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Buchen Sie eine Seine-Bootsfahrt mit Abendessen

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Wählen Sie Ihr Erlebnis

Paris verzaubert als eine der meistbesuchten Städte der Welt jeden Tag unzählige Menschen. Die Stadt der Liebe ist für historische Denkmäler, charmante Alleen, üppige Parks, köstliches Baguette sowie herrlichen Käse und Wein bekannt. Unter den zahlreichen Pariser Erlebnissen sticht eines als besonders romantisch hervor: eine Seine-Schifffahrt mit einem französischen Abendessen.

Von der friedlichen Seine aus sehen Sie, wie die Pariser Wahrzeichen vor dem Nachthimmel erstrahlen. Während sich die Stadt der Lichter vor Ihren Augen entfaltet, lassen Sie sich die köstliche französische Küche mit einem guten Wein schmecken. In Begleitung von unterhaltsamer Live-Musik fahren Sie an berühmten Pariser Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbei, die die Stadt zum Leuchten bringen, darunter der Eiffelturm , der Louvre und der Arc de Triomphe .

Alles, was Sie für Ihre Seine-Fahrt mit Abendessen wissen müssen, erfahren Sie hier:

Die Vorteile einer Seine-Bootsfahrt mit Abendessen

Bei einer Seine-Fahrt mit Abendessen entdecken Sie die französische Hauptstadt aus einer ganz anderen Perspektive: Auf der ruhigen Seine erleben Sie, wie die Stadt der Lichter bei Nacht erwacht und die berühmten Pariser Wahrzeichen vor dem romantischen Nachthimmel erstrahlen. Ihre Abendfahrt wird von einem der beiden besten Unternehmen für Seine-Fahrten organisiert ( Bateaux Parisiens oder Bateaux Mouches ) und sorgt für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis.

Neben der Aussicht auf die schönen Wahrzeichen genießen Sie bei dieser Fahrt auch köstliche französische Delikatessen und Weine. Vegetarische Gerichte können ebenfalls im Voraus bestellt werden. Damit Sie die Seine-Fahrt sowohl an wärmeren als auch kälteren Tagen genießen können, findet die Fahrt auf einem klimatisierten bzw. beheizten Schiff statt. Für eine ungehinderte Aussicht sorgen das klare Glasdach und die großen Fenster – so können Sie Ihr Erlebnis rundum genießen.

Neben den Abendfahrten werden auch Seine-Fahrten mit Mittagessen angeboten.

Seine-Bootsfahrt: Sehenswürdigkeiten

Auf Ihrer Seine-Fahrt mit Abendessen kommen Sie unter anderem an den folgenden Pariser Wahrzeichen vorbei:

Seine Bootsfahrt Abendessen

Diese mittelalterliche katholische Kathedrale ist eines der berühmtesten Wahrzeichen von Paris. Sie wurde 1345 fertiggestellt, doch wird derzeit nach einem verheerenden Brand im Jahr 2019 renoviert. Hier befinden sich die Dornenkrone und die Kreuznägel, was die Kathedrale Note-Dame de Paris zu einem wichtigen Ort der Christenheit macht.

Seine Bootsfahrt Abendessen

Der Louvre ist eines der größten und renommiertesten Museen der Welt. Das 1793 eröffnete Museum war ursprünglich ein königlicher Palast. Im Jahr 1989 wurde dem Museum die ikonische Glaspyramide hinzugefügt. Heute befinden sich im Louvre über 35.000 Kunstwerke und Artefakte aus der ganzen Welt.

Grand Palais Paris

Grand Palais

Mitten im Herzen von Paris an der berühmten Avenue des Champs-Élysées wurde dieses massive Ausstellungsgebäude zur Weltausstellung von 1900 errichtet. Das im Stil der Beaux-Arts-Architektur erbaute Monument ist von großer historischer Bedeutung und wird jedes Jahr von über einer Million Menschen besucht.

Conciergerie Paris


Dieses einstige Gefängnis befindet sich im Westen der Île de la Cité und wird heute als Pariser Gerichtsgebäude genutzt. Die Conciergerie ist eine beliebte Touristenattraktion in Paris, die teilweise für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich ist.

Les Invalides Paris

Hôtel des Invalides

Les Invalides ist ein Komplex aus Gebäuden, Museen und Denkmälern, die mit dem französischen Militär in Verbindung stehen. Im 1793 fertiggestellten Gebäudekomplex befindet sich auch der Dôme des Invalides, der mit 107 Metern die höchste Kirche der Stadt ist.

Abendliche Seine Bootsfahrt

Institut de France

Eines der Highlights der vielen schönen Pariser Bauwerke ist das Institut de France, das im architektonischen Stil des Classique errichtet wurde. Diese wissenschaftliche Vereinigung besteht aus fünf Académies und verwaltet über 1.000 Stiftungen.


Seine Bootsfahrt Abendessen

Bateaux Parisiens

Es werden vier verschiedene Abendfahrten angeboten:

  • Service Étoile: Vorspeise + Hauptspeise + Dessert
  • Service Découverte: ein Glas Champagner, Vorspeise + Hauptspeise + Dessert
  • Service Privilège: Fensterplatz, ein Glas Champagner, Vorspeise + Hauptspeise + Käse + Dessert, Auswahl an feinen Weinen
  • Service Premier: Platz im vorderen Schiffsbereich, zwei Gläser Champagner (Aperitif und Dessert), Appetizer + Vorspeise + Hauptspeise + Käse + Dessert, Auswahl an feinen Weinen

Bateaux Mouches

Es werden das Prestige Menu und das Excellence Menu angeoten.

Seine Bootsfahrt Abendessen

Abfahrt: donnerstags bis samstags

Ruhetage: sonntags bis mittwochs

Abfahrt: jeden Abend

Boarding: 19:30 bis 20:15 Uhr

Fahrzeit: von 20:30 bis 22:45 Uhr

Seine Bootsfahrt Abendessen

Die Bateaux Parisiens-Anlegestelle befindet sich am Fuße des Eiffelturms (Port de la Bourdonnais – 75007 Paris).

  • Metro: Linie 6 – Bir-Hakeim und Linie 9 – Trocadéro
  • RER Zug C: Bahnhof Champs de Mars – Tour Eiffel
  • Bus: 42 und 92

Die Schiffe legen an der Brücke Pont de l'Alma – Paris, Arrondissement 8, ab.

  • Metro: Linie 9 – Alma-Marceau und Linie 1 – Franklin Roosevelt
  • RER Zug C: Bahnhof Pont de l’Alma
  • Bus: 28, 42, 49, 63, 72, 80, 83, 92

Tipps für eine Seine-Schifffahrt mit Abendessen

  • Seine-Schifffahrten mit Abendessen sind ein beliebtes Erlebnis in Paris und schnell ausverkauft. Buchen Sie Ihre Tickets am besten im Voraus online, um die Seine-Fahrt am Tag Ihrer Wahl zu unternehmen.
  • Die Fahrgäste werden gebeten, sich angemessen und elegant zu kleiden. Das Tragen von Sportkleidung, Flip-Flops, kurzen Hosen und Baseballmützen ist an Bord nicht gestattet.
  • Kinder unter 11 Jahren genießen ermäßigte Ticketpreise für die Seine-Fahrten mit Abendessen von Bateaux Mouches.
  • Die Fahrgäste werden gebeten, mindestens 20 Minuten vor der Abfahrt an der Einstiegsstelle einzutreffen.
  • Da es abends an Bord kühl werden kann, wird den Gästen empfohlen, eine leichte Jacke mitzunehmen.
  • Die Fahrgäste werden gebeten, die Maskenpflicht und den Sicherheitsabstands einzuhalten.

Häufig gestellte Fragen: Seine-Bootsfahrten mit Abendessen

Obwohl der Ticketkauf vor Ort möglich ist, wird den Fahrgästen empfohlen, ihre Seine-Tickets online zu buchen. Auf www.seine-river-cruises.com/de/ erhalten Sie exklusive Angebote und können Ihre Seine-Abendfahrt problemlos buchen.

Sowohl die spätabendliche Seine-Fahrt mit Abendessen und Live-Musik von Bateaux Mouches als auch die Bateaux Parisiens Fahrt mit Abendessen und optionalem Champagner bieten ein unglaubliches Erlebnis auf der Seine von den beiden besten Pariser Seine-Fahrtsunternehmen.

Nein, für gewöhnlich finden die Pariser Seine-Fahrten mit Abendessen ohne Reiseleiter statt.

Je nach der gebuchtem Ticketvariante können Seine-Tickets bis zu 72 Stunden im Voraus bzw. gar nicht storniert werden. Prüfen Sie am besten die Stornierungsbedingungen, bevor Sie Ihre Tickets buchen.

Tickets für eine kulinarische Seine-Schifffahrt sind nur an dem bei der Buchung gewählten Datum gültig.

Die Seine-Schifffahrt mit Abendessen dauert etwas länger als zwei Stunden.

Ja, auf den Seine-Schifffahrten mit Abendessen werden auch vegetarische Gerichte serviert.

Auf Wunsch können die alkoholischen Getränke durch Softdrinks ersetzt werden.

Logo Ducasse sur Seine

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Ducasse sur Seine


Book a lunch cruise or a Dinner cruise in Paris

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A cruise on Ducasse sur Seine is an experience like no other. it offers the pleasure of today's Parisian haute cuisine and the feeling of sliding down the Seine thanks to a perfectly clean and silent electric propulsion .Paris thus unfold all of its beauty in front of the eyes of the gourmet travellers who relish it as if in a dream.

Discover our menus

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Spaces to privatized

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Ready for castoff ? The boat slides away from the dock without a sound. The traveler can barely tell that the ship has started moving. Only the sound of water lapping against the hull might be heard if ones listens closely. The service starts, the meal has begun. Not a single engine exhaust smell will disturb it. Through the large windows, the paris scenery unfolds as if on a big screen. The cruise runs like a dream. The traveller float down the river as if in a bubble where the pleasure of the table compete with the pleasures of the city, where everything is elegance and hospitality.

Onboard, discover our menu elaborated in duo by Alain Ducasse and the boat's chef Jean-Philippe Berens . They offer you a refined, seasonal and contemporary French cuisine made on the spot with fresh product made on the spot delivered to the boat in the early morning. To enhance your meal, let yourself be advised by our head sommelier who will present you with a wine list of 100 references from exceptional terroirs , ranging from the great classics to tommorrow's bottles, while striving to honour responsible vineyards and respected ecosystems.


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Nothing changes, our dinner cruises are waiting for you.

Concerned about your well-being and safety, we have put in place measures to provide you with the best possible experience.

Caring Attitude Member #parisjetaime

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Le capitaine fracasse.

Parisian Dinner Cruise

"Make dinner an experience equal to the magic of the Seine"

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Feu d'artifice vue de la Seine - Menu spécial 14 juillet

boat trip seine dinner cruise

New musical cruise

Les Vedettes de la Seine : a temporary shutdown for reopening after the outbreak

Dinner cruises organized for many years for everyone's happiness, for you dear clients, and for us, the organizers, who take pleasure in welcoming you, shaking your hand, kissing you and even making a toast to your successes and joys, must be suspended for the benefit of all.

There is only one solution, the resolution to be responsible and therefore to stop our Events... But when this epidemic will be overcome, the whole team will have the joy to welcome you again and we will then be able to drink a toast together : the festivities will be even more beautiful !

Together, let's be resilient, disciplined, responsible and united for the pleasure of seeing each other again very soon!


boat trip seine dinner cruise


Cruise of about 1:30

Menu : Pastries Plate & Plate of salty flavors  Boissons : Hot drink + Fruit juice

special price  for children under 12 years old.

Valentine’s Day

Valentine's day formula 2024.

Cruise on the Seine about 2 hours 

1 rose offered per couple Menu : Amuse-bouche | Starter | Main course | Dessert Drinks : 1 glass of Bassan bubble per Person + 1 Bottle of wine (75cl) for 2 persons* + 50cl of still or sparkling water per person


Cruise of about 2 hours

Menu : Starter | Main Course | Dessert Drinks : A glass of sparkling wine per person + A 75cl bottle of wine * for two + 50cl of still or sparkling water per person + Coffee or Tea


Menu : Starter | Main | Dessert Drinks : Wine Pairing + 50cl of still or sparkling water per person + Coffee or Tea

Experience a memorable evening aboard the Capitaine Fracasse.

A gourmet and romantic escape on the Seine

Come aboard the Capitaine Fracasse for an enchanting two-hour cruise through the heart of Paris, departing from the Pont Bir-Hakeim, close to the Eiffel Tower. Discover a unique perspective on the jewels of the capital, from the majestic Eiffel Tower to the mysterious Louvre Museum, in an intimate and romantic setting.

A visual and culinary feast

Our dinner cruise on the Seine is an invitation to savor Paris and its architectural wonders, while enjoying refined cuisine. Ideal for a romantic evening or a memorable business dinner, the Capitaine Fracasse promises to transform your evening into an unforgettable experience.

Book your dinner cruise aboard the Capitaine Fracasse and let Paris reveal itself to you, on the waves, in an enchanting setting.


A comfortable cruise

Free WiFi on board the boat

Public parking nearby

Fresh food cooked on board

Vue panoramique Panoramic view

boat trip seine dinner cruise


Our customers love us!

We have numerous reviews from customers

  • Avis TripAdvisor


Spend a magical evening aboard the Capitaine Fracasse illuminated by fireworks : 

Fireworks seen from the Seine Special Menu: Amuse-bouche | Starter | Main course | Dessert  (vegan menu on request) Drinks:   1 glass of Champagne | 1 bottle of superior wine (75cl for 2) | 1 bottle of water (50cl per person) | coffee or tea

Sunday 14th of July 2024 Boarding: 7:30pm Departure: 8pm Return: 1am, after the fireworks

boat trip seine dinner cruise

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Cruises on the Seine in Paris since 1959

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Vedettes du Pont Neuf

  • Timetables for our cruises

boat trip seine dinner cruise

  • 1h daytime or evening discovery cruise

1-hour snack cruise on the Seine

  • Relaxation cruise on a 100% electric boat
  • Cruise tour on July 18th and 19th
  • Cruise Canal Saint Martin + Seine

La Parisienne Champagne & Macarons Cruise

  • La Parisienne Cruise: charcuterie board
  • "Happy Hour" cruise on the Seine
  • Cruise on the Seine & 2H Paris City Tour
  • Lunch-Dinner cruise
  • Bastille Day cruises 2024
  • Beaujolais Nouveau Cruise 21 November 2024
  • New Year's Eve cruises 2024 December 31
  • Valentine's Day cruises
  • Groups / Privatisations
  • The company

boat trip seine dinner cruise

1-hour discovery cruise: the secrets of Paris

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Accompanied by a guide, you will go back in time on the most beautiful historical axis of Paris: the Seine. Discover all its secrets through numerous anecdotes: sail quietly on board one of our panoramic boats.

Time-stamped e-ticket : 14 € 16€ 8 € 10€ Open ticket valid for 1 year : 15 € 16€ 8 € 10€ - Promo Web !

No cruise available today, please choose another date... or discover our other cruises .

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Retrieving available cruises...

boat trip seine dinner cruise

◣ Click to discover more cruises on ... ◣

All our cruises on the Seine and on the Canal Saint Martin

Since 1959, vedettes du pont neuf and canauxrama have been offering the most complete range of cruises in paris and île de france..

Discovery cruises: the secrets of Paris

Accompanied by a guide, you will go back in time on the most beautiful historical axis of Paris: the Seine. Discover all its secrets through numerous…

1h sightseeing cruise on the Seine

13.00€ / pers

"Happy Hour" cruise on the Seine (1 hour)

Our boat and its bar welcome you during this unique 1 hour cruise in Paris; the soft musical atmosphere on board will plunge you into the magical…

boat trip seine dinner cruise

23.00€ / pers instead of 25.00€

Our boat and its bar welcome you during this unique 1 hour cruise in Paris; the soft musical atmosphere on board will plunge you into the magical atmosphere of Paris at the end of the day; the first drink (champagne, wine, beer or soft drinks) is included.

Cruise on the Canal Saint Martin and the Seine (duration 2 hours)

Discover Paris differently! Let yourself be surprised by this unique and atypical cruise which combines the charms of the Canal Saint-Martin, the…

boat trip seine dinner cruise

25.00€ / pers

Discover Paris differently! Let yourself be surprised by this unique and atypical cruise which combines the charms of the Canal Saint-Martin, the heart of Paris for Parisians, and the Seine of historic Paris.

From our exclusive embarkation points, the Ile de la Cité or the Port de l'Arsenal at the foot of the Place de la Bastille, sail off to discover a…

Champagne and macarons cruise on the Seine with Vedettes du Pont Neuf

35.00€ / pers

From our exclusive embarkation points, the Ile de la Cité or the Port de l'Arsenal at the foot of the Place de la Bastille, sail off to discover a magical Paris. Enjoy a glass of champagne and a trio of macarons from the sun deck with its panoramic view, or in the covered dining room of our human-sized boat. You can enhance your cruise with an optional charcuterie and cheese board (+13€).

"Discovery” lunch cruise

Enjoy a lunch cruise at an exclusive price with France Tourisme. Admire the iconic monuments of Paris while savoring home-cooked cuisine prepared by…

boat trip seine dinner cruise

66.00€ / pers

Enjoy a lunch cruise at an exclusive price with France Tourisme. Admire the iconic monuments of Paris while savoring home-cooked cuisine prepared by our chef!

Share an original, magical and playful moment with your family! Departing from the oldest bridge in Paris, the Pont Neuf, this one-hour cruise on the…

boat trip seine dinner cruise

20.00€ / pers instead of 22.00€

Share an original, magical and playful moment with your family! Departing from the oldest bridge in Paris, the Pont Neuf, this one-hour cruise on the Seine is animated and specially designed for children. A snack is also included.

Dinner cruise Bistronomique, departure from Alexandre III bridge

An unforgettable cruise to discover all the wonders of Paris in a cozy and musical atmosphere on the Seine. A refined and seasonal dinner for an…

boat trip seine dinner cruise

from 55.00€ / pers

An unforgettable cruise to discover all the wonders of Paris in a cozy and musical atmosphere on the Seine. A refined and seasonal dinner for an exceptional price!

Champagne Relax cruise on our brand-new 100% electric boat

A friendly 1h30 cruise on the Seine with a free drink! Make yourself comfortable on board our new electric boat and discover Paris and its monuments.

boat trip seine dinner cruise

30.00€ / pers instead of 35.00€

Dinner cruise, "Romantic Paris"

At the foot of the Musée d'Orsay, enjoy a unique gastronomic experience with refined, home-cooked cuisine prepared by our chef.

boat trip seine dinner cruise

85.00€ / pers

More Lunch and Dinner Cruises

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Interview with the president of France Tourisme on the BFM set.

2024, a great year for Tourism.

The President of France Tourisme, Guislain de Richecour, was invited to the BFM set. He presented his perspective on tourism for the year 2024. This will be a great year to face challenges. We wish you a happy New Year.

Posted on 03/01/2024

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Paris 2024 Olympics: rehearsal of the opening parade on the Seine

On 17 July, a Vedettes du Pont Neuf's boat, Europa, took part in a rehearsal of the 2024 Olympic Games opening parade on the Seine.

3 boats from Vedettes du Pont Neuf are among the 120 boats parading for the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics. On 17 July, we took part in a rehearsal of the opening parade of the 2024 Olympic Games on the Seine. The event attracted the attention of many spectators who flocked to the banks. The precisely orchestrated test parade was a unique opportunity to appreciate the scale of the event and the enthusiasm of Parisians for the Games.

Posted on 18/07/2023


France Tourisme: Guided tours and Parisian evenings – Tours departing from Paris

A special occasion ? An exceptional event to celebrate ?

Also find out about


Salut from paris logo with heart

5 Best Seine River Cruise in Paris: Your Ultimate Guide

Searching for the perfect Seine River Cruise in Paris, but overwhelmed by the choices? You’re not alone. Paris offers a smorgasbord of cruising experiences, from quick one-hour sightseeing jaunts to luxurious evening sails complete with Champagne and gourmet dinners .

Deciding on the best Seine river cruise can feel like navigating a complex maze of options, each more tantalizing than the last.

That’s why I wrote this guide. I live in Paris, love the Seine River Cruises and curated this exclusive list of the best Seine River cruises available.

Let’s set sail and discover the Seine as you’ve never seen it before.

Lena Profile Pic Salut from Paris

Salut, I am Lena – travel planning expert and parisienne since 2006 🩷

If you purchase through links on this site, I may earn – at no cost to you – a small commission. This helps me cover my costs and keep my website running. Thank you so much for your support 🙂   Learn more

two days in Paris

Quick List: The Best River Cruise in Paris

If you’re not in the mood to sift through endless options and prefer a quick guide to the best choices, you’re in luck. Below, I’ve distilled the wide array of Seine River Cruises down to an essential shortlist—featuring the top 3 most popular and highly recommended experiences in Paris.

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Best 1h River Seine Cruise

  • Roundtrip Seine River Cruise
  • Audio Commentary
  • Panoramic Views on Eiffel Tower , Notre Dame and more
  • Boarding at the Eiffel Tower

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Best 2h River Seine Lunch Cruise

  • All-inclusive 3-Course Lunch with drinks
  • Panoramic Views on Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and more

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Best Seine Dinner Cruise

  • 3-Course Dinner with Drinks
  • Live Jazz Music & Window Seating
  • Panoramic views on Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and more
  • Boarding near Musée d’Orsay

These top 3 Seine River Cruises are reliable picks if you prefer not to sift through the multitude of options available for river tours in Paris

However, if you’re interested in exploring additional options, or if you’re still undecided about which Seine River Cruise is the best fit for your Paris trip, continue reading

Don’t miss these articles, they can help you plan your Paris trip:

  • Is the Louvre Worth It? Your No-Nonsense Guide
  • 20 Arrondissements in Paris (Quick Guide + Map)
  • 21 best things to do in Paris on a Sunday

The Agony of Choice: Find the Perfect Paris River Seine Cruise

I’ve created a decision tree to help you easily identify the Seine River Cruise that best matches your preferences, expectations, and budget.

FInd the best seine river Cruise

The 5 Best Seine Cruises in Pairs

Do you know now which Cruise is the best for you? And which boat tour in Paris matches best your expectations? Then here’s for without further ado the compiled list of the best 5 Seine Cruises in Paris.

#1 The Go-To Option: One-Hour Sightseeing Cruise on the Seine

➲ Secure your seat on board of the Bateau Mouche here

The standard one-hour sightseeing cruise on the Seine is a fail-safe choice for any Paris visit.

This budget-friendly option allows you to view Paris’s most celebrated landmarks from the comfort of your seat—no extravagant add-ons, just the essentials.

For those pressed for time or seeking flexibility, this is an ideal pick. Most cruises of this kind depart every 30 to 60 minutes throughout the day.

The top-rated Seine River Cruise embarks right at the base of the Eiffel Tower. You can book it here . The tour offers a multilingual audioguide available in 10 languages , and accepts mobile vouchers—no need to worry about printing tickets. Just display it on your mobile device, and you’re all set to cruise.

Despite its straightforward approach, the tour doesn’t skimp on amenities, offering onboard WiFi for your convenience. Click here for exact schedules and booking info.

The Eiffel Tower is one of the sights you see from board of a Seine River Cruise

#2 Gourmet Lunch Cruise on the Seine: Savor the Sights

➲ Book this Lunch Cruise in advance , it sells out quickly

Picture this: you’re aboard a riverboat, cruising past iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Île de la Cité, all while indulging in a gourmet French meal and sipping fine wine . Sounds idyllic, doesn’t it? This two-hour Seine River Cruise offers just that experience .

As you sail, you’ll be entertained with live commentary and treated to a three-course à-la-carte French menu that includes an appetizer, starter, main course, and dessert. And let’s not forget the wine! For an even more authentic French experience, you can add a cheese course as an extra.

The cuisine on this lunch cruise is of a gastronomic caliber because it features a broad selection of French classics like foie gras and duck, as well as various meat, fish, and vegetarian options. To preview the menu in advance, click here.

Be aware that lunch cruises on the Seine are highly sought after and tables fill up quickly. To secure your spot, check rates and availability here and book in advance .

Find the best Seine river cruises in Paris and enjoy Paris sights from the comfort of a boat. No matter if you chose to take a Seine river dinner cruise or a night cruise, you sure have a great time!

#3 Jazz & Dining: The Best Seine Dinner Cruise

➲ Book this 3-Course Dinner Sightseeing Cruise here before it’s booked out

Want to elevate your Paris experience? Consider hopping on a 3-course dinner cruise that sets sail close to the Musée d’Orsay. As you drift along the Seine, you’ll catch iconic sights like the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, all from the comfort of your guaranteed window seat.

But let’s talk about the food—you’ll get to savor a gourmet 3-course meal complete with wine, Champagne, and other beverages . If you’re a fan of live music, the Jazz band on board adds a touch of ambiance without overwhelming the experience.

You have the flexibility to choose between a 1.5-hour early evening sail or a more leisurely 2.5-hour cruise. The dress code? Smart casual , so it’s stylish yet relaxed.

One note: the cruise is intended for those 10 years and older.

Don’t wait too long to book . Spots tend to fill up fast.

➲ 1.5h Seine Dinner Cruise starting at 6 PM: See availabilities here

➲ 2.5h Seine Dinner Cruise starting at 8PM: See availabilities here

Seine River Cruise Night

#4 Private Boat Tour in Paris: An intimate Seine Rive Cruise

➲ Book your private boat tour in Paris here

Opt in a Private Boat Tour in Paris for an intimate and luxurious adventure on the Seine .

The boat accommodates up to eight people, so it’s ideal for your small gatherings, celebrations, or simply an elevated sightseeing experience in Paris. If you travel with a pet, I have good news because your furry companions are also welcome on board.

The journey begins at the Statue of Liberty near the Eiffel Tower and sails all the way up to Notre Dame and back. Here you have the choice to either disembark where your tour began, or near the Louvre. A convenient drop off location, for your next Paris stop.

If you’re in the mood for a Parisian apéro, feel free to bring your snacks and drinks to enjoy as you cruise.

To top it off, the boat is equipped with Bluetooth speakers, so you can set the soundtrack to your unforgettable cruise. All while absorbing Paris from an entirely unique vantage point.

Click here to see if the Captain has still availabilities on your travel dates.

Private Boat tour in Paris

#5 Paris Night Cruise: The Illumination Cruise Explained

➲ Book your Night Time Paris Seine Cruise here

Discover the magic of Paris at night with an “Illumination Cruise” on the Seine. While the name might make it sound like an exclusive, high-priced affair, the reality is much simpler.

Essentially, this is your standard 1h-Seine River Paris Cruise but timed perfectly to showcase the city’s lights. Simply choose a late time slot—ideally around or just after sunset—to experience Paris as it transforms into the “City of Light.”

Aside from the dazzling lights, everything else about the cruise remains the same, from the iconic landmarks you’ll pass by to the ticket price. So you’re getting an extraordinary experience for the ordinary cost of a Seine cruise.

This evening adventure is perfect for photographers, romantics, or anyone wanting to see Paris from a different angle.

Don’t miss out on this enchanting yet surprisingly affordable experience. Book your Illumination Cruise now to capture Paris in its finest light.

Paris Night Seine Cruise

Panorama View from a Bateau Mouche

You may be wondering what sights you’ll encounter on your Seine River Cruise and whether it’s worth your time and money. Rest assured, it’s a valuable experience.

Not only does a Seine cruise offer a picturesque overview of Paris in a condensed timeframe, but you’ll also glide past many of the city’s major landmarks.

  • the Tour Eiffel
  • Musée d’Orsay
  • Musée de Louvre
  • Île de la Cité
  • Grand Palais
  • Petit Palais

Your Seine river cruise will also pass through more than 20 bridges – some of them are the most famous bridges in France , like the Pont Neuf, the Pont Alexandre III, and the Pont des Arts.

Paris Seine Cruise: Travel Tips

Be Prepared for the Weather: Don’t overlook weather conditions. Pack sunscreen for sunny days or an umbrella and raincoat for unexpected showers. Keep in mind you may have to wait in an uncovered queue before boarding. ( Find the latest weather forecast here ).

Mobile Vouchers: Check in advance if your chosen tour accepts mobile vouchers. Some tours still require printed vouchers, which can be inconvenient if you’re already on the go.

Dress Code: If you’ve opted for a lunch or dinner cruise, be sure to review the dress code requirements to avoid any boarding issues.

Consider the Paris City Pass : Before finalizing your booking, take a look here at the Paris City Pass . It covers over 60 activities, including the Seine cruise. If you plan on multiple activities, the pass often offers better value. ( Click here for a full list of included activities ).

There you have it—the top Seine River Cruises in Paris, tailored to fit a variety of preferences and budgets. Whether you’re in the mood for an indulgent dinner cruise or just a laid-back scenic ride along the Seine, both are bound to be highlights of your Parisian adventure. Enjoy 🙂

boat trip seine dinner cruise

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FAQ Seine River Cruise in Paris

The standard 1h Seine River Cruise with one of the Bateaux Mouchesstarts at €16. Lunch cruises start from €60 and Dinner Cruises from €80.

A Seine Cruise is a lovely way to see Paris. It is very popular and one of the best things to do in Paris. Because while you sit relaxed on board, you see some of the most spectacular sights of Paris: The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Pont Neuf and many more.

The standard Seine River Sightseeing Cruise in Paris takes 1h. If you opt in for a Lunch or Dinner Cruise on the Seine, allow 1.5 to 2.5 hours. To be on time, make sure to arrive 15-30 Minutes in advance.

To be on the save sight, it’s best to book the Paris Seine Cruise in advance. The standard Cruises are often not dated, and you can use the voucher whenever it suits you. Dinner and Lunch Cruises need to be booked in advance, as they sell out very quickly.

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15 Best Seine River Dinner Cruises in Paris for an Unparalleled Dining Experience

best Seine River dinner cruises

  • 4 Pinterest

Whether it’s your first or fifth time in Paris, any pick of the best Seine River dinner cruises down the famous waterway will blow your high heels off!

Even if you’ve explored the city or the river before, there’s something oh-so-magical about this experience.

At the end of the day, the surroundings are what make a dinner cruise on the Seine River so special, but it’s also about the food — you’re in one of the world’s Food Capitals! Combining both, this is one activity hard to beat!

Want to dive straight in? Browse our catalog now!

  • Seine River Dinner Cruises

With plentiful options and so many reviews, it can be daunting to know which one to go with. Luckily, our complete guide about the best Seine River cruises includes everything you need to know about sightseeing options and famous landmarks, routes, different lunch and dinner cruise operators, and so much more.

1 – Dinner Cruise by Bateaux Parisiens

Bateaux Parisiens Seine River Dinner Cruise

With the city lights dancing off the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, revel in a gourmet three-course meal (of classic French dishes) with your favorite person during a Bateaux Parisiens Dinner Cruise .

There are multiple seating options (middle, window seats and tables at the bow) and menus to suit all budget types.

Expect champagne on arrival and live musical entertainment setting the mood.

  • book this cruise
  • 6.30 PM Cruise: 1h15minutes
  • 8.30 PM Cruise: 2.5 hours
  • Etoile Service: €95
  • Privilège Service: €125
  • Premier Service: €149
  • Etoile Service: €115
  • Decouverte Service: €139
  • Privilège Service: €185
  • Premier Service: €215

This one really impresses with its menus. Think French duck foie gras, snail tart and spiced duckling fillet with a citrus dressing …

We especially love the panoramic views, and no matter your seating, you’re blessed with river vistas from all angles.

It’s a fabulous pick for couples: only one section of the boat allows dinner reservations with kids onboard.

We especially love the route, with the Eiffel as the star of the show!

2 – Dinner Cruise by Bateaux Mouches

Bateaux Mouches Seine River Dinner Cruise

For those that don’t want to just float along the river confined indoors; feel the river breeze on your skin from the open top deck when embarking on a dreamy Bateaux Mouches Dinner Cruise .

Feast on traditional French cuisine, highlighting regional ingredients, while the sounds of the grand piano and violin take you into the night.

  • Dinner menu - 6pm early bird Service: €85
  • Prestige dinner menu: €115
  • Excellence dinner menu: €155
  • Get a Yes in Paris - Marriage Proposal: €340

Thanks to the boat’s design, with its rooftop setup, this dinner cruise is perfect for photo-happy travelers — or professional photographers — snapping all the sites you pass by from open surroundings

We especially love the menus, with multiple choices between various starters, mains and dessert (or cheese platters). The pricier dinner menus have fancier items, but no matter which one, the food doesn’t disappoint!

3 – La Gourmande Seine Dinner Cruise by Le Diamant Bleu

Le Diamant Bleu Seine River Dinner Cruise

The dinner experience with the La Gourmande Seine Dinner Cruise aboard Le Diamant Bleu is top-notch, from the service to the setting.

Dazzling guests with its superyacht-like design, enjoy drinks under the stars from its open 350m² terrace deck. Dinner is served while live musicians strum guitars, and as dessert approaches, kick back and head to the dance floor, where a DJ spins the funkiest beats.

  • Gourmet Package: €89
  • Sparkling Gourmet Package: €129
  • Add a VIP bay window location to your package for an extra €15
  • Add a PRESTIGE location (at the bow of the boat) to your package for an extra €20

While some of the other Seine River dinner cruises have an overly fancy feel, this one is perfect for a group of friends, welcoming younger crowds with open arms. We love the DJ!

All ingredients are sourced from local producers, and so the plates are always seasonally fresh.

The boat stops for long enough in front of the twinkling Eiffel Tower and doesn’t just glide past. Bonus!

4 – La Trattoria sur Seine dinner cruise by Le Diamant Bleu

Theo Lunch Cruise, Paris

Oui, oui , we may be in France, but who’s to say you have to only eat French food? If you’re in the mood for Italian, then book a table onboard the Theo barge boat (an open upper deck included) for its La Trattoria sur Seine dinner cruise!

Seating 90 passengers only, it’s an intimate affair!

  • Trattoria formula – 1st service: €55
  • Trattoria formula – 2nd service: €59
  • Add a VIP bay window location to your package for an extra €10
  • Add a Rooftop Dining location for an extra €15

Two words: handmade pasta! Using imported ingredients straight from Italia, like Sicilian wheat, transport yourselves to Italy for the night!

Not only is the food traditional, but so is the ambiance! From its classic Italian lounge, Italian songs and opera arias fill the air!

What do we love most? This excursion ensures that you get to see the most famous landmarks of Paris!

5 – Dinner cruise by Paris Seine

Paris Seine Dinner Cruise

No matter which one of the three boats you end up on during your dinner cruise by Paris Seine , you’re in for a treat! All boast unique features: the Saphir has a 100m² open-air terrace, the Grand Pavois has a glass roof, and the Vert Galant is all-wooden floors.

Expect a menu full of seasonal products inspired by French gastronomy.

  • 6 PM Cruise: 1h15mins
  • 8 PM Cruise: 2 hours
  • Paris Flavors: €75
  • Festive Paris: €85
  • Romantic Paris: €120
  • Paris Flavors: €65
  • Festive Paris: €75
  • Romantic Paris: €100

These dinner cruises are super affordable in comparison to some of the others — no matter which one you book. On that note, discover different seating plans to suit all budget types.

Our personal favorite is the cruise onboard the romantic Saphir, with dining options available outside (weather permitting).

6 – Dinner cruise by Ducasse sur Seine

Ducasse sur Seine Dinner Cruise

Calling all the serious foodies out there! It’s time to put on your red lips and don your high heels for the fancy schmancy Ducasse sur Seine dinner cruise!

Forget about an ordinary three-course meal; here, you have the option of a four, five or six-course menu! We’re talking lobster, scallops and truffles!

And just wait until you get a load of the all-glass boat …

  • see price & reviews
  • 4 Course Dinner: €160
  • 4 Course Dinner + Food & Wine Pairing: €265
  • 5 Course Dinner: €200
  • 5 Course Dinner + Food & Wine Pairing: €305
  • 6 Course Paris est une fête: €500

Eco Warriors, as the first 100% electric Parisian floating restaurant, this boat is 100% ecologically friendly!

We’re obsessed with the professional sommelier services (a private wine cellar onboard included), and the entire experience runs like a proper restaurant — plus, the ship is so silent, it all makes you forget you’re traveling on water.

7 – Dinner cruise by Don Juan II

Don Juan II Seine River Dinner Cruise

If you’re keen on at least one Michelin-star experience in Paris, ditch all your previous ideas and opt for the Michelin-award-winning Don Juan II dinner cruise instead! Providing the most unique setting for it, it doesn’t get better than its one-star cuisine!

Its elegant and rich interiors (and Art Déco vibes) add the final cherry.

With three-star Michelin chef Frédéric Anton at the helm, expect the most gorgeous graphic plates of food flying out of this professional kitchen!

And because it’s got such a high-caliber chef leading the way, the restaurant boat matches in standard. We just love the regal feeling, everything dripping in luxury, including the wine cellar!

8 – Dinner cruise by Capitaine Fracasse

Capitaine Fracasse Seine River Dinner Cruise

How delicious does celery root remoulade with truffle sound? Or how about duck breast tossed with honey and nuts ? Indulge in a gourmet three-course dinner cruise aboard Capitaine Fracasse .

Admire the sunset from the outdoor terrace (the perfect setting for drinks and mingling with other guests), or cozy up indoors in a plush and comfortable setting.

Thinking of popping the question? Add on extras like a window or front-of-ship table and a rose bouquet.

  • Fracasse Package: €69
  • Amiral Package: €79
  • Champagne Package: €89

Free onboard wifi? You bet!

We also love the fact that there’s a plant-based menu available (on request beforehand)!

Don’t forget to let them know if it’s your birthday for a sweet surprise of glitter cake and a glass of bubbly!

No matter which of the dinner packages you choose, the menus are all the same; it’s another super affordable dinner cruise.

9 – Dinner cruise by Calife

Calife Seine River Dinner Cruise

With a Calife Dinner Cruise , you’re spoiled with an array of seating plans, each one designated in a different part of this vintage barge. Whether it’s the terrace, veranda or its exotic wood living room salon, fall into the rhythm of the Seine with 360-degree views.

Expect a cocktail reception greeting you as you arrive, and there’s a live jazz concert every night in the grand music room!

  • Salon lounge dining: €87
  • Terrace or Veranda dining: €107
  • Salon lounge dining: €129
  • Terrace or Veranda dining: €149

Honestly, it’s the unique seating sections of this boat that win our hearts over. Depending on the weather, the terrace is open or covered (and with heating), the veranda has a see-through glass roof, and the indoor lounge is modeled after a classic Parisian Salon (every table, a window seat).

All menus are three courses, and if there’s one item you have to try, it’s the famous iced nougat!

10 – Paris en Scène dinner cruise

Paris en Scene Seine River Dinner Cruise

Inspired by the French classic “en cocotte” casserole dish, a dinner cruise with Paris en Scène is a feast for the senses, all dishes revolving around traditional French simmered dishes.

With all the makings of a classic French bistro, menus comprise starters, a casserole main and dessert. Lap up the all-round views from bay windows or the terrace on the upper deck!

  • Water Cruise: €55
  • Wine Cruise: €65
  • Champagne Cruise: €75

With two dinner cruise timetables available (7.15 PM and 9.45 PM), no one has to miss out, especially if you’re a night owl!

Its distinct style of cuisine sets it apart from the usual menus offered elsewhere.

Not breaking any bank accounts with its reasonably-priced options, we suggest going the full mile and opting for the Champagne Cruise.

11 – Bistronomic dinner cruise by Eiffel Croisières

Bistronomic dinner cruise by Eiffel Croisières

Departing from the foot of the famously ornate Alexandre III Bridge, prepare your palettes for the delicious degustation menu from Eiffel Croisières’s Bistronomic Dinner .

Savor each morsel with stunning panoramas thanks to the Ivoire barge’s giant windows.

Changing with each new season, always expect something new from this kitchen. Not keen on a tasting menu? A la carte options are available, too, fab wine list included!

  • Bistronomic Dinner: €59
  • Bistronomic Dinner with wine: €69
  • Bistronomic Dinner with Champagne: €79

The food and wine pairings are a must for anyone considering themselves a vino connoisseur.

In case you were wondering, a vegetarian menu is available.

We’re mega fans of its onboard sightseeing commentary — they provide a QR code to download a description of all the monuments you pass by during the cruise.

12 – Prestige dinner cruises by Eiffel Croisières

Eiffel Croisières Seine River Dinner Cruise

Say hello to seafood towers, champagne showers and terrace moments under the moon!

Three glistening and glamorous lounges await you onboard the luxe Tosca barge. It’s not named the Prestige Dinner for no reason!

Admire the sites from its Privilege Lounge’s bay windows, sweep in panoramas at the bow at the Premium Lounge, and the upper deck is the VIP Lounge.

See how many bridges you can count (hint: you sail under 31 of the 37)!

  • Prestige Dinner: €79
  • Prestige Dinner with wine: €89
  • Prestige Dinner: €99

Tables are set to fine-dining standards, and think seasonal ingredients with the options of seafood, meat or vegetarian menus. Plus, wine pairings!

We (highly) recommend the seafood option — we’re talking langoustines, oysters and shrimp on ice! If you want to order the seafood tower (its signature), let them know in advance.

P.S. Right at the Statue of Liberty, your captain rotates ship so that you catch direct sight of Paris’ most famous landmark. Quick , get your camera!

13 – Bistro dinner cruise by Canauxrama

Canauxrama La Parisienne Gourmande Cruise

Nothing beats a divine charcuterie and cheese board — and you’re in the perfect country for it! Add onto that a glass of Champagne and macarons (with live music setting the tone), and you’re all set for a quintessential Parisian soiree!

All thanks to Canauxrama’s La Parisienne Gourmande Cruise .

Take cover on the lower deck or dine under the warm evening sky. In cooler months, both sections are heated.

  • Add a glass of champagne and a trio of macarons for an extra €11

This is for those that maybe have dinner plans later on but still want to experience the romance of an evening cruise filled with good food and fine wine!

Cue the accordion player and festive atmosphere, and you can topple up at the bar.

We’re mega fans of its first-come, first-pick seating vibes, and you’ll pass the Eiffel Tower not once, but twice on this trip.

14 – Seine River dinner cruise and Eiffel Tower combo

Eiffel Tower and dinner cruise combo

When the Eiffel Tower lights up at night, she becomes even more alluring! Add some extra excitement to your dinner cruise, finishing off the night with a climb up Paris’ most famous landmark!

Choose a guided exploration through its three levels, or opt for a combo that simply includes entrance tickets to the Iron Lady.

If you’re planning a proposal, these combination cruises are utterly romantic!

  • Eiffel tower & dinner cruise

15 – Seine River dinner cruise and Moulin Rouge combo

Seine River dinner cruise and Moulin Rouge combo

“ Because we can, can, can. Yes we can, can, can, can ” embark on a dinner cruise AND a visit to none other than the world-famous Moulin Rouge in one go!

After you’ve got a load of the most famous sites along the Seine, complete your evening with a show at the iconic cabaret house!

All logistics are taken care of; what a pleasure!

  • Moulin Rouge & dinner cruise

How to book Seine River dinner cruises?

Bookings are essential to secure your spot on your preferred floating restaurant.

Either book directly with the cruise company or with an online travel agency.

What’s the difference? Online operators often offer discounted rates, as well as epic combo tickets (for anyone wanting to visit the Eiffel Tower or experience the Moulin Rouge show after your dinner cruise). With a combination package, save extra euros!

Use our search engine to explore and compare the different cruise and combo tour options available on the web in one simple click!

With so many incredible options on the table, don’t miss out on the best Seine River dinner cruises for an unparalleled night out.

If your evenings are already full with other plans, you don’t have to miss out on the experience! Here are the best Seine River lunch cruises for daytime options.

Got any questions? Ask us in the comments below.

Bon Appétit!

Bateaux Parisiens

  • Croisières Restauration
  • Croisières Promenade
  • Le Bistro Parisien
  • Bateaux Parisiens
  • Particuliers
  • Professionnels
  • Enseignants

Vivez l'évènement sportif de l'été 2024

Consultez nos horaires d'ouverture et de fermeture pendant les  Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques   de Paris 2024, qui se tiendront du  26 juillet au 8 septembre 2024.  En savoir plus

La Croisière Commentée

Plongez dans la douceur estivale à bord de nos croisières commentées, une expérience mémorable à vivre en famille ou entre amis. 

Les croisières dîner

Vivez pleinement l'été, lors d’un voyage gastronomique à bord de nos croisières restauration.

Lunchtime cruise in Paris

Lunchtime cruise in Paris

Every weekend, Bateaux Mouches® invites you to hop on board one of its resto-boats and cast off the moorings to enjoy a delicious meal whilst sailing over the waters. This is the perfect chance to share a great experience with family or friends whilst enjoying a delicious treat in a unique setting: the historic heart of Paris. A lunchtime cruise down the Seine is just as enticing to both Parisians and visiting tourists with its friendly, laid-back atmosphere.

Lunchtime cruise on the Seine

This service is available on weekends and public holidays. It includes a friendly, laid-back lunch on the water during a beautiful river cruise. 

Other cruises on the Seine

Better than barges or simple river boats, our boats provide our passengers with optimum comfort whatever the cruise they choose: A tour down the Seine, lunch or dinner...  

  • Boat Trip on the Seine
  • Brunch Cruise
  • Dinner Cruise
  • Dinner Show

Open today from 10h30 to 23h00

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Night Cruise Seine River

Departure times, cruise unavailable.

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Embark for a relaxing hour on the Seine, with music and an after-work atmosphere!

Experience an evening to remember with a night cruise on the Seine

Looking for a fresh, new way to spend an evening? To appease your adventurous nightlife side, consider taking a lovely night cruise on the Seine River with Vedettes de Paris! After a busy day at work or as a way to punctuate a peaceful weekend, we’re here to help you unwind on the water with a glass of wine and breathtaking scenery! Perhaps you’ll even play tourist and soak up the attractions whether you’re a visitor or a local—shh, we won’t tell!

Experience a night to remember with our Seine River dinner cruise. Enjoy a romantic dinner cruise with gourmet meals, live music, and spectacular sunset views of Paris, including attractions like Notre Dame, the Orsay Museum, and the Arc de Triomphe. Book your Seine River dinner cruise for a memorable night in the City of Lights. Enjoy the best Seine River cruise in Paris and see the city come alive with our special services, including sightseeing cruises and New Year’s Eve and Valentine’s Day dinner cruises. Make the most of your stay in Paris and discover the city’s beauty from the Seine River.

Cruise Under the Stars

Each one of Vedettes de Paris’ vessels is equipped to accommodate you on a night cruise of the Seine River. From panoramic terraces to VIP spaces, you and your significant other, friends, or work associates can enjoy the light-strewn sights, including monuments and breathtaking architecture in style and comfort.

Some of the notable landmarks you’ll pass by during your night cruise on the Seine are the Eiffel Tower—where you board the vessel—the Obelisque de la Concorde, the Musee d’Orsay, the Musee du Louvre, the Academie Francaise, and the Notre-Dame de Paris. As you pass by, go ahead and give a wave to Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Hugo’s Quasimodo. Left and right, on both sides of the Seine, you’ll be entranced by the sweeping structures and the history imbibed in them. Plus, a night cruise on the Seine is the perfect excuse to see monuments through different lenses too, because everything looks different at night! You may even notice something you’ve never seen before.

While traversing the history-laden Parisian waterway, you can also partake in a light supper of sandwiches and drinks, or perhaps dessert and coffee as a way to end your evening. Or, if it happens to be a special occasion, toast with flutes of champagne! The riverboat is your oyster, and we’re here to celebrate with you!

For each night cruise on the Seine, you can expect a trip lasting a couple of hours, so kick back and lounge on the main deck, terrace, or river-level deck, or grab a table and chairs to sit upright and attentively with a drink in hand as you observe the city sights drift by as the night whiles away. And don’t worry–Vedettes de Paris will get you back long before the strike of midnight. After all, it’s a night cruise of Paris, not an all-night cruise!

Cruise plan

boat trip seine dinner cruise

Onboard catering

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Our customers say it best

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Experience an unforgettable moment!

boat trip seine dinner cruise

How many monuments will we see on a night cruise of Paris?

Where on the seine do the vessels turn around in order to head back, what’s included with each vedettes de paris ticket purchase.

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Night Cruise Seine River in photos

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Your travel guide to Paris

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Our cruises

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  5. Book Bistro-Style Seine River Dinner Cruise Online

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  5. Прекрасный вечер в Париже. Seine Dinner Cruise with Bateaux Mouches

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  5. Home

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    Compagnie des Bateaux Mouches® invites you on a cruise to explore Paris from its best avenue: the Seine. Book online for brunch or lunch in a quirky restaurant, a romantic dinner on the water or simply a guided tour for an original way to visit Paris' most beautiful monuments, from one of our boats. River cruise Restaurant cruise

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    Enhance your Paris sightseeing experience on a glamorous Seine River cruise, including dinner and live music. Enjoy unobstructed views of the sights, and pass world-famous Paris monuments lit up after dark. Live music and dishes inspired by classic French cuisine create an unforgettable atmosphere. A range of menu options provide a custom ...

  12. Paris: Seine River Sightseeing and Gourmet Dinner Cruise 2024

    Ensure a memorable night out in Paris—and combine your sightseeing with a gourmet meal—aboard a luxurious dinner cruise along the Seine River. Float past the city's famed monuments, such as the Louvre and Notre Dame, and admire the beauty of the Seine's UNESCO-listed riverbanks. Meanwhile, enjoy a gourmet, 3-4-course meal (depending on ...

  13. 5 Best Seine River Cruises in Paris: Your Ultimate Guide

    #1 Seine Dinner Cruise. Best Seine Dinner Cruise. 3-Course Dinner with Drinks. Live Jazz Music & Window Seating. Panoramic views on Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and more. Boarding near Musée d'Orsay. → see prices & dates.

  14. 15 Best Seine River Dinner Cruises in Paris for an ...

    With so many incredible options on the table, don't miss out on the best Seine River dinner cruises for an unparalleled night out. If your evenings are already full with other plans, you don't have to miss out on the experience! Here are the best Seine River lunch cruises for daytime options.

  15. Paris Seine River Gourmet Dinner Cruise with Champagne

    This Seine River dinner cruise is a relaxing way to view Paris landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. Admire the waterfront sights and pass under bridges such as the Pont Neuf as you savor a gourmet 3-course meal, paired with Champagne. Enjoy exquisite cuisine and fine service aboard a La Marina de Paris glass-enclosed boat.

  16. Paris Theo Boat Bootsfahrt auf der Seine mit Abendessen im

    Paris Theo Boat Bootsfahrt auf der Seine mit Abendessen im italienischen Trattoria-Stil. Die Frühlings- und Sommersaison ist da und die Seine lädt Sie ein, Paris bei einer Kreuzfahrt zu entdecken ... Zögern Sie nicht länger und kommen Sie mit uns an Bord! Die „Trattoria on Seine" ist ein neues Konzept und steht für Geselligkeit ...

  17. Paris Restaurant Boat: dinner cruise on the Seine

    Experience a dinner cruise on the Seine and discover Paris and its historical monuments from a new perspective. An exceptional setting awaits you to enjoy French gastronomy on board our boat restaurants.

  18. Seine River Cruise with 3-Course Dinner in Paris 2024

    Sit down to a 3-course Gallic dinner and pass Paris' top sites on this 2-hour evening cruise on the Seine River. From the panoramic windows of the dining room, look out at the Louvre, Musée d'Orsay, Ile de la Cité, Pont Alexandre III, and other glittering waterfront sights.

  19. Bateaux Parisiens

    26 juillet au 8 septembre 2024. En savoir plus. Profitez d'un moment privilégié et magique pour une Croisière au centre de Paris !

  20. THE TOP 10 Paris Dinner Cruises (UPDATED 2024)

    Ensure a memorable night out in Paris—and combine your sightseeing with a gourmet meal—aboard a luxurious dinner cruise along the Seine River. Float past the city's famed monuments, such as the Louvre and Notre Dame, and admire the beauty of the Seine's UNESCO-listed riverbanks.

  21. Lunchtime Cruise in Paris

    Tickets for cruises on the Seine, dinner cruise reservations, special offers, tourist packages and more! Every weekend Bateaux Mouches® offer Parisians and tourists alike the chance to dine on the waters of the Seine on a lunchtime cruise through the heart of Paris.

  22. Night Cruise Seine River

    Experience a night to remember with our Seine River dinner cruise. Enjoy a romantic dinner cruise with gourmet meals, live music, and spectacular sunset views of Paris, including attractions like Notre Dame, the Orsay Museum, and the Arc de Triomphe. Book your Seine River dinner cruise for a memorable night in the City of Lights. Enjoy the best ...

  23. Bateaux Parisiens Seine River Gourmet Dinner & Sightseeing Cruise

    Enhance your Paris sightseeing experience on a glamorous Seine River cruise, including dinner and live music. Enjoy unobstructed views of the sights, and pass world-famous Paris monuments lit up after dark. Live music and dishes inspired by classic French cuisine create an unforgettable atmosphere. A range of menu options provide a custom ...