USS Destiny

The USS Destiny was a Destiny-class Federation starship launched in 2552 under the command of Captain Gregory Sampson . This vessel is noted for its unscheduled voyage through the Triangulum Galaxy , which was the second exploration of that Galaxy (after the USS Enterprise-D in 2364 ). She was the first ship equipped with the revolutionary Gravity Drive

  • 1.1 Construction and Launch
  • 1.2 First Mission
  • 1.3 Triangulum

Construction and Launch

The Destiny was the first ship of it's class and having been constructed at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards orbiting Mars, was launched from Utopia Isis on stardate 213805.5.

The starship Destiny's principle technology was the Gravity Drive , a new experimental propulsion technology which was allowed the starship to jump instantaneously from one point in space time to another.

Another revolution in starship engineering was the Omega Transmission Relay , which replaced the Electro-plasma systems of previous centuries.

The Destiny also incorporates further refined holographic technology into all of it's systems; holographic emitters are present throughout the entire ship, which enable the use of holographic computer consoles, replacing the standard touch-sensitive displays of previous centuries.

First Mission

On the Destiny's maiden voyage, she set out to a remote area of space in the Delta Quadrant of the Milky Way galaxy, in order to, for the first time, test the Gravity Drive on a fully manned starship.

When testing the gravity drive, there was an ion storm present at what seemed to be a safe distance. When fired up, the gravity drive attracted the ion storm with unprecedented force, which caused the ion storm to make contact with the destiny, causing malfunctions throughout the ship, namely in the navigational computer. This caused the Destiny to make their gravity jump into an unknown area of space: the Triangulum Galaxy .

While in the Triangulum Galaxy, the Destiny made contact with many new species, namely the Circaceans , a militaristic race bent on galactic domination, and the Mortok , a reptilian species, at war with the Circaceans to secure their freedom from oppression.

Captain Gregory Sampson - Commanding Officer Commander Mori Zari - Executive Officer Lieutenant JG Greus Suneuse - Chief Flight Control Officer Susan Stark, MD - Chief Medical Officer

  • 1 USS Destiny

Star Trek: Destiny

  • Edit source

This article has a real-world perspective! Click here for more information.

Star Trek: Destiny is a fan fiction series on TrekBBS set in the late 24th century , building towards the advent of the 25th century on board the Saturn -class , USS Destiny (NCC-85335) . Only 2 episodes were written before it was abandoned.

The Destiny is primarily a ship of discovery, diplomacy and exploration, but is routinely called upon to serve in times of conflict or crisis.

  • 1.1 Main crew
  • 1.2 Civilian personnel
  • 1.3 Recurring
  • 1.4 Deceased
  • 2 Canon and continuity
  • 3 Episode list
  • 4 External links

Characters [ ]

Main crew [ ].

  • Captain Bane Mather ( Bajoran male), CO
  • Commander Letina Iyal (unjoined Trill female), XO
  • Lieutenant Commander Ra-Barra'veth ( Efrosian male), science officer
  • Lieutenant Commander Lenor ( Cardassian female), chief medical officer
  • Lieutenant Ray Nagata ( human Japanese male), chief engineer
  • Lieutenant Marcus Owai (human Māori male), chief tactical / security officer
  • Lieutenant J.G. Naomi Wildman (half- Ktarian female), operations manager
  • Lieutenant J.G. Tessa Shanthi (human African female), flight controller
  • Lieutenant J.G. Darzon ( Tarlac male), assistant chief tactical/security officer

Civilian personnel [ ]

  • Cassandra Bane
  • Freddie Bane

Recurring [ ]

  • Admiral Jacob Kelvin

Deceased [ ]

  • Captain Vran

Canon and continuity [ ]

The continuity of Star Trek: Destiny only includes recognized Star Trek canon .

  • Star Trek: Enterprise
  • Star Trek : The Original Series
  • Star Trek : The Animated Series
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • Star Trek: Voyager
  • Star Trek movies

Episode list [ ]

  • Episode 1: - In early 2395 the famed Starfleet captain Vran of Andor dies in a tragic accident. Captain Bane Mather must assume command of the USS Destiny to take his place but the first officer, battling the demons of grief and guilt, is unwelcoming. Bane must forge a partnership with his troubled second-in-command in order to solve a chilling mystery.

External links [ ]

  • "Episode 1" on TrekBBS
  • "Episode 2" on TrekBBS
  • 1 Thomas Crowe
  • 2 Star Trek: Remington

Star Trek: Destiny

Star Trek: Destiny is one of David Mack wrote trilogy, in the fictional Star Trek - universe plays. It consists of the novels Gods of the Night , Ordinary Mortals, and Lost Souls . The novels were first published in English by Pocket Books in 2008 and in German by Cross Cult in 2010 . The main plot takes place in the year 2381, about a year and a half after the plot of the tenth Star Trek movie Nemesis , and thus belongs to the literary continuation of Star Trek after Nemesis . The novels represent a crossover from the Star Trek novel series or television series The Next Generation , Deep Space Nine , Voyager , Titan and Enterprise . The trilogy is about a devastating major attack by the Borg on the United Federation of Planets and theirs Allies as well as its history. The origin of the Borg species is also discussed.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Prehistory
  • 1.2.1 22nd century
  • 1.2.2 24th century
  • 1.3.1 16th to 24th centuries
  • 1.4.1 4527 v. Chr.
  • 3 Publication
  • 5 Lileratur

In 2380 there was another confrontation between the Federation and the Borg. It turns out that the Borg have evolved and are now aiming not just at assimilation but also at absorption. A Borg cube absorbs the planet Pluto and several Starfleet spaceships on its flight to Earth, whereby the cube grows. Starfleet officers use a ruse to destroy the cube and thus thwart the reassimilation of Picard and Seven of Nine into the collective and the destruction of the earth. At the beginning of the following year, the Borg threatened the Federation again and threatened it with complete annihilation, since its biological and technological properties had become unimportant. A cube destroys the Federation worlds Barolia and Acamar.

Gods of the night

22nd century.

In 2156, the Starfleet spaceship USS Columbia is attacked by enemy Romulans in the border area of ​​the Federation and Romulans. During the Columbia's escape maneuver, the warp drive and subspace communication capabilities fail completely. In order to ensure the supply of the crew with food, Captain Erika Hernandez has the ship fly to an apparently inhabited planet over 11 light years away. So that the flight does not last too long, it takes place with maximum impulse. It only lasts about 60 days for the crew because of the time dilation , but it actually lasts 12 years.

In 2168, Columbia arrives at the planet called Erigol, home to the Caeliar species, previously unknown to the Federation. Every city on Erigol can also function as a spaceship, the cities are also called city ships. When they arrived in the capital, Axion, the away team learned that the Caeliar refused to allow the Starfleet crew to return to their homeland so as not to endanger their isolation. The Caeliar are pacifist , have a collective consciousness called "Gestalt" and a huge apparatus for subspace communication with which they want to establish contact with civilizations that have evolved further than they themselves, they call this project "Great Work".

Some of the Columbia crew, including MACO soldiers, are against Hernandez's decision to venture and begin a mutiny . The mutineers blackmail some of the Caeliar and force them to open a subspace tunnel to return to their homeland. As a result, there is a feedback pulse from the Caeliar it contacted galaxy and star of Erigol starts to supernova to become. As a result, the Columbia with the mutineers and a Caeliar hostage on board is forced to escape through a subspace tunnel. Because of the deadly radiation in the tunnel, all crew members die instantly. The Columbia crashes on a planet with one Caeliar on board. Since the planet Erigol is also falling apart, part of the Caeliar flees through subspace tunnels with the city ships Axion, Mantilis and Kintana, while another, larger part dies. Hernandez, five other humans and twelve Caeliar survive in the city ship Axion, which is transported almost 60,000 light years from Earth and 600 years in the past.

24th century

In 2373 the crew of the USS Defiant accidentally discovered the wreck of the Columbia on a planet in the Gamma Quadrant. Because of the onset of the Dominion War, it cannot be sufficiently investigated at first. In 2381, the crew of the Starfleet spaceship USS Aventine investigated the Columbia wreck on the planet. The Aventine has been commanded by Ezri Dax since the ship's captain and some crew members recently died in attacks by the Borg. Dax hopes that by solving the riddle of why the Columbia has traveled over 70,000 light years in just a few years, help in clarifying the question of how it is possible for the Borg to cover such great distances in such a short time. In the course of the investigation of the wreck, three crew members of the Aventine initially mysteriously die. The Aventine chases a Caeliar who suddenly escapes by shuttle through a subspace tunnel to the Azure Nebula in the Beta Quadrant, near a supernova reserve. An away team found Caeliar, who had once been taken hostage on Columbia, and learned from him shortly before his death that he - living in the wreck for a long time - was looking for vital energy and inadvertently killed the crew members.

Meanwhile, the Borg, who suddenly appeared with several cubes, surprisingly quickly attack some worlds of the Federation and the Klingons for reasons previously unknown to the Federation. The Borg sometimes wipe out the entire population of planets, cities and space stations, killing tens of thousands. The Federation is forced to mobilize all defense forces, including cargo ships. In order to defend their planets and space stations, some Starfleet ships sometimes go so far as to use kamikaze - Fly attacks against Borg cubes. In this way they prevent a Borg cube from wiping out the Klingon planet Khitomer. The Enterprise-E is the only starship in Starfleet equipped with trans-phase torpedoes. Apart from the kamikaze flights, these are the only effective weapon used by Starfleet to destroy Borg cubes. The Starfleet leadership is against Picard's suggestion to equip other Starfleet ships with this technology because they fear that the Borg could then adapt to it. Picard briefly comes into contact with a Borg queen who announces her intention that the human race should be completely wiped out. The inferiority of Starfleet to the Borg, with the death of so many individuals and the so far open question about the reason for the suddenly changed tactics of the Borg throw Picard into despair. On the Enterprise one discovers possible references to the place of origin of the Borg on wreckage. This also includes the Azure Nebula, to which the Enterprise immediately sets course.

Meanwhile, Federation President Bacco is appointing Seven of Nine, her new deputy security advisor. In addition, the Klingon Chancellor Martok and his government agree to fight alongside the Federation against the Borg.

In parallel to these events, some triquant waves were discovered by chance on the USS Titan in the Beta Quadrant, which could indicate Borg activities. At the starting point a few light years away, the Titan discovers a planet-like sphere . As a Titan away team investigates its insides, it encounters some Caeliar and Captain Hernandez, from whom it is welcomed to the planet New Erigol.

Ordinary mortals

16th to 24th centuries.

Hernandez and her human companions have been moved to the year 1519 as a result of the supernova. They live as prisoners of the Caeliar in their city ship Axion. With the Axion, the Caeliar have been looking for a new, suitable planet for Axion for years. In order to keep their existence and their great work secret and not to influence the passage of time, they want to save energy with their city ship. Hernandez learns from the Caeliar that the energy impulse that the Caeliar once received from a galaxy they observed came from their own technology, apparently from the city ship Kintana, which has been moved even further into the past than Axion.

The people of Axion are forced to pass their time and are sometimes bored, so two of them attempt suicide in desperation . The former chief medical officer of Columbia dies and Sidra Valerian, once a communications officer, is seriously injured. To save Valerian, Hernandez agrees that Inyx will perform an experimental treatment on her in which she will be injected with Catome. This fails, however, so that Valerian dies.

Axion drifted slowly through space for decades with a weak energy signature - until 1574, when the Caeliar found a suitable planet for Axion. When Axion landed on the planet the Caeliar call New-Erigol, Hernandez and her former first mate Fletcher are now gray and decrepit. After Fletcher died of natural causes, Hernandez is the only person from Columbia among the Caeliar. While the Caeliar continue their great work and build a shell around the planet and the nearby star, Hernandez is convinced by Inyx to carry out the type of treatment that was once tried to save Valerian. Inyx carries out the procedure with Hernandez secretly and without the consent of his conspecifics. Inyx injects her Catome - nanorobots that ensure that the effects of aging are reversed in Hernandez, and that then remain in her body. The procedure is successful and Hernandez is as young as a 20-year-old again, but remains trapped on New Erigol forever.

Decades later, Hernandez still lives on Neu-Erigol, but is not happy despite a life in eternal youth, so that she is convinced that she is planning an attempt to escape. It takes several centuries to prepare for it, but is discovered by Inyx and placed under increased security by his conspecifics. In the year 2168, Hernandez and the Caeliar commemorate their escape from the supernova that their other selves carry out that year.

When the Enterprise arrives at the Azure Nebula, it is attacked by Borg cubes, the hull ruptured and several crew members killed, maimed or otherwise injured. With the help of the arriving Aventine, the Enterprise can be saved from destruction. Enterprise and Aventine examine the nebula and realize that it contains several exits from subspace tunnels that could serve as a gateway into the Federation territory for the Borg. To prevent the Borg from further penetrating Federation territory, Enterprise and Aventine want to mine the tunnel exits, but for technical reasons they cannot do this. Picard then ordered a fleet of spaceships from the Federation headquarters to form an expeditionary force to repel the Borg.

Nonetheless, the Aventine dares to fly through one of the tunnels. It does not leave the tunnel in the gamma quadrant, but in the delta quadrant. In the vicinity of the tunnel exit there, the Aventine discovers a huge field of rubble, parts of which are made of Borg material. Shortly after this discovery, the Aventine meets the "children of the storm", previously unknown forms of life that took many years to cleanse this part of space from the Borg. The Aventine is asked by the strangers to leave the area and returns through the tunnel into the Azure Nebula.

Meanwhile, the Federation Council meets with leaders from other powers in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants to discuss the Borg threat. Klingons, Ferengi and Cardassians, among others, agree to cooperate with the Federation against the Borg. Bacco uses a trick to get the Breen to cooperate with the Ferengi and not with the Tholians, who are hostile to the Federation.

Meanwhile, the members of the Titan external team around Troi and Tuvok learn that from now on they are prisoners of the Caeliar who want to keep their existence a secret. The away team tries to escape, but unsuccessfully because they are noticed by the Caeliar. Troi tries to convince Hernandez to help the away team escape.

The Enterprise flies through one of the subspace tunnels and thus reaches a previously unknown galaxy in which there are a few stars that are completely encased and have obviously been brought into this state by an extremely advanced civilization. An attempt by the Enterprise to contact the strangers is unsuccessful before the Enterprise returns to the Azure Mists.

Enterprise and Aventine fly through another tunnel together to explore and, after passing through it, find themselves in the Delta Quadrant, in the middle of a plasma stream of two double stars. There they are attacked by a fleet of Hirogen, but do not flee back through the tunnel so as not to draw the Hirogen's attention to him. Both ships have broken hulls, dead, injured and missing as a result of the attacks, and both ships are boarded by some Hirogen.

While Enterprise and Aventine are prevented from returning to Federation territory, the expeditionary force led by Voyager - consisting of Starfleet, Romulan, Klingon and Cardassian spaceships - gathers in front of the openings of the subspace tunnels in the Azure Nebula. In the meantime, the crews of Aventine and Enterprise manage to repel or kill the Hirogen. Both ships manage to return to the Azure Nebula through the subspace tunnel at the last second. The crews are shocked at the sight of a huge field of debris in the azure fog, which represents the remains of the expeditionary force. Among them is the badly damaged Voyager, whose Captain Chakotay reports that the fleet was wiped out by the Borg. It becomes clear that the Borg have invaded Federation territory with an armada of over 7400 cubes and are now about to destroy the Federation worlds. After the Borg fleet invaded the subspace tunnel, all of these tunnels were closed. Aventine and Enterprise set course for earth.

The Titan crew determines that the subspace tunnels are used by the Caeliar to observe distant parts of the galaxy. Hernandez suddenly appears with Riker on the Titan and tells him to fly with the Titan to the Azure Nebula before the Caeliar, who are responsible for destroying the subspace tunnels, notice Hernandez's disappearance.

4527 v. Chr.

The city ship Mantilis was destroyed by the supernova in 4527 BC. Chr. Displaced. The passengers also include some of the original Columbia crew and MACO soldiers. Mantilis made an emergency landing on an Earth-like planet and was severely damaged as a result. The people fight for their survival in an arctic-wintry fjord landscape. The Caeliar threaten to die soon outside of their vital environment, so that they ask people for help. However, they refuse because they see their health endangered by a union with the Caeliar. A few weeks later, the handful of remaining humans visit Mantilis in order to accept the help of the Caeliar. Once there, however, they are suddenly attacked by strangers and in cyborgs transformed. Later that year, some representatives of the Kindir species, who are native to this planet - called Arehaz - discover the city ship and are also assimilated as cyborgs by two strangers.

Hernandez is on the Titan, which arrives at the Azure Nebula, and tells Riker the story of her life and her captivity with the Caeliar. This includes that the azure nebula was once created by the supernova. A little later, Enterprise and Aventine return to the Azure Nebula, where they meet with Titan. The captains of the three ships meet on the Titan Hernandez.

Meanwhile, it turns out that the Borg that have now appeared do not have the option of absorption as feared. Chancellor Martok leads a fleet of Klingon warships, but the Borg are defeated and blown up. The fleet of Borg cubes moves towards Earth, destroying, among other things, the Federation world Deneva, whereby billions more individuals die on the Federation side. The Borg fleet is about eight hours away from Earth. In the meantime, other Starfleet spaceships have also been equipped with trans-phase torpedoes, against which the Borg are feared to become resistant. Bacco faces the downfall of the federation and calls its members of the government to a meeting, similar to a hangman's meal .

Under the leadership of Dax, a team of crew members from Enterprise, Titan and Aventine begins to implement a plan largely devised by Hernandez. This stipulates that Hernandez goes on board a Borg ship, uses her Catome to pretend to the Borg drones that she is the Borg queen, and thus causes the Borg cubes to break off the attack on the Federation and its allies . Although Picard rejects the plan as too dangerous, it goes ahead. He succeeds initially and the five Borg fleets, each around five cubes strong, are induced to break off their attacks on Vulcan and other worlds, on which thousands have already died, and to shoot each other. Meanwhile, the real Borg Queen notices that there is an intruder in the collective consciousness,

Hernandez learned from their connection to the Borg collective that this is very similar to the Caeliar figure, and concludes from this that Caeliar were involved in the creation of the Borg. Contrary to the previous assumption of the Caeliar, the city ship Mantilis had survived its journey through the subspace tunnel. The Caeliar and humans on this ship must have dared to try to unite with each other for the purpose of survival, whereby the negative properties of both species have mixed and a pathological reflection of Caeliar and humans developed. Paranoia and the fanatical desire for agreement of the Caeliar were mixed with barbarism and aggression on the human side. The Borg drones - which are only slaves, in other words lost souls - are not to blame for the suffering caused by the Borg,

Based on this knowledge, Hernandez decides to contact the Caeliar in Axion so that they can prevent the Borg from further destroying the Federation. Although the plan carries the grave risk of the Borg assimilating the Caeliar technology, and despite Picard's opposition, Hernandez and the Starfleet officers put the plan into effect. Using a soliton impulse, the Caeliar are contacted, who then arrive from Neu-Erigol with the city ship Axion within a very short time in the azure nebula. The Caeliar release the captured Titan crew members. Caused by the Caeliar and with the information that they have particle 010, all Borg ships stop their flight to Earth when they are only a few seconds away from it and set course for the Azure Nebula.

Hernandez uses her thoughts to steer the figure of the Caeliar in such a way that they obliterate the collective consciousness of the Borg drones. Millions of Borg drones across the galaxy are losing their slave-like status and are now free. Axion shines in a bright light, while all Borg cubes implode due to the shape. The Borg no longer exist. Picard and Seven of Nine lose their spiritual connection with the Borg. Hernandez advertises to the Caeliar with integrating the liberated Borg drones into the figure, also to ensure the continued existence of the Caeliar species. Hernandez now sees himself completely as one of the Caeliar.

While Martok learns on Qo'noS that over 70 million Klingons have died there alone, Bacco gives a speech on Earth addressed to the Federation Society. In it, she puts the number of Federation, Klingon, and Romulan deaths from the Borg invasion at 63 billion and the decimation suffered by Starfleet at 40 percent. The spaceship Columbia is towed to the Utopia Planitia fleet yard for repairs.

Unless otherwise stated, the figures are people.

  • Captain Erika Hernandez – Kommandantin
  • Cdr. Veronica Fletcher - First Officer
  • Lt. Cdr. Kalil El-Rashad - Science Officer and Second Officer
  • Lt. Karl Graylock - chief engineer
  • Lt. Johanna Metzger – Chefmedizinerin
  • Lt. Kiona Thayer – Waffenoffizierin
  • Ensign Sidra Valerian - communications officer
  • Major Stephen Foyle – Kommandant
  • Lt. Vincenzo Yacavino - Deputy Commandant
  • Sg. Gage Pembleton
  • Crew members of the spaceship Enterprise-E: → main article
  • Crew members of the Titan spaceship: → main article
  • Captain Ezri Dax - Commander, Species: Trill
  • Cdr. Sam Bowers - First Officer
  • Lt. Cdr. Gruhn Helkara - Science Officer and Second Officer, Species: Zakdorn
  • Lt. Lonnoc Kedair: Chief of Security, Species: Takarans
  • Lt. Simon Tarses: Chief Medical Officer, Species: Human and Romulans
  • Lt. Mikaela Leishman: Chief Engineer
  • Inyx - chief scientist of the Caeliar
  • Edrin - chief architect of the Caeliar
  • Nanietta Bacco - President of the Federation
  • Esperanza Piñiero - Chief of Staff of Nanietta Bacco
  • Elim Garak - Cardassian Ambassador
  • Martok - Klingon Chancellor


The three novels were published in English by Pocket Books for the first time in September, October and November 2008. The anthology with all three novels was published by the publisher in March 2012. The volumes were published both in print and as an e-book.

The German-language first publication of the single novels took place between June and October 2010 by the Cross Cult publishing house . The translator into German was Stephanie Pannen . The publisher published an anthology with all three novels in June 2014 with the subtitle Complete Edition ; Another anthology followed in September 2016 as an anniversary edition, limited to 999 copies. In addition to the print edition, the novels were also published as e-books and - at least with Audible - as audio books spoken by Lutz Riedel .

  • Star Trek (literary sequel after Nemesis)
  • List of Star Trek novels
  • Star-Trek-Belletristik
  • Linda Whitmore: 'Star Trek Destiny' author David Mack's Borg epic comes full cube , in: Hero Complex (part of the Los Angeles Times website ) from March 20, 2012 (interview with David Mack)
  • Gods of the Night in Star Trek Wiki Memory Alpha
  • Ordinary mortals on Star Trek wiki Memory Alpha
  • Lost souls in the Star Trek Wiki Memory Alpha

star trek destiny wiki

Engines of Destiny

  • 2 Background information
  • 3 Characters
  • 4 References
  • 5 External link

Summary [ ]

Background information [ ].

  • This was the last Star Trek novel written by author Gene DeWeese.
  • This novel was originally purchased by Pocket editor John Ordover in the late 1990s, with its intended release in August 2001 . The novel went through several revisions and was ready for publication, but did not see release, despite inquiries from DeWeese and his agent. After Ordover left Pocket, DeWeese's agent contacted the publisher again, this time reaching new principal editor Marco Palmieri . Palmieri, discovering the situation, asked Star Trek writer Keith R.A. DeCandido to do a final editorial pass and take the novel through to publication as quickly as possible. ( Voyages of Imagination , pp. 148-149)
  • Although Pocket Books classifies this novel as a Next Generation novel [1] , Voyages of Imagination includes it within the Pocket TOS section of its listings.
  • Over the course of the novel, it is revealed that Kirk's removal from the Nexus resulted in Picard either failing or dying in his attempt to stop Tolian Soran in Star Trek Generations . As a result, Picard wasn't present when Earth was attacked by the Borg in Star Trek: First Contact , and, without his natural knowledge of the Borg from his time as Locutus , although the Borg were forced to use their time travel capabilities, their attempt to prevent First Contact was successful and Earth was easily assimilated. This led to an alternate timeline where the Federation never existed, and the last unassimilated species in the Alpha Quadrant are on the verge of defeat to the Borg.
  • Cover art by James Wang , design by John Vairo, Jr. .

Characters [ ]

Montgomery Scott, 2369

Captain Montgomery Scott

Guinan, 2366

References [ ]

Borg ; Enterprise -B, USS ; Enterprise -D, USS ; Guardian of Forever ; Goddard ; Lakul , SS ; Nexus

External link [ ]

  • Engines of Destiny at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-G)
  • 3 Daniels (Crewman)

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Memory Beta articles sourced from games
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from Star Trek Online
  • Federation starship classes
  • 25th century Federation starship classes

Destiny class

  • 2 Known vessels
  • 3.1 Connections
  • 3.2 References

History [ ]

The USS Destiny , alongside the USS Trident and the USS Oracle , were launched as the first vessels of the Trident -class, designed to be equipped with the most advanced Starfleet technology . When they launched in the early 25th century , these deep space science vessels were larger than most other science vessels and could accommodate a larger crew and unique advanced engineering facilities, enabling them to undertake extended missions. Both the Destiny and the Oracle would go on to become the basis for new subclasses of ships—the Destiny -class and the Oracle -subclass , respectively. ( STO website : Ship Name Winners )

Known vessels [ ]

Appendices [ ], connections [ ], references [ ].

  • ST video game : Star Trek Online
  • 1 Achilles class
  • 2 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 3 Odyssey class


  1. USS Destiny

    star trek destiny wiki

  2. Star Trek Destiny Wiki

    star trek destiny wiki

  3. Vindicator Class Battlecruiser

    star trek destiny wiki

  4. Reclaimer Class Star Cruiser

    star trek destiny wiki

  5. Star Trek: Destiny

    star trek destiny wiki

  6. Star Trek: Destiny

    star trek destiny wiki


  1. Star Trek A Singular Destiny Book Review

  2. A Book Look

  3. STAR TREK DS9 Destiny + Prophet Motive

  4. An Unloved Show Called Enterprise

  5. "Parallel Cities"

  6. U.S.S. Aventine (scan) (HD)


  1. Star Trek: Destiny

    Star Trek: Destiny is a novel trilogy from Pocket Books, written by David Mack, and released over three consecutive months from September to November 2008. Set in February 2381, the trilogy is a crossover event featuring characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Titan and, as announced by Marco Palmieri, "elements from Trek's ...

  2. Star Trek: Destiny

    For other uses, see Destiny. Star Trek: Destiny is a trilogy of novels by David Mack released late in 2008. The series is a crossover featuring elements from Star Trek's: The Next Generation, Titan, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and "elements from Trek's past" (referencing Star Trek: Enterprise'), "coming together in an ambitious tale that will shape the future of the Star Trek universe". The ...

  3. Star Trek Destiny Wiki

    Welcome to the Star Trek Destiny Wiki. This is the Wiki of the Star Trek RPG sim, Star Trek Destiny, which takes place in the 26th century, aboard the Federation Starship USS Destiny, stranded in the Triangulum Galaxy. Main site. Latest news 26 October 2012 We are working on the Wiki! Apply for vacant positions in the SIMM!

  4. Human

    "The potential to make yourself a better man...that is what it is to be make yourself more than you are." - Jean-Luc Picard in 2379 Humans (Homo sapiens), also known as Terrans, were a warp capable humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. This species originated from planet Earth in the Sol system. Humans were one of two known spacefaring intelligent species to have originated from ...

  5. Gods of Night

    Gods of Night is the first novel in the crossover trilogy Star Trek: Destiny. The book features the crews of the USS Enterprise-E from Star Trek: The Next Generation, the USS Titan of Star Trek: Titan, and introduces the USS Aventine, commanded by Ezri Dax of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, as they seek to find a way to stop the Borg Invasion begun in epilogue of the preceding TNG novel Greater ...

  6. Gods of Night

    Gods of Night is the first novel in the Star Trek: Destiny crossover trilogy, written by David Mack. Published by Pocket Books, it was first released in September 2008. The trilogy is set in February 2381. From the book jacket Half a decade after the Dominion War and more than a year after the rise and fall of Praetor Shinzon, the galaxy's greatest scourge returns to wreak havoc upon the ...

  7. Star Trek: Destiny

    The omnibus edition of an epic crossover trilogy uniting characters from every corner of the Star Trek universe, and revealing the shocking origin and final fate of the Federation's most dangerous enemy--the Borg.DESTINY #1: GODS OF NIGHT THE BORG RETURN—WITH A VENGEANCE. Blitzkrieg attacks by the Borg leave entire worlds aflame. No one knows how they are slipping past Starfleet's defenses ...

  8. Star Trek: Destiny

    Retrieved from ""

  9. Star Trek Generations

    Star Trek Generations is a 1994 American science fiction film and the seventh film in the Star Trek film series. Malcolm McDowell joins cast members from the 1960s television show Star Trek and the 1987 sequel series The Next Generation, including William Shatner and Patrick Stewart.In the film, Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise-D joins forces with Captain James T. Kirk to stop the ...

  10. Destiny (episode)

    David S. Cohen & Martin A. Winer. Directed by. Les Landau. In-universe date. 48543.2 (2371) Podcast. ML: " Destiny ". An ancient Bajoran prophecy of doom complicates the first joint Bajoran, Cardassian, and Federation science mission: an attempt to establish a permanent communications link through the wormhole.

  11. List of Star Trek novels

    Best Destiny † Diane Carey November 1992 -671-79587-2: Shadows on the Sun † Michael Jan Friedman August 1993 -671-71832-0: Sarek †‡ A. C. Crispin March 1994 ... Star Trek: The Next Generation - Maximum Warp miniseries follows the crew of the Enterprise as they search for a solution to a disruption in subspace which prevents warp ...

  12. Destiny Class

    The Destiny Class starship is the culmination of a decades long project to combine many new revolutions in technology and starship design by Starfleet engineers, chief of which being the Gravity Drive. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. "She's more than a ship, she's my home; she's my destiny" - Gregory ...

  13. USS Destiny

    The USS Destiny was a Destiny-class Federation starship launched in 2552 under the command of Captain Gregory Sampson. This vessel is noted for its unscheduled voyage through the Triangulum Galaxy, which was the second exploration of that Galaxy (after the USS Enterprise-D in 2364). She was the first ship equipped with the revolutionary Gravity Drive The Destiny was the first ship of it's ...

  14. Star Trek: Destiny

    Star Trek: Destiny is a fan fiction series on TrekBBS set in the late 24th century, building towards the advent of the 25th century on board the Saturn-class, USS Destiny (NCC-85335). Only 2 episodes were written before it was abandoned. The Destiny is primarily a ship of discovery, diplomacy and exploration, but is routinely called upon to serve in times of conflict or crisis. Captain Bane ...

  15. Star Trek: Destiny

    Star Trek: Destiny is one of David Mack wrote trilogy, in the fictional Star Trek - universe plays. It consists of the novels Gods of the Night, Ordinary Mortals, and Lost Souls.The novels were first published in English by Pocket Books in 2008 and in German by Cross Cult in 2010 . The main plot takes place in the year 2381, about a year and a half after the plot of the tenth Star Trek movie ...

  16. Star Trek: Destiny (omnibus)

    The omnibus edition of Star Trek: Destiny, released in March 2012, collects the three novels of the crossover trilogy in a single trade paperback collection. From the book jacket THREE THRILLING STAR TREK NOVELS IN ONE VOLUME! Half a decade after the Dominion War and more than a year after the rise and fall of Praetor Shinzon, the galaxy's greatest scourge, the Borg, returns to wreak havoc ...

  17. Engines of Destiny

    The machine age. After the apparent death of James T. Kirk on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B, Montgomery Scott decides to leave Starfleet. A chance encounter with a mysterious woman named Guinan leads him to hitch a ride on the USS Jenolen -- which crashes into a Dyson Sphere, leaving only Scotty to survive suspended as a transporter pattern ...

  18. Destiny (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)

    "Destiny" is the 61st episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, the 15th episode of the third season. Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures on Deep Space Nine, a space station near the planet Bajor, as the Bajorans recover from a brutal, decades-long occupation by the imperialistic Cardassians. ...

  19. Best Destiny

    Best Destiny is a Pocket TOS novel written by Diane Carey. Published by Pocket Books, it was first released in hardback in November 1992. From the book jacket As James T. Kirk prepares to retire from a long and illustrious Starfleet career, events in a distant part of the Federation draw him back to a part of the galaxy he had last visited as a young man - a mysterious world called Faramond ...

  20. Best Destiny

    The long-awaited story of a young James T. Kirk's first adventure into space! As James T. Kirk prepares to retire from a long and illustrious Starfleet career, events in a distant part of the Federation draw him back to a part of the galaxy he had last visited as a young man—a mysterious world called Faramond whose name takes Kirk on a journey back to his youth. At sixteen, Kirk is troubled ...

  21. Denial of Destiny

    Denial of Destiny was the third adventure published by FASA for Star Trek: The Role Playing Game, a 40-page book with eight loose-leaf pages containing the deck plans of four starships. The book was written by Andrew Philip Hooper, with interior graphic design and art by Dana Knutson. The cover art used on both the book and the cardstock ...

  22. Engines of Destiny

    Engines of Destiny is a Pocket TNG novel written by Gene DeWeese. Published by Pocket Books, it was first released in February 2005. From the book jacket THE MACHINE AGE After the apparent death of James T. Kirk on the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B, Montgomery Scott decides to leave Starfleet. A chance encounter with a mysterious woman named Guinan leads him to hitch a ride on the USS Jenolan ...

  23. Destiny class

    The Destiny-class was a type of starship, a Federation deep space science vessel, a variant of the Trident-class, in Starfleet service in the early 25th century. The USS Destiny, alongside the USS Trident and the USS Oracle, were launched as the first vessels of the Trident-class, designed to be equipped with the most advanced Starfleet technology. When they launched in the early 25th century ...