Tour de l'Horloge

tour horloger paris

Tour de l'Horloge et attractions proches : les meilleures façons d'en profiter

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  • Cité • À 2 min à pied
  • Châtelet • À 4 min à pied

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Également populaires auprès des voyageurs

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TOUR DE L'HORLOGE (Paris): Ce qu'il faut savoir pour votre visite (avril 2024)

  • (0.22 Km) Hotel Britannique
  • (0.20 Km) Hotel Victoria Chatelet
  • (0.34 Km) Relais Hotel du Vieux Paris
  • (0.26 Km) Hotel Elixir
  • (0.35 Km) Hôtel Albe Saint Michel
  • (0.09 Km) Brasserie Les Deux Palais
  • (0.15 Km) Le Mistral
  • (0.13 Km) Le Reynou
  • (0.18 Km) Le Zimmer
  • (0.25 Km) Maslow

Paris la douce, magazine parisien, culture, sorties, art de vivre

Home Tour de l'Horloge Paris : La plus vieille horloge publique de Paris, belle mécanique au palais de la Cité et restauration de la Tour de l'Horloge - Ier

Paris : La plus vieille horloge publique de Paris, belle mécanique au palais de la Cité et restauration de la Tour de l'Horloge - Ier

By La Rédaction At juillet 07, 2018 0

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Mon cours d'horlogerie d'exception

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Notre histoire

Nos prestations.

L'Atelier de Madman - Horlogerie


  • Tarifs – CGV – Contact
  • Espace Clients
  • Sur l’Établi 2011 – 2022
  • Marques Suisses du XXe siècle
  • Abraham-Louis Breguet
  • Christian Gottfried Hahn
  • Jean-Antoine Lépine
  • Dossiers constructeur
  • Fabricants et poinçons
  • Exemple de tarifs manufacture
  • Outillage horloger
  • Expositions
  • Témoignages

Outillage Horloger

tour horloger paris

Cette page présente quelques-uns des nombreux outils que l’on peut trouver dans un atelier horloger. Il n’est pas étonnant que tout horloger ait un nombre impressionnant de layettes (=petits tiroirs) où il conserve ses pièces de rechange et ses nombreux outils. Certes, ils ne sont pas tous utilisés au quotidien, mais tous sont indispensables à une occasion ou une autre. Lorsqu’elle se présente, il vaut mieux avoir l’outil sous la main, faute de quoi le travail en sera rendu impossible, retardé ou pire : mal exécuté.

tour horloger paris

Outils de Mesure

La mesure précise est essentielle lors de réparations en horlogerie. Une quantité d’outils divers viennent en aide. Cette page en recense quelques-uns. Elle est complétée au fur et à mesure des photos que je serai amené à prendre.

tour horloger paris

Machine à Arrondir

L’outil indispensable à tout atelier de réparation d’horlogerie organisé. De longues années de pratique horlogère se sont écoulées avant que je n’acquière cet outil. Le besoin impératif ne s’est manifesté qu’à l’occasion d’un projet de rhabillage récent.

tour horloger paris

Outil à Forger

Cet outil n’est plus que très rarement utilisé. “Une fois tous les 20 ans…” me disait l’horloger qui me l’a cédé. Il sert à augmenter le diamètre d’une roue dentée par forgeage de son pourtour.

Échappemètre Animex

Echappemètre Animex

Un outil tombé en désuétude, mais infiniment précieux pour l’horloger rhabilleur. Il permet d’ajuster la position des palettes dans les fourches de l’ancre, voire de les déplacer très précisément pour obtenir une meilleure marche de l’échappement.

tour horloger paris

Une affûteuse pour burins, mèches et fraises a atterri à mon atelier. De bon poids, l’ensemble fait bien 40kg, avec 1 meule pour HSS et 3 meules diamant (–> 1200) pour burins carbure. L’ensemble inclut même une boite de collets complète pour diamètre 1.5mm à 30mm !

tour horloger paris

Diviseur 40:1

Un vieux diviseur au rapport 40:1 a atterri sur mon établi il y a quatre ans. On trouve la désignation HP 102 sur son flanc, je ne sais pas si cela est une marque (Huré Paul ?) et son modèle. Le diviseur semble être au complet, puisqu’il y a une contre-poupée et deux disques couvrant tout nombre de trous sur une circonférence, entre 1 et 100.

Tour Lorch 6mm

Tour Lorch Schmidt & Cie, en excellent état. Il ne demande qu’un nettoyage et un service de la poupée fixe pour entrer en action. Démontage, nettoyage et mise en service sont au programme du jour.

Tour Levin 8mm

Un tour d’horloger est un outil indispensable à l’atelier. Voici quelques photos de mon tour Levin, complété d’un module à fraiser.

tour horloger paris

Tour de Précision

Petit tour de précision Favorite avec volant à main Wolf Jahn & Co et microscope AmScope.

Comparateur au 1/100mm


Le confort maximum pour mesurer les cotes d’un axe de balancier : un comparateur électronique au 1/100e.

tour horloger paris

Une belle machine que j’ai attendue longtemps… Elle ne se fabrique plus ! La Pivofix permet de rouler des pivots de manière très confortable et avec la plus grande précision.

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Une collection de limes brunissoirs, en acier trempé sur les côtés et saphir au centre. Le brunissage consiste à écrouir la surface du métal qui vient d’être tourné. Cela lisse la surface, qui devient brillante comme un miroir et beaucoup moins sensible à l’oxydation.

Outils à sertir

Outils à Sertir

Les outils à sertir servent à ouvrir et refermer une sertissure sur les montres anciennes. Les pierres, ou rubis, n’étaient pas chassés, mais sertis dans la platine.

Potence Horia

Une potence micrométrique Horia 4mm toute neuve, acquise d’occasion en septembre 2013.

tour horloger paris

Cela vous arrive-t-il aussi souvent ? La lame d’un tournevis qui cède face à l’entêtement d’une vis trop serrée ? Et quand cette lame fait un vilain S, inutile de s’acharner, il faut changer de lame. Je vous propose une autre approche : l’affûtage, qui vous donnera une lame plus belle qu’avant, calme la frustration et procure beaucoup de satisfaction. C’est très simple à faire, suivez le guide !

tour horloger paris


J’en avais assez de faire des gros pâtés avec mes pique-huile chinois. J’ai donc cassé la tirelire et me suis offert le set de course Bergeon n° 7013-4

Machine à perler

Machine à Perler

J’ai le plaisir de vous présenter ma petite perceuse de précision, une antiquité que j’ai acquise récemment d’un surplus horloger. Il est très possible que cet appareil ait servi de machine à perler plutôt qu’à percer. La voici, en l’état…

tour horloger paris

Forêts Carbure

Aujourd’hui je désire vous montrer quelques forets spéciaux que je viens d’acquérir. Ils sont en carbure, donc très durs. Ils percent l’acier trempé, mais ils sont super fragiles.

tour horloger paris

Tas aux Balanciers

Fabrication d’un petit tas aux balanciers en laiton. Dimensions 39 x 30 x 8mm Le tas permet de bien poser le balancier à plat pour extraire le spiral, en plus d’autres usages.

tour horloger paris

Compas aux Engrenages

Cet outil n’est guère plus employé aujourd’hui. Il servait à déterminer la position des axes de deux roues dentées, afin qu’elles engrènent de manière fluide.

Outil à revenir

Outil à Revenir

Fabrication d’un outil très spécial : il sert à revenir (= détremper) un axe en acier trempé pour pouvoir l’usiner : généralement percer pour replanter un pivot, mais aussi redresser sans le casser un pivot courbé.

Fraise à Bélière

Fraise à Bélière

L’usage de cet outil est particulier : il permet de fraiser les bouts des bélières (=anneau pour accrocher une montre de gousset), pour que cet anneau pénètre dans le pendant.

Jauges à pivots

Jauges à Pivot

Les jauges à pivot permettent de déterminer simplement le diamètre du trou dans un rubis, ou un trou d’axe quelconque. Chaque jauge est calibrée, de 0.07 à 0.50mm.

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  • Charles Le Roy

“ Charles Le Roy à Paris ”

“ Charles Le Roy à Paris ” was the signature of one of the most important Parisian clockmakers of the Louis XV period. After having become a master on August 16, 1733, he opened a workshop in the rue des Prêcheurs, moving in 1745 to the rue Saint-Denis, across from the Saint-Leu church. Within a few years he acquired an excellent reputation among the most influential Parisian collectors of the time for his remarkable clock and watch movements. Beginning in the 18th century, several of his clocks appear in inventories; one piece is mentioned in the 1771 inventory of the collection of François de Pérusse, vicomte des Cars. A second clock, with a vernis Martin decor, was described in 1773 in the probate inventory of the wife of Jean-Baptiste Halma de Belmont, Conseiller du Roi and Grand audiencier of France : “ A clock with decorated wall bracket, with pagoda and dragon, gilt bronze case, motifs painted by Martin, the striking movement by Charles Leroy, 400 livres ”. After his death in Nanterre in 1771, Charles’s son Etienne-Augustin continued to run the workshop, and was named Horloger du Roi .

Discover our entire collection of antique clocks on La Pendulerie Paris .

Discover the clocks and antiquity art by Charles Le Roy

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Explore our collection


The Bastille Opera

Visit The Palais Garnier

Discover its history, its treasures...

© Marc Walter / OnP

Exceptional closures

  • Closed in the morning
  • Closed in the afternoon
  • Closed all day
  • Restricted access*

Click on a date to see detailed schedules

*Restricted access: as some areas are closed, the reduced rate applies to individual sel-guided visitors over 25 years old. This rate does not apply if the auditorium is closed.

  • Individuals
  • Groups and professionals


Booking is strongly recommended.

Prices, opening hours and conditions of booking

Available with a multimedia guide service

© Charles-Henry Bédué / OnP


Discover our classic overall tours of the theatre including a presentation of its history, architecture and its different activities. You can also book a themed guided tour, for a unique and unusual visit after opening hours. 

Individual self-guided visits – information

Palais Garnier is open every day from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (box office sales from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.), except except closures (refer to the calendar below).

Last entry one hour before closing time.

For reasons related to theater activity, the auditorium is regularly inaccessible to visitors and some areas may be closed.


By phone: 08 92 89 90 90 (0,35€/min) and from outside France: +33 1 71 25 24 23, from Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm.

BOOKING CONDITIONS Sales are open for the next 60 days.

Book your ticket

  • Online by clicking on the button “BOOK” for the visit of your choice. You will be redirected to a page to create your Paris Opera account (or login if you are already registered).
  • On the Paris Opera application
  • By phone on 08 92 89 90 90 (+33 1 71 25 24 23 if calling from abroad)
  • At the Palais Garnier’s desks : open every day from 11 am to 4 pm.   
  • At automatic terminals located in the Palais Garnier’s hall (ticketing area). Payment by credit only.

Reduced rates and free tickets are subject to presentation of a valid proof of eligibility and an identity document at the entrance to the Palais Garnier.

Full rate: adult over 25 years old.

Reduced rate*:

  • Young people aged 12-25;
  • Family offer (for 4 paying tickets including one ticket for a young person aged 12 to 25);
  • Reduced partner rate for holders of : ○ a valid Opera subscriber card; ○ a visit ticket for the Bastille Opera (less than one year old); ○ a maximum 8-days old ticket for the Musée d’Orsay or Musée Gustave Moreau*; ○ the Pass Navigo, Pass senior or Imagine’R card, on presentation of a Navigo Certificate of subscription** ;

* The reduced rate for the purchase of a ticket to the Musée d'Orsay or the Musée Gustave Moreau is also offered to holders of a ticket to visit the Palais Garnier, up to 8 days after the purchase of this ticket. **Valid for two persons – Navigo Culture

Free admission*:

  • Children under the age of 12;
  • Person with disability and one helper (limited to one helper per person with disability);
  • The unemployed, recipients of social assistance / RSA / other minimum social benefits (document dated within the last 3 months);
  • Free partners for holders of: ○ The Pass’ Jeunes Opéra; ○ A valid Young Adult Opera suscriber card; ○ The AROP Particulier card ; ○ The Carte Culture issued by the French Ministry of Culture (valid for two persons); ○ The Bibliothèque nationale de France’s reader’s card (admission to the reading room of the Opera’s Library-museum); ○ The Bibliothèque nationale de France’s reader’s card (admission to the reading room of the Opera’s Library-museum);
  • The French professional tour guide card (rate available on request from the groups and professionals department to prepare a visit : [email protected] ).

ACCESSIBILITY The temporary exhibitions’ area and the shop are not accessible for people with reduced mobility.

Revelacio, our multimédia tablet service


A magically enlightening 90-minute multimedia voyage, enriched with archival images and interviews with specialists of the Opera and its history. During the tour, thanks to augmented reality, the most emblematic and inaccessible areas of the building, such as the Foyer de la Danse and the Costume Depository, also become accessible. Explore the auditorium, inspect Marc Chagall’s ceiling, the paintings in the Grand Foyer and the façade of the Palais Garnier.

Make your own way around the Palais Garnier or follow a suggested route.

An interactive plan to guide you.

  • Device: iPad mini
  • Price: €8 ( €7 pre-purchased online)
  • Length of visit: 90 mins
  • Languages available: French, English, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean

For children (6-13 years, recommended age):

Let Zoé ballerina of the Opera take you on a tour of Charles Garnier’s architectural masterpiece. The legends of the Palais Garnier will hold no secrets for you or your children (6 to 13 years old) thanks to this 1 hour-interactive tour (games throughout the tour).

  • Device: iPad
  • Price: €6,50
  • Length of visit: 1 hr
  • Languages available: French, English, Spanish


Specially designed tours are available for blind or partially-sighted visitors (on audioguide, duration 1h15, available in French) as well as deaf or hard-of-hearing visitors (on iPad mini, duration 1h30, available in French Sign Language).

  • Device: audioguide or iPad mini
  • Length of visit: 1h15 to 1h30
  • Languages available: French, French sign language

At the moment

tour horloger paris

Immersive game tour

Experience an incredible investigation in the heart of the Palais Garnier! Follow in the footsteps of Arsène Lupin and try to unravel the only mystery that has ever eluded him: the secret of Cagliostro...  Prices: from €20 to €28

tour horloger paris

Tous à l'Opéra!

Saturday 4 May 2024

The Paris Opera opens its doors to you for the "Tous à l'Opéra!" event.

Find out more about the itineraries and workshops held on Saturday, May 4 at the Palais Garnier!

Further information

Virtual tour.

In partnership with the Google Cultural Institute, discover the theatre and its masterpieces as if you were actually there.  

Chidren games experience

A funny document for the children to explore the Palais Garnier and discover its history, while playing a game.  

At the heart of the Palais Garnier, the Devialet acoustic discovery room showcases wireless speakers, among which the "Gold Phantom Opéra de Paris". Informations: , +33 9 63 53 20 79

To discover

Palais Garnier, La Pythie, oeuvre de Marcello (pseudonyme d'Adèle d'Affry, duchesse Castiglione Colonna), située au bas du grand escalier. © Jean-Pierre Delagarde / OnP

Palais Garnier, le grand escalier © Jean-Pierre Delagarde / OnP

Palais Garnier, le grand foyer © Jean-Pierre Delagarde / OnP

Palais Garnier, salon du Glacier © Jean-Pierre Delagarde /OnP

Palais Garnier, la rotonde des abonnés © Jean-Pierre Delagarde / OnP

© BnF/BmO

Jean-Philippe Rameau, un des compositeurs dont la statue orne le grand vestibule du Palais Garnier © Jean-Pierre Delagarde


Beyond the Rotonde des Abonnés, the Bassin de la Pythia leads to the Grand Escalier with its magnificent thirty-meter-high vault. Built of marble of various colours, it is home to the double staircase leading to the foyers and the various floors of the theatre. At the bottom of the stairs, a true theatre within the theatre, two female allegories holding torches greet spectators.


At the end of a long gallery is the Rotunde du Glacier, a fresh and bright rotunda with a ceiling painted by Clairin (1843-1919) and featuring dancing bacchantes and fauna, along with tapestries illustrating different refreshments as well as fishing and hunting. Completed after the opening of the Palais Garnier, this salon evokes the aesthetic of the Belle Époque. The vault of the Avant-Foyer is covered with mosaics of shimmering colours on a gold background. The view of the Grand Staircase is spectacular. The play of light between mirrors and windows in the Grand Foyer further accentuates the latter's vast dimensions. The ceiling painted by Paul Baudry (1828-1886) features themes from the history of music. The lyre is the main element: it reigns over all the decorative vocabulary, be it on capitals, heating grids or doorknobs. A copy of Charles Garnier's bust by the sculptor Carpeaux (1827-1875) is located in the centre of the foyer, near a window looking down the Avenue de l'Opera towards the Louvre. The view can be enjoyed even more from the loggia. The Salons du Soleil et de la Lune offer a symbolic and poetic transition to the other areas.

library-museum of the opera

The collections of the Library-Museum of the Opera (National Library of France) conserve three centuries of the theatre's history. The museum gallery houses a permanent exhibition of paintings, drawings, photographs and set models. After the fall of the Empire, the premises were never completed: in the staircase leading to the temporary exhibition hall, remain the massive stone blocks dating from 1870. Access to the reading room, located in the Rotunde de l'Empereur, is restricted to researchers.


The Galerie de l'Orchestre offers a last glance of the Palais Garnier and an audiovisual exhibition recounting its history. The Grand Vestibule, watched over by the statues of the four composers Rameau, Lully, Gluck and Handel, leads to the exit.

the auditorium

For reasons related to theater activity, the performance hall is regularly inaccessible to visitors.

In the tradition of Italian theatre, the horseshoe-shaped "French" auditorium, so-called for the way the seats are arranged according to their category, was designed for the audience to see and to be seen. Its metallic structure, hidden by marble, stucco, velvet and gilding, supports the weight of the 8-ton bronze and crystal chandelier with its 340 lights. The house curtain was created by theatrical painters Auguste Rube (1817-1899) and Philippe Chaperon (1823-1906), following Charles Garnier's instructions. The curtain was replaced by an identical one in both 1951 and 1996. The ceiling painted by Marc Chagall and commissioned by the Minister of Culture André Malraux was inaugurated on September 23, 1964.

ACCESS  Entrance at the corner of Scribe and Auber streets 75009 Paris

Access to the Palais Garnier

Metro: Opéra station (lines 3, 7 and 8) RER: Auber station (line A) Bus: lines 20, 21, 27, 29, 32, 45, 52, 66, 68, 95 Car park: Q-Park Edouard VII - Rue Bruno Coquatrix 75009 Paris (in front of 23 Rue de Caumartin) Reserve your parking space

CONTACTS Individuals

+33 1 71 25 24 23 (0.35€/min) or on-site, at the desks or automatic terminals.

Guided tours +33 (1) 89 16 83 02 (0.15€/min) or [email protected]

[email protected]

Prepare your visit


The Palais Garnier offers a safe access to persons with reduced mobility, in wheelchair or with visual disabilities (except places for temporary exhibitions). 

Information and Booking +33 1 40 01 18 50 (from Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm). accessibilité   


Please note that the cloakrooms are not available for visitors.

The book and gift shop

From Monday to Sunday, from 10am to 7pm and until the end of performances; and from 10:30 am to 6 pm from 17 th July to 30 th August. Access from street Havély or from the theatre public areas. Information: +33 1 53 43 03 97

CoCo Restaurant

Open everyday from 7:30am to 2am (last service at 11pm).

1, place Jacques Rouché - 75009 Paris (at the right of the theatre façade).

Booking: +33 1 42 68 86 80      

Visit also the Bastille Opera

The Paris Opera offers you the possibility to discover the backstage world of this modern theatre, whose dimensions are impressive, created in 1989 by Carlos Ott. 

Immerse in the Paris Opera universe

tour horloger paris

Business Space

Patronage and sponsorship.

  • Your support
  • The projects
  • Your level of engagement
  • The benefits you want to enjoy

Your public relations operations

  • Premium tickets
  • Business club

Rental of spaces and filming

  • Rental of space Garnier
  • Rental of space Bastille

Licensing program, advertising space and cultural engineering

  • Licensing program
  • Advertising space
  • Cultural engineering
  • The “Children dreams” Morning
  • The Opening Gala and the “Gala des grandes voix”

Place de l’Opéra 75009 Paris

Place de la Bastille 75012 Paris

Description de l'image

Download the application for free Opéra de Paris

Available on the App Store

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Start your 36 office search

Tour de l’horloge, 4 place louis armand, paris, paris ile de france.

Serviced offices from €795 per person per month


Exterior image of 4 place Louis Armand, Tour de l'Horloge

Click to activate Street View

Street View image of Tour de l’Horloge, 4 Place Louis Armand, Paris, Paris Ile de France

Services & Amenities

Serviced offices.

Commonly referred to as business centres, executive suites or managed offices, serviced offices are operated by management companies and usually come with rental terms that are more flexible than traditional office space. Most serviced office packages include numerous services, amenities and rates in the monthly fee.

Coworking spaces

Workstations at this type of facility are ideal for for the self-employed or SMEs looking for low-cost flexibility. Coworking or shared office spaces are usually equipped with all the facilities needed to get up and working fast and offer excellent prospects for networking and collaboration with other industries.

Coworking space from €198 per person per month

Virtual office

Providing a physical address and reception services at the lowest possible cost, virtual office is for companies and individuals who wish to work remotely. Other provisions may include mail opening & scanning, meeting room access and voicemail.

Virtual office from €50 per month

  • 24 hour access
  • Access to multiple centres nation-wide
  • Administrative support
  • AV equipment
  • Close to railway station
  • Conference rooms
  • Flexible contracts
  • Furnished workspaces
  • High-speed internet
  • High-speed internet (dedicated)
  • IT support available
  • Meeting rooms
  • Near to subway / underground station
  • Period building
  • Reception staff
  • Telephone answering service
  • Town centre location
  • Virtual office available

The Office Space

Tour de l'Horloge is a remarkable business centre which is housed within a magnificent property offering three floors of serviced offices. Despite being a historical building, the space is furnished to the highest standard, brimming with contemporary style and state-of-the-art technology. There are 80 offices and 12 meeting rooms which offer flexible solutions with fitted offices being accommodating up to 20 workstations from one month leases. There are also shared offices and private offices measuring more than 99m² and conference rooms can be hired for half day, fully day or for one week. Guests will be welcomed by a friendly manned reception area and monumental staircase which is perfect for creating a lasting first impressions for your business.

Location Information

This business centre occupies a prime location in Paris with excellent transport links, amenities and the River Seine right on the doorstep. There are charming marketplaces within walking distance alongside a restaurant, hotel and various parks. With Gare de Lyon railway and metro station right next door, this centre boasts easy access to Lyon and Marseille which is perfect for commuters. The centre can also be reached by the A3 with Charles de Gaulle Airport being reached in less than half an hour.

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Map, Transport and POIs

Transport links.

  • Airport Charles De Gaulle Airport (via A3, 28 mins, 33.7 km)
  • Subway Gare de Lyon
  • Rail Gare de Lyon

Nearby points of interest

  • Paris-Gare de Lyon (railway station) 124m from business centre
  • Gare de Lyon (metro 1) (railway station) 125m from business centre
  • Marche d'Aligre (marketplace) 442m from business centre
  • Marche couvert Beauvaux (marketplace) 474m from business centre
  • Espace Vianey Bercy (restaurant) 499m from business centre
  • Hopital des Quinze-Vingts (hospital) 598m from business centre
  • Square Leo Ferre (park) 660m from business centre
  • Jardin de l'Arsenal (park) 679m from business centre
  • Opera Bastille (theatre) 746m from business centre
  • Bastille (railway station) 846m from business centre
  • Galeries de Paleontologie et d'Anatomie comparee (museum) 871m from business centre
  • Reuilly -- Diderot (railway station) 924m from business centre
  • Jardin Ecologique (park) 943m from business centre
  • Square Pierre et Marie Curie (park) 961m from business centre
  • Square Saint-Eloi (park) 972m from business centre

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Les talents horlogers de demain peuvent s'inscrire à compter du 4 mai afin de faire la preuve de leur talent à partir d'un mouvement de pendulette.

Le Prix Cartier Talents horlogers de demain a été créé il y a tout juste trente ans par l'Institut Horlogerie Cartier pour récompenser de jeunes apprentis horlogers de Suisse, de France et d'Allemagne. Cette année, la Belgique rejoint le mouvement, alors que s'ouvre l'appel à candidatures pour l'édition 2024. Une édition sous le thème de la magie des sens. En effet, cette année, les candidats auront à leur disposition un mouvement de pendulette qu'ils seront invités à réinventer en y apportant une ou plusieurs touches sensorielles. Ce Prix horloger invite chaque année de jeunes talents horlogers à transformer un mouvement autour d'un thème défini. Il a été créé dès 1994 dans le prolongement direct de l'inauguration de l’Institut d'Horlogerie Cartier, destiné à accueillir apprentis et artisans de la maison au sein de formations aux métiers de l'horlogerie, du polissage, de la microtechnique et de la mécanique. Cette année, ce prix s'ouvre à une nouvelle catégorie de candidats : aux élèves horlogers de 3e et 4e années en formation professionnelle initiale, s'ajoutent désormais les techniciens ES en microtechnique, étudiants de 1re ou 2e année d'un cursus de formation professionnelle supérieure. Le jury 2024 du prix Cartier Talents Horlogers de demain est composé de cinq experts de l'horlogerie : Nathalie Marielloni, Conservatrice au Musée International d'Horlogerie, Roy Davidoff, spécialiste des montres de collection et cofondateur de Davidoff Brothers, Pierre Rainero, Directeur Image, Style et Patrimoine de la Maison Cartier , Pascal Ravessoud, Vice-président de la Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie, spécialiste horloger et collectionneur, et Kari Voutilainen, horloger indépendant.

Les candidats peuvent s’inscrire entre le 4 mai et le 30 août 2024 sur le site dédié et soumettre leur dossier, constitué d'une vidéo d'une minute dans laquelle ils se présentent et d'une description de leur projet accompagnée d'un croquis. Mi-octobre, à l'issue de l'étude des dossiers, le jury retiendra six techniciens et six apprentis. Ces 12 candidats disposeront ensuite de 80 heures de travail maximum, réparties sur deux mois, pour développer leur projet. Tout au long de cette période, ils bénéficieront d'un encadrement individuel par un mentor extérieur à Cartier. À l’issue de ces deux mois, ils remettront leur projet finalisé ainsi qu'un carnet de bord retraçant les grandes étapes de leur cheminement, croquis et photos à l'appui. Enfin, le 16 décembre 2024, les 12 finalistes présenteront leur projet au jury à la Maison des Métiers d'Art à La Chaux-de-Fonds, en Suisse. La cérémonie de remise des prix se déroulera mi-janvier 2025. Les trois premiers lauréats dans les deux catégories recevront une montre Cartier et seront invités à une immersion au sein des sites et activités de Cartier en France et en Suisse. Les deux premiers se verront directement proposer un stage chez Cartier.

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tour horloger paris


Paris in a Day Tour with Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Seine River Cruise

See the mona lisa, sacre-coeur, and moulin rouge with organized transportation and an expert guide.

Want to see the best of Paris in just one day? With long admission lines and attractions spread out over the city, this can be a real challenge. But don’t worry, this amazing tour makes it easy! Join a local guide to see the city’s iconic highlights, including the Louvre, Sacre-Cœur, Notre Dame, a Seine River Cruise, and the Eiffel Tower (entry times might fall outside of the tour time). With a small group, skip-the-line Louvre tickets, and transport, there’s no better way to see Paris in a day!

Visit Sacre-Cœur (from the outside)

  • Visit Sacre-Cœur (from the outside)
  • See Notre Dame Cathedral (from the outside)

Skip-the-line Louvre ticket and guided tour

  • See The Mona Lisa Up Close
  • Don't Miss Liberty Leading the People
  • One-Hour Seine River Cruise Ticket
  • Entry Tickets To The Eiffel Tower
  • See Paris In A Day
  • Guided Walking Tour Of Montmartre

Skip the Line

*IMPORTANT* This Paris in a Day tour includes a self-guided Eiffel Tower ticket. Your tour will end around 4pm, but the Eiffel Tower entry could be from 4pm to 10pm. Don't worry, we will contact you in advance with your unique entry time so you can plan. If the time doesn't work for you, you can modify your tour booking up to 24 hours before the tour! The Eiffel Tower comes alive at night-- it's even home to bars and restaurants! For later tickets, we recommend you Eiffel Tower Restaurants: Guide to Elevated Eating" title="tour horloger paris"> book a table, which may be a highlight of your trip!

You'll meet your guide this morning in the famous art district of Montmartre for a walking tour of this historic part of Paris, including a visit to the magnificent Basilica of Sacre-Cœur. Along with your small group, you'll continue to the city's literary heartland, the Latin Quarter, where your guide will tell stories of the famous writers who once called this place home. Here, you can also see the famous Notre Dame Cathedral from the outside—it's still undergoing repairs from the recent devastating fire, so entry isn't currently allowed.

Next, you'll catch the metro to the famous Louvre museum, home to the Mona Lisa and countless other iconic works. You'll skip the line at the Louvre so your super knowledgeable guide can show you the museum's highlights without the famously long wait. Finally, you'll cruise down the River Seine by boat, and finish you tour at France's most recognizable landmark : the Eiffel Tower. Learn the fascinating stories about the most iconic monument in Paris, before parting ways with your guide and using your entry ticket to ascend to the second floor, or enjoy a scenic river cruise on the Seine.

Paris in a Day Tour Description

Your 7-hour Paris tour includes: 

Guided walking tour of the Latin Quarter and Montmartre neighborhoods

Visit Sacre-Cœur and see Notre Dame Cathedral (from the outside)

Free time in Paris for lunch (not included)

Ticket for a 1-hour river cruise on the Seine

Entry tickets to the Eiffel Tower

Metro tickets included

A fun, professional English-speaking guide

A maximum group size of 18 people

Please note that the order of this tour could be different based on ticket times for the Louvre and Eiffel Tower.

Montmartre, Sacre-Cœur and the Latin Quarter

Home of the Moulin Rouge, Montmartre is Paris' famous art district. Your guide will show you the best of the neighborhood this morning, and you'll learn the best spots to return to if you're planning a big night out in the city. In addition to the nightlife of the neighborhood, Montmartre was also the epicenter of the Belle Époque.

Once home to Renoir, Van Gogh, Picasso, and Modigliani, the neighborhood produced countless famous pieces of art between the 1870s and 1920s. You will pass the café where Van Gogh painted one his most scandalous works—he dared to paint a woman reading!

After visiting the Basilica of the Sacre-Coeur, you'll follow your guide to the Latin Quarter. Montmartre is the center of art, but the Latin Quarter is the center of literature. You will see the café and bookstore where Hemingway and Joyce spent their ex-pat lives in Paris. Then, you can take photos of the magnificent Notre Dame Cathedral from the outside—sadly, the cathedral suffered a terrible fire in 2019 and is still being reconstructed.

Louvre Museum Tour

Skip past the famously long lines at the Louvre and see the museum's most influential works on a 90-minute tour of the Louvre. These works include the two of the most important Greek statues still standing: the Venus of Milo and The Winged Victory of Samothrace . These two famous statues are full of mystery and history, and you guide will bring them to life with stories of their meanings and origins. 

You'll also see Eugene Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People. A symbol of French independence, strength and culture, it is the most politically important work at the Louvre. The painting is the most famous artistic depiction of the French Revolution and is often compared to the Washington Crossing the Delaware piece found in New York at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

The Mystery Behind the Mona Lisa

Why is the Mona Lisa so famous? For starters, Mona Lisa’s expression has been often debated since its creation in the 16th century. Is she happy or sad or playful? Another intriguing thing about Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa is that it's the highest insured work of art at a whopping $800 million.

Leonardo Da Vinci's masterpiece (called La Gioconda in Italian), portrays the wife of a Tuscan aristocrat named Francesco del Giacondo. Though she has been in the Louvre for over 200 years, the portrait became famous when it was stolen in 1911 in a global scandal. Now she is protected with bulletproof glass and personal body guards.

Eiffel Tower

Finally, led by your professional guide, you'll head to the pièce de résistance of this Paris in a Day Tour. The guide will regale you with tales of the tower's construction, its significance to the City of Light, and the initial public reactions to this daring design. After saying goodbye to your guide, with your tickets in hand, you will have the opportunity to savor the magic of the Eiffel Tower.

Paris by Boat

With your tickets in hand, sit back and relax with beautiful views along the Seine. Paris river cruises are a great way to take in the ambiance of the city and get a taste of the luxury that Paris is known for. Cruise around the city and get a new perspective on the iconic landmarks, including the Louvre, Musée d’Orsay, Notre Dame, and of course, the Eiffel Tower in all its glory.

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255 total reviews

Aida was an excellent guide. This tour gave us everything we could hope for in one day in Paris. The only downside was the Eiffel Tour visit was at 930 pm, and we had tickets to a soccer match so we’re unable to include this in our tour as it could not be changed. Otherwise, an excellent day!

We had an amazing tour and saw so much of Paris! Much better than the bus tour we took the day before! I highly recommend, just be prepared for a lot of walking with a lot of steps. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable and easy to understand too!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What to bring?

This tour is primarily a walking tour, so we recommend wearing comfortable shoes.

Is the Eiffel tower summit (top level) included on this tour?

Eiffel Tower second floor tickets are included in this tour. If you'd like to head to the coveted summit (with a stop at the second floor), check out our Eiffel Tower Summit Evening Tour .

What if I have concerns about my mobility on this tour?

If you have any doubts about your mobility, we suggest taking a Private Paris in a Day Tour so your needs can be better accommodated in terms of navigating attractions and the pace of the tour. Please note, Montmartre includes stairs and steep inclines, which may not be ideal for strollers or wheelchairs.

Can I use my Paris Museum Pass to get a discount on the Louvre tour?

We pre-book all of our reservations and tickets for the Louvre Museum in advance, so personal museum passes are not valid for entry or a discount.

How do we get around the city?

Your guided tour includes metro tickets to travel the longer distances between attractions. Other areas will be explored on foot, particularly Montmartre.

Will we enter Notre Dame?

Sadly, no. The cathedral is still undergoing extensive renovations following the 2019 fire, so no one is allowed inside yet. You'll be taken to it to see its progress up close though! And you can see it during your river cruise.

Do we enter the Eiffel Tower?

Yes, Eiffel Tower Tickets are included in this tour. Please note, entry times vary based on availability, meaning that the time of entry could be in the evening or the afternoon of the tour based on the day.

When can I take my Seine River Cruise?

Your tickets will be sent to you via email within 24 hours of your tour departure time. To redeem the boat tickets, please bring them to the Bateaux Parisiens boarding line. This is located below the Carousel at the Eiffel Tower, under the bridge to your right on the river. These tickets are valid for any date for boats between 10:30 am and 10:00 pm so you have lots of flexibility to enjoy this cruise during your time in Paris.

Free 24-hr cancellation on group tours! Learn more

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tour horloger paris

Le Gros Horloge: Renaissance Time in Rouen, France

Although heavily damaged during the second World War, the city of Rouen still has a spectacular Medieval and Renaissance sights. One of these is set in a Renaissance street-arch, a beautifully decorated astronomical clock. Known as Le Gros Horloge, the mechanism was made in 1389, making it one of the oldest, working clocks in Europe.

Thomas Dowson

  • Last Checked and/or Updated 15 December 2021
  • No Comments
  • Tour of France

Walking the streets of Rouen the Medieval and Renaissance history of the city is unmissable. All the more surprising given that many conflicts in north western Europe have involved Rouen in one way or another. These include the ninth century Viking raids, the Hundred Years war during the Middle Ages, the Wars of Religion in the Renaissance period, the Franco Prussian war of 1870, and World War II when it is estimated about 45% of the city was severely damaged. Bullet and shrapnel scars can still be seen on some of the buildings in Rouen.

The streets of the Medieval quarter still has three or four story, timber-framed buildings that look decidedly unstable, leaning either left or right or into the street itself. Rouen has always been a relatively prosperous city, despite and because of its place in the various conflicts its inhabitants have witnessed. This wealth was largely based on a textile and wool industry that got going in the early Medieval period, and flourished well into the Renaissance competing with other northern centres such as Flanders. Signs of this industry are still evident around the city. Representations of sheep, for example, feature prominently in the decoration surrounding Le Gros Horloge.

Running between the Gothic cathedral made famous by Claude Monet and the old market square where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake is a pedestrianised street called ‘Rue du Gros-Horloge’. This quaint street with many timber-framed buildings is named after Le Gros Horloge, a Renaissance clock set in an arch over the street.

The clock’s movement was made in 1389, and installed in the adjacent belfry that was constructed at the same time. The bells in the belfry were the first set of municipal bells in Rouen. At this time there was no dial to the clock. With the construction of the arch between 1527 and 1529, the clock was moved to the arch and attached to two identical dials – one on each side of the arch. Each dial is about two and a half meters in diameter.

The dials are rich in astronomical symbolism. A single hand points out the hour of the day, moving over 24 golden sun-rays and encircled by a blue starry night. The phases of the moon are indicated on a small sphere directly above the dial. On the opposite side, below the hour of VI, a panel reveals the day of the week, symbolised by the god of the day: Monday is represented by the Moon, Tuesday by Mars, Wednesday by Mercury for Wednesday, Thursday by Jupiter, Venus by Friday, Saturday by Saturn and Apollo indicates Sunday.

The sheep everywhere, including one at the end of the hour hand, signify the importance of wool for the city’s prosperity. At the apex of the arch, on both sides, a passover lamb is included in city’s heraldry.

A ‘behind the scenes’ tour of Le Gros Horloge is possible – there is no need to simply admire the clock from the street. The entrance to the clock is at the base of the belfry (opening hours vary throughout the year, so check the website). And audio-guide is included (French and English) lasting about 40 minutes, and takes the visitor through the belfry and the pavilion, the dials room, the bells chamber, and the clockmaster’s workshop and flat. From the top of the belfry, and on a clear day, there is an outstanding view of the city of Rouen and the Seine River.

An interesting point of French grammar to end on, particularly for anyone who knows the difference between masculine and feminine nouns in French. Le Gros Horloge is masculine, I have not mixed up my les and las. In French clocks today are indeed feminine, so la horloge. But this has not always been the case. Prior to the 18th century, clocks were masculine. Perhaps the next time I make an error with a le or a la I will try and excuse my error by saying I am learning old French?

Archaeology Travel Writer

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A canon on top of the walls of the historic citadel in the historic centre of Cairo, with a view to the distance of the city.

An Egyptian Archaeologist’s Guide to Visiting Egypt During Ramadan

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France Tours & Trips from Paris

Find your perfect adventure! We have 176 tours of France that start in Paris, France. The most popular month is June, and tour lengths range between 2 and 22 days.

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176 france tour packages from paris with 1,060 reviews.

France Family Journey: From Paris to Normandy and Beyond Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

France Family Journey: From Paris to Normandy and Beyond

The tour was interesting, fun, and just the right balance of group and independent activities. The tour guides were knowledgeable, helpful, and very organized!

Paris to Normandy WWII Remembrance & History Cruise (Southbound) Tour

  • River Cruise

Paris to Normandy WWII Remembrance & History Cruise (Southbound)

French Dream ( 6 days ) Tour

  • Coach / Bus
  • Sightseeing

French Dream ( 6 days )

Paris and Versailles Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Paris and Versailles

Alex from Eskapas created a fantastic itinerary for me. All upgrades and customization was excellent. although a solo traveler, I never felt alone A smooth experience and can't wait to go on the next one. Highly recommending.

Normandy, Brittany & The Loire Valley (Classic, 8 Days) Tour

Normandy, Brittany & The Loire Valley (Classic, 8 Days)

Everything was wonderful. Shantell went above and beyond

Best of France Tour Tour

Best of France Tour

Brilliant tour guide Leila and amazing driver Brein, together with extraordinary sights and very good accommodation, made for an excellent experience on the 3 day bus tour. I also appreciated the priority entry for all the visits included.

French Ring ( 11 days ) Tour

French Ring ( 11 days )

Paris to Normandy 2024 Tour

Paris to Normandy 2024

It was a very comfortable and enjoyable cruise. The service staff were very friendly and attentive. The fellow passengers were very friendly and sociable which makes the whole cruise line one big happy family.

The Treasures of France including Normandy (8 Days) Tour

The Treasures of France including Normandy (8 Days)

Overall a great tour. Much more than we expected. Highly recommend instead of trying to visit a foreign country without a tour guide and driver-- both of whom were fabulous !!
  • €100 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Paris Explorer (8 Days) Tour

Paris Explorer (8 Days)

Our guide, Jonathan, was fantastic.

Paris & Normandy Highlights National Geographic Journeys Tour

Paris & Normandy Highlights National Geographic Journeys

We loved the itinerary and the extra sites we visited, also. Our CEO Alexiane did well. We would have like to hear more history of the places we saw. Alexiane took care to provide for the needs of individuals on our tour. That was especially helpful for me. Our bus driver, Frederick, was excellent and caring, too.

Paris, Normandy, & Châteaux Country Tour

Paris, Normandy, & Châteaux Country

This tour was excellent and very well organized. Tour radar did an excellent job of communicating and managing payment for this trip.

The Must-see Sights of the Seine Valley (port-to-port cruise) Tour

The Must-see Sights of the Seine Valley (port-to-port cruise)

I was kept informed & on promptly basis. A very professional approach by your staff

Magnificent France ( 10 days ) Tour

Magnificent France ( 10 days )

Explore your France ( 15 days ) Tour

Explore your France ( 15 days )

What people love about france tours from paris.

It was a really good experience. This is my second trip with Eskapas. The first one was a small group tour fully escorted in Italy and it was wonderful. This trip is independent and you are joining at the meeting point to daily group ours. If you have send of orientation, it may be difficult so I recommend yo to take a taxi to reach out to the meeting points. Usually it costs 15-20Euro. The company upgraded our hotel to New Hotel Le Voltaire 4* ,, located in 11th Arrondissement, close to Bastille. It is a correct one, decent breakfast. Don't miss Cimetiere du Pere-Lachaise which is close proximity.
Wonderful tour. Top notch accommodations; very comfortable tour bus; courteous, friendly, and knowledgeable tour guide and driver. Restaurant selections were fine and we had sufficient time to explore on our own. Highly recommended.

Tours starting from Paris

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The Good Life France

Everything You Want to Know About France and More...

La Tour de l’Horloge Guines Museum, Pas de Calais

  • Janine Marsh
  • Museums and Châteaux , Nord-Pas de Calais , Things to do & see Nord-Pas de Calais

guines museum

The town of Guines is a sleepy village these days that lies in the glorious countryside of Pas de Calais close to the Opal Coast, but it in its past life it has seen much action, drama and excitement. The Romans were here in 5 AD and not much more is known about it until, in 928 AD the Vikings arrived…

A fabulous outing for the family, fun any time but particularly good for rainy day trips to Calais. A viking tower that’s now the local landmark clock tower, a museum where you sail in a Viking ship and dress up like a French Queen, King or Knight and where you can shake hands with a giant!

From a Watch Tower to a Clock Tower

guines clock tower

The Field of the Cloth of Gold

More than half a millennium later, Guines once more attracted some rather famous visitors. It is here that Henry VIII of England met with Francois I of France.

In June 1520, the two Kings partied, played sports and tried to outdo each other in ostentatious displays of wealth. The encounter became known as the Field of the Cloth of Gold thanks to the immense show of bling including gold cloth tents.

Guines Museum

guines tour de l'horloge

There is much for all the family to enjoy but one of the highlights includes a film about the Viking invasion and a romance between the Viking leader Sigfrid and the daughter of a local French lord. An endearing little film that no one wanted to come to an end! Even better, you watch it from inside a Viking ship which sways from side to side and up and down to the sound of oars dipping in the “water”. Very clever, very entertaining.

You’re encouraged to smell, touch and play, there are several dressing up boxes and a full on costume room that includes chain mail (Dads only – it’s so heavy!), Renaissance style ball gowns and foam helmets and swords for little ones. There are interactive displays and workshops, a medieval games room, sword cabinet and an exhibition of medieval food and wine such as Hypocras, a medieval spiced wine you can buy locally! I discovered that Francis I had a weakness for jam, and chefs in those days weren’t half bad sometimes with dishes like platter of beef ribs with oregano and blueberry and ginger sauce.

Don’t forget to visit the famous Clock Tower on its hill which you access from the museum, enjoy the views over the local landscape and allow about 1.5 -2 hours for a visit to la Tour de l’Horloge Museum.

This is a great family museum that tells the local history in a fun and entertaining way and I defy you to resist dressing up – whatever your age!

Tours are available in French and English. Schools need to book in advance.

How to get there : Approx 15 minutes from Calais. P&O Ferries offers a choice of 23 sailings a day in each direction between Dover and Calais with a fleet of five ships including the largest ferries ever to ply the route, the 49,000 tonne Spirit of France and Spirit of Britain, built at a cost of £150 million each. The crossing takes 90 minutes.

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Hotel De L'Horloge

25, Passage De Ménilmontant, 11e arr., 75011 Paris, France – Très bon emplacement - voir la carte – Proche du métro


Rapport qualité/prix

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La gentillesse du personnel - la propreté - l'emplacement - le calme exceptionnel

tour horloger paris

chambre studio équipée correctement, petit déj servi en chambre (croissant, pain, confiture, jus d'orange, thé), propre, literie ok, emplacement ok, accueil très bien

tour horloger paris

L’accueil du personnel et les commodités de la chambre

Chambre avec un très bon rapport qualité/prix, pas très loin d'une station de métro (700 mètres) des restaurants a proximité, très calme, propre, et j'ai vérifié le matelas et les draps.

Le côté atypique de la disposition des chambres, le calme et l’impression de rénovation récente. La propreté.

La cour est très sympas la chambre est propre et pratique. J’ai vraiment apprécié l’hôtel. Personnel fort sympathique

Très bon accueil, propreté de la chambre, endroit très calme

Emplacement idéal, calme, personnel très sympathique.

Accueil chaleureux. Un tout grand merci à Anna ( Isabelle) pour les conseils et adresses insolites du quartier ! L’hôtel est superbe 🌟 Merci à toute l’équipe pour votre disponibilité, et vos sourires

Un petit hôtel très agréable. Situé dans un quartier calme, cela donne une sensation de petit cocon. Le personnel est vraiment adorable. Tout est très propre, la salle de bain est refaite à neuf. Je recommande.

tour horloger paris

Hotel De L'Horloge Réserver maintenant

  • Appartements
  • Salle de bains privative
  • Chambres non-fumeurs
  • Coffre-fort

L'Hotel De L'Horloge se situe dans la ville de Paris, à 1,5 km de la place de la République. Vous bénéficierez gracieusement d'une connexion Wi-Fi disponible dans l'ensemble de l'établissement. Les hébergements possèdent une télévision par satellite à écran plat, des serviettes et du linge de lit. Certains logements sont dotés d'un coin repas et/ou d'une cour. La kitchenette est équipée d'un four micro-ondes, d'un réfrigérateur et de plaques de cuisson. L'opéra Bastille se trouve à 1,8 km et le Centre national d’art et de culture Georges-Pompidou (CNAC) à 2,3 km. L'aéroport le plus proche est celui de Paris-Orly situé à 15 km.

Les couples apprécient particulièrement l'emplacement de cet établissement. Ils lui donnent la note de 8,4 pour un séjour à deux.

Les distances indiquées dans la description de l'établissement sont calculées avec © OpenStreetMap.

  • Chambres familiales
  • Bon petit-déjeuner

Points forts de l'établissement

Bonne situation géographique : très bien notée par de récents voyageurs (8,4)

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Équipements de l'établissement hotel de l'horloge.

  • Table à manger
  • Machine à café
  • Produits ménagers
  • Plaque de cuisson
  • Ustensiles de cuisine
  • Bouilloire électrique
  • Micro-ondes
  • Réfrigérateur
  • Kitchenette
  • Linge de maison
  • Armoire ou penderie
  • Papier toilette
  • Baignoire ou douche
  • Articles de toilette gratuits
  • Sèche-cheveux
  • Télévision à écran plat
  • Chaînes satellite
  • Prise près du lit
  • Insonorisation
  • Ventilateur
  • Matériel de repassage
  • Fer à repasser
  • Café sur place
  • Petit-déjeuner en chambre
  • Plateau / bouilloire
  • Vue sur une cour intérieure
  • Service de navette
  • Facture fournie sur demande
  • Enregistrement/départ privé
  • Enregistrement/règlement rapide
  • Fax/photocopies
  • Établissement entièrement non-fumeurs
  • Extincteurs
  • Caméras de surveillance à l'extérieur de l'établissement
  • Détecteurs de fumée
  • Alarme de sécurité
  • Clés d'accès
  • Sécurité 24h/24

Voir les disponibilités Règles de la maison

De 15h00 à 23h30

Vous devrez présenter une pièce d'identité avec photo et une carte de crédit lors de l'enregistrement.

Vous devrez indiquer à l'avance votre heure d'arrivée à l'établissement.

De 6h30 à 11h00

Annulation / Prépaiement

Les conditions d'annulation et de prépaiement varient en fonction du type d'hébergement. Veuillez saisir les dates de votre séjour et consulter les conditions de la chambre choisie.

Enfants et lits

Conditions relatives aux enfants

Tous les enfants sont les bienvenus.

Les enfants âgés de plus de 3 ans seront facturés au tarif adulte dans cet établissement.

Pour voir les tarifs et les informations associés à la taille de votre groupe, veuillez ajouter à votre recherche le nombre d'enfants avec qui vous voyagez ainsi que leur âge.

Conditions relatives aux lits bébé et aux lits d'appoint

Les frais supplémentaires associés aux lits bébé et aux lits d'appoint ne sont pas inclus dans le montant total et devront être payés séparément pendant votre séjour.

Le nombre de lits bébé et de lits d'appoint disponibles dépend de l'option que vous choisissez. Veuillez consulter l'option sélectionnée pour obtenir plus d'informations.

Tous les lits bébé et les lits d'appoint sont soumis à disponibilité.

Restriction relative à l'âge

Les clients doivent avoir au moins 18 ans pour pouvoir s'enregistrer.

Moyens de paiement acceptés

Les espèces ne sont pas acceptées L'établissement Hotel De L'Horloge accepte ces cartes et se réserve le droit de bloquer temporairement une certaine somme sur votre carte avant votre arrivée.


Cet hébergement est non-fumeurs.

Les fêtes/événements ne sont pas autorisés.

Heures silencieuses

Les clients doivent éviter de faire du bruit entre 23h00 et 6h00.

Animaux domestiques

Les animaux de compagnie ne sont pas admis au sein de l'établissement.

À savoir Les informations essentielles pour les voyageurs et voyageuses séjournant dans cet établissement

Veuillez noter que le service de ménage est assuré pour les réservations de 4 nuits minimum.

Le ménage sera effectué le 3ème jour, puis tous les 2 jours.

Vous devrez présenter une pièce d'identité avec photo et une carte de crédit lors de l'enregistrement. Veuillez noter que toutes les demandes spéciales seront satisfaites sous réserve de disponibilité et pourront entraîner des frais supplémentaires.

Veuillez informer l'établissement Hotel De L'Horloge à l'avance de l'heure à laquelle vous prévoyez d'arriver. Vous pouvez indiquer cette information dans la rubrique « Demandes spéciales » lors de la réservation ou contacter directement l'établissement. Ses coordonnées figurent sur votre confirmation de réservation.

Les enterrements de vie de célibataire et autres fêtes de ce type sont interdits dans cet établissement.

Les clients doivent éviter de faire du bruit entre 23:00:00 et 06:00:00.

Dans le cadre de la pandémie de coronavirus (COVID-19), cet établissement applique actuellement des mesures sanitaires supplémentaires.

Informations juridiques

Faq sur l'établissement hotel de l'horloge, l'établissement hotel de l'horloge est-il proche du centre (paris) .

L'établissement Hotel De L'Horloge se trouve à 2,5 km du centre (Paris). Toutes les distances sont calculées à vol d'oiseau. Les distances de trajet réelles peuvent varier.

Quels sont les horaires d'arrivée et de départ à l'établissement Hotel De L'Horloge ?

L'enregistrement à l'établissement Hotel De L'Horloge se fait à partir de 15h00 et le départ est possible jusqu'à 11h00.

Quelles activités l'établissement Hotel De L'Horloge propose-t-il ?

Quel est le tarif d'un séjour à l'établissement hotel de l'horloge .

Les tarifs fixés par l'établissement Hotel De L'Horloge peuvent varier en fonction de votre séjour (par ex. les dates que vous avez sélectionnées, les conditions de l'hôtel, etc.). Indiquez vos dates pour voir les tarifs.

Quel type de petit-déjeuner l'établissement Hotel De L'Horloge sert-il ?

Les clients ayant déjà séjourné à l'établissement Hotel De L'Horloge ont attribué une très bonne note à son petit-déjeuner : 7.7.

  • Continental
  • Petit-déjeuner à emporter

Les incontournables de : Paris

Centres de conférences.

  • Palais des congrès de Paris
  • Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
  • Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
  • Arc de Triomphe
  • Tour Eiffel
  • Musée du Louvre
  • Musée d'Orsay
  • Centre Pompidou
  • Musée Rodin
  • Musée de l'Orangerie

Sites d'intérêt

  • Salle de spectacles La Cigale
  • Jardin du Luxembourg
  • Sainte-Chapelle

Stades ou arènes

  • Parc des Princes
  • Stade de France
  • Opéra Bastille
  • Opéra Garnier
  • Aéroport de Paris - Le Bourget (LBG) 12,3 km
  • Aéroport de Paris - Orly (ORY) 15,2 km
  • Aéroport de Paris - Roissy - Charles-de-Gaulle (CDG) 20,8 km
  • Gare de l'Est
  • Gare de Lyon
  • Gare du Nord
  • Gare Saint-Lazare

Stations de métro

  • Métro Gare de l'Est
  • Métro Gare du Nord
  • Métro Pigalle

Les villes les plus recherchées

  • Enghien-les-Bains
  • Rambouillet

tour horloger paris

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tour horloger paris

Parisi Tour Logo

Discovering France: Unique visits and extraordinary experiences

Discover the soul of Paris and France with Parisi Tour, your creator of tailor-made experiences.

Embark on unusual tours in classic cars, immerse yourself in art with our guided tours of the greatest museums, stroll during our walking tours, and sail along the Seine during our cruises.

For those looking to escape beyond the city, our day trips reveal the region's hidden gems.

Each adventure is carefully designed to suit your desires, ensuring a truly personal and unforgettable experience.

Searching Availability...

For more information on our unusual tours and experiences, click below


Paris Signature is much more than a guided tour. It's an immersion into the very soul of Paris, a journey through time via the timeless elegance of the City of Light.

Paris By Night

A private and exclusive tour by night. Discover the famous Parisian monuments lit up from the iconic Citroen 2CV.

Montmartre la Bohème

An afternoon in Montmartre organized by Parisi Tour, with a unique program, to experience all the best of Montmartre bohemian style.

Paris Paris

The essential Parisian experience for a first visit to Paris in the iconic Citroën 2CV


OUR Tours TO VISIT PARIS on foot

Visite à pied dans Paris pour découvrir les passages et galleries emblématiques

Experience the enchanting hidden treasures of Paris as you step into a world of history and elegance. Our guided walking tour of the city's picturesque passages and galleries allows you to traverse time, exploring the secrets of these unique covered walkways. Discover a different side of Paris, where history and modernity seamlessly blend.

Une Visite guidée du Marais et ses Hôtels particuliers

Delve into the heart of Paris with our guided walking tour, focusing on the captivating Le Marais district. Let our local experts unveil the tales hidden within these historic streets. Beyond a tour, it's your personal Parisian narrative.

Une Visite à pied du quartier de Saint-Germain-des-Prés

🕐 De 2 à 3 heures

Reveal the enigmatic soul of Paris in the Saint Germain des Prés district on our exclusive walking tour. Led by our local experts, step into the neighborhood's storied past. It's more than a tour; it's your quintessential Parisian escapade.

Le Quartier Latin

Unearth the secrets of Paris in the Latin Quarter on our intimate walking tour. Delve into the city's captivating history, led by our expert guides. It's more than a tour; it's your Parisian adventure.

OUR Excursions from Paris

La vallée de la Loire, une escapade hors de Paris incontournable !

Classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site thanks to its castles, gastronomy and landscapes, the Loire Valley is a breathtaking region.

Venez contempler les merveilles du château de Versailles

Versailles offers itself to you for a guided tour of the castle, the gardens, and other majestic places whose origins date back to the 17th century

Journée Mémorable en Normandie : Plages du Débarquement, Mémorial de Caen et Cimetière Américain

With Parisi Tour, take advantage of a full-day excursion departing from Paris, with lunch on site. Here is a preview of what you can see during this unforgettable day.

Excursion en Demi-journée à Giverny: L’Émerveillement Monet

With Parisi Tour, enjoy a half-day excursion to Giverny, with a private guide and round-trip transport from Paris by van.

Private Seine Cruise

Balade en bateau dans Paris : visite depuis la Seine

Board our boat, with music and champagne, along the Seine, to admire the most beautiful monuments of Paris, day or night.

Une balade romantique en bateau dans Paris

Let yourself be seduced by the Parisitour boat trips, an exceptional moment to share as a couple.

tailor-made experience

Saint-Valentin à Paris : Romantisme dans les Rues de la Ville Lumière

Treat yourself to a moment of pure romance with our Special Valentine's Day Tour in Paris. Climb aboard our vintage 2CV, Emily in Rouge Passion or Edith in Rose Tendresse, for an unforgettable ride through the emblematic streets of the City of Love.

Tour Emily in Paris

The young American, so Parisian chic and fashion, has a gift for finding the most beautiful places and the best addresses in Paris.

Pique-nique parisien aux pieds de la tour Eiffel : un avant goût des spécialités françaises.

Parisian Picnic by the Eiffel Tower: A taste of French Specials

Offre Birthday

Let your driver guide you, he knows Paris like the back of his hand and will take you to the most beautiful places in the capital.

Votre enterrement de vie de jeune fille – sur mesure – avec Parisi tour !

Would you like to organize a chic, fun, and spectacular bachelorette party? Welcome to Paris! Parisi Tour offers you the best playground for your bachelorette party.

Food Tour Montmartre – Découvrez les Saveurs de la Butte

Embark between bridesmaids for a trip in a 2CV decorated for the event and in music, for an unusual visit of Paris.


Paris Magical Tours Logo

Paris Layover Tours Tours from Charles de Gaulle Airport, Orly and Eurostar

Award winning tours of paris, versailles and disneyland paris direct from charles de gaulle airport, orly airport or the eurostar trains from london and europe at gare du nord..

  • Original founders of the Layover Tour
  • Make the most of an opportunity - avoid lengthy waits, with tours direct from/to Charles de Gaulle Airport, Orly Airport and Gare Du Nord for Eurostar according to your flight/train schedule
  • Choose from our range of tours to Paris, Versailles or Disneyland Paris.
  • Private car/minibus/coach according to your party's size
  • Exclusive to Paris Magical Tours: Driver/Guide or Tour Team (Tour Guide plus additional Chauffeur)
  • Learn about the Paris Magical Tours Difference

tour horloger paris

Tour Itinerary

A s the original pioneers of the Layover Tour, we are aware of how important your time is while on transit. Whether it be that you only have a few hours in between journeys or that you just want the safety and comfort of a Paris Magical Tour after a flight or train journey, we can help.

With our meet and greet service, the tour begins from the moment you arrive in Paris . You will be welcomed at Charles de Gaulle Airport, Orly Airport or Gare du Nord (for Eurostar train arrivals) by a representative carrying a Paris Magical Tours sign before being chauffeur driven to your destination for the tour. Following the tour you can be returned to a central Paris hotel or if on a layover, back to the airport or train station to continue with your journey.

Simply choose from any one of our Paris Tours , including our visits to the Palace of Versailles and Disneyland Paris, all of which are available as a layover option.

Tours from Charles de Gaulle Airport Collection is available directly from your terminal of arrival, returning to your departure terminal following your tour. The terminals at Charles de Gaulle Airport are numbered 1, 2 and 3, with Terminal 2 being subdivided into a complex of seven sub terminals lettered A through to G.

Tours from Orly Airport Collection is available directly from your terminal of arrival and return to your departure terminal at the end of the tour. The terminals at Orly Airport are called South or West.

Tour from Charles de Gaulle Airport to Orly Airport (or vice-versa) Tours are also available if you have a mixed airport layover, that is where you arrive at one airport and depart from another. Collection is also directly from your arrival terminal at one airport and return to your departure terminal at the other following your tour.

Tours from Eurostar Gare Du Nord Eurostar trains to/from London and the rest of Europe arrive at Gare du Nord Station. As a guideline, allow 10 minutes to clear Immigration and Customs on arrival. Check in time for trains to Europe is approx. 1 hour before the scheduled departure time.


A s a guideline for either airport, allow approx. 40 minutes to clear Immigration and Customs to begin your tour. Check in for flights to Europe is at least one and a half hours before your scheduled departure time and two hours for long haul flights. Our customer service team is happy to advise on the best option according to your schedule.

Passengers on layovers will normally have their luggage forwarded to their final destination by their airline, meaning you will only have your carry on bags in Paris. Passengers are able to bring one item of carry on luggage each with them onboard the tour vehicle. If you will have greater luggage requirements please let us know and we will be happy to advise accordingly.

Tour Extras

tour horloger paris

VIP Service

Upgrade to the VIP levels: Gold, Platinum or Platinum Plus for extra benefits, including a professional tour guide and extra chauffeur team*, upgraded vehicles for extra space & comfort and exclusive experiences.

tour horloger paris

Traditional Lunch

Prebook a meal at one of our selected historic Paris restaurants to save time. Free cordial drinks and priority service, exclusively to Paris Magical Tours clients.

tour horloger paris

Children's Programme

Visiting with children aged under 16? Include the Magical Children's Programme option to add a fun and engaging range of activities to your tour.


Daily throughout the year. Tour times are offered to best suit your flight or train schedules and our dedictated team are happy to advise accordingly. Outside working hour services are also available for late arrivals.

Tour prices are quoted in both English and French languages. Tours are also available in most languages through our specialist multi-lingual guide team, including Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin and Cantonese. Language surcharges may apply.

Tour Comments

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  • What is a private tour?
  • What time do the tours start?
  • Where can I be collected from?
  • What are the differences between the 3 hr and 7 hr Paris tours?
  • Will we get out of the vehicle to sightsee and take photos or is it just a drive-by?
  • Are lunch/entrance fees included?

From France: 0171 025 009 From Abroad: + 33 171 025 009 Toll Free USA & Canada + 1 866 834 8371

Enquiry Form

Paris Magical Tours 6 Lower Grosvenor Place London SW1W 0EN

Magical Tours Blog

  • What To Do During My Paris Layover?
  • Paris Magical Tours – The Paris Olympics 2024!
  • Spring 2023: Visiting Paris
  • Tours of Paris Christmas Lights

Payez en 3 & 4 fois jusqu’à 8000 € et 10 fois jusqu’à 15000 € sans frais

Vacheron Constantin



Boutique Tours

20, rue Marceau – 37000 Tours

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Notre équipe

Margot Capitelli

Margot Capitelli

Mathieu Saulnier

Mathieu Saulnier

La boutique Edouard Genton à Tours est un véritable joyau dans le paysage des bijouteries de la ville. Située en plein cœur de la ville, cette boutique propose une large sélection de bijoux et de montres de prestige. Les passionnés de belles pièces seront comblés par la sélection de modèles proposée : parmi les plus grandes marques d’horlogerie Suisse, on y retrouve Breitling, Omega et Tag Heuer. Également, la joaillerie Française est à l’honneur et se voit représentée par Messika.

Chez Edouard Genton, l'accent est mis sur la qualité et l'exclusivité. Les collections sont sélectionnées avec soin pour vous offrir les pièces les plus rares et les plus exceptionnelles. La boutique est une destination incontournable pour les collectionneurs de montres et les amoureux de bijoux qui cherchent à s'offrir des pièces uniques.

La boutique Edouard Genton à Tours est également réputée pour son service clientèle exceptionnel. Vous êtes accueillis chaleureusement par Margot et Mathieu, une équipe passionnée et experte, prête à vous conseiller dans vos choix et à répondre à toutes vos questions.

Boutique Tours

Boutique Panerai

3, rue du Temple Neuf – 67000 Strasbourg

‎+33 3 68 71 84 69

Boutique Breitling Metz

7, rue du Petit Paris – 57000 Metz

+33‎ 3 57 84 39 79

Boutique Dôme 3

3, rue du Dôme – 67000 Strasbourg

+33 3 90 24 98 40

Boutique Dôme 20

20, rue du Dôme – 67000 Strasbourg

+33 3 88 23 28 06

Boutique Temple-Neuf

6, rue du Temple Neuf – 67000 Strasbourg

+33 3 88 24 48 99

Boutique Mulhouse

16, rue des Fleurs – 68100 Mulhouse

+33 3 89 46 12 22

Boutique Metz

1-3, rue du Petit Paris – 57000 Metz

+33 3 87 36 16 40

Boutique Nancy

29-31, rue Saint-Dizier – 54000 Nancy

+33 3 83 22 72 16

Boutique Cap Ferret

17, rue des Goélands – 33970 Cap-Ferret

+33 7 62 70 56 42

Boutique Breitling Strasbourg

1, rue du Dôme – 67000 Strasbourg

+ 33 3 88 32 91 28

Boutique Tag Heuer

3 bis, rue du Dôme – 67000 Strasbourg

+33 3 90 29 88 85

+33 2 45 34 09 68

Boutique IWC

3 ter, rue du Dôme – 67000 Strasbourg


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Vous pouvez bénéficier d'un emballage cadeau gratuit pour tous vos achats sur la boutique en ligne d'Edouard Genton.

Vous pouvez ajouter un message ci-dessous pour qu'il soit ajouté à votre cadeau.


  1. La Tour D'horloge (visite De L'Horloge)

    tour horloger paris

  2. The Clock Tower (Tour De L Horloge), La Conciergerie, Paris Stock Image

    tour horloger paris


    tour horloger paris

  4. Au cœur de Paris : l île de la cité l'horloge de la Conciergerie au

    tour horloger paris

  5. Proantic: Tour d'Horloger Dit (burin Fixe) En Bronze époque XIXeme

    tour horloger paris

  6. Tour de l'Horloge (Paris)

    tour horloger paris



  2. Baccarat bijoux


  4. Savoir faire horloger

  5. Chopard Grand Prix de Monaco Historique 2012 Watch


  1. TOUR DE L'HORLOGE (Paris): Ce qu'il faut savoir pour votre visite

    Cette tour de forme carrée, haute de 47m, aux murs épais de près d'un mètre, a accueilli vers 1370 la première horloge publique à Paris, construite par Henri de Vic, horloger lorrain. L'horloge est encadrée de deux grandes figures allégoriques qui représentent la Loi et la justice.La dernière restauration a été effectuée en 2011/2012.

  2. Paris : La plus vieille horloge publique de Paris, belle mécanique au

    La plus ancienne horloge publique de Paris, commandée par Charles V (1338-1380) vers 1371, orne toujours l'une des tours du Palais de la Cité, à l'angle du boulevard du Palais et du quai de l'Horloge. Remaniée à de nombreuses reprises, cette délicate mécanique, a subi depuis sa création des restaurations plus ou moins heureuses ...

  3. The oldest public clock in Paris

    The wharf known today as Quai d'Horloge was begun in 1580 and completed in 1611. Back then it was known by other names including Quai des Spectacles due to the fact that opticians had shops there! The clock that gives the quai its name today is on the corner of the Boulevard du Paris. It is built into a tower that historians say dates back to ...

  4. La Brigade du Temps

    Rejoignez la Brigade du Temps et entrez dans le monde passionnant de l'horlogerie. Que vous soyez passionné d'horlogerie ou simplement curieux, rejoignez la Brigade du Temps pour un cours d'horlogerie d'exception. animé par de véritables horlogers Parisiens ! Réservez un cours d'horlogerie, formé par des artisans horlogers : la famille ...

  5. Outillage Horloger

    Outillage Horloger. Cette page présente quelques-uns des nombreux outils que l'on peut trouver dans un atelier horloger. Il n'est pas étonnant que tout horloger ait un nombre impressionnant de layettes (=petits tiroirs) où il conserve ses pièces de rechange et ses nombreux outils. Certes, ils ne sont pas tous utilisés au quotidien ...

  6. Contact Us

    PARIS Tour de l'horloge 4 Place Louis Armand Tour de l'horloge 75012 PARIS FRANCE Contact Info. Email: [email protected] Address: Tour de l'horloge 4 Place Louis Armand 75012 Paris, FRANCE; Services. Professional Services; Managed SoC Services; Integration Services; Audits & Certifications;

  7. "Charles Le Roy à Paris" Clockmaker

    Clockmaker. (1709 - 1771) " Charles Le Roy à Paris " was the signature of one of the most important Parisian clockmakers of the Louis XV period. After having become a master on August 16, 1733, he opened a workshop in the rue des Prêcheurs, moving in 1745 to the rue Saint-Denis, across from the Saint-Leu church. Within a few years he ...

  8. Visit The Palais Garnier

    SELF-GUIDED TOUR. The Paris Opera offers you the possibility to discover the treasures of the Palais Garnier's public areas, a master piece of the 19th century theater art architecture. This ticket also gives you access to the current exhibitions (when available). Booking is strongly recommended. Full rate: €15.

  9. Les Champs D'Or ♛ Watches currently on Chrono24

    Our boutique LES CHAMPS D'OR, located 6 avenue Franklin Roosevelt 75008 PARIS, 50 meters from the Rond Point des Champs Elysées, is open Monday to Thursday from 9:30 to 19h. Our shop is official retailer of many major watch and jewelry brands such as IWC, TAG Heuer, Chopard, Montblanc, Baume & Mercier, Bell & Ross, Fred, B.R.M, Vulcan, Maurice ...

  10. Tour de l'Horloge, 4 Place Louis Armand, Paris, Paris Ile de France

    Serviced offices to rent at Tour de l'Horloge, 4 Place Louis Armand, Paris, Paris Ile de France - arrange a viewing today! This extensive serviced business centre has 80 well provisioned offices and many meeting rooms within a majestic period building providing a truly luxurious working environment sure to impress your clients and guests.

  11. Fondation Haute Horlogerie

    The Fondation Haute Horlogerie's mission is to preserve and disseminate watchmaking knowledge through its three pillars of activity: Watches and Culture by FHH, which aims to bring watchmaking culture to life through educational content, exhibitions, and everything you need to know about the industry; the FHH Academy, which trains and certifies watchmaking knowledge; and the FHH Forum, a ...

  12. Qui remportera le prix Cartier Talents horlogers de demain 2024

    Les talents horlogers de demain peuvent s'inscrire à compter du 4 mai afin de faire la preuve de leur talent à partir d'un mouvement de pendulette. Le Prix Cartier Talents horlogers de demain a ...

  13. Paris in a Day Tour with Eiffel Tower, Louvre, and Seine River Cruise

    With a small group, skip-the-line Louvre tickets, and transport, there's no better way to see Paris in a day! Visit Sacre-Cœur (from the outside) See Notre Dame Cathedral (from the outside) Skip-the-line Louvre ticket and guided tour. See The Mona Lisa Up Close. Don't Miss Liberty Leading the People. One-Hour Seine River Cruise Ticket.

  14. Lassaussois, horlogerie et joaillerie de luxe à Paris

    Boutique Rolex Saint-Germain. 56, rue de Rennes 75006 PARIS. 01 53 63 00 50. Livraison offerte en France. Paiement sécurisé. En tant qu'horlogerie de luxe, Lassaussois vous propose plus de 1000 modèles en stock. Retrouvez les bijoux de vos rêves parmi tous les modèles de notre Joaillerie de luxe.

  15. Le Gros Horloge: Renaissance Time in Rouen, Normandy

    This quaint street with many timber-framed buildings is named after Le Gros Horloge, a Renaissance clock set in an arch over the street. The clock's movement was made in 1389, and installed in the adjacent belfry that was constructed at the same time. The bells in the belfry were the first set of municipal bells in Rouen.

  16. Paris Tours with Local Private Tour Guides

    Here is a selection of the best guided tours in Paris; 1) Paris By Day or Night Private Guided Tour With Private Driver. 2) Highlights and Secrets of the Louvre. 3) Orsay Museum Private Tour. 4) A Taste of Paris - Walking Tour.

  17. File:Giuseppe Canella

    User:Paris 16/Recent uploads/2021 January 11-13; File:Giuseppe Canella - Le marché aux fleurs, la Tour de l'Horloge, le Pont au Change et le Pont-Neuf - P1910 - Musée Carnavalet.jpg; File:Marché aux fleurs Canella 1832.jpg

  18. 10 Best France Tours & Trips from Paris

    Paris, Normandy, & Châteaux Country. 5.0 (256 reviews) This tour was excellent and very well organized. Tour radar did an excellent job of communicating and managing payment for this trip. Destinations. Paris, Giverny, Rouen +7 more. Age Range. up to 80 year olds. Country Region.

  19. La Tour de l'Horloge Guines Museum, Pas de Calais How to get there: Approx 15 minutes from Calais. P&O Ferries offers a choice of 23 sailings a day in each direction between Dover and Calais with a fleet of five ships including the largest ferries ever to ply the route, the 49,000 tonne Spirit of France and Spirit of Britain, built at a cost of £150 million each.

  20. Hotel De L'Horloge, Paris

    Hotel De L'Horloge. 25, Passage De Ménilmontant, 11e arr., 75011 Paris, France - Très bon emplacement - voir la carte - Proche du métro. 7,9. Bien. 1 308 expériences vécues. Chambre avec un très bon rapport qualité/prix, pas très loin d'une station de métro (700 mètres) des restaurants a proximité, très calme, propre, et j'ai ...

  21. Discovering France: Unique Tours and Experiences

    Discover the soul of Paris and France with Parisi Tour, your creator of tailor-made experiences. Embark on unusual tours in classic cars, immerse yourself in art with our guided tours of the greatest museums, stroll during our walking tours, and sail along the Seine during our cruises. For those looking to escape beyond the city, our day trips ...

  22. Paris Layover Tours- Paris Tours from Charles De Gaulle Airport, Orly

    What are the differences between the 3 hr and 7 hr Paris tours? Will we get out of the vehicle to sightsee and take photos or is it just a drive-by? Are lunch/entrance fees included? Contact. From France: 0171 025 009 From Abroad: + 33 171 025 009 Toll Free USA & Canada + 1 866 834 8371. Enquiry Form ...

  23. Votre horlogerie, bijouterie Edouard Genton à Tours

    La boutique Edouard Genton à Tours est un véritable joyau dans le paysage des bijouteries de la ville. Située en plein cœur de la ville, cette boutique propose une large sélection de bijoux et de montres de prestige. ... parmi les plus grandes marques d'horlogerie Suisse, on y retrouve Breitling, Omega et Tag Heuer. Également, la ...