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Հայերեն տեքստերի սրբագրման գործիք Word, Excel, PowerPoint ծրագրերի համար:

Wondering Voyager

The Ultimate Guide to Nizhny Novgorod (and Beyond!)

Nizhny Novgorod… The city where I spent eight months of my life and never regretted a single day of it. My dear reader, if you are reading these lines, it is likely that you are planning a trip to this wonderful city yourself. Perhaps, you do not know where to start. I too was in your shoes so I would know. Maybe, you do not know where to start because you do not know much Russian. Maybe you do know some Russian but realize that there is not much written about the city even in that language. I know, I know… Let us fix this severe injustice to one gem of a city once and for all, right now. Below, you can find two things: a categorized list of all my articles to date on Nizhny Novgorod and beyond, collected here for a much easier access to them all; and a carefully curated “best of” list for the city for those who only plan to spend a few days in this wonderful place.

No more will the wonders of Nizhny Novgorod go unnoticed by the rest of the world!

(Ok, this may be going a tad too much…)

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What to do in Nizhny Novgorod?

Feeling bored? Read these articles to figure out what to do next in the city!

  • Nizhny Novgorod’s Kremlin
  • Keeping Up with the Nizhny Novgorodians: Online Catalogues for Events in the City
  • Musical Nizhny Novgorod: Finest Spots in Town for Music Lovers
  • When Walking Around Becomes a Hobby: Parks of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Feeling Artsy in Nizhny Novgorod: Art Museums of Nizhny
  • Museums of History in Nizhny Novgorod
  • Technical Museums of Nizhny Novgorod

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Where to eat in Nizhny Novgorod?

Feeling peckish? Not on my watch! Go figure out what to eat now by reading the following articles.

  • American Fast Food in the Russian Federation (in 2022)
  • A Short Guide to Shawarmas of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Vegetarian Shawarmas of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Falafels of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Pizzerias of Nizhny Novgorod
  • Pescetarian Nizhny: Budget Friendly Fish Sandwiches Around Town
  • Shellfish Nizhny: Affordable Shrimp Options in Town
  • A Guide to Business Lunches in Nizhny Novgorod: Slavic Edition
  • A Guide to Business Lunches in Nizhny Novgorod: “Oriental” Edition
  • A Guide to Business Lunches in Nizhny Novgorod: “Modern” Edition
  • A Guide to Business Lunches in Nizhny Novgorod: “Exotic” Edition
  • Random Food Spots Around Nizhny Novgorod
  • Sweet Nizhny Novgorod: Bakeries and Cafes in Town
  • Drinking Nizhny Novgorod: Pubs of the City

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Miscellaneous Articles About Nizhny Novgorod

Feeling confused? Here is a list that will surely confuse you further with its randomness!  

  • Public Transportation in Nizhny Novgorod
  • Shopping in Nizhny Novgorod
  • Temples of Nizhny Novgorod
  • 4th of November in the Russian Federation: Unity Day
  • Celebrating the New Year in The Russian Federation
  • Maslenitsa: Mardi Gras of Russia?
  • A Little Soviet Getaway: Bor
  • The Quirky World of “Russian” Instant Noodles
  • Miscellaneous Bits and Pieces about Nizhny Novgorod

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Arkhangelsk – Mini Arc

Feeling adventurous? Why not fly to Arkhangelsk after reading what to do and what to eat over there?

  • Arkhangelsk: A City Worthy of an Archangel?
  • Malye Korely: A Sliver of Heaven in Arkhangelsk
  • Eating Out in the North: Where to Feast in Arkhangelsk

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Kazan – Mini Arc

Feeling reasonable? Well yeah, Arkhangelsk may not be for everyone, but there really is not any reason not to visit Kazan if you will be staying in Nizhny Novgorod for a while.

  • Soviet Kazan: An Era Long Gone?
  • Tatar Kazan: A Mix of Identities
  • The True Highlight of Kazan: Temple of All Religions
  • The Land of Meat and Potatoes: Tatar Fast Food
  • Top Pizze rias of Kazan
  • Most Welcome Yet Unexpected: Vietnamese Food in Kazan

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Best of Nizhny Novgorod

Alright, I can almost hear you say: “oh geez man, let me just stay in Nizhny for a few months to make sure that I experience everything you wrote.” I suppose you are right, not all will study in Nizhny, nor work there, some will just pass by and so on. If you do not have months to explore the city, but only a few days, perhaps just one, what then? Where to go and what to eat? Well, without much humility, I would strongly recommend you visit the following spots first and eat at these fine establishments before anywhere else. These are the must haves of Nizhny, according to yours truly!


  • See the city’s Kremlin with your own eyes, and maybe visit the State Russian Art Museum there if you have the time.
  • Go to the lower side to gawk at the Cathedral of Aleksander Nevsky and all the goodies it holds.
  • Spend some time in the gorgeous Switzerland Park and watch a sunset there, or perhaps travel to the stars at Planetarium 1.
  • Appreciate the unique ornaments of the State Bank on the main pedestrian street, Bol’shaya Pokrovskaya.
  • Walk down Chkalov’s Stairs and then walk along the Volga until you visit the beautiful Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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  • Savour the finest ramen this city (and perhaps the entire Federation) has to offer at Fukuramen.
  • Eat some decent pizza at either Yula or Pech, depending on which bank of the Oka you are exploring at the time.
  • Enjoy the company and service of the finest people in town by grabbing a mug of beer in Freakadely.
  • Go to Öö if you want to taste the best cocktails in town instead, in an almost hidden basement no less!
  • Head to Gellert for the best beer in town as well as some quick and rather affordable grubs.
  • Have some Cinnabon rolls at Cinnabon alongside with a hot drink of your choice to survive the Russian winter.
  • Try a business lunch at Skoba, with their own unique takes on many modern dishes.

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Well, there you go. Almost a year spent in an unassuming “little” Russian city, one that surprised me at every turn, and one that made me say “thank you” to my former self for choosing to come here just a few months earlier. It was an amazing stay to say the least, and I did not even explore the outlying areas of the city, so, in all honesty, this guide can be expanded sometime in the future quite easily. I cannot say for sure whether I will be back to Nizhny at any point, but if I do, I know that I will be happy to do so. It feels quite weird to be able to put months of my experience into such a short guide, but if this will help anyone out there who is willing to come and enjoy this city, then I guess it will be doing its job just right. I wish you all good luck and best of times!

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Անկրկնելի տուրը

Նարեկավանք Տուրը գործում է 2008 թվականից: Վստահե՛ք մեր 16-ԱՄՅԱ փորձին, բարի համբավին, բանիմաց և հոգատար գիդերին, որոնց փորձն ամենահարուստն է ոլորտում:


Հեքիաթային Իտալիա. Միլան, Վենետիկ, Հռոմ, Ֆլորենցիա, Սուրբ ՂԱԶԱՐ (8 կամ 9 օր, հայկական խումբ)


Տուր դեպի շքեղ Դուբայ (7 օր)


Իսպանիա տուր. Մադրիդ, Վալենսիա, Բարսելոնա (9 կամ 8 օր)


Ֆրանսիա-Բելգիա տուր. Փարիզ և Բրյուսել և Ամստերդամ* (9 կամ 8 օր)


Ուրիշ ԻՏԱԼԻԱ :) Իտալիայի անհավանական ՀԱՐԱՎ (9 օր)


Մշակութային տուր Սանկտ Պետերբուրգ (7 կամ 8 օր, հայկական խումբ)


Ուխտագնացություն Սուրբ Երուսաղեմ (8/7 օր)


Արևային Հունաստան. Աթենք և Հռոդոս կղզի (8 օր, հայկական խմբով)


Ստամբուլ` Պատմական Կոստանդնուպոլիս (7 օր)


Էկզոտիկ տուր Սինգապուր, Մալայզիա, Բալի (12 օր)


Չինաստան. Պեկին, Շանհայ (Հոնկոնգ) (8 օր)


Հնդկաստան տուր. Ջայփուր, Ագրա և Դելի (9 օր)


Քաղցր Մուշ և Աղթամար. տուր դեպի Անի, Կարս, Վան, Մուշ, Էրզրում / Ալաշկերտ (4 օր)


ԵՐԿՈՒ ՆԵՄՐՈՒԹՆԵՐ. աստվածներ և հրաբխային լիճ, Տիգրանակերտ, Վան (5 օր)


Աննման Ախթամար, Անի, Կարս, Վան (և Մուշ). Արեւմտյան Հայաստան տուր (3 օր)


Անի, Վան, Մալաթիա, Խարբերդ, Արաբկիր, Դերջանի խաչքարեր, Նեմրութ և Տայք (6 օր)


Տուր դեպի դրախտային Համշեն և Տայոց աշխարհ (3 օր)


Տուր Համշեն, Տրապիզոն, Իսպիր, Թորթում (4 օր)


ԴԱՍԱԿԱՆ. Արեւմտյան Հայաստան` Վերադարձ Կորուսյալ Հայրենիք (7 օր)


Սասուն Աշխարհ՝ Տալվորիկ, Մարաթուկ, Շենիկ, Սեմալ, Գելիեգուզան, Դավթի բերդ, Փրեբաթման (5/7 օր)


Վերելք Արարատի գագաթ (6 օր)


Վերելք Արարատի գագաթ եւ շրջայցեր Կարս, Մուշ, Կարին, Անի, Վան, Աղթամար (8 օր)


Կապպադովկիա, Կիլիկիա տուր և Հանգիստ Միջերկրականի Ծովափին (9 օր)


Կիլիկիա, Միջագետք Հայոց, Նեմրութ-Կոմմագենե և Արեւմտյան Հայաստան (9 օր)


Պատմության խաչմերուկներում` Արևմտյան Հայաստան, Նեմրութ, Միջագետք Հայոց և Կիլիկիա (11 օր)


Կախարդական Կապադովկիա - Նեմրութ - Վան (7 օր)


Գունավոր Թբիլիսի-Թիֆլիս տուր (1 օր)


Գունավոր Թբիլիսի-Մցխեթա-Սիղնաղի տուր (2 օր)


Գունավոր Թբիլիսի-Մցխեթա-Անանուրի-Սիղնաղի տուր (3 օր)


Իրանի հրաշալիքները (9 օր)


Պարսկահայք, Ատրպատական, Արտազ. հայոց գանձեր Իրանում (4 օր)


Սյունիք-Զանգեզուր (3 օր)


Զմրուխտյա Լոռի (2 օր)


Գյումրի, Երերույք, Մարմաշեն, Հառիճավանք, Լմբատավանք, Ախուրյան, Ջրափի (2 օր)


Ջերմուկ, Նորավանք, Սելիմ, Սևան (2 օր)


Լոռի-Տավուշ (2 օր)


Բացահայտում ենք Հայաստանը 5 օրում


Ղալթաղչի Ս. Հովհաննես և Գյումրի տուր (1 օր)


Գյումրի, Արթիկ, Լմբատավանք, Հառիճավանք, Մարմաշեն (1 օր)


Սքանչելի Լոռի. Ախթալա, Դսեղ, Հաղպատ, Սանահին, Զարնի-Պարնի կամ Ծովեր (1 օր)


Տավուշի գանձեր. Մակարավանք, Ծռվիզ, Իջևան, Մաթոսավանք, Սևանա լիճ (1 օր)


Աղավնավանք, Գոշավանք, Պարզ լիճ կամ Գոշ լիճ, Հաղարծին և Դիլիջան (1 օր)


Տաթևի վանական համալիր, Խնձորեսկ, Շաքիի ջրվեժ, Խոր Վիրապ / Նորավանք տուր (1 օր)


Դենդրոայգի (Դենդրոպարկ)-Հնեվանք-Լոռի բերդ (1 օր)


ԽՈՐ ՎԻՐԱՊ, ՆՈՐԱՎԱՆՔ, Արենի և Թռչունների քարանձավ (1 օր)


Քայլարշավ Լոռիում. Բարձրաքաշ, Սիրուն Խաչ, Սուրբ Գրիգոր, Ծովեր լիճ, Դսեղ (1 օր)


Արայի լեռ, Ծաղկեվանք, Սբ. Վարվառա ուխտագնացություն, Ուշիի, Կարբիի, Մուղնիի եկեղեցիներ (1 օր)


Ղալթաղչի Ս. Հովհաննես, Սաղմոսավանք, Հովհաննավանք, Տառերի պուրակ (1 օր)

Ինչ են գրում մեր մասին.

Խնդրում ենք տեղեկացնել մեզ, եթե ցանկություն ունեք կապնվել իրենց արձագանքն այստեղ թողած ուղևորների հետ:

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kehlani TOP

Here Is Kehlani’s ‘Crash World Tour’ Setlist For 2024

Derrick Rossignol

A bit over a month ago, Kehlani announced the Crash World Tour alongside FLO and Anycia . The run of shows just kicked off in Minneapolis a couple days ago on September 4, and there are plenty of concerts to come between now and November. If you’re planning on attending any of those, the Minneapolis setlist ( via setlist.fm ) should offer a glimpse at what the shows will look like.

Kehlani is putting on quite the show, as they played 31 songs in Minneapolis. Naturally, the most-represented album on the setlist is Crash .

Check out the setlist below, along with Kehlani’s upcoming tour dates.

Kehlani’s Crash World Tour Setlist

1. “Next 2 U” 2. “GrooveTheory” 3. “What I Want” 4. “Distraction” 5. “Gangsta” 6. “Tears” 7. “You Should Be Here” 8. “The Way” 9. “Nunya” 10. “Get Away” 11. “1st Position” 12. “Change Your Life” 13. “Toxic” 14. “Sucia” 15. “8” 16. “Can I” 17. “Water” 18. “When He’s Not There” 19. “Clothes Off” 20. “Hate the Club” 21. “Vegas” 22. “everything” 23. “Honey” 24. “Border” 25. “Crash” 26. “Chapel” 27. “Lose My Wife” 28. “Deep” 29. “Kehlani” (Jordan Adetunji cover) 30. “Nights Like This” 31. “After Hours”

Kehlani’s 2024 Tour Dates: Crash World Tour

09/06 — Chicago, IL @ Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom 09/10 — Detroit, MI @ Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre 09/11 — Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena 09/13 — Bridgeport, CT @ Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater 09/14 — Camden, NJ @ Freedom Mortgage Pavillion 09/17 — Boston, MA @ MGM Music Hall at Fenway 09/18 — Fairfax, VA @ EagleBank Arena 09/20 — Brooklyn, NY @ Barclays Center 09/21 — Portsmouth, VA @ Atlantic Union Bank Pavilion 09/23 — Louisville, KY @ The Louisville Palace Theatre 09/24 — Atlanta, GA @ Lakewood Amphitheatre 09/25 — New Orleans, LA @ The Fillmore New Orleans 09/27 — Miami, FL @ FPL Solar Amphitheater at Bayfront Park 09/28 — Tampa, FL @ Yuengling Center 10/01 — Raleigh, NC @ Red Hat Amphitheater 10/02 — Charlotte, NC @ Skyla Credit Union Amphitheatre 10/08 — Houston, TX @ 713 Music Hall 10/11 — Dallas, TX @ The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory 10/12 — Rogers, AR @ Walmart AMP 10/15 — Denver, CO @ Fillmore Auditorium 10/16 — Salt Lake City, UT @ Rockwell at The Complex 10/18 — Seattle, WA @ Climate Pledge Arena 10/19 — Portland, OR @ Theater of the Clouds 10/21 — Vancouver, BC @ Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre 10/23 — Wheatland, CA @ Hard Rock Live 10/25 — San Diego, CA @ Viejas Arena 10/26 — Las Vegas, NV @ Michelob ULTRA Arena 10/29 — Phoenix, AZ @ Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre 10/30 — Los Angeles, CA @ Kia Forum 11/02 — San Francisco, CA @ Chase Center

The Best New Hip-Hop This Week

ANI Tour Nasaud 17+

Telelink city services ead, designed for iphone, iphone screenshots, description.

ANI Tour Nasaud combina planificarea calatoriei si a validarilor pentru experienta completa a transportului public. O modalitate simpla si intuitiva de a va deplasa! Planificati o calatorie din punctul A in punctul B pe cel mai rapid traseu, folosind harta integrata. Vedeti timpii estimativi de plecare si sosire in timp real. Economisiti timp si va organizati ziua mai bine. Creati un cont si cumparati bilete in siguranta: sunt valabile mai multe tipuri de plati securizate. Tineti biletele si abonamentele in contul de pe telefon. Validati la urcarea in autobuz sau tramvai prin scanarea codului QR de pe telefonul dumneavoastra si apoi va asezati pe scau. Este foarte simplu! Toate acestea - folosind telefonul dumneavostra si o singura aplicatie! Aplicatia ANI Tour Nasaud are o interfata simpla si prietenoasa care va putea fi folosita de calatori de toate varstele. Scurtati timpul de planificare a calatoriei si de a cumpara si valida un bilet. Aplicatia foloseste cele mai noi protocoale de securitate pentru ca platile si contul dumneavoastra sa fie in deplina siguranta tot timpul.

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Totally customized tour for all anime funs Discover New Japan

We offer tours to sacred places of Japanese anime. Japan has many wonderful places that are yet to be discovered.

The places we can customize


Yamanashi / Gunma


Tochigi / Ibaraki

Our service step.

Please contact following form and please notice

what sacred place of anime you want to visit or what title you like

when you can visit

how many people will participate

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After all itinerary has been finished, the payment should be done by cash or some mobile payment or some crypt currencies

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Full day: ~8h

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The max number of people is 6

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  4. 15 de agosto de 2024

  5. END OF MAFIA BOSS #mafia #gtav #tecgamer

  6. Sacchi baat ❤️🌹👍3,8,2024


  1. "Anitour" • Armenia (Yerevan) • Spyur

    Please when connecting with the company, mention "Spyur" as a source of information. Please also inform us about any inaccuracies in the information by contacting "Spyur". "ANITOUR" Limited Liability Company (LLC) ... ANI TOUR, ARTASHAT TRAVEL | Tourism Historical Armenia Cappadocia, armeniya | Tourism Historical Armenia Cilicia, armeniya

  2. Արեւմտյան Հայաստան եւ Կիլիկիա՝ տուրեր

    Անիտուրը իրականացնում է Արեւմտյան Հայաստան այցելելու մարդ կանց վաղեմի երազանքը. Արեւմտյան Հայաստանը, Կիլիկիան շատ-շատերի համար եղել են բաղձալի երազ, եղել են նպատակ՝ գոնե մեկ անգամ լինել ...

  3. Western Armenia and Cilicia (Kilikia)

    Anitour is already 20 years old. It is the founder of tour to Western Armenia and was the first to organize tour to Cilicia and the ascent of Mount Ararat. Our agency also organizes tours to the picturesque places in Armenia and Artsakh.. Visiting our website you can find any place you are interested in, choose the tour you prefer and carry out your long-standing dream with the help of our ...

  4. Ani Tour

    Ani Tour. 828 likes. 'Ani Tour' offers tours to Historical/Western Armenia. | http://anitour.am/

  5. Anitour

    Anitour, Yerevan, Armenia. 12,086 likes · 42 were here. Anitour is a travel agency specialized in making tours in Western Armenia, as well as in Armenia,...

  6. Narekavank Tour, Armenia tourism, Western Armenia tours, Ararat climb

    Since 2008 Armenia and Historical Western Armenia (Turkey) tours and travel, as well as Jerusalem tours have been the specialization of Narekavank Tour. Over years we have expanded our itineraries and enriched our programs to cover a broader geography. Nowadays our programs include not only Armenia, Turkey and Israel, but also Georgia, Italy ...

  7. About Narekavank Tour and our caring Guides

    Narekavank Tour has been operating since 2008. Trust our 16-year experience, outstanding reputation, knowledgeable and caring guides that have the richest experience in the field! 13 Sept. 2024. Assembling. Cappadocia and Cilicia (Kilikia) Tours. 850 USD. Cappadocia and Cilicia (Kilikia) Tours. 890 USD. Cappadocia and Cilicia (Kilikia) Tours.

  8. About AniTour

    "Ani tour" travel agency cooperates with reliable partners. Tours to Historical Armenia are the main profile of the company. "Anitour" also performs awarding ceremonies to Armenian eminent characters in sport and culture. Our main goal is sowing patriotism in our youth through the ways of taking part in our historico-cultural tours ...

  9. Ani Tour

    ANI TOUR Tour agency. Open . Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 10:00 - 18:00. Sat 10:00 - 15:00 Sun : Weekend. About us . Contacts . Activities. Map location. Travel agencies. ANI TOUR Tour agency. Travel agency, outgoing and incoming tourism, tours to Eastern Armenia and Kilikia, hotel reservation. Activities. TOURISM

  10. The Ultimate Guide to Nizhny Novgorod (and Beyond!)

    Appreciate the unique ornaments of the State Bank on the main pedestrian street, Bol'shaya Pokrovskaya. Walk down Chkalov's Stairs and then walk along the Volga until you visit the beautiful Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Chkalov Staircase with the man himself towering above it. EAT AND DRINK!

  11. "Anie Travel" • Armenia (Yerevan) • Spyur

    Please when connecting with the company, mention "Spyur" as a source of information. Please also inform us about any inaccuracies in the information by contacting "Spyur". "ANIE TRAVEL" Limited Liability Company (LLC) ... OUTBOUND TOURISM / OUTGOING TOUR AGENCY / OUTBOUND TOUR AGENCY; TRAVEL AGENCIES: OUTGOING TOURISM / TRAVEL AGENCIES ...

  12. "Any Wish Tour" Travel Company • Armenia (Yerevan)

    travel agency: outbound tourism / outgoing tour agency / outbound tour agency; travel agencies: outgoing tourism / travel agencies: outbound tourism / outbound travel agencies; outgoing tourism agencies / outbound tourism agencies; outgoing tour company / outbound tour company; travel agencies/companies outgoing tourism; 338; t ; 13.05.2014; 01 ...

  13. THE 10 BEST Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Tours & Excursions

    Top Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Tours: See reviews and photos of tours in Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia on Tripadvisor.

  14. Narekavank Tour

    I have been fortunate enough to have seen Ani three times in my lifetime. Thirty four years ago some friends of us in Armenia took my husband Madlen SelianAustralia, July 2013 ... The Western Armenia tour I took in 2008 was one of the best trips I ever had to historical Armenia. The tour was well organized and left a great lasting memory.

  15. THE 5 BEST Nizhny Novgorod Food & Drink Tours

    Gloria Outlets Lush Yellowstone Hot Springs The Lost Waterfalls-Boquete Goblin Valley State Park The Mob Museum Olympic Ski Jump Complex Mermaid Museum Hill Park Nowy Swiat Extravaganza: The Vegas Spectacular at Horseshoe Las Vegas Luxor Private Full-Day Tour: Discover the East and West Banks of the Nile New Jersey Lunch Cruise Wellington Hop-on Hop-Off Bus Tour Self-Guided Audio Driving Tour ...

  16. Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod (/ ˌ n ɪ ʒ n i ˈ n ɒ v ɡ ə r ɒ d / NIZH-nee NOV-gə-rod; [14] Russian: Нижний Новгород, IPA: [ˈnʲiʐnʲɪj ˈnovɡərət] ⓘ lit. ' Lower Newtown '; colloquially shortened to Nizhny) [a] is the administrative centre of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast and the Volga Federal District in Russia.The city is located at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga rivers in ...

  17. Yerevan

    Yerevan. Yerevan is the capital of the Republic of Armenia. Yerevan is situated on the left bank of Araks River, which flows through the Ararat valley. It is the largest city in Armenia with a population of 1,117 million people (2010). Yerevan is an important transport hub, as well as political, economic, cultural and scientific centre of Armenia.

  18. Here Is Kehlani's 'Crash World Tour' Setlist For 2024

    Kehlani's 2024 Tour Dates: Crash World Tour. 09/06 — Chicago, IL @ Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom 09/10 — Detroit, MI @ Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre 09/11 — Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena

  19. "Exotour" Travel Agency • Armenia (Yerevan)

    Ani Tevatrosyan, Director. Contact information. Head office . Armenia, 0015, Yerevan ... Please when connecting with the company, mention "Spyur" as a source of information. Please also inform us about any inaccuracies in the information by contacting "Spyur". Activity. Activity types by "Spyur's" classifier. ... TOUR OPERATOR / TOUR OPERATORS ...

  20. "Ani Grand Hotel" • Armenia (Yerevan) • Spyur

    Please when connecting with the company, mention "Spyur" as a source of information. ... "ANI GRAND HOTEL" "ANI GRAND HOTEL" Contact information. Activity address . Armenia, 0010, Yerevan Hanrapetutyan St., 65 Building (Kentron adm. district) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 24 hours +374-12-770000 +374-12-880088. E-mail.

  21. ‎ANI Tour Nasaud on the App Store

    ANI Tour Nasaud combina planificarea calatoriei si a validarilor pentru experienta completa a transportului public. O modalitate simpla si intuitiva de a va deplasa! Planificati o calatorie din punctul A in punctul B pe cel mai rapid traseu, folosind harta integrata. Vedeti timpii estimativi de plecare si sosire in timp real.

  22. ホーム

    Please contact following form and please notice. what sacred place of anime you want to visit or what title you like. when you can visit. how many people will participate. We can make route and schedule of tour depending on your request and send it. If you accepted, we will pick you up by car at the date we decided by email and go on the tour.


    Բոլոր ուղղություններով ավիատոմսերի վաճառք, զբոսաշրջություն ցանկացած ուղղությամբ ...

  24. Ապրանքների, Ծառայությունների

    ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆԻ ԴԵՂԻՆ ԷՋԵՐ • ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆԻ ԳՈՐԾԱՐԱՐ ՏԵՂԵԿԱՏՈՒ • Տեղեկատվություն ընկերությունների ...