
Travel Time Calculator

Quick links, travel duration calculator.

Travelmath provides an online travel time calculator to help you figure out flight and driving times. You can compare the results to see the effect on the total duration of your trip. Usually, the flight time will be shorter, but if the destination is close, the driving time can still be reasonable.

Another popular tool is the time difference calculator, which can be used to check the time zone change anywhere in the world. This is especially useful if you're making international calls, since you can find the best time to schedule your phone call.

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Time Zone Calculator


In a globally interconnected world, coordinating activities across different time zones is a common challenge. The Time Zone Calculator emerges as an indispensable tool, helping individuals and businesses navigate the complexities of time differences to ensure smooth communication and scheduling.

The Time Zone Calculator operates on a straightforward principle: Time in Target Zone = Time in Source Zone ± Time Difference. This formula allows users to convert or compare times between different time zones accurately, considering the time variance between them.

How to Use?

Utilizing the Time Zone Calculator is a simple and efficient process:

  • Select Source and Target Time Zones: Begin by choosing the source time zone (the original time) and the target time zone (the desired converted time).
  • Enter Time in Source Zone: Input the time in the source time zone that you want to convert.
  • Calculate Time in Target Zone: The Time Zone Calculator will automatically adjust the time based on the selected time zones, providing the equivalent time in the target zone.

Consider the following example:

  • Source Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
  • Target Time Zone: Central Standard Time (CST)
  • Time in EST: 3:00 PM

Using the Time Zone Calculator, the time in CST would be calculated as follows:

T im e in CST = 3 : 00 PM − ( T im eD i ff ere n ce )

The calculator considers the time difference between EST and CST to accurately convert the time.

Q1: Can the Time Zone Calculator handle daylight saving time changes?

Yes, many advanced Time Zone Calculators automatically adjust for daylight saving time, ensuring accurate conversions throughout the year.

Q2: Is it possible to calculate time differences between more than two time zones?

Some Time Zone Calculators offer the capability to compare times across multiple time zones, providing a comprehensive overview for global scheduling.

Q3: Are there mobile apps for Time Zone Calculators?

Yes, there are several mobile apps available for both Android and iOS platforms, offering convenient on-the-go time zone conversions.


As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, the ability to seamlessly coordinate activities across different time zones becomes paramount. The Time Zone Calculator serves as a valuable ally in overcoming the complexities associated with global communication and scheduling. Whether for international business meetings, virtual collaborations, or personal travel planning, this tool provides a simple and accurate means of converting and comparing times across diverse geographical locations. By incorporating the Time Zone Calculator into your routine, you empower yourself to navigate the challenges of time zone differences, ensuring that time becomes a facilitator rather than a barrier in your endeavors.

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Travel Duration

This online calculator computes travel duration given departure time and city and arrival time and city using time zones information

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Time Zone Calculator

This Time Zone Calculator converts between different time zones. To determine time zones for various locations, use this page as a reference.

Related Time Calculator | Date Calculator

What is Time Zone

A time zone is a region on Earth that uses a uniform time. They are often based on the boundaries of countries or lines of longitude. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the mean solar time at the Royal Observatory located in Greenwich, London, considered to be located at a longitude of zero degrees. Although GMT and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) essentially reflect the same time, GMT is a time zone, while UTC is a time standard that is used as a basis for civil time and time zones worldwide. Although GMT used to be a time standard, it is now mainly used as the time zone for certain countries in Africa and Western Europe. UTC, which is based on highly precise atomic clocks and the Earth's rotation, is the new standard of today.

UTC is not dependent on daylight saving time (DST), though some countries switch between time zones during their DST period, such as the United Kingdom using British Summer Time in the summer months.

Most time zones that are on land are offset from UTC. UTC breaks time into days, hours, minutes, and seconds, where days are usually defined in terms of the Gregorian calendar. Generally, time zones are defined as + or - an integer number of hours in relation to UTC; for example, UTC-05:00, UTC+08:00, and so on. UTC offset can range from UTC-12:00 to UTC+14:00. Most commonly, UTC is offset by an hour, but in some cases, the offset can be a half-hour or quarter-hour, such as in the case of UTC+06:30 and UTC+12:45.

World Time Zone Map

Time zones throughout the world vary, and used to vary even more than they currently do. It wasn't until 1929 before most countries adopted hourly time zones. Nepal, the final holdout, did not adopt a standard offset of UTC until 1956, and even then, has a less common offset of UTC+5:45.

Generally, a time change of 1 hour is required with each 15° change of longitude, but this does not necessarily always happen. For example, China and India only use a single time zone even though they are countries that encompass far larger an area than 15° of longitude. Russia on the other hand, is divided into 11 time zones, though at one point this was reduced to 9 time zones. As can be seen, although there is a general standard throughout the world for defining time zones, it is still highly dependent on the country, and is subject to change.

The following map displays the standard time zones across the world. Click the map to enlarge it.

global time zones map

U.S. Time Zone Map

Many countries have more than one time zone. As a general rule of thumb, a change of 15° of longitude should result in a time difference of 1 hour.

In the U.S., there are a total of 9 time zones used. Likely the most well-known include Eastern, Central, Mountain, and Pacific Time Zones. These time zones encompass most of the contiguous United States.

  • Eastern Time Zone (ET): UTC-05:00 – includes 22 states in the eastern part of the contiguous United States, including some parts of Canada, Mexico, Panama, and the Caribbean islands.
  • Central Time Zone (CT): UTC-06:00 – includes parts of Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Central America, some of the Caribbean islands, and parts of the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Only 9 states are fully within the Central Time Zone. Eleven are shared with either the Mountain Time Zones or the Eastern Time zones.
  • Mountain Time Zone (MT): UTC-07:00 – includes parts of Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. 5 states are fully within the MT zone; ten are shared with either the Pacific Time Zone or the Central Time Zone.
  • Pacific Time Zone (PT): UTC-08:00 – includes parts of Canada, the western U.S., and western Mexico. California and Washington are fully within PT. Three states are split between the Pacific Time Zone and the Mountain Time Zone, and Alaska is split between the Pacific Time Zone and Alaska Time Zone.

Atlantic, Alaska, Hawaii-Aleutian, Samoa, and Chamorro Time Zones cover the rest of the United States, including Alaska, Hawaii, and the other U.S. territories.

All of these time zones have standard time zones that are offset from UTC, from UTC-04:00 through UTC+10:00, though some additionally observe daylight saving time (DST). During DST, the regions that observe DST are offset one hour closer to UTC. The regions that don't observe DST include those in the Atlantic, Samoa, and Chamorro Time Zones.

us time zones map

Daylight Saving Time

Many countries or regions, especially those in Europe and North America, practice daylight saving time (DST), sometimes referred to as "summer time," with the intent of saving energy. This typically involves advancing the time on a clock by one hour in early spring, and "rolling back" the time in autumn. Manipulating the time as the seasons change can better synchronize working hours with sunrise and sunset times in certain areas. This is less relevant for higher altitude areas (where sunrise and sunset times are significantly offset with regular working hours regardless of time manipulation) as well as locations near the equator (since there is a small variation in daylight throughout the year).

world daylight saving time map

* This Time Zone Calculator does not consider Daylight Saving Time in its calculations.

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Savvy Time World Clock

Time zone converter.

Start by searching and adding time zone, city or town in the search box above

Easy to use time zone converter allows to find the time difference between several time zones and cities around the world. Schedule and synchronize your online business meeting, teleconference, webinars and international phone calls. Use it for games coordination, tv shows schedule, live events and more. Live stream a presentation with clients in different cities. Quickly and effectively plan your abroad travel, vacation and sync flights schedule.

  • Quick and easy-to-use interface allows you to quickly determine time by comparing in multiple time zones at once. You can pick and compare time zones or find and select major cities at you will. It allows to compare time between cities and between time zones at once and without limits.
  • Use permanent link that you can e-mail to clients or post on your Twitter profile or blog so that people can figure out at what local time your event is starting.
  • Copy and paste time difference in one of the several text results in short or extended formats.
  • Table view for a quick at glance comparison, day and night highlights allows you to see in what regions the sun is still shining.
  • Select you prefered time format between 12 hour am/pm or 24 hour notation.
  • Displays local information with time zone geographical map, countries and major cities using it.
  • View detailed Daylight Saving Time (DST), also known as Summer/Winter time, information about selected time zone and determine when exactly next time change will happen and how to adjust clocks forward or backwards. Display most recent time change as well.
  • Usefull information about time zone representations, usage and related time zones. International, email, military and other formats.
  • It works from everywhere and all of your devices, whether you're on a desktop computer in your office or traveling with your smart phone, fully responsive and mobile friendly.

World Time Time Converter

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Time Converter: check the time difference

What is the difference in time.

Our time converter is a convenient and simple business tool. It converts time at a glance for you to find the best moment to call abroad, schedule an online meeting or launch a broadcast. It may also be of great use for those who are often traveling. This time difference calculator takes into account the DST changes and provides you with necessary information on time zones.

Popular Converters

  • Time difference New York and London
  • Difference between Central and Eastern time
  • Time difference between California and Hawaii
  • Difference between Eastern and Pacific time
  • Time difference between California and London
  • Time difference between California and Texas
  • Time difference between UK and USA
  • Time difference between California and New York
  • Time difference between California and Japan
  • Time difference between India and USA
  • Time difference between US and Australia
  • Time difference New York Paris
  • Difference between Central and Pacific time
  • Time difference between California and Florida

Compare time between major cities, timezones and other locations of the world

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Jet Lag Calculator

Switching time zones the jet lag calculator.

It isn’t always easy to recover when you’re switching time zones - the inability to sleep, fatigue and disorientation that comes with jet lag can put a serious dampener on your time away. Using your flight itinerary, you can now manage jet lag with this interactive calculator.

Enter your travel details below and find out how to get the most out of your trip.

Below is your personalized travel sleep plan. Follow the suggested sleep pattern and light exposure times to minimize the effects of jet lag.

  • Flight / travel
  • Sleep or dark conditions ideal (during/after flight)
  • Aim to be in lighter environments

Scroll across to explore your sleep plan

In order to beat jet lag and establish a new sleep routine you first need to determine your phase change in hours, eg the difference in hours forward or back. Ideally, you should start shifting your sleep schedule two days before departure, moving your sleep period one or two steps towards your new sleep time each day.

When moving forward, after waking, try to stay in light conditions for at least three hours, and when moving back, before sleep, try to stay in light conditions for three hours.

From the day of the flight (including during the flight), try to adjust your meal times to those of your new destination. If convenient, starting to do this a few days beforehand too can help ease jet lag by adjusting your body clock.

Doing exercise during the period that your schedule recommends staying in light conditions can enhance circadian rhythm shift, reducing the symptoms of jet lag.

Frequently asked questions

Sleep shifting is where you stagger your sleeping patterns ahead of visiting a country with a different time zone.

For example, if you’re visiting New York to Dubai, it has a nine hour time difference, so in order to not suffer from jet lag it’s recommended you start shifting your sleep two days before your flight. By shifting your sleep an hour back from your regular sleep time each day, over a nine day adjustment period, you should avoid jet lag.

It’s important to drink plenty of water prior to landing in a new time zone. When bodies are low on fluids they begin to feel fatigued and weaker than usual, therefore, water helps pump oxygen into bodily organs and makes you more energized.

If water doesn’t do the trick, try doing some exercise - a light jog, HIIT workout or a yoga session will wake up all of your muscles. It’s important you have a good balance between being active and getting plenty of rest though. Too much exercise could make you feel even more fatigued .

Try to get into the same routine as the natives of the country you have just arrived in - if they are having breakfast, but your body clock wants you to go to sleep, try and power through and eat some breakfast too. It’s important to get your body used to the new time zone as soon as possible.

It's recommended that adults get an average of seven to nine hours of sleep every night - it is possible to get by on fewer hours sleep, but in order to function optimally, you should aim to get as close to these hours as possible.

Many people with busy and hectic lifestyles may be getting by on six hours of sleep a night, and although they may feel like a productive and functioning human being, chronic sleep deprivation can easily sneak up on them. As time goes by, a consistent amount of sleep loss can result in health problems, such as, insomnia, narcolepsy or severe mood swings, therefore, it’s important to aim for a minimum of seven hours of sleep per night.

If you’re on a flight for a long period of time, you’ll want to try and get some sleep. Some key tips include cutting down, or completely cutting out caffeine ahead of your flight - caffeine is renowned for keeping people awake, so aim to remove it from your diet 24-hours ahead of your flight time.

Airplanes are also quite typically cold :

The heat given off by passengers in a fully occupied cabin is considerable, therefore, incoming air needs to be at or below the required cabin temperature if that temperature is to be maintained.

With that said, a blanket and flight socks to keep you warm should help you fall asleep on a flight.

Above everything, if you have the chance to pick your seat for your flight, be sure to pick wisely. If you’re situated near the toilets, you’ll be constantly woken up, so try and find a prime window seat.

If you have a long haul flight booked, you may be worrying about eating times and if it will affect your jet lag.

Usually, many flights will get you onto a new time zone and wake you up - or keep you awake - to provide food. For example, if you’re departing at 9 am but the destination you are traveling to is 10 hours ahead, they will look to give you your dinner swiftly after departure.

The more time zones you cross, the worse your jet lag may be. Jet lag symptoms usually occur within a day or two of travel if you’ve crossed two time zones. Jet lag can be worse if you travel in an easterly direction and for every time zone crossed, it can take about a day to recover.

Crossing multiple time zones puts your internal clock or circadian rhythms out of sync - they regulate your sleep-wake cycle and if they are out of sync with your new time, you’ll struggle to sleep - or stay awake!

If you were to travel from New York on a flight at 4 pm on Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 7 am on Wednesday your internal sleep pattern and clock would think it is 1 am - this would mean that you’re ready for bed just as Paris is waking up for the day. So, if you then travel across another two time zones, your body clock will struggle to catch up even more so. You can find some more top tips below:

Split up your trip

If you’re planning on taking a long journey, for example, from the United States, over to Bali, think about splitting your flights up and look at having a stopover in Dubai or Singapore. Not only does this give your body the time to catch up and adapt to a new routine, but it can almost half the price of your airfare.

Set your watch to your new time zone

You need to get yourself psychologically aligned with the time at your new destination, so, as soon as you get onto your flight, set your watch backward or forwards.

Seek some sun

If you’re due to be awake once you’ve landed, but feel sleepy, it’s a good idea to seek out some sun - daylight makes you feel better.

Use an eye mask and earplugs during your flight

If you want to get into a new time zone but struggle to sleep on flights, why not invest in an eye mask and earplugs? They will help convince your body that it’s nighttime and you’re due some sleep.

The interactive jet lag calculator allows users to input their travel details and find out how to get the most of their trip by keeping jet lag at bay. It then generates a personalized sleep plan that - if followed correctly - should minimize the effects of jet lag.

Jet lag is a physiological condition that results from shifts in the circadian rhythms - it’s physically a result of crossing time zones, therefore it is inevitable that your body will be affected in some way - that is why this tool will help many people travelling across countries and time zones.

World Clock Meeting Planner

Find the best time to call people in other time zones.

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Please note: if some of the participants are in the United Kingdom, you should select a city there (e.g., London), instead of UTC/GMT.

The United Kingdom is one hour ahead of GMT during Daylight Saving Time (DST), and this service will adjust for DST automatically.

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Illustration of a person making a speech in front of a world map

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Find the exact time difference with the Time Zone Converter – Time Difference Calculator which converts the time difference between places and time zones all over the world.

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USA Time Zone Calculator - Convert Times Instantly

Map of US time zones

USA Time Zone to Time Zone Calculator

Current time in each us time zone, how the time zone calculator works.

Navigating through time zones doesn’t have to be a complex process. The TimeTrex USA Time Zone Calculator simplifies this task into a few straightforward steps, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in every conversion. Here’s how you can effortlessly convert times across the USA’s time zones:

Step 1: Select Your Time Zone

Begin by selecting your current time zone from the dropdown menu. Our calculator covers all US time zones, ensuring that no matter where you are, you can start your conversion accurately. Whether you’re in the Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, Alaska, or Hawaii-Aleutian time zone, we’ve got you covered.

Step 2: Choose the Target Time Zone

Next, choose the time zone you want to convert your time into. This could be the time zone of a colleague you’re planning to call, a city you’re traveling to, or a remote team member’s location. Like the first step, simply select the target time zone from the dropdown menu provided.

Step 3: Enter the Time to Convert

Once you’ve established both the starting and target time zones, enter the time you wish to convert. You can input the time in various formats, and our calculator will recognize and process it. Whether it’s an early morning meeting or a late-night deadline, just type the time into the designated field.

Step 4: Instantly View the Converted Time

After entering the time, hit the “Convert” button, and instantly, the TimeTrex calculator will display the converted time. This instant conversion takes into account all necessary factors, including Daylight Saving Time adjustments, ensuring the result is as accurate as possible. You’ll immediately know the corresponding time in the target time zone, allowing for seamless planning and coordination.

Understanding US Time Zones

Navigating the time zones across the United States can be a complex endeavor due to the country’s vast geographical spread and the inclusion of various exceptions. This section provides a clear overview of each time zone and explains the impact of Daylight Saving Time (DST) on time conversions, along with how the TimeTrex Time Zone Calculator automatically adjusts for these changes.

Overview of US Time Zones

The United States spans six main time zones, each with its unique characteristics and local time adjustments. Here’s a brief look at each:

  • Eastern Standard Time (EST) : Covers the easternmost part of the US, including cities like New York, Atlanta, and Miami. It’s UTC-5 hours during standard time and UTC-4 hours when DST applies.
  • Central Standard Time (CST) : Encompasses the central portion of the country, including Chicago, Dallas, and New Orleans. CST is UTC-6 hours in standard time and UTC-5 hours during DST.
  • Mountain Standard Time (MST) : Applies to states like Arizona, Colorado, and Montana. It’s UTC-7 hours during standard time and UTC-6 hours with DST. Notably, Arizona does not observe DST, except for the Navajo Nation, making it an exception.
  • Pacific Standard Time (PST) : Covers the western edge of the country, including Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle. PST is UTC-8 hours in standard time and UTC-7 hours during DST.
  • Alaska Standard Time (AKST) : For the state of Alaska, it’s UTC-9 hours during standard time and UTC-8 hours in DST.
  • Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST) : Applies to Hawaii and the Aleutian Islands (although the Aleutian Islands observe DST, Hawaii does not), with HAST being UTC-10 hours and not shifting for DST.

Daylight Saving Time (DST) Explained

Daylight Saving Time is a practice where the clocks are set forward by one hour during the warmer months to extend evening daylight. In the US, DST begins on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. The impact of DST on time conversions is significant, as it requires adjusting the time forward or back depending on the time of year.

The TimeTrex USA Time Zone Calculator automatically accounts for DST adjustments in time zones where it is observed. This means that when you input a time for conversion, the calculator not only considers the geographical time zone differences but also whether DST is in effect in the starting or target time zone. This automatic adjustment ensures that the converted time provided is accurate, reflecting the current legal time in both the origin and destination zones, thereby eliminating any confusion or manual calculations related to DST.

Classic lightbulb with blue tint

Practical Applications

The TimeTrex USA Time Zone Calculator is an essential tool for a wide range of activities and sectors. Understanding and accurately converting time zones is crucial for efficient business operations, seamless travel experiences, and effective remote work management. Here’s how different groups can leverage this tool for their specific needs:

For Business

Planning meetings across different time zones:.

In today’s globalized business environment, companies often have employees, clients, and partners spread across various time zones. The TimeTrex calculator helps in scheduling meetings by ensuring that all parties agree on a mutually convenient time, thereby avoiding confusion and missed connections.

Scheduling Deadlines and Deliveries:

Businesses that operate in multiple regions need to coordinate deadlines and deliveries with precision. The TimeTrex calculator allows for accurate planning by converting times based on the specific time zones of suppliers, customers, and logistics partners, ensuring that operations run smoothly and efficiently.

For Travelers

Adjusting flight and travel itineraries:.

For travelers, managing itineraries across different time zones can be challenging. The TimeTrex calculator aids in adjusting flight times, layovers, and connecting flights to local time zones, helping travelers plan their journeys with accuracy and ease.

Managing Check-in/Check-out Times for Hotels:

Travelers can use the TimeTrex calculator to convert their hotel check-in and check-out times to and from their local time zones. This ensures that they can plan their arrival and departure efficiently, making the most of their accommodation and avoiding any unnecessary fees or misunderstandings.

For Remote Work

Coordinating with remote teams and freelancers:.

With the rise of remote work, managing teams and freelancers across different time zones has become a common challenge. The TimeTrex calculator facilitates the coordination of work hours, deadlines, and meetings, ensuring that all team members are synchronized regardless of their geographical location.

Setting Up Work Hours and Virtual Meetings:

Remote work often requires setting specific hours during which teams are available or scheduling virtual meetings that fit everyone’s schedule. The TimeTrex calculator helps define these windows of availability and plan virtual meetings at times that are convenient for all participants, enhancing productivity and collaboration.

Tips for Accurate Time Conversion

Accurate time conversion is crucial for effective communication and coordination across different time zones. While tools like the TimeTrex USA Time Zone Calculator significantly simplify this process, there are additional considerations and best practices that can help ensure the utmost accuracy in your time conversions. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Considerations for Holidays and Exceptions in Time Zones

  • Be Mindful of Local Holidays: Holidays can affect business hours and availability. When planning meetings or deadlines, consider the local holidays in the time zone of your participants or stakeholders.
  • Understand Time Zone Exceptions: Certain areas may have unique time-keeping practices. For example, most of Arizona does not observe Daylight Saving Time, except for the Navajo Nation. Being aware of these exceptions can prevent scheduling mishaps.

Checking for DST Adjustments

  • Stay Informed About DST Changes: Daylight Saving Time can affect time conversions, as it involves setting the clock forward or back by one hour. Knowing exactly when these changes occur in different time zones can help you plan more accurately.
  • Use Tools That Automatically Adjust for DST: Ensure that the time conversion tool you use, like the TimeTrex calculator, automatically adjusts for Daylight Saving Time. This removes the need for manual calculations and reduces the risk of error.

Verifying the Converted Time with Participants or Stakeholders

  • Confirm the Time with Participants: After converting the time, it’s a good practice to confirm with all participants or stakeholders. This double-checking ensures that everyone is on the same page and eliminates any confusion.
  • Provide a Time Zone Reference: When sending out meeting invites or deadlines, include the time zone reference next to the converted time. This can be especially helpful for participants in different time zones and serves as an additional verification step.

Blue pencil

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1: how does the timetrex usa time zone calculator work.

A1: The TimeTrex USA Time Zone Calculator allows users to easily convert times between different US time zones. Users select their current time zone and the target time zone, enter the time they wish to convert, and the calculator instantly provides the converted time, taking into account any Daylight Saving Time adjustments automatically.

Q2: Does the TimeTrex calculator adjust for Daylight Saving Time?

A2: Yes, the TimeTrex calculator automatically adjusts for Daylight Saving Time (DST) in time zones where DST is observed. This ensures that the time conversions are accurate throughout the year, regardless of DST changes.

Q3: Can I use the TimeTrex calculator for international time zone conversions?

A3: While the TimeTrex calculator is specifically designed for US time zones, it may be used as a reference for international time zone conversions that involve US time zones. For purely international conversions outside of the US, it’s recommended to use a tool that specifically caters to global time zones.

Q4: Is there a cost to use the TimeTrex USA Time Zone Calculator?

A4: No, the TimeTrex USA Time Zone Calculator is free to use. It’s designed to be a helpful resource for businesses, travelers, and remote teams needing accurate time zone conversions across the United States.

Q5: How accurate is the TimeTrex time zone conversion?

A5: The TimeTrex calculator provides highly accurate time conversions by using up-to-date time zone data and automatically adjusting for Daylight Saving Time. However, users are encouraged to double-check the converted time for critical appointments or deadlines, especially considering potential time zone exceptions or changes.

Q6: What should I do if the converted time seems incorrect?

A6: If the converted time appears incorrect, double-check the time zones you’ve selected and ensure that the correct time has been entered. Consider any time zone exceptions, such as certain areas not observing DST. If discrepancies continue, verify the current time zone rules for the locations involved as they can occasionally change.

Q7: How can I find out more about specific US time zones and their DST schedules?

A7: Detailed information about US time zones and their Daylight Saving Time schedules can be found on official government websites, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or the Time Zone page of the U.S. Naval Observatory . These resources provide authoritative and up-to-date information on time zones and DST changes.

Q8: Can the TimeTrex calculator help with scheduling meetings across different time zones?

A8: Absolutely. The TimeTrex calculator is an excellent tool for scheduling meetings across different US time zones. By providing accurate time conversions, it helps ensure that all participants agree on a mutually convenient meeting time, thus avoiding confusion and missed meetings.

Q9: Are there any tips for using the TimeTrex calculator more effectively?

A9: For the most effective use of the TimeTrex calculator, always double-check the time zones you’re converting between, consider the impact of DST if applicable, and confirm the converted time with other participants or stakeholders. Also, be aware of any local holidays or exceptions in time zones that might affect availability or business hours.

Disclaimer:  The content provided on this webpage is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information presented here, the details may change over time or vary in different jurisdictions. Therefore, we do not guarantee the completeness, reliability, or absolute accuracy of this information.  The information on this page should not be used as a basis for making legal, financial, or any other key decisions. We strongly advise consulting with a qualified professional or expert in the relevant field for specific advice, guidance, or services.  By using this webpage, you acknowledge that the information is offered “as is” and that we are not liable for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the content, nor for any actions taken based on the information provided. We shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of your access to, use of, or reliance on any content on this page.

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  • Travel Time Calculator

travel time calculator

Calculate the estimated travel time for your journey.

Estimated Travel Time:

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The Travel Time Calculator is a practical tool designed to assist travelers in estimating the duration of their journeys based on distance and average speed. By inputting these key parameters, individuals can quickly determine the approximate time needed to reach their destination. This calculator streamlines travel planning and offers a convenient way to gauge travel time, enabling better time management and informed decision-making.

How to Use the Travel Time Calculator:

  • Distance: Enter the distance of your journey in miles. This represents the total length you will be traveling.
  • Average Speed: Input your anticipated average speed in miles per hour (mph). This value reflects how fast you expect to travel on average during your trip.
  • Click the "Calculate" button to obtain the estimated travel time.

Real-Time Example:

Suppose you are planning a road trip from your hometown to a scenic destination located 300 miles away. Anticipating a leisurely driving pace, you estimate an average speed of 60 mph. Utilizing the Travel Time Calculator, you input these values and find that your estimated travel time is 5 hours. This example illustrates how the calculator efficiently assists in gauging travel time for informed journey planning.

Benefits of the Travel Time Calculator:

  • Efficiency: The calculator provides swift and accurate estimates of travel time, aiding in efficient planning and scheduling.
  • Time Management: Users can better allocate their time by gauging travel duration and adjusting plans accordingly.
  • Decision-Making: Informed by the estimated travel time, travelers can make well-informed decisions about departure times and breaks.
  • Convenience: The user-friendly interface simplifies the process of calculating travel time, making it accessible to a wide range of users.


The Travel Time Calculator is a valuable tool for travelers seeking to optimize their journeys by estimating travel duration accurately. By inputting the distance and average speed, users can promptly access estimated travel times, promoting effective time management and enhancing overall travel experiences. This calculator exemplifies the practicality and convenience that travel tools can provide, contributing to more enjoyable and well-organized trips.

Note: If the tool does not work properly or the results are different than you expected, please help us improve it by providing details about the issue. Click here to contact us and report the problem.

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What is TravelTime?

Create a Travel Time Map

Travel time map generator & isochrones, i know i can get from a to b by public transport within my selected time, but it's not showing up.

  • Walking to the station platform
  • Waiting for the next available departure
  • Time spent boarding the train
  • Giving enough time to take the A to B journey
  • Depart on the station on the other side.

You can't drive that far / you can drive much further than that"

  • Open another mapping app of your choice and enter an A to B route
  • Select a departure time for tomorrow.

Still not convinced?

About this tool, what is a travel time map, how to create a drive time radius map or other modes.

  • Select a start location
  • Select a maximum travel time limit
  • Select a mode of transport, for example driving
  • Voila! There's your driving radius map

Use cases for consumers

  • Create a commute time map so you can see where to live based on commute time.
  • How far can i travel in a given time: compare transport coverage for different areas.
  • Create a drive time radius map: explore how far you can travel on a road trip.

Use cases for businesses

  • Travel time mapping up to 4 hours & cross reference other data sets in GIS such as population data
  • Site selection analysis: analyse the best location to locate a business by adding thousands of analysis points
  • Create a distance matrix or travel time matrix & calculate travel times from thousands of origins to thousands of destinations
  • Network analysis / travelling salesman problem: use spatial analytics to solve routing problems
  • Commute time map - plot thousands of employee commute times for an office relocation
  • Create up to 3 time polygons visualising where's reachable within 2 hours or less. Our API can create large travel time areas, talk to sales.
  • Calculate travel times from an origin to various points of interest - in this demo we use points from Foursquare Give A to B routing details

Full access

  • Book a demo
  • Trial TravelTime API
  • Trial QGIS Plugin
  • Trial ArcGIS Pro Add-In
  • Trial Alteryx Macros

TravelTime Features

  • See 'How far can I get' in X minutes
  • Create a drive time map or any other transport mode
  • Overlap many shapes & highlight overlap area
  • Search points of interest within the area
  • Get A to B routing details

Follow a mile-by-mile map of the total solar eclipse

On April 8, the sun, moon and Earth will enter the precise alignment of a total solar eclipse. The moon will block the sun, casting a shadow across a strip of North America from the Pacific Ocean west of Mexico, through 15 U.S. states, to the Atlantic off Canada.

This strip, roughly 4,000 miles long and 115 miles wide, is called the path of totality. For a short while, everyone and everything in this path will experience midday darkness.

The beginning

Eclipse icon

2:07-2:11 p.m.

Total time eclipsed

Cloud icon

Historic cloud coverage

The moon’s shadow makes landfall in Mexico at 2:07 p.m. Eastern time, casting the first region into darkness. Here, darkness lasts for about four minutes near the center of the path, but decreases in time toward the edges.

A populous path

Nearly 32 million people live in the path of totality this year. The eclipse crosses the homes of more people in Texas alone than the 2017 eclipse crossed nationally.

Eagle Pass, Tex.

2:27-2:31 p.m.

The eclipse crosses into the United States in Eagle Pass, Tex. The border town will be dark for 4 minutes and 23 seconds — over a minute longer than the 2017 eclipse lasted anywhere.

2:35-2:39 p.m.

A 195-mile stretch of Interstate 35 between Austin and Dallas is in the path. Texas officials are already warning drivers not to stop on roadways during the eclipse. You'd have to drive 1,950 miles an hour to keep up with the moon's shadow.

2:40-2:44 p.m.

The nation’s second busiest airport, Dallas Fort Worth International, lies in the path of totality. The airport said flights will not be affected. Some airlines are even offering special flights timed to the eclipse to extend your time in totality.

Hot Springs National Park

2:48-2:53 p.m.

In Arkansas lies Hot Springs National Park, one of two national parks in the path of totality. Parks across the country, even those not in totality, are planning livestreams, shows and talks for the eclipse.

Ozark National Scenic Riverways

2:55-2:59 p.m.

Just like many humans, Smokey Bear is also traveling into the path of totality. A 97-foot-tall hot air balloon bearing Smokey’s face is traveling from New Mexico to the Ozarks to remind visitors how to prevent wildfires.

Carbondale, Ill.

2:59-3:03 p.m.

Just past the Mississippi River is Carbondale, Ill., which has billed itself the “Eclipse Crossroads of America” because it sat in the path of the 2017 eclipse.

Check the forecast

At this point in the path, the weather forecast becomes critical for eclipse seekers. The areas from here on are typically cloudier in April than the previous areas, according to an analysis of cloud cover data.

3:13-3:17 p.m.

The eclipse crosses the Cleveland Guardians’s baseball stadium on the team's home opener at about 3:15 p.m. But rather than be interrupted by nearly four minutes of darkness, the game will start two hours after the moon’s shadow passes by.

An influential eclipse

The eclipse next passes over land historically populated by the Haudenosaunee, also known as the Iroquois. Researchers disagree on when the Iroquois Confederacy was established. But tribal oral history indicates the Seneca joined the alliance shortly after witnessing a solar eclipse, which researchers suggest occurred in this area in 1142.

Burlington, Vt.

3:25-3:28 p.m.

About 13,000 schools are in the path of totality, including more than 300 in Vermont. Some plan to incorporate experiencing the eclipse into their lessons, but others plan to let kids out of school early to help avoid traffic bottlenecks.

Piscataquis County, Maine

3:30-3:34 p.m.

The final 150 miles of the Appalachian Trail lie in the path of totality, including Mount Katahdin, the highest point in Maine.

Gulf of St. Lawrence

3:32-3:35 p.m.

The eclipse finally passes over Prince Edward Island before its last hurrah over Newfoundland in Canada, completing its North American journey in a bit more than two hours.

Totality at 2:07 p.m. EDT

About this story

Population calculated by summing 2020 population estimates in 30 arc-second grid cells within the path of totality. Distance covered calculated from the centerline of the path.

Sources: NASA, European Space Agency, U.S. Geological Survey, Natural Earth Data, Census Bureau, OpenStreetMap, GOES imagery analysis by University of Wisconsin at Madison Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, Center for International Earth Science Information Network

Szu Yu Chen and Lauren Tierney contributed to this report. Editing by Emily M. Eng, Tim Meko and Victoria Jaggard. Copy editing by Angela Mecca.


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