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Pengelola Jemaah Haji (PJH) Services

List of pjh, application for pjh license, functions of hajj agency division, services offered, benefit of pjh, pjh package registration process, history and development of pjh, pjh press release.

Self-Managed Hajj Visa (Visa Haji Urusan Sendiri “VHUS”)

Malaysians (individuals or institutions) who obtain a Furada Visa or Mujamalah Visa by invitations from the Government of Saudi Arabia are only allowed to perform Hajj through the Hajj Pilgrimage Organisers (PJH) including TH Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. (THTS) which has been licensed by TH under Section 28 of the Hajj Fund Act 1995 (Act 535).

Applications to follow the PJH can only be made while in the country, while applications when the Hajj pilgrims are already in the Holy Land are not allowed.

All VHUS Hajj pilgrims must register for Hajj with TH. The Hajj fee that will be set by TH includes all types of services provided. However, VHUS Hajj pilgrims are not eligible to receive Hajj Financial Assistance (HAFIS).

Prospective pilgrims are also subject to the approval of a health examination made by a Medical Officer registered with TH and the Malaysian Ministry of Health (KKM) and recorded in their Health Treatment Record Books (BRRK).

The International Malaysian Passport (PMA) belonging to the prospective VHUS Hajj whose visa has been approved must be submitted to TH for recording and will be returned upon reporting before departure to the Holy Land using a commercial flight provided by PJH.

Hajj packages are offered by travel agencies which are licensed with Pengelola Jemaah Haji (PJH) license by TH.

The latest PJH 1445H/2024M list is as below:

TH Travel & Services

Download the list of PJH 1445H/2024M in pdf format.

Update | Tuesday, 9 January 2024

  • Management of PJH license eligibility application
  • Selection of eligible travel agencies to apply for a license.
  • PJH license approval.  
  • Completion of documentation, warranty and license issuance.
  • Registration of pilgrims who choose to perform Hajj through the TH  Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd (THTS) Hajj Package or PJH Hajj Package.
  • Registration of THTS / PJH staff.
  • Booking and allocation of THTS / PJH Flights.  
  • Monitoring of THTS / PJH activities while in Malaysia and the Holy Land.
  • Management of reports, complaints and investigation instructions for violations of the PJH License Terms and Conditions by THTS / PJH.
  • Performance appraisal management.  
  • Deliver briefings to THTS / PJH from time to time.
  • THTS/PJH staff courses/seminars.
  • Assists PJH with their Hajj Package promotions.
  • Organizing the PJH Carnival.

Hajj Agency

  • PJH Management Policy This PJH management policy being continuously developed and improved from time to time. Any changes in the policy will effectively change PJHs' implementations and procedures. The aim is to always further strengthen the management of PJHs and improve the quality of their services to the pilgrims. The fundamental in the management of PJH is the satisfaction of the pilgrims who choose them in receiving the added-value hajj services within the specified aspects and assist the pilgrims in achieving Hajj Mabrur. At the same time, PJH is able to develop and compete healthily as business entities with each other in providing the best services.  
  • PJH License Application The PJH license is only valid to be used for one (1) Hajj season only. All travel agencies need to apply for a new PJH License every year for the purpose of managing private pilgrims.  
  • Briefing to PJH Key Personnel and Senior Officers from time to time.
  • Courses and evaluations for PJH staffs who will serve in the Holy Land
  • PJH package promotion.
  • Organizing the PJH Carnival.  
  • Registration of pilgrims participating in PJH
  • Issuance of PJH brochures for distribution to all ‘selected’ pilgrims.
  • Selection and registration of PJH staff members
  • Provision of passports and visas to PJH staff members.
  • Booking and allocation of flights for pilgrims and PJH staff members.  
  • The above payments are collectively referred to as "Hajj Payments" where prospective pilgrims are required to deposit the payments into their respective  TH  accounts.
  • Pilgrims who subscribe to the hajj package offered by PJH are not given any hajj assistance (subsidy) and the Hajj Payment varies every year.
  • Before 1431H/2010, PJH Hajj Payments for Peninsula, Sabah and Sarawak were different. However, it has been standardised for the whole of Malaysia (from 1431H/2010) until now. Meanwhile, the Hajj Payment for THTS has been adjusted from 1430H/2009.  
  • TH  Task Force at the maktab level in Makkah and zones in Madinah.
  • Assessment and Scoring Schema Form (Skema Untuk Penilaian dan Pemarkahan - SUPP)
  • Hajj Satisfaction & Feedback Questionnaire (Borang Soal Selidik Maklumbalas - BSS) on PJH services.
  • TH  staff members will conduct official visits to ensure that PJH complies with the PJH license Terms and Conditions related to value-added services in the Holy Land and provides scoring according to the prescribed schema
  • TH  staff will distribute the BSS forms to pilgrims to gather pilgrims' evaluation of the PJH services.
  • Monitoring promotions and marketing efforts conducted by PJH or agents. Registering PJH prospective pilgrims
  • Conducting preliminary preparations of the Holy Land Hajj Operation
  • At check-in stations during departure
  • Passport and Visa issuance for prospective pilgrims
  • Hajj Courses
  • Compliance with licensing process requirements.
  • Verbal or written warning. Fines
  • Suspension or termination of licenses.

Pengelola Jemaah Haji (PJH)

  • Enable value-added services for hajj pilgrims
  • To create opportunities for Bumiputera Muslim Travel Agencies to handle pilgrims in a monitored environment as PJHs.
  • Enables  TH  to move forward towards achieving the goal of regulating the entire pilgrimage management with minimal cost liability.  
  • In providing hajj services, TH  always strives to provide satisfactory services for pilgrims and help them towards achieving Hajj Mabrur.  TH  also provides them with the option of going on a pilgrimage in a manner they are comfortable with and matches their financial capabilities.  

Pengelola Jemaah Haji (PJH)

  • PJH also refers to the party licensed to operate and provide Hajj Package Services which has added values in several aspects of services such as accommodation, meals, staffing, umrah management and pilgrimage management under the supervision of  TH  in accordance with the provisions of Act 535 Tabung Haji Act 1995.  
  • TH  (Muassasah) Fully operated by  TH  in collaboration with Mashariq
  • TH  Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd (THTS) Hajj Package  Operated by a subsidiary of  TH  under the supervision of  TH  and Mashariq
  • PJH Hajj Package (through Bumiputra Muslim Travel Agency licensed by  TH ) Operated by PJH under the supervision of  TH  and Mashariq

Pengelola Jemaah Haji (PJH)

PJH has gone through several stages of development, namely:

  • Syeikh Haji Agents (before 1404H / 1984);
  • Muassasah System (1404H / 1984);
  • Amir System (1405H / 1985);
  • Special Housing Group (1406H / 1986 - 1410H / 1990);
  • Private Companies (1408H / 1988 - 1414H / 1994);
  • Consortiums (1415H / 1995 - 1419H / 1999); and
  • Pilgrimage Organizers (PJH) - (1420H / 2000 to date).


  • Before 1984, all pilgrims were organized by the Hajj Syeikhs while they were in the Holy Land.
  • Syeikh Haji is an individual in Saudi Arabia who is authorized by the Saudi Arabian authorities to manage and provide services to the pilgrims.
  • The Syeikh Haji gets paid service fees charged on each pilgrim as determined by the Saudi Arabian government.
  • The Syeikh Haji appoint agents to conduct campaigns among prospective pilgrims to promote the Syeikhs. When the pilgrims arrive in Jeddah/Madinah, they will choose their Hajj Syeikhs. Their passports will be stamped with the name of Syeikh Haji of their choice and they will be assigned to the Syeikh Haji to manage their journey and affairs in the Holy Land. Agents receive payments from the Syeikh Haji according to the number of pilgrims successfully enrolled.
  • The Malaysian Government through  TH , appointed the agents of Syeikh Haji in conducting promotions and bringing pilgrims to the Holy Land to be managed by their respective Syeikh Haji. Part IX Sections 83 to 87, Act 8, 1969 of the Board of Management and Tabung Haji, are provisions on control over the Syeikh Haji Agents.  


  • Beginning 1404H/1984 Hajj season, the Government of Saudi Arabia introduced the Muassasah System (The Consortium of Hajj Syeikhs) in which the Hajj Syeikhs are structured under one Board.
  • The Board is authorized to appoint any Hajj Syeikhs to lead and join the groups of Hajj Syeikhs to provide services to a group of between 2,000 to 3,000 pilgrims at the operational level (maktab) consisting of a leader and several members within a group of Hajj Syeikhs.  

AMIR SYSTEM (1405H/1985)

  • The Amir system was introduced in 1405H / 1985.
  • The Amir system refers to a pilgrim who can lead a group of other pilgrims to perform the pilgrimage who leads and mobilizes the pilgrims under their leaderships in helping each other while performing the Hajj in the Holy Land.
  • The leaders of the group were recognized by  TH  to lead their fellow pilgrims and were given several facilities such as an identity badge as "Amir" (the Leader).  TH  also issued guidelines to allow these Amirs to carry out their duty as the head of the pilgrimage group.
  • This Amir system was not resumed due to the complications  TH  faced due to non-cooperative Amirs who blame  TH  when their pilgrims experienced difficulties i.e. BPJH which is far from Masjidil Haram or Masjid Nabawi, imposed unreasonable additional charges, delays in vehicle handling and so on.   

SPECIAL HOUSING GROUP (KPK) (1406H/1986 - 1410H/1990)

  • Special Housing Group (KPK) was established by  TH  in 1986.
  • The head of KPK consists of a former Amir or a company registered in Malaysia. KPK pilgrims are registered with  TH  and are under the responsibility of  TH  and MTAT.
  • KPK heads were allowed to rent a BPJH and receive the allocation money for the house rental from the pilgrims' Hajj Expenditure Money (WPH) who joined them. They were allowed to collect extra money from the respective pilgrims to cover the special housing payments they were providing.
  • KPK operated for 5 years until 1410H/1990.
  • Beginning from 1411H/1991 hajj season, the handling of pilgrims through KPK has been discontinued due to some KPKs not providing good services as required by  TH  to the assigned pilgrims.  

PRIVATE COMPANIES (1408H / 1988 - 1414H / 1994)

  • Beginning 1408H/1988, the managemennt of pilgrims through private companies has been introduced although KPK was still in operation.
  • These private companies are Bumiputera Muslim Travel Agencies who are licensed by  TH  to manage the pilgrims. It operated until 1994 when there were 36 private companies involved in managing pilgrims as private entities.
  • The operation of pilgrims through these private companies was terminated in 1414H/1994 and replaced by the Hajj Consortium.   

HAJJ CONSORTIUM (1415H/1995 - 1419H/1999)

  • Hajj Consortium was operational from 1415H/1995 to 1419H/1999 to replace the private companies.
  • Consortium means a coalition several private companies that are financially strong and have experience managing pilgrims, comprising of two medium-sized companies and one or two new companies.
  • They consolidate their mobilization of resources, capitals and skills to jointly handle the management of Hajj pilgrims privately.
  • There are 6 Hajj Consortiums created by  TH  management to conduct pilgrims privately.
  • During the Hajj season 1416H/1996, one of the consortiums was terminated for violating Act 535 by bringing pilgrims more than the quota allocated by  TH . Therefore, during the Hajj season 1417H/1997 to 1419H/1999, there were only 5 Hajj Consortiums in operation.
  • During the Hajj Season 1419H/1999, 3 Hajj Consortiums were reported to have carried out activities that violated the terms and conditions of licensing and consortium appointments set by  TH  because they were found operating the pilgrims outside the  TH  quota (Furada) and causing the pilgrims to be stranded.
  • TH  management has revoked the licenses of the three consortiums resulting in only 2 pilgrim consortiums operational.
  • Both remaining consortiums were dissolved and replaced with  TH  - Swasta (Private) method or PJH to operate beginning 1420H / 2000 Hajj Season.  


  • PJH was first introduced in 1420H/2000M. It refers to Bumiputra Muslim Travel Agenies which are licensed to manage pilgrims privately.
  • PJH also refers to  TH  Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. (THTS) and Muslim Bumiputera Tourism Agency who PJH License is approved for the current year.
  • JH (Jemaah Haji) PJH is also part of  TH  congregation (jemaah). They are Malaysians registered with  TH  as with the Muassasah pilgrims.
  • JH who performs Hajj through PJH is not given ‘Hajj Assistance’ (subsidy) like Muassasah Hajj pilgrims who perform Hajj for the first time. This has indirectly reduced the cost of the subsidy.  


  • The existence of THTS is in reference to Section 4(d) of Act 535 Lembaga Tabung Haji 1995 which allows the establishment of companies under the Companies Act 1965 to carry out any activities planned or undertaken by  TH .
  • Hajj package service is the main activity of  TH . THTS uses this service as an opportunity by offering hajj services on a package basis from 1985.
  • Moderate; and
  • The purpose is to enable pilgrims who wish to choose THTS Hajj Packages to do so based on their respective economic status and financial abilities.  


  • PJH Press Release 2024

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TH TRAVEL & SERVICES SDN. BHD. was incorporated on 1972-09-09 in Malaysia with registration number of 0012778H / 197201001172 . TH TRAVEL & SERVICES SDN. BHD.'s business includes HAJ CHARTER AND HAJ CATERING, HAJ PACKAGE AND UMRAH TRAVEL, TOUR AND TICKETING, TRANSPORTATION, AGENT AND GENERAL TRADING.


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TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd

TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd is a travel agency based in Kuala Lumpur, with branches in Alor Setar, Kuantan, Seremban, Penang, Melaka, Kuching, Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan, all of which are licensed by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC). The MOTAC is the government agency responsible for regulating and promoting tourism in Malaysia. The travel agency must fulfill specific criteria and adhere to guidelines set by the MOTAC to obtain and maintain its license. This ensures that travelers can rely on licensed travel agents for their travel arrangements, including tour packages, ticketing services, and other travel-related services. When choosing a travel agent in Malaysia, it is advisable to look for one that is licensed by the MOTAC to ensure a legitimate and reputable service.

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Th Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia)

Other Passenger Land Transport N.E.C. (SSM) The Company ("THTS") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tabung Haji (TH), which was incorporated on 9 September 1972 according to the Companies Act 1965. Paid-up capital and allowed is RM5 million. THTS Headquarters is located at Level 25, Menara TH Selborn, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur. THTS also has a number of Regional Offices and Mini.

Headquarters Aras 24, Menara Th Selborn, 153 Jalan Tun Razak Kuala Lumpur; Federal Territories; Postal Code: 50400

Contact Details: Purchase the Th Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. report to view the information.

Website: http://www.thts.com.my

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TH Ahmad Ruzman

PETALING JAYA: Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) has appointed Datuk Ahmad Ruzman Ahmad Razali (pic) as TH Travel and Services Sdn Bhd (THTS) chief executive officer (CEO), effective Jan 4,2021, in line with TH’s efforts in strengthening the organisation’s leadership.

TH, in a statement, said Ahmad Ruzman, who holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Operations Management from Northern Illinois University, has over 30 years of experience in TH Group.

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  4. Jawatan Kosong TH Travel & Services (THTS). Tarikh Tutup 7 Mac 2024

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  1. TH Travel

    IKUTI MEDIA SOSIAL RASMI TABUNG HAJI TRAVEL UNTUK MENDAPATKAN MAKLUMAT DAN PRODUK TERBARU. SEBARANG PERTANYAAN LANJUT SILA HUBUNGI TALIAN HOTLINE KAMI 019-2897624. Pakej Haji. ... TH Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. (12778-H) Aras 25 Menara TH Selborn, 153, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). +6019 289 7624 ...

  2. TH Travel

    TH Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. merupakan Ahli Kumpulan Syarikat - Syarikat TH yang diperbadankan pada 9 September 1972 untuk mengendali dan mengurus perkhidmatan Haji dan Umrah bagi jemaah Malaysia. Berbekalkan pengalaman lebih 52 tahun dalam menguruskan perjalanan Haji dan Umrah, Tabung Haji Travel memahami kehendak para jemaah dengan menyediakan pakej-pakej yang memenuhi keperluan dan ...

  3. Hubungi Kami

    TH Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd Aras 25, Menara TH Selborn, 153, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). HP: +6019 289 7624 (8.30 Pagi-5.30 Petang) Tel: +603 2688 0000 (8.30 Pagi-5.30 Petang) Fax: +603 2681 0814 . Laman Web: www.thts.com.my Facebook: Tabung Haji Travel

  4. Pengelola Jemaah Haji (PJH) Services

    TH TRAVEL & SERVICES SDN. BHD. The existence of THTS is in reference to Section 4(d) of Act 535 Lembaga Tabung Haji 1995 which allows the establishment of companies under the Companies Act 1965 to carry out any activities planned or undertaken by TH. Hajj package service is the main activity of TH. THTS uses this service as an opportunity by ...

  5. TH TRAVEL & SERVICES SDN. BHD. (Malaysia)

    TH TRAVEL & SERVICES SDN. BHD. was incorporated on 1972-09-09 in Malaysia with registration number of 0012778H / 197201001172 . TH TRAVEL & SERVICES SDN. BHD.'s business includes HAJ CHARTER AND HAJ CATERING, HAJ PACKAGE AND UMRAH TRAVEL, TOUR AND TICKETING, TRANSPORTATION, AGENT AND GENERAL TRADING. Get an accurate picture of a customer's ...

  6. TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd

    TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd is a travel agency based in Kuala Lumpur, with branches in Alor Setar, Seremban, Penang, Melaka, Kuching, Kota Kinabalu and Sandakan, all of which are licensed by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC). The MOTAC is the government agency responsible for regulating and promoting tourism in Malaysia.


    TH TRAVEL & SERVICES SDN. BHD. established in 1972, is a key player in the Haj Charter And Haj Catering sector in KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia.This LIMITED BY SHARES, PRIVATE LIMITED entity, with a detailed company profile available, features a robust structure with 5 directors and 1 shareholders.

  8. Th Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia)

    Th Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. (Malaysia) The Company ("THTS") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tabung Haji (TH), which was incorporated on 9 September 1972 according to the Companies Act 1965. Paid-up capital and allowed is RM5 million. THTS Headquarters is located at Level 25, Menara TH Selborn, Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur.

  9. TH announces Ahmad Ruzman as THTS CEO

    PETALING JAYA: Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) has appointed Datuk Ahmad Ruzman Ahmad Razali (pic) as TH Travel and Services Sdn Bhd (THTS) chief executive officer (CEO), effective Jan 4,2021, in line ...

  10. Pakej Umrah

    Aras 25 Menara TH Selborn, 153, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). +6019 289 7624 +603 2688 0000 Pusat Maklumat Informasi Syarikat; Sebut Harga / Tender; Galeri Gambar / Video; Borang Maklum Balas ... ©2024 Hakcipta Terpelihara TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd (THTS). THTS tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kehilangan atau ...

  11. Ahmad Ruzman dilantik CEO baharu TH Travel & Services

    KUALA LUMPUR: Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) melantik Datuk Ahmad Ruzman Ahmad Razali sebagai Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif (CEO) TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd (THTS) berkuatkuasa ...

  12. TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd Careers and Employment

    Find out what works well at TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd from the people who know best. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team's work-life balance. Uncover why TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd is the best company for you.

  13. Working at TH Travel & Services company profile and information

    Company size. 51-100 employees. Primary location. Level 24, Menara TH Selborn, No 153, Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur. We are an established Islamic Travel Agency, providing growth for high achievers with competitive remuneration and benefit. In line with our expansion, we seek to recruit sel-motivated, customer oriented and dynamic ...

  14. Th Travel and Services Sdn Bhd

    Page · Travel agency. 2828-G-1A, JALAN BAGAN LUAR, Butterworth, Malaysia. +60 4-323 3133.

  15. TH Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. Kuala Lumpur

    TH Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. is located at TH Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. Level 25, Menara TH Selborn, 153, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400. Kuala Lumpur, Tel 032 681 2020, view TH Travel & Services Sdn. Bhd. location, products and services on Streetdirectory Map

  16. Ambu Addresses

    Ambu Sales & Services Sdn Bhd Mini-Circuits Building 3 Level 3., Plot 10, Bayan Lepas Technoplex, Bayan Lepas Phase IV, 11900 Penang, Malaysia. phone +60 4 252 9100; ... Ambu Sdn. Bhd. (336938-A) Lot 69B Lintang Bayan Lepas 6, Phase IV 11900 Penang. phone +60 4 252 9000; print +60 4 644 8932 - Production; USA. King Systems

  17. Ground Tour|Tour & Holiday Packages|Mayflower Holidays

    Tour Packages. Additional Services. COMPANY. Mayflower My 2nd Home Sdn Bhd (MM2H) -200601031508 (751267-U) Discovery Tours Sdn Bhd (Sabah) -197601004729 (30697-T) Mayflower Corporate Travel Services Sdn Bhd -198401009262 (121804-A) Mayflower Car Rental Sdn Bhd -96901000785 (9199-T) HELP. FAQ.

  18. TH Travel

    Aras 25 Menara TH Selborn, 153, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). +6019 289 7624 +603 2688 0000 Pusat Maklumat Informasi Syarikat; Sebut Harga / Tender; Galeri Gambar / Video; Borang Maklum Balas ... ©2024 Hakcipta Terpelihara TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd (THTS). THTS tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kehilangan atau ...

  19. Tri-d Travel & Tours

    Bhd provide strategic direction planning and organise services mainly in the travel and tourism industry. Perjalanan Rohani Mencari Redha Ilahi " Perjalanan Haji bersama Tri-D Travel Sdn Bhd " Login Register Wish List (0) Order History. 0 item(s) - RM0.00. ... Tri-d Travel & Tour Sdn Bhd.

  20. Termidzi Mahmod

    Feb 2015 - Nov 2020 5 tahun 10 bulan. Mutiara Damansara, Petaling Jaya. As a Data Analyst and attach to Property Products and Analytics Department. Interact with all teams and department to learn and respond to their data needs accordingly. Manage and leads report to all leadership teams and department. Aggregate data from various sources ...

  21. Pakej Pelancongan

    Aras 25 Menara TH Selborn, 153, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). +6019 289 7624 +603 2688 0000 Pusat Maklumat Informasi Syarikat; Sebut Harga / Tender; Galeri Gambar / Video; Borang Maklum Balas ... ©2024 Hakcipta Terpelihara TH Travel & Services Sdn Bhd (THTS). THTS tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap sebarang kehilangan atau ...