distance en voiture

Itinéraire Tours - Vierzon en voiture, Péage

La distance entre Tours et Vierzon est de 129 km . Le temps de trajet est de 1 heure et 18 minutes .

Le coût du voyage de Tours à Vierzon est de 30.4 € (17.4 € coût de l'essence, 13 € coût du péage).

tours vierzon km

Directions de conduite entre Tours et Vierzon

Combien coûte le voyage de tours à vierzon en voiture .

Le voyage avec de l'essence coûte 17.4 € et le péage est de 13 € . Le coût total de Tours à Vierzon est de 30.4 € (17.4 € carburant + 13 € péage). Dans le calcul ci-dessus, le prix de l'essence est considéré comme étant de 1.8 € par litre et la consommation de carburant de la voiture est 7.5 lt/100km . Coût du voyage = Coût du carburant + Péages = 17.4 € + 13 € = 30.4 € Coût du carburant = 17.4 € Plus en détail: Carburant nécessaire = Distance * Consommation de carburant de la voiture = 128.88 km x 7.5 lt/100km = 9.67 lt Coût du carburant = Carburant nécessaire x Prix au litre = 9.67 lt x 1.8 €/lt = 17.4 €

Avec le diesel comme carburant , le coût du carburant est de 10.21 € et le péage est de 13 € . Le coût total de Tours à Vierzon est de 23.21 € (10.21 € carburant + 13 € péage). Dans le calcul ci-dessus, le prix du diesel est considéré comme étant de 1.76 € par litre et la consommation de carburant de la voiture est 4.5 l/100 km .

Comment aller de Tours à Vierzon ?

Il y a deux itinéraires suggérés de Tours à Vierzon . L'itinéraire le plus rapide est de 129 km et sa durée est de 1 heure et 18 minutes . Le trajet entre Tours et Vierzon coûte 30.4 € (17.4 € coût du carburant, 13 € péage) en voiture. Le deuxième itinéraire est de 116 km et sa durée est de 1 heure et 45 minutes.

DistanceEnVoiture vous fournit les informations pour préparer votre voyage de Tours à Vierzon en voiture ou en moto. Il offre des itinéraires alternatifs que vous pouvez suivre pour aller de Tours à Vierzon. Il fournit des indications routières de Tours à Vierzon, c'est-à-dire où tourner et quand, la distance de l'itinéraire Tours - Vierzon, le temps de trajet de Tours à Vierzon, l'affichage de l'itinéraire sur la carte, le coût du carburant de Tours à Vierzon et le coût du péage de Tours à Vierzon.

Dans le cas où vous partagez le voyage (covoiturage) de Tours à Vierzon avec d'autres personnes ou des amis, DistanceEnVoiture fournit le coût du voyage et le montant que chaque passager devra payer.

Pour les conducteurs de camions et d'autobus, DistanceEnVoiture fournit des informations sur la distance de l'itinéraire, les coûts des péages et les coûts du carburant avec les paramètres appropriés. Attention, il est possible que les itinéraires suggérés contiennent des routes interdites aux véhicules lourds (par exemple, centres-villes, limite de poids des véhicules, routes étroites).

Quel est le prix du péage de Tours à Vierzon ?

Le coût des péages de Paris à Lyon pour la voiture est de 13 € . Plus précisément, les péages que votre véhicule rencontrera sont (vous ne paierez pas à tous les péages): Peage De Veigne : (péage d'entrée, pas de paiement) , Peage De Vierzon Nord : 13.00 € (péage de sortie)

Le système de péage est de deux types : ouvert et fermé . Dans le système ouvert, on paie à chaque péage , tandis que le système fermé est proportionnel et dépend des kilomètres parcourus. Dans le système fermé, il y a un péage d'entrée et un péage de sortie où le conducteur paie le coût des péages. Sur les bus – camions à 2 essieux (classe 3), le coût du péage de Tours à Vierzon est de 33.3 €. Pour les camions, 3 essieux et plus(classe 4), le coût du péage de Tours à Vierzon est de 42.2 €.

Classification des véhicules

  • Classe 1 (Véhicules légers): Hauteur inférieure ou égale à 2m et PTAC inférieur ou égal à 3,5t
  • Classe 2 (Véhicules intermédiaires): Hauteur inférieure à 3m et supérieure à 2m et PTAC inférieur ou égal à 3,5t
  • Classe 3 (Poids lourds, autocars et autres véhicules à 2 essieux ): Hauteur supérieure ou égale à 3m ou PTAC supérieur à 3,5t
  • Classe 4 (Poids lourds, autocars et autres véhicules à 3 essieux et plus ): Hauteur supérieure ou égale à 3m ou PTAC supérieur à 3,5t
  • Classe 5 (Motos, side-cars, tricycles et quadricycles à moteur)

Quel est l'itinéraire le plus économique de Tours à Vierzon ?

L'itinéraire le plus économique de Tours à Vierzon est le deuxième itinéraire recommandé (116km, 1h 45min) avec un coût total de 15.7 € (0 € de péage, 15.7 € de carburant).

L'itinéraire le plus coûteux de Tours à Vierzon est le premier itinéraire recommandé (129km, 1h 18min) avec un coût total de 30.4 € (13 € de péage, 17.4 € de carburant).

Prendre l'itinéraire le plus économique n'est généralement pas l'option la plus sûre (virages de la route, mauvaises conditions routières), surtout si l'itinéraire est hors autoroute (sans séparateur central).

Combien coûte le voyage, de Tours à Vierzon, en covoiturage(carpooling)?

Pour l'essence comme carburant , ce qui suit s'applique. Pour un passager le coût est de 30.4 € (17.4 € carburant + 13 € péage). Pour ce trajet avec 2 passagers en covoiturage, le coût est de 15.2 € (30.4/2) par personne. Pour 3 passagers covoiturant pour ce trajet, le coût est de 10.13 € (30.4/3) par personne. Pour 4 passagers covoiturant pour ce trajet, le coût est de 7.6 € (30.4/4) par personne.

Pour diesel comme carburant , ce qui suit s'applique. Pour un passager le coût est de 23.21 € (10.21 € carburant + 13 € péage). Pour ce trajet avec 2 passagers en covoiturage , le coût est de 11.61 € (23.21/2 ) par personne. Pour 3 passagers covoiturant pour ce trajet, le coût est de 7.74 € (23.21/3) par personne. Pour 4 passagers covoiturant pour ce trajet, le coût est de 5.8 € (23.21/4) par personne.

Où se trouve Tours?

Tours est située dans le département de l'Indre-et-Loire . Elle se trouve à une altitude de 52 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer. Tours a pour coordonnées 47.3941440 o , 0.6848400 o . DistanceEnVoiture fournit la carte de Tours à partir de laquelle vous pouvez planifier votre voyage vers d'autres villes françaises.

Quelle est la position de Vierzon?

Vierzon est située dans le département du Cher , à une altitude de 107 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer, avec pour coordonnées 47.2214380 o ,2.0697910 o . DistanceEnVoiture met à disposition la carte de Vierzon , que vous pouvez utiliser pour planifier votre voyage vers d'autres villes françaises.


Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Cher

Vierzon - Tourism, holidays & weekends guide in the Cher

Crossroads of communication, Vierzon invites you to take a break on the road of your holidays or for family reunions. So only 2 hours from Paris, ready for a discovery time of a stage, a weekend or a stay?

Bathed by the waters of Cher and Yèvre, Vierzon is nestled between the natural regions of Sologne , Berry Champagne and the Cher Valley.

The Berry Canal , witness of industrial activity, invites you to relax.

Industrial heritage is part of the territory's DNA. Vierzon, immortalized by Jacques Brel in his song Vesoul, rhymes with tractors and porcelain.

Former prehistoric station, a flint cutting workshop was found along the Cher to Bellon. The city was probably one of twenty cities destroyed by Vercingetorix during the siege of Avaricum by Caesar. After the conquest, it was certainly a Gallo-Roman oppidum, defense point at the western entrance of Berry, established on a hill, exposed to the south, watching the confluence of Yèvre and Cher and protected by the forest and the Sologne to the north. A Merovingian castle took its place, then the Normans fortified themselves on the feudal mound. They became lords of Vierzon and the city grew within ramparts to the west of the castle. The English (Richard Lionheart in 1196, then the Black Prince) set fire to the city and the castle. Du Guesclin expelled the English in 1370 and returned Vierzon to the French crown. It then became one of the supply centers of the armies of Joan of Arc.

Vierzon suffered the wars of religion, but remained a Catholic. The revolution of 1789 did not bring great tremors, but Vierzon then largely paid its tribute to modern wars. In 1870-71, the vanguard of the Ulhans crossed the city but retreated quickly. If Vierzon was spared from the 1914-18 war, it was hard hit by the 1939-45 war. The dividing line cut the city in two and as a result of violent bombing destroyed the seventh of the city, which once again rose from its ruins.

Until 1779 Vierzon lived from trade and craft, then came the time of industrialization. The iron work marks the beginning of the industrialization of Vierzon. In 1779, the Count of Artois, future Charles X, creates on the edge of the Yèvre a forge with foundry and blast furnaces. It benefits from the old iron and steel know-how of the Berry and the ore conveyed by the Cher and the Berry canal (1830). The presence of refractory clay promotes the birth of a porcelain activity from 1816. The tradition of fire arts continues with the creation of two glassworks in 1860 and 1874, which will exist until 1957.

It is in 1847 that Célestin Gérard settles in Vierzon. His small workshop in front of the station will become the "French Society of Agricultural and Industrial Equipment". A synergy is set up; the reputation of the "French" attracts captains of industry. In the early twentieth century, the capital of agricultural machinery has several firms of threshing machines and locomobiles including Brouhot, Merlin, La Vierzonnaise and the French. These machines are sold all over the world. In 1959, the American company CASE bought SFMAI and the production of public works equipment gradually replaced that of agricultural equipment.

The industrial development of the city is accompanied in the nineteenth century by a rise in workers' demands for better working conditions and remuneration. The workers' movement became very important at the beginning of the Third Republic, particularly under the decisive impulse of Edouard Vaillant who returned to his hometown after an exile more than ten years after his participation in the insurrection of the Commune de Paris in 1871 for which he was sentenced to death in absentia.

Geographical information

Nearest cities & towns, things to see and do.

  • Medieval Quarter: Museum of Ovens Ovens:
  • Remains of two banal furnaces of the 15th century, unique in the Center-Val de Loire region.
  • Presentation of the medieval history of Vierzon with a model of the city in the Middle Ages. Statues of the four Evangelical Saints, in polychrome wood, from the 15th century, classified as a Historic Monument. Remains discovered during excavations: top of the tomb, female statue... Presentation of the two restored clocks of the Belfry (15th and 19th centuries).
  • Address: 7 rue du Château.
  • Open in summer, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 15h to 18h. The rest of the year, by appointment.
  • Information: Culture Service: +33 2 48 52 65 45.
  • Guided tours: Tourist Office: +33 2 48 53 09 32.
  • Belfry, 12th century:
  • Formerly the gateway between the seigniorial castle and the medieval city, this building also served as a prison and a night sanctuary in the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • Beautiful Renaissance mullion window in front.
  • Not visitable from the inside.
  • Address: Castle Street.
  • Notre-Dame Church:
  • First stone church built in the 12th century corresponding to the current nave. Bell tower added in the 13th century. North and South aisles added in the 15th century.
  • Classic Grand'Orgue restored in the twentieth century.
  • Stained glass window of the fifteenth century crucifixion, listed as a Historic Monument.
  • Chapel of St. Perpetua, Patron Saint of Vierzon.
  • Painting by Jean Boucher, berruyer painter, representing Jean-Baptiste, early 17th century, restored in 2000 and listed as a Historic Monument.
  • Beautiful eighteenth century movables restored and classified as a historical monument: pulpit and work bench.
  • Baptismal basin of the eleventh century.
  • Guided tour by appointment: Tourist Office: +33 2 48 53 09 32.
  • Lucien Beaufrère Square:
  • Art Deco style garden listed as a Historic Monument, built between 1932 and 1935 by the statuary architect Eugene Henry Karcher. It consists of a pacifist war memorial, a basin, grilles of peace in ironwork, an exedra with benches for rest and pilasters surmounted by skylights.
  • One of the first public gardens to welcome electricity.
  • At the entrance: a kiosk-wash.
  • In the extension, the romantic garden consists of various tree species from five continents (American redwood, cedar, horse chestnut, field elm).
  • Address: Place Fernand Micouraud.
  • French Society Website:
  • Esplanade la Française, highlighting the restored façades of the former Halles de Fonderie of the Société Française, manufacturer of agricultural equipment (Listed Historical Monument).
  • Gardens of the French.
  • Facade of the dwelling house of Célestin Gérard.
  • Gateway formerly connecting the workshops.
  • Museum of Vierzon:
  • Address: 11 Rue de la Société Française.
  • Free admission.
  • Tel. : +33 2 48 71 10 94.
  • From October 1st to April 30th: from Tuesday to Friday, from 2pm to 5:30 pm and Saturday, from 10am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5:30 pm. From May 2nd to September 30th: from Tuesday to Friday, from 14h to 18h, Saturday, from 10h to 12h and from 14h to 18h, Sunday, from 14h to 18h. Closed in January and February.
  • Guided tours of Vierzon:
  • By reservation at the Tourist Office on +33 2 48 53 09 32 or by email: [email protected]
  • Tourist tours on request at the Tourist Office on +33 2 48 53 06 45 or by mail: [email protected]
  • Heritage interpretation circuits: 25 stations to discover Vierzon and its heritage. This walk will take you to discover the medieval quarter, its unique Art Deco garden, the industrial site of the French Society and the Berry Canal .
  • Marie Island at Vierzon (Conservatory of Natural Heritage of the Loire Valley Center Region).
  • Salamander Trail (National Forest Office) in Vierzon forest.
  • Golf de la Picardière.

Places of interest

Events and festivities.

  • Night of the Museums in May.
  • Go to the Gardens in June.
  • The Estivales du Canal in July and August, garden of the abbey, Lucien Beaufrère square, concerts and free outdoor cinema sessions.
  • De Biefs in locks the first weekend of June, dock basin, Canal de Berry .
  • Festival of Robotics in May, at the Parc des Expositions.
  • Master Pro, equestrian center of the Picardière, in July.
  • European Heritage Days in September.
  • Fair National Exhibition in September, at the Parc des Expositions.
  • Science Festival in October.
  • Week of Taste in October.
  • Vierzon is celebrating Christmas in December.

Berry canal

Visits, leisure and activities nearby

  • AOC Quincy and Reuilly wine route. Labeled Vineyards and Discoveries.
  • Church Saint-Aignan de Brinay with frescoes of the twelfth century.
  • Massay Abbey.
  • Collegiate Church Saint-Outrille , twisted steeple.
  • Museum of Ocher in Saint-Georges-sur-la-Prée .
  • Photo Museum in Graçay .
  • Villa Quincy.
  • Wine Trail in Brinay.
  • Hall of trades and attic in Brinay.
  • Historimage in Neuvy-sur-Barangeon .
  • Pole of Stars in Nançay .
  • Saint-Martin apse in Graçay.
  • Course of Civic Education Zulma Carraud in Nohant-en-Graçay .

Leisure activities

tours vierzon km


tours vierzon km

Bed & breakfasts

tours vierzon km

Vacation rentals

tours vierzon km

Related articles Vierzon

Distance Calculator

Distance from Vierzon to Tours

Distance between Vierzon and Tours is 107 kilometers (67 miles). Driving distance from Vierzon to Tours is 134 kilometers (83 miles).

Distance Map Between Vierzon and Tours

Vierzon , Orleans , France ↔ Tours , Orleans , France = 67 miles = 107 km.

How far is it between Vierzon and Tours

Vierzon is located in France with (47.2167,2.0833) coordinates and Tours is located in France with (47.3833,0.6833) coordinates. The calculated flying distance from Vierzon to Tours is equal to 67 miles which is equal to 107 km.

If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Vierzon and Tours is 133.95 km . If you ride your car with an average speed of 112 kilometers/hour (70 miles/h), travel time will be 01 hours 11 minutes. Please check the avg. speed travel time table on the right for various options. Difference between fly and go by a car is 27 km.

Estimated Travel Time Between Vierzon and Tours

Related distances from vierzon, related distances to tours.

Trains from Vierzon to Tours

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Train Vierzon to Tours: Trip Overview

Vierzon to tours trains.

With Busbud, comparing and booking tickets for a train from Vierzon to Tours is a breeze. Browse through an extensive selection of train fares and train schedules to find the best deals.

We make it our job to connect you with the most dependable companies that offer train service from Vierzon to Tours.

Whether it is train tickets or first class train tickets going to Tours from Vierzon, we help you find what you're looking for based on how much of a budget you have.

Where are the popular train stations and stops in Vierzon and Tours?

Stations map

Vierzon Forges, 18100 Vierzon, France

Stations map

174 Rue Édouard Vaillant, 37000 Tours, France

Frequently asked questions for your trip Vierzon - Tours

How much does a train ticket from vierzon to tours cost.

The average train ticket price from Vierzon to Tours is $27. The best way to find train tickets from Vierzon to Tours is to book your tickets as early as possible. Prices tend to rise as your travel date approaches, so book in advance to secure the best prices!

How long is the train trip from Vierzon to Tours?

A train trip between Vierzon and Tours is around 1h 27m, although the fastest train will take about 1h 15m. This is the time it takes to travel the 66 miles that separates the two cities.

How many daily trains are there between Vierzon and Tours?

The number of trains from Vierzon to Tours can differ depending on the day of the week. On average, there are 10. Some trains are direct while others have layovers. Simplify your train trip from Vierzon to Tours by comparing and selecting the train that fits your travel style and budget on Busbud.

What are the best sights and things to do in Tours?

Once in Tours, you can exploring the city. The top sights and things to do are Hôtel Goüin / Musée Archéologique, Vieux Tours (Old Town), Musée des Beaux Arts, Hotel de Ville, Cloister of la Psalette.

About Train Travel

Train travel tips.

Taking the fastest trains allows you to travel at speeds greater than 300 km/h. Taking a trip from Vierzon to Tours is not only much quicker but more comfortable too! You can usually travel directly to the city centre and save time while you're at it.

Whether you take a regional or high-speed train to Tours, you’ll help reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of your trip. As you watch the landscapes unfold before your eyes, you can tell yourself that with this choice, you are making sure they remain protected.

By choosing the train between Vierzon and Tours, you emit up to 30 times less CO2 than for the same journey made by plane or car!

Tune out to the fine sounds of your best music playlist on your train trip from Vierzon to Tours while indulging in miles on end of beautiful scenic views.

Did you know?

One of the deepest train stations in the world is in Kiev. Located at a depth of 105 m, it was designed in this way to serve as a shelter in the event of an attack. The second deepest station is in China. Badaling station is located 60 m under the Great Wall of China!

You can find the straightest railway in the world in Australia. This railway line is 478 kilometres long and is also considered the longest and straightest railway line in the world.

Some trains in Sweden can recover more than a fifth of the energy they use by braking. This is especially true with ore trains as they descend from Narvik to Kiruna.

Will you be returning to Vierzon by train?

Top traveled train routes.


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Popular Trains Connecting Vierzon

Trains leaving from vierzon.

  • Train from Vierzon to Bourges
  • Train from Vierzon to Orléans
  • Train from Vierzon to Chateauroux
  • Train from Vierzon to Tours
  • Train from Vierzon to Paris

Popular Trains Connecting Tours

Trains going to tours.

  • Train from Angers to Tours
  • Train from Le Mans to Tours
  • Train from Cologne to Tours
  • Train from Bourges to Tours
  • Train from Düsseldorf to Tours

Popular train trips

  • Train from Nantes to Marseille
  • Train from Marseille to Rennes
  • Train from Paris to Nice
  • Train from Marseille to Toulouse
  • Train from Lille to Marseille

Top Routes Worldwide

  • Train from Salzburg to Zell am See
  • Train from Milan to Empoli
  • Train from Abano Terme to Padova
  • Train from Dortmund to Leverkusen
  • Train from Salford to Manchester
  • Train from Manchester to Altrincham
  • Train from London to Paris
  • Train from Lecce to Verona
  • Train from Rennes to Brest
  • Train from Bologna to Lecce
  • Route planner

tours vierzon km

The best walks and hikes around Vierzon

Want to go hiking around Vierzon to explore more of this corner of Centre-Loire Valley? In this guide, we’ve reviewed our full collection of hikes and walking routes around Vierzon to bring you the best hiking routes in the region. To see which of our walks around Vierzon is the right one for you, browse real tips and photos uploaded by other hikers—and see what they had to say about each walk.

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Boucle de l'étang du Puits et du Canal de la Sauldre — Sologne

Circuit du moulin du bois — boucle à aubigny-sur-nère, avec ses étangs et la vallée de la nère.

tours vierzon km

Let us show you the way with the komoot mobile app

Circuit 1 de la bruère — méry-sur-cher, aubigny-sur-nere loop from aubigny-sur-nère, château de béthune loop from la chapelle-d'angillon, écluse des vèves loop from vierzon, étang de la billauderie – étang de chamort loop from nançay, étang de sailly loop from méreau, étang du logis loop from brinon-sur-sauldre, château de chaillot loop from méreau, étang de la billauderie loop from nançay, discover more tours around vierzon.

Our Tour recommendations are based on thousands of activities completed by other people on komoot.

Popular around Vierzon

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Find the perfect Tour

Explore the most popular tours around vierzon.

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Road Cycling Routes around Vierzon

tours vierzon km

Running Trails around Vierzon

tours vierzon km

Cycling around Vierzon

tours vierzon km

MTB Trails around Vierzon

tours vierzon km

Gravel biking around Vierzon

Discover the most popular attractions around Vierzon

tours vierzon km

Attractions around Vierzon

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Check out more Hikes throughout Vierzon below and find the perfect Tour in your destination.

  • Vignoux-Sur-Barangeon
  • Saint-Laurent
  • Neuvy-Sur-Barangeon
  • Ménétréol-Sur-Sauldre
  • Ivoy-Le-Pré
  • Argent-Sur-Sauldre
  • Mehun-Sur-Yèvre
  • Aubigny-Sur-Nère
  • Sainte-Montaine
  • Méry-Ès-Bois
  • Brinon-Sur-Sauldre
  • Sainte-Thorette

Explore more of Centre-Loire Valley : Browse the best Hikes in other regions.

  • Indre-et-Loire
  • Loir-et-Cher
  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Saint-Amand-Montrond
  • Châteauroux
  • Nogent-Le-Rotrou
  • Romorantin-Lanthenay

Vierzon tourism and travel guide

Photo of Vierzon in Cher

Photo is of Mehun-sur-Yevre at 14 km from Vierzon

Visit Vierzon: highlights and tourist information

Vierzon is situated in the Cher department and Centre-Loire Valley region.

Below you can see some of the places that we have visited and reviewed and can recommend when you are sightseeing close to Vierzon in Centre-Loire Valley.

Popular places to visit nearby include Mehun-sur-Yevre at 14 km and Bourges Palais Jacques-Coeur at 29 km.

Vierzon, France: places to visit and attractions

Note that all distances below are 'direct' and real driving distances will be greater!



Bourges Palais Jacques-Coeur

Bourges Palais Jacques-Coeur


Bourges Cathedral


Chateau de Valencay





Chateau de Cheverny

Chateau de Cheverny

Chateau de Chambord

Chateau de Chambord

... or see ALL recommended places to visit in Cher

Arrange a visit to Vierzon

Book hotels, car hire and flights.

  • Book a visit

Hotels in Vierzon

Booking.com: best prices

See Vierzon hotels

tours vierzon km

Reserve excursions

Map of places to visit near vierzon, markets in and near vierzon.

Market days in Vierzon: weekly market: Wednesday & Tuesday & Saturday;

  • Vierzon: market Wednesday & Tuesday & Saturday (0km)
  • Chatres-sur-Cher: market Tuesday (13km)
  • Mehun-sur-Yevre: market Wednesday (14km)
  • Reuilly: market Friday (15km)
  • Mennetou-sur-Cher: market Thursday (16km)
  • Gracay: market Thursday (19km)
  • Langon: market Friday (20km)
  • Salbris: market Thursday & Saturday (23km)
  • Vatan: market Wednesday (26km)
  • Saint-Florent-sur-Cher: market Friday & (29km)

More information about Vierzon, Loire Valley

Tourist attractions near vierzon, france.

What to do at Vierzon? Some places with official tourist classifications and other places of interest to visit nearby that should provide inspiration if you are visiting Vierzon.

National Monuments

  • Palace Jacques Coeur (29km)
  • Bourges Cathedral (30km)
  • Bouges-le-Chateau Castle (36km)

Recommended detour towns (fr: plus beau détour)

  • Mehun-sur-Yevre (14km)
  • Valencay (38km)

Churches and religious monuments

  • St Aignan de Brinay (Brinay) (7km)
  • Eglise de Saint Martin (Plaimpied-Givaudins) (38km)
  • Eglise de Saint André (Jussy-Champagne) (51km)
  • Collegiale Saint Etienne (Dun-sur-Auron) (54km)

Remarkable gardens

  • Les Prés Fichaux (29km)
  • Jardin du château de Bouges (36km)

Protected historical centre (fr: secteur sauvegardé)

(see also historical French towns )

  • Bourges (29km)

Villages d'etape

(recommended place to break a long journey)

  • Vatan (26km)

Villages in bloom 4* (fr: ville fleurie)

  • Issoudun (31km)
  • Pierrefitte-sur-Sauldre (33km)
  • Aubigny-sur-Nere (41km)
  • Veuil (43km)

Geography and distances

Vierzon is in the center of France at 29 kilometres from Bourges, the department capital (general information: Vierzon is 183 kilometres from Paris).

Geographical Information

Commune: Vierzon

Canton: Vierzon

Arrondissement: Vierzon

Department: Cher

Region: Loire Valley

New region: Centre-Loire Valley

Postcode: 18100

Distance to Vierzon

from Bourges (prefecture): 29 km

from Paris: 183 km

from Calais: 415 km

from Nice: 563 km

from Bordeaux: 335 km

from Strasbourg: 450 km

Getting here

Most visitors fly into Paris and rent a car or drive from one of the channel ports such as Caen or Le Havre, a drive af about 2-3 hours. For driving distances to Vierzon from anywhere in France see driving distances and route planner .

We have 2 other places listed as being close (less than kilometres from ): Brinay and Saint-Hilaire-de-Court .

This page in French: Visiter Vierzon

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Home » Travel Guides » France » 15 Best Things to Do in Vierzon (France)

15 Best Things to Do in Vierzon (France)

This small town in central France’s Cher department is embedded in a pastoral landscape of vineyards, marshes and lakes.

Vierzon was a railway town with its fair share of industry in the 19th and 20th centuries, like the Société Française de Vierzon, which manufactured tractors and farming equipment.

Vierzon is now quaint and rural, and will draw you into traditional ways of life, whether that’s steam trains, the old porcelain trade or ochre mining.

Outdoor fun is on the menu at the Canal de Berry, a picturesque 19th-century waterway for walks and boat trips, while the marvellous city of Bourges is only half an hour by car.

Lets explore the best things to do in Vierzon :

1. Musée de Vierzon

Musée de Vierzon

Commended with the “Musée de France” label, Vierzon’s town museum handles several strands from its past.

One of these is Vierzon’s evolution as a railway town after 1847, so there are tools, lamps, posters and models from the old Vierzon depot.

The town also had a booming porcelain industry around the turn of the 20th century and there are several showcases with dainty decorative objects.

And then there’s Vierzon’s role in manufacturing farming equipment, so you can inspect a small fleet of tractors, ploughs and threshers made by the Société Française de Vierzon.

2. Square Lucien Beaufrère

Square Lucien Beaufrère

One of the most special spots in Vierzon is this garden on an islet between the Yèvre River and the Canal de Berry.

The plot was bought by the town from the Abbey of Saint-Pierre in the 20s and was landscaped in a methodical Art Deco style by the architect Eugène-Henry Karcher.

He went as far as determining the colours of the plants and trees, and almost every piece of flora is sculpted in some way.

The garden centres on a pacifist monument to the First World War dead sculpted from Lavoux stone, with reliefs depicting the town’s different trades.

3. Beffroi de Vierzon

Beffroi de Vierzon

Vierzon’s venerable belfry is actually an old gate, known as the Porte Banier, which was the main entrance to the lost Château de Vierzon.

It’s the last surviving fragment of this castle and was built in the 1200s.

But much later, when Vierzon’s town defences were all pulled down in the 1800s, the was capped with a clock and bell.

These came from the Porte aux Boeufs, one of Vierzon’s gates that were razed to let the town grow beyond the old walls.

Get in touch with Vierzon’s tourist office for a guided tour.

4. Église Notre-Dame

Église Notre-Dame

Vierzon’s main church first went up in the 1100s before being remodelled a few times since.

Come to poke around a little because there’s a lot of historic traces from a variety of eras surviving.

The bell-tower dates to the 1200s, while there’s a fine organ inside from the 1600s.

Also worth your attention is a Romanesque sculpted holy water as old as the 1000s, various medieval chapels and a painting of St John the Baptist by the 17th-century painter Jean Boucher and a carved pulpit from the 18th century.

But the standout has to be the exquisite stained glass window of the Crucifixion from the 1400s.

5. Musée des Fours Banaux

Musée des Fours Banaux

This cute little museum reveals a side to everyday French medieval life that you don’t usually get to see.

It contains two 15th-century communal ovens, unique in the entire region, where the town’s residents would bake their own bread.

These stone ovens were at the heart of social life in Vierzon, and a place where the townsfolk would meet up and chat.

There’s also a small collection of artefacts, including two statues from the 1400s, and a small set of everyday items unearthed during excavations.

You can also see two former town clocks, one from the 15th century and the other retired in the 1800s.

6. Esplanade la Française

Esplanade la Française

Just next to the Museum is the former factory for the Société Française, where Vierzon’s tractors were manufactured at the start of the 20th century.

It’s an atmospheric site that has recently been regenerated.

The factory is listed as a French “historic monument”, and you can see why, with its Eiffel-style metal and glass facade.

You can contemplate this graceful old structure from the Esplanade la Française plaza in front.

And in the evenings the factory is still a vital part of the city as a cinema complex and bowling alley have been opened in the newer concrete part of the building.

7. Canal de Berry

Canal de Berry

The canal intersecting Vierzon was constructed using Spanish prisoners of war in the first decades of the 19th century.

It was part of a network of waterways that connected the Canal Latéral à la Loire with the Cher River.

The canal has been disused since the 1950s, but a 12 kilometre section has been made navigable again and there are plans to reopen more in the future.

The waterside comes alive in July and August for Les Estivales du Canal when there’s a season of concerts by the water in the Square Lucien Beaufrère.

The poplar-lined towpaths offer a restful walking trail, and you can hire a motor boat or pedal-boat at the Quai du Bassin for a brief voyage through the countryside.

8. Site de la Maison de l’Eau

Site de la Maison de l'Eau

In Neuvy-sur-Barangeon a 15th-century watermill and its surrounding parkland have been turned into a kind of discovery centre for the Sologne.

In the mill you can learn about how this old slice of medieval history worked, but there are also displays about the local wetlands, and the weird carnivorous plants that have evolved here.

Outside there’s a landscaped park with a bamboo plantation and a large lake where fishing is permitted.

You can also check out the Tourbière de la Guette, a peat bog teeming with wildlife that you can observe from a raised wooden walkway.

9. Villa de Quincy

Villa de Quincy

Just the ticket if you’d like to uncover the region’s rich wine heritage: The Villa de Quincy is a small exhibition in the nearby village of same name, using multimedia to recount the history of the Quincy/Reuilly AOC. There’s also a display charting the spread of sauvignon grapes around the world.

The exhibition is light-hearted and interactive, often asking you to use your sense of smell.

At the shop you’ll be able to buy a bottle or two, together with all sorts of oenological accessories.

10. Abbaye Saint-Martin de Massay

Abbaye Saint-Martin de Massay

This abbey church has its roots in the 8th century, and the legendary Charlemagne is known to have visited in the earliest years.

Fast forward to the Hundred Years’ War in the 14th century and a lot of the Romanesque complex was destroyed to be rebuilt in the Gothic style.

The abbey shut down in the 18th century but there’s still a lot to see.

The church’s 42-metre tower, designed for defence, will catch your eye thanks to its formidable buttresses that culminate with pinnacles at the top.

You can explore the church, with its 16th-century wooden choir stalls and head into the arched Chapter Hall, which has the monks’ dormitory on the first floor.

If you want to leave no stone unturned you can arrange an hour-long guided visit in advance.

11. Château de Mehun-sur-Yèvre

Château de Mehun-sur-Yèvre

These ruins are only 15 minutes from Vierzon.

And you don’t need much imagination to know how spectacular this castle would have been in its glory days in the 13th and 14th centuries.

The keep and the west tower are mostly intact and reach the same height as in their heyday.

If you look closely you can spot the machicolations, which have delicate Gothic mouldings despite their defensive purpose.

Another name for the castle is Château de Charles VII, named for the King of France who lived here in the 15th century.

In the main tower there’s an exhibition with artefacts and models recalling the castle at the height of its powers.

12. Bourges


This wonderful city is a breeze by road, taking about half an hour.

There’s more than enough in Bourge for a whole day, from the UNESCO World Heritage cathedral to the medieval streets with half-timbered houses.

That cathedral is seen as a Gothic masterwork, rivalling the most beautiful in France and with possibly the finest stained glass windows in the country.

After that there’s a host of sumptuous gothic and medieval palaces to marvel at, like the 15th-century Palais Jacques-Coeur, which was built for a merchant who rose to become Master of the Mint and an envoy to the Levant during the reign of Charles VII.

13. Musée de l’Ocre

Musée de l'Ocre

Here’s another local museum recounting an industry that is all but forgotten.

Ochre was mined in Saint-Georges sur la Prée for hundreds of years up to the 1860s.

Inside you’ll get a snapshot of a trade that was the lifeblood of the village: There’s a recreation of a colour merchant’s workshop, showing how they would extract the pigment and then mix it to produce colours from purple to gold.

And there’s a display of clothing and everyday items evoking daily life in the village in the 19th century.

14. Wine Tourism

Domaine Bigonneau

If you’re a wine aficionado then your cup runneth over in Vierzon as you have three AOC vignobles a stone’s throw away: The nearest is Quincy, but Reuilly and Menetou-Salon are all in the area.

As you’d guess, each AOC has its own personality and flavours.

Quincy wines for instance go well as aperitifs and are loved for their pepper and citrus notes.

Around Vierzon there’s a whole directory full of caves and domains where you can taste local wine and find out about the generations of savoir-faire that goes into it.

Try the Domaine Bigonneau, making Quincy and Reuilly wines in a dreamy setting where rows of vines are bordered by cereal fields.

15. Local Food

pâté en croûte

Try pâté en croûte, which is pâté in a crust served hot, or galette aux pommes de terre, a popular light pastry with potato and cheese.

Goats’ cheese is a particular speciality in this region of central France, and it’s a tradition you can get to know first-hand by visiting one of the many goat farms nearby.

Chèvrerie du Bois Cherriot is a good choice, and while kids will love petting the baby goats and getting to know the other farmyard animals grown-ups can taste a variety of cheeses.

When the goats are being milked you can even try a glass of warm goats’ milk.

For something sweet, Les Sablés de Nançay are a biscuit discovered by accident when a batch of cakes went wrong at a bakery in Nançay in the 1950s.

15 Best Things to Do in Vierzon (France):

  • Musée de Vierzon
  • Square Lucien Beaufrère
  • Beffroi de Vierzon
  • Église Notre-Dame
  • Musée des Fours Banaux
  • Esplanade la Française
  • Canal de Berry
  • Site de la Maison de l'Eau
  • Villa de Quincy
  • Abbaye Saint-Martin de Massay
  • Château de Mehun-sur-Yèvre
  • Musée de l'Ocre
  • Wine Tourism


  1. Route de TOURS Vierzon

    tours vierzon km

  2. Visit Vierzon: Best of Vierzon Tourism

    tours vierzon km

  3. Vierzon Guided Tour • Visit France

    tours vierzon km

  4. Escapade à Vierzon, patrimoine et nature

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  5. Vierzon tourist guide

    tours vierzon km

  6. Visit Vierzon: 2024 Travel Guide for Vierzon, Centre-Loire Valley

    tours vierzon km


  1. grupo muzenza russia

  2. N3

  3. SNCF Réseau

  4. Poteaux et rails neufs sur la ligne Vierrzon Tours.avi

  5. ARCHIVES : Montlouis, 8 juin 2007

  6. PN 222 & 223 Bis De La Gare De Saint


  1. Tours

    ViaMichelin vous propose de calculer votre itinéraire Tours à Vierzon en voiture ou en moto. Retrouvez la distance de Tours à Vierzon , le temps de trajet estimé avec l'impact du trafic routier en temps réel, ainsi que le coût de votre parcours (coûts des péages et coût du carburant). Et pour bien organiser votre séjour à Vierzon, vous avez la possibilité de consulter la ...

  2. Tours Vierzon

    Itinéraire de Tours (37000) à Vierzon (18100) en voiture. Ne perdez plus votre temps à chercher votre billet pas cher ou votre trajet le plus rapide ou avec le moins de km, Mappy vous permet de comparer tous les modes de transport et tous les horaires pour votre itinéraire de Tours à Vierzon.

  3. Tours

    Tours Vierzon route planner. Distance, cost (tolls, fuel, cost per passenger) and journey time, based on traffic conditions. Departure point Route summary Viaducts, bridges Arrival point Dangerous area Tunnels Map routes Security alert Crossing nearby. ... 15.3 km - 17 rue de la Gare, 36260 Reuilly.

  4. Tours to Vierzon

    The distance between Tours and Vierzon is 109 km. The road distance is 122.1 km. Get driving directions. How do I travel from Tours to Vierzon without a car? The best way to get from Tours to Vierzon without a car is to train which takes 1h 3m and costs $20 - $45. More details.

  5. Tours to Vierzon Ville

    The distance between Tours and Vierzon Ville is 109 km. The road distance is 121.7 km. Get driving directions. How do I travel from Tours to Vierzon Ville without a car? The best way to get from Tours to Vierzon Ville without a car is to train which takes 1h 3m and costs $20 - $45.

  6. Distance from Tours to Vierzon

    How far is it between Tours and Vierzon. Tours is located in France with (47.3833,0.6833) coordinates and Vierzon is located in France with (47.2167,2.0833) coordinates. The calculated flying distance from Tours to Vierzon is equal to 67 miles which is equal to 107 km.. If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Tours and Vierzon is 135.43 km. ...

  7. Tours → Vierzon by Train from £19.40

    Tours to Vierzon by train. It takes an average of 2h 3m to travel from Tours to Vierzon by train, over a distance of around 65 miles (105 km). There are normally 15 trains per day travelling from Tours to Vierzon and tickets for this journey start from £19.34 when you book in advance. First train. 05:01.

  8. Tours Vierzon

    With Mappy, find your cheapest or fastest route, from all modes of transport offered for your trip Tours Vierzon. From : Tours 37000-37200 Centre-Val de Loire (France) To : Vierzon 18100 Centre-Val de Loire (France) See all routes. Mappy gives useful information for your itinerary ... 1.4 km. Merge right onto A85 E604 and continue for 106 ...

  9. Vierzon

    ViaMichelin vous propose de calculer votre itinéraire Vierzon à Tours en voiture ou en moto. Retrouvez la distance de Vierzon à Tours , le temps de trajet estimé avec l'impact du trafic routier en temps réel, ainsi que le coût de votre parcours (coûts des péages et coût du carburant). Et pour bien organiser votre séjour à Tours, vous avez la possibilité de consulter la sélection ...

  10. Distance Tours

    Il y a deux itinéraires suggérés de Tours à Vierzon.L'itinéraire le plus rapide est de 129 km et sa durée est de 1 heure et 18 minutes.Le trajet entre Tours et Vierzon coûte 30.4 € (17.4 € coût du carburant, 13 € péage) en voiture. Le deuxième itinéraire est de 116 km et sa durée est de 1 heure et 45 minutes. DistanceEnVoiture vous fournit les informations pour préparer ...

  11. Train Tours-Vierzon

    Tours-Vierzon choisissez le train. Coût du trajet: 26,75€ en voiture*. 7,00€ en train avec la carte Rémi Liberté Plus ou Jeune. Temps de trajet: 1h17 en voiture*, sans embouteillage. 1h27 en train. Agrément du voyage: Desserte en plein centre ville de Vierzon et de Tours.

  12. Vierzon to Tours

    The distance between Vierzon and Tours is 109 km. The road distance is 126.9 km. Get driving directions. How do I travel from Vierzon to Tours without a car? The best way to get from Vierzon to Tours without a car is to train which takes 1h 17m and costs $20 - $45. More details.

  13. Train Tours

    Train Tours to Vierzon: Trip Overview. Average ticket price $27. Average train trip duration 1h 23m. Number of daily trains 6. Earliest train departure 7:44 AM. Distance 66 miles (105 km) Latest train departure 8:53 PM. Please note, this information is subject to change.

  14. Vierzon Ville to Tours

    The cheapest way to get from Vierzon Ville to Tours costs only €7, and the quickest way takes just 1 hour. Find the travel option that best suits you. ... Take the rideshare from Vierzon to Tours 127.6 km; €8. 2 alternative options. Bus • 1h 45m.

  15. Vierzon

    Guided tours of Vierzon: By reservation at the Tourist Office on +33 2 48 53 09 32 or by email: [email protected]; ... Chambre d'Hôtes de la Junchère is set in a former farm and offers a 17-hectare park, a pond and a terrace. Vierzon is just 5 km away. All rooms feature a view of the garden, a flat-screen TV, a wardrobe ...

  16. Horaires train Tours-Vierzon

    Horaires train Tours-Vierzon Mercredi 24 juillet 2024 Horaires train Tours-Vierzon Mercredi 24 juillet 2024; Départ Arrivée Durée Transport; 5h01: 7h32: 2h31: TER: 1 correspondance Réserver. 5h01. Tours TER 16800. 5h06. Saint-Pierre-Des-Corps 5h13 ...

  17. Distance from Vierzon to Tours

    How far is it between Vierzon and Tours. Vierzon is located in France with (47.2167,2.0833) coordinates and Tours is located in France with (47.3833,0.6833) coordinates. The calculated flying distance from Vierzon to Tours is equal to 67 miles which is equal to 107 km.. If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Vierzon and Tours is 133.95 km. ...

  18. Train Vierzon

    Avec TGV INOUI, voyagez à grande vitesse jusqu'à 320 km/h de Vierzon à Tours à bord d'un train au confort optimal, idéal que vous soyez en vacances ou un professionnel. Bénéficiez gratuitement du wifi entre Vierzon et Tours : accédez aux contenus et services sur le portail TGV INOUI.

  19. Vierzon → Tours by Train from £12.51

    Vierzon to Tours by train. It takes an average of 1h 56m to travel from Vierzon to Tours by train, over a distance of around 65 miles (105 km). There are normally 16 trains per day travelling from Vierzon to Tours and tickets for this journey start from £12.51 when you book in advance. First train. 05:33.

  20. Train Vierzon

    Taking the fastest trains allows you to travel at speeds greater than 300 km/h. Taking a trip from Vierzon to Tours is not only much quicker but more comfortable too! You can usually travel directly to the city centre and save time while you're at it. ... By choosing the train between Vierzon and Tours, you emit up to 30 times less CO2 than for ...

  21. Top 10 Hikes and Walks around Vierzon

    To see which of our walks around Vierzon is the right one for you, browse real tips and photos uploaded by other hikers—and see what they had to say about each walk. ... 11.8 km. Boucle en forêt d'Allogny. Intermediate. 03:28. 12.9 km. ... Explore the most popular Tours around Vierzon. Road Cycling Routes around Vierzon. Running Trails ...

  22. Vierzon tourism and travel guide

    Vierzon is situated in the Cher department and Centre-Loire Valley region. Below you can see some of the places that we have visited and reviewed and can recommend when you are sightseeing close to Vierzon in Centre-Loire Valley. Popular places to visit nearby include Mehun-sur-Yevre at 14 km and Bourges Palais Jacques-Coeur at 29 km.

  23. 15 Best Things to Do in Vierzon (France)

    Lets explore the best things to do in Vierzon: 1. Musée de Vierzon. Source: flickr. Musée de Vierzon. Commended with the "Musée de France" label, Vierzon's town museum handles several strands from its past. One of these is Vierzon's evolution as a railway town after 1847, so there are tools, lamps, posters and models from the old ...