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Ostéopathe à Tours | Mathieu Deschamps

Mathieu Deschamps, votre ostéopathe à Tours

Votre cabinet d’ostéopathie à tours centre.

Notez que début juin, le cabinet d’ostéopathie de Mathieu Deschamps déménage dans un local adjacent à l’actuel. Il se trouvera toujours au rez-de-chaussée du même immeuble.

Nous partagerons le local avec Inspire, un espace santé forme autour du Yoga et du Pilate.

Votre cabinet en soins ostéopathiques

Informations pratiques sur le cabinet, tarifs et remboursements d’une consultation, qui est mathieu deschamps, ostéopathe à tours , conseils pour préparer votre rendez-vous chez l'ostéopathe, que soigne l'ostéopathie .

Les manipulations douces pratiquées par un ostéopathe peuvent diminuer ou guérir des : troubles fonctionnels ; douleurs articulaires ou vertébrales ; lombalgies ; souffrances digestives ; pathologie musculo-squelettique ; céphalées, migraines ; etc.

Les ostéopathes sont formés pour traiter une grande variété de troubles et de douleurs. Que ce soit des douleurs aiguës ou chroniques, votre praticien est là pour vous soulager. De la petite enfance au grand âge, en passant par les sportifs de haut niveau, les femmes enceintes, l'ostéopathie s'adapte à tous les profils et à toutes les situations.

Dans quels cas prendre rendez-vous avec un ostéopathe ?

Vous ressentez des douleurs au dos persistantes qui entravent votre quotidien ? Vous êtes sujet aux torticolis ou aux maux de tête fréquents ? Peut-être êtes-vous un sportif souffrant de traumatismes récurrents ? Ou un travailleur confronté à des troubles musculo-squelettiques liés à votre activité professionnelle ?

En prenant rendez-vous avec un ostéopathe à Tours, vous bénéficierez d'une approche complète qui prend en compte l'ensemble de votre corps et de vos symptômes. L'ostéopathie vise à identifier et à traiter la cause profonde de vos douleurs, plutôt que de simplement atténuer les maux de manière temporaire.

À quel moment consulter un ostéopathe ?

N'attendez pas que vos douleurs s'aggravent ou deviennent chroniques. Prendre rendez-vous avec un ostéopathe dès l'apparition des premiers symptômes peut vous aider à retrouver un bien-être salvateur et à prévenir d'autres complications à long terme. C’est une démarche préventive à ne pas négliger.

Confiez votre santé aux mains expertes d'un ostéopathe à Tours dès aujourd'hui pour une vie plus confortable et épanouie.

Comment trouver le meilleur ostéopathe à Tours ?

Recherchez un ostéopathe compétent et expérimenté. Vérifiez son parcours de formation. Prenez le temps de consulter les avis et les témoignages des patients précédents de l’ostéopathe tourangeau que vous convoitez. Posez des questions au praticien lors de votre première consultation. Écoutez votre instinct. Choisissez un ostéopathe avec lequel vous vous sentez à l'aise et en confiance.

Avec ces conseils, vous pouvez trouver le meilleur ostéopathe en Indre-et-Loire pour prendre soin de votre santé et de votre bien-être.

Prendre rendez-vous en ligne via Doctolib avec votre ostéopathe à Tours

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Romain Verriez

Ostéopathe à Tours

osteo avenue grammont tours

" />Ostéopathe Tours

Ostéopathe do à tours centre, ostéo à tours, articles du blog.

osteo avenue grammont tours

osteo avenue grammont tours


3.7 ★ ★ ★ ★  |  ostéopathe à tours , france.

3 avis au total

  Présentation du cabinet

Philippe DUMANOIS est Ostéopathe à TOURS en Indre-et-Loire. Depuis 1991, son cabinet est situé à l'adresse : 19 Avenue de Grammont à TOURS. Il reçoit sur rendez-vous, pensez donc à le contacter avant de vous y rendre.

Vous êtes Philippe DUMANOIS ?

Ce profil est le votre vous pouvez le compléter, le modifier, y ajouter vos diplômes, photos pour mieux orienter vos patients. Pour cela il vous suffit de suivre ce lien ci-dessous pour prendre le contrôle de cette page. Je Prends Contrôle

user image

Venue pour des douleurs thoraciques et dorsales, dans l'espoir de me sentir mieux après la consultation; je ressors de la séance avec mes douleurs et 65 euros en moins. Il n'a pas fait grand chose je trouve, et ne m'a au final pas donné de solutions pour ne serait-ce atténuer mes douleurs. Bref, j'y ai perdu mon temps et mon argent. Peut-être que pour d'autres personnes cet Ostéopathe/praticien de médecine chinoise est bien, mais en ce qui me concerne il ne me convient pas. Dommage.

Entièrement satisfaite , je le recommande.

  Questions Fréquentes

Quelle est l'adresse de philippe dumanois , quels sont les horaires de m. philippe dumanois , de quelle école est diplomé m. philippe dumanois , 19 avenue de grammont 37000 tours.

  • Accueil >
  • France >
  • Centre >
  • Indre-et-Loire

Les ostéopathes à Tours (37000)

Trouver un ostéopathe à tours.

▶ Pour la commune : Tours (Indre-et-Loire), vous trouverez la liste des ostéopathes agréés ci-dessous. Sur la fiche de chacun figurent les coordonnées de contact et l'adresse du cabinet d'ostéopathie. Si vous êtes vous-même ostéopathe, n'hésitez pas à éditer votre fiche.

Tarif d'une séance d'ostéopathie à Tours

▶ Que ce soit sur la commune Tours ou plus généralement en France, le tarif d’une séance d’ostéopathie se situe entre 45 et 70 euros. Vous trouverez plus d’informations dans notre dernière étude réalisée en 2024 sur le tarif d’une séance d’ostéopathie . Il faut avoir en tête que les honoraires des séances d’ostéopathie peuvent varier selon que le patient est nouveau-né ou adulte. Également, n’étant pas remboursée par la sécurité sociale, il faudra vous tourner vers votre mutuelle pour obtenir le remboursement des vos consultations d’ostéopathie.


▶ L'ostéopathie est une discipline paramédicale consistant à soulager le corps en améliorant la mobilité des organes les uns par rapport aux autres. Discipline apparue au XIXème siècle, l'ostéopathie n'a cessé de se professionnaliser tout au long des 50 dernières années. Elle est aujourd'hui régie par plusieurs associations professionnelles et syndicats (UMO, SNOF, AFO, ROF, SFDO...) qui assurent le sérieux et la déontologie de leurs membres. Une séance d'ostéopathie dure entre 45 minutes et 1 heure. Elle peut se pratiquer en cabinet, à domicile, ou bien parfois en entreprise sur le lieu de travail des salariés.

A propos de l'annuaire 36ostéos

▶ 36osteos est un annuaire d’ostéopathes présent sur Internet depuis 2010. En 2024, il comptabilise quelques 18000 ostéopathes D.O exclusifs dans toutes les villes de France. L’inscription sur l’annuaire est ouverte à tous les ostéopathes dès lors qu’ils sont diplômés et qu’ils exercent dans une ville Française. L’Equipe de 36ostéos met à jour les informations des ostéopathes inscrits suivant les remontées faîtes par les internautes. Si vous êtes ostéopathe à Tours, vous pouvez librement créé la page de votre cabinet sur 36ostéos ou bien modifier celle existante si une page est déjà créée.

osteo avenue grammont tours


Our hotel in Tours

Come and discover our hostel near the castles of the loire valley, located in a brand-new building surrounded by peaceful gardens ., the de-tours.

osteo avenue grammont tours

Perhaps less known to the general public, Tours is a city full of treasures of every kind. Shall we take a look?

osteo avenue grammont tours


Around the corner.

We wanted to create our hostel as a dynamic location to mirror the city and the neighbourhood. Located in a completely renovated old factory with unique decor, we’ve focused on the details so that you can fully enjoy your stay.


osteo avenue grammont tours

Quality products are never in short supply here. We’ve put together a menu to allow you to taste them all. Alexandre and Émilie will delight you with their dishes made from fresh, local products, with local beers to wash them down.


osteo avenue grammont tours

Tempted by a night (or more) in a unique historic factory? You can choose the option that suits you best for your The People hostel experience, from private to family rooms to dormitories featuring our custom-made solid wood capsule beds.


osteo avenue grammont tours

Cycle your way there

Bicycles are very important to the city of Tours. The city’s role as host of the prestigious Paris-Tours race makes cycling a key feature here, and we also wanted to join in the fun. You’ll find references to cycling all over the hostel.

osteo avenue grammont tours

Coming soon…

We don’t have our full calendar of activities ready just yet, but we’ll be back with more information soon, and trust us, you won’t be disappointed!

osteo avenue grammont tours

More news is on the way!

Our staff are working hard to provide more great services for you. We’ll be back soon with more information…

osteo avenue grammont tours

First stage

Our Étape 84 restaurant is a mandatory stop to enjoy fresh local products at any time of day. And we’ve heard rumours that the regulars favour it for brunch.

osteo avenue grammont tours

we drink local

One of the region’s many treasures is its Touraine wines. This flavourful AOC wine will please your palate and might even help break the ice!

osteo avenue grammont tours

We meant it when

We said local.

It’s not only the wine that’s good here; you can also enjoy potted meats like the rillettes de Tours or the rillons de Touraine, Saint-Maure goat’s cheese, or nougat de Tours (and no, it’s not just in Montélimar!). We’ll stop there and let you discover the rest for yourself.

osteo avenue grammont tours

Double room

From €49 per night

This room provides spacious comfort for two (or for just one). With a private bathroom and closets just for you, you can sit back and relax.

High-speed wifi

Private bathroom

Towels included

osteo avenue grammont tours

Shared room

From €19 per night

Alone or with a group, our shared room offers you total comfort at a low price. Our comfortable beds will make you feel like you’re in your own little cocoon. Each room comes with its own private bathroom and everything you need for a peaceful stay.

Shared bathroom

Shared kitchen

Not expensive

osteo avenue grammont tours

Premium double room

From €60 per night

For 2 people, you can enjoy this elegant, light-filled room with its own private bathroom. Towels are also provided.

For two people

osteo avenue grammont tours

Family room

From €89 per night

For families or groups of friends, take advantage of the comforts offered by this cosy room for 4 to 6 guests with its own private bathroom.

4 to 6 people

Book your stay at The People Tours youth hostel here

You must have already heard about the castles of the Loire valley. If not, you’ll quickly find out about the region’s many treasures. Just two and a half hours from Paris, the city is a top destination for a perfect stay.

osteo avenue grammont tours

I see trees of green

The banks of the Loire, the longest natural river in France and a Unesco World Heritage Site, are a must-see place for strolling around Tours or the entire Loire Valley. Whether you’re on foot, on a bike or even in a boat, enjoy a timeless moment and see the wonderful flora, fauna, nature and culture that the area has to offer

osteo avenue grammont tours


You’ll have understood by now that the region abounds with castles to visit. Ask our staff for recommendations; they’ll help you find the best itinerary to suit your preferences.

osteo avenue grammont tours

A flash to the past

Tours provides you a one-way ticket to history. You won’t want to miss the narrow cobblestone streets and miniature courtyards of its historic centre, and if you want to see a local monster, stop by the aptly named Place du Monstre to see its intimidating statue.


From the train station

Just a 12-minute walk! Otherwise, you can take the no. 10 bus towards “Paul Doumer” (Saint-Avertin) and get off at “Boisdenier” (10 minutes).

From the airport

Just a 20-minute drive! Or you can walk to the “Aerogare” tram stop and take the Tempo line 2 towards “CHU Trousseau” (Chambray-lès-Tours) and get off at “Boisdenier”.

  • L'Orange Bleue Tours Nord

★   3.0   ( 3 )

48 avenue Gustave Eiffel   , 37100 Tours

L'Orange Bleue Tours Nord

  • Où faire du sport à Tours > Salle de Sport à Tours > Club de fitness >

Tout savoir sur L'Orange Bleue Tours Nord

Situé à seulement 1 min du centre commercial Auchan Petite Arche, L'Orange Bleue Tours Nord vous accueille dans un cadre moderne, chaleureux et convivial idéal pour vous remettre en forme !

L'Orange Bleue Tours Nord est ravi de vous faire découvrir les nouveaux cours collectifs du club. Exclusivement développés par le réseau l'Orange Bleu, plus de 50 cours collectifs YAKO vous sont proposés, encadrés par des coachs sportifs certifiés. L'Orange Bleue Tours nord met aussi à votre disposition un vaste espace de musculation doté de machines à charges guidées et à charges libres pour vous permettre des entraînements plus ciblés. Vous pourrez d'ailleurs lors de vos séances profiter de l'aide et des précieux conseils de nos coachs diplômés d'état. Vous aurez l'occasion d'établir ensemble un programme personnalisé suivant vos objectifs, vos motivations et votre niveau. Découvrez aussi le sauna mis à votre disposition pour profiter d'un moment de détente après une séance intense. L'Orange Bleue Tour Nord est doté de cabines de douche individualisées, de casiers et d'un parking réservé aux adhérents. N'hésitez pas à demander des informations supplémentaires sur notre salle de sport, et à venir nous rendre visite !


  • Cours collectifs avec encadrement (coach)
  • Parcours cardio
  • Abdos-Fessiers
  • Cuisses Abdos Fessiers (CAF)
  • Cuisses Hanches Fessiers Abdos
  • Musculation
  • Taille Abdos
  • Taille Abdos Fessiers
  • Yako Intégral®
  • Cardio-Training
  • Yako Combat®
  • Yako Biking®
  • Yako Baïla®
  • Yako Training®
  • Yako Attitude®
  • Yako Détente®

Avis  ★  3.0   ( 3 )

  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ il y a 5 mois

Bonjour ORANGE BLEUE TOURS NORD Merci de m'avoir offert une séance d'entraînement gratuite. J'espère que ça sera l'occasion pour moi de faire mon inscription. Merci pour votre compétence et votre respect. lire la suite

  • ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ il y a 7 ans

j'ai été Très mal accueillir par un stagiaire que je dérangeait visiblement parce que c'est l 'heure de prendre sa pause qu'il ne s'est pas gêner pour me le faire savoir. Quand à l 'employé qui était dans la salle, il n 'a pas pris la peine de se déplacer jusqu'à l' accueil pour me renseigner.vraiment nul. je voulais prendre un abonnement mais ça sera ailleurs. lire la suite

  • ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ il y a 7 ans

Bien dans l'ensemble. Pas mal de matériel à disposition. Accueil sympa. Seul bémol la surface de la salle. On est un peu les uns sur les autres. lire la suite

Infos pratiques

48 avenue Gustave Eiffel

37100 Tours

  • lundi 09:30 - 21:00
  • mardi 09:30 - 21:00
  • mercredi 17:00 - 21:00
  • jeudi 09:30 - 21:00
  • vendredi 09:30 - 21:00
  • samedi 09:30 - 12:30
  • dimanche Fermé

Bus 17,53,56 arrêt Milletière

Parking à vélo devant le club

Privatif réservé aux adhérents du club : 73 places

Formule 27 mois

Abonnement de 27 mois : les 3 premiers à 19,90€/mois et les 24 suivants à partir de 26,90€/mois. Accès illimité à toutes les activités. Avantages : +Pas de frais d'adhésion +Report de 90 jours pour les jours d'absence sans motif (vacances...) +Carte PULP : accès à tous les clubs L'Orange bleue Moyen de paiement : prélèvement, chèques, CB, espèces, chèques-vacances.

à partir de 19.90 €

Formule 12 mois

Abonnement de 12 mois : à partir de 29.90€/mois. Accès illimité à toutes les activités. Avantages : +Pas de frais d'adhésion +Report de 30 jours pour les jours d'absence sans motif (vacances...) Moyen de paiement : prélèvement, chèques, CB, espèces, chèques-vacances.

à partir de 29.90 €

Formules 10 séances, 3 mois, 6 mois

Tous les renseignements au club.

à partir de 0.00 €

L'enseigne L'Orange Bleue

L'Orange Bleue

Les clubs de fitness l'Orange Bleue sont des clubs à taille humaine où l'espace et la convivialité rassurent ! 2 types de clubs existent: - Mon Coach Fitness: pour une remise en forme sérieuse et à petit prix. Incluant des cours collectifs exclusifs. - Mon Coach Wellness: pour une approche globale du sport qui inclut la santé (ostéo et diététicien). Incluant du matériel adapté à tous les niveaux et des small training group. Dans chaque club, vous serez accompagnés par nos coachs diplômés d'Etat qui vous aideront à atteindre vos objectifs.

Autres clubs à proximité


Club de fitness

★   4.4   ( 9 )


141 Rue Giraudeau, 37000 Tours

Le studio Sport est une salle dédiée au cours collectifs. Sans machines de musculation ou cardio training...

"Équipement high-tech. Accueil personnalisé. Profs attentifs et cours dynamiques. La forme conjuguée au..."

L'Orange Bleue Tours Centre

★   4.5   ( 4 )

L'Orange Bleue Tours Centre

180 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours

Bienvenue dans votre centre de remise en forme L'Orange Bleue Tours centre ! Venez vous entraîner dans...

"bonne salle de sport. plusieurs équipements. seul bémol, les coachs ne sont pas très souvent disponibles."

Mercure Fitness & Spa

★   4.3   ( 12 )

Mercure Fitness & Spa

Allée André Malraux, 37300 Joué-lès-Tours

Mercure Fitness & Spa est un espace dédié à la forme et à la détente . Nous proposons des cours de fitness,...

"bonne ambiance"

  • Português (Brasil)
  • Europe Hostels
  • France Hostels
  • Tours Hostels

The People - Tours

Free Cancellation Book more than 3 days in advance for Free Cancellation.

  • House Rules

Property Description

Reviews & ratings.

  • Security 9.3
  • Location 9.1
  • Atmosphere 8.5
  • Cleanliness 9.1
  • Value for Money 9.1
  • Facilities 8.9

Check Availability

Latest reviews.

  • Linen Included
  • Free City Maps
  • Free Internet Access
  • Common Room
  • Bicycle Parking
  • Meeting Rooms
  • Hot Showers
  • Fridge/Freezer
  • Outdoor Terrace
  • Hair Dryers
  • Internet access
  • Luggage Storage
  • Reception (limited hours)

Food & Drink



  • France Hotels ( 350,396 )
  • Tours Hotels ( 601 )

Book The People - Tours

The People - Tours

The People - Tours

Conveniently situated in the Tours City Center part of Tours, this property puts you close to attractions and interesting dining options.

Sparkling clean

710 meters to public transportation

  • Check-in/out [express]

Free Wi-Fi in all rooms!

Announcements by hotel (1)

View all announcements

  • Luggage storage
  • Coffee shop
  • Restaurants

9.0 Exceptional

8.9 Excellent

Location rating score

Rooms available at The People - Tours

  • Room size: 18 m²/194 ft²
  • Garden view
  • 1 bunk bed and 1 queen bed
  • Room size: 37 m²/398 ft²
  • 1 queen bed and 2 bunk beds
  • Room size: 11 m²/118 ft²
  • 1 single bed
  • 2 bunk beds
  • Room size: 12 m²/129 ft²

Frequently asked questions

What kinds of entertainment are available at The People - Tours?

The People - Tours features games room while you lounge at this property, providing guests with entertainment value throughout your holiday here.

What types of facilities are offered for children at The People - Tours?

While on holiday with your family members, your children can also enjoy the fun in sports and recreation facilities offered at The People - Tours such as children's playground.

What interesting attractions are close by The People - Tours that are in walking distance?

While remaining at The People - Tours, jump start your holiday break by exploring the closest points of interest that are within close proximity to the property which include Gymnase du Hallebardier, Place du 4 Septembre, and Auchan Supermarché.

At what time of the year is The People - Tours most popular?

The People - Tours's most popular month where verified tourists have stayed the most is in July.

What was the average room rate for The People - Tours been in the past month?

The typical room rate for The People - Tours in the past month is 38.68 EUR, compared to city's average of 90.22 EUR.

In which languages can The People - Tours's employees communicate?

The People - Tours can converse in 4 languages and supports widely used languages such as English and Spanish for guests traveling to this property. Please refer to the 'Amenities and facilities' section and in the 'Languages spoken' category to find out what different languages this property supports.

What is the verified guest review consensus about The People - Tours's Wi-Fi?

100.0% of our verified visitor ratings have given a positive review and comments about this property's Wi-Fi. You can look up on more detailed customer reviews, and comments for The People - Tours down in the review section.

What is the verified guest review consensus about The People - Tours's wellness amenities?

100.0% of our past customer testimonials have given a positive appraisal and comments about this property's wellness amenities. You can look up on more detailed customer reviews, and comments for The People - Tours down in the review section.

What is the typical rating that verified Solo travelers' have given to The People - Tours?

Verified solo travelers that have stayed at this property have given The People - Tours an average rating of 8.3. You can look up more detailed customer reviews and feedback by filtering for a specific type of verified travelers down in the review section.

What is the average rating that past Business travelers' have given to The People - Tours?

Past business travelers that have stayed at this property have given The People - Tours an average rating of 7.9. You can look up more detailed customer reviews and feedback by filtering for a specific type of verified travelers down in the review section.

What do local visitors think about The People - Tours?

Past local visitors that have stayed at this property have given The People - Tours an average rating of 9.3. You can look up on more comprehensive customer ratings, and remarks for this property down in the review section.

More about The People - Tours

More about The People - Tours

Unwind and Enjoy at The People - Tours 's Entertainment Facilities At The People - Tours , guests can indulge in a variety of entertainment facilities that are designed to enhance their stay. Whether you're looking to relax with a refreshing drink or engage in some friendly competition, this hotel has it all. The bar at The People - Tours offers a vibrant atmosphere where guests can unwind and socialize. Sip on expertly crafted cocktails, sample a wide selection of local wines, or enjoy a cold beer while chatting with fellow travelers. The bar also serves a range of delicious snacks and light bites, perfect for satisfying those late-night cravings. For those seeking a tranquil outdoor space, the hotel's garden provides a serene retreat. Surrounded by lush greenery and colorful flowers, this oasis is the ideal spot to enjoy a leisurely stroll or simply soak up the sun. Take a book, find a cozy spot, and lose yourself in a captivating story while being surrounded by nature. To add some excitement to your stay, head to the games room where you can challenge friends or family to a friendly game of pool or foosball. This lively space is filled with laughter and friendly competition, creating unforgettable memories for guests of all ages. Additionally, The People - Tours features a shared lounge/TV area where guests can relax and catch up on their favorite shows or movies. Sink into plush sofas, grab a bowl of popcorn, and immerse yourself in the latest entertainment offerings. With its impressive range of entertainment facilities, The People - Tours ensures that every guest has a memorable and enjoyable stay. Whether you're looking to socialize, unwind, or have some fun, this hotel has something for everyone. Convenience Facilities at The People - Tours At The People - Tours , we understand the importance of providing convenient facilities to enhance your stay. Stay connected with our complimentary Wi-Fi available in all rooms and public areas. Whether you're catching up on work emails or sharing your travel experiences with loved ones, our reliable internet connection ensures you're always connected. For our guests who smoke, we have a designated smoking area where you can indulge in your habit without inconveniencing others. We also offer express check-in/check-out services, allowing you to save valuable time and start enjoying your stay as soon as possible. To make your stay even more convenient, we provide luggage storage facilities. Whether you arrive early or have a late departure, you can leave your bags with us and explore the city without any hassle. Our dedicated staff also ensures that your room is kept clean and tidy with daily housekeeping services. At The People - Tours , we prioritize your comfort and convenience, ensuring that your stay with us is as enjoyable as possible. Convenient Transport Facilities at The People - Tours Located in the heart of Tours, France, The People - Tours offers excellent transport facilities for guests to explore the city and its surroundings with ease. The hotel is conveniently situated just a short walk from the Tours train station, making it a convenient choice for those arriving by train. From the train station, guests can easily access other major cities in France, such as Paris, Bordeaux, and Lyon, making The People - Tours an ideal base for those looking to explore beyond Tours. For guests arriving by air, the hotel is also within close proximity to the Tours Val de Loire Airport, making it a convenient choice for both domestic and international travelers. The hotel offers a shuttle service to and from the airport, ensuring a hassle-free journey to and from the hotel. In addition to its convenient location near transportation hubs, The People - Tours also provides bicycle rental services for guests who prefer to explore the city on two wheels. With its well-maintained cycling paths and beautiful scenery, Tours is a cyclist's paradise, and the hotel's bicycle rental service allows guests to easily discover the city's charming streets, historic landmarks, and picturesque countryside. Whether you choose to travel by train, plane, or bicycle, The People - Tours ensures that your transportation needs are well taken care of, allowing you to make the most of your time in Tours. Indulge in Culinary Delights at The People - Tours At The People - Tours , guests are in for a treat with an array of dining facilities that cater to every palate. Start your day off right at the cozy coffee shop, where you can savor a freshly brewed cup of coffee or tea, paired with delectable pastries and light snacks. For a more substantial meal, head to the hotel's restaurant, where a team of talented chefs whip up a variety of mouthwatering dishes. From traditional French cuisine to international favorites, there is something to satisfy every craving. The restaurant's elegant ambiance and attentive service make it the perfect spot for a romantic dinner or a gathering with friends. If you prefer to showcase your culinary skills, the shared kitchen at The People - Tours is at your disposal. Equipped with modern appliances and utensils, it provides the ideal space to whip up a homemade meal using fresh local ingredients. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice cook, the shared kitchen offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culinary scene. To ensure a comfortable and hassle-free stay, the hotel provides daily housekeeping services. This means that you can focus on enjoying your meals without worrying about the cleanup. The dedicated housekeeping team will take care of tidying up your dining area, leaving you with more time to relax and indulge in the delightful dining options offered at The People - Tours . Comfortable and Affordable Rooms at The People - Tours At The People - Tours , we offer a variety of room types to suit every traveler's needs. From cozy dormitory rooms to spacious family suites, we have something for everyone. Our dormitory rooms include the Bed in 4-Bed Female Dormitory Room and the Bed in 4-Bed Mixed Dormitory Room. These rooms are perfect for solo travelers or those looking to meet new people during their stay. For those who prefer more privacy, our Single Room and Standard Double Room are ideal choices. Families and larger groups will appreciate our Classic Quadruple Room and Family Room, which can accommodate up to four guests. For even more space, our Family Suite offers ample room with four bunk beds and one double bed. By booking your stay at The People - Tours through Agoda, you can enjoy the best prices and a hassle-free experience. Agoda guarantees the lowest rates for our rooms, ensuring that you get the most value for your money. With Agoda's user-friendly platform, you can easily browse through our room options, compare prices, and make a reservation in just a few clicks. So why wait? Book your stay at The People - Tours on Agoda today and enjoy a comfortable and affordable stay in Tours, France. Discover the Heart of Tours: Tours City Center Nestled in the heart of Tours, France, the Tours City Center is a vibrant and charming area that offers a perfect blend of history, culture, and modernity. With its picturesque streets, stunning architecture, and lively atmosphere, this bustling district is a must-visit for any traveler. Step into the past as you wander through the narrow winding streets of the Old Town. Admire the beautiful half-timbered houses, charming squares, and hidden courtyards that date back to the medieval era. Don't miss the iconic Place Plumereau, a lively square lined with cozy cafes and restaurants, where you can savor delicious local cuisine and soak in the vibrant ambiance. As you explore further, you'll encounter architectural gems like the stunning Tours Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Marvel at its intricate stained glass windows and towering spires that dominate the city skyline. Nearby, the enchanting Château de Tours awaits, a former royal residence that now houses the Museum of Fine Arts, showcasing an impressive collection of artworks. Beyond the historical sites, Tours City Center also offers a vibrant shopping scene. Browse through the charming boutiques, local markets, and trendy shops that line the streets. Indulge in some retail therapy and discover unique souvenirs, fashion, and gourmet treats. In the evening, the city center comes alive with a buzzing nightlife. From cozy wine bars to lively pubs, there's something for everyone. Experience the lively atmosphere as locals and visitors gather to enjoy live music, dance, and socialize. With its rich history, vibrant culture, and lively atmosphere, Tours City Center is a destination that will captivate and enchant. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a food lover, or a shopaholic, this charming district has something to offer everyone. So, come and discover the heart of Tours in the Tours City Center. Convenient Transportation Options from the Nearest Airports to The People - Tours When it comes to reaching The People - Tours in Tours City Center, travelers have several convenient transportation options from the nearest airports. The closest airport to Tours is Tours Val de Loire Airport, located just 6 kilometers away. From the airport, visitors can easily take a taxi or book a private transfer to reach their destination in the city center. The journey takes approximately 15 minutes, offering a quick and hassle-free way to start your stay at The People - Tours . Alternatively, travelers can also opt to take public transportation from Tours Val de Loire Airport. The airport is well-connected to the city center by bus, with regular services available. The bus ride takes around 30 minutes, providing an affordable and scenic option for those who prefer public transportation. For those arriving at other nearby airports such as Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport or Paris Orly Airport, there are convenient train connections to Tours. The high-speed TGV train service operates from both airports, offering a comfortable and efficient way to reach Tours. The journey from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport takes around 1 hour and 45 minutes, while the journey from Paris Orly Airport takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. Upon arrival at Tours train station, it is just a short taxi ride or walk to The People - Tours , allowing guests to easily settle into their accommodation. Explore the Surrounding Landmarks near The People - Tours Situated in the heart of Tours, The People - Tours is surrounded by a myriad of landmarks and attractions that are sure to captivate visitors. Just a short stroll away, you'll find Square Mendelssohn, a charming park known for its lush greenery and serene atmosphere. Take a leisurely walk through the park, soak in the beauty of the surroundings, and enjoy a peaceful moment away from the bustling city. For those in need of any medical assistance, Pharmacie du Lac and Centre de Médecine Universitaire are conveniently located nearby. Whether you require medication or a consultation with a healthcare professional, these establishments are readily available to cater to your needs. If you're in the mood for some retail therapy or need to run errands, the bustling Place du Commandant Tulasne is just a stone's throw away. This vibrant square is home to a variety of shops, cafes, and restaurants, offering a delightful mix of local and international flavors. Indulge in some shopping or savor a delicious meal while immersing yourself in the lively atmosphere of this popular gathering spot. Convenient Public Transport Stations near The People - Tours Situated near the bustling Tours Train Station, The People - Tours enjoys a strategic location with excellent access to various public transport options. Just a short walk away from the hotel, guests will find the Tours Train Station, which serves as a major transportation hub connecting the city to other popular destinations in France. From here, travelers can easily explore the charming city of Tours and beyond. In addition to the train station, The People - Tours is also conveniently located near several bus stops. The nearby Rue Nationale bus stop offers a convenient way to navigate the city, with frequent bus services that can take guests to popular attractions, shopping districts, and other parts of Tours. Whether you're looking to visit the stunning Cathedral of Saint Gatien, explore the picturesque Old Town, or embark on a wine tasting tour in the Loire Valley, the well-connected public transport network near The People - Tours ensures that you can easily reach your desired destinations without any hassle. With its prime location near the Tours Train Station and various bus stops, The People - Tours provides guests with effortless access to the city's public transportation network. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, the convenience of these transport options ensures that you can explore the beautiful city of Tours and its surroundings with ease. A Gastronomic Delight Awaits If you're a food lover, you're in for a treat at The People - Tours . Located in the heart of Tours, this hotel is surrounded by an array of delightful restaurants that will satisfy even the most discerning palate. Start your culinary adventure at Alep, where you can indulge in authentic Middle Eastern cuisine. For a taste of local French delicacies, head to L'Escapade, a charming bistro that offers a menu bursting with traditional flavors. If you have a sweet tooth, make sure to visit Bonheur des Gourmandises, a quaint pastry shop that will tempt you with its delectable desserts. Craving a juicy burger? Look no further than Beauty Burger, where you can sink your teeth into a mouthwatering selection of gourmet burgers. For a cozy and intimate dining experience, Le Cheyenne offers a warm ambiance and a menu filled with hearty dishes. If you're in the mood for a quick bite, Kfe In is the perfect spot to grab a delicious sandwich or a refreshing salad. And don't forget to stop by Boulangerie de la Scellerie, a local bakery that serves freshly baked bread and pastries. For a taste of the local nightlife, Le Chien jaune is a popular bar that offers a wide selection of drinks and a lively atmosphere. And if you're traveling with little ones, Les Lionceaux is a family-friendly restaurant that serves up tasty meals for both kids and adults. With such a diverse range of dining options right at your doorstep, The People - Tours is the perfect choice for food enthusiasts looking to embark on a gastronomic adventure in Tours. Shop 'til You Drop in Tours Located in the heart of Tours, The People - Tours is surrounded by a plethora of shopping landmarks that will satisfy even the most avid shopaholics. Just steps away from the hotel, you'll find La Chocolatiere, where you can indulge in delectable handmade chocolates and sweet treats. For those looking to add a touch of elegance to their wardrobe, L'Acropole offers a stunning collection of high-end fashion and accessories. If you're in search of unique and quirky gifts, head over to Garnuchette, a charming boutique filled with one-of-a-kind treasures. Le Cirque en Bois is a must-visit for lovers of wooden toys and games, while chapellerie brun offers a wide selection of stylish hats for every occasion. Don't forget to stop by Pralibel Tours Chocolatier for a taste of their famous pralines and truffles. Wine enthusiasts will be delighted by the extensive selection at Mille et un vins, where you can discover the finest wines from the region. For a gastronomic adventure, La Balade Gourmande is the place to be, offering a variety of gourmet products and local delicacies. If you're a tea lover, Au Fil du The is a haven of aromatic teas and accessories. And lastly, Les Halles is a bustling market where you can find fresh produce, local specialties, and artisanal products. With such a diverse range of shopping options just a stone's throw away, The People - Tours is the perfect base for a retail therapy getaway. Affordable Luxury: The People - Tours Offers Unbeatable Prices Experience the best of Tours, France without breaking the bank at The People - Tours . With an average room price of just $69, this hotel offers incredible value for money compared to the city's average room price of $104. At The People - Tours , you don't have to compromise on quality or comfort. Each room is thoughtfully designed with modern amenities and stylish decor, ensuring a relaxing and enjoyable stay. Whether you're visiting for business or leisure, you'll find everything you need at this affordable yet luxurious hotel. Located in the heart of Tours, The People - Tours is surrounded by popular attractions, vibrant markets, and charming cafes. With its central location, you'll have easy access to explore the city's rich history, stunning architecture, and cultural landmarks. So why wait? Book your stay at The People - Tours today and experience the perfect blend of affordability and luxury in Tours, France. Exceptional Customer Ratings for The People - Tours The People - Tours in Tours, France has garnered exceptional customer ratings across various categories. With an overall rating of 8.0, this hotel has left a lasting impression on its guests. The high ratings for value (8.7), facilities (9.2), cleanliness (9.4), location (8.9), and staff performance (9.5) highlight the outstanding experience that awaits guests at this hotel. One of the standout features of The People - Tours is its excellent value for money. Guests have consistently praised the hotel for providing exceptional amenities and services at an affordable price. From the moment guests step into the hotel, they are greeted with a warm and welcoming atmosphere, making them feel right at home. The staff's dedication to ensuring a memorable stay is evident in their exceptional performance, which has earned them a remarkable rating of 9.5. The hotel's facilities have also received high praise from guests. With a rating of 9.2, guests have raved about the well-maintained and modern amenities available at The People - Tours . Whether it's the comfortable and spacious rooms, the state-of-the-art fitness center, or the relaxing spa, guests are treated to a luxurious and enjoyable stay. The hotel's commitment to cleanliness is also evident, with a rating of 9.4. Guests have consistently noted the immaculate condition of the rooms and common areas, ensuring a pleasant and hygienic environment for all.

Amenities and facilities

Excellent 8.8

Languages spoken


  • Wheelchair accessible

Internet access

  • Internet services
  • Wi-Fi in public areas

Things to do, ways to relax

  • On-site entertainment

Cleanliness and safety

  • First aid kit
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Staff trained in safety protocol

Dining, drinking, and snacking

  • Alternative meal arrangement
  • Shared kitchen

Services and conveniences

Daily housekeeping

  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Heating in public area
  • Invoice provided
  • Meeting/banquet facilities
  • Shared lounge/TV area
  • Smoke-free property
  • Smoking area
  • Xerox/fax in business center

For the kids

  • Family room
  • CCTV in common areas
  • CCTV outside property
  • Check-in/out [private]
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Pets allowed
  • Safety/security feature
  • Security [24-hour]
  • Smoke alarms
  • Soundproof rooms

Excellent 8.9

osteo avenue grammont tours

Property policies

Children and extra beds.

Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose. Please check the individual room capacity for more details.

All children are welcome.

  • When booking more than 5 rooms, different policies and additional supplements may apply.

Some helpful facts


  • Check-in from :  15:00
  • Check-in until :  23:30
  • Check-out from :  00:00
  • Check-out until :  11:00

Property announcements

Guests are required to show a photo identification and credit card upon check-in. Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply. In response to Coronavirus (COVID-19), additional safety and sanitation measures are in effect at this property. Food & beverage services at this property may be limited or unavailable due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), this property is taking steps to help protect the safety of guests and staff. Certain services and amenities may be reduced or unavailable as a result. Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), this property has reduced reception and service operating hours. Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), wearing a face mask is mandatory in all indoor common areas. A damage deposit of EUR 150 is required. The host charges this 7 days before arrival. This will be collected by credit card. You should be reimbursed within 7 days of check-out. Your deposit will be refunded in full via credit card, subject to an inspection of the property. Please note that the reception is open every day from 08:00 to 23:00. If you are planning on arriving after 23:00, please contact the property in advance. Contact details can be found on your booking confirmation. Please note that children under 18 years old cannot be accommodated without adults. The property cannot guarantee that all guests will be accommodated in the same dorm. Please note that ANCV cheques vancances holiday vouchers are an accepted method of payment at this property. When booking more than 10 guest, different policies and additional supplements may apply.

Reviews of The People - Tours from real guests

Provided by verified guests of

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I really enjoyed my stay.

Good, clean and friendly and good value for money.

Excellent value for money.

1. Kitchen is small and kind of dirty. 2. Staffs are friendly and ready to solve problems 3. IMPORTANT! They don’t have their own wifi and let you to connect the city wifi, but you know, the city wifi doesn’t work at all. All in all if you have enough mobile data just go, otherwise there’s no wifi.

Nice place ”

Good vibes, good breakfast, the staff was amazing… I got paired with a very annoying roommate and that was a bummer, but other than that, super cool, would stay here again!

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The People - Tours

84 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours, France – Great location - show map – Train Access

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The People - Tours Reserve now

Lock in a great price for The People - Tours – rated 8 by recent guests!

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Value for money

You're eligible for a Genius discount at The People - Tours! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in .

The People - Tours has a garden, shared lounge, a terrace and restaurant in Tours. Featuring a bar, the hotel is close to several noted attractions, around a 14-minute walk from Vinci International Congress Center, 0.6 miles from Tours Train Station and a 18-minute walk from Basilica of Saint Martin. The property has a shared kitchen, a business center and luggage storage for guests. Featuring a private bathroom with a shower, rooms at the hotel also feature free WiFi, while some rooms also feature a city view. All rooms feature bed linen. Guests at The People - Tours can enjoy a buffet or a continental breakfast. Guests at the accommodation will be able to enjoy activities in and around Tours, like cycling. Hotel Goüin Museum is a 19-minute walk from The People - Tours, while Parc des Expositions Tours is 2.1 miles from the property. The nearest airport is Tours Loire Valley Airport, 3.7 miles from the hotel.

Couples in particular like the location – they rated it 8.6 for a two-person trip.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Family rooms
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Good Breakfast

Property highlights

Top Location: Highly rated by recent guests (8.7)

Breakfast Info

Continental, Buffet

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Sustainability certification

Categories:, see what guests loved the most:.

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Hotel area info

Restaurants 1 restaurant on site.

  • Open for Brunch • Lunch • Dinner
  • Dietary options Vegetarian • Vegan

Amenities of The People - Tours Great facilities! Review score, 8

  • Toilet paper
  • Private Bathroom
  • Extra long beds (> 6.5 ft)
  • Outdoor furniture
  • Shared kitchen
  • Socket near the bed
  • Live sports events (broadcast)
  • Live music/Performance
  • Tour or class about local culture
  • Walking tours
  • Coffee house on site
  • Wine/Champagne
  • Kid-friendly buffet
  • Kids' meals Additional charge
  • Special diet meals (on request)
  • Invoice provided
  • Private check-in/out
  • Baggage storage
  • Express check-in/out
  • Indoor play area
  • Board games/Puzzles
  • Daily housekeeping Additional charge
  • Fax/Photocopying
  • Business center
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities
  • Fire extinguishers
  • CCTV outside property
  • CCTV in common areas
  • Smoke alarms
  • Security alarm
  • Key card access
  • 24-hour security
  • Shared lounge/TV area
  • Designated smoking area
  • Smoke-free property
  • Packed lunches
  • Soundproof rooms
  • Lowered sink
  • Raised toilet
  • Toilet with grab rails
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Upper floors accessible by elevator

House rules The People - Tours takes special requests – add in the next step!

Child policies.

Children of all ages are welcome.

To see correct prices and occupancy info, add the number and ages of children in your group to your search.

Crib and extra bed policies

Prices for cribs aren't included in the total price. They'll have to be paid for separately during your stay.

The number of cribs allowed depends on the option you choose. Check your selected option for more info.

There are no extra beds available at this property.

All cribs are subject to availability.

The fine print Must-know information for guests at this property

Please note that the reception is open every day from 08:00 to 23:00.

If you are planning on arriving after 23:00, please contact the property in advance. Contact details can be found on your booking confirmation.

Please note that children under 18 years old cannot be accommodated without adults.

The property cannot guarantee that all guests will be accommodated in the same dorm.

Please note that ANCV checks vancances holiday vouchers are an accepted method of payment at this property.

When booking more than 10 guest, different policies and additional supplements may apply.

Guests are required to show a photo ID and credit card upon check-in. Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply.

In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19), additional safety and sanitation measures are in effect at this property.

Food and beverage services at this property may be limited or unavailable due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), this property is taking steps to protect the safety of guests and staff. Certain services and amenities may be reduced or unavailable as a result.

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), this property has reduced reception and service hours.

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), wearing a face mask is mandatory in all indoor common areas.

A damage deposit of € 150 is required. The property charges this days before arrival. This will be collected by credit card. You should be reimbursed within 7 days of check-out. Your deposit will be refunded in full by credit card, subject to an inspection of the property.

FAQs about The People - Tours

How much does it cost to stay at the people - tours.

The prices at The People - Tours may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates, hotel's policy etc.). To see prices, enter your dates.

What type of room can I book at The People - Tours?

  • Bed in Dorm

How far is The People - Tours from the center of Tours?

The People - Tours is 2,800 feet from the center of Tours. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

What are the check-in and check-out times at The People - Tours?

Check-in at The People - Tours is from 3:00 PM, and check-out is until 11:00 AM.

Does The People - Tours have a restaurant on site?

What is there to do at the people - tours, what kind of breakfast is served at the people - tours.

Guests staying at The People - Tours can enjoy a highly-rated breakfast during their stay (guest review score: 7.7).

  • Continental

The Best of Tours

Convention centers.

  • Parc des Expositions Tours
  • Vinci International Congress Center
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours
  • Olivier Debré Contemporary Art Centre

Golf Courses

  • Touraine Golf Course


  • Tours High Court
  • Tours Town Hall
  • Indre-et-Loire Prefecture
  • Francois Rabelais University
  • Touraine Chamber of Commerce
  • Chateau de Plessis-lès-Tours
  • Tours Cathedral
  • Basilica of Saint-Julien
  • Château de Villandry
  • Basilica of Saint Martin
  • Château de Cinq Mars
  • Hotel Goüin Museum
  • Ronsard House
  • Museum of Natural History of Tours
  • Musée du Compagnonnage
  • Prebendes d'Oe Gardens

Popular Areas

  • Place Plumereau

Shopping Areas

  • Les Halles de Tours Market
  • Tours Loire Valley Airport (TUF) 3.7 miles
  • Arnage Airport (LME) 45.3 miles
  • Angers Loire Airport (ANE) 48.5 miles

Train Stations

  • Saint-Pierre-des-Corps Train Station
  • Tours Train Station

Most Popular Cities

  • Chenonceaux
  • Chambray-lès-Tours

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  1. Anais SAUBLET, Ostéopathe à Tours : Prenez rendez-vous en ligne

    Prenez RDV en ligne avec Mme Anais SAUBLET: Ostéopathe. Adresse : 156 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours.

  2. Cabinet Ostéopathie Seigneurin

    19, avenue de Grammont. 37000 TOURS. N°ADELI : 370000150 . NOS HORAIRES. Tous les horaires sont sur l'agenda en ligne : ... Quand référer une patiente vers un ostéopathe compétent en ostéopathie périnatale? 6. 0. Vous n'aimez plus ce post. phseigneurin. 3 avr. 2023; 1 Min;

  3. Jean-Nicolas Duquesne, Ostéopathe à Tours : Prenez RDV en ligne

    Signaler un praticien. Prenez RDV en ligne avec M. Jean-Nicolas Duquesne: Ostéopathe. Adresse : 19 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours.

  4. Ostéopathe Tours 37000 : Prenez rendez-vous en ligne

    Trouvez rapidement un ostéopathe à Tours ou un praticien proposant des actes de ostéopathie et prenez rendez-vous gratuitement en ligne en quelques clics ... 156 Avenue de Grammont. 37000 Tours. Prendre rendez-vous. M. Gregoire GADRAT. Ostéopathe. 58 Rue du Pas-Notre-Dame. 37100 Tours. Prendre rendez-vous. M. Vivien Lessault.

  5. Les 10 Meilleurs Ostéopathes à TOURS 37000

    Claude AMOUDRY 254 Avenue de Grammont 37000 TOURS . Voir le profil. Marie-Anne MAUPU 32bis Rue de Clocheville 37000 TOURS . Voir le profil. Dominique JUILLET 70 Avenue de Grammont ... Une consultation chez un ostéopathe à TOURS dure en moyenne 45 minutes. L'ostéopathe va vous observer et vous poser des questions pour connaître vos ...

  6. Ostéopathe à Tours, Sarah Cerveaux

    Ostéopathe sur Tours, Sarah Cerveaux vous reçoit dans son cabinet d'ostéopathie pour des séances du nourrisson au sénior, la femme-enceinte et le sportif. Ostéo Tours. Accueil; La pratique; ... Adresse : 88 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours. Téléphone : 06 15 10 32 50.

  7. Ostéopathe à Tours

    Situé au 6 boulevard Richard Wagner à Tours, le cabinet d'ostéopathie de Mathieu Deschamps est proche de l'avenue Grammont, de Joué-lès- Tours et de Chambray-lès-Tours. Votre ostéopathe vous accueille au rez-de-chaussée d'un immeuble récent, à proximité immédiate des locaux de la Nouvelle République et de la place Verdun.

  8. Contact

    Philippe Seigneurin ostéopathe Tours sur clicrdv pages jaunes, prise de rdv en ligne ou par téléphone. Accès facile Tours Centre, bus, tram, train. top of page. Ostéopathe. Philippe SEIGNEURIN. Accueil. Ostéopathe DO. L'ostéopathie. Contact. Actualités.

  9. Osteopathe Tours : Romain Verriez, ostéo à Tours

    Votre ostéo DO à Tours et dans le département Indre et Loire (37). Romain Verriez. Ostéopathe à Tours Prendre rendez-vous. 02 47 20 75 52. Accueil. Spécialités. Avis des patients. Contact. ... M. Verriez Romain - 53 Bis Avenue de grammont 37000 TOURS. Réalisation : Pep's Multimedia.

  10. Philippe DUMANOIS Ostéopathe à TOURS 37000

    Présentation du cabinet. Philippe DUMANOIS est Ostéopathe à TOURS en Indre-et-Loire. Depuis 1991, son cabinet est situé à l'adresse : 19 Avenue de Grammont à TOURS. Il reçoit sur rendez-vous, pensez donc à le contacter avant de vous y rendre.

  11. Hugo Saint-Venant, Ostéopathe à Tours : Prise de RDV et Avis!

    Hugo Saint-Venant est professionnel de la thérapie manuelle à Tours. Son cabinet d'ostéopathie est situé 247 avenue de Grammont 37000 Tours. Vous pouvez prendre un rendez-vous pour une séance en appelant au numéro suivant : 06 23 49 93 01.Si vous souhaitez avoir plus de renseignements, vous pouvez visiter son site internet.Si vous avez mal … Continuer la lecture de « Gilles Moreau »

  12. Meilleurs Ostéopathes Tours 37000

    Ostéopathe à Tours, Marc TATARINOFF est membre de l'Association Française et de la Fédération européenne d'Ostéopathie, organismes œuvrant pour la reconnaissance de l'ostéopathie, médecine exclusivement manuelle. ... Avenue grammont - 37000 Tours. Afficher le numéro. SOS Ostéopathie Tours Service d'urgence ostéopathique à domicile ...

  13. Liste des meilleurs ostéopathes à Tours (37000)

    Les ostéopathes à Tours (37000) Trouver un ostéopathe à Tours. Pour la commune : Tours (Indre-et-Loire), vous trouverez la liste des ostéopathes agréés ci-dessous. ... Sarah Cerveaux 88 avenus Grammont, 37000 Tours. Noémie Pousse 34 Rue de la Mairie, 37520 La Riche. Helaine Isabelle 10 rue Rapin, 37000 Tours.

  14. Garcia, Cabinet d'ostéopathie à Tours

    Doctolib. / Cabinet d'ostéopathie. / Indre-et-Loire. / Tours. Signaler un praticien. Prenez RDV en ligne avec Cabinet d'ostéopathie Morin - Garcia: Cabinet d'ostéopathie. Adresse : 86 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours.

  15. The People

    For families or groups of friends, take advantage of the comforts offered by this cosy room for 4 to 6 guests with its own private bathroom. High-speed wifi. Private bathroom. 4 to 6 people. Book your stay at The People Tours youth hostel here. BOOK. You must have already heard about the castles of the Loire valley.

  16. L'Orange Bleue Tours Nord

    180 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours. Bienvenue dans votre centre de remise en forme L'Orange Bleue Tours centre ! Venez vous entraîner dans... "bonne salle de sport. plusieurs équipements. seul bémol, les coachs ne sont pas très souvent disponibles." Club de fitness.

  17. The People

    84 avenue Grammont, Tours, France. 1/28. Check Availability Free Cancellation Book more than 3 days in advance for Free ... This brand-new hostel is located right in the heart of Tours. Tours is not just the best gateway to the Chateaux of the Loire, 2h30 from Paris. It is also a must stop of the Loire à Vélo, and a lively metropolis where it ...

  18. The People

    The People - Tours. 84 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours, France - Très bon emplacement - voir la carte - Accès à la gare. 36 autres photos. Vous pouvez bénéficier d'une réduction Genius dans l'établissement The People - Tours ! Connectez-vous pour économiser. Situé à Tours, l'établissement The People - Tours possède un jardin, un ...

  19. The People

    Hotel deals on The People - Tours in Tours. Book now - online with your phone. 24/7 customer support. 2024 prices, updated photos. ... 84 Avenue de Grammont, Tours City Center, Tours, France, 37000. Excellent 8.9. Location. Property policies. Children and extra beds. Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose. Please check the individual ...

  20. The People

    The People - Tours. 84 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours, France - Great location - show map - Train Access. +36 photos. You're eligible for a Genius discount at The People - Tours! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in . The People - Tours has a garden, shared lounge, a terrace and restaurant in Tours.

  21. 19 avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours

    19 avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours. Estimations de prix MeilleursAgents au 1 août 2024. Comprendre nos prix. Appartement. Prix m2 moyen. 3 769 €. de 2 321 € à 4 968 €. Indice de confiance. Maison.

  22. Stephane BRETON, Masseur-kinésithérapeute à Tours

    L'adresse de Stephane BRETON est 22 Avenue de Grammont, 37000 Tours. Quels sont les horaires d'ouverture de Stephane BRETON ? Stephane BRETON est ouvert: Lundi : 07h40 - 13h00, 14h00 - 17h15; ... Ostéopathe Tours; Masseur-kinésithérapeute Tours; Opticien-lunetier Tours; Pédicure-podologue Tours; Pays: France. Langue:

  23. Avenue de Grammont, 156, Tours

    Get directions to Avenue de Grammont, 156 and view details like the building's postal code, description, photos, and reviews on each business in the building ... Avenue de Grammont, 156, Tours, Arrondissement de Tours, Indre-et-Loire, Centre-Val de Loire. Coordinates: 47.378583, 0.693796. Directions. Overview. Businesses inside.