Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat

Tour de la Ville - Edifício A

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Tour de la Ville

Avenida Manoel Ribas, 707


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75 m / 246 ft

Floors Above Ground

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Usually involved in the front end design, with a "typical" condition being that of a leadership role through either Schematic Design or Design Development, and then a monitoring role through the CD and CA phases.

Elgson Ribeiro Gomes

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Constutora Gutierrez, Paula e Munhoz

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edificio tour ville



edificio tour ville


“Em pele reluzente, cada qual marca o seu tom, fazem-se notar em longínquos recintos, acenam em todas as direções, permanecem em torno da cidade.”

Duas grandes torres ocupam uma quadra inteira no alto do bairro Mercês. Localizadas num lote de esquina da movimentada Avenida Manoel Ribas, um ponto alto da cidade. Os edifícios são uma marca na paisagem curitibana, desproporcionais em relação à vizinhança, podem ser avistados de muito longe.

A uma quadra de distância, fica a Paróquia Nossa Senhora das Mercês, por lá ocorrem as tradicionais bênçãos dos padres capuchinhos realizadas desde o ano de 1971. O legendário Bar Botafogo, que ficava logo em frente ao conjunto, funcionou no local desde a década de 40 até 2015, quando passou o bastão para um gastrobar especializado em coxinhas, chamado Jardinete.

O condomínio foi uma obra idealizada pelo arquiteto Elgson Ribeiro Gomes e realizado pela Construtora Gutierrez, Paula & Munhoz no ano de 1971, no entanto, segundo conversa com o arquiteto Lolô Cornelsen, no alto de seus 90 e tanto anos, a concepção do projeto teria sido iniciada por ele, mas que motivado pela censura em plena ditadura teve que partir em fuga do país rumo a Portugal, repassando a tarefa a Elgson, cabendo ao arquiteto “finalizá-lo”.

Lolô ainda conta que inicialmente o local não seria um conjunto residencial, mas sim um cemitério vertical, um projeto ousado, porém de acordo com a vocação da região, pois poucos minutos dali está o Cemitério Municipal.

O projeto foi concebido a partir de duas torres residenciais que alcançam uma altura de vinte e um andares. A planta foi desenhada com formato quadrado levemente arrendondado nas laterais, com unidades de quatro dormitórios distribuídos em amplos 396 m2, atendendo uma única família por andar.

A base é composta por uma plataforma de estacionamento, envolta por muros de contenção revestidos em pedras, com acessos por um nível inferior que acontece tanto pela Alameda Presidente de Moraes quanto pela Rua Júlia Wanderley, liberando o terreno do térreo para uma praça convidativa e arborizada.

Uma das curiosidades em relação à fachada é que, devido a um desacordo entre os condôminos, somente uma de suas torres foi reformada recebendo um pastilhamento na cor azul. Já a outra se manteve ao modelo original com os fechamentos em alvenaria.

Ficha Técnica

  • Nome: Edifício Tour de la Ville
  • Ano de construção: 1971
  • Endereço: Avenida Manoel Ribas 707 Merces Coordenadas 25°25’20.1″S 49°17’08.9″W
  • Arquiteto: Elgson Ribeiro Gomes
  • Tipologia: Residencial
  • Andares: 21 pavimentos
  • Unidades por andar: 1
  • Metragem: 5000 m²
  • Acessos: 1 acesso somente
  • Estrutura: Concreto armado
  • Esquadrias: Alumínio
  • Detalhes: Acesso asfaltado e acesso para deficientes, jardim, bicicletário, câmeras de segurança, portaria 24 horas, quadra poliesportiva

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Apartamento 3 Quartos Mercês 250m²

Edifício tour de la ville.

Avenida Manoel Ribas, 707, Mercês - Curitiba /Pr

edificio tour ville


Muito visualizado! Já foram 666 acessos.

Apartamento 3 quartos no Mercês

A melhor vista panorâmica de Curitiba!!! De todas as janelas do apartamento você terá uma vista incrível da cidade!! A entrada da unidade é privativa, sendo um apartamento por andar. Você terá uma entrada individual social e uma entrada individual de serviço. Todo o piso da área social revestido em tábuas de madeira de lei. Banheiros com revestimento em cerâmica, mármore e granito.

Conheça o Edifício Tour de La Ville, localizado em uma das mais famosas vias de Curitiba, a Avenida Manoel Ribas que é amplamente conhecida por sua variedade de restaurantes tradicionais italianos, e por interligar diversas regiões a capital. Sendo um ponto de referencia sobre toda a cidade. O Tou de La Ville, dispõem de uma infraestrutura segura e tranquila, sendo o ambiente ideal para quem busca segurança e acessibilidade. O edifício disponibiliza de quadra de esportes e hall de entrada. Agende sua visita, e conheça mais sobre o empreendimento,

Quer saber um pouco mais sobre o empreendimento? Clique aqui e veja mais detalhes do Edifício Tour de La Ville .


Área de Serviço

Armário Embutido

Banheiro Social

Copa Cozinha

Cozinha Americana

Cozinha Planejada

Dependencia de Empregada

Dormitório com Armário

Sala Armários

Sala de Jantar

Semi Mobiliado

Suíte Master

Vista Panorâmica

W C Empregada


Condomínio Fechado

Elevador de Serviço

Gás Central

Portaria 24 horas

Quadra de Esportes

Construído em 1988


edificio tour ville


Apartamento 4 quartos batel 146m².

Avenida Visconde De Guarapuava, 5171, Batel - Curitiba /Pr

Cód.: 17098

Avenida Visconde De Guarapuava, 5171, Batel - Curitiba /Pr Edifício Alessandra

Apartamento 3 Quartos Batel 150m²

Travessa Lange, 41, Batel - Curitiba /Pr

Cód.: 16045

Travessa Lange, 41, Batel - Curitiba /Pr Les Halles

Aceita Permuta

Apartamento 3 Quartos Cascatinha 88m²

Rua Olympio Trombini, 345, Cascatinha - Curitiba /Pr

Cód.: 17149

Rua Olympio Trombini, 345, Cascatinha - Curitiba /Pr Prima Torre

Apartamento 3 Quartos Cristo Rei 128m²

Rua Urbano Lopes, 267, Cristo Rei - Curitiba /Pr

Cód.: 14962

Rua Urbano Lopes, 267, Cristo Rei - Curitiba /Pr Gran Solare

Apartamento 3 Quartos Juvevê 111m²

Rua Bom Jesus, 928, Juvevê - Curitiba /Pr

Cód.: 12217

Rua Bom Jesus, 928, Juvevê - Curitiba /Pr Solenne

Apartamento 3 Quartos Ecoville 109m²

Rua Deputado Heitor Alencar Furtado, 4690, Ecoville - Curitiba /Pr

Cód.: 16935

Rua Deputado Heitor Alencar Furtado, 4690, Ecoville - Curitiba /Pr View Ecoville

Apartamento 3 Quartos Portão 125m²

Rua Professora Doracy Cezzarino, 138, Portão - Curitiba /Pr

Cód.: 15351

Rua Professora Doracy Cezzarino, 138, Portão - Curitiba /Pr The Square

Apartamento 3 Quartos Água Verde 88m²

Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 3204, Água Verde - Curitiba /Pr

Cód.: 15966

Rua Brigadeiro Franco, 3204, Água Verde - Curitiba /Pr Win

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Bradbury Building

Still splendid after a century, its magical light-filled Victorian court, open cage elevators, marble stairs, and ornate iron railings make this one of downtown's most photographed icons.

The Bradbury Building is the oldest commercial building remaining in the central city and one of Los Angeles’ unique treasures. Behind its modest, mildly Romanesque exterior lies a magical light-filled Victorian court that rises almost fifty feet with open cage elevators, marble stairs, and ornate iron railings.

edificio tour ville

Place Details

  • Sumner P. Hunt,
  • George H. Wyman


  • Preservation Award Recipient

Property Type

  • Los Angeles

About This Place

Opened in 1893, the Bradbury Building is certainly notable for its age and grandeur, but perhaps most impressive is its supporting role in more than eight feature films, including The Artist (2011), Blade Runner (1982), and Double Indemnity (1944).

The building underwent a complete restoration in the early 1990s as part of the Yellin Company’s Grand Central Square project.

The Conservancy does not own or operate the Bradbury Building.  For filming or other requests, please contact the Bradbury Building directly at (213) 626-1893.

Bradbury Building interior | Photo by Douglas Hill/

About the Architects

The identity of the building’s final architect is a subject of debate. Lewis Bradbury, a mining and real estate millionaire, commissioned Sumner Hunt to create a spectacular office building. Hunt turned in completed designs but was replaced soon after by George H. Wyman, who supervised construction.

According to Wyman’s daughters, he was asked to take over because Bradbury felt that Wyman could understand his own vision for the building better than Hunt, although there is no evidence that Wyman changed the design. Wyman later designed other buildings in the Los Angeles area, but the Bradbury Building (if indeed it was designed by Wyman) was to be his only work of lasting significance, whereas Sumner Hunt went on to design many other notable buildings, including the Southwest Museum.

Learn more, take a tour

Learn more about the Bradbury Building on our Historic Downtown walking tour, offered every Saturday at 10 a.m.

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edificio tour ville

The Top 12 Things to Do in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Take a first-rate trip to Russia's fifth city

Ershov_Maks/Getty Images

Although it's Russia's fifth-largest city, you could be forgiven for never having heard of Nizhny Novgorod. Notwithstanding that another Russian city is simply called " Novgorod ," the current name of the city just doesn't have a memorable ring to it. (By contrast, its name during the Soviet years — Gorky, like the famous author — was much more iconic.) At any rate, this city of just over a million around six hours east of Moscow is more than worth a visit. These are just 12 reasons why!

Tour the Kremlin's 13 Towers

Like most every other city in Russia, Nizhny Novgorod is home to a Kremlin. (The word "kremlin" means "citadel" in Russian, and has nothing to do with the modern Russian government) One thing that elevated the Kremlin of Nizhny Novgorod above others in Russia (with the possible exception of the Moscow Kremlin and one or two others), however, is the fact that its wall has 13 towers. During the summer months, at least one free walking tour per day operates from the main entrance of Nizhny Novgorod's Kremlin.

Climb Russia's Longest Staircase

Named for one of the most famous Russian pilots of the early aviation age (Valery Chkalov), the Chkalov Stairs connect two of Nizhny Novgorod's public squares, which sit on the upper and lower embankments of the Volga River, respectively. Built in 1943 (during the period when Nizhny Novgorod was known as Gorky), the Chkalov Stairs currently have the distinction of being the longest staircase in Russia.

Go Wild at Limpopo Zoo

One thing that surprises many travelers to Nizhny Novgorod is how amazing its zoo, colloquially known as Limpopo is. In addition to being home to a tropical botanical garden (which, not surprisingly, is indoors), the zoo hosts a variety of reptiles, mammals and birds. There's also a small sculpture park on the grounds of Nizhny Novgorod's zoo, including both original and replica pieces.

Shop (or Just Stroll) Along a Storied High Street

Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street has been the de-facto "Main Street" of Nizhny Novgorod for more than 200 years. Well, minus the Soviet Union period, during which the cafes that once (and now) lined it became somewhat worthless, since intellectual conversations were basically forbidden. These days, you can come here for a cup of Russian tea then shop at the dozens of boutiques you'll find on either side of the street.

Sun Yourself at the Spit

Nizhny Novgorod sits at the confluence of the Oka and Volga Rivers, with the triangle of land at the point they meet being known as the Nizhny Novgorod Spit. Ignoring the unfortunate double-meaning of its name for a moment, this is actually a wonderful place to get a tan, if it's summer in the city and the sun happens to be shining. Even if not, photographers will enjoy a trip here for a view of the Kremlin and city center across the Volga.

Marvel at the Open-Air Museum of Rozhdestvenskaya Street

Like Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, Rozhdestvenskaya Street has long been one of the most important streets in Nizhny Novgorod. However, while the former has become a primarily commercial artery in recent decades, the charm of the latter is in its well-maintained buildings, which hearken back to the mid-18th century. In fact, some locals go so far as to consider Rozhdestvenskaya Street an "open-air museum."

Ride Russia's Newest Cable Car

Russian investment in infrastructure isn't quite as dramatic as that of, say, China, but the Federation has nonetheless built a selection of interesting and modern transportation systems since the fall of the USSR. Among them is the just-opened cable car, which travels from the center of Nizhny Novgorod over the Volga River to suburban Bor. At any rate, a ride over the river and back is definitely worth inclusion on your list of things to do in Nizhny Novgorod.

Taste Traditional Shchi Soup

Shchi is one of Nizhy Novgorod's most delicious local specialties, available in most every local restaurant that serves Russian food. From above, a bowl of shchi seems incredibly complicated, with a colorful palette that suggests the inclusion of dozens of diverse ingredients. In fact, the magic of shchi is in its simplicity. Building on the traditional pan-Russian recipe of cabbage, pork fat and salt (yes, just three ingredients), locals in Nizhny Novgorod sometimes add minced meat or egg whites as bonus items, then top the tangy soup with a dollop of sour cream.

Survey Amazing Russian Orthodox Architecture

Think the only amazing Russian Orthodox churches are in Moscow and St. Petersburg? Think again. Nizhny Novgorod boasts several amazing examples of Russian Orthodox architecture. From the brilliant golde domes John the Baptist Cathedral near the Volga River, to the expansive grounds of 14th-century Pechersky Ascension Monastery, Nizhny Novgorod is an architecture buff's dream!

Take a Look Back in Time

Nizhny Novgorod's historical center is relatively large and well-preserved, but a stroll (or 10) through it isn't the only way to get a feel for the city's centuries-long past. Head to the Russian Museum of Photography, which not only showcases a variety of images of Nizhny Novgorod that date back a century or even longer, but also spotlights the equipment Russian photographers have used throughout the years, and notable figures in Russia's photography history as well.

Visit the Convent from the Movie "Salt"

You'd be forgiven if you've entirely forgotten the 2010 film "Salt." However, if you remember any destination from this spy thriller, it's likely the facade of Makaryev Convent, which is located within day-trip distance of Nizhny Novgorod. Having served as a monastery from its consecration in the early 15th century up until the beginning of the Russian Revolution, Makaryev became a convent after the fall of the Soviet Union , and is now home to 22 nuns.

Take an Excursion to a 12th-Century Tea Town

Another worthwhile day trip from Nizhny Novgorod is to the town of Gorodets, which sits about an hour to its northwest. With a history dating back to the 12th century, Gorodets boasts an interesting array of architecture and museums, including one dedicated to samovars. 

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Le Corbusier - World Heritage

Immeuble locatif à la Porte Molitor, 1931

The immeuble locatif à la porte molitor was the first residential building in the world to have entirely glazed facades..

The residential building straddles the communes of Boulogne-Billancourt (23 rue de la Tourelle) and the sixteenth arrondissement of Paris (24 rue Nungesser et Coli). Set in the midst of the metropolis, in the immediate neighbourhood of parks and numerous sports facilities (stadiums, swimming pool, tennis courts), the building prefigures the principles of the Radiant City.  Together with the apartments, these facilities help to attain the modern ideal of bringing together the collective and the individual. The building plot has an ideal dual aspect to east and west and an exceptional environment. The unobstructed outlook made it possible to build entirely glazed facades. At each level, the apartments are arranged back to back, with openings on one facade only.

Le Corbusier reserved for his personal use the seventh and the eighth floor, where he created the apartment-studio that was to be his Paris residence until his death in 1965. The design of the apartment plans is a response to the free plan principle, enriched here by additional flexibility.

Nevada brick is particularly in evidence on the Nungesser-et-Coli facade. The sun enters the apartments from floor to ceiling, flooding them with light. The row of reinforced concrete columns which relieves the adjoining walls of their loads between the ground floor and the sixth floor allows an entirely free facade marked out with cantilever bow-windows.

Le Corbusier's apartment

On the 120 square metres of the rooftop terrace, Le Corbusier placed his own dual-aspect two-level apartment. The architect adopted a vaulted “cradle” cover, fitting tangentially into the template curve. The studio, in which Le Corbusier painted facing the apparent rubble wall every morning, occupies the eastern half of the apartment. To the west, facing Boulogne and without any special effects, he installed a living room, a kitchen and a bedroom equipped with a toilet and a bathroom inspired by cruise ship amenities.

Take a virtual tour of the apartment-studio

edificio tour ville

Roof plan with ratings and captions Plan FLC 13368

7th floor plan showing differents rooms with indications and calculations Plan FLC 13496

8th floor plan showing rooms, garden and staircase with indications Plan FLC 13463

Study drawing with sketch. Elevation view fo the facade with silhouettes and little sketches Plan FLC 13382

Floor plan showing differents rooms with indications Plan FLC 13524

Apartment longitudinal section and cross section of  heat and closet in wood withavec indications, ratings, silhouettes and sketches Plan FLC 13526

Interior perspective with mezzanine and arch Plan FLC 13549

Study sketch, roof perspective Plan FLC 13554

Plan and interior elevation with ratings and captions Plan FLC 13562

Promotional brochure of  Société Immobilière de Paris – Parc des Princes Archive FLC H2(2)488

Facade rue Nungesser et Coli Ph. Albin Salaün FLC L2(10)4

Facade detail rue Nungesser et Coli Ph. Albin Salaün FLC L2(10)5

The paint studio of Le Corbusier, 7th floor Ph. Peter Willi FLC L2(10)78

The apartment of Le Corbusier, 7th floor Ph. Albin Salaün FLC L2(10)85

The bedroom of the apartment of Le Corbusier  Ph. Albin Salaün FLC L2(10)118

Facade rue Nungesser et Coli Ph. Antoine Mercusot

Facade rue de la Tourelle Ph. Olivier-Martin Gambier

Balcony of  the apartment of Le Corbusier, Boulogne-Billancourt side Ph. Antoine Mercusot

The paint studio of Le Corbusier, 7th floor Ph. Antoine Mercusot

The desk of Le Corbusier Ph. Antoine Mercusot

The kitchen of the apartment of Le Corbusier Ph. Antoine Mercusot

The “édicule” roof ascent of the apartment of Le Corbusier, 8th floor Ph. Antoine Mercusot

The roof top, 8th floor Ph. Antoine Mercusot

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Nizhny Novgorod city, Russia

The capital city of Nizhegorodskaya oblast .

Nizhny Novgorod - Overview

Nizhny Novgorod (colloquially often just “Nizhny”; from 1932 to 1990 - Gorky) is a large city located in the center of European Russia, the administrative center of the Volga Federal District and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast.

It is an important economic, industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural center of Russia, the largest transport hub of the Volga Federal District. Nizhny Novgorod is one of the main centers of river tourism in Russia. The historic part of the city is rich in sights and is a popular tourist destination.

The population of Nizhny Novgorod is about 1,234,000 (2022), the area - 411 sq. km.

The phone code - +7 831, the postal codes - 603000-603257.

Nizhny Novgorod city flag

Nizhny novgorod city coat of arms.

Nizhny Novgorod city coat of arms

Nizhny Novgorod city map, Russia

Nizhny novgorod city latest news and posts from our blog:.

7 January, 2022 / Nikolai Bugrov's Summer Dacha in Volodarsk .

4 December, 2017 / Stadiums and Matches of the World Cup 2018 in Russia .

2 June, 2017 / The Most Beautiful House in Nizhny Novgorod .

13 March, 2016 / Official Look of Host Cities of World Cup 2018 in Russia .

29 September, 2015 / Nizhny Novgorod - the view from above .

More posts..

History of Nizhny Novgorod

Foundation of nizhny novgorod.

During the military campaigns of the Russian princes against the Volga Bulgaria, the place where the Oka River flows into the Volga was used as a gathering point for the Murom and Suzdal troops. In 1220, Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich (the grandson of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the founder of Moscow) conducted a successful campaign against the Bulgars. After it, he “decided to strengthen this important place for Rus” and founded a town at the mouth of the Oka.

It was named Novgorod, which literally means “new town”. Later, the adjective “nizhny” (“lower”) was added to the name of the town in the Russian annals. This was probably done in order to distinguish it from the town of Novgorod (present Veliky Novgorod) and other Novgorods that existed at that time.

The founding of Nizhny Novgorod was the beginning of an active expansion of Russian influence in the Mordovian lands. Two white-stone churches were built in the fortress, including the Cathedral of the Archangel (1227) - evidence of the special role that the town had in the system of lands of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus. However, the Mongol invasion stopped further development.

Information about Nizhny Novgorod of the 13th century is extremely scarce. But it is known that after the invasion it revived relatively quickly. Nizhny Novgorod is constantly mentioned in Russian chronicles as a major political and economic center of North-Eastern Rus and a spiritual center of Orthodoxy in the Volga region. The town was often the object of conflicts between Moscow and Tver.

In 1392, the Moscow prince Vasily I received a jarlig for the Nizhny Novgorod Principality and captured Nizhny Novgorod. The final annexation of Nizhny Novgorod to the possessions of Moscow took place in the late 1440s.

More Historical Facts…

Nizhny Novgorod in the 16th-18th centuries

Under Ivan III and Vasily III, the town played the role of a border post and was a gathering place for military campaigns against the Kazan Khanate. In 1508-1515, the stone kremlin was built. After the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, the border role of Nizhny Novgorod became insignificant. At the same time, Nizhny Novgorod became the center of trade between Russia and the East and a large shipbuilding center.

In September 1611, during the Time of Troubles, the Second People’s Militia was organized in Nizhny Novgorod to fight the Poles who were able to establish control over Moscow. The militia consisted of detachments of townspeople, peasants of the central and northern regions of the Tsardom of Russia. The leaders were the Nizhny Novgorod merchant Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky (the monument to them is installed on Red Square in Moscow). In October 1612, the militia was able to completely liberate Moscow.

In the 17th century, a schism occurred in the Orthodox Church under Patriarch Nikon. It led to the formation of numerous settlements of Old Believers in the vicinity of Nizhny Novgorod. In 1695, during his Azov campaign, Peter I arrived in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1719, as a result of his administrative-territorial reforms, the town became the center of a separate Nizhny Novgorod Governorate. In 1722, setting off on the Persian campaign, Nizhny Novgorod was again visited by Peter I. Here he celebrated his 50th birthday.

In 1767, Nizhny Novgorod was visited by Empress Catherine II. During her stay in the town, she met the famous local mechanic and inventor Ivan Kulibin. After her visit, a new regular town plan was approved. The first town theater was built in 1798. Later, it became known as Nikolaevsky, in honor of Emperor Nicholas I.

Nizhny Novgorod in the 19th century

At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, Nizhny Novgorod became a major scientific and cultural center of the Russian Empire. In 1811, the population of Nizhny Novgorod was about 14,400 people. In 1817, the Makaryev Fair, the largest fair of the Russian Empire, was moved to the village of Kunavino (one of the districts of today’s Nizhny Novgorod). Before that, it was organized every year near the Makaryevsky Monastery, which burned down a year earlier. From that time on, it began to be called the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. Thanks to it, the rapid economic development of the town and adjacent villages began.

After Emperor Nicholas I visited the town in 1834, the large-scale reconstruction of Nizhny Novgorod began. In 1847, a water supply system appeared in the town and the first fountain was built. Private buildings in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin were demolished and new administrative buildings appeared in their place. A lot of new buildings, streets, boulevards, and gardens were built.

In 1849, a large industrial enterprise was founded in the village of Sormovo (another district of today’s Nizhny Novgorod). Later, it became known as the Sormovo plant. It was producing river steamers, various railway cars, steam locomotives, and trams. Thanks to the plant, Sormovo soon turned into a large village of workers. In 1862, the construction of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod railway was completed. In 1863, the population of the city was 41,500 people.

In 1896, the city hosted the All-Russian Trade and Industrial Exhibition. The radio receiver of the engineer A.S. Popov, the hyperboloid tower of the engineer V.G. Shukhov were demonstrated at the exhibition, as well as the first Russian car of the Frese and Yakovlev factories.

Nizhny Novgorod in the first half of the 20th century

In 1914, about 111,000 people lived in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1917, during the First World War, the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute was evacuated to this city, on the basis of which the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute was created.

On October 7, 1932, Nizhny Novgorod was renamed Gorky due to the 40th anniversary of the literary and social activities of the writer Maxim Gorky. In 1933, the first permanent bridge across the Oka River was built. The railway bridge across the Volga was constructed too. Thanks to this, it became possible to go by rail through Gorky to the Urals and Siberia.

The 1930s were a period of rapid industrialization. In 1932, the largest industrial enterprise in the city was opened - the Gorky Automobile Plant (GAZ), an important object of the Soviet defense industry. In the 1930s-1940s, the city was even referred to as “Russian Detroit”. By 1939, the population of Nizhny Novgorod increased to about 644,000 people.

Every fourth resident of the Gorky region (about 822 thousand people) fought on the fronts of the Second World War. Of these, more than 350 thousand people did not return from the battlefields - they were killed, went missing or died from wounds in hospitals.

In June 1943, three large raids of German bombers were carried out on Gorky. The main target of air strikes was the Gorky Automobile Plant, which as a result was almost completely destroyed. It was rebuilt only in the middle of 1944. Over 500,000 wounded were treated in dozens of hospitals during the war years.

The city was an important center for the production of weapons. During the Second World War, every second Soviet car, every third tank and every fourth artillery piece were produced at Gorky’s plants. In total, about 38 thousand tanks, self-propelled guns, armored vehicles, 43 thousand mortars, 16 thousand aircraft, 22 submarines, 109 thousand cars, more than 85 thousand radio stations, as well as 101 thousand artillery pieces and 1,165 Katyusha multiple rocket launchers were produced in Gorky.

Nizhny Novgorod after the Second World War

In 1946, the first GAZ-M-20 “Pobeda” passenger car and the GAZ-51 truck left the assembly line of the Gorky Automobile Plant. In 1949, the construction of the monumental Chkalov Stairs connecting the Upper Volga and Lower Volga embankments was completed in the historic center of Nizhny Novgorod. On August 4, 1959, the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR “On the closure of the city of Gorky for visiting by foreigners” was issued. In 1962, the population of Gorky exceeded 1 million people.

On January 18, 1970, a radiation accident occurred at the Krasnoe Sormovo plant. During the construction of a nuclear submarine, an unauthorized launch of the reactor took place. After working at prohibitive power for about 10-15 seconds, it partially collapsed. Hundreds of workers were exposed to the radioactive release. In total, over one thousand people took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident and were exposed to radiation.

In 1985, a subway was opened in Gorky. In 1980-1986, Andrei Sakharov, a world famous nuclear physicist, Nobel laureate, and activist, was in exile in Gorky to prevent his contacts with foreigners. In the early 1990s, the “closed city” status was lifted and the city became accessible to foreigners. On October 22, 1990, Gorky was renamed back to Nizhny Novgorod. In 1991, the population of the city reached its maximum - 1,445,000 people.

At the end of the 20th century, the information technology sphere began to actively develop in the city. In the 2000s, a transport problem arose because of the insufficient carrying capacity of the Nizhny Novgorod bridges connecting the lower part of the city and the upper one.

In February 2012, the Nizhny Novgorod Volga Aerial Tramway was opened. This 3661-meter-long gondola lift cable car connected Nizhny Novgorod with the town of Bor. Its daily passenger traffic is about 5,000 people. In 2013, the city electric train was launched - an alternative to the subway line from Sormovo to Moskovsky railway station.

Nizhny Novgorod hosted 6 matches of the FIFA World Cup 2018 . A new stadium was built, the old river port was demolished, a new park and embankments were created. Large-scale restoration of old streets and buildings took place, new museums were opened, hotels were built, and parks were reconstructed.

Streets of Nizhny Novgorod

One sunny summer day in Nizhniy Novgorod

One sunny summer day in Nizhniy Novgorod

Author: Denis Plekhanov

Apartment buildings in Nizhny Novgorod

Apartment buildings in Nizhny Novgorod

Author: Eugene Ivanov

On the street in Nizhny Novgorod

On the street in Nizhny Novgorod

Author: Sergey S. Kazenyuk

Nizhny Novgorod - Features

Nizhny Novgorod is located about 425 km east of Moscow, at the confluence of the two largest waterways of the European part of Russia - the Volga and Oka rivers. The city is divided by the Oka into two parts. The length of Nizhny Novgorod along the Oka is 20 km, along the Volga - about 30 km.

The climate in Nizhny Novgorod is moderately continental, with cold, long winters and warm, relatively short summers. The average temperature in January is minus 8.9 degrees Celsius, in July - plus 19.4 degrees Celsius.

A red deer is depicted on the coat of arms and flag of Nizhny Novgorod, which is a symbol of nobility, purity, life, wisdom, and justice. The City Day is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday in August.

In January 2019, Nizhny Novgorod was recognized as the best city in Russia in terms of quality of life. It took first place among Russian cities and 109th in the world in terms of quality of life. The rating was compiled by the site, which specializes in statistics on the cost of living and consumer prices in different countries of the world.

When compiling the rating, the purchasing power of the population, safety, health care, the cost of living, the ratio of real estate prices to the population’s income, traffic congestion, the level of environmental pollution, and climate were taken into account.

The main branches of the local industry are the production of cars and weapons, shipbuilding. Nizhny Novgorod is also one of the IT centers of Russia.

Nizhny Novgorod is a major transport hub. The city has a railway station, a river station, a cargo port, several berths for transshipment of goods. Strigino International Airport named after V.P. Chkalov offers regular flights to such cities as Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Samara, St. Petersburg, Sochi, and a number of others.

Public transport in Nizhny Novgorod plays a very important role in ensuring the life of the city. At the same time, its work is hampered by the distribution of its population on the city’s territory, large daily migrations, a very high concentration of passenger traffic on the bridges across the Oka River, and the lack of an all-encompassing system of high-speed transport. There are municipal buses, fixed-route minibuses, trams, trolleybuses, the city train, and subway.

The tourist potential of Nizhny Novgorod is quite high. According to UNESCO, it is one of the most valuable historical cities in the world. In total, there are more than 600 unique historical, architectural and cultural monuments in Nizhny Novgorod, a variety of museums. The best time to visit Nizhny Novgorod is summer.

One of the alternative ways to visit Nizhny Novgorod is to take a river cruise along the Volga River. Travelers will find exciting excursions and meals in traditional Russian taverns. It will also be interesting to come during one of the many fairs or ethnographic festivals that are held in the city.

Main Attractions of Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (1508-1515) - a fortress in the historic center of Nizhny Novgorod and its oldest part, the main architectural complex of the city located on the right high bank, at the confluence of the Volga and Oka rivers. To date, all 13 towers of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin have been preserved or have been restored. The thickness of the wall at the base reaches 5 meters. There are exhibitions in the towers of the fortress; a section of the wall is open for tourists to visit.

In the past, there were several churches on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Today, only the Archangel Michael Cathedral has survived, built no later than the middle of the 16th century and rebuilt in 1628-1631 - the oldest surviving building in the kremlin. There is the grave of Kuzma Minin inside it.

An excellent view of the Volga River and Strelka (the confluence of the Oka and Volga) opens from the walls of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Here you can also see a collection of military equipment from the Second World War.

Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum - one of the oldest museums in Russia, the largest museum of fine arts in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The Governor’s Palace on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin houses a permanent exhibition of Russian art and a collection of artistic silver.

In the House of the Merchant and Benefactor D.V. Sirotkin (Verkhnevolzhskaya Embankment, 3), an exposition of Western European art is presented and, separately, the painting by K.E. Makovsky “The appeal of Kuzma Minin to the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod” - one of the largest paintings on a historical theme in Russia (698x594 cm).

Chkalov Stairs (1943-1949) - a monumental staircase in the form of a figure eight in the historic center of Nizhny Novgorod. Connecting the Upper Volga (Verkhnevolzhskaya) and Lower Volga (Nizhnevolzhskaya) embankments, it is one of the longest stairs in Russia. It starts from the observation deck at the monument to Valery Chkalov (the famous Soviet pilot who made the first non-stop flight from the USSR to the USA via the North Pole), next to the St. George Tower of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin.

Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street - the main street of Nizhny Novgorod built up with noble mansions of the past centuries. A large part of Bolshaya Pokrovskaya is reserved for the pedestrian zone and is analogous to the pedestrian Arbat Street in Moscow. There are a lot of historic houses, cafes, souvenir shops, boutiques, monuments, and sculptures here. The length of the street is over 2 km.

The building of the State Bank (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, 26), resembling a medieval palace, is an outstanding architectural monument built in the Russian Revival style in 1911-1913. In the Museum of Old Equipment and Tools (Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street, 43), you can see unique exhibits, hear their history, and even touch them.

Fedorovsky Embankment - one of the most beautiful embankments in Nizhny Novgorod and the best observation deck in the city. Everything is perfectly visible from this embankment: the old part of the city, the river station with a park, the Kanavinsky bridge - one of the oldest in the city, and, of course, the opposite bank of the Oka River with the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the confluence of the Oka and Volga. People also come here to watch the sunset.

Nizhny Novgorod Volga Aerial Tramway . This cable car, 3661 meters long, connects the high right bank of the Volga River, where the historic part of Nizhny Novgorod is located, with the town of Bor. It has the largest unsupported span over the water surface in Europe - 861 meters.

A one way trip during which you can admire the picturesque views of Nizhny Novgorod and the Volga River takes 15 minutes. It is better to use it in good sunny weather, because in windy weather, the movement of the cabins can be stopped. Sennaya Square on Kazanskaya Embankment.

Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of History and Architecture (1875-1877). Also known as the Mansion of S.M. Rukavishnikov, it is an architectural ensemble built in the eclectic style in the historic center of Nizhny Novgorod, one of the most important and famous architectural monuments of this city. Guided tours are held in the premises, allowing you to learn about the life of the former owners of the mansion, as well as look at the historical expositions of different years. Verkhnevolzhskaya Embankment, 7.

Main Palace of Nizhny Novgorod Fair - a luxurious building constructed in the forms of Old Russian architecture of the 17th century. Today, exhibitions of various formats are held here, as well as the multimedia exposition “Russia - my history” dedicated mainly to the history of Nizhny Novgorod starting from the Finno-Ugric peoples. Sovnarkomovskaya Street, 13.

Museum of the History of the Gorky Automobile Plant . The museum houses expositions telling about the history and development of the Gorky Automobile Plant. In total, there are over 40,000 exhibits. Here you can see a collection of Soviet vintage cars, which includes “Chaika”, “Volga”, the truck “GAZ-51”, and a lot of others. Lenina Avenue, 95.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (1868-1881) - the most noticeable sight of the lower part of Nizhny Novgorod, which can be seen from all observation decks of the upper city. The church, 87 meters high, was built on the site of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair at the expense of merchants, who wanted to perpetuate the visit of Emperor Alexander II. Strelka Street, 3a.

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1696-1719) - one of the best examples of the Stroganov Baroque, an architectural monument of federal significance. From a distance, this colorful building looks like a sugar gingerbread with “candy” domes and decorated with stone flowers, pears and apples. Rozhdestvenskaya Street, 34.

Pechersky Ascension Monastery - one of the most interesting places in Nizhny Novgorod, where you can feel the spirit of the city. Most of the monastery buildings date back to the first half of the 17th century. A lot of beautiful photographs can be taken here. Privolzhskaya Sloboda Street, 108.

Limpopo Zoo - the first private zoo in Russia. More than 270 species of animals live here, 25 of which are listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. It is located on the territory of the Sormovsky Park on an area of 7.1 hectares. Yaroshenko Street, 7b.

Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve “Shcholokovskiy Khutor” . The exposition of this museum is represented by 16 objects of rural architecture: residential houses, barns, mills and churches of the 17th-19th centuries brought from the northern districts of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The facades of the houses are decorated with traditional relief carvings. In the premises of the houses, interiors with authentic items of peasant life have been restored. Gorbatovskaya Street, 41.

Nizhny Novgorod city of Russia photos

Pictures of nizhny novgorod.

Chkalov Stairs and the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Chkalov Stairs and the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Author: Sergey Bulanov

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Nizhny Novgorod

Author: Evgeniy Balashov

Shopping and office center Smart in Nizhny Novgorod

Shopping and office center Smart in Nizhny Novgorod

Author: Diman Lazarev

Sights of Nizhny Novgorod

Annunciation Monastery - the oldest monastery in Nizhny Novgorod

Annunciation Monastery - the oldest monastery in Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod Cathedral Mosque

Nizhny Novgorod Cathedral Mosque

Church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow in Nizhny Novgorod

Church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God Joy of All Who Sorrow in Nizhny Novgorod

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Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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Located about 400km east of Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most important centers of cultural, economic, and political activity in European Russia . Widely considered, after St Petersburg and Moscow, to be Russia’s ‘third city’, Nizhny is fast becoming a hot-spot for Russian and global tourists alike, attracted by the city’s up-and-coming reputation and stunning landscape.

The view over Nizhny Novgorod from the city’s Kremlin walls

The Kremlin

Jutting out from the cliffs that overlook the meeting point of the great Volga and Oka rivers, Nizhny Novgorod ‘s ancient Kremlin boasts of some of the best views in the city. Designed by an Italian architect, the 13 magnificent towers and the 12 meter high walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin date back to 1500. On this very spot in 1612, heroes of Russian history Kuzma Minin and Count Dmitry Pozharsky defeated the invading Polish army in extraordinary circumstances. This moment has become legend in Russian history and a statue in honor of these two lies at the foot of St Basil’s in Moscow. The Kremlin is the historic center of the city where you will find an art museum and the lovely Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, as well as a striking monument to those that fought in the Second World War and its flame eternally flickering on in their memory.

The eternal flame in Nizhny Novgorod’s Kremlin

Completed in 2012, taking a ride on Nizhny Novgorod’s cablecar has fast become a favorite activity of tourists. The trip offers unparalleled opportunities to view the city’s gorgeous natural landscape from this bird’s eye position. The 3660m long gondola lift connects Nizhny to the town of Bor and stretches across the Volga River for 900 panoramic meters. The gondola acts as both a convenient means of transportation and a fantastic sight-seeing expedition – come at sunset for a golden-bathed view of the river and surrounding landscape.

Nizhny Novgorod’s cable car

The house-museum of Maxim Gorky

During the Soviet era, Nizhny Novgorod, birthplace of celebrated Russian writer Maxim Gorky , was renamed ‘Gorky’ in honor of this national hero. This home has been preserved in a state as accurate as possible to how it was left by Gorky and is so successful in this that it would seem as though the writer still lived there. The museum ‘s historic interiors and authentic furnishings will transport you back to the 1900s and the creative world of this icon of Russian literature. Come and make the most of this unique experience to delve into the childhood world of this Russian father of social realism. Museum booklets and guided tours are available in English.

people cheering on a mountain

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Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka

A yarmarka is something akin to a fair, and this historic former market place was restored in 1991, the site now playing home to a superb modern exhibition center. The city’s yarmarka plays host to international events, fairs, and conventions. In 2011, for the 20 year anniversary of the fair’s refounding, a vast array of exhibitions were organized, attended by thousands including members of the British royal family, Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Gorbachev , and Margaret Thatcher . The fair is not only a buzzing center of business and culture, it is also one of the city’s most impressive sights.

One of Nizhny Novgorod’s stunning parks

The Nizhegorodsky State Art Museum

Located inside Nizhny Novgorod’s ancient Kremlin, the building that houses this art gallery was once the home of the governor of the city. The exhibits are wide-ranging and include everything from 14th century religious icons, to work by 20th century contemporary Russian masters. Particularly dazzling is the collection by Russian painter Nicholas Roerich. There is also a large arts and crafts collection which demonstrates the exquisite handiwork of Russian artisans throughout history.

1. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street

Bolshaya pokrovskaya street.

An excellent spot to soak up the best of the city’s atmosphere, this pedestrian street lies in the heart of Nizhny Novgorod. The beautiful Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street is constantly buzzing and provides new and exciting sights at every turn. Gorgeous buildings and fountains tower on all sides – showcasing the best of Nizhny’s architecture. Quirky shop fronts and lovely local souvenirs will have you pausing at every window while the charming cafés will draw you in with their tempting aromas. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street transforms by night into a vibrant hub of evening activity and is the place to come for a night-out in the city. The bars of this street are favorites with Nizhny Novgorod’s student population.

The Chkalov Staircase

An idyllic spot from which to watch the sun’s rays set over the city, this monumental creation was constructed by the Soviet government and is unique to the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The staircase derives its name from pilot Valery Chkalov who, in 1937, became the first man to fly from Moscow to Vancouver through the North Pole. A monument to Chkalov stands at the top of the stairs. The construction of the staircase cost almost 8 million rubles – an immense sum at the time. Over 1,500 stairs connect the city center with the river embankment – making Chkalov’s landmark the longest flight of stairs along the Volga. Nowadays the staircase is a favorite meeting place and relaxation spot for locals.

The Chkalov Staircase in Nizhny Novgorod

The Rukavishnikov Estate Museum

The Rukavishnikovs were a family of immensely wealthy merchants originating from the region around Nizhny Novgorod. This superbly restored palace , their former home, has been transformed into a museum of Russian history and gives a realistic snap-shot of life for the wealthy under tsarist rule. The ornate 19th century interiors and exquisite facade are sure to dazzle with their beauty while the lush green of the surrounding natural landscape provides a tranquil getaway from the city center. Lavish furnishings, priceless antiques, and glistening gold will transport you back in time to a world of balls, carriages, banquets, and tsars. Join the world of Russian noble ladies and gentlemen for a day in this stunning palace.

The memorial statue to Valery Chkalov by the Chkalov Staircase

The Sakharov Museum

Nizhny Novgorod’s Sakharov Museum is dedicated to dissident Russian scientist Andrei Sakharov . The nuclear physicist and human rights activist was exiled for six years to the very flat in which the museum is now housed. Sakharov’s support for civil reform and improved human rights in the Soviet Union earned him harsh persecution from the Russian government, but also, in 1975, a Nobel Peace Prize . Sakharov was incarcerated here until 1986 when a KGB officer arrived to install a phone in the flat. Just after the phone was installed it began to ring: the caller was Mikhail Gorbachev, ringing Sakharov to inform him of his release. This phone is now one of the museum’s most treasured artifacts.

The stunning architecture of Nizhny Novgorod

The National Centre of Contemporary Art

Inside the walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin can also be found one of the best modern art galleries in Russia. Linked to galleries in both St Petersburg and Moscow, this top-ranking exhibition center houses regularly changing displays of both Russian and international art as well as interactive exhibits and a media library. Progress is also on-going of adding a concert hall, extending the exhibition areas, and creating a restaurant. These additions aim to make art contemporary, not simply a detached, unrelatable concept, but bring it closer to the Russian people.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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Districts [ edit ]

The city is divided by the River Oka into two major parts: the Upper city ( Verkhnyaya or Nagornaya chast ) on the hilly right side and the Lower city ( Nizhnyaya or Zarechnaya chast — what literally means "the part over the river") on the left bank of the river. The Upper city is the old historical part of Nizhny Novgorod, whereas the Lower city is larger, newer and consists of more industrial districts.

Understand [ edit ]


History [ edit ]

The city was founded by Grand Duke George II of Russia in 1221 at the confluence of two most important rivers of his principality, the Volga and the Oka. Its name literally means Newtown the Lower , to distinguish it from the older Novgorod . A major stronghold for border protection, Nizhny Novgorod fortress took advantage of a natural moat formed by the two rivers.

Along with Moscow and Tver, Nizhny Novgorod was among several newly founded towns that escaped Mongol devastation on account of its insignificance and grew up into important centers of Russian political life during the period of Tatar yoke. For a short period of time it was the capital of the Suzdal Principality and competed with Moscow for the power in the region. However the competition with Moscow was lost and in 1392 the city was incorporated into Muscovy. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was built in 1508-1511 (under supervision of the Italian fortress engineers) and became one of the strongest Russian citadels. There is a legend saying that the project was initially developed with participation of Leonardo da Vinci. However there is no documented proof of Leonardo's work for that project, the only thing the legend is based on is the striking resemblance of Leonardo's sketches and the actual Kremlin schemes. The fortress was strong enough to withstand Tatar sieges in 1520 and 1536.

In 1612, the so-called national militia , gathered by a local merchant Kuzma Minin and commanded by Knyaz Dmitry Pozharsky expelled the Polish troops from Moscow, thus putting an end to the Time of Troubles and establishing the rule of the Romanov dynasty.

In 1817, the Makaryev Monastery Fair, one of the liveliest in the world the 16th-18th centuries, was transferred to Nizhny Novgorod, which thereupon started to attract numerous visitors and by the mid-19th century it turned Nizhny Novgorod into trade capital of the Russian Empire.

Under the Soviet period, the trade connections of the city were abandoned and Nizhny Novgorod became an important industrial centre instead. During the communist time the city was closed to foreigners to safeguard the security of Soviet military research. The physicist and the Nobel laureate Andrei Sakharov was exiled there during 1980-1986 to limit his contacts with foreigners.

Climate [ edit ]

The climate in the region is humid continental and it is similar to the climate in Moscow , although colder in winter, which lasts from late November until late March with a permanent snow cover.

By car [ edit ]

Nizhny Novgorod is situated on the M7/E30 road. The road is in decent condition, although with traffic it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours to drive to/from Moscow .

By boat [ edit ]

Turflot [dead link] , Infoflot , and many other companies operate multi-day river cruises down the Volga from early May to the end of September.

Many companies operate passenger boat service between Moscow and Astrakhan , with stops at most cities along the Volga River.

Get around [ edit ]

By foot [ edit ].

The city centre is compact and walkable. However, there are many inclines or steps from the river banks. The bridges are not pedestrian friendly since the sidewalk is very narrow and cars drive extremely fast close to the pedestrians.

By city rail [ edit ]

The City Rail connects areas where there are no metro lines. Connects with the subway at the Moscow railway station. It has 2 lines: Sormovskaya and Priokskaya. The fare by train costs 28 rubles. According to the Citicard Transport Card, the fare is 26 rubles. Also by train you can get to the nearest suburb, or transfer to suburban trains to Dzerzhinsk, Bor, Semenov or Arzamas.

By bus and trolleybus [ edit ]

edificio tour ville

As of May 2017 in each district of the city there are several city bus routes. The number of trolleybus routes is much less. In one district of the city there are 1-2 trolleybus routes. Trolleybus routes are completely absent in the Leninsky city district. It is worth noting that trolleybuses do not connect the Lower City to the Upper. This is because the trolleybuses do not have enough power to climb the mountain.

The trolleybus network is divided into 3 parts:

  • The upper trolleybus network (it unites all three districts - Nizhegorodsky, Sovetsky and Prioksky) with a turning circle on the Minin Square, near the Kremlin.
  • The lower trolleybus network (connects Kanavinsky, Moskovsky and Sormovsky districts)
  • The Avtozavod trolleybus network (connects all the distant sleeping microdistricts among themselves)

By tram [ edit ]

Throughout the city, land trams run. The longest route of all is 417. It connects the outskirts of Avtozavodsky district with the Moskovsky Rail Terminal. The journey takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes. The route passes through the sleeping areas (approximately 75% of the way). Also in remote neighborhoods there are routes of several more trams, but in most cases, they are in the Upper City. By the way, you can reach there by tram 27 or 10 directly from the Moscow railway station.

By marshrutka [ edit ]

Marshrutkas do not stop at every stop. To indicate your intention to exit a marshrutka, press a button and to indicate your intention to enter a marshrutka en-route, you need to wave your hand.

By bicycle [ edit ]

Nizhny Novgorod has not very developed bicycle infrastructure. Special bike paths exist only on the Upper-Volga and Lower-Volga embankments and on Rozhdestvenskaya Street.

The upper city is very hilly and full of steep inclines and even many locals will get off their bicycles and push their bikes up the hill by foot. Drivers can be reckless and pose a danger to cyclists. The roads can also be icy during the winter. City cyclists solve this problem by replacing summer tires with winter tires.

Also, in 2017 the implementation of a new integrated transport scheme of the city began. It provides for a large number of bicycle paths in the Upper City (including on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street) and in the Lower City.

See [ edit ]

edificio tour ville

Monuments [ edit ]

  • Monument to Valery Chkalov, the famous test pilot of the 1930s, known for his ultra long flight from Moscow to Washington State via the North Pole.
  • Maxim Gorky, at the square named after him
  • Alexander Pushkin (at the entrance to the Theatre of Opera and Ballet)
  • 56.327974 44.001982 26 Prince George and Saint Simon of Suzdal , The Kremlin, St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral . Monument to the founders of the city of Prince Yuri II of Vladimir (also George Vsevolodovich) and Simeon of Suzdal ( updated Jun 2017 )

Religious [ edit ]

  • Pechersky Ascencion Monastery , near Sennaya Square a couple miles east of downtown, halfway down the slope to Volga. With a cathedral and several churches surrounded by a restored stone wall, the monastery is the seat of the archbishops of Nizhny Novgorod.
  • A big variety of other churches and convents.

Buy [ edit ]

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Sleep [ edit ]

All hotels and hostels offer free Wi-Fi and many have computer terminals. Almost all accept credit cards. Hotels and hostels will usually provide a visa invitation and registration for an additional fee.

Connect [ edit ]

Phone [ edit ].

For information on purchasing a SIM card in Russia, see Russia#Connect .

Note that Nizhny Novgorod is in the Volga region zone, and SIM cards purchased elsewhere, such as in Moscow or Saint Petersburg , may be subject to roaming charges.

There are payphones in the streets; however, you can only buy phone-cards in the post offices and in a few newspaper kiosks.

Internet [ edit ]

Free WiFi is available in most hotels, shopping malls, university buildings, restaurants and cafes, the airport as well as several metro stations. There is also free public WiFi on B. Pokrovskaya street.

Cope [ edit ]

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Hôtel de Ville – Paris’s dazzling City Hall

Hôtel de Ville – Paris’s dazzling City Hall

Why you should absolutely visit the hôtel de ville in paris.

Image from author Laura

A visit to the City Hall might sound like an afterthought in a city bursting with history and incredible architecture. But the majestic Hôtel de Ville in Paris is no ordinary city hall. We dive into why the Hôtel de Ville is a compelling destination for vacationers seeking a sense of Paris, old and new.

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In Paris, the Hôtel de Ville has housed the city’s administration since 1357 and is still the Mayoral office. Expanded under several kings, destroyed by revolutionaries, and rebuilt with even more splendor, it’s a building that encapsulates Parisian history. Yet where once the guillotine stood and De Gaulle addressed the nation, people now gather for outdoor events, concerts, and Christmas markets.

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What is Paris’s Hôtel de Ville

The Hôtel de Ville is inaccessible to the public except for a couple of open-door days. The main reason to visit is to admire the striking architecture or join regular events in the forecourt.

Happily, the Hôtel de Ville is within walking distance of various other Parisian attractions, making it a minor detour for city explorers. It’s a worthy detour. Inspired by the Loire châteaux like Chambord and Villandry, the Renaissance design finished in 1628 is an impressive sight. Set ablaze during the Paris Commune of 1871, it was rebuilt in the original style but made even more impressive.

The Hôtel de Ville still serves as the City Hall of Paris . It’s also a focal point for city events and a symbol belonging to the capital, unlike national emblems, the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame .

Tickets and entrance to Hôtel de Ville

Because the Hôtel de Ville is a functioning city hall, much of the building is off-limits throughout the year. There are some exceptions. Although not always viable for vacationers, organized tours are available via their Protocol Office. The office recommends booking tours (French, English, and German) at least 2 months in advance, but also suggests checking for last-minute cancellations. More practical are the occasional citywide events when public buildings are opened to the public.

The first is the wonderful Nuit Blanche (white night, or Sleepless Night in other countries) annual cultural event. Taking place across the city and throughout the night (June 3, 2023), the Hôtel de Ville joins museums and other public institutions in offering free access. It is a popular destination for visitors curious to see the off-limits interior. Journées du Patrimoine is a weekend similar to Nuit Blanche . Part of the European Heritage Days program, Hôtel de Ville joins other landmarks and museums in welcoming visitors for free. Typically happening on the 3rd weekend in Paris in September , the next is scheduled for September 16-17, 2023 .

Exhibitions can be viewed at all times in the Saint Jean room set aside for events. Typically free, they often offer an intriguing perspective on Parisian living. Hôtel de Ville expositions typically run for months and can be found on the city’s website.

Tours of Hôtel de Ville

There is so much to see in this enormous piece of history Hôtel de Ville and if you like to see more and hear more about the revolution than a tour is the best you can do. A guide will tell you everything you absolutely need to know, and even more!

Tours of the Hôtel de Ville: The Details

Paris bike tour in the latin quarter & le marais.

Bike Tour Latin Quarter

The Latin Quarter and Le Marais are great for walking, but jumping on a bike means you can fit all the main sights into one tour. Bikes, helmets, and knowledgeable tour guide included. Explore this vibrant city like a local on this 4-hour bike tour through the Latin Quarter and the Jewish quarter of Le Marais. The tour starts in the heart of the Latin Quarter and ends at the Hotel de Sens. On the tour you will stop at, among others: Sant-Sulpice, Pantheon, Place Monge, Arenes de Lutece, Place des Vosges and many more.

Charming Nooks and Crannies Bike Tour

getyourguide bike tour saint-germain-des-prés

Sweeping through several small but essential quartiers clustered on the left bank, this 3-hour bike tour promises to pack in all the local highlights while absorbing the chic ambiance of the lively streets. Discover the forever trendy central areas Saint-Germain-des-Prés, the Latin Quarter, Odéon and Luxembourg.

Languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Dutch

Private Half-Day Historic Tour

Christmas is another time when the Hôtel de Ville lights up. One of the city’s finest Christmas markets fills le parvis de l’Hôtel de Ville every December in Paris . It’s a magical festive setting.

Tips for visiting Hôtel de Ville.

A few local tips will help you make the most of seeing the Hôtel de Ville.

  • Don’t be dissuaded from inquiring about a scheduled tour of the building. When available, the city hall recommends booking a place at least 2 months ahead . But cancellations happen, and spaces appear at short notice. Send an email if you’re keen to see the interior ([email protected]).
  • Hôtel de Ville is a splendid target on a day, exploring Le Marais neighborhood, which bursts with noted landmarks and world-class museums.

You want to explore the truly magical neighborhoods of Paris? Take a look at the article about the best neighborhoods of Paris !


Stunning views from this rooftopbar

Head to Le Perchoir , the rooftop bar above the BHV Marais department store , for glorious views over the Hôtel de Ville and Paris skyline. But it’s only open during the summer .

Is Hôtel de Ville worth visiting?

While access to the interior is restricted, the ornate architecture and imposing building has witnessed momentous events. Situated in the vibrant Le Marais neighborhood, it earns a place on tourist itineraries .

Hosting frequent cultural activities in its courtyard, exhibitions in the dedicated Saint Jean room, and the occasional open-door event, a well-timed visit can be even more rewarding.

Historic facts about Hôtel de Ville

The Hôtel de Ville was a home transformed into a city hall in 1357 by Étienne Marcel, the merchant’s provost who was effectively the mayor of Paris. The ‘ House of Pillars ’ was later transformed into a grander building alongside the adjacent public square once used for public executions.Notable changes took place from 1533 to 1628 under the orders of several monarchs who wanted a city hall worthy of a world capital.

The city hall, one of the grandest buildings in the city and the center of local government, was at the center of numerous momentous events: The murder of the last Merchant’s Provost, Jacques de Flesselles, on July 14, 1789, was one of the sparks of the French Revolution. The city hall would later become the headquarters of the revolution . In the same halls just five years later, one of the architects of the subsequent Terror, Maximilien Robespierre, was arrested. Revolutionaries again targeted their anger on the Hôtel de Ville during the short yet explosive Paris Commune of 1871. First used as headquarters, the building was set ablaze as the French army moved into Paris. Archives were destroyed, and the historic building was left a smoldering ruin.

The building façade was restored in all its original glory . But new wings and an even more sumptuous interior were added. Making the city hall an even more impressive monument to Paris’s legacy . The building has survived unscathed since then. The city hall became a national symbol of unity in 1944 when the leader of the Free French, Charles de Gaulle, delivered his famous speech marking France’s liberation. The immortal opening line encapsulates much of what the Hôtel de Ville has represented over 6 centuries.

What to do after visiting the Hôtel de Ville

The Hôtel de Ville is well-positioned for exploring some of the most diverting parts of Paris. Situated in the multi-faceted Le Marais neighborhood, there are several top attractions nearby.

  • Just minutes away across the Pont D’Arcole are Notre-Dame Cathedral and the historical wonders of Île de la Cit .
  • Head in other directions to comfortably walk to the Pompidou Center or the absorbing Carnavalet Museum .
  • Paris’s oldest planned square, Place des Vosges , is also nearby. It’s a relaxed spot for a picnic, as is the Seine running alongside the Hôtel de Ville.
  • There are numerous cozy bistros and modern eateries in the surrounding streets. The traditional Le Trumilou serves bistro favorites, just moments from the city hall and overlooking the Seine.

When can you visit Hôtel de Ville?

As the city hall of Paris, the Hôtel de Ville is only open for pre-reserved tours. However, the doors are open to the public on European Heritage Days and during the Nuit Blanche. Free events are often hosted in the courtyard, including a leading Christmas market and the FNAC Live concert. You can also see regular free exhibitions in the Salle Saint-Jean, a striking space set aside for expositions.

What is the nearest Métro stop?

The impossible to forget Hôtel de Ville Métro station (Lines 1, 11) lands visitors in the forecourt right outside the building.

Is there anything else to do near Hôtel de Ville in Paris?

On the edge of the spirited Le Marais neighborhood and a short distance from historic Île de la Cité . Hôtel de Ville is within walking distance of several world-class museums , including the Pompidou Center, and several iconic monuments, like Notre-Dame cathedral and Sainte-Chapelle.

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    The historic part of the city is rich in sights and is a popular tourist destination. The population of Nizhny Novgorod is about 1,234,000 (2022), the area - 411 sq. km. The phone code - +7 831, the postal codes - 603000-603257. Local time in Nizhny Novgorod city is April 9, 9:59 am (+3 UTC).

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    The Chkalov Staircase. An idyllic spot from which to watch the sun's rays set over the city, this monumental creation was constructed by the Soviet government and is unique to the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The staircase derives its name from pilot Valery Chkalov who, in 1937, became the first man to fly from Moscow to Vancouver through the ...


    CONDOMINIO EDIFICIO TOUR DE LA VILLE Company Profile | CURITIBA, PARANA, Brazil | Competitors, Financials & Contacts - Dun & Bradstreet

  20. Guide Tour of Hôtel de Ville, Paris, France

    The Hôtel de Ville is the city hall of Paris, France, standing on the Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville - Esplanade de la Libération in the 4th arrondissement. ... Most can still be seen as part of a guided tour of the building. Architecture The main facade, 143 meters long and 18.80 meters high (26.80 meters for that of the corner pavilions and ...

  21. Condominio Edificio Tour De La Ville

    A empresa CONDOMINIO EDIFICIO TOUR DE LA VILLE, inscrita no CNPJ 86.713.112/0001-05, foi fundada em 11/02/1994 e está com a situação cadastral ATIVA na Receita Federal. Este CNPJ é de uma MATRIZ do tipo 3085, de porte DEM que está localizada em CURITIBA - PR.

  22. Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod ( Russian: Ни́жний Но́вгород NEEZH-nee NOHV-guh-ruht ), colloquially shortened to Nizhny, is Russia 's fifth largest city, ranking after Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg. It had a population in 2018 of 1.26 million. It is the economic and cultural center of the vast Volga economic region ...

  23. Hôtel de Ville

    A few local tips will help you make the most of seeing the Hôtel de Ville. Don't be dissuaded from inquiring about a scheduled tour of the building. When available, the city hall recommends booking a place at least 2 months ahead. But cancellations happen, and spaces appear at short notice.