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P&O Arvia Caribbean Cruise Review: What to Expect on a Caribbean Cruise on P&O Arvia

We booked a two-week Caribbean cruise with P&O on its newest ship Arvia, having been amazed the previous year by its almost identical sister ship Iona in the Norwegian Fjords.

What we hoped for was to get away from the dreadful British winter weather and to see a part of the world we’d not visited before, in a way that would be a relaxed and convenient mode of seeing as much of the Caribbean as possible.

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

The holiday turned out to exceed all our expectations and was a brilliant experience from start to finish.

We could not recommend P&O Arvia highly enough and are hard pushed to find one single fault with the entire Caribbean cruise.

If you’re considering a P&O Caribbean cruise on Arvia, here’s some of what you can expect….

We arrived in Barbados on a P&O charter Tui flight from Gatwick, leaving the cold December weather behind us and landing, after an approximately 9-hour flight, to temperatures of 29-degrees.

You step off the plane and straight onto a bus which whisks you from the runway, on a journey about half-an-hour through Bridgetown to the cruise port where the stunning sight of Arvia awaits you.

  • Read our full post with details of flying to a P&O Caribbean cruise here

Even though we knew what to expect, having already experienced Iona, you cannot fail to be blown away by the incredible sight of the gigantic ship – one of the world’s largest cruise ships – as it sits in port awaiting its guests.

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

While some cruise ships look like floating tower blocks Arvia, despite being so large, has an astounding visual beauty to it which is a real credit to its designers.

A sleek, curved bow and pristine white hull; an enormous glass atrium at the centre of the ship, its signature ‘Skydome’ on top – a massive retractable glass roof under which passengers bask in the Caribbean sun.

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Arvia dominates every port it’s in, with other cruise ships alongside it paling in comparison to its size and its aesthetic beauty.

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Arriving on board, your first sight is the Grand Atrium – a huge central area with glass windows stretching way up above you and all around, giving incredible views out to sea.

A pianist plays on a grand piano, filling the atrium with music; people relax in chairs with drinks and there’s a perfect atmosphere to welcome you on board.

For the whole two weeks of our stay on Arvia I couldn’t stop being wowed by the interior design of the ship.

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At the time of our cruise in 2023, the ship was only a year old so it’s modern, in perfect condition throughout and every inch of the ship is meticulously designed inside to look visually stunning.

It amazes me that on a vessel so huge, with so many areas, that so much attention to detail is paid to the design and layout of every last square inch.

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It is such a beautiful piece of architecture from top to bottom, inside and out – and the fact it floats around at sea transporting you to destinations of your dreams makes it all the more remarkable that something so incredible even exists and has been built by human hands.

Anyway, you get the idea that the ship itself is stunning, but this impression extends beyond just the layout and design, but to the way the ship is run and maintained by the crew.

There are around 5,000+ guests on board – plus another 1,800 crew – which is a huge number of people all living, eating, drinking and holidaying together in one space.

But despite such vast numbers of passengers, the ship remains immaculately clean and perfectly-maintained throughout.

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This is not an exaggeration – in two full weeks on board I literally did not see one single piece of rubbish or one single dirty area of the ship.

Arvia is buzzing all day and night with crew members constantly cleaning and maintaining the ship.

Any piece of rubbish left on the floor or on a table, any empty glass left by a lounger and it seemed within seconds one of the crew was there to clear it away.

Every surface is constantly wiped, disinfected, hoovered… Every one of the public area toilets I went in over the whole two weeks was as pristine clean as you’d want your own home toilet to be.

The Caribbean in December is hot – the temperature of the air remains warm all night long and in the sun during the day out on the decks it’s scorching.

But the temperature inside the ship is maintained at a constant cool level in every space, all day and night, making it incredibly comfortable to be even on the hottest days.

It’s an example of the attention to detail paid to every element of the guest experience on board Arvia.

In every part of the ship, whatever you’re doing, you feel relaxed, comfortable and well taken-care of by the incredibly hard-working and ultra-attentive crew.

Food & Drink

With 5,000+ passengers staying on board for two weeks, the ship needs to cater for a huge range of tastes and requirements in food and it’s amazing how they do this, with an enormous variety of food and drink options.

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Whether you want to grab a quick slice of pizza to eat by a pool, or you want a fine dining experience, or anything in-between, you’ll find it on Arvia.

The food served every night in the main dining rooms was superb with a great variety – every meal delicious – and with a constant rotation of the menu to ensure you have different choices available every day of a two-week cruise.

But if you want something different and even higher quality than the main dining rooms, you have options like the specialist restaurants of the Epicurean or the Keel & Cow.

Or maybe you don’t want the formality of a main dining room or speciality restaurant and just want to grab a quick bite to eat – the American-style 6th Street Diner, the Quays or the Taste 360 give you more relaxed or quick and easy options.

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

The Horizon Buffet is open all day every day – perfect for big breakfasts, lunches after an excursion or a mid-afternoon snack.

There is so much food on offer, such a variety and of such a high quality it’s impossible to comprehend how it can all be provided to so many people on board a ship floating around at sea.

The same goes for drink – with more bars than I can remember – each with its own unique style and atmosphere.

That’s another amazing thing about Arvia – the wide range of different styles and atmospheres in the public spaces, catering for people of all tastes and for whatever mood you might be in from one moment to the next.

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I used to love going up to the top decks at sunset, where the swim-up bar was full of people drinking in the sun as live music – either from a singer or the resident DJ – pumped out over the sound system, disco lights creating a real vibrant ‘sail away’ party atmosphere.

But head up one deck to the Crows Nest bar and the atmosphere changes completely.

Lush furnishings and decor create a smooth and sophisticated atmosphere as a pianist plays mellow background music to people sitting, sipping cocktails or champagne as they wait for dinner.

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It’s a world away from the party going on just a deck below.

Head along to the Skydome and it’s got the vibe of a holiday camp. Kids leap into pools as parents sit on loungers in the sun eating pizza and chips on their loungers, beers in hand, movies playing on the big screen or music and entertainment keeping everyone occupied.

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But head down to Anderson’s Bar and you’ll find it serene and quiet, people sat reading or typing away on laptops with a coffee or a glass of wine.

Or down to Brodie’s for a typical English pub experience with football being screened on the TVs, dart boards, fruit machines and the laid back atmosphere of your local British pub.

The more you explore the decks, the more of these spaces you find – each with their own unique atmosphere – something for everyone, at every time of day, whatever mood you’re in.

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The sheer size of the ship and the enormous variety of spaces and experiences meant we never once felt the ship was crowded or that there were too many people on board.

On-Board Entertainment

The same goes for the quality and variety of entertainment – from big theatre production shows in the Headliners Theatre to intimate acoustic music performances in the 7/10 Club, we found enough to keep us entertained every single day and were constantly impressed with the high quality of the performers throughout the ship.

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The diversity of the entertainment going on all day, every day is quite amazing and gives 5,000+ passengers, all with their different interests, age ranges, tastes and moods something to do every single day of the cruise.

The musical performers are superb and there are performances going on all the time across the ship, whether it’s from star performers in the headline venues like the Limelight Club or Headliners Theatre, DJs, buskers, solo singers, bands, tribute acts – all of which were of a really high standard.

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But you’ve also got other non-music entertainment happening constantly… We watched a funny and entertaining mock gameshow in the Headliners Theatre, there were talks from an ex-SAS soldier, comedians, singing lessons, presentations from experts on subjects like art or jewellery, a full-size multi-screen on-board cinema, an escape room, a mini crazy golf course, a ‘high ropes’ climbing course…

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And it all seems to be co-ordinated on a schedule that lets you experience the greatest amount of it with minimal overlaps and perfect timings for fitting in dinners, lunches, excursions etc in-between.

Some people are concerned that you need to book up for a lot of the more popular entertainment via the on-board P&O app, and the most popular ones are quickly fully booked.

However we found that often you could still turn up at the venue and there would be availability from no-shows or late cancellations, so don’t worry too much about the app booking being the be-all and end-all of the entertainment experience.

The P&O App

On that subject, Arvia (likewise Iona ) offer a method of booking restaurants and entertainment via a mobile app, which seems to split opinion amongst guests as to whether it’s a big step forward or a complete pain.

Being young(ish) and familiar with technology, we found it ideal.

It’s easy to use and so convenient to be able to book your table in a restaurant via a ‘virtual queue’, which then means you can go off and do something else, or just be in the cabin continuing to get ready, whilst you watch your place in the queue progress in the app.

We rarely waited longer than 15-minutes or so in a virtual queue for a restaurant and found the process far more flexible and convenient than having to queue physically to be seated somewhere.

I can see how some older passengers, who aren’t as familiar with the internet and technology, might not like it – but there are crew around the ship that will help you and show you what to do with the app if you’re struggling with it at all.

Incidentally, the app doesn’t require internet access – it works from the ship’s internal network only so you don’t need mobile data / signal / wifi at all. And you don’t need to download an app from anywhere, it’s actually just a page you can visit on your normal web browser on your phone.

The P&O Arvia Caribbean Itinerary

On our cruise in December 2023, we had two weeks visiting the following Caribbean islands… Tortola (BVI), Dominican Republic, St Martin, Antigua, St Kitts & Nevis, Martinique, St Lucia, Barbados.

  • Read details and reviews of all our Caribbean shore excursions here

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Between these stops are a number of ‘sea days’.

I assumed initially that the sea days were required for travelling time between the islands, but it seems for the most part, the voyage times between islands don’t require the full days at sea as several sea days we travelled extremely slowly and even by-passed our next destination island on a circular route, waiting for the next port day.

We found the number and frequency of the sea days was perfect for maximum enjoyment of the islands and for the ship itself.

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There was never more than one sea day in a row and we found that, as we were doing excursions on every port stop, it was great to punctuate those busy, activity-filled days with relaxing days at sea.

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For our excursions, we were up early in the mornings so the sea days gave us a welcome lay-in to recover from all that activity and enjoy being on the ship (which for us mainly meant laying out in the sun drinking cocktails, beer, reading, relaxing and just watching the sea go by from the decks.

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The amount of time you get at each port seemed just right, with a typical ‘all aboard’ time of 5.30pm, by which time whatever we were out doing that day had come to an end and we felt ready to get back to the ship for the evening.

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The stops in Antigua and Barbados have later departure times, meaning you can experience those ports in the evening / overnight (in the case of Barbados) and we did feel it might have been good to get to experience more nightlife at some of the other ports too, but in general, for us, the timings and spacing of port visits and sea days was pretty much perfect for maximum enjoyment and a good balance between activity and relaxation.

On two of the sea days, they have a ‘formal night’ where the dress code for the evening is ‘black tie’ – although actual tuxedos and bow-ties aren’t compulsory, suits, ties and glamorous dresses are expected

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

We really liked those formal nights – there’s a real different atmosphere about the whole ship and it’s buzzing the whole night in all the restaurants and entertainment venues, with a particularly special feel to the ship.

But getting dressed up isn’t to everyone’s taste and if you don’t want to do so, you can still head to one of the more casual areas of the ship in your shorts and t-shirts if you want to exclude yourself from the more extravagant dress code and goings-on of the formal nights.

Staff and Crew

One final thought about P&O Arvia, and the feature that really makes the ship work so well and the holiday so enjoyable, is the on-board staff and crew.

The sense you get is that the 1,800 members of the crew have an extremely demanding job with an intense schedule in difficult, extremely busy working conditions.

Wherever you look on board the ship, there are staff busily working away, whether it’s cabin stewards cleaning and tidying your cabin for you every single day, cleaners, bar staff, waiters – they are working hard and intensely yet every one we encountered was friendly and helpful.

The processes that the staff must have to operate in order to be able to meet so many of the needs of over 5,000 people day and night are mind-boggling to me.

Yet in our experience, everything ran like absolute clockwork and the guest experience provided by the entire team working on Arvia was absolutely first rate.

We don’t have a huge amount of cruise experience to compare with. We did one cruise on P&O Iona the previous year (which was similarly brilliant) and a small mini-break to Amsterdam, which was a different type of holiday.

So maybe we aren’t best placed to say how well the P&O Arvia Caribbean cruise compares to other cruises on other ships.

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

But we have done a lot of travelling and had a lot of holidays – and this cruise was right up there with the best holidays – maybe even possibly the best holiday – that we’ve ever had.

What makes it so good from my personal point of view, is that I’m not someone who ever thought they’d go on a cruise – in fact I hated the idea of cruise ships and would previously want to avoid going on one at all costs.

But the experience we had on Iona last year, and now Arvia this year, totally changed my mind and I was looking at booking our next Arvia cruise before we’d even finished on this one.

As a mode of transport and method of seeing new, varied places, it cannot be beaten.

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Getting to eat in superb restaurants, enjoy amazing entertainment, relax, then go to sleep in a comfortable bed, all whilst you’re being gracefully transported from one amazing location to another is absolutely brilliant.

Waking up in the morning, opening the curtain to find yourself in a different country, which you can then go and explore, returning at the end of the day to have all your needs met – all your food cooked, your room cleaned and to be waited on hand and foot so you can just relax, worry about nothing, and then open your curtains the next morning to somewhere else new….

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

What an amazing way it is to travel – and I think it’s so good because Arvia is such a beautiful and gigantic ship with such a huge amount to see and do on board.

The combination of this, the beauty of the Caribbean islands and the chance to escape the hideous UK winter for the hot sunny weather, all add up to make the experience on a P&O Arvia Caribbean cruise a real holiday of a lifetime which we thoroughly, highly recommend.

  • Read details of everything we got up to on our P&O Arvia Caribbean cruise, plus more of our thoughts and experiences and reviews of Arvia here .


Sister for Iona and P&O Cruises’ new flagship

Alan Moorhouse looks at the main features of the new cruise ship Arvia, the latest ship from Meyer Werft to join the fleet of P&O Cruises.

P&O Cruises’ lates cruise ship Arvia, the company’s new flagship, was named in March 2023 at a beachside ceremony in Barbados, which also featured British musician Ed Sheeran.

Arvia (Yard no S716), which means ‘from the seashore’, was laid down on 15 February 2022. She is the second Excellence class ship and follows near sister Iona, being completed at the Meyer Werft shipyard, Papenburg, Germany.

The ship was floated out of Meyer’s Building Dock No.2 on 27 August 2022, and completed at the outfitting quay before a stern-first Ems passage, followed by finishing works at Eemshaven, trials in the North Sea, and a formal handover at Bremerhaven on 15 December 2022.

The original maiden voyage scheduled for December 2022 was cancelled and the ship sailed for the Caribbean via Southampton after a Canary Islands cruise departing on 23 December. The ship returned to Southampton on 2 April for her European season.

Arvia is in the same general class as Costa Cruises’ pair Costa Smeralda and Costa Toscana; AIDA Cruises’ sisters AIDACosma and AIDANova; and Carnival’s Mardi Gras and Carnival Celebration. The soon to be delivered Carnival Jubilee completes the set. All were constructed either at Meyer Turku or Papenburg.

The latest new ship provides an opportunity to look back at other significant P&O ships and events that have shaped the famous company’s past.

Founded in 1837 by Brodie McGhie Willcox and Arthur Anderson with the charter of the 206-ton William Fawcett operated by Captain Richard Bourne, P&O has been a major force in British shipping for over 185 years.

Much of this history is displayed on board Arvia, and illustrations and information panels are displayed aboard other ships in the current P&O fleet. Key ships in the past, notably in the immediate post-war era, include the liners Oriana (1959/41,910gt); Canberra (1961/45,270gt), often referred to as the ‘Great White Whale’ after her involvement in the 1982 Falklands Campaign; Orsova (1953/29,790gt); and Arcadia (1954 29,734gt).

P&O Cruises, as a distinct entity, emerged in 1977 as cruising became a popular travel experience. In 2003 P&O Cruises became part of the Carnival group and subsequently underwent an image change, with the famous yellow hull colouring being replaced by blue funnels and Union flag hull art.

Management of the P&O Carnival brand is currently the responsibility of President Paul Ludlow. A P&O Australia brand was also established.

Arvia, like her sister Iona, is 184,700gt and measures 345m in length. She is LNG-powered and has MAK Caterpillar engines with an output of 74MW (99,236hp), giving a top speed of 22 knots.

The $950 million ship can accommodate 5,206 passengers in 2,610 cabins and the crew complement is 1,762. Passenger accommodation is located in the forward sections of Decks 8, 16 and 17 and on Decks 9 to 15. The public areas are on Decks 4 and 5, and deck 16 upwards.

Skydome pool on Arvia.

Impressive features

Arvia shares many features, internally and externally, with Iona. The Crow’s Nest, the Horizon Buffet, Limelight Lounge and Headliners theatre are key interior public spaces which share many similarities.

One of the main differences is the Magrodome retractable roof on Arvia, enclosing decks 16, 17 and 18. This structure, which is an evolution of Iona’s fixed Skydome, is a creation of designer Martin Francis. It is intended to provide a light open air top deck to facilitate shows and musical performances in both cold and warm climates.

The 970m2 retractable Magrodome over the pool lido area and sea screen weighs 156 tons. Other differences between the two ships include the Mission Control Escape Room, the Swim Up Bar, the Altitude Experience, and the new Mizuhana and 6th Street restaurants, as well as extended freestyle dining opportunities.

The focal point of Arvia is the Grand Atrium, which rises upwards from deck 6. The main entertainment venues are the Headliners Theatre (decks 6 and 7), the main show lounge featuring shows and musicals, the Sunset Bar and Clubhouse, Limelight Club, Andersons and the 710 Club (deck 6). The Crow’s Nest with forward observation views is on deck 17. The Oasis Spa is on deck 6, the Medical Centre is on deck 3, and the Casino and the Avenue shopping arcade are on deck 7.

Arvia's Grand Atrium.

Dining opportunities

Dining opportunities are specifically aimed at the British market and feature the cuisine of international chefs Shivi Ramoutar and Jose Pizzaro, with a focus on Caribbean and Mediterranean cuisine. The main dining venues are the Zenith Restaurant (deck 7), Meridian Restaurant (deck 6), Olive Grove, 6th Street Diner, and casual dining in the Horizon all-day buffet (deck 16).

Speciality restaurants include Sindhu, Taste 360 and Epicurean. Other drinking and dining venues include the Keel and Cow gastro pub and the Hook and Vinegar seafood takeaway. The upper open decks include the main pool and lido areas, sports area, Beachcombers pool, and infinity pool with adjacent bars.

P&O Cruises fleet

With the addition of the new Arvia, the current P&O Cruises fleet comprises seven ships:

  • Arvia (2022)
  • Aurora (2000/76,152gt)
  • Arcadia (2005/84,342gt)
  • Ventura (2008/116,017gt)
  • Azura (2010/115,055gt)
  • Britannia (2015/143,730gt)
  • Iona (2021/184,089gt)

Arcadia in the Solent on 26 June 2022. (Alan Moorhouse)

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  • P&O UK to officially name its newest ship Arvia in Barbados on...

P&O UK to officially name its newest ship Arvia in Barbados on March 16, 2023

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P&O Cruises UK announced it will officially name its incoming ship Arvia in Barbados in March 2023.

The unique beachside ceremony on March 16 is to be broadcast live online across the globe.

The naming event is expected to take place during a Caribbean roundtrip voyage departing from homeport Bridgetown Barbados .

In October 2022, P&O UK said the launch of the 18-deck ship had been pushed back from December 9 to December 23 because of “reasons beyond our control”.

P&O Arvia cruise ship

On the 2023 naming ceremony, P&O president Paul Ludlow said they always aimed to do things differently, to create stand-out and memorable moments for their current and future guests.

“Arvia, which will be delivered in December, will spend her first season sailing in the Caribbean so it is fitting that we mark her naming in one of our favourite ports of call with a week of celebratory performances and experiences on board. “This naming event, which has never been done before, will showcase our extraordinary new ship Arvia, the beauty of Barbados and will include some very special surprises. “The ship will be positioned off one of the island’s most stunning beaches so the audience at home will be able to see both the striking new interior design of the ship as well as the performances and events taking place on the shore. It will be an unmissable event.”

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P&O Arvia Cruise Deals

See All P&O Cruises Deals Find Out More About P&O Cruises

The P&O Arvia cruise ship joined the fleet in December 2022 and is P&O Iona ’s magnificent sister ship, another Excel class ship with even more freedom, innovation and variety in store than ever before. 

Revel in the glorious Caribbean rays or soak up the Mediterranean sun from the Arvia cruise ship’s unique SkyDome. Luxuriate in stylish accommodation with crystal-clear sea views from your Conservatory Mini-suite and other select P&O Arvia cabins.

Arvia entertainment

Relax and re-energise with entertainment and activities for the whole family onboard the P&O Arvia cruise ship, from cinema screenings and live music to the brand-new activity zone, Altitude.

While on the P&O Cruises Arvia ship take on the thrilling 54m high ropes course, Altitude Skywalk, then head below for Altitude Minigolf, a nine-hole course for all the family. Or enjoy a trip to the on-board cinema and watch one of the many films from a range of genres playing during your voyage, or maybe indulge in some retail therapy at P&O Arvia’s 1,300sqm of shopping space. Whatever you choose, one thing is for certain, on-board the Arvia cruise ship you’ll never be bored.

Arvia restaurants & bars

On- board P&O Cruises Arvia there are 12 restaurants and eight more casual venues, including 6th Street Diner, a retro diner venue with a jukebox that brings a taste of North America to the seas. The Olive Grove provides diners with flavours of the Mediterranean, including mouthwatering aperitifs and a well-chosen list of regional wines to end your day the right way. Throughout the day, enjoy the Arvia cruise ship’s swim-up bar to taste a selection of hand-crafted cocktails while you soak up the sun.

The Arvia plays home to a new restaurant concept, Green & Co. featuring Mizuhana, which offers a plant-based and fish menu with a first-class sushi bar. Enjoy your pick of dining experiences in new and exclusive restaurants on board the P&O Arvia. 

Arvia cruises from Southampton

P&O Cruises offers many sailings directly from the UK. Many P&O Arvia itineraries set sail from Southampton , this allows you to skip stressful airports and simply drive to the Southampton cruise terminal for a hassle-free holiday, start to finish.

Booking your Arvia cruise

To find out more about this amazing cruise ship and book your P&O Cruises holiday at the best price, book online today or contact one of our cruising experts who would be more than happy to help.

P&O Cruises Promotions

Whether you want to explore the white sand beaches of the Caribbean or delve into the cuisine and culture of the Med, we have a popular cruise deal for everyone. Take a look and book your voyage on the P&O Cruises Arvia today.

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Arvia Ship Facts

Enjoy these quick facts about P&O Arvia so you can get to know this fabulous cruise ship a little better before setting sail on your next holiday. 

Arvia was launched in 2022

The gross tonnage is 183900

The width of Arvia is 42 meters

The maximum speed of the ship is 23 knots per hour

The length of Arvia is 337 meters

The currency taken on Arvia is GBP

Arvia has 1800 cabin crew members

The ship has 18 decks

Arvia has 2500 cabins on board

It also has wheelchair cabins on board

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Arvia frequently asked questions.

The team at Cruise118 answers the most frequently asked questions about setting sail on the P&O Arvia cruise ship.

When was the P&O Arvia launched?

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With the promise of happy days and fun-filled nights to come, the P&O Cruises Arvia is a ray of holiday sunshine. Dive deep into the wonders of the Med or soak up the sun in the Caribbean, discovering cultural treasures, postcard-worthy beaches and delicious local treats, plus you will have everything you need onboard the Arviva when sailing from destination to destination. From a fantastic world of food to taking your pick from an abundance of exceptional entertainment - onboard the P&O Cruises Arvia, you’re guaranteed to never be bored!


The Keel and Cow

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

A P&O Cruises first, The Keel and Cow is an unpretentious gastropub, where food and drink have been crafted into something truly special. Located on deck 8, it offers a quick and convenient breakfast for those going ashore, and lunchtimes bring top-quality, authentic gastropub fare to the fore, with dishes such as a signature beef and stout burger, beer-battered fish and triple-cooked chips, black-pudding, scotch eggs and more.

At night, guests can gather with friends to enjoy hearty dishes or select from a range of steaks from the dry-ageing fridge. With views over the Grand Atrium or out to sea, or even to the chefs at work in te open galley, The Keel and Cow is the perfect place to bring food, friends and family together in a relaxed, informal environment.


Vistas Cafe Bar

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Start the day right with a visit to Vistas Cafe Bar on deck 6, a warm and welcoming cafe with a buzzing atmosphere. Serving premium tea, coffee and snacks all day long, as well as a selection of tempting treats from P&O Cruises Food Here and master patissier Eric Lanlard, it's the perfect place to grab a light bite or enjoy a post-dinner coffee.

From mid-morning there will be pop-up entertainment, and from early evening you'll be delighted by impromptu aerial circus performances. Grab a hot drink, browse the bookshop, sit back and enjoy the unending sea and coastal views.


The Glass House

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Headed up by the irrepressible, award-winning wine expert and P&O Cruises Food Hero, Olly Smith, The Glass House is the perfect location for a light bite, lunchtime tipple, afternoon apéritif or a tastefully informal evening out. And if you’re looking to match your chosen wine with your food you’ve picked the perfect place, as you’ll find helpful pairing suggestions in the menu.


Head to The Quays for informal dining options to suit every mood; ideal for morning breakfasts through to dinner. This multi-venue dining piazza offers an array of eateries, and is a lively hub for socialising over food and watching the world go by. There’s a fun street-food atmosphere, and outdoor dining is available too. 


The Epicurean

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

The Epicurean fuses classic dining elements with the best of modern British dining to create a sensuous menu, uniquely presented in a sophisticated and contemporary setting. The emphasis is on grand style and flawless service. The menu features dishes that are skilfully prepared table-side in a performance worthy of the West End, and, with time to thoroughly appreciate each course, you can relax and revel in The Epicurean’s special atmosphere.  


The Beach House

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Inspired by South American, Caribbean and Stateside cuisines, The Beach House menu offers hearty dishes and comfort-food favourites. Highlights include the steaks, ribs, grills and burgers, hanging kebabs and a range of sharing dishes. Save space for the decadent and delicious desserts too.  


The Olive Grove

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

With a strong focus on food provenance, it’s time to taste your way around the southern and eastern Mediterranean with authentic dishes and sharing platters at The Olive Grove. Mouthwatering aperitifs and a well-chosen list of regional wines complete the menu and add to the relaxed experience. The Olive Grove is the ideal venue for intimate dinners or a celebratory meal – with options to eat in the restaurant or in the conservatory area. 


The Grand Atrium

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

The Grand Atrium is the beating heart of Arvia; a lively signature space that encapsulates the spirit of the ship. The architecturally impressive space sits on decks 6, 7 and 8 and boasts a contemporary design that brings in uninterrupted panoramic sea views and natural light.

As one of four primary entertainment spaces on board, the Grand Atrium offers lots to see and do around the clock. By day, it’s a place to meet, dine, relax, be entertained or simply watch the world go by; by night, it’s an immersive destination venue, balancing intimate spaces with larger social areas. The space seamlessly transitions between day and night through lighting and sound.


The Glass House is dedicated to the love of fine wine and great food. The premium wine bar, located on deck 7, has an impressive wine list curated by award-winning wine expert and P&O Cruises Food Hero Olly Smith and offers a sophisticated environment in which to enjoy breakfast, a light lunch, a leisurely glass of wine or an evening meal with family or newfound friends.

Wine connoisseurs are well taken care of: Cellar Door at The Glass House offers wine talks, tastings and wine-pairing dinners. You can also enjoy the Grand Atrium's aerial circus performances, as well as views out to the horizon.


Emerald Bar

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

For evening glamour, the stylish Emerald Bar on deck 6 offers a relaxed living-room feel with a Covent Garden-style buss. With a large menu of premium cocktails, it's an ideal location for pre-dinner drinks or as a late-night bar. Enjoy pop-up entertainment from mid-morning and impromptu aerial circus performances from early evening. Spectacular sea views add to the ambience.


Headliners Theatre

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Headliners Theatre is perfect for a fun-filled night out on board. Classic yet contemporary, it offers a sleek and sophisticated theatre experience. Plush, comfortable seating and the latest LED technology deliver the ‘wow’ factor, while a two-deck-high auditorium on decks 6 and 7 ensures everyone has the best view in the house.


Ocean Studios

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

The whole family will love an outing to Ocean Studios. Our four-screen cinema complex offers a warm welcome, comfortable seating and a premium cinema experience. With screenings throughout the day, there’s always an option to see an age-appropriate blockbuster or family classic – complete with popcorn, ice cream and snacks, of course.


A place to immerse yourself in the seductive sounds of an array of musical genres that have inspired musical director Gary Barlow over the years, The 710 Club is a sophisticated bar crafted to Gary’s creative vision.

Atmospheric and low-lit, The 710 Club will serve up live music from resident band The 710s with an unmistakably vintage vibe, stylish cocktails and the most important ingredient of all; a little escapism, to ensure the good times continue long into the night.


The Limelight Club

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Get cosy beneath the intimate low lighting of The Limelight Club and prepare yourself for a show-stopper of an evening at this ticketed event exclusively for adults. Feast your senses on entertainment provided by some of Britain’s best-loved performers and relish in a three-course culinary experience that’ll have your taste-buds tingling.


Not only home to daytime relaxing by the pool, bespoke and exclusive aerial shows, guest DJ sets and more, SkyDome also hosts IGNITE – our upbeat party-starter with a DJ set produced by Alex James, laser show and live music.

SkyDome offers a relaxed, poolside environment by day, with tantalising dining and drinking options. In the evening, the space seamlessly transitions into a must-visit entertainment venue, showcasing spectacular aerialist displays and hosting live performances and DJ party nights under the stars.

Kick off your holiday with IGNITE! Watch as SkyDome lights up under the night sky with laser shows, a killer DJ set producedby Alex James, and live music for you to dance the night away. This upbeat venue is the perfect place to get into the holiday mood.


Thermal Suite

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Explore heated loungers, a therapeutic sauna, sensory steam rooms and experiential showers. Other features include a hydrotherapy pool with massaging jets and air recliners.


Night Nursery

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Under 2s will love Turtle Tots day sessions, designed especially to meet their needs. In the evenings, our team of dedicated nursery staff offers a night nursery, so you can enjoy all the exciting events and experiences on board. Pre-registration is essential.


Let children aged 2-4 have a ball at soft play and the Lego® pits, or get them involved in our structured activity programme monitored by our enthusiastic Youth team. Pre-registration is essential.


Children aged 5-8 can enjoy our structured activity programme, or play freely on games consoles, Lego® pits, soft play and more. Little performers will love the stage, while outdoor adventurers will love the climbing wall, pirate ship and sports area. Pre-registration is essential.


Looking to up the fun with friends? Children aged 9-12 can kick back as they like it. With games consoles, an arcade of the hottest games, the chance to learn to DJ, Lego® pits and a host of outdoor games to play in the sports area, you won’t see them till supper time. Pre-registration is essential.

Arvia Cabins & Suites

With plenty of P&O Arvia cabins to choose from, creating your dream holiday has never been easier!

A practical, modern choice if you are simply looking for a place to lay your head after a day of adventures and enjoying everything the ship has to offer.

Sea-view P&O Arvia cabins have beautiful natural light and luxury amenities. Similar to our inside cabins whilst ensuring you’re never too far away from those relaxing sea views. 

Enjoy the sea breeze in your own private outdoor space when you choose a balcony cabin. They are the perfect option for a slow morning with a continental breakfast or to spend a few peaceful hours sunbathing with a book.  

Conservatory Mini Suite

Brand new to the Arvia cruise ship, these cabins let the great outdoors in via an additional lounge area with floor-to-ceiling glass between your main bedroom and balcony. Relax inside or out in complete comfort and with incredible views.

Experience VIP treatment at sea with your own butler service, spacious accommodation, a luxury bathroom with a whirlpool, room service and breakfast each day in an exclusive restaurant.

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Inside Cabins

Here, too, the design and choices of colours and materials optimises the seaside feel. Porthole mirrors, blue feature walls and soft furnishings and accessories in gold and white textiles bring a sense of light and relaxation to the interior space.

The clever design of these cabin types maximises storage options and all cabins boast the personal touches that create a stylish and homely atmosphere - including tea and coffee-making facilities (with tasty biscuits provided daily), a well-stocked fridge, in-cabin TV with a host of channels to choose from, and a bathroom boasting soft cotton towels and quality toiletries courtesy of The White Company.

  • Double or Twin Configuration
  • Vanity Area
  • Toiletries Provided

Sea View Cabins

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Balcony Cabins

The sea is the star and the Balcony accommodation gives guests the chance to enjoy it to the full, whether travelling solo or in a larger group.

There are four options to choose from – Deluxe (the most spacious), Balcony, Single and Standard Balcony – all of which offer an extended private space in which to relax and unwind. From enjoying a cup of tea in the morning to watching the sun set with a drink, guests can relax in their own private area. Balcony cabins also allow greater flexibility for outdoor dining using the Room Service menu.

For larger groups and families, the internal spaces have been skilfully designed to include attractive built-in drop-down bunk beds and flexible sleeping arrangements that maximise space and seating by day and provide comfortable bedding by night.

  • Lounge Area

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Aft and Forward Suites are always special, giving guests the ultimate experience of relaxation in their own boutique-hotel haven. A luxurious space is created as the doors of interconnecting rooms open fully to create a larger, brighter studio ambience.

The furniture and material selection is focused on guest relaxation and comfort: light tones create the additional spacious experience. Furniture, including sofas, ottomans and lounge chairs, is upholstered in sands, beiges and off-whites. In the spacious bathroom, the double sink units set in stunning black marble are a striking focal point, surrounded by elegant white marble walls and floor tiling.

As with all suites, guests benefit from the clever configuration of different interior zones with separate lounge and bedroom areas, segregated dressing areas and spacious en suite bathrooms. All suites have direct access to large balconies and benefit from a range of exclusive Suite services, such as a personal Butler and a range of in-suite dining options.

  • King or Twin Configuration
  • Suite Benefits
  • Butler Service
  • Media/Entertainment Station

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Conservatory Mini-Suite Cabins

The concept brings the outdoors in with a personal and versatile conservatory-style room that forms an extension to the cabin. It offers great flexibility and creates a distinctive relaxation and socialising zone. This space, which includes stylish L-shaped seating, can be closed off or left open according to the time of day or mood.

By day or in the evenings, the room opens out fully onto the balcony. With a direct connection to the sea, the space is cool and shaded - and perfect for chilling out in. In the evenings, it transforms into a spacious environment for private celebrations and socialising over pre-dinner drinks with friends and family. Leading directly onto the balcony, all configurations of this flexible space offer glorious seascape views.

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Cruise Ship   Arvia

Arvia Cruise Ship

Cruises On Arvia



The leader in cruise holidays.

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MON-SAT 10am - 8pm • SUN 10am - 5pm

Caribbean Transatlantic from Southampton to Antigua – P&O Arvia – 24 October 2025

Cruise holiday overview, departure date range, cruise type, hotel stay included, cruise holiday caribbean transatlantic from southampton to antigua – p&o arvia – 24 october 2025, ship details.

  • Length 344.5m
  • Tonnage 184,700gt
  • Passengers 5206
  • Restaurants 20
  • Swimming Pools 4 & 16 Whirlpools
  • Elevators 22

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Book online and receive £100 discount!

Is the Caribbean Transatlantic from Southampton to Antigua – P&O Arvia – 24 October 2025 your dream cruise?

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P&o arvia.

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

  •  All Flights 
  •  Full Board Cruise 
  •  Gratuities 

Eastern Caribbean from Antigua - P&O Arvia - 16 November 2024

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

  •  On Board Spend 

Caribbean from Southampton to Antigua - P&O Arvia - 7 March 2026

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023


  •  Cruise 

Caribbean from Barbados - P&O Arvia - 28 February 2026 

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Eastern Caribbean from Barbados - P&O Arvia - 3 January 2026

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Eastern Caribbean from Barbados - P&O Arvia - 20 December 2025

Eastern caribbean from antigua - p&o arvia - 29 november 2025.

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Caribbean Transatlantic from Antigua - P&O Arvia - 24 October 2025

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Western Mediterranean from Southampton - P&O Arvia -  11 October 2025

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023


  •  All Port & Fee's 
  •  Award Winning Entertainment 

Western Mediterranean from Southampton - P&O Arvia - 14 September 2025 

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023


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Your Itinerary

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Southampton - Embark

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St. Maarten

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Barbados - Overnight Onboard

arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

Fly to the UK


  1. P&O’s Arvia final Caribbean Cruise and transatlantic repositioning cruise to Uk March 2023, Part 2

    arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

  2. P&O UK's Arvia cruise ship debuts in 2023 with a maiden Caribbean

    arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

  3. P&O Arvia Caribbean Sun Cruise

    arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

  4. P&O’s Arvia final Caribbean Cruise and transatlantic repositioning cruise back to Europe, March 2023

    arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

  5. P&O Arvia Caribbean Sun Cruise

    arvia caribbean cruise march 2023

  6. Eastern Caribbean from Barbados, 4 March 2023

    arvia caribbean cruise march 2023


  1. ARVIA Cruise 14 October 2023 Part 2

  2. ARVIA Cruise 14 October 2023 Part 1

  3. Mediterranean Cruise 2023 (Arvia)

  4. VIKING SEA & ARVIA || Shipspotting Castries St. Lucia || 24/11/2023

  5. P&O Arvia around the ship Caribbean Cruise 2023

  6. Glacier Bay Calving on 7 June 2023


  1. Arvia Caribbean Cruise Holiday Destinations

    2025 Arvia holidays. View cruises. Explore Arvia's summer and winter cruise holidays in the Caribbean, from Antigua to Barbados and beyond. Book your cruise with P&O Cruises online.

  2. Arvia Mediterranean and Caribbean Cruises

    See the world in widescreen. Designed to celebrate holidays full of sunshine and blue skies, Arvia is the first ship of her kind boasting a SkyDome with a retractable glass roof. This unique feature brings you even closer to the sea, sky and shore. Whatever the weather, enjoy glorious views as you take a dip in the pool, relax on a sun lounger ...

  3. Arvia Itinerary, Current Position, Ship Review

    The name of Arvia's Godmother was revealed on March 2, 2023 - Nicole Scherzinger (1978-born as Nicole Prascovia Elikolani Valiente in Honolulu, Hawaii USA). Nicole Scherzinger is a singer, dancer, actress and TV personality, best known as a judge on TV talent shows The Sing-Off (2009-2010), The X Factor USA (2011), The X Factor UK (2012 ...

  4. P&O's Arvia final Caribbean Cruise and transatlantic ...

    P&O's Arvia final Caribbean Cruise and transatlantic repositioning cruise back to Europe, March 2023Covering the island of Barbados, St Lucia, Martinique, St...

  5. P&O Arvia Caribbean Cruise Review: Details & Opinions on our Cruise on

    The P&O Arvia Caribbean Itinerary. On our cruise in December 2023, we had two weeks visiting the following Caribbean islands… Tortola (BVI), Dominican Republic, St Martin, Antigua, St Kitts & Nevis, Martinique, St Lucia, Barbados. Read details and reviews of all our Caribbean shore excursions here; A shore experience in Martinique


    P&O Cruises' lates cruise ship Arvia, the company's new flagship, was named in March 2023 at a beachside ceremony in Barbados, which also featured British musician Ed Sheeran. ... The original maiden voyage scheduled for December 2022 was cancelled and the ship sailed for the Caribbean via Southampton after a Canary Islands cruise departing ...

  7. Arvia Cruise Ship Highlights

    Standard Approximately 274 sq. ft. A brand new innovation for Arvia and Iona; these cabins let the great outdoors in via an additional lounging area with floor-to-ceiling glass (and an external door) between the main cabin area and your balcony. Relax inside or out in complete comfort to incredible views.

  8. Caribbean Transatlantic from Barbados to Southampton, 18 March 2023

    Cruise deals for Caribbean Transatlantic from Barbados to Southampton on 18 March 2023 (15 Nt) with P&O Cruises on Arvia. ... 18 March 2023 (15 nights) Cruise + Flights not included + 18 March 2023 15 nights ... We had a great cruise on Arvia. The ship, cabin and everything was very good indeed. We will definitely be booking another one!

  9. Arvia

    Find details and photos of Arvia cruise ship on Tripadvisor. Learn more about Arvia deck plans and cabins, ship activities including dining and entertainment, and sailing itineraries to help you plan your next cruise vacation.

  10. P&O UK to officially name its newest ship Arvia in Barbados on March 16

    P&O Cruises UK announced it will officially name its incoming ship Arvia in Barbados in March 2023.. The unique beachside ceremony on March 16 is to be broadcast live online across the globe. The naming event is expected to take place during a Caribbean roundtrip voyage departing from homeport Bridgetown Barbados.. In October 2022, P&O UK said the launch of the 18-deck ship had been pushed ...

  11. P&O Cruises' Arvia Expert Review

    Very Good. Overall. Jo Kessel. Contributor. Arvia is a spectacular new cruise ship from P&O Cruises with wide-ranging appeal, from couples to families to multi-generational groups. Nicknamed the ...

  12. 9 Exciting New Features On P&O Cruises' Arvia

    Calls include Madeira, Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Cadiz and Lisbon. From January 20, 2023, Arvia will be based in Bridgetown, Barbados, offering seven- and 14-night Caribbean sailings. P&O ...

  13. Arvia Cruise Deals 2024, 2025 & 2026

    Grab yourself a last minute Arvia cruise deal and see all deals available on this cruise ship. Book your cruise holiday online today with P&O Cruises. ... Visit the Caribbean for Arvia's first Winter season. With Arvia's Caribbean holidays ranging from 7 to 22 nights, you can choose your ultimate island escape. View Cruises.

  14. P&O Cruises Arvia shore excursions

    2 min read. (11:30 a.m. GMT) -- P&O Cruises has revealed a series of new Caribbean shore excursions that will only be available to passengers sailing on new ship Arvia, debuting in 25 days on ...

  15. Arvia Cruise Ship

    P&O Arvia Cruise Deals. See All P&O Cruises Deals Find Out More About P&O Cruises. The P&O Arvia cruise ship joined the fleet in December 2022 and is P&O Iona's magnificent sister ship, another Excel class ship with even more freedom, innovation and variety in store than ever before.. Revel in the glorious Caribbean rays or soak up the Mediterranean sun from the Arvia cruise ship's unique ...

  16. Eastern Caribbean from Barbados, 4 March 2023 (15 nights)

    Cruise deals for Eastern Caribbean from Barbados on 04 March 2023 (15 Nt) with P&O Cruises on Arvia. Expert service from IgluCruise . Wishlist Book a cruise: We're closed. 0203 848 3797 ... Arvia - By P&O Cruises. Family Friendly Good For Couples Informal Large Ship.

  17. P&O Cruises Arvia March 2023 vs Britannia St Kitts Caribbean ...

    The super rare moment caught when P&O Arvia and Britannia docked together at St Kitts in the Caribbean in March 2023. A fabulous moment as it is super rare t...

  18. Eastern Caribbean from Antigua to Barbados, 11 March 2023

    Cruise deals for Eastern Caribbean from Antigua to Barbados on 11 March 2023 (8 Nt) with P&O Cruises on Arvia. Expert service from IgluCruise . Wishlist Book a cruise: We're open. 0203 848 3614 Already Booked ... Eastern Caribbean from Antigua to Barbados, 11 March 2023 (8 nights) Cruise + Flight + 11 March 2023 8 nights ...

  19. Arvia Cruise Ship

    Arvia cruise ship factsheet, schedules and itineraries. Home. All; ... The Olive Grove restaurant, Sindhu, Epicurean, The Glass House, Green & Co, The Beach House Caribbean restaurant, The Quays multi-venue dining piazza 15 cafes/bars including Vistas ... March 2025 01 08 14 15 30 April 2025 13 27 May 2025 11 25 June 2025 08 22 July 2025 06 20 ...

  20. P&O Arvia 15 Night Caribbean Sun Cruise 04 March 2023

    P&O Arvia 15 Night Caribbean Sun Cruise 04 March 2023. Join the brand new Arvia on this sun filled holiday cruise from Barbados. ... P&O Arvia 15 Night Caribbean Sun Cruise 04 March 2023. Skip to content. THE CRUISE PRO. THE LEADER IN CRUISE HOLIDAYS 0800 023 9118. MON-SAT 10am - 8pm • SUN 10am - 5pm ...

  21. Barbados to the Caribbean P&O Arvia Cruise Reviews

    1 - 9 of 9 Barbados to the Caribbean P&O Arvia Cruise Reviews. Great cruise don't listen to the moaners. Review for Arvia to Caribbean - All. 12cruiser. 10+ Cruises • Age 60s. Read More. Sail ...

  22. Caribbean Transatlantic from Barbados to Southampton with Stay, 15

    Cruise deals for Caribbean Transatlantic from Barbados to Southampton with Stay on 15 March 2023 (18 Nt) with P&O Cruises on Arvia. Expert service from IgluCruise . Wishlist Book a cruise: We're open. 0203 848 3614 Already ... Caribbean Transatlantic from Barbados to Southampton with Stay, 15 March 2023 (18 nights) Cruise + Flight ...

  23. Book P&O Arvia

    15 March 2025. Caribbean Transatlantic from Barbados. £1,051pp. View all Arvia Cruise Deals Ship Stats and Features. Year Entered Service 2022. Tonnage 184700. ... Gin tasting masterclasses will be offered on all P&O Arvia cruises beginning on September 1, 2023. A gin specialist will skilfully lead you as you explore the intriguing techniques ...