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St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow: Planning Your Visit

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TripSavvy / Christopher Larson

The church most commonly known as St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most symbolic pieces of architecture not just in Moscow , but in all of Russia. In fact, the salmon-colored church with its onion-shaped domes is likely the first image that comes to mind when most people think of visiting the country. It's located in Moscow's central Red Square , just a stone's throw away from the city's other most important landmarks. Today, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is open to the public as a museum for the chance to learn more about its fascinating history and one-of-a-kind architecture.

The church is officially known as the Church of the Intercession or Pokrovsky Cathedral and it has 10 domes, with each dome sitting on top of an individual chapel inside. One of those chapels is home to the remains of Vasily— or Basil in the anglicized alphabet—who's a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and today the entire cathedral is commonly referred to by his name.

The church was first commissioned by Ivan the Terrible—a contemporary of Saint Basil—to commemorate his conquests in the Kazan region and was built between 1555 and 1561. Urban legend says that after the church was completed, Ivan blinded the architects who created it so they would never again be able to create something as beautiful, although that's likely more story than fact.

The building has survived all types of turmoil, from raging fires to nearly being blown up by Napoleon when he invaded the Russian Empire. But perhaps the narrowest escape came after the Russian Revolution as Joseph Stalin secularized the country and considered demolishing the entire church. In the end, he took control of the building from the Orthodox community, banned Christians from praying there, and converted it to a state-run museum. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the government has maintained control of the church but once again allowed worshippers to use it.


The church's enduring fame derives from its distinctive—even eccentric—design. The onion domes and vibrant clash of colors have become symbolic of Imperial Russian architecture, although the church has evolved and changed over time. The domes were added a few years after the original structure was completed and damaged by a fire, and the vivid colors were painted on throughout the 17th to 19th centuries. And while much of the church's history is shrouded in mystery, it seems that it was a pioneering piece of architecture in its day and possibly the first church in Russia to feature the onion dome, which is now ubiquitous in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Visiting the Cathedral

Every traveler to Moscow passes through the Red Square to gawk at St. Basil's striking design, but the church is just as impressive from the inside as it is outside. Since the cathedral still operates as a state museum, it's open daily to visitors who want the full experience (although it sometimes closes down for restoration).

The insides of the chapels are surprisingly small and richly decorated, with windows offering unique views of the cathedral as well as the Red Square. The stone floors exhibit the wear marks of nearly 500 years' worth of steps taken by the religiously devoted. The interconnected chapels with their doors, nooks, artwork, and niches make the interior of St. Basil's seems like something out of a storybook, so even young kids get a kick out of this historical church .

Ticket prices for getting in range from 700–1,000 Russian rubles depending on the season, or roughly $10 to $14. For a small supplement, you can also pick up an audio guide—available in English, French, Chinese, and Spanish—to truly learn about the church's history and architecture while you're looking at it.

Getting There

If you're traveling to Moscow, it's almost impossible not to see St. Basil's Cathedral. It's right in the heart of the city in the Red Square, conveniently located just steps away from the Kremlin , the State Historical Museum, Lenin's Mausoleum, and the GUM shopping center. As the city's main center, it's easily connected to the Moscow Metro with the closest stations being Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya, Ploschad Revolyutsii, and Kitay-Gorod.

You probably don't want to be out and about in the winter , but when the weather is nice Moscow is a very walkable city. It's also hard to get lost since the streets of Moscow are designed like a giant spiderweb with the Red Square at the dead center.

As you're walking up to the church, it's easy to get distracted by the design and miss the bronze statue right in front of it. The Monument to Minin and Pozharsky commemorates the two men who helped unite a broken Russia in the early 1600s and expel Polish invaders, ending a turbulent period known as the Time of Troubles and giving rise to the Romanov Dynasty.

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Saint Basil's Cathedral

  • #Red Square

Saint Basil's Cathedral has other names: The Cathedral of Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat or the Pokrovsky Cathedral. It's a Russian Orthodox Church located on Red Square. The Pokrovsky Cathedral was built in 1555-1561 by the order of tsar Ivan IV Grozny (the Terrible).

Saint Basil's Cathedral is a true symbol of not only Moscow but of the whole of Russia too. It's a magnificent building that consists of nine churches on a single base connected inside with a gallery. Each church has a different dome with beautiful ornaments. Until 1600 the Church was the highest building in the city – 65 meters - until Ivan the Great Bell Tower was built.

When you enter inside the Pokrovsky Cathedral it's not that easy to understand its interior principles until you walk around few times.

There are worships carried out sometimes since 1990, on other days the Cathedral is functioning as a part of the Historical Museum.

The Pokrovsky Cathedral has a twin in Saint-Petersburg – the Church of the Savior on Blood.

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St Basil’s Cathedral

Moscow, Moscow, Russia

St Basil’s Cathedral is a magnificent 16th century ecclesiastical creation of Ivan the Terrible, built in celebration of a military victory.

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Sarah Roller

24 nov 2020, @sarahroller8.

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About St Basil’s Cathedral

St Basil’s Cathedral is a strikingly ornate red brick building bordering Moscow’s Red Square and crowned with several vividly coloured domes, which bear a striking resemblance in shape to flames licking at the sky.

History of St Basil’s Cathedral

St Basil’s Cathedral was originally constructed in 1555, under the orders of Tsar Ivan IV (also known as Ivan the Terrible). Ivan’s intention in building St Basil’s Cathedral was to celebrate his victory in the Russo-Kazan Wars, specifically the siege of Kazan and the cathedral’s name was derived from that of a Russian Orthodox saint called Vasily (Basil) the Blessed.

There has been much dispute over who actually designed St Basil’s Cathedral, but one particularly gruesome legend says that, after they did so, Ivan arranged for the architect’s eyes to be removed so that they could not create anything to rival its beauty. This is almost certainly untrue, given records show that they were employed 25 years later to add an extra chapel. In fact, St Basil’s Cathedral was quite an innovation in Russian architecture. Nothing like it had existed before.

The interior of St Basil’s Cathedral is arguably disappointing when compared with the building’s exterior. This is due in large part to the scale and design, which lacks a focal point. The chaos of the domes hides the fact that the interior is essentially comprised of 9 chapels. Look out for the chapel dedicated to St Vasily the Blessed, a holy fool who commanded the fear and respect of Tsar Ivan himself: the chapel was commissioned after his death.

The interior does contain some interesting medieval paintings – particularly those of icons – and today forms part of the State History Museum. Look out for the tomb of St Basil himself.

St Basil’s Cathedral today

St Basil’s remains an iconic building for a reason: its colourful riot of onion domes still excites even the most jaded traveller when they view it for the first time. The cathedral is open year round, although with seasonal hours, and the maze of chapels inside can be confusing, especially when it’s busy. Whilst the interior is interesting, it’s the exterior which is the most impressive aspect of the cathedral. It can be bitterly cold inside in the winter!

Getting to St Basil’s Cathedral

It’s pretty hard to miss St Basil’s: it remains the focal point of Moscow’s famous Red Square. It is most easily accessed via the trio of metro stations – Okhotnyy ryad (line 1), Teatralnaya (line 2), Ploschad’ Revolyutsii (line 3). All three are a five minute walk away from Red Square. Approach via the Marshal Zhukov monument for the most memorable impression. Multiple roads in the city lead here, and any and every taxi driver will know where you’re heading!

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Barcelona’s Sagrada Familia church will be completed in 2026 – more than 140 years after construction started

T he Sagrada Familia in Barcelona is set to be finished in 2026, around 144 years after construction first started on the Catholic church in 1882.

On 20 March, the Sagrada Familia  annual report  announced that the completion of the final six of 18 towers will mark the end of building work on the Unesco World Heritage site.

The Junta Constructora de la Sagrada Familia said: “The beginning of the final stage of construction kicked off with the completion of the towers of the Evangelists (November 2023) and work is currently underway on the Chapel of the Assumption and the tower of Jesus Christ.

“The Chapel of the Assumption is expected to be finished in 2025 and the tower of Jesus Christ in 2026.”

Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí ’s famously unfinished basilica is estimated to have been only 15 per cent built when he died in 1926. The new date coincides with the centenary of his death.

Originally, work on the structure was funded exclusively by donations from repentant sinners. Now, with 4,707,367 million visitors in 2023 paying €25–40 (£20–£32) to visit the basilica and take part in mass, construction costs are largely covered by tourism.

The Sagrada Familia reported an income of €126.9 million (£108.8m) in 2023, of which “52 per cent of funds went to construction and 26 per cent to Temple management”.

Although the new completion date is just two years away, construction on the heavily disputed stairway to the main entrance is predicted to continue until 2034.

Current architectural plans are reconstructions of Gaudi’s originals after arsonists started a fire in his workshop, destroying plaster models and drawings for the Sagrada, in 1936 during the Spanish Civil War .

The 172.5m high tower of Jesus Christ will make the Sagrada Familia the Spanish city’s tallest building.

In October last year, the final  four evangelist sculptures  were set in place amid the scaffolding, with Matthew depicted as an angel, John an eagle and Mark and Luke, in the forms of a lion and an ox.

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    The church most commonly known as St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most symbolic pieces of architecture not just in Moscow, but in all of Russia. In fact, the salmon-colored church with its onion-shaped domes is likely the first image that comes to mind when most people think of visiting the country. It's located in Moscow's central Red ...

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    Basilica Travel, agenţia de pelerinaje a Patriarhiei Române, invită pelerinii în circuitele externe organizate în Grecia şi Bulgaria. ... Sediul localizat pe Strada Doamnei nr. 20, zona Universitate şi sediul Colina Bucuriei, bd. Regina Maria nr. 1, bl. P5B. Foto credit: Basilica.ro / Raluca Ene. Abonează-te la ...

  16. Saint Basil's Cathedral

    The Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed (Russian: Собо́р Васи́лия Блаже́нного, tr. Sobór Vasíliya Blazhénnogo), commonly known as Saint Basil's Cathedral, is an Orthodox church in Red Square of Moscow, and is one of the most popular cultural symbols of Russia.The building, now a museum, is officially known as the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos ...

  17. BASILICA TRAVEL SRL din Sectorul 3 Str. Doamnei 20, CUI 23045133

    GIURGIU, Loc. NOVACI. Informaţii Basilica Travel Srl CIF 23045133 J40/300/2008 Str. Doamnei 20 Sectorul 3. Află date de contact, informaţii financiare, datorii la bugete, dosare in justiţie, activitate.

  18. Saint Basil's Cathedral

    It's a Russian Orthodox Church located on Red Square. The Pokrovsky Cathedral was built in 1555-1561 by the order of tsar Ivan IV Grozny (the Terrible). Saint Basil's Cathedral is a true symbol of not only Moscow but of the whole of Russia too. It's a magnificent building that consists of nine churches on a single base connected inside with a ...

  19. BASILICA TRAVEL SRL din Str. Doamnei, Nr. 20, Parter Si Subsol, CUI

    Informatii BASILICA TRAVEL SRL CUI 23045133 J40/300/2008 Str. Doamnei, Nr. 20, Parter Si Subsol. Date de contact, informatii financiare, persoane de decizie. ... The status of the company BASILICA TRAVEL SRL, with fiscal code 23045133, according to the Romanian Trade Register on Jan 1st 2021, is:

  20. Pelerinajele lunii iulie la Basilica Travel

    Agenţia Basilica Travel asigură pelerinii că toate măsurile de siguranţă şi protecţie sunt respectate, iar sănătatea este pe primul loc. Pelerinii se pot înscrie telefonic la numerele disponibile pe site-ul agentiei Basilica Travel sau la sediile din Bucuresti: strada Doamnei nr. 20 (zona Universitate) sau Colina Bucuriei ...

  21. St Basil's Cathedral

    St Basil's Cathedral was originally constructed in 1555, under the orders of Tsar Ivan IV (also known as Ivan the Terrible). Ivan's intention in building St Basil's Cathedral was to celebrate his victory in the Russo-Kazan Wars, specifically the siege of Kazan and the cathedral's name was derived from that of a Russian Orthodox saint ...

  22. Basilica Travel

    Angajari Basilica Travel in diverse departamente. Actualizeaza-ti CV-ul si aplica acum! Locuri de munca la Basilica Travel disponibile chiar acum pe eJobs. Angajari Basilica Travel in diverse departamente. ... București, Str. DOAMNEI 20 Locuri de munca Basilica Travel Descrierea companiei www.basilicatravel.ro. Candidat Creare CV ...

  23. Basilica Travel anunță pelerinajele interne pentru 2021

    Consultă oferta Basilica Travel - pelerinaje interne 2021. Informații complete și înscrieri la numerele de telefon 021.316.35.03, 0371.332.010, 0741.260.424, [email protected] sau pe Facebook și Instagram. Foto: Mănăstirea Mraconia, Clisura Dunării. ©Basilica Travel. Etichete.

  24. Barcelona's Sagrada Familia church will be completed in 2026

    Now, with 4,707,367 million visitors in 2023 paying €25-40 (£20-£32) to visit the basilica and take part in mass, construction costs are largely covered by tourism.