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Il nostro itinerario in Indonesia in 3 settimane fai da te

Il nostro itinerario in Indonesia in 3 settimane fai da te

Aggiornato il 26 Gennaio 2023 da Sara

Chi non ha mai sentito parlare di Bali , la magica isola degli dei? L’Indonesia è molto più di Bali, ci sono ben 17.000 isole fra cui scegliere, quindi la scelta di un itinerario in Indonesia può essere molto difficile.

In Indonesia si può fare veramente di tutto: scalare vulcani, fare snorkeling in un acquario naturale, fare surf, esplorare la foresta e i suoi animali… Quindi dipende tutto dai vostri interessi .

Il nostro itinerario in Indonesia in 3 settimane fai da te ha cercato di raggiungere qualche isola diversa dai sentieri più battuti.

Ci vorrebbero mesi per visitare tutto quello che l’Indonesia ha da offrire.

tour indonesia 3 settimane


Arriviamo con un volo Emirates in tarda serata.

Avendo poche ore di scalo dormiamo un paio d’ore sulle panchine dell’aeroporto. C’è in particolare una sala in fondo alla zona degli arrivi che si presta bene essendo silenziosa.

Qui cambiamo i primi soldi nonostante il cambio sfavorevole perchè non entreremo in città e acquistiamo una sim card locale di XL AXIATA con 6 GB di traffico, subito attiva.


Fra il terminal internazionale e quello dei voli interni a partire dalle 5.00 è operativo lo skytrain , se avete bisogno di arrivare prima dovrete prendere un taxi (6€)

Con un perfetto volo Garuda per il quale avevamo già fatto il check in online sulla app, arriviamo a Manado, a nord dell’isola di Sulawesi.

Qui ci aspetta un autista per il trasferimento fino all’ isola di Bangka , il tutto organizzato dal nostro hotel, il Coral Eye Resort prenotato tramite il loro sito

Subito all’arrivo ci rendiamo conto di essere in un posto spettacolare, riservato ai pochi che si avventurano fin qui.

Vedi anche: Isole da sogno in Indonesia: Bangka nel Nord Sulawesi

itinerario in indonesia 3 settimane spiaggia vista dall'alto


Le giornate scorrono fra escursioni a isolette vicine e snorkeling in un giardino di coralli davvero spettacolare.

itinerario in indonesia 3 settimane Bangka nel Nord Sulawesi vista aerea


Dopo la mattinata in spiaggia, intraprendiamo il trasferimento per l’aeroporto di Manado.

Il nostro volo per Surabaya, sull’isola di Java, operato da Lion Air e previsto nel pomeriggio, partirà con quasi 3 ore di ritardo.

Attenzione se il volo è al mattino è necessario pernottare la notte prima in zona perchè il trasferimento in barca non viene effettuato nelle ore notturne.

All’arrivo a Surabaya usiamo la app MyBlueBird per prendere un taxi che con 9€ ci porti al nostro hotel prenotato tramite Booking : Hotel 88 Embong Kenongo.

Scelta ottima perché si trova a 3 minuti di auto (o 500 m a piedi) dalla stazione ferroviaria di Surabaya Gubeng.


Col treno delle 9 iniziamo il trasferimento verso il Bromo .

Prendiamo possesso della nostra camera al Café Lava Hostel , prenotata via email, e lasciamo i bagagli.

Sono circa le 15 quando ci dirigiamo verso il mare di sabbia del Bromo, cioè la valle di cenere vulcanica che circonda il cratere del vulcano.

Se non volete arrivare al vulcano a piedi, sulla strada di accesso delle moto attendono per potervi accompagnare per circa 5€ a/r in due.

Arrivati al vulcano potrete iniziare il breve trekking che vi porterà all’inizio della scalinata.

Superata la scalinata sarete proprio sopra alla cresta del cratere fumante e potrete ascoltare la voce del Bromo in solitudine o quasi.

I turisti a quest’ora sono pochissimi e non occorre sgomitare per percorrere la stretta cresta.

Ci prendiamo tutto il tempo che vogliamo per ammirare il panorama che si tinge di rosso all’avvicinarsi del tramonto e ascoltare il rombo del vulcano sotto i nostri piedi: un’emozione indescrivibile.

itinerario in indonesia 3 settimane due persone sulla cresta del vulcano

Tornati a Cemoro Lawang cerchiamo un ristorante dove poter mangiare e alla fine ci fermiamo al Warung Edi , molto economico.  

Vedi anche: Come visitare il Monte Bromo in fai da te senza agenzie


Sono le 3 precise quando siamo fuori dall’hotel per ammirare lo spettacolo dell’alba sul Bromo.

itinerario in indonesia 3 settimane prima dell'alba su MOnte bromo

Dopo aver visto l’alba torniamo in hotel per fare colazione.

Alle 8.00 prenotiamo un taxi per la stazione ferroviaria, dove prendiamo il treno delle 11.00 che in circa 5 ore ci porterà a Banyuwangi .

Prendiamo possesso della nostra casa sull’albero al Tree House @ Ijen Shelter prenotata su Booking.

Ci rilassiamo, dormiamo 3 / 4 ore e ci prepariamo per l’ escursione notturna .

Vedi anche: Dove dormire per visitare il Kawah Ijen: una tree house

coppia saluta da una casa sull'albero


A mezzanotte e mezza partiamo per l’escursione, che ci porterà a vedere le fiamme blu all’interno del cratere del Kawah Ijen e l’alba.

Il nostro itinerario in Indonesia in 3 settimane fai da te non poteva non includere questa esperienza incredibile.

Vedi anche: Come visitare il Kawah Ijen e le sue fiamme blu in fai da te

itinerario in indonesia 3 settimane come visitare Kawah Ijen fai da te

Torniamo in hotel per fare colazione e ci facciamo accompagnare al Ketapang Ferry di Banyuwangi per prendere il traghetto in direzione Bali .

Sbarcati a Bali, al porto di Gilimanuk , l’intenzione sarebbe quella di prendere un pullman per il terminal di Mengwi, da dove dovremo prendere un taxi per la nostra villa a Ubud prenotata su Airbnb .

Siamo però molto stanchi e alla fine per sveltire le cose decidiamo di dividere un taxi con altri 3 turisti per 9€ a testa.

GIORNI 10, 11, 12, 13, 14: BALI

Visitare la favolosa isola degli dei è un’esperienza unica in un’isola magica.

Se non avete voglia di spezzare il soggiorno, Ubud è un’ottima base di partenza per la visita dell’isola in generale, ma per la zona sud noi abbiamo fatto base anche a Jimbaran .

itinerario in indonesia 3 settimane risaie viste dall'alto


Stamattina si parte per una nuova isola, Lombok .

Volo Garuda assolutamente perfetto, arrivati in aeroporto usiamo Grab per cercare un passaggio fino alla nostra destinazione, Lembar , sulla costa ovest sotto Mataram.

Abbiamo scelto volutamente di evitare la zona delle Gili del nord (Gili Trawangan, Meno, Air), nel nostro itinerario in Indonesia in 3 settimane fai da te.

Riteniamo che le Gili del nord siano ormai troppo inflazionate dal turismo, vogliamo visitare le cosiddette Secret Gili .

Così vengono chiamate delle piccole isole al largo di Lembar, ancora agli inizi dello sviluppo turistico.

Avremmo potuto alloggiare direttamente su Gili Gede o Gili Asahan, ma avendo pochi giorni, per maggior libertà di spostamento abbiamo scelto di rimanere sulla costa di Lombok e visitarle in giornata .

Purtroppo però sulla costa l’offerta turistica è poca e costosa e non azzecchiamo l’hotel. Solo la provvidenziale connessione internet della sim ci salverà dal rimanere sperduti nel nulla per i successivi 2 giorni.

Peccato perché abbiamo perso un pomeriggio per scappare dal Sunset Lombok Hideaway , un posto abbandonato da dio e dagli uomini.

Ma per fortuna il Silver Fern Beach Retreat che prenotiamo sul momento tramite Booking si rivelerà al di sopra delle aspettative regalandoci anche dei meravigliosi tramonti .  

tramonto dalla piscina


Le Secret Gili sono divise in 2 gruppi : le più vicine a noi sono Gili Nanggu , Gili Kedis e Gili Sudak , l’altro gruppo invece, più lontano, è formato da Gili Gede , Gili Asahan e Gili Layar .

Oggi visitiamo il primo gruppetto, il più vicino, con un tour in barca in giornata solo per noi due prenotato tramite l’hotel alla cifra di 28€.

Sulla strada costiera abbiamo visto dei cartelli scritti a mano che pubblicizzano i tour, quindi se siete dotati di un mezzo di trasporto potete organizzarvi a prezzi sicuramente molto inferiori rispetto a quelli proposti dall’hotel, ma noi non possiamo andare in giro a cercare quindi va bene così.

Le isole sono davvero bellissime , nonostante il forte vento e il sole che gioca a nascondino ci godiamo per bene la giornata, potete approfondire nel post dedicato alle Secret Gili.

Vedi anche: Come visitare le Secret Gili di Lombok

itinerario in indonesia 3 settimane


Oggi il programma prevede il tour delle altre Secret Gili, le più lontane, il cui costo per noi due sarebbe circa 40€, seguito dal trasferimento verso la zona di Kuta , ma purtroppo abbiamo un piccolo imprevisto e dobbiamo rinunciare, sarà per la prossima!

Sappiate però che prenotando con un pochino di anticipo è possibile pernottare sulle isole, trovate tutti i dettagli nell’articolo sulle Secret Gili.

Con la app MyBlueBird prenotiamo quindi un taxi per il trasferimento in zona Kuta.

In circa 1 ora e 20 minuti di strada arriviamo all’Owa Lodge una sistemazione molto carina anche se un po’ sopra al nostro solito budget.

Siamo a 10 minuti a piedi dalla spiaggia di Areguling , a 15 minuti di auto dal villaggio di Kuta.

Vedi anche: Dove dormire a Kuta Lombok: Owa Lodge


Inforcato un motorino siamo pronti per esplorare le spiagge della costa sud di Lombok, fra aitanti surfisti e villaggi tradizionali.

Vedi anche: Come visitare Kuta Lombok e le sue spiagge

itinerario in indonesia 3 settimane


Alle 5.00 siamo già in auto per l’aeroporto di Praya per il primo dei 2 voli che ci porteranno sull’isola di Flores .

Qui visiteremo il fantastico parco di Komodo coi suoi draghi (abbiamo puntato l’escursione a Rinca , più vicina e fattibile in giornata) e rilassarci sulle bianche spiagge dell’arcipelago.

In particolare abbiamo adocchiato le stupende isolette Kanawa e Seraya sulle quali si possono organizzare dei transfer in giornata.

Prendiamo il volo Wings Air delle 6.30, stranamente in orario, per fare un lungo scalo a Bali: il nostro volo per Flores è previsto alle 12.50.

Sono ore interminabili perché in aeroporto non c’è nulla da fare, i negozietti ormai li conosciamo a memoria e tanta è la voglia di arrivare a Flores!

Purtroppo al momento di imbarcare sul secondo volo le operazioni vengono interrotte, non sappiamo per quale motivo, per poi annunciare dopo circa 1 ora che il nostro volo per Flores è stato cancellato .

Al check in non ne sanno niente, se ne lavano le mani e ci mandano agli sportelli della compagnia aerea fuori dall’aeroporto.

Qui ci dicono che i primi posti disponibili su un volo per Flores sono fra 4 giorni : il giorno del nostro ritorno!!

Prima non c’è niente.

Alla ricerca di alternative

Siamo sconvolti, non ci possiamo credere che qui cancellino gli aerei con una tale leggerezza e senza proporre alternative valide ai passeggeri.

Non possiamo fare altro che pretendere almeno il rimborso dei biglietti (per fortuna avevo prenotato anche il ritorno con loro, e ci rimborsano entrambe le tratte in contanti).

Uso i 15 minuti di chiamate della mia sim per chiamare l’hotel che avevo prenotato via Booking (il Chocolate hostel ) che capisce la situazione e gentilmente cancella la prenotazione senza penali.

In un paio d’ore di brainstorming su una panchina dell’aeroporto sul “cosa facciamo adesso” ? Decidiamo di rimanere in zona e di optare per una delle 3 isole sotto Bali: Nusa Lembongan.

Preso al volo un taxi per Sanur , prendiamo l’ultimo motoscafo della giornata della Rocky Boat, alle 17.00, scelta azzeccata, che in 30 minuti ci porta a destinazione.


Nusa Lembongan è, insieme alla sua sorella collegata da un ponte, Nusa Ceningan, un’altra perla indonesiana .

La esploriamo tutta con molta calma trovando angoli davvero meravigliosi.

Vedi anche: Guida a Nusa Lembongan: una Bali in miniatura

guida a nusa lembongan


La nostra avventura in Indonesia è giunta al termine.

Ci rimane il rimpianto per i draghi di Komodo e l’isola di Flores che non siamo riusciti a raggiungere.

Flores può meritare da sola una buona settimana, col vulcano Kelimutu e i laghi gemelli, l’arcipelago di Riung delle 17 isole, le risaie a ragnatela e i villaggi a Bajawa, quindi chi lo sa se in futuro….

Speriamo che il nostro itinerario in Indonesia in 3 settimane fai da te vi sia piaciuto e vi possa aver dato qualche spunto.

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tour indonesia 3 settimane

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Deals of the Week   European Long Weekends   Up to 50% OFF

3 Week Indonesia Tours & Trips

Filter for departure dates and price to find the right 3 week Indonesia tour with TourRadar. Choose from 44 trips with 537 customer reviews, that range from 15 up to 21 days.

44 Indonesia 3 week tour packages with 537 reviews

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Backpacking Bali (18 days)

Best Java & Bali Experience, Private Tour Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year

Best Java & Bali Experience, Private Tour

Excellent private tour. Our guide was incredibly knowledgeable and gave us a fantastic tour of Indonesia. We learnt about history, art, culture and much more. We are well traveled and have high standards, and we were very happy with our tour guide -Andi and Kadek. Both were great and spoke excellent English. Time and money well invested.

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Bali: Great discovery & beach vacation (3 weeks)

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Bali & Beyond Tour

Bali & Beyond

I enjoyed the activities on Bali and Beyond. There is so much to see and do while on this tour. 18 days is a lot of time to explore and truly feel as if you have “visited” a place. Tru travels who ran this particular tour was amazing. As soon as you step off the plane, everything is taken care of for you. That includes your accommodation, food, travel, and night life. My tour leader Rizky was the best. He was a great support during the whole trip, kept us all informed of daily activities and was a helping hand anytime we needed, in particular for me, he basically helped carry me up a mountain, haha. ????

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Amazing Tour Borneo, Java and Bali: Private Tour

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Bali & Gili Adventure 19D/18N

  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

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Amazing Indonesia Tours 3 Island : Borneo, Java & Bali

Indonesia is a fascinating country and Alya’s Adventure Tour really gave us a full experience of all (or many) of the wonders of Indonesia. Alya was well organized and your guides were all great. Poncho & his team in Borneo, Alex & De-An in Java, & Suprapti & Buda in Bali, all were very accommodating, knowledgeable and kind. We felt safe & satisfied with all of our experiences and would highly recommend Alya to visit Indonesia- thanks guys for a great experience!!

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Bali & Lombok Adventure (from Ubud to Gili Air)

What people love about 3 week indonesia tours.

We gad a great trip in Jaca & Bali. The planning was very comfortable and the guides (Roy in Java and Madeh in Bali) were very nice people, very accommodating and tried to do as much as they could to give us a good time.
I enjoyed the activities on Bali and Beyond. There is so much to see and do while on this tour. 18 days is a lot of time to explore and truly feel as if you have “visited” a place. Tru travels who ran this particular tour was amazing. As soon as you step off the plane, everything is taken care of for you. That includes your accommodation, food, travel, and night life. My tour leader Rizky was the best. He was a great support during the whole trip, kept us all informed of daily activities and was a helping hand anytime we needed, in particular for me, he basically helped carry me up a mountain, haha. ?
Indonesia is a fascinating country and Alya’s Adventure Tour really gave us a full experience of all (or many) of the wonders of Indonesia. Alya was well organized and your guides were all great. Poncho & his team in Borneo, Alex & De-An in Java, & Suprapti & Buda in Bali, all were very accommodating, knowledgeable and kind. We felt safe & satisfied with all of our experiences and would highly recommend Alya to visit Indonesia- thanks guys for a great experience!!

Regions in Indonesia

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  • Bali 3 day Tours (9)
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  • Sumatra 10 day Tours (5)
  • Bali 4 week Tours (5)
  • Indonesia Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • Best 2 Weeks Indonesia Itineraries 2024/2025 (with Reviews)

International Versions

  • Deutsch: 3 Wochen Indonesien Rundreisen
  • Français: Circuits Indonésie de 3 Semaines
  • Español: Circuitos por Indonesia de 3 Semanas
  • Nederlands: 3-Weekse rondreis Indonesië

Three Week Traveller

3 Weeks in Indonesia Itinerary

DISCLAIMER: This post might have links to travel services and products that we enjoy. We might make a commission from it at no extra cost to you.

Indonesia is a country between Southeast Asia and Oceania between the Pacific and Indian oceans. Amazingly, it is the world’s largest island country and archipelagic state, as well as the 14th largest country in the world by land mass.

Over the past few years, Indonesia has been one of the most popular beach destinations in Southeast Asia. I’ve been to Indonesia twice, and I can tell you confidently that I have not explored all its islands yet.

Indonesia has over 17,000 islands and is surrounded by various bodies of water , it boasts a myriad of scenic and serene islands and beaches. Indonesia is a tropical country offering stunning beaches, surfing spots, yoga retreats , and cool active volcanoes.

You’ll also find one of the biggest islands in the world here, Borneo, which has extensive biodiversity when it comes to plants, animals, and culture. And we’re just getting started. Read on to discover what else you’re going to find if you spend 3 weeks in Indonesia.

RELATED POST: Best beaches for a summer vacation


4 images - a guy surfing, a picture of temple in Bali, Mount Bromo crater, and downtown Jakarta - 3 Weeks in Indonesia Itinerary

Indonesia can be hard to navigate due to its geographic appearance. It can also be confusing to decide when is the best time to visit. But the travel tips below will help you plan a 3-week itinerary for Indonesia.

ALSO CHECK: 3 weeks in the Philippines or 3 Weeks in Thailand

When is the best time to go to Indonesia

The summer season in Indonesia is from June to August, which is also the peak season and the best time to visit. The rainy season is from December to March, these are the months you should really avoid.

Although a majorly Muslim country, the Christmas season (December) can get very busy in Indonesia due to foreign visitors visiting during this month. If you plan to come here at that time, book your accommodations at least 6 months in advance.

Are 3 weeks enough for Indonesia

Indonesia has lots of islands, although the main attractions are located on the bigger islands where domestic flights are frequent and affordable.

Spending 3 weeks in Indonesia gives you plenty of time to explore its cities, hike its active volcanoes, and catch some waves on the surfing islands. But stick to seeing 4-5 citie s to ensure that you’re not wasting your time travelling from one city to another.

Average cost of 20 days in Indonesia

On average, a single traveller could spend around $1,200 for a 3-week trip in Indonesia . This includes a stay in a private room at a mid-range hotel, eating out for food, and booking tours.

If you’re a b ackpacker, you can do this trip for $900. You will be staying in hostels, dining on street food, and choosing more affordable tours.

Of course, for those interested in a luxury adventure in Indonesia, $2,400 is a great budget plan. Sleep in five-star resorts, try out high-end restaurants and book luxurious tours.

These budgets are for individual people. If you are travelling as a couple of two friends, you can share the private room and save a bit on accommodation. Food, hotel, and transportation are not expensive in Indonesia. You’ll most likely spend more on booking domestic flights, but still on the affordable side.

These numbers don’t include your flight to and from Indonesia, travel insurance, and travel gear. But you can check this Bali holiday budget breakdown to better understand the cost.

What to pack

Packing for 3 weeks in Indonesia depends on the activities you plan to do. For example,e if you want to do some serious hiking, make sure to bring proper hiking shoes or boots. If you want to spend more time surfing or on the beach, bring 3-4 swimwear.

Those planning to visit temples have to dress properly before entering sacred places. Check our packing list for a summer vacation .

How to get around

To get around Indonesia, the modes of transportation available are taxis, car rentals , trains, planes, and buses. Since it is an island, it relies heavily on ferries and water taxis for transportation. The fastest option would be to fly but this is only advisable for far-flung islands.

The most affordable and convenient option is to ride the bus . If you opt to admire the rural scenery then boarding the train is the perfect option for you, although it’s primarily available in Java. A car rental is also a great option.

Language and currency

The language that is most spoken in Indonesia is called Bahasa Indonesia, followed by Javanese. Some useful words/phrases that tourists could use when in Indonesia include 

  • selamat Pagi – good morning
  • selamat sore – good evening
  • selamat malam – good night
  • Permisi pak – excuse me sir
  • permisi bu – excuse me ma’am
  • sampai jumpa – goodbye
  • terima kasih – thank you

Indonesia’s official currency is Rupiah . Cash is still the most widely used mode of payment, especially in remote locations. In Bali, Visa and Mastercard are commonly used. 

Passengers in the ASEAN region can enjoy a visa-free period of 30 days. That includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Timor Leste.

Prior to 2023, most nationalities can enjoy a 30-day visa-free when travelling to Indonesia. However, since mid-2023, the government has removed almost 150+ countries from the visa-free list . Now, you must apply for an evisa (e-VOA) or pay for a visa on arrival, both are valid for 30 days.

Getting one online will save you time from filling out the information, waiting in line, waiting in the payment queue, and lining up for a stamp right after you land.

If you apply for an eVOA before your arrival, you must go straight to the immigration officer and show your eVOA. The processing time of eVOA is around 5 days, you can also do an express. If you’re out of time, go for a visa on arrival instead.

Package tours

You can also book a package tour for 3 weeks in Indonesia if you want to avoid the hassle of planning and arranging multiple hotels, transport, and tours. In this way, you can relax and enjoy your vacation a lot more.

I recommend the 15 days so you have around 5 days to do anything that you want or see a place that the tour has missed.

Other travel tips

When you are planning your 20 days in Indonesia, these travel sites and tools will help you arrange your hotels, flights, car rental, and even book cooking classes and find suitable travel insurance. These sites will help you plan everything in one sitting and ensure that you will have an amazing vacation.


Click the enlarge button on the top right corner. Credit: map data: Google


If you’re planning to stay for 3-weeks in Indonesia, the most recommended places to visit are Jakarta, Mount Bromo, Mount Ijen, Yogyakarta, Bali, and Lombok.

Jakarta is a dynamic city filled with art spaces that house contemporary artworks by local and international artists. It also has old colonial buildings which are repurposed as cafes and museums, it’s basically one of those cities where historical and modern architecture mesh.

Yogyakarta is the only Indonesian region to still be ruled by a monarchy, you could personally visit some of the royalty’s residences. It also has tons of five-star hotels here that are cheaper compared to Bali, if you want to pamper yourself, this is the perfect place to do so.

Bali is a must-visit not only for those who want to see temples but also for adventurous souls . Some of the activities that you could do there besides surfing include cliff jumping, sliding down natural and man-made waterslides, hiking, and diving.

Day-to-day overview

  • Day 1 : Arrive in Jakarta. Get transferred from the airport to your hotel . Find a local sim card with data and get local currency.
  • Day 2 to 3 : Explore Jakarta and plan a day trip to Bandung.
  • Day 4 : Travel from Jakarta to Yogyakarta by bus , plane , or train .
  • Day 5 to 7 : Sightseeing around Yogyakarta.
  • Day 8 : Travel from Yogyakarta to Mount Bromo (Malang) by train .
  • Day 8 to 10 : Hike Mount Bromo.
  • Day 11 : Travel to Ijen (Banyuwangi) via train .
  • Day 12 to 14: Hike Ijen Crater
  • Day 15 : Travel from Ijen/Banyuwangi to Bali by plane .
  • Day 16 to 20 : Enjoy Bali Island and Lombok.

Jakarta and Bandung for 3 days

Jakarta is a concrete jungle that depicts an energetic landscape that turns into a stunning night skyline. It has many rooftop cafes where you could have a romantic dinner with a special someone or a night out with your friends.

It also is a melting pot of people of various cultures, so you’ll get to try out their foods and learn more about their history.

Aside from historical and modern structures, Jakarta have islands as well, which is perfect for those who want to experience Jakarta’s tropical side. Jakarta is an awesome place to start because a lot of international flights from Oceania, Europe, and even the Americas land in Jakarta or Bali.

You can take a day trip to Badung for a full day, depending on how much time you have, instead of spending a night in Bandung. The travel time between the two cities is around 3 to 4 hours by car or by bus .

Things to do in Jakarta

  • Visit Jakarta’s top spots with a local guide – check the tour price
  • Day trip to Bandung
  • Istiqlal Mosque
  • Ciater Hot Spring – combine a day trip with a volcano day hike
  • Merdeka Square
  • Thousand Islands
  • Day trip to Kawah Putih – join a group tour
  • Ancol Dreamland Themepark
  • Ragunan Zoo
  • Setu Babakan
  • Basuki Abdullah Museum
  • Book a full-day tour in Bandung

Accommodations in Jakarta

  • Affordable: Wonderloft Hostel or Sleepy Raccoon Hostel
  • Mid-range: Ashley Tanah Abang or Juno Tanah Abang
  • Luxury: The Hermitage or Four Seasons Hotel

2 images - nightlights of Bali and Yogyakarta temple - 3 Weeks in Indonesia Itinerary

Yogyakarta for 3 days

Yogyakarta is well-known for its cultural heritage and traditional arts. It is recognized as Indonesia’s cultural hub and the country’s batik capital.

Batik is an ancient fabric wax-resist dyeing tradition in Java Indonesia . Aside from that, it is also famous for nasi gudeg , which is a must-try Javanese dish.

To reach Yogyakarta, if you’re coming from Java, the modes of transportation include train, plane, bus, and driving. The most recommended option is to board the train with a travel time of more than 7 hours.

The cheapest option is to ride a bus , but it would take approximately 10 hours. Flying would be the fastest, 1 hour.

Things to do in Yogyakarta

  • Borobudur Temple – enjoy a sunrise visit with stops at Merapi Volcano and Prambanan or do the sunrise from Setumbu Hill
  • The Taman Sari
  • Merapi Volcano
  • Kalibiru National Park
  • Setumbu Hill
  • Tour the Royal Route – you can do it on a bicycle
  • Sewu Temple
  • Plaosan Temple
  • Candi Lumbung
  • Ullen Sentalu Museum
  • Pinus Pengger
  • Book a food walking tour and learn about Indonesian cuisine
  • Jomblang Cave
  • Timang Beach
  • Overnight trip to Mount Bromo from Yogyakarta – look at the itinerary

Accommodations in Yogyakarta

  • Affordable: Puri Pangeran Hotel or Omah Pathok
  • Mid-range: Hotel Neo by Aston or Ayaartta Hotel
  • Luxury: Marriott Hotel or Novotel Suites or Melia Purosani

Mount Bromo for 4 days

3 weeks in Indonesia must include hiking, but not any typical hiking. During your vacation here, you must hike an active volcano. Mount Bromo is a must-visit for people who want to see an active volcano and other breathtaking views without much hiking.

Aside from that, the place is easy to access, and it offers affordable packages compared to other volcano excursions.

Aside from the volcano itself, Mount Bromo Tours is also famous for Tumpak Sewu Waterfall and Ijen Crater. To get to Mount Bromo from Yogyakarta, you could board the train which would take 4 hours of travel time towards Malang, or ride the plane to Surabay a and then get picked up by your chosen travel agency’s shuttle.

Hiking just Mount Bromo would take you only 45 minutes one way . However, it would take you three days to hike Mount Bromo if you choose a combined tour with Ijen Crater (which is the most advisable tour package).

Things to do in Mount Bromo and around

  • Mount Bromo Sunrise Tour is the most popular, but you can also for a 2-day 1-night trip
  • Luhur Poten Temple
  • Mount Penanjakan
  • Savannah Hill
  • Ngadas Village
  • House of Sampoerna
  • Cheng Hoo Mosque
  • Heroes Monument
  • Ria Kenjeran Beach

Accommodations in Mount Bromo

  • Affordable: Smart Tlogomas or Shinta Guesthouse
  • Mid-range: Royal Orchids Garden Hotel or Ascent Premiere Hotel
  • Luxury: Plantaran Bromo or Hotel Tugu Malang


Ijen Crater for 3 days

Mount Ijen is well-known for its blue fire , which can only be seen here and in Iceland. It is also home to the world’s largest acid lake, and you can experience great sunrises here because you’ll be able to witness the sky in different hues.

Hiking just Mount Ijen would only take almost 2 hours, but some packages offer 2-day hikes wherein you can hike both Ijen Crater and Mount Bromo.

Banyuwangi is a popular base for those who want to hike Mount Ijen because you can rent a 4×4 jeep and arrive at Ijen in 1.5 hours.

2 images - mount bromo crater and mount ijen boiling water - 3 Weeks in Indonesia Itinerary

Things to do in Mount Ijen or Banyuwangi

  • Ijen Crater sunrise hike
  • Mount Ijen Blue Fire Trekking tour
  • Mount Bromo and Ijen Crater 3-day tour
  • Sukamade Beach
  • Meru Betiri National Park
  • Jagir Waterfall
  • Jawatan Benculuk
  • Overnight trip to Ijen Crater from Bali – look at the price

Accommodations in Banyuwangi

  • Affordable: Mango Tree Homestay or Mocca Guest House
  • Mid-range: Aston Hotel or Ketapang Indah Hotel
  • Luxury: Ijen Resort and Villas or Illira Hotel

Bali and Lombok for 7 days

If you’re going to stay for 20 days in Indonesia, it is imperative to stay in Bali and Lombok for at least a week. Bali is so popular that many visitors forget that it’s not a country, but an island in East Java. Bali is well-known for its idyllic beaches, captivating cultural scene, and local delicacies.

However, there’s more to Bali than meets the eye. It is a safe haven of some sort, not only physically but even mentally and spiritually. Bali is known as a surfing spot, but there’s more to it than that. You can also go temple hopping or hike through Bali’s best waterfalls .

3 weeks in Indonesia is incomplete without visiting Bali and Lombok – the two most sought-after destinations in the country in the last decade.

You can reach Bali by boat if you come from Banyuwangi and then by bus, taxi, or minivan. The boat goes every half an hour and takes around 40 minutes. From the ferry, you can take a minivan, which is about a 2 hr and 30-minute drive or a taxi.

Flying is also an option but usually requires a connection, so the travel time will not be much faster than by ferry and bus anyway.

Bali actually has a bit of everything and is suitable for everyone because, in Denpasar, there are tons of surfing spots and backpacker trails, perfect for adrenaline junkies. We also have an itinerary for 20 days in Bali .

Meanwhile, Ubud, which is north of Denpasar, is more suitable for laid-back people who want to unwind and reflect. It is well-known for the abundance of yoga retreats that you can find there.

If you have more time, I recommend you book a 4-day trip to the famous Komodo Island to see the magnificent Komodo dragons.

If you take a speed boat , you can do a day trip to Lombok from Bali or fly . But if you have the time, maybe you can spend a few nights in Lombok.

2 images - aerial view of An beach and bali cliff - 3 Weeks in Indonesia Itinerary

Things to do in Denpasar

  • Nusa Penida Tour – book a private boat for snorkeling and see Manta Rays or compare the price with this similar tour
  • Gate of Heaven
  • Bali Snorkeling Tour – snorkelling at Blue Lagoon Beach
  • Sign up for a surfing beginner’s class
  • Tanah Lot – best to visit with a tour guide
  • Taman Festival
  • Waterbom Waterpark – get a single-day pass
  • Sanur Beach
  • Mount Batur – do a sunrise hike and visit a natural hot spring
  • Bali Wake Park
  • Instagram Tour – join a tour of Bali’s Instagrammable spots
  • Bahra Sandhi Monument
  • Go white water wafting – check the price or rafting with an ATV ride

Things to do in Ubud

  • Book a package tour – visiting Ubud’s top spots or compare to this tour or an All-inclusive Ubud day tour or maybe this tour instead with the famous Jungle Swing or an ATV tour or a monkey tour with rice terraces
  • Campuhan ridge walk
  • Museum Puri Lukisan
  • Pura Taman Saraswati
  • Jungle Swing
  • Gianyar Night Market
  • Rice Paddies
  • Monkey Forest
  • Attend a yoga class at Yoga Barn
  • Watch a Legong dance performance
  • Agung Rai Museum of Art – join Batik making class or silver jewellery making class

Things to do in Lombok/Gili

  • Explore Lombok via a full day tour
  • Kuta Beach, Senggigi Beach, and Pink Beach
  • Tetebatu – go to a waterfall and monkey forest
  • Rice terraces of Lombok
  • Party on Gili Trawangan
  • Lingsar Temple and the Mayura Temple
  • Mount Rinjani and the Sendang Gile Waterfall (hiking) – 3 days and 2 nights tour or 2 days and 1 night tour
  • Cooking classes and Food tour
  • Yoga and Meditation class
  • Tiu Kelep Waterfall (white rafting)
  • Lombok Elephant Park (rescued elephants)
  • Traditional village of Sade (Sasak people)
  • Air Kalak Hotsprings
  • Go Snorkelling – read this snorkelling tour reviews or this half-day tour
  • Kuta Lombok Beach
  • Sekotong Islands
  • Book a one-way transfer from Bali to Lombok or Gili

Accommodations in Denpansar (Canggu)

  • Affordable: The Tipsy Gypsy Hostel or Serenity Eco Guesthouse
  • Mid-range: The Calmtree Bungalows or D’djabu Villas
  • Luxury: Regali Villa or Blossom Exco Luxe Villas

Accommodations in Ubud

  • Affordable: Kamar Suci House or Dijumahrai Homestay
  • Mid-range: Goya Boutique Resort or Alamdini Resort
  • Luxury: Beehouse Dijiwa or Villa Kayu Lama

Accommodations in Lombok

  • Affordable: The Pondok or Indah Homestay
  • Mid-range: Gili Teak Beach Front Resor t or Vila Ombak
  • Luxury: Batatu Villas or Nero North


Indonesia has 17,000 islands, so you definitely wouldn’t run out of new islands to visit. In fact, if one plans to visit all of the islands, one would spend 49 years doing it if one visits one island per day.

Aside from that, Indonesia is one of the world’s biggest tea producers, so you can experience sipping tea straight from the source at a plantation!

Besides nature-related activities, you could also soak up cultural heritage through a plethora of temples and shrines that they have here. Pair it with various classes that they offer and you’ll certainly experience maximum cultural immersion.

Planning a vacation for 3 weeks in Indonesia shouldn’t be too overwhelming, it should be exciting and a warm-up to your well-deserved holiday. I hope this article helped you write your own travel itinerary .


Spend three weeks in Indonesia: Explore Bali's temples and beaches, visit Java's historic Borobudur, and encounter Komodo dragons. Enjoy diverse cultures, vibrant festivals, and stunning landscapes from Sumatra to Papua. A rich tapestry of experiences awaits. via @threeweektraveller

Itinerario Indonesia 3 settimane – Tour originale Komodo, Java, Bali

Essendo già stato scoperto il L'Indonesia in 15 giorni nel 2017, per il mio secondo viaggio ho optato per un itinerario più originale di 3 settimane a giugno 2022.

Itinerario di 3 settimane in Indonesia fuori dai sentieri battuti

Infatti, generalmente per un tour di 3 settimane in Indonesia, gli itinerari passano per Giava (Ijen e Bromo), Bali e terminano su un'isola paradisiaca come Gili o altre. Quindi, ho organizzato il mio tour di 3 settimane in Indonesia, ma attraverso le isole di Komodo, Giava e Bali per esplorare alcuni dei luoghi più incredibili dell'Indonesia.

Di seguito ti faccio scoprire il mio circuito con itinerario dettagliato, Google Maps, consigli per l'alloggio e informazioni pratiche per organizzare i trasporti.

Itinerario Indonesia – Principali isole da visitare

Quando ho deciso di visitare l'Indonesia in 3 settimane fuori dai sentieri battuti, ho organizzato il mio viaggio in 3 parti:

  • Isole, spiagge paradisiache e il Parco di Komodo
  • I posti più belli dell'isola di Giava
  • I magnifici templi e paesaggi di Bali

Itinerario Indonesia – 1° tappa: Parco Nazionale di Komodo

L'isola di Komodo è famosa per i suoi draghi di Komodo ma Komodo è molto più di questo! Infatti, con i suoi paesaggi spettacolari, le sue spiagge paradisiache e l'incredibile fauna marina, il Parco Nazionale di Komodo è patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO.

Parco marino di Komodo

Una delle attività da non perdere qui è l'escursione sulla cima del Monte Padar che offre una vista panoramica mozzafiato sulle isole circostanti. Si può anche fare immersioni subacquee o snorkeling per esplorare le colorate barriere coralline e osservare le tartarughe marine, le mante e un'ampia varietà di pesci tropicali. (Vedi i dettagli delle visite e dei siti da scoprire nei dettagli del mio tour qui sotto).

Dopo aver esplorato Komodo, ci dirigiamo verso Giava, l'isola più grande dell'Indonesia.

Itinerario Indonesia – 2° tappa: Java

Giava è un'isola affascinante ricca di siti culturali e naturali eccezionali. Uno dei punti salienti di Giava è il maestoso vulcano Bromo, situato nel Parco Nazionale Bromo Tengger Semeru. Puoi alzarti presto per guardare l'alba sul Monte Bromo , un'esperienza davvero magica.

Ma avevo già scoperto questo vulcano nel 2017 e quindi ho deciso di non inserirlo nel mio circuito di 3 settimane.

D'altra parte, ho deciso di rifare il vulcano Ijen perché mi ha colpito così tanto che ho sognato di poter scalare di nuovo questo mitico vulcano.

Ho deciso anche di rivisitare Yogyakarta e i templi di Borobudur e Prambanan che avevo adorato! Questi sono entrambi siti del patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO che dimostrano la ricca storia e influenza buddista e indù di Giava.

I posti più belli di Giava

Per un'esperienza più originale, volevo visitare il magnifico altopiano di Dieng e scoprire anche la spiaggia di Sukamade per vedere le torture.

Dopo aver esplorato Giava, dirigiti verso la vicina isola di Bali, nota per la sua cultura e il suo patrimonio artistico unici.

Itinerario Indonesia – 3° tappa: Bali

Bali è una destinazione che mi ha attratto per i suoi magnifici templi indù, le sue danze tradizionali, i suoi vulcani e il suo artigianato locale. Tuttavia nel 2017 l’ho visitato in soli 4 giorni. Quindi ho deciso di riscoprirlo ma trascorrendo lì 7 giorni!

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Volevo scoprire i templi più belli di Bali, assistere ad uno spettacolo di danza balinese, scoprire piccoli villaggi, vulcani e le più belle terrazze di riso. Vedi i dettagli delle mie visite qui sotto.

Dai draghi di Komodo ai maestosi vulcani e templi di Giava fino alla vibrante cultura di Bali, ogni isola offre un'esperienza unica e indimenticabile.

Itinerario in Indonesia in 3 settimane

Ecco tutte le tappe del mio itinerario Komodo-Java-Bali in 3 settimane:

  • Aeroporto internazionale di Denpasar
  • Pura Luhur Uluwatu
  • Labuan Bajo
  • Aeroporto di Komodo
  • La spiaggia di Sukamade
  • Tempio di Prambanan
  • Altopiano di Dieng
  • Aeroporto internazionale di Yogyakarta
  • Tegallalang della terrazza del riso
  • Tempio Tirta Empul – Dadong Lulu

Terrazze di riso Jatiluwih

  • Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

Lago Tamblingan

  • Puro Batu Bolong

Tempio di Besakih

  • Grotte di Goa Gajah

Mappa del percorso dell'Indonesia

Di seguito la mappa dell'itinerario completo del mio originale tour in Indonesia che va da Komodo a Giava e termina a Bali:

Itinerario in Indonesia fuori dai sentieri battuti

Ecco come ho organizzato passo dopo passo questo viaggio di 3 settimane in Indonesia: trasporti, visite, hotel.

Scoperta del sud di Bali – Giorni 1 e 2

Quando siamo arrivati ​​a Denpasar, essendo già nel sud dell'isola di Bali, abbiamo iniziato visitando il tempio di Tanah Lot. Questo tempio indù è un monumento sacro costruito su una roccia ma che può essere visitato solo dall'esterno.

Dopo aver goduto della spiaggia di Kuta, abbiamo deciso di visitare il tempio di Uluwatu che si trova sulla punta sud-ovest della penisola di Bukit, nel sud di Bali.

Di solito, quando visitiamo questo luogo, assistiamo a uno spettacolo di danza del fuoco Kecak. Vedi l'escursione a 36€ a persona: Visita al tempio sacro di Luhur Uluwatu

Danza tradizionale balinese

Abbiamo colto l'occasione per andare al  La spiaggia di Jimbaran e visitare anche il Cascata di Tegenungan che si trova a nord di Sanur a Sukawati.

Per quanto riguarda l'alloggio, avevo prenotato una guesthouse a Kuta, molto ben posizionata per visitare il sud di Bali e molto vicina all'aeroporto. Non volevo infatti perdere tempo con i trasporti al nostro arrivo a Bali e nemmeno al ritorno in aeroporto per il volo per Komodo. Inoltre, per 2 notti, non è stato affatto costoso: Pensione Praba (Guna Graha Kuta di Kamara)

Komodo – Giorni dal 3 al 5

Per visitare l'isola e il parco marittimo di Komodo bisogna recarsi a Labuan Bajo. Per fare questo, devi prendere un volo da Bali. Ho prenotato questo volo da Denpasar a Labuan Bajo che dura 1 ora e 10 con la compagnia Leone Aria . Prezzo 154 Euro (2 IDR).

Tappa Komodo nel mio itinerario di 3 settimane in Indonesia

Poi per visitare il parco marittimo di Komodo, per vedere i draghi, la bellissima spiaggia rosa, le isole di Padar, Taka Makassar e Kanawa, sono passato da Civitatis.

Infatti, la loro escursione in barca di un'intera giornata (molto frequentata) ti permette di vedere tutto e oltre ad andare allo spot di Manta Point per nuotare con Mante !

Visualizza questa escursione

Per l'alloggio avevo prenotato un hotel vicino al molo con una splendida vista sulle isole del Parco di Komodo: Hotel del Pappagallo Blu

Vista dal nostro hotel a Labuan Bajo

Trasporti Komodo-Denpasar-Banyuwangi – Giorno 5

Il nostro volo Komodo/Denpasar è atterrato alle 11:XNUMX. Per poi recarci nell'isola di Giava a Banyuwangi, la cittadina più vicina al vulcano IJEN, abbiamo preso un autista privato.

Ci ha portato dall'aeroporto di Denpasar al molo di Gilimanuk in 4 ore per € 61. Vedere :   Noleggio auto con conducente a Bali

Poi, abbiamo preso un taxi per viaggiare (45 minuti) al nostro hotel a Banyuwangi: Jiwa Jawa Ijen Resort (Pondok isoke), uno dei più vicini al vulcano Ijen.

Hotel vicino al vulcano Ijen

Banyuwangi – Ijen – Giorni 6 e 7

Per la scalata del vulcano Ijen non volevamo farla nel cuore della notte per vedere le famose fiamme blu. In effetti ho avuto dei feedback piuttosto negativi.

Ciò si spiega con il fatto che la maggior parte dei turisti parte alla stessa ora durante la notte e riparte alla stessa ora una volta terminata l'escursione. Ciò si traduce in gruppi di turisti uno dietro l'altro che salgono al cratere, cattive condizioni escursionistiche (lampada frontale e su terreno molto scivoloso), un'alba inesistente perché il cratere è sotto la nebbia, un ritorno in fila di centinaia di turisti indiani.

Quindi, volevo vedere il Vulcano Ijen come la primissima volta nel 2017 a metà mattinata, con tempo abbastanza sereno e soprattutto senza troppi turisti!

Ecco come è andata la nostra escursione a Ijen:

  • Abbiamo lasciato il nostro hotel con un autista privato (prenotato tramite il nostro hotel) alle 6 del mattino.
  • Dopo un'ora e 1 minuti di guida, abbiamo pranzato all'arrivo e siamo saliti tranquillamente in 15 ore fino alla cima del cratere.
  • Siamo riusciti a scendere un po' nel cratere indossando una maschera antigas e siamo rimasti in contatto con i trasportatori di zolfo.
  • Siamo tornati al nostro hotel nel primo pomeriggio.

Vulcano Ijen, tappa imperdibile in un itinerario di 3 settimane in Indonesia

Le tartarughe di Sukamade Beach – Giorno 8

Lungo la costa del sud-est di Giava, a 90 km da Banyuwangi si trova la spiaggia di Sukamade. È il rifugio delle tartarughe marine che vengono a deporre le uova durante tutto l'anno.

Ogni notte, quando la marea lo permette, si può andare sulla spiaggia dove le tartarughe giganti scavano una buca per deporre le uova. In 2 ore, una tartaruga depone più di 100 uova e si allontana lentamente verso il mare. Una squadra di ranger sposterà poi queste uova in un luogo più sicuro per proteggerle dai predatori. Le piccole tartarughe verranno incubate per 6-8 settimane, quindi verranno rilasciate in mare.

Vedi l'escursione organizzata da Banyuwangi da (richiedi un preventivo personalizzato).

Viaggio da Banyuwangi a Yogyakarta – Giorno 9

Per realizzare questo lungo viaggio da Banyuwangi a Yogyakarta che rappresenta più di 600 km, avevamo la scelta tra:

  • Prendi il treno da Banyuwangi Kota a Surabaya 5h 46min + aspetta 1 ora + prendi il treno da Surabaya Gubeng a Yogyakarta (4h40) – Vedi su
  • Prendi un volo di 5 ore con Batik Air alle 13:30.
  • Scegli un autista privato che ci porta direttamente dal nostro hotel a Banyuwangi al nostro hotel a Yogyakarta.

Questa è la soluzione con autista privato che abbiamo scelto (proprio come nel 2017). Bisogna partire molto presto la mattina per fare questo lungo viaggio e programmare alcune soste essenziali per l'autista e per noi. Abbiamo contattato un'agenzia locale che ci ha fornito un preventivo personalizzato: [email protected].

È tarda sera quando finalmente arriviamo al nostro hotel a Yogyakarta. Avevo scelto l'albergo Griya Wijilan Syariah (Bladok Hotel & Restaurant) per la sua posizione nel cuore della città proprio accanto ai principali monumenti in modo da poterli visitare a piedi. In più costava poco:

3 giorni a Yogyakarta – Giorni 10-11-12

Il nostro programma per questi 3 giorni a Yogyakarta è stato il seguente:

  • Giorno 1: visita Yogyakarta mentre esplori il palazzo del Sultano, il Kraton. Questo magnifico palazzo è un perfetto esempio di architettura tradizionale giavanese. Visiteremo anche la famosa torre dell'acqua che era un giardino ricreativo abbandonato da decenni.

tour indonesia 3 settimane

  • Giorno 2: Visita ai templi Borobudur e Prambanan che avevo già visitato nel 2017 e che avrei voluto rivedere. Per queste visite abbiamo optato per il noleggio auto con conducente a Yogyakarta .

Visita al Tempio di Borobudur

Questo tempio buddista, risalente al IX secolo, è uno dei templi più grandi e imponenti dell'Indonesia. Elencato come patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO, è composto da nove livelli, ciascuno dei quali rappresenta una fase del viaggio buddista verso l'illuminazione. Mentre percorri i diversi livelli, puoi ammirare i magnifici bassorilievi che raccontano storie buddiste e offrono uno spaccato affascinante della cultura dell'epoca.

Il tempio più bello di Giava

Non dimenticare di ammirare la vista panoramica dalla cima del tempio. Da qui è possibile ammirare gli splendidi paesaggi circostanti, compresi i vulcani circostanti e le terrazze di riso.

Visita al tempio di Prambanan

Il tempio di Prambanan è un complesso di templi indù costruito nel IX secolo utilizzando pietra vulcanica. Questo complesso è anche patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO ed è considerato uno dei migliori esempi di architettura indù in Indonesia.

Visita Prambanan nel mio itinerario in Indonesia di 3 settimane

Il complesso di Prambanan è formato da diversi templi, tra cui il tempio principale dedicato a Shiva. Ciascuno di questi templi è adornato con magnifiche sculture e bassorilievi che raccontano storie mitologiche indù.

  • Giorno 3: Esplorazione dell'altopiano di Dieng

Scoperta dell'altopiano di Dieng che si trova in una regione vulcanica situata a circa 2 metri sul livello del mare. Questo altopiano è famoso per i suoi antichi templi, i laghi vulcanici e le sorgenti termali.

Altopiano di Dieng a Giava

Iniziamo la giornata visitando il tempio Arjuna, uno dei templi più importanti dell'altopiano di Dieng. Questo tempio indù è un impressionante esempio di architettura antica e offre magnifiche viste sui paesaggi circostanti.

Poi, bisogna recarsi al lago craterico di Telaga Warna o lago colorato, che deve il suo nome alla varietà di colori delle sue acque (colore intenso che va dal blu turchese al verde smeraldo).

La giornata di relax nelle sorgenti termali di Dieng. Queste sorgenti naturali sono rinomate per le loro proprietà curative e sono il luogo perfetto per rilassarsi dopo una giornata intensa.

Viaggio Yogyakarta-Bali – Giorno 13

Questa giornata è stata dedicata al nostro ritorno a Bali. Abbiamo preso un volo Air Asia alle 12:50 che ci ha portato da Yogyakarta a Denpasar in un'ora e mezza. Poi abbiamo preso un taxi per portarci a Ubud dove avevo prenotato il mio hotel: Ahimè Petulu Villa Resort and Spa (Soggiorno in famiglia a Goutama)

Tappa a Ubud nel mio tour di 3 settimane in Indonesia

Bali in 7 giorni

Dal giorno 14 al giorno 20, abbiamo visitato i siti, i paesaggi e i templi più belli di Bali, a parte il sud che avevamo già scoperto al nostro arrivo nei giorni 1 e 2.

Io ho deciso di alloggiare a Ubud che ha una posizione abbastanza centrale ed è ideale per visitare le diverse parti dell'isola facendo delle gite giornaliere (vedi sulla mappa sopra).

Per questo l’ideale è noleggiare un’auto con conducente a Bali:

Ecco le principali visite da fare quando si trascorrono 7 giorni a Bali:

Scoperta di Ubud

Il nostro primo giorno a Bali è stato dedicato alla riscoperta di Ubud, la capitale culturale dell'isola. Abbiamo iniziato visitando il Palazzo di Ubud, una magnifica residenza reale circondata da rigogliosi giardini. Poi siamo tornati alla Foresta delle Scimmie, ovvero una foresta sacra abitata da centinaia di scimmie.

Visita alla Foresta delle Scimmie a Ubud

E ovviamente siamo andati a fare shopping al mercato di Ubud dove si possono trovare oggetti unici, come sculture in legno, gioielli e abiti tradizionali balinesi.

La nostra giornata si è conclusa in grande stile assistendo ad uno spettacolo di danza tradizionale balinese.

Terrazze di riso Tegallalang

Le terrazze di riso di Tegallalang sono una delle attrazioni più iconiche vicino a Ubud. Queste terrazze a gradini offrono viste mozzafiato sulle verdi risaie e sulle valli circostanti.

Le terrazze di riso di Tegallalang sono anche il luogo ideale per vivere la tradizionale cultura agricola di Bali. Potrai osservare gli agricoltori locali lavorare nei campi, utilizzando metodi ancestrali per coltivare il riso. Questa è un'opportunità unica per conoscere le tradizioni agricole balinesi e immergerti nella vita quotidiana della gente del posto.


Tempio di Tirta Empul

Il Tempio Tirta Empul è uno dei templi più sacri di Bali. È rinomato per le sue sorgenti sacre, considerate dotate di poteri curativi e purificatori. Devoti e visitatori vengono qui per bagnarsi nelle acque sacre e partecipare ai rituali di purificazione.

Il tempio stesso è un magnifico esempio di architettura tradizionale balinese. È ornato con intricati intagli e dettagli artistici che raccontano storie della mitologia indù.

Tempio di Tirta Empul nel mio itinerario originale in Indonesia

Dadong Lulu

Dadong Lulu è un piccolo villaggio artigianale situato vicino a Ubud. Questo villaggio è famoso per la produzione di autentici batik e altri prodotti artigianali balinesi. Qui potrai conoscere le tecniche tradizionali di produzione del batik e osservare gli artigiani locali creare intricati disegni a mano.

Dadong Lulu è inoltre circondato da una natura rigogliosa, con magnifiche terrazze di riso e paesaggi pittoreschi. Cogli l'occasione per passeggiare nella zona circostante e scoprire le bellezze naturali della zona.

Le terrazze di riso di Jatiluwih sono un patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO, e per una buona ragione: sono uno dei paesaggi più spettacolari di Bali con le sue vaste risaie terrazzate di un verde brillante che si estendono a perdita d'occhio.

Le terrazze di riso di Jatiluwih sono famose anche per il loro tradizionale sistema di irrigazione, noto come “subak”. Questo ingegnoso sistema permette di controllare il livello dell'acqua nelle risaie e garantire raccolti abbondanti. È una vera opera di ingegneria agricola che testimonia la saggezza ancestrale dei balinesi.

Il lago Tamblingan si trova tra le montagne dell'isola e offre un ambiente tranquillo e mistico, circondato da una fitta e rigogliosa foresta. Questo è il luogo ideale per fare una tradizionale gita in barca. I dintorni del Lago Tamblingan sono ricchi di sentieri escursionistici alla scoperta di foreste e paesaggi mozzafiato.

Tempio di Batu Bolong

Il Tempio Batu Bolong si trova su una scogliera a picco sull'oceano, offrendo una fantastica vista panoramica. Il tempio prende il nome dalla formazione rocciosa sottostante, che ricorda un foro praticato nella pietra (“bolong” che significa “buco” in balinese).

Tempio Batu Bolong, tappa obbligata di un tour di 3 settimane in Indonesia

Salita al vulcano Batur

Quando trascorri 3 settimane in Indonesia, scalare un vulcano a Bali è d'obbligo. Ho esitato tra Monte Batur e Monte Agung .

Alla fine ho optato per il Monte Batur che è un vulcano attivo famoso per le sue escursioni fino alla vetta.

Monte Batur o Monte Agung

Il tempio Besakih è un sito da non perdere in un tour di 3 settimane in Indonesia. Ha una ricca storia e una grande importanza per i balinesi. Risale all'VIII secolo ed è considerato il tempio più antico di Bali. È dedicato agli dei indù e ogni santuario nel tempio è dedicato a una divinità diversa. Il tempio svolge un ruolo centrale nella vita religiosa di Bali ed è sede di numerosi rituali e cerimonie.

Porta del tempio di Bali

L'importanza del Tempio di Besakih risiede anche nella sua posizione. Si trova ai piedi del Monte Agung, il vulcano più alto di Bali, considerato una montagna sacra dai balinesi. La vicinanza del tempio al vulcano aggiunge una dimensione spirituale e mistica all'esperienza della visita.

Munduk per uscire dai sentieri battuti

Per un po' di originalità in più rispetto al classico itinerario di 3 settimane in Indonesia, ho scelto di trascorrere una giornata a Munkuk. Questo affascinante paesino è annidato nel cuore delle montagne, in una vegetazione lussureggiante, questa piccola vacanza è stata una delle preferite.

Lontano dal turismo di massa, Munduk è un sito magnifico con vista panoramica su numerose terrazze di riso, con le cascate di Munduk (bellissima escursione alla cascata Melanting) e le sue magnifiche piantagioni di caffè.

Da Munduk potrai visitare i templi sacri della regione per immergerti nella spiritualità di Bali. Il tempio Pura Ulun Danu Bratan è assolutamente da vedere. Situato sulle rive del Lago Bratan (vedi sotto).

Per l'alloggio ho scelto un luogo immerso in una natura eccezionale per il suo panorama: Kayukopi 

Hotel consigliato a Munduk

Tempio Ulun Danu Bratan

Il tempio Ulun Danu Bratan si trova a 20 km da Munduk. Si trova sulle rive del Lago Bratan e offre uno splendido scenario. Questo tempio, dedicato alla dea dell'acqua, è costruito su più livelli, con tetti a forma di pagoda decorati con intricati intagli. Quando il lago Bratan è pieno, l'acqua circonda il tempio ed è bellissimo.

Tour originale di 3 settimane in Indonesia con 7 giorni a Bali

Ultimo giorno a Kuta Beach

L'ultimo giorno del nostro itinerario in Indonesia di 3 settimane termina nella bellissima spiaggia di Kuta. Avevo scelto un albergo vicino al mercato artigianale di Kuta per fare gli ultimi acquisti. Volevo anche che fosse vicino all'aeroporto per il nostro volo di ritorno in Francia il giorno successivo: Kuta Puri Bungalow, ville e resort

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Yogyakarta airport taxis hotel - giorno 1.



come arrivare a BOROBUDUR




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3 Weeks in Indonesia: Borneo, Java, Bali, Komodo & Gili Islands (22D/21N)

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Get the most of authentic experiences of Indonesia in 3 weeks . Explore the riverside jungle in Borneo , indulge yourself with the rich culture of Yogyakarta city , and visit the mighty Komodo dragons, explore the infamous Bali and lastly, unwind on the tropical paradise, Gili Islands. Truly an unforgettable Indonesian journey!

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Pickup: Jakarta, Java (CGK)

Itinerary: 3 Weeks in Indonesia

Day 1: wel-come2indonesia - jakarta       ▼.

Welcome to the largest archipelago in the world. After arriving in Soekarno International Airport, Jakarta (capital city of Indonesia), you will directly go to the hotel. Enjoy a good rest before your adventure which will start directly on the next day. The hotel’s driver will wait you at exit gate of your terminal arrival. They bring a name board with your name stated on it and will escort you to the hotel.

Meals : –

Accommodation :  FM7 Resort Hotel – Superior Room


After breakfast, at the appointed time the hotel’s driver will take you to the airport to catch your flight to Pangkalan Bun, Borneo.  Upon arrival in Pangkalan Bun, your guide will transfer you to the port of Kumai in about 15-20 minutes by car where you will board our traditional wooden boat called a klotok.  Once everything is ready, the cruise upstream starts on the famous Sekonyer river abroad the klotok.

If your flight arrives early (before 12 PM), we can arrive on time at the Tanjung Harapan rehabilitation centre. There at 3 in the afternoon, the orangutans are fed by the rangers of the national park and you can have the first close encounters with them.  The literal translation of Tanjung Harapan is Cape of Hope. This first camp has more wetlands and therefore has more mosquitoes in the afternoon. Make sure you put on enough mosquito repellent. After visiting this camp, you will continue your journey upriver resting on the boat while observing animals in the sides of Sekonyer River.

In the afternoon it is very common to see groups of proboscis monkey and macaques in the treetops, jumping from one tree branch to another.  Also, see if you can find crocodiles or lizards in the shallow waters on the sides of the river.  Prepare for the sunset and enjoy the exquisite food prepared by our jungle crew. The boat is moored on the side of the river to spend the night.

Optional: Tonight, we can take a walk through the jungle to look for nocturnal animals such as snakes and tarantulas.  If we are lucky, we can find luminescent mushrooms or tarsier monkeys as well.

Meals : Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner

Accommodation : Klotok


After an extraordinary breakfast,  we prepare the backpacks to start a trekking in the Pesalat area where we can more intensely enjoy the endemics of the area,   search for wild orangutans.

Reforestation & Trekking

Today we are going to take part of the conservation of the national park, visiting the reforestation center of the Friends of the National Park Foundation (FNPF) where you can volunteer to Plant a tree and thus take the pride that you have contributed to the conservation to over there.

On the way we will have the opportunity to learn a lot about the jungle from our local guides, of whom some of them were born in the jungle.  They’ll explain how to look for animals or plants, and you can listen to their experience of life in the jungle. The jungles of Borneo, that have given life and shelter to its inhabitants for millions of years, are jungles that under the watch of their ancestors, are still capable of fulfilling every single individual’s needs. Food, water, medicines, etc. But never throw anything in your mouth without your guide’s recommendation.

Camp Leakey

Back at the klotok, we start our journey upriver, delving further into the jungle.  You will see how the color of the river changes and you will have the opportunity to see crocodiles and large monitor lizards, together with Gibbons and Proboscis Monkeys.   Arrival at Camp Leakey ,  the old center for research and rehabilitation of orangutans since 1971 , when a student at UCLA University from Los Angeles, called  Birutte Galdikas  began to study the Orangutans in it, the name Camp Leaky comes from Birutte’s own professor, the Paleoanthropologist Louis Leakey.

At least 200 orangutans have already been cured and returned to the forests thanks to this center,  however since 1995, the Government of Indonesia has prohibited the introduction of more Orangutans in this camp, so the Orangutans are adapting more and more to freedom.

Today, this camp is used for behavioral and feeding research of Orangutans.  At 14:00 you can see the feeding time of the Orangutans.  You can also visit the small museum made by the scientist Dr. Birute Galdikas.  In the afternoon, if it doesn’t rain, the boat will dock near a congregation of fireflies and you can enjoy the spectacle of their luminescence.


Today you will wake up with the sounds and the colours of the jungle.  Without a doubt, you will never forget how you woke up on the river, surrounded by the overflowing nature.

Pondok Tangguy

After an extraordinary breakfast on board, we will arrive on time to visit Pondok Tangguy camp at the feeding time for animals (9AM).

Little by little, you will see how the treetops begin to move and then you will see the silhouettes of the orangutans gradually reaching the feeding platform.  Tangguy was a release camp for young orangutans that had been rehabilitated. It prevented them from moving away due to lack of food and ending up outside the national park, with the following risks of falling into traps of settlers or palm oil plantations. After the orangutans begin to leave the camp, you will return to the klotok to continue further upstream. You will witness how the colour of the river changes and you will have the opportunity to see crocodiles and large monitor lizards, along with Gibbons and proboscis monkeys. Of course, you will enjoy your lunch in this lovely setting.

You will arrive at Camp Leakey, the old orangutan rehabilitation centre.  It was founded in 1971, when a student from UCLA University in Los Angeles named Birutte Galdikas, began studying the orangutans there.  The name Camp Leakey came from Birutte’s own professor, paleo-anthropologist Louis Leakey.  At least 200 orangutans have already been cured and returned to the jungle thanks to this centre. However, since 1995 the Indonesian government banned the introduction of more orangutans in this camp, so the orangutans are increasingly adapting to freedom.  Today, this camp is used for behavioural and feeding research for orangutans. You can also visit the small museum built by the scientist Dr. Birutte Galdikas.

After finishing the observing of orangutans in this camp, we will do a gentle trekking through the jungle back to the boat to search for free orangutans and other animals, if the weather conditions permit.  We will have the opportunity to learn a lot about the jungle from our local guides, of which some of them were born in the jungle. They’ll explain how to look for animals or plants, and you can listen to their experience of life in the jungle.  The jungles of Borneo have given life and shelter to its inhabitants for million of years. They are jungles that under the watch of their ancestors are capable of fulfilling every single individual’s needs.  Food, water, medicines, etc. But never throw anything in your mouth without your guide’s recommendation.

In the afternoon if it does not rain, the boat will be docked near a swarm of fireflies and you can enjoy the show of its luminescence.

Meals : Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner


In the early morning, we will enjoy the last moments of the sounds of the jungle, before heading to the airport to catch the flight to Semarang.

Upon your arrival in Semarang, our guide will meet you and show you a glimpse of Semarang. The first place to visit will be  Lawang Sewu, a thousand doors building right in the heart of the city . Then the next place is Sam Poo Kong Temple; it is the oldest Chinese temple in Semarang. Unlike most temples, the building does not belong to any specific religion, but rather functions as a place of worship for people of various ethnicity and religious groups including Buddhists. Lastly, we will visit  Gereja Bleduk, a hexagonal Christian church built by the Dutchman in the year of 1753. From Semarang, we will transfer to Magelang, a home to the temple of Borobudur, for overnight.

Meals : Breakfast 

Accommodation : Rumah Dharma Hotel or similar


Breakfast at the hotel and then you will head to Dieng Plateau, around 2.5 hours from Magelang . Dieng is located on the highland which lays on 2.093 meters  above sea level. During the ride you will have various scenery: small villages, drive on the slope and winding road, and beautiful landscapes with rich of plantation like coffee, tea, tobacco, and other vegetables crops. By the plateau, there are eight small Hindu temples from Kalingga Kingdom, a patterned Hindu kingdowm from the 6th century.

A stop will be made at Telaga Warna, a colorful lake due to a natural phenomenon caused by the high sulfur contain by the lake which make the reflection colored; green, yellow, purple, and sometimes rainbow.

From Dieng, you will head to Borobudur Temple, the world’s biggest Buddhist temple from the 9th century. The temple covered by hundred centuries-old statues of Buddha, where you can climb hundreds of steps and watch dozens of stupas. It is under constant restoration due to the breaks that the tremors of the neighboring Merapi volcano have produced during its history.

From Borobudur, you will continue our journey to Yogyakarta, the art capital of Indonesia. Arrive at the hotel, check in and rest. If you like to venture the city by night on your own, take a good walk around Tugu Zero KM, the starting point of Malioboro, the center of of Jogjakarta.

Meals : Breakfast

Accommodation :

A. The Phoenix – Superior Room

B. Gallery Prawirotaman – Superior Room

C. Lynn Hotel – Superior Room


After breakfast and at the indicated time we will head towards the heart of the city. We will visit the Keraton known as the Sultan Palace.  The palace is a complex building of two centuries old, located in the heart of the city.  You will listen to the song of the “freedom” of the birds in the bird market, we will visit the Water Castle  which occupies the highest part at the northern end of the vast complex of Taman Sari.  Also, visit Malioboro Street, main street of Yogyakarta with its merchants, horse carts, bicycle taxis and markets . An incredible experience that will make the hours fly by.

Finishing the tour in the city center of Yogyakarta, we will go northeast towards Prambanan Temple , the temple of Hinduists and classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1991. This temple was completed around the year 856 to commemorate the return of Shailendra dynasty of Central Java.  Take your time to enjoy each carving on the rocks and feel the spirituality that each of the perched stones gives off in this set of more than 200 Hindu temples.  They are dedicated to the Trimurti, the expression of God as the Creator, the Preserver and the destroyer.  After this day that you will never forget, we will take you to your hotel.

Accommodation : 

A. The Phoenix – Superior Room

B. Gallery Prawirotaman – Superior Room

C. Lynn Hotel – Superior Room

Day 8: YOGYAKARTA - BALI - UBUD       ▼

After breakfast, enjoy some rest until the agreed time to go to the airport for your flight to the island of Bali.  Upon arrival at the island of the gods, our representative will be waiting for you to take you to the booked hotel in Ubud.  Arrival at the hotel, check in and enjoy your free time.  Take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with locations of hotel facilities or take a stroll in the streets of Ubud.

A. Maya Ubud – Deluxe Room

B. Alaya Hotel- Deluxe Room

C. Tetirah Ubud – Deluxe Room


After breakfast, your guide will pick you up and we will visit the places on the fantastic route of Come2Indonesia.

Taman Ayun Temple

The first site will be the Taman Ayun Temple (it was founded in the 17th century), located in the Mengwi Village.  Until 1891, it was the seat of a powerful man who dates back to the Gelgel Dynasty, which is surrounded by a moat that looks like a sanctuary landscaped, which explains the term taman, or garden. The temple is a penyawangan or place to worship other sacred sites.

Jatiluwih Rice Terrace

From Taman Ayun, the compass heads towards Jatiluwih, where without a doubt we will admire and enjoy a beautiful view of rice terraces that cover the entire landscape of South Bali.  The name of Jatiluwih is made up of two words, Jati which means truly and Luwih which means beautiful, good, special. Without a doubt, this place not only has a beautiful name but that beauty is really reflected in its landscape.

Ulun Danu Bratan Temple

From Jatiluwih, we will go to Bedugul where we will visit the Ulun Danu Bratan Temple, the famous temple that stands in a small development located on the shore of Lake Beratan and has the beautiful landscape with the lake and the mountain as a backdrop.  It is without a doubt one of the most photogenic temples in all of Indonesia. This temple is dedicated to Dewi Danu, goddess of waters.

Sunset at Tanah Lot

We will close the visit on this fantastic route and end the day watching the sunset at the most famous and photographed temple in Bali, the Pura Tanah Lot.  Torn from the ground on a stone pedestal sculpted by the incoming tides, the lonely black towers of the Tanah Lot and the plumes of foliage shed by the cliffs recall the delicacy of Chinese painting. The Pura Tanah Lot or the Temple of Earth in the Middle of the Sea was built in the 16th century. Then we return to the hotel.

A. Maya Ubud – Superior Room

B. Alaya Resort Ubud – Deluxe Room

C. Tetirah Suweta – Deluxe Room


After breakfast, you will have another tour day throughout southern Bali.  Sightseeing, shopping, or even having a culinary adventure around Bali. You can easily find both Eastern and Western delicacies everywhere.

The first destination today is Kusamba Beach;  Bali is famous for the beautiful beaches. We can also see a fish market in this place, which is usually held between 10 am until 4 pm.  Then we go to Goa Lawah, this is one of the favorite place to be visited, because here is a nature cave dwelt by thousands of tail bat  located at north side from Jeroan/center of Goa Lawah Temple.

Next we go to Bukit Jambul, a beautiful hill with rice terrace,  it is strategically located beside of the main road from Denpasar to Besakih Temple and it is one of the tourist destinations that visited on Besakih Tour.  It is situated in the plateau area which is blessed with the beautiful panorama of rice terrace and green coconuts three unfolding to the sea. 

After visit Bukit Jambul, we will continue to the Besakih Temple, the biggest Hindu temple in Bali which the local people call Pura Besakih.  It owns beautiful view from the top of temple area where we can see the wide nature panorama until to the ocean, that is why this temple is many visited by tourists from all over the world.

Then go to Kertagosa, this place also owns Taman Gili,  a unique floating building or sees like floating because it is intentionally founded in the middle of a fish pond.

Day 11-12: FREE DAYS IN UBUD       ▼

Today you will enjoy your breakfast at the hotel and the rest of the day will be for you. You can take advantage of the day for what you want most,  you can hire a massage service, enjoy a spa, go for a walk and go shopping or just relax and enjoy the hotel facilities.

You are in Ubud, here you can stroll through the local market, visit the hundreds of artisan design workshops, sculptures, paintings in the shops that are on each side of the street.  It is a perfect day to learn more about the daily activities of the locals, find some coffee with views of the jungle or cross a naughty monkey on Monkey Forest Street. At night there are Balinese Dance performances, you can contact the hotel reception and request information to attend one of them. If you need recommendations for places to visit this day, do not hesitate to call us and we will advise you on the best ones!


Enjoy your breakfast, then at the appointed time we will transfer you to the airport to catch the flight heading to Komodo National Park.

Arrival at Labuan Bajo airport, meet and greet with your guide and transfer directly to the port to board the boat that will take you to the Komodo National Park.  We will go to see the Komodo dragons and for that we go first to Rinca Island. In addition to Komodo in their natural environment , we will be able to see Water buffalo, macaque monkeys, cockatoos, wild horses, etc. Enjoy the trekking  around the park accompanied by a ranger.

Afterwards, we return to boat will have lunch. Then in the afternoon the boat is anchored next to some mangroves, to see how hundreds of bats take flight at sunset.  You will have dinner and spend the night on a traditional wooden boat in the Rinca Sea.

A. Traditional Boat (Cabin AC)

B. Traditional Boat (Cabin No AC)

C. Traditional Boat (Cabin No AC)


Today, we will sail to Loh Liang that is the ranger’s station on Komodo Island . During the 3 and a half hours of navigation,  you will realize that the sea is like a great lake dotted with hundreds of tiny islands,  most of them uninhabited, or with only a few fishermen, who moor in them to rest or spend the night.  Once on the island, we have to enter the office of the rangers to register and pay the national park fee. There we will be assigned a ranger who will accompany us at all times while we are inside the island. 

Safety information

Rangers always carry a long pole with a V-shaped tip, to make dragons keep their distance from us.  They will give us a brief explanation of behavior in the park and what we can see.  The dragons may sometimes make sudden moves so opening your eyes and keeping silent will always be the best advice .  Watch your back as there might be also one behind you or up on the trees.  The Ranger will always be leading the group, showing us all the species that he sees during the trekking. 

In addition to the Komodo dragons, we can see Timor Deer, wild pigs and various types of running hens as well as sulfur cockatoos, snakes, etc.

At the end of the trek, we head back to the port and continue the cruise.  After a short while, we will reach Pantai Merah (Pink Beach)  where we can do snorkeling in the middle of coral reefs full of life.  Did you know that Indonesia is the most important center of marine biodiversity in the world?  It is where the species of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean come together with the endemic species of Indonesia. It makes Indonesia have the largest number of underwater species in the world. Well, you will be swimming in the middle of all that.  

In the afternoon we go to the port of Labuan Bajo, and from there to the hotel, to rest from both sea and mountains.

A. Bintang Flores – Deluxe Room

B. Puri Sari Hotel – Superior Room

C. Puri Sari Hotel – Superior Room

Day 15: LABUAN BAJO - BALI - UBUD       ▼

Your adventure continues for a little longer on this last day of the trip, but only if you still have time prior to your flight (situational).  After breakfast, we will go to see Batu Cermin or the cave of mirrors .  Then at around noon we continue to Labuan Bajo airport to take the direct flight to Denpasar.  Upon arrival, transfer to your hotel in Ubud then have your free time. Take the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the hotel facilities or stroll around the hotel.

Day 16: BALI - GILI ISLANDS       ▼

At the agreed time, you will be picked up from your hotel for the transfer to the port from where you will take the boat and cross to the Gilis Islands.  In these islands, motor vehicles are not allowed, so if you come with suitcases and do not want to walk with them, it is best to take a Cidomo (horse-drawn carriage) that you can find them as soon as you leave the pier. They are like the taxis of the Gilis Islands. Upon arrival at the hotel, check in and rest of the day off.

A. Kelapa Luxury Villa (Gili Trawangan) – 1BR Pool Villa

B. Villa Ombak (Gili Trawangan) – Deluxe Ombak Room

C. Hotel Villa Karang (Gili Air) – Superior Room

Day 17-19: FREE DAYS IN GILI ISLANDS       ▼

In these days time and space will be yours. We advise you to take walks around the island or rent a bike or snorkel equipment and discover the wonderful seabed of these islands. Search well because these islands are the home of many species of turtles and it is wonderful to be able to swim with them. Always remember that the sea is your space and we must respect it. You can also contract a massage and go to dinner on a terrace on the beach with live music and taste local Indonesian cuisine.

Day 20: GILI ISLANDS - BALI       ▼

Enjoy your breakfast, then at the appointed time you need to go to the port for check in and transfer back to Bali. You can leave the hotel by walking to the port or hire a Cidomo (at own expense). By fast boat, the cross will for about an hour, crossing the sea to Bali. On arrival, transfer to the hotel in the exclusive area of Nusa Dua, and then you have your free time.

A. Melia Bali – Premium Garden View

B. Grand Mirage – Premiere Garden

C. Grand Whiz – Superior Room

Day 21: FREE DAY IN NUSA DUA       ▼

Free day today! You can use it for taking optional tours, or just strolling around the beaches, or the busy streets for handicrafts and souvenirs. Ask for guidance at the hotel tourist center.


Today is the last day of your trip in Indonesia. After having breakfast at the hotel and according to the time of your flight, we will pick you up to take you to Denpasar airport to take the plane to Jakarta from where you will fly back home. We wish you a safe journey and thank you for marking your footprints in this land with Come2Indonesia. Sampai jumpa!

Accommodation :  –

Photos: 3 Weeks in Indonesia

borneo orangutan tour in indonesia

Price Includes

  • Jakarta - Pangkalan Bun flight ticket
  • Pangkalan Bun - Semarang flight ticket
  • Yogyakarta - Denpasar flight ticket
  • Denpasar - Labuan Bajo flight ticket
  • Labuan Bajo - Denpasar flight ticket
  • Denpasar - Jakarta flight ticket
  • Roundtrip airport transfer by hotel in Jakarta (sharing)
  • Accommodation and meals according to the itinerary
  • Transportation and visits according to the itinerary
  • Private guide during excursions according to itinerary
  • Entrance fees to places visited according to the itinerary

Price Excludes

  • Surcharge for Sunday or national holiday in Borneo & Komodo: IDR 100,000/person/day
  • International flights
  • Visa and airport tax
  • Alcoholic beverages, soft drinks, personal expenses
  • Travel insurance (recommended)
  • Extra expenses occurred due to causes beyond our control (force majeure) such as cancellations of flights, natural disasters, diseases, etc.
  • Everything that is not mentioned in “INCLUDES”

Map: 3 Weeks in Indonesia

When is the best time of the year to do this tour?

Our favourite time for travel in Indonesia is between April to October, although Indonesia is a great year-round destination, offering memorable experiences for all kinds of adventures. July to August are the peak summer months.

In West to Central part of the weather is delightfully warm and it’s a popular time for travellers to visit for holidays, whilst if you wish to travel from October to April, the Eastern part Indonesia, like Banda and Raja Ampat, would be the best option.

If you wish to have a relaxing journey in Indonesia with less crowds, the shoulder months of April to June and September to October are ideal and slightly more economic. If you must travel in ‘high season’ but want to avoid the crowd, worry not, there are numbered of unbeaten track in Indonesia ready to be explored.

What should I bring?

Tropical areas are usually warm and often sweaty places, especially if you have Borneo or Sulawesi included in your travel. Check out our suggestions on  What to Wear:

  • Comfortable and light shirt and at least a pair of long sleeves
  • Comfortable walking shoes or trekking shoes if your trip include some trekking
  • Shorts and long pants
  • Couple of pairs of socks
  • Waterproof Jacket/Raincoat

Depends on the type of travel, you may also need these in your  What to Bring  list:

Underwater trips:

  • Dive Insurance
  • Dive certificate
  • Certificate of Nitrox (for those who are using Nitrox)
  • Dive equipment except Tanks and Weights. Please consult your travel expert to find out if the equipment is inclusive or not in your booking.
  • Swimsuit/Dive suit
  • Adapter DIN or INT
  • Sunscreen SPF +40
  • Waterproof bags

Land tours and trekking:

  • Small backpack for daily important item
  • Travel Insurance, which covers trekking and sport risk
  • Trekking shoes (check with your travel expert if you need a Goretex or simply a walking shoes)
  • Pullover (as in some areas with high altitude like Mt. Bromo, the temperature can get as low as 0 degree)
  • Small flashlight or head flashlight
  • Valid passport with valid visa (or check if you are eligible for Visa Free Entry)
  • Waterproof bag to put all important documents
  • All documents for your trip: vouchers, tickets, contact numbers ((keep the soft copies in your mobile)
  • Credit card (in some major cities, credit card is widely accepted in restaurants and shops. Small charge might be applied)
  • Cash in Euro or USD (you may change into local currency Rupiah when you arrive here)
  • Camera, Battery and Charger
  • Adapter (220V is used in Indonesia)
  • International driving license (if you plan to drive on your own)
  • Mosquito Repellent with DEET
  • Hygienic travel kits (mask, disinfectant or anti-virus spray, etc.)

How hard is this tour?

We have classified our tours in 3 different classes. Always check which one suitable for your condition. If you have any doubt, you may consult to our travel expert.

Easy: Suitable for most people in good health. These trips can include short walk for days with around 2–3 hours in good paths and at low altitudes.

Medium: A reasonable level of fitness or technique is required, as these trips can require sustained endurance levels as the trip may include longer days of approximately 5-6 hours of activity or/and in higher altitudes, or snorkelling in strong current.

Hard: These trips are physically demanding and best suited for people with a high endurance level, good level of fitness and exercise regularly. Days can be long around 7-8 hours of activity, often at high altitudes, in remote regions and sometimes without a support vehicle nearby. Travellers may be required to carry their backpack, trip with trekking overnights without access to normal toilets or accommodations.

  • All the information you would like to know before travel to Indonesia.


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Torn Tackies Travel Blog

The Perfect 3 Week Indonesia Itinerary: Best Places to Visit in Indonesia

Lush landscapes. Pristine beaches. Friendly locals. Indonesia is one of the most magnificent destinations in the world!

If you’re planning your Indonesia itinerary and looking for the best things to do in 3 weeks, you’ve come to the right place.

I spent over 12 months in the country and ventured from the volcanoes in Java to the rice terraces in Bali. I backpacked my way overland from Lombok to Sumbawa then to Flores and finally, Sumba Island.

But with only 3 weeks in Indonesia, you won’t have enough time to do everything!

So, to help you craft the perfect trip, this Indonesia travel itinerary will take you to those magnificent landmarks you won’t want to miss. It’s a great balance of adventure and culture for first-time visitors and can be easily customized into a 2 week or 1 month itinerary for Indonesia.

Diamond Beach Nusa Penida

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How many days in Indonesia

You’ll need at least 3 weeks in Indonesia (or more)! The country is massive and with over 17 000 islands, there are endless amounts of things to do and see.

But not everyone has time on their side, so you need to decide where your priorities lie.

Are you planning a backpacking itinerary for Indonesia? Do you want to travel slowly? Are you in search of natural attractions or cultural sights?

Snorkeling in Komodo National park

When is the best month to plan your trip to Indonesia

April to October are the best months to visit Indonesia. This is the dry season so you can expect warm sunny days with little to no rain.

The peak tourist season runs from July to September. There are larger crowds and higher prices during these months.

If you’re planning your Indonesia itinerary for December to March, you can expect a fair bit of rainfall. This is the rainy season after all, and it also gets extremely humid during these months.

If you’re backpacking Indonesia or doing lots of hiking, island hopping and outdoor activities, then I recommend avoiding travel during the rainy season.

Bali Indonesia sunsets

3 week Indonesia itinerary Summary

Below is a summary of where to go in Indonesia. This includes island hopping and seeing all the top attractions.

  • Day 1 – 3: Seminyak, Bali
  • Day 4 – 5: Ubud, Bali
  • Day 6 – 7: Gili Islands, Lombok
  • Day 8 – 9: Kuta, Lombok
  • Day 10 – 13: Komodo National Park, Flores
  • Day 14 -15: Uluwatu, Bali
  • Day 16-20: Optional (Java, Bali or Flores)
  • Day 21: Fly home

Indonesia itinerary: Where to go, eat, play, and stay

This 3 week Indonesia itinerary starts on the Island of the Gods, Bali!

You’ll spend 6 days exploring the best of Bali , from the beaches to the rice fields.

You’ll then hop on a ferry and head east to Lombok.

Here you’ll soak up the sun on the Gili Islands before making your way to the mainland of Lombok. You’ll choose between climbing an active volcano, exploring hidden waterfalls, or sipping on cocktails on the beaches.

After 10 days in Bali and Lombok, you’ll catch a flight from Lombok to Flores Island, the home of Komodo National Park.

Flores is my favorite island and something that should be included in every Indonesia itinerary.

Finally, your last 4 days in Indonesia are up for debate! You can either venture off the beaten path in Bali or Flores or hike Mount Bromo in Java.

I’ll leave that decision up to you.

Rice terraces in Bali

Day 1: Start your Indonesia itinerary in Bali

It’s best to start your Indonesia itinerary in Bali as the tropical island vibes will quickly get you into holiday mode!

On the first day of your 3 weeks in Indonesia, you should keep your schedule empty. After a long flight, the last thing you’ll want is to spend more time in a car driving to all the main attractions.

Instead, beat the jetlag by exploring the area around your hotel or by sipping on cocktails on the beach.

How to spend 3 weeks in Indonesia

Where to stay in Bali

During this Indonesia 3 week itinerary, you’ll be staying at 3 different places in Bali . The first of those is Seminyak.

Why Seminyak? Because it’s a lively area with some of the best beach clubs, trendy cafes, and fun markets in all of Bali.

It’s the perfect introduction to the island – plus is pretty close to the airport!

Luxury: Enjoy beachfront views and 5* service at W Bali Seminyak . This hotel is hard to beat and the location could not be better. If you’re planning your honeymoon or romantic getaway, this is the perfect place to stay.

Mid-range: If you want personal space in your own private villa, look no further than Mayaloka Villas . Set amidst a lush tropical garden in the quieter side of Seminyak, you’ll have your own pool and luxury open-plan living.

Budget: Sleepwell Seminyak is a great place to stay if you’re traveling on a budget. With large private rooms, air-conditioning, and breakfast included, you get a lot of bang for your buck when staying here.

Day 2: Seminyak

It’s day 2 and you should be ready and rearing to go!

Today, you’ll stay close to Seminyak and Canggu, exploring the coastline and bustling streets.

Canggu itinerary Bali

Things to do in Seminyak or Canggu

Hit a beach club. I love Finns Beach Club! With a swim-up bar in a pool overlooking the ocean, there’s no better place to celebrate life. Other popular beach clubs include Potato Head Beach Club, Ku De Ta, Mrs. Sippy, and more!

Day trip to Canggu. Just 30 minutes from Seminyak is the digital nomad capital of Bali, Canggu! Many people choose to include Canggu in their Bali travel route as it’s a great place to learn to surf and enjoy a seafood lunch at one of the many beachside restaurants.

Relax at Double Six Beach. Double 6 Beach is one of the most popular beaches in Bali. Bear in mind that the coastline here isn’t as pristine as the beaches in Uluwatu. But that’s ok because you’ll be going to Uluwatu a bit later in this Indonesia itinerary.

Sunset at La Plancha. You can’t miss La Planch at Double 6 Beach! Here’s where you’ll find the colorful beanbags and umbrellas. It’s a great place to watch the sunset and the vibe is awesome.

Visit Tanah Lot. Tanah Lot is a Hindu temple found in the sea north of Seminyak. During low tide, visitors can access the temple from the mainland.

Go shopping. Seminyak boasts some of the best shopping in Bali.

Indonesia itinerary

Day 3: Ubud

On your 3rd day in Indonesia, you’ll head to Ubud, the cultural capital of Bali.

Unlike the popular areas along the coast, Ubud’s main attraction lies in its lush surroundings that ooze tranquility and peacefulness.

Best Things To Do in Ubud Bali

Where to stay in Ubud

If you’re planning an Indonesia backpacking itinerary, I suggest you stay in central Ubud, near Monkey Forest Road. Ubud is a small village bustling with tourists and everything is within walking distance or a quick taxi ride away.

If you’re looking for a more relaxed stay, you can’t go wrong with picking a place near Campuhan Ridge Walk or the neighboring villages of Penestanan and Nyuh Kuning, all of which offer quaint bungalows with views of the rice paddies.

Luxury: The Kayon Jungle Resort sure lives up to its name! The infinity pools which overlook the jungle paired with spacious Balinese-inspired rooms, make this the best place to stay in Ubud if you’re looking to live in luxury.

Mid-range: Byasa Ubud is surrounded by rice paddies and is the perfect place to spend your time in Ubud. Situated in a quieter neighborhood, you’re guaranteed a remote escape if you stay here.

Budget: Surya Bagus Homestay is ideally located near the center of Ubud and is all you need if you’re traveling on a budget. The private room comes with a complimentary breakfast and the friendly owners will ensure you have a memorable stay in Ubud.

Things to do in Ubud

Take the Campuhan Ridge Walk. Campuhan Ridge Walk starts in the heart of Ubud and passes through rice fields and villages. It’s a leisurely nature walk that takes about 2 hours to complete and covers 9 km in total.

Visit Ubud Monkey Forest. Home to over 600 mischievous monkeys and 120 different species of trees, you’ll find the Ubud Monkey Forest right in the center of bustling Ubud.

Indulge in all the food. Ubud has some of the most delicious Indonesian cuisines, so be sure to visit one of the many local restaurants.

The perfect Indonesia itinerary for 3 weeks

Day 4: Ubud

Today will be your first day trip from Ubud where you’ll visit towering waterfalls, lush forests, and ancient temples.

I recommend getting a private driver for the day

Things to do

Visit a rice field. Tegalalang Rice Terrace – the most famous of all rice fields in Bali, if not the whole of Indonesia! The Tegalalang Rice Terrace lies to the north of Ubud and is the source of those iconic photos you see all over social media. Jatiluwih Rice Field is slightly further and not nearly as crowded

Explore a waterfall. Leke Leke is one of the most picturesque waterfalls in Bali and is close to Jatiluwig Rice Terrace. If you’re looking for something closer to Ubud, Tegenungan is also a popular choice.

Visit a temple. There are several temples close to Ubud. The Tirta Empul Holy Water Temple is one of the most famous, but you may also want to check out Goa Gajah (The Elephant Temple).

Lunch in the rice fields. During your day trip, ask your driver for a restaurant recommendation. You’ll be spoiled for choice when it comes to restaurants offering sprawling views of the rice fields below.

Go for a massage. After a busy day of exploring, there’s no better way to relax than by going for a massage. You’ll probably go for quite a few during your time in Indonesia as they’re so affordable. Where else will you pay less than $10 for a full body massage!

Tip: Ubud is truly a magical place. If you had more than 3 weeks in Indonesia, I would recommend spending an extra night in Ubud. You will then have time to go river rafting and explore more waterfalls.

hiking Mount Batur in Ubud

Day 5: Ubud to Gili islands

Day 5 of your Indonesia itinerary is going to be a long day (if you decide to climb Mount Batur) !

You’ll be heading to the Gili islands, a trio of spectacular islands located off the coast of Lombok. It’s just what you’re going to need after a busy few days of exploring Ubud and Seminyak.

But before you do that, I recommend that you climb Mount Batur . This is a sunrise hike to the top of an active volcano close to Ubud. You should be back at your hotel by 10 am, just in time to have a quick shower before going to Padang Bai Harbour.

To get to Gili Islands, you’ll hop on a fast ferry which will take 2 hours to reach the Gilis. Then it’s time to soak up the sun and relish in the island vibes!

Things to do in Indonesia

Where to stay in the Gili Islands: Gili T, Gili Meno, or Gili Air?

All three of the Gili islands are tiny and there are no motorized vehicles allowed on any of them.

Gili Trawangan is the biggest and most developed of the three islands. It attracts a backpacker crowd and is perfect if you’re looking for a bit of a bustling vibe. In contrast, Gili Meno is the smallest and quietest island. Gili Air is a good mix between the two!

For this 3 week Indonesia itinerary, I recommend that you stay in Gili Trawangan.

Luxury: Looking for your dream island home? Majo Private Villas is for you! The tastefully decorated rooms are paired with floor-to-ceiling windows ensuring lots of natural light. With a gorgeous outdoor living area and private pool, this place oozes luxury.

Mid-range: The staff at Kaleydo Villas make this one of the best places to stay in Gili Trawangan. Start your day off strong with a complimentary breakfast from your very own porch and cool off in the large pool after.

Budget: Jimador’s Homestay is one of the cheapest places to stay on the island but it has everything you need for a peaceful sleep including a large double bed, air-conditioning, free wi-fi, and a private bathroom.

Things to do on day 5

Cycle around the island. The only way to get around Gili T is by foot or bicycle. As a result, the Gilis are best explored by bike. There are many hidden paths leading to untouched corners of the island and you can visit all of them in less than an hour.

Find a sunset spot. The best way to end your first day on Gili Trawangan is by watching the sunset from the western side of the island. The beach bars here are often bustling with tourists and offer live music. This is also where you’ll find the famous Gili T swings.

Visit the Night Market. This Gili T night market is located off the main road near the harbor. The food is absolutely delicious, and great value for money. The market is open daily from 6-10 pm.

Gili Islands from above

Day 6: Gili Islands

Go snorkeling with turtles. Turtles are often seen in the shallow waters close to Turtle Point and you don’t need to swim out too far to encounter them. Snorkeling equipment can be rented from one of the many vendors near the beach.

Find underwater statues. The underwater statues are without a doubt the biggest attraction near the Gili Islands. The 48 life-size human sculptures are located just off the shore of Gili Meno.

Go scuba diving. The Gili’s are known for their vibrant underwater life which attracts beginner and experienced divers alike. With over 20 dive sites, great visibility, and turtles galore, scuba diving is one of the best things to do in Gili Trawangan.

Explore the other islands. Gili Meno and Gili Air are both a short 15 min boat trip from Gili Trawangan. You can spend the day soaking up the sun on one of their many beaches or exploring the island by bike.

There’s a lot more you can do around the Gilis! For more activities, check out my post on the best things to do in Gili Trawangan.

turtles in Gili Trawangan

Day 7: Gili Islands to Lombok

And so, your 3 week Indonesia itinerary continues.

This time you’re on a quick ferry ride from the Gili Islands to Lombok. This is one of the most underrated islands in Indonesia and is a good mix of untouched beauty meets creature comforts.

It’s best to get an early start to your day. To get from the Gili Islands to Lombok, you’ll hop on a 15 minute fast ferry to Bangsal Harbour, Lombok.

After reaching Lombok, you’ll get a driver and make your way down south to Kuta, Lombok with a few exciting stops along the way.

Tip: I haven’t included Mount Rinjani hike on this Indonesia travel guide? Why? Because it’s a 3D2N hike and quite expensive. If you’re an adventure traveler who’s up for the challenge, I recommend you head to Senaru after arriving in Lombok. This is the starting point of the Mount Rinjani hike.

Best places to visit Indonesia

Where to stay in Lombok

Many people choose to stay in Sengiggi on the west coast of Lombok. Given that you only have 3 weeks in Indonesia, I recommend that you skip Sengiggi and head straight to Kuta, Lombok which is a 2-hour drive from the harbor.

But don’t confuse Kuta in Lombok with Kuta in Bali. They are two very different places.

Kuta, Lombok is the main hub for backpackers, honeymooners, and solo travelers. While it’s a small village, you’ll enjoy a great selection of restaurants, bars, and accommodation options.

Luxury: Segara Lombok may not be in Kuta itself, but it’s right on the beach which is even better if you’re looking for an ocean escape. With its outdoor showers, minimalist design, and seafront views, Segara Lombok is the perfect place to stay on the island.

Mid-Range: Rascals Hotel is a trendy hotel in the heart of Kuta, Lombok. You could spend all day here relaxing in the lounges alongside the pool. It’s within walking distance of the main street where you’ll find an array of restaurants and shops.

Budget: Galus Homestay is just the place to stay if you’re traveling on a tight budget. You’ll receive a warm Indonesian welcome from the hosts who are extremely kind and caring.

Things to do in Lombok

Visit Benang Stokel and Benang Kelambu waterfalls. These are the most incredible waterfalls I’ve ever seen! You’ll pass them on the way from the harbor to Kuta so there’s no excuse not to see them!

Laze on Tanjung Aan Beach. After you’ve checked into your accommodation in Kuta Lombok, rent a scooter and head to Tanjung Aan Beach, one of the best beaches in Lombok.

Sunset at Merese Hill. Alongside Tanjung Aan Beach lies Merese Hill which is a great place to watch the sunset.

Best waterfalls indonesia

Day 8: Kuta, Lombok

On day 8 of your Indonesia Itinerary, you’ll go on a scooter mission to find some of the best beaches in Lombok. Personally, I felt that the beaches here are way better than those in Bali so it’s really worth checking them out!

Things to do in Kuta, lombok

Go beach hopping. My faves are Mawun Beach and Selong Belanak which are both west of Kuta, Lombok. Here you’ll find the bluest water and soft white sand!

Learn to surf. Selong Belanak is a great beach to learn how to surf. The beach is lined with surf shacks where you can rent boards or organize a surf lesson. There are also sunbeds to laze on, and several warungs where you can buy fresh coconuts, beer, or food.

Views at Shu Restaurant. On your way back from the beaches, stop at Shu restaurant which offers one of the best views over Kuta Beach.

Things to do in Kuta Lombok

Day 9: Lombok to Flores Island (Komodo Islands)

On day 9 of your Indonesia itinerary, we’re heading to Flores! This is my favorite island and the highlight of my Indonesia trip.

I spent 2 weeks doing a Flores overland trip and while you won’t be able to fit that all in during this trip, you can see some of the highlights! These include the world-famous Komodo Dragons, manta rays, pink beaches, and epic viewpoints.

To get from Lombok to Flores, you’ll take a short flight from the airport in Kuta, Lombok to Labuan Bajo which is the gateway to Komodo National Park.

Komodo Islands liveaboard boat indonesia

Where to stay in Flores

It’s best to stay somewhere close to the Labuan Bajo harbor. This area is bustling with tourists and offers a great variety of food options.

Luxury: If you’re looking for something more private (and more luxurious), you’ll love Villa Domanik . Set on a hillside with panoramic views over the Labuan Bajo port, it’s the perfect base for couples or those looking to escape the hustle and bustle.

Mid-range: Seaesta Komodo Hotel is the perfect place to spend your first night in Labuan Bajo. Not only is it situated in a prime location, but the views from the rooftop pool are also pretty epic! With shared dorm rooms and private ensuite alternatives, it’s a great option for all travelers.

Things to do in Labuan Bajo

I hate to break it to you, but Labuan Bajo isn’t too exciting! You’ll spend the night here before and after your liveaboard trip but that’s about it.

The best way to explore the Komodo Islands is on a liveaboard boat. Why? Because the national park is quite far from the mainland.

It takes just less than 3 hours to commute from Labuan Bajo to Komodo National Park. So while you can do a day trip, you’ll spend most of the day boating to and from the islands, leaving you very little time to explore.

Scuba diving Indonesia

Komodo liveaboard options

Because of just how big Komodo National Park is, I recommend booking a 2N 3D liveaboard. This is what I did and you can read all about my liveaboard experience here.

Below are a few things that will be included in your liveaboard trip.

  • Komodo Dragon sighting at Rinca Island
  • Climbing Padar Island
  • Snorkeling at pink beach
  • Swimming with Manta Rays at Manta Point
  • Sunset from Gili Lawa

If you’re scuba diving certified, I highly recommend Dive Komodo’s liveaboard. Other snorkeling options include Wanderpus and Travass.

Rinca Island in Komodo National Park

Day 10-11: Komodo Liveaboard

Day 12: return to lubuan bajo.

You’ll return from your liveaboard trip late in the afternoon.

Unfortunately, there are no flights from Labuan Bajo to Bali after 4 pm. But this is also a good thing as it gives you time to rest and recover after spending 3 days on the water!

Day 13: Komodo Islands to Uluwatu, Bali

You still have a week left of your Indonesia itinerary, and today you’ll fly back to Bali to visit Uluwatu.

Because you’ll need to fly to Bali anyway and Uluwatu is yet another must-visit destination in Bali.

With its dramatic coastline, stunning beaches , and local vibes, Uluwatu is the one place where many people wish they could stay longer.

Book an early flight from Labuan Bajo to Bali so that you have a full day to explore Uluwatu.

Bali itinerary for 3 weeks

Where to stay in Uluwatu

Uluwatu lies in the far east of Bali, in the Bukit Peninsula. It spans a large distance consisting of 6 districts, each with its own unique charm. Unlike other areas in Bali, you could spend a few days here and still not see all the neighborhoods in the area.

As a first-time visitor to Uluwatu, you’ll love Bingin. If you’re not comfortable riding a scooter, then Padang Padang is a better option as it’s more centrally located.

I recommend that you read my Uluwatu accommodation guide to find the perfect area for you.

Luxury: The Anantara Uluwatu Resort is absolutely incredible – wait until you see the rooms. I spent two days here and didn’t leave the resort! With private access to the beach, and an infinity pool overlooking Impossibles surf break, this is the perfect place to sit back, relax, and sip on a cocktail or two!

Mid-range: In search of boho vibes in a tropical paradise? Hari Indah Boutique Hotel is within walking distance of Bingin Beach. The rooms are stunning and every detail is taken into consideration.

Budget: If you’re traveling on a tight budget but don’t want to compromise on accommodation, Wira Homestay & Spa is where you should stay in Uluwatu. Situated in a quiet neighborhood, you’ll be treated to a large private room with an ensuite bathroom, air conditioning, and a communal pool.

Things to do in Uluwatu

Visit the beaches. The beaches in Uluwatu are the best you’ll find in Bali. While there are more than 12 to choose from, Padang Padang Beach and Suluban Beach are more conveniently located so visit these 2 today and the rest tomorrow.

Watch the surfers at Uluwatu surf break. This is a world-famous wave for only those experienced surfers. Ulu’s is also the best place to watch the sunset! There are scores of warungs lining the cliffs – Give Single Fin a skip and walk down the stairs to find a local spot.

Watch Kecak Fire Show at Uluwatu Temple. This famous temple sits on the edge of a cliff with dramatic views of the crashing waves beneath. Pair this with the Kecak Fire Show, a local dance and musical performance.

Indonesia bucket list

Day 14: Uluwatu

Today you’ll explore more of Uluwatu. I recommend renting a scooter for the day or organizing a private driver.

Check out the Balangan Viewpoint. Not only is Balangan Beach the best beach in Uluwatu, but it also has an iconic viewpoint that Instagrammers will love.

Seafood BBQ at Bingin. Enjoy a sunset swim and take your pick from the massive seafood spread on Bingin Beach.

Go to a beach club. If you thought the beach bars in Seminyak were awesome, just wait until you see what Uluwatu has to offer. My top picks are Sunday’s Beach Club and Karma Kandara.

Beaches in Uluwatu indonesia

Day 15-20: Uluwatu and beyond

You’re on day 15 of your Indonesia itinerary and with only a few days left, you can take your pick of how you end your trip.

What I’ve detailed above at the must-dos on any Indonesia itinerary, no matter how much time you have.

Here are my recommendations for other things to do.

Option 1: Explore the Kelimutu Crater Lakes in Flores

Time needed: 2 nights

After your liveaboard in the Komodo National Park, take a quick flight from Labuan Bajo to Ende in Flores to see the Kelimutu Crater Lakes.

Ende is the main city near the smaller village of Moni. Moni is home to the stunning Kelimutu Lakes and the entire area off the beaten track. If you’re looking for raw and real experiences in Indonesia, be sure to visit the Kelimutu Crater Lakes before flying back to Bali.

Kelimutu Crater Lakes Indonesia

Option 2: Visit Mount Bromo in Java

Forming part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java, Mount Bromo is one of the best-known peaks of Indonesia. At almost 2,330 meters high, its summit isn’t as tall as some of the others in the range, but it attracts the highest number of hikers.

To get to Mount Bromo, you will need to fly from Bali to Surabaya on East Java. You then have the option of doing a day tour from Surabaya to Mount Bromo, which is a 2-hour drive away. Or you can take a bus (or train) and stay at Probolinggo which is the gateway to Mount Bromo.

Hiking Mount Bromo on 3 week Indonesia itinerary

Option 2: Nusa Penida, Bali

If you’ve got your heart set on seeing more Bali landmarks, then spend 2 days in Nusa Penida where you can visit the famous Ketiling Beach, Angels Billabong, Crystal Bay as well as Broken Beach.

You can also visit Nusa Penida on a day trip from Bali as it’s a short boat trip away.

Option 3: Munduk, Bali

This itinerary for Indonesia takes you to many seaside locations. But if you’re looking for lush forests, coffee plantations, and waterfalls, then Munduk is a great addition.

Munduk lies toward the northern part of Bali and offers a cooler climate and fewer tourists compared to those areas down south.

Sunset in Munduk Bali

Day 21: The end of your 3 weeks in Indonesia

Today’s the last day of your Indonesia itinerary. Make sure you’re staying in the same area as the airport as there can be traffic or ferry delays.

What to pack for Indonesia

Bali has a tropical climate and you need to pack for this. Also, remember to pack lightly. If you’re following my recommended Indonesia travel route, you’ll be moving around quite a bit. here are a few must-haves

  • A backpack: Don’t bring hard luggage if you’re traveling between islands.
  • Trainers: Hiking shoes aren’t necessary, but be sure to bring a good pair of trainers for all the walking you’ll be doing.
  • A light jacket: Although it will be hot, bring a light jacket to wear in the mornings, on boat trips, and for your flight.

Here’s my comprehensive Indonesia packing list which includes everything you need to pack (and leave at home)!

Indonesia itinerary packing list

Is Indonesia expensive to visit

No, Indonesia is extremely affordable. You can easily get by on $50 per day! The flight and ferry costs are also really affordable.

Do I need a visa for Indonesia

Previously, if you were spending 3 weeks in Indonesia, you wouldn’t need a visa to visit the country.

This has now changed!

All travelers need to pay for a Visa on Arrival (VoA), which costs IDR 500 000 ($35 USD). This 30-day tourist visa can be extended for an additional 30 days.

You can pay in cash using USD, AUD, GBP and Euro. Alternatively, Visa or Mastercard payments are also accepted.

Going off the beaten track in Indonesia

Frequently Asked Questions

Best time to visit indonesia.

The best time to visit Indonesia is during the dry season from April to October.

How long to spend in Indonesia

If you want to visit a few islands, I recommend planning a 2 to 4 week Indonesia trip itinerary.

Final thoughts on 3 weeks Indonesia itinerary

Planning the perfect Indonesia itinerary is no easy task! With so many amazing attractions, you’re going to have to make a few compromises.

From my personal experience, this guide includes the best of Indonesia and I have no doubt that after your visit, it won’t be long before you return.

Have you traveled to South East Asia? What destinations would you recommend for the perfect Indonesia itinerary for 3 weeks? Let me know in the comments section below!

Looking for more Indonesia travel inspiration? Check out my other posts!

  • Living in Bali: Pros And Cons of Island Life
  • Comprehensive Guide to Renting a Scooter in Bali
  • 7 Incredible Bali Hidden Gems
  • 26 Things I Wish I Knew About Backpacking Indonesia
  • The Ultimate Bali Packing List

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3 week Indonesia itinerary and beautiful places to visit in Indonesia. indonesia | bali | travel | backpacking | beautiful places | tips | southeast asia

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tour indonesia 3 settimane

Hi, I'm Carryn. I’m an adventure travel blogger trying to figure out my way through life by traveling and exploring. Join me as I share my travel guides and tips for life abroad. Find out more about me here .

Where to stay in Seoul for first time visitors: Best areas, hotels and more

Living in bali: pros and cons of island life [from an expat], 2 thoughts on “the perfect 3 week indonesia itinerary: best places to visit in indonesia”.

Hello Carryn, Thank you for this itinerary! it has been super helpful for me, I am planning my first solo trip, but I have a few questions for you:

– Did you book all your hotels before arriving there or can we do it there last minute? – Did you have to book any of the attraction with anticipation? – How is the security there (considering we are both females and I will be by my own)

I really hope to hear from you soon, Best Regards, Fernanda

Hi Fernanda, I’m so excited for your trip!

– I booked accommodation last minute (a day or 2 prior) through . I recommend you do the same as you may have slight changes to your itinerary, depending on the people you meet (or the weather). If you’re short on time and you have a fixed itinerary, you could book in advance, but it’s not necessary (unless you’re really particular about where you stay) – Yes, I booked my Komodo islands boat trip about a week before, but for other tours, such as Mount Batur, Kelimutu Crater Lakes, day trips etc, I booked a day or two in advance. – I felt very safe in Indonesia and never had to watch my back. The locals are so friendly and helpful. Of course, there’s always the chance of petty theft, especially in Bali. So keep your valuables close, but you don’t have to worry about violent crime in the country.

Let me know if you have any more questions. Enjoy your trip!

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3 Weeks in Indonesia: A Fully Loaded Itinerary

tour indonesia 3 settimane

With over 10,000 islands to choose from, Indonesia offers an expansive canvas for adventure that not even three weeks can fully cover.

This suggested itinerary gives you the best of Java and Bali islands, with optional detours that can take you to islands like Lombok, Sulawesi, and Flores, stretching your trip way beyond the three weeks we've allotted here! (Good thing Indonesia's lenient visa policies let you extend your trip up to 90 days.)  

Three Days in Jakarta: The “Big Durian”

Enter Indonesia via its crowded, rowdy capital, Jakarta. After riding to your Jakarta hotel and checking in, set off to explore the city and its history.

The pre-colonial part of Jakarta lives on in the old port, Sunda Kelapa, which is still served by exotic-looking phinisi (Buginese schooners) that line the wharf between trips.

The second-oldest part of the city, Kota Tua, was founded by the colonizing Dutch, and its surviving buildings retain the look and feel of Dutch cities (down to the canals, which backfired on the colonists by spreading mosquito-borne disease).

Central Jakarta is now the city's government and business nerve center and retains several key landmarks worth seeing, among them Monas (the National Monument) , the massive Masjid Istiqlal (the biggest mosque in Southeast Asia) and the quaint antique shopping street Jalan Surabaya .

Time your visit just right, and you might just arrive during car-free Sundays: Letting you bike or walk leisurely down Central Jakarta's pedestrianized roads!

Where to stay: The district of Central Jakarta has plenty of hotels to choose from; this writer can certainly recommend (based from personal experience) staying at either the Ibis Mangga Dua , the Alila Jakarta , and the Ascott.  

Optional detour 1: Make your way further west to the province of Banten, from which you can take a short ferry ride to the scenically dangerous Anak Krakatau volcano . +2 days.

Optional detour 2:  From Jakarta, you can also travel east to Bogor, jump-off point to nature-lovers' hotspots like the  Taman Safari zoo and Gunung Gede Pangrango Park. +3 days.

Three Days in Bandung: Volcanoes and Shopping

A four-hour bus ride from Jakarta takes you to higher ground: The town of Bandung, founded as a cool getaway from Jakarta's oppressive heat and humidity by the Dutch, now fulfills the same function to Jakartans.

The latter come to camp amidst the local tame volcanoes ( Kawah Putih stands amidst some of Java's most promising camping grounds); watch the rousing Indonesian cultural show produced by Saung Angklung Udjo, and go shopping amidst Bandung's many outlet clothing stores.

The outlet stores, in particular, are extremely popular in the region – the Bandung Airport does very brisk business with direct flights from Kuala Lumpur 's KLIA Airport , filled up by Malaysians flying in to partake of the city's bargains!

Five Days in Yogyakarta: Palace Nights

Railway and airline connections between Bandung and Yogyakarta connect the cool mountain town with a storied royal enclave. The city of Yogyakarta claims the unique privilege of being Indonesia's last royal realm, ruled both in name and in reality by the Sultan of Yogyakarta, who lives in a grand palace at the very center of the city, the  Kraton , next to the former Sultans' pleasure palace, the Taman Sari.

Yogyakarta's royal dynasty traces its origins to the ancient Sultanate of Mataram, which was preceded even further back in history by successive Hindu and Buddhist kingdoms that left their trace on present-day Central Java via temples like Borobudur and Prambanan.

(Borobudur is often reached by a day trip from Yogyakarta, but the Magelang district is worth an overnight stay; hotels near Borobudur stand ready for exactly that reason.)

With such a long history tied with Javanese royalty, Yogyakarta retains a reputation as a home for traditional Javanese crafts like batik making and silverworks, which visitors can try their hands at. If you simply want to take a piece of Javanese culture home, head out to Jalan Malioboro , where you can buy batiks, silverworks and other Javanese artifacts at wholesale prices.

Optional detour: Hop over to the island of Sulawesi further north, and take a few days getting to know its biggest city Makassar , its food scene , and its  beaches ; you can travel north to the funerary culture of Tana Toraja if you're so inclined! +4 days.

Two Days in Bromo: Sea of Sand

The desolate sea of sand around the scenic Bromo volcano is certainly worth the long jaunt from Yogyakarta. Getting from Y to B involves a train ride from Yogyakarta to Surabaya City; a bus ride from Surabaya to Probolinggo; and an angkot (minibus) ride to Cemoro Lawang, the closest town to Bromo.

The classic Bromo experience begins very, very early in the morning: at about 4 am, you'll make your way to one of the viewpoints on Gunung Penanjakan overlooking Bromo and the sea of sand surrounding it.

Once you've watched the sun rise over the smoldering crater, you can ride down to the sea of sand by 4x4 and then switch to a horse that takes you to a staircase that ascends right to the lip of the volcano, separated from the smoking maw by a railing that only extends partly around the crevasse.

You'll pass by a Hindu temple, Pura Luhur Poten, in the middle of the sea of sand: this is a reminder that the Tenggerese locals are descended from Javanese Hindus from the ancient Majapahit Empire.

Two Days Near Ijen: Chasing the Blue Flame

From Bromo, it's only a short hop to another famous Indonesian volcano, Ijen – the trip from Probolinggo, then Bondowoso, then Sempol up to the Ijen base camp can be either arranged through a travel agent or undertaken solo, but you'll get there either way.

Kawah Ijen is a tougher nut to crack than Bromo – you begin earlier (just after midnight) to get to the Paltuding Base Camp before 2 am, then trek three or four hours up to the crater, just so you can see Ijen's famous “blue flames” before the sun creeps up over Java. It's risky, smelly business getting up to the crater: the smell of sulfur gets stronger as you ascend to the summit, and fatal suffocation has been known to happen during unexpected eruptions!

Upon your descent to sea level, make your way to the eastern Javanese city of Banyuwangi , your connection to Bali and a town worth exploring on its own for its batik, its African-style savanna and its gorgeous beaches.

Five Days in Bali: Beaches and Temples

A short ferry ride from Banyuwangi connects you with Bali, the island whose beaches and thousands of temples draw tourists from all around the world.

You could spend a month in Bali and still not get your fill of the place. Five days allows you barely enough time to explore Kuta and surrounding South Bali, then ascend to Ubud in Bali's interior to take in the cultural side of the island.

From Kuta, you can make short work of South Bali's attractions , among them the stuttering kecak performance at Uluwatu , followed by dinner on the beach at Jimbaran ; seeing a gigantic statue of Vishnu at Garuda Wisnu Kencana; surfing on Kuta (or learning the art from one of the area's many surf instructors); watching the Devdan cultural performance at Nusa Dua; taking up a watersport of your choice at Tanjung Benoa ; and going shopping in one of South Bali's many malls and shopping centers.

From Ubud , you can see the rich Balinese culture in full flower: from watching a gamelan performance at the palace to shopping in the Art Market to exploring its many museums to eating authentic babi guling (roast pork) to encountering the  naughty monkeys of the Monkey Forest , Ubud certainly doesn't skimp on the fun!

Where to stay: You'll find plenty of Bali hotels and Bali budget hotels to choose from when you touch down. We've stayed at the Grand Mirage in Tanjung Benoa and the Alila Ubud in Ubud.

Optional Detour 1: Bali is Indonesia's travel hub for the country's eastern reaches. From Bali, you can easily take a ferry to the  Gili Islands (with better beaches and a more laid-back atmosphere) and Lombok . +4 days.

Optional Detour 2:  You can also ride an airplane to Labuanbajo on Flores Island, your jump-off point to see the Komodo National Park and its famous Komodo dragons! +3 days.

8 Days in Indonesia: A Travel Itinerary From Jakarta to Bali

Bali's Regions & Beaches, Decoded

The Top 15 Things to Do in Indonesia

6 Banyuwangi, Indonesia Experiences You'll Love

How to Get Around Indonesia

Bali Guide: Planning Your Trip

Top Things to Do in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

10 Best Things to Do in South Bali

Mount Bromo

Indonesia's Blue Fire Volcano, Kawah Ijen

Guide to Bali's Watersports Hotspot Tanjung Benoa

Top UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Southeast Asia

Top 6 Destinations in Indonesia

The 10 Best Restaurants in Bali

Indonesia Holidays & Festivals

10 Common Scams in Bali

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Itinerario in Indonesia di tre settimane

Carapau Costante

L’Indonesia è un Paese enorme che conta più di 17000 isole e al momento di decidere un itinerario i dubbi sono stati moltissimi. Sicuramente merita più di un viaggio o la permanenza di qualche mese, ecco però cosa abbiamo scelto noi e cosa è possibile visitare in tre settimane . Il nostro itinerario indonesiano rigorosamente fai da te si dipana tra le isole di Java, Bali, Sulawesi e nel Borneo (Kalimantan). Un mix ben dosato di avventura, natura e cultura; tra foreste pluviali, templi mastodontici e popolazioni incredibili. Prevede molti voli aerei che però sono abbastanza economici come ti abbiamo raccontato nella nostra mini-guida sull’Indonesia .

Periodo: 13 Settembre – 15 Ottobre Spostamenti: aereo, autobus, taxi

Giorno 1 Arrivo a Jakarta in serata e pernottamento nei pressi dell’aeroporto.

Giorno 2 Partenza al mattino in aereo per Yogyakarta. Visita di Yogyakarta : mercato, Kraton e Taman Sari (Water Castle). Notte a Yogyakarta.

Giorno 3 Escursione organizzata a Borobudur con partenza nella notte, in modo da riuscire a vedere  il sorgere del sole sul tempio . In serata giretto nel quartiere di Prawirotaman. Notte a Yogyakarta.

Indonesia Itinerario Tempio Borobudur

Giorno 4 Visita del  complesso archeologico di Prambanan (con mezzi pubblici) e Candi Plaosan (moto-taxi). Nel pomeriggio scoperta dell’ arte contemporanea e dell’attivismo di Yogyakarta . Notte a Yogyakarta.

Giorno 5 Viaggio verso il Kalimantan , autobus Joglo Semar fino a Semarang (4h) e aereo per Pangkalan Bun con Trigana Air (1h). Notte a Pangkalan Bun.

Giorno 6 Escursione in barca nel Parco Nazionale del Tanjung Puting : primo giorno di navigazione. Notte in barca nel parco.

tanjung puting orango

Giorno 7 Escursione in barca nel Parco Nazionale del Tanjung Puting: secondo giorno di navigazione con osservazione degli orango . Notte in barca nel parco.

Giorno 8 Rientro dall’escursione e visita di Pangkalan Bun . Autobus notturno per Banjarmasin con Yessoa (16 ore totali. Cambio con coincidenza a Palangka Raya alle 3).

Giorno 9 Relax a zonzo per Banjarmasin e organizzazione dei giorni successivi. Notte a Banjarmasin.

Il mercato galleggiante di Banjarmasin

Giorno 10 In prima mattina visita in barca al mercato galleggiante di Banjarmasin , al mercato tradizionale e alla moschea Sabilal Muhtadin. Nel pomeriggio volo per Makassar con Sriwaja Air. Autobus notturno per Rantepao (Tana Toraja)  con Kharisma.

Giorno 11 Funerale tradizionale Toraja a Tallung Lipu, visita di Tana Toraja: Pallawa, Batutumonga, Lempo. Con guida e auto privata. Notte a Rantepao

Giorno 12 Visita di Tana Toraja : i villaggi e siti di sepoltura di Lemo, Tampangallo, Kambira, Kete Kesu. Passeggiata da Bebo a Karuaya. Con guida e auto privata. Notte a Rantepao.

Tana Toraja: le case tipiche a Pallawa

Tana Toraja: le case tipiche a Pallawa

Giorno 13 Con minibus collettivi: visita del mercato di Rantepao e del villaggio di Sedan famoso per le tessiture . Passeggiata per Rantepao nella zona dei campi sportivi per osservare il calciotennis acrobatico. Autobus notturno per Makassar.

Giorno 14 Volo Lion Air da Makassar a Denpasar (Bali), spostamento a Kuta in Taxi e shuttle Perama per Padangbai. Notte a Padangbai.

Giorno 15-16-17 Corso PADI Open Water a Padangbai con Geko Dive Center. Notte a Padangbai.

Marco e Pali con degli studenti all'ingresso di Pura Besakih

Incontri a Pura Besakih

Giorno 18 Itinerario nel centro di Bali con auto privata: risaie di Sidemen, tempio Pura Besakih,  vulcano Gunung Batur e il lago Danau Batur, fonte sacra Tirta Empul, tempio Pura Gunung Kawi. Notte a Ubud

Giorno 19 Visita di Ubud : Pura Lukisan Museum, Pura Taman Saraswati e Sacred Monkey Forest. Spettacolo di danza tradizionale alla sera. Notte a Ubud.

Giorno 20 Corso di cucina balinese a Ubud e visita del mercato. Notte a Ubud.

Il tempio Tirta Empul a Bali

Il tempio Tirta Empul a Bali

Giorno 21 Escursione nel nord di Bali con auto privata: lago Danau Buyan, cascata di Munduk, Lovina Beach, Pura Ulun Danu Bratan, Pura Taman Ayun. Notte a Ubud

Giorno 22 Escursione nel sud di Bali: Templi di Tanah Lot e Pura Uluwatu, spiagge di Jimbaran e Padang Padang. Notte a Kuta.

Giorno 23 Volo per Jakarta con Air Asia Indonesia, volo di rientro per l’Italia.

Che dire, ci siamo innamorati dell’Indonesia e sicuramente ritorneremo per esplorare meglio Java, avventurarci a Sumatra, vedere il drago di Komodo e spingerci all’estremo oriente nelle isole Molucche!

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Indonesia: Our Itinerary for 3 or 4 Weeks

Looking for the perfect Itinerary through Indonesia? In this article on our travel blog, we will share with you our journey through Indonesia.

Indonesia is our favourite country in Southeast Asia . We have been there three times already and fell in love with this country from the first moment. Indonesia is so incredibly diverse: from volcanoes and historical cultural sights, to the most beautiful beaches – you get everything here. We also loved how open the people are here, even though Indonesia is largely a Muslim country, people seem to be very open to Western culture.

The following route is a combination of all the trips we’ve done in the past. It is suitable for those who might be travelling to Indonesia for the first time and would like to see, as much as they possibly can, the beautiful diversity this country has to offer. Additionally, you will find a corresponding map at the end of the article.

1. Indonesia Itinerary: All Our Stops & Info

2. map of the indonesia journey, 3. indonesia travel guide, 4. our indonesia video.

Indonesien Route

Jakarta (A)

Jakarta is where most of the international flights depart and arrive. Although the city is not a natural beauty, you can still have a nice time here. The Istiqlal Mosque is very worth seeing, especially as it’s the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. The Old City of Jakarta is another worthwhile stop. We would suggest staying in Jakarta between two to a maximum of three nights.

Accommodation in Jakarta

Ashley Tanah Abang (stylish hotel, centrally located)

Jakarta Sehenswürdigkeiten

Yogyakarta (B)

Yogyakarta itself is a nice city with a large artistic scene . They have their own little backpackers district, where many good restaurants are located. If you have time, you should also visit the two famous temples close to Yogyakarta called Borobudur and Prambanan . If you want to have enough time for everything, then allow for at least 3 nights here. You can find our more detailed blog article here: Yogyakarta Travel Tips .

Getting to Yogyakarta

From Jakarta, you can fly directly to Yogyakarta . Alternatively, Jakarta and Yogyakarta are also connected by trains – the journey would take about seven hours. Travelling by train on the island of Java is highly recommended because: it is convenient, punctual and spares you the nerve-racking traffic of Indonesian roads. You can find out more information about the train networks in Java on this website .

Accommodation in Yogyakarta

GAIA Cosmo Hotel (modern hotel, nice design)

Yogyakarta Travel Guide

Optional: Solo (= Surakarta, C)

Solo (also known as Surakarta) is not on the typical Indonesia Itinerary, as most travellers start from Yogyakarta and head for Mount Bromo Volcano directly, without stopping here on the way. The city itself is not beautiful, but just like in Yogyakarta, there is a lot of culture to experience here, such as the traditional Wayang-Orang dance performance.

We also found the trip to Gunung Lawu very nice. If you are looking for Indonesian furniture, you will find a lot of manufacturers around Solo. We were pretty excited about the “Traditional Market”. Unfortunately we don’t know the real name of the market, but your taxi driver will be able to help you! We would recommend staying in Solo for two or three nights.

Getting to Solo

From Yogyakarta it’s not far at all to Solo. You can either take the train or the bus. The most comfortable and expensive option is a private driver or taxi.

Accommodation in Solo

Hotel Alila Solo (probably the best hotel in Solo, a little more expensive, but really special and the rooftop pool is a dream)

Indonesien Java Tipps

Mount Bromo Volcano (D)

Located next to Yogyakarta, the Mount Bromo Volcano is probably the most popular destination on the island of Java. This is probably because the volcano itself is fairly easily accessible.

Most people visit Bromo as part of a sunrise Jeep Tour . Once you get off the Jeep, it’s just a few minutes walk to reach the observation deck and famous view of the smoking volcano .

From there, you can take the Jeep directly to the volcano, where you can then hike a relatively short stretch to the crater rim . Alternatively, you can also book a motorcycle tour instead of a Jeep. Next time, we would ask our driver not to take us to the general lookout point because it was quite crowded there. Be sure to bring enough warm clothes, as it is usually quite cold up there on the mountain. Most people just stay for one night and continue travelling in the morning after breakfast.

Getting to Mt Bromo Volcano

The way from Yogyakarta or Solo to Bromo can be done either via an organised minibus tour or on your own . We chose the latter and would do it again anytime. Yogyakarta (or Solo) is connected by train to Probolinggo – the nearest major town near the volcano – but you have to change at Surabaya.

Since we missed the last train from Surabaya, we ended up having to take the bus. Once in Probolinggo , there are two ways to get to up that last stretch where the village of Cemoro Lawang is located on the crater rim: either you take a public bus (buses only run up to a certain time) or you organise a private driver, which can end up being very expensive.

Accommodation in Bromo – Our Tip

Artotel Cabin Bromo (stylish hotel consisting of several small cabins with panoramic windows)

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Mount Ijen Volcano (E)

Unlike Mount Bromo, the Mount Ijen Volcano is only accessible via a 2-hour hike. Note that you would have to set out in the middle of the night if you want to see the famous blue fire . Mt. Ijen is notorious for the dozens of workers who take the arduous route once or twice everyday, just to transport heavy chunks of Sulphur from the volcanic crater all the way back down. They do this all by hand with no help from modern technology and no gas masks.

A possible starting point near the accommodation area is the town of Banyuwangi , which has several hotels and guesthouses. It then takes a good hour by car from Banyuwangi to the starting point of the hike – we would suggest organising a driver in Banyuwangi. Might be good to know that it’s not mandatory to have a guide for the hike. Also, we would highly advise against travelling further on this day as the hike is very strenuous already. We were so glad to able to sleep the rest of the day.

Getting to Mount Ijen Volcano

In order to get from Bromo to Ijen, you first have to go all the way back through the valley to Probolinggo. It’s best to organise your transport to Probolinggo directly from your accommodation in Cemoro Lawang. From Probolinggo you can easily travel by train to Banyuwangi.

Accommodation in Banyuwangi

Ketapang Indah (nice rooms, great garden and pool, friendly staff)

Tipps Ijen Vulkan besteigen

Continuing on to the next island: Bali . Ubud is a perfect home base for exploring Bali. This is a wonderfully laid back location and there are some incredibly delicious restaurants and beautiful accommodations.

We can highly recommend renting a scooter for a few days. You can find all our tips and a suggestion for a day trip in this blog article: Scooter Day Trip around Ubud .

The distances in Bali are much further than you initially think, so perhaps you might want to consider having a private driver to reach certain destinations – such as the Uluwatu Temple in the south part of the island. Depending on personal preference, you can also choose to stay in more than one place – but for us, it’s always nice to finally be able to relax and stay in one place for a bit longer. We would recommend staying in Ubud for a total of four nights if you also want to have some time to relax.

Getting to Ubud

From the far eastern tip of Java (Banyuwangi) to Bali, it is just a short ride away with the ferry . The journey takes just 20 to 30 minutes – depending on the “traffic situation” out on the open water.

From Gilimanuk in Bali, you can either take a public bus to Denpasar or you can organise a private taxi, which is a lot more expensive. If you decide to take the bus to Denpasar first, you can board another bus from there to Ubud or you can travel the rest of the stretch by taxi.

Accommodation in Ubud

Sri Ratih Cottages (beautiful property with a pool, and very nice rooms)

Campuhan Ridge Walk Ubud

Gili Islands (G)

As we approach the end of the trip, some relaxing beach time would be much welcomed and for that, we can recommend spending some time on the Gili Islands. There are three tiny islands : The busiest island is Gili Trawangan, which is more suitable for party people; while the other two, Gili Meno and Gili Air, are more for those seeking peace and quiet.

However, the Gili Islands seem to have experienced quite a boom in recent years. We heard from a friend that more and more accommodation options are starting up, so you cannot expect to find a lonely island paradise here as the Gili Islands are too well known these days. Despite that, we still had a really nice time on Gili Meno, which is the island we chose to stay on. You will have plenty of time to read, snorkel and relax.

In case you’re after recommendations for a beach destination off the beaten track, we’ve been told that there are some fantastic beaches just south of the neighbouring island of Lombok . This could be something worth looking into.

Depending on how long you can actually stand being on a quiet island, we would suggest staying between four to seven nights on the Gili Islands.

Getting to the Gili Islands

Coming from Bali you can take a speedboat from several ports (Padang Bai, Serangan), which are quite expensive – or you can take the slow ferry to Lombok and from there another small boat to the Gili Islands.

Accommodation in the Gili Islands

Meno Dream Resort (beautiful complex, built by an Indonesian-Slovenian couple, gorgeous bungalows, very intimate feel to it)

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Optional: Bukit Lawang

If you fancy a bit of adventure , we can wholeheartedly recommend a trip to Bukit Lawang on the island of Sumatra to see the wild Orangutans in their natural habitat. Sumatra is not exactly around the corner, but you can reach it quite quickly by plane. This island is so huge that you could easily spend several weeks or months exploring Sumatra. We think it’s definitely worth a visit, even if just for a few days.

Getting to Bukit Lawang

It’s best to plan your trip to Bukit Lawang at the beginning of your Indonesia travels and you have two options to get there. Option 1: If you’re already in Indonesia, you can fly from Jakarta non-stop to Medan (Sumatra). Option 2: If you are coming from Kuala Lumpur or Singapore , you can also fly directly from both cities to Medan. Next, you will have to take either a bus or taxi to Bukit Lawang, which will take about 4 hours from Medan.

To get back to the island of Java, you can either fly from Medan to Jakarta or fly straight to Yogyakarta.

Accommodation in Bukit Lawang

EcoTravel Cottages Bukit Lawang (nice and spacious rooms, friendly staff, great breakfast by the river)

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Just so that you have a clearer picture of the route itself and where the journey actually leads you, we have pinned the individual stops on a map. The itinerary starts in Jakarta (A) and ends on the Gili Islands (G). One   of the points that was not included, was the optional detour to the Orangutans in Bukit Lawang.

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Although you can now find almost all the information you need on the internet and through various travel blogs, we still always try to have a printed travel guide for our trips. We have several travel guides for Indonesia, but we prefer to use the ones by Lonely Planet as they are always highly researched and is one we highly recommend.

You can view and buy the travel guide here: Lonely Planet (July 2019 Edition)

Disclaimer: Affiliate Links

This blog article contains our personal recommendations in the form of so-called affiliate links. If you book or buy something through these links, we will receive a small commission. For you, this does not change the price at all. A million thanks from the both of us!

Have you ever been to Indonesia? How did your itinerary go? Perhaps you have some questions for us regarding your Indonesia trip? We look forward to your comments down below.

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4 responses.

How much money did you spend for this trip on food/ accommodation. I am planning on traveling Indonesia for 3 weeks following a similar itinerary but I am unsure on how much money I will need??

Hi Sydney, thank you very for your message. Unfortunately, we didn’t track exactly what we were spending. Moreover the itinerary is a combination of two (or even three) of our trips to Indonesia. It also depends on your type of traveling (nice hotels vs. cheap hostels; street food vs. restaurants). I guess you will need at least 50 Euros per day (for accommodation, local transport, food and activities). If you want to see the Orang Utans too, 50 Euros probably won’t be enough. We reccomend to check the prices for guesthouses/hotels in the area you want to visit. Food is quite cheap. Transport too (except flying). Activities can be expensive (For example: The entrance fee for Borobudur is 25 USD). Hope this helps! Safe travels, Kathi & Romeo

Ah, too bad that you missed out my city of Bandung. Bandung is justa 3hr train’s ride from Jakarta, and you’ll get a mountain of Tangkuban Perahu mt at the north (Lembang township– a1-2hrs ride from bandung– depending in traffic) and also a dead volcano (Kawah putih–+ splendid for photography–In Pangalengan township— same duration like Lembang. You’ll passing some tea plantation, and there’s a natural lake around: situ cileunca) in the southern of Bandung.

If you’re a history-buff, you can also visit the “Gedung Merdeka”, which hosted the 1955 Asia-africa conference. There’s a museum there which you can thoroughly explore everything.

For hotel choices, there’s a few of international chains like Hilton (10 min walking distance from Bandung’s train station), Accors chains which spread in a few location. You can also stay in the heart of Asia-afrika street: Grand preanger, Savoy homman (Both are a historical hotel), and a few of budget hotel like Ibis. A few hostel also available around braga street, which is pretty close with “Gedung Merdeka”.

To get around, you can download the online taxi (car and motor) which widely used by indonesian: Gojek and grab. It’s much easier to get from point to point and really saving your time. You can use this app almost everywhere in indonesian major city.

Dining option, there are a lot of cafe and restaurant around Riau street aka Ir. RE. Martadinata street. Don’t be confused with a few street naming in Bandung, as big major street often has double name as the city govt sometime rename one particular street in honoring the war/heroic heroes.

If you want a dining with a view, Bandung also offered a few chic, if not classy cafe and restaurant in “Dago Pakar” area. Bandung it self is a city which is surrounded with mountains and hills. So expect the temp is much cooler than Jakarta.

My advice, if you can put bandung on your list, avoided at all cost to visit it by weekend, as traffic are the worst since many of Jakartan flocks here. From Bandung, you can conveniently continue your travel to every major city in Java by train ( Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang or Surabaya). A flight o yogya also available from Hussein Sastranegara international airport (BDO), which also has a direct flight to KUL or SIN. The “closest” beach is Pangandaran which cost you 8-9hrs ride depending on traffic. There’s one spot which is dub as the best place to learn surf in Indonesia by lonely planet: “Legok pari’ in “Batu Karas” (Ciamis regency–another 1hr from pangandaran”.

It’s a little bit of highlight to visit Bandung and its surround. I just hope that everyone who visit your blog, will also get another alternative after visiting Jakarta :)

Oh, btw, i visited your blog cause i’mlooking for Info about Myanmar but then i stumbling up pon this indonesian post too. Thank you for your valuable infos!

Hi Sue, WOW thank you so much for taking the time to write down all your tips. They definitely made us want to visit that place! Amazing! We keep your advices in mind for our next trip to Indonesia! Thank you so much!!

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Travel blog, [info post] 3 settimane in indonesia.

Tornata da 3 settimane in Indonesia, eccomi a trascrivere tutte le informazioni raccolte durante questo incredibile viaggio: tappe, mezzi utilizzati, prezzi e tanti consigli che spero possano esservi utili nell’organizzazione dell’itinerario!

Come sempre il Sud Est Asiatico non mi delude mai e questo Paese in particolare mi è piaciuto tantissimo, tanto che mi ha fatto venire voglia di tornarci al più presto per scoprire altre isole.

E’ un viaggio vario che può soddisfare tutti i gusti: abbiamo scalato vulcani, visitato città, ammirato templi, nuotato in un mare me-ra-vi-glio-so con un’infinità di pesci, siamo andati alla ricerca dei grandissimi draghi di Komodo e visitato le magnifiche risaie di Jatiluwith, abbiamo fatto corsi di yoga e di cucina e ci siamo rilassati grazie ai tipici massaggi javanesi e balinesi.

Prima dell’itinerario completo, ho raccolto nelle “INFO UTILI” le risposte alle domande più frequenti che mi avete fatto.

3 settimane in Indonesia: INFO UTILI

Quanti giorni servono?

L’Indonesia è immensa … ci sono più di 17.000 isole!!! Noi in 3 settimane ne abbiamo visitate “solo” 4. Ma le combinazioni sono tantissime e più tempo avete e meglio è! Certamente l’Indonesia merita più di un viaggio! E sono certa che quando tornerò ripartirò da Flores e mi sposterò nel Sulawesi.

Che documenti mi servono per entrare in Indonesia?

Per i cittadini italiani è sufficiente il passaporto con validità residua di almeno 6 mesi. All’arrivo in Indonesia vi verrà apposto il timbro che vi permetterà di fermarvi per massimo 30 giorni.

Che clima c’è durante la nostra estate?

Agosto è uno dei mesi migliori per andare in Indonesia. Il clima è fantastico, perché rispetto al resto del Sud Est Asiatico dove l’umidità è insopportabile e il rischio piogge in questa stagione è alto, in Indonesia fa caldo ma è secco, quindi non si suda!!! Oltre al fatto che non piove quasi mai! Noi in 3 settimane non abbiamo mai visto la pioggia!

Con che moneta è meglio partire?

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Il mio consiglio è di partire dall’italia con gli Euro e cambiarli direttamente al vostro arrivo in Rupie Indonesiane (portatevi un portafoglio capiente!!). Evitate di partire con i dollari (a meno che non li abbiate già a casa ovviamente).

Vi sconsiglio di cambiare all’interno dell’aeroporto di Jakarta, dove i tassi di cambio sono altissimi! Molto meglio invece nei Money Change delle città. Se, invece, preferite prelevare non avrete difficoltà a trovare ATM.

Che mezzi di trasporto utilizzare in Indonesia?

AEREO . Il mezzo più comodo e rapido per spostarsi, trattandosi di isole. Abbiamo utilizzato varie compagnie aeree: Air Asia, Garuda Indonesia, Wings Air e Lions Air. Le prime due compagnie sono prenotabili direttamente dal sito internet. Per le altre, invece, prenotare dal sito è impossibile, quindi è necessario affidarsi ad una sorta di agenzia. Il servizio è comodissimo: si prenota il volo, si riceve una mail e viene dato un codice di prenotazione con il quale nei tempi da loro indicati bisogna fare il pagamento con carta di credito (in genere dai 3 ai 7 giorni). Una volta pagato, nel giro di qualche giorno vi confermano la prenotazione inviandovi la conferma della compagnia aerea. Il sito che ho utilizzato io è questo

TRENO . Ho utilizzato il treno per gli spostamenti nell’isola di Java (anche perché sulle altre isole visitate non esisteva il sistema ferroviario!). L’ho trovato estremamente comodo e puntualissimo! Lo consiglio per le tratte Yogykarta – Probolinggo e Probolinggo – Banyuwangy. Il biglietto si può acquistare direttamente in stazione o in alcuni supermercati Alfa Market. Se presente, chiedete di prenotare i posti nella business class, anche se noi abbiamo viaggiato anche in economy e non era così male.

TAXI . I taxi sono sempre presenti in qualsiasi città. Li utilizzerete soprattutto per spostarvi dall’aeroporto all’hotel. Cercate di utilizzare taxi con il taxi meter (sull’isola di Java usate i “blue bird”) , piuttosto che quelli che vi sparano una tariffa fissa (anche se a volte non avrete scelta!).

MOTORINO . Abbiamo utilizzato il motorino a Bali e Lombok. La prima è decisamente più trafficata rispetto alla seconda isola. L’importante è andare piano e avere mille occhi perché i motorini vi supereranno ovunque! Gli indonesiani hanno uno strano modo di guidare … sembra che non ci siano regole!

Per guidare in Indonesia è richiesta la patente internazionale …ma …. nessuno ve la chiederà mai! Noi onestamente non ce l’avevamo e non abbiamo avuto nessun problema! Prima di partire avevo letto anche di possibili posti di blocco della polizia, ma non ci è mai capitato nemmeno quello!

Il noleggio giornaliero di uno scooter costa meno di 5€ al giorno e il pieno di benzina si fa con circa 1,20€.

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Becak – tipico mezzo di trasporto di Yogyakarta



Periodo : dal 06 al 27 agosto 2017

Giorni : 22

Partecipanti : 2 persone (coppia) – età 32 anni

Spesa totale a persona : 2.450,00 € (di cui 950€ di volo intercontinentale, 300€ per 3 voli interni, 335€ per hotel e quasi sempre le colazioni comprese, 150€ per i trasporti interni (come taxi, becak, bici, motorino, barche), 180€ per le escursioni e gli ingressi nei templi, 320€ per pranzi, cene e merende, 215€ varie (treno per/da aeroporto Milano Malpensa, pasti nell’aeroporto di Dubai, souvenir, massaggi, lezioni di yoga, corso di cucina, ecc.).

Mezzi utilizzati: aereo, treni, minibus, taxi, motorino.

Bagaglio : zaino da 50 litri + zainetto “da tutti i giorni”

06.08.17 – Milano – Dubai (aereo)

07.08.17 – Dubai – Jakarta (aereo)

08.08.17 – Jakarta – Yogyakarta (aereo)

09.08.17 – Yogyakarta

10.08.17 – Yogyakarta – Probolinggo  (treno) – Cemoro Lawang (minibus)

11.08.17 – scalata notturna del Bromo , poi trasferimento da Cemoro Lawang a Probolinggo  (taxi) – Banyuwangi (treno)

12.08.17 – scalata notturna Ijen, poi trasferimento da Banyuwangi a Gilimanuk (Bali) in traghetto e da qui trasferimento in taxi a Ubud.

13.08.17 – 16.08.17 – Ubud

17.08.17 – Ubud – Seminiak (taxi)

18.08.17 –Seminiak – Labuanbajo (aereo) – Kanawa Island (barca)

19.08.17 – 20.08.17 – Kanawa Island

21.08.17 – Kanawa Island – Labuanbajo (barca) – Bali (aereo) – Lombok (aereo) – Kuta Lombok (taxi)

22.08.17 – 24.08.17 – Kuta Lombok

25.08.17 – Kuta Lombok – Jakarta (aereo)

26.08.17 – Jakarta – Milano (aereo)

27.08.17 – arrivo a Milano in mattinata

clicca sulla mappa per ingrandirla

3 settimane in Indonesia: ITINERARIO

PARTENZA : Volo intercontinentale prenotato direttamente dal sito Emirates a febbraio, partenza alle 14.05 da Milano e arrivo a Dubai alle 22.10 con 6 ore di scalo e arrivo a Jakarta alle 15.40. Siamo andati direttamente in hotel con un taxi vicino all’aeroporto … nanna presto per prendere un altro volo la mattina seguente prestissimo!

Alloggio : Ibis Style Hotel –40,00 €/notte per camera matrimoniale e colazione. Hotel molto curato con una bella piscina. Posizione perfetta per andare in aeroporto dal quale dista circa 20 minuti.

PRIMA TAPPA : Yogyakarta (2 notti) – Abbiamo raggiunto la città con il volo Air Asia (25 € – prenotato direttamente dal sito della compagnia aerea) delle 5.50 del mattino e siamo arrivati alle 7.00. Abbiamo raggiunto l’hotel con un taxi (110.000 Rp).

Alloggio : Gallery Prawirotaman Hotel –38,00 €/notte per camera matrimoniale e colazione. Hotel davvero bello in un quartiere meraviglioso che consiglio a tutti. Posizione comoda e vicina a tanti locali per mangiare. Per raggiungere la zona di Malioboro basta prendere il classico “tuk tuk” al prezzo di 40.000 Rp.

Da fare : Yogyakarta è talmente carina che è piacevole anche passeggiare senza una meta precisa per le sue vie. In un giorno riuscirete a visitare: il mercato di Prawirotaman , il Taman Sari – water castle che comprende anche l’ingresso alla vicina moschea abbandonata Sumur Gumuling (ingresso 15.000 Rp + 2.000 Rp per macchina fotografica), il Kraton (ingresso 15.000 Rp + 1.000 Rp per macchina fotografica) e il grande mercato di artigianato (dove troverete tanti souvenir) Pasar Beringharjo . Per lo shopping dirigetevi a Malioboro Street .

Ma i veri protagonisti sono il Borobodur e il Prambanan . Entrambe le escursioni le abbiamo prenotate con driver privato da Via Via Tours (che vi consiglio anche per mangiare!!). Il Borobodur l’abbiamo visitato all’alba al prezzo di 465.000 Rp (prezzo già per due persone) – partenza alle 3.30 del mattino.

tour indonesia 3 settimane

La visita al Prambanan invece l’abbiamo fatta per il tramonto con partenza alle 14.00 (400.000 Rp per due persone) con due soste intermedie: visita produzione caffe Luwak (30.000 Rp una tazzina di caffè) e tempio Candi Sambisari (normalmente ingresso 50.000 Rp, ma ad agosto era gratuito). L’ingresso al complesso di templi costa 325.000 Rp.

SECONDA TAPPA : Monte Bromo (1 notte) – Da Yogyakarta siamo andati con un taxi in stazione e abbiamo preso un treno per Probolinggo (prenotato il giorno prima nell’agenzia di fronte al nostro hotel al prezzo di 325.000/persona compreso taxi per la stazione e transfer in minubus da Probolinggo a Cemoro Lawang . Partenza alle 10.00 e arrivo alle 18.15. Una volta arrivati siamo saliti sul minivan e ci hanno portato al nostro hotel di Cemoro. Per entrare nella zona Bromo (e il nostro hotel era già in quella posizione) è obbligatorio pagare una tassa di 220.000/persona.

*TIP : a Cemoro non c’è praticamente nulla per mangiare … ti consiglio di comprare qualcosa al supermercato!

Alloggio : Homestay Dua Putra –17,00 €/notte per camera matrimoniale. Hotel orribile!!! Camera super spartana, bagno … non ne parliamo (non c’era nè lavandino né carta igienica). Inoltre, nonostante è risaputo essere una zona fredda, avevamo solo una misera copertina singola …. Risultato … un freddo pazzesco!!! L’unica nota positiva è la posizione!

Da fare : ovviamente andare al Bromo!! Puoi scegliere se prenotare un tour organizzato con la jeep (e puoi farlo sia da Yogya, sia a Probolinggo) oppure fare tutto da solo come abbiamo fatto noi! Nel prossimo post ti racconterò come organizzare tutto! In ogni caso la visita classica si fa di notte per vedere l’alba dal monte di fronte e poi andare sul vero e proprio cratere del Bromo! Dopo la visita siamo partiti subito per il vulcano Ijen.

TERZA TAPPA : Vulcano Ijen (1 notte) – Da Cemoro, verso le 14.00 con un taxi (450.000 Rp) siamo tornati in stazione a Probolinggo e abbiamo ripreso il treno, questa volta direzione Banyuwangy (94.000/persona) – partenza alle 16.00 e arrivo alle 20.50.

Alloggio : Puri Amalia Guesthouse – 9,00 €/notte per camera matrimoniale. Hotel estremamente semplice ma pulito e personale gentilissimo. L’hotel dispone anche di una cucina che prepara pietanze basic (riso, noodles e colazione). Anche se arrivate tardi vi preparano qualcosa da mangiare.

Da fare : se sei arrivato fin qui è per scalare il vulcano Ijen. Qui è d’obbligo organizzarsi con un’agenzia. Noi l’abbiamo prenotata con Danu’s Ocean, tramite What’s up e ci siamo trovati benissimo! La guida era molto preparata. Ecco il contatto: +6285336447347 – email [email protected] Troverai tutti i dettagli nel prossimo post! La visita per vedere le famose fiamme blu è notturna, con partenza dall’hotel a mezzanotte e rientro intorno alle 9 del mattino.

QUARTA TAPPA : Bali – Ubud (5 notti) – Appena scesi dal vulcano, siamo tornati in hotel, abbiamo fatto colazione e siamo andati al molo (è a circa 10 minuti di taxi dalla città) e abbiamo preso il traghetto delle 10.50 che in circa 1 ora porta a Bali, nella città di Gilimanuk. Da qui, appena scesi dal traghetto abbiamo prenotato un taxi che ci ha portato in 4 ore a Ubud (700.000 Rp).

*ATTENZIONE! Da Bali avrai 1 ora in più di fuso rispetto all’isola di Java! Quindi ricordati di spostare l’orologio 1 ora avanti!

Alloggio : The Artini Resort – 49,00 €/notte per camera matrimoniale e colazione. Uno degli hotel più belli dove io sia stata. Un resort curatissimo in ogni suo angolo, una camera spaziosa e ben 2 piscine. Il tutto in stile balinese che è meraviglioso!!

Da fare: Ubud è magnifica e ti innamorerai di ogni suo angolo. Girala a piedi e in motorino, fai shopping, lasciati stupire dalla sua architettura, prova ogni giorno ristoranti diversi e fai esperienze particolari come una lezione di yoga allo Yoga Barn o un corso di cucina!

E poi Ubud è la base perfetta per visitare la zona nord e ovest dell’isola. Noi ci siamo affidati a Gusde, un driver locale (grazie a Cabira per il suggerimento!) che ci ha raccontato moltissimi aneddoti sulla sua isola, portandoci in giro per 2 giorni (un giorno zona nord e uno zona ovest). Ecco la sua mail per contattarlo [email protected]

In 4 giorni pieni abbiamo visitato: Monkey Forest (50.000 Rp/persona), Palazzo Reale, Pura Taman Saraswati, Pura Kehen (30.000 Rp/pax + 5.000 per l’auto), Pura Besakin (60.000 Rp/pax inclusa la guida e il trasporto in motorino per salire alla base del tempio), Penglipuran Village (30.000 Rp/pax), Pura Goa Lawah (6.000 Rp/pax+4.000 Rp per il sarong), Tirta Gangga (30.000 Rp/pax), Pura Luhur (20.000 Rp/pax), Jatiluwith Rice Terrace (40.000 Rp/pax + 5.000 per l’auto), Pura Ulun Danu Bratan (50.000 Rp/pax), lago Buyan, Goa Gajah (15.000 Rp/pax), Gunung Kawi (15.000 Rp/pax), Tirta Empul (15.000 Rp/pax + 2.000 per parcheggio scooter).

tour indonesia 3 settimane

QUINTA TAPPA : Bali – Seminiak (1 notte) – Da Ubud, con un taxi (300.000 Rp), siamo arrivati a Seminiak per visitare la zona sud dell’isola.

Alloggio : Ping Hotel Seminyak Bali – 35,00 €/notte per camera matrimoniale. L’hotel è molto bello e c’è anche la piscina! La posizione è comoda sia per andare in spiaggia sia come base di partenza per spostarsi con il motorino.

Da fare : Prima di tutto noleggia uno scooter (circa 5 € al giorno). Parti al mattino e dirigiti a Jimbaran (circa 30 minuti) per comprare il pesce fresco del suo mercato e fallo cucinare dai localini sulla spiaggia, per pranzo. Poi prosegui fino a Uluwatu (30.000 Rp/persona + 1.000 Rp per lo scooter) e ammira il tempio e le altissime scogliere. Riprendi il motorino, fai sosta nella famosa Kuta e infine goditi il tramonto sulla spiaggia di Seminiak .

tour indonesia 3 settimane

SESTA TAPPA – Isola di Kanawa (3 notti) – Da Seminiak con il taxi (86.000 Rp, circa 30 minuti) siamo andati in aeroporto (Bali Denpasar) per prendere il volo delle 8.00 (Wings Air – 90,00 € – prenotato on line tramite questo sito ) direzione Labuan Bajo e arrivo alle ore 9.15. Dall’aeroporto di Labuan Bajo abbiamo preso un taxi (50.000€) che ci ha portati all’agenzia del Kanawa Resort (che si trova in zona porto). Qui ci siamo registrati e alle 12.00 è partita la barca per l’isola (circa 1 ora).

Alloggio : Kanawa Resort – 27,00 €/notte per bungalow con letto matrimoniale. L’isola è un paradiso. Il resort no! Purtroppo è tenuto e gestito malissimo! Non c’è organizzazione, né disponibilità da parte del personale e i bungalow avrebbero bisogno di una bella ristrutturazione! Peccato … è proprio un Paradiso abbandonato!

Da fare : Snorkeling e immersioni (il mare e i suoi fondali sono pazzeschi!!! A pari merito con la Malesia … per me il mare più bello dove immergersi!). E poi relax … e ovviamente una visita al Parco di Komodo per vedere i famosi ed enormi draghi!

tour indonesia 3 settimane

SETTIMA TAPPA – Lombok – Kuta (4 notti) – Da Kanawa il viaggio per arrivare a Lombok è un po’ lungo, ma fattibile in giornata: barca da Kanawa a Labuan Bajo (partenza ore 8.00 dall’isola), volo delle 16.00 fino a Lombok Mataram con scalo obbligatorio a Bali (Garuda Indonesia – 133,00 €) e arrivo alle 20.15. Infine, taxi dall’aeroporto per Kuta (100.000 Rp, circa mezz’ora).

Alloggio : Bombora Bungalow – 30,00 €/notte per bungalow con colazione. Un delizioso complesso con solo 8 bungalow in stile Sasak disposti attorno ad una piscina. Uno degli alloggi più belli della vacanza! L’unica pecca … non c’è acqua calda!

Da fare: noleggia un motorino (60.000 Rp/giorno) e gira per le spiagge selvagge di Lombok. Nella zona est ti consiglio Tanjung Aan , Batu Kotak , Pantai Seger e la spiaggia del Novotel ; a ovest non perdere la spiaggia di Mawuni , la spiaggia dei serfisti Mawi e la bellissima Selong Blanack . Se hai tempo fai un giro anche nell’entroterra fino a Sengkol , passando da un villaggio Sasak .

*DA SAPERE : in ogni spiaggia c’è da pagare il parcheggio per lo scooter …. 10.000 Rp!

tour indonesia 3 settimane

OTTAVA TAPPA – Jakarta (1 notte) – Da Lombok abbiamo preso il volo delle 12.40 (Lion Air – 52,00 €) destinazione Jakarta!

Alloggio : FM7 Hotel – 45,00 €/notte per camera matrimoniale con colazione. Hotel molto bello, in stile occidentale. Posizione comoda, vicino all’aeroporto.

Da fare: abbiamo scelto di non visitare Jakarta, ma dopo aver trascorso qualche ora in hotel, siamo tornati in aeroporto per prendere il volo intercontinentale.

Ma grazie all’ overbooking di Emirates … siamo partiti il giorno seguente e per “farsi perdonare” la compagnia aerea ci ha fatto uno dei migliori regali che un viaggiatore potrebbe desiderare: 2 biglietti aerei validi 1 anno con destinazione aperta! Oltre ad averci pagato hotel, trasporti e pasti!

Un regalo meraviglioso ed inaspettato che ci ha fatto concludere la vacanza in maniere indimenticabile!

15 thoughts on “ [INFO POST] 3 settimane in Indonesia ”

Ciao Gina io sono Chiara. Non so se ti ricordi di me. Sono quella ragazza che hai conosciuto in Indonesia…precisamente sulla barca che ci portava da kanawa a Labuan bajo. Sono la figlia di quel signore che si è messo a parlare con voi e a mia mamma hai dato il bigliettino per il tuo blog. Mi farebbe molto piacere se ti ricordassi di me. Volevo dirti che il tuo blog è fantastico. Non faccio altro nel tempo libero se non guardare tutte le foto che posti o i racconti delle tue esperienze. Mi piace veramente molto e le foto sono fantastiche. Fammi sapere se ti ricordi di me. Ciao❤

Ciao Chiara!!!! Ma certo che mi ricordo di te!!! Ma sei dolcissima e le tue parole mi riempiono di gioia!! Quando avrai bisogno per i prossimi viaggi, sia in famiglia sia da sola, scrivimi!! Un bacio grande e chissà se ci rivedremo in giro per mondo!!

Sono contentissima che ti ricordi di me. Grazie mille per tutto

Ma grazie a te!!!

I post che adoro! Per me che sono un’organizzatrice quasi maniacale trovare questi post così dettagliati è il top! Il viaggio deve essere stato una meraviglia, che colori ragazzi! Ci avete fatto proprio venire una gran voglia di partire! A presto Erica

Ciao Erica!! Grazie!!! Sono tanto felice di sapere che questo post possa essere utile!! Anche io sono una che cerca articoli e racconti dettagliati e quindi in viaggio raccolgo più informazioni possibile per poter aiutare i viaggiatori:) L’Indonesia è spettacolare!! Ciao!!!

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ciao! io e mio marito partiamo il 26 luglio per il nostro viaggio di nozze in indonesia e il tuo blog ci sta aiutando tantissimo ad organizzare! grazie mille! abbiamo stra voglia di partire! ho qualche domanda: – vorremmo fare anche noi l’escursione al vulcano Ijen, ma abbiamo paura che sia troppo impegnativo. Mi puoi dare il tuo parere? secondo te si può salire con scarpe da ginnastica o sono necessari gli scarponcini? – gli hotel li prenotavate di giorno in giorno o avevate prenotato già tutto dall’italia? – per i pagamenti che voi sappiate prendono anche post pay o solo mastercard? grazie di cuore!! anna

Ciao Anna!!! Sono felicissima vi sia utile!! Manca poco alla partenza, vi piacerà moltissimo;) Rispondo ai vostri dubbi: – ijen la strada per arrivare al lago è in salita ma la strada è fattibile con scarpe da ginnastica. Per andare giù alla cava di zolfo l’importante è non avere una scarpa con la suola liscia. Non serve una scarpa tecnica, ma nemmeno i sandali ahahah L’escursione merita davvero;) – per gli hotel, io preferisco prenotare da casa. Sopratutto luglio e agosto sono alte stagioni… ci sono tante sistemazioni, ma se ho l’itinerario già impostato io preferisco prenotare (Booking, Agoda, airbnb…) – per la post pay non saprei…spesso vogliono solo contanti… noi pagavamo con visa o contanti (si preleva senza problemi…) Se hai bisogno, scrivimi ancora;) Buon viaggio!!!

grazie mille! sei gentilissima!! oggi abbiamo comprato maschera e boccaglio! ormai ci siamo quasi!! ultimissima domanda.. abbiamo letto con cura tutto l’itinerario per l’escursione al bromo e sicuramente faremo come avete fatto voi, ma non riesco a trovare la spiegazione dell’escursione allo Ijen. da probolingo poi come avete fatto ad arrivare allo Ijen? e come vi siete spostati? treno più minivan? grazie!!!

Ciao!!! Dai manca pochissimo!!! Il post dell’Ijen in effetti non l’avevo più scritto Comunque dalla stazione di Probolinggo devi riprendere il treno e andare a Banyuwangy (94.000/persona) – partenza alle 16.00 e arrivo alle 20.50. Da lì poi abbiamo prenotato l’escursione. Purtroppo non si può fare in autonomia… Noi abbiamo scritto a questa agenzia Danu’s Ocean, tramite What’s up e ci siamo trovati benissimo! La guida era molto preparata. Ecco il contatto: +6285336447347 – email [email protected] Ciao e buon viaggio!!!

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Ciao Nei 2450€ non ho visto elencato un’assicurazione: dimenticanza o compreso nelle varie?

Ciao Dante! Si, è nelle spese varie. Essendo un prezzo talmente variabile a seconda delle proprie scelte (compagnia, etá, durata, ecc) ho preferito lasciarla lì Ciao:)

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Surfing the Planet

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Things to see in Indonesia in 3 weeks – the classic route

Home » Blog » Viajar a Asia » Viajar a Indonesia » Things to see in Indonesia in 3 weeks – the classic route

Few countries can compete with Indonesia in Southeast Asia, if someone looks for a really  complete destination with fascinating cultural heritage , pure nature and relax on paradise beaches . Indonesia is a giant country with more than 17,000 islands that offer unlimited possibilities , and a lifetime would not be enough to explore even a small part of this country. We propose your here the classic itinerary with the best things to see and do in Indonesia in 3 weeks .

Your trip to Indonesia will start in Jakarta , the chaotic capital of the country. Your itinerary will continue in Southeast direction while you visit the most emblematic places on the island of Java . You will get to know the charming town of Jogyakarta and the fabulous temples of Borobudur and Prambanan in the surroundings, and after that you will visit the volcanic area where Mount Bromo (a still active volcano) is one of the major sights to see.

What to see in Indonesia in 3 weeks | Travel to Indonesia

What to see in Indonesia in 3 weeks – the classic itinerary

Day 1-2.  Jakarta, a chaotic capital

Day 3-5.  Jogyakarta and the famous temples around

Day 6-8.  The volcanic area, visit to Mount Bromo

Day 9-14.  Bali, a unique island with unique culture

Day 15-17.  Swimming with manta rays on Nusa Lembongan

Day 18-21.  Swimming with turtles and relaxing on Gili Meno Island

Day 1-2. Jakarta

Colorful bikes, Jakarta, Indonesia

Day 3-5. Jogyakarta

Buddhist temple of Borobudur, Java, Indonesia

Day 6-8. Mount Bromo

The island of Java is full of active volcanoes and Mount Bromo is one of the most famous amongst them. To see the sunrise at Mount Bromo  is definitely one of things you must do in Indonesia .

Sunrise, Mount Bromo, Java, Indonesia

Día 9-14. Bali

There’s no doubt that Bali is probably the most famous island where to go in Indonesia . In fact, before our trip to Indonesia, we had some prejudices about Bali, since the island also has a quite bad reputation  for being an island filled with “cheap” party, drugs and drunk people, however, this ambience is only limited to the South of Bali , whereas the rest of the island is a real marvel .

Pura Saraswati Temple, Ubud, Bali

Day 15-17. The island of Nusa Lembongan

Manta Ray, Nusa Lembongan, Indonesia

Day 18-21. Gili Meno Island

Marine Turtle, Gili Meno Island, Indonesia

Three weeks are very short to get even a taste of this country, but we have that our 3-week itinerary  give you some help to visit the most important places where to go in Indonesia .

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– WOW… Book here the best  CHEAP GUIDED TOURS in INDONESIA

– FLYYY… Book here YOUR AIRPORT TRANSFER in Bali or in Jakarta


3 Weeks Itinerary in Indonesia

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3 week itinerary in Bali, Lombok and Gili islands in 8 dream stages

We tested a 3-week itinerary in Bali, Lombok and Gilis in 8 unforgettable stages. An ideal tour for a first dream trip to Bali. We detail here all the steps of the tour to help you organize your future trip to Bali and the budget to plan. A paradise where we have already been 4 times since 2011. This itinerary in Bali has been built and tested from our first 5 weeks trip in South East Asia . All the practical advice and our other itineraries are available in this blog post dedicated to Bali and Indonesia .

A trip to Bali is an unforgettable experience.

tour indonesia 3 settimane

From the lively atmosphere of Kuta Bali to the quietness of the rice fields of Ubud , passing by the typical villages of Munduk and Amed, from the paradisiacal beaches of South Lombok to the unique charm of the Gili islands From the rice fields of Ubud, through the typical villages of Munduk and Amed, from the paradisiacal beaches of southern Lombok to the unique charm of the Gili Islands, this itinerary combines the discovery of sumptuous landscapes with an immersion in local culture .

Browse this 3 week itinerary to Bali and its region with information, photos and videos for each stage.

tour indonesia 3 settimane

We have since returned to Bali with a brand new itinerary which you can view here: 3 weeks in Bali, Java, Gili Meno and Gili Asahan in 5 dream stages (2017)

It's here for all the practical information and our advice for travel to Bali and Indonesia (visa, health, transport, safety, excursions, etc.). Everything you need to know before leaving and once there. Full of ideas for itineraries . A big file to keep on hand to organize your trip. (2017)

Interactive map of this 3-week trip to Bali, Lombok and Gilis

And if, like us, you have fallen in love with Indonesia and are looking to explore another dream island, check out our special Indonesia page dedicated to this country that has become our favourite playground. On the agenda: Bali and Lombok of course but also Flores and Sulawesi two dream destinations off the beaten track.

The INDISPENSABLE flagship article gathering all our tips for travelling to Bali and Indonesia are gathered in a single guide published in October 2017.

Bali, Lombok and the Gilis 3 week itinerary in video

We highly recommend that you watch our video describing our 3 week Bali tour in 1 minute, before checking out each stage of the trip. (video from 2011)

Did you like the teasing?

Check out our Indonesia playlist : From Bali to Lombok 17 episodes filmed in 2011 retracing our 6-week trip between Bali, Lombok and the Gilis , but also all our other itineraries.

Itinerary in Bali, Lombok and the Gilis of 3 weeks step by step:

Stage 1: Kuta, Legian, Seminyak, Canggu or South Bali (2 days)

Stage 2: ubud or the must-see stage of a 3-week bali itinerary (4 days), stage 3: visit munduk between waterfalls and rice fields (2 days), stage 4: amed, its beach and seabed (2 days), stage 5: the coral atolls of the gili islands: trawangan, air and meno (4 days).

Stage 6 : Stay in Kuta, south of Lombok, between jungle and heavenly beaches (3 d)

Stage 7 : Sidemen or stay in an authentic village in the interior of Bali (2 days)

Stage 8: Sanur and Nusa Lembongan (2 days)

tour indonesia 3 settimane

What is the budget for travelling to Bali?

Exchange rate : As of 14/03/2019 : 1€ = 16116 Rp

Plane tickets

We arrive in Bali via Denpasar International Airport . There are no direct flights from France but from London recently. Otherwise, the best stopovers to get a good price are generally Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Dubai or Singapore. Read our tips on how to to find cheap airline tickets on the internet.

The comparator that we use first is skyscanner to find cheap airline tickets to Bali .

Price of return tickets Paris-Denpasar (Bali)

Exceptional price: 514 €.

Good price: 635 €.

Average price: €750

The budget question

The prices are given as an indication for 2 people for 3 weeks of travel excluding airfare

Small budget: €560

Accommodation on the basis of a double room: 15€/day

Meals: 5€/day/person

Transport: 3€/day (public transport)

Activities: Free activities only

Average budget: €1320

Accommodation based on a double room: 32€/day

Meals: 12€/day/person

Transport: 5€/day

Activities: 5€/day

High budget: 2600 €.

Accommodation based on a double room: 80€/day minimum

Meals: 16€/day/person

Transport: 8€/day

Activities: 10€/day

All you need to know about travelling to Bali and Indonesia

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Experience the madness of Kuta and dive into the more upscale atmosphere of its little sisters , Legian and Seminyak . Visit Tanah Lot , the most famous temple on the island of Bali. Discover the Bukit Peninsula , further south, with the temple of Uluwatu and the world-famous surf spot, Uluwatu Beach . Some of the must-see places when travelling to Bali.

More about Kuta, Legian and Seminyak

tour indonesia 3 settimane

After the hustle and bustle of Kuta, Ubud is an invitation to serenity and immersion in Balinese culture .

Between hiking in the surrounding rice fields , discovering ancient temples , rafting and traditional dance performances, there is no shortage of activities! Ubud is the tourist village that allows you to explore Bali .

A stay in Ubud is always an opportunity to discover the culture and traditions of the island of the Gods.

More about Ubud

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Munduk is a typical village perched in the hills covered with jungles and rice fields.

Munduk has a unique charm with the colonial architecture of its old Dutch buildings against a backdrop of green mountains .

Hiking and communion with nature are on the agenda.

During a stay in Bali, it is the stage out of the beaten track which makes it possible to move away a little more from the mass tourism in Bali even if with the years, Munduk is increasingly attended but all remains between on the scale of a mountain village .

More about Munduk

tour indonesia 3 settimane

We leave the green Munduk and its mountains. It will take you at least 4 hours to reach the eastern tip of Bali and thus Amed .

Amed has a Mediterranean atmosphere.

The coast is cut into a multitude of coves and dotted with fishing villages. Diving, snorkelling and sunbathing are on the agenda during our 3 weeks in Bali! During a Bali itinerary, this is the tranquility and beach stage of a holiday.

More about Amed

tour indonesia 3 settimane

We set down our backpacks on Gili Trawangan, a heavenly island accessible by boat from Lombok and Bali.

This small piece of land of 2 km long is bordered by white sand beaches . If you are going to Bali for 3 weeks like us, we strongly recommend you to go on a trip to the Gili Islands for a few days , where you can dive, snorkel and relax. You'll quickly find your way back to the beautiful postcard beaches here, especially if you were disappointed by them in Bali.

And don't get the wrong Gili!

We have been back to the Gilis several times since 2011. In 2017, we compared in an article entitled " Which Gili island to choose? " Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, Gili Air and a secret island we found on our last trip which is located a little further south, Gili Asahan . Gili Asahan, a coral atoll off the beaten track where you only think of one thing once you arrive, stay there ^^

See our complete file : Which Gili to choose?

Access to the article on the Gili islands

Step 6 : Staying in Kuta, south of Lombok, between jungle and heavenly beaches (3 days)

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Kuta Lombok is located in the south of Lombok island , 70km from the Gili islands. It takes about 2 hours of driving through villages, plantations and palm groves to reach the famous Kuta Bay .

If you're looking for deserted paradise beaches, you've found the place to put your bags!

Still unknown to most tourists who stay in Bali, don't miss the beauty of the landscapes of southern Lombok. This is one stop you can add to a 3 week tour of Bali and Indonesia, as we did.

More about Kuta Lombok

Stage 7: Sidemen or staying in an authentic village in the interior of Bali (2 days)

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Sidemen is a tiny village located in the heart of one of the most beautiful areas of the island of Bali .

Mount Agung dominates the valley.

Surrounded by mountains and rice fields, the village is a cultural and artistic centre . Immersion far from mass tourism guaranteed. We recommend this small village lost in the middle of rice fields and surrounded by lush vegetation .

To know more about Sidemen

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Nusa Lembongan is an island 6km long and 3km wide. You can explore this little piece of paradise on foot, by bicycle, scooter or by car with driver.

On Lembongan Island, beaches, seaweed farming and mangroves are on the agenda. Why miss out?

Good to know: A one-day trip to Lembongan Island is possible from Sanur on a 3-week Bali tour.

By the way, if you are planning your next itinerary in Bali and are hesitating to rent a scooter , here are all our practical tips on riding a 2-wheeled vehicle in Bali with our video on touring the island by scooter in our article 5 tips for scooter travellers in Bali .

Learn more about Sanur and Nusa Lembongan

It's here for all the practical information and tips for travel to Bali and Indonesia (visa, health, transport, safety, excursions, budget, etc.). Everything you need to know before leaving and once you're there. Full of ideas for itineraries too. A big file to keep on hand to organize your trip. (2017)

Have you ever been on holiday in Bali or perhaps on other islands in Indonesia? Tell us about your adventure in comments.

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Indonesia Travel Guide

3 Weeks Travel Itinerary in Indonesia

Q – I am traveling as a solo female traveler to Indonesia and plan to travel for about 3 weeks. Where would you recommend that I go to which is safe and also good? – Kayla

Answer: So far Rachel had also traveled as a solo female traveler across Java in Indonesia , therefore that would be recommended by me, and also off to the nearby tourists’ sites that are popular and well traveled.

In trying to cover the top 10 must-visit places in Indonesia and play around with our 2 weeks travel itinerary, you may have a few nice additional places.

Day 1 to 4 – Yogyakarta

Fly into Yogyakarta , if you are coming via Jakarta, you can either take the scenic train ride or also fly connecting to here. This city is home to the largest Buddhist temple Borobudur and the grand ancient Hindu temple Prambanan . Besides, Yogyakarta is also rich in arts, culture and history as well, a really good mix of a lot of things. You should stay at least about 4 or 5 days in Yogyakarta.

-> check out our Top 10 Things to Do in Yogyakarta

Day 5 to 8 – Mount Bromo

After that move on to Mount Bromo at Eastern Java, one of the a must visit places in Java . Here you will hike for a sunrise view over the famous Bromo volcanic crater. After that, get down have some breakfast and then trek onwards to the mouth of the crater. There is also a Hindu temple to visit on the way there. From here, head on to Banyuwangi to catch a bus to get over to Bali.

-> check out our Guide to Hiking Mount Bromo

Day 9 to 19 – Bali, Lombok and Gili Islands

Spend up to 10 days here to explore Bali’s must visit places . Here you can relax at some of the best beaches of Bali , eat the best foods, catch the famous Kecak Dance performance, visit some of the best temples in Bali and also any of the top activities in Bali .

-> Check out our 10 days itinerary in Bali

If you want, you can also split the days with Lombok or Gili Islands , which are recommended if you are looking to dive. Lombok is the sister to Bali but minus the tourist crowds. Gili Islands would be your remote paradise islands, with no motorized vehicles on land and untouched seas for you to explore.

Day 20 to 21 – Jakarta

Fly out from Bali, Denpasar international airport back to Jakarta . Spend the last 2 days checking out what this mega city is about (select from our 3 days Jakarta Itinerary ) and squeeze in some last minute shopping. You may want to check out Jakarta’s vibrant nightlife and do not forget to catch some spa and massages before leaving.

Along with adding days of travel between places that would take you up to about almost a month with buffer times for wherever you want to sidetrack or stay longer. From the itinerary above you can basically cover the city, cultural and historical, beaches and nightlife in Indonesia, though only Java, Bali and Lombok region. Indonesia definitely has more to offer but you would have to return for the rest of the 17,000 islands!


Living in Jakarta for more than 20 years now, she still has not covered the tip of Indonesia’s diverse destinations, people, and even food! Pearl loves shopping as much as enjoying luxury, but she knows all these have to be done sensibly and on a budget. Therefore you may find the best scoop and offers in Jakarta and beyond with her.

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ecco qui le nostre pillole di viaggio, divise nelle 50 mete che più hanno caratterizzato la nostra storia fino ad oggi

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  • 12 set 2023
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Indonesia fai da te: il nostro itinerario di 3 settimane

Siamo stati in Indonesia ad agosto 2023 per il primo viaggio di gruppo targato 50volteilprimoviaggio.

Abbiamo studiato a lungo l’itinerario allo scopo di renderlo il più completo possibile.

Giorno 1: siamo atterrati a Jakarta dopo un volo molto lungo: per risparmiare infatti siamo partiti da Praga facendo scalo a Taipei. Arrivati nella capitale indonesiana, dopo i lentissimi controlli passaporti, abbiamo prelevato 2 milioni di rupie indonesiane a testa (circa 120 euro) e abbiamo acquistato una sim locale, molto utile per contattare i driver e le strutture delle settimane successive. Abbiamo trascorso la notte nei pressi dell’aeroporto, cenando nel nostro primo “warung”.

Giorni 2 - 3: il nostro secondo giorno in Indonesia è iniziato molto presto. Alle 3 de mattino ci siamo recati in aeroporto per prendere il nostro volo diretto a Pangkulan Bun, nel Borneo indonesiano. Da qui è iniziata la nostra meravigliosa avventura nella giungla. Abbiamo trascorso 2 giorni e 2 notti a bordo di un klotok, tipica imbarcazione in lagno, con cui abbiamo navigato lungo il fiume …, addentrandoci nella giungla, nella riserva … Putin.

Nonostante l’imbarcazione non disponesse di cabine e bagno privati, l’equipaggio ha reso il viaggio indimenticabile: abbiamo sempre dormito in lenzuola pulite e mangiato ottimo cibo. Per due giorni siano stati circondati dalla natura selvaggia, tentando di avvistare coccodrilli nel fiume o qualsiasi tipo di scimmia sugli alberi delle rive: oranghi, scimmie nasidi, macachi, gibboni: vederli saltare tra le fronde in piena libertà è stato impagabile. Durante la navigazione sono previste soste per entrare nella giungla ed osservare gli oranghi a pochi metri di distanza nelle 3 feeding station aperte ai turisti (nel parco ce ne sono in totale 10) e per osservare gli animali notturni. È stata un’esperienza pazzesca e, nonostante sia spesso esclusa dagli itinerari classici in Indonesia, a nostro avviato è una tappa irrinunciabile!

Giorni 4 - 5: la mattina del quarto giorno abbiamo salutato l’equipaggio del nostro klotok e abbiamo preso un volo per Semarang. Atterrati sull’isola di Java verso l’ora di pranzo, il nostro driver ci ha accompagnati a Prambanan, il tempio induista più grande del mondo da cui si ammira uno splendido tramonto.

Dopo la visita ci siamo diretti verso la cittadina di Borobudur dove abbiamo cenato e pernottato in uno splendido hotel in stile Javanese.

La mattina del 5 giorno, sempre accompagnati dal nostro driver, abbiamo visitato il secondo famosissimo tempio di questa zona: Borobudur, appunto, uno dei più grandi templi buddisti del mondo. Avremmo voluto pranzare a Yogyakarta ma purtroppo la nostra compagnia aerea ci ha anticipato il volo e dunque, dopo la visita al tempio, ci siamo diretti in aeroporto: destinazione Bali!

Giorni 6 - 11: Bali! L’isola degli dei, probabilmente la più famosa dell’intera Indonesia, è un posto unico in cui si respira spiritualità in ogni angolo. Purtroppo questa meravigliosa isola è molto trafficata e dunque occorre organizzare al meglio gli spostamenti. Noi abbiamo scelto di muoverci con driver locali perché per girare in motorino occorrono esperienza e…coraggio! Il primo giorno abbiamo assistito alla cerimonia del kuningan, visitato le cascate Kampo Lampo e Tukad Cepung e fatto la spesa per i giorni successivi. Abbiamo infatti alloggiato in una bellissima villa con piscina in mezzo alle risaie, in una zona senza ristoranti.

Il secondo giorno ci siamo diretti a sud: Tanah Lot e Uluwatu, da cui si gode un tramonto eccezionale, prestando attenzione ai macachi - molto aggressivi in questa zona.

Il terzo giorno abbiamo esplorato la zona est: il Lempuyang temple, il Tirta Ganga - palazzo dell’acqua - e le meravigliose risaie di Sidemen, un posto piuttosto lontano dal turismo, molto autentico e che non può non rimanere impresso nel cuore.

Il quarto giorno ci siamo svegliati nel cuore della notte per raggiungere Lovina, a nord dell’isola. Abbiamo ammirato l’alba a bordo di un barchino con decine di delfini che salutavano ovunque, per poi tuffarci in mare e vederli da vicino. Dopo un’abbondante colazione, abbiamo visitato il TEMPIO … e ci siamo diretti alle risaie dì Jatilowih, patrimonio Unesco. Queste risaie sono più turistiche di quelle di Sidemen ma davvero bellissime: si estendono per alcuni chilometri ed è possibile attraversarle seguendo diversi percorsi bel segnalati. È davvero difficile smettere di fare foto!!

L’ultimo giorno lo abbiamo dedicato alla zona di Ubud: colazione alle risaie di Tegalalang - a nostro avviso un po’ troppo turistiche -, il Tirta Empul temple e la monkey forest, un posto pazzesco nel pieno centro della movida di Ubud!

Giorni 12 - 13: salutata Bali, la mattina del dodicesimo giorno ci siamo imbarcati per NUSA penida dove abbiamo trascorso due giorni riempiendoci gli occhi con i colori sgargianti della diamond beach e di kelingking beach, nuotando tra le mante (abbiamo scelto di fare l’escursione a manta point invece che a manta bay…ed è stato bellissimo!) e partecipando ad un rito buddista-induista nel tempio Pura Goa Giri Putri, davvero suggestivo!

Giorni 14 - 16: relax alle Gili! Il quattordicesimo giorno siamo partiti con la prima fast boat della giornata alla volta delle Gili: abbiamo trascorso 3 giorni e due notti a Gili Meno, un’isoletta senza strade asfaltate che si gira a piedi in circa un’ora. Mare cristallino, tartarughe a pochi metri dalla riva, statue sommerse e relax in spiaggia hanno scandito le nostre giornate. Al termine della nostra permanenza siamo tornati a Bali, pernottando a Jimbaran. Quel giorno era il compleanno della nostra viaggiatrice Gloria e abbiamo colto l’occasione per festeggiare con una cena a base di pesce in uno dei tanti ristorantini sulla spiaggia!

Giorni 17 - 19: dopo l’ennesima sveglia all’alba abbiamo preso un volo per Labuan Bajo, sull’isola di Flores. Appena atterrati abbiamo raggiunto il porto e ci siamo imbarcati per una crociera di due giorni nell’arcipelago di Komodo. Purtroppo le imbarcazioni non sono pulite e lussuose come sembrano, ma occorre accontentarsi. Se non si è pronti ad adeguarsi agli standard igienici locali, conviene soggiornare in hotel a Labuan Bajo ed esplorare l’arcipelago con gite in giornata. Durante la nostra avventura abbiamo nuotato con le mante e con le tartarughe, visto incredibili cattedrali di corallo, passeggiato sulla spiaggia rosa, ammirato l’alba da padar Island (dopo aver scalato 800 gradini al buio!), lasciato le nostre impronte su lingue di sabbia bianchissima lambite da acqua cristallina e, ovviamente, incontrato i famosissimi draghi di Komodo..

non senza qualche timore! Terminato il nostro tour abbiamo preso un volo per Bali, dove abbiamo soggiornato nel cuore di Ubud.

Giorno 20: l’ultimo giorno del viaggio è il momento di fare incetta di souvenir. E dove se non tra i mille negozietti e bancarelle di ubud? Trattare il prezzo diventa parte del gioco e alla fine non resta che far stare tutto in valigia! È anche giunto il momento di mangiare gli ultimi mie goreng del viaggio per poi partire alla volta di Jakarta dove abbiamo dormito nei pressi dell’aeroporto.

Giorno 21: è purtroppo giunto il momento di tornare a casa.

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Cosa vedere in Indonesia: itinerario di tre settimane!

Cosa vedere in Indonesia era una domanda che mi ero già posto nel gennaio 2020: infatti, avevo prenotato un volo per Giacarta per maggio 2020, ma causa Covid 19 questo viaggio è stato posticipato di ben due anni. Ho avuto dunque la possibilità di visitare questo magnifico Paese asiatico lavorando come coordinatore: ho infatti accompagnato un gruppo di nove persone, ed è stato molto bello condividere le bellezze indonesiane con loro.

Per questo itinerario di viaggio in Indonesia bisogna calcolare almeno tre settimane di viaggio.

Cosa vedere in Indonesia: Prambanan e Borobudur

Il nostro viaggio in Indonesia è iniziato da Yogyakarta. Tra i 34 Stati che compongono l’Indonesia, lo stato di Yogyakarta si caratterizza per essere governato con un antico sistema monarchico: per la precisione, lo stato di Yogyakarta è ancora retto da un sultano. Nel centro città di Yogyakarta è possibile vedere il Kraton (il palazzo del Sultano) ed il Taman Sari (una sorta di Spa del Sultano). Le meraviglie di Yogyakarta, però, sono al di fuori del centro storico.

Infatti, a circa un’ora di strada è possibile ammirare le bellezze di Prambanan e Borobudur. Questi due complessi sono accomunati dallo stesso biglietto di ingresso ma non sono esattamente vicini tra loro: il costo della visita combinata è pari a circa 40 euro ed è possibile ammirare tutti e due i templi partecipando ad una lunga gita giornaliera partente da Yogyakarta.

Prambanan è un complesso architettonico composto da ben 232 templi induisti: la sua costruzione risale al IX secolo d.C. Poco dopo la costruzione, però, il complesso fu abbandonato: dopo secoli di abbandono, fu soggetto a ristrutturazioni a partire dal 1918. I tre templi principali sono dedicati a Shiva, Brama e Vishnu: il primo, in particolare, viene considerato il più bel tempio induista dell’Indonesia.


Borobudur,  invece, è un tempio buddhista. La storia è molto simile a quella di Prambanan: infatti, fu costruito nei primi anni del IX secolo d. C. e fu abbandonato per mille anni. L’edificio è composto da ben dieci terrazze, suddivise in tre gruppi: il primo è dedicato al desiderio, il secondo alla purificazione, il terzo al raggiungimento del Nirvana. Purtroppo, non mi è stato possibile raggiungere la terrazza più alta in quanto al momento il tempio è in fase di ristrutturazione. Nonostante la chiusura, Borobudur è una vera e propria meraviglia! A mio parere, tutti e due i complessi architettonici devono far parte di un itinerario di viaggio indonesiano.

Yogyakarta è un’ottima base per visitare Prambanan e Borobudur: consiglio il Legian Garden Restaurant e il Sakapatat Brew House per mangiare e bere! Per visitare Prambanan e Borobudur bisogna calcolare due notti di permanenza a Yogyakarta.


Cosa vedere in Indonesia: vulcano Bromo

Sempre sull’isola di Giava, è possibile ammirare una vera e propria meraviglia naturare, il vulcano Bromo. Distante circa sei ore da Yogyakarta, il vulcano Bromo fa parte della caldera di Tengger ed è alto 2392 metri.

La visita al vulcano Bromo inizia alle tre del mattino: una jeep (costo 40 euro) porta fino al punto panoramico più alto. Da qui, nonostante una calca umana impressionante, è possibile ammirare un’alba spettacolare! Infatti, il fumo del vulcano Bromo, accompagnato dalle luci dell’alba, è uno spettacolo indimenticabile!

Dopo aver ammirato l’alba, è possibile raggiungere la caldera: 250 scalini permettono di arrivare al bordo della caldera. Camminare qui, con il fumo che esce dalla caldera, è un’esperienza unica ed è sicuramente un momento indimenticabile del viaggio in Indonesia.

Il costo d’ingresso è di circa 15 euro: ho dormito a Gubuk Ndeso Homestay, distante un’ora di jeep dal vulcano Bromo. Qui è possibile ammirare un video con il drone!

cosa vedere in indonesia bromo

Cosa vedere in Indonesia: vulcano Ijen

Dal vulcano Bromo è possibile raggiungere un altro vulcano, Ijen: con il mio gruppo ci siamo spostati con un transfer, della durata di circa sei ore.

A differenza del vulcano Bromo, per raggiungere la vetta del vulcano Ijen bisogna intraprendere una camminata. In questo caso siamo partiti dalla nostra guesthouse (Kampoeng Joglo Ijen) all’una del mattino. Dopo un’ora siamo arrivati alla base del vulcano: qui inizia un sentiero di tre chilometri che porta alla sommità del cratere. La salita è a tratti ripida e porta a 2799 metri di altitudine! Una volta raggiunto il cratere, è possibile discendere fino alle sponde del lago craterico, considerato il lago più acido al mondo (PH pari a 0,5). Il gas solforico forma il fenomeno delle fiamme blu: di notte, infatti, il gas solforico si accende di blu. L’effetto è particolare: infatti, sembra di vedere il gas da cucina acceso davanti ai propri occhi!

Questo effetto, però, viene condizionato dall’essere umano che ‘forza’ la scena per rendere più visibile lo spettacolo. Inoltre, la discesa è formalmente sconsigliata in quanto i fumi possono essere pericolosi: è obbligatorio scendere con una maschera a gas. Tuttora, ogni giorno i minatori di zolfo scendono al cratere: possono portare fino a 75 chili di materie prime (e la discesa e la risalita non sono facili, in quanto ci si impiega almeno mezzora). Sinceramente non sono stato molto impressionato dal fenomeno delle fiamme blu, in quanto, come detto prima, forzato dalla mano umana. Ho anche assistito ad una scena che reputo tristissima: una ragazza occidentale ha gridato ad uno dei minatori di spostarsi perché ‘disturbava’ il suo selfie.

Se la visita alla parte bassa del lago non mi ha impressionato, la vista del lago dall’alto, invece, è sublime! Ammirare il vulcano Ijen dall’alto, infatti, è un vero e proprio spettacolo della natura!

vulcano ijen fiamme blu

Cosa vedere in Indonesia: le cascate di Munduk

Dal vulcano Ijen si arriva velocemente a Bali. Infatti, Giava e Bali sono collegate da un traghetto: in solo mezzora si può passare da un’isola all’altra. Il nord di Bali è caratterizzato da un verde rigoglioso. In particolare, la zona di Munduk è ricca di cascate: spiccano per bellezza la cascata di Munduk e le cascate gemelle di Banyumala.

Le seconde, in particolare, sono veramente splendide e permettono di fare una breve nuotata. Fare la doccia sotto la cascata di Banyumala è qualcosa di rigenerante! Per arrivare alle cascate bisogna camminare circa quindici minuti: il sentiero passa per il classico verde rigoglioso di Bali ed è bello ammirare i tipici fiori della zona!

Sempre a Munduk è possibile ammirare la Munduk Gate, che vuole ricordare un vulcano ‘aperto’ nella parte centrale, come a dare il benvenuto. Nei pressi della Munduk Gate vi è un resort di golf che può essere un’ottima scelta per dormire.

cascata di Banyumala

Cosa vedere in Indonesia: le risaie di Jatiluwih

Nel bel mezzo dell’isola di Bali vi sono le risaie di Jatiluwih, che fanno parte dell’Unesco. Bisogna pagare un biglietto di ingresso (circa tre euro) per camminare tra le risaie. Vi sono diversi sentieri che permettono di ammirare da vicino i terrazzamenti: il sentiero più lungo è di 2,5 km.

Con il gruppo abbiamo percorso il sentiero più lungo: è bellissimo ammirare la cultura balinese da vicino e apprezzare le meravigliose risaie. Poco prima dell’ingresso alle risaie vi sono alcuni ristoranti dove è possibile mangiare con vista panoramica sulle risaie. Village above the clouds è, infine, un ottimo posto per dormire, sempre con vista risaie!

cosa vedere a bali risaie

Cosa vedere in Indonesia: i templi di Bali

Bali è famosa nel mondo anche per i suoi magnifici templi. Pura Ulun Danu Bratan è uno dei templi più caratteristici, in quanto unisce templi buddhisti a templi induisti. I miei templi preferiti sono, però,  Pura Tanah Lot e Uluwatu. Pura Tanah Lot è costruito su una imponente formazione rocciosa: con lo stesso biglietto d’ingresso è possibile visitare anche il tempio Batu Bolong, costruito sempre su una roccia.

Uluwatu, invece, si trova nel sud dell’isola di Bali: questo tempio si trova nella parte terminale di una roccia a picco sull’oceano. Il tramonto da Uluwatu è veramente imperdibile!

A poca distanza da Uluwatu vi è Bingin Beach, una delle spiagge più belle di Bali.

Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

Bali è stata, comunque, abbastanza deludente. Ubud, in particolare, è oppressa dal turismo occidentale e ha perso la sua tipicità. A Ubud merita comunque una visita il santuario delle scimmie: attenzione che sono parecchio espansive e saltano addosso senza scrupoli! Tra i posti deludenti metto anche il Pura Tirta Empul, un tempio sacro agli induisti. In questo tempio vi sono 14 fontane, tra cui la più importante è la settima, dedicata all’amore eterno: purtroppo, il tempio è preso d’assalto dal turismo e la sacralità è, a mio avviso, perduta. In compenso, a Ubud si mangia molto bene! Batubara wood fire è un’eccellente scelta per gli amanti della carne, mentre l’Osteria è il tipico ristorante italiano adatto alle persone a cui manca una pizza nostrana. Al Blue Door è possibile bere un buon cocktail.

monkey sanctuary

Cosa vedere in Indonesia: Komodo

Il parco naturale di Komodo è spettacolare! Per arrivarci bisogna fare base a Labuan Bajo, piccola cittadina dell’isola di Flores. Vi sono vari tour che portano nel parco naturale di Komodo. Personalmente ho scelto l’opzione lunga due giorni, quindi trascorrendo una notte in barca: sono rimasto molto contento della scelta! Gli highlights del tour sono il trekking che porta alla cima dell’isola di Padar (viste strepitose!), lo snorkelling a Manta Point (generalmente le mante frequentano queste zone da novembre a marzo, ma ne ho viste ben dieci facendo snorkelling!), snorkelling a Pink Beach (la spiaggia è veramente di colore rosa!) e la visita ai dragoni di Komodo.

Quest’ultimo punto merita un approfondimento. Komodo è popolata da ben 1700 dragoni, che vivono solo in queste zone del mondo. Questi animali possono pesare fino a 160 kg e hanno caratteristiche impressionanti: tra le altre, le madri possono mangiare i loro figli. Ho visto due dragoni sulla spiaggia di Komodo: ammetto, però che la vista di questi dragoni mi ha lasciato quantomeno perplesso in quanto sembravano sedati.

Komodo è un paradiso per i divers! Ho fatto sei immersioni e ho visto squali, tartarughe, murene… un paradiso! Consiglio Uber Scuba e Blue Marlin: operator eccellenti! A Labuan Bajo ho mangiato molto bene a La Cantina, Baccalà e la Santeria. Inoltre, vi sono alcuni bar per soddisfare la voglia di birra: Beer o’ clock e Seaesta Komodo. La Boheme Bajo è un ottimo ostello, e mi ha aiutato ad organizzare la gita di due giorni a Komodo.

Nelle vicinanze di Labuan Bajo vi è una bellissima grotta con acqua salata: Rangko Cave. E’ possibile arrivare con un motorino fino a Tanjung Boleng (quindici chilometri di strada): da lì, una barca porta all’ingresso (da calcolare circa 20 euro per la barca e 4 euro per l’ingresso).

komodo manta

Cosa vedere in Indonesia: Kelimutu

Il mio esordio a Flores, e che esordio! Il vulcano Kelimutu non si raggiunge facilmente. L’aeroporto più vicino si trova ad Ende, distante circa 50 km (le strade indonesiane non sono facili, quindi bisogna calcolare almeno un’ora e mezza di transfer). Il paese più vicino al vulcano si chiama Moni: ho dormito due notti alla Bintang Tobias guesthouse, ottima!

Da Moni, la migliore opzione per visitare il vulcano consiste nell’affittare un motorino e percorrere i 12 chilometri che portano all’ingresso del parco (il costo d’ingresso è pari a 10 euro nei giorni feriali, 15 di domenica). Una volta raggiunto il parco, si raggiunge il punto panoramico camminando per circa mezzora. La vista dalla vetta è sublime! Infatti, è possibile ammirare tre laghi totalmente diversi tra loro. Il lago di colore si chiama Elderly Lake: le anime delle persone che si sono comportate bene finiscono qui. Il secondo lago, di tonalità azzurro scuro, ospita le anime che necessitano del Purgatorio. Il terzo lago, di tonalità azzurro chiaro, è il lago dei giovani ed è una sorta del nostro inferno.

L’attività geologica è costante e il colore dei laghi cambia in continuazione. Kelimutu, che si trova a 1639 metri di altitudine, è venerato dalla popolazione locale: il 14 agosto di ogni anno la popolazione Lio viene in processione per chiedere la benevolenza per l’anno successivo.

A Moni ho mangiato molto bene a Mopi’s Place e Good Moni. A tre chilometri di distanza da Moni vi sono delle hot springs: ad Air Panas Liasembe, infatti, è possibile rilassarsi (le hot springs vengono comunque utilizzate come lavanderia dalla gente locale).

cosa vedere in indonesia kelimutu

Cosa vedere in Indonesia: Raja Ampat

Infine, ma non per ultimo, ecco il paradiso indonesiano! Per raggiungere Raja Ampat bisogna fare un lungo viaggio. Personalmente, ho preso prima un aereo da Bali a Makassar ed infine a Sorong. Da qui, un traghetto porta a Waisai, il ‘centro’ di Raja Ampat.

A Waisai è possibile trovare qualche guesthouse, come la Papuarts Alternative Stay dove ho dormito. Per ammirare appieno Raja Ampat bisogna prendere parte a delle escursioni. Imperdibile è sicuramente l’escursione che porta a Piaynemo: il punto panoramico è veramente sublime! Le altre escursioni sono state organizzate da Olin dive center: fare immersioni tra le isole Sawandarek e Friwen, ed infine nei posti più importanti come Blue Magic e Cape Cry, è stata un’esperienza indimenticabile!

Raja Ampat non ha una stagione migliore delle altre: queste isole, locate geograficamente in Papua, quindi in Oceania, sono caratterizzate da tanta pioggia, costante nei dodici mesi dell’anno.

raja ampat


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Un viaggio nelle Filippine! 

Angkor Wat, la perla della Cambogia!

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  •   I prezzi di un viaggio in Indonesia sono relativamente bassi. Generalmente è possibile trovare una doppia pagando venti euro a persona, ed è possibile mangiare pagando meno di dieci euro a pasto. Una birra Bintang grande costa attorno ai quattro euro.
  •  Bisogna fare un visto: pagando 35 euro si ha la possibilità di restare in Indonesia un mese. Vi è la possibilità di estendere il visto.
  •  A Yogyakarta e Giakarta consiglio di utilizzare le app Grab e Ojek come servizio taxi.
  •  Non segnalo problemi di sicurezza: mi sono sentito sempre al sicuro ovunque.
  • Tra Giava e Bali mi sono sempre spostato con un transfer, organizzato dal tour operator. Ho comunque conosciuto viaggiatori che hanno organizzato le trasferte autonomamente: in questo caso bisogna calcolare più di tre settimane di viaggio per vedere i posti descritti.
  • Per quanto riguarda il cibo, francamente è un po’ ripetitivo: riso, noodles, pollo sono il grande classico della cucina indonesiana. Il mio piatto preferito è forse il Nasi Goreng, che unisce un po’ tutto questo. Uno dei miei posti preferiti in assoluto è stato What the Crab , vicino a Tanah Lot: un granchio eccellente!
  • . Il mio podio delle cose da vedere in Indonesia è composto da Bromo, Komodo e Prambanan. Non mettere sul podio Kelimutu e Raja Ampat fa capire quanto possa essere bello un viaggio in Indonesia!


La stagione migliore per visitare l’Indonesia corrisponde alla nostra estate. In particolare, la stagione secca tra Bali e Flores va da giugno a settembre. Sulawesi e Raja Ampat, invece, hanno un clima migliore da febbraio a maggio. Il clima in Indonesia è molto particolare e ogni isola ha il suo clima: consiglio di visualizzare questo sito per avere informazioni dettagliate isola per isola!

8 Settembre, 2022

Cosa vedere a Capo Nord

Andrea Alessandrini

Andrea, un viaggiatore da lungo tempo con una grande passione per trekking, bici e diving! Su potrete trovare tutte le informazioni e gli itinerari di viaggio scritti da Andrea: cinque continenti e tante vette conquistate intorno al mondo!

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Home » blogs » Awesome Indonesia Itinerary: 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks & 4 Weeks

Awesome Indonesia Itinerary: 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks & 4 Weeks

indonesia itinerary

Oh my, I really loved Indonesia. I found it strangely difficult to find a clear Indonesia itinerary before I left. I think there is so much to do it can be a little overwhelming! In an ideal world, I’d say spend months there. However, as this isn’t possible for most people, below are a few proposed Indonesia itineraries for 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks. My itineraries aren’t wholly focused on Bali, there is much more to Indonesia than Bali!

Why Indonesia Is Awesome:

  • It’s diverse and offers dense jungles, beautiful beaches, volcanoes, breathtaking islands and more!
  • The wildlife is incredible. It’s one of the few places left in the world you can see wild orangutans swinging through the jungle. I also saw huggge manta rays, lots of monkeys, dived with turtles and saw Komodo dragons.
  • Indonesian food is good, particularly the coconut curries in Sumatra. It’s had a lot of influence from places like Malaysia which means lots of tasty food!

Cons of Indonesia:

  • As it’s a country made up of around 18,000 islands, you have to either fly or get a boat around. Flying sucks for the environment, so I try to avoid it as must as possible whilst travelling. But it was hard not to fly here. Internal flights are not cheap, some of the airlines are a bit dodgy and boats can take a very long time.
  • Environmental issues are a problem for Indonesia. A lot of their rainforest (particularly in Sumatra and Borneo) has been destroyed by deforestation due to the production of palm oil. Sadly I also saw beautiful islands full of plastic litter and beaches full of dead washed up coral.
  • The country has also been hit with a number of environmental disasters such as earthquakes recently. I recommend following Foreign Office advice and avoiding any areas they suggest. If you do go to somewhere where the Foreign Office advise you not to, your insurance can be voided if something unfortunate happens. However saying that, most of Indonesia is safe and the locals very much rely on the tourism industry.

On this page, I have used affiliate links. This means we make a little pocket money if you buy anything through the links we have given. Don’t worry, we will never suggest buying pants products and only recommend products we’ve used.

Little-Known Indonesia Travel Tip:

When booking flights for Indonesia, use NusaTrip . Booking directly via Lion Air or other airlines that operate in Indonesia resulted in two of our bank cards getting blocked. They just can’t seem to handle foreign cards for some reason!

Padar Island Flores

Indonesia Budget

A decent double room with a bathroom is around $12USD a night, with dorms around $6.50USD depending on where you are.

Food is also affordable too, and you can find decent food options in most places for a few dollars. Your main spend will be activities (boat trips, diving, tours) and transport e.g flights and boats.

Activities can be pricey, but we largely found them to be completely worth it. We managed to cut costs by staying in more budget accommodation and eating cheaply.

Indonesia 2 Weeks Itinerary

Day 1 – 3 Bukit Lawang, Sumatra (half day travel to get there, 2 full days) Things to do and see: JUNGLE HIKES, ORANGUTANS, WILDLIFE

Day 4 – 8 Bali (half day travel to get there, 3 full days) Things to do and see: HOT SPRINGS, TEMPLES, BEACHES, CULTURE

Day 9 – 13 The Gili Islands, Lombok (half day travel to get there, 3 days) Things to do and see: ISLANDS, BEACHES, SNORKELING, SCUBA

Day 14 – Back to Bali to fly out

Or swap one of the above for:

Labuan Bajo, Flores (half day travel to get there, 3 days) Things to do and see: KOMODO DRAGONS, ISLANDS, BEACHES, MANTA RAYS, DIVING

Indonesia 3 Weeks Itinerary

Day 1 – 4 Bukit Lawang, Sumatra (half day travel to get there, 3 full days) Things to do and see: JUNGLE HIKES, ORANGUTANS, WILDLIFE

Day 5 – 11 Bali (half day travel to get there, 4 full days) Things to do and see: HOT SPRINGS, TEMPLES, BEACHES, CULTURE

Day 12 – 16 The Gili Islands, Lombok (half day travel to get there, 4 days) Things to do and see: ISLANDS, BEACHES, SNORKELING, SCUBA

Day 16 Lombok to fly to Labuan Bajo (half day travel to get there)

Day 17 – 20 Labuan Bajo, Flores (3 full days) Things to do and see: KOMODO DRAGONS, ISLANDS, BEACHES, MANTA RAYS, DIVING

Day 20 – Back to Bali to fly out

Indonesia 4 Weeks Itinerary

Day 5 – 12 Bali (half day travel to get there, 5 full days) Things to do and see: HOT SPRINGS, TEMPLES, BEACHES, CULTURE

Day 13 – 16 Labuan Bajo, Flores (half day travel to get there, 3 full days) Things to do and see: KOMODO DRAGONS, ISLANDS, BEACHES, MANTA RAYS, DIVING

Day 17 – Flight back to Bali

Day 18 – 22 The Gili Islands, Lombok (half day travel to get there, 4 days) Things to do and see: ISLANDS, BEACHES, SNORKELING, SCUBA

Day 23 – 27 Lombok Main Island (half day travel to get there, 4 full days) Things to do and see: BEACHES, HIKING, SURFING, VOLCANO

Day 28 – Fly from Lombok International Airport to Bali Airport to fly out

Mini Guide To Each Place In Indonesia:

1. bukit lawang, sumatra.

bukit lawang orangutan

Say Hi To The Orangutans!

Bukit Lawang is the gateway to Gunung Leuser National Park. From there, you can do guided treks into the jungle to see orangutans. It’s a truly magical experience.

To do it, you need at least two full days in Bukit Lawang. That way you can do a two day trek with one night staying in the jungle which is pretty magical.

Most treks also include tubing back along the river, which is good fun! Don’t worry about your stuff, the guides use dry bags 🙂

We spent 3 full days in the area. The river is lovely and Bukit Lawang has lots of nice eating and chilling places. We went in November, which is off season so it was very peaceful.

How To Get To Bukit Lawang:

We flew into Medan and got a pick up from the airport via our hostel for €30 euro ($33USD) total for a shared car one way. It’s a 3-5 hour drive to Bukit Lawang along a fairly bumpy road.

You can get the public bus and I normally would but I couldn’t get my head around the public transport option and decided to push the boat out and get a private transfer this time around.

If you are smarter than me, this website details how you take the public bus from Medan to Bukit Lawang .

Guided Treks Into The Jungle

Most guest houses organise guided treks for you. We did it through Suma Guesthouse & Dorm , which is a fairly basic hostel but an okay place to stay on the river.

Our guide into the jungle was amazing and we saw lots of orangutans, one even held James hand . You can book jungle treks from 1 up to 5 days. The longer the trek the more likely you are to see tigers and elephants deep in the jungle, however you will stink to high heaven after that long in the jungle.

Cost Of Jungle Trekking

€80 (around $90USD) each for 2 days. This includes all food and basic tent accommodation in the jungle. It was a bit pricey for us but completely worth it.

Equipment For Jungle Trek 

  • Good walking boots or shoes. I have SALOMON Women’s Ultra 3 GTX Hiking Shoes and James has Merrell Men’s Moab 2 GTX Hiking Boots . Both pairs are amazing. Remember to go half a UK size up for the Salomons though!
  • 2 T-shirt’s you don’t mind getting filthy
  • 2 pairs of shorts or zip of trousers you don’t mind getting filthy
  • A head torch
  • A sturdy backpack with rain cover. We have an older version of this osprey backpack . The newer version seems to have good reviews as well.
  • Mosquito repellent (lots of it, they are ferocious)
  • 3 pairs of underwear and socks
  • Sleeping sheet
  • A camera/phone with a case
  • Extra water (although the guides tend to provide it)
  • A swimming costume and clothes you don’t mind getting wet when tubing back
  • Any medicine you need, plus something for upset stomachs just in case
  • Toilet roll
  • Hand sanitiser
  • Baby wipes for washing. There are no showers at the overnight camp in the jungle, but you can wash in the river.

What NOT To Bring:

  • Cameras or phone without a protective case, the jungle is VERY muggy and destroyed a few phones and cameras belonging to people in our group
  • Anything nice, it will get destroyed

2. Bali, Indonesia

The most popular place in indonesia.

So there are mixed reviews on Bali. It’s one of the most popular tourist destinations for people travelling to Indonesia and as such it’s pretty touristy these days.

If you are not into the touristy scene head away from the Southeast corner of the island, away from Ubud and Kuta.

I couldn’t get to Bali due to time restraints. However, the usually reliable (in my humble opinion) Nomadic Matt has a useful blog on budget travel in Bali.

How To Get To Bali:

Flying! You can fly easily to Bali from most places in Indonesia. There are also ferries from nearby islands such as Lombok.

3. The Gili Islands, Off Lombok

Gili Air sunset

Extraordinary Experience: Scuba Dive With Turtles

I spent 5 days on Gili Air learning how to dive. Learning how to dive has been one of the best things I’ve done. I learned with Blue Marlin Gili Air who were a fabulous dive school. I met a turtle on my first dive ever!

However if you are not into diving and are only away for a few weeks, 3 full days on one of the Gili Islands should be fine. The Gili’s are made up of three picturesque beach islands, and broadly fit into the following categories:

Gili Trawangan (aka Gili T): The party island. I’m a square so this wasn’t for me. This however is the most developed island with the best tourist infrastructure e.g. lots more bars and restaurants. Gili T is good for solo travellers.

Gili Meno: The honeymooners island with more expensive resorts. It is fairly small and limited when it comes to backpacker places and stuff outside the resorts.

Gili Air: This is a happy middle ground between Gili Meno and Gili T. It is where the most locals live. It’s chilled and has plenty of bars, shops and restaurants. When we went there, we could pick a beach restaurant and have it all to ourselves on the side of the island opposite the port.

How To Get To The Gili Islands:

To get to the Gili Islands, you can stay in the harbour town of Padang Bai for the night and catch one of the fast boats to the Gili Islands. You can also catch the boat from Amed.

The fast boats tend to go between 9am and 9:30am. Gili Cat and the Bluewater express are popular fast boats to the Gilis. You can book tickets via tour guides in Padang Bai, as it tends to be cheaper than booking in advance online. Do note, the fast boats are not a particularly cheap option as tickets can cost up to $80 return.

You can also get the public boat from Padang Bai which departs every hour on the hour, but you have to go via Lombok, which is a 5 hour trip in itself. Then you have to get off and get on a public boat to the Gili’s from there. It’s an 8 hour trip including waiting around.

It only costs IDR 40,000 per person (just under $3) to get to Lombok, then IDR20,000 – 85,000 to get to the Gilis from Lombok mainland. But you have to wait for boats to fill up and there are different prices depending on which boat you get on.

From Lombok

We flew into Lombok International Airport from Medan (via Bali). The Gili’s are just North West of Lombok main island. From there we got an airport pick up (using our hotel as their transfers were as cheap as cabs to the port near to the Gili Islands (called Bangsal Harbour) and stayed in Bangsal for one night as we had a late flight. We stayed at Arnel Bungalow and our airport transfer cost IDR 30, 000 ($21).

Bangsal Port, Lombok

There isn’t much in Bangsal. Bangsal Port used to be awful but it’s slightly better now but still very confusing. Aim to get their early (8am – 9am). It’s difficult to work out when the boats go and where to buy tickets. The touts will try and confuse you, and try to sell you chartered boat tickets. Ignore them.

Tickets are sold from a small hut in the middle of the beach, where there is a makeshift open air waiting room. It’s to the left of the jetty. We managed to get tickets for the public boat, but then had to wait for the boat to fill up.

We left around 9:30am.

Mind The ‘Porters’

People will try to take your bag on the boat and then charge you as a porter. Just keep your wits about you. Tickets for the public boat to Gili Air cost IDR 20,000 and IDR 15,000 on the way back for some reason. The price varies by island as does the boat schedule.

Back To Lombok

To get back to Lombok from Gili Air we asked what time the public boats go from the ticket office near the Gili Air jetty. We bought our tickets 30 mins in advance of a boat leaving.

4. Lombok Main Island

When I went to Indonesia, sadly I couldn’t go on the Mount Rinjani hike on Lombok Main Island due to the recent earthquakes. Mount Rinjani is an active volcano and the hike is not for novice walkers. It’s very very tough.

Mount Rinjani

The Mount Rinjani treks start from Sembalun and Senaru, and can take up to 4 days, 3 nights. Guided tours start from around $269.

You can do the climb independently, but it’s actively discouraged by the community and the government. A guided tour provides food, porters and supplies, and is a safer option. Also be aware it gets cold at night up the volcano, so bring warm clothes.

Other things to do on Lombok involve staying in Kuta (not to be confused with the one in Bali!) and exploring the East and West from there. The landscape around Kuta is scenic and if you hire a scooter you can enjoy the hilly roads.

Lombok Beaches

Beaches worth visiting are Mutiara Beach which is good for snorkeling (don’t let anyone on a motorbike lead you to any other beaches, it’s a rip off) and Pink Beach 2 (Pantai Angin Angin), which is quite a drive! The beach isn’t that pink but the waters are clear and calm.

Surfing In Lombok

When it comes to surfing, Selong Belanak is a good beginners beach. With Mawi, Are Guling and Segar more for intermediate/advanced surfers. Gerupuk and Ekas offers a mixed selection of options for beginners and intermediate/advanced.

A 3 hour surf lesson can cost around $24. Surf board rental just on it’s own is about $4 a day.

How To Get To Lombok:

It’s a short flight (about 35 mins) from Bali to Lombok. You can also get to Lombok from Medan, but have to get a connecting flight in Bali.

The longer but cheaper and more environmentally friendly option is the public boat. There is the public boat from Padang Bai harbour, Bali to Lombok. It takes 5 hours and costs 40,000 per person (just under $3). The public boat departs every hour on the hour.

5. Labuan Bajo (aka Komodo Island), Flores

Komodo dragon

Meet Incredible Giant Lizards

Labuan Bajo as a town is nothing to write home about, however you can do amazing boat tours of the islands from here. These include the Komodo islands (home to the Komodo dragon), the scenic Padar Island, the pink beach and manta point (which as its name suggests, is full of manta rays!).

How To Get To Labuan Bajo:

We actually went there via a 4 day 3 night boat trip from Lombok to Flores. We did this with Wanua Adventure and it cost $172 USD (IDR 2,500,000) per person for a cabin or $97 USD (IDR 1,800,000) to sleep on a roll mat on deck.

According to their TripAdvisor reviews, some people had a great time on their boat trip with Wanua, but I can’t say it was the case for us. I think it’s down to which boat you get put on (Wanua have a few) and your guide.

Hellish Boat Trip

For me, this boat trip was the kind of boat trip where I was happy to be alive afterwards. There were 20 of us squashed on what was basically an old fishing trawler. The crew would regularly smoke in the engine room next to the fuel. Sometimes the boat rocked so violently I thought it was going to tip up. There were less life jackets than people.

The boat was broken and old, and creaked like it was going to fall apart. We had a cabin and most other people just slept on the deck. Neither were great options as the cabin filled with fumes and was absolutely boiling as well as leaking when raining.

Where The Heck Are We?

This whole situation might have been improved if the crew and our guide were great, but our “guide” barely spoke to us. Although we stopped at some cool places (viewpoints, beaches, islands, snorkeling) he never told us where we were or what we needed to bring. Meal times were totally random. They’d get breakfast ready at 5am but not tell anyone so people missed it and sometimes lunch would be at 10.30am, whilst other times it would be 2pm.

Maybe Just Fly

You can fly to Labuan Bajo from Bali and take boat trips to see all the cool things we saw. This is probably a much safer, albeit less environmentally friendly option.

Want To Know More About Travelling In Indonesia? 

If you want to hear more about my adventures in Indonesia, read my Indonesia story:

Indonesia Travel: My Husband Got Stolen By Another Woman

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indonesia travel guide

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Padar Island Flores

One comment on “ Awesome Indonesia Itinerary: 2 Weeks, 3 Weeks & 4 Weeks ”

Hello, I just read your blog and I noticed you may have had a bad experience in Komodo National Park.. I hope I can recommend a different company and different experience. Maika Komodo tour has a great crew, great boat, and great food. I hope when you come back, you will look them up at

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Global Castaway

The Ultimate 2 Week Indonesia Itinerary

Posted on Last updated: January 29, 2024

Categories Asia , Guides , Indonesia , Travel Guides

The Ultimate 2 Week Indonesia Itinerary

My 2 week Indonesia itinerary is carefully composed  to guide you through the most exclusive parts  of this spectacular country.

Land of giants, jungles, and volcanos, Indonesia was an old bucket list dream of mine. I mean, how many countries can claim they have  easily accessible volcanos, unique  ( and extremely cute )  endemic primates, pristine waters swarming with life, the oldest Buddhist temple in the world, the most instagramable island and even the last living dinosaurs ?

Sadly, for such a short visit, we can’t see them all. Keep reading to learn which one of those should be part of your 2 week Indonesia itinerary and which can be saved for your second visit.

2 week indonesia itinerary - see the orangutans of borneo

Now, a bit more about  Indonesia .  The world’s largest island country ,  with more than seventeen thousand islands  (!), Indonesia’s 261 million inhabitants are spread around 34 different provinces. The provinces are more like the states in the US –  every single one of them feels like a different country .

2 weeks in Indonesia - beautiful garden

Let me give you an example – people on Bali are Hinduists, they have Hindu temples, Hindu homes, and Hindu holidays. The rest of the country is Muslim, except the Paupa part who are mostly Christians but are often blending Christianity with Animism.

So many different areas, people and customs, makes the 2 week Indonesia itinerary a hard task. I don’t want to get you down, but  if you’re like me and you want to see everything, 2 weeks in Indonesia won’t be even close to enough.

In this itinerary guide, I’ll try to walk you around the biggest highlights of the country and to expose you to as many of its different cultures as possible. It may sound tiring (and it is), but I design my routes considering all the travel time, jetlag, and airport struggle  so you should have enough time to recharge your batteries in between the volcano climb and the orangutan search.

Excited already? Let’s start our 2 weeks in Indonesia!

2 weeks in Indonesia Itinerary Guide

2 Weeks in Indonesia Itinerary Map

Day 1-3: Bali

The beginning of your journey in Indonesia would start either from the capital – Jakarta or from the most significant tourist hub in the country – Bali.

I recommend doing your best to start in Bali . Jakarta is a big and chaotic city, and you won’t miss anything by skipping it. Motorbiking around Bali , on the other hand, is a bucket experience by itself. The island is also one of the very  best places to kick back and prepare for the next 2 weeks in Indonesia .

Especially if you are coming from the US or Europe, there is no better way to battle the jetlag than sipping a pineapple cocktail by the pool of a traditional Balinese villa.

Relax at Bali

While housing plenty of Hindu temples and numerous picturesque sights, the traffic around the island is a nightmare and if  you don’t want to spend your first days in Indonesia stuck inside a car , don’t plan a lot of sightseeing. It’s best to pick the attractions according to the area your hotel is in.

Seminyak is like  the downtown of Bali . Located a bit north from the airport, the area is  the number one tourist spot on the island , offering funky cafes, 5-star beach resorts, and trendy bars.

If you’re a foodie, Seminyak is famous for having the best restaurants in Bali, most -of them located on the same street ( known as Jalan Laksmana or Kayu Aya ).

If you decide to stay there, the closest attraction is the  Tanah Lot sea temple  ( just make sure you’re not there during the weekend when it’s hugely overcrowded). Tanah Lot is a bit far, a bit chaotic and that’s why I believe it’s best enjoyed via tour . You can also combine it with Taman Ayun temple for a sunset experience like no other or go even further and see Ubud’s monkey forest .

Check out the best hotels in Seminyak

Tanah Lot Temple in Bali

Kuta is the area around the airport and is also an  area famous for its nightlife and cheap accommodation options . It’s basically the backpacking neighborhood of Bali. If you chose to stay here, I suggest visiting  the biggest waterpark in east Asia – Waterbom and the Sea Temple –  Tanah Lot .

Check Out the best hotels in Kuta

Jimbaran and Nusa Dua

– Areas south of Kuta, Jimbaran, and Nusa Dua are still close to the airport but don’t offer the same cheap hotels and bars like Kuta. If you want a  tropical vacation on a private beach without too many parties around you , Jimbaran and Nusa Dua are just for you.

If you choose to stay there, the best attraction is the nearby  Uluwatu temple . Uluwatu is a bit tricky, from afar it looks nothing special but it really has plenty to offer. You can reach it easily via a scooter or a taxi. Uluwatu’s biggest attraction is the Kecak Dance. Trust me; it’s one of those local cultural things you must see in Bali . If you’re more interested in the beach bars there, this bar-hopping tour is your thing.

Check Out the best hotels in  Jimbaran  and  Nusa Dua

2 weeks in Indonesia - Uluwatu Temple

Made famous by Julia Roberts “Eat, Pray, Love” movie, Ubud is the place that put Bali on the map as one of the best tourist destinations in the world.

The cultural heart of Bali  is located in the center of the island and while there are no beaches in Ubud, the calm vibe and the stunning nature of the mountain village makes it among the most popular choices to stay in Bali.

If your desire is to be away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and experience a little bit more of a rural vacation in a typical Balinese villa – Ubud is the place for you! If you choose to stay there, in three days, you can check  Ubud’s Monkey Forest, the Tegalalang Rice Terraces, and the Pura Gunung Kawi and Pura Tirta Empul temples.

The Monkey Forest is easy to reach and you need neither a scooter nor a tour to check it out. The terraces are a bit farther. Even though they can be reached easily via taxi or scooter I recommend getting a private driver or even rent a car .

Being the most popular part of Bali, Ubud offers plenty of options to fill our day. You can choose a regular Ubud highlights tour , a Secret Waterfalls one (my favorite) or an adventure one You can also go up north and visit the picturesque  Ulun Danu Beratan temple and the waterfalls around it .

See the best hotels in Ubud

2 weeks in Indonesia - temple near Ubud

One of the most exciting spots in Bali is the  Pura Lempoyang temple . A mountain temple, made famous by thousands of Instagramers, this temple not only offers terrific photo ops but also makes for a great day trip and mountain trekking.

The bad thing about it is that it’s  located far away from all tourist areas  and it takes a whole day to go there, climb it and go back. If you’re on a photo hunt, It could be combined with the nearby  Tirtagangga natural pool.

heavens gate at Pura Lempoyang

Speaking of photo hunts and Instagramers,  Bali is THE place for content creators and digital nomads . The islands offer so many different post-card-perfect spots that it’s almost impossible to leave it without making a top-notch photo memory.

If photos are the prime reason to visit Bali, I recommend getting the premium  Bali’s   Instagram tour . The locations are so spread around, that  having a knowledgable photographer as a guide would really save you a ton of time.  And since you’re reading a 2 week Indonesia itinerary post, my guess is time is not on your side.

If you decide to spend more than a day, hunting for photos, there is an  Instagram tour that covers the nearby Nusa Penida too . And I won’t lie if I tell you that Nusa Penida is among the most photogenic places I have seen anywhere in the world!

2 weeks in Indonesia - Nusa Penida

Transportation around Bali

The most popular way of transportation in Bali ( just like anywhere else in South-east Asia ) are the scooters. I don’t rate the Balinese roads a lot though, and the traffic is very chaotic so  if you don’t have experience riding one of those, better skip it . If you feel safer in a car, I recommend checking out  Discover Cars  and their tool that will compare all the best rent-a-car providers in the area. The prices they manage to find are sometimes ridiculously low.

You can  book a private car with a dirver  that will take you anywhere on the island or if you follow my advice and spend more time relaxing than sightseeing, you’d do just fine with taxis.

It’s a good idea to  book a transfer from the airport to your hotel . The taxi scams are very annoying and I’m sure you’re not looking forward to them right after an exhausting flight.

   See Also:   Top 20 Biggest Landmarks in Asia

Castaway Tip Taxis in Bali are heavy scammers and will always try to overcharge you. The most legit ones are the BlueBird taxis. The easiest way to recognize them – they are blue! The others do try to copy them so be careful! To make sure you get a real one, Bluebird recently released a mobile app that apparently lets you book a taxi in advance and gives you a fixed price. I haven’t tried it, but it sounds like an excellent option!

Day 4 -5: Mount Bromo

Now that you’ve reclaimed your strengths back in Bali,  you are ready for some adventures!  Don’t worry, this 2 week Indonesia itinerary got you covered! It’s time to climb a volcano and look inside its crater. Later ( or earlier ) you would go to see it on sunrise for  one of the biggest WOW moments of your life!

 Sounds fun, right?

2 week Indonesia itinerary - explore around Bromo

Mount Bromo is a famous Indonesian volcano and a huge tourist attraction. It’s  among the easiest volcanos to climb  ( more like a walk than a climb ), and it’s shaped so beautifully that  thousands of people go there every morning to enjoy the sunrise .

While a lot of people use the easy way and book a tour ( you can get one even  from Bali ), having the authentic experience and doing it by yourself is far more rewarding ( and would save you a ton of money )! Getting there and spreading your time correctly is, however, a bit tricky but I got you covered.

Check out my  Climbing Mount Bromo for Free guide  and learn the easiest way to get there, where to stay, what is the Sea of Sand and  even a map for the secret path to the volcano!

2 weeks in Indonesia - Mt. Bromo at sunrise

Day 6: Surabaya

Surabaya is one of the  most boring places  you’d visit during your 2 weeks in Indonesia. If I could skip it, I would but to get to our next location, we need to spend a night in a nearby town, and Surabaya is conveniently  located between Mount Bromo and Borneo . No attractions to see there, my only advise is to book a hotel close to the airport and get the first flight to Pangkalan Bun.

If you decide to follow another itinerary, you can also catch a flight from Jakarta, Semarang and few other places in Indonesia.

See all flights to Pangkalan Bun

Day 7-9: Borneo

The most underrated part of the country , Borneo is the crown jewel of my 2 week Indonesia itinerary! While Bali, Bromo, and Komodo are on every traveler’s route, Borneo somehow remains  off the beaten track . I don’t really have an explanation of why. The Malaysian part of the island is well visited, but the Indonesian apparently lacks in the PR department. And what a mistake skipping Borneo would be!

One of the only two places in the world to see Orangutans in the wild  ( the other is Sumatra ), Borneo is covered by lush, 140 million years old rainforest, and it’s considered one of the “lungs” of the planet. Home to thousands of endemic species,  Borneo’s fantastic biodiversity ranks among the top of the world .

2 weeks in Indonesia Borneo orangutan

In our itinerary, we’ll explore Borneo from one of the most significant natural parks on the planet – Tanjung Puting. The same place where Dr. Birute Galdikas began her career studying the behavior of rescued and orphaned orangutans in 1971 (and doing so to this day!).

Borneo Orangutan family

The bad thing about Borneo is that you can’t really explore its forests and wildlife without a tour. If you’ve read anything else on this blog, you probably know I hate organized tours. Having a fixed schedule and being told what to do and see just isn’t my thing.

Having said that,  the tour I had in Borneo, was the very best I’ve ever had!  The two lazy days spent on the boat in Tanjung Puting is a memory I’d cherish till the rest of my days. If you decide to do just one thing from this 2 week Indonesia itinerary, I strongly suggest Borneo.

The island is simply unparalleled! Read more about my  Borneo adventure  and find tour prices, recommendations and day to day review!

Day 10-12: Komodo

As amazing as Borneo is, the tour around Tanjung Puting was missing one thing – beaches. I mean, you’re in Indonesia,  you need to explore some tropical islands too , right? Next stop on our 2 weeks in Indonesia is the Komodo Islands aka  one of the new Seven Wonders of the World! Your day ten will be spent mostly traveling from Borneo to Labuan Bajo ( the gateway village to the Komodo Islands ). You’d still have enough time to catch a lovely sunset in the evening.

2 weeks in Indonesia - Komodo Dragon

Day 11 and 12, you want to spend  exploring beaches  ( there is a pink one! ),  spot some marine wildlife  ( either by snorkeling or diving, Komodo has one of the most biodiverse marine wildlife on the planet ) and  meeting some Komodo Dragons  ( huge lizards you can’t find anywhere else in the world )! Just like our previous destination, there is no other way to do it without an organized tour.

Read more about my experience of a  2-day boat trip around Komodo Islands  with prices, covered spots, and contact information.

Day 13-14: Bali

The last days of your 2 weeks in Indonesia are best spent at the place your flight back home is. Like I said in the begging, there is  no better place than Bali  for that. Book a hotel close to the airport and just enjoy your last hours in this incredible country, drinking another coconut cocktail by your pool!

More Than 2 Weeks in Indonesia

As mentioned, Indonesia is an incredible land you can spend months and months in and never manage to see everything. If you have more time to spend these are the best places to enrich your Indonesian itinerary.

Nusa Penida

2 week Indonesia itinerary - Nusa Penida mantas

An untamed piece of tropical paradise, Nusa Penida is often described as  “what Bali used to be 30 years ago” . Due to an increased Instagram popularity, this is about to change soon so its best to see it as soon as possible.

If you want to experience the island thoroughly, you need to spend at least a night on it and get up early to catch the best spots free of people. If you don’t have the time to do it, just  book a day tour  and scroll around the most popular places. Don’t expect to have them for your own, though.

2 weeks in Indonesia - explore Nusa Penida

Nusa Penida truly is  one of the most picturesque places on earth . The Broken Beach coastal formation and the natural pool of Angel’s Billabong seem like taken straight out of a postcard!

And what about the biggest star of the island – Kelingking Beach? Also known as the T-Rex of Bali, this incredible cliff offers not only an incredible spot for your next profile picture, but also the most beautiful beach in the world ( no joke here, Kelingking Beach is the epitome of tropical beaches, and nothing I’ve seen gets even close to it ).

There is a catch though .

To get down the cliff and reach the beach is not an easy task. Just going down can take you up to two hours of dangerous repelling with nothing but loosely spiked sticks for support. And then you have to go up…under the ruthless Indonesian sun. If you don’t trust your fitness levels that much, you’re better just admiring it from the top.

2 week Indonesia itinerary - the road to the secret beach

There are plenty of offers about Nusa Penida. If you’re going there mostly for the photos,  an Instagram Tour  is your best option. If you want to enjoy nature, but you don’t fancy organizing the trip yourself, this is the regular tour organized by a top-rated operator  and this is a premium tour that focuses on less crowded spots . Both of the tours are top-rated and guarantee an effortless adventure.

If you’re into snorkeling, Nusa Penida is one of the best places in the country to  go under the water with giant Manta Rays ! And if you’re not a fan of organized trips, you can simply  rent a car + driver (very handy for this island) and explore on your own.

two weeks in-indonesia-raja-ampat

To understand what Raja Ampat is, you better check out its nickname –  The Last Paradise on Earth . The out-worldly Indonesia archipelago lies in the Coral Triangle ( Philippines, Timor, Papua New Guinea ) and it’s among  the most biodiverse places on earth ! Home to numerous endemic species and three-quarters of the world’s coral varieties, Raja Ampat, is the Mecca for divers.

Diving is not your thing? No problem!  There are over 1,500 wild tropical islands to explore and enjoy .

Now you probably wonder: How come I’ve never heard of this place?  What’s the catch? And you’re completely right. There is a catch – the place is  quite remote and not that easy to reach . You need to fly to the nearby city of Sorong and coordinate a boat to wait for you and take you to your hotel/homestay. There aren’t many hotels, and the homestays truly are homestays.  The conditions are often just basic  while the prices ( including the region Eco tax ) are quite steep.

Nevertheless, if you’re ready to leave the western comfort behind for a while,  Raja Ampat truly is this secret paradise  that can take you away from the hustle and bustle of the modern world and immerse you in nature’s last Garden of Eden.

Finding a place to stay in Raja Ampat is a bit tricky . While Booking and some other hotel sites do have several offerings, your best bet to find a good accommodation ( and a ton of information about the archipelago ) is  this site .

Sunrise at Borobudur

Pronounced ‘Jogjakarta’ but often called just Yogya, ‘Jogja’, this metropolitan city is home to over 400 thousand people ( 4 million in the area ).

Yogyakarta, alongside its twin city Surakarta used to be the center of the 8th–10th century’s Mataram Kingdom and it’s considered to be  the birthplace of the civilization on Java . And while there are a few picturesque caves (  Jomblang Cave is a top choice! ), an ancient Volcano and even some sandboard-perfect dunes, the main attraction, people flocks to Yogyakarta for, are  the Prambanan and Borobudur Temples.

2 week Indonesia itinerary - Prambanan temple

Built in the 9th century, Prambanan is the  largest Hindu temple in the country . It’s dedicated to the Hindu deity Shiva. The temple is built in ancient Indian style with spiral towers  representing Mount Meru – the home of the Gods .

Prambanan is considered to be made by the Hindu Sanjaya Dynasty as an answer to the Buddhist Sailendra Dynasty’s temple – Borobudur.

2 weeks in Indonesia - visit borobudur

Speaking of Borobudur, this  UNESCO Wolrd Heritage Site is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world  and also one of the most visited touristic attraction in Indonesia.

The massive temples measuring 123 x 123 meters is decorated 504 Buddha statues and staggering 2,672 relief panels depicting various events from Buddha’s life next to important Buddhist scripts. The cherry on the top is literally on the top. 72 Stupas, each containing a Buddha statue inside, surround one  massive Stupa that is a symbol of the enlightened mind .

Greeting the sunrise in the temple is one of the most popular attractions in Indonesia. If you decide to put it in your itinerary, check out  everything you need to know about sunrise in Borobudur .

Sumatran Tiger

A large island in the western part of the country,  just a mention of Sumatra can spark a wanderlust of exotic adventure . A land famous for its wildlife, Sumatra is one of the only two places in the world where you can see Orangutans in the wild ( the other is Borneo, which is already part of our 2 week Indonesia itinerary ).

It’s also  a place to see the endangered Sumatran tiger and if you’re very very lucky – a Sumatran rhinoceros! There are also a few small islands in the area, like Nias and Mentawai Islands, perfect for the surf enthusiasts.

How come Sumatra is not on the 2 week Indonesia itinerary? The wildlife is quite hard to spot, and for me, Borneo and Komodo are the superior experiences.

Gili Islands

2 weeks in Indonesia - relax on Gili Islands

A group of 3 small islands east of Bali, the Gili Islands are considered to be  the embodiment of tropical paradise . Turquoise waters fringed by white sands and coconut palms.

Sounds good, right?  Here comes the best part, there are  no cars and motorbikes on the Gili islands  – something impossible to find anywhere else in Sout-East Asia.  Gili Islands are just made for relaxation .

Why aren’t they in the main itinerary? Well, besides being a beach bum, there are very few things to do there. If, however, you visit Indonesia with the primary intention to catch some sun on a postcard-perfect beach, Gili Islands your place!

You can visit Gili Islands on an  organized multi-day trip from Bali  or you can simply get speed boat tickets from Sanur pier and explore them on your own.

The Ijen Volcano

2 week Indonesia itinerary - Ijen Volcano

Kawah Ijen is a volcano located in eastern Java, between Mount Bromo and Bali. A lot of tourists that go for Bromo set Ijen in their itinerary too because… if you gonna climb a volcano, why not climb two?

But Ijen is not just another volcano. While it may look regular by day, if you make the effort to climb it at night ( and you definitely should! ), you’d enjoy a fantastic light show. The high sulfur deposits of the volcano create one of the most extraterrestrial views on the planet –  the Blue flames of Ijen! Why is Ijen not part of the 2 week Indonesia itinerary? With your limited time, I want to show you every aspect of the country. And while Ijen is  definitely an incredible sight , it requires a hefty night trek. Also, I still rate the Bromo experience to be the superior one.

You can visit Ijen, Bromo and still save time is  via organized tour  but have in mind the experience to either of the volcanos won’t be as good as doing it yourself.

Indonesia FAQ

Exploring Indonesia is not hard by any means, however, there are a few things you better know before you set your foot in the land of giants.

What is the best time to visit Indonesia?

There are two seasons in Indonesia – wet and dry.  The dry season is between May and October while the wet one goes from November through April  ( January and February being the worst ). The peak tourist season is quite naturally in the dry season, mostly between June and September  (the summer months in the northern hemisphere ).

However, I would argue  those are not the best months to visit . Everything is twice the price, and there are huge crowds everywhere you go.

The wet season in Indonesia is not that bad at all . Unlike other tropical countries, Indonesian rain period consists of short, but intensive pours and the temperatures rarely go under 28 C. More about the weather inIndonesia

Money in Indonesia

In most of the big cities and Bali, It’s  easy to pay via card . Some of the more remote places though ( like Bromo, Borneo or even around Borobudur ) would accept cash only.

When you exchange money, don’t do it with significant amounts.  1 USD is more than 15 000 Indonesian Rupiahs . The largest bill currently is of 100 000 Rupiahs. So unless you want to transport your money in a separate suitcase,  mind the amounts you’re exchanging . See the latest IDR rates.

2 week Indonesia itinerary - rice farmer

How is the Internet in Indonesia?

The Internet is  not Indonesia’s strong side.  A relatively new communication medium in the country, the speed of download using 4G LTE was only ranked 74th in the world.

In Bali, there won’t be any trouble. Bali is the hottest spot for digital nomads and influencers. Other parts of the country though… Even if you get a local SIM card ( something you most definitely should do ),  don’t expect a lot of coverage around Mount Bromo, Borneo, the Komodo Islands or Raja Ampat . For me, a few days off the grid was more of a welcome retreat than an inconvenience but it’s good to have it in mind.

Back to the local SIM card.  Don’t buy them at the airport!  The price is 3-4 times as high there.  Telkomsel  offers the best 4G coverage around the country but are more expensive and have very confusing packages ( you got youtube MBs, social media MBs and stuff like that ). If you get one of their cards, be prepared to run out of internet way before you reach the quota.

XL  is the other big operator in the country. They are cheaper and have clear data packages, but their 4G coverage is not as good as Telkomsel.

Probably the best option is to  buy the SIM card online  and have it waiting for you at the airport. There ‘re different options to chose from and you’re sure you won’t be scammed.

Transportation around Indonesia

There are plenty of ways of transportation around Indonesia. With 22 air carriers and 230 airports, taking a domestic flight would be the most convenient option. If you’re not that into flying,  there is a vast transportation network of buses and trains. Something worth noticing is transportation around Bali. Renting a scooter is the easiest way to get around the island but the traffic is so chaotic I don’t recommend getting one unless you’re very confident in your skills. This is the reason I’ve listed plenty of private driver options to help you reach the scattered Bali attractions.

tour indonesia 3 settimane

Is Indonesia safe?

Honestly, there wasn’t a moment in Indonesia that I felt unsafe. The local people are among the friendliest in the world and are always there to help you.  To travel to Indonesia without travel insurance is way big of a risk though .

The Indonesian airlines are not the most reputable in the world, and it’s  not a rare case to be delayed or to have your luggage lost . Moreover, you’re going to Indonesia for an adventure, and  travel insurance  would certainly set your mind at ease when you are climbing a volcano or trekking around a rain forest.

I currently use  HeyMondo  for my travels because they have proven themselves to me more than once over the years. The link above will give you a 5% discount, but If you have another favorite provider, that’s ok. Just make sure you have one because you never know what may happen.

That’s all from me, I hope you found everything you need for your 2 weeks in Indonesia . ———————————— If you haven’t planned your trip there yet, find out how I plan my trips! ———————————— I have 22 bucket list ideas for Indonesia. See my impossible bucket list of 1700+ adventures!

Is Indonesia on your bucket list?

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tour indonesia 3 settimane

Tuesday 20th of September 2022

good tour itinerary for Bali. I will follow your tour itinerary for our friend.

Best regards -

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The Ultimate Two-Week Bali Itinerary

09/20/2023 by Guest Blogger Leave a Comment

This guest post is by Victoria, a travel blogger and writer from Germany .

Bali is a tropical paradise with idyllic beaches, lush waterfalls, and plenty of exciting activities, all of which are included in this fun two-week itinerary on and near the Island of the Gods.

Hike through rice terraces, spend your days at white-sand beaches, and swim with green sea turtles on this epic trip through Bali and its neighboring islands, a great mixture of relaxation and fascinating things to do:

  • Canggu : 2 days
  • Nusa Lembongan : 2 days
  • Nusa Penida : 1 day
  • Gili Islands : 3 days
  • Ubud : 3 days

Uluwatu: 3 days

Table of Contents

Canggu: 2 days

2 week bali itinerary

Start your Bali trip off in Canggu, which is located around 1.5 hours by car from Bali’s airport. It’s a great place to start off your time in Bali, because you’ve got a great selection of places to eat and good nightlife. It’s also the starting point for many organized group tours. 

It used to be a small beach town popular among surfers and nature lovers. However, it gained mass popularity in recent years and has now transformed into a busy hub for digital nomads and tourists. 

On your first day, you can focus on relaxing and exploring if you’re up for it. Head to Old Man’s or La Brisa at the beach for a sunset drink, then grab dinner at one of the many restaurants in town. 

Vegan food bali

Head to Sa’Mesa, a once-in-a-lifetime Italian dinner experience in which you’ll dance on the tables all night. Then it’s off to Buongiorno, the best bakery in town, to get some fresh pastries and sandwiches for your hangover. Other great restaurants include Mason, Shelter, or for local cuisine, Casa Tua

2 week bali itinerary

On your second day, hop into a Grab (a local app that works just like Uber), or rent a scooter to go visit Tanah Lot Temple, around 30 minutes north of Canggu. 

(A lot of tourists get around by scooter in Bali, but think carefully before you decide to rent one. The traffic is chaotic and accidents are common, so only experienced drivers should choose this transport method. Always wear a helmet and go slow if you do ride a scooter. When in doubt, a taxi is the better choice.)

Tanah Lot is a beautiful temple on a rocky cliff over the water and is great for taking photos and learning a bit more about the unique Balinese culture.

The area around the temple is also known for its deserted beaches, so if Canggu’s Batu Bolong Beach is starting to feel a bit crowded, definitely head to Pig Stone Beach instead, where you won’t be bothered by other tourists.

In the evening, grab a few drinks and dinner and possibly hit some of Canggu’s busy nightlife spots, like Sand Bar, Luigi’s, X Bar, or La Brisa.

If you’re looking for an affordable and social place to stay, the Tipsy Gypsy Hostel is always the perfect choice. You’ll make friends in no time, and the facilities are clean and comfortable. 

Another great option if you’re looking for private rooms is the Aston Hotel , which has a very central location less than five minutes from the beach.

If you’re a solo traveler and are worried about traveling alone, or don’t want to spend all your time alone, you should consider joining a guided group tour around Bali , the members of which will become your new best friends and travel buddies.

Nusa Lembongan: 2 days

nusa lembongan

In the morning, it’s time to hop on a fast boat and head to the beautiful island of Nusa Lembongan . Make sure to get up early, because you’ll need to drive all the way across southern Bali to Sanur, where the harbor is located. 

The ferry terminal was recently renovated and is now modern and efficient, making getting to the island easier than ever. A ticket costs around IDR 150,000 per person, and the ride takes only 30–45 minutes, depending on the weather. You can either buy tickets on arrival at the harbor, or use 12go Asia, which always has the best deals and prices.

In Nusa Lembongan, you’ll get a taste of island life, which can be difficult to find on Bali itself. If you’re confident enough to drive, you should rent a scooter, which makes getting around a lot easier. Otherwise, you can use the local truck taxis, which can take you around the island for around IDR 100,000–200,000.

It’s also possible to walk short distances, although you should keep in mind that Lembongan has a lot of hills and no sidewalks, so it might not be the most comfortable activity. 

2 week bali itinerary

You definitely need to visit Nusa Ceningan , the tiny island neighboring Lembongan that is connected by a narrow, bright yellow bridge. Ceningan is even smaller than Lembongan and has a variety of oceanfront restaurants and cafés you need to try. The views over the lagoon are absolutely beautiful, especially during sunset.

On the second day, explore Nusa Lembongan and go to Devil’s Tears, a rocky cove where the waves create an impressive spray and the ocean currents are very strong. It’s an impressive place to see and the entrance fee is only IDR 25,000 per person. 

You can also stop by the nearby Dream Beach, which is just a 5 minute walk away. This is a perfect spot for lunch and relaxing for a few hours. In the afternoon, you can explore the island’s mangroves, which are completely different to the sandy beaches Lembongan is known for. 

Rent a kayak for IDR 150,000 and paddle around the mangroves for an hour or so before heading back to your hotel to freshen up or going for a swim at the main beach.

nusa ceningan

Chances are you’ll be pretty tired after a day of exploring. Spend the afternoon relaxing by the beach in Nusa Lembongan, or if you still have some energy left, head to the Coconut Hut, which is a restaurant with a mini golf course. Their food and drinks are delicious, and mini golf is the perfect activity on a beautiful island.

If you need a reasonably priced hotel with a great view in Nusa Lembongan, you should stay at Lanussa Hill Villa on the Ceningan side of the island. It is quiet and has beautiful views of the Yellow Bridge.

Nusa Penida: 1 day


You can easily visit either Nusa Penida or Nusa Lembongan on a day trip from the other. So, in the morning, take a boat from the Yellow Bridge on the Ceningan side to the harbor on Nusa Penida. The ride shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes and only costs around IDR 30,000 per person — you can get boat tickets on the spot, as there are always vessels connecting the two islands. (If you want peace of mind, you can also head there the night before and get your tickets in advance.)

On Nusa Penida, you can either rent a scooter if you’re a very confident driver or hire a local one to take you around the island. The roads are winding and narrow, so it’s definitely not a good idea to drive yourself if you’re a beginner on a scooter.

A driver will take you around the island for up to eight hours, and you’ll pay approximately IDR 600,000–800,000, including petrol. I would highly recommend this, as scooter accidents involving tourists are very common here, and I’ve seen my fair share of people pushing their bikes uphill in the hot sun.

You can find drivers or scooters on arrival at the harbor, or you can check Facebook groups about Bali in advance to find someone who is recommended. 

nusa penida

The most popular places on Nusa Penida include Kelingking Beach, with its impressive cliffs and white-sand beach; Angel’s Billabong, a natural pool with ocean views; Broken Beach, with a unique rock formation; and Diamond Beach, which is probably one of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen.

rumah pohon, nusa penida

You can also visit nearby Atuh Beach, which is just as pretty and a great spot for lunch, since there are plenty of small huts to choose from. Just a 20-minute drive away is the Thousand Island Viewpoint, which is fantastic for taking pictures; and the Rumah Pohon Treehouses , a collection of little huts with incredible views, which you can even rent for the night if you’re up for an adventure.

Just keep in mind that Nusa Penida is far from a hidden secret anymore, and you’re going to encounter a lot of tourists during your time there. I recommend going as early in the morning as possible to make sure you beat the crowds.

Traffic is also getting worse, so be patient and make sure you have plenty of time to get back to the harbor before the last boat back to Lembongan leaves at sunset.

Gili Islands: 3 days

2 week bali itinerary

Rise and shine! It’s time to head to a brand-new island! Catch a fast boat early in the morning to get from Nusa Lembongan to the beautiful Gili Islands. You can buy your tickets at the harbor the day before, and the price should be around IDR 200,000 per person.

The ride can be bumpy, so definitely take some medication if you’re prone to seasickness. Try to sit at the back of the boat, which can be a lot smoother. After around two hours, you’ll reach the Gili Islands, which consist of Gili Trawangan, Gili Meno, and Gili Air .

Everyone has a favorite out of the three; I personally always recommend Gili Trawangan, just because it’s the largest and there are the most activities. It’s known as somewhat of a party island, but there are also plenty of quiet areas, such as the sunset side, where you can escape the loud nightlife if that’s not something you enjoy.

gili air gili t indonesia

Gili Air is an alternative if you’re not too sure about staying in busy Gili Trawangan with lots of backpackers. It’s just a 20-minute boat ride away, and the beaches are just as beautiful, with crystal-clear blue waters.

2 week bali itinerary

Gili Air is quieter, but there’s still nightlife and plenty of places to eat. If you’re trying to escape the crowds, you might enjoy it more. (You can swim with green sea turtles right at the beach on both islands.)

There are no cars on any of the Gili Islands, but you can get around by bike, on foot, or using horse carts. Unfortunately, the horses are treated very badly, so supporting the carts is not something you should be doing. Instead, rent a bike at the harbor when you arrive, so you can get to your hotel without having to walk.

A snorkeling tour is a must-do when visiting the Gili Islands. You can get a private one for around IDR 1,000,000 per day, or join a group tour, which costs IDR 150,000 per person. It’s easiest to find these tours along the main street, where you can choose among the many tourist stalls and vendors. Make sure to compare a few so you can get the best price. 

Most tours head to Gili Meno to snorkel at the untouched reefs and the famous Nest statues, which are extremely popular.

Spend the rest of your days relaxing by the beach, cycling around, and just enjoying yourself. You’re on vacation after all!

On Gili Trawangan, you should stay at Frii Resort , a beautiful place on the sunset side of the island. If you’re looking for hostels, Mad Monkey is a fun place with regular events and parties.

If you’re shorter on time and have to choose between the Nusa and Gili islands , I’d go for the Nusas if you want lots to do, and the Gilis if you just want to chill and drink beers on the beach.

– Read Next –

Solo Female Travel in Bali, Everything to Know

What to Pack for Bali

When to Visit Bali and Weather

Ubud: 3 days

2 week bali itinerary

Time to leave the smaller islands and head back to Bali. You’re going to travel quite a bit today, so get plenty of sleep and be prepared for an early start. Catch a fast boat back to Padang Bai, where you’ll hop on a shuttle, which will take you to Ubud. Buy your tickets online from 12Go Asia, or at the harbor the night before. Most fast-boat companies include a transfer in the boat ticket, which should cost around IDR 350,000 in total. Expect the ride to take the whole day; you’ll finally arrive in Ubud in the early evening. 

After a good night’s sleep, you’ll wake up refreshed and ready to explore Bali’s cultural center. You shouldn’t miss the Monkey Forest, which has free-ranging monkeys and historic temples, and is the perfect place to spend an afternoon. Just make sure to keep your belongings close, as the monkeys can be aggressive and steal items such as sunglasses, phones, or water bottles. Keep a safe distance, and don’t take any food into the park, to be safe.

The Campuhan Ridge Walk, which is a beautiful hike best done in the early morning, and the colorful Ubud art markets, where you can shop for souvenirs and artworks, are also must-visit places. Just make sure to haggle to get a reasonable price, as most tourists tend to overpay.

Ubud is also becoming more and more popular among foodies, and there is delicious cuisine you can try. Batu Bara is a really nice steakhouse, and prices are actually quite affordable. If you’re not into meat, you should try Sawo Bali, an all-vegan restaurant with an IDR 50,000-all-you-can-eat buffet. 

Then there is Nusantara by Locavore, an upscale Indonesian restaurant offering traditional dishes from all around the country.

2 week bali itinerary

Ubud is a great base for exploring more of Bali, so definitely take a day trip or two while you are here. You can head to Mount Batur and do the famous sunrise hike for some of the best views on the island. Then there is the mountain town of Kintamani, with its lakes and strawberry farms; and Sidemen, with plenty of untouched nature and beautiful waterfalls.

Closer to Ubud, you can explore the famous Tegenungan waterfall, with its brand-new glass-bottom bridge. The Tegalalang rice terraces are also located close by and make for the perfect spot to take photos. For around IDR 200,000, you can even go for a ride on one of the famous swings.

In Ubud, Nick’s Homestay is a great, budget-friendly accommodation, with everything you might need nearby. It has a pool, and the houses are built in traditional Balinese style, which gives a bit of local culture and art. If you feel like splurging, here’s a list of the best luxury hotels in Ubud to choose from. Kristin stayed at Capella Ubud and loved it.

Enjoy your days in nature, and maybe even try a massage or yoga class before moving on to the next stop of your Bali itinerary.

2 week bali itinerary

Use the Grab or Gojek apps to go from Ubud to Uluwatu. The drive should cost around IDR 250,000, depending on the time of day, and takes between two and three hours if the traffic is bad. Once you’ve made it to Uluwatu, you can watch the sunset at Single Fin, a clifftop beach club, and have a few drinks before going to bed.

Spend your last days in Bali at some of the best beaches on the island. Melasti, Suluban, Nyang Nyang, and Bingin are highly recommended and have beautiful white sand with blue waters that are perfect for swimming and surfing.

A surf lesson costs around IDR 300,000, which includes board rental and a private teacher. You can also try paragliding or jet-skiing if you’re looking for an extra adrenaline rush. 

2 week bali itinerary

Uluwatu is known for its stunning beach clubs where you can spend the entire day relaxing, reading a book and enjoying the sun. Sundays Beach Club is one of the best, but you need to come early to get a seat.  Tropical Temptations is another fantastic club, although its minimum spend is relatively high for most types of daybeds. If you’re up for a party with world-class DJs, stop by Savaya or Ulu Cliff House, which regularly host large parties.

The Hideaway Residences are a beautiful villa complex with both affordable and higher-end options. Enjoy your last days in Bali from the comfort of your own private pool with a beautiful view over the hills of Uluwatu.

Bali has so much to offer that it’s difficult to limit a stay on this beautiful island to just two weeks. Definitely extend your trip if you can, or come back to Indonesia soon to see and do even more, like Lombok or diving Raja Ampat .

About the author: Victoria is a travel blogger and writer from Germany, who has lived in Bali for several years now. Her blog Guide Your Travel focuses on Southeast Asia and specifically Indonesia, sharing some of the best tips on how to plan your trip to Bali.

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