TV-2 optræder på Grøn Koncert 2024

I år bliver det 10. gang tv-2 spiller på grøn koncert. første gang var 1986 og bandet glæder sig til de 8 koncerter som bliver bandets eneste store udendørskoncerter i år: årets grønne koncerter afholdes den 18. juli i tårnby, 19. juli i kolding.  20. juli i aarhus,  21. juli i aalborg,  25. juli i esbjerg,   26. juli i odense,  27. juli i næstved og  28. juli i valby. se mere om grøn koncert 2024., 'om sommeren er alting anderledes' udgivet digitalt, ud af det forårsblå dukkede pludselig en grund til at udgive 30. episode af @ vitalerkunomtv2podcast   en “ny” udgivelse ligger nemlig nu på diverse musiktjenester som en del af bandets samlede værker. som ung er man jo meget nærtagende og opmærksom på, om man bliver uretfærdigt behandlet. så da bandet skiftede navn fra taurus til tv-2 i 1981, var mange kritikere ude med riven. de syntes, det var et nummer for smart af os. folk syntes, det var uærligt og uoprigtigt at skifte navn og stil, og opfattelsen var så, at man heller ikke kunne regne med det, vi sang om. og vi tænkte: "så hold dog op se dog på, hvad der sker derude. vi er jo bare en del af en strømning, som i bare ikke har opdaget, fordi i er så…"  så bandet udsendte et nyt album, der var indspillet på en uge, under et helt nyt navn 'the beautifuls', for at se, hvad kritikerne så ville sige. 'om sommeren er alting anderledes' udkom et år efter fantastiske toyota, og det var måske lidt barnligt, men energien, oprøret og vreden over at være blevet uretfærdigt behandlet var ægte nok, og vi kom da ud på den anden side og syntes, det var os, der havde leet sidst., sangen 'sænk mine skibe' udgivet som single, tv-2 & radiounderholdningsorkestret indspillede denne sang i 1999 i forbindelse med koncertrækken 'manden der ønskede sig en havudsigt'. den kom aldrig med på albummet af samme navn fordi der ikke var plads nok på cd'en. i anledning af 25 års jubilæet for albumudgivelsen er denne sang nu osse tilgængelig som streaming og download her .  sangen er arrangeret og dirigeret af nick ingman som bl.a. har arbejdet med madonna og radiohead og produceret af greg walsh. sangteksten finder du her . , prisma og tv-2 udgiver ny version af ’alt hvad hun ville var at danse’, efter en storslået festivalvalsommer  2023 udgiver prisma og tv-2 nu en opdateret version af det klassiske hit prisma, bestående af de to søstre frida og sirid, har siden 2021 imponeret dansk musik med sange som ’i never wanted to meet you’, ’andy’ og ’bangs’. det har ført til imponerende shows i både ind- og udland, samt tildelingen af flere priser – heriblandt  ’ nutidens unge’- prisen af bandet tv-2, som en del af åbningen på spot festival 2023. sidstnævnte blev startskuddet til et kunstnerisk møde mellem det etablerede og legendariske band og de to søstre fra prisma. energien var god og til åbningskoncerten på spot festival 2023 optrådte de to bands i fællesskab med ’alt hvad hun ville var at danse’. begge bands blev forelskede i den nye version og endte med at spille den flere gange henover sommeren på de danske scener. netop den sang er nu udkommet som en fælles udgivelse mellem de to generationsbands. lyt singlen på, 'de første kærester på månen' i anderledes version, på årets sidste juni-dag er der udkommet en lidt anderledes version af de første kærester på månen –  kreeret af faustix og gmg. – lyt den på, 'de første kærester på månen' på vinyl, albummet udkommer for første gang på vinyl den  5. maj 2023 de første kærester på månen modtog prisen for årets danske pop udgivelse og titelnummeret blev kåret som årets danske hit ved danish music awards (dma) i 2006. ved samme lejlighed modtog bandet ligeledes æresprisen, og forsanger steffen brandt prisen som året danske sangskriver., tv-2 medvirkede i danmarks indsamling på dr1, danmark samlede ind i den gode sags tjeneste lørdag d. 4. februar 2023 på dr1. her medvirkede bl.a. verdens lykkeligste band, tv-2, med musikalsk underholdning. – hele det sendte program kan ses her ., nytårsshow med tv-2 og årets smukfest-koncert på tv2, – nytårsnat 2023 verdens lykkeligste band medvirkede i 'nytårsfesten 2023' på tv 2 kort efter klokkerne på københavns rådhus ringede det nye år ind. – og efter nytårsshowet blev hele bandets koncert fra årets smukfest sendt – osse på tv 2.  soundtracket til din nytårsaften – premiere nytårsnat   syng og dans dig ind i 2023 med konfettikanoner og kæmpe hits, fra året der er gået. christian degn præsenterer blandt andre hjalmer, sanne salomonsen, jonah blacksmith, solaima og ikke mindst tv-2, der i 2022 kunne fejre 40-års jubilæum. nytårsshowet kan (gen)opleves på tv2 play . koncert fra smukfest 2022 tv-2 står klar med deres tidsløse klassikere foran et feststemt festivalpublikum. glæd dig til at synge med på blandet andet 'bag duggede ruder', 'alt hvad hun ville var at danse' og 'de første kærester på månen'. koncerten kan også opleves efterfølgende på  tv2 play ., tv-2 og danmarks underholdningsorkester med symfonisk koncertrække i 2023, efter en udsolgt arena-tour i forbindelse med tv-2s 40 års jubilæum, er ’danmarks lykkeligste orkester’ nu klar til at indtage 13 koncertsale sammen med landets ypperste musikere fra danmarks underholdningsorkester tv-2 kunne i 2020 markere intet mindre end 40 år på den danske musikscene og som ”danmarks lykkeligste orkester” står de bag klassikere som, ‘bag duggede ruder’, ’ alt hvad hun ville var at danse’ og ‘de første kærester på månen’, der blot er et lille udpluk af de mange hits, som tv-2 har leveret til den danske befolkning siden bandets begyndelse i 1980. nu kan de sammen med danmarks underholdningsorkester annoncere en fælles koncertrække, som i 2023 bringer dem omkring 13 forskellige byer i danmark . "i 1999 spillede vi i tv-2 en række koncerter med det daværende danmarks radios underholdningsorkester. turneen blev kaldt "manden der ønskede sig en havudsigt ". vi er siden igen og igen blevet spurgt om ikke det snart var på tide at genoptage samarbejdet og genopdage mulighederne med vores sange i en større opsætning med symfonisk orkester - det vi i bandet kalder "hele svineriet". endelig er chancen der: tv-2 sammen med danmarks underholdningsorkester, nu både med kendte og nye sange. undertitlen kunne sagtens være: "manden der ønskede sig en havudsigt - og fik den", fortæller steffen brandt, tv-2. nu forener tv-2 og danmarks underholdningsorkester kræfterne og går sammen om at give danskerne en sjælden mulighed for at opleve de tidløse klassikere. –  se koncertkalenderen 2023 læs også anmeldelser fra de symfoniske koncerter, bl.a.: nordjyske * * * * * : aldrig har tv-2 været i bedre selskab randers amtsavis * * * * * :   for tv-2 er randers en ren hjemmebane, ragnarock udstiller tv-2s legendariske lydstudie, – trommeslager sven gaul og forsanger steffen brandt lagde vejen forbi museet tidligere på sommeren (foto) bid for bid har museum ragnarock flyttet tv-2s lydstudie ”have a cigar” til roskilde, hvor det er blevet genskabt. studiet befandt sig indtil for nyligt i baghuset bag forsanger steffen brandts bolig i aarhus, men bliver nu en del af ragnarocks faste udstilling. flytningen er selvfølgelig sket med bandets velsignelse. studiet har været pensioneret i en årrække, og nu håber steffen brandt, at det på ragnarock kan få et værdigt otium: ”det var vemodigt at se et fuldstændig komplet studie stå og samle støv og minde én om, hvor meget musik der med de tekniske begrænsninger, der nu var, er kommet ud af det studie. derfor var det med en god fornemmelse, at vi så den store mixer blive båret ud til den ventende lastbil. vi synes, at nye generationer af musikere, musikinteresserede og et almindeligt nysgerrigt publikum skulle have chancen for at se, hvordan rockmusik blev indspillet for ikke så mange år siden,” fortæller han. ”have a cigar” på ragnarock åbner for publikum fredag den 9. september 2022. læs mere om udstillingen, livealbummet 'the holbæk recordings 81' topper hitlisterne, – albummet stryger helt til tops på vinyl top 40 og ind som nr. 6. på albumlisten allerede i den første uge efter vinyludgivelsen af livealbummet 'the holbæk recordings 81' er det at finde som nr. 1 på vinyllisten – og derudover som nr. 6 på albumlisten. læs mere om albummet , som kan bestilles på, the holbæk recordings 81: nyt livealbum, i anledning af 40 års jubilæet vil tv-2 gerne sende en hilsen nede fra 80-erne, hvor det hele startede. det kunne være den aften i elværket i holbæk oktober 1981 hvor lydmanden lod en kassettebåndoptager køre med. 40 år senere dukker optagelserne op i en gammel papkasse hos hans lillebror. kvartetten syntes at det kunne være sjovt at prøve at restaurere båndet. ved hjælp af moderne teknologi, små rettelser og overdubs lykkedes det at redde en halv times  hæsblæsende tidsbillede fra begyndelsen af tv-2’s glorværdige karriere som popmusikere. albummet udkommer kun på kassettebånd og vinyl og kan bestilles på l æs gaffa anmeldelse af albummet: før ruderne duggede * * * * *, vi taler kun om tv-2, – en be bab a lu la podcast i anledning af bandets 40 års jubilæum har to meget dedikerede fans produceret en meget fin podcast med gennemgang af hele udgivelser. der er masser af musik, gode historier, ingen reklamer... og så er den gratis. – lyt til afnittene online på ., nye datoer: 40 års jubilæumstour er flyttet til oktober 2021, i 2021 fejrer tv-2 40 års jubilæum som et af de meget få bands i verden med nøjagtig den samme besætning som ved starten i 1981 opdatering 9. september 2020: for at overholde regeringens anvisninger flyttes jubilæumsturnéen til nye datoer i oktober 2021. jubilæet vil blive markeret med koncerter i de store byer i ontober 2021. i den anledning udtaler bandet: vi kommer med 40 års sange om livet og døden og alt det ind imellem. vi trækker en linje ned gennem historien og finder de sange frem, som nærmest synger sig selv, blandet med de sange, som er vores bud på noget tidløst og eviggyldigt. vi skal holde en fest og hylde fælleskabet, og vi vil ikke have det mindste imod, hvis koncerterne giver anledning til, at publikum skulle finde på at synge med. vi står gerne på mål for sammenhængskraften, samværet og det folkelige, og vi glæder os helt vildt til at sparke 40-årsfesten i gang – se koncertkalenderen her... læs også:   anmeldelser af koncerter, ekstra akustisk jubilæumstour, – massiv efterspørgsel kalder på en del 2 efter en kæmpe stor efterspørgsel på tv-2’s seneste 40-års akustiske jubilæumstour er der nu endnu en akustisk koncertrække på vej i maj og juni 2021. denne gang med tilføjelse af flere byer.  ’tv-2 modtager stående bifald,’ skrev fyens stifttidende om den seneste akustiske tour. ’en af de fineste oplevelser længe,’ skrev skive folkeblad. ’mellem sjov og vemod,’ skrev nordjyske og kvitterede med 5 stjerner. også gaffa uddelte generøst 5 stjerner til det lykkelige orkester. den udsolgte og anmelderroste 2020-tour kalder på en del 2 – og mens landet fortsat skruer op for teknikken med virtuelle rum og online færden, skruer tv-2 ned for selvsamme. i maj og juni drager verdens lykkeligste band atter på landevejen med et akustisk setup.  glæd dig til en musikalsk oprejsning, når tv-2 lægger landet ned i 2021 og finder sig til rette i din hjertekule. på grund af regeringens retningslinjer, vil der kun være et begrænset antal billetter i salg  – og der er krav om coronapas for at få adgang. – se koncertkalenderen her... læs  anmeldelse r af de akustiske jubilæumskoncerter her, den sidste turist i europa, ud over at vi alle blev sat på pause under coronaens skygge, måtte også tv-2 se planlagte koncerter og festivaller aflyst eller udsat. det gav tid til at kigge indad og udad og resulterede i en gendigtning og ny musikalsk fortolkning af mogens dam og henrik blichmann´s  sang fra 1948: den sidste turist i europa. – oplev musikvideoen til sangen her læs politikens anmeldelse af sangen her . udgivet som single sangen den sidste turist i europa er udgivet som musiksingle – lyt med hos din foretrukne udbyder her :, danmarks lykkeligste band på dr2 og drk, – en del af temalørdag på dr2  jørgen bo behrensdorffs meget roste dokumentar om danmarks lykkeligste band blev sendt som temalørdag på dr2 den 28.12.19 derudover blev dokumentaren genudsendt på drk både den 29.12.19 kl. og nytårsnat i det nye år 2020. i dokumentaren fortæller alle fire musikere om mødet med bl.a. kraftwerk, hvordan man holder sig på toppen og hvad prisen er. gennem mødet med nye kunstnere som f.eks. minds of 99 får vi også et kik ind i fremtiden., albummet 'greatest greenland' nu også udgivet i danmark , live albummet, som kun udkom i grønland som fysisk cd i 2014, markerer tv-2’s lange og tætte forhold til det grønlandske publikum nu har bandet besluttet at gøre albummet tilgængelig digitalt også udenfor grønland. udover gæsteoptrædener af bl.a. brødrene elsner fra bandet nanook, nukaka, maasi, malik og nina kreutzmann kan man høre den helt nye sang 'lucky you' og den i grønland meget populære ’sæler, hvaler og solskin’ som ikke er udgivet før. albummet kan opleves digitalt via genoptrykket af cd'en (begrænset antal), som kunne forudbestilles i tv-2 shop i oktober 2019, er udsolgt nu..

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New single release November '23 

In collaboration with danish artist prisma the band released a new version of one their biggest hits alt hvad hun ville var at danse (all she ever wanted was to dance). prisma are the two sisters frida and sirid who have already received several music awards. they joined tv-2 on stage at some summer concerts 23. take a listen on, tv-2 live – summer 23, summer 23 the band is touring danish festivals and their first concert ever in spain in málaga., tv-2 with the danish chamber orchestra: concerts 2023, 1999 nick ingman (george michael, madonna and many others) arranged and conducted 16 tv-2 songs and the danish radio concert orchestra played together with tv-2 at several concerts and released a live album. the title of the concert and album was "manden der ønskede sig en havudsigt" (the man that wanted a house with a view). after countless calls, the band is now repeating the success with new songs and arrangements in februar/march 2023 with the danish chamber orchestra. tickets on, tv-2 live – summer 22, after two years of pandemic restrictions the band is back on danish festivals summer 22 ., new live album from 81, after a fantastic 2021 with lots of concerts the band released a new live-album on january 1st 22. 40 years ago the bands sound engineer recorded a concert on cassette tape. this very first live recording of tv-2 has been restored by dedicated sound techs and is now available on, it's going to be a great summer, after more than 30 acoustic concerts the band is looking forward to play in the usual electric set up summer 21 . following the official corona guidelines the limited audience has to show a valid covid-19 passport to access these events., acoustic concerts – may/june 2021, after public demand and overwhelming 5 star reviews tv-2 decided to prolong the acoustic 40th anniversary tour with concerts in may and june 2021., new video and single, like all other artists tv-2 had to cancel several concerts due to the covid-19 pandemic. inspired by these very unusual times the band recorded an old danish song from 1948 with new lyrics the last tourist in europe. take a listen  or enjoy the video ., new tour dates: 40 years anniversary as a band , update sept. 9th 2020: to comply with government instructions, the anniversary tour is being postponed to october 2021: tv-2 is celebrating its 40 years anniversary as a band with stadium concerts in the 4 biggest danish cities in october 2021 . this very unique quartet has released more than 200 songs, 19 studio albums and played more then 1200 concerts., greatest greenland live album, – released in greenland only 2014 is now available worldwide on all digital platforms:

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Tv-2 at cirkuspladsen, silkeborg, denmark.

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TV-2 at Olympen, Ollerup, Denmark

Tv-2 at plænen tivoli, copenhagen, denmark.

  • Hallo hallo
  • Randers Station
  • For dig ku' jeg gøre alting
  • Eventyr for begyndere
  • Der går min klasselærer
  • Nærmest lykkelig
  • Alt hvad hun ville var at danse
  • I Never Wanted To Meet You
  • Ræven og rønnebærrene
  • Vil du danse med mig
  • Be bab a lu la

TV-2 at Kløften Festival 2023

Tv-2 at rock under broen 2023, tv-2 at københavns universitet, copenhagen, denmark, tv-2 at dr koncerthuset, copenhagen, denmark.

  • Bag duggede ruder
  • Evig og altid
  • Kom og se, far danser
  • Hundene over Jakobshavn
  • Det er nat derude
  • En dag vil jeg gå i regnen med dig
  • Fald min engel
  • Hele verden fra forstanden
  • E45 - nordgående retning
  • Go tur hjem
  • Der trænger til at blive skovlet noget sne

TV-2 at Royal Stage, Hillerød, Denmark

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  • Bag duggede ruder ( 112 )
  • Be bab a lu la ( 79 )
  • Lanternen ( 79 )
  • Kys bruden ( 71 )
  • Hele verden fra forstanden ( 70 )

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TV-2 drager på turné i godt selskab

tv2 band tour

Danmarks lykkeligste band besøger danske 13 koncertsale

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 Danmarks Underholdningsorkester

Nyheder (5).

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  • Nyhed - 16.11.2023 ET MUSIKALSK GENERATIONSMØDE: Prisma og tv-2 udgiver ny version af tv-2-hit
  • Nyhed - 27.09.2023 STORLADEN ROCK: 00'er-helte på turné med Danmarks Underholdningsorkester
  • Nyhed - 31.05.2023 EN AFTEN MED ANDERSEN: Femstjernet hyldestkoncert udkommer som album
  • Nyhed - 05.05.2023 TV-2 uddeler stort arbejdslegat til Prisma

Artikler (5)

tv2 band tour

  • Artikel - 14.06.2023 STORT PORTRÆT: Steffen Brandt fylder 70 år
  • Artikel - 03.01.2023 BAGKATALOG: Læs vores forsidehistorie med TV-2 fra 1983
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  • Artikel - 13.03.2022 En hel dansk nation istemmer: Slava Ukraini

Albumanmeldelser (5)

Før ruderne duggede

  • Albumanmeldelse - 30.08.2019 Tv-2 Brandts gæstebud sparkede gang i festugen
  • Albumanmeldelse - 09.11.2018 TV-2 Steffen Brandt og Co. virker uinspirerede på deres 19. studiealbum
  • Albumanmeldelse - 16.04.2017 Jesper Hougaard Larsen Salmekender skriver solid bog om Steffen Brandts sangskrivning
  • Albumanmeldelse - 25.02.2015 TV-2 TV-2: Det Gode Liv

Koncertanmeldelser (5)

Foto: Malene Vinge Jakobsen

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Rising out of the 1970s art-punk scene of New York, US, centred around the infamous CBGB nightclub, Television were one of the most creative and innovative bands of the period.

Beginning life as the Neon Boys in the early 70s, the group took new shape in 1973, with Tom Verlaine (guitars/vocals), Billy Ficca (drums) and Richard Hell (bassist), joining forces with Richard Lloyd (guitar), renaming themselves Television. After a year of developing the band's chemistry, they began to perform live in New York City, US, building a significant fan base.

In 1974, the band recorded some early demos with Brian Eno for Island Records. However, the label decided not to pursue the band further. Shortly after this, Richard Hell left the band to begin a solo career, joining with the Voidoids and releasing his debut album, "Blank Generation" in 1977. Hell was replaced with ex-Blondie bassist Fred Smith, with Television building a large underground following with their EP release "Little Johnny Jewel."

The band released their debut album in 1977, titled "Marquee Moon," with the album selling poorly initially but it gained significant momentum in the UK, reaching number 28 in the album charts. They also scored a top 40 single with "Prove It," appealing to British punk fans and helping to aid the rising popularity of the post-punk sound. Television also supported Blondie on their tour of that year, helping spread awareness of the band's music.

Television returned in 1978 with their second album, "Adventure," which fared better in the US than their debut, yet it still failed to make as many inroads as they had achieved in the UK. Again, the album was successful there, becoming a Top Ten hit. After the album release, the band split up, following solo careers which gained critical acclaim but little commercial success.

After 14 years, the band reunited in 1991, releasing a new album for Capitol Records, with the self-titled record continuing the band's trademark sound. However, again the group went on hiatus, not returning until a comeback performance at the 2001 All tomorrow's Parties Festival in England. Following this performance, the band continued to tour and perform at shows intermittently, with the Verlaine/Lloyd/Smith/Ficca lineup remaining together semi-permanently although not recording any new material.

Despite only releasing three studio albums, Television were hugely influential, helping to create the sound of 90s indie rock, with their chiming guitars and expansive musical vocabulary heard in the likes of R.E.M, as well as leading the way for British post-punk of the 80s, influencing bands like The Fall. "Marquee Moon" is widely considered as one of the greatest albums of all time, voted no. 128 on Rolling Stone's 2003 list of the 'Greatest 500 Albums of All Time."

Live reviews

Although part of the original New York City punk scene of the 1970s, Television had a unique sound that set them apart from their peers. The interplay between Tom Verlaine's airy, ethereal intricate guitar noodling and Richard Lloyd's skronking and heavier counterpoint created a dynamic tension that few bands before or since could touch.

Still touring today with three of four original members (ace Blondie session guitarist Jimmy Rip ably fills Richard Lloyd's hard-rocking shoes on second guitar alongside Verlaine), the band performs almost all the material from their legendary 1978 album Marquee Moon in its entirety. That includes a thrilling 14-minute version of the famous title track, a song that comes as close to marrying jazz, prog rock, and punk as any band ever has. Thankfully the band sprinkles in material from their second record and their very underrated 1992 self-titled “comeback” album as well. In fact “Call Mr. Lee” is a setlist high point.

As it ever has been, the joy of Television is seeing Tom Verlaine—a true original—play guitar. His inimitable style stands front and center at any Television show, especially now with Lloyd having taken a break from touring with the group. At recent live shows, the band has also performed a smattering of new material that sounds fantastic. Verlaine frequently announces these songs as being part of an in-progress record, so fans hopefully have that to look forward to as well.

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With veteran NY post punk band Television, it’s all about the music and the extraordinary interplay between the members of the band. The presentation is simple: a largely bare stage, plain black clothes – Tom Verlaine even insisted that all the coloured lights were turned off, just leaving a handful of white lights at the front (so he could ‘see the guitar strings’). When played live many of the songs are interpreted as taut, wired improvisations almost like jazz, but sound nothing like jazz. Even when the sound seems to border on chaos, the band bring is back in a way that is compelling to experience. Though much of their recorded material is great, but they are a band that need to be seen live to be fully appreciated.

GreenSloth’s profile image

Fabulous! My third time seeing them over the 40 year+ history of the band. The audience was there to listen and the band played well. The sound mix was very good for those down front. Tom Verlaine and crew provided an excellent mix of dutifully recreating the old standards and improvisation on leads. The band themselves were low key but friendly. The improvisation at the end of the set - excellent. Still a great legendary band.

pault1867’s profile image

Great performance by a bunch of old but great musicians. Especially the songs from the Marquee moon album sounded liVe better than ever.Tom Verlaine's voice still sounds shaky, Jimmy Rip is a guitar hero and Billy Ficca on drums, man oh man what an energy. A must see if you get the chance.

dolf-kistemaker’s profile image

It started a little murky on the low end of Jimmy Rip's guitar playing, but quickly became phenomenal. I realized just how amazing their rhythm section is; it holds everything together as the guitars start to noodle into abstraction, then weave back together again.

Awesome experience!

randy-legersky’s profile image

very nice concert little low puplic , but these guy can play guitars wow, marquee moon was an icom some of the best i heard on any concert , i give thumbs up for television

rune-tjelland’s profile image

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Closure In Moscow

Closure in moscow tour dates.


Closure In Moscow tour dates

Closure in Moscow is an extraordinary Australian progressive rock band that has been capturing the hearts of fans globally with their unique sound. Formed in 2006, the band quickly gained recognition with their debut EP "The Penance and the Patience." Their music is a vibrant blend of progressive rock, post-hardcore, and experimental rock, creating a sound that is both distinctive and captivating. The band consists of talented members: Christopher de Cinque, Mansur Zennelli, Michael Barrett, Salvatore Aidone, and Duncan Millar. They have released two full-length albums, "First Temple" and "Pink Lemonade," each showcasing their musical evolution and creativity. Closure in Moscow's performances are known for their high energy and dynamic stage presence, making their concerts a must-see for any rock music enthusiast. Stay tuned with ConcertFix for updates on Closure in Moscow's tour dates, concert tickets, and music news.

Closure In Moscow Concert Schedule

No events =(, about closure in moscow tour albums.

Closure In Moscow came on to the Alternative scene with the introduction of tour album "First Temple", published on N/A. The song immediatley became a hit and made Closure In Moscow one of the top new great shows to attend. Following the introduction of "First Temple", Closure In Moscow published "The Penance And The Patience" on N/A. The album "The Penance And The Patience" stayed as one of the more beloved tour albums from Closure In Moscow. The Tour Albums three top singles included , , and and are a big hit at every performance. Closure In Moscow has released 7 more tour albums since "The Penance And The Patience". With over 0 years of albums, Closure In Moscow top tour album has been "First Temple" and some of the best concert songs are , , and .

Closure In Moscow Tour Albums and Songs

Closure In Moscow: First Temple

Closure In Moscow: First Temple

  • Kissing Cousins
  • Reindeer Age
  • A Night at the Spleen
  • I'm a Ghost of Twilight
  • Arecibo Message
  • Couldn't Let You Lov...
  • Had to Put It In the...

Closure In Moscow: Pink Lemonade

Closure In Moscow: Pink Lemonade

  • Pink Lemonade
  • Neoprene Byzantine
  • Seeds of Gold
  • That Brahmatron Song
  • Dinosaur Boss Battle
  • Mauerbauertraurigkeit
  • The Church of the Te...
  • Beckon Fire

Closure In Moscow: The Penance And The Patience

Closure In Moscow: The Penance And The Patience

  • We Want Guarantees, ...
  • Breathing Underwater
  • Here’s To Entropy
  • Ofelia....Ofelia
  • Jewels For Eyes

Closure In Moscow: Better Way

Closure In Moscow: Better Way

Closure In Moscow: Soft Hell

Closure In Moscow: Soft Hell

  • Jaeger Bomb
  • Primal Sinister
  • Absolute Terror Field
  • Keeper of the Lake
  • Don Juan Triumphant
  • My Dearest Kate

Closure In Moscow Concert Tour Questions & Comments

Closure in moscow tour and concert ticket information.

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Closure In Moscow could be coming to a city near you. Check out the Closure In Moscow schedule just above and push the ticket button to checkout our big selection of tickets. Look through our selection of Closure In Moscow front row tickets, luxury boxes and VIP tickets. Once you track down the Closure In Moscow tickets you need, you can purchase your seats from our safe and secure checkout. Orders taken before 5pm are generally shipped within the same business day. To buy last minute Closure In Moscow tickets, browse through the eTickets that can be downloaded instantly.

Closure In Moscow Top Tour Album

Closure In Moscow: First Temple

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The Battle Over Classic Rock Band the Guess Who Just Went Nuclear

By Ethan Millman

Ethan Millman

For the past six months, Burton Cummings, founding singer and songwriter of classic rock group the Guess Who , has been in a bitter legal dispute to wrest control of his old band’s legacy. Now he’s adopting an aggressive and relatively unheard of approach to make that happen: giving up on certain royalties so the band can’t play his songs.

As Rolling Stone previously reported , Cummings and original Guess Who guitarist Randy Bachman sued the current iteration of the Guess Who (as well as the band’s original drummer and bass player Garry Peterson and Jim Kale) last October, alleging that the group that currently holds the Guess Who trademark is “a cover band” using the original group’s recording in ads “in an effort to boost the Cover Band’s ticket sales for live performances and to give the false impression that Plaintiffs are performing.”

“I’m willing to do anything to stop the fake band; they’re taking [Bachman and my] life story and pretending it’s theirs,” Cummings tells Rolling Stone. “They’re not the people who made these records, and they shouldn’t act like they did. This doesn’t stop this cover band from playing their shows, it just stops them from playing the songs I wrote. If the songs are performed by the fake Guess Who, they will be sued for every occurrence.”

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“Not a lot of artists are both the writer and the publisher on their songs, and Burton Cummings fortunately is, so this is a very rare case where the artist can take this action,” Yu says. “And I think this situation shows the direct nexus between their false advertising and who they say they are.”

The move is focused on agreements set through groups called performing rights organizations (PROs). The termination targets all the venues the band would play. Almost every concert venue in the country has blanket agreements with various PROs such as BMI and ASCAP, who collect royalties on behalf of songwriters for the public performances of their works. If a venue has licensing agreements in place, the venues’ artists are free to cover any song from the PROs’ repertory. 

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By Thursday morning, the Florida Theatre in Jacksonville, the Saenger Theatre in Mobile, Alabama, and the Peabody Auditorium in Daytona Beach, Florida — who would’ve hosted the Guess Who’s next three shows — announced cancellations as well. Tickets for shows beyond those dates remain on sale as of this article’s publication.

An attorney for the Guess Who didn’t respond to Rolling Stone’s request for comment regarding the shows. In December, the band took to social media calling Cummings’ and Bachman’s suit “meritless.” In a memorandum, the band argued that “there is no dispute that Defendants lawfully own ‘The Guess Who’ trademark,” and that Consumers who see an ad for a concert by the Guess Who would not reasonably assume that Bachman and Cummings are performing merely because they were in the band many years ago.”

Assuming the group does play the classic-era songs at their upcoming shows, both the band and the venue they played at could be on the hook for legal recourse, Cummings and his team tell Rolling Stone . 

But like most nuclear options, Cummings’ strategy doesn’t come without the risk of some mutually assured destruction. While terminating the rights complicates the current Guess Who’s performances, it may also significantly hit Cummings’ own earnings. Aside from working with concert venues, PROs also collect royalties from when songs are played on the radio, on TV shows, or even when they’re played in the background at restaurants or shopping malls. With the license terminated, Cummings will likely lose out on seeing those royalty payments. And that’s not just on the versions he recorded, but on covers such as Lenny Kravitz’s Grammy-winning “American Woman” cover.

The termination is the latest development in a decadeslong dispute that bubbled over with last year’s lawsuit . The fight began when the band’s original bassist, Jim Kale, obtained the trademark to the Guess Who name in 1986, as the band hadn’t secured the trademark before then . From then on, Kale had organized several tours using the Guess Who name featuring a heavily rotating lineup. 

By the late 1980s, the Guess Who’s original drummer, Garry Peterson, joined the band as well. Kale retired in 2016, leaving Peterson as the only original member left. But he doesn’t play every show, Bachman and Cummings alleged, meaning some shows feature no original members of their band. 

Since Cummings filed the suit, he says that the band had removed his access to the Guess Who’s Spotify for Artists page. (When the suit filed last fall, the band’s Spotify page showed a picture of the current Guess Who lineup, but as of publication, it’s now a picture of the old band.)

Cummings also tells Rolling Stone that within the past month, the band’s lawyers said they’d “sue me if I ever even say I was ever in the Guess Who.” “You know how ridiculous this is? What next, can I not say I was born and raised in Winnipeg? That I’m Canadian?”

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“How much is my life’s work worth? You can’t put it in dollars and cents,” he says. “It’s wrong what they’ve done and for years, nobody did anything about it. But we’re doing something now, and this may set some precedents because there are other acts out there that aren’t real either.

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Legendary rock band announces new tour dates after singer’s injury

  • Updated: Apr. 10, 2024, 4:32 p.m. |
  • Published: Apr. 10, 2024, 1:05 p.m.

Steven Tyler; Joe Perry

Steven Tyler, left, and Joe Perry of Aerosmith onstage in 2023. (Photo by Amy Harris/Invision/AP) Amy Harris/Invision/AP

A fractured larynx and vocal cord damage are no joke for a hard-rock singer to recover from. Especially a 76-year-old frontman with a still-big voice, like Steven Tyler .

Nearly a year after Aerosmith put the brakes on a long-gestating farewell tour just a few shows in after Tyler injured his voice during a Sept. 9, 2023 show at a New York arena, the band’s about to be, ahem, back in the saddle.

The “Peace Out Tour” will resume September 20 in Pittsburgh. The 40-date arena tour runs through February 26 in Buffalo and includes a New Year’s Eve show in the band’s hometown of Boston. Complete list of tour dates at .

Aerosmith’s decades of hits include “Dream On,” “Walk This Way,” “Sweet Emotion,” “Back in the Saddle,” “Janie’s Got A Gun,” “Crazy” and “I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing.”

The band features Tyler, guitarists Joe Perry and Brad Whitford and bassist Tom Hamilton.

Unlike many classic rock groups, Aerosmith’s original lineup remained intact through most of their history. However in recent years, original drummer Joey Kramer has been replaced onstage by John Douglas, Kramer’s former drum tech. Buck Johnson , an Alabama native who also tours with Brother Cane and Hollywood Vampires, is Aerosmith’s touring keyboardist/backing vocalist .

Blues-rockers The Black Crowes , known for ‘90s hits like “Jealous Again” and “Remedy,” are the support act for all dates of Aerosmith’s “Peace Out Tour.”

The Black Crowes previously opened for Aerosmith on the Crowes’ first-ever big tour, back in 1990. Led by brothers Chris and Rich Robinson , on vocals and guitar, respectively, Black Crowes recently released “Happiness Bastards,” their first album of all-original songs in 15 years .

Aerosmith’s classic albums include their 1973 self-titled debut, 1975′s “Toys in the Attic,” 1976 release “Rocks,” 1987 comeback LP “Permanent Vacation” and ‘93 mega-seller “Get a Grip.” Aerosmith’s most recent album was “Music from Another Dimension” from 2012.


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The Boyz world tour 2024 reveals dates and locations

The Boyz World Tour 2024 Concert Dates & Locations Revealed

By Arpita Adhya

K-pop boy band The Boyz has announced their 2024 Zeneration II World Tour dates and locations. The group will reportedly kickstart the tour in Seoul in July and then travel to the United States for five shows.

The Boyz recently returned to the music scene, releasing the third part of their studio album, Phantasy, Pt. 3: Love Letter, on March 18, 2024. The album sold over  394,417 copies  in South Korea and ranked number 1 on South Korea’s  Circle Album Chart . After the success of the Phantasy series, fans of the K-pop group will get a chance to witness the songs live on The Boyz’ upcoming tour.

Dates and cities of The Boyz World Tour 2024 ZENERATION II explored

The Boyz World Tour 2024 will start on July 12 in Seoul, South Korea. The group will hold three shows back-to-back in their home country before traveling to the US. The K-pop act held its last set of US concerts in 2022.

Dates and locations of The Boyz’ world tour 2024 include:

  • July 12 – Seoul, South Korea
  • July 13 – Seoul, South Korea
  • July 14 – Seoul, South Korea
  • July 19 – New York, US
  • July 21- Atlanta, US
  • July 23 – Dallas, US
  • July 25 – Los Angeles, US
  • July 28 – San Jose, US
  • July 17- Bangkok, Thailand
  • July 18- Bangkok, Thailand
  • July 24 – Jakarta, Indonesia
  • July 25 – Manila, the Philippines
  • July 31- Macau, China
  • September 7- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • September 13 – Paris, France
  • September 15 – London, United Kingdom
[ #더보이즈 뉴스] 더보이즈, 3번째 월드투어…"7월, 서울서 스타트" #THEBOYZ @IST_THEBOYZ — IST ent (@ist_ent) April 8, 2024

Previously, The Boyz held their Zeneration series of concerts from May 19, 2023, to February 4, 2024. The group had 24 dates and toured across Asia for a year. They concluded part 1 of Zeneration tour at Pia Arena MM in Japan’s Yokohama.

Followed by the success of the Zeneration world tour, K-pop fans are excited to check out the setlist of Zeneration II. Three new banger tracks from their recent release, Phantasy 3, include “Nectar,” “Hurt Me Less,” and “Dear.”

Arpita Adhya

Arpita covers K-pop, K-drama and Asian Entertainment scoops for ComingSoon.Net. From in-depth coverage of Asian Entertainment gems to the latest fan obsession, she is dedicated to bring out the best of Asian pop culture to the world one story at a time.

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The Cult announce 40th anniversary UK tour for winter 2024

The dates conclude with a stop at London’s Royal Albert Hall

The Cult perform live.

The Cult have announced details of a UK tour, which will celebrate their 40th year as a band. Find upcoming dates and ticket details below.

Announced today (April 16), the shows are set for later this year and will see the iconic ‘80s rock group perform in 10 cities across the country. The dates come in celebration of a huge milestone for Ian Astbury and co., as this year marks four decades since the band formed as we recognise them today – swapping their name from the original title ‘Death Cult’ into ‘The Cult’.

“Following up from the great energy of Death Cult 8323 shows, I’m looking forward to bringing that sense of celebration of the band’s music, and the communion with our fans, to Cult 8424,” guitarist Billy Duffy said of the new announcement. “CFFC. Let the ceremony commence!”

The shows all take place this winter, and kick off on October 21 with an opening night at the De Montfort Hall in Leicester. This is followed the next night with a gig at Swansea Arena (22), followed by stops in Edinburgh (24), Manchester (25), Bristol (27), York (29) and Newcastle (30).

The final run of the new tour dates will take place in the first week of November; including a slot at Guildhall in Portsmouth on the 1st, and a show at Civic Hall in Wolverhampton the following night. The dates wrap up with a closing show at the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London on November 4.

Tickets go on sale this Friday (April 19) at 10am BST. Visit here to get tickets and find a full list of tour dates below.

Charlie Jones, John Tempesta, Ian Astbury, and Billy Duffy of The Cult perform onstage during the Harley-Davidson's Homecoming Festival - Day 1 at Veterans Park on July 14, 2023 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Credit: Barry Brecheisen/Getty

The Cult 2024 tour dates are:


OCTOBER 21 – Leicester, De Montfort Hall 22– Swansea, Swansea Arena    24 – Edinburgh, Usher Hall  25 – Manchester, O2 Apollo  27 – Bristol, Beacon     29 – York, Barbican 30 – Newcastle, O2 City Hall      

NOVEMBER: 1 – Portsmouth, Guildhall 2 – Wolverhampton, Civic Hall 4 – London, Royal Albert Hall

The dates for 2024 come following a tour the band embarked on last year, celebrating 40 years since their first formation under the name ‘Death Cult’ .

Taking place around the UK, Ireland and the US, the tour was called ‘Death Cult 8323’ and saw Duffy and Astbury return to play iconic venues they previously performed in at the start of their career.

The live shows focused on Death Cult and their eponymous EPs, and also boasted a setlist that spanned “the three phases of the band, from Southern Death Cult, to Death Cult, and The Cult’s first two albums: ‘Dreamtime’ (1984) and ‘Love’ (1985).”

More recently, Billy Duffy joined Johnny Marr on stage in Frome last summer to play tracks by The Smiths and Depeche Mode .

The on-stage appearance was the latest of the multiple times the two musicians have joined forces, as they both have a long history of playing music together – stemming back to their adolescent years.

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Steven Tyler, Aerosmith announce rescheduled farewell concert tour: New dates and ticket info

Aerosmith will be back in the saddle again this fall.

The veteran rockers, who postponed their Peace Out farewell tour after only a few shows in September, will return for a 40-date run starting Sept. 20 in Pittsburgh. The tour wraps Feb. 26, 2025 in Buffalo, NY.

The bulk of the dates are rescheduled, but the band added three cities: Pittsburgh, Orlando and Philadelphia, where their goodbye run kicked off last September.

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All previously purchased tickets will be honored for the new dates, while tickets for the new shows will go on sale at 10 a.m. local time April 12 via . For those who previously purchased tickets and cannot attend the rescheduled concerts, refunds will be available at point of purchase. A series of VIP packages are also available at

As with the original dates, The Black Crowes will open for Aerosmith.

More: Aerosmith Peace Out: See the setlist for the iconic band's farewell tour

Why did Aerosmith postpone their farewell tour?

After playing only a handful of concerts in September, the “Walk This Way” heroes had to hit pause after singer Steven Tyler damaged his vocal cords. He also fractured his larynx and was given doctor’s orders not to sing for 30 days.

But Aerosmith opted to give Tyler ample time to recuperate and scuttle all of their shows until 2024.

The wiry frontman known for his searing rock yowls, said at the time that the injury occurred at a Sept. 10 show in New York and that the vocal cord damage “led to subsequent bleeding.”

What songs can fans expect to hear at Aerosmith’s farewell shows?

USA TODAY was there for opening night of the Peace Out tour Sept. 3 in Philadelphia. As the tour is also a celebration of the band’s 50 years in the music industry, the setlist reflected their vast catalog.

The band – Tyler, guitarist Joe Perry, bassist Tom Hamilton and guitarist Brad Whitford, along with drummer John Douglas filling in for Joey Kramer – sounded in peak form for their deserved victory lap.

Songs ranged from singalong rock smashes “Livin’ on the Edge,” “Sweet Emotion” and “Rag Doll” to the rarely played album track “Adam’s Apple” and a dip into Aerosmith’s blues roots with “Hangman Jury.”

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Sept. 20 – Pittsburgh – PPG Paints Arena (NEW SHOW)*

Sept. 23 – Philadelphia  – Wells Fargo Center (NEW SHOW)

Sept. 26 – Louisville, KY – KFC Yum! Center    

Sept. 29 – Cleveland  – Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse 

Oct. 2 – Charlotte, NC – Spectrum Center

Oct. 5 – Knoxville, TN – Thompson-Boling Arena 

Oct. 8 – Washington – Capital One Arena

Oct. 11 – Atlanta – State Farm Arena

Oct. 14 – St Louis – Enterprise Center

Oct. 17 – Cincinnati  – Heritage Bank Arena

Oct. 20 – Nashville, TN  – Bridgestone Arena

Oct. 31 – Phoenix  – Footprint Center

Nov. 3 – San Antonio - Frost Bank Center

Nov. 6 – Austin, TX – Moody Center

Nov. 9 – Dallas– American Airlines Center

Nov. 12 – Tulsa, OK – BOK Center

Nov. 15 – Omaha, NE – CHI Health Center

Nov. 18 – Denver– Ball Arena    

Nov. 21 – Portland, OR – Moda Center 

Nov. 24 – Seattle – Climate Pledge Arena

Nov. 27 – Salt Lake City– Vivint Arena

Nov. 30 – San Francisco– Chase Center

Dec. 4 – San Jose, CA – SAP Center               

Dec. 7 – Los Angeles– The Kia Forum

Dec. 28 – Newark, NJ - Prudential Center 

Dec. 31 – Boston – TD Garden

Jan. 4 – Detroit - Little Caesars Arena       

Jan. 7 – Toronto – Scotiabank Arena 

Jan. 10 – Montreal – Bell Centre

Jan. 13 – Columbus, OH – Schottenstein Center  

Jan. 16 – Indianapolis – Gainbridge Fieldhouse 

Jan. 19 – Chicago – United Center

Jan. 22 – St Paul, MN – Xcel Energy Center

Jan. 25 – Kansas City, MO – T-Mobile Center

Feb. 11 – Orlando, FL – Kia Center (NEW SHOW)

Feb. 14 – Tampa, FL – Amalie Arena

Feb. 17 – Sunrise, FL – Amerant Bank Arena

Feb. 20 – Raleigh, NC – PNC Arena 

Feb. 23 – New York – Madison Square Garden

Feb. 26 – Buffalo, NY – KeyBank Center  

* Teddy Swims Joining as Special Guest, The Black Crowes not appearing

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Steven Tyler, Aerosmith announce rescheduled farewell concert tour: New dates and ticket info

Steven Tyler and guitarist Joe Perry play the kickoff of Aerosmith's Peace Out tour Sept. 2 at Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center. The tour was postponed a few dates later until 2024.

  • Preplanned tours
  • Daytrips out of Moscow
  • Themed tours
  • Customized tours
  • St. Petersburg

Moscow Metro

The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours’ itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin’s regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as “a people’s palace”. Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings, mosaics, stained glass, bronze statues… Our Moscow metro tour includes the most impressive stations best architects and designers worked at - Ploshchad Revolutsii, Mayakovskaya, Komsomolskaya, Kievskaya, Novoslobodskaya and some others.

What is the kremlin in russia?

The guide will not only help you navigate the metro, but will also provide you with fascinating background tales for the images you see and a history of each station.

And there some stories to be told during the Moscow metro tour! The deepest station - Park Pobedy - is 84 metres under the ground with the world longest escalator of 140 meters. Parts of the so-called Metro-2, a secret strategic system of underground tunnels, was used for its construction.

During the Second World War the metro itself became a strategic asset: it was turned into the city's biggest bomb-shelter and one of the stations even became a library. 217 children were born here in 1941-1942! The metro is the most effective means of transport in the capital.

There are almost 200 stations 196 at the moment and trains run every 90 seconds! The guide of your Moscow metro tour can explain to you how to buy tickets and find your way if you plan to get around by yourself.


  1. TV2 satser på kærligheden

    tv2 band tour

  2. TV-2

    tv2 band tour

  3. United Stage

    tv2 band tour

  4. TV2

    tv2 band tour

  5. Se videoen: TV 2 og Divya Das gi'r den gas

    tv2 band tour

  6. TV2 Akustisk tour

    tv2 band tour


  1. Би-2 в Рязани: шутка века и выход за горизонты простых концертов

  2. Band Eller Business


  4. The Blurb 03/12/2024


  1. TV-2 Tur/retur

    Her medvirkede bl.a. Verdens Lykkeligste Band, TV-2, med musikalsk underholdning. - Hele det sendte program kan ses her. Nytårsshow med TV-2 og årets Smukfest-koncert på TV2 - Nytårsnat 2023. ... Efter en udsolgt arena-tour i forbindelse med TV-2s 40 års jubilæum, er 'Danmarks Lykkeligste Orkester' nu klar til at indtage 13 ...

  2. TV-2 Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts 2024 & 2023

    Find information on all of TV-2's upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2023-2024. TV-2 is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 4 concerts across 1 country in 2023-2024. View all concerts. Next 3 concerts: Middelfart, Denmark. Allinge, Denmark. Grenå, Denmark.

  3. TV-2 Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    TV-2 consist of Steffen Brandt (lead vocal, guitar, keyboard, principal songwriter), Georg Olesen (bass), Hans Erik Lerchenfeld (guitar) and Sven Gaul (drums). The correct spelling of the band's name is actually tv·2, and not TV-2. TV-2 was founded by the turn of the year 1980/81.

  4. TV-2 English

    They joined TV-2 on stage at some summer concerts 23. Take a listen on TV-2 Live - summer 23 ... NEW TOUR DATES: 40 years anniversary as a band . UPDATE Sept. 9th 2020: To comply with government instructions, the anniversary tour is being postponed to October 2021:

  5. TV-2 (band)

    TV-2 (stylized as tv·2) is a Danish pop rock band group formed in 1981 in Aarhus.The group is composed of Steffen Brandt, Hans Erik Lerchenfeld, Georg Olesen, and Sven Gaul.Having released 19 studio albums, four live albums and three compilations, they are one of the most commercially successful Danish bands of all time - according to the band's own sales figures, they have sold more than two ...

  6. TV-2 Concert & Tour History

    41 Concerts. tv·2 is a danish pop band from Aarhus that loves to travel around the country and perform under the slogan of being "The most boring band in Denmark". With their record debut from 1981, it is also one of Denmark's oldest and still-existing pop bands. In no small degree thanks to their lyrics, which are witty and have a thoroughly ...

  7. TV-2 Concert Setlists

    Get TV-2 setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other TV-2 fans for free on! Add Setlist. Search Clear search text ... Artist: TV-2, Tour: TV-2 & Danmarks Underholdningsorkester 2023, Venue: DR Koncerthuset, Copenhagen, Denmark. Bag duggede ruder; Evig og altid; Kom og se, far danser;

  8. tv-2

    Famous Danish Pop Rock band

  9. TV-2

    TV-2 is a Danish pop rock band group formed in 1981 in Aarhus. The group is composed of Steffen Brandt, Hans Erik Lerchenfeld, Georg Olesen, and Sven Gaul. Having released 19 studio albums, four live albums and three compilations, they are one of the most commercially successful Danish bands of all time - according to the band's own sales figures, they have sold more than two million records.

  10. tv-2

    tv-2. 57,540 likes · 1,131 talking about this. Tilmeld dig vores nyhedstjeneste på og få seneste nyt

  11. tv-2 Discography

    TV-2 is a major danish pop band, probably the most successful pop/rock band of the 80's and 90's. The four founding members were all members of the the 70's progrock band Taurus (22) that recorded a single album in 1978. Based in Aarhus, Denmark, in 1980/81 they re-incarnated as TV-2, short for Taurus Version 2.

  12. tv-2

    tv-2. 58.415 Synes godt om · 1223 taler om dette. Tilmeld dig vores nyhedstjeneste på og få seneste nyt

  13. TV-2 drager på turné i godt selskab

    Nu er bandet så klar med godt nyt igen. I 2023 besøger de nemlig hele 13 danske koncertsale med en spændende samarbejdspartner - nemlig Danmarks Underholdningsorkester. Det er ikke første gang, de to orkestre samarbejder. Tilbage i 1999 optrådte TV-2 med selvsamme ensemble: "I 1999 spillede vi i TV-2 en række koncerter med det ...

  14. TV-2

    Listen to TV-2 on Spotify. Artist · 266.4K monthly listeners.

  15. Television Tour Announcements 2024 & 2025, Notifications, Dates

    Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Television scheduled in 2024. Songkick is the first to know of new tour announcements and concert information, so if your favorite artists are not currently on tour, join Songkick to track Television and get concert alerts when they play near you, like 137724 other Television fans. 2024. 2023. 2022.

  16. TV-2 koncert

    TV-2 Tour Map 2024. Følg TV-2 rundt omkring i verden med denne interaktive Tour Map. Udforsk de steder, hvor du kan opleve TV-2 på turné . Gør dig klar til den næste koncert med TV-2, se den forventede sætliste før TV-2 går på scenen.

  17. TX2 Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Find TX2 tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos. Buy TX2 tickets from the official site. Find TX2 tour schedule, concert details, reviews and photos. ... Venue was amazing, openers and the band were great. Sounded great and very down to earth people. Best concert experience I've ever had. Rating: 5 out of 5

  18. Closure in Moscow

    SOFT HELL; News; About; Shows; Merch Shop; Tab book shop Media

  19. Heart Extends Massive 2024 Reunion Tour with Shows in Nashville ...

    Heart's 2024 tour kicks off on April 20 in Greenville, South Carolina, continues in the U.S. through May, before heading to Europe for a handful of dates in June and July.

  20. Son of late Sublime singer Bradley Nowell sang with his dad's band at

    CNN —. Jakob Nowell, who is the son of the band Sublime's late lead singer Bradley Nowell, is continuing his father's legacy. Jakob Nowell joined two of Sublime's original members - Bud ...

  21. TV-2 (band)

    TV-2 is a Danish pop rock band group formed in 1981 in Aarhus. The group is composed of Steffen Brandt, Hans Erik Lerchenfeld, Georg Olesen, and Sven Gaul. Having released 19 studio albums, four live albums and three compilations, they are one of the most commercially successful Danish bands of all time - according to the band's own sales figures, they have sold more than two million records.

  22. Closure In Moscow Tour Dates & Concert Tickets

    Orders taken before 5pm are generally shipped within the same business day. To buy last minute Closure In Moscow tickets, browse through the eTickets that can be downloaded instantly. Closure In Moscow tour dates and concert tickets. Closure In Moscow concert tour schedule, albums, and live concert information.

  23. The Battle Over Classic Rock Band the Guess Who Just Went Nuclear

    Michael Ochs Archives. For the past six months, Burton Cummings, founding singer and songwriter of classic rock group the Guess Who, has been in a bitter legal dispute to wrest control of his old ...

  24. Legendary rock band announces new tour dates after singer's injury

    The "Peace Out Tour" will resume September 20 in Pittsburgh. The 40-date arena tour runs through February 26 in Buffalo and includes a New Year's Eve show in the band's hometown of Boston.

  25. The Boyz World Tour 2024 Concert Dates & Locations Revealed

    Dates and locations of The Boyz' world tour 2024 include: July 12 - Seoul, South Korea. July 13 - Seoul, South Korea. July 14 - Seoul, South Korea. July 19 - New York, US. July 21 ...

  26. The Cult announce 40th anniversary UK tour for winter 2024

    16th April 2024. The Cult perform live. CREDIT: Press. The Cult have announced details of a UK tour, which will celebrate their 40th year as a band. Find upcoming dates and ticket details below ...

  27. Steven Tyler, Aerosmith announce rescheduled farewell concert tour: New

    USA TODAY was there for opening night of the Peace Out tour Sept. 3 in Philadelphia. As the tour is also a celebration of the band's 50 years in the music industry, the setlist reflected their ...

  28. Aerosmith announces rescheduled 'Peace Out' tour dates as Steven Tyler

    All previously purchased tickets will be honored for the rescheduled shows, according to the band's post on Wednesday, and tickets will go on sale on Friday at 10 a.m. in the purchaser's timezone.

  29. Moscow metro tour

    Moscow Metro. The Moscow Metro Tour is included in most guided tours' itineraries. Opened in 1935, under Stalin's regime, the metro was not only meant to solve transport problems, but also was hailed as "a people's palace". Every station you will see during your Moscow metro tour looks like a palace room. There are bright paintings ...