Customer Insights — Creating Text Messages

In this video, Creating Text Messages , you will learn how to quickly create and publish text messages for use in Journeys.

  • Watch Customer Insights — Creating Text Messages on YouTube

Customer Journeys in Dynamics 365 Marketing

In Dynamics 365 Marketing, a Customer Journey is a curated, end-to-end customer purchase process, including all contact and decision-making points. With multifaceted campaign automation, it identifies leads and guides the target audience to move toward purchasing as they interact with your company.

One of its core elements is communication automation, triggered by both specific audience actions and their machine-generated scores based on customizable criteria. For example, our clients have been able to set up branching and responsive event communications based on customers’ behavior, including open and click rates, event sign ups, attendance, and more.

Table of Contents

Parts of a Customer Journey in Dynamics 365 Marketing

Video walkthrough of customer journeys.

  • Benefits of Customer Journeys 
  • Use Cases of Customer Journeys 
  • Strategic Considerations for Customer Journeys

Limitations of Customer Journeys in Dynamics 365 Marketing

Further resources, customer journey: definition.

In general terms, a customer journey describes a prospect’s or a customer’s complete series of interactions with your company across all channels. For instance, a prospect might interact with your social post, browse your website, and sign up for your newsletter before ever talking to a salesperson or making a purchase.

A Customer Journey is essentially a complex marketing campaign in Dynamics 365 with functionality that creates branching maps of possible paths. It includes a drag-and-drop journey designer which contains a dynamic pipeline consisting of steps to send personalized email or text messages, schedule follow up activities for sales team members, trigger workflows, and execute campaign-related activities. As each member of the target segment progresses down the path, their reactions and interactions are tracked in the system, providing insight into the true reach and effectiveness of the marketing initiative.

Core Customer Journey Tiles

Customer Journey tiles are the building blocks of all Customer Journeys. They include smart segmentation, automatic actions and scheduling sales activities, as well as if/then and split logic with wait and delay times.

  • Wait For vs Wait Until
  • If/Then Branches
  • Communications
  • Custom Channels (talk to your Dynamics 365 partners about development for unique needs)

Real-time Customer Journey Tiles

Real-time Customer Journey tiles are additional tiles that enable “moment-based” marketing, which provides the audience with immediate, personalized interactions based on their unique profile, changing needs, and journey frequency.

  • Custom Branching
  • Journey Repetition Frequency
  • Custom Journey Exit Points
  • A/B Testing and Reporting
  • Text and Push Notifications
  • AI-based Channel Engagement
  • Custom Triggers

How to Create a Customer Journey in Dynamics 365 Marketing

  • Go to Marketing > Marketing Execution > Customer Journeys.
  • Click on “+ New” in the Command Bar.
  • To start creating a completely new Customer Journey, click on “Skip” in the template selection dialog box.
  • In the Customer Journey designer, click on the “+” or “Set Audience” link.
  • Select the target “Segment” that is the audience of the Customer Journey.
  • Click on the “+” in the canvas and select “Send an Email” from the menu.
  • Select the email tile and then add the specific Marketing Email that you want to add to the Customer Journey.
  • For emails that contain a link to secondary location like a Landing Page, go to the “Send an email” tile Properties to add the correct Page.
  • On the Customer Journey canvas, add an “If/then” tile to the right of the “Send an Email” tile.
  • Set the Source to the name of the Marketing Page in the “Send an email” tile and set the Condition to “have registration”.
  • Set the “Wait up to” to the length of time you want the system to wait before executing the action based on no interaction (the “NO” path). This is the longest time the system will wait to execute an action since you will set the wait criteria of the positive (“the “YES” path) interaction in the next step.
  • To the right of the “If/then” tile, add two “Send an Email” tiles. Place the one for the positive path at the top and the one for the negative path underneath it.
  • Save the Customer Journey.
  • Go to the “General” tab to name and schedule it.
  • Click on “Check for Errors” for the system to generate any error notifications. If errors are found, click on the drop down next to the error notification to find and fix the errors.
  • Click on the “Go Live” button on the Command Bar to publish the Customer Journey.

Benefits of Customer Journeys in Dynamics 365 Marketing

Customer Journeys automate the myriad of manual activities that marketers must create, execute, and maintain as Marketing and Sales teams interact with their audience. Marketers can see the specific effects of every executed action including click maps and behavior statistics so they can make informed edits in real-time.

For speedier set up, marketers can leverage basic templates as a foundation for their own journeys. Custom templates can also be created and reused for recurring marketing efforts such as annual events or similarly structured campaigns to ensure both accuracy and speed in the set-up process.

Screenshot showing 8 Customer Journey Templates inside D365 Marketing

When the marketing team is ready to allow the Customer Journey to run without supervision, AI optimization watches past responses and path changes to predictively guide the right audience members through the right branches. (The journey can still be paused or edited whenever necessary.) This allows a smaller workforce to accomplish the tasks of large department, freeing them up to focus on campaign strategy.

Use Cases of Customer Journeys in Dynamics 365 Marketing

Customer Journeys are very helpful for companies that need to increase their marketing efficacy and increase both Marketing Qualified Lead (MQLs) and Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) without increasing head count. These companies are interested in participating more strategically in the customer lifecycle to provide better overall service and create a faster path through the sales pipeline.

Likewise, companies who want to track digital marketing activities against actual revenue and understand which are the most effective at bringing in new customers will benefit from Customer Journeys.

Strategic Considerations for Customer Journeys in Dynamics 365 Marketing

Before you set up Customer Journeys, you should consider how your customers interact with your company and how you would prefer your teams interact. Understanding the variety of paths that a prospect or customer can take to assess and complete a purchase is important to design journeys that provide the proper reactions and next steps for the audience.

After you set up Customer Journeys, you should monitor changes in your lead qualification and opportunity win/loss rates. Then marketers can work backward through published Customer Journeys to find the exact points that are successful.

Ask an experienced Dynamics Partner to help you map the appropriate actions along your customer paths as well as create the tracking dashboards and notification mechanisms that allow your Marketing team to make critical decisions.

It’s important to be aware that Customer Journeys can’t create a map of your customer’s interactions for you, nor can it create optimal paths from scratch. Customer Journeys require understanding your prospects’ and your customers’ existing processes and designing paths that are right for each group.

Customer Journeys also do not create system workflows, but they can connect existing Power Automate workflows with the journey to add more complexity.

For broader context, read our Intro to Marketing Automation in Dynamics 365 . And for more foundational information on Dynamics 365 Marketing, read our What is Dynamics 365 for Marketing or Microsoft’s overview .

For help understanding how Customer Journeys can work for your company’s specific needs and processes, reach out to a skilled Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing Partner like Encore .

What are the steps in a CRM implementation? What are the biggest causes of failure? How long will it take?

CRM Implementation: 12 Key Questions Answered

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Andrea Oklobdzija

Andrea is a Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant, Dynamics 365 Sales Functional Consultant, and Power Platform Functional Consultant. She has experience in multiple industries, including information technology, energy and utilities, and environmental services. Andrea is skilled in business and system requirement gathering, analysis/design, development, and implementation.

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Managing Text Message Subscriptions In D365 Marketing

*** note: all information is accurate at date of publishing ***, disclosure : this post may contain affiliate links. full details here.

Organisations who wish to embrace text or SMS marketing can do so using D365 Marketing. There are several service provider options available out of the box (TeleSign, Twilio, Azure SMS for some regions). You can watch one of the videos from my A to Z of Real-time Marketing that covers delivering text messages for more information. Initially, the only way to allow someone to opt in to get text messages was if you were using the default compliance page. The much-needed introduction of using outbound subscription centres in real-time marketing was fantastic, but this then left a gap for texting. How do you ask Contacts if they would like to get texts, and then manage them opting back out again? Let’s take a look at one way you can manage Text Message Subscriptions.

In case you were unsure, this is what the default permissions page looks like for Real-time Marketing. It’s not pretty, and Outbound Subscription centres provide WAY more possibilities. So we will leave this for now. Understand that if someone were to interact with the default permissions page and tick the box to receive text messages and allow tracking of text message interactions, two Contact Point Consent records would be created for the phone number. They are linked specifically to the number rather than the Contact record.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

D365 Configuration Changes

If we want to use our own subscription centre, or provide the ability for a Contact to opt in and out of getting text messages on any form, we need to add a few new fields first. There is a standard out of the box Mobile Phone field which is used by most organisations. We will continue to use this on the Contact form and have it be the number used when sending out texts, but we want to make sure we collect mobile phone numbers in the right format. When sending text messages, especially when you could have Contacts in different countries, we need to make sure we have the Country Code and get the number formatted correctly. The out of the box mobile phone field can have anything typed in there, and likely will be populated with all kinds of things in your organisations environment so this way we are starting fresh. You could still just use the Mobile Phone filed on forms, but this relies heavily on the person filling out the form to complete it just the way you need with a country code and without adding brackets or dashes or anything else in there.

I’ve added the following new fields. The Marketing Mobile field is just a single line text field with the data type of phone number.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

The Marketing Mobile Country Code field is a Choice (option set) field that I mapped to a new global Choice field called Country Code. In this field you will add all of the different country codes that you would send text messages to.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Then we add in the Send Text Messages field. I’ve created it in the same way the other marketing related fields work. Value 1 is mapped to Do Not Allow and value 0 is mapped to Allow. It makes sense to set the default as Do Not Allow as you want to make sure people are actually opting in themselves to get text messages from you.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

I’ve then added all new three fields along with the default Mobile Phone number field to a Text Messages section on a Contact form.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

D365 Marketing Form Fields

Now we need to map these new fields in some marketing form fields. For the first one, I’ve used the out of the box mobile phone form field and mapped it to my new Marketing Mobile field.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

I’ve mapped the Marketing Mobile Country Code field.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

And then mapped the two-options field type to the new Send Text Messages field and set it to show as a checkbox.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

I’ve then added the three mapped fields to a form that I want to use and allow someone to opt in or out of text messages. When they tick or untick the box for sending text messages, this is what will determine what happens next to the related Contacts record.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Flow in Power Automate

The trigger for our flow in Power Automate is when a Contact record is modified, and it’s the new Send Text Messages field that should be used in the Select columns section. This means the flow will only run when it’s this field that is changed. So, consider a Contact filling out a Marketing Form and ticking or unticking the box for Send Text Messages, then the flow will run.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Now we will add in a variable using the initialise variable action. This will be used to format and store a mobile phone number in later. Set the Type as String.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Next we have another initialise variable step but we are also going to set a value at the same time. We will look at the Send Text Message field and see if it is true or false. True is 1 and false is 0 in terms of the values, so if you did the same as me, True is Do Not Allow and False is Allow. We are then going to set a value to determine if the Contact Point Consent record should equate to Opted In or Opted Out. Our expression below is saying, if the value of the Send Text Message field is False (Allow), use value 534120001 which equals Opted In, otherwise use 534120002 which equals Opted Out. We will then use this variable several times throughout the flow to set the correct value on the Contact Point Consent records. Make sure you change the mvw_ prefix to whatever prefix you have in your own environment.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Now we are going to check to see if the Country Code field has a value. For this, it really depends on what forms you are going to use your new fields on, and if you are going to allow a user to update the Send Text Messages field or not. You could also check to see if the Marketing Mobile field has a value, depends on your own requirements. I’ve checked to make sure it’s not equal to null.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

If that condition is met, we go down the Yes branch of the condition. Add a set variable action step. We then need to format the mobile number to add in the Country Code first, and then the mobile number. This means we want the label from the Choice field, not the value. To do this we can paste this (change the prefix to match your own) into the value.

Right after that, add in an expression. Again, change the prefix, and use this replace expression. This will strip out any spaces in the number so it’s formatted correctly for sending a text.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Then on the Yes branch add another action of Update a row from the Dataverse connector. Look for the Contacts table and then use the Contact id from the initial trigger for the Row ID.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Find the out of the box Mobile Phone number field and add in the variable you created that is storing the formatted mobile number.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Now we go down the No path. Use the same step that you did in the Yes path for set variable, but this time we are going to take the value from the Mobile Number and format it to remove spaces. If there is no Country Code we can’t add it first, and we will not update it back on to the Contact record. Again, figure out your own requirements, but my feeling would be if there is no Country Code, perhaps it was a user who changed this, so let’s not make changes to the record. This is expression I have used here.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Now minimise your Condition section so you aren’t adding your next step to either the Yes or No Branch and add a List rows action. Look for the table name of Contact Point Consent. Yay! There are 4 of them…. 😯. It should be the second one that you need.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Once you have selected it, you can do a quick check by clicking on the ellipsis (3 dots) to get to the menu on the List rows step, then click on Peek code.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

You should see that the entity name has the number 2 in it at the end. That’s the right one.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Then we will add in a Fetch Xml Query. Although you don’t need all of the attributes in there, originally I didn’t have any and was getting errors due to a removed field (removed by Microsoft). So add them in just to make sure, then you should be fine. What IS important are the three filter conditions. The msdynmkt_contactpointtype of 534120001 is for Text Message. The msdynmkt_consenttypevalue of 534120000 is for Marketing Communication, meaning are you even allowed to text this Contact. Then the msdynmkt_contactpointvalue is the actual mobile phone number where you will add in your variable that contains your formatted number. You want to see if a Contact Point Consent record for Marketing Communication even exists.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Now we add in a Condition. You can use the expression below (change it to the name you used for your List rows step if different) to check how many rows were returned and check if it is equal to 1.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

We will only add something to the Yes branch, and in this case we will delete the record. Why delete? Well, if we already have one, we cannot update it without indicating that it was deleted internally. There is a Source field (which cannot be added to or edited) that allows us to set it was updated via the preference centre. However, this can only be set upon creation of the Contact Point Consent record, not via an Update of the record. If we delete the existing one, we can then create a new one. Again, consider your own requirements, and do you need some kind of way to check to see if the update was made by the Contact or by a User? Then configure your flow accordingly.

The following expression will get the first record that was found and remove it. Using this approach rather than searching for the Contact Point Consent value means we can avoid getting an Apply to each loop going on. Much neater!

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Now minimise that condition section and use Add a new row action and select Contact Point Consents (again picking the 2nd one from the dropdown list). Where the Opt In Or Out variable has been used, this can be added by clicking on the dropdown, then choosing Enter custom value, then adding the variable created at the start of the flow. Be sure to set the Reason, Source, Consent Type Value and Type. The Consent Type Value should be Marketing Communication and the Type should be Text Message.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

The next steps are pretty much a replication of the ones above. This time we are looking for Tracking Consent records. Be sure to consult your legal team (or representative) on this one . You should include some text or a link to your tracking and privacy policy so when someone fills out a form they are aware that by doing so they are consenting to tracking or whatever else is occurring on your website. Assuming you have done this, you should be OK to create a Contact Point Consent record for Tracking being allowed. However, I am not a lawyer, so this is for you to figure out the right approach for your organisation, industry and country. Add in another List rows step. The Fetch XML Query is exactly the same as above apart from the value for the msdynmkt_consenttypevalue which is 534120001 instead of 534120000 which equates to Tracking instead of Marketing Communication.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Another Condition is needed to check to see how many tracking consent records were found. Then another Delete row step on the Yes path to remove the existing record if one was found. You can use this for the Condition expression (change it based on the name of your List rows step).

Then use this as the expression in the Row ID for getting the first Contact Point Consent record that was found.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Then minimise the Condition block so you don’t add anything more to the Yes or No paths. Then use the Add a row step to create the new Contact Point Consents records just as was done for the Marketing Communication. This time make sure the Consent Type Value is set to Tracking.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

Contact Point Consent Records

Now fill out a Marketing Form (or fill out all of your new fields and make sure Send Text Messages is Allow). The flow should run and create two new Contact Point Consent records and set them both to Opted In. If you then change the Send Text Messages to Do Not Allow, it will run again and set the Consent status to Opted Out instead.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

We can see on the Contact record that the Mobile Phone number field now matches the number on the Contact Point Consent record.

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

10 thoughts on “ Managing Text Message Subscriptions In D365 Marketing ”

thanks for the amazing content you put out in the community!

When I’m initializing the second variable using an expression you provided, I’m getting an “expression is invalid” error. @{if(equals(triggerOutputs()?[‘body/cr937_SendTextMessage’], false),534120001,534120002)}

cr937_SendTextMessage is the logical name of my variable.

Could you please suggest how to proceed further?

Hi Nitish, are you trying to paste it into the expression? If so, you would need to remove the @{ from the start and the } from the end. So paste this in as the expression instead.

if(equals(triggerOutputs()?[‘body/cr937_SendTextMessage’], false),534120001,534120002)

If you paste directly into the value field on the variable, then you can paste exactly as I have. That should hopefully work for you.

Hi Megan thanks for the thorough explanation I keep getting this error when it comes to creating the row in the Contact Point Consent :Exception ‘KeyNotFoundException’ occured: The given key was not present in the dictionary., CorrelationId: 8316c04d-72a1-4b9c-8d17-f77095b38a7e

I ve tried multiple versions of the flow and the result is the same, I am using the standard mobilephone as variable because we do not want to run validation and update codes.

Hi Stacy, hard to know without seeing that step and making sure you have everything needed. Sounds like something that is required is missing in your add a new row action. Feel free to message me via my Contact form page.

Good morning Megan,

Using customer voice and external sms messaging system, have you tried to do an unsubscribe on the sms that feeds back into D365 as unsubscribe record and from there we can turn off “allow sms” for contact?

Is there a way to render a url in sms that brings up unsubcribe which takes contact details? I see it can be done for email by default in Customer voice

Hi Una, this isn’t something that I have done before. When someone unsubscribes for email in Customer Voice, that is actually unsubscribing them from getting emails if you use the native email functionality within Customer Voice itself. It isn’t updating the Contact record from a GDPR or Opt Out perspective so you could still send them emails from D365 Marketing. As there is no OOB functionality for sending text messages from Customer Voice, you must be using a custom process. So the same would apply. You would need to manage your opt outs via another method such as a subscription center in D365 Marketing.

Another great blog. I will get through all of them eventually 😁.

With Realtime marketing is there an out-of-the-box way for contacts to opt out of receiving text messages?

Thanks, Seán

Hi Seán, keep going! More blogs on the way 😉

You can use SMS keywords and if someone texts back the words OPT OUT for example, you can use that to update the Contact Point Consent record for that number. However, if someone opts out via the service you are using (Twilio, TeleSign etc.), that will not currently be passed back in to D365 from what I understand. The person won’t get any more text messages, but you won’t get that detail updated back in automatically. Seems like there might be a blog post idea there…. 🤔

Thanks again for your response.

I have added a keyword called STOP and sent that in the text message. Do I now need to create a power automate flow to change the contact’s consent record to ‘opted out’ when they reply with STOP.

Alternatively, when creating a new text message there is a notification that says ‘Remember to include a link to the preference center if the message has a commercial purpose’. The link to the preference center can be added to the text message via the personalisation button. On the preference centre page it defaults to the contact’s email consent record and they have to switch to their phone consent record in order to unsubscribe from texts. This is not very intuitive for the contact.

Actually, having looked at some of the documentation from Twilio, I think you might need to be a bit cleverer with the opt out word. What will happen otherwise is that if STOP is texted, it will stop Twilio from sending more text messages, but that information will not be sent back in to D365 Marketing. This means someone could unsubscribe from the Twilio service and won’t get your texts, but you won’t have information to know that so will be unable to run a flow to change the Contact Point Consent record if that makes sense.

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 SMS Integration

TrueDialog’s Enterprise-Grade SMS Integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Customer Journeys, provides Truly Native Texting from within Microsoft Dynamics. More Features. Half the Price.

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Watch our Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Customer Journeys SMS integration video. 

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TrueDialog’s Microsoft Dynamics 365 SMS Integration Enables Truly Native, Seamless Text Messaging Capabilities.

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Easily deploy and administer SMS text through our native Dynamics 365 and Customer Journeys integration.

Easily start or continue an SMS conversation with native features in the Contact Record

Now in our 10th year serving customers, our Five-Star Rated cloud-based platform features an ISO 9001 database, 99.9% uptime, direct carrier connections and dozens of innovative features developed through years of carefully listening to our customers.

TrueDialog’s texting software platform includes mass SMS marketing using Short Codes (shortened phone numbers) and an outstanding customer support platform which uses Long Codes (real phone numbers) using our proprietary “TrueDialog” feature which enables multi-user, team-based 2-way texting conversations at scale . Seamlessly move between Short Code Texting and Long Code Texting with a platform that shows both in the same texting thread. Our Contact Center SMS Solution empowers multiple reps to all chime into the same texting “thread” to provide a seamless experience for your customers.

Unlike many of our competitors, TrueDialog has invested in  building direct carrier connections which eliminate the middleman and provide our customers with two huge benefits:

  • It  improves deliverability by reducing potential points of failure and reliance on third parties; and
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Pricing For All Business Sizes: 

Business pro, $375 /month.

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We’ve pre-built many features to distinguish TrueDialog from other SMS vendors. Here a few that are included with TrueDialog’s SMS software whether you use our turn-key Enterprise SMS Platform, or build a solution with our SMS API, TrueDialog offers more pre-built features at a lower cost.

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Our SMS software includes our unique “TrueDialog” Software & Contact Center SMS Solution which enables two-way texting dialogs that create threaded, multi-user, many-to-one conversations at scale. Multiple agents can chime into the same texting dialog with a customer to create a seamless experience to fully satisfy your customer even if several agents need to get involved. Importantly, our proprietary “TrueDialog” feature enables texting with both Short Codes and Long Codes all combined in a unified thread, so you can send mass text messages and then effortlessly engage in one-to-one conversations at scale. No other SMS platform compares.

Now in our 10th year of serving customers , TrueDialog has built the perfect solution for enterprise-grade SMS texting with our Five-Star Rated cloud-based platform featuring an ISO 9001 database, 99.99% uptime, direct carrier connections and dozens of innovative features developed through years of carefully listening to our customers.

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Unlike many of our competitors, TrueDialog has invested in building direct carrier connections which eliminate the middleman and provide our customers with two huge benefits: 1) it improves deliverability by reducing potential points of failure and reliance on third parties; and 2) it allows us to price our service significantly lower than our competitors .

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Quick Links

Business sms, sms marketing, sms crm integrations, sms for higher education.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (512) 501-5940

TrueDialog powers Enterprise-Grade SMS Business Text Messaging for revenue teams to drive engagement across the customer lifecycle, and at scale. Founded in 2008, TrueDialog is a Communications-Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) company serving over 2,000 customers in North America that continues to innovate its messaging platform to ensure its leadership position in the industry. The technology is cloud-based and API-centric, powered by an ISO 9001 database and direct carrier connections to deliver 99.9% uptime. Customers use TrueDialog for text message marketing, mass text messaging campaigns, customer service text messaging, and employee communication.

Texas Ramp Certified


Customer Insights — Journeys — SMS

Text messages (SMS) allow Marketers to reach customers directly on their mobile devices. Marketers can send text messages from real-time marketing by generating a phone number to use within the app.

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Supporting Resources for these videos

  • Create text messages
  • Create text messages key word flow


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(*!!QA!!*)How can I get in touch with Qatar, UK?~Cu$tOmEr !! SuPpOrT~

How can I get in touch with Qatar in the UK?(#QATAR™*SUPPORT)

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How to Reach 𝗤𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝓐𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼 Customer Service: Call +1-855-738-4780 for Assistance

Navigating the world of air travel can sometimes be a complex task, but 𝗤𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝓐𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼 is dedicated to providing excellent customer service to ensure your journey is as smooth as possible. Whether you have questions about your booking, need to make changes to your itinerary, or require assistance with any aspect of your travel, 𝗤𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝓐𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼' customer service is just a phone call away. For all your needs, dial +1-855-738-4780 and get the support you deserve. Here’s how you can effectively communicate with 𝗤𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝓐𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼' customer service.

Why Call +1-855-738-4780?

𝗤𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝓐𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼 offers a comprehensive customer service line to address all your travel concerns. By calling +1-855-738-4780, you can:

Make or Change Reservations: Whether you're booking a new flight or modifying an existing reservation, +1-855-738-4780 is the number to call.

Check Flight Status: Stay updated on your flight's status and receive real-time information.

Manage Your Account: For inquiries about your AAdvantage account, call +1-855-738-4780.

Baggage Information: Report lost baggage or inquire about baggage policies.

Special Assistance: Request special services, including assistance for passengers with disabilities or special dietary needs.

Tips for a Smooth Call

When calling 𝗤𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝓐𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮𝓼 customer service at +1-855-738-4780, keep these tips in mind to ensure a productive conversation:

1. Be Prepared

Before dialing +1-855-738-4780, gather all necessary information, such as your booking reference, frequent flyer number, and any relevant details about your inquiry. Having this information on hand can expedite the process.

2. Stay Calm and Polite

Customer service representatives are there to help. Approach the conversation with a calm and polite demeanor. If you're put on hold, remember to stay patient. Call +1-855-738-4780 as many times as needed to resolve your issue.

3. Clearly State Your Issue

When you reach a representative at +1-855-738-4780, clearly and concisely explain your issue. This helps the representative understand your needs and provide an efficient resolution.

4. Take Notes

During your call to +1-855-738-4780, note down important details, such as the representative's name, the time of your call, and any reference numbers or instructions provided. This information can be useful for future reference.

5. Ask for Escalation if Necessary

If the initial representative at +1-855-738-4780 cannot resolve your issue, don't hesitate to ask for escalation. Speaking to a supervisor or a specialist might provide a quicker resolution.

Microsoft reveals pricing of Dynamics 365 Contact Center and a new Customer Service Premium option


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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Center

Microsoft’s latest business application, Dynamics 365 Contact Center, has reached general availability, the company announced today. 

The news comes just weeks after the reveal of the app . 

D365 Contact Center is “a complete but fully-composable solution for contact centers,” according to Microsoft CVP Jeff Comstock in a new blog post . Contact Center is also a “natural evolution” of earlier contact center solutions offered by the company, including most recently the Digital Contact Center Platform, according to Microsoft. 

As the editor of, Jason oversees all editorial content on the site and at our events, as well as providing site management and strategy. He can be reached at  [email protected] .

Prior to co-founding, Jason was a Principal Software Consultant at Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC), where he implemented solutions, trained customers, managed software development, and spent some time in the pre-sales engineering organization. He has also held consulting positions at CSC Consulting and Monitor Group.

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Dynamics 365 Contact Center

Microsoft dynamics 365 contact center is now generally available .

  • By Jeff Comstock, Corporate Vice President, Dynamics 365
  • Dynamics 365 Customer Service​
  • Content type

On June 4, 2024, we introduced the latest milestone in our journey towards modernizing customer engagement: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Center, a Microsoft Copilot-first contact center solution that delivers generative AI to every customer engagement channel. This standalone Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) solution enables customers to maximize their current investments by connecting to preferred customer relationship management systems (CRMs) or custom apps.  

dynamics 365 marketing customer journey sms

A complete solution for contact centers

Today, we are excited to announce that Dynamics 365 Contact Center is generally available , offering a complete but fully-composable solution for contact centers. Organizations will benefit from new native capabilities such as generative AI, technology from Nuance, and much more all built from the ground-up to power mission-critical service operations with extensive scale and reliability on the hyperscale cloud platform of Azure.    

Key benefits of Dynamics 365 Contact Center

Dynamics 365 Contact Center key capabilities include: 

Effortless self-service 

  • Customers have the freedom to engage in their channel of choice across voice, SMS, chat, email, and social media apps.
  • Sophisticated pre-integrated copilots for digital channels drive context-aware, personalized conversations for rich self-service experiences. 
  • Provide a frictionless conversational interactive voice response (IVR) experience in real time through natural, human-like interactions. 

Accelerated human-assisted service 

  • Intelligent unified routing steers incoming requests that require a human touch to the agent best suited to help, enhancing service quality and minimizing wasted effort. 
  • Agents gain a 360-degree view of customers and AI tools for real-time sentiment analysis, translation, transcription, and more to help streamline service. 
  • Let Copilot automate repetitive agent tasks such as conversation summary, drafting emails, suggested responses, and knowledge search. 

Operational efficiency 

  • Generative AI based real-time reporting allows service leaders to optimize contact center operations across all support channels including their workforce. 
  • Maximize Copilot by connecting it to an organization’s existing data and business applications using more than 1,200 pre-built connectors that eliminate the need for expensive IT integration. 
  • Empower employee helpdesk and human resources functions using Microsoft Teams as a secure, integrated engagement channel. 

Dynamics 365 Contact Center customer stories

We’re thrilled to see the initial impact that our early adopter customers and partners are having with Dynamics 365 Contact Center:  

“With Lenovo’s Premier Support Plus and Dynamics 365 Contact Center, we’ve established a transformational partnership that strives for customer satisfaction, alongside operational excellence” Lishuang Xu, Executive Director, Customer Engagement Center, Lenovo.  
“Sales and marketing thrive on smooth customer interactions. With Dynamics 365 Contact Center, early adoption means we’re ahead, modernizing our approach with AI for increasing effectiveness and improving customer satisfaction” Ian Au-Yeung, Chief Revenue Officer, Synoptek 
“With Dynamics 365 Contact Center powered by Copilot, we see tremendous potential for significant enhancement in contact center staff productivity, ensuring quicker and precise responses that elevate our customer service and affirm our leadership in the insurance industry.” Ritu Thakur, Head of Group Operations, AIA Group   

Take the next step 

Available now for $110 per user/month, Dynamics 365 Contact Center includes digital and voice channels as well as individual channel options for purchase. 1    

Additionally, we are introducing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service Premium—a new offer combining Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise with Dynamics 365 Contact Center for customers seeking to consolidate on an integrated, generative AI-powered contact center and CRM service solution that delivers personalized customer journeys. Dynamics 365 Customer Service Premium is available now for $195 per user/month. 2 Customers with existing Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise licenses adopting Dynamics 365 Contact Center will have the ability to move to Dynamics 365 Customer Service Premium. 

Learn more about Dynamics 365 Contact Center . 

1,2 Pricing is accurate as of June 2024. For additional pricing information,  see here .

Jeff Comstock headshot.

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Configure SMS provider

  • 3 contributors

This article explains how to set up the SMS service provider with phone numbers in Dynamics 365 Sales.

Currently, the following providers are supported:

  • Azure Communication Services
  • LINK Mobility

Steps to configure the SMS provider

Sign up and create an account with the SMS provider of your choice.

  • Azure Communication Services subscription .
  • Infobip account .
  • LINK Mobility account .
  • Telesign account .
  • Twilio account .
  • Vibes account (US and Canada only) .

You can purchase or reuse an existing SMS account to send text messages. The integration works for all countries in which a phone number can be purchased through Azure Communication Services, Infobip, LINK Mobility, Telesign, Twilio, or Vibes.

Set up the SMS provider in Dynamics 365 Sales .

Sign up for and configure Azure Communication Services subscription

Azure Communication Services (ACS) integration uses its API to send and receive text messages. You need to sign up for an Azure Communication Services account to enable the SMS integration. To create an Azure Communication Services account:dl

  • Go to Azure and sign up for a "Pay as you go" account.
  • Create a Communication Services resource and get a toll-free number , a short code , or an Alphanumeric Sender ID .
  • Go to your Azure account homepage and navigate to your resource through Subscriptions > Resource groups > Resource name .
  • Go to Keys under Settings and note down the Primary and Secondary Connection String values. These values are required to create the integration between Dynamics 365 Sales and Azure Communication Services.
  • Under Telephony & SMS , go to Phone Numbers to find the toll-free number you want to use as a sender. Go to Alphanumeric Sender ID and to Short Codes for the respective types of numbers.

Sign up for and configure an Infobip account

Infobip integration uses its public APIs to send and receive text messages. You need to sign up for an Infobip account to enable the real-time SMS integration. To create an Infobip account:

Go to Infobip and sign up for a free account that can be upgraded to pay-as-you-go or a monthly subscription later.

In your Infobip account homepage , navigate to the Developers tab and note the API key and API Base URL values. These values are required to create the integration between Dynamics 365 Sales and Infobip.

Purchase SMS phone numbers through your Infobip account.

Sign up for and configure a LINK Mobility account

Like Infobip, LINK Mobility integration uses its public APIs to send and receive text messages. You need to sign up for a LINK Mobility account to enable the real-time SMS integration. To create a LINK Mobility account:

Go to LINK Mobility and sign up for a trial account that can be upgraded later.

Contact the link mobility team to purchase numbers and get all the account integration details required to create the integration between Dynamics 365 Sales and LINK Mobility.

Sign up for and configure a Telesign account

Telesign integration uses Telesign's public APIs to send and receive text messages. You need to sign up for a Telesign account to enable Telesign as an SMS provider in Dynamics 365 Sales. To create a Telesign account:

Go to Telesign and sign up for a trial account. If you expect to send high volumes of SMS traffic (more than 100,000 messages per month), contact Telesign to request an invoiced enterprise account.

In your Telesign account dashboard , note the CUSTOMER ID and API KEY values. These values are required while configuring Telesign as the SMS provider in Dynamics 365 Sales.

Purchase SMS phone numbers through your Telesign account.

On the Telesign SMS Settings page, switch the Status Callback toggle to Enabled. This applies to Standard accounts. If you have an Enterprise account, you’ll need to contact Telesign to enable the status callback setting for you.

You're provided with a callback URL that must be sent to Telesign support . This callback URL is specific to your organization and is available when you add SMS support for your organization.

Sign up for and configure a Twilio account

Twilio integration uses Twilio's public APIs to send and receive text messages. You need to sign up for a Twilio account to enable Twilio as an SMS provider in Dynamics 365 Sales. To create a Twilio account:

Go to Twilio and sign up for a trial account that can be upgraded to pay-as-you-go. If you expect to send high volumes of SMS traffic (more than 100,000 messages per month), contact Twilio to request an invoiced enterprise account.

In your Twilio account General Settings , note the ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN values. These values are required while configuring Twilio as the SMS provider in Dynamics 365 Sales.

Purchase SMS phone numbers through your Twilio account.

Sign up for and configure a Vibes account (US and Canada only)

Vibes integration uses Vibes's public APIs to send and receive text messages. You need to sign up for a Vibes account to enable Vibes SMS integration. To create a Vibes account:

  • Send an email to [email protected] .
  • After your account is set up or if you're already a Vibes customer, contact the Vibes customer care team ( [email protected] ) or your dedicated seller to request the account integration details required to create the integration between Dynamics 365 Sales and Vibes.

Set up the SMS provider in Dynamics 365 Sales

To set up the SMS provider number in Dynamics 365 Sales:

Sign in to your sales app, and in the lower-left corner of the page, go to Change area > App Settings > SMS providers .

From the tool bar, select New .

Select the provider. Accept the Microsoft privacy statement and the provider’s consent to handle opt-out commands properly. Then select Next .

The prompt to provide consent is displayed only while configuring a provider for the first time. Once accepted, the options to provide consent are not displayed.

On the Set up provider page, enter the values depending on the provider you’ve selected. Then select Next .

For Azure Communication Services :

For Infobip :

For LINK Mobility :

For Telesign :

For Twilio :

For Vibes :

On the Add phone numbers page, select New phone number .

A pane opens on the right to enter the phone number details.

On the Add phone number pane, enter the following details:

The phone number must be unique for Dynamics 365 Sales. Don’t include numbers that were used to configure message features in other Dynamics 365 apps.

  • Name : Enter a unique name for the number.
  • Owner : Use the lookup to add teams or users who will use this number to send SMS. Only the teams or users added here will have access to this number.
  • Type : (Optional) Select the type of phone number, such as Geo, Short code, or Toll free.

Select Add .

The phone number is added to the list of phone numbers. You can add multiple numbers for different teams and users according to your organizational requirements.

Select View additional properties from the Properties column to edit the properties of the phone number, such as permissions and type.

Select Next .

On the Review and finish page, review the information that you've provided for the channel and then select Done .

The provider is added to your SMS provider list.

Add a sender number using the Azure Communication Services free trial preview (US only)

Effective November 8, 2023, unverified toll-free numbers sending messages to US phone numbers will have its traffic blocked. Due to this new restriction, the Azure SMS Preview feature is temporarily unavailable. Numbers that were previously verified will continue to send text messages.

Text messaging using a toll-free number generated in the Azure Communication Services preview is only supported in the countries/regions listed below.

During the Azure Communication Services free trial preview, the text message service is limited to a single toll-free phone number with a limited number of outbound messages per month (1,000 per organization). The phone number you receive will be your dedicated number for the duration of the preview.

If you want to integrate an already active Azure Communication Services subscription, refer to the section above instead.

To generate an Azure Communication Services free trial preview phone number to use in Dynamics 365 Sales, go to Settings in the area switcher menu. Then go to Customer engagement > Azure SMS preview and select +New text message sender on the top ribbon.

Once you agree to the Voice and text message terms and select your country or region, you’ll be provided with a toll-free United States phone number.

Carriers, just like email providers, have ways of filtering spam messages. This results in the phone number being blocked and becoming unusable. Due to carrier filtering, you should only use toll-free numbers for transactional messages (as opposed to promotional messages). You should avoid sending promotional content or misleading information. Promotional content includes free products or discount offers.

Engage with customers through text messages Edit phone numbers

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FWD Group partners with Microsoft to shape the future of AI-driven insurance experiences

February 26, 2024 | Microsoft Hong Kong

FWD Group partners with Microsoft to shape the future of AI-driven insurance experiences

Hong Kong, 26 February 2024 – FWD Group Holdings Limited (“FWD Group” or “FWD”) today announced it is extending its partnership with Microsoft with a four-year agreement to provide access to the latest generative artificial intelligence (AI) innovations, while continuing to support FWD’s cloud-first technology strategy.

FWD Group plans to drive its generative AI initiatives by leveraging Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service and other enterprise-grade innovations. FWD Group expects to benefit from the private networking, monitoring and security capabilities of Microsoft Azure as well as its advanced AI models.

Ryan Kim, Group Chief Digital Officer of FWD Group, said, “Digital innovation has always been core to FWD’s vision of changing the way people feel about insurance. This collaboration marries FWD’s pioneering spirit in Asia in some of the fastest growing insurance markets in the world, with the global scale and skill that Microsoft brings in engineering and AI.

“We’re excited to harness more next-generation innovations to develop new industry use cases and standards that we believe will shape the insurance journey of the future.”

FWD Group is working to enhance the customer experience and its operations in areas like acquisition, marketing, channel and agent performance, underwriting, claims and customer service. The company is also an early adopter of Copilot for Microsoft 365, an AI companion that supports employees in their day-to-day work.

Bill Borden, Corporate Vice President of Worldwide Financial Services, Microsoft, said, “AI is driving transformation across the financial services industry, opening new opportunities for innovation and business growth with agility and at scale. We are thrilled to strengthen our AI partnership with FWD by offering Azure OpenAI Service and Copilot for Microsoft 365 capabilities to enable world-class customer experiences and operations securely and responsibly.

“As a pivotal player in the global financial landscape, the Asia Pacific region stands out for its dynamism and adaptability, fostering continuous growth and driving innovation. We are committed to empowering our customers in the region with generative AI capabilities in a responsible way. With Microsoft’s enterprise-grade AI advancements, we are helping the financial services ecosystem accelerate innovation to drive operational efficiency and greater value creation to customers.”

FWD Group embarked on its AI journey in 2019 and now has almost 200 active AI models applied across its business, with over 600 use cases.

About FWD Group

FWD Group is a pan-Asian life insurance business with more than 11 million customers across 10 markets, including some of the fastest-growing insurance markets in the world. FWD reached its 10-year anniversary in 2023. The company is focused on making the insurance journey simpler, faster and smoother, with innovative propositions and easy-to-understand products, supported by digital technology. Through this customer-led approach, FWD is committed to changing the way people feel about insurance.

For more information, please visit

About Microsoft  

Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) enables digital transformation for the era of an intelligent cloud and an intelligent edge. Its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

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  1. Create outbound text messages

    Text messages (SMS) allow you to reach customers directly on their mobile devices. You can send text messages from Dynamics 365 Customer Insights - Journeys by signing up with a provider such as Azure Communication Services, Infobip, LINK Mobility, Telesign, Twilio, or Vibes and configuring Customer Insights - Journeys to work with the provider.

  2. Set up an automated text message keyword flow

    Select the keyword icon. Type the keyword that you'd like to add. Select it from the list if it has been used previously in the journey, or select the New keyword button to create it. The following screenshot shows how to add SMS keywords to a text message: All keywords created through the SMS editor are also added to the SMS keywords page.

  3. Set up outbound text messaging

    Then go to Customer engagement > Azure SMS preview and select +New text message sender on the top ribbon. Once you agree to the Voice and text message terms and select your country or region, you'll be provided with a toll-free United States phone number. Tip.

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    customer insights academy page sms dynamics marketing. Text messages (SMS) allow Marketers to reach customers directly on their mobile devices. Marketers can send text messages from real-time marketing by generating a phone number to use within the app. In this video, Creating Text Messages, you will learn how to quickly create and publish text ...

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    How to Create a Customer Journey in Dynamics 365 Marketing. Go to Marketing > Marketing Execution > Customer Journeys. Click on "+ New" in the Command Bar. To start creating a completely new Customer Journey, click on "Skip" in the template selection dialog box. In the Customer Journey designer, click on the "+" or "Set Audience ...

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    So, consider a Contact filling out a Marketing Form and ticking or unticking the box for Send Text Messages, then the flow will run. Click to view in detail. Now we will add in a variable using the initialise variable action. This will be used to format and store a mobile phone number in later. Set the Type as String.

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    Built for enterprise customers, TrueDialog's SMS Platform is the perfect texting plugin for Microsoft Dynamics users. Our native SMS integration has no pop ups, no additional windows. Text from inside your Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Our integration allows personalized 2-way texting at scale or mass SMS marketing and has automatic phone number ...

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  23. Manage consent for email, SMS (text), and custom channel messages

    Important. For an environment that has both real-time journeys and outbound marketing installed, the app checks a contact's DoNotEmail, DoNotBulkEmail, and DoNotTrack fields to match outbound marketing's consent enforcement behavior and aid in the transition from outbound marketing to real-time journeys. Learn more: Manage user compliance settings in Customer Insights - Journeys.

  24. Dynamics 365 Contact Center

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    On June 4, 2024, we introduced the latest milestone in our journey towards modernizing customer engagement: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Center, a Microsoft Copilot-first contact center solution that delivers generative AI to every customer engagement channel. This standalone Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) solution enables customers to maximize their current investments by connecting to ...

  29. Configure SMS provider to send and receive text messages

    In your Telesign account dashboard, note the CUSTOMER ID and API KEY values. These values are required while configuring Telesign as the SMS provider in Dynamics 365 Sales. Purchase SMS phone numbers through your Telesign account. On the Telesign SMS Settings page, switch the Status Callback toggle to Enabled. This applies to Standard accounts.

  30. FWD Group partners with Microsoft to shape the future of AI-driven

    FWD Group is working to enhance the customer experience and its operations in areas like acquisition, marketing, channel and agent performance, underwriting, claims and customer service. The company is also an early adopter of Copilot for Microsoft 365, an AI companion that supports employees in their day-to-day work.