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Viking River Cruises - China Land Tour and Yangtze River Cruise

Visit Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai, plus Sail the Mighty Yangtze River

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Have you always wanted to visit China, but its size, language, and complexity of travel arrangements kept you away? Why not take a combination land tour and Yangtze River cruise with Viking River Cruises?

Viking has three land and cruise tours in China. All three programs include hotel stays in Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai, plus a Yangtze River cruise on the Viking Emerald. In May 2014, I took the basic 13-day tour, "Imperial Jewels of China", which is described below. The 16-day "Roof of the World" includes everything in the Imperial Jewels tour, but adds on three nights in Lhasa, Tibet. The 18-day "China's Cultural Delights" includes the same hotel stays in Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai, but features an 11-day Yangtze River Cruise on the Viking Emerald rather than the 6-day cruise of the other two programs. 

The next ten sections below provide an overview of the "Imperial Jewels of China" land and cruise tour. Be sure to click on the links to see more details on each stopover, the Viking Emerald, and the Yangtze River cruise.

Overview of Land Tour and Yangtze River Cruise

Linda Garrison

China is the 4th largest country in the world, almost as large as the USA. However, its 1.3 billion in population far outnumber the 318 million who live in the United States. This size can make travel around the country challenging. However, with a Viking River Cruises' land and cruise tour, the company skillfully takes care of all the hotel and intra-China flight details, allowing its guests to enjoy the sights, sounds, and cultures of this amazing country. 

The land tour includes tours or visits to the major sights in and around Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai. It also includes a 6-day cruise on the Yangtze River between Chongqing and Wuhan, where guests can see some of the Chinese countryside, visit important sites along the way, and pass through the locks of the famous Three Gorges Dam.

Let's look at each of the destinations and sites included on the 13-day Viking River Cruises' "Imperial Jewels of China" cruise tour. Our tour started in Beijing and ended in Shanghai, but the program also runs in reverse.

First Two Days in Beijing

Day one - arrival in beijing.

Most international flights arrive in the afternoon or early evening, so guests have the first night on their own to rest or explore after checking into the hotel. Those who book their air travel with Viking River Cruises are met at the airport and transferred to their hotel.

Our cruise tour was full, with almost 250 participants divided into seven groups, each with a tour leader who stayed with his group the entire 13 days. To avoid overloading the breakfast facilities at a single hotel, Viking used two luxury hotels in Beijing--the Ritz Carlton Financial District and the Kerry Hotel, with three groups at one hotel and four at the other. Each hotel received rave reviews from those who stayed there.

Day Two in Beijing

The touring starts in earnest the next morning. Our first stop was one of China's icons--the Great Wall. Our tour visited the Badaling Hills entrance to the Wall, which is about 40 miles north of Beijing. We had free time to walk some of the Great Wall and to explore the numerous shops lining the road to the entrance.

Leaving the Great Wall, we stopped for lunch and then at the Sacred Way of the Ming Tombs. This mile-long walkway is lined with 15th century pairs of giant animals, men, and mythological creatures.

On the way back to the hotel, we had a photo stop at one of Beijing's newer iconic monuments, the National Olympic Stadium (also called the Bird's Nest), which was built for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games.

After an excellent dinner at the hotel, our long first day concluded with an optional tour--a performance of the Beijing Opera House. The elaborate costumes, unusual music, and complicated plots easily made up for not being able to understand a word sung.

Days Three and Four in Beijing

Day three in beijing.

Our second full day in China started with a visit to Tiananmen Square in the center of Beijing. Covering 100 acres, it is the world's largest public square. Tiananmen Square is also the site of Mao Zedong's tomb and Memorial Hall, and has been the site of public celebrations and rallies for centuries, and many of us remember the pro-democracy demonstrations of 1989.

Next, we used a tunnel to pass under the street dividing Tiananmen Square from the Forbidden City, which is now called the Palace Museum. It is completely paved with bricks and covers 175 acres. Groups enter through the gate nearest Tiananmen Square, walk through the site taking time to peek inside some of the many palaces and structures, and exit out the back gate, where the buses are waiting.

After lunch, many of us did an optional tour to the Summer Palace on the outskirts of Beijing. This 700-acre garden and complex of palaces and other structures was used by the emperor and royal family as a summer retreat, with Empress Dowager Cixi being responsible for the current design. A tour of this site along with that of the Forbidden City certainly demonstrates how well the members of royal dynasties lived in China.

Although Viking includes all meals in its tour, many of us chose an optional dinner at a famous Peking duck restaurant rather than the included dinner at a local restaurant. Preparation of this dish is time consuming and it tasted better than any duck I've ever had.

Day Four--Beijing and Travel to Xi'an

Our last day in Beijing, we left the checked baggage outside the hotel room at the appointed hour, and then identified it before it was loaded in the storage area under the bus. The baggage was checked as a group and we didn't see our checked bags until the hotel in Xi'an late that afternoon.

Before leaving Beijing, we visited one of the city's old bell towers, watched two men play a popular shuttlecock game, and toured one of the old hutongs in a rickshaw pedicab. While in the hutong, we visited the home of one of the residents and had time to enjoy a traditional tea ceremony at a local tea house.

Before heading to the airport, we had a box lunch on the bus. Since our tour leader checked us in and distributed all the boarding passes, all we had to do was clear security, board the plane and fly off to our next stop, Xi'an.

Xi'an - Terra Cotta Warriors

Xi'an was the capital city for 12 Chinese dynasties, and its history goes back over 3000 years. Xi'an was also the starting point of the famous Silk Road, a trading route that linked China with Europe. This Silk Road brought wealth and a mix of different cultures to Xi'an that continues even today,

After flying to Xi'an from Beijing, we ate dinner before going to the hotel at the "best dumpling restaurant" in Xian, named Defachang Dumpling Restaurant. Everyone at our table for 10 enjoyed the meal. We had appetizers of chicken on a stick, duck, cucumbers in vinegar with hot peppers, cabbage salad, tofu, soup, onions and mushrooms, and a noodle dish. After eating the appetizers, the Chinese dumplings started rolling out--one batch at a time--until we all had a taste of a dozen different types--sausage, ham, pork, veggies, shrimp, pickled cabbage (like kimchi), bamboo shoots and tomatoes, mushroom and chicken, duck, spicy pork, and spicy chicken. Great fun and delicious.

Leaving the restaurant, we checked into the Hilton Hotel downtown. Some of the other groups stayed at the Crowne Plaza. Both hotels were in the old downtown area of Xi'an.

Day Five - Full Day in Xi'an

We left the hotel early in the morning to make the 30-mile drive to the site where farmers found the terra cotta warriors in 1974. This site is the primary reason most people travel to Xi'an. Although we spent the entire morning exploring the three areas where warriors were discovered, plus the museum, I think most of us could have stared longer at these amazing life-sized figures, each of which has a unique face.

The Viking groups left the terra cotta warriors about noontime, and the buses stopped nearby for a nice lunch before returning to the city. The restaurant was on the third floor of a retail building that housed a studio that made replica terra cotta figures in all sizes on the ground floor and lacquered furniture on the second floor. It was fun to shop, and the meal was delicious, especially the cooked-to-order noodles.

Xi'an - Old City Walls, Dinner Show, and Museum

Returning to the hotel after a late lunch, we had free time to explore the old city walls and the historic inner city. That evening, many of us went to an optional (additional cost) Tang dynasty dinner show while the rest of the group enjoyed dinner at a local restaurant. On the way back to the hotel, we loved seeing the city at night, especially the colorfully illuminated Bell Tower.

Day Six - Shaanxi History Museum in Xi'an and Flight to Chongqing

Before we flew from Xi'an to Chongqing, our group stopped at the Shaanxi History Museum, one of China's national Museums. The 300,000 piece collection was varied, including pieces from neolithic period up through the Tang and pre-Ming periods. Those of you who have been subjected to airport food might be surprised to learn that we had a delicious meal at a Xi'an airport restaurant. All the food was tasty, and the servers just kept bringing it out. Our flight to Chongqing left right on time (about 2 pm), and we landed about 4 pm.

Boarding the Viking Emerald in Chongqing

Day six - chongqing, pandas and boarding the viking emerald.

Chongqing has China's largest metropolitan administrative area, with over 32 million residents. (Shanghai has about 25 million in its administrative area and New York City has about 23 million.)

After boarding the bus at the airport, we rode through the mountainous city (no bicycles here) for about an hour, passing mile after mile of high-rise apartment and office buildings. The city sits on a peninsula, with the Yangtze River on one side and the Jialing River on the other, so there are lots of bridges.

Chonqqing is known as one of China's three "furnaces" (along with Wuhan and Nanjing) due to its stifling summer humidity along with massive pollution. It looks very foggy, but the heavy air is mostly smog.

Our first stop was at the Chonqing Zoo, where we arrived about 5:30, which was 30 minutes after it closed. No problem. They let the three buses of us in, and we headed for the panda exhibit. The zoo had red lesser pandas and the giant pandas we are more familiar with. The lesser pandas are red with black markings, but look like very large racoons. There were about six in one large enclosure with a moat separating us--no cages. I think they had four of the giant pandas, each in its own area (also with a moat). I had almost forgotten how unsocial they are, preferring to be alone with their bamboo.

We got a great look at three of the pandas, and spent about 30 minutes at the panda exhibit watching them eat their bamboo dinner and walk around their individual enclosures. I had seen pandas before at the Atlanta and Washington, DC zoos, but it was really special seeing them at their homeland.

Leaving the zoo, we got to the Viking Emerald about 6:45 pm. May was not the high water season, so we had to go down a whole bunch of steps and walk a gangway about 100 yards over the mud to reach the ship. However, one advantage of small ships is the lack of lines to board, so we were in our cabin less than five minutes after stepping on the ship. Our bags arrived soon after.

Photo Tour of the Viking Emerald

The Viking Emerald is a 256-passenger ship with six decks. All the cabins and suites have a private balcony. Click on the links below to see and learn more about the different venues on this lovely Yangtze River cruise ship

  • Reception Area
  • Dining Room
  • Emerald Bar
  • Observation Lounge
  • Fitness Center
  • Balcony Cabin

On the Yangtze River with Viking Cruises

Day 6 - sailaway from chongqing.

The Viking Emerald was docked in downtown Chongqing, and when the ship sailed away about 10 pm, many of us gathered outdoors on the top deck to watch the gorgeous city lights as we passed under some of the spectacular contemporary bridges. Our Yangtze cruise ship was away!

Day 7 - Shibaozhai Temple

The next day, fog on the river delayed our arrival at the Shibaozhai Temple near Zhongxian. However, after six very busy days in Beijing and Xi'an, we were all happy to have a day to relax on the ship. In the late afternoon, the Viking Emerald docked, and we walked ashore with a local guide.

The Shibaozhai Temple sits on a cliff overlooking the town of Zhongxian. Much of the town was submerged when the Three Gorges Dam caused the river to rise, and a large dam was built around the Temple to protect it from the rising waters. Visitors now walk through the town and across a high swinging pedestrian bridge to reach the Shibaozhai Temple.

It's quite interesting to climb up in the 12-story pavilion and see the Chinese architecture of the structure. After the tour, we had plenty of time to shop on the walk back to the ship before dinner.

Day 8 - New Wushan and the Lesser Three Gorges

A highlight of any Yangtze River cruise is sailing through the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River and the Lesser Three Gorges of the Daning River, which is a tributary of the Yangtze. Our ship sailed through the first of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze soon after breakfast. It was amazing and a promise of things to come later in the morning.

Although the Viking Emerald is a small ship, it's not small enough to go very far up the Daning, so all of us boarded a day boat at New Wushan to make the trek up the Daning to see the Lesser Three Gorges. This day boat had covered seating for everyone, a snack bar, and a bathroom, so it was comfortable for a morning tour.

The Lesser Three Gorges are as spectacular as advertised, with towering cliffs on either side of the river, and rocks and trees covering the hillsides. Our boat ride only lasted until lunch time, and we returned to the Viking Emerald to eat and then sail through the second of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze.

More Time on the Yangtze with Viking River Cruises

Day 9 - three gorges dam.

The Three Gorges Dam is one of the engineering marvels of the 21st century. This huge lock and dam are interesting to see from the river and sail through, but we also went ashore to view the complex from a huge visitor center area on a hill overlooking the area.

In the afternoon, we sailed through the last of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze and entered into a less mountainous region of China.

Day 10 - Visit to the Jing Zhou School

Viking River Cruises sponsors three schools along the Yangtze, and guests on the Viking Emerald get to visit one of the schools while on the cruise near Jing Zhou, an industrial city of "only" about a million residents

It was fun for the students to practice their English and for us to see the classrooms and to interact with the children.

That afternoon, we continued sailing towards Wuhan, and many of us attended another educational lecture on China, the last of several we enjoyed while onboard.

Day 11 - Wuhan and Flight to Shanghai

Our Yangtze River Cruise was over way too soon, and we disembarked the next morning. Before flying to Shanghai, we had time to visit the famous Hubei Provincial Museum in Wuhan.

This museum has many interesting exhibits, but is famous for the artifacts found in the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng who died in 433 BC, but whose tomb was not opened until 1978. Thousands of items were removed, including his coffin and those of about two dozen young women that scientists conclude were concubines who accompanied him to the next life. The set of ancient bronze bells are another iconic symbol of China, and we viewed the originals and enjoyed a musical concert using a set of replicas.

We had a box lunch on the bus while driving to the airport. Next stop, Shanghai.

Two Nights and a Day in Shanghai

Our Viking River cruise tour ended with two nights in Shanghai. On the drive into the city, we stopped for a short walk along The Bund, which still retains the look of colonial Shanghai. The day was sunny and clear, and we had spectacular views of the modern Pudongsection of Shanghai on the opposite side of the river.

As in the other cities, our hotel was luxurious. Our group stayed at the Shangri-la Jing'an, which was located on West Nanjing Road in a large complex of buildings that included a huge indoor shopping mall and easy access to the excellent Shanghai subway system. The hotel rooms were large, and all were above the 30th floor with amazing views of the city. Some of the other groups stayed at the Westin Hotel, which was just a short walk from The Bund and very nice.

We enjoyed an excellent dinner at our hotel and then some of us returned to The Bund to see what it looked like after dark.

Day 12 - A Full Day in Shanghai

Our first stop the next morning was at the Yuyuan Gardens and adjacent shopping bazaar. The gardens date back to the 16th century and are a peaceful example of a typical Chinese garden.

Leaving the gardens and bazaar, we stopped for lunch at a Mongolian restaurant that had a retail area on the second floor with some gorgeous examples of Chinese embroidery. Like other time-consuming handicraft artwork, this one is becoming a lost art since most young women are not interested in spending hundreds of hours on intricate embroidery pieces. Like Oriental rugs, many of the embroidery pieces sell for thousands of dollars, but often take almost a whole year to complete. How many of us would sew or weave everyday for a year to make a piece that would only bring less than $10,000?

After lunch, we visited the wonderful Shanghai Museum, with its diverse exhibits covering thousands of years of Chinese history. Our long day in Shanghai ended with an included dinner and the opportunity to experience the memorable Chinese acrobat show. It was a perfect ending to a trip of a lifetime visit to China with Viking River Cruises.

Day 13 - Time to Go Home (or not)

Most of our fellow travelers left the next day to fly home, but some did either the escorted 4-night Viking extension to Guilin and Hong Kong or stayed an additional two nights in Shanghai in order to have free time in the city and the chance to visit the nearby city of Suzhou with a guide.

Summary and Closing Thoughts

Our time in China ended all too soon. Everyone I spoke with in the other groups thought they had the best tour leader (although we all knew in David's group that we had the best one). This speaks well for the quality of the people Viking has selected to lead and manage their cruise tours.

The hotels, ship, and tour organization were exceptional, with no time wasted in airports or visiting the many different sites. I felt like our valuable time was spent doing exactly what we all wanted--to experience as many of the highlights in China as we could in only two weeks. The team at Viking River Cruises met or exceeded the expectations we had for every part of this program.

As is common in the travel industry, the writer was provided with complimentary cruise and hotel accommodation for the purpose of review. While it has not influenced this review, About.com believes in full disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest. For more information, see our Ethics Policy.

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Yangtze River Cruise 2024/2025

The Yangtze River is one of the most interesting rivers in the world . It is blessed with a richness of natural/manmade scenery and cultural relics such as the Three Gorges Dam , Gemstone Stronghold, and Shennong Stream. A Yangtze River cruise will give you the opportunity to see some of the most spectacular scenery imaginable.

Taking a Yangtze cruise is a popular way to discover China. It can slow your pace and relax your mind with a leisurely journey, letting you take in picturesque gorges from a deck chair or personal balcony. Every year, millions of travelers have come to China to enjoy this fantastic experience.

Cruise Calendar

Yangtze river cruise itinerary.

The most popular route for Yangtze River cruises is between Chongqing and Yichang, which is also one of the most beautiful sections of the Yangtze River. The downstream journey (Chongqing to Yichang) typically lasts 3 nights and 4 days, while the upstream journey (Yichang to Chongqing) usually lasts 4 nights and 5 days.

Some cruise ships operate longer routes between Chongqing and Shanghai, such as the Century Legend , which, in addition to the essential Chongqing-Yichang section, also visits other famous Chinese cities like Yangzhou, Nanjing, Wuhan, etc.

Feel free to contact our Yangtze River Cruise expert for advice on the most suitable cruise ships and itineraries.

The Most Recommended Cruises for 2024/2025

There are over 30 luxury cruise ships sailing on Yangtze River, which are operated by six cruise companies, including Century Cruises, Victoria Cruises, Sanctuary Retreats ( Yangtze Explorer ), President Cruises, Yangtze Gold Cruises, and Changjiang Cruises. When faced with so many options, you may be confused about choosing a cruise ship.

According to our data from the cruise companies and the feedback from our customers, here are our cruise ships recommendations for 2024/2025:

Popular Yangtze Tours

  • See the Great Wall Tastefully Lit at Night
  • Make a Terracotta Warrior with Your Own Hands
  • See the two grandest rivers in China
  • Explore the most beautiful countryside
  • Best for a multi-generation tour
  • Meet the cuddly pandas and great Yangtze
  • Feed a lovely giant panda
  • Explore China's classic sights

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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China

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Viking River Cruises to China

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China River Cruises - Viking River Cruises

China does everything big. It is the second largest country by area, it has the most people and its most famous landmark, The Great Wall of China, can be seen from space. With so much to see and do in this behemoth of a nation, taking a river cruise to China with Viking is a great way to maximize your experience without getting lost in the crowd.

While Viking's itineraries in China all involve the Yangtze River, which is approximately 3,915 miles long, these vacations aren't just river cruises. Viking has created a few amazing China itineraries that have you flying through this country and stopping in cities like Lijiang in the southwest and Beijing in the Northeast. You will be escorted all over the country ensuring you come home with a comprehensive experience in this Far Eastern land.

Depending on the itinerary you choose, you could be attending a Peking Opera one day and gazing up at the 12-story Shiboazhi temple the next. You could also be traveling to Lhasa in Tibet to see the winter palace of the Dalai Lama or visiting a Panda research center in Chengdu. Most itineraries include a scenic day on the Yangtze as you pass through the Three Gorges, an area along the river where the land surrounding the river juts upward, creating a magical experience for those traveling through with Viking River Cruises.

Onboard the Viking Emerald, which was built in 2011, you will have everything you need and more. There is a gym and beauty salon, along with a library and internet cafe all on a ship that has 128 staterooms with views of the beautiful river landscape. While onboard, be sure to sit in on the fascinating lectures about the region and its culture. Continue below for a sampling of the great experiences available on a Yangtze River cruise with Viking River Cruises:

China's Forbidden City

  • Walk through Beijing's Forbidden City (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) and visit the storied Tiananmen Square as you take in the architectural and cultural treasures of Beijing.  
  • Head north to the Badaling Hills to see one of the most-preserved stretches of the Great Wall of China. Take in the expansive views as you climb the stairs along this winding marvel.  

Xian's Terracotta Warriors

  • In Xian, China you can admire the life-sized soldier, chariot and horse statues of Emperor Qin Shi Huang's Terra Cotta Army, laid in the ground more than 2,000 years ago.  
  • Step back into the Han Dynasty as you sail to Fengdu for a tour of the Snow Jade Cave. This series of underground limestone formations opens up like a hidden labyrinth beneath the rocky surface.  

Three Gorges River Passage

  • Traverse the Three Gorges region by way of the Qutang Gorge, arguably the most breathtaking of the three stunning passages bordered by towering, rocky canyons.  
  • Wander through Suzhou, known as the "Venice of the East" for its canal system, and tour the Old Town, visit a local silk factory or relax in a garden.  

Contact The Cruise Web to learn more about Viking River Cruises' China cruise itineraries. Our river cruise specialists are trained to find the best river cruise for your time and money, so call us today at 1-800-377-9383.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Yangtze River cruises in China from Viking River Cruises.

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Three Gorges Dam Cruises

About the three gorges dam.

Three Gorges Dam

The Yangtze’s Three Gorges is the river’s most famed stretch, long known for its treacherous and rocky passage. Once boats could only travel here by means of trackers (men who pulled the ships by ropes as they walked along the slippery rapids). Now, with the creation of the Three Gorges Dam, the scenic gorges are accessible, and travelers can delight in the misty beauty of lush greenery, towering cliffs and the vestiges of traditional life along the river’s banks.

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2024-2027 RIVER CRUISE AND AIR FARES:  Offer applies to bookings made from September 1-30, 2024. Terms & conditions for select promotions may vary. $25 deposit is applicable to all River itineraries. Special fares plus up to FREE International airfare valid on select departures of Grand European Tour, Lyon Provence & the Rhineland, European Sojourn and Capitals of Eastern Europe, Paris to the Swiss Alps, Cities of Light, London, Paris & D-Day, Rhine & Main Explorer . Airfares may vary on other gateways & departures. Airfare does not have to be purchased to get cruise\cruisetour offer. All prices are in US dollars and for US residents only. Additional restrictions may apply. 2024 : Pay in full by September 30, 2024 or at time of booking if within 120 days of departure. 2025 : Pay in full by October 31, 2024. 2026 : Pay in full by April 30, 2025. 2027 : Pay in full by January 15, 2026. Offers expires September 30, 2024.

$25 DEPOSIT:  For itineraries 35 days or less, a $25 deposit applies to February 2025 & onward departures; for itineraries greater than 35 days, a $25 deposit applies to April 2025 & onward departures; World Cruise products excluded; call for details.

AIR UPGRADE:  Upgrade to Premium Economy air from $799 per person or Business Class air from $3,499 per person based on select gateways and dates. Additional airline-imposed baggage charges may apply; for more information visit  Airline Luggage Restrictions  . Air prices are per person based on cruise/cruisetour check-in date and include transfers plus all government taxes/fees of approximately $160 and air fuel surcharges. Air seats are limited; airfares are subject to change and are not guaranteed until full payment of air is received. For more information about customized air services and US gateways, visit the Viking Air Plus page.

GENERAL RESTRICTIONS:  Cruise fares listed are cruise only in U.S. dollars, per person, based on double occupancy. Single supplement savings are off applicable rates. Cruise fares listed are valid for U.S. residents only. All fares and offers are for new bookings only and are subject to availability, may not combinable with other offers except Viking Explorer Society Travel Credits and Viking Referral Rewards, are capacity-controlled and may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Special fares are based upon published full brochure fares; cruise fares do not include pre-paid charges, optional facilities, and personal charges, as defined in the terms and conditions of the  Passenger Ticket Contract  which may be viewed elsewhere on this website. Full brochure fares may not have resulted in actual sales in all stateroom categories and may not have been in effect during the last 90 days. Promotional fares may remain in effect after the expiration date. Air promotion applies to roundtrip flights only from select Viking Cruises U.S. gateways and includes airport-to-ship or hotel transfers, air taxes and air fuel surcharges. Roundtrip airport transfers are included when air is purchased with a cruise or cruisetour package; if air is not purchased from Viking, transfers may be purchased separately. All transfers must be in conjunction with a Viking-purchased cruise, cruisetour, land extension or extra hotel nights. Viking reserves the right to correct errors or omissions and to change any and all fares at any time. For up-to-date prices, please call Viking or your Travel Agent. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Complete terms and conditions may be found in the  Passenger Ticket Contract .

AIR OFFER RESTRICTIONS:  Offer expires September 30, 2024.

NOTE: U.S. flights depart one day prior to check-in date. Paid Business or Premium Economy Class may require travel in economy on flights within North America or Europe. Premium economy is limited to specific airlines and we may not be able to accommodate based on aircraft type and availability. Roundtrip airport transfers are included when air is purchased with a cruise or cruisetour package; if air is not purchased from Viking, transfers may be purchased separately. All transfers must be in conjunction with a Viking-purchased cruise, cruisetour, land extension or extra hotel nights. Air prices are per person based on cruise/cruisetour check-in date and include transfers plus all government taxes/fees of approximately $160 and air fuel surcharges. Air seats are limited; airfares are subject to change and are not guaranteed until full payment of air is received.

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Notice! 2024 available cruise routes include 4~5 days Chongqing-Yichang(most classic) and 11~12 days Chongqing-Yichang-Shanghai(limited).

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Yangtze River Cruise Routes & Lines

Yangtze River Cruises

Routes, Lines & Itineraries

Yangtze River Cruise Routes, Itineraries & Lines 2024/2025

In the year of 2024/2025, we China Discovery offer the  Yangtze River cruise sailing between Chongqing and Yichang , which is the best and golden section  along the Yangtze River, both for Yangtze cruise new travellers and people visiting for the second or more time.

For travellers to enjoy the fantastic view of the Yangtze, highlights of the Three Gorges and poetic outstanding shore excursion attractions, there are:

  • ♦ 4 days & 3 nights Chongqing to Yichang Downstream Cruise
  • ♦ 5 days & 4 nights Yichang to Chongqing Upstream Cruise
  • Click and Jump to detailed itinerary >>

Also, there are cruise routes between Chongqing and Shanghai  offered by Century Legend  in 2024, providing guides with the most complete and comfortable way to explore landscapes, history and culture of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River :

  • ♦ 11 days & 10 nights Chongqing Shanghai Downstream Cruise
  • ♦ 12 days & 11 nights Shanghai Chongqing Upstream Cruise

Sepcial Treats: Yangtze 2 from Changjiang Cruises has finished its upgrading and reconstruction, will be available to the 4 Days 3 Nights Wuhan-Nanjing Line from 6 June 2024 to 16 October 2024, and operating 4 runs of 10 Days 9 Nights Chongqing-Nanjing Line (Chongqing to Nanjing on 27 June 2024 and 25 October 2024; Nanjing to Chongqing on 16 October 2024 and 03 November 2024):

Notice : Due to rising water levels, all cruises between Wuhan and Nanjing, and several Chongqing and Nanjing cruises were canceled in 2024. For more information, please feel free to contact our travel consultants .

  • ♦ 4 days & 3 nights Wuhan Nanjing Downstream Cruise
  • ♦ 4 days & 3 nights Nanjing Wuhan Upstream Cruise
  • ♦ 10 days & 9 nights Chongqing Nanjing Downstream Cruise
  • ♦ 10 days & 9 nights Nanjing Chongqing Upstream Cruise

Chosen by most Yangtze River cruise travellers and received good reviews and feedback about the sightseeing, enjoyment, cruise onboard experience and other aspects. All luxury river cruise companies  have been sailing their ships on the Yangtze River for so many years. Now, they all become professional, luxurious, and reputable for your selection.

2024 Recommended Yangtze River Cruise Ships:

Chongqing to Yichang Classic Three Gorges Line:

Chongqing to Yichang Cruise

Century Oasis

2023 best Yangtze River cruise ship choice

From $526-$571

Chongqing to Yichang Cruise

Century Victory

hot 5-star centurycruises

2022 brand new sister ship of Century Glory

Chongqing to Yichang Cruise

Victoria Sabrina

Largest & 2020 newly built eco-friendly luxury cruise

From $504-$593

Chongqing to Yichang Cruise

Century Glory

2019 built popular luxury cruise

Chongqing to Yichang Cruise

Century Paragon

Classic leading luxury Yangtze River vessel

From $429-$474

Chongqing to Yichang Cruise

Victoria Jenna

Star Flagship of American managed Yangtze cruise

From $385-$474

Chongqing to Yichang Cruise

All-inclusive package & 2023 newly built

Chongqing to Yichang Cruise

Yangtze Gold 8

Renowned luxurious decor & spacious cabins

From $422-$459

Special Routes of Yangtze River Cruises:

Chongqing to Shanghai Cruise

Century Legend

12 & 11 Days Shanghai-Chongqing

From request

Chongqing Yichang Cruise to Shennongjia

Yangtze Explorer

Upstream special treats to Shennongjia or Wuyuan Cave in Badong

From $1,453-$3,337

Chongqing Nanjing & Wuhan Nanjing Cruise

4 Days Wuhan-Nanjing 10 Days Chongqing-Nanjing

Other Yangtze River Cruise Routes, Destinations & Itininerary

— may not be avaliable in 2024

In the past, Yangtze River Cruises occasionally offered special cruise itineraries, including the Chongqing-Wuhan , Wuhan-Shanghai , etc. However, there are no plans for operating these in 2024. We are currently following up on the specifics for 2025. Feel free to contact our travel consultant if you want the latest information about the relevant lines. Lengths and destinations of several special cruise itineraries for your reference:

Nanjing - Shanghai

  • 4 days & 3 nights Nanjing Shanghai Downstream Cruises
  • 4 days & 3 nights Shanghai Nanjing Upstream Cruises

Wuhan - Nanjing

  • 4 days & 3 nights Wuhan Nanjing Downstream Cruises
  • 4 days & 3 nights Nanjing Wuhan Upstream Cruises

Notice: In the second half of 2024 (6th July to 16th October), the new refurbished Yangtze 2 Cruise will sail on the Wuhan-Nanjing Line, if you are interested, please get in touch with our travel consultants for prices and detailed itineraries >>

Chongqing - Wuhan

  • 8 days & 7 nights Chongqing Wuhan Downstream Cruises
  • 8 days & 7 nights Wuhan Chongqing Upstream Cruises

Chongqing - Nanjing

  • 10 days & 9 nights Chongqing Nanjing Downstream Cruises
  • 10 days & 9 nights Nanjing Chongqing Upstream Cruises

In the second half of 2024 (between 27th June to 12th November), newly refurbished Yangtze 2 Cruise will sail 4 runs between Chongqing and Nanjing, please feel free to contact our staff for prices and specific itineraries >>

Chongqing Yichang | 4 & 5 Days Three Gorges Cruise Lines

Yangtze River Chongqing Yichang Cruise Route Map

Yangtze River Chongqing Yichang Cruise Route Map

4 Days & 3 Nights Chongqing to Yichang Downstream Cruise | Itinerary & Destination

The downstream cruise from Chongqing takes 3 nights and 4 days to give travellers an essence tour to the Yangtze River in China. On this cruise trip, traveller guests would get on the cruise ship at Chongqing Chaotianmen Port, and leave the ship at Maoping Port to visit the Three Gorges Dam Site, and take the arranged bus to Yichang Three Gorges Center Cruise Terminal to end the cruise tour.

Chongqing to Yichang Cruise

Cruise Itinerary (Chongqing to Yichang)

— 4 days & 3 nights at a quick glance

Day 1: Chongqing Embarkation — Chaotianmen Dock……

Day 2: Fengdu County - Zhongxian — Fengdu Ghost City, Feng Yan San Guo Show……

Day 3: Fengjie - Wushan — Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge, Shennv Stream……

Day 4: Zigui - Yichang Disembarkation — Three Gorges Dam Site, Ship Lift……

On day 1 , arrive in  Chongqing , reach Chongqing Chaotianmen Dock (重庆朝天门码头) and get on your cruise ship after about 18:00 at the correct dock informed by your Travel Consultant. The ship would depart from Chongqing at 21:00~23:00 at night.

On day 2 , take shore excursion visits in Fengdu County (Fengdu Ghost City 丰都鬼城, Mount Shuanggui 双桂山…) or Zhongxian (Shibaozhai Pagoda 石宝寨, Feng Yan San Guo Show 烽烟三国…). During the day, enjoy the multiple interesting cultural activities and lectures onboard the ship.

On day 3 , sail through the Three Gorges (三峡), appreciate the magnificent and amazing sightseeing of the Qutang Gorge (瞿塘峡) and Wu Gorge (巫峡), and pay a visit to the poetry-famous White Emperor City (白帝城) and ride a small boat on the pristine tributaries, for instance, Shennv Stream (神女溪), Shennong Stream (神农溪), Lesser Three Gorges (小三峡), etc. to explore authentic local culture and sceneries. Have fun with the night’s entertainment and shows.

On day 4 , after breakfast, there are two kinds of arrangements. Arrangement A , take an optional experience of the Ship Lift (升船机) and visit the great Three Gorges Dam Site (三峡大坝) to marvel at the unbelievable skills and wisdom of Chinese people. After the sightseeing, take the arranged bus to Yichang Three Gorges Center Cruise Terminal (宜昌三峡游客中心). Cruise tour ends; Arrangement B , visit the Three Gorges Dam Site and take the arranged bus to Yichang Three Gorges Center Cruise Terminal. Cruise tour ends.

Check the detailed itinerary of the 4 Days & 3 Nights Downstream Cruise from Chongqing to Yichang .

Recommended cruise lines/companies

  • Century Cruises: is dedicated to improving the quality of its ships' facilities and services with European-style management, establishing itself as a benchmark in China's river cruise tourism industry.
  • Victoria Cruises:  the American-style managed cruise company on the Yangtze River. With superior services onboard and well-arranged shore excursions, Victoria Cruises would definitely be a good value for the money.
  • Yangtze Explorer: the most luxury cruise under Sanctuary Retreats with deluxe one-on-one service sailing on the Yangtze River!
  • Changjiang Cruises: all-in-one cruise tour packages with newly launched/refurbished ships and newly developed shore excursions to savour the panoramic scenery of the Three Gorges.
  • Yangtze Gold Cruises: a well-publicized cruise company on the Yangtze River, winning itself a reputation overseas.
  • President Cruises: the only downstream cruise company offering shore excursions to Shibaozhai Pagoda.

Besides,  all Yangtze River cruise ships  (except Century Legend) serve with such 3 nights and 4 days cruise route, you can find your favorite cruise to enjoy the most.

Chongqing to Yichang Yangtze River Cruises

5 Days & 4 Nights Yichang to Chongqing Upstream Cruise

Since this upstream Yangtze River cruise from Yichang to Chongqing needs 5 days and 4 nights to enjoy, it has a relatively relaxing pace, and it is a better choice for visitors who expect a special vacation at a leisurely pace during a long journey. On this cruise tour, you gather at Yichang Three Gorges Center Cruise Terminal / Yichang East Railway Station for the shuttle bus to Maoping Port for embarkation and end the tour by leaving the cruise at Chaotianmen Port in Chongqing City.

Yichang to Chongqing Cruise

Cruise Itinerary (Yichang to Chongqing)

— 5 days & 4 nights at a quick glance

Day 1: Yichang Embarkation — Board your ship at Maoping Port, except Yangtze 1

Day 2: Yichang — Tribe of Three Gorges, Three Gorges Dam…… — (Yangtze Explorer) Wuyuan Cave or Shennongjia National Nature Reserve…… -->

Day 3: Wushan - Fengjie — Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge, Shennong Stream……

Day 4: Fengdu or Zhongxian — Fengdu Ghost City……

Day 5: Chongqing Disembarkation — Chaotianmen Dock, around 9:00 a.m.

On day 1 , from about 16:00 to 21:00, gather at Yichang Three Gorges Center Cruise Terminal (宜昌三峡游客中心) or Yichang East Railway Station (宜昌东站) and take the arranged bus to Maoping Port (茅坪港) to board the ship.

On day 2 , take a shore excursion to the Tribe of Three Gorges (三峡人家), usually as an optional shore excursion site, and visit the world-famous Three Gorges Dam site.

On day 3 , sail through the Wu Gorge (巫峡) and Qutang Gorge (瞿塘峡) to appreciate the super primitive natural sightseeing, ride a small boat on the Shennv Stream (神女溪)/Shennong Stream (神农溪)/Lesser Three Gorges (小三峡), etc., to enjoy the serene landscape and take a shore excursion to the White Emperor City (白帝城) or Three Gorges Summit (三峡之巅) to look out the iconic/panoramic views of the Three Gorges.

On day 4 , visit Fengdu Ghost City (丰都鬼城) or Snow Jade Cave (雪玉洞) in Fengdu County. Have fun with the various activities and entertainments onboard. Enjoy a great time on the Captain’s Farewell Party at night.

On day 5 , arrive in Chaotianmen Dock, Chongqing (重庆朝天门码头). After breakfast, leave the ship at about 09:00. Your cruise comes to a perfect end.

Check the detailed itinerary of the 5 Days & 4 Nights Upstream Cruise from Yichang to Chongqing .

All  Century Cruises  (except Century Legend),  Victoria Cruises ,  President Cruises ,  Yangtze Gold Cruises , and Changjiang Cruises (except Yangtze 2) have been offering upstream Yichang to Chongqing cruises for many years. Choose your ideal ship to start the wonderful trip on the Yangtze River. Top Yichang to Chongqing Cruises >>

Notice: The 3 ships offer all-in-one cruise packages: Yangtze Explorer, Yangtze 3 and Yangtze 1 share the same destinations with classic Three Gorges cruises but have different shore excursions arrangement in some day, for instance, Yangtze Explorer ’s Day 2 to Shennongjia or Badong, Yangtze 3 ’s Day 3 to Goddess Sky Road, Yangtze 1 ’s Day 1 board the ship at Yichang No.9 Pier, etc., so if you have a preference to a specific cruise, please refer directly to the cruise itinerary page for specific information. 2024 Yangtze River Cruises >>

Chongqing Yichang Yangtze River Cruise Route Comparison

Since the Yangtze River upstream and downstream cruise routes between Chongqing and Yichang are different, here below are some major differences between the 5 days route and 4 days route to have a more precise comparison of each one when planning your own Yangtze River cruise tour in China.

Shanghai Chongqing | 11 & 12 Days Yangtze River Panoramic Lines

Yangtze River Chongqing Shanghai Cruise Route Map

Yangtze River Shanghai Chongqing Cruise Route Map

Compared to the 4-5 days Chongqing Yichang cruise, the Chongqing Shanghai cruise is the most relaxing cruise route, with the whole journey covering 2,644 kilometers. For upstream cruise from Shanghai and downstream from Chongqing, it needs 12 days and 11 nights to offer you a real laid-back sailing (1 less day for downstream). In 2024, only Century Legend sails on this route, if you are interested, feel free to check more details at Century Legend Cruise Overview, Cabin, Itinerary and Services >>

Shanghai to Chongqing Cruise

Cruise Itinerary (Shanghai Chongqing)

— 12 days & 11 nights at a quick glance

Day 1: Shanghai Embarkation Day 2: Yangzhou | Slender West Lake Day 3: Nanjing | Niushou Mountain Day 4: Chizhou | Mount Jiuhua Day 5: Jiujiang | Lushan Mountain Day 6: Wuhan | Yellow Crane Tower Day 7: Yueyang | Yueyang Tower Day 8: Jingzhou | Jingzhou Museum Day 9: Yichang | Three Gorges Dam Day 10: Fengjie | Three Gorges Summit Day 11: Fengdu | Fengdu Ghost City Day 12: Chongqing Disembarkation

During this leisure cruise trip, you will not only visit the ordinary shore excursion sites in the Three Gorges area, but also enjoy the awesome city appearance of Shanghai and Chongqing municipalities, pay a visit to the notable Jingdezhen (景德镇) that is the City of Ceramics in China, Museum and picturesque lake in Wuhan city (武汉), famous cultural and historical sites in Nanjing (南京), best preserved ancient city wall in Jingzhou city, national renowned Mount Jiuhua in Chizhou city, and so on, to enjoy more highlights of culture, history, sceneries, and folk charms along the Yangtze River.

Wuhan Nanjing | 4 Days & 3 Nights Elegant Lower Reaches Cruise Vacation

Good news has come up recently! Yangtze 2 from Changjiang Cruises has finished its upgrading and reconstruction and will be available for the 4 Days Wuhan-Nanjing and 10 Days Nanjing-Chongqing routes in the second half of 2024, visiting highlights like Mount Lu (庐山, World Culture Heritage site and World Geopark for profound cultural significance and breathtaking scenery), Mount Jiuhua (九华山, dedicated to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, is one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains in China), Jingdezhen (景德镇, the Porcelain Capital of China)……

Wuhan to Nanjing Cruise

Cruise Itinerary (Wuhan Nanjing)

Day 1: Wuhan Embarkation — Board your ship at No. 23 Wuhan Port

Day 2: Chizhou — Mount Lu or Jingdezhen…… — (Yangtze Explorer) Wuyuan Cave or Shennongjia National Nature Reserve…… -->

Day 3: Jiujiang — Mount Jiuhua or Dayuan Buddhist Culture Park……

Day 4: Nanjing — Disembark your ship at Wumadu Dock, Nanjing, around 8:00……

If you have any questions or haven't decided which routes to choose, or if you are interested in the 4 runs of 10 days 9 nights Chongqing to Nanjing (vice versa) cruise in 2024, just tell our  travel consultants  who will help to customize your special Yangtze River tour sincerely!

Yichang to Chongqing Yangtze River Cruise

How to Plan a China Yangtze Tour?

  • 4 Days Chongqing to Yichang; 5 Days Yichang to Chongqing;
  • 4 Days Wuhan to Nanjing; 4 Days Nanjing to Wuhan;
  • 10 Days Chongqing to Nanjing; 10 Days Nanjing to Chongqing;
  • 11 Days Chongqing to Shanghai; 12 Days Shanghai to Chongqing. More about 2024 all yangtze river cruise routes & itineraries >>
  • Spring and Autumn are two peak seasons for the comfortable weather and best splendid sceneries of the Yangtze River. More about Yangtze River Weather & Best Time to Visit >>
  • Flight to Chongqing/Yichang from Beijing/Guangzhou/Shanghai/Hong Kong……
  • High Speed Train to Chongqing from Xian/Chengdu/Guilin/Guiyang/Beijing……; High Speed Train to Yichang from Wuhan/Changsha/Beijing/Shanghai……
  • Drive from Yichang to Zhangjiajie/Shennongjia/Enshi…… More about How to Get to Yangtze River Cruise Ports >>

♦ Map of Yangtze River Travel Destinations:

Chongqing to Yichang Yangtze River Cruise

Over 90% cruiser would choose the classic Chongqing-Yichang Three Gorges Itinerary, which only takes 4 to 5 days, as their first encounter with the Yangtze River. Then, they will leave some time to visit surrounding highlights or explore famous landing cities. So, a China Yangtze tour can extend from 4 days to a month, or even more.

Chongqing to Yichang Yangtze River Cruise

Yangtze River Travel Destination Map (Click to Enlarge)

To/From nearby Hot China Destinations (Chongqing, Chengdu, Zhangjiajie, Guilin…)

— Chongqing (重庆) is known as the most essential starting point for a classic Yangtze River cruise. The city has gained international recognition in recent years for its unique tridimensional cityscape, 8D transportation system, and cyberpunk-style buildings and architecture, which have attracted a growing number of tourists to the city. Usually, a leisure landscape tour in Chongqing city requires 2~3 days . It’s recommended that you extend your journey to the surrounding UNESCO heritage sites like Wulong - the famous Karst Landscape in blockbuster Transformers (1-2 days) and Dazu - the last monumental works in the history of world grottoes art (1 day).

☛ 4 Days Chongqing Essence Tour with Yangtze River Cruise

Useful Links: 1~3 Days Chongqing Tours 2024 | How to Plan a Chongqing Tour >>

How to Plan a China Yangtze Tour

— Chengdu (成都), a 1~1.5-hour high-speed train from Chongqing, is known as the hometown of the Giant Pandas and  UNESCO’s City of Gastronomy. Take 1~2 days to meet these cuties and keep yourself in the “laid-back” living pace like a local while wandering around parks, museums, ancient pedestrian streets, and temples in the downtown area, you will probably understand why people say Chengdu is a city you don't want to leave. Moreover, Chengdu is the gateway to so many UNESCO world heritage sites, including Jiuzhaigou (3 days), Mount Emei (2 days), Leshan Giant Buddha (1 day), Dujiangyan (0.5-1 day), etc., and astonishing hidden plateau - Western Sichuan (3~7 days).

☛ 8 Days Best of Sichuan with Yangtze Cruise Tour (with Chengdu/Emeishan/Leshan) ☛ 8 Days Beauty Tour to Jiuzhaigou & Yangtze River

Useful Links: 1~7 Days Chengdu Tours 2024 | Top Sichuan Tours 2024 | How to Plan a Chengdu Tour >>

How to Plan a China Yangtze Tour

— Zhangjiajie (张家界), a 4.5-hour two-train transfer from Yichang, offers the most distinct and iconic landscape of the Hollywood blockbuster Avatar . Let along adrenalin-pumping Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge and frightening skywalks and sharp zigzag driving roads at  Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park , the uncanny natural wonders in Zhangjiajie (3~5 Days) attracting countless adventurers and travel addicts from all over the world!

☛ 7 Days Nature Tour to Yangtze River & Zhangjiajie

Useful Links: 3~5 Days Zhangjiajie Tours 2024 | How to Plan a Zhangjiajie Tour >>

How to Plan a China Yangtze Tour

— Guilin (桂林), located 4-5 hours away by high-speed train from Chongqing, is renowned for its breathtaking scenery, making it a must-visit destination in China. Generally, Li River, Yangshuo County, and Longji Rice Terraces are the three most popular and separate destinations.  For most travelers to Guilin , 3-5 days is enough to cover the highlights by using a private car. 

☛ 7 Days Idyllic Guilin & Yangtze River Cruise Tour

Useful Links: 3~5 Days Guilin Tours 2024 | How to Plan a Guilin Tour >>

How to Plan a China Yangtze Tour

From/To Classic China Destinations (Beijing/Shanghai/Xian/Hong Kong/Guangzhou…)

Guests who are visiting China for the first time probably would choose  Beijing  (the capital of China, recommended travel days: 3~4 days),  Shanghai  (the largest and most developed and populated city of China, recommended travel days: 2~4 days),  Guangzhou  (the third biggest city in China, recommended travel days: 2~3 days) or  Hong Kong  (a convenient transit hub with mainland China, recommended travel days: 2~3 days) as their first stop, as all these four destinations process excellent infrastructure and multi-dimensional transportation networks connecting the whole of China. How to arrange your travel route? Our  top-pick China Yangtze Tour itineraries  may bring you some inspiration!

☛ (Beijing/Xian/Chongqing/Yangtze Cruise/Yichang/Shanghai) 11 Days China Golden Triangle Tour with Yangtze River Cruise

☛ (Beijing/Xian/Chengdu/Yangtze Cruise/Zhangjiajie/Shanghai) 15 Days China Best Treasure Tour with Yangtze Cruise & Zhangjiajie Landscape

☛ (Hong Kong/Guilin/Chengdu/Chongqing/Yangtze Cruise/Yichang/Shanghai) 12 Days China Splendid Tour from Hong Kong

☛ (Shanghai/Yichang/Yangtze Cruise/Chongqing/Chengdu/Lhasa/Xian/Beijing) 17 Days China Yangtze Tour with Tibet & Giant Panda Visit

☛ (Hong Kong/Guilin/Chengdu/Yangtze Cruise/Zhangjiajie/Shanghai/Xian/Beijing) 21 Days China Holiday with Yangtze River Cruise Tour

Useful Links: Yangtze River Cruise Tour from Beijing | Yangtze River Cruise Tour from Shanghai | Yangtze River Cruise Tour from Hong Kong >>

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How to Plan a China Yangtze Tour

Travel Yangtze River with China Discovery

Have your own ideas of where and what to discover before, during and after the Yangtze River cruise tour? We China Discovery offers many popular and valuable private China tour packages with Yangtze River Cruise vacation taking you to enjoy wonderful exploration of the best highlights of Three Gorges, Chongqing, Yichang, Zhangjiajie, Chengdu, Xian, Guilin, Wuhan, etc. And our professional travel team with experienced travel expert, local English-speaking travel guide and driver and non-smoking comfortable licensed private vehicle will help you throughout the trip from the planning, navigation, hotel arrangement and scenic spot visiting. So you will have the much better travel experience on and around the extensive Yangtze River. You can check our tour packages to get some inspiration. All tours can be tailor-made according to your group size, time, physical condition, plan, interests, budget and any other special need! Please feel free to contact us to customize your own China Yangtze River Cruise trip or if you need any help !

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Immerse in the Spring Flowers in Your Yangtze River Cruise Tour

7 Days Shanghai & Yangtze Cruise Tour (Upstream)

Shanghai / Yichang / Yangtze Cruise / Chongqing

Temple of Heaven Photographed by Our Guest Jessica in September 2023

11 Days China Golden Triangle Tour with Yangtze River Cruise

Beijing / Xian / Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Yichang / Shanghai

Our customers took a shore excursion to Kui Gate at White Emperor City, Qutang Gorge

13 Days Classic China Vacation Tour with Yangtze Cruise

Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Yangshuo / Yangtze Cruise / Shanghai

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Cruise The Yangtze River In China With Viking Cruises

Cruise The Yangtze River In China With Viking Cruises.jpg

We Headed To The Yangtze River

We started our month long visit to China with a week in Shanghai . It was a great introduction to the dichotomy of modern and ancient China. The next part of our trip was to cruise the Yangtze River with Viking Cruises in China. We boarded the ship in Wuhan for our first Viking river cruise experience . The cruise up the Yangtze River had stops to see Jingzhou, the three Gorges dam and the Shibaozhai Temple. We found it to be a very different experience than much of the city touring we did on our long visit to China .

The Yangtze River Cruise Started in Wuhan

From Shanghai we flew to Wuhan. A short stop at the Hubei Provincial Museum provided us a chance to see the ancient bronze work from the tomb of Marquis Yi. We saw an interesting collection of bronze cooking dishes, wine vessels and even what might be the first refrigerator.

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The most famous relic at the museum were the 64 bianzhong (bell chimes) . The 64 bells are bronze and in different sizes and shapes (from 8 inches and 5 pounds to over 5 feet high and 448 pounds). They cover five octaves.

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We attended a live performance by musicians dressed in traditional garb. They played on a replica of the bell chimes and several other traditional Chinese instruments. It was amazing that an instrument designed over 2,000 years ago could so beautifully play both traditional Chinese music and more modern tunes as well.

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Visiting the museum and attending a musical show was a great start to cruise the Yangtze River in China.

A Great Send Off From Wuhan

We boarded the ship in Wuhan to cruise the Yangtze River in China with Viking Cruises . Both sides of the river were lined with massive skyscrapers.

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The night light show in Wuhan did not disappoint. Neon lights changed colour and created colourful shapes on virtually all buildings along the shore. This would not be the last night light show on our great trip to China .

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The night light show in Wuhan was a great sight to send us on our trip to cruise the Yangtze River in China.

Our First Day Cruising The Yangtze

The top part of the Yangtze River was broad and very busy. It was muddy coloured and we were never tempted to turn on the tv to watch the view from the bridge. But we were fascinated by the variety of water craft on the waterways.

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When we arrived to dock in Jingzhou, there were boats going in all directions. Some boats were so close we could have hopped boats. The pile up of boats reminded me very much of when we arrived at the mouth of the Panama Canal or our trip down the Suez Canal .

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Cruise the Yangtze River in China from Wuhan. But the river experience at the top end may not be the same as other Viking Cruises river trips.

A Visit To The Viking School In Jingzhou

The first stop on our trip to cruise the Yangtze River in China was in the city of Jingzhou. We docked and the ramp was rolled out. To leave the ship we got a boarding card which we needed to return when we came back on board.

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The morning excursion was to visit the Viking school. The Viking groups were greeted at the gate by the children and then a short show was put on.

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When the show was finished, groups went into the school. Each group went to a different school room. There was time to interact with the children. David had fun being one of the kids.

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It was good to see a bit of what Viking Cruises was giving back to the country on a trip to cruise the Yangtze River in China.

Walk The City Walls In Jingzhou

In the afternoon, we again boarded the bus and went to the old city wall in Jingzhou. We parked in the parking lot and walked along the river to get to the staging area for the wall.

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At the staging area we got in a large golf cart. It was quite a long ride as we were whisked to the bottom of the wall. On the top of the gate there was a temple with a series of displays inside.

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It was an easy stroll along the top of the wall. It was quite wide and generally the brick top was quite even. Not at all like when we walked single file along the top of the wall in Obidos, Portugal . At several spots we stopped to look back at the wall. We stopped at the turnaround point and looked at the river and a large statue on the bank .

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At several points along the wall there were warrior statues. Of course we all had to pose with the statues.

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When we returned to the ship, we got hot chocolate to warm up. Not a bad way to end an interesting day on our trip to cruise the Yangtze River in China.

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The Three Gorges Dam

The first lock we went through on our trip through the Three Gorges area was at the Gerzhouba Dam. This dam had 3 channels but just one lock in each channel. It was built as a test before the Three Gorges Dam was built.

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One of the most important stops when you cruise the Yangtze River in China is at the Three Gorges Dam. During the day we did an excursion to see the dam and locks . We went up several levels to the visitor’s centre at the top and had great views down over the massive site.

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Later that night, we got to see the dam and the locks all lit up . It was a great set of changing colours up the five levels of the dam. It took well over four hours to transit through the five steps.

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When you cruise the Yangtze River through the Three Gorges area, going through the locks in the Three Gorges area was a fascinating way to understand the history of this area. And the engineering marvels this country has built.

The Three Gorges

Some of the most lovely scenery we passed was in the Three Gorges. The first Xiling Gorge we travelled was the biggest. It was nearly 50 miles long and much wider than the other gorges. The Wu Gorge is also know as the “Witches” Gorge had trees and rock faces up the sides of the river banks. And in the early part of the day we got views of towering peaks and flitting mist. The smallest and narrowest was the Qutang Gorge (or the Kui Gorge).

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One day we had a lovely excursion on a sampan boat along the Goddess Gorge . This narrow gorge provided us with fascinating views.

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We loved our trip along the Three Gorges . It was a leisurely two days of magnificent scenery. It may be the best part when you cruise the Yangtze River in China.

Yunyang Night Light Bridge

After dinner one night, we headed out on board to see the next night light display. The Yunyang Bridge has two large suspension towers. And the suspension wires were used as a canvas to paint a moving show of action and colour. As we moved closer, we could see more and more of the detailed light show.

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The show kept us engaged as we cruised up and then moved away from the bridge. If you cruise the Yangtze River in China, don’t miss the night that you cruise under the Yunyang Bridge.

Climb To The Top Of The Shibaozhai Pagoda

It was an early start on our last day to cruise the Yangtze River in China. We pulled up with 6 other ships and rafted at the dock. We saw the Shibaozhai Pagoda off in the clouds. It was pouring rain when we left the ship so a fleet of red Viking Cruises umbrellas headed ashore. It was a long walk up a muddy path through a series of vendor stalls.

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The path leading up to the pagoda provided some educational posters before it ended at the Jiangshangmingzhu memorial gate. A swinging bridge provided access to the small island where the Shibaozhai Pagoda stood.

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Our group swung hard left to start the visit at the pagoda. The bright red pagoda originally stood 9 storeys high before 3 additional floors were added to the top. It is an interesting example of the Qing Dynasty architecture. The inside steep wooden stairs continued up to the top. At every floor up the tower there were interesting things to see.

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The view from the top was grey all around. We could see our river cruise boat off in the distance.

Walk Around The Emperors Palace

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Beside the Emperors Palace was the Duck Well. It is said that if you drop a duck in the hole, it will show up on the Yangtze. We also saw the Rice Flowing Well. This well was said to once have a small trickle of rice flowing from it. After a greedy monk expanded the hole, the rice stopped flowing. It is always interesting to hear the local folk stories.

It was still raining as we headed back to the ship. The outside stone stairs that took you back up the pagoda or down to the bridge level were a bit slippery in the rain. It would have been much better to see the Shibaozhai Padoda site in the bright sunlight. But it was still an interesting stop when you cruise the Yangtze River in China.

Exploring the Viking Emerald Ship

The land portion of our visit to China were busy days. While we were onboard the Viking Emerald ship to cruise the Yangtze River in China, we had some half day tours. But we also got to have a little downtime onboard the ship.

During the day there were a series of informative talks to give us more information on our excursions. But we also got some general education to learn a bit about making dumplings, tea ceremonies, Chinese history and Chinese culture. There were Chinese lessons to give us some basic vocabulary. We tried to practice whenever we could.

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There was no pool or hot tub on the deck. But the lounge chairs on the top deck were available if you wanted to watch the transit along the river. There were numerous spots inside to relax or find someone to chat with. Of course, the two bar locations were often lively spots on the ship.

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Internet was generally very poor throughout the trip. But there was an internet room for people who didn’t bring devices with them to connect to wifi. The ship’s computers had no VPN so were limited in what you could access. On the few occasions when we had some internet connectivity, people sat behind their VPNs and tried to connect to mail, Facebook and other social media.

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People who were used to bigger ships went looking for a walking track. The small deck area quickly caused me to feel queasy walking in small circles. There was a small gym area with machines if you needed more exercise. The early morning Tai Chi classes never really gained popularity. A small spa and beauty salon was available if you really wanted a little pampering. There was a great supply of souvenirs available on board. And even custom tailoring for hand-made clothing!

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The time on the Viking Emerald went by quickly. There was always something to do on the ship. We used the time to relax and catch up on pictures and blogging. Once we hit land, the trip would be much busier.

We Ate Well While We Cruised

On most cruise ships, you can eat pretty much all day long if you want. Afternoon Tea was often a great way to get a snack late in the afternoon. We often seek opportunities to have Afternoon Tea when we travel . The Viking Afternoon tea provided a good selection of teas and a serving tray with a small mix of sweet and savoury. There was a duo for entertainment while we snacked.

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The one dining room was massive and was generally the only option for eating. A small area in the lounge offered continental breakfast. Breakfast in the dining room was buffet style with a great variety of options. One day David even got treated with chocolate yogurt after he talked with the chef about his chocolate obsession! Lunch included a buffet and a few menu items.

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Dinner was all open seating. You could sit wherever there was an open spot. While they took your orders almost as soon as you were seated, they often held delivering food until the table was full. We learned the lesson early on to pick a table that was almost full if we were hungry and wanted a quicker meal. The fixed menu offered several selections for each course and we generally had no problem finding food we could eat. We found lots of chocolate for dessert. So most meals ended with a smile! It was not the gourmet foodie experience we were used to with Oceania Cruises . But it was just fine.

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One night we had a comprehensive Chinese menu. For most meals, the lazy Susan turntable in the centre of the table was used to move around things like bread, butter, salt and pepper. For the Chinese dinner, the turntable was filled with traditional Chinese dishes and we ate true Chinese family style. There was enough selection in the dishes that we could pass on the two spicy ones. Not many people tried the chicken feet, pig ears or pig tails!

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When you book to cruise the Yangtze River in China, you can be as boring or as experimental as you want with food. You will never miss a meal!

Cruise The Yangtze River To See Another Facet Of China

After 6 days we arrived in the port in Chongqing . It was a very early morning departure for most people. Our bags and passports headed to the airport ahead of us. We struggled up the large stone steps at the old port with our carry-on bags in hand. Porters were available to help carry bags. If they were not already engaged as they carried the supplies to re-stock the boat.

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The bus ride was smooth and we again had our passports returned to us at the airport. It was a quick flight to Lijiang to continue the land portion of our exploration of China with Viking Cruises . We got to explore this city a little more when we returned to Chongqing in 2 days.

We enjoyed a chance to cruise the Yangtze River in China with Viking Cruises . It was our first Viking Cruises experience . But it was likely not a totally representative example of river cruising with Viking . But it gave us a chance to see life along the mighty Yangtze River.

Did you cruise the Yangtze River in China? Was your experience the same or different?

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This cruise looks like a lot of fun. I’m still on the fence about cruising. Was there many younger folk on this cruise?

Jean, There were some younger people on this Viking cruise. But most were younger early retired people. But the younger ones seemed to enjoy this too. Linda

The Three Gorges Dam is amazing! Beautiful photos! Can’t wait to see it myself some day.

Thanks Lesley for your comment on our photos! The Three Gorges Dam was an amazing day trip. Definitely something to see in China. Linda

Wow! Frankly, China has never been on my radar despite it being just a few hours flight from Kuala Lumpur but now it’s on my bucket list because I’d love to experience passing through the Three Gorges Dam! Four hours just to transit through the five levels! I’m totally hooked! Thanks for sharing your experience here – it’s my first time reading about cruising in China.

Raw, I am glad I was able to offer you a view of cruising on the Yangtze. It was indeed very cool to transit through the dams. Hope you get to visit one day. Linda

I would love the bell chime performance and the night light show in Wuhan. I would also enjoy checking out the warrior statues along the wall in Jingzhou

Sherianne, We were so glad we got to see so many different facets of the history and culture in China. Linda

Oh wow, cruising the Yangtze is on my bucket list!

The visit to the Viking School in Jingzhou looks like it would have been a lot of fun. I would have had fun being one of the kids just like David!

I think my highlight would be the three gorges.

Sara, I do hope you get to check off a Yangtze River cruise from your bucket list. The Three Gorges was a great contrast to the day trips we did on land. Hope you get to visit one day. Linda

What amazing scenery. It’s pretty cool that you can see the view from the bridge on a TV screen. All the day trips on the Yangtze River cruise look amazing, especially the lofty Shibaozhai Pagoda – talk about being in the clouds. I’d love to do a Viking Cruise, but I’d never thought of China as the destination before.

Carol, The Viking China trip is an interesting mix of a river cruise for 6 days and then many many days doing land trips flying around China. So very different from other Viking trips. We were happy with the great mix of activities we got on our Yangtze River cruise. Linda

That seems like a packed itinerary. I can see why the Three Gorges cruise was your favorite part of your time on the river. It was interesting to hear of the huge variety of traditional foods on the cruise and nice to know you could go as adventurous or mild as you wanted with the selection. Loved seeing the bride illumination too. Fascinating.

Elaine, Believe it or not, the Yangtze River cruise was the most relaxed and slow part of our China trip! We enjoyed something new each day but also got some downtime. Once we hit mainland China, the days were packed. We too were surprised that the food offered such variety. So many great night light shows everywhere we went in China. Linda

Gosh! I loved the entire itinerary. Such a cultural and heritage delight this is. The Viking school was so cute… And the pics you shared of the kids… Just adorable. Loved the emperor palace.

Ami, I am glad you liked the Yangtze River cruise itinerary. It was a great mix of different things to see and do. A great way to start our visit to China. Linda

Wow so many experiences in one cruise trip! They have made the itinerary interesting. The cruise through the Gorges sounded so great. And I liked the interaction with school kids too. Great pics.

Indrani, Thanks for the feedback on the pics. There were so many opportunities for great pics. It was great to do so much variety in our daily activities. Linda

It’s quite fascinating what a different experience you can have in a city when exploring it by varied modes of transportation. When I visited Shanghai, I walked along the riverside, admiring the architecture and lights, but didn’t even give a thought to taking a cruise. Now I wish I would have; I’d love to see the Three Gorges.

Cristina, We always love to see a city from different perspectives when we travel. The Yangtze Cruise was a relaxing break from city tours. Linda

I would love to go to the Vikings School and the Three Gorges Dam – and all that you went! Hehe. China amuses me today! We just thought all along that China is just noodles and Mulan but seeing this makes me want to go there next year! The hot chocolate for sure warmed all the people aboard! Cant wait to see more of your posts! Been encouraging my parents to do the same as you two ❤️

Kate, Our whole trip to China was an eye opener. If your parents love active adventures, then this would be for them. The Yangtze River part of our trip was a bit more relaxing. But once we hit the land portion, it was a crazy trip. Glad you enjoyed our river cruise adventures. Linda

I’d love to do this cruise, particularly going through the locks as I really enjoyed doing that through the Panama Canal. But China looks really interesting.

We were a bit surprised at how much we loved our visit to China. We saw so much and were glad we got a chance to spend a few days on the Yangtze River too.

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Cruising Market

Does Viking Cruise The Yangtze River?

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  • River Cruises in Asia
  • March 25, 2024

viking yangtze cruise

So you’re wondering if Viking cruises the magnificent Yangtze River? Well, the answer to your question is a resounding yes! Viking, the renowned river and ocean cruise line, indeed offers an unforgettable journey along the Yangtze River, providing you with an opportunity to explore the stunning landscapes, rich culture, and fascinating history of China. Step on board one of Viking’s state-of-the-art ships and prepare to embark on a remarkable adventure as you sail down this iconic waterway, allowing you to witness the beauty of the Three Gorges, visit ancient temples, and experience the dynamism of modern cities along the riverbanks. Whether you’re an avid traveler or simply looking for a unique way to discover the charms of China, Viking’s Yangtze River cruise promises an experience like no other.

Table of Contents

Overview of Viking Cruise

Introduction to viking cruises.

Viking Cruises is a renowned luxury cruise line that offers a wide range of cruise experiences around the world. With its commitment to excellent service, cultural enrichment, and immersive experiences, Viking has become a popular choice for travelers looking for a unique and unforgettable cruising adventure. While Viking is well-known for its European river cruises, it also offers exceptional cruises along the Yangtze River in China.

Types of cruises offered by Viking

Viking offers a variety of cruises, catering to different preferences and interests. Along with its Yangtze River cruises, Viking provides river cruises across Europe, Russia, Egypt, and Southeast Asia, as well as ocean cruises to destinations like the Baltic, Mediterranean, and Caribbean. This diverse selection ensures that every traveler can find the perfect Viking cruise that matches their desires.

Viking’s presence in Yangtze River

Yes, Viking does cruise the Yangtze River, allowing travelers to explore the natural beauty and cultural treasures of China’s most iconic river. With its extensive knowledge and experience in river cruising, Viking brings its signature excellence to the Yangtze, offering a unique and unforgettable journey through the heart of China.

Yangtze River Cruise

Importance and features of yangtze river.

The Yangtze River holds immense cultural, historical, and ecological significance. It is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world, stretching over 6,300 kilometers. The river serves as a lifeline for the region, providing water for irrigation, transportation, and hydroelectric power generation. Along its course, the Yangtze showcases stunning natural landscapes, including the famous Three Gorges and the majestic Wu Gorge. Its rich biodiversity and unique ecosystems make it a crucial part of China’s natural heritage.

Popular tourist attractions along the Yangtze

Cruising the Yangtze River offers the opportunity to visit various popular tourist attractions. Passengers can explore the iconic Three Gorges Dam, the largest hydroelectric power station in the world and a marvel of engineering. The Shibaozhai Temple, a majestic twelve-story wooden pagoda built on the side of a hill, provides a glimpse into China’s rich cultural and architectural history. Other highlights include the Lesser Three Gorges, Fengdu Ghost City, and the ancient city of Jingzhou, each offering their own captivating stories and sights.

Benefits of cruising the Yangtze River

Cruising the Yangtze River offers numerous advantages for travelers. The serene and picturesque landscapes provide a soothing escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. It allows for a relaxed and leisurely way to explore the wonders of China’s heartland while enjoying the comforts and amenities of a luxury cruise ship. The Yangtze River cruise experience combines the best of both worlds, offering a blend of natural beauty, cultural immersion, and unparalleled relaxation.

Does Viking Cruise The Yangtze River?

Viking Cruise on the Yangtze River

Viking’s presence in china.

Viking holds a strong presence in China, offering authentic cultural experiences and exceptional service to its passengers. With its vast knowledge and expertise in river cruising, Viking has curated a unique journey along the Yangtze River, allowing travelers to delve into the wonders of China’s ancient past and vibrant present. From personalized service to expertly guided tours, Viking ensures a seamless and enriching experience for its guests.

Viking’s specific cruise route on the Yangtze

Viking’s Yangtze River cruises typically span between Chongqing and Shanghai, covering approximately 1,200 miles. Cruising upstream from Chongqing to Shanghai, passengers have the opportunity to witness the breathtaking scenery of the Three Gorges and visit key attractions along the river. Viking’s carefully planned itineraries ensure a comprehensive exploration of the Yangtze’s highlights, providing a well-rounded and immersive experience.

Facilities and amenities provided by Viking on the Yangtze

Viking’s Yangtze River cruises offer a range of facilities and amenities to enhance the comfort and enjoyment of passengers. Luxurious staterooms with panoramic views, spacious public areas, and stylish onboard restaurants create a welcoming and elegant atmosphere. Passengers can relax on sun decks, take a dip in the swimming pool, or indulge in rejuvenating spa treatments. With attentive staff and an array of amenities, Viking ensures that every aspect of the cruise surpasses expectations.

Accommodation options on Viking’s Yangtze River cruises

Passengers on Viking’s Yangtze River cruises can choose from a variety of accommodation options to suit their preferences. The staterooms are elegantly designed, featuring modern amenities and breathtaking views of the river. Suites offer additional space, private verandas, and enhanced amenities for a truly luxurious experience. Viking’s commitment to comfort and quality ensures that passengers are well-rested and pampered throughout their journey.

Highlights of Viking’s Yangtze River Cruises

Excursions and shore activities.

Viking’s Yangtze River cruises are carefully curated to maximize cultural immersion and exploration. Along with the breathtaking scenery, passengers can enjoy a range of exciting excursions and shore activities. From guided tours of historic sites to immersive cultural experiences, such as learning traditional Chinese calligraphy or tasting local cuisine, Viking ensures that passengers have the opportunity to deeply connect with the destination and create lasting memories.

Onboard entertainment and dining experiences

Viking takes pride in providing exceptional onboard entertainment and dining experiences. Passengers can enjoy enriching lectures and demonstrations by local experts, offering insights into Chinese history, culture, and art. The onboard restaurants serve a variety of delectable cuisines, blending local flavors with international culinary delights. From themed parties to live musical performances, Viking aims to create a vibrant and engaging atmosphere onboard.

Unique cultural experiences offered by Viking

Viking is renowned for its commitment to cultural enrichment, and this is exemplified in its Yangtze River cruises. Passengers can partake in traditional Chinese tea ceremonies, witness captivating performances of Chinese opera or acrobatics, and even learn traditional Chinese paper cutting. Viking’s focus on authentic cultural experiences allows travelers to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of China’s rich heritage.

Opportunities for relaxation and wellness

While exploring the wonders of the Yangtze River, passengers also have ample opportunities for relaxation and wellness. Viking’s ships feature serene spas offering a range of treatments to rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul. Onboard fitness centers cater to fitness enthusiasts, while spacious sun decks provide the perfect setting for soaking up the sun and enjoying panoramic views. Viking ensures that every passenger can find moments of serenity and indulgence during their cruise.

Does Viking Cruise The Yangtze River?

Booking a Viking Cruise on the Yangtze

Availability and schedules.

Viking offers regular departures for their Yangtze River cruises, providing flexibility and convenience for travelers. Schedules may vary depending on the season, with peak travel times being in late spring and early autumn. To secure their desired dates, passengers are encouraged to book in advance and check Viking’s website or contact their travel agent for the latest availability and schedules.

Booking process and requirements

Booking a Viking Cruise on the Yangtze River is a straightforward process. Passengers can make reservations online through Viking’s website or through their preferred travel agent. Along with providing personal information and travel preferences, passengers may need to pay a deposit at the time of booking to secure their reservation. Specific booking requirements and procedures can be found on Viking’s website or obtained through their customer service channels.

Pricing and included services

Pricing for Viking’s Yangtze River cruises varies depending on the chosen itinerary, accommodation type, and additional services requested. The price typically includes accommodation, meals, guided tours, onboard amenities, and entertainment. However, passengers should review the detailed itinerary and terms to have a comprehensive understanding of what is included in the price. Optional excursions and personal expenses are typically not included and should be budgeted separately.

Cancellation and refund policies

Viking’s cancellation and refund policies are designed to provide flexibility and peace of mind to passengers. The specific policies may vary depending on the time of cancellation and the type of cruise package booked. Passengers are advised to review the terms and conditions at the time of booking to understand the cancellation deadlines and applicable fees. Viking’s customer service team is also available to provide further information and assistance regarding cancellation and refunds.

Customer Reviews and Testimonials

Positive feedback and highlights.

Customers who have experienced Viking’s Yangtze River cruises have often praised the exceptional service, knowledgeable guides, and immersive cultural experiences. The breathtaking scenery, well-planned itineraries, and comfortable accommodations have also garnered positive feedback. Passengers often mention the outstanding onboard dining options and the attentiveness of the staff, which contribute to a memorable and enjoyable cruise experience.

Critiques and areas for improvement

While Viking’s Yangtze River cruises receive overwhelmingly positive reviews, there have been occasional critiques regarding certain aspects. Some passengers have expressed minor concerns about the pace of the excursions or the timing of certain activities. Others have mentioned the need for more variety in onboard entertainment options. However, these critiques are overshadowed by the overall satisfaction and positive experiences shared by the majority of customers.

Overall customer satisfaction

Based on customer reviews and testimonials, Viking’s Yangtze River cruises have consistently achieved high levels of customer satisfaction. The attention to detail, cultural enrichment, and top-notch service offered by Viking have left a lasting impression on passengers. The majority of customers express great satisfaction with their overall experience, often recommending Viking to fellow travelers and expressing a desire to sail with the cruise line again in the future.

Comparison with Other Yangtze River Cruise Operators

Overview of other cruise operators on the yangtze.

While there are other cruise operators offering trips on the Yangtze River, Viking stands out due to its reputation for excellence and cultural enrichment. Other operators may focus primarily on the scenic aspects of the river, whereas Viking combines stunning landscapes with authentic cultural experiences and exceptional service.

Differentiating factors of Viking’s cruises

Viking’s cruises on the Yangtze River are distinguished by their commitment to cultural immersion, extensive knowledge of the region, and luxurious onboard experience. Viking’s expert guides provide comprehensive insights into the history and culture of the region, creating a deeper appreciation for the destinations visited. The onboard amenities and dining experiences further elevate the cruise experience, ensuring that passengers feel pampered and well taken care of throughout their journey.

Pros and cons of choosing Viking over other operators

Choosing Viking over other cruise operators on the Yangtze River offers several advantages. The extensive cultural enrichment programs, personalized service, and luxurious onboard amenities are some of the key benefits of selecting Viking. However, it’s important to note that Viking’s cruises may have a premium price point compared to some other operators. Potential travelers should weigh the added value and unique experiences provided by Viking against their budget and preferences before making a decision.

Safety and Security Measures

Viking’s commitment to passenger safety.

Viking places the safety and well-being of its passengers as a top priority. Stringent safety protocols are in place to ensure that travelers enjoy a secure and worry-free cruise experience. Viking’s ships adhere to international safety standards and are equipped with state-of-the-art navigation and communication systems. Regular training and drills are conducted to prepare the crew for emergency situations, demonstrating Viking’s dedication to passenger safety at all times.

Emergency protocols and procedures

Viking’s ships are well-prepared for emergency situations. The crew members undergo extensive training to respond efficiently and effectively to any potential crises. Clear emergency procedures are in place, ensuring that passengers are informed and guided during any necessary evacuations or safety measures. Lifeboats and life jackets are readily available onboard, and thorough safety briefings are conducted at the beginning of each voyage.

Medical facilities and staff on board

Viking’s ships feature medical facilities and dedicated medical staff to attend to passengers’ healthcare needs. The medical team is equipped to handle minor medical issues and emergencies, providing immediate medical assistance when required. Passengers can have peace of mind knowing that professional medical help is readily available onboard throughout their Yangtze River cruise.

Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility

Viking’s environmental initiatives.

Viking is committed to minimizing its environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices. The company actively participates in environmental initiatives, focusing on reducing emissions, conserving energy and water, and promoting responsible waste management. Viking continuously evaluates and invests in advanced technologies and practices to ensure that its cruises maintain the highest environmental standards.

Efforts to reduce the environmental impact of cruises

Viking has implemented various measures to reduce its environmental footprint. The cruise line utilizes hybrid engines and other energy-efficient technologies in its ships to minimize emissions. Water-saving systems and waste management processes are in place to conserve precious resources and reduce pollution. Viking strives to set an example for responsible cruising by continuously seeking opportunities to further enhance its environmental performance.

Partnerships and certifications related to sustainability

Viking collaborates with environmental organizations, research institutions, and regulatory bodies to promote sustainability and develop innovative solutions for responsible cruising. The cruise line also holds certifications and affiliations with relevant industry organizations, reaffirming its commitment to sustainable operations. Through these partnerships and certifications, Viking aims to drive positive change within the cruise industry and protect the environments it operates in.

Future Developments and Expansion

Viking’s plans for further cruises on the yangtze.

Viking continues to invest in and expand its offerings on the Yangtze River. The company regularly evaluates market demand and emerging trends to identify potential opportunities for new itineraries and routes. Travelers can look forward to future developments and an increasing selection of Yangtze River cruises from Viking, providing even more options to explore this captivating region.

Introduction of new ships or routes

As part of its growth strategy, Viking periodically introduces new ships and routes to enhance its Yangtze River cruise offerings. Through careful planning and consideration, Viking aims to provide innovative and enriching experiences for its passengers. The introduction of new ships and routes ensures that travelers have access to the latest amenities and itineraries, further enhancing their cruise experience.

Continued growth strategies

Viking’s success and reputation in river cruising on the Yangtze River pave the way for continued growth and expansion. The company remains committed to delivering exceptional service, enriching cultural experiences, and promoting sustainable practices. Viking’s continued investment in the Yangtze region underscores its dedication to providing unforgettable journeys that exceed the expectations of travelers seeking a unique and immersive cruising adventure.

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Matt and Carol

Hi, We are Matt and Carol and we're delighted to welcome you to Cruising Market! As the authors behind this website, we are passionate about providing helpful information for both new and experienced cruisers. Whether you're looking to learn more about vacationing on a cruise ship, seeking answers to commonly asked questions, or simply in search of exciting things to do and places to see on your upcoming voyage, we've got you covered. Additionally, you can even discover some amazing items that are essential for a memorable cruise experience. Join us as we navigate the incredible world of cruising together!

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NEW! Coastal Jewels of China

  • From $6,999
  • Dates & Pricing
  • Beijing (Tianjin) to Hong Kong (Shenzhen) Hong Kong (Shenzhen) to Beijing (Tianjin)

NEW! Coastal Jewels of China Map

Map of Coastal Jewels of China itinerary

Culture, cuisine and natural beauty

viking yangtze cruise

Join Viking on a memorable 15-day voyage along China’s southeastern coast. With Viking’s deep understanding of Chinese culture, immerse yourself in the diverse cuisines and landscapes of this distinctive country during your fully guided journey. Admire Shanghai’s famous Bund and explore hidden treasures in seldom-visited ports that offer a glimpse into Chinese life that few get to see, revealing a rich tapestry of traditions, flavors and natural beauty.

End of Summer Sale

viking yangtze cruise

Viking Inclusive Value

Pricing that covers everything guests need—and nothing they do not.

Map of Coastal Jewels of China itinerary

To learn more about each port of call and our included as well as optional excursions, click on the individual days below.

Itinerary and shore excursions are subject to change and may vary by departure.

More features, services and excursions included

One complimentary shore excursion in every port of call

Free Wi-Fi (connection speed may vary)

Beer, wine & soft drinks with onboard lunch & dinner

24-hour specialty coffees, teas  & bottled water

Port taxes & fees

Ground transfers with Viking Air purchase

Visits to UNESCO Sites

Enrichment lectures & Destination Performances

Complimentary access to The Nordic Spa & Fitness Center.

Self-service launderettes

Alternative restaurant dining at no extra charge

24-hour room service

Your Stateroom Includes:

King-size Viking Explorer Bed with luxury linen

42" flat-screen LCD TV with intuitive remote & complimentary Movies On Demand

Large private bathroom with spacious glass-enclosed shower, heated floor, anti-fog mirror & hair dryer

Premium Freyja® toiletries

Direct-dial satellite phone & cell service

Security safe

110/220 volt outlets

Ample USB ports

Pre & Post Cruise Extensions

More days means more to discover, with extension packages you can add before or after your Viking cruise or cruisetour. Enjoy additional days to explore your embarkation or disembarkation city, or see a new destination altogether with a choice of exciting cities. Pre & Post Cruise Extensions vary by itinerary and are subject to change.

viking yangtze cruise

Pre: Beijing

From $1,499 | 3 Nights

viking yangtze cruise

Pre: Spirit of Mongolia

From $5,499 | 5 Nights

viking yangtze cruise

Post: Hong Kong

viking yangtze cruise

Post: Hong Kong & Guilin

From $1,799 | 4 Nights

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2024-2026 OCEAN CRUISE AND AIR FARES:  Offer applies to bookings made from September 1-30, 2024. Terms & conditions for select promotions may vary. $25 deposit is applicable to all itineraries except World Cruise products. Special fares plus up to FREE roundtrip airfare valid on select departures of Canada & New England Scenic Shores; Eastern Seaboard Discovery; Grand Hawaii & Polynesia; Hawaiian Islands Sojourn; Panama Canal & Central America; Panama Canal & the Pacific Coast . Airfares may vary on other gateways & departures. Airfare does not have to be purchased to get cruise\cruisetour offer. All prices are in US dollars and for US residents only. Additional restrictions may apply. 2024 : Pay in full by September 30, 2024 or at time of booking if within 120 days of departure. 2025 : Pay in full by October 31, 2024. 2026 : Pay in full by April 30, 2025. Offer may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Offers Expires September 30, 2024.

*$25 DEPOSIT:  For itineraries 35 days or less, a $25 deposit applies to February 2025 & onward departures; for itineraries greater than 35 days, a $25 deposit applies to April 2025 & onward departures; World Cruise products excluded; call for details.

GENERAL RESTRICTIONS:  Cruise fares listed are cruise only in U.S. dollars, per person, based on double occupancy. Single supplement savings are off applicable rates. Cruise fares listed are valid for U.S. residents only. All fares and offers are for new bookings only and are subject to availability, may not combinable with other offers except Viking Explorer Society Travel Credits and Viking Referral Rewards, are capacity-controlled and may be withdrawn at any time without prior notice. Special fares are based upon published full brochure fares; cruise fares do not include pre-paid charges, optional facilities, and personal charges, as defined in the terms and conditions of the  Passenger Ticket Contract  which may be viewed elsewhere on this website. Full brochure fares may not have resulted in actual sales in all stateroom categories and may not have been in effect during the last 90 days. Promotional fares may remain in effect after the expiration date. Air promotion applies to roundtrip flights only from select Viking Cruises U.S. gateways and includes airport-to-ship or hotel transfers, air taxes and air fuel surcharges. Roundtrip airport transfers are included when air is purchased with a cruise or cruisetour package; if air is not purchased from Viking, transfers may be purchased separately. All transfers must be in conjunction with a Viking-purchased cruise, cruisetour, land extension or extra hotel nights. Viking reserves the right to correct errors or omissions and to change any and all fares at any time. For up-to-date prices, please call Viking or your Travel Agent. Additional terms and conditions may apply. Complete terms and conditions may be found in the  Passenger Ticket Contract .

AIR UPGRADE:  Upgrade to Premium Economy air from $999 per person or Business Class air from $3,499 per person based on select gateways and dates. Premium upgrades may not be available on all departures. Additional airline-imposed baggage charges may apply; for more information visit  Airline Luggage Restrictions  . Air prices are per person based on cruise/cruisetour check-in date and include transfers plus all government taxes/fees of approximately $160 and air fuel surcharges. Air seats are limited; airfares are subject to change and are not guaranteed until full payment of air is received. For more information about customized air services and US gateways, visit the  Viking Air Plus

NOTE:  International flights depart the U.S. one day prior to check-in date. Paid Business or Premium Economy Class may require travel in economy on flights within North America or Europe. Premium economy is limited to specific airlines and we may not be able to accommodate based on aircraft type and availability. Roundtrip airport transfers are included when air is purchased with a cruise or cruisetour package; if air is not purchased from Viking, transfers may be purchased separately. All transfers must be in conjunction with a Viking-purchased cruise, cruisetour, land extension or extra hotel nights.


  1. Viking Emerald sails through a gorge on China's historic Yangtze River

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  2. Best Viking River Cruises for 2024, 2025 & 2026

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  3. Yangtze River Cruise Viking

    viking yangtze cruise

  4. CHINA YANGTZE RIVER Viking River Cruise ship travels up the Yangtze

    viking yangtze cruise

  5. Viking River Cruise Along the Yangtze River

    viking yangtze cruise

  6. Cruise The Yangtze River In China With Viking Cruises

    viking yangtze cruise


  1. About the Yangtze River

    The great Yangtze River rises in the Tibet Plateau and flows east across the entire width of China until it empties into the East China Sea near Shanghai, one of the many destinations on your China cruise tour. It bisects the country and has historically marked the division between north and south China. The most dramatic part of the River is ...

  2. Viking River Cruises

    Viking has three land and cruise tours in China. All three programs include hotel stays in Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai, plus a Yangtze River cruise on the Viking Emerald. In May 2014, I took the basic 13-day tour, "Imperial Jewels of China", which is described below. The 16-day "Roof of the World" includes everything in the Imperial Jewels ...

  3. Viking River Cruise

    This itinerary presents China's key highlights in just 13 days with Viking River Cruises tour. Explore Shanghai, China's one of the largest cities. Cruise the legendary Yangtze between Wuhan and Chongqing through the scenic Three Gorges. You will also tour the Three Gorges Dam, the largest hydropower project in the world.

  4. 16 Days Roof Of The World China Tour

    Cruise the Yangtze River on Viking Emerald. Accommodating 256 guests with full verandas, hotel-style beds in every spacious suite and stateroom, public areas bathed in light and an English-speaking crew, Viking Emerald is one of the most sophisticated river ships sailing the region.

  5. Viking Emerald Cruise: Expert Review (2023)

    Editor Rating. Launched in 2011, Viking Emerald is Viking River Cruises' sole ship operating on China's Yangtze River. A chartered vessel, it has all the "feel" of a Viking-owned ship with the ...

  6. 18 Days Undiscovered China Tour

    Cruise the Yangtze River on Viking Emerald. Accommodating 256 guests with full verandas, hotel-style beds in every spacious suite and stateroom, public areas bathed in light and an English-speaking crew, Viking Emerald is one of the most sophisticated river ships sailing the region.

  7. Yangtze Cruises 2024/2025 with Best Prices Guaranteed

    The Most Recommended Cruises for 2024/2025. There are over 30 luxury cruise ships sailing on Yangtze River, which are operated by six cruise companies, including Century Cruises, Victoria Cruises, Sanctuary Retreats (Yangtze Explorer), President Cruises, Yangtze Gold Cruises, and Changjiang Cruises.When faced with so many options, you may be confused about choosing a cruise ship.

  8. Yangtze River Cruise Tips

    Yangtze River Cruise Lines. Major players on the Yangtze are Avalon Waterways, Grand Circle Cruise Line, Uniworld, Tauck, Victoria Cruises, Sanctuary Retreats, Abercrombie & Kent and Viking River ...

  9. 11 Days 10 Nights Leisure China Tour with Yangtze River Cruise

    Explore both the ancient cultures and prosperous features, and relax on the Yangtze River Cruise to see the various sides of China. Your informative guides will show you around not only the most classic spots, like the Forbidden City, Great Wall, Terra-cotta Army, the Bund, Yuyuan Garden and Three Gorges but also take you for a genuine local experience by visiting adorable giant pandas and ...

  10. Viking

    Yangtze River: Viking - Imperial Jewels of China cruise - See 930 traveler reviews, 1,365 candid photos, and great deals for Taixing, China, at Tripadvisor. ... Words cannot describe places like the Great Wall or the Forbidden City but we found that the Viking cruise trip was a relaxed and comfortable way to see it all. Date of experience ...

  11. Yangtze River Cruise Prices & Deals 2024/2025

    Yangtze Explorer is a particular case, differentiating the voyage prices by length and the arrangements of its routes/shore excursions (upstream to Badong or Shennongjia). Cruise Ship Name. Price of 2024. Cabin Sizes (㎡) Year of Maiden Voyage. Arranged Shore Excursions. Century Oasis. $526-$571.

  12. About the Yangtze River

    The great Yangtze River rises in the Tibet Plateau and flows east across the entire width of China until it empties into the East China Sea near Shanghai, one of the many destinations on your China cruise tour. It bisects the country and has historically marked the division between north and south China. The most dramatic part of the River is ...

  13. Viking River Cruises along China's Yangtze River

    Contact The Cruise Web to learn more about Viking River Cruises' China cruise itineraries. Our river cruise specialists are trained to find the best river cruise for your time and money, so call us today at 1-800-377-9383. CLICK HERE to learn more about Yangtze River cruises in China from Viking River Cruises.

  14. About Three Gorges Dam

    About The Three Gorges Dam. The Yangtze's Three Gorges is the river's most famed stretch, long known for its treacherous and rocky passage. Once boats could only travel here by means of trackers (men who pulled the ships by ropes as they walked along the slippery rapids). Now, with the creation of the Three Gorges Dam, the scenic gorges are ...

  15. Viking River Cruises China & Asia for 2024, 2025 & 2026

    15+ Night Cruises. November 2024 - January 2025. February 2025 - April 2025. May 2025 - July 2025. August 2025 - October 2025 All 15+ Night Asia Viking River Cruises. Expert-picked Viking river cruises through China, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar. Cruise the Yangtzee, Mekong or Irrawaddy.

  16. Viking River Cruise on Yangtze

    Yangtze Cruise Experts: Viking River Cruise on Yangtze - See 15 traveler reviews, 117 candid photos, and great deals for Chongqing, China, at Tripadvisor.

  17. Yangtze River Cruise Lines, Routes & Itinerary 2024/2025

    Yangtze River Cruise Routes, Itineraries & Lines 2024/2025. In the year of 2024/2025, we China Discovery offer the Yangtze River cruise sailing between Chongqing and Yichang, which is the best and golden section along the Yangtze River, both for Yangtze cruise new travellers and people visiting for the second or more time. For travellers to enjoy the fantastic view of the Yangtze, highlights ...


    Find out the best offers and packages for Viking River Cruises on the Yangtze River. Choose from 13, 16 or 18 days tours to explore China's key highlights and cultural treasures.


    With that in mind, my youngest son and I headed to China to cruise the Yangtze with the world's biggest river cruise line, Viking River Cruises, which expanded its operations from Europe in 2004. Of the nearly half a million Americans who visited China last year, Viking River Cruises hosted about 18,000. ...

  20. Cruise The Yangtze River In China With Viking Cruises

    It was a great introduction to the dichotomy of modern and ancient China. The next part of our trip was to cruise the Yangtze River with Viking Cruises in China. We boarded the ship in Wuhan for our first Viking river cruise experience. The cruise up the Yangtze River had stops to see Jingzhou, the three Gorges dam and the Shibaozhai Temple.

  21. Does Viking Cruise The Yangtze River?

    Viking's Yangtze River cruises are carefully curated to maximize cultural immersion and exploration. Along with the breathtaking scenery, passengers can enjoy a range of exciting excursions and shore activities. From guided tours of historic sites to immersive cultural experiences, such as learning traditional Chinese calligraphy or tasting ...

  22. China Cruises

    China Cruises. Experience China's rich history, scenic beauty and Buddhist heritage on a Viking ocean cruise through Asia. Admire the sparkling waters and picturesque islands of the majestic South China Sea. Discover the vibrant city of Hong Kong, where you can witness the harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. NEW! Jewels of Japan & China.

  23. Yangtze Cruise Experts

    Viking River Cruise on Yangtze . Nov 2018 • Couples. ... The Yangtze cruise must be a part of Wendy Wu tour to China, not sure which ship you are using. 2) November is the slow season for Yangtze cruise, please take some warm clothes and check the weather forcast online. 3) Downstream from Chongqing to Yichang is 3 nights / 4 days, Upstream ...

  24. NEW! Coastal Jewels of China

    Join Viking on a memorable 15-day voyage along China's southeastern coast. With Viking's deep understanding of Chinese culture, immerse yourself in the diverse cuisines and landscapes of this distinctive country during your fully guided journey. Admire Shanghai's famous Bund and explore hidden treasures in seldom-visited ports that offer a glimpse into Chinese life that few get to see ...