Edit a travel itinerary

Free Travel Itinerary Templates to Edit and Print

Create an informative brochure for your travel agency's itineraries with edit.org's free, customizable templates..

Discover the customizable  travel itinerary templates  from the graphic editor Edit.org. Communicate the unique routes offered by your agency.

Free trip planner template to customize online

Customize a trip itinerary template online

It's very common for travel agencies to create a summary document with their different route itineraries. These are published on the website so that future travelers can get an idea of everything they'll see, or printed out and hung in the office window to get the attention of anyone who passes by.

These trip planners can contain detailed route information with a comprehensive description of all daily experiences and activities. They can also be more generic, mentioning only the most important visits.

In any case, these designs should emphasize the tour highlights, whether they're excursions to cities, monuments, or landscapes. They should also always contain the start and end date, as well as what's included or excluded.

To make these designs, either on letter-sized paper or to create a brochure or banner, use Edit.org's predesigned templates to avoid wasting time on designing them and get a professional result for your agency. Print your brochures or share them online in just a few minutes.

Free travel itinerary template to print

How to edit an itinerary planner template on Edit.org

  • Click on a travel itinerary template in this article or go to the editor to get started.
  • Choose the template you like best for your travel route.
  • Customize it with the corresponding texts or add more elements.
  • Save the layout.
  • Download the final result to print or share online.

Editable travel itinerary planner template

Posters, flyers, and banners for travel agencies

On the editor, you'll also find more generic free templates for travel agencies and also templates to promote summer or Easter trips, among others. For all your compositions, use the same design pattern to show a stronger and more uniform corporate image.

Finally, don't forget to save your designs in your user profile to continue editing them at another time or to make copies. This way, you can create the posters or banners you want from the same template, keeping the basic elements such as colors or the logo. You'll only have to change the images and text depending on the trip or tour in question, which will only take you a few minutes.

Start promoting your planned itineraries now   and advertise your routes to all those adventurers willing to see the world.

See the designs

Edit a travel itinerary

Meeting Minutes


Notebook Covers


Best Travel Itinerary Builders for Advisors [+Comparison Chart]

You’re probably here because you have a sneaking suspicion that you’ve outgrown your travel itinerary template. Maybe you’ve come to peace with the fact that using a template is a time-suck, or you’ve realized they look like Frankenstein itineraries, or it saddens you that clients can’t interact with it on a mobile app. Maybe all of the above.

So, what’s the best alternative to travel itinerary templates? Travel itinerary builders. But before I dive into the differences between the two, here’s a choose your own adventure:

  • I want to better understand the pros & cons of travel itinerary templates vs. itinerary builders
  • I want a few tips on how to choose an itinerary builder before I check out the comparison chart
  • I’m just here for your Itinerary Builder Comparison Chart. Take me there.

Differences Between Itinerary Templates & Itinerary Builders

Both travel itinerary templates and itinerary builders can be used to create custom quotes and trip itineraries for your travel agency. What are the difference between them? Here's a short answer:

Travel Itinerary Templates:

  • Freely available: You can find template on any Word/Google Doc./Mac Pages as a template option.
  • Designed for general use: Templates are a "catchall" for travelers, so unless you modify or create your own template, the itinerary will be pretty barebones.
  • DIY and typically take longer to create: There's a lot of copy and paste going on, so you can abandon your dreams of drag-and-drop images automatically formatted to the itinerary design.
  • They're static documents: What you see is what you get. They're not dynamic and won't integrate with suppliers/ consortia/ CRMs/ flights/ destinations/ maps etc.

Travel Itinerary Builders

  • Tailored toward travel agencies, tour operators and DMCs
  • Faster to create than templates: With itinerary builders, it's faster and easier to get a more professional looking product in a shorter amount of time. Most itinerary builders advertise they take 10-20min. to create opposed to 2-3 hours to use a travel itinerary template.
  • An investment: Travel itinerary builders cost money (with few exceptions)
  • Dynamic: They integrate with different travel agent apps and programs (GDS, CRM, consortia content, suppliers etc.) and clients can interact with the app, using it as a platform to book excursions, research restaurants and points of interest (etc.)

It's kind of like using a spreadsheet for your accounting (template) vs. using a program like Quickbooks (builder). A spreadsheet will get the job done, but it's not usually the most efficient Want more details to help you decide? Keep reading.

Is a Travel Itinerary Template Good Enough for Me?

If you’re just doing a one-off itinerary here or there, and you don’t care about looks or branding or functionality, a travel itinerary template might be just fine. Maybe you’re booking primarily as occasional favors for your friends, or booking for your mom who still thinks the bear Christmas ornament you made out of cotton balls and hot glue in 2nd grade belongs in the Louvre (I’m looking at YOU, mom!). Mom doesn't care what your itinerary looks like.

Another bonus of travel itinerary templates is that they’re free. It’s hard to argue with that. So if you’re just starting an agency and the thought of shelling out one more dime makes you want to cry, a travel itinerary templates can work fine until the day comes that you want to invest in a different tool (if that day ever comes).

You can easily find travel itinerary templates as Google Docs, Mac, and/or Microsoft template options. But before you go the travel itinerary template route, consider three things:

  • A travel itinerary template takes a lot longer to create, brand, and customize: If you're creating in depth itineraries for clients, an itinerary builder will save you a good chunk time. Possibly even 1-2+ hours per quote/ itinerary. So even if you are making just a few per week, you stand to save a good chunk of time that you could use to hang out with your dog or focus on building up your client base so you can make more itineraries :)
  • You can try an itinerary builder for free to see if you like it: In fact, you can try multiple programs for free! I suggest testing out a few so you can determine which builder you like best.
  • There’s a few free itinerary builders: . . . and while they’re intended more for travelers than advisors, they get the job done. ( You can find some options for that in this article ).

Curious about itinerary builders? Read on.

A Few Things to Consider When Choosing an Itinerary Builder:

Okay, so you're already sold on using (or at least trying out) an itinerary builder. If that's the case, here are a few things you can consider before you launch into our comparison chart below to help you decide:

  • Budget: Simple enough, but it’s a big one. What can you afford? Does the pricing align with the volume of itineraries you anticipate making?
  • Consortia Discounts & Integration: Is your consortium (or your host’s consortium) chummy with a particular itinerary builder? If so, that might make your discounts higher and your itinerary-building process even easier. Do they have products that can automatically populate into itineraries from your consortium?
  • Host Discounts: Is your host one of their preferred partners? That may bode well in terms of volume discounts. Check the chart (and you can double-check with your host and/or the itinerary builder apps).
  • Supplier Integration: Who are your favorite suppliers to book? Do those suppliers populate into the itinerary builder’s program? If so, this will make your itinerary building even faster.
  • Style: Okay, so sometimes looks matter. I said it. Your itineraries should be beautiful and reflect your brand. It's subjective, but some builders will align more closely with your personal design and style preferences. On the comparison chart below, there are links to what the quotes and itineraries look like. Open each sample in a different tab so you can compare the style them, side by side.
  • Function: Does it have all the functions you want? Not sure what all those functions may be? Check out the very long list of features on our chart and see what’s possible!
  • User Friendliness: This is subjective, but if you’ve watched demos and you’re still stumbling through the program a week or two after using it, maybe it’s not a match made in heaven for you. (Spoiler alert: All the programs listed have a free trial, so you will be able to judge for yourself which ones are the "user-friendliest" for you!)
  • How Long Have They Been in Business? How deep are their industry roots? This isn't to say that you should poo-foo startups. Do they have a track record of product development? Do they keep up with their program? Do they have their fingers on the pulse of what travel advisors really need?
  • How often do they update their product? Are they active? Do they update their YouTube tutorials? Do they post on their FB page? Do you see them hanging out at conferences you attend?

Okay, you’re totally ready. Beyond ready. Here’s where your comparison shopping begins and ends:

Travel Agent Itinerary Builder Comparison Chart

Finally here it is. How did we decide which itinerary-building apps to profile? These are companies that focus on itinerary-building apps for travel agents (but they work for tour operators and DMCs, too!). So if you’re looking for larger programs like TESS and Mtrip that bundle it with other services (like CRM and invoicing etc), you’ll have to wait on that another day.

For this article, we consider these companies the main players in the travel agent itinerary builder space:

  • Axus Travel App
  • Safari Portal

If you feel we missed a main player, please let us know in the comments!

I’m just going to set this riiiiiight here! (Make sure you go all the way to the end so you can find links to the samples!)

Beautiful isn't it? If you love it, you have our Think Tank Group to thank! They really delivered in offering feedback for this resource!

Go Forth and Create Itineraries!

Whether you decided to go old school and use a travel itinerary template, or take a test drive on some of the builders, I'd like to hear what works for YOU! Did I miss features in the infographic that are important to you? Is there a program you love that you don't see?

Leave a comment or drop me a line at [email protected]! Chat soon!

About the author

Author Mary Stein

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travel agency itinerary template

Template Download

Tripcreator: template download, busy travel planner or tour operator, download easy and customizable travel planning templates to help you create beautiful itineraries for your customers. get a word and excel template right here, or keep reading if you need to know why you need one.

Microsoft Word Logo 2020

Word Template Includes

  • Front page example
  • Day to day planning
  • Fancy Icons
  • Visual per stop

Microsoft Excel Logo 2020

  • Detailed clear information
  • Advanced pricing options
  • Tailored for bigger groups
  • Detailed pricing calculations

Your Free Travel Itinerary Template Download 

Save time and create itineraries 14x faster.

  • Build itinerary
  • Duplicate them
  • Share them with client
  • Accessible on laptop & mobile 

Use one-off templates

  • Create an itinerary for Microsoft Word or Excel
  • Google docs or sheets

Our templates are suitable for:

  • Vacation 
  • Package tours 
  • Railway tours

TripCreator's itinerary builder is ideal for: 

Travel agents, tour operators, travel professionals, destination management companies (dmc) , meetings, incentives, conferences, exhibitions (mice), create beautiful itineraries quickly with tripcreator, add any destinations, hotels, and flights.

  • It's easy and can be done within minutes
  • You can duplicate blocks and customize how you want to 
  • You can select from a variety of pre-built content items 

Save, share & re-use your itineraries 

  • Present your travel ideas to potential clients. Share the itinerary as a proposal/quote.

Itineraries can be directly accessed via a mobile app 

  • It's compatible with all iOS & Android devices
  • The itineraries can be updated automatically. 
  • With a few taps, the itinerary can be accessed by your clients

Complete itinerary booking in one place 

  • The TripCreator platform is safe and secure. Which is why we don't send customers to a third-party booking engine. Book tours and vacations all in one place.

Business Statistics

  • Get up-to-date sales numbers with a quick and easy export into your finance system. 

Creating beautiful itineraries has never been this simple. Produce your customers' ideal vacation today!

See how our itineraries look.

Itinerary Self-drive in Italy for 7 days

Self-drive in It aly for 7 days

Itinerary Amazing Romania in 8 days

Amazing Romania in 8 days

Itinerary Insight of Cambodia 8 Day Tour

Insight of Cambodia 8 Day Tour

Itinerary 3 day London family trip

3 day London family trip

travel agency itinerary template

TripCreator X Bókun – Live Availability & Pricing

travel agency itinerary template

Top Travel Agency & DMC Trends for 2023 & How You Can Stay Ahead of the Curve

travel agency itinerary template

2023: New backend changelog

Contact info, +354 415 5100, [email protected], ármúli 32, 108 reykjavík, iceland, join the newsletter.

All Rights Reserved | TripCreator

Top 6 Free and Paid Itinerary Builders for Travel Agents

Marc Truyols

Top 3 Paid Itinerary Builders 

  • Top 3 Free Itinerary Builders 

Final thoughts

 Making your own travel itinerary templates is a great idea. You have your own workflow, know how to structure it efficiently, and how to distribute it. However, since you are here, you probably have some issues with your trip itinerary template.

Maybe you are not satisfied with their design? Do you find it too time-consuming to create them? Do they look awful on mobile devices?

If you answered yes to all these questions, then you should start looking into itinerary travel builders for travel agents. You will be amazed how a straightforward app can save you a lot of time and make you more competitive in the tourism industry.

There are so many of them, though, and you might find it hard to tell which ones are reliable or worth the money. To narrow down your options, we’ve put together a list of the top 6 itinerary builders for travel agents.

If you can afford a paid itinerary builder, the following tools are worth checking out.


VacationLabs website

VacationLabs is a premium itinerary builder software. It ships with a comprehensive list of features to help you streamline the differentiating of your tour packages and help you create attractive itineraries. This trip planner has been around for ten years now. Over the years, the developers have made a lot of improvements, and today the app looks good, is very fast, and has a lot of features.

 VacationLabs has built-in support for booking engine integration. You can use it to create a custom itinerary for your customers, and it even has customized route maps that are perfect for road trip itineraries.

  • A variety of products besides itinerary builder including a travel website builder, booking & payments, operations & back-office, channel manager, inquiry manager CRM, and SEO tools
  • Easy-to-use itinerary builder
  • Enhanced itinerary display (tour images/videos, day by day itinerary, PDF download, price variations, interactive map)
  • Responsive itinerary design

Vacation Labs itinerary builder’s price is available upon request.

What like about it

We like that VacationLabs shows support for newly launched travel business owners as well as those who have been affected by COVID-19. In fact, if you are either one of these, you can use VacationLabs’ free travel website builder and itinerary builder and start paying after you start making many again.

What we don’t like about it

We couldn’t find anything we don’t like about VacationLabs. It is a comprehensive itinerary builder. However, its pricing point is slightly above the industry average, and the free trial is limited to 14 days.

Travefy website

Travefy offers very attractive itinerary management capabilities. With its planner template library, you will be able to create stunning itineraries that will impress your clients. You can also view the itinerary sample features on their website to see what the software can do.

 Travefy features a drag-and-drop editor, which is really simple to use. Even with limited technical experience, you’ll still be able to create beautiful itineraries and add dining, sightseeing, and other travel activities with ease.

  • Variety of products besides itinerary builder including itinerary management, proposals + quotes, simple CRM + forms, and website + marketing;
  • Drag and drop itinerary builder
  • Built-in photo library
  • Supplier integrations
  • Dedicated mobile apps
  • Destination content built-in

Travefy is available for $39 per user per month.

What we like about it

We like Travefy’s destination library. You can use it to provide additional information to your clients and make more comprehensive itineraries without having to put in too much time. For instance, you can add points of interest, city guides, and more.

Travefy usage limits apply per user account. It means that once your business starts growing and you want to add more users and serve more clients, you will have to pay a lot more for advanced Travefy packages.

Tourwriter website

Tourwriter is one of the top 3 paid itinerary builders on the market. It offers a variety of features to help you not only generate leads but capture sales. With Tourwriter, you will be able to save a ton of time creating the itineraries from scratch.

The software comes with a drag-and-drop builder and even has mobile support. The best thing about Tourwriter itineraries is that they can draw information from a central database. For instance, the prices and availability will change automatically depending on the supplier.

  • No additional products besides itinerary builder;
  • Generator of itinerary proposals;
  • Itinerary builder;
  • Built-in pricing calculator;
  • Booking automation;
  • Supplier library.

Tourwriter offers three pricing plans: Designer, Expert, and Groups.

The Designer plan will cost you $39 per user per month.

The Expert plan has a base fee of $59 per month + a 1% fee per itinerary sold.

The group’s plan is reserved for managing group travel and is available upon request.

We love that Tourwriter has a dedicated WordPress addon named Minim . It will help you streamline embedding your travel itineraries to your website. This is excellent news for all travel agencies that use WordPress to power their official websites.

If you decide to use anything other than the Basic plan, you will have to pay a commission per itinerary sold. The commission is small, but there are other solutions that charge only a flat fee.

Top 3 Free Itinerary Builders  

In case you are just starting out as a travel agent and don’t have the budget for fancy software solutions, you should check out these top 3 free itinerary builders.

TripIt website

With the number of features it ships out and the cutting-edge design, TripIt could easily be among the top 3 free itinerary builders in the market. It has some neat features, including built-in notifications and interactive maps.

If you find Triplt limiting, then you should try out TripIt Pro, the premium alternative. TripIt Pro comes with even more features, but most of them are designed for travelers and not travel agencies.

  • Confirmation emails forwarding
  • Mobile friendly itineraries
  • Travel statistics
  • Airport maps, nearby places, navigator
  • Calendar sync

We love that TripIt has a dedicated mobile app for both Android and iOS users. The app is regularly updated and is really easy to use.

Free itinerary builders cater more to the needs of travelers than travel agents. Nevertheless, you should try it out to see whether it reflects your travel agency’s needs.


TripCreator website

Trip Creator is the leading itinerary building software with a lot of features, modern design, and cross-device compatibility. It ships out with cutting-edge tools you can use to create attractive itineraries and share them with your clients.

The basic tool comes with list tools, calendar, pricing, and routing tools to help you stay on top of your itinerary management. While TripCreator is a paid builder, we listed it here because it offers 30 free trials that you can reset by creating a new account with a new email. Even if you decide to invest in it, you will be surprised to find out that it only costs $9 per month per user.

  • Use your logo and color palette
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Build reusable Itinerary templates
  • Royalty-free image library

We like the pricing feature capability to shop no pricing, total price, or in-detail price breakdown. 

Some advanced options might be too hard to use if you are unfamiliar with this type of software.

Sygic Travel Trip Planner

Sygic Travel Trip Planner website

Sygic Travel Trip Planner is a great pick for travel agents because it has a huge database. At the moment, the app covers over 20 million places, including frequently visited sights, parks, cafes, restaurants, and other attractions.

The app ships with extensive map features that help users have a real view of the destination. Unfortunately, it can be considered as a starter app for travel agents because it caters more to the needs of travelers.

  • Built-in notes
  • Automatic itinerary builder
  • See itinerary on the map in real-time
  • Support for all devices

We like how easy it is to use the Sygic Travel Trip Planner builder. 

Again, keep in mind that although it has offline mode and some features for business use, Sygic Travel Trip Planner is still a far better option if you are a traveler. 

With the abundance of reliable itinerary builders, you can say goodbye to your old travel itinerary templates. Make sure to use the free trial period to test each one of the top five itinerary builders for travel agents apps. Every travel agency is unique, and you should look for a builder that reflects your unique business needs. 

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Marc Truyols

Marc Truyols has a degree in Tourism from the University of the Balearic Islands. Marc has extensive experience in the leisure, travel and tourism industry. His skills in negotiation, hotel management, customer service, sales and hotel management make him a strong business development professional in the travel industry.

Mize is the leading hotel booking optimization solution in the world. With over 170 partners using our fintech products, Mize creates new extra profit for the hotel booking industry using its fully automated proprietary technology and has generated hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue across its suite of products for its partners. Mize was founded in 2016 with its headquarters in Tel Aviv and offices worldwide.

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Itinerary Template for a Trip: Free Downloadable Examples & More Resources

  • Updated: 07/14/2024

If you are looking for a free, easy, and detailed itinerary template for a trip that you can download and conveniently add your own travel details—then you are in the right place. 

Find the sample trip itinerary template I created and tweaked over years of travel to include the most relevant information in one easy-to-scan document and in four different file formats. 

Additionally, I share alternative template ideas  that include my top picks for itinerary-building apps  and other online places where you can find more free or affordable trip itinerary designs  and layouts. So, go to the file format that works best for you, scan my quick tips for editing, and get your trip details organized in a downloadable, easy-to-edit, and very sharable document. 

Table Of Contents

Itinerary template for a trip in 4 file formats.

Find my travel itinerary template in the four different file formats below. Choose the one you like to work in best. Then find more recommendations here .

  • Microsoft Word trip itinerary template
  • Microsoft Excel trip itinerary template
  • Google Sheets trip itinerary template
  • Canva trip itinerary template

About This Template: 7 Main Components

There are seven main components to this template. I have included each because it contains the information I reference most while traveling, organized in a way that helps me figure out when my trip schedule is overloaded or lacks the right amount of buffer time between activities or transit.

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The 7 trip itinerary template components include:

  • Header. For a destination image and title. Replace this image with your own.
  • High-level trip summary: An at-a-glance summary of essential trip information—the number of travelers, dates of travel, flights (or other transit), and location(s) of the trip.
  • Travel day column. Know which day of your trip an activity is happening. 
  • Day of the week column. Know the day of the week and date to ensure lodging, tour, and transfers are booked correctly.
  • Activities column. A place to capture details for all activities and lodging. Hyperlink text to websites for additional information.
  • Location(s) column. In this space, recap the destinations for each day, link to lodging websites, and include important notes such as included meals or overnight flights.
  • Lodging contact info sheet. A second tab or sheet for additional lodging information is included in all template files except for Microsoft Word 

Since the detail on this template prints small, consider saving it to a PDF file , allowing you to zoom in as needed and easily share it with others.

Additionally, reference your itinerary offline when you save a PDF version of this itinerary to your phone to an app like iBooks (Apple users) or Google Play Books (Android users). Having an offline itinerary comes in handy in travel situations when you have limited or zero cellular or wi-fi connection. 

Microsoft Word Template

Click on the image below to download a free version of this trip itinerary template containing actual details from a visit to Iceland in Microsoft Word. 

6 Editing Tips (Word Template)

As Microsoft Word is the most universally used software program, it is the trip itinerary template file I share first. Here are six essential editing tips when using the Microsoft Word version of this template.

Header area editing (Word template)

  • To change out the image at the top of the itinerary, right-click on the image and select Change Picture. Select from a stock photo or upload your own image. I am a Canva user and found this image there, added a text overlay, and saved it using the dimensions 2000x458px.
  • However, you can upload any size image file you would like. If your uploaded image is not the correct size, click on it and drag its diagonal corner to resize and fit the page. If you find it too tricky to insert a new image, delete the existing one and type your preferred itinerary title. It might not look as pretty without a picture, but the template will still convey all essential information.

Main itinerary body editing (Word template)

I created this itinerary using a table in Microsoft Word, hiding vertical gridlines to achieve a cleaner look. 

  • To edit text , select and delete existing text. Then, type text as you normally would in Word documents.
  • To add a table row , select a row by dragging your mouse to highlight it, then right-click and choose Insert to add a row above or below. Repeat the process to delete a row . Find one additional blank row at the bottom of the template.
  • To add or change hyperlinks , select the word(s) you would like to link (or unlink) to a website, right-click, select Hyperlink, and from the sub-menu, select Edit or Remove Hyperlink.
  • To add back vertical gridlines , select the entire table, right-click, and select Borders and Shading to adjust the design with the gridline configuration you like best.

Microsoft Excel Template

Click on the image below to download a free version of this trip itinerary template containing actual details from a visit to Iceland in Microsoft Excel. 

9 Editing Tips (Excel Template)

As Microsoft Excel is more specialized software, I share nine file-specific tips, knowing that the traveler who prefers to download this file type is likely already familiar and comfortable editing in Excel.

Header area editing (Excel template)

To change out the header image at the top of the itinerary, right-click on the image and select Change Picture. Select from a stock photo or upload your own image. I am a Canva user and found this image there, saving it using the dimensions 2000x458px. Once uploaded, I added the semi-transparency in Excel.

However, you can upload any size image file you would like. If your uploaded image is not the correct size, click on it and drag its diagonal corner to resize and fit the page . If you find it too tricky to insert a new image, delete the existing one. It might not look as pretty without a picture, but the template will still convey all essential information.

  • Though—if you upload a new image and want to keep the semi-transparency , double-click on your picture to get to the Picture Format menu. Find the Transparency icon in the header menu and adjust it to your preference. 
  • To change the header text , click on the text in the Text Box and edit all elements.

Main itinerary body editing (Excel template)

  • To insert bullet points , copy these from an existing cell in the document. I created and copied the bullet points from a Word document and pasted them into Excel. 
  • All cells are set to wrap text and are oriented to align left and at the top of the cell. If this changes or the format structure is lost, right-click on any cell and select Format Cells to reset the cell structure to your preference. 
  • To start a new line of text in a cell when using a Mac, press the Option+Return buttons on your keyboard. Using a PC, press the Alt+Enter buttons or get more tips from Microsoft Help .
  • To insert hyperlinks , select the cell you would like to hyperlink, and from the main menu, select Insert. From that submenu, choose Link. Microsoft Excel—from what I can tell (please correct me in the comments if you know how to bypass this)—does not allow users to link individual text within a cell. Google Sheets does, and it is one of the reasons I prefer using that format type. 

Lodging contact tab editing (Excel template)

Note a second tab in this Excel template for lodging details—set to print landscape (horizontally). Edit all elements in the same way as the main itinerary.

Google Sheets Template

Click on the image below to download a free version of this trip itinerary template containing actual details from a visit to Iceland in Google Sheets. This image links to a read-only document. 

To copy it, click File from the main menu and select Copy . Doing this will create a copy of the document on your Google Drive. You will want to be logged into Google when you do this.

7 Editing Tips (Google Sheets Template)

Google Sheets is my preferred file type to create, edit, and share new trip itineraries. I find its slimmed-down menu is easier to use than Excel. Plus, I appreciate the ability to highlight and hyperlink specific text using Sheets vs. having to link an entire cell (in Excel).

Additionally, I find this file type easier to share as not everyone uses Microsoft documents. And I find it convenient since I already use Google Drive to manage my business documents and keep my travel information organized . Here are seven things to know when editing this template.

Header area editing (Google Sheets template)

To change out the header image at the top of the itinerary, right-click on the image and select Change Picture. Select from a stock photo or upload your own image. I am a Canva user and found this image there, added a text overlay, and saved it using the dime nsions 2000x458px.

However, you can upload any size image file you would like. If your uploaded image is not the correct size, click on it and drag its diagonal corner to resize and fit the page . If you find it too tricky to insert a new image, delete the existing one and type your preferred itinerary title. It might not look as pretty without a picture, but the template will still convey all essential information.

Main itinerary body editing (Google Sheets template)

  • All cells are set to wrap text and are oriented to align left and at the top of the cell. If this changes or the format structure is lost, select a cell and choose Format from the main menu.  From the drop-down menu, select Wrapping or Alignment to adjust to your preference. 
  • To start a new line of text within Google Sheets when using a Mac, press the Command (or Control or Option)+Return buttons on your keyboard. Using a PC, press the Alt (or Control) +Enter buttons. 
  • To insert hyperlinks , select the specific text you would like to hyperlink, and from the iconographic menu, just below the main menu, select the three vertical dots at the far right for more editing items. Select the Link icon to insert and link to your preferred URL. Or choose Insert from the main menu, then select Link. 

Lodging contact tab editing (Google Sheets template)

Note a second tab in this Google Sheets template for lodging details—set to print landscape (horizontally). Edit all elements in the same way as the main itinerary.

Canva Template

Click on the image below to access and edit a free version of this trip itinerary template in Canva. 

Although Canva is an excellent and intuitive design software usable by non-professionals, it requires prior knowledge and experience to use it comfortably. I do not recommend downloading and editing this file type unless you are already comfortable creating and editing in Canva.

If you are, have fun! You have full editing capability to change any element of this two-page trip itinerary template, which includes a second page for lodging contact information. 

Tips for duplicating the template: Click the above image, then click the “Create with Canva” button in the upper right-hand corner. When you do this, it should take you to your Canva account and let you copy, and then edit a duplicate version of the template.

2 Recommended Online Itinerary Builders

If you prefer using an app or an online itinerary builder to create your itineraries, TripIt and Wanderlog are the top two options. I have used TripIt before and found it handy—though short on the functionality I prefer. Despite easy integration with travel booking uploads, the program was less flexible than I would have liked, still requiring some manual uploading and editing. 

I have not used Wanderlog, though I have repeatedly seen it recommended highly by frequent travelers and travel professionals. To see which is right for you, scan through this Reddit thread of users comparing notes on each.

4 More Places to Find Travel Itinerary Templates

In addition to the free templates I share, are four more places to find free or affordable trip itinerary templates.

  • Microsoft Excel, Word, and Google Sheets free templates

Find multiple travel itinerary templates on Jotform .  Edit them using its web-based a PDF editor. Then, download your edited form after you create an account. You get five complimentary form downloads with a free membership . 

Find multiple trip itinerary templates on Canva .  There are several free options. To edit and download them, create a free account on Canva if you do not already have one. Some templates are restricted to paid Pro Canva users only.

Microsoft Excel, Word, and Google Sheets

Microsoft Excel, Word, and Google Sheets offer free templates. These software programs offer several free travel itinerary templates. To access these complimentary templates, choose File, then select Create New from Template or New from template gallery from the main menus. Search for templates related to trips or travel to find one that fits your needs.

Several shops on Etsy sell downloadable trip itinerary templates for a low price, often $5 or under. Some designs are beautiful. Several come packaged with multiple detailed pages that could be perfect for your needs or be superfluous. Search digital download options here to see what fits your preferences best.

Related Reading

If you are searching for more travel planning assistance to help you save time and money, stay organized, and achieve better results, check out the related articles below.

  • How to Plan a Trip Quickly: 9 Best Places to Find Inspiring Trip Itineraries
  • 49 Things You Need to Do to Plan Your Best Trip (Free Travel Research & Planning Checklist)
  • Google for Travel: Plan Better with These 8 Tools
  • Why You Will Love Google Maps for Trip Planning
  • How to Save Time & Money with Google Flights Price Tracker
  • 5 Proven Ways to Simplify and Organize Your Travel Research
  • Pack Faster & Better with This Universal Printable Packing List
  • 25 Expert Packing Tips to Help You Travel Better
  • Pre-Trip: A Practical Checklist to Close the House & Pack

Additional Trip Planning Resources

To further help you with travel planning, I share my go-to resources for every trip below. 

Google Flights. My first research stop for affordable flights for every trip. Learn why here . 

Google Hotels . Use its “ Where to stay ” button to discover the best neighborhoods to base your visit.

Booking.com. For hotel and rental bookings, I appreciate its flexible cancellation, candid user reviews, discounts, loyalty program, and easy-to-use interface.

Viator , Get Your Guide , & Airbnb Experiences . Quickly find and book highly-rated tours and activities on these sites.

Google Travel Things to Do & Google Maps . Find more things to do in your destination on Google Travel, then record where you want to visit on a custom Google Maps list. 

AllTrails . Love to hike? Me too. I religiously use AllTrails to discover hiking and biking trails and download its offline maps to manage my hikes.

Guide Along . 5-star self-guided audio tours that are GPS-compatible for US road trips and national parks. We loved the Glacier National Park tour .

Insure My Trip. I never travel internationally without trip insurance. Learn why here . My preferred place to shop and compare policies is InsureMyTrip.com . 

Plus, check out the 15 travel apps I use on trips, my preferred guidebooks , and my free customizable travel itinerary template , downloadable in four file formats.

Janice Moskoff in front of doorway in Valletta, Malta. (Credit: Danielle Cassar)

About the author : Janice Moskoff is a travel writer and blogger who loves hiking, exploring the world, and reading. She writes to inspire travel-loving families, adult friends, and couples on her blog, Gather and Go Travel . After attending the University of Michigan undergraduate business school and following a career in retail strategy and event management, she returned to focus on her first love—travel. Read her bio , learn how she became a blogger , and discover how to work with her . Sign up for her monthly Discovery Newsletter to get her latest travel recommendations and how-to’s .

Love to travel? Sign up for m y monthly Gather & Go Travel Discovery Newsletter and get a free trip budget calculator.

Affiliate Disclosure: Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I earn a commission if you make a purchase. I only recommend products and companies I use. And the income goes to keeping the site community-supported and ads minimal.

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4 responses.

Hi Kathleen, thanks for letting me know. I really appreciate it. I just re-updated the Canva link. Hopefully this will work. I’ll email you the link too, that way if you have any issues (or if it is working) you can let me know directly. Thank you! Janice

Hi, I am also getting the Canva template preview that, once you click the link, just takes me to a generic Canva page. I was wondering if you have the direct link at all, or perhaps the file name?

Hi Nicole, thanks for messaging about this. Happy to troubleshoot. I am sorry you having issues. Since you would like to use this template I’ll take an educated guess that you are familiar with Canva and already have an account? When you click the “Create with Canva” link in the upper right hand corner it should take you to your account and let you edit a version of this template. I’ll check in with you via email as well to see if this is happening. If not, I’ll email you a direct link and dig in to adjust settings. Or feel free to email me directly at (janice at gatherandgotravel dot com.). Thank you!

Hi! I was hoping to use your Canva template but it linked to a preview that wouldn’t open the template. I also couldn’t find it by searching.. Is it available anywhere?

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Janice Moskoff in Positano, bio image for Gather and Go Travel website

Welcome to  Gather and Go Travel , a blog inspiring families, adult friends, and couples to explore US and international destinations and to get outdoors. I am Janice, a world traveler to 50+ countries, a travel writer/blogger, and a book lover. Learn more  about me , read  our story , and how to  work with me . Get my latest updates, how-tos, and trip ideas in my monthly  Discovery Newsletter .

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Meet Phylicia @thebackpacker_mom! Welcome back to this Friday series featuring Q&As with fellow travelers on @gatherandgotravel. 📍About Phylicia Phylicia is a world travel photographer, turned Mom then turned wine educator. Now, she travels the world with her two children venturing to new places and pairing it all with a glass of wine! 📝Q: What do you love most about your role as a travel pro? I love inspiring people to travel to new locations—to break out of their comfort zone. And, to encourage them to travel with their children and break out of what they know when it comes to wine. 📝Q: What is your favorite type of travel? I love mixing several different types of travel into one. I’ve planned a trip as a family where we went scuba diving, wine tasting, hiking, historical walking tours, and more! I believe that there is always a way to have your cake and eat it too. It might not look the way some may imagine it but if you’re willing to be flexible anything is possible 📝Q: What’s a time when your travel has gone wrong? How did you get it right? When traffic slows you down in Paris you might end up missing your flight. I was traveling with another mother and her son and one other woman on a trip to Paris and the Loire Valley and we missed our flight and had to all, including the children sleep in the airport lobby, wait for the first flight out in the morning. Thankfully the French were super kind to us with our boxes of wine and our kids and helped us rebook the flight with no problem and didn’t charge us for the checked luggage Follow Phylicia’s adventures @thebackpacker_mom. Check today’s stories for more info! ⭐️Would you like to be featured in a future traveler Q&A? Comment “feature” and I’ll send you info! #travelQ&A #Q&A #interview #traveler #travel #travelwithkids #travelphotographer #wineeducator #thebackpackermom

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Home » Invoice Templates » Free Printable Travel Itinerary Templates (Word, Excel, PDF)

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Free printable travel itinerary templates (word, excel, pdf).

A trip is the best choice to make you happy and fresh. An itinerary usually refers to the travel itinerary template for (Business, Vacation, Trip, Flight) to manage the things on a paper. This is a plan to manage all things for the trip.

Ultimately travel itinerary template examples are, highlight the place, things to bring, and make all plans for your trip. You can get an advantage from these templates by arranging the information to keep. The purpose of it’s usually placed the things in front of the file with completely planned brochures with confirmation of tickets. This is the best help to get information during your road trip. You may also like the travel budget template .

With the complete information of business travel itinerary templates, you can make unique items list and other primary indexes which are necessary to retain. You can simplify your work with these templates and make your trip easy and comfortable.

For the best travel and thousands of miles, you can start with a single step. For example, if you are a travel agent or planner of any event or someone wants to organize a family trip. So these family vacation itinerary templates are useful for the planning. You can quickly create plans with the help of these templates. You may also check the travel agency invoice template .

Table of Contents

Tips Planning for Travel Itinerary Template

Usually, there are many trip advisors and tour guides who help and manage all trip planning. They are also providing the best service in all ways. Whereas, small companies easily simplify travel plans to keep the things in mind with listed tips.

Make plan first: Try to make a plan for your trip before a month. At eleventh hour trip might be failing as things got worse. Usually, some of the trips may occur with small or urgent notice. No doubts a trip reduces your stress and gives you the best atmosphere form your hectic routine life. When you have a schedule nay of your business or private trip, make some possible meetings, discuss transportation, and all details. This is very useful for all aspects to make successful your trip.

Make backup process: Must check the lists of your all luggage, mobile devices are all important and easy to get from anywhere. Don’t rely on the device only even make things on hard copy in print form if any case device isn’t working or stolen. If you have planned a trip overseas so must-have device and hard copy of the executive travel itinerary template and send an email to your any contact considerable.

Weather forecasting: Why don’t you check the weather forecasting of your destination? This is important for a particular time with more unusual business attire. These all are making your trip more comfortable.

Plans all arrangements: Before that you can make sure about the hotel/place, offering all the services you need to make a booking before arriving. If you are done with your contract before starting your trip you can confirm by all your details, lodging, etc. Make sure the entire necessary thing and your itinerary are fine. You may also like expense report template excel .

Free Travel Itinerary Excel Template

travel itinerary template

Travel itinerary Example

travel itinerary example

Business Travel Itinerary Template

business travel itinerary template

Business Travel Checklist itinerary Template

business travel checklist itinerary template

Family Vacation Itinerary Template

family vacation itinerary template

Executive Travel Itinerary Template

executive travel itinerary template

Free Business Travel Itinerary Template Excel

free business travel itinerary template excel

These are the best in all aspects of traveling either private or business trips. With the help of these templates, you can get some additional activity for every plan to make it successful. For instance, free business travel itinerary template excel customized with their information that will automatically save. If you have downloaded your required itineraries templates it may get form mobile. If you haven’t a system long with you so you no worries, get, and go according to your plan.

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travel agency itinerary template

I am Ryan Duffy and legal writer. I received a bachelor of business administration (BBA) degree from London Business School. I have 8+ years of writing experience in the different template fields and working with ExcelTMP.com for 7 years. I work with a team of writers and business and legal professionals to provide you with the best templates.

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Free Itinerary

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Create a personalized travel itinerary with ease

What is Free Itinerary Template?

Planning a trip can be overwhelming, especially when you have multiple destinations, transportation options, accommodations, and activities to consider. That's why we've created this travel itinerary template to help you stay organized and make the most of your trip. With Lark's user-friendly features, you can easily input your travel details, customize your itinerary, and keep track of important information such as meals, notes, and weather forecasts. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or on a business trip, this template will ensure that you have a seamless and enjoyable travel experience.

travel agency itinerary template

Try this template now

Who is this Free Itinerary Template for?

This travel itinerary template is perfect for anyone who wants to plan their trip efficiently and have all the necessary information in one place. It's ideal for:

- Solo travelers who want to keep track of their itinerary and stay organized throughout their trip.

- Families or groups traveling together who need to coordinate their activities and accommodations.

- Business travelers who want to plan their meetings, transportation, and accommodations in advance.

- Travel agencies or tour operators who want to provide their clients with a detailed itinerary for their trip.

Why use this Free Itinerary Template?

1. Stay organized. With this travel itinerary template, you can easily input all your travel details, including dates, destinations, transportation, accommodations, activities, meals, and notes. Everything is neatly organized in one place, making it easy to access and refer to during your trip.

2. Customize your itinerary. Whether you want to add or remove activities, change accommodations, or adjust your schedule, this template allows you to customize your itinerary to suit your preferences and needs.

3. Keep track of important information. The template includes sections for meals and notes, allowing you to plan your meals in advance and jot down any important information or reminders.

4. Check the weather. The template also includes a note to check the weather, ensuring that you're prepared for any weather conditions during your trip.

5. Save time and effort. Planning a trip can be time-consuming and overwhelming, but with this travel itinerary template, you can save time and effort by having all your travel details in one place and easily accessible.

Get Started with Free Itinerary Template.

Follow these few steps to get started with Lark templates:

1. Click 'Use this template' on the top right corner to sign up for Lark

2. After signing up for Lark, you will be directed to the Free Itinerary Template on Lark Base. Click 'Use This Template' on the top right corner of Lark Base to copy a version of the Free Itinerary Template to your workspace.

3. Change fields of the template to fit your needs

4. Take advantage of the full potential of this Free Itinerary Template.

💡 Helpful reads:

Read more on productivity and collaboration

Why Lark is the best work collaboration tool

How customers use Lark to empower their employees

What is Lark?

What is Lark used for?

How is Lark different from all the work collaboration tools?

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11 Free Travel Itinerary Templates for Your Next Trip in Google Docs, Excel, & Word

Content Partnership Specialist

July 10, 2024

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There are a lot of things that go into planning a trip.

From scheduling flights, booking hotels and car rentals, planning activities, and ensuring all of them fit within your timeline and budget too!

Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or simply someone looking to create an organized travel schedule for your upcoming trip, then you should consider using an itinerary template. 

Itinerary templates help you organize your activities, manage your time , calculate your expenses, give you a breakdown of all your important travel information before a trip, and help you make the most out of your business trip or vacation. 

Head over to the sections below to find out what makes a good itinerary template, and discover 11 free templates you can use to help you plan your next trip! 🏝️

What is an Itinerary Template?

What makes a good travel itinerary template, 1. clickup business travel itinerary template, 2. clickup vacation itinerary template, 3. clickup trip planner template, 4. clickup event planning itinerary template, 5. clickup 24 hour itinerary template, 6. clickup basic agenda template, 7. clickup conference itinerary template, 8. clickup board meeting agenda template, 9. excel vacation itinerary template, 10. google docs travel itinerary template, 11. microsoft word business trip itinerary template.

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An itinerary is a document that outlines all of the details of your trip, from your flight and hotel reservations to your planned activities and budget, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

That said, trip planners should turn to itinerary templates to give you ready-to-use and organized fill-in-the-blank pages that you can use for every type of trip. 

Itinerary templates can help business and leisure travelers:

  • Save time, plan more effectively, and provide an organized format for all the important details of their trip
  • Have a digital planner to keep track of all the details they need to consider when planning their travel, such as dates and locations, transportation and accommodations, and activities
  • Get quick access to all of the necessary details in one place
  • Help manage last-minute changes more effectively

Think of these free itinerary templates as your personal travel agent assistant. They’re there to assist you with planning the most important parts of your trip, so you spend more time enjoying the moment than worrying about what’s next and how you’re getting there.

Moreover, creating a detailed travel itinerary is beneficial if you’re visiting a new city or country you’ve never been to before. 

So what should a travel itinerary look like? Let’s take a look!

There are several types of itinerary templates for different occasions. The most commonly used and sought templates are for business trips, vacations, event planning, and global and domestic travels.

And while there are many types of itinerary templates out there, the best ones offer the following basic elements: 

  • Have clear and concise language
  • Organized and easy-to-read format
  • Customizable and easy to edit
  • Easily accessible and sharable 

And if you need to shift your plans around due to unexpected changes, a solid travel itinerary template should offer the flexibility to let you make changes without compromising the flow of your trip. It also shouldn’t require you to start your travel itinerary from scratch.

Ultimately, these templates should help you create a personalized travel itinerary, save time, and stay organized to help you become a better planner.

Speaking of which—here are 11 hand-picked travel itinerary templates that can help you with that! Each one offers a unique format and features. Check them one by one to see which templates suit your needs the best.

11 Travel Itinerary Templates for Your Next Trip

Ensure that business trips are effectively planned to save time and lower costs using this template

Traveling for work? 

This Business Travel Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you get all your important travel details and work schedules, all in one place. 

Easily notate your travel dates, hotel information, flight number, and other important information in an organized and easy-to-follow format in ClickUp Docs . If you have multiple travel plans or want to keep your past and future travel itinerary docs in one place, then simply add nested pages under one Doc to keep everything neatly organized and accessible.

And because ClickUp Docs allow you to have full control of sharing permissions and privacy, you can keep your pages private to protect your personal information or securely share them with selected people via a link.

Best of all, ClickUp is available on the mobile app , so you can take your itinerary template wherever you go and access it any time of the day.

Use this free travel itinerary template to streamline your business travel planning process and establish a consistent standard itinerary that you can use again and again.

Bonus: AI travel planners !

Streamline your travel planning process using this template

Planning a road trip or exploring a new city?

Whatever type of vacation you’re planning for, this Vacation Planning Travel Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you create a visual roadmap of your planned activities.

With this free travel itinerary template, you’ll be able to plan your destinations, use ClickUp Custom Fields to add important details such as hotel addresses, type of activity, hours of operation, travel time, accommodations, reservations, and so on to ensure you’re on the right track to hit all the spots you have planned to visit on your trip!

Additionally, this template allows you to visualize your road trip itinerary in Map view, as shown above, and other views in ClickUp, such as List, Embed Board, and Doc view. Each custom view offers a unique look at your travel itinerary to help you visualize and organize your plans in the best way that works for you. 

Use these vacation planning templates to give you the structure and organization you need to plan your next trip and have a stress-free getaway!

Visualize your trip, budget plan, reservations, and everything in between in one place using the ClickUp Trip Planner Template

Streamline your travel planning with ClickUp’s Trip Planner Template ! Say goodbye to the chaos of scattered details and hello to a centralized hub for all your trip essentials. From flights to accommodations, activities to budgets, this template has you covered. Save time by organizing everything in one place and ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

With customizable features like custom statuses, fields, and views, you can tailor the template to suit your specific needs. Collaborate effortlessly with friends and family to create the ultimate travel experience. Whether you’re jetting off for a quick getaway or planning a work trip, this template provides the tools you need for a successful trip.

Set your budget, research destinations, create itineraries, and finalize details all within ClickUp’s intuitive platform. Track progress, assign tasks, and monitor productivity with ease. From start to finish, ClickUp’s Trip Planner Template empowers you to plan your dream trip efficiently and effectively.

ClickUp Event Planning Template allows you to align your team and resources for smooth collaboration to get the job done

Whether you’re born with natural event planning skills or perhaps someone who’s looking to get better at it, this Event Planning Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you plan your next events with ease!

This event planning itinerary template includes three highly visual ClickUp Views that can be customized for any need, from organizing and scheduling event dates on a List and Board to drag-and-drop planning on a Calendar.

Each view provides pre-built Custom Fields, which allow you and your team to add important details, such as progress percentage bars, payment status, due dates, budget status, and more. You can also create Custom Task Statuses to help identify the stage each task is, keeping everyone in the loop on where each task stands at all times. 

You can download the app on your mobile device to access your tasks regardless of your event’s location, and use this itinerary template to help you become a pro at planning events and start managing all of your business operations, teams, and event planning —all in one place. 

This Template helps you stay focused and organized with a clear daily schedule

Sometimes, it’s best to take things day by day, especially when your workload and to-do lists are getting out of hand. 

Seize the day and stay productive (and motivated) by turning to the 24 Hours Itinerary Template in ClickUp to guide you when creating your daily schedule!

This free itinerary template includes pre-built Custom Fields and Custom Task Statuses to help you easily plan and visualize your daily tasks. And because those features are fully customizable, you can edit and add whatever fields and statuses work best for your workflow.

Use this template to assist you with daily planning , so you easily view all of your to-dos, stay focused on what’s on your plate each day, and make the most of every day!

Use this template to create an organized agenda for your travel

Meetings are a great way to sync with people in real time.

However, without a proper agenda, you might forget to discuss important matters, lose control of the meeting flow, and veer off track, leaving the attendees with more questions than answers or thinking, “this could’ve been an email.” 😅

Don’t let that happen to you! 

Whether you’re hosting a face-to-face or virtual meeting, having a prepared agenda beforehand keeps your meetings productive and helps make the most of your attendee’s time— the free Agenda Template by ClickUp can help you prep for your next meeting.

This template provides you with sections for your meeting details, participants, and so much more. And because this template is available ClickUp Docs, you can easily format the page to support any type of meeting , embed links to add more details to your agenda, and easily share it with your team before the meeting so they can come prepared with insights or questions. 

Use this itinerary template to help you plan and keep your next meetings productive! 

Event planners can use this Conference Agenda Template to help everyone stay on the same page when it comes to planning and organizing events.

Planning a conference and need a conference agenda template ?

This Conference Itinerary Template by ClickUp can help you create, visualize, and manage your events all in one centralized place.

This template offers pre-built views, such as Box, Calendar, and List view, and Custom Fields and Custom Task Statuses to allow you to create your ideal itinerary for your event. Moreover, you can add custom tags to your tasks to add another layer of organization to your itinerary and add new Custom Fields to keep your tasks as detailed as possible as you plan your live or virtual conference events .

And if you need help getting started, no problem. It comes with a Getting Started Guide to help you get familiarized with the template and serve as a guide to help you plan your next event !

ClickUp's Board Meeting Agenda Template serves as an outline to focus on and quickly address the key issues and ensure everyone is on the same page about what needs to be done

A meeting agenda is a must, especially for board meetings. 

The Board Meeting Agenda Template in ClickUp offers pre-built Custom Fields to help board members and leadership create a high-level and organized meeting agenda, and run productive meetings. You may also add single or multiple assignees to each task and subtask to clearly note who’s responsible for completing the task or presenting the topics and check them off the list as each task or topic has been discussed to easily track and note what is yet to be completed.

Use this itinerary template to help you create an organized meeting agenda , keep everyone in the loop ahead of the meeting, and promote open discussion among all participants, which can lead to stronger decisions and better outcomes.

Excel Vacation Itinerary Template

If you’re an Excel user, then this template is for you.

Microsoft Excel offers a handy Vacation Itinerary template that you can use to organize all of your trip details. Whether you want to start a road trip itinerary with friends or a personalized itinerary of your full trip, this trip itinerary template includes entries for flight information, lodging, emergency contacts, activities, and so on. 

Once you’ve filled out the template with the details of your trip, simply save it on your computer or print it to take a physical copy of your itinerary with you or leave a copy for your friends and family while you’re away on your vacation.

Google Docs Travel Itinerary Template

If you like keeping things simple when planning your trips, then this travel itinerary template will work for what you need.

This template allows you to add and edit your travel details, such as destinations, transportation, lodging, and what you need to pack for your trip, in organized tables in Google Docs (where you can also connect to Google Sheets). 

This is one of the many customizable templates that’s free to download. Save it on your computer or print a copy to take with you!

Microsoft Word Business Trip Itinerary Template

Keep your business trips as stress-free as possible by creating a detailed flight itinerary, meeting schedule, and more all on one page. Use Microsoft Word’s Business Trip Itinerary template to keep track of important dates, departure and arrival times, destination addresses, phone numbers, travel time, and other notes about each item on your itinerary. 

Start Planning Your Next Trip with Travel Itinerary Templates

When it comes to planning trips, having an itinerary is key.

But we get it. Making a detailed itinerary can be quite time-consuming. That’s why using an itinerary template can be such a great tool! Stay organized and use the templates we provided above as a starting point for creating your own customized itinerary for your upcoming trips and events.

And if you’re a fan of customizations, then you’ll click well with ClickUp. 

It offers a fully customizable platform with hundreds of features and templates to give you the power to create a personalized experience, connect all your notes and work together, and build a workflow and itineraries that work for you.

Get access to ClickUp’s customizable templates for free today, and start getting excited about planning your next event! 

Bon voyage! 👋

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Plan your ideal trip with travel itinerary templates

You've got places to go and things to see, and these travel itinerary templates will make sure you get to see them all. keep all your details in one place, list your possible destinations, and arrange your trip artfully with these templates designed to help business trips go smoothly or give you the vacation of a lifetime..

Microsoft Excel template of a family travel planner

Keep your travels on schedule with these templates for itineraries

Know exactly where you’re going from point A, point Z and everywhere in between with these simple and customizable itinerary templates. Reduce the stress of travel and let everywhere know where to arrive and when with an itinerary that’s easy to read and has all the details they’re expecting. Try out an itinerary for fun family vacations, week-long road trips, conferences or business meetings. For day-to-day events, consult a planner template to lay out the ideal activity flow and make sure you haven’t accidentally double-booked yourself. Maybe planning ahead of time will inspire you to take on a new travel adventure, or perhaps you’ll discover that you have more time available for sight-seeing, hobnobbing, or simply straight-up relaxing. An itinerary is the perfect tool to help you get the most out of your next travel adventure and ensure you’re always in the right place at the right time.

Free Itinerary Templates

By Kate Eby | February 28, 2018

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An itinerary is essentially a schedule that can aid in organizing travel plans, conferences, meetings, and other events. Itineraries are most commonly used for business trips and personal travel to provide a record of important details, such as transportation and lodging information, business meetings, tourism plans, and emergency contacts. Whether you’re embarking on a business trip or family vacation, an itinerary can help you plan ahead, pack appropriately, and prioritize activities in order to save time while traveling. To make your process even more efficient, below you’ll find free travel itinerary templates, planning checklists, meeting itineraries , and other templates for Microsoft Excel and Word, PDF, and Google Docs. All of the templates are professionally designed and easy to use, and you can print them to provide a hardcopy during travel or to utilize in a meeting.

Business Itinerary Templates

Business travel itinerary template.

Business Travel Itinerary Template

Keep track of flight information for both departure and return trips, accommodations, rental car details, and meetings or events with this business travel itinerary. You can plan for multiple travel dates, and the template is designed with alternating colors for an easy-to-read layout.

‌ Download Business Travel Itinerary Template

Business Trip Checklist Template

Business Trip Checklist Template

Customize this checklist template by adding tasks that need to be completed and items to pack on a business trip. Using a checklist can help ensure that important items are taken care of and that nothing is overlooked. It’s a simple planning tool that can have a big impact on the outcome of a business trip.

Download Business Trip Checklist Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Simple Business Trip Itinerary

Simple Business Trip Itinerary

This blank itinerary template offers a basic format that can easily be customized for a specific trip. Create a multi-day itinerary that covers transportation, lodging, meetings, and any other travel details that you want to keep track of. Consider adding hyperlinks to locations, such as hotels and restaurants, so that you have a record of online resources while traveling.

Download Simple Business Trip Itinerary 

Business Trip Report Template

Business Trip Report Template

A business trip report typically follows a memo format and provides a summary of the purpose and results of a business trip, including recommendations or follow-up actions that need to be taken. This is different from a business trip expense report, which is used to keep track of travel expenses for reimbursement. You can save and print the template as a Microsoft Word or PDF file.

Download Business Trip Report Template

Word  |  PDF  | Smartsheet

Travel Agency Planning Form

Travel Agency Planning Form

Travel agents can use this form to collect information from clients and create travel plans. Edit the template to include whatever details are relevant for the client and the type of trip, such as flight preferences, travel insurance options, lodging information, or discounts offered. Create a record of client information for future reference.

Download Travel Agency Planning Form

Word  |  PDF

Flight Itinerary Template

Flight Itinerary Template

Multi-flight trips can be complicated, but a simple template can help prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. This Excel itinerary template will help you keep track of flight info so that travelers have all the details on a single spreadsheet. Enter your flight numbers, airport locations, and departure and arrival times for each leg of your journey, including layovers.

Download Flight Itinerary Template

Excel  |  Word  |  PDF

Vacation Itinerary Templates

Vacation itinerary template.

Vacation Itinerary Template

Plan a quick three-day trip, a five-day getaway, or a longer vacation with this comprehensive itinerary template. You can make and record plans for each day of your trip, including restaurant reservations, entertainment ideas, transportation, and nightly lodging. This provides a detailed look at your daily itinerary as well as an overview of the entire vacation.

‌ Download Vacation Itinerary Template

Vacation Planner Template

Vacation Planner Template

While creating a vacation itinerary requires advance planning, doing so allows you to relax and enjoy your trip without having to make arrangements while traveling. This vacation planner template is designed to help you compile information, compare options, and then create an itinerary based on what you discover. It can be used for planning a variety of trips, from family vacations and reunions to student field trips or travel for sports team competitions.

Download Vacation Planner Template

Excel  |  Word  |  PDF

Travel Day Planner

Travel Day Planner

Use this Microsoft Word itinerary template to create a schedule for outings and events on a single day. Keep track of items to bring, restaurant locations, tourist attractions, and important notes. You can create your own easy-to-carry guide to follow throughout the day, and stick to your travel plan or make adjustments as you see fit.

Download Travel Day Planner

Family Vacation Itinerary Template

Family Vacation Itinerary Template

This itinerary template is designed with families in mind, and provides sections for listing all of the important trip details, which may include traveler names, medical info and contacts, other emergency contacts, and travel plans. Keep track of activities that your family plans to enjoy along with any corresponding details you want to document, such as cost, location, or advance tickets.

Download Family Vacation Itinerary Template

Excel  |  PDF

Travel Planning Checklist

Travel Planning Checklist

Create a simple checklist for planning a personal trip or vacation. This template includes sections for adding items to complete at work, arrangements for home and pet care, a packing list, and other tasks. A to-do list can provide organization and accountability before you leave for a vacation.

Download Travel Planning Checklist

Meeting and Event Itinerary Templates

Formal meeting itinerary template.

Formal Meeting Itinerary

Keep meetings on track with this organized itinerary that shows topics to be covered, presenter names, and the time allotted for each agenda item. You can also record the names of everyone in attendance, the meeting objective, and the location. This is a Google Docs template that can be modified to suit your particular organization and easily shared with team members.

Download Formal Meeting Itinerary Template

Word | Smartsheet

Meeting Minutes and Itinerary

Meeting Minutes and Itinerary

This meeting itinerary template for Word provides a traditional layout with room to record minutes. Customize the template by adding a business logo or editing the items included in the itinerary. The template also includes a signature line for secretary approval.

Download Meeting Minutes and Itinerary

Weekly Staff Meeting Itinerary Template

Weekly Staff Meeting Template

Plan your weekly staff meetings and share the itinerary with attendees in advance. The agenda includes an overview of weekly achievements, progress updates, action items to discuss, and scheduling info for the next meeting. This template provides a roadmap to follow during the meeting and can also serve as a record of what was covered.

‌ Download Weekly Staff Meeting Itinerary Template - Word

Event Itinerary Template

Event Itinerary Template

Create a simple itinerary for a conference, workshop, fundraiser, or other event with this schedule template. You can show activities that occur in different locations simultaneously, such as different speakers at a conference, and display the starting and ending time for all activities. Use this template to plan a single or multi-day event.

Download Event Itinerary Template

Excel  |  PDF

Tips for Planning a Business Travel Itinerary

Some companies hire a corporate travel planning service to manage trip planning, booking, and emergency services. However, small businesses and independent consultants can simplify their travel planning by keeping a few tips in mind.

  • Begin Planning Early: While some trips occur with short notice, you should aim to start planning a month in advance (if possible) to reduce stress and ensure that you get the services you need at the best rates available. Schedule any business meetings before securing transportation, lodging, and other travel details. It can also be helpful to arrive a day or two early to give you time to get organized and recover from jet lag.
  • Bring a Backup Itinerary: Mobile devices, cloud-based storage, and the global availability of Wi-Fi make it easy to access documents from anywhere. But technology can fail, and devices can be lost or stolen, so it’s wise to print a hardcopy of your itinerary to bring in your carry-on luggage. If you’re traveling overseas, consider emailing a copy of your itinerary to your local contact as well.
  • Check the Weather: This may seem obvious, but in some locations and at certain times of year, you may need more than your typical business attire in order to be prepared and comfortable. Before packing, check the weather forecast for your destination.
  • Confirm Arrangements: Verify that a hotel will provide all the services you will need before booking. Once arrangements have been completed — but before setting out on your business trip — confirm lodging and other travel details to ensure that everything is in order and your itinerary is accurate.

Creating an organized itinerary will give you a map to follow during your trip so that you can focus on business engagements and other work responsibilities.

Create Flawless Travel Itineraries with Work Management in Smartsheet

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The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

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All Formats

Itinerary Templates

35+ travel itinerary templates – doc, pdf, apple pages, google docs.

Are you planning for a trip , tour, or holiday vacation anytime soon? If yes, our travel itinerary templates will make travel plan writing easy. Whether a short technical itinerary, honeymoon family vacation, or a business trip, each template comes with the necessary format and descriptive travel info like the arrival and departure schedule, transport details, activities, and more!

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Benefits of Maintaining a Travel Itinerary

  • It helps you manage all your trip essentials without forgetting.
  • It helps you save a lot of your time as you have a detailed sample plan beforehand.
  • It helps you manage your costs and expenditures appropriately.
  • You can prioritize the destinations, especially when you are traveling to a foreign country with an end number of attractions, you cannot visit all and hence you can prioritize the best of places to visit beforehand.
  • It ensures you enjoy a happy and hassle-free vacation without taking the trouble of looking to places and deciding which one to visit and which one to not while you are traveling. You can also see more on  Travel Itinerary in Pages .

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Travel Itinerary Template

Collect your online responses with Jotform and turn them into professional, elegant PDFs automatically.

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Travel Itinerary Template

A travel itinerary document composed of two pages providing the travel location, dates and contact details with the travel, accommodation and activities schedule with all necessary details included.

Here is a Travel Itinerary template composed of two pages as first providing you with the travel location, dates and contact details and the second page listing out travel, accommodation and activities schedule with all necessary details included. You can fully customize the template by changing the theme, colors and background, add, change or remove fields, change the format in a way that best fits your business needs.

Plane Ticket Template - PDF Templates

Plane Ticket Template

A plane ticket template is used by airlines to book tickets for their customers online. Are you a travel agent, booking company, or airline looking for a way to sell tickets online? Our free Plane Ticket Template is the perfect way to create polished plane tickets for your clients. Just enter each traveler’s flight and personal details and this sample airline ticket will automatically generate personalized PDF plane tickets, great for domestic or international travel. Download or print them for your records, or email them to clients as an itinerary or travel document to bring on the day.You’ll get off to a flying start with our readymade Plane Ticket Template — but if you’d like to customize the template, Jotform’s drag-and-drop Form Builder ensures you won’t be flying blind when it comes to design. Simply drag-and-drop elements to add your logo, outline flight details, and update terms and conditions. Why not integrate the attached form with one of our payment gateways to accept secure payments online? Try our Plane Ticket Template today to instantly generate professional, uniform plane tickets — it can save you time, organize your records, and help your travel business reach new heights.

Vacation Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Vacation Itinerary Template

Whether you run a travel agency company or just someone who loves to travel and wants to have a detailed plan documented, a Vacation Itinerary Template is always necessary. Having a ready-made itinerary PDF template will help you in planning for your travels and will maximize your time and expenditures. Try this sample Vacation Itinerary Template from Jotform. This template is designed to suit any kind of vacations but feels free to modify it. It has basic information such as the destination, date and time of arrival, places to visit, estimated cost and many more. You can change this information or add more if you want.

Flight Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Flight Itinerary Template

A Flight Itinerary is an airline travel route information of a person or a group detailing the departure and arrival schedules of every flight. The information provided includes the type of aircraft that the passenger will board on, the date and time of flight, the reservation/booking numbers, the target destination, including the terminal and if possible, the gate in the terminal where the passenger will go on board.This Flight Itinerary PDF Template is a simple, yet, comprehensive flight itinerary PDF document that was built from Jotform's PDF builder. It includes the necessary information that is needed in a flight itinerary, including possible connecting flights to reach the destination. This Flight Itinerary PDF template is easy to modify. Just copy this to your Jotform account and start editing it in your PDF editor and you are good to go!

Business Travel Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Business Travel Itinerary Template

Planning a business trip? Help employees and executives keep track of travel arrangements and appointments with Jotform’s Business Itinerary PDF Template. Important travel details will be instantly converted into a mobile-friendly PDF itinerary that can be easily accessed on any device — with or without internet — and printed out if needed.This itinerary template contains flight, transportation, and lodging information along with scheduled activities. Using Jotform’s PDF Editor, you can rearrange the template layout, add form fields, include conference or meeting times, and even plan a little extra time for sightseeing. By transforming travel details into polished, professional PDFs, you can make every upcoming business trip a success.

Daily Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Daily Itinerary Template

A Daily Itinerary Template is a document that will help you organize your daily tasks by planning it ahead of time. This will definitely help you establish a habit and a plan to achieve your goal. This document can be used by students to prioritize the things that they need to do for a school like study habits and reviewing for upcoming exams. For adults, a daily itinerary is useful to prevent procrastination. It can also be used in travel activities in order to maximize vacation time.This Daily Itinerary Template shows the activities that you will follow for 7 days. Each day shows the time, activity description, and status. This template is utilizing the Configurable List widget where they can add activity information dynamically as needed. This PDF template can be edited easily via the PDF Editor where you can insert images, change font format, or change the theme color.

Itinerary Planner Template - PDF Templates

Itinerary Planner Template

No matter where you’re going, a travel itinerary planner helps organize all the details of your trip. Whether you’re packing your suitcase for a vacation or a business trip, plan ahead with our free Itinerary Planner PDF Template. All you need to do is fill out a short form with information about your upcoming trip, and this Itinerary Planner Template will automatically create a professional PDF listing every item in your to-do list. In just one click you can download your itinerary planner onto your phone, email it to others in your group, or print out a copy to carry during your travels. Your upcoming trip is already tailored to your needs, so why not customize your Itinerary Planner Template as well? Our drag-and-drop PDF Editor lets you rearrange the template layout, change the fonts and colors, upload photos of your destination, and add form fields for more activities or transportation and lodging details. When you’re finished, your custom Itinerary Planner Template will quickly generate personalized PDF itinerary planners you can access on any device at any time — perfect for travellers without reliable internet access. Get ready for your next big adventure with a custom Itinerary Planner Template — once your travel details are organized in one place, you can spend less time planning the trip and more time enjoying it!


Create Your Custom Travel Itinerary

3-day city weekend itineraries.

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3 days in madrid

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3 days in lisbon

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3 days in osaka

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3 days in New york

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3 days in berlin

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3 days in toronto

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3 days in Dubai

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3 days in ho chi minh

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3 days in Tokyo

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3 days in moscow

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3 days in pattaya

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3 days in Seoul

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3 days in beijing

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3 days in vienna

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3 days in Hong kong

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3 days in athens

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3 days in phuket

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3 days in jakarta

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3 days in los angeles

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3 days in barcelona

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3 days in san francisco

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3 days in Istanbul

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3 days in miami

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3 days in buenos aires

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3 days in sydney

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3 days in cairo

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3 days in Paris

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3 days in mecca

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3 days in bali

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3 days in prague

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3 days in amsterdam

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3 days in Singapore

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3 days in macau

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3 days in shanghai

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3 days in Antalya

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3 days in orlando

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3 days in cancun

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3 days in Kuala lumpur

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3 days in dublin

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3 days in delhi

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3 days in las vegas

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3 days in Bangkok

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3 days in taipei

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3 days in marrakech

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3 days in rio de janeiro

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3 days in Rome

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3 days in cape town

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3 days in London

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3 days in mumbai

7 Free Travel Planning AI and ChatGPT Apps to Get an Instant Itinerary


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  • PLAN by ixigo
  • Trip Planner AI
  • Vacay Chatbot

Key Takeaways

  • Layla, Wonderplan, and PLAN by ixigo are AI travel planning apps with customizable itineraries.
  • iplan.ai offers detailed itineraries for popular tourist cities based on interests and budget.
  • Curiosio plans road trips on all continents, while Trip Planner AI helps with activity selection and cost estimation.

You can tell a travel agent your preferred dates, the place you want to visit, and your budget, and expect a full itinerary of what to do there based on your preferences. But can AI do the same job?

These free travel planning apps use AI and machine-learning tools like ChatGPT to prepare an itinerary for you in a few seconds, and we took them for a spin.

Layla describes itself as an AI trip planner, meaning you can use it to decide your vacation destination, create itineraries, and find suitable hotels and flights.

If you are uncertain about your destination or would like suggestions, you can ask Layla for advice regarding your trip. Otherwise, enter your destination and ask Layla to create your itinerary. Within a few seconds, you'll get a detailed plan for your trip.

As Layla is a chatbot, you can enter a prompt to ask it to change your itinerary. For instance, ask it to focus more on outdoor activities or include local restaurants. If you're unsatisfied with the activities planned on any particular day, you can give instructions and ask Layla to regenerate that part only.

Once you've perfected your itinerary, you can share it with your friends via a URL or add it to your bucket list.

2. Wonderplan

Wonderplan is a wonderful AI tool for planning your trip. To create your itinerary, Wonderplan first asks you to enter your destination country and city, your budget, the number of days you'll be staying, and your interests.

It then creates a travel plan within a few minutes, displaying various places to visit, their descriptions, and the time usually spent at each location. Although Wonderplan doesn't show the trip map, it does provide a link to Google Maps for each place.

It also displays different types of accommodation available (like Airbnb, hotel, or hostel) and their respective costs. Similarly, there are details about transportation, food, and activities. This way, you can estimate the potential cost of your trip.

In addition to your itinerary, Wonderplan also shows essential information about the country you're visiting. These include the currency conversion rate, electricity plug type, languages spoken, weather, and popular conveyances.

3. PLAN by ixigo

PLAN by ixigo starts by asking you about your dream destination. Then, it provides an option to describe the type of experience you want to have. This is just like a ChatGPT prompt, so you can enter anything you wish.

For example, you can specify the duration of your stay, your interests, the kinds of activities you're looking for, whether you have a family with you, and so on.

But if you can't think of any prompts, PLAN by ixigo provides a few trip ideas, so you can always select those. PLAN by ixigo then shows a day-wise plan, showing what you can do in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

However, if the suggested itinerary doesn't sound appealing, you can again enter a prompt to edit it.

4. iplan.ai

While iplan.ai doesn't mention which AI or machine-learning algorithm it uses, the results are fantastic enough to gloss over that. The app works beautifully on phones to give you a full itinerary for any one city at a time, depending on how many days you have there.

The app first asks you to name the destination city. As far as we checked, iplan.ai works best for popular tourist cities, not offbeat or obscure travel. Next, note how many days you will be there, and then choose your free time each day—a cool step to ensure a better itinerary if you already have some plans, but not a whole days worth.

Tell iplan.ai if you're traveling solo, as a couple, with family, or with friends, and then choose your interest among topics like history, art and culture, nature, entertainment, shopping, food, sports, relaxing, etc. Finally, choose between an economy, normal, or luxury budget.

After a few minutes, iplan.ai gives you a day-wise itinerary for your trip. It's plotted on a map so you can see all the locations, and each point of interest has a brief description along with estimated travel time.

The app has both free and paid plans. With a paid account, you can share the trip plan with your friends and access it offline. Another limitation of iplan.ai is that you can't get an itinerary for a multi-city trip. For now, you'll need to make a plan for each city you're visiting, one at a time.

Download: iplan.ai for Android | iOS (Free, Paid)

5. Curiosio

The easiest last-minute travel plan is to get into a car and drive. Curiosio specializes in helping you plan an itinerary for a road trip to several major countries on all continents. It doesn't cover every single place, but the existing collection is impressive enough.

Curiosio uses its own AI engine, Ingeenee, which is trained on several crowdsourced travel-based resources, such as Wikivoyage, Wikipedia, Wikidata, Freebase, DBpedia, GeoNames, OSMNames, and OpenStreetMap. Through this dataset, it can chart an itinerary that meets your requirements across various parameters.

You can set options for a round trip or a one-way trip with starting and finishing points. If there are any places you want to visit on the way, add them in. Then set the number of travelers, dates of the journey, what vehicle you're using, total budget, and whether you want to visit places that spark curiosity or are obscure. The AI will usually give you multiple plans and routes for these options.

The itinerary includes a map of your route and a day-wise breakdown of where you'll be going and what you'll be seeing. Each point of interest is clickable to find more information about it. There are easy ways to share your itinerary with co-travelers, print it out, or even export it to Google Maps. Curiosio is one of the best road trip planners for your next adventure .

6. Trip Planner AI

Trip Planner AI plans a perfect trip to your dream destination. Begin creating your itinerary by entering the city you wish to visit and traveling dates. You can add multiple destinations here.

Then, select the kinds of activities you prefer, the number of people, and whether you're traveling with friends or family. Trip Planner AI asks you about your dietary preferences and budget.

As an optional step, you can specify the place where you'll be staying so that it creates an itinerary accordingly. If you haven't decided on your lodging yet, you can explore hotels suggested by Trip Planner AI.

Finally, Trip Planner AI generates a detailed itinerary, a map, and basic information about the city you're visiting. For each destination, it provides the details of the place, expected traveling time, and cost. Though it provides a complete plan for your trip, you can manually add or remove activities from your itinerary. You can also invite your friends to edit the itinerary and download it as a PDF.

7. Vacay Chatbot

Vacay Chatbot is not a dedicated itinerary maker but an AI chatbot that acts like your travel advisor. So, you can ask it to give travel recommendations, compare different destinations, and, of course, create an itinerary. If you've previously used AI chatbots like ChatGPT, you'll find this trip planner easy to use.

Just enter a prompt specifying your destination and trip details and ask Vacay Chatbot to create an itinerary. You can include details like your trip duration, budget, preferences, number of travelers, etc. The more details you provide, the better your itinerary will be.

One of the downsides of using Vacay Chatbot is that it doesn't provide a map for your trip. However, you can use these apps to plot your itinerary on a map .

All these travel planning AI apps urge you not to use the itinerary as-is and only treat it as a template or guide to begin planning your trip. This is because they currently have several limitations, like databases that aren't recently updated or require specific prompts from the user.

A real human travel agent will still give you a more customized itinerary, but it will cost you a few bucks. If you want a free base guide, more basic travel planning apps are a good starting point.


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  6. Travel Itinerary Examples

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    An itinerary is essentially a schedule that can aid in organizing travel plans, conferences, meetings, and other events. Itineraries are most commonly used for business trips and personal travel to provide a record of important details, such as transportation and lodging information, business meetings, tourism plans, and emergency contacts.

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  19. 7 Free Travel Planning AI and ChatGPT Apps to Get an Instant Itinerary

    Layla, Wonderplan, and PLAN by ixigo are AI travel planning apps with customizable itineraries. iplan.ai offers detailed itineraries for popular tourist cities based on interests and budget. Curiosio plans road trips on all continents, while Trip Planner AI helps with activity selection and cost estimation.

  20. Wanderbot

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