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Crew Life on Cruise Ships: Ship Life & Crew Areas | Ultimate Guide

I-95 crew corridor Royal Caribbean

All You Need to Know about Crew Life onboard a Cruise Ship: Ship Life & Crew Areas

Before I joined a cruise ship for the first time as a Shore excursions staff , I couldn’t imagine how the life onboard cruise ships actually looked like. All I knew was that I was going to spend seven months at sea, with people I didn’t know and doing a job that I didn’t know much about.

The first few days on a cruise ship were confusing, both fun and challenging… On the first day, I didn’t manage to find my cabin for 45 minutes. I was literally wandering around corridors trying to figure out the ship’s layout. The first days were stuffed with trainings, familiarization with the crew areas, rules, regulations, ship in general, and learning about the job itself, of course.

Whether you are joining a ship as a new hire , or you are just curious to see how the crew life onboard a cruise ship looks like, in this article, I share with you useful insider information and an insight into the crew areas and how we spend our days at sea.

Cruise Ship Crew Life – What to Expect

One of the things you will often hear people saying is that once you experience life at sea, the life on land will never be the same – and I couldn’t agree more.

Living and working on a cruise ship is one of the most rewarding experiences you can get for a lifetime. It involves not only getting paid for what you do but also traveling and seeing the world, interacting with people from different social backgrounds, meeting new cultures and traditions. Working on cruise ships is more of a lifestyle than a simple job where you get to earn money for what you do.

Depending on the ship’s size, you will be sharing your living space with hundreds and thousands of people from all around the world. You will be eating, sleeping, working, hanging out, partying, and spending time together. You will make new friends, relationships, experience break-ups, tough times with your coworkers, go through ups and downs.

Be prepared for hard work! Your free time will mainly depend on your job position, as well as your “privileges” and rights. However, whatever your job position is, we all get the same chance to enjoy the ship life and the opportunities offered.

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In the sections below, I want to share with you some basic things you need to know about the organization of crew life on a cruise ship and walk you through the crew areas where the crew spends most of their free time.

Disclaimer: Keep in mind that many things have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and that rules, regulations, and ship life organization mainly depend on current cruise line policies and health protocols. 

Given the fact that crew members’ contracts vary from 2 to 9 months, crew life is organized in a way to facilitate the crew members’ life onboard. Accommodation, food, and the use of crew areas are free for all crew members during the whole duration of their contract, which allows us to save money and not spend it on basic life needs.

The majority of crew areas are located on decks zero, 1, 2, or 3, however, this varies by ship size and layout. Read below about the main crew areas onboard cruise ships.

1. Crew Cabins

Most people and new hires are curious to know how our crew cabins look like. First of all, there are two types of crew cabins – single-shared and double-shared cabins , meaning that most of us need to share a cabin with a roommate, usually from the same or similar department.

They are normally located on decks zero, 1, and 2, whereas Bridge officers have their cabins on higher decks closer to the bridge.

Odissey of the Seas Crew Cabins

Crew cabins are tiny and usually consist of a bunk bed, a closet (with drawers and shelves), a mini-fridge, a TV, a small desk, a chair or two, and a bathroom. Each cabin has its own bathroom, which is good because you share it with only one person.

Depending on your job position and title, you may be assigned a single cabin, meaning that you will have your own privacy and most probably housekeeping service.

If you want to read an in-depth review of crew cabins, I suggest you read my article Inside Cruise Ship Crew Cabins Full Review (2021)

2. Main Crew Corridor

Known as I-95 onboard Royal Caribbean cruise ships (named after the famous highway in the USA), every cruise ship has the main crew corridor that runs from the aft (the back of the ship) to the forward of the ship on deck 1.

The majority of the crew cabins are located around this main corridor, which can get extremely busy during the embarkation/debarkation times.

On the surrounding walls, you will find numerous boards filled with important ship rules, regulations, announcements, trainings, activities, and all relevant information for the crew.

I-95 crew corridor Royal Caribbean

While walking down the i-95 corridor, make sure you wear appropriate footwear as it can be very slippery and busy with trolleys and working crew.

Suggested article: Life Onboard a Cruise Ship: 18 Crew Cabins Must-Haves

3. Crew Mess

Crew members onboard cruise ships have their own places to eat, known as “crew mess” and “staff mess”. These are practically buffet-style canteens offering various food choices, from Asian to international cuisine. Depending on the ship size and the number of crew members, there might be a couple of these, two or more, onboard each ship.

Accommodation and food are free for all crew members. Besides the three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), there are snacks in between and you can always go for filtered coffee, tea, or water in a crew mess. If you want to drink a cappuccino or more quality coffee options, you can order it in a crew bar for an extra fee.

Water on cruise ships is usually potable, however, it is strongly recommended to use bottled water that you can buy in a crew shop for a reasonable fee. You can always buy a case of water and store them in your cabin.

Now, the canteens for crew members are known as crew mess and staff mess .

“Crew mess” is normally dedicated to crew members without stripes, and the food served here is usually Asian cuisine, as the majority of crew members come from the Philipines, India, and other Asian countries.

“Staff mess” usually offers international cuisine and is dedicated to staff and officers.

However, there is usually no difference and everyone is allowed to eat whenever they want.

Crew mess Odissey of the Seas

Based on your rank or title, you may be allowed to eat in guest areas and restaurants in the evening, and this applies only to staff members and higher positions. You may also be allowed to have dinner at specialty restaurants for an extra fee with discounts applied.

Bridge officers and higher management positions are welcome to eat in guest restaurants whenever they want.

Dinner in a dining room onboard Independence of the Seas

4. Crew Bar

Crew bar is one of the most lively areas on a cruise ship. Based on the size of the ship, there might be one or more crew bars on each ship.

It normally consists of an inside area and so-called “back deck”, an open deck where smoking is allowed and where parties and crew events take place. You need to pay for the drinks in a crew bar (starting at $2 per drink), except when the HR department throws theme or “all crew parties” where they offer free soft drinks and beers for all crew members.

There are various events organized on a weekly level, including bingo, raffle, music and food events (wine and cheese, fish and chips nights, etc.), movie nights, and more. These are announced on an information board that you will find in crew areas hanging on the wall.

However, keep in mind that due to the new regulations following the Covid-19 pandemic these might be limited, and vary by companies’ and ships’ management.

Crew bar onboard Navigator of the Seas RCCL

5. Crew Laundry Area

Crew members have their own dedicated laundry area that consists of a multitude of washing and dryer machines that are operational 24/7.

The laundry service is free and every crew member is responsible for washing their own clothes and uniforms (although there is an option to have your uniforms washed by the laundry department, however, this takes a few days and I always used to wash uniforms on my own).

You need to use your own washing products that you can purchase in a crew shop known as “slop chest”. Inside the laundry area, you will find ironing boards where you can iron your stuff as ironing inside the crew cabins is not allowed.

As for your cabin sheets, pillowcases and towels, you don’t need to wash these – You can simply discharge the dirty items in the main laundry room and ask the laundry crew to get you the clean ones. Here, you can also grab toilet paper and cleaning products for your bathroom.

Useful tip: I mentioned that the laundry is operational 24/7, however, it usually gets busy during specific peak hours when the majority of crew members have their break. If you are planning to wash your stuff, make sure you avoid these hours.

6. Slop Chest

Every cruise ship has its own slop chest, which is basically a store where the crew can buy snacks, water, soft drinks, hygiene products, cleaning items, and more.

Prices here may be higher than if you buy the products outside in port, so I suggest you buy all you need in a supermarket/shops outside the ship if you find any because that will most probably save you some money.

Crew members slop chest on cruise ships

7. Crew Gym

Every cruise ship has a dedicated gym for its crew members. The size of a gym varies by the ship size and the number of crew members, and these are free, fully equipped, and open 24/7.

Some job positions (staff members, stripe officers) are allowed to use the guest gym at specific time slots (mostly in the evening) however this is now vastly limited and is nowadays based on the Covid-19 regulations.

8. Internet Cafe

Cruise ships feature an internet cafe where crew members can surf and chat with their friends and family back home. This room is equipped with a multitude of computers that crew members can also use to do their job duties, more specifically the company-assigned tasks and trainings, and other online and IT-related jobs.

Crew internet cafe - Odissey of the Seas

Some programs and websites can be accessed for free (if it’s for business purposes), however, you need to pay for the internet you use.

Wi-fi internet can be quite expensive and there are several packages you can opt for (daily, weekly, monthly packages). During the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies have provided their crew with an hour or more of free internet.

9. Playroom/Crew Lounge

Besides the crew bar and a coffee shop, there is normally a dedicated area for the crew who wants to play pool table games, table tennis, table football, darts, and other social games.

There is also a library filled with books that the crew members can borrow for free.

10. Incinerator Room

You have probably been wondering where the crew members throw their garbage. Saving and taking care of the environment is a high priority for cruise lines, and there are numerous programs applied to maintain and save the ocean and the environment in general.

Recycling is widely promoted among the crew members and there is a multitude of trainings that enforce us to take the whole save-the-environment concept very seriously.

All crew members collect the garbage inside their crew cabins (bins are available) and once it’s full, the trash needs to be taken to the incinerator room where the items are sorted into differently designated bins. There are bins for glass, paper, plastic, electronics, cans, and there are a couple of incinerators where the rest of the trash is burnt under the supervision of trained staff working in that division.

The incinerator room is normally smelly and can be very slippery, so it’s very important to wear comfortable shoes while walking around (avoid flip-flops, slippers, etc.).

The incinerator crew is always there to assist you to separate the trash in case you need it.

11. Medical Facility

Guests’ and crew members’ health is a top priority for cruise lines and there is a dedicated medical facility onboard each cruise ship for both guests and crew. This medical facility is usually located on deck 1 and is shared, however, there are separate entrances for guests and crew.

All crew members are provided with health insurance and medical care free of charge during the whole duration of their contract. Depending on a cruise ship size, there are a couple of doctors and nurses in charge of the Medical department that you can always address to.

Besides performing their job duties, crew members spend most of their free time outside in ports when available, or inside the crew areas that I mentioned above.

The crew life is organized in a way to make life easier and fun for all crew members, and the department in charge of this is the crew HR department.

Crew HR Department

Every cruise ship has a dedicated HR department that takes care of crew members’ needs, paperwork, payments, crew activities, and everything related to the crew members in general.

This is the first place where you’ll go once you join the cruise ship, regardless of whether you are a new hire or a returning crew member.

The HR department will assign you a cabin based on your job position and vacancies available; they will issue you a cabin key, an ID card that you’ll use for payments onboard the ship, exiting/entering the ship, etc., an emergency card…

If you have some special requests, or you want to complain about something, you can head to the HR team who will help you resolve your issues.

The HR department is also responsible for organizing all crew-related activities, including parties, bingo, raffle, movie nights, and more. These can widely depend on the HR team and HR manager themselves, so the organization of the crew life is not the same on all the ships.

There are usually a couple of crew ATMs onboard each ship and they are located within crew areas. They allow you to withdraw your money in dollars and there is a small fee to pay for each withdrawal transaction (around $2 per transaction). In case that these don’t work, you can go to the HR department who will assist you.

Cruise ship crew ATM

Crew Drills

Safety and security are the top priorities for all crew members working onboard a cruise ship. There are drills organized every cruise, and each crew member is assigned an emergency function and muster station during the whole duration of their contract.

All crew members must be familiarized with the ship’s layout, fire zones, main crew/guest areas, emergency stations, and all relevant to the ship’s safety and how to manage emergency situations.

There are many trainings that all crew members need to go through, both online and onboard, and these are constantly updated.

Whether you are joining a ship as a new hire or a returning crew member, there will be a lot of trainings that you need to do, both online before joining a ship and onboard.

The trainings are organized on various topics, including environmental topics, zero tolerance, safety and security topics, crowd management, and many others.

You will be advised which trainings to do by your direct supervisor or a dedicated app.

In this article, I did my best to give you a simple overview of our crew life and areas where we spend our time when working on a cruise ship.

However, bear in mind that many rules and regulations have changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and these widely depend on the cruise companies’ health protocols and policies.

If you want to read more about crew life, I suggest you take a look at my articles:

Working on Cruise Ships: How to Apply for a Cruise Ship Job?

Inside Crew Cabins on Cruise Ships – Full Review 2021

Food and Beverage Department – Working as a Cruise Ship Waiter?

10 Things to Know before Applying for Cruise Ship Job

Security Jobs onboard Cruise Ships – What You Need to Know

New Hire? This is How Your First Day on a Cruise Ship Looks Like

Life Onboard a Cruise Ship: 18 Crew Cabins Must-Haves

Life of a Cruise Ship Photographer – Crew Member’s Story

Working as a Guest Services Representative on a Cruise Ship

This article may contain Amazon affiliate / compensated links. For full information, please see my disclaimer here.

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life on a cruise ship crew

Sunset from Royal Caribbean's Serenade of the Seas

What Working on Cruise Ships is Really Like: Pros & Cons

Ever wondered what cruise ship crew life is really like or if working on ships is worth it? Keep reading to find out all the good and bad that comes with living at sea!

Working on cruise ships often sounds like a dream, and it definitely can be.

But there were also many times in my three-year career at sea where it honestly felt like a living nightmare.

If you’re considering a life at sea or you’re just curious about cruise ship crew life, here’s some information about the pros and cons from my experience as a pirate seafarer for your entertainment and/or research purposes.

Royal Caribbean's Navigator of the Seas docked in Curacao

My Experience Working on Cruise Ships

There are always advantages and disadvantages to every job and working on cruise ships is no different. 

Cruise ship crew life can be intense: long hours, no days off for months, lots of rules, demanding guests, small living quarters and little to no privacy.

But working on ships also allows you to travel to places some only dream of while making some amazing connections with fellow seafarers from all over the world.

Despite all the ups and downs of ship life, I wouldn’t change a thing.

You can party all night over international waters, fall asleep to the sound of the ocean, and wake up in a completely different country.

View this post on Instagram Please, please, please don’t ever let me take this for granted: the fact that I can work in the morning, run around Saint Petersburg for a few hours, go back to work until midnight and see this amazing sunset, and then get back off the ship to see people all over the world celebrating the World Cup together in the streets before I return to the floating tin can I call home at 4am. All summer long, every single week #serenadeadventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Jul 6, 2018 at 4:43am PDT

You’ll often hear crew members joking that they’re never coming back; that this is their last contract.

But the truth is that more often than not, we somehow always come crawling back for just one more contract because once you get a taste for life at sea, living anywhere else isn’t the same.

I’ve had the chance to live on foreign land abroad in Japan and even on the ice in Antarctica .

Related: How to Get a Job on a Cruise Ship: Tips from a Crew Member

They were amazing experiences that were less physically demanding than ship life with better pay and fewer work hours. 

But if given the chance to return to just one of my past lives in my journey across all seven continents and seven seas , I would go back to working on cruise ships without batting an eye. 

My heart will always be at sea.

View this post on Instagram Another farewell to this floating home, although I’m sure I’ll be back soon enough ?⚓❤️ #marineradventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Sep 30, 2019 at 12:42pm PDT

The Pros of Working on Cruise Ships

1. you get paid to travel.

This is probably the biggest and most well-known perk of getting a job on a cruise ship , and for good reason.

It is the ultimate work and travel job opportunity that has allowed me to travel to 35 countries, frolic on more Caribbean beaches than I can count, spend a month in the Mediterranean, sail through the Arctic Circle, dock in Russia all summer during the 2018 FIFA World Cup, cruise with Jazz legend Dave Koz, visit Greenland, and see endless prismatic sunsets at sea.

All while getting paid.

View this post on Instagram Day 17: Geiranger, Norway | Find the mop of hair by the cliff that just set foot on her 50th country today! ??? #serenadeadventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Jun 5, 2018 at 4:26am PDT

2. Little to no cost of living

On ships, you live where you work.

Unlike life on land, there is no rent to be paid or monthly utility bills that need to be taken care of.

All basic living expenses are covered at sea for crew members: accommodation, water, electricity, and food. 

3. Free medical care

This may not seem that special for most people, but if you’re American like me, this is such a huge benefit to ship life.

When I had an infection during one contract, I was able to get an exam done and receive the necessary antibiotics all between my work shifts, and all at no cost.

Back on land, I avoid seeing my healthcare provider unless I absolutely have to because I know how much it’ll cost me.

4. Flights to and from the ship are provided

While this varies by company and possibly by job, ships generally pay for crew flights.

Perk of working on cruise ships: free flights and views of cotton candy skies

5. Easily rack up airline flight miles

Because most of the flights my company books for me tend to be with either United or American Airlines, I’ve been able to get mileage credit for all of my flights just going to and from work and have used them to fully fund my vacation flights to Mexico on multiple occasions. 

6. Short work commute

Well, this is obviously after you’ve made it onto the ship.

But once onboard, your daily commute to work is just a few minutes.

I’ve had many late nights out with early morning start times where I rolled out of bed ten minutes before I had to be at work and made it to my shift on time.

7. 6-8 week vacation in between contracts

Times are changing, but typically, you can’t just take an extended multi-week long vacation from work.

One of the perks of working in Japan was that I had week-long vacations three times a year.

On ships, crew members must have a minimum of six weeks of time off between contracts, because, well you don’t have any days off for your entire contract.

While this period is unpaid, it does provide ample time to travel freely for more than just a week.

Chichen Itza

This is an aside, but for Americans to go anywhere out of the country, I personally find that one week is just not enough time to comfortably enjoy any destination abroad due to the amount of travel time that it takes to simply get out of the States and return.

With ships, I don’t need to request or arrange for extra time off.

8. Save money

If you’re smart, you can save the majority of your paycheck because there are no costs of living or large bills that need to be paid every month.

9. Crew discounts

In many ports, crew members can get discounts on nearly every service possible: taxis/shuttles, restaurants, bars, beach resorts, etc.

Lots of businesses understand that while guests are simply one-time visitors, crew members come back each time the ship returns to the area and can bring in a lot of regular business.

View this post on Instagram Day 44: Cozumel, Mexico | When things don’t go as planned, find a private beach club that doesn’t charge a cover for crew members and eat all the seafood for lunch ???? #navigatoradventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Dec 6, 2017 at 1:38pm PST

10. Escape reality

Working on cruise ships is like living in a floating metal bubble.

Because of the long work hours and limited internet access, I usually don’t have time to keep up with what’s happening back home or anywhere else in the world unless it’s major news that affects us, like a hurricane in the Bahamas or cruise ships no longer being allowed into Cuba. 

Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas docked at sunset

11. International connections

While the majority of cruise guests might be primarily from one or two countries, the crew area is like a small, diverse city with people from dozens of countries.

You work and live with people from all around the world, and it’s such a unique experience to learn about their lives and country through interaction.

After three years at sea, most of my closest friends are from ships and not living in the U.S.

While I can’t just drive a few hours to see them, I have an added incentive to vacation or travel to wherever they live.

12. Charter cruises

Sometimes companies or organizations buy out the entire ship for their employees or events at sea.

The guests’ demographics and atmosphere of the ship varies dramatically compared to typical cruisers.

Charters are always exciting for crew, especially if they’re music festivals.

While your rank dictates how much of the events you can partake in (if at all and more on that later), I’d say 70% of the charter cruises I’ve worked on have been very pleasant with better-than-usual guests.

Also dependent on your job position, sometimes charters are better for you, but also sometimes they’re worse.

As a youth counselor, charters that are adults-only tend to be wilder (that’s another story that will have to wait), but it also means that I get a rare break from the typical childcare duties.

View this post on Instagram Day 3: Stockholm, Sweden | Starting off this contract with a seven day Dave Koz charter with no kids ??? #serenadeadventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on May 22, 2018 at 5:55am PDT

13. You get to be part of meaningful humanitarian work

While being able to provide a guest with an amazing and memorable vacation is of course satisfying, the proudest I’ve ever been to be a crew member working for Royal Caribbean was when we were giving back to communities in need and looking out for our neighbors.

Royal Caribbean and other major cruise lines have a history of providing aid and humanitarian relief in times of disasters, from evacuating hurricane-stricken islands like Puerto Rico and the Bahamas to supporting those affected by wild and bush fires in California and Australia .

During Hurricane Dorian, the ship that I was on ( Mariner of the Seas ) was called to provide assistance to the Bahamas.

The crew was briefed on the situation and we were informed that we’d be supplying food as well as evacuating as many Bahamians as we could.

Heartwarming: Crew members aboard @royalcaribbean ’s Mariner of the Seas are at sea preparing 20,000 meals to deliver to the people of Freeport in the Bahamas Saturday morning. Staff worked all day and prepared the meals overnight on their own time instead of sleeping. @wjxt4 — Vic Micolucci WJXT (@WJXTvic) September 7, 2019

Even though most of the packaging of meals took place late at night after everyone had finished work, there was not one crew member complaining about the extra hours of work being put in.

While evacuees were on board, the kids’ program staff was asked to entertain the Bahamian children who were evacuating with their families.

Us staff had divided activities and games to host between us, and I got to help out with face painting the kids.

It turns out though, the children wanted to paint as well, so I ended up letting the kids use me as a human canvas and I was left with some pretty sick body art for the rest of the day.

Becoming a human canvas while working on cruise ships and getting painted by kids

Especially in a job that can get mundane and frustrating from demanding and sometimes ungrateful guests, these small opportunities where we get to actually do something meaningful makes me happy to work at sea.

14. CV/Resume boost

Working on cruise ships requires a lot of skills that make crew members some of the most eligible employment candidates : international experience and the ability to work with a diverse team; skills in customer service and crisis management; and capable of learning quickly. 

Most of all, I think what makes crew members stand out is their mental strength.

It’s not easy to work long hours for months at a time, isolated from land and friends and family.

But if you can do that, there’s not much else you’re not psychologically capable of. 

I know that for me, this was the biggest selling point that made me a quick hire to work and live in Antarctica .

Related: How I Got Paid to Live in Antarctica: FAQ About Working on the Ice

Cruising through Prins Christian Sund in Greenland

Related: What to Pack When Working on a Cruise Ship

The Cons of Working on Cruise Ships

1. there are no days off.

On ships, weekends and holidays don’t exist.

You work every day of your entire contract and just have hours off between shifts each day.

On land, you can go hard on a Friday night and have a couple of days to recover.

On ships, you still have to get up and go to work the next day.

Working on cruise ships as a Christmas elf

2. You work long hours

The most I ever clocked in in a day was about 13 hours, but of course this will vary according to job position and possibly whether or not it’s a busy cruise.

The majority of crew members work anywhere from 9-11+ hours every day, the average amount being on the higher end of the spectrum.

Shifts are also split, so you might start work in the morning and not finish for the day until late at night. 

3. Contracts are 4-9 months long

You will get tired and you will feel overworked.

You’ll be away from home for a long while and in that time you will also miss out on a lot of life.

View this post on Instagram All’s well that ends well. 151 days, 8 countries, 1000s of little screaming rascals, and some really great new friends. Thanks for the memories, Anthem ❤⚓️ #anthemadventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Jul 20, 2017 at 10:41am PDT

4. You’re on call 24/7

Every crew member is responsible for responding to designated emergencies: medical, fire, security threat, man overboard, etc.

No matter where you are or what time it is, when the announcement is made, you have roughly seven minutes to get to your emergency station.

In the shower? Better get dressed.

On the other side of the ship? Run.

In my three years onboard, I’ve been woken four times in the early morning hours between 2-5 a.m. to my emergency call, which I then had to run up 10 decks and the entire length of the ship to reach my response station.

And once the emergency was over, I still had to go to work at the regularly scheduled time just a few hours later.

Mariner of the Seas

5. Small living quarters

If you think guest cabins are small, wait until you see what crew cabins look like.

Unless you’re a higher ranked staff or officer, your room will be generally small.

Most crew typically live with one other roommate in a cabin that is just large enough for the absolute basics: a bunked bed, a small table with a couple dresser drawers and shelves, two small wardrobe closets, and a restroom where you can shit, shower, and shave all at the same time. 

As a 5’2″ fun-sized human who doesn’t mind confined spaces, the small cabins don’t really bother me.

I can fit comfortably on my bed with room to spare.

If you’re any taller or larger than me though, crew cabins can be claustrophobic-inducing and extremely uncomfortable.

6. No privacy

There’s nowhere to hide.

Sure, you have your room, but like I mentioned, you’ll probably have a roommate.

This can be extremely difficult for introverts such as myself especially if your job is a front of the house position.

Luckily, many crew cabins have bunked beds with curtains for each bed so you have your own personal coffin of solitude.

The crew cabin quarters you get when working on cruise ships

7. It’s like college all over again

With the confined quarters and small community of stressed out humans, you can only imagine how sloppy things get.

All those cruise ship crew hookup stories?

They’re all true and sometimes too horrifically real.

You’ve either walked in on your roommate on they’ve walked in on you.

Sometimes you wake up and your roommate is hooking up in the bunk above you.

          View this post on Instagram                   Day 5: Villefranche-sur-Mer, Nice, France | Despite the drama I’ve had with cabins and rooming issues since I’ve gotten here, today was a good one. Now to douse my room with Oxivir (AKA super ship bleach) and hopefully get some sleep #freedomadventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Oct 2, 2017 at 1:30pm PDT

8. The food is not the same for crew and guests

Crew members have their own cafeteria (“mess”) separated from guests and even sometimes split between ranks.

Because the majority of crew members tend to be from Asian countries (the Philippines, Indonesia, and India), a lot of the food in the crew mess is catered to their cuisine.

If you’re lucky, some ships will try to include both Asian and Western food options, but it’s not always the case.

View this post on Instagram Day 18: Barcelona, Spain | When you ask the gelato lady if you can just buy a banana because this ship don’t wanna feed this girl her potassium ??‍♀️ #freedomadventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Oct 15, 2017 at 3:28am PDT

9. It’s a bit military-esque

Everything is highly regulated and there are a lot of rules: what you’re allowed to do, where you’re allowed to be, and even what you’re allowed to wear.

There’s a dress code for everything: day, night, formal, smart casual, all black. 

Cabins are inspected regularly and beds must be made.

If we fail, our supervisors are notified.

Disciplinary action is super formal: verbal warnings, written warnings, hearings with the master (captain), and dismissal.

Your privileges depend on how many stripes you have (your rank).

There are typically three tiers in the ship social hierarchy: officer, staff (front of the house), and crew (back of the house).

As I mentioned above, some ships have separate messes, one for officers and staff and another for crew.

Depending on how many stripes you have, you may be allowed to be seen around the ship in the public areas such as the shops or eating at one of the restaurants.

10. Crew drills

Every cruise, crew members need to take part in mandatory emergency drills where you have to respond to a simulated incident and answer questions about crisis response protocol.

Sometimes this can last hours, especially if the crew fail to respond properly.

Anthem of the Seas docked in NYC

11. Trainings and certifications

If you’re a new hire, expect to spend the entirety of your first few weeks in training courses: basic ship safety, emergency response, evacuation protocol, lifeboat/life raft operations (aka flipping a raft in a pool with a life jacket on while guests watch you), crowd management, security certification, and more. 

You’ll need to attend all of these classes in addition to working your actual ship job.

When I was a new hire, I don’t think I had time to get off the ship until the second week.

12. Crew aren’t treated the same as guests

Ever notice that crew members have to go through extra security checks when arriving back onboard, like taking their shoes off and getting a pat-down but guests don’t?

This is because crew are often targeted by locals to smuggle drugs and security is checking to see if we’ve got any contraband on us.

But it’s not just ship security that treats us differently.

Sometimes, unfortunately, local port authorities give us a hard time.

Story time .

This happened when I was in Bermuda and multiple female crew members were stopped at the port security checkpoint by staff who requested a pat-down and weird strip search.

When I was stopped, they separated me from my partner and tried to usher me into a secluded room so that I would be out of public view.

I, set on making a scene in front of everyone, including guests, asked them what they needed to check, and they said they needed me to remove my dress.

They tugged my arm and tried to pull me into the office but I insisted on taking my dress off right there since I was wearing a bikini and I didn’t want to be moved to a secondary location .

John Mulaney on secondary locations in The Comeback Kid

They kept trying to convince me to cooperate until I, like the often spiteful child that I am, finally just pulled my dress up to my head like a toddler and asked if that would suffice.

Then they yelled at me for not following directions.

Once back onboard, I’d heard several other crew ladies had refused the antics and weren’t allowed shore leave there for the next few cruises.

While this definitely isn’t the norm, instances like this do happen unfortunately.

13. You’re always “on stage”

Prepare to smile a lot and always be “on” around guests.

Even if you’re off duty and walking through public areas of the ship, you are still a working employee if guests stop you to ask you a question or need help.

14. Customer service on ships can be demanding and is often brutal

I honestly don’t know what it is that makes some cruise guests the worst types of customers I’ve ever encountered, but it’s definitely helped me build up my patience and Resting “Are You Done” Face.

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been yelled at for the most trivial things.

I think some guests think that if they make enough of a fuss, they will be rewarded with some discount or compensation.

Ok, I don’t think this is the case, I know it is as I’ve heard more than a few guests laugh about this. 

But us crew members build up a tolerance for poor adult behavior and find ways to cope with it, like corralling a parent into a corner akin to a farm animal after they’ve physically pushed you and barged their way into the secured kids’ facility, all while you talk to them like a child until they calm down.

Side note, if you’re a guest anywhere, please be a decent human to people providing you with services.

It’s not that difficult.

15. The seas can be rough

While guests might deal with seasickness by laying down in their cabins, crew members still need to be at their work areas operating the same as usual no matter what the weather or sea conditions are.

Freedom of the Seas cruising through a Mediterranean sunset

16. The air on ships is extremely dry

As guests, you can spend most of your day outside getting fresh air.

Most crew members work inside the ship though, and in addition to living in a floating metal can of recycled air for months on end, the dry air and dust will definitely affect your health. 

After a couple of years on ships, my eyes were completely wrecked to the point that I could no longer wear contacts without my eyes turning bloodshot and I had to have laser correction to remove the chapped top layer of my cornea as well as to restore my vision.

You’ve been warned.

View this post on Instagram Day 134: Curaçao ?? | 10 days left, get me off this ship ? Side note: any recommendations on places to get LASIK done in the Bay Area would be much appreciated. Ship air has dunzo’d these eyes #navigatoradventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Mar 6, 2018 at 1:44pm PST

17. Ship life affects your hormones and health

Blame it on the recycled air, the desalinated water, the fluctuating food quality, high stress, or close living quarters, but your health may take a hit while working on ships.

Some crew members gain weight, some break out with acne, and I, unfortunately, get my period every other week.

I’ve talked about this before in my post about my experience working with Peace Boat and circumnavigating the globe on a world voyage, but basically, be prepared for your body to change.

Related: How I Cruised Around the World for Free with Peace Boat

18. Internet is limited and expensive

I’ve had so many guests ask me if crew members get free Wi-Fi and the truth is that our internet packages actually tend to be more expensive than the guests’.

On Royal Caribbean, an hour of internet for the crew is USD 4 and expires within 24 hours.

While there are other package options for more time or over an extended period, the price per hour is generally about the same.

19. You rarely have control over your assignments

For many crew positions, you won’t be able to request a specific ship or itinerary for several years.

And even then, your preference request might not be granted. 

You usually stay with the same ship for the entirety of your contract but there are cases where you might be abruptly transferred to another ship and there’s nothing you can do about it.

They might not even give you 24 hours’ notice.

View this post on Instagram Day 91: Kristiansand, Norway | After a couple dramatic cruises and a near transfer with less than 24 hours’ notice, I’m grateful more than ever to call this floating tin can my home. Good days or bad, I’m not leaving ✊ #serenadeadventures #latergram A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Aug 18, 2018 at 4:44am PDT

20. Long-term relationships are difficult to sustain

Most relationships between crew members are short and limited to the length of the contract.

While it’s not impossible to get a following ship assignment together, it is very difficult and often unlikely.

This of course varies by company, but in my experience, couples need to submit official paperwork that proves they are in a formal, legally binding relationship of some sort and even then there is no guarantee that crew couples can be placed on the same ship.

It used to be easier to produce simple paperwork such as an apartment lease or utility bill with both names on the document to prove your relationship, but rules have since become stricter on many ships.

21. You’re away from family and friends for long periods of time

You end up watching life going on without you through social media: birthdays, weddings, kids growing, pet adoptions, game nights, brunch dates, etc.

Freedom of the Seas

Is Working on a Cruise Ship Worth It?

If you’re willing to put in the work and sacrifice the comforts of life at land, working on a cruise ship offers a lifestyle with travel opportunities you’ll be hard-pressed to find elsewhere.

Of all the jobs I’ve had that paid me to travel or let me see the world for free, my time working on cruise ships is the one chapter in my journey around the world that I look back on the fondest.

There is so much pride in cruise ship crew life, both the work and lifestyle.

While it’s definitely not the easiest travel job, it is the most rewarding.

View this post on Instagram Recovering from the best 147 days I ever worked at sea #serenadeadventures A post shared by Michelle Endo (@wandereatwrite) on Oct 16, 2018 at 1:03pm PDT

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What it's really like working on cruise ships: pros & cons; background photo: pink sunset and sea from top open deck of cruise ship

Michelle is a freelance writer who has traveled to all seven continents and 60+ countries through various forms of employment. Over the last ten years, she’s worked as an ESL teacher in Japan, a youth counselor aboard cruise ships, and a hospitality manager in Antarctica.

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I enjoyed reading this informative yet engaging post. Your mental strength is admirable and I love your honesty here. Thank you for sharing an insight into working on cruise ships.

Thanks for reading! Working on ships definitely takes some mental strength but you get used to– and addicted to– the lifestyle after a while.

Thank you for such a great and informatively written article on your experiences, and life working on a cruise ship, very helpful in my consideration. I appreciate your candor and humor as well.

Glad I could help!

A must read. Very well-written. Shared your article to my students who are cruise ship worker aspirants. 👏🏼☺️ 🛳

Wow, I’m flattered! I hope it’s helpful for them :)

Thank you for sharing your amazing journey! Your authenticity is both inspiring & appreciated.

Beautifully written. You answered many questions I had and even some I didn’t know I had :) I enjoyed your writing. I’ve applied to a few cruise ships. Wish me luck. Think we could possibly keep in touch through email?

Glad I could help and sending positive thoughts your way! Feel free to email me if you have further questions and I’ll do my best to help :)

I really enjoyed the read. I have been looking at what a day into he life would be. I wish I would have done this when I was in my 20s. This would have been perfect and to see the world.

i dont know how i got here but thank you its so informative. I have always wanted to work for cruises and I will safely say am still going to apply for it. hopefully will come back with some nice memories if I get it

Hi Michelle, it was very nice and informative to read your post! You could write novels on life on bord! Thank you for the time it took you to write it. Solange from London UK

This is extremely well written, informative, and enjoyable!

Love this because it answered questions I had and was written in a warm, relatable way. Great job and thank you.

Beautifully written, pros and cons are nicely explained, the way it is written with pictures made me to give a thoght about good and difficult times, this article can be an introduction for those who are thinking about pursuing cruise ship life. cruise ship life is really a hard nut to crack. You are a strong person, wish you happiness and more power to you. I enjoyed reading this article.

Thank you! Cruise ship life definitely has its challenges but I also found it to be a rewarding experience.

Wow. I really appreciate and admire you♥️ Im planning to apply for a cruise after experience of 5 star hotel. The disadvantage is too hard whether will i be able to fit. However, im gonna try since it’s my dream to work at cruise🙂 Thankyou so much you gave me alot knowledge about cruise♥️

I stumbled across your stories when I Googled crew life aboard a cruise ship. I will be joining the Pride of America ship with Norwegian Cruise Lines as soon as my MMC credentials have been completed. You are so detailed and the added photos have made this so enjoyable to read and your knowledge has helped me tremendously. Especially with what I need to pack, prohibited items etc. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences with all of us! I am very much looking forward to my life living and working on a cruise ship as a Bartender.

Hey!!!! This was a really great article and really helped with the questions I always had about cruise ship job. Thank you so much!

OMG I am so happy I found you. I will start my first contract in April. And this definitely helped me a lot. I wonder if you have a list of what to bring on board or some tips on what to pack. Thank you

Happy to help! Here’s an article I have for what to pack when working on a cruise ship .

Thanks for this interesting, well-written, behind-the-scenes look at working on a cruise ship!

Thoroughly enjoyed your stories and your views, great enlightenment on what to expect and what are the highlights and restrictions that you cover.

Keep writing

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Life at Sea: Revealing Stories from Cruise Ship Workers

Life at Sea: Revealing Stories from Cruise Ship Workers


The cruise ship industry, once a symbol of leisure and adventure, has recently faced harsh scrutiny amidst public concerns and the challenges posed by the global pandemic. Behind the grandeur and luxury experienced by passengers, there lies a world unknown to many—the lives of the dedicated crew members who tirelessly serve on these colossal floating cities. In this article, we delve into the realities faced by cruise ship workers, sharing 30 revealing true stories that offer a glimpse into their unique experiences. From long shifts and income inequality to the joys and frustrations of life at sea, these accounts shed light on the complex and often unexplored aspects of working in the cruise industry.

  • Living on the Edge: Discover the unpredictable nature of life at sea, where living conditions can fluctuate dramatically, and the challenges of adapting to constant changes become a part of daily life.
  • The Social Hierarchy: Explore the intricacies of the social caste system that exists onboard, where crew members occupy different ranks and positions, each with its own privileges and challenges.
  • Sacrifices and Rewards: Uncover the trade-offs faced by cruise ship workers, who enjoy perks such as inexpensive alcohol and the opportunity to travel the world but must also endure long separations from loved ones and the challenges of a transient lifestyle.
  • Unions and Advocacy: Learn about the importance of workers’ unions and legal support in resolving issues related to fair wages, working conditions, and ensuring the rights of crew members.
  • Dangerous Waters: Delve into stories that highlight the safety hazards faced by crew members, including accidents, health concerns, and the need for proper training and resources to protect their well-being.
  • Behind the Scenes: Gain insight into the lesser-known aspects of cruise ship operations, from the intense behind-the-scenes work required to provide a seamless guest experience to the camaraderie among crew members.
  • Cultural Immersion: Experience the unique opportunity for cultural exchange as crew members interact with passengers and visit diverse destinations, creating lasting memories and expanding their horizons.
  • Challenges of Privacy: Discover the limited personal space and privacy onboard, a reality that can be challenging for crew members who long for moments of solitude in a communal living environment.
  • Struggles with Work-Life Balance: Explore the difficulties of maintaining a healthy work-life balance, as long hours and demanding schedules often leave little time for rest, relaxation, and personal pursuits.
  • Tales of Drama: Encounter intriguing stories of the interpersonal dynamics and relationships that develop onboard, as crew members navigate the complexities of living and working in close quarters.
  • Homesickness and Longing: Understand the emotional toll of being away from home for extended periods, as crew members grapple with feelings of homesickness and the longing for familiarity.
  • Career Progression: Follow the journeys of crew members who have successfully climbed the ranks, from entry-level positions to managerial roles, showcasing the potential for growth and advancement within the industry.
  • Cultural Diversity: Celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures represented among the crew, fostering an environment of inclusivity, acceptance, and the sharing of traditions from around the world.
  • Lifelong Friendships: Discover heartwarming tales of enduring friendships forged onboard, as crew members form deep connections that transcend time and distance.
  • The Impact of Passengers: Explore the significant role that passengers play in shaping the experiences of crew members, from memorable interactions to acts of kindness that leave a lasting impact.
  • Unexpected Challenges: Uncover the unforeseen difficulties that crew members encounter, ranging from extreme weather conditions to medical emergencies, highlighting their resilience and adaptability.
  • Personal Growth: Witness personal stories of transformation and self-discovery as crew members navigate the unique environment of a cruise ship, gaining valuable skills and insights along the way.
  • Hidden Talents: Be amazed by the hidden talents and passions of crew members, as they share their artistic endeavors, musical performances, and other remarkable skills showcased onboard.
  • Unique Celebrations: Experience the joy and camaraderie of festive occasions and celebrations onboard, where crew members come together to create a sense of community and shared experiences.
  • Lessons from the Sea: Reflect on the valuable life lessons learned through working in the cruise industry, including adaptability, resilience, teamwork, and the appreciation for the simple joys of life.

The captivating stories from cruise ship workers offer a glimpse into a world often overshadowed by the glamour and allure of passenger experiences. From the sacrifices and challenges to the moments of joy and personal growth, the lives of these dedicated individuals provide a deeper understanding of the complexities of working at sea. As the industry evolves and faces new challenges, it is essential to recognize and appreciate the resilience, dedication, and invaluable contributions of the unsung heroes who make unforgettable cruise experiences possible.

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What’s It Like To Actually Work On A Cruise Ship?

Published: October 11, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Perrine Kelsey



Working on a cruise ship is often considered a dream job for many people. The idea of traveling the world, meeting new people, and enjoying the luxuries of a floating resort is undoubtedly enticing. However, the reality of working on a cruise ship is not always as glamorous as it may seem from the outside.

Life on board a cruise ship is a unique experience, quite different from a regular 9-to-5 job on land. It requires a certain level of adaptability, flexibility, and dedication to thrive in this environment. From long work hours to shared living spaces, there are several aspects that make working on a cruise ship different from any other job.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what it’s really like to work on a cruise ship. We’ll explore the various job positions and responsibilities, the work schedule and hours, the challenges and benefits, and the social life and career opportunities available on board.

Whether you are considering a career on a cruise ship or simply intrigued by what goes on behind the scenes, this article will provide you with valuable insights into the fascinating world of cruise ship employment.

Life on Board a Cruise Ship

Life on board a cruise ship is a dynamic and ever-changing experience. It is a microcosm of its own, with a diverse mix of crew members and guests from different cultures and backgrounds. The ship becomes your home, workplace, and community all rolled into one.

Living quarters on a cruise ship are typically compact and shared with fellow crew members. You may have a cabin mate or even several roommates, depending on your position. Personal space is limited, but crew members quickly adapt to the close quarters and learn to make the most of it.

Meals are usually provided for crew members in designated crew areas. The food is often varied and of high quality, catering to different dietary preferences. However, dining times may be limited due to the demanding nature of work on a ship, and you will need to accommodate your meal breaks accordingly.

One of the unique aspects of working on a cruise ship is the constant change in scenery. As the ship sails from one destination to another, you have the opportunity to explore various ports of call. During your time off, you can go ashore and immerse yourself in the local culture, try new cuisines, and visit attractions. It’s like having a mini vacation every time the ship docks at a new port.

However, it’s important to note that while you may get glimpses of exotic destinations, your primary focus will be on your work responsibilities. The work environment on a cruise ship can be demanding and fast-paced, requiring you to be efficient and attentive to guest needs. But don’t worry, there are also designated crew-only areas where you can relax and unwind during your downtime.

Overall, life on board a cruise ship offers a unique blend of work and travel. It’s an opportunity to see the world, gain valuable work experience, and form lifelong friendships with people from diverse backgrounds.

Job Positions and Responsibilities

Cruise ships are like floating cities, requiring a wide range of staff to ensure smooth operations and an enjoyable experience for guests. From deckhands to entertainers, there are various job positions available on board with distinct responsibilities.

One of the most common job positions on a cruise ship is that of a cabin steward or housekeeper. They are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of guest cabins, as well as providing excellent service to ensure guest satisfaction. They attend to requests, restock supplies, and ensure that cabins are ready for new guests.

Retail staff are another integral part of the cruise ship team. They work in onboard shops and are responsible for assisting guests with their shopping needs, promoting merchandise, and handling transactions. They need to have a good knowledge of the products available and be able to provide exceptional customer service.

Food and beverage staff play a crucial role in the dining experience on board. From waiters and bartenders to chefs and kitchen staff, they ensure that guests’ culinary needs are met. They take orders, serve meals, mix drinks, and maintain cleanliness in the dining areas.

The entertainment department is responsible for keeping guests entertained throughout their cruise. This includes performers such as singers, dancers, musicians, and comedians, as well as activity coordinators who organize games, events, and parties to engage guests and create memorable experiences.

In addition to these positions, there are also engineering and technical staff who keep the ship running smoothly behind the scenes. They are responsible for maintaining and repairing machinery, electrical systems, and other technical aspects of the ship.

It’s important to note that the responsibilities and job positions may vary depending on the size and type of cruise ship. Larger ships may have a wider range of positions, including specialized roles in areas such as spa services, childcare, and guest services.

Regardless of the job position, working on a cruise ship requires a strong work ethic, excellent customer service skills, and the ability to adapt to a multicultural environment. Each role plays a vital part in creating a positive guest experience and ensuring the smooth operation of the ship.

Work Schedule and Hours

Working on a cruise ship entails a different schedule and set of working hours compared to traditional land-based jobs. The nature of the industry requires round-the-clock operations to cater to the needs of guests. This means that crew members work in shifts, often with long hours and limited time off.

The work schedule on a cruise ship can vary depending on the department and position. Some departments, such as housekeeping and food and beverage, may require working in split shifts to accommodate the various meal times and guest needs. This means that crew members may have early morning or late-night shifts, with breaks in between to rest.

Crew members generally work seven days a week, with contracts lasting for several months at a time. The specific work hours can range from 8 to 12 hours per day, sometimes even longer during peak times. However, it’s important to note that cruise lines are required to adhere to certain regulations regarding crew working hours and rest periods.

While the work schedule can be demanding, many crew members find ways to maintain a work-life balance. They make the most of their time off by exploring the ship’s amenities, socializing with colleagues, engaging in recreational activities, or simply relaxing and enjoying some downtime. Cruise ships often have designated crew areas where crew members can unwind and socialize during their free time.

It’s important to have a clear understanding of the work schedule and hours before committing to a job on a cruise ship. The nature of the industry requires dedication and flexibility, as you may be required to work holidays, weekends, and odd hours. However, many crew members find the experience rewarding and enjoy the unique lifestyle that comes with working on a cruise ship.

Challenges of Working on a Cruise Ship

While working on a cruise ship can be an exciting and rewarding experience, it’s important to recognize that it also comes with its fair share of challenges. It’s not all smooth sailing, and adjusting to life on board can be a significant adjustment for many crew members.

One of the main challenges of working on a cruise ship is being away from family and friends for extended periods. Contracts can last for several months, meaning you may miss important events and special occasions back home. This can lead to feelings of homesickness and a sense of isolation.

The work environment on a cruise ship can also be demanding and fast-paced. Crew members are expected to provide exceptional customer service, often dealing with demanding guests and high-pressure situations. Working long hours, sometimes without days off, can take a toll on physical and mental well-being.

Living in shared quarters with limited personal space can be another challenge. It can be difficult to have privacy and downtime when living in close proximity to colleagues. Adjusting to this communal living arrangement requires patience, adaptability, and respect for others’ boundaries.

Another challenge is the potential for seasickness. While modern cruise ships are equipped with stabilizers to minimize rocking, some crew members may still experience seasickness, especially during rough sea conditions. It can be particularly challenging for crew members who work in roles that require them to be on their feet for long periods.

Lastly, cultural differences and language barriers can present challenges in communication and understanding. Cruise ships are multicultural environments, with crew members and guests from all around the world. It’s important to be open-minded, respectful, and patient while interacting with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

Despite these challenges, many crew members find ways to overcome them and thrive in their roles. The experience of working on a cruise ship can be transformative, offering opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as the chance to travel and experience new cultures.

Benefits of Working on a Cruise Ship

Working on a cruise ship offers a range of unique benefits that make it an attractive career choice for many individuals. While the challenges may be present, there are numerous advantages that come with this line of work.

One of the most notable benefits is the opportunity to travel the world. Cruise ships visit multiple destinations, allowing crew members to explore various countries and experience different cultures. From stunning beaches to historic landmarks, crew members have the chance to see and appreciate the beauty of different parts of the globe.

Another significant benefit is the ability to save money. Accommodation, meals, and most expenses are covered while working on a cruise ship. This allows crew members to save a significant portion of their earnings, as they don’t have to worry about rent, utility bills, or grocery expenses. It can be a great way to save for future goals or financial stability.

Working on a cruise ship also offers the opportunity for personal growth and development. Interacting with guests and colleagues from diverse backgrounds helps to broaden cultural understanding and communication skills. The experience of working in a fast-paced, customer-focused environment enhances problem-solving abilities and adaptability.

Career advancement is another advantage of working on a cruise ship. Many cruise lines provide opportunities for growth and promotion within the company. With dedication, hard work, and the right skills, crew members can progress in their career and take on positions of greater responsibility.

Additionally, cruise ship employment often comes with perks and discounts. Crew members may have access to onboard amenities such as gyms, movie theaters, and crew bars. They may also enjoy discounts on select services, excursions, and even travel opportunities during their time off the ship.

Finally, working on a cruise ship can be a socially fulfilling experience. Living and working in close proximity with colleagues from all over the world can lead to lifelong friendships. The shared experiences and camaraderie built on board can create a unique bond among crew members.

It’s important to note that the benefits may vary depending on the cruise line and position. The size of the ship, its itinerary, and the company’s policies can all influence specific advantages available to crew members.

Overall, the benefits of working on a cruise ship go beyond just a paycheck. It offers the chance to explore the world, save money, develop skills, and form lasting relationships. It’s an opportunity for personal and professional growth while enjoying a unique and rewarding lifestyle.

Social Life and Recreation

Working on a cruise ship offers a vibrant and active social life, providing opportunities for crew members to form friendships, engage in recreational activities, and create lasting memories.

One of the highlights of working on a cruise ship is the multicultural environment. Crew members come from all corners of the globe, bringing with them their unique cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This diversity fosters an environment of cultural exchange and learning, allowing crew members to broaden their horizons and develop a global network of friends.

Onboard social activities and events are organized to promote camaraderie among crew members. From themed parties and karaoke nights to sports tournaments and talent shows, there are numerous opportunities for crew members to come together and have fun. These events not only provide a break from work but also create a sense of community and belonging.

Recreational facilities on cruise ships are well-equipped to cater to various interests and hobbies. Crew members can make use of gyms, swimming pools, sports courts, and even dedicated crew bars and lounges. These spaces serve as areas to relax, unwind, and socialize during downtime.

In addition to onboard activities, crew members have the chance to explore ports of call during their time off. Depending on the ship’s itinerary, they can engage in various shore excursions and visit local attractions. Whether it’s snorkeling in the Caribbean, exploring ancient ruins in Europe, or shopping in vibrant markets in Asia, crew members have the opportunity to experience different destinations and create memorable experiences.

The social life on a cruise ship extends beyond the confines of the ship itself. Many crew members establish long-lasting friendships, and when they have time off, they may explore ports of call together or plan group activities ashore. These connections often transcend the duration of a contract and can result in lifelong bonds.

However, it’s important to strike a balance between work and social life on board. While it can be tempting to indulge in the social aspects, it’s crucial to maintain professionalism and fulfill work responsibilities diligently. Crew members must understand the boundaries between work and leisure time to ensure a harmonious and productive work environment.

The social life and recreational activities available on a cruise ship contribute to the overall experience and make it more than just a job. It provides a platform to forge connections, create lasting memories, and embrace a sense of community while exploring the world.

Career Opportunities and Advancement

Working on a cruise ship offers not only a unique experience but also a range of career opportunities and the potential for advancement within the industry. Cruise lines are constantly seeking talented individuals who can excel in their roles and contribute to the success of the company.

One of the advantages of working on a cruise ship is the exposure to different departments and job functions. Starting in an entry-level position allows crew members to gain valuable experience and develop a solid foundation in the industry. As they prove their skills and dedication, they may have the opportunity to take on more responsibility and move up the ladder.

Cruise lines often have structured career development programs and training initiatives in place, providing crew members with opportunities for growth and advancement. These programs may include specialized training, mentorship programs, and performance evaluations to identify and nurture high-potential individuals.

The size and diversity of cruise ships also offer a multitude of career paths to explore. Whether it’s progressing from a cabin steward to a housekeeping supervisor, or transitioning from a server to a restaurant manager, there are opportunities for advancement within specific departments. Additionally, cross-departmental moves are possible, allowing crew members to diversify their skillsets and gain a broader understanding of ship operations.

Cruise lines also value loyalty and dedication. Crew members who demonstrate commitment, consistent performance, and a positive attitude are more likely to be considered for promotions and higher positions. Longevity within a particular cruise line can open doors to managerial roles, executive positions, or even opportunities within shoreside offices.

Furthermore, the experience gained from working on a cruise ship is highly transferable to other sectors of the hospitality and travel industry. The skills and knowledge acquired, such as customer service, teamwork, problem-solving, and cultural competence, are applicable in various professional settings. This means that even if crew members decide to transition to land-based jobs, their experience on a cruise ship can provide a competitive edge.

It’s important for crew members interested in advancing their careers on a cruise ship to be proactive, seek out opportunities for learning and development, and demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement. By taking advantage of the resources and programs offered by the cruise line, crew members can pave the way for growth and advancement within the industry.

The cruise industry continues to expand, providing a wealth of career opportunities for individuals seeking a challenging and rewarding professional path. Whether it’s advancing within a specific department or exploring new horizons, working on a cruise ship can offer a promising and fulfilling career trajectory.

Working on a cruise ship is a unique and multifaceted experience that offers a blend of adventure, personal growth, and career opportunities. While it comes with its own set of challenges, the benefits and rewards can outweigh the difficulties for those who are passionate about travel, cultural exchange, and providing exceptional service in a dynamic environment.

Life on board a cruise ship presents opportunities for exploration and learning. Crew members have the chance to visit numerous destinations, immerse themselves in different cultures, and expand their horizons. The camaraderie among crew members from around the world creates a supportive community that often lasts beyond their time on board the ship.

Working on a cruise ship also provides a unique lifestyle that allows crew members to save money, gain valuable work experience, and develop transferable skills. The industry offers career advancement opportunities, with structured training and the chance to move up in various departments.

However, it’s important to be aware of the challenges that come with working on a cruise ship. Being away from family and friends for extended periods, adjusting to communal living, and working long hours can be demanding. Flexibility, adaptability, and a positive mindset are essential qualities for success in this industry.

In conclusion, working on a cruise ship offers a remarkable and fulfilling experience for those who are willing to embrace the adventure and thrive in a multicultural environment. It provides an opportunity to combine work and travel, meet new people, and create lasting memories. From the thrill of exploring new destinations to the sense of satisfaction from providing excellent service, working on a cruise ship can be a truly rewarding career choice.


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Cruise Ship Crew Life

Working on a cruise ship is unlike any other experience out there. Part of it feels like living in a college dorm where you don’t have homework and go to a bar every night. This page takes you through cruise ship crew life from someone that’s been there. Hopefully this page gives you some helpful information to decide if working on a ship is for you or to help you know what to expect as you go to work at sea. Cruise ship life for crew is different than really any other kind of life out there. Here’s a look at cruise ship crew life and what it’s like as crew on cruise ships.

Working on a cruise ship is an incredible opportunity to explore the world, save a bit of money, have a career, or maybe even meet the love of your life (or maybe just your love for a night), but it’s not for everyone. We try to answer as many questions as we can to help you on your way to find out if the life of a cruise ship crew member and life at sea is for you. Have questions about what cruise ship crew life is like? Or maybe about what it’s like to be crew on a cruise ship? Comment below and we’ll try to answer it for you.

*Disclosure: All views are my own and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.*

Wondering About Cruise Ship Crew Life? Start Here:

Which cruise line is the best to work for?

What kinds of jobs are there on a cruise ship?

So, you’re still thinking of working onboard. Great! What kind of jobs are there on a cruise ship? On a ship there are seemingly a million different jobs suited towards every background and every personality. Cruise ships have anywhere from a hundred to over two thousand crew on a cruise ship. This means there is likely a job suited for you.

Cruise Ship Jobs You Probably Don't Know About?

The Technical Stuff

You’ve made it this far – fantastic! Being crew on a cruise ship isn’t just about the fabulous islands and it’s not as simple as just hopping onboard. There are all sorts of parts of cruise ship crew life, crew life at sea, and what cruise ship life for crew really is like working onboard a ship and being a cruise ship crew member that would be nice to know before you go. Here’s a good place to start:

Do Cruise ship crew pay for their flights?

Questions About Life On Board

How many hours are

Helpful Posts for Your First Contract

You’ve gotten your assignment and you are so excited for this adventure in life. Congrats! It’s an incredible, wild, unlike anything else experience. These posts will get you started about cruise ship life for crew.

What to Pack for cruise ship crew life at sea.

Another helpful packing list put together by a whole bunch of world travelers. Take a look at what experienced travelers take with them .

Nevermind work… Do Cruise Ship Crew Hook Up?

You’ve seen The Love Boat and watched Below Deck . From falling in love, to hookups, to breakups you have no idea how much of it you should believe and how much is, well, just on a TV show. Take a look at these posts as we go through all the stages of dating on a cruise ship. Crew on cruise ships still date and hook-up and all of it. Crew life at sea lends itself to lots of love, fun, and of course…drama.

Crew Life at sea lends itself to romance. Here's what dating on a cruise ship is like.

Can cruise ship crew date each other? Do cruise ship crew hook up? Are the rumors and gossip worse than high school? (Often, yes.) Find out all the gossip and drama that goes into cruise ship crew life. In this post we look at whether or not cruise ship gossip really is that bad (it is) and what dating on a cruise ship is like.

Living Together on a Cruise Ship

First comes love, then comes… living together on a cruise ship. It’s not all romantic walks on the beach and drinking champagne. Take a look at what the next stage of romance at sea looks like in this post about living together on a cruise ship .

Happily Ever After

Some cruise ship relationships end in marriage… go figure. Take a look at some of the ups and downs that go along with navigating an often long distance, bi-continental, long term, ship relationship .

Understanding Ship Life Rank/Stripes Side of Cruise Ship Crew Life

Crew life at sea includes a whole different rank structure than you might know.

Posts From the Pandemic:

100 Days at Sea

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Working Onboard a Cruise Ship

We help create lasting memories.

There's nothing like bringing people together to share unique experiences and see the world, making them feel special and becoming part of the stories they tell for years to come. That's what we do and what you'll do if you join us.

As part of the Princess® family, you’ll develop your skills, work with committed crew members and travel to some of the most breathtaking places around the globe. And while an adventure at sea is its own reward, we offer a variety of programs to recognize employees who go above and beyond. Princess offers a winning combination of pay, benefits and lifelong friendships, so come aboard the Love Boat. We’re expecting you!

Why work onboard a Princess Cruises ship?

Don’t take our word for why it’s great to be at Princess — let our team members tell you! In the "I Love My Princess Job" video series, our colleagues on shore and at sea share what they love about their work.

Cruise Career Opportunities

Onboard departments.

We offer exciting cruise career opportunities in a variety of onboard departments. Working for Princess Cruises is ideal if you are looking to take your career to the next level and enjoy working in a challenging and unique environment. We employ team members of over 70 nationalities, creating a diverse and welcoming environment.

International recruitment partners

Princess Cruises cooperates with a world-wide network of recruiting agencies to select only the most qualified crew. Resumes may be forwarded to the agency that is nearest the applicant’s residence. Once received, candidates will be processed based on current available positions.

Fraudulent Employment Opportunities We have recently been made aware of fraudulent entities around the world claiming to represent Princess Cruises as recruitment partners. We are working closely with our Security department and local police authorities in various countries to prevent individuals from wrongly representing themselves as Princess' recruitment partners. We strongly suggest that you only discuss employment opportunities with the agencies/partners listed below. If you have any suspicion about the nature of ads or websites claiming to recruit on behalf of Princess Cruises, please contact the approved Princess agency located nearest your place of residence (choose from the list below).

Living & Working at Sea

Life onboard.

Not sure what to expect while working onboard a cruise ship? A career at sea affords you many unparalleled opportunities such as travelling to world-famous locations, building meaningful friendships with diverse colleagues, and gaining valuable professional skills in a world-class environment.

Unlike careers on land, however, working onboard a cruise ship has some unique conditions. Princess Cruises takes great pride in our efforts to make the adjustment to sea life as easy as possible so you can focus on making our guests feel special.

Total rewards

Here at Princess Cruises, we understand how challenging it can be for our crew to work away from home for such substantial periods of time. Therefore, as a company we strive to help give you all the necessary resources and comforts to enable you to take care of our guests – and yourself.

While working onboard a Princess cruise ship, you can enjoy these living essentials provided by the company:

  • Furnished living accommodations
  • Crew cafeterias (also known as Crew Mess) with a variety of menu items from around the world
  • Laundry facilities and services
  • Crew Store with discounted convenience items such as toiletries and snacks
  • CrewCard pay system to help manage your finances at home while you are at sea

Cruise Employment Application Process & FAQs

As a well-known premium brand in the cruise industry, we receive a high volume of cruise employment inquiries each day. To help you understand what to expect if you are being considered for a position, we’ve outlined the application process below.

Princess Cruises works with a global network of authorized recruiters to attract and select the most qualified candidates to join us at sea. If you are being considered for a position, there could be several steps after your initial application before you are notified with a decision. Depending on the job you are applying for, these could include follow-up interviews with our corporate hiring managers.

If you are successful in your application, there are also several steps you will need to take to become travel-ready to work onboard. You will partner with a manning office that will help you obtain the required seafarer medical certificates, travel visas, and other required documentation to work at sea.

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Carnival Vista cruise canceled: What to know about the ship's repairs, when it will sail

Passengers who sailed on a Carnival Vista ship last month and are waiting to get a refund because the sailing itinerary changed – stop waiting.

There’s no refund coming.

Once guests were on board the Carnival Vista on Aug. 10 , they were informed the ship’s cruising speed was limited due to a technical issue. Crew members informed passengers if they disembarked before the ship left port, they would get a full refund.

“The vast majority did (stay onboard),” said Matt Lupoli, Carnival's senior manager of public relations.

What options were Carnival Vista passengers given?

The ship was originally schedule for an 8-night southern Caribbean cruise with stops in places like Aruba, Curacao and Turks and Cacaos.

Instead, it headed to the Bahamas visiting Nassau, Princess Cays and Freeport.

Passengers were given two options:

Option 1: Disembark and get a full refund

Options 2: Remain on the cruise and get an undisclosed amount of onboard credit as well as credit for a future cruise.

Some passengers who remained on the cruise are saying they deserve a refund to make up for the difference in the cost of the cruise they purchased and the cruise the got. Carnival officials said that’s what the credits are for.

The guests were given an option to either sale with the credits or get a refund. Those who sailed with the credits are not eligible for a refund.

When will Carnival Vista sail again from Port Canaveral?

Engineers continue working on the ship and it’s expected to be repaired in time for a sailing scheduled to leave Sunday.

The Sept. 15 itinerary includes Half Moon Cay, Bahamas as well as Grand Turk and Amber Cove before returning to Port Canaveral on Sept. 21.

An eight-night southern Caribbean cruise that was supposed to leave Port Canaveral on Sept. 7 was canceled. The thousands of affected passengers received a refund, plus a future cruise credit.

The Carnival Vista has a double-occupancy capacity of 3,934 passengers; a full capacity of 4,977 passengers; and a crew of 1,450. It began sailing in 2016.

How common is it for Carnaval cruise ships to have technical issues with cruising speed?

Although this is not a common issue, it has happened before.

The last time was on the California-based Carnival Panorama in November 2023. That ship was out of commission for multiple sailings.

Spitzer is a Trending Reporter. She can be reached at [email protected].

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Carnival Vista docked at Port Canaveral for repairs. Here are details

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12-year-old boy dies in balcony fall on Royal Caribbean cruise ship. What we know

A 12-year-old boy died Saturday after falling from the balcony of the Royal Caribbean cruise ship en route to Galveston, Texas after a week-long cruise.

The tragedy occurred a few years after 16-year-old Laurent Mercer plunged to his death from a balcony onto a pier on the same ship when Harmony of the Seas was still sailing out of Port Canaveral. He was reportedly trying to climb into his room because he forgot his room key. The cruise ship moved to Galveston in 2023 .

Last year, a 16-year-old boy fell from the balcony of a different Royal Caribbean ship, the Allure of the Seas, and died at a hospital.

The child who died Sept. 7 has not been identified. reported that he landed in the ship's "Central Park" area of the ship, where many of the bars, restaurants and shops can be found. The Washington Post reported that the FBI is investigating the death.

"We are deeply saddened to confirm the death of one of our guests," Royal Caribbean said in a statement to  Newsweek . "Our Care Team is providing support and assistance to the guest's family during this difficult time. For the privacy of the guest and their family, we have no additional details to share."

In 2022, Harmony of the Seas made national news after it veered into the exclusion zone of a Falcon 9 rocket's flightpath just before the launch at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, forcing the mission's fourth scrub in a row.

Man overboard! How easy is it to fall overboard on a cruise ship, and how can you survive?

Second boy to die from balcony fall on Harmony of the Seas

Mercer, 15, from the French island collectivity Wallis and Futuna, had been on a seven-day Caribbean trip with his family on Friday, Jan. 11, 2019, when he apparently tried to get into his eighth-floor room from an adjacent balcony, The ship was docked at Labadee, Haiti, where the company owns a private beach.

The Broward Medical Examiner's Office announced Mercer's death a few days later after the ship returned to Port Everglades

How easy is it to fall off the balcony of a cruise ship?

It's not easy at all.

All ships have "safety barriers that are regulated by U.S. Coast Guard standards and prevent a guest from falling off," according to Carnival spokesperson Matt Lupoli in 2023. Every open deck and balcony is required to have railings "not less than 42 inches from above the cabin deck," according to the  Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010  (CVSSA), with thick metal or Plexiglas panels underneath to prevent anyone from slipping through.

That's usually about chest height for the average person.

What is Royal Caribbean's Harmony of the Seas?

The Harmony of the Seas was once the largest cruise ship in the world before it was surpassed by newer ships, and runs regular 6-8 night Western Caribbean cruises to Cozumel, Costa Mata and Roatán out of Galveston. There are water slides, pools, a zip line, 20 different restaurants, Broadway shows and more.

The ship was built in France and launched in May 2016

1,188 feet long, 215.5 feet wide

2,747 staterooms that can hold (at double occupancy) 6,687 guests

18 total decks

3 water slides, 3 swimming pools

20 dining venues, 1,400-seat theatre

This article originally appeared on The Daytona Beach News-Journal: Death on Royal Caribbean cruise ship: FBI investigating boy's fall

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life on a cruise ship crew

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Cruise Ships Are Ruining Greece

Greek prime minister kyriakos mitsotakis is pushing tighter tourism regulations.

Image for article titled Cruise Ships Are Ruining Greece

The Greecian Islands, home to some of the most beautiful natural and human-built wonders, are being overrun with cruise-ship tourists. While the Mediterranean nation’s economy is supported largely by tourism, the strain of tens of millions of travelers annually has become too intense to sustain. Similar to many other European tourist destinations, Greece is formulating a plan to curb some of the busiest and highly crowded destinations. If you’re going to be visiting Mykonos or Santorini, be prepared to pay some hefty docking fees and lodging taxes for the privilege.

Suggested Reading

According to the New York Times , Greece played host to a record 33 million tourists in 2023, and estimates indicate that record will be stretched to around 38 million this year, with a quarter of them arriving by cruise ship. With a national population of just 10.43 million, tourists to Greece during the busy season nearly outnumber Greek citizens . This growing tourism problem has caused thousands of knock on effects, including water shortages, increased housing costs, pollution, and taxed infrastructure.

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Convincing the big cruise ships away from popular destinations is also hurting the smaller islands. Amorgos, an island of about 2,000 people, saw its first cruise ship arrive in August. The small island of Serifos has already declared its opposition to cruise ships as it was recently overrun by a 2,000 passenger deposit on a community of just 1,000 residents.

Image for article titled Cruise Ships Are Ruining Greece

“Tourism supports the economy with significant resources and jobs, but it has its own particular social impact,” Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis exclaimed in a state of the economy speech this week. He went on to say he is “very concerned about the image on some of our islands some months of the year due to cruise ships.”

During the busy months visitors to Santorini, for example, will see their disembarkation fees rise from 35 cents to around 20 euros. Lodging taxes paid by rental homes and hotels will also be increased. These extra fees will help support improvements and upkeep to local infrastructure as it is stretched to the breaking point. To help curb the cost of housing, the state will offer a tax incentive for property owners to offer long-term leases instead of renting short-term to international visitors.

I was 10 weeks pregnant and went on a world cruise. Here's why I'd recommend it.

  • Kim Budlong, 40, made plans to tour the Americas on the Royal Caribbean Ultimate World Cruise.
  • But she didn't anticipate getting pregnant with her third child before the trip.
  • She went anyway and enjoyed being catered to while pregnant.

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Kim Budlong, a 40-year-old resident of Lancaster, South Carolina, who went on a world cruise while 10 weeks pregnant. She was on the cruise with her family for about six weeks.

Last year, around the end of March, my husband and I began to make plans to go on the Royal Caribbean Ultimate World Cruise , which has a segment that journeys to the Americas and Antarctica.

We spent months planning the trip for my family of four, including my husband, my 5-year-old son, and my 1-year-old daughter. The cruise would sail out of Miami on December 10.

Little did we know that we'd be planning for a family of five.

Around Thanksgiving, I found out I was pregnant. It was an "oopsy" pregnancy but a nice little surprise. Despite the news, I still wanted to go on the cruise.

My husband and I have traveled extensively, and the last continent I needed to visit was Antarctica . Plus, the cruise would happen around our anniversary. It was going to be our trip of a lifetime.

The Americas segment of the Ultimate World Cruise is 64 nights, but cruises generally have a policy that bars passengers about 23 weeks pregnant or approaching the third trimester.

By the time the cruise started, I'd be 10 weeks pregnant. So we decided to stay on the cruise for six weeks.

I was a little bit worried about going on the trip, having to bring two kids, being pregnant, and packing everything I needed.

I checked in with my midwife to make sure I was OK to go and agreed to regularly check in with her during the trip. I also brought a Doppler that can track the baby's heart rate.

Sea sickness was another concern.

I knew the cruise would be going through the Drake Passage, which is famous for its rough seas. I was worried that the seasickness would be made worse by the morning sickness from the pregnancy.

But, in the end, I would say that going on a cruise while pregnant has my stamp of approval.

I found the bands that attach to your wrist to aid with motion sickness helpful. The sickness did get to me once, but the staff was very good about coming in, cleaning up, and sanitizing everything again. There's also a small clinic to get medicine and stay hydrated.

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As a mama, and especially if you're pregnant, you need to be catered to — and the staff did exactly that. They were friendly and made everything easy, knowing that I was pregnant.

If we let the staff know beforehand, they could cater to our dietary restrictions and provide, for example, gluten-free meals. If my kids made a mess during a meal, the staff would insist that they could clean it up for me. You can even pay to have the staff do the laundry for you.

So, essentially, you don't have to cook, clean, make your own bed, or anything like that. That allowed me to participate in activities on the cruise.

My husband and I are sporty, so we participated in things like archery and mini-basketball games, even during rough seas. There was bean bag tossing for the kids.

Of course, there's also the traveling itself. We made our way through the Caribbean, then Antarctica, Buenos Aires, and, for New Year's, Rio de Janeiro.

You also make friends while on the cruise because you spend a lot of time with them doing activities and going on excursions. The friends that I made were all waiting to hear about the baby's gender after the cruise. My son still chats with some of the friends he made on the cruise, who are from England.

It really was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Coming back to reality was a bit tough. I thought, "I don't know how I'm supposed to do laundry again, clean, and cook when you've been catered to for so long and get back into the swing of life."

If I could, I would've kept going for a little longer.

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Casino manager and crew fired in alleged US$100K chip scam on CCL ship Carnival Glory

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A cruise ship casino manager and several crew members on CCL-Carnival Cruise Line 's ship Carnival Glory were dismissed following an alleged scam in the Casino.

The scheme, which reportedly involved 2 casino dealers, a cashier, and guests, allegedly defrauded CCL of ~US$100,000 over the course of 2 years.

The dealers, described as experienced professionals from Peru, had been working on the vessel for 2 years. They were said to have collaborated with frequent passengers, communicating in Spanish to avoid detection. According to the report, the dealers allegedly stole casino chips, concealing them in their clothing, and manipulated payments in roulette games by mixing cash and colored chips.

The misconduct extended to blackjack games, where the dealers reportedly paid winnings to losing players and failed to collect on forfeited bets. The scheme was uncovered when a supervisor noticed a losing blackjack player receiving payment, leading to a broader investigation and review of surveillance footage.

While the investigation resulted in the dismissal of the casino manager, 6 supervisors, and the 2 dealers, none of the implicated individuals have been formally charged, and there is no confirmation if any of the stolen funds have been recovered.

The details of the operation came to light after an anonymous crew member alerted the media.

For more Carnival Glory incidents and accidents see the ship's CruiseMinus page .


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