Ellie's Travel Tips

Cruise Planners: Free 42-Page Printable + Comprehensive Guide

Ahoy, future cruisers! 🚢✨

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from countless oceanic adventures, it’s this: A spectacular cruise isn’t just about the destination or the ship—it’s also about meticulous planning.

But wait, before you start envisioning tedious spreadsheets and overwhelming to-do lists, let us introduce you to the magic of cruise planners.

Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or embarking on your maiden cruise journey, this comprehensive guide (alongside our free 42-page planner ) will ensure you navigate the vast seas of cruise planning with ease and expertise.

free cruise planners

Why Cruise Planning is Essential

Breathtaking sunsets, the gentle rock of the ship, exotic ports with adventures awaiting—cruising is an experience unlike any other.

However, as idyllic as it sounds, hopping aboard without a clear plan can quickly turn those dreamy sunsets into stormy clouds of stress.

Let’s dive into why plotting your course in advance is the real key to unlocking a memorable cruise.

1. Navigating Your Budget Like a Pro

The allure of the open seas can quickly become a daunting affair if costs spiral out of control. While most fun cruises are all-inclusive, there are many additional expenses—excursions, premium dining, spa treatments, and those irresistible souvenirs—that can take you by surprise.

Planning ensures you’re not only prepared for these expenses but can strategically indulge without breaking the bank.

2. Maximize Every Moment

Every cruise ship is a floating city, brimming with activities, shows, workshops, and more. Without a plan, you might find yourself overwhelmed by choices, leading to either a rushed experience or missing out on fantastic opportunities.

Knowing what’s on offer and pre-scheduling can help you strike the perfect balance between relaxation and adventure.

3. Port-of-Call Perfection

Those few precious hours at a port can fly by. Having a clear itinerary ensures you experience the best of each destination without the last-minute scrambles.

Whether it’s exploring a hidden beach, tasting local delicacies, or embarking on a cultural tour, pre-planning helps you anchor your experiences to cherished memories.

4. Bypassing Common Cruise Pitfalls

Ever found yourself in the wrong dress code for a themed dinner night? Or realized too late that your dream excursion was fully booked?

Such hiccups can put a damper on the cruising spirit. A cruise planner helps anticipate and sidestep these common oversights.

5. Tailored to Your Taste

Cruise ships cater to a diverse clientele, from families with kids to honeymooners to solo explorers.

Planning ensures your cruise is tailored to your preferences, ensuring each day feels like it was crafted just for you.

In essence, a well-charted cruise plan is the wind in your sails, driving your ship towards sunny horizons and starry nights. So, as you look out to the vast ocean of possibilities, remember: The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes (and a solid plan!). 🌟🗺️🚢

cruise ship at sea

Unveiling the Concept of ‘Cruise Planners’

Cast away the visions of old-school travel agencies, clunky brochures, and hour-long phone holds.

Enter the digital age of cruise planning, where the term ‘cruise planners’ doesn’t just refer to professionals, but also to modern tools and resources that make planning a breeze. Let’s set sail into this brave new world.

A Blast from the Past:

Remember when planning a trip meant visiting a travel agency, pouring over hefty brochures, and relying on the knowledge of someone who might have visited your desired destination once or twice?

Those were simpler times but not necessarily easier. The evolution of travel planning, especially for cruises, has brought empowerment to travelers.

The Rise of Cruise Planner Professionals:

Today’s cruise planners are a blend of travel agents, consultants, and experience curators. They’re armed with vast databases of information, partnerships with cruise lines, and personal experiences.

They don’t just book your tickets; they craft your journey. From ensuring you get the best cabin to curating on-shore excursions tailored to your interests, they’re your personal cruise concierge.

Digital Tools and Apps:

The internet era has birthed a multitude of platforms, apps, and tools specifically designed for cruise enthusiasts. From virtual ship tours to detailed reviews of every activity onboard, these digital tools provide invaluable insights.

Many come with user-friendly interfaces, allowing travelers to drag and drop activities into their itinerary, creating a visual blueprint of their cruise.

Community and Crowdsourced Knowledge:

The term cruise planners isn’t confined to professionals and tools; it’s also about the community. Online forums, social media groups, and cruise-focused blogs are treasure troves of first-hand experiences and advice.

Fellow travelers share hidden gems, tips to save money, and even recommendations on what to avoid. In many ways, today’s cruise planning is a collaborative effort.

Why It’s Trending:

The increased search and interest around cruise planners reflect a larger trend: travelers desire enriched experiences, not just trips. They seek a blend of relaxation and exploration, craving curated journeys that resonate with their personal tastes and interests.

As we steer through this section, one thing becomes clear: cruise planning has evolved from a task to an art form. Whether you’re leaning towards professional assistance or reveling in DIY, understanding the vast realm of cruise planners equips you for an unforgettable voyage. 🌐🛳️📲

free cruise planner

DIY vs. Professional Cruise Planners: Pros & Cons

In the vast ocean of cruise planning, two predominant approaches emerge: the independent, DIY route, and the guided path of professional cruise planners.

Both have their merits, and each carries a unique allure. But which one is your siren song? Let’s delve deep and weigh the anchors of each side.

DIY Cruise Planning:

  • Personalization & Flexibility: The cruise world is your oyster! Design each detail according to your desires, making on-the-fly changes whenever inspiration strikes.
  • Potential Cost Savings: No middleman means you might snag a few deals, especially if you’re a savvy researcher and bargain hunter.
  • Deep Dive Research: There’s a unique joy in scouring forums, reading reviews, and diving into blogs. You’ll feel a sense of achievement and anticipation building as you craft your dream cruise.
  • Time-Intensive: With great freedom comes great responsibility—and a ton of research. It can become overwhelming, especially for complex routes or long-duration cruises.
  • Possible Oversights: Without expert guidance, you might miss out on exclusive deals, hidden gems, or important logistical aspects.
  • Potential for Stress: Facing uncertainties or second-guessing choices without professional validation can lead to pre-cruise jitters.

professional cruise planners

Professional Cruise Planners:

  • Expertise & Experience: These professionals know the cruise world like the back of their hands. They can guide you to choices you might never have considered, enhancing your experience.
  • Time-Saving: Just share your preferences, sit back, and let the magic unfold. Your planner will handle the nitty-gritty, from bookings to special requests.
  • Exclusive Access: Many cruise planners have tie-ups with cruise lines, granting you exclusive deals, early-bird offers, or special amenities.
  • Potential for Higher Costs: Their expertise comes at a price. While you might get exclusive deals, the overall cost may be higher than a DIY approach.
  • Less Personal Touch: While professionals curate based on your preferences, you might miss out on the detailed personal touches that come from hours of personal research.
  • Dependency: Any changes or issues? You’ll need to go through your planner, which could cause delays or miscommunications.

Both paths, DIY and professional assistance, offer unique experiences in the world of cruise planning. It boils down to your personal style. If you’re a meticulous planner who loves diving into details and has the time for it, DIY might be up your alley. However, if you seek a hassle-free, expert-curated experience and are okay with a slightly higher budget, professional cruise planners are your best bet.

Whichever path you choose, remember: the journey of planning can be just as exciting as the cruise itself. So, hoist your sails, and may the winds of adventure guide you forward! 🌍🚢📖

post-cruise adjustment sailing

Sail Ahead with Our Exclusive Free Printable Cruise Planner!

Charting your next cruise adventure has never been this exhilarating—or easy! We’re elated to introduce our meticulously crafted, user-friendly, and absolutely FREE Printable Cruise Planner . Created with love and a passion for the seas, this planner is designed to be your trusty co-captain on your cruise planning journey. Let’s dive in and explore how this nautical gem can enhance your voyage from start to finish.

1. Crafted with Experience: Every page of our planner is imbued with insights from seasoned cruisers and travel aficionados. This isn’t just a planner; it’s a distillation of years of cruising knowledge, refined into a sleek, actionable tool.

2. User-Centric Design: Tired of scribbles, scattered notes, and losing track of your plans? Our planner’s intuitive layout ensures a smooth sailing experience. Segmented sections cater to all cruise planning facets, ensuring you never miss a detail.

3. All-in-One Organizer: From pre-cruise checklists, daily activity trackers, and excursion planners to budget worksheets and meal reservation logs, we’ve got you covered. It’s your one-stop companion for a stress-free cruise journey.

4. Personal & Flexible: While our planner comes with a recommended flow, its design embraces flexibility. Add, remove, or rearrange pages as you see fit. Plus, there’s ample space for personal notes, doodles, and those spontaneous ideas that pop up.

5. Sustainable & Eco-friendly: Designed to be printed at home or at your local print shop, our planner champions sustainability. We recommend printing on recycled paper, and its compact design ensures minimal waste.

6. A Continual Companion: Whether you’re cruising for a month through the Mediterranean or venturing into the Alaskan wilds , this planner is adaptable to any cruise type, duration, or destination. It’s a timeless tool you’ll find yourself reaching for, cruise after cruise.

How to Get Your Free Printable Cruise Planner: Excited to set sail with our planner by your side? Simply print it, bind it, and begin the delightful journey of crafting your dream cruise.

month-long cruise itineraries

A Comprehensive Guide to Using Our Cruise Planner

Embarking on a cruise journey entails much more than just boarding a ship. From the minute details of your cabin choice to the broader scope of your travel itinerary, every decision impacts the kind of memories you’ll craft.

And while spontaneity has its charm, a well-structured plan often guarantees a smoother, richer experience. That’s where our cruise planner shines. In this in-depth guide, we’ll navigate through its various sections, ensuring you harness its full potential. So, let’s set sail!

Budgeting for Your Voyage: Making Every Penny Count

Every memorable cruise starts with a realistic and well-thought-out budget. It’s the foundation upon which your voyage stands. With our cruise planner’s dedicated budgeting sections, you’re not just jotting down numbers—you’re crafting a financial blueprint for a stress-free journey.

Start with the Basics: Begin by filling out the primary expenses: cruise fare, flights (if applicable), pre and post-cruise accommodations, and travel insurance. These are the pillars of your trip’s financial structure.

The All-Inclusive Trap: Many cruises market themselves as all-inclusive, but there are always additional expenses. Use the planner to list potential on-board expenses: specialty dining, spa treatments, premium beverages, and onboard activities that might come with a fee.

Excursions & Exploration: While the ship offers a universe of experiences, the real adventures often lie ashore. Research potential excursions or guided tours. Also, account for impromptu local experiences, shopping, or meals at port cities. Allocate funds accordingly.

Buffer Budget: The seas are full of surprises! Always keep a buffer budget for unforeseen expenses. Whether it’s a sudden urge to try an upscale restaurant onboard or a local craft that catches your eye at a port, this safety net ensures peace of mind.

Track as You Go: A budget is not a set-in-stone document. As your cruise progresses, keep updating your planner with actual expenses. This helps keep a check, ensuring you stay within limits and can make adjustments if necessary.

Saving Opportunities: Dedicate a section for potential discounts, deals, or loyalty rewards. Cruises often have loyalty programs, early-bird specials, or last-minute deals. Tracking these can significantly reduce costs.

Budgeting with our cruise planner ensures you’re not just spending, but investing in experiences that truly matter. It’s about optimizing your resources for maximum joy. Remember, a well-planned budget is the wind behind the sails of your dream cruise, propelling you towards memorable horizons without financial hiccups.

west coast cruise ports

Itinerary Planning: Charting Your Course with Precision and Passion

Crafting the perfect cruise itinerary is an art, blending structure with spontaneity, must-dos with delightful detours. Your cruise will glide through beautiful regions, docking at exotic ports, each offering its unique array of experiences. Our cruise planner’s itinerary-focused sections are the canvas upon which you’ll paint your dream journey. Here’s your step-by-step guide to using it to its fullest.

Familiarize with the Ship’s Itinerary: Start by filling in the fixed elements of your trip: dates, destinations, docking times, and durations. This gives you a clear scaffold upon which to layer your personal plans.

Research Each Destination: For every port of call, delve into research. Look up the top attractions, experiences, local cuisines, cultural events, and hidden gems. Jot down what piques your interest.

Prioritize: With so much to see and do, prioritization is key. What are your non-negotiables? Maybe it’s the ancient ruins in one city or the famous beach in another. Highlight these in your planner.

Schedule Excursions: If you’re booking guided tours or ship-sponsored excursions, slot them in. Ensure you have a buffer time before and after, accounting for any unforeseen delays.

DIY Adventures: Perhaps you’re keen on exploring a destination at your own pace. Use the planner to sketch a rough route, noting down places of interest, local eateries, and spots to relax.

Onboard Activities: Your ship is a floating paradise, bursting with activities, shows, workshops, and events. Interweave these with your port days. Maybe you’d like a spa day after an intensive excursion or a special dinner on a night when the ship stays docked longer.

Stay Flexible: While it’s great to have a plan, remember the magic often lies in unexpected adventures. Leave gaps in your itinerary for serendipitous discoveries.

Gather Local Insights: Interact with locals or fellow travelers to get recommendations. Perhaps there’s a local festival, a lesser-known museum, or a just-opened eatery worth checking out. Update your planner accordingly.

With our cruise planner, every day of your cruise transforms from a mere date on the calendar to a tapestry of vivid experiences, memories in the making. Itinerary planning isn’t just about filling slots; it’s about curating moments, both monumental and minuscule, that together create the symphony of your cruise adventure.

fun cruises on deck

Onboard Experience: Savoring Every Moment Aboard Your Floating Paradise

The sea’s gentle sway, the horizon stretching infinitely, the allure of a new dawn each day – life aboard your cruise ship promises experiences as vast as the ocean itself. Your vessel isn’t merely a means to get from one port to another; it’s a universe of entertainment, relaxation, and enchantment. Our cruise planner ensures you don’t miss a beat. Let’s set sail on this immersive journey!

Know Your Ship: Begin by exploring your cruise ship’s layout, offerings, and daily events. Familiarize yourself with entertainment zones, dining venues, recreational areas, and relaxation spots.

Day-to-Day Events: Most ships offer a daily bulletin or newsletter detailing the day’s activities. Extract the ones that intrigue you and slot them into your planner. Whether it’s a dance class, a wine tasting session, or a themed night, ensure you’re prepped and punctual.

Dine in Style: With a plethora of dining options, from casual buffets to elegant specialty restaurants, plan your culinary journey. Make reservations for must-visit venues, and allocate days for spontaneous choices.

Recreation & Wellness: Cruise ships are wellness havens. Schedule spa appointments, fitness classes, or simply pencil in pool days. Remember, relaxation is as vital as exploration.

Nightlife & Shows: From Broadway-esque productions to jazz nights, your evenings onboard promise a whirlwind of entertainment. Mark out shows you can’t miss, and perhaps days you’d just like to stargaze from the deck.

Engage & Socialize: Many ships offer workshops, lectures, or group activities. Engage in ones that pique your interest. It’s also a fantastic way to meet fellow travelers and make lasting connections.

Capture Memories: Dedicate some time to journal your onboard experiences. Whether it’s the thrill of a casino win, the serenity of a sunrise, or the novelty of a cooking class, your planner will become a trove of treasured memories.

The ship is more than just steel and sophistication; it’s the heart of your cruise experience. With our cruise planner’s dedicated section, each day onboard metamorphoses into a vibrant mosaic of moments, memories, and sheer magic. As you traverse the waters, let the ship not just be a vessel, but a vivacious companion on your epic odyssey.

cruise packing tips

Packing and Prep: Ensuring Smooth Sailing with Every Suitcase

The thrill of an impending cruise can often be juxtaposed with the dread of packing. But what if we told you packing could be as enjoyable as the voyage itself? With our cruise planner’s preparation and cruise packing segments, you’re not just stuffing suitcases but curating collections for every chapter of your adventure. Dive in!

Climate & Itinerary Checks: Examine the regions you’ll be traversing and their expected climates. Also, sync with your itinerary: a gala night, a beach excursion, or a hiking adventure will each demand different attire.

Essentials First: Start with the basics – passports, cruise documentation, medications, and other vital items. Use our dedicated cruise essentials checklist to ensure nothing is overlooked.

Day-Wise Wardrobe: Instead of random outfits, consider packing day-wise or event-wise ensembles. It saves the daily decision-making hassle and ensures you’re always aptly dressed.

Tech & Entertainment: Remember chargers, converters, headphones, and any other tech essentials. If you’re planning relaxed days, perhaps some reading material or downloaded shows could be handy.

Toiletries & Personal Care: While most ships offer basic amenities, if you’re particular about brands or have specific requirements, pack cruise accessories accordingly. Consider the environment and opt for biodegradable products.

Snacks & Munchies: While food is abundant on a cruise, if you have specific dietary needs or just want some familiar comfort snacks, leave some space in your luggage.

Review & Reduce: It’s easy to overpack. Once done, review and ask yourself if you genuinely need every item. Shedding even a few unnecessary things can lighten your luggage and your stress.

Equipped with our cruise planner, packing is no longer a tedious task but a tantalizing teaser for the adventures ahead. It’s the prelude to your symphony, setting the rhythm for a voyage that’s as seamless as it is splendid.

cruise documents

Documentation and Legalities: Navigating the Nitty-Gritty with Ease

Cruises, with their promise of unhindered serenity and adventure, do come with an underbelly of necessary documentation and legalities . It might sound tedious, but with the right preparation and our cruise planner by your side, it’s just another step toward ensuring a smooth voyage. Let’s set your sails straight with this crucial aspect of cruise planning!

Passport and Visas:

  • Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your return date.
  • Check visa requirements for every port of call. Some countries might offer visa-on-arrival, while others demand prior arrangements.

Cruise Tickets and Boarding Passes:

  • Always have a printed and digital copy.
  • Familiarize yourself with the boarding procedure, time windows, and the location of your embarkation point.

Medical Documentation:

  • If you have specific medical conditions, carry relevant documents or prescriptions.
  • Research on onboard medical facilities and what kind of health insurances they accept.

Special Requests & Accommodations:

  • If you’ve made special requests like dietary accommodations or accessibility provisions, have these documented and easily accessible.

Local Laws & Etiquette:

  • Brief research on local customs, laws, and etiquettes for each port can save potential hassles. It’s not just about compliance but also about showing respect to the cultures you’ll be immersing in.

Emergency Contacts:

  • A list of emergency contacts, including those of the cruise line, local embassies or consulates, and close family or friends, is crucial.

Backup & Digital Security:

  • Ensure all vital documents have a digital backup, perhaps in a secure cloud storage.
  • Protect your devices with strong passwords, and be cautious about using public Wi-Fi networks.

girl being mindful on beach

Post-Cruise Reflection: Reliving and Reveling in the Resonance of Your Journey

The end of your cruise isn’t the final chapter but the beginning of a beautiful reminiscence, a great way to end your mindful travel adventure . It’s a time to reflect, to capture the essence of your journey, to dream about future voyages, and to be grateful for the just-concluded odyssey.


  • Pen down standout moments, unexpected delights, and even fleeting observations. Over time, these become priceless recollections.

Feedback & Reviews:

  • Your experiences can guide future travelers. Take a moment to leave reviews or feedback, both for the cruise line and for specific excursions or services you availed.

Photos & Souvenirs:

  • Organize and backup your photographs. Maybe create a digital or physical album dedicated to this cruise.
  • Place your souvenirs in spots where they can serve as daily reminders of your voyage.

Connections & Friendships:

  • Did you meet like-minded travelers or forge new friendships? Note down their contacts and make an effort to stay connected.

Learnings & Takeaways:

  • Every journey teaches us something. Reflect on what this cruise added to your life’s tapestry – be it a new perspective, a rejuvenated spirit, or just a broader smile.

Future Cruise Wishlist:

  • Inspired for another trip? Start creating a wishlist for your next cruise, be it destinations, activities, or even a different cruise line.

Using our free cruise planner, the end of your voyage transforms into a heartwarming epilogue, a promise of many more tales on the tides, and a testament to the timelessness of travel memories.

cruise ports east coast

Tips and Tricks from Veteran Cruisers

Every cruise ship is a world in itself, with its own rhythm, rules, and revelations. And who better to guide you through these intricate cruise travel tips than the seasoned travelers who’ve charted these waters before?

The wisdom of veteran cruisers is akin to a treasure map, leading you to hidden gems and helping you steer clear of potential pitfalls. Dive into this treasure trove of advice with our curated collection of tips and tricks.

1. Embarkation and Disembarkation Mastery:

  • Arrive Early, But Not Too Early: Arriving a tad earlier than the suggested time can help you beat the crowds, but too early might leave you waiting.
  • Luggage Tags: Always secure and double-check your luggage tags. It ensures your bags find their way to your cabin efficiently.

2. Make Reservations Ahead: Whether it’s specialty dining, exclusive shows, or spa treatments, booking in advance ensures you get the best slots and don’t miss out.

3. Navigating Onboard Sales: Veterans often advise to be wary of the first-day sales pitches for spas, photo packages, and more. Wait for mid-cruise offers, which can often be more lucrative.

4. Stay Connected, Economically: Internet packages onboard can be expensive. Seasoned cruisers suggest investing in a package only if necessary and logging off when not in use to conserve minutes. Alternatively, many ports offer cafes with free Wi-Fi.

5. Room Location Matters: Picking a cabin mid-ship and away from high-traffic areas can reduce noise and motion, ensuring a more peaceful stay. Make sure to review the top cabins to avoid before you book your stateroom.

6. Pack a Day Bag: Since checked luggage might take a while to get to your room, always have a day bag with essentials – medication, swimwear, sunscreen, and any immediate necessities.

7. Go Off the Beaten Path: While popular excursions have their charm, often the best memories are crafted when you venture off on your own or pick less crowded activities.

8. Mind the Dress Codes: Cruise lines often have specific dress codes, especially for dinner or special nights. A quick check ensures you’re always dressed to impress.

9. Interact with the Crew: The ship’s crew are invaluable sources of information and stories. Engaging with them not only enhances your onboard experience but also offers insights you wouldn’t find in any brochure.

10. Stay Informed: Make it a habit to check the daily newsletter or bulletin. It’s your guide to the ship’s happenings, offers, and important announcements.

11. BYOB, with Caution: Some cruise lines allow you to bring a bottle of wine or champagne. However, always check the cruise line’s alcohol policy to avoid any unexpected corkage fees or confiscations.

12. Embrace Flexibility: While planning is pivotal, sometimes the best experiences come from spontaneous decisions. Whether it’s a sudden deck party or an unplanned shore excursion, embrace the unpredictability of the journey.

Drawing from the vast ocean of experiences of veteran cruisers, these tips and tricks are your compass, ensuring smooth sailing and memorable moments at every turn. Remember, every cruiser starts as a novice, but with the right guidance, each journey can be navigated like a pro.

NCL things onboard

Final Thoughts and Encouragement

As we anchor down on this comprehensive cruise-planning journey, it’s important to remember that each voyage is as much about the destinations as it is about the journey itself. Cruises offer a unique blend of relaxation, adventure, and cultural immersion, all set against the majestic backdrop of the vast ocean.

Every Cruiser’s Evolution: It’s a given – your first cruise will be markedly different from your tenth. With every voyage, you’ll learn more about your preferences, the quirks of different ships, and the nuances of navigating the high seas. Embrace this evolution, knowing that every experience, whether smooth or turbulent, contributes to your cruiser’s repertoire.

Trust in Preparation: While the allure of spontaneity is undeniable, there’s a unique comfort in knowing you’re well-prepared. Our cruise planner, coupled with the wisdom of countless cruisers before you, ensures that you’re equipped for every eventuality, allowing you to relish every moment to the fullest.

The World Awaits: Beyond the confines of your ship lies a world rich in culture, history, and natural splendor. Whether you’re wandering through bustling markets, lounging on sun-kissed beaches, or exploring ancient ruins, cherish these moments of discovery and connection.

Your Cruise Community: From fellow passengers to the dedicated crew, the connections you forge onboard often endure well beyond the journey. These shared experiences, stories, and laughter become the hidden gems of your cruising adventures.

cruise ship itinerary sample

FAQs on Free Cruise Planners

What exactly is a Cruise Planner? A cruise planner is a comprehensive tool designed to help travelers plan and organize every aspect of their cruise vacation. It covers everything from budgeting to itinerary planning, ensuring you have a seamless and enjoyable journey.

Why should I use a Cruise Planner? Using a cruise planner allows you to consolidate all the crucial information in one place. This ensures you’re well-prepared, reduces stress, and allows you to make the most of your cruise experience. Plus, with everything organized, you’re less likely to overlook important details.

Can I use a Cruise Planner for any cruise line or ship? Absolutely! Our cruise planner is designed to be versatile, accommodating the specifics of any cruise line or ship. Simply adjust and fill in the relevant details according to your chosen cruise.

I’ve cruised before without a planner. What’s the added advantage? While many seasoned cruisers have their own systems in place, a cruise planner provides structure, consolidates information, and ensures you don’t miss out on new experiences or opportunities. It’s also a great tool for reflection and keepsakes.

How do I incorporate budgeting into the Cruise Planner? Our cruise planner has a dedicated section for budgeting, which covers everything from cruise fares to excursions and onboard expenses. By noting down and tracking your expenses, you can ensure you stay within your budget and make informed financial choices.

Is the Cruise Planner digital, printable, or both? Our cruise planner is primarily designed as a printable tool for hands-on planning. However, with evolving digital tools, you can easily use apps or software to fill it in digitally if that’s your preference.

How can I make the most of the onboard experience using the Cruise Planner? The cruise planner provides sections for you to note down daily activities, events, and shows you’re interested in. By planning ahead, you can optimize your time onboard, ensuring you participate in all the activities that pique your interest.

What if my plans change mid-cruise? Flexibility is the essence of any vacation! The cruise planner is designed to accommodate changes. It’s a tool for guidance, not rigidity. Always feel free to adapt and evolve your plans as your journey unfolds.

How does the post-cruise reflection section help? Reflecting on your journey allows you to savor and process your experiences. The post-cruise section is a space to note down memories, learnings, and even things you’d like to do differently next time. It becomes a cherished keepsake of your voyage.

Can I share the Cruise Planner with fellow travelers? A: Absolutely! Sharing the cruise planner is encouraged. Whether they’re first-time cruisers or seasoned voyagers, everyone can benefit from a bit of structured planning.

free cruise planner

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Cruise Itinerary Template

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Cruise Itinerary Template

A Cruise Itinerary Template is a document used by the cruise company to provide the travel schedule of the cruise ship. This will make the passengers delighted because it will be easier for them to plan ahead their activities. This will also prevent confusion because the passengers will have a clear view of what is the current destination of the ship. All necessary information about the cruise should show in the itinerary document which includes the destination, travel description, and the schedule.

This Cruise Itinerary Template shows the start date, start time, destination, description of the cruise, and the schedule. Using the Input Table tool, the schedule shows the date, destination, departure, and arrival time in a table format. The cruise activity schedule is also using the Configurable List widget so that you can add similar fields dynamically. You can easily edit this PDF template by using our PDF Editor. This tool allows you to change the theme color, font format, and insert images.

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Plane Ticket Template

A plane ticket template is used by airlines to book tickets for their customers online. Are you a travel agent, booking company, or airline looking for a way to sell tickets online? Our free Plane Ticket Template is the perfect way to create polished plane tickets for your clients. Just enter each traveler’s flight and personal details and this sample airline ticket will automatically generate personalized PDF plane tickets, great for domestic or international travel. Download or print them for your records, or email them to clients as an itinerary or travel document to bring on the day.You’ll get off to a flying start with our readymade Plane Ticket Template — but if you’d like to customize the template, Jotform’s drag-and-drop Form Builder ensures you won’t be flying blind when it comes to design. Simply drag-and-drop elements to add your logo, outline flight details, and update terms and conditions. Why not integrate the attached form with one of our payment gateways to accept secure payments online? Try our Plane Ticket Template today to instantly generate professional, uniform plane tickets — it can save you time, organize your records, and help your travel business reach new heights.

Vacation Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Vacation Itinerary Template

Whether you run a travel agency company or just someone who loves to travel and wants to have a detailed plan documented, a Vacation Itinerary Template is always necessary. Having a ready-made itinerary PDF template will help you in planning for your travels and will maximize your time and expenditures. Try this sample Vacation Itinerary Template from Jotform. This template is designed to suit any kind of vacations but feels free to modify it. It has basic information such as the destination, date and time of arrival, places to visit, estimated cost and many more. You can change this information or add more if you want.

Flight Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Flight Itinerary Template

A Flight Itinerary is an airline travel route information of a person or a group detailing the departure and arrival schedules of every flight. The information provided includes the type of aircraft that the passenger will board on, the date and time of flight, the reservation/booking numbers, the target destination, including the terminal and if possible, the gate in the terminal where the passenger will go on board.This Flight Itinerary PDF Template is a simple, yet, comprehensive flight itinerary PDF document that was built from Jotform's PDF builder. It includes the necessary information that is needed in a flight itinerary, including possible connecting flights to reach the destination. This Flight Itinerary PDF template is easy to modify. Just copy this to your Jotform account and start editing it in your PDF editor and you are good to go!

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Itinerary Templates

Use our free Plane Ticket Template to create customized domestic or international plane tickets fast. Download, print, or send as PDFs in a single click.

Try this sample Vacation Itinerary Template from Jotform. This sample is designed to suit any kind of vacations but feels free to modify it. It has basic information such as the destination and date and time of arrival.

Build your flight itinerary anywhere and easily! Use this Flight Itinerary PDF template built under the Jotform PDF editor and you bring your flight itinerary in your computer of mobile device!

Business Travel Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Business Travel Itinerary Template

Planning a business trip? Help employees and executives keep track of travel arrangements and appointments with Jotform’s Business Itinerary PDF Template. Using Jotform’s PDF Editor, you can edit this sample.

Daily Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Daily Itinerary Template

A Daily Itinerary Template is a document that will help you organize your daily tasks by planning it ahead of time. This will definitely help you establish a habit and a plan to achieve your goal. This document can be used by students to prioritize the things that they need to do for a school like study habits and reviewing for upcoming exams. For adults, a daily itinerary is useful to prevent procrastination. It can also be used in travel activities in order to maximize vacation time.This Daily Itinerary Template shows the activities that you will follow for 7 days. Each day shows the time, activity description, and status. This template is utilizing the Configurable List widget where they can add activity information dynamically as needed. This PDF template can be edited easily via the PDF Editor where you can insert images, change font format, or change the theme color.

Itinerary Planner Template - PDF Templates

Itinerary Planner Template

Create personalized schedules for your next trip with this free Itinerary Planner PDF Template. Download, share, and print custom itineraries in seconds!

Travel Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Travel Itinerary Template

A travel itinerary document composed of two pages providing the travel location, dates and contact details with the travel, accommodation and activities schedule with all necessary details included.

Bachelorette Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Bachelorette Itinerary Template

Instantly create PDFs itineraries for a bachelorette party. Easy to customize for any theme. Download, print, and share in just one click. No coding required!

Birthday Itinerary - PDF Templates

Birthday Itinerary

If you are organizing a huge birthday party, this Birthday Itinerary would help you inform your guests about the party schedule with all location, date and time information included. All submission data will be automatically generated as a pdf document with this design, that would allow you to send personalized itinerary for all your guests. You can fully change the template and create your own birthday itinerary, change the document alignment, background, fonts, colors and add more fields by simply dragging and dropping elements.

Event Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Event Itinerary Template

Create a downloadable, printable PDF event itinerary with our free Event Itinerary Template. Easy drag-and-drop customization. Send out itineraries via autoresponder!

Trip Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Trip Itinerary Template

This sample itinerary template contains the duration of the trip, destination, time and activities for each day. The PDF template only shows 3 days but you can use the PDF Editor to duplicate these elements and add more days.

Road Trip Itinerary - PDF Templates

Road Trip Itinerary

Conference Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Conference Itinerary Template

Organize a professional corporate or educational conference by using this Conference Itinerary Template. This simple PDF template is easy to use and can be customized based on your event.

Meeting Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Meeting Itinerary Template

Impress your colleagues by showing your organizational skills with the help of this Meeting Itinerary Template. This template is easy to use and can be edited conveniently via the PDF Editor.

Wedding Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Wedding Itinerary Template

You’ll have the option to change any graphic element, list additional activities, include venue information, and even add photos of the happy couple.

Cruise Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Inform your passengers of the arrival and destination of the cruise by using this Cruise Itinerary Template. This document displays the destination, departure time, and arrival time.

Travel Itirenary - PDF Templates

Travel Itirenary

Camping Trip Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Camping Trip Itinerary Template

Create your Camping Itinerary straight out from Jotform with the use of this Camping Trip Itinerary Template! Stop figuring out how to start your camping itinerary document. Use this Camping Trip Itinerary PDF Template instead!

Formal Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Formal Itinerary Template

Save time, money, and effort by using this Formal Itinerary Template in order to manage your event. This is one of the key elements in order to have a successful formal event.

Music Tour Itinerary Template - PDF Templates

Music Tour Itinerary Template

Produce your Music Tour Itinerary documents using this Music Tour Itinerary PDF template by Jotform! Create your music tour schedule easily and publish a document by providing the information for your itinerary to your delegates.

School Itinerary - PDF Templates

School Itinerary

Organizing a school event can be a daunting task. Use this School Itinerary template in order to plan a fruitful and memorable school event. This is a simple PDF but can be very engaging.

Employee Handbook Template - PDF Templates

Employee Handbook Template

Create an employee handbook for your company. Get a head start with this ready-made template. Free and easy to customize. Share to sign in seconds.

About Itinerary Templates

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step — or one carefully thought-out itinerary. Whether you’re a travel agent, event coordinator, wedding planner, or someone organizing an annual family road trip , you can instantly create schedules for any upcoming occasion with Jotform’s Itinerary PDF Templates.

Using our drag-and-drop PDF Editor , you can reorganize the itinerary template layout and include additional activity fields to help you plan every moment. When users fill out your customized itinerary form, their information will automatically be saved as PDFs that can easily be printed or sent electronically to everyone on the guest list. Once downloaded, these mobile-friendly PDF itineraries can quickly be accessed on phones, so even when internet isn’t available, everything can still go according to plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) what are the subtypes of itinerary templates.

There are itinerary templates for events, vacations, conferences — you name it! You can use travel itineraries — which include information about flights, hotels, tickets, vacation packages, and more — as well as business itineraries for conference schedules or meetings. Plus, you can fully personalize your itinerary for any trip you’re planning, whether that’s a road trip, a bachelor party, or an all-inclusive cruise.

2) What is the purpose of using an itinerary template?

The purpose of an itinerary template is to provide a structured plan for a trip or event. It outlines all the details of the event, including activities, schedules, budgets, to-do lists, and more. An itinerary template can help you organize and streamline the planning process both more productive and enjoyable, whether you’re putting on a conference or a small event for friends.

3) What are the benefits of using an itinerary template?

An itinerary template helps with time management and organization. It helps you lay out the details of an engagement in advance, saving you time and hassle once the event actually happens. Itinerary templates are also great for communicating details with others, as you can send them out to everyone involved to communicate logistics. Lastly, itinerary templates are useful when budgeting for expenses because you can estimate and track costs in one place.

4) How do I create an itinerary template?

You can create an itinerary by heading over to Jotform’s PDF templates library. We have you covered with multiple itinerary templates to choose from — no matter your needs. Simply pick the template that works best for you, click Use Template, and customize it in our PDF Editor. When you’re finished, you can share it via email or link or embed it in your website in seconds.

5) What information should be included in an itinerary template?

Generally, an itinerary template should include the major elements of the event or trip. For example, if you’re making a flight itinerary, make sure to include flight numbers, boarding times, terminals, and confirmation numbers.

If you’re making a conference itinerary, list the conference name, date, start time, location, sessions, and other details. Include a day-by-day or hour-by-hour breakdown of the schedule, depending on the length of your event.

The best way to construct an itinerary is to step back and think about all the information you would need to know as a traveler or attendee. This could include everything from budget and accommodation to meals and contact information, so take time to flesh out all the details.

6) Can I customize an itinerary template to suit my specific needs?

The beauty of the itinerary template is that you can adjust it to meet your requirements seamlessly. With Jotform’s intuitive drag-and-drop PDF Editor, you can rearrange sections, add new form fields, adjust fonts and colors, drop in your own logo, and much more. When you’re done, you can share it through email or a link with anyone who needs it. Plus, our mobile-friendly PDF itineraries work great on any phone, tablet, or computer, so your users can access them even if they’re traveling without a great internet connection.

7) Where can I find free itinerary templates online?

You can find free itinerary templates with a quick Google search. But, while there are many options to choose from, not all free itinerary templates are created equal. If you have to download a template as a Word document or PDF, editing them can get tricky, depending on which operating system or tools you use.

Jotform’s itinerary templates are completely free to use and easy to edit. Just choose the one you want to use, customize it in our PDF Editor, and you’re ready to go. You can create and share a robust itinerary in minutes.

8) How do I add accommodations and transportation details to an itinerary template?

You can add accommodation and transportation details to your itinerary template by replacing the text from the sections in one of our templates or by adding new sections to your itinerary.

You can include handy charts, color-block your sections, or create a snappy form design to make sure your users can absorb the information at a glance. To make your accommodation and transportation details even more organized, consider using standard formatting, bullet points, charts, and clear headings to enhance readability.

9) Can I share my itinerary template with others?

Yes! An itinerary wouldn’t be very useful if no one could see it except you — which is why Jotform has made this part as easy as possible. When you’re finished customizing your template, navigate to the Share button in the upper right corner of the PDF Editor. From there, you can create a link to share your document or invite users by email. You also have the option to grant private or company access, adjust permissions, and more.

10) Is it possible to create an itinerary template for multiple destinations?

Yes, you can create an itinerary template that covers multiple destinations for an event or trip! For example, if you’re organizing a company retreat with multiple destinations (think Chicago to New York or Paris to Berlin), you can create schedules for each location in the same itinerary. Put your stops on different pages or create separate charts with their activities. This way, you won’t have to send multiple documents to attendees.

11) Can I integrate a map or GPS coordinates into an itinerary template?

You can add a map as an image in your itinerary template to help guide attendees. You can also include information like the name and GPS coordinates of the destination in the template to make sure your attendees know where they’re headed.

12) How can an itinerary template help me stay organized during my trip?

An itinerary template can help you stay organized during your trip by eliminating unknown factors that may cost you time and money. For instance, if you book a bus to your day trip destination in advance, you won’t have to run around trying to find a way there the day of. An itinerary also helps you keep all the details about your day in one place so you won’t have to dig through your email searching for tickets or schedules.

One of the biggest perks of an itinerary is that it helps you manage your budget. Planning your budget in advance helps you estimate how much you’re going to spend and when, which also helps you add contingency funds should any surprises pop up.

And speaking of surprises — believe it or not, an itinerary can actually help with flexibility as well! Any trip will throw unexpected changes at you, but having your plans in one place will make it easier to rearrange specific activities or incorporate more time into your schedule with ease.

13) Are there any best practices for using an itinerary template?

There are several best practices that will help you get the most out of your itinerary template. The first one is to customize the template to your needs — adding all the details specific to your event will help you cover all your bases. Keep the information concise, so attendees don’t feel overwhelmed by too much text on the page.

It’s best to use a digital format such as a PDF for your itinerary, since paper itineraries are easy to lose or destroy. Be sure to share your document with all your attendees, so no one’s in the dark — and be sure to update it if any last-minute changes pop up!

14) How can I optimize my itinerary template to maximize my time during the trip?

Every itinerary will be different, depending on what each person enjoys. If you’re someone who likes to account for every minute of a trip, you can make a really robust itinerary. On the other hand, if you prefer to have some wiggle room, you can schedule one or two activities and leave the rest of your time to mosey around town.

In general, you can optimize your itinerary by prioritizing a couple must-see destinations and grouping activities together based on location. For example, if you’re headed to Barcelona and you’re most excited to see the Sagrada Familia, then you should plan a day in that part of town — and if a restaurant you wanted to try happens to be nearby, you can group those activities together.

It’s also wise to research transportation options in advance, because getting from one place to another often takes up the most time on trips. Be mindful of how long it’s going to take you to get somewhere — you might find it’s better to snag a cab than brave the train.

Lastly, plan in some buffer time and go with the flow! Nothing will ever go perfectly on a trip, but remember that it’s just as much about the journey as it is about the destination.

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Itinerary Templates

11+ cruise itinerary template – word, pdf.

cruise itinerary embodies the tour plan to be followed by the cruise in one synoptic structure. The itinerary contains all the major details about the trip including the arrival & departure time of the cruise, the ports to be covered, the events to be organized within the ship and so on Meeting Itinerary Template . The travelers get a complete picture of what they can expect from the voyage at a glance. Are you about to create a for the first time and have no idea where to start from? Well, you can take to a cruise for effective guidance. Itinerary Template

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Cruising Itineraries: Everything You Need to Know

Updated : June 14, 2024

AAA Travel Editor, CW

When it comes to cruising, there's no one-size-fits-all itinerary. The best cruise itinerary is the one that meets your personal preferences and interests.

To find the perfect cruise itinerary for your, start by doing some research. Look at different cruise lines and compare their offerings. Once you've found a cruise line you're interested in, look at its various destinations and see which one is the most appealing to you.

cruise ship itinerary sample

What Is a Cruise Itinerary?

A cruise itinerary is the action plan for your cruise. It tells you where your ship is going to be and when. It's basically a map of your cruise and is essential for planning purposes.

If you're the type of person who likes to plan activities in advance, you definitely will want to study your itinerary before you set sail. That way, you can ensure you're at port when all the best excursions are happening. Of course, even if you're not the planning type, it's still handy to have an itinerary on hand.

Here’s a sample cruise itinerary using popular cruising destinations:

cruise ship itinerary sample

Sample Cruise Itinerary

Let’s say you decide to take a Mediterranean cruise. Your cruise will start with two days at sea, which gives you time to settle in and explore the ship.

Then it's on to Portugal, where you'll spend a day at port before setting sail for Spain. After a day of sailing, you'll arrive in Gibraltar, where you can explore the famous Rock of Gibraltar and visit the British colony there.

From there, it's on to Morocco, where you'll spend two days at port exploring the bustling city of Tangier.

Afterward, you'll head back out to sea for a day before arriving in Malta. In Malta, you'll have a chance to visit medieval castles and ancient temples, as well as enjoy the hot summer climate. From Malta, the cruise will head to Italy, stopping first in Naples then Rome. You'll have two days in Rome to tour some of the city's most famous sights, including the Vatican Museums and St. Peter's Basilica. The last stop on the cruise is Greece, where you'll spend a day in Athens exploring the Acropolis and other ancient ruins. Then it's back to sea for the journey home.

With this sample itinerary, you'll get to experience some of the best that Europe has to offer while also spending time relaxing on the ship.

cruise ship itinerary sample

Where Should You Go to Find a Cruise Itinerary?

AAA.com/Cruises is a great place to go to find a cruise itinerary. Not only are there a wide variety of cruise itineraries, AAA has a team of experts who can help you choose the right one for you.

And if you're unsure where to start, the cruise finder tool can help you narrow down your options by destination, date and even cruise line.

cruise ship itinerary sample

Can You Customize a Cruise Itinerary?

Where a ship travels to and when is set by the cruise line, but you can customize your shore excursions and ship activities.

If you book a cruise through a AAA Travel Agent, not only can they help you find a cruise that fits your budget, they can assist in choosing an itinerary with destinations that suit your interest and select shore excursions. Travel agents also offer you expert advice, like when to travel for the best deals or for the best weather.

There’s usually enough flexibility built into cruise itineraries, you can mix and match activities to create your ideal cruise experience. Most cruise lines offer various excursions at each port of call, so you can pick and choose which ones to do. Additionally, many cruise ships have onboard activities and entertainment options to enjoy at your leisure. So, while you can’t customize the destinations on a cruise itinerary, you can tailor the experience to your specific needs and interests.

cruise ship itinerary sample

Things to Consider When Choosing Your Cruise Itinerary

Before you choose your cruise itinerary, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, consider your budget. There are cruises to suit all budgets, so find ones that fits yours. Second, think about where you want to go. There are cruises to all sorts of destinations, so you'll need to narrow down your options. Once you've done that, you can start looking at itineraries and seeing which one appeals to you the most. Finally, don't forget to factor in shore excursions and onboard activities. These can add a lot to your cruise experience, so include them in your itinerary. With these things in mind, you're sure to choose the perfect cruise for you.

cruise ship itinerary sample

AAA Travel provides peace of mind when you travel — before, during, and after your vacation! AAA Travel has teamed up with some of the industry's best cruise lines to provide you with added amenities, AAA Vacations® 24/7 Member Care, and the Best Price Guarantee. Your next cruise vacation starts with AAA, your complete travel solution. Visit your local AAA Travel Agent or book at https://www.aaa.com/tripcanvas/category/cruises .

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  • Choosing the Perfect Cruise Itinerary

Map of the world with pinpoints indicating desired cruise destinations

Choosing an itinerary can be a daunting task at the best of times. You can be left scratching your head at the amount of choice that you have and which type of cruise would be best for you. The volume of choice can almost be a bad thing as you simply can’t make any decisions.

There are steps you can take though, to make your life easier. In this article we will guide you through the process and enable you to have a clear idea about exactly what cruise itinerary is right for you. Before you know it, you’ll be sailing off to some of the best destinations in the world. 

Why is planning a cruise so complicated?

What does choosing a cruise itinerary entail, river cruises are also a fun option, how can i decide if there are still too many options, enjoy the cruise itinerary search.

There are many questions that you need to consider before you book your cruise and it’s important to get answers to these in order to prevent any mistakes. A lot of people get frustrated as they are not sure what they need to take into account. This can be even worse for novice cruisers. 

The number of people going on your cruise is a vital consideration as this can affect the types of cruises that you can board. If you are taking children, for example, then you need to know which cruise lines are suitable for younger passengers. 

Your budget is always going to be a key factor in deciding your cruise itinerary and you need to ask yourself how much luxury you want, how long you want to travel for and on what type of carrier. Answering these questions will help to narrow down your options and allow you to have a clearer picture of your ideal schedule. 

After you have answered those questions then there are also other questions such as whether or not you have a favorite  cruise line , what type of shore excursions you would prefer to be on and what type of activities you want to do aboard your ship.

As we can see here, trying to match the type of cruise that you want along with the destinations that you prefer to see can present some difficulties. Answering these initial questions will help get you started and once you’ve finished reading this you’ll have a clear idea on how to choose a cruise itinerary that is perfect for you.

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In choosing a cruise itinerary there are different factors that you need to take into account. Choosing the right cruise destinations for you can be difficult enough but sometimes you might be restricted by your budget, your embarkation port and the dates you can travel. 

There are standard routes that a lot of cruises will take as they know that these are favorites among frequent cruisers. For a lot of passengers this will give them an easy selection as they will choose a small region to travel rather than caring about specific islands or destinations.

For longer cruises though there might be some variants on these well-known routes. This will add a greater number of destinations to your cruise and allow you to see a wide variety of different places that you’ve never seen before. 

For more experienced cruisers, choosing the right itinerary can even be more difficult as you don’t want to repeatedly go to the same destinations that you have been to before. This is why cruise companies will alter their routes to prevent them from becoming stale. Therefore, you should check out which  new cruise itineraries  have been added by the cruise lines. 

In order to choose the best itinerary for you, you need to know where you can depart from, which area you want to visit and see which destinations are offered. Different cruises offer different things, even in a very similar area and here we will break it down for you.

Where is your nearest embarkation port?

Very few people are fortunate to live close to a port that supports cruise ships and for the vast majority of passengers this means an initial period of travel before you can set off on your cruise. There are only a handful of ports that are situated in North America . 

There are numerous departure points dotted around the coasts of the USA and Canada and there is plenty of choice for those that live relatively close to the sea. There are also embarkation ports in other parts of the US, namely Hawaii, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.

While these may be great for some people, they can still present a lot of difficulties for others. If you live anywhere central then all of these ports are going to be an option as it will take a considerable amount of travel to get there. 

A cruise ship from Royal Caribbean lying at the port waiting for a queue of passengers to board

Starting your cruise abroad

It’s also worth pointing out that you don’t have to stay in the country you’re in to set sail on your cruise. There are many great itineraries available that start in the western Caribbean, for example, where you can fly out to a beautiful destination then head off on your cruise from there. You shouldn’t feel restricted to just using the port closest to you.  

Travel to the cruise port

Once you’ve chosen your embarkation point then you are going to have to work out how to get there. The first question you will have to ask yourself is if you are going to drive to your port or whether you are going to fly.

For cruisers that live far away, this is not going to be much of a question as whether or not you should fly there. For those that don’t mind driving, you have to consider fuel and toll charges as well as parking fees, in addition to finding a secure parking lot or garage where you can be confident in leaving your vehicle for the duration of your cruise. 

For a lot of passengers, they will either fly to an airport then go straight to the cruise port or stay in a hotel the night before, to make sure that they can get there in time. Choosing how best to get to your port also requires some forward planning as you want to make sure that you get there without any mishaps.

Some cruise companies will host a shuttle from a hotel to the embarkation port, or you also have the chance to get a taxi to ensure that you get there on time. If you’re traveling directly from the airport then you also have the option of getting a taxi or you could also look for public transport, which can be a bit more inconvenient and riskier. 

Pick your ideal cruise destination

When it comes to your cruise, choosing the right cruise destination is going to be vital as you want to make sure that you are catering to your needs and what you want to see. There are many great destinations out there to visit.

It’s important to know whether or not you want the most relaxing cruise possible or whether you’d prefer to have something a little more adventurous. This could involve a cruise including visiting exquisite countries such as Antarctica or Alaska, or you might want to scuba dive in Mexico or hike in the luscious hills of St. Lucia overlooking the magnificent Caribbean Sea. 

The company you use is also going to be important. If you have young children then you might not wish to go to more exotic destinations and instead might prefer to stay closer to the North American coast and use a child-friendly ship with fun themes for your little cruisers.

If you are more interested in sampling different cultures and exploring history, then heading off to Europe or Asia might give you memories that you will never forget, with incredible shore excursions. It all depends on where your interests lie and how you want to spend your time. 

The view of the sea from Santorini in Greece, on which illuminated cruise ships sail in the evening

Intermediate ports of call

In addition to amazing cruise destinations there are also intermediate ports of call that you are going to be visiting along your journey too. These offer a huge variety of unique experiences and can give you the opportunity to visit a destination several times - each time from a different perspective.

If you wanted to really explore a destination then looking for a cruise that offers overnight stays would allow you to have more time to take in more landmarks. This can take the stress out of constant clock watching and wondering when you have to be back on the ship.

Also, visiting destinations with large ports generally means that you don’t have to venture too far to immerse yourself in the new the culture and way of life there. Smaller ports often require transfers in order to get to where you want to go.

Choose your optimal cruise dates

The date that you are planning on heading off on your cruise vacation is important and choosing the right time to cruise depends on where you are going and taking in other factors such as temperature and also your budget too.

If you want to cruise when it is a regions off-season then there is a good chance that you are going to get a cheaper deal than you otherwise would. If you have a set budget, then this means that you might be able to take a longer cruise and see more destinations, but there are dangers such as hurricanes on a Caribbean cruise as well as monsoons among other natural climate related phenomena common in certain regions.

If you want to see a destination in peak season then it’s important to check exactly when that is so you can make the most of your trip. Booking your cruise early or getting a last minute deal can also give you great savings and allow you to get more out of your cruise.

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Select a cruise duration that suits you

The number of days at sea is going to have a large impact on the distance the cruise ship is going to be able to cover and the type of destinations that will be available to you. This could be the difference between having a North American tour and getting to see Europe.

How much you can get out of your cruise duration can depend on a few factors such as the type of cruise lines that operate from your embarkation point. Sometimes it’s worth going further afield to get the specific cruise that you are looking for.

If you intend on only going away for a week, then you are still going to be able to find a great range of destination options. If it is only going to be a matter of a few days with a short cruise then you are going to be a lot more restricted and you might have to look deeper in order to get the itinerary that you want.

The traditional type of cruise isn’t your only option if you want a relaxing break away on the water. There are some great options in North America as well as a whole host of great river cruises that are available throughout Europe.

The Mississippi has a lot of great cruise options in various parts of its length and there are also fantastic river cruises in the likes of New York, Alaska, Florida, Minnesota and many more. The European options also enable you to sample a lot of history and culture.

River cruise ships won’t be as large as ocean liners but they can still offer a great amount of luxury. You’ll still be able to enjoy a similar experience as with bigger liners, just in a smaller ship environment, which some cruisers might prefer.

A river cruise ship docked at a small port on Venice with houses and trees in the background

Even with all this information it can be hard to make up your mind. The great aspect of having all these brilliant cruise companies is that there are plenty of destinations, ships and duration to choose from to allow you to select your perfect cruise vacation.

A lot of the times you’ll see a great cruise only to find out that it doesn’t quite fit in with your budget. A great idea is to  set up Cruisewatch alerts  with your budget in mind so that any alerts you receive are affordable to you.

Clearly there many aspects to think about when choosing the right cruise itinerary for you. If you consider all the points that we have looked at here then you are instantly going to be able to rule out a lot of itineraries that aren’t right for you.

That will leave you with a pool of options to choose from which is going to be a lot less confusing and will allow you to think with a lot more clarity. This will help you to enjoy the experience of choosing the best cruise itinerary for you that will meet your vacation expectations.

Check out these articles for more information on planning your cruise:

  • Choosing the Best Cruise Destination
  • Choosing the Right Cruise Line
  • Choosing the right time to book your cruise

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How to Choose a Cruise Itinerary

By Sue Bryant

Last updated: June 6th, 2024

How to choose a cruise - Caribbean

  • Find a Cruise

With so many incredible destinations and experiences to choose from, knowing how to choose a cruise isn’t always easy.

Dreaming of a glamorous island-hopping vacation? Try the Caribbean, Greece, or the South Pacific. Are you fascinated by history and other cultures? The Mediterranean, Northern Europe, Asia, or South America might be the place for you.

If you’re looking for a nature-inspired getaway, you’ll find it in Alaska, the Norwegian fjords, and New Zealand, where breathtaking landscapes and unforgettable experiences are all part of the journey.

Whether your ideal getaway consists of lounging on pristine beaches, exploring UNESCO World Heritage Sites, or tasting some of the best food in the world, there’s a cruise itinerary that will satisfy your vacation needs.

Pick a Destination

Cruise itinerary - Grand Case Beach St Maarten

When it comes to choosing a cruise, the world is your oyster. Unlike hotels, cruise ships move and can get you to several exciting places in one vacation. Ships sail to some of the most re­mote cor­ners of the Earth, af­ford­ing pas­sen­gers the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ex­plore cul­tures and mag­nif­icent nat­ural sights along the way. Each re­gion has its own unique ap­peal.

The most popular cruising region for first-time cruisers is the sunny Caribbean , where the temperatures are warm. Year-round, you can dip your toes in powdery sand and clear blue sea when you’re not lounging under a palm tree, sipping a frosty rum drink, and listening to a steel band. Go for a few days, a week, or longer, and come back completely refreshed.

People snorkeling in Grand Cayman

Eastern Caribbean cruises and Western Caribbean cruises deliver you to islands where you might explore rainforests, go snorkeling to see colorful fish, or dive into local culture. The difference is which groups of islands you visit.

For instance, Eastern Caribbean itineraries typically bring you to St. Thomas and St. Maarten, while Western Caribbean itineraries include stops in Grand Cayman and Cozumel.

If you’re deciding between The Bahamas vs Bermuda , Bahamas sailings offer a short introduction to cruising, while Bermuda cruises typically lasts for seven to ten nights.

How to choose a cruise - Hubbard Glacier, Alaska

Hubbard Glacier, Alaska

For a different type of experience, Alaska is a cruise destination where Mother Nature delivers wondrous sights. Look up at the huge blue walls of a glacier and hear a sound like thunder as a house-sized chunk of ice breaks off and crashes to the sea.

Your ship will pass through glorious natural areas where wildlife abounds, and you can get even closer with shore excursions like kayaking, deep-sea fishing, bear observation, and dogsledding on top of a glacier. In fascinating frontier towns, you’ll gain insight into Gold Rush history and Alaska Native culture.

Couple taking a picture inside Colosseum

If you have your vacation sights set on Europe, where the sunny Mediterranean is particularly popular with first-timers, you’ll find cruise ship itinerary choices abound, and you have easy access to several countries on one cruise vacation.

Perhaps your goal is posing like a gladiator at the Colosseum in Rome or viewing Antoni Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona. Maybe you want to follow the glamorous crowd to the French Riviera, with a stop in Monte Carlo and its famous casino.

Couple sightseeing in Mykonos

Maybe you’re dreaming of the Greek Islands , with ancient ruins from some of the world’s greatest civilizations and picture-perfect views in such dreamlike places as Mykonos and Santorini. Or you have your sights set on seeing some of the most breathtaking coastlines on earth on a one-week cruise to Italy, Croatia, and Montenegro.

In addition to Caribbean, Alaska, and Mediterranean cruises, there are other cruise itinerary choices perfectly suited for both novice cruises and repeaters. Explore the pink sands of Bermuda , try surfing and attend a luau on the islands of Hawaii, or learn some American history, eat lobster, and see leaves in their colorful fall display in New England and Canada.

People looking at a blue footed boobie in Galapagos

Nature lovers with an adventurous spirit will not want to miss hanging out with blue-footed boobies and sea lions in the Galapagos , a place where the animals seem as curious about humans as we are about them.

Couple sightseeing from Preikestolen Pulpit Rock in Norway

Or you may choose a cruise ship itinerary to explore beautiful cities in Scandinavia ; the fairytale-like landscapes of the Norwegian Fjords; the culinary scene and fascinating landmarks of Asia; Australia and New Zealand; ancient landmarks and modern cities in the Middle East; the British Isles (England, Ireland and Scotland); or the stunning scenery of South America.

Think About Your Vacation Type

As part of the exercise of figuring out how to pick a cruise, consider what sort of vacation you are looking for, as well as who you will be vacationing with.

Are you looking for a romantic getaway with your loved one, where you’ll hold hands on the beach, dance beneath a canopy of stars, and share intimate meals? You’ll want an itinerary that says romance to you. Think about your favorite romantic movie and put yourself in the script.

Family looking at Sagrada Familia

Family vacationers will want to consider what the kids would like to do. Are you looking for adventure? Will the kids be thrilled or bored seeing cultural attractions? Onboard kids’ programs, including for tweens and teens, will keep your progeny well entertained, but you’ll want to find a cruise ship itinerary that works for everyone in the family.

View inside Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

Having said this, don’t be too quick to dismiss a cruise that’s heavy on culture if you’re traveling as a family. Many cities have fantastic museums, attractions, and antiquities that kids will love.

In Singapore , the Gardens by the Bay is great for families. Thailand’s floating markets and gleaming malls are a delight for teens.

Stockholm has the ABBA Museum and the Vasa Museum, both of which are very family-friendly. Dubrovnik is where a lot of scenes from a certain hit fantasy drama were shot. Naples has Pompeii, and Barcelona has the Ramblas and the atmospheric Gothic Quarter to explore.

Couple looking at the lush scenery of Mount Liamuiga

Adventures and active travelers will find a wealth of exciting shore excursion options on all cruise ship itineraries, but if you have your sights set on a particular activity—such as hiking on top of a glacier or volcanic mountain—you’ll want to choose your itinerary wisely.

Culture vultures should research what they want to do, see, taste, and experience, whether it be UNESCO World Heritage Sites, world-class museums and galleries, or gourmet dining experiences.

Match a Cruise to Your Mobility

How to choose a cruise - St. Kitts

Cruising is a wonderful vacation choice if you’re less mobile as it’s such an effortless way to travel from one destination to the next. But if you are a wheelchair user, or a little unsteady on your feet, there are considerations to bear in mind.

Port of Limassol, Cyprus

Limassol, Cyprus

If you plan to go ashore every day on your cruise, look for an itinerary with as few tender ports as possible. A tender port is where the ship drops anchor offshore and you are shuttled to the dock and back using the ship’s tenders, usually the lifeboats.

While these are comfortable and stable in themselves, it can be difficult getting on and off the lifeboat if you use a stick or are in a wheelchair, and the sea is a little choppy.

In some ports, you will always be alongside (cruise-speak for docked next to dry land). In Athens and Istanbul, for example, you will always be able to step straight off the ship onto the quayside.

How to choose a cruise - Santorini, Greece

Santorini, Greece

However, Santorini is always a tender port, and Mykonos usually is, too. In the Bahamas, Key West, Nassau, and Bimini are ports where you’ll be alongside, but Grand Cayman is a tender port.

If you’re unlikely to be disembarking the ship much, consider a destination where there will always be something to see. The Norwegian Fjords is a great example; you can sit on deck, gazing at tumbling waterfalls and green meadows as you sail each tranquil inlet, looking out for mountain goats and seals.

Celebrity ship in Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska

Tracy Arm Fjord, Alaska

Alaska is another prime example. The Inside Passage is wonderful for spotting whales and dolphins from the ship, and for most of your cruise, you’ll be sailing against a backdrop of dense forest, vast glaciers, and snow-covered mountains. Alaska is exceptionally well-equipped for cruising, too, and in most ports, you’ll be alongside.

Read: Accessible Travel Guide

No Passport? No Problem

Couple walking on a beach in Puerto Rico

You can leave the U.S. for exotic destinations even if you don’t have a passport thanks to closed-loop cruises . A closed-loop cruise is a cruise that departs from and returns to the same port, and visits places that share a common border with the United States. So Mexico and Canada are included, as well as several Caribbean islands.

As an example, you could choose a round-trip Alaska cruise from Seattle , or a sunny getaway from Fort Lauderdale to The Bahamas, and travel only with a government-approved ID.

Check Off Your Bucket List 

View of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italy

You’ve made your travel bucket list, so now it’s time to find the itinerary that checks off the most destinations. This is where you’ll need to do your research.

Let’s say you want to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Michelangelo’s David, the medieval walls of Dubrovnik , and take a ride along the canals of Venice in a gondola.

Plenty of cruises combine Italy and Croatia, but you’ll need to pick one that overnights in Livorno, the jumping-off point for Florence and Pisa. This way, you can do Florence one day, for the Accademia gallery and Pisa for the Leaning Tower the next.

Gondola ride in Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

As for Venice, the trick here is to pick an itinerary that starts or finishes in the beautiful old city of Ravenna . You can add a day to your vacation to spend more time in Venice.

This is a double win; you get your gondola ride and you’ll also be in the city after dark, when the day-trippers have left, and the atmosphere is magical.

View of Bangkok, Thailand at night

Bangkok, Thailand

Here’s another scenario. You want to go to Asia and experience the legendary nightlife of buzzing Bangkok. So when you’re researching your cruise, pick an itinerary that overnights in Laemchabang, the port for the Thai capital.

But don’t stress about finding a taxi to take you the 79-mile journey between the two in the middle of the night. Jump ship instead and take a mini-break from your vacation by spending the night in a hotel in the heart of the city. Do your homework and you’ll find that this is offered as an organized shore excursion, with the cruise line making all the arrangements.

Choose a Balanced Itinerary

Family eating tapas in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

There’s always the possibility that you’ll get carried away with excitement on your cruise and completely over-schedule your days.

This is especially true of Europe, where you’re likely to be packing in sightseeing as a new city reveals itself every day. It’s all too easy to end your vacation more exhausted than when you started it.

If you’re cruising with teens , you’ll want to bear in mind the likelihood of getting them out of bed for an 8.30 a.m. start every day, too.

So plan to mix up busy sightseeing days with beach days, or days simply wandering around a new city to explore. Figure out which ports lend themselves to a lazier day and which are essential for sightseeing.

Couple exploring Pompeii, Italy

Pompeii, Italy

From Naples , for example, you’ll most likely want to visit Pompeii. This is usually a half-day tour, so book it for the afternoon and relax on board during the morning. In Palma, Mallorca, you’ll have time to wander around the Gothic Quarter and also go to the beach.

Mykonos , too, allows you time for a half-day tour and then a long, lazy lunch in the waterfront taverna of your choice. Just don’t feel you have to fill every minute of every day.

Pick an Embarkation Port

How to choose a cruise - Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

In the U.S., cruises embark from ports like Boston, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle, and Tampa. Before you book a cruise, consider which embarkation port is located closest to you, and see which itineraries are available there.

If you don’t live near a departure port, consider adding a couple of days before or after your cruise to explore the city you embark from. Each has its own nearby world-class attractions, whether it’s Time Square in New York, Miami’s South Beach, or the high-end shops on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills.

Colorful buildings in Amsterdam reflecting on water

In Europe, ships embark from port cities like Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Lisbon, Rome, and Southampton, UK (about two hours from London). All are worth exploring pre- or post-cruise. On some one-way itineraries, you’ll have the opportunity to linger in two ports, such as Barcelona and Rome.

Consider Time of Year

Family petting Alaska dogs

When you cruise is a factor in your choice of itinerary. Some destinations, most notably Alaska, are accessible to cruise ships only in specific seasons. The Alaska cruise season is from May to September.

Do your research on the best time to go on a cruise . While the Caribbean is temperate year-round, the Mediterranean is most popular in spring, summer, and fall.

When looking at cruise ship itineraries, consider when it is you are planning to vacation and check the typical weather for the period you wish to cruise. You don’t want to head somewhere where the weather is cold if you’re thinking about beach time.

Couple at a cafe in St Mark's Square

You may also want to consider whether your timing is high season in the destination you plan to visit. For instance, there will be fewer crowds in St. Mark’s Square in Venice if you don’t visit in July and August. In fact, many places in southern Europe are better in the shoulder season, right up to late October, provided you don’t have your heart set on the beach.

In the Caribbean, summertime and holidays are popular with families, which is fine if you’re cruising with toddlers or older kids. If you are looking for more of an adult crowd, you may want to consider other time periods.

People looking at Galapagos tortoise

Galapagos tortoise

The Galapagos, for many the ultimate bucket list experience , is a year-round destination. There is relatively little variation between the seasons, as it’s close to the Equator. You’ll see different animals at different times of year, but the iguanas, sea lions, sharks, penguins, and giant tortoises are always present.

Read: Best Time to Book a Cruise

Find Out What’s Going on in Your Destination

View of Sensoji Temple in Tokyo Japan

We tend to choose vacations based on our own availability. But think about what will be going on when you arrive in your chosen cruising area. If you want to see the famous cherry blossom in Japan , for example, you’ll need to travel in March or April.

July is the best time to see and smell the glorious purple lavender fields of Provence . For whale-watching in Iceland, June, July, and August is the peak season.

White sand beach in Aruba

For fall foliage cruises , time your leaf-peeping in New England for late September. In the Caribbean, if you’re restricted by school vacations to July and August, then head south to the ABC Islands, which tend to be dry and sunny year-round.

In Europe, especially in France and Italy where a lot of people like to vacation in their own country rather than going abroad, there’s a mass exodus to the beaches in August. So there will be a lively buzz wherever you go, but it will be busy. Pick July or September if you prefer to avoid crowds.

Decide How Long You Want to Cruise

Cruise itinerary - Jobson's Cove, Bermuda

Many cruises to the Caribbean, Alas­ka, and Bermu­da are seven nights long, and there are great one-week options in Europe and elsewhere as well. If you can’t take a whole week off for your cruise vacation, there are plenty of itineraries for less than a week—as well as for more than a week.

Family swimming with stingrays in Grand Cayman

First-timers may want to test the waters with a refreshing weekend cruise to the Bahamas, with the opportunity to lounge on white-sand beaches and visit a world-class waterpark on nearby Paradise Island.

Choose long weekend cruises from Fort Lauderdale to Grand Cayman that only last for four nights, where adventure activities include snorkeling with friendly stingrays.

Or head off for five nights to explore Mayan culture in Costa Maya and Cozumel, Mexico. There are short cruises in other parts of the Caribbean as well, and some visit Key West, where you can walk in the footsteps of Ernest Hemingway and savor a slice of key lime pie.

Cruise itinerary - Bridge of the Americas, Panama Canal

Cruises of more than a week go farther afield, with plenty of time to explore new places and enjoy your ship’s onboard attractions. Longer cruises tend to draw more adults and fewer families and include exploration of the Caribbean as well as Europe, the Panama Canal, Asia, South America, and Australia and New Zealand.

Or why not opt for the bliss of a much longer voyage, of two weeks or more? If you’re an experienced cruiser, perhaps you’ve always wanted to do an ocean crossing. Sail all the way across the mighty Atlantic, for example, and you’ll gain a whole new perspective on the sheer vastness of the ocean.

Cityscape of Oahu, Hawaii

Oahu, Hawaii

Or perhaps you like your ocean crossings to be tropical, in which case, why not sail between Hawaii and Sydney, Australia ? You’ll enjoy long, relaxed periods of crossing the warm Pacific, with calls at dreamy tropical islands to break the journey.

Evaluate Time at Sea and in Port

Couple sightseeing from Celebrity Flora Suite

An important factor when you’re working through the process of how to choose a cruise is the amount of time the ship spends in ports and how much time it’s at sea. It pays to look carefully at itineraries to compare.

Ask yourself if you want to wake up to gorgeous, uninterrupted views of the sea or the landscape of exciting cities ripe for exploring. Some itineraries are more destination-focused and may even visit a port of call each day. Others include days at sea, so you’ll have time to enjoy more of the ship’s onboard amenities.

Historic site of Parthenon in Athens, Greece

Parthenon in Athens, Greece

Some itineraries will spend a full day in a destination, and some include late-night or even overnight stays in port, which provides an opportunity for a deeper dive into the culture—perhaps a meal or nighttime entertainment ashore.

Experienced cruisers know, and first-timers quickly learn, days at sea are not to be feared but rather bring both exciting things to do on a cruise and uninterrupted time to relax. Head to the gym, visit the spa, read a book, attend a wine tasting or cooking class, play a game at the casino, take a nap, and otherwise enjoy your version of a perfect cruise vacation.

Read: Cruise Tips for First Timers

Consult An Expert

People at the Celebrity Cruises Shorex Desk

There’s no doubt that the choice can be bewildering if you’ve never been on a cruise or if you’re hoping to visit somewhere that’s completely new to you. So don’t forget that a good travel agent should already have the knowledge and expertise to help.

Pick an agent who specializes in cruising and who can demonstrate experience of the destination you’ve chosen. Give them a detailed brief, and if you like one another, put them to work.

Your specialist can book the cruise for you, as well as flights, any transfers, and pre- and post-cruise hotels. A good agent will also come up with alternative suggestions if they think you’d benefit from tweaking your plans.

Couple relaxing from Celebrity Edge Villa

Ready to take the next step in planning your perfect cruise? Browse itineraries on our website and book your dream getaway today.

Sue has been writing about cruising for 20 years and is lucky enough to have sailed all seven continents. She lives in London, where she is cruise editor of The Times and The Sunday Times newspapers, as well as a freelance contributor to magazines and websites worldwide.

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How to build a perfect cruise itinerary

How to build a perfect cruise itinerary

Giora Israel explains what criteria a port must fit in order to be included as a destination on one of Carnival Corporation’s cruises, in conversation with Rebecca Lambert

By Rebecca Lambert | 17 December 2018

This article was first published in the Itinerary Planning Special Report International Cruise & Ferry Review . All information was correct at the time of printing, but may since have changed.

How can I get my port added to a cruise itinerary?” It’s a question Giora Israel, senior vice president of Global Port and Destination Development at Carnival Corporation, gets asked a great deal. 

“When I really like the person who’s asking I answer with the following: “We don’t need ports, thank you.” As you can imagine, they are puzzled at best, but it gets their attention,” he says. “And then I explain what I mean. As a cruise line, we don’t sell destinations. We sell itineraries. To get a port included or considered for an itinerary by us, they need to answer one question: “how does your port fit into an itinerary?”

Israel explains that a port must fit two criteria alone to be considered for an itinerary. Is it workable? And is it marketable? “It really is that simple,” he says (for more on this, see page 8 in the executive roundtable). 

“To be workable, a port needs to be in the right location – it must fit seamlessly in an itinerary,” Israel explains. “It must also have real passenger appeal. What we offer depends entirely on what each market wants.”

Of course, there are ports out there that aren’t presently cruise ports of call, but which could make good potential candidates for an itinerary. And then there are those that aren’t an option for the simple reason that they aren’t workable, marketable, or both.

“For example, Mayagüez on Puerto Rico’s west coast is a port which is only 10 miles away from the channel which sees more than 40 ships a week passing through,” Israel says. “So why don’t our ships go to that port? Well, if we did, with our current schedules we would arrive there at 3am and then must leave at 10am. Its location, the timings – it wouldn’t work.”

There are success stories, though. “We started looking at regions like the Mediterranean and I said: “Why don’t we start going to Ibiza?” comments Israel. “So we looked into it and it was a workable option, and we also added in other ports like Sardinia and Corsica in line with what our passengers were asking for. Why did they work? They had passenger appeal and they blended into the itinerary.”

In fact, as long as a port is workable, Israel concedes that it is possible to make it marketable – to give passengers a reason to want to visit. Even if it takes time, and a slight name change. 

“In the south eastern part of Finland, there’s a port called Kotka,” he says. “In terms of its location, it absolutely worked for us. But at the time, it wasn’t marketable; nobody had heard of it. So we had to think about how we would fit the port in – how we would encourage passengers to want to go there. We came up with a solution, which involved adding a tagline onto the end of the port’s name: Kotka – Getaway to Finland.” 

Then there is Marseille. “In 1995-1996 Marseille wasn’t a desirable location – organised crime, violence and corruption gave it a reputation as France’s outsider city,” says Israel. “At the time, I suggested we change the name of the port and there was outrage! Of course, I would never dare, but what we did do was add to it – Marseille, Port of Provence. If a port becomes a door to a region, an area of interest, then maybe it can become a stop. It was a slow start and when cruise ships started coming to Marseille, very few passengers got off the ship. Yet in 2013, Marseille was crowned the European Capital of Culture and now passengers are beginning to flock to enjoy this bustling metropolis. It doesn’t even need the extended name anymore.”

While the actual job of building an itinerary is complex and involves many intricate details, Israel says that, like many things, the overarching principle behind it all is very simple. 

“Sometimes, you need to break big and complicated things down to their basic elements to best understand them,” he explains. “Take the great American investor Warren Buffet. Ask him how to successfully invest in the stock market and he’ll say: “You buy when the stocks are low and you sell when the stocks are high.” Principles are easy, and yet for some reason we always look for complicated answers or reasons to break them. We must have the inner strength to stand by them.”

Israel shares an example to demonstrate his point. “In the US, we have three major brands, which operate seven-day itineraries. Holland America Line will have an itinerary which it thinks works best for US passengers. Carnival Cruise Line will have another. And so will Princess Cruises. Yet they are all marketing to the same audience, at least from a demographic point of view. When you analyse it, the common ground is that all their itineraries are both workable and marketable.”

Of all the itineraries, one of Israel’s favourites is in the Eastern Mediterranean (see page 47), but there are a couple more he feels warrant a mention too. “Particularly the Western Mediterranean itinerary departing from either Barcelona, Spain; Marseille France; or Savona, Italy,” he says. “This diverse itinerary has plenty of great ports to visit and a wonderful combination of history, art, cuisine and culture to be enjoyed. And then there is the Baltic Sea. There is no other way to explore the wonders of the Baltic Sea and the countries surrounding it than on a ship leaving from Kiel, Warnemünde or Copenhagen on a seven-day rotation.”

Some of Carnival’s best and most popular itineraries are the ones which haven’t changed in years – that’s because they continue to work and have long-lasting appeal with passengers. “If you’re not an insider and you want to really understand what drives us, we simply want to know if a port is workable and if it is marketable,” Israel says. “So, going back to my original point, if you want to join our industry, do not come to us and ask how you can get involved. Instead, tell us exactly what you have that would make you an ideal fit for one of our itineraries.” 

Tags: Carnival Corporation     Giora Israel     itinerary

Rebecca Lambert

Rebecca Lambert

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  • Holland America

ms Rotterdam

Former names: ms rotterdam vii, ms nieuw ryndam, ms nieuw rotterdam.

ms Rotterdam cruise ship

Cruise line Holland America

  • Fort Lauderdale (Port Everglades, Florida)
  • Rotterdam (Netherlands South Holland)

ms Rotterdam current position

ms Rotterdam current location is at North East Atlantic Ocean (coordinates 66.36653 N / -14.22949 W) cruising at speed of 15.9 kn (29 km/h | 18 mph) en route to Djupivogur. The AIS position was reported 47 minutes ago.

Current itinerary of ms Rotterdam

ms Rotterdam current cruise is 21 days, round-trip Northern Isles Viking Sagas . The itinerary starts on 29 Jun, 2024 and ends on 20 Jul, 2024 .

Specifications of ms Rotterdam

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ms Rotterdam Itineraries

Ms rotterdam review, review of ms rotterdam.

The 2021-built MS Rotterdam cruise ship (initially named "Nieuw Ryndam") is the 11th vessel in the Holland America Line's fleet and the 3rd of the company's Pinnacle-class liners (HAL's newest and ever- largest ). Its sisterships are the fleetmates Koningsdam (2016) and Nieuw Statendam (2018) and also Cunard's Queen Anne . The new Rotterdam is HAL's 17th vessel built by Fincantieri .

On July 30, 2020, HAL announced that changes the ship's name from "Ryndam" to "Rotterdam" and that the newbuild will become the fleet's flagship. This is HAL's 7th liner to bear this name (aka "Rotterdam VII"). The last Rotterdam cruise ship was sold in July 2020 to Fred Olsen and later renamed "MS Borealis".

The new Rotterdam cruise ship (IMO number 9837470) is currently Holland- flagged (MMSI 245464000) and was delivered on July 30, 2021 (initially was scheduled for May 31st).

History - construction and ownership

Holland America Line (HAL) is a Seattle -based cruise company owned by Carnival Corporation (shipowner). Between 1873-1989, HAL was a Dutch cargo and passenger shipping company operating regular Transatlantic crossings between Holland and the Americas. HAL was founded in 1873 as "Dutch-American Steamship Company" headquartered in Rotterdam Netherlands . In 1989, HAL was acquired by Carnival Corporation for around EUR 530 million. Among the company's assets are the Westmark hotel chain (Alaska-Yukon), Worldwide Shore Services (warehouses-logistics) and Half Moon Cay (Caribbean/Bahamian private island).

Holland America MS Rotterdam VII cruise ship (2021)

The 3210-passenger ship Rotterdam was initially named "Nieuw Ryndam", which was announced on April 7, 2019. The name honored the company's first Ryndam ship, part of the fleet between 1901-1929. The ocean liner was originally named Rijndam - until 1923 when it received the English "Ryndam". In 1927, Ryndam I became HAL's first ship with a world cruise , although the liner was chartered as a floating school for that voyage. The 2nd (Ryndam II) liner served between 1951-1973. The 3rd (Ryndam, built 1994) was sold to the sisterbrand P&O Australia in 2015 and is currently operated as Pacific Aria .

The new MS Rotterdam is named after Rotterdam City (South Holland, The Netherlands).

HAL's ever-first liner was named SS Rotterdam, which maiden voyage (Rotterdam to NYC New York) departed on October 15, 1872. On April 18, 1873, was officially founded the Holland America Line. The 1878-built "SS Rotterdam II" was purchased from British Ship Owners Co in 1886. The 1897-built "SS Rotterdam III" served HAL until 1906. "SS Rotterdam IV" (1908-1940, capacity 3139 passengers + 472 crew) operated regularly scheduled Mediterranean roundtrips from NYC New York . "SS Rotterdam V" (aka "The Grande Dame", 1959-1997) started regularly scheduled Transatlantic crossings until 1969 when was converted into a cruiser. The vessel also operated Grand World Voyages and is currently moored in Rotterdam City serving as a hotel ship and museum. "MS Rotterdam VI" (1997-built) is now Fred Olsen Borealis .

Decks and Cabins

MS Rotterdam staterooms (1340 total, in 35 grades) include 164 Suites, 748 Balcony, 147 Oceanviews (including 32x Family Oceanview and 12x Studios/single cabins), 280 Inside. Most cabins as sized ~180 m2 (17 m2). Most cabin balconies are sized 50 ft2 / 5 m2. Nearly 70% of the ship's passenger accommodations have private step-out balconies. Wheelchair-accessible cabins are 27. The largest accommodation is the Penthouse/Pinnacle Suite (970 ft2 / 90 m2, with terrace sized 320 ft2 / 30 m2 and fitted with an outdoor Jacuzzi).

The boat has 13 passenger decks , of which 8 are with cabins.

Four distinct color schemes identify the spa, suite, verandah, oceanview and inside categories. Passengers enjoy the redesigned headboards with electrical and USB outlets on both sides of the bed, as well as stone tops on nightstands and decks, improved lighting and more storage.

Club Orange is an exclusive (Suite-only) venue integrated into HAL's "Club Orange" program providing exclusive amenities to passengers booked in the Suite categories Neptune and Pinnacle. Bonus perks by the Club Orange program include:

  • priority services (check-in, disembarkation, tendering, dining reservations)
  • 24-hour concierge service (assistance, information, reservations)
  • exclusive dining venue (Club Orange Restaurant/deck 2) serving complimentary Pinnacle Grill breakfast and Dining Room dinner, plus exclusive dishes
  • dedicated Concierge Desk (Guest Services and Tours)
  • room service (a la carte breakfast menu with complimentary gourmet dishes - including smoked salmon, steak and eggs)
  • sparkling wine (embarkation day), Club Orange tote bag, premium bathrobes (cabin use, available for monogramming and purchasing)

Club Orange Restaurant occupies the area of the former "Culinary Arts Center". Culinary Arts Center was a premium dinner-only restaurant (cover charge $39 pp, unlimited wine included) via partnership with the “Food & Wine Magazine”. This open-kitchen/show-kitchen venue was used daily for professional cooking shows, culinary classes and workshops (cooking and cocktail) presented in demonstration kitchens. In the evenings, the venue transformed into “Dinner at the Culinary Arts Center”. This specialty dining concept ("America's Test Kitchen") provided a top-quality gourmet experience - the ship’s chefs prepared dishes in the demonstration kitchen while the guests enjoyed each course with wine pairing. At the entry, there were 9 interactive TV displays allowing guests to explore personal lives, special recipes, cooking secrets and tips from famous food and wine industry celebrities. By Holland America Line’s partnership with Koppert Cress (microgreen specialist), the Culinary Arts Center had a live garden to grow fresh ingredients. This enabled the guests to enjoy farm-to-table items from the dinner menu (veggie fare, 5 choices, dessert, cheese plate). The ingredients were displayed in a glass-enclosed garden area and harvested just before being served. Once sown, the seedlings grew for up to 2 weeks. The list of microgreens integrated in the recipes included garlic, mustard, licorice.

Shipboard dining options - Food and Drinks

The 2-level MDR/main dining room restaurant serves open-seating breakfast and lunch, as well as a blend of flexible and set-seating restaurant-style meals at dinner. Breakfast hours in the MDR vary but start as early as 7 am on port days and 8 am on sea days, wrapping up by 9:30 am. Breakfast fare includes bread, cereals, French toast, blueberry pancakes, corned beef hash, egg dishes and yogurt parfaits. Portions are on the smaller side, so better opt for a second pastry. Lunch in the MDR is typically limited to an hour per day (from noon to 1 pm on sea days; closed when the ship is in port for an entire day). If you see a line of guests waiting to be seated, do not be deterred as the line moves fast and the tables are plenty. Lunch fare includes sandwiches, soups, light salads, fish and heartier entrees.

Holland America MS Rotterdam VII cruise ship (2021)

Holland America Rotterdam offers a total of 11 dining options. The MDR is a 2-deck high restaurant featuring floor-ceiling windows, curved architectural pillars (accentuating the high ceiling), modern glass lighting, custom-made furnishings. The restaurant's centerpiece is a copper sheath surrounding the 2-story wine tower showcasing an impressive premium wine selection. On the menu are HAL's classic selections, signature dishes, regionally inspired cuisine, Culinary Council recipes from the world-renowned chefs who compose the group, including Council Chairman and Master Chef Rudi Sodamin and international chefs David Burke, Elizabeth Falkner, Jacques Torres, Jonnie Boer and Mark Best.

In addition to Dining Room Restaurant, MS Rotterdam offers fine dining in alternative restaurants, including redesigned Lido Market (with themed food stations) the new French seafood brasserie Rudi's Sel de Mer, new suite-exclusive dining (Club Orange Restaurant), Canaletto (Italian), Tamarind (pan-Asian/sushi bar) and Pinnacle Grill (steakhouse/seafood restaurant).

BLEND is a glass-enclosed winery room (capacity 10 seats) where are hosted daily wine blending sessions. These are reservations-only events (90 min sessions, $129 cover charge) with sommelier service. The BLEND venue is via partnership with the winemaker Chateau Ste Michelle Winery (Woodinville Washington). Wine-tasting events are seminar-like (led by a wine expert). Each session includes a sampling of 5 red wines (single-vineyard) later combined with different vintages into a personal blend. After the event, you can bottle and take your newly created wine and consume it at the ship’s restaurants or in the stateroom. At the BLEND room all guests are allowed to see the wines offered in the Pinnacle Grill and Sel de Mer, and also to choose their vintage from the impressive selection of premium wines.

Follows the complete list of MS Rotterdam restaurants and food bars.

  • Pinnacle Grill (reservations-only seafood/steakhouse restaurant with fine wines selection; free for passengers under 12 yo). The venue transforms into "De Librije" (US$69-89) from time to time, inspired by the land-based Dutch restaurant De Librije with two Michelin stars. A wine tasting is included with the meal (four 2 oz. pours). A wine pairing is also available for an additional US$20 per person (four 5 oz. pours).
  • Rudi's Sel De Mer is a dinner-only specialty restaurant (French seafood brasserie) also serving traditional dishes from Southeast Asia, China, Japan. In comparison to Koningsdam's original Sel De Mer (upgraded during drydock 2018), the restaurant on Statendam and Rotterdam is by design larger (54 seats) but retains the curving shape and walnut wood-made, accordion-like column structure. The back wall is decorated with porcelain plates, all of which decorated with Chef Rudi's Food Faces culinary pop art (via a partnership with Bernardaud - French porcelain masters). The food plates are arranged from classic ingredients (caviar, fruits, root vegetables, peppers, etc). In January 2018, HAL released the coffee table book "Food Faces" - available for purchase on the ship. Signature dishes in the a la carte menu include Rudi's Seafood Tower, Fruits de Mer, Broiled Lobster Tail, Whole Dover Sole Meuniere, Clams au Beurre, Duck Cassoulet, Steak Tartare, Steak Frites, Souffle au Fromage, Salt Crust Baked Branzino. Signature desserts include Rudi's Face to Face Chocolate, Rudi's Souffle, Crepes Suzette, Profiteroles with Hot Chocolate Sauce, Apple Tarte Tatin, Artisanal French Cheese Plate.
  • The Dining Room (aft Dining Room; features open seating Breakfast and Lunch, two Dinner options - 2 fixed seatings or "Any Time" dining between 5:15-9 pm)
  • Canaletto Restaurant is a Lido Restaurant annex and also doubles as an Italian restaurant (dinner-only, reservations are required).
  • Club Orange Restaurant serves exclusively HAL's Club Orange/Suite passengers (booked in categories Neptune and Pinnacle).
  • Grand Dutch Cafe is a Holland-themed a-la-carte-priced patisserie bar for traditional Dutch snacks/sweets and beverages (including coffees and Heineken draft beer) as well as premium European beers.
  • Dive-In is a complimentary fast-food bar / poolside bar offering gourmet burgers and fries.
  • New York Deli and Pizza is a complimentary fast-food bar offering made-to-order sandwiches and pies.
  • Gelato (ice cream bar)

Lido Market (capacity 386 seats) is the ship’s self-service buffet restaurant open for Breakfast (6-11 am), Lunch (11:30-2 pm), Afternoon Tea (3-4 pm) and Dinner (5:30-8 pm). Food is complimentary and displayed at 5 themed stations. The Lido Buffet is designed as a modern marketplace, with numerous on-the-go or made-to-order food choices. Differently themed food stations (walk-up service) offer fresh-made sandwiches, grilled food, International fare, salads, fruits, desserts, daily specials. The food stations are named Breadboard (fresh-baked bread, pastries, sandwiches), Wild Harvest (salads, fruits, healthy food bites), Homestead (comfort food, including egg dishes and grilled meats), Distant Lands (themed cuisine specialties, including from the current cruise itinerary’s regions), Sweet Spot (desserts).

Tamarind (aft on Deck 10) is a reservations-only Asian restaurant open for complimentary lunch and at-fee dinner (at surcharge per person). Tamarind Bar serves the restaurant with cocktails and other beverages. Part of the Tamarind is the Japanese food bar Nami Sushi (capacity 7 seats only, also serving popular Asian spirits). Nami Sushi is open for lunch and dinner but both are at surcharge PP. Tamarind's sushi menu is created by chef Andy Matsuda and additionally includes 4 of his signature rolls.

Shipboard entertainment options - Fun and Sport

The World Stage is the ship's main show (theater) lounge, featuring 270-degree LED screens for multiple stage configurations. Lido Pool (one of the 2 swimming pools) has an outdoor movie screen, 3 whirlpools and 2 levels of cushioned lounge chairs. The central pool area (Magrodome) is on 2 levels to create glass-enclosed space. The lower level has traditional poolside elements, while the mezzanine level offers more seating, a huge LED screen for poolside movies, Deli and Pizza (complimentary fast-food bars).

Onboard live musical entertainment is concentrated in the Music Walk area (forward-midship on Plaza Deck 2) housing the music-themed venues Lincoln Center Stage & B.B. King's Blues Club, Rolling Stone Rock Room, and Billboard Onboard.

The 2-tiered Lincoln Center Stage & B.B. King's Blues Club (fka Queen's Lounge/decks 2-3) is a grand ballroom/concert hall/nightclub with two grand pianos (on floor 1), HAL fleet's biggest dance floor (floor 1), its own bar (floor 1), balcony seating (floor 2) and has a resident 8-man band (2 vocalists, 1 drummer, 1 pianist/organist, 1 bassist, 1 guitarist, 1 saxophonist, 1 trumpeter). The lounge hosts live musical performances (concerts, classical pieces, blues, popular hits from the 60s, sing-alongs) as well as a daily enrichment program (guest speakers, seminars, special events). Lincoln Center Stage is a collaboration with "Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts" (NYC) featuring classical/chamber music with a quintet combining piano and strings.

Rolling Stone Rock Room is a classic rock club (via partnership with Rolling Stone Magazine) where are offered live 5-piece band performances.

Billboard Onboard is a signature sing-along bar with live performances (pianists, guitarists, DJ) in a variety of genres (including pop, rock, classic, country). There are 3 programs per night (each lasts 45 to 60 min). The music bar hosts dynamic evening shows, has a central stage (with two grand pianos), wood-paneled walls, three large-size TVs, comfortable seating (plush sofas and chairs, round tables).

Other amenities include: complimentary 24-Hour Room-Service, supervised Kids Program ("Club Hal"), cruise ship weddings, Internet/WiFi access, Laundry Rooms (Laundromats). Ship's laundry rooms are not self-service (no passenger-use laundrettes). Laundry services are offered via hotel staff and at an additional charge.

Follows the complete list of MS Rotterdam bars, lounges, clubs and other entertainment venues for kids, teens and adults.

  • Atrium (3-deck midship area with open-floor design and live performances). The Atrium features a stainless-steel sculpture emulating the sense of being inside and encircled by a musical instrument. The experience changes as passengers move around and through it, with no two perspectives being the same. The atrium is capped by Skylight (glass roof) which serves as the backdrop for HD video projections or live-streaming of the night sky.
  • Stuyvesant Room (multi-purpose, used for cards playing, group meetings, presentations, Club HAL kids program)
  • World Stage (theatre/main show lounge; also serves Holland America's enrichment program (via a partnership with BBC Earth)
  • Lincoln Center Stage & B.B. King's Blues Club (fka Queen's Lounge) is a 2-deck grand ballroom/concert hall (with two grand pianos and a large dance floor) hosting live musical performances (classical/chamber music, blues).
  • Digital Workshop (powered by MS Windows)
  • Photo Gallery & Shop; Art Gallery
  • Shore Excursions Desk; 4 Meeting Rooms
  • Signature Shops (boutiques for duty-free tobaccos and liquor, perfumes, watches, clothing, HAL logo merchandise, souvenirs); Marabella Luxury Shop; Dive-in (scuba and diving equipment)
  • Club Orange (suite-only restaurant)
  • Ocean Bar (fka Explorer's Lounge & Bar) is an Atrium bar lounge with dance floor, stage (for live performances), wine tastings.
  • Billboard Onboard (sing-along bar with live music performances)
  • BLEND (glass-enclosed winery room)
  • Neptune Lounge (club venue for Deluxe Suite and Pinnacle guests only)
  • Sport Court (basketball, volleyball, soccer); Sun Deck; Promenade Deck, Walking/Jogging Track
  • Club HAL (kids lounge, complimentary youth programming)
  • The Loft (teens club lounge area, with Video Games Arcade, computers, PlayStations; teen disco)

The wellness complex (forward on decks 9-10) consists of Fitness Center (gymnasium with a separate Aerobics Room for classes) and Greenhouse Spa & Salon (Therapy Rooms, Treatment Rooms (for massages), Hydrotherapy Pool with heated seawater, Thermal Suites, Relax Lounge with heated ceramic loungers, Sauna Room, Aroma Steam Room, Relaxation Area, Beauty Salon/manicure-pedicure, barber services).

Spacious sundecks spread over 3 floors (decks 9-10 midship and aft, deck 11 aft) and are fitted with 2 swimming pools and 5 outdoor Jacuzzies (deck 9). The Lido Pool area (midship) is served by Lido Bar (beverages), Gelato (ice cream bar), Dive-In (fka Terrace Grill), New York Delly & Pizza (fast food) and Panorama Bar (beverages). The Sea View Pool area (aft) is served by Sea View Bar.

“Movies by the Pool Deck” is a 2-deck outdoor Cinema served by the New York Delly & Pizza (deck 10) with light snacks (including popcorn, sandwiches, pizza, fresh chips, nachos). During movie nights, loungers and blankets are provided, as well as chair-side waiter service from the food bars (Gelato, NY Deli & Pizza, Dive-In/Terrace Grill) and waiter service for drinks at the Lido Bar.

The Retreat (deck 12) is an adults-only sundeck/relaxation zone with private cabanas available for rent. Daily rent prices are inclusive of a massage tent, lunch, concierge service.

Explorations Central & Cafe (fka Crow’s Nest & Explorations Cafe/forward on deck 11) is an indoor observation lounge with panoramic windows (270-degree views), its own Bar (beverages), Cafe (patisserie, specialty coffees/teas), and a large dance floor. The lounge is also used for pre-scheduled events by HAL's enrichment program (daily dance classes, trivia games, card playing, karaoke, live grand piano and HAL Cats performances/8-piece party band in the afternoons and evenings). Explorations Central doubles as a disco/nightclub (with live DJ music, dancing contests) and a Library (1000+ volumes, resident librarians). Here are additionally offered multimedia series of interactive videos and guides related to the current itinerary's destinations. Explorations Central also provides digital media (videos, ebooks, maps) accessed via Wi-Fi (during the voyage) and also online (before and after the voyage). At Explorations Central, there are also paperback books and paper maps for the visited regions/destinations and ports of call.

The Casino is a large gaming lounge fitted with gambling tables, 140 slots and video poker machines, a PokerPro digital touchscreen table). It is served by Casino Bar and has a separate non-smoking area. In 2023, HAL conducted 5 wet-dock refurbishments to expand the casino space on its vessels in the Pinnacle-class (Nieuw Rotterdam, Koningsdam, Nieuw Statendam) and Signature-class (Eurodam, Nieuw Amsterdam).

Since 2023, all HAL ships have pickleball courts (installed on the top deck) operated via an exclusive partnership with PPA-Professional Pickleball Association. HAL also offers complimentary beginner lessons (led by onboard instructors), sells branded pickleball starter kits (at the ship's retail shops) and Play Pickleball tutorial videos are included in the cabin TV programming.


MS Rotterdam itinerary program was announced in late-July 2020. The new ship's maiden season was planned to be in Europe, with voyages in the Baltic Sea (Northern Europe) leaving roundtrip from homeport Amsterdam Holland .

The initial Maiden Voyage was scheduled for August 1, 2021. The 7-day itinerary was planned as one-way from Trieste to Civitavecchia-Rome. Between August 1 and October 10, the new ship was planned for deployment in Northern Europe visiting ports in Norway, the UK, Iceland.

However, despite the vessel's on-schedule delivery (on July 30th), in June HAL canceled all departures thru November 3 (the entire European season). The Inaugural Cruise date was rescheduled for October 20 (14-night Transatlantic repositioning from Amsterdam to Fort Lauderdale).

The new Rotterdam ship's homeport in the USA is Port Everglades (Fort Lauderdale Florida) . The Caribbean itineraries are themed as:

  • 10-day "Southern Caribbean Seafarer" - to Half Moon Cay, Grand Turk Island, Amber Cove Dominicana, Kralendijk Bonaire Island, Willemstad Curacao Island, and Oranjestad Aruba Island
  • 11-day "Southern Caribbean Wayfarer" - to Philipsburg St Maarten Island, Castries St Lucia Island, Bridgetown Barbados, Fort-de-France Martinique, Basseterre St Kitts Island, Charlotte Amalie St Thomas Island, Half Moon Cay
  • and the 21-day B2B/back-to-back itinerary "Southern Caribbean Seafarer and Wayfarer"
  • 7-day "Eastern Caribbean" - to Grand Turk, San Juan Puerto Rico, St Thomas Island, Half Moon Cay
  • 7-day "Western Caribbean" - to Half Moon Cay, Falmouth Jamaica, Grand Cayman Island, Key West Florida
  • and the 14-day B2B "Eastern and Western Caribbean"

Photos of ms Rotterdam

Holland America MS Rotterdam VII cruise ship (2021)

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Other Holland America cruise ships

  • ms Koningsdam
  • ms Nieuw Amsterdam
  • ms Nieuw Statendam
  • ms Oosterdam
  • ms Volendam
  • ms Westerdam
  • ms Zuiderdam

ms Rotterdam Wiki

In late-January 2017, the shipowner Carnival Corporation announced 2 more shipbuilding orders. The new liners were ordered for the brands Princess Cruises (Royal-class / Discovery Princess ) and Holland America Line (Pinnacle-class / Rotterdam VII). On January 19, 2017, Carnival signed an MoA (memorandum of agreement) with the shipbuilder Fincantieri to construct both vessels, with scheduled deliveries in 2021 (Rotterdam for HAL, at Marghera yard) and 2022 (Discovery Princess, at Monfalcone yard). By the time when both shipbuilding contracts were finalized (February 2017), Carnival had a total of 19 new ships scheduled for deliveries between 2017-2022.

In 2019, Fincantieri had a total of 96 cruise vessels (built between 1990-2019) plus another 50 units on order or under construction . HAL's other "nieuw"/new liners are Nieuw Statendam (2018 - fleet's 6th "Statendam") and Nieuw Amsterdam (2010 - fleet's 4th "Amsterdam"). The new Rotterdam is the 14th cruise vessel built by Fincantieri Marghera for Holland America.

The vessel (Fincantieri Marghera yard/hull number 6278) is powered by four MAK marine diesel engines (model 12V43C) with combined power output 50,4 MW. The propulsion system is based on two ABB Azipods (azimuth thrusters) with combined output 28 MW.

The vessel's steel-cutting ceremony (hull number 6278) was held on March 13, 2019, at Fincantieri's yard in Marghera ( Venice ). On October 3, 2019, at Fincantieri's Palermo Shipyard (Sicily) was launched the vessel's forward lower section. The ceremony was led by Madrina/godmother Giuseppa Catalano who released a bottle of Champagne that smashed into the hull. This hull section (aka troncone) has length 82 m (269 ft), width 35 m (115 ft) and weighs 4400 tons. Following the launch, the section was towed from Palermo and to Marghera, where the liner was actually assembled. At Fincantieri Marghera were also constructed other hull and superstructure sections.

On November 21, 2019, at Marghera Shipyard was held the vessel's keel-laying ceremony during which was placed the first hull block (14 m long, 34 m wide, weight 500 tons) part of the midship section. The ship was launched (floated out from drydock) on October 1, 2020. The ceremony was attended by Madrina/godmother Mai Elmar ( Cruise Port Rotterdam 's Executive Director), Cyril Tatar (Holland America Line's VP of Newbuilds) and Antonio Quintano (Fincantieri Marghera's Director).

For the new MS Rotterdam, the shipbuilder contracted De Wave Group for the ship's interior outfitting.

  • De Wave Group ( Genoa -based manufacturing company) specializes in newbuild cruise ships and yachts interior outfitting. The company was formed via merger of three companies - De Wave (cabins and wet units), Precetti (catering areas) and Spencer Contract (public areas).
  • On MS Rotterdam, De Wave Group manufactured and supplied modules for the wellness complex (spa, gym, beauty salon) including Treatment Rooms (for massages/Decks 9-10), hallways (Deck 9), spiral staircase (connecting Decks 9-10), Fitness Center (gym, dressing rooms/Deck 9), Beauty and Hair Salon (Deck 9), Thermal complex (Turkish bath, sauna, swimming pool, showers).

The preliminary sea trials were conducted in April 25-27, 2021. Adriatic Sea trials were successfully completed in May 3-6, 2021, with the Navigation Bridge team led by Captain Werner Timmers and Chief Engineer Stefan Dullaert. The boat was officially delivered (at Fincantieri Marghera) in the evening of July 29, 2021. The handover ceremony was attended by Cyril Tatar (Holland America Group's VP of Newbuilds) and Giuseppe Bono (Fincantieri's CEO), as well as other shipowner and shipyard executives. Via live video link also participated Jan Swartz (Holland America Group's President) and Gus Antorcha (HAL's President).

Following the delivery, Rotterdam VII remained in non-passenger shipping status until the Transatlantic crossing (scheduled for October 20, 2021/14-night from Amsterdam to Port Everglades). The Caribbean Maiden Voyage was scheduled for November 3 (4-day roundtrip to Half Moon Cay Bahamas and Key West Florida).

Fun fact is that "Nieuw-Rotterdam" was named the capital of Suriname's Nickerie District (South America), built on Cordonspunt (Nickerie River's right bank) around 1820. After the town was sea-flooded in 1875, in 1879 on the river's left bank was built the District's current capital "Nieuw-Nickerie". Nieuw Rotterdam (formally abolished in August 1979) was populated mainly by merchants (trading with Guyana). The town was twice hit by severe storms from the Atlantic Ocean (and flooded) - in 1866 and in 1875.

Holland America Rotterdam liners (history)

The new MS Rotterdam has six same-named predecessors in Holland America Line's fleet.

  • The first Rotterdam ship (Maiden Voyage from Amsterdam to NYC on October 15, 1872) led to the company's establishment in 1873 (on April 18).
  • Rotterdam II (1878-built) was initially owned by "British Ship Owners Co" and acquired by HAL in 1886.
  • Rotterdam III (1897-built) was with HAL until 1906.
  • Rotterdam IV (1908-built) also served as a troopship (during WW1 / 1914-18) and after the war operated regular Transatlantic cruises leaving roundtrip from NYC to the Mediterranean.
  • Rotterdam V (1959-built) initially operated Transatlantic crossings with two passenger classes, but in 1969 was converted to a one-class liner. After 38 years of service, in 1997 the vessel was retired and is currently permanently docked in Rotterdam City serving as a hotel and museum.
  • Rotterdam VI (1997-built) was the first of HAL's R-Class ships. In 2020, the vessel was sold to Fred Olsen Cruise Lines and is currently named Borealis .

On October 17, 2021, HAL officially announced the name of Rotterdam VII's godmother - HRH Princess Margriet Francisca of the Netherlands (1943-born, from the house of Orange-Nassau/van Lippe-Biesterfeld). Princess Margriet is the 3rd daughter of Queen Juliana Louise Emma Marie Wilhelmina (1909-2004) and Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld (1911-2004) and is an aunt of Holland's current monarch Willem-Alexander Claus George Ferdinand (1967-born, King of the Netherlands since 2013).

  • HAL's connection to The House of Orange-Nassau (Huis van Oranje-Nassau/Dutch Royal Family) started in 1929, when Duke Henry of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1876-1934, Prince of the Netherlands and husband of Queen Wilhelmina between 1901-34) godfathered Statendam III (1927-built passenger liner).
  • Princess Margriet named 4x HAL liners - Prinsendam I (1972), Nieuw Amsterdam III (1983), Rotterdam VI (1997), Oosterdam (2003).
  • Queen Maxima Zorreguieta Cerruti (1971-born/spouse of King Willem-Alexander) named 2x liners - Nieuw Amsterdam (2010), Koningsdam (2016).
  • Princess Beatrix Wilhelmina Armgard (1938-born) named Statendam IV (1957) and Queen Beatrix (reign 1980-2013) named Eurodam (2008).
  • Queen Juliana named Rotterdam V (1958).
  • Queen Wilhelmina Helena Pauline Maria (1880-1962) named Nieuw Amsterdam II (1937).

The boat's official christening ceremony was on May 30, 2022, held in Rotterdam City. The event was part of the "Rotterdam Naming Celebration Cruise" (7-day roundtrip itinerary from Amsterdam to Norway's Oslo, Kristiansand, Stavanger, Flam, Sognefjord). The naming ceremony was attended by Princess Margriet (godmother), Captain Werner Timmers (the ship's Master), Arnold Donald (Carnival Corporation's President and CEO), Jan Swartz (Holland America Group's President), Ahmed Aboutaleb (Rotterdam City's Lord Mayor), David and Gisela Gere (Mariner Ambassadors). Other VIP guests included the executives Stein Kruse (Carnival Corporation's Senior Advisor to the Chairman and CEO), Randy Weisenburger (Carnival Corporation's Board Member), Keith Taylor (Holland America Group's Fleet Operations Executive VP), Nico Bleichrodt (HAL's and Seabourn's International Sales VP), as well as Boudewijn Siemons (Port Rotterdam's COO-Chief Operating Officer) and Jaap Smit (King Willem-Alexander's commissioner).

Inaugural cruise itineraries 2021

The ship's Maiden Voyage (first departure) is currently scheduled for October 20, 2021 (14-night Transatlantic from Europe to Florida), and the inaugural Caribbean departure for November 3rd.

Despite the vessel's on-schedule delivery, in mid-June HAL canceled the ship's schedule from August 1 thru November 3 (a total of 18 itineraries).

Next tables show the inaugural itineraries (by theme) with lowest prices in USD per person (with double occupancy).

(canceled) 7-day "Inaugural Cruise" from Trieste to Civitavecchia-Rome ($1600 pp)

(canceled) 14-day "Jewels Of The Baltic" ($2400 pp)

( MAIDEN VOYAGE ) 14-day Transatlantic crossing from Europe to Florida-USA (Amsterdam to Fort Lauderdale) - from $1500 pp

(inaugural Caribbean voyage) 5-day "Private Island Bahamas Escape" ($720 pp)

(B2Bs) 11-day inaugural "Southern Caribbean Wayfarer Cruise" ($1350 pp) and 10-day "Southern Caribbean Seafarer" ($1300 pp) are combinable into a 21-day B2B ($2520 pp).

(2022) 7-day "Eastern Caribbean" ($750 pp) and 7-day "Western Caribbean" ($700) are combinable into a 14-day B2B ($1380 pp).


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Sample of a daily itinerary on Carnival Magic?

By moongal , May 18, 2015 in Carnival Cruise Lines

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250+ Club

Hey Everyone!!

New here to cruising and so excited for our upcoming trip on the Magic!!

As I am one who loves to plan everything in advance....for me that is part of the fun, I was wondering if anyone happened to have a copy of one of the daily itinerary pamphlets I hear gets delivered every night of a cruise listing all the activities for the next day?

I saw in another thread somewhere that someone uploaded a club ocean (I think that was what it was called!) for kids activities and I thought it would be so cool if I could see an example of the possible offerings and what I might be able to expect.

I am sailing on June 21 to Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Montego Bay. I am so excited it's all I can think about! I am 51 years old and been spending all my time raising and caring for a family and I have never been anywhere!! Our vacations usually existed of visiting the in-laws for a week. So this for me will be the trip of a lifetime!!

Thanks in advance if anyone is able to do it

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this isn't for your exact itinerary, but here's a link to the fun times schedule for the magic's roatan belize and cozumel itinerary from may last year. while of course the ports aren't the same, many of the daily activities are and will give you an idea of what to expect.


just click on the individual links in that folder to see a pdf for each day. enjoy :)

500+ Club

Look under Carnival Magic reviews, perhaps they have something there. Enjoy your cruise.

Thank you ever do much falkcor!! I appreciate you sending me the links! Going to print them out and hopefully will give me a little idea of what I might be able to do when I get on the boat!! Can't wait!

you're welcome... i read your story:

New here to cruising and so excited for our upcoming trip on the Magic!!   I am so excited it's all I can think about! I am 51 years old and been spending all my time raising and caring for a family and I have never been anywhere!! Our vacations usually existed of visiting the in-laws for a week. So this for me will be the trip of a lifetime!!

and just thought to myself... 'awww i gotta find it for her' :)

welcome to cruise critic and more importantly, welcome to CRUISING! i bet you're gonna love your 'trip of a lifetime' ... caution, it is addicting :D



...I am sailing on June 21 to Cozumel, Grand Cayman and Montego Bay. I am so excited it's all I can think about! I am 51 years old and been spending all my time raising and caring for a family and I have never been anywhere!! Our vacations usually existed of visiting the in-laws for a week. So this for me will be the trip of a lifetime!!...
  • 2 weeks later...

Cool Cruiser


We just got off the Magic this past Sunday (may 24th). I have every fun times at the house and am currently working very hard (sigh....). I will bring them in tomorrow and upload them for you. We were on the same itinerary.

This was our first cruise as well and after years of villa type vacations i have to say that we will definitely cruise again. It was a blast!

  • 3 weeks later...



We just got off the Magic this past Sunday (may 24th). I have every fun times at the house and am currently working very hard (sigh....). I will bring them in tomorrow and upload them for you. We were on the same itinerary.       This was our first cruise as well and after years of villa type vacations i have to say that we will definitely cruise again. It was a blast!

Did you happen to upload the fun times yet? I am on the same upcoming itinerary and would love to get some info from them.

I have all of the Fun Times from every day but i have no clue how to upload them here. Any help would be appreciated. So sorry for any delays with that. i would love to help.

there are a couple ways to do it. the most effective way would be to 1) scan the fun times as a PDF on a scanner, 2) upload to a third party site like photobucket in a size that would be legible in posting on this site (at least 800 or 1200 pixels wide, which will be compatible with most people reading the site), 3) use the insert image or [ img ] code to post them to this or your own thread.

you could also take pictures of them, and post, but that wouldn't be 'as ideal' or legible, but that would work too.

if you attach them as thumbnail images here, they will not be legible (too small)


tried your photobucket suggestion. please tell me if it works?

10,000+ Club

We are on the same sailing! Not here too much, post mostly on another place

carnival magic jun3 21.

http://s723.photobucket.com/user/jjseeley20/slideshow/       tried your photobucket suggestion. please tell me if it works?

Thank you for posting the fun times.

My pleasure, sorry it took so long. Is there any other pages you would like to see? I didn't load the back of the sleeve or the back page because they are for the most part redundant. The only thing different is the movie listings per night and I will throw them below in case you were/are interested on what was showing on our cruise:

Dive In Movie schedule

Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

The Other Woman

The Fault in Our Stars

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Guardians of the Galaxy

The Hunger Games:Mockingjay Part 1

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

Into the Woods


Thanks for sharing

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10 of the Best Mexico Cruises to Book Right Now

Travel experts share their picks for the 10 best cruises to Mexico in 2024 and 2025.

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Courtesy of Norwegian Cruises

Mexico is an exciting and varied destination with white-sand beaches, dense jungles, modern cities, and ancient ruins. The large country offers coasts on the Pacific Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and the Sea of Cortez bordering Baja, along with many fascinating places to visit. A stay at one of Mexico’s luxurious resorts is one way to experience the country, but for those who want to see more than one destination, a cruise might be the way to go.

With a cruise, you can visit a variety of ports and enjoy the onboard amenities on your way to somewhere new each day. Most ships offer pools, spas, fitness centers, several dining options, and entertainment and enrichment activities — and, when you're in port, organized excursions offer a range of options, from lazy beach days to exciting adventures. Mexican cruises allow you to experience all these offerings and a laundry list of destinations with no worries about changing hotels, packing up, or getting yourself from place to place.

Pam Jacobs, a cruise specialist with TravelStore in Palos Verdes, California, points out that there's also a wide range of cruise lines available. “Depending on who is going on the cruise — whether it’s a family, couple, friends, multigenerational group — I’ll recommend a specific cruise line. Options vary from adults-only cruises to cruise ships with water parks and kids clubs.”

Meet the Expert

  • Pam Jacobs is a California-based travel advisor at TravelStore, specializing in all types of cruises and rail vacations.
  • Rob Clabbers is a T+L A-List travel advisor specializing in cruises and the founder of Q Cruise + Travel.
  • Mary Curry is a T+L A-List travel advisor and small ship specialist with Adventure Life Journeys.

Here’s a selection of Mexico cruises showing the variety of styles, amenities, and locations available to enjoy on land and on the sea.

National Geographic Expeditions

Nano Calvo/VWPics/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

With small groups of 100 or fewer guests, the Mexican cruises offered by National Geographic Expeditions are perfect for travelers who want to become immersed in the destinations they choose. The ships' small size allows them to access narrow inlets and areas close to shore, and their expansive decks offer opportunities for photographing and observing wildlife. “Non-cruisers and those who prefer nature rather than nightlife and entertainment enjoy small ship expeditions,” says Rob Clabbers.

Onboard, a team of experts ranging from naturalists to historians provide background on the wildlife, local culture, and environment. The ships offer comfortable cabins and serve fresh cuisine with ingredients inspired by and sourced from the destinations. Guests can choose daily activities of light to moderate physical impact, with options for walking, hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, or biking depending on the destination. For young guests, the National Geographic Global Explorers program includes hands-on activities onboard the ship and in the field that focus on everything from observation skills to photography and maps.

The Itinerary: The Baja California: Among the Great Whales cruise boards at San Carlos on Baja’s Pacific Coast for two days in Bahía Magdalena, one of the main breeding and calving sites for gray whales, where cruisers can kayak, paddleboard, or take a Zodiac to explore. Heading south, the ship passes the southern tip of Baja before arriving at Cabo Pulmo National Marine Park with an opportunity to snorkel among the coral reefs and marine life. As the ship heads north in the Gulf of California, guests can explore birds and tropical fish among uninhabited islands before disembarking in Loreto on day eight.

UnCruise Adventures

Courtesy of UnCruise

Mary Curry tells Travel + Leisure , “For an active experience, consider a small ship cruise off the coast of Baja. Several small ship lines offer yachts under 100 passengers that include a menu of excursions — kayaking, hiking, horseback riding, paddleboarding, whale watching, and more.” Curry mentioned UnCruise Adventures as an example. “For travelers who want to truly immerse themselves in the outdoor world, a small ship Baja cruise is the only way to go!”

Both of UnCruise's current Mexican offerings take place on the Safari Voyager , which holds 66 guests. The ship was built for ease of navigating and for the humidity and heat of the tropics, with an air-conditioned lounge featuring big windows for 270-degree views. Onboard, there’s an EZ Dock kayak launch platform, a bow-mounted underwater camera, inflatable skiffs, hiking poles, snorkel gear, kayaks, and paddleboards. Guests also have access to fitness equipment, yoga mats, and a library.

The Itinerary: The round-trip Baja California’s Whales & Sealife cruise offers seven nights aboard the Safari Voyager . From the embarkation point in La Paz, guests cruise to Isla San Francisco, where they can snorkel, hike, kayak, or paddleboard to experience the rugged island. At Bahía Agua Verde, looking for birds, seals, dolphins, and whales is on the agenda along with a mule ride and visit with a local ranchero. The remaining days include more secluded islands and plenty of wildlife viewing — depending on the season, guests can see gray, fin, blue, orca, and sperm whales, along with hundreds of dolphins and many species of birds.

Royal Caribbean International

Courtesy of Royal Caribbean

“For family cruises to Mexico, I often recommend Royal Caribbean," Pam Jacobs of TravelStore tells T + L. "There’s so much to do on the ships, like water slides, entertainment, and many dining options, so there’s something for all ages to enjoy." This makes Royal Caribbean great for multigenerational groups, she says, noting that their ships tend to include both adults-only areas and youth entertainment.

Navigator of the Seas , a ship that sails exclusively from Los Angeles to Mexico’s west coast, features pools, a splash pad, a surf simulator, and water slides like the Blaster aqua coaster and Riptide headfirst mat racer. Entertainment includes an ice skating show, original productions, outdoor movie nights, pool parties, live music, and an arcade. Adults have their places to relax too, like the Solarium, a pool, whirlpool, and lounge area for guests over the age of 18.

The Itinerary: Departing from Los Angeles, the Seven Night Cabo, Vallarta & Mazatlán cruise spends a day at sea before arriving in Cabo San Lucas, where guests can spend time on the beach, take a boat ride along the shore, explore the art gallery district, or sample the local cuisine. In Mazatlán, there’s the beachfront malecón , traditional old town, and shopping at the Arts & Crafts Center. Puerto Vallarta features beaches, boutiques, street food, and the Xihuacan Museum and Archeological Site. After a final day at sea, the ship returns to Los Angeles.

Princess Cruises

Courtesy of Princess Cruises

“Princess Cruises is obviously a longtime regular in the Mexican Riviera. We all remember the ‘Welcome to Acapulco’ announcements whenever the Love Boat docked for another adventure!” Rob Clabbers says. “They still visit there regularly, but with much more modern ships, more amenities, and more options at the destinations.”

The Discovery Princess , the third vessel designed from the ground up with Princess Medallion Class conveniences, is one of those modern ships. The Medallion, a quarter-sized wearable device, provides for touch-free boarding, keyless stateroom entry, Wi-Fi, ordering food and beverages to your location, onboard directions, and ease of finding and messaging friends on the ship.

The Itinerary: The Mexico cruises on Princess depart from either San Francisco or Los Angeles. The Seven-Day Mexican Riviera journey embarks in Los Angeles and spends the next day at sea before arriving at Cabo San Lucas, where guests can choose from 22 excursions with activity levels from easy to strenuous. Options range widely, from shopping and sailing to horseback riding, ziplining, and snorkeling. The next port is Mazatlán with similar excursions for a full day, then the ship sails on to Puerto Vallarta and spends two final days at sea before disembarking back in LA.

Holland America Line

Courtesy of Holland America

The Koningsdam , Holland America Line’s first Pinnacle Class cruise ship, specializes in the North American West Coast. The 2,650-passenger ship boasts a huge roster of amenities, including a music lounge and trivia center affiliated with Billboard and an at-sea outpost of the performance venue chain, B.B. King's Blues Club. For days at sea, there are pickleball courts (complete with tournaments and complimentary lessons), a fitness center, a casino, and activities for kids ages 3-17. Dining options include a poolside grill, a pizza restaurant, the casual Lido Market, a French brasserie, an Italian restaurant, and the Pinnacle Grill steakhouse.

The Itinerary: The Seven-Day Baja Peninsula cruise boards in San Diego and spends a day at sea before arriving in Cabo San Lucas, where guests can take a catamaran cruise, ride a horse along the beach, snorkel, or explore the shopping and arts district. The next port is La Paz, with a palm-lined malecón to stroll along and whale-watching and fishing expeditions to choose from. In Loreto, one of Mexico’s oldest cities, guests can explore the town, visit a mission or museum, snorkel, or hike in a nearby canyon. After two last days at sea, the ship returns to San Diego.

Celebrity Cruises

Courtesy of Celebrity Cruises

“The Caribbean side of Mexico is often included in Western Caribbean itineraries departing from Florida or Galveston," says Rob Clabbers. "The island of Cozumel is one of the most frequently visited ports of call, so there are often a lot of ships — and cruise travelers in port. Costa Maya (near Mahahual) is on the mainland and provides convenient access to beautiful beaches and Mayan ruins."

Sailings on Celebrity ships like the Constellation offer just what Clabbers describes. The 2,184-passenger vessel splits its time between the Caribbean and the Mediterranean and offers a range of amenities, including a casino, a fitness center, an art gallery, a rooftop terrace, and a basketball court. Kids will enjoy the "Camp at Sea" program, while grown-ups can take to the adults-only solarium, featuring a pool and hot tub. Guests can also upgrade to The Retreat for an exclusive lounge, private restaurant, and spacious suite, or to Concierge Class for special amenities and services.

The Itinerary: The seven-night Grand Cayman & Mexico Cruise boards in Tampa and arrives in Costa Maya after a day at sea. There, guests can spend time on a Caribbean beach, snorkel, shop, or explore Mayan ruins. The next port is George Town on Grand Cayman, where designer boutiques, a catamaran cruise, and a snorkeling adventure are on offer. Then there’s a full day in Cozumel for exploring the largest coral reef in the Western Hemisphere, relaxing on the beach, shopping in San Miguel, or venturing out to the city of Tulum. The ship then returns to Tampa after a day at sea.

Courtesy of Silversea

“The Mexican Riviera is often included on Panama Canal sailings," Rob Clabbers tells T+L. "Operated by both mainstream and more luxury lines like Silversea and Regent Seven Seas, these longer trans-canal sailings between Florida and Southern California offer the advantage of the canal experience combined with a few days in the Caribbean and Mexico.”

The Silver Shadow is one of the Silversea vessels that sails this enticing route. Its continent-crossing voyages provide a variety of experiences, including the thrill of passing through the Panama Canal; port days in Mexico, Colombia, and Costa Rica; and the spacious suites and exceptional service of this Shadow Class luxury ship. Four restaurants, the plush Panorama Lounge, the Observation Library, a pool, a casino, cocktail lounges, a fitness center, boutiques, and a salon provide many ways to spend time during days at sea. Suites range from the 287-square-foot Vista Suite to the two-bedroom Owner’s Suite at more than 1,200 square feet, including verandas.

The Itinerary: The 18-day Cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Los Angeles begins with two days at sea before the first stop in Cartagena, Colombia. Guests can explore the Old Town and enjoy the lively, historic city before another day at sea and arrival at the Panama Canal. After the memorable experience of passing through the locks for the 51-mile journey to the Pacific Ocean, passengers spend a day in Panama City. From there, it's on to Puntarenas, Costa Rica, where guests can choose between excursions like a half-day trek in a cloud forest or a jungle cruise. Four days at sea take the ship to Cabo San Lucas for a day, and the journey concludes with a day in San Diego and disembarkation in Los Angeles.

Virgin Voyages

Courtesy of Virgin Voyages

Virgin Voyages offers a special perk for many of its Mexico-bound Caribbean cruises: an embarkation point in the cruise line's own Terminal V. The three-story terminal on the northwestern corner of PortMiami is an exciting place to begin a cruise, with skyline views of downtown Miami, Biscayne Bay, and Edgewater. All of Virgin's ships have some itineraries including Caribbean Mexico, but the Scarlet Lady is particularly popular in the region, since Terminal V is its year-round home port. Pam Jacobs, who has experienced Virgin Voyages cruises, notes that the line's adults-only policy is especially appealing "for groups of friends, couples, and just about anyone" — if they're 18 or older.

Onboard, guests can choose from more than 20 eateries, multiple cocktail lounges, a pool, a spa, a casino, a fitness center, and a slate of entertainment that includes live music, circus performances, karaoke, and dance parties. Cabins range from economical Insider and Sea View staterooms to RockStar and Mega RockStar quarters with marble bathrooms, terrace hammocks, in-room bars, and more. Guests who book suites have exclusive access to the Richard’s Rooftop outdoor space and a VIP entrance at the terminal.

The Itinerary: The Western Caribbean Charm Cruise begins in Miami aboard Scarlet Lady and arrives at Roatán, Honduras, after a day at sea. Guests can explore the island on an ATV tour, take a zipline adventure, ride a horse along the beach, or relax on the sandy shore. In Costa Maya the next day, options include a snorkel and glass-bottom boat tour, a kayak excursion, off-roading, or a guided visit to Mayan ruins. After a day at sea, the ship arrives in Bimini in the western Bahamas for snorkeling, diving, swimming with stingrays, or relaxing in a Bimini Beach Club cabana before returning to Miami.

Oceania Cruises

Nick Tortajada/Oceania Cruises

I cruised to Mexico on Oceania's Vista earlier this year, leaving Los Angeles for a short introductory voyage to Mazatlán — and the experience had me instantly wanting to try it again. The opulent ship has a host of beautiful spaces, including a fabulous pool deck, hot tubs, cabanas, and plenty of plush lounges.

The staterooms are comfortably furnished with minibars, spacious closets, large windows, and convenient lighting. In the 2,400-square-foot Owner’s Suite, where I was lucky enough to attend a cocktail party, it’s easy to forget you’re not in a penthouse apartment — except when you step outside to see you’re surrounded by the ocean. The suite's full-sized bar, huge walk-in closet, enormous bathtub, and lavish bathroom would make most guests want to stay in their room. But more than a dozen restaurants and cocktail lounges beckon, and, for quiet time, there’s the library. My favorite part of the cruise was an evening in the lounge named Martinis, listening to piano music and sipping (what else?) a perfect martini.

The Itinerary: The 17-Day Los Angeles to Miami Cruise aboard the Vista offers four ports in Mexico, plus five other stops and a journey through the Panama Canal. The trip starts with a day at sea after leaving Los Angeles, then explores the Mexican west coast with stops in Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, Manzanilla, and Acapulco. At those ports, guests can swim, snorkel, shop, and explore the towns and beaches. Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala; Corinto, Nicaragua; and Puntarenas, Costa Rica, are the next ports, with a day in each for exploring or relaxing on the beach. The thrilling passage through the Panama Canal takes the ship to Cartagena, Colombia, and then, after a day at sea, to George Town, Cayman Islands, before returning to Miami.

Norwegian Cruise Line

Pam Jacobs of TravelStore prefers the Caribbean Coast for Mexico cruises, and she pointed out that people traveling from the American East Coast have many options for boarding such voyages, including in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Tampa, Florida; Galveston, Texas; and New Orleans. “This saves transportation dollars since they can choose the most economical departure point,” she explains. Norwegian Cruise Line offers Mexican cruises from nearly all of these locations.

Cruise aboard the Norwegian Getaway to experience the megaship life on your next trip south. A 3,903-passenger craft that was remodeled in 2020, the Getaway features five water slides, two pools, four hot tubs, a spa, a casino, and a salon. For young cruisers, there’s Entourage (for teens), Guppies Open Play (for toddlers), and a Kids Aqua Park. The variety of cuisines served onboard includes Brazilian, Japanese, Italian, French, and Chinese, and there's also a seafood restaurant, a raw bar, and several casual options. Staterooms range from economical Inside and Studio rooms to expansive Haven suites.

The Itinerary: The Seven-Day Caribbean Cruise departs from New Orleans and, after a day at sea, arrives in Costa Maya. Guests can visit a water park, explore the Kohunlich Mayan Ruins, swim with dolphins, or ride a dune buggy along the shore to the fishing village of Mahahual. The next day on Harvest Caye in Belize, options include parasailing, ziplining, fishing, or exploring on a glass-bottom boat trip. In Roatán, one of the Bay Islands of Honduras, guests can tour a wildlife preserve, learn about the Garifuna culture, relax in an overwater bungalow, or sample chocolate and local rum. The last port before a day at sea and a return to New Orleans is Cozumel, where guests can swim in a cenote, go snorkeling, enjoy some beach time, or hop on a trolley to see downtown Cozumel.

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10 top christmas cruises for 2024 & 2025.

Set sail for the holidays on your next cruise vacation.

Top Christmas Cruises

Laughing Azamara crew members in Christmas attire walking arm-in-arm on deck.

Courtesy of Azamara

If you're ready for a break from holiday traditions and family gatherings at home, consider booking a Christmas cruise. What makes a better present than the chance to leave all the planning, cooking, cleaning and decorating behind – and celebrate the holidays in beautiful destinations in the U.S., the Caribbean or other countries around the world?

If you're dreaming of a white Christmas, you can book a festivity-filled river cruise along Europe's iconic waterways and bundle up in your winter gear to explore the Christmas markets in the snow. If you prefer sunshine and warm temperatures, celebrate the holidays in an exotic locale in the South Pacific Ocean, sailing crystal-clear turquoise waters and relaxing on white sand beaches surrounded by palm trees.

Whether you prefer to stay close to home or jet off for a bucket list adventure, one of these cruises may just be the perfect gift to celebrate your holidays in style.

Find your perfect cruise

Hallmark Channel Christmas Cruise

Christmas on beach -chair lounges with Santa hats at sea beach

Getty Images

Put your name on the waiting list for November 2024 if you want to set sail on what Hallmark touts as the "jolliest vacation ever." The Hallmark Channel – known for its year-round holiday-themed programming with Christmas in July, Countdown to Christmas and Christmas Fridays – will host the first-ever Hallmark Channel Christmas Cruise sailings in November 2024 from Miami to the Bahamas . Lucky fans of the television channel will travel with their favorite Hallmark stars on one of two four-night cruises on Norwegian Cruise Line 's Norwegian Gem during the 2024 holiday season.

Highlights of the Hallmark Channel Christmas Cruise include photo opportunities and panels to meet the stars. Attend Christmas craft workshops or tastings with Hallmark's winemaker – the wines have names like Jingle (cabernet sauvignon) and Joy (sauvignon blanc). Guests can also look forward to "carol-oke" singalongs, cookie decorating, an ugly sweater contest and a world premiere viewing of the new Hallmark Channel Christmas movie "Countdown to Christmas."


A Christmas market stand at an AmaWaterways cruise destination.

Courtesy of AmaWaterways

AmaWaterways offers more than a dozen itineraries to visit the Christmas markets in 2024 and 2025 along the Rhine, Moselle, Main, Danube and Rhone rivers – and to see the holiday splendor of Europe's grand cities, such as Vienna , Budapest, Amsterdam and Prague. Travelers can stroll through snow-dusted medieval squares and fairytale markets. Enjoy the chalet-inspired stalls, thousands of colorful lights, festive decorations, ice skating rinks, whimsical handmade gifts, Christmas carolers, carousels and more.

The river cruise line's seven-night Iconic Christmas Markets itinerary sails from Nuremberg, Germany, to Budapest, Hungary , along the Danube. It features a visit to Nuremberg's Christkindlesmarkt – one of the world's oldest and most famous Christmas markets. Sip hot mulled wine or feuerzangenbowle (a red wine and rum punch) and sample savory specialties like Nuremberg bratwurst, flammkuchen (pizza) and kartoffelpuffer (fried potato pancakes). Be sure to save room for sweet delights like schaumkuss (also known as schokokuss), a chocolate-covered marshmallow, or lebkuchen, a traditional spiced cookie.

While on board the ship, guests can participate in festivities like tree-trimming, cookie decorating, caroling and "Shoes for St. Nick." This European tradition encourages passengers to leave their slippers outside their stateroom door before bed. In the morning, they wake up to slippers filled with tasty treats like children in Europe find on Saint Nicholas Day.

Celebrity Cruises

The Celebrity Infinity ship on the Celebrity Cruises' Canaries, Morocco, Spain Holiday itinerary.

Courtesy of Celebrity Cruises

Celebrate Christmas Day at sea in the South Pacific Ocean during Celebrity's 2024 New Zealand Holiday cruise on board Celebrity Edge. This round-trip 13-night itinerary embarks on Dec. 20, 2024, from Sydney . It includes seven ports of call and five sea days. After ringing in the new year sailing between the Bay of Islands, New Zealand and Sydney, guests will disembark the ship on Jan. 2, 2025.

If you'd prefer to travel to the Canary Islands to celebrate Christmas and usher in the new year on the Mediterranean Sea in 2025, then reserve a stateroom or suite for Celebrity Cruises ' Canaries, Morocco & Spain itinerary. The 12-night voyage sails round-trip from Barcelona , embarking a few days before Christmas 2025 on Celebrity Infinity. The festive voyage features eight ports of call, including island of Gibraltar; the Moroccan cities of Casablanca and Tangier; three destinations in the Canary Islands; and Malaga, Spain.

On the ships, guests can revel in the joyous spirit of the season with festive Christmas trees, traditional holiday meals created by a Michelin-starred chef, themed shows and pop-ups, carolers, gingerbread winter villages, and even a visit from Santa. The onboard bars serve up holiday-inspired cocktails along with other seasonal favorites, including spiked apple cider and classic mulled wine. On New Year's Eve, plan to join in the merriment with fellow cruisers during the big countdown bash.

Christmas carolers on the Azamara Onward cruise ship.

If you want to cross South Africa off your list of must-visit destinations , consider spending Christmas and New Year's Eve sailing round-trip from Cape Town on Azamara 's 15-night South Africa Intensive Voyage. The 2024 voyage departs Dec. 20 on Azamara Quest and includes stops in Port Elizabeth, home to one of the densest elephant populations in the world, and Richards Bay, which is teeming with exotic wildlife and stunning landscapes. For a once-in-lifetime experience, reserve a spot on the Safari 4X4 Hippo Cruise in the Hluhluwe–iMfolozi Park. This protected park is a white rhino sanctuary, home to South Africa's "big five": lions, elephants, buffalos, rhinos and leopards.

If the Land Down Under is at the top of your list of places to visit, plan ahead for next year to spend the holidays aboard Azamara Pursuit in 2025. The line's 21-night Australia Intensive Voyage will set sail on Dec. 14, 2025, from Singapore . This extended sailing features 10 ports of call in three countries, with two overnight stays, before travelers disembark in Melbourne, Australia , on Jan. 4, 2026.

Guests on board the holiday cruises will be treated to Christmas performances, including singalongs and carols performed by the crew. There will be special menus in the restaurants, holiday-themed buffets, religious services and a tree-trimming party. Festive treats like hot chocolate, cookies and snacks are provided throughout the cruise. The New Year's Eve White Night party, where all the guests don their best white attire, will take place throughout the ships and on the pool deck with entertainment, music and light bites.

People stand on the front deck of a Viking Christmas cruise on the Rhine.

Courtesy of Viking

Viking's 12-day Christmas on the Main & Moselle cruise sails between Paris and Prague in 2024 and 2025. The adults-only sailing affords passengers 18 and older the opportunity to visit four European countries: France, Germany, Luxembourg and the Czech Republic. In addition to browsing the chic boutiques in Paris and a variety of Christmas markets in Germany, you'll want to explore iconic landmarks like Reims Cathedral in France and the Luxembourg American Cemetery. Don't miss the famed wines produced in the regions, including Champagne, Moselle, riesling, Müller-Thurgau and gewürztraminer. In Cochem, Germany, you'll want to sample white mulled wine and regional delicacies produced from the red vineyard peach.

The holiday spirit continues on board the ships with Christmas-themed cooking demonstrations in addition to festive decorations with garland, lights and gingerbread houses. Guests will also taste regional cuisine, enjoy cultural performances on board the ship and ashore and learn about the history of the Christmas markets and local holiday traditions.

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Disney Cruise Line

Goofy, Mickey and Minny characters on a Disney Cruise Line Very Merrytime cruise.

Kent Phillips | Courtesy of Disney Cruise Line

Disney Cruise Line offers dozens of Christmas-themed cruises from November through December in 2024. Cruisers looking to celebrate the holidays with Disney's cast of characters can book a Very Merrytime cruise as short as a three-night sailing from Port Canaveral, Florida, to the Bahamas . For a weeklong getaway, consider the line's seven-night Eastern Caribbean voyage on board Disney Fantasy that sails round-trip from Port Canaveral. Ports of call on the itinerary include Tortola in the British Virgin Islands; St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands; and the cruise line's private island , Disney Castaway Cay.

On the first evening of every sailing, guests can gather around the 24-foot-tall Christmas tree for the tree lighting ceremony, a holiday singalong and the introduction of Santa Claus. Other festivities on Disney Cruise Line include the fun-filled Mickey and Minnie's Holiday Party, themed Very Merrytime activities for children of all ages, carol singers, and Christmas-inspired food and beverages. Disney characters like Mickey and Minnie Mouse will be sporting jolly new holiday attire during the special voyages.

Windstar Cruises

Christmas tree next to a winding staircase on a Windstar Cruises ship.

Courtesy of Windstar Cruises

Celebrate the holidays with a bucket list getaway to the sun-drenched islands of Tahiti . On this voyage, you'll set sail a few days before Christmas 2024 aboard the 312-passenger, all-suite yacht Star Breeze for Windstar's seven-day Dreams of Tahiti cruise. The round-trip sailing from Papeete, Tahiti, includes stops in the islands of Moorea, Raiatea, Motu Mahea (Tahaa), Bora Bora and Huahine. In Bora Bora, guests will be treated to a special evening Windstar Destination Discovery Event with dinner under the stars and traditional Polynesian fire dancing.

For an extended European holiday in 2025, the line's Star Collector: Winter in Spain and the Rivieras cruise sails from Malaga, Spain, to Rome on Dec. 13 aboard the intimate Star Legend. The 14-day itinerary includes ports of call in Spain, France, Italy and Gibraltar. During the cruise, you can visit must-see attractions like Michelangelo's sculpture of David in Florence and explore the historic Roman theater ruins in Cartagena, Spain. Cruisegoers will also have a chance to sample wines from the famed appellations of Tuscany in Italy and Andalusia in Spain, and taste culinary specialties like bouillabaisse in France.

On board the ships, guests can join in the holiday spirit with festive Christmas trees and decorations as well as holiday-inspired cocktails and treats. Special programming for the voyages includes a Christmas movie, a gala tea, an interdenominational Christmas service and a Christmas Eve dinner. Christmas morning brings more celebrations throughout the day, with holiday meals, a Yuletide afternoon tea and a Christmas dinner followed by a variety show in the evening.

Norwegian Cruise Line

Norwegian Gem on open water.

Courtesy of Norwegian Cruise Line

Grab the swimsuit, flip-flops and sunglasses – and check the Panama Canal off your must-visit list – for a tropical holiday aboard Norwegian Cruise Line 's Norwegian Gem. The line's 11-day cruisetour begins Dec. 9, 2024, and includes three days to see the canal that some consider the "eighth wonder of the world" and visit vibrant Panama City. After embarking on Dec. 11, you'll transit the canal and then sail to ports in Costa Rica; Jamaica; Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands; Cozumel, Mexico; and Norwegian's private island, Great Stirrup Cay in the Bahamas, before disembarking in Miami on Dec. 20.

Plan ahead to Christmas 2025 by reserving accommodations on Norwegian's newest vessel – and the first in the Prima Plus class – Norwegian Aqua. The seven-day Caribbean round-trip voyage from Miami on the new ship (scheduled to launch in April 2025) will set sail on Dec. 21, 2025. The cruise includes tropical ports of call in the Dominican Republic, the U.S. and British Virgin Islands, and Great Stirrup Cay. For a special celebration, splurge on luxurious suite accommodations in The Haven. The ship-within-a-ship retreat features a private restaurant, a lounge, a sundeck, a concierge desk and 24-hour butler service.

Holiday-themed activities on Norwegian's vessels vary by itinerary and ship. Still, guests will find plenty of festive fun on board, including traditional holiday fare and holiday-inspired musical sets, trivia, and family and youth programming. Guests are invited to offer interdenominational services for fellow passengers during the sailing. You'll also find Hanukkah services listed in the Freestyle Daily Program.

Holland America Line

Christmas trees and other decor on a Holland America Line cruise ship.

Courtesy of Holland America Line

Celebrate the Christmas holidays in Hawaii during Holland America Line 's round-trip Circle Hawaii Holiday voyage from San Diego on the ship Zaandam, embarking on Dec. 18, 2024. Guests aboard this voyage will sail to Honolulu, Hilo and Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii as well as Kahului, Maui . You'll also get to enjoy scenic cruising at the Kilauea Volcano; visit Ensenada, Mexico; and join in the holiday festivities on the ship during relaxing days at sea.

If you've been dreaming of visiting far-flung destinations in Asia, such as Halong Bay, Vietnam, or Bangkok, Thailand – or seeing Komodo dragons in the wild in Indonesia – the 28-day Far East & Indonesian Holiday Collector itinerary will be an adventure of a lifetime. The voyage on board Westerdam embarks in Hong Kong on Dec. 7, 2025, with exotic ports of call in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore. On Christmas Day, guests will visit the picturesque port town of Probolinggo on the coast of East Java in Indonesia. On New Year's Eve, the ship docks in Semarang, Indonesia; here, you can visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Borobudur, home to an impressive Buddhist temple site dating back to the eighth and ninth centuries.

Back on board the ships, holiday celebrations include a Christmas tree lighting, Santa's arrival, a midnight mass, a Christmas concert, special menus for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and a New Year's Eve Party and countdown. There are Hanukkah festivities with candle lightings and latkes served in the Lido. Guests will also enjoy viewing the holiday villages around the ship created by Holland America's culinary team.

Silversea Cruises

Penguins on an iceberg seen from a small excursion boat from the Silversea Cruises Silver Cloud cruise ship.

Courtesy of Silversea Cruises

For a life-changing experience and the merriest Christmas of all, spend the holiday with several species of waddling penguins, giant seals and majestic whales while visiting the ice-covered shores of the White Continent. The 10-day round-trip expedition from Puerto Williams, Chile, on Silversea 's Silver Cloud sets sail a week before Christmas in 2024 for the Antarctica Peninsula. Five days of excursions allow travelers on this Antarctica cruise to explore this surreal and magical part of the world. Weather permitting, guests will even take a Zodiac cruise with the expedition team in the South Shetland Islands the day after Christmas.

If you're planning ahead to 2025, consider a longer adventure where you'd fly the infamous Drake Passage one way from Puerto Williams (saving two days at sea) and land on King George Island in Antarctica. This 15-day expedition aboard Silver Cloud begins on Dec. 21, 2025, and features four days of excursions in Antarctica and three days in the South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands. You'll also spend three days in the Falkland Islands, where you'll have more chances for unforgettable wildlife encounters with black-browed albatrosses, fur seals, Commerson's dolphins, imperial cormorants, and adorable rockhopper and Magellanic penguins.

Festive touches on the ship include Christmas trees and lights, gingerbread houses, holiday arts and crafts, caroling, religious services, and musical performances by the crew and professional entertainers. Guests will also enjoy a traditional holiday dinner on Christmas Day.

Why Trust U.S. News Travel

Gwen Pratesi has been an avid cruiser since her early 20s. She has sailed to destinations around the globe on nearly every type of cruise ship built, including the newest megaships, luxury yachts, expedition vessels, and river ships in Europe and on the Mekong River. She used her extensive knowledge and experience with the cruise industry to write this article. Pratesi covers the travel and culinary industries for major publications, including U.S. News & World Report.

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The 8 best Hawaii cruises in 2024 and 2025

C ruising the Hawaiian Islands offers U.S. travelers an immersive South Pacific escape with all the comforts of home. In fact, the Aloha State is in many ways an ideal cruise destination. It has year-round sunny weather, four main islands featuring varied topographies — including sandy beaches, cascading waterfalls, volcanic mountains and vibrant green valleys — and a wide array of land- and water-based activities.

The main caveat? Hawaii cruise options are somewhat limited — just a fraction of what's available in the Caribbean — and many itineraries involve multiday crossings from the West Coast. Only one cruise line offers Hawaii itineraries throughout the year; most others visit during specific months or when repositioning ships in spring and fall.

For more cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's cruise newsletter .

Looking for the Hawaiian Islands sailing that's right for you? Here's a look at the eight best Hawaii cruises for every type of traveler.

Norwegian Cruise Line's 7-night Inter-island Hawaii

For travelers who want more aloha time than the typical eight-hour port call allows, Norwegian Cruise Line has a solution. Its 2,186-passenger Pride of America lets vacationers sample four Hawaiian islands over seven days, with overnights in Maui and Kauai, plus port calls on both Hilo and Kona on the island of Hawaii. In total, this itinerary offers nearly 100 hours of shore time.

Pride of America sails round-trip from Honolulu every Saturday year-round. As a U.S.-flagged ship, it's the only large vessel permitted to sail this way. Not only do you skip the long Pacific crossing that most cruise ships do to reach Hawaii, but passports are not required for U.S. citizens, and you can tack on pre- or post-cruise stays on Oahu.

The overnights on Maui and Kauai also mean it's possible to try several of Hawaii's signature experiences that most port calls don't allow. Passengers can catch dusk or dawn from atop Maui's massive 10,023-foot dormant volcano with sunrise and sunset excursions to the Haleakala Crater. And with the ship in port all night on Kauai, guests who want to enjoy traditional Hawaiian cuisine, music and hula performances can book the Luau Kalamaku for a fun evening out.

Pride of America, which has been cruising Hawaii since 2005, doesn't have the onboard thrills (race track, virtual-reality gaming, waterslides) of Norwegian's newer ships , but that's okay because the islands, not the ship, are your main destination. Its American-themed decor celebrates U.S. cities in a vibrant, and at times, kitschy way, but a 2021 refurbishment left its cabins and public spaces feeling refreshed.

Many of Norwegian's specialty dining venues (which incur a surcharge) are on board, including Cagney's Steakhouse, Le Bistro (here, it's Jefferson's Bistro), Moderno Churrascaria and Teppanyaki.

Who should go: Anyone seeking a convenient way to island-hop — and see a lot of Hawaii — by making the most of the generous shore time with a combination of independent exploration and shore excursions. Most sailings attract couples ages 50 and older, although summer and holiday sailings have plenty of families on board.

Related: Best time to cruise Hawaii

UnCruise Adventures' 7-night Hawaiian Seascapes

Cruisers seeking a less traditional, more carefree Hawaii experience can have it from November to April aboard UnCruise Adventures ' 36-passenger Safari Explorer. The seven-night Hawaiian Seascapes itinerary, which begins either on Molokai or the island of Hawaii, is an unconventional one designed for those who enjoy going off the beaten path in an intimate and more authentic setting. U.S. passports aren't required to sail.

UnCruise visits four islands — Maui and Lanai plus Molokai and Hawaii — and focuses on not only their striking landscapes and underwater beauty but also the cultural traditions, cuisine and music of the Hawaiian people. On Molokai, where there's not a single traffic light and the lifestyle is slow-paced, passengers get a chance to "talk story" with locals and enjoy a pa'ina (feast) and evening jam session. Lanai activities range from snorkel, paddleboard and kayak excursions to off-road adventures exploring the privately owned island's dramatic sea cliffs, red rock formations and vast fields once filled with Dole pineapples.

Most UnCruise sailings are during Maui's humpback whale season, so sightings while cruising off the coast of Maui are possible. You might also catch glimpses of dolphins and sea turtles. A "Captain's Choice" day is a wild card determined by the weather, marine life in the area and other factors, while the final two days are spent exploring the Big Island of Hawaii — including a hike up Hualalai volcano and a skiff ride along the rugged coast.

Constructed in 1998, Safari Explorer was designed with adventure itineraries in mind (in summer the U.S.-flagged ship repositions to Alaska). Its size allows it to navigate areas larger ships can't reach, which in Hawaii means bays and coves ideal for snorkeling or watersports.

With such a small number of passengers aboard, guests get to know each other — and Safari Explorer's friendly and knowledgeable crew — quite well. Passengers come together over meals featuring locally sourced ingredients, and as all UnCruise fares include unlimited wines, spirits and microbrews, shipmates can raise a glass without worrying who's buying a round. It all lends itself to an exclusive yet utterly relaxed week of cruising.

Who should go: The ship's laid-back onboard vibe paired with its land- and water-based activities make the Hawaiian Seascapes itinerary ideal for active travelers seeking a nature-focused itinerary — although cruise fares (which start around $5,900 per person) are among the priciest for a Hawaii cruise.

Related: Why it's easier to meet new people on a smaller cruise ship

Holland America's 17-night Circle Hawaii

Travelers who have more than two weeks to spare and who prefer to arrive in Hawaii via ship rather than an airplane can do so on Holland America 's 17-night Circle Hawaii itinerary. They'd better also love sea days because crossing the Pacific from San Diego or Vancouver to Honolulu and back requires 10 days.

That means passengers enjoy five or six days in Hawaii on Kauai, Oahu, Maui and the island of Hawaii. Some itineraries stay in select ports overnight. Cruises departing from San Diego also call on Ensenada, Mexico. With either departure port, passports will be required.

The itinerary is offered in 2024 and 2025 on the 2,650-passenger Koningsdam and 1,432-passenger Zaandam.

Travelers with more time on their hands can also visit Hawaii as part of longer Pacific island cruises with Holland America. Koningsdam will sail a 35-night Hawaii, Tahiti & Marquesas itinerary in 2025 that combines visits to four Hawaiian islands with calls on five islands in French Polynesia and Fanning Island, Kiribati (and 20 sea days).

Related: Holland America unveils epic cruise to Hawaii and Alaska for 2025

Zaandam will also sail 51- to 56-night Tales of the South Pacific itineraries that visit multiple islands in Hawaii and French Polynesia along with ports in the Cook Islands, American Samoa and Fiji.

Holland America is popular with cruisers ages 60 and older, many of them retired, who have time to enjoy longer itineraries on ships that offer good value with a focus on culinary and musical enjoyment. Two of Koningsdam's most popular venues are its live entertainment area with three venues — B.B. King's Blues Club (for Memphis-style rhythm and blues), Billboard Onboard (for chart-topping hits played by a live pianist) and Rolling Stone Rock Room (for a live band playing classic rock), and World Stage, a theater with a 270-degree screen used for both special BBC Earth in Concert and theatrical productions.

Onboard specialty dining options (at an added cost) include Pinnacle Grill for steaks and seafood, Tamarind for Pan-Asian cuisine and Rudi's Sel de Mer for French Brasserie specialties and seafood.

Who should go: Mature travelers who prefer not to fly and who enjoy a more traditional cruise experience. They should also love sea days as much (or even more so) than port exploration.

Related: 16 mistakes cruisers make on cruise ship sea days

Princess Cruises' 15- or 16-night Hawaiian Islands

Princess Cruises is also a good option for longer sailings. The cruise line offers numerous round-trip itineraries to Hawaii from Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego in the fall and winter.

The majority of sailings are aboard the 3,080-passenger Crown Princess and Ruby Princess from San Francisco, and the 2,600-passenger Grand Princess and 3,080-passenger Emerald Princess from Los Angeles.

Ships are in port for nine to 11 hours in Hawaii (Hilo), Kauai and Maui and for 16 hours in Oahu. Itineraries include a stop in Ensenada, Mexico (so passports are required), plus nine or 10 sea days.

The ships feature many of Princess' popular dining venues, including Alfredo's Pizzeria (a sit-down venue serving personal-size pizzas), Crown Grill for steaks and Sabatini's Italian Trattoria. There's plenty of outdoor space for soaking up the sun — including an adults-only sun deck — and a dazzling Piazza for enjoying cocktails, gelato and pop-up street performers.

Fans of Princess' Movies Under the Stars poolside screenings (with free popcorn) and Discovery at SEA enrichment programming will have ample time to enjoy these perks on a Hawaii sailing.

Who should go: These sailings will appeal to couples or groups of friends who prefer to have a wide choice of sailing dates, can take the time to enjoy a leisurely Pacific crossing and appreciate Princess' focus on quality cuisine and a sun deck designed for relaxation rather than thrills.

Related: Best Hawaii cruise shore excursions

Celebrity's 9- to 12-night Hawaii Cruise

Travelers seeking modern interior decor on a ship designed with couples in mind can visit Hawaii aboard Celebrity Cruises ' 2,852-passenger Celebrity Solstice or 2,918-passenger Celebrity Edge on itineraries ranging from nine to 13 nights — but only if the timing is right. That's because the line offers only two sailings per ship each year (in spring and fall) as the ships reposition between Alaska and destinations in the Pacific. The itineraries are one-way (Vancouver to Honolulu or vice versa) with passports required.

These cruises call on three ports on two islands: Honolulu (Oahu) and Hilo and Kona (Hawaii), with one or two overnights in port and 10 hours ashore on one-day visits. All include five days in a row at sea. Since the itineraries either begin or end in Honolulu, there's also a chance for some pre- or post-cruise exploration.

Sea days offer opportunities to enjoy the chic, grown-up ambience and amenities aboard these ships. Each vessel offers multiple complimentary and extra-fee specialty restaurants. Celebrity Solstice features Tuscan Grille for Italian specialties and steak and Murano for modern French cuisine, while Celebrity Edge offers the whimsical Le Petit Chef and the international Eden Restaurant.

Celebrity's signature Martini Bar and many other onboard watering holes keep the grown-up vibe going day and night. Choose cruise fares that include alcohol and Wi-Fi, or pay a lower rate and pay for your drinks as you go.

Who should go: The slightly shorter one-way sailings and the ships' contemporary ambience make these itineraries ideal for couples and groups of friends seeking a relaxing escape — especially Gen Xers in their 40s and 50s, who are Celebrity's target market.

Related: 6 national parks you can reach by cruise ship (and 2 are in Hawaii)

Carnival's 14- or 15-night Hawaii from Los Angeles

If fun is your cruise mantra, the "Fun Ship" brand Carnival Cruise Line offers a handful of round-trip sailings to Hawaii from Los Angeles (Long Beach) aboard the 2,984-passenger Carnival Radiance. Like other roundtrips from the West Coast, these itineraries spend just five days in Hawaii, offering eight to 14 hours of shore time in ports on four islands: Maui, Kauai, Oahu and Hawaii. Along with enjoying eight sea days, guests will also call on Ensenada, Mexico, so passports are required.

Carnival Radiance first sailed under that name in 2021, but it's not a new ship. Before an epic makeover, it sailed for the cruise line as Carnival Victory. Ship features include many of Carnival's signature complimentary and extra-fee dining venues, including Guy's Burger Joint and Pig & Anchor Bar-B-Que Smokehouse, BlueIguana Cantina, Fahrenheit 555 Steakhouse and Bonsai Sushi Express.

Additional guest favorite destinations on board include the RedFrog Pub, Alchemy Bar and WaterWorks aquapark. Expect high-voltage theater shows from Playlist Productions at night and poolside interactive contests by day.

Who should go: Socially inclined cruisers who love Carnival's emphasis on onboard fun and can appreciate a colorful ship with a lively ambience and lots of day and evening activities.

Related: Best Hawaii cruise tips for getting the most from your island-hopping trip

Royal Caribbean's 9- to 13-night Hawaii Cruises

A megaship cruise experience to Hawaii is available, too — with pricing that's quite affordable. Royal Caribbean cruises there on two vessels in one of its newer classes of ships: the 4,180-passenger Quantum of the Seas and Ovation of the Seas.

All are one-way cruises just before or after the Alaska cruise season (so late April or early October) between Oahu and Vancouver (or vice versa). The ships call on two Hawaiian islands and spend four or five days in a row at sea. Passports are required since these itineraries begin or end in Vancouver.

Ovation of the Seas and Quantum of the Seas feature a mix of thrills for all ages. These include RipCord by iFly simulated sky diving, FlowRider simulated surfing, bumper car racing in the SeaPlex indoor activity complex and the North Star sightseeing capsule, which ascends 300 feet above the top deck for 360-degree views.

Both ships also offer 14 dining venues, including the innovative Wonderland, Jamie's Italian by Jamie Oliver and kid-favorite Dog House, as well as bar options that include Schooner Bar for by-request piano tunes, Boleros for mojitos and merengue and Bionic Bar for drinks poured by robotic bartenders. Entertainment includes live cover bands in the Music Hall and multimedia music and dance performances in Two70.

Who should go: Cruisers who love a big ship with a wide array of dining choices, all kinds of evening entertainment and plenty of exciting activities to pass the time on sea days. Quantum-class ships are great for families, but the sail dates might not work for those with school-age kids.

Related: Do you need a passport for a cruise?

Viking's 16-night Hawaiian Islands Sojourn

For a guaranteed adults-only sailing in a relaxed, boutique-style setting, upscale cruise line Viking also offers round-trip Hawaii cruises from Los Angeles in late 2024 and early 2025 on its 930-passenger Viking Neptune.

What sets Viking apart from most of the other lines offering Hawaii cruises is that it includes a free shore excursion in every port. These include a highlights tour of Honolulu and Pearl Harbor on Oahu and a visit to a scenic waterfall and the Kilohana sugar plantation on Kauai. Additional excursions can be booked at an extra charge.

The 16-night Hawaiian Islands Sojourn sailings visit four islands — Hawaii (Hilo), Oahu, Kauai and Maui — and like other round-trip sailings from the West Coast include 10 sea days and a call on Ensenada, Mexico, so passports are required.

Viking Neptune will also do 32-night Grand Hawaii and Polynesia sailings round-trip from Los Angeles in late 2024 and early 2025 that visit four islands in Hawaii and four in French Polynesia.

The ship, which debuted in 2022, features sleek Scandinavian-inspired decor, a soothing spa with a complimentary thermal area, an aft infinity pool and hot tub, a panoramic Explorer's Lounge and five onboard restaurants. Specialty restaurant Manfredi's serves an extensive menu of Italian specialties, while The Chef's Table offers rotating five-course themed menus, including Asian, French and California-inspired.

In addition to the free shore excursions, pricing includes complimentary wine or beer with lunch and dinner, specialty dining at no extra charge, crew gratuities and transfers.

Who should go: Couples who prefer the quieter ambience of a ship that doesn't allow anyone under 18 onboard, doesn't have a casino and offers presentations by regional experts that enhance immersion into local culture. Viking cruisers are generally over age 55.

Planning a cruise? Start with these stories:

  • The 5 most desirable cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • A beginners guide to picking a cruise line
  • The 8 worst cabin locations on any cruise ship
  • The ultimate guide to what to pack for a cruise
  • A quick guide to the most popular cruise lines
  • 21 tips and tricks that will make your cruise go smoothly
  • Top ways cruisers waste money
  • The ultimate guide to choosing a cruise ship cabin

Editorial disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the author’s alone, not those of any bank, credit card issuer, airline or hotel chain, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

Mysterious Misty Na Pali Coast and Waimea Canyon, Kauai, Hawaii


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