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In programming, a loop is used to repeat a block of code. For example,

If we want to print a statement 100 times, instead of writing the same print statement 100 times, we can use a loop to execute the same code 100 times.

This is just a simple example; we use for loops to clean and simplify complex programs.

  • Golang for loop

In Golang, we use the for loop to repeat a block of code until the specified condition is met.

Here's the syntax of the for loop in Golang.

  • The initialization initializes and/or declares variables and is executed only once.
  • Then, the condition is evaluated. If the condition is true , the body of the for loop is executed.
  • The update updates the value of initialization .
  • The condition is evaluated again. The process continues until the condition is false .
  • If the condition is false , the for loop ends.
  • Working of for loop

Working of for loop in Golang programming

Example 1: Golang for loop

Here is how this program works.

Example 2: Golang for loop

Here, we have used a for loop to iterate from i equal to 1 to 10.

In each iteration of the loop, we have added the value of i to the sum variable.

Related Golang for Loop Topics

In Go, we can use range with for loop to iterate over an array. For example,

Here, we have used range to iterate 5 times (the size of the array). The value of the item is 11 in the first iteration, 22 in the second iteration, and so on. To learn more about arrays, visit Golang Arrays

In Golang, for loop can also be used as a while loop (like in other languages). For example,

Here, the for loop only contains the test condition . And, the loop gets executed until the condition is true . When the condition is false , the loop terminates.

A loop that never terminates is called an infinite loop. If the test condition of a loop never evaluates to true, the loop continues forever. For example,

Here, the condition i <= 10 never evaluates to false resulting in an infinite loop.

If we want to create an infinite loop intentionally, Golang has a relatively simpler syntax for it. Let's take the same example above.

In Golang, we have to use every variable that we declare inside the body of the for loop. If not used, it throws an error. We use a blank identifier _ to avoid this error.

Let's understand it with the following scenario.

Here, we get an error message index declared but not used .

To avoid this, we put _ in the first place to indicate that we don't need the first component of the array( index ). Let's correct the above example with a blank identifier.

Here, the program knows that the item indicates the second part of the array.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Example: Golang for loop
  • Example: Sum of Natural Numbers

Sorry about that.

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Go has only one looping construct, the for loop.

The basic for loop has three components separated by semicolons:

  • the init statement: executed before the first iteration
  • the condition expression: evaluated before every iteration
  • the post statement: executed at the end of every iteration

The init statement will often be a short variable declaration, and the variables declared there are visible only in the scope of the for statement.

The loop will stop iterating once the boolean condition evaluates to false.

Note : Unlike other languages like C , Java , or JavaScript there are no parentheses surrounding the three components of the for statement and the braces { } are always required

The following code prints numbers from 1 to 9.

You can omit the init and post statement in the for loop to get a while loop. The below loop works like a while loop

Golang also provides a for-range loop to loop over an array, slice or few other datastructures.

The for-range loop provides us access to the index and value of the elements in the array or slice we are looping through as shown below

We can ignore one or both the fields in a for-range loop by giving an _ instead of giving a variable name

Find the sum of numbers from 1 to 100 using a for loop

Sphere Engine

The for-loop in Golang

Loops are an essential part of any programming language. It does a single task multiple times. In this post, we will be diving deeper with the for loops in Go.

The for-loop syntax

The for loop is one of the most common loops in programming. Almost every language has it. The for loop in Go works just like other languages. The loop starts with the keyword for . Then it initializes the looping variable then checks for condition, and then does the postcondition. Below is the syntax of for-loop in Golang.

Declaring a for-loop

Now, we will see how to declare and use for loop. It is pretty simple after you know how the syntax actually looks like. Here is an example showing the for-loop in action.

In the code above, the variable i is initialized and then matched with the condition. After that, there is a postcondition which is to increment by 1. Now, the postcondition can be anything. The incrementation is a stepping mechanism which takes the loop forward.

The infinite for-loop

We can create an infinite for-loop. Which will be running continuously. Simply removing the conditional clauses will make the loop an infinite one. Here is shown the infinite for-construct.

To stop the infinite execution after certain condition matches, Go has a keyword called break , which can be used to break out of the loop.

The conditional for-loop in Golang

Simply excluding the initialization and postcondition, we can create another kind of for-loop which is the conditional for-loop. It only checks the condition and runs if it matches. An example would be as follows.

The range-for loop

Sometimes we need to iterate over a slice or array of items. In that case, using the range function along with for is the way to go. It makes the code much simpler. Here is the range-for loop in action.

The range-for gives two things to work with, one is the current index and the other is the current value. If the current value is the only thing needed then we can ignore the index using the blank identifier.

The range-for with maps

Range-for can be used with maps as well. Which will provide us the key and value both at the same time. With the key being the index. It is a great for-construct which can substantially reduce code and make the code more concise. Here is an example showing how to use range-for with maps.

The nested-for loop

Loops in Go can be nested arbitrarily. Here are two for-loops nested.

Using labels with the for-loop

We can use labels to break out of an ongoing loop. All we need to do is to create a label that points to the intended segment of the code. Here is an example.

The continue statement in for-loop

Continue is a keyword that lets us skip the segment of the code and forces us to move us to the next iteration. Below is an example showing the usage of the continue statement in Go.

Welcome to tutorial number 9 in Golang tutorial series .

A loop statement is used to execute a block of code repeatedly.

for is the only loop available in Go. Go doesn’t have while or do while loops which are present in other languages like C.

for loop syntax

The initialisation statement will be executed only once. After the loop is initialised, the condition will be checked. If the condition evaluates to true, the body of the loop inside the { } will be executed followed by the post statement. The post statement will be executed after each successful iteration of the loop. After the post statement is executed, the condition will be rechecked. If it’s true, the loop will continue executing, else the for loop terminates.

All the three components namely initialisation, condition and post are optional in Go. Let’s look at an example to understand for loop better.

Let’s write a program that uses for loop to print all numbers from 1 to 10.

Run in playground

In the above program, i is initialised to 1. The conditional statement will checks if i <= 10 . If the condition is true, the value of i is printed, else the loop is terminated. The post statement increments i by 1 at the end of each iteration. Once i becomes greater than 10, the loop terminates.

The above program will print 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The variables declared in a for loop are only available within the scope of the loop. Hence i cannot be accessed outside the body of the for loop.

The break statement is used to terminate the for loop abruptly before it finishes its normal execution and move the control to the line of code just after the for loop.

Let’s write a program that prints numbers from 1 to 5 using break.

In the above program, the value of i is checked during each iteration. If i is greater than 5 then break executes and the loop is terminated. The print statement just after the for loop is then executed. The above program will output,

The continue statement is used to skip the current iteration of the for loop. All code present in a for loop after the continue statement will not be executed for the current iteration. The loop will move on to the next iteration.

Let’s write a program to print all odd numbers from 1 to 10 using continue.

In the above program the line if i%2 == 0 checks if the remainder of dividing i by 2 is 0. If it is zero, then the number is even and continue statement is executed and the control moves to the next iteration of the loop. Hence the print statement after the continue will not be called and the loop proceeds to the next iteration. The output of the above program is 1 3 5 7 9

Nested for loops

A for loop which has another for loop inside it is called a nested for loop.

Let’s understand nested for loops by writing a program that prints the sequence below.

The program below uses nested for loops to print the sequence. The variable n in line no. 8 stores the number of lines in the sequence. In our case it’s 5 . The outer for loop iterates i from 0 to 4 and the inner for loop iterates j from 0 to the current value of i . The inner loop prints * for each iteration and the outer loop prints a new line at the end of each iteration. Run this program and you see the sequence printed as output.

Labels can be used to break the outer loop from inside the inner for loop. Let’s understand what I mean by using a simple example.

The above program is self-explanatory and it will print

Nothing special in this :)

What if we want to stop printing when i and j are equal. To do this we need to break from the outer for loop. Adding a break in the inner for loop when i and j are equal will only break from the inner for loop.

In the program above, I have added a break inside the inner for loop when i and j are equal in line no. 10. This will break only from the inner for loop and the outer loop will continue. This program will print.

This is not the intended output. We need to stop printing when both i and j are equal i.e when they are equal to 1 .

This is where labels come to our rescue. A label can be used to break from an outer loop. Let’s rewrite the program above using labels.

In the program above, we have added a label outer in line no. 8 on the outer for loop and in line no. 13 we break the outer for loop by specifying the label. This program will stop printing when both i and j are equal. This program will output

More examples

Let’s write some more code to cover all variations of for loop.

The program below prints all even numbers from 0 to 10.

As we already know all the three components of the for loop namely initialisation, condition and post are optional. In the above program, initialisation and post are omitted. i is initialised to 0 outside the for loop. The loop will be executed as long as i <= 10 . i is increment by 2 inside the for loop. The above program outputs 0 2 4 6 8 10 .

The semicolons in the for loop of the above program can also be omitted. This format can be considered as an alternative for while loop. The above program can be rewritten as,

It is possible to declare and operate on multiple variables in for loop. Let’s write a program that prints the below sequence using multiple variable declarations.

In the above program no and i are declared and initialised to 10 and 1 respectively. They are incremented by 1 at the end of each iteration. The boolean operator && is used in the condition to ensure that i is less than or equal to 10 and also no is less than or equal to 19.

infinite loop

The syntax for creating an infinite loop is,

If you try to run the above program in the go playground you will get error “process took too long”. Please try running it in your local system to print “Hello World” infinitely.

There is one more construct range which can be used in for loops for array manipulation. We will cover this when we learn about arrays.

That’s it for loops. Hope you enjoyed reading. Please leave your feedback and comments. Please consider sharing this tutorial on twitter and LinkedIn . Have a good day.

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Next tutorial - switch statement

go tour for loop

Go Tutorial

Go exercises, go for loops.

The for loop loops through a block of code a specified number of times.

The for loop is the only loop available in Go.

Go for Loop

Loops are handy if you want to run the same code over and over again, each time with a different value.

Each execution of a loop is called an iteration .

The for loop can take up to three statements:

statement1 Initializes the loop counter value.

statement2 Evaluated for each loop iteration. If it evaluates to TRUE, the loop continues. If it evaluates to FALSE, the loop ends.

statement3 Increases the loop counter value.

Note: These statements don't need to be present as loops arguments However, they need to be present in the code in some form. You will learn about them in the loops, a deeper look chapter.

Note: These statements don't need to be present as loops arguments. However, they need to be present in the code in some form.

for Loop Examples

This example will print the numbers from 0 to 4:  

Example 1 explained

  • i:=0; - Initialize the loop counter (i), and set the start value to 0
  • i < 5; - Continue the loop as long as i is less than 5
  • i++ - Increase the loop counter value by 1 for each iteration

This example counts to 100 by tens: 

Example 2 explained

  • i <= 100; - Continue the loop as long as i is less than or equal to 100
  • i+=10 - Increase the loop counter value by 10 for each iteration


The continue Statement

The continue statement is used to skip one or more iterations in the loop. It then continues with the next iteration in the loop.

This example skips the value of 3:

The break Statement

The break statement is used to break/terminate the loop execution.

This example breaks out of the loop when i is equal to 3:

Note: continue and break are usually used with conditions .

Nested Loops

It is possible to place a loop inside another loop.

Here, the "inner loop" will be executed one time for each iteration of the "outer loop":

The Range Keyword

The range keyword is used to more easily iterate over an array, slice or map. It returns both the index and the value.

The range keyword is used like this:

This example uses range to iterate over an array and print both the indexes and the values at each ( idx stores the index, val stores the value):

Tip: To only show the value or the index, you can omit the other output using an underscore ( _ ).

Here, we want to omit the indexes ( idx stores the index, val stores the value):

Here, we want to omit the values ( idx stores the index, val stores the value):

Test Yourself With Exercises

Print i as long as i is less than 6.

Start the Exercise

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5 basic for loop patterns

A for statement is used to execute a block of code repeatedly.

go tour for loop

Three-component loop

Infinite loop, for-each range loop, exit a loop.

This version of the Go for loop works just as in C or Java.

  • The init statement, i := 1 , runs.
  • The condition, i < 5 , is computed.
  • If true, the loop body runs,
  • otherwise the loop is done.
  • The post statement, i++ , runs.
  • Back to step 2.

The scope of i is limited to the loop.

If you skip the init and post statements, you get a while loop.

  • The condition, n < 5 , is computed.
  • Back to step 1.

If you skip the condition as well, you get an infinite loop.

Looping over elements in slices , arrays , maps , channels or strings is often better done with a range loop.

See 4 basic range loop patterns for a complete set of examples.

The break and continue keywords work just as they do in C and Java.

  • A continue statement begins the next iteration of the innermost for  loop at its post statement ( i++ ).
  • A break statement leaves the innermost for , switch or select  statement.

Further reading

go tour for loop

See 4 basic range loop (for-each) patterns for a detailed description of how to loop over slices, arrays, strings, maps and channels in Go.

Go step by step

go tour for loop

Core Go concepts: interfaces , structs , slices , maps , for loops , switch statements , packages .

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Located just off I-70 and only 45 miles west of Denver, the Georgetown Loop Railroad and Mining Park is one of Colorado’s most authentic living museums and historically immersive experiences. Bring your family and friends for a narrow gauge train ride, book a real silver mine tour, or learn how to pan for gold. Discover the rugged romance of the Colorado Rockies in the 1880s. Climb aboard and travel back in time. We may just become part of the colorful history and traditions of your family too!

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Shakira Announces Initial Dates For 2024 N. American Las Mujeres No Lloran Fall Arena Tour

The 14-show swing kicks off on Nov. 2, with tickets on sale beginning April 22.

By Leila Cobo

Chief Content Officer Latin/Español, Billboard

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Then, last month, following the release of Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran , she performed in New York City’s Times Square for a crowd of more than 40,000 fans. During her new tour, Shakira is expected to perform her new hits, as well as her iconic global chart stoppers. Find all announced dates below:

Las Mujeres Ya No Lloran World Tour  Dates :

Nov 2 – Palm Desert, CA @ Acrisure Arena

Nov. 7 – Phoenix, AZ @ Footprint Center

Nov. 9 – Los Angeles, CA @ Kia Forum

Nov. 16 – San Antonio, TX @ Frost Bank Center

Nov. 17 – Dallas, TX @ American Airlines Center

Nov. 20 – Miami, FL @ Kaseya Center

Nov. 23 – Charlotte, NC @ Spectrum Center

Nov. 25 – Washington, DC @ Capital One Arena

Nov. 30 – Toronto, ON @ Scotiabank Arena

Dec. 5 – Brooklyn, NY @ Barclays Center

Dec. 8 – Boston, MA @ TD Garden

Dec. 10 – Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre

Dec. 14 – Chicago, IL @ United Center

Dec. 15 – Detroit, MI @ Little Caesars Arena

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All Things Go announces 2024 lineup

B leachers, Hozier, Janelle Monáe, Laufey with the Kennedy Center Orchestra, Reneé Rapp and Conan Gray are set to headline this year's All Things Go music festival.

Why it matters: You can snag tickets Friday, and you'll want to act fast. The festival at Columbia's Merriweather Post Pavilion has sold out the last few years, and who wants FOMO while you watch your friends posting from it this fall while wearing some pretty great 'fits??

State of play: It's All Things Go's 10th anniversary, and it's taking place September 28 and 29. Tickets will go on sale Friday at 10am.

  • In addition to the artists mentioned above, you can also expect to see Chappell Roan, Maren Morris, Remi Wolf, Ethel Cain, Julien Baker, The Japanese House, Holly Humberstone, Michael Kiwanuka and many more.

Fun fact: The majority of the lineup's artists identify as women or non-binary, per the festival.

Zoom in: General admission tickets start at $119, pavilion and lawn tickets at $175, VIP tickets at $225, and VIP SuperSuite tickets at $595.

  • While public tickets go on sale Friday, you can register for the Thursday presale online.

Get the rundown of the biggest stories of the day with Axios Daily Essentials.

All Things Go announces 2024 lineup

Madonna returns to Austin after 40 years with sweaty, sexy Celebration Tour at Moody Center

“It took 40 years to invite me back,” Madonna told an Austin audience on Sunday night. “Should I take that personally?”

The Queen of Pop indeed last performed in the Live Music Capital in 1985 at the Erwin Center. Strange, but true (blue).  Perhaps the mistress of reinvention, ever looking for the new, waited until that venue was demolished and she could pack in two nights at Moody Center . She’ll perform again on Monday.

Regardless, Austin has missed a lot of Madonna over four decades. That made her retrospective Celebration Tour all the more spectacular — and if the cradle of weird can appreciate anything, it's a spectacle. 

Madonna postponed her original September dates following a health scare, and pent-up fan pride runneth over. Before the show, material girls and leather daddies filed through the corridors of the arena. Blonde Ambition-era high ponytails mingled with “Lucky Star” hair bows. Local drag artists like Brigitte Bandit — in full “Like a Virgin” regalia — posed for photos a few steps away from a Trisha Yearwood-branded nacho stand. On the floor, a group of middle-aged ladies in tulle skirts and fishnet gloves chatted next to a row of bears in decades-old concert tees. Accessorization was key. If you forgot your chunky silver cross pendant, hopefully someone could lend you their riding crop.

The air conditioner took the night off. The show had an 8:30 p.m. start time, but the main event didn’t get going until 10:30 p.m., when tour emcee Bob the Drag Queen emerged wearing the rosy contents of Marie Antoinette’s closet. 

“It’s showtime,” Bob said with a tongue pop. 

Her Madgesty lived up to her name, appearing as a holy apparition, much more exciting than her namesake’s various cameos on pieces of toast. Cloaked in a dark kimono with giant sleeve cutouts, Madonna donned a headpiece equal parts crown and halo to sing late-’90s techno earworm “Nothing Really Matters.”  A giant lighting rig circled above like an even larger hat from heaven. It’s right there in the name, folks.

“Nothing takes the past away/ Like the future,” she sang. The song made a fitting icebreaker for the mother of all pop music: “Everything I give you/ All comes back to me.”

Then it was off to the time machine — though as the star admitted later in the show, the setlist made emotional sense, if not always the chronological kind. First stop: Danceteria. Madonna conjured her early 1980s it-girl era with “Everybody” and “Into the Groove.” Dancers swarmed around her in thrift store finery and spotted the singer in a backbend. There was a lot of crotch work.

“I’m about to share the story of my life with you,” Madonna said during the first of several rambling, prickly stretches of crowd work that skirted right up to coherence but instead opted for a middle finger. Joined by a masked dancer dressed as her past self, she asked if everyone knew what a metaphor was. An audience member asked who her next boyfriend would be. “My next boyfriend is me,” she cracked.

Then, Madonna offered a sage bit of advice for the next two hours: “Embrace the confusion.”

The singer astral projected into CBGB with an electric guitar as her guide, shredding through “Burning Up” and spewing Budweiser at the front rows. (Shout out to the stage tech responsible for wiping up Ms. Ciccone’s beer spit immediately afterward.) 

So much of Sunday’s party hinged on awe-inspiring choreography. For “Open Your Heart,” Madonna and company made iconic use of a few chairs and the laps that went on top of them. For “Holiday,” the singer and her crew became a many-headed disco hydra massed around a mirror ball the size of New Jersey.

A trip through time also invited sorrow. At the end of “Holiday,” a dancer fell to the ground as Madonna gazed mournfully. She entered a floating picture frame rigged to the ceiling, one of the night’s most oft-used set pieces, for a gorgeous rendition of “Live to Tell.” Around her, photos memorialized icons lost to AIDS — Freddie Mercury, Keith Haring, Robert Mapplethorpe, Arthur Ashe, Cookie Mueller and more. An affecting vigil from a pioneering activist.

But this was a Madonna show, so then shirtless men in lace gimp masks came out to writhe around glowing crosses. Robed monks, rosary beads, a Catholic censer and a snippet of Sam Smith’s “Unholy” helped usher in “Like a Prayer.” One of her most controversial pop culture moments, the song played like a thumping salute to sacrilege and gymnastics.

Madonna put on a Marlene Dietrich wig and thrusted her way into the 1990s: “Erotica,” “Justify My Love” and “Bad Girl.” In the middle there, she squeezed in 2005’s “Hung Up,” which might have felt like an awkward fit for that act if not for the fleet of topless dancers.

Of course, Madonna couldn’t curate her legacy without two things: cone bras and “Vogue.” Bob the Drag Queen took the stage with a glittery bowler hat and a houndstooth fan to take Austin to the ballroom. Clips of the tour’s “Vogue” segment have gone viral for months, and it was just as joyful in person. A conically breasted Madonna always welcomes a special guest to help her judge a cavalcade of runway looks. For Sunday’s show, she brought up drag superstar Trixie Mattel , and the pair gave their 10s and chops as appropriate. A gay ol’ time.

The dancers weren’t the only ones falling into dips on stage. The setlist meandered a bit after Ginger Rogers danced on air and Rita Hayworth gave good face. “Human Nature” and “Crazy For You” led into James Bond theme “Die Another Day,” a song this reviewer appreciates for nostalgic reasons but admits is an oddball cut for a four-decade hit parade. If you longed to see Madonna dressed like a character from Alejandro Jodorowsky’s “The Holy Mountain” while dropping mainstream music’s foremost reference to Sigmund Freud, congrats.

The wide-brimmed hats kept coming. Madonna stripped to full cowgirl leathers, boot-scooted and strummed out “Don’t Tell Me” from the “Music” album. For “Mother Father,” she brought out son David Banda to sing and play guitar. (She also welcomed daughters Mercy and Estere onstage to perform during “Bad Girl” and “Vogue,” respectively.)

“People don’t get tired in Texas, do they?” Madonna asked after picking up her fallen cowboy hat with her foot. More freewheeling Madge moments: bragging on the kids, talking about forgiving herself for mistakes, berating an audience member for not lighting up his phone upon her command. 

“It’s so important you understand the concept of light,” she said while vamping about darkness and such. Madonna led the “boys and girls and theys and thems” in a campfire singalong to an acoustic “Express Yourself.” 

During “La Isla Bonita,” she projected jumbo photos of cultural revolutionaries like Sinead O’Connor, Che Guevara and Martin Luther King Jr. Not sure what the thematic connection between song and imagery was, but RIP Malcolm X — you would have loved dreaming of San Pedro, I guess.

As Madonna rounded the home stretch, she changed into a pink wig and textured silver catsuit that evoked Jane Lynch performing “Super Bass” on that one episode of “Glee.” Nevermind the sartorial critique: As Madonna soared above the arena in her aerial frame and doused the crowd in lasers during “Ray of Light,” she truly was goddess of her universe.

“Take a Bow” led into a questionable amount of time devoted to a Michael Jackson tribute. But there wasn’t much time to marinate on that, as Madonna stormed the stage flanked by her cadre of dancers, all dressed in recreations of some of her most famous looks. The finale: “Bitch I’m Madonna,” of course. 

Super Bowl Madonna strutted next to “Frozen” Madonna. If you’d sealed an Austin fan in a cryogenic tube for the decades since the pop icon last came to town, the multiversal procession might have driven them to madness.

But, then again … the American-Statesman’s review of Madonna’s 1985 show praised the “slick, polished, contemporary Las Vegas-style production.” The critic also wrote: “Madonna may be considered by some music critics as a fleeting pop star and her penchant for lingerie and erotic posturing understandably irritates feminists. Nevertheless, Madonna is a formidable, timely talent.” 

Erotic posturing. Formidable talent. She might be the living avatar of reinvention, but Madonna never lost her own plot. That’s something worth waiting 40 years to celebrate.

Eric Webb is an award-winning culture writer based in Austin. Find him at www.ericwebb.me .

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TikTok Teams With AXS to Let Artists, Venues and Festivals Sell Concert Tickets in the App

By Todd Spangler

Todd Spangler

NY Digital Editor

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TikTok - AXS Ticketing

TikTok inked a partnership with ticketing provider AXS to let users of the popular video app discover and buy tickets to live events.

The feature is going live initially in the U.S., U.K., Sweden and Australia, with additional markets to follow at an undetermined date. Now, any certified artist on TikTok can use the in-app ticketing feature to promote their AXS live dates, according to the company.

TikTok has let users in the U.S. purchase live event tickets via a partnership with Ticketmaster since 2022, and last December expanded the Ticketmaster pact to encompass more than 20 new markets, including Canada, Mexico, the U.K., Ireland and Australia.

Popular on Variety

“TikTok’s partnership with AXS allows us to connect millions of users with legendary artists, venues and festivals, and allows artists to promote their live dates and reach their audience in a whole new way,” said Michael Kümmerle, global music partnership development lead at TikTok. “We are very excited to start this journey with AXS and look forward to supporting the further growth of ticketing on TikTok in the future.”

AXS chief strategy officer Marc Ruxin commented, “TikTok has become one of the most important global platforms for music content attracting an incredible community of artists and fans. By combining the reach and influence of TikTok artists with AXS’s global ticketing platform, the partnership will provide seamless ticket-buying access to some of the world’s most iconic venues, festivals and tours. This is the perfect example of discovery-driven content and commerce for music fans!”

VIP+ Analysis: TikTok Now an Internet Traffic “Supergiant”

Now dig into a VIP+ subscriber report …

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University of Washington

Huskies Head To California For Five Duals

Huskies Head To California For Five Duals

SEATTLE-- - The University of Washington Beach Volleyball team is headed to California for the week. The Huskies open up with a doubleheader against Pacific at noon and 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17th, in Stockton, California. The team will then play No. 8 California, No. 3 Stanford, and No. 17 Grand Canyon on Friday and Saturday in Palo Alto, California.

Last Weekend: The Huskies are fresh off hosting their final home tournament of the season. The Beach Dawgs won four straight duals before falling in the championship to No. 15 Georgia State on Saturday. The Dawgs opened with back-to-back sweeps of Oregon and Boise State. The Huskies also notched a ranked win against GSU on Friday.

Record Book Movement:

Lauren Wilcock and Zoey Henson moved into seventh all-time for most dual wins in a season with 15. Henson has the fourth most duals wins in a single season. Kendall Mather moved into a tie with Carly DeHoog for 7th all-time with 34 career dual wins. Piper Monk-Heirich sits at 8th all-time with 33 dual wins.

Scouting our opponents: 

Pacific is looking for their first win of the season. No. 2 Stanford took down both Pacific and No. 19 Arizona 5-0 last weekend. No. 17 GCU got the best of Chaminade and Portland. California swept Sacramento State 5-0 twice.

The Huskies are sitting at No. 12 in the AVCA weekly rankings.

For all the latest UW Beach Volleyball news, photos, and videos, follow on Twitter (@UW_BeachVB) and Instagram (@UW_BeachVB)

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Visa fees for international artists to tour in the US shot up 250% in April. It could be devastating

Performing in the U.S. for international musicians just got a lot more complicated

NEW YORK -- Performing in the U.S. for international artists just got a lot more complicated.

On April 1, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services instituted a 250% visa fee increase for global musicians hoping to tour in the U.S.

Artists, advocacy groups and immigration lawyers are concerned it could have devastating effects on emerging talent worldwide and local music economies in the U.S.

If you're a musician from outside of the United States hoping to perform stateside and you filed visa paperwork before April 1, the cost per application was $460.

After that date? $1,615 to $1,655.

Bands and ensemble groups pay per performer. A standard rock band of four members went from paying $1,840 to around $6,460. And if you can't wait a few months for approval, add $2,805 per application for expedited processing.

If the application is not accepted, that money is not refunded — on top of losses from a canceled tour and missing out on “significant, potentially career-changing opportunities,” says Jen Jacobsen, executive director at The Artist Rights Alliance.

If a musician has support staff, a backing band or other employees to bring on the tour, these individuals need visas, too.

“Even if you’re Capitol Records and you have all the money in the world to throw at it, you still can’t get rid of U.S. bureaucracy,” says immigration attorney Gabriel Castro.

All international musicians require work authorization to perform in the U.S. There are few exemptions: Those are reserved for “showcases” through the Visa Waiver Program — like what is often used at South by Southwest, where international artists perform exclusively at official showcases, without pay and for exposure.

Currently, there are few hurdles for U.S. musicians looking to enter other countries for the specific purpose of earning money through live performances. According to Castro, American performers are able to enter most countries without a visa and under an exception to tourism rules.

Gareth Paisey, singer of the independent, seven-piece Welsh band Los Campesinos!, will tour in the U.S. this June. The band made sure to apply for visas before the April 1 cut off, a difference of paying $3,220 or $11,305 in fees. Next time they have to get a visa, he says they'll likely try to squeeze two tours in one year — the length of their particular visa — to make up the cost.

He says the application process requires providing an itinerary for the full year and supplemental evidence: press clippings to justify their status as “career musicians,” and testimonials from people of note — often from more famous musicians.

“Nobody gets into a band because they've got a passion for making cash flow forecasts," he says. “It's unfair to expect people who are brilliant at writing songs to also be brilliant at filling out a 20-page visa application.”

After Brexit, he says touring in Europe for U.K. acts has become more complicated, but the U.S. process is by far the most complex — both in terms of paperwork and what it represents for music moving forward.

“This idea that you need to be a career musician to get a visa, and visa fees are going up, increases the idea that music is a competition,” says Paisey. “And part of that competition is making as much money as you can — like that’s the only valid way to participate in the music industry.”

Two reasons: They hadn't in some time, and because immigration officials are scrutinizing the process more closely.

The last increase was in 2016, when fees grew from $325 to $460.

The U.S. government is "putting more and more burden on the application process,” says Castro of BAL Sports and Entertainment Practice, which specializes in visas for musicians, entertainers and athletes.

He says 20 years ago, applications were just two or three pages. Now, they're 15 or 20 pages.

“And those are just the forms before supporting evidence,” he says. “Now I’m submitting documents that are 200 pages, 300 pages long just to explain why this band should be traveling throughout the United States.”

Officials "might have done better to look at inefficiencies in the system to save money,” he says.

Paisey says he's heard that the increase will allow the USCIS to “get rid of the backlog... But is that because you’re going to employ more staff or is it probably because you’re going to get less applications?" he wonders, because it's going to benefit "people who can afford to go than rather than who wants to go or has the fan base to go.”

Castro says some of it is to account for “abuses in the system — to make sure that individuals that are coming here for certain activities actually have those activities in place," but the increased scrutiny is a lingering effect from Trump administration's immigration policies.

“The immigration process overall became more difficult for everyone. Whether you’re coming across the border, whether you’re coming here to perform at Madison Square Garden, whatever it is," he says. “That has changed the culture of U.S. immigrations agencies.”

Independent and emerging talent, as well as ensembles and groups.

“ Dua Lipa, the Rolling Stones, they're going to pay these fees. It's not even a rounding error. They could misplace $1,200 in their budgets and they wouldn’t even notice,” says Castro. “It's the indie rock bands, niche acts, jazz musicians from Japan who will be affected."

“Every dime counts. They have very small margins,” he adds.

“We’ve already got a problem with not enough musical acts breaking through to the next level,” Paisey says. “And this is going to stop them from getting that chance in the States.”

Touring in the U.S. is a pipe dream for many independent acts, he says, and it is in danger of “not even being a dream.”

Jacobsen points out that there will be ripple effects as well: Musicians, drivers, tour managers and beyond who would be hired to work with international talent will lose work, venues will lose fruitful bookings, festivals that focus on international talent will reduce in size, the costs of tickets could increase and so on.

She says these fee increases could affect U.S. music culture — “the richness of the music ecosystem in terms of diversity of genres.”

If lesser known, global genre artists cannot perform in the U.S., audiences will miss out on a critical cultural exchange. “We need the marketplace to be friendly and accessible to all those different types of musicians," she says.

“You're going to see a decrease in international acts coming to the United States,” says Castro. “And maybe it’s decreased frequency more than a decrease in the absolute number. We'll see less and less emerging artists.

“The harder you make it for them to come to the United States, the less you’re going to see them here.”

Local economies, too, will feel the result: “It's not just the mid-sized venue in Cleveland that will feel it, but the parking lot down the street, the restaurants and bars people go to before and after.”

And there could be long-term consequences that have yet to be seen. “There is an absolute concern that there would be a reciprocal effect," says Jacobson.

If the U.S. is making it increasingly difficult and expensive for musicians to come here, “Why wouldn't other countries do the same to our artists?”

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Nicki minaj's husband begs court to let him go on tour with her outside u.s., nicki minaj's hubby begs court for green light i wanna go on tour too.

Nicki Minaj 's husband, Kenneth Petty , is asking a court for permission to travel out of the country so he can join her on tour in Europe ... and he says he'll be needed overseas.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, KP says he isn't just looking to globe-trot with Nicki for fun -- on the contrary, he says it's necessary to join her on the European leg of her "Pink Friday 2" world tour for a bunch of reasons, mainly to provide childcare for their son.

The start date he lists for the anticipated travel schedule is April 17, 2024 ... and he says there will be stops in Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Austria, Ireland, Switzerland, and Romania.

Petty says he plans to be back in the U.S. by July 14, 2024, right after the tour wraps up -- and is hoping for a green light to join his wife ASAP.

According to the docs, his probation officer hasn't raised any objections to his travel request. However, if Kenneth's request gets approved, he'll likely need to provide the officer with a detailed travel itinerary and also check in once he's back.

As previously reported, Kenneth is currently serving 3 years probation for failing to register as a sex offender in California. That's the reason he even has to jump through these hoops.

A judge has yet to sign off -- and the court denies his request, Kenneth's gotta stay put.

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All Things Go 2024 lineup: Laufey, Hozier, Reneé Rapp and others

This year’s pop-forward festival at merriweather post pavilion, now celebrating its 10th year, is sept. 28 and 29.

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The DMV has a few big musical celebrations every year: Broccoli City for hip-hop fans, Project Glow for ravers, Annapolis Baygrass for aging hippies. But for the region’s indie crowd — and, increasingly, its pop lovers — there is no greater weekend than that of All Things Go, now in its 10th iteration, at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Md.

The Style section

Last year’s sold-out festival included headliners such as Maggie Rogers, Carly Rae Jepsen, Lana Del Rey and boygenius, recalling the ’90s all-femme Lilith Fair. This year’s lineup leans less on what has affectionately been labeled “sad girl music,” instead showcasing a wider pop landscape: Laufey’s swoony jazz, Hozier’s folksy acoustics and the drag-like hyperpop of breakout stars Reneé Rapp and Chappell Roan.

All to say, All Things Go has come a long way since its 2014 inception as Fall Classic at Union Market. The festival is presenting its biggest lineup to date, with 36 artists across two days.

Tickets go on sale Friday at 10 a.m. Eastern time at allthingsgofestival.com . Here’s the full lineup:

Saturday, Sept. 28

Laufey and the Kennedy Center Opera House Orchestra

Janelle Monáe

Julien Baker

Michael Kiwanuka

Maisie Peters

Sammy Rae & the Friends

Briston Maroney

Indigo De Souza

Mannequin Pussy

Rachel Chinouriri

Wasia Project

Annie DiRusso

Allison Ponthier

Oliver Malcolm

Sunday, Sept. 29

Chappell Roan

Maren Morris

The Japanese House

Holly Humberstone

Del Water Gap

David Kushner

Soccer Mommy

Medium Build

Infinity Song

Abby Roberts

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Masters leader Scottie Scheffler would leave if wife goes into labor

Scottie Scheffler heads into Sunday the solo leader of the 88th Masters Tournament. (Warren Little/Getty Images)

Scottie Scheffler heads into Sunday the solo leader of the 88th Masters Tournament. (Warren Little/Getty Images)

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AUGUSTA, Ga. – Two years ago, Meredith Scheffler played a crucial role in her husband’s breakthrough Masters victory. Overwhelmed by the immensity of holding a 54-hole lead at Augusta National, Scottie Scheffler was brought to tears before teeing off on that Sunday in 2022.

It was Meredith who had the words to soothe her husband’s nerves.

“If you win this golf tournament today, if you lose this golf tournament by 10 shots, if you never win another golf tournament again, I'm still going to love you, you're still going to be the same person, Jesus loves you and nothing changes,” she said to him. Scottie, of course, went on to win his first Masters title that day.

Two years later, Scottie Scheffler is competing for another green jacket. After shooting 1-under 71 on Saturday, Scheffler holds the 54-hole lead at 7 under par, one stroke clear of Collin Morikawa. This time, Meredith Scheffler will not be with her husband in Augusta. She is home in Dallas, pregnant with the couple’s first child.

Scottie is less likely to feel those same nerves this time around, however. He’s won the last two PGA TOUR Player of the Year Awards and now has eight PGA TOUR titles, including the past two PLAYERS Championships. He has often displayed an ability to handle any adversity on the course, like in Saturday's demanding conditions at Augusta National, as he shook off a double bogey at No. 10 and a bogey at No. 11 with an eagle and birdie at the par-5 13th and 15th holes respectively.

He'll compete for a second green jacket without his wife in attendance, but with growing anticipation for the couple's next adventure as soon-to-be parents.

“What's missing? It's difficult to describe,” Scheffler said about his wife’s absence in Augusta. “But yeah, it's a bit weird. This is my first tournament without her being around in quite some time. Fortunately, Nike kind of takes care of my clothes this week so I don't have to pick my own outfits. I did make breakfast this morning, which was an adjustment.

“She's obviously my biggest supporter, and I definitely miss having her here,” he added. “But it's an exciting time for us in our lives, and fortunately she's still at home and feeling good, so we are grateful for that.”

Scheffler said earlier this week that he will head home to Dallas if his wife goes into labor, but that is not expected to happen this week.

“I wouldn't say I'm very concerned,” Scheffler said. “We haven't seen any of the early signs. But pregnancy is weird. It can happen at any time. (We have) open lines of communication and she can get ahold of me if she needs to.

“I'm ready to go at a moment's notice.”


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    Gareth Paisey, singer of the independent, seven-piece Welsh band Los Campesinos!, will tour in the U.S. this June. The band made sure to apply for visas before the April 1 cut off, a difference of ...

  25. Nicki Minaj's Husband Begs Court to Let Him Go on Tour with Her ...

    Nicki Minaj's husband, Kenneth Petty, is asking a court for permission to travel out of the country so he can join her on tour in Europe ... and he says he'll be needed overseas.. According to ...

  26. Go Tour #5: select statement example

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  27. A Tour of Go

    A Tour of Go. A Tour of Go. Using the tour. Welcome! Hello, 世界 ... If you omit the loop condition it loops forever, so an infinite loop is compactly expressed. < 4/14 > forever.go Syntax Imports. 7 . 1.

  28. All Things Go 2024 lineup: Laufey, Hozier, Reneé Rapp and more

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  29. Masters leader Scottie Scheffler would leave if wife goes into labor

    Scheffler said earlier this week that he will head home to Dallas if his wife goes into labor, but that is not expected to happen this week. "I wouldn't say I'm very concerned," Scheffler said ...