Tours, Indre-et-Loire


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Wed, Apr 10

Increasing cloudiness Hi: 61°

Tonight: Low clouds Lo: 50°

Current Weather

Looking ahead.

Becoming warmer, then noticeably cooler weather again Sunday and Monday

Tours Weather Radar & Maps

tours france temperature

Hourly Weather

10-day weather forecast.

Increasing cloudiness

Night: Low clouds

Partly cloudy

Some brightening and warm

Very warm with clouds and sun

Turning cloudy

Low clouds and not as warm

Partly to mostly cloudy

Cooler; a little p.m. rain

Clear to partly cloudy

Rather cloudy

Patchy clouds

Occasional rain late

Clouds and a few showers

A couple of evening showers

A little afternoon rain

Sun & Moon

Air quality.

The air quality is generally acceptable for most individuals. However, sensitive groups may experience minor to moderate symptoms from long-term exposure.

Allergy Outlook

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Weather Near Tours:

  • Angers , Maine-et-Loire
  • Blois , Loir-et-Cher
  • Le Mans , Sarthe

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Flag for France

Tours 14 Day Extended Forecast

Tours extended forecast with high and low temperatures.

See weather overview

2 Week Extended Forecast in Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France

Hour-by-hour weather for Tours next 7 days

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Météo-France à vos côtés, dans un climat qui change

${formatDate(notification.start_date)} ${formatDate(notification.date_created)} ${notification.message}

Vigilance météo

Pas de vigilance particulière

Soyez attentif

Soyez très vigilant

Une vigilance absolue s'impose

${favori.getPoi().name.slice(0, maxlength)} = maxlength">... (${favori.getPoi().country.substring(0, 2)}) (${favori.getPoi().dpt})

  • Placer à la 1 ere place
  • Effacer le favori
  • ${, 50)}
  • Aucun résultat



${} (${department.cp})

  • Centre-Val de Loire
  • Indre-et-Loire 

En vigilance pluie-inondation, quels sont les dangers ?

METEO Tours (37000)

Télécharger bulletin avalanche, tendance pour les jours suivants, pluie dans l'heure.

Actualisées à ${updated_time}



Une erreur est survenue...

= pluie_1">${rain_hour_level.description} 0">dans ${rain_hour_level.minutes} minutes

Comparaison aux normales

minimale du jour


0, 'down' : min - normales.T_min ${diff(Math.round(min), Math.round(normales.T_min))}°

maximale du jour


0, 'down' : max - normales.T_max ${Math.abs(Math.round(max) - Math.round(normales.T_max))}°

Écarts avec les moyennes de températures minimales et maximales du mois de ${month} sur ${poi_name}

Vigilance rouge

Animations RADAR

Tout savoir : les orages

tours france temperature

Tours: prévisions sur les 3 prochains jours

10/04/2024 11:00


METEO Tours prévisions sur les 3 prochains jours

2024-04-10 11:00:00

Ephéméride du ${getDate()} à ${poi_name}

Lever ${sun_rise}

Coucher ${sun_set}


Lever ${moon_rise}

Coucher ${moon_set}


Météo : vers le retour d'un temps calme et doux

Météo : vers le retour d'un temps calme et doux

Après un début de semaine perturbé, les hautes pressions regonflent sur le pays. La journée de demain restera encore agitée entre Corse et continent, alors que de l’autre côté du pays, une perturbation atténuée circulera entre mercredi et jeudi en Bretagne et le long de la Manche, n’apportant que de très faibles quantités de pluie.

Retour sur la chaleur du week-end

Retour sur la chaleur du week-end

Ce week-end, une masse d’air exceptionnellement chaud pour cette période de l’année est remontée jusqu’au nord de la France, propulsée par la dépression Kathleen. Des records mensuels de chaleur et, en plus grand nombre, des records mensuels de douceur nocturne, ont ainsi été battus à plusieurs stations. On enregistre même deux records nationaux pour un mois d’avril : le record de chaleur avec 33,9 °C à Navarrenx, dans les Pyrénées-Atlantiques et le record de douceur nocturne avec 22,5 °C à Biarritz, inscrits en début de mois.

Rendez-vous au Forum international de la Météo et du Climat

Rendez-vous au Forum international de la Météo et du Climat

Le Forum international de la Météo et du Climat se tiendra les 31 mai et 1er juin 2024, à l’Académie du Climat (Paris). Météo-France, partenaire de l’événement, propose une exposition sur l’eau et le changement climatique et interviendra au colloque professionnel dédié aux impacts socio-économiques de la sécheresse.

En Vigilance Orages, la foudre peut être fatale


Saint-cyr-sur-loire, saint-pierre-des-corps, saint-avertin, joué-lès-tours, rochecorbon.

Cet après-midi :

Amélioration globale malgré quelques pluies.

Sur la Bretagne et la Normandie le ciel est couvert avec de faibles pluies ou bruines par endroits. Des nuages débordent sur les Pays de la Loire et les Hauts-de-France mais sans pluie. Sur le Sud-Ou...

Le printemps

Les saisons

Le printemps

En météorologie, le printemps couvre les mois de mars, avril et mai, c'est-à-dire la période pendant laquelle la durée du jour rallonge et l'ensoleillement progresse dans l'hémisphère Nord.

Pourquoi le temps change-t-il si vite au printemps ?

Le printemps est connu pour être une saison de contrastes. Soumise à des masses d’air d’origine polaire encore froid, ou à des masses d’air chaud d’origine subtropicale, la France peut connaître de brusques changements de températures. Le printemps 2022 nous a encore donné un bel exemple de changement radical de temps, avec une remarquable douceur fin mars et un début avril particulièrement froid avec de la neige jusqu’en plaine.

Formation " La météo pour tous " du 27 au 31 mai à Toulouse

Formation " La météo pour tous " du 27 au 31 mai à Toulouse

Météo-France propose du 27 au 31 mai 2024, à Toulouse, une formation intitulée "La météo pour tous" destinée à un public dont les activités professionnelles ou personnelles sont en rapport avec la météorologie et les produits de Météo-France et qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur le sujet.

Ciel orange et sable : d'où vient ce phénomène ?

Sous certaines conditions, le continent européen, particulièrement le sud de la France, connaît des transports de poussières sahariennes qui donnent au ciel une couleur orangée et un peu sable au sol. Dépôt de poussières, qualité de l’air, couleur du ciel, changement climatique… Quelques éléments d’explication.

Climat : des cumuls de précipitations excédentaires, mais pas partout

Climat : des cumuls de précipitations excédentaires, mais pas partout

L’hiver 2023-2024 est le 3e plus chaud jamais mesuré en France

L’hiver 2023-2024 est le 3e plus chaud jamais mesuré en France

Formation " La météo pour tous " du 27 au 31 mai à Toulouse

Quelles nouvelles d’El Niño en 2024 ?

Climat : 2023, la deuxième année la plus chaude

Climat : 2023, la deuxième année la plus chaude

Drias-eau : quel futur pour l'eau en 2050 .

6e rapport du GIEC : que faut-il retenir ?

6e rapport du GIEC : que faut-il retenir ?

6e rapport du GIEC : les contributions de Météo-France

6e rapport du GIEC : les contributions de Météo-France

  • Recommandées


Changement climatique

Des vagues de froid peuvent-elles encore survenir avec le changement climatique ?

On a constaté que la température moyenne à la surface de la Terre augmente depuis le 19e siècle. En France, la température a augmenté de 1,7 °C depuis 1900. Cela n’empêche pas certains phénomènes atmosphériques extrêmes de survenir.

Climat France

Météo-France éclaire le climat en France jusqu’en 2100

Météo-France a produit de nouvelles projections climatiques de référence en France. Ce nouveau jeu de projections à l’échelle des régions métropolitaines est disponible sur le site DRIAS. Il permet à nos sociétés de mieux anticiper et de s’adapter.

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Tours (France) weather

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Forecast days

Seven day forecast for tours.

Our weather symbols tell you the weather conditions for any given hour in the day or night. This means that the symbol for 9am shows you what you will see from 9am to 10am.

Chance of precipitation represents how likely it is that rain (or other types of precipitation, such as sleet, snow, hail or drizzle) will fall from the sky at a certain time.

This number shows the air temperature for the time period. You can see the temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit by using the dropdown menu.

Feels like temperature considers other factors, such as wind speed and humidity. This gives you a better idea of how the temperature will actually feel at the time.

Wind gust shows the highest wind speed that you should encounter at that time, as winds peak and lull.

Strong winds are shown in bold for speeds of 29 mph or more.

The arrow shows the direction the wind is blowing. The letters show the direction the wind is blowing from (on a standard 16-point compass).

The number represents the average wind speed expected at that time.

The arrow shows the direction of the wind (up is north). If the arrow points from land to sea, the wind will be blowing out to sea (‘offshore’). The number is the average wind speed.

Beware of offshore winds if you are using inflatables, paddle boards or kayaks. These winds can blow you out to sea. Read more about how wind will affect you at the beach.

Visibility measures the distance at which an object can be clearly seen.

Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. If there is a lot of water vapour, the humidity will be high. The higher the percentage of humidity, the wetter it will feel outside.

UV exposure index and the protection required to help keep you safe:

- No risk of UV - It’s safe to stay outside. 1-2 Low - You can safely stay outside. Consider sunscreen in direct sunlight. 3-5 Moderate - Take care during midday hours and do not spend too much time in the sun unprotected. Sunscreen advised. 6-7 High - Seek shade during midday hours, cover up and wear sunscreen. 8-10 Very high - Spend time in the shade between 11am and 3pm. Shirt, sunscreen and hat are essential. 11 Extreme - Avoid being outside during midday hours. Shirt, sunscreen and hat essential.

This is the average height of the waves, 1-2 miles out to sea. The height of the waves can vary. The individual waves out to sea or at the beach can be higher than this number. If you are close to the water, keep an eye on the waves to stop you or your belongings being swept away.

Read more about calculating the expected height of the waves at the beach.

This is the average number of seconds between one wave and the next, 1-2 miles out to sea. A long wave period (more than 10 seconds) means the waves at the beach may be more powerful. Lifeguards can give you advice on waves if you’re planning to go into the water.

Read more about the period of waves.

The arrow shows the average direction of the waves 1-2 miles out to sea. It indicates how sheltered the beach will be from these waves. If the arrow points towards land, most of the waves’ power will reach the beach. If the arrow is parallel to or pointing away from land, the wave height is likely to be lower on the beach than it is offshore.

Lifeguards can give you advice on waves if you’re planning to go into the water.

Forecast row information

Uk video forecast, nearest forecasts.

  • Chasseneuil Du Poitou 54.0 miles
  • Poitiers 59.0 miles
  • Angers-Marct 59.7 miles
  • Chateauroux-Deols 61.4 miles
  • Orleans-Bricy 63.7 miles
  • Orleans 66.8 miles
  • Nantes 105 miles
  • Nantes Aeroport Atlantique 109 miles
  • Limoges-Bellegarde 109 miles
  • La-roche-sur-Yon 109 miles

More from the Met Office

Causes of climate change, april showers, why is the sky blue, kelvin-helmholtz cloud, lenticular clouds, hot weather and its impacts, help us improve our website.

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Precipitation, weather tours.

MultiModel Meteogram Improvements

MultiModel Meteogram Improvements

Our most attentive users have certainly already noticed that we re-designed our MultiModel meteogram.

Weather report for Tours

Until noon a few clouds are expected, and some more clouds roll across for this afternoon. The sun will not be visible. Temperatures as high as 15 °C are foreseen. The whole day blows a light breeze (7 to 12 km/h). Winds blowing from West. The weather forecast for Tours for Wednesday is expected to be very accurate.

Pressure: 1030 hPa

Timezone: CEST (UTC +02:00h)

Meteogram - 5 days - Tours

  • Temperature chart with weather pictograms. The yellow background indicates daylight.
  • Clouds in different altitudes: from few clouds (light grey) to overcast (dark grey). Dark blue bars show hourly precipitation and light blue showers. An asterisk indicates snow fall.
  • Forecasts for wind speeds are blue and for gusts are green. The arrowheads point in the same direction as the wind.

You can embed this meteogram into your own website with the following HTML code. In doing so, you agree to our non-commercial use conditions .

Meteogram - 5 days - Tours

Current satellite and rain images for Tours, France

The real-time satellite image combines visible light during daytime with infrared radiation during nighttime. At night, the image is not dark as infrared radiation can detect temperature differences. Unfortunately, low clouds and fog are difficult to distinguish from ground temperatures and thus can be almost invisible during the night. Meteosat satellite images for Europe are updated in real-time every 5 minutes. GOES-16/GOES-17 (North & South America) and Himawari (Asia) images update every 10 minutes.

© 2024 meteoblue, NOAA Satellites GOES-16 and EUMETSAT . Lightning data provided by nowcast .

Radar and precipitation nowcast for Tours

The location marker is placed on Tours. This animation shows the precipitation radar for the selected time range, as well as a 2h forecast . Orange crosses indicate lightning. Data provided by (available in USA, Europe, Australia). Drizzle or light snow fall might be invisible for the radar. Precipitation intensity is colour coded, ranging from turquoise to red.

Weather for popular places around Tours

  • Tours 16 °C / 4 °C
  • Blois 16 °C / 3 °C
  • Châtellerault 15 °C / 4 °C
  • Saumur 16 °C / 5 °C
  • Vendôme 16 °C / 2 °C
  • Chinon 16 °C / 6 °C
  • Loches 17 °C / 2 °C
  • Le Blanc 15 °C / 5 °C
  • Joué-lès-Tours 16 °C / 3 °C
  • Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire 17 °C / 4 °C
  • Saint-Avertin 15 °C / 5 °C
  • Saint-Pierre-des-Corps 15 °C / 5 °C

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Tours, France Weather

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Tours Weather

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Time in Tours is Wed 10 th Apr 4:30 pm

Tours Current Weather


Feels 15 °c

Sunrise: 07:18 AM

Moonrise: 07:55 AM

Sunset: 08:40 PM

Moonset: 11:26 PM

Tours, France Weather This Week

Tours, France weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 24°c / 75°f on Sat 13. Min temperature will be 4°c / 40°f on Wed 10. Most precipitation falling will be 10.22 mm / 0.40 inch on Wed 24. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 23 kmph / 15 mph on Mon 22. Visit 3 Hourly , Hourly and Historical section to get in-depth weather forecast information for Tours, France.

Tours, France Weather Today and Tomorrow

Tours, france weather calendar, tours weather meteogram, click on map below to get weather for any location, tours weather video.

tours france temperature

Best months to visit Tours?

August and June are the best month to go for holiday or travel to Tours. The weather averages gathered from Tours weather forecast and Tours weather history also forecast these months temperature to be around 26°c and average of 206.5333 hours of sunshine in a month.

Coldest months of Tours?

January and February are the coldest months with temperature at around 2°c.

Which months receive most rainfall in Tours?

December and October receive most rainfall with precipitation count of 81.92mm.

Travelling to Tours? Check out our Weather averages of Tours to better plan your holiday or travel.

If you would just like to know what the weather was for a past dates for research or education or you are just curious then visit our historical weather of Tours section.

More Popular Destinations

More weather options for tours.

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Tours Holiday Weather Overview

Tours, France is known for its wines. The city, one of the largest in central France, is famous for a variety of events. The Battle of Tours put the city on the map in French history; however, the Paris-Tours cycling race has launched the area into modern-day notoriety. 

At one time the stomping grounds of young Joan-of-Arc, Tours 'old city' is full of colorful old houses fashioned in the traditional Tours' architectural style. Since Tours hosts the annual cycling race each year, taking advantage of the excellent biking infrastructure is great way to tour the city. As the city is relatively small, walking tours are also popular.

Tours has an up and coming nightlife as well. Clubs are popping up around the small city, and are packed with eager youth in the evenings. There are still several pubs around the old town, but the clubs on the outskirts of town are growing as the major hotspots. ZooStation is arguably the largest of these, just north of Tours city.

When is the best month to visit Tours?

Summer, (June to August) boasts the best weather for touring and sight seeing. During the winter, (December to February), Tours weather can be harsh, making excursions and day trips more difficult. Summertime allows visitors to enjoy the town, which is best seen on foot or bicycle.

Climate in Tours

Relatively cool year round, Tours sits at an elevation of 108m above sea level. Winter (December to February) sees the coldest time in the city, with highs averaging only 5 °C to 6 °C. The hottest time of the year (July to August) still stays relatively cool with temperatures around 19 °C. Weather in Tours rarely reaches temperatures greater than 20 °C, and due to the elevation stays cold most of the year.

Tours, a city in central France, enjoys a temperate maritime climate that features warm to hot summer and cool winter.

Summer in Tours

During summer months, from June till early September, life in Tours becomes enjoyable with pleasant heat and a great level of sunshine. The average high climbs to mid teens while the low fluctuates between 17-20°C. Although the season gets heavy yet sudden rainfall, it is one of the most preferable seasons to visit Tours.

Autumn in Tours

Autumn, October and November, experiences colder temperature with the average high of 14°C in October and 8°C in November. On the other hand, the regular low falls below 8°C in October and 3°C in November. Throughout the season, it receives only four hours of sunshine per day.

Winter in Tours

The average high in winter, from December till February, drops to 6°C. On the other hand, the average low gets down to 1°C for the whole season. Tourists try to avoid the season although relatively the season remains warmer than many other cities. The period receives a little rainfall that can spoil your plan and make the situation worsened.

Spring in Tours

Spring, from March till May, appears with warmer weather in Tours. The average high temperature climbs around 13°C in March, 15°C in April and around 20 °C in May although nighttime remains cold enough. The sun returns in the skies of Tours. In fact, it the best season to visit Tours.

What to pack and wear in Tours?

As weather in Tours remains cold throughout the year, warm clothing is a must for Tours. Evenings can see temperatures drop significantly, and warm jackets are essential. Tours weather makes gloves, hats, and boots advisable, especially during winter (December to February). Umbrellas and rain gear are also wise as Tours receives scattered showers nearly year round.

POIs near Tours

Nearest holiday weather destinations



  • Saint-Cyr-Sur-Loire
  • Saint-Pierre-Des-Corps
  • Joue-Les-Tours
  • Saint-Avertin
  • Saint-Genouph
  • Rochecorbon
  • La Ville-Aux-Dames

Golf Courses

Football Stadiums

Global City Weather

tours france temperature

Climate - Tours (France)

Flag - France

Tours - Weather by month

Cold thermometer icon

Weather forecast for 10 days Tours , France


  • Weather forecast for Saturday
  • Weather forecast for Sunday

Frequently asked questions

Long-term weather forecast, weather forecast for your location, weather forecast for the weekend, weather forecast - saturday, 13. apr.

Partly Cloudy

  • Wind: 14km/h S
  • Humidity: 67%
  • Precip. probability: 8%
  • Precipitation: 0mm
  • UV index: 5

Weather forecast - Sunday, 14. Apr


  • Wind: 11km/h N
  • Humidity: 64%
  • Precip. probability: 13%
  • UV index: 3

What is the weather forecast for Tours for Saturday?

What will be the highest temperature in tours on saturday, what is the weather forecast for tours for sunday, what will be the highest temperature on sunday in tours, what is the weather forecast for tours for the next ten days, how warm will it be in the next ten days in tours, what will be the warmest and the coldest days in tours, 10 days weather forecast - tours, france.

Mostly Cloudy

  • Wind: 9km/h WSW
  • Humidity: 72%
  • UV index: 0
  • 07:17 20:39 CEST

Mostly Cloudy

  • Humidity: 77%
  • UV index: 4
  • Precip. probability: 14%
  • 07:15 20:41 CEST

AM Fog / PM Sun

  • Wind: 7km/h SE
  • Precip. probability: 9%
  • 07:13 20:42 CEST
  • 07:11 20:44 CEST
  • 07:09 20:45 CEST
  • Wind: 24km/h WNW
  • Humidity: 61%
  • 07:07 20:46 CEST
  • Wind: 20km/h WNW
  • Humidity: 63%
  • Precip. probability: 16%
  • 07:05 20:48 CEST
  • Wind: 16km/h NW
  • Humidity: 69%
  • 07:03 20:49 CEST
  • Wind: 15km/h NNE
  • Precip. probability: 7%
  • 07:01 20:51 CEST
  • Wind: 19km/h ENE
  • Humidity: 62%
  • Precip. probability: 6%
  • 07:00 20:52 CEST

Tours, France

Champion Traveler

The Best Time to Visit Tours, France for Weather, Safety, & Tourism

The best times to visit Tours for ideal weather are

May 7th to October 14th

based on average temperature and humidity from NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Read below for more weather and travel details.

Tours Travel Guide


  • Perceived Temperature
  • Rain and snow
  • Humidity and wind
  • The busiest and least popular months
  • Overall travel experience by time of year

Other Tours Travel Info

Weather in tours.

Average temperatures in Tours vary greatly. Considering humidity, temperatures feel cold for about half of the year and otherwise nice with a fair chance of precipitation about half of the year. The area is less temperate than some — in the 37th percentile for pleasant weather — compared to tourist destinations worldwide. Weeks with ideal weather are listed above . If you’re looking for the very warmest time to visit Tours, the hottest months are July, August, and then June. See average monthly temperatures below. The warmest time of year is generally mid July where highs are regularly around 80.4°F (26.9°C) with temperatures rarely dropping below 57.6°F (14.2°C) at night.

Tours Temperatures (Fahrenheit)

Tours temperatures (celsius), “feels-like” temperatures.

The way we experience weather isn’t all about temperature. Higher temperatures affect us much more at higher humidity, and colder temperatures feel piercing with high winds. Our perceived temperatures factor in humidity and wind chill to better represent how hot or cold the day feels to a person.

Tours Perceived Temperature (F)

Tours perceived temperature (c), average tours temperatures by month.

Daily highs (averaged for the month) usually give the best indication of the weather. A significantly lower mean and low generally just means it gets colder at night.

Show Fahrenheit

Show celsius, precipitation (rain or snow).

If dry weather is what you’re after, the months with the lowest chance of significant precipitation in Tours are August, September, and then March. Note that we define “significant precipitation” as .1 inches or more in this section. The lowest chance of rain or snow occurs around early to mid March. For example, on the week of March 12th there is 1 day of precipitation on average. By contrast, it’s most likely to rain or snow in late February and early March with an average of 2 days of significant precipitation the week of February 26th.

Chance of Precipitation

The graph below shows the % chance of rainy and snowy days in Tours.

Snow on the Ground

The graph below shows the average snow on the ground in Tours (in).

Average Rain and Snow by Month

Show inches, show centimeters, humidity and wind.

Tours has some extremely humid months, with other comfortably humid months. The least humid month is July (57.2% relative humidity), and the most humid month is January (83.3%).

Wind in Tours is usually calm . The windiest month is February, followed by March and January. February’s average wind speed of around 7.4 knots (8.5 MPH or 13.7 KPH) is considered “a gentle breeze.” Maximum sustained winds (the highest speed for the day lasting more than a few moments) are at their highest in late February and early March where average top sustained speeds reach 14 knots, which is considered a moderate breeze.

Relative Humidity (%)

The graph below shows the average % humidity by month in Tours.

The graph below shows wind speed (max and average) in knots.

Average Wind Speeds

Show wind speeds.

All wind speeds are in knots. 1 knot = 1.15 MPH or 1.85 KPH.

Show Relative Humidity by Month

Is it safe to travel to tours.

Our best data indicates this area is somewhat safe. As of Dec 04, 2023 there are travel warnings for France; exercise a high degree of caution. Check this page for any recent changes or regions to avoid: Travel Advice and Advisories . This advisory was last updated on Nov 20, 2023.

The Busiest and Least Crowded Months

The busiest month for tourism in Tours, France is June, followed by May and July. Prices for hotels and flights will be most expensive during these months, though you can save if you purchase well in advance. Tourists are unlikely to visit Tours in December. Those willing to visit at these times will likely find it the least expensive month.

Estimated Tourism by Month

Most popular months to visit, overall tours travel experience by season, spring (march through may).

Humidity and temperatures combine to make this season feel moderately cold. Highs range from 70.9°F (21.6°C) and 52.2°F (11.2°C) with warmer temperatures in the later months. Rain is somewhat common with 5 to 6 days of significant precipitation per month. Spring is the second busiest for tourism, which makes it a good time for those looking for things to do.

Summer (June through August)

The middle-year months have very comfortable weather with high temperatures that are comfortable. These months see the least precipitation with 5 to 6 days of precipitation per month. June – August is the busiest season for tourism in Tours, so lodging and other accommodations may cost more than usual.

Fall (September through November)

Fall daily highs range from 74.6°F (23.7°C) and 47.8°F (8.8°C), which will feel chilly given the humidity and wind. It rains or snows a significant amount: 5 to 7 days per month. Tourism is fairly slow during these months due to the weather, so hotels may be lower priced.

Winter (December through February)

Weather is too cold this time of year in Tours to be enjoyable for warm weather travelers. The average high during this season is between 52.2°F (11.2°C) and 43.8°F (6.6°C). On average, it rains or snows a fair amount: 6 to 8 times per month. These times of year are the slowest with tourists.

Best Times to Travel › France › Tours, France

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Calendar, April

Tours, France Weather Averages

Weather averages tours.

tours france temperature

July is the hottest month in Tours with an average temperature of 20°C (67°F) and the coldest is January at 4°C (39°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 8 in August. The wettest month is January with an average of 90mm of rain ..

Average Temperature Tours

tours france temperature

Average High Low Temperature Tours

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Tours : next 24-hour weather, today - 10th april 2024.

Sunrise 07:18


Sunset 20:40


Tomorrow - 11th April 2024

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Tours, France weather in March

Historical temperature average in march.

tours france temperature

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General weather summary

tours france temperature

Table of contents

  • What is the average temperature
  • How much does it rain
  • How cloudy is it
  • When is sunrise and sunset
  • How humid is it
  • How windy is it
  • What to wear

What is the average temperature in March

The average temperature in Tours in March for a typical day ranges from a high of 55°F (13°C) to a low of 37°F (3°C). Some would describe it as moderately chilly and breezy.

For comparison, the hottest month in Tours , August, has days with highs of 81°F (27°C) and lows of 57°F (14°C). The coldest month, February has days with highs of 47°F (9°C) and lows of 33°F (1°C). This graph shows how an average day looks like in Tours in March based on historical data.

Visiting Tours? See our Tours Trip Planner.

How much does it rain in March

In Tours in March , there's a 28 % chance of rain on an average day. And on the average day it rains or snows, we get 0.29 in ( 7.4 mm) of precipitation. In more common terms of how much that is, some would describe it as light rain .

The wettest month in Tours is December where a typical day has a 38 % chance of precipitation and gets 0.07 inches (1.9 mm) of precipitation, while the dryest month in Tours is July where a typical day has a 18 % chance of precipitation and gets 0.10 inches (2.7 mm) of precipitation. These graphs show the probability of it raining/snowing in March and the amount of rainfall.

How cloudy is Tours in March

When is sunrise and sunset in march.

The average day in Tours during March has 11.9 hours of daylight, with sunrise at 7:18 AM and sunset at 7:09 PM.

The day with the longest amount of daylight in Tours is June 20th with 16.0 hours while December 22nd has the shortest amount of daylight with only 8.5 hours.

This graph shows the average amount of daylight in Tours in March based on historical data.

How humid is it in March

How windy is it in march, what to wear in march, what's the weather like in tours the rest of the year.

We've collected the weather data for Tours during all other months of the year too:

  • Weather in Tours in January
  • Weather in Tours in February
  • Weather in Tours in April
  • Weather in Tours in May
  • Weather in Tours in June
  • Weather in Tours in July
  • Weather in Tours in August
  • Weather in Tours in September
  • Weather in Tours in October
  • Weather in Tours in November
  • Weather in Tours in December

Where does this data come from

Weather data for Tours was collected from the MERRA-2 project from NASA , which used a climate model combined with historical data from weather stations around the world to estimate what the conditions were like for every point on the Earth.

For all data based on historical data, we've averaged the data from the past 11 years (2010-2020). For example, for the hourly temperature at 10am, we've looked at the temperature at 10am on every day in March (e.g., March 1, March 2, etc. in 2010, 2011, etc.) and took the arithmetic mean. We did not smooth the data, so for example, our daily temperature line will have some randomness due to the fact that weather is random in the first place.

Popular road trips from Tours

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Explore nearby places

  • Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire
  • Saint Pierre des Corps
  • Saint Avertin
  • Joue-les-Tours
  • La Ville-aux-Dames
  • Rochecorbon
  • Chambray-Les-Tours
  • Saint-Genouph
  • Parcay-Meslay
  • Ballan Mire
  • Chanceaux-sur-Choisille
  • Montlouis-sur-Loire
  • Savonnieres
  • Vernou-sur-Brenne
  • Saint-Antoine-du-Rocher
  • Saint-Etienne-de-Chigny

All related maps of Tours

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  • Map of La Riche
  • Map of Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire
  • Map of Saint Pierre des Corps
  • Map of Saint Avertin
  • Map of Joue-les-Tours
  • Map of La Ville-aux-Dames
  • Map of Rochecorbon
  • Map of Chambray-Les-Tours
  • Map of Saint-Genouph
  • Map of Parcay-Meslay
  • Map of Fondettes
  • Map of Ballan Mire
  • Map of Vouvray
  • Map of Chanceaux-sur-Choisille
  • Map of Veretz
  • Map of Luynes
  • Map of Montlouis-sur-Loire
  • Map of Montbazon
  • Map of Savonnieres
  • Map of Veigne
  • Map of Vernou-sur-Brenne
  • Map of Monts
  • Map of Saint-Antoine-du-Rocher
  • Map of Berthenay
  • Map of Saint-Etienne-de-Chigny
  • Map of Esvres
  • Map of Monnaie
  • Map of Villandry
  • Map of Semblancay
  • Map of Chancay

Tours throughout the year

  • Tours in January
  • Tours in February
  • Tours in March
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Looking for day-by-day itineraries in Tours?

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  • 5-Day Tours Itinerary

Weather information for nearby cities

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  • Weather in Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire in March
  • Weather in Saint Pierre des Corps in March
  • Weather in Saint Avertin in March
  • Weather in Joue-les-Tours in March
  • Weather in La Ville-aux-Dames in March
  • Weather in Rochecorbon in March
  • Weather in Chambray-Les-Tours in March
  • Weather in Saint-Genouph in March
  • Weather in Parcay-Meslay in March
  • Weather in Fondettes in March
  • Weather in Ballan Mire in March
  • Weather in Vouvray in March
  • Weather in Chanceaux-sur-Choisille in March
  • Weather in Montlouis-sur-Loire in March
  • Weather in Montbazon in March
  • Weather in Savonnieres in March
  • Weather in Veigne in March
  • Weather in Vernou-sur-Brenne in March
  • Weather in Monts in March
  • Weather in Saint-Antoine-du-Rocher in March
  • Weather in Berthenay in March
  • Weather in Monnaie in March
  • Weather in Villandry in March
  • Weather in Chancay in March

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 4:30 pm (Paris)

  • Environment
  • Climate change

Early heat wave takes France above 30°C on Saturday

Such high temperatures are very rare this time of year, according to France's national weather service, as summer is gradually taking over the other seasons.

By  Audrey Garric

Time to 3 min.

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A taste of summer, but also of France being rocked by climate change. On Saturday, April 6, mainland France will experience a brief but exceptional peak in temperatures, which are forecast to reach or even exceed 30°C in the southwest, and 25°C in the northern half of the country. "That's around 10 degrees above normal. It's very rare to reach such levels so early in April," said Tristan Amm, a weather forecaster at France's national weather service, Météo-France. The 30°C mark is normally reached sometime between mid-May and the end of June in mainland France.

However, as a result of global warming, heat thresholds are reached increasingly early in the spring – and remain high later into the fall. As a result, summer is becoming more dominant over the other seasons than ever before.

More specifically, after a rise in temperatures on Friday, the 30°C mark could be reached on Saturday in the southern part of central France; and even exceeded in the southwestern, with temperatures reaching as high as 31 to 32°C in some places. Those last two areas could even experience "tropical nights" on Friday and Saturday, when temperatures don't drop below 20°C. During the day, temperatures are also predicted to reach 25 to 29°C in the Loire region, and 26 to 28°C in the greater Paris area, as well as in the East. Very few areas will be spared from the heat wave.

The national heat indicator, which tracks the average daily temperatures measured at 30 stations across mainland France, is expected to reach between 17 and 18°C on Saturday – a record for early April. However, according to Météo-France, this episode does not qualify as a heat wave because there are specific criteria to be met, in particular a temperature of 25.3°C or higher for one day.

What explains this early surge in temperatures? "A low-pressure system off the Atlantic acts like a heat pump, bringing warm air from Africa to France," explained Amm. "This is a classic configuration, but with global warming, it's bringing about higher temperatures than in the past," explained Aurélien Ribes, a climatologist at the National Center for Meteorological Research (CRNM). This hot spell has been locally reinforced, particularly near the Pyrenees, by what is known as the "Foehn effect." "The southerly wind, after having crossed the Pyrenees, will come down on the ground on the French side. This compresses the air mass and heats it up," added Amm.

By contrast, the cloud of sand from the Sahara, which will blanket France this weekend and tint the skies orange, is unlikely to lower temperatures, according to the forecaster. It will act as a filter limiting the sun's rays and will mostly affect France's north-west, which is already set to be spared from the peak in temperatures. The sand cloud will degrade air quality across the country, with possible health repercussions.

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  3. France temperature map

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  4. Tours Temperature : Travel Friend, ZenTech

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  5. Climat Tours: Pluviométrie et Température moyenne Tours, diagramme

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  6. France holidays. Tours & holidays in France in 2021 & 2022

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  1. Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Weather Forecast

    Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Weather Forecast, with current conditions, wind, air quality, and what to expect for the next 3 days.

  2. Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France 14 day weather forecast

    Tours 14 Day Extended Forecast. Weather Today Weather Hourly 14 Day Forecast Yesterday/Past Weather Climate (Averages) Currently: 55 °F. Passing clouds. (Weather station: Tours Airport, France). See more current weather.

  3. Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Weather

    Be prepared with the most accurate 10-day forecast for Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France with highs, lows, chance of precipitation from The Weather Channel and

  4. METEO TOURS par Météo-France

    METEO FRANCE - Retrouvez les prévisions METEO TOURS de Météo-France pour aujourd'hui, demain et jusqu'à 15 jours, ainsi que les prévisions météos locales par heure et les prévisions de pluie.

  5. Tours, France 10-Day Weather Forecast

    Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Tours area. ... Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France 10-Day Weather Forecast ...

  6. Tours (France) weather

    Tours 7 day weather forecast including weather warnings, temperature, rain, wind, visibility, humidity and UV

  7. Weather Tours

    Today's and tonight's professional weather forecast for Tours. Precipitation radar, HD satellite images, and current weather warnings, hourly temperature, chance of rain, and sunshine hours. ... France , 47.39°N 0.7°E, 52m asl . 52 °F . 8 mph 3:00 . meteoblue Ad-free 9 €

  8. Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France

    Today's and tonight's Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France weather forecast, weather conditions and Doppler radar from The Weather Channel and

  9. Tours, France 14 Day Weather Forecast

    Find the most current and reliable 14 day weather forecasts, storm alerts, reports and information for Tours, FR with The Weather Network.

  10. Tours, France 7 Day Weather Forecast

    Find the most current and reliable 7 day weather forecasts, storm alerts, reports and information for [city] with The Weather Network.

  11. Weather today

    Current condition and temperature - Tours, France. In Tours, currently, the sky is partially clouded. The temperature is a chilly 9°C (48.2°F), while the real-feel temperature is a similar 8°C (46.4°F). The current temperature is relatively far from the maximum of 18°C (64.4°F) predicted for today.

  12. Tours Weather

    Tours, France weather forecasted for the next 10 days will have maximum temperature of 21°c / 70°f on Sat 06. Min temperature will be 3°c / 37°f on Tue 16. Most precipitation falling will be 11.90 mm / 0.47 inch on Sun 07. Windiest day is expected to see wind of up to 38 kmph / 24 mph on Mon 08.

  13. Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Weather brings you the most accurate monthly weather forecast for Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France with average/record and high/low temperatures, precipitation and more.

  14. Tours climate: weather by month, temperature, rain

    The average wind speed is 12 kph (8 mph). July, the warmest month of the year, is generally a warm month. The average temperature is of 20.2 °C (68 °F), with a minimum of 14.5 °C (58.1 °F) and a maximum of 25.9 °C (78.6 °F). On the coldest nights of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 9.5 °C (49 °F).

  15. Yearly & Monthly weather

    Tours, France, has a moderate climate dominated by Cfb (Marine west coast, warm summer) Köppen climate classification.The city's climate is characterized by relatively mild winters and warm, albeit not scorching, summers. Throughout the year, temperatures in Tours can range from a low of 2.1°C (35.8°F) in February ranging to a peak of 24.8°C (76.6°F) in August.

  16. Weather 10 days

    10 days weather forecast - Tours, France. For the next ten days, a combination of rainy and occasionally cloudy weather is expected. Rainfall is forecasted for Friday, Sunday through Tuesday, Thursday and next Sunday. With light precipitation of 7mm (0.28"), most rainfall is expected on Sunday. Temperature fluctuation will be considerable in ...

  17. The Best Time to Visit Tours, France for Weather, Safety, & Tourism

    Winter (December through February) Weather is too cold this time of year in Tours to be enjoyable for warm weather travelers. The average high during this season is between 52.2°F (11.2°C) and 43.8°F (6.6°C). On average, it rains or snows a fair amount: 6 to 8 times per month. These times of year are the slowest with tourists.

  18. Tours, France Average Weather

    Tours, France Weather Averages. July is the hottest month in Tours with an average temperature of 20°C (67°F) and the coldest is January at 4°C (39°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 8 in August. The wettest month is January with an average of 90mm of rain .. Graph.

  19. Tours, France weather in March: average temperature & climate

    The average temperature in Tours in March for a typical day ranges from a high of 55°F (13°C) to a low of 37°F (3°C). Some would describe it as moderately chilly and breezy. For comparison, the hottest month in Tours, August, has days with highs of 81°F (27°C) and lows of 57°F (14°C). The coldest month, February has days with highs of ...

  20. Early heat wave takes France above 30°C on Saturday

    Such high temperatures are very rare this time of year, according to France's national weather service, as summer is gradually taking over the other seasons. Tuesday, April 09, 2024 7:07 am (Paris ...