leclerc voyage vols secs

Bourse des vols

Spécialiste du billet d'avion pas cher

Vol sec, voyagez en toute liberté .

Le vol sec est le service minimum du transport aérien puisque le billet comprend uniquement le transport d'un voyageur de son point de départ à son point d'arrivée. S’il offre plus de liberté au passager, il peut même se révéler la solution idéale pour un voyage pas cher.

Comment est calculé le prix d'un billet d'avion ?

Vol charter, quelle différence avec le vol sec , pourquoi choisir un vol sec , trouver un vol qui vous ressemble avec nos 5 voyageurs.

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  • Choisir son vol Vol sec

Vol sec, la solution pour un voyage pas cher ?

Le calcul du prix d'un billet d'avion dépend de plusieurs parts plus ou moins flexibles, dont certaines ne dépendent pas de la compagnie ou du voyagiste, comme les taxes. C'est pourquoi comparer les prix des billets d'avion selon la date, l'aéroport de départ et celui d'arrivée, et la compagnie aérienne reste le meilleur moyen de connaître le tarif le plus avantageux.

prix vol sec

Certaines situations se prêtent particulièrement bien à l’achat d’un vol sec. Prenons par exemple un voyageur qui rend visite à sa famille ou des proches installés dans un pays étranger ou dans les DOM-TOM. Il n’a besoin que du voyage puisqu’il sera hébergé et nourri sur place. Le vol sec sera pour lui la solution idéale pour un voyage pas cher. En revanche, comme il ne participe pas à un voyage organisé, il est plus exigeant sur le choix des jours et des horaires de son voyage, ainsi que sur l’aéroport de départ et d’arrivée. Une liberté offerte par les vols secs. A savoir que les vols secs peuvent tout aussi bien s'effectuer sur des courts, moyens ou longs courriers.

Autre cas, un jeune qui part étudier ou travailler plusieurs mois à l’étranger souhaitera peut-être acheter uniquement un vol aller simple, ne sachant pas aussi longtemps à l’avance à quelle date il rentrera en France. Le vol sec laisse donc une totale liberté au voyageur qui organise ainsi lui-même l'ensemble de son voyage. Pour les grands voyageurs, autrement dit des clients réguliers sur un même trajet aller-retour ou des touristes qui font plusieurs voyages par an, les compagnies aériennes ont mis en place un système de fidélité. En réservant des vols secs, les clients obtiennent et cumulent des points appelés « miles ». Grâce à ces miles, les clients peuvent, par la suite, bénéficier de vols gratuits dans le cadre du programme de fidélisation.

Un vol charter est un vol affrété par un voyagiste pour effectuer un ou plusieurs vols ponctuels à une date précise, en dehors des créneaux de vols réguliers. N'étant pas des vols réguliers, ces vols ne sont pas prévus longtemps à l'avance et les horaires de départ peuvent parfois être assez inhabituels. Un vol charter est susceptible de décoller à n'importe quelle heure du jour et de la nuit, selon les créneaux dont disposent les aéroports.


Lidl, Leclerc, Carrefour, Auchan : que valent les agences de voyage de la grande distribution ?

Par Claire Sicard Publié le 25/11/2021 à 15h33 , modifié le 15/02/2022 à 11h52

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Une semaine en Républicaine dominicaine en séjour 5 étoiles pour 781 euros du côté de Lidl, quatre jours et trois nuits à Tenerife aux Canaries dans une résidence 3 étoiles pour 190 euros chez Leclerc, ou encore 219 euros le logement à Méribel début décembre chez Carrefour. En ces temps compliqués par la pandémie de Covid-19, les acteurs de la grande distribution proposant des voyages rivalisent de bons plans et d'offres promotionnelles. À l'heure actuelle, ils sont quatre à proposer des forfaits pour voyager en France ou à l'étranger : Auchan, Carrefour, Lidl et Leclerc.

Le groupe E. Leclerc a été précurseur dans les années 90 en lançant ses boutiques Leclerc Voyages. Auchan et Carrefour ont suivi. Le distributeur discount Lidl n'est arrivé sur le marché qu'en 2017, et uniquement avec des offres sur internet, sans agences de voyage physiques, contrairement à ses concurrents de la grande distribution. Et ça ne devrait pas changer : "L'ouverture d'agences physiques n'est pas prévue", confirme ainsi Mélanie Lemarchand, responsable de Lidl Voyages, à Business Insider France.

Les acteurs de la grande distribution ont petit à petit fait leur trou sur le marché hexagonal du tourisme. "Aujourd'hui, les distributeurs représentent environ 20% des ventes du secteur pour les voyages avec forfait, c'est-à-dire proposant le transport et l'hébergement", nous explique Jean-Pierre Mas, président du syndicat professionnel des Entreprises du Voyage. Un chiffre stable depuis plusieurs années.

Mais alors, que valent vraiment les séjours touristiques proposés par Auchan, Leclerc, Lidl et Carrefour ? Est-ce que les offres promotionnelles sont vraiment avantageuses ? Prend-t-on un risque quand on réserve un voyage dans la galerie marchande de son supermarché ? Ou sur internet après avoir consulté un catalogue de promotions proposant des remises sur les Twix et les boîtes de petits pois ?

'Vous ne trouverez ces offres nulle part ailleurs', assure Lidl Voyages

Quand on réserve son séjour par l'intermédiaire de Leclerc, Lidl ou Carrefour, on peut légitimement penser que l'offre est une bonne affaire, à l'instar des réductions qu'ils offrent souvent dans les rayons de leurs supermarchés. Les distributeurs disposent à l'année d'une offre appelée "catalogue", qui s'adapte à la saison : séjours au ski ou au soleil en hiver, camping tout compris en été, etc. Sur ces offres là, les tarifs des agences de voyage ne se distinguent pas forcément des agences plus traditionnelles, qu'elles soient en ligne ou physiques.

"Oui, on peut dire que les offres sont intéressantes chez Lidl, Carrefour ou Auchan", explique Jean-Pierre Mas, "mais on peut dire exactement la même chose pour Selectour, Prêt à Partir ou Havas Voyages", nuance-t-il. Si les offres catalogue ne semblent donc pas réellement se distinguer niveau prix, il existe néanmoins un avantage de taille pour Leclerc, Carrefour, Auchan et Lidl : la puissance de leurs outils de communication. Et notamment les prospectus et catalogues papier distribués à des millions d'exemplaires dans les boîtes aux lettres des Français. "Même s'ils ne sont pas exclusivement tournés vers le voyage, cela fonctionne néanmoins très bien", confirme le président des Entreprises du Voyage. Un atout indiscutable pour faire parler de ses offres.

D'autant que des offres promotionnelles ponctuelles plus intéressantes que les offres catalogue peuvent être aussi proposées par les enseignes de supermarchés. C'est ce qu'essaie de faire Lidl par exemple. Chaque mardi, Lidl Voyages met à disposition sur son site internet son "offre exclusive", un séjour que l'on retrouve également dans son catalogue hebdomadaire. "C'est le tarif le moins cher du marché pour le séjour proposé", assure Mélanie Lemarchand.

"On négocie ces offres avec nos partenaires pour proposer une exclusivité sur le séjour, son prix et sa durée. Vous ne les trouvez nulle part ailleurs", nous affirme la responsable de Lidl Voyages. Même chose pour Leclerc, Carrefour et Lidl. "Les distributeurs vont prendre un engagement sur 1 000 ou 2 000 places, ce qui va leur permettre de proposer des prix moins chers et de pouvoir se différencier", explique Jean-Pierre Mas.

"On peut être très bien dans un hôtel 3 étoiles"

Si l'on veut bénéficier des meilleurs prix, et ce quel que soit le type d'agence de voyage, il faut donc être à l'affût et comparer les offres et les prestations proposées. Mélanie Marchand le confirme à demi mot : "On est tous concurrents, nous les agences de voyage, qu'elles soient en ligne ou physique". Avec un avantage toutefois par rapport aux agences traditionnelles : "Le client qui fait ses courses chez Lidl a une appétence pour l'enseigne, il va donc plus facilement réserver son séjour chez Lidl Voyages qu'avec une autre marque qu'il ne connaît pas", explique-t-elle.

Pour les voyageurs qui ont confiance dans l'enseigne, cela semble donc une évidence. Mais pour ceux qui ne sont pas clients du distributeur et qui craignent de réserver un séjour via le discounter Lidl ou la chaîne de supermarchés Leclerc, est-ce qu'il existe vraiment un risque en choisissant son voyage avec une agence de la grande distribution ?

Pour le directeur du syndicat professionnel des Entreprises du Voyage, la réponse est claire : aucun risque. "Ce sont des a priori de consommateurs. Effectivement, parfois pour proposer des très bas prix on ne va pas forcément chercher dans les prestations les plus haut de gamme. Mais on peut être très bien dans un hôtel 3 étoiles", affirme Jean-Pierre Mas.

Les réclamations de clients mécontents ne semblent pas pleuvoir du côté des offres de la grande distribution. "Je traite la médiation du tourisme", explique le président des Entreprises du Voyage. "Ce qu'on peut dire, c'est que les agences de voyage de la grande distribution sont au même niveau que tout le monde niveau nombre de litiges à régler", explique-t-il.

Reste que le contexte actuel est difficile pour le secteur du tourisme du fait des restrictions de circulation dues au Covid-19. Il faut donc essayer de trouver des relais de croissance. Lidl Voyages propose dorénavant des vols secs sur son site internet. Mais contrairement aux offres de séjour, les prix sont les mêmes que sur les autres comparateurs de vols, sans offre préférentielle.

Cet article a été initialement publié sur Business Insider France

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Mademoiselle Croziflette

Leclerc Voyage : votre guide pour des vacances inoubliables

Miss Croziflette

10 novembre 2023

Monde , Voyage

Chez Leclerc Voyage , nous sommes convaincus que chaque voyage est une opportunité de découvrir de nouvelles cultures, de vivre des expériences uniques et de créer des souvenirs inoubliables. Nous vous offrons les meilleurs conseils pour organiser vos voyages, vous accompagner dans vos envies d’évasion et vous permettre de profiter de moments de détente bien mérités. Dans cet article, découvrez tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur Leclerc Voyage et comment il peut transformer vos vacances en véritable aventure.

Le Concept de Leclerc Voyage

Avec plusieurs années d’expérience dans le domaine du tourisme, Leclerc Voyage se positionne aujourd’hui comme l’un des acteurs incontournables du marché des voyages en ligne. Il propose une large gamme de produits adaptés à tous les besoins et toutes les envies, y compris :

  • Locations de voitures
  • Séjours tout compris
  • Forfaits touristiques

La particularité de Leclerc Voyage réside dans sa capacité à proposer une offre globale, grâce à ses partenariats avec différentes entreprises spécialisées dans le transport ou l’hébergement. Cette approche lui permet de sélectionner les meilleures options pour ses clients, avec pour objectif de leur offrir le meilleur rapport qualité-prix possible.

Les avantages de réserver avec Leclerc Voyage

Réserver votre voyage en ligne avec Leclerc Voyage présente plusieurs avantages :

  • Simplicité et rapidité : la réservation se fait en quelques clics, sans avoir besoin de vous déplacer en agence. Il suffit d’entrer vos critères de recherche pour accéder à une sélection d’offres adaptées à vos besoins.
  • Flexibilité : que ce soit pour des vacances en famille , un voyage de noces ou un séjour entre amis, Leclerc Voyage propose des offres pour tous les goûts et toutes les envies.
  • Économies : grâce à ses partenariats, Leclerc Voyage peut négocier les meilleurs tarifs pour ses clients, leur permettant ainsi de faire des économies sur leurs vacances.
  • Service client : en cas de problème, l’équipe du service client est disponible pour répondre à toutes vos questions et trouver rapidement une solution.

Mieux organiser votre séjour selon vos envies

Leclerc Voyage place la personnalisation au cœur de son offre. Une destination ne se découvre pas de la même façon pour tous les voyageurs, et cela se reflète dans la diversité des options et prestations proposées. Ainsi, chaque touriste peut construire le séjour qui lui ressemble, en fonction de ses centres dintérêt et de son budget. Voici quelques exemples de critères que vous pouvez personnaliser :

  • La durée de votre séjour.
  • Le type d’hébergement (hôtel, appartement, villa, etc.).
  • Les options de restauration (petit-déjeuner inclus, demi-pension ou pension complète).
  • Les activités et animations proposées sur place (excursions, cours de cuisine, sports nautiques, etc.).
  • Les transferts et les modes de transport à destination.

Des conseils pour mieux préparer vos voyages

En tant qu’experts du voyage, Leclerc Voyage propose également des conseils pratiques pour vous aider à bien organiser votre séjour, notamment :

  • Conseils aux voyageurs : avant de partir, il est essentiel de connaître les informations indispensables sur la destination choisie (formalités administratives, monnaie locale, climat, etc.). Leclerc Voyage met à disposition de ses utilisateurs un espace d’information complet pour répondre à toutes ces questions.
  • Astuces pour voyager moins cher : économiser sur les transports, profiter des promotions, choisir les meilleures périodes pour partir… De nombreux conseils sont disponibles pour vous aider à réduire votre budget vacances sans sacrifier votre plaisir.
  • Idées de voyages thématiques : si vous êtes en manque d’inspiration, Leclerc Voyage propose régulièrement des suggestions de destinations et de circuits basés sur différents thèmes (golfs, gastronomie, culture, etc.).

Des avis clients pour vous aider dans votre choix

L’un des autres atouts de Leclerc Voyage réside dans la mise à disposition de témoignages et d’avis de clients ayant déjà séjourné dans les hôtels ou pris part aux activités proposées. Ces retours d’expérience permettent aux futurs voyageurs de se faire une idée précise de ce qui les attend à destination et ainsi, de mieux orienter their choix en fonction de leurs attentes.

En somme, Leclerc Voyage est le partenaire idéal pour organiser vos futures vacances. Grâce à son expertise, sa gamme variée de services et ses nombreuses possibilités de personnalisation, il répondra à coup sûr à toutes vos envies de découvertes et de détente. N’attendez plus pour réserver votre prochain voyage en ligne et profiter pleinement du monde qui s’offre à vous !

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leclerc voyage vols secs

Vols pas chers pour Elektrostal

  • Vol + Hôtel
  • Aller-retour
  • Aller simple
  • Multidestination

Vols directs uniquement

Faites votre choix de vol parfait parmi plus de 400 compagnies aériennes

Cumulez des Bonus+ en plus des points gagnés auprès des compagnies aériennes

Profitez de promotions exclusives sur l' appli ebookers !

  • Informations sur les vols
  • Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur Elektrostal

Información de ruta para vuelos desde a VKO

Quelles compagnies aériennes desservent elektrostal, besoin d'une voiture une fois arrivé .

  • 4 personnes

Chevrolet Spark


  • 5 personnes

Toyota Corolla

Autres offres pour Elektrostal

Aéroports pour elektrostal.

  • Aéroport de Sheremetyevo (SVO)
  • Aéroport de aéroport international Domodedovo (DME)
  • Aéroport de Aéroportin international Vnoukovo (VKO)

Elektrostal : vols vers des villes situées à proximité

  • Moscou : tous les vols

Vols à partir d’autres villes

  • Vols depuis Centre de la Russie
  • Vols depuis Central Federal District

Meilleures destinations

* Savings based on all holiday package bookings with Flight + Hotel on from January 2017 to December 2017, as compared to the price of the same components booked separately. Savings will vary based on origin/destination, length of trip, stay dates and selected travel supplier(s). Savings not available on all packages. For Free Flight or 100% Off Flight deals, package savings is greater than or equal to the current cost of one component, when both are priced separately.

Tarifs, taxes & frais:  Les tarifs sont ceux disponibles sur ebookers et mis à jour quotidiennement. Ils incluent toutes taxes et frais, à l'exception d'éventuels frais de bagages.

Remboursement/modifications/annulations:  les modifications, si autorisées pour le tarif réservé, seront facturées 45,00€ par ebookers, en supplément de tout éventuelle augmentation du prix du billet ou des taxes qui pourrait s'appliquer.

Autres conditions:  Horaires, tarifs et conditions peuvent changer sans préavis. Les places sont limitées et les tarifs peuvent ne pas être disponibles pour tous les vols ou toutes les dates. Les tarifs ne sont pas valables rétroactivement ou en échange de billets complètement / partiellement inutilisés. Les billets sont non cessibles et non remboursables. Les conditions du tarif sont données pour l'itinéraire choisi avant la réservation.

Informations sur Expedia Group

voyage leclerc nogent le rotrou

Voyages à nogent-le-rotrou.

photo Voyages E.Leclerc

Av. de Paris, 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou

Moyens de transport

Parking public.

Parking Parking Fausses-reposes (de 57 places) situé à 111.53km Route De Versailles, 92410, Ville D'avray Tarif : Gratuit

  • Lundi : 09:30-13:00, 14:00-19:00
  • Mardi : 09:30-19:00
  • Mercredi : 09:30-19:00
  • Jeudi : 09:30-19:00
  • Vendredi : 09:30-19:00
  • Samedi : 09:30-19:00
  • Dimanche : Fermé

Les horaires ne sont peut-être pas à jour . Il est préférable de les appeler pour vérifier à ce numéro de téléphone .

Moyenne des notes sur internet : 4.6/5 (57 commentaires).

Quels services propose Voyages E.Leclerc ?

Voici toutes les prestations et spécialités, séjour de golf, séjour de plongée, promenade en bateau, week end amoureux, voyage de noce, voyage à la carte, mini-croisière, croisière, croisière en catamaran, voyage tout inclus, tourisme d'affaires, billets avions, rivages du monde, royal caribbean, croisieurope, princess cruises, star clippers, msc, costa croisières, norwegian cruise line, présentation du lieu en vidéo.

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Commentaires trouvés sur le web

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Séjour du 15/02 au 23/02/23 à Pierres et Vacances Sainte-Luce. Accueil chaleureux, personnel prévenant, hébergement de qualité, restauration au top avec beaucoup de choix. Environnement superbe les pieds dans le sable, bref des vacances de rêve.

michel pivard il y a un mois

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Annuaire des

Agences de FRANCE

  • Eure-et-Loir
  • Nogent-le-Rotrou
  • Agence de voyages

Voyages E.Leclerc


Ce numéro valable 5 minutes n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Ce service est édité par le site Pourquoi ce numéro ?

Agence de voyages Voyages E.Leclerc Nogent-le-Rotrou

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A propos de : Agence de voyages Voyages E.Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou

"je recommande l'agence."

Accessibilité :

  • Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant

Tags: Agence de voyages , Location de cottage , Agence de croisières , Agence de visites touristiques , Voyagiste , Agence de location de maisons de vacances ,

Les derniers avis :


Bon accueil

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN1a1lxbUZ3EAE - 0 --------------


Une superbe conseillère, je recommande , elle s'adapte à tout vos envies au alentour du prix que vous souhaitez

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURPbWFuVGpBRRAB - 0 --------------


Accueil parfait. Très pro

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNPNk16eGdBRRAB - 0 --------------


Satisfaite, bon conseil, j'ai eu comme conseillère corinne elle est super au top renseigne bien,souriante. Je recommande ce centre de voyages.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSURteDhiSVlBEAE - 0 --------------


Incompétents et inadmissible! On valide un devis avec un tarif donné et l on vous rappel 2 jours après pour vous dire que le dossier n a pas été traité le jour même et qu entre temps le prix du devis a augmenté de plus de 300€. Les responsables se défendent en disant qu ils ne sont pas responsables des variations de prix...oui mais si ils avaient traité le devis le jour même de son acceptation et fait leur travail consciencieusement, le tarif n aurait pas été majoré! Aucun geste commercial de leur part, c est au client de payer pour leur incompétence et mauvaise gestion.

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNZNUpUblRREAE - 0 --------------


Conseils avisés, équipe professionnelle, à l'écoute de vos attentes, respectueuse de votre budget. Allez y !

------------ ChZDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUNZMlBiaEl3EAE - 0 --------------


Personnels très agréable et de bons conseils.

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN3X3Z6VzhRRRAB - 0 --------------


Horrible. Accueil désagréable. Aucune diplomatie ni respect. Je n’y Remettrais plus les pieds

------------ ChdDSUhNMG9nS0VJQ0FnSUN3dlo3VW93RRAB - 0 --------------

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  • Av. de Paris

Horaire d'ouverture :

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Agence de voyage partenaire Nouvelles Frontières Nogent-le-Rotrou

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Voyage Delafoy

Aussi à nogent-le-rotrou.  /  /

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Annuaire Centre Nogent-le-Rotrou Agence de voyage - Nogent-le-Rotrou Voyages E. Leclerc

Voyages E. Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou 28400 : Adresse, horaires, téléphone

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Voyages E. Leclerc

Agence de voyage.

Ouvert :  (Voir tous les horaires)

Offrez-vous un week-end ou des vacances en France, en Europe et partout dans le monde avec Voyages E. Leclerc Nogent le Rotrou ! Voyages E. Leclerc : des idées de voyages à petit prix. A la mer, à la campagne, à la montagne, en Europe, en Afrique, en Asie, en Amérique du Sud ou du Nord... Notre agence de voyages en ligne vous garantit des tarifs exclusifs et de nombreux bons plans. Découvrez les ventes flash ou exclusives, les promos et la sélection de séjours, locations ou circuits de première ou dernière minute : de nombreuses destinations à petit prix. Des vacances en Clubs & Hôtels aux Circuits & Croisières, en passant par les Locations & Mobiles-Homes ou les semaines Thalasso & Bien-être

Voir la carte

Les horaires d’ouverture de Voyages E. Leclerc, sont fournis à titre informatif, hors périodes de congés. Pour être certain de ces horaires, veuillez contacter directement l’établissement.

09:30-13:00 14:00-19:00


Accueil agréable

Tarifs compétitifs

Conseils utiles


Diversité des offres

Qualité du suivi

Qualité des prestations

Proposer une nouvelle qualité

la proposition a été envoyée

A proximité

  • E Leclerc Margon (120 m)
  • Selectour - Echo Voyages Nogent Le Rotrou (1.2 km)
  • D. L. VOYAGES Nogent Le Rotrou (1.3 km)
  • Agence de voyage partenaire Nouvelles Frontières Nogent-le-Rotrou Nogent-Le-Rotrou (1.3 km)
  • Fram Emeraude Voyages Mauger Nogent Le Rotrou (1.3 km)
  • Zimen Ralf Verrières (8.4 km)
  • Zimen Ralf Verrières (9.5 km)
  • Voyages Mirabeau Verrières (10.4 km)

Nos Offres Pro

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voyage leclerc nogent le rotrou

Tous les pros de la catégorie : agence de voyage

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02 37 37 51 51

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Leclerc Voyages

Cette fiche présente "Leclerc Voyages", hypermarche situé avenue de paris , 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou.

avenue de Paris 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou

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Note : 4,0 étoiles sur 5 - 2578 avis du web Recommander ce hypermarché

Autres supermarchés à Nogent-le-Rotrou

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Plan et adresse

Plan de Leclerc Voyages, avenue de Paris, 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou

Leclerc Voyages avenue de Paris 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou


Éditer les informations de mon hypermarche

Supermarchés proches

  • Le Chardon Magasin des Fermes Bio du Perche Place General De 1.1 km Fermée, ouvre demain à 09h
  • Affinité Bio Rue des Viennes 1.1 km Ouverte jusqu'à 19h
  • Coccinelle Express Place General de Saint Pol 1.2 km Ouvert jusqu'à 20h
  • Coccimarket Winston Churchill 1.7 km Ouverte jusqu'à 12h30

Retrouvez cette page "Leclerc Voyages avenue de Paris" en partant des liens : supermarché Centre-Val de Loire , supermarché 28 , supermarché Nogent-le-Rotrou .

E.Leclerc Voyages - Nogent le Rotrou

  • Obtenir un numéro
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Horaires d'ouverture E.Leclerc Voyages - Nogent le Rotrou

Lundi : 09h30 - 13h / 14h - 19h

Mardi : 09h30 - 19h

Mercredi : 09h30 - 19h

Jeudi : 09h30 - 19h

Vendredi : 09h30 - 19h

Samedi : 09h30 - 19h

Horaires de E.Leclerc Voyages - Nogent le Rotrou, Nogent-le-Rotrou

Ces horaires sont incorrects ? Suggérez une modification

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Téléphone E.Leclerc Voyages - Nogent le Rotrou

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Adresse E.Leclerc Voyages - Nogent le Rotrou

E.Leclerc Voyages - Nogent le Rotrou E.Leclerc L'Esperance" Route De Paris - Margon" 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou

Catégories Supermarché , Magasin Bricolage , Informatique , Téléphonie , Agence de Voyages , Électroménager

Enseigne Leclerc Voyages


Ecrire un avis

Photos voyages - nogent le rotrou.

Aucune photo de E.Leclerc Voyages - Nogent le Rotrou pour le moment, ajoutez une photo .

À proximité de E.Leclerc Voyages - Nogent le Rotrou

  • But - Nogent-le-Rotrou 120 m
  • Avis Location Voiture Nogent-le-... 140 m
  • Espace Confort - Nogent-le-Rotrou 150 m
  • Leclerc Location - Nogent le Rotrou 240 m
  • E.Leclerc Station Service - Noge... 280 m

Annuaires des Agences de voyages -


Ce numéro valable 5 minutes n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le numéro d'un service permettant la mise en relation avec celui-ci. Ce service est édité par le site Pourquoi ce numéro ?

Photo du Agence de voyages Voyages E.Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou

Informations sur Voyages E.Leclerc

Voici la fiche de Voyages E.Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou, vous trouverez ci-dessous toutes les informations pour être mis en relation par téléphone et voir les avis des clients sur le Agence de voyages Voyages E.Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou.

Les services proposés par Voyages E.Leclerc

Avis de clients.

Une note de 2.8/5, il y a photos sur le agence de voyages voyages à nogent-le-rotrou, 4 avis clients.

avis de olivier.o sur Agence de voyages Voyages E.Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou

" Personnels très agréable et de bons conseils. "

avis de Foufie. sur Agence de voyages Voyages E.Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou

" Incompétents et inadmissible! On valide un devis avec un tarif donné et l on vous rappel 2 jours après pour vous dire que le dossier n a pas été traité le jour même et qu entre temps le prix du devis a augmenté de plus de 300€. Les responsables se défendent en disant qu ils ne sont pas responsables des variations de prix...oui mais si ils avaient traité le devis le jour même de son acceptation et fait leur travail consciencieusement, le tarif n aurait pas été majoré! Aucun geste commercial de leur part, c est au client de payer pour leur incompétence et mauvaise gestion. "

avis de Souad. sur Agence de voyages Voyages E.Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou

" Horrible. Accueil désagréable. Aucune diplomatie ni respect. Je n’y Remettrais plus les pieds "

avis de Pauline.a sur Agence de voyages Voyages E.Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou

" Conseils avisés, équipe professionnelle, à l'écoute de vos attentes, respectueuse de votre budget. Allez y ! "

Les horaires d'ouverture :

  • Lundi 09:30–13:00 14:00–19:00
  • Mardi 09:30–13:00 14:00–19:00
  • Mercredi 09:30–13:00 14:00–19:00
  • Jeudi 09:30–13:00 14:00–19:00
  • Vendredi 09:30–13:00 14:00–19:00
  • Samedi 09:30–13:00 14:00–19:00
  • Dimanche 09:30–18:00

Adresse / Site web

  • Adresse : Av. de Paris, 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou
  • Site internet :

Les autres agences de voyages à Nogent-le-Rotrou :

voyage leclerc nogent le rotrou

Nogent Voyages

voyage leclerc nogent le rotrou

Visages du monde

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voyage leclerc nogent le rotrou

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E.Leclerc Voyages  Logo

Magasins E.Leclerc Voyages à Nogent-le-Rotrou - Adresses et horaires

Ouvrir les catalogues E.Leclerc Voyages dans l'appli gratuite

E.Leclerc Voyages Nogent-le-Rotrou : Tous les magasins

E.Leclerc Voyages

Retrouvez toutes les offres dans l'App


Catalogues Autres Magasins à Nogent-le-Rotrou

Prospectus Mondial Relay à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Envoyer un colis en France ou à l'étranger avec Mondial Relay", 1 page, 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024

Mondial Relay

lun. 01/01 - mar. 31/12/2024

Valable jusqu'au 31/12/2024

Prospectus Relais Colis à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Envoyez vos colis partout en France", 1 page, 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024

Relais Colis

Prospectus Recettes à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Tartes de saison", 1 page, 06/03/2024 - 30/06/2024

mer. 06/03 - dim. 30/06/2024

Valable jusqu'au 30/06/2024

Prospectus Recettes à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Tartes sucrées", 1 page, 06/03/2024 - 16/06/2024

mer. 06/03 - dim. 16/06/2024

Valable jusqu'au 16/06/2024

Prospectus Recettes à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Saveurs d'Orient", 1 page, 06/03/2024 - 10/04/2024

mer. 06/03 - mer. 10/04/2024

Valable jusqu'au 10/04/2024

Prospectus Magazine à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Jardinage de printemps", 1 page, 06/03/2024 - 31/05/2024

mer. 06/03 - ven. 31/05/2024

Valable jusqu'au 31/05/2024

Offres en cours à proximité

Prospectus Intersport à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "PLUS DE SNEAKERS À PRIX QUI CLAQUENT", 7 pages, 22/02/2024 - 10/03/2024

jeu. 22/02 - dim. 10/03/2024

Encore valable 4 jours

Prospectus Lidl à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Foire aux vins", 56 pages, 06/03/2024 - 12/03/2024

mer. 06/03 - mar. 12/03/2024

Encore valable 6 jours

Prospectus Lidl à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "CATALOGUE JARDIN : OUTILS ET ACCESSOIRES", 35 pages, 29/02/2024 - 17/03/2024

jeu. 29/02 - dim. 17/03/2024

Valable jusqu'au 17/03/2024

Prospectus Lidl à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Foire aux vins", 48 pages, 28/02/2024 - 08/03/2024

mer. 28/02 - ven. 08/03/2024

Encore valable demain

Prospectus E.Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Un hiver tonique à prix E.Leclerc", 4 pages, 27/02/2024 - 09/03/2024

mar. 27/02 - sam. 09/03/2024

Encore valable 3 jours

Prospectus Gamm vert à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Retour au jardin", 8 pages, 21/02/2024 - 10/03/2024

mer. 21/02 - dim. 10/03/2024

Prospectus Jardineries du terroir à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "Le printemps s'installe", 4 pages, 06/03/2024 - 17/03/2024

Jardineries du terroir

mer. 06/03 - dim. 17/03/2024

Prospectus Tout Faire à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "TOUT FAIRE AVANT L'ÉTÉ", 12 pages, 02/03/2024 - 30/03/2024

sam. 02/03 - sam. 30/03/2024

Valable jusqu'au 30/03/2024

Prospectus Intersport à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "PLUS DE FITNESS ET DE BONNES AFFAIRES", 20 pages, 04/03/2024 - 24/03/2024

lun. 04/03 - dim. 24/03/2024

Valable jusqu'au 24/03/2024

Prospectus Intermarché à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "JARDIN", 28 pages, 27/02/2024 - 17/03/2024


mar. 27/02 - dim. 17/03/2024

Prospectus Intermarché à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "JUSQU'À 34% DE RÉDUCTIONS OU D'AVANTAGE CARTE", 48 pages, 27/02/2024 - 10/03/2024

mar. 27/02 - dim. 10/03/2024

Prospectus Intermarché à Nogent-le-Rotrou, "SPÉCIAL ORIENT SAVEURS ÉPICÉES À PRIX DOUX.", 18 pages, 05/03/2024 - 24/03/2024

mar. 05/03 - dim. 24/03/2024

E.Leclerc Voyages à proximité

Actu conso et bons plans

Bonial Magazine

Enseignes Autres Magasins à Nogent-le-Rotrou

Trouvez votre magasin voyages à nogent-le-rotrou.

Emeraude Voyages Mauger

Cette fiche présente "Emeraude Voyages Mauger", agence de voyage située rue de la herse , 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou.

4 Rue de la Herse 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou

📞 Appeler cette agence de voyage

Note : 4,5 étoiles sur 5 - 8 avis du web Une personne recommande cette agence. Je recommande

Autres agences à Nogent-le-Rotrou

Horaires habituels ————————— Jours fériés

Plan de Emeraude Voyages Mauger, 4 Rue de la Herse, 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou

Emeraude Voyages Mauger 4 Rue de la Herse 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou

Informations légales

Éditer les informations de mon agence de voyage

Agences de voyage à proximité

  • Nouvelles Frontières Rue de la Herse 70 m Ouverte jusqu'à 12h30
  • Regie Autonome de l'Office du Tourisme Châteaudun 47 km Ouverte jusqu'à 12h30
  • Simplon Voyages Châteaudun 47 km Ouverte jusqu'à 12h30
  • Viza For Dreams Lucé 50 km Ouverte jusqu'à 13h

Retrouvez cette page "Emeraude Voyages Mauger Rue de la Herse" en partant des liens : agence de voyage Centre-Val de Loire , agence de voyage 28 , agence de voyage Nogent-le-Rotrou .

UTL Nogent le Rotrou


VOYAGE A l’INTERNATIONAL Du mardi 9 mai au mardi 16 mai 2023 : L’Andalousie : Séville, Cordoue, Grenade..( DETAIL ). ESCAPADE Les 21 et 22 juin 2023 : Loches et zoo de Beauval ( DETAIL ) VOYAGE EN FRANCE (DETAIL) Du 5 au 9 septembre 2023 : Territoire de Belfort (Colombey, Belfort, Bâle et Langres)

Leclerc Voyages

La Sélection de vos envies d'ailleurs avec Voyages E.Leclerc

Consultez la nouvelle sélection Voyages E.Leclerc Eté

Horizons Proches

Canaries, Maroc, Tunisie...

Canaries, Egypte, Tunisie...

Croisières avec Leclerc Voyages

Méditerranée, Egypte,...

Bien-être en france.

Thalasso & Spa

Thalasso & Spa

Horizons lointains.

Caraïbes, Amériques, Afrique...

Caraïbes, Amériques, Asie, Afrique...


Londres, Rome, Venise...


Clubs, résidences et campings

Votre voyage en famille avec leclerc voyages.

Découvrez des dizaines d'idées de séjours en famille sur la brochure de votre agence de voyages en ligne.

Un séjour en famille à l'étranger

Et si vous partiez au soleil avec vos enfants ? Voyages Leclerc propose un large choix d'hôtels et de clubs vacances à proximité de la France, à découvrir dans sa brochure . Vous pourrez par exemple réserver un séjour Horizons voisins, à quelques heures de vol seulement de chez vous.

Réservez vos vacances en famille aux Baléares . Cette destination séduira tous ceux qui souhaitent passer des vacances 100 % farniente avec leurs enfants, mais également ceux qui aiment faire du tourisme culturel en famille.

A Madère , vous apprécierez la douceur du climat et la végétation luxuriante et colorée.Vous pourrez aussi vous laisser tenter par l'Espagne , qui dévoile des centaines de kilomètres de plages, de la Costa Brava à la Costa del Sol. Aux Canaries , vous découvrirez de magnifiques paysages volcaniques et pratiquerez de nombreux sports nautiques.

Les séjours Horizons lointains vous emmèneront en Martinique , en Guadeloupe ou en République Dominicaine .

Des vacances en famille en France

Côté mer ou côté montagne, la France frappe par sa grande diversité de paysages . Leclerc Voyages vous réserve dans sa brochure les plus belles stations de ski des Alpes et des Pyrénées. La montagne est idéale en toute saison pour des vacances en famille. L' été , elle offre aussi de belles possibilités de loisirs : randonnée, sports d'eau vive, pêche... Autant d'activités à pratiquer pendant votre séjour détente avec vos enfants.

Et si vous avez envie de partir à la mer, vous pourrez réserver un hôtel, un club vacances ou une location au bord de la Méditerranée et sur la Côte d'Azur. Ou vous préférerez l'Atlantique, la Côte basque et la Normandie. Au programme de vos vacances, des balades sur la côte, des bains de soleil et des sports nautiques.

Toutes nos destinations

  • Afrique du Sud
  • Emirats Arabes Unis
  • G rande-Bretagne
  • I les Féroé
  • Iles grecques
  • Polynésie Française - Tahiti
  • R épublique Dominicaine
  • République Tchèque
  • Royaume Uni
  • S aint Martin
  • Swaziland - Eswatini

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voyage leclerc nogent le rotrou

MARGON - NOGENT LE ROTROU. ROUTE DE PARIS. 28400 MARGON. FRANCE Tél : Les villes proches de l'agence : Nogent le Rotrou, La Loupe, Authon du Perche. Horaires de l'agence. hors jours fériés et ouvertures exceptionnelles. Choisir comme agence préférée. Contacter cette agence. Voyages E.Leclerc Margon = Les vacances c'est pas cher.

Avec Leclerc Voyages, partez en vacances en toute sérénité ! Partir avec votre agence de voyages. Découvrez avec nos conseillers des dizaines de séjours en France et dans le monde en hôtel, club de vacances ou location, et nos formules petit-déjeuner, demi-pension ou all inclusive.

Réservez votre voyage sur le site, ou rendez-vous dans l'une de nos agences de voyages Leclerc Voyages, qui vous accueillent partout en France. : le site de vos voyages pas chers. Votre agence de voyages propose différents types de voyages pas chers, pour répondre à toutes vos envies.

Vous pourrez aussi découvrir les plus appréciées agences de voyage à Nogent-le-Rotrou dans l'Eure-et-Loir.Retrouvez-nous dans notre agence de voyage au Av. de Paris, 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou.Nous serions ravi de vous accueillir, nos horaires d'ouverture sont les suivants : 09:30-19:00.Notre agence de voyage est facilement accessible depuis ...

Av. de Paris. 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou. Horaire d'ouverture : Une erreur sur les horaires ? Agence de voyages Voyages E.Leclerc Nogent-le-Rotrou. Découvrez le numéro de téléphone, les avis clients (61), l'adresse, les horaires d'ouverture et les photos du Agence de voyages.

Voyages E. Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou 28400 (Avenue de Paris): toutes les informations pratiques : adresse, téléphone, horaires d'ouverture ... de Voyages E. Leclerc à Nogent-le-Rotrou sont sur le

E.Leclerc Voyages à Nogent Le Rotrou. Détails du magasin E.Leclerc Voyages à Margon. . Avenue de Paris, 28400 Nogent Le Rotrou. . 0,7 km. 02 37 37 51 51. fermé. Tous les magasins E.Leclerc Voyages. . Horaires d'ouverture. . lundi. 09:30-13:00. & 14:00-19:00. mardi. 09:30-19:00. mercredi.

Marché « Leclerc Voyages » avenue de Paris à Nogent-le-Rotrou : adresse, téléphone, horaires, email, site web Leclerc Voyages - Hypermarché Nogent-le-Rotrou (28400)

E.Leclerc Voyages , Avenue de Paris, 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou. 1,21 km. 0237375151. fermé. Tous les magasins E.Leclerc Voyages. Magasin E.Leclerc Voyages - Horaires d'ouverture. Lundi. 09:30-13:00. 14:00-19:00. Mardi. 09:30-19:00. Mercredi. 09:30-19:00. Jeudi. 09:30-19:00. Vendredi. 09:30-19:00. Samedi. 09:30-19:00. Dimanche. fermé.

E.Leclerc Voyages à Nogent-le-Rotrou: Feuilletez en ligne les catalogues E.Leclerc Voyages en cours et retrouvez les promos Autres Magasins à Nogent-le-Rotrou sur

Agence de voyage Voyages Nogent le Rotrou 28400. Avis, téléphone, horaires, plan et promotions avec Justacoté, le guide des bonnes adresses.

Leclerc Voyages à Nogent-le-Rotrou. Informations. Plan d'accès. Téléphone Leclerc Voyages. Adresse Leclerc Voyages. Leclerc Voyages. E.Leclerc L'Esperance"...

E.Leclerc Voyages - Nogent le Rotrou. E.Leclerc L'Esperance" Route De Paris - Margon" 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou. Informations. Catégories. Supermarché, Magasin Bricolage,...

E.Leclerc Nogent. Avenue De Paris. 28400 Margon Nogent Le Rotrou. Tél. : 02 37 53 49 00. Contacter le magasin. Visiter notre page Facebook. Changer de magasin. Voir les CGV. Horaires d'ouverture. Station service. Station Service. B7/Gazole. 1.779€ E5/SP95. 1.829€ E5/SP98. 1.842€ LPG/GPL. 0.928€ E10/SP95. 1.799€ E85. 0.95€

Numéro de téléphone et adresse Voyages E.Leclerc Nogent-le-Rotrou Agence de voyages. Voir les 4 avis client et les notes ainsi que les horaires d'ouverture.

Tous les magasins de E.Leclerc Voyages à Nogent-le-Rotrou. Promos. E.Leclerc Voyages. Avenue de Paris Nogent Le Rotrou. Détails et horaires d'ouverture. fermé. 1,2 km. Catalogues Autres Magasins. Magazine. Valable jusqu'au 29/10/2023. Bons Plans 🔥. Valable jusqu'au 16/10/2023. Magazine. Encore valable 5 jours. Magazine. Encore valable 3 jours.

Nogent Voyages, Nogent le Rotrou. 900 likes · 10 talking about this · 3 were here. Pour vos voyages en France et en Europe, notre agence met à votre services des autocars grand to...

Zone Industrielle avenue Messesselle 28400 Nogent le Rotrou - Y aller. Voir plus de coordonnées. Plus d'infos sur Nogent Voyages : Passer commande directement sur PagesJaunes ! Consultez le catalogue produits ou services puis commander en ligne ou directement auprès du professionnel ! Consulter le catalogue.

4 Rue de la Herse. 28400 Nogent-le-Rotrou. 📞 Appeler cette agence de voyage. Agence de voyage - Fermée, ouvre lundi à 14h00. Offres : croisières. Note : 4,5 étoiles sur 5 - 8 avis du web. Une personne recommande cette agence. Je recommande. Autres agences à Nogent-le-Rotrou. Horaires. Lundi. 14h - 18h. Mardi. 9h30 - 12h30 14h - 18h. Mercredi.

Agence de voyages E.Leclerc MARGON - NOGENT LE ROTROU ROUTE DE PARIS 28400 MARGON tél :

LES VOYAGES. VOYAGE A l'INTERNATIONAL Du mardi 9 mai au mardi 16 mai 2023 : L'Andalousie : Séville, Cordoue, Grenade... ESCAPADE Les 21 et 22 juin 2023 : Loches et zoo de Beauval VOYAGE EN FRANCE (DETAIL) Du 5 au 9 septembre 2023 : Territoire de Belfort (Colombey, Belfort, Bâle et Langres)

à partir de 42€ par personne. Votre voyage en famille avec Leclerc Voyages. Découvrez des dizaines d'idées de séjours en famille sur la brochure de votre agence de voyages en ligne. Un séjour en famille à l'étranger. Et si vous partiez au soleil avec vos enfants ?

Annuaire des. Vacances de FRANCE. Eure-et-Loir; Nogent-le-Rotrou; Agence de voyages; Voyages E.Leclerc. Ce numéro valable 5 minutes n'est pas le numéro du destinataire mais le n

rolex yacht master prix

Shop New Arrivals

leclerc voyage vols secs

Rolex Yacht-Master

  • Yacht-Master

Yacht-Master II

  • Rolex 16622
  • Rolex 168622
  • $7,000 to $10,000
  • $10,000 to $15,000
  • $15,000 to $20,000
  • Stainless Steel
  • Yellow Gold
  • 2010 to Present

Cash wire prices shown. Prices may be higher if other payment methods are selected.*

About The Rolex Yacht-Master

The Rolex Yacht-Master has an intriguing history that dates to the early 1990s, when it first debuted. The regatta timer was developed as an homage to the world of watersport and was designed to be both elegant and functional. Over the years, the Yacht-Master has transformed into a symbol of the Rolex brand's dedication to excellence and groundbreaking watchmaking.

Why Choose Us

Bob's Watches is a trusted and established purveyor of pre-owned Rolex watches with decades of experience. We promise a 100% satisfaction guarantee, ensuring that customers are fully satisfied with their purchase or they can return it for a full refund. With a team of specialists who authenticate and examine each watch, and fair pricing on a large inventory of models, Bob's Watches is a reliable option for those looking to buy a pre-owned Rolex watch.

Looking to Sell Your Rolex?

Unlock the value of your treasured timepiece by selling your Rolex with Bob's Watches. Our expert team handles each watch with utmost care and professionalism. With our seamless and trusted process, we ensure your experience is top-notch. Parting with your luxury watch becomes as effortless and rewarding as the moments it has tracked for you. Get started today by visiting our Sell Rolex watch page.


Nathaniel g..

"I had wanted a Yacht-Master for as long as I could remember, but could never justify the high price of buying new. Once I realized that buying pre-owned might be a smarter option, I searched around the internet, but only Bob's Watches made me feel comfortable with making such a large purchase online. I understood their business model, and past customers' reviews were very positive. The prices were competitive as well, and rivaled those of less-trustworthy dealers. Once I made my choice, there was a slight hiccup in the process to wire funds, but when I called in, the problem was quickly resolved.

I received my watch a few days later, and it looked stunning. When the site says "mint condition," it means it! Bob's was also able to tell me when the watch was last serviced, which (in combination with the one-year warranty) gives me peace-of-mind. As I look to expand my collection of watches, I'm sure I'll be a repeat customer of Bob's Watches."

Review originally published on Trustpilot

"I have been shopping for the Rolex Yachtmaster for the better part of a year. I visited multiple jewelers & brokers in my area. Either they were of poor condition or over priced. Then I found Bobs Watches. The staff was expeditious and courteous. They sent me new photos of the watch upon request with no hesitation. The service, price, and condition of the watch was without compare. I am now a lifelong customer of Bobs Watches, I cannot imagine buying from any other source."

Review originally published on Google

Expert Opinion

"The Rolex Yacht-Master is a striking maritime watch that combines high style and functionality in a single package. The collection features a resilient waterproof case, a clean and legible dial, and a rotatable bezel with 60-minute graduations. With its innovative design and phenomenal performance, the Rolex Yacht-Master is a prime investment for anyone looking for a top-of-the-line luxury watch."

- Paul Altieri, Founder and CEO of Bob's Watches

Price Trends

The Rolex Yacht-Master is a renowned luxury watch intended for yachting enthusiasts. Pre-owned prices for this remarkable collection often sit between the mid-level and top-tier Rolex price ranges, depending on factors such as the materials used, complexity of the design, and rarity of the watch.

Used Rolex Yacht-Master Prices

disc. = discontinued

Popular Rolex Yacht-Master Watch Comparisons

Yacht master 37mm vs 40mm.

The primary difference between the Rolex Yacht-Master 37mm and 40mm models is their case size. The 37mm model is categorized as a smaller and more delicate option for smaller to average-sized wrists, while the 40mm model is larger and more  on par with the size and weight of a classic Rolex sports watch. However, both editions share similar amenities such as the standard bi-directional rotating bezel and the high-performance mechanical Perpetual movement.

Yacht Master rhodium vs blue

The Rolex Yacht-Master is produced in a range of dial color variations, two of which are rhodium and blue. The rhodium edition sports a silver-colored dial, while the blue edition has a classic blue dial. Both options exude a stylish and sophisticated aesthetic, but the blue dial Rolex Yacht-Master is often deemed more desirable and eye-catching. Ultimately, the choice between rhodium and blue is a matter of personal preference and style.

Popular Nicknames

The Rolex Yacht-Master has earned many nicknames over the years due to its charm and maritime roots. One common moniker for the watch is the "Captain's Watch," because of its association with the yachting community.

Rolex Yacht Master Reference Models

The Rolex Yacht-Master has seen a few changes and updates since its release in 1992, which has produced several reference models. The original Yacht-Master featured a 40mm case, while later models also included a smaller 35mm case and a mid-size 37mm case. The latest Yacht-Master offering has a 42mm case and is equipped with a next generation mechanical movement.

Learn more about the collection by visiting our Rolex Yacht-Master buying guide .

Key Features

Rolex yacht-master dials.

The Rolex Yacht-Master has a traditional sports watch dial design, which contributes to the collection's overall aesthetic appeal. The dial of the Yacht-Master is often decorated with a standard sunburst finish. Additionally, the watch's hour markers and hands are usually filled with luminescent material to enhance visibility in low-light environments.

Rolex Yacht-Master Movements

The Rolex Yacht-Master is powered by high-precision automatic movements , which guarantee precise timekeeping and consistent performance. These movements are chronometer-certified, implying that they have been tested and certified by the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute (COSC) for precision and accuracy. The latest edition of the Yacht-Master features a high-performance automatic movement, which boasts a power reserve of up to 70 hours.

Rolex Yacht-Master Sizes

The Rolex Yacht-Master is offered in several sizes, including 35mm, 37mm, 40mm, and 42mm. Selecting a size is a matter of personal taste and depends heavily on influences such as wrist size and  style. The smaller 37mm and 40mm models are often regarded as more standard and versatile, while the larger 42mm model takes a bolder stance on the wrist.

Rolex Yacht-Master Materials

The Rolex Yacht-Master is produced in a selection of remarkable materials , including stainless steel, gold, and platinum. The watch's bezel is also commonly made from different materials, such as ceramic or precious metals. The type of material can affect the watch's durability, weight, and overall style, with each option offering a different aesthetic.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is the cheapest rolex.

The value of the Rolex Yacht-Master is based on on personal preferences and importance. As an expensive luxury watch, it may not be worth the investment for every collector. However, for those who value its unique design, premium materials, and dependable performance, the Yacht-Master can be a valuable investment that can hold its worth over time.

Is Rolex Yacht-Master worth it?

Rolex watches are so expensive due to a variety of factors, including the brand's reputation for exceptional quality, craftsmanship, and durability. Additionally, Rolex invests heavily in research and development to ensure that their watches incorporate the latest technology and materials, further adding to their value. The brand's limited production and high demand also contribute to their high prices, as collectors and enthusiasts are willing to pay a premium for these highly coveted timepieces.

Does Rolex Yacht-Master hold value?

The Rolex Yacht-Master is deemed a valuable timepiece because it is a luxury watch with an impressive reputation for excellence, endurance, and style. Its high price and limited inventory can make it a prized collector's item, which can add to its value long term. Additionally, Rolex watches overall are known to appreciate, and the Yacht-Master is no exception.

Why is Rolex Yacht-Master so expensive?

The Rolex Yacht-Master is an expensive watch for several reasons. Rolex uses the best materials on the market such as gold, platinum, and stainless steel in the fabrication of the Yacht-Master. Additionally, the watch is submitted to a rigorous testing and certification processes to guarantee precision and accuracy, and it boasts a distinctive design that is iconic and widely sought-after by collectors.

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Rolex Official Jeweler

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  • M226627_0001

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Oyster, 42 mm, RLX titanium M226627-0001

Rolex Yacht-Master 42 Yacht-Master Oyster, 42 mm, RLX titanium - M226627-0001 at Ben Bridge


All Rolex watches are assembled by hand with the utmost care to ensure exceptional quality. Such high standards naturally restrict Rolex production capacity and, at times, the demand for Rolex watches outpaces this capacity.

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Light and robust, the new Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 42 in RLX titanium is the ally of those seeking freedom of movement. Especially suited to the demands and pressures of competitive sailing, it puts watchmaking excellence at the service of sporting performance.   The Yacht-Master 42 is the second watch in RLX titanium released by Rolex after the Oyster Perpetual Deepsea Challenge, confirming that lightness is a quality to be taken seriously..



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Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 42

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River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat

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River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat

Equipped with ice-breaking technology, these huge fancy yachts are the only river cruisers running all year around. The round trip journey takes two and a half hours and floats past all the big sights like the White House, Novodevichy monastery and the Kremlin. There’s a large open air observation deck up top, while the main body of the ship houses a restaurant with a dance floor for a romantic post dinner dance. For a particularly romantic experience take one of the evening boats and admire the bright lights of the city skyline at night.

The most relaxing and picturesque tour that Moscow can offer: a great way to see the city center and its main attractions. This is a perfect alternative to exploring the city by car, if you only have time to do sightseeing during weekday rush hours.

Your English-speaking guide is eager to share every bit of their knowledge about the surrounding landscape, the architecture and historical details.

We conduct Moscow river tour on Radisson Flotilla boats all year around!  It’s warm inside during winter months, while there’s air conditioning during hot summer days. You may also treat yourself to drinks, lunch or dinner on board (drinks and food are not included in tour price).

The cost of an excursion with a personal guide for 1 person

Quay at Radisson Collection Hotel

Government Headquarters ("the White House")

Kievsky Railway Central

Novodevichy Convent

Luzhniki Stadium

Academy of Sciences

Monument to Peter I

Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

Moscow Kremlin

St.Basil's Cathedral

Novospassky Monastery

U-turn and back to Quay at Radisson Royal Hotel

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  • Excursion River Cruise on Luxurious Radisson Boat
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Sale yacht in Moscow

36 yachts for sale in moscow, customer reviews, popular destinations.

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Moscow is the largest city and historical capital of Russia, the country's most popular tourist center and the center of the Russian Orthodox Church. In this metropolis, antiquity and modernity are whimsically combined, numerous cultural and historical sights, viewing platforms and entertainment centers make it a center of attraction for tens of millions of tourists from all over the world.

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Monterey 224 FSC

  • Length 6.90 m
  • Beam 2.50 m
  • Draft 0.60 m

Merry Fisher 695 Serie 2

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  • Beam 2.60 m
  • Draft 0.90 m

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  • Beam 2.55 m

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  • Draft 1.40 m

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When planning to buy a yacht in Moscow , pay attention to the offers of 2yachts - we hope you will find a suitable option among current and profitable ads from direct sellers.

Sights of the Russian capital

On the territory of the largest city in Europe with a 9-century history, there are many interesting places and objects. Some of the best attractions of modern Moscow are:

  • The Kremlin and Red Square, with which it is worth starting to get acquainted with the city;
  • Arbat - the main tourist artery of Moscow;
  • The business center of the city with skyscrapers is Moscow City with viewing platforms, including a 360-degree circular view of the capital;
  • The Bolshoi Theater is one of the most significant in Russia and the world;
  • Tretyakov Gallery with the world's largest collection of Russian painting;
  • Ostankino TV Tower, the country's main television tower 540 m high with 2 viewing platforms - open type and glazed at different levels;
  • St. Basil's Cathedral (Cathedral of the Protection of the Holy Virgin);
  • The historical district of the capital is Kitay Gorod.

It is also worth visiting the river berths, beaches (in Rublevo, Strogino and Serebryany Bor) of the Moscow River, Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, Moskarium Oceanography Center, Novodevichy Convent, Moscow Planetarium, Darwin Museum, Zaryadye Natural Landscape Park and Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy (VDNH).

The best restaurants in Moscow: Pushkin, Balzi rossi, Wine & Crab, Osteria della Piazza Bianca, White Rabbit, Björn, Northerners, Beluga, Lavkalavka and others.

Yachting in Moscow

You can leave your yacht parked in Moscow at the pier of one of the many yacht clubs on the banks of the Moscow River and the Khimki Reservoir - for example, on the territory of the Yacht Port “Estate Port” with 36 berths for vessels up to 15 m long or in CHALET RIVER CLUB yacht club on the border with the Moscow region with 57 berths for vessels up to 17 m long and with a draft of up to 1.7 m. If you are interested in selling yachts in Moscow , we recommend that you use the services of one of the trusted yacht brokers in the region, for example - PRESTIGE YACHTS, ULTRABOATS, IY C or WEST NAUTICAL.

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Oyster Perpetual

The art of command, starting strong.

As a chronograph with a bold nautical character, the Yacht Master II occupies a singular place in the Rolex roster of Professional watches. It features an unprecedented mechanical function: a countdown that can be programmed and synchronized on the fly to adjust and re-adjust the watch to regatta start times. An essential tool for any coxswain and their decision-making process, as it allows them to take the best start towards victory.

The Yacht-Master II’s bold and distinguished marine character is firmly in line with the spirit of the Oyster Professional watches.

Countdown to the race

As for any voyage at sea, time management is vital in a regatta. At its launch in 2007, the Yacht-Master II features an unprecedented mechanical function: a programmable countdown with mechanical memory, synchronizable on the fly. A function that responds ideally to the need for precise timing during the crucial starting sequence of a regatta.

This flexibility is one of the major assets of the Yacht-Master II; its development was a considerable technological challenge. The programming can be mechanically memorized, which makes it possible to start a new countdown without having to reprogramme the watch, for example in the next leg or a subsequent regatta with identical countdown duration.

Furthermore, once the watch’s countdown is launched, it can be synchronized on the fly to match the official countdown via the ‘fly-back’ reset function of the seconds hand and adjustment of the countdown minute hand to the nearest minute.

The spirit of the sailor

With its unique programmable countdown with a mechanical memory and on-the-fly synchronization, the Yacht-Master II lays claim to a proud place in the prestigious line of Rolex Professional watches.

An unprecedented combination of complexity and simplicity.

Oyster, 44 mm, Oystersteel

rolex yacht master prix

Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 42 42mm 18K YG Oysterflex 226658 $ 32,430 Free shipping US Promoted

Price Case size Year Filter Save this search 3,102 listings including promoted listings Sort by Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 37 NEW 2022 Yacht-Master 37 268655 $ 26,900 + $49 for shipping US Promoted

Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master The emblematic watch of the sailing world, the Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 42 is now available in RLX titanium. The Yacht-Master range celebrates the ties between Rolex and the world of sailing. The watch of the open seas

$ 47,108 + $98 for shipping IT Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master II NEW 2023 Yacht-Master II 116681 18KT/SS $ 26,999 + $49 for shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master II 116681 44mm Two Tone Unworn 2023 $ 26,865 + $100 for shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master II 2021 Mint Condition Full Set $ 26,000 Free shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master II

Like all Rolex Professional watches, the Yacht-Master 40 offers exceptional legibility in all circumstances, and especially in the dark, thanks to its Chromalight display. The broad hands and hour markers in simple shapes - triangles, circles, rectangles - are filled with a luminescent material emitting a long-lasting glow.

In 2021, Sir Ben Ainslie, a four-time Olympic sailing champion, was chosen to test a Yacht-Master 42 specially designed for him. This gentleman skipper competed in the SailGP championship with the only watch of its kind in the world: a Yacht-Master 42 in RLX titanium.

$15,000 to $20,000 Stainless Steel Two Tone Yellow Gold 44mm 40mm Black Blue Green 2010 to Present 2000s Cash wire prices shown. Prices may be higher if other payment methods are selected.* About The Rolex Yacht-Master The Rolex Yacht-Master has an intriguing history that dates to the early 1990s, when it first debuted.

126622 $ 14,840 Free shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 40 NEW 2024 Yacht-Master 40 BLUE DIAL 126622 $ 15,250 + $49 for shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 40 126622 NEW 2024 STICKERS Slate Oyster Steel 40 mm $ 17,250 Free shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 40

Light and robust, the new Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 42 in RLX titanium is the ally of those seeking freedom of movement. Especially suited to the demands and pressures of competitive sailing, it puts watchmaking excellence at the service of sporting performance. The Yacht-Master 42 is the second watch in RLX titanium released by Rolex after ...

US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 42 NEW 2023 Yellow Gold OysterFlex Rubber Strap 18KT 226658 C$ 45,729 Free shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 42 226658 Unworn 2023 Full Set C$ 46,429 + C$109 for shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 42

Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master Technical and elegant, the Yacht-Master is a reliable nautical instrument. Bidirectional rotatable bezel The Yacht-Master's bidirectional rotatable 60-minute graduated bezel is made entirely from precious metal (gold or platinum) or fitted with a Cerachrom insert in high-technology ceramic.

Rolex is presenting a new version of the Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 42. From now on, the nautical watch is also available in 18 ct yellow gold, after having been offered uniquely in 18 ct white gold.

$ 47,999 + $49 for shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master II 2021 Mint Condition Full Set $ 26,000 Free shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master II

Moscow City: View Moscow Beneath Your Feet. $96. Details. River Cruise on Luxurios Radisson Ship with a guided excursion: time to relax and soak in the gorgeous Moscow landscape. Our guide will accompany you and reveal the details behind the structures on the river banks around you.

Discover the Yacht-Master models, a combination of character, performance and robustness. The ideal Rolex watches for water sports and sailing.

Rating: 5 64. Buying a yacht at Moscow is easy - cost from $ 972! A large number of unique offers, compare prices and characteristics of the models you are interested in. All current offers on the yacht and boat market - 2Yachts.

The New Moscow City is designed to be completed in 2020 and is planned to provide housing to some 550,000 people. The city will be a car-free zone, with personal rapid transit pods and a mass ...

$ 32,430 Free shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 42 2023+ UNWORN Yacht-Master 42mm Titanium 226627 Oyster Bracelet Titanium Compete Set $ 46,725 Free shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 42 226658 Unworn 2023 Full Set $ 33,500 Free shipping US Promoted Rolex Yacht-Master 42 NEW 2024 TITANIUM Yacht-Master 42 Ref 226627 $ 45,900

Yacht-Master 40 Oyster, 40 mm, Everose gold Reference 126655 View in night mode Discover in 360° View variations Stay the course The Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master 40 in 18 ct Everose gold with an Oysterflex bracelet. The Oysterflex Bracelet Highly resistant and durable

MOSCOW, July 18, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- The Moscow government is preparing a Formula 1 Grand Prix in the streets of Moscow for 2012. That was announced today by Mr. Vladimir Makarov, representative ...

2022 MINT Rolex Yacht-Master II 2 Mercedes Hands White Gold 44mm 116689 Watch Box $ 31,992 + $199 for shipping. US. Rolex Yacht-Master II. 116689 $ 33,900 + $29 for shipping. US. Rolex Yacht-Master II. Platinum Bezel $ 41,700 + $75 for shipping. US. Rolex Yacht-Master II.

01. Calibre 3235 The Yacht-Master 40 and Yacht-Master 42 are equipped with calibre 3235, a movement entirely developed and manufactured by Rolex. This self-winding mechanical movement incorporates the patented Chronergy escapement, which combines high energy efficiency with great dependability.

Oyster Perpetual Yacht-Master II The Yacht-Master II's bold and distinguished marine character is firmly in line with the spirit of the Oyster Professional watches. Countdown to the race As for any voyage at sea, time management is vital in a regatta.

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  • Current Vacancies


Deckhand/Carpenter – 80m Private – Dual Season

Deck / Permanent

Posted By Bekah Edenbrow

Posted Date Fri 23 Feb 2024

Closing Date Fri 08 Mar 2024

Refer a Friend Apply


•    An 80m Dual Season Private MY is looking for a Deckhand/Carpenter to join them ASAP.

•    This is an exciting opportunity to join an excellent programme with great HODs and a brilliant crew dynamic.

•    The ideal candidate will have a year’s experience in the industry with a solid carpentry background. You do not need to have any formal carpentry certification, but you will need to be able to show your ability with proven experience.

•    A YMO and B1B2 visa would also be hugely appealing but are not essential along with some strong tender driving experience.

•    The programme offers a very healthy training budget and has an excellent training culture onboard along with outstanding Captain’s and HODS’s.

•    On offer is a salary industry standard and above DOE, along with a 3:1 rotation and a generous training budget.

Yacht Manager – South Coast

Land Based / Permanent

Posted By Phil Clark

Posted Date Thu 22 Feb 2024

Closing Date Thu 07 Mar 2024

Position: Yacht Manager

Location: South Coast of England

Are you a Superyacht Chief Officer ready to move your career onshore?

I’m seeking to speak with a career minded yacht professional poised to transition from sea to shore, who can bring their rich experience and dynamic energy to my esteemed superyacht management client. This role will focus on overseeing operations, compliance, crewing, and financial management for the fleet. Based in the office on the South Coast of England (with some international travel), you'll ensure our clients' highest expectations are not just met but exceeded.

Your New Crew:

The team is part of a globally recognized shipping powerhouse, dedicated to the meticulous management of the world's most iconic yachts. They pride themselves on a culture of growth, interdependence, and expertise, offering discreet, top-tier services to the industry's most challenging projects.


  • Seamless integration of operational, technical, and financial management practices, ensuring top-notch service delivery.
  • Collaborate with an extensive network, from internal teams to global suppliers, shipyards, and legal and financial professionals.
  • As required, travel to meet operational demands, ensuring client satisfaction across the globe.
  • Ensuring all activities align with maritime regulatory frameworks and financial strategies.
  • Command-level yachting experience, looking to transition to a land-based career.
  • A valid Certificate of Competency (CoC), or the capability to renew, highlighting your leadership at sea.
  • A strong communicator, adept in liaising with a diverse crew and clientele.
  • A solid understanding of maritime conventions (STCW, SOLAS, Maritime Labour, and MARPOL) and a proven track record in budgeting and financial planning.
  • Certifications as an Internal Auditor and Company Security Officer would be ideal.

Deckhand – 40m Private/Charter – Single Season

  • A 40m Private/Charter M/Y is looking for a Deckhand to join them by Mid-February
  • This is a great opportunity to join a vessel based out of the Western Med which offers excellent exposure and drive time for the right candidate
  • The ideal candidate will have 1+ seasons of experience, however they will consider green candidates with a solid background on the water
  • You must hold a PB2 as a minimum, having your YMO in hand would be hugely beneficial
  • Any other additional skills such as carpentry or watersports would be advantageous but not essential
  • The boat has a huge focus on crew culture and has excellent proven longevity onboard – personality and character is key on this one!
  • The package on offer is a salary of €3,000 plus 30 days leave along with some excellent additional perks to be discussed at interview. 

Interior / Permanent

Posted By Sophie Wells

Posted Date Wed 21 Feb 2024

Closing Date Wed 06 Mar 2024

  • Our client is looking for an experienced stew for this worldwide cruising, expedition vessel
  • This is an incredible vessel, with long-standing HODs and very kind, interactive owners. 
  • The vessel has just completed a trip to the Arctic and has extensive plans to travel the globe in the future.
  • The ideal candidate will have some yachting experience in all areas of the interior, and be looking to commit to their next programme.
  • This vessel would suit someone sporty, adventurous and outgoing. The crew are very close-knit and loves to hang out together participating in group workouts, crew card game nights and exploring wherever they are on a hike or diving! 
  • Since they are often in 'off the beaten-track' places, or at sea on long passages, candidates must be able to fill their downtime with hobbies and activities, they won't always be in a location where you can go shopping or to the closest bar!
  • The owners of the vessel are very generous and interactive with their crew. They like to include them and love to see the same faces again and again – longevity is very important to them! 
  • Salary: 3250 – 3500 USD
  • Leave: 3:1 rotation
  • Start date: 20th April   

Deck/PT – 90m Private – World Cruising

Posted By Tommy Hutchins

  • Deck/PT required to join a 90m busy Private World Cruising M/Y by the first week of March. 
  • This is a fantastic opportunity to join a professional and highly regarded vessel, with a strong team in place and fantastic HOD's onboard. 
  • You must have at least 1 years experience on vessels 50m+, along with a B1/B2 visa in hand. 
  • The vessel runs a busy itinerary with the Deck/PT playing a pivotal role onboard, with often daily use of the PT's skills.
  • They are looking for a highly experienced PT who would ideally have prior experience/qualifications in injury rehabilitation. Any additional skills such as massage therapy would be highly advantageous. 
  • This is a true world cruising vessel with an exceptional itinerary in place, having previously gone far off the beaten track. 
  • Male only, due to cabin arrangements. 
  • They have a fantastic crew on board who love staying active, as well as senior crew who put an emphasis on training. 
  • On offer is an exceptional salary far above industry standard, alongside 90 days worth of leave. 
  • A training allowance is also in place, as well as a brilliant bonus scheme. 

Captain – 45m – new build – full time

Posted By Simon Ladbrooke

  • We are looking for a new build captain to join this yacht in it's final stages of construction.
  • You must have previous new build or refit experience.
  • The 2024 summer season will be spent in the Mediterranean, so a thorough cruising knowledge of the Med as a Captain is essential.
  • You will be responsible for assembling a crew and setting up the yacht ready for delivery.
  • This role would suit a self-driven captain who has the skills to successfully deliver the yacht to its owners on time.
  • An attractive salary is on offer for the right applicant, with 60 days of annual leave.
  • This is an excellent opportunity for a practical hands-on captain with a can-do attitude to join an exciting programme from start-up.
  • You must hold either a Master 500 or Master 3000 license.
  • Start date is the end of Feb / early March
  • Please only apply via the Quay Crew website. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted directly.

Deckhand – 60m Charter – Single Season

Posted Date Tue 20 Feb 2024

Closing Date Tue 05 Mar 2024

  • A 60m Single Season Charter Yacht is looking for a Deckhand to join them ASAP.
  • This is an excellent opportunity to join a busy charter yacht with fantastic HODs who are proactive when it comes to training.
  • The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 1 season of experience on a similar-sized vessel and be able to hit the ground running.
  • Having your YMO or YR in hand will be hugely appealing but not essential, along with any additional tender driving experience.
  • Any other additional skills such as watersports or PT Qualifications would also be hugely beneficial.
  • Male only due to cabin arrangements.
  • The package on offer is a salary of €3,200 and 60 days leave along with an equal split of charter tips.

Rotational 2nd Engineer – 70m – Private & Charter

Engineer / Permanent

Posted By Alice Hay

We're working with a 70m German build who are looking for a 2nd engineer to join them ASAP.

  • Dual season – used privately and for charter. 
  • 2nd Engineer unlimited ticket or equivalent is required. 
  • 2:2 rotation. 
  • Salary is €6,500 + 13th month bonus.
  • Package includes a training budget. 
  • Start date ASAP – next week. 

Bosun (OOW) – Temporary – 80m Pri/Charter

Posted By Tom Rose

Closing Date Sun 07 Apr 2024

• 80m Private/Charter yacht are looking for a temporary Bosun/OOW to join them Mid-April until end of July

• This is an incredible opportunity to work on a prestigious charter yacht with outstanding captains and crew

• OOW 3000 required along with proven Bosun experience on 60m plus and strong tender driving skills and abilities

• They will consider a newly qualified OOW with solid Bosun background – you will gain navigational experience during your time onboard

• The yacht will spend time in the USA during this period so a B1/B2 visa will be required, the boat can assist with papers for the right candidate. Plans are to cross to the Med at the end of May with Charter enquiries coming in thick and fast for June/July

• They are looking for an outgoing, energetic and motivated Bosun and someone who is confident and good with guest interaction. If you have any additional skills this would be advantageous, specifically a PT background would be a bonus!

• This is a fantastic chance to work with some of the best crew in the industry on a boat that is top of their charter game!

• On offer is a salary of 5000-5500 Euros DOE, temporary positions earn a 50% split of tips from all charters

2nd Stew – World cruising – private & charter

Posted By Caroline Clarke

Closing Date Sat 06 Apr 2024

2nd Stew for incredible world cruising 70m MY 

  • We are looking for an experienced 2nd Stew or a candidate with very strong experience 3+ years, looking to step up. 
  • The perfect candidate will be a good leader, a kind, warm hearted individual and a real team player 
  • The yacht has fantastic owners that leave time for charters – this is not a BUSY charter yacht but will hope to pick up a few a year
  • This is a brilliant yacht with a very exciting itinerary ahead, so we would love someone with a sense of adventure that is happy to be off the beaten track
  • As the 2nd Stew you will be happy being in a guest facing role however, you must also be confident in hk and enjoy all aspects of the interior
  • Brilliant crew on board and good longevity amongst HOD 
  • Join the yacht April 1st in Central America (B1 required for future travels)
  • Leave currently being confirmed – 90 days TBC 

Rotational AVIT Officer – 100m+ – Dual season

We're working with a 100m+ Northern European build yacht, which has been recently launched and are looking for a rotational AVIT Officer. 

•    Dual Season yacht, private – likely to go off the beaten track.  •    Rotational position – 2:2. •    Salary €8000 – €9000 depending on experience.  •    Start date will be in May. 

More details to be discussed during initial calls. 

Captain – 45m+ Private/Charter – Rotation

  • We are looking for an experienced Captain to join an established yacht based in the US.
  • The yacht will cruise the East Coast, Bahamas and Caribbean, so a thorough cruising knowledge of these areas is essential.
  • Experienced owner who uses the yacht for family holidays, and occasionally charters as well.
  • This is an excellent opportunity to join a well-established and professionally managed yacht that has a healthy crew culture onboard.
  • You must hold a Master 3000 ticket and a current B1/B2 visa or have US citizenship.
  • A competitive salary is on offer with time for time rotation.
  • Start date beginning of April 2024.
  • Please apply via the Quay Crew website. Due to the high volume of applicants, only those who meet all the criteria above and have been shortlisted will be contacted.

Head Chef – 2:2

Galley / Permanent

Posted Date Mon 19 Feb 2024

Closing Date Fri 05 Apr 2024

Head Chef required for 90m Private & charter MY 

  • We are looking for a well established Head Chef to join this lovely, high profile private & charter yacht 
  • You will be joining the yacht early March in the Caribbean and completing a 3 week charter before returning to the Med 
  • The galley runs with 2 Chefs, Head Chef & Sous Chef, all on a 2:2 rotation 
  • Asian cuisine would be a huge bonus 
  • World cruising yacht 
  • Start ASAP 
  • Salary +/- 10,000 EURO 
  • 2:2 rotation 

Lead Housekeeper – 70m – Private & charter

Closing Date Mon 04 Mar 2024

Lead HK required for 70+m MY private & charter yacht 

  • We are looking for an experienced candidate that has a passion for HK to join this lovely yacht as the Lead HK, working alongside the Chief Stew to run the HK side of things, 
  • You will be able to lead your team but work with the Chief Stew and take her guidance too 
  • You will have 2-3 years yachting experience 
  • This is a busy yacht so we are looking for someone that is hard working, motivated & fun! 
  • Great crew on board that are fun and active! Lots of activities together 
  • Worldwide cruising – excellent itinerary 
  • Start date mid March latest
  • Salary 4500 EURO 
  • 5:1 leave, 13th month 

Bosun – 40m Private – Single Season

  • Bosun required for an immediate start onboard a 40m+ Private Single Season Motor Yacht. 
  • This is a fantastic opportunity to join a vessel in a position of seniority in the build up to a busy season, where you'll very hands of throughout the season getting involved in all operations.
  • The vessel has a large 12m Axopar Chase Boat that you must be confident driving, with prior demonstratable experience on tenders of a similar size. 
  • The programme is Mediterranean based with a busy season coming up, with the owners interested in a broad range of activities, to include lots of watersports.
  • You must have at least 2-3  years of experience, alongside a Yachtmaster as a minimum. Any additional OOW modules would be advantageous as there is potential for progression within the programme. 
  • On offer is a competitive salary of €4,500 with 45 days worth of leave.  

2nd Stew / Relief Chief Stew

Closing Date Sun 24 Mar 2024

2nd Stew / Relief Chief Stew required for 50m MY 

  • We are looking for an experienced Stew wanting to progress in their chosen career and take on more responsibility
  • The successful candidate will have a few years in yachting and looking to commit again long term to their next role 
  • Dual season although the yacht has cruised worldwide historically. Currently in the US so a B1 is required 
  • In terms of service, It would be great to find someone that has had formal service training, the owner likes formal / fine dining and is very into her food and hosting dinner parties
  • Interior team of 3 /4
  • Very good longevity on board amongst the HOD 
  • Start in the next 2 weeks 
  • Salary 4500 USD 
  • 62 days leave 

Deck/PT – 100m+ Private – Dual Season/World Cruising

  • 100m+ Private Dual Season/World Cruising motor yacht looking for a deckhand to join the vessel in the Caribbean ASAP. 

This is a fantastic opportunity to join a well-known and highly regarded vessel currently in the midst of a busy Caribbean season, with plans for a Med season this summer, after which they could be heading further afield. The vessel has historically gone far off the beaten track with extensive cruising outside of the norm. 

The boat offers a very healthy training budget and has an excellent training culture onboard along with outstanding Captain’s and HODS’s.

They are looking for a mature and confident individual with at least 1 years’ experience on a 60m+ vessel and has solid tender driving abilities. 

You must also have experience as a Personal Trainer, capable of running group sessions for guests. Additional qualifications such as a Sport Science degree would be highly advantageous. 

You must have a B1/B2 visa for this position. Due to cabin arrangements this role is open to Male candidates only. 

The vessel has an incredible crew culture onboard who are all active and social often step off for crew activities and socials together

On offer is a salary between €3,000 – €4,000 depending on your qualifications and experience. The vessel also offers a 3:1 leave package, alongside bonuses and a healthy training budget.

HOH – 2:2 – 100m

Closing Date Sun 10 Mar 2024

HOH required for 100m MY 

  • This is a busy private & charter yacht just finishing up a busy Caribbean season 
  • You will join the yacht in the Caribbean before she crosses back to the Med for a quick yard period and then a busy Med charter season 
  • Candidates will have prior HOH experience and be confident in leading their team 
  • This is a happy, lovely interior, so we are looking for someone to come on and slot in 
  • Interior team of 10 
  • Fit, active, social crew that do a lot of activities together! Where that's a gym session or a dock BBQ
  • Salary 5000-5200 USD 
  • Equal share of charter tips 

Deckhand – 90m Private – Dual Season

Posted Date Fri 16 Feb 2024

Closing Date Fri 01 Mar 2024

–  A 90m Dual Season Private MY is looking for a Deckhand to join them by mid-March.

–  This is a fantastic opportunity to join a prestigious yacht with a world-cruising itinerary, with plans to visit some bucket list off-the-beaten track locations.

–  There is a longstanding HOD team in place that runs a smooth and well-oiled dual season programme and is pro-active when it comes to onboard training.

–  The ideal candidate will have some solid maintenance skills and ideally a strong background in either carpentry or watersports.

–  Having a B1/B2 visa is essential for you to be considered for the position.

–  You will ideally have 1yr of experience within the industry, with solid tender driving ability. 

–  On offer is a salary above industry standard and 90 days leave. The vessel also offers a generous training budget and an excellent crew culture.

Motorman – 100m+ – 3:1 rotation

Posted Date Thu 15 Feb 2024

Closing Date Thu 29 Feb 2024

We're working with a 100m+ yacht who are looking for a motorman to join their engineering team. 

  • You  must  have your MCA Engine Watch Rating certificate.
  • The yacht is dual season, private. 
  • They require someone with 2+ years experience as motorman on an 90m+ yacht. 
  • 3:1 rotation. 
  • Salary is $4,000 + discretional bonus. 
  • Start date is mid March. 
  • You must hold a B1/B2 visa to be considered. 

Chief Engineer

We're working with a 55m new build who are looking for a Chief Engineer to join their crew. 

  • This is an exciting new build working alongside an excellent Captain. Once launched the boat will run as a support vessel for a larger mothership.
  • You will initially join as 2nd engineer, working along side the Project / engineer who is finishing after delivery, you will then move up to Chief Engineer on board and be able to recruit a 2nd engineer to join you.
  • Y3, 2nd engineer unlimited or equivalent qualification is required. The yacht is happy to consider experienced 2nd engineers with the right ticket, looking for a step up to Chief Engineer.
  • The yacht is due to launch in May this year and they need someone who will be happy setting up the IDEA PMS and SOP's for the engine room. 
  • The yacht will run with an extensive water sports and tender fleet onboard including a 14m landing craft tender, helipad and submarine. 
  • The yacht will launch into a Med Season before heading towards the Caribbean and with plans to World cruise in 2025. 
  • Private and Charter yacht. 
  • Full time (Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm) until delivery, then it will move to a 3:1 rotation. 

Deckhand – 60m Private/Charter – Dual Season

Posted Date Wed 14 Feb 2024

Closing Date Fri 22 Mar 2024

  • 60m Private/Charter Dual Season M/Y looking for an experienced deckhand to join them around mid-March. 
  • This is a fantastic opportunity to join a incredible programme with an amazing crew, experienced HOD's and a friendly owner. 
  • The vessel is currently going through a refit in the yard this winter and then will be heading into a busy summer Med season with plenty of charters already booked in. 
  • They have a busy family orientated programme onboard, with crew in and out of the water consistently with lots of watersports and operations. 
  • They are looking for someone with 1-2 years worth on experience on deck, a Yachtmaster would be ideal however not essential.
  • Personality is key with this programme, so they are looking for someone friendly, down to earth and hard working, who will integrate with the current crew with ease. 
  • On offer is a fantastic programme with €3,000+ EUR DOE, on a 3:1 rotation. Annual bonuses, training budgets and tips also open to crew. 

Bosun – 80m – Private/Charter

Closing Date Sun 31 Mar 2024

• 80m Private/Charter Dual season Motor yacht are looking for a Bosun to join them around Mid March

• This is a fantastic opportunity to join a well run busy yacht with excellent senior team, lovely owner and a solid longstanding deck team!

• They are looking for an excellent bosun who can hit the ground running. Must have 3+ years’ experience minimum and have prior lead deckhand or Bosun experience

• Yachtmaster required as a minimum along with solid large tender driving experience and ideally working towards OOW

• The yacht runs a busy program with a mixture of private and charter usage. They have confirmed charters for the Med season 2024

• The yacht is currently in the Caribbean and will be heading back to the Med for another busy Summer season in the coming months

• Great crew benefits, including fantastic crew facilities with an excellent training environment onboard working alongside two longstanding captains who like to mentor and teach

• They are looking for a top notch bosun who can lead the guys from the front and someone that is going to provide longevity to the vessel with the room to grow and progress over time

• On offer is a salary of 4500 Euros, 90 days leave run as a 3:1 along with excellent training budget and even split of tips

Captain 60m+ – Private / Charter – Rotation

Closing Date Wed 28 Feb 2024

  • We are looking for an experienced captain to join this prestigious dual season motor yacht.
  • The ideal candidate will have 5 years of captaincy on 50m+ motor yachts.
  • You must have previous charter experience as a captain and a thorough cruising knowledge of the Med and Caribbean.
  • There is a healthy crew culture onboard so this role will suit an active Captain who likes to keep fit.
  • Experienced owners who typically use the yacht for family holidays and charter the yacht at all other times.
  • This is a great opportunity for a captain who is looking to step up in size and progress with their career.
  • You must hold a Master 3000 as a minimum along with a current B1/B2 visa.
  • A solid starting salary is offered with room for negotiation for the right candidate.
  • The start date is mid/late March.
  • Please apply via the Quay Crew website only. Thank you.

Posted Date Mon 12 Feb 2024

Closing Date Mon 26 Feb 2024

  • Our client is looking for an experienced Stew for this 30m, single-season, private vessel
  • This role would suit someone looking for a stable position over the summer season in the Mediterranean, cruising Spain, the Balearics and Italy. 
  • Lovely, family-oriented owners who are kind and personable
  • The vessel runs with a crew of 4 
  • Your duties will include laundry, housekeeping and service
  • Salary: 4000 euro
  • Leave: 38 days
  • Start Date: April

Deckhand – 70m Private/Charter – Dual Season

  • An 70m Dual Season Private/Charter MY is looking for a Deckhand to join them by the end of February.
  • This is a fantastic opportunity to join a prestigious yacht with a friendly and experienced owner, along with excellent HODs and an excellent crew dynamic. 
  • There is a longstanding HOD team in place that runs a smooth and well-oiled dual season programme between the Caribbean/US and Mediterranean. 
  • The vessel has a busy yet steady itinerary with a consistent amount of charters and boss trips throughout both summer and winter seasons. 
  • The Captain and HOD team are focussed on crew wellbeing and implement practises that are in place to ensure a healthy and happy crew. 
  • This position is open to both male and female candidates. 
  • Having a B1/B2 visa is essential for you to be considered for the position.
  • You will ideally have 1yr of experience within the industry, with solid tender driving ability. Any additional skills such as watersports or sailing would be highly advantageous. 
  • On offer is a salary of $3,000-3,500 DOE with an industry standard leave package of 38 days. Generous bonuses and historically fantastic tips also of offer. 

Yacht Management Director – Monaco

Yacht Management Director – MONACO


Oversee all aspects of the Yacht Management Department.  The overall goal is to grow and sustain a recognized and respected fleet of quality yachts and to maintain strong interpersonal relationships with current and prospective client owners, captains and brokers around the world.


  • Identify & cultivate new business for the Yacht Management Team
  • Perform competitive analysis & implement strategic plan for business development.
  • Oversee New Client Checklist and prepare paperwork for onboarding new client vessels.
  • Liaise with clients & representatives on high level issues & concerns.
  • Visit yachts & shipyards on behalf of clients to oversee projects, especially for significant shipyard projects.
  • Visit yachts worldwide to perform on-board internal audits as required by regulations (ISM/ISPS/MLC).
  • Oversee logistical arrangements of Yacht Management staff & coordination with vessels, clients, contractors etc.
  • Ensure department compliance with Flag State regulations (ISM/ISPS/MLC).
  • Plan & manage company Flag State audits for compliance (ISM/ISPS/MLC).
  • Create and control Yacht Management operating budget.
  • Create and oversee operating systems for Yacht Management Department including software & technology development.
  • Identify areas for training of staff in the department.
  • Meet with brokerage clients and charter clients to advise on ownership issues.
  • Review budgets & financial reports with clients.
  • Provide budget scenarios for brokers as requested.
  • Review department accounting reports and identify opportunities for growth/profitability/reduced costs.
  • Perform HR duties within the department (interview candidates/hiring/termination/PTO/expense reporting/dispute resolution).
  • Attend & participate in industry events, seminars & conferences.
  • (Currently) act as the DPA

Technical Manager

Technical Manager – Fort Lauderdale


Liaison with vessels & owners as per Management Agreements – g uiding owners & providing support to vessel Captain & Crew as outlined below.

You will be resp onsible for overseeing the maintenance, repair, and operation of the company's fleet of yachts. This individual will work closely with the vessel team, yacht owners, captains, and crew to ensure that all yachts are in good working order and meet the necessary safety and regulatory standards.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement maintenance and repair schedules for the vessels in the fleet. Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of all. Collect all necessary equipment lists, manuals and populate vessel PMS as needed.
  • Oversee maintenance and repair work, including coordinating with contractors and suppliers as needed
  • Ensure that vessels are in compliance with all relevant safety and regulatory standards and implement as needed into department procedures & documentation.
  • Work with vessel team, owners, captains, and crew to identify and address any issues or concerns as well as monitor the performance and efficiency of the vessels to make recommendations for improvements.
  • Provide a point of contact for Owner/Captain/Crew for 24/7 support. Regular communication with Owners & Captains is required to ensure total client satisfaction is upheld.
  • New client setup, implementation of on-board documentation, standards & protocols.
  • Provide technical consultancy support with vessel surveys & shipyard periods.
  • Ensure shipyard/marina agreements are reviewed by insurance and provide support with claims.
  • Visit yachts and provide Vessel Visit Reports to owner on a regular basis.
  • Assist with development and continual improvement of internal procedures/software tools & vessel management software (BLUE).
  • Work closely with Yacht Account Manager regarding accounting & budgets to ensure proper management & approval of invoices.
  • Corporate liaison with shipyards and vendors to verify and negotiate proposal and contracts, and ensure discounts that can be passed onward to clients. Visit shipyards to determine quality of work and condition of yard itself.
  • Liaison with sales brokers and Owners regarding operational issues and concerns of Owners.
  • Attend industry events, seminars & conferences worldwide as required.


  • Degree in marine engineering or a related field or experience in yacht maintenance and repair
  • Strong technical knowledge of yacht systems and operations
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work independently and handle multiple tasks concurrently
  • Proficiency in computer programs such as Microsoft Office and yacht management software

Yacht Management Director

Based in Fort Lauderdale

$90-110,000 pa

Oversee all aspects of the Yacht Management Department.  The overall goal is to grow and sustain a recognized and respected fleet of quality yachts and to maintain strong interpersonal relationships with current and prospective client owners, captains & brokers around the world.

  • Identify areas for training of staff in department.

Who are we looking for?

The successful candidate is likely to currently be a Senior Yacht Manager, with strong compliance knowledge, looking to accelerate their career within a fast-growing and market-leading Yacht Management Company

Chief Officer – 60m – World Cruising

Posted Date Fri 09 Feb 2024

  • 60m World Cruising Private motor yacht are looking for an outstanding Chief Officer to join them around Mid-March, there is some flexibility for the right candidate, they are willing to wait for the right person
  • This is a rare opportunity to join an exciting and extremely well run program with an amazing crew, owner and Captains. The longevity across all departments is second to none
  • They are looking for a driven, organised, calm and hard working Chief officer ideally holding Master 3000 qualification. Candidates close to Master 3000 i.e. one module or oral left to complete will be considered if you have the right experience and attitude
  • You will be working alongside two outstanding Captains with the potential for drive time as you prove yourself, working in a supportive environment with knowledgeable captains and senior team
  • They are looking for a Chief officer who has a good understanding of SMS along with planned maintenance systems as they enter a yard period for various upgrades and exterior works in the coming months
  • The yacht runs a World cruising program and has cruised Australia, Galapagos, Fiji and Singapore in the past year – they will be cruising the Med this Summer with World cruising plans to resume in 2025 with some interesting itineraries currently on the table
  • The crew onboard are sporty, love Scuba diving and watersports. Someone who has similar interests would fit well. There is lots of opportunity to dive during trips in some incredible locations. Dive tickets would be advantageous (Dive Master etc)
  • They are looking for commitment and an officer who will be committed to providing several years to the program. There will be a potential for a rotation once you have proven yourself in the first year of contract, this is not a carrot dangle and has been agreed with management
  • On offer is an outstanding package which includes an above industry standard salary, 90 days leave with potential for rotation down the line, full insurance/medical, a very solid flight allowance per year and an extremely generous yearly bonus – Full package to be discussed during initial call.

Bosun – 60m – Charter yacht

Posted Date Wed 07 Feb 2024

•    60m Dual season Busy Private/Charter yacht are looking for a Bosun to join them 1st March

•    This is a great opportunity for a Bosun with 1 seasons experience looking to  step onto a busy yacht with confirmed charters booked for the Summer!

•    You must hold a Yachtmaster and be comfortable driving large tenders as they run with a 50ft tender. This will be your responsibility to drive and maintain

•    They have an amazing owner who looks after the crew extremely well and is very generous with days ashore etc. The owner used the boat once last season so it is mainly charter!

•    B1/B2 is required as the yacht will be spending some time in the USA over the next month

•    Solid maintenance experience and the ability to lead the junior team is required. They are looking for a strong leader with a solid work ethic

•    The yacht will cross back to the Med around March time ready for a busy summer of charters

•    They run with a superb Captain who is well known to us at Quay Crew

•    On offer is a salary of 4750 USD which will rise to 5k USD after probation, 5:1 rotation, even split of charter tips, 13th month bonus and annual salary increase of 5% 

Senior Stew

Closing Date Mon 25 Mar 2024

Experienced Stew required for fantastic 100m MY 

  • We are looking for a couple of experienced Stews with 3+ years experience on board yachts to join this high profile, prestigious MY
  • You will be a rotating Stew or if you prefer based in HK or Service primarily 
  • There are a lot of perks to this yacht which will be discussed over the phone but include rotation, excellent training budget, very good bonus scheme and potential to move up the ranks in the near future 
  • Dual season yacht – a B1 is preferred 
  • Excellent crew & longevity 
  • Start date mid March / early April 
  • Salary 4000 EURO 
  • Vaccinated candidates only please 

2nd Stew – 60m – Charter

Posted Date Tue 06 Feb 2024

2nd Stew required for busy 60m charter yacht! 

  • We are looking for an experienced 2nd Stew to join this busy charter yacht and hit the ground running! 
  • The yacht will be coming out of a yard period ahead of MYBA and then going into a busy charter season with no owner usage 
  • Candidates will have charter experience on board yachts and be full of creative ideas! 
  • This is a yacht that has been well maintained and has been busy to date with charter 
  • Start TBC but sooner then better
  • Yacht is currently in the Med and will remain Med based year round 
  • 60 days leave 
  • Salary TBC – DOE 

Bosun – 70m – World Cruising

•    Incredible 70m World cruising motor yacht are looking for a rock star Bosun to join them early to Mid March 

•    This is a amazing opportunity for an experienced Bosun to join an incredible program currently cruising the South Pacific with an extensive watersports program!

•    They are looking for a safety conscious, amazing leader with good all round deck skills and top notch tender driving experience

•    Personality and character are absolutely key and they have some incredible longevity within the team. You’ll be responsible for overseeing a team of experienced deckhands who are all extremely competent

•    Yachtmaster qualifications as a minimum, ideally working through OOW modules

•    You need to bring an extremely solid watersports background and skillset to the table. This could be diving, surfing, kite boarding, wake boarding/skating or a solid sailing background

•    They run with a fantastic owner who uses the yacht around 1 week every month. The rest of the time will be spent with lots of training and gaining operational experience with the array of tenders and toys onboard

•    B1/B2 will be required for this position however the yacht is happy to assist with an application for the right candidate

•    On offer is a negotiable salary depending on experience but the yacht has always paid above industry standard, gratuities are often received from the owner, annual salary increases along with a 3:1 rotation. Full package to be discussed during initial calls. 

Deckhand -70m Private – World Cruising

Closing Date Fri 15 Mar 2024

  • Deckhand required for a fantastic 70m Private World Cruising programme with a March start date. 
  • This is an incredibly opportunity to join an industry leading programme that has a itinerary that ventures far off the beaten track. 
  • They have highly experienced HOD's onboard and an incredible crew with impressive longevity across all departments. 
  • They run a diverse programme with a heavy focus on watersports and adventure. 
  • They are looking for experienced individuals with proven longevity on prestigious vessels, alongside a strong background in watersports. 
  • You must have a B1/B2 to be successful for this position. Incredibly strong candidates without may still be considered. 
  • On offer is a salary far above industry standard alongside a 3:1 rotation, to include generous bonuses and an industry leading training programme. 

2nd Officer – 100m+ New Build – World Cruising upon launch

Posted Date Mon 05 Feb 2024

Closing Date Sat 01 Jun 2024

•    100m+ Prestigious New Build are looking for rock star 2nd Officer to join them in June 2024

•    This is an amazing opportunity to join an exciting New build project due for Launch in June 2025 with an interesting Worldwide cruising itinerary upon launch

•    The position will initially include a period of remote working from home and between the yard with monthly visits to the yard to oversee progress with your projects. The plan will be to move to the yard full time around 6 months before launch and the final phase will be to move into a rotational position upon launch

•    They are looking for a diligent, organised officer with a good ability to problem solve. The position is predominantly bridge based with a strong emphasis on ISM/ISPS and safety

•    Experience and creativeness with inventories, storage ideas and ordering of equipment will be key in your success onboard

•    The project is currently being overseen by longstanding crew from the owners previous yacht and you will working closely alongside the Chief Officer

•    Due to the location of the build – Candidates based within Europe and surrounding are preferred for ease of travel to and from the project during the initial 6 months

•    They are looking for candidates with 1 year to 18 months proven experience as 2nd officer, superb references will be required!

•    A blend of commercial and yachting background will be considered, however it is essential you have 2 years yachting experience in an officer capacity

•    OOW 3000 required as min, Chief Mate 3000 preferred

•    This position is open to both Male and Female candidates

•    Package to be discussed during initial call but the salary range is generous and depending on experience. Interview process will include a face to face meeting after initial calls with Captain and Chief Officer

• Please note: Due to high number of applications expected, I will only be able to respond to shortlisted candidates

Deckhand – 80m Private New Build

Closing Date Tue 02 Apr 2024

  • Experienced Deckhand required for an 80m new build M/Y with a 1st April start date. 
  • This is a fantastic opportunity to join a prestigious build in the final stages before launch, with fantastic and experienced HOD's onboard who run a tight knit and professional programme.
  • The vessel is on target to be launched within the next few months where it will then run a busy dual season programme between the Mediterranean and the Caribbean. 
  • They run a busy family orientated programme, with the owner having a big focus on fishing and spearfishing. 
  • The crew are encouraged to get active and involved in all operations, with the crew allowed access to the toys and facilities when the owner isn't on. 
  • They are looking for candidates with ideally close to 2 years experience on vessels upwards of 50m, with the opportunity to step up into a lead position when the lead deckhand is on rotation. 
  • On offer is a competitive package of €3,750 EUR, alongside a 5:1 rotation.

Deckhand – 70m Pri/Charter – Dual Season

Posted Date Fri 02 Feb 2024

Closing Date Sat 09 Mar 2024

  • Deckhand required for a 70m+ Dual Season Private M/Y, with a start date between now and March. 
  • The vessel is currently going through a refit in Europe and then they'll be heading into a busy summer itinerary planned with regular owner trips, after which they will be returning to a dual season programme. 
  • It is a great opportunity to build up sea miles and learn from a supportive HOD team. The programme is active with watersports and you will involved in the daily operations when on boss trips and charters. 
  • You will need to have 1 year+ of experience in the industry, any additional experience with watersports and/or videography would be greatly advantageous. 
  • The vessel has a solid team in place that all work together really well, who are all active and enjoy using the toys onboard. 
  • This position is open to male candidates only due to cabin arrangements.
  • On offer is a salary of €3,500 EUR with 60 days worth of leave. 
  • There is a discretionary bonus scheme in place, alongside training budgets available for those offering longevity. 

Chief Stew – 40m – Private & charter

Posted Date Wed 31 Jan 2024

Closing Date Mon 18 Mar 2024

Chief Stew required for 40m Med based MY 

  • We are looking for a strong 2nd Stew to step in to this lovely position on a brilliant yacht as Chief Stew
  • Fantastic Captain, crew & owners on board 
  • This is a busy private & charter yacht that is based in the med all year round 
  • Last year was a successful charter season and this year is set to be the same 
  • Candidates will have good longevity on a previous yacht and be looking to step up in responsibility 
  • Start in the coming few weeks to see out the yard period 
  • winter in Barcelona 
  • Quay Crew have placed crew on here before and always had great feedback 
  • Short working hours in winter 
  • Crew car available etc 
  • Salary 4500-5000 EURO 
  • 45 days leave – weekends not included in this so significantly more

Deck/Stew – 45m Private – World Cruiser

  • Deck/Stew needed for a fantastic 45m World Cruising programme to join them between now and April, currently located in Central America. 
  • This is a great opportunity for someone to join an established programme with amazing HOD's and also an amazing owner who is friendly and likes to interact with the crew.
  •  The vessel has an interesting itinerary that ventures outside the milk run routes, with plans to potentially visit Alaska in the future. They have a steady programme with an active owner, who also offers the boat to their friends who typically leave a substantial gratuity. 
  • They are looking for candidates with ideally 1-2 seasons worth of experience, any additional skills such as diving, watersports or photography/videography would be highly advantageous. 
  • The role will be 50/50 split between interior and exterior, with time spent on the interior with boss on, however you will likely be the main crew member heading out with guests on excursions. 
  • You will need to have a B1/B2 visa to be successful for this position. 
  • On offer is a salary far above industry standard, anywhere upwards of $4,000 USD depending on experience, alongside a generous owner who left a substantial bonus last year, alongside 38 days leave. 

2nd Officer – Large Classic Motor yacht

• Large Classic Motor yacht are looking for a 2nd officer to join them within the next few weeks to 1 month

• This is a fantastic opportunity to join a well run, prestigious yacht with an excellent senior team and lovely owner

• The yacht runs a varied and interesting program with plenty of operations and cruising both the Med & Caribbean

• They are looking for an experienced officer, ideally time spent as 1st mate on smaller yachts or 2nd/3rd officer on larger yachts. You will need a minimum of 1 years officer experience

• They are looking for a driven, hard working and motivating officer who can lead the team from the front. The role will be split across both the Bridge and deck and you will be responsible for safety onboard

• A solid maintenance skillset, excellent tender driving skills and good operational experience will be required. If you have a sailing background this would also be advantageous

• OOW 3000 required

• On offer is a fantastic package which includes 90 days leave, 5500-6000 Euros DOE, 3 return flights. Full package to be discussed during initial call

Chief Stew – 2:2 – 50+m – Private & charter

Chief Stew required for wonderful 50+m MY! 

  • We are looking for an experienced Chief Stew (we may consider a very strong 2nd stepping up) to join this world cruising, off the beaten track, super active 50+m MY! 
  • The interior team rotate through all interior departments, so you will be able to train, guide and nurture the team through this 
  • You will be capable of admin, doing all accounts, using Voly
  • The yacht is a very active yacht, lots of watersports etc but the standards with service are high, we need someone that can adapt to the program and guests on board and of course charters
  • We are looking for a Chief Stew with a sense of adventure and someone that doesn't rely on there being a supermarket at every stop! This is a world cruising yacht so you will need to be prepared, organised and sometimes think outside the box!
  • Lovely crew, that are also very fit & active
  • Good longevity on board 
  • Salary DOE 6000-6500 USD 

Deckhand – 70m Private Charter – Dual Season/World Cruising

Posted Date Mon 29 Jan 2024

• A fantastic 70m Dual Season, Private/Charter yacht is looking for a Deckhand to join them as soon as possible in the Med. 

• This is an exciting opportunity to just a well-run vessel with a solid senior team and an excellent owner. 

• The ideal candidate will have 1-2 years of experience, be confident working independently and have a switched on head on their shoulders. 

• The yacht runs a busy dual-season/world cruising programme with plenty of sea time and operations. They are currently wintering in the Med and undergoing a maintenance period before a busy summer.

• The vessel has previously ventured further afield and has recently travelled to Central America and Antarctica. 

• This position is open to males only due to cabin arrangements. 

• The boat has a fantastic and social crew culture onboard, with weekends off whilst in the yard.

• On offer is a fantastic package of €3,000-3,500 DOE and 60 days leave along with discretionary bonuses and training incentives.

2nd Officer – 65m – Busy Charter

Posted Date Thu 25 Jan 2024

• 65m Busy Dual season Private/Charter yacht are looking for a 2nd officer to join them ASAP – ideal handover date 29th/30th January

• This is a fantastic opportunity for a driven, motivated and hard working newly qualified OOW to step into a 2nd officer position on an extremely busy and lucrative Charter yacht

• The ideal candidate will be coming from a Bosun background and recently gained their OOW

• This is an extremely busy yacht with back to back charters throughout the season. You need to have stamina, good guest interaction skills along with a solid operational and watersports background

• The yacht runs a dual season of both Med & Caribbean Cruising – 10 weeks of Charter during the Summer season

• Fantastic senior team, really tight knit deck team with a great level of banter and high morale's on deck! They want a team player and someone who can keep morale high during busy periods

• Any additional skillsets such as a trade would be advantageous but not essential

• Over time and as you build experience you will be given more responsibility and there will be a chance to step up and cover the Chief officer when on leave

• On offer is a salary of 5500 Euros, 60 days leave, solid bonus scheme paid out at the end of each season along with superb tips which are evenly split and solid training budget which is paid back monthly after 18 month service

Sole Chef – 37m Private/Charter – Winters in Barcelona

Posted By Max Lee

Posted Date Wed 24 Jan 2024

We have a 37m private/charter yacht looking for a Sole Chef to join the yacht in Barcelona over the next couple of weeks.

Experienced yacht owner and a great captain who has worked with the owner for 10 years.

The yacht runs a busy private/charter program in the summer and winters in Barcelona.

The yacht is couple friendly and they are currently recruiting a First Mate, Deckhand & Chief Stew.

You will be required to cook for 7 crew and up to 10 guests on charter. The season will run from May-September.

The owner has failry straight forward food requirements and enjoys light and healthy meals. However, you will be need to have that "wow" factor for charters.

Reduced working hours for the winter months. The days usually operate from 08:00 – 15:00.

On offer is a salary up to €5,500 DOE + 45 days leave. The Captain does not include weekends as leave days during the winter period so your 45 days leave will go further!

This is a great program with many other perks so if you think you fit the profile then do not hesitate in sending across your latest CV.

Sole Chef – 28m Private – Fulltime position

Posted Date Tue 23 Jan 2024

We are looking for a Sole Chef to join a 28m private yacht in Spain around the middle of April. 

This is a fulltime position for a yacht that cruises the Western Med for the summer and winters in Spain. 

You will be required to cook onboard the yacht for the summer months and could be offered to cook at the owners residences during the winter months, if desired. This can be a seasonal position only. 

Experienced yacht owner who uses the yacht for him and his family over the summer months. 

The yacht operates with 4 crew in total. Captain, Deckhand/Engineer, Chef & Stew. The Deckhand/Engineer is currently on the yacht and this will be his 3rd season with the program. You will be sharing a cabin with the Stew. 

The owners enjoy fresh, healthy Med style cuisine. They are easy-going and by no means are expecting Michelin style plated cuisine. They tend to eat healthy salads, pastas, grains and proteins. The crew food should reflect this also. 

The owner tends to use the yacht during the season for 2-3 day trips most weekends. He is by no means a liveaboard owner during the summer. 

The salary on offer is €4,000.

30 days of paid leave.

The start date for this position is around the middle of April. The management team are looking to secure the crew well-ahead of the start of the season, so contracts will be drawn up well in advance to provide job security for the crew prior to the season. 

Captain – 28m Private – Fulltime

We are looking for a Captain to join a 2022 launched 28m private yacht in Spain around the middle of April. 

The yacht operates with 4 crew in total. Captain, Deckhand/Engineer, Chef & Stew. The Deckhand/Engineer is currently on the yacht and this will be his 3rd season with the program. 

The yacht is currently in Spain and will operate mainly around the Balearics, France, Sardinia and potentially the Adriatic. You should have extensive cruising experience of these areas. If you can speak some Italian then that would be a massive plus! 

The owner likes to be presented with options when using the yacht, so we are looking for a Captain who is proactive and has plenty of local contacts. 

The owner tends to use the yacht during the season for 2-3 day trips most weekends. He is by no means a liveaboard owner during the summer. The winter months will usually consist of 5 day working weeks,  working 08:00 – 16:00. 

The salary on offer is €8,000.

30 days of paid leave as well as the option to take additional unpaid leave over the winter months. 

The start date for this position is around the middle of April. 

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Worth Avenue Yachts is looking for qualified candidates. Current positions and locations are listed on this page. 

Worth Avenue Yachts specializes in yacht sales and charter. Our team is continuously growing and currently seeking qualified applicants. Our yacht brokers work hard to facilitate the sale of their listings and to protect and promote the interest of their clients as well as provide services to new clients.

Do you have a passion for adventure? Our private yacht vacation team is looking for a well-traveled candidate who enjoys sharing their passion of the sea. An ideal applicant would have experience delivering custom yacht charters; be able to attend the most prestigious yacht shows and work tirelessly researching yachts, crews and the market to be able to find and recommend the best yachts.

Whether you are looking for a yacht crew vacancy as a deckhand, engineer, onboard masseuse, yacht stewardess, experienced yacht chef, chief stewardess, purser, first officer or yacht captain, manage your yacht career by registering with Cotton Crews.


Yacht Broker – Sales

Office Location: Monaco

Worth Avenue Yachts is looking for a sales broker for the Worth Avenue Yachts office in Monaco. The ideal candidate would have several years of experience as a yacht broker with an established client base and possess strong communication, organizational and entrepreneurial skills.

Enthusiastically embrace the Worth Avenue Yachts values

Develop long-standing relationships with yacht owners and prospective buyers

Effectively communicate and negotiate with ultra-high net worth individuals

Be highly responsive to current and prospective clients

Provide after-sales support for yacht buyers and owners

Show product at off-site displays or shows, travel as needed to show and acquire new listings

Participate in customer delivery of each boat sold

Diligently maintain comprehensive client and prospect information

Project a professional image at all times

Introduce clients to Worth Avenue Team as needed to emphasize quality, efficiency, and collaboration within the company

Participate in boat shows and other events

Ability to work well both independently and as a team, domestically and internationally

Possess solid client base and listings along with proven fluency in marine industry sales

2+ years of sales experience within the mid to large yacht sector

 The ability to demonstrate an established client base

Strong communication, organizational and entrepreneurial skills

Ability to handle multiple clients, contracts, and inquiries at the same time

Well spoken, ethical, professional, and confident

To apply, send a cover letter along with your CV to with the position you are applying for.  


Yacht Broker – Charter

The ideal candidate would have several years of experience as a luxury yacht charter broker with an established client base. He/she will also possess strong communication skills while being organized and self-motivated.

Generate charter sales

Develop long-standing relationships with yacht owners and charter clients

Display high level of responsiveness to current and prospective clients and owners

Provide fast and effective service, ensuring seven-star service for clients

Research and provide accurate and well-informed yacht selections for clients

Maintain high levels of communication with all stakeholders throughout the booking and charter process

Travel as needed to show and acquire new listings

Develop and grow client book

Work with other Worth Avenue Yachts brokers to expand business and maximize internal business potential

Project and maintain a professional image

2+ years of luxury yacht charter broker experience with an established client base

Strong communication, organizational and listening skills

Ability to handle multiple clients, contracts, and inquiries at once

In-depth knowledge of onboard operations of charter yachts

To apply, send a cover letter along with your CV to with the position you are applying for.  


Is life on the water an alluring slogan for you? A  career in yachting  may be a good option. Worth Avenue Yachts works directly with  Cotton Crews  for all of our hiring and placement needs. Whether you are a seasoned yachting expert or a yachtie newbie, our partners at  Cotton Crews  can guide you through the process of finding the open position for you.

A career in yachting is an exciting way to see the world, one port at a time.

Whether you excel in the service industry or are mechanically inclined, there are many different positions onboard that may fit you. Common positions in yachting include Captain, Mate, Engineer, Chef, Steward(ess), Deckhand and more.

Yachting is a fun and rewarding career choice that demands hard work and extreme attention to detail. Many yachting careers require basic qualifications to in-depth licensing. Research and preparing your CV ahead of time will put you on the right track to joining the industry. For more information please visit





Shall you be interested by any of our vacant positions, please feel free to contact us by sending your resume and your cover letter to [email protected]

Current opportunities

Yacht manager.

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Charter broker.

Yacht Management

Yacht Management

Independent yacht management solutions, jms careers.

Professionally pre-screened & profiled candidates for Owners & Captains.

Personalised career advancement for crew candidates.

Why JMS Careers?

As Captains, Yacht Managers and, rare in our industry, as trained recruitment specialists, we have seen first-hand what happens when crew agencies and even recruiters get it wrong on yachts. Crew churn and on-board friction is costly, time-consuming and to be avoided at all costs.

JMS Careers was founded by Sam Thompson Cert RP, Master <3000t and Franc Jansen Msc., BSc., MIMarEST, CEng, CMarEng with one objective, to get to the heart of successful recruitment: quality profiling with detailed reference and certification verification.

Using our combined experience in the Superyacht Crew, Recruitment and Yacht Management sectors, we have listened to both crew and hirers alike to deliver an approach that offers a higher level of yacht-specific service with faster-streamlined results that pay off.

All JMS yacht crew candidates trust our team to place them on yachts that match their skills, character and career profiles, whilst our recruiting Captains and Owners rely on us to deliver competent and professional crew that are not likely to ‘rock the boat!’

But don’t take our word for it, see some of what our clients say below and get in touch so we can show how directly the difference JMS yacht Crew recruitment can mean for your yacht.

Call Sam now on +33 (0)784 123 373)

Looking for the RIGHT crew position?


Professionally profiled & certified?


And expert guidance?


See some of what our clients say.

Looking for Quality Yacht Crew?

Headed up by Sam Thompson, Cert RP, Master <3000t, the team at JMS Yacht Crew are not just ex-seamen & women with an ability to collect CVs. A trained professional recruiter, Sam has instilled the techniques and skills in his team that make s for quality and personalised placements every time.

When you recruit with JMS Yacht Crew you are guaranteed only premium candidates with:

• Full reference checks • Verified and up-to-date certificate qualification • Thorough screening & interviewing • Professional & Character Profiling to match your yacht and existing crew

We guarantee to get and give complete feedback to all parties.

or call Sam now on +33 (0)784 123 373)

Are you looking for new new position on board?

As former Captains and Engineers we remember only too well what it was like to have crew agencies propose you for any yacht and almost any post just to get you off their books. And it doesn’t work.

When you sign up with JMS Yacht Crew, you are working with a team who take the time to get to know you, your skills and qualifications and perhaps even more importantly, your own career goals and objectives.

That’s why when we place candidates on yachts, they tend to stay.

Praise for JMS Yacht Crew

yachting jobs monaco

I have worked extensively with Sam and JMS yachting over the past year, they have consistently presented excellent candidates…thoroughly vetted. They have been attentive to our requirements and assisted us in securing some excellent crew members, some at very short notice. I can without hesitation recommend JMS Yachting.”

Marcus j. boswell, i have worked with jms yachting on multiple occasions and have always been more than happy with their services. quick to come up with good candidates and very attentive to what the boat actually needs and not just throwing random cv’s at you which seems to be the norm these days. i would highly recommend them to any captain/crew looking to fill a position or looking for employment themselves., martin andersson, motor yacht khalilah is a very happy customer of jms on both the management and crew recruitment side of things. sam manages to always deliver the goods with a combination of thorough research, professionalism and good humour. well done jms keep up the good work, harry noonan, by utilising his knowledge and understanding of the industry, sam and his team make the recruitment process as short and as pain-free as possible. he genuinely listens to all our requirements and only sends us relevant cvs. he always gives a clear and honest review of the candidates before we meet them, and it is apparent that he has always checked references. crew he placed with us have been exactly what we were looking for, and are all still on board almost 12 months later. i would be more than happy to recommend using his services at jms to anyone, marc van loon, luxury yacht management by jms.

Want a free, bespoke and NO commitment online quote for Yacht Management and/or Crew Management?

You are one step closer to operational, financial, technical, safety & compliance and HR freedom.

JMS Yacht Manager, what else do you need?

Jms yachting.

Yacht management and crew solutions for owners and captains who want honest and effective solutions, support and experience not glossy sales pitches and the extra workload of having to check someone else’s work.

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JMS Yachting Panorama Building C 57 Rue Grimaldi 98000, Monaco Tel: +377 97 70 01 73 Email: [email protected]

JMS Yachting USA 1019 S.E. 17th Street Fort Lauderdale ,Florida 33316 USA Tel: +1 954 533 5428 Email: [email protected]

Yacht Management & Crew Services

Yacht crew job board.

With the crew training and yacht crew recruitment experts at Bluewater, searching for your perfect yacht crew vacancy is as straightforward as possible. Bluewater provides yacht management services to a range of exclusive superyachts. Our team is trusted with sourcing the best yacht crew jobs on everything from 25-metre private yachts based in the Bahamas to 50-metre charter yachts based in the Mediterranean, to 100+ metre luxury superyachts extensively cruising the world.

110 yacht crew jobs available now.

Yacht Crew Training

In addition to sourcing the latest yacht crew jobs on yachts all over the world, Bluewater can also provide yacht crew members with a variety of specialised yacht crew training courses.

Are you new to the world of superyachts and need entry-level yacht crew qualifications? Are you an experienced deckhand or engineer looking to take the next step in your yacht career? Are you a dedicated crew member looking to add unique yacht qualifications to your resume such as a HELM (Human Element Leadership and Management , Yachtmaster or OOW (Officer of the Watch)? Take a look at all of our yacht crew training courses.

Working on a Luxury Yacht

Working on a superyacht as a crew member is one of the most rewarding - and challenging - professions out there, requiring hard work, dedication and professional yacht crew training. The opportunities available for crew members in the yachting industry are incredible, and Bluewater is dedicated to ensuring each and every yacht crew member finds the perfect yacht crew job for them. Not only is our yacht recruitment division dedicated to finding yacht crew the perfect yacht, but the Bluewater recruitment experts also ensure that each crew member is provided with the best professional support available, guiding each crew member through their professional yacht life.

Manage Your Yacht Career

Whether you are looking for a yacht crew vacancy as a deckhand, engineer, onboard masseuse, yacht stewardess, experienced yacht chef, chief stewardess, purser, first officer or yacht captain, manage your yacht career by registering with Club Bluewater. Create your crew profile and join one of the world’s largest yachting communities for free.


  • permanent 5/1
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1
  • Experience: hairdresser
  • Salary: 3000 euros


  • Qualifications: OOW minimum
  • Experience: 5 years
  • Salary: DOE
  • Qualifications: Yachtmaster
  • Experience: 2 years +
  • Qualifications: STCW, ENG1 AEC
  • Experience: 1 year +
  • Salary: 4000 euros
  • Experience: similar
  • Salary: TBD
  • Qualifications: AEC2 or higher
  • Experience: similar or merchant
  • Full rotation
  • Salary: To be discussed
  • Temporary for 2 months
  • Qualifications: -
  • Experience: Similar
  • Salary: €10000-12000 DOE
  • Experience: minimum 1 season
  • Salary: 3500 EUR
  • Experience: 2 years
  • Salary: €4750-5500 DOE

yachting jobs monaco

Work in Monaco

How to work in monaco.

The Principality of Monaco is one of the main employers in southeastern France and for Italian border residents. Every morning, from the Monaco train station or by the access roads, thousands of people come to work in Monaco . In 2021, there were more than 58,000 employees (53,000 in the private sector), the majority of whom were French, and the tertiary sector employed the most.

Conditions to work in Monaco

To work in Monaco, it is mandatory to obtain a work permit. This obligation is independent of the form and duration of the work contract as well as the amount and nature of the remuneration.

To obtain a work permit in Monaco, you must be in possession of an identity card or passport for members of the EU or for others of a valid residence permit established in the Alpes Maritimes and authorizing its holder to work.

  • The Monegasques
  • Children or spouses of Monegasque
  • Residents of the Principality
  • Residents of neighboring towns (Cap d'Ail, La Turbie, Beausoleil, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin) who have already held a job in Monaco

Companies recruiting in Monaco

Latest job offers in Monaco

Un(e) hôte(sse) d’accueil touristique français - anglais.


M.I MONACO recherche un(e) Hôte(sse) d’Accueil Touristique Français - Anglais

Interim Full-time

Domoticien - Technicien d'installation domotique

Fusion Domotique SARL

Fusion est à la recherche d’un ingénieur d’installation / programmeur Crestron/Lutron en domotique pour rejoindre son équipe de Monaco. Il devra assurer l'implantation, la pose, les raccordements, le paramétrage, la mise en service et la maintenance d'installations domotique & des systèmes intégrés de Fusion.

Salarié CDI Full-time

Juriste Junior Judiciaire


KPMG MONACO recrute un collaborateur junior dans son service judiciaire spécialisé dans les procédures collectives.

Ingénieur Réseau & Sécurité Informatique (H/F)

EXPECTRA  Monaco - Groupe Randstad


Miells & Partners

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Our selection of real estate properties in monaco.



13 500 000 €

ABK Real Estate

Le Montaigne - Avenue de Grande-Bretagne

2 400 000 €

FCF Cristea-Flandrin Immobilier


3 850 000 €

Petrini Exclusive Real Estate Monaco


1 599 000 €

Atlantic Agency

TMC YACHTING is the Crew Placement Agency in Monaco, dedicated to the Yachting industry. Our Recruiting Team is made of professionals with strong and solid background in human resources selection, with experience and knowledge of the working procedures and the maritime world. TMC YACHTING offers a " tailor-made service" to our customer ...

Jobs seeking. #yachtclubmonaco. Spontaneous Application. Information. Internship request. Information. Other request. Information. Contact. Ressources Humaines. Email. [email protected] . Phone Number +377 93 10 65 26. Partners. ... The Yacht Club de Monaco uses cookies on this site. With your consent, we use them to measure and analyze the use of the ...

Anchored in the Principality of Monaco since 1994, MONACO EQUIPAGE has been providing professional Crew to the Yachting Industry for more than 30 years. Confidentiality, efficiency & passion for a high-quality service are what set us apart. ... Recent Jobs. Captain (Chase boat) - 13 m (Réf: 2882) Spain; Seasonal; Chief Stewardess - M/Y 44 ...

We're working with a 100m+ Northern European build yacht, which has been recently launched and are looking for a rotational AVIT Officer. • Dual Season yacht, private - likely to go off the beaten track. • Rotational position - 2:2. • Salary €8000 - €9000 depending on experience. • Start date will be in May.

Here you can see not all our job offers. Register and we will inform you. ... Private Sailing Yacht. Deck/Steward(ess) • Private • France | 40m SY. ... Shore Based Villa. Experienced Housekeeper • Private Villa • South of France | Monaco. Monaco Seasonal. Apply Experienced Personal Assistant / Butler • French & English Speaking ...

Explore the possibilities of a career or yacht jobs with us. With a team of 150 professionals in 20 offices, Fraser Yachts is the leading player on the superyacht market. Explore the possibilities of a career or yacht jobs with us. Buy. ... Location: Monaco As a Charter Manager, your role is to build effective charter programs together with the ...

Today's top 47 Monaco Yachting jobs. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Monaco Yachting jobs added daily.

Anchored in the Principality of Monaco since 1994, MONACO EQUIPAGE has been providing professional Crew to the Yachting Industry for more than 25 years. Confidentiality, efficiency & passion for a high-quality service are what set us apart. ... Featured Jobs. Stewardess - M/Y 50 m (Réf: 2877) Italy; Permanent; Deckhand - M/Y 50 m (Réf: 2876)

SBM Offshore. Monaco, Monaco, Monaco. Actively Hiring. 8 months ago. Today's top 27 Marine jobs in Monaco. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Marine jobs added daily.

Today's top 2 Stewardess Yacht jobs in Monaco. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Stewardess Yacht jobs added daily.

Yacht Broker - Sales. Office Location: Monaco. Worth Avenue Yachts is looking for a sales broker for the Worth Avenue Yachts office in Monaco. The ideal candidate would have several years of experience as a yacht broker with an established client base and possess strong communication, organizational and entrepreneurial skills.

Whether you are a newbie looking to get your first job in yachting or a qualified Captain wanting to move onto a larger vessel, crew training is absolutely essential to ensure the safe operation of a superyacht. ... MONACO; FORT LAUDERDALE; SAN DIEGO; PALM BEACH; LONDON; PALMA; ATHENS + 377 93 100 450 + 1 954 463 0600 + 1 619 225 4800 + 1 561 ...

YACHT MANAGER. We are looking for a new Yacht Manager to join our company. Reporting to the Chief Executive Officer, the Yacht Manager will serve as an integral part of G-Yachts team and deliver the high standards that go along with G-Yachts' policy, providing 24/7 assistance to our clients. The position is based in our Monaco office.

Liss Solutions. Monaco, Monaco, Monaco $30,000 - $36,000 1 month ago. Today's top 13 Yacht Broker jobs in Monaco. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. New Yacht Broker jobs added daily.

Professionally pre-screened & profiled yacht crew candidates for Owners & Captains. Personalised career advancement for crew candidates. ... VIEW OUR LATEST JOBS ON BOARD. ... 98000, Monaco Tel: +377 97 70 01 73 Email: [email protected] . JMS Yachting USA 1019 S.E. 17th Street Fort Lauderdale ,Florida 33316 USA

JMS Yachting & JMS Careers, Monaco. 4,475 likes · 45 talking about this. An independent yacht management company solely focussed on your yacht's upkeep, safety and value.

NEXT YACHTING MONACO. Monaco (06) Management and update of central agency yacht's information on sales. ... Job Post Details. Comptable H/F - job post. Monaco Yacht Show. 2 avis. Monaco (06) À partir de 2 900 € par mois - Temps plein. Postuler maintenant. Détails de l'offre

With a long experience and a deep knowledge of the yachting industry, our agency assists yacht owners in the recruitment of qualified crews. We regularly publish yacht crew job offers in Monaco for yachting professionals. Whether you are a yacht hostess, an officer, a captain, a cook or an on-board staff, consult our latest opportunities.

Yacht Broker jobs 20,383 open jobs Accountant jobs 104,259 open jobs ... Yacht Club de Monaco | 29,792 followers on LinkedIn. Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting | Founded in 1953 by Prince ...

Morgan & Mallet Yacht Crew Agency is a bespoke yachting recruitment and placement agency for luxury yachts and sailing boats. We select qualified and experienced yacht crew for the well-being and comfort of our clients on board. At Morgan & Mallet Yacht Crew Agency, an active participant in placement of crews for yachting on the international stage, we endeavour to establish really trust-based ...

Flight attendant jobs. Pa/Personal assistant jobs. Estate manager jobs. Job Vacancy and Position - Yacht Crew - Steward in Monaco, Monte Carlo, French Riviera. Morgan & Mallet International is a Placement and Recruitment Household and Domestic Staff Agency based in London, New York, Moscow, Paris, Monaco, Dubai, Geneva, Bruse.

Chief Engineer - 44m Private/Charter Motor Yacht. Caribbean and US 2024 (Summer) / Ft lauderdale (Winter) permanent. Qualifications: Y4. Experience: 3 years +. Salary: 6-8000 USD. Apply. Next →. The latest yacht crew jobs available onboard exclusive charter yachts and luxury private yachts with leading yacht crew recruitment company, Bluewater.

To work in Monaco, it is mandatory to obtain a work permit. This obligation is independent of the form and duration of the work contract as well as the amount and nature of the remuneration. To obtain a work permit in Monaco, you must be in possession of an identity card or passport for members of the EU or for others of a valid residence ...

Leclerc Voyages

L'île de Santorin

Voyage à santorin : un paradis sur terre.

Autrefois baptisée Kallisté, "la plus belle", Santorin est la star de l’archipel des Cyclades.

Le visage de l’île est marqué par de nombreuses influences et votre séjour à Santorin vous entraînera sur les traces des civilisations qui dominèrent l’île. Les villes antiques de Théra et Akrotiri, avec leurs fresques encore visibles, en sont des sites archéologiques majeurs.

Séjour à Santorin : Une terre volcanique

L’arrivée en bateau se fait par la Caldeira et c’est au pied des falaises que vous accosterez. Depuis le port, empruntez le téléphérique qui mène à Fira, la capitale. Plus au nord, Oia surplombe la baie. Votre voyage à Santorin sera l’occasion d’approcher le volcan de Néa Kaméni, toujours actif, ou de vous baigner dans les sources d’eau chaude et sulfureuse de Paléa Kaméni.

Voyage pas cher à Santorin : Un décor de carte postale

Un voyage pas cher à Santorin avec Leclerc Voyages a tout d’une escale au paradis tant l’île semble cultiver sa beauté naturelle. Ses villages colorés perchés sur les falaises exposent fièrement leurs dômes d’un bleu semblable à celui de la mer. Ses sentiers bordés de fleurs mènent à des criques sauvages ou sur des hauteurs offrant de somptueux panoramas.

L'île de Santorin en Grèce

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    Voyages Leclerc : l'agence de voyages de vos vacances sur-mesure. Les agences Leclerc Voyages vous proposent un large choix de week-end, moyens et longs séjours en France et dans le monde, pour toutes vos envies de vacances. Un réseau d'agences de voyages fort de 30 ans d'expertise. Leclerc Voyages met son expertise au service de vos vacances.

  20. Conditions Particulières de Vente Voyages E.Leclerc

    LECLERC VOYAGES demande à sa clientèle en cas de difficultés rencontrées lors d'un voyage (vols, suppléments demandés par un prestataire sur place, retards, etc...) de faire constater les faits par écrit par les autorités ou le représentant local de l'organisateur. Toute réclamation n'est recevable que si elle est notifiée par ...

  21. Vacances Santorin sejour derniere minute avec Leclerc Voyages

    Depuis le port, empruntez le téléphérique qui mène à Fira, la capitale. Plus au nord, Oia surplombe la baie. Votre voyage à Santorin sera l'occasion d'approcher le volcan de Néa Kaméni, toujours actif, ou de vous baigner dans les sources d'eau chaude et sulfureuse de Paléa Kaméni.