Star Gaze Hawaii

Big Island Stargazing

Stargazing tours.


Not your Usual Star Party

This is not your usual Star Party where you only look at the top 10 easy and bright deep space objects. We select a curated list of visually stunning space objects. You’ll see a stimulating variety of obscure and well known space curiosities designed to open your mind to the mystery and romance of astronomy.

Our equipment is beyond question, well maintained and performing at the optimum, limited only by atmospheric conditions. We ask you to focus the image for your personal eyesight. Unlike other stargazing experiences where only one eyepiece is used all night, we use a variety of high quality eyepiece optics to reveal delicate details and obscure overlooked aspects.

Novices and experienced stargazers will enjoy the high quality views, carefully selected list of objects and the star lore narrative on the history of Astronomy told by an experienced Astronomer.

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Seaside Stargazing

All our stargazing tours are done on coastline hotel properties in warm weather near all the amenities you enjoy. Join us at any of the following locations based on the spot or the day of the week that works best for you.

Notes on Standing

Our activity requires participants to stand for the entire hour, and we do not provide chairs. If you or others in your party need to sit during the hour, please bring a beach chair with you. Stargazers must stand in queues to look through our telescopes. We may have one to three telescopes depending on the number of reservations.

Weather Cancellation Policy

Gift Cards Now Available!

Purchase Stargaze Hawaii gift cards for your friends and family today.

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Westin Hapuna Beach Resort

February 1 to April 30, 7:30 PM

May 1 to September 30, 8:00 PM

October 1 to January 30, 7:00 PM

Kohala Garden Parking Lot

Adults to 12 years: $75 Child 11 to 5 years: $30 Free Under 5 Years Parking: Free

Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort

Adults: $47.50, Children: $24.00

Fairmont Orchid, Hawaii (at Mauna Lani)

January 1 to 31: 7:00 to 8:00 PM

February 1 to September 30: 7:30 to 8:30 PM

October 1 to December 31: 7:00 to 8:00 PM

Pool Side on the Croquet Lawn

Subject to Cancellation for bad weather or low attendance by one hour before starting time. 6 Reservations minimum per session. Prices subject to change without prior notice.

AstroPhotography Session

Vaonis Stellina Robotic camera

Star Gaze Hawaii offers 2-hour astrophotography sessions featuring a Vaonis Stellina Robotic camera. The session’s goal is hands-on, acquiring pictures of many deep space objects.

Deep space objects are dim and require long exposures. We can most likely obtain just a handful of objects in two hours.

The Stellina is an 80 ED F/5 400mm refractor with a Sony CMOS sensor. Artificial Intelligence software will post-process the images in real-time as the customer watches on an iPad.

The client will control the telescope and camera exposures.  The images obtained will be sent to the customer’s email, airdropped, or SMS to their cellphone.

Our Fee for an astrophotography session is $400.00 + 4.712% Tax = $418.85 (Credit Card or cash). Please get in touch with me if you want to book this, and I will send you a link to book and pay for it online.

Scheduling and Location

The Moon will prevent astrophotography of deep space objects – schedule for dates with minimal moonlight. We do these sessions at the Westin Hapuna Beach Resort.

Private Stargazing Session


We love being part of your small group event. We offer Private Stargazing Sessions at the amazingly dark (except for Star light and Moon light) Westin Hapuna Beach Resort, Kohala Garden Parking Lot. Unsurpassed Stargazing with pristine skies and wide-open vistas.

Private Sessions lasting from 1 to 2 hours for families or small groups.

One Hour Session

Guided tour of the sky with private access to the telescope for groups of up to 6 10 people.

Contact us for pricing.

Two Hour Session

Guided Tour of the sky for groups of up to 15 people with private access to the telescope.

1 or 2 Telescopes Available. Contact us for pricing.

Equipment Rental

Frequently asked questions, why stargaze at sea level when all the observatories are at high altitude.

The Kohala Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii has unique geographic topology that allows world class stargazing–sub-arc-second viewing–from Sea Level.  1 arc-second is 1/3,600 of one degree of angle.  In most places on this planet, due to turbulence in the air, stars will be 2-3 arc-seconds in diameter.  At Star Gaze Hawaii’s selected sites, we can attain ½ arc-second star images routinely, limited only by weather.

Additionally, high Altitude reduces oxygen levels in the air that your eyes need. Your eyes require oxygen to metabolize rhodopsin in order to see anything. Dim space objects require maximum oxygen to be realized at all. Mauna Kea Observatories (at 40% oxygen levels) are remote controlled telescopes where the astronomers are at low altitude.  Nobody views directly through any of the telescopes at the summit. Astronomers using the telescopes can be anywhere in the world as they operate over the internet.  If an Astronomer comes to Hawaii at all, they will be in a warm, low altitude environment while using the telescope.

Why should you go and freeze and suffer high altitude effects when no professional astronomer does that anymore? Instead, wear your aloha shirt and shorts (or Muumuu) in warm weather, close to hotel amenities at 100% oxygen levels and world-class arc-second viewing.

How does Star Gaze Hawaii differ from the Mauna Kea tours?

Star Gaze Hawaii concentrates on observing the sky. We look at interesting and many obscure objects not on any top 10 lists in Astronomy. We seek to stimulate the mind as well as the eyes of the participant. The principal astronomer has been doing this since 1962 and he knows a lot of history of Astronomy as well as the physics of the objects viewed. He keeps current with the news in Astronomy and has a unique ability to explain physics in plain language. Astronomy brought down to Earth. We use visual aids such as Green Laser Pointers and Original photographs taken of the objects viewed in the telescope.

What will happen if it is cloudy at sea level?

We do not control the weather.  Even professional astronomers have that same problem.  We call it “Astronomy in the Trenches”.  We bring the telescope and our expertise and deal with Mother Nature on her terms.  If the weather is a lost cause by 5 PM, we will cancel the session.  If there is hope or if it is clear at 7 PM, we will proceed and deal with clouds as they will do whatever they will.  We offer extensive historical accounts of Astronomy in the trenches when that happens.  We demo our equipment and make equipment reviews and recommendations.  In 1991, the Total Solar eclipse in Hawaii was encumbered by cloudy weather.  The astronomers and general public that made the investment to come to Hawaii were frustrated by the cloudy weather.  But, some people got partial data and photographs through breaks in the clouds.  This is Astronomy in the trenches.

The Kohala Coast has unique weather patterns that no weather forecast covers. It can be cloudy at 6 PM and clear up completely by 8 PM. We have been doing this since 1992 and we can predict the weather fairly well. Due to the high mountains to the East and South East, we get a Venturi effect from the winds funneling through the mountain valleys. If the trade winds are out of the North East, we can depend on clear weather by 8 PM. If it comes out of the East or South East, then we have a wind shadow effect and clouds may linger a bit longer, beyond our time frame for stargazing, but it will eventually clear. If we have Westerly winds, the clouds will pile up against the mountains and we can have clear skies overhead. If it comes out of the South, bad weather can persist all night.

How do weather cancellations work?

Hard cut off at 5 pm for reservations. we will send out email and (optional) text messages to confirm or cancel stargazing just after 5 pm. we are based over an hour away from the stargazing venues and with travel and setup times, we are unable to respond to changes in weather after 5 pm..

If the weather is poor at 5 PM we will cancel stargazing and send out email and (optional) text messages.

If it turns bad after 5 PM we will inform you around 7 PM of a cancellation in the same manner.

Check your email before you travel to the stargazing location. During Hurricane season, June 1 to November 30, having any storm in the vicinity can make weather highly unpredictable and rapidly subject to change.

Is VOG (Volcanic haze) a problem for stargazing?

In general, no. VOG indicates calm steady air free of turbulence. Strong winds and clear air go together and result in blurry views from moving turbulent air. With VOG, Planetary views are greatly improved as they will be sharp and finer details can be viewed. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and the Moon are very bright. In our telescopes, they are so bright that your eye will be saturated and see no color, just white. The dimming due to the VOG can improve the colors and finely detailed views of these bright objects. Galaxies will be impacted negatively by dimming. But, Galaxies are commonly called “Dim Fuzzies”, best photographed rather than viewed by eye. Galaxies are always hazy and nebulous in small telescopes. Edwin Hubble required the 100” Mount Wilson telescope to be able to see individual stars in the Andromeda Galaxy a mere 2.54 million light years away. Galaxies offer intellectual stimulation of actually seeing ancient photons from millions of years ago as dim fuzzy patches. To see spiral arms, photography is the best method.

Can we see a Black Hole?

Visual light telescopes such as the ones that we use cannot “see” a Black Hole.  By definition, Black Holes emit no visual light.  As matter falls into a Black Hole, it can form an accretion disk that emits infrared and x-ray radiation.  The Infrared is from friction and compression of material falling into the strong gravity field.  The X-Ray is from ionized plasma that is accelerated to the speed of light as it falls into the event horizon around a Black Hole.  Visible light will be obscured by the accretion disk in all directions.  What can be seen in visual light are an artifact of a Black Hole: the jets of ejected matter from the poles of the spinning accretion disk.   We have a different name for those: Quasars.  Quasars are the incandescent glow from matter that is ejected out along the poles as jets of high speed material.  It is not a view of the actual Black Hole.  Unfortunately, most of these are very dim and billions of light years away.  There are no active Black Holes nearby with jets of ejected material.

Can we see Saturn’s Rings?

Yes, even a 60mm (2.4”) telescope can do that. We use 11” or 280mm telescopes and we normally magnify Saturn 200x. We can get up to 550x but that would cut off the Moons orbiting Saturn. We get fabulous views of Saturn’s rings, Moons and delicate banding in the atmosphere.

Show us the Milky Way.

All of the stars you can see in the sky at night are part of the Milky Way galaxy that we occupy. During the summer months, Sagittarius and Scorpius are high in the sky and the core of our galaxy is in that area. The Milky Way is the bright band of hazy light running through that area. In the winter, we are looking out towards the rim of the Milky Way and the hazy band is much dimmer running through Cassiopeia and Perseus.

Why are the pictures from NASA and in Magazines so vivid and the telescope views so dim and hazy?

The Human eye is very different than a camera. Cameras can store light over time and build up an image from multiple exposures. Essentially, Photoshop and image manipulation software is used to highly enhance the images through adding together many dim hazy exposures. The human eye has to work with the light it can sense through the telescope and what we show is the truth about the sky. Only a camera can get those magazine views of deep space objects. Planets are actually subdued in color and details are fleeting and hard to see. The atmosphere blurs out fine details except for short periods of time when it is stable. We extract this fine detail in images via video methods that average together many frames of video and build up the details from averaged data. Very often, we like to use 2,000 video frames to produce a decent image of Jupiter, Mars or Saturn. The human eye cannot do this type of processing. The Human Eye is very insensitive to red light. Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the Universe emits a deep red color in nebulae. Most people see that as blue or green since the rods in our eyes are most sensitive to dim light and they are monochrome. The Cones in our eyes need lots of light to see the red.

Have Star Gaze Hawaii staff used the telescopes on Mauna Kea?

Yes, we have been to the mountain many times, but to use the telescopes, you do not go up there. 95% of the time, there is no astronomers on the mountain. Only telescope operators who live at the 9,000 foot Hale Pohaku dorms actually go up to the summit at night. The astronomer goes to Waimea or Hilo where the main control panel is located. All of the telescopes are remote controlled robots. The staff at the summit are there to fix things that break or jam. The folks calling the shots are at low altitude and warm. The summit is at 40% oxygen levels and people need to acclimatize to that to work there. There is no good reason for astronomers to do that. Remote operations can be done from anywhere in the world over the internet. Star Gaze Hawaii has participated in observing sessions for the Keck Telescopes. Some of our staff work part time for us and full time for the Keck Observatory.

Will the views through the 11-inch telescope be similar to the pictures on this website?

The short answer is no. Telescopic views of astronomical objects are dim and faded to the human eye. The vast distances (thousands to millions of light-years) to the objects dim the view due to the inverse square law of light – twice the distance, one-fourth the brightness. Our eyes evolved to adapt to bright sunlit vistas on Earth. Space is a new frontier where we need to develop tools to extend our vision into an alien Universe. Some people are disappointed with the telescopic view of deep space objects. Others expand their view of the vastness of space and our situation among the stars. Star Gaze Hawaii gives one a first-hand experience sensing the actual photons from a deep space object. Then we show you our processed images which reveal it further to your minds’ eye.

An analogy in paleontology is the discovery of a fossil bone millions of years old, which we interpret into a dinosaur. Telescopes look far into the past at light, which left stars, Nebulae, and Galaxies thousands to millions of years ago. Per my paleontology analogy, I show you a bone in the telescope and try to reveal the entire dinosaur.

I show pictures of the actual object as it would be up close. Science aware people will perceive the physics of the object by its appearance. Star Gaze Hawaii will explain in plain language what is going on in an image. Looking through a telescope with the human eye will not be comparable to a long exposure image. Astronomers use instruments such as spectrometers, CCD Cameras, multi-spectral sensors, and filters to seek out what processes are present. Knowing this data, I photograph and process my images to be a good representation of an object.

Time exposures with a camera accumulate the colors for beautiful images. If we could be closer to the objects, those colors would be visible. The vivid colors in Nebulae originate from ionized gasses excited by ultraviolet light from stars. Many of my images are 1-hour or longer exposures. Amateur astronomers learn to use averted vision to see dim details directly, with little or no color. Colors depend on each individuals’ threshold of color, which is dependent on genetics and eye health. Still, colors in Nebulae are very subjective at these distances.

Epic Tours


Mauna kea stargazing experience + free photos.

Travel by starlight to the dormant Mauna Kea volcano in Hawai’i! With our stargazer guarantee, we make sure to take you out on the nights with the most amazing shows, led by our Pro Astro-Photographer James. Book your Mauna Kea stargazing tour online today!

  • Clock 2 Hours
  • Users All Ages

Epic Tours Has Over 300+ Five-Star Reviews on Tripadvisor!

So surreal.

"Absolutely breathtaking trip! James was our guide and he couldn’t have been more knowledgeable about the constellations. He knew exactly what to do when a few clouds began to come in, and made the trip so enjoyable. There were coats available for us, and chairs too, plus our pictures turned out to be phenomenal. Such a surreal experience!"

Worth taking the trip

"Views of sunset from top of the Mauna Kea were amazing and the stargazing experience was pretty good. Leaving the difficult driving to the professionals was one of the best decisions we made in the Hawaii vacation. Also the addition of dinner and the jackets for the cold were very helpful."

Would recommend

"This tour was great! The location and times are well thought out to not be interrupted by others or even light from the moon. James is extremely knowledgeable and you can tell he really loves what he does. It was well worth waking up in the middle of the night to see the breathtaking views of the Milky Way, constellations, and planets."

Unique and well worth it

"This was just the coolest experience. James was so knowledgeable and answered everyone's questions. The entire process from start to finish was thought out with care. Everyone at home was gushing about the pictures. This tour is 100% recommended and worth every penny."

Mauna Kea Summit Adventures


Hawaii's original sunset & stargazing tour since 1983, mauna kea sunset & stargazing tour, from $273.14.

Journey to the summit of this spectacular mountain in the comfort of our 4×4 vans. Enjoy a warm, hearty meal, watch the breathtaking sunset, and stargaze at the night sky on this 7.5-8.5 hour tour.

Note : The stargazing portion of our adventure depends on natural conditions. While more than 90% of our trips offer excellent stargazing, we do not guarantee the weather in any way.

User Ages : Ages: Ages 13+ Duration: 7.5 – 8.5 hours

a person standing in front of a sunset




(mauna kea is the astonishing mountain that stands in the calm).

a man wearing a hat

Since starting this company in 1983 with an old Land Cruiser and a basket full of sweaters, my guides and I have had the privilege of guiding wonderful people like you to experience the beauty of Mauna Kea. For us, these stargazing trips aren’t just a sideline or the latest tourism product—they are our passion, our responsibility, and our pleasure.

We invite you to experience what is quite possibly the most dramatic and awe-inspiring scenery to be found anywhere, whether on or off planet Earth. Journey to the summit of this spectacular mountain in the comfort of our luxury vans, enjoy a hearty meal, witness a breathtaking sunset, and gaze at the stars in the heavens above.

E Komo Mai ! (welcome) Monte “Pat” Wright – Founder, Owner & Guide


Mauna Kea Summit Adventures logo

It was an amazing experience to get to Mauna Kea with this tour. The tour guide was friendly and very knowledgeable and knew a lot about the island and its history. When we got to the visitor center, the meal was nice. Seeing the observatories and being on the summit at 13,803' was a good experience. Stargazing, when it got dark, was very interesting. I've been to a few stargazing events before but not like doing it near the summit of Mauna Kea as the ones I've been to were on ground level. Being on top of a mountain like that and being able to do some stargazing there was a wonderful experience, felt like I was on a different planet. Overall, it was a good tour and I highly recommend it to those looking for some Hawaii island history, mountain adventure, and astronomy.

Ok, leave alone the majesty, wonder and absolutely surreal landscape, journey and scenery. That was all as amazing as you could expect. What made it the best ever was the gentleman leading the tour. Our guide was the best tour guide I've ever had the privilege of taking me on an excursion anywhere. The engaging story telling, absolutely encyclopedic knowledge of the land, the history, and the people of the region, and genuinely warm and friendly atmosphere made this the best trip of my life. Ohana means family.

We had an amazing tour to the top of Mauna Kea! Seeing the satellites up close was awe inspiring. Watching the sunset over the Big Island was very memorable. Thankfully they provide warm parkas and we had hat/gloves because it is cold and windy up there so be prepared. Then we spent almost two hours stargazing. Highly recommended.

The trip was amazing, definitely one of our favorites done in Hawaii. Everything was taken care of in every detail: our guide was friendly and knowledgeable and made the trip awesome; all the equipment provided (4X4 van, parkas, telescopes...) was perfect for us to fully enjoy the experience; the advice we received, including meeting points and helpful tips, was accurate and useful. You gave us a breathtaking sunset in a unique location. Even non-experts in astronomy like us, were able to enjoy and appreciate a starry sky we had never seen before in our lives. Highly recommended experience.

We were very glad we chose this adventure while on vacation. We had been to the big island two previous visits and had wished we had done the summit tour before. So we didn’t want to miss it on our third trip back. The view from the top was amazing and the star gazing was spectacular. The guide was very knowledgeable about the island and the astronomy facts. I would highly recommend this tour, one of our top spots during our two weeks there.

The guide was very informative. Everything was well organized. For me, it was important that company representatives were always available when I phoned. They answered all my questions prior to booking and delivered on what they promised. I would highly recommend Mauna Kea Summit Adventures!

The Mauna Kea tour was the highlight of our week on the Big Island...and I don't just mean it elevation-wise. Being at the summit was awe-inspiring. Seeing the observatories where so much research into the heart of the universe has been done was inspiring, and sunset over the ocean with the domes was gorgeous. The stargazing with the two telescopes was very interesting--we were looking at stars in the southern skies which are not visible from home. Finally, the guide was a fountain of information. He made the setting and the history come alive.

big island astronomy tour

Maunakea Stellar Explorer

This thrilling adventure is the only Big Island star tour to feature nighttime astronomical observing AND safe daytime solar viewing for ages from 5-years old! Our in-house stellar explorers are the best and most experienced in Hawaii with one having created the Mauna Kea Visitor’s Center and operated it for a decade. Others on staff have written noted articles and reviews for well-known astronomy magazines and have worked at world-class observatories.

The adventure starts with setting up a state of the art solar telescope for your viewing pleasure, your specially trained guide will let you safely watch the sun come alive in true color with vibrant solar flares, sunspots, prominences and any other current activity weather permitting.

Next, you’ll travel across Saddle Road between Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, two of the tallest and most massive volcanoes on Earth. Your National Park Service trained guide will discuss the volcanology, geology, and history of these monstrous wonders, as well as providing in-depth narration on the various lava flows and flora and fauna that you’ll be passing by.

Lastly, your guide will take you to one of our preferred locations on Mauna Kea for nighttime stargazing. You’ll observe deep sky and planetary objects through a large aperture Dobsonian telescope under one of the darkest and most pristine skies on planet Earth! Our Dobsonian telescopes are a true purist’s experience to view the night sky. Their fast focal ratio enables you to see sprawling wide field views of objects that simply aren’t possible with the types of telescopes used by other tours. Depending on what is visible in the current sky and weather permitting, you’ll observe galaxies, nebula, star clusters, planets, double star systems, the moon, and much more; all the highlights and showpiece objects like you’ve never seen before!

Afterwards, warm up with 100% Kona coffee, hot chocolate, and a delicious dessert from our local artisan baker before returning to your resort. Warm jackets provided. This tour does not visit Maunakea’s summit out of deference to Native Hawaiian concerns. Deli Style picnic dinner included.

  • Chevron down More Information

This tour picks up from hotels around the Kona area of the Big Island.

This tour lasts approximately 6 hours.

Picnic-style Lunch is included

  • Chevron down Cancellation Policy

Guests must cancel tour no less than 48 hours before tour departure for a full refund.


Adult (13+): $251.90 + taxes and fees Child (12 and under): $246.40 + taxes and fees

*Price subject to change. Please check booking calendar for up to date pricing.

Availability and Schedule:

Daily except Tuesdays

Approximate Tour Time: 3:00PM – 10:00PM *Varies depending on your hotel

Kapohokine Stellar Explorer Kona - Mauneakea Summit Landscape

Other Activities you might like:

Maunakea summit & stars.

Starting at $295.00 ⭐ Unique Experience ✅ Dinner Included

Our journey from sea level to the nearly 14,000-foot summit of Maunakea reveals the wonders and world-class clarity of the Hawaiian night sky.

Twilight Volcano and Stargazing Tour

Starting at $249.00 ✅ Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Black Sand Beach, Kona Coffee Farm and Stargazing near Maunakea

View the glowing lava inside the active volcanic crater that brightens up the night sky

Evening Volcano Explorer from Kona

Starting at $295.99 ✅ The original volcano lovers tour

Exploler Volcanoes National Park. Transportation from Kona/Waikoloa Area. powered by VELTRA

Call our local Hawaii specialists for any questions about our island tours and activities

Read the Frequently Asked Questions or send us an inquiry

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  • Mauna Kea & Stargazing Tours (6)
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big island astronomy tour

Mauna Kea & Stargazing Tours

From the slopes of Mauna Kea to the summit, there are incredible sites for viewing the night sky that is sure to leave you in awe. Hawaii Activities has a selection of Hawaii’s best stargazing tours on the Big Island. Find great deals and discounts on the best Hawaii stargazing experiences departing from Kona, Waikoloa, and Hilo. Book early as they sell out quickly!

Where can you stargaze in Hawaii?

Mauna Kea is a premier location to view the stars. The high altitude, the geographic location, and the lack of light pollution create perfect conditions for astronomical observation. There are several different types of stargazing tours in Hawaii, and all the options provide excellent opportunities to observe the Milky Way, planets, galaxies, nebula, and the moon.

The most popular tours are operated by Hawaii Forest & Trail , Mauna Kea Summit Adventures , and Nature SchoolMauna Kea Tour by Hawaiian eyes tour . They are the only tours licensed to take guests to watch the sunset at the summit of Mauna Kea and do stargazing at the Mauna Kea Visitor Center. We recommend making reservations at least 2-3 weeks in advance since they sell out quickly.

There are other fantastic stargazing tour options that take place on the slopes of Mauna Kea or Mauna Loa mountains, or at remote areas along Saddle Rd. They all provide excellent conditions for observing stars, planets, and galaxies.

What are the advantages of doing a stargazing tour on the slopes of Mauna Kea compared to at the Mauna Kea Visitor Center?

Here are some advantages of stargazing from the slopes of Mauna Kea compared to the visitor center near the summit:

• Family Friendly - Due to lower altitude, kids younger than 16 years old can join the tour.

• More Affordable & Easier to Find Last Minute Availability.

• Premier Location - Secluded spots on the slopes of Mauna Kea.

• Small Group Tours - Skip the crowds of Mauna Kea Visitor Center.

• Kapohokine Mauna Kea Stellar Explorer combines both daytime solar viewing and nighttime astronomical observing. It is also the most family friendly stargazing tour in regards to age restrictions.

• Epic Tours Mauna Kea Stargazing Experience + Free Photos specializes in night photography and the guides are also astro-photographer experts. You can learn how to take memorable pictures of the Milky Way.

Do you have any tours that combine Volcano Sightseeing and Stargazing on the same day?

Kilauea Volcano Private Tour, Black Sand Beach, Petroglyphs & Stargazing by Big Island Backroads Adventure and Wasabi Tours Twilight Volcano & Stargazing Tour are two great options that will take you to explore Volcanoes National Park top attractions and the recent 2018 eruptions sights. At the end of the tour, they stop along Saddle Road for a 20 - 30 minute stargazing experience with telescopes.

When is the best time to go on a stargazing tour?

Stargazing is great year-round in Hawaii, although the weather can be unpredictable. For the most superb conditions, try and book your tour for a New Moon night (moonless night). Try using a lunar calendar to select your tour date and book as early in advance as possible to get the best tour.

Can we go into the observatories at the Mauna Kea summit?

The Mauna Kea observatories are used exclusively for Astro scientific research, especially at night, and are rarely open to the general public. However, if you choose to go on one of the summit sunset or sunrise tours, you’ll have some free time to walk around and see the massive observatories from the outside. Just after the sunset you can also watch the domes of the observatories open and rotate as the astronomers inside are setting the telescopes for their research.

Top-Rated Activities for Big Island

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Mauna Kea Summit Adventures Sunset & Stargazing Guided Tour with Transportation

From usd 286.00.

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Legends of Hawaii Luau Dinner Show with Open Bar at Hilton Waikoloa Village

From usd 201.50.

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Waipio Shuttle - An Exceptional Guided Sightseeing Tour of Waipio Valley

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Dolphin Quest Hawaii - Dolphin Swim & Encounter at Hilton Waikoloa Village

From usd 240.84.

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Mauna Kea Summit Sunset & Stargazing Tour with Meal, Transportation & Guide

From usd 260.00.

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Hawaii Manta Ray Sunset & Night Time Snorkel Experience from Kona - Iruka

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Island Breeze Big Island Kona Luau at King Kamehameha Hotel with Open Bar

From usd 183.25.

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Kailua-Kona Sunset Cocktail with Free Drinks - Honi Olani Catamaran

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Deluxe Big Island ATV Tour & Waterfall Swim at Umauma Falls

From usd 227.23.

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Kona Sunset Dinner Cruise to Kealakekua Bay with Live Entertainment | Body Glove

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Mauna Loa Helicopter Private Big Island Tour - Doors On & Off Flights from Kona

From usd 639.00.

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Deluxe Captain Cook Snorkeling Tour at Kealakekua Bay - Fair Wind Cruises

From usd 128.32.

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Big Island Spectacular Circle Island Helicopter Flight with Landing Option

From usd 699.00.

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Hawaii Zipline Tours - Big Island Waterfall & Rainforest Zip Adventure

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Hawaii Glass Bottom Boat Scenic Cruise from Waikoloa | Kids 0-5 Ride for Free

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Kohala Coast Private Catamaran Charter & Snorkel Tour - Big Island Shaka

From usd 1,101.58.

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Ocean Sports Kohala Coast Snorkel Cruise with Lunch and Open Bar

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Oceanfront Royal Kona Luau with Open Bar - Voyagers of the Pacific Show

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Spirit of Aloha Waikoloa Sunset Cruise with FREE Cocktails - Hawaii Nautical

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Mauna Kea Stargazing Tour Experience with Free Professional Photos - Epic Tours

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Latest reviews of Mauna Kea & Stargazing Tours

Lots to see.

Your in the bus for a long rides but the sights are all beautiful!

All day event

A really well planned day, we really wanted to stargaze so was super happy we got the day tour + the evening

Unforgettable experience

Todd, our guide, was great. Great driving up the steep dirt road. Great info about the geology, topography, observatories, constellations and more. Engaging, informative. All the other details too - nice sandwich, ho ... more t beverage and clothing for the cold. Did I forget to mention the views? Fantastic views of the sun setting into the Pacific and a clear night sky.

God’s amazing creativity seen through volcanic activity and celestial bodies. Truly an experience you won’t forget. Maka was the best. Very knowledgeable and friendly. Be forewarned that if you have altitude problems, y ... more ou may fell icky at the summit. Take it slowly. You’ll fell better when you descend.

Nice experience

Guide was very informative and friendly. I recommend this trip.

Exceeded our wildest expectations

I'm embarrassed to say that I balked a little at first at the cost of this tour. Let me tell you, 15 minutes into the tour it felt like a total bargain. The van was super comfortable and clean. We were running a lit ... more tle late and the tour guide called us to make sure we were going to make it. He was kind and understanding. Our guide's make was Kea. He was the best guide of any tour I've taken in thirty years. So much local knowledge, and very generous with his experience and expertise. He made everyone on the trip feel like an individual. Also, he's hilarious. The stargazing was simply mind blowing. It was like looking into deep space for nearly two hours. We lost count is the shooting stars after 15. Kea was also very knowledgeable about the stars and the telescope we used was amazing. We saw nebulas, globular clusters, binary stars, and more. After a long day, full bellies, and stargazing it was a real relief to have someone else driving us down the dark mountain. I'll wrap things up by thanking our guide one more time. The quality of this tour really felt like it came from the quality of the person who shared his knowledge with us.

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big island astronomy tour

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big island astronomy tour

Mauna Kea Sunrise Sunset & Stars

Mauna Kea Stargazing

The most epic experience on Hawaii’s Big Island

The breathtaking view you'll never forget.

Watch an amazing Sunrise/Sunset from the summit of Mauna Kea, nearly 14,000 ft. above the Pacific Ocean. Located in the center of Hawai’i Island, Mauna Kea has an unobstructed view of the horizon and offers a breathtaking vista that is hard to match. This view, coupled with its famous clear skies and dry crisp air, creates the perfect condition for absolutely stunning scenery.

My God, it's full of stars!

Mauna Kea is also known as one of the best stargazing spots in the world for its air clarity and total darkness. Our tours include ample time to explore the amazing star-filled night sky from where ancient Hawaiians believed the earth meets the universe.

Please note;

  • Our tours do not include meals. We provide light snacks.
  • Please bring warm clothes to wear under the provided parka. Read the FAQ to learn more about our Mauna Kea Tours.
  • We strongly encourage you to bring water. Staying hydrated can help you reduce the risk of altitude sickness.
  • You will be standing outside for roughly an hour while stargazing. If you have difficulty standing, please let us know in advance.
  • Gratuity is not included in the tour price but tips are greatly appreciated.

*Children 12 or younger are not allowed on our tours due to the high altitude. Seniors 81 or older may only participate in our Private Charter Tours for our guides to be more attentive to their health during the tour. **If the number of participants does not reach 3 by 24 hours before the tour departs, the tour will be canceled. Customers who have already applied will have the option to pay the difference to avoid cancellation.

3 convenient locations to catch your tour van

We provide 3 convenient pickup points in Kailua-Kona, Waikoloa Beach Resort, and Onizuka Visitor Center. Select an ideal location according to where you are staying or your activity of the day.

Don’t have a car? Or just don’t feel like driving? No worries! We can pick you up at major hotels and condos on the west side of the island. (Subject to an additional fee)

E Ola Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea is one of the most sacred sites for native Hawaiians and the Hawaiian culture. We are dedicated to promoting a deep appreciation of and respect for the natural beauty, culture, people, and history of Mauna Kea and Hawaiʻi Island. E Ola Mauna Kea – Let Mauna Kea Live!

We continue to receive and pass on the traditional teachings of Kumu Kaela Ching , our exclusive advisor to the Hawaiian culture.

Kumu Keala Ching

Tours operated by Taikobo Hawaii, Inc.

Taikobo Hawaii, Inc. has been providing guided tours to the summit of Mauna Kea since 1983 as well as other famous tourist destinations on the Big Island of Hawaii. We are one of the few companies that are officially authorized by Center for Maunakea Stewardship (part of the University of Hawaii at Hilo) to conduct commercial tours in this Hawaiian sanctuary.

We are dedicated to promoting a deep appreciation and respect for the natural beauty, culture, and history of the Big Island of Hawaii and the Hawaiian People by providing a variety of safe, enjoyable, and educational tours to visitors from all over the world, and by focusing company resources on the development of hospitable and knowledgeable guides and safe and comfortable tour vehicles.

big island astronomy tour

Book Our Private Airport Shuttle and Get $10 Off Our Mauna Kea Tours

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Observatory in Big Island

Are you interested in astronomy? Many people love to see stars, galaxies, and the beautiful world above the sky, but they weren't getting any opportunity to observe carefully. But, Hawaii gives you this most significant chance of stargazing and feel above the world with its Big Island observatory tour. The Maunkea Observations has recently allowed local residents of Hawaii to come and observe everything being at the top of the highest mountain of Hawaii. It’s a treat for astronomy lovers because they can see the culture closely with telescopes. But going for, such a hilarious adventure need a lot of knowledge. This post has some things that you must know before setting off.

Things to know for Big Island observatory tour

You can drive anytime to the summit in your car if the weather is clear. Also, your vehicle must be appropriate for this journey. Some things that you should follow during Big Island observatory tour are:

1. Stop at the visitor station

Though you want to reach there as soon as possible but stop at the visitor's station for 30minutes. This is for acclimatizing the changing altitude. The summit is about 4250 m above, which can cause health risks like breathing problem and much more. It can be avoided with stops.

2. You should have to come back after sunset

At the summit, people taking telescopes with them are returned to home after sunset. So, if you are visiting the mountain, come back early.

3. Dress warm and comfortably

You may think that it's a natural temperature, but once after the sunset, the temperature goes down. For protecting yourself in this extreme weather bring your warm clothes and a lot of snacks.

4. Take care of weather

Most of the time, the road towards the summit is closed, and visitors are sent back because of bad weather. If you are going for this tour, try to check the weather report first for a better journey.

These are some facts that you must know during Big Island observatory tour. If you want us to help you on this tour, contact us, we are ready to help you.

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University of Hawaii at Hilo Center for Maunakea Stewardship

Visitor Information

Maunakea Visitor Information Station

The Onizuka Center for International Astronomy Visitor Information Station ( VIS ) is located on the Maunakea Access Road at 19°45'33"N Latitude, 155°27′22″W Longitude, and 9,200ft (2,804m) Elevation. Take the Daniel K Inouye Highway (Saddle Road) and turn onto Maunakea Access Road (Milepost 28). For accurate GPS directions, search for Onizuka Center for International Astronomy .

Daily hours: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

VIS Phone: (808) 934-4550

Google Maps link

The Visitor Information Center is located below Hale Pohaku on Maunakea

See Visiting Maunakea Safely and Responsibly for important safety information. Due to the hazards of altitude sickness, pregnant women, persons in poor health, and children under 13 should not venture above the Visitor Information Station. Drivers are required to use 4-wheel drive vehicles above the VIS because the road to the summit is unpaved, rough, and quite steep. Those traveling to the summit should always use 4WD Low Range to reduce brake failure and overheating. It is recommended to have at least 1/2 a tank of gas before proceeding to the summit. Make sure your vehicle and any items taken to Maunakea are clean to prevent the spread of invasive species.

Things to do at VIS

A shirt that is available at the Fist Light store

  • Star-gazing
  • Short hiking routes around VIS

VIS First Light Store (and the online E-Store ) has souvenirs related to Maunakea. The newly renovated parking areas provide a safe place to acclimate before going up to the summit.

Summit Access Road conditions: Maunakea weather varies widely and sometimes very quickly. The latest road and weather information are available at the upper right corner of this page.

Kamaʻāina Observatory Experience: The Kama‘āina Observatory Experience is currently suspended due to COVID 19. When it is in operation, it is a monthly community event that welcomes Hawaiʻi residents to the science reserve atop Maunakea to see world-class telescopes and learn about the cultural and environmental importance of the mountain. For more information about the event or to reserve a spot for an upcoming tour,

call ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center at (808) 969-9703.

A student looking into a telescope at the VIS

Your generous, tax deductible donations allow us to make all of these free programs possible, including all of the telescopes used in our free nightly stargazing programs!

Online donations:

Give Online

Mail donations:

Please make checks payable to:

UH Foundation #12045164 Maunakea Observatories Visitor Program

and mail to:

Maunakea Shared Services 640 North Aʻohoku Place Hilo, HI 96720-5108

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Big Island Stargazing Tours

Big Island Stargazing Tours

Stargazing activities.

John Derrick

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If you’re looking for the best stargazing in the world, look no further than Big Island. Take a guided tour of the massive Mauna Kea- the world’s tallest mountain from base to summit- and be prepared to be amazed. Learn about its significance to native Hawaiians, astronomers, and visitors from around the world. Gaze in wonder as the sun sinks below the horizon and the sky sparkles and shares its magic with you- truly awe-inspiring!

— article continued below —

Recommended Big Island Tours

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big island astronomy tour

Visiting Mauna Kea Observatories

big island astronomy tour


An Introduction to the 13 Observatories on Mauna Kea

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The Institute for Astronomy at the U of Hawaii

Tune in to hawaii public radio stargazer program.

Mauna Kea Observatory

Go Stargazing at the top of Mauna Kea

Mauna Kea is the tallest sea mountain in the world, offering unprecedented views of the heavens above. So get ready for some stargazing like you’ve never seen before.

big island astronomy tour

Polynesian Voyaging and Wayfinding

Polynesian Voyaging was a nearly lost art and science that has been revived in recent years

big island astronomy tour

Mauna Kea Safety

Mauna Kea is the highest point in the state of Hawaii, that’s why it’s so important to stay safe and take every precaution before venturing up the summit.

big island astronomy tour

Mauna Kea: A Portal to the Universe

A highly regarded scientific site, Mauna Kea is one of the world’s most important astronomical research centers, allowing mankind a portal to see the Universe.

big island astronomy tour

Learn about the Flora & Fauna on Mauna Kea

The alpine environment that lies below Mauna Kea is home to startlingly unique and ruggedly-beautiful flora and fauna that you can’t find anywhere else.

big island astronomy tour

Hiking on Mauna Kea

There are two major hikes on Mauna Kea that attract most hikers: The full Mauna Kea Summit Trail and a shorter hike to Lake Waiau, both are amazing.

big island astronomy tour

Hawaiian Culture and Connection to Mauna Kea

Also known as Mauna O Wakea, or Mountain of the Sky Father, Mauna Kea, the White Mountain is an important cultural site.

Mauna Kea Summit Adventures

Offering a well-rounded tour experience that takes you to the top of the Big Island’s greatest geologic feature, Mauna Kea Summit Adventures makes reaching the summit easy.

Dining Options for Mauna Kea Summit

For all its splendor, Mauna Kea is a remote location without basic amenities like food and gas, so you will want to fill up and stock up before you go.

big island astronomy tour

The Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii is one of the world’s most influential and impactful astronomical research centers.

A brief, entertaining look at the world of astronomy, the Stargazer Radio Program is an excellent listen for astronomy buffs and lay people alike.

big island astronomy tour

More than 11 countries, non-profit institutions, and scientific cooperatives have established, funded, and maintained 13 telescopes atop Mauna Kea.

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  1. Go Stargazing at the top of Mauna Kea

    big island astronomy tour

  2. Astronomy thrives on Big Island’s Maunakea thanks to the mountain’s

    big island astronomy tour

  3. Big Island Stargazing Tour

    big island astronomy tour

  4. Visiting Mauna Kea Observatories

    big island astronomy tour

  5. Big Island Stargazing Tours, Star Gaze Hawaii

    big island astronomy tour

  6. Big Island Twilight Volcano and Stargazing Tour

    big island astronomy tour


  1. Big Astronomy Planetarium Show

  2. 4 Hours @ Big Sky Resort


  1. Stargazing and How to Visit MaunaKea: Stargazing Tours

    A stargazing journey from sea level to the nearly 14,000 foot summit of Maunakea reveals the wonders and world-class clarity of the Hawaiian night sky. This tour lets you see the sunset among some of the world's best telescopes and then takes you for a private star show at 9000 ft. with an 11" Celestron telescope.


    The Big Island of Hawaiʻi Stargazing Tour is a unique experience that offers visitors unparalleled views of the stars. On a clear night, the Milky Way is visible in all its glory, and the vast array of stars and planets is on display. The tour also provides a fascinating introduction to the science of stargazing, making it a perfect activity ...

  3. Stargazing Big Island, Tours by Star Gaze Hawaii

    The island's best stargazing is actually at sea level with finely-tuned telescopes and highly-trained astronomers. That's right! You'll get better views with us near the beach than with a tour on Mauna Kea. Join us at Westin Hapuna Beach Resort 62-100 Kauna'oa Drive Waimea, HI 96743.

  4. Big Island Stargazing Tours, Star Gaze Hawaii

    The Kohala Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii has unique geographic topology that allows world class stargazing-sub-arc-second viewing-from Sea Level. 1 arc-second is 1/3,600 of one degree of angle. In most places on this planet, due to turbulence in the air, stars will be 2-3 arc-seconds in diameter.

  5. Epic! Tours

    Mauna Kea Stargazing Experience + Free Photos. From $259. Travel by starlight to the dormant Mauna Kea volcano in Hawai'i! With our stargazer guarantee, we make sure to take you out on the nights with the most amazing shows, led by our Pro Astro-Photographer James. Book your Mauna Kea stargazing tour online today! Learn More.

  6. Mauna Kea Summit Adventures

    Trip Includes: This 7.5-8.5 hour excursion includes Arctic style parkas with hoods, a hearty and hot supper, gourmet hot beverages and convenient pick-up points. * natural conditions permitting. Call (888) 322-2366 today to book your reservation. Established in 1983, we invite you to experience breathtaking sunsets & gaze at the heavens above.

  7. Mauna Kea Summit Adventures Sunset & Stargazing Guided Tour with

    This sunset and stargazing tour is unlike any other Big Island tour! Tour Highlights; Sunset at the summit: The most dramatic spectacle in Hawaii! ... The Big Island also has state regulations to limit light pollution so that stargazers and astronomers alike can see even more of the vast universe. These ideal conditions are the reason Mauna Kea ...

  8. Mauna Kea Evening Stargazing & Daytime Solar Viewing Tour with Dinner

    Experience the only Mauna Kea stargazing tour on the Big Island that includes daytime solar viewing. Departing from both Kona and Hilo, enjoy a delicious dinner before looking up into Hawaii skies with high-powered telescopes to see the sun & stars.

  9. Mauna Kea Summit and Stars

    Tour Summary: A stargazing journey from sea level to the nearly 14,000 foot summit of Maunakea reveals the wonders and world-class clarity of the Hawaiian night sky. This tour lets you see the sunset among some of the world's best telescopes and then takes you for a private star show at 9000 ft. with an 11" Celestron telescope.

  10. Maunakea Stargazing Tour from Kona, Big Island

    Maunakea Stellar Explorer. This thrilling adventure is the only Big Island star tour to feature nighttime astronomical observing AND safe daytime solar viewing for ages from 5-years old! Our in-house stellar explorers are the best and most experienced in Hawaii with one having created the Mauna Kea Visitor's Center and operated it for a decade.

  11. Mauna Kea Summit & Observatory, Big Island of Hawaii

    from. $269.00. Likely to Sell Out. Mauna Kea Summit and Stars Small-Group Adventure Tour. 1,253. Experience big skies and incredible nighttime views on this Mauna Kea stargazing trip with a small group. Experience a warm pre-trip picnic, proceeded by a ride in a 4x4 luxury van to the summit of the Big Island's tallest peak.

  12. Stargazing Tours

    Hawaii Zipline Tours - Big Island Waterfall & Rainforest Zip Adventure. USD 218.80. (62) 13. Mauna Loa Helicopter Private Big Island Tour - Doors On & Off Flights from Kona. From USD 639.00. 14. Kohala Coast Private Catamaran Charter & Snorkel Tour - Big Island Shaka.

  13. Mauna Kea Sunrise Sunset & Stargazing Tours

    Watch an amazing Sunrise/Sunset from the summit of Mauna Kea, nearly 14,000 ft. above the Pacific Ocean. Located in the center of Hawai'i Island, Mauna Kea has an unobstructed view of the horizon and offers a breathtaking vista that is hard to match. This view, coupled with its famous clear skies and dry crisp air, creates the perfect ...

  14. Big Island Stargazing Tours

    Unleash your spirit of adventure and uncover the wonders of the Big Island of Hawaii beyond stargazing with our thrilling array of adventure, volcano, sightseeing, helicopter, hiking, unique, and horseback tours. Get your adrenaline pumping with zip-lining, kayaking, and off-road expeditions on our adventure tours, or witness the raw power of ...

  15. Big Island Stargazing: Everything You Should Know

    Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, both located on the Big Island, are the two highest peaks in the Hawaiian island chain. In the Hawaiian language, their names mean "white mountain" and "long mountain", respectively. With its elevation alone, it's not hard to understand why the most advanced telescopes on the planet are placed on Mauna Kea.


    Sunset and Stargazing Tour. Spend a memorable night gazing into a clear, starry sky with unbeatable visibility from Hawaiʻi's tallest mountain. Watch the sun go down, and the stars come out from the pristine peaks of Mauna Kea. Unwind while glimpsing another golden sunset from the summit. As the evening sets in, guests will dine outdoors on ...

  17. Big Island observatory tour in Hawaii

    But, Hawaii gives you this most significant chance of stargazing and feel above the world with its Big Island observatory tour. The Maunkea Observations has recently allowed local residents of Hawaii to come and observe everything being at the top of the highest mountain of Hawaii. It's a treat for astronomy lovers because they can see the ...

  18. Maunakea Visitor Information Station

    Maunakea Visitor Information Station. The Onizuka Center for International Astronomy Visitor Information Station (VIS) is located on the Maunakea Access Road at 19°45'33"N Latitude, 155°27′22″W Longitude, and 9,200ft (2,804m) Elevation.Take the Daniel K Inouye Highway (Saddle Road) and turn onto Maunakea Access Road (Milepost 28). For accurate GPS directions, search for Onizuka Center ...

  19. Stargazing Tours To Do

    Big Island Stargazing Tours. If you're looking for the best stargazing in the world, look no further than Big Island. Take a guided tour of the massive Mauna Kea- the world's tallest mountain from base to summit- and be prepared to be amazed. Learn about its significance to native Hawaiians, astronomers, and visitors from around the world.

  20. Visiting Mauna Kea Observatories

    Visiting Mauna Kea ObservatoriesAtop the island's highest mountain, leading scientists from around the world have been conducting crucial research into the stars. Mauna Kea is crowned with multinational research facilities and observatories, studying the origins of the universe, and tracking unknown objects in the night sky. On a still awe-inspiring, but smaller scale, the Mauna Kea ...

  21. 1-Hour Stargazing Experience at Sea Level

    Tour Highlights: Comfortable stargazing done at tropical temperatures. Well-priced 1-hour guided tour of the sky. Low altitude at a resort with full amenities. Excellent after dinner activity. Plain English spoken with pictures provided on iPads to help to explain Astronomy concepts. Constellations traced in the sky with a green laser pointer.


    EXPLORE THE SPECTACULAR WONDERS OF HAWAII'S BIG ISLAND. (475 Reviews) Experience the majestic beauty of Hawaii's Big Island on an incredible Twilight Volcano and Stargazing Tour. Discover some of the most spectacular natural wonders of Kona, including a wonderful farm, Volcanoes National Park, and a rare black sand beach.

  23. Maunakea Observatories

    Mauna Kea ("White Mountain") is a dormant volcano on the island of Hawaii, the largest and southernmost of the Hawaiian Islands. It is located about 300 km (190 miles) from Honolulu, which lies on the island of Oahu. The highest point in the Pacific Basin, and the highest island-mountain in the world, Mauna Kea rises 9,750 meters (32,000 ft ...