Star Trek Memes: 45 Trekkie Memes For The Nerds

star trek movie memes

4 months ago

star trek movie memes

45 Star Trek memes that boldly go to a galaxy far, far away or whatever

Beam aboard the USS Laughter with our collection of 45 Star Trek memes, designed to delight Trekkies and humor enthusiasts alike. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the original series or a newcomer to the Star Trek universe, these Trekkie memes are sure to engage your warp drives and set your phasers to laugh.

These stellar memes, infused with wit and creativity, transport you to the far reaches of the galaxy, where laughter knows no bounds. From the iconic bridge of the USS Enterprise to the depths of the Klingon Empire, each of these Star Trek memes captures the essence of Star Trek's rich universe, offering a humorous take on beloved characters, memorable episodes, and the idiosyncrasies of spacefaring life. Whether you're a fan of Captain Kirk's bold leadership or find yourself drawn to the logical wisdom of Spock, there's a meme here to engage and entertain.

As you scroll through this collection of Trekkie memes, you'll discover a universe of laughter waiting to be explored. Whether it's a clever play on words, a humorous observation about alien cultures, or a nod to classic moments from the series, these memes are sure to evoke smiles and spark conversations among fellow fans.

So, prepare to engage your funny bone and set your phasers to laugh as we journey through the cosmos of Star Trek humor together. After all, in the vast expanse of space, there's always room for a good laugh.

star trek movie memes

If you've enjoyed these Star Trek memes, why not explore more sci-fi and fanasy humor? From Star Wars to The Lord of the Rings , there's a universe of laughter waiting to be discovered. So, strap in and prepare for warp speed as we journey through the cosmos of comedy together.

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40 Star Trek Memes That Boldly Go, Well, On This List (April 1, 2024)


Ah, “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” the show that taught us the true meaning of diplomacy: sitting down, having a cup of Earl Grey (hot, of course), and discussing why your science officer’s android cat is violating the Prime Directive. Growing up with the crew of the USS Enterprise-D was like having a second family, albeit one that traversed the galaxy and occasionally got stuck in a time loop (we’ve all been there, right?).

From Captain Picard’s sage wisdom to Data’s quest for humanity, and let’s not forget Worf’s never-ending cultural misunderstandings, every episode was a treasure trove of life lessons and interstellar hilarity. So, in honor of the countless hours we spent wishing we could join them on the holodeck, I’ve assembled a stellar compilation of funny “Star Trek” memes .

These are for those of us who know that the best way to deal with a Borg cube is to laugh in the face of assimilation. Engage your sense of humor, and let’s warp into a universe where the only thing stronger than a phaser set to stun is our ability to find the funny in the final frontier.

star trek movie memes

Mike Primavera

Mike Primavera is a Chicago-based comedy writer even though he doesn't HAVE to work. He lives comfortably off of his family's pasta fortune. Follow him on all social media at @primawesome

star trek movie memes

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27 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' Memes Only True Trekkers Will Appreciate

  • u/SkotConQueso

27 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' Memes Only True Trekkers Will Appreciate

Mark Rennie

'Star Trek: The Next Generation' may have gone off the air but the memes are forever. If you're hungry for more be sure to check out the subreddit r/startrekmemes .

You Will Have To Trick Him

You Will Have To Trick Him

Set As Homescreen

Set As Homescreen

  • u/SgtScream88

Savage Troi

Savage Troi

  • u/donkleone

Resistance Is Futile

Resistance Is Futile

  • u/YourSuperior1

Can You Be More Specific?

Can You Be More Specific?

  • u/trumpticusprime

The CBS Empire

The CBS Empire

  • u/ManDe1orean

I'm The Captain Now

I'm The Captain Now

  • u/Melkbeker2002

Riker Gonna Riker

Riker Gonna Riker

Q Is Quite The Scamp

Q Is Quite The Scamp

This Is Exactly How It Happened

This Is Exactly How It Happened

  • u/BoukenGreen

They're Just So Nice

They're Just So Nice

  • u/gentle_giant_81

Drastic Measures

Drastic Measures

  • u/PoonSwoggle

Tough Break, Kid

Tough Break, Kid

Hats In Space!

Hats In Space!

  • u/narwhalsarefalling

Picard Is Tough But Fair

Picard Is Tough But Fair

Adorable Worf

Adorable Worf

  • u/H_G_Bells

C'mon, Keep Up

C'mon, Keep Up

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They Do Be Like That

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Only Fair

The Path To Success

The Path To Success

This Show Won A Peabody Award

This Show Won A Peabody Award

You Are Not Making Sense

You Are Not Making Sense

So We Like Grunge, Big Deal!

So We Like Grunge, Big Deal!

  • u/ThresholdBestEpisode

Easy There

Thank You, Jazz Man

Thank You, Jazz Man

  • u/kevonicus
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Star Trek Franchise
  • Entertainment
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Live long, and prosper.

Exasperated Picard

Boldly Go: 25 Hilarious Star Trek Memes Only True Fans Will Understand


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No One Hates Star Wars Like Star Wars Fans

The acolyte is proof that star wars needs fewer fans at the helm, the umbrella academy season 4 finale, explained.

The Star Trek universe has been around since 1966, and since we first saw Kirk tooling around the galaxy, chewing the scenery no man has chewed before, it has spun outwards into seven television series, thirteen movies and more merchandise than a replicator can handle. With 50+ years under its’ belt, this is a franchise that has attracted fans old and young, from all walks of life, to gather together, marvel at the intricacies of this utopian universe, and to poke holes in it whenever they can.

You can’t really live that long and expect to be beyond reproach. When you have a science fiction universe that has existed longer than most cars people own, you are going to have people that have scrutinized every little aspect of it, and found some things worth laughing at, and the internet being the wonderful place that it is, we share those hilarious findings with one another. But we don’t share them like animals, with a few succinct words or well-reasoned arguments. Those are the tools of a bygone era. No, here in the future, we need to share our irreverent humor via comics, images and mostly memes.

And until we all share a collective consciousness like the Borg, we have to go out and find those jokes ourselves. Or, even better, we find people to compile articles full of those jokes for us, which is what I am about to present to you. Set your phasers to funny, because things are about to get ridiculous.

25 I'm A Doctor, Not A Paleontologist!

I really laughed a lot harder than I should have at this meme. I don’t know what it is, I think it was just because it confused me so much at first. When it says “Bones” is it talking about McCoy or what he’s looking at? Is Leonard saying it? Because the next line makes it seem like he’s giving his professional medical opinion on what is clearly a very old skeleton, which is funny in its’ own right.

Whatever the case may be, the execution of the image is flawless, since McCoy has to use that exact phrase far too many times in the show. It also might be a slight jab at Kirk for needing the help of his crew member to ascertain whether a skeleton is dead or not, which is pretty accurate, Kirk does get through most scenarios by the skin of his teeth and the minds of the better crew members around him.

24 Those Legs Go All The Way Up?

When I started writing this article I had no idea I would be getting such an eyeful of Patrick Stewart’s shapely man calf. Can’t say I’m disappointed, though, those are some toned legs for a guy who spends 95% of his day drinking tea. Earl Grey. Hot. Patrick has always had that “I can’t tell if he’s a tough guy who’s nerdy or a nerd who might be tough” kind of vibe going for him.

What I especially love about images such as these is that they correct a huge oversight in the original series. Why were the females of the crew the only ones subjected to wearing skirts? That’s some archaic hogwash I’d expect at my local Hooters, not aboard a Starfleet vessel. So when pictures like this show that both men and women had the option of wearing skirts, it gladdens my heart a little. Plus, you know, those calves, dude.

23 Remind Me To Buy More Red Shirts

There’s a lot of beauty to behold in this picture. There’s the gloriousness of the V-neck that Kirk is rocking, the line up of disposable human beings who all look like they KNOW they are disposable, and the fact that everyone is laughing except Spock. As always. And overtop of all the splendor these images have managed to capture, there’s the whole punch line, which is actually pretty funny, for a meme.

The implication that the super-civilized Starfleet captain, who lives in a utopian society and believes that violence is the last resort, knows that his red shirt crew will be killed is kind of hilarious. Everyone knows the trope that red shirts get super murdered when they are part of the landing party, but for Kirk to be in on the joke adds a fun little dark layer to the whole experience. I always knew Kirk had a dark streak to him.

22 Set Your Phasers To Dig

Man, red shirts just cannot seem to catch a break. Between them and Stormtroopers, all of space seems to be cluttered with useless cannon fodder. You’d think that after the first few times they sent people down to get eaten by space bugs, they’d start wearing spacesuits or armor. But no, they always go down in brightly colored uniforms that get torn apart by a slight breeze, and next thing you know, the Captain is saying a brief sentence about what a shame it is to lose life so senselessly. Then they are on to their next adventure where they find a sentient gas thingy maybe.

The real question I have is where do they keep getting crew members? I understand that the Enterprise can hold around 430 people, but that number should drastically drop if you lose people every time you send out an away party. And that isn’t counting all the times crew members get lost in the transporter or sucked dry by an iron absorbing vampire creature.

21 The USS Billy Corgan

It looks like this pumpkin landing party has had a transporter malfunction, which is never pretty. Oh well, it only happened to a redshirt. Seriously, though, how many people are going to make the same joke? We get it, they have a very low surviving rate, change the record, please.

At least this one was a little more creative, since it decided to eschew using words at all, and decided to just let the paint on the pumpkins act as all the clues you’d need to figure out the joke. Still, you have to wonder, is retelling the same joke that every nerd has heard a thousand times really worth exploding a perfectly good pumpkin? That could have been turned into a delicious pie, man.

I also wonder why they decided to use two different versions of the Starfleet symbol. Is there another layer to the joke that I’m missing?

20 Sure You Do

Worf, one of the only Klingons to joining Starfleet Academy, was always presented as a kind of tough guy who acts before he thinks. He always wanted to show off his warrior’s strength, boasting of his exploits and desiring to end all things with bloody combat. That’s what he was supposed to be, conceptually, I suppose.

In reality, I don’t think I can remember Worf every being intimidating except for that one time he took out some Borg in the cold of space, which is admittedly pretty awesome. That aside, most of his run in The Next Generation involved him growling at people before making a complete fool of himself. I’m next to certain I’ve seen every member except for Wesley beat him up. Oh, I don’t even need to guess, here’s a supercut of Worf failing at everything he undertakes . I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed how much he sucks.

19 "Passed"

Star Trek did a heck of a lot with very little budget. They had those gross throbbing veins in the side of the aliens head in The Menagerie . Spock’s blue eye shadow was to die for. Heck, when they traveled through space, those stars passing by looked incredible. I can’t imagine how much of the special effects budget went into Shatner’s girdle.

So when they were blowing our minds with other stellar uses of a limited television budget, they had to cut corners in other areas. Here they went full Grinch and just strapped a single horn to the top of a dogs head. And hey, I’ve never been to the far reaches of space, so I can’t exactly comment on how accurate this is or isn’t, so maybe there is a sad, stupid creature out there that looks like this. Not everything you run into is going to be as cool as the Gorn or Balok.

18 We're Living In The Future!

I always found the Replicators on  Star Trek kind of a cheat.  Due to their ability to turn energy into matter, and since energy was never in shortage due to antimatter and dark energy or whatever, there was never a short supply of anything.  The Replicator is part of the reason that The Federation can live in a time of such prosperity; they live in a world where scarcity is no longer a thing. If everyone has the ability to have whatever they truly need at their fingertips, there is no more conflict for resources, or even trade deals that allow people to become rich for little work.

The 3D printer is definitely a step in the right direction if that’s the kind of future we are all envisioning. A device that can sit in your home and provide you with a basic structure of something you need. Sure, they take up way more materials than a Replicator, and sure, the blueprints for everything aren’t stored in their databanks, but it feels like it is within our grasp. Heck, they 3D printed a human heart , which is already pretty much science fiction become fact.

17 Even In The Future, Accents Are Funny

Do you want to know something weird? Did you know that they added Chekov in the second season as a way to make it more appealing to younger audiences and women? Yeah, I don’t see it either, and I always assumed he was shoehorned in the as a way to suggest that the Cold War would eventually end peacefully, with all humans becoming allies in the end. To me, that makes more sense than him being a girl magnet.

What other reason would they make an actor put on a ridiculous Russian accent? This isn’t to suggest that all Russian accents are silly, but rather that Walter Koenig, who played Chekov, never quite nailed an accurate Russian accent and so it always seemed like he was really sinking his teeth into all the “w”s. What may have been a poor casting choice at the time has spun into a lasting joke that persists even in modern iterations, with the late Anton Yelchin’s portrayal of Chekov struggling with voice commands through his thick accent.

16 Feline Ka-if-fee

Yes, I understand that if you don’t know what music the person is talking about, that image is complete gibberish. I’m here for you, here’s a link to the scene this is referencing. It’s a fairly classic Star Trek scene where one of Spock’s bizarre Vulcan rituals blows up in Kirk’s face and they end up fighting each other with disastrously impractical weapons. I know I’m making fun of it here, but honestly, it is a great scene. Shatner’s acting in this episode and scene is actually a kind of humble, approachable everyman for once, acknowledging that he’s doing something for his friend Spock. It’s fun seeing Kirk when he realizes he has bitten off more than he can chew.

What also makes this image work for me is that there are people across the globe that hear that particular music whenever they see any two combatants square off against each other. That’s how you know that your television show has been a hit, when people associate it when it really has no bearing on what they are looking at.

15 To Heck With Continuity

Star Trek Discovery has been pretty divisive so far, but what isn’t lately? Look at how much people hate each other over the election results or the stone cold fact that The Last Jedi is a good film. I think it comes down to the fact that we are in this weird period in civilization where we don’t want exact copies of things, but we don’t want them to be too different either. So when Discovery introduced a new makeup layout for Klingons, it ruffled people’s feathers.

I couldn’t tell you why, though. As the image illustrates, Klingons have already had a few changes, so why not just keep going with it. You shouldn’t limit yourself because of fan service, you should utilize all of the newest special effects at your disposal. I for one think the new Klingon design is superb, because it actually looks more like a being from another planet and not just a guy with papier maché on his forehead.

14 The Captain Is Compromised

Come to think of it, I can’t actually recall if I have ever seen Kirk put anything in the “Captain’s Log” or if it was just a series of voiceovers. I’m sure some super dedicated fan out there is itching to tell me just when and where we can see Kirk feverishly writing down his encounters with the Mirror Dimension in the log, but honestly, I don’t have time for that.

What would be even better than Kirk coming apart mentally and developing inner voices would be if he was genuinely saying these things out loud, but with no idea that he’s doing it. He’s just walking down the halls of the Enterprise, talking about how he isn’t sure how they will get out of this, and some yeoman just sees their trusted captain talking to himself like a nut. Heck, maybe it would lead to a mutiny! There can never be enough space mutinies.

13 My Tricorder Is Detecting That You Have No Taste

I’ll be the first to admit that the Star Trek universe is heavily flawed. In fact I’m kind of banking on those flaws for a lot of this article, so I’m kind of grateful for them. That being said, the flaws are kind of what give it the flavor it has, and despite those easily overlooked f;aws, it is a remarkable franchise. It broke down barriers of racism, it showed a society that was motivated by the betterment of fellow beings and not just the pursuit of wealth, and it showed us that even if you try to resolve things peacefully, sometimes you still get to use Photon Torpedoes.

So what isn’t to like? I think most people that say they don’t like Star Trek are just those dogmatic meatheads that think that showing any interest in something as dorky as science fiction will be an affront for the carefully constructed façade that is their own bravado.

12 Barking Up The Wrong Tree

I think we have all made a dingus out of ourselves at one time or another by trying to flirt with someone who played for a team that wasn’t interested in you. Heaven knows why we get so embarrassed, it isn’t even a full out rejection because we are ugly, we just aren’t what the person is in to. But embarrassed we get, and imagine how embarrassed Uhura will be when she finds out how Sulu rolls.

George Takei has been a very vocal proponent of the LGBTQ community for years, and is seen as something of a gay icon nowadays. I’m not so sure he was as open about it back when Star Trek was first on the air, since it was a different climate of tolerance, so having chemistry between him and Uhura seemed perfectly plausible at the time. Hindsight is 20/20, as they say.

11 Can You Hear Me Now?

Depending on who you ask, puns are either the highest or lowest form of comedy. Wherever you stand on them, you have to give the author if this one some credit, because it’s a two for one. I feel like I will diminish the comedy if I break down how the wordplay works here, but I have confidence that these articles only attract the most intelligent readers on the Internet, so I’m sure you got how funny it was.

What really tickles my funny bone, though, is that this scene is ridiculous OUTSIDE the premise of the pun and meme. Inside of the show, it doesn’t make a lick of sense why Data would have a phone built into his stomach, let alone a ROTARY phone. I’m not even going to research the context of the image, because I can tell you right now, it’s going to have something to do with the holodeck malfunctioning, which it does every three episodes.

10 Fascinating

The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise went to some wacky places in their five-year mission, and not all of them made sense. I recently watched an episode where they landed on a beautiful world where the events of Alice in Wonderland seemed to be playing out. The whole thing ended up being a sort of intergalactic amusement park, despite the fact that a few crewmembers were killed. The show can be a little silly, is what I’m trying to say.

Luckily for everyone on the Internet, that silliness results in images like this, where we see the impeccable Spock throwing caution to the wind and dressing up like a snapchat filter. It’s nice to see Spock let that bowl cut hair down once in a while, it reminds us that even the most rigid of people are still only human. Or half human, whatever. Just enjoy the picture and stop analyzing everything, will ya’?

9 Set A Course For Fashion

Here’s a fun little piece of trivia for you: when Gene Roddenberry was working on Star Trek: The Next Generation he hated the casting of Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard. His reasoning was that nobody would want to see a bald captain. There are even pictures out there of the early filming days when he forced Stewart to wear a wig. Go ahead and look it up. Luckily, they managed to convince Gene that in the future, people would be enlightened enough to not care about baldness as much as we do now in out superficial society.

I’m not exactly sure how I was going to transition that factoid into a funny comment about the crew wearing hats, but we are here now. If Gene was so hung up on Picard looking like a goof because of a bit of shine on the top of his head, why wouldn’t he nix a scene where everyone looks like they are about to play hacky sack?

8 Shoot For The Stars

The first time I saw a meme like this, it was actually about Batman. That’s a goal that seems a little more unattainable, since Batman is an inherited billionaire and Kirk is a self-made man that rose up through the ranks of Starfleet Academy, mostly by cheating at the Kobayashi Maru test. So yes, I suppose it is better both logistically and morally to strive to be Captain Kirk and not Batman.

By why stop there? This is the realm of fiction, you can strive to be literally anyone. Preferably someone who isn’t a womanizing yahoo that routinely puts the lives of his crew in mortal danger on a hunch. Janeway never pulled that nonsense, why not be her? Heck, why not try to be someone who really knows how to be the moral superior while cruising recklessly through space? Why not attempt to be The Doctor, who is also self-made and arguably might have the bigger ship.

7 That Just Might Work!

When it comes to the structure of using technobabble and Applied Phlebtonium in Star Trek , I think Futurama actually summarized it best:

Fry : Usually on the show, they came up with a complicated plan, then explained it with a simple analogy.

Leela : Hmmm... If we can re-route engine power through the primary weapons and configure them to Melllvar's frequency, that should overload his electro-quantum structure.

Bender : Like putting too much air in a balloon!

Fry : Of course! It's all so simple!

Since us, the audience with our primitive analog minds, couldn’t keep up with the technology of the future, all they had to do was string together a series of scientific sounding words and we would just nod along with our mouths agape. The most commonly used jargon was the reversing of the polarities, which could literally be used to do anything, from making your shields more durable to making yourself invisible to scans.

6 A Way Of Her Own

I’m not sure if this meme is trying to compliment or insult Janeway. On the one hand, she’s a commanding presence who manages to think her way out of most scenarios. On the other hand, she got her crew lost n the other side of the galaxy, and kept them that way for an extended period of time. Plus I think she got turned into a slug in an episode? I may be remembering that wrong.

Whatever the intended purpose of the image was, it’s pretty accurate in my mind. She always did things her own way, not in a smarmy, egotistical way like Kirk, not in a no-nonsense way like Picard, but with a delicate but intelligent touch that only she can pull off. Plus she always had stellar hair, which must be hard to pull off when your ship is perpetually running low on every conceivable resource.

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Star Trek Logo

Star Trek is an American science fiction franchise created in 1966 by Gene Roddenberry. The franchise began with a television show that aired on NBC from 1966 until its cancellation in 1969. From there, it gained a massive cult following, ballooning into a larger pop culture phenomenon, through a variety of outlets including four other live action TV series, an animated series, video games , books, and eleven feature films, with a twelfth in production.

Star Trek: The Original Series

The original Star Trek series, now commonly referred to as Star Trek: The Original Series , takes place in the 23rd century. It follows the adventures of the USS Enterprise, a starship of the United Federation of Planets, on a mission "to explore strange new worlds; to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go where no man has gone before." Many episodes were allegorical, touching on issues of sexuality, politics , religion and war. Initially, the series did not fare well with ratings and NBC had planned to cancel it during the second season. Two fans from California, Bjo Trimble and her husband John, organized a grass roots letter writing campaign [32] that saved the show for one more season. After the original series went into syndication, the series gained a much larger fan base, leading to the show returning as an animated series [33] in 1973. This first run is also known for launching the careers of actors William Shatner [34] , who played Captain Kirk, Leonard Nimoy [35] , who portrayed Spock and George Takei [36] , who played Hikaru Sulu.

Spin-offs: The Next Generation and Beyond

There have been 5 spin-off television shows and 11 movies based on the Star Trek series, with a 12th slated for release in May 2013. [37] Though the first of these was Star Trek: The Animated Series (shown below, left) which aired 1973-1974, the most well-known spin-off was Star Trek: The Next Generation (shown below, right), which aired from 1987 to 1994. The Next Generation gained such popularity that it is held on par with The Original Series ; its characters are widely known, especially Captain Picard , who was portrayed by Patrick Stewart.

The Next Generation , along with the subsequent spin-offs Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (aired 1993-1999) and Star Trek: Voyager (aired 1995-2001), take place in the 24th century, and continue to develop the Star Trek universe that began in the first series. The final TV spin-off, Star Trek: Enterprise , took a different approach to the previous spin-offs, and was set in the 22nd century, roughly 100 years before The Original Series . It focused on the early history of human space exploration, and ended with the formation of the Federation. The Star Trek film series, with the exceptions of the 2009 film Star Trek and its upcoming sequel, featured the casts of The Original Series (Nos. 1-6) and The Next Generation (Nos. 7-10), and took place in the same timeframe as the TV series. The 2009 and 2013 movies utilize the characters from The Original Series with a new cast in an alternate timeline created by time travel. [38]

Picard Spin-off

On August 4th, 2018, Patrick Stewart, who portrayed Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation and the film Star Trek Generations , as well as various other Star Trek films, announced that he would be reviving the character in a new series. He tweeted , [57] "It is an unexpected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to Jean-Luc Picard and to explore new dimensions within him." Within the tweet, he also included a longer statement about the character. The post (shown below) received more than 42,000 retweets and 158,000 likes in two days.

Patrick Stewart @SirPatStew It is an unexpected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to Jean-Luc Picard and to explore new dimensions within him. Read my full statement in the photo. #StarTrek @cbsallaccess Photo: @shervinfoto I will always be very proud to have been a part of St Trek:The Next Generation, but when we wrapped that final movie in the spring of 2002, I truly felt my time with Star Trek had run its natural course. It is, therefore, an unexpected but delightful surprise to find myself excited and invigorated to be returning to Jean-Luc Picard and to explore new dimensions within him. Seeking out new life for him, when I thought that life was over During these past years, it has been humbling to hear stories about how The Next Generation brought people comfort, saw them through difficult periods in their lives or how the example of Jean-Luc inspired so many to follow in his footsteps, pursuing science, exploration and leadership. I feel I'm ready to return to him for the same reason to research and experience what comforting and reforming light he might shine on these often very dark times. I look forward to working with our brilliant creative team as we endeavor to bring a fresh, unexpected and pertinent story to life once more Patrick

That day, the official Star Trek: Discovery twitter account released a video of Executive Producer Alex Kurtzman and Sir Patrick Stewart discussing the character. The video (shown below) received more than 2,400 retweets and 7,800 likes in two days.

Executive Producer Alex Kurtzman and SirPatStew</a> surprised fans today at <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#STLV</a> with news that he will be returning to the iconic role of Jean-Luc Picard for a new Star Trek series coming to <a href=""> cbsallaccess . — Star Trek: Discovery (@startrekcbs) August 4, 2018

Star Trek fans were given the nickname "Trekkies" [39] in 1967 after a science fiction magazine editor spotted fans of the show wearing pointed ears to a science fiction convention, emulating members of the Vulcan, Romulan and Mintakan species. The term was embraced by fanzines, which boasted more than 10,000 readers in 1968. [40] In 1969, the first official gathering for Star Trek fans was held at the Newark Public Library in Maryland. [41] After the show gained a larger fanbase due to its syndication, a much larger Star Trek convention was held in New York City in 1972. More than 300 people came the first year, expanding to more than 7000 in 1973. [42] Trekkies are often cited as one of the earliest examples of a fandom .

star trek movie memes

Trekkie Dating Sites

In April 2004, the dating site company Passions Network launched Trek Passions [20] (shown below, left), the first online dating site specifically tailored for fans of the science fiction series. This free site allows users to add themselves to a group for those who consider themselves in Pon Farr [21] , a Vulcan state in which they will die if they do not mate with someone or participate in a ritual battle known as kal-if-fee. [22] The site was included in lists of niche dating sites on Mashable [25] and Lemondrop [26] in 2009. A second site, Star Trek Dating [23] was launched in 2010. Their Facebook page [24] has just over 1000 likes as of October 2012.

Welcome to Trek Passions! Love Long & Prosper A 100% free SciFi personals & social networking community site for science fiction lovers, including but not limited to lovers of Star Trek* and Star Wars. Find others who share your passion for Sci Fi. Meet people who read lsaac Asimov, Ben Bova, Robert A. Heinlein, Douglas Adams, Arthur C. Clarke & more. Grok!? Feel like you are always wearing a red shirt in your relationships? In Pon Farr? Whether you are just looking for like-minded friends, someone fun to attend a Sci Fi convention with, or maybe something more, Trek Passions is here for you. Sign up now to enjoy free Sci Fi chat, message boards and email. And Trek Passions is just one site within Passions Network. Check out this VIDEO on Passions Network! CLICK HERE TO JOIN NOW

In June 2012, a British Star Trek dating site [27] launched, reportedly seeing more than 2 million interactions per day. That October, Trekkie Dating [28] (shown above, right) launched and was featured on Geekologie [29] , Forever Geek [30] and The Daily Dot . [31] The Daily Dot reported that Trekkie Dating does not allow members to select Klingon as a spoken language or choose which fictional race from the show with which they would identify.

Captain Picard Day

Captain Picard Day is an annual day of festivity observed by schoolchildren aboard the USS Enterprise-D in honor of the ship's captain and one of the main protagonists, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, on Stardate 47457.1 in the Star Trek universe. The fictional holiday was first introduced in Star Trek: The Next Generation 's "The Pegasus" [55] (Episode 7, Season 12), originally aired on January 10th, 1994. In the episode, Captain Picard reluctantly attends an array of special events dedicated to his name, including an arts & craft contest at a school where children create various sculptures and drawings bearing his resemblance.

On the Internet , Star Trek fans began celebrating Captain Picard Day on June 16th, 2007, due to the fact that the date corresponds to Stardate 47457.1 on Earth calendar (June 16th, 2370), according to Memory-Alpha Wikia. [54] However, casual celebrations of Captain Picard Day by Star Trek fans may have been observed since as early as June 2004, according to Google Trends. [56]

star trek movie memes


Outside of its licensed canon productions and spin-off stories, Star Trek is well-known for its expanded universe that consists of a large volume of non-canonical novels, comic books and videogames. The series is also credited with pioneering the literary genre of fan fiction , beginning with the first issue of Star Trek fanzine Spockanalia [49] published in 1967. This fanzine was an anthology of stories, poems, articles, art and letters written by the fans when the series was still in its first season on NBC. Though originally meant as a one-time publication, it ended up publishing five issues from 1967 to 1970 due to the popular demands. Early Star Trek fan works are also credited for creating the Mary Sue character archetype and coining the term "slash" [4] , used when a homosexual romantic pairing is featured in the work.


Throughout the late 1960s and early 1970s, more Star Trek fan fictions continued to emerge through fanzines, largely driven by contributions from female authors who accounted for 90% of the fan-fiction community by 1973. [48] The volume of Star Trek fictions saw a drastic increase in the late 1990s and 2000s with the emergence of online communities dedicated to fan fiction, like, as well as those dedicated to Star Trek. inclduing Star Trek Fan Fiction [51] and Orion Press. [52] Additionally, offline publication projects like Star Trek: Strange New Worlds [53] , which ran annually from 1998 to 2007, and zines consistently shared new stories. As of October 2012, Many stories are archived on the Star Trek Expanded Universe wiki [44] and [45]

TAR TREK FAI ECIOD Blog Submissions Login TAR TREK Categories The Original Series The Next Generation Deep Space Nine Voyager Enterprise Latest Stories USS Oregon: Finding a Ring Back with A Vengeance The Calm Before the Storm The Teachings of Surak Shane L. BartellErin Blackwell John H. Burkitt Walter Chmara Stephen D. Greaney A.C. Harper LKillingsworth Anna Perotti Patrick Cumby Saavant Robert Wallace Cory Pelc Miscellaneous Shane L. Bartell A Doctor's Tale, Part 06/16/01 Tags: mccoy Search Blogroll Here is the first part of a two part story I wrote about a young Dr. McCoy shortly after the death of his father, and before the break up of his marriage based upon the episode idea, Joanna by D.C. Fontana. Trek Writer's Guild Search Tags Erin Blackwell 7 of 9 alex garrett all archer b'elanna bashir Mirror Vulcan, Mirror Not 08/13/00 Tags: saavik, spock In the MirrOr, Mirror universe, Saavik becomes a player in Spock's plans to overthrow the Empire. rChakotay data dax ds9 Enterprise guinan jake John H. Burkitt janeway jemison kes kim kira kirk maquis matthewS mccoy 12/03/05 Tags: kirk, scott, spock A lifeless planet around a star about to go nova is covered with mysterious structures that may have been made by sentient life long ago. And one strange energy signature.. Walter Chmara

In addition to proses and stories, reference materials like instructions have been published by fan artists and writers since 1973, with Franz Joseph's blueprints "Booklet of General Plans – USS Constitution-class for the USS Enterprise" . [19]


A Trekkie's Tale (1973)

As a result of gender imbalance within fan-fiction community, many of early Star Trek fanfictions contained heavy elements of romance and erotica that often led to interactions and relationships that were deemed out-of-character. Additionally, many writers would self-project an original character that would appear to be an ideal version of themselves. These deviations from the canon was later observed in Paula Smith's 1973 fan-fiction satire “A Trekkie’s Tale," [50] in which a young female crew member named Mary Sue gets romantically involved with every canon character, possibly as a result of the author's wish fulfillment. Smith's notion has been since largely embraced by the fan-fiction community and the name "Mary Sue" evolved into a generic term for any fan fiction character that would fit under this archetype.

stepped on the nant in the ane up to d with ne ver the ship in the ed down green t. Mary Recovering 1 got y out that the jurping langufshed 1 she antry and fatally urrounded eeping ful beauty o this day

Kirk/Spock Slash Fiction

The Star Trek fandom also saw many instances of slash fictions centered around a broromantic or sexual relationship between James T. Kirk and Spock (commonly abbreviated as Kirk/Spock or K/S). This pairing was first introduced in a 1974 story titled "A Fragment Out of Time" [47] , which was the first fan fiction story to use a slash to denote the homosexual nature of the relationship as a way to alert readers that it was not a friendship pairing.

star trek movie memes

There are also many Star Trek crossover fictions involving various characters and plot-lines from other media franchises, including Harry Potter ( Its Hour Come Round at Last , Harry Potter and the Return of James T. Kirk , Harry Potter and the Fountain of Possibilities ), Dragon Ball ( Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Beginning of Infinity , Dragon Ball Z vs. Star Trek: The Way of Infinity ), High School Musical ( A Flight to Remember ) and even a four-story crossover series ( Team Chipmunk: The Next Generation vs. Star Trek: Omega Force ). Many of these stories were penned by William Raynor [46] , an active participant in online Star Trek fandom.


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Dammit jim, i'm a doctor, not a x.

"Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor, Not a X!" is a catchphrase template and Star Trek running gag originating in The Original Series . It was frequently spoken by Dr. McCoy when Captain Kirk asked him to perform un-doctorlike tasks. The phrase was picked up on by trekkies, to the extent that it was included in the spin-off TV series. Online, it is frequently used to rebuke strange requests.

Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor, not a Thumb warmer

Spock is Not Impressed

Spock is Not Impressed is a photoshop meme started by the single topic blog of the same name. It features The Original Series character Spock, portrayed by Leonard Nimoy, with a look of disapproval on his face. He is frequently used to denote the poster's lack of amazement or respect of the situation at hand.

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Vulcan Salute / Live Long and Prosper

The Vulcan Salute, formed by raising the hand, palm forward with the fingers parted between the middle and ring finger with the thumb extended, is a hand gesture originating from The Original Series episode "Amok Time," which first aired on September 15th, 1967. Forming the salute serves as an instant recognition of one's devotion to Star Trek. It is usually accompanied by the phrase "Live Long and Prosper." The gesture, along with the slogan, are among the most familiar elements of Star Trek in mainstream culture. [5]

KHAN! is a YTMND fad, originating in 2004. The phrase was exclaimed by Admiral (former Captain) Kirk in the film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan , after Khan Noonien Singh (portrayed by Ricardo Montalban) taunts him. Kirk's screaming face appeared across more than 200 YTMND sites between 2004 and 2005.

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Jean-Luc Picard

Jean-Luc Picard , played by Patrick Stewart (shown below, left), was the captain of the USS Enterprise in The Next Generation and four of the feature films. In the early days of the internet, debates between Trekkies about whether he or Kirk was the better captain were frequent. More recently, he has been featured in many image macros , and most notably has spawned the Facepalm and the Annoyed Picard (shown below, right) memes .

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Facepalm is a slang term used to describe the act of resting one's face in one's hands, a gesture commonly associated with exasperation. One of the earliest examples of a facepalm in pop culture was captured in a still image of Captain Picard during the The Next Generation season 3 episode "Déjà Q," which originally aired on February 5th, 1980. It remains one of the most widespread reaction images across the internet.

star trek movie memes

The Next Generation Parodies

Parody videos of The Next Generation have appeared on YouTube since as early as 2006. One of the earliest examples a Picard YouTube Poop Music Video featuring a song by DarkMateria. More than 1100 recut clips of The Next Generation have been uploaded to YouTube as of October 2012. [43]

It's a Fake!

It's a Fake! is a catchphrase first said during the Deep Space Nine episode "In the Pale Moonlight" by a Romulan senator. He proclaims that a data rod presented to him by Captain Sisko has been forged. It initially gained notoriety on Usenet, where it was used in a response to Star Trek related posts, but later went on be included in YTMND sites, Something Awful photoshop contets and video mashups.

Need Moar Lens Flare

Need Moar Lens Flare is a common response to the perceived overuse of the lens flare effect in modern sci-fi cinema, specifically found in the 2009 film Star Trek . After the release of the film, the amount of lens flare used was ridiculed, and it quickly became a Photoshop meme, commonly used to facetiously "liven up" otherwise dull scenes.

star trek movie memes

Search Interest

Search interest has remained relatively consistent, showing a large peak in 2009, around the release of the most recent film, Star Trek .

[1] Wikipedia – Star Trek

[2] TV Tropes – Star Trek

[4] TV Tropes – Slash Fic

[5] Wikipedia – Vulcan salute

[6] Wikipedia – Star Trek fan productions

[7] Star Trek Expanded Universe – Fan Fiction Short Stories

[8] Star Trek Expanded Universe – Fan Fiction

[9] Star Trek Expanded Universe – Crossover Fan Fiction

[10] Star Trek Expanded Universe – Fan Fiction timeline

[13] Fanfiction – Star Trek / Deep Space Nine

[14] Fanfiction – Star Trek / Enterprise

[15] Fanfiction – Star Trek / Others

[16] Fanfiction – Star Trek / The Next Generation

[17] Fanfiction – Star Trek / The Original Series

[18] Fanfiction – Star Trek / Voyager

[19] Memory Alpha 0 – Fanfiction

[20] Trek Passions – Home

[21] Trek Passions – In Pon Farr group

[22] Wikipedia – Pon farr

[23] Star Trek Dating – Set Phasers to Stunning

[24] Facebook – Star Trek Dating

[25] Mashable – Most Unusual and Unique Online Dating Sites

[26] Lemondrop – The Craziest Online Dating Sites You Never Knew Existed

[27] – Home

[28] Trekkie Dating – Home

[29] Geekologie – Finally, A Questionable Online Dating Site For Trekkies

[30] Forever Geek – Trekkie Dating Will Take Care of Your Social Woes

[31] The Daily Dot – New Trekkie dating site already has plenty of competition

[32] Star Trek – Bjo Trimble: The Woman Who Saved Star Trek – Part 1

[33] Wikipedia – Star Trek: The Animated Series

[34] Wikipedia – William Shatner

[35] Wikipedia – Leonard Nimoy

[36] Wikipedia – George Takei

[37] Wikipedia – Star Trek into Darkness

[38] Wikipedia – Star Trek (film)

[39] Wikipedia – Trekkie

[40] Toledo Blade – August 15th, 1968

[41] Fanlore – Star Trek Con (1969 convention)

[42] Lakeland Ledger – March 11th, 1973

[43] YouTube – Search results for "star trek next generation parody"

[44] Star Trek Expanded Universe Wiki – Home

[45] – Search results for Star Trek

[46] Star Trek Expanded Universe Wiki – William Raymer

[47] Fanlore – A Fragment Out of Time

[48] Google Books – Enterprising Women: Television Fandom and the Creation of Popular Myth

[49] Fanlore – Spockanalia

[50] TV Tropes – A Trekkie's Tale

[51] Star Trek Fan Fiction – Home

[52] Orion Press – Home

[53] Wikipedia – Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

[54] Memory Alpha Wikia – Captain Picard Day

[55] Memory Alpha Wikia – The Pegasus

[56] Google Trends – Search Interest for 'Captain Picard Day'

[57] Twitter – @SirPatStew's Tweet

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Meme Me Up: 15 Hilarious Star Trek: The Next Generation Memes


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Sure, The Last Jedi is the big thing everyone’s talking about right now, but sometimes you just want your science fiction a little more focused. For more than 50 years, the adventures of various officers of the futuristic Starfleet have ruled many a nerd’s television set. A pop culture phenomenon, Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek has kept science fiction fans glued to their seats, following along with their favorite Captains as they set out on missions to explore the galaxy and forge alliances with new and strange lifeforms. Though the original series spent decades as a cult classic that spawned a successful film franchise, 1987 saw Star Trek truly explode into something magnificent.

Star Trek: The Next Generation took a new team of adventurers and sent them out even further into the reaches of deep space, exploring strange new worlds with bleeding edge technology and wilder and weirder plots than ever before. The series became a television mainstay, breathing new life into the franchise for decades to come. As with all things, the Internet has taken to memeing it, and something like Star Trek led to some of the best memes out there. Here are 15 hilariously unforgettable Star Trek: The Next Generation memes.


An early mantra for Star Trek: The Next Generation was that there’d be not many references to the original series. Series creator Gene Roddenberry was eager to create a unique world distant from the adventures of Captain Kirk. Alien species from the original were largely off limits, the exception being a Klingon named Worf who served as a bridge officer, largely remaining in the background.

Following the death of Natasha Yar when actress Denise Crosby opted to leave the show, Worf got a promotion to chief tactical officer and gained a much greater presence. Serving as the ship’s chief of security, Worf was often consulted when battle was necessary and became one of the Enterprise’s most prized crew members. Worf proved to be one hell of a pop culture phenomenon even today, years after ST:TNG and Deep Space Nine have gone off the air.


Captain Picard’s a busy dude. In addition to jetting around the Neutral Zone in the cutting edge of spaceship design and negotiating treaties with alien races both familiar and new, he’s still got to find time to schmooze with ambassadors and roleplay as a detective on the holodeck. Being a Starfleet Captain is pretty serious business!

Picard manages to come out above all that, though. Well-rounded, intellectual, and thorough to a fault, it’s no wonder Jean-Luc is considered the superior Captain by many fans. Picard’s kept more than busy over the years, as this meme reminds us. Though it’s a bit of a jab at some familiar Star Trek: The Next Generation moments, it also highlights some of the greatest moments in Picard’s storied Starfleet career.


Poor Picard. He went through a lot of bad times, from being assimilated into the Borg collective to having to appear in Star Trek: Generations . But the season six two-parters “Chain of Command” showcased a different side of Picard. Captured while on a covert mission, Picard is tortured and interrogated in one of Star Trek’s most intense scenes to date.

In an attempt to break his will, a Cardassian interrogator shows Picard four bright lights and tells him the torture will end when he says there are five lights. The episode itself is a hell of a story, but Picard’s parting, defiant cry to his captor of “There are FOUR lights!” has become a meme in its own right. This meme might be one of the best takes on it, though, because let’s face it, we all hate fighting with those damn Christmas lights when December rolls around.


Hey, remember Google Glass? Google kinda hopes you don’t, but they’re also not really making a thing of it anymore. It was a smart device that you wore like a pair of glasses, giving you access to a number of popular Google features like maps and phone calls. The device had a limited release, but it didn’t do terribly well thanks to an exorbitant price and awkward interface.

Did they pull some inspiration from Star Trek: The Next Generation ? Possibly. A mainstay from the first episode, the ship’s chief engineer Geordi LaForge was notable as a Starfleet engineer with a disability. Blind since birth, Geordi wore a device referred to as a VISOR which allowed him to see. The device became a signature staple of the show and made Geordi one of the show’s most recognizable characters.


Oh, Guinan. Played by Star Trek superfan Whoopi Goldberg, the bartender aboard the Enterprise proved to be a fan favorite character. Mysterious, seemingly ageless, and always there to offer a shoulder to lean on, fans loved the down to Earth tone she brought to an otherwise fantastical piece of hard science fiction.

Guinan doesn’t interact all that much with the crew as a hold, appearing in only about 30 episodes or so, but that hasn’t helped her escape the fate of being a meme. Maybe it’s the unusual sense of style she possesses, maybe it’s that aloof and strange nature she carried. But ultimately it’s that Guinan tended to just be kind of goofy when the story didn’t call for her to be serious, that makes her pretty easy to meme.


Many fans likely didn’t see Star Trek: The Next Generation in HD for a long while. Originally airing on syndicated networks, the show was hardly primed to be the mainstream success it came to be. A testament to the quality of storytelling and production, ST:TNG really did age like a fine wine over the years.

With the rise of blu-ray, remastered Star Trek was only a matter of time. Released between 2012 and 2014, Star Trek: The Next Generation got a spiffy HD remaster (though limitations of the original film prevent it from being released in an aspect ratio other than 4:3). The HD remasters are gorgeous, but many fans aren’t using them for memes, still sticking to the original images and screencaps that have been floating around the Internet for years.


Starfleet ships are pretty crazy when you think about it. The panels seem to spew sparks seemingly at random. None of the seats have seat belts, which provides a number of issues when the ship is inevitably blasted to hell by Romulans. And that’s not even counting the Holodecks, which seem to exist with the sole purpose of being literal death machines.

It’s even crazier when you consider the Enterprise itself. As a ship intended to perform peacekeeping duties and patrol the Neutral Zone, the ship housed a number of civilians. There’s a lot to go wrong day to day on a ship that also houses a fully functioning school and a nursery. Fortunately, they’ve got a pretty competent crew to keep things intact, but it’s a miracle that the number of casualties racked up during ST:TNG ’s run weren’t worse.


Poor Data. He gets stuck with no shortage of jokes about his Android nature. It makes him something of an easy target when people are cooking up memes about Star Trek , in much the same way that Spock’s logical nature can make it easy for him. But for all the easy jokes, Data is an incredibly notable character in Star Trek lore.

Essentially the reverse of Spock, Data’s quest to obtain humanity made him a quickly relatable and easily lovable character. He may have had more than his fair share of falters, be it injuring crew members when he didn’t mean to or putting the crew at risk with the presence of his brother Lore, but Data’s personable nature and humble backstory made him a classic character almost instantly.


Will Riker is an interesting addition to the cast. With Captain Picard intended to be a purely introspective leader (in direct opposition to Captain Kirk, who spent much of his time on away missions, punching baddies and bedding ladies), it was decided that his second-in-command should fill the void of an action-oriented character in a leadership role.

The end result was Commander Will Riker. A bit emotional when the time called for it, a consummate ladies man, and arguably over-qualified by season 3 of the series, Riker’s choice to remain second-in-command overtaking his own ship became a key character trait in later episodes. These days, fans mostly meme Riker for his track record with women, poking fun at his many romantic encounters to take place over the course of ST:TNG .


Star Trek has had more than its share of influences on real-world technology. ST:TNG episodes featured the popular datapads, a series of tablet devices that crew members regularly would use for reading and transferring documents around in lieu of paper. These datapads would eventually be spotted by Steve Jobs, who cited them as the inspiration for iPad style devices.

Star Trek probably didn’t do much to inspire the selfie, but without the history of Star Trek , we wouldn’t be where we are today. Unfortunately, we’ve reached a point where the technology has surpassed the presented history of Trek technology. It created real problems with series like Star Trek: Enterprise aired decades after Star Trek but had to reconcile the prospect of modern technology versus the old school tech aesthetic of the original series.


There’s a lot of thought put into Star Trek ’s design, to the point that the LCARs system that powers the computers of the Enterprise exists as a fan-created OS conversion. Still, there are a few intricacies of the system that fans have taken note of. For instance, this meme points out how many incredibly complex maneuvers seem to be available with just a few button presses.

We see all sorts of things like this. The movies especially showcase this, with things such as Data disabling a self-destruct that needed three crew members to activate all by himself, or Picard pulling up a specific play with just a few taps on a screen. Still, they’re cheats all done in the favor of making the story more interesting. After all, who wants to watch a movie that features 20 minutes of Picard navigating an archaic file structure?


Naturally, Star Trek has been on the forefront of modern technology. However, it might be safe to say that this isn’t what they had in mind when they crafted this excellent moment from the episode “Phantasms.” Here Data was having strange dreams, which ultimately led to him seemingly losing his mind and even injuring Counsellor Troi.

Naturally, the episode ended with Data being fine, the dreams being the result of his android brain helping him resolve how best to destroy a parasitic organism infecting the Enterprise. Though the episode is hailed as an ST:TNG classic, it’s unlikely that this one particular image from Data’s dream, of Picard answering a phone inside his torso, is what the creators of Android had in mind when creating a new smartphone.


Have you ever thought about how wildly inconsistent the seemingly magical science of Star Trek can be? One episode featured Worf being paralyzed by a falling barrel and begging his close friend Riker to help him commit suicide, as per a Klingon tradition. The whole episode is played up as a deeply philosophical affair, but then at the end of the episode a doctor shows up and just gives Worf a new spine, no questions asked.

Captain Picard has a similar unique story. Stabbed in the chest while still a Starfleet cadet, Picard received an artificial heart. Obviously a marvelous medical feat, but how is there not a modern solution for Picard’s receding hairline? Truth be told this was once a consideration, with early footage of Patrick Stewart wearing a toupee appearing years ago, but one look at that footage highlights why producers opted not to go with the look.


Already in his late 40s, Patrick Stewart had the odds against him when he was cast as Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation . Fans were somewhat put off by the much older Captain, given the years where they had been used to the much younger and more action prone Captain Kirk.

But damn, did Patrick Stewart prove them wrong. Even today, at age 77, Patrick Stewart is ripped and makes you feel like you’re lazy. Picard carried this on, too, in both the television show and following movies. Sure, he was more distinguished than other Captains, opting to settle matters with words as opposed to fists, but when it came time to throw down you definitely didn’t want to be on Picard’s bad side.


To be fair, this is a problem that every iteration of Star Trek has had so far. When you’re going down to a strange planet to encounter an unknown entity, who better to take planetside than every executive officer on the ship? Routinely, the likes of the Enterprise’s chief engineer, operations officer, tactical officer, commanding officer, and even the Captain will venture down into the unknown.

So what happens to the Enterprise if one of them dies? Or worse, just imagine the upheaval if all of them die. For a dangerous mission, you wouldn’t dream of sending crew members that important. Still, it has to happen. After all, Star Trek is a television program above all else, and no one would care about anything that happened planet-side if every excursion featured a group of no-name red shirts with no emotional attachment.

500 cigarettes meme

Where did the 500 Cigarettes meme come from?

We must have more 500 hundred cigarettes.

Photo of Angela Andaloro

Angela Andaloro

Posted on Aug 16, 2024

The 500 Cigarettes meme is a moment from a scene in The Orville that’s come to signify seeking out the euphoric—or to poke fun at smokers. The science fiction series features many otherworldly creatures interacting with “human” things, which is essentially the crux of the show’s humor.

The 500 cigarettes meme is from the science fiction series   The Orville , created by Seth MacFarlane. The show follows the crew of an exploratory space vessel in the 25th century. It heavily parodies the Star Trek universe and other sci-fi movies and games, splicing drama and comedy in the sci-fi-action storylines.

What episode of The Orville is the 500 Cigarettes meme from?

In a season two episode titled “ Lasting Impressions ,” two Moclan crew members—Bortus and his husband Klyden—discover cigarettes. In learning about planet Earth’s addictions, the two use the ship’s Matter Synthesizer.

Bortus first materializes one cigarette, which Klyden picks up and examines before eating it. Bortus explains that cigarettes aren’t food. He then materializes two more and explains how the “tip is to be ignited and the smoke inhaled.” The two each take one and follow those instructions. They’re silent for a moment. However, they quickly realize how amazed they are by the flavor and sensation smoking brings.

“I feel as if I’ve been standing my entire life and I just sat down,” Kylden says.

The scene-turned-meme, explained

As the two decide they want to try more, they summon the matter synthesizer to produce 500 cigarettes. The pair discover that Moclans are more susceptible to nicotine addiction than most. While it’s only been a few days, they’re already addicted and need help beating it.

Today, these memes are used to poke fun at smokers. It’s also humorous when it’s used to laugh at the things that bring us relief from what’s going on in the world. After all, that’s what’s at the root of human addiction—even if the sci-fi plot doesn’t take you all the way there. The image is used as a meme in its own right, as well as being inserted in other formats as a punch line.

500 Cigarettes copypasta

What is it? It is called.. A cigarette. The aroma is most pleasing! Yes, Doctor Finn says its the result of  nom  what are you doing? I was curious to taste it It is not food! 500 hundred cigarettes Doctor Finn said, the tip is to be ignited and the smoke inhaled  they both light up the cigarette The sensation is… wonderful! 500 hundred cigarettes I have never experienced such a flavour 500 hundred cigarettes I feel like I’ve been standing my entire life and I just sat down 500 hundred cigarettes It tingles… Do you feel it? I do 500 hundred cigarettes We must have more! 500 hundred cigarettes!

500 cigarettes memes

500 cigarettes language switch meme

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Angela Andaloro proudly serves as a scribe, documenting all the shenanigans happening online. Her writing has been featured across Entertainment Weekly, PEOPLE, BuzzFeed, and more.

Angela Andaloro

30+ of the Best Star Trek Memes of the Week (March 5, 2024)

It's kind of a miracle that the Star Trek series doesn't have more contradictions than it already does. You would think after hundreds of episodes and numerous different series that nearly every other episode would have some plot hole, but they don't! Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. In the third episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, we see Kirk's headstone reads "James R Kirk" when every fan worth his shorts knows his name is James Tiberius Kirk . There are some inconsistencies when comparing the original series to more current versions, like the technology being more contemporary now instead of maintaining that midcentury futuristic design. Also, the hairy and scary Klingons are now kind of weird-looking in Star Trek: Discovery . All I know is that as long as we have Star Trek, somebody will be complaining about inconsistencies and changes. If you're one of those people, these Star Trek memes might suit your fancy. 


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American actor Harrison Ford, as Hans Solo, on the set of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope written, directed and produced by Georges Lucas.

50 best space movies of all time

Space has always captured the imagination of artists with all of its potential and unknowability. The sheer number of space-themed and set-in-space movies released over the years is a prime example of this. From silly takes like "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" to more serious stories like "First Man" to blockbusters like "Star Wars," there are probably more space-adjacent films out there than you realize.

2024 has been a huge year for space movies. Whether it's the magnum opus "Dune 2" grossing  over $700 million (and counting) worldwide , an Adam Sandler-starring  Netflix oddball  "Spaceman," or the return of one of the most terrifying alien supervillains in " Alien: Romulus ," fans of intergalactic cinema have a plethora of options to pick from. To celebrate, Stacker compiled a list of the best space movies of all time as determined by the Stacker score, which equally weighs a film's IMDb user score and Metascore (data is from February 2023), so both critics' and fans' opinions are taken into account. To be considered for the list, a film needed over 2,500 IMDb votes and at least seven Metacritic reviews.

The films on this list include soaring space operas, faithful docudramas, gripping thrillers, and speculative musings, but they all deal with space to some degree. These films span the recent history of cinema, from 1956 to 2022, and thus a chronological progression can be observed, with the early successes influencing later films.

Though some movies got the dates wrong, many of the themes explored deal directly with our day-to-day lives. "Gattaca" explores the perils of the creation of so-called "designer babies." "WALL-E," "Blade Runner," and "Planet of the Apes" muse on what will happen to the earth when humans destroy it. Several films take us back to one of humanity's greatest scientific achievements—the moon landing—and the sheer amount of effort and creativity needed to accomplish such a feat. So read on to discover something new that will inspire and entertain.

#50. Mr. Nobody (2009)

- Director: Jaco Van Dormael - Stacker score: 78.8 - Metascore: 63 - IMDb user rating: 7.8 - Runtime: 141 minutes

This list comprises space movies—after all, that's what you came for—but "Mr. Nobody" is one of a few time movies too. Jared Leto portrays the protagonist, Nemo Nobody, the last mortal left on Earth after everyone else achieves immortality through cellular regenerative technology. Though the movie largely takes place on Earth, Nemo, at points, writes a story about space travel to Mars, which is visually presented in gorgeous detail. At the 66th Venice International Film Festival, "Mr. Nobody" garnered the Golden Osella and the Biografilm Lancia Award.

#49. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)

- Director: Richard Marquand - Stacker score: 78.8 - Metascore: 58 - IMDb user rating: 8.3 - Runtime: 131 minutes

The original Star Wars trilogy will always be remembered for bringing blockbusters to Hollywood, with all its action, adventure, and exorbitant budgets. The third entry, "Return of the Jedi," is generally considered by fans and critics to be the worst of the three, though it's no less beloved than the first two. The Rebels, beaten time and time again, finally take their stand against the Empire as allegiances are tested and secrets are revealed. The movie took home the Special Achievement Academy Award in 1984.

#48. THX 1138 (1971)

- Director: George Lucas - Stacker score: 79.3 - Metascore: 75 - IMDb user rating: 6.7 - Runtime: 86 minutes

"THX 1138" was a failure. That is, until George Lucas gained notoriety for "Star Wars" and fans went back to watch his first film, which depicts a totalitarian dystopia controlled by mind-altering chemicals and an android police force. The title refers to the film's protagonist (Robert Duvall); to encourage conformity, names are simply three initials and four digits. The movie garnered a nomination at the 1971 Cannes Film Festival from the International Federation of Film Critics in the Directors' Fortnight section.

#47. Gattaca (1997)

- Director: Andrew Niccol - Stacker score: 79.3 - Metascore: 64 - IMDb user rating: 7.8 - Runtime: 106 minutes

Twenty-one years after the release of "Gattaca," the scientific community was forced to confront an issue raised by the film: gene editing. Using CRISPR technology, scientists can now selectively edit portions of DNA in embryos , creating artificial resistance against diseases like HIV, smallpox, and cholera. Eventually, this technology could determine many human traits, from intelligence to eye color, exactly to the parents' desire.

In the world of "Gattaca," a man born naturally—without any genes edited—poses as another man to sidestep genetic discrimination and fulfill his dreams to travel to space, raising important questions about whether gene editing is just a novel form of eugenics. The film garnered many accolades, including nominations for the Academy Award for Best Art Direction and the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Score.

#46. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)

- Director: Gareth Edwards - Stacker score: 79.9 - Metascore: 65 - IMDb user rating: 7.8 - Runtime: 133 minutes

Many fans found inconvenient truths (without revealing spoilers) at the end of "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" 39 years later; "Rogue One," which takes place right before "Episode IV," sets the stage for that famous climax, explaining the story behind how the heroic band of rebels was able to strike a decisive blow against the Empire. The first "Star Wars" film to be set outside the three major trilogies, "Rogue One" was played for its no-holds-barred action, fast-paced storyline, and memorable cameos from beloved characters. The movie also received two Academy Award nominations for Best Sound Mixing and Best Visual Effects.

#45. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)

- Director: James Gunn - Stacker score: 79.9 - Metascore: 67 - IMDb user rating: 7.6 - Runtime: 136 minutes

Until 2014's "Guardians of the Galaxy," the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe were mostly confined to Earth, with a few sojourns to Asgard with Thor. However, like its predecessor, which appears further down this list, "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" is set entirely in space, where Chris Pratt's Peter "Star-Lord" Quill was raised following his childhood abduction from Earth. With only retro songs to remember his home planet by, Star-Lord searches for answers with his band of reluctant heroes, among them a talking raccoon and a sentient tree. The film's sequel, "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3," is set to release in 2023.

#44. On the Silver Globe (1988)

- Director: Andrzej Zulawski - Stacker score: 80.4 - Metascore: 72 - IMDb user rating: 7.2 - Runtime: 166 minutes

Based on the novel of the same title by Jerzy Żuławski, a Polish novelist famous for his Lunar trilogy, of which "Silver Globe" is the first, this film sees a stranded group of astronauts start a new civilization on an alien planet. With detailed costumes and exquisite sets, this film confronts themes of religion and custom. In all, "Silver Globe" is an incredibly ambitious work, with stunning, visionary production. The movie earned Andrzej Żuławski the Best Film award at the Fantasporto film festival in 1988.

#43. Galaxy Quest (1999)

- Director: Dean Parisot - Stacker score: 80.4 - Metascore: 70 - IMDb user rating: 7.4 - Runtime: 102 minutes

What does Sigourney Weaver do after finally escaping from the aliens in "Alien" and "Aliens"? Poke fun at another staple of the sci-fi genre in "Galaxy Quest," a transparent but nonetheless hilarious send-up of "Star Trek" and its fans. Also starring Tim Allen, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhoub, Sam Rockwell, and Daryl Mitchell, this cult classic is beloved by the very fans it made fun of, a surefire mark of a great film. The movie earned Allen the Best Actor award at the Saturn Awards in 2000.

#42. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)

- Director: George Lucas - Stacker score: 80.4 - Metascore: 68 - IMDb user rating: 7.6 - Runtime: 140 minutes

Though the trilogy of films that served as prequels to "Star Wars: Episode IV" generated ire from fans and critics alike, there's a lot to enjoy in "Revenge of the Sith," in which Anakin Skywalker must choose between the light side of the Jedi and the dark power of the Sith. Though the romance between Hayden Christensen's Anakin and Natalie Portman's Padmé is… unconvincing, the twists and turns are exciting enough to watch that they've now been immortalized as viral memes . With a whopping $50 million turnout, the movie still holds the record for the highest opening-day gross on a Thursday.

#41. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

- Director: Nicholas Meyer - Stacker score: 81.0 - Metascore: 68 - IMDb user rating: 7.7 - Runtime: 113 minutes

Nowadays, with the ubiquity of computer-generated images, or CGI, in blockbuster cinemas, it's charming to remember when carefully painted miniatures and fireworks explosions comprised much of what we consider "special effects." "The Wrath of Khan," the first film to have a sequence comprised entirely of CGI, was a harbinger of this new era. Beloved by fans, William Shatner's James Tiberius Kirk leads a war against Khan, who has sworn revenge on the Starship Enterprise, in this classic space opera. George Takei, James Doohan, and Leonard Nimoy also co-star in the film.

#40. Ad Astra (2019)

- Director: James Gray - Stacker score: 81.0 - Metascore: 80 - IMDb user rating: 6.5 - Runtime: 123 minutes

In "Ad Astra," James Gray set out to present a realistic depiction of space travel , coining the term "science future fact" to describe his vision of interplanetary travel rooted in science. The psychological drama, which tells the story of an astronaut (Brad Pitt) who sets out to discover the truth about his missing father (Tommy Lee Jones), does that and so much more. Contemplative and loaded with meaning, the movie also asks big questions about the existence and role of god . The Brad Pitt starrer received an Academy Award nomination for Best Sound Mixing in 2020.

#39. Moon (2009)

- Director: Duncan Jones - Stacker score: 81.0 - Metascore: 67 - IMDb user rating: 7.8 - Runtime: 97 minutes

Many sci-fi movies have grand sets, impressive special effects, and daring heroes; others use the context of sci-fi to explore the human condition. That's the case with "Moon," which sees Sam Rockwell as a lonely helium-3 miner on the far side of the moon, cut off from human contact for three years as he works. When he begins to suffer hallucinations, not even the viewer can tell what's real and what's imagined. "Moon" received plenty of accolades, taking home the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation in 2010 and garnering a nomination for the BAFTA Award for Best British Film.

#38. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)

- Director: J.J. Abrams - Stacker score: 83.2 - Metascore: 72 - IMDb user rating: 7.7 - Runtime: 132 minutes

The sequel to J.J. Abrams' warmly received 2009 "Star Trek" reboot, "Into Darkness," sees the same crew headed by Chris Pine's James T. Kirk in a new adventure, tracking a mysterious villain (Benedict Cumberbatch) in a sneering, intense performance. With all the thrills and twists of the original "Star Trek" television series with the blockbuster budget of an Abrams flick, "Into Darkness" is a solid entry into the space-opera canon. The movie even earned a Best Visual Effects nomination at the 86th Academy Awards.

#37. Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood (2022)

- Director: Richard Linklater - Stacker score: 84.4 - Metascore: 79 - IMDb user rating: 7.2 - Runtime: 97 minutes

Loosely based on the real-life experiences of multihyphenate Richard Linklater, "Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood" tells the story of the 1969 moon landing from two perspectives—the crew aboard Apollo 11 and a fourth grader obsessed with imagining being the first man on the moon. The movie, like several of Linklater's other projects, is animated. Still, the process by which that animation was done —scenes were shot with real actors in front of green screens first, then converted to animation—gives it a much more realistic feel than your typical Saturday morning cartoon.

#36. Hidden Figures (2016)

- Director: Theodore Melfi - Stacker score: 84.9 - Metascore: 74 - IMDb user rating: 7.8 - Runtime: 127 minutes

Everyone remembers where they were when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon. Fewer people remember—or ever knew about—the groundbreaking scientists and mathematicians who made that walk possible, many being women of color, during a time when segregation was still enforced. Led by stirring performances from Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monáe, and Octavia Spencer, among others, "Hidden Figures" is a heartwarming story about overcoming obstacles both on the ground and in the air. Apart from earning a Best Picture nomination at the 89th Academy Awards, the blockbuster took home the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture.

#35. Serenity (2005)

- Director: Joss Whedon - Stacker score: 84.9 - Metascore: 74 - IMDb user rating: 7.8 - Runtime: 119 minutes

Not to be confused with the astoundingly awful 2019 film by the same title, 2005's "Serenity" is a final love letter to the series "Firefly," which follows the crew of the spaceship Serenity. Though the television series failed with audiences, a passionate cult of Joss Whedon fans convinced Universal Studios to bankroll a film meant to wrap up unresolved threads, which fans were overall pleased with. Despite its underwhelming performance at the box office, the film received the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation and the Best Script Nebula Award.

#34. Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

- Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo - Stacker score: 84.9 - Metascore: 68 - IMDb user rating: 8.4 - Runtime: 149 minutes

After 18 films and 10 years, the beginning of the final climax of the Marvel Cinematic Universe arrived, along with Josh Brolin's Thanos, the most terrifying villain our heroes have ever faced. With Thanos intent on tracking down the infinity stones, mystical objects capable of immense power, with the goal of eliminating half of all life in the universe, the Avengers set out across space to stop him. The film is one of the highest-grossing films of all time worldwide and in the United States and Canada.

#33. World on a Wire (1973)

- Director: Rainer Werner Fassbinder - Stacker score: 85.5 - Metascore: 76 - IMDb user rating: 7.7 - Runtime: 212 minutes

A topic that has recently encouraged discussion among philosophers, scientists, and one intrepid tech entrepreneur is that of humanity's existence. Are we real? Or are we living in a simulation? Some believe there's an infinitesimal probability that we're simulated humans , given how close we are to creating simulated societies ourselves. That question is probed by "World on a Wire," a two-part miniseries made for German television, that predates later films like "The Matrix," which explores similar themes.

#32. Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)

- Director: Rian Johnson - Stacker score: 85.5 - Metascore: 84 - IMDb user rating: 6.9 - Runtime: 152 minutes

The middle entry of the third Star Wars theatrical trilogy, "The Last Jedi," sees a precarious Resistance trying to hold on to hope as the First Order pummels them at every turn. Elsewhere, Rey attempts to convince Luke Skywalker, a reclusive hermit who wants nothing to do with his past heroism, to train her in the ways of the force. The movie angered some die-hard fans but was overall warmly received by critics. The film also received nominations for Best Original Score and Best Visual Effects at the 90th Academy Awards.

#31. Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

- Director: Taika Waititi - Stacker score: 85.5 - Metascore: 74 - IMDb user rating: 7.9 - Runtime: 130 minutes

After "Thor: The Dark World," received lukewarm reviews, Marvel brought in New Zealand director Taika Waititi to spice up the franchise. The result: a colorful, hilarious romp through space featuring Chris Hemsworth's Thor facing off against Jeff Goldblum's Collector and Cate Blanchett's Hela, along with (and sometimes opposed to) his brother, Loki, played by an always-conniving Tom Hiddleston. Some old friends and foes make surprise appearances, and among fans of superhero movies, it's a must-see. A sequel, "Thor: Love and Thunder," was released in 2022.

#30. Apollo 13 (1995)

- Director: Ron Howard - Stacker score: 86.0 - Metascore: 77 - IMDb user rating: 7.7 - Runtime: 140 minutes

"Failure is not an option." Those are the words uttered by NASA flight director Gene Kranz (Ed Harris) after an explosion disrupts a planned moon landing in this docudrama adapted from real events. Starring Tom Hanks, Kevin Costner, Kevin Bacon, and Bill Paxton as stranded astronauts, this heart-pounding thriller will have you at the edge of your seat, even if you know the outcome. During awards season, "Apollo 13" earned nine Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, winning for Best Film Editing and Best Sound.

#29. Dune (2021)

- Director: Denis Villeneuve - Stacker score: 86.0 - Metascore: 74 - IMDb user rating: 8.0 - Runtime: 155 minutes

An adaptation of the classic 1965 sci-fi novel of the same name, "Dune" follows a noble family on a far-away planet named Arrakis as they attempt to stake their claim on the planet's most powerful resource. Only the third-ever adaptation of the source material, this version of the story was praised for its intense visuals and incredible score and was nominated for 10 Academy Awards. The movie only covers the first half of the book, and a sequel, "Dune: Part Two," is set to be released near the end of 2023.

#28. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

- Director: James Gunn - Stacker score: 87.2 - Metascore: 76 - IMDb user rating: 8.0 - Runtime: 121 minutes

The aforementioned "Thor: Ragnarok" brought life and color to the Thor franchise; it owes a debt to "Guardians of the Galaxy," a colorful space adventure that brings exotic aliens and swashbuckling action to the MCU. Come for the visuals and Chris Pratt's charming performance; stay for the '80s nostalgia and killer soundtrack. The action-packed superhero flick was followed by the sequel "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" in 2017.

#27. First Man (2018)

- Director: Damien Chazelle - Stacker score: 87.7 - Metascore: 84 - IMDb user rating: 7.3 - Runtime: 141 minutes

After directing 2016's Best Picture-losing love letter "La La Land," Damien Chazelle recruited Ryan Gosling to play Neil Armstrong in "First Man," a docudrama about the perils of the space program leading up to that most famous walk on the moon. With strong performances throughout and incredible special effects and sound design on the space launches, "First Man" is a must-see for any Apollo enthusiasts. Following its two nominations at the ceremony, "First Man" walked away with the trophy for Best Original Score at the 76th Golden Globe Awards.

#26. Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)

- Director: J.J. Abrams - Stacker score: 88.3 - Metascore: 80 - IMDb user rating: 7.8 - Runtime: 138 minutes

Achieving a higher place on this list than its sequel, "The Last Jedi," this first entry in the third Star Wars trilogy introduces a new cast of characters and brings back some fan favorites to fight against the First Order, the next iteration of the franchise's evil colonialist empire. Featuring standout performances from newcomers Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Adam Driver, and Oscar Isaac, and an antiheroic return to form for Harrison Ford, "The Force Awakens" will fill you with the same childlike wonder of the original trilogy. The film is one of the highest-grossing films of all time, pulling in over $2 billion.

#25. Planet of the Apes (1968)

- Director: Franklin J. Schaffner - Stacker score: 88.8 - Metascore: 79 - IMDb user rating: 8.0 - Runtime: 112 minutes

One of the most famous sci-fi films of all time, "Planet of the Apes" sees a crashed spaceship's crew wander a planet dominated by primates, only to discover a dark secret. With groundbreaking prosthetics that hold up to this day, it's worth watching or rewatching just for the famous quote: "Take your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!" In 2001, the movie was chosen for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress.

#24. The Lego Movie (2014)

- Directors: Phil Lord, Christopher Miller - Stacker score: 89.4 - Metascore: 83 - IMDb user rating: 7.7 - Runtime: 100 minutes

Many were skeptical that a concept as vague as "Lego" could be adapted into a compelling film. Directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller, rising stars in the comedy and animation genres, proved even the most serious doubters wrong. "The Lego Movie" is 100 minutes of intense action, side-splitting dialogue, and creative animation. Anchored by an all-star cast, "The Lego Movie" is family-friendly perfection. The film franchise has since expanded with sequels like 2017's "The Lego Ninjago Movie" and 2019's "The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part."

#23. District 9 (2009)

- Director: Neill Blomkamp - Stacker score: 89.4 - Metascore: 81 - IMDb user rating: 7.9 - Runtime: 112 minutes

"District 9" sees an alien species set up camp on Earth. Using the xenophobia humans display against aliens as an allegory for the racism of South Africa's apartheid, this found-footage mockumentary turns the glamor of interspecies contact into a biting critique of contemporary affairs. The picture garnered four Academy Award nominations, including Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Visual Effects, and Best Film Editing.

#22. Arrival (2016)

- Director: Denis Villeneuve - Stacker score: 89.4 - Metascore: 81 - IMDb user rating: 7.9 - Runtime: 116 minutes

In many movies on this list, humankind ventures far out into the galaxy, discovering alien planets and their inhabitants. In 2016's enigmatic "Arrival," the aliens come here. Whether they're bearing gifts or baring their teeth remains to be seen; it's up to a linguist (Amy Adams) and physicist (Jeremy Renner) to interpret the alien language. Villeneuve has already shown himself to be a powerful force in the speculative science fiction genre, and "Arrival" is a head-spinning masterpiece. "Arrival" took home the Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation and the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation.

#21. The Martian (2015)

- Director: Ridley Scott - Stacker score: 89.4 - Metascore: 80 - IMDb user rating: 8.0 - Runtime: 144 minutes

Based on the popular novel, "The Martian" is about humanity joining for a singular mission: Save astronaut Mark Watney, who was abandoned on Mars after the rest of his crew made an emergency exit during a dust storm. Played by a charismatic Matt Damon, Watney is a genius scientist who works in tandem with the forces on Earth to return home.

A fantastic ensemble cast assists him in his efforts, including Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, and Donald Glover, among many others. The movie earned Damon myriad accolades, including the Golden Globe for Best Actor — Motion Picture Musical or Comedy, as well as nominations for the Academy Award for Best Actor, the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role, and the Critics' Choice Award for Best Actor.

#20. Interstellar (2014)

- Director: Christopher Nolan - Stacker score: 89.4 - Metascore: 74 - IMDb user rating: 8.6 - Runtime: 169 minutes

Christopher Nolan is known for making mind-bending films that challenge and enthrall the viewer, and 2014's "Interstellar" is a worthy addition to that canon. In the not-too-distant future, humanity suffers the widespread effects of climate change. Abandoning Earth is the only hope, and when a mysterious wormhole opens up at the end of the solar system, a daring crew travels through.

Working against impossible odds and the forces of space and time, the crew must do everything possible to survive in this three-hour epic starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Chastain, and Michael Caine. The film was a hotshot at the 87th Academy Awards, receiving nominations for Best Original Score, Best Production Design, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Sound Editing, taking home the trophy for Best Visual Effects.

#19. Blade Runner 2049 (2017)

- Director: Denis Villeneuve - Stacker score: 89.9 - Metascore: 81 - IMDb user rating: 8.0 - Runtime: 164 minutes

Previously in this slideshow, we referred to director Denis Villeneuve as "a powerful force in the speculative science fiction genre." Consider this film Exhibit B. "Blade Runner 2049" is beautiful in its tragedy, or perhaps tragic in its beauty. Anchored by a deeply empathetic performance from Ryan Gosling and featuring Ana de Armas, Mackenzie Davis, Jared Leto, and others, "Blade Runner 2049" is a worthy sequel to its groundbreaking predecessor. At the 90th Academy Awards, the blockbuster claimed trophies for Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects, in addition to nominations for Best Sound Editing, Best Sound Mixing, and Best Production Design.

#18. Star Trek (2009)

- Director: J.J. Abrams - Stacker score: 89.9 - Metascore: 82 - IMDb user rating: 7.9 - Runtime: 127 minutes

Like "The Force Awakens," this film was preceded on this list by its sequel, "Star Trek Into Darkness." 2009's "Star Trek" likewise contains all the charm of the original series, with big-budget special effects and a stellar cast (pun intended). "Star Trek" was followed by the sequels 2013's "Star Trek Into Darkness" and 2016's "Star Trek Beyond."

#17. Avengers: Endgame (2019)

- Directors: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo - Stacker score: 90.5 - Metascore: 78 - IMDb user rating: 8.4 - Runtime: 181 minutes

The climax fans waited a decade for, "Avengers: Endgame" sees the titular characters reeling from the events of the prior film and navigating a strange world. Some are focused on undoing the fallout of "Avengers: Infinity War," while others just want to move on and accept the world as it is. The three-hour runtime flies by as our heroes find a promising way forward. "Avengers: Endgame" claimed two Critics' Choice Awards and earned an Academy Award nomination for Best Visual Effects.

#16. Avatar (2009)

- Director: James Cameron - Stacker score: 90.5 - Metascore: 83 - IMDb user rating: 7.9 - Runtime: 162 minutes

The highest-grossing movie of all time, despite the ongoing efforts of "Avengers: Endgame," "Avatar" brought eye-popping CGI to a global audience in a classic story of colonialism, romance, and resistance. James Cameron waited nearly a decade, until 2005, to make the film as the technology wasn't advanced enough in the 1990s to complete his vision. The wait paid off financially and in the stunning visuals of the film, which hold up very well 10 years later. Among its nine Oscar nominations, the blockbuster took three trophies, including Best Art Direction, Best Visual Effects, and Best Cinematography.

#15. Blade Runner (1982)

- Director: Ridley Scott - Stacker score: 92.2 - Metascore: 84 - IMDb user rating: 8.1 - Runtime: 117 minutes

Directed by Ridley Scott of "Alien" fame and loosely based on a book by sci-fi master Philip K. Dick, "Blade Runner" focuses on Harrison Ford's Rick Deckard, a retired "blade runner," tasked with hunting down and killing renegade androids known as replicants, just like he used to. The film takes place entirely on Earth; however, it's a grimy and squalid one, as anyone with significant wealth has already left for the off-world colonies. Although space travel doesn't feature directly, the film questions technology's effect on the environment and human interactions. The '80s blockbuster earned two Academy Award nominations, including Best Art Direction and Best Visual Effects, and took home the Hugo Award in 1983 for Best Dramatic Presentation.

#14. The Iron Giant (1999)

- Director: Brad Bird - Stacker score: 92.7 - Metascore: 85 - IMDb user rating: 8.1 - Runtime: 86 minutes

Sci-fi films have a peculiar tendency to underperform at the box office, only to be treated as cult classics and idolized long after they leave the theaters. Such is the case with "The Iron Giant," the directorial debut of "The Incredibles" and "Ratatouille" director Brad Bird, which sees a young boy befriending a giant robot who fell from the sky. Featuring an all-star cast of voice actors, including Vin Diesel as the titular automaton, "The Iron Giant" is a gem in Bird's stellar filmography. The film received nine of the 15 Annie Awards for which it was nominated, including the Annie Award for Music in an Animated Feature Production.

#13. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

- Director: Steven Spielberg - Stacker score: 92.7 - Metascore: 90 - IMDb user rating: 7.6 - Runtime: 138 minutes

Steven Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" is considered one of the best science fiction films of all time. A smash hit with critics and audiences alike, the movie is about a blue-collar Indiana man who finds his life completely changed after a chance encounter with a UFO. Praised for its originality, the movie has been instrumental in leading many to believe we may not be alone after all. In 2007, the film was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the United States Library of Congress.

#12. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

- Director: Stanley Kubrick - Stacker score: 93.3 - Metascore: 84 - IMDb user rating: 8.3 - Runtime: 149 minutes

Sci-fi movies would look a lot different without "2001," undoubtedly the most influential film of the genre ever to hit the silver screen. The precarity of artificial intelligence, the vastness of space, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life are among the themes explored in Kubrick's masterpiece. From the visuals to the score, "2001" earns its spot among the greatest films of all time. The sci-fi epic was regarded "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the United States Library of Congress in 1991 and was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.

#11. Aliens (1986)

- Director: James Cameron - Stacker score: 93.9 - Metascore: 84 - IMDb user rating: 8.4 - Runtime: 137 minutes

In several places on this list, sequels fared worse in the hearts of critics and audiences than its predecessor. Such is the case with "Aliens," the sequel to 1979's "Alien," though Empire magazine named it the greatest sequel of all time . The franchise has yet to recapture the magic since "Aliens," a terrifying thriller of galactic proportions starring Sigourney Weaver in an Oscar-nominated performance as Ellen Ripley, a hero for a spacefaring generation. The alien-invaded franchise has since spawned several other sequels, including 2012's "Prometheus" and 2017's "Alien: Covenant."

#10. Apollo 11 (2019)

- Director: Todd Douglas Miller - Stacker score: 94.4 - Metascore: 88 - IMDb user rating: 8.1 - Runtime: 93 minutes

The only documentary on this list, "Apollo 11" consists solely of archival footage and is absent of narration, commentary from talking heads, or re-creations. The film presents the story of the titular mission, moonwalk and all. There's not much else to say here, just a word of advice: see it on the biggest screen you can find. The film took home three Primetime Emmy Awards in 2020, including Outstanding Sound Editing for a Nonfiction or Reality Program and Outstanding Picture Editing for a Nonfiction Program.

#9. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)

- Director: Don Siegel - Stacker score: 94.4 - Metascore: 92 - IMDb user rating: 7.7 - Runtime: 80 minutes

The fact that the oldest film on this list also makes the top 10 is notable; many of the deep questions posed by old sci-fi movies seem dated to us (Are communicators in "Star Trek" any better than an iPhone?). However, the fear of someone you love seeming just a little off still raises goosebumps in any viewer. The culprit: alien pods that, when they reach maturity, duplicate humans entirely, though the duplicates are devoid of any emotion. "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress in 1994.

#8. The Right Stuff (1983)

- Director: Philip Kaufman - Stacker score: 94.4 - Metascore: 91 - IMDb user rating: 7.8 - Runtime: 193 minutes

The films on this list that deal with America's space program each focus on a different period. Such is the case with "The Right Stuff," which focuses on the Mercury program of supersonic flight, sometimes in the sub-orbital region of space, which took place between 1958 and 1963. Based on the bestselling book by the same name, "The Right Stuff" was, like many others on this list, a box-office failure though it was beloved by critics and is still considered a modern classic today. "The Right Stuff" also earned eight Oscar nominations at the 56th Academy Awards, bringing home four.

#7. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

- Director: Irvin Kershner - Stacker score: 94.4 - Metascore: 82 - IMDb user rating: 8.7 - Runtime: 124 minutes

Another of the best-received sequels of all time, "The Empire Strikes Back" had a lot to live up to when it premiered three years after "Star Wars: Episode IV." Luckily, the story matured from "chosen one saves the universe" into a more complex series of blows and counterattacks. With cinema's most famous twist in the middle, "Empire" recaptures all the magic of the original and further explores the galaxy far, far away. In 2010, the United States Library of Congress selected it for preservation in the National Film Registry.

#6. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

- Director: Steven Spielberg - Stacker score: 95.0 - Metascore: 91 - IMDb user rating: 7.9 - Runtime: 115 minutes

"E.T. phone home," mutters the titular character as it attempts to contact its home planet, drawing awe from audiences worldwide. The timeless story of an intimate friendship between a boy and his alien friend, "E.T." has resonated with generations of families and is widely considered one of the greatest films of all time. The film was added to the United States National Film Registry of the Library of Congress in 1994.

#5. Solaris (1972)

- Director: Andrei Tarkovsky - Stacker score: 96.6 - Metascore: 93 - IMDb user rating: 8.0 - Runtime: 167 minutes

At the same time Americans were celebrating a comeback victory in the Space Race, Soviet Russians were dealing with their own questions of space travel and communism's place in the future. Such is the case with "Solaris," a Soviet film that questions the limits of human rationality in a gorgeous, haunting, nearly three-hour production. The film also took home the Grand Prix Spécial du Jury at the 1972 Cannes Film Festival.

#4. Gravity (2013)

- Director: Alfonso Cuarón - Stacker score: 96.6 - Metascore: 96 - IMDb user rating: 7.7 - Runtime: 91 minutes

Alfonso Cuarón, the five-time Oscar winner and director of "Children of Men" and "Roma," tried his hand at an outer-space thriller in 2013's seven-time Oscar winner "Gravity," starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as stranded astronauts doing whatever it takes to return home. As evidenced by the awards, "Gravity" was received warmly by both critics and fans, who praised the realistic visuals, performances from the leads, and stirring score. Among the film's 10 nominations at the 86th Academy Awards, "Gravity" blasted off with seven, including Best Visual Effects, Best Original Score, and Best Director.

#3. Alien (1979)

- Director: Ridley Scott - Stacker score: 97.2 - Metascore: 89 - IMDb user rating: 8.5 - Runtime: 117 minutes

Facehugger, Xenomorph, Chestburster—the titular alien in "Alien" takes many forms, all terrifying, as the creation of gory special effects and dark imagination. The crew of the spaceship Nostromo is hopelessly outmatched against this unique evil, though they never stop trying to kill it, even as more and more humans fall victim to the alien's attacks. A straightforward human-versus-nature story, the movie manages to slip in a biting critique of megacorporations that are more interested in the bottom line than human lives. Back in 2008, "Alien" was ranked #7 by the American Film Institute as the best film in the science fiction genre.

#2. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)

- Director: George Lucas - Stacker score: 98.3 - Metascore: 90 - IMDb user rating: 8.6 - Runtime: 121 minutes

What is there to say about "Star Wars"? The 1977 film has established itself in every corner of our collective consciousness, from the global fame of its cast to the innumerable sci-fi and adventure films it influenced, not to mention the films in the franchise still being released every couple of years. The soundtrack is iconic, the characters are legendary, and the story of a chosen hero leading the galaxy to victory has inspired millions of young people all across the globe. In 1989, the sci-fi blockbuster became one of the first 25 films to be chosen by the U.S. Library of Congress for preservation in the National Film Registry.

#1. WALL-E (2008)

- Director: Andrew Stanton - Stacker score: 100.0 - Metascore: 95 - IMDb user rating: 8.4 - Runtime: 98 minutes

The striking depiction of Earth in "WALL-E" as a barren wasteland, destroyed by the forces of climate and human overconsumption, is made even more impactful through the film's choice not to include human dialogue for much of the film. The titular robot is an emotive trash compactor—the only one left on Earth—meant to clean up the planet's waste; imagine his shock when a futuristic robot arrives, searching the planet for any sign of organic life. When humans are finally shown, they're nearly unconscious and incapable of social relationships, as work has become obsolete thanks to automation.

A story about finding a purpose in the universe's vastness, "WALL-E" has the right mix of charm, complex storytelling, beautiful visuals, and soul-searching questions to land at the top of our list. The Disney flick, in 2021, was even selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant."

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Marvel Is Perfectly Setting the Stage to Make a Founding X-Men Hero the Guardians of the Galaxy's Next Leader

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  • Star-Lord's F-Bomb is a memorable MCU first from Vol. 3.
  • Rocket and Yondu's Ravager fight is epic in Vol. 2.
  • The Klyn Jailbreak showcases the Guardians' early dynamic.

The Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy has some of the best scenes in the entire MCU, including some endlessly re-watchable moments. Among the franchises contained within the gargantuan Marvel Cinematic Universe, James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy series just might be the single strongest MCU trilogy . This is due in no small part to the incredible rewatch value of certain scenes, which are easy to get stuck viewing over and over again in a trance-like state.

James Gunn knows how to craft an incredibly entertaining sequence, with several factors giving the Guardians of the Galaxy movies so much rewatchability. For one, the excellently-chosen soundtracks of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies help add a certain energy and levity to the scenes, making them easy to view as a sort of music video. The expertly handled action scenes and unique ensemble cast also provide plenty of small details to come back and discover with repeat viewings.

10 Star-Lord Drops The MCU's First F-Bomb

Guardians of the galaxy vol. 3.

Though most of their films ride the boundary of PG-13, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has never been one to push the limits of the rating. While other PG-13 movies use their single F-bomb afforded to them by the MPAA very carefully, most MCU films opt to stay away from the particular curse. Luckily, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was there to break this trend, delivering the MCU its first F-bomb courtesy of Chris Pratt's Star-Lord.

Allegedly, the scene in which Peter Quill tells Nebula to " Open the ****ing door! " while struggling to operate a simple Earth-based car was improvised by Pratt, making for one of the most delightful ad-libbed MCU scenes ever. The sheer shock value of the unexpected F-bomb, not to mention Nebula's shocked reaction that almost sees Karen Gillan breaking character, make this scene endearingly hilarious. It's easy to come back to this comedic scene.

9 Rocket And Yondu Massacre The Ravagers

Guardians of the galaxy vol. 2.

Guardians of the Galaxy isn't popular as a franchise just because of its humorous scenes. The action direction of the series is also shockingly well done, James Gunn proving time and time again that he knows how to helm a viscerally satisfying action scene. Few examples of this are better than Rocket and Yondu's stand-off against the Ravager crew that imprisons them in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

Once Yondu gets his arrow back, it's effortless for him to cut down an entire army of turncoat Ravagers, whistling joyfully as his arrow pierces body after body. Soon after, a joyful Rocket joins in, gunning down yet more Ravagers by shooting through walls while observing them on the ship's camera systems. Set to the tune of Come a Little Bit Closer by Jay & The Americans , the scene has an infectious energy that makes it hard to look away from.

8 The Klyn Jailbreak

  • Guardians of the Galaxy

It's easy to forget how the Guardians of the Galaxy's members came together in the first place. Once upon a time, the team was little more than a motley crew of criminals who happened to find themselves having a common interest. Their first true job together was to break out of the dangerous Klyn prison, something they barely manage to accomplish when so much goes wrong.

From Groot releasing the artificial gravity far too early to Rocket's hilarious reveal that he doesn't actually need a cybernetic leg to complete his plans, there are so many entertaining beats to come back to in this scene. It's fascinating to see the early group working together for the first time, still getting a feel for each other's personality. With this scene, it became obvious that the Guardians of the Galaxy would become one of the most beloved superhero teams in cinema history.

7 Star-Lord's First Scene

Introductions are everything in superhero movies, and that goes double for the relatively unheard-of characters of the Guardians of the Galaxy at the time of the first film's release. Luckily, Chris Pratt and James Gunn were able to sell audiences on Star-Lord from quite literally the moment he stepped on screen, with one of the most effortlessly funny screen debuts of any superhero. Striding through a strange alien planet without a care in the world, Star-Lord prepares to steal the mysterious Orb from its protectors.

From Pete Quill's singalong to Come and Get Your Love by Redbone to the joy with which he punts strange alien critters into the horizon, the scene instantly tells the audiences everything they need to know about Star-Lord as a character. It's made even better by Avengers: Endgame, which shows off just how silly Star-Lord looks from a third-person perspective. It's fun to rewatch the scene with War Machine and Nebula in mind hiding just off-camera, commenting on how stupid Quill looks.

6 Star-Lord Takes On Ego

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 saw Star-Lord meet up with his long-lost father, one of the rare Celestials in the Marvel Universe , Ego the Living Planet. Ego quickly turns out to be a cosmic dirt-bag, leading to a final confrontation between him and his son. Beginning at the moment when Peter Quill realizes that he can control his half-Celestial heritage to use the matter of Ego's planet against him, the energy of the scene changes immensely.

This particular sequence is worth coming back to for the montage in which Peter remembers all the fondest moments of his life, which present many blink-and-you'll-miss-it windows into the character's psyche. The Chain by Fleetwood Mac is an excellent backing track for the instant in which Star-Lord is able to turn the tables on his tyrannical father. From the sheer spectacle of the scene to the emotional impact of Peter being able to save his friends, this scene is nothing short of rewatchable bliss.

5 Drax And Mantis' Night Out

The guardians of the galaxy holiday special.

Part of the underrated "special feature" format that the MCU has only used twice, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is an obscure, but worthwhile stop in the Guardians' cinematic journey. The standalone sub-feature follows Mantis and Drax's efforts to go to Earth and present Peter Quill with the ultimate Christma present -- His hero, Kevin Bacon. While on their quest, Drax and Mantis get sidetracked by some good old Christmastime libations and merrymaking.

The party scene, set to the under-appreciated holiday jam Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses, is a warm delight, showing off Mantis and Drax's positive interactions with mere Earthlings. It's nice that the festivities don't overshadow previously-established elements of their character, either, with Drax refusing to join Mantis on the dance floor apropos of his "those who dance, and those who do not " speech in the previous movie. The oddball holiday special is worth watching for this merry sequence alone.

4 The Hallway Fight

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is no stranger to a good hallway fight , and James Gunn threw his hat in the ring during his final go at a Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Coming together to do battle against the devious High Evolutionary, the Guardians of the Galaxy find themselves in a claustrophic close-quarters battle with the villian's sickening cybernetic creations. What follows is a jaw-dropping one-shot that stands with the best action scenes in a MCU movie ever.

Every member of the team gets to show off their own combat specialties in this scene, from Nebula's cybernetics to Drax's brute strength to Star-Lord's marksmanship. The robotic and alien make-up of their enemies also allows for some cheeky PG-13 "gore" full of splatters of green blood and flying robot parts. It's incredibly entertaining to watch this scene over and over again, focusing the eyes on a new member of the team with every cycle.

3 Star-Lord Learns The Truth About His Mom

Peter Quill often gets a bad rap in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, being regarded by many characters as a low-born, morally-vacant theif with more mixtapes than brain cells. But his genuine moral center is repeatedly established in several key moments throughout the franchise. Most captivating of all of them is the scene in which Ego admits that he killed Star-Lord's mother by implanting a tumor in her brain, something that Quill had assumed was a natural occurrence up until that point.

Prior to this beat, it seems as though Star-Lord is on the verge of joining Ego in his quest to re-shape the universe in his image, his eyes reflecting the dazzling starlight of a grandiose future. However, Ego's mistake in telling him that he was behind the death of his mother immediately grounds him, causing him to unleash a barrage of shots at Ego's body. The promptness with which he does so after simply uttering " What..? " shot the scene into meme royalty, making it rewatchable by popular decree.

2 The Guardians' Line-Up

The formation of a team is an important step in any superhero franchise, and the moment it truly happens in Guardians of the Galaxy proves why. Used heavily in promotional materials for the first film, the scene in which the original core Guardians of the Galaxy members are assembled by the Nova corps for imprisonment is a classic for a good reason. The Nova corps goes over their newest prisoners one by one, exposing their crimes, backstories, and alien races.

There are plenty of details to this scene that can only be appreciated on a second glance. The Nova corps X-ray scanners reveal fascinating things about each team member's biology, and the small extra snippets of text that flash along the monitor need a pause button to be appreciated. For the sheer amount of easygoing character exposition and Guardians of the Galaxy Easter Eggs and references to point out, this scene is well-worth multiple viewings.

1 Adam Warlock's Grand Entrance

Star-Lord's barrage of shots on Ego is far from the only scene from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise to become a noteworthy meme. The infamous shot of Adam Warlock flying through space, set to the tune of Crazy on You by Heart, is a hilariously stunning intro for the long-awaited hero. While countless memes have surfaced using this brief moment, Warlock's actual debut on Knowhere and the fight that follows is a genuinely re-watchable scene.

Like the hallway fight, many different Guardians of the Galaxy get to show off their various powers, with Drax wrestling with Warlock for as long as he can before Nebula lands the finishing blow with her upgraded augments. The scene also does a great job characterizing Warlock himself, portraying him as a naive being with an alien sort of immaturity befitting of his unique origins. From the comedic value of the opening imagery to the nailbiting drama of the following battle, this scene is one of the greatest in the Guardians of the Galaxy series.

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  13. 30 of the Best Star Trek Memes of the Week (March 12, 2024)

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  14. Funny Star Trek Memes For Humor-Loving Trekkies

    I powered through the entirety of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds while battling Covid-19. The show, which follows the adventures of Captain Christopher Pike (masterfully played by Anson Mount), is an action-packed fresh look at some of the universe's most beloved characters. We've met Spock, Uhura, and now James Kirk, who ends up taking the ...

  15. 40 Star Trek Memes That Boldly Go, Well, On This List (April 1, 2024)

    by Mike April 1, 2024. Ah, "Star Trek: The Next Generation," the show that taught us the true meaning of diplomacy: sitting down, having a cup of Earl Grey (hot, of course), and discussing why your science officer's android cat is violating the Prime Directive. Growing up with the crew of the USS Enterprise-D was like having a second ...

  16. 27 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' Memes Only True Trekkers ...

    27 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' Memes Only True Trekkers Will Appreciate. Mark Rennie. February 26, 202057.7K views27 items. Ranked By. 16.6K votes. 2.4K voters. Voting Rules. Vote/beam up the funniest memes! 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' may have gone off the air but the memes are forever.

  17. Boldly Go: Hilarious Star Trek Memes Only True Fans Will ...

    Boldly Go: 25 Hilarious Star Trek Memes Only True Fans Will Understand. The Star Trek universe has been around since 1966, and since we first saw Kirk tooling around the galaxy, chewing the scenery no man has chewed before, it has spun outwards into seven television series, thirteen movies and more merchandise than a replicator can handle.

  18. Reddit

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  19. Star Trek

    Spin-offs: The Next Generation and Beyond. There have been 5 spin-off television shows and 11 movies based on the Star Trek series, with a 12th slated for release in May 2013. Though the first of these was Star Trek: The Animated Series (shown below, left) which aired 1973-1974, the most well-known spin-off was Star Trek: The Next Generation (shown below, right), which aired from 1987 to 1994.

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  21. Meme Me Up: 15 Hilarious Star Trek: The Next Generation Memes

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    Like "The Force Awakens," this film was preceded on this list by its sequel, "Star Trek Into Darkness." 2009's "Star Trek" likewise contains all the charm of the original series, with big-budget special effects and a stellar cast (pun intended). "Star Trek" was followed by the sequels 2013's "Star Trek Into Darkness" and 2016's "Star Trek Beyond."

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    Star-Lord's barrage of shots on Ego is far from the only scene from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise to become a noteworthy meme. The infamous shot of Adam Warlock flying through space, set to the tune of Crazy on You by Heart, is a hilariously stunning intro for the long-awaited hero. While countless memes have surfaced using this brief ...