elite dangerous travel planner

Elite Dangerous Galaxy Map.

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Release   Neutron Highway long range route planner

  • Thread starter Spansh
  • Start date Nov 16, 2016
  • Route plotter, so you can plot a route between systems prioritising neutron star supercharging to reduce your journey time
  • Waypoint routing, allows you to route via systems you may like to visit on the way ( Sol to Beagle Point via Colonia and Sagittarius A* )
  • Prioritises supercharged jumps
  • Breaks plots over 20000LY automatically
  • No maximum distance
  • No maximum jump range
  • If you do not wish to prioritise neutrons (and simply want a route breaking down into roughly 20000LY gaps) then set the efficiency to 100%
  • Display your route on a graphical map of the galaxy compared to the direct route so you can see how far from the straight line you deviate.
  • Allows you to find nearby "known" systems from rough coordinates (useful if the system you're trying to get to hasn't been visited before).
  • Display a map of known neutron stars in the galaxy to let explorers see where they should explore next
  • Road to riches router to find you a route passing through high value systems with bodies to scan
  • Saves scanned bodies so that it will not re-generate them (log in to the site required)
  • System searching to find systems with unusual/desired attributes
  • Body searching to find bodies with desired attributes (for instance particular materials)
  • Trade route generator to optimise your trading
  • Enable "Use jet-cone boost" option on the galaxy map.
  • Put system into the galaxy map in game (PC users can click the "Copy" button and paste it)
  • Jump until you get to the system
  • If the system is a neutron star, supercharge your FSD
  • Take the next system on the list and go to 1


I am considering adding an option where what it'll do is just break down the journey into 1000ly (ish) jumps so it can be done in game. That's not too hard  


Tutorial & guide writer.


Really nice tool, rep +1. It would be very much appreciated if you could find a bit of time to add it to EDCodex . That way more commanders can potentially find your great tool. The only thing you need to add an entry is to create an account.  

Guy De Lombard

Guy De Lombard

Nice tool, will try it out on my next trip  


wolverine2710 said: Really nice tool, rep +1. It would be very much appreciated if you could find a bit of time to add it to EDCodex . That way more commanders can potentially find your great tool. The only thing you need to add an entry is to create an account. Click to expand...


Wow, this seems very slick and useful. I'm leaving for Colonia either tonight or tomorrow, and I'm planning to neutron highway my way there for testing purposes, think I'll make use of this tool!  

Qohen Leth

I will test this and link it on the Christmas Carriers Convoy thread. Well done!  

I'm on the way to the galactic center and I already love this tool ! Made yesterday nearly 5400ly in only two hours, using 28 neutron jumps [up]  

Cmdr Zach

Using this now to get to Hawkin's gap. Very useful, but needs a further tweak I think. It's dragging me way off course to hit more Neutron Stars making the journey actually further. Seems that way anyway.  




posting to remember this thread to look at it later!  

Rewision said: Hey I really like this tool and the potential it got I have a few thoughts for things that could be added if you are going to update it. 1. A option to set how many neutron stars in a row you want max so that you automaticly get a route that is optimized for your ships fuel capacity. This means you dont have to leave the route to refuel if you get alot of NS in a row and will therefor be more effective. 2. Add so its visable how many neutrons are in the route that got generated and also how many normal non neutron jumps are in the route (the second one might be harder?). This will let you see if the route is well optimized or if the area through wich you are traveling needs to be explored more when it comes to NS. I imagine that a route to colonia will be very good but might be other often visited places where alot of neutron systems have not been visited or added to eddn. That way cmdrs can chose to fill in the route with some extra NS on the way to help improve it a bit or maybe even go all out finding as many as they can so the next cmdr that want to go in that direction will be abel to find a more optimized route. 3. Guess it ties in automaticly but if the above is possible a total nr of jumps. Some might be lazy and dont want to do the adding of 2 numbers. I guess thats it for now, hope I gave you some ideas Click to expand...
Cmdr Zach said: Using this now to get to Hawkin's gap. Very useful, but needs a further tweak I think. It's dragging me way off course to hit more Neutron Stars making the journey actually further. Seems that way anyway. Click to expand...

Something to consider. There are a couple of tools out there which send data to EDDN, EDDB, EDSM which afaik contains or sent data which is usefull for you and the users. Perhaps good to check out which tools do help the tool and add them to the OP (first post). Copy/paste from another post. Anthornet is right when he said "EDDN only offers real time data! No archives sorry.". There are however sites which archive EDDN messages. You might want to look into "EDDN on DynamoDB" and contact the author, Askarr. See also his announcement of the tool here in an EDDN thread here A snippet from the EDCodex page: "This tool provides for an ongoing archive of the JSON sent over EDDN. No validation is performed beyond schema matching. No de-duplication is performed. The objective is simple: capture everything that got sent through EDDN. If your own services missed a section of data, this is where you should be able to find it. The data is hosted in AWS DynamoDB (at present, only EU West 1). The documentation for the API can be found in the provided links." Note: You have to contact Askarr to get a read-only key for the non-sql database. When combining the daily dumps of EDDB, EDDN on DynamoDB and EDDN its possible to create a situation that your tool is permanently up to date.... I apologize, haven´t much time atm so no links. The mentioned tool can however be found on EDCodex - just use the search option.  

I've now added ratios, as an interesting side point, if you are not interested in Neutron stars, then set the ratio to 1, and it will simply break down the route into 1000LY chunks (as far as it can). A ratio of 4 means it will go as far as 75% out of the way to get a 4x neutron boost, a ratio of 3 means it will go 33% out of the way and a ratio of 2 means it will go 50% out of the way.  


Does 4 generally yield lowest number of jumps?  

Spansh said: I've now added ratios, as an interesting side point, if you are not interested in Neutron stars, then set the ratio to 1, and it will simply break down the route into 1000LY chunks (as far as it can). A ratio of 4 means it will go as far as 75% out of the way to get a 4x neutron boost, a ratio of 3 means it will go 33% out of the way and a ratio of 2 means it will go 50% out of the way. Click to expand...
Rewision said: Dont you mean 4: 75%, 3: 66% and 2: 50%? Also "with out of the way" not exactly sure what you mean? Do you mean it will aim for 75% neutrons at ratio 4? can this lead to a increase in total jumps? or is it more that it tries to break it up for fuel/repairs? Also about estemation the number of normal jumps if you think it can be done within or close to 10% then I still think it can be very usefull to be abel to see at a glance how many procent of the route is neutron stars. For my ship that has fuel for 4 jusmp 75% neutronstars with no more then 3 in a row would be optimal. So if I see something close to that I know it will be really good. Click to expand...

Big ask, but at this point seeing a plot on a 3d map of each potential route - like some sat navs - would really add to the usefulness of this. Or instead of the slider, calculate no. of overall jumps for each ratio route (estimate based on max jump range) and pick the least.  

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EDDiscovery - What is it?

You play Elite Dangerous and have heard of EDDiscovery - and ended up here. So what is it?

In short it's a 3rd party tool that can track your Elite Dangerous travels, combat, trading, rank etc.

EDD works on the PC. You can install it on your Elite PC, or on another laptop and use a share to obtain journal information from your Elite PC. For Console commanders, you can run it on a laptop and configure it to download journal information from the Frontier servers (see See Settings Panel ).

EDD also works (with limitations) on Linux using Mono (see Linux and EDD )

EDDiscovery gives you the following major features:

  • Shows your ED History
  • Shows your current Materials State , Commodity State , Mission Lists and many other panels exist to provide other information
  • Plan your Expeditions
  • Has a 3D map of the galaxy showing travel history and data from EDSM to aid your journey through the Elite Dangerous galaxy.
  • Roccat Style grid/Web browser support - use your tablet to display status and control the ship using a Roccat type grid.
  • From 12.0, we support Console Players by downloading the journal information from Frontier servers. See Settings Panel

EDDiscovery supports add-ons , which give you the ability to:

  • Vocalise Elite Events as they are received
  • Control EDD using your voice using the Free Voice Control pack
  • Keyboard shortcuts to control EDD
  • Read and vocalise joystick inputs
  • Place information on OBS
  • Play MP3s when an event occurs using the soundblaster pack , plus others.
  • Get commands from the Elite local Chat interface using the Chat Console
  • Integrate with 3rd party DLLs

EDDiscovery has been Translated into a few other languages. You can change the language you want to see on the Settings Panel .

EDDiscovery integrates with our partner Elite 3rd party developer tools:

  • ED Shipyard
  • EDDN Network : Run by EDCD , this distributes information on shipyards, markets, stations, scans to the EDCD community (EDSM, EDDB, etc).
  • Cannon community.

Use the Settings Panel to configure these options.

Here's an example of the history page using the ED Theme Elite Verdana , EDDiscovery supports themeing the user interface to your specification.

elite dangerous travel planner

The main user interface of ED consists of (from top):

Menu Options for some quick access functions and to run housekeeping functions which seldom need executing.

The Toolbar.

  • Commander: use to select which commander to display information about, or Hidden for entries you have hidden.
  • Refresh: causes EDDiscovery to recheck the journal files
  • Profile : Change to another profile or define new profiles. A profile holds all your setup of EDD such as which panels and pop outs, and their configuration settings.
  • 2D Maps , 3D Map : open maps
  • EDSM Sync: (Removed in 11.10 as now not needed). If you've configured EDSM sync in Settings then this causes EDDiscovery to upload logs to EDSM.
  • Panel Selection Icon/List : Pop out a panel to another window
  • Manage Add-Ons : install new add-ons
  • Edit Add-Ons : edit or disable add-ons.

The toolbar can be instructed to roll up or stay expanded. When the mouse hovers over the toolbar, a pin on the far right (not shown) will show and you can either pin or unpin the toolbar.

Panels are the basic UI building block of EDDiscovery. There are many (>50) panels, each one dedicated to a specific task or information display. Panels can be displayed in a tab, as part of the History Tab or popped out in a stand alone window (see the toolbar). A Grid or Splitter panel can contain other panels to allow you to set up a configurable set of panels. See Panels for help on how to control the transparency of some panels.

A set of tab pages are shown below the toolbar. You can add or remove tabs (containing a panel) to the program by right clicking on the menu toolbar and selecting or removing a tab. You can rename tabs. The only mandatory tab is the History Tab as the program must have at least one History Grid present to work.

By default, at first run, EDDiscovery presents the user with a set of tabs containing the following panels: History Tab , Route Panel , Expedition Panel , Settings

The tab you were on is remembered after exiting the program and selected next time you run. You can have multiple versions of the same panel present on the tab line.

If you have removed the Settings by accident or just want it back, you can either right click the menu bar to add it back on, or using the Tools | Settings option.

Right Clicks

Using right clicks to configure grids in panels is common on panels. Not all panels use right clicks, but a lot do. Also, right clicking on column headers is widely used to allow a column to be hidden.

Other Information

Command Line Options exist to control how EDDiscovery starts and where data is stored.

You can learn how EDDiscovery works with Elite Dangerous here.

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Some images are screenshots from Elite: Dangerous © 2012-2017 Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved.

(C) 2015-2023 EDDiscovery Team

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EDTS: A collection of scripts for route planning and other tools

I've made a route planner in Python which uses data from EDDB to produce routes for specified jump ranges. It's also able to guess at optimal ways to visit a certain set of stations (a.k.a. the travelling salesman problem), as well as various other sort-of useful scripts. The functionality to create full routes between systems can produce significantly more optimal routes than the in-game route planner, although it often doesn't run quite as quickly.

List of tools - with links  - to the source code and detailed information.

  • edts : finds the optimal order to visit a set of stations, and can produce full routes between systems
  • close_to : finds systems close to others, optionally with constraints
  • coords : returns the coordinates of given systems
  • distance : finds the distance between two or more systems
  • find : searches for systems and stations by name, including wildcards
  • fuel_usage : determines the amount of fuel used by a series of jumps

galmath : gives an estimate of good plot distances in the galactic core

edi : an interactive interpreter to run all the above tools more quickly (without reloading the EDDB/Coriolis data)

Admin: It are all python scripts, so potentially they run on Mac and Linux as well. Need confirmation from the author. The tools have the potential to be used as a base for other tools as well. Did NOT enable the "With an API" flag for it atm. Not sure if in the current state the output of the tools is parseable enough.

  • Source Github repository: EDTS - A route decision maker for Elite: Dangerous
  • Thread EDTS: A collection of scripts for route planning and other tools
  • Jun 30, 2022 (Dave247) Updated Frontier URLs
  • Jan 19, 2016 (wolverine2710) EDDB link now points to its EDCodex entry. Again set the release data
  • Jan 19, 2016 (wolverine2710) First revision

CMDR furrycat: submitted many patches for these tools, for which I am very grateful :) Onane: helped to investigate a very odd issue related to file size limits Bruski: helped in our ongoing fight against ever-increasing EDSM/EDDB data file sizes

API used by this tool

  • EDDB - Elite: Dangerous Database

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  • [Tool] Thrudds Elite Dangerous Tools
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  • [Tool] Road to riches pathfinder
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Galactic Mapping > Routes > Route to Colonia

Logging some of the POI's on a route between the bubble, starting near Sol, and Colonia, Jacques Station.

This is a fairly long trip (for some, at least), so be sure to look out for stations when you can to make sure you have repaired and your paint job isn't too dusty. There are stations near some of the nebula waypoints.


  • Route Waypoints

#1 - Epsilon Indi

Visiting Mitterand Hollow, the shortest day you will ever have.

#2 - Bhare (Bhare (Vostok Canyon))

Visiting some water geysers at: Planet: A 3 A Coords: 10.47 / 136.10 Try not to get blown into space.

#3 - HR 5991 (Lewis' Loss (Abandoned Research Facility))

Visiting an abandoned research station, Lewis' Loss, at: Planet: 1 B Coords: 33.47 / -2.17

#4 - Shapley 1 (Shapley 1 (The Fine Ring Nebula))

Visiting the Fine Ring Nebula, it will be fine as heck.

#5 - BD+22 3878 (Dumbbell Nebula)

Visiting the Dumbbell Nebula (this stop is sort of off-route, can be skipped)

#6 - Veil West Sector DL-Y d68 (Funfair Geysers / Veil Nebula West)

Visiting the Veil West Nebula and some not-water geysers (this stop is sort of off-route, can be skipped) Star: D Planet: 4e Coords: 27.02, 80.59

#7 - V970 Scorpii (Stellar Bowtie)

Visiting the Stellar Bowtie. Or Ribbon. Depends on the way you look at it, I guess.

#8 - HIP 90600 (NGC 6664)

Visiting two Black Holes orbiting each other. Should create some cool lensing effects.

#9 - Thor's Eye

Visiting a black hole just before the Lagoon Nebula, named after the Norse god with the hammer. Not the one who lost his eye. It's dumb, I know.

#10 - Omega Sector EL-Y d60

Visiting the Omega Nebula

#11 - CSI-06-19031 (NGC 6751 (Olympus Plateau))

Visiting the planetary nebula NGC 6751, called Olympus Plateau. I have yet to find out why.

#12 - Flyiedgai UL-C d13-41 (Flyiedgai Nebula)

Visiting the Flyiedgai Nebula. Say that three times fast.

#13 - Skaudai AL-O e6-27

Visiting the Skaudai Nebula.

#14 - Eodgorph PI-T e3-21 (Spear Thistle Nebula)

Visiting the Spear Thistle Nebula, a planetary nebula.

#15 - Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 (Gagarin Gate / Vostok-1 Nebula)

Visiting the Gru Hypue AA-A H69 nebula.

#16 - Gru Hypue AA-A g4 (Jo Ella's Flares)

Visiting Jo Ella's Flares, a spectacular system.

#17 - Blaa Phoe NC-D d12-230 (Death Spiral)

Visiting The Death Spiral. See for yourself.

#18 - Boewnst AA-A h33 (Michell's Legacy)

Visiting Michell's legacy, named after a 19th-century astronomer who proposed the idea of Black Holes. Why this system in particular? Well, it's got SIX of 'em!

#19 - PSR J1846-0258 (The Kes-75 Magnetar)

Visiting a Magnetar, a subclass of neutron stars that have incredibly strong magnetic fields.

#20 - Eephaills SG-C c1-177 (Wind Chime Nebula)

Visiting the Wind Chime Nebula. Think they're just naming them whatever by now, don't you?

#21 - Oephaif RJ-G d11-408 (Bonfire Nebula)

Visiting the Bonfire Nebula. It's lit bois.

#22 - Spoihaae XE-X d2-9 (Monde de la Mort (World of Death))

Visiting the World of Death. You'll see why, but don't die now, you're almost there.

#23 - Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway)

Arrival. Congratulations if you've gotten this far: You made it!

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  5. Elite:Dangerous Travel Guide

    elite dangerous travel planner

  6. Elite:Dangerous Route Planner Voice Attack Plugin

    elite dangerous travel planner


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  12. Elite: Dangerous Index

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  13. Neutron Highway long range route planner

    The Elite: Dangerous Index can be found at https://www.spansh.co.uk Features. Route plotter, so you can plot a route between systems prioritising neutron star supercharging to reduce your journey time; Waypoint routing, allows you to route via systems you may like to visit on the way (Sol to Beagle Point via Colonia and Sagittarius A*)

  14. Home · EDDiscovery/EDDiscovery Wiki · GitHub

    EDDiscovery gives you the following major features: Shows your ED History. Shows your current Materials State, Commodity State, Mission Lists and many other panels exist to provide other information. Plan your Expeditions. Has a 3D map of the galaxy showing travel history and data from EDSM to aid your journey through the Elite Dangerous galaxy.

  15. ed-fast-travel

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  17. Trade Planner

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  18. Gal. Kartographierung >

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  20. EDTS: A collection of scripts for route planning and other tools

    2. Options. EDTS - A collection of route decision maker tools for Elite: Dangerous. I've made a route planner in Python which uses data from EDDB to produce routes for specified jump ranges. It's also able to guess at optimal ways to visit a certain set of stations (a.k.a. the travelling salesman problem), as well as various other sort-of ...

  21. Elite: Dangerous Index

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  23. Galactic Mapping > Routes > Route to Colonia

    Visiting the Stellar Bowtie. Or Ribbon. Depends on the way you look at it, I guess. #8 - HIP 90600 (NGC 6664) Visiting two Black Holes orbiting each other. Should create some cool lensing effects. Visiting a black hole just before the Lagoon Nebula, named after the Norse god with the hammer.