King County Mobility Coalition

Find a Ride

The current transportation system burdens community members to find rides on their own. This becomes especially tricky for anyone who wants to use specialized transportation services, like volunteer programs or neighborhood shuttles. As part of the burden, community members must know and understand all the complexities within the service networks. They must become experts in different programs' eligibility criteria, scheduling practices, service areas, and other details. 

A "one-call/one-click" system seeks to connect community members to the transportation services that meet their needs through a centralized trip planning and ride-requesting service that is just one call or one click away!

Hopelink Mobility Management and the King County Mobility Coalition have received funding for  Find a Ride's Phase 1, which will create a "one-call/one-click" system for Pierce, King, and Snohomish counties. Read our Find a Ride Roadmap and  business plan  to learn more. 

Please help us get the word out about our new trip planner !

Two people near a car. One person in a wheelchair, the other holding the door open.

A woman who is opening the door to a van with someone standing near her.

Phase 1 Key Project Milestones

  • Inclusive Planning / Community Engagement (2018 -2021)
  • Software Request for Proposal (2022)
  • Software Development (2022-2023) is detailed in the timeline below.
  • Community Engagement and User Testing (2023) is detailed in the timeline below.
  • Phase 1A Evaluation Report  (December 2023)
  • Soft Launch new  trip planner  (March 2024)
  • Social Media Kit (March 2024)
  • Trip Planner helps set new data standard (April 2024)

Data and data feeds are essential in any One-Call/One-Click system. In addition to the milestones above, the project team has developed a  data adoption work plan.   Please learn about our roadmap .

In the News!

The new Find a Ride system represents tremendous progress for specialized transportation and transit technology sectors. Read more about the impact our work is making in these recent articles.

  • Hopelink Reaching Out Magazine
  • Shared Use Mobility Center Study
  • Phase 1 Press Release
  • King County Mobility Coalition Blog
  • Fed grant supports transportation planning tool in WA

Three examples of the new Find a Ride system in action!

The images below are three examples of how the new Find a Ride system could work in our region. These examples highlight the actions taken by a rider, their interactions with the OC/OC system, and actions taken by the transportation provider.  Each image can be enlarged by clicking on it. Alternate text is embedded in them. PDF versions of these resources are available on the Mobility resources page .

king county trip planner

OC/OC Coordination Example 1

Rider Requests Trip Online, Multiple Providers Available. 

king county trip planner

OC/OC Coordination Example 2

Rider Requests Trip by Phone, Multiple Providers Available

king county trip planner

OC/OC Coordination Example 3

Assistor Request Trip on Behalf of Rider, Multiple Providers Available

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the difference between the Find a Ride program and the current website?

Our new  Find a Ride  system will build upon the information-finding capabilities of the current FindARide website. It will provide users with a more detailed and streamlined experience and allow them to plan a trip from start to finish. 

The current FindARide website has long been a passive search tool that allowed users to search for options and be provided with contact information. As of March 2024, the website has a page that links to our new trip planner.

The new Find a Ride system will offer more individualized results as we move forward on our project roadmap. A rider can input their upcoming trip's origin and destination, preferences and accessibility requirements, and other details. The results a traveler receives are tailored to them!

As we move forward with our roadmap, the new Find a Ride system will integrate eligibility determination and ride-requesting. In the future, once you’ve found an option that works for you, you will be able to request a ride in the same place!

How is Find a Ride different from Google Maps, Apple Maps, One Bus Away, Transit App, and other wayfinding, trip planning tools?

Find a Ride differs from many trip-planning tools in two significant ways. 

As we move along our project roadmap, our system will allow people to request a ride from any service that meets their needs in one place without having to call another number or visit another website. We cannot currently book rides on

Currently, our trip planner service allows users to sort options based on several preferences and needs, allowing travelers to find options that meet their unique needs. 

The system includes information on many regional partnering transportation services, including specialized transportation programs like shuttles, deviated fixed-route services, and volunteer programs.

This level of detail distinguishes the new Find a Ride system from other typical applications. 

We aim to influence wider-reaching companies to include all specialized service information in their platforms.

What is a One-Call/One-Click system?

One-Call/One-Click is an umbrella term for a type of technology tool. One-Call/One-Click tools centralize and organize transportation options by providing one place to find information and schedule trips. To learn more about these tools, visit the National Center for Mobility Management resource center on this topic, linked here.

The Central Puget Sound One-Call/One-Click system will be a website and phone number where someone can find all the transportation options that meet their needs and request the service they want to book. Our One-Call/One-Click system will be designed to work for riders and assistors acting on their behalf. It will feature accessibility accommodations and universal design principles so riders can find options that meet their needs.

Is One-Call/One-Click the branded name?

No. One-Call/One-Click is the name of the type of tool we are creating, not the product itself.

The product will be called Find a Ride . 

Find a Ride is already recognized by community members as the place to go for all transportation options in our region. We're excited to improve and expand what Find a Ride can do!

A robust marketing plan will help connect more community members to this resource. We plan to launch full marketing in 2023. 

What is the timeline to implement Find a Ride?

As of early 2022, the One-Call/One-Click implementation project is in our work’s planning and design phase. We began user testing in the Spring of 2023; The trip planner was launched in March 2024. This is the first phase of our roadmap.

The Find a Ride system's development is iterative. The system will be under constant review, design, and improvement processes. As the years go by, we will build more features and integrations into the system, constantly improving trip planning and ride-requesting features for community members. 

Please learn about our Find a Ride Roadmap . 

Who is eligible to use Find a Ride?

Every community member is eligible to use the new Find a Ride system! This free service aims to connect people to the best transportation options across Pierce, Snohomish, and King counties.

We are grateful for the guidance and support of our Advisory Committee.

As a project of Hopelink and the King County Mobility Coalition, the new Find a Ride system will be designed to serve the needs of community members who are often left out of the transportation network. This includes but is not limited to, older adults, people with disabilities, people with limited income, and people who speak languages other than English.

Focusing on the unique needs of these community members as we build this tool will ensure that it will work well for everyone.

What is the cost of using this service?

Using this service is free! Riders only pay for the transportation services used.

Which Central Puget Sound counties do you serve?

The new Find a Ride will eventually support trip planning and ride requests for transportation services in King County and Washington State’s Central Puget Sound region. Currently, we are working with partners in Pierce, Snohomish, and King counties.

What are some of the accessibility features of the new Find a Ride system?

Accessibility and universal utility are central to the design of the Central Puget Sound One-Call/One-Click system. The project team is working to ensure this tool is accessible to all community members, especially people with disabilities. The website and phone number will feature high-quality accessibility features, including screen readers, translation, and interpretation services.

Accessibility features have been identified and prioritized through extensive, inclusive planning and community engagement. Before launch, we will beta-test the system with community members to ensure access and functional needs are accounted for.  If you want to provide input for specific system features, please email or call Laura Loe at [email protected] or 425-941-6791.

Is the new Find a Ride system only accessible online? Do you need access to the internet?

The new Find a Ride system will be accessible via a website and phone number. Either option will connect to the tool and connect people to transportation options that meet their needs.

A vital feature of the new Find a Ride system is its accessibility via the website and phone number. It also takes a no-wrong-door approach. Our team is building a network of partners and those assisting who will know how to use the tool and request trips on behalf of clients.

What is the in-language support service?

The new Find a Ride system will integrate with translation and interpretation services already used by our agency. Front-line staff will connect to interpretation services for callers who want to communicate in languages other than English.

Translation and transcreation of web materials are also a part of the iterative and inclusive development and engagement plan.

Need trip planning support today?

To receive support for an upcoming trip, you may visit our current trip discovery website .

For phone support for trips that begin in Pierce and Snohomish Counties, please learn more . 

If you have additional questions for King County, we provide one-on-one support in finding unique transportation options that fit your needs. The Mobility Line is open from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Call (425) 943-6760, Extension 2

If we are unavailable, leave a voicemail, and we will return your call within two business days. To learn more about this service, or to get help with transportation, please get in touch with us as noted below. To request printed outreach materials, please email [email protected]

Current Phase Timeline for the OC/OC project. Development in Fall 2022 & Spring 2023, production site in March, User Testing & Accessibility focus Spring & Summer 2023; Community Testin Fall 2023, Trip Planner Soft Launch Winter 2024,

Project History:

The need for this system was identified by the King County Mobility Coalition’s Access to Healthcare subcommittee. At that table, we learned about the complexity of the current transportation system and how it intersects with people's meeting their healthcare needs.

The One-Call/One-Click work progressed through the King County Mobility Coalition’s  Inclusive Planning  project. We engaged with community members directly to learn about their experience accessing specialized services. We learned of the burdens and barriers that our current system places on the end-user. 

Since 2017, the King County Mobility Coalition and the Hopelink Mobility Management team, together with our partners, have been building toward this tool. We are excited to continue the work and bring this technology to our region!

Advisory Committee:

We are grateful for the work of our One-Call/One-Click Advisory Committee. It is an intentionally inclusive and cross-sector group of community advocates and transportation program representatives who provide feedback and guidance on key milestones of the One-Call/One-Click Phase 1 development to launch our Find a Ride system.

Resources and Learning:

As we move through scheduled phases towards the new Find a Ride program, check back here for the latest updates!

  • Current Find a Ride Roadmap
  • One-Call/One-Click Resources Page
  • September 2021 Press Release
  • Data Adoption Workplan
  • November 2023 User Testing Report
  • December 2023 Every Ride Counts Pilot Marketing Report
  • December 2023 Phase 1a Project Evaluation
  • March 2024 Social Media Toolkit

Our Funding Partners

king county trip planner

All Rights Reserved | King County Mobility Coalition

Google Translate

We currently offer language translations on our site primarily through Google Translate. This helps visitors find and use information in the languages they speak, but the tool is not perfect. Automated translation may be inaccurate or errors may display on translated pages.

Google Translate is an external website. King County does not control the quality or accuracy of translated content.

Language and region

Please choose a language

About King County expand_more

  • Departments
  • Employee resources
  • King County TV (KCTV)

Animals Pests & Pets expand_more

  • Pet adoption
  • Regional Animal Services (RASKC)
  • Pet licenses
  • Animal Control
  • Diseases from animals
  • Getting rid of rats and mice

Buildings And Property expand_more

  • Parcel viewer property search
  • Property tax payment information
  • Property research
  • Property tax assessments (residential)
  • Parcel sales search
  • Property information - eReal property
  • Plumbing and gas piping
  • Property Tax Advisor

Certificates, Permits, And Licenses expand_more

  • Marriage licenses
  • Birth certificates
  • Death certificates
  • Gun (concealed pistol) licenses
  • Car, truck, and boat licenses
  • Food business permits

Courts, Jails, & Legal System expand_more

  • Adult jails
  • Apply for a passport
  • Find someone in jail
  • Sex offender registry

Data and information services expand_more

  • GIS maps and applications
  • iMap - interactive mapping tool
  • Online records search
  • Recorder's office

Governance And Leadership expand_more

  • Elected officials (all)
  • King County Council members
  • King County Executive Dow Constantine

Health And Safety expand_more

  • Environmental Health Services
  • Restaurant safety ratings
  • Mental health services

Human And Social Services expand_more

  • Eviction Prevention and Rent Assistance Program
  • Crisis services
  • Best Starts for Kids
  • Homeless Housing Program
  • Veterans Program
  • Behavioral health and recovery

Nature and Recreation expand_more

  • Noxious weeds
  • Marymoor Park
  • Parks and recreation
  • Facility rentals
  • Climate change
  • Flood service warning system

Transit, Transportation, and Roads expand_more

  • Metro schedules and maps
  • Transit GO ticket
  • Metro fares
  • Traffic cameras
  • Road closures
  • Rail travel

Waste Services expand_more

  • Solid waste facilities
  • Mattress disposal/recycling
  • Reducing food waste
  • Wastewater capacity charge
  • Paint recycling
  • Garbage, recycling, and compost services
  • Compost and yard waste

About Trip Planner

Discover how our Trip Planner can help you find the quickest routes, real-time departures, and essential transit information.


Making it easier to plan your trip

Plan a trip by typing in an address, choosing a landmark or clicking a point on a map. Find route maps, schedules, stops, next departures and real-time tracking.

Get your trip plan into gear

Need more options when planning your trip? Select the “gear” icon and a new screen will allow you to specify your departure or arrive times and dates, route options and modes of travel.

king county trip planner

Improved address and location recognition

The search functionality is enhanced for improved recognition of addresses, locations and landmarks.

king county trip planner

Next departure and schedule lookup

View real time next departure predictions at stops, or access scheduled timetable information.

king county trip planner

Tracker integration

Tracker is now integrated, allowing quick access to map views of real time vehicle locations.

king county trip planner

Point-to-point functionality

View a list of direct transit trips operating between two points within a specified time window.

king county trip planner

Easy access to alerts

View associated alerts in trip itineraries, stop displays and route information.

king county trip planner

View nearby stops and passing routes

See stops closest to your current location and identify the paths of nearby transit service.

king county trip planner

We want your feedback

Once you’ve tried the Trip Planner please give us feedback about your experience.

We're here to help

Call Metro’s Customer Information line at 206-553-3000 on weekdays from 6 am to 6 pm for assistance with stop IDs and transit information.

Related topics

Next departures, text for departures, lịch trình và bản đồ.

Log Your Trips Learn About Rewards

menu open

  • For Commuters
  • For Businesses

Sound Transit 2 Line is Here!

Maps and information, orca: one regional card for all, personalized commute assistance, apps and technology, accessibility.

Go ahead, relax. Someone else is driving! Our area’s extensive transit network makes traveling car-free a snap. Bellevue is served by King County Metro and Sound Transit buses. Sounder Commuter Rail and Link Light Rail including the 2 Line that connects to nearby transit hubs.

New to Transit?

Through our Try Transit program we’ll give you an ORCA card loaded with $25 in credit to help you get started.  We also provide custom commute assistance to help you navigate your trip. Just fill out this form .

Get Started

Find everything you need to know about riding the 2 Line, including safety tips, bringing your bike and ways to connect to other parts of the Eastside from Sound Transit .

2 Line Stations

    South Bellevue Station ( station bus connection info )

   East Main ( station bus connection info )

   Downtown Bellevue Station ( station bus connection info )

   Wilburton ( station bus connection info )

   Spring District ( station bus connection info )

   BelRed ( station bus connection info )

   Overlake ( station bus connection info )

   Redmond Technology ( station bus connection info )

Station Access Map

Link Lightrail Map and Schedules

  • How to ride the bus
  • How to ride the train

There’s a map for that. Find transit options headed where you are, for when you want to get there.

Bus Maps and Schedules:

  • King County Metro transit system maps
  • Northeast area transit map (includes Bellevue)
  • King County Metro schedules
  • Sound Transit schedules
  • FindARide interactive map for accessibility needs

Rail Maps and Schedules:

  • Move Redmond 2 Line Station Access Map
  • Sounder train schedules – north (Lakewood to Seattle)
  • Sounder train schedules – south (Seattle to Everett)
  • Sound Transit map
  • Link Light Rail map and schedules

Fare Information:

  • Sounder train fares
  • Link Light Rail fares
  • King County Metro bus fares
  • Sound Transit bus fares

ORCA makes it easy. Use one card to travel with seven regional transit agencies: King County Metro, Sound Transit, Community Transit, Everett Transit, Pierce Transit, Kitsap Transit and the Washington State Ferries.

Just tap your ORCA card on the card reader to automatically deduct the correct fare and keep track of transfers. Purchase an ORCA card at .

New to Transit? Through our Try Transit program we’ll give you an ORCA card loaded with $25 in credit to help you get started. For more information visit our  Try the Bus on Us request form .

ORCA For Business  - ORCA is available for businesses through two different programs, Business Choice or Business Passport . Each have different benefits depending on what you're looking for and the size of your business. Take a look at this chart to see the key differences between each option. We can help you out, head over to Choose Your Way Bellevue's Business Page  for more info.

Leave the planning to us. Use our Commute Assistance Request form to tell us your schedule and travel route, and we’ll create a customized commute plan for free — no commitment required.

Open app page.

Desktop version also available.

Open app page.

Google Maps

Open app page.

Puget Sound Trip Planner

Open app page.

Try the new and improved Puget Sound Trip Planner, it now includes upgraded accessibility features and a responsive design for mobile users, along with a list of other notable enhancements. Plan your transit trips around the Puget Sound region; the tool gives you step-by-step instructions for using transit to get from your trip’s start location to its end. The app version combines regional trip planning with real-time arrivals, and provides route and schedule information with map views. Includes bus, train, light rail, streetcar, ferry, water taxi and the Monorail.

Transit Go Ticket

Open app page.

TransitGo Rewards: When a rider completes a Transit GO Rewards campaign, they are rewarded with points, which can then be redeemed for transit fares or credit for any of the bike or scooter-share systems that operate in the Seattle area. (Note that bike and scooter-share are not currently operating in Bellevue.) Current redemption partners include Sound Transit, Kitsap Transit, Seattle Streetcar, Lime, Veo, Bird Link scooter, and of course, Metro buses and water taxis.

Choose Your Way Bellevue

Open app page.

You’re already viewing the Choose Your Way Bellevue website, which convenes tools and information to help you get around Bellevue sustainably. The platform now has a mobile app that puts this content at your fingertips-use the app to learn about and plan your travel, log your trips and earn rewards! 

FindARide is a service of Hopelink that helps people with special mobility needs get around. Type information about your origin and destination, together with your accessibility needs, and the tool will display a list of transportation services. Details displayed include whether the service allows you to simply "show up and ride" or you need to reserve the service ahead of time.

Desktop/mobile-optimized only; app not available.

One Bus Away

Open app page.

Find-a-Ride is web-based with a phone number provided, but its new trip planner is mobile-first; if viewing on a desktop browser, narrow your window for the best user experience.

Riding transit is a great option for people with special needs.

  • Seniors, people with disabilities and those on Medicare are eligible for Regional Reduced Fare Permits .
  • ORCA provides a discounted daily per-ride rate for riders with disabilities.
  • All public transit buses are outfitted with wheelchair ramps and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
  • The Puget Sound Trip Planner (for transit trips) allows you to specify how far you’d like to walk and filter routes based on accessibility.
  • Service animals and personal care assistants ride with you for free on Sound Transit and King County Metro.
  • Access Transportation is a paratransit service that takes you anywhere a Metro bus, Seattle streetcar or Sound Transit light rail goes, at the time it is scheduled.
  • The  Transportation Resources Line (a service of  Hopelink Mobility Management ) can provide you with one-on-one support in finding unique transportation options that fit your needs. The Mobility line is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you leave a voicemail, Hopelink will return your call within two business days. To learn more, please email  [email protected] ; call 425-943-6760, ext. 2; or complete Hopelink's  online form .
  • FindARide , a service of Hopelink , helps people with special mobility needs get around King County. Type information about your origin and destination, together with your accessibility needs, and the tool will display a list of transportation services.

Learn more by viewing the accessibility pages for King County Metro and Sound Transit , as well as the  King County Mobility Coalition  web page.


  1. About the New Trip Planner

    king county trip planner

  2. Trip Planner General Information

    king county trip planner

  3. Trip Planner General Information

    king county trip planner

  4. Trip Planner General Information

    king county trip planner

  5. Trip Planner General Information

    king county trip planner

  6. Trip Planner General Information

    king county trip planner


  1. King County Metro Transit

    Get Trip Plan. Go to the King County home page. Desktop Version ...

  2. INFO-Web Transit Information

    Plan your trip, view departure times, and track vehicles in real time with INFO-Web Transit Information. You need JavaScript enabled in your browser to use this site.

  3. About Trip Planner

    Plan your trip with Trip Planner, a mobile and web app that provides route maps, schedules, stops, next departures and real-time tracking for King County Metro. You can also access alerts, view nearby stops and passing routes, and give feedback.

  4. Rider tools

    Find transit directions, schedules, maps, alerts and more with King County Metro's rider tools. Learn how to ride, park, bike, use SchoolPool and stay safe on transit.

  5. King County Metro Transit

    Explore King County Metro Transit route schedules and plan your trip with ease on their official website.

  6. Mobile and web apps

    Explore our collection of mobile and web applications specifically designed to enhance your transit experience. From real-time updates and efficient trip planning to convenient ticketing, these apps cater to the diverse needs of transit customers. Discover the power of these innovative tools and embark on a seamless and hassle-free journey ...

  7. About the New Trip Planner

    Plan your trip with the new Trip Planner that includes multiple modes of travel, interactive maps, route schedules and service advisories. See screen shots and give feedback on the new features.

  8. King County Metro Transit

    Find the next bus departure time and stop number for any location in King County. Enter the date, time and stop number to get the next departures for your route.

  9. Metro's updated web-based Trip Planner offers better searching, real

    Learn how to use the new features of King County Metro's Puget Sound Trip Planner, such as real-time departure predictions, enhanced search function, and trip planning options. The web-based Trip Planner is live and accessible for mobile users.

  10. About Trip Planner

    King County Executive Dow Constantine; King County Council members; Health And Safety expand_more COVID-19; Environmental Health Services; Restaurant safety ratings ... About Trip Planner Discover how our Trip Planner can help you find the quickest routes, real-time departures, and essential transit information. ...

  11. Trip Planner

    For help planning your bus trip, contact Everett Transit's Customer Service Center at 425-257-7777 and have the following ready: Pen and paper. Starting address or cross streets. Ending address or cross streets. Time and date you want to take your trip.

  12. Visitor's Guide to Using Public Transit in the Seattle area

    Plan your trip using Google Maps or visit the King County Metro trip planner to plan your trip. Additional resources are available below: ... For example, if you have a $2.75 PugetPass and start your trip by riding a King County Metro bus, then transfer to a Sound Transit light rail trip that costs $3.50, you will only be charged the fare ...

  13. Find a Ride Program

    Hopelink Mobility Management and the King County Mobility Coalition have received funding for Find a Ride's Phase 1, which will create a "one-call/one-click" system for Pierce, King, and Snohomish counties. Read our Find a Ride Roadmap and business plan to learn more. Please help us get the word out about our new trip planner!

  14. About Trip Planner

    King County does not control the quality or accuracy of translated content. Language and region. Please choose a language. search Search. Global Navigation. About King County expand_more Careers; Departments; Employee resources; King County TV (KCTV) Animals Pests & Pets ...

  15. Alerts

    Dept. of Transportation Metro Transit Division. King Street Center 201 S. Jackson St Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 553-3000

  16. Transit

    Works on the following services: King County Metro Transit buses and Metro Community Vans, King County Water Taxi, Sound Transit Link and Sounder, Seattle Streetcar and Monorail. ... Find-a-Ride is web-based with a phone number provided, but its new trip planner is mobile-first; if viewing on a desktop browser, narrow your window for the best ...

  17. King County Metro Transit


  18. Metro

    Starting Sept. 14, King County Metro will increase bus service, including on evenings and weekends. С 14 сентября транспортное управление Metro округа King расширит автобусное обслуживание, в том числе в вечернее время и в выходные дни. A ...

  19. Route suspended? Updated travel options are available to help riders

    In the coming weeks, Metro's Trip Planner and Puget Sound Trip Planner app will be up to date for planning trips on or after Oct. 2. Some routes that are currently suspended in North King County will be replaced Oct. 2 with new or revised routes that will begin operating as part of the North Link Connections Mobility Project.

  20. Public Transportation Options

    Use the King County Metro trip planner to get to your destination. Go. Plastic Bag Ordinance. Banning plastic bags reduces pollution, litter and waste. Find out which bags are okay to use when you shop. Go. Police - Headquarters. File a police report, find jail information, or learn about traffic school. Get involved to make your community safer.

  21. Bus service

    Trailhead Direct is a pilot project co-led by King County Metro and King County Parks. This project seeks to ease vehicle congestion, reduce safety hazards and expand access to hiking destinations along I-90. ... Related topics Trip Planner. Plan a trip by typing in an address, choosing a landmark or clicking a point on a map. Bikes and transit ...

  22. Transit Planning

    Dept. of Transportation Metro Transit Division. King Street Center 201 S. Jackson St Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 553-3000

  23. Schedules and maps

    Find a schedule. A Line - Tukwila International Boulevard Station, Federal Way Transit Center C Line - South Lake Union, Downtown Seattle, West Seattle, Alaska Junction, Fauntleroy, Westwood Village D Line - Crown Hill, Ballard, Interbay, Uptown, Downtown Seattle E Line - Aurora Village Transit Center, Shoreline, Bitter Lake, West Green Lake ...