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Van der Poel retains Paris Roubaix crown with stunning 60km solo attack

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Paris-Roubaix 2024: Mathieu van der Poel retains classic cycling title in style

Mathieu van der Poel celebrates consecutive victories in the Paris-Roubaix

A blistering attack 60km from the finish saw Mathieu van der Poel make it back-to-back wins in the Paris-Roubaix men's road cycling classic.

The Dutch star, who last weekend claimed a third victory in the Tour of Flanders , surged clear of the lead group at the start of sector 13 -- the sectors count down from 29 to one - of the cobbles.

And the reigning road race world champion was able to avoid mechanical mishaps on the infamous terrain, coming home exactly three minutes clear on Sunday (7 April 2024) in the hardest one-day race on the road cycling calendar.

Speaking after the race, van der Poel said of his break, "I just wanted to make the race hard from thereon because I know that’s my strength. I felt super good today. When I had the gap, I knew that it was a tailwind to the finish for the most part.

"You always know in Roubaix a puncture is never far away, but I had quite a gap and the car also behind me so I was confident. And I could really enjoy the moment more than I could last week. I was really at my limit last week but today I felt incredible and I could really enjoy the last part.”

He also gave thanks to his Alpecin-Deceuninck teammates, including second-placed Jasper Philipsen , saying, “I’m super proud of the boys and very happy to finish it off."

The 29-year-old is the first man since Tom Boonen in 2009 to win back-to-back Paris-Roubaix races, with the Belgian going on to claim a record-equalling four victories.

Van der Poel also became the eighth man to win the Tour of Flanders and Paris-Roubaix in the same year, a feat last achieved by Fabian Cancellara in 2013.

Fellow world champion Lotte Kopecky claimed the fourth edition of the women's 'Paris-Roubaix Femmes' race on Saturday.

Kopecky was in a group of six riders entering the the Roubaix Velodrome, and the Belgian outsprinted Elisa Balsamo to secure her first Paris-Roubaix triumph.

Tour of Flanders 2024: Mathieu van der Poel converts Koppenberg attack into third triumph

  • Mathieu van der Poel exclusive on switching between cycling disciplines: “It used to be easier”

Van der Poel on top again despite course criticism

The build-up to the 119th edition of the 'Hell of the North' was dominated by concerns about crashes after a number of riders were injured in the Itzulia Basque Country race on Thursday.

Two-time reigning Tour de France champion Jonas Vingegaard suffered multiple injuries including a collapsed lung and broken collarbone, while Jay Vine avoided requiring spinal surgery having slid off into a concrete ditch.

The Australian will spend up to six weeks wearing a neck brace and is doubtful for both the Tour de France and the Olympic Games Paris 2024 .

Remco Evenepoel and Primoz Roglic also face time on the sidelines after being caught up in the mass collision.

A new sharp U-turn was introduced on the Paris-Roubaix course this week to slow riders down before the Arenberg Forest section, a measure van der Poel had questioned on social media with the words, "Is this a joke?"

The 55.7km of cobbles in the 259.7km test are notoriously hard on both body and bike, but the pre-Arenberg chicane was free of incident. And the riders had not even reached the cobbles when a pile-up forced Elia Viviani to abandon.

The early cobbled sectors and strong winds triggered big splits in the peloton before the halfway stage.

Just after the Arenberg Forest section, a group of three made the first serious break with Stefan Küng , Nils Politt and van der Poel's Alpecin teammate Gianni Vermeersch going clear.

Tom Pidcock was among those working hard at the front of the pack, and the trio was soon reeled in before van der Poel made his decisive attack.

Denmark's former world road race champion Mads Pedersen tried to close the gap, but the presence of Alpecin riders Vermeesch and Philipsen in the chase group made his task almost impossible as van der Poel extended his lead to two minutes with 35km remaining.

Vermeesh was then dropped from the chase group, and New Zealander Laurence Pithie lost his front wheel on a bend transitioning from tarmac to the cobbles while in second place.

Despite a mighty effort, Pithie was unable to close the gap leaving Philipsen, Pedersen, Küng and Politt to fight it out for the podium places.

Philipsen attacked with 10km to go with Küng unable to go with him, but could not shake off the others.

Pedersen led the three into the velodrome, Politt moved alongside, but Philipsen found a gap down the inside to make it an Alpecin one-two ahead of the Dane with Politt fourth.

Results from Paris-Roubaix 2024 men's race (top six):

  • Mathieu van der Poel (NED, Alpecin-Deceuninck) 5:25:58
  • Jesper Philipsen (BEL, Alpecin-Deceuninck) +3'00"
  • Mads Pedersen (DEN, Lidl-Trek) +3'00"
  • Nils Politt (GER, UAE Team Emirates) +3'00"
  • Stefan Küng (SUI, Groupama–FDJ) +3'15"
  • Gianni Vermeersch (BEL, Alpecin-Deceuninck) +3'47"

Results from Paris-Roubaix Femmes 2024 (top six):

  • Lotte Kopecky (BEL, Team SD Worx-Protime) 3:47:13
  • Elisa Balsamo (ITA, Lidl-Trek) +0"
  • Pfeiffer Georgi (GBR, Team dsm-firmenich PostNL) +0"
  • Marianne Vos (NED, Team Visma Lease A Bike) +0"
  • Amber Kraak (NED, FDJ-Suez) +0"
  • Ellen van Dijk (NED, Lidl-Trek) +6"


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Further Antagonism Towards Mathieu van der Poel as Spectator Throws Object at Wheels

Paris-roubaix incident follows earlier harassment at tour of flanders and other races..

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Days after a police investigation was announced following incidents at the Tour of Flanders, Mathieu van der Poel faced further aggression from spectators at Paris-Roubaix .

The Dutchman was heading towards a solo victory on Sunday when a spectator appeared to throw a cycling cap towards his wheels. The incident happened with 42.2km remaining in the race and, fortunately, the object did not lodge in his spokes or his brakes.

Had they done so, it was possible that Van der Poel would have crashed.

Petje gericht richting achterwiel MvdP gegooid. #roubaix pic.twitter.com/fRU9NIY1ui — René (@RenAigu) April 7, 2024

Replays of the footage showed the person involved appeared to be an adult woman.

The safety of the riders is in everyone’s hands, let’s use them to applaud them, not to cause them trouble! La sécurité des coureurs est entre les mains de tous, utilisons-les pour les applaudir, pas pour leur créer des ennuis ! #respect #fairplay #SafetyFirst pic.twitter.com/pmeiR2lSS1 — CPA Cycling (@cpacycling) April 7, 2024

Riders’ association president Adam Hansen has said that the organisation will act on the matter.

Yes, we take action against them. Like the CPA did in Flanders. — Adam Hansen (@HansenAdam) April 7, 2024

According to HLN.be, Van der Poel also had beer thrown at him on the Carrefour de l’Arbre sector of the race.

Earlier this week Belgian police said they were investigating aggression from spectators at the Tour of Flanders. Van der Poel had what appears to be beer thrown at him on at least two occasions on the Oude Kwaremont climb.

“We’re definitely taking it seriously,” police chief Joost Duhamel said, according to Het Nieuwsblad . “As a beer thrower, you can think that it is not easy to be found in such a crowd. But still, we have multiple witnesses. People who have seen it happen and who do not like this behavior.

“We get videos, and we are actively looking for images of the perpetrators. A man from our team is now working on that full-time and there is already a result.”

It is likely that similar action will be taken after the Paris-Roubaix incident.

Van der Poel has endured several such incidents in recent months.

In December he was competing in the Hulst World Cup cyclocross race and was filmed spitting at spectators on the final lap.

He said afterwards that they had been booing him during the race, and that he had experienced similar behaviour beforehand.

However a social media user suggested he faced more than verbal abuse: “Those Belgian ‘fans’ were throwing urine and beer at him. I stood next to them,” @Niomachiavelli claimed.

Van der Poel retweeted that message.

Asked about the latest incident on Sunday, the race winner did not want to get drawn into details.

“Those people have some frustration, I think. I don’t want to care about it much, and not pay attention,” he said, according to HLN.be .

“It’s , on a human level.” Orla Chennaoui with a ringing condemnation of spectators throwing objects under the riders’ wheels @SportsOrla | #ParisRoubaix pic.twitter.com/wZQNaljLo6 — Eurosport (@eurosport) April 7, 2024

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Laurance took off like a rocket in 2024: "Van der Poel and Philipsen's victories affect everyone"

L ast year, Axel Laurance frequently showed his potential. Sometimes for the development team of Alpecin-Deceuninck, sometimes already for the main team. 2024 marks his first full season at the WorldTour level. Right in the first quarter, he has already clinched multiple victories, so it can be said he had a cannon start. We caught up with the affable Frenchman before the Flèche Brabançonne race.

We spoke with the under-23 world champion just before the Flèche Brabançonne. In this Flemish race, he was notably aggressive, securing a thirtieth-place finish. "The Flèche Brabançonne acts as a transitional race, bridging the gap between the cobblestone classics and the true Ardennes races," he shared about the event, which was won by Benoit Cosnefroy.

Alpecin-Deceuninck is in a winning wood, victories from Van der Poel and Philipsen impact the entire team.

The 22-year-old young man from Brittany is clearly in high spirits, as he's beaming. "Indeed, I feel very good." On his second race day of the year, he sprinted to victory in the opening stage of the Étoile de Bessèges, and in March, he also won a stage in the Tour of Catalonia. "I'm satisfied with what I've shown this year, but there are still many great things to come," said the top talent. "That victory in France was very good for morale and boosted my confidence. It definitely confirmed that I had it in me at that level. The same was true after my stage win in Catalonia. When other guys from our team also win in other races, it's absolutely fantastic. Hopefully, we can continue this trend in the upcoming races."

Ambition is in the air for the upbeat Frenchman, buoyed by his team's successes. But what else can you expect when your employer is in a winning mood thanks to Mathieu van der Poel and Jasper Philipsen. Laurance was part of both the Milan-San Remo (won by Philipsen) and the Tour of Flanders (won by Van der Poel). "The team is performing very well. Mathieu and Jasper show week after week that they are very strong," confirms the man from the west of France. "For me, it's obviously very nice to ride in such a high-performing team. It influences everyone within the squad. In those Monuments, I gained a lot of experience, which will definitely help me in the coming years. It provides a good foundation for the future. They were also cool races, especially since we were able to win both as a team."

Enjoyed the Tour of Flanders, took off like a rocket in first full season at WorldTour level

So Laurance made an appearance at the Tour of Flanders, although that was not actually the initial plan. "Participating in the Tour of Flanders was quite a surprise. I was actually only scheduled to race in the Volta NXT Classic (which took place the day before, ed.) initially. However, some things changed, so I ended up participating. It was a crazy experience. There were a lot of fans along the sides. It was beautiful to see, truly something special. I rode there, of course, in service of Mathieu. I think I did quite well. That too, helping teammates, is good for gaining experience, to eventually become a complete rider. The classics are definitely something special. Long, tough races with a lot of people on the sidelines. Positioning is often very important."

Read more below the photo!

The young rider is clearly on a path to becoming a well-rounded professional. And he's doing it alongside some of the best in the world—a dream come true for him. "2024 has been an amazing year so far. You don't expect your first season at the WorldTour level to go this well right off the bat. I'm proud of what I've achieved so far. But the year isn't over yet, so I'll need to keep fighting and showing what I'm capable of. If I can keep up this momentum, it would be incredible. Although it's a bit early to call 2024 a complete success, these first wins are certainly something I'll remember."

Van der Poel helping in the Amstel Gold Race and Liège-Bastogne-Liège, freer role in the Flèche Wallonne and Eschborn-Frankfurt

Looking ahead, Laurance is excited for the upcoming races, including the Amstel Gold Race, the Flèche Wallonne, Liège-Bastogne-Liège, and Eschborn-Frankfurt. "We're past the cobblestone season now. It's time to focus on some exciting hilly classics. These will be different, but just as enjoyable. You need more raw strength on cobblestones than on asphalt. The upcoming races will surely offer a different dynamic. It's a kind of transformation," he anticipates the famed trio of hill classics.

In two of these hill classics, he will again ride alongside Van der Poel. "We'll have to see how the upcoming races play out, as there are many variables. In the Amstel Gold Race and Liège-Bastogne-Liège, I hope to help Mathieu to victory," he shares when asked. "That's our main goal. In other races, like the Flèche Wallonne or Eschborn-Frankfurt, I'll also have my own opportunities. Hopefully, I can turn them into something special."

Laurance took off like a rocket in 2024: "Van der Poel and Philipsen's victories affect everyone"

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Demandan A Un Aficionado Que Lanzó Cerveza A Van Der Poel En El Tour De Flandes

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El ciclista neerlandés Mathieu van der Poel sube la colina Paterberg el 31 de marzo de 2024, durante el Tour de Flandes, en Bélgica

Uno de los espectadores que lanzó cerveza contra el ciclista neerlandés Mathieu van der Poel durante el último Tour de Flandes hace 10 días fue identificado y se enfrentará a una demanda "por golpes y lesiones", informó este martes el diario belga La Dernière Heure.

Interrogado por la AFP, la fiscalía no confirmó esta información, pero el organizador de la carrera, Thomas Van der Spiegel, ya había adelantado que se presentaría una demanda civil "cuando se identificara" a las personas que lanzaron cerveza sobre el corredor neerlandés.

Tanto en la París-Roubaix el pasado domingo como en el Tour de Flandes una semana antes, dos carreras ganadas por Van der Poel, el ciclista neerlandés recibió insultos, gestos obscenos e incluso algunos aficionados le arrojaron cerveza u otros objetos, como una gorra lanzada por una espectadora a las ruedas de la bicicleta cuando el corredor marchaba en solitario hacia Roubaix.

Según La Dernière, la autora de este acto, que podría haber provocado la caída del ciclista, ya ha sido identificada y será interrogada por la policía francesa para que dé su versión de los hechos.

"Aparentemente, no gusta a todo el mundo que ruede en solitario, pero no me preocupa. Esta gente que lanza cerveza muestran una cierta frustración", declaró el nieto de Raymond Poulidor el pasado domingo.

Uno de los espectadores que lanzó cerveza contra el ciclista neerlandés Mathieu van der Poel durante el último Tour de Flandes hace 10 días fue identificado y se enfrentará a una demanda "por golpes y lesiones", informó este martes el diario belga La Dernière Heure.

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Taylor Swift, Magic Johnson, and Sam Altman made Forbes' billionaires list for the first time. Here are the newcomers to know.

  • Taylor Swift, Magic Johnson, and Sam Altman are among the new additions to Forbes' billionaire list.
  • Swift's "The Eras Tour," Johnson's business deals, and Altman's startup bets have paid off hugely.
  • AMD's Lisa Su, Todd Graves of Raising Cane's, and fashion icon Christian Louboutin made the cut too.

Insider Today

Taylor Swift, Magic Johnson, and Sam Altman are among the 265 new faces on Forbes' annual list of billionaires, published this week.

The full rankings feature a record 2,781 people, worth an unprecedented $14.2 trillion between them as of March 8.

Swift ($1.1 billion) has joined the three-comma club thanks to "The Eras Tour," her ongoing marathon of 152 shows in 54 cities across five continents.

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The global concert tour has generated more than $1 billion in revenue, and has been turned into a movie that premiered in AMC Theatres before moving to Disney+.

The singer-songwriter's net worth also reflects the estimated value of her music catalog — which includes hits like "Blank Space" and "Anti-Hero" — and her real estate holdings.

Johnson ($1.2 billion) is best known for leading the Los Angeles Lakers to five championship titles in the 1980s. But the basketball star has made most of his fortune since retiring.

He owns small stakes in the Washington Commanders, the Los Angeles Dodgers, the Los Angeles Sparks, and Los Angeles FC. He's also made lucrative investments in Starbucks franchises, movie theaters, and real estate over the years.

Altman ($1 billion) is the CEO of Microsoft-backed OpenAI — the company behind ChatGPT and an artificial-intelligence pioneer.

His inclusion on the rich list is a product of his bets on nascent companies when he was Y Combinator's president ; an early wager on Stripe; a position in Reddit , which went public this month; and a stake in Helion , a nuclear fusion startup.

The wealthiest person to debut this year is Andrea Pignataro ($27.5 billion), the ex-Salomon Brothers bond trader behind ION Group, a financial-software company. His net worth reflects his ION stake plus other assets, including an assortment of high-end villas and hotels in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

The boom in AI, cryptocurrencies, and other technologies helped several people achieve billionaire status this year. That group includes Super Micro Computer CEO Charles Liang ($6.1 billion), Advanced Micro Devices CEO Lisa Su ($1.3 billion), Tesla and SpaceX investor Antonio Gracias ($1.1 billion), Nvidia director Harvey Jones ($1 billion), and Giancarlo Devasini ($9.2 billion), who worked as a plastic surgeon before launching crypto giant Tether.

Other newcomers to Forbes' list include Todd Graves ($9.1 billion), the founder of Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers; Dick Wolf ($1.2 billion), the producer of TV shows including "Law & Order,"; Christian Louboutin ($1.2 billion), the fashion designer behind the signature red-soled high heels; and three cofounders of fast-fashion titan Shein, worth $4.2 billion each.

Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, has a global deal to allow OpenAI to train its models on its media brands' reporting.

Watch: The Taylor Swift effect: How a pop star created her own economy

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