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Take a Virtual Tour of the Paris Catacombs

in History , Life , Travel | March 25th, 2020 1 Comment

virtual tour of french catacombs

The Paris Cat­a­combs is “one of those places,” wrote pho­tog­ra­ph­er Félix Nadar, “that every­one wants to see and no one wants to see again.” If any­one would know, Nadar would. He spent three months in and out of the under­ground city of death, with its macabre piles of skulls and cross­bones, tak­ing pho­tographs ( see here ) that would help turn it into an inter­na­tion­al­ly famous tourist attrac­tion. In these days of quar­an­tine, no one can see it; the site is closed until fur­ther notice. But if you’re the type of per­son who enjoys tour­ing necrop­olis­es, you can still get your fix with a vir­tu­al vis­it .

Why would any­one want to do this, espe­cial­ly dur­ing a glob­al out­break? The Cat­a­combs have attract­ed seek­ers after mor­bid curiosi­ties and spir­i­tu­al and philo­soph­i­cal truths for over two hun­dred years, through rev­o­lu­tions, mas­sacres, and plagues.

A stark, haunt­ing reminder of what Nadar called “the egal­i­tar­i­an con­fu­sion of death,” they wit­ness mute­ly, with­out euphemism, to the future we are all assured, no mat­ter our rank or posi­tion. They began as a dis­or­dered pile of bones in the late 18th cen­tu­ry, trans­ferred from over­crowd­ed ceme­ter­ies and became a place where “a Merovin­gian king remains in eter­nal silence next to those mas­sa­cred in Sep­tem­ber ‘92” dur­ing the French Rev­o­lu­tion.

virtual tour of french catacombs

Con­tem­pla­tions of death, espe­cial­ly in times of war, plague, famine, and oth­er shocks and crises, have been an inte­gral part of many cul­tur­al cop­ing mech­a­nisms, and often involve med­i­ta­tions on corpses and grave­yards. The Cat­a­combs are no dif­fer­ent, a sprawl­ing memen­to mori named after the Roman cat­a­combs, “which had fas­ci­nat­ed the pub­lic since their dis­cov­ery,” as the offi­cial site notes. Expand­ed, ren­o­vat­ed, and rebuilt dur­ing the time of Napoleon and lat­er dur­ing the exten­sive ren­o­va­tions of Paris in the mid-19th cen­tu­ry, the site was first “con­se­crat­ed as the ‘Paris Munic­i­pal Ossuary’ on April 7, 1786” and opened to the pub­lic in 1809.

It is a place that reminds us how all con­flicts end. To the “litany of roy­al and impov­er­ished dead from French his­to­ry,” writes Alli­son Meier at the Pub­lic Domain Review , Nadar added in his essay on the Cat­a­combs “the names of rev­o­lu­tion­ary vic­tims and per­pe­tra­tors like Max­im­i­lien Robe­spierre and Jean-Paul Marat.” Rumi­na­tions on the uni­ver­sal nature of death may be an odd diver­sion for some, and for oth­ers an urgent reminder to find out what mat­ters to them in life. Learn more about the fas­ci­nat­ing his­to­ry of the Paris Cat­a­combs here and begin your vir­tu­al vis­it here .

virtual tour of french catacombs

via Boing Boing

Relat­ed Con­tent:

Behold Félix Nadar’s Pio­neer­ing Pho­tographs of the Paris Cat­a­combs (1861)

Notre Dame Cap­tured in an Ear­ly Pho­to­graph, 1838

19th-Cen­tu­ry Skele­ton Alarm Clock Remind­ed Peo­ple Dai­ly of the Short­ness of Life: An Intro­duc­tion to the Memen­to Mori

Josh Jones  is a writer and musi­cian based in Durham, NC. Fol­low him at  @jdmagness

by Josh Jones | Permalink | Comments (1) |

virtual tour of french catacombs

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Comments (1), 1 comment so far.

Hey there, Open Cul­ture team! Just had to drop a com­ment after read­ing your arti­cle about the vir­tu­al tour of the Paris Cat­a­combs. First of all, let me say how much I appre­ci­ate your ded­i­ca­tion to bring­ing us these incred­i­ble cul­tur­al expe­ri­ences from the com­fort of our homes. It’s like you’re our vir­tu­al tour guides, and I can’t thank you enough for that.

Now, onto the Paris Cat­a­combs. I’ve always been fas­ci­nat­ed by the mys­te­ri­ous and eerie atmos­phere of this under­ground world, and your arti­cle tru­ly brought it to life. The vivid descrip­tions and the embed­ded video tour allowed me to immerse myself in this haunt­ing­ly beau­ti­ful place. I almost felt like I was there, explor­ing the labyrinthine tun­nels and admir­ing the intri­cate arrange­ments of skulls and bones. It’s incred­i­ble how tech­nol­o­gy has made it pos­si­ble for us to ven­ture into such places vir­tu­al­ly. The his­tor­i­cal con­text you pro­vid­ed was a bonus; it added depth to the expe­ri­ence, mak­ing me appre­ci­ate the cat­a­combs even more. Keep up the fan­tas­tic work, and I can’t wait to see where you take us next on our vir­tu­al adven­tures! 🌟

Thanks again for shar­ing this fan­tas­tic vir­tu­al tour with us, and I look for­ward to read­ing more cap­ti­vat­ing arti­cles from Open Cul­ture. You guys tru­ly make learn­ing about the world’s won­ders a delight­ful expe­ri­ence. Cheers to your team and the incred­i­ble con­tent you cre­ate!

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Item selection [Online visit - The Catacombs of Paris] - Paris Musées

Espace en ligne STREAMING

Online visit (streaming) - The Catacombs of Paris

Duration 40 mn

This visit allows you to discover the Catacombs of Paris in a new way. Immerse yourself in the bowels of Paris guided by the curator of the place, an engineer geographer and an anthropologist to learn the secrets of these quarries converted into a unique ossuary in the world, a true temple of equality.

The video is available in : French audio - French subtitles (for French speakers with hearing impairments) English audio - English subtitles (for English speakers) Price: 5€ / 3€ for Paris Musées members

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Virtual Tour: Paris' Catacombs tour

  • Paris' Catacombs tour

If a tour is fully booked, or you are looking to book a *Group or Private Tour - please email us about Group & Private Tours options.

*Please note - Group & Private Tours are specifically organised for your group and therefore subject to a premium price. Flat fee rate applies for groups of 6 and under.


Our local guide will take you to one of the most breathtaking places below the city of Paris, the Catacombs, where, since the 18th century, the skeletons of close to 6 million people have been forming an empire of the dead. Throughout the tour you will learn its fascinating and gloomy story.

  • Our expert guide will teach you about the captivating and eerie history of the Catacombs of Paris.
  • The artistic, yet ghastly designs and compositions of bone placing will be displayed to you.
  • Even today, the site faces issues that you will learn to understand.
  • With this, you will be able to share your live experience with other people from all over the world and interact personally with your guide.
  • Accessible from anywhere, this experience is the most convenient!
  • Receive a $10 voucher for Secret Food Tours with every online tour you buy.

The Catacombs of Paris were built within an existing underground network of tunnels, it was decorated over many years with the remains of bones from close to 6 million Parisian civilians that were moved by officials and clergymen with clandestine intent.

Underneath the city of lights lies the petrifying paradox of darkness where unrestful death is at its highest. During our one hour tour, you will dive with our expert guide in the night of the tunnels of the catacombs, former quarries that became the ossuary of the former residents of Paris. You will learn how this site saved the city from ruin and the reason why it got created.

The catacombs of Paris are vast, over 200 miles (322km) of tunnels are buried under the city and only 1.25 miles (2 km) are officially known and accessible. The Cataphiles are people who are passionate about the site who created many areas for different purposes in the nooks and crannies of the site such as hidden restaurants, bars or even secret cinemas.

You won’t need to move from your home to enjoy this tour. You will be able to honour the remains of Parisian people who form this immense design that is the Catacombs and discover a unique experience throughout a mysterious journey in the deepness of the city.

With any online tour, you'll also receive a $10 gift voucher which you can use to book any Secret Food Tour, valid for 2 years!

All times specified are in Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

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As soon as you book your tour, we’ll email you all the details including the date and time for your virtual experience. All tours are conducted using Zoom . The email will include a direct link to join the live experience at the speculated time and date.

Even though your camera doesn’t need to be on during the tour, our guides appreciate interacting with participants so feel free to switch it on and talk to our guides.

Please note you can join the tour at any point in time. If you are running late, you can join when you can but please note these tours are non-refundable.

All of the experiences are live and the guides will not be able to pause the tours if you need to leave for a few minutes

Please utilize the “Chat” section of your Zoom dashboard to ask the Coordinator a question and at the time-frame for Q&A with the Guide, the Coordinator will select questions sent in by guests to ask our Guide. 

You are unable to share your link past the number of passengers you have booked for. If you purchase multiple passengers for one tour you will be able to share your link with them by forwarding the booking confirmation email.

All of the tours are non-refundable. You may reschedule your tour provided you offer a 96 hours’ notice.

If the cancellation is our own fault, you will be offered to reschedule your tour, or a voucher for equal credit or alternative a refund.

All tours are conducted using Zoom . The email will include a direct link to join the live experience at the speculated time and date.

Before joining the tour, you will need to have installed Zoom on the device you will be using. To check your requirements you can go directly to this website .

If you joined a cooking lesson or any other experiences that may involve the preparation of food or drinks, you will receive an email with all the recipes discussed during your tour. You will also receive a link that links to our Trip Advisor page so you can review the experience.

For the Italian Cooking Classes, you will receive a PDF with recipes for the classes. Please note that the pasta and sauce selections will vary depending on ingredients available to our Chefs with unpredictable grocery availability during this time.

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This Virtual Tour of Paris's Catacombs Is a Must-See

You can see ALL the skulls! 💀


Thanks to today's top-notch technology, we've been able to virtually explore attractions all over the country without even getting off the couch. Sure, a computer screen will never compare to a first-hand experience, but it still gives us a feel for places we might not have ever considered visiting, or get the chance to visit in real life. Today, we're off to another destination and it might just be spookier than the Winchester Mystery House virtual tour. We're heading to Paris via our web browsers ( passports not needed ) to explore the famous Catacombs, aka the underground quarry home to the skeletal remains of over six million Parisians.

The Catacombs of Paris is one of the most popular (and creepiest) attractions in the City of Light. Now, you can experience it for yourself without the long lines via the sight's interactive virtual visit feature . Tap into this 360-degree immersive experience and you’ll be placed inside these ancient bone-filled tunnels. Zoom in to get an up-close look at some of the skulls that line the walls if you dare–the detail is immaculate. Click up to see the ceiling, down to see the ground, and left and right to travel around this underground maze—this virtual tour lets you see it all. Once you're finished taking it all in, click on the four white squares in the bottom left corner to access the menu and advance to the next stop. You’ll have access to: the Atelier, Galerie de Port-Mahon, Cloche de Fontis, Alcove del’Ossaurie, and Lampe Sepulcrale de l'Ossuaire.

catacombs paris virtual tour screen

The Catacombs have been open since 1809 and stretch for over 200 miles; however, visitors (virtual or not) only get to experience a small portion. This underground quarry had come into use during the late 1700s, as cemeteries in Paris were overflowing with bodies, posing major health risks. The city decided it would be best to move these bodies underground, resulting in the largest ossuary in the world.

What's particularly great about the Catacombs' virtual tour is it is completely free and accessible anytime. If you visit in person, the lines are usually very long as only 200 people are allowed in at the same time. Tickets at the door are 14 euros ($15.43 USD), but you can purchase tickets online that let you skip the wait. Those golden tickets cost a little more than double the price at 29 euros ($31.97 USD), and include an audio guide.

While the virtual tour does not include audio, you can discover even more about the Paris Catacombs from the thrilling documentary, As Above So Below . This film follows a team of explorers who venture into the Catacombs to unearth some pretty dark secrets about the city. You can watch it on Netflix here .

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You can take a virtual tour through the Paris Catacombs’ burial chambers

Huw Oliver

One of the great ironic pleasures of supping cafés crèmes in the coffee parlours of Montparnasse is knowing that right beneath you lie the bones of six million Parisians. Six million. This is the City of Light and Love, but just like all of us, it has a dark side.

Like many attractions, the Paris Catacombs – former underground quarries that were reused as burial chambers following the French Revolution – are closed to the public right now. But if you do fancy a slice of gothic escapism, you can still head on down thanks to a very good free virtual tour available on the Catacombs’ own website .

Ignore the entrance sign that reads, ‘Stop! This is the empire of death’, and for the full effect, dim the lights and turn the heating down to about 14C. Then get exploring these damp, cramped and insanely spooky underground passages.

There are more than 3,000km of tunnels running beneath the Left Bank, but creepiest of all must be the Alcôve de l’Ossuaire. Here the bones of Revolutionary leaders Jean-Paul Marat, Maximilien Robespierre and their cronies are packed in with wall upon wall of fellow citizens who couldn’t fit in the city’s overflowing burial pits. Femurs here, tibias over there. Skulls? Pretty much everywhere.

If you’re out of horror films – though the excellent ‘ Midsommar ’ is on Amazon Prime right now, fyi – then here’s a pretty decent alternative. Just remember to take the tour after your lunch break, yeah?

More things to do at home?

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Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.

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Virtual Paris Tours: Visit Paris from Your Couch via the Internet

Last Updated on 22nd March 2022 by Sophie Nadeau

This post may contain affiliate links. Please check out my  privacy policy  and  disclosure  for more information.

I don’t know about you, but I’m missing my favourite city right about now! From strolling along the Champs Elysées to admiring the dazzling Eiffel Tower illuminated by thousands of twinkling lights, there sure is nowhere in the world quite like Paris. And so, if you’re in search of a little Wanderlust inspiration and fancy seeing something new, here are the very best virtual Paris tours which you can enjoy at home, from the comfort of your couch!

Le Perchoir Marais: A Parisian Rooftop Bar with an Eiffel Tower View in Le Marais, Paris, France

Virtual Paris Catacombs Visit

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The Paris Catacombs are a network of disused limestone quarries, inspection tunnels, and storage spaces stretching out in a maze of somewhat unmapped space deep under the City of Light. Since 1814, the Paris Catacombs you can visit as a member of the public today has functioned as a Mausoleum.

Once owned by the Catholic Church, the area under the 14th arrondissement is now managed by the City of Paris. Visit today and some all of the inspection tunnels mark the names of Parisian street names no longer in use. The area open to the public stretches around a mile in length and can now be visited virtually via the internet (too cool)!

Check out the virtual Paris Catacombs visit here.

How to visit the Paris Catacombs (A Secret History of the Catacombs of Paris!) and things to know before you go to the 14th arrondissement of Paris, France

As the largest museum in the world, the Louvre is one of Paris’ crowning jewels and is set against the backdrop of a former Royal Residence. Well-known for its central glass pyramid and as being the home to the likes of the Mona Lisa and the Winged Victory of Samothrace, there’s something for everyone to enjoy, even if you’re ‘not a museum person’.

When it comes to Louvre Virtual tours, there’s no shortage of marvels to be enjoyed from your own home. So whether you wish to see Egyptian Antiquities, what’s left of the Louvre Moat, or get up close and personal with the ornate Galerie d’Apollon, there’s easily enough to keep you occupied over the space of an afternoon.

Check out the virtual Louvre Museum visits here.

Experience the Louvre by night

Though not quite as immersive as some of the other virtual tours of Paris out there, truth be told, that you can still virtually enjoy the interior of the Invalides Dome, i.e. the final resting place of Napoleon, thanks to a fantastic series of detailed 360-degree photographs.

Check our the virtual Invalides visit here.

les invalides tomb of napoleon golden dome

One of the most iconic attractions in the district of Montmartre, i.e. the 18th arrondissement is that of the Sacré-Coeur Basilica. Sitting in pride of place on the top of the Montmartre hill and overlooking the rest of the city, the Basilica is said to stand where 

One of the coolest aspects of the Sacré-Coeur tour is that you can also enjoy an audio guide description, complete with fascinating stories and little historical details you might never have found out (even if you were to visit the ecclesiastical building in person).

Including both interior and exterior shots so that you can fully explore the basilica, there’s also the opportunity to listen to the organ (a rare treat that you wouldn’t get if you were to visit during normal opening times)! 

Check our the virtual Sacré-Coeur visit here.

Visit the Sacré-Coeur Basilica

Even if many of us might not be able to physically see the Eiffel Tower for quite some time (even for many Parisians, all they can see is the Eiffel Tower beam from their apartments, which continues to be illuminated each night), there’s still the possibility to enjoy the Iron Lady thanks to virtual tours online.

Enjoy the view from the top, over the Champs de Mars, learn about the construction and history of the tower, and even take a peek inside the secret room which is hidden in plain sight, right at the top of the tower! You can also walk the streets surrounding the Eiffel Tower virtually thanks to Google Maps!

Check out the virtual Eiffel Tower visit here.

virtual tour of french catacombs

Many visitors to the city don’t know this, but there are actually four triumphal arches in Paris! As well as the Arc de Triomphe which we all know and love (and which offers breathtaking views onto the Eiffel Tower), there’s the Porte Saint Louis, Porte Saint Denis, and the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel .

Though the Arc de Triomphe tour is not as interactive as some of the other Parisian virtual tours, you can still enjoy gorgeous 360-degree shots of the famous Parisian landmark.

Check out the virtual Arc de Triomphe visit here.

view from the arc de triomphe

Situated in the very heart of the Jardin des Tuileries, the Musée de l’Orangerie is set over two levels and features a plethora of beautiful artworks. However, perhaps none are as famous as those of Monet’s waterlilies. Now, you can enjoy the beauty of these paintings while lying on your couch or cooking dinner!

Check out the virtual Musée de l’Orangerie visit here.

Orangerie Paris

Though not technically in Paris proper, no visit to the French capital would indeed be complete without venturing out onto a day trip from Paris to the Château of Versailles. Bold and beautiful, what started out as a modest royal hunting lodge was transformed into one of the most sumptuous palaces in the world under the reign of Louis XIV, i.e. the Sun King.

Now, you can visit Versailles virtually (try saying that five times in a row really quickly!) Stroll through the Hall of Mirrors, be in awe of the art work created for Marie Antoinette, and marvel at over 20,000 pieces of artwork! The virtual tour is created in collaboration with Google Arts & Culture and also includes untold stories and quirky historical facts you would never have heard of otherwise.

Check out the virtual Versailles visit here.

Versailles Garden, Ile de France, France

One of the most iconic museums in Paris is that of Musée d’Orsay, a former train station turned art museum. Situated along the banks of the River Seine and home to many impressionist pieces of artwork, including Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ this must-see cultural institution can now be visited virtually! From learning about the history of the place to inspecting all of the stunning pieces of artwork up close, there’s enough information to keep you entertained for hours.

Check out the virtual Musée d’Orsay tour here.

where to see the best fall foliage in paris, france: musée d'orsay

Some of the most beautiful and well-preserved medieval stained glass in the world can be found in Sainte Chapelle, in the heart of Île de la Cité and just streets away from the world-famous Notre Dame Cathedral. Home to two equally stunning and ornate places of worship, the spaces amaze and awe visitors in equal measure.

Check out the virtual Sainte Chapelle Tour here.


One of the coolest things about wandering the streets of Paris, is the sheer number of street art pieces and installations, dotted all across the city. From intricate lifelike designs to jaw-dropping abstracts that fill the entire side of a building, there’s no shortage of incredible street art pieces to discover in Paris, all from the comfort of your armchair!

Check out Paris street art virtually here.

meaning of fluctuat nec mergitur

The Dame de Fer is perhaps the most iconic landmark of all, and is probably never quite as beautiful as when it twinkles with hundreds of thousands of lights on the hour, every hour during the evening for a full five minutes. Well, luckily for us, you can still enjoy the sparkling lights of the Tour Eiffel, even if you can’t make it to Paris right now!

Check out the virtual Eiffel Tower sparkles here.

See the Eiffel Tower sparkle!

Home to a large pond with little wooden toy sailboats that can be rented by kids and adults alike during the summer months, the Luxembourg Gardens lie on the fringes of the Latin Quarter of the city and are just a stone’s throw away from the church of Saint Sulpice.

Other highlights of the Luxembourg Gardens include plenty of beautiful blooms in the spring and summer months, and of course, the stunning Medici Fountain , a showstopper of a water feature. Thanks to the internet, you can virtually enjoy the beautiful Parisian park for yourself!

Check out the virtual Medici fountain tour here.

Seeking History at the Medici Fountain (La Fontaine Médicis), Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, France. Where to find the prettiest water feature in the French capital!

If you’re looking for one of the best-kept secrets of the Latin Quarter (an area so-called because the students of the Sorbonne University would converse with one another in Latin during the Middle Ages), then you need to look no further than the Église Saint Étienne du Mont.

Situated in the shadow of the Paris Panthéon, the little-known church was used to film one of the most iconic scenes from Midnight in Paris. Today, the Parisian ecclesiastical building has the last remaining rood screen in Paris and is the final resting place for the relics of Saint Genevieve, the Patron Saint of Paris.

Check out the virtual tour of Église Saint Etienne du Mont visit here.

Saint-Étienne-du-Mont: Final Resting Place of Saint Genevieve in Paris, france

Located on the edge of the Bois de Vincennes, one of two ‘forests’ on the edges of Paris, the Château de Vincennes was constructed between the 14th and 17th centuries and has seen varying uses throughout its lifetime.

From its time as a royal residence to its stint as a dungeon, the Castle remains the only fortified château close to central Paris. Now, you can learn about the history of the former royal residence, as well as enjoy detailed images of the fFrench monument, all from the comfort of your couch. 

Check out the virtual tour of Vincennes here.

Château de Vincennes day trip from Paris, France:

Paris Virtual guided tours

If you’re looking for a more interactive experience when it comes to your Paris virtual visit, then there are plenty of opportunities to indulge in this too. From learning about highlights of the Louvre with an expert to exploring Paris’ underbelly via the catacombs, here are our picks for the best guided virtual tours of Paris.

Taking place over the course of an hour with a qualified art historian, enjoy a virtual visit of the Louvre. Discover the secret history of the Mona Lisa, learn about the Winged Victory of Samothrace, all from the comfort of your own home. Book the virtual tour here.

If you want to learn even more about the Paris catacombs, then you might consider booking a virtual tour of the Paris Catacombs. This one hour Paris virtual tour is led by a French historian, who will reveal many of the unusual stories behind Paris’ underground spaces. The virtual visit will also include a peek into some spaces which are closed off to the public.  Book the virtual tour here.

Virtual Paris Tours: Visit Paris from Your Couch via the Internet

Sophie Nadeau is a full time travel writer and photographer focused on cultural experiences in Europe and beyond. When she's not chasing after the sunset (or cute dogs she sees on her travels) she can be found reading, playing video games, and going on long hikes with her husband.

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I popped over from Thyme for Tea – Paris in July. Great links for virtual tours, thanks for posting.

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The Best Paris Catacombs Tours to Take in 2024 and Why

Ian Sumpter Last Updated: September 29, 2023

Popular with all age groups, the Catacombs of Paris are one of the darker attractions in the ‘City of Light’. You can visit on your own, but a guided tour will elevate any visit to a higher level. Here, I list our best Paris Catacombs tours to take this year and why th ey are worth the extra money over a solo visit .

Pro Tip: Planning your trip to Paris? Bookmark this post in your browser so you can easily find it when you need it. Check out our Paris Catacombs guide for more planning resources, our top Paris Catacombs tours for a memorable trip, and the  top things to do in Paris .

Should You Take a Tour of the Catacombs?

five of the six million skulls visable in the Paris Catacombs

Short answer: Absolutely!

The Paris Catacombs are a macabre and fascinating site visit. Located in an old Roman quarry, around 600,000 people visit the 6,000,000 bodies interred in the Catacombs yearly. As of 2023, the number of visitors to the catacombs has risen so dramatically that authorities have placed new restrictions on visitor access.

Tickets are no longer purchasable on-site but must be purchased online. Tickets are strictly timed, non-refundable, non-transferable, and only come available seven days before. That means a lot of pre-planning. With a guided tour, we take care of all that for you. All you need to do is choose the day you want to tour (even if it’s months in advance), and we will take care of the rest.

On top of taking care of all logistics, you’ll be led around the catacombs by an expert local guide who will dig deep into the history of the catacombs to elevate your visit to another level.

2 Days in PARIS! Restaurants, Attractions, and More!

Not ready to book a tour? Find out if a Paris Catacombs tour is worth it .

What Are The Most Popular Paris Catacombs Tours To Take?

The best tours of any monument or city are those that either solve logistical issues or add experience that you wouldn’t be able to get if you weren’t on a guided tour. The very best tours offer both! Our long-standing working relationship with the Paris Catacombs means not only are we able to secure tickets, taking the hassle away from you, but we can also get access to areas of the catacombs that are closed to the general public.

  • Paris Catacombs Tour with Secret Rooms & Privileged Access
  • Skip the Line Paris Catacombs Tickets

1. Paris Catacombs Tour with Secret Rooms & Privileged Access

Want to see Paris’s most macabre attraction without the long lines? How about peeping into secret rooms that the general public needs to see? All of that is possible on this small-group VIP Skip-the-line access.

You’ll breeze past the long lines and head straight into the bowels of the Parisian underground. Once in the Catacombs, your guide will regale you with stories of the Catacombs’ history, including their foundation as a Roman quarry, conversation to burial chambers, and their use by the French Resistance in WWII.

Not only that, you’ll gain privileged access to restricted parts of this vast underground tunnel network.


  • Skip-the-line Paris Catacombs tickets
  • Entry to two restricted areas of the Catacombs
  • A super-knowledgeable English-speaking guide
  • A maximum group size of 19

See tour itinerary, price, and description .

2. Skip the Line Paris Catacombs Tickets

virtual tour of french catacombs

Our long-standing relationship with the Paris Catacombs means we are able to block book a number of tickets each day reserved specifically for tour providers. If you are traveling in a few weeks or months’ time and don’t want to have to remember to check ticket availability seven days before you travel, then we have you covered. Book your tickets in advance with the peace of mind that everything is taken care of and all you need do is catch your flight and turn up. Take the stress out of purchasing tickets by ordering tickets with us way in advance.

  • E-mail confirmation and privileged skip-the-line ticket
  • Fast entry to the Paris Catacombs, however long the line

See tour itinerary, price, and description

Not ready to book a tour? Check out our  Paris Catacombs Guide for more resources.

virtual tour of french catacombs

Where To Stay in Paris

With a city as magnificent as Paris, finding the perfect hotel at the perfect price can be hard. Explore the best hotels and places to stay in these incredible neighborhoods in Paris.

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The 5 Best Paris Catacombs Tours [2024 Reviews]

Over many centuries, there wasn’t room for more of those who passed away to fit into the already crowded Paris cemeteries. There wasn’t room for more cemeteries and they needed room for housing and services for the growing population.

Starting in 1783, Paris began moving those who had been buried in the city’s cemeteries to the tunnels underground. It is estimated that there are between 6 and 7 million remains in the 200+ miles of tunnels beneath Paris.

Be sure to see our reviews of Day Trips to Normandy , Louvre Guided Tours and Eiffel Tower Tours .

Best Paris Guided Catacomb Tours

Plan the Ultimate Paris Vacation : See our 5 Day Itinerary of the Best Things to do in Paris!

Quick Answer: The 5 Best Rated Paris Catacombs Tours For 2024

  • Best Skip-the-Line Tour: 2-Hour Paris Catacombs Small Group Skip the line Tour
  • Best Family Tour: Catacombs of Paris Private Tour for Families
  • Best Sightseeing Tour: Catacombs of Paris – 2-Hour Tour with Priority Entrance
  • Best Semi-Private Tour: Paris Catacombs Special Access Entry Ticket
  • Best Small Group Tour: Catacombs of Paris – Restricted Access Tour

We’ve chosen these top rated Paris Catacomb tours because they offer a wide range of experiences and will fit into everyone’s budget.

Paris Catacombs Tour Reviews

1. best skip-the-line tour: skip the line 2-hour paris catacombs small group tour.

  • Departure Point : 1 Avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy
  • Departure Time : 12:30 PM
  • Duration : 2 hours (approx.)
  • Includes : Skip-the-line entrance ticket, expert guide, a small group of up to 19 guests

Want to see the doorway over which is inscribed “Beware the Realm of Death”? Your expert guide will take you on a 2-hour tour of the catacombs beneath Paris. These catacombs are now home to over 6 million once-living humans.

Something that makes these catacombs completely unique is that the skulls and bones, and sometimes full skeletons, are neatly stacked along the walls of these tunnels.

The tunnels were used to quarry limestone that was used to build many of Paris’ most iconic buildings and even bridges. You and just 18 other people will follow your guide through a maze of tunnels, pointing out specific locations within them that are notable.

Perhaps a secret society met there? Maybe they still do? Plus, the remains of those who were once well-known, whether famous or notorious. Underneath the beauty and romance of the City of Lights, these tunnels remind visitors of long-ago times when death was rampant in Europe.

More Information & Tour Booking

100% refund for cancellations within 24 hours of tour experience, other experiences you may enjoy:, 2. best family tour: catacombs of paris private tour for kids & families.

  • Departure Point : 15 Pl. du Pont Neuf, 75001 Paris
  • Departure Time : Variety available
  • Includes : Skip-the-line entry to the catacombs, kid friendly local guide

When bringing the family to Paris, you expect them to learn some of the history of the city not to mention their unique culture. After all, Paris is Paris and nowhere else is! However, there is one way you can make the history lessons a bit more fun.

The catacombs in Paris were originally limestone mines. After that, they were used to house the bones of over 6 million people that had been laid to rest in traditional cemeteries. But why?Paris, as with the rest of Europe, was battling against epidemics of many illnesses.

After the catacombs were created, it became much easier for the city to keep streets and houses clean, leading to a huge reduction in sickness and disease. But did they create a macabre reminder of those days with these skull and bone lined tunnels?

Your expert guide will be dedicated to you and your family only. Ask questions and explore. Learn the fascinating history as a family. And ask your expert tour guide to snap some great pictures, too!

Search For Paris Experiences You May Enjoy:

3. best sightseeing tour: skip-the-line paris catacombs special access tour.

  • Departure Point : 2 Av. du Général Leclerc, 75014
  • Departure Time : 12:30 PM & 5 PM
  • Includes : Skip-the-line entry to the catacombs, expert local guide

For centuries, thousands have died in Paris. Many of Paris’ citizens have met their fate during the epidemic of the black plague, the French Revolution, the era of the guillotine, and more.

When cemeteries are full and there’s no room for more cemeteries, what is Paris to do? Their answer was to remove the skulls and bones of many in cemeteries, taking them to the deep, dark limestone quarry tunnels beneath the city.

Who are these people that now call the Paris catacombs their resting place?

Listen to your expert guide tell you of ghost stories, the legends of those lost in the tunnels, and even of secret societies that keep coming back here.

Why? No one knows. But you might get a glimpse into Paris’ underbelly as you view walls and walks of full skeletons as well as skulls and bones used to decorate the tunnels.

Will you feel the chill of a spirit never at rest? Taken from their resting place and used to decorate walls, arches, and even an underground, macabre chapel?

You just might with this skip-the-line access to the catacombs of Paris. Be sure to bring a friend!

Related: Don’t Miss the Eiffel Tower! – Skip the Lines – Find the Best Tour for Your Money With Our Reviews.

4. best semi-private tour: paris catacombs semi-private tour with vip access.

  • Departure Point : Café du Rendez-vous
  • Departure Time : 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM & 12:30 PM
  • Duration : 1.5 hours (approx.)
  • Includes : Expert local guide, skip-the-line access, private tour with a maximum of 6 guests

Paris’ underbelly is home to a unique series of tunnels. These tunnels span hundreds of miles. Follow your local guide, an expert in the catacombs of Paris, as you learn about their history before they were made into catacombs.

You’ll also learn about why and how the catacombs were created. The stories and legends of these underground resting places for over 6 million people will give you the chills as you head from tunnel to tunnel.

This private tour will also give you access to areas of the catacomb tunnels that most people can’t see. Gather around the gate as a guard opens it and ushers you inside.

An underground chapel, decorated with skulls and bones, awaits you. And this is only one of the restricted access areas you will be able to see.

There’s no place quite like the Paris catacombs anywhere in the world. This tour allows you to experience it like most people don’t.

Related: See the World Famous Louvre Museum – Skip the Lines – Find the Best Tour for Your Money With Our Reviews.

5. best small group tour: catacombs of paris semi-private vip restricted access tour.

  • Departure Point : 1 Av. du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy, 75014
  • Includes : Admission ticket with fast track entry, expert guide, access to several restricted areas within the catacombs, a small group of up to 7 people

Viewing the catacombs beneath Paris is an experience in and of itself. The winding tunnels lined with remains both ancient and more recent give a macabre feeling, especially when compared to the beautiful city built above them.

With your expert guide, you will also learn the history behind the catacombs and how they were created. There are stories and legends of those who have been laid to rest here, and also of secret societies that still visit the Paris catacombs today.

This restricted access tour will also allow you to see several areas of the catacombs that most who visit them aren’t allowed access to. Your guide will take you to these places and explain why they are so important and have been closed off to general visitors.

Listen to your guide tell you of the gloomy underground of Paris, some more than 65 feet, below the modern streets of Paris. Watch as your guide unlocks gates to areas of the mine tunnels and catacombs with even more macabre legends.

Planning Guide For Your Paris Catacombs Visit

In TripAdvisor’s Travelers’ Choice Awards 2018, Paris was ranked as the #2 Top Destination in the World. While visiting the City of Lights may not be just as you expect after watching An American in Paris, a vacation in Paris is like nothing else.

With so many tourist spots to explore, you may find it difficult to plan everything you’d like to see and experience into just one vacation. I guess that just means you’ll have to come back to see this beautiful city again.

Our travel guide below can help you plan a vacation to Paris whether you are staying for 2 days or 10 and whether it’s your first visit or fifth.

Airports & Entry

When headed to France, you won’t need to apply for a visa so long as your expected stay is less than 90 days. You also need to have at least three months before your passport expires past the date you expect to leave the country.

An emergency passport will not be accepted unless you also have an approved visa, no matter the length of your stay. There should be at least one page available for a stamp when you arrive.

There are three major airports in the area of Paris, France. The one you fly into will most likely be determined by the airline you are using. That airline will fly into the airport it is contracted with. With that in mind, when flying to France you will most likely land at one of the following airports:

  • Paris Beauvais Airport
  • Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport
  • Paris Orly Airport

Planning Tips

Paris is unlike most other vacation destinations. The French, especially Parisians, live life a little differently. This means that while you’re there, you may have to get used to eating at different times and you may need to plan your attire.

On your first day, taking a guided tour of the city will help you zero in on areas you would like to spend more time in will help a lot.

These are our top 5 tips for visiting Paris. Have you been there and have tips of your own? Let us know!

Tip #1: Wear Comfortable Shoes

You will be going down many stairs to get into the catacombs, and the catacombs extend for miles. Even though you won’t be seeing all 200+ miles of them, it is still a pretty long walk. You will also have to ascend stairs to get out.

Most guided tours take 2 hours or so. This means you will be walking for a while. Be sure to pack some comfortable walking shoes for your visit to the Paris catacombs.

Tip #2: Bring a Jacket, and Maybe Gloves Too

It is usually very damp inside the catacomb tunnels. On top of that, the temperature is 15 degrees Celsius year-round. This equates to less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit. For most, this is a bit chilly at the very least. Most visitors are comfortable with a light jacket. However, having a thin pair of gloves won’t hurt either.

Tip #3: Invest in a Guided Tour

Because the number of guests in the tunnels at any one time is just 200, the lines to obtain a general admission ticket are usually very long. By purchasing a priority ticket through a guided tour, you can skip the lines at the entrance and go right in.

Another added bonus is that you will have a tour guide that can tell you much more about the Paris catacombs. Some tours even allow you to see areas of the tunnels that most don’t.

Tip #4: If Not, Arrive Early

If you haven’t planned ahead and purchased a tour with priority access to the catacombs, you will have to wait in line. This line can get quite long so be prepared for it. However, if you arrive 30 to 60 minutes before they open, you most likely won’t have to wait quite as long. Sometimes the wait can be hours, so be sure to get there early.

Tip #5: Are you claustrophobic?

There aren’t many restrictions when it comes to visiting the catacombs, except for a few banned items. Even kids can go inside for a look at the more sinister side of Paris. However, if you are claustrophobic and already know this, the catacombs may not be the ideal attraction for you. The good part is that there are always the famous cabarets of Paris, the Seine River cruises, or even guided tours of Versailles.

Tip #6: Stay in a Central Location

Everywhere you’re going to want to go as a tourist in Paris will be centrally located or have provided travel that leaves this area. Most of the hotels, many museums, and a lot of restaurants are all centrally located.

You’ll also find that the pickup and drop-off locations for many tours are located here. It makes things much easier if you find accommodations close to central Paris.

Tip #7: Always Have Euros on Hand

There are many stores and even restaurants that don’t accept debit or credit cards. Some taxis won’t accept plastic either. If an establishment does accept a card, they often won’t allow you to leave a tip on your receipt.

This means it’s important to always have a few euros on hand. Many ATMs in the city will allow you to use a foreign card to withdrawal euros.

Restaurants & Eating Out

The Ciel de Paris is one of the most romantic restaurants in the city. It is located in the Montparnasse Tower with beautiful views of the city. You’ll also find a well-stocked champagne bar available to you. The Polidor is one of the oldest restaurants in Paris.

It dates back to 1895 and the interior decor hasn’t changed much since. This is one of those restaurants that only take cash, so have a few euros on you.

In Paris, it’s hard to find a truly casual restaurant. Because of this, you’ll want to make sure that you’re dressed for the occasion. If you’re not sure what you could or should wear to a particular establishment, some will list their dress code online or you can always give them a call.

You should consider taking some French cooking classes while you are in Paris . Learn from the best and make the dishes you love at home!

Nightlife & Entertainment

Harry’s New York Bar was actually once located in New York City. The entire bar, just as it was, was moved over to Paris in the early 1900s. This bar is credited with inventing some of the most popular cocktails we know today, including the Bloody Mary and the Sidecar.

Wine and champagne are something most Parisians are very proud of. If you’re looking for an upscale wine bar, you’ll want to try out Compagnie des Vins Surnaturels. You’ll be able to try nearly every wine and champagne local to Paris. However, there are wine bars located in nearly every corner of the city.

From backroom speakeasies to modern nightclubs, Paris has a little bit of everything for everybody when it comes to nighttime entertainment.

Getting Around

There’s no shortage of ways to get around in Paris. The most popular, effective, and affordable way is the Metro. You may find it a bit intimidating at first due to the sheer number of lines and routes, but after a few trips to an attraction or restaurant, you’ll be riding the Metro like a pro.

You can purchase single ride tickets or a batch of 10. If you’re going to be in Paris longer there are also ride passes.

While traditional taxis can be quite expensive in the city, Uber offers some fairly inexpensive ways to get around town if traveling by car is best.

Walking between destinations is very doable in Paris but if you’d like to ride a bike instead, there’s plenty of kiosks that rent them. In fact, this can be a great way to tour the city and do some sightseeing on your own.


You’ll find everything from small and inexpensive hostels too large, luxury resorts in Paris. There are even small boutique hotels with spas and other amenities. Where you decide to stay while visiting Paris will largely depend on the type of experience you’re looking for.

If you wish to spoil yourselves, the Le Roch Hotel & Spa is perfectly located between restaurants, the Louvre Museum, and many tourist pick up spots. If you’re looking to meet other tourists, learn more about the city from those who’ve been here several times, and have a quieter stay, one of the many hostels around town are ideal. We recommend The Generator Hostel Paris.

On average, July is the warmest month in Paris. While the weather is much better during the summer months, there are usually more crowds. If you don’t want to have to fight the crowds and don’t mind cooler weather, traveling in late winter or early spring might just give you the blend of comfortable weather and fewer crowds. January is the coldest month, on average, with temperatures in the low 40s Fahrenheit.


Paris is full of attractions. The Louvre Museum is a popular stop for tourists. The Mona Lisa exhibit here can be quite busy, however. Use your limited time at this world-famous museum by taking in the many other exhibits, many of which are quite interesting and just as important to French history.

If you like to visit museums, you might want to try the Musee d’Histoire de la Medecine. You might just learn more about how modern medicine came to be. The Museum of Modern Art is a popular stop as well.

Thinking of taking some day trips?

If you enjoy Champagne, then do yourself a favor and take a day trip to Champagne and do some tastings while exploring the countryside.

Visiting the Palace of Versailles , exploring the Paris catacombs , taking a river cruise down the Seine River , and making it to the top of the Eiffel Tower usually top most tourist’s lists of attractions . Remember that traveling to or visiting these places can be much easier if you go as a group on a tour.

You may get priority access, free souvenir photos, and more, just for traveling with a tour group. This is often the most affordable way and makes it easier to plan the days you’re planning to spend in Paris.

The catacombs beneath the Paris streets are unique, intriguing, and maybe even a little bit creepy. But that’s exactly why they are so popular. If planning on visiting the Paris catacombs during your stay, keep these tips in mind.

Last but not least, while you are in the city of lights be sure to take a walking tour and do a wine tasting tour !

Disneyland Paris

Also outside the city, despite its name, is Disneyland Paris, 20 miles to the east. This famous theme park is the most visited attraction in France. If you’re visiting Paris with children, you’ll probably want to devote two days to Disney because there are two separate parks here: Disneyland Park opened in 1992 and Walt Disney Studios Park opened in 2002. Inside both, you’ll find thrill rides for all ages as well as classic attractions, like actors dressed up as your favorite Disney characters and Sleeping Beauty’s Castle. The easiest way to get to Disney Paris is with a shuttle and entrance ticket deal .

Tour Guides

The Catacombs of Paris: Restricted Access Tour is our Editor's Choice as the best Paris catacombs tour with its combination of expert tour guides and sites seen.

Krysha Thayer

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Tour Offers

Discovery of the catacombs .

Two kilometers of subterranean galleries tell the story of the Parisian underground and how it was exploited until it was transformed into an ossuary in the eighteenth century. 

The Paris underground: geology and quarries

Discover the geological history of Paris, shaped nearly 45 million years ago by a tropical sea whose sedimentary rocks dug from an immense network of subterranean quarries helped build Paris. This circuit gives access to the cave-ins.

  • Guided tours in French for individuals on Thursdays at 1p.m.: Discovery of the Catacombs

Reservation online Starting at age 10 Duration: 1.5 hours  No disabled access 

  • Choice of guided tours for groups with a museum lecturer

Because of strong demand, we recommend you reserve the time slot for your visit at least four weeks ahead of time.

Group size: 20 participants maximum, including accompanying persons. Group size for French sign language tour: 10 participants maximum, including accompanying persons.

  • Open tours for independent groups or with a lecturer from outside the museum 

Mandatory reservation Online tickets for groups

Group size: 20 participants maximum, including accompanying persons.  

Reservation Form


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  1. Virtual visit

    Access the virtual visit of The Catacombs of Paris Purchase the virtual visit in full-length. Tour Offers. Online Resources. Partager sur Twitter; Partager sur Facebook; Tous les musées de la ville de paris . Discover the museums of the City of Paris. Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris;

  2. Paris Catacombs Virtual Tour—How to Take a Virtual Tour of ...

    Mar 30, 2020. The Paris Catacombs are closed to the public right now thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, but you can now take a free, virtual tour of this creepy French landmark. Not for the ...

  3. The Paris Catacombs

    The Paris Catacombs | Official website

  4. Take a Virtual Tour of the Paris Catacombs

    Take a Virtual Tour of the Paris Catacombs. in History, Life, Travel | March 25th, 2020 1 Comment. The Paris Cat­a­combs is "one of those places," wrote pho­tog­ra­ph­er Félix Nadar, "that every­one wants to see and no one wants to see again.". If any­one would know, Nadar would. He spent three months in and out of the under ...

  5. Online visit

    Online visit (streaming) - The Catacombs of Paris. Duration 40 mn. This visit allows you to discover the Catacombs of Paris in a new way. Immerse yourself in the bowels of Paris guided by the curator of the place, an engineer geographer and an anthropologist to learn the secrets of these quarries converted into a unique ossuary in the world, a true temple of equality.

  6. Virtual Tour: Paris' Catacombs tour

    During our one hour tour, you will dive with our expert guide in the night of the tunnels of the catacombs, former quarries that became the ossuary of the former residents of Paris. You will learn how this site saved the city from ruin and the reason why it got created. The catacombs of Paris are vast, over 200 miles (322km) of tunnels are ...

  7. One Hour Virtual Tour in Paris Catacombs with Expert Guide

    Explore one of the creepiest attractions in the City of Light, without even leaving the house, on this virtual guided tour of the Paris Catacombs. Join your guide for this multimedia-packed webinar, explore Paris' subterranean graveyard, and listen to stories about the ancient bones interred there. You'll get to see photos and videos, ask questions, and chat live with your host—it's the next ...

  8. Paris's Catacombs Comes to Life in a Virtual Tour

    The Catacombs of Paris virtual tour offers visitors a 360 degree immersive experience. The Catacombs have been open since 1809 and stretch for over 200 miles; however, visitors (virtual or not ...

  9. You can take a virtual tour through the Paris Catacombs ...

    But if you do fancy a slice of gothic escapism, you can still head on down thanks to a very good free virtual tour available on the Catacombs' own website. Ignore the entrance sign that reads ...

  10. One Hour Virtual Tour in Paris Catacombs with Expert ...

    What is a Virtual Guided Tour? It is not virtual reality. It is a licensed guide led webinar packed with photos, videos, polls and a fully interactive chat function which makes this anything but a lecture video. There is also a live Q&A at the end satisfying all your questions about the Catacombs in Paris.

  11. One Hour Virtual Tour in Paris Catacombs with Expert Guide

    Explore one of the creepiest attractions in the City of Light, without even leaving the house, on this virtual guided tour of the Paris Catacombs. Join your guide for this multimedia-packed webinar, explore Paris&#39; subterranean graveyard, and listen to stories about the ancient bones interred there. You&#39;ll get to see photos and videos, ask questions, and chat live with your host—it ...

  12. Virtual Paris Tours: Visit Paris from Your Couch via the Internet

    Paris: Catacombs Virtual Tour with French History Expert. If you want to learn even more about the Paris catacombs, then you might consider booking a virtual tour of the Paris Catacombs. This one hour Paris virtual tour is led by a French historian, who will reveal many of the unusual stories behind Paris' underground spaces. ...

  13. Online Resources

    Teachers' packet on the "Paris Catacombs". Prepare your visit by downloading this file entitled "Paris Catacombs". It is designed for those who would like to know more about the Catacombs (geology, quarries and ossuary).

  14. Explore the Catacombs of Paris with a virtual visit

    Sure, the 41-minute virtual tour of the Winchester Mystery House is cool and all, but if you want to really go for spooky, ... the virtual visit to the Catacombs of Paris is still open.

  15. One Hour Virtual Tour in Paris Catacombs with Expert Guide ...

    What is a Virtual Guided Tour? It is not virtual reality. It is a licensed guide led webinar packed with photos, videos, polls and a fully interactive chat function which makes this anything but a lecture video. There is also a live Q&A at the end satisfying all your questions about the Catacombs in Paris. Whether you've never been abroad or spent every summer in France, enjoy this exciting ...

  16. Discover

    Search on the Catacombs website. Close search. Visit; History; Discover; ... Virtual tour, online resources to increase your knowledge. Tour Offers. Virtual visit. Online Resources. Tous les musées de la ville de paris . Discover the museums ... Paris Musées ! Discover the collections of all

  17. The six best virtual tours of Paris to take right now

    Interactive: 8/10. In-depth: 8/10. Cost: Free. The Sacré-Coeur's full name, in English, is the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paris. Like many other of the city's other iconic attractions it has a virtual tour, but the Sacré-Coeur's is the best of them. Its interface allows you to move through a series of 360 degree photographs both ...

  18. One Hour Virtual Tour in Paris Catacombs with Expert Guide

    Explore one of the creepiest attractions in the City of Light, without even leaving the house, on this virtual guided tour of the Paris Catacombs. Join your guide for this multimedia-packed webinar, explore Paris' subterranean graveyard, and listen to stories about the ancient bones interred there. You'll get to see photos and videos, ask questions, and chat live with your host—it's the next ...

  19. One Hours Virtual Tour in Paris Catacombs with Expert Guide

    What is a Virtual Guided Tour? It is not virtual reality. It is a licensed guide led webinar packed with photos, videos, polls and a fully interactive chat function which makes this anything but a lecture video. There is also a live Q&A at the end satisfying all your questions about the Catacombs in Paris. Whether you've never been abroad or spent every summer in France, enjoy this exciting ...

  20. The Best Paris Catacombs Tours to Take in 2024 and Why

    Short answer: Absolutely! The Paris Catacombs are a macabre and fascinating site visit. Located in an old Roman quarry, around 600,000 people visit the 6,000,000 bodies interred in the Catacombs yearly. As of 2023, the number of visitors to the catacombs has risen so dramatically that authorities have placed new restrictions on visitor access.

  21. Catacombes de Paris

    INFO: krpano 1.16.9 (build 2013-10-28) INFO: Desktop/Win32 - Chrome 112.0 INFO: registered to: Stefan VON LAUE WARNING: unknown action: ); if ERROR: loading of panos ...

  22. The 5 Best Paris Catacombs Tours [2024 Reviews]

    Paris Catacombs Tour Reviews. 1. Best Skip-the-Line Tour: Skip the Line 2-Hour Paris Catacombs Small Group Tour. Tour Highlights At A Glance: Departure Point: 1 Avenue du Colonel Henri Rol-Tanguy. Departure Time: 12:30 PM. Duration: 2 hours (approx.)

  23. Tour Offers

    Guided tours in French for individuals on Thursdays at 1p.m.: Discovery of the Catacombs. Reservation online. Starting at age 10. Duration: 1.5 hours. No disabled access. Choice of guided tours for groups with a museum lecturer. Because of strong demand, we recommend you reserve the time slot for your visit at least four weeks ahead of time.