do we beat the crowds? There are two quick and easy methods to doing this that can work well for families of all dynamics. Arrive early or stay until park closing. Or you can hit the hotel in the afternoon for a nap and do both! Crowds will always be dramatically more manageable- even during peak travel times- in the morning and end of the night. Nighttime doesn't require much strategy, just stay until after the fireworks end and hang in there until the park closes. Most families will leave after the fireworks and the lines will decrease significantly- even on holidays! And don't forget about using single rider lines!
For more detailed touring plans, we've put together a step by step touring plan to managing Disneyland in the morning . This guide will give the best list of rides to go on first along with what time to arrive so you have a clear plan when you arrive. We have a similar touring plan for California Adventure in the morning giving you a specific game plan to follow so you don't miss out on any of the newly added attractions and popular rides.
Disney Genie+ is a paid program at Disneyland that replaced the previous FastPass/MaxPass program at the parks. This paid service includes access to quicker lines to 15 attractions in both parks plus the option to pay for access for certain individual attractions. Essentially for certain attractions there's two line options: a standby line and a Lightning Lane.
The Genie+ program gives you access to the Lightning Lane which is significantly shorter than the standby line. It costs $20 per person, per day and include your access to ride reservations plus all your photo downloads for the day. Disneyland has professional photographers stationed around the park to take your picture in front of iconic areas like the castle, the main entrance, Main Street, U.S.A., etc. You can also purchase these photos separately through their service called Disneyland PhotoPass .
You reserve a return time in advance via the Disneyland app to use the Lightning Lane and you can book a return time every two hours or after you have redeemed your last booked Lightning Lane reservation. There is also the option to purchase access to the Lightning Lane to select popular attractions individually but these attractions aren't included in the general per day purchase.
I highly recommend you read more about the Disneyland Genie+ program in our guide so you're prepared before your visit. Our guide features the basics of what this paid service can do, the free service that's included for all guests plus tips on how to best maximize its use and get your moneys worth!
Don't forget to spend some time in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge featuring two great themed rides such as the chance to pilot the Millennium Falcon and the infamous e-ticket ride Rise of the Resistance which is said to be one of the best rides Disney has ever done! Explore Star Wars themed shops, dining plus the chance to build your own droid and lightsaber .
Avengers Campus is the newly added Marvel themed land which opened in California Adventure in 2021 featuring a Spider-Man themed ride, opportunities to meet Marvel characters, an Ant-Man focused food eatery and brewery plus a built to scale Quinjet.
It's also a good idea to check the Disneyland Height Requirements to get the full information on ride height requirements plus the ability to do rider switch – this allows parents with children that don't meet height requirements to only wait in line once so they both can ride!
First time visiting Disneyland or feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry, everyone feels that way their first trip to the Happiest Place on Earth because there's just so much to see and do! Have your family pick a few must see rides and make those priority knowing you won't be able to do it all. Our first timer guide for Disneyland can also help you with those essential tips to make sure you know the basics.
Fireworks and Nighttime Entertainment at Disneyland 2024
One of the aspects that makes Disneyland so special is the nighttime spectaculars with the most infamous being the Disneyland fireworks shows . Fireworks take place nightly during peak seasons (Spring break, summer, Halloween and Christmas) and on weekends. Each time of the year will feature a different fireworks show as some are changed out seasonly depending on what event is being celebrated at the parks. These fireworks are a must see Disney experience with state of the art projections, lighting effects and some featuring original musical scores.
Aside from fireworks, the biggest nighttime spectacular show in Disneyland is Fantasmic! which debuted in 1992 and has been a beloved part of Disneyland entertainment ever since. Fantasmic! includes fireworks, live performers, water effects, pyrotechnics, music, watercrafts, decorated rafts, animatronics, and projections on the Rivers of America in Frontierland. Our full guide to Fantasmic! includes everything you need to know including tips on getting the best spot.
The big nighttime spectacular over at Disney's California Adventure is World of Color! This breathtaking show uses nearly 1,200 fountains capable of shooting water 200 feet up into the air equipped with LED rings to create vivid colors and beautiful water screens. Guests can watch the water dance along with perfectly timed pyrotechnics and momentous music as they enjoy memorable scenes from their favorite Disney and Pixar films. Our extensive guide to World of Color gives you an idea of what to expect and helps you figure out how to get the best spot!
You can also find plenty of unique daytime entertainment around Disneyland such as the Disneyland marching band, the Dapper Dans along with the The Tale of the Lion King, the adaptation of the Lion King, coming to the Fantasyland Theater in Disneyland this year.
Disneyland Parades 2024
Parades at Disneyland change seasonally with the popular A Christmas Fantasy parade running during the holidays with the Frightfully Fun Parade taking place during the ticketed Halloween event Oogie Boogie Bash at California Adventure. During the summer the current parade will often switch out with various options which we detail, along with our best tips for getting a good viewing spot, in our Disneyland parade guide .
Disneyland Characters 2024
Characters at Disneyland are another great piece of Disney magic that you cannot miss on your trip! You can meet a variety of beloved Disney characters like the classic Mickey and Minnie Mouse to Pixar characters in California Adventure to Marvel heroes and Star Wars favorites. Character autographs are a big part of meeting characters and its one of the most exciting parts for kids to collect during their trip. This also makes for a great memory and souvenir!
If you want to meet a variety of characters at once, you can enjoy character dining in Disneyland and the Disney resort hotels. These meals offer a buffet selection that guests can enjoy while characters roam throughout the restaurant interacting. This is a great way to meet popular characters without waiting in lines or searching for them in the park.
Tips for Families at Disneyland
Families traveling to Disneyland can find plenty of options at Disneyland to make their visit more comfortable as Disney considers how to best serve their guests needs in the best way they can.
You can begin your planning by seeing which hotels we recommend for kids at Disneyland plus find the best dining options with the best kids meals !
If you're traveling to Disneyland with an infant I highly recommend reading through our guide to traveling with babies to Disneyland so you're prepared for everything you need to know. This guide covers information information on the Baby Care Centers plus tips on rides that you can bring babies on, how to survive hot days, and more. Baby Care Centers are two centers located in both theme parks that offer private nursing rooms with chairs, changing rooms, kid-sized toilets, feeding areas and a fridge to store breast milk. Parents with toddlers can also find plenty of toddler friendly activities and rides in the park- especially in Fantasyland!
There's also plenty do for all ages whether you take advice directly from an eight year old on how to enjoy Disneyland or cruise our list on the best things teens will love in Disneyland and California Adventure ! If you're looking for an adult only day, there's also a variety of activities adults will enjoy at Disneyland if you get a break away from the family.
Pregnant mothers can also find tips on which rides they can enjoy along with how to manage comfort in our guide to being pregnant at Disneyland.
Parents traveling alone with their kids to the park can also read my best tips on taking your kids to Disneyland by yourself based on my own trial and error of years of visiting the parks. On the flip side, if you're traveling with a large family or group you can read our guide on navigating Disneyland in a large group effectively. Or perhaps you're traveling to Disney alone and planning your solo Disneyland trip for the first time!
Most of all, be realistic on your trip to Disneyland with your kids and manage expectations with your family . Disney has something for everyone, even those in your group that be a bit less enthusiastic about a day in Disneyland .
We also cover tips on how to stay safe at Disneyland in our lost Children in Disneyland guide with full information on Disneyland's lost child protocol and tips to keep everyone together. If you're looking for tips on traveling safety, our guide to traveling safe with kids has you covered with our best tips on traveling safely and effectively with small children- especially if this is will be their first trip!
And don't forget to plan a creative way to announce your Disneyland trip to your kids!
Disabilities at Disneyland 2024
One of the best things about Disneyland is the strides towards inclusivity it has taken by ensuring that the theme park goes above and beyond for guests with disabilities. Disneyland strives to make their parks accessible for all guests and offers accommodations that may go overlooked for many guests that may benefit from them.
All of the attractions at Disneyland are wheelchair accessible with each attraction having varying degrees of accessibility from staying in the wheelchair on an accessible boat on “it’s a small world” or transferring directly to the ride vehicle. Disneyland offers a variety of assistive listening systems to handheld captioning devices for guests with hearing disabilities. There is also sign language interpretation available for select live experiences and character interactions on certain days of the week.
DAS (Disability Access Service) is a tool that Disneyland and Disney California Adventure have provided its guests for those who cannot wait in a normal line queue for a variety of medical reasons. DAS grants qualifying guests a return time (equal to the standby wait) for the attraction, one at a time, and then guests can access the Lightning Lane to ride. Guests that have a mobility disability can access rides without using DAS since all line queues are wheelchair accessible.
Disneyland also offers an extensive range of dietary accommodations at their restaurants for guests that may have allergies or certain dietary preferences like vegetarian/vegan diets . Disneyland is also a size inclusive park with many ride vehicles fitting larger sized guests, our guide offers some insight on what to expect with ride vehicle size at Disney.
Read more about disabilities at Disneyland in our comprehensive guide so you're prepared for any accommodations you or your group may need.
Universal Studios Hollywood 2024
If you're looking to add a day at another theme park to your Disneyland trip, many guests decide to add on a day at Universal Studios Hollywood which is a great addition to your Southern California vacation. You can also bundle your Disneyland tickets with a day at Universal Studios Hollywood making the process of adding a day to this park easier than ever.
The popular Wizarding World of Harry Potter along with the infamous studio tour to see real movie sets, the Jurassic World ride, the Simpsons focused area plus the new Pets ride. Universal Studios Hollywood is also known for its movie quality stage shows with the show Waterworld being a fan favorite at this park.
Beach Day at Disneyland 2024
Many families pair their Disneyland trip with a visit to a local beach to enjoy the beautiful Southern California weather. Disneyland is a close drive away or ride share away from some of the most beautiful beaches in California. Our full guide to planning a beach day for your Disneyland trip covers beach recommendations, transportation advice and tour reviews.
Top Disneyland Lists 2024
Looking for top must dos at Disneyland? Our top lists give you simple check lists to add to your Disneyland planning guide so you don't miss out on anything at the Happiest Place on Earth.
- Top 8 Must Do Rides at Disneyland
- Top 8 Must Do Rides at California Adventure
- Top 8 Disneyland Rides to Do at Night
- 10 Overlooked Details of Magic, History, and Tradition at the Disneyland Resort
- Top 9 Relaxing Places at Disneyland
- 10 Underrated Rides at Disneyland- Don’t Miss these Gems!
- 12 Movies To Watch Before Your Disneyland Vacation
- Top 5 Historic Disneyland Restaurants You Can't Miss
- Top 12 Disneyland Christmas Must Sees
Let Us Help You Plan Your Disneyland Vacation!
That should be everything that you need to plan your Disneyland vacation. If you still have questions about planning, see our Ask Us page .
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About Lindsay Brookshier
Lindsay is a college English instructor and has years of writing experience through various nonprofits, charities, newspapers, and online magazines. As the content director of Mickey Visit, she oversees article content and leads our fantastic team of writers to meet guest vacation needs. You can still find her writing weekly content to help make your Disney Parks trip fantastic here on Mickey Visit and Disney Dose- you can also view her recently featured posts on Disney Parks travel on Visit Anaheim, Nerd Wallet and SFGate. Lindsay comes from a dedicated Disney family and enjoys taking her son to the Disney parks as often as possible.
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2024-2025 Disneyland Planning Guide
Our Disneyland vacation planning guide covers what’s new & next this year and in 2025, when to visit to avoid crowds, best restaurants, hotels in Anaheim, money-saving ticket tips, Halloween & Christmas in the parks, and more. It’s a great resource for first-timers to Southern California or lifelong WDW fans. (Updated September 15, 2024.)
Let’s start with all of the latest update, which is that Halloween Time at Disneyland is now underway! This also means Oogie Boogie Bash Halloween Party at Disney California Adventure. This is a fantastic time of year to visit, but it’s also busy. This is especially true now that the late summer off-season is over, there’s a last-minute surge due to the ticket deal, and school districts are about to take fall break.
Following Halloween’s conclusion, Christmas 2024 at Disneyland will start later than normal (November 15), which is unexpected given the popularity of the holiday season. This is our favorite time of year at Disneyland, as the parks look gorgeous decked out for the season, the food is fantastic, and there’s holiday cheer in the air (seriously). We visit strategically, targeting the lulls in Christmas-time crowds in between the peak weeks to enjoy the parks when they aren’t as busy.
From a planning perspective, the big new thing at Disneyland is Lightning Lane Multi Pass and Single Pass. This is essentially paid FastPass, for those who were familiar with that. It’s important to understand how this works and whether you should buy Lightning Lanes before you visit Disneyland.
If you’ve visited Disneyland in the last couple of years, Lightning Lane Multi-Pass and Single Pass might sound like a brand-new thing. It’s not. It’s mostly just a name change from Genie+ for the sake of continuity with Walt Disney World, where there actually were material changes to the line-skipping system.
If you were already familiar with Genie+ at Disneyland, all you really need to know is that it’s now called Lightning Lane Multi-Pass and Single Pass. And honestly, the new names make more sense and are less confusing to casual guests than pairing Aladdin and Cars characters for no reason in particular.
Everything you need to know, including ride priorities, where it’s NOT necessary to buy Lightning Lanes, and much more is covered in our Guide to Lightning Lanes at Disneyland and DCA . That’s regularly updated to include the latest price increases and additions to the Lightning Lane ride roster–both of which have changed in the last few months.
We’ve used Lightning Lane Multi-Pass many times, and cover our experiences and strategy there. If you’re a Walt Disney World regular, the good news is that it’s much easier to use at Disneyland. We’d recommend definitely recommend that guide to get a sense for how to use it and priorities–and would also advise having savvy strategy for Early Entry (if eligible) and rope drop. Other than that, you don’t need to overthink things. Lightning Lanes make visiting Disneyland and DCA so much easier.
Regardless of whether you end up buying the paid line-skipping, you’ll want to make the decision ahead of time, and plan your strategy accordingly to either get the most mileage out of Lightning Lane Multi-Pass or have an efficient itinerary that finds alternatives for beating the crowds. (Our strong recommendation is to purchase LLMP for at least one day. If cost is an issue, trim the ‘fat’ from your vacation budget somewhere else.)
Disneyland has been relatively busy in the last couple of years, which is precisely why we recommend buying the Lightning Lane Multi Pass service to save time waiting in line. It hasn’t been all bad–and it does appear that “revenge travel” is starting to exhaust itself. However, not nearly to the same degree as Walt Disney World. It’s still varying degrees of busy–just slightly less busy than last year.
Our expectation is that pent-up demand continues to die down. Disney is doing everything possible to fight this, offering a range of discounts–including an unprecedented general public ticket deal through late September 2024 that was only available to California residents in past years. The return of ticket deals, plus park reservations dynamics (they’re frequently being fully booked…only for Disney to open more availability last minute) can make crowds less predictable and more scattershot.
Despite Disney’s best efforts, the slowdown is still happening. Disneyland is returning to a pre-2020 level of normal crowd dynamics, thankfully. Choosing less busy dates is important and that’ll continue to be the case going forward, but to the above points, you only have so much control. Trying to completely avoid crowds can be a fool’s errand, as they’re impossible to perfectly predict.
This is something we even admit in our totally free 2024-2025 Disneyland Crowd Calendars . Those offer day by day guides as to when the parks will be least busy and busiest. These crowd calendars are influenced by a variety of factors, including marketing, discounts, park hours, new attraction openings, special events, Anaheim Convention Center events, and even weather (good or bad). We strive to keep our Disneyland crowd calendars updated to reflect changes in attendance trends.
We’re able to keep on top of all the changing crowd patterns and additions because we are Magic Key Passholders who reside in Southern California. Typically, we visit Disneyland and DCA at least once per week to refine this guide and provide you the best info.
In addition to park visits, we do frequent hotel stays, lots of eating, and field testing of Lightning Lane Multi-Pass as well as other itineraries and strategy for beating lines at the parks. Emphasis on typically since this past year has been a bit atypical and slower-paced for us as we our family grew in size.
But enough about us. Suffice to say, we’re at Disneyland and DCA frequently, and have planning updates and news to share on a regular basis. If you want to receive updates when discounts are released, new things are announced, etc., sign up to receive our free Disney email newsletter , which covers Disneyland plus Walt Disney World and the international parks.
Before we get to the nuts and bolts of Disneyland vacation planning, let’s start with quick background. Disneyland is “Walt Disney’s original magic kingdom.” It’s the castle park that debuted in 1955 and paved the way for other such theme parks around the globe. Disneyland is the only park that Walt Disney himself set foot in and had an active role developing. Beyond its historical legacy that makes it a California institution, Disneyland is incredibly attraction-dense, with enough rides to fill two full days or more (if you’re so inclined).
Directly across from Disneyland is Disney California Adventure (DCA), the second gate of Disneyland Resort. DCA is ostensibly inspired by the Golden State, but is more just a catch-all park with some attractions having a vague California connection and others being driven by Marvel, Pixar, and other Disney franchises.
In addition to the Disneyland and Disney California Adventure theme parks, Disneyland Resort is home to Downtown Disney and three official hotels. Downtown Disney is a shopping, dining and entertainment district just outside the two parks. The aforementioned resorts are Pixar Place Hotel, Disneyland Hotel, and Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel–which is directly connected to DCA. The entirety of Disneyland Resort is walkable, with no transportation aside from your feet needed to get anywhere within the property.
Now let’s dig into planning, starting with what’s new and next at Disneyland Resort…
What’s New & Next at Disneyland
Beyond the aforementioned substantive additions, there are smaller ‘experience improvements’ at Disneyland. Specifically, the start of Park Hopping has been moved forward to 11 am; this makes it easier to switch parks for lunch.
There are also a handful of new on-site perks for hotel guests, the best of which is Early Entry. See our Guide to Early Entry at Disneyland for what you need to know about this pre-park opening access to Disneyland and DCA. (Note that Early Entry is now every other day for each park as of 2024; it was previously in both parks every day of the week.)
Additionally, PhotoPass digital photo downloads of on-ride photos are now free for all guests on the Disneyland app. This includes attraction photos captured on Radiator Springs Racers, Space Mountain, Incredicoaster, Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout, and more.
Two of the biggest additions for 2024 at Disneyland are at the hotels. Late last year, the brand-new Discovery Tower opened at Disneyland Hotel. This is the new Disney Vacation Club wing, which can also be booked by cash-paying guests. Although they’re all technically part of the same resort, there’s a night-and-day difference between the DVC and hotel towers. See our Photo Tour of the Villas at Disneyland Hotel for more on the new tower.
In early 2024, Disney Imagineers overhauled Paradise Pier Hotel into Pixar Place Hotel. So here, it’s a matter of the same “bones” of the hotel, but with a fresh coat of paint ( and much more ). This project was truly transformative, breathing new life into the aging tower hotel. See our Pixar Place Hotel Review for more.
In terms of new rides, the biggest relatively recent addition is Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and its two attractions, Millennium Falcon Smugglers Run and Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. The latter is Disneyland’s biggest blockbuster addition since 1995, a modern masterpiece of Imagineering that is immensely popular and well-worth the multi-hour waits.
Over at Disney California Adventure, the most recent expansion is the Avengers Campus Marvel Land. This features one ride, one restaurant, meet & greets, and shopping. It’ll also showcases a Stuntronics Spider-Man, which is a sight to behold.
The next big attraction on the horizon is Tiana’s Bayou Adventure , which opens at Disneyland on November 15, 2024. Extensive technical difficulties have plagued Tiana’s Bayou Adventure at Magic Kingdom, and we’re hoping this isn’t an issue with the Disneyland version. We’ve experienced Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, and while it has a lot to love, it also has a lot of squandered potential. (To say nothing of the breakdowns and unreliability of the ride, which is flatly unacceptable.)
Looking even further down the road, there is a lot on the horizon at Disneyland and Disney California Adventure, including a new Coco ride, Avengers Campus expansion, and Pandora – World of Avatar land.
Unfortunately, there won’t be any new or even reimagined rides opening in 2025. See What’s New & Next at Disneyland in 2025 & Beyond , which covers the 5-year plan for the parks. Suffice to say, it’s backloaded.
Tiana’s Bayou Adventure will still be less than a year old next summer, but the next new major attraction after that won’t be until Avengers Infinity Defense and Stark Flight Lab open in Avengers Campus. That’ll probably be 2027. It’s possible there will be a reimagined ride before then or maybe a new stage show, but we wouldn’t count on anything in 2025.
Now, let’s get down to business: what you need to plan a Disneyland vacation…
When to Visit Disneyland
The single most important part of planning a trip to Disneyland is determining when to visit. As mentioned above, crowds are a big component of this, but should not be the sole determining factor. Weather, seasonal events, pricing, and other variables are all important.
To that point, our we also have the Best & Worst Months to Visit Disneyland list, which ranks every month of the year. Even more to the point, this covers our 3 favorite weeks of the year to take a Disneyland trip. That’s more qualitative, and thus can more useful than crowd calendars for many Disneyland planners.
Again, our crowd calendars and month by month ranking resources have been updated to take into account changing attendance patterns brought on by Magic Keys, discounted SoCal tickets, entertainment, and more. Crowds have already changed, and we will continue to monitor and update accordingly in the future.
Another thing to consider is the cost. There are some times of year when tickets are less expensive, which is fairly obvious if you simply look at Disneyland’s date-based ticket calendar. For a much deeper dive, you should check out Cheapest Dates to Visit Disneyland to get an idea of the timeframes that will cost less and are generally better to take a trip to Southern California. That includes average hotel prices, airfare, rental cars, and more in addition to admission.
Throughout the year, Disneyland does seasonal events to help draw locals to the parks. Earlier in the year, there’s Lunar New Year and the DCA Food & Wine Festival . Both of these are smaller scale offerings aimed at locals that run in the spring, but they’re enjoyable for tourists, too. We wouldn’t recommend planning a trip around either, but shifting your dates slightly so a trip coincides with these events could be a smart move.
Later in the spring and summer, the seasonal events often rotate. Most recently, there was Star Wars Season of the Force and Pixar Fest. In the past, Disneyland has done Marvel Summer of Heroes. Summer 2025 will be the Disneyland’s 70th Anniversary . When this will start is unknown, as is what it’ll entail. Possibilities include a promotional event revolving around Paint the Night Parade, new or returning fireworks, a reimagined Fantasmic, and more.
With all of that said, we have two tried and true favorite times to do Disneyland. We highly recommend Halloween, which is our #2 time of the year at Disneyland. Check out our Ultimate Guide to Disneyland at Halloween for reasons why, and assistance planning a trip during that specific timeframe.
One of our favorite parts about the spook season is Oogie Boogie Bash – A Disney Halloween Party , which is held on select nights at Disney California Adventure. That’s a hard ticket event, meaning that tickets to it cost extra; you do not need to attend Oogie Boogie Bash to have a great time during the Halloween season at Disneyland, but we recommend it to anyone who is willing and able to splurge–especially fans of rare characters ( and villains! ).
Our favorite time of year at Disneyland–by a wide margin–is the holiday season. Unlike Halloween, there is no Christmas hard ticket event, meaning that everything is included with the price of regular admission. This means holiday fireworks, special parades, decorations, attraction overlays, entertainment, and so much more.
You could literally spend multiple full days focused exclusively on the seasonal offerings at Disneyland during the holiday season. Read our Ultimate Guide to Disneyland at Christmas to learn more about what makes this time of year so special–and see photos of the parks in all of their Christmas glory!
Finally, before solidifying your travel dates, you’ll also want to check out our 2024-2025 Disneyland Refurbishment Calendar to make sure any must-do attractions won’t be closed for renovations during your visit.
We typically do not recommend relying heavily on the refurbishment calendar. While Disneyland provides advance notice of most major multi-month closures, that’s not always the case. Some are scheduled last minute for necessary repairs or preventative maintenance. Short projects are sometimes scheduled at the last minute, and unannounced downtime (due to breakdowns or other issues) can also impact attractions.
Our biggest piece of advice with regard to refurbishments is not to visit in January or February if a high number of ride closures will negatively impact your trip. Winter is typically Disneyland’s refurbishment season, with many attractions going down for annual maintenance after the holidays.
Where to Stay
There are a ton of options in terms of where to stay near Disneyland: Good Neighbor Hotels, official Disney resorts, nearby hotels within driving distance, sprawling resorts in nearby beach towns, and more.
In Best Hotels Near Disneyland , we cover our top 10 picks for hotels within walking distance of the parks, with 5 family-friendly budget options, 3 luxury resorts, and 2 Disney-owned hotels. That’s a concise resource if you don’t want to comb through our more comprehensive hotel info.
For most vacation planners, the decision comes down to choosing among Disney’s Grand Californian Hotel & Spa ( our favorite! ), Disneyland Hotel ( second favorite ), and Pixar Place Hotel , or one of the cheaper hotels on Harbor Boulevard. We cover the pros and cons of each choice in our Where to Stay at Disneyland: Off-Site v. On-Site Hotels post.
If you’re looking for something more thorough, we’ve stayed at every on-site Disneyland hotel and most of the Good Neighbor Disneyland hotels and other off-site hotels within walking distance of the Disneyland Esplanade.
All of these are covered in our Rankings & Reviews of the Best & Worst Hotels Near Disneyland . This post ranks ~60 hotels near Disneyland at which we have stayed, along with room photos, pros & cons, and other useful information. That also details how to score a good deal on a hotel that’s close to Disneyland.
Fair warning: those comprehensive rankings can be overwhelming. We do a lot of hotel stays in Anaheim and report on them; most of that’s overkill for planners–you just need to know which ones are the ‘hotel hell’ options (bottom of the list) to avoid at all costs and the best ones to book (top of the list). If you’ve already booked accommodations, you might also want to search the list to see where your selected hotel ranks!
Park Tickets
Our Money-Saving Guide to Disneyland Tickets is a huge resource with recommendations on what type of Disneyland tickets you should buy, including how many days, whether you should get Park Hopper, and where you can buy Disneyland tickets to save some money.
There are some great offers right now–we recommend bundling park tickets and your hotel stay to save even more, especially with the 3rd and 4th night free specials at hotels near Disneyland . These package deals can save you a lot of money.
For the vast majority of guests visiting Disneyland, we recommend the Park Hopper ticket option. This allows you to bounce back and forth between the two parks throughout the day, which is easy to do given that their about a football field apart.
The practical upsides of this is starting at the park that opens first and ending your night at the park open later (Disneyland is often open 2 hours later than Disney California Adventure). You can also eat in the park with the dining options you prefer, grab a beer in DCA (there’s no alcohol in Disneyland outside of Oga’s Cantina in Star Wars Land), and enjoy the nighttime spectaculars in both parks.
If you’re a local or just a big diehard Disney fan planning to make multiple trips in a single year, Magic Key Annual Passes are also an option. See our Guide to Magic Keys at Disneyland: 2024 Prices, Perks, Blockout Dates & Discounts for more details.
Prior to moving to California, we were Disneyland AP holders while living in Indianapolis, Indiana followed by Orlando, Florida. We’d make several long weekend trips out to Disneyland each year, and the APs more than paid for themselves.
With that said, Annual Passes were much cheaper when we lived in the Midwest–a fraction of the current price–and we blogged about Disney by the time we moved to Central Florida. So our circumstances are a bit unique. Nevertheless, if you live in Nevada, Utah, or even Northern California…and can do a few long weekends each year, Magic Keys might make sense for you, too!
Disneyland Strategy & Itineraries
There are over 75 attractions between Disneyland and Disney California Adventure. On a normal day, the average guest will only experience 10-11 of those. It would thus take you at least 6 days to experience everything in the two theme parks, assuming you didn’t want to re-ride anything. Obviously, not many people are devoting over a week to their Disneyland vacation.
As such, we’ve developed a few step-by-step Disneyland touring plans, each of which will enable you to efficiently experience the parks, while also enjoying their leisurely offerings and atmosphere. More to the point, you’ll be able to do 20+ rides per day–and skip the ones not worth your time.
When it comes to efficiency, the biggest piece of advice we have is to arrive early and stay late. This may seem obvious. After all, the more time in the park, the better, right? We’d take this a step further. The first three hours and last three hours of the day are more valuable than all of the time in between. If you could only do those 6 hours or the 10 hours (give or take) in between, we’d recommend opting for the 6 bookending the day. That’s how valuable that time is–even if you need to take a long midday break to make it happen, do it.
To that end, we’d highly recommend consulting our Disneyland Park Opening Strategy & Rope Drop Tips for how to start your day. Less practical, but check out our Top 10 Disneyland Rides at Night for the best way to spend your final hours in the park. In a perfect world, you’ll have everything done by then and can just soak up atmosphere while doing those attractions with short waits–but you also might want to slip Space Mountain and Indiana Jones Adventure in there at the end of the evening.
Here are our best and recommended itineraries:
- Disneyland 1-Day Itinerary – Only have one day to visit Disneyland? This is a step-by-step plan of attack for which attractions you should do, where you should eat, what to see, and more. This covers all of Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, including Rise of the Resistance.
- Disneyland 2-Day Itinerary – Same idea, but spread over two days. We recommend most guests allocate two full days to Disneyland.
- Disney California Adventure 1-Day Itinerary – Unlike Disneyland, DCA is easier to fully experience in a single day. This touring plan includes strategy for beating the crowds at Radiator Springs Racers, Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout, Web Slingers Spider-Man Adventure, and more!
We are currently working on additional multi-day itineraries for trips of 4+ days at Disneyland Resort. For now, if you plan on spending more time at DCA, consult our Disney California Adventure Ride Reviews & Guide . The article reviews every attraction at Disneyland, giving each a numerical score out of 10, plus highlights key attractions that we consider the best ones, which should be prioritized if you have limited time.
Our Disneyland Ride Reviews & Guide does the same thing for the castle park, in case you want to spend 3+ days there. (Which you totally could, especially now that Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge is open!)
Dining at Disneyland
Food is half the fun at Disneyland. Both parks have great restaurants, iconic snacks, decadent desserts, and great drinks. We typically go all-out when visiting the parks, doing breakfast at one of the hotels (or sometimes in the park), followed by a mid-morning snack, counter service lunch, and table service dinner.
The stereotype that all Disney food is unhealthy food like burgers and hot dogs is entirely false. Disneyland has inexpensive unique dining options as well as expensive fine dining. Good dining can help define a trip! To that end, we highly recommend checking out our List of the 23 Best Restaurants at Disneyland . Those are the places we dine the most, and recommend to friends visiting the parks. You’ll find several hidden gems on there, as well as explanations for why we’ve snubbed several hotspots.
If you want advice, food photos, and more about all restaurants, see our Disneyland Restaurant Reviews . (Honestly, we think that’s probably overkill for 95% of you. The ‘best of’ list above covers where you should do meals, and there are more lists below for bars, snacks, and desserts.)
Beyond full meals, we have a few resources that can help you plan memorable meals at Disneyland. If you have kids, we highly recommend consulting our Disneyland Character Dining Guide , which covers the best character buffets in the hotels and parks.
Looking for the best quick meals? Our Top 10 Disneyland Counter Service Restaurants list ranks the best meals in the castle park, while our Top 10 Disney California Adventure Counter Service Restaurants list offers the same for DCA.
Want to have fun with your food at Disneyland? Our Top 10 Delicious Desserts at Disneyland covers delicious treats, including some hidden gems, plus brand new items and recently-added restaurants in Downtown Disney!
If you’re into drinking, we also have posts about a few of our favorite lounges: Trader Sam’s , Lamplight Lounge , GCH Craftsman Bar , and Carthay Circle Restaurant . The last one is particularly noteworthy because–in addition to the lounge downstairs–the restaurant upstairs is the best in-park restaurant in either park.
Should you fly or drive to Disneyland? Rent a car or use public transportation? What about getting around Southern California? There are a ton of questions you might have, and our Guide to Disneyland Transportation covers everything you need to know, answering these questions for you based on our first-hand experiences visiting Anaheim as tourists and living nearby as locals.
If you’ve already decided on flying to California but aren’t sure of the pros & cons of each option, check out our Guide to Airports Near Disneyland. That covers the strengths and weaknesses of the 5 airports in Southern California that are relatively convenient to Disneyland.
In a nutshell, our strong recommendation would be flying into SNA (or even LGB) over LAX. Even if the flight is a little more expensive, it’s worth it. Not only is SNA closer to Disneyland, but LAX has tons of chaos, construction, and crowds.
We like LAX and its eclectic energy, but it’s more than a little overwhelming for a first-timer. If you’ve never been to Southern California or a large city like Los Angeles, it can be a bit much and start your trip off on the wrong foot. Meanwhile, SNA is laid back and quiet. If there were a list ranking the best airports for napping, it would be near the top and LAX would be near the bottom.
In addition to this, SNA is much closer to Disneyland than LAX, which makes it easier to simply take an Uber or Lyft from the airport to wherever you’re staying near Disneyland. In most cases, we’d recommend rideshare over renting a car at the airport, as the vast majority of hotels near Disneyland now charge for parking. So not only will you be paying to rent the car, but also to park it.
The vast majority of hotels near Disneyland are within walking distance, so you won’t need a vehicle during the theme park portion of your trip to Southern California. If you’re staying at one of the hotels we recommend in Anaheim, it’s literally counterproductive to drive to Disneyland since the parking structures are all farther away than most of the nearby hotels.
If you’re venturing beyond Disneyland to one of the destinations discussed below–and we strongly recommend that you do–while visiting Southern California, our advice would be to book a rental car in Anaheim. There are numerous rental car companies within walking distance of Disneyland, and most offer one-way rentals to the nearby airports. Walk over to one of those on your checkout morning, pick up your rental car, and continue your California adventure!
We do not recommend relying on rideshare if you’re heading to Los Angeles. However, if you’re doing Laguna Beach or another coastal community, a rental car may not be needed at all. Many coastal towns have free trolley service that is fantastic. Simply take an Uber or Lyft from Disneyland to wherever you’re staying in the beach cities.
Southern California BEYOND Disneyland
If you want to venture beyond theme parks, you’re in luck. Southern California is one of the best places in the world to visit! Thanks to Los Angeles, San Diego, and the beach cities in between, there’s a ton to do in the area.
In addition to this site, we have non-Disney blog: TravelCaffeine with resources for on an eclectic mix of the places where we’ve lived or visited extensively. California is one such emphasis, as we’ve spent a ton of time exploring our home state. If you’re planning on heading to LA after Disneyland, be sure to check out our Ultimate Guide to Los Angeles .
While LA is one of the greatest cities in the world, we’re particularly partial to Laguna Beach. It’s home to the best stretch of coast in California, has small-town charm and personality, and tons of things to do. To that point, see our Ultimate Guide to Laguna Beach, California for extensive advice. If you feel overwhelmed by the idea of visiting Los Angeles, then Laguna Beach is for you!
In addition to these planning resources, we also give away a free eBook, 101 Things to Do in Southern California over on TravelCaffeine, so be sure to download that totally free resource!
If you’re thinking of visiting other theme parks in Southern California, we also have guides to those…
Universal Studios Hollywood Trip Planning Guide – In just a few years, USH has transformed and improved dramatically. The opening of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter was what really put the park on the map as a vacation destination, but many other additions have made this a great park in the last few years. Our favorite new attraction is Secret Life of Pets: Off the Leash, a new family-friendly dark ride. (Read our review of it in Universal’s New Dark Ride Rivals Disney’s Best! )
The blockbuster new addition is Super Nintendo World. We love this land, and rate two of its biggest components in our Ride Review: Mario Kart Bowser’s Challenge and our Review of Toadstool Cafe in Super Nintendo World . For practical planning advice, check out our comprehensive Strategy Guide for Super Nintendo World at Universal Studios Hollywood . That offers tips & tricks, how to beat the crowds, and a ton of other advice for making the most of your time in this incredible new land.
Aside from that, the Studio Tour is our favorite attraction, which is a 45-minute plus tram tour through the working backlot of Universal’s studio. If you are only interested in this Studio Tour, you might broaden your potential options beyond just USH, and also consider the Warner Brothers Studio Tour and Sony Pictures Studio Tour as alternatives.
Guide to Knott’s Berry Farm – An Orange County institution that proudly proclaims itself as “America’s 1st Theme Park.” Really, Knott’s is a tale of two theme parks. It has modern roller coasters and other fare for thrill-seekers. Thematically, this leaves a lot to be desired.
Then there are the quainter areas, reminiscent of Frontierland at Disneyland. We love these areas–and the park’s annual Boysenberry Festival. All things considered, we love both Knott’s Berry Farm and Universal Studios Hollywood, and together with Disneyland Resort, these four gates make for a great theme park vacation in Southern California!
Other Disneyland Planning Resources
Now that we’ve covered the essentials to ensure you have a great trip to Disneyland, we have a bunch of other resources that will guide you through the planning process to make your visit to Disneyland more enjoyable, helping you save time and money. Armed with all of this knowledge, you will have a much better vacation.
What to Pack – Packing for Disneyland is comparable to packing for any vacation, but with a few twists. Here’s our list of “unordinary” items to pack that will help enhance your Disneyland trip!
Guide to Downtown Disney – We sort of gloss over it here, but Downtown Disney is a massive area within Disneyland Resort’s security perimeter. You can easily leave either park and get to one of these restaurants for a meal…or some of the best ice cream you’ll ever have…in under 10 minutes.
Our 101 Best Disneyland Tips – This is not nearly as structured as our other advice, but these tips offer great advice and sometimes obscure little things that will help you visit the parks like a local. This is more granular advice than what you’ll find in our other planning articles, but we’ve had a lot of positive feedback from readers who really got a lot more out of their trips because of those tips.
Renting DVC Points to Save Money on Accommodations – This is written from a WDW perspective, but there are also Disney Vacation Club villas at the Grand Californian. Booking there can be a challenge (it’s incredibly popular), but you can save a ton of money if your timing is right and you get lucky.
Best Credit Cards for Disney Travel – Leveraging credit card rewards can be a great way of getting free airfare or hotel rooms, and there are several options near Disneyland that you can book for free thanks to signup bonuses.
Tips for Buying Discount Disney Gift Cards – Want to save at least 5% on every single thing you buy at Disneyland? These hacks are for you. Some are relatively simple and straightforward (like using the Target RedCard) while others require a bit more effort.
In general, there are a variety of ways you can save money on a trip to Disneyland. If you’re looking for the best way to save on an entire vacation package, many of our favorite hotels near Disneyland can be booked via Get Away Today at a discount . If you bundle tickets into your hotel stay, you’ll get an even better deal. You can check package prices here .
Between this blog and TravelCaffeine.com , you should be totally covered with what you need to know if you’re thinking about visiting Disneyland Resort and Southern California sometime this year or in 2025 for Disneyland’s 70th Anniversary. We can’t encourage people enough to give Disneyland a try, especially Disney fans who are biased towards Walt Disney World as their “home” park. Disneyland is a totally different, much more relaxed experience. It’s intimate in both size and feel, and is oozing with history and incredible attractions.
I could go on for pages and pages about why I love Disneyland, and why everyone owes it to themselves to visit Disneyland, but hopefully this is a good-enough jumping off point. If you’ve never been to either Walt Disney World or Disneyland Resort, it’s a good place to start as we attempt to weigh the strengths and weaknesses of each in an unbiased manner. If all of this is still overwhelming or you want personalized recommendations for Disneyland Resort, click here to get a vacation quote from a no fee Authorized Disney Vacation Planner .
Your Thoughts
Are you planning a Disneyland Resort visit this year or in 2025? Debating between Halloween and Christmas? Thoughts on Lightning Lanes, where to stay, best restaurants and snacks, or anything else covered here? Have you previously visited Disneyland? Have any tips of your own to add? Any questions you still have that this guide did not answer? We really appreciate reader feedback and your thoughts, so please share in the comments below!
Written by Tom Bricker
Hi, my son is confined to a wheelchair and is to big now for us to pick him up to transfer into a ride vehicle. Are there any plans to make Disneyland rides more accessible for folks like him? We know there are some rides at DL and DCH that allow him to stay in his chair, but his favorites are Radiator Springs Racers and Haunted Mansion.
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This is the first step for your Disneyland checklist! Here are the top 30 items for our Disney pack list that are essential things to bring to Disneyland. 1. Battery Pack. You will use your phone often at Disneyland between snapping pictures, using the Disneyland app for mobile ordering or to check ride times, and to store your park tickets.
Planning a Disneyland vacation can be an exciting but sometimes daunting task, especially with the continual changes and updates to the process and two parks over the years. However, with my newly updated Disneyland planning checklist and timeline, you can simplify the planning process and ensure a memorable and seamless Disney vacation ...
Contacts / Eyeglasses. Makeup. Nail Clippers / File. Medications (pain relievers, allergy meds, Pepto) Female Hygiene. Contraceptives. Moleskin (useful for blisters or shoes that rub wrong; precut before packing) Aloe Vera (for sunburns, we love this travel-size Sun Bum) Stain and/or Wrinkle Remover.
Phone charger and phone battery pack (see phone and charger recommendation in packing list above) Water Bottle (see water bottle recommendations in Disney checklist above) Hair band or rubber band to pack away any drawing you might create at the Animation Academy or free Disneyland Jungle Cruise map.
During the summer months, be sure to pack light clothing. Bring shorts, T-shirts and a thin jacket. During the winter months, be ready to dress in layers. Pack jeans, T-shirts or long-sleeved shirts for daytime and a sweatshirt and heavy jacket for mornings and evenings. Remember to check the weather forecast before you leave home, but also ...
As you'll likely have a car on your Disneyland trip (which means no need to lug your bag around on foot), you could really go with either option. 1. Wheeled suitcase / travel duffel bag. I use my Amazon hard shell carry-on suitcase whenever I want something sturdier and can't be bothered with having weight on my body.
Things you will need to pack for Disneyland. Lanyards (still have physical tickets and FastPasses at Disneyand!) (Downloadable Word, PDF and Google Docs versions of the packing list are near the bottom of this page OR you can get the WDW Prep Packing List app for iOS to bring a convenient version to your phone.)
A checklist is a valuable tool to ensure you don't forget anything. You can find printable Disneyland packing list in the beginning of this article. Things to Leave at Home Valuables and Irreplaceable Items. Leave valuable or irreplaceable items at home to avoid the risk of loss or theft. Unnecessary Gadgets
A pack of cooling bandannas and a neck fan: On sweltering days, tie a cooling bandanna around your forehead and place a neck fan around your neck for some sweet, sweet relief. Extra socks: Even if ...
Holidays at the Disneyland Resort: Beginning November 15. (2024 Dates) Lunar New Year at Disney California Adventure Park: January 23 to February 18. (2024 Dates) Celebrate Gospel at Disneyland Park: February 17 and 24. (2024 Dates) Anaheim Ducks Days at Disney California Adventure Park: February 22-23.
10. Lip Balm. It's easy for your lips to get chapped while spending time in the sun, so putting chapstick or lip balm on your Disneyland packing list is a great idea. It's also handy to buy one of these Lip Balm Keychain Holders so you can easily hook your lip balm onto your backpack or fanny pack. 11.
Snacks: You can bring snacks into Disneyland, such as granola bars, trail mix, and fresh fruit. These snacks can provide a quick and healthy energy boost throughout the day. Water: Staying hydrated is essential at Disneyland. Bring a refillable water bottle to fill up at water fountains throughout the park.
Disney Ears: No trip to Disneyland is complete without a pair of Mickey Mouse ears. You can find them anywhere in the parks, but it's always better to get them before you go so you don't have to carry them around all day. ... See also 53 Items on the Ultimate Camping Checklist. Costumes. If you or your family are going in costumes, make ...
Below we have put together a list of what to wear to Disneyland each month of the year: January: January is one of the coldest months in California, so you'll want to bring warmer clothing to layer during the day. January usually has mild temperatures with highs in the 60s to 70s F (around 22 degrees Celcius on average).
Disneyland Trip Planning Timeline and Checklist. Before embarking on your Disneyland adventure, I recommend checking out this straightforward Disneyland planning checklist and timeline, which will simplify the planning process by giving you a targeted schedule for completing essential aspects of your trip planning.
Extra Disneyland Trip Prep Tips Here are a few additional things to take care ahead of time to make sure your trip goes as smoothly as possible: Disneyland App - download this essential guide before your visit, which gives you ride wait times, the ability to purchase park tickets (important for skipping the ticket line), MaxPass (mobile FP ...
The master Disneyland packing list is for whoever is packing for the family because it contains things that will need to be packed for the whole family as well as personal items. There's also a separate child list. Depending on the ages of your kids, you can download this packing list and let your kids pack for themselves.
Granola bars, trail mix, dried fruit, and crackers are great options. Fruits and vegetables: Pack some fresh fruits and cut-up vegetables for a healthy and refreshing snack option. Reusable water bottle: Staying hydrated is crucial, so bring a reusable water bottle to refill at water fountains throughout the park.
The Ultimate Disneyland Packing List! + [FREE PRINTABLE] There are very few times a year that aren't good for a family trip to Disneyland. The weather in southern California is pretty ideal year-round but it can get somewhat cold and quite hot. Whether you have an Annual Pass and go often or are trying to get the most out of your yearly ...
There is sometimes a great deal to juggle when planning your Disneyland vacation, from considering what to pack to exploring the limited-time food items that are available for different special events throughout the year. We have compiled a list of Disneyland printables that you can refer to when planning your next vacation.
Disneyland Trip Planning Timeline and Free Printable (2024) February 14, 2024. Planning an amazing Disneyland vacation is stressful when the to-do list seems endless: book the perfect hotel, buy tickets, make dining and theme park reservations, and decide if Genie+ is worth it. If this is your first Disneyland trip, or even if you've planned ...
Disneyland Planning Guide 2024: Start Here to Plan Your Disneyland Trip. July 30, 2024 by Lindsay Brookshier. In our Disneyland Planning guide we attempt to make your Disneyland vacation extremely magical while saving you save money at Disney. On this page you will find our basic Disneyland planning articles on getting the most out of your ...
2024 Disneyland Planning Guide. By Tom Bricker Planning 467 Comments. Our Disneyland vacation planning guide covers what's new & next this year and in 2025, when to visit to avoid crowds, best restaurants, hotels in Anaheim, money-saving ticket tips, Halloween & Christmas in the parks, and more. It's a great resource for first-timers to ...